1 through
through [θru:](a) (from one end or side to the other of) à travers;∎ to walk through the streets se promener dans ou à travers les rues;∎ they drove through the countryside ils ont roulé à travers la campagne;∎ we travelled through America nous avons parcouru les États-Unis;∎ I was wandering through the garden/trees j'errais dans le jardin/parmi les arbres;∎ he swam quickly through the water il nageait rapidement;∎ the river flows through a deep valley le fleuve traverse une vallée profonde;∎ to go through a tunnel passer dans un tunnel;∎ the police let them through the roadblock la police les a laissés passer à travers le barrage routier;∎ the bullet went straight through his shoulder la balle lui a traversé l'épaule de part en part;∎ we went through a door nous avons passé une porte;∎ water poured through the hole l'eau coulait par le trou;∎ he could see her through the window il pouvait la voir par la fenêtre;∎ can you see through it? est-ce que tu peux voir au travers?;∎ I can't see much through the fog je ne vois pas grand-chose à travers le brouillard;∎ what can you see through the telescope? qu'est-ce que vous voyez dans ou à travers le télescope?;∎ I could hear them through the wall je les entendais à travers le mur;∎ she couldn't feel anything through her gloves elle ne sentait rien à travers ses gants;∎ a shiver ran through him il fut parcouru d'un frisson;∎ he drove through a red light il a brûlé un feu rouge;∎ also figurative to slip through the net passer à travers les mailles du filet;∎ he goes through his money very quickly l'argent lui brûle les doigts;∎ she ate her way through a whole box of chocolates elle a mangé toute une boîte de chocolats∎ he got a bullet through the leg une balle lui a traversé la jambe;∎ she was shot through the heart on lui a tiré une balle dans le cœur;∎ the bull had a ring through its nose le taureau avait un anneau dans le nez;∎ to make a hole through sth percer un trou à travers qch(c) (from beginning to end of) à travers;∎ through the ages à travers les âges;∎ all through his life durant ou pendant toute sa vie;∎ halfway through the performance à la moitié ou au milieu de la représentation;∎ I'm halfway through this book j'ai lu la moitié de ce livre;∎ she has lived through some difficult times elle a connu ou traversé des moments difficiles;∎ familiar he's been through it or through a lot il en a bavé, il en a vu de dures;∎ we had to sit through a boring lecture nous avons dû rester à écouter une conférence ennuyeuse;∎ I slept through the storm l'orage ne m'a pas réveillé;∎ will he live through the night? passera-t-il la nuit?;∎ the war lasted all through 1914 to 1918 la guerre a duré de 1914 jusqu'en 1918;∎ she maintained her dignity through it all elle a toujours gardé sa dignité∎ 80 through 100 de 80 à 100;∎ Monday through Friday de lundi à vendredi, du lundi au vendredi;∎ April through July d'avril jusqu'en juillet, d'avril à juillet(e) (by means of) par, grâce à;∎ I sent it through the post je l'ai envoyé par la poste;∎ she can only be contacted through her secretary on ne peut la contacter que par l'intermédiaire de sa secrétaire;∎ it was only through his intervention that we were allowed out c'est uniquement grâce à son intervention qu'on nous a laissés sortir;∎ I met a lot of people through him il m'a fait rencontrer beaucoup de gens;∎ she was interviewed through an interpreter on l'a interviewée par l'intermédiaire d'un interprète;∎ change must be achieved through peaceful means le changement doit être obtenu par des moyens pacifiques(f) (because of) à cause de;∎ through no fault of his own, he lost his job il a perdu son emploi sans que ce soit de sa faute;∎ through ignorance par ignorance;∎ absent through illness absent par suite ou pour cause de maladie;∎ it all came about through a misunderstanding tout est arrivé à cause d'un malentendu;∎ through failing to lock the door… pour n'avoir pas fermé la porte à clé…2 adverb∎ please go through into the lounge passez dans le salon, s'il vous plaît;∎ I couldn't get through je ne pouvais pas passer;∎ we shoved our way through nous nous sommes frayé un chemin en poussant;∎ the police let us through la police nous a laissés passer;∎ the rain was coming through la pluie passait au travers;∎ the nail had gone right through le clou était passé au travers;∎ her trousers are through at the knees son pantalon est déchiré aux genoux∎ I slept through until 8 o'clock j'ai dormi (sans me réveiller) jusqu'à 8 heures;∎ I slept the whole night through j'ai dormi d'un trait jusqu'au matin;∎ I saw the film all the way through j'ai vu le film jusqu'au bout;∎ I read the letter through j'ai lu la lettre jusqu'au bout;∎ I left halfway through je suis parti au milieu;∎ England are through to the semi-final l'Angleterre s'est qualifiée pour ou jouera la demi-finale∎ the train goes through to Paris without stopping le train va directement à Paris ou est sans arrêt jusqu'à Paris;∎ to book through to Paris prendre un billet direct pour Paris;∎ can you get a bus right through to the port? est-ce qu'il y a un bus direct pour le port?∎ to be wet through être complètement trempé;∎ she's an aristocrat through and through c'est une aristocrate jusqu'au bout des ongles∎ can you put me through to Elaine/to extension 363? pouvez-vous me passer Elaine/le poste 363?;∎ I'm putting you through now je vous passe votre correspondant ou communication;∎ I tried ringing him, but I couldn't get through j'ai essayé de l'appeler mais je n'ai pas réussi à l'avoir;∎ you're through now vous êtes en ligne∎ all through passengers must remain seated tous les passagers en transit doivent garder leur place;∎ a through train to London un train direct pour Londres;∎ are you through? avez-vous fini?, c'est fini?;∎ he's through with his work at last il a enfin terminé tout son travail;∎ I'll be through reading the newspaper in a minute j'aurai fini de lire le journal dans un instant;∎ I'm through with smoking la cigarette, c'est fini;∎ she's through with him elle en a eu assez de lui;∎ we're through c'est fini entre nous;∎ you can do your own typing, I'm through! tu n'as qu'à le taper toi-même, moi c'est fini ou j'en ai assez! -
2 ♦ through
♦ through (1) /ɵru:/prep.1 (compl. di moto per luogo) attraverso; per; entro; fra, tra; da: The Tiber flows through Rome, il Tevere scorre attraverso (o attraversa) Roma; We toured through France, abbiamo viaggiato per la Francia; The news spread through the town, la notizia si sparse per la città; DIALOGO → - Showing guest to room- The bathroom is through there, il bagno è da quella parte; to go through a tunnel, passare per una galleria; The arrow went through his arm, la freccia gli è passata attraverso (o gli ha trapassato) il braccio; a road through the woods, una strada fra i boschi; The rain came in through a hole in the tent, la pioggia entrava da un buco della tenda NOTA D'USO: - across o through?-2 ( tempo continuato) per la durata di; durante; per: He slept ( all the way) through the lecture, ha dormito durante (tutta) la conferenza; He sat patiently through the lecture, se ne restò pazientemente seduto fino alla fine della conferenza3 ( mezzo) mediante; per mezzo di; per il tramite di: I sent him the money through a bank, gli spedii il denaro per mezzo di una banca; to speak through an interpreter, comunicare per mezzo di un interprete4 ( causa) a causa di; per colpa di; per: through no fault of mine, non per colpa mia; done through error, fatto per errore5 (spec. USA; compl. di spazio e tempo) da… a: Monday through Friday, dal lunedì al venerdì ( compreso); Please complete this form, items 1 through 15, favorite compilare questo modulo, nei punti da 1 a 15● to be through st., aver fatto (o finito) qc. □ through official channels, per via gerarchica □ all through the year (o all the year through), per tutto l'anno □ (autom.) to drive through a red light, passare col rosso ( al semaforo) □ to get through an exam, superare un esame □ to go through, esaminare, rivedere, verificare; frequentare sino al termine dei corsi; fare; consumare; spendere, sperperare: Let's go through the reports, esaminiamo le relazioni!; She went through college, fece l'università; The reckless young man went through a fortune, quel giovanotto scapestrato ha sperperato un patrimonio □ to see through a trick, non lasciarsi ingannare da uno stratagemma; scoprire il trucco.♦ through (2) /ɵru:/avv.1 attraverso; da parte a parte; da cima a fondo; dal principio alla fine: The bullet has passed through, la pallottola è passata da parte a parte; I drove the whole night through, ho guidato (per) tutta la notte; He saw the show through, vide lo spettacolo da cima a fondo2 completamente; interamente; da capo a piedi: to be wet through, essere completamente bagnato; essere bagnato fradicio3 direttamente: The goods were sent through to London, la merce è stata spedita direttamente a Londra4 (in loc. col verbo to be, è idiom.:) (fam.) to be through, essere in comunicazione (telefonica), essere in linea; ( anche) essere spacciato: (telef.) You're through, Lei è in linea, parli pure; You're through, sei spacciato, sei un uomo finito; ( calcio, ecc.) to be through on goal, essere arrivato sottoporta; to be through to, essere arrivato a: ( sport) to go through to the next round, passare il turno; (fam.) to be through with, aver finito (qc.); avere chiuso, averla fatta finita; non volere aver più nulla a che fare con (q.): I am through with my exams, ho finito gli esami; I am through with that fellow, non ho più nulla a che fare con quell'individuo; con lui, ho chiuso!; Jill and I are through, fra me e Jill è finita5 (nei verbi frasali, è idiom.; per es.:) to get through, attraversare, superare, ecc.; to fall through, andare a monte; fallire; ecc. (► to get, to fall, ecc.)