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  • 21 في

    في \ a; an; each; every: twice a day; 80 miles an hour. at: (showing where): at home; at the office, (showing a point of time) at midday; at 4 o’clock; He was married at 18, (after an adj) good at English; quick at sums. by: during: We travelled by night. in: showing where: In bed; in London; in the box; in his speech, showing condition In a hurry; in trouble, showing a direction; into He fell in the river. He put his hand in his pocket, showing when; during In the past; in January 1980; in the evening, showing what sth. contains or includes There are 60 minutes in an hour. Is he in your team?, showing what sb. wears He was in his best suit, showing a shape or arrangement They stood in a row, showing employment or activity or an event He’s in the navy. She was killed in the accident. on: showing when: on Monday; on May the 6th. showing the state of sb.:: Are you here on business or on holiday?. per: for each: He earns $8000 per annum (for each year). \ في (أيّ مَكَان)‏ \ anywhere: in or to any place: Are you going anywhere?. \ See Also إلى( إلى)‏ \ في \ home: to or at one’s house: Go home! Is your son home yet?. \ See Also إلى البيت \ في \ inside: on (or to) the inside. \ See Also إلى الداخل \ في \ inland: away from the sea: We crossed the coast and flew inland. \ See Also إلى داخل البلاد \ في \ indoors: into (or in) a building: He went (or He stayed) indoors because of the rain. \ See Also إلى داخل البيت \ في \ on board: on (or onto) a ship or aeroplane: There are 70 men on board. Can I go on board the aircraft?. \ See Also إلى دَاخِل الطَّائِرَة \ في \ upstairs: on, at or to a higher floor; up the stairs; at the top of the stairs: She went upstairs because her room is upstairs. She has an upstairs bedroom. \ See Also إلى الدَّور الأَعْلى \ في \ low: to or in a low position: The sun had sunk low in the sky. \ See Also إلى وَضْع مُنْخفِض \ في \ whereabouts: in or near which place: Whereabouts did you find this ring?. \ See Also قرب أيّ مكان؟ \ في \ upstream: against the flow of the stream; up the river: They rowed (the boat) upstream. \ See Also نَحْوَ أعلى النَّهر \ في الاتجاه المعاكس \ backward(s): towards the back: He fell over backwards. \ في أَثَر \ after: following, in search of: I ran after him but could not catch him. The police are after him. \ في أثناء الخِدْمَة (خارج أوقات الخِدمة)‏ \ on duty, (off duty): at work (not at work): The night nurse has 12 hours on duty, then 12 hours off duty. She went on duty at 18.00 and came off duty at 06.00. \ في أثناء ذلك \ meanwhile, meantime: (in) the time between: You’ll have to wait till he’s ready; but you can read this (in the) meanwhile. \ في إجازة \ off: free from work: My employer gave me the afternoon off. \ See Also عطلة (عُطْلَة)‏ \ في أَحْسَن الأَحْوَال \ at best: in the most hopeful conditions: At best, we can’t be ready till Tuesday. \ في آخر \ eventually: in the end: The car kept stopping, but we got home eventually. ultimately: in the end: We must all, ultimately, die. \ See Also نهاية الأمر \ في آخر رَمَق \ on one’s last legs: (of a person or thing) not expected to last much longer; worn out; almost in ruins: That company is on its last legs. \ في آخر لحظة \ in the nick of time: just in time; almost too late: She saved him in the nick of time from falling over the cliff. \ في أَرْجَاء \ about: from place to place in: We wandered about the town. round: (also around) from place to place: He wandered (a)round (the town). We travelled (a)round (the country). \ في أَسْفَل \ under: (also underneath), in a lower position. underneath: (of position) below: It was hidden underneath the floor boards. \ See Also الأسفل (الأَسْفَل)‏ \ في الأَصْل \ originally: in the beginning: This school was originally a rich man’s home. \ في الأَعْلَى \ up: in or to higher position: She lives up in the hills. \ في أغلب الظَّنّ \ doubtless: probably: It will doubtless rain on the day of the garden party. \ في أَفْضَل حَالَة \ at one’s best: in one’s best state: My garden is at its best in spring. \ في أقلّ مِن \ within: in less than: He will arrive within an hour. I live within a mile of the sea. \ في الأمام \ in front: at the front: You go in front and I’ll follow. \ في أَوَاخِر \ late: near the end of a period of time: Late in the year; in the late afternoon. \ في الأوْج \ in full swing: (of an activity) at its highest point; very busy: The party was in full swing when I arrived. \ في أوجِ الإزْهَار \ in bloom: flowering: The roses are in bloom now. \ في أيّ مَكَان \ anywhere: in no matter what place: Put it down anywhere. \ في أيّ وقت \ ever: (esp. in a negative sentence or a question) at any time: Nobody ever writes to me. Have you ever been to Rome? If you ever go there, you must see St. Peter’s cathedral. \ في أيّ وقت مَضَى \ ever: (in a comparative sentence) at any time: He’s working harder than ever. This is the best book I’ve ever read. \ في بادئ الأمر \ at first: at the beginning: At first the new school seemed strange, but then we got used to it. \ في البَدْء \ primarily: mainly; in the first place: This book is written primarily for foreigners. \ See Also أصلا (أَصْلاً)، أساسا (أساسًا)‏ \ في بعض الوقت \ part-time: for only part of the usual working time: She’s a part-time teacher. \ في البيت \ at home: in one’s house: He’s at home in the evenings. \ في البيت المُجَاوِر \ next, next door: in the next house: He lives next door. He is my nextdoor neighbour. \ في تَحَسُّن (من النّاحية الصحّية)‏ \ on the mend: getting better in health (after an illness). \ في تِلْكَ الحالةِ \ in that case: if that happens, or has happened: He may be late. In that case, we shall go without him, if that happens, or has happened He may be late. In that case, we shall go without him. \ في تِلْكَ اللَّحظة \ just: (with continuous tenses; always directly before the present participle) at this moment; at that moment: We’re just starting dinner. We were just starting dinner when he arrived. \ في التَّوّ \ straight away: at once. \ في جانب \ in favour of: supporting: I’m in favour of your plans. \ في الجَانِب الآخَر مِن \ across: on the other side of: My home is across the river. \ في جانب \ for: in favour of: Are you for this idea or against it?. \ See Also صف (صَفّ)‏ \ في جزء أدنى مِن \ down: at a lower level: My house is a little way down the hill. \ في الجِوَار \ about: around; near: There’s a lot of illness about. I went out early, when no one was about (when no one else was out). \ في الحَال \ at once: without delay: Stop that at once!. away: right away; straight away. immediately: at once. instantly: at once. on the spot: in that place and at that moment: He gave me the bill and I paid it on the spot. readily: without delay: The book you need is not readily obtainable. straight away: at once. \ في حَالَةِ \ at: (showing a state): at war; at play. on: showing the state of sth.: The house is on fire. \ في حَالَة حَسَنَة \ well, (better, best): the opposite of ill and unwell; in good health: Don’t you feel well? You’ll soon get better if you drink this medicine. How are you? Very well, thank you. I feel best in the early morning (better than at any other time). \ في حَالَة سَيِّئَة \ in a bad way: in a bad state. \ في حَالَة عَدَم توفُّر \ failing: giving a second choice of action, if the first choice fails: Ask John to do it. Failing him, ask Michael. \ في حَالَة فَوْضَى \ chaotic: in a state of chaos: The young teacher had a chaotic classroom. \ في حَالَةِ وُجُود \ in case of: in the event of; if there is: In case of fire, ring the bell. \ في حَالَةِ ما إِذَا \ in case: because of the possibility of sth. happening: Take a stick, in case you meet a snake. \ في حركة دائِمة \ on the move: moving; travelling: He’s always on the move and never settles for long. \ في الحَقِيقَة \ as a matter of fact, in fact: really; in truth: The dog seemed dead but in fact it was only asleep. As a matter of fact, I don’t like Michael. in point of fact: actually, in fact. in reality: in fact. really: truly; in fact: Is he really your son? He does not look like you!. \ في حَيْرَة من أَمْره \ at one’s wits’ end: too worried by difficulties to know what to do. \ في حين \ whereas: but: They are looking for a house, whereas we would rather live in a flat. \ في حينه \ round: following a regular course: Wait till your turn comes round. \ في الخَارِج \ abroad: in or to another country: I spent my holiday abroad. out: in (or into) the open; away from shelter; in (or into) view: Don’t stand out in the rain. The ship was far out at sea. out of door, outdoors: in the open air; not in a house: I like sleeping out of doors under the stars. outside: not within; in the open air; on the outer side: It’s raining outside. The cup is blue outside, and white inside. overseas: across the sea; (to the British, the mainland of Europe is abroad but it is not overseas): She is working overseas, in South America. \ في خِدمَة... \ at one’s service: ready to fulfil one’s needs: The hotel car is at your service if you want to go anywhere. \ في خَريف العُمر \ middle-aged: neither young nor old; aged between about 40 and 65. \ في خطٍّ مُستقيم \ as the crow flies: in a straight line: It is 5 miles away by road, but only 2 miles as the crow flies. \ فِي الخَفَاء \ stealth: by stealth using secret and quiet action: He got into the house by stealth, not by force. \ في خِلال \ in: showing a space of time before sth. will happen; after: I’ll come in a few days (or in a minute). in the course of: during: In the course of the morning I had seven visitors. \ في الدّاخل \ in: in a building, esp. at home, work or where one is expected to be: Is anyone in? I’m afraid Mr. Jones is out, but he’ll be in at 5 o’clock. \ في داخِل \ in: showing a direction; into: He fell in the river. He put his hand in his pocket. inside: on (or to) the inside of: Please wait inside the room. \ في داخِل النَّفْس \ inwardly: secretly; as regards one’s inner feelings: I was inwardly delighted, but I pretended not to care. \ في دَرَجَة الغَلَيان \ on the boil: boiling; at this heat. \ في ذلك المكان \ there: at that place: I live there. \ في رأيي \ to my mind: in my opinion: To my mind, this is most dishonest. \ في سَبِيل \ in the process of: to be doing: I am in the process of painting my house. sake, for the sake, of, for sb.’s sake: for the good of; so as to help: Soldiers die for the sake of their county (or for their country’s sake). Don’t take any risks for my sake, for the desire of Why ruin your health for the sake of a little pleasure?. \ في سِنّ المُرَاهَقَة \ teenage: in one’s teens: a teenage girl. \ في شكّ \ in doubt: uncertain: When in doubt, ask your father. \ في صحَّة جيِّدة \ fit: healthy: We take exercise so as to keep fit. \ في صَفّ \ in single file: in one line, one behind the other: We had to ride in single file down the narrow path. \ في الطّابِق الأَسْفل \ downstairs: at the bottom of the stairs; in a room at that level: I’ll wait for you downstairs. \ في الطّابِق الفوقانيّ \ overhead: above one’s head: a noise in the room overhead; clouds in the sky overhead. \ في طَرَف \ up: along (up and down are both used like this, although the course may be quite level): He lives just up the road. \ في طريق النُّور \ in sb.’s light: preventing light from reaching him: I can’t read if you stand in my light. \ في الظّاهر \ outwardly: as regards the appearance (compared with the hidden facts or inner feelings): She was outwardly calm but inwardly full of anger. \ في العَام \ annual: happening every year; of a year: an annual feast; the annual production of oil. \ في عَجلة من أمره \ in a hurry: Ants are always in a hurry. \ في العَرَاء \ in the open: outside in the air: I like to sleep out in the open, under she stars. outdoors, out of doors: the open air; not in a building: Go outdoors and play football. \ في (عُرض) البَحْر \ at sea: on the sea; far from land: a storm at sea. \ في عُطلة \ on holiday, on vacation: having a holiday: The schools are on holiday. We’re going on vacation to the sea. \ See Also إجازة( إجازة)‏ \ في غابر الأزمان (كان يا ما كان...)‏ \ once upon a time: (used at the beginning of stories). \ في الغَالِب \ mainly: chiefly; mostly. \ في غالِب الظنّ \ probably: almost certainly; with little doubt: You’re probably right. \ في غاية الجُنون \ raving mad: noisily and violently mad. \ في غَمْضَة عَيْن \ in no time: very quickly; very soon: If you follow this path, you’ll get there in no time. \ في غِيَابِه \ behind sb.’s back: when someone is not present: He tells untrue stories about me behind my back. \ في كُلٍّ \ a; an; each; every: twice a day. 80 miles an hour. ten pence a packet. \ في كل مكان \ everywhere: in all places: I’ve looked for it everywhere. \ في كل وقت \ ever: at all times; always: I shall stay there for ever. \ في لحظة خاطفة \ in a flash: very quickly and suddenly: He seized the money and was gone in a flash. \ في اللحظة المناسبة \ in the nick of time: just in time; almost too late: She saved him in the nick of time from falling over the cliff. \ في اللَّيْل \ at night: during the night. overnight: for the night: I shall stay at a hotel overnight and come back tomorrow, on the night before; during the night I packed my suitcase overnight, so as to be ready to leave at sunrise. His car was stolen overnight. \ في المائَة \ per cent: for, out, of, each hundred: Six per cent of the boys failed the exam, (one part) of each hundred I’m a 100 per cent in agreement with you. About 70 per cent (written as 70%) of the people are farmers. \ في المُتَنَاوَل \ forthcoming: supplied when needed: We wanted a new school clock, but the money was not forthcoming. \ في مُتَناوَل \ within: inside; not beyond; within reach; within one’s powers. \ في متناول اليَد \ at hand: near; within reach: Help was at hand. handy: near; easily reached when wanted: Keep that book handy so that you can look at it often. \ في مَجْمُوعَة بين \ among(st): in the middle of; mixed with; surrounded by: I found this letter among my books. There is a secret enemy amongst us. \ في مِحْنة خَطَر \ in distress: (of a ship or aeroplane) in dangerous trouble; needing help. \ في المُدّة الأخيرة \ lately: not long ago; in the near past: Have you seen her lately?. \ في المرَّة التالية \ next: the next time: I’ll give it to you when I next see you. \ See Also القادمة \ في مُقَابِل \ for: showing that something is as a return or in place of: I gave him $5 for his help. Will you change this old car for a new one?. in return (for): in exchange or payment for: Give her some flowers in return for her kindness. \ في المقام الأوّل \ firstly: as the first reason, fact, etc: I need a hot drink. Firstly, because I’m cold; secondly, because I’m thirsty. \ في المقدمة \ in front: at the front: You go in front and I’ll follow. \ في مَكَان \ in sb,’s stead: in sb.’s place; instead of sb.. \ See Also بدلا من (بدلاً من)‏ \ في مَكَان آخَر \ elsewhere: in some other place. \ في المَكَان \ in position: in the correct position. \ See Also المَوضِع الصَّحيح \ في مَكَان قَريب \ by: near: He stood by and watched them. \ في مَكَانٍ ما \ somewhere: in or to some place (but usu. anywhere in negative sentences and questions): I’ve met him somewhere before. Let’s go somewhere peaceful (to some peaceful place). \ في المكان والزّمان المذكورين \ on the spot: in that place and at that moment: Fortunately a doctor was on the spot when she broke her leg. \ في مكانه \ belong: to be in the right place: This book belongs on the top shelf. \ See Also موضِعِه المناسب \ في مَلْعَبِه \ at home: (of a match) on one’s own field: Our team are playing at home tomorrow. \ في مُنْتَصَف الطَّريق \ midway: halfway; in the middle: The station is midway between the two villages. \ في مَوعِد لاَ يَتَجَاوَز \ by: before; not later than: Can you finish this by Tuesday? They ought to be here by now. \ في المَوْعِد المحدَّد \ on time: exactly at the appointed moment: The bus always leaves on time. \ في مياه أعمق من قَامَته \ out of one’s depth: in water that is too deep to stand up in: Don’t go out of your depth unless you can swim. \ في النّادِر \ rarely: not often; hardly at all: She rarely smokes. \ في نظر \ in the eyes of: in the opinion of: In his mother’s eyes he can do no wrong. \ في نَظَري \ to my mind: in my opinion: To my mind, this is most dishonest. \ في النّهايَة \ at last: in the end, after much delay: The train was very slow, but we got there at last. at length: at last; in the end: He waited two hours. At length he went home. finally: lastly; in the end. \ في نِهايَة الأمْر \ in the long run: after a period of time; in the end: It’ll be cheaper in the long run to buy good quality shoes. \ See Also عَلَى المدى الطويل \ في هذا الوقت \ now: (in a written account) at the time that is being described: The war was now over. \ في هَذا المَكَان \ about: here: Is anyone about?. \ في هذه الأَثْنَاء \ meanwhile, meantime: (in) the time between: You’ll have to wait till he’s ready; but you can read this (in the) meanwhile. \ في هذه الأَيَّام \ nowadays: in these times (compared with the past): Travel is much easier nowadays. today: the present time: the scientists of today. \ في هذه الحالة \ all right: (also alright), in that case: You don’t want it? All right, I’ll give it to someone else. \ في هذه اللَّحْظَة \ just: (with continuous tenses; always directly before the present participle) at this moment; at that moment: We’re just starting dinner. We were just starting dinner when he arrived. just now: at this moment: I’m busy just now. \ في الهواء الطَّلْق \ in the open: outside in the air: I like to sleep out in the open, under the stars. out of doors, outdoors: in the open air; not in a house: I like sleeping out of doors under the stars. outdoors, out of doors: the open air; not in a building: Go outdoors and play football. \ في الوَاقِع \ in reality: in fact. \ في الوَاقِع \ actually: in fact; really: She looks about thirty, but actually she’s thirty-nine. as a matter of fact, in fact: really; in truth: The dog seemed dead but in fact it was only asleep. As a matter of fact, I don’t like Michael. in point of fact: actually, in fact. truly: really: Are you truly sorry for your crimes?. virtually: actually but not officially: He was virtually a prisoner in his home, as he did not dare to go out while the police were watching. \ في الوَسَط \ halfway: between two places and at an equal distance from them: His house is halfway between yours and mine. \ في وَسْط المسافة \ halfway: between two places and at an equal distance from them: His house is halfway between yours and mine. \ في وَضَح (النهار)‏ \ broad: (of daylight) full; complete: The bank was robbed in broad daylight. \ في وَضع لا يجوز فيه رَكْل الكُرة \ offside: (of a player in football, etc.) breaking a rule by being in a position in which play is not allowed. \ في الوَقْت الحَاضِر \ at present: now; at the present time: At present I have no job, but I shall get one soon. for the time being: for the present: I have no job, but I’m helping my father for the time being. now: at the present time: Where are you working now? Now is the time to plant those seeds. today: the present time: the scientists of today. \ في وَقْتٍ لاَحِق \ after: later: She came first and he arrived soon after. \ في وقتٍ ما \ sometime: (often two words, some time) at a time not exactly known or stated: Come again sometime. He left sometime after dinner. \ في وقتٍ متأخر \ late: after the proper or usual time; not early: We always go to bed very late. He arrived too late for dinner. \ في وقتٍ متأخر مِن \ late: near the end of a period of time: Late in the year; in the late afternoon. \ في الوَقْتِ المُقَرَّر \ round: following a regular course: Wait till your turn comes round. \ في وَقْتٍ من الأوقات \ ever: (esp. in a negative sentence or a question) at any time: Nobody ever writes to me. Have you ever been to Rome? If you ever go there, you must see St. Peter’s cathedral. \ في الوَقْتِ المناسب \ early: in good time for one’s purpose; before the fixed time: We arrived early and got the best seats. in due course: later; after a reasonable delay: He will get better in due course. in good time: slightly early: He came in good time for the meeting. \ في وقت واحد \ at a time: together: They arrived three at a time (in groups of three). \ في يوم من الأيام \ once upon a time: (used at the beginning of stories). \ See Also كان يا ما كان

    Arabic-English dictionary > في

  • 22 bien

    bien [bjɛ̃]
    1. <
       a. ( = de façon satisfaisante) well
    comment vas-tu ? -- très bien merci how are you? -- fine, thanks
       b. ( = selon la morale, la raison) [se conduire, agir] well
    vous faites bien de me le dire ! you did well to tell me!
    ça commence à bien faire ! (inf) this is getting beyond a joke!
       c. ( = sans difficulté) [supporter, se rappeler] well
       d. (exprimant le degré) ( = très) very ; ( = beaucoup) very much ; ( = trop) rather
       e. ( = effectivement) definitely
    je trouve bien que c'est un peu cher mais tant pis yes, it is rather expensive but never mind
    c'est bien à ton frère que je pensais yes, it was your brother I was thinking of
    c'est bien mon manteau ? this is my coat, isn't it?
    il s'agit bien de ça ! as if that's the point!
    voilà bien les femmes ! that's women for you!
       f. ( = correctement) écoute-moi bien listen to me carefully
    dis-lui bien que... make sure you tell him that...
    c'est bien compris ? is that quite clear?
    j'espère bien ! I should hope so!
    où peut-il bien être ? where on earth can he be?
    il pourrait bien venir nous voir de temps en temps ! he could at least come and see us now and then!
    je voudrais bien t'y voir ! I'd like to see you try!
       i. ( = au moins) at least
       j. (locutions)
    bien du, bien de la, bien des a lot of
    bien sûr qu'il viendra ! of course he'll come!
    2. <
       a. ( = satisfaisant) good
    bien ! (approbation) good! ; (pour changer de sujet, par exaspération) all right!
       c. ( = en bonne forme) well
    tu n'es pas bien ? are you feeling OK?
       d. ( = beau) [femme] pretty ; [homme] good-looking ; [chose] nice
    il est bien, ce nouveau canapé the new sofa's nice
    laisse-le, il est bien où il est ! leave him alone - he's fine where he is!
    vous voilà bien ! now you've done it!
       f. ( = convenable) nice ; (moralement) right
       g. ( = en bons termes) être bien avec qn to get on well with sb
    3. <
       a. ( = ce qui est bon) good
    c'est pour ton bien ! it's for your own good!
       b. ( = possession) possession ; ( = argent) fortune ; ( = terre) estate
    4. <
    * * *
    adjectif invariable

    ça fait bien d'aller à l'opéra — (colloq) it's the done thing to go to the opera

    2) ( en bonne santé) well

    t'es pas bien! — (colloq) you're out of your mind! (colloq)

    3) ( à l'aise)

    nous voilà bien!iron we' re in a fine mess!

    4) (colloq) ( de qualité)

    1) ( correctement) gén well; [fonctionner] properly; [interpréter] correctly

    bien joué!fig well done!

    aller bien[personne] to be well; [affaires] to go well

    il travaille bien — ( élève) his work is good; ( artisan) he does a good job

    il est bien remis — ( malade) he's made a good recovery

    2) ( complètement) [arroser, décongeler, laver, mélanger, propre, cuit] thoroughly; [remplir, sécher, sec, fondu] completely; [lire, écouter, regarder] carefully
    3) ( agréablement) [présenté, situé] well; [s'habiller] well, smartly; [décoré, meublé] tastefully; [logé, installé, vivre] comfortably

    aller bien à quelqu'un[couleur, style] to suit somebody

    4) ( hautement) [aimable, triste] very; [apprécier, craindre] very much; [simple, vrai, certain, évident] quite

    c'est bien joli tout ça, mais — that's all very well, but

    bien mieux/moins/pire — much ou far better/less/worse

    bien trop laid/tard — much too ugly/late

    bien plus riche/cher — much ou far richer/more expensive

    bien plus, il la vole! — not only that, he also takes her money

    bien entendu or évidemment — naturally

    ça prouve/montre bien que — it just goes to prove/show that

    je sais/crois bien que — I know/think that

    on verra bien — well, we'll see

    il le fait bien lui, pourquoi pas moi? — if he can do it, why can't I?

    8) ( réellement) definitely

    c'est bien lui/mon sac — it's definitely him/my bag, it's him/my bag all right (colloq)

    il ne s'agit pas d'une erreur, mais bien de fraude — it's not a mistake, it's fraud

    c'est bien ici qu'on vend les billets? — this is where you get tickets, isn't it?

    c'est bien le moment!iron great timing!

    c'est bien le moment de partir!iron what a time to leave!

    9) ( au moins) at least

    elle a bien 40 ans — she's at least 40, she's a good 40 years old

    10) ( beaucoup)

    bien des fois — often, many a time

    il s'est donné bien du malhe's gone to a lot or a great deal of trouble

    je te souhaite bien du plaisir!iron I wish you joy!

    nom masculin
    1) ( avantage) good

    grand bien vous fasse!iron much good may it do you!

    parler en bien de quelqu'un — to speak favourably [BrE] of somebody

    2) ( possession) possession


    bien que locution conjonctive although
    Phrasal Verbs:

    tout est bien qui finit bienProverbe all's well that ends well Proverbe

    * * *
    1. nm
    1) (= avantage)

    Ses vacances lui ont fait beaucoup de bien. — His holiday has done him a lot of good.

    Jean m'a dit beaucoup de bien de toi. — Jean told me a lot of good things about you., Jean spoke very highly of you to me.

    2) (= possession) possession, property, (= patrimoine) property
    2. biens nmpl
    3. adv
    1) (= de façon satisfaisante) well

    Elle travaille bien. — She works well.

    aller bien; se porter bien — to be well

    croyant bien faire, je... — thinking I was doing the right thing, I...

    faire bien de... — to do well to...

    Tu ferais bien de faire attention. — You'd do well to pay attention.

    vouloir bien; Je veux bien le faire. — I'm quite willing to do it.

    Il semble bien que... — It really seems that...

    Paul est bien venu, n'est-ce pas? — Paul HAS come, hasn't he?

    J'espère bien y aller. — I very much hope to go.

    bien fait!; C'est bien fait pour toi! — It serves you right!

    bien sûr!; bien entendu! — certainly!, of course!

    4. excl
    right!, OK!, fine!
    5. adj inv
    1) (= en bonne forme)

    je me sens bien — I feel fine, I feel well

    2) (= à l'aise)

    On est bien dans ce fauteuil. — This chair is very comfortable.

    3) (= à son avantage)

    Tu es bien dans cette robe. — You look nice in that dress.

    4) (= satisfaisant) good

    Ce restaurant est vraiment bien. — This restaurant is really good.

    Elle est bien, cette maison. — It's a nice house.

    Elle est bien, cette secrétaire. — She's a good secretary.

    Ce n'est pas si bien que ça. — It's not as good as all that., It's not all that great.

    ce n'est pas bien de... — it's not right to...

    Ce n'est pas bien de dire du mal des gens. — It's not right to say nasty things about people.

    Elle est bien, cette femme. — She's a nice woman.

    6) (= en bons termes)
    * * *
    A adj inv
    1 ( convenable) être bien dans un rôle to be good in a part; être bien de sa personne to be good-looking; il n'y a rien de bien ici there's nothing of interest here; voilà qui est bien that's good; ce n'est pas bien de mentir it's not nice to lie; ce serait bien si on pouvait nager it would be nice if we could swim; ça fait bien d'aller à l'opéra it's the done thing to go to the opera; les roses font bien sur la terrasse the roses look nice ou good on the terrace; tout est bien qui finit bien all's well that ends well;
    2 ( en bonne santé) well; ne pas se sentir bien not to feel well; non, mais, t'es pas bien! you're out of your mind!;
    3 ( à l'aise) comfortable; je suis bien dans ces bottes these boots are comfortable; on est bien sur cette chaise! what a comfortable chair!; on est bien au soleil! isn't it nice in the sun!; je me trouve bien ici I like it here; suis mes conseils, tu t'en trouveras bien take my advice, it'll serve you in good stead; nous voilà bien! iron we're in a fine mess!;
    4 ( de qualité) un quartier bien a nice district; des gens bien respectable people; un type bien a gentleman; un film bien a good film.
    B adv
    1 ( correctement) [équipé, fait, géré, s'exprimer, dormir, choisir, se souvenir, danser] well; [fonctionner] properly; [libeller, diagnostiquer, interpréter] correctly; bien payé well paid; bien joué! lit well played!; fig well done!; aller bien [personne] to be well; [affaires] to go well; ça s'est bien passé it went well; la voiture ne marche pas bien the car isn't running properly ou right; ni bien ni mal so-so; parler (très) bien le chinois to speak (very) good Chinese, to speak Chinese (very) well; il travaille bien ( élève) his work is good; ( artisan) he does a good job; un travail bien fait a good job; il est bien remis ( malade) he's made a good recovery; bien se tenir à table to have good table manners; bien employer son temps to make good use of one's time; j'ai cru bien faire I thought I was doing the right thing; il fait bien de partir he's right to leave; c'est bien fait pour elle! it serves her right!; tu ferais bien d'y aller it would be a good idea for you to go there; pour bien faire, il faudrait acheter une lampe the thing to do would be to buy a lamp; bien m'en a pris de refuser it's a good thing I refused;
    2 ( complètement) [arroser, décongeler, laver, mélanger, propre, cuit] thoroughly; [remplir, sécher, sec, fondu] completely; [lire, examiner, écouter, regarder] carefully; marche bien à droite keep well over to the right; mets-toi bien dans le coin/devant stand right in the corner/at the front; bien profiter d'une situation to exploit a situation to the full;
    3 ( agréablement) [présenté, situé] well; [s'habiller] well, smartly; [décoré, meublé] tastefully; [logé, installé, vivre] comfortably; femme bien faite shapely woman; aller bien ensemble to go well together; aller bien à qn [couleur, style] to suit sb; se mettre bien avec qn to get on good terms with sb; bien prendre une remarque to take a remark in good part;
    4 ( hautement) [aimable, triste] very; [apprécier, craindre] very much; [simple, vrai, certain, évident] quite; il s'est bien mal comporté he behaved very ou really badly; il y a bien longtemps de ça that was a very long time ago; c'est bien loin pour nous it's rather far for us; merci bien thank you very much; tu as bien raison you're quite ou absolutely right; c'est bien dommage it's a great ou real pity; bien rire/s'amuser/se reposer to have a good laugh/time/rest; tu as l'air bien pensif you're looking very pensive; c'est bien promis? is that a promise?; c'est bien compris? is that clear?; bien au contraire on the contrary; c'est bien beau ou joli tout ça, mais that's all very well, but; bien mieux/ moins/pire much ou far better/less/worse; bien trop laid/tard much too ugly/late; bien plus riche/cher much ou far richer/more expensive; bien plus, il la vole! not only that, he also takes her money; bien sûr of course; bien entendu or évidemment naturally; bien souvent quite often;
    5 ( volontiers) j'irais bien à Bali I wouldn't mind going to Bali; j'en prendrais bien un autre I wouldn't mind another; je veux bien t'aider I don't mind helping you; j'aimerais bien essayer I would love to try; je te dirais bien de rester/venir, mais I would ask you to stay/come but; je verrais bien un arbre sur la pelouse I think a tree would look nice on the lawn; je le vois bien habiter à Paris I can just imagine him living in Paris;
    6 ( malgré tout) il faut bien le faire/que ça finisse it has to be done/to come to an end; il faudra bien s'y habituer we'll just have to get used to it; elle sera bien obligée de payer she'll just have to pay; tu aurais bien pu me le dire you could at least have told me; il finira bien par se calmer he'll calm down eventually;
    7 ( pour souligner) ça prouve/montre bien que it just goes to prove/show that; j'espère bien que I do hope that; je vois/comprends bien I do see/understand; je sais/crois bien que I know/think that; insiste bien make sure you insist; dis-le lui bien make sure you tell him/her; on verra bien well, we'll see; sache bien que je n'accepterai jamais let me tell you that I will never accept; crois bien que je n'hésiterais pas! you can be sure ou I can assure you that I would not hesitate!; je m'en doutais bien! I thought as much!; je t'avais bien dit de ne pas le manger! I told you not to eat it!; il le fait bien lui, pourquoi pas moi? if he can do it, why can't I?; veux-tu bien faire ce que je te dis! will you do as I tell you!; tu peux très bien le faire toi-même you can easily do it yourself; il se pourrait bien qu'il pleuve it might well rain; que peut-il bien faire à Paris? what on earth can he be doing in Paris?;
    8 ( réellement) definitely; c'est bien lui/mon sac it's definitely him/my bag, it's him/my bag all right; j'ai vérifié: il est bien parti I checked, he's definitely gone ou he's gone all right; c'est bien ce qu'il a dit/vu that's definitely ou exactly what he said/saw; et c'est bien lui qui conduisait? and it was definitely him driving?; il ne s'agit pas d'une erreur, mais bien de fraude it's not a mistake, it's fraud; c'est bien mardi aujourd'hui? today is Tuesday, isn't it?; c'est bien ici qu'on vend les billets? this is where you get tickets, isn't it?; tu as bien pris les clés? are you sure you've got the keys?; est-ce bien nécessaire? is it really necessary?; s'agit-il bien d'un suicide? was it really suicide?; c'est bien de lui! it's just like him!; voilà bien la politique! that's politics for you!; c'est bien le moment! iron great timing!; c'est bien le moment de partir! iron what a time to leave!;
    9 ( au moins) at least; elle a bien 40 ans she's at least 40, she's a good 40 years old; ça pèse bien dix kilos it weighs at least ten kilos, it weighs a good ten kilos; ça vaut bien le double it's worth at least twice as much;
    10 ( beaucoup) c'était il y a bien des années that was a good many years ago; bien des fois often, many a time; bien des gens lots of people; il s'est donné bien du mal he's gone to a lot or a great deal of trouble; il s'en faut bien! far from it!; mon fils me donne bien du souci my son is a great worry to me; avoir bien de la chance to be very lucky; je te souhaite bien du plaisir! iron I wish you joy!
    C nm
    1 ( avantage) good; pour le bien du pays for the good of the country; pour le bien de tous for the general good; c'est pour ton bien it's for your own good; ce serait un bien it would be a good thing; sacrifier son propre bien à celui d'autrui to put others first; le bien et le mal good and evil; faire le bien to do good; il a fait beaucoup de bien autour de lui he has done a lot of good; ça fait du bien aux enfants/plantes it's good for the children /plants; ça fait/ça leur fait du bien it does you/them good; mon repos m'a fait le plus grand bien my rest did me a world of good; grand bien vous fasse! iron much good may it do you!; vouloir le bien de qn to have sb's best interests at heart; vouloir du bien à qn to wish sb well; ‘un ami qui vous veut du bien’ ( dans une lettre anonyme) ‘from a well-wisher’, ‘one who has your best interests at heart’; dire du bien de qn to speak well of sb; on dit le plus grand bien du maire/musée people speak very highly of the mayor/museum; on a dit le plus grand bien de toi a lot of nice things were said about you; parler en bien de qn to speak favourablyGB of sb; ⇒ ennemi, honneur;
    2 ( possession) possession; (maison, terres) property; ( domaine) bien(s) estate; ( ensemble des possessions) bien(s) property ¢; ( patrimoine) bien(s) fortune; ( avoirs) biens assets; perdre tous ses bien s dans un incendie to lose all one's possessions in a fire; ce livre est mon bien le plus précieux this book is my most precious possession; les biens de ce monde material possessions; un petit bien en Corse a small property in Corsica; hériter des biens paternels to inherit one's father's property ou estate; dilapider son bien to squander one's fortune; avoir du bien (maisons, terres) to own property; ( argent) to be wealthy; des biens considérables substantial assets; la santé/liberté est le plus précieux des biens you can't put a price on good health/freedom; ⇒ abondance, acquis.
    D excl
    1 ( approbatif) bien! voyons le reste good! let's see the rest;
    2 ( impatient) bien! bien! j'arrive! all right! all right! ou OK! OK! I'm coming!
    E bien que loc conj although, though; bien qu'il le sache although he knows; bien qu'elle vive maintenant en Floride, je la vois régulièrement although she lives in Florida, I see her regularly; il est venu travailler bien qu'il soit grippé he came in to work, although he had flu; bien que très différentes en apparence, les deux œuvres ont des points communs although very different in appearance, the two works have common features; il joue un rôle important bien que discret he plays an important role, albeit a discreet one; ⇒ aussi, ou, si.
    biens de consommation consumer goods; biens durables consumer durables; biens d'équipement capital goods; biens d'équipement ménager household goods; biens fonciers land ¢; biens immeubles immovables; biens immeubles par destination fixtures; biens immobiliers real estate ¢; biens mobiliers personal property ¢; biens personnels private property ¢; biens propres separate estate (sg); détenir qch en bien s propres to hold sth as separate estate; biens publics public property ¢; biens sociaux corporate assets.
    [bjɛ̃] adverbe
    1. [de façon satisfaisante] well
    a. [à la rambarde] hold on tight!
    b. [sur la chaise] sit properly!
    c. [à table] behave yourself!
    2. [du point de vue de la santé]
    aller ou se porter bien to feel well ou fine
    3. [conformément à la raison, à la loi, à la morale] well, decently
    bien agir envers quelqu'un to do the proper ou right ou correct thing by somebody
    tu as bien fait you did the right thing, you did right
    tu fais bien de me le rappeler thank you for reminding me, it's a good thing you reminded me (of it)
    pour bien faire, nous devrions partir avant 9 h ideally, we should leave before 9
    4. [sans malentendu] right, correctly
    5. [avec soin]
    bien avant/après well before/after
    bien trop tôt far ou much too early
    7. (suivi d'un verbe) [beaucoup]
    on a bien ri we had a good laugh, we laughed a lot
    8. [véritablement]
    j'ai bien cru que... I really thought that...
    9. [pour renforcer, insister]
    ce n'est pas lui, mais bien son associé que j'ai eu au téléphone it wasn't him, but rather his partner I spoke to on the phone
    c'est bien ce que je disais/pensais that's just what I was saying/thinking
    il ne m'aidera pas, tu penses bien! he won't help me, you can be sure of that!
    c'est bien de lui, ça! that's typical of him!, that's just like him!
    10. [volontiers]
    je te dirais bien quelque chose, mais je suis poli I could say something rude but I won't
    11. [au moins] at least
    12. [exprimant la supposition, l'éventualité]
    13. [pourtant]
    14. [suivi d'un nom]
    bien de, bien des quite a lot of
    elle a bien du courage! isn't she brave!, she's got a great deal of courage!
    bien des fois... more than once...
    bien des gens lots of ou quite a lot of ou quite a few people
    15. [dans la correspondance]
    [bjɛ̃] adjectif invariable
    1. [qui donne satisfaction] good
    je recule? — non, vous êtes bien là (familier) shall I move back? — no, you're all right ou OK ou fine like that
    ÉDUCATION [sur un devoir] good
    2. [esthétique - personne] good-looking, attractive ; [ - chose] nice, lovely
    b. [c'est acceptable pour l'occasion] a skirt is perfectly all right
    3. [convenable - personne] decent, nice
    ce n'est pas bien de tirer la langue it's naughty ou it's not nice to stick out your tongue
    4. [en forme] well
    b. [mentalement] are you crazy?
    il n'est pas bien, celui-là! (familier) he's got a problem, he has!
    me/te/nous voilà bien! NOW I'm/you're/we're in a fine mess!
    5. [à l'aise]
    6. [en bons termes]
    se mettre bien avec quelqu'un to get in with somebody, to get into somebody's good books
    [bjɛ̃] nom masculin
    2. [ce qui est agréable, avantageux]
    c'est pour le bien de tous/de l'entreprise it's for the common good/the good of the firm
    dire/penser du bien de to speak/to think well of
    faire du bien: continue à me masser, ça fait du bien carry on massaging me, it's doing me good
    je me suis cogné l'orteil, ça fait pas du bien! (familier) I bashed my toe, it's quite painful!
    faire du bien ou le plus grand bien à quelqu'un [médicament, repos] to do somebody good, to benefit somebody
    grand bien te/lui fasse! (ironique) much good may it do you/him!
    ça fait du bien par où ça passe! (familier) aah, I feel better for that!
    3. [bienfait] good ou positive thing, benefit
    4. [propriété personnelle] possession, (piece) ou item of property
    [argent] fortune
    tous mes biens all my worldly goods, all I'm worth
    biens privés/publics private/public property
    [bjɛ̃] interjection
    1. [indiquant une transition] OK, right (then)
    2. [marquant l'approbation]
    je n'irai pas! — bien, n'en parlons plus! I won't go!very well ou all right (then), let's drop the subject!
    bien, bien, on y va all right, all right ou OK, OK, let's go
    bien entendu locution adverbiale
    bien entendu que locution conjonctive
    bien que locution conjonctive
    bien que malade, il a tenu à y aller although he was ill, he insisted on going
    bien sûr locution adverbiale
    bien sûr que locution conjonctive

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > bien

  • 23 momento

    * * *
    m moment
    dal momento che from the moment that
    causale since
    a momenti sometimes, at moments
    per il momento for the moment
    del momento short-lived
    sul momento at the time
    * * *
    momento s.m.
    1 moment; time: senza un momento di esitazione, without a moment's hesitation; aspetta un momento, wait a moment; un momento, per piacere, just a moment, please; un momento solo, just a moment; a un dato momento, at a given moment; sto uscendo proprio in questo momento, I'm just going out; un momento!, cerchiamo di ragionare, wait a moment! let's try to think things out; un momento! che fretta c'è?, just a moment! what's the hurry?; un momento e la servo subito, I'll serve you in just a moment; dammi ancora un momento e poi usciamo, just give me another moment and then we'll go out; ricordo ancora il momento in cui il primo uomo mise piede sulla luna, I still remember the moment when the first man set foot on the moon; aspetto con ansia il momento di ricevere la tua lettera, I'm waiting anxiously for your letter; era il momento culminante del dramma, it was the climax of the drama; l'ho amato fin dal primo momento, I loved him from the very first moment; fino a questo momento non ho ricevuto nessuna telefonata, I haven't received any phone calls so far; lo farò in un altro momento, I shall do it another time; non c'era un momento da perdere, there was not a moment to lose (o to be lost); non è il momento di scherzare, this is no time for joking; non perde mai un momento, she never wastes a moment; la prossima volta vieni un momento prima, next time come a little earlier; si dedica alla lettura nei momenti liberi, she devotes her spare time to reading // per il momento, for the moment (o for the present o for the time being) // tutti i momenti, ogni momento, continually: ogni momento chiede soldi, he is continually asking for money
    2 (tempo, circostanza) time: momenti difficili, hard times; è un capriccio del momento, it is a passing fad; il mio momento si avvicina, my time is drawing near; passare un brutto momento, to have a bad (o rough) time; durante la guerra passammo terribili momenti, we went through terrible times during the war; bisogna creare dei momenti di gruppo per scambiarsi le opinioni, we need to create occasions for meeting to exchange opinions; il suo discorso è stato il momento forte della serata, his speech was the highpoint of the evening // l'uomo del momento, the man of the moment
    3 (opportunità) opportunity, chance: aspetto il momento adatto per agire, I am waiting for an opportunity to act; approfitta del momento favorevole e compra delle azioni, take advantage of this favourable moment and buy some shares; cogliere il momento, to take the chance
    4 (un pochino) a bit: questa stanza dovrebbe essere un momento più grande, this room should be just a bit bigger
    5 (ant., letter.) (gravità, importanza) moment: una decisione di grande, poco momento, a decision of great, little moment
    6 (fis.) moment: momento di una coppia, moment of a couple; momento magnetico, elettrico, magnetic, electric moment; momento di una forza, moment of a force (o torque); momento di inerzia, moment of inertia; momento angolare, angular moment (o momentum); momento lineare, linear momentum; momento flettente, bending moment // (mecc.) momento del contrappeso, counterbalance moment // (aer.): momento di beccheggio, pitching moment; momento di cerniera, hinge moment; momento di rollio, rolling moment.
    ◆ FRASEOLOGIA: dovrebbe arrivare da un momento all'altro, he should arrive any moment now (o at any moment); da un momento all'altro ha cambiato idea, all of a sudden he changed his mind // a momenti, (talvolta) sometimes, (fra poco) in a moment (o before long o soon), (quasi) nearly, almost: a momenti è gentile, a momenti è villano, sometimes he is polite, sometimes he is rude; va a momenti, ora piove ora c'è il sole, it's very changeable, one moment it's raining, the next it's sunny; Claudio va a momenti, alle volte è veramente intrattabile, Claude is moody, at times he's really unapproachable; Sara va a momenti, a volte può essere anche brillante, Sarah has her moments, at times she can be brilliant; sarà pronto a momenti, he'll be ready in a moment; a momenti cadevo!, I nearly (o almost) fell (down)! // al momento: al momento della consegna, at the time of delivery; al momento non ho traduzioni da darti, at the moment I haven't got a translation to give you; al momento della decisione Claudia non seppe cosa fare, when the time came to decide, Claudia didn't know what to do; al momento di parlare non ci riuscì, when the time came to speak he wasn't able to utter a word; al momento non ci avevo fatto caso, at the time I didn't attach any importance to it; proprio al momento opportuno, just at the right moment; in quel ristorante il pesce te lo preparano al momento, in that restaurant they cook the fish for you as you wait // dal momento, (dato che) since, as, (da quando) (ever) since, from the (first) moment (that): dal momento che sei qui dammi una mano, since you are here give me a hand; dal momento che te ne sei andato la casa non è più la stessa, since (o from the moment) you went away the house hasn't been the same anymore.
    * * *
    sostantivo maschile

    un momento, ho quasi finito! — just a moment, I've nearly finished!

    uscire, entrare un momento — colloq. to go out, in for a moment

    in qualsiasi o in ogni momento at any time; tutti i -i always; in un momento di debolezza in a moment of weakness; nello o allo stesso momento in the same time; all'ultimo momento at the last minute; fino all'ultimo momento till the last moment; (fin) da questo momento from this moment, from now on; ha cambiato idea da un momento all'altro all of a sudden he changed his mind; dovrebbe arrivare da un momento all'altro he should arrive (at) any minute now; una decisione dell'ultimo momento a last minute decision; sul momento ho creduto che scherzasse for a moment there I thought he was joking; per il o al momento for the time being; abbiamo vissuto dei bei -i insieme we had o went through some good times together; è un brutto momento it's a bad period; è arrivato il momento di fare it's time o time has come to do; è il momento buono it's the right time; arriva sempre al momento giusto! — he always arrives at just the right time!

    2) mat. fis. moment
    3) del momento [ uomo] of the moment; [ problemi] current

    a -i cadevo — I nearly fell; (tra poco)

    * * *
    sostantivo m.
     1 moment; hai un momento (di tempo)? have you got a moment? è successo tutto in un momento it happened all at once; non c'è un momento da perdere there's no time to lose; ho avuto un momento di incertezza I hesitated for a moment; non ha (mai) un momento per sé she hasn't (ever) got a moment to herself; un momento, ho quasi finito! just a moment, I've nearly finished! uscire, entrare un momento colloq. to go out, in for a moment; smetti (per) un momento di parlare please stop talking for a minute; un momento di disattenzione a moment's distraction; in qualsiasi o in ogni momento at any time; tutti i -i always; in un momento di debolezza in a moment of weakness; nello o allo stesso momento in the same time; all'ultimo momento at the last minute; fino all'ultimo momento till the last moment; (fin) da questo momento from this moment, from now on; ha cambiato idea da un momento all'altro all of a sudden he changed his mind; dovrebbe arrivare da un momento all'altro he should arrive (at) any minute now; una decisione dell'ultimo momento a last minute decision; sul momento ho creduto che scherzasse for a moment there I thought he was joking; per il o al momento for the time being; abbiamo vissuto dei bei -i insieme we had o went through some good times together; è un brutto momento it's a bad period; è arrivato il momento di fare it's time o time has come to do; è il momento buono it's the right time; arriva sempre al momento giusto! he always arrives at just the right time!
     2 mat. fis. moment
     3 del momento [ uomo] of the moment; [ problemi] current
     4 dal momento che since
     5 a momenti (quasi) a -i cadevo I nearly fell; (tra poco) dovrebbe arrivare a -i he'll come any minute.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > momento

  • 24 hoy

    hoy adverbio 1 ( este día) today; ¿a cuánto estamos hoy? what's the date today? 2
    b) ( en locs)
    hoy por hoy at this precise moment, at this moment in time
    hoy adverbio
    1 (en el día actual) today
    2 fig (en la actualidad) now Locuciones: hoy (en) día, nowadays
    hoy por hoy, at the present time: hoy por hoy, no podemos decir que haya sido una mala idea, at the present time we can't say it's been a bad idea
    hoy por ti (y) mañana por mí, I'll scratch your back and you'll scratch mine
    por hoy, for the time being: puedes dejar de limpiar ese cuarto por hoy, you may stop cleaning that room for the time being ' hoy' also found in these entries: Spanish: abandonar - arrastre - bastar - bastante - buena - bueno - café - cara - cobrar - coco - comensal - compincharse - convenir - día - ser - espesa - espeso - estrenar - fregar - garbosa - garboso - gay - gozosa - gozoso - guapa - guapo - haber - humor - intensa - intenso - intentar - invitar - no - oficina - paisana - paisano - papeo - picar - repartir - señorito - sol - tal - televisión - trabajo - trancazo - ya - a - actualmente - adelante - año English: antisexist - article - assemble - better - bundle up - call - certainly - chalk up - chirpy - come by - company - compelling - cook - crescent - day - discharge - doubly - exhume - face - fear - fraction - gore - greyish - guy - initiation - instead - inundate - leftovers - list - lock up - miserable - misprint - ninth - nowadays - oppressive - outfit - present-day - roast - seedy - shall - should - show - today - uniform - weather forecast - youth - and - anybody - as - be
    EXCL ¡eh!, ¡hola!

