1 birth
birth [bɜ:θ](a) (of child) naissance f;∎ deaf from birth sourd de naissance;∎ she gave birth to a boy elle a accouché d'un garçon;∎ a difficult birth un accouchement difficile;∎ will the father be present at the birth? le père assistera-t-il à l'accouchement ou à la naissance?(c) figurative (origin → of movement, nation) naissance f, origine f; (→ of era, industry) naissance f, commencement m; (→ of product, radio) apparition f(d) (ancestry, lineage) naissance f, ascendance f;∎ he's Chinese by birth il est chinois de naissance;∎ of high birth de bonne famille, bien né;∎ of low birth de basse extractionAstrology birth chart thème m astral;∎ to practise birth control utiliser un contraceptif ou un moyen de contraception;birth father père m biologique;birth mother mère f biologique;birth pangs douleurs fpl de l'accouchement;∎ figurative the birth pangs of democracy la naissance difficile de la démocratie;birth parents parents mpl biologiques;birth partner =proche qui assiste à l'accouchement;birth rate (taux m de) natalité f -
2 ♦ birth
♦ birth /bɜ:ɵ/n. [cu]1 nascita: at birth, alla nascita; deaf from birth, sordo dalla nascita: birth date, data di nascita; birth weight, peso alla nascita; birth certificate, certificato (o atto) di nascita; to register a birth, registrare una nascita3 (al pl.) (demogr.) nascite; nati4 nascita; origine; discendenza; natali; lignaggio: English by birth, inglese di nascita; of noble birth, di nobili natali; of humble birth, di umili natali; di alto lignaggio; I'm proud of my birth, sono orgoglioso delle mie origini● birth canal, canale del parto □ birth control, controllo delle nascite; contraccezione; metodi (pl.) contraccettivi: birth control method, metodo contraccettivo; to practice birth control, usare metodi contraccettivi □ birth parent, genitore naturale □ birth register, registro delle nascite □ birth sign, (il proprio) segno zodiacale □ to give birth to, mettere al mondo, dare alla luce, partorire; (fig.) produrre, causare. -
3 birth
birth [bɜ:θ]1. noun2. compounds* * *[bɜːθ]noun gen, lit, fig naissance f (of de); Medicine ( process of giving birth) accouchement mto give birth to — [woman] accoucher de; [animal] mettre bas
of French birth — né/née français/-e
4 birth
birth n gen, lit, fig naissance f (of de) ; Med ( process of giving birth) accouchement m ; to give birth [person] accoucher (to de) ; to give birth to [animal] mettre bas [young] ; a difficult/easy birth un accouchement difficile/facile ; at birth à la naissance ; by birth de naissance ; French/Catholic by birth français/catholique de naissance ; from birth he had lived in Paris depuis sa naissance il avait vécu à Paris ; blind from birth aveugle de naissance ; of high birth de haute naissance ; of low birth d'origine f modeste ; of French birth né/née français/-e ; date/place of birth date f/lieu m de naissance ; the birth of Christianity/Marxism la naissance du Christianisme/du Marxisme. -
5 birth
birth [bɜ:θ] n1) ро́ды;two at a birth дво́йня
2) рожде́ние;an artist by birth худо́жник по призва́нию
;to give birth to роди́ть, произвести́ на свет [ср. тж. 3)]
;new ( или second) birth второ́е рожде́ние; возрожде́ние
3) нача́ло, исто́чник; происхожде́ние;to give birth to дать нача́ло (чему-л.) [ср. тж. 2)]
6 birth
birth рождениеvirgin birth партеногенезEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > birth
7 birth
8 birth
bə:Ɵ1) ((an) act of coming into the world, being born: the birth of her son; deaf since birth.) nacimiento2) (the beginning: the birth of civilization.) nacimiento, comienzo, inicio•- birthday
- birthmark
- birthplace
- birthrate
- give birth to
- give birth
