1 treaty
treaty [ˊtri:tɪ] n1) догово́р2) перегово́ры;to be in treaty with smb. for smth. вести́ с кем-л. перегово́ры о чём-л.
3) attr. догово́рный, существу́ющий на основа́нии догово́ра;treaty port ист. порт, откры́тый по догово́ру для вне́шней торго́вли
2 Treaty
Treaty: Treaty of Rome Римский договор (ЕЭС) -
3 Treaty
4 Treaty
5 treaty
6 treaty
7 treaty
n( on smth) договор (о чем-л.)to abandon a treaty — отказываться от договора, денонсировать договор
to abolish / to abrogate a treaty — аннулировать / отменять договор
to adhere to (terms of) a treaty — придерживаться условий / соблюдать условия договора
to annul a treaty — аннулировать / отменять договор
to become a party to / to join a treaty — присоединяться к договору
to breach / to break treaty — нарушать договор
to break off a treaty — денонсировать / расторгать договор
to cancel a treaty — аннулировать / отменять договор
to conflict with / to contravene a treaty — противоречить договору
to denounce a treaty — денонсировать / расторгать договор
to draft / to draw up a treaty — разрабатывать проект договора
to end a treaty — денонсировать / расторгать договор
to extend (the validity of) a treaty — продлевать срок действия договора, пролонгировать договор
to give the President the Senate's counsel and consent to ratify the treaty — давать президенту совет и согласие Сената на ратификацию договора
to implement a treaty — выполнять договор / условия договора
to impose a treaty (on / upon smb) — навязывать договор (кому-л.)
to legally write smth into a treaty — официально вносить что-л. в договор
to observe the terms / provisions of a treaty — выполнять положения договора
to offer to sign a nonaggression treaty with a country — предлагать подписать договор о ненападении с какой-л. страной
to pass a treaty — утверждать / одобрять договор ( о законодательном органе)
to present one's draft treaty — представлять свой проект договора
to prolong (the validity of) a treaty — продлевать срок действия договора, пролонгировать договор
to ram a treaty down smb's throat — навязывать договор кому-л.
to renounce a treaty — денонсировать / расторгать договор
to revoke a treaty — аннулировать / отменять договор
to rush headlong to a treaty — необдуманно / безрассудно заключать договор
to sign a treaty in smb's name — подписывать договор от имени кого-л.
to sign a peace treaty — подписывать мирный договор / мир
- abortive treatyto withdraw from a treaty — денонсировать договор, выходить из договора
- abrogation of a treaty - Antarctic treaty
- antiballistic missile treaty - arms-control treaty
- article of a treaty
- basic treaty
- bilateral treaty - boundary treaty
- broad interpretation of a treaty
- by virtue of a treaty
- cancellation of a treaty
- circumvention of a treaty
- clause of a treaty
- closed treaty
- collapse of a treaty
- collusive treaty
- commercial treaty
- compliance with a treaty
- comprehensive arms control treaty
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
- comprehensive treaty
- conclusion of a treaty
- consular treaty
- contravention of a treaty
- Conventional Force in Central Europe treaty
- Conventional Force in Europe treaty
- conventional force treaty
- cooperation treaty
- crucial foreign treaty
- delay over the ratification of a treaty
- demarcation treaty - draft treaty
- duration of treaty
- enslaving treaty
- entry of the treaty into force
- equal treaty
- equitable treaty
- European security treaty
- exploitative treaty
- expulsion from a treaty
- extension of a treaty
- extradition treaty
- fettering treaty
- founder of a treaty
- friendship and brotherhood treaty
- friendship and cooperation treaty
- full member of a treaty
- guarantor of a treaty
- implementation of the treaty
