1 international
international [‚ɪntə'næʃənəl]international;∎ an international singing star une vedette internationale de la chanson2 noun∎ the International l'Internationale f;∎ the First International la Première Internationale►► Accountancy the International Accounting Standards Committee le comité international des normes comptables;the International Air Transport Association l'Association f internationale de transport aérien;Nuclear the International Atomic Energy Agency l'Agence f internationale de l'énergie atomique;Banking the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development la Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le développement;international call communication f internationale;Law the International Chamber of Commerce la chambre de commerce internationale;Aviation the International Civil Aviation Organization l'Organisation f de l'aviation civile internationale;the International Court of Justice la cour internationale de justice;Finance international currency devise f internationale;the International Date Line la ligne de changement de date;Telecommunications international direct dialling code British or American international dial code indicatif m du pays;Finance the International Finance Corporation la Société financière internationale;Industry the International Labour Organization l'Organisation f internationale du travail;Law international law droit m international;Industry the International Longshoremen's Association = syndicat international de dockers;Industry the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union = syndicat international de dockers et de magasiniers;Finance the International Monetary Fund le Fonds monétaire international;Finance international monetary reserves réserves fpl monétaires internationales;Finance international money market marché m monétaire international;Finance international money order mandat m international;Sport the International Olympic Committee le comité international olympique;Linguistics the International Phonetic Alphabet l'alphabet m phonétique international;the International Refugee Organization = organisation humanitaire pour les réfugiés;Politics international relations relations fpl internationales;international relief agency organisation f humanitaire internationale;international reply coupon coupon-réponse m international;the International Standards Organization l'organisation f internationale de normalisation;Commerce international trading corporation société f de commerce international, SCI f;international waters eaux fpl internationalesUn panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > international
2 international
3 ♦ international
♦ international /ɪntəˈnæʃnəl/A a.internazionale: an international court, un tribunale internazionale; international law [trade], diritto [commercio] internazionaleB n.3 (polit.) membro di un'Internazionale● (polit.) international arbitration, arbitrato internazionale □ (leg.) international award, lodo arbitrale internazionale □ ( banca) international bank account number ► IBAN □ (fin.) international company, (società) multinazionale □ (autom., tur.) international customs pass, trittico doganale; trittico □ ( sport) international match, partita internazionale □ the International Monetary Fund, il Fondo Monetario Internazionale □ (polit.) international relations, relazioni internazionali □ (stor., polit.) the First [Second, Third] International, la Prima [Seconda, Terza] Internazionale. -
4 international
international [‚ɪntəˈnæ∫nəl]1. adjective2. noun3. compounds* * *[ˌɪntə'næʃnəl] 1. 2.adjective international -
5 International
6 international
7 international
international [ˏɪntəˊnæʃnǝl]1. a междунаро́дный, интернациона́льный;international law междунаро́дное пра́во
;international civil servant сотру́дник междунаро́дной организа́ции
;international salute мор. «салю́т на́ции» ( 21 выстрел)
2. n1) уча́стник междунаро́дных спорти́вных состяза́ний2) междунаро́дное состяза́ние -
8 international
international adj (intl) GEN international, int. • at an international level GEN auf internationaler Ebene • on an international scale GEN auf internationaler Ebene, weltweitEnglisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > international
9 international
10 international
international adj international, zwischenstaatlich -
11 international
INTERNATIONAL, INTERNATIONALE – см. [ref dict="Difficulties (Ru-En)"]интернационал[/ref]Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > international
12 international
13 international
international -
14 international
прил.1) общ. международный; интернациональный (связанный с двумя или более странами, относящийся к нескольким странам, происходящий при участии нескольких стран или их представителей)international peace — международный мир, мир во всем мире
Syn:See:International Accounting Standards, international adjudication, international administration, international administrative law, international affairs, international agency, international agreement, international arbitrage, international arbitration, International Baccalaureate, International Bank Account Number, international bill of exchange, international bond, international borrowing and lending, international business, international business administration, international capital flows, international cartel, international commerce, international commercial arbitration, international commercial law, international commodity agreement, international commodity body, international company, International Comparison Program, international competition, international competitive bidding, international competitiveness, international competitor, International Conference on Financing for Development, international contract, international cooperation, international copyright, international corporation, international credit, International Data Base, international dealer, international debt, international deficit, international delinquency, international department, International Depositary