    English-spanish dictionary > hoy

  • 25 give

    1. I
    the door gave дверь подалась; the ice gave лед сломался /не выдержал/; the foundations are giving фундамент оседает; at the height of the storm the bridge gave в самый разгар бури мост не выдержал и рухнул; his knees seemed to give ему казалось, что у него подкашиваются ноги; the branch gave but did not break ветка прогнулась, но не сломалась; а soft chair (a bed, a mattress, etc.) gives [when one sits on it] мягкий стул и т. д. проминается [, когда на него садятся]; the frost is beginning to give мороз начинает слабеть
    2. II
    1) give in some manner. give generously /unsparingly, abundantly/ щедро и т. д. давать /дарить, одаривать/; give grudgingly нехотя делать подарки
    2) give in some manner this chair (the mattress, the bed, etc.) gives comfortably (a lot) этот стул и т. д. приятно (сильно) проминается; the springs won't give enough /much/ пружины довольно тугие; the горе has given a good deal веревка сильно растянулась /ослабла/; give for some time the frost did not give all day мороз не отпускал весь день
    3. III
    give smth.
    1) give food (medicine, L 3, etc.) давать еду и т. д., give presents дарить /делать/ подарки; give a grant давать дотацию /пособие/; give a scholarship предоставлять стипендию; give a medal награждать медалью; give alms подавать милостыню
    2) give a message передавать записку /сообщение/; give one's regards передать привет
    3) give a large crop (10 per cent profit, etc.) приносить / давать/ большой урожай и т. д.; give fruit плодоносить; give milk давать молоке; give heat излучать тепло; the lamp gives a poor light лампа светит тускло /дает, излучает тусклый свет/; his work gives good results его работа дает хорошие результаты; two times two /two multiplied by two/ gives four дважды два give четыре
    4) give facts (news, details, the following figures, etc.) приводить /сообщать/ факты и т. д.; give an example /an instance/ приводить /давать/ пример: the dictionary doesn't give this word в словаре нет этого слова; the list gives ten names в списке [приведено /указано/] / список содержит/ десять имен; he gave a full account of the event он все рассказал /дал полный отчет/ об этом событии; he gave no particulars он не сообщил никаких подробностей; give a portrait (a character, the scenery of the country, etc.) нарисовать портрет и т. д.; in his book he gives a description of their customs в своей книге он описывает их нравы; give evidence /testimony/ давать показания; give one's name and address дать /назвать/ свой фамилию и адрес
    5) the thermometer gives forty degrees термометр показывает сорок градусов; the barometer gives rain барометр пошел на дождь; give no sign of life не подавать признаков жизни; give no sign of recognition a) не подать виду, что узнал; б) не узнать; give no sign of embarrassment нисколько не смутиться
    6) give a dinner (a dinner party, a ball, a party, a concert, a performance, etc.) давать /устраивать/ обед и т. д.
    7) give lessons (instruction, exact information, etc.) давать уроки и т. д., give smth. in smth. give lessons in mathematics (instruction in golf, etc.) давать уроки по математике и т. д.; give smth. on smth. give lectures on psychology (on biology, on various subjects, etc.) читать лекции по психологии и т. д., give a lecture прочитать лекцию, выступить с лекцией; give a song (one of Beethoven's sonatas, a concerto, etc.) исполнять песню и т. д., give a recital (a recitation) выступать с сольным концертом (с художественным чтением)
    8) give one's good wishes желать всего доброго / хорошего/; give one's blessing давать свое благословение: give a toast провозглашать тост; give smb.'s health /the health of smb./ поднимать тост за чье-л. здоровье
    9) give a point in the argument уступить по одному какому-л. вопросу в споре; give way /ground/ отступать, сдавать [свои] позиции; the army (our troops, the crowd, etc.) gave way армия и т. д. отступила; the door (the axle, the railing, etc.) gave way дверь и т. д. подалась; the bridge (the ice, the floor, the ground, etc.) gave way мост и т. д. провалился; the rope /the line/ gave way веревка лопнула; my legs gave way у меня подкосились ноги; his health is giving way его здоровье пошатнулось; his strength is giving way силы оставляют его; if he argues don't give way если он будет спорить, не уступайте
    10) give a decision сообщать решение; give judg (e)ment выносить приговор; give notice а) предупреждать о предстоящем увольнении; б) уведомлять
    11) semiaux give a look glance/ взглянуть, бросить взгляд; give a jump leap/ (под)прыгнуть, сделать прыжок; give a push (a pull) толкнуть (потянуть); give a kick ударить ногой, лягнуть; give a smile улыбнуться; give a kiss поцеловать; give a loud laugh громко засмеяться /рассмеяться/; give a cry shout/ издавать крик; give a sigh вздохнуть; give a groan застонать; give a sob всхлипнуть; give a start вздрогнуть; give a nod кивнуть; give a shake [of one's head] отрицательно покачать головой; give an injection делать укол; give a shrug of the shoulders пожать плечами; give a wave of the hand махнуть рукой; give a blow ударить; give a rebuff давать отпор; give a beating задать порку, избить; give chase пускаться в погоню; give a wag of the tail вильнуть хвостом; give an order (a command, instructions, etc.) отдавать приказ /распоряжение/ и т. д.; give an answer reply/ давать ответ, отвечать; give help оказывать помощь; give the alert объявлять тревогу; give a warning делать предупреждение; give advice советовать, давать совет; give a suggestion предлагать, выдвигать предложение; give a promise (one's word, one's pledge, etc.) давать обещание и т. д.; give shelter давать /предоставлять/ убежище; give a volley дать залп; the gun gave a loud report раздался громкий ружейный выстрел; give offence обижать, наносить обиду; give battle давать бой; give a chance (an opportunity, power, etc.) предоставлять /давать/ возможность и т. д.
    4. IV
    give smth. somewhere
    1) give back the books you borrowed (my pen, my newspaper, etc.) возвращать книги, которые вы взяли и т. д.; give smth. in some manner give money generously (grudgingly, freely, etc.) щедро и т. д. давать деньги; regularly give presents регулярно делать подарки
    2) give smth. at some time give a message immediately немедленно передать записку
    3) give smth. at some time give profit (10 per cent, etc.) regularly (annually, etc.) регулярно и т. д. приносить прибыль и т. д.
    4) give smth. in some manner give an extract in full (at length, in detail, etc.) приводить отрывок полностью и т. д.
    5) semiaux give smth. in some manner give aid willingly охотно оказывать помощь; give one's answers loudly (distinctly, etc.) давать ответы /отвечать/ громко и т. д.
    5. V
    1) give smb. smth. give me your pencil (him this book, her your hand, me a match, the child a glass of milk, the boy his medicine, etc.) дайте мне ваш карандаш и т. д., give smb. a present сделать кому-л. подарок; give him watch (her a ring, etc.) подарить ему часы и т. д.; give her a bunch of flowers преподнести ей букет цветов; what has he given you? что он вам подарил /преподнес/?; give him a letter from his mother (her a note from me, etc.) передавать ему письмо от матери и т. д.; give an actor a role (him a job, etc.) предлагать /давать/ актеру роль и т. д.; give smb. the place of honour отвести кому-л. почетное место; give me long distance дайте мне междугородную; I give you my word (my promise, my consent, etc.) 'даю вам слово и т. д.; give smb. smth. for smth. give smb. a watch for a present преподнести кому-л. часы в качестве подарка; give women equal pay with men for their work оплачивать труд женщин наравне с трудом мужчин; give smb. smth. in smth. give them parts in his new play распределять между ними роли в его новой пьесе; give smb. smb. she gave him a beautiful baby boy она родила ему прекрасного мальчика
    2) give smb. smth. give him the message (me the letter, etc.) передавать ему записку и т. д.; give smb. one's love (one's compliments, one's kind regards, etc.) передавать кому-л. привет и т. д.; give him my thanks передайте ему мою благодарность; I give you my very best wishes желаю вам всего самого лучшего
    3) give smb. smth. give smb. an illness (measles, a sore throat, etc.) заразить кого-л. какой-л. болезнью и т. д.; you've given me your cold вы заразили меня насморком, я от вас заразился насморком
    4) give smb., smth. smth. give us warmth and light (us fruit, people meat, us milk, us wool and leather, etc.) давать нам тепло и свет и т. д.; give men pleasure (him joy, the children enjoyment, her satisfaction, etc.) доставлять людям удовольствие и т. д.; give smb. [much] pain (much trouble, sorrow, etc.) причинять кому-л. боль и т. д.; too much noise gives me a headache от сильного шума у меня начинается головная боль; give smb. courage (me patience, him strength, her more self-confidence, etc.) придавать кому-л. мужество и т. д.; that gave me the idea of travelling это навело меня на мысль о путешествии; give smth. flavour придавать чему-л. вкус
    5) give smb. smth. give the commission an account of his trip (us a good description of the man, him wrong information, him good proof, etc.) давать комиссии отчет /отчитываться перед комиссией/ о своей поездке и т. д.; give me your opinion сообщите мне свое мнение; give us human nature truthfully (the reader a true picture of his age, etc.) описать /воссоздать/ для нас подлинную картину человеческой природы и т. д.
    6) give smb. smth. give the child a name дать ребенку имя; give smth. smth. give the book a strange title дать книге странное заглавие /название/; this town gave the battle its name эта битва получила название по городу, близ которого она произошла
    7) give smb. smth. give smb. lessons (music lessons, lessons in French, consultations, instruction, etc.) давать кому-л. уроки и т. д., give smb. a concerto (a play, etc.) исполнить для кого-л. концерт и т. д.; give us Bach (us another song, etc.) исполните нам /для нас/ Баха и т. д.; who will give us a song? кто вам споет? || give smb. an example служить кому-л. примером; give the other boys an example подавать другим мальчикам пример
    8) give smb. smth. give smb. good morning (him good day, us good evening, etc.) пожелать кому-л. доброго утра и т. д., give smb. one's blessing благословлять кого-л.; give smb. smth., smb. give them our country (our host, the Governor, etc.) предложить им выпить за нашу страну и т. д.
    9) give smb. smth. give smb. six months' imprisonment (five years, two years of hard labour, etc.) приговорить кого-л. к пяти месяцам тюремного заключения и т. д.
    10) semiaux give smb., smth. smth. give smb. a look (a fleeting glance, etc.) бросить на кого-л. взгляд и т. д.; give smb. a smile улыбнуться кому-л.; give smb. a kiss поцеловать кого-л.; give smb. a blow нанести кому-л. удар, стукнуть кого-л.; give smb. a push толкнуть кого-л.; give smb. a kick лягнуть, ударить кого-л. ногой; give smb. a nod кивнуть кому-л. [головой]; give smb. a beating избить /поколотить/ кого-л.; give one's hat a brush почистить шляпу; give a blackboard a wipe стереть с доски; give smb.'s hand a squeeze сжать или пожать кому-л. руку; give them our support (him help, him a hand, them every assistance, etc.) оказать им поддержку и т. д.; give the matter every care внимательно отнестись к вопросу; give smb. a warning предупреждать кого-л.; give smb. an order (instructions, etc.) отдать кому-л. приказ и т. д.; give smb. an answer reply/ давать кому-л. ответ, отвечать кому-л.; my old coat gives me good service мое старое пальто все еще служит мне; give me a chance (him another opportunity, etc.) предоставьте мне возможность и т. д.
    6. VII
    1) give smth. to do smth. give a signal to start (notice to leave, etc.) давать сигнал к отправлению и т. д.; give a push to open the door толкнуть дверь, чтобы она открылась; give a lot to know it (anything to know what happened, the world to have it, the world to secure such a thing, etc.) многое отдать, чтобы узнать это и т. д. || give smb. to understand дать кому-л. понять
    2) give smb. smth. to do give him a book to read (me something to eat, her a glass of water to drink, him the right to complain, him a week to make up his mind, us an hour to get there, myself time to think it over, etc.) дать ему прочесть книгу и т. д.; give a porter one's bags to carry (a groom one's horse to hold, etc.) попросить носильщика отнести вещи и т. д.; give him a letter to mail дать /велеть/ ему отправить письмо; give her a message to deliver дать ей записку для передачи
    7. XI
    1) be given smth. he was given a job (quarters, a rest, etc.) ему дали /предложили/ работу и т. д., he was given a book (a watch, L 50, a ring, etc.) ему подарили книгу и т. д.; be given to smb., smth. a book (a watch, etc.) was given to him ему подарили книгу и т. д., he was given a contract с ним заключили контракт; be given in some manner our services are given free of charge мы оказываем услуги бесплатно; invitations are given gratuitously (periodically, willingly, etc.) приглашения рассылаются бесплатно и т. д., be given somewhere articles (books, etc.) must be given back статьи и т. д. должны быть возвращены
    2) be given to smb. of all the books that have been given to the public on the problem из всех выпущенных по данному вопросу книг
    3) || semiaux I was given to understand that... мне дали понять, что...
    4) be given to smth. be given to idleness (to luxury and pleasure, to drink, to these pursuits, etc.) иметь склонность к безделью и т. д., he is much given to music он увлекается музыкой; be given in so me manner I am not given that way у меня не такой склад /характер/; be given to doing smth. be given to drinking (to day-dreaming, to lying, to contradicting, to swearing, to shooting and hunting, etc.) любить выпить, иметь пристрастие к выпивке и т. д.; he is given to stealing он нечист на руку; he is given to boasting он хвастлив || semiaux (not) be given to smb. to do smth. it is not given to him to understand it (to appreciate beauty, to express his thoughts eloquently, to become famous, etc.) ему не дано понять это и т. д.
    5) be given somewhere the figures (the data, the results, etc.) are given below ( above) цифры и т. д. приведены ниже (выше); as given below (above) как показано /сказано/ ниже (выше); the word (this phrase, etc.) is not given in the dictionary словарь не дает /не приводит/ этого слова и т. д., be given in some manner the prices are given separately цены даются отдельно; this is given as a hypothesis это приводится в виде гипотезы
    6) be given smth. he was given the name of John его назвали Джоном; be given in some manner the subtitle is given rather grandiloquently дан очень пышный подзаголовок
    7) be given at some place the opera (the play, etc.) was first given in Paris (on this stage, etc.) эта опера и т. д. была впервые поставлена в Париже и т. д.; be given at some time the play is to be given again next month пьеса вновь пойдет /пьесу снова покажут/ в следующем месяце
    8) be given smth. be given six years' imprisonment (a severe punishment, a stiff sentence, a reprieve, etc.) получить шесть лет тюрьмы и т. д.; be given for (against) smb. the decision (the judg(e)ment, etc.) was given for (against) the defendant ( the plaintiff, etc.) решение и т. д. было вынесено в пользу (против) обвиняемого и т. д.
    8. XVI
    1) give to /for/ smth., smb. give to the Red Cross (to charity, to the poor, for the relief of the victims of the flood, etc.) жертвовать [средства] в пользу Красного Креста и т. д.
    2) give under smth. the fence (the beam, etc.) may give under the weight забор и т. д. может рухнуть под такой тяжестью; the earth /the soil/ (the marshy ground, etc.) gave under the vehicle под тяжестью машины почва и т. д. осела; the step gave under his feet ступенька сломалась у него под ногами; the lock gave under hard pushing мы напирали на дверь, пока замок не сломался; give on smth. we can't negotiate until each side is willing to give on some points успешные переговоры невозможны [до тех пор], пока каждая сторона не пойдет на определенные уступки
    3) give (up)on (into, onto) smth. the window ( the door, the gate, etc.) gives (up)on the street (on the garden, on the side street, into /on(to)/ the yard, on the sea, etc.) окно и т. д. выходит на улицу и т. д., the road gave onto the highway дорога выходила на шоссе
    9. XVIII
    give oneself to smth. give oneself to mathematics (to study, to science, etc.) посвятить себя математике и т. д.; give oneself to thought (to meditation, to prayer, etc.) предаваться размышлениям и т. д.; the invaders gave themselves to plunder захватчики занимались грабежом
    10. XXI1
    1) give smth. to smb., smth. give a book to each of the boys (food to the hungry, medicine to a patient, money to a beggar, etc.) давать каждому мальчику по книге и т. д.; money to the Red Cross (all his books to the library, his collection to the college, etc.) передать /( пожертвовать/ деньги Красному Кресту и т.
    ; give one's hand to the visitor подать / пожать, протянуть/ руку посетителю; give a part to an actor дать актеру роль; give place to the old woman (to new methods, etc.) уступить место пожилой женщине и т. д.; give her face to the sun подставить лицо солнцу; give smth. for smb., smth. give his life for his friends (for his country, for a cause, etc.) отдать свою жизнь за друзей и т. д.; give smth. to smth., smb. give (no) thought to it (не) задумываться над этим; give [one's] attention to smb. оказывать кому-л. внимание; give credit to smth. прислушиваться к чему-л.; give credit to the report доверять сообщению || give one's ear to smb., smth. прислушиваться к кому-л., чему-л.; give ear to the rumour прислушиваться к тому, что говорят; give one's daughter in marriage выдавать /отдавать/ дочь замуж
    2) give smth. to smb. give the command of the regiment to him поручить ему командование полком; give my love /my kind regards, my compliments/ to her (to your family, etc.) передавать ей и т. д. привет; give smb., smth. into smb., smth. give the children into smb.'s hands (into smb.'s care, into smb.'s charge, etc.) передавать детей в чьи-л. руки и т. д., поручать детей кому-л. и т. д., give the thief into the hands of the police передать вора в руки полиции; give the prisoner into custody отдать заключенного под стражу
    3) give smth. to smth., smb. give perfume to the linen (an edge to the appetite, brilliance to the thing, etc.) придавать белью аромат и т. д.; give a disease to smb. (a cold to the boy, measles to a whole school, etc.) заразить кого-л. какой-л. болезнью и т. д.; give motion to the wheel привести колесо в движение; give currency to smth. пускать что-л. в обращение; give currency to rumours распускать слухи; his novel gave currency to this phrase после выхода в свет его романа это выражение стало крылатым; give rise to smth. породить /вызвать/ что-л.; his behaviour gave rise to rumours его поведение дало повод разговорам
    4) give smth. for smth. give five pounds for the hat (as much as L 3 for this book, a good price for the car, etc.) (заплатать пять фунтов за шляпу и т. д.; how much /what/ did you give for that? сколько вы за это заплатили?; give prizes /premiums/ for the best exhibits выдавать призы за лучшие экспонаты; give smth. to smb. give good wages to the workers хорошо платить рабочим
    5) give smth. to smth., smb. give one's free time to golf (one's mind to scientific research, one's attention to study, one's heart to art, one's energy to political affairs, one's love to her, etc.) отдавать все свое свободное время игре в гольф и т. д.; give one's life to science (to the cause of peace, to study, to one's duty, etc.) отдать /посвятить/ свой жизнь науке и т. д.
    6) give smth. with smth. give the story with many unnecessary particulars (a description with many side remarks, evidence with no trace of bias, etc.) рассказать эту историю со многими ненужными подробностями и т. д.; give the scenery with great fidelity описывать /воспроизводить/ пейзаж с большой точностью; give smth. for smth. give his reasons for his absence (for the delay, for her lateness, etc.) объяснять свое отсутствие и т. д.
    7) give smth. at smth. the bulletin gives the population of the country at 90 millions (the average number of attempts at 3, the number of instances at 8, etc.) в бюллетене указывается, что население этой страны ранки девяноста миллионам и т. д.; give smth. in smth. give 30° in the shade (in the sun) показывать /регистрировать/ тридцать градусов в тени (на солнце)
    8) give smth. to smth. the city gave its name to the battle эта ботва получила название по городу, близ которого она произошла; the largest city gave its name to the province эта область названа по самому большому городу
    9) give smth. for smb. give a dinner (a party, etc.) for 20 guests давать обед и т. д. на двадцать человек /персон/
    10) give smth. to smb. give instruction to a class of adults (lessons to children, interviews to journalists, etc.) давать уроки группе взрослых и т. д., give a talk to the recruits провести беседу с новобранцами
    11) give smth. to smb. give three hearty cheers to the winners встречать победителей троекратным "ура"
    12) || give way to smth., smb. отступать перед чем-л., кем-л.; give way to а саг (to traffic coming in from the right, to the man, etc.) пропускать автомобиль и т. д., давать дорогу автомобилю и т. д.; give way to despair впасть в отчаяние; give way to temptation (to grief, etc.) поддаться соблазну и т. д.; give way to emotions уступить чувствам, быть не в состоянии справиться со своими чувствами; give way to tears не сдержать слезы, расплакаться; give way to his whims (to him, to these impudent demands, etc.) уступать его капризам и т. д., give way to anger не сдержать гнева, дать волю гневу; give place to smth., smb. отступать перед чем-л., кем-л.; spring gave place to summer на смену весне пришло лето
    13) semiaux give smth., to smb., smth. give a blow to smb. нанести кому-л. удар; give a signal to the guard подавать сигнал часовому; give a turn to a key in the lock повернуть ключ в замке; give help to the needy оказывать помощь нуждающимся; give an order to the servants (a command to the soldiers. etc.) отдать распоряжение слугам и т. д.; give an answer to the man ответить этому человеку; give encouragement to the boy ободрить /подбодрить/ мальчика; give chase to a ship [начать] преследовать корабль
    11. XXIV1
    give smth. as smth. give a book (a jack-knife, etc.) as a present давать книгу и т. д. в качестве подарка, дарить книгу и т. д., give smth. as a keepsake дарить что-л. на память

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > give

  • 26 in

    in (old forms endŏ and indŭ, freq. in ante-class. poets; cf. Enn. ap. Gell. 12, 4; id. ap. Macr. S. 6, 2; Lucil. ap. Lact. 5, 9, 20; Lucr. 2, 1096; 5, 102; 6, 890 et saep.), prep. with abl. and acc. [kindr. with Sanscr. an; Greek en, en-tha, en-then, eis, i. e. en-s, ana; Goth. ana; Germ. in], denotes either rest or motion within or into a place or thing; opp. to ex; in, within, on, upon, among, at; into, to, towards.
    With abl.
    In space.
    Lit., in (with abl. of the place or thing in which):

    aliorum fructus in terra est, aliorum et extra,

    Plin. 19, 4, 22, § 61:

    alii in corde, alii in cerebro dixerunt animi esse sedem et locum,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 9, 19:

    eo in rostris sedente suasit Serviliam legem Crassus,

    id. Brut. 43, 161:

    qui sunt cives in eadem re publica,

    id. Rep. 1, 32 fin.:

    facillimam in ea re publica esse concordiam, in qua idem conducat omnibus,

    id. ib.:

    T. Labienus ex loco superiore, quae res in nostris castris gererentur, conspicatus,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 26, 4:

    quod si in scaena, id est in contione verum valet, etc.,

    Cic. Lael. 26, 97:

    in foro palam Syracusis,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 33, § 81:

    plures in eo loco sine vulnere quam in proelio aut fuga intereunt,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 35:

    tulit de caede, quae in Appia via facta esset,

    Cic. Mil. 6, 15:

    in via fornicata,

    Liv. 22, 36:

    vigebat in illa domo mos patrius et disciplina,

    Cic. de Sen. 11, 37:

    in domo furtum factum ab eo qui domi fuit,

    Quint. 5, 10, 16:

    nupta in domo,

    Liv. 6, 34, 9:

    copias in castris continent,

    in, within, Caes. B. C. 1, 66:

    cum in angusto quodam pulpito stans diceret,

    Quint. 11, 3, 130:

    se ac suos in vehiculo conspici,

    Liv. 5, 40, 10:

    malo in illa tua sedecula sedere, quam in istorum sella curuli,

    Cic. Att. 4, 10:

    sedere in solio,

    id. Fin. 2, 21, 66:

    Albae constiterant, in urbe opportuna,

    id. Phil. 4, 2, 6. —

    Sometimes, also, with names of places: omnes se ultro sectari in Epheso memorat mulieres,

    Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 182:

    heri aliquot adolescentuli coiimus in Piraeo,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 4, 1:

    navis et in Cajeta est parata nobis et Brundisii,

    Cic. Att. 8, 3, 6:

    complures (naves) in Hispali faciendas curavit,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 18:

    caesos in Marathone ac Salamine,

    Quint. 12, 10, 24:

    in Berenice urbe Troglodytarum,

    Plin. 2, 73, 75, § 183.—
    In indicating a multitude or number, of, in, or among which a person or thing is, in, among (= gen. part.):

    in his poeta hic nomen profitetur suum,

    Ter. Eun. prol. 3:

    Thales, qui sapientissimus in septem fuit,

    Cic. Leg. 2, 11, 26:

    peto ut eum complectare, diligas, in tuis habeas,

    id. Fam. 13, 78, 2; cf.:

    in perditis et desperatis,

    id. ib. 13, 56, 1:

    omnia quae secundum naturam fiunt, sunt habenda in bonis,

    id. de Sen. 19, 71:

    dolor in maximis malis ducitur,

    id. Leg. 1, 11, 31:

    justissimus unus in Teucris,

    Verg. A. 2, 426:

    cecidere in pugna ad duo milia... in his quatuor Romani centuriones,

    Liv. 27, 12, 16:

    in diis et feminae sunt,

    Lact. 1, 16, 17.—
    Of analogous relations of place or position:

    sedere in equo,

    on horseback, id. Verr. 2, 5, 10:

    quid legati in equis,

    id. Pis. 25, 60:

    sedere in leone,

    Plin. 35, 10, 36, § 109:

    in eo flumine pons erat,

    on, over, Caes. B. G. 2, 5:

    in herboso Apidano,

    on the banks of, Prop. 1, 3, 6:

    in digitis,

    on tiptoe, Val. Fl. 4, 267:

    castra in limite locat,

    on the rampart, Tac. A. 1, 50:

    ipse coronam habebat unam in capite, alteram in collo,

    on, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 11, § 27:

    oleae in arbore,

    Cels. 2, 24:

    Caesaris in barbaris erat nomen obscurius,

    among, Caes. B. C. 1, 61:

    in ceteris nationibus, Cels. praef. 1: qui in Brutiis praeerat,

    Liv. 25, 16, 7:

    in juvenibus,

    Quint. 11, 1, 32:

    nutus in mutis pro sermone est,

    id. 11, 3, 66.—Of dress, like cum, q. v.:

    in veste candida,

    Liv. 45, 20, 5; 34, 7, 3:

    in calceis,

    id. 24, 38, 2:

    in insignibus,

    id. 5, 41, 2:

    in tunicis albis,

    Plin. Ep. 7, 27, 13:

    in Persico et vulgari habitu,

    Curt. 3, 3, 4:

    in lugubri veste,

    id. 10, 5, 17:

    in Tyriis,

    Ov. A. A. 2, 297:

    in Cois,

    id. ib. v. 298; cf.:

    homines in catenis Romam mittere,

    Liv. 29, 21, 12; 32, 1, 8: quis multa te in rosa urget, etc., Hor C. 1, 5, 1; so, in viola aut in rosa, Cic. Tusc. [p. 912] 5, 26, 73.—So of arms:

    duas legiones in armis,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 11, 6; cf. Verg. A. 3, 395:

    in armis hostis,

    under arms, Ov. M. 12,65:

    quae in ore atque in oculis provinciae gesta sunt (= coram),

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 33, § 81; so,

    in oculis provinciae,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 2:

    in oculis omnium,

    id. ib. 1, 3, 7:

    divitiae, decus, gloria in oculis sita sunt,

    Sall. C. 20, 14; Curt. 4, 13, 1; Liv. 22, 12, 6:

    Julianus in ore ejus (Vitellii) jugulatur,

    Tac. H. 3, 77; Sen. Ben. 7, 19, 7.—Of a passage in any writing (but when the author is named, by meton., for his works, apud is used, Krebs, Antibarb. p. 561):

    in populorum institutis aut legibus,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 15, 42:

    in illis libris qui sunt de natura deorum,

    id. Fat. 1, 1:

    in Timaeo dicit,

    id. N. D. 1, 12, 30:

    epistula, in qua omnia perscripta erant,

    Nep. Pelop. 3, 2:

    perscribit in litteris, hostes ab se discessisse,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 49; but in is also used with an author's name when, not a place in his book, but a feature of his style, etc., is referred to:

    in Thucydide orbem modo orationis desidero,

    Cic. Or. 71, 234:

    in Herodoto omnia leniter fluunt,

    Quint. 9, 4, 18.—Of books:

    libri oratorii diu in manibus fuerunt,

    Cic. Att. 4, 13, 2; id. Lael. 25, 96; but more freq. trop.: in manibus habere, tenere, etc., to be engaged, occupied with, to have under control or within reach:

    philosophi quamcunque rem habent in manibus,

    id. Tusc. 5, 7, 18:

    quam spem nunc habeat in manibus, exponam,

    id. Verr. 1, 6, 16:

    rem habere in manibus,

    id. Att. 6, 3, 1; cf.:

    neque mihi in manu fuit Jugurtha qualis foret,

    in my power, Sall. J. 14, 4:

    postquam nihil esse in manu sua respondebatur,

    Liv. 32, 24, 2:

    quod ipsorum in manu sit,... bellum an pacem malint,

    Tac. A. 2, 46; but, cum tantum belli in manibus esset, was in hand, busied (cf.:

    inter manus),

    Liv. 4, 57, 1; so,

    quorum epistulas in manu teneo,

    Cic. Phil. 12, 4, 9; cf. id. Att. 2, 2, 2:

    in manu poculum tenens,

    id. Tusc. 1, 29, 71:

    coronati et lauream in manu tenentes,

    Liv. 40, 37, 3; Suet. Claud. 15 fin. —Of that which is thought of as existing in the mind, memory, character, etc.:

    in animo esse,

    Cic. Fam. 14, 11:

    in animo habere,

    id. Rosc. Am. 18, 52:

    lex est ratio insita in natura,

    id. Leg. 1, 6, 18:

    in memoria sedere,

    id. de Or. 2, 28, 122; cf.:

    tacito mutos volvunt in pectore questus,

    Luc. 1, 247:

    quanta auctoritas fuit in C. Metello!

    Cic. de Sen. 17, 61. —So freq. of a person's qualities of mind or character:

    erat in eo summa eloquentia, summa fides,

    Cic. Mur. 28, 58; cf.:

    in omni animante est summum aliquid atque optimum, ut in equis,

    id. Fin. 4, 41, 37:

    si quid artis in medicis est,

    Curt. 3, 5, 13; cf.:

    nibil esse in morte timendum,

    Lucr. 3, 866.— Esp., in eo loco, in that state or condition:

    in eo enim loco res sunt nostrae, ut, etc.,

    Liv. 7, 35, 7: si vos in eo loco essetis, quid aliud fecissetis? Cat. ap. Quint. 9, 2, 21; so,

    quo in loco, etc.: cum ex equitum et calonum fuga, quo in loco res essent, cognovissent,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 26:

    videtis, quo in loco res haec siet, Ter Phorm. 2, 4, 6: quod ipse, si in eodem loco esset, facturus fuerit,

    Liv. 37, 14, 5.—Hence, without loco, in eo esse ut, etc., to be in such a condition, etc.:

    non in eo esse Carthaginiensium res, ut Galliam armis obtineant,

    Liv. 30, 19, 3:

    cum res non in eo esset, ut Cyprum tentaret,

    id. 33, 41, 9; 8, 27, 3; 2, 17, 5; Nep. Mil. 7, 3; id. Paus. 5, 1 (cf. I. C. 1. infra).—
    In time, indicating its duration, in, during, in the course of:

    feci ego istaec itidem in adulescentia,

    in my youth, when I was young, Plaut. Bacch. 3, 3, 6:

    in tempore hoc,

    Ter. And. 4, 5, 24:

    in hoc tempore,

    Tac. A. 13, 47:

    in tali tempore,

    Sall. C. 48, 5; Liv. 22, 35; 24, 28 al.:

    in diebus paucis,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 77:

    in brevi spatio,

    id. Heaut. 5, 2, 2; Suet. Vesp. 4:

    in qua aetate,

    Cic. Brut. 43 fin.:

    in ea aetate,

    Liv. 1, 57:

    in omni aetate,

    Cic. de Sen. 3, 9:

    in aetate, qua jam Alexander orbem terrarum subegisset,

    Suet. Caes. 7:

    qua (sc. Iphigenia) nihil erat in eo quidem anno natum pulchrius,

    in the course of, during the year, Cic. Off. 3, 25, 95 (al. eo quidem anno):

    nihil in vita se simile fecisse,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 91: nihil in vita vidit calamitatis A. Cluentius. id. Clu. 6, 18:

    in tota vita inconstans,

    id. Tusc. 4, 13, 29.—
    In tempore, at the right or proper time, in time (Cic. uses only tempore; v. tempus): eccum ipsum video in tempore huc se recipere, Ter. Phorm. 2, 4, 24:

    ni pedites equitesque in tempore subvenissent,

    Liv. 33, 5:

    spreta in tempore gloria interdum cumulatior redit,

    id. 2, 47:


    Tac. A. 12, 50:

    atque adeo in ipso tempore eccum ipsum obviam,

    Ter. And. 3, 2, 52: in tempore, opportune. Nos sine praepositione dicimus tempore et tempori, Don. ad Ter. And. 4, 4, 19.—
    In praesentia and in praesenti, at present, now, at this moment, under these circumstances:

    sic enim mihi in praesentia occurrit,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 8, 14:

    vestrae quidem cenae non solum in praesentia, sed etiam postero die jucundae sunt,

    id. ib. 5, 35, 100:

    id quod unum maxime in praesentia desiderabatur,

    Liv. 21, 37:

    haec ad te in praesenti scripsi, ut, etc.,

    for the present, Cic. Fam. 2, 10, 4.—
    With gerunds and fut. pass. participles, to indicate duration of time, in:

    fit, ut distrahatur in deliberando animus,

    Cic. Off. 1, 3, 9; id. Fam. 2, 6, 2:

    vitiosum esse in dividendo partem in genere numerare,

    id. Fin. 2, 9, 26:

    quod in litteris dandis praeter consuetudinem proxima nocte vigilarat,

    id. Cat. 3, 3, 6:

    ne in quaerendis suis pugnandi tempus dimitteret,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 21:

    in agris vastandis incendiisque faciendis hostibus,

    in laying waste, id. ib. 5, 19:

    in excidenda Numantia,

    Cic. Off. 1, 22, 76:

    cum in immolanda Iphigenia tristis Calchas esset,

    id. Or. 21, 74.—
    In other relations, where a person or thing is thought of as in a certain condition, situation, or relation, in:

    qui magno in aere alieno majores etiam possessiones habent,

    Cic. Cat. 2, 8, 18:

    se in insperatis repentinisque pecuniis jactare,

    id. Cat. 2, 9, 20:

    Larinum in summo timore omnium cum armatis advolavit,

    id. Clu. 8, 25.—

    So freq., of qualities or states of mind: summa in sollicitudine ac timore Parthici belli,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 31:

    torpescentne dextrae in amentia illa?

    Liv. 23, 9, 7:

    hunc diem perpetuum in laetitia degere,

    Ter. Ad. 4, 1, 5; Cic. Cat. 4, 1, 2:

    in metu,

    Tac. A. 14, 43:

    in voluptate,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 19, 62:

    alicui in amore esse,

    beloved, id. Verr. 2, 4, 1, § 3:

    alicui in amoribus esse,

    id. Att. 6, 1, 12:

    res in invidia erat,

    Sall. J. 25, 5; Liv. 29, 37, 17: sum in expectatione omnium rerum, Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 4, 10:

    num... Diogenem Stoicum coegit in suis studiis obmutescere senectus?

    in his studies, Cic. de Sen. 7, 21:

    mirificam cepi voluptatem ex tua diligentia: quod in summis tuis occupationibus mihi tamen rei publicae statum per te notum esse voluisti,

    even in, notwithstanding your great occupations, id. Fam. 3, 11, 4.—

    So freq., of business, employment, occupations, etc.: in aliqua re versari,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 47, § 105:

    similia iis, quae in consilio dixerat,

    Curt. 5, 5, 23:

    in certamine armorum atque in omni palaestra quid satis recte cavetur,

    Quint. 9, 4, 8:

    agi in judiciis,

    id. 11, 1, 78:

    tum vos mihi essetis in consilio,

    Cic. Rep. 3, 18, 28:

    in actione... dicere,

    Quint. 8, 2, 2.—Of an office, magistracy:

    in quo tum magistratu forte Brutus erat,

    Liv. 1, 59, 7; 4, 17, 1:

    in eo magistratu pari diligentia se praebuit,

    Nep. Han. 7, 5 (cf. B. 1. supra):

    in ea ipsa causa fuit eloquentissimus,

    Cic. Brut, 43, 160:

    qui non defendit nec obsistit, si potest, injuriae, tam est in vitio, quam, etc.,

    is in the wrong, acts wrongly, id. Off. 1, 7, 23:

    etsi hoc quidem est in vitio, dissolutionem naturae tam valde perhorrescere,

    is wrong, id. Fin. 5, 11, 31:

    non sunt in eo genere tantae commoditates corporis,

    id. ib. 4, 12, 29; cf.:

    an omnino nulla sit in eo genere distinctio,

    id. Or. 61, 205:

    Drusus erat de praevaricatione absolutus in summa quatuor sententiis,

    on the whole, Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 16; cf.:

    et in omni summa, ut mones, valde me ad otium pacemque converto,

    id. ib. 3, 5, 5;

    but, in summa, sic maxime judex credit, etc.,

    in a word, in fine, Quint. 9, 2, 72; Auct. B. Alex. 71; Just. 37, 1, 8:

    horum (juvenum) inductio in parte simulacrum decurrentis exercitus erat: ex parte elegantioris exercitii quam militaris artis,

    in part, Liv. 44, 9, 5; cf.:

    quod mihi in parte verum videtur,

    Quint. 2, 8, 6:

    patronorum in parte expeditior, in parte difficilior interrogatio est,

    id. 5, 7, 22:

    hoc facere in eo homine consueverunt,

    in the case of, Caes. B. G. 7, 21:

    in furibus aerarii,

    Sall. C. 52, 12:

    Achilles talis in hoste fuit,

    Verg. A. 2, 540:

    in hoc homine saepe a me quaeris, etc.,

    in the case of, Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 3, § 6: in nominibus impiis, Sall. C. 51, 15:

    suspectus et in morte matris fuit,

    Suet. Vit. 14:

    qui praesentes metuunt, in absentia hostes erunt, = absentes,

    Curt. 6, 3, 8 (cf. I. B. c. supra).—Of the meaning of words, etc.:

    non solum in eodem sensu, sed etiam in diverso, eadem verba contra,

    Quint. 9, 3, 36:

    aliter voces aut eaedem in diversa significatione ponuntur,

    id. 9, 3, 69:

    Sallustius in significatione ista non superesse sed superare dicit,

    Gell. 1, 22, 15:

    stips non dicitur in significatione trunci,

    Charis. 1, 18, 39:

    semper in significatione ea hortus,

    Plin. 19, 4, 19, § 50. —
    In with abl. of adjj. is used with the verbs esse and habere to express quality:

    cum exitus haud in facili essent, i. e. haud faciles,

    Liv. 3, 8, 9:

    adeo moderatio tuendae libertatis in difficili est,

    id. 3, 8, 11; 3, 65, 11; but mostly with adjj. of the first and second declension:

    in obscuro esse, Liv. praef. § 3: in dubio esse,

    id. 2, 3, 1; 3, 19, 8; Ov. H. 19, 174:

    dum in dubiost animus,

    Ter. And. 1, 5, 31; 2, 2, 10:

    in integro esse,

    Cic. Fam. 15, 16, 3; id. Att. 11, 15, 4:

    in incerto esse,

    Liv. 5, 28, 5:

    in obvio esse,

    id. 37, 23, 1:

    in tuto esse,

    id. 38, 4, 10; cf.:

    videre te in tuto,

    Cat. 30, 6:

    in aequo esse,

    Liv. 39, 37, 14; Tac. A. 2, 44:

    in expedito esse,

    Curt. 4, 2, 22:

    in proximo esse,

    Quint. 1, 3, 4:

    in aperto esse,

    Sall. C. 5, 3:

    in promisco esse,

    Liv. 7, 17, 7:

    in augusto esse,

    Cels. 5, 27, 2:

    in incerto haberi,

    Sall. J. 46, 8; Tac. A. 15, 17:

    in levi habitum,

    id. H. 2, 21; cf.:

    in incerto relinquere,

    Liv. 5, 28, 5; Tac. H. 2, 83.
    With acc.
    In space, with verbs of motion, into or to a place or thing (rarely with names of towns and small islands;

    v. Zumpt, Gram. § 398): influxit non tenuis quidam e Graecia rivulus in hanc urbem,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 19:

    in Ephesum advenit,

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 1, 35:

    in Epirum venire,

    Cic. Att. 13, 25, 3:

    ibo in Piraeeum, visamque, ecquae advenerit in portum ex Epheso navis mercatoria,

    Plaut. Bacch. 2, 3, 2: venio ad Piraeea, in quo magis reprehendendus sum, quod... Piraeea scripserim, non Piraeeum, quam in quod addiderim;

    non enim hoc ut oppido praeposui, sed ut loco,

    Cic. Att. 7, 3, 10:

    se contulisse Tarquinios, in urbem Etruriae florentissimam,

    id. Rep. 2, 19:

    remigrare in domum veterem e nova,

    id. Ac. 1, 4, 13:

    cum in sua rura venerunt,

    id. Tusc. 5, 35, 102:

    a te ipso missi in ultimas gentes,

    id. Fam. 15, 9:

    in Ubios legatos mittere,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 11:

    dein Thalam pervenit, in oppidum magnum et opulentum,

    Sall. J. 75, 1:

    Regillum antiquam in patriam se contulerat,

    Liv. 3, 58, 1:

    abire in exercitum,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 102.— With nuntio:

    cum id Zmyrnam in contionem nuntiatum est,

    Tac. A. 4, 56:

    nuntiatur in castra,

    Lact. Most. Pers. 46; cf.:

    allatis in castra nuntiis,

    Tac. H. 4, 32: in manus sumere, tradere, etc., into one's hands:

    iste unumquodque vas in manus sumere,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 27, § 63:

    Falerios se in manus Romanis tradidisse,

    Liv. 5, 27, 3.—Rarely with the verbs ponere, collocare, etc. (pregn., i. e. to bring into... and place there):

    in crimen populo ponere,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 3, 10:

    ut liberos, uxores suaque omnia in silvas deponerent,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 19:

    duplam pecuniam in thesauros reponi,

    Liv. 29, 19, 7:

    prius me collocavi in arborem,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 8, 6:

    sororem et propinquas suas nuptum in alias civitates collocasse,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 18.— Motion in any direction, up to, to, into, down to:

    in caelum ascendere,

    Cic. Lael. 23 fin.:

    filium ipse paene in umeros suos extulisset,

    id. de Or. 1, 53, 228:

    tamquam in aram confugitis ad deum,

    up to the altar, id. Tusc. 3, 10, 25:

    Saturno tenebrosa in Tartara misso,

    Ov. M. 1, 113:

    in flumen deicere,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 25, 70; Nep. Chab. 4, 3.—
    Denoting mere direction towards a place or thing, and hence sometimes joined with versus, towards:

    quid nunc supina sursum in caelum conspicis,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 3, 78:

    si in latus aut dextrum aut sinistrum, ut ipsi in usu est, cubat,

    Cels. 2, 3:

    Belgae spectant in septentriones et orientem solem,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 1:

    in orientem Germaniae, in occidentem Hispaniae obtenditur, Gallis in meridiem etiam inspicitur,

    Tac. Agr. 10:

    in laevum prona nixus sedet Inachus urna,

    Stat. Th. 2, 218.—With versus:

    castra ex Biturigibus movet in Arvernos versus,

    towards, Caes. B. G. 7, 8 fin.:

    in Galliam versus movere,

    Sall. C. 56, 4: in [p. 913] ltaliam versus, Front. Strat. 1, 4, 11:

    si in urbem versus venturi erant,

    Plin. Ep. 10, 82. —
    So of that which is thought of as entering into the mind, memory, etc. (cf. I. A. 2. fin.):

    in memoriam reducere,

    Cic. Inv 1, 52, 98:

    in animum inducere,

    Liv. 27, 9:

    in mentem venire,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 3:

    frequens imitatio transit in mores,

    Quint. 1, 11, 3. —

    Or into a writing or speech: in illam Metellinam orationem addidi quaedam,

    Cic. Att. 1, 13, 5.—
    In time, into, till, for:

    dormiet in lucem,

    into the daylight, till broad day, Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 34:

    statim e somno, quem plerumque in diem extrahunt, lavantur,

    Tac. G. 22: sermonem in multam noctem produximus, deep into the night, Cic. Rep. Fragm. ap. Arus. Mess. p. 239 Lindem.:

    in multam noctem luxit,

    Suet. Tib. 74:

    si febris in noctem augetur,

    Cels. 7, 27:

    dixit in noctem atque etiam nocte illatis lucernis,

    Plin. Ep. 4, 9, 14:

    indutias in triginta annos impetraverunt,

    for thirty years, Liv. 9, 37, 12; 7, 20, 8:

    nisi id verbum in omne tempus perdidissem,

    forever, Cic. Fam. 5, 15, 1:

    ad cenam hominem in hortos invitavit in posterum diem,

    for the following day, id. Off. 3, 14, 58:

    audistis auctionem constitutam in mensem Januarium,

    id. Agr. 1, 2, 4:

    subito reliquit annum suum seque in annum proximum transtulit,

    id. Mil. 9, 24:

    solis defectiones itemque lunae praedicuntur in multos annos,

    for many years, id. Div. 2, 6, 17:

    postero die Romani ab sole orto in multum diei stetere in acie,

    Liv. 27, 2:

    qui ab matutino tempore duraverunt in occasum,

    Plin. 2, 31, 31, § 99:

    seritur (semen lini) a Kalendis Octobribus in ortum aquilae,

    Col. 2, 10, 17.—With usque:

    neque illi didicerunt haec usque in senectutem,

    Quint. 12, 11, 20:

    in illum usque diem servati,

    id. 8, 3, 68:

    in serum usque patente cubiculo,

    Suet. Oth. 11:

    regnum trahat usque in tempora fati,

    Sil. 11, 392: in posterum (posteritatem) or in futurum, in future, for the future: in praesens, for the present: in perpetuum or in aeternum, forever:

    sancit in posterum, ne quis, etc.,

    Cic. Cat. 4, 5, 10:

    res dilata est in posterum,

    id. Fam. 10, 12, 3:

    video quanta tempestas invidiae nobis, si minus in praesens, at in posteritatem impendeat,

    id. Cat. 1, 9, 22:

    id aegre et in praesentia hi passi et in futurum etiam metum ceperunt,

    Liv. 34, 27, 10; cf.:

    ingenti omnium et in praesens laetitia et in futurum spe,

    id. 30, 17, 1:

    effugis in futurum,

    Tac. H. 1, 71:

    quod eum tibi quaestoris in loco constitueras, idcirco tibi amicum in perpetuum fore putasti?

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 30; cf.:

    oppidum omni periculo in perpetuum liberavit,

    id. Fam. 13, 4, 2:

    quae (leges) non in tempus aliquod, sed perpetuae utilitatis causa in aeternum latae sunt,

    Liv. 34, 6, 4: in tempus, for a while, for a short time, for the occasion (postAug.):

    sensit miles in tempus conficta,

    Tac. A. 1, 37:

    ne urbs sine imperio esset, in tempus deligebatur, qui jus redderet,

    id. ib. 6, 11:

    scaena in tempus structa,

    id. ib. 14, 20. —So in diem, for the day, to meet the day's want:

    nihil ex raptis in diem commeatibus superabat,

    Liv. 22, 40, 8:

    rapto in diem frumento,

    id. 4, 10, 1;

    but, cum illa fundum emisset in diem,

    i. e. a fixed day of payment, Nep. Att. 9, 5: in singulos dies, or simply in dies, with comparatives and verbs denoting increase, from day to day, daily:

    vitium in dies crescit,

    Vell. 2, 5, 2:

    in dies singulos breviores litteras ad te mitto,

    Cic. Att. 5, 7:

    qui senescat in dies,

    Liv. 22, 39, 15: in diem, daily:

    nos in diem vivimus,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 11, 33:

    in diem et horam,

    Hor. S. 2, 6, 47;

    and in horas,

    hourly, id. C. 2, 13, 14; id. S. 2, 7, 10.—
    In other relations, in which an aiming at, an inclining or striving towards a thing, is conceivable, on, about, respecting; towards, against; for, as; in, to; into:

    id, quod apud Platonem est in philosophos dictum,

    about the philosophers, Cic. Off. 1, 9, 28:

    Callimachi epigramma in Ambraciotam Cleombrotum est,

    id. Tusc. 1, 34, 84; cf.:

    cum cenaret Simonides apud Scopam cecinissetque id car men, quod in eum scripsisset, etc.,

    id. de Or. 2, 86, 352:

    quo amore tandem inflammati esse debemus in ejus modi patriam,

    towards, id. ib. 1, 44, 196:

    in liberos nostros indulgentia,

    id. ib. 2, 40, 168:

    de suis meritis in rem publicam aggressus est dicere,

    id. Or. 38, 133: ita ad impietatem in deos, in homines adjunxit injuriam, against, id. N. D. 3, 34 fin.:

    in dominum quaeri,

    to be examined as a witness against, id. Mil. 22, 60:

    in eos impetum facere,

    id. Att. 2, 22, 1:

    invehi in Thebanos,

    Nep. Epam. 6, 1; id. Tim. 5, 3:

    quaecumque est hominis definitio, una in omnes valet,

    id. Leg. 1, 10, 29:

    num etiam in deos immortales inauspicatam legem valuisse?

    Liv. 7, 6, 11:

    vereor coram in os te laudare amplius,

    to your face, Ter. Ad. 2, 4, 5:

    si in me exerciturus (pugnos), quaeso, in parietem ut primum domes,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 168:

    in puppim rediere rates,

    Luc. 3, 545 Burm. (cf.:

    sic equi dicuntur in frena redire, pulsi in terga recedere, Sulp. ad loc.): Cumis eam vidi: venerat enim in funus: cui funeri ego quoque operam dedi,

    to the funeral, to take charge of the funeral, Cic. Att. 15, 1, B:

    se quisque eum optabat, quem fortuna in id certamen legeret,

    Liv. 21, 42, 2:

    quodsi in nullius mercedem negotia eant, pauciora fore,

    Tac. A. 11, 6:

    haec civitas mulieri redimiculum praebeat, haec in collum, haec in crines,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 33:

    Rhegium quondam in praesidium missa legio,

    Liv. 28, 28; so,

    datae in praesidium cohortes,

    Tac. H. 4, 35: hoc idem significat Graecus ille in eam sententiam versus, to this effect or purport, Cic. Div. 2, 10, 25; cf. id. Fam. 9, 15, 4:

    haec et in eam sententiam cum multa dixisset,

    id. Att. 2, 22:

    qui omnia sic exaequaverunt, ut in utramque partem ita paria redderent, uti nulla selectione uterentur,

    id. Fin. 3, 4, 12:

    in utramque partem disputat,

    on both sides, for and against, id. Off. 3, 23, 89: te rogo, me tibi in omnes partes defendendum putes, Vatin. ap. Cic. Fam. 5, 10 fin.:

    facillime et in optimam partem cognoscuntur adulescentes, qui se ad claros et sapientes viros contulerunt,

    id. Off. 2, 13, 46:

    cives Romani servilem in modum cruciati et necati,

    in the manner of slaves, Cic. Verr. 1, 5, 13; cf.:

    miserandum in modum milites populi Romani capti, necati sunt,

    id. Prov. Cons. 3, 5:

    senior quidam Veiens vaticinantis in modum cecinit,

    Liv. 5, 15, 4;

    also: domus et villae in urbium modum aedificatae,

    Sall. C. 12, 3:

    perinde ac si in hanc formulam omnia judicia legitima sint,

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 5, 15:

    judicium quin acciperet in ea ipsa verba quae Naevius edebat, non recusasse,

    id. Quint. 20, 63; cf.:

    senatusconsultum in haec verba factum,

    Liv. 30, 43, 9:

    pax data Philippo in has leges est,

    id. 33, 30:

    Gallia omnis divisa est in partes tres,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 1; cf.:

    quae quidem in confirmationem et reprehensionem dividuntur,

    Cic. Part. Or. 9, 33: describebat censores binos in singulas civitates, i. e. for or over each state, id. Verr. 2, 2, 53; cf. id. ib. 2, 4, 26:

    itaque Titurium Tolosae quaternos denarios in singulas vini amphoras portorii nomine exegisse,

    id. Font. 5, 9:

    extulit eum plebs sextantibus collatis in capita,

    a head, for each person, Liv. 2, 33 fin.:

    Macedonibus treceni nummi in capita statutum est pretium,

    id. 32, 17, 2; cf.:

    Thracia in Rhoemetalcen filium... inque liberos Cotyis dividitur (i. e. inter),

    Tac. A. 2, 67.—
    Of the object or end in view, regarded also as the motive of action or effect:

    non te in me illiberalem, sed me in se neglegentem putabit,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 1, 16:

    neglegentior in patrem,

    Just. 32, 3, 1:

    in quem omnes intenderat curas,

    Curt. 3, 1, 21:

    quos ardere in proelia vidi,

    Verg. A. 2, 347:

    in bellum ardentes,

    Manil. 4, 220:

    nutante in fugam exercitu,

    Flor. 3, 10, 4:

    in hanc tam opimam mercedem agite ( = ut eam vobis paretis, Weissenb. ad loc.),

    Liv. 21, 43, 7:

    certa praemia, in quorum spem pugnarent,

    id. 21, 45, 4:

    in id sors dejecta,

    id. 21, 42, 2:

    in id fide accepta,

    id. 28, 17, 9:

    in spem pacis solutis animis,

    id. 6, 11, 5 et saep.:

    ingrata misero vita ducenda est in hoc, ut, etc.,

    Hor. Epod. 17, 63:

    nec in hoc adhibetur, ut, etc.,

    Sen. Ep. 16, 3:

    alius non in hoc, ut offenderet, facit, id. de Ira, 2, 26, 3: in quod tum missi?

    Just. 38, 3, 4.—So, like ad, with words expressing affections or inclination of the mind:

    in obsequium plus aequo pronus,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 10:

    paratus in res novas,

    Tac. H. 4, 32:

    in utrumque paratus,

    Verg. A. 2, 61.—
    Of the result of an act or effort:

    denique in familiae luctum atque in privignorum funus nupsit,

    Cic. Clu. 66, 188:

    paratusque miles, ut ordo agminis in aciem adsisteret,

    Tac. A. 2, 16: excisum Euboicae latus ingens rupis in antrum, Verg. A. 6, 42:

    portus ab Euroo fluctu curvatus in arcum,

    id. ib. 3, 533:

    populum in obsequia principum formavit,

    Just. 3, 2, 9:

    omnium partium decus in mercedem conruptum erat,

    Sall. H. 1, 13 Dietsch:

    commutari ex veris in falsa,

    Cic. Fat. 9, 17; 9, 18:

    in sollicitudinem versa fiducia est,

    Curt. 3, 8, 20.—
    Esp. in the phrase: in gratiam or in honorem, alicujus, in kindness, to show favor, out of good feeling, to show honor, etc., to any one (first in Liv.; cf. Weissenb. ad Liv. 28, 21, 4;

    Krebs, Antibarb. p. 562): in gratiam levium sociorum injuriam facere,

    Liv. 39, 26, 12:

    pugnaturi in gratiam ducis,

    id. 28, 21, 4:

    quorum in gratiam Saguntum deleverat Hannibal,

    id. 28, 39, 13; cf. id. 35, 2, 6; 26, 6, 16:

    oratio habita in sexus honorem,

    Quint. 1, 1, 6:

    convivium in honorem victoriae,

    id. 11, 2, 12:

    in honorem Quadratillae,

    Plin. Ep. 7, 24, 7:

    in honorem tuum,

    Sen. Ep. 20, 7; 79, 2; 92, 1; Vell. 2, 41 al.—
    In the phrase, in rem esse, to be useful, to avail (cf.: e re esse;

    opp.: contra rem esse): ut aequom est, quod in rem esse utrique arbitremur,

    Plaut. Aul. 2, 1, 10:

    si in rem est Bacchidis,

    Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 27; 2, 2, 7:

    hortatur, imperat, quae in rem sunt,

    Liv. 26, 44, 7:

    cetera, quae cognosse in rem erat,

    id. 22, 3, 2; 44, 19, 3:

    in rem fore credens universos adpellare,

    Sall. C. 20, 1; cf.:

    in duas res magnas id usui fore,

    Liv. 37, 15, 7:

    in hos usus,

    Verg. A. 4, 647.—
    To form adverbial expressions:

    non nominatim, qui Capuae, sed in universum qui usquam coissent, etc.,

    in general, Liv. 9, 26, 8; cf.:

    terra etsi aliquanto specie differt, in universum tamen aut silvis horrida aut paludibus foeda,

    Tac. G. 5:

    in universum aestimanti, etc.,

    id. ib. 6:

    aestate in totum, si fieri potest, abstinendum est (Venere),

    wholly, entirely, Cels. 1, 3 fin.; cf. Col. 2, 1, 2:

    in plenum dici potest, etc.,

    fully, Plin. 16, 40, 79, § 217:

    Marii virtutem in majus celebrare,

    beyond due bounds, Sall. J. 73, 5:

    aliter se corpus habere atque consuevit, neque in pejus tantum, sed etiam in melius,

    for the worse, for the better, Cels. 2, 2:

    in deterius,

    Tac. A. 14, 43:

    in mollius,

    id. ib. 14, 39:

    quid enim est iracundia in supervacuum tumultuante frigidius? Sen. de Ira, 2, 11: civitas saepta muris neque in barbarum corrupta (v. barbarus),

    Tac. A. 6, 42; cf.:

    aucto in barbarum cognomento,

    id. H. 5, 2:

    priusquam id sors cerneret, in incertum, ne quid gratia momenti faceret, in utramque provinciam decerni,

    while the matter was uncertain, Liv. 43, 12, 2:

    nec puer Iliaca quisquam de gente Latinos In tantum spe tollet avos,

    so much, Verg. A. 6, 876:

    in tantum suam felicitatem virtutemque enituisse,

    Liv. 22, 27, 4; cf.:

    quaedam (aquae) fervent in tantum, ut non possint esse usui,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 24:

    viri in tantum boni, in quantum humana simplicitas intellegi potest,

    Vell. 2, 43, 4:

    quippe pedum digitos, in quantum quaeque secuta est, Traxit,

    Ov. M. 11, 71:

    meliore in omnia ingenio animoque quam fortuna usus,

    in all respects, Vell. 2, 13:

    ut simul in omnia paremur,

    Quint. 11, 3, 25:

    in antecessum dare,

    beforehand, Sen. Ep. 118.—
    Sometimes with esse, habere, etc., in is followed by the acc. (constr. pregn.), to indicate a direction, aim, purpose, etc. (but v. Madvig. Gram. § 230, obs. 2, note, who regards these accusatives as originating in errors of pronunciation); so, esse in potestatem alicujus, to come into and remain in one ' s power: esse in mentem alicui, to come into and be in one ' s mind: esse in conspectum, to appear to and be in sight: esse in usum, to come into use, be used, etc.:

    quod, qui illam partem urbis tenerent, in eorum potestatem portum futurum intellegebant,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 38:

    ut portus in potestatem Locrensium esset,

    Liv. 24, 1, 13; 2, 14, 4:

    eam optimam rem publicam esse duco, quae sit in potestatem optimorum,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 17:

    neque enim sunt motus in nostram potestatem,

    Quint. 6, 2, 29:

    numero mihi in mentem fuit,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 25; cf.:

    ecquid in mentem est tibi?

    id. Bacch. 1, 2, 53:

    nec prius surrexisse ac militibus in conspectum fuisse, quam, etc.,

    Suet. Aug. 16:

    quod satis in usum fuit, sublato, ceterum omne incensum est,

    Liv. 22, 20, 6: ab hospitibus clientibusque suis, ab exteris nationibus, quae in amicitiam populi Romani dicionemque essent, injurias propulsare, Cic. Div. ap. Caecil. 20, 66: adesse in senatum [p. 914] jussit a. d. XIII. Kal. Octobr., id. Phil. 5, 7, 19.—Less freq. with habere: facito in memoriam habeas tuam majorem filiam mihi te despondisse, call or bring to mind, Plaut. Poen. 5, 4, 108:

    M. Minucium magistrum equitum, ne quid rei bellicae gereret, prope in custodiam habitum,

    put in prison, kept in prison, Liv. 22, 25, 6:

    reliquos in custodiam habitos,

    Tac. H. 1, 87.—So rarely with other verbs:

    pollicetur se provinciam Galliam retenturum in senatus populique Romani potestatem,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 4, 8. —
    In composition, n regularly becomes assimilated to a foll. l, m, or r, and is changed before the labials into m: illabor, immitto, irrumpo, imbibo, impello.—As to its meaning, according as it is connected with a verb of rest or motion, it conveys the idea of existence in a place or thing, or of motion, direction, or inclination into or to a place or thing: inesse; inhibere, inferre, impellere, etc. See Hand, Turs. III. pp. 243- 356.
    in (before b and p, im; before l, m, and r, the n assimilates itself to these consonants), an inseparable particle [kindred with Sanscr. a-, an-; Gr. a-, an; Goth. and Germ. un-], which negatives the meaning of the noun or participle with which it is connected; Engl. un-, in-, not: impar, unequal: intolerabilis, unbearable, intolerable: immitis, not mild, rude, etc.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > in

  • 27 aportar

    1 to provide.
    2 to contribute (contribuir con).
    3 to make a contribution, to contribute.
    * * *
    1 (llegar a puerto) to reach port
    1 (contribuir) to contribute
    2 (proporcionar) to give, provide
    aportar su granito de arena to do one's bit
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) [+ bienes, dinero] to contribute

    aporta el 25% del calcio necesario — it provides 25% of the calcium requirement

    2) [+ pruebas] to provide
    VI (Náut) to reach port
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( contribuir) <dinero/tiempo/idea> to contribute
    b) socio to invest
    aportar vi (RPl) ( a la seguridad social) to pay contributions
    * * *
    = bring, inject, plug into, chime in with.
    Ex. Subject experts may bring a more informed and critical eye to document analysis.
    Ex. The abstractor injects his opinion and analysis.
    Ex. In addition, when the heuristic approach is plugged into this interchange, the many additional facets of human personality and experience transform the exchange.
    Ex. Thanks for chiming in with a wonderful explanation.
    * aportar a = make + contribution to(wards).
    * aportar beneficios = lead to + benefits, bring + benefits, bring + benefits.
    * aportar ideas = contribute + ideas, brainstorm.
    * aportar materia prima para = provide + grist for + Posesivo + mill.
    * aportar sugerencias = contribute + suggestions.
    * aportar ventajas = bring + strengths.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( contribuir) <dinero/tiempo/idea> to contribute
    b) socio to invest
    aportar vi (RPl) ( a la seguridad social) to pay contributions
    * * *
    = bring, inject, plug into, chime in with.

    Ex: Subject experts may bring a more informed and critical eye to document analysis.

