1 end
1. noun1) (the last or farthest part of the length of something: the house at the end of the road; both ends of the room; Put the tables end to end (= with the end of one touching the end of another); (also adjective) We live in the end house.) final, extremo, cabo2) (the finish or conclusion: the end of the week; The talks have come to an end; The affair is at an end; He is at the end of his strength; They fought bravely to the end; If she wins the prize we'll never hear the end of it (= she will often talk about it).) fin, final, conclusión3) (death: The soldiers met their end bravely.) muerte4) (an aim: What end have you in view?) objetivo, finalidad5) (a small piece left over: cigarette ends.) resto
2. verb(to bring or come to an end: The scheme ended in disaster; How does the play end?; How should I end (off) this letter?) terminar- ending- endless
- at a loose end
- end up
- in the end
- make both ends meet
- make ends meet
- no end of
- no end
- on end
- put an end to
- the end
end1 n final / finturn right at the end of this street al final de esta calle, gira a la derechaend2 vb terminar / acabarhow does the film end? ¿cómo acaba la película?tr[end]1 (extremity - of rope) cabo; (- of street, room, queue) final nombre masculino; (- of table, sofa, bed, line) extremo; (- of stick, tail, hair) punta; (- of box) lado■ have you got enough money to last until the end of the month? ¿tienes suficiente dinero para llegar hasta final del mes?■ what did you think of the end of the film? ¿qué te pareció el final de la película?3 (aim) objeto, objetivo, fin nombre masculino4 (remnant) resto, cabo; (of cigarette) colilla5 euphemistic use muerte nombre femenino6 (on telephone) lado (de la línea)7 (half of sports pitch) lado1 final, último,-a1 (conclude) acabar, terminar2 (stop) terminar, poner fin a, acabar con1 acabar, terminar■ when does term end? ¿cuándo acaba el trimestre?\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALL(not) to be the end of the world (no) ser el fin del mundoat the end of al final deat the end of one's tether hasta la coronillaat the end of the day al fin y al cabo, al finalend on de frenteend to end juntando los dos extremosin the end al finno end muchísimono end of la mar de, la tira de, cantidad detill the end of time para siempre másto be an end in itself ser un fin en sí mismoto be at a loose end no tener nada que hacerto be at an end estar acabado,-ato be the end ser el colmoto come/draw to an end acabarseto end it all suicidarseto go to the ends of the earth ir hasta el fin del mundo, ir hasta los confines de la tierrato keep one's end up seguir animado,-ato make ends meet llegar a final de mesto put an end to something poner fin a algo, acabar con algoend product producto finalloose ends cabos nombre masculino plural sueltosend ['ɛnd] vt1) stop: terminar, poner fin a2) conclude: concluir, terminarend vi: terminar(se), acabar, concluir(se)end n1) extremity: extremo m, final m, punta f2) conclusion: fin m, final m3) aim: fin madj.• final adj.n.• acabamiento s.m.• cabo s.m.• cola s.f.• extremo s.m.• fin s.m.• final s.m.• finalidad s.f.• límite s.m.• objeto s.m.• término s.m.v.• acabar v.• cesar v.• clausurar v.• concluir v.• terminar v.• ultimar v.end
1)at the other/far end of the garden — al otro extremo/al fondo del jardín
from one end of the country to the other — de punta a punta or de un extremo a otro del país
to stand something on (its) end — poner* algo vertical, parar algo (AmL)
for weeks on end — durante semanas y semanas, durante semanas enteras
it measured five feet (from) end to end — medía cinco pies de un lado al otro or de punta a punta
not to know/be able to tell one end of something from the other — no tener* ni idea de algo (fam)
to be at the end of one's rope o (BrE) tether: I'm at the end of my rope ya no puedo más or ya no aguanto más; to go off at the deep end (colloq) ponerse* como una fiera; to make ends meet — llegar* a fin de mes; see also deep end
b) (part, side) (colloq) parte f (fam)are there any problems at your end? — ¿hay algún problema por tu lado?
c) ( remaining part) final m, resto m2)a) (finish, close) fin m, final mshe read it to the very end — lo leyó hasta el fin or final
just give him the money and let that be an end of o to it — dale el dinero y que no se hable más
that was the end of the story — ahí (se) acabó or terminó la historia
to put an end to something — poner* fin or poner* punto final a algo
at the end of the day — ( finally) al fin y al cabo, a fin de cuentas; ( lit) al acabar or terminar el día
b) (death, destruction) final m, fin mthey met a violent end — tuvieron un final or fin violento
to come to a sticky end — (BrE) acabar or terminar mal
c) ( outcome) final md)no end — (BrE colloq)
3) ( purpose) fin mto use something for one's own ends — usar algo para sus (or mis etc) propios fines
to this end — (frml) con or a este fin (frml)
a) ( stop) \<\<argument/discussion/fight\>\> terminar, dar* or poner* fin a; \<\<gossip/speculation\>\> acabar or terminar conb) ( conclude) terminar, concluir* (frml)
vi acabar, terminarit will all end in tears — va a acabar or terminar mal
a word ending in `x' — una palabra que termina en `x'
Phrasal Verbs:- end up[end]1. N1) [of street] final m ; [of line, table] extremo m ; [of rope, stick] punta f ; [of estate] límite m ; (Sport) lado m ; [of town] parte f, zona f•
at the end of — [+ street, corridor] al final de; [+ rope, cable] en la punta de•
to change ends — (Sport) cambiar de lado•
the ends of the earth — (fig) el ultimo rincón del mundo•
from one end to the other — de un extremo a otro•
the end of the line — (fig) el término, el acabóse•
to stand sth on end — poner algo de punta•
the end of the road — (fig) el término, el acabóse•
from end to end — de punta a punta•
to read a book to the very end — leer un libro hasta el mismo final•
to start at the wrong end — empezar por el fin- keep one's end up- tie up the loose ends- make ends meet- get hold of the wrong end of the stick- be at the end of one's tetherdeep 1., 1), shallow 1., 1)2) [of time, process, journey, resources] fin m, final m ; [of story] fin m, conclusión ftowards the end of — [+ book, film] hacia el final de; [+ century] hacia fines de; [+ month] hacia fin de
that was the end of that! — ¡y se acabó!
to be at an end — [meeting, interview] haber concluidoto be at the end of — [+ strength, patience] estar al límite de
to come to a bad end — acabar mal•
to the bitter end — hasta el último suspiro•
to come to an end — llegar a su fin, terminarse•
to draw to an end — llegar a su fin, terminarse•
I am getting to the end of my patience — estoy llegando al límite de mi paciencia•
in the end — al fin•
to make an end of — acabar con, poner fin a•
I enjoyed it no end * — me gustó muchísimono end of an expert — sumamente experto, más experto que nadie
three days on end — tres días seguidosfor days on end — día tras día, durante una infinidad de días
that's the end! * — ¡eso es el colmo!he's the end! * — ¡es el colmo!
that movie is the end! — (US) * esa película es el no va más
without end — interminable3) (=death) liter or hum muerte f4) (=remnant) [of loaf, candle, meat] resto m, cabo mcigarette 2.the end of a roll — [of cloth, carpet] el retal de un rollo
5) (=aim) fin m, propósito m•
to achieve one's end — alcanzar su objetivo•
to no end — en vanoto the end that... — a fin de que + subjun
to this end, with this end in view — con este propósito
with what end? — ¿para qué?2.VT [+ argument] terminar, poner fin a; [+ book] concluir; [+ speech] concluir, terminar; [+ relationship] terminar; [+ abuse, speculation] acabar con•
that was the meal to end all meals! * — ¡eso fue el no va más en comidas!•
to end it all * — suicidarse3.VI [lesson, work, war, meeting] terminar, acabar, concluir more frm ; [road] terminar(se); [period of time, programme, film, story] terminar•
to end by saying — terminar diciendo•
to end in — terminar en4.CPDend date N — [of contract] fecha f de terminación
end game N — (Chess) fase f final
end line N — (Basketball) línea f de fondo
end product N — (Ind) producto m final; (fig) consecuencia f
end result N — resultado m
end table N — (US) mesita f (para poner revistas, bebidas)
end user N — usuario(-a) m / f final
end zone N — (American Ftbl) zona f de marca
- end off- end up* * *[end]
1)at the other/far end of the garden — al otro extremo/al fondo del jardín
from one end of the country to the other — de punta a punta or de un extremo a otro del país
to stand something on (its) end — poner* algo vertical, parar algo (AmL)
for weeks on end — durante semanas y semanas, durante semanas enteras
it measured five feet (from) end to end — medía cinco pies de un lado al otro or de punta a punta
not to know/be able to tell one end of something from the other — no tener* ni idea de algo (fam)
to be at the end of one's rope o (BrE) tether: I'm at the end of my rope ya no puedo más or ya no aguanto más; to go off at the deep end (colloq) ponerse* como una fiera; to make ends meet — llegar* a fin de mes; see also deep end
b) (part, side) (colloq) parte f (fam)are there any problems at your end? — ¿hay algún problema por tu lado?
c) ( remaining part) final m, resto m2)a) (finish, close) fin m, final mshe read it to the very end — lo leyó hasta el fin or final
just give him the money and let that be an end of o to it — dale el dinero y que no se hable más
that was the end of the story — ahí (se) acabó or terminó la historia
to put an end to something — poner* fin or poner* punto final a algo
at the end of the day — ( finally) al fin y al cabo, a fin de cuentas; ( lit) al acabar or terminar el día
b) (death, destruction) final m, fin mthey met a violent end — tuvieron un final or fin violento
to come to a sticky end — (BrE) acabar or terminar mal
c) ( outcome) final md)no end — (BrE colloq)
3) ( purpose) fin mto use something for one's own ends — usar algo para sus (or mis etc) propios fines
to this end — (frml) con or a este fin (frml)
a) ( stop) \<\<argument/discussion/fight\>\> terminar, dar* or poner* fin a; \<\<gossip/speculation\>\> acabar or terminar conb) ( conclude) terminar, concluir* (frml)
vi acabar, terminarit will all end in tears — va a acabar or terminar mal
a word ending in `x' — una palabra que termina en `x'
Phrasal Verbs:- end up -
2 end
end 1. noun1) (the last or farthest part of the length of something: the house at the end of the road; both ends of the room; Put the tables end to end (= with the end of one touching the end of another); ( also adjective) We live in the end house.) ende, slutt, avslutning, endestykke2) (the finish or conclusion: the end of the week; The talks have come to an end; The affair is at an end; He is at the end of his strength; They fought bravely to the end; If she wins the prize we'll never hear the end of it (= she will often talk about it).) ende, avslutning, slutt3) (death: The soldiers met their end bravely.) endelikt, død4) (an aim: What end have you in view?) mål5) (a small piece left over: cigarette ends.) ende, stump2. verb(to bring or come to an end: The scheme ended in disaster; How does the play end?; How should I end (off) this letter?) ende, (av)slutte, opphøre- ending- endless
- at a loose end
- end up
- in the end
- make both ends meet
- make ends meet
- no end of
- no end
- on end
- put an end to
- the endende--------mål--------slutt--------slutteIsubst. \/end\/1) ende, utgang, slutt, endelikt, død, avslutning, opphør, siste (i en rad e.l.), ende-endevognen \/ den siste vognen2) ende, endestykke, stump, tamp3) mål, hensikt, formål, øyemedbe at an end være slutt, være til ende, være forbi, være over, være fullførtbe at an idle end være (arbeids)ledig, være ubeskjeftiget, være uvirksomat somebody's end borte hos noen• how is the weather at your end?at the end på slutten, ved enden\/avslutningenat the end of something i slutten av noe, etter noeat the end of the day ( overført) når alt kommer til alt, til sjuende og sist, til sluttat the further end ytterst, på den ytterste endenat the very end helt mot\/på sluttenbring to an end avslutte, få (en) slutt påchange ends ( sport) bytte banehalvdelcome to an end stoppe, stanse, slutte, opphøre, ta sluttcome to a sticky\/bad end få en tragisk avslutning, ende med en voldelig dødan end in itself et mål i seg selvthe end justifies the means hensikten helliger middeletthe end of somebody\/something slutten på noen\/noe• when the earthquake started, I thought that was the end of the ball gamethe end of the line\/road slutten (situasjon der alt håp er ute)end on med kortsiden fremend to end etter hverandre (uten mellomrom), ende mot ende, med kortsidene mot hverandrefrom end to end fra ende til annen, fra begynnelse til sluttgain\/attain\/achieve one's end(s) nå sitt målgo off the deep end ( hverdagslig) bli rasende\/hissig, gå fra konseptene, la sinnet løpe av med segin the end til slutt, til sjuende og sist, når alt kommer til alt• in the end, blood is thicker than waternår alt kommer til alt, er blod tykkere enn vannit's not (wouldn't be) the end of the world det er ingen katastrofe, det er ikke verdens undergangkeep one's end up ( hverdagslig) klare seg, hevde seg, holde standlike something no end ( hverdagslig) like noe veldig godtmake an end of something\/someone gjøre slutt på noe\/noen, ta livet av noe\/noenmake (both) ends meet få endene til å møtes, få pengene til å strekke tilbe nearing one's end ligge for dødennever hear the end of something komme til å høre noe lengedet vil du komme til å høre\/svi for lengeno end ( hverdagslig) svært, i høyeste gradhan er en alle tiders fyr\/karno end of something ( hverdagslig) forferdelig\/uendelig mye av noeon end på høykanti trekk, på radprivate ends private\/personlige interesserpublic ends offentlige interesserput an end to sette en stopper for, gjøre slutt på• he's the end!( hverdagslig) herlighan kommer til å ta livet av meg\/gjøre kål på megthere is an end to everything alt har en ende, alt tar slutt en gangthere is no end to det fins ingen grenser for, det er ingen ende påthere's an end of it! eller that's the end of it! dermed er saken avgjort!, dermed basta!think no end of oneself ( hverdagslig) ha høye tanker om seg selvto no end forgjevesto the bitter end til den bitre slutt, til det sisteto the ends of the earth til verdens\/jordens endeto this\/that end med det(te) som formål, i den(ne) hensiktwithout end endeløs, evig, grenseløs, uten endeIIverb \/end\/1) avslutte, ende, slutte, sette en stopper for, få en slutt på2) slutte, opphøre, ta slutt, avsluttes, endeall's well that ends well når enden er god, er allting godtend in ende medend (up) in smoke ( hverdagslig) gå opp i røykend up (by) doing something ende (opp) med å gjøre noeend up ende, havnehan havnet i fengsel til slutt, han endte i fengselthere the matter ends dermed basta -
3 end
I. 1. край, завършък, привършване, изчерпване
END to END край о край, с допрени краища, по дължина, непрекъснато
END on с лицето напред
to collide END on сблъсквам се фронтално
in the END накрая, в края на краищата
to be at an END свършвам
to draw to an END приближавам края си, привършвам се, свършвам
to come to an END свършвам, приключвам (се), привършвам се, закривам се
to put an END to, to make an END of слагам край на, премахвам, унищожавам, турям кръст на
happy END щастлив край/развръзка
on END изправен (за предмет), наред, един след друг, непрекъснато
to stand on END изправям се (за коси)
to make someone's hair stand on END карам да се изправят косите на някого
days/hours on END дни/часове наред, по цели дни/часове, and there is an END of it и толкоз, край
2. край, остатък, угарка, фас
3. край, смърт, кончина
to make a good END умирам леко/достойно/героично
you'll be the END of me ще ме умориш
to the bitter END докрай, до смърт
4. цел
private ENDs лични интереси/цели
to/for this END, with this END in view за/с тази цел
5. резултат
to no END безрезултатно, напразно
6. прен. sl. връх, капак
7. attr краен, последен
to be all on END в очакване съм, ядосан/разсърден съм
to go in/off the deep END разг. избухвам, кипвам, ам. действувам необмислено, стигам до крайност
to hold/keep one's END up държа се, не се (пре) давам, устоявам
to make both ENDs meet свързвам двата края
nо END разг. извънредно много, безкрайно, до немай-къде
it costs nо END струва луди пари
to think no END of someone /oneself имам много високо мнение за някого/за себе си
nо END of безкраен, дълъг, много, маса, сума, куп
it's nо END of a job тя е дълга и широка, тази работа няма край
he meets nо END of people той се среща с много/маса хора
he is nо END of a fellow той е чудо човек/човек и половина
all ENDs up напълно, съвсем
to come to a bad END провалям се, свършвам зле
END of the road прен. край, безизходно положение
to play both ENDs against the middle пол. използувам борбата между две групировки за свои цели
II. 1. свършвам (се), слагам/турям край на, завършвам, приключвам (се), преустановявам, спирам
she ENDed by marrying a millionaire накрая се ожени за милионер
it all ENDed in his apologizing to me накрая той ми се извини, свърши се с това, че той ми се извини
2. умирам, свършвам
3. убивам, довършвам
a blunder to END all blunders невероятна грешка, най-лошата възможна грешка
it all ENDed in smoke нищо не излезе, всичко отиде на вятъра
end in завършвам с, окончавам на
end off/up завършвам, свършвам, приключвам* * *{end} n 1. край; завършък; привършване, изчерпване; end to end край о(2) {end} v 1. свършвам (се); слагам/турям край на; завършвам, пр* * *смърт; умирачка; угарка; свършвам; свършване; свършек; последен; привършване; приключвам; преустановявам; довършване; довършвам; завършвам; завършек; завършък; изчерпване; край; краен; кончина;* * *1. a blunder to end all blunders невероятна грешка, най-лошата възможна грешка 2. all ends up напълно, съвсем 3. attr краен, последен 4. days/hours on end дни/часове наред, по цели дни/часове, and there is an end of it и толкоз, край 5. end in завършвам с, окончавам на 6. end of the road прен. край, безизходно положение 7. end off/up завършвам, свършвам, приключвам 8. end on с лицето напред 9. end to end край о край, с допрени краища, по дължина, непрекъснато 10. happy end щастлив край/развръзка 11. he is nо end of a fellow той е чудо човек/човек и половина 12. he meets nо end of people той се среща с много/маса хора 13. i. край, завършък, привършване, изчерпване 14. ii. свършвам (се), слагам/турям край на, завършвам, приключвам (се), преустановявам, спирам 15. in the end накрая, в края на краищата 16. it all ended in his apologizing to me накрая той ми се извини, свърши се с това, че той ми се извини 17. it all ended in smoke нищо не излезе, всичко отиде на вятъра 18. it costs nо end струва луди пари 19. it's nо end of a job тя е дълга и широка, тази работа няма край 20. nо end of безкраен, дълъг, много, маса, сума, куп 21. nо end разг. извънредно много, безкрайно, до немай-къде 22. on end изправен (за предмет), наред, един след друг, непрекъснато 23. private ends лични интереси/цели 24. she ended by marrying a millionaire накрая се ожени за милионер 25. to be all on end в очакване съм, ядосан/разсърден съм 26. to be at an end свършвам 27. to collide end on сблъсквам се фронтално 28. to come to a bad end провалям се, свършвам зле 29. to come to an end свършвам, приключвам (се), привършвам се, закривам се 30. to draw to an end приближавам края си, привършвам се, свършвам 31. to go in/off the deep end разг. избухвам, кипвам, ам. действувам необмислено, стигам до крайност 32. to hold/keep one's end up държа се, не се (пре) давам, устоявам 33. to make a good end умирам леко/достойно/героично 34. to make both ends meet свързвам двата края 35. to make someone's hair stand on end карам да се изправят косите на някого 36. to no end безрезултатно, напразно 37. to play both ends against the middle пол. използувам борбата между две групировки за свои цели 38. to put an end to, to make an end of слагам край на, премахвам, унищожавам, турям кръст на 39. to stand on end изправям се (за коси) 40. to the bitter end докрай, до смърт 41. to think no end of someone /oneself имам много високо мнение за някого/за себе си 42. to/for this end, with this end in view за/с тази цел 43. you'll be the end of me ще ме умориш 44. край, остатък, угарка, фас 45. край, смърт, кончина 46. прен. sl. връх, капак 47. резултат 48. убивам, довършвам 49. умирам, свършвам 50. цел* * *end [end] I. n 1. край; завършек; привършване, изчерпване; \end for \end обърнат наопаки (обратно); \end to \end с допрени краища; по дължина; непрекъснато; put the tables \end to \end! нареди масите плътно една до друга!; at the \end of August в края на август; in the \end накрая, в края на краищата; to be at an \end свършвам се; here the story comes to an \end на това място разказът свършва; to draw to an \end привършвам се, свършвам; to put an \end to, to make an \end of слагам край, прекратявам; премахвам, унищожавам, ликвидирам; 2. край, остатък; cigarette \ends фасове, угарки; rope's \end късо въже (за камшик); odds and \ends (ненужни) дреболии, вехтории, остатъци; прен. откъслечни думи (фрази) от разговор; 3. край, смърт, кончина; a cruel \end жестока смърт; o.'s latter \end кончина, смърт; to come to an untimely \end умирам преждевременно; to come to a sticky ( bad) \end умирам от насилствена (нелека) смърт; to make a good \end умирам леко (героично, достойно); you'll be the \end of me ще ме умориш; the soldiers met their \end bravely войниците загинаха храбро (смело посрещнаха смъртта); to the bitter ( very) \end докрай, до смърт; 4. цел; an \end in itself самоцел; does the \end justify the means? целта оправдава ли средствата?; private \ends лични интереси; to ( for) this \end, with this \end in view с тази цел; what \end have you in view? какво целиш? каква ти е целта?; to the \end that... (с subj) за да ...; с цел да ...; 5. резултат; to no \end напразно, безрезултатно; 6. attr краен, последен; \end man последният човек в редица; \end product краен продукт; • to the \end of time завинаги, вечно, во веки веков; and there's an \end of it и толкоз, край; to be at the \end of o.'s rope ( tether) намирам се в затруднено положение, попадам в безизходица; to be (on) the receiving \end of изложен съм на; to be thrown ( to jump) in at the deep \end оказвам се в небрано лозе; to come out at (on) the short \end of it; get the short \end of it оказвам се в неизгодна позиция; няма какво повече да говорим; to be all on \end разсърдвам се; нащрек съм; to be at the sharp \end of в центъра съм на (някаква дейност), посветен съм в; вътре съм в (нещата); to be at loose \ends свободен съм; безработен съм; нямам какво да правя to be at o.'s wits' \end виждам се в чудо; to go off the deep \end 1) избухвам; 2) избива ми чивията; превъртам; действам необмислено; happy \end щастлив край (развръзка), хепиенд (на книга и пр.); to hold ( keep) o.'s \end up държа се, издържам, не се предавам; справям се; to make both \ends meet свързвам двата края; no \end извънредно много, до немай-къде, до крайна степен; it upset me no \end това ужасно много ме разтревожи; to think no \end of s.o. имам високо мнение за някого; no \end of много, безкрайно; маса; куп; it's no \end of a job тя е дълга и широка, тая работа край няма; he's no \end of a fellow той е човек и половина, тоя е арабия; on \end изправен (за предмет); наред, един след друг; непрекъснато; his hair stood on \end in horror косата му се изправи от ужас; days on \end с дни наред; for hours on \end по цели часове; to have loose \ends липсват (ми) брънки; има неясноти (неизяснени неща); to play both \ends against the middle полит. използвам борбата между две групировки за свои цели; the \end върхът (в негативен смисъл), "капак"; smoking 30 cigarettes a day is the \end да пушиш по 30 цигари на ден е върхът (прекалено много); to knock the \end in ( off) разг. оплесквам (развалям) работата; the \end of the line ( road) 1) печален край (финал); безизходна, задънена улица (прен.); 2) излязъл от мода this is a very a good suit but it is the \end of the line това е много хубав костюм, но вече не е модерен; the living \end ам. sl страхотен, потресаващ (за филм, шоу, пиеса и пр.); II. v 1. свършвам (се); слагам край на; завършвам, приключвам (с); спирам; he \ended by insulting me, it \ended in his insulting me накрая той ме обиди; 2. умирам, свършвам; to \end it all самоубивам се; слагам край на живота си; 3. слагам железце на края на бастун (чадър); -
4 end
end [end]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. noun4. compounds━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. nouna. [of film, chapter, month] fin f• it's not the end of the world! (inf) ce n'est pas la fin du monde !• to get to the end of [+ book, holiday] arriver à la fin de• so that was the end of that theory! à partir de là, cette théorie a été définitivement enterrée !• then she found out he had no money, and that was the end of him et quand elle s'est rendue compte qu'il n'avait pas d'argent, ça en a été fini de luib. ( = cessation) he called for an end to the violence il a lancé un appel pour que cesse la violence• there is no sign of an end to population growth rien ne semble indiquer que la population va cesser d'augmenterc. ( = farthest part) bout m• he's reached the end of the line ( = cannot progress) il est dans une impasse• how are things at your end? comment ça va de ton côté ?d. ( = purpose) but m• those who use violence for political ends ceux qui se servent de la violence à des fins politiques (PROV) the end justifies the means(PROV) la fin justifie les moyens• her behaviour has improved no end son comportement s'est beaucoup amélioré► on end ( = upright) debout• it makes my hair stand on end! ça me fait dresser les cheveux sur la tête !( = bring to an end) mettre fin à• to end it all ( = kill oneself) mettre fin à ses jours( = come to an end) se terminer• where's it all going to end? comment tout cela finira-t-il ?• verb ending in "re" verbe se terminant en « re »4. compounds* * *[end] 1.1) ( final part) fin f‘The End’ — (of film, book etc) ‘Fin’
at the end of — à la fin de [year, story]
by the end of — à la fin de [year, journey, game]
to put an end to something —
to get to the end of — arriver à la fin de [holiday]; arriver au bout de [story, work]
in the end —
at the end of the day — ( all things considered) en fin de compte
it's the end of the line ou road for the project — le projet arrive en fin de course
no end of (colloq) trouble — énormément de problèmes
that really is the end! — (colloq) c'est vraiment le comble! (colloq)
you really are the end! — (colloq) tu exagères!
2) ( extremity) bout m, extrémité fat the end of —
the third from the end — le/la troisième avant la fin
3) (side of conversation, transaction) côté mthings are fine at my ou this end — de mon côté tout va bien
4) (of scale, spectrum) extrémité fthis suit is from the cheaper ou bottom end of the range — ce costume est un des moins chers de la gamme
5) ( aim) but mto this ou that end — dans ce but
6) Sport côté m, camp m7) ( scrap) (of rope, string) bout m; (of loaf, joint of meat) reste m8) ( death) mort f2. 3.transitive verb gen mettre fin à; rompre [marriage]4.intransitive verb gen se terminer (in, with par); [contract, agreement] expirerPhrasal Verbs:- end up•• -
5 end
end [end]1 noun(a) (furthermost part, tip, edge) bout m, extrémité f;∎ at the end of the garden au bout ou fond du jardin;∎ it's at the other end of town c'est à l'autre bout de la ville;∎ at the northern end of the park/town/lake à l'extrémité nord du parc/de la ville/du lac;∎ the rope is frayed at this end/at that end/at one end la corde est effilochée à ce bout-ci/à ce bout-là/au bout;∎ at either end of the political spectrum aux deux extrémités de l'éventail politique;∎ Telecommunications at the other end of the line au bout de la ligne;∎ from one end of the country/of the town to the other d'un bout à l'autre du pays/de la ville;∎ they live in the end house ils habitent la dernière maison, au bout de la rue;∎ third from the end troisième en partant de la fin;∎ Sport to change ends changer de côté(b) (area, aspect) côté m;∎ how are things (at) your end? comment ça va de ton côté ou pour toi?;∎ what's the weather like at your end? (in phone conversation) quel temps fait-il chez vous?, quel temps est-ce que vous avez?;∎ the marketing/manufacturing end of the operation le côté marketing/fabrication de l'opération, tout ce qui est marketing/fabrication;∎ to come to the end of the road arriver au bout de la route; figurative (in one's career) arriver au bout de sa carrière; (in one's life) arriver au bout de sa vie; (be unable to make progress) être dans une impasse;∎ this is the end of the road or line c'est fini;∎ figurative to get hold of the wrong end of the stick mal comprendre;∎ to go to the ends of the earth aller jusqu'au bout du monde;∎ to keep one's end of the bargain tenir parole;∎ to keep one's end up tenir bon;∎ he doesn't know or can't tell one end of a word processor from the other il ne sait même pas à quoi ressemble un traitement de texte;∎ to make (both) ends meet (financially) joindre les deux bouts(c) (conclusion, finish) fin f;∎ at the end of July/of spring/of the year à la fin du mois de juillet/du printemps/de l'année;∎ from beginning to end du début à la fin, de bout en bout;∎ to read to the end of a book, to read a book to the end lire un livre jusqu'au bout ou jusqu'à la fin;∎ I waited until the end of the meeting j'ai attendu la fin de la réunion;∎ to be at an end être terminé ou fini;∎ my patience is at or has come to an end ma patience est à bout;∎ to be at the end of one's resources/one's strength avoir épuisé ses ressources/ses forces;∎ Finance end of the financial year clôture f de l'exercice;∎ to come to an end s'achever, prendre fin;∎ to draw to an end arriver ou toucher à sa fin;∎ to put an end to sth mettre fin à qch;∎ we want an end to the war nous voulons que cette guerre cesse ou prenne fin;∎ the end of the world la fin du monde;∎ familiar it's not the end of the world! ce n'est pas la fin du monde!;∎ until the end of time jusqu'à la fin des temps;∎ the end is nigh la fin est proche;∎ and that was the end of that et ça s'est terminé comme ça;∎ let that be an end to the matter! qu'on en finisse là!, qu'on n'en parle plus!;∎ familiar he's/you're the end! (impossible) il est/tu es incroyable!; (extremely funny) il est/tu es trop (drôle)!;∎ to come to a bad end mal finir;∎ familiar end of story! (stop arguing) plus de discussions!; (I don't want to talk about it) un point, c'est tout!;∎ we'll never hear the end of it on n'a pas fini d'en entendre parler;∎ is there no end to his talents? a-t-il donc tous les talents?, n'y a-t-il pas de limite à ses talents?∎ to achieve or to attain one's end atteindre son but;∎ with this end in view or mind, to this end dans ce but, à cette fin;∎ formal to what end? dans quel but?, à quelle fin?;∎ for political ends à des fins politiques;∎ an end in itself une fin en soi;∎ the end justifies the means la fin justifie les moyens(e) (remnant → of cloth, rope) bout m; (→ of loaf) croûton m; (→ of candle) bout; (→ of cigarette) bout, mégot m∎ to meet one's end trouver la mort;∎ to be nearing one's end être à l'article de la mort;∎ I was with him at the end j'étais auprès de lui dans ses derniers moments(house, seat, table) du bout(speech, novel) terminer, conclure; (meeting, discussion) clore; (day) terminer, finir; (war, speculation, relationship) mettre fin ou un terme à; (work, task) terminer, finir, achever;∎ she ended the letter with a promise to write again soon elle a terminé la lettre en promettant de récrire bientôt;∎ the war to end all wars la der des ders;∎ the joke to end all jokes la meilleure blague qu'on ait jamais entendue;∎ he decided to end it all (life, relationship) il décida d'en finir;∎ she ended her days in a retirement home elle a fini ses jours dans une maison de retraite(story, film) finir, se terminer, s'achever; (path, road etc) se terminer, s'arrêter; (season, holiday) se terminer, toucher à sa fin;∎ to end happily (of story) avoir une fin heureuse, bien se terminer;∎ how or where will it all end? comment tout cela finira-t-il ou se terminera-t-il?;∎ where does society end and the individual begin? où s'arrête la société et où commence l'individu?;∎ to end in a point se terminer en pointe;∎ the discussion ended in an argument la discussion s'est terminée en dispute;∎ to end in failure/divorce se solder par un échec/un divorce;∎ the word ends in -ed le mot se termine par ou en -ed;∎ the book ends with a quotation le livre se termine par une citation;∎ it'll end in tears ça va mal finirpar le bout(a) (with ends adjacent) bout à bout(b) (from one end to another) d'un bout à l'autred'un bout à l'autrefinalement;∎ we got there in the end finalement nous y sommes arrivés, nous avons fini par y arriver;∎ he always pays me back in the end il finit toujours par me rendre ce qu'il me doit;∎ you'll get used to it in the end tu finiras par t'y habituer∎ familiar it upset her/cheered her up no end ça l'a bouleversée/ravie à un point (inimaginable);∎ it helped me no end ça m'a énormément aidé□∎ familiar it'll do you no end of good cela vous fera un bien fou;∎ to have no end of trouble doing sth avoir énormément de mal ou un mal fou ou un mal de chien à faire qch;∎ to think no end of sb porter qn aux nues;∎ we met no end of interesting people on a rencontré des tas de gens intéressants∎ to stand sth on end mettre qch debout;∎ her hair was standing on end elle avait les cheveux dressés sur la tête(b) (in succession) entier;∎ for hours/days on end pendant des heures entières/des jours entiers;∎ for four hours on end pendant quatre heures de suite ou d'affilée►► Railways end carriage wagon m de queue;Computing end key touche f fin;Technology end piece embout m;end product Industry & Commerce produit m final; figurative résultat m;end result résultat m final;American end run faux-fuyant m;end table bout m de canapé;Television & Cinema end titles générique m de fin;end zone (in American football) zone f d'en-butterminer;∎ they ended off the evening with a dance ils ont terminé la soirée par une dansefinir;∎ they ended up in Manchester ils se sont retrouvés à Manchester;∎ to end up in hospital/in prison finir à l'hôpital/en prison;∎ if you keep driving like that, you're going to end up killing yourself si tu continues à conduire comme ça, tu finiras par te tuer;∎ to end up doing sth finir par faire qch;∎ to end up (as) the boss/on the dole finir patron/chômeur;∎ I wonder what he'll end up as/how he'll end up je me demande ce qu'il deviendra/comment il finira -
6 end
[end]abnormal end вчт. аварийное завершение adjustment at year end корректировка на конец года the end justifies the means цель оправдывает средства; any means to an end все средства хороши at the end в конце at the end of в конце (чего-л.); at the end of the story в конце рассказа; at the end of the month в конце месяца at the end of в конце (чего-л.); at the end of the story в конце рассказа; at the end of the month в конце месяца at the end of в конце (чего-л.); at the end of the story в конце рассказа; at the end of the month в конце месяца end pl стр. эндсы, дилены; to be on the end of a line попасться на удочку; to make both (или two) ends meet сводить концы с концами end амер. аспект, сторона; the political end of (smth.) политический аспект (чего-л.) end днище end завершение end sl зад end заканчивать end конец, смерть; he is near(ing) his end он умирает end конец, окончание end конец; окончание; предел; end on концом вперед; to put an end to (smth.), to make an end of (smth.) положить конец (чему-л.), уничтожить (что-л.) end конец end кончать, заканчивать end кончать; заканчивать; прекращать; to end all wars положить конец всем войнам; to end one's life покончить с собой end кончать end кончаться, завершаться (in, with); to end in disaster окончиться катастрофой; the story ends with the hero's death рассказ кончается смертью героя end край; граница; ends of the earth край земли; глухомань; the world's end край света end окончание end остаток, обломок; обрезок; отрывок end остаток end прекращать end результат, следствие; happy end благополучная развязка, счастливый конец; it is difficult to foresee the end трудно предвидеть результат end результат end следствие end смерть, кончина end цель; to that end с этой целью; to gain one's ends достичь цели; ends and means цели и средства end цель end амер. часть, отдел; the retail end of a business отдел розничной торговли end pl стр. эндсы, дилены; to be on the end of a line попасться на удочку; to make both (или two) ends meet сводить концы с концами end кончать; заканчивать; прекращать; to end all wars положить конец всем войнам; to end one's life покончить с собой end кончаться, завершаться (in, with); to end in disaster окончиться катастрофой; the story ends with the hero's death рассказ кончается смертью героя the end justifies the means цель оправдывает средства; any means to an end все средства хороши end of data вчт. конец данных end of file, EOF вчт. конец файла end of financial period конец отчетного периода end of financial year конец финансового года end of loan истечение срока ссуды end of month конец месяца end of month последний день месяца end of period конец периода end of previous financial year конец предыдущего финансового года end of volume вчт. конец тома end off, end up оканчиваться, прекращаться, обрываться end конец; окончание; предел; end on концом вперед; to put an end to (smth.), to make an end of (smth.) положить конец (чему-л.), уничтожить (что-л.) end кончать; заканчивать; прекращать; to end all wars положить конец всем войнам; to end one's life покончить с собой to the bitter end до предела, до точки; до последней капли крови; to keep one's end up сделать все от себя зависящее; не сдаваться; end to end непрерывной цепью end off, end up оканчиваться, прекращаться, обрываться end цель; to that end с этой целью; to gain one's ends достичь цели; ends and means цели и средства end край; граница; ends of the earth край земли; глухомань; the world's end край света end of file, EOF вчт. конец файла on end беспрерывно, подряд; for two years on end два года подряд end цель; to that end с этой целью; to gain one's ends достичь цели; ends and means цели и средства end результат, следствие; happy end благополучная развязка, счастливый конец; it is difficult to foresee the end трудно предвидеть результат happy: end счастливый; happy man! счастливец!; happy end счастливый конец (романа, фильма и т. п.); as happy as the day is long очень счастливый end конец, смерть; he is near(ing) his end он умирает no end of разг. прекрасный, исключительный; he is no end of a fellow он чудесный малый; we had no end of a time мы прекрасно провели время in the end в заключение; в конечном счете; they won the battle in the end в конечном счете они добились победы end результат, следствие; happy end благополучная развязка, счастливый конец; it is difficult to foresee the end трудно предвидеть результат to the bitter end до предела, до точки; до последней капли крови; to keep one's end up сделать все от себя зависящее; не сдаваться; end to end непрерывной цепью laid end to end вместе взятые low end невысокий результат low end низкая цель end конец; окончание; предел; end on концом вперед; to put an end to (smth.), to make an end of (smth.) положить конец (чему-л.), уничтожить (что-л.) end pl стр. эндсы, дилены; to be on the end of a line попасться на удочку; to make both (или two) ends meet сводить концы с концами no end разг. безмерно; в высшей степени no end obliged to you чрезвычайно вам признателен no end of разг. много, масса; no end of trouble масса хлопот, неприятностей no end of разг. прекрасный, исключительный; he is no end of a fellow он чудесный малый; we had no end of a time мы прекрасно провели время no: end end of очень много, множество; we had no end of good time мы превосходно провели время no end of разг. много, масса; no end of trouble масса хлопот, неприятностей normal end вчт. нормальное завершение on end беспрерывно, подряд; for two years on end два года подряд on end стоймя; дыбом end амер. аспект, сторона; the political end of (smth.) политический аспект (чего-л.) position end позиция на конец месяца end конец; окончание; предел; end on концом вперед; to put an end to (smth.), to make an end of (smth.) положить конец (чему-л.), уничтожить (что-л.) end амер. часть, отдел; the retail end of a business отдел розничной торговли end кончаться, завершаться (in, with); to end in disaster окончиться катастрофой; the story ends with the hero's death рассказ кончается смертью героя end цель; to that end с этой целью; to gain one's ends достичь цели; ends and means цели и средства to: end prep указывает на цель действия на, для; to the rescue на помощь; to that end с этой целью in the end в заключение; в конечном счете; they won the battle in the end в конечном счете они добились победы to the bitter end до предела, до точки; до последней капли крови; to keep one's end up сделать все от себя зависящее; не сдаваться; end to end непрерывной цепью no end of разг. прекрасный, исключительный; he is no end of a fellow он чудесный малый; we had no end of a time мы прекрасно провели время end край; граница; ends of the earth край земли; глухомань; the world's end край света year end конец года -
7 end
end конец, окончание - happy * счастливый конец;
счастливая развязка - to put an * to smth. положить конец чему-либо, покончить с чем-либо - to put an * to an argument положить конец спору - to bring to an * закончить, завершить - to make an of smth. закончить что-либо;
положить конец чему-либо - to come to an *, to be at an * прийти к концу, кончиться - I've come to the * of my endurance мое терпение истощилось - we'll see no * of in, there is no * to it этому конца не будет - to follow smth. to its logical * довести что-либо до логического конца - in the * в конце концов, в конечном счете - to the * of time (возвышенно) вечно, на веки веков - this will remain a secret to the * of time это навеки останется тайной - the * crowns the deed конец венчает дело конец, последняя, заключительная часть;
завершение - the * of the year конец года - the * of a sentence последняя часть предложения - a story without an * рассказ, который ничем не кончается - toward the * of 1914 к концу 1914 г. - by the * of the third quarter к концу третьего квартала - at the * of the 16th century в конце XVI столетия смерть, кончина, конец - untimely * безвременная кончина - to be near one's * быть при смерти - to come to a tragic * трагически погибнуть - to be the * (of) довести до гибели, прикончить - this cough will be the * of me этот кашель меня доконает - you will be the * of me ты меня в могилу сведешь прекращение существования - that will be the * of all war это положит конец всякой войне, войны исчезнут навсегда - the * of the world конец света конец, край - a silver watch at the * of a chain серебряные часы, подвешенные на конце цепочки - on the * of a stick на конце палки - * on концом вперед;
(морское) прямо носом или кормой - * up стоймя, прямо - * to * непрерывной цепью, впритык - at the southern * of the town в южном конце города - from one * of the country to the other из одного конца страны в другой - to sign one's name at the * of a list поставить свою подпись в конце списка - at the other * of the world на другом конце света - at the world's * на краю света;
у черта на куличках конец, сторона - to approach the subject from the wrong * подойти к вопросу не с того конца - look through the wrong * of a telescope воспринимать все в искаженном виде (американизм) аспект, сторона - the business * практическая или коммерческая сторона дела - at the consuming * со стороны потребителей;
в сфере потребления - the advertising * of insurance реклама в страховом деле - at the broadcasting * на радиостанциях (американизм) часть, отделение - our selling * наш торговый отдел, коммерческий отдел нашего предприятия остаток, обломок, обрывок, обрезок - rope's * (морское) линек, конец ( троса) (американизм) (разговорное) верх, вершина (чего-либо) ;
непревзойденное совершенство - she is the very * of feminity она воплощенная женственность торец - * elevation вид с торца, вид сбоку - * face лобовая или торцовая поверхность( специальное) комель эндсы, дилены (пиломатериалы) (текстильное) одиночная или кордная нить - * down обрыв нити - *s per inch число нитей основы на один дюйм днище( спортивное) половина поля, площадки - to change *s меняться сторонами поля (спортивное) крайний( в футболе) цель;
намерения, виды - to accomplish one's * достичь цели - to gain one's * достичь цели, добиться своего - to pursue one's own *s преследовать свои собственные цели - to work together for a common * работать на общее дело - with this * in view с этой целью, для этого - the * justifies the means цель оправдывает средства - an * in itself самоцель - to what *? для чего? с какой целью? - to that * с этой целью - to the * that... для того чтобы..., с той целью чтобы... - to no * бесцельно, бесполезно, напрасно - to serve an * служить какой-либо цели - to serve no useful * быть бесполезным - to public *s на общественные нужды, в интересах общества - to defeat one's own * идти вразрез с поставленной целью > no * бесконечно, чрезвычайно > no * obliged to you чрезвычайно вам признателем > no * disappointed ужасно разочарованный > he was no * put out он страшно обозлился, он вышел из себя > this should liven up the debate no * это должно чрезвычайно оживить дебаты > no * of масса, много > no * of trouble масса хлопот > he deserves no * of praise он заслуживает всяческих похвал > it does no * of mischief это наносит огромный вред > on * стоймя;
дыбом( о волосах) > on * беспрерывно, подряд > for hours on * целыми часами( подряд) > to be all on * быть в состоянии раздражения > at a loose * не у дел, непристроенный > to the bitter * до конца, до последнего;
до последней капли крови > to be at the * of one's rope быть в безвыходном положении > to be at the * of one's tether дойти до предела, дойти до точки > to be at one's wits' * совершенно растеряться > I am at my wits' * ума не приложу > to go (in) off the deep * взволноваться, разозлиться;
рисковать, действовать сгоряча;
пороть горячку;
не узнавши броду, сунуться в воду > to hold one's * up не сдаваться, не падать духом > to make both *s meet сводить концы с концами > to come out on the short * оказаться в невыгодном положении, опростоволоситься > to hand the short * of the stick (американизм) обвести (кого-либо) ;
поставить в невыгодное положение > to hold up one's * стойко держаться в трудном положении;
неукоснительно выполнять свой долг, принятые на себя обязательства кончать;
заканчивать - to * one's labour on a book кончить свою работу над книгой - to * off a speech with a quotation закончить выступление цитатой - we *ed the dinner up with fruit and coffee мы закончили обед фруктами и кофе - if you don't change your ways you'll * up in prison если ты не изменишь свое поведение, то кончишь тюрьмой кончаться, завершаться - to * in disaster кончиться катастрофой - to * in success завершиться успехом - how does the story *? чем кончается рассказ? - the plateau *s in a precipice плато кончается пропастью - to * in a draw (спортивное) окончить или окончиться вничью - the expedition *ed in the death of two climbers в результате экспедиции погибли два альпиниста - not all English words which * in -ly are adverbs не все английские слова, кончающиеся на -ly, являются наречиями прекращать - to * testing now and for all time прекратить испытания( ядерного оружия) немедленно и навсегда - to * the cold war положить конец холодной войне - to * one's life покончить с собой( редкое) кончиться, умереть( устаревшее) прикончить, убить > all's well that *s well (пословица) все хорошо, что хорошо кончается > to * in smoke кончиться ничем abnormal ~ вчт. аварийное завершение adjustment at year ~ корректировка на конец года the ~ justifies the means цель оправдывает средства;
any means to an end все средства хороши at the ~ в конце at the ~ of в конце (чего-л.) ;
at the end of the story в конце рассказа;
at the end of the month в конце месяца at the ~ of в конце (чего-л.) ;
at the end of the story в конце рассказа;
at the end of the month в конце месяца at the ~ of в конце (чего-л.) ;
at the end of the story в конце рассказа;
at the end of the month в конце месяца ~ pl стр. эндсы, дилены;
to be on the end of a line попасться на удочку;
to make both (или two) ends meet сводить концы с концами end амер. аспект, сторона;
the political end of (smth.) политический аспект( чего-л.) ~ днище ~ завершение ~ sl зад ~ заканчивать ~ конец, смерть;
he is near(ing) his end он умирает ~ конец, окончание ~ конец;
end on концом вперед;
to put an end to( smth.), to make an end of( smth.) положить конец (чему-л.), уничтожить( что-л.) ~ конец ~ кончать, заканчивать ~ кончать;
to end all wars положить конец всем войнам;
to end one's life покончить с собой ~ кончать ~ кончаться, завершаться (in, with) ;
to end in disaster окончиться катастрофой;
the story ends with the hero's death рассказ кончается смертью героя ~ край;
ends of the earth край земли;
the world's end край света ~ окончание ~ остаток, обломок;
отрывок ~ остаток ~ прекращать ~ результат, следствие;
happy end благополучная развязка, счастливый конец;
it is difficult to foresee the end трудно предвидеть результат ~ результат ~ следствие ~ смерть, кончина ~ цель;
to that end с этой целью;
to gain one's ends достичь цели;
ends and means цели и средства ~ цель ~ амер. часть, отдел;
the retail end of a business отдел розничной торговли ~ pl стр. эндсы, дилены;
to be on the end of a line попасться на удочку;
to make both (или two) ends meet сводить концы с концами ~ кончать;
to end all wars положить конец всем войнам;
to end one's life покончить с собой ~ кончаться, завершаться (in, with) ;
to end in disaster окончиться катастрофой;
the story ends with the hero's death рассказ кончается смертью героя the ~ justifies the means цель оправдывает средства;
any means to an end все средства хороши ~ of data вчт. конец данных ~ of file, EOF вчт. конец файла ~ of financial period конец отчетного периода ~ of financial year конец финансового года ~ of loan истечение срока ссуды ~ of month конец месяца ~ of month последний день месяца ~ of period конец периода ~ of previous financial year конец предыдущего финансового года ~ of volume вчт. конец тома ~ off, ~ up оканчиваться, прекращаться, обрываться ~ конец;
end on концом вперед;
to put an end to (smth.), to make an end of (smth.) положить конец (чему-л.), уничтожить (что-л.) ~ кончать;
to end all wars положить конец всем войнам;
to end one's life покончить с собой to the bitter ~ до предела, до точки;
до последней капли крови;
to keep one's end up сделать все от себя зависящее;
не сдаваться;
end to end непрерывной цепью ~ off, ~ up оканчиваться, прекращаться, обрываться ~ цель;
to that end с этой целью;
to gain one's ends достичь цели;
ends and means цели и средства ~ край;
ends of the earth край земли;
the world's end край света ~ of file, EOF вчт. конец файла on ~ беспрерывно, подряд;
for two years on end два года подряд ~ цель;
to that end с этой целью;
to gain one's ends достичь цели;
ends and means цели и средства ~ результат, следствие;
happy end благополучная развязка, счастливый конец;
it is difficult to foresee the end трудно предвидеть результат happy: ~ счастливый;
happy man! счастливец!;
happy end счастливый конец (романа, фильма и т. п.) ;
as happy as the day is long очень счастливый ~ конец, смерть;
he is near(ing) his end он умирает no ~ of разг. прекрасный, исключительный;
he is no end of a fellow он чудесный малый;
we had no end of a time мы прекрасно провели время in the ~ в заключение;
в конечном счете;
they won the battle in the end в конечном счете они добились победы ~ результат, следствие;
happy end благополучная развязка, счастливый конец;
it is difficult to foresee the end трудно предвидеть результат to the bitter ~ до предела, до точки;
до последней капли крови;
to keep one's end up сделать все от себя зависящее;
не сдаваться;
end to end непрерывной цепью laid ~ to ~ вместе взятые low ~ невысокий результат low ~ низкая цель ~ конец;
end on концом вперед;
to put an end to (smth.), to make an end of (smth.) положить конец (чему-л.), уничтожить (что-л.) ~ pl стр. эндсы, дилены;
to be on the end of a line попасться на удочку;
to make both (или two) ends meet сводить концы с концами no ~ разг. безмерно;
в высшей степени no ~ obliged to you чрезвычайно вам признателен no ~ of разг. много, масса;
no end of trouble масса хлопот, неприятностей no ~ of разг. прекрасный, исключительный;
he is no end of a fellow он чудесный малый;
we had no end of a time мы прекрасно провели время no: ~ end of очень много, множество;
we had no end of good time мы превосходно провели время no ~ of разг. много, масса;
no end of trouble масса хлопот, неприятностей normal ~ вчт. нормальное завершение on ~ беспрерывно, подряд;
for two years on end два года подряд on ~ стоймя;
дыбом end амер. аспект, сторона;
the political end of (smth.) политический аспект (чего-л.) position ~ позиция на конец месяца ~ конец;
end on концом вперед;
to put an end to (smth.), to make an end of (smth.) положить конец (чему-л.), уничтожить (что-л.) ~ амер. часть, отдел;
the retail end of a business отдел розничной торговли ~ кончаться, завершаться (in, with) ;
to end in disaster окончиться катастрофой;
the story ends with the hero's death рассказ кончается смертью героя ~ цель;
to that end с этой целью;
to gain one's ends достичь цели;
ends and means цели и средства to: ~ prep указывает на цель действия на, для;
to the rescue на помощь;
to that end с этой целью in the ~ в заключение;
в конечном счете;
they won the battle in the end в конечном счете они добились победы to the bitter ~ до предела, до точки;
до последней капли крови;
to keep one's end up сделать все от себя зависящее;
не сдаваться;
end to end непрерывной цепью no ~ of разг. прекрасный, исключительный;
he is no end of a fellow он чудесный малый;
we had no end of a time мы прекрасно провели время ~ край;
ends of the earth край земли;
the world's end край света year ~ конец года -
8 end
[end] 1. noun1) (the last or farthest part of the length of something: the house at the end of the road; both ends of the room; Put the tables end to end (= with the end of one touching the end of another); ( also adjective) We live in the end house.) konec; na koncu2) (the finish or conclusion: the end of the week; The talks have come to an end; The affair is at an end; He is at the end of his strength; They fought bravely to the end; If she wins the prize we'll never hear the end of it (= she will often talk about it).) konec3) (death: The soldiers met their end bravely.) smrt4) (an aim: What end have you in view?) namen5) (a small piece left over: cigarette ends.) kos2. verb(to bring or come to an end: The scheme ended in disaster; How does the play end?; How should I end (off) this letter?) končati- ending- endless
- at a loose end
- end up
- in the end
- make both ends meet
- make ends meet
- no end of
- no end
- on end
- put an end to
- the end* * *I [end]nounkonec, kraj, zaključek; meja; propad, smrt; namen, cilj; izid, uspeh, posledica, koristto be at one's wits' end — ne vedeti, kako in kamup to the bitter end, to the end of the chapter — do samega konca, do smrtito come to the end of one's tether — doseči skrajno mejo, biti na koncucolloquially to go off the deep end — razburiti, razjeziti se, pobesnetito have s.th. at one's fingers' end — dobro vedeti ali znatiin the end — na koncu, končnogeometry the end of the line — krajiščeno end of — neskončno, neizmernoto keep one's end up — pretolči, prebi(ja)ti sethe latter end — starost, smrtto the end that — zato, da bito what end? — čemu?end to end — po dolžini, drug za drugimat your end — pri vas, v vašem krajuII [end]1.transitive verb(in, with s) končati, zaključiti; uničiti, ubiti, pokončati;2.intransitive verbkončati se, prenehati; umretiall's well that ends well — konec dober, vse dobroto end in smoke — izpuhteti, končati se brez haska, propastito end in nothing — see to end in smoketo end up ( —ali off) — končati, zaključiti -
9 ♦ end
♦ end /ɛnd/A n.1 fine; conclusione; termine: the end of the day [of the year], la fine del giorno [dell'anno]; the end of a story [of a friendship], la fine di un racconto [di un'amicizia]; There will be no end to this work, questo lavoro non avrà mai fine; to bring to an end, portare a termine; concludere; to put an end to, metter fine a; porre termine a; to come to an end, finire; terminare; giungere alla fine; cessare; to be at an end, aver finito; essere finito2 estremità; fine; capo: the end of a road, la fine di una strada; the lower end of a pole, l'estremità inferiore d'un palo; the two ends of a rope, i due capi di una corda; the other end of the world, l'altro capo del mondo; the far end of, la parte opposta di; l'estremo opposto di; The stick had a hook at one end, il bastone aveva un gancio a un'estremità; from end to end, da un'estremità all'altra; da un capo all'altro4 rovina; fine; morte: to meet one's end, incontrare la morte; You'll be the end of me!, tu mi farai morire!5 parte ( di un'attività, una situazione, ecc.); lato; settore; versante: the promotional end of an operation, la parte promozionale di un'operazione; our end of the bargain, la nostra parte dell'accordo; at the higher end of the price range, nella parte superiore della gamma dei prezzi; DIALOGO → - Hearing from an old friend- What's new your end?, che novità ci sono da quelle parti?6 (telef., = end of the line) capo del filo: There was a moment's silence at the other end, all'altro capo del filo ci fu un attimo di silenzio7 ( sport) (parte del) campo ( difeso da una squadra); metà campo: to change ends, fare il cambio di campo; cambiare campo; to choose ends, scegliere il campo8 fine; intento; scopo: to further one's own ends, raggiungere il proprio intento; to this end, a questo scopo9 (fam., solo come pred.) – the end, cosa (o persona) che non ha eguali ( in positivo o in negativo); il massimo: You really are the end!, sei impagabile!10 (fam., solo come pred.) – the end, il limite; il colmo: This is the end!, è il colmo!; questo è troppo!; That was the absolute end!, quello è stato proprio il colmoB a. attr.terminale; finale; conclusivo; di arrivo; estremo; in fondo: end result, risultato finale; end user, utente finale; consumatore finale; the end house, la casa in fondo● (anat.) end bulb, bulbo terminale □ to be an end in itself, essere fine a se stesso; essere l'unico scopo □ ( sport) end line, linea di fondo (o di fondocampo) □ the end of the line, il capolinea ( di tram, ecc.); (fig.) la fine, il capolinea, il limite della sopportazione, lo stremo □ the end of the matter, il risultato finale; la conclusione □ (fig.) the end of the road, la destinazione finale; il punto di arrivo (= the end of the line ► sopra) □ the end of one's tether (o, USA, rope), il limite della sopportazione; lo stremo: I had reached ( o I was at) the end of my tether, avevo raggiunto il limite; non ne potevo più; la mia pazienza era agli sgoccioli □ end-of-season, di fine stagione □ (fam. fig.) the end of the world, la fine del mondo; un disastro; una tragedia □ end-of-year, di fine anno: DIALOGO → - Discussing university- I'll do my best to pass the end-of-year exams, farò del mio meglio per passare gli esami di fine anno □ end on, con l'estremità rivolta verso chi guarda; di fronte; frontalmente; ( anche, di più oggetti) con le estremità che si toccano, in fila □ (zool.) end plate, placca motrice □ (mecc.) end play, gioco assiale □ end-point, punto finale ( anche chim.); punto di arrivo □ (econ.) end product, prodotto finito □ end result, risultato finale □ end-to-end, con le estremità che si toccano; testa a testa; in fila; end-to-end control, controllo da utente a utente □ (fam.) all ends up, completamente □ at the end, alla fine; in fondo □ (fam.) at the end of the day, alla fin fine; a conti fatti; in definitiva; alla fin della fiera (fam.) □ at end of it all, alla fine (di tutto); in conclusione □ (fam.) to be at a loose end ( USA: at loose ends), non avere nulla da fare; essere senza occupazione; ritrovarsi con le mani in mano □ to be at one's wits' end, non sapere a che santo votarsi; non sapere dove sbattere il capo □ to come to a bad end, fare una brutta fine □ to go off the deep end, uscir dai gangheri; fare una scenata □ ( anche fig.) to go to the ends of the earth, andare in capo al mondo □ in the end, alla fine; in conclusione □ (fam.) to keep one's end up, comportarsi bene ( in una difficoltà); tener duro; difendersi; resistere □ not to know one end of st. from the other, non intendersi affatto di q.; non avere la minima idea di come sia fatto qc.; non avere la più pallida idea di come fare qc.; non sapere dove mettere le mani □ (fam.) to make an end of st., farla finita; chiudere la faccenda □ (fam.) to make (both) ends meet, far quadrare il bilancio familiare; arrivare alla fine del mese □ (fam.) no end, moltissimo; enormemente: That cheered me up no end, la cosa mi ha tirato enormemente su di morale □ (fam.) no end of, un mucchio; un sacco di; moltissimo: no end of trouble, un sacco di guai □ on end, (rif. a oggetto) diritto, ritto, in posizione verticale, in piedi; (rif. a tempo) senza interruzione, di seguito, di fila: Place the cases on end, metti ritte le casse; My hair stood on end, mi si sono rizzati i capelli; for hours on end, per ore e ore □ to put an end to oneself, togliersi la vita; uccidersi; farla finita (fam.) □ (antiq.) to no end, invano; inutilmente □ without end, senza fine; infinito; a non finire □ (prov.) The end justifies the means, il fine giustifica i mezzi NOTA D'USO: - in the end o in the finish?-.NOTA D'USO: - end o late?- ♦ (to) end /ɛnd/A v. i.1 finire; terminare; cessare; concludersi; chiudersi; andare a finire: The war ended in 1990, la guerra finì nel 1990; The journey ends here, il viaggio finisce qui; How did it end?, com'è finita?; com'è andata a finire?; The concert ended at midnight, il concerto è terminato a mezzanotte; He ended by refusing our offer, ha finito col rifiutare la nostra offerta; His life ended in poverty, la sua vita è finita in miseria3 (gramm.) – to end in, terminare in: Most abstract nouns end in -ness, la maggior parte dei nomi astratti termina in -nessB v. t.finire; concludere; terminare; ultimare; porre fine a: I ended the letter with my best wishes, finii la lettera con i miei migliori saluti; to end a discussion, porre fine a una discussione● to end in smoke, finire in fumo (fig.) □ to end in tears, finire in pianto; finire con qualcuno in lacrime □ (fam.) to end it all, finirla, farla finita ( con la vita); suicidarsi. -
10 end
A n1 (finish, final part) (of week, holiday, journey, game, story, sentence) fin f ; ‘The End’ (of film, book etc) ‘Fin’ ; at the end of à la fin de [year, story] ; at the end of May fin mai ; by the end of à la fin de [year, journey, game] ; to put an end to sth, to bring sth to an end mettre fin à qch, mettre un terme à qch ; to get to the end of arriver à la fin de [holiday] ; arriver au bout de [story, work] ; to come to an end se terminer ; to be at an end être terminé ; in the end I went home finalement je suis rentré chez moi ; in the end, at the end of the day ( all things considered) en fin de compte ; it's the end of the line ou road for the project le projet arrive en fin de course ; for days/months on end pendant des jours et des jours/des mois et des mois ; there is no end to his talent son talent n'a pas de limites ; no endof ○ letters/trouble énormément de lettres/problèmes ; that really is the end ○ ! c'est vraiment le comble ○ ! ; you really are the end ○ ! tu exagères! ; I'm not going and that's the end of that! je n'y vais pas, un point c'est tout! ;2 ( extremity) (of nose, tail, branch, string, queue, bed, table, road) bout m, extrémité f ; at the end of, on the end of au bout de [bed, road, nose] ; at the end of the garden au fond du jardin ; from one end to another d'un bout à l'autre ; from end to end de bout en bout, d'un bout à l'autre ; to lay sth end to end poser qch bout à bout ; the lower end of the street le bas de la rue ; the northern end of the town la partie nord de la ville ; the front/back end of the car l'avant/l'arrière de la voiture ; the third from the end le/la troisième avant la fin ; to look at sth end on regarder qch de front ; to stand sth on its end ou on end mettre qch debout ; it will come out the other end hum ( of swallowed object) ça va sortir à l'autre bout ;3 (side of conversation, transaction) côté m ; things are fine at my ou this end de mon côté tout va bien ; how does it look from your end? qu'en est-il de ton côté? ; she takes care of the business end c'est elle qui s'occupe du côté commercial ; to keep one's end of the bargain remplir sa moitié du contrat ; there was silence at the other end c'était le silence au bout du fil ;4 (of scale, spectrum) extrémité f ; at the lower end of the scale au plus bas de l'échelle ; this suit is from the cheaper ou bottom end of the range ce costume est un des moins chers de la gamme ;5 ( aim) but m ; to this ou that end dans ce but, à cette fin ; an end in itself une fin en soi ; a means to an end un moyen d'arriver à ses fins ;7 ( scrap) (of rope, string) bout m ; (of loaf, joint of meat) reste m ; candle end bout de chandelle ;8 ( death) mort f ; to meet one's end trouver la mort ; to be nearing one's end sentir sa fin proche ; to come to a bad ou sticky end mal finir ; and that was the end of the witch! et ce fut la fin de la sorcière!C vtr mettre fin à [strike, war, friendship, rumour, search] ; mettre fin à, conclure [meeting, debate, programme] ; rompre [marriage] ; achever [match] ; to end sth with conclure or terminer qch par ; to end sth by doing terminer qch en faisant ; he ended his days in hospital il a fini ses jours à l'hôpital ; they ended the day in a restaurant ils ont fini la journée au restaurant ; we ended the first half ahead on avait l'avantage à la fin de la première mi-temps ; to end one's life mettre fin à ses jours ; to end it all en finir avec la vie ; the sale to end all sales ce qu'il y a de mieux comme soldes.D vi1 ( finish in time) [day, meeting, career, relationship, book, war] finir, se terminer ; [contract, agreement] expirer ; to end in se terminer par [failure, tragedy, divorce] ; it ended in a fight/in victory cela s'est terminé par une bagarre/une victoire ; to end with se terminer par ; it ends with him being murdered cela se termine par son assassinat ; the word ends in ou with an ‘e’ le mot finit par ‘e’ ; where will it all end? comment tout cela finira-t-il? ;2 ( finish in space) [path, line, queue, river] se terminer, s'arrêter.all's well that ends well tout est bien qui finit bien ; to get one's end away ◑ s'envoyer en l'air ○ ; to keep one's end up ○ ne pas se laisser impressionner ; ⇒ justify, stick.■ end up:▶ end up [sth] finir par devenir [president, alcoholic] ; finir par être [rich, bored] ; to end up as finir par devenir ; I don't know how he'll end up je ne sais pas comment il va finir ; to end up (by) doing finir par faire ; to end up in se retrouver à [London, hospital] ; to end up at home se retrouver chez soi ; to end up with se retrouver avec [person, prize]. -
11 end
end [end]1. n1) коне́ц; оконча́ние; преде́л;end on концо́м вперёд
;to put an end to smth., to take an end of smth. положи́ть коне́ц чему́-л., уничто́жить что-л.;
in the end в заключе́ние; в коне́чном счёте
;they won the battle in the end в коне́чном счёте они́ доби́лись побе́ды
;at the end of в конце́ (чего-л.);
at the end of the story в конце́ расска́за
;at the end of the month в конце́ ме́сяца
2) край; грани́ца;ends of the earth край земли́; глухома́нь
;the world's end край све́та
3) коне́ц, смерть;he is near(ing) his end он умира́ет
4) результа́т, сле́дствие;happy end благополу́чная развя́зка, счастли́вый коне́ц
;it is difficult to foresee the end тру́дно предви́деть результа́т
5) цель;to that end с э́той це́лью
;to gain one's ends дости́чь це́ли
;ends and means це́ли и сре́дства
6) оста́ток, обло́мок; обре́зок; отры́вок7) спорт. полови́на по́ля или площа́дки8) амер. аспе́кт, сторона́;the political end of smth. полити́ческий аспе́кт чего́-л.
9) часть, отде́л;the retail end of a business отде́л ро́зничной торго́вли
10) сл. зад11) дни́ще12) pl стр. э́ндсы, диле́ны◊to be on the end of a line попа́сться на у́дочку
;to be at a loose end быть свобо́дным, неза́нятым; не знать, чем себя́ заня́ть
;come and see us if you're at a loose end приходи́ к нам, е́сли тебе́ не́чего де́лать
;to make both ( или two) ends meet своди́ть концы́ с конца́ми
;no end разг. безме́рно; в вы́сшей сте́пени
;no end obliged to you чрезвыча́йно вам призна́телен
;no end of разг.
а) мно́го, ма́сса;no end of trouble ма́сса хлопо́т, неприя́тностей
;б) прекра́сный, исключи́тельный;he is no end of a fellow он чуде́сный ма́лый
;we had no end of a time мы прекра́сно провели́ вре́мя
;а) стоймя́; ды́бом;б) беспреры́вно, подря́д;for two years on end два го́да подря́д
;to begin at the wrong end нача́ть не с того́ конца́
;to the bitter end до преде́ла, до то́чки; до после́дней ка́пли кро́ви
;to keep one's end up сде́лать всё от себя́ зави́сящее; не сдава́ться
;end to end непреры́вной це́пью
;laid end to end вме́сте взя́тые
;the end justifies the means цель опра́вдывает сре́дства
;any means to an end все сре́дства хороши́
2. v1) конча́ть; зака́нчивать; прекраща́ть;to end all wars положи́ть коне́ц всем во́йнам
;to end one's life поко́нчить с собо́й
2) конча́ться, заверша́ться (in, with);to end in disaster око́нчиться катастро́фой
;the story ends with the hero's death расска́з конча́ется сме́ртью геро́я
end off, end up ока́нчиваться, прекраща́ться, обрыва́ться -
12 end
[end] 1. noun1) (the last or farthest part of the length of something: the house at the end of the road; both ends of the room; Put the tables end to end (= with the end of one touching the end of another); ( also adjective) We live in the end house.) ende2) (the finish or conclusion: the end of the week; The talks have come to an end; The affair is at an end; He is at the end of his strength; They fought bravely to the end; If she wins the prize we'll never hear the end of it (= she will often talk about it).) ende; slutning3) (death: The soldiers met their end bravely.) død4) (an aim: What end have you in view?) formål; hensigt5) (a small piece left over: cigarette ends.) skod2. verb(to bring or come to an end: The scheme ended in disaster; How does the play end?; How should I end (off) this letter?) ende; slutte- ending- endless
- at a loose end
- end up
- in the end
- make both ends meet
- make ends meet
- no end of
- no end
- on end
- put an end to
- the end* * *[end] 1. noun1) (the last or farthest part of the length of something: the house at the end of the road; both ends of the room; Put the tables end to end (= with the end of one touching the end of another); ( also adjective) We live in the end house.) ende2) (the finish or conclusion: the end of the week; The talks have come to an end; The affair is at an end; He is at the end of his strength; They fought bravely to the end; If she wins the prize we'll never hear the end of it (= she will often talk about it).) ende; slutning3) (death: The soldiers met their end bravely.) død4) (an aim: What end have you in view?) formål; hensigt5) (a small piece left over: cigarette ends.) skod2. verb(to bring or come to an end: The scheme ended in disaster; How does the play end?; How should I end (off) this letter?) ende; slutte- ending- endless
- at a loose end
- end up
- in the end
- make both ends meet
- make ends meet
- no end of
- no end
- on end
- put an end to
- the end -
13 end
[end] 1. noun1) (the last or farthest part of the length of something: the house at the end of the road; both ends of the room; Put the tables end to end (= with the end of one touching the end of another); ( also adjective) We live in the end house.) extremidade2) (the finish or conclusion: the end of the week; The talks have come to an end; The affair is at an end; He is at the end of his strength; They fought bravely to the end; If she wins the prize we'll never hear the end of it (= she will often talk about it).) fim3) (death: The soldiers met their end bravely.) fim4) (an aim: What end have you in view?) finalidade5) (a small piece left over: cigarette ends.) resto2. verb(to bring or come to an end: The scheme ended in disaster; How does the play end?; How should I end (off) this letter?) terminar- ending- endless
- at a loose end
- end up
- in the end
- make both ends meet
- make ends meet
- no end of
- no end
- on end
- put an end to
- the end* * *[end] n 1 fim: a) termo, conclusão. at the end of May / em fins de maio. to the end of the earth / até o fim do mundo. to come to an end / chegar ao fim, terminar, finalizar. to come to a bad end / acabar mal. b) parada, terminal, ponto final. c) objetivo, finalidade. the end justifies the means / o fim justifica os meios. they fought to the bitter end / lutaram até ao fim. d) resultado, efeito, conseqüência. to what end? / para que fim? e) morte, destruição. f) resto, retalho, fragmento, sobra. g) Tech ponto, parte frontal. h) extremidade. 2 Amer Ftb jogador de ponta ou extrema. 3 uma das partes específicas de uma empresa ou negócio. • vt+vi 1 acabar, concluir, terminar. all’s well that ends well / tudo está bem quando acaba bem. he ended by eating the cake / ele acabou comendo o bolo. it ended in marriage / acabou em casamento. it ended in nothing / acabou em nada. Braz acabou em pizza. 2 finalizar, parar. 3 destruir, matar, morrer. 4 ser ou formar o fim. • adj final. at a loose end sem trabalho, desempregado, sem ocupação, sem rumo. from one end to the other do começo ao fim. he gained his end ele conseguiu o que almejava. his hair stands on end ele está de cabelo em pé (medo). I am at my wit’s end não sei mais o que fazer, estou desesperado. in the end no fim, finalmente. loose ends pontas soltas, pontos não resolvidos. no end of trouble um sem-número de preocupações. odds and ends bugigangas. she has it all at her fingers’ ends ela tem tudo na ponta da língua, sabe de cor e salteado. three days on end três dias consecutivos. to be at an end estar no fim. to be no end of a fool ser um tolo incorrigível. to be the thin end of the wedge ser apenas o começo. to get hold of the wrong end of the stick enganar-se redondamente. to go off the deep end fig perder as estribeiras, perder o autocontrole. to keep one’s end up não se deixar vencer, não perder o ânimo. to make an end of encerrar, pôr um termo. to make both ends meet viver de acordo com suas rendas, equilibrar o orçamento, conseguir chegar ao fim do mês. to no end em vão, inútil. to put an end to pôr fim. to rain for days on end chover durante dias a fio. to turn end over soçobrar. -
14 end
- end
- n1. конец; наконечник
2. торец; головка
3. днище ( резервуара)
4. заканчивать(ся)заканчиваться¦заканчивать, оканчивать(ся)оканчиваться¦оканчивать, завершать
5. конечный, крайний, концевой
end fixed against longitudinal movement — конец ( стержня), закреплённый [защемлённый] против продольного смещения [перемещения]
end fixed against transverse movement — конец ( стержня), закреплённый [защемлённый] против поперечного смещения [перемещения]
- end of curve
- end of runway
- abutting end
- anchored end
- ball end
- beam end
- beam ends out of square
- bell end
- boiler end
- butt end
- cable end
- dapped end of beam
- dead end
- dished end
- fixed end
- free end
- gable end
- hinged end
- hipped end
- jacking end
- live end
- loose end
- median end
- muzzle end of the tool
- patent end of tube element
- pin end
- pointed end
- running end
- shunk end
- stop end
- switch end of a turnout
- tail end
- zero end of survey
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
15 end
[end] 1. сущ.1) конец, крайPut the platter at the end of the table. — Поставь блюдо на край стола.
The school is at the south end of town. — Школа расположена на южной окраине города.
- end onSyn:2) конец, окончаниеto put an end to smth. / make an end of smth. — положить конец чему-л., уничтожить что-л.
We stayed at the concert to the very end. — Мы сидели на концерте до самого конца.
Syn:3) конец, исчезновение; смерть, кончинаAnother world war could mean the end of civilization. — Еще одна мировая война могла бы означать конец цивилизации.
He met an untimely end. — Его настигла безвременная кончина.
Syn:4) остаток, обрезок; обломок; отрывок; частьThis end of cloth is enough for a dress. — Этого отреза хватит на платье.
Syn:5) цельto that end — с этой целью, для этой цели
to gain / accomplish / achieve one's ends — достигать своей цели
He used unscrupulous means to achieve his end. — Он использовал любые средства для достижения своей цели.
The end justifies the means. — Цель оправдывает средства.
Syn:6) результат, итог, развязка, следствиеhappy end — благополучная развязка, счастливый конец
Syn:7) ( the end) амер.; разг. самое лучшее, вершина, совершенство ( часто в джазе)Man, he's the end! (J. Kerouac, On The Road) — Чувак, он - просто блеск!
A term of high approbation in the swing era was "out of this world", in the bop era it was "gone", and today it is "the greatest" or "the end". — Термином, выражающим высшую степень похвалы, во времена свинга был "out of this world", в эпоху бопа - "gone", а в наше время - "the greatest" или "the end".
8) спорт.а) половина поля, половина площадки ( занимаемая одним игроком)to change ends — меняться сторонами, полями
to choose ends — выбирать сторону, поле
б) крайний игрок, крыло ( в футболе)9) амер.а) часть, доляSyn:б) аспект, сторонаTo talk to such a person about the editorial end of a publishing business means little or nothing. — Говорить с таким человеком о редакторском аспекте издательского дела означает пустую болтовню.
Syn:10) днище11) стр. ( ends) дилены, эндсы••to make both / two ends meet — сводить концы с концами
to keep one's end up — сделать всё от себя зависящее; не сдаваться
- end of the road- no end- on end- end to end
- at the end of the day
- to the bitter end 2. гл.1)а) = end off / up кончать; заканчивать; завершать; прекращатьHe ended his remarks by quoting Lincoln. — Он закончил свои комментарии цитатой из Линкольна.
The chairman ended the meeting at ten o'clock. — Председатель завершил собрание в 10 часов.
The chairman ended off his speech with a reminder of the main points. — Председатель закончил свой доклад повторением основных его положений.
Be careful, you could end up by getting hurt. — Будь осторожнее, можешь пораниться.
In spite of the people's opinions, she ended up the winner. — Несмотря на всеобщее мнение, она вышла победительницей.
The general began his army life as a private soldier and ended up as ruler of his country. — Генерал начал свою службу рядовым, а закончил правителем страны.
б) кончаться, завершатьсяThe story ends with the hero's death. — Рассказ кончается смертью героя.
The book ends on page 364. — Книга заканчивается 364 страницей.
•Syn:2) прекращать3) уничтожать, разрушатьThe Spanish Conquistadors ended the Aztec civilization. — Испанские конкистадоры уничтожили цивилизацию ацтеков.
Syn: -
16 end
[end] n1) (last, furthest point) Ende nt2) (final part, finish) Ende nt, Schluss mto use sth for commercial \ends etw zu kommerziellen Zwecken einsetzen;to achieve one's \ends seine Ziele erreichensudden/untimely \end plötzliches/vorzeitiges Ende;sb is nearing his/her \end mit jdm geht es zu Ende7) sports ( either half of a pitch) [Spielfeld]hälfte f ( player in American Football) am nächsten an den Seitenlinien stehender SpielerI'm taking care of my \end of the plan and hope he's taking care of his ich kümmere mich um meinen Teil des Plans und hoffe, dass er sich um seinen kümmert;stick to your \end of the deal! halte dich an deinen Teil der Abmachung!\end on;the table faced him \end on er stand vor der kurzen Tischkante;place the table \end on against the wall stell den Tisch mit der schmalen Seite an die WandPHRASES:at the \end of the day ( when everything is considered) letzten Endes;(finally, eventually) schließlich, zum Schluss;to reach the \end of the line [or road] am Ende sein;\end of story Schluss, aus, fertig ( fam)he deserved to be punished, \end of story er hat die Strafe verdient und Schluss ( fam)[and] that's the \end of the story [or matter] und jetzt Schluss damit!;to be at the \end of one's tether [or (Am) rope] am Ende [seiner Kräfte] sein;it's not the \end of the world davon geht die Welt nicht unter;to meet one's \end den Tod finden ( geh)to make [both] \ends meet mit seinem Geld zurechtkommen, über die Runden kommen ( fam)to put an \end to oneself/ it all mit seinem Leben/dem Ganzen Schluss machen;that would please Granny no \end darüber würde sich Oma unglaublich freuen;no \end of trouble reichlich Ärger;in the \end ( when everything is considered) letzten Endes;(finally, eventually) schließlich, zum Schluss;to become an \end in itself [zum] Selbstzweck werden;to this \end zu diesem Zweck vt1) ( finish)to \end sth etw beenden [o zu Ende bringen];to \end up one's speech with the words... seine Rede mit den Worten... [be]schließen2) ( make stop)1) ( result in)to \end in sth in etw dat enden;to \end in divorce mit der Scheidung enden;to \end in a draw unentschieden ausgehen;to \end in a fight mit einer Schlägerei enden2) ( finish) enden -
17 end
/end/ * danh từ - giới hạn - đầu, đầu mút (dây...); đuôi; đáy (thùng...) đoạn cuối - mẩu thừa, mẩu còn lại =candle ends+ mẩu nến - sự kết thúc - sự kết liễu, sự chết =to be near one's end+ chẳng còn sống được bao lâu nữa, gần kề miệng lỗ - kết quả - mục đích =to gain one's ends+ đạt được mục đích của mình !at one's wit's end - (xem) wit !to be at an end !to come to an and - hoàn thành - bị kiệt quệ !to be at the end of one's tether - (xem) tether !end on - với một đầu quay vào (ai) !to go off the deep end - (xem) deep !in the end - cuối cùng về sau !to keep opne's end up - (xem) keep !to make an end of - chấm dứt !to make both ends meet - (xem) meet !no end - vô cùng =no end obliged to you+ vô cùng cảm ơn anh !no end of - rất nhiều =no end of trouble+ rất nhiều điều phiền nhiễu - tuyệt diệu =he is no end of a fellow+ nó là một thằng cha tuyệt diệu !to end - liền, liên tục =for hours on end+ trong mấy tiếng liền - thẳng đứng !to place end to end - đặt nối đàu vào nhau !to put an end to - chấm dứt, bãi bỏ !to turn end for end - lộn ngược lại, trở đầu lại, quay ngược lại !world without end - (xem) world * ngoại động từ - kết thúc, chấm dứt - kết liễu, diệt * nội động từ - kết thúc, chấm dứt - đi đến chỗ, đưa đến kết quả là !to end up - kết luận, kết thúc !to end with - kết thúc bằng !to end by doing something - cuối cùng sẽ làm việc gì !to end in smoke - (xem) smoke -
18 end
[end] 1. noun1) (the last or farthest part of the length of something: the house at the end of the road; both ends of the room; Put the tables end to end (= with the end of one touching the end of another); ( also adjective) We live in the end house.) endi2) (the finish or conclusion: the end of the week; The talks have come to an end; The affair is at an end; He is at the end of his strength; They fought bravely to the end; If she wins the prize we'll never hear the end of it (= she will often talk about it).) endir, lok3) (death: The soldiers met their end bravely.) dauði, endalok4) (an aim: What end have you in view?) takmark5) (a small piece left over: cigarette ends.) endi, stubbur2. verb(to bring or come to an end: The scheme ended in disaster; How does the play end?; How should I end (off) this letter?) enda, ljúka, binda enda á- ending- endless
- at a loose end
- end up
- in the end
- make both ends meet
- make ends meet
- no end of
- no end
- on end
- put an end to
- the end -
19 end
[end] 1. noun1) (the last or farthest part of the length of something: the house at the end of the road; both ends of the room; Put the tables end to end (= with the end of one touching the end of another); ( also adjective) We live in the end house.) gals; gala-2) (the finish or conclusion: the end of the week; The talks have come to an end; The affair is at an end; He is at the end of his strength; They fought bravely to the end; If she wins the prize we'll never hear the end of it (= she will often talk about it).) beigas; nobeigums3) (death: The soldiers met their end bravely.) nāve; gals4) (an aim: What end have you in view?) mērķis; nolūks5) (a small piece left over: cigarette ends.) atlikums; galiņš2. verb(to bring or come to an end: The scheme ended in disaster; How does the play end?; How should I end (off) this letter?) beigt; beigties- ending- endless
- at a loose end
- end up
- in the end
- make both ends meet
- make ends meet
- no end of
- no end
- on end
- put an end to
- the end* * *gals; nobeigums, beigas; galiņš, atlikums; nāve, gals; puse, mala; nolūks, mērķis; iznākums, rezultāts; šķēru pavediens; beigt -
20 end
[end] 1. noun1) (the last or farthest part of the length of something: the house at the end of the road; both ends of the room; Put the tables end to end (= with the end of one touching the end of another); ( also adjective) We live in the end house.) galas, galinis, paskutinis2) (the finish or conclusion: the end of the week; The talks have come to an end; The affair is at an end; He is at the end of his strength; They fought bravely to the end; If she wins the prize we'll never hear the end of it (= she will often talk about it).) pabaiga, galas3) (death: The soldiers met their end bravely.) mirtis4) (an aim: What end have you in view?) tikslas5) (a small piece left over: cigarette ends.) galiukas2. verb(to bring or come to an end: The scheme ended in disaster; How does the play end?; How should I end (off) this letter?) baigti(s)- ending- endless
- at a loose end
- end up
- in the end
- make both ends meet
- make ends meet
- no end of
- no end
- on end
- put an end to
- the end
См. также в других словарях:
End time — End time, End times, or End of days are the eschatological writings in the three Abrahamic religions and in doomsday scenarios in various other non Abrahamic religions. In Abrahamic religions, End times are often depicted as a time of tribulation … Wikipedia
end — [end] noun 1. STATISTICS MARKETING top/bottom end a figure that is at the top or bottom end of a range is high or low in the range of possible figures that were expected: • The results were at the top end of previous market forecasts. 2.… … Financial and business terms
end — end·amebiasis; end·amoeba; end·amoe·bi·dae; end·aortic; end·arterial; end·arteritis; end·ar·te·ri·um; end·er·gon·ic; end·ing; end·less; end·less·ness; end·lich·ite; end·most; end·oral; end·osmometer; end·osmosis; end·osteal; end·osteitis;… … English syllables
End — ([e^]nd), n. [OE. & AS. ende; akin to OS. endi, D. einde, eind, OHG. enti, G. ende, Icel. endir, endi, Sw. [ a]nde, Dan. ende, Goth. andeis, Skr. anta. [root]208. Cf. {Ante }, {Anti }, {Answer}.] 1. The extreme or last point or part of any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
End bulb — End End ([e^]nd), n. [OE. & AS. ende; akin to OS. endi, D. einde, eind, OHG. enti, G. ende, Icel. endir, endi, Sw. [ a]nde, Dan. ende, Goth. andeis, Skr. anta. [root]208. Cf. {Ante }, {Anti }, {Answer}.] 1. The extreme or last point or part of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
end corpuscles — End End ([e^]nd), n. [OE. & AS. ende; akin to OS. endi, D. einde, eind, OHG. enti, G. ende, Icel. endir, endi, Sw. [ a]nde, Dan. ende, Goth. andeis, Skr. anta. [root]208. Cf. {Ante }, {Anti }, {Answer}.] 1. The extreme or last point or part of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
End fly — End End ([e^]nd), n. [OE. & AS. ende; akin to OS. endi, D. einde, eind, OHG. enti, G. ende, Icel. endir, endi, Sw. [ a]nde, Dan. ende, Goth. andeis, Skr. anta. [root]208. Cf. {Ante }, {Anti }, {Answer}.] 1. The extreme or last point or part of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
End for end — End End ([e^]nd), n. [OE. & AS. ende; akin to OS. endi, D. einde, eind, OHG. enti, G. ende, Icel. endir, endi, Sw. [ a]nde, Dan. ende, Goth. andeis, Skr. anta. [root]208. Cf. {Ante }, {Anti }, {Answer}.] 1. The extreme or last point or part of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
End man — End End ([e^]nd), n. [OE. & AS. ende; akin to OS. endi, D. einde, eind, OHG. enti, G. ende, Icel. endir, endi, Sw. [ a]nde, Dan. ende, Goth. andeis, Skr. anta. [root]208. Cf. {Ante }, {Anti }, {Answer}.] 1. The extreme or last point or part of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
End on — End End ([e^]nd), n. [OE. & AS. ende; akin to OS. endi, D. einde, eind, OHG. enti, G. ende, Icel. endir, endi, Sw. [ a]nde, Dan. ende, Goth. andeis, Skr. anta. [root]208. Cf. {Ante }, {Anti }, {Answer}.] 1. The extreme or last point or part of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
End organ — End End ([e^]nd), n. [OE. & AS. ende; akin to OS. endi, D. einde, eind, OHG. enti, G. ende, Icel. endir, endi, Sw. [ a]nde, Dan. ende, Goth. andeis, Skr. anta. [root]208. Cf. {Ante }, {Anti }, {Answer}.] 1. The extreme or last point or part of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English