1 ♦ our
♦ our /ˈaʊə(r), ɑ:(r)/a. poss.1 (il) nostro, (la) nostra; (i) nostri, (le) nostre: We'll keep our promise, manterremo la nostra promessa; We've done our best, abbiamo fatto del nostro meglio; I never said that it was our cat, I just said it could be ours, non ho mai detto che era il nostro gatto, ho solo detto che poteva essere il nostro2 (quando è unito alla forma in - ing, è idiom.; per es.:) Please forgive our answering so late, vogliate scusare se rispondiamo così tardi; Do you mind our parking here?, vi dispiace se parcheggiamo qui?● (relig.) Our Father, Padre Nostro; padrenostro ( la preghiera) □ Our Lady, Nostra Signora; la Madonna □ Our Lord, Nostro Signore □ Our Saviour, il Salvatore; Cristo □ in our midst, in mezzo a noi □ in our opinion, secondo noi; a nostro avviso. -
2 our
our [ˈaʊər]* * *['aʊə(r), ɑː(r)]Note: In French, determiners agree in gender and number with the noun they qualify. So our is translated by notre + masculine or feminine singular noun (notre chien, notre maison) and nos + plural noun (nos enfants)determiner notre/nos -
3 our
our ['aʊə(r)](singular) notre; (plural) nos;∎ our house notre maison;∎ this is OUR house cette maison est à nous;∎ we have a car of our own nous avons une voiture à nous;∎ how's our little boy, then? alors, comment va notre petit garçon?;∎ familiar our Debbie will be sixteen next week notre (petite) Debbie aura seize ans la semaine prochaine;∎ familiar have you seen our Ricky? avez-vous vu Ricky?;∎ she's one of our finest poets c'est un de nos meilleurs poètes►► Our Father (prayer) Notre Père m -
4 our
❢ In French, determiners agree in gender and number with the noun they qualify. So our is translated by notre + masculine or feminine singular noun (notre chien, notre maison) and nos + plural noun (nos enfants).When our is stressed, à nous is added after the noun: our house = notre maison à nous. For our used with parts of the body ⇒ The human body. det notre/nos ; our mother notre mère ; our children nos enfants. -
5 our
наш -
6 our
7 our
['aʊə(r), ɑː(r)]determinante nostro••Note:When translating our, remember that in Italian possessives, like most other adjectives, agree in gender and number with the noun they qualify, not as in English with the possessor they refer to; our is translated by nostro + masculine singular noun ( our neighbour, our dog = il nostro vicino, il nostro cane), nostra + feminine singular noun ( our teacher, our house = la nostra maestra, la nostra casa), nostri + masculine plural noun ( our children, our books = i nostri figli, i nostri libri), and nostre + feminine plural noun (our friends, our shoes = le nostre amiche, le nostre scarpe). - The above examples also show that Italian possessives, unlike English ones, are normally preceded by an article. - When own is used after our to intensify the meaning of the possessive, it is not usually translated in Italian: we live in our own flat = abitiamo nel nostro appartamento. - When our is used before nouns indicating parts of the body (for which), garments, relatives, food and drink etc., Italian has an article instead: we had our hair cut = ci siamo fatti tagliare i capelli; we kept our hat on = abbiamo tenuto il cappello; we have eaten up our soup = abbiamo finito la minestra; we are both in our forties = abbiamo entrambi passato i quaranta* * *(belonging to us: This is our house.) nostro/a/i/e- ours- ourselves* * *['aʊə(r), ɑː(r)]determinante nostro••Note:When translating our, remember that in Italian possessives, like most other adjectives, agree in gender and number with the noun they qualify, not as in English with the possessor they refer to; our is translated by nostro + masculine singular noun ( our neighbour, our dog = il nostro vicino, il nostro cane), nostra + feminine singular noun ( our teacher, our house = la nostra maestra, la nostra casa), nostri + masculine plural noun ( our children, our books = i nostri figli, i nostri libri), and nostre + feminine plural noun (our friends, our shoes = le nostre amiche, le nostre scarpe). - The above examples also show that