1 would
would [wʊd]1. modal verba.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► When would is used to form the conditional, the French conditional is used.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• I wouldn't worry, if I were you à ta place, je ne m'inquiéterais pas• to my surprise, he agreed -- I never thought he would à ma grande surprise, il a accepté -- je ne l'aurais jamais pensé• who would have thought it? qui l'aurait pensé ?• I said I'd go, so I'm going j'ai dit que j'irais, alors j'y vais• I said I'd go, so I went j'avais dit que j'irais, alors j'y suis allé━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• if you would come with me, I'd go to see him si vous vouliez bien m'accompagner, j'irais le voir━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━would you wait here please! attendez ici s'il vous plaît !• would you close the window please voulez-vous fermer la fenêtre, s'il vous plaît► would you like ( = do you want)would you like some tea? voulez-vous du thé ?• would you like to go for a walk? est-ce que vous aimeriez faire une promenade ?• 50 years ago the streets would be empty on Sundays il y a 50 ans, les rues étaient vides le dimanche• I saw him come out of the shop -- when would this be? je l'ai vu sortir du magasin -- quand ?d. (inevitability) you would go and tell her! évidemment tu es allé le lui dire !• it would have to rain! évidemment il fallait qu'il pleuve !e. (conjecture) it would have been about 8 o'clock when he came il devait être 8 heures à peu près quand il est venu2. modifier* * *[wʊd, wəd]Note: When would is used with a verb in English to form the conditional tense, would + verb is translated by the present conditional of the appropriate verb in French and would have + verb by the past conditional of the appropriate verb: I would do it if I had time = je le ferais si j'avais le temps; I would have done it if I had had time = je l'aurais fait si j'avais eu le temps; he said he would fetch the car = il a dit qu'il irait chercher la voitureFor more examples, particular usages and all other uses of would see the entry below1) (in sequence of past tenses, in reported speech)if we'd left later we would have missed the train — si nous étions partis plus tard nous aurions raté le train
wouldn't it be nice if... — ce serait bien si...
they couldn't find anyone who would take the job — ils n'arrivaient pas à trouver quelqu'un qui accepte le poste
5) (expressing desire, preference)switch off the radio, would you? — éteins la radio, tu veux bien?
8) ( when giving advice)9) ( expressing exasperation)‘he denies it’ - ‘well he would, wouldn't he?’ — ‘il le nie’ - ‘évidemment!’
‘she put her foot in it (colloq)’ - ‘she would!’ — ‘elle a mis les pieds dans le plat (colloq)’ - ‘tu m'étonnes!’
10) ( expressing an assumption)let's see, that would be his youngest son — voyons, ça doit être son plus jeune fils
11) (indicating habitual event or behaviour in past: used to) -
2 would
❢ When would is used with a verb in English to form the conditional tense, would + verb is translated by the present conditional of the appropriate verb in French and would have + verb by the past conditional of the appropriate verb: I would do it if I had time = je le ferais si j'avais le temps ; I would have done it if I had had time = je l'aurais fait si j'avais eu le temps ; he said he would fetch the car = il a dit qu'il irait chercher la voiture.For more examples, particular usages and all other uses of would see the entry below. modal aux ( aussi 'd ; nég wouldn't)1 (in sequence of past tenses, in reported speech) she said she wouldn't come elle a dit qu'elle ne viendrait pas ; we thought we would be late nous avons pensé que nous serions en retard ; I was sure you' d like it j'étais sûr que ça te plairait ; we were wondering if he'd accept nous nous demandions s'il accepterait ; they promised that they'd come back ils ont promis de revenir ; soon it would be time to get up ce serait bientôt l'heure de se lever ; it was to be the last chance we would have to leave ça devait être la dernière chance que nous aurions de partir ; he thought she would have forgotten il pensait qu'elle aurait oublié ; I wish he would shut the door! il pourrait fermer la porte! ; I wish you'd be quiet! tu ne pourrais pas te taire! ;2 ( in conditional statements) it would be wonderful if they came ce serait merveilleux s'ils venaient ; I'm sure she would help if you asked her je suis sûr qu'elle t'aiderait si tu le lui demandais ; if we'd left later we would have missed the train si nous étions partis plus tard nous aurions raté le train ; we wouldn't be happy anywhere else nous ne serions heureux nulle part ailleurs ; what would be the best way to approach him? quel serait le meilleur moyen de l'aborder? ; who would ever have believed it? qui l'aurait cru? ; you wouldn't have thought it possible! on n'aurait jamais cru que c'était possible! ; I would have found out sooner or later je l'aurais découvert tôt ou tard ; wouldn't it be nice if… ce serait bien si… ; we wouldn't have succeeded without his help nous n'aurions jamais réussi sans son