1 ♦ straight
♦ straight /streɪt/A a.1 diritto; dritto; ritto; eretto; retto; corretto; giusto; onesto; perbene: a straight road, una strada diritta; straight legs, gambe diritte; a straight back, una schiena dritta, eretta; (geom.) straight line, linea retta; a straight player, un giocatore corretto; a straight man, un uomo retto; Is my tie straight?, ho la cravatta dritta?; straight thinking, modo di pensare retto, giusto; straight dealings, affari onesti3 franco; diretto; leale; schietto; perbene; bravo: straight speaking, parlar franco e leale; He is well-known for his straight manner, è noto a tutti per il suo leale modo di fare; a straight answer, una risposta franca, schietta; to be straight with sb., comportarsi lealmente con q.; ( anche) essere franco con q.; DIALOGO → - Business trip 1- I just wish they'd been straight with us in the first place, avrei preferito che fossero stati franchi con noi da subito4 assettato; ordinato; in ordine; a posto; in sesto: The accounts are straight, i conti sono in ordine; Get your bedroom straight, metti in ordine la tua camera!5 (fam.) di fonte sicura; sicuro; attendibile; giusto; vero: a straight tip, un'informazione attendibile; un suggerimento sicuro ( circa un cavallo vincente, un investimento, ecc.)8 ( del viso) serio: to keep a straight face, fare la faccia seria; rimanere serio, impassibile; riuscire a trattenere il riso12 (fam.) che non devia dalla norma; «sano» ( eterosessuale, o che non si droga); (spreg.) convenzionale14 ( cricket) ( del braccio) teso: straight-arm bowling, lanci a braccio teso ( la posizione normale)16 (equit., ecc.) a piombo; verticale: a straight obstacle (o a straight jump) un ostacolo verticale18 (fig.) consecutivo; in fila: After five straight wins they finally lost to us, dopo cinque vittorie consecutive, alla fine con noi perseroB n.1 l'esser dritto; l'essere a piombo2 rettifilo; rettilineo; ( sport) dirittura (d'arrivo): They were even as they reached the straight, in dirittura d'arrivo si sono ritrovati appaiati5 (fam.) chi non devia dalla norma; eterosessuale; persona «sana» ( che non si droga, ecc.); (spreg.) tipo convenzionaleC avv.1 diritto; in linea retta; direttamente; dritto: to go straight on, andar sempre diritto; tirar diritto; This hat comes straight from Paris, questo cappellino viene direttamente da Parigi; ( calcio) A goal cannot be scored straight from a throw-in, non si può fare gol direttamente su rimessa laterale4 correttamente; lealmente5 schiettamente; francamente; esplicitamente; chiaro e tondo: I told him straight ( out), glielo dissi chiaro e tondo● (fam.) the straight and narrow, la retta via; la vita onesta: to keep to (o on) the straight and narrow, vivere rettamente; seguire la retta via □ (geom.) a straight angle, un angolo piatto □ (archit.) straight arch, piattabanda □ ( sport) straight-arm, (agg.) a braccio teso; (sost.) ( football americano, rugby) respinta ( di un avversario) a braccio teso □ ( rugby) straight-arm tackle, placcaggio a braccio teso □ (fam. USA) straight arrow, persona onesta, perbene; ( anche) persona che si attiene alle convenzioni □ as straight as a die, diritto come un fuso; (fig.) fidatissimo, onestissimo □ straight away, subito; senz'indugio; difilato; lì per lì; su due piedi: DIALOGO → - Complaining about the food- I'll change it straight away, lo cambio subito; I cannot tell you straight away, non posso dirtelo su due piedi □ ( boxe) a straight blow, un colpo che va dritto al segno; un diretto □ (fin.) straight bond, obbligazione ordinaria □ a straight choice, una scelta obbligata □ ( poker, USA) straight color, scala reale (cfr. ingl. straight flush, sotto flush /4/) □ straight-cut, tagliato per il lungo; ( del tabacco) trinciato; (fig.) onesto, fidato, serio □ straight-cut tobacco, trinciato (sost.) □ (mecc.) straight-eight ( engine), (motore a) otto cilindri in linea □ (fig.) straight-faced, impassibile; serio; solenne □ a straight fight, una lotta accanita; (polit.) una competizione diretta ( fra due candidati) □ ( poker) straight flush, scala reale □ straight from, (direttamente) da: He came home straight from the office, è venuto a casa direttamente dall'ufficio; to learn st. straight from the horse's mouth, apprendere qc. direttamente dalla fonte; to drink straight from the bottle, bere dalla bottiglia; bere a collo □ ( sport) straight from the shoulder, ( di un lancio, ecc.) (effettuato) dalla spalla; ( boxe: di un pugno) portato con la spalla; (fig. fam.) senza circonlocuzioni, chiaro e tondo: I'll give it to you straight from the shoulder, te lo dirò chiaro e tondo □ ( slang USA) straight goods (o straight dope), la verità: I want the straight goods, voglio sapere la verità □ straight hair, capelli lisci □ straight-jacket ► straitjacket □ (aeron.) straight jet, aereo a reazione senz'elica □ straight-laced = strait-laced ► strait (1) □ (ass.) straight life annuity, vitalizio; assegno vitalizio □ (ass.) straight life insurance, assicurazione vita intera □ straight-line, (geom.) in linea retta, rettilineo; (rag.) a quote costanti: straight-line depreciation, ammortamento a quote costanti □ straight-line rate, tariffa fissa ( dell'elettricità, ecc.) □ straight-lined, rettilineo □ (teatr.) straight man, spalla □ straight off, sùbito; immediatamente; su due piedi; lì per lì □ straight out, in modo chiaro (o esplicito); chiaro e tondo (fam.) □ (fin.) straight paper, titolo di credito firmato (o girato) da una persona sola □ ( sci) straight plough, discesa a spazzaneve □ straight poker, poker con una sola distribuzione di carte ( ora in disuso, salvo fra professionisti e con poste elevate) □ (equit.) straight post and rail, dritto; barriera □ ( sport) a straight race, una corsa «tirata» □ (chim.) straight run, distillato primario (o vergine) □ ( nelle corse) straight stretch, dirittura; rettilineo; rettifilo □ (polit., USA) straight ticket, lista completa di candidati di un partito □ straight through, da cima a fondo: to read a novel straight through, leggere un romanzo da cima a fondo (o tutto d'un fiato) □ ( scherma) straight thrust, stoccata diritta □ straight time, orario lavorativo normale ( esclusi gli straordinari, ecc.) □ (fam. USA) (agg.) straight-up, onesto, retto, perbene; ( di whisky, ecc.) liscio; ( di uovo) (cotto) all'occhio di bue: I like my eggs straight-up, le uova mi piacciono all'occhio di bue; (avv., ingl.) sul serio, davvero, proprio così □ to come straight to the point, venir subito al punto, al dunque; entrare subito in argomento □ (fam.) to get straight, rimettere (rimettersi) in sesto; raddrizzare ( un'azienda, ecc.); raddrizzarsi □ (fam.) to get st. straight, capire bene qc. □ to go straight, andare (sempre) diritto; (fig. fam.) comportarsi onestamente, rigare diritto □ to have a straight eye, avere «occhio»; saper distinguere una deviazione dalla linea retta □ to hit straight from the shoulder, ( boxe) portare i colpi dalla spalla; colpire di diritto □ (mecc., edil.) out of the straight, storto; fuori squadra □ (fam.) to play it straight, mettere giudizio; rigare dritto □ to put sb. straight, chiarire le idee a q.; dire a q. come stanno le cose □ to put st. straight, raddrizzare qc. □ to put one's hair straight, rassettarsi, rimettersi a posto i capelli □ to put the record straight, dire (o per dire) le cose come stanno; (per) mettere tutto in chiaro □ to put things straight, metter le cose a posto; sistemare le cose □ to ride straight, cavalcare in linea retta ( saltando siepi, steccati, ecc.) □ to set sb. straight about it, chiarire la cosa a q.; accertarsi che q. abbia capito bene □ to set the record straight = to put the record straight ► sopra □ to shoot straight, sparar diritto; sparare bene; avere la mira buona □ (polit., USA) to vote the straight ticket, votare l'intera lista dei candidati, senza fare aggiunte o modifiche □ Keep straight on!, andate sempre dritto!FALSI AMICI: straight non significa stretto. NOTA D'USO: - straight o strait?- -
2 straight
straight [streɪt]1. adjectivec. ( = unambiguous) clair• have you got that straight? est-ce bien clair ?d. ( = tidy) to put sth straight mettre de l'ordre dans qche. ( = simple) it was a straight choice between A and B il n'y avait que deux solutions, A ou Bf. ( = consecutive) [victories, defeats, games, months] consécutif• if I give you £5, then we'll be straight si je te donne 5 livres, nous serons quittesi. ( = unsmiling) to keep a straight face garder son sérieuxj. [person] (inf) ( = conventional) conventionnel ; ( = heterosexual) hétéro (inf) ; ( = not criminal) honnête• I've been straight for three years ( = not on drugs) ça fait trois ans que je n'ai pas pris de drogue2. nouna. the straight [of racecourse, athletics track] la ligne droite3. adverba. ( = in a straight line) [walk, stand, grow] droit ; [shoot] juste• to look sb straight in the face/the eye regarder qn bien en face/droit dans les yeux• to go straight towards sb/sth se diriger droit vers qn/qchb. ( = level) to hang straight [picture] être bien droitc. ( = directly) straight after this tout de suite après• to come straight back ( = without detour) revenir directement ; ( = immediately) revenir tout de suite• he went straight to London ( = without detour) il est allé directement à Londres ; ( = immediately) il s'est immédiatement rendu à Londrese. ( = neat) to drink one's whisky straight boire son whisky secf. ( = clearly) he couldn't think straight il n'avait plus les idées clairesh. ( = consecutively) for five days straight pendant cinq jours d'affilée► straight off ( = immediately) tout de suite ; ( = without hesitation) sans hésiter ; ( = without beating about the bush) sans ambages4. compounds* * *[streɪt] 1.noun Sport ligne f droite2.back straight — côté m opposé de la piste
1) ( not bent or curved) gen droit; [hair] raidedead straight — gen tout droit
2) (level, upright) gen bien droit; [bedclothes, tablecloth] bien misthe picture/your tie isn't straight — le tableau/ta cravate est de travers
3) (tidy, in order) en ordreto get ou put something straight — lit, fig mettre quelque chose en ordre
4) ( clear)to put ou set the record straight — établir la vérité
5) (honest, direct) [person] honnête, droit; [answer] clair6) ( unconditional) [majority, profit] net/nette; [choice] simplea straight fight — GB Politics une élection à deux candidats
7) ( undiluted) [drink] sec, sans eau8) ( consecutive) [wins, defeats] consécutif/-iveshe got straight ‘A’s — School elle a eu très bien partout
in straight sets — Sport en deux (or trois) sets
9) Theatre [actor, role] sérieux/-ieuse10) (colloq) ( heterosexual) hétéro (colloq) inv3.1) ( not obliquely) gen droit; [shoot] justeto go/keep straight ahead — aller/continuer tout droit
2) ( without delay) directementstraight away —
she told him straight out that — elle lui a dit carrément or sans ambages que
it seemed like something straight out of the Middle Ages — cela semblait sortir tout droit du Moyen Âge
3) ( frankly) tout netgive it to me straight — (colloq) dis-moi la vérité
to play straight with somebody — fig jouer franc-jeu avec quelqu'un
4) Theatre [act, produce] de manière classique5) ( neat) [drink] sec or sans eau••to go straight — (colloq) [criminal] se ranger
straight up? — (colloq) GB sans blague? (colloq)
3 straight
A n1 Sport ligne f droite ; back straight côté m opposé de la piste ; home straight dernière ligne droite ; into the straight dans la ligne droite ;2 Games suite f ;3 ○ ( heterosexual) hétéro ○ mf.B adj1 ( not bent or curved) [line, cut, edge, road, stretch] droit ; [chair] à dossier droit ; [hair] raide ; dead straight gen tout droit ; [hair] très raide ; in a straight line en ligne droite ;2 (level, upright) [fixture, post, shelf, hem, edge, wall] bien droit ; [garment, bedclothes, rug, tablecloth] bien mis ; is the picture straight now? est-ce que le tableau est droit maintenant? ; the picture/your tie isn't straight le tableau/ta cravate est de travers ; to put ou set sth straight mettre qch (bien) droit [furniture, picture, mirror] ; ajuster [tie, hat] ; to have a straight back avoir le dos droit ; a straight(-sided) glass un verre droit ;3 (tidy, in order) en ordre ; to get ou put sth straight lit, fig mettre qch en ordre ; I must get the house straight before Sunday il faut que je mette la maison en ordre avant dimanche ; the lawyer will put things straight l'avocat va mettre les choses en ordre ;4 ( clear) to get sth straight comprendre qch ; have you got that straight? c'est compris? ; let's get this straight, you're paying half entendons-nous bien, tu paies la moitié ; now let's get one thing straight que ce soit bien clair ; to put ou set sb straight about sth éclairer qn sur qch ; to set matters straight mettre les choses en clair ; to put ou set the record straight établir la vérité ;5 (honest, direct) [person] honnête, loyal ; [answer, question] clair ; [advice, tip] sûr ; to be straight with sb jouer franc jeu avec qn ; I want a straight answer to a straight question je veux une réponse claire à une question claire ; it's time for straight talking il est temps de parler franchement ;6 ( unconditional) [contradiction, majority, profit] net/nette ; [choice] simple ; [denial, refusal, rejection] catégorique ; to do a straight swap faire simplement l'échange ; a straight fight GB Pol une élection à deux candidats ; that's straight dishonesty c'est de la malhonnêteté pure et simple ;7 ( undiluted) [spirits, drink] sec, sans eau ;8 ( consecutive) [wins, defeats] consécutif/-ive ; she got straight ‘A’s Sch elle a eu A partout ; to win/lose in straight sets Sport gagner/perdre en plusieurs sets consécutifs ; to vote a straight ticket US Pol voter pour la liste d'un parti ;9 Theat [actor, play, role] classique ;11 ○ [person] ( conventional) conventionnel/-elle ; ( not on drugs) qui ne se drogue pas ; ( heterosexual) hétéro ○ inv.C adv1 ( not obliquely or crookedly) [walk, stand up, grow, fly, steer, hang, cut, throw, hit] droit ; [shoot] juste ; stand up straight! tenez-vous droit! ; sit up straight! asseyez-vous convenablement! ; she held her arm out straight elle a tendu son bras tout droit ; she was stretched straight out on the floor elle était étendue toute raide sur le sol ; to go straight ahead aller tout droit ; to look straight ahead regarder droit devant soi ; to look sb straight in the eye ou face regarder qn droit dans les yeux ; can you see straight? est-ce-que tu vois bien? ; he headed straight for the bar il s'est dirigé droit vers le bar ; he went straight for me il s'est jeté sur moi ; he walked straight across the road il a traversé la route tout droit ; the car was coming straight at ou towards me la voiture se dirigeait droit sur moi ; she was looking straight at me elle regardait droit dans ma direction ; straight above our heads juste au-dessus de nos têtes ; straight down into the ground droit dans le sol ; straight up in the air droit en l'air ; the bullet went straight through his body la balle lui a traversé le corps de part en part ; we went straight through the book nous avons lu le livre de bout en bout ; he fired straight into ou through the crowd il a tiré en plein dans la foule ; they drove straight through the red light ils ont brûlé le feu rouge ; they drove straight past me ils sont passés droit devant moi ; she drove straight into a tree elle est rentrée droit dans un arbre ; keep straight on, it's on the left continuez tout droit, c'est sur la gauche ; his poems speak straight to our hearts ses poèmes nous vont droit au cœur ;2 ( without delay) directement ; to go straight home rentrer directement à la maison ; to go straight to bed aller directement au lit ; she went straight back to Paris elle est rentrée directement à Paris ; shall we go straight there? nous y allons directement? ; she wrote straight back elle a répondu immédiatement ; to come straight to the point aller droit au fait ; he went straight to the heart of the matter il est rentré directement dans le vif du sujet ; straight after tout de suite après ; I went out straight after phoning you je suis sorti tout de suite après t'avoir téléphoné ; straight away, straight off tout de suite ; I saw straight away ou off that it was impossible j'ai vu tout de suite que c'était impossible ; he sat down and read/played it straight off il s'est assis et l'a lu/joué d'une seule traite ; I can tell you the dates/prices straight off je peux vous donner les dates/prix de mémoire ; she told him straight out that… elle lui a dit carrément or sans ambages que… ; it seemed like something straight out of a horror film/the Middle Ages cela semblait sortir tout droit d'un film d'horreur/du Moyen Âge ;3 ( frankly) tout net ; I'll tell you straight, I'll give it to you straight ○ je vous le dirai tout net ; give it to me straight ○ dis-moi la vérité ; straight out carrément ; I told him straight out that he was wrong je lui ai dit carrément qu'il se trompait ; to play straight with sb fig jouer franc jeu avec qn ;to keep a straight face garder son sérieux ; to keep to the straight and narrow suivre le droit chemin ; to stray from the straight and narrow s'écarter du droit chemin ; to go straight ○ [criminal] se ranger ; straight up ○ ? GB sans blague ○ ? -
4 straight
straight [streɪt]ligne droite ⇒ 1 (a) droit ⇒ 2 (a)-(c), 2 (g), 3 (a)-(c) raide ⇒ 2 (a) honnête ⇒ 2 (c) franc ⇒ 2 (c) clair ⇒ 2 (d) en ordre ⇒ 2 (e) quitte ⇒ 2 (f) pur ⇒ 2 (h) consécutif ⇒ 2 (i) directement ⇒ 3 (c), 3 (d) franchement ⇒ 3 (e)1 noun(a) (on racetrack, railway track) ligne f droite;∎ the final or home straight la dernière ligne droite;∎ figurative we're on the home straight now nous sommes dans la dernière ligne droite;∎ to keep to the straight and narrow rester dans le droit chemin∎ to be out of straight être de biais ou de travers;∎ to cut a material on the straight couper une étoffe de droit fil(c) (in poker) quinte f∎ don't be such a straight! sois pas si sérieux!∎ Mathematics a straight line une (ligne) droite;∎ in a straight line en ligne droite;∎ to have a straight back avoir le dos bien droit, se tenir bien droit;∎ keep your back straight tiens-toi droit, redresse-toi;∎ figurative to play with or to keep a straight bat se conduire honorablement(b) (level, upright) droit;∎ the picture isn't straight le tableau n'est pas droit ou est de travers;∎ is my tie straight? est-ce que ma cravate est droite?;∎ hold or keep the tray straight tenez le plateau bien droit∎ straight as a die d'une droiture ou honnêteté absolue;∎ he's always been straight in his dealings with me il a toujours été honnête avec moi;∎ to be straight with sb être franc avec qn;∎ are you being straight with me? est-ce que tu joues franc jeu avec moi?;∎ to play a straight game jouer franc jeu;∎ to give sb a straight answer répondre franchement à qn;∎ to have a straight talk about sth parler franchement de qch;∎ to do some straight talking parler franchement;∎ at the meeting he did some straight talking il n'a pas mâché ses mots à la réunion;∎ it's time we did some straight talking il faut qu'on parle, tous les deux;∎ he's a straight arrow (person of integrity) on peut compter sur lui□ ; (too conventional) il est un peu coincé(d) (correct, clear) clair;∎ to put or to set the record straight mettre les choses au clair;∎ just to set the record straight pour que ce soit bien clair;∎ I'd like to get things straight before I leave je voudrais mettre les choses au clair avant de partir;∎ let's get this straight entendons-nous bien là-dessus;∎ let's get this straight, he left at two o'clock? mettons les choses au clair, il est parti à deux heures?;∎ have you put her straight? as-tu mis les choses au point avec elle?;∎ you ought to put her straight about what he's (really) like tu devrais lui dire comment il est vraiment;∎ now just you get this straight! mets-toi bien ceci dans la tête!, qu'on se mette bien d'accord sur ce point!(e) (tidy, in order → room, desk, accounts) en ordre;∎ to put or to set straight (room, house) mettre en ordre, mettre de l'ordre dans; (affairs, accounts) mettre de l'ordre dans;∎ put your desk straight rangez votre bureau;∎ put your things straight on the desk mettez un peu d'ordre sur le bureau∎ here's the £5 I owe you, now we're straight voilà les 5 livres que je te dois, maintenant nous sommes quittes;∎ I need five hundred pounds to get myself straight il me faut cinq cents livres pour me remettre d'aplomb ou me refaire∎ Boxing he hit him a straight left/right il lui a porté un direct du gauche/du droit;∎ American to vote a straight ticket voter pour une liste sans panachage(h) (pure, utter) pur;∎ it's just straight prejudice ce sont des préjugés, tout simplement;∎ it's just straight propaganda c'est de la propagande pure et simple(i) (consecutive) consécutif, de suite;∎ to have three straight wins gagner trois fois de suite ou d'affilée;∎ Sport to win in three straight sets (in tennis) gagner en trois sets;∎ he won in straight sets (best of three sets) il a gagné en deux sets; (best of five sets) il a gagné en trois sets;∎ we worked for three straight days nous avons travaillé trois jours d'affilée;∎ he got straight As all term il n'a eu que de très bonnes notes tout le semestre;∎ a straight A student un étudiant brillant;∎ a straight flush (in poker) une quinte flush(j) (neat → whisky, vodka) sec (sèche)∎ to keep a straight face garder son sérieux;∎ it's the first straight role she's played in years c'est son premier rôle sérieux depuis des années∎ a straight eight engine un moteur huit cylindres en ligne∎ this is the straight story of what happened voici comment ça s'est vraiment passé3 adverb(a) (in a straight line) droit, en ligne droite;∎ try and walk straight! essaie de marcher droit!;∎ the rocket shot straight up la fusée est montée à la verticale ou en ligne droite;∎ to shoot straight viser juste;∎ familiar to go straight (criminal) se ranger des voitures(b) (upright → walk, sit, stand) (bien) droit;∎ sit up straight! tiens-toi droit ou redresse-toi (sur ta chaise)!(c) (directly) (tout) droit, directement;∎ he looked me straight in the face/in the eye il me regarda bien en face/droit dans les yeux;∎ to drink straight from the bottle boire à (même) la bouteille;∎ it's straight across the road c'est juste en face;∎ the car came straight at me la voiture a foncé droit sur moi;∎ the ball went straight through the window la balle est passée par la fenêtre;∎ the knife went straight through my arm le couteau m'a transpercé le bras;∎ we drove straight through Nantes nous avons traversé Nantes sans nous arrêter;∎ to read a book straight through (from beginning to end) lire un livre d'un bout à l'autre; (without stopping) lire un livre d'une traite;∎ he looked straight through me il m'a regardé sans me voir;∎ it went straight to his heart cela lui est allé droit au cœur;∎ straight ahead tout droit;∎ where's the crossroads? - it's straight ahead où se trouve le carrefour? - c'est tout droit devant vous;∎ he looked straight ahead il regarda droit devant lui;∎ straight on tout droit;∎ go straight on till you come to a roundabout continuez tout droit jusqu'à ce que vous arriviez à un rond-point;∎ at the roundabout go straight over au rond-point allez tout droit;∎ familiar to let sb have it straight dire son fait à qn□ ;∎ to come straight out with sth dire qch tout net;∎ she gave it me straight from the shoulder elle me l'a dit sans ambages ou sans prendre de gants(d) (without delay) directement;∎ come straight home after the concert! rentre à la maison tout de suite après le concert!;∎ go straight to bed! va tout de suite te coucher!;∎ I'll be straight back je reviens directement;∎ they mostly go straight from school to university pour la plupart, ils passent directement du lycée à l'université;∎ to come straight to the point aller droit au fait;∎ to get straight on with one's work se mettre directement au travail;∎ straight away immédiatement, aussitôt, tout de suite;∎ familiar straight off tout de suite□(e) (frankly, honestly) franchement, carrément;∎ I told him straight (out) what I thought of him je lui ai dit franchement ce que je pensais de lui;∎ to play straight jouer franc jeu;∎ familiar I'm giving it to you straight je vous le dis tout net□ ;∎ straight up! sans blague!, je t'assure!∎ I can't see straight je ne vois pas bien;∎ I can't think straight je n'ai pas les idées claires(g) (neat, unmixed)∎ to drink whisky straight boire son whisky sec►► Theatre straight actor acteur(trice) m,f sérieux-(euse);straight four (in rowing) quatre m de pointe sans barreur;Theatre straight man (of comedian) faire-valoir m inv;Theatre straight part rôle m sérieux;American straight razor rasoir m à main;straight theatre le théâtre traditionnel; -
5 straight
6 straight
straight [streɪt]1. a1) прямо́й, неизо́гнутый2) пра́вильный; ро́вный; находя́щийся в поря́дке;straight eye ве́рный глаз, хоро́ший глазоме́р
;put the picture straight попра́вьте карти́ну
;to put a room straight привести́ ко́мнату в поря́док
;is my hat on straight? у меня́ шля́па пра́вильно наде́та?
;to put things straight привести́ дела́ в поря́док
3) че́стный, прямо́й, и́скренний;a straight question прямо́й вопро́с
;straight talk открове́нный разгово́р
;а) че́стный бой;б) полит. (предвы́борная) борьба́, в кото́рой уча́ствуют то́лько два кандида́та;straight speaking и́скренность; прямота́
;to keep straight остава́ться че́стным
4) театр. относя́щийся к пье́сам при́знанного досто́инства5) неразба́вленный;straight whisky неразба́вленное ви́ски
6) разг. класси́ческий ( о музыке)7) разг. гетеросексуа́льный8) прямо́й, невью́щийся ( о волосах)9) прямо́й ( о покрое одежды)10) надёжный, ве́рный;straight tip све́дения из достове́рных исто́чников
11) амер. полит. неукло́нно подде́рживающий реше́ния свое́й па́ртии; пре́данный свое́й па́ртии;to vote the straight ticket голосова́ть за спи́сок кандида́тов свое́й па́ртии
cigars ten cents straight сига́ры сто́имостью де́сять це́нтов за шту́ку
2. adv1) пря́мо, по прямо́й ли́нии;to ride straight е́хать напрями́к
;to hit straight нанести́ прямо́й уда́р
2) пра́вильно, то́чно, ме́тко;to shoot straight ме́тко стреля́ть
3) пря́мо, че́стно, откры́то;tell me straight what you think скажи́те мне пря́мо, что вы ду́маете
4) уст. неме́дленно, сра́зуstraight away сра́зу, то́тчас;straight off разг. сра́зу, не обду́мав;straight out напрями́к, пря́мо◊to go straight (нача́ть) вести́ че́стный о́браз жи́зни
3. n (the straight) тк. sing1) прямизна́2) пряма́я ли́ния3) пять карт, подо́бранных подря́д по досто́инству, «стрит» ( в покере)4) разг. норма́льный челове́к (не гомосексуалист, не наркоман)5) пряма́я ( перед финишем на скачках) -
7 straight up
you're an attractive woman, \straight up! Sie sind eine attraktive Frau, ganz ehrlich!you're not telling me he's sixty! — \straight up! du willst mir doch nicht erzählen, dass er schon sechzig ist! — doch, wirklich! -
8 straight up
you're an attractive woman, \straight up! Sie sind eine attraktive Frau, ganz ehrlich!;you're not telling me he's sixty! - \straight up! du willst mir doch nicht erzählen, dass er schon sechzig ist! - doch, wirklich! -
9 straight A
straight A[´streit´ei] adj първокласен, отличен; a \straight A student блестящ студент. -
10 straight
straight I gerade, scheitrecht, geradlinig, waagerecht; geradläufig; durchgehend; direkt; ungemischt; unverschnitten straight II VERK, VERM Gerade f, Zwischengerade f (Trasse)English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > straight
11 straight A '
straight A 'круглое отлично' -
12 straight on
13 straight on
14 straight up
en serio -
15 straight up?
straight up?de verdade? -
16 straight!
straight!coll de fato! -
17 straight on
straight on -
18 straight up
19 straight
20 straight
straight v (gerade) richten, ausrichten; begradigenEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > straight
См. также в других словарях:
straight — [strāt] adj. [ME streght, pp. of strecchen, to STRETCH] 1. having the same direction throughout its length; having no curvature or angularity [a straight line] 2. not crooked, bent, bowed, wavy, curly, etc. [straight hair] 3. upright; erect… … English World dictionary
Straight — Straight, a. [Compar. {Straighter}; superl. {Straightest}.] [OE. strei?t, properly p. p. of strecchen to stretch, AS. streht, p. p. of streccan to stretch, to extend. See {Stretch}.] 1. Right, in a mathematical sense; passing from one point to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
straight — ► ADJECTIVE 1) extending uniformly in one direction only; without a curve or bend. 2) properly positioned so as to be level, upright, or symmetrical. 3) in proper order or condition. 4) honest and direct. 5) (of thinking) clear and logical. 6) in … English terms dictionary
Straight — is a term which may commonly refer to:* The quality or state of extending in one direction without turns, bends or curves; or being without influence or interruption * The personal character of displaying honesty or fairness * A poker hand… … Wikipedia
Straight 8 — is an independent filmmaking event founded in 1999 and based in the United Kingdom. The name is derived from the medium and editing style used to create the short films. Participants use Super 8 mm film (commonly referred to as Super 8), shooting … Wikipedia
Straight Up — ist ein Pop/R B Lied und ein Nummer eins Hit aus dem Jahre 1989 von der US amerikanischen Pop und R B Sängerin und Tänzerin Paula Abdul. Die Single erreichte 1989 Platz 1 der Billboard Hot 100 und brachte Abdul damit den kommerziellen Durchbruch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Straight — (engl. ‚gerade‘, ‚geradeaus‘, ‚direkt‘, ‚geradlinig‘) bezeichnet: Straight (Album), Musikalbum von Tobias Regner Straight (Film), deutscher Spielfilm von Nicolas Flessa aus dem Jahr 2007 Straight acting, englischer Ausdruck für heterosexuell… … Deutsch Wikipedia
straight — straight; straight·en; straight·en·er; straight·ish; straight·ly; straight·ness; straight·for·ward·ly; straight·for·ward·ness; … English syllables
Straight — Straight, adv. In a straight manner; directly; rightly; forthwith; immediately; as, the arrow went straight to the mark. Floating straight. Shak. [1913 Webster] I know thy generous temper well; Fling but the appearance of dishonor on it, It… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
straight — 〈[strɛıt] Adj.; undekl.; umg.〉 1. konsequent 2. 〈abwertend〉 lässig 3. 〈Sexualität〉 heterosexuell; Ggs gay 4. 〈Drogenszene〉 in Ordnung, sauber (von Rauschgift) [engl., „gerade, aufrecht, direkt“] * * * straight [streɪt ] <Adj.> [engl., eigtl … Universal-Lexikon
straight — [adj1] aligned; not curved beeline*, collinear, consecutive, continuous, direct, erect, even, horizontal, in a line, in a row, inflexible, in line, invariable, level, like an arrow*, lineal, linear, near, nonstop, perpendicular, plumb,… … New thesaurus