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weigh oneself

См. также в других словарях:

  • weigh — I. /weɪ / (say way) verb (t) 1. to ascertain the weight of by means of a balance, scale, or other mechanical device: to weigh gold; to weigh gases; to weigh oneself. 2. to hold up or balance, as in the hand, in order to estimate the weight. 3.… …  

  • weigh — weigh1 weighable, adj. weigher, n. /way/, v.t. 1. to determine or ascertain the force that gravitation exerts upon (a person or thing) by use of a balance, scale, or other mechanical device: to weigh oneself; to weigh potatoes; to weigh gases. 2 …   Universalium

  • weigh out — intransitive verb of a jockey : to have oneself weighed with saddle and weights before the start of a race compare weigh in 1c transitive verb : to take the weight of (a jockey) before the start of a race as a test of qualification compare weigh… …   Useful english dictionary

  • weigh in — intransitive verb 1. a. : to have oneself or one s possessions (as baggage) weighed (as before an airplane flight b. of a boxer or wrestler : to have oneself weighed by a medical examiner on the day of a fight c. of a jockey : to have oneself… …   Useful english dictionary

  • weigh in — intransitive verb Date: 1868 1. to have oneself or one s possessions (as baggage) weighed; especially to have oneself weighed in connection with an athletic contest 2. to bring one s weight or influence to bear especially as a participant,… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • ar-1*, themat. (a)re-, heavy basis arǝ-, rē- and i-basis (a)rī̆ -, rēi- —     ar 1*, themat. (a)re , heavy basis arǝ , rē and i basis (a)rī̆ , rēi     English meaning: to move, pass     Deutsche Übersetzung: “fũgen, passen”     Note: Root ar 1*, themat. (a)re , heavy basis arǝ , rē and i Basis (a)rī̆ , rēi : “to move …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • bear — bear1 /bair/, v., bore or (Archaic) bare; borne or born; bearing. v.t. 1. to hold up; support: to bear the weight of the roof. 2. to hold or remain firm under (a load): The roof will not bear the strain of his weight. 3. to bring forth ( …   Universalium

  • study — studiable, adj. studier, n. /stud ee/, n., pl. studies, v., studied, studying. n. 1. application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or reflection: long hours of study. 2. the cultivation of a particular… …   Universalium

  • List of cognitive biases — A cognitive bias is a pattern of poor judgment, often triggered by a particular situation. Identifying poor judgment, or more precisely, a deviation in judgment, requires a standard for comparison, i.e. good judgment . In scientific… …   Wikipedia

  • study — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. meditation, research, examination, investigation; library, atelier, den; plan;sketch, cartoon; étude. v. investigate, weigh, consider, examine; scrutinize; con; memorize; ponder; hit the books (inf.) …   English dictionary for students

  • study — I verb acquire knowledge, analyze, apply the mind, attend, audit, cerebrate, consider, contemplate, devote oneself to, dissect, do research, educate oneself, examine, excogitate, explore, eye, incumbere, inquire into, inspect, intellectualize,… …   Law dictionary

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