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См. также в других словарях:

  • slaphappy — [adj] dazed befuddled, bewildered, dazzled, gaga*, giddy, groggy*, hazy, punchdrunk*, punchy*, puzzled, senile, silly, staggered, staggering, tipsy, unsteady, weak in the knees*, weak kneed*, wobbly, woozy; concepts 314,480 …   New thesaurus

  • slaphappy — /slap hap ee/, adj., slaphappier, slaphappiest. Informal. 1. severely befuddled; punch drunk: a slaphappy boxer. 2. agreeably giddy or foolish: After a martini he was slaphappy. 3. cheerfully irresponsible: a slaphappy crowd. [1935 40; SLAP1 +… …   Universalium

  • slaphappy — slap|hap|py [ slæp,hæpi ] adjective INFORMAL silly and not responsible: After two drinks he usually felt slaphappy …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • slaphappy — adjective 1. cheerfully irresponsible carefree with his money freewheeling urban youths had a harum scarum youth • Syn: ↑carefree, ↑devil may care, ↑freewheeling, ↑happy go lucky, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Slaphappy Sleuths — Infobox Film name = Slaphappy Sleuths caption = director = Jules White writer = Felix Adler starring = Moe Howard Larry Fine Shemp Howard Stanley Blystone Gene Roth Emil Sitka Nanette Bordeaux Vernon Dent cinematography = Vincent J. Farrar |… …   Wikipedia

  • slaphappy — adjective Date: 1936 1. punch drunk 2. buoyantly or recklessly carefree or foolish ; happy go lucky …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • slaphappy — adjective a) Incoherent from being struck, punch drunk. b) Irresponsibly free …   Wiktionary

  • slaphappy — Synonyms and related words: balmy, bananas, barmy, bats, batty, beany, bedazzled, bonkers, buggy, bughouse, bugs, crackers, cuckoo, daffy, dazed, dazzled, dippy, dopey, dotty, flaky, flipped, freaked out, fruitcakey, fruity, gaga, goofy, groggy,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • slaphappy — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj., slang, dazed, groggy; silly, foolish. See insanity, inattention. II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) a. dazed, punch drunk, dizzy, lightheaded, *woozy, reeling, giddy, silly. ANT.: sober, clearheaded …   English dictionary for students

  • slaphappy — slap|hap|py [ˈslæpˌhæpi] adj careless, silly, and likely to make mistakes …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • slaphappy — adj. dazed, stunned, shocked, bewildered; cheerful, carefree …   English contemporary dictionary

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