Receipt, International Depository Receipt, international development bank, international diplomacy, international distortion, international diversification, international division, international division of factors, international division of labour, international divorce, international economics, international equity, international equity fund, international exchange ratio, international extradition, international factor movements, international factoring, international finance, international finance subsidiary, international financial institution, international financial system, international firm, international fund, international institution, international investment, international investment position, international investor, international jurist, international labour migration, international law, international leasing, international legal capacity, international liquidity, international load line, international macroeconomics, international management, international market, international marketer, international marketing, international marketing environment, international microeconomics, international migration, international monetary arrangement, international monetary cooperation, international monetary economics, international monetary order, international monetary reform, international monetary reserves, international monetary system, international multimodal transport, international mutual fund, international name, international order, international organization, international payments, international policy coordination, international politics, international private law, international promissory note, international public law, international relations, international reserve currency, international reserve system, international reserves, international sale, international sales contract, international securities, International Securities Identification Number, international standard, International Standard Audiovisual Number, International Standards of Accounting and Reporting, International Standards on Auditing, international surplus, international technology transfer, international tender, international terrorism, international trade, international trademark, international trading company, international transportation, international travel, International Atomic Energy List, International Banking Act, International Bovine Meat Agreement, International Coffee Agreement, International Commercial Terms, International Dairy Arrangement, International Emergency Economic Powers Act, International Financial Reporting Standards, International Gold Pool, International Grains Agreement, International Industrial List, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, International Market Insight, International Merchandise Trade Statistics, International Munitions List, International Olive Oil Agreement, International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms, International Safety Management Code, International Standard Classification of Occupations, International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities, International Sugar Agreement, International Traffic in Arms Regulations, International Wheat Agreement, International Accounting Standards Board, International Accounting Standards Committee, International Accreditation Forum, International Actuarial Association, International Advertising Association, International Air Transport Association, International Anticounterfeiting Coalition, International Association for Feminist Economics, International Association for Financial Planning, International Association for Insurance Law, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property, International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics, International Association of Administrative Professionals, International Association of Book-keepers, International Association of Classification Societies, International Association of Financial Executives Institutes, International Association of Insurance Supervisors, International Association of Mutual Insurance Companies, International Association of Political Science, International Atomic Energy Agency, International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, International Auditing Practices Committee, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Banking Facility, International Broadcasting Bureau, International Bureau for the Protection of Intellectual Property, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, International Chamber of Commerce, International Civil Aviation Organization, International Cocoa Organization, International Coffee Organization, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, International Congress of Accountants, International Congress of Actuaries, International Convention for Safe Containers, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, 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Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Conference on Financing for Development, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations2) общ. международный (распространенный, действующий за пределами национальных границ)See:
* * *
international settlements межгосударственные расчеты, осуществляемые центральными банками. -
15 international
міжнародний; інтернаціональнийInternational Arbitration Tribunal — ( of the International Chamber of Commerce) Міжнародний арбітражний суд ( Міжнародної торгівельної палати)
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development — Міжнародний банк реконструкції і розвитку (скор. МБРР)
International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes — Міжнародний центр з вирішення інвестиційних спорів
International Convention against Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries — Міжнародна конвенція про заборону вербування, використання, фінансування і підготовки найманців
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships — Міжнародна конвенція з попередження забруднення плавальними засобами (1978 р.)
