1 ♦ exchange
♦ exchange /ɪkˈstʃeɪndʒ/n.1 [cu] scambio; cambio; permuta; baratto: an exchange of goods [of greetings, of prisoners], uno scambio di merci [di saluti, di prigionieri]; exchange of gunfire, scambio di colpi (d'arma da fuoco); in exchange for, in cambio di2 [u] (fin.) cambio: rate of exchange (o exchange rate) tasso di cambio; exchange control, controllo dei cambi; exchange list, listino dei cambi; exchange market, mercato dei cambi (o delle valute); mercato valutario NOTA D'USO: - change o exchange?-3 (fin.) borsa: stock exchange, borsa valori; Borsa; commodity exchange, borsa merci; the Corn Exchange, la Borsa dei cereali ( l'edificio)6 (vivace) scambio di opinioni; discussione; scontro7 (= exchange visit) (visita di) scambio ( culturale, ecc.): He went to Ireland on an exchange, è andato in Irlanda per uno scambio● (fin.) exchange broker, operatore di cambio; cambiavalute; cambista □ (fin.) exchange brokerage, brokeraggio finanziario □ exchange dealer = exchange broker ► sopra □ (econ.) exchange economy, economia di scambio □ (fin.) exchange equalization, perequazione dei cambi □ (GB) exchange of contracts, rogito notarile □ (fin.) exchange office, ufficio dei cambi □ (fin.) exchange official, funzionario di Borsa □ (telef.) exchange operator, centralinista □ (fin.) exchange parity = exchange rate parity ► sotto □ (fin. stor.) Exchange Rate Mechanism, meccanismo dei tassi di cambio ( nello SME) □ (fin.) exchange rate parity, parità dei cambi; parità valutaria □ (fin.) exchange reserves, riserve valutarie ( di una banca centrale) □ (fin.) exchange restrictions, restrizioni di cambio (o valutarie) □ (fin.) exchange risk, rischio di cambio □ ( banca) exchange slip, distinta di cambio □ (fin.) exchange stabilization, stabilizzazione dei cambi □ exchange student, studente in visita di scambio □ (elettr.) exchange switch, commutatore □ (fin.) exchange-traded fund ► ETF □ (med.) exchange transfusion, exsanguinotrasfusione □ (fin.) exchange transactions, operazioni di cambio □ exchange value, (econ.) valore di scambio; (fin.) controvalore ( valore in valuta estera).♦ (to) exchange /ɪkˈstʃeɪndʒ/A v. t.1 scambiare, scambiarsi; fare uno scambio di; permutare; barattare: to exchange glances [greetings, gifts, places, addresses] with sb., scambiare (o scambiarsi) uno sguardo [il saluto, doni, il posto, gli indirizzi] con q.; to exchange blows with sb., venire alle mani con q.; to exchange fire, scambiarsi colpi d'arma da fuoco2 cambiare: Tickets cannot be exchanged, non è ammesso il cambio di biglietti; to exchange st. for st. else, cambiare qc. con qc. altro; to exchange dollars for pounds, cambiare dollari in sterline: DIALOGO → - Taking things back- Can I exchange it for another one?, posso cambiarlo con un altro?B v. i.1 fare un cambio: (mil.) to exchange from (o out of) a regiment into another, fare cambio di reggimento ( con un altro ufficiale)2 (fin.: di moneta) cambiarsi: Once Italian lire exchanged at par with French francs, una volta le lire italiane si cambiavano alla pari con i franchi francesi● (leg.) to exchange contracts, fare un rogito notarile; rogitare; DIALOGO → - Moving house- They should be exchanging contracts next weekend, dovrebbero fare il rogito il prossimo fine settimana □ (fin.) to exchange currencies, fare un cambio di valuta □ ( calcio, ecc.) to exchange passes, scambiarsi passaggi; palleggiare □ to exchange words with sb., venire a parole con q. -
2 exchange
exchange [ɪks'tʃeɪndʒ]échanger;∎ to exchange glances échanger des regards;∎ to exchange views échanger des vues;∎ we didn't exchange more than a couple of words all evening nous n'avons pas échangé plus de quelques mots de toute la soirée;∎ shots were exchanged il y a eu un échange de coups de feu;∎ to exchange sth with sb échanger qch avec qn;∎ to exchange places with sb changer de place avec qn;∎ we exchanged places (with each other) nous avons échangé nos places;∎ would you like to exchange places? voulez-vous changer de place avec moi?;∎ we exchanged addresses nous avons échangé nos adresses;∎ to exchange sth for sth échanger qch contre qch;∎ to exchange sterling for dollars changer des livres contre des dollars;∎ I would not exchange my happiness for anything je n'échangerais ou ne donnerais mon bonheur contre rien au monde2 noun∎ his old car for my new one didn't seem a fair exchange échanger sa