1 legal
2 legal
3 legal
legal -
4 legal
legal -
5 legal
legal ['li:gəl]∎ to make sth legal légaliser qch;∎ to have a legal claim to sth avoir légalement droit à qch;∎ they're below the legal age ils n'ont pas atteint l'âge légal;∎ to be above the legal limit (for drinking) dépasser le taux légal (d'alcoolémie);∎ legal, decent, honest, truthful = devise de la "Advertising Standards Authority"∎ to take legal action engager des poursuites judiciaires, intenter un procès;∎ to take legal advice consulter un juriste ou un avocat;∎ this is the legal procedure c'est la procédure à suivre;∎ by legal process par voies légales, par voies de droit;∎ he's a member of the legal profession c'est un homme de loi2 nounAmerican (paper size) légal m (216 mm × 356 mm)►► legal action action f en justice;∎ to take legal action (against sb) intenter une action (en justice) (contre qn);legal adviser conseil m juridique;legal aid aide f juridique;Finance legal currency monnaie f courante;legal department (in bank, company) (service m du) contentieux m;legal dispute litige m;legal document acte m authentique;legal entity personne f morale;legal executive assistant(e) m,f (d'un avocat);American legal holiday jour m férié, fête f légale;legal manager responsable mf juridique;legal medicine médecine f légale;legal owner propriétaire mf légitime;American legal pad bloc-notes m;legal proceedings poursuites fpl judiciaires;∎ to initiate legal proceedings against sb engager des poursuites judiciaires contre qn;legal secretary secrétaire mf juridique;Law legal separation séparation f de corps;legal status statut m légal, statut m juridique;legal system système m juridique;legal technicality vice m de forme;legal tender cours m légal;∎ to be legal tender avoir cours (légal);∎ these coins are no longer legal tender ces pièces n'ont plus cours ou ont été démonétisées -
6 ♦ legal
♦ legal /ˈli:gl/a.1 legale; legittimo; giuridico: legal acts, atti legali; to take legal steps, adire le vie legali; legal adviser, consulente legale; legal heir, erede legittimo; legal relationship, rapporto giuridico● legal abortion, aborto legale □ legal action, azione legale □ legal age, età legale; maggiore età □ (GB) legal aid, patrocinio gratuito; assistenza legale □ legal assets, massa ereditaria □ legal capacity, capacità di agire in giudizio □ legal consideration, causa lecita ( in un contratto) □ legal costs (o legal expenses), spese legali (o di giudizio) □ legal department, (ufficio del) contenzioso □ legal entity = legal person ► sotto □ legal fees and costs = legal costs ► sopra □ (fin.) legal interest, interesse legale □ legal medicine, medicina legale □ (econ.) legal monopoly, monopolio legale (o de jure) □ (fin.) legal person, persona giuridica □ legal power of attorney, procura legale □ legal proceedings, vie legali □ legal representation, rappresentanza legale; patrocinio □ legal reserve, (fin.) riserva legale; (ass.) riserva matematica □ legal rights, diritti riconosciuti dalla legge □ legal separation, separazione legale □ legal status, personalità giuridica □ (econ., fin.) legal tender ( currency), moneta a corso legale □ legal theory, filosofia del diritto □ legal transaction, negozio giuridico □ legal wrong, illecito (sost.) □ legal year, anno giudiziariolegally avv. -
7 legal
legal [ˈli:gəl]1. adjectivea. ( = concerning the law) [error, protection] judiciaire ; [question, battle, services] juridique ; [status] légalb. [act, decision, right, obligation] légal2. compounds• this note is no longer legal currency ce billet n'a plus cours ► legal department noun [of bank, firm] service m du contentieux• to start legal proceedings against sb engager des poursuites contre qn ► the legal profession noun ( = lawyers) les juristes mfpl• to go into the legal profession faire une carrière juridique ► legal system noun système m juridique* * *['liːgl]1) ( relating to the law) [document, matter, system, profession] juridique; [process, status] légal; [costs] de justice2) ( lawful) [act, age, heir, right, separation] légal; [owner, claim] légitime -
8 legal
legal [ˊli:gl] a1) юриди́ческий, правово́й;legal aid bureau юриди́ческая консульта́ция
;legal profession профе́ссия юри́ста
;legal advice сове́т юри́ста