International Convention on the Prohibition of the Manufacture and Testing of Chemical Weapons — Міжнародна конвенція про заборону виробництва і випробування хімічної зброї
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights — Міжнародний пакт про громадянські і політичні права
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights — Міжнародний пакт про економічні, соціальні і культурні права
International Criminal Police Organization — Міжнародна організація кримінальної поліції (скор. МОКП)
international criminal register — міжнародний кримінальний реєстр; міжнародний кримінальний реєстр злочинців і злочинів
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia — Міжнародний кримінальний суд по колишній Югославії
International Day against Drug Abuse and Traffickng — Міжнародний день проти вживання і торгівлі наркотиками ( 26 червня)
international investigation of the crimes of an aggressor — міжнародне розслідування злочинів агресора
international judicial assistance — міжнародна правова ( судова) допомога
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea — Міжнародні правила з попередження зіткнень на морі
- international adjudicationInternational Tribunal for the Prosecution of War Crimes — Міжнародний трибунал з переслідування військових злочинів
- international administration
- international affairs
- international air carriage
- international air law
- international air route
- international airport
- international application
- international arbitration
- international arena
- international arrest warrant
- international authority
- international aviation
- international bank
- international bids
- international body
- international bribery
- international carriage
- international certificate
- international check
- international cheque
- international civil aviation
- international civil servant
- international code of conduct
- international commission
- international committee
- international community
- international conference
- international conflict
- international conspiracy
- international contract
- international control
- international control organ
- international convention
- international conventional law
- international cooperation
- international copyright
- International Court of Justice
- international courtesy
- international crime
- international criminal law
- international criminal
- international custom
- international customary law
- international delinquency
- international design
- international dispute
- international divorce
- international drug trafficking
- international engagement
- international entity
- international espionage
- international expert
- international extradition
- international fluvial law
- international forum
- international gangster
- international gangsterism
- international isolation
- international judicial organ
- international jurisprudence
- international jurist
- international language
- international law
- International Law Association
- international law code
- International Law Commission
- international law enforcement
- international law of the sea
- international lawyer
- international legal
- international legal capacity
- international legal concept
- international legal issue
- international legal practice
- international legal relations
- international legislature
- international licensing
- international mafia
- international market
- international marriage
- international monetary base
- International Monetary Fund
- international monetary law
- international monetary system
- international navigation
- international norm
- international obligation
- international order
- international organ
- international organization
- international penal law
- international person
- international personality
- international prestige
- international public law
- international registration
- international reputation
- international responsibility
- international rules in force
- international salute
- international sanctions
- international scandal
- international scene
- international sea area
- international sea-bed area
- international security
- international standard
- international status
- international stream
- international tax law
- international team of experts
- international tensions
- international tension
- international terrorism
- international terrorist
- International Tracing Service
- international trade
- international trade in cocaine
- international traffic
- international traffic in arms
- international transaction
- international treaty law
- international tribunal
- international trusteeship
- international underworld
- international union
- international usage
- international waters
- International Women's Day -