● through and through, completamente; assolutamente; fino al midollo (fig.): He is an extremist through and through, è un estremista fino al midollo □ to last all through, durare per tutto un certo periodo □ to look a composition through, esaminare attentamente un tema □ to look sb. through and through, osservare q. attentamente; studiare q. □ right through, fino in fondo.through (3) /ɵru:/a. attr.3 ( sport) che passa; che filtra; filtrante: through ball, pallone che filtra; ( calcio, ecc.) through pass [shot], passaggio [tiro] filtrante● (naut.) through bill of lading, polizza di carico diretta (o cumulativa) □ (mecc.) a through bolt, un bullone passante □ (ferr.) through carriage, vettura diretta □ (naut.) through freight, nolo a forfait □ (ferr.) through passenger, viaggiatore di treno diretto □ (ferr.) through rates, tariffe per trasporti in servizio cumulativo □ through road, strada transitabile □ (autom.) through street, strada con diritto di precedenza □ (ferr.) through ticket, biglietto cumulativo □ «No through road» ( cartello), «strada senza uscita». -
3 through
through [θru:]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► When through is an element in a phrasal verb, eg break through, fall through, sleep through, look up the verb.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. adverb2. prepositiona. à traversb. ( = throughout) pendantd. ( = by means of) par3. adjective[carriage, train, ticket] direct• "through traffic" ≈ « toutes directions »4. compounds* * *[θruː] 1.1) ( from one side to the other) à travers2) (via, by way of)to look through — regarder avec [binoculars, telescope]; regarder par [hole, window]
3) ( past)to go through — brûler [red light]
to get ou go through — passer à travers [barricade]; passer [customs]
4) ( among)6) ( because of)7) ( until the end of)all ou right through the day — toute la journée
8) ( up to and including) jusqu'à2.open April through September — US ouvert d'avril à fin septembre
1) (colloq) ( finished) finiwe're through — ( of a couple) c'est fini entre nous
2) ( direct) [train, ticket, route] direct; [freight] à forfait‘no through road’ — ‘voie sans issue’
‘through traffic’ — ( on roadsign) ‘autres directions’
3) ( successful)4) GB3.2) ( from beginning to end)4.to read/play something right through — lire/jouer quelque chose jusqu'au bout
through and through adverbial phrase•• -
4 through
A prep1 ( from one side to the other) à travers ; to see through the curtain/mist voir à travers le rideau/la brume ; to feel the stones through one's shoes sentir les cailloux à travers ses chaussures ; to cut through the fields couper à travers champs ; the nail went right through the wall le clou a traversé le mur ; to drive through the forest/desert traverser la forêt/le désert (en voiture) ; to stick one's finger through the slit passer son doigt dans la fente ; to poke sth through a hole enfoncer qch dans un trou ; to drill through a cable toucher un fil électrique avec une perceuse ; he was shot through the head on lui a tiré une balle dans la tête ; it has a crack running through it il est fêlé ;2 (via, by way of) to go through a tunnel passer par un tunnel ; to go through London/the town centre passer par Londres/le centre-ville ; to travel through Germany to Poland aller en Pologne en passant par l'Allemagne ; the path goes through the woods le chemin passe par le bois ; to come in through the hole/door entrer par le trou/la porte ; go straight through that door passez cette porte ; to jump through the window sauter par la fenêtre ; to look through regarder avec [binoculars, telescope] ; regarder par [hole, window, keyhole] ; to hear sth through the wall entendre qch à travers le mur ; you have to go through her secretary il faut passer par sa secrétaire ;3 ( past) to go through brûler [red light] ; to get ou go through passer à travers [barricade] ; passer [customs] ; to push one's way through se frayer un chemin à travers [crowd, undergrowth] ; the water poured through the roof l'eau passait à travers le toit ;4 ( among) to fly through the clouds voler au milieu des nuages ; to leap through the trees sauter de branche en branche ; to fly through the air [acrobat] voler dans les airs ; [arrow, bullet] fendre l'air ; ⇒ go, search, sort ;5 ( expressing source or agency) I heard through a friend j'ai appris par un ami ; I met my husband through her c'est par elle que j'ai rencontré mon mari ; it was through her that I got this job c'est par son intermédiaire que j'ai eu ce travail ; to speak through an interpreter parler par l'intermédiaire d'un interprète ; to send sth through the post envoyer qch par la poste ; to book sth through a travel agent réserver qch dans une agence de voyage ; to order sth through a mail order firm commander qch à une société de vente par correspondance ; I only know her through her writings je ne la connais qu'à travers ses écrits ;6 ( because of) through carelessness/inexperience par négligence/manque d'expérience ; through illness pour cause de maladie ; through no fault of mine, we were late ce n'était pas à cause de moi que nous étions en retard ;7 ( until the end of) to work through the night travailler toute la nuit ; all ou right through the day toute la journée ; he talked right through the film il a parlé pendant tout le film ; to stay through until Sunday rester jusqu'à dimanche ; to work through the lunch-hour travailler pendant l'heure du déjeuner ; ⇒ live, see, sleep ;8 ( up to and including) jusqu'à ; from Friday through to Sunday de vendredi jusqu'à dimanche ; 1939 through 1945 US de 1939 jusqu'à 1945 ; open April through September US ouvert d'avril à fin septembre.B adj1 ○ ( finished) fini ; I'm through j'ai fini ; I'm not through with you yet! je n'en ai pas encore fini avec toi! ; are you through with the paper? as-tu fini de lire le journal? ; I'm through with men! les hommes-c'est fini! ; we're through ( of a couple) c'est fini entre nous ; Claire and I are through c'est fini entre Claire et moi ;2 ( direct) [train, ticket] direct ; [freight] à forfait ; [bill of lading] direct ; a through route to the station un chemin direct pour aller à la gare ; ‘no through road’ ‘voie sans issue’ ; ‘through traffic’ ( on roadsign) ‘autres directions’ ; through traffic uses the bypass pour contourner la ville on prend la rocade ;3 ( successful) to be through to the next round être sélectionné pour le deuxième tour ; ⇒ get, go ;C adv1 ( from one side to the other) the water went right through l'eau est passée à travers ; to let sb through laisser passer qn ; can you fit ou squeeze ou get through? est-ce que tu peux passer? ; ⇒ pass ;2 ( completely) wet ou soaked through [coat, cloth] trempé ; [person] trempé jusqu'aux os ; mouldy right through complètement pourri ; cooked right through bien cuit ;3 ( from beginning to end) to read/play sth right through lire/jouer qch jusqu'au bout ; I'm halfway through the article j'ai lu la moitié de l'article ; ⇒ carry, get, go, run, see ;4 Telecom you're through je vous passe votre correspondant ; you're through to Ms Wilkins je vous passe Madame Wilkins ; ⇒ get, go, put.D through and through adv phr to know sth through and through connaître qch comme sa poche [area, city] ; I know him through and through je le connais comme si je l'avais fait ○ ; rotten through and through pourri jusqu'à l'os ; English through and through anglais jusqu'au bout des ongles ; selfish through and through d'un égoïsme foncier.to have been through a lot en avoir vu des vertes et des pas mûres ○ ; you really put her through it tu lui en as vraiment fait voir de toutes les couleurs ○ ; ⇒ hell. -
5 through
through [θru:]1. prep1) указывает на пространственные отношения че́рез, сквозь, по;through the gate че́рез воро́та
;they marched through the town они́ прошли́ по го́роду
;through this country по всей стране́
1) в тече́ние, в продолже́ние;through the night всю ночь
;to wait through ten long years прожда́ть де́сять до́лгих лет
;2) амер. включи́тельно;May 10 through June 15 c 10 ма́я по 15 ию́ня включи́тельно
3) в сочетаниях, имеющих переносное значение в, че́рез;to flash through the mind промелькну́ть в голове́
;to go through many trials пройти́ че́рез мно́го испыта́ний
4) че́рез (посре́дство), от;I heard of you through your sister я слы́шал о вас от ва́шей сестры́
;he was examined through an interpreter его́ допра́шивали че́рез перево́дчика
5) по причи́не, всле́дствие, из-за, благодаря́;we lost ourselves through not knowing the way мы заблуди́лись из-за того́, что не зна́ли доро́ги
2. adv1) от нача́ла до конца́; в сочетании с глаголами передаётся приставками пере-, про-;he slept the whole night through он проспа́л всю ночь
;to carry through довести́ до конца́
;I have read the book through я прочёл всю кни́гу
;to get through пройти́
;to look through просмотре́ть
2) наскво́зь; соверше́нно;I am wet through я наскво́зь промо́к
а) зако́нчить (что-л.);б) поко́нчить (с чем-л.);в) пресы́титься (чем-л.); уста́ть (от чего-л.);to put a person through соедини́ть кого́-л. ( по телефону)
;you are through! абоне́нт у телефо́на, говори́те!
