1 over
over -
2 over
• over -
4 over
over [ˈəʊvər]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. adverb2. adjective3. preposition4. noun5. modifier━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. adverb► to have sb over ( = invite) inviter qn chez soib. ( = there) làc. ( = above) dessusd. (with adverb/preposition)━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► When followed by an adverb or a preposition, over is not usually translated.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━e. ( = more) plusf. ( = in succession) he did it five times over il l'a fait cinq fois de suite• William played the same tune over and over again William a joué le même air je ne sais combien de fois• I got bored doing the same thing over and over again je m'ennuyais à refaire toujours la même choseg. ( = remaining) there are three over il en reste troish. (on two-way radio) over! à vous !• over and out! terminé !2. adjective( = finished) after the war was over après la guerre3. preposition━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► When over occurs in a set combination, eg over the moon, an advantage over, look up the noun. When over is used with a verb such as jump, trip, step, look up the verb.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━a. ( = on top of) surb. ( = above) au-dessus dec. ( = across) de l'autre côté ded. ( = during) over the summer pendant l'étéf. ( = more than) plus de• spending has gone up by 7% over and above inflation les dépenses ont augmenté de 7 %, hors inflation• over and above the fact that... sans compter que...h. ( = while having) they chatted over a cup of coffee ils ont bavardé autour d'une tasse de caféi. ( = recovered from)► to be over sth [+ illness, bad experience] s'être remis de qch4. noun5. modifier* * *Note: over is used after many verbs in English ( change over, fall over, lean over etc). For translations, consult the appropriate verb entry (change, fall, lean etc)over is often used with another preposition in English (to, in, on) without altering the meaning. In this case over is usually not translated in French: to be over in France = être en France; to swim over to somebody = nager vers quelqu'unover is often used with nouns in English when talking about superiority ( control over etc) or when giving the cause of something ( concern over, worries over etc). For translations, consult the appropriate noun entry (control, concern, worry etc)over is often used as a prefix in verb combinations ( overeat), adjective combinations ( overconfident) and noun combinations ( overcoat). These combinations are treated as headwords in the dictionary['əʊvə(r)] 1.1) ( across the top of) par-dessusover here/there — par ici/là
3) ( above) au-dessus de4) (covering, surrounding) gen sur5) ( physically higher than)6) ( more than) plus detemperatures over 40° — des températures supérieures à 40°
7) ( in the course of)8) ( recovered from)to be over — s'être remis de [illness, operation]
9) ( by means of)10) ( everywhere)2.over and above prepositional phrase3.adjective, adverb2) ( finished)to be over — [term, meeting] être terminé; [war] être fini
3) ( more)4) ( remaining)5) (to one's house, country)to invite ou ask somebody over — inviter quelqu'un
6) Radio, Television7) ( showing repetition)I had to do it over — US j'ai dû recommencer
I've told you over and over (again)... — je t'ai dit je ne sais combien de fois...
