1 ♦ field
♦ field /fi:ld/n.3 ( sport) campo; terreno di gioco: football field, campo di (o da) calcio; sports field, campo da gioco; to take the field, scendere in campo4 ( sport: the field) i concorrenti; i partecipanti; gli atleti in campo; il gruppo; i corridori: a good field, una schiera di ottimi concorrenti; to lead the field, guidare il gruppo; essere in testa; (fig.) essere il primo, guidare la classifica8 (geol., spesso in combinazione) bacino; giacimento: gold field, bacino aurifero; coalfield, bacino carbonifero; oilfield, giacimento petrolifero; bacino petrolifero9 distesa; campo: a field of ice (o an ice field) una distesa di ghiaccio; snow field, distesa (o campo) di neve10 (fig.) campo ( di studio, di attività); campo d'azione; area; settore; branca: the field of science [of art], il campo della scienza [dell'arte]; She's the best in her field, è la migliore nel suo campo; What's your field?, di che cosa ti occupi?; That's outside my field, esula dal mio campo; field research [studies], ricerca [studi] sul campo11 (tecn., scient.) campo: (fis.) magnetic [gravitational] field, campo magnetico [gravitazionale]; (fis.) electromagnetic field, campo elettromagnetico; (fis.) force field, campo di forze; (fisiol., med.) field of view (o field of vision) campo visivo12 (elettron.) semiquadro14 (arald., numism.) campo● (mil.) field allowance, soprassoldo, indennità di campagna ( pagata agli ufficiali) □ (mil.) field artillery, artiglieria da campo (o campale) □ (bot.) field balm ( Satureja nepeta), mentuccia □ (mil.) field battery, batteria da campo (o campale) □ field book, taccuino da agrimensore □ field boots, stivali militari al ginocchio □ (elettr.) field coil, avvolgimento di campo; bobina eccitatrice □ ( USA) field corn, granturco usato come mangime □ (zool.) field cricket ( Gryllus campestris), grillo □ field day, (mil.) giorno delle grandi manovre; ( a scuola) giornata passata all'aperto ( per fare dello sport, studiare la natura, ecc.); (estens.) giornata di grande attività □ (fam.) to have a field day, fare qc. con grande entusiasmo; divertirsi un mondo (a fare qc.); ( anche) buttarsi a pesce su q., andarci a nozze: We had a field day in town, abbiamo fatto un sacco di cose in città; The press had a field day with her divorce, la stampa si è buttata a pesce sul suo divorzio □ field dressing, pacco di medicazioni d'emergenza □ (elettr.) field-effect transistor, transistor a effetto di campo □ (fis.) field emission, emissione di campo □ field engineer, ingegnere di cantiere; (comput.) tecnico per l'assistenza presso il cliente □ ( sport) field events, (gare di) atletica leggera ( non su pista) □ (market.) field force, gruppo d'intervistatori □ field glasses, binocolo (da campagna) □ ( sport) field goal, ( basket) canestro segnato su azione; ( football americano) calcio piazzato, messo a segno □ field guide, guida ( libro) alle caratteristiche naturali ( di una regione) □ (mil.) field gun, cannone da campagna □ ( USA) field hand, bracciante agricolo □ ( sport) field hockey, hockey su prato □ (med. mil.) field hospital, ospedale da campo □ ( sport) field house, edificio degli spogliatoi □ field ice, banchisa □ (market.) field investigation, indagine esterna □ ( sport) field judge, giudice di campo □ (org. az.) field manager, direttore di zona □ (mil., in GB) field marshal, ‘field marshal’ ( è il grado più alto dell'esercito; non ha equivalente in Italia) □ field mouse, topo campagnolo □ field mushroom, (fungo) prataiolo □ (mil.) field of fire, campo di fuoco (o di tiro) □ (org. az.) field office, ufficio di zona; ufficio distaccato □ (mil.) field officer, ufficiale superiore □ (aeron.) field personnel, personale a terra □ field preacher, predicatore ambulante □ (mil.) field rank, grado superiore □ field scientist, scienziato impegnato in ricerche sul campo □ ( basket) field shot, tiro da due (o da tre) □ ( sport) field sports, caccia e pesca □ field staff, personale esterno ( che lavora fuori sede) □ field study, ricerca sul campo □ field telephone, telefono da campo □ field test, prova (o test) sul campo; collaudo in condizioni reali di utilizzo □ field trip, viaggio per ricerche sul campo; gita (scolastica) di istruzione □ ( baseball) field umpire, secondo arbitro □ (zool.) field vole ( Microtus arvalis), topo campagnolo comune □ ( sport e fig.) ahead of the field, in testa a tutti; primo □ (agric.) to burn off the fields, bruciare le stoppie □ to give fair field and no favour, concedere campo franco e sicuro; assicurare condizioni di parità a due concorrenti □ to hold the field, tenere (o dominare) il campo □ in the field, (mil.) sul campo; (rif. ad attività lavorativa) sul campo, fuori dell'ufficio (o dell'azienda, ecc.) □ to keep the field, (mil.) restare in campo; (fig.) non abbandonare un'attività (o una gara) □ (fam. USA) out in left field, completamente fuori strada □ (fam. USA) out of left field, all'improvviso; di punto in bianco □ (fam.) to play the field, correre la cavallina; passare da un'avventura all'altra.(to) field /fi:ld/A v. t.1 (mil.) mettere in campo, schierare5 (fig.) rispondere (abilmente) a ( domande, ecc.); tener testa a: I had to field a barrage of questions, dovetti rispondere a un fuoco di fila di domandeB v. i. -