birth n nacimientowhat is your date of birth? ¿cuál es tu fecha de nacimiento?tr[bɜːɵ]1 nacimiento2 SMALLMEDICINE/SMALL parto3 (descent) linaje nombre masculino\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be of humble birth ser de origen humildebirth certificate partida de nacimientobirth control control nombre masculino de la natalidadbirth ['bərɵ] n1) : nacimiento m, parto m2) origin: origen m, nacimiento mn.• alumbramiento s.m.• nacimiento s.m.• origen s.m.• principio s.m.bɜːrθ, bɜːθmass & count noun nacimiento m; ( childbirth) parto mdate of birth — fecha f de nacimiento
to be of humble/noble birth — (liter) ser* de humilde cuna/de noble linaje (liter)
to give birth — dar* a luz, parir
[bɜːθ]to give birth to something — dar* origen a algo
1.place of birth — lugar m de nacimiento
to give birth to — (lit) dar a luz a; (fig) dar origen a
to be in at the birth of — (fig) asistir al nacimiento de
2.CPDbirth canal N — canal m uterino
birth certificate N — partida f de nacimiento
birth control N — control m de la natalidad
method of birth control — método m anticonceptivo
birth control pill N — píldora f anticonceptiva
birth defect N — defecto m congénito, defecto m de nacimiento
birth mother N — madre f biológica
birth pill N — = birth control pill
birth plan N — [of pregnant woman] plan m para el parto
birth rate N — tasa f or índice m de natalidad
birth sign N — (=sign of the zodiac) signo m del zodiaco
what's your birth sign? — ¿de qué signo eres?
birth weight N — [of newborn baby] peso m al nacer
* * *[bɜːrθ, bɜːθ]mass & count noun nacimiento m; ( childbirth) parto mdate of birth — fecha f de nacimiento
to be of humble/noble birth — (liter) ser* de humilde cuna/de noble linaje (liter)
to give birth — dar* a luz, parir
to give birth to something — dar* origen a algo
9 birth
noun1) Geburt, dieat the/at birth — bei der Geburt
give birth — [Frau:] entbinden; [Tier:] jungen
2) (of movement, fashion, etc.) Aufkommen, das; (of party, company) Gründung, die; (of nation, idea) Geburt, die; (of new era) Anbruch, der; Geburt, dieof high birth — von hoher Geburt; [von] edler Abkunft (geh.)
be a German by birth — [ein] gebürtiger Deutscher/[eine] gebürtige Deutsche sein
* * *[bə:Ɵ]1) ((an) act of coming into the world, being born: the birth of her son; deaf since birth.) die Geburt2) (the beginning: the birth of civilization.) die Entstehung•- academic.ru/7151/birth_control">birth control- birthday
- birthmark
- birthplace
- birthrate
- give birth to
- give birth* * *[bɜ:θ, AM bɜ:rθ]nfrom \birth von Geburt ancountry/date/place of \birth Geburtsland nt/-datum nt/-ort mconcealment of \birth LAW Personenstandsunterdrückung f, Verletzung f der Anzeigepflicht (bei Geburt eines Kindes)\births and deaths Geburten und Todesfälle\birth pangs Geburtswehen pldifficult \birth schwierige Geburt a. figlive \birth Lebendgeburt fto be present at the \birth bei der Geburt [mit] dabei seinto give \birth entbindento give \birth to a child ein Kind zur Welt bringen [o gebären] literto give \birth to sth ( fig) etw hervorbringen [o schaffenof illegitimate/legitimate \birth unehelicher/ehelicher Abstammungby \birth von Geburtto be English by \birth gebürtiger Engländer/gebürtige Engländerin seinto be of low/noble \birth niedriger/adliger Abstammung sein* * *[bɜːɵ]n1) Geburt fthe town/country of his birth — seine Geburtsstadt/sein Geburtsland nt
blind/deaf from or since birth — von Geburt an blind/taub
to give birth to — gebären; (woman also) entbunden werden von
to give birth — entbinden; (animal)
2) (= parentage) Abstammung f, Herkunft fScottish by birth — Schotte von Geburt, gebürtiger Schotte
of good birth — aus gutem Hause or guter Familie
3) (fig) Geburt f; (of movement, fashion etc) Aufkommen nt; (of nation, party, company also) Gründung f, Entstehen nt; (of new era) Anbruch m, Geburt f (geh); (of star) Entstehung fto give birth to sth — etw schaffen/aufkommen lassen/gründen/anbrechen lassen
