1 section
'sekʃən1) (a part or division: He divided the orange into sections; There is disagreement in one section of the community; the accounts section of the business.) sección2) (a view of the inside of anything when, or as if, it is cut right through or across: a section of the stem of a flower.) sección•section n1. sección / parte2. tramotr['sekʃən]1 (of newspaper, orchestra, department) sección nombre femenino; (of furniture, book) parte nombre femenino; (of road) tramo; (of orange) gajo3 (of document, law) artículo, apartado5 SMALLMEDICINE/SMALL sección nombre femenino6 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL (land) milla cuadrada1 SMALLMEDICINE/SMALL (cut) cortar, seccionar2 (divide) dividirsection ['sɛkʃən] n: sección f, parte f (de un mueble, etc.), sector m (de la población), barrio m (de una ciudad)n.• apartado s.m.• artículo s.m.• barrio s.m.• cuartel s.m.• departamento s.m.• región s.f.• sección s.f.• sector s.m.• tramo s.m.v.• seccionar v.
I 'sekʃən1)a) (of object, newspaper, orchestra) sección f; (of machine, piece of furniture) parte f; ( of road) tramo m; (of city, population, public opinion) sector msection two, subsection one — ( of document) artículo dos, punto or inciso primero
b) ( unit of land) (AmE) 640 acres o 2,59km22) ( department) sección f; (before n 220 m) <manager, supervisor> de sección3) (in geometry, drawing) sección f, corte m4)a) ( thin slice) sección fb) ( in surgery) sección f
transitive verb \<\<map/area\>\> dividir; \<\<line\>\> segmentar['sekʃǝn]they sectioned off part of the office — separaron parte de la oficina con una mampara (or tabique etc)
1. N1) (=part) [of pipeline, road] tramo m ; [of self-assembly item] pieza f, parte f ; [of orange etc] gajo m ; [of book, text] parte f ; [of code, law] artículo m ; [of document, report] apartado m, punto m ; [of orchestra] sección f ; [of country] región f ; [of community, opinion] sector m ; [of town] (Brit) sector m, zona f ; (US) (=district) barrio mpassports section — sección f de pasaportes
brass 3., string 3., percussion 2., woodwindthe sports/finance section — [of newspaper] la sección de deportes/economía
2) (=cut) (in diagram, dissection) sección f, corte mcross section — (lit) sección f transversal
the research was compiled using a cross section of the British population — el estudió se realizó utilizando un sector representativo de la población británica
3) (Med) (also: Caesarean section)see Caesarean2. VT1) (=divide) partir, trocear2) [+ mentally ill person] internar en un psiquiátrico3.CPDsection mark N — párrafo m
* * *
I ['sekʃən]1)a) (of object, newspaper, orchestra) sección f; (of machine, piece of furniture) parte f; ( of road) tramo m; (of city, population, public opinion) sector msection two, subsection one — ( of document) artículo dos, punto or inciso primero
b) ( unit of land) (AmE) 640 acres o 2,59km22) ( department) sección f; (before n 220 m) <manager, supervisor> de sección3) (in geometry, drawing) sección f, corte m4)a) ( thin slice) sección fb) ( in surgery) sección f
transitive verb \<\<map/area\>\> dividir; \<\<line\>\> segmentar -
2 ἐλάχιστος
ἐλάχιστος, ίστη, ον (ἐλαχύς ‘small, little’; since Hom. Hymns, Merc. 573 and Hdt.; ins, pap, LXX; Test12Patr; JosAs 1:13 codd. AHPal. 364 for χεῖρον; ApcMos 16; Just., Ath.) used as superl. of μικρός. From it a vernac. comp. ἐλαχιστότερος is formed (B-D-F §61, 2; W-S. §11, 4; Mlt. 236; M-M. s.v. ἐλαχιστότερος).① pert. to being the lowest in status, least. In our lit. only rarely as a true superl. (Jos., Bell. 6, 198) smallest, least (PTebt 24, 67 [117 B.C.]; Josh 6:26) ὁ ἐ. τῶν ἀποστόλων the least of the apostles 1 Cor 15:9. Otherwise elative (s. B-D-F §60, 2; Mlt. 236) in this mng. and the succeeding ones, οὐδαμῶς ἐ. εἶ ἐν τ. ἡγεμόσιν Ἰούδα you are by no means least among the leaders of Judah Mt 2:6. Of pers. unimportant (SIG 888, 58; PsSol 2:26; TestJos 17:8) Mt 5:19b; 25:40, 45 (WBrandt, D. geringsten Brüder: Jahrb. d. Theol. Schule Bethel 8, ’37, 1ff; on the disguised beggar theme cp. Od. 14, 55ff and s. Od. 17, 485–87 [Old Testament, cp. 3 Km 17:8ff]; s. DFlückiger-Guggenheim, Göttliche Gäste ’84 [Gk. Mythology]; ABurnett, ClPh 65, ’70, 124–25 [lit]); comp. w. same sense as the superlative ἐμοὶ τῷ ἐλαχιστοτέρῳ to me, the very least Eph 3:8.② pert. to being relatively the smallest in a specific class or group, very small/short (TestJud 15:6; Jos., Bell. 6, 330 ἐ. μέρος) ἐ. πηδάλιον very small rudder Js 3:4; ἐ. κοκκάριον a very small grain Hm 11:20, cp. 21; of animals the smallest 1 Cl 20:10.—Neut. as adv. in this sense (Polyaenus 8, 7, 2) ἐ. βασανίζεσθαι be tortured (punished) a very short time Hs 6, 4, 2 (restored fr. Lat. texts)=for too short a time. W. ref. to number very few (Diod S 1, 71, 3 ἐλάχιστα ἀγνοήματα=fewest mistakes [in contrast to many failures of others]) Hs 8, 5, 4 people; 9, 8, 7 stones. τὸ ἐ. ἀψίνθιον very little wormwood Hm 5, 1, 5. ἐ. τῶν ῥάβδων a very small section (w. ref. to being partially verdant or dry) of the sticks Hs 8, 1, 14f; 8, 5, 5f; 8, 10, 1 and 3.③ pert. to being considered of very little importance, insignificant, trivial (also elative). Of commandments (relatively) insignificant Mt 5:19a (FDibelius, ZNW 11, 1910, 188–90; GDalman, Jesus 1929, 62–65 [tr. PLevertoff]). Of parts of the body 1 Cl 37:5. κριτήρια ἐ. trivial cases 1 Cor 6:2. ἐλάχιστον a very little thing Lk 12:26; (opp. τὸ πολύ) 16:10; 19:17; 2 Cl 8:5 (on ἐν ἐ. cp. Mitt-Wilck. II/2, 372 V, 23f). ἐμοὶ εἰς ἐ. ἐστιν 1 Cor 4:3 (s. εἰμί 2cβ). Adv. ἐλάχιστον ἐξαμαρτεῖν sin a little Hs 8, 10, 1.—DELG s.v. ἐλαχύς. M-M. EDNT. TW. -
3 del
sg - delen, pl - deleчасть ж, до́ля жbégge dele — и то и друго́е
táge del (i ngt) — уча́ствовать (в чём-л.)
