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См. также в других словарях:

  • SAY (J.-B.) — On reconnaît aujourd’hui en Say l’un des promoteurs de la pensée libérale. Les questions qu’il a posées, encore discutées dans tous les pays, comme sa fameuse «loi des débouchés », dépassent le cadre de l’histoire des idées économiques. D’autres… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • say — [sā] vt. SAID, saying; 3d pers. sing., pres. indic., says, said [sez] [ME seien (< orig. 3d pers. sing., pres. indic.), seggen < OE secgan, akin to sagu, a saying, tale (ON saga), Ger sagen, to say < IE base * sekw , to note, see, show,… …   English World dictionary

  • Say — is to communicate orally. It can also refer to: * Say (song), by John Mayer from the film The Bucket List * Say (Ryan Cabrera song), by Ryan Cabrera from the album The Moon Under Water *Say, Niger *Say (software), a Macintosh command line program …   Wikipedia

  • Say — Say, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Said} (s[e^]d), contracted from sayed; p. pr. & vb. n. {Saying}.] [OE. seggen, seyen, siggen, sayen, sayn, AS. secgan; akin to OS. seggian, D. zeggen, LG. seggen, OHG. sag[=e]n, G. sagen, Icel. segja, Sw. s[ a]ga, Dan.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • say — vb Say, utter, tell, state are comparable when they mean to put into words. Say often means merely to articulate or pronounce {say the words after me} {the baby has not yet learned to say mama or daddy } or is used in reporting something voiced… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • say — ► VERB (says; past and past part. said) 1) utter words so as to convey information, an opinion, an instruction, etc. 2) (of a text or symbol) convey information or instructions. 3) (of a clock or watch) indicate (a time). 4) (be said) be asserted …   English terms dictionary

  • Say — bezeichnet folgende Orte: ein Departement in Niger, siehe Say (Departement) eine Stadt in Niger, siehe Say (Niger) Say ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Fazil Say (* 1970), türkischer Pianist und Komponist Jean Baptiste Say (1767–1832),… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • say — 1. In ordinary use say occurs as a noun only in the expression have a say (or variants of it such as have a bigger say). 2. The use of say as an imperative in uses such as • Let s meet soon say next Friday is an established idiom. 3. The… …   Modern English usage

  • Say OK — «Say Ok» Sencillo de Vanessa Hudgens del álbum V Género(s) Bubblegum pop Duración 3:41 (Versión Álbum) Discográfica Hollywood Records …   Wikipedia Español

  • Say — (s[=a]), n. [Aphetic form of assay.] 1. Trial by sample; assay; sample; specimen; smack. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] If those principal works of God . . . be but certain tastes and says, as it were, of that final benefit. Hooker. [1913 Webster] Thy… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Say — Say, n. [From {Say}, v. t.; cf. {Saw} a saying.] A speech; something said; an expression of opinion; a current story; a maxim or proverb. [Archaic or Colloq.] [1913 Webster] He no sooner said out his say, but up rises a cunning snap. L Estrange.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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