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was in many places/la/xx

  • 1 moltus

    multus (old form moltus), a, um; comp. plus; sup. plurimus (v. at the end of this art.), adj. [etym. dub.], much, great, many, of things corporeal and incorporeal.
    In gen.: multi mortales, Cato ap. Gell. 10, 3, 17: multi suam rem [p. 1173] bene gessere: multi qui, etc., Enn. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 6, 1 (Trag. v. 295 sq. Vahl.):

    multi fortissimi viri,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 17, 3:


    id. de Or. 1, 51, 222. tam multis verbis scribere, at such length, id. Fam. 3, 8, 1:

    beneficia. Cato ap. Fest. s. v. ratissima, p. 286 Mull.: multi alii,

    Ter. And. 5, 4, 28.—When used with another adjective it is usually connected with it by a conjunction:

    multae et magnae contentiones,

    many great conlests, Cic. Phil. 2, 3, 7; 3, 10, 26:

    O multas et graves offensiones,

    id. Att. 11, 7, 3:

    multi et graves dolores,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 45, § 119:

    multi et varii timores,

    Liv. 3, 16, 3:

    multae bonaeque artes animi,

    Sall. J. 28, 5:

    multa et clara facinora,

    Tac. A. 12, 31.—But when the second adjective is used substantively the conjunction is omitted:

    multi improbi,

    Cic. Off. 2, 8, 28; 2, 19, 65:

    multi boni, docti, prudentes,

    id. Fl. 4, 8:

    multi nobiles,

    id. Planc. 20, 50:

    multa acerba habuit ille annus,

    id. Sest. 27, 58; 66, 139:

    multa infanda,

    Liv. 28, 12, 5:

    multa falsa,

    id. 35, 23, 2.—Also, when the second adjective forms with its substantive a single conception:

    multa secunda proelia,

    victories, Liv. 9, 42, 5; 35, 1, 3; 41, 17, 1:

    multa libera capita,

    freemen, id. 42, 41, 11:

    multae liberae civitates,

    republics, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 30, § 68:

    multos fortes viros,

    id. Cat. 3, 2, 7; id. Mur. 8, 17:

    multi clari viri,

    noblemen, id. Leg. 1, 5, 17:

    multi primarii viri,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 61, § 149.—Similarly, et is omitted between multi and adjectives which form with their substantives familiar phrases:

    multi clarissimi viri,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 10, 24:

    multi amplissimi viri,

    id. Fin. 2, 17, 55; id. Deiot. 14, 39; id. Fam. 10, 25, 2; id. Att. 10, 8, 7; 16, 16, 11; id. Verr. 1, 7, 19:

    multi honestissimi homines,

    id. Fam. 15, 15, 3:

    multi peritissimi homines,

    id. Caecin. 24, 69:

    multi summi homines,

    id. Arch. 12, 30; id. Har. Resp. 26, 56:

    multi clarissimi et sapientissimi viri,

    id. Planc. 4, 11; id. Cael. 18, 43.—Et is also omitted when the substantive stands between the two adjectives:

    in veteribus patronis multis,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 1, 2:

    multa praeterea bella gravia,

    id. Agr. 2, 33, 90:

    multis suppliciis justis,

    id. Cat. 1, 8, 20:

    multa majores nostri magna et gravia bella gesserunt,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 2, 6:

    plurima signa pulcherrima,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 23, § 61.—When both adjectives follow the substantive, et is sometimes inserted:

    virtutes animi multae et magnae,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 22, 64:

    causas ille multas et graves habuit,

    id. Clu. 30, 82;

    and is sometimes omitted, the emphasis then falling on the second adjective: utebatur hominibus improbis, multis,

    id. Cael. 5, 12:

    prodigia multa, foeda,

    Liv. 40, 29, 1.—With a partitive gen.:

    multi hominum,

    Plin. 16, 25, 40, § 96:

    multae silvestrium arborum,

    id. 16, 31, 56, § 128.—In neutr. plur.: multa, orum, many things, much:

    nimium multa,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 14, 3:

    nimis multa,

    id. Fin. 2, 18, 57:

    insulae non ita multae,

    not so many, not so very many, Plin. 5, 7, 7, § 41:

    parum multa scire,

    too few, Auct. Her. 1, 1, 1: bene multi, a good many, Asin. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 33, 4:

    quam minime multa vestigia servitutis,

    as few as possible, Nep. Tim. 3, 3:

    minime multi remiges,

    exceedingly few, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 34, § 88:

    in multas pecunias alienissimorum hominum invasit,

    id. Phil. 2, 16, 41; id. Verr. 2, 5, 19, § 48:

    multae pecuniae variis ex causis a privatis detinentur,

    Plin. Ep. 10, 17, 3.—Sometimes multi stands for multi alii, many others:

    nam certe Pompeio, et a Curionibus patre et filio, et a multis exprobratum est,

    Suet. Caes. 50.—The sing. also is used poet. for the plur., many a:

    aut trudit acres hinc et hinc multa cane Apros in obstantes plagas,

    with many dogs, Hor. Epod. 2, 31:

    multa prece prosequi,

    id. C. 4, 5, 33:

    multa victima,

    Verg. E. 1, 34: agna. Ov. F. 4, 772:


    id. Am. 3, 5, 4:


    Tib. 1, 3, 28; so of persons: multus sua vulnera puppi Affixit moriens, many a one, for multi affixerunt, Luc. 3, 707.—In sing., to denote quantity, much, great, abundant: multum aurum et argentum. Plaut. Rud. 5, 2, 8; 22:

    exstructa mensa multa carne rancida,

    Cic. Pis. 27, 67:

    multo labore quaerere aliquid,

    with much labor, great exertion, Cic. Sull. 26, 73:


    Sall. J. 7, 4:


    much sun, Plin. 31, 7, 39, § 81: sermo, much conversalion, Brut. ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 20, 1: stilus tuus multi sudoris est. Cic. de Or. 1, 60, 257: multo cibo et potione completi, id. Tusc. 5, 35, 100:

    multo sanguine ea Poenis victoria stetit,

    Liv. 23, 30, 2:

    multum sanguinem haurire,

    Curt. 4, 14, 17; 8, 14, 32:

    multam harenam mare evomit,

    id. 4, 6, 8:


    id. 7, 4, 26:


    id. 8, 10, 14:

    multae vestis injectu opprimi,

    Tac. A. 6, 50:

    multa et lauta supellex,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 27, 66:


    Sall. J. 13, 6; Tac. A. 6, 33; Liv. 26, 11, 9; Curt. 3, 3, 12:


    Hor. S. 1, 4, 5:

    multam salutem dicere alicui,

    to greet heartily, Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 194:

    cum auro et argento multo,

    Sall. J. 13, 6.—Of time:

    Itaque multum diei processerat,

    a great part of the day, Sall. J. 51, 2:

    ad multum diem,

    till far in the day, Cic. Att. 13, 9, 1:

    multo adhuc die,

    when much of the day was still remaining, when it was still high day, Tac. H. 2, 44:

    multo denique die,

    when the day was far spent, Caes. B. G. 1, 22:

    multa nocte,

    late at night, Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 9, 2:

    multo mane,

    very early, id. Att. 5, 4, 1:

    multa opinio, for multorum,

    the general opinion, Gell. 3, 16, 1:

    velut multa pace,

    as in a general peace, as if there were peace everywhere, Tac. H. 4, 35:

    multus homo,

    one who gives himself up to the lusts of many, Cat. 112, 1.— multi, orum, m., the many, the common mass, the multitude: probis probatus potius, quam multis forem, Att. ap. Non. 519, 9:

    video ego te, mulier, more multarum utier,

    id. ib. —Esp.: unus e (or de) multis, one of the multitude, a man of no distinction:

    tenuis L. Virginius unusque e multis,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 20, 62:

    unus de multis esse,

    id. Off. 1, 30, 109: M. Calidius non fuit orator unus e multis;

    potius inter multos prope singularis fuit,

    id. Brut. 79, 274:

    numerarer in multis,

    among the herd of orators, id. ib. 97, 333:

    e multis una sit tibi,

    no better than others, Ov. R. Am. 682:

    multum est,

    it is of importance, Verg. G. 2, 272.—In neutr. absol.: ne multa, or ne multis, not to be prolix, in short:

    ne multa: perquiritur a coactoribus,

    Cic. Clu. 64, 181:

    ne multis: Diogenes emitur,

    id. ib. 16, 47:

    quid multis moror?

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 87.—Sometimes multa is used (particularly by the poets) adverbially, much, greatly, very:

    multa reluctari,

    Verg. G. 4, 301:


    id. ib. 3, 226; id. A. 5, 869:

    deos testatus,

    id. ib. 7, 593:


    Nep. Ep. 6, 1 (cf. nonnulla invehi, id. Tim. 5, 3):

    haud multa moratus,

    Verg. A. 3, 610.—Rarely in multum:

    in multum velociores,

    by far, Plin. 10, 36, 52, § 108.—
    In partic.
    Too much, overmuch, excessive:

    supellex modica, non multa,

    Nep. Att. 13, 5.—
    In speech, much-speaking, diffuse, prolix:

    qui in aliquo genere aut inconcinnus aut multus est,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 4, 17:

    ne in re nota et pervulgata multus et insolens sim,

    id. ib. 2, 87, 358:

    nolo in stellarum ratione multus vobis videri,

    id. N. D. 2, 46, 119.—
    Frequent, frequently present:

    in operibus, in agmine, atque ad vigilias multus adesse,

    Sall. J. 96, 3:

    multus in eo proelio Caesar fuit,

    was in many places, Flor. 4, 2, 50:

    hen hercle hominem multum et odiosum mihi!

    troublesome, tedious, Plaut. Men. 2, 2, 41:


    Sall. J. 84, 1.—Hence, adv., in two forms.
    multum, much, very much, greatly, very, often, frequently, far, etc. (class.):

    salve multum, gnate mi,

    Plaut. Trin. 5, 2, 56:

    multum vale,

    farewell, id. Stich. 3, 2, 40:

    hominem ineptum multum et odiosum mihi,

    id. Men. 2, 2, 42:

    opinor, Cassium uti non ita multum sorore,

    not very much, Cic. Fam. 7, 23, 3:

    multum mecum municipales homines loquuntur,

    often, id. Att. 8, 13, 2:

    non multum ille quidem nec saepe dicebat,

    id. Brut. 34, 128:

    non multum confidere,

    not very much, not particularly, Caes. B. G. 3, 25:

    sunt in venationibus,

    often, frequently, id. ib. 4, 1:

    in eodem genere causarum multum erat T. Juventius,

    Cic. Brut. 48, 178:

    multum fuisse cum aliquo,

    to have had much intercourse with, id. Rep. 1, 10, 16:

    sum multum equidem cum Phaedro in Epicuri hortis,

    id. Fin. 5, 1, 3:

    gratia valere,

    to be in great favor, Nep. Con. 2, 1:

    res multum et saepe quaesita,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 15, 33:

    longe omnes multumque superabit,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 44, § 115:

    multum et diu cogitans,

    id. Div. 2, 1, 1:

    diu multumque scriptitare,

    id. de Or. 1, 33, 152.—With an adj.:

    multum loquaces,

    very talkative, Plaut. Aul. 2, 1, 5:

    mepti labores,

    very, Plin. Ep. 1, 9.— Poet. also with comp.:

    multum improbiores sunt quam a primo credidi,

    much, far, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 139:

    multum robustior illo,

    Juv. 19, 197:


    Sil. 13, 708.— So with infra, post:

    haud multum infra viam,

    Liv. 5, 37, 7; Plin. 98, 7, § 20:

    haud multum post mortem ejus,

    Tac. A. 5, 3:

    ut multum,

    at most, Mart. 10, 11, 6; Vop. Aur. 46.—
    multō by much, much, a great deal, far, by far (class.).
    With comparatives and verbs which imply comparison:

    multo tanto carior,

    Plaut. Bacch. 2, 3, 76:

    pauciores oratores,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 3, 11:

    facilius atque expeditius iter,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 6.—With verbs:

    virtutem omnibus rebus multo anteponentes,

    Cic. Fin. 4, 18, 49:

    multo ceteros anteibant,

    Tac. H. 4, 13:

    multo praestat beneficii, quam maleficii immemorem esse,

    Sall. J. 31, 28.—With malle:

    multo mavolo,

    Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 88; id. Ps. 2, 4, 38:

    meo judicio multo stare malo, quam, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 12, 21, 1.—
    With sup. (rare but class.), by far, by much:

    quae tibi mulier videtur multo sapientissuma,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 66; id. Am. 2, 2, 150: multo optimus hostis, by far, Lucil. ap. Non. 4, 413:

    simulacrum multo antiquissimum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 49, § 109; 2, 4, 23, § 50; id. Cat. 4, 8, 17:

    maxima pars,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 18, 54; cf. Hor. S. 2, 3, 82:

    multo id bellum maximum fuit,

    Liv. 1, 11, 5:

    pars multo maxima,

    id. 30, 18, 14: multo molestissima, Cic. Div. in. Caecil. 11, 36:

    multo gratissima lux,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 39:


    Quint. 9, 4, 72:


    id. ib. 26:


    id. 1, 2, 24:


    id. 2, 10, 1:


    Auct. Her. 4, 44, 58:

    multo maxime miserabile,

    Sall. C. 36, 4:

    multo maxime ingenio validus,

    id. J. 6, 1.—
    With particles denoting a difference, far, greatly, very:

    multo aliter,

    Ter. And. prol. 4:

    multo aliter ac sperabat,

    far otherwise than, Nep. Ham. 2:

    quod non multo secus fieret, si,

    not far otherwise, not very different, Cic. Fam. 4, 9, 1: multo infra Cyrenaicum. Plin. 19, 3, 15, § 40. —
    In specifications of time, before ante and post, long, much:

    non multo ante urbem captam,

    Cic. Div. 1, 45, 101:

    non multo ante,

    not long before, Nep. Eum. 3, 3:

    multo ante,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 1, 1:

    non multo post, quam, etc.,

    not long after, id. Att. 12, 49, 9:

    haud multo ante solis occasum,

    Liv. 5, 39, 2:

    multo ante noctem,

    id. 27, 42, 13.—
    Very rarely with the positive for multum:

    maligna multo,

    very, Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 83 Umpf.—
    Doubled, multo multoque, with comparatives:

    multo multoque longior,

    far, very much, Front. ad M. Caes. 2, 5:

    multo multoque operosius est,

    Val. Max. 4, 1, 2: multo multoque magis, Front. Laud. Negl. § 3.
    Comp.: plūs, pluris; in the plur., plures, plura (in sing. anciently written plous; three times in the S. C. de Bacch. Here perh. belongs, in the plur., pleores and pleoris, for plures, in the Song of the Arval Brothers.—For the class. neuter of the plur., plura, the form pluria was used in ante-class. Latinity. Gellius cites M. Cato, Q. Claudius, Valerius Antias, L. AElius, P. Nigidius, and M. Varro as authorities for this form, Gell. 5, 21, 6; yet Plautus and Terence have only plura; and the earlier reading pluria, in Lucr. 1, 877; 2, 1135; 4, 1085, is now supplanted by the critically certain plura and plurima.—The gen. plur. plurium, however, has remained the predominant form, e. g. Quint. 7, 1, 1; 8, 4, 27; 9, 4, 66 et saep.) [from the root ple; Gr. pleon, pimplêmi; cf. plenus, plera, compleo, etc.; also locu-ples, plebes, populus, etc.], more.
    In the sing. (used both substantively and adverbially): LIBRAS FARRIS ENDO DIES DATO. SI VOLET PLVS DATO, Fragm. XII. Tab. in Gell. 20, 1, 45: SI PLVS MINVSVE SECVERVNT, SE FRAVDE ESTO, ib.;

    so (perh. in imitation of this legal phrase): ebeu, cur ego plus minusve feci quam aequom fuit!

    Plaut. Capt. 5, 3, 18; Ter. Phorm. 3, 3, 21:

    ne plus minusve loqueretur,

    Suet. Aug. 84; cf. Plaut. Men. 4, 2, 27; and in the signif. of circiter, about: septingenti sunt paulo plus aut minus anni... postquam, etc., Enn. ap. Varr. R. R. 3, 1, 2 (Ann. v. 493 Vahl.);

    so. non longius abesse plus minus octo milibus,

    Hirt. B. G. 8, 20, 1 Oud.; cf.:

    speranti plures... venerunt plusve minusve duae,

    Mart. 8, 71, 4:

    aut ne quid faciam plus, quod post me minus fecisse satius sit,

    too much... too little, Ter. Hec. 5, 1, 4:

    tantum et plus etiam ipse mihi deberet,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 7:

    vos et decem numero, et, quod plus est, Romani estis,

    and what is more, Liv. 9, 24, 8:

    verbane plus an sententia valere debeat,

    Cic. Top. 25, 96: [p. 1174] cf.:

    apud me argumenta plus quam testes valent,

    id. Rep. 1, 38, 59:

    valet enim salus plus quam libido,

    id. ib. 1, 40, 63.—
    With a partitive gen.:

    vultis pecuniae plus habere,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 47, 88; cf.:

    nostri casus plus honoris habuerunt quam laboris,

    id. Rep. 1, 4, 7; so,

    plus virium,

    id. Leg. 1, 2, 6:

    plus hostium,

    Liv. 2, 42:

    plus dapis et rixae multo minus invidiaeque,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 51:

    in hac causa eo plus auctoritatis habent, quia, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 3, 16, 26; cf.:

    plus ingenii,

    id. ib. 1, 14, 22:

    Albano non plus animi erat quam fidei,

    as little courage as fidelity, Liv. 1, 27, 5.—
    With quam (some examples of which have already been given above):

    non plus quam semel,

    Cic. Off. 3, 15, 61:

    confiteor eos... plus quam sicarios esse,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    ne plus reddat quam acceperit,

    id. Lael. 16, 58 et saep.:

    non plus quam in tres partis posse distribui putaverunt,

    into not more than, id. Inv. 1, 34, 57:

    plus quam decem dies abesse,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    nulla (navis) plus quam triginta remis agatur,

    with more than, Liv. 38, 38, 8.—
    Without quam:

    HOMINES PLOVS V. OINVORSEI VIREI ATQVE MVLIERES, S. C. de Bacch. 19 (Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 173): plus mille capti,

    Liv. 24, 44:

    plus milies audivi,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 32: plus semel, Varr. ap. Plin. 14, 14, 17, § 96:

    plus quingentos colaphos infregit mihi,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 46:

    ferre plus dimidiati mensis cibaria,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 16, 37:

    non plus mille quingentos aeris,

    id. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    paulo plus ducentos passus a castris,

    Liv. 31, 34:

    cum plus annum aeger fuisset,

    id. 40, 2:

    parte plus dimidia rem auctam,

    id. 29, 25.—
    With a compar. or adverbial abl., or with an abl. of measure:

    VIREI PLOVS DVOBVS, S. C. de Bacch. 20 (Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 173): de paupertate tacentes Plus poscente ferent,

    more than the importunate, Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 44:

    ex his alius alio plus habet virium,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 2, 6: cave putes hoc tempore plus me quemquam cruciari, Balb. ap. Cic. Att. 8, 15, A, 2:

    alterum certe non potest, ut plus una vera sit,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 2, 5; cf.:

    in columba plures videri colores, nec esse plus uno,

    id. Ac. 2, 25, 79: HOC PLVS NE FACITO, more than this, Fragm. XII. Tab. ap. Cic. Leg. 2, 23, 59:

    annos sexaginta natus es Aut plus eo,

    or more than that, Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 11:

    plus aequo,

    Cic. Lael. 16, 58:

    plus paulo,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 1, 8:

    paulo plus,

    Liv. 31, 34: multo plus, Anton. ap. Cic. Att. 10, 8, A, 1:

    plus nimio,

    overmuch, Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 30: quam molestum est uno digito plus habere, too much by a finger, i. e. a finger too much, Cic. N. D. 1, 35, 99:

    uno plus Etruscorum cecidisse in acie,

    one man more, Liv. 2, 7, 2.—
    In the gen. pretii, pluris, of more value, of a higher price, for more, higher, dearer:

    ut plus reddant musti et olei, et pretii pluris,

    of greater value, Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 4:

    ager multo pluris est,

    is worth much more, Cic. Rosc. Com. 12, 33; cf.:

    quo pluris sint nostra oliveta,

    id. Rep. 3, 9, 16:

    pluris emere,

    dearer, id. Fam. 7, 2, 1; so,


    id. Off. 3, 12, 51; id. Verr. 2, 3, 19, § 48; Hor. S. 2, 3, 300:


    Col. 1, 4, 7:

    pluris est oculatus testis quam auriti decem,

    of more value, Plaut. Truc. 2, 6, 8:

    mea mihi conscientia pluris est, quam omnium sermo,

    Cic. Att. 12, 28, 2:

    facio pluris omnium hominem neminem,

    id. ib. 8, 2, 4:

    facere aliquem pluris,

    make more of one, esteem him more highly, id. Fam. 3, 4, 2:

    pluris habere,

    id. Phil. 6, 4, 10:


    id. Par. 6, 2, 48:


    id. Att. 7, 3, 5:


    id. Off. 3, 4, 18 et saep.—
    Rarely, instead of the genitive, in the abl. pretii: plure vendunt, Lucil. ap. Charis. 2, p. 189 P.: plure altero tanto, quanto ejus fundus est, velim, Plaut. ib.: plure venit, Cic. ib.—
    Plus plusque, more and more: quem mehercule plus plusque in dies diligo. Cic. Att. 6, 2, 10.—
    * 5.
    Like magis, with an adj.:

    plus formosus, for formosior,

    Nemes. Ecl. 4, 72.—
    In the plur.
    Comparatively, more in number:

    omnes qui aere alieno premantur, quos plures esse intellego quam putaram,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 5; id. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    nemini ego plura acerba esse credo ex amore homini umquam oblata quam mihi,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 1:

    ne plura insignia essent imperii in libero populo quam in regno fuissent,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 31, 55:

    multo plura,

    many more things, Quint. 3, 6, 28.—
    In gen., of a great number, many: qui plus fore dicant in pluribus consilii quam in uno. Cic. Rep. 1, 35, 55: cf.: quid quaeso interest inter unum et plures, si justitia est in pluribus? id. ib. 1, 39, 61;

    1, 34, 52: non possunt una in civitate multi rem ac fortunas amittere, ut non plures secum in eandem trahant calamitatem,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 7, 19:

    quod pluribus praesentibus eas res jactari nolebat,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 18:

    plura castella Pompeius tentaverat,

    id. B. C. 3, 52:

    summus dolor plures dies manere non potest,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 28, 93:

    pluribus diebus, Quint. prooem. § 7: illic plurium rerum est congeries,

    id. 8, 4, 27:

    quae consuetudo sit, pluribus verbis docere,

    Cic. Clu. 41, 115:

    eum pluribus verbis rogat, ut, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 28, § 64;

    without verba: quid ego plura dicam?

    id. de Or. 1, 5, 18:

    pluribus haec exsecutus sum,

    Phaedr. 3, 10, 59;

    also elliptically, quid plura? and, ne plura, like quid multa? and ne multa: hic sacra, hic genus, hic majorum multa vestigia. Quid plura? hanc vides villam, etc.,

    what need of many words? in short, Cic. Leg. 2, 1, 3:

    sed—ne plura—dicendum enim aliquando est—Pomponium Atticum sic amo, ut alterum fratrem,

    id. Fam. 13, 1, 5.—
    Esp.: plures.
    The mass, the multitude, opp. pauciores, = hoi oligoi, Plaut. Trin. 1, 1, 13.—
    Euphemistically, acc. to the Gr. hoi pleiones, the dead:

    quin prius Me ad plures penetravi?

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 14.—
    The greater number, the majority:

    plures nesciebant qua ex causa convenissent,

    Vulg. Act. 19, 32.
    Sup.: plūrĭmus (archaic form, plisima plurima, Paul. ex Fest. p. 204 and 205 Mull.: PLIOIRVME (I), Epit. of Scipio), a, um [from root ple; whence also plus, q. v., ploirumus for ploisumus; and thence the predominant form plurimus], most, very much, or many (as an adj. in good prose mostly in the plur., except the standing formula of greeting: salutem plurimam dicere alicui; v. infra):

    hujus sunt plurima simulacra,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 17:

    nos plurimis ignotissimi gentibus,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17, 26:

    plurimae et maximae partes,

    id. ib. 1, 4, 8:

    plurimorum seculorum memoria,

    id. ib. 3, 9, 14:

    haec plurimis a me verbis dicta sunt,

    id. ib. 1, 7, 12 et saep.—In sing.:

    me plurima praeda onustum,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 2, 4:


    Quint. 2, 2, 5:


    id. 6, 3, 85:


    id. 6, 1, 51:


    id. 8 prooem. §

    28: mons,

    very large, Verg. A. 1, 419:


    id. G. 3, 52:


    Ov. Ib. 600.—Of a greeting: impertit salutem plurimam, Lucil. ap. Non. 472. 16; and esp. freq.: salutem plurimam dicit (commonly abbrev. S. P. D.) at the beginning of letters; v. salus.— Poet.:

    medio cum plurimus orbe Sol erat,

    very powerful, oppressive, Ov. M. 14, 53: plurima qua silva est. thickest, id. ib. 14, 361:

    coma plurima,

    very thick, id. ib. 13, 844:

    sed plurima nantis in ore Alcyone conjux,

    mostly, chiefly, id. ib. 11, 562.—And collect.:

    plurimus in Junonis honorem Aptum dicet equis Argos,

    many a one, very many, Hor. C. 1, 7, 8; so,

    oleaster plurimus,

    Verg. G. 2, 183:

    qua plurima mittitur ales,

    Mart. 9, 56, 1:

    plurima lecta rosa est,

    Ov. F. 4, 441.— In neutr. absol. (substant. or adverb.):

    ut haberet quam plurimum,

    as much as possible, Cic. Rab. Post. 14, 39:

    caput autem est, quam plurimum scribere,

    id. de Or. 1, 33, 150:

    ut in quoque oratore plurimum esset,

    id. Rep. 1, 27, 123.— Adv.: plūrĭmum:

    et is valebat in suffragio plurimum, cujus plurimum intererat, esse in optimo statu civitatem,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    auspiciis plurimum obsecutus est Romulus,

    id. ib. 2, 9, 16:

    si vero populus plurimum potest,

    id. ib. 3, 14, 23; cf.:

    qui apud me dignitate plurimum possunt,

    id. Rosc. Am. 1, 4:

    plurimum aliis praestare,

    id. Inv. 2, 1, 1:

    ut te plurimum diligam,

    id. Fam. 1, 7, 1; id. Tusc. 5, 27, 78:

    hoc ego utor uno omnium plurimum,

    id. Fam. 11, 16, 2:

    quantum (al. quanto) plurimum possunt,

    Quint. 11, 3, 120: plurimum quantum also signifies very much indeed, exceedingly (post-class.):

    plurimum quantum veritati nocuere,

    Min. Fel. Oct. 22:


    id. ib. 40:

    (elleborum) ex aqua datur plurimum drachma,

    at the most, Plin. 25, 5, 22, § 54; 9, 36, 60, § 125; 30, 6, 16, § 48; so,

    cum plurimum,

    id. 2, 17, 15, § 78 (opp. to cum minimum); 18, 7, 10, § 60: nec tam numerosa differentia; tribus ut plurimum bonitatibus distat, for the most part, commonly, usually, = plerumque, Plin. 15, 3, 4, § 18.—
    In neutr. with a partit. gen.: sententiarum et gravitatis plurimum, Cic. Inv. 1, 18, 25:


    Quint. 10, 5, 3:

    auctoritatis et ponderis,

    id. 9, 4, 91:

    ut laboris sic utilitatis etiam longe plurimum,

    id. 10, 3, 1:


    id. 12, 1, 20 plurimum quantum favoris partibus dabat fratermtas ducum, Flor. 4, 2, 74.—
    In the gen. pretii:

    plurimi: immo unice unum plurimi pendit,

    values very highly, esteems very much, Plaut. Bacch. 2, 2, 29:

    quem unum Alexander plurimi fecerat,

    Nep. Eum. 2, 2:

    ut quisque quod plurimi est possidet,

    Cic. Par. 6, 2, 48.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > moltus

  • 2 multi

    multus (old form moltus), a, um; comp. plus; sup. plurimus (v. at the end of this art.), adj. [etym. dub.], much, great, many, of things corporeal and incorporeal.
    In gen.: multi mortales, Cato ap. Gell. 10, 3, 17: multi suam rem [p. 1173] bene gessere: multi qui, etc., Enn. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 6, 1 (Trag. v. 295 sq. Vahl.):

    multi fortissimi viri,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 17, 3:


    id. de Or. 1, 51, 222. tam multis verbis scribere, at such length, id. Fam. 3, 8, 1:

    beneficia. Cato ap. Fest. s. v. ratissima, p. 286 Mull.: multi alii,

    Ter. And. 5, 4, 28.—When used with another adjective it is usually connected with it by a conjunction:

    multae et magnae contentiones,

    many great conlests, Cic. Phil. 2, 3, 7; 3, 10, 26:

    O multas et graves offensiones,

    id. Att. 11, 7, 3:

    multi et graves dolores,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 45, § 119:

    multi et varii timores,

    Liv. 3, 16, 3:

    multae bonaeque artes animi,

    Sall. J. 28, 5:

    multa et clara facinora,

    Tac. A. 12, 31.—But when the second adjective is used substantively the conjunction is omitted:

    multi improbi,

    Cic. Off. 2, 8, 28; 2, 19, 65:

    multi boni, docti, prudentes,

    id. Fl. 4, 8:

    multi nobiles,

    id. Planc. 20, 50:

    multa acerba habuit ille annus,

    id. Sest. 27, 58; 66, 139:

    multa infanda,

    Liv. 28, 12, 5:

    multa falsa,

    id. 35, 23, 2.—Also, when the second adjective forms with its substantive a single conception:

    multa secunda proelia,

    victories, Liv. 9, 42, 5; 35, 1, 3; 41, 17, 1:

    multa libera capita,

    freemen, id. 42, 41, 11:

    multae liberae civitates,

    republics, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 30, § 68:

    multos fortes viros,

    id. Cat. 3, 2, 7; id. Mur. 8, 17:

    multi clari viri,

    noblemen, id. Leg. 1, 5, 17:

    multi primarii viri,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 61, § 149.—Similarly, et is omitted between multi and adjectives which form with their substantives familiar phrases:

    multi clarissimi viri,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 10, 24:

    multi amplissimi viri,

    id. Fin. 2, 17, 55; id. Deiot. 14, 39; id. Fam. 10, 25, 2; id. Att. 10, 8, 7; 16, 16, 11; id. Verr. 1, 7, 19:

    multi honestissimi homines,

    id. Fam. 15, 15, 3:

    multi peritissimi homines,

    id. Caecin. 24, 69:

    multi summi homines,

    id. Arch. 12, 30; id. Har. Resp. 26, 56:

    multi clarissimi et sapientissimi viri,

    id. Planc. 4, 11; id. Cael. 18, 43.—Et is also omitted when the substantive stands between the two adjectives:

    in veteribus patronis multis,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 1, 2:

    multa praeterea bella gravia,

    id. Agr. 2, 33, 90:

    multis suppliciis justis,

    id. Cat. 1, 8, 20:

    multa majores nostri magna et gravia bella gesserunt,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 2, 6:

    plurima signa pulcherrima,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 23, § 61.—When both adjectives follow the substantive, et is sometimes inserted:

    virtutes animi multae et magnae,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 22, 64:

    causas ille multas et graves habuit,

    id. Clu. 30, 82;

    and is sometimes omitted, the emphasis then falling on the second adjective: utebatur hominibus improbis, multis,

    id. Cael. 5, 12:

    prodigia multa, foeda,

    Liv. 40, 29, 1.—With a partitive gen.:

    multi hominum,

    Plin. 16, 25, 40, § 96:

    multae silvestrium arborum,

    id. 16, 31, 56, § 128.—In neutr. plur.: multa, orum, many things, much:

    nimium multa,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 14, 3:

    nimis multa,

    id. Fin. 2, 18, 57:

    insulae non ita multae,

    not so many, not so very many, Plin. 5, 7, 7, § 41:

    parum multa scire,

    too few, Auct. Her. 1, 1, 1: bene multi, a good many, Asin. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 33, 4:

    quam minime multa vestigia servitutis,

    as few as possible, Nep. Tim. 3, 3:

    minime multi remiges,

    exceedingly few, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 34, § 88:

    in multas pecunias alienissimorum hominum invasit,

    id. Phil. 2, 16, 41; id. Verr. 2, 5, 19, § 48:

    multae pecuniae variis ex causis a privatis detinentur,

    Plin. Ep. 10, 17, 3.—Sometimes multi stands for multi alii, many others:

    nam certe Pompeio, et a Curionibus patre et filio, et a multis exprobratum est,

    Suet. Caes. 50.—The sing. also is used poet. for the plur., many a:

    aut trudit acres hinc et hinc multa cane Apros in obstantes plagas,

    with many dogs, Hor. Epod. 2, 31:

    multa prece prosequi,

    id. C. 4, 5, 33:

    multa victima,

    Verg. E. 1, 34: agna. Ov. F. 4, 772:


    id. Am. 3, 5, 4:


    Tib. 1, 3, 28; so of persons: multus sua vulnera puppi Affixit moriens, many a one, for multi affixerunt, Luc. 3, 707.—In sing., to denote quantity, much, great, abundant: multum aurum et argentum. Plaut. Rud. 5, 2, 8; 22:

    exstructa mensa multa carne rancida,

    Cic. Pis. 27, 67:

    multo labore quaerere aliquid,

    with much labor, great exertion, Cic. Sull. 26, 73:


    Sall. J. 7, 4:


    much sun, Plin. 31, 7, 39, § 81: sermo, much conversalion, Brut. ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 20, 1: stilus tuus multi sudoris est. Cic. de Or. 1, 60, 257: multo cibo et potione completi, id. Tusc. 5, 35, 100:

    multo sanguine ea Poenis victoria stetit,

    Liv. 23, 30, 2:

    multum sanguinem haurire,

    Curt. 4, 14, 17; 8, 14, 32:

    multam harenam mare evomit,

    id. 4, 6, 8:


    id. 7, 4, 26:


    id. 8, 10, 14:

    multae vestis injectu opprimi,

    Tac. A. 6, 50:

    multa et lauta supellex,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 27, 66:


    Sall. J. 13, 6; Tac. A. 6, 33; Liv. 26, 11, 9; Curt. 3, 3, 12:


    Hor. S. 1, 4, 5:

    multam salutem dicere alicui,

    to greet heartily, Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 194:

    cum auro et argento multo,

    Sall. J. 13, 6.—Of time:

    Itaque multum diei processerat,

    a great part of the day, Sall. J. 51, 2:

    ad multum diem,

    till far in the day, Cic. Att. 13, 9, 1:

    multo adhuc die,

    when much of the day was still remaining, when it was still high day, Tac. H. 2, 44:

    multo denique die,

    when the day was far spent, Caes. B. G. 1, 22:

    multa nocte,

    late at night, Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 9, 2:

    multo mane,

    very early, id. Att. 5, 4, 1:

    multa opinio, for multorum,

    the general opinion, Gell. 3, 16, 1:

    velut multa pace,

    as in a general peace, as if there were peace everywhere, Tac. H. 4, 35:

    multus homo,

    one who gives himself up to the lusts of many, Cat. 112, 1.— multi, orum, m., the many, the common mass, the multitude: probis probatus potius, quam multis forem, Att. ap. Non. 519, 9:

    video ego te, mulier, more multarum utier,

    id. ib. —Esp.: unus e (or de) multis, one of the multitude, a man of no distinction:

    tenuis L. Virginius unusque e multis,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 20, 62:

    unus de multis esse,

    id. Off. 1, 30, 109: M. Calidius non fuit orator unus e multis;

    potius inter multos prope singularis fuit,

    id. Brut. 79, 274:

    numerarer in multis,

    among the herd of orators, id. ib. 97, 333:

    e multis una sit tibi,

    no better than others, Ov. R. Am. 682:

    multum est,

    it is of importance, Verg. G. 2, 272.—In neutr. absol.: ne multa, or ne multis, not to be prolix, in short:

    ne multa: perquiritur a coactoribus,

    Cic. Clu. 64, 181:

    ne multis: Diogenes emitur,

    id. ib. 16, 47:

    quid multis moror?

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 87.—Sometimes multa is used (particularly by the poets) adverbially, much, greatly, very:

    multa reluctari,

    Verg. G. 4, 301:


    id. ib. 3, 226; id. A. 5, 869:

    deos testatus,

    id. ib. 7, 593:


    Nep. Ep. 6, 1 (cf. nonnulla invehi, id. Tim. 5, 3):

    haud multa moratus,

    Verg. A. 3, 610.—Rarely in multum:

    in multum velociores,

    by far, Plin. 10, 36, 52, § 108.—
    In partic.
    Too much, overmuch, excessive:

    supellex modica, non multa,

    Nep. Att. 13, 5.—
    In speech, much-speaking, diffuse, prolix:

    qui in aliquo genere aut inconcinnus aut multus est,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 4, 17:

    ne in re nota et pervulgata multus et insolens sim,

    id. ib. 2, 87, 358:

    nolo in stellarum ratione multus vobis videri,

    id. N. D. 2, 46, 119.—
    Frequent, frequently present:

    in operibus, in agmine, atque ad vigilias multus adesse,

    Sall. J. 96, 3:

    multus in eo proelio Caesar fuit,

    was in many places, Flor. 4, 2, 50:

    hen hercle hominem multum et odiosum mihi!

    troublesome, tedious, Plaut. Men. 2, 2, 41:


    Sall. J. 84, 1.—Hence, adv., in two forms.
    multum, much, very much, greatly, very, often, frequently, far, etc. (class.):

    salve multum, gnate mi,

    Plaut. Trin. 5, 2, 56:

    multum vale,

    farewell, id. Stich. 3, 2, 40:

    hominem ineptum multum et odiosum mihi,

    id. Men. 2, 2, 42:

    opinor, Cassium uti non ita multum sorore,

    not very much, Cic. Fam. 7, 23, 3:

    multum mecum municipales homines loquuntur,

    often, id. Att. 8, 13, 2:

    non multum ille quidem nec saepe dicebat,

    id. Brut. 34, 128:

    non multum confidere,

    not very much, not particularly, Caes. B. G. 3, 25:

    sunt in venationibus,

    often, frequently, id. ib. 4, 1:

    in eodem genere causarum multum erat T. Juventius,

    Cic. Brut. 48, 178:

    multum fuisse cum aliquo,

    to have had much intercourse with, id. Rep. 1, 10, 16:

    sum multum equidem cum Phaedro in Epicuri hortis,

    id. Fin. 5, 1, 3:

    gratia valere,

    to be in great favor, Nep. Con. 2, 1:

    res multum et saepe quaesita,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 15, 33:

    longe omnes multumque superabit,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 44, § 115:

    multum et diu cogitans,

    id. Div. 2, 1, 1:

    diu multumque scriptitare,

    id. de Or. 1, 33, 152.—With an adj.:

    multum loquaces,

    very talkative, Plaut. Aul. 2, 1, 5:

    mepti labores,

    very, Plin. Ep. 1, 9.— Poet. also with comp.:

    multum improbiores sunt quam a primo credidi,

    much, far, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 139:

    multum robustior illo,

    Juv. 19, 197:


    Sil. 13, 708.— So with infra, post:

    haud multum infra viam,

    Liv. 5, 37, 7; Plin. 98, 7, § 20:

    haud multum post mortem ejus,

    Tac. A. 5, 3:

    ut multum,

    at most, Mart. 10, 11, 6; Vop. Aur. 46.—
    multō by much, much, a great deal, far, by far (class.).
    With comparatives and verbs which imply comparison:

    multo tanto carior,

    Plaut. Bacch. 2, 3, 76:

    pauciores oratores,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 3, 11:

    facilius atque expeditius iter,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 6.—With verbs:

    virtutem omnibus rebus multo anteponentes,

    Cic. Fin. 4, 18, 49:

    multo ceteros anteibant,

    Tac. H. 4, 13:

    multo praestat beneficii, quam maleficii immemorem esse,

    Sall. J. 31, 28.—With malle:

    multo mavolo,

    Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 88; id. Ps. 2, 4, 38:

    meo judicio multo stare malo, quam, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 12, 21, 1.—
    With sup. (rare but class.), by far, by much:

    quae tibi mulier videtur multo sapientissuma,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 66; id. Am. 2, 2, 150: multo optimus hostis, by far, Lucil. ap. Non. 4, 413:

    simulacrum multo antiquissimum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 49, § 109; 2, 4, 23, § 50; id. Cat. 4, 8, 17:

    maxima pars,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 18, 54; cf. Hor. S. 2, 3, 82:

    multo id bellum maximum fuit,

    Liv. 1, 11, 5:

    pars multo maxima,

    id. 30, 18, 14: multo molestissima, Cic. Div. in. Caecil. 11, 36:

    multo gratissima lux,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 39:


    Quint. 9, 4, 72:


    id. ib. 26:


    id. 1, 2, 24:


    id. 2, 10, 1:


    Auct. Her. 4, 44, 58:

    multo maxime miserabile,

    Sall. C. 36, 4:

    multo maxime ingenio validus,

    id. J. 6, 1.—
    With particles denoting a difference, far, greatly, very:

    multo aliter,

    Ter. And. prol. 4:

    multo aliter ac sperabat,

    far otherwise than, Nep. Ham. 2:

    quod non multo secus fieret, si,

    not far otherwise, not very different, Cic. Fam. 4, 9, 1: multo infra Cyrenaicum. Plin. 19, 3, 15, § 40. —
    In specifications of time, before ante and post, long, much:

    non multo ante urbem captam,

    Cic. Div. 1, 45, 101:

    non multo ante,

    not long before, Nep. Eum. 3, 3:

    multo ante,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 1, 1:

    non multo post, quam, etc.,

    not long after, id. Att. 12, 49, 9:

    haud multo ante solis occasum,

    Liv. 5, 39, 2:

    multo ante noctem,

    id. 27, 42, 13.—
    Very rarely with the positive for multum:

    maligna multo,

    very, Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 83 Umpf.—
    Doubled, multo multoque, with comparatives:

    multo multoque longior,

    far, very much, Front. ad M. Caes. 2, 5:

    multo multoque operosius est,

    Val. Max. 4, 1, 2: multo multoque magis, Front. Laud. Negl. § 3.
    Comp.: plūs, pluris; in the plur., plures, plura (in sing. anciently written plous; three times in the S. C. de Bacch. Here perh. belongs, in the plur., pleores and pleoris, for plures, in the Song of the Arval Brothers.—For the class. neuter of the plur., plura, the form pluria was used in ante-class. Latinity. Gellius cites M. Cato, Q. Claudius, Valerius Antias, L. AElius, P. Nigidius, and M. Varro as authorities for this form, Gell. 5, 21, 6; yet Plautus and Terence have only plura; and the earlier reading pluria, in Lucr. 1, 877; 2, 1135; 4, 1085, is now supplanted by the critically certain plura and plurima.—The gen. plur. plurium, however, has remained the predominant form, e. g. Quint. 7, 1, 1; 8, 4, 27; 9, 4, 66 et saep.) [from the root ple; Gr. pleon, pimplêmi; cf. plenus, plera, compleo, etc.; also locu-ples, plebes, populus, etc.], more.
    In the sing. (used both substantively and adverbially): LIBRAS FARRIS ENDO DIES DATO. SI VOLET PLVS DATO, Fragm. XII. Tab. in Gell. 20, 1, 45: SI PLVS MINVSVE SECVERVNT, SE FRAVDE ESTO, ib.;

    so (perh. in imitation of this legal phrase): ebeu, cur ego plus minusve feci quam aequom fuit!

    Plaut. Capt. 5, 3, 18; Ter. Phorm. 3, 3, 21:

    ne plus minusve loqueretur,

    Suet. Aug. 84; cf. Plaut. Men. 4, 2, 27; and in the signif. of circiter, about: septingenti sunt paulo plus aut minus anni... postquam, etc., Enn. ap. Varr. R. R. 3, 1, 2 (Ann. v. 493 Vahl.);

    so. non longius abesse plus minus octo milibus,

    Hirt. B. G. 8, 20, 1 Oud.; cf.:

    speranti plures... venerunt plusve minusve duae,

    Mart. 8, 71, 4:

    aut ne quid faciam plus, quod post me minus fecisse satius sit,

    too much... too little, Ter. Hec. 5, 1, 4:

    tantum et plus etiam ipse mihi deberet,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 7:

    vos et decem numero, et, quod plus est, Romani estis,

    and what is more, Liv. 9, 24, 8:

    verbane plus an sententia valere debeat,

    Cic. Top. 25, 96: [p. 1174] cf.:

    apud me argumenta plus quam testes valent,

    id. Rep. 1, 38, 59:

    valet enim salus plus quam libido,

    id. ib. 1, 40, 63.—
    With a partitive gen.:

    vultis pecuniae plus habere,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 47, 88; cf.:

    nostri casus plus honoris habuerunt quam laboris,

    id. Rep. 1, 4, 7; so,

    plus virium,

    id. Leg. 1, 2, 6:

    plus hostium,

    Liv. 2, 42:

    plus dapis et rixae multo minus invidiaeque,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 51:

    in hac causa eo plus auctoritatis habent, quia, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 3, 16, 26; cf.:

    plus ingenii,

    id. ib. 1, 14, 22:

    Albano non plus animi erat quam fidei,

    as little courage as fidelity, Liv. 1, 27, 5.—
    With quam (some examples of which have already been given above):

    non plus quam semel,

    Cic. Off. 3, 15, 61:

    confiteor eos... plus quam sicarios esse,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    ne plus reddat quam acceperit,

    id. Lael. 16, 58 et saep.:

    non plus quam in tres partis posse distribui putaverunt,

    into not more than, id. Inv. 1, 34, 57:

    plus quam decem dies abesse,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    nulla (navis) plus quam triginta remis agatur,

    with more than, Liv. 38, 38, 8.—
    Without quam:

    HOMINES PLOVS V. OINVORSEI VIREI ATQVE MVLIERES, S. C. de Bacch. 19 (Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 173): plus mille capti,

    Liv. 24, 44:

    plus milies audivi,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 32: plus semel, Varr. ap. Plin. 14, 14, 17, § 96:

    plus quingentos colaphos infregit mihi,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 46:

    ferre plus dimidiati mensis cibaria,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 16, 37:

    non plus mille quingentos aeris,

    id. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    paulo plus ducentos passus a castris,

    Liv. 31, 34:

    cum plus annum aeger fuisset,

    id. 40, 2:

    parte plus dimidia rem auctam,

    id. 29, 25.—
    With a compar. or adverbial abl., or with an abl. of measure:

    VIREI PLOVS DVOBVS, S. C. de Bacch. 20 (Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 173): de paupertate tacentes Plus poscente ferent,

    more than the importunate, Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 44:

    ex his alius alio plus habet virium,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 2, 6: cave putes hoc tempore plus me quemquam cruciari, Balb. ap. Cic. Att. 8, 15, A, 2:

    alterum certe non potest, ut plus una vera sit,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 2, 5; cf.:

    in columba plures videri colores, nec esse plus uno,

    id. Ac. 2, 25, 79: HOC PLVS NE FACITO, more than this, Fragm. XII. Tab. ap. Cic. Leg. 2, 23, 59:

    annos sexaginta natus es Aut plus eo,

    or more than that, Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 11:

    plus aequo,

    Cic. Lael. 16, 58:

    plus paulo,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 1, 8:

    paulo plus,

    Liv. 31, 34: multo plus, Anton. ap. Cic. Att. 10, 8, A, 1:

    plus nimio,

    overmuch, Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 30: quam molestum est uno digito plus habere, too much by a finger, i. e. a finger too much, Cic. N. D. 1, 35, 99:

    uno plus Etruscorum cecidisse in acie,

    one man more, Liv. 2, 7, 2.—
    In the gen. pretii, pluris, of more value, of a higher price, for more, higher, dearer:

    ut plus reddant musti et olei, et pretii pluris,

    of greater value, Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 4:

    ager multo pluris est,

    is worth much more, Cic. Rosc. Com. 12, 33; cf.:

    quo pluris sint nostra oliveta,

    id. Rep. 3, 9, 16:

    pluris emere,

    dearer, id. Fam. 7, 2, 1; so,


    id. Off. 3, 12, 51; id. Verr. 2, 3, 19, § 48; Hor. S. 2, 3, 300:


    Col. 1, 4, 7:

    pluris est oculatus testis quam auriti decem,

    of more value, Plaut. Truc. 2, 6, 8:

    mea mihi conscientia pluris est, quam omnium sermo,

    Cic. Att. 12, 28, 2:

    facio pluris omnium hominem neminem,

    id. ib. 8, 2, 4:

    facere aliquem pluris,

    make more of one, esteem him more highly, id. Fam. 3, 4, 2:

    pluris habere,

    id. Phil. 6, 4, 10:


    id. Par. 6, 2, 48:


    id. Att. 7, 3, 5:


    id. Off. 3, 4, 18 et saep.—
    Rarely, instead of the genitive, in the abl. pretii: plure vendunt, Lucil. ap. Charis. 2, p. 189 P.: plure altero tanto, quanto ejus fundus est, velim, Plaut. ib.: plure venit, Cic. ib.—
    Plus plusque, more and more: quem mehercule plus plusque in dies diligo. Cic. Att. 6, 2, 10.—
    * 5.
    Like magis, with an adj.:

    plus formosus, for formosior,

    Nemes. Ecl. 4, 72.—
    In the plur.
    Comparatively, more in number:

    omnes qui aere alieno premantur, quos plures esse intellego quam putaram,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 5; id. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    nemini ego plura acerba esse credo ex amore homini umquam oblata quam mihi,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 1:

    ne plura insignia essent imperii in libero populo quam in regno fuissent,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 31, 55:

    multo plura,

    many more things, Quint. 3, 6, 28.—
    In gen., of a great number, many: qui plus fore dicant in pluribus consilii quam in uno. Cic. Rep. 1, 35, 55: cf.: quid quaeso interest inter unum et plures, si justitia est in pluribus? id. ib. 1, 39, 61;

    1, 34, 52: non possunt una in civitate multi rem ac fortunas amittere, ut non plures secum in eandem trahant calamitatem,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 7, 19:

    quod pluribus praesentibus eas res jactari nolebat,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 18:

    plura castella Pompeius tentaverat,

    id. B. C. 3, 52:

    summus dolor plures dies manere non potest,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 28, 93:

    pluribus diebus, Quint. prooem. § 7: illic plurium rerum est congeries,

    id. 8, 4, 27:

    quae consuetudo sit, pluribus verbis docere,

    Cic. Clu. 41, 115:

    eum pluribus verbis rogat, ut, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 28, § 64;

    without verba: quid ego plura dicam?

    id. de Or. 1, 5, 18:

    pluribus haec exsecutus sum,

    Phaedr. 3, 10, 59;

    also elliptically, quid plura? and, ne plura, like quid multa? and ne multa: hic sacra, hic genus, hic majorum multa vestigia. Quid plura? hanc vides villam, etc.,

    what need of many words? in short, Cic. Leg. 2, 1, 3:

    sed—ne plura—dicendum enim aliquando est—Pomponium Atticum sic amo, ut alterum fratrem,

    id. Fam. 13, 1, 5.—
    Esp.: plures.
    The mass, the multitude, opp. pauciores, = hoi oligoi, Plaut. Trin. 1, 1, 13.—
    Euphemistically, acc. to the Gr. hoi pleiones, the dead:

    quin prius Me ad plures penetravi?

