1 decision pack
Авиационная медицина: набор вариантов решений, пакет решений -
2 decision pack
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > decision pack
3 line pack pressure decision
Нефтегазовая техника решение по давлению газа для заполнения трубопроводаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > line pack pressure decision
4 lie
̈ɪlaɪ I
1. сущ. ложь, неправда, обман to pack, tissue, web of lies ≈ плести паутину лжи to tell a lie ≈ говорить неправду, врать, обманывать bald-faced lie, barefaced lie ≈ наглая ложь blatant lie ≈ явная ложь brazen lie ≈ бесстыдное вранье downright lie ≈ наглая, явная ложь monstrous lie ≈ чудовищная ложь outright lie ≈ ложь чистой воды transparent lie ≈ явная ложь whopping lie ≈ чудовищная ложь white lie ≈ невинная ложь, ложь во спасение Syn: falsehood, untruth Ant: honesty, truth, veracity %% to give the lie to smb. ≈ уличать, изобличать кого-л. во лжи to give the lie to smth. ≈ опровергать что-л. swop lies
2. гл.
1) лгать, обманывать I know he is lying. ≈ Я знаю, что он врет. She lied to her husband. ≈ Она соврала мужу.
2) быть обманчивым The camera sometimes lies. ≈ Камера иногда лжет.
3) добиваться чего-л. с помощью лжи ∙ to lie in one's throat, lie in one's teeth ≈ бесстыдно лгать II
1. гл.;
прош. вр. - lay, прич. прош. вр. - lain
1) а) лежать The injured man was lying motionless on his back. ≈ Раненый лежал на спине без движения. He lay awake watching her for a long time. ≈ Он долго лежал и наблюдал за ней. a newspaper lying on the table ≈ лежащая на столе газета б) покоиться, быть погребенным
2) а) быть расположенным The islands lie at the southern end of the Kurile chain. ≈ Острова расположены на юге Курильской гряды. Syn: sit б) простираться The route lay to the west. ≈ Дорога простиралась на запад. Syn: extend
3) а) оставаться в каком-л. положении или состоянии to lie asleep ≈ спать to lie in wait( for smb.) ≈ поджидать, подстерегать( кого-л.) The picture lay hidden in the archives for over 40 years. ≈ Картина пролежала, спрятанная в архивах, более 40 лет. They were growing impatient at lying idle so long. ≈ Чем дольше они находились в бездействии, тем сильнее росло их нетерпение. Our country's economy lies in ruins. ≈ Экономика нашей страны полностью разрушена. б) брит. занимать( какое-л. место во время соревнования) I was going well and was lying fourth. ≈ Я неплохо шел и был пока на четвертом месте.
4) находиться, заключаться( в чем-л.) ;
относиться( к кому-л.) The problem lay in the large amounts spent on defence. ≈ Проблема заключается в тех огромных суммах, которые идут на оборону. They will only assume that, as a woman, the fault lies with me. ≈ Они только заявят, что так как я женщина, вина лежит на мне. He realised his future lay elsewhere. ≈ Он понимал, что его будущее лежит где-то в другом месте.
5) уст. ненадолго остановиться;
переночевать to lie for the night воен. ≈ расположиться на ночлег
6) юр. признаваться законным The claim does not lie. ≈ Это незаконное требование. ∙ lie about lie ahead lie around lie back lie before lie behind lie beyond lie by lie down lie down under lie in lie low lie off lie out lie out of one's money lie over lie to lie under lie up lie with lie within to lie on the bed one has made посл. ≈ что посеешь, то и пожнешь
2. сущ.
1) положение, расположение;
направление The actual site of a city is determined by the natural lie of the land. ≈ Фактическое расположение города определяется естественным характером местности. the lie of the ground ≈ рельеф местности the lie of the land
2) нора, берлога, логово ложь - white * невинная ложь;
ложь во спасение - thumping * наглая ложь - to tell a * солгать - to tell *s лгать, говорить неправду - to act a * подвести, обмануть( не прийти, не принести и т. п.) - what a pack of *s! выдумка с начала до конца!;
здесь нет ни слова правды! - to live a * вести двойную жизнь - to give the * to smb. уличить кого-л. во лжи обман, ложное верование, ошибочное убеждение - to maintain a * утверждать, /поддерживать/ что-л. неверное /ошибочное/ - to give the * to smth. показать ложность чего-л.;
опровергнуть что-л. > one * makes /calls for/ many (пословица) одна ложь тянет за собой другую;
раз солгал, навек лгуном стал > *s have short legs (пословица) у лжи короткие ноги лгать;
обманывать - you're lying! вы лжете /ты врешь/! - he *d to his mother он обманул мать /сказал матери неправду/ быть обманчивым - this figures * эти цифры создают ложное впечатление (часто into, out of) ложью добиться чего-л. - to * oneself into smth. проникнуть куда-л. с помощью лжи - to * oneself out of smth. выпутаться /выкарабкаться/ из какого-л. положения с помощью лжи;
отовраться от чего-л. > to * in one's throat /teeth/, to * like a trooper нагло /бесстыдно/ лгать > to * like a gas meter врать как сивый мерин > to * away smb.'s reputation оболгать кого-л., лишить кого-л. доброго имени положение;
направление - the * of the land характер местности;
положение вещей;
(морское) направление на берег - the * of the ground рельеф местности - the general * and disposition of the boughs общее расположение ветвей - the * of matters положение дел, обстановка логово, берлога;
нора лежать - to * still лежать неподвижно - to * about /around/ валяться, лежать в беспорядке;
быть разбросанным (о вещах) (специальное) ложиться - to * flat (сельскохозяйственное) полегать (о хлебах) расположиться, залечь, укрыться - to * for the night (военное) расположиться на ночлег - to * in ambush( военное) находиться в засаде - to * under cover находиться в укрытии - to * in wait for smb. поджидать /подстерегать/ кого-л. - to * low притаиться, скрываться, выжидать покоиться, быть погребенным - here *s... здесь покоится прах... быть расположенным - Ireland *s to the west of England Ирландия находится /расположена/ к западу от Англии простираться - to * along smth. простираться вдоль чего-л. - to * along the shore( морское) идти в виду берега - the valley lay at our feet у наших ног простиралась долина - the world *s all before you весь мир перед вами - life *s in front of you у вас еще жизнь впереди быть, сохраняться или оставаться (в каком-л. положении или состоянии) - to * sick быть больным;
лежать (в постели) - to * at anchor стоять на якоре - to * in prison сидеть в тюрьме - to * under an obligation (юридическое) быть обязанным, иметь обязательство - to * under an imputation (юридическое) быть обвиненным (в чем-л.) - the money lay idle in the bank деньги лежали в банке без движения - the book *s open книга открыта - the town lay in ruins after the earthquake город лежал в развалинах после землетрясения - let it * оставьте как есть;
не трогайте заключаться, быть (в чем-л.) - the trouble *s in the engine вся беда в моторе - it *s with you to decide this question этот вопрос должны решать вы - he knows where his interest *s он знает, как ему выгоднее (поступить) - the choice *s between the two выбирать нужно между этими двумя (in) зависеть - as far as in me *s насколько это от меня зависит - I will do all that *s in my power я сделаю все, что в моих силах (устаревшее) остановиться ненадолго, пробыть некоторое время, переночевать ( with) (устаревшее) любить кого-л., спать с кем-л. (юридическое) быть или признаваться допустимым, законным - the appeal will not * апелляция не может быть принята - an appeal *s in this case по этому делу может быть подана апелляция - no appeal *s against the decision постановление суда обжалованию не подлежит > the blame *s at your door это ваша вина > to find out how the land *s выяснить /узнать/, как обстоят дела > to * low припасть к земле;
лежать распростертым;
быть мертвым;
лежать во прахе;
быть униженным;
выжидать > to * out of one's money не получить /не дождаться/ причитающихся денег > to * on the bed one has made (пословица) что посеешь, то и пожнешь as far as in me ~s насколько это в моей власти, в моих силах ~ находиться, заключаться (в чем-л.) ;
относиться (к кому-л.) ;
it lies with you to decide it ваше дело решить это;
the blame lies at your door это ваша вина ~ юр. признаваться законным;
the claim does not lie это незаконное требование;
lie about валяться, быть разбросанным;
lie back откинуться( на подушку и т. п.) ~ ложь, обман;
to give the lie (to smb.) уличать, изобличать ( кого-л.) во лжи;
to give the lie (to smth.) опровергать (что-л.) ~ ложь, обман;
to give the lie (to smb.) уличать, изобличать (кого-л.) во лжи;
to give the lie (to smth.) опровергать (что-л.) ~ находиться, заключаться (в чем-л.) ;
