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См. также в других словарях:

  • Michigan State University College of Human Medicine — Motto Serving the People Established 1964 Type …   Wikipedia

  • human ecology — n 1) a branch of sociology concerned esp. with the study of the spatial and temporal interrelationships between human beings and their economic, social, and political organization 2) the ecology of human communities and populations esp. as… …   Medical dictionary

  • human being — n HUMAN …   Medical dictionary

  • human ehrlichiosis — n any of several ehrlichioses affecting humans esp human granulocytic ehrlichiosis …   Medical dictionary

  • human granulocytic ehrlichiosis — n an ehrlichiosis of humans that is marked by fever, myalgia, headache, leukemia, and thrombocytopenia and that is caused by a rickettsial bacterium of the genus Ehrlichia which is transmitted by ixodid ticks (as the deer tick and American dog… …   Medical dictionary

  • human immunodeficiency virus — n HIV * * * (HIV) either of two species of the genus Lentivirus (HIV 1 and HIV 2), which cause the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV 1, which comprises at least three subgroups (M, N, and O), is of worldwide distribution, while HIV 2 …   Medical dictionary

  • human relations — n pl but usu sing in constr 1) the social and interpersonal relations between human beings 2) a course, study, or program designed to develop better interpersonal and intergroup adjustments …   Medical dictionary

  • human T-cell leukemia virus — n HTLV * * * synonym for human T lymphotropic v.; see there for entries for specific strains …   Medical dictionary

  • human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III — n HIV 1 * * * (HTLV III) former name for human immunodeficiency v. 1 …   Medical dictionary

  • human botfly — n a large fly of the genus Dermatobia (D. hominis) that has brown wings and a bluish body, is widely distributed in tropical America, and undergoes its larval development subcutaneously in some mammals including humans …   Medical dictionary

  • human chorionic gonadotropin — n a glycoprotein hormone similar in structure to luteinizing hormone that is secreted by the placenta during early pregnancy to maintain corpus luteum function and stimulate placental progesterone production, is found in the urine and blood serum …   Medical dictionary

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