16 international
1. adjective2. nouninternational team — (Sport) Nationalmannschaft, die
2) (Sport): (participant) Internationale, der/die; (in team sports) Nationalspieler, der/-spielerin, die•• Cultural note:Eine internationale amerikanische Zeitung. Sie hat ihren Sitz in Paris, wird täglich in 180 Ländern veröffentlicht und hat eine exzellente Reputation für seriöse und gründliche Berichterstattung. Sie ist eine academic.ru/9157/broadsheet">broadsheet-Zeitung* * *[intə'næʃənl] 1. adjective(involving, or done by, two or more nations: international trade; an international football match.) international2. noun1) (a football etc match played between teams from two countries.) das Länderspiel•* * *inter·na·tion·al[ˌɪntəˈnæʃənəl, AM -t̬ɚˈ-]I. adj international\international banking internationales Bankwesen\international call Auslandsgespräch nt\international flight Auslandsflug mon the/an \international level auf internationaler Ebene\international financial system internationales Finanzsystem\international trade Welthandel m\international waters internationale GewässerII. n2. (communist organization)▪ I\international Internationale fthe First/Second etc. I\international die Erste/Zweite etc. Internationale* * *["ɪntə'nʃnəl]1. adjinternational2. n2) (POL)* * *international [ˌıntə(r)ˈnæʃənl]A adj (adv internationally)1. international, zwischenstaatlich, Welt…, Völker…:international copyright internationales Urheberrecht;international date line Datumsgrenze f;international law Völkerrecht n, internationales Recht;international lending WIRTSCH internationaler Kreditverkehr;international nautical mile Seemeile f;international reply coupon Postwesen:: internationaler Antwortschein2. Auslands…:international money order Auslandspostanweisung fB s1. SPORTa) Internationale(r) m/f(m), Nationalspieler(in)b) Länderkampf m, -spiel nb) Internationale f (sozialistisches Kampflied)3. pl WIRTSCH international gehandelte Wertpapiere plI. abk1. independence2. independent3. instituteint. abk1. intelligence3. interim4. interior5. internal* * *1. adjective2. nouninternational team — (Sport) Nationalmannschaft, die
2) (Sport): (participant) Internationale, der/die; (in team sports) Nationalspieler, der/-spielerin, die•• Cultural note:Eine internationale amerikanische Zeitung. Sie hat ihren Sitz in Paris, wird täglich in 180 Ländern veröffentlicht und hat eine exzellente Reputation für seriöse und gründliche Berichterstattung. Sie ist eine broadsheet-Zeitung -
17 international
I adj міжнародний, інтернаціональний- international activity міжнародна діяльність- international administration міжнародна адміністрація- international affairs міжнародні справи- international agreement міжнародна угода- international body міжнародний орган- international code міжнародний код- international collaboration міжнародна співпраця- international community міжнародна спільнота- international conference міжнародна конференція- international conflict міжнародний конфлікт- international contract міжнародний контракт, міжнародна угода- international cooperation міжнародна співпраця- international covenant міжнародний пакт/ договір- international date line демаркаційна лінія часу- international diplomacy міжнародна дипломатична практика- international inequity міжнародна несправедливість- international language міжнародна мова- international law міжнародне право- international lawyer юрист-міжнародник- international legality міжнародно-правове визнання- international money золото- international oath міжнародна клятва- international officials міжнародні посадові особи, міжнародні чиновники- international organization міжнародна організація- international peace мир в усьому світі- international policy міжнародна політика- international practice практика міжнародних відносин/ стосунків- international protocol міжнародний протокол- international reality міжнародна реальність- international recognition міжнародне визнання- international relations міжнародні відносини- international rules міжнародні правила- international salute мор. салют нації (21 постріл)- international security міжнародна безпека- international trade міжнародна торгівля- international treaty міжнародний договір- international tribunal міжнародний суд- international waters міжнародні води- international zone міжнародна зона- permanent international institutions постійні міжнародні організації/ інституції- rules of international courtesy правила міжнародної ввічливості- staff of international organisations персонал міжнародних організацій- to apply international agreements застосовувати міжнародні угоди- I. Atomic Energy Agency Міжнародне агентство з атомної енергії (ООН)- I. Court of Justice Міжнародний Суд (ООН)- I. Federation of Trade Міжнародна федерація профспілок- I. Peace Conference Міжнародна мирна конференція, Міжнародна конференція з боротьби за мир- I. Monetary Fund Міжнародний валютний фонд (ООН)II International n Інтернаціонал -