aide ; it wouldn't be the same without them ça ne serait pas la même chose sans eux ; it cost far less than I would have expected ça a coûté beaucoup moins cher que je n'aurais pensé ;3 ( expressing willingness to act) do you know anyone who would do it? est-ce que tu connais quelqu'un qui le ferait? ; they couldn't find anyone who would take the job ils n'arrivaient pas à trouver quelqu'un qui accepte ( subj) le poste ; he wouldn't hurt a fly il ne ferait pas de mal à une mouche ; she just wouldn't listen elle ne voulait rien entendre ; after that I wouldn't eat any canned food après cela je ne voulais plus manger de conserves ; he wouldn't do a thing to help il n'a rien voulu faire pour aider ; the police wouldn't give any further details la police a refusé de donner plus de détails ; they asked me to leave but I wouldn't ils m'ont demandé de partir mais j'ai refusé ;4 ( expressing inability to function) the door wouldn't close la porte ne voulait pas se fermer ; the brakes wouldn't work les freins ne marchaient pas ;5 (expressing desire, preference) we would like to stay another night nous aimerions rester une nuit de plus ; we'd really love to see you nous aimerions vraiment te voir ; I would much rather travel alone je préfèrerais nettement voyager seul ; she would have preferred a puppy elle aurait préféré un chiot ; which film would you rather see? quel film est-ce que tu préférerais voir? ; I wouldn't mind another slice of cake je prendrais bien un autre morceau de gâteau ; it's what he would have wanted c'est ce qu'il aurait voulu ;6 ( in polite requests or proposals) would you like something to eat? voudriez-vous quelque chose à manger? ; would you like some more tea? voulez-vous encore du thé? ; would you help me set the table? est-ce que tu pourrais m'aider à mettre la table? ; switch off the radio, would you? éteins la radio, tu veux bien? ; would you be interested in buying a vacuum cleaner? est-ce que vous seriez intéressé par un aspirateur? ; would you like to go to a concert est-ce que tu aimerais aller à un concert? ; would you give her the message? est-ce que vous voulez bien lui transmettre le message? ; would you mind not smoking please? est-ce que ça vous ennuyerait de ne pas fumer s'il vous plaît? ; would you please be quiet un peu de silence s'il vous plaît ; would you be so kind as to leave? sout auriez-vous l'obligeance de partir d'ici? fml ;7 ( used to attenuate statements) it would seem that he was right il semblerait qu'il avait raison ; so it would seem c'est ce qu'il semble ; you would think they'd be satisfied with the results! on aurait pu penser qu'ils seraient satisfaits des résultats! ; I wouldn't say that je ne dirais pas ça ; I would have thought it was obvious j'aurais pensé que c'était évident ; I wouldn't know je ne pourrais pas vous le dire ;8 ( when giving advice) I wouldn't do that if I were you je ne ferais pas ça à ta place or si j'étais toi ; I really wouldn't worry à ta place je ne m'en ferais pas ; I would check the timetable first tu ferais bien de vérifier l'horaire d'abord ; I'd give her a ring now tu devrais lui téléphoner maintenant ; wouldn't it be better to write? est-ce que ce ne serait pas mieux d'écrire? ;9 ( expressing exasperation) ‘he denies it’-‘well he would, wouldn't he?’ ‘il le nie’-‘évidemment!’ ; of course you would contradict him! bien sûr il a fallu que tu le contredises! ; ‘she put her foot in it ○ ’-‘she would!’ ‘elle a mis les pieds dans le plat ○ ’-‘tu m'étonnes!’, ‘c'est bien d'elle!’ ;10 ( expressing an assumption) what time would that be? c'était vers quelle heure? ; I suppose it would have been about 3 pm je pense qu'il était à peu près 15h 00 ; being so young, you wouldn't remember the war étant donné ton âge tu ne dois pas te rappeler la guerre ; let's see, that would be his youngest son voyons, ça doit être son plus jeune fils ; it would have been about five years ago ça devait être il y a environ cinq ans ; you'd never have guessed she was German on n'aurait jamais cru qu'elle était allemande ;11 (indicating habitual event or behaviour in past: used to) she would sit for hours at the window elle passait des heures assise à la fenêtre ; every winter the fields would be flooded tous les hivers les champs étaient inondés ; the children would be up at dawn les enfants étaient toujours debout à l'aube ; -
3 would