* * *component, element, instalment, lot, part, piece, portion, proportion, section, segment, share, slice* * *(en -e) part ( fx he spent (a) part of the summer in England),F portion;( i forhold til helheden) proportion ( fx only a small proportion of the pupils failed);( af bog) part;( andel) share ( fx they each had a share of the cake),F portion;(i blanding etc) part ( fx equal parts of milk and sugar);[ begge dele] both;[ jeg forstår mig ikke på de dele] I don't know much about these things;[ en del bøger] a number of books;[ en del beskadiget] somewhat damaged;[ en del deraf] part of it;[ en af delene] one or the other;[ en hel del]( foran entalsord) a great deal of, a lot of,( foran flertalsord) quite a few, a great (el. good) many,T lots of;(uden sb) a good deal ( fx he reads a good deal; a good deal better);[ for en del] in part, partly, to some extent;[ for en stor del] to a great extent, largely;[ for største delen], se ndf;[ jeg for min del] I for one, personally,F for my part;[ gøre sin del] do one's share ( fx of the work);[ have del i] have a share in;[ tage del i] take part in ( fx the fighting), (take a) share in ( fxthe expenses),( vise deltagelse i) share in ( fx we all share in your sorrow), sympathize with somebody in;[ ingen af delene] neither;[ en meget lille del af befolkningen] a very small proportion of the population;[ største delen] the greater part,( flertallet også) the majority;[ den største del af] most of, the greater part of;( flertallet) the majority of;[ for største delen] for the most part, chiefly, mostly;[ til dels] partly, in part;[ blive en til del] fall to somebody's share (el. lot). -
4 частина
ж1) part; (частка, пай) share, portion, piece, fraction, fragment; component; грам., мат. partчастина мови грам. — part of speech
більша частина — the main part, a large part, the body; the majority ( greater part); most (of)
важлива частина — important part, significant part, essential part
дуже мала частина — very small ( negligible) part
зовнішня частина — outer part, exterior
частина програми комп. — coding, program section, program segment
частина системи комп. — subsystem
менша частина — small part, the lesser part; ( меншість) the minority
складова частина — constituent, component
запасні частини — spare parts; spares
ходова частина (транспортних машин) — running gear, chassis
філейна частина кул. — loin
частинами — in parts ( instalments); (by) piecemeal
2) ( відділ) branch, department, section3) ( військова одиниця) unit4) військ.бойова частина (корабля) — department; (ракети, торпеди) warhead
матеріальна частина — materiel, ( technical) equipment
5 partie
partie2 [paʀti]1. feminine nouna. part► faire partie de [+ ensemble, obligations, risques] to be part of ; [+ club, association, catégorie, famille] to belong to ; [+ élus, gagnants] to be one of► en grande or majeure partie largelyb. ( = spécialité) field• faisons une partie de... let's have a game of...d. [de contrat] party ; [de procès] litigant2. compounds• se constituer partie civile to associate in a court action with the public prosecutor ► partie de plaisir* * *paʀti
1) ( élément d'un tout) gén part; (d'une somme, d'un salaire) proportion, partune bonne or grande partie de — a good ou large number of [personnes, objets]; a high proportion of [masse, ressources]
en partie — partly, in part
en grande partie — to a large ou great extent
faire partie des premiers/derniers — to be among the first/last
2) ( division de l'espace) part3) ( division temporelle) partelle passe la majeure partie de son temps au travail/à dormir — she spends most of her time at work/sleeping
4) ( profession) line (of work)5) Jeux, Sport gamegagner/perdre la partie — fig to win/to lose the day
je fête mes trente ans, j'espère que tu seras de la partie — I'm having a thirtieth birthday party, I hope you can come
6) (dans une négociation, un contrat) partyêtre partie prenante dans quelque chose — to be actively involved in [conflit, contrat, négociation]
7) Droit party8) Musique part9) Mathématique part
parties (colloq) nom féminin pluriel privates (colloq)Phrasal Verbs:••* * *paʀti nf1) (élément, portion) partUne partie du groupe partira en Italie. — Part of the group will go to Italy.
faire partie de [personne] — to belong to, [chose] to be part of
Ce tableau fait partie d'une très belle collection. — This picture is part of a very beautiful collection.
2) [cartes] game, [tennis] (= match) gameNous avons fait une partie de tennis. — We played a game of tennis.
une partie de pêche — a fishing party, a fishing trip
3) (= profession, spécialité) field, line of work4) DROIT (= protagonistes) partyen partie — partly, in part
Cela explique en partie le problème. — That partly explains the problem.
Son histoire est en grande partie vraie. — His story is largely true.
prendre qn à partie (dans un débat) — to take sb to task, (= malmener) to set about sb
ce n'est que partie remise — that will be for another time, that will be for next time
* * *[parti] féminin→ link=partiparti (adjectif)————————[parti] nom féminin1. [élément, composant] parta. [comité] to be a member of, to be on, to sit onb. [club, communauté] to be a member of, to belong toc. [équipe] to belong to, to be one of, to be ind. [licenciés] to be among, to be one ofe. [métier, inconvénients, risques] to be part ofparties génitales ou sexuelles genitals, private parts2. [fraction, morceau] partune partie du blé est contaminée some ou part of the wheat is contaminatedune grande/petite partie de l'électorat a large/small part of the electorate, a large/small section of the electorateil est absent une grande ou la plus grande partie du temps he's away much of ou most of the timela partie n'est pas égale it's an uneven match, it's not a fair matchpartie d'échecs/de billard/de tennis/de cartes game of chess/billiards/tennis/cardsabandonner ou quitter la partie to give up the fight, to throw in the towella partie est jouée/n'est pas jouée the outcome is a foregone conclusion/is still wide open4. [divertissement à plusieurs]partie de chasse/pêche shooting/fishing partypartie de campagne day ou outing in the countryêtre/se mettre de la partie: on va lui faire une farce, qui veut être de la partie? we're going to play a trick on him, who wants to join in?s'il se met aussi de la partie, nous aurons les capitaux nécessaires if he comes in on it too, we shall have the necessary capitalje ne peux pas partir avec toi cette fois, mais ce n'est que partie remise I can't go with you this time, but there'll be other opportunitiesmoi qui suis de la partie, je peux te dire que ce ne sera pas facile being in that line of business myself, I can tell you it won't be easy7. [participant - généralement] - DROIT] partyparties contractantes/intéressées contracting/interested partiespartie civile private party (acting jointly with the public prosecutor in criminal cases), plaintiff (for damages)se constituer ou se porter partie civile to act jointly with the public prosecutorpartie prenante payee, receiver8. GRAMMAIRE10. CHIMIE11. (locution)————————à partie locution adverbialea. [s'attaquer à lui] to set on somebodyb. [l'interpeller] to take somebody to task————————en partie locution adverbialeen grande ou majeure partie for the most part, largely, mainly————————pour partie locution adverbiale -
