1 spin
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1. present participle - spinning; verb1) (to (cause to) go round and round rapidly: She spun round in surprise; He spun the revolving door round and round.) hacer girar2) (to form threads from (wool, cotton etc) by drawing out and twisting: The old woman was spinning (wool) in the corner of the room.) hilar
2. noun1) (a whirling or turning motion: The patch of mud sent the car into a spin.) vuelta, giro2) (a ride, especially on wheels: After lunch we went for a spin in my new car.) vuelta, paseo•- spinner- spin-drier
- spin out
spin vb1. girar / dar vueltas2. hilartr[spɪn]1 (turn) vuelta, giro, revolución nombre femenino2 (of washing machine) centrifugado3 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (of ball) efecto4 (of plane) barrena; (of car) patinazo5 (ride, trip) vuelta, paseo (en coche o en moto)1 (make turn) hacer girar, dar vueltas a2 (washing) centrifugar3 (ball) darle efecto a4 (cotton, wool, etc) hilar; (spider's web) tejer1 (turn) girar, dar vueltas2 (washing machine) centrifugar3 (cotton, wool, etc) hilar5 (move rapidly) girar(se), darse la vuelta\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be in a flat spin estar hecho,-a un líoto put spin on a ball darle efecto a una pelotato spin somebody a yarn pegarle un rollo a alguiento spin a story / spin a tale contar una historiaspin bowler (in cricket) lanzador,-ra rápido,-a1) : hilar2) turn: girar3) reel: dar vueltasmy head is spinning: la cabeza me está dando vueltasspin vt1) : hilar (hilo, etc.)2) : tejerto spin a web: tejer una telaraña3) twirl: hacer girarspin n: vuelta f, giro mto go for a spin: dar una vuelta (en coche)n.• barrena s.f.• giro s.m.• vuelta s.f.v.(§ p.,p.p.: spun) = bailar v.• girar v.• hacer girar v.• hilar v.spɪn
1)a) ( act)to give something a spin — hacer* girar algo
b) c ( in washing machine)give the sheets a spin — centrifuga las sábanas; (before n) <speed, program> de centrifugado
to put spin on the ball — lanzar* la pelota con efecto, darle* chanfle a la pelota (AmL)
2) ca) ( of aircraft) barrena f, caída f en espiralto be in a (flat) spin — estar* muy confuso or confundido, estar* sin saber qué hacer or qué pensar
b) ( Auto) trompo m3) c ( ride) (colloq)to go for a spin — ir* a dar un paseo en coche (or en moto etc), ir* a dar un garbeo (Esp fam)
2)a) ( turn) \<\<wheel\>\> hacer* girar; \<\<top\>\> hacer* girar or bailarb) \<\<washing\>\> centrifugar*c) \<\<ball\>\> darle* efecto a, darle* chanfle a (AmL)3)a) \<\<wool/cotton\>\> hilarb) \<\<web\>\> tejer4) ( interpret with bias) <news/event> darle* una sesgo positivo a, sesgar* favorablemente
spin vi1)a) ( rotate) \<\<wheel\>\> girar; \<\<top\>\> girar, bailarb) \<\<washing machine\>\> centrifugar*c) ( move rapidly) (+ adv compl): dar* vueltasd) ( Aviat) caer* en barrena2) ( Tex) hilar•Phrasal Verbs:- spin out[spɪn] (vb: pt, pp spun)1. N1) (=rotating motion) vuelta f, revolución f- be in a flat spinthe news sent the stock market into a flat spin — la noticia creó un estado de gran confusión en la bolsa
long/short spin — centrifugado m largo/corto
3) (Sport) (on ball) efecto m4) (=loss of control) (Aer) barrena f ; (Aut) trompo mto go into a spin — (Aer) entrar en barrena; (Aut) hacer un trompo
to pull or come out of a spin — (Aer) salir de barrena
5) (Brit) * (=short ride) vuelta f, paseo m, garbeo m (Sp) *to go for a spin — dar una vuelta or un paseo (en coche/moto etc), darse un garbeo (en coche/moto etc) (Sp) *