would [wʊd]1 pt of willⓘ GRAM On trouve généralement I/you/he/ etc would sous leurs formes contractées I'd/you'd/he'd/ etc. La forme négative correspondante est wouldn't que l'on écrira would not dans des contextes formels.A.(a) (speculating, hypothesizing)∎ I'm sure they would come if you asked them je suis sûr qu'ils viendraient si vous le leur demandiez;∎ he would if he could il le ferait s'il le pouvait;∎ he would be thirty now if he had lived il aurait trente ans maintenant s'il avait vécu;∎ I wouldn't do that if I were you je ne ferais pas ça si j'étais vous ou à votre place;∎ you would think they had better things to do on pourrait penser qu'ils ont mieux à faire;∎ I thought he would understand je pensais qu'il comprendrait;∎ they wouldn't have come if they'd known ils ne seraient pas venus s'ils avaient su;∎ he wouldn't have finished without your help il n'aurait pas terminé sans votre aide;∎ she would have been sixteen by now elle aurait seize ans maintenant(b) (making polite offers, requests)∎ would you please be quiet! voulez-vous vous taire, s'il vous plaît!;∎ would you pass the mustard please? voudriez-vous bien me passer la moutarde?;∎ would you mind driving me home? est-ce que cela vous dérangerait de me reconduire chez moi?;∎ would you like to see her? aimeriez-vous ou voudriez-vous la voir?;∎ would you like another cup? en voulez-vous encore une tasse?;∎ I'll do it for you - would you? je vais m'en occuper - vraiment?(c) (expressing preferences, desires)∎ I would prefer to go or I would rather go alone j'aimerais mieux ou je préférerais y aller seul;∎ I would have preferred to go or I would rather have gone alone j'aurais mieux aimé ou j'aurais préféré y aller seul;∎ I would love to go je serais ravi d'y allerB.(a) (indicating willingness, responsiveness → of person, mechanism)∎ they would give their lives for the cause ils donneraient leur vie pour la cause;∎ she wouldn't touch alcohol elle refusait de toucher à l'alcool;∎ I couldn't find anyone who would lend me a torch je n'ai trouvé personne pour me prêter une lampe électrique;∎ the light wouldn't work la lumière ne marchait pas;∎ the car wouldn't start la voiture ne voulait pas démarrer∎ he would smoke a cigar after dinner il fumait un cigare après le dîner;∎ she would often complain about the neighbours elle se plaignait souvent des voisins;∎ they would go and break something! il fallait qu'ils aillent casser quelque chose!;∎ I didn't really enjoy the fish - you wouldn't, would you? je n'ai pas tellement aimé le poisson - ça m'aurait étonné!;∎ he would! c'est bien de lui!;∎ he would say that, wouldn't he il fallait qu'il dise ça∎ I would disagree there je crains de n'être pas d'accord sur ce point;∎ I would imagine it's warmer than here j'imagine qu'il fait plus chaud qu'ici;∎ I would think he'd be pleased j'aurais cru que ça lui ferait plaisir;∎ I wouldn't know (I don't know) je ne saurais dire∎ I would have a word with her about it(, if I were you) moi, je lui en parlerais (à votre place)(e) (expressing surprise, incredulity)∎ you wouldn't think she was only fifteen, would you? on ne dirait pas qu'elle n'a que quinze ans, n'est-ce pas?;∎ who would have thought it? qui l'aurait cru?;∎ I wouldn't have thought it possible je ne l'aurais pas cru possible;∎ would you credit it! tu te rends compte!(f) (indicating likelihood, probability)∎ there was a woman there - that would be his wife il y avait une femme - ça devait être sa femme;∎ would that be your cousin you have in mind? c'est à votre cousin que vous pensez?C.∎ it was to be the last time I would see him before he left c'était la dernière fois que je le voyais avant son départ(b) (used with "have")∎ they would have been happy if it hadn't been for the war ils auraient vécu heureux si la guerre n'était pas survenue;∎ American if you would have told the truth, this would never have happened si tu m'avais dit la vérité, ça ne serait jamais arrivé(c) (subjunctive use) formal or literary (expressing wishes) would that it were true! si seulement c'était vrai!;∎ would to God that I still had it! plût à Dieu que je l'eusse encore!;∎ what would you have me do? que voulez-vous que je fasse? -
4 ♦ would
♦ would /wʊd, wəd/v. modalewould, come tutti i verbi modali, ha caratteristiche particolari:● ha significato di condizionale o passato;● non ha forme flesse (-s alla 3a pers. sing. pres., - ing, -ed), non è mai usato con ausiliari e non ha quindi tempi composti;● forma le domande mediante la semplice posposizione del soggetto;● ad eccezione delle def. 3, 6, 9, 10 e 12, nell'ingl. corrente è spesso abbreviato in 'd;● l'infinito che segue non ha la particella to;● viene usato nelle question tags1 ( esprime possibilità o probabilità) – He would probably refuse, probabilmente rifiuterebbe; Such changes would seriously affect production, cambiamenti simili avrebbero serie conseguenze sulla produzione; I'd take it amiss, if you didn't accept, mi offenderei se non accettaste; Would you go, if you were asked?, ci andresti, se te lo chiedessero?; I wouldn't buy it if I were you, se fossi in te non lo comprerei; My intervention would have been useless, anyway, il mio intervento sarebbe stato comunque inutile2 ( seguito da inf. pass., esprime possibilità non realizzata) – I would have accepted, but my husband said no, io avrei accettato ma mio marito disse di no; If only he'd let me know, I would have tried to help him, se solo mi avesse informato, avrei cercato di aiutarlo3 (alla 2a pers.: nelle frasi interr. esprime offerta o invito cortese, oppure richiesta di fare qc.) – Would you pour the tea, please?, ti spiace versare il tè, per favore?; vuoi gentilmente versare il tè?; Would you do me a favour?, mi faresti un piacere?; Would you mind opening the window?, ti spiace aprire la finestra?; potresti aprire la finestra per favore?; Would you excuse me for a minute?, mi scusi un secondo?4 ( davanti