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 14.—
    The greater number, the majority:

    plures nesciebant qua ex causa convenissent,

    Vulg. Act. 19, 32.
    Sup.: plūrĭmus (archaic form, plisima plurima, Paul. ex Fest. p. 204 and 205 Mull.: PLIOIRVME (I), Epit. of Scipio), a, um [from root ple; whence also plus, q. v., ploirumus for ploisumus; and thence the predominant form plurimus], most, very much, or many (as an adj. in good prose mostly in the plur., except the standing formula of greeting: salutem plurimam dicere alicui; v. infra):

    hujus sunt plurima simulacra,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 17:

    nos plurimis ignotissimi gentibus,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17, 26:

    plurimae et maximae partes,

    id. ib. 1, 4, 8:

    plurimorum seculorum memoria,

    id. ib. 3, 9, 14:

    haec plurimis a me verbis dicta sunt,

    id. ib. 1, 7, 12 et saep.—In sing.:

    me plurima praeda onustum,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 2, 4:


    Quint. 2, 2, 5:


    id. 6, 3, 85:


    id. 6, 1, 51:


    id. 8 prooem. §

    28: mons,

    very large, Verg. A. 1, 419:


    id. G. 3, 52:


    Ov. Ib. 600.—Of a greeting: impertit salutem plurimam, Lucil. ap. Non. 472. 16; and esp. freq.: salutem plurimam dicit (commonly abbrev. S. P. D.) at the beginning of letters; v. salus.— Poet.:

    medio cum plurimus orbe Sol erat,

    very powerful, oppressive, Ov. M. 14, 53: plurima qua silva est. thickest, id. ib. 14, 361:

    coma plurima,

    very thick, id. ib. 13, 844:

    sed plurima nantis in ore Alcyone conjux,

    mostly, chiefly, id. ib. 11, 562.—And collect.:

    plurimus in Junonis honorem Aptum dicet equis Argos,

    many a one, very many, Hor. C. 1, 7, 8; so,

    oleaster plurimus,

    Verg. G. 2, 183:

    qua plurima mittitur ales,

    Mart. 9, 56, 1:

    plurima lecta rosa est,

    Ov. F. 4, 441.— In neutr. absol. (substant. or adverb.):

    ut haberet quam plurimum,

    as much as possible, Cic. Rab. Post. 14, 39:

    caput autem est, quam plurimum scribere,

    id. de Or. 1, 33, 150:

    ut in quoque oratore plurimum esset,

    id. Rep. 1, 27, 123.— Adv.: plūrĭmum:

    et is valebat in suffragio plurimum, cujus plurimum intererat, esse in optimo statu civitatem,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    auspiciis plurimum obsecutus est Romulus,

    id. ib. 2, 9, 16:

    si vero populus plurimum potest,

    id. ib. 3, 14, 23; cf.:

    qui apud me dignitate plurimum possunt,

    id. Rosc. Am. 1, 4:

    plurimum aliis praestare,

    id. Inv. 2, 1, 1:

    ut te plurimum diligam,

    id. Fam. 1, 7, 1; id. Tusc. 5, 27, 78:

    hoc ego utor uno omnium plurimum,

    id. Fam. 11, 16, 2:

    quantum (al. quanto) plurimum possunt,

    Quint. 11, 3, 120: plurimum quantum also signifies very much indeed, exceedingly (post-class.):

    plurimum quantum veritati nocuere,

    Min. Fel. Oct. 22:


    id. ib. 40:

    (elleborum) ex aqua datur plurimum drachma,

    at the most, Plin. 25, 5, 22, § 54; 9, 36, 60, § 125; 30, 6, 16, § 48; so,

    cum plurimum,

    id. 2, 17, 15, § 78 (opp. to cum minimum); 18, 7, 10, § 60: nec tam numerosa differentia; tribus ut plurimum bonitatibus distat, for the most part, commonly, usually, = plerumque, Plin. 15, 3, 4, § 18.—
    In neutr. with a partit. gen.: sententiarum et gravitatis plurimum, Cic. Inv. 1, 18, 25:


    Quint. 10, 5, 3:

    auctoritatis et ponderis,

    id. 9, 4, 91:

    ut laboris sic utilitatis etiam longe plurimum,

    id. 10, 3, 1:


    id. 12, 1, 20 plurimum quantum favoris partibus dabat fratermtas ducum, Flor. 4, 2, 74.—
    In the gen. pretii:

    plurimi: immo unice unum plurimi pendit,

    values very highly, esteems very much, Plaut. Bacch. 2, 2, 29:

    quem unum Alexander plurimi fecerat,

    Nep. Eum. 2, 2:

    ut quisque quod plurimi est possidet,

    Cic. Par. 6, 2, 48.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > multi

  • 3 multus

    multus (old form moltus), a, um; comp. plus; sup. plurimus (v. at the end of this art.), adj. [etym. dub.], much, great, many, of things corporeal and incorporeal.
    In gen.: multi mortales, Cato ap. Gell. 10, 3, 17: multi suam rem [p. 1173] bene gessere: multi qui, etc., Enn. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 6, 1 (Trag. v. 295 sq. Vahl.):

    multi fortissimi viri,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 17, 3:


    id. de Or. 1, 51, 222. tam multis verbis scribere, at such length, id. Fam. 3, 8, 1:

    beneficia. Cato ap. Fest. s. v. ratissima, p. 286 Mull.: multi alii,

    Ter. And. 5, 4, 28.—When used with another adjective it is usually connected with it by a conjunction:

    multae et magnae contentiones,

    many great conlests, Cic. Phil. 2, 3, 7; 3, 10, 26:

    O multas et graves offensiones,

    id. Att. 11, 7, 3:

    multi et graves dolores,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 45, § 119:

    multi et varii timores,

    Liv. 3, 16, 3:

    multae bonaeque artes animi,

    Sall. J. 28, 5:

    multa et clara facinora,

    Tac. A. 12, 31.—But when the second adjective is used substantively the conjunction is omitted:

    multi improbi,

    Cic. Off. 2, 8, 28; 2, 19, 65:

    multi boni, docti, prudentes,

    id. Fl. 4, 8:

    multi nobiles,

    id. Planc. 20, 50:

    multa acerba habuit ille annus,

    id. Sest. 27, 58; 66, 139:

    multa infanda,

    Liv. 28, 12, 5:

    multa falsa,

    id. 35, 23, 2.—Also, when the second adjective forms with its substantive a single conception:

    multa secunda proelia,

    victories, Liv. 9, 42, 5; 35, 1, 3; 41, 17, 1:

    multa libera capita,

    freemen, id. 42, 41, 11:

    multae liberae civitates,

    republics, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 30, § 68:

    multos fortes viros,

    id. Cat. 3, 2, 7; id. Mur. 8, 17:

    multi clari viri,

    noblemen, id. Leg. 1, 5, 17:

    multi primarii viri,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 61, § 149.—Similarly, et is omitted between multi and adjectives which form with their substantives familiar phrases:

    multi clarissimi viri,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 10, 24:

    multi amplissimi viri,

    id. Fin. 2, 17, 55; id. Deiot. 14, 39; id. Fam. 10, 25, 2; id. Att. 10, 8, 7; 16, 16, 11; id. Verr. 1, 7, 19:

    multi honestissimi homines,

    id. Fam. 15, 15, 3:

    multi peritissimi homines,

    id. Caecin. 24, 69:

    multi summi homines,

    id. Arch. 12, 30; id. Har. Resp. 26, 56:

    multi clarissimi et sapientissimi viri,

    id. Planc. 4, 11; id. Cael. 18, 43.—Et is also omitted when the substantive stands between the two adjectives:

    in veteribus patronis multis,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 1, 2:

    multa praeterea bella gravia,

    id. Agr. 2, 33, 90:

    multis suppliciis justis,

    id. Cat. 1, 8, 20:

    multa majores nostri magna et gravia bella gesserunt,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 2, 6:

    plurima signa pulcherrima,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 23, § 61.—When both adjectives follow the substantive, et is sometimes inserted:

    virtutes animi multae et magnae,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 22, 64:

    causas ille multas et graves habuit,

    id. Clu. 30, 82;

    and is sometimes omitted, the emphasis then falling on the second adjective: utebatur hominibus improbis, multis,

    id. Cael. 5, 12:

    prodigia multa, foeda,

    Liv. 40, 29, 1.—With a partitive gen.:

    multi hominum,

    Plin. 16, 25, 40, § 96:

    multae silvestrium arborum,

    id. 16, 31, 56, § 128.—In neutr. plur.: multa, orum, many things, much:

    nimium multa,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 14, 3:

    nimis multa,

    id. Fin. 2, 18, 57:

    insulae non ita multae,

    not so many, not so very many, Plin. 5, 7, 7, § 41:

    parum multa scire,

    too few, Auct. Her. 1, 1, 1: bene multi, a good many, Asin. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 33, 4:

    quam minime multa vestigia servitutis,

    as few as possible, Nep. Tim. 3, 3:

    minime multi remiges,

    exceedingly few, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 34, § 88:

    in multas pecunias alienissimorum hominum invasit,

    id. Phil. 2, 16, 41; id. Verr. 2, 5, 19, § 48:

    multae pecuniae variis ex causis a privatis detinentur,

    Plin. Ep. 10, 17, 3.—Sometimes multi stands for multi alii, many others:

    nam certe Pompeio, et a Curionibus patre et filio, et a multis exprobratum est,

    Suet. Caes. 50.—The sing. also is used poet. for the plur., many a:

    aut trudit acres hinc et hinc multa cane Apros in obstantes plagas,

    with many dogs, Hor. Epod. 2, 31:

    multa prece prosequi,

    id. C. 4, 5, 33:

    multa victima,

    Verg. E. 1, 34: agna. Ov. F. 4, 772:


    id. Am. 3, 5, 4:


    Tib. 1, 3, 28; so of persons: multus sua vulnera puppi Affixit moriens, many a one, for multi affixerunt, Luc. 3, 707.—In sing., to denote quantity, much, great, abundant: multum aurum et argentum. Plaut. Rud. 5, 2, 8; 22:

    exstructa mensa multa carne rancida,

    Cic. Pis. 27, 67:

    multo labore quaerere aliquid,

    with much labor, great exertion, Cic. Sull. 26, 73:


    Sall. J. 7, 4:


    much sun, Plin. 31, 7, 39, § 81: sermo, much conversalion, Brut. ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 20, 1: stilus tuus multi sudoris est. Cic. de Or. 1, 60, 257: multo cibo et potione completi, id. Tusc. 5, 35, 100:

    multo sanguine ea Poenis victoria stetit,

    Liv. 23, 30, 2:

    multum sanguinem haurire,

    Curt. 4, 14, 17; 8, 14, 32:

    multam harenam mare evomit,

    id. 4, 6, 8:


    id. 7, 4, 26:


    id. 8, 10, 14:

    multae vestis injectu opprimi,

    Tac. A. 6, 50:

    multa et lauta supellex,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 27, 66:


    Sall. J. 13, 6; Tac. A. 6, 33; Liv. 26, 11, 9; Curt. 3, 3, 12:


    Hor. S. 1, 4, 5:

    multam salutem dicere alicui,

    to greet heartily, Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 194:

    cum auro et argento multo,

    Sall. J. 13, 6.—Of time:

    Itaque multum diei processerat,

    a great part of the day, Sall. J. 51, 2:

    ad multum diem,

    till far in the day, Cic. Att. 13, 9, 1:

    multo adhuc die,

    when much of the day was still remaining, when it was still high day, Tac. H. 2, 44:

    multo denique die,

    when the day was far spent, Caes. B. G. 1, 22:

    multa nocte,

    late at night, Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 9, 2:

    multo mane,

    very early, id. Att. 5, 4, 1:

    multa opinio, for multorum,

    the general opinion, Gell. 3, 16, 1:

    velut multa pace,

    as in a general peace, as if there were peace everywhere, Tac. H. 4, 35:

    multus homo,

    one who gives himself up to the lusts of many, Cat. 112, 1.— multi, orum, m., the many, the common mass, the multitude: probis probatus potius, quam multis forem, Att. ap. Non. 519, 9:

    video ego te, mulier, more multarum utier,

    id. ib. —Esp.: unus e (or de) multis, one of the multitude, a man of no distinction:

    tenuis L. Virginius unusque e multis,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 20, 62:

    unus de multis esse,

    id. Off. 1, 30, 109: M. Calidius non fuit orator unus e multis;

    potius inter multos prope singularis fuit,

    id. Brut. 79, 274:

    numerarer in multis,

    among the herd of orators, id. ib. 97, 333:

    e multis una sit tibi,

    no better than others, Ov. R. Am. 682:

    multum est,

    it is of importance, Verg. G. 2, 272.—In neutr. absol.: ne multa, or ne multis, not to be prolix, in short:

    ne multa: perquiritur a coactoribus,

    Cic. Clu. 64, 181:

    ne multis: Diogenes emitur,

    id. ib. 16, 47:

    quid multis moror?

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 87.—Sometimes multa is used (particularly by the poets) adverbially, much, greatly, very:

    multa reluctari,

    Verg. G. 4, 301:


    id. ib. 3, 226; id. A. 5, 869:

    deos testatus,

    id. ib. 7, 593:


    Nep. Ep. 6, 1 (cf. nonnulla invehi, id. Tim. 5, 3):

    haud multa moratus,

    Verg. A. 3, 610.—Rarely in multum:

    in multum velociores,

    by far, Plin. 10, 36, 52, § 108.—
    In partic.
    Too much, overmuch, excessive:

    supellex modica, non multa,

    Nep. Att. 13, 5.—
    In speech, much-speaking, diffuse, prolix:

    qui in aliquo genere aut inconcinnus aut multus est,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 4, 17:

    ne in re nota et pervulgata multus et insolens sim,

    id. ib. 2, 87, 358:

    nolo in stellarum ratione multus vobis videri,

    id. N. D. 2, 46, 119.—
    Frequent, frequently present:

    in operibus, in agmine, atque ad vigilias multus adesse,

    Sall. J. 96, 3:

    multus in eo proelio Caesar fuit,

    was in many places, Flor. 4, 2, 50:

    hen hercle hominem multum et odiosum mihi!

    troublesome, tedious, Plaut. Men. 2, 2, 41:


    Sall. J. 84, 1.—Hence, adv., in two forms.
    multum, much, very much, greatly, very, often, frequently, far, etc. (class.):

    salve multum, gnate mi,

    Plaut. Trin. 5, 2, 56:

    multum vale,

    farewell, id. Stich. 3, 2, 40:

    hominem ineptum multum et odiosum mihi,

    id. Men. 2, 2, 42:

    opinor, Cassium uti non ita multum sorore,

    not very much, Cic. Fam. 7, 23, 3:

    multum mecum municipales homines loquuntur,

    often, id. Att. 8, 13, 2:

    non multum ille quidem nec saepe dicebat,

    id. Brut. 34, 128:

    non multum confidere,

    not very much, not particularly, Caes. B. G. 3, 25:

    sunt in venationibus,

    often, frequently, id. ib. 4, 1:

    in eodem genere causarum multum erat T. Juventius,

    Cic. Brut. 48, 178:

    multum fuisse cum aliquo,

    to have had much intercourse with, id. Rep. 1, 10, 16:

    sum multum equidem cum Phaedro in Epicuri hortis,

    id. Fin. 5, 1, 3:

    gratia valere,

    to be in great favor, Nep. Con. 2, 1:

    res multum et saepe quaesita,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 15, 33:

    longe omnes multumque superabit,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 44, § 115:

    multum et diu cogitans,

    id. Div. 2, 1, 1:

    diu multumque scriptitare,

    id. de Or. 1, 33, 152.—With an adj.:

    multum loquaces,

    very talkative, Plaut. Aul. 2, 1, 5:

    mepti labores,

    very, Plin. Ep. 1, 9.— Poet. also with comp.:

    multum improbiores sunt quam a primo credidi,

    much, far, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 139:

    multum robustior illo,

    Juv. 19, 197:


    Sil. 13, 708.— So with infra, post:

    haud multum infra viam,

    Liv. 5, 37, 7; Plin. 98, 7, § 20:

    haud multum post mortem ejus,

    Tac. A. 5, 3:

    ut multum,

    at most, Mart. 10, 11, 6; Vop. Aur. 46.—
    multō by much, much, a great deal, far, by far (class.).
    With comparatives and verbs which imply comparison:

    multo tanto carior,

    Plaut. Bacch. 2, 3, 76:

    pauciores oratores,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 3, 11:

    facilius atque expeditius iter,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 6.—With verbs:

    virtutem omnibus rebus multo anteponentes,

    Cic. Fin. 4, 18, 49:

    multo ceteros anteibant,

    Tac. H. 4, 13:

    multo praestat beneficii, quam maleficii immemorem esse,

    Sall. J. 31, 28.—With malle:

    multo mavolo,

    Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 88; id. Ps. 2, 4, 38:

    meo judicio multo stare malo, quam, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 12, 21, 1.—
    With sup. (rare but class.), by far, by much:

    quae tibi mulier videtur multo sapientissuma,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 66; id. Am. 2, 2, 150: multo optimus hostis, by far, Lucil. ap. Non. 4, 413:

    simulacrum multo antiquissimum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 49, § 109; 2, 4, 23, § 50; id. Cat. 4, 8, 17:

    maxima pars,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 18, 54; cf. Hor. S. 2, 3, 82:

    multo id bellum maximum fuit,

    Liv. 1, 11, 5:

    pars multo maxima,

    id. 30, 18, 14: multo molestissima, Cic. Div. in. Caecil. 11, 36:

    multo gratissima lux,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 39:


    Quint. 9, 4, 72:


    id. ib. 26:


    id. 1, 2, 24:


    id. 2, 10, 1:


    Auct. Her. 4, 44, 58:

    multo maxime miserabile,

    Sall. C. 36, 4:

    multo maxime ingenio validus,

    id. J. 6, 1.—
    With particles denoting a difference, far, greatly, very:

    multo aliter,

    Ter. And. prol. 4:

    multo aliter ac sperabat,

    far otherwise than, Nep. Ham. 2:

    quod non multo secus fieret, si,

    not far otherwise, not very different, Cic. Fam. 4, 9, 1: multo infra Cyrenaicum. Plin. 19, 3, 15, § 40. —
    In specifications of time, before ante and post, long, much:

    non multo ante urbem captam,

    Cic. Div. 1, 45, 101:

    non multo ante,

    not long before, Nep. Eum. 3, 3:

    multo ante,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 1, 1:

    non multo post, quam, etc.,

    not long after, id. Att. 12, 49, 9:

    haud multo ante solis occasum,

    Liv. 5, 39, 2:

    multo ante noctem,

    id. 27, 42, 13.—
    Very rarely with the positive for multum:

    maligna multo,

    very, Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 83 Umpf.—
    Doubled, multo multoque, with comparatives:

    multo multoque longior,

    far, very much, Front. ad M. Caes. 2, 5:

    multo multoque operosius est,

    Val. Max. 4, 1, 2: multo multoque magis, Front. Laud. Negl. § 3.
    Comp.: plūs, pluris; in the plur., plures, plura (in sing. anciently written plous; three times in the S. C. de Bacch. Here perh. belongs, in the plur., pleores and pleoris, for plures, in the Song of the Arval Brothers.—For the class. neuter of the plur., plura, the form pluria was used in ante-class. Latinity. Gellius cites M. Cato, Q. Claudius, Valerius Antias, L. AElius, P. Nigidius, and M. Varro as authorities for this form, Gell. 5, 21, 6; yet Plautus and Terence have only plura; and the earlier reading pluria, in Lucr. 1, 877; 2, 1135; 4, 1085, is now supplanted by the critically certain plura and plurima.—The gen. plur. plurium, however, has remained the predominant form, e. g. Quint. 7, 1, 1; 8, 4, 27; 9, 4, 66 et saep.) [from the root ple; Gr. pleon, pimplêmi; cf. plenus, plera, compleo, etc.; also locu-ples, plebes, populus, etc.], more.
    In the sing. (used both substantively and adverbially): LIBRAS FARRIS ENDO DIES DATO. SI VOLET PLVS DATO, Fragm. XII. Tab. in Gell. 20, 1, 45: SI PLVS MINVSVE SECVERVNT, SE FRAVDE ESTO, ib.;

    so (perh. in imitation of this legal phrase): ebeu, cur ego plus minusve feci quam aequom fuit!

    Plaut. Capt. 5, 3, 18; Ter. Phorm. 3, 3, 21:

    ne plus minusve loqueretur,

    Suet. Aug. 84; cf. Plaut. Men. 4, 2, 27; and in the signif. of circiter, about: septingenti sunt paulo plus aut minus anni... postquam, etc., Enn. ap. Varr. R. R. 3, 1, 2 (Ann. v. 493 Vahl.);

    so. non longius abesse plus minus octo milibus,

    Hirt. B. G. 8, 20, 1 Oud.; cf.:

    speranti plures... venerunt plusve minusve duae,

    Mart. 8, 71, 4:

    aut ne quid faciam plus, quod post me minus fecisse satius sit,

    too much... too little, Ter. Hec. 5, 1, 4:

    tantum et plus etiam ipse mihi deberet,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 7:

    vos et decem numero, et, quod plus est, Romani estis,

    and what is more, Liv. 9, 24, 8:

    verbane plus an sententia valere debeat,

    Cic. Top. 25, 96: [p. 1174] cf.:

    apud me argumenta plus quam testes valent,

    id. Rep. 1, 38, 59:

    valet enim salus plus quam libido,

    id. ib. 1, 40, 63.—
    With a partitive gen.:

    vultis pecuniae plus habere,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 47, 88; cf.:

    nostri casus plus honoris habuerunt quam laboris,

    id. Rep. 1, 4, 7; so,

    plus virium,

    id. Leg. 1, 2, 6:

    plus hostium,

    Liv. 2, 42:

    plus dapis et rixae multo minus invidiaeque,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 51:

    in hac causa eo plus auctoritatis habent, quia, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 3, 16, 26; cf.:

    plus ingenii,

    id. ib. 1, 14, 22:

    Albano non plus animi erat quam fidei,

    as little courage as fidelity, Liv. 1, 27, 5.—
    With quam (some examples of which have already been given above):

    non plus quam semel,

    Cic. Off. 3, 15, 61:

    confiteor eos... plus quam sicarios esse,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    ne plus reddat quam acceperit,

    id. Lael. 16, 58 et saep.:

    non plus quam in tres partis posse distribui putaverunt,

    into not more than, id. Inv. 1, 34, 57:

    plus quam decem dies abesse,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    nulla (navis) plus quam triginta remis agatur,

    with more than, Liv. 38, 38, 8.—
    Without quam:

    HOMINES PLOVS V. OINVORSEI VIREI ATQVE MVLIERES, S. C. de Bacch. 19 (Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 173): plus mille capti,

    Liv. 24, 44:

    plus milies audivi,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 32: plus semel, Varr. ap. Plin. 14, 14, 17, § 96:

    plus quingentos colaphos infregit mihi,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 46:

    ferre plus dimidiati mensis cibaria,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 16, 37:

    non plus mille quingentos aeris,

    id. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    paulo plus ducentos passus a castris,

    Liv. 31, 34:

    cum plus annum aeger fuisset,

    id. 40, 2:

    parte plus dimidia rem auctam,

    id. 29, 25.—
    With a compar. or adverbial abl., or with an abl. of measure:

    VIREI PLOVS DVOBVS, S. C. de Bacch. 20 (Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 173): de paupertate tacentes Plus poscente ferent,

    more than the importunate, Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 44:

    ex his alius alio plus habet virium,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 2, 6: cave putes hoc tempore plus me quemquam cruciari, Balb. ap. Cic. Att. 8, 15, A, 2:

    alterum certe non potest, ut plus una vera sit,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 2, 5; cf.:

    in columba plures videri colores, nec esse plus uno,

    id. Ac. 2, 25, 79: HOC PLVS NE FACITO, more than this, Fragm. XII. Tab. ap. Cic. Leg. 2, 23, 59:

    annos sexaginta natus es Aut plus eo,

    or more than that, Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 11:

    plus aequo,

    Cic. Lael. 16, 58:

    plus paulo,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 1, 8:

    paulo plus,

    Liv. 31, 34: multo plus, Anton. ap. Cic. Att. 10, 8, A, 1:

    plus nimio,

    overmuch, Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 30: quam molestum est uno digito plus habere, too much by a finger, i. e. a finger too much, Cic. N. D. 1, 35, 99:

    uno plus Etruscorum cecidisse in acie,

    one man more, Liv. 2, 7, 2.—
    In the gen. pretii, pluris, of more value, of a higher price, for more, higher, dearer:

    ut plus reddant musti et olei, et pretii pluris,

    of greater value, Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 4:

    ager multo pluris est,

    is worth much more, Cic. Rosc. Com. 12, 33; cf.:

    quo pluris sint nostra oliveta,

    id. Rep. 3, 9, 16:

    pluris emere,

    dearer, id. Fam. 7, 2, 1; so,


    id. Off. 3, 12, 51; id. Verr. 2, 3, 19, § 48; Hor. S. 2, 3, 300:


    Col. 1, 4, 7:

    pluris est oculatus testis quam auriti decem,

    of more value, Plaut. Truc. 2, 6, 8:

    mea mihi conscientia pluris est, quam omnium sermo,

    Cic. Att. 12, 28, 2:

    facio pluris omnium hominem neminem,

    id. ib. 8, 2, 4:

    facere aliquem pluris,

    make more of one, esteem him more highly, id. Fam. 3, 4, 2:

    pluris habere,

    id. Phil. 6, 4, 10:


    id. Par. 6, 2, 48:


    id. Att. 7, 3, 5:


    id. Off. 3, 4, 18 et saep.—
    Rarely, instead of the genitive, in the abl. pretii: plure vendunt, Lucil. ap. Charis. 2, p. 189 P.: plure altero tanto, quanto ejus fundus est, velim, Plaut. ib.: plure venit, Cic. ib.—
    Plus plusque, more and more: quem mehercule plus plusque in dies diligo. Cic. Att. 6, 2, 10.—
    * 5.
    Like magis, with an adj.:

    plus formosus, for formosior,

    Nemes. Ecl. 4, 72.—
    In the plur.
    Comparatively, more in number:

    omnes qui aere alieno premantur, quos plures esse intellego quam putaram,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 5; id. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    nemini ego plura acerba esse credo ex amore homini umquam oblata quam mihi,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 1:

    ne plura insignia essent imperii in libero populo quam in regno fuissent,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 31, 55:

    multo plura,

    many more things, Quint. 3, 6, 28.—
    In gen., of a great number, many: qui plus fore dicant in pluribus consilii quam in uno. Cic. Rep. 1, 35, 55: cf.: quid quaeso interest inter unum et plures, si justitia est in pluribus? id. ib. 1, 39, 61;

    1, 34, 52: non possunt una in civitate multi rem ac fortunas amittere, ut non plures secum in eandem trahant calamitatem,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 7, 19:

    quod pluribus praesentibus eas res jactari nolebat,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 18:

    plura castella Pompeius tentaverat,

    id. B. C. 3, 52:

    summus dolor plures dies manere non potest,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 28, 93:

    pluribus diebus, Quint. prooem. § 7: illic plurium rerum est congeries,

    id. 8, 4, 27:

    quae consuetudo sit, pluribus verbis docere,

    Cic. Clu. 41, 115:

    eum pluribus verbis rogat, ut, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 28, § 64;

    without verba: quid ego plura dicam?

    id. de Or. 1, 5, 18:

    pluribus haec exsecutus sum,

    Phaedr. 3, 10, 59;

    also elliptically, quid plura? and, ne plura, like quid multa? and ne multa: hic sacra, hic genus, hic majorum multa vestigia. Quid plura? hanc vides villam, etc.,

    what need of many words? in short, Cic. Leg. 2, 1, 3:

    sed—ne plura—dicendum enim aliquando est—Pomponium Atticum sic amo, ut alterum fratrem,

    id. Fam. 13, 1, 5.—
    Esp.: plures.
    The mass, the multitude, opp. pauciores, = hoi oligoi, Plaut. Trin. 1, 1, 13.—
    Euphemistically, acc. to the Gr. hoi pleiones, the dead:

    quin prius Me ad plures penetravi?

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 14.—
    The greater number, the majority:

    plures nesciebant qua ex causa convenissent,

    Vulg. Act. 19, 32.
    Sup.: plūrĭmus (archaic form, plisima plurima, Paul. ex Fest. p. 204 and 205 Mull.: PLIOIRVME (I), Epit. of Scipio), a, um [from root ple; whence also plus, q. v., ploirumus for ploisumus; and thence the predominant form plurimus], most, very much, or many (as an adj. in good prose mostly in the plur., except the standing formula of greeting: salutem plurimam dicere alicui; v. infra):

    hujus sunt plurima simulacra,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 17:

    nos plurimis ignotissimi gentibus,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17, 26:

    plurimae et maximae partes,

    id. ib. 1, 4, 8:

    plurimorum seculorum memoria,

    id. ib. 3, 9, 14:

    haec plurimis a me verbis dicta sunt,

    id. ib. 1, 7, 12 et saep.—In sing.:

    me plurima praeda onustum,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 2, 4:


    Quint. 2, 2, 5:


    id. 6, 3, 85:


    id. 6, 1, 51:


    id. 8 prooem. §

    28: mons,

    very large, Verg. A. 1, 419:


    id. G. 3, 52:


    Ov. Ib. 600.—Of a greeting: impertit salutem plurimam, Lucil. ap. Non. 472. 16; and esp. freq.: salutem plurimam dicit (commonly abbrev. S. P. D.) at the beginning of letters; v. salus.— Poet.:

    medio cum plurimus orbe Sol erat,

    very powerful, oppressive, Ov. M. 14, 53: plurima qua silva est. thickest, id. ib. 14, 361:

    coma plurima,

    very thick, id. ib. 13, 844:

    sed plurima nantis in ore Alcyone conjux,

    mostly, chiefly, id. ib. 11, 562.—And collect.:

    plurimus in Junonis honorem Aptum dicet equis Argos,

    many a one, very many, Hor. C. 1, 7, 8; so,

    oleaster plurimus,

    Verg. G. 2, 183:

    qua plurima mittitur ales,

    Mart. 9, 56, 1:

    plurima lecta rosa est,

    Ov. F. 4, 441.— In neutr. absol. (substant. or adverb.):

    ut haberet quam plurimum,

    as much as possible, Cic. Rab. Post. 14, 39:

    caput autem est, quam plurimum scribere,

    id. de Or. 1, 33, 150:

    ut in quoque oratore plurimum esset,

    id. Rep. 1, 27, 123.— Adv.: plūrĭmum:

    et is valebat in suffragio plurimum, cujus plurimum intererat, esse in optimo statu civitatem,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    auspiciis plurimum obsecutus est Romulus,

    id. ib. 2, 9, 16:

    si vero populus plurimum potest,

    id. ib. 3, 14, 23; cf.:

    qui apud me dignitate plurimum possunt,

    id. Rosc. Am. 1, 4:

    plurimum aliis praestare,

    id. Inv. 2, 1, 1:

    ut te plurimum diligam,

    id. Fam. 1, 7, 1; id. Tusc. 5, 27, 78:

    hoc ego utor uno omnium plurimum,

    id. Fam. 11, 16, 2:

    quantum (al. quanto) plurimum possunt,

    Quint. 11, 3, 120: plurimum quantum also signifies very much indeed, exceedingly (post-class.):

    plurimum quantum veritati nocuere,

    Min. Fel. Oct. 22:


    id. ib. 40:

    (elleborum) ex aqua datur plurimum drachma,

    at the most, Plin. 25, 5, 22, § 54; 9, 36, 60, § 125; 30, 6, 16, § 48; so,

    cum plurimum,

    id. 2, 17, 15, § 78 (opp. to cum minimum); 18, 7, 10, § 60: nec tam numerosa differentia; tribus ut plurimum bonitatibus distat, for the most part, commonly, usually, = plerumque, Plin. 15, 3, 4, § 18.—
    In neutr. with a partit. gen.: sententiarum et gravitatis plurimum, Cic. Inv. 1, 18, 25:


    Quint. 10, 5, 3:

    auctoritatis et ponderis,

    id. 9, 4, 91:

    ut laboris sic utilitatis etiam longe plurimum,

    id. 10, 3, 1:


    id. 12, 1, 20 plurimum quantum favoris partibus dabat fratermtas ducum, Flor. 4, 2, 74.—
    In the gen. pretii:

    plurimi: immo unice unum plurimi pendit,

    values very highly, esteems very much, Plaut. Bacch. 2, 2, 29:

    quem unum Alexander plurimi fecerat,

    Nep. Eum. 2, 2:

    ut quisque quod plurimi est possidet,

    Cic. Par. 6, 2, 48.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > multus

  • 4 plurimum

    multus (old form moltus), a, um; comp. plus; sup. plurimus (v. at the end of this art.), adj. [etym. dub.], much, great, many, of things corporeal and incorporeal.
    In gen.: multi mortales, Cato ap. Gell. 10, 3, 17: multi suam rem [p. 1173] bene gessere: multi qui, etc., Enn. ap. Cic. Fam. 7, 6, 1 (Trag. v. 295 sq. Vahl.):

    multi fortissimi viri,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 17, 3:


    id. de Or. 1, 51, 222. tam multis verbis scribere, at such length, id. Fam. 3, 8, 1:

    beneficia. Cato ap. Fest. s. v. ratissima, p. 286 Mull.: multi alii,

    Ter. And. 5, 4, 28.—When used with another adjective it is usually connected with it by a conjunction:

    multae et magnae contentiones,

    many great conlests, Cic. Phil. 2, 3, 7; 3, 10, 26:

    O multas et graves offensiones,

    id. Att. 11, 7, 3:

    multi et graves dolores,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 45, § 119:

    multi et varii timores,

    Liv. 3, 16, 3:

    multae bonaeque artes animi,

    Sall. J. 28, 5:

    multa et clara facinora,

    Tac. A. 12, 31.—But when the second adjective is used substantively the conjunction is omitted:

    multi improbi,

    Cic. Off. 2, 8, 28; 2, 19, 65:

    multi boni, docti, prudentes,

    id. Fl. 4, 8:

    multi nobiles,

    id. Planc. 20, 50:

    multa acerba habuit ille annus,

    id. Sest. 27, 58; 66, 139:

    multa infanda,

    Liv. 28, 12, 5:

    multa falsa,

    id. 35, 23, 2.—Also, when the second adjective forms with its substantive a single conception:

    multa secunda proelia,

    victories, Liv. 9, 42, 5; 35, 1, 3; 41, 17, 1:

    multa libera capita,

    freemen, id. 42, 41, 11:

    multae liberae civitates,

    republics, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 30, § 68:

    multos fortes viros,

    id. Cat. 3, 2, 7; id. Mur. 8, 17:

    multi clari viri,

    noblemen, id. Leg. 1, 5, 17:

    multi primarii viri,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 61, § 149.—Similarly, et is omitted between multi and adjectives which form with their substantives familiar phrases:

    multi clarissimi viri,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 10, 24:

    multi amplissimi viri,

    id. Fin. 2, 17, 55; id. Deiot. 14, 39; id. Fam. 10, 25, 2; id. Att. 10, 8, 7; 16, 16, 11; id. Verr. 1, 7, 19:

    multi honestissimi homines,

    id. Fam. 15, 15, 3:

    multi peritissimi homines,

    id. Caecin. 24, 69:

    multi summi homines,

    id. Arch. 12, 30; id. Har. Resp. 26, 56:

    multi clarissimi et sapientissimi viri,

    id. Planc. 4, 11; id. Cael. 18, 43.—Et is also omitted when the substantive stands between the two adjectives:

    in veteribus patronis multis,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 1, 2:

    multa praeterea bella gravia,

    id. Agr. 2, 33, 90:

    multis suppliciis justis,

    id. Cat. 1, 8, 20:

    multa majores nostri magna et gravia bella gesserunt,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 2, 6:

    plurima signa pulcherrima,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 23, § 61.—When both adjectives follow the substantive, et is sometimes inserted:

    virtutes animi multae et magnae,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 22, 64:

    causas ille multas et graves habuit,

    id. Clu. 30, 82;

    and is sometimes omitted, the emphasis then falling on the second adjective: utebatur hominibus improbis, multis,

    id. Cael. 5, 12:

    prodigia multa, foeda,

    Liv. 40, 29, 1.—With a partitive gen.:

    multi hominum,

    Plin. 16, 25, 40, § 96:

    multae silvestrium arborum,

    id. 16, 31, 56, § 128.—In neutr. plur.: multa, orum, many things, much:

    nimium multa,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 14, 3:

    nimis multa,

    id. Fin. 2, 18, 57:

    insulae non ita multae,

    not so many, not so very many, Plin. 5, 7, 7, § 41:

    parum multa scire,

    too few, Auct. Her. 1, 1, 1: bene multi, a good many, Asin. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 33, 4:

    quam minime multa vestigia servitutis,

    as few as possible, Nep. Tim. 3, 3:

    minime multi remiges,

    exceedingly few, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 34, § 88:

    in multas pecunias alienissimorum hominum invasit,

    id. Phil. 2, 16, 41; id. Verr. 2, 5, 19, § 48:

    multae pecuniae variis ex causis a privatis detinentur,

    Plin. Ep. 10, 17, 3.—Sometimes multi stands for multi alii, many others:

    nam certe Pompeio, et a Curionibus patre et filio, et a multis exprobratum est,

    Suet. Caes. 50.—The sing. also is used poet. for the plur., many a:

    aut trudit acres hinc et hinc multa cane Apros in obstantes plagas,

    with many dogs, Hor. Epod. 2, 31:

    multa prece prosequi,

    id. C. 4, 5, 33:

    multa victima,

    Verg. E. 1, 34: agna. Ov. F. 4, 772:


    id. Am. 3, 5, 4:


    Tib. 1, 3, 28; so of persons: multus sua vulnera puppi Affixit moriens, many a one, for multi affixerunt, Luc. 3, 707.—In sing., to denote quantity, much, great, abundant: multum aurum et argentum. Plaut. Rud. 5, 2, 8; 22:

    exstructa mensa multa carne rancida,

    Cic. Pis. 27, 67:

    multo labore quaerere aliquid,

    with much labor, great exertion, Cic. Sull. 26, 73:


    Sall. J. 7, 4:


    much sun, Plin. 31, 7, 39, § 81: sermo, much conversalion, Brut. ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 20, 1: stilus tuus multi sudoris est. Cic. de Or. 1, 60, 257: multo cibo et potione completi, id. Tusc. 5, 35, 100:

    multo sanguine ea Poenis victoria stetit,

    Liv. 23, 30, 2:

    multum sanguinem haurire,

    Curt. 4, 14, 17; 8, 14, 32:

    multam harenam mare evomit,

    id. 4, 6, 8:


    id. 7, 4, 26:


    id. 8, 10, 14:

    multae vestis injectu opprimi,

    Tac. A. 6, 50:

    multa et lauta supellex,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 27, 66:


    Sall. J. 13, 6; Tac. A. 6, 33; Liv. 26, 11, 9; Curt. 3, 3, 12:


    Hor. S. 1, 4, 5:

    multam salutem dicere alicui,

    to greet heartily, Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 194:

    cum auro et argento multo,

    Sall. J. 13, 6.—Of time:

    Itaque multum diei processerat,

    a great part of the day, Sall. J. 51, 2:

    ad multum diem,

    till far in the day, Cic. Att. 13, 9, 1:

    multo adhuc die,

    when much of the day was still remaining, when it was still high day, Tac. H. 2, 44:

    multo denique die,

    when the day was far spent, Caes. B. G. 1, 22:

    multa nocte,

    late at night, Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 9, 2:

    multo mane,

    very early, id. Att. 5, 4, 1:

    multa opinio, for multorum,

    the general opinion, Gell. 3, 16, 1:

    velut multa pace,

    as in a general peace, as if there were peace everywhere, Tac. H. 4, 35:

    multus homo,

    one who gives himself up to the lusts of many, Cat. 112, 1.— multi, orum, m., the many, the common mass, the multitude: probis probatus potius, quam multis forem, Att. ap. Non. 519, 9:

    video ego te, mulier, more multarum utier,

    id. ib. —Esp.: unus e (or de) multis, one of the multitude, a man of no distinction:

    tenuis L. Virginius unusque e multis,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 20, 62:

    unus de multis esse,

    id. Off. 1, 30, 109: M. Calidius non fuit orator unus e multis;

    potius inter multos prope singularis fuit,

    id. Brut. 79, 274:

    numerarer in multis,

    among the herd of orators, id. ib. 97, 333:

    e multis una sit tibi,

    no better than others, Ov. R. Am. 682:

    multum est,

    it is of importance, Verg. G. 2, 272.—In neutr. absol.: ne multa, or ne multis, not to be prolix, in short:

    ne multa: perquiritur a coactoribus,

    Cic. Clu. 64, 181:

    ne multis: Diogenes emitur,

    id. ib. 16, 47:

    quid multis moror?