относиться (к кому-л.) ;
it lies with you to decide it ваше дело решить это;
the blame lies at your door это ваша вина lie быть обманчивым ~ быть расположенным;
the road lies before you дорога простирается перед вами;
life lies in front of you у вас вся жизнь впереди ~ лгать;
to lie in one's throat (или teeth) бесстыдно лгать;
to lie like a gas-meter завираться ~ (lay;
lain) лежать;
to lie still (или motionless) лежать спокойно, без движения;
to lie in ambush находиться в засаде ~ логово (зверя) ~ ложь, обман;
to give the lie (to smb.) уличать, изобличать (кого-л.) во лжи;
to give the lie (to smth.) опровергать (что-л.) ~ ложь ~ находиться, заключаться (в чем-л.) ;
относиться (к кому-л.) ;
it lies with you to decide it ваше дело решить это;
the blame lies at your door это ваша вина ~ обман ~ положение;
the lie of the ground рельеф местности ~ признаваться допустимым ~ юр. признаваться законным;
the claim does not lie это незаконное требование;
lie about валяться, быть разбросанным;
lie back откинуться (на подушку и т. п.) ~ признаваться законным ~ уст. пробыть недолго;
to lie for the night воен. расположиться на ночлег ~ юр. признаваться законным;
the claim does not lie это незаконное требование;
lie about валяться, быть разбросанным;
lie back откинуться (на подушку и т. п.) ~ юр. признаваться законным;
the claim does not lie это незаконное требование;
lie about валяться, быть разбросанным;
lie back откинуться (на подушку и т. п.) ~ by бездействовать ~ by оставаться без употребления ~ by отдыхать ~ down ложиться;
прилечь ~ down принимать без сопротивления, покорно;
to take (punishment, an insult, etc.) lying down принимать (наказание, оскорбление и т. п.) покорно, не обижаясь to ~ down under (an insult) проглотить( оскорбление) ~ уст. пробыть недолго;
to lie for the night воен. расположиться на ночлег ~ in валяться в постели (по утрам) ~ in лежать в родах ~ лгать;
to lie in one's throat (или teeth) бесстыдно лгать;
to lie like a gas-meter завираться to ~ in wait (for smb.) поджидать, подстерегать (кого-л.) wait: ~ засада;
to lay wait( for smb.) подстеречь( кого-л.) ;
устроить( кому-л.) засаду;
to lie in wait (for smb.) быть в засаде, поджидать ( кого-л.) ~ лгать;
to lie in one's throat (или teeth) бесстыдно лгать;
to lie like a gas-meter завираться ~ положение;
the lie of the ground рельеф местности the ~ of the land мор. направление на берег the ~ of the land перен. положение вещей ~ off временно прекратить работу ~ off мор. стоять на некотором расстоянии от берега или другого судна ~ up мор. стоять в доке;
to lie out of one's money не получить причитающихся денег;
to lie on the bed one has made посл. = что посеешь, то и пожнешь ~ out ночевать вне дома ~ up мор. стоять в доке;
to lie out of one's money не получить причитающихся денег;
to lie on the bed one has made посл. = что посеешь, то и пожнешь ~ over быть отложенным (до другого времени) ~ (lay;
lain) лежать;
to lie still (или motionless) лежать спокойно, без движения;
to lie in ambush находиться в засаде ~ to мор. лежать в дрейфе ~ under находиться, быть под (подозрением и т. п.) ~ up лежать, не выходить из комнаты (из-за недомогания) ~ up мор. стоять в доке;
to lie out of one's money не получить причитающихся денег;
to lie on the bed one has made посл. = что посеешь, то и пожнешь ~ up стоять в стороне, отстраняться ~ быть расположенным;
the road lies before you дорога простирается перед вами;
life lies in front of you у вас вся жизнь впереди ~ быть расположенным;
the road lies before you дорога простирается перед вами;
life lies in front of you у вас вся жизнь впереди to swop ~s разг. поболтать, посплетничать ~ down принимать без сопротивления, покорно;
to take (punishment, an insult, etc.) lying down принимать (наказание, оскорбление и т. п.) покорно, не обижаясь white ~ невинная ложь;
ложь во спасение -
5 consumer
сущ.1) эк. потребитель; покупательATTRIBUTES: average 2. 1), 2. 2), conventional 2. 2), end 1. 1), final 1. 1), individual 1. 2), industrial 1. 1), а, loyal 1. 1), potential 2. 2), prospective 2. 2), rational 2. 1), reasonable 2. 1), representative 2. 2), n2, target 3. 1), ultimate 2. 2), n1
British consumers are paying much more than their counterparts in mainland Europe for a wide range of goods. — Британские потребители покупают многие товары по значительно более высокой цене, чем потребители материковой Европы.
Our consumers expect products which are not only delicious (and safe) but which have been produced fairly and ethically. — Наши потребители ожидают таких продуктов, которые не только вкусны и безопасны для здоровья, но еще и были произведены надлежащим образом и в согласии с этическими нормами.
An average consumer for heating in Turkey uses fuel wood at a rate of 0.75 m3 yr. — Среднестатистический потребитель отопления в Турции использует 0,75 м3 в год древесного топлива.
See:average consumer, conventional consumer, disadvantaged consumer, end consumer, end-consumer, fickle consumer, final consumer, green consumers, heat consumer, individual consumer, industrial consumer, interested consumer, intermediate consumer, loyal consumer, manipulated consumer, potential consumer, price-conscious consumer, price-sensitive consumer, prospective consumer, rational consumer, reasonable consumer, representative consumer, savvy consumer, target consumer, ultimate consumer, water consumer, consumer acceptance, consumer account, consumer activist, consumer advertisement, consumer advertising, consumer advisory board, consumer advisory council, consumer advocate, consumer affluence, consumer analysis, consumer anticipations, consumer appeal, consumer attitude, consumer audience, consumer awareness, consumer bank, consumer basket, consumer behaviour, consumer benefit, consumer boom, consumer brochure, consumer budget, consumer business, consumer buying decision, consumer capitalism, consumer choice, consumer clinic, consumer club, consumer commodities, consumer communications, consumer comparison, consumer complaint, consumer confidence, consumer container, consumer cooperation, consumer cooperative, consumer council, consumer credit, consumer culture, consumer debenture, consumer decision making, consumer deficit, consumer delivery, consumer demand, consumer diary, consumer discrimination, consumer durable product, consumer durables, consumer economics, consumer education, consumer effect, consumer electronics, consumer environment, consumer equilibrium, consumer evaluation, consumer expectations, consumer expenditure, consumer favour, consumer feedback, consumer finance company, consumer flow, consumer franchise, consumer fraud, consumer goods, consumer group, consumer guide, consumer habit, consumer impression, consumer income, consumer inertia, consumer information, consumer inquiry, consumer insurance, consumer interest, consumer interview, consumer items, consumer jury, consumer knowledge, consumer language, consumer law, consumer learnings, consumer lease, consumer leasing, consumer legislation, consumer lifestyle, consumer lines, consumer list, consumer loan, consumer lobby, consumer loyalty, consumer magazine, consumer market, consumer marketing, consumer motivation, consumer movement, consumer needs, consumer non-durables, consumer orientation, consumer pack, consumer panel, consumer patronage, consumer perception, consumer personality, consumer policy, consumer population, consumer practice, consumer preferences, consumer premium, consumer pressure, consumer price, consumer products, consumer profile, consumer promotion, consumer properties, consumer protection, consumer psychologist, consumer psychology, consumer publication, consumer purchase, consumer purchaser, consumer rating, consumer reaction, consumer relations, consumer report, consumer research, consumer resistance, consumer response, consumer rights, consumer sale, consumer sales, consumer satisfaction, consumer segment, consumer service, consumer services, consumer setting, consumer shopping, consumer society, consumer sophistication, consumer sovereignty, consumer spending, consumer spendings, consumer study, consumer surplus, consumer survey, consumer tastes, consumer trade practices, consumer trends, consumer use tests, consumer utility, consumer valuation, consumer value, consumer vulnerability, consumer warranty, consumer waste, consumer wealth, consumer welfare, consumer's account, consumers' attitude, consumer's choice, consumer's cooperative, consumer's demand, consumers expenditure, consumer's goods, consumer's indifference curve, consumers market, consumers' market, consumers' panel, consumer's point, consumers' preference, consumers' remedy, consumer's surplus, consumers' surplus, consumer's test, consumer's wants, cost to consumer, price to consumer COMBS: business to consumer, business-to-consumer, business-to-consumer firm, competition for the consumer's dollar, Consumer Credit Act 1974, Consumer Credit Protection Act, Consumer Goods Pricing Act, Consumer Magazine and Agri-Media Rates and Data, Consumer Product Safety Act, Consumer Products Warranties Act, Consumer Protection Act 1961, Consumer Protection Act 1971, Consumer Reports, Consumer Safety Act 1978, Department of Banking and Consumer Finance v. Clarke, Ethical Consumer, Farmer-to-Consumer Direct Marketing Act, Home Equity Loan Consumer Protection Act, Telephone Consumer Protection Act 1991, Uniform Consumer Credit Code, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Consumer Bankers Association, consumer confidence, consumer expenditure2) биол., эк. прир. консумент (организм, который потребляет другие организмы; выделяют первичные, вторичные и третичные консументы)See:
* * *
потребитель: лицо, которое в конечном итоге пользуется данным товаром или услугой (это не всегда покупатель).* * * -
6 circuit
1) схема; цепь; контур2) канал; линия; тракт3) тлф. шлейф5) круговое движение, движение по окружности || совершать круговое движение, двигаться по окружности•- 2D circuit
- 3D circuit
- absorbing circuit
- absorption circuit
- ac circuit
- acceptor circuit
- adaptive logic circuit
- additive printed circuit
- adjustable threshold logic circuit
- aerial circuit
- alive circuit
- aluminium-gate MOS integrated circuit
- aluminum-gate MOS integrated circuit
- AM detecting circuit
- analog circuit
- ancillary circuit
- AND circuit
- anode circuit
- antenna circuit
- anticlutter circuit
- anticoincidence circuit
- antihunt circuit
- antijamming circuit
- anti-Karp circuit
- antiresonance circuit
- antiresonant circuit
- antisidetone circuit
- aperiodic circuit
- application-specific integrated circuit
- approved circuit
- array integrated circuit
- astable circuit
- autodyne circuit
- automatic start circuit
- averaging circuit
- azimuth-sweep circuit
- back-plate circuit
- back-to-back circuit
- balanced circuit
- base-line marker circuit
- basic circuit
- beta circuit
- beta feedback circuit
- bias circuit
- bidirectional clamping circuit
- bilateral circuit
- bipolar circuit
- bipolar integrated circuit
- bistable circuit
- bistable multivibrator circuit
- black stretch circuit
- black-level restoring circuit
- black-level setting circuit
- blanking circuit
- bootstrap circuit
- bound circuit
- boxcar circuit
- branch circuit
- branched circuit
- bridge circuit
- bridged circuit
- broken circuit
- bubble annihilation circuit
- bubble circuit
- bubble detection circuit
- bubble propagation circuit
- bubble replication circuit
- bubble stretching circuit
- bubble switching circuit
- bubble-domain annihilation circuit
- bubble-domain detection circuit
- bubble-domain propagation circuit
- bubble-domain replication circuit
- bubble-domain stretching circuit
- bubble-domain switching circuit
- bucket-brigade circuit
- buffer circuit
- building-out circuit
- built-up circuit
- bulk-effect integrated circuit
- butterfly circuit
- butterfly tank circuit
- calibrating circuit
- call circuit
- capacitive differentiator circuit
- capacitive oscillatory circuit
- cathode circuit
- central-battery circuit
- ceramic printed circuit
- charge-coupled device integrated circuit
- chemically deposited printed circuit
- chemically reduced printed circuit
- chemically-assembled integrated circuit
- chevron bubble propagation circuit
- chevron bubble-domain propagation circuit
- chip integrated circuit
- cholesteric circuit
- chopping circuit
- chrominance matrix circuit
- chrominance separation circuit
- chrominance take-off circuit
- circuit of graph
- clamping circuit
- clamp-on circuit
- clipping circuit
- clock circuit
- clocked circuit
- close-coupled circuits
- closed circuit
- closed magnetic circuit
- CMOS integrated circuit
- coaxial circuit
- coincidence circuit
- collector circuit
- collector-diffusion isolated integrated circuit
- color processing circuit
- color purity circuit
- color-balance circuit
- color-indexing circuit
- color-killer circuit
- Colpitts oscillatory circuit
- combinational circuit
- combinatorial circuit
- combiner circuit
- common-base circuit
- common-battery circuit
- common-cathode circuit
- common-collector circuit
- common-drain circuit
- common-emitter circuit
- common-gate circuit
- common-grid circuit
- common-source circuit
- common-use circuit
- compander circuit
- comparator circuit
- comparison circuit
- compatible circuit
- compensating circuit
- complementary circuit
- complementary MOS integrated circuit
- complementary symmetry circuit
- complementary symmetry MOS integrated circuit
- complementary-output circuit
- composite circuit
- compound circuit
- compression circuit
- computer circuits
- conference circuit
- consumer integrated circuit
- contiguous-disk bubble propagation circuit
- contiguous-disk bubble-domain propagation circuit
- control circuit
- controller circuit
- convergence circuit
- cord circuit
- core-diode circuit
- core-transistor circuit
- correction input circuit
- COSMOS circuit
- countdown circuits
- counter circuit
- counter timer circuit
- counting circuit
- coupled circuits
- cross-control circuit
- crossed-waveguide circuit
- crosspoint integrated circuit
- cryotron circuit
- cue circuit
- current-access bubble circuit
- current-feedback circuit
- current-limited circuit
- current-source equivalent circuit
- custom circuit
- customer-specific integrated circuit
- custom-wired integrated circuit
- cutoff circuit
- damping circuit
- dash circuit
- data circuit
- dc circuit
- dc restoration circuit
- dead-on-arrival integrated circuit
- decision circuit
- decision making circuit
- decoupling circuit
- dedicated integrated circuit
- deep-submicron integrated circuit
- degenerative circuit
- delay circuit
- delay-insensitive circuit
- delay-sensitive circuit
- delta circuit
- demultiplexing circuit
- deposited integrated circuit
- derived circuit
- despiker circuit
- despiking circuit
- detector circuit
- detuned circuit
- dial toll circuit
- dial-up circuit
- diamond circuit
- die integrated circuit
- dielectric isolated integrated circuit
- differential-frequency circuit
- differentiating circuit
- diffused-isolation integrated circuit
- digital circuit
- digital integrated circuit
- digital logic circuit
- diode array integrated circuit
- diode integrated circuit
- diode-coupled circuit
- diplex circuit
- direct international circuit
- direct transit international circuit
- direct-coupled circuit
- direct-wire circuit
- discharge circuit
- discrete circuit
- discrete-component circuit
- disjunction circuit
- distributed-element circuit
- divided circuit
- dividing circuit
- Doppler tracking circuit
- dot circuit
- double-coincidence circuit
- double-ended cord circuit
- double-ridge easitron circuit
- double-ridge Karp circuit
- double-sided circuit
- double-tuned circuit
- down-scaled integrated circuit
- driven circuit
- dry circuit
- dry-processed integrated circuit
- DTF circuit
- dual-in-line integrated circuit
- duplex circuit
- duplicated circuit
- dynamic-convergence circuit
- dynamic-focus circuit
- dynamic-track following circuit
- earth circuit
- earthed circuit
- E-beam litho circuit
- EC circuit
- Eccles-Jordan circuit
- EITHER-OR circuit
- electric circuit
- electronic circuit
- elevated-electrode integrated circuit
- embossed-foil printed circuit
- emitter-coupled circuit
- emitter-follower logic integrated circuit
- engineering circuit
- epitaxial circuit
- epitaxial passivated integrated circuit
- equalization circuit
- equivalent circuit
- equivalent integrated circuit
- etched printed circuit
- evaporated circuit
- exclusive OR circuit
- expanded-sweep circuit
- expander circuit
- external circuit
- external magnetic circuit
- extra LSI circuit
- face-down integrated circuit
- fail-safe circuit
- fallback circuit
- fan-in circuit
- fan-out circuit
- fast time-constant circuit
- feed circuit
- feedback circuit
- ferrite-diode circuit
- ferrite-transistor circuit
- ferroresonant circuit