;а) соверше́нно, наскво́зь, до конца́, во всех отноше́ниях;an aristocrat through and through аристокра́т до ко́нчиков па́льцев
;б) сно́ва и сно́ва3. a1) прямо́й, беспереса́дочный;through ticket сквозно́й биле́т
;through service беспереса́дочное сообще́ние
2) свобо́дный, беспрепя́тственный;through passage свобо́дный прохо́д
6 -through
-through:peep-through – прозрачный с дырочками (о ткани)walk-through – репетиция с мизансценами и проговаривание текста роли; бездумное, формальное исполнение роли; репетиция без телекамер -
7 -through
-through:peep-through – прозрачный с дырочками (о ткани)walk-through – репетиция с мизансценами и проговаривание текста роли; бездумное, формальное исполнение роли; репетиция без телекамер -
8 through
9 through
10 through
11 through no
12 through to
13 through
1. [θru:] a1. прямой, беспересадочный, транзитный, сквозной; прямого сообщенияthrough highway [street] - шоссе [улица] без светофоров; дорога [улица] для скоростного движения
2. свободный, беспрепятственный3. основательный, капитальный2. [θru:] advthrough repairs - мор. капитальный ремонт
1. 1) сквозное движение насквозьto pierce smth. through - проткнуть что-л. насквозь
he struck his enemy with his spear right through - он пронзил своего врага копьём
soaked /wet/ through - промокший насквозь
chilled through - продрогший до костей, окоченевший от холода
2) движение до конечного пункта (о поездах и т. п.) прямо, до места, до пункта назначенияto buy through to one's farthest destination - купить прямой билет до места назначения
the next train goes /runs/ through to B. - следующий поезд идёт прямо до B.
the luggage was registered through - багаж был отправлен до станции назначения
3) устранение препятствий для въезда, входа, включения и т. п.:to let smb. through - впустить кого-л.
2. совершение действия в течение целого периода времени весь, целый3. 1) совершение действия ( от начала) до конца или на его исчерпывающий характер до конца; передаётся тж. глагольными приставками про-, за-, с- и др.to look smth. through - просмотреть что-л. (до конца)
to carry smth. through - завершить что-л.; провести что-л. до конца
to put through a plan - провести /осуществить/ план
he heard the speech through without interruption - он прослушал всю речь не перебивая
to go through with smth. - довести что-л. до конца
I will go through with it, whatever happens - что бы ни случилось, я доведу дело до конца
to be through with smth. - окончить что-л. [см. тж. 2)]
is the work through yet? - закончена ли работа?
he is through with school - он окончил школу [см. тж. 2)]
he is through with his work - он окончил работу [см. тж. 2)]
are you through? - амер. вы закончили разговор? ( по телефону) [см. тж. 5]
to get through with smth. - разг. закончить что-л. [см. тж. 2)]
2) отказ от чего-л., оставление чего-л.:to be through with smth. - покончить с чем-л., бросить что-л. [см. тж. 1)]
he is through with school - он бросил школу [см. тж. 2)]
he is through with his work - он бросил работу [см. тж. 1)]
he is through with his family - он бросил /оставил/ семью
to get through with smth. - разг. покончить с чем-л. [см. тж. 1)]
to be through with smb. - порвать с кем-л.
I'm through with that fellow - я порвал /разделался/ с этим парнем
he'll change his tune when I'm through with him - я с ним поговорю по-свойски, и он (у меня) запоёт иначе
I'm through with you, we're through - между нами всё кончено
he's through in politics - в политике он конченый человек, его политическая карьера закончилась
the horse is through - лошадь выбилась из сил, лошадь загнали
4. измерение по диаметру в диаметреa tree measuring twelve inches through - дерево, имеющее двенадцать дюймов в диаметре
to get through to smb. - связаться с кем-л.
to put smb. through - соединить кого-л.
are you through? - вас соединили?, вам ответили? [см. тж. 3, 1)]
through and through - а) совершенно, до конца, вполне; основательно; to read a book through and through - прочесть книгу от корки до корки; he is an honest man through and through - он в высшей степени честный человек; he knows his business through and through - он основательно /досконально/ знает своё дело; б) снова и снова; he read the letter through and through - он вновь и вновь перечитывал письмоto fall /to drop/ through - окончиться безрезультатно, провалиться
3. [θru:] prepthe deal fell through - сделка не состоялась /провалилась/
1. 1) прохождение через какой-л. предмет или движение через какую-л. среду через, сквозьa path (going /leading/) through the woods - тропинка (ведущая) через лес
to make a hole through smth. - сделать дыру в чём-л., продырявить что-л.
he put his arms through the straps of his pack - он продел руки в лямки рюкзака
to walk through the door [the gate] - пройти через дверь [через ворота]
he speaks through the nose - он говорит в нос, он гнусавит
2) проникновение взгляда через какое-л. отверстие, света через какую-л. среду и т. п. через, сквозьthrough the keyhole - через /сквозь/ замочную скважину
we looked through the window at the street - через окно мы смотрели на улицу
we could hear him through the noise - мы слышали его, несмотря на шум; его голос доносился сквозь шум
we couldn't hear him through the noise - шум заглушал его слова, мы не слышали его из-за шума
to talk through the radio - говорить, заглушая радио
2. 1) ( часто all through) распространение движения по какой-л. территории поthey drove through Czechoslovakia - они пересекли Чехословакию /ехали по Чехословакии/
a sigh of relief went through the audience - вздох облегчения пронёсся по всему залу
2) движение в какой-л. среде или в каких-л. условиях поhe walked all day through heavy rain - он шёл под сильным дождём весь день
journey through time and space - путешествие во времени и в пространстве /сквозь время и пространство/
3. 1) ( часто all through) протекание действия в течение целого периода времени в течение, в продолжениеevery day through November and December - каждый день в течение всего ноября и декабря
all through the day - весь день; в течение всего дня
all through his life - в течение всей его жизни, всю его жизнь
they will continue the construction through the winter months - строительство будет продолжаться всю зиму
he's slept through a thunderstorm - он проспал всю грозу; он крепко спал всё время, пока бушевала гроза
2) продолжение действия до определенного срока включительно с... по... (включительно)1961 through 1962 - с 1961 г. по 1962 г. включительно
7th grade through high school - от седьмого класса (вплоть) до окончания средней школы
4. 1) посредника черезto send smth. through the post - послать что-л. по почте
2) источник из, от, по, черезI learned it through your secretary - я узнал об этом от /через/ вашего секретаря
he learned it through reports [newspapers] - он узнал об этом из сообщений [из газет]
3) инструмент или способ через, путём; посредствомthrough the agency of - посредством, при помощи
through smb.'s help - с чьей-л. помощью, благодаря чьей-л. помощи
to express ideas through words - выражать мысли посредством /с помощью/ слов
he educated himself through correspondence courses - он окончил заочные курсы
only through work can you attain good results - только работа поможет вам добиться хороших результатов
5. 1) преодоление препятствия, опасности и т. п. черезto pass through many dangers - преодолеть /пройти через/ множество опасностей
the child came very well through the illness - ребёнок хорошо перенёс болезнь
they helped him through hard times - они поддержали его в трудное время; всё это трудное время они помогали ему
the bill was put through Congress last week - законопроект был проведён в конгрессе на прошлой неделе
he's been through it /through a lot/ - он здорово натерпелся, ему пришлось несладко, он повидал всякое
6. 1) совершение действия от начала до конца; передаётся глагольными приставками про-, пере-to go through smb.'s pockets - обыскать кого-л., проверить содержимое чьих-л. карманов
we are through school at three o'clock - занятия в школе кончаются у нас в три часа
it was half way through act 1 that I saw him - уже прошла половина 1-го действия, когда я увидел его
2) быстрое доведение действия до конца; передается глагольной приставкой про-he could go through three books in a day - он может проглотить три книги за один день
7. причину из-за, по (причине); благодаряto lose an opportunity through indecision - упустить возможность из-за нерешительности
through illness he lost the use of his legs - в результате болезни у него отнялись ноги
to see through smth., smb. - видеть что-л., кого-л. насквозьto see through the trick - разгадать фокус /трюк/, не дать себя провести /обмануть/
to put smb. through it - подвергнуть кого-л. строжайшему /жёсткому/ допросу, допросить кого-л. с пристрастием
to see smb. through smth. - помочь кому-л. сделать что-л.
