1 adjective
adjective [ˊædʒɪktɪv]1. n грам. имя прилага́тельное2. a1) грам. име́ющий сво́йства прилага́тельного; относя́щийся к прилага́тельному2) несамостоя́тельный, зави́симый;adjective colours дополни́тельные цвета́
2 adjectivé
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adjectiveadjektivní (adj.)přívlastková (adj.) -
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1. сущ.;
грам. имя прилагательное to postpone an adjective ≈ поставить/перенести прилагательное в конец предложения qualitative adjective adjective in the superlative verbal adjective
2. прил.
1) грам. относящийся к прилагательному;
со свойствами прилагательного
2) зависимый, зависящий, несамостоятельный, подневольный Syn: dependent(грамматика) прилагательное (грамматика) относящийся к прилагательному;
имеющий свойства и функции прилагательного зависимый, подчиненный (юридическое) процессуальныйadjective грам. имеющий свойства прилагательного;
относящийся к прилагательному ~ грам. имя прилагательное ~ несамостоятельный, зависимый;
adjective colours дополнительные цвета~ несамостоятельный, зависимый;
adjective colours дополнительные цветаБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > adjective
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[ˈædʒɪktɪv]adjective грам. имеющий свойства прилагательного; относящийся к прилагательному adjective грам. имя прилагательное adjective несамостоятельный, зависимый; adjective colours дополнительные цвета adjective несамостоятельный, зависимый; adjective colours дополнительные цвета -
11 adjective
------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] adjective[English Plural] adjectives[Swahili Word] kivumishi[Swahili Plural] vivumishi[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 7/8[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] -vumisha[Terminology] grammar------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] adjective[English Plural] adjectives[Swahili Word] sifa[Swahili Plural] sifa[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10[Derived Word] -sifu[Terminology] grammar------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] adjective[English Plural] adjectives[Swahili Word] sifu[Swahili Plural] sifu[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10[Derived Word] -sifu[Terminology] grammar------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] attributive adjective[English Plural] attributive adjective[Swahili Word] kivumishi angama[Swahili Plural] vivumishi angama[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 7/8[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] -vumisha[Related Words] angama[Terminology] grammar------------------------------------------------------------ -
12 adjective
['æʤɪktɪv] 1. сущ.; лингв.- adjective in the superlativeto postpone an adjective — поставить, перенести прилагательное в конец предложения
- verbal adjectiveGram:[ref dict="LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)"]Adjective[/ref][ref dict="LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)"]Order of adjectives before nouns[/ref]2. прил.1) лингв. относящийся к прилагательному; со свойствами прилагательного2) зависимый, зависящий, несамостоятельный; подневольныйSyn: -
13 adjective
'æ‹iktiv(a word which describes a noun: a red flower; air which is cool.) adjetivoadjective n adjetivotr['æʤɪktɪv]1 adjetivoadjective ['æʤɪktɪv] n: adjetivo m♦ adjectival [.æʤɪk'taɪvəl] adjadj.• adjetivo, -a adj.n.• adjetivo s.m.'ædʒɪktɪvnoun adjetivo m['ædʒektɪv]N adjetivo m* * *['ædʒɪktɪv]noun adjetivo m -
14 adjective
noun(Ling.) Adjektiv, das; Eigenschaftswort, das* * *['æ‹iktiv]- academic.ru/720/adjectival">adjectival* * *ad·jec·tive[ˈæʤɪktɪv]n Adjektiv nt, Eigenschaftswort nt* * *['dZIktɪv]nAdjektiv nt, Eigenschaftswort nt* * *adjective [ˈædʒıktıv]A s Adjektiv n, Eigenschaftswort nB adj (adv adjectively)1. adjektivisch:2. abhängigadj. abk1. adjacent3. adjourned4. adjunct6. adjutant* * *noun(Ling.) Adjektiv, das; Eigenschaftswort, das* * *n.Adjektiv -e n.Beiwort n.Eigenschaftswort n. -