* * *1. Geburt f (auch fig):last year there were more births than deaths letztes Jahr gab es einen Geburtenüberschuss;at birth bei der Geburt;he was present at the birth er war bei der Geburt dabei;a musician by birth ein geborener Musiker;the city of my birth meine Geburtsstadt;give birth to gebären, zur Welt bringen ( → 4)2. ZOOL Wurf mhe’s a man of (good) birth er stammt aus gutem Hause;4. Ursprung m, Entstehung f:give birth to hervorbringen, -rufen, gebären ( → 1)* * *noun1) Geburt, dieat the/at birth — bei der Geburt
[deaf] from or since birth — von Geburt an [taub]
give birth — [Frau:] entbinden; [Tier:] jungen
2) (of movement, fashion, etc.) Aufkommen, das; (of party, company) Gründung, die; (of nation, idea) Geburt, die; (of new era) Anbruch, der; Geburt, dieof high birth — von hoher Geburt; [von] edler Abkunft (geh.)
be a German by birth — [ein] gebürtiger Deutscher/[eine] gebürtige Deutsche sein
* * *n.Geburt -en f.Niederkunft f.Ursprung -¨e m. -
10 birth
[bë:th] n 1. lindje; give birth ( to) lind; pjëllje; pjëllë. 2. prejardhje; be of good birth jam nga familje e mirë. fig. lindje; fillim; zanafillë; the birth of a nation lindja e një kombi; to crush a revolt at birth shtyp një revoltë që në djep (pa filluar mirë).● birthday ['bë:thdei] n. ditëlindje● birthmark ['bë:thma:k] n. shenjë, nishan● birthplace ['bë:thpleis] n. vendlindje● birthrate ['bë:threit] n. përqindje e lindjeve (në vit, për 1000 banorë)● date of birth [deit ëv bë:th] n. datëlindje, data e lindjes● place of birth [pleis ëv bë:th] n. vendlindje, vendi i lindjes● a difficult birth [ë 'difikëlt bë:th] lindje e vështirë● live births [liv bë:th] ( foshnje) i lindur gjallë● premature birth [premë'tur/-'çuë bë:th] lindje e parakohshme● three children at a birth [thri: 'çildrën ët ë bë:th] trinjakë; tri fëmijë të lindur menjëhërë● she gave birth to twins [shi: geiv bë:th tu: tuins] ajo lindi binjakë● give birth to a poem [giv bë:th tu: ë 'pëuim] fig. nxjerr në dritë një poez● Irish by birth [bë:th] me prejardhje irlandëze● of high birth [ëv hai bë:th] nga dërë e madhe● birth certificate [bë:th së:'tifikët] n. çertifikatë e lindjes● birth-control [bë:th kën'troul] n. rregullim (planifikim) i lindjeve, kufizim i lndjeve; maltuzianizëm● birth father [bë:th 'fadhë:(r)] n. baba i vet (biologjik)● birth-mark [bë:th ma:k] n. nishan; shënjë (në trup)● birth mother [bë:th 'madhë:(r)] n. nënë e vet (biologjike)● birth parent [bë:th 'peërënt] n. prind i vet (biologjik)● birth (-) rate [bë:th reit] n. lindshmëri; tregues i lindjeve. Fall in the birth-rate renie e numrit të lindjeve● birth weight [bë:th weit] n. pëshë në lindje (e foshnjës)● birthing [bë:thing] n. lindje; pjëllje* * *lindje -
11 birth
[bɜːθ]nome nascita f. (anche fig.); med. (process of giving birth) parto m.to give birth to — [ woman] partorire o dare alla luce; [ animal] partorire o fare [ young]
Italian by birth, of Italian birth — italiano di nascita
blind from birth — cieco di o dalla nascita
of high birth — di nobile nascita o di alto lignaggio
of low birth — di nascita umile o di umili natali
date, place of birth — data, luogo di nascita
* * *[bə:Ɵ]1) ((an) act of coming into the world, being born: the birth of her son; deaf since birth.) nascita2) (the beginning: the birth of civilization.) nascita, origine•- birthday
- birthmark
- birthplace
- birthrate
- give birth to
- give birth* * *[bɜːθ]nome nascita f. (anche fig.); med. (process of giving birth) parto m.to give birth to — [ woman] partorire o dare alla luce; [ animal] partorire o fare [ young]
Italian by birth, of Italian birth — italiano di nascita
blind from birth — cieco di o dalla nascita
of high birth — di nobile nascita o di alto lignaggio
of low birth — di nascita umile o di umili natali
date, place of birth — data, luogo di nascita
12 birth
[bəːθ]n1) рождение, роды, рождаемостьHis wife gave birth to a son (to twin girls). — Его жена родила сына (девочек- двойняшек/близнецов).