- in accordance with a treaty
- in compliance with a treaty
- in the shape of a treaty
- inequitable treaty
- INF treaty
- integral part of a treaty
- inter-American treaties
- interim treaty
- intermediate-range nuclear-forces treaty
- international treaty
- interpretation of a treaty
- interstate treaties
- invalid treaty
- landmine ban treaty
- lawmaking treaty
- leak-proof treaty
- limited test ban treaty
- long-term treaty
- missile treaty
- modified draft treaty
- much delayed treaty
- multilateral treaty
- neutrality treaty
- nonaggression treaty
- nonproliferation treaty
- normalization treaty
- nuclear nonproliferation treaty
- nuclear test ban treaty
- nuclear weapons not covered by the treaty
- nuclear-free zone treaty
- objectives and principles of the treaty
- observance of a treaty
- open treaty
- Pacific security treaty
- partial test ban treaty - permanent treaty
- phased treaty
- plunderous treaty
- preliminary treaty
- prolongation of a treaty
- provision of a treaty
- publication of a treaty
- ratification of a treaty is now in jeopardy
- ratification of a treaty
- reciprocal treaty
- regional treaty
- renunciation of a treaty
- restricted treaty
- revision of a treaty
- right to withdraw from a treaty
- secret treaty
- security treaty
- separate peace treaty
- separate treaty
- signatories to a treaty
- signatory of a treaty
- signatory to a treaty
- signing of a treaty
- state treaty
- still-extant treaty
- Strategic Arms Reduction treaty
- ten-year treaty - text of a treaty
- the Moscow Test Ban Treaty
- threshold testing ban treaty
- threshold treaty
- trade treaty
- treaty banning nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water
- treaty broke down
- treaty comes into effect
- treaty comes into force
- treaty comes into operation
- treaty does not cover underground tests
- treaty envisages smth
- treaty establishing normal relations
- treaty excluding the use of force
- treaty for good-neighborly relations
- treaty goes to... for endorsement
- treaty governing the canal
- treaty has been warmly welcomed
- treaty in force
- treaty is due to expire in 2010
- treaty is feasible
- treaty is moribund
- treaty is still at the heart of the disagreement
- treaty is subject to ratification
- treaty limiting anti-ballistic missile systems
- treaty of accession
- treaty of alliance
- treaty of commerce and navigation
- treaty of cooperation
- treaty of extradition
- treaty of friendship
- treaty of guarantee
- treaty of mutual assistance
- treaty of mutual security
- treaty of neutrality
- treaty of nonaggression
- treaty of peace
- treaty of relations
- treaty of union
- treaty of unity
- treaty of unlimited duration
- treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons
- treaty on the non-use of force
- treaty provides for smth
- treaty remained in suspension
- tripartite treaty
- under the treaty
- unequal treaty
- unfair treaty
- unification treaty
- unilateral renunciation of a treaty
- union treaty
- unratified treaty
- vassal treaty
- verifiable treaty
- verification of compliance with the treaty - world treaty -
8 treaty
сущ.1) пол., юр. договор (юридически обязывающее, формальное соглашение между странами); соглашениеSee:bilateral investment treaty, commercial treaty, double tax treaty, double taxation treaty, FCN treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty, friendship, commerce and navigation treaty2) юр., эк. договор, контракт (формальное, юридически обязывающее соглашение между частными лицами или компаниями)You also need to decide whether to sell through private treaty or at auction. — Вам также необходимо решить, как осуществлять продажу: путем заключения частного договора или с аукциона.