    Ex: The abstractor injects his opinion and analysis.
    Ex: In addition, when the heuristic approach is plugged into this interchange, the many additional facets of human personality and experience transform the exchange.
    Ex: Thanks for chiming in with a wonderful explanation.
    * aportar a = make + contribution to(wards).
    * aportar beneficios = lead to + benefits, bring + benefits, bring + benefits.
    * aportar ideas = contribute + ideas, brainstorm.
    * aportar materia prima para = provide + grist for + Posesivo + mill.
    * aportar sugerencias = contribute + suggestions.
    * aportar ventajas = bring + strengths.

    * * *
    aportar [A1 ]
    1 (proporcionar) to contribute
    aportaron diez millones de dólares al fondo they contributed ten million dollars to the fund
    su libro no aporta nada nuevo sobre el tema his book does not contribute o add anything new to the subject
    las flores aportan una nota alegre the flowers add a cheerful touch
    aportó una gran fortuna al matrimonio she brought a large fortune to the marriage
    aporta hierro, calcio y vitaminas it provides iron, calcium and vitamins
    2 «socio» to invest
    ■ aportar
    A ( RPl) (a la seguridad social) to pay contributions
    B ( RPl fam) (aparecer) to show up ( colloq), to turn up ( colloq)
    * * *


    aportar ( conjugate aportar) verbo transitivo
    a) ( contribuir) ‹dinero/tiempo/idea to contribute

    verbo intransitivo (RPl) ( a la seguridad social) to pay contributions
    I verbo transitivo to contribute
    II vi Náut to reach port
    ' aportar' also found in these entries:
    - proveer
    - dar
    - produce
    - put up
    * * *
    [contribuir con] to contribute;
    cada empresa aportará cien millones every company will contribute a hundred million;
    todos los miembros del equipo aportaron ideas all the members of the team contributed their ideas;
    el campeón argentino aporta diez jugadores al equipo nacional the Argentinian champions provide ten of the players in the national team;
    el informe no aporta nada nuevo the report doesn't say anything new
    1. RP [a seguridad social] to pay social security contributions
    2. CSur Fam [aparecer] to turn up
    * * *
    v/t contribute;
    aportar pruebas JUR provide evidence;
    aportar al matrimonio JUR bring to the marriage
    * * *
    contribuir: to contribute, to provide
    * * *
    aportar vb (dar) to contribute

    Spanish-English dictionary > aportar

  • 28 метод

    method, process, procedure, approach, technique, practice, tool, strategy
    Безо всяких изменений данный метод подходит для... - The method lends itself readily to...
    Более подходящим методом является... - A better technique is to...
    Более прямой метод получения величины F рассматривается в главе 9. - A more direct procedure for obtaining F is considered in Chapter 9.
    Более подходящим методом является определение... - A more satisfactory method is to establish...
    Большинство из этих более продвинутых методов требует... - Most of these more advanced methods require...
    Были предложены несколько методов. - Several techniques have been suggested.
    Было довольно нелегко разработать метод для... - It was fairly difficult to develop a method for...
    Было довольно сложно разработать метод для... - It was quite difficult to develop a method for...
    Было легко разработать метод для... - It was easy to develop a method for...
    Было относительно легко (= просто) разработать метод для... - It was relatively easy to develop a method for... (not easy on an absolute scale, but less challenging than other tasks)
    Было почти невозможно разработать метод для... - It was almost impossible to develop a method for... (so hard that we nearly failed)
    В альтернативном методе мы вычисляем... - In the alternative method we calculate...
    В данной главе мы представим метод для... - In this chapter, we shall formulate the procedure for...
    В данном приближенном методе существенно... - In this approximation procedure it is essential to...
    В качестве примера применения описанного выше метода мы показываем, что... - As an example of the method described above we show that...
    В недавние годы этот метод был улучшен посредством использования (чего-л). - In recent years the subject has been enriched by the use of...
    В основном мы следуем методу... - In essence we follow the procedure of...
    В последние годы несколько авторов отказались от этого метода. - Several authors have, in recent years, departed from this procedure.
    В своих основных чертах это был метод, использовавшийся Смитом [1]. - In essence, this was the method employed by Smith [1].
    В соответствии с методом, намеченным в Главе 1, мы... - In accordance with the method outlined in Chapter 1, we...
    В этой главе мы даем эффективный метод... - In this chapter we give an efficient method for...
    Вместо этого давайте разработаем (один) общий метод, посредством которого... - Instead, let us develop a general method whereby...
    Во многих случаях необходимо обращаться за помощью к приближенным методам. - In many cases it is necessary to resort to approximate methods.
    Возможно, безопасно применить метод... к... - It is probably safe to apply the method of... to...
    Возможно, наилучшим методом является... - Perhaps the best approach is to...
    Все вышеупомянутые методы не применимы для малых х. - The foregoing methods all fail for small x.
    Второй метод вывода уравнения (1) формулируется следующим образом. - A second method of obtaining (1) is as follows.
    Второй метод точно согласуется с... - The latter method agrees precisely with...
    Вышеуказанным методом обнаружено (= найдено), что... - By the above method it is found that...
    Геометрически метод состоит в следующем. - Geometrically, the procedure is as follows.
    Главное преимущество данного метода заключается в том, что... - The chief advantage of the method is that...
    Главным преимуществом данного метода является его общность. - The principal advantage of the method is its generality.
    Главным преимуществом данного метода по сравнению с традиционными является то, что... - The major advantage of this procedure over the traditional method is that...
    Главным преимуществом данного метода является его простота. - The principal virtue of the method is its simplicity.
    Далее, в данном методе заранее предполагается, что... - Further, the method presupposes...
    Данное свойство является основой одного метода нахождения... - This property provides one method of determining...
    Данный метод был предложен в статье [1]. - The method was suggested by Smith, et al. [1].
    Данный метод намного точнее, чем... - The present method is much more precise than...
    Данный метод не применим для/в... - The method does not apply to...
    Данный метод невозможно применить, когда/ если... - The method is not applicable when...
    Данный метод одинаково успешно можно применять к... - The method can equally well be applied to...
    Данный метод особенно подходит в случае, когда... - The method is particularly appropriate when...
    Данный метод позволяет... - The method enables one to...
    Данный метод позволяет исследователю... - The method allows an investigator to...
    Данный метод применим к широкому классу (в широком классе)... - The method is applicable to a large class of...
    Данный метод прост и довольно интересен, однако... - This method is simple and quite interesting, but...
    Данный отчет описывает новый метод... - This report describes a new method of...
    Данным методом можно решить ряд важных практических задач. - This method enables us to solve several problems of practical importance.
    Детали этого метода можно найти в [1]. - Details of the method can be found in Smith [1].
    Для... можно применить несколько методов. - Several methods are available for...
    Для получения... был использован ряд методов. - A number of methods have been used to obtain...
    Для преодоления этой трудности был разработан один метод. - One method has been advanced for overcoming this difficulty.
    Должны быть развиты методы для измерения... - Methods should be developed for measuring...
    Достоинство этого метода состоит в том, что... - The advantage of the method is that...
    Другим недостатком этого метода является то, что... - The other disadvantage of this procedure is that...; Another disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    Его метод доказательства весьма оригинален. - The method of proof is quite ingenious.
    Единственный доступный нам в настоящее время метод - это... - The only method available to us so far is...
    Единственным известным недостатком этого метода является то, что... - The only known disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    Еще одним методом является... - Still another approach is to...
    Здесь рассматривается (один) общий метод получения этих решений. - A general method of obtaining these solutions is considered here.
    Важность наших методов состоит в том, что они будут давать... - The significance of our methods is that they will yield...
    Значительно более удобный метод состоит в том, что... - A far more convenient approach is to...
    Имеются два обычно используемых метода для... - There are two commonly used methods for...
    Имеются три метода решения такой задачи. - There are three ways of attacking such a problem.
    Интересным альтернативным методом является следующий. - An interesting alternative procedure is as follows.
    Используя данный метод, следует помнить, что... - In using this method it is well to remember that...
    Используя любой подобный метод, необходимо (помнить и т. п.)... - With any method such as this it is necessary to...
    Используя этот метод, они нашли, что... - Using the method, they found that...; Using the method, they learned that...; Using the method, they determined that...; Using the method, they discovered that...
    Используя этот новый метод, мы можем... - By this new method it will be possible to...
    Итак, мы наметим несколько методов, которые могут использоваться для того, чтобы... - We therefore outline some procedures which can be used to...
    К сожалению, этот метод оказался неприменим. - Unfortunately, the method was not applicable; The method, unfortunately, was not applicable.
    К счастью, имеется один простой и подходящий для этого метод. - Fortunately, there is a simple technique available for doing this.
    Каков недостаток этого метода? - What is the disadvantage of this procedure?
    Каковы преимущества данного метода? - What are the advantages of this procedure?
    Конечно, это могло бы быть следствием неподходящих методов. - Of course, this could reflect the use of inappropriate methods.
    Конечно, этот метод не всегда применим. - Of course, this method will not always work.
    Коротко, мы будем интересоваться методами, которые... - In short, we will inquire into the ways in which...
    Кратко опишем метод для его оценки. - A method for estimating this will be given shortly.
    Метод... должен быть применен к/в... - The method of... should apply to...
    Метод... мог бы быть надежно применен для... - The method of... could safely be applied to,..
    Метод анализа, намеченный в предыдущем абзаце, показывает... - The method of analysis outlined in the last paragraph shows...
    Метод может использоваться для оценки... - The method can be used to estimate...
    Метод обладает очевидным преимуществом... - The method possesses the obvious advantage of...
    Метод основывается на принципе, что... - This method is based on the principle that...
    Метод перестает быть достаточно точным, если... - The method ceases to be reasonably accurate if...
    Метод состоит в следующем. - The procedure is as follows.
    Метод состоит из двух шагов. - The approach is in two steps.
    Метод требует от пользователя обеспечить... - The method requires the user to provide...
    Метод, который здесь описывается, требует... - The method to be described here involves...
    Метод, который мы описали, в общем случае не подходит для... - The procedure we have described is not, in general, suitable for...
    Метод, приведенный в этом параграфе, подобным образом может быть применен к... - The method of sections may be applied in a similar way to...
    Метод, с помощью которой это было получено, известен как... - The technique by which this is achieved is known as...
    Методы, которые мы рассмотрели, позволяют нам... - The methods we have considered enable us to...
    Можно использовать множество методов. Например,... - A variety of methods may be employed, e. g.,...
    Можно ожидать, что метод обеспечит нахождение по меньшей мере одного корня. - The method can be expected to provide at least one root.
    Мы будем придерживаться этого метода. - We shall follow this method.
    Мы ввели широкий класс методов решения... - We have introduced a wide range of procedures for solving...
    Мы можем обратить метод и вывести, что... - We can reverse the process and deduce that...
    Мы наметим в общих чертах метод, основанный на... - We will outline a procedure based on...
    Мы откладываем обсуждение подобных методов до параграфа 5. - We defer the discussion of such methods to Section 5.
    Мы принимаем полностью отличный от данного метод. - We adopt an entirely different method.
    Мы проиллюстрируем данный метод для случая... - We shall illustrate the procedure for the case of...
    Мы считаем, что метод... можно применять к/в... - We believe that the method of... is applicable to...
    Мы увидим, что эти методы могут использоваться лишь тогда, когда... - It will be observed that these methods are only applicable when...
    Мы упоминаем лишь два таких метода... - We mention only two such methods of...
    На данный метод часто ссылаются как на... - This process is often referred to as...
    На самом деле оба метода используются на практике. - Both methods are in fact used in practice.
    На сегодняшний день важность этого метода заключается в том, что... - For the present, the significance of this process lies in the fact that...
    Наиболее важным преимуществом данного метода является то, что... - The primary advantage of this procedure is that...
    Наиболее просто следовать этому методу в случае... - The procedure is most simply followed for the case of...
    Наиболее часто используемые методы перечислены ниже:... - The methods that are most often used follow:...
    Наиболее широко используемые методы основываются на... - The techniques most widely used are based on...
    Наиболее широко используемый метод это тот, что был введен Смитом [1]. - The method most commonly employed is that introduced by Smith [1].
    Наш метод будет весьма существенно отличаться от данного. - Our procedure will be quite different from this.
    Нашей основной целью является описание систематических методов для... - Our first concern is to describe systematic methods for...
    Не существует систематического метода определения... - There is no systematic way of determining...
    Недостатком данного метода является то, что он требует... - The disadvantage of this procedure is that it requires...
    Недостаток этого метода можно видеть... - The flaw in this approach can be seen by...
    Несколько методов анализа были введены с помощью... - Several methods of analysis are introduced by means of...
    Ни один из этих методов не требует... - Neither of these methods requires...
    Ниже описываются два подобных метода. - Two such methods are described below.
    Обнаружилось, что данный метод (здесь) не приложим. - It turned out that the method was not applicable.
    Обнаружилось, что данный метод успешно используется в широкой области... - The method is found to be successful on a wide range of...
    Обычно считают, что Смит [1] положил начало этому методу. - Smith [1] is usually credited with originating this method.
    Обычным методом является измерение... - A common procedure is to measure...
    Один такой несколько искусственный метод занимается... - One such trick is concerned with...
    Одна элегантная версия данного метода использует... - An elegant version of this method employs...
    Однако данный метод требует предварительного знания... - However, this method presupposes a knowledge of...
    Однако лучше всего ввести этот метод, рассматривая... - However, the method is best introduced by considering...
    Однако метод может не сработать даже при отсутствии... - However, the procedure may fail even in the absence of...
    Однако мы воспользуемся здесь более общим методом, разработанным Воровичем [1]. - But we shall follow here a more general method due to Vorovich [1].
    Однако мы легко можем разработать метод для... - We can, however, easily devise a means for...
    Однако решения все еще могут быть получены при помощи чисто численных методов. - Solutions can still be obtained, however, by resorting to purely numerical methods.
    Однако существует стандартный метод работы с... - However, there is a standard method of dealing with...
    Однако этот метод не работает, будучи примененным к... - This approach, however, breaks down when applied to...
    Однако этот метод совершенно не удовлетворяет нашим целям. - This procedure, however, falls far short of our goal.
    Одним из преимуществ этого метода является то, что... - One advantage of this procedure is that...
    Одним общим недостатком данного метода является наличие... - One common drawback of this method is the presence of...
    Оказывается, данный метод первоначально появился в работах Смита [1]. - The method appears to have originated in the works of Smith [1].
    Описанная выше процедура представляет один строгий метод... - The procedure described above represents a rigorous method of...
    Описанный выше метод может быть использован для построения... - The procedure described above can be used to construct...
    Описанный здесь метод всегда приводит... - The procedure described here always yields...
    Основной слабостью метода является... - The main weakness of the method is...
    Отличительным преимуществом данного метода является то, что... - A distinct advantage of the procedure is that...
    Отличный от вышеупомянутого метод был предложен Джонсом [1]. - A different method has been given by Jones [1].
    Перед этим не имелось общепризнанного метода... - Prior to this, there was no generally accepted method of...
    Подобные методы могут использоваться в более сложных ситуациях. - Similar methods may be employed in more complicated cases.
    Подобный метод был рассмотрен Смитом [1], который... - Such a procedure has been considered by Smith [1], who...
    Подобный метод может быть принят, когда... - A similar method may be adopted when...
    Подобный метод применяется к/в... - A similar method applies to...
    Пользуясь такими методами, мы можем избежать... - By such expediencies we can avoid...
    Потенциальное преимущество данного метода состоит в том, что... - A potential advantage of this procedure lies in the fact that...
    Поэтому мы применяем слегка модифицированный метод. - We therefore adopt a slightly different method.
    Предпочтительным, однако, является метод... - The preferred method, however, is to...
    Преимущество этого метода заключается в том, что... - The advantage of this method lies in the fact that...
    Преимущество этого метода, следовательно, состоит в том, что он обеспечивает простой... - The advantage < this procedure, therefore, is that it provides a simple...
    Применение данного метода ограничено... - The application of this method is confined to...
    Применение данного метода показывает... - An application of this process shows...
    Применение данного специального метода оправдано (чем-л). - The adoption of this particular method is justified by...
    Проиллюстрируем общий метод, рассматривая... - We illustrate the general method by considering...
    Рассматриваемые до сих пор методы касаются... - The methods considered so far have been concerned with...
    Результаты всех этих методов согласуются с... - The results of all these methods are consistent with...
    Решающим недостатком этого метода является то, что... - The crucial disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    С другой стороны, этот метод даст... - On the other hand, this method will give...
    Открытие Смита сделало возможным новый метод... - Smith's discovery made possible a new method of...
    Самым простым из таких методов является (метод)... - The simplest such method is...
    Следовательно, необходимо развить общий метод для... - It is, therefore, necessary to devise a general method for...
    Следует подчеркнуть, что этот метод должен использоваться только если... - It is to be emphasized that this method should be used only; if...
    Следует уделить внимание методам... - Attention should be given to methods of...
    Следующее рассуждение иллюстрирует метод... - The following treatment illustrates the method of...
    Следующим недостатком этого метода является то, что... - A further disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    Смит [lj обнаружил метод для... - Smith [1] discovered a method for...
    Смит [1] предложил метод вычисления... - Smith [l] has proposed a method of calculating...
    Смит [1] применил этот метод к... - Smith [1] has applied this method to.,.
    Стандартным методом является следующий. - The standard procedure is as follows.
    Таким образом, мы имеем метод, который позволяет... - Thus we have a method which yields...
    Тем не менее, развитые нами методы обеспечивают основу для... - However, the methods we have developed provide a basis for...
    Теперь мы (полностью) готовы использовать методы, разработанные во втором параграфе. - We are now ready to use the methods of Section 2.
    Теперь мы обсудим систематические методы, которые f можно использовать в/ при... - We now discuss systematic methods which can be applied to...
    Теперь мы применим метод Римана, чтобы... - We now apply Riemann's method in order to...
    Только что описанный метод известен как... - The procedure we have described is known as...
    Тот же метод можно применять в/к... - The same method may be applied to...
    Удобным методом достижения необходимой цели является... - A convenient way to accomplish this is to...
    Усовершенствованные экспериментальные методы сделали возможным... - Refined experimental methods have made it possible to...
    Фундаментальным преимуществом этого метода является то, что... - A fundamental advantage of this procedure is that...
    Хотя этот метод и несколько необычен, он справедлив (= работает) как и любой из известных методов. - Although this method is somewhat unorthodox, it is as valid as any of the more familiar methods.
    Центральной идеей, на которой основывался подход Смита [1], была... - The essential idea behind Smith's approach was that...
    Чтобы воспользоваться преимуществами данного метода, необходимо... - In order to take advantage of this procedure, one must...
    Чтобы проиллюстрировать применение метода, мы... - То illustrate the process we...
    Эдисон изобрел новый метод для... - Edison invented a new method for...
    Эдисон обдумывал новый метод для... - Edison devised a new method for...
    Эти методы вводятся в следующем параграфе. - These methods are introduced in the next section.
    Эти методы весьма громоздки. - These processes are tedious.
    Эти методы настолько чувствительны, что... - These methods are so sensitive that...
    Эти методы нельзя применять в случае, когда... - These methods are not applicable in the case of...
    Эти методы очень чувствительны к малым изменениям в... - These methods are very sensitive to small changes in...
    Эти методы получают своих сторонников, так как... - These methods attract proponents because...
    Этим методом (= На этом пути) мы можем получить (вывести и т. п.)... - In this way we can arrive at...
    Это будет объяснено примерами, когда мы будем изучать метод... - This point will be clarified by examples when we study the method of...
    Это известный метод, принятый во многих работах... - This is a familiar procedure, undertaken in many studies of...
    Это иллюстрирует важный метод... - This illustrates an important method of...
    Это можно увидеть двумя методами. - This can be seen in two ways.
    Это несущественный недостаток метода, поскольку... - This is not a serious defect of the method because...
    Это приводит к полезным методам обращения с... - This leads to useful ways of dealing with...
    Это простой метод, который можно проиллюстрировать, рассматривая... - This is a simple procedure which can be illustrated by considering...
    Этот метод аналогичен использованному в... - The procedure is similar to that used in...
    Этот метод был описан Смитом [1]. - The method has been described by Smith [1].
    Этот метод был последовательно доведен до полной эффективности Смитом [3]. - This method was subsequently brought to full fruition by Smith [3].
    Этот метод вполне очевиден. - This procedure is quite straightforward.
    Этот метод доказательства довольно общий и применим к... - The method of proof is quite general and applies to...
    Этот метод известен как... - The procedure is known as...
    Этот метод имеет следующие недостатки. - The procedure has the following disadvantages.
    Этот метод интересен по следующей причине. - This method is of interest for the following reason.
    Этот метод легко адаптируется к/ для... - This procedure is readily adaptable to...
    Этот метод легко понять, замечая, что... - The process is easily understood by noting that...
    Этот метод лучше всего иллюстрируется примером. - The procedure is best illustrated by an example.
    Этот метод наиболее успешен в случае, когда он применяется в... - The method is most successful when applied to...
    Этот метод очевидным образом может быть распространен на (случай)... - This process can clearly be extended to...
    Этот метод принимается, поскольку... - This approach is adopted because...
    Этот метод являлся стандартным в течение многих лет. Несмотря на более новые разработки он будет использоваться и далее. - This approach has been standard for many years, and will continue to be of great use regardless of newer developments.
    Этот технически простой метод действительно требует... - This technically simple method does require...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > метод

  • 29 просто

    simply, simple, merely, just
    В этом случае особенно просто... - In this case it is particularly easy to...
    Все это не просто догадка. - All this is not merely guesswork.
    Довольно просто увидеть, что... - It is fairly easy to see that...
    Здесь все очень просто, и мы можем... - Here the matter is very simple, and we can...
    Здесь мы просто заметим, что... - Here we will merely note that...
    Как мы увидим в следующем параграфе, это не просто совпадение. - This is not a coincidence, as we will see in the next section.
    Мы включим сюда все случаи очень просто - сказав, что... - We include all cases very simply by saying that...
    Мы могли бы получить этот же результат более просто, заметив, что... - We could have obtained this result more easily by noting that...
    Мы просто хотим привлечь внимание к одному факту... - Let us merely call attention to one point:...
    Наиболее просто понять эту идею можно, рассматривая... - The idea is most easily understood by examining...
    Наиболее просто следовать этому методу в случае... - The procedure is most simply followed for the case of...
    Наиболее просто это было объяснено предположением, что... - This was most simply explained by the supposition that...
    Наиболее просто это может быть проделано (способом)... - This can be done most easily by...
    Однако они не могут быть получены просто... - They cannot, however, be obtained merely by...
    Однако теперь мы просто констатируем, что... - For the present, however, we merely state that...
    Однако это может быть сделано довольно просто, если мы введем... - It can be done rather easily, however, if we introduce...
    Оно (решение и т. п.) может быть найдено более просто следующим образом... - It can be found most simply by...
    Очевидно, что мы не можем просто... - It is obvious that we cannot simply...
    Очевидно, что эта ситуация возникает просто потому, что... - It is obvious that this situation arises simply because...
    Прибор просто устанавливать. - The device is simple to install.
    Сейчас мы просто отметим, что... - For the present, we merely note that...
    Эта модификация, возможно, вводится наиболее просто, если заметить, что... - This modification is perhaps most easily introduced by observing that...
    Эти соотношения получаются наиболее просто (методом и т. п.)... - These relations are obtained most simply by...
    Это последнее уравнение просто означает, что... - This last equation simply means that...
    Это просто (выписать и т. п.)... - This is a simple matter (to write out...)
    Это просто следствие того факта, что... - This is simply a consequence of the fact that...
    Это просто утверждение, сделанное с целью, чтобы... - This is simply a statement to the effect that...
    Это просто частный случай (теоремы и т. п.)... - This is simply a particular case of...
    Это решение можно получить наиболее просто, используя... - The solution is most readily obtained by the use of...
    Это требование наиболее просто можно удовлетворить... - This requirement is most simply met by...
    Это уравнение просто утверждает, что... - This equation simply states that...
    Это условие может быть наиболее просто удовлетворено требованием, что... - This condition can be most easily satisfied by requiring that...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > просто

  • 30 предполагать

    (= предположить) assume, presuppose, suppose, expect, fancy, intend, imagine, speculate
    Без потери общности можно предположить, что х < 1, так как... - No generality is lost by assuming x < 1, since...
    Без потери общности можно предположить, что... - There is no loss of generality in assuming that...
    Более точно, предположим, что... - More precisely, we shall suppose that...
    Будем временно предполагать, что... - We will tentatively assume that...; For now, we will assume that...; For the time being we will assume that...
    Будем также предполагать... - We shall also assume...
    Было бы неверно предполагать, что... - It would be wrong to assume that...
    В любом случае, разумно предположить, что... - In any case, it is reasonable to suppose that...
    В нашем изложении мы уже предположили, что... - We have assumed in our exposition that...
    В нескольких следующих примерах мы будем предполагать для удобства, что... - In the next few examples we will assume for convenience that...
    В оставшейся части нашего анализа мы будем предполагать, что... - We shall assume for the remainder of this analysis that...
    В предыдущем рассмотрении мы автоматически предполагали, что... - In the above treatment, it has been tacitly assumed that...
    В старой литературе было принято предполагать, что... - In the early literature, it was usual to assume that...
    В частности, мы предполагаем знакомство (читателя) с... - In particular, we assume familiarity with...
    В частности, предположим, что возможно... - In particular, suppose it is possible to...
    В этой формуле мы все еще не предположили, что... - In this formula we have not yet assumed that...
    Вместо этого мы должны предположить, что... - Instead, we must assume that...
    Временно будем предполагать, что... - We will assume for the time being that...
    Временно предположим, что... - We shall assume for the moment that...
    Всюду в этом параграфе мы предполагали, что... - Throughout this section we have assumed that...
    Всюду далее мы предполагаем, что... - We shall suppose throughout that...
    Далее предполагаем, что... - Assuming further that...
    Для определенности давайте предположим, что... - То be specific let us assume that...
    Для определенности мы предположим, что... - For definiteness we shall suppose that...
    Для сохранения аргументации давайте предположим, что... - Let us assume for the sake of argument that...
    Для того, чтобы это сравнение имело смысл, мы дополнительно предполагаем, что... - For the comparison to be meaningful, we also assume that...
    Для удобства мы предполагаем, что... - For the sake of convenience we have assumed that...
    До сих пор мы не предполагали, что... - So far we have not assumed that...
    Допустимо предполагать, что... - It is permissible to assume that...
    Естественно предполагать, что... - It would appear reasonable that...
    Здесь уже было предположено, что... - It has been assumed, of course, that...
    Интуитивно кажется разумным предположить, что... - It is intuitively reasonable to suppose that...
    Интуитивно мы бы предположили, что... - Intuitively we would suppose that...
    Исходя из этой модели, можно было бы предположить, что... - From this model one may expect that...
    К примеру, можно было бы предположить, что... - It might, for example, be conjectured that...
    Кажется разумным предполагать... - It seems reasonable to conjecture that...
    Кажется разумным предположить, что... - It seems reasonable to assume that...
    Как и ранее, мы будем предполагать, что... - We shall assume as before that...
    Можно предположить, что... - It can be assumed that...; It may be supposed that...; One may conjecture that...
    Можно с уверенностью предположить, что... - It is safe to assume that...; It may be safely suggested that...
    Можно смело предположить, что... - It is plausible to assume that...
    Мы будем предполагать присутствие... - We shall assume the presence of...
    Мы будем предполагать, что читатель обладает очевидной интуитивной концепцией (= идеей)... - We shall assume that the reader has a clear intuitive idea of...
    Мы всегда будем предполагать, что... - We will always assume that...
    Мы вынуждены предположить, что... - One is tempted to surmise that...
    Мы могли бы предположить это (исходя) из... - We might suspect this from...
    Мы могли бы также предположить, что... - We might also conjecture that...
    Мы молчаливо предполагаем, что... - We tacitly assume that...
    Мы не будем заранее предполагать, что... - We do not presume to...
    Мы неявно предположили, что... - We have implicitly supposed A to be continuous on...
    Мы предполагаем без обсуждения, что... - We assume without discussion that...
    Мы предполагаем лишь очень небольшое знание... - We assume very little knowledge of...
    Мы предполагаем, что это условие выполнено. - We assume this condition to be fulfilled.
    На основе своих наблюдений Смит [1] предположил, что... - Smith [1] conjectured from his observations that...
    На этом этапе мы не можем предполагать, что... - At this stage we cannot assume that...
    Например, предположим, что... - For instance, suppose that...
    Например, предположим, что мы хотим... - Suppose, for example, that we wish to...
    Начиная с этого момента, предположим, что... - Let us assume from now on that...
    Нет оснований предполагать, что... - There is no reason to suppose that...
    Один способ продолжить это состоит в том, чтобы предположить, что... - One way of proceeding is to suppose that...
    Однако было бы совершенно неверно предполагать, что... - It would be very wrong to assume, however, that...
    Однако не так уж очевидно, что справедливо предположить, что... - However, it is not obviously valid to assume that...
    Однако нельзя предполагать, что... - It cannot be assumed, however, that...
    Однако предположим, что мы хотим получить... - But suppose that we wish to obtain...
    Однако теперь мы предположим, что... - For the present, however, we shall assume that...
    Однако этот результат действительно предполагает, что... - The result does assume, however, that...
    Основываясь на этих примерах, мы могли бы предположить, что... - Based on these examples, one might conjecture that...
    Остается лишь возможность предположить, что... - The remaining possibility is to assume that...
    Очевидно, что нам не требуется предполагать, что... - It is evidently unnecessary to suppose that...
    По причинам, которые станут ясны позднее, мы предполагаем, что... - We assume, for reasons which will become apparent, that...
    Повсюду в данной главе мы будем предполагать, что... - Throughout this chapter we have assumed that...
    Предварительно мы предполагаем, что... - Tentatively we assume that...
    Предположим на минуту, что... - Assume for the moment that...
    Предположим от противного, что... - Suppose, by contradiction, that...
    Предположим, что... - Let us suppose that...
    Предположим, что вместо этого мы заинтересованы в... - Suppose instead that we are interested in...
    Предположим, что мы желаем найти... - Let us suppose that we wish to find...
    Принято предполагать, что... - It is customary to assume that...; It is commonly supposed that...
    Рекомендуется предположить, что... - It is tempting to assume that...
    С целью анализа мы предположим... - For purposes of analysis we shall assume...
    С целью упростить обозначения, мы предполагаем, что... - For simplicity of notation, we assume that...
    Самое главное, мы не можем предположить в общем случае, что... - Above all, we cannot assume in general that...
    Следовательно, мы всегда будем предполагать, что... - Henceforth we shall always assume that...
    Следовательно, мы предполагаем (не зная того точно), что... - We presume, therefore, that...
    Следовательно, разумно предположить, что... - It is thus reasonable to assume/suppose that...
    Сначала предположили, что... - Initially, it was supposed that...
    Справедливо предполагалось, что... - It was correctly reasoned that...; It was correctly supposed that...
    Считалось разумным предполагать, что... -jit was considered reasonable to assume that...
    Такая точка зрения предполагает, что... - This view presumes that...
    Теперь мы можем предположить, что... - We may now suppose that...
    Теперь мы предполагаем, что... - At this point, we assume that...
    Теперь мы предположим, что... - For now we assume that...
    Теперь, хотя мы в этом и не уверены, предположим, что... - Let us now assume tentatively that...
    Чтобы доказать (эту) теорему, во-первых, предположим, что... - То prove the theorem, suppose first that...
    Чтобы объяснить получившийся результат, мы могли бы предположить, что... - То explain the above result, we could suppose that...
    Чтобы получить неявное выражение для /(ж) предположим, что... - То obtain an explicit expression for f(x), suppose that...
    Чтобы попытаться исключить это затруднение, давайте предположим, что... - In an attempt to remove this difficulty, let us assume that...
    Чтобы проанализировать, мы предположим... - For purposes of analysis we shall assume...
    Чтобы проиллюстрировать (это), предположим, что... - By way of illustration, suppose that...
    Чтобы проиллюстрировать это наиболее простым примером, предположим, что... - То take the simplest possible illustration, suppose that...
    Чтобы упростить задачу, давайте предположим, что... -То simplify the problem, let us suppose that...
    Чтобы учесть данный факт, Максвелл предположил, что... - То account for this fact, Maxwell supposed that...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > предполагать

  • 31 πρός

    πρός prep. expressing direction ‘on the side of’, ‘in the direction of’: w. gen. ‘from’, dat. ‘at’, or acc. (the most freq. usage in our lit.) ‘to’ (s. the lit. s.v. ἀνά. beg.) (Hom.+).
    w. gen. (pseudepigr. only TestSol 10:4 C; apolog. exc. Ar.) marker of direction or aspect from which someth. is determined, to the advantage of, advantageous for (Thu. 3, 59, 1 οὐ πρὸς τῆς ὑμετέρας δόξης τάδε; Hdt. 1, 75; Dionys. Hal. 10, 30, 5; Diod S 18, 50, 5; Lucian, Dial. Deor. 20, 3; Mel., HE 4, 26, 8; Ath. 36, 1; B-D-F §240; Rob. 623f) οἱ πρ. ζωῆς μαζοί the life-giving breasts 1 Cl 20:10. πρ. τῆς σωτηρίας in the interest of safety Ac 27:34 (πρὸς τῆς ς. as Jos., Ant. 16, 313).
    w. dat. (pesudepigr. only TestSol 6:4 D; TestAbr [s. below]; JosAs 19:1.—Just.; Mel., HE 4, 26, 7; Ath., R. 22 p. 75, 10) marker of closeness of relation or proximity
    of place near, at, by (Hom. et al. incl. Aristarch. Samos 398, 20; LXX; TestSol 6:4 D; Jos., Ant 8, 349; 381) Mk 5:11; around Rv 1:13. πρ. τῇ θύρᾳ ἑστηκέναι stand at the door (Menand., Fgm. 420, 1; 830 K.=352, 1; 644 Kö.; JosAs 19:1) J 18:16; cp. 20:11. πρὸς τῇ πύλῃ GJs 4:4; ἐγγίζοντος αὐτοῦ πρ. τῇ καταβάσει τοῦ ὄρους when he came close to the slope of the mountain Lk 19:37 (s. κατάβασις). πρ. τῇ κεφαλῇ, τοῖς ποσίν at the head, at the feet J 20:12. τὰ πρ. ταῖς ῥίζαις the parts near the roots Hs 9, 1, 6; 9, 21, 1. In geographical designations Μαγνησία ἡ πρ. Μαιάνδρῳ Magnesia on the Maeander IMagnMai ins.—(Cp. the temporal use: πρὸς ἑσπέρᾳ ἐστίν it takes place at evening TestAbr B 2 p. 106, 7 [Stone p. 60]; cp. Just., D. 105, 3 and 5; 142, 1.)
    in addition to (Hom. et al.; Polyb., Just.; Mel., HE 4, 26, 7; Ath., R. 22 p. 75, 10; ins) πρὸς τούτοις (SIG 495, 105; 685, 70 and 100; 796 B, 30; 888, 35 al.; UPZ 26, 18; 25 [163 B.C.]; 2 Macc 4:9; 5:23; 9:17, 25; 14:4, esp. 12:2; Philo, Aet. M. 67 al.; Just., A I, 40, 5; D. 93, 4 al.) 1 Cl 17:1.
    w. acc. (pseudepigr. and apolog. throughout) marker of movement or orientation toward someone/someth.
    of place, pers., or thing toward, towards, to, after verbs
    α. of going; s. ἄγω 5, ἀναβαίνω 1aα, ἀνακάμπτω 1a, ἀπέρχομαι 1b, διαβαίνω, διαπεράω, εἴσειμι, εἰσέρχομαι 1bα, ἐκπορεύομαι 1c, also ἐπισυνάγομαι Mk 1:33, ἔρχομαι 1aβ, ἥκω 1d et al.—προσαγωγὴ πρὸς τὸν πατέρα Eph 2:18. εἴσοδος 1 Th 1:9a.
    β. of sending; s. ἀναπέμπω Lk 23:7, 15; Ac 25:21, ἀποστέλλω 1bα, πέμπω.
    γ. of motion gener.; s. βληθῆναι (βάλλω 1b), ἐπιστρέφω 1a, 4ab, κεῖμαι 2, πίπτω 1bαא and ב, προσκολλάω, προσκόπτω 1, προσπίπτω.
    δ. of leading, guiding; s. ἄγω 1a, ἀπάγω 2a and 4, also ἕλκω 2 end J 12:32, κατασύρω, etc.
    ε. of saying, speaking; s. ἀποκρίνομαι 1, also δημηγορέω Ac 12:21, εἶπον 1a, λαλέω 2aγ and 2b, λέγω 1bγ et al. Hebraistically λαλεῖν στόμα πρὸς στόμα speak face to face (Jer 39:4; ApcEsdr 6:6 p. 31, 10 Tdf.) 2J 12b; 3J 14 (cp. PGM 1, 39 τὸ στόμα πρὸς τὸ στόμα). πρὸς ἀλλήλους to one another, with each other, among themselves: s. ἀντιβάλλω, διαλαλέω, also διαλέγομαι Mk 9:34, διαλογίζομαι 8:16; Lk 20:14, εἶπον 24:32; J 16:17; 19:24, λαλέω, λέγω et al. πρὸς ἑαυτούς to themselves, to each other: s. διαλογίζομαι 1; εἶπον Mk 12:7; J 7:35; λέγω (Ps.-Callisth. 2, 15, 7 πρὸς ἑαυτὸν ἔλεγεν; Just., D. 62, 2) Mk 10:26; 16:3. διαθήκην ὁ θεὸς διέθετο πρὸς τοὺς πατέρας ὑμῶν, λέγων πρὸς Ἀβραάμ God made a covenant with your fathers, when he said to Abraham Ac 3:25 (διατίθημι 1). ὅρκον ὀμνύναι πρ. τινα (ὀμνύω, end) Lk 1:73.
    ζ. of asking, praying δέομαι Ac 8:24. εὔχομαι (s. εὔχομαι 1; cp. 2 Macc 9:13) 2 Cor 13:7. προσεύχομαι (cp. 1 Km 12:19; 2 Esdr 12: 4; 2 Macc 2:10) Hv 1, 1, 9. γνωρίζεσθαι πρὸς τὸν θεόν Phil 4:6 (γνωρίζω 1).—Also after nouns like δέησις, λόγος et al. Ro 10:1; 15:30; 2 Cor 1:18 al.
    of time near, at, or during (a certain time)
    α. denoting approach toward (X., Pla. et al.) πρὸς ἑσπέραν toward evening Lk 24:29 (so Just., D. 97, 1; s. ἑσπέρα).
    β. of temporal duration for πρὸς καιρόν for a time, for a while (καιρός 1a) Lk 8:13; 1 Cor 7:5. πρὸς καιρὸν ὥρας (καιρός 1a) 1 Th 2:17. πρὸς ὥραν for an hour, i.e. for a short time J 5:35; 2 Cor 7:8; Gal 2:5a; Phlm 15; MPol 11:2. πρὸς ὀλίγας ἡμέρας Hb 12:10. Also πρὸς ὀλίγον Js 4:14; GJs 19:2 (ὀλίγος 3). πρὸς τὸ παρόν for the present Hb 12:11 (πάρειμι 1b).
    α. with conscious purpose for, for the purpose of, on behalf of οὗτος ἦν ὁ πρὸς τὴν ἐλεημοσύνην καθήμενος this was the one who sat (and begged) for alms Ac 3:10. πρὸς τὴν ἔνδειξιν τῆς δικαιοσύνης αὐτοῦ Ro 3:26. τοῦτο πρὸς τὸ ὑμῶν αὐτῶν σύμφορον λέγω 1 Cor 7:35a; cp. 35b. ἐγράφη πρὸς νουθεσίαν ἡμῶν 10:11. Cp. Ro 15:2; 1 Cor 6:5; 2 Cor 4:6; 7:3; 11:8; Eph 4:12.—W. acc. of the inf. (Polyb. 1, 48, 5; PRyl 69, 16; BGU 226, 22; Jer 34:10; 2 Macc 4:45; TestJob 45:4; Jos., Ant. 14, 170; 15, 148 al.; Just., D. 132, 1) πρὸς τὸ θεαθῆναι τοῖς ἀνθρώποις in order to be seen by men Mt 23:5; cp. 6:1. πρὸς τὸ κατακαῦσαι αὐτά 13:30. πρὸς τὸ ἐνταφιάσαι με 26:12. πρὸς τὸ ἀποπλανᾶν εἰ δυνατὸν τοὺς ἐκλεκτούς Mk 13:22. πρὸς τὸ μὴ ἀτενίσαι υἱοὺς Ἰσραήλ 2 Cor 3:13. Cp. Eph 6:11a; 1 Th 2:9; 2 Th 3:8; Js 3:3 v.l.
    β. gener. of design, destiny (Demetr.[?]: 722 Fgm. 7 Jac. πρὸς τὴν κάρπωσιν; TestJob 42:7 τὰ πρὸς θυσίαν; Jos., Bell. 4, 573 τὸ πρ. σωτηρίαν φάρμακον) τῷ θεῷ πρὸς δόξαν for the glory of God 2 Cor 1:20 (on πρὸς δόξαν cp. SIG 456, 15; 704e, 21; 3 Macc 2:9; Just., A I, 15, 10 μηδὲν πρὸς δόξαν ποιεῖν). τῇ πυρώσει πρὸς πειρασμὸν ὑμῖν γινομένῃ 1 Pt 4:12.—After adjectives and participles for ἀγαθὸς πρὸς οἰκοδομήν Eph 4:29 (ἀγ. 1a) ἀδόκιμος Tit 1:16. ἀνεύθετος πρὸς παραχειμασίαν Ac 27:12. γεγυμνασμένος Hb 5:14. δυνατός 2 Cor 10:4. ἐξηρτισμένος 2 Ti 3:17. ἕτοιμος (q.v. b) Tit 3:1; 1 Pt 3:15. ἱκανός (q.v. 2) 2 Cor 2:16. ὠφέλιμος 1 Ti 4:8ab; 2 Ti 3:16.
    γ. of the result that follows a set of circumstances (so that) πάντα πρὸς οἰκοδομὴν γινέσθω everything is to be done in such a way that it contributes to edification 1 Cor 14:26; cp. vs. 12; Col 2:23 (but see eδ below); 1 Ti 4:7. ὁ βλέπων γυναῖκα πρὸς τὸ ἐπιθυμῆσαι αὐτήν one who looks at a woman with sinful desire Mt 5:28, but s. eε below. λευκαί εἰσιν πρὸς θερισμόν they (the fields) are white, so that the harvest may begin J 4:35. αὕτη ἡ ἀσθένεια οὐκ ἔστιν πρὸς θάνατον this disease is not of the kind that will lead to death 11:4. Cp. ἁμαρτία πρὸς θάνατον 1J 5:16f.
    of relationship (hostile or friendly), against, for
    α. hostile against, with after verbs of disputing, etc.; s. ἀνταγωνίζομαι, γογγύζω, διακρίνομαι (διακρίνω 5b), διαλέγομαι 1, πικραίνομαι (πικραίνω 2), στασιάζω, ἔστην (ἵστημι B3). ἐστίν τινι ἡ πάλη πρός Eph 6:12. ἔχειν τι πρός τινα have anything (to bring up) against someone Ac 24:19. μομφὴν ἔχειν πρός τινα Col 3:13. πρᾶγμα ἔχειν πρός τινα 1 Cor 6:1 (πρᾶγμα 4). ἐγένετο γογγυσμὸς τῶν Ἑλληνιστῶν πρὸς τοὺς Ἑβραίους Ac 6:1. τὸ στόμα ἡμῶν ἀνέῳγεν πρὸς ὑμᾶς 2 Cor 6:11 (ἀνοίγω 7). ἐν ἔχθρᾳ ὄντες πρὸς αὐτούς Lk 23:12. βλασφημίαι πρὸς τὸν θεόν Rv 13:6 (cp. TestJob 25:10 εἰπὲ ἓν ῥῆμα πρὸς τὸν θεόν). ἀσύμφωνοι πρ. ἀλλήλους unable to agree among themselves Ac 28:25 (Tat. 25, 2); cp. the structure of Col 2:23.
    β. friendly to, toward, with, before ἐργάζεσθαι τὸ ἀγαθόν Gal 6:10ab (ἐργάζομαι 2a). μακροθυμεῖν 1 Th 5:14. εἰρήνην ἔχειν πρὸ τὸν θεόν Ro 5:1 (s. εἰρήνη 2b). παρρησίαν ἔχειν πρὸς τ. θεόν 1J 3:21; cp. 5:14. πίστιν ἔχειν πρὸς τ. κύριον Ἰ. Phlm 5. πεποίθησιν ἔχειν πρὸς τ. θεόν 2 Cor 3:4. ἔχειν χάριν πρὸς ὅλον τὸν λαόν Ac 2:47 (FCheetham, ET 74, ’63, 214f). πραΰτητα ἐνδείκνυσθαι Tit 3:2. ἐν σοφίᾳ περιπατεῖν Col 4:5. ἤπιον εἶναι πρὸς πάντας 2 Ti 2:24.—After substantives: πίστις 1 Th 1:8 (cp. 4 Macc 15:24; Just., D. 121, 2); παρρησία 2 Cor 7:4; κοινωνία 6:14; συμφώνησις vs. 15 (cp. Is 7:2).
    to indicate a connection by marking a point of reference, with reference/regard to
    α. with reference to (Ocellus Luc. c. 42 πρὸς ἡμᾶς=with reference to us) ἔγνωσαν ὅτι πρὸς αὐτοὺς τὴν παραβολὴν εἶπεν they recognized that he had spoken the parable with reference to them Mk 12:12; Lk 20:19; cp. 12:41 (Vita Aesopi cod. G 98 P. οἱ Σάμιοι νοήσαντες πρὸς ἑαυτοὺς εἰρῆσθαι τοὺς λόγους; Just., D. 122, 3 ταῦτα … πρὸς τὸν χριστὸν … εἴρηται). ἔλεγεν παραβολὴν πρὸς τὸ δεῖν προσεύχεσθαι he told them a parable about the need of praying 18:1 (Just., D. 90, 5 σύμβολον … πρὸς τὸν χριστόν). οὐδεὶς ἔγνω πρὸς τί εἶπεν αὐτῷ nobody understood with respect to what (= why) he said (this) to him J 13:28. πρὸς τὴν σκληροκαρδίαν ὑμῶν with reference to (i.e. because of) your perversity Mt 19:8; Mk 10:5 (Just., D. 45, 3). Cp. Ro 10:21a; Hb 1:7f. οὐκ ἀπεκρίθη αὐτῷ πρὸς οὐδὲ ἓν ῥῆμα he did not answer him a single word with reference to anything Mt 27:14 (s. ἀποκρίνομαι 1). ἀνταποκριθῆναι πρὸς ταῦτα Lk 14:6 (s. ἀνταποκρίνομαι). ἀπρόσκοπον συνείδησιν ἔχειν πρὸς τὸν θεόν have a clear conscience with respect to God Ac 24:16.
    β. as far as … is concerned, with regard to (Maximus Tyr. 31, 3b) πρὸς τὴν πληροφορίαν τῆς ἐλπίδος Hb 6:11. συνιστάνοντες ἑαυτοὺς πρὸς πᾶσαν συνείδησιν ἀνθρώπων we are recommending ourselves as far as every human conscience is concerned = to every human conscience (πρός w. acc. also stands simply for the dative; s. Mayser II/2 p. 359) 2 Cor 4:2. τὰ πρὸς τὸν θεόν that which concerns God or as adverbial acc. with reference to what concerns God (Soph., Phil. 1441; X., De Rep. Lac. 13, 11; Ps.-Isocr. 1, 13 εὐσεβεῖν τὰ πρὸς τ. θεούς; SIG 204, 51f; 306, 38; Mitt-Wilck. I/2, 109, 3 εὐσεβὴς τὰ πρὸς θεούς; Ex 4:16; 18:19; Jos., Ant. 9, 236) Ro 15:17; Hb 2:17; 5:1. τὰ πρός τι that which belongs to someth.; that which is necessary for someth. (Plut., Mor. 109b; Jos., Ant. 12, 405 τὰ πρὸς τὴν μάχην; 14, 27; a standard term in state documents) τὰ πρὸς ἀπαρτισμόν Lk 14:28 v.l. τὰ πρὸς εἰρήνην (TestJud 9) vs. 32; what makes for peace 19:42. Cp. Ac 28:10; 2 Pt 1:3.
    γ. elliptically τί πρὸς ἡμᾶς (sc. ἐστιν); what is that to us? Mt 27:4. τί πρὸς σέ; how does it concern you? J 21:22f (cp. Epict. 4, 1, 10 τί τοῦτο πρὸς σέ; Plut., Mor. 986b; Vi. Aesopi I 14 p. 265, 4 Eberh. τί πρὸς ἐμέ; ApcMos 11 οὐ πρὸς ἡμᾶς ἡ πλεονεξία σου).
    δ. in accordance with ὀρθοποδεῖν πρὸς τὴν ἀλήθειαν Gal 2:14. πρὸς τὸ κένωμα in accordance with the emptiness Hm 11:3. πρὸς τὸ θέλημα in accordance w. the will Lk 12:47; Hs 9, 5, 2. πρὸς ἃ ἔπραξεν 2 Cor 5:10. πρὸς ὅ Eph 3:4.In comparison with, to be compared to (Pind., Hdt. et al.; Ps.-Luc., Halc. 3 πρὸς τὸν πάντα αἰῶνα=[life is short] in comparison to all eternity; Sir 25:19; TestJob 18:8; 23:8; Just., D. 19, 2 οὐδὲν … πρὸς τὸ βάπτισμα τοῦτο τὸ τῆς ζωῆς ἐστι; Tat. 29, 1 ὀρθοποδεῖν πρὸς τὴν ἀλήθειαν) ἄξια πρός Ro 8:18 (RLeaney, ET 64, ’52f; 92 interprets Col 2:23 in the light of this usage). Cp. IMg 12.
    ε. expressing purpose πρὸς τό w. inf. (s. Mayser II/1 p. 331f) in order to, for the purpose of Mk 13:22; Ac 3:19 v.l. Perh. Mt 5:28 (s. cγ above).
    in adverbial expressions (cp. πρὸς ὀργήν = ὀργίλως Soph., Elect. 369; Jos., Bell. 2, 534. πρὸς βίαν = βιαίως Aeschyl., Prom. 208, 353, Eum. 5; Menand., Sam. 559 S. [214 Kö.]; Philo, Spec. Leg. 3, 3. πρὸς ἡδονήν Jos., Ant. 7, 195; 12, 398; Just., A II, 3, 2 πρὸς χάριν καὶ ἡδονὴν τῶν πολλῶν) πρὸς φθόνον prob.=φθονερῶς jealously Js 4:5 (s. φθόνος, where the lit. is given). πρὸς εὐφρασίαν w. joy AcPl Ox 6, 9f (cp. Aa 1 p. 241, 1 ὑπερευφραινομένη).
    by, at, near πρός τινα εἶναι be (in company) with someone Mt 13:56; Mk 6:3; 9:19a; 14:49; Lk 9:41; J 1:1f; 1 Th 3:4; 2 Th 2:5; 3:10; 1J 1:2. διαμένειν Ac 10:48 D; Gal 2:5b. ἐπιμένειν 1:18; 1 Cor 16:7. παραμένειν 16:6 (v.l. κατα-). μένειν Ac 18:3 D. παρεῖναι 12:20; 2 Cor 11:9; Gal 4:18, 20; cp. παρουσία πρὸς ὑμᾶς Phil 1:26. παρεπιδημεῖν 1 Cl 1:2. ἐποίησεν τρεῖς μῆνας πρὸς τὴν Ἐλισάβεδ GJs 12:3. πρὸς σὲ ποιῶ τὸ πάσχα Mt 26:18b. Cp. also 2 Cor 1:12; 7:12; 12:21; 2 Th 3:1; Phlm 13; 1J 2:1; Hm 11:9b v.l.—πρὸς ἑαυτούς among or to themselves Mk 9:10 (in case πρὸς ἑ. belongs w. τὸν λόγον ἐκράτησαν; B-D-F §239, 1). πρὸς ἑαυτὸν προσηύχετο he uttered a prayer to himself Lk 18:11. Cp. 24:12.—δεδεμένον πρὸς θύραν tied at a door Mk 11:4. τὴν πᾶσαν σάρκα ἀνθρώπων πρὸς ἡδονὴν ἐδέσμευεν (Satan) bound all humankind to self-gratification AcPlCor 2:11. πρὸς τ. θάλασσαν by the seaside Mk 4:1b. On πρὸς τὸ φῶς at the fire Mk 14:54; Lk 22:56 s. B-D-F §239, 3; Rob. 625 (perh. w. the idea of turning toward the fire; s. also 4 Km 23:3). πρὸς ἓν τῶν ὀρέων at one of the mountains 1 Cl 10:7. τὰ πρὸς τὴν θύραν the place near the door Mk 2:2. πρὸς γράμμα letter by letter Hv 2, 1, 4.—On πρός τι terms s. PWouters, The Treatment of Relational Nouns in Ancient Grammar: Orbis 38, ’95, 149–78 (lit.). M-M. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πρός

  • 32 round

    1. adjective
    1) (shaped like a circle or globe: a round hole; a round stone; This plate isn't quite round.) redondo
    2) (rather fat; plump: a round face.) redondo

    2. adverb
    1) (in the opposite direction: He turned round.) en sentido contrario
    2) (in a circle: They all stood round and listened; A wheel goes round; All (the) year round.) en círculo
    3) (from one person to another: They passed the letter round; The news went round.) de persona en persona
    4) (from place to place: We drove round for a while.) de un sitio a otro, por ahí
    5) (in circumference: The tree measured two metres round.) de circunferencia
    6) (to a particular place, usually a person's home: Are you coming round (to our house) tonight?) a casa

    3. preposition
    1) (on all sides of: There was a wall round the garden; He looked round the room.) alrededor (de), en torno (a)
    2) (passing all sides of (and returning to the starting-place): They ran round the tree.) alrededor (de), en torno (a)
    3) (changing direction at: He came round the corner.) a la vuelta (de)
    4) (in or to all parts of: The news spread all round the town.) por

    4. noun
    1) (a complete circuit: a round of drinks (= one for everyone present); a round of golf.) ronda, vuelta; recorrido
    2) (a regular journey one takes to do one's work: a postman's round.) recorrido
    3) (a burst of cheering, shooting etc: They gave him a round of applause; The soldier fired several rounds.) salva; tiro
    4) (a single bullet, shell etc: five hundred rounds of ammunition.) cartucho
    5) (a stage in a competition etc: The winners of the first round will go through to the next.) vuelta, asalto (boxeo)
    6) (a type of song sung by several singers singing the same tune starting in succession.) canon

    5. verb
    (to go round: The car rounded the corner.) girar, virar
    - roundly
    - roundness
    - rounds
    - all-round
    - all-rounder
    - roundabout

    6. adjective
    (not direct: a roundabout route.) indirecto
    - round-shouldered
    - round trip
    - all round
    - round about
    - round off
    - round on
    - round up

    round1 adj redondo
    round2 adv
    she looked round miró a su alrededor / miró hacia atrás
    round3 prep alrededor de

    round /rraun/ sustantivo masculino (Dep) round ' round' also found in these entries: Spanish: alrededor - asalto - asomar - batuta - billete - bordear - caballito - camilla - circular - dejarse - doblar - eliminatoria - energía - estar - foro - hacinarse - inversa - inverso - juntar - octava - octavo - pasarse - patearse - piña - por - reanimar - reanimarse - rebuscada - rebuscado - recorrer - redonda - redondear - redondez - redondo - rematar - remover - revés - rodear - ronda - sobremesa - soler - sortear - tartana - tiovivo - volver - volverse - vuelta - acorralar - aparecer - aplauso English: all-round - ask round - bend - bring round - circle - clip - clock - come round - corner - drop in - drop round - finger - flash - gather round - get around - get round - get round to - glance round - go round - hand round - look round - merry-go-round - pad - paper round - pass - pass round - rally - rally round - ring - round - round down - round off - round on - round robin - round up - round-shouldered - round-table meeting - round-the-clock - show round - spin - swap round - swing - tour - travel - turn round - twist round - wander - way - wheel - whip-round
    1 redondo,-a
    1 (circle) círculo
    3 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (stage of competition) ronda; (boxing) asalto; (of golf) partido
    4 (of drinks) ronda
    6 (for gun) cartucho
    7 (of bread) rebanada
    2 (about) por ahí
    1 alrededor de
    have you lived round here long? ¿hace mucho que vives por aquí?
    1 doblar
    all the year round durante todo el año
    round the clock día y noche, las veinticuatro horas
    round the corner a la vuelta de la esquina
    to have round shoulders tener las espaldas cargadas
    to go round dar vueltas
    round table mesa redonda
    round trip viaje nombre masculino de ida y vuelta
    round number número redondo
    round ['raʊnd] vt
    1) : redondear
    she rounded the edges: redondeó los bordes
    2) turn: doblar
    to round the corner: dar la vuelta a la esquina
    to round off : redondear (un número)
    to round offor to round out complete: rematar, terminar
    to round up gather: reunir
    round adj
    1) : redondo
    a round table: una mesa redonda
    in round numbers: en números redondos
    round shoulders: espaldas cargadas
    round trip : viaje m de ida y vuelta
    1) circle: círculo m
    2) series: serie f, sucesión f
    a round of talks: una ronda de negociaciones
    the daily round: la rutina cotidiana
    3) : asalto m (en boxeo), recorrido m (en golf), vuelta f (en varios juegos)
    4) : salva f (de aplausos)
    round of drinks : ronda f
    round of ammunition : disparo m, cartucho m
    7) rounds npl
    : recorridos mpl (de un cartero), rondas fpl (de un vigilante), visitas fpl (de un médico)
    to make the rounds: hacer visitas
    equilibrado (Vino) s.m.
    redondo, -a adj.
    rollizo, -a adj.
    rotundo, -a adj.
    alrededor adv.
    asalto s.m.
    círculo s.m.
    descarga s.f.
    redondo s.m.
    ronda s.f.
    rueda s.f.
    vuelta s.f.
    alrededor de prep.
    redondear (MAT, INF) v.