2 field
field [fi:ld]1 noun(a) (piece of land) champ m;∎ to work in the fields travailler dans les ou aux champs;∎ field of wheat champ m de blé;∎ strawberry field plantation f de fraisiers∎ Smith is way ahead of the (rest of the) field Smith est loin devant ou devance largement les autres;∎ there's a very strong field for the 100 metres il y a une très belle brochette de concurrents ou participants au départ du 100 mètres;∎ sports or games field terrain m de sport;∎ to take the field entrer sur le terrain;∎ to lead the field (in race) mener la course, être en tête; figurative (in sales, area of study) être en tête; (of theory) faire autorité;∎ our company leads the field when it comes to fitted kitchens notre entreprise est en tête du marché pour ce qui est des cuisines encastrées;∎ figurative there are three candidates in the field trois candidatures ont été déposées;∎ familiar to play the field (romantically) avoir autant de liaisons amoureuses que l'on veut(c) (of oil, minerals etc) gisement m;∎ oil/coal/gas field gisement m de pétrole/de charbon/de gaz∎ field (of battle) champ m de bataille;∎ bravery in the field bravoure f sur le champ de bataille;∎ to die on the field of honour mourir ou tomber au champ d'honneur;∎ to hold the field ne pas lâcher de terrain, tenir;∎ the French now held the field les Français étaient maintenant maîtres du champ de bataille(e) (sphere of activity, knowledge) domaine m;∎ experts from every field des experts provenant de tous les domaines;∎ to be an expert in one's field être expert dans son domaine;∎ in the political field, in the field of politics dans le domaine politique;∎ to contribute to the field of human knowledge contribuer à la connaissance humaine;∎ what's your field?, what field are you in? quel est ton domaine?;∎ that's not my field ce n'est pas de mon domaine ou dans mes compétences(f) (practice rather than theory) terrain m;∎ to work/to study in the field travailler/étudier sur le terrain;∎ to go out into the field aller sur le terrain∎ magnetic field champ m magnétique Military(a) (team) présenter; (player) faire jouer; Military (men, hardware) réunir; Politics (candidate) présenter(b) (in cricket, baseball → ball) arrêter (et renvoyer);∎ figurative to field a question savoir répondre à une question;∎ figurative well fielded bien répondu(in cricket, baseball) être en défense►► Military field ambulance ambulance f;Military field artillery artillerie f de campagne;Military field battery batterie f de campagne;Military field colours (regimental flags) couleurs fpl du régiment;American field corn maïs m de grande culture;∎ familiar figurative to have a field day s'en donner à cœur joie; (do good business) faire recette□ ;∎ if the press find out about this they'll have a field day! si les journaux l'apprennent, ils vont s'en donner à cœur joie!;field engineer ingénieur m de chantier ou sur le terrain;Sport field events concours mpl de saut et de lancer;Military field exercise exercice m en campagne, manœuvre f;∎ field of fire champ m de tir;∎ Physics field of force champ m de force;Botany field gentian gentiane f champêtre;field glasses jumelles fpl;Military field gun canon m;American field hockey hockey m (sur gazon);Military field hospital antenne f chirurgicale, hôpital m de campagne;field ice banquise f;Military field kitchen cuisine f roulante;field label (in dictionary) rubrique f, indicateur m de domaine;Botany field madder shérardie f des champs;Botany field maple érable m champêtre;Marketing field marketing marketing m sur le terrain;Military field marshal maréchal m;field mushroom agaric m champêtre, rosé m des prés;Military field officer officier m supérieur;Military field rations ration f de guerre;field sports = la chasse et la pêche;field study étude f sur le terrain;Military field telegraph télégraphe m militaire;field test essai m sur le terrain;field trials (for machine) essais mpl sur le terrain;School & University field trip voyage m d'études; (of one afternoon, one day) sortie f d'études;∎ a geography field trip une excursion d'études de géographie;∎ field of vision champ m visuel ou de vision;field worker (social worker) travailleur(euse) m,f social(e); (researcher) chercheur(euse) m,f de terrain -