;legal capacity правоспосо́бность, дееспосо́бность
;legal system законода́тельство
2) зако́нный; узако́ненный; лега́льный;legal holiday амер. непрису́тственный день
9 legal
1 ( relating to the law) [assistance, battle, career, department, document, matter, parlance, system, representative] juridique ; [mistake] judiciaire ; [medicine, process, status] légal ; [costs, fees] de justice ; to take ou get legal advice consulter un avocat ;2 ( recognized by the law) [abortion, act, age, heir, import, limit, obligation, right, separation] légal ; [requirement] requis par la loi ; [definition, guideline, precedent] juridique ; [owner, claim] légitime ; it is legal to do il est légal de faire ; it is your legal duty to do vous êtes dans l'obligation légale de faire. -
10 legal
legal adj gesetzlich, gesetzmäßig, rechtmäßig, rechtsgültig, rechtskräftig -
11 legal
legal; ligjor -
12 legal
13 legal
légal, juridique, judiciaire, légitime (C16-149) -
14 legal
15 legal
legal Adjective -
16 legal
Legal BureauЮридическое управление -
17 legal
1) законна дія2) законний, легальний; заснований на законі; заснований на загальному праві, який регулюється загальним правом; легітимний; правовий; правознавчий; правомірний; правосудний; судовий; узаконений; юридичний•legal and administrative machinery for family support — правові і адміністративні заходи підтримки сім'ї
legal gap in protection afforded — прогалина у правовому захисті, що надається
- legal abortionlegal power to correct legal errors — надане законом право виправляти юридичні ( або судові) помилки
- legal abuse
- legal access
- legal accountability
- legal acquisition
- legal act
- legal action
- legal activities
- legal activities activity
- legal acts
- legal address
- legal administration
- legal advertisement
- legal advice
- legal advice bureau
- legal advice center
- legal advice centre
- legal advice office
- legal adviser
- legal advisor
- legal age
- legal agency
- legal agent
- legal aid
- legal aid agency
- legal aid bureau
- legal aid office
- legal aid order
- legal alien
- legal analogy
- legal analysis
- legal approach
- legal area
- legal argument
- legal arrest
- legal aspect
- legal assets
- legal assignment
- legal assistance
- legal assistant
- legal assumption
- legal author
- legal autonomy
- legal awareness
- legal bar
- legal barrier
- legal basis
- legal bill
- legal body
- legal bond
- legal boundary
- legal burden
- legal business
- legal cadres
- legal calendar
- legal capacity
- legal capital
- legal career
- legal case
- legal category
- legal cause
- legal certainty
- legal challenge
- legal changes
- legal charge
- legal check
- legal cheque
- legal circumstance
- legal citation
- legal claim
- legal closing time
- legal code
- legal coercion
- legal committee
- legal competence
- legal complexity
- legal concept
- legal condition
- legal confinement
- legal conflict
- legal conscience
- legal consequence
- legal consequences
- legal consideration
- legal construction
- legal consultation
- legal context
- legal continuity
- legal control
- legal controversy
- legal conviction
- legal-correctional process
- legal costs
- legal councilor
- legal councillor
- legal counsel
- legal counseling
- legal counselor
- legal counsellor
- legal crackdown
- legal crime
- legal culture
- legal currency
- legal custody
- legal custom
- legal decision
- legal deduction
- legal defect
- legal defence
- legal defense
- legal deficiency
- legal definition
- legal delinquency
- legal delivery
- legal demand
- legal deontology
- legal department
- legal dependence
- legal deposit copy
- legal deposit library
- legal descent
- legal details
- legal detention
- legal device
- legal difference
- legal disability
- legal disadvantage
- legal discretion
- legal discrimination
- legal dispute
- legal doctrine
- legal document
- legal documentation
- legal drinking
- legal drinking age
- legal drinking limit
- legal drug
- legal duty
- legal duty
- legal eagle
- legal eavesdropping
- legal education
- legal effect
- legal effectiveness
- legal efficacy
- legal enforcement
- legal enforcement of law
- legal enforcement procedure
- legal entity under public law
- legal entity
- legal environment
- legal equality
- legal equality of the sexes