- field-access bubble circuit
- field-programmable integrated circuit
- filament circuit
- film integrated circuit
- fine-line integrated circuit
- fine-pattern integrated circuit
- flat-pack integrated circuit
- flexible printed circuit
- flip-chip integrated circuit
- flip-flop circuit
- flux transfer circuit
- flywheel circuit
- forced coupled circuits
- forked circuit
- four-wire circuit
- frame-grounding circuit
- frame-scanning circuit
- free coupled circuits
- freely oscillating coupled circuits
- free-running circuit
- frequency-changing circuit
- full-wave circuit
- fully integrated circuit
- function circuit
- g equivalent circuit
- ganged circuits
- gate circuit
- gate equivalent circuit
- Giacoletto circuit
- Goto-pair circuit
- grid circuit
- grounded circuit
- grounded-base circuit
- grounded-collector circuit
- grounded-emitter circuit
- grounded-grid circuit
- ground-return circuit
- grouping circuit
- guard-ring isolated monolithic integrated circuit
- Gunn-effect circuit
- h equivalent circuit
- half-phantom circuit
- half-wave circuit
- Hamilton circuit
- hardened circuit
- Hartley oscillatory circuit
- Hazeltine neutralizing circuit
- head circuit
- heater circuit
- high-temperature superconductor integrated circuit
- holding circuit
- horizontal scanning circuit
- horizontal sync circuit
- horizontal-deflection circuit
- hotline circuit
- hybrid circuit
- hybrid integrated circuit
- hybrid pi equivalent circuit
- hybrid thin-film circuit
- hybrid thin-film integrated circuit
- hybrid-type circuit
- I2L circuit
- ideal-transformer equivalent circuit
- identification circuit
- idler circuit
- ignition circuit
- image circuit
- impulsing circuit
- inclusive NOR circuit
- inclusive OR circuit
- incoming circuit
- individually wired circuit
- inductance-capacitance coupling circuit
- inductive circuit
- inductive differentiator circuit
- inductive oscillatory circuit
- inductively coupled circuit
- injection circuit
- injection integrated circuit
- input circuit
- inquiry circuit
- insulated-substrate integrated circuit
- integrate-and-dump circuit
- integrated circuit
- integrated injection logic circuit
- integrated optical circuit
- integrating circuit
- interaction circuit
- interface circuit
- inter-integrated circuit
- interlock circuit
- intermediate-frequency circuit
- inverter circuit
- ion-implanted bubble propagation circuit
- ion-implanted bubble-domain propagation circuit
- ion-implanted MOS integrated circuit
- iron circuit
- isolated integrated injection logic circuit
- isolated-substrate solid circuit
- isoplanar integrated circuit
- isoplanar-based integrated circuit
- joint circuit
- joint denial circuit
- Josephson logic integrated circuit
- Josephson-junction logic integrated circuit
- junction circuit
- junction-isolation integrated circuit
- Karp circuit
- keep-alive circuit
- keying circuit
- killer circuit
- label circuit
- ladder circuit
- lagging circuit
- large-scale hybrid integration circuit
- large-scale integration circuit
- laser-configured application-specific integrated circuit
- latched circuit
- latching Boolean circuit
- latching circuit
- leak circuit
- leakage circuit
- leased circuit
- line circuit
- linear circuit
- linear integrated circuit
- line-scan circuit
- line-scanning circuit
- live circuit
- load circuit
- local circuit
- local-battery circuit
- locking circuit
- Loftin-White circuit
- logic circuit
- long-distance telephone circuit
- longitudinal circuit
- losser circuit
- low-energy circuit
- low-temperature superconductor integrated circuit
- L-section circuit
- lumped circuit
- lumped-constant circuit
- made-to-order circuit
- magnetic circuit
- magnetic convergence circuit
- magnetic integrated circuit
- magnetic-core circuit
- majority circuit
- master-slice integrated circuit
- matching circuit
- matrix circuit
- matrix integrated circuit
- McCulloh circuit
- medium-scale integration circuit
- memory circuit
- merged transistor logic integrated circuit
- Mesny circuit
- message circuit
- metal-dielectric-semiconductor integrated circuit
- metallic circuit
- metal-oxide-semiconductor integrated circuit
- metal-oxide-semiconductor large scale integration circuit
- meter-current circuit
- meter-voltage circuit
- microcomputer integrated circuit
- microelectronic integrated circuit
- microenergy logic circuit
- micrologic circuit
- micropower circuit
- microprinted circuit
- microprocessor integrated circuit
- microprocessor logic-support circuit
- microprogrammed circuit
- microwatt circuit
- microwave circuit
- microwave integrated circuit
- mix circuit
- mixing circuit
- molecular integrated circuit
- monobrid integrated circuit
- monolithic integrated circuit
- monolithic microwave integrated circuit
- monophase integrated circuit
- monostable circuit
- MOS integrated circuit
- MOS-on-sapphire integrated circuit
- MTL integrated circuit
- mu circuit
- mu feedback circuit
- multibrid integrated circuit
- multichip integrated circuit
- multidrop circuit
- multifunctional integrated circuit
- multilayer circuit
- multilevel-metallized integrated circuit
- multiphase integrated circuit
- multiplanar circuit
- multiple circuit
- multiple-chip circuit
- multiple-substrate solid circuit
- multipoint circuit
- multistable circuit
- multistage circuit
- muting circuit
- NAND circuit
- nanotube integrated circuit
- n-channel logic MOS integrated circuit
- negative OR circuit
- NEITHER-NOR circuit
- neutral magnetic circuit
- neutralizing circuit
- noise equivalent circuit
- noise suppression circuit
- nondisjunction circuit
- noninductive circuit
- nonlinear circuit
- nonphantomed circuits
- nonredundant circuit
- NOR circuit
- NOT circuit
- NOT-AND circuit
- NOT-OR circuit
- off-the-shelf circuit
- one-chip integrated circuit
- one-sided circuit
- one-wire circuit
- open circuit
- open magnetic circuit
- open-wire circuit
- optical integrated circuit
- optically coupled circuit
- optoelectronic integrated circuit
- optron integrated circuit
- OR circuit
- OR-ELSE circuit
- oscillator circuit
- oscillatory circuit
- output circuit
- overcoupled circuits
- overlap telling circuit
- oxide-isolated integrated circuit
- packaged circuit
- painted printed circuit
- parallel circuit
- parallel LCR circuit
- parallel-resonant circuit
- parallel-series circuit
- passivated integrated circuit
- p-channel logic MOS integrated circuit
- peak-holding circuit
- peaking circuit
- peak-riding clipping circuit
- perforated bubble propagation circuit
- perforated bubble-domain propagation circuit
- periodic circuit
- peripheral integrated circuit
- permalloy circuit
- permanent virtual circuit
- phantom circuit
- phase-advance circuit
- phase-comparison circuit
- phase-compensating circuit
- phase-delay circuit
- phase-equalizing circuit
- phase-inverting circuit
- phase-lag circuit
- phase-shift circuit
- photonic integrated circuit
- physical circuits
- physical equivalent circuit
- pi circuit
- pickax bubble propagation circuit
- pickax bubble-domain propagation circuit
- piezoelectric-crystal equivalent circuit
- pilot circuit
- planar integrated circuit
- planex integrated circuit
- plastic integrated circuit
- plastic-encapsulated integrated circuit
- plate circuit
- plated circuit
- plated printed circuit
- p-n junction isolated integrated circuit
- point-to-point circuit
- polar circuit
- polarized magnetic circuit
- polling circuit
- polymer integrated circuit
- polymer logic circuit
- polymer-based logic circuit
- polyphase circuit
- positioning circuit
- potentiometer circuit
- potted circuit
- power adder circuit
- preemphasis circuit
- presetting circuit
- primary circuit
- primary series circuit
- printed circuit
- printed wiring circuit
- printed-component circuit
- program circuit
- programmed interconnection pattern large-scale integration circuit
- propagation circuit
- proprietary integrated circuit
- pulse-actuated circuit
- pulse-shaping circuit
- pulsing circuit
- pump circuit
- pumping circuit
- purity circuit
- push-pull circuit
- push-push circuit
- push-to-talk circuit
- push-to-type circuit
- quadruplex circuit
- quasi-bistable circuit
- quasi-monostable circuit
- quenching circuit
- quiet-tuning circuit
- r equivalent circuit
- radiating circuit
- radiation hardened integrated circuit
- radio circuit
- radio communication circuit
- radio-frequency integrated circuit
- radio-receiving circuit
- radio-transmitting circuit