to travel through the length and breadth of the country - исколесить всю страну
14 through
1. preposition1) (into from one direction and out of in the other: The water flows through a pipe.) a través de2) (from side to side or end to end of: He walked (right) through the town.) a través de3) (from the beginning to the end of: She read through the magazine.) de cabo a rabo, de principio a fin, entero4) (because of: He lost his job through his own stupidity.) por, a causa de5) (by way of: He got the job through a friend.) a través de, gracias a6) ((American) from... to (inclusive): I work Monday through Friday.) de... a
2. adverb(into and out of; from one side or end to the other; from beginning to end: He went straight/right through.) de un lado a otro
3. adjective1) ((of a bus or train) that goes all the way to one's destination, so that one doesn't have to change (buses or trains): There isn't a through train - you'll have to change.) directo2) (finished: Are you through yet?) listo, (haber) acabado con algo•
4. adverb(in every part: The house was furnished throughout.) enteramente, por completo- soaked
- wet through
- through and through
- through with
through prep por / a través detr[ɵrʊː]1 por, a través de2 (because of) por, a causa de3 (from beginning to the end) durante todo,-a, hasta el final de4 (by means of) por, a través de, mediante1 de un lado a otro2 (to the end) hasta el final3 SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL (on phone) conectado,-a■ can you put me through to Helen James? ¿me puede poner con Helen James?■ I rang several times, but I couldn't get through llamé varias veces, pero estaba comunicando4 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL terminado,-a, acabado,-a■ are you through? ¿has acabado?\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be through with something/somebody haber acabado con algo/alguienthrough and through hasta la médula, a ultranzano through road calle nombre femenino sin salidathrough ['ɵru:] adv1) : a través, de un lado a otrolet them through: déjenlos pasar2) : de principio a finshe read the book through: leyó el libro de principio a fin3) completely: completamentesoaked through: completamente empapadothrough adj1) direct: directoa through train: un tren directo2) finished: terminado, acabadowe're through: hemos terminadothrough prep1) : a través de, porthrough the door: por la puertaa road through the woods: un camino que atraviesa el bosque2) between: entrea path through the trees: un sendero entre los árboles3) because of: a causa de, como consecuencia dethrough the night: durante la nocheto go through an experience: pasar por una experiencia5) : a, hastafrom Monday through Friday: de lunes a viernesadj.• acabado, -a adj.adj.• directo, -a adj.• sin paradas adj.• terminado, -a adj.adv.• a través adv.• de un lado a otro adv.• por medio de adv.prep.• a través de prep.• atravéz prep.• mediante prep.• por prep.
I θruː1)a) ( from one side to the other) porto hear/feel something through something — oír*/sentir* algo a través de algo
b) (past, beyond)to be through something — haber* pasado algo
2)a) ( in time)half-way through his speech — en medio de su discurso, cuando iba (or vaya etc) por la mitad del discurso
b) ( until and including) (AmE)3) (by)I heard about it through a friend — me enteré a través de or por un amigo
through his help — gracias a su ayuda or mediante su ayuda
the red paint shows through — se nota la pintura roja que hay debajo; see also get, pull, put through
2) ( in time)3)a) ( completely)wet/soaked through — mojado/calado hasta los huesos
b)through and through: he's a soldier through and through — es militar hasta la médula
1) ( Transp) (before n) <train/route> directothrough traffic — tráfico m de paso
2) ( finished) (colloq) (pred)aren't you through yet? — ¿no has terminado aún?
as a journalist, you're through — como periodista, estás acabado
to be through with somebody/something — haber* terminado con alguien/algo
to be through (with) -ing: I'm through trying to be nice to you — no pienso seguir tratando de ser amable contigo
3) (BrE Telec)[θruː] When through is an element in a phrasal verb, eg break through, fall through, look up the verb.1. PREP1) (place) por•
to go through sth, to go through a tunnel — atravesar un túnelto go through sb's pockets/belongings/papers — hurgar en los bolsillos/entre las cosas/entre los papeles de algn
2) (time, process)(from) Monday through Friday — (US) de lunes a viernes
to go through a bad/good period — pasar una mala/buena racha•
to be halfway through a book — ir por la mitad de un libro3) (means) porthrough him I found out that... — por or a través de él supe que...
2. ADV1) (place)•
it's frozen (right) through — está completamente helado•
does this train go through to London? — ¿este tren va directamente a Londres?•
can you put me through to sales, please? — (Telec) ¿puede ponerme or pasarme con el departamento de ventas, por favor?•
the wood has rotted through — la madera se ha podrido completamente•
the window was dirty and I couldn't see through — la ventana estaba sucia y no podía ver nada2) (time, process)•
I read the book right through — leí el libro entero•
to sleep the whole night through — dormir la noche entera•
did you stay right through to the end? — ¿te quedaste hasta el final?•
he is through to the finals of the competition — pasó a la final del concurso3)through and through — [be something] hasta la médula, completamente; [know something] de pe a pa
3. ADJ1) [road, train] directo; [traffic] de paso2) (=finished) terminadoyou're through! — ¡se acabó (para ti)!
are you through criticizing? — ¿has terminado or acabado de criticarme?
I'm through with my girlfriend — he roto or terminado con mi noviaare you through with that book? — ¿has terminado de leer ese libro?
I'm through with bridge — renuncio al bridge, ya no vuelvo a jugar al bridge
3) (Telec)you're through! — ¡ya puede hablar!, ¡hable!
* * *
I [θruː]1)a) ( from one side to the other) porto hear/feel something through something — oír*/sentir* algo a través de algo
b) (past, beyond)to be through something — haber* pasado algo
2)a) ( in time)half-way through his speech — en medio de su discurso, cuando iba (or vaya etc) por la mitad del discurso
b) ( until and including) (AmE)3) (by)I heard about it through a friend — me enteré a través de or por un amigo
through his help — gracias a su ayuda or mediante su ayuda
the red paint shows through — se nota la pintura roja que hay debajo; see also get, pull, put through
2) ( in time)3)a) ( completely)wet/soaked through — mojado/calado hasta los huesos
b)through and through: he's a soldier through and through — es militar hasta la médula
1) ( Transp) (before n) <train/route> directothrough traffic — tráfico m de paso
2) ( finished) (colloq) (pred)aren't you through yet? — ¿no has terminado aún?
as a journalist, you're through — como periodista, estás acabado
to be through with somebody/something — haber* terminado con alguien/algo
to be through (with) -ing: I'm through trying to be nice to you — no pienso seguir tratando de ser amable contigo
3) (BrE Telec) -
15 through
I. 1. през, из, по
to look THROUGH the window поглеждам през прозореца
I searched THROUGH the house претърсих/прерових къщата
the road goes THROUGH the desert шосето минава през пустинята
the rumour spread THROUGH the town слухът се разнесе из града
to hear THROUGH the noise чувам сред шума
to be/come/get THROUGH something преживявам/изпитвам нещо
2. чрез, посредством, от
I got to know it THROUGH a friend узнах/научих за това от един приятел
I'll do it THROUGH my agent ще го сторя чрез посредника си
3. благодарение на, с помощта на, заради, поради, в резултат на
to do something THROUGH ignorance/carelessness/fear, etc. правя нещо от/поради невежество/нехайство/страх и пр.