- legal error
- legal essence
- legal estate
- legal ethics
- legal evaluation
- legal evidence
- legal excuse
- legal execution
- legal executive
- legal exemption
- legal expenses
- legal expenses insurance
- legal experience
- legal expert
- legal expertise
- legal explanation
- legal exposition
- legal fact
- legal father
- legal fees
- legal fetishism
- legal fiction
- legal field
- legal fight
- legal force
- legal form
- legal formality
- legal formula
- legal formulation
- legal foundation
- legal foundations
- legal frame
- legal framework
- legal framing
- legal fraud
- legal function
- legal gambler
- legal gambling
- legal gap
- legal glossator
- legal government
- legal ground
- legal groundwork
- legal guarantee
- legal guarantees
- legal guardian
- legal guilt
- legal hearing
- legal historian
- legal history
- legal holder
- legal holiday
- legal home
- legal humanism
- legal hypothesis
- legal identity
- legal immigration
- legal immunity
- legal implementation
- legal implication
- legal implications
- legal impossibility
- legal incapacity
- legal incident
- legal income
- legal incompetence
- legal information
- legal injury
- legal innovation
- legal innovation
- legal innovations
- legal insanity
- legal institution
- legal instruction
- legal instrument
- legal intent
- legal interest
- legal interest rate
- legal interpretation
- legal investigation
- legal investigator
- legal irregularity
- legal issue
- legal journal
- legal judge
- legal judgement
- legal judgment
- legal jurisdiction
- legal justice
- legal justification
- legal killer
- legal killing
- legal knowledge
- legal language
- legal liability
- legal lien
- legal limit
- legal limitation
- legal literature
- legal loophole
- legal lynching
- legal malice
- legal malpractice
- legal manufacture
- legal marriage
- legal matter
- legal maxim
- legal means
- legal means of social control
- legal measure
- legal mechanism
- legal medicine
- legal methodology
- legal minimum age of marriage
- legal minimum wage rate
- legal minimum wage rates
- legal minor
- legal monopoly
- legal monument
- legal mortgage
- legal mother
- legal name
- legal nationality
- legal negligence
- legal nihilism
- legal nomenclature
- legal norm
- legal notice
- legal notification
- legal notion
- legal object
- legal objection
- legal objective
- legal obligation
- legal observation method
- legal observer
- legal obstruction
- legal office
- legal office
- legal officer
- legal official
- legal operation
- legal opinion
- legal order
- legal organization
- legal owner
- legal parlance
- legal papers
- legal participation
- legal perjury
- legal permissibility
- legal permission
- legal person
- legal personality
- legal phenomenon
- legal philosopher
- legal philosophy
- legal picketing
- legal platform
- legal play
- legal point
- legal point of view
- legal policy
- legal portion
- legal position
- legal positivism
- legal positivist
- legal possession
- legal power
- legal practice
- legal practitician
- legal practitioner
- legal precept
- legal predecessor
- legal prerequisite
- legal presumption
- legal presumption of death
- legal principle
- legal privilege
- legal problem
- legal procedure
- legal procedure publicity
- legal procedures
- legal proceeding
- legal proceedings
- legal process
- legal profession
- legal profession member
- legal professional
- legal professional privilege
- legal prohibition
- legal proposition
- legal propriety
- legal prosecution
- legal protectee
- legal protection
- legal protection of software
- legal provision
- legal psychiatry
- legal purism
- legal purist
- legal qualification
- legal question
- legal rationale
- legal realism
- legal reality
- legal reasoning
- legal recognition
- legal recourse
- legal redress
- legal reference
- legal reform
- legal reformer
- legal regime
- legal regulation
- legal rehabilitation
- legal rehabilitation
- legal relations
- legal relationship
- legal relationships
- legal relative
- legal relativism
- legal relevance
- legal relief
- legal remedy
- legal representation
- legal representative
- legal reputation
- legal requirement
- legal reservation
- legal reserve
- legal residence
- legal resolution