See:* * *см. agreement -
9 treaty
1) договор (преим. международный); трактат•treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation — договор о дружбе, торговле и мореплавании
- treaty of cessiontreaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance — договор о дружбе, сотрудничестве и взаимной помощи
- treaty of friendship
- treaty of limits
- treaty of marriage
- treaty of peace
- arbitration treaty
- bilateral treaty
- boundary treaty
- commercial treaty
- constitutive treaty
- contractual treaty
- equal treaty
- extradition treaty
- formal treaty
- international treaty
- law-making treaty
- law treaty
- legislative treaty
- Moon treaty
- multilateral treaty
- non-self-executing treaty
- open treaty
- peace treaty
- permanent treaty
- private treaty
- protectorate treaty
- reciprocal treaty
- regional treaty
- restricted treaty
- secret treaty
- self-executing treaty
- tax treaty
- trade treaty
- trilateral treaty
- unequal treaty
- bipartite treaty
- tripartite treaty -
10 treaty
- bilateral treaty
- civil law treaty
- commercial treaty
- double tax treaty
- draft treaty
- economic treaty
- equal treaty
- equitable treaty
- inequitable treaty
- multilateral treaty
- private treaty
- reciprocal treaty
- trade treaty
- unequal treaty
- treaty of arbitration
- treaty on commerce
- treaty on cooperation
- treaty on mutual assistance
- treaty on mutual investment protection
- abrogate a treaty
- accede to a treaty
- annul a treaty
- block a treaty
- break a treaty
- cancel a treaty
- conclude a treaty
- confirm a treaty
- denounce a treaty
- enter into a treaty
- initial a treaty
- infringe a treaty
- join a treaty
- keep a treaty
- make a treaty
- observe a treaty
- prolong a treaty
- ratify a treaty
- renounce a treaty
- repudiate a treaty
- rescind a treaty
- revoke a treaty
- sign a treaty
- terminate a treaty
- violate a treaty
- withdraw from a treatyEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > treaty
11 treaty
[ˈtri:tɪ]treaty: antidouble tax treaty договор о защите от двойного налогообложения treaty переговоры; to be in treaty (with smb. for smth.) вести (с кем-л.) переговоры (о чем-л.) capitulation treaty договор о капитуляции consular treaty консульское соглашение customs treaty таможенное моглашение double taxation treaty соглашение о защите от двойного налогообложения extradition treaty договор о выдаче преступников joint treaty совместный договор marine insurance treaty соглашение о морском страховании multilateral commercial treaty многосторонний торговый договор nonagression treaty договор о ненападении pool treaty соглашение о коллективном страховании private treaty частное соглашение quota treaty соглашение по квотам reciprocal treaty двусторонний договор retrocession treaty договор о ретроцессии treaty договор treaty договор (международный); трактат treaty договор treaty конвенция treaty переговоры; to be in treaty (with smb. for smth.) вести (с кем-л.) переговоры (о чем-л.) treaty переговоры о заключении договора (в гражданском праве) treaty переговоры о заключении договора treaty соглашение Treaty: Treaty: treaty of Rome Римский договор (ЕЭС) treaty: treaty: antidouble tax treaty договор о защите от двойного налогообложения treaty attr. договорный, существующий на основании договора; treaty port порт, открытый по договору для внешней торговли treaty attr. договорный, существующий на основании договора; treaty port порт, открытый по договору для внешней торговли -
12 treaty
1. n соглашение, договорexecutory treaty — договор, подлежащий выполнению в будущем
peace treaty, treaty of peace — мирный договор
treaty of commerce and navigation — договор о торговле и судоходстве, конвенция о торговле и мореплавании
treaty obligations — взятые по договору обязательства, договорные обязательства
2. n арх. переговорыnegotiate a treaty — заключить договор; переговоры; ведение переговоров; продажа; передача; переуступка
3. n сделка, контрактСинонимический ряд:1. charter (noun) charter; concession; constitution; contract; guaranty; immunity2. pact (noun) accord; agreement; arrangement; compact; concord; convention; covenant; pact; settlement -
13 treaty
[ʹtri:tı] n1. соглашение, договорexecutory treaty - договор, подлежащий выполнению в будущем
peace treaty, treaty of peace - мирный договор
treaty of commerce and navigation - договор о торговле и судоходстве, конвенция о торговле и мореплавании
comprehensive test ban treaty - договор о полном и всеобщем запрещении испытаний ядерного оружия
limited test ban treaty - договор о запрещении испытаний ядерного оружия в трёх средах (в атмосфере, в космическом пространстве и под водой)
treaty obligations - взятые по договору обязательства, договорные обязательства
to conclude /to sign/ a treaty - заключить /подписать/ договор
to observe [to register] a treaty - соблюдать [зарегистрировать] договор
to renounce a treaty - отказаться от договора, денонсировать договор
2. 1) арх. переговорыto be in treaty with smb. for smth. - вести с кем-л. переговоры о чём-л.; договариваться с кем-л. о чём-л.
2) сделка, контрактto sell smth. by a private treaty - продать что-л. в частном порядке; заключить полюбовную сделку на продажу чего-л.