We didn't have a single birth that day. — В тот день никто не родился.
- difficult birth- new birth
- second birth
- birth control
- birth certificate
- birth mark
- birth pangs
- date of smb's birth
- blind since the day of his birth
- from birth till death
- give birth to a boy
- give birth to smb
- be strangled in birthHe is a Londoner (a Russian) by birth. — Он родом из Лондона (из России).
- man of birth and breeding- woman of noble birth
- children of illegitimate birth
- man of Spanish birth
- be of good birth
- be beneath smb in birth
- be of humble birth3) зарождение, начало, источник- new birth- birth of a new state
- birth of a plan
- trace smth to its birth -
13 birth
[bə:θ]birth рождение; an artist by birth художник по призванию; to give birth to родить, произвести на свет ; new (или second) birth второе рождение; возрождение birth начало, источник; происхождение; to give birth to дать начало (чему-л.) birth роды; two at a birth двойня birth рождение; an artist by birth художник по призванию; to give birth to родить, произвести на свет ; new (или second) birth второе рождение; возрождение birth рождение birth начало, источник; происхождение; to give birth to дать начало (чему-л.) birth рождение; an artist by birth художник по призванию; to give birth to родить, произвести на свет ; new (или second) birth второе рождение; возрождение live birth живорожденный birth рождение; an artist by birth художник по призванию; to give birth to родить, произвести на свет ; new (или second) birth второе рождение; возрождение still birth рождение мертвого плода birth роды; two at a birth двойня -
14 birth
1. n рождение; зарождение, начало, источник2. n роды3. n происхождениеof princely birth — благородного происхождения; урождённая
4. n знатное происхождение5. n натура; призвание6. v редк. родитьbring to birth — порождать; породить
to give birth to triplets, to have triplets — родить тройню
Синонимический ряд:1. beginning (noun) alpha; beginning; dawn; dawning; day spring; genesis; inception; nascence; onset; opening; opening gun; outset; outstart; setout; spring; start2. line (noun) ancestry; blood; bloodline; descent; extraction; family; genealogy; line; lineage; parentage; pedigree; race; seed; status3. origin (noun) commencement; derivation; nativity; origin; rise; source4. parturition (noun) bearing; bearing young; birthing; bringing forth; childbearing; childbirth; delivery; labour; parturition; travail5. spring (verb) arise; come from; derive from; emanate; flow; head; issue; originate; proceed; rise; spring; stem; upspringАнтонимический ряд:death; end; extinction -
15 birth
bə:θ рождение;
зарождение, начало, источник - to give * to родить, произвести на свет;
дать начало (чему-л) - to crush a movement at * подавить движение в самом начале - new * второе рождение;
возрождение роды - two at a * двойня происхождение - English by * англичанин по происхождению - of good * знатного происхождения знатное происхождение - he is a man of * and breeding он из знати натура;
призвание - musician by * музыкант по призванию (редкое) родить~ рождение;
an artist by birth художник по призванию;
to give birth to родить, произвести на свет ;
new (или second) birth второе рождение;
возрождениеbirth начало, источник;
to give birth to дать начало (чему-л.) ~ роды;
two at a birth двойня ~ рождение;
an artist by birth художник по призванию;
to give birth to родить, произвести на свет ;
new (или second) birth второе рождение;
возрождение ~ рождениеbirth начало, источник;
to give birth to дать начало (чему-л.) ~ рождение;
an artist by birth художник по призванию;
to give birth to родить, произвести на свет ;
new (или second) birth второе рождение;
возрождениеlive ~ живорожденный~ рождение;
an artist by birth художник по призванию;
to give birth to родить, произвести на свет ;
new (или second) birth второе рождение;
возрождениеstill ~ рождение мертвого плода~ роды;