3 field
field n1. длина площадки2. площадка acoustic fieldакустическое полеauxiliary landing fieldзапасная посадочная площадкаbalanced field lengthсбалансированная длина летного поляchoice of fieldвыбор посадочной площадкиdipole-type noise fieldзвуковое поле дипольного источникаearth's magnetic fieldмагнитное поле Землиelectric field strengthнапряжение электрического поляfield circuitцепь поля возбужденияfield conditionsреальные условия эксплуатацииfield markerориентир летного поляField Operation BranchОтдел осуществления проектов на местахField Operations SectionСекция осуществления проектов на местах(ИКАО) Field Personal Administration UnitСектор учета кадров на местахField Personnel SectionСекция управления кадрами на местах(ИКАО) field procurementснабжение оперативной точки базированияField Procurement SectionСекция снабжения на местах(ИКАО) field procurement serviceснабжение оперативных точек базированияField Procurement Services UnitСектор обеспечения снабжения на местахField Purchasing UnitСектор закупок на местахField Recruitment UnitСектор найма на местахField Services BranchОтдел обслуживания проектов на местахfield strength meterизмеритель напряженности поляfield testsэксплуатационные испытанияflow fieldполе обтеканияinlet flow fieldполе обтекания заборникаlanding fieldпосадочная площадкаmagnetic field strengthнапряжение магнитного поляnoise fieldобласть воздействия шумаpilot's field of viewполе зрения пилотаradiation fieldполе излученияradiation field patternдиаграмма излученияsecondary sound fieldотраженное звуковое полеsound fieldзвуковое поле -
4 field
- field
- n1. поле; участок, площадка
2. область; зона
3. прямой или угловой простенок ( кирпичной стены)
4. посадочная площадка
- field of application
- field of forces
- field of load
- field of specialization
- absorption field
- admissible deformation field
- ambient stress field
- auxiliary landing field
- displacement field
- disposal field
- drain field
- force field
- irrigation field
- leaching field
- playing field
- scalar field
- seismic field
- sewage field
- soil absorption field
- sports field
- strain field
- stress field
- temperature field
- vector field
- velocity field
- well field
- wide field of research
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
5 field
field [fi:ld]1. nouna. champ mc. ( = sphere of activity, knowledge) domaine m[+ team] faire jouer3. compounds• the press had a field day with the story la presse a fait ses choux gras de cette histoire ► field event noun concours m* * *[fiːld] 1.1) Agriculture, Geography, gen champ m (of de)3) [U] Sport ( competitors) ( athletes) concurrents mpl; ( horses) partants mplto lead ou be ahead of the field — Sport mener le peloton; fig être en tête
4) ( area of knowledge) domaine m (of de)5) Linguistics champ m sémantique6) ( real environment)7) Militaryto hold the field — se maintenir sur ses positions; fig [theory] dominer
8) ( range) champ mfield of fire — Military secteur m de tir
9) Computing, Mathematics, Physics champ m2.noun modifier2) ( in real environment) [ test, study] sur le terrain3.transitive verb1) Sport réceptionner [ball]3) ( respond to) répondre à [questions]4.intransitive verb Sport jouer dans l'équipe de défense•• -
6 field
field [fi:ld] n1) по́ле; луг; большо́е простра́нство2) геол. месторожде́ние (преим. в сложных словах, напр., diamond-fields, gold-fields)3) спорти́вная площа́дка4) все уча́стники состяза́ния или все, за исключе́нием сильне́йших5) по́ле сраже́ния; сраже́ние;a hard-fought field серьёзное сраже́ние
;in the field на войне́, в похо́де; в полевы́х усло́виях
;а) ме́сто дуэ́ли;б) по́ле би́твы;to conquer the field одержа́ть побе́ду; перен. тж. взять верх в спо́ре
;to enter the field вступа́ть в борьбу́; перен. тж. вступа́ть в соревнова́ние, вступа́ть в спор
;to hold the field уде́рживать пози́ции
;to keep the field продолжа́ть сраже́ние
;to leave the field отступи́ть; потерпе́ть пораже́ние
6) по́ле де́йствия;field of view ( или vision) по́ле зре́ния
;magnetic field магни́тное по́ле
7) о́бласть, сфе́ра де́ятельности, наблюде́ния;in the whole field of our history на всём протяже́нии на́шей исто́рии
8) фон, грунт ( картины и т.п.)11) attr. полево́й;field force(s) де́йствующая а́рмия
;field fortification(s) полевы́е укрепле́ния
;field ambulance воен.