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 87.—Sometimes multa is used (particularly by the poets) adverbially, much, greatly, very:

    multa reluctari,

    Verg. G. 4, 301:


    id. ib. 3, 226; id. A. 5, 869:

    deos testatus,

    id. ib. 7, 593:


    Nep. Ep. 6, 1 (cf. nonnulla invehi, id. Tim. 5, 3):

    haud multa moratus,

    Verg. A. 3, 610.—Rarely in multum:

    in multum velociores,

    by far, Plin. 10, 36, 52, § 108.—
    In partic.
    Too much, overmuch, excessive:

    supellex modica, non multa,

    Nep. Att. 13, 5.—
    In speech, much-speaking, diffuse, prolix:

    qui in aliquo genere aut inconcinnus aut multus est,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 4, 17:

    ne in re nota et pervulgata multus et insolens sim,

    id. ib. 2, 87, 358:

    nolo in stellarum ratione multus vobis videri,

    id. N. D. 2, 46, 119.—
    Frequent, frequently present:

    in operibus, in agmine, atque ad vigilias multus adesse,

    Sall. J. 96, 3:

    multus in eo proelio Caesar fuit,

    was in many places, Flor. 4, 2, 50:

    hen hercle hominem multum et odiosum mihi!

    troublesome, tedious, Plaut. Men. 2, 2, 41:


    Sall. J. 84, 1.—Hence, adv., in two forms.
    multum, much, very much, greatly, very, often, frequently, far, etc. (class.):

    salve multum, gnate mi,

    Plaut. Trin. 5, 2, 56:

    multum vale,

    farewell, id. Stich. 3, 2, 40:

    hominem ineptum multum et odiosum mihi,

    id. Men. 2, 2, 42:

    opinor, Cassium uti non ita multum sorore,

    not very much, Cic. Fam. 7, 23, 3:

    multum mecum municipales homines loquuntur,

    often, id. Att. 8, 13, 2:

    non multum ille quidem nec saepe dicebat,

    id. Brut. 34, 128:

    non multum confidere,

    not very much, not particularly, Caes. B. G. 3, 25:

    sunt in venationibus,

    often, frequently, id. ib. 4, 1:

    in eodem genere causarum multum erat T. Juventius,

    Cic. Brut. 48, 178:

    multum fuisse cum aliquo,

    to have had much intercourse with, id. Rep. 1, 10, 16:

    sum multum equidem cum Phaedro in Epicuri hortis,

    id. Fin. 5, 1, 3:

    gratia valere,

    to be in great favor, Nep. Con. 2, 1:

    res multum et saepe quaesita,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 15, 33:

    longe omnes multumque superabit,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 44, § 115:

    multum et diu cogitans,

    id. Div. 2, 1, 1:

    diu multumque scriptitare,

    id. de Or. 1, 33, 152.—With an adj.:

    multum loquaces,

    very talkative, Plaut. Aul. 2, 1, 5:

    mepti labores,

    very, Plin. Ep. 1, 9.— Poet. also with comp.:

    multum improbiores sunt quam a primo credidi,

    much, far, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 139:

    multum robustior illo,

    Juv. 19, 197:


    Sil. 13, 708.— So with infra, post:

    haud multum infra viam,

    Liv. 5, 37, 7; Plin. 98, 7, § 20:

    haud multum post mortem ejus,

    Tac. A. 5, 3:

    ut multum,

    at most, Mart. 10, 11, 6; Vop. Aur. 46.—
    multō by much, much, a great deal, far, by far (class.).
    With comparatives and verbs which imply comparison:

    multo tanto carior,

    Plaut. Bacch. 2, 3, 76:

    pauciores oratores,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 3, 11:

    facilius atque expeditius iter,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 6.—With verbs:

    virtutem omnibus rebus multo anteponentes,

    Cic. Fin. 4, 18, 49:

    multo ceteros anteibant,

    Tac. H. 4, 13:

    multo praestat beneficii, quam maleficii immemorem esse,

    Sall. J. 31, 28.—With malle:

    multo mavolo,

    Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 88; id. Ps. 2, 4, 38:

    meo judicio multo stare malo, quam, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 12, 21, 1.—
    With sup. (rare but class.), by far, by much:

    quae tibi mulier videtur multo sapientissuma,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 66; id. Am. 2, 2, 150: multo optimus hostis, by far, Lucil. ap. Non. 4, 413:

    simulacrum multo antiquissimum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 49, § 109; 2, 4, 23, § 50; id. Cat. 4, 8, 17:

    maxima pars,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 18, 54; cf. Hor. S. 2, 3, 82:

    multo id bellum maximum fuit,

    Liv. 1, 11, 5:

    pars multo maxima,

    id. 30, 18, 14: multo molestissima, Cic. Div. in. Caecil. 11, 36:

    multo gratissima lux,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 39:


    Quint. 9, 4, 72:


    id. ib. 26:


    id. 1, 2, 24:


    id. 2, 10, 1:


    Auct. Her. 4, 44, 58:

    multo maxime miserabile,

    Sall. C. 36, 4:

    multo maxime ingenio validus,

    id. J. 6, 1.—
    With particles denoting a difference, far, greatly, very:

    multo aliter,

    Ter. And. prol. 4:

    multo aliter ac sperabat,

    far otherwise than, Nep. Ham. 2:

    quod non multo secus fieret, si,

    not far otherwise, not very different, Cic. Fam. 4, 9, 1: multo infra Cyrenaicum. Plin. 19, 3, 15, § 40. —
    In specifications of time, before ante and post, long, much:

    non multo ante urbem captam,

    Cic. Div. 1, 45, 101:

    non multo ante,

    not long before, Nep. Eum. 3, 3:

    multo ante,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 1, 1:

    non multo post, quam, etc.,

    not long after, id. Att. 12, 49, 9:

    haud multo ante solis occasum,

    Liv. 5, 39, 2:

    multo ante noctem,

    id. 27, 42, 13.—
    Very rarely with the positive for multum:

    maligna multo,

    very, Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 83 Umpf.—
    Doubled, multo multoque, with comparatives:

    multo multoque longior,

    far, very much, Front. ad M. Caes. 2, 5:

    multo multoque operosius est,

    Val. Max. 4, 1, 2: multo multoque magis, Front. Laud. Negl. § 3.
    Comp.: plūs, pluris; in the plur., plures, plura (in sing. anciently written plous; three times in the S. C. de Bacch. Here perh. belongs, in the plur., pleores and pleoris, for plures, in the Song of the Arval Brothers.—For the class. neuter of the plur., plura, the form pluria was used in ante-class. Latinity. Gellius cites M. Cato, Q. Claudius, Valerius Antias, L. AElius, P. Nigidius, and M. Varro as authorities for this form, Gell. 5, 21, 6; yet Plautus and Terence have only plura; and the earlier reading pluria, in Lucr. 1, 877; 2, 1135; 4, 1085, is now supplanted by the critically certain plura and plurima.—The gen. plur. plurium, however, has remained the predominant form, e. g. Quint. 7, 1, 1; 8, 4, 27; 9, 4, 66 et saep.) [from the root ple; Gr. pleon, pimplêmi; cf. plenus, plera, compleo, etc.; also locu-ples, plebes, populus, etc.], more.
    In the sing. (used both substantively and adverbially): LIBRAS FARRIS ENDO DIES DATO. SI VOLET PLVS DATO, Fragm. XII. Tab. in Gell. 20, 1, 45: SI PLVS MINVSVE SECVERVNT, SE FRAVDE ESTO, ib.;

    so (perh. in imitation of this legal phrase): ebeu, cur ego plus minusve feci quam aequom fuit!

    Plaut. Capt. 5, 3, 18; Ter. Phorm. 3, 3, 21:

    ne plus minusve loqueretur,

    Suet. Aug. 84; cf. Plaut. Men. 4, 2, 27; and in the signif. of circiter, about: septingenti sunt paulo plus aut minus anni... postquam, etc., Enn. ap. Varr. R. R. 3, 1, 2 (Ann. v. 493 Vahl.);

    so. non longius abesse plus minus octo milibus,

    Hirt. B. G. 8, 20, 1 Oud.; cf.:

    speranti plures... venerunt plusve minusve duae,

    Mart. 8, 71, 4:

    aut ne quid faciam plus, quod post me minus fecisse satius sit,

    too much... too little, Ter. Hec. 5, 1, 4:

    tantum et plus etiam ipse mihi deberet,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 7:

    vos et decem numero, et, quod plus est, Romani estis,

    and what is more, Liv. 9, 24, 8:

    verbane plus an sententia valere debeat,

    Cic. Top. 25, 96: [p. 1174] cf.:

    apud me argumenta plus quam testes valent,

    id. Rep. 1, 38, 59:

    valet enim salus plus quam libido,

    id. ib. 1, 40, 63.—
    With a partitive gen.:

    vultis pecuniae plus habere,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 47, 88; cf.:

    nostri casus plus honoris habuerunt quam laboris,

    id. Rep. 1, 4, 7; so,

    plus virium,

    id. Leg. 1, 2, 6:

    plus hostium,

    Liv. 2, 42:

    plus dapis et rixae multo minus invidiaeque,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 51:

    in hac causa eo plus auctoritatis habent, quia, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 3, 16, 26; cf.:

    plus ingenii,

    id. ib. 1, 14, 22:

    Albano non plus animi erat quam fidei,

    as little courage as fidelity, Liv. 1, 27, 5.—
    With quam (some examples of which have already been given above):

    non plus quam semel,

    Cic. Off. 3, 15, 61:

    confiteor eos... plus quam sicarios esse,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    ne plus reddat quam acceperit,

    id. Lael. 16, 58 et saep.:

    non plus quam in tres partis posse distribui putaverunt,

    into not more than, id. Inv. 1, 34, 57:

    plus quam decem dies abesse,

    id. Phil. 2, 13, 31:

    nulla (navis) plus quam triginta remis agatur,

    with more than, Liv. 38, 38, 8.—
    Without quam:

    HOMINES PLOVS V. OINVORSEI VIREI ATQVE MVLIERES, S. C. de Bacch. 19 (Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 173): plus mille capti,

    Liv. 24, 44:

    plus milies audivi,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 32: plus semel, Varr. ap. Plin. 14, 14, 17, § 96:

    plus quingentos colaphos infregit mihi,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 46:

    ferre plus dimidiati mensis cibaria,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 16, 37:

    non plus mille quingentos aeris,

    id. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    paulo plus ducentos passus a castris,

    Liv. 31, 34:

    cum plus annum aeger fuisset,

    id. 40, 2:

    parte plus dimidia rem auctam,

    id. 29, 25.—
    With a compar. or adverbial abl., or with an abl. of measure:

    VIREI PLOVS DVOBVS, S. C. de Bacch. 20 (Wordsw. Fragm. and Spec. p. 173): de paupertate tacentes Plus poscente ferent,

    more than the importunate, Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 44:

    ex his alius alio plus habet virium,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 2, 6: cave putes hoc tempore plus me quemquam cruciari, Balb. ap. Cic. Att. 8, 15, A, 2:

    alterum certe non potest, ut plus una vera sit,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 2, 5; cf.:

    in columba plures videri colores, nec esse plus uno,

    id. Ac. 2, 25, 79: HOC PLVS NE FACITO, more than this, Fragm. XII. Tab. ap. Cic. Leg. 2, 23, 59:

    annos sexaginta natus es Aut plus eo,

    or more than that, Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 11:

    plus aequo,

    Cic. Lael. 16, 58:

    plus paulo,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 1, 8:

    paulo plus,

    Liv. 31, 34: multo plus, Anton. ap. Cic. Att. 10, 8, A, 1:

    plus nimio,

    overmuch, Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 30: quam molestum est uno digito plus habere, too much by a finger, i. e. a finger too much, Cic. N. D. 1, 35, 99:

    uno plus Etruscorum cecidisse in acie,

    one man more, Liv. 2, 7, 2.—
    In the gen. pretii, pluris, of more value, of a higher price, for more, higher, dearer:

    ut plus reddant musti et olei, et pretii pluris,

    of greater value, Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 4:

    ager multo pluris est,

    is worth much more, Cic. Rosc. Com. 12, 33; cf.:

    quo pluris sint nostra oliveta,

    id. Rep. 3, 9, 16:

    pluris emere,

    dearer, id. Fam. 7, 2, 1; so,


    id. Off. 3, 12, 51; id. Verr. 2, 3, 19, § 48; Hor. S. 2, 3, 300:


    Col. 1, 4, 7:

    pluris est oculatus testis quam auriti decem,

    of more value, Plaut. Truc. 2, 6, 8:

    mea mihi conscientia pluris est, quam omnium sermo,

    Cic. Att. 12, 28, 2:

    facio pluris omnium hominem neminem,

    id. ib. 8, 2, 4:

    facere aliquem pluris,

    make more of one, esteem him more highly, id. Fam. 3, 4, 2:

    pluris habere,

    id. Phil. 6, 4, 10:


    id. Par. 6, 2, 48:


    id. Att. 7, 3, 5:


    id. Off. 3, 4, 18 et saep.—
    Rarely, instead of the genitive, in the abl. pretii: plure vendunt, Lucil. ap. Charis. 2, p. 189 P.: plure altero tanto, quanto ejus fundus est, velim, Plaut. ib.: plure venit, Cic. ib.—
    Plus plusque, more and more: quem mehercule plus plusque in dies diligo. Cic. Att. 6, 2, 10.—
    * 5.
    Like magis, with an adj.:

    plus formosus, for formosior,

    Nemes. Ecl. 4, 72.—
    In the plur.
    Comparatively, more in number:

    omnes qui aere alieno premantur, quos plures esse intellego quam putaram,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 5; id. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    nemini ego plura acerba esse credo ex amore homini umquam oblata quam mihi,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 1:

    ne plura insignia essent imperii in libero populo quam in regno fuissent,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 31, 55:

    multo plura,

    many more things, Quint. 3, 6, 28.—
    In gen., of a great number, many: qui plus fore dicant in pluribus consilii quam in uno. Cic. Rep. 1, 35, 55: cf.: quid quaeso interest inter unum et plures, si justitia est in pluribus? id. ib. 1, 39, 61;

    1, 34, 52: non possunt una in civitate multi rem ac fortunas amittere, ut non plures secum in eandem trahant calamitatem,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 7, 19:

    quod pluribus praesentibus eas res jactari nolebat,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 18:

    plura castella Pompeius tentaverat,

    id. B. C. 3, 52:

    summus dolor plures dies manere non potest,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 28, 93:

    pluribus diebus, Quint. prooem. § 7: illic plurium rerum est congeries,

    id. 8, 4, 27:

    quae consuetudo sit, pluribus verbis docere,

    Cic. Clu. 41, 115:

    eum pluribus verbis rogat, ut, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 28, § 64;

    without verba: quid ego plura dicam?

    id. de Or. 1, 5, 18:

    pluribus haec exsecutus sum,

    Phaedr. 3, 10, 59;

    also elliptically, quid plura? and, ne plura, like quid multa? and ne multa: hic sacra, hic genus, hic majorum multa vestigia. Quid plura? hanc vides villam, etc.,

    what need of many words? in short, Cic. Leg. 2, 1, 3:

    sed—ne plura—dicendum enim aliquando est—Pomponium Atticum sic amo, ut alterum fratrem,

    id. Fam. 13, 1, 5.—
    Esp.: plures.
    The mass, the multitude, opp. pauciores, = hoi oligoi, Plaut. Trin. 1, 1, 13.—
    Euphemistically, acc. to the Gr. hoi pleiones, the dead:

    quin prius Me ad plures penetravi?

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 14.—
    The greater number, the majority:

    plures nesciebant qua ex causa convenissent,

    Vulg. Act. 19, 32.
    Sup.: plūrĭmus (archaic form, plisima plurima, Paul. ex Fest. p. 204 and 205 Mull.: PLIOIRVME (I), Epit. of Scipio), a, um [from root ple; whence also plus, q. v., ploirumus for ploisumus; and thence the predominant form plurimus], most, very much, or many (as an adj. in good prose mostly in the plur., except the standing formula of greeting: salutem plurimam dicere alicui; v. infra):

    hujus sunt plurima simulacra,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 17:

    nos plurimis ignotissimi gentibus,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17, 26:

    plurimae et maximae partes,

    id. ib. 1, 4, 8:

    plurimorum seculorum memoria,

    id. ib. 3, 9, 14:

    haec plurimis a me verbis dicta sunt,

    id. ib. 1, 7, 12 et saep.—In sing.:

    me plurima praeda onustum,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 2, 4:


    Quint. 2, 2, 5:


    id. 6, 3, 85:


    id. 6, 1, 51:


    id. 8 prooem. §

    28: mons,

    very large, Verg. A. 1, 419:


    id. G. 3, 52:


    Ov. Ib. 600.—Of a greeting: impertit salutem plurimam, Lucil. ap. Non. 472. 16; and esp. freq.: salutem plurimam dicit (commonly abbrev. S. P. D.) at the beginning of letters; v. salus.— Poet.:

    medio cum plurimus orbe Sol erat,

    very powerful, oppressive, Ov. M. 14, 53: plurima qua silva est. thickest, id. ib. 14, 361:

    coma plurima,

    very thick, id. ib. 13, 844:

    sed plurima nantis in ore Alcyone conjux,

    mostly, chiefly, id. ib. 11, 562.—And collect.:

    plurimus in Junonis honorem Aptum dicet equis Argos,

    many a one, very many, Hor. C. 1, 7, 8; so,

    oleaster plurimus,

    Verg. G. 2, 183:

    qua plurima mittitur ales,

    Mart. 9, 56, 1:

    plurima lecta rosa est,

    Ov. F. 4, 441.— In neutr. absol. (substant. or adverb.):

    ut haberet quam plurimum,

    as much as possible, Cic. Rab. Post. 14, 39:

    caput autem est, quam plurimum scribere,

    id. de Or. 1, 33, 150:

    ut in quoque oratore plurimum esset,

    id. Rep. 1, 27, 123.— Adv.: plūrĭmum:

    et is valebat in suffragio plurimum, cujus plurimum intererat, esse in optimo statu civitatem,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 22, 40:

    auspiciis plurimum obsecutus est Romulus,

    id. ib. 2, 9, 16:

    si vero populus plurimum potest,

    id. ib. 3, 14, 23; cf.:

    qui apud me dignitate plurimum possunt,

    id. Rosc. Am. 1, 4:

    plurimum aliis praestare,

    id. Inv. 2, 1, 1:

    ut te plurimum diligam,

    id. Fam. 1, 7, 1; id. Tusc. 5, 27, 78:

    hoc ego utor uno omnium plurimum,

    id. Fam. 11, 16, 2:

    quantum (al. quanto) plurimum possunt,

    Quint. 11, 3, 120: plurimum quantum also signifies very much indeed, exceedingly (post-class.):

    plurimum quantum veritati nocuere,

    Min. Fel. Oct. 22:


    id. ib. 40:

    (elleborum) ex aqua datur plurimum drachma,

    at the most, Plin. 25, 5, 22, § 54; 9, 36, 60, § 125; 30, 6, 16, § 48; so,

    cum plurimum,

    id. 2, 17, 15, § 78 (opp. to cum minimum); 18, 7, 10, § 60: nec tam numerosa differentia; tribus ut plurimum bonitatibus distat, for the most part, commonly, usually, = plerumque, Plin. 15, 3, 4, § 18.—
    In neutr. with a partit. gen.: sententiarum et gravitatis plurimum, Cic. Inv. 1, 18, 25:


    Quint. 10, 5, 3:

    auctoritatis et ponderis,

    id. 9, 4, 91:

    ut laboris sic utilitatis etiam longe plurimum,

    id. 10, 3, 1:


    id. 12, 1, 20 plurimum quantum favoris partibus dabat fratermtas ducum, Flor. 4, 2, 74.—
    In the gen. pretii:

    plurimi: immo unice unum plurimi pendit,

    values very highly, esteems very much, Plaut. Bacch. 2, 2, 29:

    quem unum Alexander plurimi fecerat,

    Nep. Eum. 2, 2:

    ut quisque quod plurimi est possidet,

    Cic. Par. 6, 2, 48.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > plurimum

  • 5 place

    place [pleɪs]
    endroit1 (a) lieu1 (a) maison1 (c) place1 (d)-(f), 1 (h), 1 (i) couvert1 (g) poste1 (h) avoir lieu1 (k) placer2 (a)-(d), 2 (g) (se) remettre2 (e) passer2 (f)
    1 noun
    (a) (gen → spot, location) endroit m, lieu m;
    this is the place c'est ici;
    place of death/amusement lieu m de décès/de divertissement;
    the place where the accident happened l'endroit où a eu lieu l'accident;
    keep the documents in a safe place gardez les documents en lieu sûr;
    store in a cool place (on packaging) à conserver au frais;
    this is neither the time nor the place to discuss it ce n'est ni le moment ni le lieu pour en discuter;
    this looks like a good place to pitch the tent l'endroit semble parfait pour monter la tente;
    I had no particular place to go je n'avais nulle part où aller;
    you can't be in two places at once on ne peut pas être en deux endroits à la fois;
    her leg is fractured in two places elle a deux fractures à la jambe;
    there are still one or two places where the text needs changing le texte doit encore être modifié en un ou deux endroits;
    to go places (travel) aller quelque part;
    figurative that girl will go places! cette fille ira loin!
    do you know the place well? est-ce que tu connais bien le coin?;
    she comes from a place called Barton elle vient d'un endroit qui s'appelle Barton;
    the whole place went up in flames (building) tout l'immeuble s'est embrasé; (house) toute la maison s'est embrasée;
    how long have you been working in this place? depuis combien de temps travaillez-vous ici?;
    we had lunch at a little place in the country nous avons déjeuné dans un petit restaurant de campagne;
    can you recommend a place to eat? pouvez-vous me recommander un restaurant?;
    I'm looking for a place to stay je cherche un logement;
    familiar to shout or to scream the place down hurler comme un forcené;
    the other place British University (at Oxford) Cambridge; (at Cambridge) Oxford; British Parliament (in House of Commons) la Chambre des Lords; (in House of Lords) la Chambre des Communes
    (c) (house) maison f; (flat) appartement m;
    they have a place in the country ils ont une maison de campagne;
    familiar nice place you've got here c'est joli chez toi ;
    familiar your place or mine? on va chez toi ou chez moi? ;
    familiar they met up at Ali's place ils se sont retrouvés chez Ali
    (d) (position) place f;
    take your places! prenez vos places!;
    everything is in its place tout est à sa place;
    put it back in its proper place remets-le à sa place;
    it occupies a central place in his philosophy cela occupe une place centrale dans sa philosophie;
    I lost my place in the queue j'ai perdu ma place dans la file d'attente;
    I've lost my place (in a book) je ne sais plus où j'en étais;
    push the lever till it clicks into place poussez le levier jusqu'au déclic;
    figurative suddenly everything fell or clicked into place (I understood) tout à coup, ça a fait tilt; (everything went well) tout d'un coup, tout s'est arrangé;
    what would you do (if you were) in my place? que feriez-vous (si vous étiez) à ma place?;
    try and put yourself in his place essaie de te mettre à sa place;
    I wouldn't change places with her for anything pour rien au monde je n'aimerais être à sa place;
    his anger gave place to pity sa colère a fait place à un sentiment de pitié
    (e) (role, function) place f;
    robots took the place of human workers des robots ont remplacé les hommes dans l'accomplissement de leur tâche;
    if she leaves there's nobody to take or to fill her place si elle part, il n'y a personne pour la remplacer;
    it's not really my place to say ce n'est pas à moi de le dire
    (f) (seat → on train, in theatre etc) place f; (→ on committee) siège m;
    she gave up her place to an old man elle a offert sa place à un vieux monsieur;
    save me a place garde-moi une place;
    there are a few places left on the next flight il reste quelques places sur le prochain vol;
    she has a place on the new commission elle siège à la nouvelle commission;
    to change places with sb changer de place avec qn;
    we changed places so that he could sit by the window nous avons échangé nos places pour qu'il puisse s'asseoir près de la fenêtre
    (g) (table setting) couvert m;
    how many places should I set? combien de couverts dois-je mettre?
    (h) (post, vacancy) place f, poste m;
    to get a place at university être admis à l'université;
    there is keen competition for university places il y a une forte compétition pour les places en faculté
    (i) (ranking → in competition, hierarchy etc) place f;
    the prize for second place le prix pour la deuxième place;
    Brenda took third place in the race/exam Brenda a terminé troisième de la course/a été reçue troisième à l'examen;
    the team is in fifth place l'équipe est en cinquième position;
    Horseracing to back a horse for a place jouer un cheval placé;
    for me, work takes second place to my family pour moi, la famille passe avant le travail;
    he needs to find his place in society il a besoin de trouver sa place dans la société;
    I'll soon put him in his place j'aurai vite fait de le remettre à sa place;
    to know one's place savoir se tenir à sa place
    to three decimal places, to three places of decimals jusqu'à la troisième décimale
    the meeting will take place in Geneva la réunion aura lieu à Genève;
    many changes have taken place il y a eu beaucoup de changements;
    while this was taking place tandis que cela se passait
    no place nulle part;
    I'm not going any place je ne vais nulle part;
    some place quelque part;
    I've looked every place j'ai cherché partout
    (a) (put, set) placer, mettre;
    she placed the vase on the shelf elle a mis le vase sur l'étagère;
    to place a book back on a shelf remettre un livre (en place) sur un rayon;
    to place a book with a publisher confier un livre à un éditeur;
    he placed an ad in the local paper il a fait passer ou mis une annonce dans le journal local;
    the proposals have been placed before the committee les propositions ont été soumises au comité;
    to place a matter in sb's hands mettre une affaire dans les mains de qn;
    I place myself at your disposal je me mets à votre disposition
    to place sb in care placer qn;
    all the refugee children have been placed tous les enfants réfugiés ont été placés
    (c) (usu passive) (situate) placer, situer;
    the house is well placed la maison est bien située;
    strategically placed airfields des terrains d'aviation stratégiquement situés;
    you are better placed to judge than I am vous êtes mieux placé que moi pour en juger;
    British industry is well placed to… l'industrie britannique est à même de…;
    we met several people similarly placed nous avons rencontré plusieurs personnes qui se trouvaient dans la même situation;
    how are we placed for time? combien de temps avons-nous?;
    how are you placed for money at the moment? quelle est ta situation financière en ce moment?
    (d) (usu passive) (rank → in competition, race etc) placer, classer;
    she was placed third elle était en troisième position;
    the runners placed in the first five go through to the final les coureurs classés dans les cinq premiers participent à la finale;
    the horse we bet on wasn't even placed le cheval sur lequel nous avions parié n'est même pas arrivé placé;
    I would place her amongst the best writers of our time je la classerais parmi les meilleurs écrivains de notre époque
    (e) (identify) (se) remettre;
    I can't place him je n'arrive pas à (me) le remettre
    (f) (order, contract) passer ( with à);
    to place an order for sth passer commande de qch;
    to place a bet faire un pari;
    to place a bet on sb/sth parier sur qn/qch;
    place your bets! (in casino) faites vos jeux!
    (g) (invest → funds) placer; (sell → goods, shares) placer, vendre
    American (in racing) être placé
    familiar (everywhere) partout ; (untidy) en désordre ;
    you always leave your things all over the place! tu laisses toujours traîner tes affaires partout!;
    my hair's all over the place je suis complètement décoiffé ;
    figurative the team were all over the place l'équipe a joué n'importe comment ;
    these figures are all over the place (are inaccurate) ces chiffres ont été calculés n'importe comment ;
    at the interview he was all over the place (panicking, unclear) il a raconté n'importe quoi à l'entretien
    (a) (steady) en place;
    hold it in place while I nail it in tiens-le en place pendant que je le cloue
    (b) (on the spot → run, jump) sur place
    à la place de;
    she came in place of her sister elle est venue à la place de sa sœur
    par endroits
    what drew your attention to it in the first place? qu'est-ce qui a attiré votre attention à l'origine ou en premier lieu?;
    I didn't want to come in the first place d'abord, je ne voulais même pas venir;
    in the first place, it's too big, and in the second place… premièrement, c'est trop grand, et deuxièmement…, primo, c'est trop grand, et secundo…
    the wardrobe looks out of place in such a small room l'armoire n'a pas l'air à sa place dans une pièce aussi petite;
    he felt out of place amongst so many young people il ne se sentait pas à sa place parmi tous les jeunes;
    he didn't look out of place il ne déparait pas;
    such remarks are out of place at a funeral de telles paroles sont déplacées lors d'un enterrement
    ►► place of birth lieu m de naissance;
    place of business lieu m de travail;
    place card = carte marquant la place de chaque convive à table;
    Marketing place of delivery lieu m de livraison;
    Finance place of issue lieu m d'émission;
    Sport place kick coup m de pied placé;
    place mat set m (de table);
    place of residence résidence f, domicile m (réel);
    British Law place of safety order = ordonnance autorisant une personne ou un organisme à garder des enfants maltraités en lieu sûr;
    place setting couvert m;
    place of work lieu m de travail;
    place of worship lieu m de culte

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > place

  • 6 place

    1. noun
    1) Ort, der; (spot) Stelle, die; Platz, der

    I left it in a safe placeich habe es an einem sicheren Ort gelassen

    it was still in the same placees war noch an derselben Stelle od. am selben Platz

    all over the place — überall; (coll.): (in a mess) ganz durcheinander (ugs.)

    in placeshier und da; (in parts) stellenweise

    find a place in something(be included) in etwas (Akk.) eingehen; see also academic.ru/73191/take">take 1. 4)

    2) (fig.): (rank, position) Stellung, die

    know one's place — wissen, was sich für einen gehört

    3) (building or area for specific purpose)

    a [good] place to park/to stop — ein [guter] Platz zum Parken/eine [gute] Stelle zum Halten

    do you know a good/cheap place to eat? — weißt du, wo man gut/billig essen kann?

    place of residence — Wohnort, der

    place of work — Arbeitsplatz, der; Arbeitsstätte, die

    place of worship — Andachtsort, der

    4) (country, town) Ort, der

    Paris/Italy is a great place — Paris ist eine tolle Stadt/Italien ist ein tolles Land (ugs.)

    place of birth — Geburtsort, der

    go places(coll.) herumkommen (ugs.); (fig.) es [im Leben] zu was bringen (ugs.)

    5) (coll.): (premises) Bude, die (ugs.); (hotel, restaurant, etc.) Laden, der (ugs.)

    she is at his/John's place — sie ist bei ihm/John

    [shall we go to] your place or mine? — [gehen wir] zu dir oder zu mir?

    6) (seat etc.) [Sitz]platz, der

    change places [with somebody] — [mit jemandem] die Plätze tauschen; (fig.) [mit jemandem] tauschen

    lay a/another place — ein/noch ein Gedeck auflegen

    7) (in book etc.) Stelle, die

    lose one's placedie Seite verschlagen od. verblättern; (on page) nicht mehr wissen, an welcher Stelle man ist

    8) (step, stage)

    why didn't you say so in the first place?warum hast du das nicht gleich gesagt?

    in the first/second/third etc. place — erstens/zweitens/drittens usw.

    9) (proper place) Platz, der

    everything fell into place(fig.) alles wurde klar

    into placefest[nageln, -schrauben, -kleben]

    out of placenicht am richtigen Platz; (several things) in Unordnung; (fig.) fehl am Platz

    10) (position in competition) Platz, der

    take first/second etc. place — den ersten/zweiten usw. Platz belegen

    11) (job, position, etc.) Stelle, die; (as pupil; in team, crew) Platz, der
    12) (personal situation)
    2. transitive verb
    1) (put) (vertically) stellen; (horizontally) legen

    place in position — richtig hinstellen/hinlegen

    place an announcement/advertisement in a paper — eine Anzeige/ein Inserat in eine Zeitung setzen

    2) (fig.)

    place one's trust in somebody/something — sein Vertrauen auf od. in jemanden/etwas setzen

    3) in p.p. (situated) gelegen

    we are well placed for buses/shops — etc. wir haben es nicht weit zur Bushaltestelle/zum Einkaufen usw.

    how are you placed for time/money? — (coll.) wie steht's mit deiner Zeit/deinem Geld?

    4) (find situation or home for) unterbringen ( with bei)
    5) (class, identify) einordnen; einstufen

    I've seen him before but I can't place him — ich habe ihn schon einmal gesehen, aber ich weiß nicht, wo ich ihn unterbringen soll

    be placed second in the raceim Rennen den zweiten Platz belegen

    * * *
    [pleis] 1. noun
    1) (a particular spot or area: a quiet place in the country; I spent my holiday in various different places.) der Ort
    2) (an empty space: There's a place for your books on this shelf.) der Platz
    3) (an area or building with a particular purpose: a market-place.) der Platz
    4) (a seat (in a theatre, train, at a table etc): He went to his place and sat down.) der Platz
    5) (a position in an order, series, queue etc: She got the first place in the competition; I lost my place in the queue.) der Platz
    6) (a person's position or level of importance in society etc: You must keep your secretary in her place.) der Platz
    7) (a point in the text of a book etc: The wind was blowing the pages of my book and I kept losing my place.) die Stelle
    8) (duty or right: It's not my place to tell him he's wrong.) die Aufgabe
    9) (a job or position in a team, organization etc: He's got a place in the team; He's hoping for a place on the staff.) der Platz
    10) (house; home: Come over to my place.) die Wohnung
    11) ((often abbreviated to Pl. when written) a word used in the names of certain roads, streets or squares.) der Platz
    12) (a number or one of a series of numbers following a decimal point: Make the answer correct to four decimal places.) die Stelle
    2. verb
    1) (to put: He placed it on the table; He was placed in command of the army.) stellen, setzen
    2) (to remember who a person is: I know I've seen her before, but I can't quite place her.) einordnen
    - place-name
    - go places
    - in the first
    - second place
    - in place
    - in place of
    - out of place
    - put oneself in someone else's place
    - put someone in his place
    - put in his place
    - take place
    - take the place of
    * * *
    I. NOUN
    1. (location) Ort m
    I hate busy \places ich hasse Orte, an denen viel los ist
    the hotel was one of those big, old-fashioned \places das Hotel war eines dieser großen altmodischen Häuser
    we're staying at a bed-and-breakfast \place wir übernachten in einer Frühstückspension
    let's go to a pizza \place lass uns eine Pizza essen gehen
    this is the exact \place! das ist genau die Stelle!
    this plant needs a warm, sunny \place diese Pflanze sollte an einem warmen, sonnigen Ort stehen
    Scotland is a very nice \place Schottland ist ein tolles Land fam
    that café is a nice \place dieses Café ist echt nett fam
    a nice little \place at the seaside ein netter kleiner Ort am Meer
    please put this book back in its \place bitte stell dieses Buch wieder an seinen Platz zurück
    this is the \place my mother was born hier wurde meine Mutter geboren
    sorry, I can't be in two \places at once tut mir leid, ich kann nicht überall gleichzeitig sein
    \place of birth Geburtsort m
    \place of custody Verwahrungsort m
    \place of death Sterbeort m
    \place of delivery Erfüllungsort m
    \place of employment Arbeitsplatz m
    \place of jurisdiction Gerichtsstand m
    \place of performance Erfüllungsort m
    \place of refuge Zufluchtsort m
    \place of residence Wohnort m
    a \place in the sun ( fig) ein Plätzchen an der Sonne
    \place of work Arbeitsplatz m, Arbeitsstätte f
    to go \places AM weit herumkommen, viel sehen
    in \places stellenweise
    this plant still exists in \places diese Pflanze kommt noch vereinzelt vor
    2. no pl (appropriate setting) [geeigneter] Ort
    this meeting isn't the \place to discuss individual cases diese Konferenz ist nicht der Ort, um Einzelfälle zu diskutieren
    university was not the \place for me die Universität war irgendwie nicht mein Ding fam
    that bar is not a \place for a woman like you Frauen wie du haben in solch einer Bar nichts verloren
    I'm looking for a \place to live ich bin auf Wohnungssuche
    we'll have a meeting at my \place/Susan's \place wir treffen uns bei mir/bei Susan
    where's your \place? wo wohnst du?; ( fam)
    your \place or mine? zu dir oder zu mir?
    they're trying to buy a larger \place wir sind auf der Suche nach einer größeren Wohnung
    4. ( fig: position, rank) Stellung f
    she's got friends in high \places sie hat Freunde in hohen Positionen
    they have a \place among the country's leading exporters sie zählen zu den führenden Exporteuren des Landes
    it's not your \place to tell me what to do es steht dir nicht zu, mir zu sagen, was ich zu tun habe
    I'm not criticizing you — I know my \place das ist keine Kritik — das würde ich doch nie wagen!
    to keep sb in their \place jdn in seine Schranken weisen
    to put sb in his/her \place [or show sb his/her \place] jdm zeigen, wo es langgeht fam
    in \place of stattdessen
    you can use margarine in \place of butter statt Butter kannst du auch Margarine nehmen
    I invited Jo in \place of Les, who was ill Les war krank, daher habe ich Jo eingeladen
    to be in \place an seinem Platz sein; ( fig: completed) fertig [o abgeschlossen] sein
    the chairs were all in \place die Stühle waren alle dort, wo sie sein sollten; ( fig)
    the arrangements are all in \place now die Vorbereitungen sind jetzt abgeschlossen; ( fig)
    the new laws are now in \place die neuen Gesetze gelten jetzt; ( fig)
    suddenly all fell into \place plötzlich machte alles Sinn
    to be out of \place nicht an der richtigen Stelle sein; person fehl am Platz[e] sein; ( fig)
    the large desk was totally out of \place in such a small room der große Schreibtisch war in solch einem kleinen Zimmer völlig deplatziert
    what you've just said was completely out of \place was du da gerade gesagt hast, war völlig unangebracht
    to push sth in \place etw in die richtige Position schieben
    7. MATH (in decimals) Stelle f
    to five \places of decimals bis auf fünf Stellen hinter dem Komma
    8. (job, position) Stelle f; (in team) Platz m; (at university) Studienplatz m
    your \place is here by my side du gehörst an meine Seite
    to take the \place of sb jds Platz einnehmen
    9. (in book) Stelle f
    to find one's \place die [richtige] Stelle wiederfinden
    to keep one's \place markieren, wo man gerade ist/war
    to lose one's \place die Seite verblättern[, wo man gerade war]; (on page) nicht mehr wissen, wo man gerade ist
    10. (seat) Platz m
    is this \place taken? ist dieser Platz noch frei?
    to change \places with sb mit jdm die Plätze tauschen
    to keep sb's \place [or save sb a \place] jdm den Platz freihalten
    to lay a/another \place ein/noch ein Gedeck auflegen
    to take one's \place at table Platz nehmen
    11. (position) Stelle f
    just put yourself in my \place versetzen Sie sich doch mal in meine Lage!
    if I were in your \place... ich an deiner Stelle...
    what would you do in my \place? was würden Sie an meiner Stelle tun?
    12. (ranking) Platz m, Position f
    the song went from tenth to second \place in the charts das Lied stieg vom zehnten auf den zweiten Platz in den Charts
    our team finished in second \place unsere Mannschaft wurde Zweiter
    to take [or esp BRIT get] first/second \place Erste(r)/Zweite(r) werden
    to take first/second \place ( fig) an erster/zweiter Stelle kommen
    their children always take first \place ihre Kinder stehen für sie immer an erster Stelle
    in second \place auf dem zweiten Platz
    13. SPORT
    to get a \place sich akk platzieren; AM Zweite(r) werden
    14. AM ( fam: somewhere)
    I know I left that book some \place ich weiß, dass ich das Buch irgendwo gelassen habe
    all over the \place (everywhere) überall; (badly organized) [völlig] chaotisch; (spread around) in alle Himmelsrichtungen zerstreut
    a \place for everything and everything in its \place ( prov) jedes Ding hat seinen Platz
    in the first \place (at first) zuerst; (at all) überhaupt
    we shouldn't have got married in the first \place! wir hätten erst gar nicht heiraten dürfen!
    but why didn't you say that in the first \place? aber warum hast du denn das nicht gleich gesagt?
    in the first/second \place (firstly, secondly) erstens/zweitens
    to give \place to sb/sth jdm/etw Platz machen
    to go \places ( fam) auf dem Weg nach oben sein
    to take \place stattfinden
    there is a \place and time for everything alles zu seiner Zeit
    to \place sth somewhere etw irgendwohin stellen; (lay) etw irgendwohin legen
    bowls of flowers had been \placed on tables auf den Tischen waren Blumenvasen aufgestellt
    the Chancellor \placed a wreath on the tomb der Kanzler legte einen Kranz auf dem Grab nieder
    she \placed her name on the list sie setzte ihren Namen auf die Liste
    he \placed his hand on my shoulder er legte mir die Hand auf die Schulter
    to \place an advertisement in the newspaper eine Anzeige in die Zeitung setzen
    to \place sth on the agenda etw auf die Tagesordnung setzen
    to \place a bet on sth auf etw akk wetten
    to \place sb under sb's care jdn in jds Obhut geben
    to \place a comma ein Komma setzen
    to \place one foot in front of the other einen Fuß vor den anderen setzen
    to \place a gun at sb's head jdn eine Pistole an den Kopf setzen
    to \place money on sth Geld auf etw akk setzen
    to be \placed shop, town liegen
    2. (impose)
    to \place an embargo on sb/sth über jdn/etw ein Embargo verhängen
    to \place a limit [or ceiling] on sth etw begrenzen
    to \place ten pounds/half a million on sth etw mit zehn Pfund/einer halben Million veranschlagen
    3. (ascribe)
    to \place the blame on sb jdm die Schuld geben
    to \place one's faith [or trust] in sb/sth sein Vertrauen in jdn/etw setzen
    to \place one's hopes on sb/sth seine Hoffnungen auf jdn/etw setzen
    to \place importance on sth auf etw akk Wert legen
    ... and she \placed the emphasis on the word ‘soon’... und die Betonung lag auf ‚schnell‘
    he \placed stress on every second syllable er betonte jede zweite Silbe
    4. (arrange for)
    to \place a call ein Telefongespräch anmelden
    to \place sth at sb's disposal jdm etw überlassen
    5. (appoint to a position)
    to \place sb/sth somewhere jdn/etw irgendwo unterbringen [o SCHWEIZ platzieren]
    to \place sb on [the] alert jdn in Alarmbereitschaft versetzen
    to \place sb under arrest jdn festnehmen
    to \place sb in charge [of sth] jdm die Leitung [von etw dat] übertragen
    to \place sb in jeopardy jdn in Gefahr bringen
    to \place sb under pressure jdn unter Druck setzen
    to \place a strain on sb/sth jdn/etw belasten
    to \place staff Personal unterbringen [o vermitteln]
    to \place sb under surveillance jdn unter Beobachtung stellen
    the town was \placed under the control of UN peacekeeping troops die Stadt wurde unter die Aufsicht der UN-Friedenstruppen gestellt
    to \place sb/sth face, person, voice, accent jdn/etw einordnen
    to \place sb/sth jdn/etw einordnen
    to be \placed SPORT sich akk platzieren; AM unter die ersten zwei kommen
    to be \placed first/second SPORT Erste(r)/Zweite(r) werden
    to \place sth above [or before] [or over] sth etw über etw akk stellen
    sb \places sth above all other things etw steht bei jdm an erster Stelle
    I'd \place him among the world's ten most brilliant scientists für mich ist er einer der zehn hervorragendsten Wissenschaftler der Welt
    they \placed the painting in the Renaissance sie ordneten das Bild der Renaissance zu
    8. ECON
    to \place sth goods etw absetzen
    to \place an order for sth etw bestellen
    to \place an order with a firm einer Firma einen Auftrag erteilen
    9. passive (good position)
    to be well \placed for sth für etw akk eine gute Ausgangsposition haben
    we're well \placed for the shops wir haben es nicht weit zum Einkaufen fam
    to be well \placed financially finanziell gut dastehen
    to be well \placed to watch sth von seinem Platz aus etw gut sehen können
    10. passive (have at disposal)
    to be well \placed for sth:
    how \placed are you for time/money? wie sieht es mit deiner Zeit/deinem Geld aus?
    SPORT sich akk platzieren; AM also (finish second) Zweite(r) werden
    * * *
    1. NOUN
    1) general Platz m, Stelle f

    this is the place where he was born —

    bed is the best place for himim Bett ist er am besten aufgehoben

    we found a good place to watch the procession from — wir fanden einen Platz, von dem wir den Umzug gut sehen konnten

    in the right/wrong place — an der richtigen/falschen Stelle

    some/any place — irgendwo

    a poor man with no place to go — ein armer Mann, der nicht weiß, wohin

    this is no place for you/children —

    there is no place for the unsuccessful in our society your place is by his side — für Erfolglose ist in unserer Gesellschaft kein Platz dein Platz ist an seiner Seite

    this isn't the place to discuss politicsdies ist nicht der Ort, um über Politik zu sprechen

    I can't be in two places at once! —

    she likes to have a place for everything and everything in its place — sie hält sehr auf Ordnung und achtet darauf, dass alles an seinem Platz liegt

    2) = geographical location = district Gegend f; (= country) Land nt; (= building) Gebäude nt; (= town) Ort m

    there's nothing to do in the evenings in this place —

    3) = home Haus nt, Wohnung f

    come round to my place some time — besuch mich mal, komm doch mal vorbei

    4) in book etc Stelle f

    to keep one's placesich (dat) die richtige Stelle markieren

    to lose one's place — die Seite verblättern; (on page) die Zeile verlieren

    5) = seat, position at table, in team, school, hospital Platz m; (at university) Studienplatz m; (= job) Stelle f

    to take one's place (at table) —

    take your places for a square dance! — Aufstellung zur Quadrille, bitte!

    if I were in your place — an Ihrer Stelle, wenn ich an Ihrer Stelle wäre

    to take the place of sb/sth — jdn/etw ersetzen, jds Platz or den Platz von jdm/etw einnehmen

    6) in hierarchy Rang m, Stellung f

    to know one's place — wissen, was sich (für einen) gehört

    of course I'm not criticizing you, I know my place! (hum)ich kritisiere dich selbstverständlich nicht, das steht mir gar nicht zu

    it's not my place to comment/tell him what to do — es steht mir nicht zu, einen Kommentar abzugeben/ihm zu sagen, was er tun soll

    that put him in his place! — das hat ihn erst mal zum Schweigen gebracht, da hab ichs/hat ers etc ihm gezeigt (inf)

    7) in exam, competition Platz m, Stelle f

    Lunt won, with Moore in second place — Lunt hat gewonnen, an zweiter Stelle or auf dem zweiten Platz lag Moore

    to win first place — Erste(r, s) sein

    to take second place to stheiner Sache (dat) gegenüber zweitrangig sein

    to get a place —

    to back a horse for a place — auf Platz wetten, eine Platzwette abschließen

    9) in street names Platz m
    10) MATH Stelle f

    set structures __diams; place of + noun place of amusement — Vergnügungsstätte f

    place of business or workArbeitsstelle f __diams; in places stellenweise

    make sure the wire/screw is properly in place — achten Sie darauf, dass der Draht/die Schraube richtig sitzt

    to look out of place —

    McCormack played in goal in place of MillerMcCormack stand anstelle von Miller im Tor __diams; to fall into place Gestalt annehmen

    in the first place..., in the second place... — erstens..., zweitens...

    he's going places (fig inf)er bringts zu was (inf) __diams; to give place to sth einer Sache (dat) Platz machen

    1) = put setzen, stellen; (= lay down) legen; person at table etc setzen; guards aufstellen; shot (with gun) anbringen; (FTBL, TENNIS) platzieren; troops in Stellung bringen; announcement (in paper) inserieren (in in +dat); advertisement setzen (in in +acc)

    she slowly placed one foot in front of the other —

    he placed the cue ball right behind the black he placed a gun to my head — er setzte die Spielkugel direkt hinter die schwarze Kugel er setzte mir eine Pistole an den Kopf

    she placed a finger on her lips —

    to place confidence/trust in sb/sth — Vertrauen in jdn/etw setzen

    how are you placed for time/money? — wie sieht es mit deiner Zeit/deinem Geld aus?

    we are well placed for the shops — was Einkaufsmöglichkeiten angeht, wohnen wir günstig

    they were well placed to observe the whole battle — sie hatten einen günstigen Platz, von dem sie die ganze Schlacht verfolgen konnten

    we are well placed now to finish the job by next year —

    2) = rank stellen

    to place local interests above or before or over those of central government — kommunale Interessen über die der Zentralregierung stellen

    3) = identify context of einordnen

    in which school would you place this painting? —

    I don't know, it's very difficult to place I can't quite place him/his accent — ich weiß es nicht, es ist sehr schwer einzuordnen ich kann ihn/seinen Akzent nicht einordnen

    historians place the book in the 5th century AD — Historiker datieren das Buch auf das 5. Jahrhundert

    4) COMM goods absetzen; order erteilen (with sb jdm); contract abschließen (with sb mit jdm)

    who did you place the computer typesetting job with? —

    this is the last time we place any work with you — das ist das letzte Mal, dass wir Ihnen einen Auftrag erteilt haben

    5) money (= deposit) deponieren; (= invest) investieren
    6) phone call anmelden
    7) = find job for unterbringen (with bei)

    the agency is trying to place him with a building firm — die Agentur versucht, ihn bei einer Baufirma unterzubringen

    * * *
    place [pleıs]
    A s
    1. Ort m, Stelle f, Platz m:
    from place to place von Ort zu Ort;
    in places stellenweise;
    the goalkeeper was exactly in the right place SPORT der Torhüter stand goldrichtig;
    all over the place umg überall;
    his hair was all over the place umg er war ganz zerzaust;
    come to the wrong place an die falsche Adresse geraten;
    keep sb’s place jemandem seinen Platz frei halten ( in a queue in einer Schlange);
    lay a place for sb für jemanden decken;
    take place stattfinden;
    win a place in the semifinals SPORT ins Halbfinale einziehen, sich fürs Halbfinale qualifizieren; safe A 1
    2. (mit adj) Stelle f:
    3. (eingenommene) Stelle:
    take sb’s place
    a) jemandes Stelle einnehmen,
    b) jemanden vertreten;
    take the place of ersetzen, an die Stelle treten von (od gen);
    in place of anstelle von (od gen);
    if I were in your place I would … ich an Ihrer Stelle würde …; wenn ich Sie wäre, würde ich …;
    put yourself in my place versetzen Sie sich (doch einmal) in meine Lage!
    4. Platz m (Raum):
    give place (to) Platz machen (für oder dat) (a. fig), nachgeben (dat)
    5. (richtiger oder ordnungsgemäßer) Platz (auch fig): in his library every book has its place hat jedes Buch seinen Platz;
    find one’s place sich zurechtfinden;
    know one’s place wissen, wohin man gehört;
    in (out of) place (nicht) am (richtigen) Platz;
    this remark was out of place diese Bemerkung war deplatziert oder unangebracht;
    feel out of place sich fehl am Platz fühlen;
    a) das oder hier ist nicht der (geeignete) Ort für,
    b) das ist nicht der richtige Zeitpunkt für;
    such people have no place in our club für solche Leute ist kein Platz in unserem Verein;
    put sth back in its place etwas (an seinen Platz) zurücklegen oder -stellen;
    put sb back in their place jemanden in die oder seine Schranken verweisen; click1 B 4, fall into 1, slot1 C
    6. Ort m, Stätte f:
    one of the best places to eat eines der besten Restaurants oder Speiselokale;
    place of amusement Vergnügungsstätte;
    place of birth Geburtsort;
    place of interest Sehenswürdigkeit f;
    place of work Arbeitsplatz m, -stelle f;
    a) Kultstätte,
    b) Gotteshaus n;
    a) ausgehen,
    b) (umher)reisen,
    c) fig es zu etwas bringen; assembly 1
    7. WIRTSCH Ort m, Platz m, Sitz m:
    place of business Geschäftssitz;
    place of delivery Erfüllungsort;
    place of jurisdiction Gerichtsstand m;
    place of payment Zahlungsort;
    8. Haus n, Wohnung f:
    at his place bei ihm (zu Hause);
    he came over to my place yesterday er kam gestern zu mir;
    your place or mine? umg bei dir od bei mir?
    9. Ort(schaft) m(f):
    Munich is a nice place to live in München lebt man angenehm oder lässt es sich angenehm leben; exile A 1
    10. Gegend f:
    11. THEAT Ort m (der Handlung)
    12. umg Lokal n:
    go to a Greek place zum Griechen gehen
    13. SCHIFF Platz m, Hafen m:
    place of tran(s)shipment Umschlagplatz;
    place of call Anlaufhafen
    14. Raum m (Ggs Zeit)
    15. Stelle f (in einem Buch etc):
    lose one’s place die Seite verblättern oder verschlagen;
    I’ve lost my place auch ich weiß nicht mehr, wo (an welcher Stelle) ich war;
    the audience laughed in the right places an den richtigen Stellen
    16. MATH (Dezimal) Stelle f:
    of many places vielstellig;
    place value Stellenwert m
    17. Platz m, Stelle f (in einer Reihenfolge):
    a) an erster Stelle, erstens, zuerst, als Erst(er, e, es),
    b) in erster Linie,
    c) überhaupt (erst),
    d) ursprünglich;
    why did you do it in the first place? warum haben Sie es überhaupt getan?;
    you should not have done it in the first place Sie hätten es von vornherein bleiben lassen sollen;
    why didn’t you admit it in the first place? warum hast du es nicht gleich zugegeben?;
    in the last place an letzter Stelle, zuletzt, als letzt(er, e, es); schließlich; second1 A 1
    18. SPORT etc Platz m:
    in third place auf dem dritten Platz;
    take third place den dritten Platz belegen; second1 A 1
    19. (Sitz)Platz m, Sitz m:
    take your places nehmen Sie Ihre Plätze ein!
    20. a) (An)Stellung f, (Arbeits)Stelle f, Posten m:
    out of place stellenlos
    b) UNIV Studienplatz m
    21. Amt n:
    a) Dienst m:
    in place im Amt (Minister etc), im Staatsdienst
    b) fig Aufgabe f, Pflicht f:
    it is not my place to do this es ist nicht meine Aufgabe, dies zu tun
    22. (soziale) Stellung, Stand m, Rang m:
    in high places an hoher Stelle;
    persons in high places hochstehende Persönlichkeiten
    23. fig Grund m:
    there’s no place for doubt es besteht kein Grund zu zweifeln
    B v/t
    1. stellen, setzen, legen (alle auch fig):
    place together Tische etc zusammenstellen;
    place a call ein (Telefon)Gespräch anmelden;
    place a coffin einen Sarg aufbahren;
    place in order zurechtstellen, ordnen;
    place sb in a difficult place jemanden in eine schwierige Lage bringen;
    he places hono(u)r above wealth ihm ist Ehre wichtiger als Reichtum;
    place on record aufzeichnen, (schriftlich) festhalten;
    the referee was well placed SPORT der Schiedsrichter stand günstig
    2. Posten etc aufstellen:
    place o.s. sich aufstellen oder postieren
    3. I can’t place him ich weiß nicht, wo ich ihn unterbringen oder wohin ich ihn tun soll (woher ich ihn kenne)
    4. einen Wohnungssuchenden etc unterbringen ( with bei), einen Arbeitssuchenden auch vermitteln
    5. jemanden ein-, anstellen
    6. jemanden ernennen oder in ein Amt einsetzen
    7. (der Lage nach) näher bestimmen
    8. WIRTSCH
    a) eine Anleihe, Kapital unterbringen
    b) (with) Aufträge erteilen (dat), vergeben (an akk), eine Bestellung aufgeben (bei)
    c) einen Vertrag, eine Versicherung abschließen:
    place an issue eine Emission unterbringen oder platzieren
    9. Ware absetzen
    10. a) be placed SPORT sich platzieren, platziert sein, unter den ersten drei sein:
    be placed 6th sich an 6. Stelle platzieren
    b) how are you placed for money? bes Br wie sieht es bei dir finanziell aus?
    11. SPORT
    a) den Ball platzieren
    b) Rugby: ein Tor mit einem Platztritt schießen
    12. ELEK schalten:
    place in parallel parallel schalten
    C v/i SPORT US
    a) B 10 a
    b) den zweiten Platz belegen
    pl. abk
    1. place Pl.
    3. plural Pl.
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) Ort, der; (spot) Stelle, die; Platz, der

    all over the place — überall; (coll.): (in a mess) ganz durcheinander (ugs.)

    in places — hier und da; (in parts) stellenweise

    find a place in something (be included) in etwas (Akk.) eingehen; see also take 1. 4)

    2) (fig.): (rank, position) Stellung, die

    know one's place — wissen, was sich für einen gehört

    it's not my place to do that — es kommt mir nicht zu, das zu tun

    a [good] place to park/to stop — ein [guter] Platz zum Parken/eine [gute] Stelle zum Halten

    do you know a good/cheap place to eat? — weißt du, wo man gut/billig essen kann?

    place of residence — Wohnort, der

    place of work — Arbeitsplatz, der; Arbeitsstätte, die

    place of worship — Andachtsort, der

    4) (country, town) Ort, der

    Paris/Italy is a great place — Paris ist eine tolle Stadt/Italien ist ein tolles Land (ugs.)

    place of birth — Geburtsort, der

    go places(coll.) herumkommen (ugs.); (fig.) es [im Leben] zu was bringen (ugs.)