    I raʊnd
    a) (circular, spherical) redondo
    b) ( not angular) < corner> curvo

    she has very round shoulders — es muy cargada de espaldas, es muy encorvada

    2) < number> redondo

    1) c ( circle) círculo m, redondel m, redondela f (Andes)
    2) c
    a) ( series) serie f

    round of talksronda f de conversaciones

    b) ( burst)

    let's have a round of applause for... — un aplauso para...

    3) c (Sport, Games) (of tournament, quiz) vuelta f; (in boxing, wrestling) round m, asalto m; ( in golf) vuelta f, recorrido m; ( in showjumping) recorrido m; ( in card games) partida f
    a) ( of visits) (often pl)

    the doctor is off making his rounds o (BrE) is on his rounds — el doctor está haciendo visitas a domicilio or visitando pacientes

    we had to make o (BrE) do o go the rounds of all the relatives — tuvimos que ir de visita a casa de todos los parientes

    b) c ( of watchman) ronda f; (of postman, milkman) (BrE) recorrido m
    5) c ( of drinks) ronda f, vuelta f, tanda f (Col, Méx)

    this is my roundesta ronda or vuelta or (Col, Méx tb) tanda la pago yo

    6) c ( shot) disparo m; ( bullet) bala f
    7) c ( of bread) (BrE)

    a round of toastuna tostada or (Méx) un pan tostado

    8) c ( Mus) canon m

    a) ( go around) \<\<corner\>\> doblar, dar* la vuelta a
    b) ( make round) \<\<edge\>\> redondear
    Phrasal Verbs:

    adverb (esp BrE)

    she spun round when she heard his voice — dio media vuelta al oír su voz; see also turn round

    c) ( on all sides) alrededor
    a) (from one place, person to another)

    the curator took us roundel conservador nos mostró or nos enseñó el museo (or la colección etc)

    b) (at, to different place)

    we're having friends round for a meal — hemos invitado a unos amigos a comer; see also call round


    all round — ( in every respect) en todos los sentidos; ( for everybody) a todos

    preposition (esp BrE)
    1) ( encircling) alrededor de
    a) ( in the vicinity of) cerca de, en los alrededores de
    b) (within, through)
    [raʊnd] When round is an element in a phrasal verb, eg ask round, call round, rally round, look up the verb.
    (compar rounder) (superl roundest) (gen) redondo; [sum, number] redondo

    a round dozenuna docena redonda


    there is a fence all round — está rodeado por un cercado

    it would be better all round if we didn't go (in every respect) sería mejor en todos los sentidos que no fuéramos; (for all concerned) sería mejor para todos que no fuéramos

    drinks all round! — ¡pago la ronda para todos!

    to ask sb round — invitar a algn a casa or a pasar (por casa)

    we were round at my sister's — estábamos en casa de mi hermana

    the wheels go round — las ruedas giran or dan vuelta

    it flew round and roundvoló dando vueltas

    the long way round — el camino más largo

    the other/wrong way round — al revés

    3. PREP
    1) (of place etc) alrededor de

    we were sitting round the table/fire — estábamos sentados alrededor de la mesa/en torno a la chimenea

    all the people round abouttoda la gente alrededor

    all round the house — (inside) por toda la casa; (outside) alrededor de toda la casa

    she's 36 inches round the busttiene 90 de busto or de pecho

    round the clock(=at any time) a todas horas, a cualquier hora; (=non-stop) permanentemente, día y noche, las 24 horas del día

    are you from round here? — ¿eres de por aquí?

    to look round the shop — echar una mirada por la tienda

    wear it round your neckllévalo en el cuello

    he sells them round the pubslos vende de bar en bar

    when you're round this waycuando pases por aquí

    a trip round the worldun viaje alrededor del mundo

    2) (esp Brit) (=approximately) (also: round about) alrededor de, más o menos

    round about £50 — alrededor de 50 libras, 50 libras más o menos

    somewhere round Derby — cerca de Derby

    3) (=using as theme)
    4. N
    1) (=circle) círculo m ; (=slice) tajada f, rodaja f

    a round of sandwiches(Brit) un sandwich

    a round of toastuna tostada

    2) [of postman, milkman etc] recorrido m ; [of watchman] ronda f

    the watchman was doing his round — el vigilante estaba de ronda

    the story is going the rounds that... — se dice or se rumorea que...

    she did or went or made the rounds of the agencies — visitó or recorrió todas las agencias

    the doctor's on his rounds — el médico está haciendo sus visitas

    3) (Boxing) asalto m, round m ; (Golf) partido m, recorrido m, vuelta f ; (Showjumping) recorrido m ; (Cards) (=game) partida f ; (in tournament) vuelta f

    to have a clear round — hacer un recorrido sin penalizaciones

    the first round of the electionsla primera vuelta de las elecciones

    4) [of drinks] ronda f

    whose round is it? — ¿a quién le toca (pagar)?

    it's my round — yo invito, me toca a mí

    round of ammunitioncartucho m, bala f, tiro m

    round of applausesalva f de aplausos

    let's have a round of applause for... — demos un fuerte aplauso a...

    round of shotsdescarga f

    5) (=series)
    6) (=routine)

    the daily round — la rutina cotidiana


    in the round — (Theat) circular, en redondo

    8) (Mus) canon m
    5. VT
    1) (=make round) [+ lips, edges] redondear
    2) (=go round) [+ corner] doblar, dar la vuelta a; (Naut) doblar

    round arch Narco m de medio punto

    round dance Nbaile m en corro

    round robin N(=request) petición f firmada en rueda; (=protest) protesta f firmada en rueda

    Round Table N — (Hist) Mesa f Redonda

    round table N(=conference) mesa f redonda

    round trip Nviaje m de ida y vuelta

    round trip ticket(US) billete m de ida y vuelta

    * * *

    I [raʊnd]
    a) (circular, spherical) redondo
    b) ( not angular) < corner> curvo

    she has very round shoulders — es muy cargada de espaldas, es muy encorvada

    2) < number> redondo

    1) c ( circle) círculo m, redondel m, redondela f (Andes)
    2) c
    a) ( series) serie f

    round of talksronda f de conversaciones

    b) ( burst)

    let's have a round of applause for... — un aplauso para...

    3) c (Sport, Games) (of tournament, quiz) vuelta f; (in boxing, wrestling) round m, asalto m; ( in golf) vuelta f, recorrido m; ( in showjumping) recorrido m; ( in card games) partida f
    a) ( of visits) (often pl)

    the doctor is off making his rounds o (BrE) is on his rounds — el doctor está haciendo visitas a domicilio or visitando pacientes

    we had to make o (BrE) do o go the rounds of all the relatives — tuvimos que ir de visita a casa de todos los parientes

    b) c ( of watchman) ronda f; (of postman, milkman) (BrE) recorrido m
    5) c ( of drinks) ronda f, vuelta f, tanda f (Col, Méx)

    this is my roundesta ronda or vuelta or (Col, Méx tb) tanda la pago yo

    6) c ( shot) disparo m; ( bullet) bala f
    7) c ( of bread) (BrE)

    a round of toastuna tostada or (Méx) un pan tostado

    8) c ( Mus) canon m

    a) ( go around) \<\<corner\>\> doblar, dar* la vuelta a
    b) ( make round) \<\<edge\>\> redondear
    Phrasal Verbs:

    adverb (esp BrE)

    she spun round when she heard his voice — dio media vuelta al oír su voz; see also turn round

    c) ( on all sides) alrededor
    a) (from one place, person to another)

    the curator took us roundel conservador nos mostró or nos enseñó el museo (or la colección etc)

    b) (at, to different place)

    we're having friends round for a meal — hemos invitado a unos amigos a comer; see also call round


    all round — ( in every respect) en todos los sentidos; ( for everybody) a todos

    preposition (esp BrE)
    1) ( encircling) alrededor de
    a) ( in the vicinity of) cerca de, en los alrededores de
    b) (within, through)

    English-spanish dictionary > round

  • 33 come

    1. I
    1) coming! иду!; come and have supper with us (and hear her, etc.) приходите к нам поужинать и т. д.', people come and go люди приходят и уходят; let' em all come! пусть они все приезжают!; has anybody come? кто-нибудь приходил?; the саг has come машина пришла
    2) I waited for the books to come я ждал, когда придут /прибудут, доставят/ книги; dinner came принесли обед
    3) help (money, your order, etc.) came пришла /подоспела/ помощь и т. д.
    4) day (the holiday, Christmas, his turn, etc.) came день и т. д. наступил; old age came подошла старость; when the time came когда пришло /подошло/ время; crisis came наступил кризис; after many years had come and gone no прошествии многих лет; in days (years, etc.) to come в будущем, в грядущие годы; in the life to come в дальнейшей жизни; he will stay here for some.time (for some months, etc.) to come он пробудет здесь еще некоторое время и т. д.', his troubles are yet to come неприятности у него еще впереди, ему еще предстоят неприятности; be ready for whatever comes будьте готовы ко всему, что может случиться
    5) his teeth begin to come у него начинают появляться /прорезаться/ зубы; his colour came and went он то краснел, то бледнел; the pain comes and goes боль то появляется, то исчезает; the light comes and goes свет то загорается, то гаснет
    2. II
    1) come in some manner come reluctantly (briskly, swiftly, constantly, silently, hesitatingly, jauntily, drunkenly, etc.) неохотно и т. д. приходить /подходить/; come он foot прийти пешком; they came one by one (one after another) они шли (приходили) по одному и т. д.; come at some time comeevery day (tomorrow, soon, etc.) приходить каждый день и т. д., you go on, I'm just coming вы идите, я сейчас приду; he has not come yet? он еще не пришел /не приехал/?; who is coming today? кто сегодня приезжает?; come and see me tomorrow приходите ко мне завтра [повидаться]; come somewhere come home (here, there, etc.) приходить домой и т. д.; are you coming my way? вам со мной по пути?; come in! войдите!; come out выходить; come up подняться [наверх]; I'm still in bed, can you come up? я еще [лежу] в постели, вы не могли бы подняться ко мне?; come down сойти /спуститься/ [вниз]; come back прийти назад /обратно/, вернуться; this fashion has come back эта мода и т. д. вернулась [снова]; come away отходить [прочь]; you're too near the stove, come away ты стоишь слишком близко к плите, отойди подальше: come nearer подойдите поближе; come forward выступать вперед; several members of our group came forward a) несколько членов нашей группы выступили /вышли/ вперед; б) из нашей группы вызвалось несколько добровольцев; come by /past/ проходить мимо; did you see anyone come by? тут никто не проходил?
    2) come at some time post comes every day (twice a day, etc.) почта приходит /почту приносят, привозят, доставляют/ каждый день и т. д.; dinner came at last обед наконец принесли
    3) come at some time inspiration ( love, sleep, etc.) never came вдохновение и т. д. так и не пришло; help came at last (soon enough, etc.) наконец и т. д. подоспела помощь; summer came early (late) лето наступило /пришло/ рано (поздно), лето было раннее (позднее); this holiday comes once a year этот праздник бывает один раз в году
    4) come at lame time buds come every spring почки появляются каждую весну; this flower comes once a year этот цветок цветет раз в год
    5) come in some manner the job is coning nicely (badly, etc..) работа идет хорошо и т.д., the garden is coming well в моем саду все хорошо растет
    3. III
    1) come some distance come a long way (three miles, etc.) пройти большой /длинный/ путь и т. д.
    2) come smb. coll. come the grand dame (the swell, the stern parent, the great man, etc.) напускать на себя вид светской дамы и т. д.
    4. X
    1) come to be in some state he came [back] refreshed in mind and body (changed, etc.) он вернулся отдохнувшим душой и телом и т. д.
    2) 0 come undone /untied/ развязаться; come unstitched / unsown/ распороться, разойтись по шву; come unstuck отклеиться
    5. XIII
    1) come to do smth. come to borrow a dictionary (to paint the house, to work, to clean the windows, to get this book. to see him, etc.) прийти [, чтобы] взять на время словарь и т. д.
    2) come to do smth. I came to believe that (to use it, to understand it, to see that I was mistaken, etc.) я стал /начал/ верить этому и т. д.; he came to see the problem in a new light он теперь видит эту проблему в новом свете; now I came to know him better... теперь, когда я узнал его лучше...; when I come to die... когда настанет мой смертный час...; how did you come to hear of it (to know this, to learn where she is living, to do that, to think of this, etc.)? как случилось, что вы узнали об этом и т. д.?; now that I come to think of it he is right подумав об этом еще раз /обдумав этот вопрос/, я понял, что он прав; come to be done the streets have come to be used as motor parks
    come to be smb. he came to be a famous man (a good violinist, etc.) он стал знаменитым и т. д.; come to be in some state how does the door come to be open? почему открыта дверь?
    6. XIV
    come doing smth. he came running он прибежал /примчался/; she came laughing она пришла или вошла смеясь /со смехом/; the sunshine came streaming in through the windows солнечные лучи, проникавшие через окно, заливали комнату; the rain came pouring down дождь лил как из ведра; the train came puffing into the station поезд пыхтя подошел к станции
    7. XV
    come first (third, etc.) приходить первым и т. д.
    come to be in some state come loose ослабнуть, расшататься; come apart /asunder/ развалиться на части, распасться; things will come right coll. все будет в порядке; come true сбываться; come alive оживать; good clothes come high /expensive/ хорошие вещи стоят дорого; it comes cheaper if you buy things in bulk если покупать оптом, выходит дешевле; rising early comes easy with practice если привык рано вставать, то это совсем нетрудно; it comes natural to some people у некоторых людей это получается без всякого труда; come clean sl. "расколоться", все рассказать
    8. XVI
    1) come into (out of, to, from, along, across, etc.) some place come Into a room войти в комнату: come into the garden выйти в сад; the train came into the station поезд подошел к станции; come out of a room (out of a place, out of a house, etc.) выходить из комнаты и т. д., come to a river (to a bridge, to a village, to a station, etc.) подходить /приходить/ к реке и т. д.', come from another country (from London. etc.) приехать из другой страны и т. д.', come down from a tree спуститься с дерева; come down to this level (to the 5 ft level, etc.) опуститься до этого уровня и т. д.; come by the house (round the church, across the Alps, etc.) пройти /проехать/ мимо дома и т. д.; come through his clothes (through the wood, through the wall, etc.) проникать сквозь /через/ одежду и т. д.; come with smb. I'm coming with you я иду с вами; come with me a little way пройдемте немного со мной; will you come with me to India? вы поедете со мной в Индию?; come after smb. come after his sister идти /приходить/ вслед за его сестрой; come for /after/ smth., smb. come for one's book (for their ladder, for his present, for you, etc.) приходить за своей книгой и т. д.; they came after my passport они пришли за моим паспортом; come in smth. come in groups (in swarms. in twoes, etc.) приходить (идти) группами и т. д.: come by smth. come by саг (by train, by air, by boat, etc.) приезжать машиной /на машине/ и т. д.; come (at some time come on the tenth (before midnight, after lunch, in the evening, etc.) приходить /приезжать/ десятого и т.д.; she won't come till late она не придет допоздна; come off smth. come oft a bicycle (off a horse, off a ship, etc.) сойти с велосипеда и т. д.
    2) come on smth. there came a knock on the door послышался стук в дверь, в дверь постучали
    3) come for smth. come for advice (for an explanation, for an answer, etc.) приходить /обращаться/ за советом и т. д.; come to smb. why didn't you come to me? почему вы не пришли /не обратились/ ко мне?; you came to the wrong person вы пришли / обратились/ не к тому человеку; come before smb., smth. come before a judge (before a conciliation court, before the United Nations Assembly, etc.) представать перед судьей и т. д.; the matter came before the international court (the League of Nations, etc.) это дело разбиралось в международном арбитраже и т. д.
    4) come to smb. love (inspiration, etc.) came to him к нему пришла /его посетила/ любовь и т. д.; everything comes to him who waits все приходит к тому, кто умеет ждать; come upon smb. a disaster (a misfortune, a calamity, bad luck, etc.) came upon them у них произошло /их постигло/ несчастье и т. д., fear came upon me меня охватил страх; come over smb. what has come over him? что на него нашло?; а fit of dizziness came over me мне стало нехорошо, у меня закружилась голова; а change has come over him он изменился; come into (across) smth. an idea (a thought, a plan, etc.) came into my head /into my mind, across my mind/ мне в голову пришла идея и т. д.; come upon (to) smb. it came upon me that... я вдруг понял /подумал/, что...; the answer came to him вдруг он понял, как надо ответить
    5) come after (before, on, etc.) smth., smb. spring comes after winter (May comes after April, New Year comes after Christmas, etc.) после зимы приходит /наступает/ весна и т.д.; historians (painters, etc.) that came after him историки и т. д., жившие после него; generations (civilizations, etc.) that came before him предшествующие поколения и т. д.; come in (on) smth. that poem comes on the next page это стихотворение дано на следующей странице; her aria comes in the 3d act ее ария будет в третьем акте; snow comes in winter снег выпадает зимой; new leaves came in spring весной появились свежие листочки; come into (to, in) smth. a look of perplexity came into his face выражение недоумения появилось у него на лице; а smile came to his lips он улыбнулся; tears came in her eyes на.ее глаза навернулись слезы; come to the surface всплывать, подниматься на поверхность; come into sight появиться в поле зрения; come into the world появиться на свет; come between smb. he (his money, her sister, etc.) came between them он и т. д. встал между ними; а misunderstanding came between them между ними возникло недоразумение; enmity came between them они стали врагами
    6) come to smth. come to this question (to the next item on the agenda, to the section on health, etc.) перейти к этому вопросу и т.д., come near smth. come near perfection приближаться к совершенству; I cannot come near that painter я не могу сравниться с этим художником, мне до этого художника очень далеко
    7) come to smth. come to one's knees
    (to her ankles, to the ground, to her waist, etc.) доходить до колен и т. д., the forest comes right to the lake лес подходит к самому озеру
    8) semiaux come into smth. come into blossom /into flower/ зацвести; come into leaf одеться листвой; trees came into bud на деревьях набухли почки
    9) come to smth. come to an understanding (to a decision, to an agreement, to terms with him, etc.) достигнуть понимания и т. д.; come to an end закончиться; come to the end of one's money /of one's resources/ исчерпать свои ресурсы; our talks came to a standstill наши переговоры зашли в тупик; the boys came to blows у мальчишек дело дошло до драки
    10) semiaux come to smth. come to L 6 (to a nice lot of money, to L 1000 a year, etc.) равняться шести фунтам и т. д.; исчисляться шестью фунтами и т.д; how much does it come to? a) сколько это будет стоить?; б) чему это равняется?; duty comes to more than this thing is worth пошлина превышает стоимость самой вещи; what he knows does not come to much его знания /сведения/ немногого стоят; come to the same thing сводиться к тому же самому; all his efforts (his plans, etc.) came to naught /to nothing/ из его стараний и т. д. ничего не вышло; if it comes to that если дело дойдет до этого; what are things coming to? к чему все идет?
    11) come to (into) smth. this law will soon come into force /into effect/ этот закон вскоре вступит в силу; come to the throne занять престол; come (in)to power прийти к власти; come into fashion (into use) входить в моду (в употребление); these two tendencies came into conflict эти две тенденции вступили в противоречие; he came to life он пришел в себя /ожил/ the conflict came to a boil конфликт назрел; when all the facts came to light когда стали известны /выяснились/ все факты; it came to my notice /to my ears, to my knowledge мне стало известно об этом; they will come to no harm с ними ничего не случится; he will come to a bad end /to no good, to grief/ он плохо кончит; come of age достичь совершеннолетия
    12) come of /from, out of/ smth. this comes of carelessness (of your indiscretion, of disobedience, etc.) вот что получается в результате небрежности и т. д., вот к чему приводит небрежность и т. д.', what came of it? что из этого вышло?; nothing came of the matter ничего из этого дела не получилось; nothing came out of all this talk эти разговоры ничего не дали; success often comes from hard work успех нередко достигается упорным трудом
    13) come through smth. come. through trials (through sufferings, through a serious illness, etc.) пройти через испытания и т.д., come through two world wars пережить две мировые войны
    14) come upon /across/ smb., smth. come upon /across/ one's friend (these people, etc.) случайно встретить друга и т. д, I have just come upon him (across the postman, upon your brother, etc.) я только что [случайно] столкнулся с ним и т. д.; come upon the right answer (upon a secret, upon a jar full of ancient coins, etc.) натолкнуться на /случайно найти/ правильный ответ и т. д, I came across this in a curio shop (across this magazine, across an envelope with her note in it, etc.) мне случайно попалась эта вещь в антикварном магазине и т. д.; wandering through these valleys you will come across rare minerals, plants and butterflies бродя по этим долинам, можно отыскать /найти/ редкие минералы, растения и бабочек
    15) come at smb. he came at these people (at me, at the intruder, at the boys with a heavy stick, etc.) он бросился на этих людей и т. д; just let me come at you! дай мне только добраться до тебя!
    16) come into smth. come into a property (into an inheritance, into a fortune, into an estate, into money, into a nice income, into business, etc.) получить /приобрести/ собственность и т. д.', come into favour войти в милость, заслужить благосклонность
    17) come under smth. come under another heading (under the penalty of the law, etc.) подходить под другую рубрику и т. д, what regulations does this come under? в каких правилах это предусмотрено?; come within smth. come within my duties (within my lot, etc.) входить в мои обязанности и т. д.', come before smth. counts (barons) come before baronets титул графа и барона выше титула баронета
    18) come in smth. come in several sizes (in different colours, etc.) быть разных размеров и т. д.; these things come in tubes (in boxes, etc.) такие товары продаются в тюбиках и т. д.
    19) come from /of/ smb., smth. he comes from a good family (of noble parents, of peasant stock, etc.) он [происходит] из хорошей семьи и т. д., he comes from my native place (from Kent, from Florida, etc.) он [родом] из наших мест и т. д., where do you come from? откуда вы родом?; this word comes from Latin это слово латинского происхождения /пришло из латыни/; this quotation comes from Pushkin это цитата из Пушкина; the money came to him from his father (from his wife, from a rich uncle, etc.) он получил деньги от отца и т. д.; wine comes from grapes вино делают из винограда; coffee comes from Brazil кофе импортируют из Бразилии; much of the Iamb eaten in England comes from New Zealand большая часть баранины, потребляемой в Англии, ввозится из Новой Зеландии
    20) come from smth., smb. a sob came from her throat у нее вырвалось рыдание; no word came from him он никак не давал о себе знать; everything that comes from him is evil от него исходит только дурное
    9. XVII
    1) come to doing smth. when (if) it comes to making a decision (to buying a house, etc.) если придется решать и т. д.; he came near to leaving her (to dying, to killing himself, etc.) он чуть было не бросил ее и т. д.
    2) come of doing smth. this is what comes of losing hope (of grumbling, of trying to help people, of judging by the eye, etc.) вот что получается, когда человек теряет надежду и т. д; what came of all your careful planning? что вышло из всех ваших точных расчетов?; come of being in some state it comes of being careless (of being in a hurry, of being tired, etc.) это происходит из-за небрежности и т. д.', come of being of some quality this comes of being so shy (of being miserly, of being illiterate, etc.) это является результатом робости и т. д.
    10. XXI1
    come smth. over smb. coll. he likes to come the heavy father over me он любит проявлять свой отцовскую власть надо мной
    11. XXV
    1) come when... time will come when... настанет время, когда... || come what may будь, что будет
    2) come that... how does it come that you quarreled ( that there are only two, that you didn't get here in time, etc.)? как случилось, что вы поссорились и т. д.?
    12. XXVII2
    come into (to) smth. that... (why..., etc.) it came into my head that мне пришло в голову, что...; it came to my hearing that... до меня дошло, что...; if it comes to that why don't you tell him yourself? раз такие дело или если на то пошло, почему ты сам ему не скажешь?

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > come

  • 34 ganz

    I Adj.
    1. (gesamt) whole, entire; (vollständig) complete; ganz Deutschland the whole ( oder all) of Germany; die ganze Stadt the whole town; in oder durch ganz Amerika all over America; in der ganzen Welt all over the world; ganze Länge total ( oder overall) length; ganze Note MUS. semibreve, Am. whole note; ganze Pause MUS. semibreve (Am. whole note) rest; ganze Zahl MATH. whole number; den ganzen Morgen / Tag all morning / day; die ganze Nacht ( hindurch) all night long; die ganze Zeit all the time, the whole time; zwei ganze Stunden (nicht weniger) (for) two solid hours; den ganzen Goethe lesen etc.: the whole ( oder all) of Goethe; von ganzem Herzen with all my etc. heart
    2. meist präd.; (unbeschädigt) in one piece, intact; wieder ganz machen mend; die Tasse ist noch ganz auch the cup didn’t break
    3. mit Pl., attr.; umg. (alle) all (of); meine ganzen Schuhe all (of) my shoes; schau mal, die ganzen Leute! look at all the people!
    4. attr.; umg. (ziemlich) quite (a); eine ganze Menge quite a lot; eine ganze Weile oder Zeit brauchen / dauern take / last quite a while ( oder time); ein ganzer Haufen oder eine ganze Stange Geld umg. quite a lot of money
    5. umg. (echt, wahr) real; ein ganzer Kerl a real ( oder proper) man; die Aufgabe erfordert einen ganzen Mann this is a job for a real man
    6. attr.; umg. (nur, bloß) just, only; es hat ganze fünf Minuten gedauert it didn’t take more than five minutes, it was all over in five minutes; er hat mir ganze zehn Euro gegeben all he gave me was ten euros; es hat mich ganze 50 Euro gekostet it only cost me 50 euros; sie ist ganze zehn Jahre alt she’s only ten years old
    II Adv.
    1. ganz ( und gar) completely, totally; ganz und gar nicht not at all; ganz aufessen eat s.th. all up; etw. ganz bezahlen pay s.th. in full; ganz durcheinander in total confusion ( oder disorder); ganz durchnässt wet (all the way) through; ganz nass sopping ( oder dripping) wet, drenched, all wet; ganz zu schweigen von not to mention; das ist was ganz anderes that’s a completely different matter, that’s something else entirely; das ist ganz unmöglich that is quite impossible; das hab ich ganz allein gemacht I did it entirely on my own; ( ich bin) ganz Ihrer Meinung I quite agree; nicht ganz zehn just under ten, coming up for ten umg.
    2. (sehr) very, really; ein ganz kleines Stück a tiny piece ( oder bit); ein ganz kleines bisschen oder ein ganz klein wenig a tiny bit; ganz besonders, weil (e)specially since; ganz gewiss certainly; (ohne Zweifel) (oh,) definitely; ganz in der Nähe very close by
    3. (genau) just, exactly, quite; nicht ganz dasselbe not quite the same thing; sie hat ganz dasselbe gesagt she said exactly the same thing; es sieht ganz danach aus, als ob... it looks very much as if...; ganz wie du willst just as you like
    4. (ziemlich, leidlich) quite, pretty umg.; ganz gut quite good, not bad umg.; es hat mir ganz gut gefallen I quite liked ( oder enjoyed) it; ganz schön viel quite a lot, a fair bit umg.; ganz schön dreckig etc. umg. pretty dirty etc.; ich würde es ganz gern machen, aber... I’d like to, but...
    5. umg., verstärkend: ich bin ganz Ohr I’m all ears; sie ist ganz der oder ihr Vater she’s just like her father, she’s a chip off the old block umg.; ganz Kavalier, ließ er ihr den Vortritt being the perfect gentleman, he let her go first; er, ganz verfolgte Unschuld, protestierte heftig all ( oder the picture of) injured innocence, he protested loudly
    * * *
    integral (Adj.); total (Adj.); wholly (Adv.); in full (Adv.); quite (Adv.); entire (Adj.); all (Adj.); whole (Adj.)
    * * *
    gạnz [gants]
    1. adj
    1) whole, entire; (= vollständig) complete; Wahrheit whole

    eine ganze Zahl — a whole number, an integer

    eine ganze Note (Mus)a semibreve (Brit), a whole note (US)

    eine ganze Pause (Mus)a semibreve (Brit) or whole note (US) rest

    die ganze Mannschaft war... — the whole or entire team was..., all the team were...

    die ganzen Tassen/Kinder (inf)all the cups/children

    ganz England/London — the whole of England/London (Brit), all (of) England/London

    wir fuhren durch ganz Englandwe travelled (Brit) or traveled (US) all over England

    in ganz England/London — in the whole of (Brit) or in all England/London

    die ganze Zeit — all the time, the whole time

    der ganze Kramthe whole lot (Brit), all the stuff (US)

    sein ganzes Geld/Vermögen — all his money/fortune, his entire or whole fortune

    ein ganzer Mann — a real or proper man


    Käse/eine Sammlung ganz or im Ganzen kaufen — to buy a whole cheese/a collection as a whole

    im (Großen und) Ganzen (genommen) — on the whole, by and large, (taken) all in all

    3) (inf = unbeschädigt) intact

    wieder ganz seinto be mended

    4) (inf = nicht mehr als) all of
    2. adv
    (= völlig) quite; (= vollständig, ausnahmslos) completely; (= ziemlich, leidlich) quite; (= sehr) really; (= genau) exactly, just

    ganz hinten/vorn — right at the back/front

    nicht ganznot quite

    ganz gewiss!most certainly, absolutely

    ein ganz billiger Trick/böser Kerl — a really cheap trick/evil character

    so ganz vergnügt/traurig etc — so very happy/sad etc

    ganz Aufmerksamkeit/Demut etc sein — to be all attention/humility etc

    etwas ganz Intelligentes/Verrücktes etc — something really clever/mad etc

    ganz wie Sie meinenjust as you think (best)

    ganz gleich werit doesn't matter who, no matter who

    eine Zeitschrift ganz lesen — to read a magazine right through, to read a magazine from cover to cover

    das habe ich nicht ganz gelesen — I haven't read it all yet, I haven't finished reading it yet

    ganz und gar — completely, utterly

    ganz und gar nichtnot at all, not in the least

    ich habe ganz den Eindruck, dass... — I've rather got the impression that...

    das mag ich ganz besonders gern[e] — I'm particularly or especially fond of that

    etw ganz oder gar nicht machento do sth properly or not at all

    * * *
    1) (the whole (of): He ate all the cake; He has spent all of his money.) all
    2) (entirely: all alone; dressed all in white.) all
    3) (whole: I spent the entire day on the beach.) entire
    4) full
    5) (completely: Finish off your work.) off
    6) (completely; entirely: This is quite impossible.) quite
    7) (fairly; rather; to a certain extent: It's quite warm today; He's quite a good artist; I quite like the idea.) quite
    8) (completely; all the way: The bullet went right through his arm.) right
    9) very
    10) (including everything and/or everyone; complete: The whole staff collected the money for your present; a whole pineapple.) whole
    11) (not broken; in one piece: She swallowed the biscuit whole.) whole
    * * *
    1. attr, + sing n (gesamt) all, whole; (vollständig) entire
    er widmete dem Projekt seine \ganze Energie he dedicated all his energy to the project
    es regnet schon den \ganzen Tag it's been raining all [or the whole] [or the entire] day
    ist das Ihre \ganze Auswahl an CDs? are those all the CDs you've got?
    \ganz Berlin schaute zu, als das letzte Stück Mauer entfernt wurde the whole of [or all] Berlin looked on as the last piece of the wall was removed
    der \ganze Schrott wanderte in den Müll all that [or the entire] rubbish ended up on the scrap heap
    das \ganze Theater wegen einer Frau! all that fuss over a woman!
    die \ganze Arbeit all the work
    \ganz Deutschland/England the whole of Germany/England
    diese Verordnung gilt in \ganz Europa this regulation applies throughout [or to the whole of] Europe
    wir fuhren durch \ganz Italien we travelled all over Italy
    ein \ganzer Mann a real man
    die \ganze Wahrheit the whole truth
    die \ganze Zeit all the time, the whole time
    2. attr, + pl n (fam: alle) all
    die \ganzen Autos in unserer Straße wurden beschädigt all the cars in our street where damaged
    wo kamen denn plötzlich die \ganzen Menschen her? where did all these people suddenly come from?
    man hat mir die \ganzen 500 Euro geklaut! all my 500 euros were stolen!
    3. attr (mit Zahlwort)
    eine \ganze Drehung a complete turn
    eine \ganze Note a semibreve, a whole note AM
    \ganze Zahl whole number, integer
    4. attr (fam: ziemlich)
    eine \ganze Menge/Weile quite a lot/while
    5. (fam: unbeschädigt) intact
    hoffentlich sind unsere guten Gläser noch \ganz I hope our good glasses are still in one piece
    sie gab mir nur ihre kaputten Spielsachen und behielt die \ganzen she only gave me her broken toys and kept the intact ones
    etw wieder \ganz machen to mend sth
    wieder \ganz sein to be mended
    das Auto ist wieder \ganz the car has been repaired
    6. attr (fam: gerade mal) all of; (nicht mehr als) no more than
    der Fernseher hat \ganze 50 Euro gekostet the television cost all of 50 euros
    sie verdient \ganze 3.200 Euro im Monat she earns all of 3,200 euros a month
    er hat dafür gerade mal \ganze zehn Minuten gebraucht it didn't take him more than ten minutes
    für fünf Stunden Schwerarbeit habe ich \ganze 50 Euro bekommen all I got for five hours' heavy work was 50 euros
    II. adv
    1. (wirklich) really; (sehr) very
    das war \ganz lieb von dir that was really kind of you
    er sagte etwas \ganz Dummes he said something really stupid
    er ist ein \ganz Ausgebuffter (fam) he's really a shrewd one
    das hast du ja \ganz toll hinbekommen! (a. iron) you've made a really good job of that! a. iron
    der Kuchen ist dir \ganz wunderbar gelungen you've made a really good job of this cake
    ist das auch \ganz bestimmt die Wahrheit? are you sure you're telling the whole truth?
    \ganz besonders particularly, especially
    das war \ganz besonders ungeschickt von dir that was particularly careless of you!
    ein \ganz kleines bisschen [o klein wenig] just a little bit
    2. (ziemlich) quite
    ich verdiene eigentlich ein \ganz gutes Gehalt I earn quite a good salary really
    der Vorschlag ist \ganz interessant the proposal is quite interesting
    es hat ihr hier \ganz gut gefallen she quite liked it here
    das hat \ganz schön lang gedauert (fam) it took quite a time
    die Kinder waren \ganz schön dreckig (fam) the children were pretty dirty
    etw \ganz tun:
    du musst das Bild nicht \ganz ausmalen you don't have to colour [or AM -or] in all the picture
    ich habe den Film nicht \ganz gesehen I didn't see all the film
    hast du die Wand schon \ganz gestrichen? have you painted all the wall?, have you finished painting the wall?
    etw \ganz lesen to read sth from cover to cover
    ich habe die Zeitschrift noch nicht \ganz gelesen I haven't finished reading the magazine yet
    4. (über und über, durch und durch) completely, totally
    \ganz nass sein to be all wet
    \ganz mit Schlamm bedeckt sein to be completely [or totally] covered in mud
    5. (absolut) completely, totally
    er ist \ganz der Vater he is just like his father
    sie war ganz Aufmerksamkeit she was all attention
    [ich bin] \ganz Ihrer Meinung I quite agree
    \ganz wie Sie meinen/wünschen just as you think best/wish
    \ganz allein sein to be all alone
    \ganz und gar completely, utterly
    das ist \ganz und gar etwas anderes that is something completely [or totally] different
    \ganz und gar nicht not at all, not in the least
    etw \ganz oder gar nicht machen to do sth properly or not at all
    \ganz gewiss definitely
    \ganz gleich no matter
    \ganz gleich, was passiert, ich bleibe bei dir no matter what happens, I stay with you
    ich muss diesen Wagen haben, \ganz gleich, was er kostet! I must have this car, no matter what it costs
    jdm \ganz gleich sein to be all the same to sb
    das ist mir \ganz gleich it's all the same to me
    nicht \ganz not quite
    es ist noch nicht \ganz Mitternacht it is not quite midnight yet
    er ist noch nicht \ganz achtzehn he is just under eighteen
    das ist nicht \ganz dasselbe that's not quite the same thing
    \ganz Recht haben to be quite [or absolutely] right
    \ganz hinten/vorne right at the back/front
    * * *
    1) nicht präd. (gesamt) whole; entire

    die ganze Straße(alle Bewohner) everybody in the street

    die ganze Geschichte od. Sache — (ugs.) the whole story or business

    2) nicht präd. (ugs.): (sämtlich)

    die ganzen Leuteusw. all the people etc.

    3) nicht präd. (vollständig) whole <number, truth>

    eine ganze Note(Musik) a semibreve (Brit.); a whole note (Amer.)

    im [Großen und] Ganzen — on the whole; all in all

    4) nicht präd. (ugs.): (ziemlich groß)

    eine ganze Menge/ein ganzer Haufen — quite a lot/quite a pile

    5) (ugs.): (unversehrt) intact
    6) nicht präd. (ugs.): (nur) all of

    ganze 14 Jahre alt — all of fourteen [years old]

    1) (vollkommen) quite

    das ist mir ganz egal — it's all the same to me; I don't care

    etwas ganz vergessencompletely or quite forget something

    etwas ganz allein tun od. machen — do something entirely on one's own

    sie ist ganz die Muttershe's the image of or just like her mother

    ganz und gar — totally; utterly

    2) (sehr, ziemlich) quite
    * * *
    A. adj
    1. (gesamt) whole, entire; (vollständig) complete;
    ganz Deutschland the whole ( oder all) of Germany;
    die ganze Stadt the whole town;
    in oder
    durch ganz Amerika all over America;
    in der ganzen Welt all over the world;
    ganze Länge total ( oder overall) length;
    ganze Note MUS semibreve, US whole note;
    ganze Pause MUS semibreve (US whole note) rest;
    ganze Zahl MATH whole number;
    den ganzen Morgen/Tag all morning/day;
    die ganze Nacht (hindurch) all night long;
    die ganze Zeit all the time, the whole time;
    zwei ganze Stunden (nicht weniger) (for) two solid hours;
    den ganzen Goethe lesen etc: the whole ( oder all) of Goethe;
    von ganzem Herzen with all my etc heart
    2. meist präd; (unbeschädigt) in one piece, intact;
    die Tasse ist noch ganz auch the cup didn’t break
    3. mit pl, attr; umg (alle) all (of);
    meine ganzen Schuhe all (of) my shoes;
    schau mal, die ganzen Leute! look at all the people!
    4. attr; umg (ziemlich) quite (a);
    eine ganze Menge quite a lot;
    Zeit brauchen/dauern take/last quite a while ( oder time);
    eine ganze Stange Geld umg quite a lot of money
    5. umg (echt, wahr) real;
    ein ganzer Kerl a real ( oder proper) man;
    die Aufgabe erfordert einen ganzen Mann this is a job for a real man
    6. attr; umg (nur, bloß) just, only;
    es hat ganze fünf Minuten gedauert it didn’t take more than five minutes, it was all over in five minutes;
    er hat mir ganze zehn Euro gegeben all he gave me was ten euros;
    es hat mich ganze 50 Euro gekostet it only cost me 50 euros;
    sie ist ganze zehn Jahre alt she’s only ten years old
    B. adv
    ganz (und gar) completely, totally;
    ganz und gar nicht not at all;
    ganz aufessen eat sth all up;
    etwas ganz bezahlen pay sth in full;
    ganz durcheinander in total confusion ( oder disorder);
    ganz durchnässt wet (all the way) through;
    ganz nass sopping ( oder dripping) wet, drenched, all wet;
    ganz zu schweigen von not to mention;
    das ist was ganz anderes that’s a completely different matter, that’s something else entirely;
    das ist ganz unmöglich that is quite impossible;
    das hab ich ganz allein gemacht I did it entirely on my own;
    (ich bin) ganz Ihrer Meinung I quite agree;
    nicht ganz zehn just under ten, coming up for ten umg
    2. (sehr) very, really;
    ein ganz kleines Stück a tiny piece ( oder bit);
    ganz besonders, weil (e)specially since;
    ganz gewiss certainly; (ohne Zweifel) (oh,) definitely;
    ganz in der Nähe very close by
    3. (genau) just, exactly, quite;
    nicht ganz dasselbe not quite the same thing;
    sie hat ganz dasselbe gesagt she said exactly the same thing;
    es sieht ganz danach aus, als ob … it looks very much as if …;
    ganz wie du willst just as you like
    4. (ziemlich, leidlich) quite, pretty umg;
    ganz gut quite good, not bad umg;
    es hat mir ganz gut gefallen I quite liked ( oder enjoyed) it;
    ganz schön viel quite a lot, a fair bit umg;
    ganz schön dreckig etc umg pretty dirty etc;
    ich würde es ganz gern machen, aber … I’d like to, but …
    5. umg, verstärkend:
    ich bin ganz Ohr I’m all ears;
    ihr Vater she’s just like her father, she’s a chip off the old block umg;
    ganz Kavalier, ließ er ihr den Vortritt being the perfect gentleman, he let her go first;
    er, ganz verfolgte Unschuld, protestierte heftig all ( oder the picture of) injured innocence, he protested loudly
    * * *
    1) nicht präd. (gesamt) whole; entire

    die ganze Straße (alle Bewohner) everybody in the street

    die ganze Geschichte od. Sache — (ugs.) the whole story or business

    2) nicht präd. (ugs.): (sämtlich)

    die ganzen Leuteusw. all the people etc.

    3) nicht präd. (vollständig) whole <number, truth>

    eine ganze Note(Musik) a semibreve (Brit.); a whole note (Amer.)

    im [Großen und] Ganzen — on the whole; all in all

    4) nicht präd. (ugs.): (ziemlich groß)

    eine ganze Menge/ein ganzer Haufen — quite a lot/quite a pile

    5) (ugs.): (unversehrt) intact
    6) nicht präd. (ugs.): (nur) all of

    ganze 14 Jahre alt — all of fourteen [years old]

    1) (vollkommen) quite

    das ist mir ganz egal — it's all the same to me; I don't care

    etwas ganz vergessencompletely or quite forget something

    etwas ganz allein tun od. machen — do something entirely on one's own

    sie ist ganz die Muttershe's the image of or just like her mother

    ganz und gar — totally; utterly

    2) (sehr, ziemlich) quite
    * * *
    all adj.
    entire adj.
    total adj.
    unmitigated adj.
    whole adj. adv.
    integrally adv.
    quite adv.
    unmitigatedly adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > ganz

  • 35 عرض

    عَرَضَ \ demonstrate: to show sth. so as to explain it or make it known: Science teachers can demonstrate how acids work. The shopkeeper was demonstrating a new kind of electric cooker. display: to show publicly: Shops display their goods in their windows. exhibit: to show publicly (esp. the work of artists). hold out: to offer (for sb. else to take): He held out his plate for some food. offer: to give sb. the chance to accept (sth.): They offered the job to the younger woman, but she refused it, say that one will give sth. (money, a prize, a reward, etc.) to anyone who fulfils certain conditions The police offered $1000 to anyone who could lead them to the murderer. present: to put forward; show: She presented her plans to the meeting. state: to express; say: Please state your reasons. He states that he has no money. submit: to put forward for official consideration: You must submit the plans for your new house. \ عَرَضَ \ suggest: to put (sth.) forward as an idea, for consideration: Can you suggest an answer to this question? I suggest that we (should) go to the cinema. \ See Also قَدَّمَ (رأيًا) للمُناقشة \ عَرَضَ رأيًا \ propose: to put forward (sth. that one considers suitable) for others to consider: He proposed (a plan for) a new road. \ عَرَضَ الزَّواج \ propose: to offer marriage: I shall propose to her tomorrow.

    Arabic-English dictionary > عرض

  • 36 исследование

    investigation, research, study, analysis, discussion, tracing, examination, work, treatment
    Большая часть исследования была сконцентрирована на поиске... - Much research has been concentrated on the search for...
    В своем классическом исследовании Смит [1] установил, что... - In a classical investigation, Smith [1] established that...
    Важно, что исследование также показывает, что... - Importantly, the study also shows that...
    Вместо того, чтобы пытаться сделать общее исследование задачи, мы... - Rather than attempt a general investigation of the problem, we...
    Все эти исследования основываются на одном и том же предположении. - All these studies rest on the same assumption.
    Дальнейшее исследование, однако, показало, что... - Further investigation, however, has shown that...
    Данная идея получила свое начало при исследовании... - The idea originated with the study of...
    Для данного исследования мы возьмем... - For the present investigation we shall take...
    Для данного исследования необходимо... - For this treatment it is necessary to...
    До сих пор мы ограничивали наше исследование (чем-л). - So far we have confined our attention to...
    До сих пор наше исследование было посвящено ( чему-л). - Our treatment has so far been confined to...
    Долговременные исследования показали, что... - Long-term studies have shown that...
    Другие исследования также указали, что... - Other studies have also indicated that...
    Другое исследование показало, что... - Another study showed that...
    Закончим наше исследование объяснением (чего-л). - We conclude our treatment with an explanation of...
    Из этого исследования вытекает, что... - From this investigation it appears that...
    Исследование... имеет долгую и интересную историю. - The study of... has a long and interesting history.
    Исследование Смита [1] также свидетельствует о... - The research of Smith jlj also gives evidence of...
    Исследование каждого случая отдельно приводит к... - Examination of each individual case leads to...
    Исследование охватывает некоторые вопросы механики... - Investigation covers the fields of mechanics...
    Исследование уравнения (4) показывает, что... - An examination of (4) shows that...
    Исследование, продолжающееся два десятилетия, принесло удивительно немного результатов относительно... - Research spanning two decades has yielded surprisingly few results on...
    Исследования... выявили, что... - Studies of... have revealed that...
    Исследования показали важность... - The studies demonstrated the importance of...
    Кажется, было относительно немного исследований... - There seem to have been relatively few investigations of...
    Многочисленные исторические исследования показали, как... - Numerous historical analyses have shown how...
    Могло бы показаться естественным начать наше исследование с... - It might seem natural to start our investigation with...
    Мы использовали это в качестве отправного пункта нашего исследования. - We have taken this as a starting point for our investigation.
    Мы ограничим наше исследование (проблемой и т. п.)... - We shall confine the investigation to...
    Мы ограничим наше исследование (случаем и т. п.)... - We limit our study to...
    Мы сейчас проведем более систематическое исследование... - We shall now make a more systematic study of...
    Мы увидим, что данное исследование применимо также в случае... - It will be observed that this investigation applies also to the case of...
    В действительности его исследование, похоже, показывает, что... - Actually his investigation seemed to show that...
    Несколько исследований указывают, что... - Several studies indicate that...
    Объектом исследования является... - The investigation is concerned with...
    Однако имеются более ранние исследования, в которых... - However, there are more recent studies in which...
    Однако легко обобщить это исследование на случай, когда... - It is easy, however, to generalize this treatment to the case of...
    Однако наше исследование составляет лишь малую часть... - However, our study comprises only a small portion of...
    Однако тщательное исследование показывает, что... - Careful study shows, however, that...
    Описанные здесь исследования показывают, что... - The studies described here show that...
    Повсюду в этом исследовании будет сделан акцент... - Throughout this treatment an effort will be made to...
    Подробные исследования выявили, что... - Detailed studies have revealed that...
    Продвижение в исследовании было тесно связано с... - The progress of research has been intimately connected with...
    Чтобы предпринять подобное исследование, мы... - То undertake such a study we...
    Чтобы упростить исследование, мы теперь введем... - То simplify the treatment we shall now introduce...
    Эти задачи поддаются исследованию (с помощью)... - These problems are amenable to treatment by...
    Это гипотеза, заслуживающая дальнейшего исследования. - This is a hypothesis worthy of further investigation.
    Это исследование упрощается, если воспользоваться... - This study is facilitated by the use of...
    Это предлагает широкое поле для исследований. - This offers a wide field for research.