а) медици́нский отря́д;б) санита́рная маши́на;а) полево́е обору́дование;б) кинопередви́жка;в) похо́дное снаряже́ние;field service(s) воен. полева́я слу́жба
;field security контрразве́дка в де́йствующей а́рмии
;field magnet возбужда́ющий магни́т
;field theory мат. тео́рия по́ля
;field trial испыта́ния в полевы́х усло́виях
7 field
A n1 Agric, Geog, gen champ m (of de) ; ice/lava/snow field champ de glace/de lave/de neige ; wheat field champ de blé ;2 Sport ( ground) terrain m ; football/sports field terrain de football/de sport ; to take to the field [team] arriver sur le terrain ;3 ¢ Sport ( competitors) ( athletes) concurrents mpl ; ( horses) partants mpl, champ m ; Hunt chasseurs mpl (à courre) ; to lead ou be ahead of the field Sport mener le peloton ; fig être en tête ;4 ( area of knowledge) domaine m (of de) ; it's outside his field ça ne rélève pas de sa compétence ;5 Ling champ m sémantique ;6 ( real environment) to test sth in the field faire des essais de qch sur le terrain ; to work in the field travailler sur le terrain ;7 Mil the field of battle le champ de bataille ; to die in the field tomber or mourir au champ d'honneur ; to take the field se mettre en campagne ; to hold the field se maintenir sur ses positions ; fig [theory] dominer ;8 ( range) champ m ; field of force Elec champ de force ; field of vision ou view champ de vision ; field of fire Mil secteur m de tir ;11 ( airfield) terrain m d'aviation.B vtr1 Sport attraper, réceptionner [ball] ;3 ( put at disposal) mettre [qn/qch] en action [equipment, nurses, soldiers] ;4 ( respond to) répondre à [questions].to play the field sortir avec tout le monde. -
8 field
field поле; участок; областьfield of myofibrils миофибриллярное поле, поле КонгеймаCohnheim's field миофибриллярное поле, поле Конгеймаcortical field кортикальное полеdetermrination field поле детерминацииembryonic field зародышевое полеheteroaxial field трёхмерное полеheteropolar field двухмерное полеhigh-power field поле зрения (микроскопа) под большим увеличеникмindividuation field эмбриональное полеmicroscopic field поле зрения микроскопаmorphogenetic field морфогенетическое полеorgan field поле органаreceprive field рецепторное полеsubliminal field подпороговая область, область подпорогового возбужденияvegetative field вегетативное полеvisual field поле зренияEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > field
9 field
FIELD [IN, ON]Словосочетание in the field является наиболее употребительным и соответствует русским 'в поле' или 'на поле': to work in the field. Предлог on употребляется только в сочетаниях типа on the battle field, on the cricket field.Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > field
10 field
11 field
12 field
field 1. COMP Feld n (word, data processing); 2. IND Gebiet n, Datenfeld n, Gesichtsfeld n, Feld n (of research); 3. S&M Feld n -
13 field
field 1. Feld n (elektrisch oder magnetisch); 2. Feldgröße f; 3. FS Teilbild n, Teilraster m, Halbbild n; 4. DAT Speicherfeld n, Datenfeld n; Lochkartenfeld n; 5. Gebiet n; Fachgebiet n; Anwendungsgebiet n; Einsatzgebiet nEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > field
14 field …
field … Vor-Ort-…; im Feld, am EinsatzortEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > field …
15 field
field 1. LB, RP Gelände n; Flur f; Feld n; 2. TE Baustelle f; Baustrecke f (Leitungsbau); 3. SB Ausmauerfeld n; 4. EL Feld n; 5. RP Spielfeld n; 6. KONST, RP Feld n, Sektor m, Teilgebiet n; 7. KONST, TE Anwendungsbereich mEnglish-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > field
16 field
17 field
1) поле; (открытое) пространство; область; зона2) поле ( физической величины)4) нефт. промысел5) возбуждение; подмагничивание8) поле ( полевые условия)10) сфера, область (исследования, применения)12) вчт. поле; группа символов•-
ac field
accelerating field
acoustic field
action field
address field
alphanumeric field
alphameric field
alternate fields
alternating field
angular field
aperture field
applica field
argument field
austenite field
avalanche field
axial field
back surface field
backscattered field
bias field
biaxial stress field
boundary field
breakdown field
built-in field
centrifugal force field
character field
circuital field
circular field
cloud field
coal field
coercive field
color field
command field
commutating field
compensating field
conduction field
conductor-cooled field
confinement field
conservative field
containing field
control field
control-data field
convective field
Coulombian field
Coulomb field
counter field
counterrotating field
coupled fields
couple-stress field
crack tip stress field
critical field
crossed field
cross field
curling field
curl field
data field
dc field
decelerating field
deflecting field
degaussing field
deleted field
demagnetizing field
depolarization field
derived field
destination field
developed field
diffracted field
diffuse sound field
dipole field
discontinuous field
dislocation field
displacement field
display field
disturbed field
disturbing field
drive field
Earth's electric field
Earth's magnetic field
effective field
elastic field
elastic-plastic field
electric field
electromagnetic field
electromagnetic leakage field
electrostatic field
equilibrium displacement field
equilibrium stress field
even-numbered field
even field
exciting field
external field
extraneous field
far field
far-radiated field
far-scattered field
far-zone field
field of force
field of gravity
field of shot
field of view
field of vision
finish magnetic field
finish field
first field
fixed field
flag field
flow field
