1 phys
phys, physiologic(al) физиологическийphys, physiologist физиологphys, physiology физиологияEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > phys
2 phys.
3 Phys
physics -
4 phys.
phys.abbr. -
5 Phys Ed
Сокращение: physical -
7 phys
Сокращение: physical -
8 phys.ed.
Сокращение: physical education -
9 phys
10 phys
◙ יסיפ ;ינפוג◄◙ (היגרנאהו רמוחה תונוכת,עבטה יקוח רקח) הקיזיפ◄ -
11 phys
12 phys.
abbreviationphysics; physical; physician; physiology; physiological -
13 phys.
x. physical, physician, physicist, physics, physiology -
14 phys., ed.
x. physical educaiton -
15 phys
adv. natuurkunde (onderzoek naar de natuurwetten, eigenschappen der stoffen en de energie)--------adv. physiek; lichamelijk -
16 phys
adv. fysik (forskning om naturlagarna, energins och massans egenskaper)--------adv. fysisk; kroppslig -
17 Phys. Ed.
[fɪz ed] сокр. от physical educationСША. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > Phys. Ed.
18 Phys Ed
abr.abreviatura de: physical education -> educación ísica (educación) -
19 phys chem
phys chem, physiological chemistry физиологическая химияEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > phys chem
20 phys (physical) 1
См. также в других словарях:
phys — phys·co·mit·ri·um; phys·e·ter·i·dae; phys·e·ter·oi·dea; phys·harmonica; phys·har·mon·i·ka; phys·i·an·thro·py; phys·i·at·rics; phys·i·at·rist; phys·i·cal·ism; phys·i·cal·ist; phys·i·cal·is·tic; phys·i·cal·i·ty; phys·i·cal·ly; phys·i·cal·ness;… … English syllables
phys... — phys..., Phys... vgl. ↑physio..., Physio … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
phys — (physical) adv. bodily, corporeal, carnal phys (physics) adv. study of matter energy and laws of nature … English contemporary dictionary
phys- — pref. Variant of physio . * * * … Universalium
phys — abbrev. 1. physical 2. physician 3. physics * * * … Universalium
phys. ed. — phys. ed. [ ,fız ed ] noun uncount INFORMAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
phys — abbrev. 1. physical 2. physician 3. physics … English World dictionary
phys ed — [fiz′ ed′] n. Informal PHYSICAL EDUCATION … English World dictionary
phys. ed. — phys. ed., physical education … Useful english dictionary
phys|i|at|ry — «FIHZ ee AT ree», noun. = physical therapy. (Cf. ↑physical therapy) … Useful english dictionary
phys|ic — «FIHZ ihk», noun, verb, icked, ick|ing. –n. 1. a medicine, especially one that acts as a laxative; cathartic. 2. Archaic. the art of healing; science and practice of medicine: »Throw physic to the dogs; I ll none of it (Shakespeare). 3. Archaic.… … Useful english dictionary