Italian possessives, unlike English ones, are normally preceded by an article. - When own is used after our to intensify the meaning of the possessive, it is not usually translated in Italian: we live in our own flat = abitiamo nel nostro appartamento. - When our is used before nouns indicating parts of the body (for which), garments, relatives, food and drink etc., Italian has an article instead: we had our hair cut = ci siamo fatti tagliare i capelli; we kept our hat on = abbiamo tenuto il cappello; we have eaten up our soup = abbiamo finito la minestra; we are both in our forties = abbiamo entrambi passato i quaranta -
8 our
------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] our[Swahili Word] wetu[Part of Speech] pronoun[Derived Word] -etu, noun classses 1,2,3,11/14[English Example] our child[Swahili Example] mtoto wetu[Note] See Swahili Noun Class Guide at www.yale.edu/swahili/nounclassguide.html------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] our[Swahili Word] -etu[Part of Speech] pronoun[Note] first person plural possessive pronoun stem------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] our[Swahili Word] yetu[Part of Speech] pronoun[Derived Word] -etu, noun classes 4,6,9[English Example] our country[Swahili Example] nchi yetu[Note] See Swahili Noun Class Guide at www.yale.edu/swahili/nounclassguide.html------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] our[Swahili Word] letu[Part of Speech] pronoun[Derived Word] -etu, noun class 5[English Example] our name[Swahili Example] jina letu[Note] See Swahili Noun Class Guide at www.yale.edu/swahili/nounclassguide.html------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] our[Swahili Word] chetu[Part of Speech] pronoun[Derived Word] -etu, noun class 7[English Example] our bed[Swahili Example] kitanda chetu[Note] See Swahili Noun Class Guide at www.yale.edu/swahili/nounclassguide.html------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] our[Swahili Word] vyetu[Part of Speech] pronoun[Derived Word] -etu, noun class 8[English Example] our things[Swahili Example] vitu vyetu[Note] See Swahili Noun Class Guide at www.yale.edu/swahili/nounclassguide.html------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] our[Swahili Word] zetu[Part of Speech] pronoun[Derived Word] -etu, noun class 10[English Example] our countries[Swahili Example] nchi zetu[Note] See Swahili Noun Class Guide at www.yale.edu/swahili/nounclassguide.html------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] our[Swahili Word] mwetu[Part of Speech] pronoun[Derived Word] -etu, noun class 18[Note] See Swahili Noun Class Guide at www.yale.edu/swahili/nounclassguide.html------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] our[Swahili Word] petu[Part of Speech] pronoun[Derived Word] -etu, noun class 16[Note] See Swahili Noun Class Guide at www.yale.edu/swahili/nounclassguide.html------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] our place[Swahili Word] kwetu[Part of Speech] pronoun[Derived Word] -etu, noun classes 15,17[English Example] welcome to our place[Swahili Example] karibu kwetu[Note] See Swahili Noun Class Guide at www.yale.edu/swahili/nounclassguide.html------------------------------------------------------------ -
9 our
(belonging to us: This is our house.) nuestro; nuestra- ours- ourselves
our adj nuestrotr[aʊəSMALLr/SMALL]1 nuestro,-a\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLOur Father PadrenuestroOur Lady Nuestra Señoraour ['ɑr, 'aʊr] adj: nuestroadj.• nuestro, -a adj.adj.poses.• nuestro adj.poses.aʊr, 'aʊə(r)adjective (sing) nuestro, -tra; (pl) nuestros, -tras[aʊǝ(r)]POSS ADJ (with singular noun) nuestro(-a); (with plural noun) nuestros(-as)* * *[aʊr, 'aʊə(r)]adjective (sing) nuestro, -tra; (pl) nuestros, -tras -
10 OUR
