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См. также в других словарях:

  • make the cut — (golf) To qualify for the final round(s) of a tournament • • • Main Entry: ↑cut * * * Golf equal or better a required score, thus avoiding elimination from the last two rounds of a four round tournament …   Useful english dictionary

  • make the cut —    If you make the cut, you reach a required standard or succeed in passing from one round of a competition to another.     After intensive training, Sarah made the cut and joined the team …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • make the cut — idi inf a) to attain a particular goal; make the grade b) to survive an elimination process, as of a sports team: Only two of the proposals made the cut[/ex] …   From formal English to slang

  • make the cut — verb To succeed; to be chosen out of a field of candidates or possibilities. Out of a pool of twenty applicants, only 3 made the cut …   Wiktionary

  • make the grade — verb To prove satisfactory; to be successful or worthy of merit. In 1916 the famed Van Sweringen brothers bought their first railroad the Nickel Plate. . . . This year, as usual, the tarnished Nickel Plate cannot make the grade. In first seven… …   Wiktionary

  • make the team — qualify to join a team (especially a sports team); make the cut, get accepted to a group or club …   English contemporary dictionary

  • make (or miss) the cut Golf — reach (or fail to reach) a required score, thus avoiding (or ensuring) elimination from the last two rounds of a four round tournament. → cut …   English new terms dictionary

  • make the grade — (informal) COME UP TO STANDARD, come up to scratch, qualify, pass, pass muster, measure up; succeed, win through; informal be up to snuff, cut it, cut the mustard. → grade * * * I. phrasal : succeed …   Useful english dictionary

  • make the grade — informal he lacked the experience to make the grade Syn: qualify, be up to scratch, come up to standard, pass, pass muster, measure up; succeed, win through; informal be up to snuff, cut it, cut the mustard …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • Layin' in the Cut — Infobox Album Name = Layin in the Cut Type = album Artist = A Lighter Shade of Brown Released = July 26, 1994 Recorded = 1993 1994 Genre = Hip Hop Length = Label = Mercury Records Producer = Jammin James Carter, DTTX, Robert Gutierrez, Romeo,… …   Wikipedia

  • make the grade — Synonyms and related words: answer, avail, be able, be equal to, be up to, bear, can, can do, clear, clear the hurdle, come along, come on, contrive, cut it, cut the mustard, do, do it, engineer, fill the bill, fulfill, get along, get by, get on …   Moby Thesaurus

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