a verbi di gradimento, piacere, ecc.) – I wouldn't like to see this custom disappear, non vorrei veder scomparire questa tradizione; We would be glad to hear about your project, saremmo lieti di essere informati sul tuo progetto; We would like you to tell us about your trip, vorremmo che ci raccontassi del tuo viaggio; Now, I'd like you to open your mouth and say ‘Aaaah’, ora apra la bocca, per favore, e dica ‘Aaaah’; Ladies and gentlemen, I would like you to welcome a very special guest, signore e signori, vi chiedo di dare il benvenuto a un ospite molto speciale; DIALOGO → - Ordering food 3- What would you like?, cosa desidera?; Would you like to join us?, vuole unirsi a noi?; Would you like some more dessert?, posso offrirti ancora un po' di dolce?; There's one thing I would have liked to ask him, c'è una cosa che avrei voluto chiedergli5 ( nelle subordinate rette da un verbo di dire, pensare, sperare, ecc., esprime l'idea di futuro nel passato) – He asked me whether I would be prepared to do it, mi ha chiesto se fossi (o sarei stato) disposto a farlo; They said they would meet us here, hanno detto che si sarebbero trovati qui; I said I'd do it at once, dissi che l'avrei fatto subito; I said I wouldn't, dissi che non l'avrei fatto; dissi di no; She promised she would come back, (rif. al passato) promise che sarebbe tornata; (rif. al futuro) ha promesso che tornerà; We feared the situation would get out of hand, temevamo che la situazione sarebbe diventata ingovernabile; Would it be ready in time, I wondered, chissà se (o mi chiesi se) sarebbe stato pronto in tempo; I knew you'd say that, sapevo che l'avresti detto6 ( esprime volontà, intenzione o, nella forma neg., rifiuto) – DIALOGO → - Weather- It's a lovely day so we thought we'd go out for a bike ride, è una giornata deliziosa così abbiamo pensato di andare a fare un giro con la bicicletta; I couldn't find anyone who would help me, non riuscii a trovare nessuno che volesse aiutarmi (o che fosse disposto ad aiutarmi); I tried to explain, but he just wouldn't listen, cercai di spiegare la cosa, ma lui si rifiutò di ascoltarmi; He would have none of it, non volle saperne; DIALOGO → - Inviting someone to stay- I wouldn't hear of you staying in a B&B, non voglio neanche sentir parlare di te in un bed and breakfast7 ( esprime congettura, probabilità) – I would imagine they'll have left by now, immagino che ormai saranno partiti; Tall and with a slight stoop? That would be Professor Merrill, alto e un po' curvo? di sicuro è il prof. Merrill; He would have been about seventy when he died, doveva essere sui settanta quando è morto; You wouldn't know her, non credo che tu la conosca8 ( esprime speranza, opinione) – You wouldn't think that he would react that way, would you?, chi si sarebbe immaginato che lui avrebbe reagito a quel modo?; I'd have thought you would have been too tired to go on, avrei detto che saresti stato troppo stanco per continuare; If only she would be more patient, se solo avesse un po' più di pazienza!9 ( esprime un'azione abituale) – We would often go down to the lake to watch the grebes, spesso scendevamo al lago per osservare gli svassi; They would meet every Tuesday at seven, si incontravano ogni martedì alle sette10 ( esprime irritazione per un comportamento ritenuto tipico o inevitabile) – Of course he would say that, è da lui dire una cosa simile; classica risposta da parte sua; «I've broken my camera» «You would, wouldn't you», «ho rotto la macchina fotografica» «lo sapevo (o naturale, c'era da aspettarselo, figurarsi, c'era da dirlo)!»; Of course, this being my birthday, the weather would be nasty, naturalmente, non poteva che fare un tempo orribile il giorno del mio compleanno11 (alla 3a pers.: in frasi neg. e rif. a cose, esprime rifiuto di muoversi, funzionare, ecc.) – The engine wouldn't start, il motore non voleva partire; il motore si rifiutò di partire; The safe wouldn't open, la cassaforte non voleva aprirsi (o non si apriva, rifiutò di aprirsi)12 (poet. o lett.) ( nelle escl.) – Would that I had never met him!, vorrei non averlo mai incontrato!; magari non l'avessi ma incontrato!; Would to God I had died, meglio sarebbe se fossi morto!; magari fossi morto! -
5 would
would [wυd (полная форма); wəd, əd (редуцированные формы)]he told us he would come at two он сказа́л нам, что придёт в два часа́
2) вспомогательный глагол; служит для образования условного наклонения:it would be better бы́ло бы лу́чше
3) служебный глагол, выражающий привычное действие, относящееся к прошедшему времени:he would stand for hours watching the machine work он, быва́ло, це́лыми часа́ми наблюда́л за рабо́той маши́ны
4) модальный глагол, выражающий:1) упорство, настойчивость:I warned you, but you would do it я предостерега́л вас, но вы непреме́нно хоте́ли поступи́ть так
;2) желание:would I were a child хоте́л бы я сно́ва стать ребёнком
;come when you would приходи́те, когда́ захоти́те
;I would rather ( или sooner), I would just as soon я бы предпочёл
;3) вероятность:that would be his house э́то, вероя́тно, его́ дом
;4) вежливую просьбу:would you help me, please? не помо́жете ли вы мне?