14 treaty
• -
15 treaty
ˈtri:tɪ сущ.
1) договор, соглашение, конвенция to abrogate, denounce a treaty ≈ аннулировать, расторгать договор to break, violate a treaty ≈ нарушить договор to conclude, sign a treaty ≈ заключать, подписывать договор to confirm, ratify a treaty ≈ утверждать, ратифицировать договор to negotiate, workout a treaty ≈ обсуждать, разрабатывать соглашение The senate confirms all treaties. ≈ Сенат ратифицирует все договоры They signed a treaty to settle all border disputes by arbitration. ≈ Они подписали договор о решении всех пограничных конфликтов через арбитраж. bilateral treaty commercial treaty trade treaty nonaggression treaty nonproliferation treaty peace treaty test-ban treaty Syn: contract, agreement, pact
2) переговоры Syn: negotiation, talks соглашение, договор - binding * обязывающий договор - boundary * договор об установлении границ - conciliation * договор о согласительной процедуре - executory * договор, подлежащий выполнению в будущем - peace *, * of peace мирный договор - * of friendship договор о дружбе - * of alliance договор о союзе - * of cession договор о цессии - * of commerce and navigation договор о торговле и судоходстве, конвенция о торговле и мореплавании - * of guarantee договор о гарантии - * of marriage брачный договор - * of mutual assistance договор о взаимной помощи - * of neutrality договор о нейтралитете - non-aggression * договор о ненападении - commercial * торговый договор - non-proliferation * договор о нераспространении ядерного оружия - comprehensive test ban * договор о полном и всеобщем запрещении испытаний ядерного оружия - limited test ban * договор о запрещении испытаний ядерного оружия в трех средах (в атмосфере, в космичнском пространстве и под водой) - * obligations взятые по договору обязательства, договорные обязательства - under this * по условиям данного договора - to conclude /to sign/ a * заключить /подписать/ договор - to enter into a * заключить договор - to observe a * соблюдать договор - to renounce a * отказаться от договора, денонсировать договор( устаревшее) переговоры - to be in * with smb. for smth. вести с кем-л. переговоры о чем-л.;
договариваться с кем-л. о чем-л. сделка, контракт - to sell smth. by a private * продать что-л. в частном порядке;
заключить полюбовную сделку на продажу чего-л. treaty: antidouble tax ~ договор о защите от двойного налогообложения ~ переговоры;
to be in treaty (with smb. for smth.) вести (с кем-л.) переговоры (о чем-л.) capitulation ~ договор о капитуляции consular ~ консульское соглашение customs ~ таможенное моглашение double taxation ~ соглашение о защите от двойного налогообложения extradition ~ договор о выдаче преступников joint ~ совместный договор marine insurance ~ соглашение о морском страховании multilateral commercial ~ многосторонний торговый договор nonagression ~ договор о ненападении pool ~ соглашение о коллективном страховании private ~ частное соглашение quota ~ соглашение по квотам reciprocal ~ двусторонний договор retrocession ~ договор о ретроцессии treaty договор ~ договор (международный) ;
трактат ~ договор ~ конвенция ~ переговоры;
to be in treaty (with smb. for smth.) вести (с кем-л.) переговоры (о чем-л.) ~ переговоры о заключении договора (в гражданском праве) ~ переговоры о заключении договора ~ соглашение Treaty: Treaty: ~ of Rome Римский договор (ЕЭС) treaty: treaty: antidouble tax ~ договор о защите от двойного налогообложения ~ attr. договорный, существующий на основании договора;
treaty port порт, открытый по договору для внешней торговли ~ attr. договорный, существующий на основании договора;
treaty port порт, открытый по договору для внешней торговли -
16 treaty
treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the Atmosphere, Outer Space, and under Water — Договор о запрещении испытаний ЯО в атмосфере, в космическом пространстве и под водой
17 treaty
1) договор (обычно между государствами); конвенция2) переговоры -
18 treaty
['triːtɪ]сущ.1) договор, соглашение, конвенцияcommercial / trade treaty — торговый договор, торговое соглашение
to abrogate / denounce a treaty — аннулировать, расторгать договор
to break / violate a treaty — нарушить договор
to conclude / sign a treaty — заключать, подписывать договор
to confirm / ratify a treaty — утверждать, ратифицировать договор
to negotiate / work out a treaty — обсуждать, разрабатывать соглашение
The senate confirms all treaties. — Ратификация любых договоров - прерогатива Сената.