it was THROUGH her we found it out ние открихме това благодарение на нея
it happened THROUGH no fault of mine това се случи не по моя вина
it was all THROUGH her that we are so late закъсняхме толкова само заради нея
4. през, в продължение/течение на
all THROUGH the day през целия ден
she waited THROUGH ten long years тя чака цели десет години
he slept THROUGH the concert той спа през целия концерт
to sleep the night THROUGH спя непробудно цялата нощ
5. ам. без прекъсване от... до... включително
Monday THROUGH Friday от понеделник до петък включително
II. adv открай докрай, изцяло, напълно
to be wet THROUGH целият съм мокър
to read a book THROUGH изчитам/прочитам цялата книга
he wouldn't let me THROUGH той не искаше да ме пусне да премина
to be THROUGH свършвам, приключвам (за заседание, процес, урок и пр.), изкарвам (изпит и пр.), с мен е свършено, унищожен съм
to be THROUGH with something свършвам, завършвам, привършвам (работа и пр.)
to be THROUGH with someone разделям се/скъсвам с някого, свързвам се/получавам телефонна връзка с някого
THROUGH and THROUGH изцяло, напълно, основно, издъно
all THROUGH през цялото/всичкото това време
your coat is THROUGH at the elbows лактите на палтото ти са протрити
this train goes THROUGH to Paris този влак пътува директно до Париж
III. 1. пряк, директен, без прекачване/смяна, транзитен
a THROUGH carriage/train/ticket/service директен вагон/влак/билет/съобщение
a THROUGH passenger транзитен пътник
2. свободен/отворен за преминаване/пътуване (за улица, път и пр.)
no THROUGH road затворен път (надпис)* * *{dru:} prep 1. през; из, по; to look through the window поглеждам п(2) {dru:} adv открай докрай, иззцяло, напълно; to be wet through ц{3} {dru:} а 1. пряк, директен, без прекачване/смяна; транзит* * *чрез; посредством; поради; през; през; пряк; директен; докрай;* * *1. a through carriage/train/ticket/service директен вагон/влак/билет/съобщение 2. a through passenger транзитен пътник 3. all through the day през целия ден 4. all through през цялото/всичкото това време 5. he slept through the concert той спа през целия концерт 6. he wouldn't let me through той не искаше да ме пусне да премина 7. i got to know it through a friend узнах/научих за това от един приятел 8. i searched through the house претърсих/прерових къщата 9. i'll do it through my agent ще го сторя чрез посредника си 10. i. през, из, по 11. ii. adv открай докрай, изцяло, напълно 12. iii. пряк, директен, без прекачване/смяна, транзитен 13. it happened through no fault of mine това се случи не по моя вина 14. it was all through her that we are so late закъсняхме толкова само заради нея 15. it was through her we found it out ние открихме това благодарение на нея 16. monday through friday от понеделник до петък включително 17. no through road затворен път (надпис) 18. she waited through ten long years тя чака цели десет години 19. the road goes through the desert шосето минава през пустинята 20. the rumour spread through the town слухът се разнесе из града 21. this train goes through to paris този влак пътува директно до Париж 22. through and through изцяло, напълно, основно, издъно 23. to be through with someone разделям се/скъсвам с някого, свързвам се/получавам телефонна връзка с някого 24. to be through with something свършвам, завършвам, привършвам (работа и пр.) 25. to be through свършвам, приключвам (за заседание, процес, урок и пр.), изкарвам (изпит и пр.), с мен е свършено, унищожен съм 26. to be wet through целият съм мокър 27. to be/come/get through something преживявам/изпитвам нещо 28. to do something through ignorance/carelessness/fear, etc. правя нещо от/поради невежество/нехайство/страх и пр 29. to hear through the noise чувам сред шума 30. to look through the window поглеждам през прозореца 31. to read a book through изчитам/прочитам цялата книга 32. to sleep the night through спя непробудно цялата нощ 33. your coat is through at the elbows лактите на палтото ти са протрити 34. ам. без прекъсване от... до... включително 35. благодарение на, с помощта на, заради, поради, в резултат на 36. през, в продължение/течение на 37. свободен/отворен за преминаване/пътуване (за улица, път и пр.) 38. чрез, посредством, от* * *through[uru:] I. prep 1. през; по, из; to come (go) \through минавам през; to look \through a window гледам през прозорец; he travelled all \through Europe той пропътува цяла Европа; to hear \through the noise чувам сред шума; to read \through glasses чета с очила; half the way \through по средата (на), до средата; all the way \through изцяло, докрай; \through the length and breadth of надлъж и нашир из; 2. чрез, посредством, по пътя на, с помощта на, благодарение на, заради; \through the agency ( medium) of посредством; to learn \through a friend научавам от приятел; 3. поради, от; \through lack of поради липса на; 4. през, в продължение на; в течение на; \through life през целия си живот; all \through the day през целия ден; to sleep the night \through спя през цялата нощ; 5. ам. включително, в това число; June 15 \through July 17 от 15 юни до 17 юли включително; • he has been \through it разг. той е видял и патил; to put s.o. \through it разг. подлагам на строго, тежко изпитание; наругавам; II. adv 1. целият, цялата, цялото; I am wet \through аз съм мокър целият; 2. отначало докрай; all \through през цялото време; right \through открай докрай; straight \through наред, без прескачане; \through and \through напълно, изцяло, основно, съвсем, открай докрай, във всяко отношение; отново и отново; the train runs \through to влакът отива направо за; to carry s.th. \through изкарвам нещо на добър край; изкарвам нещо докрай; • to be \through with свършвам с; is he \through? той мина ли? (свърши ли?); his trousers are \through at the knees панталоните му са скъсани на коленете; III. adj пряк, директен, без смяна (прекачване); \through carriage, train, ticket, service директен вагон, влак, билет, съобщение; \through passage свободно преминаване; \through passenger пътник, който пътува без прекачване (престой). -
16 through
1. adj1) прямий, безпересадочний, транзитний, наскрізний; прямого сполучення2) вільний, безперешкодний3) який закінчив (покінчив)4) який вичерпав усі можливості2. adv1) наскрізь; цілком2) від початку до кінця3) прямо, до місця, до пункту призначення4) весь, цілийto put a person through — а) вилаяти когось; б) суворо екзаменувати когось; в) з'єднувати когось (по телефону)
3. prep1) через, крізь; по2) протягом3) по (включно)4) через5) завдяки, через6) за допомогою; від; через7) в результаті, внаслідок, черезit all came about through his not knowing the way — усе це сталося через те, що він не знав дороги
through and through — а) абсолютно, до кінця, цілком; б) знову й знову
* * *I [aruː] a1) прямий, безпересадочний, транзитний, наскрізний; прямого повідомленняthrough highway [street] — шосе [вулиця]без світлофорів; дорога [вулиця]для швидкісного руху
2) вільний, безперешкодний3) ґрунтовний, капітальнийII [aruː] advthrough repairs — мop. капітальний ремонт
1) рух наскрізьto pierce smth through — проткнути щось наскрізь
soaked /wet/ through — промоклий наскрізь
chilled through — змерзлий до кісток, що оклякнув від холоду; рух до кінцевого пункту ( про поїзди) прямо, до місця, до пункту призначення
to buy through to one's farthest destination — купити прямий квиток до місця призначення; усунення перешкоди для в'їзду, входу
to let smb through — впустити когось
2) виконання дії протягом цілого періоду часу весь, цілий3) завершені дії ( від початку) до кінця або на його вичерпний характер до кінця; передається тж. дієслівними приставками про-, за-to sing a song through — проспівати всю пісню
to carry smth through — завершити щось; провести щось до кінця
to put through a plan — провести /здійснити/ план
to be through with smth — закінчити щось [см. тж.;]
are you- — є aмep. ви закінчили розмовує ( по телефону) [див.; тж. 5]
to get through with smth — закінчити щось [див.; тж.;]; відмова від чогось
to be through with smth — покінчити із чимось, кинути щось [див.; тж.]