focusing field
force field
four-pole field
Fraunhofer field
free field
free-space field
Fresnel field
fringing field
full field
Galois field
gas field
gas-condensate field
gradient field
gravitational field
green field
ground instantaneous field of view
H field
heliostat field
high field
high-frequency alternating field
homogeneous field
homologous field
ice field
image field
impressed field
induction field
in-plane field
instruction field
interlaced field
internal field
irrotational field
isothetic field
junction field
key field
label field
lamellar field
leakage field
lenslet field
linear field
longitudinal field
Lorentz's field
low field
machine perception field
magnetic bias field
magnetic field
magnetizing field
magnetotelluric field
major field
marginal field
mean field
mine field
mirror field
moire field
multibeam field
multipay field
near field
near tip field
near-zone field
noncircuital field
nonhomogeneous field
nonstationary field
normal-mode field
number field
numeric field
odd-numbered field
odd field
offshore field
oil field
operand field
operation field
oxide-charge-induced field
perturbed field
picture field
piezoelectric field
plane strain field
polarization field
potential field
pressure field
producing field
pumping field
pump field
quadrupolar field
quenching field
radial field
radiated field
red field
refrigerating field
rejected field
remanent field
remote tensile field
reradiated field
residual field
residual stress field
retarding field
revolving field
rod scattered field
rotary field
saddle field
scalar field
scanning field
scattered field
segmented field
seismic field
self field
self-demagnetizing field
self-magnetic field
series field
shunt field
signed field
sleek field
slip-line field
slot field
slot leakage field
sound field
source field
space-charge field
starting field
stationary field
strain field
stray field
stress field
strong field
superimposed field
superposed field
suppressed field
sweeping field
synchronous field
tag field
television field
temperature field
tension field
thermal field
thermobaric field
threshold field
titles field
total field
transient field
transverse field
travelling field
tunneling field
undisturbed field
uniform field
unperturbed field
variable field
vector field
viewing field
vortex field
waste field
wastewater field
wave field
weak field
wind field -
18 field
1) поле
2) полевая
3) полевые
4) полукадр
5) прииск
6) <math.> тело
7) экспедиционный
8) область
9) корпоидальный
10) корпус
11) область рациональности
12) полевой
13) промысловый
14) эксплуатационный
– action field
– antenna field
– card field
– choking field
– coal field
– connecting field
– controlling field
– cross-connecting field
– cyclotomic field
– deflection field
– difference field
– electromagnetic field
– establish field
– extension field
– field adjustment
– field albedometer
– field assembly
– field astronomy
– field case
– field clamping
– field classification
– field coil
– field comparison
– field computation
– field copper
– field cultivator
– field current
– field description
– field distortion
– field emission
– field equation
– field excitation
– field experiment
– field extension
– field frame
– field frequency
– field glasses
– field inspection
– field ion emission
– field ion microscope
– field joint
– field killer
– field killing
– field laboratory
– field length
– field lens
– field magnet
– field mesh
– field modulation
– field of application
– field of constants
– field of force
– field of sets
– field oxide
– field party
– field pattern
– field pole
– field potential
– field reduction
– field resistance
– field rivet
– field sheet
– field sketch
– field sketching
– field source
– field spider
– field sprayer
– field station
– field strenght
– field strength
– field survey
– field sweep
– field telephone
– field test
– field theory
– field traverse
– field triangulation
– field tube
– field varistor
– field weld
– field windbreak
– field work
– force field
– gamma field
– gas field
– gold field
– hyper-real field
– in the field
– induction field
– inertia field
– interlaced field
– leakage field
– magnetic field
– multidifferential field
– non-commutative field
– oil field
– oil field administration
– ordered field
– prime field
– quotient field
– radiation field
– retarding field
– rotary field
– rotating field
– rotational field
– signal field
– skew field
– splitting field
– stray field
– translation field
– vortex field
automatic field damper — <electr.> автомат гашения поля
characteristic exponent of field — степень характеристики поля
circuital vector field — <electr.> поле вихревое
collapse of the magnetic field — исчезновение магнитного поля
field discharge switch — <electr.> автомат гашения поля
field form factor — <electr.> коэффициент поля
field of class two — поле второго класса, метабелево поле
field reject rate — частота обнаружения неработоспособных кристаллов в системе
field repetition rate — <phot.> частота полукадров
unified field theory — <phys.> теория поля единая, теория поля обобщенная
19 field
1) поле (1. физическое поле (напр. электромагнитное) 2. величина, характеризующая физическое поле 3. (открытое) пространство; область; зона 4. тлв вчт полукадр (в системах отображения с чересстрочной развёрткой) 5. вчт поименованная группа данных; элемент данных; столбец данных 6. вчт обрабатываемая отдельно группа разрядов 7. вчт кольцо с ненулевыми элементами, образующими абелеву группу по операции умножения 8. сфера деятельности; область интересов) || полевой; относящийся к полю2) опт. поле зрения4) рлк карта местности ( на экране индикатора)5) полигон6) поле боя (напр. в компьютерных играх)•- fields of atom