- range-marker circuit
- range-sweep circuit
- range-tracking circuit
- rapid single flux quantum circuit
- RC circuit
- RCG circuit
- RCTL circuit
- RDTL circuit
- reactance control circuit
- reaction circuit
- reactive circuit
- read-and-write circuit
- redundant circuit
- reflex circuit
- regenerative circuit
- rejector circuit
- repeat circuit
- reset circuit
- reset control circuit
- reshaping circuit
- resistance-capacitance circuit
- resistance-inductance circuit
- resistance-inductance-capacitance circuit
- resistor-capacitor-transistor logic circuit
- resistor-coupled transistor logic circuit
- resistor-diode-transistor logic circuit
- resistor-transistor logic circuit
- resonant circuit
- retroactive circuit
- reverberation-controlled gain circuit
- right-plane circuit
- ring circuit
- ring-and-bar circuit
- ringdown circuit
- ringing circuit
- RL circuit
- RLC circuit
- RSFQ circuit
- RTL circuit
- sample-and-hold circuit
- sampling circuit
- scaled integrated circuit
- scale-of-eight circuit
- scale-of-ten circuit
- scale-of-two circuit
- scaling circuit
- scanning circuit
- scrambler circuit
- screened circuit
- sealed circuit
- sealed-junction integration circuit
- selective circuit
- self-holding circuit
- self-repairing circuit
- self-saturating circuit
- semiconductor integrated circuit
- semiconductor-magnetic circuit
- semicustom integrated circuit
- separation circuit
- series circuit
- series RLC circuit
- series-peaking circuit
- series-resonant circuit
- service circuit
- short circuit
- shunt circuit
- shunt-peaking circuit
- shunt-series circuit
- side circuits
- sidetone suppression circuit
- signal circuit
- signal-processing circuit
- silent circuit
- silicon integrated circuit
- silicon-on-sapphire integrated circuit
- simple parallel circuit
- simplex circuit
- single-chip integrated circuit
- single-ended circuit
- single-mask level bubble circuit
- single-phase circuit
- single-ridge easitron circuit
- single-ridge Karp circuit
- single-shot trigger circuit
- single-trip trigger circuit
- single-tuned circuit
- single-wire circuit
- slave circuit
- sliding short circuit
- slow-wave circuit
- small outline integrated circuit
- small-scale integrated circuit
- smoothing circuit
- sneak circuit
- software circuit
- solid-state circuit
- spare circuit
- spark circuit
- speaker circuit
- sprayed printed circuit
- square-rooting circuit
- squaring circuit
- squelch circuit
- stacked circuit
- staggered circuits
- stamped printed circuit
- standard scale circuit
- star-connected circuit
- starting circuit
- start-stop circuit
- static-induction transistor integrated circuit
- stenode circuit
- stick circuit
- stopper circuit
- storage circuit
- straightforward circuit
- stripline circuit
- submicron integrated circuit
- subscriber line interface circuit
- subscriber-line audio-processing circuit
- superconducting tank circuit
- superimposed circuit
- superposed circuit
- supervising circuit
- support circuit
- sweep circuit
- switch virtual circuit
- switched circuit
- switching circuit
- sync separator circuit
- sync stretch circuit
- synchronous circuit
- T2L circuit
- talk-back circuit
- tank circuit
- tantalum thin-film circuit
- tap circuit
- tapped circuit
- tapped resonant circuit
- tapped-capacitor circuit
- tapped-capacitor resonant circuit
- tapped-coil circuit
- tapped-coil resonant circuit
- tapped-inductor circuit
- tapped-inductor resonant circuit
- T-bar bubble propagation circuit
- T-bar bubble-domain propagation circuit
- T-circuit
- telegraph circuit
- telephone circuit
- telling circuit
- terminating circuit
- Thevenin equivalent circuit
- thick-film circuit
- thin-film circuit
- three-dimensional circuit
- three-phase circuit
- threshold circuit
- through circuit
- tie-line circuit
- time-base circuit
- time-delay circuit
- toll-circuit
- totem-pole circuit
- transfer circuit
- transformer-coupled circuit
- transistor equivalent circuit
- transistor-transistor logic circuit
- traveling-wave-tube interaction circuit
- tributary circuit
- trigger circuit
- trunk circuit
- trunk terminating circuit
- trunk-junction circuit
- tse circuit
- TTL circuit
- tube circuit
- tube equivalent circuit
- tuned circuit
- tuning circuit
- twin-circuit
- twin-T circuit
- two-dimensional circuit
- two-state circuit
- two-way circuit
- two-wire circuit
- UHS integrated circuit
- ultra-audion circuit
- ultra-high-speed integrated circuit
- unbalanced circuit
- undefined function circuit
- underdamped circuit
- unilateral circuit
- unipolar integrated circuit
- universal cord circuit
- vacuum integrated circuit
- vacuum-deposited integrated circuit
- vapor-deposited printed circuit
- vertical deflection circuit
- vertical scanning circuit
- vertical sync circuit
- very high-speed integrated circuit
- very large-scale integration circuit
- V-groove isolated integrated injection logic circuit
- vibrating circuit
- video circuit
- virtual circuit
- voltage-feedback circuit
- voltage-source equivalent circuit
- wafer-on-scale integrated circuit
- warning circuit
- watch integrated circuit
- waveguide circuit
- waveguide short circuit
- weakly superconducting circuit
- weighting circuit
- welded electronic circuit
- white circuit
- wire circuit
- wired circuit
- wire-wrapped circuit
- writing circuit
- X-bar bubble propagation circuit
- X-bar bubble-domain propagation circuit
- XNOR circuit
- XOR circuit
- X-ray litho integrated circuit
- y equivalent circuit
- Y-bar bubble propagation circuit
- Y-bar bubble-domain propagation circuit
- Y-connected circuit
- z equivalent circuit
- zig-zag asymmetrical permalloy-wedges circuit
- zigzag permalloy track circuitThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > circuit
7 settle
урегулировать имя существительное: глагол:поселиться (settle, settle Down, fix oneself in a place, take up one's residence, make one's home, take up one's abode)располагаться (settle, encamp)расселяться (settle, separate)поселяться (settle, colonize, locate)отстаиваться (settle, cream)успокаиваться (calm down, quiet, settle down, quiet down, quieten, settle)усаживаться (sit down, settle, sit oneself)образумиться (settle, settle down)колонизировать (colonize, settle)угомониться (calm down, settle down, settle) -
8 накладывать
несовер. - накладывать;
совер. - наложить( что-л. на что-л.) lay (on), apply (to) ;
put (on, over), set (to) ;
(super) impose (поверх чего-л.) ;
leave (trace) перен.;
pack, load накладывать повязку на рану ≈ to bandage/dress a wound накладывать себе на тарелку чего-л.разг. ≈ to help oneself (to) накладывать швы ≈ to put in( the) stitches накладывать печать ≈ to put a seal (on) накладывать запрет ≈ to put/impose a ban (on) ;
to put a veto (upon) ;
to veto наложить штраф ≈ to impose a fine накладывать на себя руки уст. ≈ to lay hands on oneself;
to take one's own lifeБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > накладывать
9 ice
1. [aıs] n1. лёдblack ice - а) прозрачная ледяная корка; б) старый глетчерный лёд
broken /open/ ice - разрежённый лёд
coast /fast/ ice - береговой лёд, припай
dead ice - стоячий /неподвижный/ ледник, «мёртвый» лёд
drift /pack/ ice - паковый лёд
a block of ice - кусок /глыба/ льда, льдина
a piece of ice - льдинка, кусочек льда
a sheet of ice - ледяное покрытие; ледяное поле
to feel as cold as ice - замёрзнуть, превратиться в ледышку
2. обыкн. pl мороженое; амер. фруктовое мороженое3. = icing1 14. сдержанность; холодностьice of smb.'s manner - чей-л. ледяной тон
5. амер. сл. алмазы, бриллианты; драгоценности6. 1) театр. разг. приплата работнику театра за хорошие билеты2) амер. сл. взятка; отступное; магарыч♢
as chaste as ice - невинный, непорочныйon ice - а) обеспеченный, гарантированный, имеющий все шансы быть успешно реализованным; ≅ «на мази»; б) имеющийся в запасе /резерве/; отложенный до времени; keep it on ice - попридержи это; в) наготове, могущий быть сразу использованным; г) сл. изолированный, лишённый возможности действовать; находящийся в заключении
to be on thin ice - быть в затруднительном, ненадёжном или опасном положении, ходить по краю пропасти; ≅ играть с огнём
straight off the ice - а) свежий, только что полученный ( о продуктах); б) немедленно, незамедлительно
to break the ice - а) положить начало чему-л., приступить к чему-л.; б) нарушить молчание, сделать первый шаг
to cut no ice with smb. - а) не иметь никакого влияния на кого-л.; б) ничего не добиться у кого-л.