- nonaggression treaty - test-ban treatyThey signed a treaty to settle all border disputes by arbitration. — Они подписали договор о решении всех пограничных конфликтов через арбитраж.
Syn:2) переговорыto be in treaty with smb. for smth. — вести с кем-л. переговоры о чём-л.
Syn:negotiation, talk 1. 1) б) -
19 treaty
['triːtɪ]nдоговор, соглашение, конвенцияThe senate confirms all treaties. — Ратификация любых договоров - прерогатива Сената.
They signed a treaty to settle all border disputes by arbitration. — Через арбитраж они подписали договор о решении всех пограничных конфликтов
- trade treaty- bilateral treaty
- non-aggression treaty
- test-ban treaty
- terms of the treaty
- according to the treaty
- sign a treaty
- denounce a treaty
- break a treaty
- confirm a treaty
- negotiate a treaty -
20 treaty
См. также в других словарях:
Treaty 4 — was a treaty established between Queen Victoria and the Cree and Saulteaux First Nations. The area covered by Treaty 4 represents most of current day southern Saskatchewan, plus small portions of what are today western Manitoba and southeastern… … Wikipedia
Treaty 3 — was an agreement entered into on October 3, 1873, by the Ojibway Nation and Queen Victoria. The treaty covers a large part of what is now northwestern Ontario and a small part of eastern Manitoba. Treaty 3 also provided for rights for the Metis… … Wikipedia
Treaty 8 — was an agreement signed on June 21, 1899, between Queen Victoria and various First Nations at Lesser Slave Lake. Adhesions to this agreement were signed that same year on July 1 at Peace River Landing, July 6 at Dunvegan, July 8 at Fort Vermilion … Wikipedia
treaty — treat‧y [ˈtriːti] noun treaties PLURALFORM [countable] 1. a formal agreement between two countries or governments: • The US Taiwan trade treaty is still valid, despite the ending of diplomatic ties. comˌmercial ˈtreaty ECONOMICS an agreement on… … Financial and business terms
treaty — trea·ty n pl treaties [Anglo French treté, from Middle French traité, from Medieval Latin tractatus, from Latin, handling, treatment, from tractare to treat, handle] 1: the action of treating and esp. of negotiating 2: an agreement or arrangement … Law dictionary
Treaty 7 — was an agreement between Queen Victoria and several mainly Blackfoot First Nations tribes in what is today the southern portion of Alberta. It was concluded on September 22, 1877. The agreement was signed at the Blackfoot Crossing of the Bow… … Wikipedia
Treaty 2 — was an agreement established August 21, 1871, between the Queen Victoria and various First Nations in southwest Manitoba and a small part of southeast Saskatchewan; treaty signatories from this region included the Ojibway tribes. This would be… … Wikipedia
Treaty 6 — is an agreement between the Canadian monarch and the Plain and Wood Cree Indians and other tribes of Indians at Fort Carlton, Fort Pitt and Battle River. The area given up by the Plain and Wood Cree represents most of the central area of the… … Wikipedia
Treaty 5 — is a treaty that was first established in September, 1875, between Queen Victoria and Saulteaux and Swampy Cree non treaty tribes and peoples around Lake Winnipeg in the part of the North West Territories known as Rupert s Land. [A written text… … Wikipedia
Treaty 1 — was an agreement established August 3, 1871 between Queen Victoria and various First Nations in South Eastern Manitoba including the Chippewa and Swampy Cree tribes. This would be the first treaty signed since the 1867 formation of the modern… … Wikipedia
Treaty 9 — was an agreement established in July, 1905, between King Edward VII and various First Nations in northern Ontario. One First Nation community in the bordering Abitibi region of northwestern Quebec is also included in this treaty. It was also… … Wikipedia