1 quickly
quickly [ˊkwɪklɪ] advбы́стро -
2 quickly
3 quickly
['kwɪklɪ]advбыстро, поспешноUSAGE:Наречие quickly обозначает быстрый темп действия, непродолжительность затраченного времени: to move quickly быстро двигаться; to eat quickly быстро есть. Quick, в отличие от quickly, подчеркивает моментальность, незамедлительность действия: shut the box quick быстро закрой ящик; jump in quick, the train is starting прыгай живей, поезд трогается; come here quick иди сюда скорее -
4 quickly
adv быстро, скоро; поспешно; незамедлительноСинонимический ряд:1. fast (adj.) abruptly; briskly; dashing; fast; fleetly; hastily; hurrying; in a hurry; in haste2. immediately (adj.) at once; directly; forthwith; immediately; instantaneously; instantly; promptly; soon; straightway3. rapidly (other) apace; at breakneck speed; at full blast; at the double (British); at top speed; by leaps and bounds; chop-chop; double-quick; expeditiously; fast; flat out; flat-out; fleetly; full tilt; hastily; lickety-split; like a bat out of hell; like a flash; like a shot (colloquial); like the wind; on the double (US); posthaste; post-haste; presto; promptly; pronto; quick; rapidly; soon; speedily; swift; swiftly -
5 quickly
quickly released — быстро раскрепил; быстро раскрепленный
bad news travels quickly — плохие вести быстро доходят ;
6 quickly
adv быстро Наречие quickly обозначает быстрый темп действия, непродолжительность затраченного времени:to move quickly — быстро двигаться,
to eat quickly — быстро есть.
Quick, в отличие от quickly, подчеркивает моментальность, незамедлительность действия:Shut the box quick — Быстро закрой ящик.
Jump in quick, the train is starting — Прыгай живей, поезд трогается.
Come here quick — Иди сюда скорее.
7 quickly
быстро наречие: -
8 quickly
ˈkwɪklɪ нареч. быстро, поспешно, на скорости Syn: fast, rapidly быстро, скоро;
незамедлительно - retaliation * followed возмездие последовало незамедлительно quickly быстро -
9 quickly
[ʹkwıklı] advбыстро, скоро; поспешно; незамедлительно -
10 quickly
[ˈkwɪklɪ]quickly быстро -
11 quickly
12 quickly
['kwɪklɪ]Общая лексика: быстро, незамедлительно, поспешно, скоро, спешно, в спешном порядке, вскоре -
13 quickly
[`kwɪklɪ]быстро, поспешно, на скоростиАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > quickly
14 quickly
15 quickly
быстро; скоро -
16 quickly
17 quickly
беглобыстробыстро-быстроскоро -
18 quickly
adv. bystro · быстро, brzo · брзо, šibko · шибко -
19 quickly erected building
- quickly erected building
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > quickly erected building
20 quickly hardening mortar
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > quickly hardening mortar
См. также в других словарях:
Quickly — Quick ly, adv. Speedily; with haste or celerity; soon; without delay; quick. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
quickly — index forthwith, instantly, readily Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
quickly — (adv.) late O.E. cwiculice; see QUICK (Cf. quick) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) … Etymology dictionary
quickly — [adv] fast apace, briskly, chop chop*, expeditiously, flat out*, fleetly, full tilt*, hastily, hurriedly, immediately, in a flash*, in haste, in nothing flat*, in short order*, instantaneously, instantly, lickety split*, like a bat out of hell*,… … New thesaurus
Quickly — Das Moped NSU Quickly war eines der ersten echten Mopeds der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte. Es markierte den Beginn der Massenmotorisierung im Zuge des Wirtschaftswunders. NSU Quickly, Bj. 1956 in original Farbgebung Quickly S … Deutsch Wikipedia
Quickly — and started franchising in 1998.Quickly Corporation was founded in California and started its trademark licensing program at the same time. Quickly began marketing themselves as a New Generation Asian Fusion style cafe in the USA, as opposed to… … Wikipedia
quickly — quick|ly [ kwıkli ] adverb *** 1. ) at a fast speed: She went quickly out of the room. We have to work quickly. 2. ) after only a short time: Our suspicions were quickly proved accurate. Something has to be done about this quickly. 3. ) lasting… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
quickly */*/*/ — UK [ˈkwɪklɪ] / US adverb 1) at a fast speed She went quickly out of the room. We have to work quickly. 2) after only a short time Our suspicions were quickly proved accurate. Something has to be done about this quickly. 3) lasting only a short… … English dictionary
quickly — quick|ly W1S1 [ˈkwıkli] adv 1.) fast ▪ We need to get this finished as quickly as possible. ▪ Kids grow up so quickly these days. 2.) after only a very short time = ↑soon ▪ I realized fairly quickly that this wasn t going to be easy. 3.) for a… … Dictionary of contemporary English
quickly — / kwIkli/ adverb 1 fast: She checked nothing was coming and walked quickly across the road. | Quickly, John, we don t have much time. 2 after only a very short time: I realized fairly quickly that this wasn t going to be easy. 3 for a short time … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
quickly*/*/*/ — [ˈkwɪkli] adv 1) at a fast speed We have to work quickly.[/ex] She walked quickly out of the room.[/ex] 2) after only a short time, or lasting only a short time Something has to be done about this quickly.[/ex] Let me explain very quickly what I… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English