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > исследование

  • 37 идея

    idea, notion, concept
    (Все) эти теории имеют общую идею (= концепцию), что... - These theories have in common the idea that...
    Безусловно, читатель знаком с идеей, что... - The reader is no doubt familiar with the idea that...
    В третьей главе мы увидим другое обобщение той же основной идеи. - In Chapter 3 we shall meet another generalization of the same basic idea.
    Важно уметь применять идею (= концепцию)... - It is important that we be able to apply the concept of...
    Введенные в этой главе идеи подведут нас ближе к... - The ideas introduced in this chapter will bring us closer to...
    Вернемся кратко к идее (чего-л). - Let us return briefly to the idea of...
    Высказанные ранее идеи теперь могут быть обобщены. - The preceding ideas can now be generalized.
    Дальнейшее рассуждение затем привело бы к идее... - Further argument would then lead to the idea of...
    Данная идея получила свое начало при исследовании... - The idea originated with the study of...
    Идея состоит в следующем. - The idea is as follows.
    Имеется мнжество подтверждений идеи, что... - There is a great deal of evidence for the idea that...
    Имеется много других примеров, иллюстрирующих основную идею (чего-л). - There are many other examples which illustrate the basic idea of...
    Лежащая в основе этого идея состоит в том, что... - The underlying idea is that...
    Лежащие в основе (этого) идеи настолько просты, что... - The ideas involved here are so simple that...
    Много идей было выдвинуто для объяснения... - Many ideas were put forward to explain...
    Многие идеи и результаты последней главы могут быть распространены на случай... - Many of the ideas and results of the last chapter can now be extended to the case of...
    Многие идеи, рассматриваемые в данной главе, (являются)... - Many of the ideas appearing in this chapter are...
    Мы будем предполагать, что читатель обладает очевидной интуитивной идеей... - We shall assume that the reader has a clear intuitive idea of...
    Мы могли бы обобщить эти идеи. - We may extend these ideas.
    Мы можем обобщить эту идею, вводя... - We can generalize this idea by introducing...
    Мы можем также использовать (= приложить) здесь идею... - We may also apply the concept of...
    На самом деле, подобные неопределенные идеи ничего нам не говорят. - Such vague ideas really tell us nothing.
    Проще всего понять эту идею можно, рассматривая... - The idea is most easily understood by examining...
    Один из ответов на данный вопрос находится в идее... - One answer to this question lies in the concept of...
    Однако в общем случае эта идея имеет небольшую область приложений. - However, this idea has little application in general.
    Основная идея состоит в том, что... - The basic idea is that...
    Основной идеей этого параграфа является то, что... - The main idea of this section is that...
    Основные идеи, намеченные в данном параграфе, могут быть проиллюстрированы (чем-л). - The points made in this section can be illustrated by...
    Полная идея становится точной (путем, если и т. п.)... - The whole idea is made precise by...
    Последняя идея потеряла большую часть своей значимости, потому что... - The latter idea lost much of its significance because...
    Похоже, что большинство физиков одобряет идею, что... - Most physicists seem to accept the notion that...
    Предыдущее обсуждение приводит к идее, что... - The preceding discussion leads to the idea that...; The foregoing discussion gives an idea of...
    Приведем теперь идею доказательства теорем 2 и 3. - Let us now give an idea on how to prove Theorems 2 and 3.
    Проблема, которую мы обязаны позднее рассмотреть для применения данной идеи, состоит в том, что... - A problem that we must eventually face in making use of this concept is...
    Простейшее доказательство базируется на идее, что... - The simplest proof rests on the concept of...
    С самого начала физики приняли идею, что... - Prom the beginning, physicists have accepted the notion that...; From the outset, physicists have accepted the notion that...
    Сделаем эти идеи более понятными, рассматривая... - Let us make these ideas clearer by considering...
    Сейчас мы кратко изложим основную идею (чего-л). - Let us present in a nutshell the main idea behind...
    Следовательно, мы могли бы принять за аксиому идею, что... - Therefore we may take as axiomatic the idea that...
    Следовательно, следующим естественным шагом является идея, что... - It is thus a natural step to think of...
    Следующим шагом было применение идеи... - The next step was to apply the idea of...
    Смит [1] убедительно аргументирует против идеи, что... - Smith [1] argues effectively against the notion that...
    Центральная идея, лежащая в основе этих утверждений, состоит в том, что... - The essential idea underlying these statements is that of...
    Центральной идеей здесь является то, что... - The essential idea here is that...
    Так лее просто эти идеи могут быть сформулированы (и) для... - These ideas can be formulated just as easily for...
    Только что изложенная идея была использована, чтобы... - The idea just outlined has been used to...
    Центральной идеей, на которой основывался подход Смита [1], была... - The essential idea behind Smith's approach was that...
    Чрезвычайно близкие идеи используются для (= в)... - Precisely similar ideas are applicable to...
    Чтобы конкретизировать эту идею, давайте... - То make this idea more concrete, let...
    Чтобы упорядочить все эти идеи подходящим образом, мы... - In order to place these ideas in their proper framework, we...
    Эйнштейн использовал (- применил) точно те же самые идеи в (= при рассмотрении)... - Einstein applied precisely the same ideas to...
    Эта идея (= мысль) выражается более точно в... - This idea is expressed more precisely in...
    Эта идея будет объясняться ниже. - This idea will be clarified below.
    Эта идея одновременно самодостаточна и привлекательна, однако... - This idea is both self-contained and attractive, but...
    Эта идея удивительно близка к... - This idea is remarkably close to...
    Эта идея уже была использована Смитом [1], который предлагает, что(бы)... - This idea has been exploited by Smith [1], who suggests that...
    Эта простая, но все же глубокая идея... - This simple yet profound idea...
    Эти идеи были развиты целым рядом авторов. - The material has been developed by a number of contributors.
    Эти идеи получают немедленно приложение к/в... - These ideas have immediate application in...
    Этим путем мы приходим к мысли (= идее) о... - In this way we arrive at the idea of...
    Это весьма настойчиво подталкивает нас к идее, что... - This suggests quite strongly that...
    Это заключение базируется на тех же идеях, которые приводят к... - This conclusion is based on the same ideas that lead to...
    Это очевидным образом связано с известной и интуитивной идеей, что... - This is obviously related to the familiar and intuitive idea that...
    Это приводит нас к идее постулировать существование... - This leads us to postulate the existence of...
    Это фундаментальная идея, лежащая в основании (решения, процесса и т. п.)... - This is the fundamental idea behind...
    Эту идею легко понять, однако... - The idea is easily understood, but...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > идея

  • 38 defender

    1 to defend.
    defender los intereses de alguien to defend somebody's interests
    defendió su teoría con sólidos argumentos he supported his theory with sound arguments
    Elsa defiende su posición Elsa defends her position.
    Elsa defiende los derechos humanos Elsa defends human rights.
    2 to protect (proteger) (del frío, calor).
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ ENTENDER], like link=entender entender
    1 (gen) to defend (contra/de, against)
    2 (mantener una opinión, afirmación) to defend, uphold; (respaldar a alguien) to stand up for, support
    3 (proteger) to protect (contra/de, against/from)
    4 DERECHO (algo) to argue, plead; (a alguien) to defend
    1 (espabilarse) to manage, get by, get along
    ¿qué tal se defiende en inglés? how does she get by in English?, what's her English like?
    defender una causa DERECHO to argue a case
    * * *
    * * *
    VT (Mil) [+ país, territorio, intereses] to defend; [+ causa, ideas] to defend, champion; (Jur) to defend

    el Real Madrid defiende el título de campeón — Real Madrid are defending the championship title, Real Madrid are the defending champions

    defiendo la tesis doctoral el mes que vieneI'm having a viva on o (EEUU) I'm defending my doctoral thesis next month

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( proteger) <guarnición/nación> to defend, protect; < persona> to defend

    siempre defiende a su hermanahe always defends o stands up for his sister

    defender a alguien de algo/alguien — to defend somebody against something/somebody

    b) < intereses> to protect, defend; <derechos/título> to defend
    c) (Der) to defend
    d) <idea/teoría/opinión> to defend, uphold; <causa/ideal> to champion, defend

    defender la tesis — ≈to defend one's dissertation ( in US), ≈to have a viva on one's thesis ( in UK)

    defenderse v pron
    a) (refl) ( contra una agresión) to defend o protect oneself; (Der) to defend oneself

    defenderse de algo/alguien — to defend oneself against something/somebody

    b) (fam) ( arreglárselas) to get by (colloq)
    * * *
    = advocate, argue, argue + in favour of, be + Posesivo + contention, contend, defend, espouse, maintain, make + apology, make + a case for, plead for, put + the case for, uphold, crusade for, preach, preach, champion, speak up for, speak up for, articulate + the case for, present + case for, mount + defence, strike + a blow for, raise + the flag of, come down in + favour of, stick up for, stand by, rally (a)round, rally behind, stand for.
    Ex. In order to understand the citation order that PRECIS indexing advocates it is necessary to examine the function of the operators more closely.
    Ex. Cutter argued that when it could be established that the second term was definitely more significant then inversion of headings was acceptable.
    Ex. Despite the present financial straits of developing countries, she argues in favour of long-term plan for the acquisition of relevant rare book material.
    Ex. It is our contention that an understanding of such basic principles is fundamental to an appreciation of the many and varied contexts that the individual is likely to encounter.
    Ex. The author contends that it is possible to view the search conducted with the aid of a series of menus as having strong similarities with the search through the hierarchy of a enumerative classification scheme.
    Ex. A respondent is a candidate for a degree who, in an academic disputation, defends or opposes a thesis proposed by the praeses (q.v.); also called the defendant.
    Ex. Most respondents espoused the latter view as an appropriate response to IT developments to date.
    Ex. They maintain, in an article written for Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS) 'that automated cataloging systems have addressed only half of the problems of maintaining a library catalog'.
    Ex. My perspective, for which I make no apology, is that of someone who works daily with the nitty-gritty of cataloging, as many of you do.
    Ex. This point-by-point evaluation makes a fairly convincing case for the public access online catalogue.
    Ex. I would plead for more standardization, not less, because I think whatever we do is going to be imperfect.
    Ex. A more moderate approach is found in the writings of Olding, who puts the case for multiple entry very concisely in a short pamphlet.
    Ex. It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.
    Ex. There are also dedicated individuals within government who have found a niche from which to crusade for school libraries.
    Ex. A major failing of the information industry is that its members tend to preach to one another whereas what they should be doing is talking to everyone else outside the information industry.
    Ex. A major failing of the information industry is that its members tend to preach to one another whereas what they should be doing is talking to everyone else outside the information industry.
    Ex. In particular he championed free photoduplication of library materials as a natural extension of library services to patrons at a distance.
    Ex. Many people voiced fears that volunteers would be used to take over paid jobs from the workforce, but others spoke up for volunteers saying that in many cases they had created extra jobs for the permanent staff.
    Ex. Many people voiced fears that volunteers would be used to take over paid jobs from the workforce, but others spoke up for volunteers saying that in many cases they had created extra jobs for the permanent staff.
    Ex. Moreover, in addition to quantitative measures, qualitative indicators of benefits should be considered so as to present a complete picture when articulating the case for a library's total positive impact.
    Ex. An MP, a barrister, and a financial consultant present the case for charging Value Added Tax (VAT) on books.
    Ex. The author mounts a spirited defence of the National Library of Australia future collecting priorities.
    Ex. In an effort to save US culture, strike a blow for reading, and correct well intentioned but misguided notions about the Internet making libraries obsolete, offers ten reasons why the Internet is no substitute for a library..
    Ex. The Augustinian order kept his theological tradition, and raised the flag of the Augustinian thought before and after the German reformer.
    Ex. The author comes down in favour of adding notes to cataloguing records on the grounds that the educational purpose that they are intended to serve is clear.
    Ex. He states that he has always admired Woody Allen, explaining that when he first saw his films he was happy to see that someone was sticking up for the little guy.
    Ex. It's hard to believe she stands by a man who gets his kicks out of beating her black and blue everynight.
    Ex. I recalled how bereft we felt when we lost our son and how friends and neighbours rallied round and offered a shoulder to cry on.
    Ex. The second group, who rallied behind McCarthy, was composed of students and intellectuals who were vociferous against the war.
    Ex. I will stand for your rights as my forefathers did before me!.
    * defender a = put + a word in for.
    * defender a Alguien = stand up for.
    * defender Algo = argue + Posesivo + corner.
    * defender el fuerte = hold + the fortress.
    * defender el honor de Uno = defend + Posesivo + honour.
    * defender enérgicamente = be vociferous about/in.
    * defender la causa de = further + the cause of.
    * defender la necesidad = articulate + the need.
    * defender la necesidad de = support + the case for.
    * defender lo indenfensible = defend + the indefensible.
    * defender los derechos de Uno = stand up for + Posesivo + rights.
    * defender los intereses = defend + interests, lobby for + interests.
    * defender los intereses de = go to + bat for, bat for.
    * defender los principios de Uno = stand up for + Posesivo + principles.
    * defender + Posesivo + argumento = support + Posesivo + case, buttress + Posesivo + case.
    * defender + Posesivo + caso = take up + Posesivo + case.
    * defender + Posesivo + causa = advance + Posesivo + cause.
    * defender + Posesivo + idea = support + Posesivo + case.
    * defender + Posesivo + postura = argue + Posesivo + case.
    * defenderse = bite back, stand up, strike back, fight back, fight for + Posesivo + life.
    * defenderse de ataques = ward off + attacks.
    * defenderse por uno mismo = fend for + Reflexivo.
    * defender una causa = promote + cause, support + cause, champion + cause.
    * defender una idea = champion + idea.
    * defender un argumento = support + view.
    * defender un opinión = support + view.
    * saber defenderse = hold + Posesivo + own.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( proteger) <guarnición/nación> to defend, protect; < persona> to defend

    siempre defiende a su hermanahe always defends o stands up for his sister

    defender a alguien de algo/alguien — to defend somebody against something/somebody

    b) < intereses> to protect, defend; <derechos/título> to defend
    c) (Der) to defend
    d) <idea/teoría/opinión> to defend, uphold; <causa/ideal> to champion, defend

    defender la tesis — ≈to defend one's dissertation ( in US), ≈to have a viva on one's thesis ( in UK)

    defenderse v pron
    a) (refl) ( contra una agresión) to defend o protect oneself; (Der) to defend oneself

    defenderse de algo/alguien — to defend oneself against something/somebody

    b) (fam) ( arreglárselas) to get by (colloq)
    * * *
    = advocate, argue, argue + in favour of, be + Posesivo + contention, contend, defend, espouse, maintain, make + apology, make + a case for, plead for, put + the case for, uphold, crusade for, preach, preach, champion, speak up for, speak up for, articulate + the case for, present + case for, mount + defence, strike + a blow for, raise + the flag of, come down in + favour of, stick up for, stand by, rally (a)round, rally behind, stand for.

    Ex: In order to understand the citation order that PRECIS indexing advocates it is necessary to examine the function of the operators more closely.

    Ex: Cutter argued that when it could be established that the second term was definitely more significant then inversion of headings was acceptable.
    Ex: Despite the present financial straits of developing countries, she argues in favour of long-term plan for the acquisition of relevant rare book material.
    Ex: It is our contention that an understanding of such basic principles is fundamental to an appreciation of the many and varied contexts that the individual is likely to encounter.
    Ex: The author contends that it is possible to view the search conducted with the aid of a series of menus as having strong similarities with the search through the hierarchy of a enumerative classification scheme.
    Ex: A respondent is a candidate for a degree who, in an academic disputation, defends or opposes a thesis proposed by the praeses (q.v.); also called the defendant.
    Ex: Most respondents espoused the latter view as an appropriate response to IT developments to date.
    Ex: They maintain, in an article written for Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS) 'that automated cataloging systems have addressed only half of the problems of maintaining a library catalog'.
    Ex: My perspective, for which I make no apology, is that of someone who works daily with the nitty-gritty of cataloging, as many of you do.
    Ex: This point-by-point evaluation makes a fairly convincing case for the public access online catalogue.
    Ex: I would plead for more standardization, not less, because I think whatever we do is going to be imperfect.
    Ex: A more moderate approach is found in the writings of Olding, who puts the case for multiple entry very concisely in a short pamphlet.
    Ex: It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.
    Ex: There are also dedicated individuals within government who have found a niche from which to crusade for school libraries.
    Ex: A major failing of the information industry is that its members tend to preach to one another whereas what they should be doing is talking to everyone else outside the information industry.
    Ex: A major failing of the information industry is that its members tend to preach to one another whereas what they should be doing is talking to everyone else outside the information industry.
    Ex: In particular he championed free photoduplication of library materials as a natural extension of library services to patrons at a distance.
    Ex: Many people voiced fears that volunteers would be used to take over paid jobs from the workforce, but others spoke up for volunteers saying that in many cases they had created extra jobs for the permanent staff.
    Ex: Many people voiced fears that volunteers would be used to take over paid jobs from the workforce, but others spoke up for volunteers saying that in many cases they had created extra jobs for the permanent staff.
    Ex: Moreover, in addition to quantitative measures, qualitative indicators of benefits should be considered so as to present a complete picture when articulating the case for a library's total positive impact.
    Ex: An MP, a barrister, and a financial consultant present the case for charging Value Added Tax (VAT) on books.
    Ex: The author mounts a spirited defence of the National Library of Australia future collecting priorities.
    Ex: In an effort to save US culture, strike a blow for reading, and correct well intentioned but misguided notions about the Internet making libraries obsolete, offers ten reasons why the Internet is no substitute for a library..
    Ex: The Augustinian order kept his theological tradition, and raised the flag of the Augustinian thought before and after the German reformer.
    Ex: The author comes down in favour of adding notes to cataloguing records on the grounds that the educational purpose that they are intended to serve is clear.
    Ex: He states that he has always admired Woody Allen, explaining that when he first saw his films he was happy to see that someone was sticking up for the little guy.
    Ex: It's hard to believe she stands by a man who gets his kicks out of beating her black and blue everynight.
    Ex: I recalled how bereft we felt when we lost our son and how friends and neighbours rallied round and offered a shoulder to cry on.
    Ex: The second group, who rallied behind McCarthy, was composed of students and intellectuals who were vociferous against the war.
    Ex: I will stand for your rights as my forefathers did before me!.
    * defender a = put + a word in for.
    * defender a Alguien = stand up for.
    * defender Algo = argue + Posesivo + corner.
    * defender el fuerte = hold + the fortress.
    * defender el honor de Uno = defend + Posesivo + honour.
    * defender enérgicamente = be vociferous about/in.
    * defender la causa de = further + the cause of.
    * defender la necesidad = articulate + the need.
    * defender la necesidad de = support + the case for.
    * defender lo indenfensible = defend + the indefensible.
    * defender los derechos de Uno = stand up for + Posesivo + rights.
    * defender los intereses = defend + interests, lobby for + interests.
    * defender los intereses de = go to + bat for, bat for.
    * defender los principios de Uno = stand up for + Posesivo + principles.
    * defender + Posesivo + argumento = support + Posesivo + case, buttress + Posesivo + case.
    * defender + Posesivo + caso = take up + Posesivo + case.
    * defender + Posesivo + causa = advance + Posesivo + cause.
    * defender + Posesivo + idea = support + Posesivo + case.
    * defender + Posesivo + postura = argue + Posesivo + case.
    * defenderse = bite back, stand up, strike back, fight back, fight for + Posesivo + life.
    * defenderse de ataques = ward off + attacks.
    * defenderse por uno mismo = fend for + Reflexivo.
    * defender una causa = promote + cause, support + cause, champion + cause.
    * defender una idea = champion + idea.
    * defender un argumento = support + view.
    * defender un opinión = support + view.
    * saber defenderse = hold + Posesivo + own.

    * * *
    defender [E8 ]
    1 (proteger) ‹guarnición/nación› to defend, protect; ‹persona› to defend
    siempre defiende a su hermana he always defends o protects o stands up for his sister
    defender a algn DE algo/algn to defend sb AGAINST sth/sb
    la defendió de las acusaciones/de sus atacantes he defended her against the accusations/against her attackers
    2 ‹intereses› to protect, defend; ‹derechos› to defend; ‹título› to defend
    3 ( Der) ‹caso› to defend; ‹acusado/cliente› to defend
    4 ‹idea/teoría/opinión› to defend, uphold; ‹causa/ideal› to champion, defend
    defender la tesis ≈ to defend one's dissertation ( in US), ≈ to have a viva on one's thesis ( in UK)
    1 ( refl) (contra una agresión) to defend o protect oneself; ( Der) to defend oneself defenderse DE algo/algn to defend oneself AGAINST sth/sb
    2 ( fam) (arreglárselas) to get by ( colloq)
    me defiendo bastante bien en francés I can get by quite well in French
    ¿sabes jugar al tenis? — bueno, me defiendo can you play tennis? — well, I'm not too bad ( colloq)
    * * *


    defender ( conjugate defender) verbo transitivo
    to defend;
    intereses to protect;
    defender a algo/algn de algo/algn to defend sth/sb against sth/sb
    defenderse verbo pronominal
    a) ( refl) ( contra una agresión) to defend o protect oneself;

    (Der) to defend oneself;
    defenderse de algo/algn to defend oneself against sth/sb
    b) (fam) ( arreglárselas) to get by (colloq);

    defender verbo transitivo to defend [contra, against] [de, from]
    ' defender' also found in these entries:
    - defensor
    - defensora
    - muerte
    - resguardar
    - uña
    - unirse
    - valedor
    - valedora
    - defienda
    - defend
    - defender
    - guard
    - leg
    - plead
    - speak up
    - stand up
    - stick up for
    - uphold
    - advocate
    - champion
    - speak
    - stand
    - stick
    * * *
    1. [país, ideas] to defend;
    [amigo] to stand up for; Dep [contrario, delantero] to mark;
    defender a alguien de algo to defend sb from o against sth;
    defender los derechos/intereses de alguien to defend sb's rights/interests;
    defendió su teoría con sólidos argumentos he supported his theory with sound arguments;
    defender la tesis [en universidad] Br ≈ to have one's viva, US ≈ to defend one's dissertation;
    defender el título to defend the title;
    defender algo a capa y espada to defend sth tooth and nail
    2. [reo, acusado] to defend
    3. [proteger] [del frío, calor] to protect (de against)
    Dep to mark;
    defender al hombre to mark man for man, to man-mark;
    defender en zona to use a zone defence
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 defend (de against)
    2 en fútbol mark
    II v/i en fútbol mark
    * * *
    defender {56} vt
    : to defend, to protect
    * * *
    1. (en general) to defend
    2. (proteger) to protect

    Spanish-English dictionary > defender

  • 39 estar

    1 to be.
    el dólar está a 10 pesos the dollar is at 10 pesos
    están a dos euros el kilo they're two euros a kilo
    está terminado it's finished
    2 to be.
    ¿dónde está la llave? where is the key?
    ¿está María? — no, no está is Maria there? — no, she's not here
    Ella estuvo aburrida She was bored.
    El edificio está en la calle tres The building is on third street.
    3 to be (expresa cualidad, estado).
    los pasteles están ricos the cakes are delicious
    esta calle está sucia this street is dirty
    estar de mudanza to be (in the process of) moving
    estamos de suerte we're in luck
    estar de vacaciones to be on holiday
    estar de viaje to be on a trip
    estar en uso to be in use
    estar en guardia to be on guard
    estamos sin agua we have no water, we're without water
    5 to be.
    están golpeando la puerta they're banging on the door
    6 to stay, to be.
    estaré un par de horas y me iré I'll stay a couple of hours and then I'll go
    7 to be ready (hallarse listo).
    ¿aún no está ese trabajo? is that piece of work still not ready?
    8 to be for.
    Me estuvo difícil el examen The exam was difficult for me.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, están.
    Imperfect Indicative
    estaba, estabas, estaba, estábamos, estabais, estaban.
    Past Indicative
    Future Indicative
    estaré, estarás, estará, estaremos, estaréis, estarán.
    estaría, estarías, estaría, estaríamos, estaríais, estarían.
    Present Subjunctive
    esté, estés, esté, estemos, estéis, estén.
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    está (tú), esté (él/Vd.), estemos (nos.), estad (vos.), estén (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    - estarse
    * * *
    Para las expresiones estar bien, estar mal, ver la otra entrada.
    1) [indicando situación] to be

    ¿dónde estabas? — where were you?

    -las tijeras están en el cajón -no, aquí no están — "the scissors are in the drawer" - "no, they're not in here"

    -hola, ¿está Carmen? -no, no está — "hello, is Carmen in?" - "no, I'm afraid she isn't"

    está [fuera] — [de casa] she's out; [de la ciudad/en el extranjero] she's away

    [ya que] estamos — while we are at it

    2) [indicando un estado transitorio]
    a) + adj, adv to be

    estar enfermo {o} malo — to be ill

    ¿estás casado o soltero? — are you married or single?

    ¿cómo estamos? — [gen] how are we doing?; [a otra persona] how are you?

    con este frío, aquí no se puede estar — it's unbearably cold here

    ¡qué bueno está este café! — this coffee's really good!

    ¿está libre el baño? — is the bathroom free?

    ¿qué tal {o} cómo estás? — how are you?

    el récord anterior estaba en 33 segundos — the previous record was {o} stood at 33 seconds

    b) + participio to be
    c) + gerundio to be

    venga, ya nos estamos yendo, que es tarde — come on, it's time to go, it's late

    3) (=existir) to be

    [dejar] estar, déjalo estar — just leave him be

    4) [indicando el aspecto de algo] to look

    ¡qué elegante estás! — you're looking really smart!

    estás más delgado — you've lost weight, you look slimmer

    ese tío está muy bueno* that guy's gorgeous *, that guy's a bit of all right *

    5) (=estar listo) to be ready

    ¡ya está! ya sé lo que podemos hacer — that's it! I know what we can do

    ya estoy — I'm done, that's me *

    ¡ya estamos! — [después de hacer algo] that's it!; [dicho con enfado] that's enough!

    ¿estamos? — [al estar listo] ready?; [para pedir conformidad] are we agreed?, right?, OK? *

    ¡ya estuvo! — Méx that's it!

    6) [indicando fecha, distancia, temperatura]

    cuando estemos en verano — when it's summer, in the summer

    7) [en estructuras con preposición]
    estar a

    estamos a 8 de junio — it is 8 June {or} the 8th of June, today is 8 June {o} the 8th of June

    estábamos a 40°C — it was 40°C

    ¿a cuántos estamos? — what's the date?

    ¿a cuánto estamos de Madrid? — how far are we from Madrid?

    las uvas están a 1,60 euros — the grapes are one euro 60 cents

    ¿a cuánto está el kilo de naranjas? — how much are oranges per kilo?

    estar con

    está con la gripe — he's down with flu, he's got the flu

    estuvo con la enfermedad durante dos años — she had {o} suffered from the disease for two years

    estar con [algn], yo estoy con él — I'm with him

    estar de

    está de jefe temporalmente — he is acting as boss, he is the acting boss

    ¡estoy de nervioso! — I'm so nervous!

    estar en

    el problema está en que... — the problem lies in the fact that...

    yo estoy en que... — (=creer) I believe that...

    estar para

    para eso estamos[gen] that's why we're here, that's what we're here for; [respondiendo a gracias] don't mention it

    estar para [hacer] algo — (=a punto de) to be about to do sth, be on the point of doing sth

    [no] estoy para bromas — I'm not in the mood for joking

    si alguien llama, no estoy para nadie — if anyone calls, I'm not in

    estar por (=en favor de) [+ política] to be in favour {o} (EEUU) favor of; [+ persona] to support hueso 1) estar por ({+ infin})

    la historia de ese hallazgo está por escribir — the story of that discovery is still to be written {o} has yet to be written

    está todavía por hacer — it remains to be done, it is still to be done

    yo estoy por dejarlo — I'm for leaving it, I'm in favour of leaving it

    está por llover LAm it's going to rain

    estar sin ({+ infin})

    las camas estaban sin hacer — the beds were unmade, the beds hadn't been made

    ¿todavía estás sin peinar? — haven't you brushed your hair yet?

    estar sobre algn/algo

    hay que estar sobre el arroz para que no se pegue — you need to keep a close eye on the rice to make sure it doesn't stick to the pan

    estar sobre sí — to be in control of o.s.

    8) [en oraciones ponderativas]

    está [que] rabia — * he's hopping mad *, he's furious

    estoy que me caigo de sueño — I'm terribly sleepy, I can't keep my eyes open

    * * *
    I 1.
    1) ( seguido de adjetivos) [ Estar denotes a changed condition or state as opposed to identity or nature, which is normally expressed by ser. Estar is also used when the emphasis is on the speaker's perception of things, of their appearance, taste, etc. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in ser 1 cópula 1] to be

    qué gordo está! — isn't he fat!, hasn't he got(ten) fat!

    la sopa está deliciosa/muy caliente — the soup is delicious/very hot

    está muy simpático conmigohe's being o he's been so nice to me (recently)

    todo está tan caro!things are o have become so expensive!

    está cansada/furiosa/embarazada — she is tired/furious/pregnant

    2) (con bien, mal, mejor, peor)

    están todos bien, gracias — they're all fine, thanks

    está mal que no se lo perdones — it's wrong of you not to forgive him; ver tb bien, mal, mejor, peor

    estar sentado/echado/arrodillado — to be sitting/lying/kneeling (down)

    estaban abrazados — they had their arms around each other; ver tb verbo auxiliar 2

    ¿a cómo está la uva? — how much are the grapes?

    están de limpieza/viaje — they're spring-cleaning/on a trip

    estar con alguien — ( estar de acuerdo) to agree with somebody; ( apoyar) to support somebody, be on somebody's side

    estar en algo: no lo hemos solucionado pero estamos en ello or eso — we haven't solved it but we're working on it

    estar vi
    edificio/pueblo ( estar ubicado) to be

    ¿dónde está Chiapas? — where's Chiapas?

    a) persona/objeto ( hallarse en cierto momento) to be

    ¿sabes dónde está Pedro? — do you know where Pedro is?

    ¿a qué hora tienes que estar allí? — what time do you have to be there?

    ¿dónde estábamos la clase pasada? — where did we get to in the last class?

    b) ( figurar) to be

    yo no estaba en la lista — I wasn't on the list, my name didn't appear on the list

    ¿está Rodrigo? — is Rodrigo in?

    ¿estamos todos? — are we all here?

    a) (quedarse, permanecer)

    ¿cuánto tiempo estarás en Londres? — how long are you going to be in London (for)?

    b) ( vivir)

    ahora estamos en Socawe're in o we live in Soca now

    ¿a qué (día) estamos? — what day is it today?

    ¿a cuánto estamos hoy? — what's the date today?

    estamos a 28 de mayoit's May 28th (AmE) o (BrE) the 28th of May

    ¿en qué mes estamos? — what month are we in o is it?

    6) (existir, haber)

    y después está el problema de... — and then there's the problem of...

    luego están los niños, hay que pensar en ellos — then there are the children to think about

    7) (tener como función, cometido)

    estar para algo: para eso están los amigos that's what friends are for; estamos para ayudarlos — we're here to help them

    8) ( radicar)

    estar en algo: en eso está el problema that's where the problem lies; todo está en que él quiera — it all depends on whether he wants to or not

    9) (estar listo, terminado)

    que no vuelva a suceder ¿estamos? — don't let it happen again, understand? o (colloq) got it?


    ya que estamos/estás — while we're/you're at it

    12) (Esp) ( quedar) (+ me/te/le etc) (+ compl)

    te está grande/pequeña — it's too big/too small for you

    estar v aux

    ya está hecho un hombrecito — he's a proper young man now; ver tb estar cópula 4)

    estarse v pron
    1) (enf) ( permanecer) to stay

    ¿no te puedes estar quieto? — can't you stay o keep still?

    2) (enf) ( llegar) to be
    masculino (esp AmL) living room
    * * *
    = be, become, live with.
    Ex. Systems such as Dialog, IRS, ORBIT and BLAISE may be accessed by libraries and information units.
    Ex. Some degree of ignorance of this kind is not unusual since the usual objective in consulting an information source is to become better informed.
    Ex. Medical advances are improving the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS, while prevention remains the key to stopping the spread of this disease.
    * ¡cómo se nota que no está el jefe! = while the cat's away, the mice will play.
    * ahí está el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * ahí está la dificultad = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * creer que estar bien = feel + right.
    * creer que estar mal = feel + wrong.
    * dar la señal de estar listo = prompt.
    * dejar como + estar = leave + untouched.
    * dejar las cosas como están = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * de tal forma que + ser/estar = in such form as to + be.
    * el diablo está en los detalles = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el futuro + estar + justo a la vuelta de la esquina = the future + be + just around the corner.
    * esperanza + estar = hope + lie.
    * estando de acuerdo = approvingly.
    * estando de servicio = while on the job.
    * estando sentado = from a seated position.
    * estar a años de distancia = be years away.
    * estar abierto a = be open to.
    * estar abocado a ser = be doomed.
    * estar absorto en = be wrapped up in.
    * estar aburridísimo = be bored stiff, be bored to death, be bored to tears, be bored out of + Posesivo + mind.
    * estar aburrido como una ostra = be bored stiff.
    * estar a caballo entre = stand + midway between, straddle (between).
    * estar a caballo entre... y... = lie + midway between... and..., tread + a fine line between... and, tread + the thin line between... and, tread + a delicate line between... and.
    * estar acabando con = eat away at.
    * estar acabándose = be on the way out, be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar a + Cantidad + de distancia = Cantidad + distant from.
    * estar a cargo de = man, be the responsibility of.
    * estar accesible = be up.
    * estar accesible en línea = go + online.
    * estar accesible en red = go + online.
    * estar acertado = be right on track.
    * estar acostumbrado a = be familiar with, be no stranger to, be used to.
    * estar acostumbrado a + Infinitivo = be accustomed to + Gerundio.
    * estar a dos velas = not have a bean.
    * estar a + Expresión Numérica + de distancia = be + Número + away.
    * estar a favor de = be for, be in favour (of), come down in + favour of.
    * estar a favor de una idea = favour + idea.
    * estar a favor o en contra = be for or against.
    * estar agobiado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar agradecido = be thankful.
    * estar a la alerta de = be wary of.
    * estar a la altura de = live up to, be equal to.
    * estar a la altura de la circunstancias = make + the cut.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = come up with + the goods.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = rise (up) to + challenge.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = be up to the mark, be up to scratch, be equal to the occasion, rise (up) to + the occasion, deliver + the goods, measure up (to), be up to snuff.
    * estar a la altura de las expectativas = live up to + Posesivo + expectations.
    * estar a la altura de las posibilidades = live up to + Posesivo + potential.
    * estar a la altura de lo que se espera = live up to + Posesivo + expectations.
    * estar a la baja = be down.
    * estar al acecho = lie in + wait.
    * estar a la entera disposición de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + feet.
    * estar al alcance de la mano = be at hand.
    * estar a la misma altura que = rank with.
    * estar a la orden del día = be the order of the day.
    * estar a la par de = rank with.
    * estar a la vuelta de la esquina = be just around the corner.
    * estar al borde de = teeter + on the edge of.
    * estar al completo = overbook.
    * estar al corriente = monitor + developments.
    * estar al día = monitor + developments, stay on top of + the game, stay on top of, stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar alejado + Expresión Numérica = be + Número + away.
    * estar al lado de = stand by + Lugar.
    * estar al loro de = be on the lookout for, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar al máximo = overstretch.
    * estar al mismo nivel = be on a par.
    * estar al tanto = monitor + developments.
    * estar al tanto de = be on the lookout for, keep + track of, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar al tanto de las cosas = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar a mano = be on hand, be around.
    * estar a medio camino entre... y... = lie + midway between... and....
    * estar a merced de = be at the mercy of.
    * estar ansioso por = be eager to.
    * estar ante = be faced with.
    * estar apagado = be off.
    * estar a punto de = be poised to, be about to, be on the point of, stand + poised, come + very close to.
    * estar a punto de cascarlas = be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar a punto de decir = be on the tip of + Posesivo + tongue to say.
    * estar a punto de + Infinitivo = be about + Infinitivo.
    * estar aquí ya = be upon us.
    * estar a resultas de = keep + track of.
    * estar arraigado en = be rooted in.
    * estar arrestado = be under arrest.
    * estar arriba = sit on + top.
    * estar a salvo = be in safe hands.
    * estar asociado a = be associated with, be bound up with.
    * estar atado a = hold + hostage to.
    * estar atareado = be tied up.
    * estar atento a = be on the lookout for, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar aterrorizado = be petrified of, be frightened to death, be scared stiff, be terrified.
    * estar a tope = overstretch.
    * estar atrancado = be stuck.
    * estar atrasado en el pago = be in arrears.
    * estar aumentando = be on the increase.
    * estár aún más alejados = be one step further removed.
    * estar aún por llegar = be yet to come.
    * estar ausente = lack.
    * estar ausente de = be absent (from).
    * estar avanzado = be well under way.
    * estar avergonzado = be ashamed.
    * estar averiado = be out of order.
    * estar aviado = be (in) a mess.
    * estar bajo arresto = be under arrest.
    * estar bajo la tutela de = fall under + the auspices of.
    * estar bastante acostumbrado a = be all too familiar with.
    * estar bastante alejado = be a distance apart.
    * estar bien = be okay, be in good shape, be in good health.
    * estar bien de salud = be in good health.
    * estar bien encaminado = be on the right track.
    * estar bien pensado = be carefully thought out.
    * estar borracho = be drunk, see + double.
    * estar callado = keep + quiet.
    * estar cansado de = be sick and tired of.
    * estar capacitado para = be qualified to.
    * estar casi finalizado = near + completion.
    * estar casi terminado = be nearing completion, reach + near completion.
    * estar castigado = be in the doghouse.
    * estar cerca = be at hand, be on hand, be around.
    * estar cerca de = be close to.
    * estar chalado = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar chiflado = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar chiflado por = have + a crush on.
    * estar chupado = be a cinch, be a doddle, be a breeze, be a snap, be a picnic, be duck soup.
    * estar clarísimo = be patently clear.
    * estar claro = be plain, be out in the open.
    * estar colado por = have + a crush on.
    * estar como una cabra = be a real nutter.
    * estar completamente borracho = be drunk and incapable.
    * estar completamente de acuerdo con = agree + wholeheartedly with.
    * estar completamente equivocado = be way off.
    * estar comprometido a = hold + hostage to.
    * estar comprometido a + Infinitivo = be committed to + Gerundio.
    * estar con amigos en la calle pasando el rato sin hacer nada = hang out + on the street.
    * estar condenado a ser = be doomed.
    * estar conectado = be on.
    * estar con el alma en vilo = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar con el tema = be on the topic.
    * estar confinado = be confined.
    * estar confuso = blur, be at sixes and sevens with, be at a nonplus, be all at sea.
    * estar congelado = be frozen stiff.
    * estar con la espalda contra la pared = Posesivo + back + be + against the wall.
    * estar contentísimo = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar contraindicado = be contraindicated.
    * estar contra las cuertas = be against the ropes.
    * estar convencido = there + be + strong feeling.
    * estar convencido de la idea de que = be committed to the idea that.
    * estar convirtiéndose rápidamente = be fast becoming.
    * estar correcto = be correct.
    * estar correlacionado con = be correlated with.
    * estar de acorde con = be commensurate with.
    * estar de acuerdo = approve, be in agreement, concur (with), be agreed.
    * estar de acuerdo con = accord with, conform to, fit, go along with, fit with, be in conformity with, mesh with, see + eye to eye (with/on), jive with.
    * estar de acuerdo (con/en) = see + eye to eye (with/on).
    * estar de acuerdo con una idea = subscribe to + idea.
    * estar de acuerdo en que no + estar + de acuerdo = agree to + disagree.
    * estar de acuerdo sobre = agree (on/upon).
    * estar de acuerdo unánimemente = agree on + all hands.
    * estar de baja = be off work.
    * estar de baja por enfermedad = be off work sick.
    * estar debatiéndose = be under discussion.
    * estar de brazos cruzados = stand + idle, sit + idle.
    * estar de buen humor = be high.
    * estar de camino a = be on the road to.
    * estar de capa caída = be in the doldrums.
    * estar de cháchara = chinwag.
    * estar decidido a = be determined to, be of a mind to, be intent on, be all set to.
    * estar decidido a continuar = be set to continue.
    * estar decidido a + Infinitivo = be set to + Infinitivo.
    * estar demasiado representado = overrepresent.
    * estar de moda = be in.
    * estar densamente poblado de = be dense with.
    * estar dentro de = fall within/into.
    * estar dentro de la competencia = be the province of.
    * estar dentro de las posibilidades de uno = lie within + Posesivo + power.
    * estar de palique = chinwag.
    * estar de parloteo = chinwag.
    * estar de pie = stand.
    * estar de pie por encima de = stand over.
    * estar desacertado = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * estar desacreditado = hold in + disrepute.
    * estar desapareciendo = be on the way out.
    * estar desasosegado = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar desbordado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar desbordante de = spill over with.
    * estar descaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * estar descontento con = express + dissatisfaction with.
    * estar deseoso de = be anxious to, be more than ready for.
    * estar desesperado = Posesivo + back + be + against the wall.
    * estar desocupado = stand + idle.
    * estar desordenado = be out of order.
    * estar desquiciado = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar destinado a = be intended for/to.
    * estar destrozado = be + wreck, be a shambles.
    * estar de suerte = be in luck.
    * estar detenido = be under arrest.
    * estar de vacaciones = be on vacation, be off on vacation.
    * estar de vuelta = be back.
    * estar de vuelta dentro de = be back in + Expresión Temporal.
    * estar directamente relacionado con = be directly correlated to.
    * estar disgustado por = feel deeply about.
    * estar disperso = lie + scattered.
    * estar disponible = be available, be forthcoming, be at hand.
    * estar dispuestísimo a = be more than willing to.
    * estar dispuesto = be game.
    * estar dispuesto a = be keen to, be prepared to, be willing to, be of a mind to, be willing and able to, be ready, willing and able.
    * estar dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar dispuesto y deseoso a = be willing and able to.
    * estar dominado por Alguien = be under + Posesivo + thumb.
    * estar ducho en = be adept at.
    * estar dudoso = be doubtful.
    * estar embarazada = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar emocionado = be thrilled.
    * estar empachado = have + indigestion.
    * estar empeorando = be in decline.
    * estar en = be in the course of.
    * estar en alza = be up.
    * estar enamorado de = carry + a torch for + Nombre, have + a crush on.
    * estar en apuros = be in trouble, be in a fix.
    * estar en ascuas = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold, sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en auge = go + strong.
    * estar en Babia = be in cloud cuckoo land, live in + cloud cuckoo land.
    * estar en barbecho = lie + fallow.
    * estar en buenas manos = be in safe hands.
    * estar encaminado a = be on the road to.
    * estar en camino de = be on the way to.
    * estar encantadísimo = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar encantado = be thrilled.
    * estar encantado de Hacer Algo = be more than happy to + Infinitivo.
    * estar en casa = be in.
    * estar en celo = be on heat, be in heat.
    * estar encendido = be on.
    * estar enchufado = be on.
    * estar encinta = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en consonancia con = be consonant with, attune to, align + Reflexivo + with.
    * estar en contacto (con) = stay in + touch (with), be in touch (with).
    * estar en contra de = be against.
    * estar en debate = be under discussion.
    * estar en decadencia = be in decline, be in retreat.
    * estar en declive = be in decline.
    * estar en desacuerdo = be at variance, disagree, quarrel with, beg to differ, be at sixes and sevens with each other.
    * estar en desacuerdo con = be at odds with, be at loggerheads with.
    * estar en desacuerdo sobre = be at odds over.
    * estar en desigualdad = be under par.
    * estar en desventaja = be disadvantaged, be at a disadvantage.
    * estar en deuda = be in debt.
    * estar en deuda con = be beholden to.
    * estar endeudado = be in debt.
    * estar en dificultades = be in trouble.
    * estar en duda = be in question.
    * estar en el lugar adecuado en el momento adecuado = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el lugar indicado en el momento indicado = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el lugar oportuno en el momento oportuno = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el séptimo cielo = be on cloud nine, float on + air.
    * estar en el sitio justo en el momento preciso = be on the spot.
    * estar enemistados = be at loggerheads.
    * estar en estado = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en estado de buena esperanza = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en estado de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar enfermo de amor = be lovesick.
    * estar en flor = be in bloom, be in flower.
    * estar en floración = be in bloom, be in flower.
    * estar en forma = be in shape, be in good shape.
    * estar enfrascado en Algo = have + Nombre + on the go.
    * estar enfrentados = be at loggerheads.
    * estar en funcionamiento = be up.
    * estar en función de = be a function of.
    * estar en guardia = be on guard (against), be on + Posesivo + guard.
    * estar en guerra con = be at war with.
    * estar en igualdad de condiciones con = be on (an) equal footing with.
    * estar en inferioridad de condiciones = punch above + Posesivo + weight.
    * estar en juego = be at stake.
    * estar en la gloria = be on cloud nine, float on + air.
    * estar en la inopia = live in + cloud cuckoo land.
    * estar en la mejor posición para = be best positioned to.
    * estar en la misma categoria que = rank with.
    * estar en la onda = attune to + wavelength.
    * estar en las mismas = be back to square one.
    * estar en las últimas = be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar en lo cierto = hit + the truth.
    * estar en manos privadas = hold in + private hands.
    * estar en marcha = tick over.
    * estar en mayoría = be in the majority.
    * estar en medio de = caught in the middle.
    * estar en minoría = be in the minority.
    * estar en misa y repicando = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar enojado = get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle.
    * estar en paz = pay + Posesivo + dues.
    * estar en peligro = be in jeopardy, be in question, be endangered, be at risk, be at stake.
    * estar en peligro (de) = be in danger (of).
    * estar en posición de = be in a position to.
    * estar en proceso de = be on the way to, be in the process of, be in the course of.
    * estar en proceso de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar en proceso de + Infinitivo = be on to + Infinitivo.
    * estar en retirada = be in retreat.
    * estar en ruinas = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar en sintonía con = attune to.
    * estar en situación de = be in a position to.
    * estar en suspense = sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en tensión = sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar en trance de = be in the process of.
    * estar entre = fall between.
    * estar entre la espada y la pared = be on the horns of a dilemma.
    * estar entre los primeros = stay on top.
    * estar entre rejas = be behind bars.
    * estar entusiasmado = be thrilled.
    * estar en un aprieto = be in a fix.
    * estar en una situación diferente = be on a different track.
    * estar en un berenjenal = be (in) a mess.
    * estar en un mar de dudas = feel at + sea, be all at sea.
    * estar en un momento clave = be at a watershed.
    * estar en un momento decisivo = be at a watershed.
    * estar en un sinvivir = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar en venta = be up for sale.
    * estar en vías de = be on the road to, be in the process of.
    * estar en vías de conseguir = be on the road to.
    * estar en vilo = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold, sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar equivoado = miss + the point.
    * estar equivocado = be mistaken, be wide of the mark, be wrong, be in error, miss + the mark, be in the wrong.
    * estar equivocado en + Número + cosas = be wrong on + Número + count(s).
    * estar erróneo = be in error.
    * estar esparcido = lie + scattered.
    * estar estrechamente ligado a = be closely tied to.
    * estar estropeado = be kaput.
    * estar estropeándose = be on the way out.
    * estar exento de pagar impuestos = write off.
    * estar falto de = be short of.
    * estar falto de práctica = get + rusty.
    * estar familiarizado con = have + familiarity with.
    * estar firmemente convencido = strongly held opinion.
    * estar frenético = be furious.
    * estar frito de sed = be parched, spit + feathers, be parched with thirst.
    * estar fuera = be out.
    * estar fuera con los amigos = be out with the guys.
    * estar fuera de contienda = be out of contention.
    * estar fuera del alcance = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera de las posibilidades de Alguien = be out of + Posesivo + league.
    * estar fuera del interés = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera del interés de uno = lie beyond + concern.
    * estar fuera de lugar = be out of place, be out of order.
    * estar fuera de quicio = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * estar fuera de rumbo = be off course.
    * estar fuera de secuencia = be out of order.
    * estar fuera de sí = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * estar funcionando = be in place.
    * estar furioso = fume.
    * estar + Gerundio = be on the way to.
    * estar hablando del tema = be on the topic.
    * estar haciendo = be up to.
    * estar haciendo Algo = have + Nombre + on the go.
    * estar haciendo algo que no se debe = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * estar hambriento = starve.
    * estar harto = have had enough.
    * estar harto de = be all too familiar with, be sick and tired of.
    * estar hasta la coronilla de = be sick and tired of.
    * estar hecho a escala = be to scale.
    * estar hecho con la intención de = be intended for/to.
    * estar hecho con la mismas dimensiones que el original = be to scale.
    * estar hecho el uno para el otro = be well suited to each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.
    * estar hecho para = be geared to, be intended for/to, mean, be cut out for.
    * estar hecho polvo = be + wreck.
    * estar hecho un desastre = look like + a wreck, be a shambles, look like + the wreck of the Hesperus, look like + drag + through a hedge backwards, be (in) a mess.
    * estar hecho un esqueleto = be a bag of bones.
    * estar hecho un flan = shake like + a leaf, tremble like + a leaf.
    * estar hecho un lío = be at sixes and sevens with.
    * estar hecho un perla = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar hecho un pinta = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar hecho un prenda = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar helado = be frozen stiff.
    * estar implícito en = run through.
    * estar inactivo = lie + fallow, lie + dormant.
    * estar incluido = be embedded.
    * estar indeciso = be hesitant (to).
    * estar indeciso entre... o... = be torn between... and....
    * estar inerte = lie + fallow.
    * estar informado puntualmente sobre = monitor + information on.
    * estar inmune a = be immune against.
    * estar inquieto = be disturbed.
    * estar interesado en = be interested in, be keen to.
    * estar inundado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar junto a = stand by + Lugar.
    * estar juntos = be together, stand + together.
    * estar justo en medio de = stand + squarely in.
    * estar la mar de contento = be over the moon.
    * estar lejos de (ser) + Infinitivo = be far from + Gerundio.
    * estar levantado = be up.
    * estar libre de = be free from.
    * estar ligado a = be bound up with.
    * estar listo = stand + ready, be ready.
    * estar listo para = be poised to, stand + poised, be all set to.
    * estar lleno de problemas = bristle with + problems.
    * estar localizable = be locatable.
    * estar loco = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar loco de alegría = be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar loco de contento = be beside + Reflexivo + with joy, be over the moon, be over the moon.
    * estar loco de remate = be a real nutter.
    * estar loco por = have + a crush on.
    * estar majareta = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar mal = be wrong, feel under + the weather, be under the weather.
    * estar mal comunicado con = have + poor connections with.
    * estar mal encaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * estar mal visto = frown on/upon.
    * estar manga por hombro = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar marcado por = be pockmarked with.
    * estar mareado de tanto trabajo = be reeling.
    * estar mejor = be better off, be better served by.
    * estar metido en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar molesto = be displeased, get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, put off.
    * estar motivado = be motivated, have + motivation.
    * estar moviéndose en terreno seguro = be on secure ground.
    * estar muerto de asco = be bored to death, be bored stiff, be bored to tears, be bored out of + Posesivo + mind.
    * estar muerto de frío = be frozen stiff.
    * estar muerto de hambre = be starving to death.
    * estar muerto de miedo = be scared stiff, be frightened to death, be petrified of, be terrified.
    * estar muerto de sed = spit + feathers, be parched, be parched with thirst.
    * estar muy acostumbrado a = be all too familiar with.
    * estar muy agradecido a = be indebted to.
    * estar muy alejado de = be a long way from.
    * estar muy arraigado en = be well embedded in.
    * estar muy bajo = be way down.
    * estar muy cerca de = be one step away from, be steps away from, come + very close to.
    * estar muy convencido de = have + strong feelings about.
    * estar muy emocionado con/por = be excited about.
    * estar muy esparcido = spread + Nombre + thinly.
    * estar muy lejano = be far off.
    * estar muy lejos = be far off, be a long way off.
    * estar muy por delante de = be way out ahead of.
    * estar muy por delante de su tiempo = be years ahead of + Posesivo + time.
    * estar muy puesto = stay on top of + the game, stay on top.
    * estar muy separado = set + far apart.
    * estar muy usado = be well thumbed.
    * estar nervioso = be in a tizz(y), have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.
    * estar oculto = lie + hidden.
    * estar ocupado = busyness, be engaged, be tied up.
    * estar ordenado en forma circular = be on a wheel.
    * estar orgulloso de = be proud (of/to).
    * estar orientado a/para = be geared to.
    * estar orientado hacia = target.
    * estar orientado hacia + Nombre = be + Nombre + driven.
    * estar patas arriba = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar pendiente de = be on the lookout for, pay + attention to, keep + an eye on, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar pendiente de todo = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar perdido = be out of + Posesivo + league, be out of + Posesivo + depth, be in over + Posesivo + head, be all at sea.
    * estar permitido = be permissible.
    * estar plagado de = be rife with.
    * estar plenamente convencido de Algo = feel (it) in + Posesivo + bones.
    * estar pluriempleado = moonlight, work + a second job.
    * estar pluriempleado, tener un segundo trabajo, tener un segundo empleo = work + a second job.
    * estar poco dispuesto = be reluctant.
    * estar poco representado = underrepresent [under-represent].
    * estar por delante de = be ahead of.
    * estar por demostrar = be unproven.
    * estar por detrás = be behind.
    * estar por encima de = overlay, overlie.
    * estar por las nubes = be through the roof.
    * estar por ver = be an open question.
    * estar poseído por los espíritus = haunt.
    * estar precavido = be on + Posesivo + guard, be on guard (against).
    * estar predestinado a = be predestined to.
    * estar predispuesto = feel + partial.
    * estar predispuesto a = be predisposed to/toward(s).
    * estar preñada = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar preocupadísimo = be worried stiff (about), be worried sick.
    * estar preocupado por = be anxious to.
    * estar preparado = be readied, stand + ready, be ready.
    * estar preparado para = be geared up for/to, stand + poised.
    * estar preparado y dispuesto a = be willing and able to.
    * estar preparado y dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar presente = be manifest, be present, be in evidence.
    * estar presionado = be under the gun.
    * estar propuesto a = be intent on.
    * estar próximo = be at hand.
    * estar quedándose sin = run + low (on).
    * estar que + subirse + por las paredes = tear + Posesivo + hair out.
    * estar realizándose = underway [under way], be in progress, be in hand.
    * estar rebosante de = spill over with.
    * estar rebosante de salud = fit as a fiddle.
    * estar relacionado con = be associated with, regard.
    * estar relacionado con el trabajo = be work related.
    * estar resentido = carry + a chip on + Posesivo + shoulder.
    * estar resfriado = have + a cold.
    * estar respaldado por Alguien = have + Nombre + behind + Pronombre.
    * estar restringido = be constrained.
    * estar resuelto a = be intent on, be all set to.
    * estar saliendo con alguien = be in a dating relationship.
    * estar salpicado de = be dotted with.
    * estar sano y salvo = be alive and well.
    * estar satisfecho (de) = be satisfied (with).
    * estar saturado de trabajo = work to + capacity.
    * estar sediento = be thirsty, spit + feathers, be parched, be parched with thirst.
    * estar seguro = be sure, make + sure, set + your watch by.
    * estar seguro de = be certain (of), be confident about, feel + confident.
    * estar seguro de que = be confident that.
    * estar sentado sin hacer o decir nada = sit by.
    * estar separado = set + apart.
    * estar separado de = be remote from.
    * estar sesgado = bias, slant.
    * estar siempre + Adjetivo = be ever + Adjetivo.
    * estar siempre buscando = be on the lookout for.
    * estar siempre dispuesto a ayudar = be always willing to assist.
    * estar siendo + Participio = be in process of + Nombre.
    * estar sin blanca = not have a bean.
    * estar sin hacer nada = sit + idle, stand + idle.
    * estar sin trabajo = stay out of + work.
    * estar sin una pela = not have a bean.
    * estar sin un centavo = not have a bean.
    * estar sin un céntimo = not have a bean.
    * * *
    I 1.
    1) ( seguido de adjetivos) [ Estar denotes a changed condition or state as opposed to identity or nature, which is normally expressed by ser. Estar is also used when the emphasis is on the speaker's perception of things, of their appearance, taste, etc. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in ser 1 cópula 1] to be

    qué gordo está! — isn't he fat!, hasn't he got(ten) fat!

    la sopa está deliciosa/muy caliente — the soup is delicious/very hot

    está muy simpático conmigohe's being o he's been so nice to me (recently)

    todo está tan caro!things are o have become so expensive!

    está cansada/furiosa/embarazada — she is tired/furious/pregnant

    2) (con bien, mal, mejor, peor)

    están todos bien, gracias — they're all fine, thanks

    está mal que no se lo perdones — it's wrong of you not to forgive him; ver tb bien, mal, mejor, peor

    estar sentado/echado/arrodillado — to be sitting/lying/kneeling (down)

    estaban abrazados — they had their arms around each other; ver tb verbo auxiliar 2

    ¿a cómo está la uva? — how much are the grapes?

    están de limpieza/viaje — they're spring-cleaning/on a trip

    estar con alguien — ( estar de acuerdo) to agree with somebody; ( apoyar) to support somebody, be on somebody's side

    estar en algo: no lo hemos solucionado pero estamos en ello or eso — we haven't solved it but we're working on it

    estar vi
    edificio/pueblo ( estar ubicado) to be

    ¿dónde está Chiapas? — where's Chiapas?

    a) persona/objeto ( hallarse en cierto momento) to be

    ¿sabes dónde está Pedro? — do you know where Pedro is?

    ¿a qué hora tienes que estar allí? — what time do you have to be there?

    ¿dónde estábamos la clase pasada? — where did we get to in the last class?

    b) ( figurar) to be

    yo no estaba en la lista — I wasn't on the list, my name didn't appear on the list

    ¿está Rodrigo? — is Rodrigo in?

    ¿estamos todos? — are we all here?

    a) (quedarse, permanecer)

    ¿cuánto tiempo estarás en Londres? — how long are you going to be in London (for)?

    b) ( vivir)

    ahora estamos en Socawe're in o we live in Soca now

    ¿a qué (día) estamos? — what day is it today?

    ¿a cuánto estamos hoy? — what's the date today?

    estamos a 28 de mayoit's May 28th (AmE) o (BrE) the 28th of May

    ¿en qué mes estamos? — what month are we in o is it?

    6) (existir, haber)

    y después está el problema de... — and then there's the problem of...

    luego están los niños, hay que pensar en ellos — then there are the children to think about

    7) (tener como función, cometido)

    estar para algo: para eso están los amigos that's what friends are for; estamos para ayudarlos — we're here to help them

    8) ( radicar)

    estar en algo: en eso está el problema that's where the problem lies; todo está en que él quiera — it all depends on whether he wants to or not

    9) (estar listo, terminado)

    que no vuelva a suceder ¿estamos? — don't let it happen again, understand? o (colloq) got it?


    ya que estamos/estás — while we're/you're at it

    12) (Esp) ( quedar) (+ me/te/le etc) (+ compl)

    te está grande/pequeña — it's too big/too small for you

    estar v aux

    ya está hecho un hombrecito — he's a proper young man now; ver tb estar cópula 4)

    estarse v pron
    1) (enf) ( permanecer) to stay

    ¿no te puedes estar quieto? — can't you stay o keep still?

    2) (enf) ( llegar) to be
    masculino (esp AmL) living room
    * * *
    = be, become, live with.

    Ex: Systems such as Dialog, IRS, ORBIT and BLAISE may be accessed by libraries and information units.