- legal restraint
- legal restriction
- legal right-enforcing
- legal right
- legal rights
- legal risk
- legal rule
- legal safeguard
- legal safety
- legal sanction
- legal scholar
- legal science
- legal scientist
- legal search
- legal secretary
- legal security
- legal self-help
- legal sense
- legal sentence
- legal sentencing
- legal separation
- legal service
- legal services
- legal significance
- legal source
- legal specialist
- legal speech
- legal sphere
- legal spokesman
- legal spouse
- legal staff
- legal standard
- legal state
- legal statement
- legal statistics
- legal status
- legal status of a person
- legal step
- legal storage period
- legal strike
- legal structure
- legal studies
- legal subbranch
- legal sub-branch
- legal subject
- legal subjectivity
- legal submission
- legal subrogation
- legal succession
- legal successor
- legal suit
- legal system
- legal tapping
- legal technicality
- legal technician
- legal technique
- legal techniques
- legal tender
- legal tender note
- legal term
- legal termination
- legal termination of marriage
- legal territory
- legal test
- legal text
- legal theorist
- legal theory
- legal thinker
- legal thinking
- legal thought
- legal title
- legal tool
- legal topic
- legal tradition
- legal training
- legal transaction
- legal treasury note
- legal treatise
- legal treatment
- legal trial
- legal ubiquity
- legal uncertainty
- legal unit
- legal usage
- legal vacuum
- legal validity
- legal venue
- legal view
- legal viewpoint
- legal violence
- legal volition
- legal voter
- legal waiver
- legal wife
- legal wiretap
- legal wiretapping
- legal wording
- legal work
- legal writer
- legal writing
- legal wrong
- legal year -
18 legal
'li:ɡəl1) (lawful; allowed by the law: Is it legal to bring gold watches into the country?; a legal contract.) legal2) (concerned with or used in the law: the legal profession.) legal, jurídico•- legally- legality
- legalize
- legalise
legal adj1. legalis this contract legal? ¿es legal este contrato?2. jurídico
legal adjetivo 1 (Der) 2 (Col, Per arg) ( estupendo) great (colloq)
legal adjetivo
1 Jur legal
emprender acciones legales contra, to take legal action against
2 fam (de confianza, honesto) honest, trustworthy ' legal' also found in these entries: Spanish: abogacía - abogada - abogado - amparo - curso - daño - depósito - estado - judicial - juicio - jurídica - jurídico - límite - persona - prevaricación - valor - asesoría - bufete - lícito - personería - potestad - representación English: above-board - action - advice - assurance - etiquette - guardian - lawful - legal - legal adviser - legal holiday - legal tender - legal-size - loophole - tender - bar - hereafter - loop - otherwise - statutorytr['liːgəl]1 legal, lícito,-a2 (relating to the law) jurídico,-a, legal\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto take legal action entablar un pleito ( against, contra)legal adviser asesor,-ra jurídico,-a 2 (office) asesoría jurídicalegal holiday SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL fiesta nacionallegal tender moneda de curso legallegal ['li:gəl] adj1) : legal, jurídicolegal advisor: asesor jurídicothe legal profession: la abogacía2) lawful: legítimo, legaladj.• forense adj.• jurídico, -a adj.• legal adj.• procesal adj.'liːgəl1)a) ( allowed) legal; <tackle/move> reglamentariob) ( founded upon law) <contract/requirement/constraint/rights> legalthe contract is legal and binding — el contrato tiene validez legal y es obligatorio para las partes
2) (relating to legal system, profession) (before n) <system/adviser/problem> jurídico, legal; < department> jurídicolegal costs — costas fpl
the legal profession — ( lawyers) los abogados; ( professional activity) la abogacía
['liːɡǝl]we will be forced to take legal action — nos veremos obligados a poner el asunto en manos de nuestro(s) abogado(s)
1. ADJ1) (=judicial) [error] judicial; [document] legal; [firm] de abogados; [question, matter] legal, jurídicoto take legal action against sb — poner una denuncia a algn, presentar una demanda (judicial) contra algn
to be below or under the legal limit — estar por debajo del límite permitido por ley
to start or initiate legal proceedings against sb — entablar un pleito contra algn