6 would've
7 would-be
1 ( desirous of being) would-be emigrants/investors des émigrés/investisseurs en puissance ; would-be intellectuals péj des soi-disant or prétendus intellectuels pej ;2 ( having intended to be) the would-be thieves were arrested les voleurs ont été arrêtés avant qu'ils aient pu passer à l'acte. -
8 would-be
∎ a would-be writer/MP une personne qui veut être écrivain/député;∎ troops seized the would-be assassin les militaires ont attrapé l'assassin avant qu'il ne commette le crime;∎ the would-be burglar was tied up to a chair le cambrioleur, pris sur le fait, était attaché à une chaise -
9 would’ve
would’ve[w'udv] v contr de would have. I would’ve remembered sooner or later / cedo ou tarde teria me lembrado. -
10 would-be
attr, invMöchtegern-; -
11 would
\would призванныйThis new methodology would make... Эта новая методика призвана сделать...English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > would
12 would've
would've = would have. -
13 would've
14 would-be
would-be [ˊwυdbi:] a1) (обыкн. презр.) претенду́ющий (на что-л.); с прете́нзией (на что-л.); мечта́ющий (о чём-л.)2) предполага́емый; потенциа́льный3) притво́рный -
15 would'nt
(= would not)نبايستي ، نميخواست ، نميخواستند نم،نميخواستيم -
16 would
would быть должен если бы хотеть см. также will -
17 would
wudshort forms - I'd; verb1) (past tense of will: He said he would be leaving at nine o'clock the next morning; I asked if he'd come and mend my television set; I asked him to do it, but he wouldn't; I thought you would have finished by now.) (para formar el pasado de ``will'')2) (used in speaking of something that will, may or might happen (eg if a certain condition is met): If I asked her to the party, would she come?; I would have come to the party if you'd asked me; I'd be happy to help you.) (para expresar algo que puede o podría ocurrir)3) (used to express a preference, opinion etc politely: I would do it this way; It'd be a shame to lose the opportunity; I'd prefer to go tomorrow rather than today.) (para expresar de forma educada una opinión)4) (used, said with emphasis, to express annoyance: I've lost my car-keys - that would happen!) (para expresar disgusto o enfado)•- would-be- would you
would vbwhat would you do if you won the lottery? ¿qué harías si ganaras la lotería?would you like a cup of tea? ¿quieres una taza de té?tr[wʊd]what would you do with a million pounds? ¿qué harías con un millón de libras?would you be so kind as to close the window? ¿me haría usted el favor de cerrar la ventana?pass me the salt, would you? pásame la sal, ¿quieres?3 (offers, invitations)would you like a drink? ¿quieres tomar algo?would you like to have dinner with me? ¿te gustaría ir a cenar conmigo?he wouldn't help me se negó a ayudarme, no quiso ayudarme7 (past habit, custom) soler8 (insistence, persistence)you would say that! ¡es típico de ti decir eso!I think we should go home - you would! yo creo que deberíamos volver a casa - ¡típico!\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLso it would appear según parecewould that I could ojalá pudieraI would rather go alone than with her: preferiría ir sola que con ellathose who would ban certain books: aquellos que prohibirían ciertos libroshe would often take his kids to the park: solía llevar a sus hijos al parqueI would go if I had the money: iría yo si tuviera el dineroshe would have won if she hadn't tripped: habría ganado si no hubiera tropezadowould you kindly help me with this?: ¿tendría la bondad de ayudarme con esto?aux.wʊd2)a) ( in conditional sentences)if I had known, I wouldn't have come — si lo hubiera sabido no habría or no hubiera venido
who would have thought it? — ¿quién lo hubiera or habría pensado?
b) ( giving advice)I would have a word with her about it (if I were you) — yo (que tú) lo hablaba or hablaría con ella
I would agree with Roy — yo estoy de acuerdo con Roy, yo diría que Roy tiene razón
3) ( expressing wishes)if only she'd take your advice — si siguiera tus consejos...!, ojalá siguiera tus consejos!
4)a) ( in requests)would you type this for me please? — ¿me haría el favor de pasar esto a máquina?
go and call him, would you? — ve a llamarlo ¿sí? or ¿me haces el favor?
b) ( in invitations)would you like a cup of coffee? — ¿quieres una taza de café?
would you like to come with us? - I'd love to — ¿quieres or te gustaría venir con nosotros? - me encantaría
5)a) ( expressing criticism)she would (have to) spoil the surprise — tenía que estropear la sorpresa, típico! or no podía fallar!
he said no - well, he would, wouldn't he? — dijo que no - bueno ¿qué otra cosa iba a decir? or era de esperar ¿no? or es lógico ¿no?
[wʊd]MODAL VByou would never know she was not a native Spanish speaker — nadie diría que el español no es su lengua materna
would you go there by yourself? — ¿irías allí sola?
I said I would do it — te dije que lo haría or hacía
3) (emphatic)you would be the one to forget! — ¡quién más si no tú se iba a olvidar!, ¡tú tenías que ser el que se olvidase!
it would be you! — ¡tú tenías que ser!
he would say that, wouldn't he? — es lógico que dijera eso
4) (conjecture)what would this be? — ¿qué será esto?
a) (in invitations) quererwould you like some tea?, would you care for some tea? — ¿quiere tomar un té?
would you come this way? — pase por favor or (esp LAm) si hace favor
b) (requests, wishes)would you close the door please? — ¿puedes cerrar la puerta, por favor?
please would you wake me up at seven o'clock? — ¿podría despertarme a las siete, por favor?
would you mind? — si no le importa, si no tiene inconveniente
what would you have me do? — ¿qué quieres que haga?
c) (insistence)I told her not to but she would do it — le dije que no, pero insistió en hacerlo
d) (refusal)he wouldn't do it — no quería hacerlo, se negó a hacerlo
the car wouldn't start — el coche se negó or negaba a arrancar, el coche no quería arrancar
6) (habit)he would paint it each year — solía pintarlo cada año, lo pintaba cada año
would that it were not so! — † poet ¡ojalá (y) no fuera así!•
would to God!, would to heaven! — liter ¡ojalá!•
try as he would — por mucho que se esforzara, por más que intentase* * *[wʊd]2)a) ( in conditional sentences)if I had known, I wouldn't have come — si lo hubiera sabido no habría or no hubiera venido
who would have thought it? — ¿quién lo hubiera or habría pensado?
b) ( giving advice)I would have a word with her about it (if I were you) — yo (que tú) lo hablaba or hablaría con ella
I would agree with Roy — yo estoy de acuerdo con Roy, yo diría que Roy tiene razón
3) ( expressing wishes)if only she'd take your advice — si siguiera tus consejos...!, ojalá siguiera tus consejos!