8) GB ( excessively) -
5 over
over ['əʊvə(r)]au-dessus de ⇒ 1A (a) sur ⇒ 1A (b), 1B (a), 1B (b) par-dessus ⇒ 1A (b), 1A (c) plus de ⇒ 1C (a) au sujet de ⇒ 1D (a) plus ⇒ 2B (b) encore ⇒ 2B (d) fini ⇒ 3A.∎ a bullet whistled over my head une balle siffla au-dessus de ma tête;∎ they live over the shop ils habitent au-dessus du magasin;∎ the plane came down over France l'avion s'est écrasé en France(b) (on top of, covering) sur, par-dessus;∎ put a lace cloth over the table mets une nappe en dentelle sur la table;∎ she wore a cardigan over her dress elle portait un gilet par-dessus sa robe;∎ she wore a black dress with a red cardigan over it elle avait une robe noire avec un gilet rouge par-dessus;∎ I put my hand over my mouth j'ai mis ma main devant ma bouche;∎ he had his jacket over his arm il avait sa veste sur le bras;∎ with his hat over his eyes le chapeau enfoncé jusqu'aux yeux;∎ we painted over the wallpaper nous avons peint par-dessus la tapisserie;∎ she was hunched over the wheel elle était penchée sur la roue(c) (across the top or edge of) par-dessus;∎ he was watching me over his newspaper il m'observait par-dessus son journal;∎ I peered over the edge j'ai jeté un coup d'œil par-dessus le rebord;∎ he fell/jumped over the cliff il est tombé/a sauté du haut de la falaise∎ to cross over the road traverser la rue;∎ they live over the road from me ils habitent en face de chez moi;∎ there's a fine view over the valley on a une belle vue sur la vallée;∎ the bridge over the river le pont qui enjambe la rivière;∎ he ran his eye over the article il a parcouru l'article des yeux;∎ she ran her hand over the smooth marble elle passa la main sur le marbre lisse;∎ we travelled for days over land and sea nous avons voyagé pendant des jours par terre et par mer;∎ a strange look came over her face son visage prit une expression étrange∎ the village over the hill le village de l'autre côté de la colline;∎ they must be over the border by now ils doivent avoir passé la frontière maintenantB.∎ to rule over a country régner sur un pays;∎ I have no control/influence over them je n'ai aucune autorité/influence sur eux;∎ she has some kind of hold over him elle a une certaine emprise sur lui;∎ she watched over her children elle surveillait ses enfants(b) (indicating position of superiority, importance) sur;∎ a victory over the forces of reaction une victoire sur les forces réactionnaires;∎ our project takes priority over the others notre projet a priorité sur les autresC.(a) (with specific figure or amount → more than) plus de;∎ it took me well/just over an hour j'ai mis bien plus/un peu plus d'une heure;∎ he must be over thirty il doit avoir plus de trente ans;∎ children over (the age of) 7 les enfants (âgés) de plus de 7 ans;∎ think of a number over 100 pensez à un chiffre supérieur à 100;∎ not over 250 grams (in post office) jusqu'à 250 grammes∎ his voice rang out over the others sa voix dominait toutes les autres;∎ I couldn't hear what she was saying over the music la musique m'empêchait d'entendre ce qu'elle disait∎ eight over two huit divisé par deux∎ I've got a job over the long vacation je vais travailler pendant les grandes vacances;∎ I'll do it over the weekend je le ferai pendant le week-end;∎ what are you doing over Easter? qu'est-ce que tu fais pour Pâques?;∎ it's improved over the years ça s'est amélioré au cours ou au fil des années;∎ over the next few decades au cours des prochaines décennies;∎ over a period of several weeks pendant plusieurs semaines;∎ we discussed it over a drink/over lunch/over a game of golf nous en avons discuté autour d'un verre/pendant le déjeuner/en faisant une partie de golfD.