- field of complex numbers
- field of events
- field of force
- field of functions
- field of order N-
- field of quotients
- field of relations
- field of search
- field of selection
- field of values
- field of view
- field of vision
- field without sources
- field without vortices
- field with sources
- field with vortices
- Abelian field
- ac field
- accelerating field
- acoustoelectric field
- address field
- affine field
- aiding drift field
- alphanumeric field
- alternate fields
- alternating-gradient field
- angular field of view
- anisotropy field
- antenna field
- aperture field
- applied field
- authentication field
- auxiliary field
- avalanche field
- axial field
- backscattered field
- backward field
- base field
- base sweeping field
- bias magnetic field
- biasing magnetic field
- biomagnetic fields
- bit field
- block information field
- blue field
- breakdown field
- built-in field
- calculated field
- canonical field
- card field
- caustic field
- central field
- chain field
- character field
- charge-separation field
- chiral field
- circuital field
- coercive field
- collapse field
- color field
- compressing field
- computed field
- confining field
- conservative field
- constant field
- containing field
- control field
- Coulomb field
- countable field
- counterrotating field
- coupled fields
- critical field
- CRC field
- crossed fields
- crystal field
- crystal lattice field
- crystalline field
- curl field
- curling field
- cusped magnetic field
- cutoff field
- cyclic redundancy check field
- cylinder number field
- data field
- dc field
- decelerating field
- deflection field
- degaussing field
- demagnetizing field
- derived field
- destination field
- diffracted field
- dipole field
- dipole sound field
- display field
- disturbed field
- disturbing field
- domain erasing field
- domain nucleation field
- drift field
- dynamic field
- dynamic threshold field
- E-field
- Earth's electric field
- Earth's magnetic field
- edge diffracted field
- effective field
- effective field of magnetic anisotropy
- electric field
- electromagnetic field
- electrostatic field
- EM field
- emit field
- entrance field
- equilibrium field
- erasure field
- even field
- evoked magnetic fields of brain
- exchange field
- extension field
- external field
- extraneous field
- far field
- far-radiated field
- far-scattered field
- far-zone field
- Fermat field
- file field
- finite field
- first field
- first critical field
- fixed-length field
- flag field
- focusing field
- force-free magnetic field
- forward field
- frame number field
- Fraunhofer field
- free field
- free-space field
- Fresnel field
- fringing field
- fringing field of junction
- frozen field
- gage field
- Galois field
- Galois field pn
- gate-to-drain field
- geometrical optics field
- gradient field
- gravitational field
- green field
- guide field
- guiding field
- H-field
- halaxy magnetic field
- Hall field
- Hall electric field
- harmonic field
- head number field
- heating field
- heating electric field
- helical field
- heliotron magnetic field
- high-frequency field
- holographically reconstructed field
- homogeneous field
- hyperfine field
- I-field
- ID field
- identifier field
- illuminating field
- impressed field
- incident field
- inducing field
- induction field
- infinite field
- information field
- inhomogeneous field
- in-plane field
- instruction field
- integer field
- interlaced field
- internal field
- interplanetary magnetic field
- irrotational field
- jack field
- junction field
- Kerr field
- key field
- label field
- lamellar field
- laser field
- lateral field
- leakage field
- local field
- localized field
- local receptive field
- macroscopic field
- magnetic field
- magnetic fields of eye
- magnetic bias field
- magnetic mirror field
- magnetization reversal field
- magnetizing field
- magnetostatic field
- magnetron critical field
- maximum permeability field
- Mersenne field
- message field
- microscopic field
- mirror field
- modulating field
- modulation field
- molecular field
- monochromatic field
- multibeam field
- multidimensional field
- near field
- near-zone field
- noise field
- noncircuital field
- nonstationary field
- nonuniform field
- normal-mode field
- nucleation field
- numeric field
- nutation field
- object field
- odd field
- orderable field
- ordered field
- operand field
- operation field
- particle switching field
- penumbra field
- periodic field
- perpendicular critical field
- perturbed field
- physical optics field
- piezoelectric field
- polarization field
- poloidal field
- potential field
- primary color field
- prime field
- privilege field
- proper field
- protected field
- pseudoscalar field
- pump field
- pumping field
- punched-card field
- quadrupolar field
- quadrupolar field with X neutral point
- quadrupolar field with X -type neutral point
- quantum field
- quasi-potential field
- quotent field
- radial field
- radiated field
- radiation field
- radio-frequency field
- radio influence field
- reactive field
- receptive field
- reconstructed field
- red field
- rediffracted field
- reference field
- reflected field
- repeating field
- reradiated field
- residual field
- residue class field
- resonance field
- retarding field
- RF field
- rotating field
- rotational field
- satellite's field of view
- scalar field
- scattered field
- second field
- second critical field
- sector number field
- seed field
