1 familiar
familiar -
2 familiar
familiar -
3 ♦ familiar
♦ familiar /fəˈmɪlɪə(r)/A a.1 familiare; noto; conosciuto: There was something familiar about that place, quel posto aveva qualcosa di familiare; a familiar voice, una voce nota; familiar sight, vista (o spettacolo) familiare3 – familiar with, che conosce (qc. o q.); che ha familiarità (o dimestichezza) con; pratico di; in confidenza con: to be familiar with the rules, conoscere il regolamento; Are you familiar with this machine?, sai come funziona questa macchina?; conosci questa macchina?; to make (oneself) familiar with st., acquistare familiarità (o dimestichezza) con qc.; to grow familiar with, prendere confidenza con4 intimo; in confidenza; confidenziale: to be on familiar terms with, essere intimo di; essere in rapporto di confidenza con; to get too familiar with, prendersi troppa familiarità con5 informale; familiare; alla buonaB n.3 (antiq.) (amico) intimo● (fig.) to be on familiar ground, trovarsi a proprio agio (o nel proprio elemento)FALSI AMICI: familiar non significa familiare nel senso di relativo alla famiglia. -
4 familiar
familiar [fə'mɪljə(r)](a) (well-known) familier;∎ a familiar face un visage familier ou connu;∎ his name is familiar j'ai déjà entendu son nom (quelque part), son nom me dit quelque chose;∎ she's a familiar sight about town tout le monde la connaît de vue en ville;∎ there's something familiar about the place il me semble connaître cet endroit;∎ a familiar feeling un sentiment bien connu;∎ an all too familiar story of drug addiction and homelessness (c'est) toujours ce même problème de drogue et de sans-abris;∎ figurative we're on familiar territory nous voilà en terrain de connaissance∎ to be familiar with sth bien connaître qch;∎ she's familiar with the situation elle est au courant ou au fait de la situation;∎ to become familiar with sth se familiariser avec qch(c) (informal) familier, intime;∎ to be on familiar terms with sb entretenir des rapports amicaux avec qn;∎ familiar language/tone langage m/ton m familier∎ don't let him get too familiar (with you) ne le laissez pas devenir trop entreprenant2 noun(b) (in witchcraft → spirit) démon m familier -
5 familiar
familiar [fəˈmɪljər]a. ( = well-known) familier ; [complaint] habituel• these problems are all too familiar ces problèmes sont, hélas, bien connusb. ( = conversant) to be familiar with sth bien connaître qchc. ( = intimate) to be on familiar terms with sb bien connaître qn* * *[fə'mɪlɪə(r)] 1.noun ( animal spirit) démon m familier2.that name has a familiar ring to it —
to be familiar with somebody/something — bien connaître quelqu'un/quelque chose
6 familiar
A n1 ( animal spirit) démon m familier ;2 ( friend) intime mf.B adj1 ( well-known) [landmark, phrase, sight, shape, sound] familier/-ière (to à) ; [face, figure, name, story, voice] bien connu (to de) ; her face looked familiar to me il me semblait que je l'avais déjà vue quelque part ; that name has a familiar ring to it, that name sounds familiar ce nom me dit quelque chose ; I thought her voice sounded familiar il me semblait que j'avais déjà entendu sa voix quelque part, il me semblait reconnaître sa voix ; to be on familiar ground fig être en terrain connu ;2 ( customary) [argument, complaint, excuse, feeling] habituel/-elle ;3 ( acquainted) to be familiar with sb/sth bien connaître qn/qch ; to make oneself familiar with sth se familiariser avec qch ;4 ( intimate) [language, manner, tone] familier/-ière ; to be on familiar terms with sb être assez intime avec qn ; to be too familiar with sb se montrer trop familier/-ière avec qn. -
7 familiar
familiar [fəˊmɪlɪə]1. a1) хорошо́ знако́мый, привы́чный; обы́чный;a familiar sight привы́чная карти́на
2) хорошо́ зна́ющий, осведомлённый;to be familiar with smth. знать что-л.; быть в ку́рсе чего́-л.