(a) (concerning) au sujet de;∎ a disagreement over working conditions un conflit portant sur les conditions de travail;∎ they're always quarrelling over money ils se disputent sans cesse pour des questions d'argent;∎ to laugh over sth rire (à propos) de qch;∎ there's a big question mark over his future nous n'avons aucune idée de ce qu'il va devenir(b) (by means of, via)∎ they were talking over the telephone ils parlaient au téléphone;∎ I heard it over the radio je l'ai entendu à la radio∎ are you over your bout of flu? est-ce que tu es guéri ou est-ce que tu t'es remis de ta grippe?;∎ he's over the shock now il s'en est remis maintenant;∎ we'll soon be over the worst le plus dur sera bientôt passé;∎ it took her a long time to get over his death elle a mis longtemps à se remettre de sa mort;∎ don't worry, you'll be or get over her soon ne t'en fais pas, bientôt tu n'y penseras plus2 adverbA.(a) (indicating movement or location, across distance or space)∎ an eagle flew over un aigle passa au-dessus de nous;∎ she walked over to him and said hello elle s'approcha de lui pour dire bonjour;∎ he led me over to the window il m'a conduit à la fenêtre;∎ he must have seen us, he's coming over il a dû nous voir, il vient vers nous ou de notre côté;∎ pass my cup over, will you tu peux me passer ma tasse?;∎ she glanced over at me elle jeta un coup d'œil dans ma direction;∎ she leaned over to whisper to him elle se pencha pour lui chuchoter quelque chose à l'oreille;∎ over in the States aux États-Unis;∎ over there là-bas;∎ come over here! viens (par) ici!;∎ has Colin been over? est-ce que Colin est passé?;∎ she drove over to meet us elle est venue nous rejoindre en voiture;∎ let's have or invite them over for dinner si on les invitait à dîner?;∎ we have guests over from Morocco nous avons des invités qui viennent du Maroc∎ she's travelled the whole world over elle a voyagé dans le monde entier;∎ people the world over are watching the broadcast live des téléspectateurs du monde entier assistent à cette retransmission en direct∎ I fell over je suis tombé (par terre);∎ she knocked her glass over elle a renversé son verre;∎ he flipped the pancake over il a retourné la crêpe;∎ they rolled over and over in the grass ils se roulaient dans l'herbe;∎ and over I went et me voilà par terre∎ we just whitewashed it over nous l'avons simplement passé à la chaux;∎ the bodies were covered over with blankets les corps étaient recouverts avec des couvertures(e) (into the hands of another person, group etc)∎ he's gone over to the other side/to the opposition il est passé de l'autre côté/dans l'opposition;∎ they handed him over to the authorities ils l'ont remis aux autorités ou entre les mains des autorités;∎ Radio & Television and now over to Kirsty Jones in Paris nous passons maintenant l'antenne à Kirsty Jones à Paris;∎ over to you (it's your turn) c'est votre tour, c'est à vous;∎ Telecommunications over (to you)! à vous!;∎ over and out! terminé!B.(a) (left, remaining)∎ there were/I had a few pounds (left) over il restait/il me restait quelques livres;∎ you will keep what is (left) over vous garderez l'excédent ou le surplus;∎ seven into fifty-two makes seven with three over cinquante-deux divisé par sept égale sept, il reste trois(b) (with specific figure or amount → more) plus;∎ men of 30 and over les hommes âgés de 30 ans et plus;∎ articles costing £100 or over les articles de 100 livres et plus∎ read it over carefully lisez-le attentivement;∎ do you want to talk the matter over? voulez-vous en discuter?(d) (again, more than once) encore;∎ American I had to do the whole thing over j'ai dû tout refaire;∎ she won the tournament five times over elle a gagné le tournoi à cinq reprisesfini;∎ the party's over la fête est finie;∎ the danger is over le danger est passé;∎ the war was just over la guerre venait de finir ou de s'achever;∎ I'm glad that's over (with)! je suis bien content que ça soit fini!;∎ that's over and done with voilà qui est fini et bien fini4 noun(in cricket) série f de six ballesen plus de;∎ over and above what we've already paid en plus de ce que nous avons déjà payé;∎ and over and above that, he was banned from driving for life en plus, on lui a retiré son permis (de conduire) à vie∎ I've told you over and over (again) je te l'ai répété je ne sais combien de fois;∎ he did it over and over (again) until… il a recommencé des dizaines de fois jusqu'à ce que…ⓘ They think it's all over (...it is now) Ces