18 international
adjmeđunarodniOdbor za međunarodne računovodstvene norme• International Bank Account Number ( IBAN) međunarodni broj bankovnoga računa( IBRD) Međunarodna banka za obnovu i razvoj• international banking facilities ( IBFs) uređaji/ustanove međunarodnoga bankarstva• international banker’s acceptance međunarodni bankovni akcept• international bond međunarodna obveznica• international capital međunarodni kapital• international capital allocation međunarodna alokacija kapitala• international capital movement međunarodno kretanje kapitala• international central securities depository ( ICSD) međunarodni srediљnji depozitorij vrijednosnih papira• International Chamber of Commerce ( ICC) Međunarodna trgovačka komora (MTK)• harmonization of Customs procedures ( Kyoto Convention) Međunarodna konvencija o pojednostavljivanju i usklađivanju carinskih postupaka (Konvencija iz Kyota)• international credit međunarodni kredit• International Finance Corporation ( IFC) Međunarodna financijska korporacija• international investment position ( IIP) stanje međunarodnih ulaganja• international issue međunarodno izdanje (vrijednosnih papira)• international liquidity međunarodna likvidnost• international market međunarodno trћiљte• international monetary crisis međunarodna monetarna kriza• International Monetary Fund ( IMF) Međunarodni monetarni fond (MMF)• international monetary relations međunarodni monetarni odnosi• international monetary system međunarodni monetarni sustav• International Organisation for Standardisation ( ISO) Međunarodna organizacija za normiranje( IOSCO) Međunarodna organizacija komisija za vrijednosne papire• international payment međunarodno plaćanje• international pension fund međunarodni mirovinski fond• International Securities Identification Number ( ISIN) međunarodni indentifikacijski broj vrijednosnih papira• International Securities Market Association ( ISMA) Udruћenje međunarodnih trћiљta vrijednosnih papira• Telecommunication Standardisation Sector ( ITU-T) Međunarodni odbor za normiranje telekomunikacijskih protokola• international trade međunarodna trgovina• protectionism in international trade protekcionizam u međunarodnoj trgoviniEnglesko-Hrvatski Glosar bankarstva, osiguranja i ostalih financijskih usluga > international
19 international
international(e)International Accounting Standards Committee comité m international des normes comptables;International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Banque f internationale pour la reconstruction et le développement;TELECOMMUNICATIONS international call appel m international, communication f internationale;International Chamber of Commerce Chambre f de commerce internationale;international commodity agreements accords m pl internationaux sur les produits de base;international community communauté f internationale;international currency devise f internationale;TELECOMMUNICATIONS British international dialling code or American international dialing code indicatif m du pays;international division division f internationale;International Finance Corporation Société f financière internationale;International Labour Office Bureau m international du travail;International Labour Organization Organisation f internationale du travail;international law droit m international;ECONOMICS International Monetary Fund Fonds m monétaire international;international monetary reserves réserves f pl monétaires internationales;international money market marché m monétaire international;international money order mandat m international;international operations (of company) opérations f internationales;international reply coupon coupon-réponse m international;international rights droits m pl internationaux;International Standards Organization Organisation internationale de normalisation;international trade commerce m international;international trademark register registre m international des marques;international trade organization organisation professionnelle internationale;international trading corporation société de commerce internationalThe International Federation of Airline Pilots' Associations (IFALPA) has formally requested an investigation by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) into the practices of Cathay Pacific Airways management in the ongoing dispute with its pilots. The group charges that Cathay Pacific management has violated international standards of workers protection agreed to by many nations including China.