- self-consistent field
- shadow field
- shaping field
- signal field
- skipped field
- solenoidal field
- sort field
- sound field
- source field
- source-to-drain field
- space-charge field
- spinor field
- spontaneous magnetic fields of brain
- starting field
- static field
- stationary field
- stochastic field
- stray field
- superposed field
- surface superconducting field
- sweeping field
- switching field
- symbol field
- tag field
- television field
- tensor field
- thermal field
- thermal radiation field
- third critical field
- threshold field
- topological field
- transient field
- transition field
- trapped field
- traveling field
- tunneling field
- two-turn field
- uniform field
- unit electric field
- unperturbed field
- vanishing field
- variable field
- variable-length field
- variant field
- vector field
- visual field
- vortex field
- wall creation field
- wave field
- waveguide field
- write field
- zero-approximation field -
20 field
1) поле (1. физическое поле (напр. электромагнитное) 2. величина, характеризующая физическое поле 3. (открытое) пространство; область: зона 4. тлв.; вчт. полукадр (в системах отображения с чересстрочной развёрткой) 5. вчт. поименованная группа данных; элемент данных; столбец данных 6. вчт. обрабатываемая отдельно группа разрядов 7. вчт. кольцо с ненулевыми элементами, образующими абелеву группу по операции умножения 8. сфера деятельности; область интересов) || полевой; относящийся к полю2) опт. поле зрения4) рлк. карта местности ( на экране индикатора)5) полигон6) поле боя (напр. в компьютерных играх)•- ac field
- accelerating field
- acoustoelectric field
- address field
- affine field
- aiding drift field
- alphanumeric field
- alternate fields
- alternating-gradient field
- angular field of view
- anisotropy field
- antenna field
- aperture field
- applied field
- authentication field
- auxiliary field
- avalanche field
- axial field
- backscattered field
- backward field
- base field
- base sweeping field
- bias magnetic field
- biasing magnetic field
- biomagnetic fields
- bit field
- block information field
- blue field
- breakdown field
- built-in field
- calculated field
- canonical field
- card field
- caustic field
- central field
- chain field
- character field
- charge-separation field
- chiral field
- circuital field
- coercive field
- collapse field
- color field
- compressing field
- computed field
- confining field
- conservative field
- constant field
- containing field
- control field
- Coulomb field
- countable field
- counterrotating field
- coupled fields
- CRC field
- critical field
- crossed fields
- crystal field
- crystal lattice field
- crystalline field
- curl field
- curling field
- cusped magnetic field
- cutoff field
- cyclic redundancy check field
- cylinder number field
- data field
- dc field
- decelerating field
- deflection field
- degaussing field
- demagnetizing field
- derived field
- destination field
- diffracted field
- dipole field
- dipole sound field
- display field
- disturbed field
- disturbing field
- domain erasing field
- domain nucleation field
- drift field
- dynamic field
- dynamic threshold field
- E field
- Earth's electric field
- Earth's magnetic field
- edge diffracted field
- effective field of magnetic anisotropy
- effective field
- electric field
- electromagnetic field
- electrostatic field
- EM field
- emit field
- entrance field
- equilibrium field
- erasure field
- even field
- evoked magnetic fields of brain
- exchange field
- extension field
- external field
- extraneous field
- far field
- far-radiated field
- far-scattered field
- far-zone field
- Fermat field
- field of algebraic numbers
- field of complex numbers
- field of events
- field of force
- field of functions
- field of order N
- field of quotients
- field of relations
- field of search
- field of selection
- field of values
- field of view
- field of vision
- field with sources
- field with vortices
- field without sources
- field without vortices
- fields of atom
- file field
- finite field
- first critical field
- first field
- fixed-length field
- flag field
- focusing field
- force-free magnetic field
- forward field
- frame number field
- Fraunhofer field
- free field
- free-space field
- Fresnel field
- fringing field of junction
- fringing field
- frozen field
- gage field
- Galois field pn
- Galois field
- gate-to-drain field
- geometrical optics field
- gradient field
- gravitational field
- green field
- guide field
- guiding field
- H field
- halaxy magnetic field
- Hall electric field
- Hall field
- harmonic field
- head number field
- heating electric field
- heating field
- helical field
- heliotron magnetic field
- high-frequency field
- holographically reconstructed field
- homogeneous field
- hyperfine field
- ID field
- identifier field
- I-field
- illuminating field
- impressed field
- incident field
- inducing field
- induction field
- infinite field
- information field
- inhomogeneous field
- in-plane field
- instruction field
- integer field
- interlaced field
- internal field
- interplanetary magnetic field
- irrotational field
- jack field
- junction field
- Kerr field
- key field
- label field
- lamellar field
- laser field
- lateral field
- leakage field
- local field
- local receptive field
- localized field
- macroscopic field
- magnetic bias field
- magnetic field
- magnetic fields of eye
- magnetic mirror field
- magnetization reversal field
- magnetizing field
- magnetostatic field
- magnetron critical field
- maximum permeability field
- Mersenne field