mots, précédés de la phrase some people are on the pitch... ("il y a quelques personnes sur le terrain"), furent prononcés par Kenneth Wolstenholme, commentateur sportif de la BBC, au moment où Geoff Hurst marqua un dernier but pour l'Angleterre dans les dernières secondes de la finale de la Coupe du monde de football de 1966, qui vit l'Angleterre l'emporter face à la République fédérale d'Allemagne. Aujourd'hui on utilise cette expression ("ils croient que c'est terminé,... maintenant, c'est terminé") en anglais britannique lorsque quelqu'un s'imagine à tort qu'une chose est terminée, ou bien au moment même où cette chose s'achève. -
6 ♦ over
♦ over (1) /ˈəʊvə(r)/avv.1 al di sopra; di sopra; di là; oltre: Can you jump over?, sei capace di saltare di là?; to lean over, sporgersi ( al di sopra)2 completamente; del tutto; da cima a fondo; da capo a piedi: The table was covered ( all) over with paint, la tavola era tutta coperta di vernice; I've read the book over, ho letto il libro da cima a fondo3 (a. pred.) rimasto; avanzato: Is there any bread [money] over?, è avanzato del pane [del denaro]?4 (a. pred.) finito; terminato; passato; sfumato: The lesson is over, la lezione è finita; The rain will soon be over, la pioggia cesserà ben presto; The danger is over, il pericolo è passato (o sfumato)6 (in qualche loc., è idiom.; per es.:) I'm going over to America, vado in America; My children were over at Easter, i figli mi sono venuti a trovare per Pasqua; Nothing was left over, non è avanzato (o non è rimasto) nulla; ( a scuola) ( Your) time (is) over!, tempo scaduto!; consegnare (i compiti)!7 (nei verbi frasali, è idiom.; per es.:) to boil over, traboccare; to do st. over, rifare qc.; fare qc. daccapo; to fall over, rovesciarsi, ecc. (► to boil, to do, to fall, ecc.)8 ( nelle comunicazioni radio, ecc.) passo: Over to you, Jack!, passo a te, Jack!; over and out, passo e chiudo● over and above, in aggiunta; per sovrappiù; per soprammercato; senza calcolare, senza tener conto di □ ( basket) over-and-back, passaggio dietro la schiena □ over and done with, proprio finito; completamente finito; chiuso □ over and over, più volte; ripetutamente; sempre di nuovo: The orator was interrupted over and over, l'oratore è stato interrotto più volte □ over and over again, mille volte: I've told you that over and over again, te l'ho detto mille volte □ ( cucina, USA) egg over easy, uovo all'occhio di bue □ over there, laggiù □ all over ► all.♦ over (2) /ˈəʊvə(r)/prep.1 sopra; su: The branch hung over the roof, il ramo pendeva sopra il tetto; with one's hat over one's eyes, col cappello sugli occhi; to lay the cloth over the table, stendere la tovaglia sulla tavola; to build a bridge over the river, costruire un ponte sul fiume2 più di; oltre: over a hundred people, oltre cento persone; nothing over a hundred dollars, niente (o neanche un centesimo) più di cento dollari; He's over thirty, ha più di trent'anni3 attraverso; per tutto: over the whole country, per tutta la nazione; all over the world, in tutto il mondo4 durante; nel corso di; attraverso; per: We'll discuss it over our dinner, ne discuteremo durante il pranzo; over the centuries, nel corso dei secoli; attraverso i secoli; over a period of several years, per un periodo di molti anni; DIALOGO → - Wedding- They've been going out for well over a year now, escono insieme da oltre un anno ormai; What are you doing over Christmas?, che cosa fai per Natale?5 di là da; oltre: to jump over a fence, saltare di là da uno steccato; a city over the border, una città oltre il confine7 nei confronti di; rispetto a: Prices have gone up twenty per cent over last year, i prezzi sono aumentati del venti per cento rispetto all'anno scorso8 in fatto di; riguardo a: The firm is having difficulties over VAT, la ditta è in difficoltà in fatto di IVA9 per la questione (o sul problema) di: Workers are on strike over pension reform, i lavoratori sono in sciopero per la questione della riforma pensionistica● over-the-counter, ( di medicinale) da banco; (fin.: di titolo, ecc.) non trattato in una borsa ufficiale; del mercato ristretto □ (fin.) over-the-counter market, terzo mercato, mercato ristretto, fuoriborsa; mercatino (fam.) □ (fam. USA) over one's head, al di sopra del proprio comprendonio (fam., scherz.); incomprensibile □ over head and ears, fin sopra i capelli: to be in debt over head and ears, esser indebitato fin sopra i capelli □ over one's ears, sopra le orecchie; ( anche) alle tempie: He's getting grey over his ears, sta facendo i capelli grigi alle tempie □ (fig.) over sb. 