two at a birth двойня -
16 birth
bə:Ɵ1) ((an) act of coming into the world, being born: the birth of her son; deaf since birth.) fødsel2) (the beginning: the birth of civilization.) opphav, tilblivelse•- birthday
- birthmark
- birthplace
- birthrate
- give birth to
- give birthbyrd--------fødselsubst. \/bɜːθ\/1) fødsel, forløsning2) ( overført) fødsel, tilblivelse, fremkomst, oppkomst3) opprinnelse, byrd, herkomst, ættat birth ved fødselenby birth av fødselhun er den fødte kunstner \/ hun er født til å være kunstnerfrom birth fra fødselen avgive birth to fødethe birth of a nation en nasjons tilblivelse -
17 birth
1. раждане, рождение
to give BIRTH to раждам, прен. пораждам, предизвиквам
by BIRTH по рождение
equals in BIRTH равни по произход/потекло
new BIRTH рел. прераждане
2. произход, родословие, потекло, благороден произход
person of BIRTH човек от благороден произход
3. ост. рожба
4. прен. начало* * *{bъ:d} n 1. раждане, рождение; to give birth to раждам; прен. пораж* * *рождение; родилен; потекло; произход; раждане;* * *1. by birth по рождение 2. equals in birth равни по произход/потекло 3. new birth рел. прераждане 4. person of birth човек от благороден произход 5. to give birth to раждам, прен. пораждам, предизвиквам 6. ост. рожба 7. прен. начало 8. произход, родословие, потекло, благороден произход 9. раждане, рождение* * *birth[bə:u] n 1. раждане, рождение, произхождение, начало; to give \birth to раждам; прен. пораждам, предизвиквам, създавам, причинявам; by \birth по рождение; right of \birth право по рождение; new \birth рел. прераждане, прен. възродяване, преобразяване; 2. произход, род; потекло; благороден произход; 3. рожба. -
18 birth
[bə:Ɵ]1) ((an) act of coming into the world, being born: the birth of her son; deaf since birth.) rojstvo2) (the beginning: the birth of civilization.) začetek•- birthday
- birthmark
- birthplace
- birthrate
- give birth to
- give birth* * *[bɜ:m]nounrojstvo; porod; izvor, nastanek; plod; sorodstvo; rodovnik, vir, rodto give birth — roditi; figuratively povzročitia man of birth and breeding — plemenit, uglajen človekmonstrous birth — spaček, spovitek -
19 birth
------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] birth[English Plural] births[Swahili Word] mzao[Swahili Plural] mizao[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 3/4[Derived Word] zaa V------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] birth[English Plural] births[Swahili Word] kizazi[Swahili Plural] vizazi[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 7/8[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] -zaa[Related Words] uzazi------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] birth[Swahili Word] uzaliwa[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 14[Derived Word] zaa V------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] birth[English Plural] births[Swahili Word] kuzaliwa[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] zaa V------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] give birth[Swahili Word] -zaa[Part of Speech] verb[Related Words] zalio, zao, zazi, kizalia, kizao, kizazi, mzaa, mzalisha, mzaliwa, mzao, mzazi, uzalishi, uzao, uzazi[English Example] She was <b>giving birth</b> to the baby in the house.[Swahili Example] Alikuwa <b>anazaa</b> mtoto nyumbani.------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] give birth to[Swahili Word] -jifungulia[Part of Speech] verb[Class] applicative------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] give birth[Swahili Word] -jifungua[Part of Speech] verb[Class] reflexive[Swahili Example] alijifungua salama usalimini [Moh]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] give birth[Swahili Word] -fungasa[Part of Speech] verb[Swahili Example] Amejifungua mtoto wa kike.