2. [aıs] vto put on ice - амер. а) отложить; put it on ice - пока забудьте об этом; б) сл. убить
1. (тж. ice up, ice over)1) замораживать; покрывать льдом, сковывать льдомthe pond was iced over - пруд затянуло /сковало/ льдом
2) замерзать, покрываться льдом; превращаться в лёд, замораживатьсяthe water has iced overnight - за ночь вода замёрзла /покрылась льдом/
2. обледенеть (обыкн. ice up, ice over)3. охлаждать4. леденить5. разг. молчать, держать язык за зубами6. разг. не обращать внимания; игнорировать (кого-л.); холодно обращаться (с кем-л.)7. покрывать глазурью, глазировать8. амер. сл.1) откладывать, замораживать2) убить♢
to ice the decision - амер. предопределять /предрешать/ исход делаto ice the cake - амер. сл. завершить дело
10 ice
1. [aıs] n1. лёдblack ice - а) прозрачная ледяная корка; б) старый глетчерный лёд
broken /open/ ice - разрежённый лёд
coast /fast/ ice - береговой лёд, припай
dead ice - стоячий /неподвижный/ ледник, «мёртвый» лёд
drift /pack/ ice - паковый лёд
a block of ice - кусок /глыба/ льда, льдина
a piece of ice - льдинка, кусочек льда
a sheet of ice - ледяное покрытие; ледяное поле
to feel as cold as ice - замёрзнуть, превратиться в ледышку
2. обыкн. pl мороженое; амер. фруктовое мороженое3. = icing1 14. сдержанность; холодностьice of smb.'s manner - чей-л. ледяной тон
5. амер. сл. алмазы, бриллианты; драгоценности6. 1) театр. разг. приплата работнику театра за хорошие билеты2) амер. сл. взятка; отступное; магарыч♢
as chaste as ice - невинный, непорочныйon ice - а) обеспеченный, гарантированный, имеющий все шансы быть успешно реализованным; ≅ «на мази»; б) имеющийся в запасе /резерве/; отложенный до времени; keep it on ice - попридержи это; в) наготове, могущий быть сразу использованным; г) сл. изолированный, лишённый возможности действовать; находящийся в заключении
to be on thin ice - быть в затруднительном, ненадёжном или опасном положении, ходить по краю пропасти; ≅ играть с огнём
straight off the ice - а) свежий, только что полученный ( о продуктах); б) немедленно, незамедлительно
to break the ice - а) положить начало чему-л., приступить к чему-л.; б) нарушить молчание, сделать первый шаг
to cut no ice with smb. - а) не иметь никакого влияния на кого-л.; б) ничего не добиться у кого-л.
2. [aıs] vto put on ice - амер. а) отложить; put it on ice - пока забудьте об этом; б) сл. убить
1. (тж. ice up, ice over)1) замораживать; покрывать льдом, сковывать льдомthe pond was iced over - пруд затянуло /сковало/ льдом
2) замерзать, покрываться льдом; превращаться в лёд, замораживатьсяthe water has iced overnight - за ночь вода замёрзла /покрылась льдом/
2. обледенеть (обыкн. ice up, ice over)3. охлаждать4. леденить5. разг. молчать, держать язык за зубами6. разг. не обращать внимания; игнорировать (кого-л.); холодно обращаться (с кем-л.)7. покрывать глазурью, глазировать8. амер. сл.1) откладывать, замораживать2) убить♢
to ice the decision - амер. предопределять /предрешать/ исход делаto ice the cake - амер. сл. завершить дело
11 lie
I1. [laı] n1) ложьwhite lie - невинная ложь; ≅ ложь во спасение
to tell lies - лгать, говорить неправду
to act a lie - подвести, обмануть (не прийти, не принести и т. п.)
what a pack of lies! - ≅ выдумки с начала до конца!; здесь нет ни слова правды!
to live a lie - ≅ вести двойную жизнь
to give the lie to smb. - уличить кого-л. во лжи
2) обман, ложное верование, ошибочное убеждениеto maintain a lie - утверждать /поддерживать/ что-л. неверное /ошибочное/
to give the lie to smth. - показать ложность чего-л.; опровергнуть что-л.
one lie makes /calls for/ many - посл. одна ложь тянет за собой другую; ≅ раз солгал, навек лгуном сталlies have short legs - посл. у лжи короткие ноги
2. [laı] v (lied; pres. p. lying)1. лгать; солгать; обманыватьyou're lying! - вы лжёте /ты врёшь/!
he lied to his mother - он обманул мать /сказал матери неправду/
2. быть обманчивым3. ( часто into, out of) ложью добиться чего-л.to lie oneself into smth. - проникнуть куда-л. с помощью лжи
to lie oneself out of smth. - выпутаться /выкарабкаться/ из какого-л. положения с помощью лжи; отовраться от чего-л.
to lie in one's throat /teeth/, to lie like a trooper - нагло /бесстыдно/ лгатьto lie like a gas meter - ≅ врать как сивый мерин
IIto lie away smb.'s reputation - оболгать кого-л., лишить кого-л. доброго имени
1. [laı] n1. положение; расположение; направлениеthe lie of the land - а) характер местности; б) положение вещей; в) мор. направление на берег
the lie of matters - положение дел, обстановка
2. логово, берлога; нора2. [laı] v (lay; lain; pres. p. lying)1. 1) лежатьto lie about /around/ - валяться, лежать в беспорядке; быть разбросанным ( о вещах)
2) спец. ложитьсяto lie flat - с.-х. полегать ( о хлебах)
3) расположиться, залечь, укрытьсяto lie for the night - воен. расположиться на ночлег
to lie in ambush - воен. находиться в засаде
to lie in wait for smb. - поджидать /подстерегать/ кого-л.
to lie low - притаиться, скрываться, выжидать
4) покоиться, быть погребённымhere lies... - здесь покоится прах...
2. 1) быть расположеннымIreland lies to the west of England - Ирландия находится /расположена/ к западу от Англии
2) простиратьсяto lie along smth. - простираться вдоль чего-л.
to lie along the shore - мор. идти в виду берега
3. быть, сохраняться или оставаться (в каком-л. положении или состоянии)to lie sick - быть больным; лежать ( в постели)
to lie under an obligation - юр. быть обязанным, иметь обязательство
to lie under an imputation - юр. быть обвинённым (в чём-л.)