's head, sulla testa di q. ( scavalcandolo nella gerarchia) □ ( slang USA) over the hill, troppo in là con gli anni, troppo vecchio; ( di un prigioniero) evaso; ( anche) che ha disertato □ ( nelle corse) to be over the line, aver tagliato il traguardo □ ( rugby) over the line, oltre la linea di meta: to take the ball over the line, portare la palla oltre la linea di meta □ over the phone, al telefono; ( anche) per (mezzo del) telefono: speaking over the phone, parlando al telefono; to take orders over the phone, ricevere (o accettare) ordinazioni per telefono; DIALOGO → - Changing booking online- Why don't you give the airline a ring and change your flight over the phone?, perché non chiami la compagnia aerea e cambi il volo al telefono? □ over the road, di là della strada; (fig.) vicino, a pochi passi □ (trasp.) over-the-road, su strada; su gomma □ ( sport fam.) over the sticks, a ostacoli: Racing today over the sticks at Plumpton, oggi corse a ostacoli a Plumpton □ (fam.) over the top, (agg.) eccessivo, esagerato; (avv.) troppo: That's O.T.T.!, questo è troppo! □ (fam. USA) over-the-transom, non richiesto, inviato senza richiesta □ all over ► all □ to climb over a wall, scavalcare un muro ( arrampicandosi) □ to fall over an obstacle, cadere inciampando in un ostacolo □ to help sb. over a road, aiutare q. ad attraversare una strada □ the house over the way, la casa dall'altra parte della strada; la casa di fronte □ to preside over a meeting, presiedere una riunione □ to sit over the fire, starsene seduto vicino al fuoco □ (prov.) Over shoes, over boots, quando si è in ballo bisogna ballare.over (3) /ˈəʊvə(r)/n. -
7 over
over [ˊəυvə]1. prep1) над, вы́ше;over our heads над на́шими голова́ми; сверх, вы́ше на́шего понима́ния; разг. не посове́товавшись с на́ми
;2) че́рез;a bridge over the river мост че́рез ре́ку
;3) по ту сто́рону, за, че́рез;a village over the river дере́вня по ту сто́рону реки́
;he lives over the way он живёт че́рез доро́гу
;4) у, при, за;they were sitting over the fire они́ сиде́ли у ками́на
1) че́рез, о;he jumped over the ditch он перепры́гнул че́рез кана́ву
;to flow over the edge бежа́ть че́рез край
;to stumble over a stone споткну́ться о ка́мень
;2) пове́рх, на;he pulled his hat over his eyes он надви́нул шля́пу на глаза́
;3) по, по всей пове́рхности;over the whole country, all over the country по всей стране́
;snow is falling over the north of England на се́вере А́нглии идёт снег
3) указывает на промежуток времени, в течение которого происходило действие за, в тече́ние;he packed over two hours он собра́лся за́ два часа́
;to stay over the whole week остава́ться в тече́ние всей неде́ли
4) указывает на количественное или числовое превышение свы́ше, сверх, бо́льше;over two years бо́льше двух лет
;over five millions свы́ше пяти́ миллио́нов
;she is over fifty ей за пятьдеся́т
5) указывает на превосходство в положении, старшинство и т.п. над;a general is over a colonel генера́л ста́рше по чи́ну, чем полко́вник
;they want a good chief over them им ну́жен хоро́ший нача́льник
;he is over me in the office он мой нача́льник по слу́жбе
6) указывает на источник, средство и т.п. че́рез, че́рез посре́дство, по;I heard it over the radio я слы́шал э́то по ра́дио
7) относи́тельно, каса́тельно;to talk over the matter говори́ть относи́тельно э́того де́ла
◊she was all over him она́ не зна́ла, как угоди́ть ему́
2. adv1) указывает на движение через что-л., передаётся приставками пере-, вы-;to jump over перепры́гнуть
;to swim over переплы́ть
;to boil over разг. убега́ть ( о молоке и т.п.)