    Ex: Some degree of ignorance of this kind is not unusual since the usual objective in consulting an information source is to become better informed.
    Ex: Medical advances are improving the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS, while prevention remains the key to stopping the spread of this disease.
    * ¡cómo se nota que no está el jefe! = while the cat's away, the mice will play.
    * ahí está el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * ahí está la dificultad = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * creer que estar bien = feel + right.
    * creer que estar mal = feel + wrong.
    * dar la señal de estar listo = prompt.
    * dejar como + estar = leave + untouched.
    * dejar las cosas como están = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * de tal forma que + ser/estar = in such form as to + be.
    * el diablo está en los detalles = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el futuro + estar + justo a la vuelta de la esquina = the future + be + just around the corner.
    * esperanza + estar = hope + lie.
    * estando de acuerdo = approvingly.
    * estando de servicio = while on the job.
    * estando sentado = from a seated position.
    * estar a años de distancia = be years away.
    * estar abierto a = be open to.
    * estar abocado a ser = be doomed.
    * estar absorto en = be wrapped up in.
    * estar aburridísimo = be bored stiff, be bored to death, be bored to tears, be bored out of + Posesivo + mind.
    * estar aburrido como una ostra = be bored stiff.
    * estar a caballo entre = stand + midway between, straddle (between).
    * estar a caballo entre... y... = lie + midway between... and..., tread + a fine line between... and, tread + the thin line between... and, tread + a delicate line between... and.
    * estar acabando con = eat away at.
    * estar acabándose = be on the way out, be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar a + Cantidad + de distancia = Cantidad + distant from.
    * estar a cargo de = man, be the responsibility of.
    * estar accesible = be up.
    * estar accesible en línea = go + online.
    * estar accesible en red = go + online.
    * estar acertado = be right on track.
    * estar acostumbrado a = be familiar with, be no stranger to, be used to.
    * estar acostumbrado a + Infinitivo = be accustomed to + Gerundio.
    * estar a dos velas = not have a bean.
    * estar a + Expresión Numérica + de distancia = be + Número + away.
    * estar a favor de = be for, be in favour (of), come down in + favour of.
    * estar a favor de una idea = favour + idea.
    * estar a favor o en contra = be for or against.
    * estar agobiado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar agradecido = be thankful.
    * estar a la alerta de = be wary of.
    * estar a la altura de = live up to, be equal to.
    * estar a la altura de la circunstancias = make + the cut.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = come up with + the goods.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = rise (up) to + challenge.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = be up to the mark, be up to scratch, be equal to the occasion, rise (up) to + the occasion, deliver + the goods, measure up (to), be up to snuff.
    * estar a la altura de las expectativas = live up to + Posesivo + expectations.
    * estar a la altura de las posibilidades = live up to + Posesivo + potential.
    * estar a la altura de lo que se espera = live up to + Posesivo + expectations.
    * estar a la baja = be down.
    * estar al acecho = lie in + wait.
    * estar a la entera disposición de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + feet.
    * estar al alcance de la mano = be at hand.
    * estar a la misma altura que = rank with.
    * estar a la orden del día = be the order of the day.
    * estar a la par de = rank with.
    * estar a la vuelta de la esquina = be just around the corner.
    * estar al borde de = teeter + on the edge of.
    * estar al completo = overbook.
    * estar al corriente = monitor + developments.
    * estar al día = monitor + developments, stay on top of + the game, stay on top of, stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar alejado + Expresión Numérica = be + Número + away.
    * estar al lado de = stand by + Lugar.
    * estar al loro de = be on the lookout for, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar al máximo = overstretch.
    * estar al mismo nivel = be on a par.
    * estar al tanto = monitor + developments.
    * estar al tanto de = be on the lookout for, keep + track of, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar al tanto de las cosas = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar a mano = be on hand, be around.
    * estar a medio camino entre... y... = lie + midway between... and....
    * estar a merced de = be at the mercy of.
    * estar ansioso por = be eager to.
    * estar ante = be faced with.
    * estar apagado = be off.
    * estar a punto de = be poised to, be about to, be on the point of, stand + poised, come + very close to.
    * estar a punto de cascarlas = be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar a punto de decir = be on the tip of + Posesivo + tongue to say.
    * estar a punto de + Infinitivo = be about + Infinitivo.
    * estar aquí ya = be upon us.
    * estar a resultas de = keep + track of.
    * estar arraigado en = be rooted in.
    * estar arrestado = be under arrest.
    * estar arriba = sit on + top.
    * estar a salvo = be in safe hands.
    * estar asociado a = be associated with, be bound up with.
    * estar atado a = hold + hostage to.
    * estar atareado = be tied up.
    * estar atento a = be on the lookout for, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar aterrorizado = be petrified of, be frightened to death, be scared stiff, be terrified.
    * estar a tope = overstretch.
    * estar atrancado = be stuck.
    * estar atrasado en el pago = be in arrears.
    * estar aumentando = be on the increase.
    * estár aún más alejados = be one step further removed.
    * estar aún por llegar = be yet to come.
    * estar ausente = lack.
    * estar ausente de = be absent (from).
    * estar avanzado = be well under way.
    * estar avergonzado = be ashamed.
    * estar averiado = be out of order.
    * estar aviado = be (in) a mess.
    * estar bajo arresto = be under arrest.
    * estar bajo la tutela de = fall under + the auspices of.
    * estar bastante acostumbrado a = be all too familiar with.
    * estar bastante alejado = be a distance apart.
    * estar bien = be okay, be in good shape, be in good health.
    * estar bien de salud = be in good health.
    * estar bien encaminado = be on the right track.
    * estar bien pensado = be carefully thought out.
    * estar borracho = be drunk, see + double.
    * estar callado = keep + quiet.
    * estar cansado de = be sick and tired of.
    * estar capacitado para = be qualified to.
    * estar casi finalizado = near + completion.
    * estar casi terminado = be nearing completion, reach + near completion.
    * estar castigado = be in the doghouse.
    * estar cerca = be at hand, be on hand, be around.
    * estar cerca de = be close to.
    * estar chalado = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar chiflado = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar chiflado por = have + a crush on.
    * estar chupado = be a cinch, be a doddle, be a breeze, be a snap, be a picnic, be duck soup.
    * estar clarísimo = be patently clear.
    * estar claro = be plain, be out in the open.
    * estar colado por = have + a crush on.
    * estar como una cabra = be a real nutter.
    * estar completamente borracho = be drunk and incapable.
    * estar completamente de acuerdo con = agree + wholeheartedly with.
    * estar completamente equivocado = be way off.
    * estar comprometido a = hold + hostage to.
    * estar comprometido a + Infinitivo = be committed to + Gerundio.
    * estar con amigos en la calle pasando el rato sin hacer nada = hang out + on the street.
    * estar condenado a ser = be doomed.
    * estar conectado = be on.
    * estar con el alma en vilo = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar con el tema = be on the topic.
    * estar confinado = be confined.
    * estar confuso = blur, be at sixes and sevens with, be at a nonplus, be all at sea.
    * estar congelado = be frozen stiff.
    * estar con la espalda contra la pared = Posesivo + back + be + against the wall.
    * estar contentísimo = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar contraindicado = be contraindicated.
    * estar contra las cuertas = be against the ropes.
    * estar convencido = there + be + strong feeling.
    * estar convencido de la idea de que = be committed to the idea that.
    * estar convirtiéndose rápidamente = be fast becoming.
    * estar correcto = be correct.
    * estar correlacionado con = be correlated with.
    * estar de acorde con = be commensurate with.
    * estar de acuerdo = approve, be in agreement, concur (with), be agreed.
    * estar de acuerdo con = accord with, conform to, fit, go along with, fit with, be in conformity with, mesh with, see + eye to eye (with/on), jive with.
    * estar de acuerdo (con/en) = see + eye to eye (with/on).
    * estar de acuerdo con una idea = subscribe to + idea.
    * estar de acuerdo en que no + estar + de acuerdo = agree to + disagree.
    * estar de acuerdo sobre = agree (on/upon).
    * estar de acuerdo unánimemente = agree on + all hands.
    * estar de baja = be off work.
    * estar de baja por enfermedad = be off work sick.
    * estar debatiéndose = be under discussion.
    * estar de brazos cruzados = stand + idle, sit + idle.
    * estar de buen humor = be high.
    * estar de camino a = be on the road to.
    * estar de capa caída = be in the doldrums.
    * estar de cháchara = chinwag.
    * estar decidido a = be determined to, be of a mind to, be intent on, be all set to.
    * estar decidido a continuar = be set to continue.
    * estar decidido a + Infinitivo = be set to + Infinitivo.
    * estar demasiado representado = overrepresent.
    * estar de moda = be in.
    * estar densamente poblado de = be dense with.
    * estar dentro de = fall within/into.
    * estar dentro de la competencia = be the province of.
    * estar dentro de las posibilidades de uno = lie within + Posesivo + power.
    * estar de palique = chinwag.
    * estar de parloteo = chinwag.
    * estar de pie = stand.
    * estar de pie por encima de = stand over.
    * estar desacertado = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * estar desacreditado = hold in + disrepute.
    * estar desapareciendo = be on the way out.
    * estar desasosegado = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar desbordado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar desbordante de = spill over with.
    * estar descaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * estar descontento con = express + dissatisfaction with.
    * estar deseoso de = be anxious to, be more than ready for.
    * estar desesperado = Posesivo + back + be + against the wall.
    * estar desocupado = stand + idle.
    * estar desordenado = be out of order.
    * estar desquiciado = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar destinado a = be intended for/to.
    * estar destrozado = be + wreck, be a shambles.
    * estar de suerte = be in luck.
    * estar detenido = be under arrest.
    * estar de vacaciones = be on vacation, be off on vacation.
    * estar de vuelta = be back.
    * estar de vuelta dentro de = be back in + Expresión Temporal.
    * estar directamente relacionado con = be directly correlated to.
    * estar disgustado por = feel deeply about.
    * estar disperso = lie + scattered.
    * estar disponible = be available, be forthcoming, be at hand.
    * estar dispuestísimo a = be more than willing to.
    * estar dispuesto = be game.
    * estar dispuesto a = be keen to, be prepared to, be willing to, be of a mind to, be willing and able to, be ready, willing and able.
    * estar dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar dispuesto y deseoso a = be willing and able to.
    * estar dominado por Alguien = be under + Posesivo + thumb.
    * estar ducho en = be adept at.
    * estar dudoso = be doubtful.
    * estar embarazada = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar emocionado = be thrilled.
    * estar empachado = have + indigestion.
    * estar empeorando = be in decline.
    * estar en = be in the course of.
    * estar en alza = be up.
    * estar enamorado de = carry + a torch for + Nombre, have + a crush on.
    * estar en apuros = be in trouble, be in a fix.
    * estar en ascuas = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold, sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en auge = go + strong.
    * estar en Babia = be in cloud cuckoo land, live in + cloud cuckoo land.
    * estar en barbecho = lie + fallow.
    * estar en buenas manos = be in safe hands.
    * estar encaminado a = be on the road to.
    * estar en camino de = be on the way to.
    * estar encantadísimo = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar encantado = be thrilled.
    * estar encantado de Hacer Algo = be more than happy to + Infinitivo.
    * estar en casa = be in.
    * estar en celo = be on heat, be in heat.
    * estar encendido = be on.
    * estar enchufado = be on.
    * estar encinta = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en consonancia con = be consonant with, attune to, align + Reflexivo + with.
    * estar en contacto (con) = stay in + touch (with), be in touch (with).
    * estar en contra de = be against.
    * estar en debate = be under discussion.
    * estar en decadencia = be in decline, be in retreat.
    * estar en declive = be in decline.
    * estar en desacuerdo = be at variance, disagree, quarrel with, beg to differ, be at sixes and sevens with each other.
    * estar en desacuerdo con = be at odds with, be at loggerheads with.
    * estar en desacuerdo sobre = be at odds over.
    * estar en desigualdad = be under par.
    * estar en desventaja = be disadvantaged, be at a disadvantage.
    * estar en deuda = be in debt.
    * estar en deuda con = be beholden to.
    * estar endeudado = be in debt.
    * estar en dificultades = be in trouble.
    * estar en duda = be in question.
    * estar en el lugar adecuado en el momento adecuado = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el lugar indicado en el momento indicado = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el lugar oportuno en el momento oportuno = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el séptimo cielo = be on cloud nine, float on + air.
    * estar en el sitio justo en el momento preciso = be on the spot.
    * estar enemistados = be at loggerheads.
    * estar en estado = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en estado de buena esperanza = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en estado de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar enfermo de amor = be lovesick.
    * estar en flor = be in bloom, be in flower.
    * estar en floración = be in bloom, be in flower.
    * estar en forma = be in shape, be in good shape.
    * estar enfrascado en Algo = have + Nombre + on the go.
    * estar enfrentados = be at loggerheads.
    * estar en funcionamiento = be up.
    * estar en función de = be a function of.
    * estar en guardia = be on guard (against), be on + Posesivo + guard.
    * estar en guerra con = be at war with.
    * estar en igualdad de condiciones con = be on (an) equal footing with.
    * estar en inferioridad de condiciones = punch above + Posesivo + weight.
    * estar en juego = be at stake.
    * estar en la gloria = be on cloud nine, float on + air.
    * estar en la inopia = live in + cloud cuckoo land.
    * estar en la mejor posición para = be best positioned to.
    * estar en la misma categoria que = rank with.
    * estar en la onda = attune to + wavelength.
    * estar en las mismas = be back to square one.
    * estar en las últimas = be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar en lo cierto = hit + the truth.
    * estar en manos privadas = hold in + private hands.
    * estar en marcha = tick over.
    * estar en mayoría = be in the majority.
    * estar en medio de = caught in the middle.
    * estar en minoría = be in the minority.
    * estar en misa y repicando = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar enojado = get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle.
    * estar en paz = pay + Posesivo + dues.
    * estar en peligro = be in jeopardy, be in question, be endangered, be at risk, be at stake.
    * estar en peligro (de) = be in danger (of).
    * estar en posición de = be in a position to.
    * estar en proceso de = be on the way to, be in the process of, be in the course of.
    * estar en proceso de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar en proceso de + Infinitivo = be on to + Infinitivo.
    * estar en retirada = be in retreat.
    * estar en ruinas = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar en sintonía con = attune to.
    * estar en situación de = be in a position to.
    * estar en suspense = sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en tensión = sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar en trance de = be in the process of.
    * estar entre = fall between.
    * estar entre la espada y la pared = be on the horns of a dilemma.
    * estar entre los primeros = stay on top.
    * estar entre rejas = be behind bars.
    * estar entusiasmado = be thrilled.
    * estar en un aprieto = be in a fix.
    * estar en una situación diferente = be on a different track.
    * estar en un berenjenal = be (in) a mess.
    * estar en un mar de dudas = feel at + sea, be all at sea.
    * estar en un momento clave = be at a watershed.
    * estar en un momento decisivo = be at a watershed.
    * estar en un sinvivir = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar en venta = be up for sale.
    * estar en vías de = be on the road to, be in the process of.
    * estar en vías de conseguir = be on the road to.
    * estar en vilo = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold, sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar equivoado = miss + the point.
    * estar equivocado = be mistaken, be wide of the mark, be wrong, be in error, miss + the mark, be in the wrong.
    * estar equivocado en + Número + cosas = be wrong on + Número + count(s).
    * estar erróneo = be in error.
    * estar esparcido = lie + scattered.
    * estar estrechamente ligado a = be closely tied to.
    * estar estropeado = be kaput.
    * estar estropeándose = be on the way out.
    * estar exento de pagar impuestos = write off.
    * estar falto de = be short of.
    * estar falto de práctica = get + rusty.
    * estar familiarizado con = have + familiarity with.
    * estar firmemente convencido = strongly held opinion.
    * estar frenético = be furious.
    * estar frito de sed = be parched, spit + feathers, be parched with thirst.
    * estar fuera = be out.
    * estar fuera con los amigos = be out with the guys.
    * estar fuera de contienda = be out of contention.
    * estar fuera del alcance = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera de las posibilidades de Alguien = be out of + Posesivo + league.
    * estar fuera del interés = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera del interés de uno = lie beyond + concern.
    * estar fuera de lugar = be out of place, be out of order.
    * estar fuera de quicio = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * estar fuera de rumbo = be off course.
    * estar fuera de secuencia = be out of order.
    * estar fuera de sí = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * estar funcionando = be in place.
    * estar furioso = fume.
    * estar + Gerundio = be on the way to.
    * estar hablando del tema = be on the topic.
    * estar haciendo = be up to.
    * estar haciendo Algo = have + Nombre + on the go.
    * estar haciendo algo que no se debe = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * estar hambriento = starve.
    * estar harto = have had enough.
    * estar harto de = be all too familiar with, be sick and tired of.
    * estar hasta la coronilla de = be sick and tired of.
    * estar hecho a escala = be to scale.
    * estar hecho con la intención de = be intended for/to.
    * estar hecho con la mismas dimensiones que el original = be to scale.
    * estar hecho el uno para el otro = be well suited to each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.
    * estar hecho para = be geared to, be intended for/to, mean, be cut out for.
    * estar hecho polvo = be + wreck.
    * estar hecho un desastre = look like + a wreck, be a shambles, look like + the wreck of the Hesperus, look like + drag + through a hedge backwards, be (in) a mess.
    * estar hecho un esqueleto = be a bag of bones.
    * estar hecho un flan = shake like + a leaf, tremble like + a leaf.
    * estar hecho un lío = be at sixes and sevens with.
    * estar hecho un perla = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar hecho un pinta = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar hecho un prenda = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar helado = be frozen stiff.
    * estar implícito en = run through.
    * estar inactivo = lie + fallow, lie + dormant.
    * estar incluido = be embedded.
    * estar indeciso = be hesitant (to).
    * estar indeciso entre... o... = be torn between... and....
    * estar inerte = lie + fallow.
    * estar informado puntualmente sobre = monitor + information on.
    * estar inmune a = be immune against.
    * estar inquieto = be disturbed.
    * estar interesado en = be interested in, be keen to.
    * estar inundado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar junto a = stand by + Lugar.
    * estar juntos = be together, stand + together.
    * estar justo en medio de = stand + squarely in.
    * estar la mar de contento = be over the moon.
    * estar lejos de (ser) + Infinitivo = be far from + Gerundio.
    * estar levantado = be up.
    * estar libre de = be free from.
    * estar ligado a = be bound up with.
    * estar listo = stand + ready, be ready.
    * estar listo para = be poised to, stand + poised, be all set to.
    * estar lleno de problemas = bristle with + problems.
    * estar localizable = be locatable.
    * estar loco = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar loco de alegría = be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar loco de contento = be beside + Reflexivo + with joy, be over the moon, be over the moon.
    * estar loco de remate = be a real nutter.
    * estar loco por = have + a crush on.
    * estar majareta = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar mal = be wrong, feel under + the weather, be under the weather.
    * estar mal comunicado con = have + poor connections with.
    * estar mal encaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * estar mal visto = frown on/upon.
    * estar manga por hombro = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar marcado por = be pockmarked with.
    * estar mareado de tanto trabajo = be reeling.
    * estar mejor = be better off, be better served by.
    * estar metido en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar molesto = be displeased, get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, put off.
    * estar motivado = be motivated, have + motivation.
    * estar moviéndose en terreno seguro = be on secure ground.
    * estar muerto de asco = be bored to death, be bored stiff, be bored to tears, be bored out of + Posesivo + mind.
    * estar muerto de frío = be frozen stiff.
    * estar muerto de hambre = be starving to death.
    * estar muerto de miedo = be scared stiff, be frightened to death, be petrified of, be terrified.
    * estar muerto de sed = spit + feathers, be parched, be parched with thirst.
    * estar muy acostumbrado a = be all too familiar with.
    * estar muy agradecido a = be indebted to.
    * estar muy alejado de = be a long way from.
    * estar muy arraigado en = be well embedded in.
    * estar muy bajo = be way down.
    * estar muy cerca de = be one step away from, be steps away from, come + very close to.
    * estar muy convencido de = have + strong feelings about.
    * estar muy emocionado con/por = be excited about.
    * estar muy esparcido = spread + Nombre + thinly.
    * estar muy lejano = be far off.
    * estar muy lejos = be far off, be a long way off.
    * estar muy por delante de = be way out ahead of.
    * estar muy por delante de su tiempo = be years ahead of + Posesivo + time.
    * estar muy puesto = stay on top of + the game, stay on top.
    * estar muy separado = set + far apart.
    * estar muy usado = be well thumbed.
    * estar nervioso = be in a tizz(y), have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.
    * estar oculto = lie + hidden.
    * estar ocupado = busyness, be engaged, be tied up.
    * estar ordenado en forma circular = be on a wheel.
    * estar orgulloso de = be proud (of/to).
    * estar orientado a/para = be geared to.
    * estar orientado hacia = target.
    * estar orientado hacia + Nombre = be + Nombre + driven.
    * estar patas arriba = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar pendiente de = be on the lookout for, pay + attention to, keep + an eye on, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar pendiente de todo = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar perdido = be out of + Posesivo + league, be out of + Posesivo + depth, be in over + Posesivo + head, be all at sea.
    * estar permitido = be permissible.
    * estar plagado de = be rife with.
    * estar plenamente convencido de Algo = feel (it) in + Posesivo + bones.
    * estar pluriempleado = moonlight, work + a second job.
    * estar pluriempleado, tener un segundo trabajo, tener un segundo empleo = work + a second job.
    * estar poco dispuesto = be reluctant.
    * estar poco representado = underrepresent [under-represent].
    * estar por delante de = be ahead of.
    * estar por demostrar = be unproven.
    * estar por detrás = be behind.
    * estar por encima de = overlay, overlie.
    * estar por las nubes = be through the roof.
    * estar por ver = be an open question.
    * estar poseído por los espíritus = haunt.
    * estar precavido = be on + Posesivo + guard, be on guard (against).
    * estar predestinado a = be predestined to.
    * estar predispuesto = feel + partial.
    * estar predispuesto a = be predisposed to/toward(s).
    * estar preñada = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar preocupadísimo = be worried stiff (about), be worried sick.
    * estar preocupado por = be anxious to.
    * estar preparado = be readied, stand + ready, be ready.
    * estar preparado para = be geared up for/to, stand + poised.
    * estar preparado y dispuesto a = be willing and able to.
    * estar preparado y dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar presente = be manifest, be present, be in evidence.
    * estar presionado = be under the gun.
    * estar propuesto a = be intent on.
    * estar próximo = be at hand.
    * estar quedándose sin = run + low (on).
    * estar que + subirse + por las paredes = tear + Posesivo + hair out.
    * estar realizándose = underway [under way], be in progress, be in hand.
    * estar rebosante de = spill over with.
    * estar rebosante de salud = fit as a fiddle.
    * estar relacionado con = be associated with, regard.
    * estar relacionado con el trabajo = be work related.
    * estar resentido = carry + a chip on + Posesivo + shoulder.
    * estar resfriado = have + a cold.
    * estar respaldado por Alguien = have + Nombre + behind + Pronombre.
    * estar restringido = be constrained.
    * estar resuelto a = be intent on, be all set to.
    * estar saliendo con alguien = be in a dating relationship.
    * estar salpicado de = be dotted with.
    * estar sano y salvo = be alive and well.
    * estar satisfecho (de) = be satisfied (with).
    * estar saturado de trabajo = work to + capacity.
    * estar sediento = be thirsty, spit + feathers, be parched, be parched with thirst.
    * estar seguro = be sure, make + sure, set + your watch by.
    * estar seguro de = be certain (of), be confident about, feel + confident.
    * estar seguro de que = be confident that.
    * estar sentado sin hacer o decir nada = sit by.
    * estar separado = set + apart.
    * estar separado de = be remote from.
    * estar sesgado = bias, slant.
    * estar siempre + Adjetivo = be ever + Adjetivo.
    * estar siempre buscando = be on the lookout for.
    * estar siempre dispuesto a ayudar = be always willing to assist.
    * estar siendo + Participio = be in process of + Nombre.
    * estar sin blanca = not have a bean.
    * estar sin hacer nada = sit + idle, stand + idle.
    * estar sin trabajo = stay out of + work.
    * estar sin una pela = not have a bean.
    * estar sin un centavo = not have a bean.
    * estar sin un céntimo = not have a bean

    * * *
    estar1 [ A27 ]
    ■ estar (cópula)
    A seguido de adjetivos
    B estar bien, mal, mejor, peor
    C hablando de estado civil
    D seguido de participios
    E con preposición + predicado
    F con que + predicado
    ■ estar (verbo intransitivo)
    A quedar ubicado
    1 hallarse en cierto momento
    2 figurar
    1 hallarse en determinado lugar
    2 acudir
    1 quedarse, permanecer
    2 vivir
    Sentido II en el tiempo
    A existir, haber
    B tener como función etc
    C radicar
    D estar listo, terminado
    E quedar entendido
    F quedar grande, pequeño etc
    G Derecho
    ■ estar (verbo auxiliar)
    A con gerundio
    B con participio
    ■ estarse (verbo pronominal)
    A permanecer
    B acudir
    A (seguido de adjetivos) [ Estar denotes a changed condition or state as opposed to identity or nature, which is normally expressed by ser1 (↑ ser (1)) . Estar is also used when the emphasis is on the speaker's perception of things, of their appearance, taste, etc. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in ser1 (↑ ser (1)) ] to be
    ¡qué gordo está! isn't he fat!, hasn't he got(ten) fat! o put on a lot of weight!
    ¡qué alto está Ignacio! isn't Ignacio tall now!, hasn't Ignacio got(ten) tall o grown!
    ¡pobre abuelo! está viejo poor grandpa! he's really aged
    el rape está delicioso ¿qué le has puesto? the monkfish is delicious, how did you cook it?
    está muy simpático con nosotros ¿qué querrá? he's being o he's been so nice to us (recently), what do you think he's after?
    no estuvo grosero contigo — sí, lo estuvo he wasn't rude to you — yes, he was
    estás muy callado ¿qué te pasa? you're very quiet, what's the matter?
    ¡pero tú estás casi calvo! but you're almost bald, but you've gone almost bald o you've lost almost all your hair!
    ¿no me oyes? ¿estás sorda? can't you hear me? are you deaf?
    ¿está muerto/vivo? is he dead/alive?
    está cansada/furiosa/embarazada she is tired/furious/pregnant
    ¿cómo están por tu casa? — están todos bien, gracias how's everybody at home? — they're all fine, thanks
    ¡qué bien estás en esta foto! you look great in this photo!
    está mal que no se lo perdones it's wrong of you not to forgive him
    está casada con un primo mío she's married to a cousin of mine
    sus padres están divorciados her parents are divorced
    (seguido de participios): estaba sentado/echado en la cama he was sitting/lying on the bed
    está colgado de una rama it's hanging from a branch
    estaban abrazados they had their arms around each other
    estaba arrodillada she was kneeling (down)
    ver tb estar1 v aux B.
    estoy a régimen I'm on a diet
    ¿a cómo está la uva? how much are the grapes?
    estamos como al principio we're back to where we started
    está con el sarampión she has (the) measles
    estoy con muchas ganas de empezar I'm really looking forward to starting
    siempre está con lo mismo/con que es un incomprendido he's always going on about the same thing/about how nobody understands him
    estaba de luto/de uniforme he was in mourning/uniform
    hoy está de mejor humor she's in a better mood today
    están de limpieza/viaje they're spring-cleaning/on a trip
    estoy de cocinera hasta que vuelva mi madre I'm doing the cooking until my mother comes back
    estuvo de secretaria en una empresa internacional she worked as a secretary in an international company
    estás en un error you're mistaken
    no estoy para fiestas/bromas I'm not in the mood for parties/joking
    estamos sin electricidad we don't have any electricity at the moment, the electricity is off at the moment
    éste está sin pintar this one hasn't been painted yet
    estar con algn (estar de acuerdo) to agree with sb; (apoyar) to support sb, be on sb's side
    yo estoy contigo, creo que ella está equivocada I agree with you o ( colloq) I'm with you, I think she's mistaken
    nuestro partido está con el pueblo our party supports o is on the side of the people
    el pueblo está con nosotros the people are with us
    estar en algo: todavía no hemos solucionado el problema, pero estamos en ello or eso we still haven't solved the problem, but we're working on it
    estar por algn ( Esp fam); to be sweet o keen on sb ( colloq)
    está que no hay quien lo aguante he's (being) unbearable
    el agua está que pela the water's scalding hot
    A «edificio/pueblo» (quedar, estar ubicado) ; to be
    la agencia está en el centro the agency is in the center
    ¿dónde está Camagüey? where's Camagüey?
    el pueblo está a 20 kilómetros de aquí the town's 20 kilometers from here
    1 «persona/objeto» (hallarse en cierto momento) to be
    ¿a qué hora tienes que estar allí? what time do you have to be there?
    estando allí conoció a Micaela he met Micaela while he was there
    ¿dónde estábamos la clase pasada? where did we get to o had we got(ten) to in the last class?
    2 (figurar) to be
    esa palabra no está en el diccionario that word isn't in the dictionary
    yo no estaba en la lista I wasn't on the list, my name didn't appear on the list
    (hallarse en determinado lugar): fui a verla pero no estaba I went to see her but she wasn't there
    ¿está Rodrigo? is Rodrigo in?
    ¿estamos todos? are we all here?, is everyone here?
    (Col, RPl) (acudir): el médico había estado a verla the doctor had been to see her
    (quedarse, permanecer): sólo estaré unos días I'll only be staying a few days, I'll only be here/there a few days
    ¿cuánto tiempo estuviste en Londres? how long were you in London?
    (vivir): ya no vivimos allí, ahora estamos en Soca we don't live there anymore, we're in o we live in Soca now
    de momento estoy con mi hermana at the moment I'm staying with my sister
    (en el tiempo): ¿a qué (día) estamos? what day is it today?
    ¿a cuánto estamos hoy? what's the date today o today's date?, what date is it today?
    estamos a 28 de mayo it's May 28th ( AmE) o ( BrE) the 28th of May
    estamos a mediados de mes we're halfway through the month
    estamos en primavera it's spring, spring has come
    ¿en qué mes estamos? what month are we in o is it?
    ellos están en primavera ahora it's spring for them now, it's their spring now
    (existir, haber): y después está el problema de la financiación and then there's the problem of finance
    B (tener como función, cometido) estar PARA algo:
    para eso estamos that's what we're here for
    para eso están los amigos that's what friends are for
    ya que estamos/estás while we're/you're at it o ( BrE) about it
    (radicar): ahí está el quid del asunto that's the crux of the matter
    estar EN algo:
    la dificultad está en hacerlo sin mirar the difficult thing is to do it o the difficulty lies in doing it without looking
    todo está en que él quiera ayudarnos it all depends on whether he wants to help us or not
    (estar listo, terminado): la carne todavía no está the meat's not ready yet
    lo atas con un nudo aquí y ya está you tie a knot in it here and that's it o there you are
    enseguida estoy I'll be with you in a minute o in a second, I'll be right with you
    ¡ya está! ¡ya sé lo que podemos hacer! I've got it! I know what we can do!
    ¡ahí está! that's it!
    (quedar entendido): quiero que estés de vuelta a las diez ¿estamos? or (Ur) ¿está? I want you to be back by ten, all right?
    que no vuelva a suceder ¿estamos? don't let it happen again, understand? o is that understood? o ( colloq) got it?
    ( Esp) (quedar) (+ me/te/le etc), (+ compl): esa falda te está grande/pequeña that skirt's too big/too small for you
    la 46 te está mejor the 46 fits you better
    G ( frml) ( Derecho) estar A algo:
    se estará a lo estipulado en la cláusula 20 the stipulations of clause 20 will apply
    (con gerundio): está lloviendo it's raining
    no hagas ruido, están durmiendo don't make any noise, they're asleep
    se está afeitando/duchando or está afeitándose/duchándose he's shaving/taking a shower
    estuve un rato hablando con él I was talking o I talked to him for a while
    ¿qué estará pensando? I wonder what she's thinking
    ya estoy viendo que va a ser imposible I'm beginning to see that it's going to be impossible
    ya te estás quitando de ahí, que ése es mi lugar ( fam); OK, out of there/off there, that's my place ( colloq)
    (con participio): ¿esta ropa está planchada? have these clothes been ironed?, are these clothes ironed?
    la foto estaba tomada desde muy lejos the photo had been taken from a long way away o from a great distance
    ese asiento está ocupado that seat is taken
    ya está hecho un hombrecito he's a proper young man now
    está hecha una vaga she's got(ten) o become lazy
    A ( enf) (permanecer) to stay
    se estuvo horas ahí sentado sin moverse he remained sitting there for hours without moving, he sat there for hours without moving
    ¿no te puedes estar quieto un momento? can't you stay o keep still for a minute?
    estése tranquilo don't worry
    B ( enf) ( RPl) (acudir) to be
    estáte allí media hora antes be there o arrive half an hour before
    living room
    * * *


    estar 1 ( conjugate estar) cópula

    Estar denotes a changed condition or state as opposed to identity or nature, which is normally expressed by ser. Estar is also used when the emphasis is on the speaker's perception of things, of their appearance, taste, etc. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in ser 1 cópula 1 to be;

    estás más gordo you've put on weight;
    estoy cansada I'm tired;
    está muy simpático conmigo he's being o he's been so nice to me (recently);
    ¡todo está tan caro! things are o have become so expensive!
    b) ( con

    bien, mal, mejor, peor): están todos bien, gracias they're all fine, thanks;

    ¡qué bien estás en esta foto! you look great in this photo!;
    está mal que no se lo perdones it's wrong of you not to forgive him;
    ver tb bien, mal, mejor, peor
    2 ( hablando de estado civil) to be;

    3 ( seguido de participios)

    estaban abrazados they had their arms around each other;
    ver tb v aux 2
    4 ( seguido de preposición) to be;
    (para más ejemplos ver tb la preposición o el nombre correspondiente);

    ¿a cómo está la uva? how much are the grapes?;
    está con el sarampión she has (the) measles;
    estoy de cocinera I'm doing the cooking;
    estamos sin electricidad the electricity is off at the moment;
    está sin pintar it hasn't been painted yet
    verbo intransitivo
    1 ( en un lugar) to be;
    ¿dónde está Chiapas? where's Chiapas?;

    está a 20 kilómetros de aquí it's 20 kilometers from here;
    ¿sabes dónde está Pedro? do you know where Pedro is?;
    ¿está Rodrigo? is Rodrigo in?;
    solo estaré unos días I'll only be staying a few days;
    ¿cuánto tiempo estarás en Londres? how long are you going to be in London (for)?
    2 ( en el tiempo):
    ¿a qué (día) estamos? what day is it today?;

    ¿a cuánto estamos hoy? what's the date today?;
    estamos a 28 de mayo it's May 28th (AmE) o (BrE) the 28th of May;
    estamos en primavera it's spring
    a) (tener como función, cometido):

    estamos para ayudarlos we're here to help them

    4 (estar listo, terminado):

    lo atas con un nudo y ya está you tie a knot in it and that's it o there you are;
    enseguida estoy I'll be right with you
    5 (Esp) ( quedar) (+ me/te/le etc) (+ compl):

    la 46 te está mejor the 46 fits you better
    estar v aux
    1 ( con gerundio):

    estoy viendo que va a ser imposible I'm beginning to see that it's going to be impossible
    2 ( con participio):

    ya está hecho un hombrecito he's a proper young man now;
    ver tb estar cópula 3
    estarse verbo pronominal ( enf) ( permanecer) to stay;
    ¿no te puedes estar quieto? can't you stay o keep still?;

    estese tranquilo don't worry
    estar 2 sustantivo masculino (esp AmL) living room
    estar verbo intransitivo
    1 (existir, hallarse) to be: está al norte, it is to the north
    ¿estarás en casa?, will you be at home?
    no está en ningún lado, it isn't anywhere
    estamos aquí para servirle, we are at your service
    su pedido aún no está, your order isn't ready yet
    2 (permanecer) to stay: estos días estoy en casa de mis padres, these days I'm staying at my parents' place
    estoy en la oficina de ocho a dos, I'm at the office from eight to two
    quiero que estés aquí un minuto, ahora vuelvo, stay here, I'll be right back
    3 (tener una situación actual determinada: con adjetivo o participio) estaba blanco como la cera, he had turned as white as a sheet
    está dormido, he's asleep
    está teñida de rubio, her hair's dyed blonde
    (con gerundio) está estudiando, he is studying
    estaba preparando la comida, I was cooking
    (con adverbio) estoy tan lejos, I'm so far away
    está muy mal, (enfermo) he is very ill
    4 (quedar, sentar) el jersey me está pequeño, the sweater is too small for me
    5 (para indicar precio, grados, fecha) (+ a: fecha) to be: ¿a qué día estamos?, what's the date?
    estamos a 1 de Julio, it is the first of July
    (: precio) to be at: ¿a cómo/cuánto están las manzanas?, how much are the apples?
    están a setenta pesetas el kilo, they're seventy pesetas a kilo
    (: grados) en Madrid estamos a cuarenta grados, it's forty degrees in Madrid
    ♦ Locuciones: ¿estamos?, agreed?
    estar a disposición de, to be at the disposal of
    estar a la que salta, to be ready to take advantage of an opportunity
    estar a las duras y a las maduras, to take the bad with the good
    estar al caer, to be just round the corner
    estar en baja, to be waning
    estar en todo, to be on top of everything
    estaría bueno, whatever next
    ESTAR CON: (de acuerdo con) estoy con María, I agree with Mary
    ESTAR DE: estoy de broma, I'm joking
    está de camarero, he's working as a waiter
    estaba de Dios que las cosas sucedieran así, it was God's will that things turned out this way, está de vacaciones, he's on holiday
    me voy a marchar porque está claro que aquí estoy de más, I'm going to go because it's obvious that I'm in the way
    ESTAR ENCIMA: su madre siempre está encima de él, his mother is always on top of him
    ESTAR PARA: no estamos para bromas, we are in no mood for jokes
    esa ropa está para planchar, these clothes are ready to be ironed
    cuando estaba para salir, me llamaron, when I was just about to leave, they called me
    ESTAR POR: la casa está por construir, the house has still to be built
    estuve por decirle lo que pensaba, I was tempted to tell him what I thought
    estoy por la igualdad de derechos, I'm for equal rights
    ESTAR QUE: está que no puede con su alma, he is exhausted
    familiar está que trina, he's hopping mad
    ESTAR TRAS: está tras el ascenso, he is after promotion
    estoy tras una blusa blanca, I'm looking for a white blouse
    El uso del verbo to stay como traducción de estar en un lugar es incorrecto, a menos que quieras expresar lo contrario de irse o marcharse (no me voy a la playa, estaré en casa todo el verano, I'm not going to the beach, I'm staying at home all summer) o te refieras a alojarse: Estoy en el Palace. I'm staying at the Palace.

    ' estar' also found in these entries:
    - acatarrada
    - acatarrado
    - acecho
    - acomplejada
    - acomplejado
    - acostada
    - acostado
    - acostumbrada
    - acostumbrado
    - activa
    - activo
    - afónica
    - afónico
    - agradecer
    - agua
    - aire
    - ajo
    - ala
    - alero
    - alerta
    - amiga
    - amigo
    - andar
    - antena
    - apañada
    - apañado
    - apogeo
    - ascua
    - atar
    - aviar
    - azotea
    - Babia
    - baja
    - bandera
    - banquillo
    - barco
    - blanca
    - bordear
    - borracha
    - borracho
    - bote
    - braga
    - brecha
    - brete
    - buena
    - bueno
    - cabal
    - cabeza
    - cabo
    - accustom
    - action
    - agree
    - agreement
    - ahead
    - air
    - alert
    - alive
    - alone
    - aloof
    - amenable
    - amiss
    - antsy
    - anxious
    - approve
    - associate
    - attend
    - away
    - back
    - ball
    - barbecue
    - be
    - bean
    - beck
    - beg
    - behind
    - believe in
    - beside
    - best
    - board
    - boil
    - book
    - boom
    - bored
    - brain
    - breath
    - bristle with
    - broke
    - brown
    - bulge
    - burn
    - by
    - cake
    - call
    - change
    - charge
    - cheese off
    - clash
    - close
    * * *
    1. [hallarse] to be;
    ¿dónde está la llave? where is the key?;
    ¿está María? – no, no está is Maria there? – no, she's not here
    2. [con fechas]
    ¿a qué estamos hoy? what's the date today?;
    hoy estamos a martes/a 15 de julio today is Tuesday/15 July;
    estábamos en octubre it was October;
    estamos en invierno it's winter
    3. [quedarse] to stay, to be;
    estaré un par de horas y me iré I'll stay a couple of hours and then I'll go;
    ¿cuánto tiempo piensas estar? how long do you plan on staying?;
    estuvimos una semana en su casa we stayed with her for a week, we spent a week at her place
    4. (antes de “a”) [expresa valores, grados]
    estamos a 20 grados it's 20 degrees here;
    el dólar está a 10 pesos the dollar is at 10 pesos;
    están a dos euros el kilo they're two euros a kilo
    5. [hallarse listo] to be ready;
    ¿aún no está ese trabajo? is that piece of work still not ready?;
    ¿ya estás? pues, vámonos are you ready? let's go then
    6. [servir]
    estar para to be (there) for;
    para eso están los amigos that's what friends are for;
    para eso estoy that's what I'm here for;
    la vida está para vivirla life is for living;
    no tires eso al suelo, que las papeleras están para algo don't throw that on the floor, the wastepaper bins are there for a reason
    7. (antes de gerundio) [expresa duración] to be;
    están golpeando la puerta they're banging on the door
    8. (antes de “sin” + infinitivo) [expresa negación]
    estoy sin dormir desde ayer I haven't slept since yesterday;
    está sin acabar it's not finished;
    estuve sin voz dos días I had no voice o I lost my voice for two days
    9. [faltar]
    eso está aún por escribir that has yet to be written;
    eso está por ver that remains to be seen;
    todavía está por hacer it hasn't been done yet
    10. [consistir]
    estar en to be, to lie in;
    el problema está en la fecha the problem is the date;
    el truco está en no mirar nunca al suelo the trick o secret is not to look at the ground
    11. [hallarse a punto de]
    estar al llegar o [m5] caer [persona] to be about to arrive;
    [acontecimiento] to be about to happen;
    estar por hacer algo to be on the verge of doing sth;
    estuve por pegarle I was on the verge of hitting him;
    estoy por no ir I'm not so sure I want to go;
    estuve por llamarte I was about to phone you, I was just going to phone you
    12. [expresa disposición]
    estar para algo to be in the mood for sth;
    no estoy para bromas I'm not in the mood for jokes;
    el enfermo no está para ver a nadie the patient is in no condition to see anyone
    13. [ser favorable]
    estar por to be in favour of;
    estoy por la libertad de expresión I'm in favour of o for freedom of speech
    14. [hallarse embarazada]
    está de cinco meses she's five months pregnant
    15. RP [ir]
    estuve a verlo en el hospital I went to see him in hospital;
    estuvieron a visitarlo they went to visit him
    v copulativo
    1. (antes de adj) [expresa cualidad, estado] to be;
    los pasteles están ricos the cakes are delicious;
    esta calle está sucia this street is dirty;
    ¡qué alta estás! you've really grown!;
    estoy cansado/enfadado I'm tired/angry;
    ¿qué tal estás? how are you?;
    está muy irritable últimamente she's been very irritable lately;
    está divorciado he's divorced;
    estoy enfermo/mareado I am ill/I feel sick;
    cuando estaba chiquito when I was little
    2. (antes de “con” o “sin” + sustantivo) [expresa estado] to be;
    estamos sin agua we have no water, we're without water;
    estoy sin blanca I'm broke, Br I'm skint
    3. [expresa situación, acción]
    estar de vacaciones to be on holiday;
    estar de viaje to be on a trip;
    estar de mudanza to be (in the process of) moving;
    estamos de suerte we're in luck;
    estar de mal humor to be in a (bad) mood;
    ¿has cambiado la rueda? – estoy en ello have you changed the tyre? – I'm working on it o I'm doing it right now;
    ¡ya está bien! that's enough (of that)!
    4. [expresa permanencia]
    estar en uso to be in use;
    estar en guardia to be on guard
    5. [expresa apoyo, predilección]
    estoy contigo I'm on your side
    6. [expresa ocupación]
    estar como o [m5]de to be;
    está como o [m5] de cajera she's a checkout girl;
    yo he estado de portero toda la primera parte I've been in goal all of the first half
    7. Esp [ropa]
    este traje te está bien this suit looks good on you;
    esa falda te está corta that skirt's too short for you;
    ¿cómo me está? how does this look?
    8. (antes de “que” + verbo) [expresa actitud]
    está que muerde porque ha suspendido he's furious because he failed
    v aux
    1. (antes de gerundio) to be;
    estuvo nevando it was snowing;
    se está peinando she's brushing her hair;
    estuvieron discutiendo durante toda la reunión they spent the whole meeting arguing, they were arguing throughout the whole meeting;
    mañana a estas horas estaré bañándome en la playa this time tomorrow I'll be swimming at the beach
    2. (antes de participio)
    está terminado it's finished;
    está organizado por el ayuntamiento it's organized by the town council
    * * *
    ¿cómo está Vd.? how are you?;
    estoy mejor I’m (feeling) better;
    estoy bien/mal I’m fine/I’m not feeling too great;
    estar de tres meses be three months pregnant;
    estar sin dinero have no money;
    ¡ya estoy! I’m ready!
    ¿está Javier? is Javier in?;
    mi padre no está my father isn’t here;
    ¡ahí está! there it is!;
    ahora estoy con Vd. I’ll be with you in just a moment;
    ¿dónde estábamos? where were we?
    estar haciendo algo be doing sth;
    estoy leyendo I’m reading
    4 ( sentar)
    te está grande it's too big for you;
    el vestido te está bien the dress suits you
    estar de ocupación work as, be;
    está de camarero he’s working as a waiter
    6 ( padecer de)
    estar del corazón/estómago have heart/stomach problems
    estamos a 3 de enero it’s January 3rd;
    el kilo está a un peso they’re one peso a kilo
    estar con alguien agree with s.o.; ( apoyar) support s.o.;
    estar a bien/mal con alguien be on good/bad terms with s.o.;
    estar en algo be working on sth;
    estar para hacer algo be about to do sth;
    no estar para algo not be in a mood for sth;
    estar por algo be in favor of sth;
    está por hacer it hasn’t been done yet;
    ¡ya está! that’s it!
    * * *
    estar {34} v aux
    : to be
    estoy aprendiendo inglés: I'm learning English
    está terminado: it's finished
    estar vi
    está muy alto: he's so tall, he's gotten very tall
    ¿ya estás mejor?: are you feeling better now?
    estoy casado: I'm married
    están en la mesa: they're on the table
    estamos en la página 2: we're on page 2
    3) : to be at home
    ¿está María?: is Maria in?
    4) : to remain
    estaré aquí 5 días: I'll be here for 5 days
    5) : to be ready, to be done
    estará para las diez: it will be ready by ten o'clock
    6) : to agree
    ¿estamos?: are we in agreement?
    estoy contigo: I'm with you
    ¿cómo estás? : how are you?
    ¡está bien! : all right!, that's fine!
    estar a : to cost
    estar a : to be
    ¿a qué dia estamos?: what's today's date?
    estar con : to have
    está con fiebre: she has a fever
    estar de : to be
    estoy de vacaciones: I'm on vacation
    está de director hoy: he's acting as director today
    estar bien (mal) : to be well (sick)
    estar para : to be in the mood for
    estar por : to be in favor of
    estar por : to be about to
    está por cerrar: it's on the verge of closing
    estar de más : to be unnecessary
    estar que : to be (in a state or condition)
    está que echa chispas: he's hopping mad
    * * *
    estar vb
    1. (en general) to be
    ¿estás cansada? are you tired?
    3. (en casa, en el trabajo) to be in / to be there / to be here
    ¿está Pepe? is Pepe in? / is Pepe there?
    ¿está tu madre en casa? is your mother in?
    4. (listo, preparado) to be ready
    5. (aspecto) to look
    ¡qué guapo estás! you look very smart!
    estar a... to be...
    ¿a cuánto están los tomates? how much are the tomatoes?
    estar de... to be...

    Spanish-English dictionary > estar

  • 40 hacer

    1 to do (realizar) (estudios, experimento, favor).
    ¿qué haces? what are you doing?
    tengo mucho que hacer I have a lot to do
    estoy haciendo segundo I'm in my second year
    ¿qué habré hecho con las llaves? what have I done with the keys?
    la carretera hace una curva there's a bend in the road
    Ella hace la tarea She does her work.
    2 to make.
    hacer un vestido/planes to make a dress/plans
    hacer un poema/una sinfonía to write a poem/a symphony
    hacer una fiesta to have a party
    para hacer la carne… to cook the meat…
    Ricardo hizo una casita Richard made a little house.
    Le hago estudiar I make him study.
    Nos hizo un problema He made us a problem (he made a problem for us)
    4 to do (arreglar) (casa, colada).
    5 to build (to build).
    han hecho un edificio nuevo they've put up a new building
    6 to make (movimientos, sonidos, gestos).
    le hice señas I signaled to her
    hacer ruido to make a noise
    el gato hace "miau" cats go "meow"
    debes hacer deporte you should start doing some sport
    8 to cause to look or seem (dar aspecto a).
    este espejo te hace gordo that mirror makes you look o seem fat
    9 to play (Cine & Teatro) (papel).
    hace el papel de la hija del rey she plays (the part of) the king's daughter
    10 to think, to reckon.
    a estas horas yo te hacía en París I thought o reckoned you'd be in Paris by now
    11 to be done to.
    Se me hizo una injusticia An injustice was done to me.
    12 to place.
    Haré una llamada a mi hermana I will place a call to my sister.
    13 to be made to.
    Se nos hizo pagar una gran suma We were made to pay a large amount.
    14 to be made for.
    Se me hizo una camisa A shirt was made for me.
    15 to travel, to make.
    Hicimos dos kilómetros We traveled two kilometers.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    hago, haces, hace, hacemos, hacéis, hacen.
    Past Indicative
    Future Indicative
    Present Subjunctive
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    haz (tú), haga (él/Vd.), hagamos (nos.), haced (vos.), hagan (ellos/Vds.).
    Past Participle
    * * *
    2) do
    3) be
    - hacer falta
    - hacerse
    * * *
    Para las expresiones hacer añicos, hacer gracia, hacerse ilusiones, hacer pedazos, hacerse de rogar, hacer el tonto, hacer las veces de ver la otra entrada.
    1) [indicando actividad en general] to do

    ¿qué haces? — what are you doing?

    ¿qué haces ahí? — what are you doing there?

    ¡eso no se hace! — that's not done!

    hacer el [amor] — to make love

    hacer la [guerra] — to wage war

    hacer algo por hacer —

    2) [en lugar de otro verbo] to do
    3) (=crear) [+ coche, escultura, juguete, ropa, pastel] to make; [+ casa] to build; [+ dibujo] to do; [+ novela, sinfonía] to write

    le cuesta trabajo hacer [amigos] — he finds it hard to make friends

    4) (=realizar) [+ apuesta, discurso, objeción] to make; [+ deporte, deberes] to do; [+ caca, pipí] to do; [+ nudo] to tie; [+ pregunta] to ask; [+ visita] to pay; [+ milagros] to do, work

    el gato hizo miau — the cat went miaow, the cat miaowed

    el árbol no hace mucha sombra — the tree isn't very shady, the tree doesn't provide a lot of shade

    ¿me puedes hacer el nudo de la corbata? — could you knot my tie for me?

    hacer un [favor] a algn — to do sb a favour

    hacer un [gesto] — [con la cara] to make {o} pull a face; [con la mano] to make a sign

    hacer un [recado] — to do {o} run an errand

    hacer [ruido] — to make a noise

    hacer [sitio] — to make room

    hacer [tiempo] — to kill time

    5) (=preparar) [+ cama, comida] to make

    hacer el pelo/las uñas a algn — to do sb's hair/nails

    hacer las [maletas] — to pack one's bags

    6) (=dedicarse a)

    ¿qué hace tu padre? — what does your father do?

    hacer [cine] — to make films

    hacer [teatro] — to act

    7) (=actuar)

    hacer un papel — to play a role {o} part

    8) (=sumar) to make

    y cincuenta céntimos, hacen diez euros — and fifty cents change, which makes ten euros

    9) (=cumplir)

    voy a hacer 30 años la próxima semana — I'm going to be 30 next week, it's my 30th birthday next week

    10) (=obligar) + infin to make

    hágale [entrar] — show him in, have him come in

    me lo hizo [saber] — he told me about it, he informed me of it

    hacer [que] + subjun

    11) (=mandar)
    + infin
    12) (=transformar) + adj to make
    13) (=pensar) to think

    yo le hacía más viejo — I thought he was older, I had him down as being older

    14) (=acostumbrar)
    15) (=ejercitar)

    hacer a algn [con] (=proveer)

    1) (=comportarse)

    hacer [como] que {o} como si — to make as if

    hizo como que no se daba cuenta {o} como si no se diera cuenta — he made as if he hadn't noticed, he pretended not to have noticed


    [dar que] hacer — to cause trouble

    dieron que hacer a la policía — they caused {o} gave the police quite a bit of trouble

    3) (=importar)

    no le hace LAm it doesn't matter, never mind

    4) (=ser apropiado)

    ¿hace? — will it do?, is it all right?; (=¿de acuerdo?) is it a deal?

    5) (=apetecer)

    ¿te hace que vayamos a tomar unas copas? — how about going for a drink?, what do you say we go for a drink?

    ¿te hace un cigarrillo? — how about a cigarette?, do you fancy a cigarette?

    6) [seguido de preposición]
    hacer de (Teat) to play the part of hacer por (=intentar)

    hacer por hacer algo — to try to do sth, make an effort to do sth

    1) [con expresiones de tiempo atmosférico] to be

    hace calor/frío — it's hot/cold

    ¿qué tiempo hace? — what's the weather like?

    2) [con expresiones temporales]

    hace tres años que se fue — he left three years ago, it's three years since he left

    hace tres años que no lo veo — I haven't seen him for three years, it's three years since I (last) saw him

    ¿hace mucho que esperas? — have you been waiting long?

    [desde] hace cuatro años — for four years

    3) LAm (=haber, tener)
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( crear) <mueble/vestido> to make; <casa/carretera> to build; < nido> to build, make; < coche> to make, manufacture; < túnel> to make, dig; <dibujo/plano> to do, draw; < lista> to make, draw up; < resumen> to do, make; < película> to make; <nudo/lazo> to tie; <pan/pastel> to make, bake; <vino/café/tortilla> to make; < cerveza> to make, brew

    me hizo un lugar or sitio en la mesa — he made room o a place for me at the table

    a) (efectuar, llevar a cabo) < sacrificio> to make; < milagro> to work, perform; <deberes/ejercicios/limpieza> to do; < mandado> to run; <transacción/investigación> to carry out; < experimento> to do, perform; < entrevista> to conduct; <gira/viaje> to do

    ¿me haces un favor? — will you do me a favor?

    hicimos un tratowe did o made a deal

    b) <cheque/factura> to make out, write out
    3) (formular, expresar) <declaración/promesa/oferta> to make; <proyecto/plan> to make, draw up; <crítica/comentario> to make, voice; < pregunta> to ask

    hacer caca — (fam) to do a poop (AmE) o (BrE) a pooh (colloq)

    hacer pis or pipí — (fam) to have a pee (colloq)

    hacer sus necesidades — (euf) to go to the bathroom o toilet (euph)

    5) ( adquirir) <dinero/fortuna> to make; < amigo> to make
    6) (preparar, arreglar) < cama> to make; < maleta> to pack

    hice el pescado al hornoI did o cooked the fish in the oven

    tengo que hacer la comida — I must make lunch; ver tb comida 2) b)

    a) (producir, causar) < ruido> to make

    las vacas hacen `mu' — cows go `moo'

    8) ( recorrer) <trayecto/distancia> to do, cover
    9) (en cálculos, enumeraciones)

    son 180... y 320 hacen 500 — that's 180... and 320 is o makes 500


    hacen una obra de Ibsenthey're doing o putting on a play by Ibsen

    deberías hacer ejercicioyou should do o get some exercise

    ¿hace algún deporte? — do you play o do any sports?

    b) (como profesión, ocupación) to do
    c) ( estudiar) to do

    hace Derechoshe's doing o studying o reading Law

    a) (realizar cierta acción, actuar de cierta manera) to do

    niño, eso no se hace! — you mustn't do that!

    qué se le va a hacer! or qué le vamos a hacer! — what can you o (frml) one do?

    hacerla — (Méx) (fam) to make it (colloq)

    hacerla (buena) — (fam)

    ahora sí que la hice!now I've (really) done it!

    hacérsela buena a alguien — (Méx) to keep one's word o promise to somebody

    soñé que te sacabas la lotería - házmela buena!I dreamed you won the lottery - if only!

    b) (dar cierto uso, destino, posición) to do

    y el libro ¿qué lo hice? — (CS, Méx fam) what did I do with the book?

    12) (esp Esp) ( actuar como)

    hacer el tontoto act o play the fool

    voy a escribirle - deja, yo lo haré — I'm going to write to him - don't bother, I'll do it

    14) (Méx, RPl fam) (afectar, importar)

    ¿qué le hace? — so what? what does it matter?

    15) (transformar en, volver) to make

    te hará hombre, hijo mío — it will make a man of you, my son

    17) (inducir a, ser causa de que)

    hacer algo/a alguien + inf — to make something/somebody + inf

    todo hace suponer que... — everything suggests that o leads one to think that...

    hacer que algo/alguien + subj — to make something/somebody + inf

    18) ( obligar a)

    hacer + inf a alguien — to make somebody + inf

    hacer que alguien + subj — to make somebody + inf


    hacer hacer algoto have o get something done/made

    hice acortar las cortinasI had o got the curtains shortened

    20) (suponer, imaginar)
    hacer vi
    a) (obrar, actuar)

    ¿cómo se hace para que te den la beca? — what do you have to do to get the scholarship?

    ¿cómo hacen para vivir con ese sueldo? — how do they manage to live on that salary?

    hacerle a algo — (Chi, Méx fam)

    hacer y deshacer — to do as one pleases, do what one likes

    b) (+ compl)

    hiciste bien en decírmeloyou did o were right to tell me

    mamá, ya hice! — (esp AmL) Mommy, I've been o I've finished!

    hacer de cuerpo or de vientre — (frml) to have a bowel movement (frml)

    3) (fingir, simular)

    hizo como que no me había vistohe made out o pretended he hadn't seen me

    haz como si no supieras nadaact as if o pretend you don't know anything about it

    4) ( servir)

    hacer de algo: esta sábana hará de toldo this sheet will do for o as an awning; la escuela hizo de hospital — the school served as o was used as a hospital

    hacer de algo/alguien — to play (the part of) something/somebody

    hacía de `malo' — he played the bad guy

    6) (+ compl) ( sentar) (+ me/te/le etc)

    la trucha me hizo mal — (AmL) the trout didn't agree with me


    no le hace — ( no tiene importancia) it doesn't matter; ( no sirve de excusa) that's no excuse

    ¿no le hace que tire la ceniza aquí? — do you mind if I drop the ash here?