the town lay in ruins after the earthquake - город лежал в развалинах после землетрясения
let it lie - оставьте как есть; не трогайте
4. 1) заключаться, быть (в чём-л.)he knows where his interest lies - он знает, как ему выгоднее (поступить)
2) (in) зависетьI will do all that lies in my power - я сделаю всё, что в моих силах
5. арх.1) остановиться ненадолго, пробыть некоторое время, переночевать2) (with) арх. любить кого-л., спать с кем-л.6. юр. быть или признаваться допустимым, законнымno appeal lies against the decision - постановление суда обжалованию не подлежит
the blame lies at your door - это ваша винаto find out how the land lies - выяснить /узнать/, как обстоят дела
to lie low - а) припасть к земле; лежать распростёртым; б) поэт. быть мёртвым; лежать во прахе; в) быть униженным; г) притаиться; выжидать
to lie out of one's money - не получить /не дождаться/ причитающихся денег
to lie on the bed one has made - посл. ≅ что посеешь, то и пожнёшь
12 filter
1) фильтр || фильтровать2) светофильтр•-
absorbent-type filter
absorbent filter
absorbing filter
absorption filter
ac line filter
ac supply filter
acoustic filter
acousto-optical filter
activated carbon filter
active filter
active power filter
adaptive filter
adaptive notch filter
additive color filter
additive filter
adjustable density filter
aerolescer pneumatic filter
aerosol filter
agile filter
air filter
air-conditioning filter
air-intake filter
all-dielectric interference filter
all-pass filter
all-pole filter
all-zero filter
ambient-light filter
analog filter
analog postsampling filter
analog presampling filter
anion-exchange filter
antialiasing filter
antialias filter
aperture filter
ash-free filter
attenuator filter
audio band-pass filter
auto filter
automatic drain filter
bacterial filter
bacteriological filter
bag filter
balanced filter
band split filter
band vacuum filter
band-elimination filter
band-exclusion filter
band-limited filter
band-pass filter
band-rejection filter
band-selective filter
band-stop filter
bandwidth filter
bath filter
beacon filter
beat-interference filter
belt filter
bilithic filter
binary filter
biological filter
blanket filter
blue filter
branching filter
bridge filter
broadband filter
Butters filter
Butterworth filter
bypass filter
bypass hydraulic filter
candle filter
canonical recursive filter
capacitive filter
capacitor filter
cartridge filter
cation-exchange filter
Cauer filter
cavity band-pass filter
cavity filter
cavity-coupled filter
centrifugal air filter
centrifugal filter
centrifugal oil filter
ceramic filter
channel bank filter
channel filter
channel separating filter
channel television filter
Chebyshev filter
chirp filter
choke filter
chroma filter
chrominance notch filter
click filter
clogged filter
cloth filter
clutter suppression filter
clutter filter
C-message filter
coalescing filter
coarse filter
coarse fuel filter
coarse-grained filter
coarse-mesh filter
coaxial direct coupled resonator filter
coaxial filter
color filter
color-balancing filter
color-compensating filter
color-correcting filter
color-encoding filter
color-separation filter
color-stripe filter
color-subcarrier notch filter
color-trimming filter
comb filter
combined fuel filter
compensating filter
compensation filter
contact filter
continuously variable filter
convolution filter
correcting filter
correction filter
cross coupling filter
crystal filter
cyan filter
dark-room filter
dechirping filter
decimation filter
decision-feedback filter
decoupling filter
deemphasis filter
deer-skin filter
dehydrator filter
delay-line filter
depth filter
detarring filter
dewatering filter
dielectric filter
dielectric resonator filter
diesel and fuel-oil filter
digital elliptic filter
digital filter
digital matched filter
digitally controlled filter
discrete filter
discrete-time linear filter
discrimination filter
disk filter
disk vacuum filter
dispersion filter
dispersive filter
disposable element filter
disposable hydraulic filter
distributed-constant filter
distributed-element filter
Doppler filter
downward-flow filter
drainage filter
drum filter
drum vacuum filter
dry electrical filter
dry filter
drying filter
dual hydraulic filter
dual-split filter
duplex filter
dust filter
easy-off filter
edge-type disk filter
effects filter
electric filter
electromechanical filter
electronically tunable filter
elimination filter
elliptic filter
enhancement filter
enlarging filter
envelope filter
equalized filter
equiripple filter
externally mounted filter
extraripple filter
fabric filter
fan filter
feedback filter
feedthrough filter
ferrite-tunable filter
fiberglass filter
fibrous filter
film filter
final filter
fine fuel filter
finite-duration impulse-response filter
finite impulse-response filter
fixed target rejection filter
fixed-frequency filter
fixed filter
float drain filter
fog filter
frequency filter
frequency-selective filter
front-end filter
fuel filter
fuel primary filter
full-flow filter
full-flow powdered ion-exchange filter
Gaussian filter
gauze filter
gelatin filter
generating filter
glass filter
glovebox filter
graded filter
gravel filter
gravel packed filter
gravel-sand filter
gravitation filter
gravity filter
gray filter
grease filter
guard filter
gyrator filter
harmonic filter
H-cation filter
heat filter
heavy oil filter
HEPA filter
high-cut filter
high-frequency filter
high-pass filter
high-pressure filter
high-rate filter
high-temperature filter
holographic filter
hose air-jet filter
hose pressure filter
hose suction filter
hot filter
hum-eliminating filter
hum filter
hydraulic filter
I filter
IIR filter
image-deblurring filter
image-reflection filter
impingement filter
inductive filter
infinite-duration impulse-response filter
infinite impulse-response filter
infrared filter
in-line filter
input filter
insert filter
intake filter
in-tank filter
integral oil filter
integrate-and-dump filter
integrating filter
interdigital filter
interference filter
intermediate-frequency filter
interpolation filter
inverse filter
inverted filter
ion-exchange filter
isolation filter
jet filter
Kalman filter
keying filter
ladder-type filter
ladder filter
lag filter
lattice filter
leapfrog filter
light filter
line filter
linear filter
loop filter
low-cut filter
low-frequency filter
low-pass filter
low-pass sampling filter
low-pass zonal filter
low-pressure filter
low-rate filter
L-type hydraulic filter
lubrication filter
lumped-constant filter
lumped-element filter
magnetic filter
mandrel wrap filter
mantle filter
mash filter
mass filter
matched filter
matching filter
maximal ripple filter
maximally-flat filter
mechanical-wave filter
mechanical filter
membrane filter
meshwire filter
mesh filter
metal disk fuel filter
micronic filter
microstrip filter
microwave filter
millipore filter
mineral filter
minimum-delay filter
minimum-phase filter
mirror filter
mismatched filter
mist filter
mode filter
modular hydraulic filter
modulation filter
monopole mass filter
mosaic filter
multibag filter
multiband filter
multicavity microwave filter
multiple resonator filter
multisection filter
multistage filter
narrow-band filter
neutral-density filter
neutral filter
neutralizing filter
never stop filter
night filter
noise filter
nonclogging filter
nonlinear filter
nonminimum phase filter
nonrecursive filter
North matching filter
notch filter
nutsch filter
octave filter
oil bath filter
oil filter
oil-bath air filter
one-pole filter
on-line installable filter
optical filter
output filter
outside-in filter
pack filter
paper filter
partial flow filter
partial flow hydraulic filter
pass-band filter
passive filter
percolating filter
percolation filter
phase filter
pilot filter
pipeless filter
pi-section filter
plate-type filter
plate filter
plugged filter
polarization filter
polarizing filter
polaroid filter
pole-zero filter
porous metal filter
postdigitizing filter
postemphasis filter
postequalization filter
postsampling filter
powder filter
power-line filter
precoat filter
prediction filter
predictive-error filter
predigitizing filter
preliminary filter
presampling filter
pressure filter
pressure line filter
primary filter
prime filter
programmable filter
proportional filter
psophometric filter
pulse-compression filter
pulse-jet filter
purified-helium dust filter
Q filter
quad filter
quadrature mirror filter
quadrupole mass filter
quartz filter
quick removal filter
rapid filter
reconstruction filter
rectifier filter
recursive filter
rejection filter
repulp filter
resonant filter
return filter
return oil filter
reverse filter
RF filter
ripple filter
roll-off filter
rotary filter
safety filter
sampled-data filter
sand filter
SAW filter
scatter filter
screen filter
screw-in filter
scrubber filter
scrubbing filter
second order damped filter
secondary air filter
secondary filter
security filter
selective filter
self-aligning filter
self-blowing drum filter
self-cleaning filter
self-tuning filter
separation filter
sewage filter
shaping filter
sharp-cutoff filter
shunt filter
sideband filter
signal-separation filter
silica gel filter
sintered filter
sintered glass filter
sintered metal filter
smoke filter
smoothing filter
sniffing filter
softening filter
solid-state filter
spatial filter
spatiotemporal filter
sponge filter
standard-rate filter
star filter
state-variable filter
streamline filter
striped-color filter
striped filter
strip-line filter
submersible filter
subtractive color filter
subtractive filter
suction filter
suppression filter
surface-acoustic-wave filter
swept filter
switched-capacitor filter
synchronous filter
synthetic fiber dust filter
tapped-delay line filter
telltale filter
textile filter
Thomson filter
through filter
throw-away filter
time-varying filter
toe filter
total filter
tracking filter
transmission filter
transparency filter
transversal filter
trickling filter
tricolor filters
trimming filter