vieille voiture contre ma neuve ne me semblait pas équitable;∎ exchange of contracts échange m de contrats à la signature;∎ Press Exchange and Mart = hebdomadaire britannique de petites annonces(b) (discussion) échange m;∎ we had a heated exchange nous avons eu des mots(c) (cultural, educational) échange m;∎ as part of an exchange dans le cadre d'un échange;∎ he took part in an exchange with a school in France il a participé à un échange avec une école française;∎ the Spanish students are here on an exchange visit les étudiants espagnols sont en visite ici dans le cadre d'un échange(e) Telecommunications central m téléphoniqueen échangeen échange de;∎ in exchange for helping with the housework she was given food and lodging elle aidait aux travaux ménagers et en échange ou en contrepartie elle était nourrie et logée►► Finance exchange broker cambiste mf, agent m de change, courtier(ère) m,f de change;Finance exchange cross rate taux m de change entre devises tierces;Finance exchange dealer cambiste mf, agent m de change, courtier(ère) m,f de change;Finance exchange equalization account fonds m de stabilisation des changes;Finance exchange gain gain m de change;Finance exchange index indice m boursier;Finance exchange loss perte f de change;Finance exchange market marché m des changes;Finance exchange offer offre f publique d'échange;Finance exchange premium prime f de change;School & University exchange programme programme m d'échange;Finance exchange rate taux m de change, cours m de change;∎ at the current exchange rate au cours du jour;exchange rate parity parité f du change;exchange rate stability stabilité f des changes;Finance exchange reserves réserves fpl en devises (étrangères);Finance exchange restrictions contrôle m des changes;School & University exchange student = étudiant qui participe à un échange;Finance exchange transaction opération f de change;Finance exchange value contre-valeur f, valeur f d'échange;School exchange visit échange m -
3 exchange
- exchange
- n1. обмен
2. биржа
3. телефонная станция
- air exchange
- anion exchange
- base exchange
- cation exchange
- central exchange
- commodity exchange
- convective heat exchange
- employment exchange
- goods exchange
- heat exchange
- ion exchange
- labor exchange
- moisture exchange
- radiant heat exchange
- recuperative heat exchange
- stock exchange
- telephone exchange
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
4 exchange
exchange [ɪksˈt∫eɪndʒ]2. nouna. [of things, people] échange mb. ( = money) change mc. ( = telephone exchange) central m (téléphonique)3. compounds* * *[ɪks'tʃeɪndʒ] 1.1) ( swap) échange min exchange — en échange ( for de)
2) Commerce, Finance change mbill of exchange — lettre f de change
3) ( discussion) discussion f; ( in parliament) débat m4) ( visit) échange mexchange visit — voyage m d'échange
5) Telecommunications (also telephone exchange) central m (téléphonique)2.to exchange contracts — Commerce Law ≈ signer le contrat de vente
5 exchange
A n1 ( swap) échange m ; in exchange en échange (for de) ; exchange of ideas/information échange d'idées/d'informations ; exchange of contracts Comm Jur ≈ signature f de l'acte de vente ; exchange of vows échange m des serments ;2 Comm, Fin change m ; the rate of exchange le taux de change ; bill of exchange lettre f de change ; first/second/third of exchange première/deuxième/troisième de change ;3 ( discussion) discussion f ; ( in parliament) débat m ; a heated ou an angry exchange une discussion houleuse ;4 ( visit) échange m ; to go on an exchange partir dans le cadre d'un échange ; exchange student étudiant/-e m/f participant à un échange ; exchange visit voyage m d'échange ;B vtr échanger ; to exchange sth for sth échanger qch contre qch ; to exchange sth with sb échanger qch avec qn ; to exchange contracts Comm Jur ≈ signer le contrat de vente ; to exchange looks/blows échanger un regard/des coups (with avec) ; they exchanged hostages ils ont échangé leurs otages. -
6 exchange
exchange обмен; обмениватьcapillary exchange обмен в кааиллярахcation exchange катионный обмен, катионообменcountercurrent heat exchange поворотно-противоточная система теплообменаenergy exchange обмен энергиейgas(eous) exchange газообменhalf-time exchange период полуобменаheat exchange теплообменintermolecular exchange межмолекулярный обменion exchange ионный обменisotopic exchange изотопный обменoxygen exchange кислородный обменrespiratory exchange дыхательный газообменtranscapillary exchange обмен в кааиллярахwater exchange водный обменEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > exchange