6 Gathering
A sewing operation made with very small running stitches and used to bring the parts of a section of a garment closer together by drawing them into folds or plaits. -
7 apartado
adj.1 remote, distant, far away, separate.2 distant, isolated, reclusive.3 reserved, set apart, laid apart.m.1 post office box, box number, P.O. Box.2 paragraph, sidebar, subsection.past part.past participle of spanish verb: apartar.* * *1 post office box2 (párrafo) section————————1→ link=apartar apartar► adjetivo2 (retirado) retired1 post office box2 (párrafo) section\mantenerse apartado,-a de algo/alguien to keep away from something/somebody* * *1. noun m. - apartado postal 2. (f. - apartada)adj.1) remote, isolated2) solitary* * *1. ADJ1) (=lejano) remote, isolatedun pueblo muy apartado — a very remote o isolated village
apartado de — [lugar] far from; [persona] isolated from
donde vivía, estaba apartado de todos nosotros — where he lived he was isolated from us all
2) (=solitario) [vida, persona] solitary2. SM1) (Correos) (tb: apartado de correos, apartado postal) Post Office box, P.O. Box, box numberapartado de correos 325 — P.O. Box 325
2) (=sección) (Literat) section; (Jur) section, sub-sectionvamos a empezar por el apartado dedicado a la economía — let's begin with the section on the economy
en el apartado de sanidad han aumentado los gastos — in the area of health, costs have increased
3) (=sala) spare room, side room4) (Metal) extraction* * *I- da adjetivoa) <zona/lugar> isolatedb) < persona>IIapartado de algo/alguien: se mantuvo apartado de la vida pública he stayed out of public life; vive apartado de la familia — he has little to do with his family
1) (Corresp) tbapartado de correos or apartado postal — post office box, P.O. Box
2) (de artículo, capítulo) section* * *= secluded, section, alcove, remote, off the beaten track.Ex. Adequate security for expensive equipment must also be provided for in this decision, and a secluded back room, a remote phone cut-off switch, or a removable keyboard may be mandated.Ex. Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.Ex. Our news service is delivered by a large-screen television that broadcasts continuous cable news in a special alcove adjacent to the library's current periodicals and reference areas.Ex. The computer, once instructed on the desired filing order, is eminently suitable for filing, achieving a level of consistency which was a remote dream in the days of human filers.Ex. The article ' Off the beaten track. Small publishers in India' reviews the efforts of small and alternative presses in India in publishing the most exciting and innovative books for children.----* apartado de comentarios = comments section.* apartado de correos = P.O. Box, post office box.* apartado postal = post office box.* camino apartado = byway.* muy apartado de = a long way removed from.* nada + estar + más apartado de la verdad = nothing + can + be further from the truth, nothing + can + be further from the truth.* por caminos apartados = off-road.* rincón apartado = secluded spot.* * *I- da adjetivoa) <zona/lugar> isolatedb) < persona>IIapartado de algo/alguien: se mantuvo apartado de la vida pública he stayed out of public life; vive apartado de la familia — he has little to do with his family
1) (Corresp) tbapartado de correos or apartado postal — post office box, P.O. Box
2) (de artículo, capítulo) section* * *= secluded, section, alcove, remote, off the beaten track.Ex: Adequate security for expensive equipment must also be provided for in this decision, and a secluded back room, a remote phone cut-off switch, or a removable keyboard may be mandated.
Ex: Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.Ex: Our news service is delivered by a large-screen television that broadcasts continuous cable news in a special alcove adjacent to the library's current periodicals and reference areas.Ex: The computer, once instructed on the desired filing order, is eminently suitable for filing, achieving a level of consistency which was a remote dream in the days of human filers.Ex: The article ' Off the beaten track. Small publishers in India' reviews the efforts of small and alternative presses in India in publishing the most exciting and innovative books for children.* apartado de comentarios = comments section.* apartado de correos = P.O. Box, post office box.* apartado postal = post office box.* camino apartado = byway.* muy apartado de = a long way removed from.* nada + estar + más apartado de la verdad = nothing + can + be further from the truth, nothing + can + be further from the truth.* por caminos apartados = off-road.* rincón apartado = secluded spot.* * *1 ‹zona/lugar› isolated2 ‹persona› apartado DE algo/algn:se ha mantenido apartado de la vida pública he has stayed out of public lifevive muy apartado de la familia he has very little to do with his familyA ( Corresp) tbapartado de correos or apartado postal post office box, P.O. BoxB (de un artículo, capítulo) sectionen el apartado de seguridad social, los logros del gobierno han sido mucho menores as far as social security is concerned o as for social security, the government's achievements have been much smaller* * *
Del verbo apartar: ( conjugate apartar)
apartado es:
el participio
Multiple Entries:
apartado 1◊ -da adjetivo
b) ‹ persona›:
vive apartado de la familia he has little to do with his family
apartado 2 sustantivo masculino
1 (Corresp) tb apartado de correos or apartado postal post office box, P.O. Box
2 (de artículo, capítulo) section
apartar ( conjugate apartar) verbo transitivo
apartó los ojos he averted his eyes
2 (guardar, reservar) to set aside;
apartarse verbo pronominal ( refl)
b) (alejarse, separarse):◊ apártate de ahí get/come away from there;
no se aparta de su lado he never leaves her side;
¡apártate de mi vista! get out of my sight!;
se apartó de su familia she drifted away from her family;
nos estamos apartando del tema we're getting off the subject
I adj (lugar alejado) remote, isolated: manténganse apartados de las vías, keep off the track
II sustantivo masculino
1 (párrafo) section, paragraph 2 apartado de correos, Post Office Box
I verbo transitivo
1 (alejar) to move away, remove
apartar la vista, to look away
2 (guardar) to put aside
II verbo intransitivo ¡aparta!, move out of the way!
' apartado' also found in these entries:
- apdo.
- capítulo
- retirada
- retirado
- rincón
- sección
- rubro
- isolated
- off
- Post Office Box
- set back
- solitary
- stand back
- track
- box
- by
- out
- secluded
* * *apartado, -a♦ adjhoy día vive apartado del mundo del teatro nowadays he has very little to do with the theatre2. [alejado] remote;nuestra casa está bastante apartada del centro our house is quite far from the centre♦ nm[párrafo] paragraph; [sección] section Col, Ecuad apartado aéreo Post Office box, PO Box;apartado de correos Post Office box, PO Box;apartado postal Post Office box, PO Box* * *I adj isolatedII m section* * *apartado nm1) : section, paragraph2)apartado postal : post office box* * *apartado2 n paragraph / sectionapartado de correos post office box / PO box -
8 part
1. noun1) (something which, together with other things, makes a whole; a piece: We spent part of the time at home and part at the seaside.) parte2) (an equal division: He divided the cake into three parts.) parte3) (a character in a play etc: She played the part of the queen.) papel4) (the words, actions etc of a character in a play etc: He learned his part quickly.) papel5) (in music, the notes to be played or sung by a particular instrument or voice: the violin part.) parte6) (a person's share, responsibility etc in doing something: He played a great part in the government's decision.) papel, función
2. verb(to separate; to divide: They parted (from each other) at the gate.) separar(se); dividir- parting- partly
- part-time
- in part
- part company
- part of speech
- part with
- take in good part
- take someone's part
- take part in
part1 n1. parte2. papelwhat part do you play in the play? ¿qué papel haces tú en la obra?3. piezato take part in something participar en algo / intervenir en algopart2 vb separarseafter twenty years together, they parted después de veinte años juntos, se separarontr[pɑːt]1 (gen) parte nombre femenino■ which part of London are you from? ¿de qué parte de Londres eres?2 (component) pieza3 (of serial, programme) capítulo; (of serialized publication) fascículo, entrega4 (measure) parte nombre femenino5 (in play, film) papel nombre masculino7 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL parte nombre femenino8 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL (parting) raya1 en parte■ he's part Irish, part Spanish es mitad irlandés, mitad español1 parcial1 (separate) separar ( from, de)1 (separate) separarse; (say goodbye) despedirse2 (open - lips, curtains) abrirse■ you're not from these parts, are you? no eres de por aquí, ¿verdad?\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLfor my part por mi parte, en cuanto a míin part en parteof many parts de muchas facetason the part of somebody / on somebody's part de parte de alguienthe best part of / the better part of la mayor parte de, casi todo,-ato be part and parcel of something formar parte de algoto look the part encajar bien en el papelto part company with (leave) despedirse de 2 (separate) separarse de 3 (disagree) no estar de acuerdo conto play a part in (in play etc) desempeñar un papel en 2 (in project etc) intervenir en algo, influir en algo, tener que ver con algoto part one's hair hacerse la rayato take part in something participar en algo, tomar parte en algoto take somebody's part ponerse de parte de alguiento take something in good part tomarse bien algoforeign parts el extranjeropart exchange parte nombre femenino del pagopart of speech parte nombre femenino de la oraciónpart owner copropietario,-apart ['pɑrt] vi1) separate: separarse, despedirsewe should part as friends: debemos separarnos amistosamente2) open: abrirsethe curtains parted: las cortinas se abrieron3)to part with : dehacerse depart vt1) separate: separar2)to part one's hair : hacerse la raya, peinarse con rayapart n1) section, segment: parte f, sección f2) piece: pieza f (de una máquina, etc.)3) role: papel m4) : raya f (del pelo)adj.• parcial adj.adv.• en parte adv.• parte adv.n.• crencha s.f.• lote s.m.• papel s.m.• parte s.f.• pieza s.f.• porción s.f.• región s.f.v.• apartar v.• dividir v.• partir v.• separar v.
I pɑːrt, pɑːt1)a) c ( section) parte fin my part of the world — en mi país (or región etc)
the worst part of it was that... — lo peor de todo fue que...
for the best part of a week/month — durante casi una semana/un mes
b) c ( integral constituent) (no pl) parte fc) (in phrases)for the most part — en su mayor parte; see also part of speech
2) c ( measure) parte f4) ca) ( in play) papel ma bit part — un papel secundario, un papelito (fam)
he acted/played the part of Hamlet — representó/hizo el papel de Hamlet
if you're a manager, you must act/look the part — si eres director, tienes que actuar/vestir como tu rol lo exige
b) (role, share) papel mshe had o played a major part in... — tuvo or jugó or desempeñó un papel fundamental en...
to take part in something — tomar parte or participar en algo
5) ( side)for my part — por mi parte, por mi lado
to take somebody's part — ponerse* de parte or de lado de alguien, tomar partido por alguien
to take something in good part — tomarse algo bien, no tomarse algo a mal
6) c (section of book, play) parte f; (episode of TV, radio serial) episodio m; ( Publ) fascículo m7) c ( Mus) (vocal, instrumental line) parte f8) c ( in hair) (AmE) raya f, carrera f (Col, Ven), partidura f (Chi)9) parts pla) ( area)in/around these parts — por aquí, por estos lares (arc), por estos pagos (fam)
b) ( capabilities)
a) ( separate) separarb) ( divide)she parts her hair down the middle — se peina con raya al or (Esp) en medio, se peina con la carrera por el medio (Col, Ven), se peina con partidura al medio (Chi)
via) ( separate) \<\<lovers\>\> separarseb) \<\<curtains/lips\>\> ( open up) abrirse*c) ( break) \<\<rope/cable\>\> romperse*Phrasal Verbs:
adverb en parteI was part angry, part relieved — en parte or por un lado me dio rabia, pero al mismo tiempo fue un alivio
he's part Chinese and part French — tiene sangre china y francesa; see also part exchange
[pɑːt]part owner — copropietario, -ria m,f
1. N1) (=portion, proportion) parte fthis was only part of the story — esta no era la historia completa, esto solo era parte de la historia
part of me wanted to apologize — por un lado quería pedir perdón, una parte de mí quería pedir perdón
it went on for the best part of an hour — continuó durante casi una hora•
in the early part of this century — a principios de este siglo•
the funny part of it is that nobody seemed to notice — lo gracioso es que nadie pareció darse cuenta•
a good part of sth — gran parte de algo•
in great part — en gran parte•
in part — en partethe book is good in parts — hay partes del libro que son buenas, el libro es bueno en partes
a large part of sth — gran parte de algo•
for the most part — (proportion) en su mayor parte; (number) en su mayoría; (=usually) por lo generalfor the most part, this is still unexplored terrain — en su mayor parte, este es un territorio aún no explorado
the locals are, for the most part, very friendly — los habitantes son, en su mayoría, muy simpáticos
the work is, for the most part, quite well paid — el trabajo está, por lo general, bastante bien pagado
- a man of many parts- be part and parcel of sthfurniture, private 3., sumsuffering and death are part and parcel of life — el sufrimiento y la muerte son parte integrante de la vida
2) (=measure) parte f3) (=share, role)•
to do one's part — poner de su parte•
he had no part in stealing it — no intervino or no participó en el robo•
work plays an important part in her life — el trabajo juega un papel importante en su vida•
to take part (in sth) — tomar parte (en algo), participar (en algo)•
I want no part of this — no quiero tener nada que ver con esto4) (Theat, Cine) papel m•
to look the part — vestir el cargobit I, 2.•
to play the part of Hamlet — hacer el papel de Hamlet5) (=region) [of city] parte f, zona f ; [of country, world] región fI don't know this part of London very well — no conozco esta parte or esta zona de Londres muy bien
what part of Spain are you from? — ¿de qué parte de España eres?
in this/that part of the world — en esta/esa región
in foreign parts — en el extranjero•
in or round these parts — por aquí, por estos pagos *6) (=side)•
for my part, I do not agree — en lo que a mí se refiere or por mi parte, no estoy de acuerdo•
to take sth in good part — tomarse algo bien•
it was bad organization on their part — fue mala organización por su parte•
to take sb's part — ponerse de parte de algn, tomar partido por algn7) (Mech) pieza f ; moving, replacement 2., spare 4.8) (Gram) parte fwhat part of speech is "of"? — ¿qué parte de la oración es "de"?, ¿a qué categoría gramatical pertenece "de"?
9) (Mus) parte f10) (=instalment) [of journal] número m ; [of serialized publication] fascículo m ; (TV, Rad) (=episode) parte fside/center part — raya f al lado/al medio
2.ADV (=partly) en parteit is part fiction and part fact — es en parte ficción y en parte realidad, contiene partes ficticias y partes reales
the cake was part eaten — el pastel estaba empezado or medio comido
3. VT1) (=separate) separar•
it would kill her to be parted from him — le mataría estar separada de élcompany 1., 2), death 1., 1), foolmarket traders try to part the tourists from their money — los dueños de los puestos en los mercados intentan sacar dinero de los turistas
2) (=open) [+ curtains] abrir, correr; [+ legs, lips] abrir3) (=divide)•
to part one's hair on the left/right — peinarse con raya a la izquierda/derechahis hair was parted at the side/in the middle — tenía raya al lado/al medio
4. VI1) (=separate) [people] separarse•
to part from sb — separarse de algn2) (=move to one side) [crowd, clouds] apartarse3) (=open) [lips, curtains] abrirse4) (=break) [rope] romperse, partirse5.CPDpart exchange N —
they offer part exchange on older vehicles — aceptan vehículos más antiguos como parte del pago de uno nuevo
part owner N — copropietario(-a) m / f
part payment N — pago m parcial
to accept sth as part payment for sth — aceptar algo como parte del pago or como pago parcial de algo
* * *
I [pɑːrt, pɑːt]1)a) c ( section) parte fin my part of the world — en mi país (or región etc)
the worst part of it was that... — lo peor de todo fue que...
for the best part of a week/month — durante casi una semana/un mes
b) c ( integral constituent) (no pl) parte fc) (in phrases)for the most part — en su mayor parte; see also part of speech
2) c ( measure) parte f4) ca) ( in play) papel ma bit part — un papel secundario, un papelito (fam)
he acted/played the part of Hamlet — representó/hizo el papel de Hamlet
if you're a manager, you must act/look the part — si eres director, tienes que actuar/vestir como tu rol lo exige
b) (role, share) papel mshe had o played a major part in... — tuvo or jugó or desempeñó un papel fundamental en...
to take part in something — tomar parte or participar en algo
5) ( side)for my part — por mi parte, por mi lado
to take somebody's part — ponerse* de parte or de lado de alguien, tomar partido por alguien
to take something in good part — tomarse algo bien, no tomarse algo a mal
6) c (section of book, play) parte f; (episode of TV, radio serial) episodio m; ( Publ) fascículo m7) c ( Mus) (vocal, instrumental line) parte f8) c ( in hair) (AmE) raya f, carrera f (Col, Ven), partidura f (Chi)9) parts pla) ( area)in/around these parts — por aquí, por estos lares (arc), por estos pagos (fam)
b) ( capabilities)
a) ( separate) separarb) ( divide)she parts her hair down the middle — se peina con raya al or (Esp) en medio, se peina con la carrera por el medio (Col, Ven), se peina con partidura al medio (Chi)
via) ( separate) \<\<lovers\>\> separarseb) \<\<curtains/lips\>\> ( open up) abrirse*c) ( break) \<\<rope/cable\>\> romperse*Phrasal Verbs:
adverb en parteI was part angry, part relieved — en parte or por un lado me dio rabia, pero al mismo tiempo fue un alivio
he's part Chinese and part French — tiene sangre china y francesa; see also part exchange
part owner — copropietario, -ria m,f
9 Teil
m; -(e)s, -e1. part (auch eines Buches etc.); ein Teil davon part ( oder some) of it; der größte Teil (+ Gen) most of, the greater part of geh.; bes. Menschen: auch the majority of, most; der größere Teil seines Vermögens the greater part of his fortune; nur ein kleiner Teil stimmte dafür only a minority were ( oder was) in favo(u)r; der arbeitende Teil der Bevölkerung the working population; Faust, Erster Teil Faust Part One; im ersten Teil des Films am Anfang: early on in the film; bei Mehrteiler: in part one of the film; zu gleichen Teilen equally; in zwei Teile zerbrechen break in two; aus allen Teilen der Welt from all over the world; zum Teil partly, in part; zum großen oder größten Teil largely, for the most part; ich habe die Arbeit zum größten Teil fertig I’ve more or less finished the work; der Film war zum Teil sehr spannend the film was very exciting in parts, there were some very exciting bits (bes. Am. parts) in the film; wir sind zum Teil gefahren, zum Teil gelaufen we drove part of the way and walked the rest2. (Partei) side; JUR. party; beide Teile anhören hear both sides (of the story); für beide Teile vorteilhaft of advantage to both sides, mutually beneficial ( oder advantageous)—m, n; -(e)s, -e; (Anteil) share, portion geh.; sein Teil beitragen do one’s part (Brit. auch bit); ich für mein(en) Teil... I for my part..., as for me, I...; ich habe mir so mein Teil gedacht I didn’t (want to) say anything(, but I thought my thoughts); er hat sein(en) Teil weg he got his share; fig. he got what was coming to him; man hat sein(en) Teil zu tragen it’s not an easy life, it’s not always easy; dazu gehört ein gut Teil Frechheit you’ve got to be pretty cheeky to do that (kind of thing), you need plenty of cheek ( oder a certain amount of gall) if you’re going to do that sort of thing—n; -(e)s, -e1. ( Bestandteil, auch TECH.) part, component, element; da fehlt ein Teil there’s a piece ( oder part) missing; das defekte Teil muss ausgetauscht werden the faulty part needs to ( oder must) be replaced2. (Stück) piece; ein Service mit 24 Teilen a 24-piece set ( oder service); (Kleidungsstück) piece, (separate) item; nur drei Teile zur Anprobe mitnehmen no more than three items to be taken for trying on3. umg. (Ding) thing; (Gerät) gadget; wo hast du dieses geile Teil gekauft? where did you get that ( oder this), it’s wild!; das Teil macht es nicht mehr this useless thing has given up the ghost* * *das Teilportion; share; part;der Teilportion; share; part* * *I [tail]m -(e)s, -e1) part; (von Strecke) stretch, part; (von Stadt) part, district, area; (von Gebäude) part, area, section; (von Zeitung) sectionder Bau/das Projekt ist zum Téíl fertig — the building/project is partly finished
wir hörten zum Téíl interessante Reden — some of the speeches we heard were interesting
200 Menschen wurden zum Téíl schwer verletzt — 200 people were injured, some of them badly
zum Téíl..., zum Téíl... — partly..., partly...
zum großen/größten Téíl — for the most part, mostly
er hat die Bücher darüber zum großen/größten Téíl gelesen — he has read many/most of the books about that
die Studenten wohnen zum größten Téíl bei ihren Eltern — for the most part the students live with their parents
der größere Téíl ihres Einkommens — the bulk of her income
ein großer Téíl stimmte dagegen — a large number (of people) voted against it
in zwei Téíle zerbrechen — to break in two or half
2) (JUR = Partei, Seite) party3) auch nt (= Anteil) shareein gut Téíl Arbeit (dated) — quite a bit of work
ein gut Téíl der Leute (dated) — many or a lot of people
zu gleichen Téílen erben — to get an equal share of an inheritance
zu gleichen Téílen beitragen — to make an equal contribution
er hat sein(en) Téíl dazu beigetragen — he did his bit or share
er hat sein(en) Téíl bekommen or weg (inf) — he has (already) had his due
sein(en) Téíl denken (inf) — to draw one's own conclusions
4) auch ntIIich für mein(en) Téíl — for my part, I..., I, for my part...
nt -(e)s, -e1) part; (= Bestandteil) component, part; (= Ersatzteil) spare, (spare) part; (sl = Ding) thingetw in seine Téíle zerlegen (Tier, Leiche) — to cut sth up; Motor, Möbel etc to take sth apart or to bits or to pieces
2)See:→ Teil* * *der1) (a part of a machine (eg a car), instrument (eg a radio) etc: He bought components for the television set he was repairing.) component2) (a part or division of a town etc: He lives on the north side of the town.) side3) (something which, together with other things, makes a whole; a piece: We spent part of the time at home and part at the seaside.) part4) (an equal division: He divided the cake into three parts.) part5) (a part: Read this portion of the book.) portion6) (a part (of a total amount): Only a small proportion of the class passed the exam.) proportion7) (a part or division: He divided the orange into sections; There is disagreement in one section of the community; the accounts section of the business.) section8) (a part or section: He divided the orange into segments.) segment* * *Teil1<-[e]s, -e>[tail]m1. (Bruchteil) partin zwei \Teile zerbrechen to break in two [or half]zu einem bestimmten \Teil for the... partsie waren zum größten \Teil einverstanden for the most part they were in agreementzum \Teil..., zum \Teil... partly..., partly...zum \Teil partlydu hast zum \Teil recht you're partly right; (gelegentlich) on occasion2. (Anteil) sharezu gleichen \Teilen equally, in equal sharesseinen \Teil zu etw dat beitragen to contribute one's share to sth, to make one's contribution to sthseinen \Teil dazu beitragen, dass etw geschieht to do one's bit to ensure that sth happensseinen \Teil bekommen to get what is coming to one3. (Bereich) einer Stadt district; (einer Strecke) stretch; (eines Gebäudes) section, area; (einer Zeitung, eines Buches) section5.tu, was du für richtig hältst, ich für meinen \Teil habe mich bereits entschieden do what you think is right, I, for my part, have already decidedich habe ein gut \Teil dazu beigetragen I've contributed quite a bit to itTeil2<-[e]s, -e>[tail]nt1. (Einzelteil) component, part* * *1) der; Teil[e]s, Teile (etwas von einem Ganzen) partachter Teil — (Achtel) eighth
ein [großer od. guter] Teil der Bevölkerung — a [large] section of the population
ich will gerne mein[en] Teil dazu beisteuern — I should like to do my share or bit
4) der; Teil[e]s, Teile (beteiligte Person[en]; Rechtsw.): (Partei) party5) das; Teil[e]s, Teile (EinzelTeil) partetwas in seine Teile zerlegen — take something apart or to pieces
* * *Teil1 m; -(e)s, -e1. part (auch eines Buches etc);ein Teil davon part ( oder some) of it;der größte Teil (+gen) most of, the greater part of geh; besonders Menschen: auch the majority of, most;der größere Teil seines Vermögens the greater part of his fortune;nur ein kleiner Teil stimmte dafür only a minority were ( oder was) in favo(u)r;der arbeitende Teil der Bevölkerung the working population;Faust, Erster Teil Faust Part One;zu gleichen Teilen equally;in zwei Teile zerbrechen break in two;aus allen Teilen der Welt from all over the world;zum Teil partly, in part;größten Teil largely, for the most part;ich habe die Arbeit zum größten Teil fertig I’ve more or less finished the work;der Film war zum Teil sehr spannend the film was very exciting in parts, there were some very exciting bits (besonders US parts) in the film;wir sind zum Teil gefahren, zum Teil gelaufen we drove part of the way and walked the restbeide Teile anhören hear both sides (of the story);für beide Teile vorteilhaft of advantage to both sides, mutually beneficial ( oder advantageous)sein Teil beitragen do one’s part (Br auch bit);ich für mein(en) Teil … I for my part …, as for me, I …;ich habe mir so mein Teil gedacht I didn’t (want to) say anything(, but I thought my thoughts);er hat sein(en) Teil weg he got his share; fig he got what was coming to him;man hat sein(en) Teil zu tragen it’s not an easy life, it’s not always easy;dazu gehört ein gut Teil Frechheit you’ve got to be pretty cheeky to do that (kind of thing), you need plenty of cheek ( oder a certain amount of gall) if you’re going to do that sort of thingTeil3 n; -(e)s, -e1. (Bestandteil, auch TECH) part, component, element;da fehlt ein Teil there’s a piece ( oder part) missing;das defekte Teil muss ausgetauscht werden the faulty part needs to ( oder must) be replaced2. (Stück) piece;nur drei Teile zur Anprobe mitnehmen no more than three items to be taken for trying onwo hast du dieses geile Teil gekauft? where did you get that ( oder this), it’s wild!;das Teil macht es nicht mehr this useless thing has given up the ghost* * *1) der; Teil[e]s, Teile (etwas von einem Ganzen) partachter Teil — (Achtel) eighth
ein [großer od. guter] Teil der Bevölkerung — a [large] section of the population
ich will gerne mein[en] Teil dazu beisteuern — I should like to do my share or bit
4) der; Teil[e]s, Teile (beteiligte Person[en]; Rechtsw.): (Partei) party5) das; Teil[e]s, Teile (EinzelTeil) partetwas in seine Teile zerlegen — take something apart or to pieces
* * *-e n.piece n. m.,n.chapter n.detail n.part n.particle n.partition n.tract n. -
10 cross
I adjective(angry: I get very cross when I lose something.) enfadado, cabreado, enojado, malhumorado- crossly
1. plural - crosses; noun1) (a symbol formed by two lines placed across each other, eg + or x.) cruz2) (two wooden beams placed thus (+), on which Christ was nailed.) cruz3) (the symbol of the Christian religion.) cruz4) (a lasting cause of suffering etc: Your rheumatism is a cross you will have to bear.) cruz5) (the result of breeding two varieties of animal or plant: This dog is a cross between an alsatian and a labrador.) cruce, híbrido6) (a monument in the shape of a cross.) cruz7) (any of several types of medal given for bravery etc: the Victoria Cross.) cruz
2. verb1) (to go from one side to the other: Let's cross (the street); This road crosses the swamp.) cruzar, atravesar2) ((negative uncross) to place (two things) across each other: He sat down and crossed his legs.) cruzar3) (to go or be placed across (each other): The roads cross in the centre of town.) cruzarse4) (to meet and pass: Our letters must have crossed in the post.) cruzarse5) (to put a line across: Cross your `t's'.) tachar6) (to make (a cheque or postal order) payable only through a bank by drawing two parallel lines across it.) cruzar7) (to breed (something) from two different varieties: I've crossed two varieties of rose.) cruzar8) (to go against the wishes of: If you cross me, you'll regret it!) contrariar•- cross-- crossing
- crossbow
- cross-breed
- cross-bred
- crosscheck
3. noun(the act of crosschecking.) verificación (comparando con otras fuentes)- cross-country skiing
- cross-examine
- cross-examination
- cross-eyed
- cross-fire
- at cross-purposes
- cross-refer
- cross-reference
- crossroads
- cross-section
- crossword puzzle
- crossword
- cross one's fingers
- cross out
cross1 adj enfadadocross2 n cruzthe teacher put a cross by the wrong answers el profesor hizo una cruz al lado de las respuestas incorrectascross3 vb cruzar / atravesar
cross /kros/ sustantivo masculino (— en motociclismo) motocross (— en moto) motocross race ' cross' also found in these entries: Spanish: adelantar - anticipar - atravesar - bizca - bizco - bizquear - calentar - calvario - campo - cantero - cariño - corte - cruce - cruzar - crucero - cruz - cruzada - cruzado - cruzarse - cuestación - ser - esquí - fondo - formón - franquear - magín - molesta - molesto - mosqueada - mosqueado - ojo - pasar - perfil - persignarse - por - precaución - rebote - reventar - salvar - santiguarse - sección - surcar - tachar - transversal - traspasar - vía crucis - aspa - bies - cabeza - centrar English: bridge - cross - cross off - cross out - cross-country - cross-examine - cross-eyed - cross-legged - cross-reference - cross-section - cross-stitch - double-cross - form - hold on - path - picket-line - see - Southern Cross - square - unsafe - against - bar - cut - double - finger - get - pass - red - shape - span - squint - twotr[krɒs]1 (gen) cruz nombre femenino5 SMALLSEWING/SMALL sesgo1 (street, river, bridge, etc) cruzar, atravesar; (arms, legs) cruzar2 (cheque) cruzar3 SMALLBIOLOGY/SMALL (animal, plant) cruzar4 (thwart - person) contrariar; (- plans, wishes) frustrar5 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (pass - ball) cruzar1 (angry) enojado,-a, enfadado,-a, furioso,-a2 (transverse) cruzado,-a, transversal; (winds) lateral\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLcross my heart (and hope to die) te lo jurofingers crossed con los dedos cruzadosto cross one's mind ocurrírsele a uno■ it has crossed my mind that... se me ha ocurrido que...to cross oneself santiguarse, persignarse, hacer la señal de la cruzto cross swords with somebody pelearse con alguien, reñir con alguiento get cross about something enfadarse por algoto have/get a crossed line (on phone) haberse cruzado las líneasto have/get one's lines/wires crossed no hablar de lo mismocross ['krɔs] vt1) : cruzar, atravesarto cross the street: cruzar la calleseveral canals cross the city: varios canales atraviesan la ciudad2) cancel: tachar, cancelarhe crossed his name off the list: tachó su nombre de la planilla3) interbreed: cruzar (en genética)cross adj1) : que atraviesacross ventilation: ventilación que atraviesa un cuarto2) contrary: contrario, opuestocross purposes: objetivos opuestos3) angry: enojado, de mal humorcross n1) : cruz fthe sign of the cross: la señal de la cruz2) : cruza f (en biología)adj.• arisco, -a adj.• crepo, -a adj.• cruzado, -a adj.• malhumorado, -a adj.• opuesto, -a adj.• transversal adj.• travesero, -a adj.• travieso, -a adj.n.(§ pl.: crosses) = aspa s.f.• calvario s.m.• cruce s.m.• cruz s.f.v.• contrariar v.• cruzar v.• franquear v.• pasar v.• recorrer v.
I krɔːs, krɒs1)a) ( Relig) cruz fto make the sign of the cross — hacer* la señal de la cruz; ( cross oneself) persignarse, santiguarse*, hacerse* la señal de la cruz
we all have our cross to bear — todos cargamos con or llevamos nuestra cruz
b) (mark, sign) cruz f3) ( Sport)a) ( in soccer) pase m cruzadob) ( in boxing) cruzado m, cross m
1) ( go across) \<\<road\>\> cruzar*; \<\<river/desert\>\> cruzar*, atravesar*it crossed my mind that... — se me ocurrió que..., me pasó por la cabeza que...
2) \<\<arms/legs\>\> cruzar*we have a crossed line — ( Telec) se han cruzado las líneas, está ligado (Arg, Ven)
to have one's lines o wires crossed — (colloq)
3) ( put line through)to cross the t — ponerle* el palito a la t
4) (BrE Fin) \<\<cheque\>\> cruzar*5) \<\<plants/breeds\>\> cruzar*to cross something WITH something — cruzar* algo con algo
6) ( go against) \<\<person\>\> contrariar*; \<\<plans\>\> frustrar7) ( Sport) \<\<ball\>\> cruzar*, tirar cruzado
via) ( walk across road) cruzar*to cross over (the road) — cruzar* (la calle)
b) \<\<paths/roads\>\> cruzarse*; \<\<letters\>\> cruzarse*
v reflto cross oneself — persignarse, santiguarse*, hacerse* la señal de la cruz
Phrasal Verbs:
adjective -er, -est (esp BrE) enojado (esp AmL), enfadado (esp Esp)to get cross — enojarse (esp AmL), enfadarse (esp Esp)
[krɒs]to be cross ABOUT something — estar* enojado or (esp Esp) enfadado por algo
1. N1) (=sign, decoration) cruz fto make the sign of the cross — hacer la señal de la cruz ( over sobre); santiguarse
the Cross — (Rel) la Cruz
to bear a/one's cross —
2) (Bio, Zool) cruce m, cruzamiento m ; (fig) mezcla fit's a cross between a horse and a donkey — es un cruce or cruzamiento de caballo y burro
the game is a cross between squash and tennis — el juego es una mezcla de squash y tenis, el juego está a medio camino entre el squash y el tenis
3) (=bias)cut on the cross — cortado al bies or al sesgo
4) (Ftbl) centro m, pase m cruzado2. ADJ1) (=angry) enfadado, enojado (LAm); (=vexed) molestoto be/get cross with sb (about sth) — enfadarse or (LAm) enojarse con algn (por algo)
don't be/get cross with me — no te enfades or (LAm) enojes conmigo
they haven't had a cross word in ten years — no han cruzado palabra en diez años, llevan diez años sin cruzar palabra
2) (=diagonal etc) transversal, oblicuo3. VT1) (=go across) [person] [+ road, room] cruzar; [+ bridge] cruzar, pasar; [+ ditch] cruzar, salvar; [+ river, sea, desert] cruzar, atravesar; [+ threshold] cruzar, traspasarit crossed my mind that... — se me ocurrió que...
they have clearly crossed the boundary into terrorism — está claro que han traspasado la frontera que separa del terrorismo
a smile crossed her lips — una sonrisa se dibujó en sus labios, esbozó una sonrisa
we'll cross that bridge when we come to it — (fig) no anticipemos problemas
2) (=draw line across) [+ cheque] cruzarcrossed cheque — (Brit) cheque m cruzado
to cross o.s. — santiguarse
cross my heart! — (in promise) ¡te lo juro!
to cross a "t" — poner el rabito a la "t"
3) (=place crosswise) [+ arms, legs] cruzarkeep your fingers crossed for me — ¡deséame suerte!