    5) (coll.): (premises) Bude, die (ugs.); (hotel, restaurant, etc.) Laden, der (ugs.)

    she is at his/John's place — sie ist bei ihm/John

    [shall we go to] your place or mine? — [gehen wir] zu dir oder zu mir?

    6) (seat etc.) [Sitz]platz, der

    change places [with somebody] — [mit jemandem] die Plätze tauschen; (fig.) [mit jemandem] tauschen

    lay a/another place — ein/noch ein Gedeck auflegen

    7) (in book etc.) Stelle, die

    lose one's placedie Seite verschlagen od. verblättern; (on page) nicht mehr wissen, an welcher Stelle man ist

    8) (step, stage)

    in the first/second/third etc. place — erstens/zweitens/drittens usw.

    9) (proper place) Platz, der

    everything fell into place(fig.) alles wurde klar

    into placefest[nageln, -schrauben, -kleben]

    out of place — nicht am richtigen Platz; (several things) in Unordnung; (fig.) fehl am Platz

    take first/second etc. place — den ersten/zweiten usw. Platz belegen

    11) (job, position, etc.) Stelle, die; (as pupil; in team, crew) Platz, der
    2. transitive verb

    place in position — richtig hinstellen/hinlegen

    place an announcement/advertisement in a paper — eine Anzeige/ein Inserat in eine Zeitung setzen

    2) (fig.)

    place one's trust in somebody/something — sein Vertrauen auf od. in jemanden/etwas setzen

    3) in p.p. (situated) gelegen

    we are well placed for buses/shops — etc. wir haben es nicht weit zur Bushaltestelle/zum Einkaufen usw.

    how are you placed for time/money? — (coll.) wie steht's mit deiner Zeit/deinem Geld?

    4) (find situation or home for) unterbringen ( with bei)
    5) (class, identify) einordnen; einstufen

    I've seen him before but I can't place him — ich habe ihn schon einmal gesehen, aber ich weiß nicht, wo ich ihn unterbringen soll

    * * *
    Ort -e m.
    Ortschaft f.
    Platzierung f.
    Plazierung (alt.Rechtschreibung) f.
    Plazierung f.
    Stelle -n f.
    Stätte -n f. v.
    platzieren v.
    plazieren (alt.Rechtschreibung) v.

    English-german dictionary > place

  • 7 mucho

    a lot of, too much, much, plenty of.
    1 a lot, much, very much, a great deal.
    2 very often, too often.
    a great deal, quite much, much, a lot.
    * * *
    1 (singular - en afirmativas) a lot of; (- en negativas, interrogativas) a lot of, much
    no tiene mucho dinero he hasn't got a lot of/much money
    ¿nos queda mucha gasolina? have we got a lot of/much petrol left?
    2 (plural - en afirmativas) a lot of, lots of; (- en negativas, interrogativas) a lot of, many
    no hay muchas copas there aren't a lot of/many glasses
    ¿tienes muchos libros? have you got a lot of/many books?
    hace mucho calor/frío it's very hot/cold
    tengo mucha hambre/sed I'm very hungry/thirsty
    3 (demasiado - singular) too much; (- plural) too many
    1 (singular) a lot, much; (plural) a lot, many
    1 (de cantidad) a lot, much
    mucho mejor/peor much better/worse
    ¿te ha gustado la película? --sí, mucho did you like the film? --yes, very much
    ¿estaba buena la comida? --sí, mucho was the food good? --yes, very good
    mucho antes/después much earlier/later
    como mucho at the most
    con mucho by far
    muy mucho familiar very much so
    ni con mucho nowhere near as
    ni mucho menos far from
    por mucho que however much
    * * *
    1. (f. - mucha)
    many, much, a lot of, plenty of
    2. adv.
    much, a lot
    - con mucho
    - mucho tiempo
    3. (f. - mucha)
    many, much, a lot
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [en singular] [en oraciones afirmativas] a lot of, lots of; [en oraciones interrogativas y negativas] a lot of, much

    tengo mucho dineroI have a lot of o lots of money

    había mucha gentethere were a lot of o lots of people there

    ¿tienes mucho trabajo? — do you have a lot of o much work?

    2) [en plural] [en oraciones afirmativas] a lot of, lots of; [en oraciones interrogativas y negativas] a lot of, many

    muchas personas creen que noa lot of o lots of people don't think so

    ¿había muchos niños en el parque? — were there a lot of o many children in the park?

    3) * [con singular colectivo]

    había mucho borrachothere were a lot of o lots of drunks there

    hay mucho tonto sueltothere are a lot of o lots of idiots around

    mucho beso, pero luego me critica por la espalda — she's all kisses, but then she criticizes me behind my back

    4) (=demasiado)

    es mucha mujer para ti* that woman is too much for you

    esta es mucha casa para nosotros* this house is too big for us

    2. PRON
    1) [en singular]
    a) [en frases afirmativas] a lot, lots; [en frases interrogativas y negativas] a lot, much

    ¿has aprendido mucho en este trabajo? — have you learnt a lot o much from this job?

    -¿cuánto vino queda? -mucho — "how much wine is left?" - "a lot" o "lots"

    b) [referido a tiempo] long

    ¿te vas a quedar mucho? — are you staying long?

    ¿falta mucho para llegar? — will it be long till we arrive?

    -¿cuánto nos queda para acabar? -mucho — "how long till we finish?" - "ages"

    hace mucho que no salgo a bailarit's a long time o ages since I went out dancing

    2) [en plural] [en frases afirmativas] a lot, lots; [en frases interrogativas y negativas] a lot, many

    son muchos los que no quierenthere are a lot o lots who don't want to

    muchos dicen que... — a lot of o lots of o many people say that...

    muchos de los ausentesmany of o a lot of those absent

    -¿hay manzanas? -sí, pero no muchas — "are there any apples?" - "yes, but not many o not a lot"

    ¿vinieron muchos? — did many o a lot of people come?

    -¿cuántos había? -muchos — "how many were there?" - "a lot" o "lots"

    3. ADV
    1) (=en gran cantidad) a lot

    me gusta mucho el jazz — I really like jazz, I like jazz a lot

    sí señor, me gusta y mucho — I do indeed like it and I like it a lot

    - son 75 euros -es mucho — "that will be 75 euros" - "that's a lot"

    lo siento muchoI'm very o really sorry

    ¡mucho lo sientes tú! — * a fat lot you care! *

    mucho anteslong before

    mucho másmuch o a lot more

    mucho menosmuch o a lot less

    muy mucho, se guardará muy mucho de hacerlo — * he'll jolly well be careful not to do it *

    si no es mucho pedirif that's not asking too much

    pensárselo mucho, se lo pensó mucho antes de contestar — he thought long and hard about it before replying

    mucho peormuch o a lot worse

    2) [en respuestas]

    -¿estás cansado? -¡mucho! — "are you tired?" - "I certainly am!"

    -¿te gusta? -no mucho — "do you like it?" - "not really"

    3) [otras locuciones]

    como mucho — at (the) most

    con mucho — by far, far and away

    fue, con mucho, el mejor — he was by far the best, he was far and away the best

    no se puede comparar, ni con mucho, a ninguna de nuestras ideas — it bears no comparison at all o you can't begin to compare it with any of our ideas

    cuando mucho — frm at (the) most

    tener a algn en mucho — to think highly of sb

    ni mucho menos, Juan no es ni mucho menos el que era — Juan is nothing like the man he was

    mi intención no era insultarte, ni mucho menos — I in no way intended to insult you, I didn't intend to insult you, far from it

    por mucho que, por mucho que estudies — however hard you study

    por mucho que lo quieras no debes mimarlo — no matter how much you love him, you shouldn't spoil him

    * * *
    a) <salir/ayudar> a lot

    me gusta muchísimo — I like it/her/him very much o a lot

    ¿llueve mucho? — is it raining hard?

    ¿estás preocupado? - mucho — are you worried? - (yes, I am,) very

    ¿te gusta? - sí, mucho — do you like it? - yes, very much; para locs ver mucho III 3)

    - cha adjetivo
    a) (sing) a lot of; ( en negativas e interrogativas) much, a lot of

    ¿tienes mucha hambre? — are you very hungry?

    b) (pl) a lot of; ( en negativas e interrogativas) many, a lot of

    ¿recibiste muchos regalos? — did you get many o a lot of presents?

    2) (sing)
    a) (fam) ( con valor plural)
    - cha pronombre
    1) (refiriéndose a cantidad, número)

    mucho de lo que ha dichomuch o a lot of what he has said

    muchos creen que... — many (people) believe that...

    2) mucho ( refiriéndose a tiempo) a long time

    ¿falta mucho para llegar? — are we nearly there?

    ¿tuviste que esperar mucho? — did you have to wait long?

    con mucho — by far, easily

    no es un buen pianista ni mucho menos — he isn't a good pianist, far from it

    * * *
    = heavily, much, widely, a great deal, eminent + Nombre, utmost, vitally + Verbo, plenty, to any great degree, severely, lots of, rather a lot, numerable, a whole lot (of), a great deal of, a good deal of, greatly, wide [wider -comp., widest -sup.], broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], extensively, a barrel/barrow load of monkeys, bags of.
    Ex. Regular overhaul of guiding is important, especially for the new user who may rely heavily upon it.
    Ex. Although the 1949 code was much longer than its predecessor, the 1908 code, it only contained rules pertaining to headings.
    Ex. An aggressive approach is made to publicity, with posters and leaflets distributed widely, visits to local shops, post offices, doctors surgeries etc, to drum up business, and the use of volunteers to hand out leaflets at street corners = Se inicia una campaña de publicidad enérgica, distribuyendo de forma general folletos y pósteres, visitando las tiendas, oficinas de correos y consultorías médicas de la localidad, etc., para promocionar el negocio, además de utilizar voluntarios para distribuir prospectos por las esquinas de las calles.
    Ex. Thus charwomen and porters in a university work in an institution where books are used a great deal but they themselves are highly unlikely to use them.
    Ex. 'I think it makes eminent sense, for the reasons I've outlined,' he said and started toward the door.
    Ex. Indeed, he must take the utmost care never to jump to conclusions.
    Ex. Though the reference librarian cannot enter the reference process until he receives the question from the enquirer he is vitally concerned about all of its stages.
    Ex. One of the great glories of books is that there are plenty to suit everybody, no matter what our taste, our mood, our intellectual ability, age or living experience.
    Ex. Consumer advice centres were not used to any great degree by the working classes or those groups most at risk as consumers -- the elderly, divorced, widowed and separated.
    Ex. Pressure on space will create the desire on the part of the editor to limit severely the length any paper being published.
    Ex. Though reference work is the backbone of their task, they do lots of things that are not reference work.
    Ex. Carlyle has been dead nearly a hundred years, but many an academic would like to agree with Carlyle even if, perhaps, universities have changed rather a lot since his day.
    Ex. During the past decade both groups have developed numerable measures to assess creative potential.
    Ex. For the libraries in Belgium CD-ROM offers a new range of possibilities and a whole lot of reference works will be searchable and much more used.
    Ex. As earlier sections amply demonstrate, there is a great deal of choice with regards to data bases.
    Ex. There is a good deal of scope for users and novice cataloguers to find difficulty in identifying the appropriate heading for many of the works which are the responsibility of corporate bodies.
    Ex. The computer can greatly assist in thesaurus compilation and updating.
    Ex. The method is sufficiently flexible to allow for wide modifications.
    Ex. In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.
    Ex. Fiction classifications are used extensively in public libraries.
    Ex. The landlord is as mad as a barrel load of monkeys, but a fine man and ex-soldier.
    Ex. His colleagues would say he's as daft as a brush, has bags of energy and enthusiasm but gets the job done.
    * a costa de mucho = at (a) great expense.
    * afectar mucho = hit + hard.
    * Algo a lo que hay que dedicar mucho tiempo = time-consuming [time consuming].
    * Algo que lleva mucho tiempo de hacer = time-consuming [time consuming].
    * a muchos niveles = many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * andarse con mucho cuidado = walk on + eggshells, tread + the thin line between... and.
    * andarse con mucho ojo = keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.
    * arriesgar mucho = play (for) + high stakes.
    * avanzar mucho = travel + a long way down the road.
    * bajar mucho = go + way down.
    * beber mucho = drink + heavily.
    * bebida alcohólica con muchos grados = hard drink, hard liquor.
    * cada vez mucho mayor = fast-increasing, exploding.
    * causar muchas víctimas = take + a toll on life.
    * como mucho = at best, at most, if at all, at the most, at the very latest.
    * conceder mucha importancia a = lay + great store on.
    * con mucha antelación = far in advance.
    * con mucha ceremonia = ceremoniously.
    * con mucha diferencia = by far.
    * con mucha energía = high energy.
    * con mucha frecuencia = very often.
    * con mucha información = populated.
    * con mucha labia = glibly, smooth-talking.
    * con mucha palabrería = glibly.
    * con mucha población = heavily populated.
    * con mucha pompa = ceremoniously.
    * con mucha prisa = without a minute to spare.
    * con muchas actividades = event-filled.
    * con muchas deudas = heavily indebted.
    * con muchas ilustraciones = copiously illustrated.
    * con muchas imágenes = image intensive.
    * con muchas prestaciones = feature-filled, multifacility.
    * con mucha vitalidad = lively [livelier -comp., liveliest -sup.].
    * con mucho = very much, far + Verbo, grossly, by far, by a long shot, by a long way, hands down.
    * con mucho ánimo = spiritedly.
    * con mucho bombo = ceremoniously.
    * con mucho contenido = information packed [information-packed].
    * con mucho esfuerzo = painfully.
    * con mucho éxito = with a wide appeal.
    * con mucho protocolo = ceremoniously.
    * con mucho público = well attended [well-attended].
    * con muchos acontecimientos = event-filled.
    * con muchos detalles = elaborately.
    * con muchos eventos = event-filled.
    * con muchos huesos y poca carne = bony [bonier -comp., boniest -sup.].
    * con muchos lectores = with a wide appeal.
    * con muchos miramientos = ceremoniously.
    * con mucho trabajo = painfully.
    * conseguir mucho = do + much.
    * contener mucho = be high in.
    * costar mucho trabajo = have + a tough time, have + a hard time.
    * dar mucha importancia = put + a premium on.
    * dar mucho en qué pensar = give + Nombre + much to think about, give + Nombre + a lot to think about.
    * dar mucho valor a Algo = value + Nombre + highly.
    * darse (muchos) aires = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.
    * decir mucho de Algo = speak + volumes.
    * de hace muchos años = long-standing.
    * de hace mucho tiempo = age-old, long-term, long-lost.
    * dejar mucho que desear = fall (far) short of + ideal, leave + a lot to be desired, leave + much to be desired.
    * demandar mucho esfuerzo por parte de Alguien = tax + Posesivo + imagination.
    * de muchas formas = in more ways than one.
    * de muchas maneras = in every way.
    * de mucho arraigo = long-established.
    * de mucho beneficio = high-payoff.
    * de mucho cuidado = badass.
    * de mucho provecho = high-payoff.
    * de muchos usos = all-purpose.
    * desde hace muchos años = for years.
    * desde hace mucho tiempo = for ages, long-time [longtime], far back in time, for a long time, long since, in ages (and ages and ages).
    * desear mucha suerte a Alguien = wish + Nombre + the (very) best of luck.
    * desempeñando muchas funciones = in many capacities.
    * destacar con mucho sobre = stand out + head and shoulders (above/over), be head and shoulder (above/over).
    * día de mucho calor = scorcher.
    * donde cabe mucho también cabe poco = what holds a lot will hold a little.
    * durante el transcurso de muchos años = over many years.
    * durante muchas horas = for many long hours.
    * durante muchos años = for many years, for years to come, for many years to come, over many years, for years and years (and years).
    * durante mucho tiempo = long [longer -comp., longest -sup.], for generations, long-time [longtime], for a long time to come, for long periods of time, for a long period of time, lastingly, for a very long time, for many long hours, for a long time, in ages (and ages and ages).
    * durar mucho = last + long.
    * durar mucho rato = take + a long time.
    * durar mucho tiempo = last + long.
    * echar muchas horas al día = work + long hours.
    * echar mucho de menos = be sorely missed, be sadly missed.
    * echar mucho en falta = be sorely missed, be sadly missed.
    * el que mucho abarca poco aprieta = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * en muchos aspectos = in most respects.
    * en muchos casos = in many instances.
    * en muchos grupos = in many quarters.
    * en muchos grupos de la población = in many quarters.
    * en muchos sectores = in many quarters.
    * en muchos sectores de la población = in many quarters.
    * en muchos sentidos = in many ways, in many respects, in most respects, in more ways than one.
    * escribir mucho sobre Algo = a lot + be written about, much + be written about.
    * existen de muchos tipos = come in + many guises.
    * existir mucha diferencia entre... y... = be a far cry from... to....
    * faltar mucho = be a long way off.
    * faltar mucho (para) = there + be + a long way to go (before), have + a long way to go (before).
    * fue durante mucho tiempo = long remained.
    * ganar mucho dinero = make + good money, earn + good money.
    * guardar con mucho cariño = treasure.
    * guardar muchas esperanzas = get + Posesivo + hopes up.
    * gustar mucho = come up + a treat, go down + a treat.
    * gustar mucho las mujeres = womanise [womanize, -USA].
    * gustar mucho lo dulce = have + a sweet tooth.
    * haber de muchos tipos = come in + all/many (sorts of) shapes and sizes.
    * haber recorrido mucho mundo = be well-travelled.
    * haber viajado mucho = be well-travelled.
    * hace muchas lunas = all those many moons ago, many moons ago.
    * hace muchos años = many years ago.
    * hace mucho tiempo = long since, all those many moons ago, many moons ago.
    * hacer mucho = do + much.
    * hacer mucho dinero = make + good money, earn + good money.
    * hacer mucho por = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.
    * hacer muchos aspavientos por Algo = make + a song and dance about.
    * hace ya mucho tiempo que = gone are the days of.
    * hombre que tiene mucho mundo = a man of the world.
    * ir con mucho ojo = keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.
    * la mayoría con mucho = the vast majority of.
    * llenar mucho = be filling.
    * lo mucho que = how extensively.
    * mucha gente + esperar que = be widely expected.
    * muchas ganancias = high return.
    * Muchas gracias = Thank you very much.
    * muchas horas = long hours.
    * muchas otras cosas = much else.
    * muchas otras cosas más = much else besides.
    * mucha suerte = best of luck.
    * muchas veces = multiple times.
    * mucho + Adjetivo = very much + Adjetivo, significantly + Adjetivo.
    * mucho antes = early on.
    * mucho antes de = well before.
    * mucho + Comparativo = a good deal + Comparativo.
    * mucho dinero = big bucks.
    * mucho esfuerzo = hard work.
    * mucho interés = keen interest.
    * mucho más = order of magnitude, much more, much more so, a lot more, lots more.
    * mucho más + Adjetivo = all the more + Adjetivo, far + Adjetivo Comparativo.
    * mucho más + Adverbio/Adjetivo = far more + Adverbio/Adjetivo, far more + Adverbio/Adjetivo.
    * mucho más allá de = far beyond.
    * mucho más cerca = far closer.
    * mucho más de = well over + Expresión Numérica.
    * mucho más rápido = far faster.
    * mucho mayor = far greater, far larger, very much greater.
    * mucho mejor = far better.
    * mucho mejor que = far superior to.
    * mucho menos = a great deal less, let alone, far less.
    * mucho menos + Adjetivo = far + Adjetivo Comparativo.
    * mucho + Nombre = a lot of + Nombre, bleeding + Adjetivo/Nombre.
    * mucho peor = far worse.
    * mucho que + Infinitivo = a lot + Infinitivo.
    * mucho ruido y pocas nueces = much ado about nothing, storm in a teacup, Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite.
    * muchos = many, good many, many a(n).
    * muchos beneficios = high return.
    * muchos jefes y pocos trabajadores = too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
    * muchos más = a great many more.
    * muchos + Nombre = a lot of + Nombre.
    * mucho tiempo = long time, long periods of time, a very long time, long hours, ample time, for a long time.
    * mucho tiempo antes de (que) = long before.
    * mucho tiempo después = ages and ages hence.
    * mucho tiempo después (de que) = long after.
    * mucho trabajo = hard graft.
    * ni con mucho = not by a long shot.
    * ni mucho menos = by any stretch (of the imagination), by any means, not by a long shot.
    * no estar finalizado (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + completeness.
    * no existir muchos indicios de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no haber muchas señales de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no hace mucho = in the recent past.
    * no hace mucho tiempo = not so long ago.
    * Nombre + no tardará mucho en = it won't be long before + Nombre.
    * Nombre + no tardó mucho en = it wasn't long before + Nombre.
    * no mucho después = not long after.
    * no parar mucho en un sitio = live out of + a suitcase.
    * no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
    * no perderse mucho = be no great loss.
    * pasar mucho tiempo antes de que = be a long time before.
    * pasar por muchas dificultades = be to hell and back.
    * persona con mucha ambición = social climber.
    * persona que ha viajado mucho = seasoned traveller.
    * poner mucho ahínco = try + Posesivo + heart out.
    * poner mucho ahínco en = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * poner mucho empe = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * poner mucho empeño = try + Posesivo + heart out.
    * poner mucho empeño en + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * poner mucho empeño por = take + (great) pains to.
    * poner mucho esmero por = take + (great) pains to.
    * por muchas razones = in many ways.
    * por mucho que lo + intentar = try as + Pronombre + might.
    * por mucho que lo intento = for the life of me.
    * por mucho tiempo = for long, for long periods of time.
    * prometer mucho = promise + great possibilities, bode + well.
    * que consume mucha CPU = CPU intensive.
    * que consume mucha energía = energy-intensive.
    * que contiene muchas imágenes = image intensive.
    * quedar mucho más por hacer = much more needs to be done.
    * quedar mucho (para) = have + a long way to go (before), there + be + a long way to go (before).
    * quedar mucho por conocer = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.
    * quedar mucho por hacer = more needs to be done, have + a long way to go.
    * quedar mucho por saber = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.
    * que deja mucho al azar = hit-or-miss.
    * que hay que dar muchas vueltas = circuitous.
    * que hay que dedicarle mucho tiempo = time-intensive.
    * que ocupa mucho espacio = space-consuming.
    * que se percibe desde hace mucho tiempo = long-felt.
    * que utiliza muchos recursos = resource-intensive.
    * quien mucho abarca poco aprieta = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.
    * resaltar con mucho sobre = stand out + head and shoulders (above/over), be head and shoulder (above/over).
    * saber un poco de todo y mucho de nada = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * ser de mucho uso = take + Nombre + a long way.
    * ser mucho = be a mouthful.
    * ser mucho más = be all the more.
    * ser mucho más que = be far more than.
    * sin mucha antelación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha anticipación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha dificultad = painlessly.
    * sin muchas contemplaciones = unceremoniously.
    * sin muchos inconvenientes = without much grudging.
    * sin pensarlo mucho = off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sorprenderse mucho = eyes + pop (out), Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head, Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket.
    * tener mucha distancia que recorrer = have + a long way to go.
    * tener mucha personalidad = be full of character.
    * tener mucho camino que recorrer = have + a long way to go.
    * tener mucho carácter = be full of character.
    * tener mucho cuidado = be extra vigilant.
    * tener mucho éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tener mucho interés en = have + a high stake in.
    * tener mucho interés por = be keen to.
    * tener mucho que ver con = have + a great deal to do with.
    * tener mucho tiempo libre = have + plenty of time to spare.
    * trabajando mucho = hard at work.
    * trabajar muchas horas al día = work + long hours.
    * trabajar mucho = work + hard.
    * usuario que hace mucho uso del préstamo = heavy borrower.
    * venir de mucho tiempo atrás = go back + a long way.
    * Verbo + mucho = Verbo + hard.
    * y cuanto mucho menos = much less.
    * y mucho más = and much more.
    * y mucho menos = much less, least of all.
    * y mucho(s) más = and more.
    * * *
    a) <salir/ayudar> a lot

    me gusta muchísimo — I like it/her/him very much o a lot

    ¿llueve mucho? — is it raining hard?

    ¿estás preocupado? - mucho — are you worried? - (yes, I am,) very

    ¿te gusta? - sí, mucho — do you like it? - yes, very much; para locs ver mucho III 3)

    - cha adjetivo
    a) (sing) a lot of; ( en negativas e interrogativas) much, a lot of

    ¿tienes mucha hambre? — are you very hungry?

    b) (pl) a lot of; ( en negativas e interrogativas) many, a lot of

    ¿recibiste muchos regalos? — did you get many o a lot of presents?

    2) (sing)
    a) (fam) ( con valor plural)
    - cha pronombre
    1) (refiriéndose a cantidad, número)

    mucho de lo que ha dichomuch o a lot of what he has said

    muchos creen que... — many (people) believe that...

    2) mucho ( refiriéndose a tiempo) a long time

    ¿falta mucho para llegar? — are we nearly there?

    ¿tuviste que esperar mucho? — did you have to wait long?

    con mucho — by far, easily

    no es un buen pianista ni mucho menos — he isn't a good pianist, far from it

    * * *
    = heavily, much, widely, a great deal, eminent + Nombre, utmost, vitally + Verbo, plenty, to any great degree, severely, lots of, rather a lot, numerable, a whole lot (of), a great deal of, a good deal of, greatly, wide [wider -comp., widest -sup.], broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], extensively, a barrel/barrow load of monkeys, bags of.

    Ex: Regular overhaul of guiding is important, especially for the new user who may rely heavily upon it.

    Ex: Although the 1949 code was much longer than its predecessor, the 1908 code, it only contained rules pertaining to headings.
    Ex: An aggressive approach is made to publicity, with posters and leaflets distributed widely, visits to local shops, post offices, doctors surgeries etc, to drum up business, and the use of volunteers to hand out leaflets at street corners = Se inicia una campaña de publicidad enérgica, distribuyendo de forma general folletos y pósteres, visitando las tiendas, oficinas de correos y consultorías médicas de la localidad, etc., para promocionar el negocio, además de utilizar voluntarios para distribuir prospectos por las esquinas de las calles.
    Ex: Thus charwomen and porters in a university work in an institution where books are used a great deal but they themselves are highly unlikely to use them.
    Ex: 'I think it makes eminent sense, for the reasons I've outlined,' he said and started toward the door.
    Ex: Indeed, he must take the utmost care never to jump to conclusions.
    Ex: Though the reference librarian cannot enter the reference process until he receives the question from the enquirer he is vitally concerned about all of its stages.
    Ex: One of the great glories of books is that there are plenty to suit everybody, no matter what our taste, our mood, our intellectual ability, age or living experience.
    Ex: Consumer advice centres were not used to any great degree by the working classes or those groups most at risk as consumers -- the elderly, divorced, widowed and separated.
    Ex: Pressure on space will create the desire on the part of the editor to limit severely the length any paper being published.
    Ex: Though reference work is the backbone of their task, they do lots of things that are not reference work.
    Ex: Carlyle has been dead nearly a hundred years, but many an academic would like to agree with Carlyle even if, perhaps, universities have changed rather a lot since his day.
    Ex: During the past decade both groups have developed numerable measures to assess creative potential.
    Ex: For the libraries in Belgium CD-ROM offers a new range of possibilities and a whole lot of reference works will be searchable and much more used.
    Ex: As earlier sections amply demonstrate, there is a great deal of choice with regards to data bases.
    Ex: There is a good deal of scope for users and novice cataloguers to find difficulty in identifying the appropriate heading for many of the works which are the responsibility of corporate bodies.
    Ex: The computer can greatly assist in thesaurus compilation and updating.
    Ex: The method is sufficiently flexible to allow for wide modifications.
    Ex: In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.
    Ex: Fiction classifications are used extensively in public libraries.
    Ex: The landlord is as mad as a barrel load of monkeys, but a fine man and ex-soldier.
    Ex: His colleagues would say he's as daft as a brush, has bags of energy and enthusiasm but gets the job done.
    * a costa de mucho = at (a) great expense.
    * afectar mucho = hit + hard.
    * Algo a lo que hay que dedicar mucho tiempo = time-consuming [time consuming].
    * Algo que lleva mucho tiempo de hacer = time-consuming [time consuming].
    * a muchos niveles = many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * andarse con mucho cuidado = walk on + eggshells, tread + the thin line between... and.
    * andarse con mucho ojo = keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.
    * arriesgar mucho = play (for) + high stakes.
    * avanzar mucho = travel + a long way down the road.
    * bajar mucho = go + way down.
    * beber mucho = drink + heavily.
    * bebida alcohólica con muchos grados = hard drink, hard liquor.
    * cada vez mucho mayor = fast-increasing, exploding.
    * causar muchas víctimas = take + a toll on life.
    * como mucho = at best, at most, if at all, at the most, at the very latest.
    * conceder mucha importancia a = lay + great store on.
    * con mucha antelación = far in advance.
    * con mucha ceremonia = ceremoniously.
    * con mucha diferencia = by far.
    * con mucha energía = high energy.
    * con mucha frecuencia = very often.
    * con mucha información = populated.
    * con mucha labia = glibly, smooth-talking.
    * con mucha palabrería = glibly.
    * con mucha población = heavily populated.
    * con mucha pompa = ceremoniously.
    * con mucha prisa = without a minute to spare.
    * con muchas actividades = event-filled.
    * con muchas deudas = heavily indebted.
    * con muchas ilustraciones = copiously illustrated.
    * con muchas imágenes = image intensive.
    * con muchas prestaciones = feature-filled, multifacility.
    * con mucha vitalidad = lively [livelier -comp., liveliest -sup.].
    * con mucho = very much, far + Verbo, grossly, by far, by a long shot, by a long way, hands down.
    * con mucho ánimo = spiritedly.
    * con mucho bombo = ceremoniously.
    * con mucho contenido = information packed [information-packed].
    * con mucho esfuerzo = painfully.
    * con mucho éxito = with a wide appeal.
    * con mucho protocolo = ceremoniously.
    * con mucho público = well attended [well-attended].
    * con muchos acontecimientos = event-filled.
    * con muchos detalles = elaborately.
    * con muchos eventos = event-filled.
    * con muchos huesos y poca carne = bony [bonier -comp., boniest -sup.].
    * con muchos lectores = with a wide appeal.
    * con muchos miramientos = ceremoniously.
    * con mucho trabajo = painfully.
    * conseguir mucho = do + much.
    * contener mucho = be high in.
    * costar mucho trabajo = have + a tough time, have + a hard time.
    * dar mucha importancia = put + a premium on.
    * dar mucho en qué pensar = give + Nombre + much to think about, give + Nombre + a lot to think about.
    * dar mucho valor a Algo = value + Nombre + highly.
    * darse (muchos) aires = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.
    * decir mucho de Algo = speak + volumes.
    * de hace muchos años = long-standing.
    * de hace mucho tiempo = age-old, long-term, long-lost.
    * dejar mucho que desear = fall (far) short of + ideal, leave + a lot to be desired, leave + much to be desired.
    * demandar mucho esfuerzo por parte de Alguien = tax + Posesivo + imagination.
    * de muchas formas = in more ways than one.
    * de muchas maneras = in every way.
    * de mucho arraigo = long-established.
    * de mucho beneficio = high-payoff.
    * de mucho cuidado = badass.
    * de mucho provecho = high-payoff.
    * de muchos usos = all-purpose.
    * desde hace muchos años = for years.
    * desde hace mucho tiempo = for ages, long-time [longtime], far back in time, for a long time, long since, in ages (and ages and ages).
    * desear mucha suerte a Alguien = wish + Nombre + the (very) best of luck.
    * desempeñando muchas funciones = in many capacities.
    * destacar con mucho sobre = stand out + head and shoulders (above/over), be head and shoulder (above/over).
    * día de mucho calor = scorcher.
    * donde cabe mucho también cabe poco = what holds a lot will hold a little.
    * durante el transcurso de muchos años = over many years.
    * durante muchas horas = for many long hours.
    * durante muchos años = for many years, for years to come, for many years to come, over many years, for years and years (and years).
    * durante mucho tiempo = long [longer -comp., longest -sup.], for generations, long-time [longtime], for a long time to come, for long periods of time, for a long period of time, lastingly, for a very long time, for many long hours, for a long time, in ages (and ages and ages).
    * durar mucho = last + long.
    * durar mucho rato = take + a long time.
    * durar mucho tiempo = last + long.
    * echar muchas horas al día = work + long hours.
    * echar mucho de menos = be sorely missed, be sadly missed.
    * echar mucho en falta = be sorely missed, be sadly missed.
    * el que mucho abarca poco aprieta = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * en muchos aspectos = in most respects.
    * en muchos casos = in many instances.
    * en muchos grupos = in many quarters.
    * en muchos grupos de la población = in many quarters.
    * en muchos sectores = in many quarters.
    * en muchos sectores de la población = in many quarters.
    * en muchos sentidos = in many ways, in many respects, in most respects, in more ways than one.
    * escribir mucho sobre Algo = a lot + be written about, much + be written about.
    * existen de muchos tipos = come in + many guises.
    * existir mucha diferencia entre... y... = be a far cry from... to....
    * faltar mucho = be a long way off.
    * faltar mucho (para) = there + be + a long way to go (before), have + a long way to go (before).
    * fue durante mucho tiempo = long remained.
    * ganar mucho dinero = make + good money, earn + good money.
    * guardar con mucho cariño = treasure.
    * guardar muchas esperanzas = get + Posesivo + hopes up.
    * gustar mucho = come up + a treat, go down + a treat.
    * gustar mucho las mujeres = womanise [womanize, -USA].
    * gustar mucho lo dulce = have + a sweet tooth.
    * haber de muchos tipos = come in + all/many (sorts of) shapes and sizes.
    * haber recorrido mucho mundo = be well-travelled.
    * haber viajado mucho = be well-travelled.
    * hace muchas lunas = all those many moons ago, many moons ago.
    * hace muchos años = many years ago.
    * hace mucho tiempo = long since, all those many moons ago, many moons ago.
    * hacer mucho = do + much.
    * hacer mucho dinero = make + good money, earn + good money.
    * hacer mucho por = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.
    * hacer muchos aspavientos por Algo = make + a song and dance about.
    * hace ya mucho tiempo que = gone are the days of.
    * hombre que tiene mucho mundo = a man of the world.
    * ir con mucho ojo = keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.
    * la mayoría con mucho = the vast majority of.
    * llenar mucho = be filling.
    * lo mucho que = how extensively.
    * mucha gente + esperar que = be widely expected.
    * muchas ganancias = high return.
    * Muchas gracias = Thank you very much.
    * muchas horas = long hours.
    * muchas otras cosas = much else.
    * muchas otras cosas más = much else besides.
    * mucha suerte = best of luck.
    * muchas veces = multiple times.
    * mucho + Adjetivo = very much + Adjetivo, significantly + Adjetivo.
    * mucho antes = early on.
    * mucho antes de = well before.
    * mucho + Comparativo = a good deal + Comparativo.
    * mucho dinero = big bucks.
    * mucho esfuerzo = hard work.
    * mucho interés = keen interest.
    * mucho más = order of magnitude, much more, much more so, a lot more, lots more.
    * mucho más + Adjetivo = all the more + Adjetivo, far + Adjetivo Comparativo.
    * mucho más + Adverbio/Adjetivo = far more + Adverbio/Adjetivo, far more + Adverbio/Adjetivo.
    * mucho más allá de = far beyond.
    * mucho más cerca = far closer.
    * mucho más de = well over + Expresión Numérica.
    * mucho más rápido = far faster.
    * mucho mayor = far greater, far larger, very much greater.
    * mucho mejor = far better.
    * mucho mejor que = far superior to.
    * mucho menos = a great deal less, let alone, far less.
    * mucho menos + Adjetivo = far + Adjetivo Comparativo.
    * mucho + Nombre = a lot of + Nombre, bleeding + Adjetivo/Nombre.
    * mucho peor = far worse.
    * mucho que + Infinitivo = a lot + Infinitivo.
    * mucho ruido y pocas nueces = much ado about nothing, storm in a teacup, Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite.
    * muchos = many, good many, many a(n).
    * muchos beneficios = high return.
    * muchos jefes y pocos trabajadores = too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
    * muchos más = a great many more.
    * muchos + Nombre = a lot of + Nombre.
    * mucho tiempo = long time, long periods of time, a very long time, long hours, ample time, for a long time.
    * mucho tiempo antes de (que) = long before.
    * mucho tiempo después = ages and ages hence.
    * mucho tiempo después (de que) = long after.
    * mucho trabajo = hard graft.
    * ni con mucho = not by a long shot.
    * ni mucho menos = by any stretch (of the imagination), by any means, not by a long shot.
    * no estar finalizado (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + completeness.
    * no existir muchos indicios de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no haber muchas señales de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no hace mucho = in the recent past.
    * no hace mucho tiempo = not so long ago.
    * Nombre + no tardará mucho en = it won't be long before + Nombre.
    * Nombre + no tardó mucho en = it wasn't long before + Nombre.
    * no mucho después = not long after.
    * no parar mucho en un sitio = live out of + a suitcase.
    * no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
    * no perderse mucho = be no great loss.
    * pasar mucho tiempo antes de que = be a long time before.
    * pasar por muchas dificultades = be to hell and back.
    * persona con mucha ambición = social climber.
    * persona que ha viajado mucho = seasoned traveller.
    * poner mucho ahínco = try + Posesivo + heart out.
    * poner mucho ahínco en = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * poner mucho empe = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * poner mucho empeño = try + Posesivo + heart out.
    * poner mucho empeño en + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * poner mucho empeño por = take + (great) pains to.
    * poner mucho esmero por = take + (great) pains to.
    * por muchas razones = in many ways.
    * por mucho que lo + intentar = try as + Pronombre + might.
    * por mucho que lo intento = for the life of me.
    * por mucho tiempo = for long, for long periods of time.
    * prometer mucho = promise + great possibilities, bode + well.
    * que consume mucha CPU = CPU intensive.
    * que consume mucha energía = energy-intensive.
    * que contiene muchas imágenes = image intensive.
    * quedar mucho más por hacer = much more needs to be done.
    * quedar mucho (para) = have + a long way to go (before), there + be + a long way to go (before).
    * quedar mucho por conocer = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.
    * quedar mucho por hacer = more needs to be done, have + a long way to go.
    * quedar mucho por saber = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.
    * que deja mucho al azar = hit-or-miss.
    * que hay que dar muchas vueltas = circuitous.
    * que hay que dedicarle mucho tiempo = time-intensive.
    * que ocupa mucho espacio = space-consuming.
    * que se percibe desde hace mucho tiempo = long-felt.
    * que utiliza muchos recursos = resource-intensive.
    * quien mucho abarca poco aprieta = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.
    * resaltar con mucho sobre = stand out + head and shoulders (above/over), be head and shoulder (above/over).
    * saber un poco de todo y mucho de nada = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * ser de mucho uso = take + Nombre + a long way.
    * ser mucho = be a mouthful.
    * ser mucho más = be all the more.
    * ser mucho más que = be far more than.
    * sin mucha antelación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha anticipación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha dificultad = painlessly.
    * sin muchas contemplaciones = unceremoniously.
    * sin muchos inconvenientes = without much grudging.
    * sin pensarlo mucho = off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sorprenderse mucho = eyes + pop (out), Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head, Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket.
    * tener mucha distancia que recorrer = have + a long way to go.
    * tener mucha personalidad = be full of character.
    * tener mucho camino que recorrer = have + a long way to go.
    * tener mucho carácter = be full of character.
    * tener mucho cuidado = be extra vigilant.
    * tener mucho éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tener mucho interés en = have + a high stake in.
    * tener mucho interés por = be keen to.
    * tener mucho que ver con = have + a great deal to do with.
    * tener mucho tiempo libre = have + plenty of time to spare.
    * trabajando mucho = hard at work.
    * trabajar muchas horas al día = work + long hours.
    * trabajar mucho = work + hard.
    * usuario que hace mucho uso del préstamo = heavy borrower.
    * venir de mucho tiempo atrás = go back + a long way.
    * Verbo + mucho = Verbo + hard.
    * y cuanto mucho menos = much less.
    * y mucho más = and much more.
    * y mucho menos = much less, least of all.
    * y mucho(s) más = and more.