7 exchange
exchange [ɪksˊtʃeɪndʒ]1. n1) обме́н; ме́на;in exchange for в обме́н на
;cultural exchange культу́рный обме́н
;exchange of prisoners обме́н военнопле́нными
2) фин. разме́н де́нег;rate of exchange валю́тный курс
;а) иностра́нная валю́та;б) курс иностра́нной валю́ты;bill of exchange ве́ксель, тра́тта
3) центра́льная телефо́нная ста́нция; коммута́тор4) би́ржа;commodity exchange това́рная би́ржа
;grain ( или corn) exchange хле́бная би́ржа
;labour exchange би́ржа труда́
5) ком. расчёты посре́дством деви́з6) перебра́нка7) attr. меново́й2. v1) обме́нивать2) разме́нивать ( деньги)3) меня́ться;to exchange seats поменя́ться места́ми
;to exchange words with smb. обменя́ться с кем-л. не́сколькими слова́ми
;to exchange ratifications обменя́ться ратификацио́нными гра́мотами
;to exchange into another regiment перевести́сь в друго́й полк путём встре́чного обме́на
8 exchange
EXCHANGE, INTERCHANGEГлагол exchange имеет в виду обмен одного предмета на другой, замену купленного ранее другим либо взаимный обмен между двумя (или более) сторонами и соответствует русским глаголам 'обменивать' и 'обмениваться': to exchange farm products for manufactured goods, to exchange a text-book for a dictionary и to exchange ambassadors, to exchange experience. Interchange употребляется только в значении 'обмениваться' и может взаимозаменяться с exchange: to exchange letters и to interchange letters, to exchange opinions и to interchange opinions. Interchange часто предполагает многократный взаимный обмен: to interchange repeated cheerings, to interchange repeated remarks.Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > exchange
9 exchange
exchange I v 1. auswechseln, austauschen, umtauschen; 2. DAT umspeichern exchange II 1. Auswechs(e)lung f, Austausch m; 2. NRT Vermittlung f, Zentrale f, Fernsprechamt n, Amt n • “exchange barred” NRT „nicht amtsberechtigt“English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > exchange
10 exchange
11 exchange
exchange v auswechseln, austauschen; ersetzenEnglish-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > exchange
12 exchange
exchange of correspondence переписка (в т. ч. научная)English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > exchange
13 exchange
exchange взаменять)обменивать биржа инф)обмен комм)станция замена биржевой -
14 exchange
exchange, tradeEnglish-Russian dictionary of program "Mir-Shuttle" > exchange
15 exchange
[ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ]account held in foreign exchange счет в иностранной валюте blank bill of exchange бланковый переводный вексель bus exchange вчт. обмен по шине commodities exchange товарная биржа company listed on stock exchange компания, зарегистрированная на фондовой бирже complex exchange сложная перестановка contingent rate of exchange валютный курс, зависящий от обстоятельств controlled rate of exchange регулируемый валютный курс corn exchange хлебная биржа exchange обмен; мена; in exchange for в обмен на; cultural exchange культурный обмен; exchange of prisoners обмен военнопленными current rate of exchange текущий валютный курс current rate of exchange текущий обменный курс data exchange вчт. обмен данными dull exchange биржа с малой активностью earned foreign exchange заработанная иностранная валюта electronic stock exchange электронная система фондовой биржи excess foreign exchange валютные излишки exchange биржа; commodity exchange товарная биржа; grain (или corn) exchange хлебная биржа; labour exchange биржа труда exchange биржа exchange валютный exchange замена exchange заменять exchange иностранная валюта, девизы, переводный вексель, тратта exchange иностранная валюта exchange курс иностранной валюты exchange мена exchange менять exchange меняться; to exchange seats поменяться местами; to exchange words (with smb.) обменяться (с кем-л.) несколькими словами exchange обмен; мена; in exchange for в обмен на; cultural exchange культурный обмен; exchange of prisoners обмен военнопленными exchange обмен exchange обменивать, обмен, мена exchange обменивать exchange обмениваться exchange операции с иностранной валютой, расчеты посредством девизов