4)a) ( in requests)would you type this for me please? — ¿me haría el favor de pasar esto a máquina?
go and call him, would you? — ve a llamarlo ¿sí? or ¿me haces el favor?
b) ( in invitations)would you like a cup of coffee? — ¿quieres una taza de café?
would you like to come with us? - I'd love to — ¿quieres or te gustaría venir con nosotros? - me encantaría
5)a) ( expressing criticism)she would (have to) spoil the surprise — tenía que estropear la sorpresa, típico! or no podía fallar!
he said no - well, he would, wouldn't he? — dijo que no - bueno ¿qué otra cosa iba a decir? or era de esperar ¿no? or es lógico ¿no?
18 would
[ forma debole wəd, forma forte wʊd]1) (in sequence of past tenses, in reported speech)if we'd left later we would have missed the train — se fossimo partiti più tardi avremmo perso il treno
after that I wouldn't eat any canned food — dopo quell'episodio, non ho più voluto saperne di mangiare cibo in scatola
5) (expressing desire, preference)we'd really love to see you — vorremo davvero vederti, abbiamo davvero voglia di vederti
would you like something to eat, some more tea? — vuoi qualcosa da mangiare, ancora del tè?
switch off the radio, would you? — spegneresti la radio?
8) (indicating habitual event or behaviour in past: used to)••Note:When would is used with a verb in English to form the conditional tense, would + verb is translated by the present conditional of the appropriate verb in Italian and would have + verb by the past conditional of the appropriate verb: I would do it if I had time = lo farei se avessi tempo; I would have done it if I had had time = l'avrei fatto se avessi avuto tempo. - However, in sequence of past tenses and in reported speech, would + verb is translated by the past conditional of the appropriate Italian verb: I was sure you would like it = ero sicuro che ti sarebbe piaciuto (not "piacerebbe"); he said he would fetch the car = disse che avrebbe preso (not "prenderebbe") la macchina. - For more examples, particular usages and all other uses of would see the entry below* * *[wud]short forms - I'd; verb1) (past tense of will: He said he would be leaving at nine o'clock the next morning; I asked if he'd come and mend my television set; I asked him to do it, but he wouldn't; I thought you would have finished by now.) (ausiliare per la formazione del condizionale presente)2) (used in speaking of something that will, may or might happen (eg if a certain condition is met): If I asked her to the party, would she come?; I would have come to the party if you'd asked me; I'd be happy to help you.) (ausiliare per la formazione del condizionale presente)3) (used to express a preference, opinion etc politely: I would do it this way; It'd be a shame to lose the opportunity; I'd prefer to go tomorrow rather than today.) (ausiliare per la formazione del condizionale presente)4) (used, said with emphasis, to express annoyance: I've lost my car-keys - that would happen!)•- would-be- would you* * *[ forma debole wəd, forma forte wʊd]1) (in sequence of past tenses, in reported speech)if we'd left later we would have missed the train — se fossimo partiti più tardi avremmo perso il treno
after that I wouldn't eat any canned food — dopo quell'episodio, non ho più voluto saperne di mangiare cibo in scatola
5) (expressing desire, preference)we'd really love to see you — vorremo davvero vederti, abbiamo davvero voglia di vederti
would you like something to eat, some more tea? — vuoi qualcosa da mangiare, ancora del tè?
switch off the radio, would you? — spegneresti la radio?
8) (indicating habitual event or behaviour in past: used to)••Note:When would is used with a verb in English to form the conditional tense, would + verb is translated by the present conditional of the appropriate verb in Italian and would have + verb by the past conditional of the appropriate verb: I would do it if I had time = lo farei se avessi tempo; I would have done it if I had had time = l'avrei fatto se avessi avuto tempo. - However, in sequence of past tenses and in reported speech, would + verb is translated by the past conditional of the appropriate Italian verb: I was sure you would like it = ero sicuro che ti sarebbe piaciuto (not "piacerebbe"); he said he would fetch the car = disse che avrebbe preso (not "prenderebbe") la macchina. - For more examples, particular usages and all other uses of would see the entry below -
19 would
* * *[wud]short forms - I'd; verb1) (past tense of will: He said he would be leaving at nine o'clock the next morning; I asked if he'd come and mend my television set; I asked him to do it, but he wouldn't; I thought you would have finished by now.) Imperfekt von `will`2) (used in speaking of something that will, may or might happen (eg if a certain condition is met): If I asked her to the party, would she come?; I would have come to the party if you'd asked me; I'd be happy to help you.) konditional: würde/n/st3) (used to express a preference, opinion etc politely: I would do it this way; It'd be a shame to lose the opportunity; I'd prefer to go tomorrow rather than today.) höflicher Ausdruck einer Vorliebe, Meinung, etc.4) (used, said with emphasis, to express annoyance: I've lost my car-keys - that would happen!) Ausdruck des Ärgers•- would-be- would you* * *[wʊd]1. (in indirect speech)he said he \would see his brother tomorrow er sagte, er würde seinen Bruder morgen sehenthey promised that they \would help sie versprachen zu helfenwhat \would you do if...? was würdest du tun, wenn...?I \wouldn't worry about it ich würde mir darüber keine Sorgen machen3. (to express inclination)I'd go myself, but I'm too busy ich würde [ja] selbst gehen, aber ich bin zu beschäftigtI \would hate to miss the show die Show möchte ich wirklich nicht verpassensb \would rather/sooner do sth jd würde lieber etw tun\wouldn't you rather finish it tomorrow? willst du es nicht lieber morgen fertig machen?sb \would rather die than do sth jd würde lieber sterben, als etw tun4. (polite request)if you \would just wait a moment... wenn Sie einen kleinen Moment warten,...\would you mind sharing a room? würde es Ihnen etwas ausmachen, ein Zimmer mit jemandem zu teilen?\would you like some cake? hättest du gern ein Stück Kuchen?it \would have been very boring... es wäre sehr langweilig gewesen...I \would imagine that... ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass...I \wouldn't have thought that... ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass...6. (express regularity) immer [wieder]the bus \would be late when I'm in a hurry der Bus kommt immer zu spät, wenn ich es eilig habehe \would say that, wouldn't he? er sagt das immer, nicht wahr?ah, \would that I were younger! ach, wäre ich doch jünger!* * *[wʊd] pret of will Imodal aux vb1)if you asked him he would do it — wenn du ihn fragtest, würde er es tunif you had asked him he would have done it — wenn du ihn gefragt hättest, hätte er es getan
I thought you would want to know — ich dachte, du wüsstest es gerne or du würdest es gerne wissen
if I were you, I would... — wenn ich du wäre, würde ich...