------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] person of good birth[English Plural] people of good birth[Swahili Word] wadinasi[Swahili Plural] wadinasi[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10an------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] person of good birth[English Plural] people of good birth[Swahili Word] adinasi[Swahili Plural] adinasi[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10an------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Item(s) below have not yet been grouped within the headword birth[English Word] one who gives birth[English Plural] ones who give birth[Swahili Word] mzazi[Swahili Plural] wazazi[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 1/2[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] zaa------------------------------------------------------------ -
20 birth
1 დაბადება, შობაshe has given birth to twins ტყუპები გააჩინა / ეყოლა2 წარმოშობა, საწყისიthe birth of an idea იდეის წარმოშობა / გაჩენაbirth control შობადობის კონტროლი / შეზღუდვაbirth-mark ხალი, დაღი
См. также в других словарях:
Birth — is the act or process of bearing or bringing forth offspring [http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/birth] . The offspring is brought forth from the mother. Different forms of birth are oviparity, vivipary or ovovivipary.Two words used to… … Wikipedia
birth — W2S2 [bə:θ US bə:rθ] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old Norse; Origin: byrth] 1.) give birth (to sb) if a woman gives birth, she produces a baby from her body ▪ Patsy was celebrating last night after giving birth to twins. 2.) [U and C] the time when a… … Dictionary of contemporary English
birth — [ bɜrθ ] noun *** 1. ) count or uncount the occasion of a baby being born: We are happy to announce the birth of our son Andrew. John wanted to be present at the birth. from/since birth: James has been blind from birth. at birth (=at the time… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Birth — (b[ e]rth), n. [OE. burth, birth, AS. beor[eth], gebyrd, fr. beran to bear, bring forth; akin to D. geboorte, OHG. burt, giburt, G. geburt, Icel. bur[eth]r, Skr. bhrti bearing, supporting; cf. Ir. & Gael. beirthe born, brought forth. [root]92.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
birth — [bʉrth] n. [ME birthe, burthe < ON byrth, akin to OE gebyrde, byrde, Goth gabaurths < IE * bhrto, pp. of base * bher , BEAR1] 1. the act of bringing forth offspring 2. the act or fact of coming into life, or of being born; nativity 3.… … English World dictionary
birth — birth; birth·day; birth·dom; birth·land; birth·less; birth·stool; mis·birth; re·birth; … English syllables
Birth — Données clés Titre québécois Birth Titre original Birth Réalisation Jonathan Glazer Scénario Jean Claude Carrière, Milo Addica, Jonathan Glazer Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
Birth — ist der Name eines Stadtteils von Velbert im nordrhein westfälischen Kreis Mettmann, siehe Velbert Birth einer Ortschaft im niederrheinischen Kreis Viersen einer Ortschaft der Stadt Hennef (Sieg), siehe Birth (Hennef) eines Films des britischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
birth — I (beginning) noun animation, arrival, commencement, creation, debut, embarkation, establishment, exordium, genesis, inauguration, inception, incipience, incipiency, incunabula, infancy, introduction, nascency, onset, origin, origination, ortus,… … Law dictionary
birth — ► NOUN 1) the emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being. 2) the beginning of something. 3) origin or ancestry: he is of noble birth. DERIVATIVES birthing noun. ● give birth Cf … English terms dictionary
birth — [n1] becoming alive bearing, beginning, birthing, blessed event*, childbearing, childbirth, creation, act of God, delivery, labor, nascency, natality, nativity, parturition, producing, travail, visit from stork*; concepts 302,373 Ant. death birth … New thesaurus