exchange фин. размен денег; rate (или course) of exchange валютный курс; foreign exchange иностранная валюта; переводный вексель; bill of exchange вексель, тратта exchange размен денег exchange разменивать (деньги) exchange разменивать (деньги), размен (денег) exchange разменивать деньги exchange расплата посредством перевода векселей exchange расчет посредством валют exchange центральная телефонная станция exchange центральнаятелефонная станция; коммутатор Exchange: Exchange: Labour exchange биржа труда exchange: exchange: labour exchange биржа труда exchange attr. меновой to exchange into another regiment перевестись в другой полк путем встречного обмена exchange of commodities бартер exchange of currency обмен валюты exchange of land обмен земельного участка exchange обмен; мена; in exchange for в обмен на; cultural exchange культурный обмен; exchange of prisoners обмен военнопленными exchange of real property обмен недвижимости exchange of territory обмен территориями exchange of views обмен мнениями to exchange ratifications обменяться ратификационными грамотами exchange меняться; to exchange seats поменяться местами; to exchange words (with smb.) обменяться (с кем-л.) несколькими словами exchange меняться; to exchange seats поменяться местами; to exchange words (with smb.) обменяться (с кем-л.) несколькими словами fictitious exchange фиктивный обмен exchange фин. размен денег; rate (или course) of exchange валютный курс; foreign exchange иностранная валюта; переводный вексель; bill of exchange вексель, тратта foreign exchange иностранная валюта, девизы foreign exchange иностранная валюта foreign exchange иностранная фондовая биржа foreign exchange курс иностранной валюты forex: forex, foreign exchange иностранная валюта forward exchange иностранная валюта, проданная или купленная с поставкой в будущем forward exchange срочный иностранный переводный вексель futures exchange валюта, продаваемая на срок futures exchange валюта, покупаемая на срок exchange биржа; commodity exchange товарная биржа; grain (или corn) exchange хлебная биржа; labour exchange биржа труда grain exchange хлебная биржа in exchange в обмен exchange обмен; мена; in exchange for в обмен на; cultural exchange культурный обмен; exchange of prisoners обмен военнопленными influence the exchange оказывать влияние на курс иностранной валюты intergateway exchange вчт. междушлюзовой обмен international telephone exchange международная телефонная станция exchange биржа; commodity exchange товарная биржа; grain (или corn) exchange хлебная биржа; labour exchange биржа труда Exchange: Exchange: Labour exchange биржа труда exchange: exchange: labour exchange биржа труда link exchange вчт. замена линий link exchange вчт. коммутатор линий связи loss on exchange потеря на курсе loss: exchange on exchange потери от разницы валютных курсов manipulate the exchange манипулировать с валютой pairwize exchange вчт. попарная перестановка pallet exchange замена грузового поддона produce exchange товарная биржа provide foreign exchange обеспечивать иностранной валютой exchange фин. размен денег; rate (или course) of exchange валютный курс; foreign exchange иностранная валюта; переводный вексель; bill of exchange вексель, тратта rate: exchange of exchange валютный курс; rate of surplus value полит.-эк. норма прибавочной стоимости exchange of exchange валютный курс exchange of exchange вексельный курс, валютный курс, обменный курс exchange of exchange вексельный курс exchange of exchange обменный курс stock exchange фондовая биржа telephone exchange телефонная станция training exchange обмен обучающимися, обмен стажерами two-way exchange вчт. двусторонний обмен value in exchange меновая стоимость value: exchange in exchange меновая стоимость -
16 exchange
1. transitive verb1) tauschen [Plätze, Zimmer, Ringe, Küsse]; umtauschen, wechseln [Geld]; austauschen [Adressen, [Kriegs]gefangene, Erinnerungen, Gedanken, Erfahrungen]; wechseln [Blicke, Worte, Ringe]exchange blows/insults — sich schlagen/sich gegenseitig beleidigen
2) (give in place of another) eintauschen ( for für, gegen); umtauschen [[gekaufte] Ware] ( for gegen); austauschen [Spion] ( for gegen)2. intransitive verb 3. noun1) Tausch, der; (of prisoners, spies, compliments, greetings, insults) Austausch, deran exchange of ideas/blows — ein Meinungsaustausch/Handgreiflichkeiten Pl.