    9) (en 3a pers) (frml) (tocar, concernir)

    por lo que hace a or en cuanto hace a su solicitud — as far as your application is concerned

    10) (Esp fam) ( apetecer)

    ¿(te) hace una cerveza? — care for a beer?, do you fancy a beer? (BrE colloq)

    hacer v impers

    hace frío/calor/sol/viento — it's cold/hot/sunny/windy

    b) (fam & hum)

    hace sed ¿verdad? — it's thirsty weather/work, isn't it?

    parece que hace hambre — you/they seem to be hungry

    ¿cuánto hace que se fue? — how long ago did she leave?

    hace poco/un año — a short time/a year ago

    1) hacerse v pron

    hágase la luz — (Bib) let there be light; (+ me/te/le etc)

    se le ha hecho una ampollashe's got o she has a blister

    por fin se le hizo ganar el premioshe finally got to win the award

    a) (refl) ( hacer para sí) <café/falda> to make oneself
    b) (caus) ( hacer que otro haga)
    4) ( causarse)

    ¿qué te hiciste en el brazo? — what did you do to your arm?

    ¿te hiciste daño? — did you hurt yourself?

    todavía se hace pis/caca — (fam) she still wets/messes herself

    6) (refl) ( adquirir) to make
    a) (volverse, convertirse en) to become

    hacerse famoso/monja — to become famous/a nun

    se está haciendo tarde — it's getting late; (+ me/te/le etc)

    c) ( cocinarse) pescado/guiso to cook
    d) (AmL) ( pasarle a)

    ¿qué se habrá hecho María? — what can have happened to María?

    8) ( resultar)

    esto se hace muy pesado — this gets very boring; (+ me/te/le etc)

    9) ( dar impresión de) (+ me/te/le etc)

    se me hace que está ofendidaI get the feeling o impression that she's upset

    se me hace que va a lloverI think o I have a feeling it's going to rain

    hacérsele a alguien — (Chi fam) to back out

    10) (caus)

    hacerse + inf: hazte respetar make people respect you; el desenlace no se hizo esperar the end was not long in coming; un chico que se hace querer a likable kid; se hizo construir una mansión he had a mansion built; hazte ver por un médico — (AmL) go and see a doctor

    hacerse a algo/+ inf — to get used to something/-ing

    12) ( fingirse)

    ¿éste es bobo o se (lo) hace? — (fam) is this guy stupid or just a good actor? (colloq)

    no te hagas el sordodon't pretend o act as if you didn't hear me

    yo me hice — (Méx fam) I pretend not to notice

    13) ( moverse) (+ compl) to move

    hacerse atrás/a un lado — to move back/to one side

    15) hacerse de (AmL)

    tengo que hacerme de dineroI must get o lay my hands on some money

    * * *
    = accomplish, design (for/to), be up to, cause, conduct, do, devise, produce, render, compose, make, get (a)round to, make out, get round to, brew.
    Ex. If a library prefers to simplify records in particular areas, this can usually be accomplished by not entering particular types of information.
    Ex. In lists designed for international use a symbolic notation instead of textual notes may be used.
    Ex. When I saw what he was up to, I drew back for a punch and hit him so hard on the nose that he fell on his back and lay there for some time, so that his wife stood over him and cried out 'Mercy! You've done my husband in!'.
    Ex. As usage of the language causes terms to become anachronistic, or as increases in our level of awareness reveal undesirable connotations, we seek to change subject heading terms.
    Ex. Obviously, this tagging must be conducted manually.
    Ex. In all these cases where scientists studied what crafstmen knew how to do the resulting benefits have accrued to science not to technology.
    Ex. Special classification schemes are generally devised for an application in which no major general scheme is suitable.
    Ex. The present OCLC system does not produce catalog cards in sets, but if it did it could produce over 6,000 different sets for one title.
    Ex. So strongly was it felt by proponents of change that just such unconscious biases rendered libraries 'part of the problem, instead of the solution'.
    Ex. There have never been any attempts to compose a bibliography of US government documents relating to international law.
    Ex. This concept comes mainly from the military, where a designated number of troops make a squad, a platoon, a regiment, etc..
    Ex. The article is entitled 'A list of lists of Web sites to check out: getting organized and getting around to it are two different things'.
    Ex. The cards for those headings should be removed from the index and new cards made out if necessary.
    Ex. The government have been making noises about it for some time but haven't quite got round to it.
    Ex. The goddess owned a potent magick cauldron in which she planned to brew a special liquid for her ugly son.
    * acceder haciendo clic = click.
    * acusación + hacer = accusation + level.
    * aguja de hacer croché = crochet hook, crochet needle.
    * aguja de hacer ganchillo = crochet hook, crochet needle.
    * aguja de hacer punto = knitting needle.
    * algo diverto que hacer = fun thing to do.
    * Algo que se hace para matar el tiempo = time filler.
    * al hacer esto = by so doing, in so doing, by doing so, in doing so.
    * a medio hacer = halfway done, half done.
    * anunciado desde hace tiempo = long-heralded.
    * aprender haciendo = learn by + doing.
    * batir hasta hacer espuma = work up + a lather.
    * ¡bien hecho! = the way to go!.
    * buscar una forma de hacer (algo) = develop + way + to make + Nombre.
    * contenedor para hacer compost = compost bin.
    * continuar con el buen hacer = keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.
    * continuar haciendo algo = get on with + Nombre.
    * cuando hace frío = in the cold.
    * cumplido hace tiempo = long overdue.
    * decidir hacer = spring for.
    * decidir qué hacer con = make + disposition of.
    * de hace años = of years ago.
    * de hace muchos años = long-standing.
    * de hace mucho tiempo = age-old, long-lost.
    * de hace siglos = of yore.
    * de hace varios siglos = centuries-old.
    * dejar de hacer huelga = cross + the picket line.
    * dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * dejar sin hacer = leave + undone.
    * desde hace algún tiempo = for some time past, for days.
    * desde hace años = over the years, for years past, for years.
    * desde hace la tira (de tiempo) = for yonks, for yonks and yonks.
    * desde hace muchísimo tiempo = in ages (and ages and ages).
    * desde hace muchos años = for years.
    * desde hace mucho tiempo = for ages, long-time [longtime], long since, in ages (and ages and ages).
    * desde hace siglos = for yonks, for yonks and yonks.
    * desde hace tanto tiempo = so long.
    * desde hace tiempo = long [longer -comp., longest -sup.], over the years, for a long time, long since, for some time.
    * desde hace un montonazo de tiempo = for yonks and yonks.
    * desde hace un montón de tiempo = for yonks.
    * desde hace un par de + Tiempo = in these past couple of + Tiempo.
    * desde hace varios años + Presente = for several years + Pretérito Perfecto.
    * desde hace ya algún tiempo = for some time now.
    * desde hace ya años = for years now.
    * difícil de hacer = hard to do.
    * donde fueres haz lo que vieres = when in Rome (do as the Romans do).
    * dos entuertos no hacen un derecho = two wrongs do not make a right.
    * el que las hace, las paga = you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * encargado de hacer el presupuesto = budgetmaker.
    * esfuerzo + hacer sudar = work up + a lather.
    * es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo = easier said than done.
    * esperado hace tiempo = overdue.
    * esperar sin nada que hacer = kick + Posesivo + heels.
    * establecido desde hace tiempo = long-established.
    * estar haciendo = be up to.
    * estar haciendo Algo = have + Nombre + on the go.
    * estar haciendo algo que no se debe = be up to no good.
    * estar sin hacer nada = sit + idle, stand + idle.
    * existir desde hace años = be around for years.
    * frotar hasta hacer espuma = lather.
    * hace algunos años = some years ago.
    * hace algún tiempo = some time ago, a while back, some while ago, sometime back.
    * hace años = years ago.
    * hace demasiado tiempo = too long ago.
    * hacer huir en batalla = route.
    * hace la tira (de tiempo) = yonks, yonks and yonks.
    * hace miles de años = aeons ago.
    * hace muchas lunas = all those many moons ago, many moons ago.
    * hace muchísimos años = a great many years ago.
    * hace muchísimo tiempo = ages (and ages) ago, aeons ago, yonks.
    * hace muchos años = many years ago.
    * hace mucho tiempo = long since, all those many moons ago, many moons ago.
    * hace muy poco tiempo = a short time ago.
    * hace + Número + años = Número + years ago.
    * hace poco tiempo = a short time ago.
    * hacer a Alguien pasar vergüenza = embarrass.
    * hacer a Alguien precavido = put + Nombre + on + Posesivo + guard.
    * hacer abono orgánico = compost.
    * hacer acampada = camp.
    * hacer accesible a través de = make + available through.
    * hacer ademanes = flail about, gesticulate.
    * hacer aflorar = bring to + the surface.
    * hacer aflorar sentimientos de antagonismo = bring to + the surface + feelings of antagonism.
    * hacer ágil = limber up.
    * hacer agua = Negativo + hold + water.
    * hacer agua(s) = spring + a leak.
    * hacer a gusto del consumidor = make to + order.
    * hacer ajustes = make + adjustment.
    * hacer alarde de = boast, flaunt, brag, show off.
    * hacer alegaciones = plead.
    * hacer Algo a hurtadillas = sneak.
    * hacer algo alocado = do + something footloose and fancy-free.
    * hacer algo al respecto = do + something about it.
    * hacer Algo con dificultad = muddle through, plod (along/through).
    * hacer Algo con mucho esfuerzo = plod (along/through).
    * hacer algo con respecto a = do + something about.
    * hacer Algo de cara a la galería = play to + the gallery.
    * hacer Algo en exceso = push + Nombre + too far.
    * hacer algo funcionar = make + Nombre + tick.
    * hacer Algo muy bien = do + an excellent job of, make + an excellent job of.
    * hacer Algo para la galería = play to + the gallery.
    * hacer algo poco a poco = eat away at.
    * hacer algo por amor al arte = labour of love.
    * hacer Algo por + Posesivo + propia cuenta = make + Posesivo + own arrangements.
    * hacer Algo posible = make + provision for.
    * hacer Algo puré = mash.
    * hacer Algo rápidamente = put together.
    * hacer Algo realidad = make + Nombre + come true.
    * hacer Algo sin ser visto = sneak.
    * hacer Algo sobre la marcha = play + Nombre + by ear.
    * hacer Algo trocitos = tear + Nombre + to shreds, tear + Nombre + to bits.
    * hacer algunos comentarios sobre lo que Alguien ha dicho = take + a few cracks at.
    * hacer alusión a = make + allusion to, make + reference to.
    * hacer a mano = handcraft.
    * hacer a medida = custom-make, make to + order.
    * hacer a medida para satisfacer los requisitos = tailor to + meet the specification.
    * hacer amigos = win + friends.
    * hacer amistad = make + friend.
    * hacer amistad con = make + friends with, befriend.
    * hacer amistades = friend.
    * hacer ampollas = blister.
    * hacer anotaciones = annotate, mark + Nombre + up.
    * hacer añicos = shatter, blow + Nombre + to bits, smash + Nombre + to bits, tear + Nombre + to bits.
    * hacer aparecer = cause + display of.
    * hacer a partir de = make out of.
    * hacer apología = make + apology.
    * hacer arreglos florales = arrange + flowers.
    * hacer artesanalmente = handcraft.
    * hacer asequible = make + amenable.
    * hacer atractivo = endear.
    * hacer a un lado = nudge + Nombre + aside, push aside.
    * hacer autostop = thumb + a lift, hitch + a ride.
    * hacer avances = make + headway.
    * hacer avanzar = nudge + Nombre + forward, push + the frontiers of, nudge + Nombre + along, nudge + Nombre + into, push + the boundaries of.
    * hacer avanzar el conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.
    * hacer avanzar hacia = nudge + Nombre + toward.
    * hacer averiguaciones = make + enquiry.
    * hacer bajar = force down.
    * hacer balance de = take + stock of.
    * hacer barrabasadas = play + pranks.
    * hacer basto = coarsen.
    * hacer bien = do + good.
    * hacer borrón y cuenta nueva = start with + a clean slate, cut + Posesivo + losses, turn over + a new leaf.
    * hacer borroso = blur.
    * hacer bromas = banter.
    * hacer bucles = loop.
    * hacer buenas migas = hit it off.
    * hacer buen uso de Algo = put to + good use.
    * hacer bulla = kick up + a stink, kick up + a fuss, raise + a stink, make + a stink (about), make + a racket, make + a row, make + a ruckus, kick up + a row.
    * hacer bulto = bulge.
    * hacer búsquedas en = search through.
    * hacer caca = take + a dump.
    * hacer caer = oust.
    * hacer caja = tally up + sales, balance + the cash, reconcile (with), balance + the cash drawer.
    * hacer caja con = cash in on, ride (on) + Posesivo + coattails.
    * hacer callar = shush, hush, quieten.
    * hacer cambiar = swing + Persona.
    * hacer cambiar las cosas = turn + the tide on.
    * hacer cambios en la búsqueda = renegotiate + search.
    * hacer cambios indebidamente = tamper (with).
    * hacer campaña = campaign, stump, go out on + the road.
    * hacer cara a = brave.
    * hacer caso = take + notice, listen (to).
    * hacer caso a Alguien = take + Posesivo + word for it.
    * hacer caso (a/de) = pay + attention to.
    * hacer caso omiso = disregard, brush aside, go + unheeded, fall on + deaf ears, meet + deaf ears, thumb + Posesivo + nose at, dismiss with + the wave of the hand, fly in + the face of, push aside.
    * hacer caso omiso de = be oblivious of/to.
    * hacer chanchullos = fiddle.
    * hacer chatting = chat.
    * hacer circular = pass around.
    * hacer circular por = circulate round.
    * hacer cisco = tear + apart, wipe + the floor with.
    * hacer coincidir (con) = reconcile (with).
    * hacer cola = queue up.
    * hacer colectas = exact + contributions.
    * hacer comentarios = air + comments.
    * hacer como el avestruz = bury + Posesivo + head in the sand (like an ostrich), stick + Posesivo + head in the sand.
    * hacer como si nada = play it + cool.
    * hacer comparaciones = draw + comparisons, make + comparisons.
    * hacer comparecer = arraign.
    * hacer compatible (con) = reconcile (with).
    * hacer compost = compost.
    * hacer compras = do + shopping.
    * hacer comprender = bring + home.
    * hacer con Alguien lo que Uno quiera = be like putty in + Posesivo + hands.
    * hacer concesiones = make + allowances.
    * hacer conjeturas = speculate.
    * hacer constar = state.
    * hacer contrabando = smuggle.
    * hacer copias = make + multiple copies.
    * hacer copias mediante multicopista por disolvente = spirit duplication.
    * hacer correr la voz = spread + the word, spread + the good word, pass on + the good word, spread + the news.
    * hacer cosas = get + things done.
    * hacer cosquillas = tickle.
    * hacer creer = lead to + believe, lull + Nombre + into thinking.
    * hacer crítica = find + fault with.
    * hacer croché = crochet.
    * hacer cuadrar (con) = reconcile (with).
    * hacer cuadrar las cuentas = reconcile + receipts.
    * hacer cuadras las facturas = reconcile + receipts.
    * hacer cualquier cosa = do + anything, give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * hacer cumplir = uphold.
    * hacer cumplir la disciplina = enforce + discipline.
    * hacer cumplir la legislación = enforce + legislation.
    * hacer cumplir la ley = law enforcement, enforce + law, legal enforcement.
    * hacer cumplir una norma = enforce + standard.
    * hacer cumplir una política = uphold + policy.
    * hacer cumplir unas normas = enforce + policy.
    * hacer daño = do + harm, hurt.
    * hacer dar vueltas = gyrate.
    * hacer de = make out of.
    * hacer de carabina = play + gooseberry.
    * hacer declamaciones = declaim.
    * hacer dedo = hitch + a ride, thumb + a lift.
    * hacer de la noche día = burn + the candle at both ends.
    * hacer del mismo molde = cast in + the same mould as.
    * hacer de nuevo = redo [re-do], remake.
    * hacer de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + bit.
    * hacer derretir el hielo = de-ice [deice].
    * hacer desaparecer = eradicate, dispel, banish.
    * hacer desaparecer una división = blur + division.
    * hacer desaparecer un mito = dispel + myth.
    * hacer descuento = discount.
    * hacer desfilar = parade.
    * hacer detonar = detonate.
    * hacer de tripas corazón = bite + the bullet.
    * hacer diabluras = play + pranks.
    * hacer diana = hit + home.
    * hacer difícil = make + it + difficult, make + difficult.
    * hacer dinero = make + money.
    * hacer dudar = make + Nombre + doubt, misgive.
    * hacer eco = echo, resonate.
    * hacer eco de = echo.
    * hacer efectivo = cash in.
    * hacer efectivo en metálico = pay in + cash.
    * hacer ejercicio físico = work out.
    * hacer ejercicios de calentamiento = limber up.
    * hacer el aire irrespirable = choke + the air.
    * hacer el amor = make + love.
    * hacer el avío = get + ready.
    * hacer el balance de cuentas = balance + the cash, balance + the cash drawer.
    * hacer el cambio = make + the change.
    * hacer el chorra = pissing into the wind.
    * hacer el deber de Uno = do + Posesivo + part.
    * hacer el dobladillo = hem.
    * hacer elección = make + choices.
    * hacer el esfuerzo necesario = pull + Posesivo + (own) weight.
    * hacer el indio = horse around/about.
    * hacer el intento = have + a go, give + it a shot, give + Nombre + a try, have + a stab at, take + a stab at, make + a stab at, give + it a whirl, give + it a try.
    * hacer el mal = do + evil.
    * hacer el mejor uso de = make + the best of.
    * hacer el monigote = fool around.
    * hacer el paripé = keep up + facade, put on + an act.
    * hacer el pasillo = form + a guard of honour.
    * hacer el pasillo de honor = form + a guard of honour.
    * hacer el recorrido normal = make + the rounds.
    * hacer el ridículo = make + a fool of + Reflexivo, make + an arse of + Reflexivo, make + a spectacle of + Reflexivo.
    * hacer el testamento = testate.
    * hacer el tonto = fool around, horse around/about.
    * hacer el último esfuerzo = go + the last mile, go + the extra mile.
    * hacer encaje = tat.
    * hacer encaje de bolillos = do + the impossible, jump through + hoops, double over + backwards.
    * hacer encaje de bolillos para que cuadre Algo = juggle.
    * hacer encargos = run + errands.
    * hacer enemigos = make + enemies.
    * hacer entender = get across.
    * hacer erupción = erupt.
    * hacer escala = stop over.
    * hacer eses = zigzag.
    * hacer esperar = cool + Posesivo + heels.
    * hacer espuma = work up + a lather, froth.
    * hacer esquina con = form + right angles with.
    * hacer estallar = spark, ignite, touch off, blow up, let off.
    * hacer estallar en añicos = blow + sky high.
    * hacer estallar una bomba = bomb.
    * hacer estallar un guerra = ignite + war.
    * hacer esto = go along + this road.
    * hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = mess about, pootle, piddle around.
    * hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = mess around.
    * hacer esto y aquello sin prisas = pootle.
    * hacer estragos = lay + waste to, create + havoc, wreak + havoc, cause + havoc, take + Posesivo + toll (on).
    * hacer estragos en = play + havoc with.
    * hacer estrías = rifle.
    * hacer exenciones = make + exemptions.
    * hacer experimentos = institute + experiments.
    * hacer explícito = make + explicit.
    * hacer explotar = blow up.
    * hacer extensivo + Posesivo + agradecimiento = extend + Posesivo + thanks.
    * hacer factible = make + feasible.
    * hacer falta = need, must, have to, it + take.
    * hacer flexible = limber up.
    * hacer fortuna = make + Posesivo + fortune, make + a fortune, strike + it rich, strike + gold, hit + the jackpot.
    * hacer fotocopias = photoduplication [photo-duplication].
    * hacer fotografía = make + picture.
    * hacer fracasar = foil, derail.
    * hacer frente = combat, come to + terms with, contain, address + Nombre + head-on, meet + Nombre + head-on, tackle + Nombre + head-on, face + Nombre + head-on, engage.
    * hacer frente a = confront, deal with, face, face up to, meet, cope with, wrestle with, stand up to, brave, breast, address.
    * hacer frente a deudas = meet + debts.
    * hacer frente a gastos = meet + expenses.
    * hacer frente a la delincuencia = tackle + crime.
    * hacer frente a la inflación = combat + inflation.
    * hacer frente a la realidad = confront + reality, face + (the) facts, face + (up to) the fact that, face + reality.
    * hacer frente a la realidad (de que) = face + the truth (that).
    * hacer frente a las diferencias = face + differences.
    * hacer frente a la situación = tackle + situation.
    * hacer frente a la vida = cope.
    * hacer frente al cambio = manage + change.
    * hacer frente al futuro = face up to + the future.
    * hacer frente al hecho de que = face + (up to) the fact that.
    * hacer frente a los elementos = brave + the elements.
    * hacer frente a los hechos = face + facts.
    * hacer frente a tiempos difíciles = cope with + difficult times, cope with + difficult times.
    * hacer frente a una amenaza = address + threat.
    * hacer frente a una crisis = face + crisis, meet + crisis.
    * hacer frente a una incertidumbre = meet + uncertainty.
    * hacer frente a una necesidad = meet + need, serve + need.
    * hacer frente a una responsabilidad = meet + responsibility, face up to + responsibility.
    * hacer frente a un cambio = meet + change.
    * hacer frente a un gasto = meet + cost.
    * hacer frente a un problema = attack + problem, combat + problem, wrestle with + problem.
    * hacer frente a un reto = rise (up) to + challenge, confront + challenge, meet + challenge, embrace + challenge.
    * hacer fresco = be cool.
    * hacer funcionar = service, do + the trick.
    * hacer gala de = sport.
    * hacer gala del conocimiento que uno tiene = air + knowledge.
    * hacer ganchillo = crochet.
    * hacer garabatos = scribble, scrawl, doodle.
    * hacer girar = twiddle, twirl.
    * hacer gozar = delight.
    * hacer gracia = tickle + Posesivo + fancy.
    * hacer grandes esfuerzos por = take + (great) pains to.
    * hacer grandes progresos = make + great strides.
    * hacer guardar silencio = shush.
    * hacer hasta la presente = do + all along.
    * hacer hidrófugo = render + water-repellent.
    * hacer hincapié = emphasise [emphasize, -USA].
    * hacer hincapié en = put + a premium on.
    * hacer hincapié en una idea = hammer + point.
    * hacer historia = make + history, history in the making, go down in + history.
    * hacer honor al nombre de Uno = live up to + Posesivo + name.
    * hacer horas extraordinarias = work + overtime.
    * hacer horas extras = work + overtime.
    * hacer hueco = make + room (for).
    * hacer huelga = strike.
    * hacer huella = leave + an impression, touch + Posesivo + life, leave + Posesivo + mark, cut + a swath(e), leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * hacer huir = drive away, chase + Nombre + off.
    * hacer imaginar = conjure up + an image of, conjure up + a vision of.
    * hacer impermeable = render + water-repellent.
    * hacer inalterable = set in + stone, set in + tablets of stone.
    * hacer incomprensible = render + incomprehensible, garble.
    * hacer indescifrable = render + indecipherable, garble.
    * hacer innecesario = obviate + the need for, make + redundant.
    * hacer insinuaciones = make + innuendoes.
    * hacer insinuaciones sobre = make + noises about, make + a noise about.
    * hacer insoluble = render + insoluble.
    * hacer inutilizable = render + useless.
    * hacer juego con = go with.
    * hacer juegos malabares = juggle.
    * hacer juegos malabares para que cuadre Algo = juggle.
    * hacer justicia = do + justice.
    * hacer la cama = make + the bed.
    * hacer la cuenta = tot up, tote up.
    * hacer la guerra = make + war.
    * hacer (la) mona = play + hooky, play + truant, skip + class.
    * hacer la paz = make + (the) peace.
    * hacer la pelota = butter + Nombre + up, toady, fawn (on/upon/over).
    * hacer la pelota a + Alguien = curry + favour with + Alguien.
    * hacer la pelotilla = toady, butter + Nombre + up.
    * hacer la prueba = give + it a whirl, give + it a shot, give + it a try.
    * hacer largos = swim + laps.
    * hacer las leyes más estrictas = tighten + laws.
    * hacer las maletas = pack up, pack + Posesivo + belongings, pack + Posesivo + things, pack + Posesivo + suitcases, pack + Posesivo + bags.
    * hacer las paces = heal + the breach, heal + the rift, bury + the hatchet, make + (the) peace, smoke + the peace pipe, smoke + the pipe of peace, bury + the tomahawk, bury + the war axe.
    * hacer la transición = make + the transition.
    * hacer la vida imposible = make + life hell.
    * hacer la vista gorda = look + the other way, turn + a blind eye to, pretend + not to have seen.
    * hacerle a Alguien un lavado de cerebro = brainwash.
    * hacerle las cosas fáciles a Alguien = play into + the hands of.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * hacerle una paja a un muerto = flog + a dead horse, beat + a dead horse, fart + in the wind.
    * hacerle un bombo a Alguien = knock + Alguien + up.
    * hacer llamada telefónica = make + telephone call.
    * hacer llorar = reduce + Nombre + to tears.
    * hacer llorar de emoción = move + Nombre + to tears.
    * hacerlo = do so, go ahead.
    * hacerlo bien = put + matters + right, get + it + right, be right on track.
    * hacer lo correcto = do + the right thing.
    * hacerlo de nuevo = go and do it again.
    * hacerlo difícil de + Infinitivo = make + it + hard to + Infinitivo.
    * hacer lo imposible = bend over backwards, do + the impossible, lean over + backwards, double over + backwards.
    * hacer lo imposible para = jump through + hoops.
    * hacerlo lo mejor que uno pueda = do + Posesivo + utmost, give + Posesivo + utmost, give + Posesivo + best.
    * hacerlo mal = get + it + (all) wrong.
    * hacer lo más acertado dadas las circunstancias = do + the best thing in the circumstances.
    * hacerlo más llevadero = make + life easier.
    * hacerlo mejor = do + a better job.
    * hacer lo mejor que Uno pueda = put + Posesivo + best into, give of + Posesivo + best.
    * hacer lo mejor que Uno puede = try + Posesivo + best, try + Posesivo + heart out.
    * hacerlo por uno mismo = do + it + on + Posesivo + own.
    * hacer lo que a Uno le de la gana = get away with + murder.
    * hacer lo que le corresponde a Uno = do + Posesivo + part.
    * hacer lo que uno dice que es capaz de hacer = live up to + Posesivo + claim.
    * hacer lo que Uno quiera = get away with + murder.
    * hacer los deberes = do + homework.
    * hacerlo sin la ayuda de nadie = do + it + on + Posesivo + own.
    * hacerlo solo = do + it + on + Posesivo + own.
    * hacer los primeros pinitos = take + the first step.
    * hacerlo todo excepto = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacerlo todo menos = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacer malabarismos = juggle.
    * hacer malabarismos para que cuadre Algo = juggle.
    * hacer mandados = run + errands.
    * hacer maravillas = work + wonders.
    * hacer más consciente de Algo = heighten + awareness.
    * hacer más copias de Algo = produce + additional copies.
    * hacer más eficiente = streamline.
    * hacer más estricto = tighten.
    * hacer más fuerte = toughen.
    * hacer más inteligente = smarten.
    * hacer más interesante = spice up, add + spice.
    * hacer más preciso = tightening up.
    * hacer más rico = add + richness to.
    * hacer más riguroso = tighten, tightening up.
    * hacer más sabroso = pep up.
    * hacer más sofisticado = dumb up.
    * hacer mejor = give + Nombre + an edge.
    * hacer mejoras = make + improvements.
    * hacer mella = take + Posesivo + toll (on), leave + an impression, touch + Posesivo + life, leave + Posesivo + mark, cut + a swath(e), leave + an imprint, make + an impression, hit + home.
    * hacer mella en = dent, make + a dent in, take + a bite out of.
    * hacer mención de/a = make + mention of.
    * hacer mezcla = mix + cement.
    * hacer milagros = work + wonders, work + miracles.
    * hacer mucha ilusión = be thrilled.
    * hacer mucho = do + much.
    * hacer mucho dinero = make + good money, earn + good money.
    * hacer mucho por = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.
    * hacer muchos aspavientos por Algo = make + a song and dance about.
    * hacer mucho tiempo que Algo ha desaparecido = be long gone.
    * hacer necesario = render + necessary.
    * hacer negocio = make + business.
    * hacer negocios = do + business, transact.
    * hacer + Nombre + llegar hasta aquí = get + Nombre + this far.
    * hacer + Nombre + responsable de = put + Nombre + in the driving seat.
    * hacer notar = bring to + Posesivo + attention, bring to + the attention, mark, note, bring to + notice, bring + attention to, bring to + Posesivo + notice.
    * hacer notar la presencia de = make + Posesivo + presence felt, make + Posesivo + presence known.
    * hacer novillos = play + hooky, skip + class, play + truant, bunk off, bunk + classes, skive, bunk + school.
    * hacer nudos = knot.
    * hacer objeciones contra = urge against.
    * hacer observaciones = comment on/upon.
    * hacer obsoleto = make + redundant.
    * hacer oídos sordos = turn + a deaf ear to.
    * hacer ordinario = coarsen.
    * hacer pagar tributos = exact + tributes.
    * hacer palmas = clap.
    * hacer paradas = make + stops.
    * hacer parecer = make + seem, make + Nombre + out to be.
    * hacer parecer pequeño = dwarf.
    * hacer partícipe = engage.
    * hacer pasajero = render + transitory.
    * hacer patochadas = fool around.
    * hacer payasadas = fool around.
    * hacer pedazos = shatter, smash + Nombre + to bits.
    * hacer peligrar = place + in jeopardy, imperil, endanger, pose + risk.
    * hacer pensar = provoke + thought, make to + think, lull + Nombre + into thinking, summon up + image.
    * hacer pensar en = conjure, conjure up + a picture of, bring to + mind, conjure up + an image of, conjure up, conjure up + a vision of.
    * hacer pequeños ajustes = tinker + around the edges, tinker with.
    * hacer perder el conocimiento = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * hacer perder el entusiasmo = dampen + Posesivo + enthusiasm.
    * hacer perder el sentido a = make + nonsense of.
    * hacer perder la agilidad física = stale.
    * hacer perder la agilidad mental = stale.
    * hacer perder las esperanzas = dampen + Posesivo + hopes.
    * hacer permanente = render + permanent.
    * hacer ping = ping.
    * hacer pipí = pee.
    * hacer pis = piss, pee, take + a leak, have + a leak, widdle, piddle.
    * hacer planes = plan, make + plans.
    * hacer poca distinción entre... y... = make + little distinction between... and....
    * hacer poco = do + little.
    * hacer popular = popularise [popularize, -USA].
    * hacer por encargo = make to + order.
    * hacer + Posesivo + agosto = make + a killing.
    * hacer + Posesivo + necesidades = relieve + Reflexivo, go + potty.
    * hacer + Posesivo + trabajo = get on with + Posesivo + work, do + Posesivo + business.
    * hacer posible = enable, provide for, make + possible, provide + a basis for, make + an opportunity.
    * hacer posible el crecimiento = accommodate + growth.
    * hacer preguntas = ask + questions, interrogate, air + questions, make + enquiry.
    * hacer preparativo = make + arrangements.
    * hacer preso = imprison, jail [gaol, -UK].
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( crear) <mueble/vestido> to make; <casa/carretera> to build; < nido> to build, make; < coche> to make, manufacture; < túnel> to make, dig; <dibujo/plano> to do, draw; < lista> to make, draw up; < resumen> to do, make; < película> to make; <nudo/lazo> to tie; <pan/pastel> to make, bake; <vino/café/tortilla> to make; < cerveza> to make, brew

    me hizo un lugar or sitio en la mesa — he made room o a place for me at the table

    a) (efectuar, llevar a cabo) < sacrificio> to make; < milagro> to work, perform; <deberes/ejercicios/limpieza> to do; < mandado> to run; <transacción/investigación> to carry out; < experimento> to do, perform; < entrevista> to conduct; <gira/viaje> to do

    ¿me haces un favor? — will you do me a favor?

    hicimos un tratowe did o made a deal

    b) <cheque/factura> to make out, write out
    3) (formular, expresar) <declaración/promesa/oferta> to make; <proyecto/plan> to make, draw up; <crítica/comentario> to make, voice; < pregunta> to ask

    hacer caca — (fam) to do a poop (AmE) o (BrE) a pooh (colloq)

    hacer pis or pipí — (fam) to have a pee (colloq)

    hacer sus necesidades — (euf) to go to the bathroom o toilet (euph)

    5) ( adquirir) <dinero/fortuna> to make; < amigo> to make
    6) (preparar, arreglar) < cama> to make; < maleta> to pack

    hice el pescado al hornoI did o cooked the fish in the oven

    tengo que hacer la comida — I must make lunch; ver tb comida 2) b)

    a) (producir, causar) < ruido> to make

    las vacas hacen `mu' — cows go `moo'

    8) ( recorrer) <trayecto/distancia> to do, cover
    9) (en cálculos, enumeraciones)

    son 180... y 320 hacen 500 — that's 180... and 320 is o makes 500


    hacen una obra de Ibsenthey're doing o putting on a play by Ibsen

    deberías hacer ejercicioyou should do o get some exercise

    ¿hace algún deporte? — do you play o do any sports?

    b) (como profesión, ocupación) to do
    c) ( estudiar) to do

    hace Derechoshe's doing o studying o reading Law

    a) (realizar cierta acción, actuar de cierta manera) to do

    niño, eso no se hace! — you mustn't do that!

    qué se le va a hacer! or qué le vamos a hacer! — what can you o (frml) one do?

    hacerla — (Méx) (fam) to make it (colloq)

    hacerla (buena) — (fam)

    ahora sí que la hice!now I've (really) done it!

    hacérsela buena a alguien — (Méx) to keep one's word o promise to somebody

    soñé que te sacabas la lotería - házmela buena!I dreamed you won the lottery - if only!

    b) (dar cierto uso, destino, posición) to do

    y el libro ¿qué lo hice? — (CS, Méx fam) what did I do with the book?

    12) (esp Esp) ( actuar como)

    hacer el tontoto act o play the fool

    voy a escribirle - deja, yo lo haré — I'm going to write to him - don't bother, I'll do it

    14) (Méx, RPl fam) (afectar, importar)

    ¿qué le hace? — so what? what does it matter?

    15) (transformar en, volver) to make

    te hará hombre, hijo mío — it will make a man of you, my son

    17) (inducir a, ser causa de que)

    hacer algo/a alguien + inf — to make something/somebody + inf

    todo hace suponer que... — everything suggests that o leads one to think that...

    hacer que algo/alguien + subj — to make something/somebody + inf

    18) ( obligar a)

    hacer + inf a alguien — to make somebody + inf

    hacer que alguien + subj — to make somebody + inf


    hacer hacer algoto have o get something done/made

    hice acortar las cortinasI had o got the curtains shortened

    20) (suponer, imaginar)
    hacer vi
    a) (obrar, actuar)

    ¿cómo se hace para que te den la beca? — what do you have to do to get the scholarship?

    ¿cómo hacen para vivir con ese sueldo? — how do they manage to live on that salary?

    hacerle a algo — (Chi, Méx fam)

    hacer y deshacer — to do as one pleases, do what one likes

    b) (+ compl)

    hiciste bien en decírmeloyou did o were right to tell me

    mamá, ya hice! — (esp AmL) Mommy, I've been o I've finished!

    hacer de cuerpo or de vientre — (frml) to have a bowel movement (frml)

    3) (fingir, simular)

    hizo como que no me había vistohe made out o pretended he hadn't seen me

    haz como si no supieras nadaact as if o pretend you don't know anything about it

    4) ( servir)

    hacer de algo: esta sábana hará de toldo this sheet will do for o as an awning; la escuela hizo de hospital — the school served as o was used as a hospital

    hacer de algo/alguien — to play (the part of) something/somebody

    hacía de `malo' — he played the bad guy

    6) (+ compl) ( sentar) (+ me/te/le etc)

    la trucha me hizo mal — (AmL) the trout didn't agree with me


    no le hace — ( no tiene importancia) it doesn't matter; ( no sirve de excusa) that's no excuse

    ¿no le hace que tire la ceniza aquí? — do you mind if I drop the ash here?

    9) (en 3a pers) (frml) (tocar, concernir)

    por lo que hace a or en cuanto hace a su solicitud — as far as your application is concerned

    10) (Esp fam) ( apetecer)

    ¿(te) hace una cerveza? — care for a beer?, do you fancy a beer? (BrE colloq)

    hacer v impers

    hace frío/calor/sol/viento — it's cold/hot/sunny/windy

    b) (fam & hum)

    hace sed ¿verdad? — it's thirsty weather/work, isn't it?

    parece que hace hambre — you/they seem to be hungry

    ¿cuánto hace que se fue? — how long ago did she leave?

    hace poco/un año — a short time/a year ago

    1) hacerse v pron

    hágase la luz — (Bib) let there be light; (+ me/te/le etc)

    se le ha hecho una ampollashe's got o she has a blister

    por fin se le hizo ganar el premioshe finally got to win the award

    a) (refl) ( hacer para sí) <café/falda> to make oneself
    b) (caus) ( hacer que otro haga)
    4) ( causarse)

    ¿qué te hiciste en el brazo? — what did you do to your arm?

    ¿te hiciste daño? — did you hurt yourself?

    todavía se hace pis/caca — (fam) she still wets/messes herself

    6) (refl) ( adquirir) to make
    a) (volverse, convertirse en) to become

    hacerse famoso/monja — to become famous/a nun

    se está haciendo tarde — it's getting late; (+ me/te/le etc)

    c) ( cocinarse) pescado/guiso to cook
    d) (AmL) ( pasarle a)

    ¿qué se habrá hecho María? — what can have happened to María?

    8) ( resultar)

    esto se hace muy pesado — this gets very boring; (+ me/te/le etc)

    9) ( dar impresión de) (+ me/te/le etc)

    se me hace que está ofendidaI get the feeling o impression that she's upset

    se me hace que va a lloverI think o I have a feeling it's going to rain

    hacérsele a alguien — (Chi fam) to back out

    10) (caus)

    hacerse + inf: hazte respetar make people respect you; el desenlace no se hizo esperar the end was not long in coming; un chico que se hace querer a likable kid; se hizo construir una mansión he had a mansion built; hazte ver por un médico — (AmL) go and see a doctor

    hacerse a algo/+ inf — to get used to something/-ing

    12) ( fingirse)

    ¿éste es bobo o se (lo) hace? — (fam) is this guy stupid or just a good actor? (colloq)

    no te hagas el sordodon't pretend o act as if you didn't hear me

    yo me hice — (Méx fam) I pretend not to notice

    13) ( moverse) (+ compl) to move

    hacerse atrás/a un lado — to move back/to one side

    15) hacerse de (AmL)

    tengo que hacerme de dineroI must get o lay my hands on some money

    * * *
    = accomplish, design (for/to), be up to, cause, conduct, do, devise, produce, render, compose, make, get (a)round to, make out, get round to, brew.

    Ex: If a library prefers to simplify records in particular areas, this can usually be accomplished by not entering particular types of information.

    Ex: In lists designed for international use a symbolic notation instead of textual notes may be used.
    Ex: When I saw what he was up to, I drew back for a punch and hit him so hard on the nose that he fell on his back and lay there for some time, so that his wife stood over him and cried out 'Mercy! You've done my husband in!'.
    Ex: As usage of the language causes terms to become anachronistic, or as increases in our level of awareness reveal undesirable connotations, we seek to change subject heading terms.
    Ex: Obviously, this tagging must be conducted manually.
    Ex: In all these cases where scientists studied what crafstmen knew how to do the resulting benefits have accrued to science not to technology.
    Ex: Special classification schemes are generally devised for an application in which no major general scheme is suitable.
    Ex: The present OCLC system does not produce catalog cards in sets, but if it did it could produce over 6,000 different sets for one title.
    Ex: So strongly was it felt by proponents of change that just such unconscious biases rendered libraries 'part of the problem, instead of the solution'.
    Ex: There have never been any attempts to compose a bibliography of US government documents relating to international law.
    Ex: This concept comes mainly from the military, where a designated number of troops make a squad, a platoon, a regiment, etc..
    Ex: The article is entitled 'A list of lists of Web sites to check out: getting organized and getting around to it are two different things'.
    Ex: The cards for those headings should be removed from the index and new cards made out if necessary.
    Ex: The government have been making noises about it for some time but haven't quite got round to it.
    Ex: The goddess owned a potent magick cauldron in which she planned to brew a special liquid for her ugly son.
    * acceder haciendo clic = click.
    * acusación + hacer = accusation + level.
    * aguja de hacer croché = crochet hook, crochet needle.
    * aguja de hacer ganchillo = crochet hook, crochet needle.
    * aguja de hacer punto = knitting needle.
    * algo diverto que hacer = fun thing to do.
    * Algo que se hace para matar el tiempo = time filler.
    * al hacer esto = by so doing, in so doing, by doing so, in doing so.
    * a medio hacer = halfway done, half done.
    * anunciado desde hace tiempo = long-heralded.
    * aprender haciendo = learn by + doing.
    * batir hasta hacer espuma = work up + a lather.
    * ¡bien hecho! = the way to go!.
    * buscar una forma de hacer (algo) = develop + way + to make + Nombre.
    * contenedor para hacer compost = compost bin.
    * continuar con el buen hacer = keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.
    * continuar haciendo algo = get on with + Nombre.
    * cuando hace frío = in the cold.
    * cumplido hace tiempo = long overdue.
    * decidir hacer = spring for.
    * decidir qué hacer con = make + disposition of.
    * de hace años = of years ago.
    * de hace muchos años = long-standing.
    * de hace mucho tiempo = age-old, long-lost.
    * de hace siglos = of yore.
    * de hace varios siglos = centuries-old.
    * dejar de hacer huelga = cross + the picket line.
    * dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * dejar sin hacer = leave + undone.
    * desde hace algún tiempo = for some time past, for days.
    * desde hace años = over the years, for years past, for years.
    * desde hace la tira (de tiempo) = for yonks, for yonks and yonks.
    * desde hace muchísimo tiempo = in ages (and ages and ages).
    * desde hace muchos años = for years.
    * desde hace mucho tiempo = for ages, long-time [longtime], long since, in ages (and ages and ages).
    * desde hace siglos = for yonks, for yonks and yonks.
    * desde hace tanto tiempo = so long.
    * desde hace tiempo = long [longer -comp., longest -sup.], over the years, for a long time, long since, for some time.
    * desde hace un montonazo de tiempo = for yonks and yonks.
    * desde hace un montón de tiempo = for yonks.
    * desde hace un par de + Tiempo = in these past couple of + Tiempo.
    * desde hace varios años + Presente = for several years + Pretérito Perfecto.
    * desde hace ya algún tiempo = for some time now.
    * desde hace ya años = for years now.
    * difícil de hacer = hard to do.
    * donde fueres haz lo que vieres = when in Rome (do as the Romans do).
    * dos entuertos no hacen un derecho = two wrongs do not make a right.
    * el que las hace, las paga = you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * encargado de hacer el presupuesto = budgetmaker.
    * esfuerzo + hacer sudar = work up + a lather.
    * es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo = easier said than done.
    * esperado hace tiempo = overdue.
    * esperar sin nada que hacer = kick + Posesivo + heels.
    * establecido desde hace tiempo = long-established.
    * estar haciendo = be up to.
    * estar haciendo Algo = have + Nombre + on the go.
    * estar haciendo algo que no se debe = be up to no good.
    * estar sin hacer nada = sit + idle, stand + idle.
    * existir desde hace años = be around for years.
    * frotar hasta hacer espuma = lather.
    * hace algunos años = some years ago.
    * hace algún tiempo = some time ago, a while back, some while ago, sometime back.
    * hace años = years ago.
    * hace demasiado tiempo = too long ago.
    * hacer huir en batalla = route.
    * hace la tira (de tiempo) = yonks, yonks and yonks.
    * hace miles de años = aeons ago.
    * hace muchas lunas = all those many moons ago, many moons ago.
    * hace muchísimos años = a great many years ago.
    * hace muchísimo tiempo = ages (and ages) ago, aeons ago, yonks.
    * hace muchos años = many years ago.
    * hace mucho tiempo = long since, all those many moons ago, many moons ago.
    * hace muy poco tiempo = a short time ago.
    * hace + Número + años = Número + years ago.
    * hace poco tiempo = a short time ago.
    * hacer a Alguien pasar vergüenza = embarrass.
    * hacer a Alguien precavido = put + Nombre + on + Posesivo + guard.
    * hacer abono orgánico = compost.
    * hacer acampada = camp.
    * hacer accesible a través de = make + available through.
    * hacer ademanes = flail about, gesticulate.
    * hacer aflorar = bring to + the surface.
    * hacer aflorar sentimientos de antagonismo = bring to + the surface + feelings of antagonism.
    * hacer ágil = limber up.
    * hacer agua = Negativo + hold + water.
    * hacer agua(s) = spring + a leak.
    * hacer a gusto del consumidor = make to + order.
    * hacer ajustes = make + adjustment.
    * hacer alarde de = boast, flaunt, brag, show off.
    * hacer alegaciones = plead.
    * hacer Algo a hurtadillas = sneak.
    * hacer algo alocado = do + something footloose and fancy-free.
    * hacer algo al respecto = do + something about it.
    * hacer Algo con dificultad = muddle through, plod (along/through).
    * hacer Algo con mucho esfuerzo = plod (along/through).
    * hacer algo con respecto a = do + something about.
    * hacer Algo de cara a la galería = play to + the gallery.
    * hacer Algo en exceso = push + Nombre + too far.
    * hacer algo funcionar = make + Nombre + tick.
    * hacer Algo muy bien = do + an excellent job of, make + an excellent job of.
    * hacer Algo para la galería = play to + the gallery.
    * hacer algo poco a poco = eat away at.
    * hacer algo por amor al arte = labour of love.
    * hacer Algo por + Posesivo + propia cuenta = make + Posesivo + own arrangements.
    * hacer Algo posible = make + provision for.
    * hacer Algo puré = mash.
    * hacer Algo rápidamente = put together.
    * hacer Algo realidad = make + Nombre + come true.
    * hacer Algo sin ser visto = sneak.
    * hacer Algo sobre la marcha = play + Nombre + by ear.
    * hacer Algo trocitos = tear + Nombre + to shreds, tear + Nombre + to bits.
    * hacer algunos comentarios sobre lo que Alguien ha dicho = take + a few cracks at.
    * hacer alusión a = make + allusion to, make + reference to.
    * hacer a mano = handcraft.
    * hacer a medida = custom-make, make to + order.
    * hacer a medida para satisfacer los requisitos = tailor to + meet the specification.
    * hacer amigos = win + friends.
    * hacer amistad = make + friend.
    * hacer amistad con = make + friends with, befriend.
    * hacer amistades = friend.
    * hacer ampollas = blister.
    * hacer anotaciones = annotate, mark + Nombre + up.
    * hacer añicos = shatter, blow + Nombre + to bits, smash + Nombre + to bits, tear + Nombre + to bits.
    * hacer aparecer = cause + display of.
    * hacer a partir de = make out of.
    * hacer apología = make + apology.
    * hacer arreglos florales = arrange + flowers.
    * hacer artesanalmente = handcraft.
    * hacer asequible = make + amenable.
    * hacer atractivo = endear.
    * hacer a un lado = nudge + Nombre + aside, push aside.
    * hacer autostop = thumb + a lift, hitch + a ride.
    * hacer avances = make + headway.
    * hacer avanzar = nudge + Nombre + forward, push + the frontiers of, nudge + Nombre + along, nudge + Nombre + into, push + the boundaries of.
    * hacer avanzar el conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.
    * hacer avanzar hacia = nudge + Nombre + toward.
    * hacer averiguaciones = make + enquiry.
    * hacer bajar = force down.
    * hacer balance de = take + stock of.
    * hacer barrabasadas = play + pranks.
    * hacer basto = coarsen.
    * hacer bien = do + good.
    * hacer borrón y cuenta nueva = start with + a clean slate, cut + Posesivo + losses, turn over + a new leaf.
    * hacer borroso = blur.
    * hacer bromas = banter.
    * hacer bucles = loop.
    * hacer buenas migas = hit it off.
    * hacer buen uso de Algo = put to + good use.
    * hacer bulla = kick up + a stink, kick up + a fuss, raise + a stink, make + a stink (about), make + a racket, make + a row, make + a ruckus, kick up + a row.
    * hacer bulto = bulge.
    * hacer búsquedas en = search through.
    * hacer caca = take + a dump.
    * hacer caer = oust.
    * hacer caja = tally up + sales, balance + the cash, reconcile (with), balance + the cash drawer.
    * hacer caja con = cash in on, ride (on) + Posesivo + coattails.
    * hacer callar = shush, hush, quieten.
    * hacer cambiar = swing + Persona.
    * hacer cambiar las cosas = turn + the tide on.
    * hacer cambios en la búsqueda = renegotiate + search.
    * hacer cambios indebidamente = tamper (with).
    * hacer campaña = campaign, stump, go out on + the road.
    * hacer cara a = brave.
    * hacer caso = take + notice, listen (to).
    * hacer caso a Alguien = take + Posesivo + word for it.
    * hacer caso (a/de) = pay + attention to.
    * hacer caso omiso = disregard, brush aside, go + unheeded, fall on + deaf ears, meet + deaf ears, thumb + Posesivo + nose at, dismiss with + the wave of the hand, fly in + the face of, push aside.
    * hacer caso omiso de = be oblivious of/to.
    * hacer chanchullos = fiddle.
    * hacer chatting = chat.
    * hacer circular = pass around.
    * hacer circular por = circulate round.
    * hacer cisco = tear + apart, wipe + the floor with.
    * hacer coincidir (con) = reconcile (with).
    * hacer cola = queue up.
    * hacer colectas = exact + contributions.
    * hacer comentarios = air + comments.
    * hacer como el avestruz = bury + Posesivo + head in the sand (like an ostrich), stick + Posesivo + head in the sand.
    * hacer como si nada = play it + cool.
    * hacer comparaciones = draw + comparisons, make + comparisons.
    * hacer comparecer = arraign.
    * hacer compatible (con) = reconcile (with).
    * hacer compost = compost.
    * hacer compras = do + shopping.
    * hacer comprender = bring + home.
    * hacer con Alguien lo que Uno quiera = be like putty in + Posesivo + hands.
    * hacer concesiones = make + allowances.
    * hacer conjeturas = speculate.
    * hacer constar = state.
    * hacer contrabando = smuggle.
    * hacer copias = make + multiple copies.
    * hacer copias mediante multicopista por disolvente = spirit duplication.
    * hacer correr la voz = spread + the word, spread + the good word, pass on + the good word, spread + the news.
    * hacer cosas = get + things done.
    * hacer cosquillas = tickle.
    * hacer creer = lead to + believe, lull + Nombre + into thinking.
    * hacer crítica = find + fault with.
    * hacer croché = crochet.
    * hacer cuadrar (con) = reconcile (with).
    * hacer cuadrar las cuentas = reconcile + receipts.
    * hacer cuadras las facturas = reconcile + receipts.
    * hacer cualquier cosa = do + anything, give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * hacer cumplir = uphold.
    * hacer cumplir la disciplina = enforce + discipline.
    * hacer cumplir la legislación = enforce + legislation.
    * hacer cumplir la ley = law enforcement, enforce + law, legal enforcement.
    * hacer cumplir una norma = enforce + standard.
    * hacer cumplir una política = uphold + policy.
    * hacer cumplir unas normas = enforce + policy.
    * hacer daño = do + harm, hurt.
    * hacer dar vueltas = gyrate.
    * hacer de = make out of.
    * hacer de carabina = play + gooseberry.
    * hacer declamaciones = declaim.
    * hacer dedo = hitch + a ride, thumb + a lift.
    * hacer de la noche día = burn + the candle at both ends.
    * hacer del mismo molde = cast in + the same mould as.
    * hacer de nuevo = redo [re-do], remake.
    * hacer de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + bit.
    * hacer derretir el hielo = de-ice [deice].
    * hacer desaparecer = eradicate, dispel, banish.
    * hacer desaparecer una división = blur + division.
    * hacer desaparecer un mito = dispel + myth.
    * hacer descuento = discount.
    * hacer desfilar = parade.
    * hacer detonar = detonate.
    * hacer de tripas corazón = bite + the bullet.
    * hacer diabluras = play + pranks.
    * hacer diana = hit + home.
    * hacer difícil = make + it + difficult, make + difficult.
    * hacer dinero = make + money.
    * hacer dudar = make + Nombre + doubt, misgive.
    * hacer eco = echo, resonate.
    * hacer eco de = echo.
    * hacer efectivo = cash in.
    * hacer efectivo en metálico = pay in + cash.
    * hacer ejercicio físico = work out.
    * hacer ejercicios de calentamiento = limber up.
    * hacer el aire irrespirable = choke + the air.
    * hacer el amor = make + love.
    * hacer el avío = get + ready.
    * hacer el balance de cuentas = balance + the cash, balance + the cash drawer.
    * hacer el cambio = make + the change.
    * hacer el chorra = pissing into the wind.
    * hacer el deber de Uno = do + Posesivo + part.
    * hacer el dobladillo = hem.
    * hacer elección = make + choices.
    * hacer el esfuerzo necesario = pull + Posesivo + (own) weight.
    * hacer el indio = horse around/about.
    * hacer el intento = have + a go, give + it a shot, give + Nombre + a try, have + a stab at, take + a stab at, make + a stab at, give + it a whirl, give + it a try.
    * hacer el mal = do + evil.
    * hacer el mejor uso de = make + the best of.
    * hacer el monigote = fool around.
    * hacer el paripé = keep up + facade, put on + an act.
    * hacer el pasillo = form + a guard of honour.
    * hacer el pasillo de honor = form + a guard of honour.
    * hacer el recorrido normal = make + the rounds.
    * hacer el ridículo = make + a fool of + Reflexivo, make + an arse of + Reflexivo, make + a spectacle of + Reflexivo.
    * hacer el testamento = testate.
    * hacer el tonto = fool around, horse around/about.
    * hacer el último esfuerzo = go + the last mile, go + the extra mile.
    * hacer encaje = tat.
    * hacer encaje de bolillos = do + the impossible, jump through + hoops, double over + backwards.
    * hacer encaje de bolillos para que cuadre Algo = juggle.
    * hacer encargos = run + errands.
    * hacer enemigos = make + enemies.
    * hacer entender = get across.
    * hacer erupción = erupt.
    * hacer escala = stop over.
    * hacer eses = zigzag.
    * hacer esperar = cool + Posesivo + heels.
    * hacer espuma = work up + a lather, froth.
    * hacer esquina con = form + right angles with.
    * hacer estallar = spark, ignite, touch off, blow up, let off.
    * hacer estallar en añicos = blow + sky high.
    * hacer estallar una bomba = bomb.
    * hacer estallar un guerra = ignite + war.
    * hacer esto = go along + this road.
    * hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = mess about, pootle, piddle around.
    * hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = mess around.
    * hacer esto y aquello sin prisas = pootle.
    * hacer estragos = lay + waste to, create + havoc, wreak + havoc, cause + havoc, take + Posesivo + toll (on).
    * hacer estragos en = play + havoc with.
    * hacer estrías = rifle.
    * hacer exenciones = make + exemptions.
    * hacer experimentos = institute + experiments.
    * hacer explícito = make + explicit.
    * hacer explotar = blow up.
    * hacer extensivo + Posesivo + agradecimiento = extend + Posesivo + thanks.
    * hacer factible = make + feasible.
    * hacer falta = need, must, have to, it + take.
    * hacer flexible = limber up.
    * hacer fortuna = make + Posesivo + fortune, make + a fortune, strike + it rich, strike + gold, hit + the jackpot.
    * hacer fotocopias = photoduplication [photo-duplication].
    * hacer fotografía = make + picture.
    * hacer fracasar = foil, derail.
    * hacer frente = combat, come to + terms with, contain, address + Nombre + head-on, meet + Nombre + head-on, tackle + Nombre + head-on, face + Nombre + head-on, engage.
    * hacer frente a = confront, deal with, face, face up to, meet, cope with, wrestle with, stand up to, brave, breast, address.
    * hacer frente a deudas = meet + debts.
    * hacer frente a gastos = meet + expenses.
    * hacer frente a la delincuencia = tackle + crime.
    * hacer frente a la inflación = combat + inflation.
    * hacer frente a la realidad = confront + reality, face + (the) facts, face + (up to) the fact that, face + reality.
    * hacer frente a la realidad (de que) = face + the truth (that).
    * hacer frente a las diferencias = face + differences.
    * hacer frente a la situación = tackle + situation.
    * hacer frente a la vida = cope.
    * hacer frente al cambio = manage + change.
    * hacer frente al futuro = face up to + the future.
    * hacer frente al hecho de que = face + (up to) the fact that.
    * hacer frente a los elementos = brave + the elements.
    * hacer frente a los hechos = face + facts.
    * hacer frente a tiempos difíciles = cope with + difficult times, cope with + difficult times.
    * hacer frente a una amenaza = address + threat.
    * hacer frente a una crisis = face + crisis, meet + crisis.
    * hacer frente a una incertidumbre = meet + uncertainty.
    * hacer frente a una necesidad = meet + need, serve + need.
    * hacer frente a una responsabilidad = meet + responsibility, face up to + responsibility.
    * hacer frente a un cambio = meet + change.
    * hacer frente a un gasto = meet + cost.
    * hacer frente a un problema = attack + problem, combat + problem, wrestle with + problem.
    * hacer frente a un reto = rise (up) to + challenge, confront + challenge, meet + challenge, embrace + challenge.
    * hacer fresco = be cool.
    * hacer funcionar = service, do + the trick.
    * hacer gala de = sport.
    * hacer gala del conocimiento que uno tiene = air + knowledge.
    * hacer ganchillo = crochet.
    * hacer garabatos = scribble, scrawl, doodle.
    * hacer girar = twiddle, twirl.
    * hacer gozar = delight.
    * hacer gracia = tickle + Posesivo + fancy.
    * hacer grandes esfuerzos por = take + (great) pains to.
    * hacer grandes progresos = make + great strides.
    * hacer guardar silencio = shush.
    * hacer hasta la presente = do + all along.
    * hacer hidrófugo = render + water-repellent.
    * hacer hincapié = emphasise [emphasize, -USA].
    * hacer hincapié en = put + a premium on.
    * hacer hincapié en una idea = hammer + point.
    * hacer historia = make + history, history in the making, go down in + history.
    * hacer honor al nombre de Uno = live up to + Posesivo + name.
    * hacer horas extraordinarias = work + overtime.
    * hacer horas extras = work + overtime.
    * hacer hueco = make + room (for).
    * hacer huelga = strike.
    * hacer huella = leave + an impression, touch + Posesivo + life, leave + Posesivo + mark, cut + a swath(e), leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * hacer huir = drive away, chase + Nombre + off.
    * hacer imaginar = conjure up + an image of, conjure up + a vision of.
    * hacer impermeable = render + water-repellent.
    * hacer inalterable = set in + stone, set in + tablets of stone.
    * hacer incomprensible = render + incomprehensible, garble.
    * hacer indescifrable = render + indecipherable, garble.
    * hacer innecesario = obviate + the need for, make + redundant.
    * hacer insinuaciones = make + innuendoes.
    * hacer insinuaciones sobre = make + noises about, make + a noise about.
    * hacer insoluble = render + insoluble.
    * hacer inutilizable = render + useless.
    * hacer juego con = go with.
    * hacer juegos malabares = juggle.
    * hacer juegos malabares para que cuadre Algo = juggle.
    * hacer justicia = do + justice.
    * hacer la cama = make + the bed.
    * hacer la cuenta = tot up, tote up.
    * hacer la guerra = make + war.
    * hacer (la) mona = play + hooky, play + truant, skip + class.
    * hacer la paz = make + (the) peace.
    * hacer la pelota = butter + Nombre + up, toady, fawn (on/upon/over).
    * hacer la pelota a + Alguien = curry + favour with + Alguien.
    * hacer la pelotilla = toady, butter + Nombre + up.
    * hacer la prueba = give + it a whirl, give + it a shot, give + it a try.
    * hacer largos = swim + laps.
    * hacer las leyes más estrictas = tighten + laws.
    * hacer las maletas = pack up, pack + Posesivo + belongings, pack + Posesivo + things, pack + Posesivo + suitcases, pack + Posesivo + bags.
    * hacer las paces = heal + the breach, heal + the rift, bury + the hatchet, make + (the) peace, smoke + the peace pipe, smoke + the pipe of peace, bury + the tomahawk, bury + the war axe.
    * hacer la transición = make + the transition.
    * hacer la vida imposible = make + life hell.
    * hacer la vista gorda = look + the other way, turn + a blind eye to, pretend + not to have seen.
    * hacerle a Alguien un lavado de cerebro = brainwash.
    * hacerle las cosas fáciles a Alguien = play into + the hands of.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * hacerle una paja a un muerto = flog + a dead horse, beat + a dead horse, fart + in the wind.
    * hacerle un bombo a Alguien = knock + Alguien + up.
    * hacer llamada telefónica = make + telephone call.
    * hacer llorar = reduce + Nombre + to tears.
    * hacer llorar de emoción = move + Nombre + to tears.
    * hacerlo = do so, go ahead.
    * hacerlo bien = put + matters + right, get + it + right, be right on track.
    * hacer lo correcto = do + the right thing.
    * hacerlo de nuevo = go and do it again.
    * hacerlo difícil de + Infinitivo = make + it + hard to + Infinitivo.
    * hacer lo imposible = bend over backwards, do + the impossible, lean over + backwards, double over + backwards.
    * hacer lo imposible para = jump through + hoops.
    * hacerlo lo mejor que uno pueda = do + Posesivo + utmost, give + Posesivo + utmost, give + Posesivo + best.
    * hacerlo mal = get + it + (all) wrong.
    * hacer lo más acertado dadas las circunstancias = do + the best thing in the circumstances.
    * hacerlo más llevadero = make + life easier.
    * hacerlo mejor = do + a better job.
    * hacer lo mejor que Uno pueda = put + Posesivo + best into, give of + Posesivo + best.
    * hacer lo mejor que Uno puede = try + Posesivo + best, try + Posesivo + heart out.
    * hacerlo por uno mismo = do + it + on + Posesivo + own.
    * hacer lo que a Uno le de la gana = get away with + murder.
    * hacer lo que le corresponde a Uno = do + Posesivo + part.
    * hacer lo que uno dice que es capaz de hacer = live up to + Posesivo + claim.
    * hacer lo que Uno quiera = get away with + murder.
    * hacer los deberes = do + homework.
    * hacerlo sin la ayuda de nadie = do + it + on + Posesivo + own.
    * hacerlo solo = do + it + on + Posesivo + own.
    * hacer los primeros pinitos = take + the first step.
    * hacerlo todo excepto = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacerlo todo menos = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacer malabarismos = juggle.
    * hacer malabarismos para que cuadre Algo = juggle.
    * hacer mandados = run + errands.
    * hacer maravillas = work + wonders.
    * hacer más consciente de Algo = heighten + awareness.
    * hacer más copias de Algo = produce + additional copies.
    * hacer más eficiente = streamline.
    * hacer más estricto = tighten.
    * hacer más fuerte = toughen.
    * hacer más inteligente = smarten.
    * hacer más interesante = spice up, add + spice.
    * hacer más preciso = tightening up.
    * hacer más rico = add + richness to.
    * hacer más riguroso = tighten, tightening up.
    * hacer más sabroso = pep up.
    * hacer más sofisticado = dumb up.
    * hacer mejor = give + Nombre + an edge.
    * hacer mejoras = make + improvements.
    * hacer mella = take + Posesivo + toll (on), leave + an impression, touch + Posesivo + life, leave + Posesivo + mark, cut + a swath(e), leave + an imprint, make + an impression, hit + home.
    * hacer mella en = dent, make + a dent in, take + a bite out of.
    * hacer mención de/a = make + mention of.
    * hacer mezcla = mix + cement.
    * hacer milagros = work + wonders, work + miracles.
    * hacer mucha ilusión = be thrilled.
    * hacer mucho = do + much.
    * hacer mucho dinero = make + good money, earn + good money.
    * hacer mucho por = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.
    * hacer muchos aspavientos por Algo = make + a song and dance about.
    * hacer mucho tiempo que Algo ha desaparecido = be long gone.
    * hacer necesario = render + necessary.
    * hacer negocio = make + business.
    * hacer negocios = do + business, transact.
    * hacer + Nombre + llegar hasta aquí = get + Nombre + this far.
    * hacer + Nombre + responsable de = put + Nombre + in the driving seat.
    * hacer notar = bring to + Posesivo + attention, bring to + the attention, mark, note, bring to + notice, bring + attention to, bring to + Posesivo + notice.
    * hacer notar la presencia de = make + Posesivo + presence felt, make + Posesivo + presence known.
    * hacer novillos = play + hooky, skip + class, play + truant, bunk off, bunk + classes, skive, bunk + school.
    * hacer nudos = knot.
    * hacer objeciones contra = urge against.
    * hacer observaciones = comment on/upon.
    * hacer obsoleto = make + redundant.
    * hacer oídos sordos = turn + a deaf ear to.
    * hacer ordinario = coarsen.
    * hacer pagar tributos = exact + tributes.
    * hacer palmas = clap.
    * hacer paradas = make + stops.
    * hacer parecer = make + seem, make + Nombre + out to be.
    * hacer parecer pequeño = dwarf.
    * hacer partícipe = engage.
    * hacer pasajero = render + transitory.
    * hacer patochadas = fool around.
    * hacer payasadas = fool around.
    * hacer pedazos = shatter, smash + Nombre + to bits.
    * hacer peligrar = place + in jeopardy, imperil, endanger, pose + risk.
    * hacer pensar = provoke + thought, make to + think, lull + Nombre + into thinking, summon up + image.
    * hacer pensar en = conjure, conjure up + a picture of, bring to + mind, conjure up + an image of, conjure up, conjure up + a vision of.
    * hacer pequeños ajustes = tinker + around the edges, tinker with.
    * hacer perder el conocimiento = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * hacer perder el entusiasmo = dampen + Posesivo + enthusiasm.
    * hacer perder el sentido a = make + nonsense of.
    * hacer perder la agilidad física = stale.
    * hacer perder la agilidad mental = stale.
    * hacer perder las esperanzas = dampen + Posesivo + hopes.
    * hacer permanente = render + permanent.
    * hacer ping = ping.
    * hacer pipí = pee.
    * hacer pis = piss, pee, take + a leak, have + a leak, widdle, piddle.
    * hacer planes = plan, make + plans.
    * hacer poca distinción entre... y... = make + little distinction between... and....
    * hacer poco = do + little.
    * hacer popular = popularise [popularize, -USA].
    * hacer por encargo = make to + order.
    * hacer + Posesivo + agosto = make + a killing.
    * hacer + Posesivo + necesidades = relieve + Reflexivo, go + potty.
    * hacer + Posesivo + trabajo = get on with + Posesivo + work, do + Posesivo + business.
    * hacer posible = enable, provide for, make + possible, provide + a basis for, make + an opportunity.
    * hacer posible el crecimiento = accommodate + growth.
    * hacer preguntas = ask + questions, interrogate, air + questions, make + enquiry.
    * hacer preparativo = make + arrangements.
    * hacer preso = imprison, jail [gaol, -UK].

    * * *
    hacer [ E18 ]
    ■ hacer (verbo transitivo)
    1 crear
    2 extender: cheque, factura etc
    B efectuar, llevar a cabo
    C formular, expresar
    D con las necesidades fisiológicas
    E adquirir: dinero, amigos etc
    F preparar, arreglar
    1 producir, causar
    2 refiriéndose a sonidos
    H recorrer
    I en cálculos, enumeraciones
    1 ocuparse en una actividad
    2 como profesión, ocupación
    3 estudiar
    1 actuar de cierta manera
    2 dar cierto uso
    3 causar daño
    C actuar como
    D hacer una vida
    E sustituyendo a otro verbo
    F afectar, importar
    A transformar en, volver
    B dar apariencia de
    C inducir a, ser la causa de que
    D obligar a
    E hacer hacer algo
    F acostumbrar
    G suponer, imaginar
    ■ hacer (verbo intransitivo)
    1 obrar, actuar
    2 hacer bien, mal etc
    B con las necesidades fisiológicas
    C fingir, simular
    D intentar, procurar
    E servir
    F interpretar un personaje
    1 sentarle bien, mal
    2 quedar, resultar
    B corresponder
    C no le hace
    D en tercera persona: concernir
    E apetecer
    ■ hacer (verbo impersonal)
    1 refiriéndose al tiempo
    2 familiar humorístico
    B expresando el tiempo transcurrido
    ■ hacerse (verbo pronominal)
    A producirse
    1 hacer para sí
    2 hacer que otro haga
    C causarse
    D con las necesidades fisiológicas
    E adquirir
    1 volverse, convertirse en
    2 impersonal
    3 cocinarse
    4 pasarle (a algn)
    B resultar
    C dar la impresión de
    D causativo
    E acostumbrarse
    F fingirse
    1 moverse
    2 colocarse
    H hacerse con
    I hacerse de
    1 (crear) ‹mueble› to make; ‹casa/carretera› to build; ‹nido› to build, make; ‹coche› to make, manufacture; ‹dibujo› to do, draw; ‹lista› to make, draw up; ‹resumen› to do, make; ‹película› to make; ‹vestido/cortina› to make; ‹pan/pastel› to make, bake; ‹vino/café/tortilla› to make; ‹cerveza› to make, brew
    les hace toda la ropa a los niños she makes all the children's clothes
    hacer un nudo/lazo to tie a knot/bow
    hazme un plano de la zona do o draw me a map of the area
    me hizo un lugar or sitio en la mesa he made room o a place for me at the table
    le hizo un hijo ( fam); he got her pregnant
    hacen una pareja preciosa they make a lovely couple
    2 (extender) ‹cheque/factura/receta› to make out, write out, write
    me hizo un cheque she wrote o made me out a check
    B (efectuar, llevar a cabo) ‹sacrificio› to make; ‹milagro› to work, perform; ‹deberes/ejercicios› to do; ‹transacción› to carry out; ‹experimento› to do, perform; ‹limpieza› to do
    estaban haciendo los preparativos para el viaje they were making preparations for o they were preparing for the journey
    me hicieron una visita they paid me a visit, they came and visited me
    hicieron una gira por Europa they went on o did a tour of Europe
    hicimos el viaje sin parar we did the journey without stopping
    me hizo un regalo precioso she gave me a beautiful gift
    tengo que hacer los mandados I have some errands to run
    ¿me haces un favor? will you do me a favor?
    me hizo señas para que me acercara she motioned to me to come closer
    hicimos un trato we did o made a deal
    hago un papel secundario en la obra I have a minor part in the play
    aún queda mucho por hacer there is still a lot (left) to do
    C (formular, expresar) ‹declaración/promesa/oferta› to make; ‹proyecto/plan› to make, draw up; ‹crítica/comentario› to make, voice; ‹pregunta› to ask
    nadie hizo ninguna objeción nobody raised any objections, nobody objected
    nos hizo un relato de sus aventuras he related his adventures to us, he gave us an account of his adventures
    (con las necesidades fisiológicas): hace dos días que no hago caca ( fam); I haven't been for two days ( euph)
    hice pis or pipí antes de salir ( fam); I had a pee before I left ( colloq)
    hacer sus necesidades ( euf); to go to the bathroom o toilet
    E (adquirir) ‹dinero/fortuna› to make; ‹amigo› to make
    hicieron muchas amistades en Chile they made a lot of friends in Chile
    F (preparar, arreglar) ‹cama› to make; ‹maleta› to pack
    tengo que hacer la comida I must get lunch (ready) o cook lunch
    hice el pescado al horno I did o cooked the fish in the oven
    1 (producir, causar) ‹ruido› to make
    este jabón no hace espuma this soap doesn't lather
    esos chistes no me hacen gracia I don't find those jokes funny
    estos zapatos me hacen daño these shoes hurt my feet
    los perros hacen `guau guau' dogs go `bow-wow'
    el agua hacía glugluglú en los caños the water gurgled o made a gurgling noise in the pipes
    ¿cómo hace el coche del abuelo? how does Grandpa's car go?, what noise does Grandpa's car make?
    H (recorrer) ‹trayecto/distancia› to do
    hicimos los 500 kilómetros en cuatro horas we did o covered the 500 kilometers in four hours
    (en cálculos, enumeraciones): son 180 … y 320 hacen 500 that's 180 … and 320 is o makes 500
    hace el número 26 en la lista she is o comes 26th on the list
    ¿no tienes nada que hacer? don't you have anything to do?
    ya terminé ¿qué hago ahora? I've finished, what shall I do now?
    no hace más que or sino quejarse she does nothing but complain, all she ever does is complain
    no hice más que or sino cumplir con mi deber I only o merely did my duty
    le gustaría hacer teatro she would like to work in the theater
    están haciendo una obra de Ibsen they're doing o putting on a play by Ibsen
    deberías hacer ejercicio you should exercise, you should do o get some exercise
    ¿hace algún deporte? do you go in for o play o do any sports?
    no estaba haciendo turismo, sino en viaje de negocios I wasn't there on vacation ( AmE) o ( BrE) on holiday, it was a business trip
    2 (como profesión, ocupación) to do
    ¿qué hace su novio? — es médico what does her boyfriend do? — he's a doctor
    3 (estudiar) to do
    hace Derecho she's doing o studying o reading Law
    hizo un curso de contabilidad he did an accountancy course
    hizo la carrera de Filosofía she did a degree in philosophy o a philosophy degree, she studied philosophy
    1 (actuar de cierta manera, realizar cierta acción) to do
    yo en tu caso habría hecho lo mismo in your situation I would have done the same
    perdona, lo hice sin querer I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose
    haz lo que quieras do what you like
    aquí se hace lo que digo yo I'm in charge around here, around here what I say goes
    ¡niño, eso no se hace! you mustn't do that!
    haré lo posible por hablar con él I'll do all o everything I can to speak to him
    ¡qué se le va a hacer! or ¡qué le vamos a hacer! what can you o ( frml) one do?
    no puedes aceptar — ¡qué le voy a hacer! no me queda más remedio you can't accept — what else can I do? I've no choice
    hacerla ( Méx fam): ya la hizo: lo nombraron director now he's really made it: he's been appointed director
    si le gano al sueco ya la hice if I can beat the Swede I'll have it in the bag ( colloq)
    la hicieron bien y bonita con ese negocio they did really well out of that deal
    hacerla (buena) ( fam): ¡ahora sí que la hice! me dejé las llaves dentro now I've (really) done it! I've left the keys inside
    ¡ya la hicimos! se pinchó la rueda that's done it! o now, we're in trouble, we've got a flat
    hacérsela buena a algn ( Méx); to keep one's word o promise to sb
    se la hizo buena y se casó con ella he kept his word o promise and married her
    soñé que te sacabas la lotería — ¡házmela buena! I dreamed you won the lottery — if only! o if only it would come true!
    mañana dejo de fumar — ¡házmela buena! I'm going to give up smoking tomorrow — oh, please! o if only you would!
    2 (dar cierto uso, destino, posición) to do
    ¿qué vas a hacer con el dinero del premio? what are you going to do with the prize money?
    no sé qué hice con los recibos I don't know what I did with the receipts
    y el libro ¿qué lo hice? (CS fam); what did I do with the book?
    (causar daño): hacerle algo a algn to do sth to sb
    no le tengas miedo al perro, no hace nada don't be frightened of the dog, he won't hurt you
    yo no le hice nada I didn't touch her o do anything to her
    no te he contado la última que me hizo I haven't told you the latest thing he did to me
    ( esp Esp) (actuar como): deja de hacer el tonto/payaso stop acting o playing the fool, stop clowning around
    (llevar): hacer una vida solitaria/normal to lead a lonely life/normal life
    trata de hacer una vida sana try to lead a healthy life
    (sustituyendo a otro verbo): toca bien la guitarraantes lo hacía mejor she plays the guitar well — she used to play o be better
    voy a escribirle — deja, ya lo haré yo I'm going to write to him — don't bother, I'll do it
    voy a dimitir — por favor, no lo hagas I'm going to resign — please don't o please, don't do it
    ( RPl fam) (afectar, importar): la salsa quedó un poco líquida — ¿qué le hace? the sauce came out a bit thin — so what? o what does it matter?
    eso no le hace nada that doesn't matter at all
    A (transformar en, volver) to make
    te hará hombre, hijo mío it will make a man of you, my son
    la hizo su mujer he made her his wife
    agarró la copa y la hizo añicos contra el suelo he grabbed the glass and smashed it to smithereens on the floor
    hizo pedazos or trizas la carta she tore the letter into tiny pieces
    la película que la hizo famosa the movie that made her famous
    este hombre me hace la vida imposible this man is making my life impossible
    quisiera agradecer a quienes han hecho posible este encuentro I should like to thank (all) those who have made this meeting possible
    hacer algo DE algo to turn sth INTO sth
    hice de mi afición por la cocina una profesión I turned my interest in cooking into a career, I made a career out of my interest in cooking
    hacer algo DE algn to make sth OF sb
    quiero hacer de ti un gran actor I want to make a great actor of you
    (dar apariencia de): ese vestido te hace más delgada that dress makes you look thinner
    el pelo corto te hace más joven short hair makes you look younger
    C (inducir a, ser la causa de que) hacer algo/a algn + INF to make sth/sb + INF
    una de esas canciones que te hacen llorar one of those songs that make you cry
    todo hace suponer que fue así everything suggests that o leads one to think that that is what happened
    hizo caer al niño he knocked the child over
    haga pasar al próximo tell the next person to come in, have the next person come in
    eso no hizo sino precipitar el desenlace all that did was to hasten the end
    hacer que algo/algn + SUBJ to make sth/sb + INF
    ¡vas a hacer que pierda la paciencia! you're going to make me lose my temper!
    esto hace que sus reacciones sean lentas this makes him slow to react, this makes his reactions slow
    D (obligar a) hacer + INF a algn to make sb + INF
    me hizo esperar tres horas she kept me waiting for three hours
    se lo haré hacer de nuevo I'll make him do it again
    me hizo abrirla or me la hizo abrir he made me open it
    me hizo levantar(me) a las cinco she made me get up at five
    hacer que algn + SUBJ to make sb + INF
    hizo que todos se sentaran he made everybody sit down
    hacer hacer algo to have o get sth done
    hice acortar las cortinas I had o got the curtains shortened
    le hice hacer un vestido para la boda I had o got a dress made for her for the wedding
    F (acostumbrar) hacer a algn A algo to get sb used o accustomed TO sth
    pronto la hizo a su manera de trabajar he soon got her used o accustomed to his way of working
    (suponer, imaginar): te hacía en Buenos Aires I thought you were in Buenos Aires
    tiene 42 añosyo la hacía más joven she's 42 — I thought she was younger
    ¡yo que lo hacía casado y con hijos! I had the idea that he was married with children!
    ■ hacer
    (obrar, actuar): nadie trató de impedírselo, lo dejaron hacer nobody tried to stop him, they just let him get on with it
    tú no te preocupes, déjame hacer a mí don't you worry, just let me take care of it
    déjalo hacer a él, que sabe qué es lo que conviene let him handle it, he knows what's best
    ¿cómo se hace para que te den la beca? how do you go about getting the grant?
    ¿cómo hay que hacer para ponerlo en funcionamiento? what do you have to do to make it work?
    no me explico cómo hacen para vivir con ese sueldo I don't know how they manage to live on that salary
    hacerle a algo (Chi, Méx fam): Enrique le hace a la electricidad Enrique knows a bit o knows something about electricity
    tienen una empleada que le hace a todo they have a maid who does a bit of everything
    ya sabes que yo no le hago a esos menesteres you know I don't go in for o do that sort of thing
    hacer y deshacer to do as one pleases, do what one likes
    ¡no le hagas/hagan! ( Méx fam); you can't be serious!, you're joking o kidding! ( colloq)
    2 (+ complemento):
    hiciste bien en decírmelo you did o were right to tell me
    haces mal en mentir it's wrong of you to lie
    mejor haría callándose she'd do better to keep quiet
    ( esp AmL) (con las necesidades fisiológicas): ¡mamá, ya hice! Mommy, I've been o I've finished!
    hace dos días que no hace ( euf); he hasn't been for two days ( euph)
    hagan antes de salir go to the bathroom o toilet before we leave, you'd better go before we leave ( euph)
    hacer de cuerpo or de vientre ( frml); to move one's bowels ( frml), to have a bowel movement ( frml)
    (fingir, simular): hizo (como) que no me había visto he made out o pretended he hadn't seen me
    cuando entre haz (como) que lees when she comes in, make out o pretend you're reading, when she comes in, pretend to be reading
    hice (como) que no oía I pretended I couldn't hear, I acted as if I couldn't hear
    hacer COMO SI + SUBJ:
    haz como si no supieras nada make out o pretend you don't know anything about it, act as if you don't know anything about it
    D (intentar, procurar) hacer POR + INF to try to + INF
    tienes que hacer por corregir ese genio you must try to o ( colloq) try and do something about that temper (of yours)
    tú no haces por entenderla you don't even try to understand her
    E (servir) hacer DE algo:
    esta sábana hará de toldo this sheet will do for o as an awning
    la escuela hizo de hospital the school served as o was used as a hospital
    F (interpretar un personaje) hacer DE algo/algn to play (the part of) sth/sb
    siempre hace de `malo' he always plays the bad guy
    hizo de Hamlet he played (the part of) Hamlet
    A (+ compl)
    1 (sentar) (+ me/te/le etc):
    le va a hacer bien salir un poco it'll do her good to get out a bit
    ¡me hizo tanto bien su visita …! her visit did me such a lot of good …!
    los mejillones me hicieron muy mal ( AmL); the mussels made me really ill
    ( Esp) (quedar): con los cuadros hace mucho más bonito it looks much prettier with the pictures
    esta tapa no le hace al frasco this lid doesn't fit the jar
    esta llave no le hace a la cerradura this isn't the right key for the lock
    no le hace (no tiene importancia) it doesn't matter; (no sirve de excusa) that's no excuse, don't give me that ( colloq)
    ¿no le hace que tire la ceniza en este florero? do you mind if I drop the ash in this vase?
    (concernir, tocar): por lo que hace a or en cuanto hace a su solicitud as far as your application is concerned, as regards your application
    ( Esp fam) (apetecer): ¿hace or te hace una cerveza? (do you) feel like a beer?, do you fancy a beer? ( BrE colloq)
    te invito a cenar a un chino ¿hace? — hace I'll take you out to a Chinese restaurant, how does that grab you? — great idea! ( colloq)
    (refiriéndose al tiempo atmosférico): hace frío/calor/sol/viento it's cold/hot/sunny/windy
    hace tres grados bajo cero it's three degrees below (zero)
    nos hizo un tiempo espantoso we had terrible weather
    ojalá haga buen tiempo or ( esp Esp) bueno I hope the weather's fine o nice, I hope it's nice weather
    hace sed ¿verdad? it's thirsty weather/work, isn't it?
    parece que hace hambre you/they seem to be hungry
    ¿hace sueño, niños? are you getting sleepy, children?
    (expresando el tiempo transcurrido): hace dos años que murió he died two years ago, he's been dead for two years
    ¿cuándo llegaste? — hace un ratito when did you get here? — a short while ago
    ¿cuánto hace que se fue? how long ago did she leave?, how long is it since she left?
    lo leí hace poco I read it a short time ago
    lo había visto hacía exactamente un año I had seen him exactly one year before
    ¿hace mucho que esperas? have you been waiting long?
    hace mucho tiempo que lo conozco or lo conozco desde hace mucho tiempo I've known him for a long time
    hace años que no lo veo or no lo veo desde hace años I haven't seen him for years o it's years since I saw him
    hacía años que no lo veía I hadn't seen him for o in years, it had been years since I'd seen him
    hasta hace poco vivían en Austria they lived in Austria until recently
    (producirse): hágase la luz ( Bib) let there be light
    (+ me/te/le etc): se me ha hecho un nudo en el hilo I've got a knot in the thread, the thread has a knot in it
    si no lo revuelves se te hacen grumos if you don't stir it, it goes lumpy o forms lumps
    se le ha hecho una ampolla she's got o she has a blister
    hacérsele a algn ( Méx): por fin se le hizo ganar un campeonato she finally got to win a championship
    por fin se le hizo a Mauricio con ella Mauricio finally made it with her ( colloq)
    1 ( refl)
    (hacer para sí): se hace toda la ropa she makes all her (own) clothes
    se hicieron una casita they built themselves a little house
    2 ( caus)
    (hacer que otro haga): se hace la ropa en Roma she has her clothes made in Rome
    se hicieron una casita they had a little house built
    se hizo la cirugía estética she had plastic surgery
    voy a hacerme las manos I'm going to have a manicure
    tienes que hacerte la barba you must get your beard trimmed
    (causarse): me hice un tajo en el dedo I cut my finger
    ¿qué te hiciste en el brazo? what did you do to your arm?
    ¿te hiciste daño? did you hurt yourself?
    (con las necesidades fisiológicas): todavía se hace pis/caca ( fam); she still wets herself/messes her pants
    se hace pis en la cama ( fam); he wets the bed
    ¡me estoy haciendo caca! ( fam); I'm desperate (to go to the bathroom o toilet)! ( colloq)
    E ( refl)
    (adquirir): se ha hecho un nombre en el mundo de la moda she's made a name for herself in the fashion world
    sólo conseguirás hacerte enemigos si sigues así you'll only make enemies if you keep on like that
    1 (volverse, convertirse en) to become
    se quiere hacer monja she wants to become a nun
    se hizo famoso he became famous
    se están haciendo viejos they are getting o growing old
    en invierno se hace de noche muy pronto in winter it gets dark very early
    vamos, se está haciendo tarde come on, it's getting late
    (+ me/te/le etc): se nos hizo de noche esperándolo it got dark while we were waiting for him
    3 (cocinarse) «pescado/guiso» to cook
    dejar que se haga a fuego lento leave to cook over a low heat
    ( AmL) (pasarle a): no sé qué se habrá hecho María I don't know what can have happened to María o ( colloq) where María can have got(ten) to
    (resultar): se hace muy pesado repetir lo mismo tantas veces it gets very boring having to repeat the same thing over and over again
    (+ me/te/le etc): la espera se me hizo interminable the wait seemed interminable
    se me hace difícil creerlo I find it very hard to believe
    C (dar la impresión de) (+ me/te/le etc):
    se me hace que aquí pasa algo raro I get the feeling o impression that something strange is going on around here
    se me hace que va a llover I think o I have a feeling it's going to rain
    se me hace que esta vez vas a tener suerte something tells me o I have a feeling (that) this time you're going to be lucky
    D ( causativo) hacerse + INF:
    tienes que hacerte oír/respetar you have to make people listen to you/respect you
    el desenlace no se hizo esperar the end was not long in coming
    cuando era actriz se hacía llamar Mónica Duarte when she was an actress she went by the name of Monica Duarte o she used the name Monica Duarte
    es un chico que se hace querer he's a likable kid o a kid you can't help liking
    se hizo construir una mansión he had a mansion built
    hazte ver por un médico ( AmL); go and see a doctor
    E (acostumbrarse) hacerse A algo to get used TO sth
    no me hago al clima de este país I can't get used to the weather in this country
    no consigo hacerme a la idea I can't get used to the idea
    hacerse A + INF to get used TO -ING
    no se hace a vivir solo he hasn't got used to living alone
    (fingirse): no te hagas el inocente don't act all innocent
    seguro que me vio pero se hizo el loco he must have seen me but he pretended he hadn't
    ¿éste es bobo o se (lo) hace? ( fam); is this guy stupid or just a good actor? ( colloq)
    no te hagas el sordo don't pretend o make out you didn't hear me
    se hizo la que no entendía she pretended o she made out she didn't understand
    yo me hice ( Méx fam); I pretended not to notice
    1 (moverse) (+ compl):
    hacerse atrás to move back
    hacerse a un lado to move to one side, to move aside
    hazte para aquí/para allá move over this way/that way
    ( Col) (colocarse): ¿quieres salir en la foto? — sí ¿dónde me hago? do you want to be in the photo? — yes, where shall I stand/sit?
    H hacerse con to take
    el ejército se hizo con la ciudad the army took the city
    se hizo con una fortuna considerable he amassed a considerable fortune
    tengo que hacerme con esa información como sea I must get hold of that information somehow
    se hicieron con la empresa they took over the company
    lograron hacerse con el control de la compañía they managed to gain o get control of the company
    no creo que puedan hacerse con la copa I don't think they can win the cup
    ( AmL): se hicieron de gran fama they became very famous
    tengo que hacerme de dinero I must get o lay my hands on some money
    se han hecho de muchos amigos allí they've made a lot of friends there
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    hacer algo
    hacer ( conjugate hacer) verbo transitivo
    a) ( crear) ‹mueble/vestido to make;

    casa/carretera to build;
    nido to build, make;
    túnelto make, dig;
    dibujo/plano to do, draw;
    lista to make, draw up;
    resumen to do, make;
    película to make;
    nudo/lazo to tie;
    pan/pastel to make, bake;
    vino/café/tortilla to make;
    cerveza to make, brew;

    hacen buena pareja they make a lovely couple
    b) (producir, causar) ‹ ruido to make;

    estos zapatos me hacen daño these shoes hurt my feet
    a) (efectuar, llevar a cabo) ‹ sacrificio to make;

    milagro to work, perform;
    deberes/ejercicios/limpieza to do;
    mandado to run;
    transacción/investigación to carry out;
    experimento to do, perform;
    entrevista to conduct;
    gira/viaje to do;
    regalo to give;
    favor to do;
    trato to make;

    aún queda mucho por hacer there is still a lot (left) to do;
    dar que hacer to make a lot of work
    b)cheque/factura to make out, write out

    3 (formular, expresar) ‹declaración/promesa/oferta to make;
    proyecto/plan to make, draw up;
    crítica/comentario to make, voice;
    pregunta to ask;


    hacer caca (fam) to do a poop (AmE) o (BrE) a pooh (colloq);

    hacer pis or pipí (fam) to have a pee (colloq);
    hacer sus necesidades (euf) to go to the bathroom o toilet (euph)

    las vacas hacen `mu' cows go `moo'

    5 ( adquirir) ‹dinero/fortuna to make;
    amigo to make
    6 (preparar, arreglar) ‹ cama to make;
    maleta to pack;
    hice el pescado al horno I did o cooked the fish in the oven;

    tengo que hacer la comida I must make lunch;
    ver tb comida b
    7 ( recorrer) ‹trayecto/distancia to do, cover
    8 (en cálculos, enumeraciones):
    son 180 … y 320 hacen 500 that's 180 … and 320 is o makes 500


    ¿hacemos algo esta noche? shall we do something tonight?;
    hacer ejercicio to do (some) exercise;
    ¿hace algún deporte? do you play o do any sports?;
    See Also→ amor 1b
    b) (como profesión, ocupación) to do;

    ¿qué hace tu padre? what does your father do?

    2 (realizar cierta acción, actuar de cierta manera) to do;
    ¡eso no se hace! you shouldn't do that!;

    ¡qué le vamos a hacer! what can you o (frml) one do?;
    toca bien el pianoantes lo hacía mejor she plays the piano wellshe used to play better;
    hacerla buena (fam): ¡ahora sí que la hice! now I've really done it!;
    See Also→ tonto sustantivo masculino, femenino
    1 (transformar en, volver) to make;

    hizo pedazos la carta she tore the letter into tiny pieces;
    ese vestido te hace más delgada that dress makes you look thinner;
    hacer algo de algo to turn sth into sth;
    quiero hacer de ti un gran actor I want to make a great actor of you
    a) (obligar a, ser causa de que)

    me hizo abrirla he made me open it;
    me hizo llorar it made me cry;
    hágalo pasar tell him to come in;
    me hizo esperar tres horas she kept me waiting for three hours;
    hacer que algo/algn haga algo to make sth/sb do sth

    hacer hacer algo to have o get sth done/made;

    hice acortar las cortinas I had o got the curtains shortened
    verbo intransitivo
    1 (obrar, actuar):
    déjame hacer a mí just let me handle this o take care of this;

    ¿cómo se hace para que te den la beca? what do you have to do to get the scholarship?;
    hiciste bien en decírmelo you did o were right to tell me;
    haces mal en mentir it's wrong of you to lie
    2 (fingir, simular):

    haz como si no lo conocieras act as if o pretend you don't know him
    3 ( servir):
    esta sábana hará de toldo this sheet will do for o as an awning;

    la escuela hizo de hospital the school served as o was used as a hospital
    4 ( interpretar personaje) hacer de algo/algn to play (the part of) sth/sb
    (+ compl) ( sentar):

    (+ me/te/le etc)

    la trucha me hizo mal (AmL) the trout didn't agree with me
    hacer v impers
    1 ( refiriéndose al tiempo atmosférico):
    hace frío/sol it's cold/sunny;

    hace tres grados it's three degrees;
    (nos) hizo un tiempo espantoso the weather was terrible
    2 ( expresando tiempo transcurrido):

    hace mucho que lo conozco I've known him for a long time;
    hacía años que no lo veía I hadn't seen him for o in years;
    ¿cuánto hace que se fue? how long ago did she leave?;
    hace poco/un año a short time/a year ago;
    hasta hace poco until recently
    hacerse verbo pronominal
    1 ( producirse) (+ me/te/le etc):

    se le hizo una ampolla she got a blister;
    hacérsele algo a algn (Méx): por fin se le hizo ganar el premio she finally got to win the award
    a) ( refl) ( hacer para sí) ‹café/falda to make oneself;

    se hizo la cirugía estética she had plastic surgery
    3 ( causarse):
    ¿qué te hiciste en el brazo? what did you do to your arm?;

    ¿te hiciste daño? did you hurt yourself?
    4 ( refiriéndose a necesidades fisiológicas):
    todavía se hace pis/caca (fam) she still wets/messes herself

    5 ( refl) ( adquirir) to make;

    a) (volverse, convertirse en) to become;

    se están haciendo viejos they are getting o growing old
    b) ( resultar):

    (+ me/te/le etc)

    se me hace difícil creerlo I find it very hard to believe
    c) ( impers):

    se está haciendo tarde it's getting late
    d) ( cocinarse) [pescado/guiso] to cook

    e) (AmL) ( pasarle a):

    ¿qué se habrá hecho María? what can have happened to María?

    2 ( acostumbrarse) hacerse a algo to get used to sth
    3 ( fingirse):

    ¿es bobo o se (lo) hace? (fam) is he stupid or just a good actor? (colloq);
    hacerse pasar por algn (por periodista, doctor) to pass oneself off as sb
    4 ( moverse) (+ compl) to move;

    hacerse de (AmL) (de fortuna, dinero) to get;

    ( de amigos) to make
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (crear, fabricar, construir) to make
    hacer un jersey, to make a sweater
    hacer un puente, to build a bridge
    2 (una acción) to do: eso no se hace, it isn't done
    haz lo que quieras, do what you want
    ¿qué estás haciendo?, (en este momento) what are you doing?
    (para vivir) what do you do (for a living)?
    hace atletismo, he does athletics
    hacer una carrera/ medicina, to do a degree/ medicine
    3 (amigos, dinero) to make
    4 (obligar, forzar) to make: hazle entrar en razón, make him see reason
    5 (causar, provocar) to make: ese hombre me hace reír, that man makes me laugh
    estos zapatos me hacen daño, these shoes are hurting me
    no hagas llorar a tu hermana, don't make your sister cry
    6 (arreglar) to make
    hacer la cama, to make the bed
    hacer la casa, to do the housework
    7 Mat (sumar, dar como resultado) to make: y con éste hacen cincuenta, and that makes fifty
    8 (producir una impresión) to make... look: ese vestido la hace mayor, that dress makes her look older
    9 (en sustitución de otro verbo) to do: cuido mi jardín, me gusta hacerlo, I look after my garden, I like doing it
    10 (representar) to play: Juan hizo un papel en Fuenteovejuna, Juan played a part in Fuenteovejuna
    11 (actuar como) to play: no hagas el tonto, don't play the fool
    12 (suponer) te hacía en casa, I thought you were at home
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (en el teatro, etc) to play: hizo de Electra, she played Electra
    2 ( hacer por + infinitivo) to try to: hice por ayudar, I tried to help
    3 (simular) to pretend: hice como si no lo conociera, I acted as if I didn't know him
    4 fam (venir bien, convenir) to be suitable: si te hace, nos vamos a verle mañana, if it's all right for you, we'll visit him tomorrow
    III verbo impersonal
    1 (tiempo transcurrido) ago: hace mucho (tiempo), a long time ago
    hace tres semanas que no veo la televisión, I haven't watched TV for three weeks
    hace tres años que comenzaron las obras, the building works started three years ago
    2 (condición atmosférica) hacía mucho frío, it was very cold
    ¿To make o to do?
    El significado básico del verbo to make es construir, fabricar algo juntando los componentes (aquí hacen unos pasteles maravillosos, they make marvellous cakes here), obligar (hazle callar, make him shut up) o convertir: Te hará más fuerte. It'll make you stronger. También se emplea en expresiones compuestas por palabras tales como dinero ( money), ruido ( a noise), cama ( the bed), esfuerzo ( an effort), promesa ( a promise), c omentario ( a comment), amor ( love), guerra ( war).
    El significado del verbo to do es cumplir o ejecutar una tarea o actividad, especialmente tratándose de los deportes y las tareas domésticas: Hago mis deberes por la noche. I do my homework in the evening. ¿Quién hace la plancha en tu casa? Who does the ironing in your house? También se emplea con palabras tales como deber ( duty), deportes ( sports), examen ( an exam), favor ( a favour), sumas ( sums).
    ' hacer' also found in these entries:
    - aclarar
    - acopio
    - acto
    - adelantar
    - adelantamiento
    - advertir
    - alarde
    - aliviar
    - amagar
    - amarrar
    - amor
    - amortizar
    - ampliar
    - añicos
    - aplanar
    - aprecio
    - aprender
    - aspaviento
    - atonía
    - autostop
    - ayuno
    - balance
    - broma
    - burla
    - burrada
    - cábala
    - caballo
    - cabronada
    - caca
    - cafetera
    - caja
    - calceta
    - calentar
    - callar
    - calle
    - calor
    - cama
    - capacitar
    - capaz
    - caso
    - castigar
    - castillo
    - chantaje
    - colar
    - colada
    - colecta
    - comecome
    - comentar
    - como
    - abstain
    - abuse
    - accent
    - accentuate
    - accepted
    - accustom
    - act
    - advance
    - advertise
    - afraid
    - again
    - agitate
    - agree
    - aim at
    - aim to
    - air
    - all-out
    - amenable
    - antsy
    - apart
    - appearance
    - arm-twisting
    - as
    - assert
    - attempt
    - audition
    - authorize
    - backup
    - bake
    - balance
    - bandy about
    - bed
    - begin
    - blast
    - blind
    - blueberry
    - blur
    - boil
    - bonk
    - boohoo
    - book in
    - bounce
    - bring in
    - bubble
    - budget
    - bulldoze
    - bully
    - bundle
    - burp
    * * *
    1. [elaborar, crear, cocinar] to make;
    hacer una fiesta to have a party;
    hacer un vestido/planes to make a dress/plans;
    hacer un poema/una sinfonía to write a poem/symphony;
    hacer un nudo to tie a knot;
    los cristianos creen que Dios hizo al hombre Christians believe that God created mankind;
    haz un poco más la carne cook the meat a bit longer;
    tu hermano ha hecho una de las suyas your brother has been up to his usual tricks;
    ¡buena la has hecho! you've really gone and done it now!
    2. [construir] to build;
    han hecho un edificio nuevo they've put up a new building
    3. [generar] to produce;
    el árbol hace sombra the tree gives shade;
    la carretera hace una curva there's a bend in the road
    4. [movimientos, sonidos, gestos] to make;
    le hice señas I signalled to her;
    el gato hace “miau” cats go “miaow”;
    el reloj hace tic-tac the clock goes tick-tock;
    hacer ruido to make a noise
    5. [obtener] [fotocopia] to make;
    [retrato] to paint; [fotografía] to take
    6. [realizar] [trabajo, estudios] to do;
    [viaje] to make; [comunión] to take; [sacrificio] to make; [promesa, oferta] to make; [milagro] to perform; [experimento] to do, to perform; [favor] to do; [pregunta] to ask; [declaración] to make; [crucigrama] to do;
    hacer una entrevista to do an interview;
    tengo mucho que hacer I have a lot to do;
    hoy hace guardia she's on duty today;
    estoy haciendo segundo I'm in my second year;
    hago ingeniería I'm doing o studying engineering
    7. [obrar, realizar una acción] to do;
    ¿qué habré hecho con las llaves? what have I done with the keys?;
    CSur Fam
    y mis llaves, ¿qué las hice? and my keys, now what did I do with them?;
    ¡le he dicho mil veces que eso no se hace! I've told him time and again that it's wrong to do that!;
    haz lo que te dé la gana do whatever you want;
    ¿qué haces? vas a romper la bicicleta what are you doing o what do you think you're doing?, you're going to break the bicycle!;
    ¡qué le vamos a hacer! never mind!;
    8. [practicar] [en general] to do;
    [tenis, fútbol] to play;
    debes hacer deporte you should start doing some sport
    9. [arreglar] [casa, colada] to do;
    [cama] to make; [maleta] to pack; [uñas] to do; [barba] to trim
    10. [dar aspecto a] to cause to look o seem;
    este espejo te hace gordo this mirror makes you look fat
    11. [transformar en]
    hacer a alguien feliz to make sb happy;
    la guerra no lo hizo un hombre the war didn't make him (into) a man;
    hizo pedazos el papel he tore the paper to pieces;
    hacer de algo/alguien algo to make sth/sb into sth;
    hizo de ella una buena cantante he made a good singer of her
    12. [comportarse como]
    hacer el tonto to act the fool;
    hacer el vándalo to act like a hooligan;
    hacer el ridículo to make a fool of oneself
    13. [causar]
    me hizo gracia I thought it was funny;
    un poco de aire fresco le hará bien a bit of fresh air will do her good;
    esos ñoquis me hicieron mal those gnocchi disagreed with me
    14. Cine & Teatro [papel] to play;
    [obra] to do, to perform;
    hace el papel de la hija del rey she plays (the part of) the king's daughter;
    hoy hacen una obra de Brecht today they're putting on o doing one of Brecht's plays
    15. [suponer] to think, to reckon;
    a estas horas yo te hacía en París I thought o reckoned you'd be in Paris by now;
    te hacía más joven I thought you were younger, I'd have said you were younger
    16. [ser causa de]
    hacer que alguien haga algo to make sb do sth;
    me hizo reír it made me laugh;
    has hecho que se enfadara you've made him angry;
    haces que me avergüence you make me ashamed;
    la tormenta hizo que se cancelara el concierto the storm caused the concert to be called off
    17. [mandar]
    hacer que se haga algo to have sth done;
    voy a hacer teñir este vestido I'm going to have this dress dyed;
    la hizo callarse he made her shut up
    18. [acostumbrar]
    la prisión lo hizo a la soledad prison made o got him used to being alone
    19. [cumplir]
    hizo los cincuenta la semana pasada he was fifty last week, he celebrated his fiftieth birthday last week
    20. [completar] to make;
    tres y dos hacen cinco three and two make five;
    y este huevo hace la docena and this egg makes (it) a dozen;
    hago el número seis en la lista I'm number six on the list
    21. [conseguir] to make;
    hizo una gran fortuna he made a large fortune;
    hizo muchas amistades en Australia she made a lot of friends in Australia
    22. [recorrer] to do;
    ¿cuántos kilómetros hiciste ayer? how many kilometres did you do yesterday?;
    hago dos kilómetros a pie todos los días I walk two kilometres every day
    23. [referido a necesidades fisiológicas] to do;
    tengo que hacer mis necesidades I have to answer a call of nature;
    los niños quieren hacer pipí the children want to have a pee
    24. [sustituyendo a otro verbo] to do;
    se negó a ir y yo hice lo mismo she refused to go and I did likewise;
    ya no puedo leer como solía hacerlo I can't read as well as I used to
    1. [intervenir, actuar]
    déjame hacer (a mí) let me do it;
    ser el que hace y deshace: en la empresa, él es el que hace y deshace he's the one who calls the shots in the company
    hacer de [trabajar] to work as;
    [servir] to serve as, to act as; Cine & Teatro [actuar] to play;
    hace de electricista he's an electrician, he works as an electrician;
    este tronco hará de asiento this tree trunk will do for somewhere to sit;
    hace de don Quijote he's playing Don Quixote
    3. [aparentar]
    hacer como si to act as if;
    haz como que no te importa act as if you don't care
    4. [procurar, intentar]
    hacer por hacer algo to try to do sth;
    haré por verle esta noche I'll try to see him tonight
    5. [proceder]
    haces mal en callarte it's wrong of you not to say anything;
    hizo bien dimitiendo she was right to resign;
    ¿cómo hay que hacer para abrir esta caja? how do you open this box?, what do you have to do to open this box?
    6. Esp Fam [apetecer]
    ¿hace un vaso de vino? would you like o Br do you fancy a glass of wine?
    7. Am [necesidades fisiológicas]
    ¿hiciste? have you done anything?;
    preciso un baño, no hice antes de salir I need to find a bathroom, I didn't go before I came out
    8. Méx Fam
    hacer(la) buena: [ojalá] [m5]dicen que te sacaste la lotería – ¡házmela buena! they say you've won the lottery – if only!;
    me ofreció empleo don Paco, voy a ver si me la hace buena Don Paco offered me a job, I'll see if he comes through for me
    9. Méx Fam
    hacerle a [profesión] to do;
    por las mañanas estudia y en la tarde le hace a la peluquería she studies in the morning and in the afternoon she does hairdressing
    10. Méx Fam
    hacerle a [droga] to do;
    ese tipo le hace a la cocaína that guy does coke
    11. Méx Fam
    hacerle a [aparentar] to pretend to be;
    le hace al tonto, pero bien que sabe he pretends to be clueless but he knows perfectly well;
    dile que no le haga al cuento tell him to stop Br spinning me a line o US jerking me around
    12. Méx Fam
    no le hagas [exclamación] come off it!, Br do me a favour!, US give me a break!;
    perdí mi libro – ¡no le hagas! I lost my book – pull the other one! o sure you did!
    13. Méx, RP
    no le hace [no importa] it doesn't matter;
    no sé si voy a poder ir – no le hace I don't know if I'll be able to go – it doesn't matter;
    ¿qué le hace? so what?, big deal!
    v impersonal
    1. [tiempo meteorológico]
    hace frío/sol/viento it's cold/sunny/windy;
    hace un día precioso it's a beautiful day;
    mañana hará mal tiempo the weather will be bad tomorrow
    2. [tiempo transcurrido]
    hace diez años ten years ago;
    hace mucho a long time ago;
    hace poco not long ago;
    hace un rato a short while ago;
    hace un mes que llegué it's a month since I arrived;
    no la veo desde hace un año I haven't seen her for a year;
    ¿cuánto hace de eso? how long ago was that?
    * * *
    <part hecho>
    I v/t
    1 ( realizar) do;
    ¡haz algo! do something!;
    hacer una pregunta ask a question;
    tengo que hacer los deberes I have to do my homework; !;
    no hace más que quejarse all he does is complain;
    no hay nada que hacer there’s nothing we can do;
    se hace lo que se puede one does one’s best;
    ¡eso no se hace! that’s just not done!
    2 ( elaborar, crear) make;
    hacer la comida make o cook a meal;
    hacer que algo ocurra make sth happen
    3 ( obligar a)
    hacer que alguien haga algo make s.o. do sth;
    le hicieron ir they made him go
    4 ( cumplir)
    hoy hago veinte años I am twenty today, today is my twentieth birthday
    5 ( equivaler a)
    esta botella hace un litro this bottle holds a liter
    ¡qué le vamos a hacer! that’s life
    II v/i
    haces bien/mal en ir you are doing the right/wrong thing by going
    2 ( sentar)
    me hace mal it’s making me ill
    3 ( servir de)
    esto hará de mesa de objeto this will do as a table
    4 ( fingir)
    como si act as if
    5 L.Am.
    no le hace it doesn’t matter
    6 L.Am. ( parecer)
    se me hace que it seems to me that
    ¿hace? fam does that sound good?
    hacer de malo TEA play the villain
    hace calor/frío it’s hot/cold;
    hace tres días three days ago;
    hace mucho (tiempo) a long time ago, long ago;
    desde hace un año for a year
    * * *
    hacer {40} vt
    1) : to make
    2) : to do, to perform
    3) : to force, to oblige
    los hice esperar: I made them wait
    hacer vi
    : to act
    haces bien: you're doing the right thing
    hacer v impers
    hacer frío: to be cold
    hace viento: it's windy
    hace : ago
    hace mucho tiempo: a long time ago, for a long time
    no le hace : it doesn't matter, it makes no difference
    hacer falta : to be necessary, to be needed
    * * *
    hacer vb
    1. (crear, fabricar, conseguir) to make [pt. & pp. made]
    ¿has hecho la cama? have you made your bed?
    2. (una actividad, trabajo) to do [pt. did; pp. done]
    ¿qué haces? what are you doing?
    ¿qué hacen tus padres? what do your parents do?
    ¿qué has hecho en el cole hoy? what did you do at school today?
    ¿has hecho los deberes? have you done your homework?
    ¿me haces un favor? can you do me a favour?
    4. (dar cierto aspecto) to make... look...
    5. (pensar) to think [pt. & pp. thought]
    6. (aparentar) to pretend
    8. (poner) to show [pt. showed; pp. shown] / to be on
    ¿hace mucho que esperas? have you been waiting long?
    hacer daño to hurt [pt. & pp. hurt]
    hacer el tonto to act the fool / to mess about
    hacer señas to signal [pt. & pp. signalled]
    hacer un dibujo to draw a picture [pt. drew; pp. drawn]
    hacer una casa to build a house [pt. & pp. built]
    hacer una foto to take a photo [pt. took; pp. taken]
    hacer una redacción to write an essay [pt. wrote; pp. written]

    Spanish-English dictionary > hacer

См. также в других словарях:

  • Idea — I*de a, n.; pl. {Ideas}. [L. idea, Gr. ?, fr. ? to see; akin to E. wit: cf. F. id[ e]e. See {Wit}.] 1. The transcript, image, or picture of a visible object, that is formed by the mind; also, a similar image of any object whatever, whether… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Present perfect tense — The present perfect tense is a perfect tense used to express action that has been completed with respect to the present. (The word perfect in its name refers to the idea of completion of being now finished rather than to perfection in the sense… …   Wikipedia

  • idea — noun 1 plan/suggestion ADJECTIVE ▪ bright, brilliant, clever, excellent, good, great, marvellous/marvelous, nice, wonderful ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • present — pres|ent1 [ prezənt ] adjective *** 1. ) only before noun existing or happening now: The present situation cannot be allowed to continue. In his present emotional state, he is capable of doing anything. The present owners purchased the farm in… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • present — pres|ent1 W2S2 [ˈprezənt] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(place)¦ 2¦(memory)¦ 3¦(time)¦ 4 the present day 5 the present 6 all present and correct 7 present company excepted ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: Latin praes …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • present — 1. adj. & n. adj. 1 (usu. predic.) being in the place in question (was present at the trial). 2 a now existing, occurring, or being such (the present Duke; during the present season). b now being considered or discussed etc. (in the present case) …   Useful english dictionary

  • present — present1 [ prɛz(ə)nt] adjective 1》 being or occurring in a particular place. 2》 existing or occurring now. 3》 Grammar (of a tense) expressing an action now going on or habitually performed, or a condition now existing. noun 1》 (usu. the present)… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Idea — • The word was originally Greek, but passed without change into Latin. It seems first to have meant form, shape, or appearance, whence, by an easy transition, it acquired the connotation of nature, or kind Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight.… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • For One More Day — is a 2006 novel taken place during the mid 1900 s by the acclaimed sportswriter and author Mitch Albom. It opens with the novel s protagonist planning to commit suicide. His adulthood is shown to have been rife with sadness. His own daughter didn …   Wikipedia

  • present — pre‧sent [prɪˈzent] verb [transitive] 1. to make a speech introducing an idea, plan etc to be considered: • a lack of evidence presented by prosecutors present something to somebody • The company has until July to restructure its debt and present …   Financial and business terms

  • Present Truth —    Present Truth is the Christian doctrine that at particular moments in the life of the church certain special ideas need to be highlighted, along with the major teachings that are affirmed in every generation. The idea derives from 2 Peter 1:12 …   Encyclopedia of Protestantism

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