    * * *
    salen mucho they go out a lot
    no salen mucho they don't go out much o a lot
    ¿salen mucho? do they go out much o a lot?
    me ayudaron muchísimo they really helped me a lot
    ahora funciona mucho mejor it works much o a lot better now
    esto preocupa, y mucho, a los ecologistas this is a matter of great concern to ecologists
    trabaja mucho he works very hard
    ¿llueve mucho? is it raining hard?
    me gusta muchísimo I like it a lot o very much
    por mucho que insistas, no te va a hacer caso no matter how much you insist o however much you insist he won't listen to you
    por mucho que le grites no te oye you can shout as much as you like but he won't hear you
    después de mucho discutir llegaron a un acuerdo after long discussions, they reached an agreement
    mucho criticar a los demás pero ella tampoco hace nada por ayudar she's forever o always criticizing others but she doesn't do anything to help either
    (en respuestas): ¿estás preocupado? — mucho are you worried? — (yes, I am,) very
    ¿te gusta? — sí, mucho do you like it? — yes, very much
    para locs ver mucho3 pron C. (↑ mucho (3))
    1 ( sing) a lot of; (en negativas e interrogativas) much, a lot of
    tiene mucha vitamina C it contains a lot of vitamin C
    no le tienen mucho respeto they don't have much o a lot of respect for him
    había mucha gente there were lots of o a lot of people there
    sucedió hace mucho tiempo it happened a long time ago
    ¿tienes mucha hambre? are you very hungry?
    una ciudad con mucha vida nocturna a city with plenty of night life
    2 (pl) a lot of; (en negativas e interrogativas) many, a lot of
    ¿recibiste muchos regalos? did you get many o a lot of presents?
    sus muchas obligaciones le impidieron asistir his many commitments prevented him from attending
    muchos niños pasan hambre many children go hungry
    seis hijos son muchos six children's a lot
    somos muchos there are a lot of us
    B ( sing)
    1 ( fam)
    (con valor plural): mucho elogio, mucho cumplido pero no me lo van a publicar they're full of praise and compliments but they're not going to publish it
    hoy día hay mucho sinvergüenza por ahí these days there are a lot of rogues around
    2 ( fam)
    (con valor ponderativo): era mucho jugador para un equipo tan mediocre he was much too good a player for a mediocre team like that
    (refiriéndose a cantidad, número): mucho de lo que ha dicho es falso much o a lot of what he has said is untrue
    tengo mucho que hacer I have a lot to do
    si no es mucho pedir if it's not too much to ask
    muchos creen que … many (people) believe that …
    muchos son los llamados pero pocos los elegidos ( Bib) many are called but few are chosen
    hace mucho que no vamos al teatro we haven't been to the theater for a long time o for ages
    ¿falta mucho para llegar? are we nearly there?, is it much further?
    ¿tuviste que esperar mucho? did you have to wait long?
    mucho antes de conocerte long o a long time before I met you
    C ( en locs):
    como mucho at (the) most
    costará unos 30 dólares como mucho it probably costs about 30 dollars at (the) most
    con mucho by far, easily
    fue, con mucho, la mejor de la clase she was by far o easily the best in the class, she was the best in the class, by far
    cuando mucho at (the) most
    ni mucho menos: no pretendo aconsejarte ni mucho menos I'm in no way trying to give you advice
    no es un buen pianista ni mucho menos he isn't a good pianist, far from it
    * * *


    mucho 1 adverbio
    a)salir/ayudar a lot;

    trabajar hard;
    no salen mucho they don't go out much o a lot;

    me gusta muchísimo I like it very much o a lot;
    mucho mejor a lot better;
    por mucho que insistas no matter how much you insist;
    después de mucho discutir after much discussion

    ¿estás preocupado? — mucho are you worried? — (yes, I am,) very;

    ¿te gusta? — sí, mucho do you like it? — yes, very much
    mucho 2
    ◊ - cha adjetivo

    a) ( sing) a lot of;

    (en oraciones negativas, interrogativas) much, a lot of;

    no gano mucho dinero I don't earn much o a lot of money;
    ¿ves mucha televisión? do you watch much o a lot of television;
    tiene mucha hambre he's very hungry
    b) (pl) many, a lot of;

    había muchos extranjeros/muchas personas allí there were many o a lot of foreigners/people there;

    hace muchos años many years ago
    ■ pronombre
    1 ( referido a cantidad)
    a) ( sing) a lot;

    ( en oraciones negativas) much;

    tengo mucho que hacer I have a lot to do;
    eso no es mucho that's not much;
    no queda mucha there isn't much left
    b) (pl) many;

    muchos creen que … many (people) believe that …;

    muchos de nosotros many of us

    ¿te falta mucho para terminar? will it take you long to finish?;
    mucho antes long before;
    ¿tuviste que esperar mucho? did you have to wait long?
    b) ( en locs)

    con mucho by far, easily;
    ni mucho menos far from it;
    por mucho que … however much …
    I adj indef
    1 (abundante, numeroso) (en frases afirmativas) a lot of, lots of
    mucha comida, a lot of food
    muchos animales, lots of animals
    (en frases negativas) much, many pl: no queda mucho azúcar, there isn't much sugar left
    no conozco muchos sitios, I don't know many places
    2 (intenso) very: tengo mucho calor/miedo, I'm very hot/scared
    hizo mucho esfuerzo, he made a great effort
    3 (demasiado) es mucha responsabilidad, it's too much responsibility
    II pron
    1 a lot, a great deal, many: muchos fuimos al baile, many/lots of us went to the dance
    muchos de nosotros/vosotros, many of us/you
    de ésos tengo muchos, I've got lots of those
    III adverbio
    1 (cantidad) a lot, very much: me arrepentí mucho, I was very sorry
    2 (tiempo) hace mucho que desapareció, he went missing a long time ago
    hace mucho que estamos aquí, we have been here for a long time
    (a menudo) often: vamos mucho al cine, we go to the cinema quite often
    ♦ Locuciones: como mucho, at the most
    con mucho, by far
    ¡ni mucho menos!, no way!
    por mucho (que), however much
    Recuerda que el singular es much, el plural es many, y que estas dos palabras se suelen usar en frases negativas (no tengo demasiado tiempo, I haven't got much time), mientras que a lot (of) y lots (of) se encuentran en frases afirmativas: Tengo mucho dinero. I've got a lot of/lots of money. En frases interrogativas se usa tanto much y many como a lot o lots of: ¿Tienes mucho dinero?, Have you got much/ a lot of/lots of money? Sin embargo, en preguntas que empiezan por how sólo puedes emplear much o many: ¿Cuánto dinero tienes?, How much money have you got?
    ' mucho' also found in these entries:
    - abrigar
    - abultar
    - achicharrar
    - achicharrarse
    - acoger
    - adelantar
    - adentro
    - adorar
    - afear
    - afecta
    - afectar
    - afecto
    - agradecer
    - alejarse
    - antes
    - aparato
    - aprecio
    - aprovechar
    - ascendiente
    - avejentarse
    - avenida
    - avenido
    - bailar
    - bastante
    - boato
    - bombo
    - brío
    - cacarear
    - caché
    - cachet
    - calor
    - carácter
    - cariño
    - carrete
    - cascar
    - cervical
    - chapar
    - chiflar
    - cocerse
    - coco
    - comer
    - contraponer
    - costar
    - cuando
    - de
    - deber
    - decaer
    - decir
    - defraudar
    - ado
    - afraid
    - age
    - ago
    - agony
    - all-out
    - alone
    - anywhere
    - around
    - as
    - attract
    - attuned to
    - backlog
    - badly
    - bake
    - balance
    - be
    - best
    - booze
    - bulky
    - busywork
    - capital
    - cautious
    - chalk
    - challenging
    - charisma
    - come along
    - come into
    - commotion
    - concern
    - deal
    - dear
    - demand
    - devoted
    - difficult
    - do
    - dog days
    - doing
    - easily
    - emotional
    - enthusiastic
    - esteem
    - exhilarate
    - experience
    - extravagant
    - fancy
    - far
    - fat
    - few
    * * *
    mucho, -a
    1. [gran cantidad de] a lot of;
    comemos mucho pescado/mucha verdura we eat a lot of fish/vegetables;
    había mucha gente there were a lot of people there;
    producen muchos residuos they produce a lot of waste;
    tengo muchos más/menos amigos que tú I've got a lot more/fewer friends than you;
    no tengo mucho tiempo I haven't got much o a lot of time;
    no nos quedan muchas entradas we haven't got many o a lot of tickets left;
    ¿hay muchas cosas que hacer? are there a lot of things to do?, is there much to do?;
    no tengo muchas ganas de ir I don't really o much feel like going;
    tengo mucho sueño I'm very sleepy;
    hoy hace mucho calor it's very hot today;
    hace mucho tiempo a long time ago;
    ¡mucha suerte! the best of luck!;
    ¡muchas gracias! thank you very much!
    2. (singular) [demasiado]
    hay mucho niño aquí there are rather a lot of kids here;
    mucha sal me parece que le estás echando I think you're overdoing the salt a bit, I think you're adding a bit too much salt;
    ésta es mucha casa para mí this house is much too big for me;
    es mucho hombre he's a real man;
    es mucho coche para un conductor novato it's far too powerful a car for an inexperienced driver;
    es mucha mujer para ti she's out of your league!;
    mucho lujo y mucho camarero trajeado pero la comida es horrible it's all very luxurious and full of smartly dressed waiters, but the food's terrible
    (singular) a lot;
    * * *
    I adj
    1 singular a lot of, lots of; en frases interrogativas y negativas tb
    mucho tiempo a lot of time;
    no tengo mucho tiempo I don’t have a lot of time o much time;
    tengo mucho frío I am very cold;
    es mucho coche para mí this car’s too much for me
    2 plural a lot of, lots of; en frases interrogativas y negativas tb
    muchos amigos a lot of friends;
    no tengo muchos amigos I don’t have a lot of friends o many friends
    II pron
    1 singular a lot; en frases interrogativas y negativas tb
    no tengo mucho I don’t have much o a lot
    2 plural a lot; en frases interrogativas y negativas tb
    no tengo muchos I don’t have many o a lot;
    muchos creen que … a lot of people o many people think that …
    III adv
    1 a lot; en frases interrogativas y negativas tb
    ¿cuesta mucho? does it cost a lot o much?;
    nos vemos mucho we see each other often o a lot;
    hace mucho que no te veo I haven’t seen you for a long time;
    ¿dura/tarda mucho? does it last/take long?
    como mucho at the most;
    dan mucho de sí you can do a lot in 10 months;
    no es ni con mucho he is far from being …;
    ni mucho menos far from it;
    por mucho que however much
    * * *
    mucho adv
    1) : much, a lot
    mucho más: much more
    le gusta mucho: he likes it a lot
    2) : long, a long time
    tardó mucho en venir: he was a long time getting here
    por mucho que : no matter how much
    mucho, - cha adj
    1) : a lot of, many, much
    mucha gente: a lot of people
    hace mucho tiempo que no lo veo: I haven't seen him in ages
    muchas veces : often
    mucho, - cha pron
    1) : a lot, many, much
    hay mucho que hacer: there is a lot to do
    muchas no vinieron: many didn't come
    como mucho : at most
    con mucho : by far
    ni mucho menos : not at all, far from it
    * * *
    mucho1 adj
    1. (en general) a lot of / lots of
    ¿marcaste muchos goles? did you score many goals?
    mucho2 adv
    1. (en general) a lot
    lo siento mucho I'm very sorry / I'm really sorry
    3. (mucho tiempo) a long time
    no está acabado, ni mucho menos it is far from finished
    mucho3 pron
    3. (con plurales) many / a lot

    Spanish-English dictionary > mucho

  • 8 poco

    not much, a small amount of, a small quantity of, little.
    little, not very, not much.
    * * *
    1 little (plural) few, not many
    1 little (en plural) not many
    1 little, not much
    voy poco por allí I rarely go there, I go there very little
    1 a little, a bit
    ¿me das un poco? could you give me a little?
    a poco de shortly after
    dentro de poco soon, presently
    hace poco not long ago
    pocas veces rarely, not often, seldom
    poco a poco slowly, gradually, bit by bit
    poco antes shortly before
    poco después shortly afterwards
    poco después de shortly after
    poco más o menos more or less
    poco menos que almost, nearly
    por poco nearly
    por si fuera poco as if that weren't enough, to top it all, on top of everything
    1 little (en plural) not many
    1 little, not much
    voy poco por allí I rarely go there, I go there very little
    * * *
    1. adv.
    little, few
    - por poco 2. (f. - poca)
    little, few
    3. (f. - poca)
    little, few, not much
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [en singular] little, not much

    tenemos poco tiempo — we have little time, we don't have much time

    hay muy poco queso — there's very little cheese, there's hardly any cheese

    con poco respeto — with little respect, with scant respect

    el provecho es poco — the gain is small, there isn't much to gain

    poca cosa, no te preocupes por tan poca cosa — don't worry about such a little thing

    comemos, jugamos a cartas, leemos y poca cosa más — we eat, play cards, read and do little else o and that's about it

    es poca cosa(=no mucho) it's not much; (=no importante) it's nothing much

    es muy guapa pero poca cosa — she's very pretty, but there isn't much to her

    y por si fuera poco — and as if that weren't enough, and to cap it all

    2) [en plural] few, not many

    pocos niños saben que... — few o not many children know that...

    tiene pocos amigos — he has few friends, he hasn't got many friends

    2. PRON
    1) [en singular]
    a) (=poca cosa)

    un poco — a bit, a little

    -¿tienes frío? -un poco — "are you cold?" - "a bit o a little"

    he bebido un poco, pero no estoy borracho — I've had a bit to drink, but I'm not drunk

    estoy un poco tristeI am rather o a little sad

    un poco como, es un poco como su padre — he's rather o a bit like his father

    un poco de, un poco de dinero — a little money

    ¡un poco de silencio! — let's have some quiet here!

    c) [referido a tiempo] not long

    tardaron poco en hacerlo — it didn't take them long to do it, they didn't take long to do it

    a poco de — shortly after

    cada poco — every so often

    dentro de poco — shortly, soon

    poco despuésshortly after

    hace poco — not long ago

    fuimos a verla hace poco — we visited her not long ago, we visited her quite recently

    la conozco desde hace poco — I haven't known her long, I've only known her for a short while

    2) [en plural] few

    pocos son los que... — there are few who...

    como hay pocos —

    3. ADV
    1) [con verbos] not much, little

    cuesta poco — it doesn't cost much, it costs very little

    vamos poco a Madrid — we don't go to Madrid much, we hardly ever go to Madrid

    lo estiman poco — they hardly value it at all, they value it very little

    2) [con adjetivos: se traduce a menudo por medio de un prefijo]

    poco inteligente — unintelligent, not very intelligent

    3) [otras locuciones]

    ¡poco a poco! — steady on!, easy does it!


    ¿a poco? — never!, you don't say!

    ¡a poco no! — not much! *

    ¿a poco no? — (well) isn't it?

    ¿a poco crees que...? — do you really imagine that...?

    de a poco — LAm gradually

    tener en poco, tiene en poco a su jefe — she doesn't think much of her boss

    por poco — almost, nearly

    por poco me ahogoI almost o nearly drowned

    a poco que, a poco que pueda — if at all possible

    a poco que corras, lo alcanzas — if you run now you'll catch it

    * * *

    ... con lo poco que le gusta el arroz —... and he doesn't even like rice; para locs ver poco III 4)

    - ca adjetivo ( con sustantivos no numerables) little; ( en plural) few

    qué poco sentido común tienes! — you don't have much common sense, do you?

    fue asombroso, todo lo que te pueda decir es poco — it was amazing, I can't (even) begin to tell you

    - ca pronombre
    1) (poca cantidad, poca cosa)

    por poco que gane... — no matter how little o however little she earns...

    compra más lentejas, nos quedan muy pocas — buy some more lentils, we've hardly any left

    a poco de venir élsoon o shortly after he came

    poco antes de que... — a short while o shortly before...


    un poco de: un poco de pimienta/vino a little (bit of) pepper/wine; come un poco de jamón — have a bit of ham


    un poco + adj/adv: un poco caro/tarde — a bit o a little expensive/late

    a poco — (Méx)

    ¿a poco no lees los periódicos? — don't you read the newspapers?

    de a poco — (AmL) gradually

    en poco: en poco estuvo que no viniéramos we almost didn't come; tienen en poco la vida ajena they set little value on other people's lives; me tienes bien en poco si crees que... you can't think very highly o much of me if you think...; poco a poco gradually; poco más o menos approximately, roughly; poco menos que nearly; poco menos que la mata (fam) he almost killed her; poco menos que los echan a patadas (fam) they practically kicked them out; por poco — nearly

    * * *
    = little [less -comp., least -sup.], low [lower -comp., lowest -sup.], scant, trifle, tad, little in the way of.
    Ex. Explanatory references give a little more explanation as to why the link between two names is being made in the catalogue or index.
    Ex. Carlton Duncan discussed the difficulties built into the educational processes which led to under-performance at school and the resulting low representation in higher education and low entry into the professions.
    Ex. Scant attention is paid to evaluation and the needs of users.
    Ex. She had been a trifle nervous until it was formally announced that the position was hers.
    Ex. Williams is one of those rare poets who satisfies the yearning that many of us have for the memorable phrase we wish we had said were our perceptions a tad keener.
    Ex. Without any significant restructuring, the LIS programme in Iran will provide little in the way of riding out the rapid transition that the field is currently experiencing.
    * abultar poco = be skimpy.
    * acercarse poco a poco (a) = edge (toward(s)).
    * actuar con poca consideración hacia = play + fast and loose with.
    * agua poco profunda = shallow water.
    * aguas poco profundas = shallows.
    * alimentos poco saludables = unhealthy foods.
    * a poca distancia = not far behind.
    * a poca distancia andando = within walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a poca distancia a pie = within an easy walk, within walking distance.
    * a pocos minutos andando = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a pocos minutos a pie = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * avanzar poco a poco (hacia) = edge (toward(s)).
    * cada pocos años = every few years.
    * comida poco saludable = unhealthy foods.
    * comportamiento poco cívico = uncivic behaviour.
    * con muchos huesos y poca carne = bony [bonier -comp., boniest -sup.].
    * con muy poca antelación = at (a) very short notice.
    * con muy poca anticipación = at (a) very short notice.
    * con muy poca frecuencia = all too seldom.
    * con muy pocas excepciones = with few exceptions.
    * con muy pocos medios = on a shoestring (budget).
    * con poca claridad = indistinctly.
    * con poca exactitud = loosely.
    * con poca experiencia = inexperienced.
    * con poca iluminación = dimly illuminated.
    * con poca imaginación = unimaginatively.
    * con poca naturalidad = stiltedly.
    * con poca población = thinly populated.
    * con pocas habilidades = poor-ability.
    * con poca visión de futuro = short-sighted [shortsighted].
    * con poco dinero = on the cheap.
    * con poco entusiasmo = half-heartedly.
    * con pocos recursos = under-resourced.
    * con pocos recursos económicos = low-budget.
    * consumir poco a poco = eat away at.
    * con tan poca antelación = at such short notice.
    * con tan poca anticipación = at such short notice.
    * correr poco a poco = eat away at.
    * cuestiones poco claras = grey area [gray area].
    * de forma poco ética = unethically.
    * de forma poco imaginativa = unimaginatively.
    * de forma poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    Ex. When the security services carry out acts of terror, they employ patsies who often are petty criminals or people who are mentally backward or mentally unstable.
    * de manera poco ética = unethically.
    * de manera poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    * demasiado poco común = all too rare.
    * de modo poco imaginativo = unimaginatively.
    * dentro de poco = before long.
    * de población poco densa = sparsely populated.
    * de poca importancia = menial, small-time.
    * de poca monta = hack, small-time.
    * de pocas luces = dim [dimmer -comp., dimmest -sup.], dim-witted [dimwitted].
    * de poco impacto = low impact [low-impact].
    * de poco peso = pat, feeble.
    * de poco provecho = fruitless.
    * de poco uso = low-use.
    * de poco valor = a dime a dozen.
    * desaparecer poco a poco = fade into + the sunset.
    * de todo un poco = about this and that and everything else, about this and that.
    * de un modo poco constructivo = unconstructively.
    * de un modo poco económico = wastefully.
    * de un modo poco natural = unnaturally.
    * donde cabe mucho también cabe poco = what holds a lot will hold a little.
    * durar poco = be short term.
    * echar poco a poco = dribble.
    * el que mucho abarca poco aprieta = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * en el caso poco probable de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en muy poco tiempo = before long.
    * en pocas palabras = simply put, in brief, to say the least, to put it (quite) simply, in short, to cut a long story short, bottom line, the, put simply, to make a long story short, the short story + be, simply stated.
    * en poco tiempo = before very long, in quite a short time, in a short time, in a short span of time.
    * en unos pocos años = within a few years.
    * estar poco dispuesto = be reluctant.
    * estar poco representado = underrepresent [under-represent].
    * estar un poco anticuado = be some years old.
    * excusa poco convincente = lame excuse.
    * faltar poco (para) = have + a short way to go (before).
    * faltar un poco = be some way off.
    * gente de poca importancia = small fry, the.
    * haber poca duda de que = there + be + little doubt that.
    * hace muy poco tiempo = a short time ago.
    * hace poco tiempo = a short time ago.
    * hacer poca distinción entre... y... = make + little distinction between... and....
    * hacer poco = do + little.
    * hacer que sea poco probable = render + unlikely.
    * hace unos pocos años = a few years ago.
    * hace unos pocos días = a few days ago.
    * hasta hace muy poco = until recently, up until recently.
    * hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo = until relatively recently.
    * horas de poca actividad = slack hours.
    * horas de poco movimiento = slack hours.
    * introducirse poco a poco = ease + Reflexivo + in.
    * ir poco más allá de + Infinitivo = go little further than + Gerundio.
    * llegar poco a poco = dribble in.
    * lo poco común = rarity, rareness.
    * mucho ruido para pocas nueces = much ado about nothing.
    * mucho ruido y pocas nueces = storm in a teacup, Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite.
    * muchos jefes y pocos trabajadores = too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
    * muy poco = minimally.
    * ofrecer poco = low-ball.
    * operación de poca monta = one-room, one-person operation.
    * pagando un poco más = at additional cost.
    * parece tener poco sentido que = there + seem + little point in.
    * pasar poco a poco = slide into.
    * período de poca actividad = slack time.
    * perro ladrador, poco mordedor = barking dogs seldom bite, Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite.
    * poca cantidad = trickle.
    * poca cosa = small fry, the.
    * poca iluminación = poor lighting.
    * poca importancia = unimportance, low profile.
    * poca notoriedad = low profile.
    * poca probabilidad = slim chance.
    * poca severidad = lenience, leniency.
    * pocas expectativas = low expectation.
    * poca utilidad = unhelpfulness.
    * poco abundante = light [lighter -comp., lightest -sup.].
    * poco accesible = unapproachable.
    * poco acertado = clumsy [clumsier -comp., clumsiest -sup.], injudicious.
    * poco acogedor = inhospitable.
    * poco aconsejable = unwise, inadvisable.
    * poco adecuado = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
    * poco + Adjetivo = slightly + Adjetivo, less than + Adjetivo.
    * poco afortunado = unhappy, ill-favoured [ill-favored, -USA].
    * poco agraciado = ill-favoured [ill-favored, -USA].
    * poco amable = off-putting, surly [surlier -comp., surliest -sup.], crusty [crustier -comp., crustiest -sup.], unkind.
    * poco americano = un-American.
    * poco amistoso = off-putting, unfriendly.
    * poco antes de + Fecha = shortly before + Fecha.
    * poco a poco = gradually, piecemeal, slowly, incrementally, at a snail's pace, little by little, bit by bit.
    * poco apreciado = unappreciated.
    * poco apropiado = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
    * poco apto = inapt.
    * poco arriesgado = low-risk.
    * poco asequible = unapproachable.
    * poco atractivo = off-putting, unattractive, unglamorous, uninviting, unappealing.
    * poco atrevido = unadventurous.
    * poco audaz = unadventurous.
    * poco aventurero = unadventurous.
    * poco cabelleroso = ungentlemanlike.
    * poco cálido = lukewarm.
    * poco científico = hit-or-miss, unscientific.
    * poco cívico = uncivic.
    * poco claro = confusing, fuzzy [fuzzier - comp., fuzziest -sup.], indistinct, obscure, unclear, untidy, hazy, inconclusive, slurred, clouded, blurry [blurrier -comp., blurriest -sup.], undistinguished, uncleared, indistinctive, bleary [blearier -comp., bleariest -sup.].
    * poco colaborador = unresponsive.
    * poco comercial = uncommercial.
    * poco competitivo = uncompetitive.
    * poco complicado = uncomplicated, uncomplicatedly.
    * poco comprensivo = unsympathetic.
    * poco común = rare, unfamiliar, unusual, uncommon, unordinary, out of the ordinary.
    * poco comunicativo = uncommunicative, reserved.
    * poco confortable = uncomfortable.
    * poco conocido = obscure, little known.
    * poco convencido = unconvinced.
    * poco convencional = unconventional.
    * poco convincente = unconvincing, inconclusive, pat, feeble.
    * poco convincentemente = unconvincingly.
    * poco correcto = ungentlemanlike.
    * poco cortés = impolite, ungentlemanlike.
    * poco culto = unenlightened.
    * poco decidido = half-hearted [halfhearted].
    * poco definido = blurry [blurrier -comp., blurriest -sup.], bleary [blearier -comp., bleariest -sup.].
    * poco denso = rarefied.
    * poco deportivo = unsportsmanlike.
    * poco después = soon afterwards, shortly afterwards, shortly after, not long after.
    * poco después de = soon after (that), shortly after.
    * poco después de que = shortly after.
    * poco diestro = poor-ability.
    * poco diplomático = indiscreet.
    * poco dispuesto = disinclined.
    * poco dispuesto a colaborar = uncooperative.
    * poco ducho en las nuevas tecnologías = technologically challenged.
    * poco económico = uneconomical.
    * poco efectivo = ineffectual.
    * poco eficaz = non-efficient.
    * poco elegante = inelegant, awkward, dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * poco embarazoso = unembarrassing.
    * poco entusiasta = half-hearted [halfhearted], lukewarm.
    * poco envidiable = unenviable.
    * poco estable = unsettled.
    * poco estético = unaesthetic.
    * poco estimulador = unchallenging.
    * poco estimulante = unexciting, uninspiring, unmoving.
    * poco estricto = lax.
    * poco ético = unethical.
    * poco evidente = unnoticed, unnoted.
    * poco exigente = untaxing, undemanding.
    * poco favorable = unpromising.
    * poco favorecedor = unflattering.
    * poco fiable = unreliable, undependable, flaky [flakey].
    * poco firme = tenuous, rocky [rockier -comp., rockiest -sup.].
    * poco flexible = monolithic, inelastic.
    * poco frecuente = infrequent.
    * poco fructífero = unfruitful.
    * poco gratificante = unrewarding, unsatisfying.
    * poco grato = unwelcome.
    * poco hábil = poor-ability.
    * poco habitual = unaccustomed.
    * poco halagador = unflattering.
    * poco halagüeño = unflattering.
    * poco hospitalario = inhospitable.
    * poco idóneo = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
    * poco iluminado = dimly illuminated.
    * poco imaginativo = unimaginative.
    * poco importante = menial, small-time.
    * poco impresionado = unimpressed.
    * poco informativo = uninformative.
    * poco intelectual = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * poco inteligente = unintelligent.
    * poco intenso = light [lighter -comp., lightest -sup.].
    * poco interesante = dull, jackdaw, uninteresting, uninspiring, unremarkable.
    * poco juicioso = injudicious.
    * poco justificado = ill-justified.
    * poco listo = underprepared.
    * poco maduro = underripe.
    * poco más = little else.
    * poco materialista = unworldly.
    * poco memorable = forgettable.
    * poco mundano = unwordly.
    * poco natural = unnatural, stilted.
    * poco nítido = untidy.
    * poco normal = unnatural, unordinary, out of the ordinary.
    * poco novedoso = trite.
    * poco original = unoriginal.
    * poco ortodoxo = unorthodox.
    * poco poblado = thinly populated.
    * poco práctico = impractical, awkward.
    * poco preparado = underprepared.
    * poco probable = unlikely, far-fetched [farfetched].
    * poco productivo = unproductive.
    * poco profesional = amateurish, unprofessional.
    * poco profundo = shallow [shallower -comp., shallowest -sup.].
    * poco prometedor = bleak, unpromising.
    * poco propicio = unpromising, unpromising.
    * poco provechoso = fruitless, unrewarding.
    * poco prudente = ill-advised, ill-judged.
    * poco pulido = unpolished.
    * poco razonable = unreasonable.
    * poco realista = unrealistic, unreal, unwordly, way out in left field, airy-fairy.
    * poco recomendable = inadvisable.
    * poco refinado = unrefined, unpolished.
    * poco rentable = uneconomical.
    * poco representativo = unrepresentative.
    * poco romántico = unromantic.
    * poco sabido = little known.
    * poco saludable = unwholesome, insalubrious.
    * poco sano = unwholesome, insalubrious.
    * poco seguro = dicey [dicier -comp., diciest -sup.].
    * poco sensato = ill-advised, injudicious, ill-judged.
    * poco sentimental = unsentimental.
    * poco serio = flippant.
    * poco sincero = insincere.
    * poco sistemático = sloppy [sloppier -comp., sloppiest -sup.].
    * poco social = unsocial.
    * poco sofisticado = elementary, unsophisticated, corn-fed.
    * poco sólido = insubstantial.
    * poco tiempo = short while, short time.
    * poco tiempo después = shortly afterwards.
    * poco tradicional = untraditional.
    * poco unido = loosely knit.
    * poco uniforme = patchy [patchier -comp., patchiest -sup.].
    * poco usado = little-used.
    * poco usual = unusual.
    * poco útil = clumsy [clumsier -comp., clumsiest -sup.], unhelpful.
    * poquito a poco = little by little.
    * por mencionar sólo unos pocos = to name but a few.
    * por mencionar uno pocos = just to name a few.
    * por nombrar sólo unos pocos = to name but a few.
    * por nombrar unos pocos = to name a few.
    * por poco dinero = cheaply.
    * por poco o nada = at little or no extra cost.
    * por si era poco = for good measure.
    * por si fuera poco = to boot, for good measure, to add insult to injury, to add salt to injury, to rub salt in the wound.
    * prestar poca atención a = give + little thought to.
    * pretexto poco convincente = lame excuse.
    * quedar poco (para) = have + a short way to go (before).
    * quedar un poco = be some way off.
    * quedar un poco perjudicado = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.
    * que ocupa poco espacio = space-saving.
    * qué poco común = how odd.
    * quien mucho abarca poco aprieta = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.
    * reducirse poco a poco = dribble off.
    * resultar poco fructífero = prove + unfruitful.
    * roer poco a poco = eat away at.
    * saber un poco de todo y mucho de nada = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * sacar poco a poco = tease out.
    * salir un poco perjudicado = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.
    * sangre poco espesa = thin blood.
    * ser algo muy poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo poco común = be the exception rather than the rule.
    * ser algo poco conocido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser algo poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo poco sabido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser de poco valor = be of little use, be of little value.
    * ser muy poco probable = be remote.
    * ser poco = be under-provided.
    * ser poco agradecido = be thankless.
    * ser poco eficaz = do + little.
    * ser poco reconocido = be thankless.
    * ser pocos = be few in number, be small in number.
    * ser un hecho poco conocido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser un hecho poco sabido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * servir de poco = be of little use.
    * servir de poco o nada = be of little or no avail.
    * solución poco real = pie in the sky solution.
    * tener poca información = be information poor.
    * tener pocas luces = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush, knucklehead.
    * tener pocas posibilidades de = have + little recourse.
    * tener poco que ver = have + little to do.
    * tener poco valor = be of little value.
    * trabajo de poca monta = odd-job.
    * un hombre de pocas palabras = a man of few words.
    * unos pocos elegidos = a select few.
    * un poco = a bit, somewhat, slightly, something of, a little bit, kinda [kind of].
    * un poco áspero = roughish.
    * un poco como = kind of like.
    * un poco de = a measure of, a touch (of), a bit of, a piece of, a spot of, a splash of, a hint of.
    * un poco + Nombre = a shade + Nombre.
    * un poco obscuro = dusky.
    * un poco perdido = a bit at sea.
    * un poco rugoso = roughish.
    * usado con poca frecuencia = seldom used [seldom-used].
    * usuario que hace poco uso del préstamo = light borrower.
    * utilizar poco = underutilise/under-utilise [underutilize/under-utilize, -USA].
    * vivienda poco digna = poor housing.
    * y poco más = and little more.
    * * *

    ... con lo poco que le gusta el arroz —... and he doesn't even like rice; para locs ver poco III 4)

    - ca adjetivo ( con sustantivos no numerables) little; ( en plural) few

    qué poco sentido común tienes! — you don't have much common sense, do you?

    fue asombroso, todo lo que te pueda decir es poco — it was amazing, I can't (even) begin to tell you

    - ca pronombre
    1) (poca cantidad, poca cosa)

    por poco que gane... — no matter how little o however little she earns...

    compra más lentejas, nos quedan muy pocas — buy some more lentils, we've hardly any left

    a poco de venir élsoon o shortly after he came

    poco antes de que... — a short while o shortly before...


    un poco de: un poco de pimienta/vino a little (bit of) pepper/wine; come un poco de jamón — have a bit of ham


    un poco + adj/adv: un poco caro/tarde — a bit o a little expensive/late

    a poco — (Méx)

    ¿a poco no lees los periódicos? — don't you read the newspapers?

    de a poco — (AmL) gradually

    en poco: en poco estuvo que no viniéramos we almost didn't come; tienen en poco la vida ajena they set little value on other people's lives; me tienes bien en poco si crees que... you can't think very highly o much of me if you think...; poco a poco gradually; poco más o menos approximately, roughly; poco menos que nearly; poco menos que la mata (fam) he almost killed her; poco menos que los echan a patadas (fam) they practically kicked them out; por poco — nearly

    * * *
    = little [less -comp., least -sup.], low [lower -comp., lowest -sup.], scant, trifle, tad, little in the way of.

    Ex: Explanatory references give a little more explanation as to why the link between two names is being made in the catalogue or index.

    Ex: Carlton Duncan discussed the difficulties built into the educational processes which led to under-performance at school and the resulting low representation in higher education and low entry into the professions.
    Ex: Scant attention is paid to evaluation and the needs of users.
    Ex: She had been a trifle nervous until it was formally announced that the position was hers.
    Ex: Williams is one of those rare poets who satisfies the yearning that many of us have for the memorable phrase we wish we had said were our perceptions a tad keener.
    Ex: Without any significant restructuring, the LIS programme in Iran will provide little in the way of riding out the rapid transition that the field is currently experiencing.
    * abultar poco = be skimpy.
    * acercarse poco a poco (a) = edge (toward(s)).
    * actuar con poca consideración hacia = play + fast and loose with.
    * agua poco profunda = shallow water.
    * aguas poco profundas = shallows.
    * alimentos poco saludables = unhealthy foods.
    * a poca distancia = not far behind.
    * a poca distancia andando = within walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a poca distancia a pie = within an easy walk, within walking distance.
    * a pocos minutos andando = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a pocos minutos a pie = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * avanzar poco a poco (hacia) = edge (toward(s)).
    * cada pocos años = every few years.
    * comida poco saludable = unhealthy foods.
    * comportamiento poco cívico = uncivic behaviour.
    * con muchos huesos y poca carne = bony [bonier -comp., boniest -sup.].
    * con muy poca antelación = at (a) very short notice.
    * con muy poca anticipación = at (a) very short notice.
    * con muy poca frecuencia = all too seldom.
    * con muy pocas excepciones = with few exceptions.
    * con muy pocos medios = on a shoestring (budget).
    * con poca claridad = indistinctly.
    * con poca exactitud = loosely.
    * con poca experiencia = inexperienced.
    * con poca iluminación = dimly illuminated.
    * con poca imaginación = unimaginatively.
    * con poca naturalidad = stiltedly.
    * con poca población = thinly populated.
    * con pocas habilidades = poor-ability.
    * con poca visión de futuro = short-sighted [shortsighted].
    * con poco dinero = on the cheap.
    * con poco entusiasmo = half-heartedly.
    * con pocos recursos = under-resourced.
    * con pocos recursos económicos = low-budget.
    * consumir poco a poco = eat away at.
    * con tan poca antelación = at such short notice.
    * con tan poca anticipación = at such short notice.
    * correr poco a poco = eat away at.
    * cuestiones poco claras = grey area [gray area].
    * de forma poco ética = unethically.
    * de forma poco imaginativa = unimaginatively.
    * de forma poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    Ex: When the security services carry out acts of terror, they employ patsies who often are petty criminals or people who are mentally backward or mentally unstable.
    * de manera poco ética = unethically.
    * de manera poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    * demasiado poco común = all too rare.
    * de modo poco imaginativo = unimaginatively.
    * dentro de poco = before long.
    * de población poco densa = sparsely populated.
    * de poca importancia = menial, small-time.
    * de poca monta = hack, small-time.
    * de pocas luces = dim [dimmer -comp., dimmest -sup.], dim-witted [dimwitted].
    * de poco impacto = low impact [low-impact].
    * de poco peso = pat, feeble.
    * de poco provecho = fruitless.
    * de poco uso = low-use.
    * de poco valor = a dime a dozen.
    * desaparecer poco a poco = fade into + the sunset.
    * de todo un poco = about this and that and everything else, about this and that.
    * de un modo poco constructivo = unconstructively.
    * de un modo poco económico = wastefully.
    * de un modo poco natural = unnaturally.
    * donde cabe mucho también cabe poco = what holds a lot will hold a little.
    * durar poco = be short term.
    * echar poco a poco = dribble.
    * el que mucho abarca poco aprieta = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * en el caso poco probable de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en muy poco tiempo = before long.
    * en pocas palabras = simply put, in brief, to say the least, to put it (quite) simply, in short, to cut a long story short, bottom line, the, put simply, to make a long story short, the short story + be, simply stated.
    * en poco tiempo = before very long, in quite a short time, in a short time, in a short span of time.
    * en unos pocos años = within a few years.
    * estar poco dispuesto = be reluctant.
    * estar poco representado = underrepresent [under-represent].
    * estar un poco anticuado = be some years old.
    * excusa poco convincente = lame excuse.
    * faltar poco (para) = have + a short way to go (before).
    * faltar un poco = be some way off.
    * gente de poca importancia = small fry, the.
    * haber poca duda de que = there + be + little doubt that.
    * hace muy poco tiempo = a short time ago.
    * hace poco tiempo = a short time ago.
    * hacer poca distinción entre... y... = make + little distinction between... and....
    * hacer poco = do + little.
    * hacer que sea poco probable = render + unlikely.
    * hace unos pocos años = a few years ago.
    * hace unos pocos días = a few days ago.
    * hasta hace muy poco = until recently, up until recently.
    * hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo = until relatively recently.
    * horas de poca actividad = slack hours.
    * horas de poco movimiento = slack hours.
    * introducirse poco a poco = ease + Reflexivo + in.
    * ir poco más allá de + Infinitivo = go little further than + Gerundio.
    * llegar poco a poco = dribble in.
    * lo poco común = rarity, rareness.
    * mucho ruido para pocas nueces = much ado about nothing.
    * mucho ruido y pocas nueces = storm in a teacup, Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite.
    * muchos jefes y pocos trabajadores = too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
    * muy poco = minimally.
    * ofrecer poco = low-ball.
    * operación de poca monta = one-room, one-person operation.
    * pagando un poco más = at additional cost.
    * parece tener poco sentido que = there + seem + little point in.
    * pasar poco a poco = slide into.
    * período de poca actividad = slack time.
    * perro ladrador, poco mordedor = barking dogs seldom bite, Posesivo + bark is worse than + Posesivo + bite.
    * poca cantidad = trickle.
    * poca cosa = small fry, the.
    * poca iluminación = poor lighting.
    * poca importancia = unimportance, low profile.
    * poca notoriedad = low profile.
    * poca probabilidad = slim chance.
    * poca severidad = lenience, leniency.
    * pocas expectativas = low expectation.
    * poca utilidad = unhelpfulness.
    * poco abundante = light [lighter -comp., lightest -sup.].
    * poco accesible = unapproachable.
    * poco acertado = clumsy [clumsier -comp., clumsiest -sup.], injudicious.
    * poco acogedor = inhospitable.
    * poco aconsejable = unwise, inadvisable.
    * poco adecuado = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
    * poco + Adjetivo = slightly + Adjetivo, less than + Adjetivo.
    * poco afortunado = unhappy, ill-favoured [ill-favored, -USA].
    * poco agraciado = ill-favoured [ill-favored, -USA].
    * poco amable = off-putting, surly [surlier -comp., surliest -sup.], crusty [crustier -comp., crustiest -sup.], unkind.
    * poco americano = un-American.
    * poco amistoso = off-putting, unfriendly.
    * poco antes de + Fecha = shortly before + Fecha.
    * poco a poco = gradually, piecemeal, slowly, incrementally, at a snail's pace, little by little, bit by bit.
    * poco apreciado = unappreciated.
    * poco apropiado = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
    * poco apto = inapt.
    * poco arriesgado = low-risk.
    * poco asequible = unapproachable.
    * poco atractivo = off-putting, unattractive, unglamorous, uninviting, unappealing.
    * poco atrevido = unadventurous.
    * poco audaz = unadventurous.
    * poco aventurero = unadventurous.
    * poco cabelleroso = ungentlemanlike.
    * poco cálido = lukewarm.
    * poco científico = hit-or-miss, unscientific.
    * poco cívico = uncivic.
    * poco claro = confusing, fuzzy [fuzzier - comp., fuzziest -sup.], indistinct, obscure, unclear, untidy, hazy, inconclusive, slurred, clouded, blurry [blurrier -comp., blurriest -sup.], undistinguished, uncleared, indistinctive, bleary [blearier -comp., bleariest -sup.].
    * poco colaborador = unresponsive.
    * poco comercial = uncommercial.
    * poco competitivo = uncompetitive.
    * poco complicado = uncomplicated, uncomplicatedly.
    * poco comprensivo = unsympathetic.
    * poco común = rare, unfamiliar, unusual, uncommon, unordinary, out of the ordinary.
    * poco comunicativo = uncommunicative, reserved.
    * poco confortable = uncomfortable.
    * poco conocido = obscure, little known.
    * poco convencido = unconvinced.
    * poco convencional = unconventional.
    * poco convincente = unconvincing, inconclusive, pat, feeble.
    * poco convincentemente = unconvincingly.
    * poco correcto = ungentlemanlike.
    * poco cortés = impolite, ungentlemanlike.
    * poco culto = unenlightened.
    * poco decidido = half-hearted [halfhearted].
    * poco definido = blurry [blurrier -comp., blurriest -sup.], bleary [blearier -comp., bleariest -sup.].
    * poco denso = rarefied.
    * poco deportivo = unsportsmanlike.
    * poco después = soon afterwards, shortly afterwards, shortly after, not long after.
    * poco después de = soon after (that), shortly after.
    * poco después de que = shortly after.
    * poco diestro = poor-ability.
    * poco diplomático = indiscreet.
    * poco dispuesto = disinclined.
    * poco dispuesto a colaborar = uncooperative.
    * poco ducho en las nuevas tecnologías = technologically challenged.
    * poco económico = uneconomical.
    * poco efectivo = ineffectual.
    * poco eficaz = non-efficient.
    * poco elegante = inelegant, awkward, dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * poco embarazoso = unembarrassing.
    * poco entusiasta = half-hearted [halfhearted], lukewarm.
    * poco envidiable = unenviable.
    * poco estable = unsettled.
    * poco estético = unaesthetic.
    * poco estimulador = unchallenging.
    * poco estimulante = unexciting, uninspiring, unmoving.
    * poco estricto = lax.
    * poco ético = unethical.
    * poco evidente = unnoticed, unnoted.
    * poco exigente = untaxing, undemanding.
    * poco favorable = unpromising.
    * poco favorecedor = unflattering.
    * poco fiable = unreliable, undependable, flaky [flakey].
    * poco firme = tenuous, rocky [rockier -comp., rockiest -sup.].
    * poco flexible = monolithic, inelastic.
    * poco frecuente = infrequent.
    * poco fructífero = unfruitful.
    * poco gratificante = unrewarding, unsatisfying.
    * poco grato = unwelcome.
    * poco hábil = poor-ability.
    * poco habitual = unaccustomed.
    * poco halagador = unflattering.
    * poco halagüeño = unflattering.
    * poco hospitalario = inhospitable.
    * poco idóneo = unsuited, unsuitable, inapt.
    * poco iluminado = dimly illuminated.
    * poco imaginativo = unimaginative.
    * poco importante = menial, small-time.
    * poco impresionado = unimpressed.
    * poco informativo = uninformative.
    * poco intelectual = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * poco inteligente = unintelligent.
    * poco intenso = light [lighter -comp., lightest -sup.].
    * poco interesante = dull, jackdaw, uninteresting, uninspiring, unremarkable.
    * poco juicioso = injudicious.
    * poco justificado = ill-justified.
    * poco listo = underprepared.
    * poco maduro = underripe.
    * poco más = little else.
    * poco materialista = unworldly.
    * poco memorable = forgettable.
    * poco mundano = unwordly.
    * poco natural = unnatural, stilted.
    * poco nítido = untidy.
    * poco normal = unnatural, unordinary, out of the ordinary.
    * poco novedoso = trite.
    * poco original = unoriginal.
    * poco ortodoxo = unorthodox.
    * poco poblado = thinly populated.
    * poco práctico = impractical, awkward.
    * poco preparado = underprepared.
    * poco probable = unlikely, far-fetched [farfetched].
    * poco productivo = unproductive.
    * poco profesional = amateurish, unprofessional.
    * poco profundo = shallow [shallower -comp., shallowest -sup.].
    * poco prometedor = bleak, unpromising.
    * poco propicio = unpromising, unpromising.
    * poco provechoso = fruitless, unrewarding.
    * poco prudente = ill-advised, ill-judged.
    * poco pulido = unpolished.
    * poco razonable = unreasonable.
    * poco realista = unrealistic, unreal, unwordly, way out in left field, airy-fairy.
    * poco recomendable = inadvisable.
    * poco refinado = unrefined, unpolished.
    * poco rentable = uneconomical.
    * poco representativo = unrepresentative.
    * poco romántico = unromantic.
    * poco sabido = little known.
    * poco saludable = unwholesome, insalubrious.
    * poco sano = unwholesome, insalubrious.
    * poco seguro = dicey [dicier -comp., diciest -sup.].
    * poco sensato = ill-advised, injudicious, ill-judged.
    * poco sentimental = unsentimental.
    * poco serio = flippant.
    * poco sincero = insincere.
    * poco sistemático = sloppy [sloppier -comp., sloppiest -sup.].
    * poco social = unsocial.
    * poco sofisticado = elementary, unsophisticated, corn-fed.
    * poco sólido = insubstantial.
    * poco tiempo = short while, short time.
    * poco tiempo después = shortly afterwards.
    * poco tradicional = untraditional.
    * poco unido = loosely knit.
    * poco uniforme = patchy [patchier -comp., patchiest -sup.].
    * poco usado = little-used.
    * poco usual = unusual.
    * poco útil = clumsy [clumsier -comp., clumsiest -sup.], unhelpful.
    * poquito a poco = little by little.
    * por mencionar sólo unos pocos = to name but a few.
    * por mencionar uno pocos = just to name a few.
    * por nombrar sólo unos pocos = to name but a few.
    * por nombrar unos pocos = to name a few.
    * por poco dinero = cheaply.
    * por poco o nada = at little or no extra cost.
    * por si era poco = for good measure.
    * por si fuera poco = to boot, for good measure, to add insult to injury, to add salt to injury, to rub salt in the wound.
    * prestar poca atención a = give + little thought to.
    * pretexto poco convincente = lame excuse.
    * quedar poco (para) = have + a short way to go (before).
    * quedar un poco = be some way off.
    * quedar un poco perjudicado = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.
    * que ocupa poco espacio = space-saving.
    * qué poco común = how odd.
    * quien mucho abarca poco aprieta = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.
    * reducirse poco a poco = dribble off.
    * resultar poco fructífero = prove + unfruitful.
    * roer poco a poco = eat away at.
    * saber un poco de todo y mucho de nada = jack of all trades, master of none.
    * sacar poco a poco = tease out.
    * salir un poco perjudicado = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.
    * sangre poco espesa = thin blood.
    * ser algo muy poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo poco común = be the exception rather than the rule.
    * ser algo poco conocido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser algo poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo poco sabido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser de poco valor = be of little use, be of little value.
    * ser muy poco probable = be remote.
    * ser poco = be under-provided.
    * ser poco agradecido = be thankless.
    * ser poco eficaz = do + little.
    * ser poco reconocido = be thankless.
    * ser pocos = be few in number, be small in number.
    * ser un hecho poco conocido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser un hecho poco sabido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * servir de poco = be of little use.
    * servir de poco o nada = be of little or no avail.
    * solución poco real = pie in the sky solution.
    * tener poca información = be information poor.
    * tener pocas luces = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, as daft as a brush, knucklehead.
    * tener pocas posibilidades de = have + little recourse.
    * tener poco que ver = have + little to do.
    * tener poco valor = be of little value.
    * trabajo de poca monta = odd-job.
    * un hombre de pocas palabras = a man of few words.
    * unos pocos elegidos = a select few.
    * un poco = a bit, somewhat, slightly, something of, a little bit, kinda [kind of].
    * un poco áspero = roughish.
    * un poco como = kind of like.
    * un poco de = a measure of, a touch (of), a bit of, a piece of, a spot of, a splash of, a hint of.
    * un poco + Nombre = a shade + Nombre.
    * un poco obscuro = dusky.
    * un poco perdido = a bit at sea.
    * un poco rugoso = roughish.
    * usado con poca frecuencia = seldom used [seldom-used].
    * usuario que hace poco uso del préstamo = light borrower.
    * utilizar poco = underutilise/under-utilise [underutilize/under-utilize, -USA].
    * vivienda poco digna = poor housing.
    * y poco más = and little more.