2) (Educ.) Austausch, der; attrib. Austausch-an exchange student — ein Austauschstudent/eine Austauschstudentin
exchange [rate], rate of exchange — Wechselkurs, der
exchange rate mechanism — Wechselkursmechanismus, der
4) see academic.ru/73885/telephone_exchange">telephone exchange* * *[iks' ein‹] 1. verb1) (to give, or give up, in return for something else: Can you exchange a dollar note for two 50-cent pieces?) wechseln2) (to give and receive in return: They exchanged amused glances.) tauschen2. noun1) (the giving and taking of one thing for another: He gave me a pencil in exchange for the marble; An exchange of opinions is helpful.) der Austausch2) (a conversation or dispute: An angry exchange took place between the two brothers when their father's will was read.) der Meinungsaustausch3) (the act of exchanging the money of one country for that of another.) das Wechseln4) (the difference between the value of money in different countries: What is the rate of exchange between the U.S. dollar and the yen?) das Wechselkurs5) (a place where business shares are bought and sold or international financial dealings carried on.) die Börse6) ((also telephone exchange) a central telephone system where lines are connected.) die Vermittlung•* * *ex·change[ɪksˈtʃeɪnʤ, eks-]I. vt1. (trade)▪ to \exchange sth [for sth] etw [gegen etw akk] austauschen; in a shop etw [gegen etw akk] umtauschento \exchange apartments einen Wohnungstausch vornehmen2. (interchange)▪ to \exchange sth etw austauschento \exchange addresses/greetings/opinions Adressen/Grüße/Meinungen austauschento \exchange banter with sb mit jdm herumalbern [o ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ herumblödeln]to \exchange looks Blicke wechselnto \exchange words einen Wortwechsel habenII. nhe gave me some tomatoes in \exchange for a lift into town er gab mir ein paar Tomaten und dafür nahm ich ihn mit in die Stadt\exchange of contracts Vertragsabschluss m\exchange of letters Briefwechsel m\exchange of proposals Austausch m von Vorschlägen2. FIN, ECON Währung frate of \exchange Wechselkurs mrate of \exchange of the dollar Wechselkurs m des Dollars\exchange regulations Devisenbestimmungen plcommodity \exchange Warenbörse fstock \exchange Börse fLondon International Financial Futures and Options E\exchange Internationale Londoner FinanzterminbörseBaltic International Freight and Futures E\exchange Londoner Börse für WarentermingeschäfteLondon Metal E\exchange Londoner Metallbörsethere was a brief \exchange between the two leaders die beiden Führungskräfte tauschten sich kurz aus\exchange of blows Schlagabtausch m\exchange of fire Feuergefecht nt, Schusswechsel m\exchange of threats gegenseitige Drohungenbitter \exchange erbitterter WortwechselIII. adj attr, inv\exchange conditions Wechselbedingungen pl\exchange market Devisenmarkt m\exchange teacher Austauschlehrer(in) m(f)\exchange value Tauschwert m* * *[Iks'tSeIndZ]1. vtbooks, glances, seats tauschen; foreign currency wechseln, umtauschen (for in +acc); information, views, secrets, experiences, hostages, phone numbers austauschento exchange one thing for another — eine Sache gegen eine andere austauschen or (in shop) umtauschen
2. n1) (of goods, stamps) Tausch m; (of prisoners, views, secrets, diplomatic notes) Austausch m; (of one bought item for another) Umtausch min exchange for lending me your car —
4)(telephone) exchange — Fernvermittlungsstelle f (form), Fernamt nt; (in office etc) (Telefon)zentrale f
5) (= altercation) Wortwechsel m* * *exchange [ıksˈtʃeındʒ]A v/tfor gegen)3. Blicke, Küsse, die Plätze etc tauschen, Blicke, Worte wechseln, Briefe, Erinnerungen, Grüße, Gedanken, Gefangene austauschen:Bob exchanged seats with Tom Bob tauschte mit Tom den Platz;they exchanged blows sie schlugen aufeinander ein;they exchanged words sie hatten einen Wortwechsel;he’s looking for sb to exchange stamps with er sucht einen Briefmarkentauschpartner4. TECH auswechseln, aus-, vertauschen:5. Schachspiel: Figuren austauschen6. ersetzen ( for sth durch etwas)B v/i1. tauschenone mark exchanges for less than one Swiss franc für eine Mark bekommt man weniger als einen Schweizer FrankenC s1. a) (Aus-, Um)Tausch m, Auswechs(e)lung f, Tauschhandel m:in exchange for (im Austausch) gegen, (als Entgelt) für;exchange of letters Brief-, Schriftwechsel m;exchange of prisoners Gefangenenaustausch;exchange of shots Schuss-, Kugelwechsel m;exchange of views Gedanken-, Meinungsaustausch ( beide:on über akk);b) Wortgefecht n, -wechsel m2. eingetauschter Gegenstand3. WIRTSCHa) (Um)Wechseln n, Wechselverkehr mb) Geld-, Wertumsatz me) Devisen pl:at the exchange of zum Kurs von;with a high (low) exchange valutastark (-schwach);exchange restrictions devisenrechtliche Beschränkungen4. WIRTSCH Börse f:at the exchange an der Börse;quoted at the exchange börsengängig5. Wechselstube f6. (Fernsprech)Amt n, Vermittlung fex. abk1. examination2. examined3. example4. except5. exception9. exercise* * *1. transitive verb1) tauschen [Plätze, Zimmer, Ringe, Küsse]; umtauschen, wechseln [Geld]; austauschen [Adressen, [Kriegs]gefangene, Erinnerungen, Gedanken, Erfahrungen]; wechseln [Blicke, Worte, Ringe]exchange blows/insults — sich schlagen/sich gegenseitig beleidigen
2) (give in place of another) eintauschen ( for für, gegen); umtauschen [[gekaufte] Ware] ( for gegen); austauschen [Spion] ( for gegen)2. intransitive verb 3. noun1) Tausch, der; (of prisoners, spies, compliments, greetings, insults) Austausch, deran exchange of ideas/blows — ein Meinungsaustausch/Handgreiflichkeiten Pl.