15 adjective
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1. n грам. прилагательное2. a грам. относящийся к прилагательному; имеющий свойства и функции прилагательного3. a зависимый, подчинённый4. a юр. процессуальный -
17 adjective
/'ædʤiktiv/ * tính từ - phụ vào, thêm vào; lệ thuộc, không đứng một mình =adjective colours+ màu không giữ được nếu không pha chất cắn màu =adjective law (law adjective)+ đạo luật phụ - (ngôn ngữ học) có tính chất tính từ; (thuộc) tính từ * danh từ - (ngôn ngữ học) tính từ -
18 adjective
'æ‹iktiv(a word which describes a noun: a red flower; air which is cool.) adjektivadjektivsubst. \/ˈædʒɪktɪv\/adjektivadjective law ( jus) prosessrettpossessive (indefinite) adjective possessivt ubestemt pronomen -
19 adjective
['æ‹iktiv](a word which describes a noun: a red flower; air which is cool.) pridevnik* * *[aedžektiv]1.noungrammarpridevnik;2.adjectivedodaten; grammar pridevniški -
20 adjective
придавка* * *n. придав; a descriptive adjective описен придав; to compare an adjective споредување на придавки; придавкаn. (грам.) придавкаadj. придавски; несамостоен, зависен
См. также в других словарях:
adjective — 1. general. The term adjective was itself an adjective for a hundred years before it became used as a noun for one of the parts of speech. Joseph Priestley, in The Rudiments of English Grammar (1761), was perhaps the first English grammarian to… … Modern English usage
Adjective — Ad jec*tive, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Adjectived}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Adjectiving}.] To make an adjective of; to form or change into an adjective. [R.] [1913 Webster] Language has as much occasion to adjective the distinct signification of the verb,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Adjective — Ad jec*tive ([a^]d j[e^]k*t[i^]v), a. [See {Adjective}, n.] [1913 Webster] 1. Added to a substantive as an attribute; of the nature of an adjunct; as, an adjective word or sentence. [1913 Webster] 2. Not standing by itself; dependent. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
adjective — late 14c., as an adjective, adjectival, in noun adjective, from O.Fr. adjectif (14c.), from L. adjectivum that is added to (the noun), neut. of adjectivus added, from pp. of adicere to throw or place (a thing) near, from ad to (see AD (Cf. ad ))… … Etymology dictionary
adjective — [aj′ik tiv] n. [ME & OFr adjectif < L adjectivus, that is added < adjectus, pp. of adjicere, to add to < ad , to + jacere, to throw: see JET1] any of a class of words used to modify a noun or other substantive, as by describing qualities … English World dictionary
Adjective — Ad jec*tive, n. [L. adjectivum (sc. nomen), neut. of adjectivus that is added, fr. adjicere: cf. F. adjectif. See {Adject}.] 1. (Gram.) A word used with a noun, or substantive, to express a quality of the thing named, or something attributed to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
adjective — ► NOUN Grammar ▪ a word used to describe or modify a noun, such as sweet, red, or technical. DERIVATIVES adjectival adjective. ORIGIN Old French adjectif, from Latin adicere add … English terms dictionary
adjective — index procedural Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
adjective — [n] word that modifies a noun accessory, additional, adjunct, adnoun, attribute, attributive, dependent, descriptive, identifier, modifier, qualifier; concept 275 … New thesaurus
Adjective — Examples That s an interesting idea. (attributive) That idea is interesting. (predicative) Tell me something interesting. (postpositive) The good, the bad, and the ugly. (substantive) In grammar, an adjective is a describing word; the main… … Wikipedia
adjective — /ˈædʒəktɪv / (say ajuhktiv) noun 1. Grammar a. one of the major word classes in many languages, comprising words that typically modify a noun. b. such a word, as wise in a wise ruler, or in she is wise. –adjective 2. Grammar relating to an… …