2) указывает на повсеместность или всеохватывающий характер действия или состояния:hills covered all over with snow холмы́, сплошь покры́тые сне́гом
;paint the wall over покра́сь всю сте́ну
to read the story over прочита́ть расска́з до конца́
;to think over проду́мать
4) указывает на окончание, прекращение действия:the meeting is over собра́ние око́нчено
;it is all over всё ко́нчено; всё пропа́ло
5) сно́ва, вновь, ещё раз;the work is badly done, it must be done over рабо́та сде́лана пло́хо, её ну́жно переде́лывать
6) вдоба́вок, сверх, сли́шком, чересчу́р;I paid my bill and had five shillings over я заплати́л по счёту, и у меня́ ещё оста́лось пять ши́ллингов
;he is over polite он чрезвыча́йно любе́зен
;children of fourteen and over де́ти четы́рнадцати лет и ста́рше
over there вон там
;let him come over here пу́сть-ка он придёт сюда́
;take it over to the post office отнеси́-ка э́то на по́чту
;hand it over to them переда́й-ка им э́то
а) про́тив, напро́тив;б) по сравне́нию с◊over and over (again) мно́го раз, сно́ва и сно́ва
;а) в добавле́ние, к тому́ же;б) с лихво́й;it can stand over э́то мо́жет подожда́ть
;that is Tom all over э́то так характе́рно для То́ма, э́то так похо́же на То́ма
3. n1) изли́шек, припла́та2) воен. перелёт ( снаряда)3) радио перехо́д на приём4. a1) ве́рхний2) вышестоя́щий3) изли́шний, избы́точный4) чрезме́рный -
8 över
['ö:ver]prep.черезvägen genom, via————————['ö:ver]prep.над(om högre el. dominerande ställning)————————['ö:ver]prep.через, за————————['ö:ver]prep.поföretaget har kontor över hela landet--у этой фирмы есть офисы по всей стране————————['ö:ver]prep.надovanför, ovanpå (om läge i rummet)————————['ö:ver]adv.мимо, свышеövertramp -et--наскок, бестактность————————['ö:ver]adv.в остаткеverbpartikel kvar, resterandeingenting blev över efter festen--после праздника ничего (съестного) не осталось————————['ö:ver]prep.о чем-то, касательноom, angående, avseende————————['ö:ver]adv.болееmer än, utöver (om mått)————————['ö:ver]adv.через————————['ö:ver]adv.конецförbi, slut————————над, через, выше, свыше -
9 over
over invarприемarrive over the aerodromeприбывать в зону аэродромаclearance over the thresholdбезопасная высота пролета порогаestimated time over significant pointрасчетное время пролета определенной точкиeye height over the thresholdуровень положения глаз над порогом ВППfall overскользитьflight over the high seasполет над открытым моремfly overпролетать надhold over the aidsвыполнять полет в зоне ожиданияhold over the beaconвыполнять полет в режиме ожидания над аэродромомlatch overпрерыватьlock over centerзапиратьсяnose overкапотироватьover the territoryнад территориейover the topнад верхней границей облаковover the wingнад крыломpassing over the runwayпролет над ВППprofitability over the routeэффективность маршрутаput the aircraft overпереводить воздушное судно в горизонтальный полетregulations for preventing collisions over seaруководство по предупреждению столкновений над моремtake over the controlбрать управление на себяturn overперекрыватьwatch over conditionsследить за -
10 over-
[əʊvəʳ, AM oʊvɚ]in compounds über-, zu [sehr]the children got rather \over-excited die Kinder drehten ziemlich aufI'm not \over-keen on flying ich fliege nicht sehr gerne\over-optimistic zu optimistisch\over-polite übertrieben höflich* * *pref über-, Über- -
11 over
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over- ['əʊvə(r)]∎ over-activity suractivité f;∎ over-cautious trop prudent, d'une prudence excessive∎ a club for the over-fifties un club pour les plus de cinquante ans -