you would think... — man sollte meinen...
you would never know he was fifty — die Fünfzig sieht man ihm wirklich nicht an
2)I said I would, so I will — ich habe gesagt, ich würde es tun und ich werde es auch tun
3) (emph)you would be the one to get hit — typisch, dass ausgerechnet du getroffen worden bist
you would be the one to forget — typisch, dass du das vergessen hast, das sieht dir ähnlich, dass du es vergessen hast
he would have to come right now — ausgerechnet jetzt muss er kommen
you would think of that/say that, wouldn't you! — von dir kann man ja nichts anderes erwarten
4)I warned him, but he would do it — ich habe ihn gewarnt, aber er musste es ja unbedingt or um jeden Preis tunhe wouldn't listen/behave — er wollte partout nicht zuhören/sich partout nicht benehmen
he wouldn't be told — er wollte sich (dat) einfach nichts sagen lassen
5)it would seem so — es sieht wohl so ausit would have been about 8 o'clock — es war( wohl) so ungefähr 8 Uhr
you wouldn't have a cigarette, would you? — Sie hätten nicht zufällig eine Zigarette?
6) (= wish) möchtentry as he would —
the place where I would be (old, liter) would (that) it were not so! (old, liter) — der Ort, an dem ich sein möchte wenn das doch nur nicht wahr wäre!
would to God he would come —
would to God he hadn't come — ich wünsche zu Gott, er wäre nicht gekommen
7)would he come? — würde er vielleicht kommen?8)(habit)
he would paint it each year — er strich es jedes Jahr, er pflegte es jedes Jahr zu streichen (geh)50 years ago the streets would be empty on a Sunday — vor 50 Jahren waren sonntags die Straßen immer leer
* * *would [wʊd]1. prät von will1 A:a) wollte(st), wollten, wolltet:he would not go er wollte (durchaus) nicht gehenhe would take a short walk every day er pflegte täglich einen kurzen Spaziergang zu machen;now and then a bird would call ab und zu ertönte ein Vogelruf;you would do that! du musstest das natürlich tun!, das sieht dir ähnlich!, du wolltest das ja unbedingt tun!would you pass me the salt, please? würden Sie mir bitte das Salz reichend) vermutend:that would be three dollars das macht (dann) drei Dollar;it would seem that … es scheint fast, dass …he would have come if er wäre gekommen, wenn;how would you know? woher wollen Sie das wissen?;you wouldn’t understand das verstehst du nicht;who would do such a thing? wer macht denn so etwas?would (to) God wolle Gott, Gott gebe;I would have you know ich muss Ihnen (schon) sagen4. obs pperf von will1will [wıl] inf und imp fehlen, 1. und 3. sg präs will, 2. sg präs (you) will, obs (thou) wilt [wılt], pl will, prät would [wʊd], 2. sg prät obs (thou) wouldst [wʊdst], pperf obs wold [wəʊld], wouldA v/aux1. ( zur Bezeichnung des Futurs, Br 1. sg und pl meist umg, und als Ausdruck eines Versprechens oder Entschlusses) werden:they will see very soon sie werden bald sehen2. wollen, werden, willens sein zu:will you pass me the bread, please? würden Sie mir bitte das Brot reichen;won’t you sit down nehmen Sie doch bitte Platz;I will not go there again ich gehe da nicht mehr hin;I will not stand such nonsense! ich dulde solchen Unfug nicht!;will do! umg wird gemacht!people will talk die Leute reden immer;accidents will happen Unfälle wird es immer geben;4. (zur Bezeichnung einer Erwartung, Vermutung oder Annahme) werden:you will not have forgotten her du wirst sie nicht vergessen haben;they will have gone now sie werden oder dürften jetzt (wohl) gegangen sein;this will be about right das wird oder dürfte ungefähr stimmen5. (in Vorschriften etc) besonders MIL müssenB v/i & v/t wollen, wünschen:come when you will komm, wann du willst!;* * ** * *aux.würde aux. -
20 would
1. спомагателен гл. за бъдеще време в миналото (2 и 3 л.) и условно наклонение
he said he WOULD come той каза, че ще дойде
WOULD she be ready, I wondered питах се дали тя ще е готова
it WOULD be better би било/ще бъде по-добре
2. изразява обичайно действие в миналото
he WOULD sit there hour after hour той седеше там с часове
3. модален гл., изразяващ упорство, настойчивост, неизбежност
I warned her but she WOULD have it her own way предупредих я, но тя си настояваше на своето
of course it WOULD rain on the day we chose for a walk и, разбира се, валя дъжд през деня, който избрахме за разходка, желание
WOULD it were otherwise! де да беше иначе! I WOULD rather/just as soon stay here предпочитам да остана тук
4. в отр. форма изразява отказ
he WOULD not help me той не искаше/отказа да ми помогне
the door WOULD not open вратата беше запънала/не искаше/не можеше да се отвори
5. изразява вероятност, предположение
it WOULD be in the year 1971 трябва да беше/да е било през 1971 г.