he is through with school — він кинув школу [див.; тж.;]
he is through with his work — він кинув роботу [див.; тж. 1]
he is through with his family — він кинув /залишив/ родину
to get through with smth — покінчити із чимось [див.; тж. 1]
to be through with smb — порвати з кимось; вичерпаність можливостей суб'єкта
he's through in politics — у політиці він пропаща людина, його політична кар'єра закінчилася
4) замір по діаметру, в діаметріa tree measuring twelve inches through — дерево, що має дванадцять дюймів у діаметрі
to put smb through — з'єднати когось
are you through — є вас з'єдналиє, вам відповілиє [див.; тж. 3, 1]
••through and through — зовсім, до кінця, цілком; ґрунтовно
he knows his business through and through — він ґрунтовно /досконально/ знає свою справу
to fall /to drop/ through — завершитися безрезультатно, провалитися
III [aruː] prepthe deal fell through — угода не відбулася /провалилася/
1) проходження через якийсь предмет або рух через якесь середовище; через, крізьa path (going /leading/) through the woods — стежка ( провідн через лес)
to make a hole through smth — зробити дірку у чомусь, продірявити щось
to walk through the door [the gate] — пройти через двері [через ворота]
he speaks through the nose — він говорить у ніс, геть гугнявить
an idea flashed through my mind — у мене промайнула думка; проникнення погляду через якийсь отвір, світла через якесь середовище через, крізь
through the keyhole — через /крізь/ замкову щілину
to look through a telescope — дивитися в телескоп; сприйняття більше слабкого звуку на тлі більше сильного крізь
we could hear him through the noise — ми чули його, незважаючи на шум; його голос доносився крізь шум
2) ( часто all through) поширення руху по якійсь території поa sigh of relief went through the audience — подих полегшення пронісся по всьому залу; рух у якомусь середовищі або в якихось умовах по
journey through time and space — подорож у часі, в просторі /крізь час, простір/; ( часто all through); протікання дії протягом цілого періоду часу протягом, під час
all through the day — весь день; протягом усього дня
he won't last through the night — він не доживе до ранку; продовження дії до певного строку включно
to send smth through the post — послати щось поштою; джерело з, від, по, через
I learned it through your secretary — я довідався про це від /через/ вашого секретаря; інструмент або спосіб через, шляхом; за допомогою
through smb 's help — із чиєюсь допомогою, завдяки чиїйсь допомозі
5) подолання перешкоди, небезпеки. черезto pass through many dangers — перебороти /пройти через/ безліч небезпек
the child came very well through the illness — дитина добре перенесла хворобу; рух без зупинки з перешкодами
6) виконання дії від початку до кінця; передається дієслівними приставками про-, пере-to go through college — пройти курс навчання в коледжі; швидке доведення дії до кінця; передається дієслівною приставкою про-
7) причина через; з, завдякиto see through the trick — розгадати фокус /трюк/, не дати себе обдурити
to put smb through it — піддати когось найсуворішому допиту
to see smb through smth — допомогти комусь зробити щось
through the length and breadth (of) — уздовж, поперек
17 through
I [aruː] a1) прямий, безпересадочний, транзитний, наскрізний; прямого повідомленняthrough highway [street] — шосе [вулиця]без світлофорів; дорога [вулиця]для швидкісного руху
2) вільний, безперешкодний3) ґрунтовний, капітальнийII [aruː] advthrough repairs — мop. капітальний ремонт
1) рух наскрізьto pierce smth through — проткнути щось наскрізь
soaked /wet/ through — промоклий наскрізь
chilled through — змерзлий до кісток, що оклякнув від холоду; рух до кінцевого пункту ( про поїзди) прямо, до місця, до пункту призначення
to buy through to one's farthest destination — купити прямий квиток до місця призначення; усунення перешкоди для в'їзду, входу
to let smb through — впустити когось
2) виконання дії протягом цілого періоду часу весь, цілий3) завершені дії ( від початку) до кінця або на його вичерпний характер до кінця; передається тж. дієслівними приставками про-, за-to sing a song through — проспівати всю пісню
to carry smth through — завершити щось; провести щось до кінця
to put through a plan — провести /здійснити/ план
to be through with smth — закінчити щось [см. тж.;]
are you- — є aмep. ви закінчили розмовує ( по телефону) [див.; тж. 5]
to get through with smth — закінчити щось [див.; тж.;]; відмова від чогось
to be through with smth — покінчити із чимось, кинути щось [див.; тж.]
he is through with school — він кинув школу [див.; тж.;]
he is through with his work — він кинув роботу [див.; тж. 1]
he is through with his family — він кинув /залишив/ родину
to get through with smth — покінчити із чимось [див.; тж. 1]
to be through with smb — порвати з кимось; вичерпаність можливостей суб'єкта
he's through in politics — у політиці він пропаща людина, його політична кар'єра закінчилася
4) замір по діаметру, в діаметріa tree measuring twelve inches through — дерево, що має дванадцять дюймів у діаметрі
to put smb through — з'єднати когось
are you through — є вас з'єдналиє, вам відповілиє [див.; тж. 3, 1]
••through and through — зовсім, до кінця, цілком; ґрунтовно
he knows his business through and through — він ґрунтовно /досконально/ знає свою справу
to fall /to drop/ through — завершитися безрезультатно, провалитися
III [aruː] prepthe deal fell through — угода не відбулася /провалилася/
1) проходження через якийсь предмет або рух через якесь середовище; через, крізьa path (going /leading/) through the woods — стежка ( провідн через лес)
to make a hole through smth — зробити дірку у чомусь, продірявити щось
to walk through the door [the gate] — пройти через двері [через ворота]
he speaks through the nose — він говорить у ніс, геть гугнявить
an idea flashed through my mind — у мене промайнула думка; проникнення погляду через якийсь отвір, світла через якесь середовище через, крізь
through the keyhole — через /крізь/ замкову щілину
to look through a telescope — дивитися в телескоп; сприйняття більше слабкого звуку на тлі більше сильного крізь
we could hear him through the noise — ми чули його, незважаючи на шум; його голос доносився крізь шум
2) ( часто all through) поширення руху по якійсь території поa sigh of relief went through the audience — подих полегшення пронісся по всьому залу; рух у якомусь середовищі або в якихось умовах по
journey through time and space — подорож у часі, в просторі /крізь час, простір/; ( часто all through); протікання дії протягом цілого періоду часу протягом, під час
all through the day — весь день; протягом усього дня
he won't last through the night — він не доживе до ранку; продовження дії до певного строку включно
to send smth through the post — послати щось поштою; джерело з, від, по, через
I learned it through your secretary — я довідався про це від /через/ вашого секретаря; інструмент або спосіб через, шляхом; за допомогою
through smb 's help — із чиєюсь допомогою, завдяки чиїйсь допомозі
5) подолання перешкоди, небезпеки. черезto pass through many dangers — перебороти /пройти через/ безліч небезпек
the child came very well through the illness — дитина добре перенесла хворобу; рух без зупинки з перешкодами
6) виконання дії від початку до кінця; передається дієслівними приставками про-, пере-to go through college — пройти курс навчання в коледжі; швидке доведення дії до кінця; передається дієслівною приставкою про-
7) причина через; з, завдякиto see through the trick — розгадати фокус /трюк/, не дати себе обдурити
to put smb through it — піддати когось найсуворішому допиту
to see smb through smth — допомогти комусь зробити щось
through the length and breadth (of) — уздовж, поперек
18 through
I [θruː]1) (from one side to the other) attraverso, per2) (via, by way of)to look through — guardare in [ binoculars]; guardare da [hole, window]
3) (past)to go through — passare con [ red light]
to get o go through — passare attraverso [ barricade]; passare [ customs]
4) (among)to search through — frugare in [ bag]
to book sth. through a travel agent — prenotare qcs. tramite un'agenzia di viaggi
6) (because of)open April through September — AE aperto da aprile a settembre compreso
••II [θruː]to let sb. through — lasciare passare qcn
2) (completely)to read sth. right through — leggere qcs. fino in fondo o fino alla fine
4) tel.III [θruː]to know sth. through and through — conoscere qcs. come le proprie tasche
1) colloq. (finished) finitowe're through — (of a couple) tra noi è finita
"no through road" — "strada senza uscita"
"through traffic" — (on roadsign) "circonvallazione"
3) (successful)4) BE (worn)* * *[Ɵru:] 1. preposition1) (into from one direction and out of in the other: The water flows through a pipe.) attraverso2) (from side to side or end to end of: He walked (right) through the town.) attraverso3) (from the beginning to the end of: She read through the magazine.) completamente4) (because of: He lost his job through his own stupidity.) (a causa di)5) (by way of: He got the job through a friend.) tramite6) ((American) from... to (inclusive): I work Monday through Friday.) da (...) a (...)2. adverb(into and out of; from one side or end to the other; from beginning to end: He went straight/right through.) attraverso; completamente3. adjective1) ((of a bus or train) that goes all the way to one's destination, so that one doesn't have to change (buses or trains): There isn't a through train - you'll have to change.) diretto2) (finished: Are you through yet?) finito•4. adverb(in every part: The house was furnished throughout.) completamente, interamente- soaked
- wet through
- through and through
- through with* * *I [θruː]1) (from one side to the other) attraverso, per2) (via, by way of)to look through — guardare in [ binoculars]; guardare da [hole, window]
3) (past)to go through — passare con [ red light]
to get o go through — passare attraverso [ barricade]; passare [ customs]
4) (among)to search through — frugare in [ bag]
to book sth. through a travel agent — prenotare qcs. tramite un'agenzia di viaggi
6) (because of)open April through September — AE aperto da aprile a settembre compreso
••II [θruː]to let sb. through — lasciare passare qcn
2) (completely)to read sth. right through — leggere qcs. fino in fondo o fino alla fine
4) tel.III [θruː]to know sth. through and through — conoscere qcs. come le proprie tasche
1) colloq. (finished) finitowe're through — (of a couple) tra noi è finita
"no through road" — "strada senza uscita"
"through traffic" — (on roadsign) "circonvallazione"
3) (successful)4) BE (worn) -
19 through
1. preposition1) durch; (fig.)search/read through something — etwas durchsuchen/durchlesen
live through something — (survive) etwas überleben; (experience) etwas erleben
2) (Amer.): (up to and including) bis [einschließlich]3) (by reason of) durch; infolge von [Vernachlässigung, Einflüssen]it was all through you that we were late — es war nur deine Schuld, dass wir zu spät gekommen sind
2. adverbit happened through no fault of yours — es geschah nicht durch deine Schuld
1)be through with a piece of work/with somebody — mit einer Arbeit fertig/mit jemandem fertig (ugs.) sein
2) (Teleph.)3. attributive adjectivebe through — durch sein (ugs.)