2) (=lawful) [activity, action] legal, legítimo; [owner] legítimo; (=under the law) [right, protection] legal•
to have the legal authority to do sth — tener la autoridad or el poder legal para hacer algo•
to make sth legal — legalizar algothey decided to make it legal * — (=get married) decidieron formalizar or legalizar su relación
2.CPDlegal aid N — asistencia f de un abogado de oficio
legal currency N — = legal tender
legal holiday N — (US) fiesta f oficial, día m festivo oficial, (día m) feriado m (LAm)
legal offence, legal offense (US) N — delito m contra la ley
legal opinion N — dictamen m jurídico
legal system N — sistema m jurídico
legal tender N — (Econ) moneda f de curso legal
* * *['liːgəl]1)a) ( allowed) legal; <tackle/move> reglamentariob) ( founded upon law) <contract/requirement/constraint/rights> legalthe contract is legal and binding — el contrato tiene validez legal y es obligatorio para las partes
2) (relating to legal system, profession) (before n) <system/adviser/problem> jurídico, legal; < department> jurídicolegal costs — costas fpl
the legal profession — ( lawyers) los abogados; ( professional activity) la abogacía
19 legal
adjective1) (concerning the law) juristisch; Rechts[beratung, -berater, -streit, -schutz]; gesetzlich [Vertreter]; rechtlich [Gründe, Stellung]; (of the law) Gerichts[kosten]in legal matters/affairs — in Rechtsfragen/-angelegenheiten
he is a member of the legal profession — er ist Jurist
2) (required by law) gesetzlich vorgeschrieben [Mindestalter, Zeitraum]; gesetzlich [Verpflichtung]; gesetzlich verankert [Recht]3) (lawful) legal; rechtsgültig [Vertrag, Testament]; gesetzlich zulässig [Grenze, Höchstwert]it is legal/not legal to do something — es ist rechtlich zulässig/gesetzlich verboten, etwas zu tun
* * *['li:ɡəl]1) (lawful; allowed by the law: Is it legal to bring gold watches into the country?; a legal contract.) legal2) (concerned with or used in the law: the legal profession.) juristisch•- academic.ru/88699/legally">legally- legality
- legalize
- legalise* * *le·gal[ˈli:gəl]1. (permissible by law) legalis abortion \legal in your country? ist Abtreibung in Ihrem Land gesetzlich zulässig?2. (required by law) gesetzlich [vorgeschrieben]\legal obligation/requirement gesetzliche Verpflichtung/Erfordernis3. (according to the law) rechtmäßighe adopted the boy as his \legal son er adoptierte den Jungen als seinen rechtmäßigen Sohnto be of \legal age volljährig sein4. (concerning the law) rechtlichto take \legal action [or do \legal battle] against sb rechtliche Schritte gegen jdn unternehmen\legal constraints rechtliche Einschränkungento make \legal history Rechtsgeschichte schreibento have/seek \legal redress rechtliche Wiedergutmachung erhalten/verlangen\legal system Rechtssystem nt\legal advice Rechtsberatung f\legal fee Anwaltshonorar nt\legal malpractice Verletzung f des juristischen [Berufs]kodexes* * *['liːgl]adj1) (= lawful) legal, rechtlich zulässig; (= according to the law) restrictions, obligation, limit gesetzlich; (= allowed by law) fare, speed zulässig; (= valid before law) will, purchase rechtsgültigthe legal age for marriage — das gesetzliche Heiratsalter, die Ehemündigkeit
it is not legal to sell drink to children — es ist gesetzlich verboten, Alkohol an Kinder zu verkaufen
legal limit (of blood alcohol when driving) — Promillegrenze f
legal claim — rechtmäßiger Anspruch, Rechtsanspruch m
women had no legal status — Frauen waren nicht rechtsfähig
he made legal provision for his ex-wife — er hat die Versorgung seiner geschiedenen Frau rechtlich geregelt
2) (= relating to the law) Rechts-; matters, affairs juristisch, rechtlich; advice, services, journal, mind juristisch; decision richterlich; inquiry, investigation gerichtlichfrom a legal point of view — aus juristischer Sicht, rechtlich gesehen
for legal reasons — aus rechtlichen Gründen
what's his legal position? — wie ist seine rechtliche Stellung?
legal charges or fees or costs (solicitor's) — Anwaltskosten pl; (court's) Gerichtskosten pl
to take legal advice on or over or about sth — in Bezug auf etw (acc) juristischen Rat einholen
to start legal proceedings against sb —
legal opinion is that... — die Anwälte sind der Meinung, dass...