that's just what you WOULD say точно това и очаквах, че ще кажеш, не можеше и да се очаква да кажеш друго
that WOULD be the place това ще да е/трябва да е мястото
6. изразява учтива молба
WOULD you help me, please? бихте ли ми помогнали? I wouldn't know нямам (никаква) представа* * *{wud} pt от will 1. спомагателен гл. за бьдеще време в миналото* * *1. he said he would come той каза, че ще дойде 2. he would not help me той не искаше/отказа да ми помогне 3. he would sit there hour after hour той седеше там с часове 4. i warned her but she would have it her own way предупредих я, но тя си настояваше на своето 5. it would be better би било/ще бъде по-добре 6. it would be in the year 1971 трябва да беше/да е било през 1971 г 7. of course it would rain on the day we chose for a walk и, разбира се, валя дъжд през деня, който избрахме за разходка, желание 8. that would be the place това ще да е/трябва да е мястото 9. that's just what you would say точно това и очаквах, че ще кажеш, не можеше и да се очаква да кажеш друго 10. the door would not open вратата беше запънала/не искаше/не можеше да се отвори 11. would it were otherwise! де да беше иначе! i would rather/just as soon stay here предпочитам да остана тук 12. would she be ready, i wondered питах се дали тя ще е готова 13. would you help me, please? бихте ли ми помогнали? i wouldn't know нямам (никаква) представа 14. в отр. форма изразява отказ 15. изразява вероятност, предположение 16. изразява обичайно действие в миналото 17. изразява учтива молба 18. модален гл., изразяващ упорство, настойчивост, неизбежност 19. спомагателен гл. за бъдеще време в миналото (2 и 3 л.) и условно наклонение* * *would [wud] past от will2; 1. спом. гл. за бъдеще време в миналото и условно наклонение; he said he \would come той каза, че ще дойде; \would it be ready, I wondered питах се дали ще бъде готово; it \would be better би било (ще бъде) по-добре; a policeman \would not live one year if he obeyed these regulations ако следваше тези инструкции, един полицай не би останал жив и една година; 2. изразява обичайно действие в миналото; he \would sit gazing in the fire for hours той седеше с часове, втренчил поглед в огъня; 3. модален гл., който изразява 1) упорство: he \wouldn' t listen to me не иска да ме чуе; 2) желание: \would it were otherwise! де да беше иначе! I \would rather ( just as soon) предпочитам; 3) вероятност; you \wouldn' t know him едва ли (няма откъде да) го познавате; 4) молба: \would you come here, please бихте ли дошли насам, моля; 5) съвет: I \wouldn' t worry about it аз (на ваше място) не бих се притеснявал.
См. также в других словарях:
would — [ wud ] modal verb *** Would is usually followed by an infinitive without to : A picnic would be nice. Sometimes it is used without a following infinitive: They didn t do as much as they said they would. In conversation and informal writing,… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
would — W1S1 [wud] modal v negative short form wouldn t ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(past intentions/expectations)¦ 2¦(imagined situations)¦ 3¦(past habits)¦ 4¦(requesting)¦ 5¦(offering/inviting)¦ 6¦(what somebody wants)¦ 7¦(past purpose)¦ 8 would not … Dictionary of contemporary English
would — [wood] v.aux. [ME wolde < OE, pt. of willan, to wish, WILL1] 1. pt. of WILL2 [she said she would be finished before six, in those days we would talk for hours on end] 2. used to express a supposition or condition [he would write if he knew you … English World dictionary
Would? — «Would?» Сингл Alice in Chains из альбома Dirt Выпущен 1992 Формат CD, винил, кассета Жанр гранж, хеви метал, альтернативный метал … Википедия
Would — Would, imp. of {Will}. [OE. & AS. wolde. See {Will}, v. t.] Commonly used as an auxiliary verb, either in the past tense or in the conditional or optative present. See 2d & 3d {Will}. [1913 Webster] Note: Would was formerly used also as the past… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Would? — «Would?» Sencillo de Alice in Chains del álbum Dirt Grabación Marzo Mayo 1992 Género(s) Grunge, heavy metal, metal alternativo Duración 3:27 … Wikipedia Español
would've — would’ve UK [ˈwʊdəv] US short form mainly spoken the usual way of saying ‘would have’ Thesaurus: short formshyponym * * * /ˈwʊdəv/ used as a contraction of would have I would ve picked you up from the airport if I had known you were coming … Useful english dictionary
Would-be — a. Desiring or professing to be; vainly pretending to be; as, a would be poet. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Would — may refer to: * English modal auxiliary verb#Would *Would?, a 1992 song by the grunge group Alice in Chains … Wikipedia
would-be — would ,be adjective only before noun * hoping or trying to do something: The would be thieves smashed a glass panel in the front door. would be diplomats/lawyers/referees … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
would-be — would′ be adj. 1) wishing or pretending to be: a would be wit[/ex] 2) intended to be: a would be kindness[/ex] • Etymology: 1250–1300 … From formal English to slang