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convention on international civil aviationконвенция по вопросам деятельности международной гражданской авиацииcross international watersпролетать над международными водамиGeneral Department of International Air Services of AeroflotЦентральное управление международных воздушных сообщений гражданской авиацииinternational accidentпроисшествие на территории другого государстваInternational Air CarrierМеждународная ассоциация авиаперевозчиковinternational aircraft standardмеждународный авиационный стандартinternational airlineвнутренняя авиалинияinternational air routeмеждународная авиационная трассаInternational Air TransportМеждународная ассоциация воздушного транспортаinternational airworthinessмеждународные нормы летной годностиInternational Astronautical FederationМеждународная федерация астронавтикиinternational aviationмеждународная авиация общего назначенияinternational civil aviationмеждународная гражданская авиацияinternational collaboration in airworthinessмеждународное сотрудничество по вопросам летной годностиInternational commission for Air NavigationМеждународная комиссия по аэронавигацииInternational Co-ordinating Council of Aerospace Industries AssociationМеждународный координационный совет ассоциаций авиакосмической промышленностиInternational Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot AssociationsМеждународный совет ассоциаций владельцев воздушных судов и пилотовinternational distress frequencyмеждународная частота сигнала бедствияInternational Federation of Air Line Pilots' AssociationsМеждународная федерация ассоциаций линейных пилотовInternational Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' AssociationsМеждународная федерация ассоциаций авиадиспетчеровinternational flightмеждународный рейсinternational flight stageэтап полета над другим государствомinternational frequency monitoringмеждународный контроль частотInternational Frequency Registration BoardМеждународный комитет регистрации частотinternational meteorological systemмеждународная метеорологическая системаinternational navigationмеждународная навигацияinternational operationsмеждународные перевозкиInternational Relations Department of the Ministry of Civil AviationУправление внешних сношений Министерства гражданской авиацииInternational standard atmosphereмеждународная стандартная атмосфераinternational standard atmosphere levelуровень международной стандартной атмосферыinternational standardsмеждународные стандартыinternational telex networkмеждународная телексная сетьinternational transit routeмеждународный транзитный маршрутinternational watersмеждународные воды
См. также в других словарях:
international — international, ale, aux [ ɛ̃tɛrnasjɔnal, o ] adj. • 1801; de inter et national ♦ Qui a lieu, qui se fait de nation à nation, entre plusieurs nations; qui concerne les rapports des nations entre elles. Relations internationales. Politique… … Encyclopédie Universelle
International XT — Manufacturer International Trucks Navistar International Corporation Production 2004–2008 Assembly Garland, Texas … Wikipedia
International — or internationally most often describes interaction between nations, or encompassing two or more nations, constituting a group or association having members in two or more nations, or generally reaching beyond national boundaries. In American… … Wikipedia
internaţional — INTERNAŢIONÁL, Ă, internaţionali, e, adj. Care are loc între mai multe naţiuni, care angajează sau priveşte mai multe ţări, privitor la raporturile dintre naţiuni. La care participă reprezentanţii mai multor state; care are o importanţă ce… … Dicționar Român
International — In ter*na tion*al, a. [Pref. inter + national: cf. F. international.] [1913 Webster] 1. Between or among nations; pertaining to the intercourse of nations; participated in by two or more nations; common to, or affecting, two or more nations.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
International XT — International MXT. La línea International XT se compone de tres grandes camionetas, construidas en base al mismo chasis. Debido a su alto precio y baja producción (las ventas están en el rango de 500 a 1000 por año), la XT es típicamente… … Wikipedia Español
international — [in΄tər nash′ə nəl; ] for n. 2 also [, in΄tərnash΄ə nal′, in΄tər nash΄ənäl′] adj. 1. between or among nations [an international treaty] 2. concerned with the relations between nations [an international court] 3. for the use of all nations… … English World dictionary
international — in‧ter‧na‧tion‧al [ˌɪntəˈnæʆnəl◂ ǁ tər ] adjective relating to or involving more than one country: • international trade agreements • State owned industries will come under even greater stress from international competition. * * * international… … Financial and business terms
International — (von lat. inter, zwischen und natio, Volk oder Volksstamm) bedeutet zwischenstaatlich. Der Begriff wurde 1789 von Bentham geprägt. Im üblichen Sprachgebrauch kann er Nationen betreffend dreierlei bedeuten: einerseits etwas, das mehrere Staaten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
International — In ter*na tion*al, n. [Cf. F. internationale.] [1913 Webster] 1. The International; an abbreviated from of the title of the International Workingmen s Association, the name of an association, formed in London in 1864, which has for object the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
international — (adj.) 1780, apparently coined by Jeremy Bentham from INTER (Cf. inter ) + NATIONAL (Cf. national). In communist jargon, as a noun and with a capital i , it is short for International Working Men s Association, the first of which was founded in… … Etymology dictionary