- message field
- microscopic field
- mirror field
- modulating field
- modulation field
- molecular field
- monochromatic field
- multibeam field
- multidimensional field
- near field
- near-zone field
- noise field
- noncircuital field
- nonstationary field
- nonuniform field
- normal-mode field
- nucleation field
- numeric field
- nutation field
- object field
- odd field
- operand field
- operation field
- orderable field
- ordered field
- particle switching field
- penumbra field
- periodic field
- perpendicular critical field
- perturbed field
- physical optics field
- piezoelectric field
- polarization field
- poloidal field
- potential field
- primary color field
- prime field
- privilege field
- proper field
- protected field
- pseudoscalar field
- pump field
- pumping field
- punched-card field
- quadrupolar field with X neutral point
- quadrupolar field with X-type neutral point
- quadrupolar field
- quantum field
- quasi-potential field
- quotent field
- radial field
- radiated field
- radiation field
- radio influence field
- radio-frequency field
- reactive field
- receptive field
- reconstructed field
- red field
- rediffracted field
- reference field
- reflected field
- repeating field
- reradiated field
- residual field
- residue class field
- resonance field
- retarding field
- RF field
- rotating field
- rotational field
- satellite's field of view
- scalar field
- scattered field
- second critical field
- second field
- sector number field
- seed field
- self-consistent field
- shadow field
- shaping field
- signal field
- skipped field
- solenoidal field
- sort field
- sound field
- source field
- source-to-drain field
- space-charge field
- spinor field
- spontaneous magnetic fields of brain
- starting field
- static field
- stationary field
- stochastic field
- stray field
- superposed field
- surface superconducting field
- sweeping field
- switching field
- symbol field
- tag field
- television field
- tensor field
- thermal field
- thermal radiation field
- third critical field
- threshold field
- topological field
- transient field
- transition field
- trapped field
- traveling field
- tunneling field
- two-turn field
- uniform field
- unit electric field
- unperturbed field
- vanishing field - variant field
- vector field
- visual field
- vortex field
- wall creation field
- wave field
- waveguide field
- write field
- zero-approximation fieldThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > field
См. также в других словарях:
Field — (f[=e]ld), n. [OE. feld, fild, AS. feld; akin to D. veld, G. feld, Sw. f[ a]lt, Dan. felt, Icel. fold field of grass, AS. folde earth, land, ground, OS. folda.] 1. Cleared land; land suitable for tillage or pasture; cultivated ground; the open… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Field — (f[=e]ld), n. [OE. feld, fild, AS. feld; akin to D. veld, G. feld, Sw. f[ a]lt, Dan. felt, Icel. fold field of grass, AS. folde earth, land, ground, OS. folda.] 1. Cleared land; land suitable for tillage or pasture; cultivated ground; the open… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Field — or fields may refer to: * Field (agriculture), an area of land used to cultivate crops for agricultural purposes * Field of study, a branch of knowledge * Playing field, in sports, the area in which the sport is played * Visual field or field of… … Wikipedia
Field — (engl. Begriff für Feld) bezeichnet: einen Ausdruck aus der Fernsehtechnik, siehe Halbbild einen Ausdruck aus der Datenbanktechnik, siehe SQL Field ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Albert Field (1910–1990), australischer Politiker Anthony … Deutsch Wikipedia
field — [fēld] n. [ME feld < OE, akin to Ger feld, Du veld < IE * pelt < base * pele , * pla , flat and broad > L planus, plane, Gr palamē, flat hand] 1. a wide stretch of open land; plain 2. a piece of cleared land, set off or enclosed, for… … English World dictionary
field — ► NOUN 1) an area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture. 2) a piece of land used for a sport or game. 3) a subject of study or sphere of activity. 4) a region or space with a particular property: a magnetic field. 5) a space… … English terms dictionary
field — field, domain, province, sphere, territory, bailiwick are comparable when they denote the limits in which a person, an institution, or a department of knowledge, of art, or of human endeavor appropriately or necessarily confines his or its… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Field's — is the biggest shopping centre in Denmark and the largest in Scandinavia.It is located in Ørestad, Copenhagen, close to the E20 motorway and Ørestad station on the Copenhagen Metro. It takes 10 minutes from Ørestad station to the city centre (Kgs … Wikipedia
field — [n1] open land that can be cultivated acreage, cropland, enclosure, farmland, garden, glebe, grassland, green, ground, lea, mead, meadow, moorland, pasture, patch, plot, ranchland, range, terrain, territory, tillage, tract, vineyard; concepts 509 … New thesaurus
Field — Field, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Fielded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Fielding}.] 1. To take the field. [Obs.] Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. (Ball Playing) To stand out in the field, ready to catch, stop, or throw the ball. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Field — Field, v. t. (Ball Playing) To catch, stop, throw, etc. (the ball), as a fielder. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English