    * * *
    es muy poco agradecido he is very ungrateful, he isn't at all grateful
    es un autor muy poco conocido he is a very little-known author
    me resultó poco interesante I didn't find it very interesting, I found it rather uninteresting
    habla poco he doesn't say much o a lot
    duerme poquísimo she sleeps very little, she doesn't sleep very much
    viene muy poco por aquí he hardly ever comes around
    poco y nada me ayudaron they hardly helped me at all
    … con lo poco que le gusta el arroz … and he doesn't even like rice
    para locs ver poco3 pron D. (↑ poco (3))
    poco2 -ca
    muy poco vino very little wine
    muy pocos niños very few children
    hemos tenido muy poca suerte we've been very unlucky, we've had very little luck
    ¡qué poco sentido común tienes! you don't have much common sense, do you?
    tengo muy poca ropa I have hardly any clothes, I have very few clothes
    a poca gente se le presenta esa oportunidad not many people get that opportunity
    hay muy pocas mujeres en el gremio there are very few women in the trade
    éramos demasiado pocos there were too few of us, there weren't enough of us
    fue asombroso, todo lo que te pueda decir es poco it was amazing, I can't begin to tell you
    a esta mujer todo le parece poco this woman is never satisfied
    me he olvidado del poco francés/de las pocas palabras que sabía I've forgotten the little French/the few words I knew
    le dio unos pocos pesos she gave him a few pesos
    poco3 -ca
    (poca cantidad, poca cosa): le serví sopa pero comió poca I gave her some soup but she only ate a little o she didn't eat much
    sírvele poco, desayunó muy tarde don't give him (too) much, he had a late breakfast
    por poco que gane, siempre es otro sueldo no matter how little o however little she earns o even if she doesn't earn much, it's still another salary coming in
    se conforma con poco he's easily satisfied
    poco y nada saqué en limpio de lo que dijo what he said made little or no sense to me
    lo poco que gana se lo gasta en vino he spends the little o what little he earns on wine
    compra más lentejas, nos quedan muy pocas buy some more lentils, we've hardly any left o we have very few left
    es un profesor como pocos there aren't many teachers like him
    pocos pueden permitirse ese lujo not many people can afford to do that
    poco (refiriéndose a tiempo): lo vi hace poco I saw him recently o not long ago
    hace muy poco que lo conoce she hasn't known him for very long, she's only known him a little while
    tardó poco en pintar la cocina it didn't take him long to paint the kitchen
    falta poco para las navidades it's not long till Christmas, Christmas isn't far off
    a poco de terminar el bombardeo soon o shortly after the bombing stopped
    dentro de poco sale otro tren there'll be another train soon o shortly
    poco antes de que ella se fuera a short while o shortly before she left
    ¿te sirvo un poco? would you like a little o some?
    descansemos un poco let's rest for a while, let's have a little rest
    espera un poquito wait a little while
    todavía le duele un poquitín or poquitito it still hurts him a little
    un poco de: ponle un poco de pimienta/vino add a little (bit of) pepper/wine
    tiene un poco de fiebre he has a slight fever, he has a bit of a temperature o a slight temperature ( BrE)
    come un poco de jamón have a bit of o some o a little ham
    un poco (hasta cierto punto): es un poco lo que está pasando en Japón it's rather like what's happening in Japan
    un poco porque me dio lástima partly because I felt sorry for him
    4 un poco + ADJ/ADV:
    un poco caro/tarde a bit o a little expensive/late
    me queda un poco corto it's a bit short o a little short o slightly too short (for me)
    habla un poco más fuerte speak up a bit o a little
    D ( en locs):
    a poco ( Méx): ¿a poco no lees los periódicos? don't you read the newspapers?
    ¡a poco no está fabuloso Acapulco! isn't Acapulco just fantastic!
    ¡a poco ganaron! don't tell me they won!
    nos sacamos el gordo de la lotería — ¡a poco ! we won the big lottery prize — you didn't!
    de a poco ( AmL); gradually
    agrégale la leche de a poquito add the milk gradually o a little at a time
    de a poquito se lo fue comiendo little by little o slowly she ate it all up
    en poco: en poco estuvo que nos ganaran they came very close to beating us, they very nearly beat us
    en poco estuvo que no viniéramos we almost didn't come
    tienen en poco la vida ajena they set little value on other people's lives
    me tienes bien en poco si me crees capaz de eso you can't think very highly o much of me if you think I could do such a thing
    poco a poco or ( Méx) a poquito gradually
    poco a poco la fueron arreglando they gradually fixed it up, they fixed it up little by little
    poco más o menos approximately, roughly
    habrán gastado unos dos millones, poco más o menos they must have spent in the neighborhood o ( BrE) region of two million
    es poco menos que imposible it's well-nigh o almost o very nearly impossible
    le pegó una paliza que poco menos que la mata ( fam); he gave her such a beating he almost o nearly killed her
    poco menos que los echan a patadas ( fam); they practically kicked them out
    por poco nearly
    por poco nos descubren we were nearly found out
    * * *


    poco 1 adverbio:
    habla poco he doesn't say much o a lot;

    es muy poco agradecido he is very ungrateful;
    un autor muy poco conocido a very little-known author;
    viene muy poco por aquí he hardly ever comes around;
    para locs ver poco 2 4
    poco 2 -ca adjetivo ( con sustantivos no numerables) little;

    ( en plural) few;

    muy pocos niños very few children;
    había poquísimos coches there were hardly any cars
    ■ pronombre
    1 (poca cantidad, poca cosa):

    por poco que gane … no matter how little o however little she earns …;
    se conforma con poco he's easily satisfied;
    todo le parece poco she is never satisfied;
    pocos quisieron ayudar few were willing to help;
    pocos pueden permitirse ese lujo not many people can afford to do that
    poco ( refiriéndose a tiempo): lo vi hace poco I saw him recently o not long ago;

    hace muy poco que lo conoce she hasn't known him for very long;
    tardó poco en hacerlo it didn't take him long to do it;
    falta poco para las navidades it's not long till Christmas;
    a poco de venir él soon o shortly after he came;
    dentro de poco soon;
    poco antes de que … a short while o shortly before …
    un poco

    ( refiriéndose a tiempo) a while;
    dame un poco I'll have some o a little;

    espera un poco wait a while

    c) un poco + adj/adv:

    un poco caro/tarde a bit o a little expensive/late

    4 ( en locs)
    a poco (Méx): ¡a poco no está fabuloso Acapulco! isn't Acapulco just fantastic!;

    ¡a poco ganaron! don't tell me they won!;
    de a poco (AmL) gradually, little by little;
    poco a poco gradually;
    poco más o menos approximately, roughly;
    por poco nearly
    I adjetivo
    1 (con el sustantivo en singular) not much, little: tengo poco apetito, I haven't got much appetite
    2 (con el sustantivo en plural) not many, few: conozco pocos lugares de Italia, I don't know many places in Italy
    II pron (singular) little, not much
    (plural) (objetos) few, not many
    (personas) few people, not many people ➣ Ver nota en few
    III adverbio
    1 (con verbo) not (very) much, little: entiendo poco del tema, I don't understand much about the issue
    2 (con adjetivo) not very: está poco claro, it's not very clear
    3 (de tiempo) hace poco que nos conocemos, we met a short time ago
    IV sustantivo masculino
    1 (acompañado de adjetivo o adverbio) lo noté un poco molesto, I thought he was a bit annoyed
    tendré que hacerlo un poco después, I'll have to do it a little later
    2 (acompañando a un sustantivo) dame un poco de agua, give me a little water ➣ Ver nota en little
    ♦ Locuciones: a poco de, shortly after
    dentro de poco, soon
    poco a poco, little by little, gradually
    poco antes/después, shortly before/afterwards
    por poco, almost
    ' poco' also found in these entries:
    - aclimatarse
    - adelgazar
    - aguantar
    - ahora
    - alcornoque
    - alentador
    - alentadora
    - algo
    - antes
    - apercibirse
    - bagatela
    - baja
    - bajo
    - brusca
    - brusco
    - bruta
    - bruto
    - buscar
    - calentar
    - cargada
    - cargado
    - cascada
    - cascado
    - cerebral
    - chapucera
    - chapucero
    - chispa
    - clara
    - claro
    - común
    - cruda
    - crudo
    - cualquiera
    - de
    - dentro
    - descuidada
    - descuidado
    - descuidarse
    - desigual
    - desmoronada
    - desmoronado
    - despatarrarse
    - despistada
    - despistado
    - despreciable
    - después
    - desvaído
    - disipar
    - dudosa
    - add to
    - adjust
    - aerial
    - after
    - afterwards
    - along
    - aloof
    - amateurish
    - balding
    - bark
    - belly
    - bit
    - black
    - blind
    - blow up
    - boot
    - by
    - can
    - careless
    - chat
    - comedown
    - confusing
    - cowboy
    - degree
    - derivative
    - desultory
    - disagreement
    - disingenuous
    - diving
    - do
    - dodgy
    - doubtful
    - dowdy
    - earthy
    - easy-going
    - edge
    - effect
    - element
    - evasion
    - exist
    - expect
    - fall apart
    - far-fetched
    - fine
    - flippant
    - forge
    - furnish
    - fuzzy
    - gradually
    * * *
    poco, -a
    (singular) little, not much; (plural) few, not many;
    de poca importancia of little importance;
    poca agua not much water;
    pocas personas lo saben few o not many people know it;
    hay pocos árboles there aren't many trees;
    tenemos poco tiempo we don't have much time;
    hace poco tiempo not long ago;
    dame unos pocos días give me a few days;
    esto ocurre pocas veces this rarely happens, this doesn't happen often;
    tengo pocas ganas de ir I don't really o much feel like going;
    poca sal me parece que le estás echando I don't think you're putting enough salt in, I think you're putting too little salt in;
    con lo poco que le gusta la ópera, y la han invitado a La Traviata it's ironic, considering how she dislikes opera, that they should have invited her to see La Traviata
    1. [escasa cantidad] (singular) little, not much;
    * * *
    I adj sg little, not much; pl few, not many;
    un poco de a little;
    unos pocos a few
    II adv little;
    trabaja poco he doesn’t work much;
    ahora se ve muy poco it’s seldom seen now;
    estuvo poco por aquí he wasn’t around much;
    poco conocido little known;
    poco a poco little by little;
    dentro de poco soon, shortly;
    hace poco a short time ago, not long ago;
    desde hace poco (for) a short while;
    por poco nearly, almost;
    ¡a poco no lo hacemos! Méx don’t tell me we’re not doing it;
    de a poco me fui tranquilizando Rpl little by little I calmed down;
    por si fuera poco as if that weren’t o wasn’t enough
    III m
    un poco a little, a bit
    * * *
    poco adv
    1) : little, not much
    poco probable: not very likely
    come poco: he doesn't eat much
    2) : a short time, a while
    tardaremos poco: we won't be very long
    poco antes : shortly before
    poco después : shortly after
    poco, -ca adj
    1) : little, not much, (a) few
    tengo poco dinero: I don't have much money
    en no pocas ocasiones: on more than a few occasions
    poca gente: few people
    pocas veces : rarely
    poco, -ca pron
    1) : little, few
    le falta poco para terminar: he's almost finished
    uno de los pocos que quedan: one of the remaining few
    un poco : a little, a bit
    un poco de vino: a little wine
    un poco extraño: a bit strange
    ¿a poco no se te hizo difícil?: you mean you didn't find it difficult?
    de a poco : little by little
    hace poco : not long ago
    poco a poco : little by little
    dentro de poco : shortly, in a little while
    por poco : nearly, almost
    * * *
    poco1 adj
    1. (singular) not much
    2. (plural) few / not many
    tiene pocos amigos he has few friends / he hasn't got many friends
    poco2 adv
    1. (con verbos) not much
    2. (no mucho tiempo) not long
    3. (con adjetivos) not very
    poco3 n a little / a bit
    tengo de sobra, toma un poco I've got plenty, take a little
    poco4 pron
    1. (singular) not much
    compra café, que queda muy poco buy some coffee, there's not much left
    2. (plural) few / not many
    ¿cuántos vinieron? pocos how many came? not many

    Spanish-English dictionary > poco

  • 9 STAÐR

    (-ar, ir), m.
    1) ‘stead’, place, spot;
    fimmtán í hvárum stað, fifteen in each place;
    í einum stað í Englandi, somewhere in England;
    skipta í tvá, fjóra staði, to divide into two, four parts;
    fara af stað, to go away, leave;
    hafa sik af stað, to absent oneself;
    bíða e-s ór stað, to wait on the spot, wait till one is attacked (Baglar biðu eigi högganna ór stað, ok flýðu þeir upp fyrir norðan bœinn);
    ráða e-u til staðar, to settle;
    gefa e-u stað, to stop;
    þeir gefa eigi stað ferðinni, they stopped not on their journey;
    gefa staðar, to stop, halt;
    þá er sá íss gaf staðar ok rann eigi, when that ice stopped and flowed no more;
    nema stað or staðar, to stop (hér munum vér stað nema);
    2) adverbially, í stað, þegar í stað, on the spot, at once;
    rétt í stað, just now;
    í marga staði, in many respects;
    í alla staði, in every respect;
    í engan stað, no-ways;
    í annan stað, on the other hand, secondly;
    í staðinn, instead;
    alls staðar, everywhere;
    annars staðar, elsewhere;
    nökkurs staðar, anywhere;
    3) end, result;
    vil ek vita, hvern stað eiga skal málit, I wish to know how the matter is to stand;
    koma í einn stað niðr, to turn out the same way;
    4) stop, pause, hesitation (þeim varð staðr á um andsvörin);
    5) springness, elasticity, of steel, etc.;
    ok dregr ór allan ataðinn ór boganum, the bow lost all its spring;
    6) strength of mind, courage;
    mun hann ekki eiga stað við sjónum hans, he will not be able to stand his looks;
    gøra stað í hestinn, to make the horse firm
    7) mark, print, traces (þeir sá þar engan stað þeira tíðinda, er þar höfðu orðit);
    8) church establishment, church, convent (staðrinn í Skálaholti, á Hólum);
    9) town (marga staði vann hann í þessu landi í vald Girkjakonungi).
    a. restive, of a horse;
    verða staðr at, to stop, start, from surprise.
    * * *
    m., gen. staðar, dat. stað, and older staði, pl. staðir: [from standa; Ulf. staþs = τόπος; A. S. stæð; Engl. stead in home-stead; Dan. stæd; Germ. statt]:—a ‘stead,’ place, abode; stjörnur þat né vissu hvar þær staði áttu, Vsp. 5; sessa ok staði, Ls. 7; fá mönnum stað ok mála, Grág. i. 473; nú hefir maðr eigi stað þeim mönnum, 465; færa úmaga til staðar, 256; færa varnað til staðar, Eg. 535; koma í þann stað, Grág. i. 485; í einn stað, in one place; í annan stað, in another place, 656 C. 11; fimmtán í hvárum stað, fifteen in each place, Eg. 577; í einhverjum stað, in some place, somewhere, Sks. 94; í einum stað í England, somewhere in England, Fms. x. 392; ek hefi í einum stað á stofnat, Nj. 3; í öllum stöðum, in all places, altogether, Grág. ii. 178; í öllum stöðum þeim, er…, in every case, where …, i. 153.
    2. skipta í tvá, fjóra, sextán … staði, to divide into two, four, sixteen … parts, 656 C. 16; skiptask í tvá staði, Fb. ii. 437:—fara af stað (mod. á stað), to go away, leave, Gþl. 177; hafa sik af stað, to absent oneself, Fb. i. 565; bíða e-s ór stað, to wait in one’s place, wait till one is attacked, Fms. iv. 268, viii. 48, 318, 355; ráða e-u til staðar, to settle, ii. 78, Ld. 178; gefa e-u stað, or gefa staðar, to stop, halt, Edda (pref.) 3, 40, Fms. vi. 384 (gefa A. V. 3), viii. 400; nema stað or staðar, to stop, Nj. 18, 54, 132, Dropl, 29, Fms. i. 167, 206, Fas. ii. 535, Ld. 104, Bs. i. 144, Edda 40 (nema A. 5); leita staðar, to seek a place (privy), Hm. 113. Hkr. i. 16, Fær. 197 (leita I): to seek an outlet, Fas. ii. 528; ganga at staðar, cacare, N. G. L. i. 127.
    3. adverbially, í stað, on the spot, at once, presently, Dropl. 9, Fas. ii. 508, Stj. 263, 505, Fms. iv. 249; rétt í stað, just now, Flóv. 7; í marga staði, in many respects, Fms. vii. 221; í engan stað, noways, i. 80; í alla staði, in every respect, Nj. 213, 224, 237, Fms. vi. 59, xi. 58; í staðinn. instead, Grág. i. 61, Fms. i. 24, Nj. 73, Fb. i. 285; í annan stað, on the other hand, secondly. Fms. vi. 191, Nj. 210, 216:—gen. as adverb, alls staðar, everywhere; annars s., elsewhere; einhvers-staðar, nökkurs-s., somewhere; marg-staðar, fás staðar, in many places, in few places; né eins staðar, nowhere; sums-staðar, somewhere; see allr, annarr, einn, nekkverr, margr, sumr.
    4. metaph. a goal, aim; hvern stað á sættar-umleitan þessi, Fms. ix. 51; ef þann stað tæki vizka þeirra, H. E. i. 249; vil ek vita hvern stað eiga skal málit, I wish to know the final answer, Ísl. ii. 216: hann spyrr hvern skal eiga hans mál, Eb. 132; koma í einn stað niðr, to turn out the same way, Fb. ii. 168.
    II. spec. usages, a stop, pause, hesitation; þeim varð staðr á um andsvörin. Fms. ix. 461; nú drepr ór hljóð, ok verðr honum staðr á, ok mælti þó vánu bráðara, xi. 115.
    2. elasticity, of steel or the like; ok dregr ór allan staðinn ór honum, it (the bow) lost all its elasticity, 623. 19; var þá ór sverðinu allr staðrinn, Sd. 118, 132; staðr í sverði, Kormak, freq. in mod. usage:—strength of mind, courage, þann úhreinan anda er hann átti eigi stað við at sjá, Sturl. iii. 246; mun hann ekki eiga stað við sjónum haus, he will not be able to stand his looks, Fms. iv. 242; ef þú þykkisk mega göra stað í hestinn ( make the horse firm), þá far til, Bs. i. 633.
    3. a mark, print; sýndi hann oss á sínum limum járna stað ok banda, Hom. 121; sá þar öngan stað (no marks, traces were seen) þeirra tíðenda er þar hofðu orðit, Fb. i. 283.
    III. a church-establishment (church, see, convent); höfuð-kirkja á staðinum, Fms. ix. 369; staðrinn í Skálaholti, s. á Hólum, or Hóla-staðr, á staðnum á Hólum, Bs. i. passim; staðr í Lundi, Ann. 1234; klaustr eða aðrir stórir staðir, Fms. xi. 202; Brandr er setti stað ( a benefice) at Húsa-felli, Ld. 332; staðr í Viðey ( a convent), D. I. i. 512 stað hér at Helgafelli, 282: a town, staðr í Lybiku, Fms. x. 48; s. í Óðinsvé, xi. 267; þann inn dýrliga stað (Konunga-hella), vii. 187; stað eða borg, K. Á. 222: staðar-ábúð, staðar-bót, staðar-spjöll; staðar-bú, a rectory; staðar-eign, church-possession; staðar-fé, church-property; staðar-forráð, administration of church-establishments; staðar-jörð, a glebe; staðar-prestr, a parish-priest; staðar-setning, an establishment, Sturl. i. 113, 143, iii. 229, Vm. 6, Ám. 28, Dipl. iii. 4, v. 18, Bs. i. 546; staða-mál, the church contest, the name given to the struggle between clergy and laity about the ownership and administration of the churches and glebes (staða-forráð), which took place in Icel. at the end of the 13th century, and was partly settled by the agreement of A. D. 1296, Bs., Arna S., Ann. passim; staða-menn, the lay proprietors of the church estates, Arna S.; staða-gjafir, the yielding up of staðir, Ann.
    2. ‘staðr’ was hence (but always in sing.) added to several local names where such an establishment had been erected, e. g. Staðr, Staðar-fell, Staðar-hraun, Staðar-hóll, as also Mel-staðr, Reyni-staðr, the old names in the heathen age of these places being Fell, Hraun, Hóll, Melr, see Sturl., Band., Bjarn.
    3. again, the plur. - staðir is freq. in local names of the heathen age; Grani bjó at Grana-stöðum, Grímarr á Grímars-stöðum, Höskulds-staðir, Alreks-staðir …, Landn., Fms. passim, see also map of lcel.
    adj. restive, of a horse; hross skjart eða statt, Gþl. 504; verða staðr at, to stop, start, from surprise, Korm. 76; þá varð þeim staðara at höggva, Fms. ix. 225.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > STAÐR

  • 10 κύριος

    I. κύριος, ία, ιον(Pind. et al.; ins, pap) comp. κυριώτερος (Just., A II, 13, 3); superl. κυριώτατος (Just., D. 11, 2); adv. κυρίως. The primary mng. relates to possession of power or authority, in various senses: ‘strong, authoritative, valid, ruling’; then to that which is preeminently important principal, essential (Aeschyl. et al.; 4 Macc 1:19; Jos., Ant. 20, 41, C. Ap. 1, 19; 2, 177; Just.; Ath. 22:2) τὸ δὲ κυριώτερον but what is more important IMg 1:2 (cp. Diog. L. 4, 26 ἐν τῷ κυρίῳ=quite definitely).—DELG.
    II. κύριος, ου, ὁ (the masc. form of the subst. adj. κύριος [s. I], Aeschyl.+; Appian, Bell. Civ. 4, 92 §385 [=ὁ τὸ κῦρος ἔχων]; ins, pap, LXX, pseudepigr.; Philo, Joseph., apolog.; loanw. in rabb. For the corresp. fem. s. κυρία.) gener. ‘lord, master’.
    one who is in charge by virtue of possession, owner (X., Symp. 6, 1; Diod S 4, 15, 3; 14, 7, 6; ins, pap, LXX) κ. πάντων Gal 4:1 (Diod S 33, 7, 1; Philostrat., Vi. Apoll. 1, 13 p. 12, 10 of one who has come of age and controls his own property).
    of things w. impers. obj. κ. τοῦ ἀμπελῶνος owner of the vineyard (cp. SIG 742, 6 κ. τῆς χώρας) Mt 20:8; 21:40; Mk 12:9; Lk 20:13, 15; ὁ κ. τῆς οἰκίας the master of the house (Ex 22:7; SIG 1215, 28; PTebt 5, 147 [118 B.C.] τοὺς κ. τῶν οἰκιῶν) Mk 13:35. Of a πῶλος: οἱ κ. αὐτοῦ its owners (PHib 34, 3 a span of oxen; Ex 21:29 [αὐτοῦ=τοῦ ταύρου]) Lk 19:33 (ASouter, Exp. 8th ser., 8, 1914, 94f, in connection w. the pl. here and Ac 16:16, 19 thinks of the owners as man and wife; the pl. οἱ κύριοι has this mng. Diod S 34 + 35, Fgm. 2, 10 and 2, 37: a married couple who are slave-owners. On the other hand in the Syntipas collection of Aesop’s Fables 16 p. 534 P. οἱ κύριοι of a dog are a number of metalworkers. On Hebr. background for possible understanding of the pl. in the sing. sense ‘owner’, s. RButh, JBL 104, ’86, 680–85.). The mng. owner easily passes into that of lord, master, one who has full control of someth. (Diod S 5, 42, 5 θανάτου κύριοι=lords over [life and] death; 10, 17, 1 and 2 κ. τοῦ σώματος=master of one’s own body; Ptolem., Apotel. 3, 11, 10 ὁ κ. τῆς ζωῆς; PsSol 2:29 κ. γῆς καὶ θαλάσσης; Philo, Spec. Leg. 3, 67; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 200) ὁ κ. τοῦ θερισμοῦ the Lord of the harvest (Jos., Ant.4, 227 κύριος ἔστω τὰ φυτὰ καρποῦσθαι) Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2. κ. τοῦ σαββάτου Lord of the Sabbath Mt 12:8; Mk 2:28; Lk 6:5.
    w. a personal obj.: opp. δοῦλος J 13:16; foll. by gen. of pers. (cp. Judg 19:11; Gen 24:36; TestSol 22:5; TestJob 7:9; TestGad 4:4; JosAs 4:14) Mt 10:24f; 18:31f; 24:48; Lk 12:36. ὁ κ. τοῦ δούλου Lk 12:46. Abs., though the sense is unmistakable (Diod S 8, 5, 3; ApcEsdr 3:14 p. 27, 27f Tdf.) 12:37, 42b; 14:23; J 15:15; cp. Ro 14:4a; Eph 6:9a; Col 4:1. Several masters of the same slave (Billerb. I 430.—TestJos 14:2): δυσὶν κυρίοις δουλεύειν Mt 6:24; Ac 16:16, 19 (s. Souter under a above). κατὰ σάρκα designates more definitely the sphere in which the service-relation holds true οἱ κατὰ σάρκα κ. Eph 6:5; Col 3:22. As a form of address used by slaves κύριε Mt 13:27; 25:20, 22, 24; Lk 13:8; 14:22; 19:16, 18, 20, 25.
    one who is in a position of authority, lord, master
    of earthly beings, as a designation of any pers. of high position: of husband in contrast to wife 1 Pt 3:6 (Gen 18:12; TestAbr A 15 p. 95, 15 [Stone p. 38]; ApcMos 2. cp. Plut., De Virt. Mul. 15 p. 252b; SIG 1189, 7; 1190, 5; 1234, 1); of a father by his son Mt 21:29 (cp. BGU 423, 2 Ἀπίων Ἐπιμάχῳ τῷ πατρὶ καὶ κυρίῳ; 818, 1; 28; Gen 31:35; by his daughter TestJob 46:2; JosAs 4:5); of an official in high position, by those who have dealings with him (cp. PFay 106, 15; 129, 1; 134, 2; BGU 648, 16) Mt 27:63. As a form of address to respected pers. gener.; here, as elsewhere, = our sir (as Mod. Gk.) Mt 25:11; J 12:21; 20:15 (but s. NWyatt, ZNW 81, ’90, 38); Ac 16:30; Rv 7:14 (cp. Epict. 3, 23, 11; 19; Gen 23:6; 44:18; TestAbr A 2 p. 78, 33 [Stone p. 4]; JosAs 7:8 al.). The distinctive Gr-Rom. view of ‘deified’ rulers requires treatment under 2bβ.
    of transcendent beings
    α. as a designation of God (for this custom, which has its roots in the Orient, s. the references in Ltzm., Hdb. exc. on Ro 10:9; Bousset, Kyrios Christos2 1921, 95–98; Dssm., LO 298f [LAE 353ff]; s. also SEG XXXVI, 350 and add. ins cited by DZeller, DDD 918f; LXX (where it freq. replaces the name Yahweh in the Mt); pseudepigr.; Philo, Just.; Hippol. Ref. 8, 17, 1; Orig., C. Cels. 1, 35, 6.—FDoppler, D. Wort ‘Herr’ als Göttername im Griech.: Opusc. philol. v. kath. akad. Philologenverein in Wien I 1926, 42–47; MParca, ASP 31, ’91, 51 [lit.]) ὁ κ. Mt 5:33; Mk 5:19; Lk 1:6, 9, 28, 46; 2:15, 22; Ac 4:26 (Ps 2:2); 7:33; 8:24; Eph 6:7 (perh. w. ref. to Christ); 2 Th 3:3; 2 Ti 1:16, 18; Hb 8:2; Js 1:7; 4:15. Without the art. (on the inclusion or omission of the art. s. BWeiss [θεός, beg.]; B-D-F §254, 1; Mlt-Turner 174), like a personal name (οὐδένα κύριον ὀνομνάζουσι πλὴν τὸν θεόν Hippol. Ref. 9, 26, 2) Mt 27:10; Mk 13:20; Lk 1:17, 58; Ac 7:49; Hb 7:21 (Ps 109:4); 12:6 (Pr 3:12); 2 Pt 2:9; Jd 5 (θεὸς Χριστός P72); 9. ἄγγελος κυρίου (LXX, TestSol, GrBar et al.) Mt 1:20, 24; 2:13, 19; 28:2; Lk 1:11; 2:9a; J 5:3 v.l.; Ac 5:19; 7:30 v.l.; 8:26; 12:7, 23. δόξα κυρίου (Is 40:5; PsSol 5:19; 7:31; TestLevi 8:11; ApcMos 37) Lk 2:9b; δούλη κ. 1:38; ἡμέρα κ. Ac 2:20 (Jo 3:4); νόμος κ. Lk 2:23f, 39; τὸ ὄνομα κ. Mt 21:9 (Ps 117:26; PsSol 6:1 al.); Ac 2:21 (Jo 3:5); πνεῦμα κ. Lk 4:18 (Is 61:1); Ac 8:39; τὸ ῥῆμα κ. 1 Pt 1:25 (Gen 15:1 al.); φωνὴ κ. (Gen 3:8 al.); Ac 7:31; χεὶρ κ. (Ex 9:3 al.; TestJob 26:4; ApcMos prol.) Lk 1:66. ὁ Χριστὸς κυρίου 2:26 (PsSol 17:32 [Χριστὸς κύριος, s. app.]).—W. the sphere of his lordship more definitely expressed (Diod S 3, 61, 5 Zeus is κ. τοῦ σύμπαντος κόσμου; 6 θεὸς καὶ κ. εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ σύμπαντος κόσμου; Jos., Ant. 20, 90 τῶν πάντων κ.; Just., D. 127, 2 κ. τῶν πάντων) κ. τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καὶ τῆς γῆς (PGM 4, 640f; ParJer 5:32 [Harris]) Mt 11:25; Lk 10:21; cp. Ac 17:24. κ. τῶν κυριευόντων Lord of lords 1 Ti 6:15. ὁ κ. ἡμῶν 1:14; 2 Pt 3:15; Rv 11:15 (LXX; PsSol 10:5). Cp. 22:6 (s. Num 16:22; 27:16). κ. ὁ θεός Lk 1:32; Rv 1:8; with μου (σου, etc.) Mt 4:7 (Dt 6:16), 10 (Dt 6:13); 22:37 (Dt 6:5); Mk 12:29f (Dt 6:4f); Lk 1:16 al. κ. ὁ θεὸς τοῦ Ἰσραήλ 1:68 (PsSol 16:3; TestSol 1:13). κ. ὁ θεὸς (ἡμῶν) ὁ παντοκράτωρ God, the (our) Lord, the Almighty Rv 4:8; 15:3; 16:7; 19:6; 21:22 (TestSol D 4:7; cp. ParJer 9:6). κ. Σαβαώθ Ro 9:29 (Is 1:9; TestSol 1:6 al.; Just., D. 64, 2); Js 5:4.—W. prep. ἐνώπιον τοῦ κυρίου Lk 1:15 (Ex 23:17; 1 Km 1:25 al.; TestJob 15:6 al.; TestReub 1:9 al.). παρὰ κυρίου Mt 21:42; Mk 12:11 (both Ps 117:23). παρὰ κυρίῳ 2 Pt 3:8. πρὸς τὸν κύριον Hs 9, 12, 6 (LXX; PsSol 1:1 al.).
    β. Closely connected w. the custom of applying the term κ. to deities is that of honoring (deified) rulers with the same title (exx. [2bα beg.] in Ltzm., op. cit.; Bousset 93; Dssm., 299ff [LAE 356]; FKattenbusch, Das apostol. Symbol II 1900, 605ff; KPrümm, Herrscherkult u. NT: Biblica 9, 1928, 3–25; 119–40; 289–301; JFears, RAC XIV, 1047–93; JvanHenten, 1341–52 [lit.]; cp. the attitude of the Lacedaemonians: φοβούμενοι τὸν ἕνα κ. αὐτῶν τὸν Λυκούργου νόμον=‘respecting their one and only lord, the law of Lycurgus’ Orig., C. Cels. 8, 6, 12). Fr. the time of Claudius (POxy. 37, 6; O. Wilck II 1038, 6) we find the Rom. emperors so designated in increasing measure; in isolated cases, even earlier (OGI 606, 1; on Augustus’ attitude s. DioCass. 51, 7f). Ac 25:26.—On deified rulers in gener. s. LCerfaux-JTondriau, Un concurrent du Christianisme: le culte des souverains dans la civilisation gréco-romaine ’57; FTaeger, Charisma, 2 vols. ’57–60; DRoloff, Göttlichkeit, Vergöttlichung und Erhöhung zu seligem Leben, ’70. S. esp. the collection of articles and reviews by various scholars, in Römischer Kaiserkult, ed. AWlosok ’78.
    γ. κύριος is also used in ref. to Jesus:
    א. in OT quotations, where it is understood of the Lord of the new community ἡ ὁδὸς κ. (Is 40:3) Mt 3:3; Mk 1:3; Lk 3:4; J 1:23. εἶπεν κύριος τ. κυρίῳ μου (Ps 109:1: the first κ. is God, the second Christ; s. Billerb. IV 452–65: Der 110. Ps. in d. altrabb. Lit.; βασιλεὺς αὐτῶν χριστὸς κ. [or κυρίου; s. 2bα] PsSol 17:32) Mt 22:44 (cp. vss. 43, 45); Mk 12:36 (cp. vs. 37); Lk 20:42 (cp. vs. 44); Ac 2:34. ὁ καυχώμενος ἐν κυρίῳ καυχάσθω 1 Cor 1:31 (cp. Jer 9:22f). τὸ ὄνομα κυρίου Ro 10:13 (cp. Jo 3:5). σὺ κατʼ ἀρχάς, κύριε, τὴν γῆν ἐθεμελίωσας Hb 1:10 (cp. Ps 101:26). εἰ ἐγεύσασθε ὅτι χρηστὸς ὁ κύριος 1 Pt 2:3 (cp. Ps 33:9). 1 Pt 3:15 adds Χριστόν to κύριον ἁγιάσατε Is 8:13.
    ב. Apart from OT quots., Mt and Mk speak of Jesus as κύριος only in one pass. (words of Jesus himself) Mk 11:3=Mt 21:3 (but s. RBratcher, ET 64, ’52/53, 93; New Docs 1, 43; JDerrett, NovT 13, ’71, 241–58 on the public transport system; cp. Lk 19:31, 34), but they record that he was addressed as ‘Lord’ (κύριε), once in Mk (7:28) and more oft. in Mt, e.g. 8:2, 6, 8, 21, 25; 9:28; 14:28, 30; 15:22, 25, 27; 16:22 (also ApcSed 12:2).—Lk refers to Jesus much more frequently as ὁ κ. (Iren. 1, prol. 2 [Harv. I 4, 5] and 5, 26, 2 [Harv. II 396, 2]): 7:13; 10:1, 39 (Ἰησοῦ P75; τοῦ Ἰησοῦ P45 et al.), 41; 11:39; 12:42a; 13:15; 17:5f; 18:6; 19:8 al. The voc. κύριε is also found oft.: 5:8, 12; 9:54, 61; 10:17, 40; 11:1; 12:41 al.—In J the designation ὁ κ. occurs rarely, in the first 19 chapters only in passages that are text-critically uncertain (4:1 v.l.; 6:23, with omission in some mss.) or that have been suspected on other grounds (11:2); then 20:2, 18, 20, 25; cp. vss. 13, 28; 21:7ab, 12. On the other hand, κύριε in address is extraordinarily common throughout the whole book: 4:11, 15, 19, 49; 5:7; 6:34, 68 al. (more than 30 times).—In the long ending of Mk we have the designation ὁ κ. twice, 16:19, 20. In GPt ὁ κ. occurs 1:2; 2:3ab; 3:6, 8; 4:10; 5:19; 6:21, 24; 12:50ab; 14:59, 60 (in the last pass. without the art.); the fragment that has been preserved hardly affords any opportunity for the use of the voc. 2 Cl introduces apocryphal sayings of Jesus with λέγει ὁ κ. 5:2; λ. ὁ κ. ἐν τ. εὐαγγελίῳ 8:5.—Repeated κύριε, κύριε Mt 7:21f; Lk 6:46; 2 Cl 4:2 (TestAbr A 9 p. 86, 26 [Stone p. 20]; ApcMos 25 p. 14, 1 Tdf.; s. KKöhler, StKr 88, 1915, 471–90).
    ג. Even in the passages already mentioned the use of the word κ. raises Jesus above the human level (Mani is also κ. for his people: Kephal. I 183, 11; 13; 16); this tendency becomes even clearer in the following places: ὁ κύριος Ac 5:14; 9:10f, 42; 11:23f; 22:10b; Ro 12:11; 14:8; 1 Cor 6:13f, 17; 7:10, 12; 2 Cor 5:6, 8; Gal 1:19; Col 1:10; 1 Th 4:15b; 2 Th 3:1; Hb 2:3; Js 5:7f; B 5:5; IEph 10:3; AcPl Ha 6, 21; 7, 5; 27; 8, 2; AcPlCor 1:6, 14.—Without the art. 1 Cor 4:4; 7:22b; 10:21ab; 2 Cor 12:1; 1 Th 4:15a; 2 Ti 2:24; AcPlCor 1:8. So esp. in combinations w. preps.: ἀπὸ κυρίου Col 3:24. κατὰ κύριον 2 Cor 11:17. παρὰ κυρίου Eph 6:8. πρὸς κύριον 2 Cor 3:16; AcPl Ha 6, 9. πρὸς τὸν κ. 8, 23. σὺν κυρίῳ 1 Th 4:17b. ὑπὸ κυρίου 1 Cor 7:25b; 2 Th 2:13. Esp. freq. is the Pauline formula ἐν κυρίῳ (lit. on ἐν 4c), which appears outside Paul’s letters only Rv 14:13; IPol 8:3; AcPl Ha 3, 23; AcPlCor 1:1, 16 (cp. Pol 1:1 ἐν κυρίῳ ἡμῶν Ἰ. Χριστῷ): 1 Cor 11:11; Phlm 16; πιστὸς ἐν κ. 1 Cor 4:17; cp. Eph 6:21; Hm 4, 1, 4; φῶς ἐν κ. Eph 5:8. ἡ σφραγίς μου τ. ἀποστολῆς ὑμεῖς ἐστε ἐν κ. 1 Cor 9:2. W. verbs: ἀσπάζεσθαι Ro 16:22 (GBahr, CBQ 28, ’66, 465f renders: in the service of my master, i.e. Paul); 1 Cor 16:19. ἐνδυναμοῦσθαι Eph 6:10. καλεῖσθαι 1 Cor 7:22a. καυχᾶσθαι 1:31. κοπιᾶν Ro 16:12ab; μαρτύρεσθαι Eph 4:17. παραλαμβάνειν διακονίαν Col 4:17. πεποιθέναι εἴς τινα Gal 5:10. ἐπί τινα 2 Th 3:4; cp. Phil 1:14; 2:24. προί̈στασθαι 1 Th 5:12. προσδέχεσθαι Ro 16:2; Phil 2:29. στήκειν 4:1; 1 Th 3:8. ὑπακούειν Eph 6:1. τὸ αὐτὸ φρονεῖν Phil 4:2. θύρας μοι ἀνεῳγμένης ἐν κ. 2 Cor 2:12.—W. διδάσκαλος J 13:13f. W. σωτήρ 2 Pt 3:2; cp. 1:11; 2:20 (Just., D. 39, 2). W. Χριστός Ac 2:36; cp. Χριστὸς κύριος (La 4:20; PsSol 17, 32 v.l. [GBeale, Christos Kyrios in PsSol 17:32—‘The Lord’s Anointed’ Reconsidered: NTS 31, ’85, 620–27]; PsSol 18 ins) Lk 2:11. ὁ κ. Χριστός AcPlCor 2:3. Esp. freq. are the formulas ὁ κ. Ἰησοῦς Ac 1:21; 4:33; 8:16; 11:20; 15:11; 16:31; 19:5, 13, 17; 20:24, 35; 21:13; 1 Cor 11:23; 16:23; 2 Cor 4:14; 11:31; Gal 6:17 v.l.; Eph 1:15; 1 Th 2:15; 4:2; 2 Th 1:7; 2:8; Phlm 5.—ὁ κ. Ἰησοῦς Χριστός Ac 11:17; 28:31; Ro 13:14; 2 Cor 13:13; Phil 4:23; 2 Th 3:6; Phlm 25; 1 Cl 21:6 (Ar. 15, 1). Without the art. mostly in introductions to letters Ro 1:7; 1 Cor 1:3; 2 Cor 1:2; Gal 1:3; Eph 1:2; 6:23; Phil 1:2; 3:20; 1 Th 1:1; 2 Th 1:2, 12b; 1 Ti 5:21 v.l.; Js 1:1; Χριστὸς Ἰησοῦς κ. 2 Cor 4:5; Χριστὸς Ἰησοῦς ὁ κ. Col 2:6. Χριστὸς ὁ κ. 2 Cl 9:5. In an appeal κύριε Ἰησοῦ (cp. Sb 8316, 5f κύριε Σάραπι; PGM 7, 331 κύριε Ἄνουβι) Ac 7:59; Rv 22:20. κύριε AcPl Ha 7:30f, 40.—W. gen. of pers. (in many places the mss. vary considerably in adding or omitting this gen.) ὁ κ. μου ISm 5:2. ὁ κ. ἡμῶν 2 Ti 1:8; Hb 7:14; IPhld ins; ὁ κ. ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦς Ac 20:21; 1 Cor 5:4; 2 Cor 1:14; 1 Th 2:19; 3:11, 13; 2 Th 1:8; Hb 13:20. Ἰησοῦς ὁ κ. ἡμῶν 1 Cor 9:1. ὁ κ. ἡμῶν Χριστός Ro 16:18 (the only pass. in Paul without Ἰησοῦς). ὁ κ. ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦς Χριστός Ac 15:26; Ro 5:1, 11; 15:6, 30; 1 Cor 1:2, 7f, 10; 6:11 v.l.; 15:57; 2 Cor 1:3; 8:9; Gal 6:14, 18; Eph 1:3; 5:20; 6:24; Col 1:3; 1 Th 1:3; 5:9, 23, 28; 2 Th 2:1, 14, 16; 3:18; 1 Ti 6:3, 14; Js 2:1; 1 Pt 1:3; 2 Pt 1:8, 14, 16; Jd 4, 17, 21 (also TestSol 1:12 D). ὁ κ. ἡμῶν Χριστός Ἰησοῦς AcPlCor 2:5; cp. AcPl Ha 8, 17=Ox 1602, 20f/BMM recto 22. Ἰησοῦς Χριστὸς ὁ κ. ἡμῶν Ro 1:4; 5:21; 7:25; 1 Cor 1:9; Jd 25 (Just., D. 41, 4). (ὁ) Χριστὸς Ἰησοῦς ὁ κ. ἡμῶν Ro 6:11 v.l., 23; 8:39; 1 Cor 15:31; Eph 3:11; 1 Ti 1:2, 12; 2 Ti 1:2 (ὁ ἡμέτερος κ. Χριστὸς Ἰησοῦς Just., D. 32, 3 and 47, 5 al.). Χριστὸς Ἰησοῦς ὁ κ. μου Phil 3:8. ὁ κ. μου Χριστὸς Ἰησοῦς AcPl Ha 7, 29. ὁ κ. αὐτῶν Rv 11:8.—W. other genitives: πάντων κ. Lord over all (cp. Pind., I. 5, 53 Ζεὺς ὁ πάντων κ.; Plut., Mor. 355e Osiris; PGM 13, 202) Ac 10:36; Ro 10:12. κ. κυρίων (cp. En 9:4) Rv 17:14; 19:16.—That ‘Jesus is κύριο’ (perh. ‘our κύριος is Jesus’) is the confession of the (Pauline) Christian church: Ro 10:9; 1 Cor 12:3; cp. 8:6; Phil 2:11 (on the latter pass. s. under ἁρπαγμός and κενόω 1. Cp. also Diod S 5, 72, 1: after Zeus was raised ἐκ γῆς εἰς τὸν οὐρανόν, there arose in the ψυχαῖς of all those who had experienced his benefactions, the belief ὡς ἁπάντων τῶν γινομένων κατὰ οὐρανὸν οὗτος εἴη κύριος; s. also 3, 61, 6 Zeus acclaimed ‘God and Lord’).—In J the confession takes the form ὁ κύριός μου καὶ ὁ θεός μου J 20:28 (on the combination of κύριος and θεός s. θεός, beg., and 3c).—JFitzmyer, The Semitic Background of the NT Kyrios-Title: A Wandering Aramaean—Collected Aramaic Essays ’79, 115–42; s. also 87–90.
    δ. In some places it is not clear whether God or Christ is meant, cp. Ac 9:31; 1 Cor 4:19; 7:17; 2 Cor 8:21; Col 3:22b; 1 Th 4:6; 2 Th 3:16 al.
    ε. of other transcendent beings
    א. an angel Ac 10:4 (JosAs 14:6 al.; GrBar 4:1 al.; ApcZeph). p. 129 Denis.
    ב. in contrast to the one κύριος of the Christians there are θεοὶ πολλοὶ καὶ κύριοι πολλοί many gods and many lords 1 Cor 8:5 (cp. Dt 10:17); we cannot say just what difference, if any, Paul makes betw. these θεοί and κύριοι; unless we have here an hendiadys, the apostle may imply that the κ. are of lower rank than the θ. (sim. Did., Gen. 248, 5. On the many θεοί and lesser divinities cp. Maximus Tyr. 11, 5ab θεὸς εἷς πάντων βασιλεὺς κ. πατήρ, κ. θεοὶ πολλοί, θεοῦ παῖδες [= δαίμονες 11, 12a], συνάρχοντες θεοῦ. Ταῦτα κ. ὁ Ἕλλην λέγει, κ. ὁ βάρβαρος; 8, 8ef. Also Diog. L. 8, 23 the saying of Pythagoras, that humankind must τοὺς θεοὺς δαιμόνων προτιμᾶν=honor the deities more than the divinities or demi-gods δαίμονες; Heraclitus, Fgm. 5 divides the celestial realm into θεοὶ καὶ ἥρωες. S. also κυριότης 3 and, in a way, PGM 36, 246 κύριοι ἄγγελοι; s. also θεός 1).—On the whole word s. WGraf Baudissin, Kyrios als Gottesname im Judentum u. s. Stelle in d. Religionsgesch., 4 vols. 1926–29; SvenHerner, Die Anwendung d. Wortes κ. im NT 1903; Dssm., LO 298ff [LAE 353ff]; BBacon, Jesus as Lord: HTR 4, 1911, 204–28; WHeitmüller, ZNW 13, 1912, 333ff; HBöhlig, D. Geisteskultur v. Tarsos 1913, 53ff, Zum Begriff κύριος bei Pls: ZNW 14, 1913, 23ff, ʼΕν κυρίῳ: Heinrici Festschr. 1914, 170ff; WBousset, Kyrios Christos2 1921 [Engl. tr. JSteely ’70]; PWern-le, ZTK 25, 1915, 1–92; PAlthaus, NKZ 26, 1915, 439ff; 513ff; Heitmüller, ZTK 25, 1915, 156ff; Bousset, Jesus der Herr 1916; GVos, The Continuity of the Kyrios Title in the NT: PTR 13, 1915, 161–89, The Kyrios Christos Controversy: ibid. 15, 1917, 21–89; EWeber, Zum Gebrauch der κύριος-Bez.: NKZ 31, 1920, 254ff; ERohde, Gottesglaube u. Kyriosglaube bei Paulus: ZNW 22, 1923, 43ff; RSeeberg, D. Ursprung des Christenglaubens 1914; JWeiss, D. Urchristentum 1917, 351ff; Ltzm., Hdb. exc. on Ro 10:9; Burton, ICC Gal 1921, 399–404; WFoerster, Herr ist Jesus 1924; AFrövig, D. Kyriosglaube des NTs 1928; ELohmeyer, Kyr. Jesus 1928; EvDobschütz, Κύριος Ἰησοῦς: ZNW 30, ’31, 97–123 (lit.); OMichel, D. Christus des Pls: ZNW 32, ’33, 6–31; also 28, 1929, 324–33; Dodd 9–11; LCerfaux, ‘Kyrios’ dans les citations paul. de l’AT: ETL 20, ’43, 5–17; FGrant, An Introd. to NT Thought ’50, 130–37; PÉLangevin, Jésus Seigneur ’67; IPotterie, BRigaux Festschr. ’70, 117–46 (Luke); JKingsbury, JBL 94, ’75, 246–55 (Mt); FDanker, Luke ’87, 60–81; DZeller, 925–28 (lit.).—B. 1330. Schürer II 326. DELG. M-M. EDNT. TW. Spicq. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > κύριος