As described in the entry WE, the 3rd person pl. pronouns distinguish plural forms from dual (depending on whether two or more persons are involved) and exclusive forms from inclusive (depending on whether the party addressed is included in “we/our”). Tolkien revised the relevant endings repeatedly. According to one late resolution described in VT49:16, the endings for exclusive “our” are –lma in the plural and –mma as a dual form, hence *aldalma “our tree” (with an “our” of at least three persons, not including the party addressed), but *aldamma “our tree = my and one other person’s tree”. The corresponding inclusive forms are –lwa (plural) and –ngwa (dual). Since the subject ending corresponding to the former is attested as “-lwe, –lve” (VT49:51), –lwa can surely also appear as *-lva, as in *omentielva “our meeting” (attested in the genitive case: omentielvo “of our meeting”, WJ:367). Hence *aldalwa/aldalva “our tree” (an “our” of at least three persons, including the party addressed), dual *aldangwa “our tree = thy and my tree”. – An independent word for plural exclusive "our" appears in VT43:19, 35: menya (also menyë modifying a plural noun). The corresponding plural inclusive form should apparently be *venya (pl. *venyë) for archaic *wenya (pl. wenyai > wenyë). The dual forms would most likely be *mentya (excl.) and *ventya (incl.); compare me, we/ve as the independent pronouns for “we” (with dual forms met, wet/*vet and dative forms *ment, * went/vent, from which the independent possessive pronouns are apparently derived by adding the adjectival ending -ya). – Notice that in an earlier conceptual phase, the forms in –mm- were plural (not as later dual) inclusive, and the forms in –lm- were plural inclusive rather than exclusive. This is why the word translated “of our meeting” appeared as omentielmo in the first edition of LotR, but was changed to omentielvo in the Second Edition. Cf. also Átaremma “our Father” as the first word of Tolkien’s translation of the Lord’s Prayer (VT43:12); this “our” is obviously meant to be plural exclusive rather than dual as it later became (according to Tolkien’s later conventions, “our Father” would be *Átarelma when a group of three or more persons addresses a party not included in “our”, in this case the Father himself). -
11 our
1. poss pron наш, наша, наше, наши; принадлежащий нам; свой2. poss pron артикля3. poss pron полагающийся нам -
12 our
[ʹaʋə] poss pron (употр. тк. атрибутивно; ср. ours)1. 1) наш, наша, наше, наши; принадлежащий нам; свой2) наш, наша, наше, наши (при высказываниях от 1-го лица в газетной статье, научных трудах и т. п.)in our opinion it is a worthless book - по нашему мнению, эта книга не представляет интереса
3) наш, наша и т. п. ( об обобщённых суждениях)we sometimes do not know our own mind - мы иногда сами не знаем, чего хотим
2. в грам. знач. определённого артикля:3. в грам. знач. прил. полагающийся нам♢
Our Father - Отче наш, господь, создатель -
13 our
attributive possessive pronounour Joe — etc. (coll.) unser od. (ugs.) uns Joe usw.; see also academic.ru/34499/her">her II
* * *(belonging to us: This is our house.) unser- ours- ourselves* * *[aʊəʳ, AM aʊɚ]adj poss unser(e)\our Tommy is a good climber unser Tommy kann gut klettern* * *['aUə(r)]poss adjunserthese are our own make — die stellen wir selbst her
Our Father (in prayer) — Vater unser
the Our Father — das Vaterunser or Unservater (Sw)
See:→ also my* * *our [ˈaʊə(r)] poss pr unser, uns(e)re:* * *attributive possessive pronoun* * *adj.unser adj. -
14 our
ჩვენიit escaped our notice ეს ვერ შევამჩნიეთ / გამოგვრჩაSOS (save our souls) რადიოთი ან მორზეს ანბანით გადმოცემული სიგნალი-გვიშველეთ ვიღუპებით●●in our midst ჩვენ შორისour time is limited დრო შეზღუდული გვაქვს // დროით შეზღუდულნი ვართ -
15 our
['auə]притяж. мест.; см. тж. ours1)а) наш, принадлежащий нам, свойб) наш (в значении "мой" в речи монарха или при высказывании от 1-го лица в научной статье)в) наш ( в обобщённых суждениях)Usually we are not happy with what we see in ourselves or in our lives. — Обычно мы не слишком довольны тем, что видим в себе самих или в своей жизни.
2) употребляется вместо определённого артикля с названиями частей тела или предметов личной принадлежностиWe have made up our minds. — Мы приняли решение.
3) полагающийся, причитающийсяWe know our algebra. — Мы знаем алгебру в нужном объёме.