durchgehend [Zug]through coach or carriage — Kurswagen, der ( for nach)
through traffic — Durchgangsverkehr, der
‘no through road’ — "keine Durchfahrt[sstraße]"
through ticket — [alle Umsteigestationen umfassende] Fahrkarte
can I buy a through ticket to Warsaw? — kann ich bis Warschau durchlösen?
* * *[Ɵru:] 1. preposition1) (into from one direction and out of in the other: The water flows through a pipe.) durch3) (from the beginning to the end of: She read through the magazine.) durch4) (because of: He lost his job through his own stupidity.) durch5) (by way of: He got the job through a friend.) durch2. adverb(into and out of; from one side or end to the other; from beginning to end: He went straight/right through.) durch3. adjective1) ((of a bus or train) that goes all the way to one's destination, so that one doesn't have to change (buses or trains): There isn't a through train - you'll have to change.) durchgehend2) (finished: Are you through yet?) fertig•- academic.ru/74787/throughout">throughout4. adverb(in every part: The house was furnished throughout.) ganz und gar- all through- soaked
- wet through
- through and through
- through with* * *[θru:]I. prepwe drove \through the tunnel wir fuhren durch den Tunnelshe looked \through the camera sie sah durch die Kamera2. (in)they took a trip \through Brazil sie machten eine Reise durch Brasilienthey walked \through the store sie gingen durch den Ladenher words kept running \through my head ihre Worte gingen mir ständig durch den Kopfhe went \through the streets er ging durch die Straßenthey took a walk \through the woods sie machten einen Spaziergang im Waldshe works Monday \through Thursday sie arbeitet von Montag bis Donnerstagthe sale is going on \through next week der Ausverkauf geht bis Ende nächster Woche4. (during) währendit rained right \through June es regnete den ganzen Juni überthey drove \through the night sie fuhren durch die Nacht, durch + akk\through fear aus Angstshe couldn't see anything \through the smoke sie konnte durch den Rauch nichts erkennenI can't hear you \through all this noise ich kann dich bei diesem ganzen Lärm nicht verstehen6. (into pieces)he cut \through the string er durchschnitt die Schnurhe shot a hole \through the tin can er schoss ein Loch in die DoseI got my car \through my brother ich habe mein Auto über meinen Bruder bekommenwe sold the bike \through advertising wir haben das Fahrrad über eine Anzeige verkauft\through chance durch Zufallshe looked \through her mail sie sah ihre Post durchhe skimmed \through the essay er überflog den Aufsatzto go \through sth etw durchgehento go \through hell durch die Hölle gehento go \through a tough time/a transition eine harte Zeit/eine Übergangsphase durchmachen10. (to the finish)to be \through sth durch etw akk durch seinto get \through sth [or to make it \through sth] etw durchstehen11. (to be viewed by)we'll put your proposition \through the council wir werden Ihren Vorschlag dem Rat vorlegenthe bill went \through parliament der Gesetzentwurf kam durchs Parlament12. (into)we were cut off halfway \through the conversation unser Gespräch wurde mittendrin unterbrochenshe was halfway \through the article sie war halb durch den Artikel durchI'm not \through the book yet ich bin noch nicht durch das Buch durchfive \through ten is two Zehn durch Fünf gibt Zweiwe're \through ( fam: finished relationship) mit uns ist es aus fam; (finished job) es ist alles erledigtas soon as the scandal was made public he was \through as a politician als der Skandal publik wurde, war er als Politiker erledigtare you \through with that atlas? bist du fertig mit diesem Atlas?▪ to be \through bestanden habenHenry is \through to the final Henry hat sich für das Finale qualifiziert\through coach [or carriage] Kurswagen m\through flight Direktflug m\through station Durchgangsbahnhof m1. (to a destination) durchI battled \through the lesson with the class ich habe die Lektion mit der Klasse durchgepauktto go \through to sth bis zu etw dat durchgehenthe train goes \through to Hamburg der Zug fährt bis nach Hamburg durchgo right \through, I'll be with you in a minute gehen Sie schon mal durch, ich bin gleich bei Ihnen2. (from beginning to end) [ganz] durchPaul saw the project \through to its completion Paul hat sich bis zum Abschluss um das Projekt gekümmertto be halfway \through sth mit etw dat bis zur Häfte durch seinto flick \through sth etw [schnell] durchblätternto get \through to sb TELEC eine Verbindung zu jdm bekommento put sb \through to sb TELEC jdn mit jdm verbindento read sth \through etw [ganz] durchlesento think sth \through etw durchdenken3. (from one side to another) ganz durchthe tree, only half cut \through, would fall as soon as the next storm arrived der Baum war nur halb abgeschnitten und würde beim nächsten Sturm umbrechen4. (from outside to inside) durch und durch, ganz, völligthe pipes have frozen \through die Rohre sind zugefrorencooked \through durchgegartwhen she cut the cake she found that it was not cooked right \through als sie den Kuchen aufschnitt, merkte sie, dass er noch nicht ganz durch warsoaked \through völlig durchnässtthawed \through ganz aufgetautto be wet \through durch und durch nass sein* * *(US) [ɵruː]1. prep1) (place) durchhe couldn't get through the hedge — er konnte nicht durch die Hecke durchkommen or (hin)durchschlüpfen
to listen through the door — durch die (geschlossene) Tür mithören, lauschen
he has come through many hardships —
we're through that stage now — wir sind jetzt durch dieses Stadium hindurch
that happens halfway/three-quarters of the way through the book — das passiert in der Mitte/im letzten Viertel des Buches
all through his life — sein ganzes Leben langhe lives there through the week — er wohnt da während or unter (dial) der Woche or die Woche über
he slept through the film —
3) (US: up to and including) bis (einschließlich)4) (= means, agency) durchor mail (US) —
2. adv(time, place) durchhe's a liar/gentleman through and through — er ist durch und durch verlogen/ein Gentleman
he knew all through what I was getting at — er wusste die ganze Zeit (über), worauf ich hinauswollte
he's through in the other office — er ist (drüben) im anderen Büro
3. adj pred1)(= finished)
to be through with sb/sth — mit jdm/etw fertig sein (inf)I'm through with him — der ist für mich gestorben or erledigt, ich bin fertig mit ihm (all inf)
I'm through with that kind of work —
you're through, Kowalski, fired are you through? — wir sind mit Ihnen fertig, Kowalski, Sie fliegen! sind Sie fertig?