  • 11

    , [full] , τό, is, when thus written,
    A demonstr. Pronoun.
    B in [dialect] Att., definite or prepositive Article.
    C in [dialect] Ep., the so-called postpositive Article, = relative Pronoun, ὅς, ἥ, ὅ.—The nom. masc. and fem. sg. and pl., , , οἱ, αἱ, have no accent in codd. and most printed books, exc. when used as the relative ; but , , οἱ, αἱ differ only in writing from ὃ, ἣ, οἳ, αἳ ; the nom. forms of the article are said by Hdn.Gr.1.474 to be oxytone, and by A.D.Pron.8.7 not to be enclitic. The forms τῶν, τοῖς, ταῖς were barytone (i. e. τὼν, τοὶς, ταὶς ) in [dialect] Aeol. acc. to Aristarch. ap. A.D.Synt.51.26. For οἱ, αἱ some dialects (not Cypr., cf. Inscr.Cypr.135.30H., nor Cret., cf.Leg.Gort. 5.28, nor Lesbian, cf. Alc.81, Sapph.Supp.5.1 ) and Hom. have τοί, ταί (though οἱ, αἱ are also found in Hom.): other Homeric forms are gen. sg. τοῖο, gen. and dat. dual

    τοῖιν Od.18.34

    , al.: gen. pl. fem. τάων [pron. full] [ᾱ], dat. τοῖσι, τῇς and τῇσι, never ταῖσι or ταῖς in Hom.— In [dialect] Dor. and all other dialects exc. [dialect] Att. and [dialect] Ion. the fem. forms preserve the old [pron. full] instead of changing it to η, hence [dialect] Dor. etc. ἁ, τάν, τᾶς ; the gen. pl. τάων contracts in many dialects to τᾶν ; the gen. sg. is in many places τῶ, acc. pl. τώς, but Cret., etc., τόνς (Leg.Gort.7.7, al.) or τός (ib.3.50, al.) ; in Lesbian [dialect] Aeol. the acc. pl. forms are τοὶς, ταὶς, IG12(2).645 A13, B62 ; dat. pl. τοῖς, ταῖς (or τοὶς, ταὶς, v. supr.), ib.645 A8, ib.1.6 ; ταῖσι as demonstr., Sapph. 16. The [dialect] Att. Poets also used the [dialect] Ion. and [dialect] Ep. forms τοῖσι, ταῖσι ; and in Trag. we find τοὶ μέν.., τοὶ δέ.., for οἱ μέν.., οἱ δέ.., not only in lyr., as A.Pers. 584, Th. 295, 298 ;

    οἱ μέν.. τοὶ δ' S.Aj. 1404

    (anap.) ; but even in a trimeter, A.Pers. 424. In [dialect] Att. the dual has usu. only one gender, τὼ θεώ (for τὰ θεά) And.1.113 sq. ; τὼ πόλεε Foed. ap. Th.5.23 ;

    τὼ ἡμέρα X.Cyr.1.2.11


    τὼ χεῖρε Id.Mem.2.3.18


    τοῖν χεροῖν Pl.Tht. 155e


    τοῖν γενεσέοιν Id.Phd. 71e


    τοῖν πολέοιν Isoc.4.75

    (τά S.Ant. 769, Ar.Eq. 424, 484,

    ταῖν Lys.19.17

    , Is.5.16, etc. have been corrected) ; in Arc. the form τοῖς functions as gen. dual fem.,

    μεσακόθεν τοῖς κράναιυν Schwyzer664.8

    (Orchom., iv B.C.):—in Elean and [dialect] Boeot. , ἡ (ἁ), τό, with the addition of -ί, = ὅδε, ἥδε, τόδε, nom.pl. masc. τυΐ the following men, Schwyzer485.14 (Thespiae, iii B.C.), al., cf. infr. VIII. 5. (With , ἁ, cf. Skt. demonstr. pron. sa, sā, Goth. sa, sō, ONorse sá, sú, Old Lat. acc. sum, sam (Enn.): —with τό [from Τόδ] cf. Skt. tat (tad), Lat. is-tud, Goth. pata: —with τοί cf. Skt. te, Lith. tĩe, OE. pá, etc.:—with τάων cf. Skt. tāsām, Lat. is-tarum:— the origin of the relative ὅς, ἥ, ὅ (q. v.) is different.)
    A , , τό, DEMONSTR. PRONOUN, that, the oldest and in Hom. the commonest sense: freq. also in Hdt. (1.86,5.35,al.), and sts. in Trag. (mostly in lyr., A.Supp. 1047, etc.; in trimeters, Id.Th. 197, Ag.7, Eu. 174 ; τῶν γάρ.., τῆς γάρ.., Id.Supp. 358, S.OT 1082 ; seldom in [dialect] Att. Prose, exc. in special phrases, v. infr. VI, VII):
    I joined with a Subst., to call attention to it, ὁ Τυδεΐδης he—Tydeus' famous son, Il. 11.660; τὸν Χρύσην that venerable man Chryses, I.II: and so with Appellat., Νέστωρ ὁ γέρων N.— thataged man, 7.324 ; αἰετοῦ.. τοῦ θηρητῆρος the eagle, that which is called hunter, 21.252, al. ; also to define and give emphasis, τιμῆς τῆς Πριάμου for honour, namely that of Priam, 20.181 ; οἴχετ' ἀνὴρ ὤριστος a man is gone, and he the best, 11.288, cf. 13.433, al.: sts. with words between the Pron. and Noun,

    αὐτὰρ ὁ αὖτε Πέλοψ 2.105


    τὸν Ἕκτορι μῦθον ἐνίσπες 11.186

    , cf. 703, al.:—different from this are cases like Il.1.409 αἴ κέν πως ἐθέλῃσιν ἐπὶ Τρώεσσιν ἀρῆξαι, τοὺς δὲ κατὰ πρύμνας τε καὶ ἀμφ' ἅλα ἔλσαι Ἀχαιούς if he would help the Trojans, but drive those back to the ships— I mean the Achaeans, where Ἀχ. is only added to explain τούς, cf. 1.472, 4.20, 329, al.
    II freq. without a Subst., he, she, it,

    ὁ γὰρ ἦλθε Il.1.12

    , al.
    III placed after its Noun, before the Relat. Prons., ἐφάμην σὲ περὶ φρένας ἔμμεναι ἄλλων, τῶν ὅσσοι Λυκίην ναιετάουσι far above the rest, above those to wit who, etc., Il.17.172 ; οἷ' οὔ πώ τιν' ἀκούομεν οὐδὲ παλαιῶν, τάων αἳ πάρος ἦσαν.. Ἀχαιαί such as we have not heard tell of yet even among the women of old, those women to wit who.., Od.2.119, cf. Il.5.332 ;

    θάλαμον τὸν ἀφίκετο, τόν ποτε τέκτων ξέσσεν Od.21.43

    , cf. 1.116, 10.74 :—for the [dialect] Att. usage v. infr.
    IV before a Possessive Pron. its demonstr. force is sts. very manifest, φθίσει σε τὸ σὸν μένος that spirit of thine, Il.6.407, cf. 11.608 ; but in 15.58, 16.40, and elsewh. it is merely the Art.
    V for cases in which the Homeric usage approaches most nearly to the Attic, v. infr. B. init.
    VI ὁ μέν.., ὁ δέ.. without a Subst., in all cases, genders, and numbers, Hom., etc.: sts. in Opposition, where ὁ μέν prop. refers to the former, ὁ δέ to the latter ; more rarely ὁ μέν the latter,

    ὁ δέ

    the former,

    Pl.Prt. 359e

    , Isoc.2.32,34: sts. in Partition, the one.., the other.., etc.—The Noun with it is regularly in gen. pl., being divided by the ὁ μέν.., ὁ δέ.., into parts,

    ἠΐθεοι καὶ παρθένοι.., τῶν δ' αἱ μὲν λεπτὰς ὀθόνας ἔχον, οἱ δὲ χιτῶνας εἵατο Il.18.595


    τῶν πόλεων αἱ μὲν τυραννοῦνται, αἱ δὲ δημοκρατοῦνται, αἱ δὲ ἀριστοκρατοῦνται Pl.R. 338d

    , etc.: but freq. the Noun is in the same case, by a kind of apposition,

    ἴδον υἷε Δάρητος, τὸν μὲν ἀλευάμενον τὸν δὲ κτάμενον Il.5.28

    , cf. Od.12.73, etc.: so in Trag. and [dialect] Att., S.Ant. 22, etc. ;

    πηγὴ ἡ μὲν εἰς αὐτὸν ἔδυ, ἡ δὲ ἔξω ἀπορρεῖ Pl.Phdr. 255c

    ; if the Noun be collective, it is in the gen. sg.,

    ὁ μὲν πεπραμένος ἦν τοῦ σίτου, ὁ δὲ ἔνδον ἀποκείμενος D.42.6

    : sts. a Noun is added in apposition with ὁ μέν or

    ὁ δέ, ὁ μὲν οὔτασ' Ἀτύμνιον ὀξέϊ δουρὶ Ἀντίλοχος.., Μάρις δὲ.. Il.16.317

    -19, cf. 116 ;

    τοὺς μὲν τὰ δίκαια ποιεῖν ἠνάγκασα, τοὺς πλουσίους, τοὺς δὲ πένητας κτλ. D.18.102

    , cf. Pl.Grg. 501a, etc.
    2 when a neg. accompanies ὁ δέ, it follows δέ, e.g.

    τὰς γοῦν Ἀθήνας οἶδα τὸν δὲ χῶρον οὔ S.OC24


    τὸν φιλόσοφον σοφίας ἐπιθυμητὴν εἶναι, οὐ τῆς μὲν τῆς δ' οὔ, ἀλλὰ πάσης Pl.R. 475b


    οὐ πάσας χρὴ τὰς δόξας τιμᾶν, ἀλλὰ τὰς μὲν τὰς δ' οὔ· οὐδὲ πάντων, ἀλλὰ τῶν μὲν τῶν δ' οὔ Id.Cri. 47a

    , etc.
    3 ὁ μέν τις.., ὁ δέ τις.. is used in Prose, when the Noun to which refers is left indefinite,

    ἔλεγον ὁ μέν τις τὴν σοφίαν, ὁ δὲ τὴν καρτερίαν.., ὁ δέ τις καὶ τὸ κάλλος X.Cyr.3.1.41


    νόμους.. τοὺς μὲν ὀρθῶς τιθέασιν τοὺς δέ τινας οὐκ ὀρθῶς Pl.R. 339c

    , cf. Phlb. 13c.
    4 on τὸ μέν.., τὸ δέ.., or τὰ μέν.., τὰ δέ.., v. infr. VIII.4.
    5 ὁ μέν is freq. used without a corresponding

    ὁ δέ, οἱ μὲν ἄρ' ἐσκίδναντο.., Μυρμιδόνας δ' οὐκ εἴα ἀποσκίδνασθαι Il.23.3

    , cf. 24.722, Th.8.12, etc.: also folld. by

    ἀλλά, ἡ μὲν γάρ μ' ἐκέλευε.., ἀλλ' ἐγὼ οὐκ ἔθελον Od.7.304

    ; by ἄλλος δέ, Il.6.147, etc. ;

    τὸν μὲν.., ἕτερον δέ Ar.Av. 843

    , etc. ;

    ὁ μέν.., ὃς δέ.. Thgn.205

    (v.l. οὐδέ): less freq. ὁ δέ in the latter clause without ὁ μέν preceding, τῇ ῥα παραδραμέτην φεύγων, ὁ δ' ὄπισθε διώκων (for ὁ μὲν φεύγων) Il.22.157 ;

    σφραγῖδε.. χρυσοῦν ἔχουσα τὸν δακτύλιον, ἡ δ' ἑτέρα ἀργυροῦν IG22.1388.45

    , cf.

    μέν D.

    III ;

    γεωργὸς μὲν εἷς, ὁ δὲ οἰκοδόμος, ἄλλος δέ τις ὑφαντής Pl.R. 369d

    , cf. Tht. 181d.
    6 ὁ δέ following μέν sts. refers to the subject of the preceding clause,

    τοῦ μὲν ἅμαρθ', ὁ δὲ Λεῦκον.. βεβλήκει Il. 4.491


    τὴν μὲν γενομένην αὐτοῖσι αἰτίην οὐ μάλα ἐξέφαινε, ὁ δὲ ἔλεγέ σφι Hdt.6.3

    , cf. 1.66,6.9, 133,7.6 : rare in [dialect] Att. Prose,

    ἐπεψήφιζεν αὐτὸς ἔφορος ὤν· ὁ δὲ οὐκ ἔφη διαγιγνώσκειν τὴν βοήν Th.1.87


    ἔμενον ὡς κατέχοντες τὸ ἄκρον· οἱ δ' οὐ κατεῖχον X.An.4.2.6

    : this is different from ὁ δέ in apodosi, v. infr. 7 ; also from passages in which both clauses have a common verb, v. ὅ γε 11.
    7 ὁ δέ is freq. used simply in continuing a narrative, Il.1.43, etc.; also used by Hom. in apodosi after a relat., v. ὅδε 111.3.
    VII the following usages prevailed in [dialect] Att. Prose,
    1 in dialogue, after καί, it was usual to say in nom. sg. masc. καὶ ὅς ; in the other cases the usual forms of the Art. were used (v.

    ὅς A.

    II.I and cf. Skt. sas, alternat. form of sa) ; so, in acc.,

    καὶ τὸν εἰπεῖν Pl.Smp. 174a

    , cf. X.Cyr.1.3.9, etc.; also in Hdt.,

    καὶ τὴν φράσαι 6.61

    , al.
    2 ὁ καὶ ὁ such and such,

    τῇ καὶ τῇ ἀτιμίᾳ Pl.Lg. 721b

    : but mostly in acc.,

    καί μοι κάλει τὸν καὶ τόν Lys.1.23

    , cf. Pl.Lg. 784d ;

    τὰ καὶ τὰ πεπονθώς D.21.141

    , cf. 9.68 ;

    τὸ καὶ τό Id.18.243

    ; ἀνάγκη ἄρα τὸ καὶ τό it must then be so and so, Arist.Rh. 1401a4, cf. 1413a22 ; but τὰ καὶ τά now one thing, now another, of good and bad,

    τὸν δ' ἀγαθὸν τολμᾶν χρὴ τά τε καὶ τὰ φέρειν Thgn.398

    , cf. Pi.P.5.55,7.20, al.;

    τῶν τε καὶ τῶν καιρόν Id.O. 2.53

    ; so πάντα τοῦ μετρίου μεταβαλλόμενα ἐπὶ τὰ καὶ ἐπὶ τά, of excess and defect, Hp.Acut.46 ; cf. A. VI.8.
    VIII abs. usages of single cases,
    1 fem. dat. τῇ, of Place, there, on that spot, here, this way, that way, Il.5.752, 858, al.: folld. by ᾗ, 13.52, etc.: also in Prose,

    τὸ μὲν τῇ, τὸ δὲ τῇ X.Ath.2.12

    b with a notion of motion towards, that way, in that direction, Il.10.531,11.149, 12.124 ;

    τῇ ἴμεν ᾗ.. 15.46


    δελφῖνες τῇ καὶ τῇ ἐθύνεον ἰχθυάοντες Hes.Sc. 210

    :—only poet.
    c of Manner,

    τῇ περ τελευτήσεσθαι ἔμελλεν

    in this way, thus,


    d repeated, τῇ μέν.., τῇ δέ.., in one way.., in another.., or partly.., partly.., E.Or. 356, Pl.Smp. 211a, etc.: without

    μέν, τῇ μᾶλλον, τῇ δ' ἧσσον Parm.8.48

    e relat., where, by which way, only [dialect] Ep., as Il.12.118, Od.4.229.
    2 neut. dat. τῷ, therefore, on this account, freq. in Hom., Il.1.418, 2.254, al. (v. infr.): also in Trag., A.Pr. 239, S.OT 510 (lyr.) ; in Prose,

    τῷ τοι.. Pl.Tht. 179d

    , Sph. 230b.
    b thus, so, Il.2.373, 13.57, etc.: it may also, esp. when εἰ precedes, be translated, then, if this be so, on this condition, Od.1.239,3.224, 258,al., Theoc.29.11.—In Hom. the true form is prob. τῶ, as in cod. A, or τώ, cf. A.D.Adv.199.2.
    3 neut. acc. τό, wherefore, Il.3.176, Od.8.332, al., S.Ph. 142(lyr.) ; also τὸ δέ abs., but the fact is.., Pl.Ap. 23a, Men. 97c, Phd. 109d, Tht. 157b, R. 340d, Lg. 967a ; even when the τό refers to what precedes, the contrast may lie not in the thing referred to, but in another part of the sentence (cf. supr. VI. 6),

    τὸ δ' ἐπὶ κακουργίᾳ.. ἐπετήδευσαν Th.1.37


    τὸ δὲ.. ἡμῖν μᾶλλον περιέσται Id.2.89

    ; φασὶ δέ τινες αὐτὸν καὶ τῶν ἑπτὰ σοφῶν γεγονέναι· τὸ δὲ οὐκ ἦν but he was not, Nic.Dam.58J.
    4 τὸ μέν.., τὸ δέ.., partly.., partly.., or on the one hand.., on the other.., Th.7.36, etc., cf.Od.2.46 ; more freq. τὰ μέν.., τὰ δέ.., Hdt.1.173, S.Tr. 534, etc.; also

    τὰ μέν τι.., τὰ δέ τι.. X.An.4.1.14


    τὸ μέν τι.., τὸ δέ τι.. Luc.Macr.14


    τὰ μέν.., τὸ δὲ πλέον.. Th.1.90

    : sts. without τὸ μέν.. in the first clause,

    τὸ δέ τι Id.1.107

    ,7.48 : rarely of Time, τὰ μὲν πολλὰ.., τέλος δέ several times.. and finally, Hdt.3.85.
    5 of Time, sts. that time, sts. this (present) time, συνμαχία κ' ἔα ἑκατὸν ϝέτεα, ἄρχοι δέ κα τοΐ (where it is possible, but not necessary, to supply ϝέτος) SIG9.3 (Olympia, vi B.C.): so with Preps., ἐκ τοῦ, [dialect] Ep. τοῖο, from that time, Il.1.493,15.601.
    b πρὸ τοῦ, sts. written προτοῦ, before this, aforetime, Hdt.1.103, 122,5.55, A.Ag. 1204, Ar.Nu.5, etc.;

    ἐν τῷ πρὸ τοῦ χρόνῳ Th.1.32

    , cf. A.Eu. 462 ;

    τὸ πρὸ τοῦ D.S.20.59

    6 ἐν τοῖς is freq. used in Prose with Superlatives, ἐν τοῖσι θειότατον a most marvellous thing, Hdt.7.137 ; ἐν τοῖς πρῶτοι the very first, Th.1.6, etc.; ἐν τοῖσι πρῶτος ( πρώτοις codd.) Pherecr.145.4 ; [Ζεὺς] Ἔρωτά τε καὶ Ἀνάγκην ἐν τοῖς πρῶτα ἐγέννησεν first of all, Aristid. Or.43(1).16, cf. 37(2).2: when used with fem. Nouns, ἐν τοῖς remained without change of gender, ἐν τοῖς πλεῖσται δὴ νῆες the greatest number of ships, Th.3.17; ἐν τοῖς πρώτη ἐγένετο (sc. ἡ στάσις) ib.82 : also with Advbs.,

    ἐν τοῖς μάλιστα Id.8.90

    , Pl.Cri. 52a, Plu.2.74e, 421d, 723e, Brut.6, 11,al., Paus.1.16.3, etc.;

    ἐν τοῖς χαλεπώτατα Th.7.71


    τὴν Αἴγυπτον ἐν τοῖς μάλιστα μελάγγειον οὖσαν Plu.2.364c

    : in late Prose, also with Positives,

    ἐν τοῖς παράδοξον Aristid.Or.48(24).47

    codd.; with

    πάνυ, ἐν τοῖς πάνυ D.H.1.19

    , cf. 66 ( ἐν ταῖς πάνυ f.l. 4.14,15).
    B , , τό, THE DEFINITE ARTICLE, the, to specify individuals: rare in this signf. in the earliest Gr., becoming commoner later. In Hom. the demonstr. force can generally be traced, v. supr. A. I, but the definite Art. must be recognized in places like Il.1.167,7.412, 9.309, 12.289, Od.19.372 : also when joined to an Adj. to make it a Subst.,

    αἰὲν ἀποκτείνων τὸν ὀπίστατον

    the hindmost man,



    τὸν ἄριστον 17.80


    τὸν δύστηνον 22.59


    τὸν προὔχοντα 23.325

    ; τῷ πρώτῳ.., τῷ δευτέρῳ.., etc., ib. 265sq. ; also in

    τῶν ἄλλων 2.674

    , al.: with Advs.,

    τὸ πρίν 24.543

    , al.;

    τὸ πάρος περ 17.720


    τὸ πρόσθεν 23.583

    ; also τὸ τρίτον ib. 733 ;

    τὰ πρῶτα 1.6

    ,al.; τὸ μὲν ἄλλο for the rest, 23.454 ;

    ἀνδρῶν τῶν τότε 9.559

    .—The true Art., however, is first fully established in fifth-cent. [dialect] Att., whilst the demonstr. usage disappears, exc. in a few cases, V. A. VI-VIII.—Chief usages, esp. in [dialect] Att.
    I not only with common Appellats., Adjs., and Parts., to specify them as present to sense or mind, but also freq. where we use the Possessive Pron.,

    τὸ κέαρ ηὐφράνθην Ar.Ach.5

    ; τὴν κεφαλὴν κατεάγην my head was broken, And.1.61, etc. ; τοὺς φίλους ποιούμεθα we make our friends, S.Ant. 190 ; τὰς πόλεις ἔκτιζον they began founding their cities, Th.1.12;

    οὐχ ὑπὲρ τὴν οὐσίαν ποιούμενοι τοὺς παῖδας Pl.R. 372b

    b omitted with pr.nn.and freq. with Appellats. which require no specification, as θεός, βασιλεύς, v. θεός 1.1, βασιλεύς III ; ἐμ πόλει in the Acropolis, IG12.4.1, al.: but added to pr. nn., when attention is to be called to the previous mention of the person, as Th. (3.70 ) speaks first of Πειθίας and then refers to him repeatedly as ὁ Π.; cf. Θράσυλος in Id.8.104, with ὁ Θ. ib. 105 ; or when the person spoken of is to be specially distinguished, Ζεύς, ὅστις ὁ Ζεύς whoever this Zeus is, E.Fr. 480 ; and therefore properly omitted when a special designation follows, as Σωκράτης ὁ φιλόσοφος: seldom in Trag. with pr. nn., save to give pecul. emphasis, like Lat. ille, ὁ Λάϊος, ὁ Φοῖβος, S.OT 729, El.35, etc.: later, however, the usage became very common (the Homeric usage of with a pr. n. is different, v. A.I).
    c Aristotle says Σωκράτης meaning the historical Socrates, as in SE183b7, PA642a28, al., but ὁ Σωκράτης when he means the Platonic Socrates, as Pol.1261a6, al.: so with other pr.nn., EN1145a21, 1146a21, al.
    d for Σαῦλος ὁ καὶ Παῦλος, etc., v. καί B.2.
    2 in a generic sense, where the individual is treated as a type,

    οἷς ὁ γέρων μετέῃσιν.. λεύσσει Il.3.109


    πονηρὸν ὁ συκοφάντης D.18.242

    , etc.
    b freq. with abstract Nouns,

    ἥ τε ἐλπὶς καὶ ὁ ἔρως Th.3.45

    , etc.
    3 of outstanding members of a class, ὁ γεωγράφος, ὁ κωμικός, ὁ ποιητής, ὁ τεχνικός, v. γεωγράφος, κωμικός, ποιητής, τεχνικός.
    4 with infs., which thereby become Substs., τὸ εἴργειν prevention, Pl.Grg. 505b ; τὸ φρονεῖν good sense, S.Ant. 1348(anap.), etc.: when the subject is expressed it is put between the Art.and the inf., τὸ θεοὺς εἶναι the existence of gods, Pl.Phd. 62b ; τὸ μηδένα εἶναι ὄλβιον the fact or statement that no one is happy, Hdt.1.86.
    5 in neut. before any word or expression which itself is made the object of thought, τὸ ἄνθρωπος the word or notion man ; τὸ λέγω the word λέγω ; τὸ μηδὲν ἄγαν the sentiment 'ne quid nimis', E.Hipp. 265(lyr.); τὸ τῇ αὐτῇ the phrase τῇ αὐτῇ, Pl.Men. 72e : and so before whole clauses, ἡ δόξα.. περὶ τοῦ οὕστινας δεῖ ἄρχειν the opinion about the question 'who ought to rule', Id.R. 431e ; τὸ ἐὰν μένητε παρ' ἐμοί, ἀποδώσω the phrase 'I will give back, if.. ', X.Cyr. 5.1.21, cf. Pl.R. 327c, etc.;

    τοὺς τοῦ τί πρακτέον λογισμούς D.23.148

    ; τὸ ὀλίγοι the term few, Arist.Pol. 1283b11.
    6 before relat. clauses, when the Art. serves to combine the whole relat. clause into one notion, τῇ ᾗ φὴς σὺ σκληρότητι the harshness you speak of, Pl.Cra. 435a ; τὸν ἥμερον καρπόν.., καὶ τὸν ὅσος ξύλινος (i.e. καὶ τὸν καρπὸν ὅσος ἂν ᾖ ξύλινος) Id.Criti. 115b ;

    τῶν ὅσοι ἂν.. ἀγαθοὶ κριθῶσιν Id.R. 469b


    ἐκ γῆς καὶ πυρὸς μείξαντες καὶ τῶν ὅσα πυρὶ καὶ γῇ κεράννυται Id.Prt. 320d

    , cf. Hyp.Lyc.2 ;

    ταύτην τε τὴν αἰτίαν καὶ τὴν ὅθεν ἡ κίνησις Arist.Metaph. 987a8


    τὸν ὃς ἔφη Lys.23.8

    : hence the relat., by attraction, freq. follows the case of the Art., τοῖς οἵοις ἡμῖν τε καὶ ὑμῖν, i.e. τοῖς οὖσιν οἷοι ἡμεῖς καὶ ὑμεῖς, X.HG2.3.25, etc.
    7 before Prons.,
    a before the pers. Prons., giving them greater emphasis, but only in acc.,

    τὸν ἐμέ Pl.Tht. 166a

    ,Phlb. 20b ; τὸν.. σὲ καὶ ἐμέ ib. 59b ;

    τὸν αὑτόν Id.Phdr. 258a

    ; on ὁ αὐτός, v. αὐτός 111.
    b before the interrog. Pron. (both τίς and ποῖος), referring to something before, which needs to be more distinctly specified, A.Pr. 251, Ar. Pax 696 ; also τὰ τί; because οἷα went before, ib. 693. Of τίς only the neut. is thus used (v.supr.): ποῖος is thus used not only in neut. pl., τὰ ποῖα; E.Ph. 707 ; but also in the other genders, ὁ ποῖος; ib. 1704 ; τῆς ποίας μερίδος; D.18.64 ; τοῖς ποίοις.. ; Arist.Ph. 227b1.
    c with τοιοῦτος, τοιόσδε, τηλικοῦτος, etc., the Art. either makes the Pron. into a Subst.,

    ὁ τοιοῦτος

    that sort of person,


    , etc.; or subjoins it to a Subst. which already has an Art.,

    τὴν ἀπολογίαν τὴν τοιαύτην D.41.13

    8 before ἅπας, Pi.N.1.69, Hdt.3.64, 7.153 (s.v.l.), S.OC 1224 (lyr.), D.18.231, etc.; also τὸν ἕνα, τὸν ἕνα τοῦτον, Arist.Pol. 1287b8, 1288a19 : on its usage with ἕκαστος, v. sub voc.; and on οἱ ἄλλοι, οἱ πολλοί, etc., v. ἄλλος 11.6,

    πολύς 11.3

    , etc.
    9 the Art. with the [comp] Comp. is rare, if follows, S.Ant. 313, OC 796.
    II elliptic expressions:
    1 before the gen. of a pr.<*>., to express descent, son or daughter, Θουκυδίδης ὁ Ὀλόρου (sc. υἱός) Th.4.104 ; Ἑλένη ἡ τοῦ Διός (sc. θυγάτηρ) E.Hel. 470 : also to denote other relationships, e.g. brother, Lys.32.24, Alciphr.2.2.10 ; ἡ Σμικυθίωνος Μελιστίχη M. the wife of S., Ar.Ec.46 ; Κλέαρχος καὶ οἱ ἐκείνου Cl. and his men, X.An.1.2.15 ; ὁ τοῦ Ἀντιγένεος the slave of A., Hp.Hum.20.
    2 generally, before a gen. it indicates a wider relation, as τὸ τῶν νεῶν, τὸ τῶν Ἑρμῶν, the matter of the ships, the affair of the Hermae, Th.4.23,6.60 ; τὰ τοῦ Ἀρριβαίου πράσσειν to promote the interests of Arrhibaeus, Id.4.83, cf. 6.89, etc.; τὸ τῆς τύχης,=ἡ τύχη, Id.4.18 ; τὰ τῆς τύχης accidents, chance events, ib.55 ; τὰ γὰρ φθιτῶν τοῖς ὁρῶσι κόσμος performance of the rites due to the dead befits the living, E.Supp.78(lyr.); τὰ τῶν θεῶν that which is destined by the gods, S.Tr. 498(lyr.): hence with neut. of Possessive Pron., τὸ ἐμόν, τὸ σόν, what regards me or thee, my or thy business or interests, S.Aj. 124, El. 251, etc.: and with gen. of 3 pers.,

    τὸ τῆσδε E.Hipp.48

    . But τό τινος is freq. also, a man's word or saying, as

    τὸ τοῦ Σόλωνος Hdt.1.86

    ; τὸ τοῦ Ὁμήρου as Homer says, Pl.Tht. 183e ; also τά τινος so-and-so's house, Ar.V. 1432, D.54.7, Theoc.2.76, Herod.5.52, Ev.Luc.2.49.
    3 very freq. with cases governed by Preps.. αἱ ἐκ τῆς Ζακύνθου νῆες the ships from Zacynthus, Th.4.13 ; οἱ ἀμφί τινα, οἱ περί τινα, such an one and his followers, v. ἀμφί c.1.3, περί c.1.2 ; also τὰ ἐπὶ Θρᾴκης the Thrace-ward district, Th.1.59, al.; τὰ ἀπὸ τοῦ καταστρώματος matters on deck, Id.7.70 ; τὰ ἀπ' Ἀλκιβιάδου the proposals of Alcibiades, Id.8.48 ; τὰ ἀπὸ τῆς τύχης the incidents of fortune, Id.2.87, etc.
    4 on μὰ τόν, μὰ τήν, etc., v. μά IV.
    5 in elliptical phrases, ἐπορευόμην τὴν ἔξω τείχους (sc. ὁδόν) Pl.Ly. 203a ; ἡ ἐπὶ θανάτῳ (sc. στολή, δέσις), v. θάνατος; κατὰ τὴν ἐμήν (sc. γνώμην), v. ἐμός 11.4 ; ἡ αὔριον (sc. ἡμέρα), v. αὔριον; ἡ Λυδιστί (sc. ἁρμονία) Arist.Pol. 1342b32, etc.: freq. with Advs., which thus take an adj. sense, as , , τὸ νῦν;

    ὁ οἴκαδε πλοῦς Th.1.52

    ; οἱ τότε, οἱ ἔπειτα (sc. ἄνθρωποι), ib.9,10, etc. ; but τό stands abs. with Advs. of time and place, when one cannot (as in the preceding instances) supply a Subst., as

    κἀκεῖσε καὶ τὸ δεῦρο E.Ph. 266

    , cf.[315] (lyr.);

    ὁ μὲν τὸ κεῖθεν, ὁ δὲ τὸ κεῖθεν Id.Or. 1412

    (lyr.): rarely abs. in gen., ἰέναι τοῦ πρόσω to go forward, X.An.1.3.1 ;

    τοῦ προσωτάτω δραμεῖν S.Aj. 731

    C as RELATIVE PRONOUN in many dialects ; both in nom. sg. masc. ὅ, as

    κλῦθί μοι, ὃ χθιζὸς θεὸς ἤλυθες Od.2.262

    , cf. 1.300, al. ;

    Ἔρως, ὃ κατ' ὀμμάτων στάζεις πόθον E.Hipp. 526


    Ἄδωνις, ὃ κἠν Ἀχέροντι φιλεῖται Theoc.15.86

    ; ὃ ἐξορύξη he who banishes him, Schwyzer679.12,25 ([place name] Cyprus) ; and in the forms beginning with τ, esp. in Hom. (Od.4.160, al.), Hdt.1.7, al.: also in [dialect] Ion. Poets,

    ἐν τῷ κάθημαι Archil.87.3

    , cf. Semon.7.3, Anacr.86 (prob.), Herod.2.64, al.: freq. in Trag.,

    τῆς S.OC 1258

    , Tr. 381, 728, E.Alc. 883 (anap.);

    τῷ S.Ph.14


    τήν Id.OC 747

    , Tr.47, El. 1144 ; τό Id.OT 1427 ; τῶν ib. 1379, Ant. 1086.—Never in Com. or [dialect] Att. Prose:—[dialect] Ep. gen. sg.

    τεῦ Il.18.192

    a [dialect] Att. , , τό, with [pron. full] make , as ἁνήρ, ἁλήθεια, τἀγαθόν, τᾄτιον; so οἱ, αἱ, τά, as ἅνδρες, τἀγαθά; also τοῦ, τῷ, as τἀγαθοῦ, τἀγαθῷ: , τό, οἱ, before e gives ου, οὑξ, οὑπί, οὑμός, τοὔργον, οὑπιχώριοι, etc.; also τοῦ, as τοὐμοῦ, τοὐπιόντος; but ἅτερος, θάτερον ([pron. full] ¯ ?ὁX?ὁX), [dialect] Ion. οὕτερος, τοὔτερον (v. ἕτερος), [dialect] Att. fem. ἡτέρα, dat. θητέρᾳ (v. ἕτερος); τῷ loses the iota, τὠμῷ, τὠπιόντι: , τό, before ο gives ου, as Οὁδυσσεύς, Οὑλύμπιος, τοὔνομα: , τό, etc., before αυ gives ᾱυ, αὑτός, ταὐτό, ταὐτῷ (freq. written ἁτός, etc. in Inscrr. and Pap.); so τὰ αὐτά=ταὐτά, αἱ αὐταί= αὑταί: before εὐ gives ηὑ, as ηὑλάβεια: τῇ before gives θη, as θἠμέρᾳ: τὸ before gives θου, as θοὔδωρ for τὸ ὕδωρ.
    b other dialects: in their treatment of crasis these follow the local laws of contraction, hence, e.g., [dialect] Dor. ὡξ from

    ὁ ἐξ Theoc.1.65

    , ὥλαφος from ὁ ἔλαφος ib. 135 ; [dialect] Ion. ᾡσυμνήτης from ὁ αἰς- SIG57.45 (Milet., v B.C.) ; ὡυτή from

    ἡ αὐτή Heraclit.60

    , etc.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) >

  • 12 mucho

    mucho 1 adverbio
    a)salir/ayudar a lot;
    trabajar hard;
    no salen mucho they don't go out much o a lot;
    me gusta muchísimo I like it very much o a lot; mucho mejor a lot better; por mucho que insistas no matter how much you insist; después de mucho discutir after much discussion
    ¿estás preocupado? — mucho are you worried? — (yes, I am,) very;
    ¿te gusta? — sí, mucho do you like it? — yes, very much
    mucho 2
    ◊ - cha adjetivo
    a) ( sing) a lot of;
    (en oraciones negativas, interrogativas) much, a lot of; no gano mucho dinero I don't earn much o a lot of money; ¿ves mucha televisión? do you watch much o a lot of television; tiene mucha hambre he's very hungry
    b) (pl) many, a lot of;
    había muchos extranjeros/muchas personas allí there were many o a lot of foreigners/people there;
    hace muchos años many years ago ■ pronombre 1 ( referido a cantidad)
    a) ( sing) a lot;
    ( en oraciones negativas) much; tengo mucho que hacer I have a lot to do; eso no es mucho that's not much; no queda mucha there isn't much left
    b) (pl) many;
    muchos creen que … many (people) believe that …;
    muchos de nosotros many of us 2
    ¿te falta mucho para terminar? will it take you long to finish?; mucho antes long before; ¿tuviste que esperar mucho? did you have to wait long?
    b) ( en locs)
    con mucho by far, easily; ni mucho menos far from it; por mucho que … however much …
    I adj indef
    1 (abundante, numeroso) (en frases afirmativas) a lot of, lots of
    mucha comida, a lot of food
    muchos animales, lots of animals (en frases negativas) much, many pl: no queda mucho azúcar, there isn't much sugar left
    no conozco muchos sitios, I don't know many places
    2 (intenso) very: tengo mucho calor/miedo, I'm very hot/scared
    hizo mucho esfuerzo, he made a great effort
    3 (demasiado) es mucha responsabilidad, it's too much responsibility
    II pron
    1 a lot, a great deal, many: muchos fuimos al baile, many/lots of us went to the dance
    muchos de nosotros/vosotros, many of us/you
    de ésos tengo muchos, I've got lots of those
    III adverbio
    1 (cantidad) a lot, very much: me arrepentí mucho, I was very sorry
    2 (tiempo) hace mucho que desapareció, he went missing a long time ago
    hace mucho que estamos aquí, we have been here for a long time (a menudo) often: vamos mucho al cine, we go to the cinema quite often Locuciones: como mucho, at the most
    con mucho, by far
    ¡ni mucho menos!, no way!
    por mucho (que), however much Recuerda que el singular es much, el plural es many, y que estas dos palabras se suelen usar en frases negativas (no tengo demasiado tiempo, I haven't got much time), mientras que a lot (of) y lots (of) se encuentran en frases afirmativas: Tengo mucho dinero. I've got a lot of/lots of money. En frases interrogativas se usa tanto much y many como a lot o lots of: ¿Tienes mucho dinero?, Have you got much/ a lot of/lots of money? Sin embargo, en preguntas que empiezan por how sólo puedes emplear much o many: ¿Cuánto dinero tienes?, How much money have you got?
    ' mucho' also found in these entries: Spanish: abandonarse - abrigar - abultar - achicharrar - achicharrarse - acoger - adelantar - adentro - adorar - afear - afecta - afectar - afecto - agradecer - alejarse - antes - aparato - aprecio - aprovechar - ascendiente - avejentarse - avenida - avenido - bailar - bastante - boato - bombo - brío - cacarear - caché - cachet - calor - carácter - cariño - carrete - cascar - cervical - chapar - chiflar - cocerse - coco - comer - contraponer - costar - cuando - de - deber - decaer - decir - defraudar English: ability - ado - afraid - age - ago - agony - all-out - alone - anywhere - around - as - attract - attuned to - backlog - badly - bake - balance - be - best - booze - bulky - busywork - capital - cautious - chalk - challenging - charisma - come along - come into - commotion - concern - deal - dear - demand - devoted - difficult - do - dog days - doing - easily - emotional - enthusiastic - esteem - exhilarate - experience - extravagant - fancy - far - fat - few

    English-spanish dictionary > mucho

  • 13 poco

    poco 1 adverbio:
    habla poco he doesn't say much o a lot;
    es muy poco agradecido he is very ungrateful; un autor muy poco conocido a very little-known author; viene muy poco por aquí he hardly ever comes around; para locs ver poco 2 4
    poco 2 -ca adjetivo ( con sustantivos no numerables) little; ( en plural) few; muy pocos niños very few children; había poquísimos coches there were hardly any cars ■ pronombre 1 (poca cantidad, poca cosa): por poco que gane … no matter how little o however little she earns …; se conforma con poco he's easily satisfied; todo le parece poco she is never satisfied; pocos quisieron ayudar few were willing to help; pocos pueden permitirse ese lujo not many people can afford to do that 2
    poco ( refiriéndose a tiempo): lo vi hace poco I saw him recently o not long ago;
    hace muy poco que lo conoce she hasn't known him for very long; tardó poco en hacerlo it didn't take him long to do it; falta poco para las navidades it's not long till Christmas; a poco de venir él soon o shortly after he came; dentro de poco soon; poco antes de que … a short while o shortly before … 3
    un poco
    ( refiriéndose a tiempo) a while;
    dame un poco I'll have some o a little;
    espera un poco wait a while
    c) un poco + adj/adv:
    un poco caro/tarde a bit o a little expensive/late
    4 ( en locs)
    a poco (Méx): ¡a poco no está fabuloso Acapulco! isn't Acapulco just fantastic!;
    ¡a poco ganaron! don't tell me they won!; de a poco (AmL) gradually, little by little; poco a poco gradually; poco más o menos approximately, roughly; por poco nearly
    I adjetivo
    1 (con el sustantivo en singular) not much, little: tengo poco apetito, I haven't got much appetite
    2 (con el sustantivo en plural) not many, few: conozco pocos lugares de Italia, I don't know many places in Italy
    II pron (singular) little, not much (plural) (objetos) few, not many (personas) few people, not many people ➣ Ver nota en few
    III adverbio
    1 (con verbo) not (very) much, little: entiendo poco del tema, I don't understand much about the issue
    2 (con adjetivo) not very: está poco claro, it's not very clear
    3 (de tiempo) hace poco que nos conocemos, we met a short time ago
    IV sustantivo masculino
    1 (acompañado de adjetivo o adverbio) lo noté un poco molesto, I thought he was a bit annoyed
    tendré que hacerlo un poco después, I'll have to do it a little later
    2 (acompañando a un sustantivo) dame un poco de agua, give me a little water ➣ Ver nota en little
    Locuciones: a poco de, shortly after
    dentro de poco, soon
    poco a poco, little by little, gradually
    poco antes/después, shortly before/afterwards
    por poco, almost ' poco' also found in these entries: Spanish: abreviar - aclimatarse - adelgazar - aguantar - ahora - alcornoque - alentador - alentadora - algo - antes - apercibirse - bagatela - baja - bajo - brusca - brusco - bruta - bruto - buscar - calentar - cargada - cargado - cascada - cascado - cerebral - chapucera - chapucero - chispa - clara - claro - común - cruda - crudo - cualquiera - de - dentro - descuidada - descuidado - descuidarse - desigual - desmoronada - desmoronado - despatarrarse - despistada - despistado - despreciable - después - desvaído - disipar - dudosa English: accomplice - add to - adjust - aerial - after - afterwards - along - aloof - amateurish - balding - bark - belly - bit - black - blind - blow up - boot - by - can - careless - chat - comedown - confusing - cowboy - degree - derivative - desultory - disagreement - disingenuous - diving - do - dodgy - doubtful - dowdy - earthy - easy-going - edge - effect - element - evasion - exist - expect - fall apart - far-fetched - fine - flippant - forge - furnish - fuzzy - gradually

    English-spanish dictionary > poco

  • 14 mucha

    much, large in quantity, long in time, many in number; abundant, plentiful.
    much, in a great degree; excessively, by far, often, long (time): to a certain degree.
    Es mucho difícil (Mex.) it's jolly difficult
    feminine of MUCHO.
    plural and feminine of MUCHO.
    * * *
    1. f., (m. - mucho) 2. f., (m. - mucho)
    * * *
    SMF LAm = muchacho 1.
    * * *
    * con mucha labia = smooth-tongued.
    * de mucha capacidad = capacious.
    * de muchas maneras = in more ways than one.
    * mucha de la limpieza = cleaning lady.
    * * *
    * con mucha labia = smooth-tongued.
    * de mucha capacidad = capacious.
    * de muchas maneras = in more ways than one.
    * mucha de la limpieza = cleaning lady.
    * * *

    I adj indef
    1 (abundante, numeroso) (en frases afirmativas) a lot of, lots of
    mucha comida, a lot of food
    muchos animales, lots of animals
    (en frases negativas) much, many pl: no queda mucho azúcar, there isn't much sugar left
    no conozco muchos sitios, I don't know many places
    2 (intenso) very: tengo mucho calor/miedo, I'm very hot/scared
    hizo mucho esfuerzo, he made a great effort
    3 (demasiado) es mucha responsabilidad, it's too much responsibility
    II pron
    1 a lot, a great deal, many: muchos fuimos al baile, many/lots of us went to the dance
    muchos de nosotros/vosotros, many of us/you
    de ésos tengo muchos, I've got lots of those
    III adverbio
    1 (cantidad) a lot, very much: me arrepentí mucho, I was very sorry
    2 (tiempo) hace mucho que desapareció, he went missing a long time ago
    hace mucho que estamos aquí, we have been here for a long time
    (a menudo) often: vamos mucho al cine, we go to the cinema quite often
    ♦ Locuciones: como mucho, at the most
    con mucho, by far
    ¡ni mucho menos!, no way!
    por mucho (que), however much
    Recuerda que el singular es much, el plural es many, y que estas dos palabras se suelen usar en frases negativas (no tengo demasiado tiempo, I haven't got much time), mientras que a lot (of) y lots (of) se encuentran en frases afirmativas: Tengo mucho dinero. I've got a lot of/lots of money. En frases interrogativas se usa tanto much y many como a lot o lots of: ¿Tienes mucho dinero?, Have you got much/ a lot of/lots of money? Sin embargo, en preguntas que empiezan por how sólo puedes emplear much o many: ¿Cuánto dinero tienes?, How much money have you got?
    ' mucha' also found in these entries:
    - bárbara
    - bárbaro
    - batalla
    - cachaza
    - camaradería
    - cardiaca
    - cardíaca
    - cardiaco
    - cardíaco
    - casa
    - causar
    - cautela
    - caza
    - ciencia
    - confianza
    - curiosidad
    - dar
    - desarraigar
    - enjundia
    - entidad
    - estima
    - fogosidad
    - gomina
    - gravedad
    - hambre
    - hierba
    - honra
    - igualdad
    - imprimir
    - influencia
    - jeta
    - juego
    - labia
    - mano
    - mar
    - marcha
    - mucho
    - necesidad
    - niebla
    - paz
    - prisa
    - resistencia
    - salada
    - salado
    - sed
    - seguridad
    - simpatía
    - sobre
    - soltura
    - anxiety
    - arm-twisting
    - badly
    - booze-up
    - bright
    - clout
    - crush
    - deal
    - demand
    - distracted
    - draw
    - easy-going
    - embarrassed
    - envious
    - fat
    - funny
    - glib
    - go about
    - gore
    - gravy
    - greasy
    - guidance
    - high-class
    - lot
    - meaty
    - milky
    - neck
    - need
    - persuade
    - practice
    - practise
    - pull
    - self-conscious
    - sensitive
    - slick
    - somebody
    - stamina
    - store
    - strain
    - strong-willed
    - sunlight
    - sympathetic
    - tension
    - about
    - advance
    - ahead
    - answer
    - boost
    - call