2) (Educ.) Austausch, der; attrib. Austausch-an exchange student — ein Austauschstudent/eine Austauschstudentin
3) (of money) Umtausch, derexchange [rate], rate of exchange — Wechselkurs, der
exchange rate mechanism — Wechselkursmechanismus, der
* * *n.Austausch m.Tausch -e m. (for) v.austauschen (gegen) v. v.austauschen v.eintauschen v.tauschen v.umtauschen v. -
17 exchange
1. n1) обмен; мена; замена2) pl товарообмен3) биржа4) иностранная валюта; девизы•- American Stock Exchangeto hold exchanges with smb — проводить обмен с кем-л.
- amicable exchange of views
- angry exchanges between smb
- animated exchange
- artillery exchange
- available supplies of foreign exchange
- bellicose exchange of threats
- bill of exchange
- bitter exchange
- commodity exchange
- comprehensive exchange of opinions
- corn exchange
- cultural exchanges
- employment exchange
- exchange is falling
- exchange is rising
- exchange is steady
- exchange of awards
- exchange of civilities
- exchange of courtesies
- exchange of day
- exchange of decorations
- exchange of diplomatic missions
- exchange of experience
- exchange of goods by barter
- exchange of greetings
- exchange of information
- exchange of instruments of ratification
- exchange of letters
- exchange of lists of prisoners
- exchange of notes
- exchange of official visits
- exchange of pleasantries
- exchange of ratifications
- exchange of services
- exchange of students
- exchange of toasts
- exchange of views
- exchange of written representations and arguments
- fall in exchange
- favorable exchange
- foreign exchange
- Foreign Stock Exchange
- frank exchange of views
- freely convertible exchange
- fruitful exchange
- full exchange of views
- goods exchange
- heated exchange
- humanitarian exchanges
- in exchange for
- inequitable exchange
- international exchange
- international petroleum exchange
- labor exchange
- lively exchanges of views
- London Mercantile Exchange
- London Stock Exchange
- loss or gain on exchange
- medium of exchange
- mercantile exchange
- metal exchange
- mutually-beneficial exchange
- noisy exchanges in Parliament
- nominal exchange
- nonequivalent exchange
- official exchange
- open exchange - pegged exchange
- people-to-people exchange
- petroleum exchange
- produce exchange
- profitable rate of exchange
- reciprocal exchange
- remarkable frank exchange
- robust exchange of views
- scientific exchange
- seismic data exchange
- sharp exchange between smb - there has been good exchange
- through the diplomatic exchange of written communications
- traditional trade exchanges
- unequal exchange
- useful exchange
- variable exchange
- verbal exchanges
- vigorous exchanges 2. v -
18 exchange
(ex.; 2. Ex.; exc.)1. а) n торг., міжторг. обмін; вимін; виміна; вимінювання; заміна; a обмінний; вимінний; v обмінювати/обміняти; вимінювати/виміняти; міняти/поміняти; б) pl товарообмін; товаровимін; товаровиміна; бартер; a товарообмінний; бартерний; 2. бірж. біржа; 3. n бірж., банк. курс; курс валюти; курс іноземної валюти; a валютний; курсовий1. а) взаємна передача чого-небудь; б) взаємна передача товарів (goods) або послуг (services¹) тотожної вартості; 2. установа, де здійснюється торгівля товарами (commodity), цінними паперами (securities) тощо; 3. ціна (price), за якою обмінюють грошову одиницю однієї країни на грошову одиницю іншої країни═════════■═════════agricultural commodity exchange біржа сільськогосподарських товарів; commercial exchange торгівля • товарообмін; commodity exchange товарна біржа • товарообмін; corn exchange хлібна біржа • біржа збіжжя • зернова біржа; cotton exchange бавовняна біржа; currency exchange обмін валюти; direct exchange прямий курс; dollar exchange валюта за курсом у доларах • курс долара; external exchange курс валют; fair exchange задовільний курс • сприятливий курс; favorable exchange сприятливий курс; forced exchange примусовий курс; foreign exchange закордонна валюта • закордонна фондова біржа • курс закордонної валюти; foreign trade exchange зовнішньоторговельний обмін; forward exchange валюта, яка купується або продається на термін; futures exchange ф'ючерсна біржа; goods exchange обмін товарами • товарообмін • товарна біржа; grain exchange біржа збіжжя; indirect exchange непрямий курс; international exchange міжнародна фондова біржа; international commodity exchange міжнародна товарна біржа; London Commodity exchange Лондонська товарна біржа; lumber exchange лісова біржа; merchandise exchange товарний обмін; monetary exchange грошовий курс; mutual exchange взаємний обмін; national securities exchange фондова біржа; nominal exchange