the legal profession — der Anwaltsstand, die Anwaltschaft; (including judges) die Juristenschaft
* * *legal [ˈliːɡl]A adj (adv legally)1. gesetzlich, rechtlich:3. Rechts…, juristisch:legal advice Rechtsberatung f;legal adviser Rechtsberater(in);legal agent gesetzliche(r) Vertreter(in);legal battle (erbitterter) Rechtsstreit ( over um);legal capacity Rechts-, Geschäftsfähigkeit f;have legal capacity rechts- oder geschäftsfähig sein;legal department Rechtsabteilung f;legal dispute Rechtsstreit m;legal limit for driving Promillegrenze f;legal medicine Gerichtsmedizin f;legal opinion Rechtsgutachten n;legal position Rechtslage f;a) juristischer Beruf,b) Anwaltsberuf m,legal protection Rechtsschutz m;legal representative Rechtsvertreter(in);legal status rechtliche Stellung, Rechtsposition f;legal transaction Rechtsgeschäft n; → binding A, entity 3, incapable 5, incapacitated 3, incapacity 2, loophole A 4, portion A 5 b, position A 11, redress B 14. gerichtlich (Entscheidung etc):legal separation (gerichtliche) Aufhebung der ehelichen Gemeinschaft5. SPORT regulär (Tor etc)6. RELa) dem Gesetz des Moses entsprechendb) auf die selig machende Kraft der guten Werke (und nicht der Gnade) bauendB v/t ein Manuskript auf seine juristische Unbedenklichkeit hin prüfenleg. abk1. legal2. legate3. legislative4. legislature* * *adjective1) (concerning the law) juristisch; Rechts[beratung, -berater, -streit, -schutz]; gesetzlich [Vertreter]; rechtlich [Gründe, Stellung]; (of the law) Gerichts[kosten]in legal matters/affairs — in Rechtsfragen/-angelegenheiten
2) (required by law) gesetzlich vorgeschrieben [Mindestalter, Zeitraum]; gesetzlich [Verpflichtung]; gesetzlich verankert [Recht]3) (lawful) legal; rechtsgültig [Vertrag, Testament]; gesetzlich zulässig [Grenze, Höchstwert]it is legal/not legal to do something — es ist rechtlich zulässig/gesetzlich verboten, etwas zu tun
* * *(job-) protection for expectant and nursing mothers n.Mutterschutz m. adj.gesetzmäßig adj.legal adj.rechtlich adj.rechtmäßig adj. -
20 legal
См. также в других словарях:
légal — légal, ale, aux [ legal, o ] adj. • 1361; lat. imp. legalis, de lex, legis « loi » → loyal 1 ♦ Qui a valeur de loi, résulte de la loi, est conforme à la loi. ⇒ juridique, réglementaire. Dispositions légales. Formalités, formes légales, prescrites … Encyclopédie Universelle
legal — le·gal / lē gəl/ adj [Latin legalis, from leg lex law] 1: of or relating to law or the processes of law a legal question take legal action 2 a: deriving authority from or founded on law a legal tariff rate a legal government … Law dictionary
légal — légal, ale (lé gal, ga l ) adj. 1° Qui est prescrit par la loi. Formalités légales. Qui est selon la loi. Voies légales. Moyens légaux. • Charles [1er, d Angleterre] avait des vertus domestiques, du courage, de la modération, de la probité … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
legal — LEGÁL, Ă, legali, e, adj. Care există sau se face în temeiul unei legi, care este prevăzut de o lege, este conform cu legea. – Din fr. légal, lat. legalis. Trimis de RACAI, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 Legal ≠ ilegal, nelegal Trimis de siveco,… … Dicționar Român
Legal — Le gal (l[=e] gal), a. [L. legalis, fr. lex, legis, law; prob. orig., that which lies or is fixed (cf. L. lectus bed), and if so akin to E. lie, law: cf. F. l[ e]gal. Cf. {Lie} to be prostrate, {Loyal}, {Leal}.] 1. Created by, permitted by, in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
legal — (Del lat. legālis). 1. adj. Prescrito por ley y conforme a ella. 2. Perteneciente o relativo a la ley o al derecho. 3. Verídico, puntual, fiel y recto en el cumplimiento de las funciones de su cargo. 4. coloq. Esp. Leal o formal en su… … Diccionario de la lengua española
legal — [lē′gəl] adj. [MFr légal < L legalis < lex (gen. legis), law, prob. < IE base * leg̑ , to collect > L legere, Gr legein, to collect] 1. of, created by, based upon, or authorized by law 2. in conformity with the positive rules of law;… … English World dictionary
Legal — bezeichnet eine Gesetzeskonformität, siehe Legalität ein heute noch in den USA und in Kanada benutztes Papierformat, siehe Legal (Papierformat) Legal ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Ernst Legal, Schauspieler Marga Legal, Schauspielerin… … Deutsch Wikipedia
legal — Adj std. stil. (17. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. lēgālis, einer Ableitung von l. lēx (lēgis) Gesetzesvorschlag, Gesetz, Verordnung , vielleicht weiter zu l. legere (lēctum) lesen, ablesen, vorlesen , verwandt mit gr. légein zählen, berechnen… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
legal — (adj.) mid 15c. of or pertaining to the law, from M.Fr. légal or directly from L. legalis legal, pertaining to the law, from lex (gen. legis) law, possibly related to legere to gather, on notion of a collection of rules (see LECTURE (Cf. lecture) … Etymology dictionary
legal — adj. 2 g. 1. De lei. 2. Conforme com a lei, ou por ela prescrito. 3. [Brasil, Informal] Que está em ordem. = CERTO, REGULARIZADO 4. [Brasil, Informal] Que denota qualidades positivas (ex.: óculos legais, filme legal, garota legal, sugestão… … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa