1 ♦ three
♦ three /ɵri:/a. e n.1 tre: three books, tre libri; the three of diamonds, il tre di quadri; (mat.) the rule of three, la regola del tre; three quarters (o fourths) tre quarti; Three is my lucky number, il tre è il mio numero fortunato; There are three of them, sono in tre; Three out of four restaurants fail within a year, tre ristoranti su quattro falliscono entro un anno; a three-month ban, una squalifica di tre mesi2 tre ( anni d'età): His son is three, suo figlio ha tre anni; a three-year-old, un bambino (o una bambina) di tre anni● three-act play, commedia in tre atti □ ( golf) three-ball match, partita a tre palle □ ( baseball) three-base hit, triplo (sost. m.) □ a three-bottle man, un gran bevitore □ the three C's, le tre C; automobile, televisore a colori e aria condizionata ( cioè: car, colour TV, air conditioning) □ the three-card trick, il gioco delle tre carte □ (archit.) three-centred arch, arco a tre centri □ ( arti grafiche) three-colour process, tricromia □ three-cornered contest (o fight), competizione a tre; scontro elettorale fra tre candidati □ three-cornered hat, tricorno □ (equit.) three-day event, completo; gara dei tre giorni ( dressage, campestre e ostacoli) □ (econ.) three-day week, settimana lavorativa di tre giorni □ ( USA) three-day weekend, fine settimana lungo; ponte (fig.) □ three-decker, (stor.) nave a tre ponti; (fam.) qualsiasi cosa a tre piani (o strati); romanzo in tre volumi; ( anche three-decker sandwich) doppio sandwich, tramezzino doppio □ (scient., tecn.) three-dimensional, tridimensionale □ three-figure number, numero di tre cifre □ (di gioco di carte) three-handed, che si gioca in tre □ (relig.) Three in One, la Santissima Trinità □ (autom.) a three-lane highway, una strada a tre corsie □ ( sport) the three leading drivers ( riders, runners), il terzetto di testa (di piloti, di ciclisti, di podisti) □ a three-legged race, una corsa a tre gambe ( a coppie di corridori, la gamba destra di uno dei quali è legata alla gamba sinistra dell'altro) □ a three-legged table, un tavolino a tre gambe □ (GB) three-line whip, (polit.) richiesta scritta a un parlamentare ( da parte dei leader di partito) di presenziare a una seduta e votare in un certo modo; (fig.) invito pressante NOTE DI CULTURA: La locuzione three-line whip allude alla triplice sottolineatura, sulla circolare preparata dal ► «whip» (def. 4) per i deputati del suo partito, delle sedute a cui è obbligatoria la presenza □ (psic., USA) three o'clock syndrome, sindrome delle tre del pomeriggio □ ( poker) three of a kind, tris □ ( USA, spec. sport) three-peat, terza vittoria consecutiva □ (elettr.) three-phase, trifase □ three-piece, a tre pezzi: three-piece suite, salotto a tre pezzi ( sofà e due poltrone uguali) □ (elettr.) three-pin plug, presa tripolare □ three-ply, a tre strati; a tre capi; a tre fili: three-ply wood, compensato a tre strati; three-ply wool, lana a tre capi □ ( basket) three-point basket (o three-pointer), canestro da tre punti; canestro pesante □ (aeron.) a three-point landing, un atterraggio su tre punti; un atterraggio perfetto □ three-point turn, (autom.) inversione di marcia fatta in tre manovre; (fig.) manovra difficile □ three-pronged, a tre rebbi; triforcuto; (fig.) triplice, su tre fronti, su tre direttrici □ ( rugby) three-quarter, trequarti □ a three-quarter bed, un letto a una piazza e mezzo □ ( moda) three-quarter ( length) coat, giacca trequarti □ a three-quarter portrait, un ritratto di tre quarti □ the three R's, le tre R; leggere, scrivere e far di conto ( cioè: ‘reading, writing and /a/rithmetic’) □ three-ring circus, circo con tre arene; (fig. USA) posto incasinato, pieno di confusione □ ( basket) three-second area, zona dei tre secondi □ three-sided, trilaterale □ (fam.) a three-sixty, un giro di trecentosessanta gradi; una piroetta □ (mecc.) three-speed gear, cambio a tre velocità □ a three-star hotel, un albergo a tre stelle □ (edil.) a three-storeyed building, un edificio a tre piani □ ( atletica) the 3,000-metre steeplechase, i tremila siepi □ three times three, (mat.) tre per tre; ( anche) tre salve di applausi di tre evviva ciascuna □ three-wheeler, veicolo a tre ruote; triciclo □ three-wheeler truck, motofurgone; motocarro □ three-year-old, a. di tre anni; che ha tre anni; n. bambino (o bambina) di tre anni; (ipp.) cavallo di tre anni. -
2 three
three [θri:]► three-dimensional adjective [object] à trois dimensions ; [picture] en relief ; [film] en trois dimensions• three-quarters full aux trois quarts plein ► the three Rs noun la lecture, l'écriture et l'arithmétique━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Les three Rs (les trois « R ») sont les trois composantes essentielles de l'enseignement. L'expression vient de l'orthographe fantaisiste « reading, riting and rithmetic » pour « reading, writing and arithmetic ».* * *[θriː] 1.noun trois m inv2.to play the best of three — Sport jouer la revanche et la belle
adjective trois inv -
3 three
three [θri:]1 noun(number, numeral) trois m inv;2 pronountroistrois; see also five►► Three Mile Island Three Mile Island (théâtre d'un accident dans une centrale nucléaire aux États-Unis en 1979)ⓘ Three pipe problem Dans certaines histoires de Sherlock Holmes, de Conan Doyle, le célèbre détective emploie l'expression a three pipe problem ("un problème à trois pipes") à propos de certaines énigmes particulièrement difficiles à résoudre, qui nécessitent une période de réflexion correspondant au temps qu'il faut pour fumer trois pipes afin d'élaborer une stratégie. On emploie cette expression par allusion à Sherlock Holmes à propos de tout problème ardu qui demande beaucoup de réflexion. -
4 three-D
5 three
three [θri:]1. num. card. три;а) три́жды три;б) девятикра́тное ура́2. n1) тро́йка;in threes по́ три
2) pl тре́тий но́мер, разме́р3) три очка́ -
6 three Rs
n pl▪ the \three Rs Lesen, Schreiben und Rechnenthe Prime Minister seems very keen to put the \three Rs back at the top of the list of primary education priorities der Premierminister scheint sehr darauf bedacht zu sein, den Grundlagen in der Bildung wieder größeres Gewicht zu verleihen -
7 three Rs
the \three Rs Lesen, Schreiben und Rechnen;the Prime Minister seems very keen to put the \three Rs back at the top of the list of primary education priorities der Premierminister scheint sehr darauf bedacht zu sein, den Grundlagen in der Bildung wieder größeres Gewicht zu verleihen -
8 three-D
9 three
B adj trois inv. -
10 three R's
ⓘ The Three R's Il s'agit des disciplines fondamentales dans lesquelles les élèves doivent avoir acquis un niveau minimal à la fin de l'école primaire: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic. Quand on entend ces mots, on a l'impression qu'ils commencent tous par un ‘r’. -
11 three-D
12 three rs
13 three R’s
three R’s[θri: 'a:z] n três erres: reading, (w)riting, (a)rithmetics (base do ensino: leitura, escrita e aritmética). -
14 three-D
three-D, 3-D2 〈 zelfstandig naamwoord〉driedimensionale vorm/weergave -
15 three R’s
• three R’s, the разг. основы начального образования: чтение [reading], письмо [’rating] и арифметика [’rithmetic]США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > three R’s
16 three
17 three-D
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > three-D
18 three
12 -
19 three
- three-chamber air reservoir - three-dimensional - three-eighth scale model - three-horn set - three-link equivalent of semi-elliptic spring - three o'clock wind - three-part alloy - three-phase - three-piece rim - three-piece wheel - three-ply fabric - three-point attachement - three-point linkage to a tractor - three power bus - three-quarter cabriolet - three-quarter coupé - three-quarter landau - three-range transmission - three-seater - three-speed gearbox - three-stage - three-step - three-stepped - three-toned - three-valve - three-way - three-way tipping gear - three-way tipping trailer - three-way valve - three-way van - three-wheeler -
20 three
1. n три; трое; группа из трёх предметов или человек2. n карт. тройкаBig Three — «Большая тройка»
3. n три года4. n три часаa stretch of three months — три месяца, трёхмесячный срок
to give three toots — дать три гудка, прогудеть три раза
5. n трёхпроцентные бумаги6. n вино на три пенса7. num число триthree twos are six — трижды два — шесть
three and three make six — три плюс три — шесть
three times — умноженный на три; в три раза больше
8. num три, третийСинонимический ряд:set of three (noun) set of three; threesome; triad; trine; Trinity; trio; triple; triplets; troika
См. также в других словарях:
Three — (thr[=e]), a. [OE. [thorn]re, [thorn]reo, [thorn]ri, AS. [thorn]r[=i], masc., [thorn]re[ o], fem. and neut.; akin to OFries. thre, OS. thria, threa, D. drie, G. drei, OHG. dr[=i], Icel. [thorn]r[=i]r, Dan. & Sw. tre, Goth. [thorn]reis, Lith. trys … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
three — /three/, n. 1. a cardinal number, 2 plus 1. 2. a symbol for this number, as 3 or III. 3. a set of this many persons or things. 4. a playing card, die face, or half of a domino face with three pips. adj. 5. amounting to three in number. 6. three… … Universalium
Three — Three, n. 1. The number greater by a unit than two; three units or objects. [1913 Webster] 2. A symbol representing three units, as 3 or iii. [1913 Webster] {Rule of three}. (Arith.) See under {Rule}, n. [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Three Rs — (pronounced three ars ), can refer to: * Animal testing, an abbreviation for, reduce, replace, refine * The three Rs, a widely used abbreviation for the basic elements of a primary school curriculum: reading, ’riting (writing), and ’rithmetic… … Wikipedia
Three — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Adult oriented Rock Gründung März 1987 Auflösung Ende 1988 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Three (EP) — Infobox Album Name = Three Type = ep Artist = U2 Border = yes Released = September 1979 Recorded = Windmill Lane Studios, Dublin, Ireland, 1979 Genre = Rock, post punk Length = 9:58 Label = CBS Producer = U2, Chas de Whalley Reviews = *Allmusic… … Wikipedia
Three — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Three », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) En anglais, three désigne le chiffre 3. Sommaire … Wikipédia en Français
Three Bs — The Three B s is an English language phrase derived from a similar phrase, in German, coined by Hans von Bülow. The phrase is generally used in discussions of classical music, and refers to the supposed primacy of Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig… … Wikipedia
Three — Este artículo es sobre el álbum de U2. Vease también Three (2002), película de terror asiático del 2002 dirigida por 3 directores o Three, película de 2010. Three EP de U2 Publicación Septiembre de 1979 Grabación Eamon Andrews Studios… … Wikipedia Español
three — noun Etymology: Middle English, from three, adjective, from Old English thrīe (masculine), thrēo (feminine & neuter); akin to Old High German drī three, Latin tres, Greek treis Date: before 12th century 1. see number table 2. the third in a set… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Three Fs — The Three Fs were a series of demands first issued by the Tenant Right League in their campaign for land reform in Ireland from the 1850s. They were* Fair rent * Free sale * Fixity of tenureMany historians argue that their absence contributed… … Wikipedia