номінальний курс; official exchange офіційний курс; patent exchange обмін патентами; pegged exchange штучно підтримуваний курс • курс, прив'язаний до іншої валюти; produce exchange біржа сільськогосподарських товарів; reciprocal exchange взаємний обмін; recognized exchange офіційна біржа; registered exchange зареєстрована фондова біржа; securities exchange фондова біржа; specialized exchange спеціалізована біржа; sterling exchange валюта за курсом у фунтах стерлінгів; stock exchange; two-way exchange двосторонній обмін; unregistered exchange незареєстрована біржа; variable exchange нестійкий курс • курс, який коливається═════════□═════════denominational exchange of securities обмін цінних паперів одного номіналу на інший; direct exchange of commodities безпосередній обмін товарами; exchange activities валютні операції; exchange allotment розподіл валюти; exchange arbitrage валютний арбітраж; exchange as per endorsement обмін за курсом, зазначеним на звороті векселя; exchange at par обмін за паритетом; exchange broker агент з обміну, продажу й купівлі закордонної валюти; exchange certificate валютне свідоцтво • валютний сертифікат; exchange clause валютне застереження; exchange control валютний контроль; exchange control committee комісія валютного контролю; exchange control regulations правила валютного контролю; exchange cycle валютний цикл; exchange deficit валютний дефіцит; exchange difference різниця у валютних курсах; exchange equalization fund фонд вирівнювання валютних курсів; exchange fee оплата за обмін валюти; exchange fluctuation коливання курсу; exchange gain курсовий прибуток; exchange gain and loss курсовий прибуток і збиток; exchange loss курсовий збиток • втрати валюти; exchange measure валютний захід • офіційне рішення щодо валюти; exchange of commodities бартер; exchange of currency обмін валюти; exchange of day курс дня; exchange of goods обмін товарів • товарообмін; exchange of licenses обмін ліцензіями; exchange of products обмін продуктів; exchange of shares обмін акцій; exchange permit дозвіл на переказ валюти; exchange policy валютна політика; exchange profit курсовий прибуток; exchange rate; exchange restrictions валютні обмеження • обмеження на обмін валюти; exchange risk валютний ризик; exchange risk cover страхування від валютного ризику; exchange stability стабільність валютного курсу; exchange transaction валютна операція; exchange value мінова вартістьexchange¹:: barter; exchange¹ — ім. міньба (розм.)═════════◇═════════біржа < нім. Börse, фр. bourse, італ. borsa, голл. beurs — гаманець; біржа < лат. bursa -шкіряний гаманець (ЕСУМ 1: 201; ЕС-СУМ 1: 141); за дослідженням мит. Іларіона, термін біржа постав від назви дому, де купці сходилися для обговорення торговельної справи; є дані про те, що купці збиралися в домі van der Beura, купця з міста Брюгге в Бельгії, на гербі якого був прикріплений знак boursae, тобто знак трьох гаманців (ЕС-СУМ 1: 141) -
19 exchange
1. n1) обмен2) размен (денег)6) биржа7) коммутатор
- American Stock Exchange
- bank exchange
- Baltic Exchange
- Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchange
- cash currency exchange
- Chicago Board Options Exchange
- Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange
- commercial exchange
- commodity exchange
- corn exchange
- cotton exchange
- curb exchange
- currency exchange
- currency-free exchange
- direct exchange
- direct exchange of commodities
- dollar exchange
- domestic exchange
- employment exchange
- equal exchange
- equivalent exchange
- established stock exchange
- external exchange
- fair exchange
- financial futures exchange
- foreign exchange
- foreign trade exchange
- forward exchange
- free exchange
- free exchange of currency
- freely convertible exchange
- freight exchange
- fruitful exchange
- futures exchange
- goods exchange
- grain exchange
- indirect exchange
- intermodal exchange
- international exchange
- international commodity exchange
- labour exchange
- like-kind exchange
- London Commodity Exchange
- London Metal Exchange
- London Stock Exchange
- long exchange
- lumber exchange
- merchandise exchange
- metal exchange
- monetary exchange
- money exchange
- mutual exchange
- national securities exchange
- National Stock Exchange
- New York Commodity Exchange
- New York Cotton Exchange
- New York Futures Exchange
- New York Insurance Exchange
- New York Mercantile Exchange
- New York Stock Exchange
- nominal exchange
- nonequivalent exchange
- official exchange
- patent exchange
- pegged exchange
- produce exchange
- reciprocal exchange
- recognized exchange
- recognized investment exchange