6) * (=interpretation) interpretación fto put a positive spin on sth — interpretar positivamente algo, dar un sesgo positivo a algo
2. VTto spin a coin — hacer girar una moneda; (to decide sth) echar una moneda a cara o cruz
2) (=spin-dry) [+ clothes] centrifugar3) (=turn suddenly) girarto spin sth/sb round — dar la vuelta a algo/algn
4) (Sport) [+ ball] dar efecto a5) [+ thread] hilar; [+ web] tejer; [+ cocoon] devanar, hacer- spin a web of lies- spin a yarn3. VI1) (=rotate) girar, dar vueltashis wheels began to spin as he tried to get off the grass — las ruedas empezaron a dar vueltas cuando intentó salir de la hierba
she spun around or round to face him — se dio la vuelta para tenerlo de frente
2) (=move quickly)to send sth/sb spinning: the blow sent him spinning — el golpe le hizo rodar por el suelo
3) [washing machine] centrifugar4) (with spinning wheel) hilar4.CPDspin doctor * N — (Pol) asesor(a) m / f político(a)
- spin out* * *[spɪn]
1)a) ( act)to give something a spin — hacer* girar algo
b) c ( in washing machine)give the sheets a spin — centrifuga las sábanas; (before n) <speed, program> de centrifugado
to put spin on the ball — lanzar* la pelota con efecto, darle* chanfle a la pelota (AmL)
2) ca) ( of aircraft) barrena f, caída f en espiralto be in a (flat) spin — estar* muy confuso or confundido, estar* sin saber qué hacer or qué pensar
b) ( Auto) trompo m3) c ( ride) (colloq)to go for a spin — ir* a dar un paseo en coche (or en moto etc), ir* a dar un garbeo (Esp fam)
2)a) ( turn) \<\<wheel\>\> hacer* girar; \<\<top\>\> hacer* girar or bailarb) \<\<washing\>\> centrifugar*c) \<\<ball\>\> darle* efecto a, darle* chanfle a (AmL)3)a) \<\<wool/cotton\>\> hilarb) \<\<web\>\> tejer4) ( interpret with bias) <news/event> darle* una sesgo positivo a, sesgar* favorablemente
spin vi1)a) ( rotate) \<\<wheel\>\> girar; \<\<top\>\> girar, bailarb) \<\<washing machine\>\> centrifugar*c) ( move rapidly) (+ adv compl): dar* vueltasd) ( Aviat) caer* en barrena2) ( Tex) hilar•Phrasal Verbs:- spin out -
6 spin
1 noun∎ give the wheel a spin faites tourner la roue;∎ give the top a spin lancez la toupie;∎ the plane went into a spin (accidentally) l'avion a fait une chute en vrille; (in aerobatics) l'avion a effectué une descente en vrille;∎ the car went into a spin la voiture a fait un tête-à-queue(b) (in spin-dryer) essorage m;∎ long/short spin essorage m complet/court;∎ to give sth a spin essorer qch;∎ give the washing a quick spin donne un petit coup d'essorage au linge∎ to be in a (flat) spin être dans tous ses états;∎ the news sent him into a spin la nouvelle l'a complètement paniqué□ ;∎ the office was thrown into a (flat) spin by the arrival of the boss les employés se sont affolés en voyant arriver le patron□∎ to put spin on a ball donner de l'effet à une balle;∎ there was a lot of spin on that ball il y avait beaucoup d'effet dans cette balle∎ to put the right spin on a story présenter une affaire sous un angle favorable□ ;∎ the government put its own spin on the situation le gouvernement a présenté la situation sous un angle qui lui convenait□ ;∎ the government has been criticized for indulging in too much spin on a reproché au gouvernement de trop manipuler les informations fournies au public□ ;∎ this government is all spin and no substance ce gouvernement est très fort pour le bavardage mais n'a aucun programme réel□∎ to go for a spin faire une (petite) balade en voiture∎ to give sth a spin essayer ou tenter qch□ ;∎ would you like to give the car a spin? voulez-vous essayer la voiture?(a) (cause to rotate → wheel, chair) faire tourner; (→ top) lancer, faire tournoyer; Sport (→ ball) donner de l'effet à;∎ to spin a coin jouer à pile ou face∎ he spun the glass into the shape of a swan il a filé le verre en forme de cygne(c) (of spider, silkworm) tisser(d) (invent → tale) inventer, débiter;∎ she spun some yarn about the buses being on strike elle a prétexté que les bus étaient en grève;∎ he spins a good yarn il raconte bien les histoires(e) (in spin-dryer) essorer(f) familiar (present in a good light → image, information, event) présenter sous un angle favorable□ ;∎ to spin sb/sth as présenter qn/qch comme□(a) (rotate → planet, wheel) tourner (sur soi-même); (→ skater, top) tournoyer, tourner; Sport (→ ball) tournoyer;∎ it spins on its axis il tourne sur son axe ou sur lui-même;∎ the skater/ballerina spun on one foot le patineur/la ballerine virevolta sur un pied;∎ the room seemed to be spinning (around me) la pièce semblait tourner autour de moi;∎ a strange shape was spinning across the sky une forme étrange traversait le ciel en tournoyant sur elle-même;∎ the wheels were spinning in the mud les roues patinaient dans la boue;∎ my head's spinning j'ai la tête qui (me) tourne;∎ these figures make your head spin ces chiffres vous donnent le tournis ou le vertige;∎ his mind was spinning from the recent events les derniers événements lui donnaient le vertige(d) (in spin-dryer) essorer;∎ put the clothes in to spin mets le linge à essorer∎ we were spinning along at a hundred on filait à cent à l'heure∎ to spin for pike pêcher le brochet à la cuiller ou cuillère►► Sport spin bowler = lanceur qui donne de l'effet à la balle;familiar pejorative Politics spin doctor = chargé des relations publiques d'un parti politique➲ spin off∎ (product) they're going to spin off some toys from the cartoon ils vont commercialiser des jouets tirés des personnages du dessin animé;∎ products that have been spun off from popular films des produits dérivés ou tirés de films à succès∎ (product) to spin off from être dérivé de(b) (face in opposite direction) se retourner;∎ he suddenly spun round il pivota sur ses talons ou se retourna brusquement;∎ she spun round and faced me elle se retourna vivement vers moi(wheel) faire tourner; (dancer, top) faire tourner ou tournoyer -
7 spin
I. 1. преда, изпридам
2. за паяк, буба и пр. плета, изплитам (мрежа, пашкул и пр.)
3. въртя (се), завъртам (се), замайвам (се)
my head is SPINning главата ми се върти, вие ми се свят, зашеметен/замаян съм (от учудване и пр.)
to send someone SPINning зашеметявам някого (със силен удар)
4. изработвам/извъртявам/изтеглям на струг
5. хвърлям жребий/чоп (с монета)
6. изхвърлям (топка и пр.) с въртене
7. разг. движа се бързо/шеметно
8. ловя риба с въртяща се изкуствена стръв
9. sl. скъсвам/сдрусвам на изпит
to SPIN a yarn разказвам надълго измислена/невероятна история, проточвам разказ
spin along летя, нося се (за кола и пр.)
spin around spin round
spin out проточвам, разтакам (работа, разисквания и пр.), разтеглям, проточвам, удължавам (разказ и пр.), прекарвам, изразходвам (време, пари и пр.)
just to SPIN out the time само/просто за да мине времето
to SPIN out one's money харча пестеливо/по малко
spin round обръщам се бързо/рязко/внезапно
II. 1. предене
2. въртене, завъртване
3. прен. замайване, объркване
4. бърза/кратка разходка/обиколка (с кола, велосипед, лодка и пр.)
5. ав. бързо въртене на самолет при вертикално спускане
flat SPIN разг. вълнение, паника* * *{spin} v (span {span}, spun {sp^n}) (-nn-) 1. преда, изприда(2) {spin} n 1. предене; 2. въртене, завъртване; З. прен. замайв* * *суча; точа; преда; въртя; завъртам; изпридам;* * *1. flat spin разг. вълнение, паника 2. i. преда, изпридам 3. ii. предене 4. just to spin out the time само/просто за да мине времето 5. my head is spinning главата ми се върти, вие ми се свят, зашеметен/замаян съм (от учудване и пр.) 6. sl. скъсвам/сдрусвам на изпит 7. spin along летя, нося се (за кола и пр.) 8. spin around spin round 9. spin out проточвам, разтакам (работа, разисквания и пр.), разтеглям, проточвам, удължавам (разказ и пр.), прекарвам, изразходвам (време, пари и пр.) 10. spin round обръщам се бързо/рязко/внезапно 11. to send someone spinning зашеметявам някого (със силен удар) 12. to spin a yarn разказвам надълго измислена/невероятна история, проточвам разказ 13. to spin out one's money харча пестеливо/по малко 14. ав. бързо въртене на самолет при вертикално спускане 15. бърза/кратка разходка/обиколка (с кола, велосипед, лодка и пр.) 16. въртене, завъртване 17. въртя (се), завъртам (се), замайвам (се) 18. за паяк, буба и пр. плета, изплитам (мрежа, пашкул и пр.) 19. изработвам/извъртявам/изтеглям на струг 20. изхвърлям (топка и пр.) с въртене 21. ловя риба с въртяща се изкуствена стръв 22. прен. замайване, объркване 23. разг. движа се бързо/шеметно 24. хвърлям жребий/чоп (с монета)* * *spin [spin] I. v ( span[spæn], spun[spʌn]; spun) 1. преда, изпридам; to \spin a yarn ( tale, story) разказвам (обикн. измислена) история; to \spin o.'s web плета си мрежата (за паяк); to \spin a cocoon свивам пашкул (за буба); 2. въртя (се), завъртам (се); to \spin a top въртя пумпал; to \spin a coin хвърлям ези-тура; my head is \spinning върти ми се главата; to send s.o. \spinning зашеметявам някого (с удар); 3. изработвам на струг; 4. sl скъсвам на изпит; 5. представям в благоприятна светлина; II. n 1. предене; 2. въртене, завъртване; 3. тълкувание, представяне, интерпретация; 4. кратка бърза разходка, раздвижване, разтъпкване; to go for a \spin in the car поразхождам се с кола; 5. търг., разг. внезапен спад, рязко падане (на цени); 6. англ. разг. вълнение; суматоха, объркване; to be in a ( flat) \spin объркан съм, разстроен съм; смутен съм; 7. австр. разг. период; етап; преживяване; късмет; a bad \spin лош период; неудача. -
8 spin
spin [spɪn]1. nouna. ( = turning motion) tournoiement m• to go into a spin [plane] tomber en vrilleb. ( = ride) (inf) petit tour mc. to put a new/different spin on sth (inf) présenter qch sous un nouvel angle/un angle différenta. [+ wool] filer ; [+ thread] fabriquer• to spin a yarn ( = tell a story) raconter une histoireb. [+ wheel, nut, revolving stand] faire tourner ; [+ ball] donner de l'effet àa. ( = spin wool) filer4. compounds[+ story, explanation] délayer* * *[spɪn] 1.1) ( of wheel) tour m; (of dancer, skate) pirouette f2) Sport effet m3) Aviation4) ( pleasure trip) tour m5) US ( interpretation)2.1) lancer [top]; faire tourner [globe, wheel]2) ( flip)3) filer [wool, thread]4) [spider] tisser5) ( wring out) essorer quelque chose à la machine [clothes]6) raconter [tale]3.1) ( rotate) [wheel] tourner; [weathercock, top] tournoyer; [dancer] pirouetterto go spinning through the air — [ball, plate] aller valser (colloq)
the car spun off the road — la voiture est allée valser (colloq) dans la nature
2) fig tourner3) ( turn wildly) [wheels] patiner; [plane] descendre en vrille•Phrasal Verbs:- spin out••to spin one's wheels — US fig ne pas avancer fig
9 spin
A n1 ( turn) ( of wheel) tour m ; (of dancer, skate) pirouette f ; to give sth a spin faire tourner qch ; to do a spin on the ice exécuter une pirouette sur la glace ;3 ( in spin-drier) to give the washing a spin donner un coup d'essorage au linge ;5 ( wring out) essorer qch à la machine [clothes] ;6 ( tell) raconter [tale] ; to spin sb a yarn raconter des salades à qn ; he spun me some tale about missing his train il a prétendu qu'il avait raté son train.1 ( rotate) [wheel] tourner ; [weathercock, top] tournoyer ; [dancer] pirouetter ; to go spinning through the air [ball, plate] aller valser ○ ; the car spun off the road la voiture est allée valser ○ dans la nature ;2 fig tourner ; my head is spinning j'ai la tête qui tourne ; the room was spinning les murs de la pièce tournaient ;4 ( nose dive) [plane] descendre en vrille ;5 Tex filer ;6 Fishg pêcher à la cuillère.■ spin along [car] filer.■ spin around = spin round.▶ spin off [sth]1 créer [new company] ;2 convertir [company, business].■ spin out:▶ spin [sth] out, spin out [sth] prolonger, faire durer [visit] ; faire traîner [qch] en longueur [speech] ; ménager or faire durer [money] ; he spun the whole business out il a fait traîner l'affaire.■ spin round:▶ spin round [person] se retourner rapidement ; [dancer, skater] pirouetter ; she spun round in her chair elle a pivoté sur sa chaise ; [car] faire un tête-à-queue ;▶ spin [sb/sth] round faire tourner [wheel] ; faire tournoyer [dancer, weathercock, top]. -
10 spin
spin 1. present participle - spinning; verb1) (to (cause to) go round and round rapidly: She spun round in surprise; He spun the revolving door round and round.) snu seg plutselig, snurre2) (to form threads from (wool, cotton etc) by drawing out and twisting: The old woman was spinning (wool) in the corner of the room.) spinne2. noun1) (a whirling or turning motion: The patch of mud sent the car into a spin.) snurring, spinn2) (a ride, especially on wheels: After lunch we went for a spin in my new car.) svipptur, rask kjøretur•- spinner- spin-drier
- spin outspinne--------virvleIsubst. \/spɪn\/1) snurring, virvling2) spinn, skru (på ball)3) ( hverdagslig) sentrifugering4) ( hverdagslig) rask (kjøre)tur, svipptur5) (økonomi, hverdagslig) plutselig nedadgående trend6) ( hverdagslig) vinkling7) ( luftfart) spinnget into a flat spin ( hverdagslig) bli helt forstyrret, vite verken ut eller inngive somebody a spin ( politi) ta noen med på stasjoneninverted spin ryggspinnII1) (tekstil, zoologi) spinne2) ( overført) sette sammen3) snurre (rundt), få til å snurre, gå rundt, rotere (om sin akse), gå i spinn4) ( ballspill) skru5) fiske med spinner6) ( skolevesen) la en elev dumpespin (along) gli\/suse\/flyte fremspin a coin slå mynt og kronspin a yarn ( hverdagslig) spinne en ende, fortelle en drøy historie\/skrønespin off gi opphav til, føre med segspin out trekke ut, trekke i langdraggjøre lengre, strekke, få til å vare så lenge som mulig, tvære utspin round snurre rundtspin the ball skru ballen -
11 spin
spin nштопорcontrolled spinуправляемый штопорenter the spinвходить в штопорfail into the spinсрываться в штопорfall into the spinсрываться в штопорflat spinплоский штопорgo out of the spinвыходить из штопораinvoluntary spinнепреднамеренный штопорpowered spinштопор при работающих двигателяхpowerless spinштопор при неработающих двигателяхpower spinштопор при работающих двигателяхpull out of the spinвыводить из штопораput into the spinвводить в штопорrecover from the spinвыходить из штопораspin a gyro rotorвращать ротор гироскопаspin axisось вращенияspin recoveryвывод из штопораspin stallсваливание в штопорspin the gyro rotorраскручивать ротор гироскопаspin wind tunnelаэродинамическая труба для испытаний на сваливание в штопорsteep spinкрутой штопорuncontrolled spinнеуправляемый штопорvoluntary spinпреднамеренный штопор -
12 spin
[spin] 1. present participle - spinning; verb1) (to (cause to) go round and round rapidly: She spun round in surprise; He spun the revolving door round and round.) vrteti (se)2) (to form threads from (wool, cotton etc) by drawing out and twisting: The old woman was spinning (wool) in the corner of the room.) presti2. noun1) (a whirling or turning motion: The patch of mud sent the car into a spin.) vrtenje2) (a ride, especially on wheels: After lunch we went for a spin in my new car.) vožnja•- spinner- spin-drier