2) (Brit TELEC)to be through (to sb/London) — mit jdm/London verbunden sein
to get through (to sb/London) — zu jdm/nach London durchkommen
you're through, caller — Ihre Verbindung!, Ihr Gespräch!
* * *through [θruː]A präp1. (räumlich) durch, durch … hindurch:2. zwischen … (dat) hindurch, durch3. durch, in (dat) (überall umher):roam (all) through the country das (ganze) Land durchstreifen4. (einen Zeitraum) hindurch, während:all through his life sein ganzes Leben hindurch;the whole summer through den ganzen Sommer lang5. US (von …) bis:Monday through Friday Montag bis einschließlich Freitag6. (bis zum Ende oder ganz) durch:are you through your work? sind Sie mit Ihrer Arbeit durch oder fertig?7. fig durch:I saw through his hypocrisy ich durchschaute seine Heuchelei;get through an examination eine Prüfung bestehen, durch eine Prüfung kommen;have been through sth etwas erlebt haben8. durch, mittels:it was through him that we found out durch ihn kamen wir darauf9. aus, vor (dat), durch, in-, zufolge, wegen:through neglect infolge oder durch NachlässigkeitB adv1. durch:through and through durch und durch, ganz und gar;push a needle through eine Nadel durchstechen;he would not let us through er wollte uns nicht durchlassen;you are through TELa) Br Sie sind verbunden,b) US Ihr Gespräch ist beendet;wet through völlig durchnässt2. (ganz) durch:this train goes through to Boston dieser Zug fährt (durch) bis Boston;the bad weather lasted all through das schlechte Wetter dauerte die ganze Zeit (hindurch) an3. (ganz) durch (von Anfang bis Ende):carry a matter through eine Sache durchführen4. fertig, durch ( beide:with mit):I’m through with him umg mit dem bin ich fertig;we’re through umg mit uns ist es aus;I’m through with it umg ich habe es sattC adj durchgehend, Durchgangs…:through bolt TECH durchgehender Bolzen;“no through road” „Durchfahrt verboten!“;through traffic Durchgangsverkehr m;through train durchgehender Zug;through travel(l)er Transitreisende(r) m/f(m)* * *1. preposition1) durch; (fig.)search/read through something — etwas durchsuchen/durchlesen
live through something — (survive) etwas überleben; (experience) etwas erleben
2) (Amer.): (up to and including) bis [einschließlich]3) (by reason of) durch; infolge von [Vernachlässigung, Einflüssen]2. adverbit was all through you that we were late — es war nur deine Schuld, dass wir zu spät gekommen sind
1)be through with a piece of work/with somebody — mit einer Arbeit fertig/mit jemandem fertig (ugs.) sein
2) (Teleph.)3. attributive adjectivebe through — durch sein (ugs.)
durchgehend [Zug]through coach or carriage — Kurswagen, der ( for nach)
through traffic — Durchgangsverkehr, der
‘no through road’ — "keine Durchfahrt[sstraße]"
through ticket — [alle Umsteigestationen umfassende] Fahrkarte
* * *adj.durch adj.durch... adj.hindurch adj.räumlich adj. -
20 through
Ɵru: 1. preposition1) (into from one direction and out of in the other: The water flows through a pipe.) gjennom2) (from side to side or end to end of: He walked (right) through the town.) gjennom3) (from the beginning to the end of: She read through the magazine.) fra ende til annen, gjennom4) (because of: He lost his job through his own stupidity.) gjennom, på grunn av5) (by way of: He got the job through a friend.) gjennom, ved6) ((American) from... to (inclusive): I work Monday through Friday.) til (og med)2. adverb(into and out of; from one side or end to the other; from beginning to end: He went straight/right through.) igjennom3. adjective1) ((of a bus or train) that goes all the way to one's destination, so that one doesn't have to change (buses or trains): There isn't a through train - you'll have to change.) gjennomgående2) (finished: Are you through yet?) ferdig•4. adverb(in every part: The house was furnished throughout.) helt, gjennom det hele- soaked
- wet through
- through and through
- through withgjennom--------igjennomIgjennomgående, direkte, gjennomgangs-, gjennomfarts-II1) (i)gjennom2) gjennom3) (helt) til slutt(en)all the way through hele veien, tvers igjennomall through hele tidenbe through være klar, være ferdigvære ferdigha fått nokvære ødelagtfå sparkenbe through on the phone ( telekommunikasjon) ha kommet gjennom på telefonenbe through to the finals gå til finalen, ha gått til finalenbe through with someone være ferdig med noen• I'm through with him!get a call through ( telekommunikasjon) komme gjennomget through on the phone ( telekommunikasjon) komme gjennom på telefonenget through to someone nå frem til noengo through to ( samferdsel) gå direkte tilput someone through ( telekommunikasjon) sette noen over, viderekoble noenthrough and through tvers igjennomigjennom gang på gang, om og om igjenIII1) gjennom, igjennom, over2) inn gjennom, ut gjennominnbruddstyven krøp inn\/ut gjennom vinduet3) ved, på grunn av, som følge av, av4) takket væredet er helt og holdent hans fortjeneste\/feil at jeg er her nå5) ( om tid) gjennom6) (amer.) til og medall through over hele, i løpet av helebe through a good deal være med på en del, oppleve\/gjennomgå myebe through something ( hverdagslig) ha kommet gjennom noe, ha avsluttet noe, være ferdig med noehan har klart den endelige eksamenen, han har beståttdrive through a red light kjøre mot rødt lyssit through sitte, blithrough and through tvers igjennom igjennom flere ganger, om og om igjen
См. также в других словарях:
through — [ θru ] function word *** Through can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): They were riding through a forest. as an adverb (without a following noun): There s a hole in the roof where the rain comes through. as an … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
through — [thro͞o] prep. [ME thurgh, thrugh < OE thurh, akin to Ger durch < IE base * ter , through, beyond > L trans, across, Sans tiráḥ, through] 1. in one side and out the other side of; from end to end of 2. a) in the midst of [flying through… … English World dictionary
Through — Through, prep. [OE. thurgh, [thorn]urh, [thorn]uruh, [thorn]oruh, AS. [thorn]urh; akin to OS. thurh, thuru, OFries. thruch, D. door, OHG. durh, duruh, G. durch, Goth. [thorn]a[ i]rh; cf. Ir. tri, tre, W. trwy. [root]53. Cf. {Nostril}, {Thorough} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Through — Through, a. Going or extending through; going, extending, or serving from the beginning to the end; thorough; complete; as, a through line; a through ticket; a through train. Also, admitting of passage through; as, a through bridge. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Through — Through, adv. 1. From one end or side to the other; as, to pierce a thing through. [1913 Webster] 2. From beginning to end; as, to read a letter through. [1913 Webster] 3. To the end; to a conclusion; to the ultimate purpose; as, to carry a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
through — There are two important uses which are still regarded as Americanisms but are beginning to make an impression on BrE: 1. As a preposition meaning ‘up to and including’, as in Monday through Friday. British speakers are aware of this use but still … Modern English usage
through — c.1300, metathesis of O.E. þurh, from W.Gmc. *thurkh (Cf. O.S. thuru, O.Fris. thruch, M.Du. dore, Du. door, O.H.G. thuruh, Ger. durch, Goth. þairh through ), from PIE root *tere through (Cf. Skt. tirah, Avestan … Etymology dictionary
through — [adj1] done buttoned up*, complete, completed, concluded, ended, finis*, finished, in the bag*, over, terminated, wound up*, wrapped up*; concepts 531,548 Ant. incomplete, unfinished through [adj2] direct constant, free, nonstop, one way, opened … New thesaurus
through — ► PREPOSITION & ADVERB 1) moving in one side and out of the other side of (an opening or location). 2) so as to make a hole or passage in. 3) (preposition ) expressing the position or location of something beyond (an opening or an obstacle). 4)… … English terms dictionary
through — through; through·ly; through·ith·er; … English syllables
through — I adjective completed, concluded, decided, done, done with, ended, finished, set at rest, settled, terminated II (By means of) adverb by means of, by the hand of, by way of, using, using the help of III (From beginning to end) adverb … Law dictionary