T-type hydraulic filter
tubular cloth filter
tunable filter
tuned filter
two-stage hydraulic filter
ultraviolet filter
unmatched filter
vacuum filter
variable band-pass filter
variable density filter
variable filter
velocity filter
ventilation filter
vestigial sideband filter
video filter
viscous filter
voice filter
wadding filter
wash hydraulic filter
water filter
wave filter
waveguide direct coupled resonator filter
waveguide filter
wedge interference filter
weighting filter
weight filter
wet electrical filter
wet filter
whitening filter
wide-band filter
Wiener filter
wire mesh filter
wire screen filter
YIG filter
zero-memory filter
zonal filter -
13 rule
1) правило2) правило ( для штукатурных работ)3) линейка; (масштабная) линейка || линовать4) мн. ч. проектные нормы; инструкция5) полигр. шпон; линейка6) полигр. графить•-
aerodrome rules
air rules
air safety rules
Ampere's rule
chain rule
code rule
contact flight rules
copyfitting rule
corkscrew rule
cosine rule
creasing rule
cutting rule
cutting-practice rules
decision rule
derivation rule
design rules
dotted rule
double-sided slide rule
draughtsman's rule
fare construction rules
Fleming's rule
flight rules
floating rule
folding rule
food inspection rules
geometry design rules
geometry rules
hand rule
hedging rules
instrument flight rules
interchange rules
joint rule
layout rules
left-hand rule
Lenz's rule
leveling rule
log rule
marking rule
mask rules
middle-quarter rule
middle-third rule
minimax rule
navigation slide rule
nib rule
operating rules
pack rules
parallelogram rule
Paschen's rule
perforating rule
pivoting drawing rule
plumb rule
pocket slide rule
precedence rule
precision slide rule
priority rule
production rule
push-pull rule
random rule
retractable pocket rule
rewrite rule
right-hand rule
right-hand screw rule
rule of inference
rule of parallelogram
rule of three
rule of thumb
running rule
scale rule
scaling rules
screwdriver rule
sight rule
Simpson's 1/3 rule
sine rule
slide rule
space rules
substitution rule
summation rule
tangent-trapezoidal rule
tangent rule
thumb rule
trapezium rule
triangular scale rule
visual flight rules -
14 set
1) набор; комплект- semiconductor assembly set - set of Belleville springs - set of conventional set - set of drawing instruments - set of gate patterns - set of gauge blocks - set of logical elements - set of statistical data - set of technical aids- snap set2) партия3) совокупность; множество4) установка; агрегат- desk telephone set - dial telephone set- gear set- local-battery telephone set - man-pack radio set - multi-operator welding set - sound-powered telephone set - wall telephone set5) регулировка; настройка || регулировать; настраивать6) группа; ансамбль7) класс; семейство9) схватывание || схватываться10) затвердевание || затвердевать11) крепление || закреплять12) геол. свита пород13) осадка (грунта) || оседать ( о грунте)14) радиоточка15) спорт сет16) включать, приводить в действие17) мат. множествоset closed under operation — множество, замкнутое относительно операции
- absolutely compact set - absolutely continuous set - absolutely convex set - absolutely irreducible set - absolutely measurable set - affinely independent set - affinely invariant set - algebraically independent set - almost finite set - almost full set - angular cluster set - asymptotically indecomposable set - at most denumerable set - centro-symmetric set - completely bounded set - completely continuous set - completely generating set - completely improper set - completely irreducible set - completely nonatomic set - completely normal set - completely ordered set - completely productive set - completely reducible set - completely separable set - constructively nonrecursive set - convexly independent set - countably infinite setto set aside — не учитывать, не принимать во внимание; откладывать
- cut set- cyclically ordered set - deductively inconsistent set - derived set - doubly well-ordered set - dual set of equations - dynamically disconnected set - effectively enumerable set - effectively generating set - effectively nonrecursive set - effectively simple set - enumeration reducible set - finely perfect set - finitely definite set - finitely measurable set- flat set- full set- fully reducible set - functionally closed set - functionally complete set - functionally open set - fundamental probability set - generalized almost periodic set- goal set- internally stable set- knot set- left directed set - left normal set - left-hand cluster set - linearly ordered set - local peak set - locally arcwise set - locally closed set - locally compact set - locally connected set - locally contractible set - locally convex set - locally finite set - locally invariant set - locally negligible set - locally null set - locally polar set - locally polyhedral set - metrically bounded set - metrically dense set - multiply ordered set - nearly analytic set - nearly closed set - nonvoid set - normally ordered set- null set- open in rays set - partitioned data set- peak set- pole set- positively homothetic set- pure set- radially open set - rationally independent set - recursively creative set - recursively indecomposable set - recursively isomorphic set - recursively productive set - regularly convex set - regularly situated sets - relatively closed set - relatively compact set - relatively dense set - relatively interpretable set - relatively open set - right normal set - right-hand cluster set- scar set- sequentially complete set - serially ordered set - set of elementary events - set of first category - set of first kind - set of first species - set of possible outcomes - set of probability null - set of second category - set of second species - shift invariant set - simply connected set - simply ordered set - simply transitive set- skew set- star set- strongly bounded set - strongly closed set - strongly compact set - strongly connected set - strongly convex set - strongly dependent set - strongly disjoint sets - strongly enumerable set - strongly independent set - strongly minimal set - strongly polar set - strongly reducible set - strongly separated set - strongly simple set - strongly stratified set- tame set- tautologically complete set - tautologically consistent set - tautologically inconsistent set- test set- thin set- tie set- time set- totally disconnected set - totally imperfect set - totally ordered set - totally primitive set - totally unimodular set - totally unordered set - truth-table reducible set - uniformly bounded set - uniformly continuous set - uniformly convergent set - uniformly integrable set - uniformly universal set - unilaterally connected set- unit set- vacuous set- void set- weakly compact set - weakly convex set - weakly n-dimensional set - weakly stratified set - weakly wandering set - well chained set - well founded set - well measurable set - well ordering set - well quasiordered set
См. также в других словарях:
pack — Ⅰ. pack [1] ► NOUN 1) a cardboard or paper container and the items inside it. 2) Brit. a set of playing cards. 3) a collection of related documents. 4) a group of animals that live and hunt together. 5) chiefly derogatory a group or set of… … English terms dictionary
pack — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a a collection of things wrapped up or tied together for carrying. b = BACKPACK. 2 a set of items packaged for use or disposal together. 3 usu. derog. a lot or set (of similar things or persons) (a pack of lies; a pack of thieves) … Useful english dictionary
pack — pack1 noun 1》 a cardboard or paper container and the items contained within it. ↘a quantity of foods packed or canned in a particular season. 2》 a collection of related documents. ↘Brit. a set of playing cards. ↘chiefly derogatory a… … English new terms dictionary
Home Information Pack — Under the provisions of the Housing Act 2004 a Home Information Pack (HIP), sometimes called a Seller s Pack, will have to be provided before a property in England and Wales can be put on the open market for sale with vacant possession. The pack… … Wikipedia
Doris Pack — Doris Pack, née le 18 mars 1942 à Schiffweiler en Sarre, est une femme politique européenne de nationalité allemande. Elle est députée européenne pour la CDU depuis 1989. Elle est spécialiste des Balkans et des questions culturelles et… … Wikipédia en Français
A Drink and a Quick Decision — Infobox Album | Name = A Drink and a Quick Decision Type = Album Artist = Grand National Released = flagicon|US September 11, 2007 flagicon|Japan September 19, 2007 flagicon|UK March 08, 2008 Recorded = The Way Studios Genre = Electronica, Post… … Wikipedia
Rat Pack (The Sopranos episode) — Infobox Television episode | Title = Rat Pack Series = The Sopranos Season = 5 Episode = 54 Guests = see below Writer = Matthew Weiner Director = Alan Taylor Airdate = March 14, 2004 Production = 502 Episode list = Episode chronology Prev = Two… … Wikipedia
packable — Ⅰ. pack [1] ► NOUN 1) a cardboard or paper container and the items inside it. 2) Brit. a set of playing cards. 3) a collection of related documents. 4) a group of animals that live and hunt together. 5) chiefly derogatory a group or set of… … English terms dictionary
packer — Ⅰ. pack [1] ► NOUN 1) a cardboard or paper container and the items inside it. 2) Brit. a set of playing cards. 3) a collection of related documents. 4) a group of animals that live and hunt together. 5) chiefly derogatory a group or set of… … English terms dictionary
I Love Money (season 1) — I Love Money Cast of I Love Money Format Reality Created by Cris Abrego Mark Cronin … Wikipedia
List of Deadliest Catch episodes — This is a list of Deadliest Catch episodes with original airdate on Discovery Channel. Airdates on Discovery Channel Canada generally differ. Contents 1 Pilot 2 Season 1 3 Season 2 4 Season 3 … Wikipedia