3) бли́зкий, инти́мный4) фамилья́рный; бесцеремо́нный2. n бли́зкий друг -
8 familiar
9 familiär
familiär [fami'lĭɛːɐ] adj samimi, senlibenli, teklifsiz;familiäre Gründe ailevî sebepler -
10 familiar
• familiar• member of the family• relative• well-kept• well-known and excellent -
11 familiar
familiar, homelike -
12 familiar
familiar, popular -
13 familiar
14 familiär
familiär инти́мный; непринуждё́нный; фамилья́рный, бесцеремо́нный, развя́зный -
15 familiär
16 familiär
familiär♦voorbeelden: -
17 familiar
familiar aerodromeоблетанный аэродром -
18 familiär
- {familiar} thuộc gia đình, thân thuộc, thân, quen thuộc, quen, thông thường, không khách khí, sỗ sàng, suồng sã, lả lơi, là tình nhân của, ăn mằm với - {free} tự do, không mất tiền, không phải trả tiền, được miễn, không bị, khỏi phải, thoát được, rảnh, không có người ở, không có người giữ chỗ, lỏng, không bọ ràng buộc, xấc láo, tục, thanh thoát - uyển chuyển, mềm mại, dễ dàng, rộng rãi, hào phóng, phong phú, nhiều, thông, thông suốt, tự nguyện, tự ý, được đặc quyền, được quyền sử dụng và ra vào, xiên gió - {marital} chồng, hôn nhân -
19 familiar
adj.1 family.reunión familiar family gathering2 friendly (en el trato) (agradable).3 informal, colloquial (lenguaje, estilo).4 familiar (conocido).su cara me es o me resulta familiar her face looks familiar5 family-sized (tamaño).un envase familiar a family pack6 family-owned.7 familial.f. & m.relative, relation.* * *► adjetivo1 (de la familia) family, of the family2 (conocido) familiar, well-known3 (tamaño) family4 LINGÚÍSTICA colloquial1 relation, relative* * *adj.1) familiar2) informal* * *1. ADJ1) (=de la familia) family antes de spensión Sol, ambiente familiar — pensión Sol, friendly atmosphere
coche familiar — estate car, station wagon (EEUU)
envase familiar — family-sized o family pack
2) (=conocido) familiar3) [lenguaje, término] colloquial2.SMF (=pariente) relative, relation* * *I1)a) <vida/vínculo> family (before n); <envase/coche> family (before n)b) <trato/tono> familiar, informal; <lenguaje/expresión> colloquial2) ( conocido) familiarIImasculino y femenino relative, relation* * *I1)a) <vida/vínculo> family (before n); <envase/coche> family (before n)b) <trato/tono> familiar, informal; <lenguaje/expresión> colloquial2) ( conocido) familiarIImasculino y femenino relative, relation* * *familiar1= relative, next of kin, kin, kinsman [kinsmen, -pl.], family member.Ex: Here, families from many different communities were up-rooted and resettled on greenfield sites, many miles away from relatives and friends.
Ex: Interviews were with a surviving next of kin or a nonrelative about three months after the event of death.Ex: Marriage is prohibited with all direct kin.Ex: The article 'Two noble kinsmen: libraries and museums' explains how libraries and museums reflect a common ancestry yet they have evolved separately.Ex: Patients who attended with a spouse/partner/carer/ family member indicated it was helpful to them and the accompanying person.* afligido por la muerte de un familiar cercano = bereaved.* familiar a cargo = dependent.* familiares = kinfolk [kinsfolk].* familiar femenino = kinswoman [kinswomen, -pl.].* familiar que cuida de los mayores = kinkeeper.* muerte de un familiar = bereavement, death in the family.familiar22 = familiar, conversational, familial, old friend, family-oriented, colloquial, homey [homier -comp., homiest -sup.].Ex: For anyone involved with online searching, the equipment needed for electronic mail will be familiar: in addition to the microcomputer itself (which is the terminal), an acoustic coupler or modem will be needed.
Ex: The old expressions 'spin a yarn', 'weave a tale' suggest the anecdotal, conversational quality that must be striven for by the storyteller.Ex: These librarians are thoroughly sensitised to the social, familial, ethnic, economic and political characteristics of the people in their neighbourhoods.Ex: The Web's full embrace of constant change means that even old friend sites may be unrecognisable after technology facelifts.Ex: Middleborns tend to be less family-oriented than firstborns or lastborns.Ex: Assembler is the colloquial term for assembly language which lies between the low-level machine code and high-level languages.Ex: However, his attempt to make cultural and social history more accessible to a wider audience by adopting a homey, jokey style often seems counterproductive.* asunto familiar = family affair.* ayuda familiar = family income supplement, family worker.* centro de planificación familiar = family planning clinic.* coche familiar = family car.* conflicto familiar = family conflict.* desintegración familiar = family breakdown.* dicho familiar = familiar saying.* genealogía familiar = family genealogy.* historia familiar = family history.* lazo familiar = family bond.* lazos familiares = family ties.* lenguaje familiar = colloquial language, familiar language.* negocio familiar = family-run business.* nido familiar = family nest.* permiso por razones familiares = family leave.* planificación familiar = family planning.* reliquia familiar = heirloom.* responsabilidades familiares = family responsibilities.* restaurante familiar = family restaurant.* reunión familiar = family gathering.* ser familiar = strike + familiar chords.* servicio auxiliar de apoyo familiar = respite care.* tiempo familiar = quality time.* tradición familiar = family tradition.* VHS (Sistema de Vídeo Familiar) = VHS (Video Home System).* vida familiar = family life.* violencia familiar = domestic violence.* * *A1 ‹vida/vínculo› family ( before n); ‹coche› family ( before n); ‹envase› family ( before n), economy-sizeuna botella (de) tamaño familiar an economy-size bottleun restaurante de ambiente familiar a family restaurant2 ‹trato/tono› familiar, informal; ‹lenguaje/expresión› colloquialB (conocido) familiarsu cara me resulta familiar her face is familiar, she looks familiarsu voz me resulta familiar her voice sounds o is familiarel idioma aún no me es familiar I'm still not familiar with the languagerelative, relationsus hermanos y demás familiares her brothers and other relatives o relationsse fue a vivir con un familiar he went to live with a relative( Esp)* * *
familiar adjetivo
‹envase/coche› family ( before n)
‹lenguaje/expresión› colloquial
■ sustantivo masculino y femenino
relative, relation
I adjetivo
1 (de la familia) family
planificación familiar, family planning
2 (conocido) familiar
3 (tamaño) envase familiar, economy size
II mf relation, relative: vamos a ver a unos familiares, we're going to visit some relatives
' familiar' also found in these entries:
- abasto
- abrirse
- abuela
- abuelo
- abusar
- acabarse
- adiós
- advertir
- agarrada
- agarrado
- agobiarse
- ajo
- ala
- algo
- almohada
- almuerzo
- amargarse
- ambiente
- ancha
- ancho
- anillo
- apuntarse
- aquello
- arder
- armarse
- arrastre
- arreglo
- arriba
- arrimar
- arte
- aspen
- atacar
- aterrizar
- aúpa
- bailar
- barriga
- bautizar
- baza
- beber
- belén
- bellota
- bicha
- billete
- blanca
- bobalicón
- bobalicona
- boca
- bofetada
- bomba
- age
- aggravate
- aggravating
- almighty
- bag
- ball
- banana
- banger
- barrel
- bash
- bash out
- bat
- bean
- beat
- beating
- beauty
- bellyache
- belt up
- bend
- bent
- bicycle lane
- big
- bird
- birth control
- bleed
- blowout
- blue
- blues
- body
- bolt
- bomb
- book
- bookie
- boom box
- boot
- bootlicker
- booze
- botch
- bother
- bottom
- brain
- bread
- breeze
- brew
- buck
- bucket
- bugger
- bum
- bunk
* * *♦ adj1. [de familia] family;reunión familiar family gathering2. [en el trato] [agradable] friendly;[en demasía] overly familiar3. [lenguaje, estilo] informal, colloquial;una expresión familiar an informal o colloquial expression4. [conocido] familiar;su voz me es familiar I recognize her voice, her voice sounds familiar5. [tamaño] family-sized;un envase familiar a family pack;un vehículo familiar a family car♦ nmfrelative, relation* * *I adj1 family atr ;envase familiar family-size pack2 ( conocido) familiar;resulta familiar his face is familiar3 LING colloquialII m/f relation, relative* * *familiar adj1) conocido: familiar2) : familial, family3) informal: informalfamiliar nmfpariente: relation, relative* * *familiar1 adj1. (de la familia) family2. (conocido) familiar3. (informal) informal4. (lenguaje) colloquialfamiliar2 n relative / relation -
20 familiar
fə'miljə1) (well-known: The house was familiar to him; She looks very familiar (to me).) conocido, familiar2) ((with with) knowing about: Are you familiar with the plays of Shakespeare?) familiarizado con3) (too friendly: You are much too familiar with my wife!) íntimo•- familiarity
- familiarize
- familiarise
- familiarization
- familiarisation
familiar adj familiar / conocido
familiar adjetivo ‹envase/coche› family ( before n) ‹lenguaje/expresión› colloquial ■ sustantivo masculino y femenino relative, relation
I adjetivo
1 (de la familia) family
planificación familiar, family planning
2 (conocido) familiar
3 (tamaño) envase familiar, economy size
II mf relation, relative: vamos a ver a unos familiares, we're going to visit some relatives ' familiar' also found in these entries: Spanish: A - abasto - abrirse - abuela - abuelo - abusar - acabarse - adiós - advertir - agarrada - agarrado - agobiarse - ajo - ala - algo - almohada - almuerzo - amargarse - ambiente - ancha - ancho - anillo - apuntarse - aquello - arder - armarse - arrastre - arreglo - arriba - arrimar - arte - aspen - atacar - aterrizar - aúpa - bailar - barriga - bautizar - baza - beber - belén - bellota - bicha - billete - blanca - bobalicón - bobalicona - boca - bofetada - bomba English: about - age - aggravate - aggravating - almighty - bag - ball - banana - banger - barrel - bash - bash out - bat - bean - beat - beating - beauty - bellyache - belt up - bend - bent - bicycle lane - big - bird - birth control - bleed - blowout - blue - blues - body - bolt - bomb - book - bookie - boom box - boot - bootlicker - booze - botch - bother - bottom - brain - bread - breeze - brew - buck - bucket - bugger - bum - bunktr[fə'mɪlɪəSMALLr/SMALL]1 (well-known) familiar, conocido,-a (to, a)3 (intimate) íntimo,-a; (too informal) fresco,-a\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be on familiar terms with somebody tener confianza con alguiento become familiar with something familiarizarse con algoto get too familiar with somebody tomarse demasiadas libertades con alguienfamiliar [fə'mɪljər] adj1) known: familiar, conocidoto be familiar with: estar familiarizado con2) informal: familiar, informal3) intimate: íntimo, de confianza4) forward: confianzudo, atrevido♦ familiarly advfamiliar n: espíritu m guardiánadj.• conocido, -a adj.• familiar adj.• íntimo, -a adj.n.• conocido s.m.• familiar s.m.
I fə'mɪljər, fə'mɪlɪə(r)1) ( well-known) <sound/face> familiar, conocido; < excuse> consabidothese violent scenes are becoming all too familiar — nos estamos acostumbrando demasiado a estas escenas violentas
2) ( having knowledge of) (pred)to be familiar WITH something/somebody — estar* familiarizado con algo/alguien
3)a) ( informal)b) ( too informal) que se toma demasiadas confianzas or libertades, confianzudo (esp AmL)
[fǝ'mɪlɪǝ(r)]ADJ1) (=well-known) [face, person, place] conocido, familiarto be on familiar ground — (fig) estar en su elemento, dominar la materia
2) (=common) [experience, complaint, event] corriente, común3) (=well-acquainted)to be familiar with — estar familiarizado con, conocer
to make o.s. familiar with — familiarizarse con
4) (=intimate) [tone of voice etc] íntimo, de confianza; [language etc] familiar; pej (=over-intimate) fresco, que se toma demasiadas confianzas* * *
I [fə'mɪljər, fə'mɪlɪə(r)]1) ( well-known) <sound/face> familiar, conocido; < excuse> consabidothese violent scenes are becoming all too familiar — nos estamos acostumbrando demasiado a estas escenas violentas
2) ( having knowledge of) (pred)to be familiar WITH something/somebody — estar* familiarizado con algo/alguien
3)a) ( informal)b) ( too informal) que se toma demasiadas confianzas or libertades, confianzudo (esp AmL)
См. также в других словарях:
familiär — familiär … Deutsch Wörterbuch
familiar — adjetivo 1. De la familia: una reunión familiar. El ambiente familiar me relaja mucho. planificación* familiar. vida familiar. 2. Que es muy conocido: Su cara me resulta muy familiar. Su voz le era muy familiar. Aquel sonido familiar me… … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
familiar — 1 Familiar, intimate, close, confidential, chummy, thick are comparable when meaning near to one another because of constant or frequent association, shared interests and activities, or common sympathies, or, when applied to words or acts,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Familiar — Fa*mil iar, a. [OE. familer, familier, F. familier, fr. L. familiaris, fr. familia family. See {Family}.] 1. Of or pertaining to a family; domestic. Familiar feuds. Byron. Syn: familial. [1913 Webster] 2. Closely acquainted or intimate, as a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Familiar — Семейство ОС Linux Последняя версия v0.8.4 20 августа 2006 Интерфейс OPIE или GPE Состояние Активное Веб сайт … Википедия
familiar — FAMILIÁR, Ă, familiari, e, adj. 1. (Despre exprimare, limbaj, stil) Care este folosit în (sau apropiat de) vorbirea obişnuită; simplu, fără pretenţii. ♦ (Despre atitudini, comportări etc.; p. ext. despre oameni) Simplu, prietenos, apropiat; p.… … Dicționar Român
familiar — [fə mil′yər] adj. [ME familier < OFr < L familiaris, of a household, domestic < familia, FAMILY] 1. Archaic having to do with a family 2. friendly, informal, or intimate [to be on familiar terms] 3. too friendly; unduly intimate or bold; … English World dictionary
familiar — [adj1] common, well known accustomed, commonplace, conventional, customary, domestic, everyday, frequent, garden variety*, habitual, homespun, household, humble, informal, intimate, known, matter of fact, mundane, native, natural, old hat*,… … New thesaurus
familiar — ► ADJECTIVE 1) well known through long or close association. 2) frequently encountered; common. 3) (familiar with) having a good knowledge of. 4) in close friendship. 5) inappropriately intimate or informal. ► NOUN … English terms dictionary
Familiār — (Familiarist, lat.), Vertrauter, Hausfreund; auch Diener, namentlich in Klöstern und bei der Inquisition; familiär, vertraut, in der Weise eines zur Familie Gehörigen; Familiarität, familiäres Benehmen; sich familiarisieren, sich mit einer Person … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
familiar — I (customary) adjective accepted, accustomed, acknowledged, cliched, common, commonplace, consuetudinary, conventional, current, established, everyday, familiaris, frequent, general, generally seen, habitual, hackneyed, homely, household, humble … Law dictionary