•Gram:[ref dict="LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)"]Possessive pronouns[/ref]••Our Lady — рел. Дева Мария
Our Father — рел. "Отче наш", молитва Господня
Our Lord — рел. Господь наш, Иисус Христос
Our Saviour — рел. Спаситель ( эпитет Христа)
16 our
ˈauə мест.;
притяж. (употр. атрибутивно;
ср. ours) наш (в том числе в значении "мой" в речи монарха или автора статьи) Our Lady ≈ дева Мария Our Father ≈ Отче наш Our Lord ≈ господь наш, наша, наше, наши;
принадлежащий нам;
- this is * house это наш дом;
- furniture of * own make мебель нашего собственного изготовления наш, наша, наше, наши (при высказываниях от 1-го лица в газетной статье, научных трудах) ;
- in * opinion it is a worthless book по нашему мнению, эта книга не представляет интереса наш, наша;
(об обобщенных суждениях) ;
- we sometimes do not know * own mind мы иногда сами не знаем, чего хотим в грам. знач. определенного артикля: - we raised * hands мы подняли руки;
- we bumped * heads мы набили себе шишки (на лбу) ;
- as soon as we've made * minds up как только мы приняли решение в грам. знач. прил.: полагающийся нам - we know * grammar грамматику мы знаем > Our Father Отче наш, господь, создатель;
> Our Lady дева Мария > Our Saviour Спаситель our prop poss. (употр. атрибутивно;
ср. ours) наш -
17 our
pron poss attr наш
he is in OUR midst той e сред нас
for all OUR sakes заради всички нас* * *{auъ} pron poss attr наш; he is in our midst той e сред нас; for al* * *свой; наш;* * *1. for all our sakes заради всички нас 2. he is in our midst той e сред нас 3. pron poss attr наш* * *our[auə] pron poss, attr наш; of \our own наш, собствен. -
18 our
pron poss. (вжив. атрибутивно)наш, наша, наше, наші; що належить нам; свійin our midst — в нашому середовищі, серед нас
Our Father — Отче наш, Господь
* * *posspron (викор. тк. атрибутивно; ours)1) наш, наша, наше, наші; належний нам; свій; наш, наша, наше, наші (при висловленнях від 1-ї особи в газетній статті, наукових працях); наш, наша ( про узагальнені судження)3) пpикм. як належить нам, як годиться намOur Father — Господь, Творець
19 our
20 our
См. также в других словарях:
Our — Ardennen Flusslandschaft in LuxemburgVorlage:Infobox Fluss/KARTE fehlt Daten … Deutsch Wikipedia
our — ‘Our’ is used in some English dialects to mean ‘belonging to our family’. Cider with Rosie, by Laurie Lee, has examples of ‘our’ + first name: our Mother, our lad. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, by Alan Sillitoe, has ‘our’ + first name… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
Our — (our), possessive pron. [AS. [=u]re our, of us; akin to [=u]s us, to us, and to G. unser our, of us, Goth. unsara. [root]186. See {Us}.] Of or pertaining to us; belonging to us; as, our country; our rights; our troops; our endeavors. See {I}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
our — [ aur ] determiner *** Our is a possessive determiner (followed by a noun), being a possessive form of we. belonging to or connected with you and the group you are a part of, when you are the person speaking or writing: Most of our friends live… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
our — W1S1 [auə US aur] determiner [possessive form of we ] [: Old English; Origin: ure] 1.) belonging to or connected with us ▪ a picture of our grandchildren ▪ You can stay at our house. ▪ We must preserve our natural environment. ▪ We must each take … Dictionary of contemporary English
Our — puede referirse a: Our, comuna francesa situada en la región de Franco Condado, departamento de Jura. Our, río en Bélgica, Luxemburgo y Alemania, afluente del Sûre. Our, villa de la comuna de Paliseul, en Bélgica. Our, nombre en lengua acadia de… … Wikipedia Español
our — our, ours 1. A difficulty arises when our is used in conjunction with another qualifying word as in The Italian and our troops or Our and the Italian troops. Here a better alternative is The Italian troops and ours, but not ☒ Ours and the Italian … Modern English usage
-our — oursuff. [OF. our.] See { or}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Our — may refer to: Our (river), in Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany Our, Jura, a commune in France See also Ours (disambiguation) This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an … Wikipedia
our — O.E. ure of us, genitive plural of the first person pronoun, from P.Gmc. *ons (Cf. O.S. usa, O.Fris. use, O.H.G. unsar, Ger. unser, Goth. unsar our ). Ours, formed c.1300, is a double possessive, originating in northern England, and has taken… … Etymology dictionary
our — [our] possessive pronominal adj. [ME ure < OE ure, earlier user, gen. of us (see US), akin to Ger unser] of, belonging to, made by, or done by us … English World dictionary