    Spanish-English dictionary > mucha

  • 15 mucha

    I adj indef
    1 (abundante, numeroso) (en frases afirmativas) a lot of, lots of
    mucha comida, a lot of food
    muchos animales, lots of animals (en frases negativas) much, many pl: no queda mucho azúcar, there isn't much sugar left
    no conozco muchos sitios, I don't know many places
    2 (intenso) very: tengo mucho calor/miedo, I'm very hot/scared
    hizo mucho esfuerzo, he made a great effort
    3 (demasiado) es mucha responsabilidad, it's too much responsibility
    II pron
    1 a lot, a great deal, many: muchos fuimos al baile, many/lots of us went to the dance
    muchos de nosotros/vosotros, many of us/you
    de ésos tengo muchos, I've got lots of those
    III adverbio
    1 (cantidad) a lot, very much: me arrepentí mucho, I was very sorry
    2 (tiempo) hace mucho que desapareció, he went missing a long time ago
    hace mucho que estamos aquí, we have been here for a long time (a menudo) often: vamos mucho al cine, we go to the cinema quite often Locuciones: como mucho, at the most
    con mucho, by far
    ¡ni mucho menos!, no way!
    por mucho (que), however much Recuerda que el singular es much, el plural es many, y que estas dos palabras se suelen usar en frases negativas (no tengo demasiado tiempo, I haven't got much time), mientras que a lot (of) y lots (of) se encuentran en frases afirmativas: Tengo mucho dinero. I've got a lot of/lots of money. En frases interrogativas se usa tanto much y many como a lot o lots of: ¿Tienes mucho dinero?, Have you got much/ a lot of/lots of money? Sin embargo, en preguntas que empiezan por how sólo puedes emplear much o many: ¿Cuánto dinero tienes?, How much money have you got?
    ' mucha' also found in these entries: Spanish: aguante - bárbara - bárbaro - batalla - cachaza - camaradería - cardiaca - cardíaca - cardiaco - cardíaco - casa - causar - cautela - caza - ciencia - confianza - curiosidad - dar - desarraigar - enjundia - entidad - estima - fogosidad - gomina - gravedad - hambre - hierba - honra - igualdad - imprimir - influencia - jeta - juego - labia - mano - mar - marcha - mucho - necesidad - niebla - paz - prisa - resistencia - salada - salado - sed - seguridad - simpatía - sobre - soltura English: accuracy - anxiety - arm-twisting - badly - booze-up - bright - clout - crush - deal - demand - distracted - draw - easy-going - embarrassed - envious - fat - funny - glib - go about - gore - gravy - greasy - guidance - high-class - lot - meaty - milky - neck - need - persuade - practice - practise - pull - self-conscious - sensitive - slick - somebody - stamina - store - strain - strong-willed - sunlight - sympathetic - tension - about - advance - ahead - answer - boost - call

    English-spanish dictionary > mucha

  • 16 horrenbeste

    zenb. [+2]
    1. ( zenbatu ezinezko izenekin) so much; \horrenbeste ur so much water; \horrenbeste gorroto dio etsaiari he has such hatred for the enemy; \horrenbeste aldiz so many times
    2. ( zenbatzeko moduko izenekin) so many...s; \horrenbeste tokitan egon liteke it could be in so many places; \horrenbeste liburu so many books
    3. ( elipsian) few; \horrenbestek uste dute hori so many think that
    4. ( adb. gisan)
    a. so much; ez nuen uste \horrenbeste balio zuenik I didn't thing it was worth so much; Kant-ek \horrenbeste bazekien Kant knew as much
    b. \horrenbeste kostako da it will cost so much
    5. (esa.) beste \horrenbeste another so many; gerokoek ez dute beste \horrenbeste egin the following generations haven't done so much

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > horrenbeste

  • 17 poca

    little, scanty (escaso), limited, small in quantity, small in extent (pequeño), not much, few, some.
    little (no mucho), in a small degree or quantity, in a scanty manner, shortly, briefly, in a short time.
    Poco ante or poco después, a little before or after
    Poco a poco gently, softly; stop
    A poco por poco, en poco, to be very near a thing
    Qué poco how little: indicating the difficulty or impossibility of anything
    * * *
    1. f., (m. - poco) 2. f., (m. - poco)
    * * *

    I adjetivo
    1 (con el sustantivo en singular) not much, little: tengo poco apetito, I haven't got much appetite
    2 (con el sustantivo en plural) not many, few: conozco pocos lugares de Italia, I don't know many places in Italy
    II pron (singular) little, not much
    (plural) (objetos) few, not many
    (personas) few people, not many people ➣ Ver nota en few
    III adverbio
    1 (con verbo) not (very) much, little: entiendo poco del tema, I don't understand much about the issue
    2 (con adjetivo) not very: está poco claro, it's not very clear
    3 (de tiempo) hace poco que nos conocemos, we met a short time ago
    IV sustantivo masculino
    1 (acompañado de adjetivo o adverbio) lo noté un poco molesto, I thought he was a bit annoyed
    tendré que hacerlo un poco después, I'll have to do it a little later
    2 (acompañando a un sustantivo) dame un poco de agua, give me a little water ➣ Ver nota en little
    ♦ Locuciones: a poco de, shortly after
    dentro de poco, soon
    poco a poco, little by little, gradually
    poco antes/después, shortly before/afterwards
    por poco, almost
    ' poca' also found in these entries:
    - baja
    - bajo
    - balbucear
    - caída
    - caza
    - cerca
    - cerrarse
    - choriza
    - chorizo
    - conformarse
    - corta
    - corto
    - enclenque
    - familia
    - guaperas
    - idea
    - leve
    - monta
    - pequeña
    - pequeño
    - rebuscada
    - rebuscado
    - resonancia
    - seca
    - seco
    - verde
    - cabeza
    - categoría
    - cháchara
    - gente
    - luz
    - muy
    - pinche
    - poco
    - few
    - glibly
    - hate
    - importance
    - incidental
    - inconsiderate
    - lack
    - light
    - lightly
    - little
    - muck about
    - muck around
    - nothing
    - notice
    - people
    - shallowness
    - short-sighted
    - small-scale
    - small-time
    - sparingly
    - store
    - sustain
    - thoughtlessly
    - tinpot
    - unreliable
    - untrustworthy
    - visibility
    - blind
    - consideration
    - fry
    - low
    - mean
    - minor
    - off
    - quibble
    - slack
    - small
    - weak-willed

    Spanish-English dictionary > poca

  • 18 poca

    I adjetivo
    1 (con el sustantivo en singular) not much, little: tengo poco apetito, I haven't got much appetite
    2 (con el sustantivo en plural) not many, few: conozco pocos lugares de Italia, I don't know many places in Italy
    II pron (singular) little, not much (plural) (objetos) few, not many (personas) few people, not many people ➣ Ver nota en few
    III adverbio
    1 (con verbo) not (very) much, little: entiendo poco del tema, I don't understand much about the issue
    2 (con adjetivo) not very: está poco claro, it's not very clear
    3 (de tiempo) hace poco que nos conocemos, we met a short time ago
    IV sustantivo masculino
    1 (acompañado de adjetivo o adverbio) lo noté un poco molesto, I thought he was a bit annoyed
    tendré que hacerlo un poco después, I'll have to do it a little later
    2 (acompañando a un sustantivo) dame un poco de agua, give me a little water ➣ Ver nota en little
    Locuciones: a poco de, shortly after
    dentro de poco, soon
    poco a poco, little by little, gradually
    poco antes/después, shortly before/afterwards
    por poco, almost ' poca' also found in these entries: Spanish: aceptación - baja - bajo - balbucear - caída - caza - cerca - cerrarse - choriza - chorizo - conformarse - corta - corto - enclenque - familia - guaperas - idea - leve - monta - pequeña - pequeño - rebuscada - rebuscado - resonancia - seca - seco - verde - cabeza - categoría - cháchara - gente - luz - muy - pinche - poco English: clad - few - glibly - hate - importance - incidental - inconsiderate - lack - light - lightly - little - muck about - muck around - nothing - notice - people - shallowness - short-sighted - small-scale - small-time - sparingly - store - sustain - thoughtlessly - tinpot - unreliable - untrustworthy - visibility - blind - consideration - fry - low - mean - minor - off - quibble - slack - small - weak-willed

    English-spanish dictionary > poca

  • 19 coger

    1 to take.
    coger a alguien de la mano to take somebody by the hand
    coge esta bolsa un momento hold this bag a moment
    ¿puedes coger el teléfono, por favor? could you pick the phone up o answer the phone, please?
    Ella cogió una rama She caught a branch.
    Ella cogió impulso para despegar She took impulse to lift off.
    2 to catch (atrapar) (ladrón, pez, pájaro).
    ¿a que no me coges? bet you can't catch me!
    Ella cogió un ratón con su ratonera She caught a mouse with her mousetrap.
    Ella cogió una enfermedad contagiosa She caught a contagious disease.
    3 to catch up with (alcanzar) (persona, vehículo).
    se me ha caído el bolígrafo, ¿me lo puedes coger? I've dropped my pen, could you pick it up for me?
    5 to take (quedarse con) (propina, empleo, piso).
    llegaremos pronto para coger buen sitio we'll get there early to get a good seat
    7 to take.
    ¿quién me ha cogido el lápiz? who's taken my pencil?
    te he cogido la calculadora un momento I've just borrowed your calculator for a moment
    8 to take, to catch.
    no me gusta coger el avión I don't like flying
    9 to catch, to get (contraer) (gripe, resfriado).
    coger una borrachera to get drunk
    coger frío to get cold
    10 to start to feel (sentir) (manía, odio, afecto).
    coger cariño/miedo a to become fond/scared of
    11 to knock over, to run over.
    12 to catch.
    no cogió el chiste he didn't get the joke
    13 to get, to receive (sintonizar) (canal, emisora).
    14 to cover, to take up (abarcar) (espacio).
    15 to screw, to fuck. ( Latin American Spanish)
    16 to be.
    coge muy cerca de aquí it's not very far from here
    17 to catch on, to understand, to catch.
    Ella cogió la conversación She caught on the conversation.
    18 to have.
    Nos cogió un acceso de tos We had a coughing fit.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ PROTEGER], like link=proteger proteger
    1 (asir) to seize, take hold of
    2 (apresar) to capture, catch
    3 (tomar) to take
    4 (contratar) to take on
    5 (tren etc) to catch
    6 (tomar prestado) to borrow
    8 (enfermedad, balón) to catch
    9 (acento, costumbres) to pick up
    10 (velocidad, fuerza) to gather
    11 (atropellar) to run over, knock down
    12 (emisora, canal) to pick up, get
    13 (notas) to take, take down
    14 (oír) to catch
    15 (entender) to understand, get
    1 (plantas, colores) to take
    2 (ir) to turn, take, go
    3 familiar (caber) to fit
    1 (pillarse) to catch
    2 (agarrarse) to hold on
    coger algo por los pelos figurado to just make something
    coger del brazo a alguien to take somebody by the arm, grab somebody by the arm
    coger cariño a algo/alguien to become fond of something/somebody, take a liking to something/somebody
    coger desprevenido,-a figurado to catch unawares
    coger miedo a algo to become afraid of something
    coger por sorpresa to catch by surprise
    coger puntos (de media etc) to pick up stitches
    coger una manía a alguien familiar to take a dislike to somebody
    coger y... familiar to up and..., go and...
    cogerse un cabreo familiar to get very angry
    no hay por dónde cogerlo he hasn't got a leg to stand on
    * * *
    5) pick
    * * *
    Para las expresiones coger desprevenido, coger in fraganti, ver la otra entrada.
    1) (=con la mano)
    a) (=tomar) to take

    ¿puedo coger este? — can I take this one?

    coger a algn de la [mano] — to take sb by the hand

    ir cogidos de la mano — to walk along holding hands {o} hand in hand

    b) (=levantar) to pick up

    coge al niño, que está llorando — pick up the baby, he's crying

    c) [con fuerza] to grasp
    d) (=sostener) to hold
    2) (=escoger) to pick

    coge el que más te guste — take {o} pick the one you like best

    3) [+ flor, fruta] to pick
    4) (=quitar) [gen] to take; (=pedir prestado) to borrow

    ¿quién ha cogido el periódico? — who's taken the newspaper?

    ¿te puedo coger el bolígrafo? — can I borrow your pen?

    te he cogido la regla — I've borrowed your ruler, I've pinched your ruler *

    5) (=apuntar) to take (down)
    6) esp Esp (=conseguir) to get

    ¿nos coges dos entradas? — would you get us two tickets?

    coger [hora] para el dentista/en la peluquería — to make an appointment to see {o} with the dentist/at the hairdresser's

    7) (=adquirir)
    a) [+ enfermedad] to catch

    el niño cogió sarampión — the child got {o} caught measles

    coger [frío] — to get cold

    ha cogido una [insolación] — she's got sunstroke

    b) [+ costumbre, hábito] to get into; [+ acento] to pick up
    c) [+ fuerzas] to gather; [+ velocidad] to gather, pick up
    8) (=atrapar)
    a) esp Esp [+ persona, pez, balón] to catch

    ¡coge la pelota! — catch the ball!

    ¡por fin te he cogido! — caught you at last!

    b) esp Esp [toro] (=cornear) to gore; (=voltear) to toss
    c) esp Esp [coche] (=atropellar) to knock down, run over
    d) (Mil) to take prisoner, capture

    han cogido a quince soldados — fifteen soldiers have been taken prisoner {o} have been captured

    9) esp Esp (=sorprender) to catch

    coger a algn en una mentira — to catch sb lying, catch sb in a lie

    la guerra nos cogió en Francia — the war found {o} caught us in France

    antes que nos coja la noche — before night overtakes us {o} comes down on us

    10) (=empezar a sentir)

    coger [aversión] a algo — to take a strong dislike to sth

    coger [cariño] a algn — to grow {o} become fond of sb, become attached to sb

    coger [celos] de algn — to become jealous of sb

    11) (=tomarse) to take

    ¿vas a coger fiesta mañana? — are you going to take tomorrow off?, are you going to take the day off tomorrow?

    12) (=entender) [+ sentido, giro] to get

    ¿no has cogido el chiste? — don't you get the joke?

    13) esp Esp (=aceptar) [+ empleados, trabajo] to take on; [+ alumnos] to take in; [+ pacientes] [en hospital] to take in; [en consultorio] to take on
    14) (=alquilar) to take, rent

    cogimos un apartamento — we took {o} rented an apartment

    15) (=viajar en) [+ tren, avión, autobús] to take

    vamos a coger el tren — let's take {o} get the train

    16) (=ir por) to take
    17) (=recibir) [+ emisora, canal] to pick up, get

    con esta radio cogemos Radio Praga — we can pick up {o} get Radio Prague on this set

    18) (=retener) [+ polvo] to gather, collect

    esta moqueta coge mucho polvo — this carpet gathers {o} collects a lot of dust

    los perros cogen pulgas — dogs get {o} catch fleas

    19) (=aprender) to pick up
    20) (=incorporarse a)
    21) Méx, Arg, Ven *** [sexualmente] to fuck ***, screw ***
    1) (=estar) to be

    ¿coge muy lejos de aquí? — is it very far from here?

    2) (=ir)

    coger [por], cogió por esta calle — he went down this street

    3) Esp * (=caber) to fit

    aquí no coge — there's no room for it here, it doesn't fit (in) here

    4) [planta] to take
    5) Méx, Arg, Ven *** [sexualmente] to fuck ***, screw ***
    - cogió y se fue
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) (esp Esp)
    a) ( tomar) to take

    coge un folletopick up o take a leaflet

    esto no hay or no tiene por donde cogerlo — (fam) I just don't know where to start with this

    b) ( quitar) (+ me/te/le etc) to take
    c) <flores/fruta> to pick; < levantar> to pick up

    coger a alguien en autostop — (Esp) to pick up a hitchhiker

    no cogen el teléfono — (Esp) they're not answering the phone

    2) (esp Esp) (alcanzar, atrapar)
    a) <ladrón/terrorista> to catch
    b) < pelota> to catch
    c) <pescado/liebre> to catch
    d) toro to gore
    3) (esp Esp)
    a) ( descubrir) to catch

    lo cogieron in fraganti/robando — he was caught red-handed/stealing

    b) ( encontrar) to catch
    a) <tren/autobús/taxi> to catch, take
    b) <calle/camino> to take
    5) (Esp fam)
    a) (sacar, obtener) <billete/entrada> to get
    b) ( traer)

    vete a coger el cochego and get o bring the car

    c) ( ocupar)
    6) (Esp)
    a) ( aceptar) <dinero/trabajo/casa> to take
    b) ( admitir) to take
    c) ( atender)
    7) (esp Esp) ( adquirir)
    a) < enfermedad> to catch; < insolación> to get
    b) <polvo/suciedad> to collect, gather

    coger algo de color — ( broncearse) to get a bit of color

    c) < acento> to pick up; <costumbre/vicio> to pick up; < ritmo> to get into

    cogerla con alguiento take it out on somebody

    cogerla por hacer algo — (Ven fam) to take to doing something

    8) (esp Esp) ( captar)
    a) <sentido/significado> to get
    b) < emisora> to pick up, get
    9) (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)
    coger vi
    1) (esp Esp) planta to take; tinte/permanente to take
    a) (esp Esp)

    cojo/cogió y... — (fam)

    si empiezas con eso cojo y me voy — if you're going to start talking about that, I'm off o (AmE) I'm taking off (colloq)

    b) (esp Esp) ( por un camino)

    coge por esta calle y... — take this street and...

    c) (Esp fam) ( caber) to fit
    3) (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)
    cogerse v pron (esp Esp)
    a) (agarrarse, sujetarse) to hold on
    b) (recípr)
    * * *
    = pick up, seize, take, trap, brace, catch, grab, pick, entrap, hop on, pull from, pull off, reach out, grasp.
    Ex. Then these suggestion can be picked up by the editor, and communicated to the author.
    Ex. A vague sensation of apprehension seized the newly appointed personnel officer as she knocked on the director's door.
    Ex. If we take Cindi, Albert will almost surely grieve.
    Ex. If the borrower being processed has been set to be trapped, DOBIS/LIBIS displays the message: 'You have trapped a borrower'.
    Ex. The cheeks were braced from their tops to the ceiling, to prevent the press from twisting or shifting about in use.
    Ex. 'And of course,' said the director, brightening as his idea gave birth to another one in her mind, 'it will be interesting to know how efficient electronic systems are at catching thieves'.
    Ex. If we move fast, we can grab the space for the library.
    Ex. The network itself is assumed to be unreliable; any portion of the network could disappear at any moment ( pick your favorite catastrophe -- these days backhoes cutting cables are more of a threat than bombs).
    Ex. Librarians have been known to devote time to entrap and arrest individuals who use the library toilets for sexual purposes = Hay casos de bibliotecarios que han dedicado tiempo a atrapar y detener a individuos que utilizan los servicios de la biblioteca con fines sexuales.
    Ex. The article ' Hop on the Internet, it's time' provides a general discussion of the advantages to be gained by using the Internet.
    Ex. The data is pulled directly from all the bibliographic data bases on DIALOG that have a JN field.
    Ex. One of its main advantages is the potential to pull off descriptive entries onto disc to create annotated booklists.
    Ex. The three monkeys used in this study chose the left arm as the leading arm to reach out and pull back a spring-loaded drawer containing a food morsel.
    Ex. A mouse is commonly moved or lifted from its cage by grasping the base of the tail.
    * coger a Alguien con las manos en la masa = catch + Nombre + red-handed, catch + Nombre + in the act.
    * coger a Alguien desprevenido = catch + Nombre + off-guard, catch + Nombre + napping, catch + Nombre + flat-footed.
    * coger a Alguien in fraganti = catch + Nombre + red-handed, catch + Nombre + in the act.
    * coger a Alguien por sorpresa = catch + Nombre + off-guard, catch + Nombre + napping, catch + Nombre + flat-footed.
    * coger cariño a = grow + fond of.
    * coger con chinchetas = thumbtack.
    * coger de la mano = hold + Posesivo + hand.
    * coger desprevenido = come as + a great surprise, catch + unprepared, take + Nombre + unawares.
    * coger el avión = jet off.
    * coger el toro por los cuernos = seize + the bull by the horns, take + the bull by the horns, grasp + the nettle, face + Posesivo + fears.
    * coger la mano = take + Posesivo + hand.
    * coger las tetas = breast grabbing.
    * cogerle el gusto a = acquire + a taste for, develop + a taste for.
    * cogerle el truco a Algo = get + the hang of.
    * coger miedo = scare + Reflexivo.
    * coger peso = put on + weight, gain + weight.
    * coger por sorpresa = come as + a great surprise, catch out, blindside, take + Nombre + unawares.
    * coger rápidamente = snatch up.
    * cogerse = snag.
    * cogerse de la mano = hold + hands.
    * cogerse la mano = join + hands.
    * coger una indirecta = take + a hint, get + a hint.
    * coger un enfriamiento = catch + a chill.
    * coger un resfriado de muerte = catch + Posesivo + death (of cold).
    * coger un taxi = take + a taxi.
    * extender la mano para coger algo = hand + reach for.
    * intentar coger = reach for.
    * no coger Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no coger por sorpresa = come as + no surprise.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) (esp Esp)
    a) ( tomar) to take

    coge un folletopick up o take a leaflet

    esto no hay or no tiene por donde cogerlo — (fam) I just don't know where to start with this

    b) ( quitar) (+ me/te/le etc) to take
    c) <flores/fruta> to pick; < levantar> to pick up

    coger a alguien en autostop — (Esp) to pick up a hitchhiker

    no cogen el teléfono — (Esp) they're not answering the phone

    2) (esp Esp) (alcanzar, atrapar)
    a) <ladrón/terrorista> to catch
    b) < pelota> to catch
    c) <pescado/liebre> to catch
    d) toro to gore
    3) (esp Esp)
    a) ( descubrir) to catch

    lo cogieron in fraganti/robando — he was caught red-handed/stealing

    b) ( encontrar) to catch
    a) <tren/autobús/taxi> to catch, take
    b) <calle/camino> to take
    5) (Esp fam)
    a) (sacar, obtener) <billete/entrada> to get
    b) ( traer)

    vete a coger el cochego and get o bring the car

    c) ( ocupar)
    6) (Esp)
    a) ( aceptar) <dinero/trabajo/casa> to take
    b) ( admitir) to take
    c) ( atender)
    7) (esp Esp) ( adquirir)
    a) < enfermedad> to catch; < insolación> to get
    b) <polvo/suciedad> to collect, gather

    coger algo de color — ( broncearse) to get a bit of color

    c) < acento> to pick up; <costumbre/vicio> to pick up; < ritmo> to get into

    cogerla con alguiento take it out on somebody

    cogerla por hacer algo — (Ven fam) to take to doing something

    8) (esp Esp) ( captar)
    a) <sentido/significado> to get
    b) < emisora> to pick up, get
    9) (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)
    coger vi
    1) (esp Esp) planta to take; tinte/permanente to take
    a) (esp Esp)

    cojo/cogió y... — (fam)

    si empiezas con eso cojo y me voy — if you're going to start talking about that, I'm off o (AmE) I'm taking off (colloq)

    b) (esp Esp) ( por un camino)

    coge por esta calle y... — take this street and...

    c) (Esp fam) ( caber) to fit
    3) (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)
    cogerse v pron (esp Esp)
    a) (agarrarse, sujetarse) to hold on
    b) (recípr)
    * * *
    = pick up, seize, take, trap, brace, catch, grab, pick, entrap, hop on, pull from, pull off, reach out, grasp.

    Ex: Then these suggestion can be picked up by the editor, and communicated to the author.

    Ex: A vague sensation of apprehension seized the newly appointed personnel officer as she knocked on the director's door.
    Ex: If we take Cindi, Albert will almost surely grieve.
    Ex: If the borrower being processed has been set to be trapped, DOBIS/LIBIS displays the message: 'You have trapped a borrower'.
    Ex: The cheeks were braced from their tops to the ceiling, to prevent the press from twisting or shifting about in use.
    Ex: 'And of course,' said the director, brightening as his idea gave birth to another one in her mind, 'it will be interesting to know how efficient electronic systems are at catching thieves'.
    Ex: If we move fast, we can grab the space for the library.
    Ex: The network itself is assumed to be unreliable; any portion of the network could disappear at any moment ( pick your favorite catastrophe -- these days backhoes cutting cables are more of a threat than bombs).
    Ex: Librarians have been known to devote time to entrap and arrest individuals who use the library toilets for sexual purposes = Hay casos de bibliotecarios que han dedicado tiempo a atrapar y detener a individuos que utilizan los servicios de la biblioteca con fines sexuales.
    Ex: The article ' Hop on the Internet, it's time' provides a general discussion of the advantages to be gained by using the Internet.
    Ex: The data is pulled directly from all the bibliographic data bases on DIALOG that have a JN field.
    Ex: One of its main advantages is the potential to pull off descriptive entries onto disc to create annotated booklists.
    Ex: The three monkeys used in this study chose the left arm as the leading arm to reach out and pull back a spring-loaded drawer containing a food morsel.
    Ex: A mouse is commonly moved or lifted from its cage by grasping the base of the tail.
    * coger a Alguien con las manos en la masa = catch + Nombre + red-handed, catch + Nombre + in the act.
    * coger a Alguien desprevenido = catch + Nombre + off-guard, catch + Nombre + napping, catch + Nombre + flat-footed.
    * coger a Alguien in fraganti = catch + Nombre + red-handed, catch + Nombre + in the act.
    * coger a Alguien por sorpresa = catch + Nombre + off-guard, catch + Nombre + napping, catch + Nombre + flat-footed.
    * coger cariño a = grow + fond of.
    * coger con chinchetas = thumbtack.
    * coger de la mano = hold + Posesivo + hand.
    * coger desprevenido = come as + a great surprise, catch + unprepared, take + Nombre + unawares.
    * coger el avión = jet off.
    * coger el toro por los cuernos = seize + the bull by the horns, take + the bull by the horns, grasp + the nettle, face + Posesivo + fears.
    * coger la mano = take + Posesivo + hand.
    * coger las tetas = breast grabbing.
    * cogerle el gusto a = acquire + a taste for, develop + a taste for.
    * cogerle el truco a Algo = get + the hang of.
    * coger miedo = scare + Reflexivo.
    * coger peso = put on + weight, gain + weight.
    * coger por sorpresa = come as + a great surprise, catch out, blindside, take + Nombre + unawares.
    * coger rápidamente = snatch up.
    * cogerse = snag.
    * cogerse de la mano = hold + hands.
    * cogerse la mano = join + hands.
    * coger una indirecta = take + a hint, get + a hint.
    * coger un enfriamiento = catch + a chill.
    * coger un resfriado de muerte = catch + Posesivo + death (of cold).
    * coger un taxi = take + a taxi.
    * extender la mano para coger algo = hand + reach for.
    * intentar coger = reach for.
    * no coger Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no coger por sorpresa = come as + no surprise.

    * * *
    coger [E6 ]
    1 (tomar) to take
    coge lo que quieras take what you like
    a la salida coge un folleto pick up o take a leaflet on the way out
    lo cogió del brazo she took him by the arm
    no ha cogido una brocha en su vida she's never used o picked up a paintbrush in her life
    esto no hay or no tiene por donde cogerlo ( fam); I just don't know where to start with this, I can't make head or tail of this ( colloq)
    2 (quitar) (+ me/te/le etc) to take
    siempre me está cogiendo los lápices she's always taking my pencils
    3 (recoger) to pick up; ‹flores/moras/uvas› to pick
    coge esa revista del suelo pick that magazine up off the floor
    ¿quién ha cogido el dinero que dejé aquí? who's taken the money I left here?
    cogió sus cosas y se largó she got her things together o picked up her things and left
    coger los puntos pick up the stitches
    cogió al niño en brazos she picked the child up in her arms
    no cogen el teléfono they're not answering the phone
    B (alcanzar, atrapar)
    1 ( esp Esp) ‹ladrón/terrorista› to catch
    como te coja, ya verás you'll be sorry if I catch you
    2 ‹pelota› to catch
    3 ‹pescado› to catch; ‹liebres/faisanes› to catch, bag
    4 ( esp Esp) «toro» to gore; «coche» to knock … down
    1 ( esp Esp) (descubrir) to catch
    lo cogieron in fraganti/robando he was caught red-handed/stealing
    los cogieron con 100 gramos de cocaína they were caught with 100 grams of cocaine
    2 (encontrar) ( esp Esp) to catch
    no quiero que me coja la noche en la carretera I don't want to be driving when it gets dark
    la noticia nos cogió en París we were in Paris when we got the news
    me cogió de buenas/malas she caught me in a good/bad mood
    nos cogió desprevenidos it took us by surprise, it caught us unawares
    1 ‹tren/autobús/taxi› to catch, take
    no me apetece coger el coche I don't feel like taking the car
    hace años que no cojo un coche I haven't driven for years
    2 ‹calle/camino› to take
    coge la primera a la derecha take the first right
    1 ( Esp fam) (sacar, obtener) ‹billete/entrada› to get
    tengo que coger hora para ir al médico I have to make an appointment to see the doctor
    (ocupar): ve pronto y coge sitio get there early and save a place
    coge la vez en la cola take your turn in the line ( AmE) o ( BrE) queue
    cogió la delantera he took the lead
    1 ‹dinero/propina› to take
    2 ‹trabajo/casa› to take
    cogió una casa en las afueras she took a house in the outskirts
    no puedo coger más clases I can't take on any more classes
    ( Esp) (admitir, atender): ya no cogen más niños en ese colegio they're not taking any more children at that school now
    estuvimos haciendo autostop durante horas hasta que nos cogieron we were hitching for hours before someone picked us up
    no pudieron cogerme en la peluquería, they couldn't fit me in at the hairdresser's
    entrevistó a cinco personas, pero no cogió a ninguno she interviewed five people, but she didn't give the job to any of them o she didn't take any of them on
    1 ‹enfermedad› to catch; ‹insolación› to get
    vas a coger frío you'll catch cold
    2 ‹borrachera/berrinche›
    cogí una borrachera I got plastered ( colloq)
    cogió un berrinche she had a temper tantrum
    3 ‹polvo/suciedad› to collect, gather
    con dos días en la playa ya cojo algo de color it only takes me a couple of days on the beach to start to tan o to get a bit of color
    los tejidos sintéticos no cogen bien el tinte synthetic fabrics don't dye well
    4 ‹costumbre/vicio/acento› to pick up; ‹ritmo› to get into
    le cogí cariño I got quite fond of him
    si le gritas te va a coger manía if you shout at him he'll take against you
    cogerla con algn to take it out on sb
    cogerla por hacer algo ( Ven fam); to take to doing sth
    1 ‹sentido/significado› to get
    no cogió el chiste/la indirecta he didn't get the joke/take the hint
    2 ‹emisora› to pick up, get
    3 ‹programa/frase› to catch
    cogí el programa por la mitad I only caught the second half of the program
    4 ‹apuntes/notas› to take
    le cogió las medidas para el vestido she measured her o took her measurements for the dress
    D (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) (acostarse con) to screw ( vulg), to fuck ( vulg)
    ■ coger
    1 «planta» to take
    2 «tinte/permanente» to take
    el tinte no cogió the dye didn't take
    coge/cogió y … ( fam): si empiezas con ese tema cojo y me voy if you're going to start talking about that, I'm off o ( AmE) I'm taking off ( colloq)
    de repente cogió y se fue suddenly he upped and went ( colloq)
    cogió y se puso a llorar she (suddenly) burst into tears
    (por un camino): cogieron por el camino más corto they took the shortest route
    coge por esta calle go down this street
    3 ( Esp fam) (caber) to fit
    C (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) (copular) to screw ( vulg), to fuck ( vulg)
    1 (agarrarse, sujetarse) to hold on
    cógete de la barandilla hold on to the railing
    2 ( recípr):
    iban cogidos de la mano they were walking along hand in hand
    * * *


    coger ( conjugate coger) verbo transitivo
    1 (esp Esp)
    a) ( tomar) to take;

    coge un folleto pick up o take a leaflet

    c)flores/fruta to pick

    no cogen el teléfono (Esp) they're not answering the phone
    2 ( atrapar) (esp Esp)
    a)ladrón/pelota to catch

    b)pescado/liebre to catch

    a)tren/autobús/taxi to catch, take

    b)calle/camino to take

    4 (Esp fam)
    a) ( obtener) ‹billete/entrada to get;

    coger sitio to save a place
    b) ( aceptar) ‹dinero/trabajo/casa to take

    c) ( admitir) ‹alumnos/solicitudes to take

    5 (esp Esp) ( adquirir)
    a) enfermedad to catch;

    insolación to get;

    b) acento to pick up;

    costumbre/vicio to pick up;

    6 (esp Esp) ( captar)
    a)sentido/significado to get

    7 (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)
    verbo intransitivo
    1 (esp Esp) [ planta] to take;
    [tinte/permanente] to take
    2 (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)
    cogerse verbo pronominal (esp Esp)
    a) (agarrarse, sujetarse) to hold on;

    b) ( recípr):

    I verbo transitivo
    1 to take
    (agarrar) to seize: me cogió del brazo, he seized me by the arm
    (sostener) to hold: cógeme el bolso un momento, por favor, please hold my bag for a moment
    2 (un medio de transporte) to take, catch
    (una pelota, un resfriado, a alguien que huye, a alguien haciendo algo) to catch: ¡te cogí!, I caught you!
    3 (recoger del suelo) to pick (up)
    (una cosecha, flores, ropa tendida) to pick
    4 (un hábito) to pick up
    (velocidad, impulso) to gather
    5 (entender el sentido de algo) to grasp: no lo cojo, I don't understand it
    6 (atropellar) to run over, knock down
    7 LAm vulgar to fuck
    II verbo intransitivo familiar
    1 (caber) to fit
    2 (para indicar inicio de acción) cogió y se puso a cantar, he went and started singing
    ♦ Locuciones: ¡Dios me/te/le... coja confesado!, Lord help us!
    no hay por donde cogerlo, awful, third-rate
    ' coger' also found in these entries:
    - acostumbrada
    - acostumbrado
    - agarrar
    - alcanzar
    - anillo
    - atajo
    - baja
    - banda
    - calle
    - camino
    - debajo
    - despechugada
    - despechugado
    - desprevenida
    - desprevenido
    - embalarse
    - empuñar
    - enfriarse
    - horizontal
    - ligar
    - mona
    - prestar
    - separarse
    - soler
    - sorprender
    - sujetar
    - timón
    - tomar
    - toro
    - turca
    - volante
    - carrerilla
    - catarro
    - frío
    - mano
    - perra
    - sorpresa
    - tren
    - trompa
    - bend
    - bypass
    - catch
    - catch out
    - catch up
    - cotton
    - end
    - entrap
    - gather
    - get
    - go down with
    - hold
    - hook
    - hop
    - lasso
    - luckily
    - nail
    - observe
    - opt
    - pants
    - pick
    - pluck
    - reach
    - red-handed
    - stick
    - take
    - take to
    - tape
    - train
    - trip up
    - umbrella
    - unawares
    - answer
    - fuck
    - hint
    - knack
    - latch
    - nab
    - prisoner
    - red
    - surprise
    - up
    * * *
    coger Although the word coger is accepted in educated use throughout Latin America, in many places its principal meaning is the taboo sense indicated at 21. For this reason it tends to be avoided in other contexts, and is usually replaced by agarrar.
    1. [tomar, agarrar] to take;
    coger a alguien de la mano to take sb by the hand;
    pasear cogidos de la mano to walk hand in hand;
    coger a alguien en brazos to take sb in one's arms;
    coge la tetera por el asa take o hold the teapot by the handle;
    coge esta bolsa un momento hold this bag a moment;
    ¿puedes coger el teléfono, por favor? could you pick the phone up o answer the phone, please?;
    éste no ha cogido un libro en su vida he's never picked up a book in his life;
    no haber por dónde cogerlo: esta película no hay por dónde cogerla I couldn't make head or tail of this movie o Br film;
    tu hermano es muy raro, no hay por dónde cogerlo your brother's very strange, it's hard to know what to make of him;
    se sabe todas las respuestas, no hay por dónde cogerlo he knows all the answers, it's impossible to catch him out
    2. [quitar] to take;
    coger algo a alguien to take sth from sb;
    ¿quién me ha cogido el lápiz? who's taken my pencil?;
    te he cogido la calculadora un momento I've just borrowed your calculator for a moment
    3. [recoger] [objeto caído] to pick up;
    [frutos, flores] to pick;
    se me ha caído el bolígrafo, ¿me lo puedes coger? I've dropped my pen, could you pick it up for me?;
    nos gusta mucho coger setas we really enjoy picking mushrooms o going mushrooming;
    cogimos a un autoestopista muy simpático we picked up a very friendly hitchhiker
    4. [atrapar] [ladrón, pez, pájaro, pelota] to catch;
    ¿a que no me coges? bet you can't catch me!;
    ¡si te cojo, te la cargas! if I catch you, you'll be in for it!
    5. [sorprender]
    coger a alguien haciendo algo to catch sb doing sth;
    coger a alguien desprevenido to take sb by surprise;
    coger a alguien in fraganti to catch sb red-handed o in the act;
    la tormenta me cogió cerca de casa the storm broke when I was nearly home;
    el terremoto nos cogió en la capital the earthquake happened while we were in the capital;
    lo cogí de buen humor I caught him in a good mood
    6. [alcanzar] [persona, vehículo] to catch up with;
    aceleró para coger al corredor que llevaba delante she ran faster to try and catch up with the runner in front of her;
    cogió la delantera tras la segunda vuelta she went into o took the lead after the second lap
    7. [tren, autobús] to take, to catch;
    no me gusta coger el avión I don't like flying;
    prefiero coger el coche I'd rather drive
    8. [sacar, obtener] to get;
    he cogido hora con el dentista I've made an appointment with the dentist;
    ¿has cogido las entradas? have you got the tickets?
    9. [quedarse con] [propina, empleo, apartamento] to take;
    ha cogido un trabajo de mecanógrafo he has taken a job as a typist;
    llegaremos pronto para coger buen sitio we'll get there early to get a good seat;
    están tan ocupados que ya no cogen más encargos they're so busy they've stopped taking on o accepting orders
    10. [contratar, admitir] [personal] to take on;
    hemos cogido a una secretaria nueva we've taken on a new secretary;
    el colegio ya no coge más alumnos para este curso the school has stopped taking pupils for this year
    11. [contraer] [gripe, resfriado] to catch, to get;
    coger frío to get cold;
    coger una insolación to get sunstroke;
    coger el sarampión to get o catch (the) measles;
    coger una borrachera to get drunk;
    coger un berrinche to throw a tantrum
    12. [absorber] to absorb, to soak up;
    este tipo de esponja coge mucha agua this type of sponge absorbs a lot of water;
    esta mesa coge mucho polvo al lado de la ventana this table gets very dusty o gathers a lot of dust next to the window
    13. [empezar a sentir] [odio, afecto] to start to feel;
    coger cariño/miedo a to become fond/scared of
    14. [adquirir] [costumbre, vicio, acento] to pick up;
    los hijos cogen los hábitos de los padres children pick up the habits of their parents;
    ha cogido la costumbre de cantar por las mañanas she has taken to singing in the mornings;
    cogerle el truco o [m5] tranquillo a algo to get the knack of sth;
    cogerla con alguien: la ha cogido con nosotros, y no deja de molestarnos she's got it in for us and never leaves us alone
    15. [sintonizar] [canal, emisora] to get, to receive
    16. [entender] to get;
    [oír] to catch;
    ¿coges lo que te digo? do you get o understand what I'm saying to you?;
    no cogió la indirecta she didn't take the hint;
    no cogió el chiste he didn't get the joke;
    cogí su comentario a mitad I only half heard what she said, I only caught half of what she said
    17. [cobrar]
    coger fuerzas to build up one's strength;
    coger velocidad to gather o gain speed
    18. [sujeto: vehículo] to knock over, to run over;
    [sujeto: toro] to gore;
    me cogió un coche, y ando con muletas I was run over o hit by a car, and I'm on crutches now;
    le cogió un toro he was gored by a bull
    19. [abarcar] [espacio] to cover, to take up;
    estas oficinas cogen tres plantas del edificio these offices take up o occupy three floors of the building
    20. [elegir] to choose;
    cogió un mal momento para anunciar el resultado she chose a bad moment to announce the result
    21. Am Vulg [tener relaciones sexuales con] to screw, to fuck;
    coger a alguien to screw o fuck sb
    1. [situarse] to be;
    coge muy cerca de aquí it's not very far from here
    2. [dirigirse]
    coger a la derecha/la izquierda to turn right/left;
    coge por la calle de la iglesia take the church road
    3. [enraizar] to take;
    los rosales han cogido the roses have taken
    4. [contestar al teléfono] to answer;
    llevo un rato llamando, pero no cogen I've been calling for a while now, but there's no answer o they don't answer
    5. [indicando acción repentina]
    cogió y se fue she upped and went;
    de pronto cogió y me insultó he turned round and insulted me;
    si seguimos así, cojo y me marcho if we carry on like this, I'm off
    6. Am Vulg [tener relaciones sexuales] to screw, to fuck;
    coger con alguien to screw o fuck sb
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 ( asir) take (hold of); del suelo pick up
    2 L.Am. vulg
    screw vulg
    4 TRANSP catch, take;
    coger el tren/bus catch the train/bus
    5 ( entender) get
    6 emisora de radio pick up
    II v/i
    1 en un espacio fit
    2 L.Am. vulg
    screw vulg
    3 de una planta take, take root
    coger por la primera a la derecha take the first right
    * * *
    coger {15} vt
    1) : to seize, to take hold of
    2) : to catch
    3) : to pick up
    4) : to gather, to pick
    5) : to gore
    * * *
    coger vb
    1. (tomar) to take [pt. took; pp. taken]
    ¿quién ha cogido mi libro? who's taken my book?
    2. (pillar) to catch [pt. & pp. caught]
    quiero coger el tren de las 10.30 I want to catch the 10.30 train
    ¿a que no me coges? I bet you can't catch me
    3. (entender) to get
    4. (fruta, flor) to pick
    5. (emisora, canal) to pick up
    6. (tomar prestado) to borrow
    te cojo el diccionario, ¿vale? I'm just borrowing your dictionary, OK?
    te llevo a tu casa, me coge de camino I'll take you home, it's on my way

    Spanish-English dictionary > coger

  • 20 coperto

    * * *
    1. past part vedere coprire
    2. adj covered (di with)
    cielo overcast, cloudy
    3. m cover, shelter
    prezzo cover charge
    essere al coperto be under cover, be sheltered
    * * *
    coperto1 agg.
    1 ( riparato) covered, sheltered: passaggio coperto, covered passage (o way); campo da tennis coperto, indoor (tennis) court; piscina coperta, indoor (swimming-)pool; carrozza coperta, closed carriage // (comm.): essere coperto, to be covered; assegno coperto, covered (o certified) cheque
    2 ( cosparso) covered, clad: i campi erano completamente coperti di neve, the fields were completely covered in (o with) snow; cime di montagna coperte di neve, snow-clad mountain tops; coperto di sudore, covered with sweat
    3 ( di cielo) overcast, cloudy: domani cielo coperto su tutto il paese, tomorrow it will be generally cloudy over the whole country
    4 ( vestito) clothed, clad: non sei troppo coperto?, aren't you too heavily clothed?; erano ben coperti perché faceva freddo, they were warmly clad (o well wrapped up) because it was cold
    5 ( nascosto) concealed, hidden; ( segreto) secret; (mil.) masked: minacce coperte, veiled (o hidden) threats; giocare a carte coperte, to play without showing one's cards (o hand); uomo con il viso coperto, masked man // (mil.): batteria coperta, masked battery; nemico coperto, covert enemy
    s.m. ( luogo riparato) cover, shelter: al coperto, under cover; mettere, mettersi al coperto dalla pioggia, to shelter (o to take shelter) from the rain; mettersi al coperto, to take cover (o to get under cover).
    coperto2 s.m.
    1 ( posto a tavola) place; (fam.) knife and fork; ( nei ristoranti) cover: una tavola di otto coperti, a table laid for eight; quanti coperti hai messo?, how many places (o covers) have you laid?; svelto, metti un altro coperto, quick, lay another place
    2 ( prezzo) cover charge.
    * * *
    [ko'pɛrto] coperto (-a)
    1. pp
    2. agg
    (gen) Assicurazione covered, (luogo: riparato) sheltered, (piscina, campo da tennis) indoor attr, (cielo) overcast
    3. sm

    al coperto — under cover, indoors

    in caso di pioggia la festa si svolgerà al coperto — if it rains, the party will be held indoors

    * * *
    [ko'pɛrto] 1. 2.
    1) (ricoperto) covered (di in)

    coperto di medaglie, di onori — fig. loaded o showered with medals, honours

    2) (interno) [piscina, campo da tennis] indoor, covered; [mercato, stadio] covered; [ passaggio] covered, enclosed; (chiuso) [ vettura] covered
    4) (nascosto) hidden, concealed; [ carta da gioco] face down; fig. (velato) [ minaccia] veiled
    5) meteor. [cielo, tempo] overcast, clouded, cloudy
    6) econ. [ assegno] covered
    7) (assicurato) covered
    sostantivo maschile
    1) (accessori per il pasto) cover, place setting

    aggiungere un copertoto set another o lay an extra place

    2) comm. (al ristorante) cover charge
    3) al coperto [ giocare] indoors
    * * *
     →  coprire
     1 (ricoperto) covered (di in); coperto di medaglie, di onori fig. loaded o showered with medals, honours; coperto di debiti debt-laden
     2 (interno) [piscina, campo da tennis] indoor, covered; [mercato, stadio] covered; [ passaggio] covered, enclosed; (chiuso) [ vettura] covered
     3 (vestito) sono troppo coperto I've got too many clothes on
     4 (nascosto) hidden, concealed; [ carta da gioco] face down; fig. (velato) [ minaccia] veiled
     5 meteor. [cielo, tempo] overcast, clouded, cloudy
     6 econ. [ assegno] covered
     7 (assicurato) covered
    III sostantivo m.
     1 (accessori per il pasto) cover, place setting; mettere in tavola quattro -i to lay the table for four; aggiungere un coperto to set another o lay an extra place; una tavola per sei -i a table set o laid for six
     2 comm. (al ristorante) cover charge
     3 al coperto [ giocare] indoors; mettersi al coperto to take cover.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > coperto

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Places of worship in Bangalore — Bengaluru   metropolis   …   Wikipedia

  • Places in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy — Hitchhiker s portal This is a list of places featured in Douglas Adams s science fiction series, The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy. The series is set in a fictionalised version of the Milky Way galaxy and thus, while most locations are pure… …   Wikipedia

  • Places in the Wheel of Time series — This article is about the countries, cities, towns, and other important locations in Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time fantasy fiction series. With the publication in 1997 of The World of Robert Jordan s The Wheel of Time (often called World ),… …   Wikipedia

  • Places in Harry Potter — J. K. Rowling s Harry Potter universe contains numerous settings for the events in her fantasy novels. These locations are categorised as a dwelling, school, shopping district, or government affiliated locale. Contents 1 Dwellings 1.1 The Burrow… …   Wikipedia

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