- registered exchange
- reinsurance exchange
- shipping exchange
- short exchange
- specialized exchange
- stock exchange
- tax-deferred exchange
- tax-free exchange
- technological exchange
- trade exchange
- two-way exchange
- unequal exchange
- variable exchange
- wool exchange
- exchange as per endorsement
- exchange at par
- exchange at the rate of
- exchange for physical
- exchange of assets
- exchange of business information
- exchange of commodities
- exchange of correspondence
- exchange of currency
- exchange of delegations
- exchange of experience
- exchange of exhibitions
- exchange of goods
- exchange of information
- exchange of know-how
- exchange of knowledge
- exchange of licences
- exchange of old notes
- exchange of opinions
- exchange of patents
- exchange of products
- exchange of services
- exchange of shares
- exchange of specialists
- exchange of stock
- exchange of views
- exchange on the basis of clearing accounts
- in exchange for
- by way of exchange
- with exchange
- listed on the exchange
- negotiable on the exchange
- quoted on the exchange
- allot exchange
- be on the stock exchange
- broaden exchange
- encourage exchange
- expand exchange
- force up the exchange
- give in exchange
- make an exchange
- offer in exchange
- promote exchange
- receive in exchange
- sanction exchange of information between the tax authorities of the treaty partners
- take in exchange
- trade on the exchange2. v1) обменивать2) обмениваться3) разменивать (деньги)English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > exchange
20 exchange
1.1) обменивать2) обмениваться3) разменивать (деньги)2.1) обмен, процесс обмена (товарами, услугами, одного вида ценных бумаг на другой)2) размен (денег)5) переброска инвестиций из одного взаимного фонда в другой внутри одной «семьи» фондов, либо между «семьями» фондов в случае, если операция осуществляется одной брокерской фирмой6) биржа (место для заключения сделок с ценными бумагами и фьючерсами)7) коммутатор•
См. также в других словарях:
Exchange — may mean: * Trade or barter, the voluntary exchange of goods and/or services * Social exchange * Student exchange program or high school exchange * Exchange rule, from Mathematical Logic * The exchange (chess), the value difference between rook… … Wikipedia
exchange — ex·change n 1 a: a giving of something of value (as real property) in return for something of equal value (as money or property of a like kind) b in the civil law of Louisiana: a giving of something of value in return for something of equal value … Law dictionary
exchange — ex*change ([e^]ks*ch[=a]nj ), n. [OE. eschange, eschaunge, OF. eschange, fr. eschangier, F. [ e]changer, to exchange; pref. ex out + F. changer. See {Change}, and cf. {Excamb}.] 1. The act of giving or taking one thing in return for another which … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
exchange — [eks chānj′, ikschānj′] vt. exchanged, exchanging [ME eschaungen < OFr eschangier < VL * excambiare: see EX 1 & CHANGE] 1. a) to give, hand over, or transfer (for another thing in return) b) to receive or give another thing for (something … English World dictionary
exchange — vb Exchange, interchange, bandy mean to give a thing to another in return for another thing from him. Exchange may imply a disposing of one thing for another by or as if by the methods of bartering or trading {exchange horses} {the hostile forces … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Exchange — Ex*change , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Exchanged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Exchanging}.] [Cf.OF. eschangier, F. [ e]changer. See {Exchange}, n.] 1. To part with give, or transfer to another in consideration of something received as an equivalent; usually… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
exchange — [n1] trade; deal barter, buying and selling, castling, change, commerce, commutation, conversion, correspondence, dealing, interchange, interdependence, interrelation, network, quid pro quo, rearrangement, reciprocation, reciprocity, replacement … New thesaurus
Exchange — Ex*change , v. i. To be changed or received in exchange for; to pass in exchange; as, dollar exchanges for ten dimes. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Exchange — (engl., spr. Ekstschehndsch), Austausch, Umtausch, Wechsel, die Börse in London … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Exchange — (engl., spr. ex tschēndsch), Austausch, Umtausch; Wechsel, Umsatz; Börse (s.d.) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Exchange On — [engl.], XON … Universal-Lexikon