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с русского на английский

to come to the book

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Book of Sorrows — is the sequel novel to Walter Wangerin, Jr. s The Book of the Dun Cow. Published by Zondervan in 1985, it was received quite well by such known publications as the Washington post, who called it, A beautifully written fantasy anchored starkly in… …   Wikipedia

  • The Book of Taliesyn — Студийный альбом Deep Purple …   Википедия

  • The book of taliesyn — Album par Deep Purple Sortie octobre 1968 Enregistrement août 1968 De Lane Lea Studios, Londres Durée 43:57 Genre(s) hard rock …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Come Taste the Band — Studio album by Deep Purple Released October 10, 1975 …   Wikipedia

  • The book with seven seals (oratorio) — The Book with Seven Seals ( Das Buch mit sieben Siegeln ) is an oratorio in german completed in 1937 and first presented in 1938 in Vienna by the Austrian composer Franz Schmidt on themes from the biblical Book of Revelation of Saint John. The… …   Wikipedia

  • The Book of Taliesyn — Album par Deep Purple Sortie Décembre 1968 (USA) Juillet 1969 (GB) Enregistrement août octobre 1968 Studios De Lane Lea, Londres Durée 43:57 Genre …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Come from the Shadows — Studio album by Joan Baez Released May 1972 …   Wikipedia

  • The Book of Mozilla — is a computer Easter egg found in the Netscape and Mozilla series of web browsers. [cite news url = http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=980CE0D7163DF93AA35757C0A96E958260 n=Top/Reference/Times%20Topics/People/S/Slatalla,%20Michelle… …   Wikipedia

  • The Book of Armagh —     The Book of Armagh     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Book of Armagh     Technically known as LIBER AR(D)MACHANUS.     A celebrated Irish Latin manuscript preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. It is a vellum, in small quarto,… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Book of the Dun Cow (novel) — The Book of the Dun Cow is a novel by Walter Wangerin, Jr.. It is loosely based upon the beast fable of Chanticleer and the Fox and named after the common name for Lebor na hUidre , an ancient Irish manuscript of stories. The book was awarded the …   Wikipedia

  • The Book of Counted Sorrows — was a previously nonexistent book quoted in many of Dean Koontz s books. RumorFor many years Koontz fans everywhere searched for this elusive book. Many librarians were frustrated in their attempts to locate it because it did not exist. This was… …   Wikipedia

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