1 ♦ speech
♦ speech /spi:tʃ/n.1 [u] capacità o facoltà di parlare; dono della parola; linguaggio; favella: Animals are incapable of speech, gli animali non hanno il dono della parola; freedom of speech (o free speech) libertà di parola; speech impediment, disturbo del linguaggio ( balbuzie e simili); impedimento nel parlare; slow of speech, lento nel parlare2 [u] modo di parlare; parlata: clear speech, un modo di parlare comprensibile; Southern speech, la parlata (o l'accento) del sud3 discorso; orazione; tirata (fam.); (leg.) arringa; (teatr.) monologo: a set [an extempore] speech, un discorso preparato [improvvisato]; to make [to deliver, to give] a speech, fare [tenere] un discorso; fare un'orazione (o un'arringa); a maiden speech, un discorso inaugurale; a keynote speech, un intervento di apertura ( di convegno o cerimonia); a stirring speech, un discorso elettrizzante; a rousing speech, un discorso di incitamento; an impassioned speech, un discorso appassionato; inflammatory speeches, discorsi incendiari4 [u] (ling.) «parole» (franc.)● (ling.) speech act, atto linguistico; atto comunicativo □ (anat.) speech area (o centre), area del linguaggio ( nel cervello) □ speech community, comunità linguistica □ ( nelle scuole inglesi) speech day, giorno di chiusura ( con discorso di un ex alunno); giorno della distribuzione dei diplomi e dei premi □ (med.) speech defect, difetto di pronuncia □ (fis., radio) speech frequency, frequenza vocale □ (polit., nei Paesi del Commonwealth) Speech from the Throne, discorso della Corona ( all'apertura del nuovo parlamento) □ (med.) speech-impaired, logopatico □ (elettron.) speech machine, macchina parlante □ speech maker, oratore □ (anat.) speech organs, organi della fonazione □ speech pathologist, patologo del linguaggio; foniatra □ speech pathology, patologia del linguaggio; foniatria □ speech-reading, labiolettura □ (comput.) speech recognition, riconoscimento vocale □ (tecn.) speech synthesizer, sintetizzatore della voce □ (med.) speech therapist, foniatra; logopedista □ (med.) speech therapy, foniatria; logopedia □ speech training, esercizio di dizione □ (prov.) Speech is silver; silence is golden, la parola è d'argento, il silenzio è d'oro. -
2 speech
speech [spi:tʃ]∎ their poetry is based on speech rather than writing leur poésie relève de la tradition orale plus que de l'écriture;∎ to express oneself in speech s'exprimer oralement ou par la parole;∎ things which people say in everyday speech des choses que les gens disent dans la langue de tous les jours;∎ proverb speech is silver but silence is golden la parole est d'argent, mais le silence est d'or∎ his speech was slurred il bafouillait;∎ her speech grew hesitant son élocution devenait hésitante(c) (dialect, language) parler m, langage m;∎ the speech of the islanders/local fishermen le parler des habitants de l'île/des pêcheurs du coin∎ to make a speech on or about sth faire ou prononcer un discours sur qch;∎ speech! speech! un discours! un discours!;∎ the Queen's Speech le discours du Trône►► Linguistics speech act acte m de parole;speech bubble bulle f;Linguistics speech community communauté f linguistique;∎ on speech day le jour de la distribution des prix;speech defect défaut m de prononciation, specialist term trouble f du langage;speech impediment défaut m d'élocution ou de prononciation;speech pattern schéma m linguistique;speech processing compréhension f du langage parlé;Computing speech recognition reconnaissance f de la parole;Linguistics speech sound phone m, son m linguistique;speech synthesizer synthétiseur m de parole;speech therapy orthophonie fⓘ SPEECH DAY À la fin de l'année scolaire en Grande-Bretagne, certaines écoles invitent une personnalité à prononcer un discours et à distribuer des prix. -
3 speech
speech [spi:t∫]1. noun• direct/indirect speech discours m direct/indirect• speech, speech! un discours ! un discours !2. compounds* * *[spiːtʃ]to give/deliver a speech — tenir/prononcer un discours
2) ( faculty) parole f; ( spoken form) langage mdirect/indirect speech — Linguistics discours m direct/indirect
3) ( language) langage m4) US School, University expression f orale -
4 speech
speech n1 ( oration) discours m (on sur ; about à propos de) ; Theat tirade f ; farewell/opening speech discours d'adieu/d'ouverture ; in a speech dans un discours ; to give/make/deliver a speech tenir/faire/prononcer un discours ; the Speech from the Throne GB Pol le Discours du Trône ;2 ( faculty) parole f ; ( spoken form) langage m ; direct/indirect speech Ling discours m or style m direct/indirect ; in speech par le langage ; to express oneself in speech rather than writing s'exprimer oralement plutôt que par écrit ; the power of speech le pouvoir de la parole ; -
5 speech
speech [spi:tʃ] n1) речь, дар ре́чи; речева́я де́ятельность; слова́;sometimes gestures are more expressive than speech иногда́ же́сты вырази́тельнее слов
2) речь, ора́торское выступле́ние;to deliver ( или to make, to give) a speech произноси́ть речь
;set speech зара́нее соста́вленная речь
;speech from the throne тро́нная речь
3) го́вор, произноше́ние; мане́ра говори́ть;to be slow of speech говори́ть ме́дленно
;his speech is indistinct он говори́т невня́тно, у него́ плоха́я ди́кция
4) ре́плика5) язы́к; диале́кт6) звуча́ние ( музыкального инструмента)7) attr. речево́й;speech habits речевы́е на́выки
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English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > speech
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nречь; выступлениеto carry smb's speech live on nationwide radio and television — вести прямую передачу чьей-л. речи по центральному радио и телевидению
to give a speech — выступать с речью; произносить речь
to hear an emotional speech by smb — выслушивать чью-л. эмоциональную речь
to interrupt smb's speech — прерывать чью-л. речь
to lessen the impact of a speech — уменьшать воздействие чьей-л. речи
to pick a theme for one's speech — выбирать тему для своей речи
to rehearse one's speech — репетировать свою речь
to respond negatively to a speech — отрицательно реагировать на какую-л. речь
- accusatory speechto unite in praise of smb's speech — совместно хвалить чье-л. выступление
- arresting speech
- austerity speech
- bitter speech
- blunt speech
- brilliant speech
- campaign speech
- capital speech
- cautiously worded speech
- closing speech
- concession speech
- conciliatory speech
- concluding speech
- curtailment of free speech
- delivery of a speech
- disappointing speech
- emotional speech
- epoch-making speech
- faculty of speech
- fiery speech
- fighting speech
- flaming speech
- foreign policy speech
- free speech - hard-hitting speech
- hard-line speech
- historic speech
- hot speech
- in connection with the previous speech
- inaugural speech
- inauguration speech
- inflammatory speech
- introductory speech
- keynote speech
- lack-luster speech - maiden speech
- major policy speech
- much quoted speech
- one minute speech
- opening speech
- peaceful speech
- policy-making speech
- ponderous speech
- powerful speech
- rebellious speeches
- repression of free speech
- resignation speech
- sapid speech
- seditious speech
- self-critical speech
- speech couched in general terms
- speech for the defense
- speech from the throne
- speech in reply
- speech of welcome
- speech on European matters
- speech received a mixed reception
- speech was well received
- state-of-the-nation speech
- stirring speech
- substantial speech
- televised speech
- tenor of smb's speech
- tough speech
- UN speech
- uncompromising speech
- unscheduled speech
- valedictory speech
- victory speech
- violent speech
- welcoming speech
- whistle stop speech
- wide-ranging speech -
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[spiːtʃ]n1) речь, говор, диалект, речевая деятельность, манера говоритьSometimes gestures are more expressive than speech. — Иногда жесты красноречивее слов.
- irritating speechMan is the only animal that has the power/faculty of speech. — Человек - единственное живое существо, обладающее даром речи.
- refined speech
- ordinary speech
- dialectal speech
- London speech
- everyday speech
- continuous speech
- cultural speech
- formal speech
- affected speech
- disrespectful speech
- rasping speech
- blunt speech
- flattering speech
- oral speech
- gutteral speech
- human speech
- direct speech
- speech habits
- speech marks
- speech therapy
- speech underdevelopment
- speech abnormality
- power of speech- error of speech- part of speech
- fugure of speech
- stream of speech
- sounds of speech
- type of speech
- by smb's speech
- abandon one's native speech
- be slow of speech
- charge one's speech with commonplace phrases
- copy smb in speech
- get used to the speech predominant here
- imitate other people's speech
- improve one's speech
- lose one's power speech
- recover one's speech
- use many quotations in speech
- be startled beyond speech
- change direct speech into indirect speech
- enjoy freedom of speech2) речь, выступление, докладIt is a smart speech for a five-year old. — Для пятилетнего ребенка, он очень умно говорит.
Dull speeches are better than dull silences. — Скучные речи лучше томительного молчания.
Speech is silver, but silence is gold. — ◊ Слово - серебро, а молчание - золото
- political speech- eloquent speech
- keynote speech- congratulatory speech- acceptance speech
- inaugural speech
- election speech
- throne speech
- after dinner speech
- platform speech
- holiday speeches
- five-minute speech
- touching speech
- set speech
- quick flashing speech of challenge
- maiden speech in Parlament
- speech about smth
- speech of great courage
- speech of welcome
- speech on the war
- speech for the prosecution
- subject of his speech
- at the end of the speech
- address a speech to the delegates
- applaud a speech
- listen to a speech
- attack smb in one's speech
- be deeply stirred by the speech
- be good at making speeches
- begin the speech with an apology
- break off one's speech
- close one's speech
- compose a speech
- deliver a speech from one's notes
- drag out draw out one's speech
- interrupt a speech
- record a speech
- limit smb's speech to ten minutes
- make a speech
- make a speech on smb's behalf
- make an impressive and eloquent speech to the demonstators
- receive the speech warmly
- report a speech
- take smb's speech down in shorthand
- write a speech -
13 speech
spi:1) ((the act of) saying words, or the ability to say words: Speech is one method of communication between people.) habla2) (the words said: His speech is full of colloquialisms.) palabras3) (manner or way of speaking: His speech is very slow.) lenguaje, forma de hablar4) (a formal talk given to a meeting etc: parliamentary speeches.) discurso•- speechlessly
- speechlessness
speech n1. habla2. discursotr[spiːʧ]1 (faculty, act) habla2 (spoken language, way of speaking) habla, manera de hablar3 (formal talk) discurso, alocución nombre femenino; (informal talk) charla; (lectura) conferencia; (lines in play) diálogo■ he gave a speech on/about bird-watching dio una charla sobre ornitología\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto give/make a speech pronunciar un discursofreedom of speech libertad nombre femenino de expresióndirect speech estilo directoindirect speech estilo indirectopart of speech parte de la oraciónspeech day día nombre masculino del reparto de premiosspeech defect defecto del hablaspeech impediment impedimento del hablaspeech therapy logopedia, foniatríaspeech ['spi:ʧ] n1) : habla f, modo m de hablar, expresión f2) address: discurso mn.(§ pl.: speeches) = conferencia s.f.• discurso s.m.• habla s.f.• idioma s.m.• lenguaje s.m.• manera de hablar s.f.• oración s.f.• palabra s.f.• parlamento s.m.spiːtʃ1)a) u (act, faculty) habla f‡freedom of speech — libertad f de expresión or de palabra; (before n)
speech defect — defecto m del habla or de pronunciación
speech impediment — impedimento m del habla
b) u ( manner of speaking) forma f de hablarc) u c (language, dialect) habla f‡2) ca) ( oration) discurso m, alocución f (frml)speech! speech! — (hum) que hable! que hable!
to make o (frml) deliver a speech (on o about something) — dar* or (frml) pronunciar un discurso (sobre or acerca de algo)
b) ( Theat) parlamento m3) u ( Ling)[spiːtʃ]direct/indirect o reported speech — estilo m or discurso m directo/indirecto
1. N1) (=faculty) habla f ; (=words) palabras fpl ; (=language) lenguaje m ; (=manner of speaking) lenguaje m, forma f de hablarto recover one's speech — recobrar el habla, recobrar la palabra
his speech was slurred — arrastraba las palabras, farfullaba al hablar
he expresses himself better in speech than in writing — se expresa mejor hablando or de palabra que por escrito
freedom of speech — libertad f de expresión
to be slow of speech — hablar lentamente, ser torpe de palabra
2) (=address) discurso mspeech, speech! — ¡que hable! ¡que hable!
3) (Brit)(Gram)part 1., 8)direct/indirect speech — estilo m directo/indirecto
2.CPDspeech act N — acto m de habla
speech analysis N — análisis m de la voz
speech bubble N — bocadillo m (de historieta)
speech command N — comando m vocal
speech community N — comunidad f lingüística
speech day N — (Brit) reparto m de premios
speech defect, speech impediment N — defecto m del habla
speech organ N — órgano m del habla
speech recognition N — (Comput) reconocimiento m de voz
speech synthesizer N — sintetizador m de la voz humana
speech therapist N — logopeda mf
speech therapy N — terapia f de la palabra
speech training N — lecciones fpl de elocución
speech writer N — escritor(a) m / f de discursos, redactor(a) m / f de discursos
* * *[spiːtʃ]1)a) u (act, faculty) habla f‡freedom of speech — libertad f de expresión or de palabra; (before n)
speech defect — defecto m del habla or de pronunciación
speech impediment — impedimento m del habla
b) u ( manner of speaking) forma f de hablarc) u c (language, dialect) habla f‡2) ca) ( oration) discurso m, alocución f (frml)speech! speech! — (hum) que hable! que hable!
to make o (frml) deliver a speech (on o about something) — dar* or (frml) pronunciar un discurso (sobre or acerca de algo)
b) ( Theat) parlamento m3) u ( Ling)direct/indirect o reported speech — estilo m or discurso m directo/indirecto
14 speech
noun1) (public address) Rede, diemake or deliver or give a speech — eine Rede halten
2) (faculty of speaking) Sprache, diehis speech was slurred — er sprach undeutlich
* * *[spi: ]1) ((the act of) saying words, or the ability to say words: Speech is one method of communication between people.) die Sprache2) (the words said: His speech is full of colloquialisms.) die Sprache3) (manner or way of speaking: His speech is very slow.) das Sprechen4) (a formal talk given to a meeting etc: parliamentary speeches.) die Rede•- academic.ru/69366/speechless">speechless- speechlessly
- speechlessness* * *<pl -es>[spi:tʃ]n▪ in \speech mündlichto lose/recover the power of \speech die Sprechfähigkeit [o die Sprache] verlieren/wiedererlangenin everyday \speech in der Alltagsspracheto be slow in [or of] \speech langsam redenacceptance \speech Aufnahmerede fafter-dinner \speech Tischrede fkeynote \speech Hauptrede feloquent \speech ausdrucksvolle Rederousing \speech stürmische Redeto deliver [or give] [or make] a \speech eine Rede haltenHamlet's \speech Hamlets Monolog mdirect/indirect [or reported] \speech direkte/indirekte Rede* * *[spiːtʃ]n1) no pl (= faculty of speech) Sprache f; (= act of speaking) Sprechen nt; (= manner of speaking) Sprechweise fhe expresses himself better in speech than in writing —
to lose/recover the power of speech —
speech is silver, silence is golden (prov) — Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold (Prov)
2) (= language) Sprache fthe actor had three speeches — der Schauspieler hat dreimal gesprochen
the chairman invited speeches from the floor — der Vorsitzende forderte das Publikum zu Meinungsäußerungen auf
4) (Brit GRAM)direct/indirect or reported speech — direkte/indirekte Rede
See:* * *speech [spiːtʃ]A s1. Sprache f, Sprechvermögen n:recover one’s speech die Sprache wiedergewinnen2. Reden n, Sprechen n:he expresses himself better in speech than in writing er drückt sich mündlich besser aus als schriftlich; → figure A 8, silence A 13. Rede f, Äußerung f:direct one’s speech to das Wort richten an (akk)4. Gespräch n:have speech with sb mit jemandem reden5. Rede f, Ansprache f, Vortrag m, JUR Plädoyer n:6. a) (Landes)Sprache fb) Dialekt min common speech in der Umgangssprache, landläufigB adj Sprach…, Sprech…, Rede…:speech clinic MED logopädische Klinik;speech community LINGa) Sprachgemeinschaft f,b) Sprachgruppe f;speech-impaired MED sprachgestört;speech reading Lippenlesen n;speech record Sprechplatte f;speech synthesizer Sprachsynthesizer m;* * *noun1) (public address) Rede, diemake or deliver or give a speech — eine Rede halten
2) (faculty of speaking) Sprache, die* * *n.(§ pl.: speeches)= Ansprache f.Rede -n f.Sprache -n f. -
15 speech
1. n речь; речевая деятельность2. n дар речи3. n устная речь4. n выговор, манера говорить; характер речи5. n речь, выступление; спичopening speech — вступительная речь, вступительное слово
speech full of redundancies — речь, изобилующая повторениями
halting speech — неплавная речь, речь с заминками и паузами
flowers of speech — цветы красноречия; красивые обороты речи
6. n разговор7. n языкmusic is a common speech for humanity — музыка — это общий язык для всего человечества
8. n диалект, говор9. n звучание10. n монолог; репликаСинонимический ряд:1. address (noun) address; allocution; declamation; dissertation; harangue; lecture; oration; recitation; sermon; tirade2. articulation (noun) articulation; diction; enunciation; locution; pronunciation3. conversation (noun) conversation; dialogue; discussion4. language (noun) dialect; idiom; language; lingo; parlance; patois; tongue; vernacular; words5. utterance (noun) comment; communication; discourse; mention; remark; speaking; talk; utterance; verbalisation; verbalization; voice -
16 speech
spi:tʃ сущ.
1) а) речь, дар речи;
речевая деятельность speech underdevelopment ≈ недоразвитие речи speech abnormality ≈ дефект речи б) устная речь;
2) речь, манера говорить;
говор, произношение;
scamping speech ≈ речь с пропусками согласных или слогов fluent speech ≈ беглая речь nasal speech ≈ гнусавый голос slowed speech ≈ замедленная речь
3) речь;
обращение to ad-lib, improvise a speech ≈ произносить импровизированную, неподготовленную речь to deliver/make/give a speech ≈ произносить речь acceptance speech boring speech brief speech concession speech farewell speech impromptu speech inaugural speech keynote speech long speech long-winded speech passionate speech rambling speech rousing speech stirring speech set speech short speech unrehearsed speech welcoming speech Syn: address, discourse, harangue, lecture, oration
4) язык;
5) театр. реплика;
монолог речь;
речевая деятельность - a figure of * фигура речи - parts of * части речи - without * не говоря ни слова - to be slow of * говорить медленно;
быть неразговорчивым дар речи (тж. faculty of *) - he was recovering * with dificulty к нему медленно возвращалась речь - he was startled beyond * он онемел от изумления устная речь - * habits речевые навыки - * input (компьютерное) речевой ввод - he expresses himself better in * than in writing он может лучше выразить свою мысль устно, чем письменно выговор, манера говорить;
характер речи - clear * отчетливый выговор - refined * утонченная манера говорить - colloquial * разговорная речь - infant * лепет ребенка - this word is not used in polite * это слово не употребляется в речи культурных людей - he is Irish by his * судя по его произношению, он ирландец речь, выступление (оратора) ;
спич - opening * вступительная речь, вступительное слово - main * доклад - freedom of * свобода слова - * of welcome приветственная речь - the * from the throne тронная речь - the * for the defence защитительная речь - to deliver a * произносить речь, выступать разговор - wanted to have * with him and could not хотел поговорить с ним и не смог язык - one's native * родная речь - national * национальный язык;
государственный язык - to give * to one's feelings найти слова для выражения своих чувств - music is a common * for humanity музыка - это общий язык для всего человечества диалект, говор - indigenous * местный говор - London * лондонский диалект звучание( музыкальных инструментов) монолог (в пьесе, фильме) ;
реплика (действующего лица) > * is silver, silence is golden (пословица) слово - серебро, молчание - золото ~ говор, произношение;
манера говорить;
to be slow of speech говорить медленно;
his speech is indistinct он говорит невнятно, у него плохая дикция concluding ~ заключительная речь ~ речь, ораторское выступление;
to deliver (или to make, to give) a speech произносить речь final ~ заключительное слово ~ говор, произношение;
манера говорить;
to be slow of speech говорить медленно;
his speech is indistinct он говорит невнятно, у него плохая дикция opening ~ вступительная речь set ~ заранее составленная речь;
speech from the throne тронная речь ~ речь, дар речи;
речевая деятельность;
sometimes gestures are more expressive than speech иногда жесты выразительнее слов speech выступление ~ говор, произношение;
манера говорить;
to be slow of speech говорить медленно;
his speech is indistinct он говорит невнятно, у него плохая дикция ~ доклад ~ звучание (муз. инструмента) ~ разговор ~ театр. реплика ~ речь, ораторское выступление;
to deliver (или to make, to give) a speech произносить речь ~ речь, дар речи;
речевая деятельность;
sometimes gestures are more expressive than speech иногда жесты выразительнее слов ~ речь ~ язык;
диалект ~ attr. речевой;
speech habits речевые навыки ~ for defence речь в защиту set ~ заранее составленная речь;
speech from the throne тронная речь ~ attr. речевой;
speech habits речевые навыки -
17 speech
[spiːʧ]сущ.1) речь; речевая деятельностьspeech act лингв. — речевой акт
direct / reported speech лингв. — прямая, косвенная речь
faculty / power of speech — дар речи, способность говорить
speech recognition информ. — распознавание речи
I lost my power of speech. — Я потерял дар речи.
2) разговор, беседаSyn:3) речь; выступление; обращениеto ad-lib / improvise a speech — произносить импровизированную, неподготовленную речь
to deliver / make / give a speech about / on smth. — произносить речь на какую-л. тему
to broadcast smb.'s speech — транслировать чью-л. речь (по радио, телевидению)
- boring speechHis speech was broadcast on national radio. — Его речь транслировалась по национальному радио.
- brief speech
- short speech
- concession speech
- farewell speech
- impromptu speech
- inaugural speech
- keynote speech
- King's speech
- Queen's speech
- long speech
- long-winded speech
- passionate speech
- rambling speech
- rousing speech
- stirring speech
- set speech
- unrehearsed speech
- welcoming speechSyn:4) речь, манера говорить; выговор, произношениеHe is foreigner by his speech. — Судя по произношению, он иностранец.
5)а) языкone's native speech — родная речь, родной язык кого-л.
б) диалект, говор6) театр. реплика; монолог7) информ. речевой сигнал•Gram:[ref dict="LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)"]Direct and indirect speech[/ref][ref dict="LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)"]Speech situations[/ref]•• -
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[spi:tʃ]speech говор, произношение; манера говорить; to be slow of speech говорить медленно; his speech is indistinct он говорит невнятно, у него плохая дикция concluding speech заключительная речь speech речь, ораторское выступление; to deliver (или to make, to give) a speech произносить речь final speech заключительное слово speech говор, произношение; манера говорить; to be slow of speech говорить медленно; his speech is indistinct он говорит невнятно, у него плохая дикция opening speech вступительная речь set speech заранее составленная речь; speech from the throne тронная речь speech речь, дар речи; речевая деятельность; слова; sometimes gestures are more expressive than speech иногда жесты выразительнее слов speech выступление speech говор, произношение; манера говорить; to be slow of speech говорить медленно; his speech is indistinct он говорит невнятно, у него плохая дикция speech доклад speech звучание (муз. инструмента) speech разговор speech театр. реплика speech речь, ораторское выступление; to deliver (или to make, to give) a speech произносить речь speech речь, дар речи; речевая деятельность; слова; sometimes gestures are more expressive than speech иногда жесты выразительнее слов speech речь speech язык; диалект speech attr. речевой; speech habits речевые навыки speech for defence речь в защиту set speech заранее составленная речь; speech from the throne тронная речь speech attr. речевой; speech habits речевые навыки -
19 speech
[spi:tʃ] n1. 1) речь; речевая деятельностьparts of speech - лингв. части речи
to be slow of speech - а) говорить медленно; б) быть неразговорчивым
2) дар речи (тж. faculty of speech)he was recovering speech with difficulty - к нему медленно возвращалась речь /способность говорить/
he was startled beyond speech - он онемел /потерял дар речи/ от изумления
3) устная речьspeech in put - вчт. речевой ввод
he expresses himself better in speech than in writing - он может лучше выразить свою мысль устно, чем письменно
2. выговор, манера говорить; характер речиclear [indistinct] speech - отчётливый [неотчётливый] выговор
refined [affected] speech - утончённая [претенциозная] манера говорить
colloquial [free] speech - разговорная [непринуждённая] речь
this word is not used in polite speech - это слово не употребляется в речи культурных людей
he is Irish by his speech - судя по его произношению, он ирландец
3. речь, выступление ( оратора); спичopening [closing] speech - вступительная [заключительная] речь, вступительное [заключительное] слово
the speech for the defence [for the prosecution] - защитительная [обвинительная] речь
to deliver /to give, to make/ a speech - произносить речь, выступать
4. разговорwanted to have speech with him and could not - хотел поговорить с ним и не смог
5. 1) языкnational speech - а) национальный язык; б) государственный язык
music is a common speech for humanity - музыка - это общий язык для всего человечества
2) диалект, говор6. звучание ( музыкальных инструментов)7. монолог (в пьесе, фильме); реплика ( действующего лица)♢
speech is silver, silence is golden - посл. слово - серебро, молчание - золото -
20 speech
------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] a formal speech[Swahili Word] lumba[Part of Speech] noun[Swahili Example] (= simulia, hadithia, hoji)[Note] rare------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] children's speech[Swahili Word] nyonyo[Swahili Plural] nyonyo[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10[Derived Word] informal------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] confused speech[Swahili Word] chachawi[Part of Speech] adverb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] give a speech[Swahili Word] -hutubu[Part of Speech] verb[Dialect] recent[Derived Word] hatiba, hutuba------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] person with a speech-defect[Swahili Word] gugumizi[Swahili Plural] magugumizi[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 5/6------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] speech[Swahili Word] hotuba[Swahili Plural] hotuba[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] speech[Swahili Word] hutuba[Part of Speech] noun[Dialect] recent[Derived Word] hutubu------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] speech[Swahili Word] kauli[Swahili Plural] kauli[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10[Derived Word] Arabic------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] speech[Swahili Word] matamko[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 6------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] speech[Swahili Word] msemo[Swahili Plural] misemo[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] sema------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] speech[Swahili Word] tamshi[Swahili Plural] matamshi[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 5/6------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] speech[Swahili Word] usemi[Part of Speech] noun[Swahili Example] alipomaliza usemi wake------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] speech[Swahili Word] waadhi[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] speech[Note] rare------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] speech[Swahili Word] widhaa[Swahili Plural] mawidhaa[Part of Speech] noun[Note] rare------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] speech (power of)[Swahili Word] uneni[Part of Speech] noun------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] style of speech[English Plural] styles of speech[Swahili Word] lafudhi[Swahili Plural] lafudhi[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10[Derived Language] Arabic------------------------------------------------------------
См. также в других словарях:
speech — /speech/, n. 1. the faculty or power of speaking; oral communication; ability to express one s thoughts and emotions by speech sounds and gesture: Losing her speech made her feel isolated from humanity. 2. the act of speaking: He expresses… … Universalium
Speech — refers to the processes associated with the production and perception of sounds used in spoken language. A number of academic disciplines study speech and speech sounds, including acoustics, psychology, speech pathology, linguistics, cognitive… … Wikipedia
speech — [ spitʃ ] n. m. • 1829; mot angl. ♦ Vieilli Petite allocution de circonstance, notamment en réponse à un toast. ⇒ discours; fam. laïus, topo. Il y eut quelques speechs (ou speeches) amusants. « en mourant, tous les hommes célèbres font un dernier … Encyclopédie Universelle
speech — W2S2 [spi:tʃ] n [: Old English; Origin: sprAc, spAc] 1.) a talk, especially a formal one about a particular subject, given to a group of people ▪ a campaign speech give/make/deliver a speech ▪ Each child had to give a short speech to the rest of… … Dictionary of contemporary English
speech — [ spitʃ ] noun *** 1. ) count a formal occasion when someone speaks to an audience: He began his speech by outlining his plans for the coming year. make/give/deliver a speech: The queen made a wonderful speech in reply. a ) the words that someone … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Speech — Speech, n. [OE. speche, AS. sp?c, spr?, fr. specan, sprecan, to speak; akin to D. spraak speech, OHG. spr[=a]hha, G. sprache, Sw. spr?k, Dan. sprog. See {Speak}.] 1. The faculty of uttering articulate sounds or words; the faculty of expressing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
speech — speech; speech·ful; speech·ifi·ca·tion; speech·ifi·er; speech·ify; speech·less; speech·less·ly; speech·less·ness; speech·ful·ness; … English syllables
speech — [spēch] n. [ME speche < OE spæc, spræc < base of sprecan, to speak: see SPEAK] 1. the act of speaking; expression or communication of thoughts and feelings by spoken words 2. the power or ability to speak 3. the manner of speaking [her… … English World dictionary
speech — n: words or conduct used to communicate or express a thought: expression see also commercial speech, freedom of speech, free speech … Law dictionary
speech — 1 *language, tongue, dialect, idiom 2 Speech, address, oration, harangue, lecture, talk, sermon, homily designate a discourse delivered to an audience. Speech can apply to a public discourse irrespective of its quality or its degree of… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Speech — 〈[ spi:tʃ] f.; , es〉 Rede, Ansprache [engl., „Sprache, Rede“; zu speak „sprechen“] * * * Speech [spi:t̮ʃ], der; es, e u. es u. die; , e u. es […ɪs] [engl. speech] (selten): Rede, Ansprache: einen kleinen/eine kleine S. halten. * * * Speech… … Universal-Lexikon