- spin out* * *I [spin]nounvrtenje (okoli osi), sukanje, obračanje; predenje; kratka in hitra vožnja; kratka ježa (jahanje); odvihranje; aeronautics vrtenje (letala) okoli podolžne osi; popolna zmešnjava, zmedato go for (to take) a spin — iti na kratko vožnjo ali sprehod (s kolesom, avtom, čolnom itd.)II [spin]transitive verbpresti, sukati (volno itd.); spremeniti (raztopino) v umetno svilo; obračati, vrteti (vrtavko); hitro obrniti okoli osi; stružiti; (na dolgo) pripovedovati; figuratively izmisliti si; loviti (ribe) z umetno vabo; slang vreči (kandidata) na izpitu; aeronautics vrteti (letalo) okoli podolžne osi; intransitive verb presti; (hitro) se obračati, vrteti se; krožiti; colloquially hitro iti, brzeti, drveti; postati omotičen; brizgniti (kri); aeronautics vrteti se okoli podolžne osi; ribariti z umetno vaboto spin (along) — drveti, brzeti (po)to spin a coin — vreči novec v zrak (pri žrebanju, stavi itd.)to spin plots — izmisliti si načrte, spletketo send s.o. spinning — udariti koga, da se zavrti okrog svoje osi -
13 spin
[spin] 1. present participle - spinning; verb1) (to (cause to) go round and round rapidly: She spun round in surprise; He spun the revolving door round and round.) rodar2) (to form threads from (wool, cotton etc) by drawing out and twisting: The old woman was spinning (wool) in the corner of the room.) fiar2. noun1) (a whirling or turning motion: The patch of mud sent the car into a spin.) rodopio2) (a ride, especially on wheels: After lunch we went for a spin in my new car.) voltinha•- spinner- spin-drier
- spin out* * *[spin] n 1 rotação, giro, ato de girar. 2 corrida ou viagem rápida. 3 Aeron parafuso. 4 Amer sl interpretação particular dada a uma proposta, informação, etc. 5 torcida em roupa na máquina de lavar. • vt+vi (ps, spun, span, pp spun) 1 fiar, torcer (fio). 2 fazer fio ou fio de teia. 3 puxar, esticar, trefilar em fio. 4 girar, virar, rodar, fazer girar. 5 sentir tontura. 6 correr, andar, viajar com velocidade. 7 engendrar, inventar, contar. 8 repuxar. 9 pescar com isca giratória. 10 rodar rápida e suavemente. 11 torcer roupa na máquina de lavar. to be in a spin/ in a flat spin coll estar confuso, estar em pânico. to spin along correr (carro ou automóvel). to spin a yarn Naut contar lorotas. to spin one’s wheels sl perder tempo, trabalhar inutilmente. to spin out prolongar, fazer durar. to spin round girar, rodar. -
14 spin
[spin] 1. present participle - spinning; verb1) (to (cause to) go round and round rapidly: She spun round in surprise; He spun the revolving door round and round.) snurre rundt; dreje rundt2) (to form threads from (wool, cotton etc) by drawing out and twisting: The old woman was spinning (wool) in the corner of the room.) spinde2. noun1) (a whirling or turning motion: The patch of mud sent the car into a spin.) spin2) (a ride, especially on wheels: After lunch we went for a spin in my new car.) køretur•- spinner- spin-drier
- spin out* * *[spin] 1. present participle - spinning; verb1) (to (cause to) go round and round rapidly: She spun round in surprise; He spun the revolving door round and round.) snurre rundt; dreje rundt2) (to form threads from (wool, cotton etc) by drawing out and twisting: The old woman was spinning (wool) in the corner of the room.) spinde2. noun1) (a whirling or turning motion: The patch of mud sent the car into a spin.) spin2) (a ride, especially on wheels: After lunch we went for a spin in my new car.) køretur•- spinner- spin-drier
- spin out -
15 spin
spin [spɪn]1. n1) круже́ние, верче́ние2) ав. што́пор3) разг. коро́ткая прогу́лка; бы́страя езда́ (на автомашине, велосипеде, лодке);to go for a spin in a car прокати́ться на автомаши́не
4) физ. спин2. v (spun, уст. span; spun)1) крути́ть(ся), верте́ть(ся), опи́сывать круги́;to spin a top пуска́ть волчо́к
;to spin a coin подбра́сывать моне́ту
;to send smb. spinning отбро́сить кого́-л. уда́ром
2) прясть, сучи́ть3) прясть, плести́ ( о пауке);to spin a cocoon запря́сться ( о шелковичном черве)
4) расска́зывать или писа́ть (рассказ, статью и т.п.)5) разг. нести́сь, бы́стро дви́гаться ( на велосипеде и т.п.)6) лови́ть ( рыбу) на блесну́7) тех. выда́вливать ( на токарно-давильном станке)spin in ав. войти́ в што́пор;spin off ав. вы́йти из што́пора;а) растя́гивать; до́лго и ну́дно расска́зывать что-л.;б) эконо́мить;to spin out money не транжи́рить де́ньги, растя́гивать на определённый срок
◊to spin a yarn плести́ небыли́цы
16 Spin
17 spin
[spin] 1. present participle - spinning; verb1) (to (cause to) go round and round rapidly: She spun round in surprise; He spun the revolving door round and round.) (o)točit (se)2) (to form threads from (wool, cotton etc) by drawing out and twisting: The old woman was spinning (wool) in the corner of the room.) příst2. noun1) (a whirling or turning motion: The patch of mud sent the car into a spin.) otáčení, rotace2) (a ride, especially on wheels: After lunch we went for a spin in my new car.) projížďka•- spinner- spin-drier
- spin out* * *• točit se• upříst• příst• spříst• spin/spun/spun• dopřádat -
18 spin
spin s.m. (fis.) spin: numero quantico di spin, spin quantum number; spin isotopico, isospin (o isotopic spin). -
19 spin
The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > spin
20 spin
[spin] 1. present participle - spinning; verb1) (to (cause to) go round and round rapidly: She spun round in surprise; He spun the revolving door round and round.) snarsnúa(st)2) (to form threads from (wool, cotton etc) by drawing out and twisting: The old woman was spinning (wool) in the corner of the room.) spinna2. noun1) (a whirling or turning motion: The patch of mud sent the car into a spin.) snarsnúningur2) (a ride, especially on wheels: After lunch we went for a spin in my new car.) ökuferð, bíltúr•- spinner- spin-drier
- spin out
См. также в других словарях:
spin — spin … Dictionnaire des rimes
SPIN — On appelle «spin» le moment angulaire ou cinétique intrinsèque des particules quantiques ou quantons. Ce terme anglais évoque le mouvement de rotation propre que peuvent posséder les objets physiques, telles les planètes ou les balles de tennis,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Spin — (von englisch spin ‚Drehung‘, ‚Drall‘), auch Eigendrehimpuls, ist eine quantenmechanische Eigenschaft von Teilchen. Spin hat kein Pendant in der klassischen Physik, und somit können semi klassische Erklärungen und Analogien nicht vollständig … Deutsch Wikipedia
spin — spin·ach; spin; spin·dle·age; spin·dle·ful; spin·dler; spin·dli·ness; spin·dly; spin·drift; spin·et; spin·i·ness; spin·na·bil·i·ty; spin·na·ble; spin·na·ker; spin·ner; spin·ner·et; spin·ner·ular; spin·ner·ule; spin·nery; spin·ney; spin·or;… … English syllables
Spin — may refer to:* Rotation or spin, a movement of an object in a circular motion * Spin (physics) or particle spin, a fundamental property of elementary particles * Spin (flight), a special and often intense case of a stall * Spin (public relations) … Wikipedia
Spin AG — Unternehmensform AG Gründung 1996 als GmbH Unternehmenssitz Regensburg, Deutschland Unternehmensleitung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Spin.de — Spin AG Rechtsform AG Gründung 1996 als GmbH Sitz Regensburg, Deutschland Leitung Paul Schmid, Fabian Rott Mitarbeiter etwa … Deutsch Wikipedia
SPIN — (ursprünglich ein Akronym für Simple PROMELA Interpreter) ist eines der bekanntesten Werkzeuge zur Modellprüfung (engl. Model Checking). SPIN prüft endliche Zustandsautomaten (engl. Finite State Machines) mit der temporalen Logik LTL. Zusätzlich… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Spin — (sp[i^]n), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spun}(Archaic imp. {Span}); p. pr. & vb. n. {Spinning}.] [AS. spinnan; akin to D. & G. spinnen, Icel. & Sw. spinna, Dan. spinde, Goth. spinnan, and probably to E. span. [root]170. Cf. {Span}, v. t., {Spider}.] 1.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spin-up — refers to the period of time taken by a traditional (non solid state) hard disk drive to accelerate its platters from a stopped state to an operational speed. The required operational speed depends on the design of the disk drive. Typical speeds… … Wikipedia
Spin — Spin: Содержание 1 В математике 2 В вычислительной технике 3 В музыке … Википедия