13 -over
-over:changeover – переход к другому уровню жизниcross-over – переход из одной партии в другуюgoing-over – осмотр; взбучкаswingover – переход на противоположную точку зрения, резкая перемена позицииwalkover – легкая победа (в спорте) -
14 -over
-over:changeover – переход к другому уровню жизниcross-over – переход из одной партии в другуюgoing-over – осмотр; взбучкаswingover – переход на противоположную точку зрения, резкая перемена позицииwalkover – легкая победа (в спорте) -
15 over-
over- /ˈəʊvə(r)/pref.sopra-; sovra-; che sta sopra; superiore; che supera la norma; eccessivo; troppo: over-optimistic, troppo ottimistico. -
16 over
over над)в течение через заканчиватьсяaпере вышеover свыше -
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over!over (to you)! -
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over- [ˊəυvə-] prefсверх-, над-, чрезме́рно, пере- -
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См. также в других словарях:
over — over; lar·over; more·over; over·alled; over·bear·ance; over·bear·ing·ly; over·berg; over·bur·den·ing·ly; over·come·er; over·compensate; over·compensation; over·compound; over·confidence; over·confident; over·conservative; over·den; over·fulfill;… … English syllables
Over — O ver, adv. 1. From one side to another; from side to side; across; crosswise; as, a board, or a tree, a foot over, i. e., a foot in diameter. [1913 Webster] 2. From one person or place to another regarded as on the opposite side of a space or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
over — [ō′vər] prep. [ME ouer < OE ofer, akin to Ger über, ober < IE * uper (orig. a compar. of * upo, up) > L super, Gr hyper] 1. a) in, at, or to a position up from; higher than; above [a canopy over the bed, in water over his knees] b) on… … English World dictionary
Over — O ver ([=o] v[ e]r), prep. [AS. ofer; akin to D. over, G. [ u]ber, OHG. ubir, ubar, Dan. over, Sw. [ o]fver, Icel. yfir, Goth. ufar, L. super, Gr. ype r, Skr. upari. [root]199. Cf. {Above}, {Eaves}, {Hyper }, {Orlop}, {Super }, {Sovereign},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Over — may refer to: Contents 1 Places 2 Music 3 Other 4 See als … Wikipedia
Over — «Over» Сингл … Википедия
Over It — may refer to: Over It (band), an American pop punk band Over It (EP), an EP by face to face Over It (Katharine McPhee song) Over It , a song by Addictiv Over It , a song by Anneliese van der Pol from the soundtrack of the 2004 film Stuck in the… … Wikipedia
Over 21 — Directed by Charles Vidor Produced by Sidney Buchman Written by Ruth Gordon (play) Sidney Buchman Starring … Wikipedia
over — UK US /ˈəʊvər/ adverb ► more or greater than: »Free delivery on orders over $25. »Over 80% of temporary workers are part timers. »The cable company has viewers in over 5 million households. »Shares fell by just over 1 per cent to 1,327p. ► during … Financial and business terms
over — ► PREPOSITION 1) extending upwards from or above. 2) above so as to cover or protect. 3) expressing movement or a route across. 4) beyond and falling or hanging from. 5) expressing duration. 6) at a higher level, layer, or intensity than. 7) … English terms dictionary
Over — bezeichnet: Over (Cricket), eine Serie von sechs Würfen in der Sportart Cricket Over (Seevetal), ein Ortsteil der Gemeinde Seevetal Over (Waldbreitbach), ein Dorf im Naturpark Rhein Westerwald auf einem Höhenrücken des Wiedtals gelegen, Ortsteil… … Deutsch Wikipedia