I got a crossed line — (Telec) había (un) cruce de líneas
they got their lines crossed — (fig) hubo un malentendido entre ellos
- cross sb's palm with silver- cross swords with sbwire 1., 1)4) (=thwart) [+ person] contrariar, ir contra; [+ plan] desbaratar5) [+ animals, plants] cruzar4. VI1) (=go to other side) cruzar, ir al otro ladohe crossed from one side of the room to the other to speak to me — cruzó or atravesó la sala para hablar conmigo, fue hasta el otro lado de la sala para hablar conmigo
to cross from Newhaven to Dieppe — pasar or cruzar de Newhaven a Dieppe
3) (=meet and pass) [letters, people] cruzarse* * *
I [krɔːs, krɒs]1)a) ( Relig) cruz fto make the sign of the cross — hacer* la señal de la cruz; ( cross oneself) persignarse, santiguarse*, hacerse* la señal de la cruz
we all have our cross to bear — todos cargamos con or llevamos nuestra cruz
b) (mark, sign) cruz f3) ( Sport)a) ( in soccer) pase m cruzadob) ( in boxing) cruzado m, cross m
1) ( go across) \<\<road\>\> cruzar*; \<\<river/desert\>\> cruzar*, atravesar*it crossed my mind that... — se me ocurrió que..., me pasó por la cabeza que...
2) \<\<arms/legs\>\> cruzar*we have a crossed line — ( Telec) se han cruzado las líneas, está ligado (Arg, Ven)
to have one's lines o wires crossed — (colloq)
3) ( put line through)to cross the t — ponerle* el palito a la t
4) (BrE Fin) \<\<cheque\>\> cruzar*5) \<\<plants/breeds\>\> cruzar*to cross something WITH something — cruzar* algo con algo
6) ( go against) \<\<person\>\> contrariar*; \<\<plans\>\> frustrar7) ( Sport) \<\<ball\>\> cruzar*, tirar cruzado
via) ( walk across road) cruzar*to cross over (the road) — cruzar* (la calle)
b) \<\<paths/roads\>\> cruzarse*; \<\<letters\>\> cruzarse*
v reflto cross oneself — persignarse, santiguarse*, hacerse* la señal de la cruz
Phrasal Verbs:
adjective -er, -est (esp BrE) enojado (esp AmL), enfadado (esp Esp)to get cross — enojarse (esp AmL), enfadarse (esp Esp)
to be cross ABOUT something — estar* enojado or (esp Esp) enfadado por algo
11 corte
f.1 court.2 court (tribunal). (especially Latin American Spanish)corte Penal Internacional International Criminal Courtm.1 cut (raja).se hizo un corte en la rodilla he cut his kneecorte de pelo haircut2 length (retal de tela).3 shape (contorno).4 section.5 style.6 break (pausa).corte publicitario commercial break7 (cutting) edge (filo). (peninsular Spanish)8 cut, cutback (reducción) (presupuestario, salarial). ( Latin American Spanish)9 embarrassment (informal) (vergüenza).dar corte a alguien to embarrass somebodyme da corte decírselo I feel embarrassed to tell him10 put-down (informal) (respuesta ingeniosa).dar o pegar un corte a alguien to cut somebody dead11 court room.12 piece of cloth.13 cut of meat, cut.14 haircut.15 errand made for a fee.16 break-up.17 tendency, style.18 slap in the face, put-down.pres.subj.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: cortar.* * *1 (del rey etc) court2 (séquito) retinue3 ESPAÑOL AMERICANO (tribunal) court1 the Spanish Parliament sing\hacer la corte a to court, pay court to————————1 (gen) cut2 (filo) edge3 (sección) section4 (de un libro) edge5 (de pelo) cut, haircut6 (de helado) wafer, US ice-cream sandwich7 COSTURA (cantidad de tela) length\dar un corte a alguien familiar to cut somebody dead¡qué corte! familiar what a blow!corte de mangas tabú V-signcorte y confección dressmaking* * *1. noun f. 2. noun m.* * *ISM1) (=incisión, herida) cuthacerse un corte — to cut o.s.
corte longitudinal — lengthwise section, longitudinal section
2) (tb: corte de pelo) cut, haircut3) (Cos) (=diseño) cut4) (=interrupción) cutcorte de carretera — [para obras, accidente] road closure; [como protesta] roadblock
5) (=estilo)6) (=trozo)corte (de helado) — wafer, ice cream sandwich (EEUU)
7) * (=respuesta contundente)dar un corte a algn: ¡vaya corte que te dieron! — that was one in the eye for you, wasn't it!
corte de mangas — rude gesture made with the arm and hand which is the equivalent of giving the V-sign or, in the US, the finger
le hizo un corte de mangas a los fotógrafos — he made a o the V-sign at the photographers, he gave two fingers to the photographers, he gave the photographers the finger (EEUU)
sus declaraciones son un corte de mangas a la Constitución — his statements are a two-fingered salute to the Constitution
8) * (=vergüenza)¡qué corte, me besó delante de todos! — how embarrassing! he kissed me in front of everyone!
llevarse un corte: me llevé un buen corte cuando supe que tenía novio — I felt really silly when I found out she had a boyfriend
9) (=borde) edgedar corte a algo — to sharpen sth, put an edge on sth
10) [de disco] track11) (Min) stint12) Cono Sur (=importancia)IISF1) [de un rey] (=residencia) court; (=séquito) court, entourage, retinuevilla 1)2)hacer la corte a algn — (=cortejar) to pay court to sb; (=halagar) to win favour with sb, lick sb's boots *, suck up to sb *
no deja de hacerme la corte a ver si le presto dinero — he keeps licking my boots o sucking up to me so that I'll lend him some money
3) (Jur) law court4) (=ciudad) capital, capital city5)CORTES GENERALES The Spanish parliament consists of a lower house, the Congreso de los Diputados, and an upper house, the Senado. Members of the lower house are called diputados and members of the Senado are senadores.las Cortes — (Pol) Spanish parliament
See:ver nota culturelle CONGRESO DE LOS DIPUTADOS in congreso,ver nota culturelle SENADO in senado* * *I1)a) ( tajo) cutb) ( de carne) cut, cut of meatc) tbcorte de pelo — haircut, cut
2) ( interrupción)un corte en el suministro eléctrico — (frml) a power cut
3) (Ven) ( separación) (fam) break-up, bust-up (colloq)darle un corte a alguien — to break o split up with somebody
4) (AmL) ( en el presupuesto) cut5) (Cin) ( por la censura) cut6)a) ( de tela) length, length of materialb) ( en costura) cutun traje de buen corte — a well-made o well-cut suit
7) (tendencia, estilo)8) (Esp fam)a) ( vergüenza) embarrassmentb) ( respuesta tajante)menudo corte! — what a put-down! (colloq)
9) (fam) (Audio) track10) (RPl fam) ( atención)IIdarse corte — (RPl fam) to show off
1) ( del rey) courthacerle la corte a alguien — ( cortejar) (ant) to woo somebody (dated or liter)
2) (esp AmL) (Der) Court of Appeal3) las Cortes femenino plural (Pol) ( en Esp) Parliament, the legislative assembly* * *I1)a) ( tajo) cutb) ( de carne) cut, cut of meatc) tbcorte de pelo — haircut, cut
2) ( interrupción)un corte en el suministro eléctrico — (frml) a power cut
3) (Ven) ( separación) (fam) break-up, bust-up (colloq)darle un corte a alguien — to break o split up with somebody
4) (AmL) ( en el presupuesto) cut5) (Cin) ( por la censura) cut6)a) ( de tela) length, length of materialb) ( en costura) cutun traje de buen corte — a well-made o well-cut suit
7) (tendencia, estilo)8) (Esp fam)a) ( vergüenza) embarrassmentb) ( respuesta tajante)menudo corte! — what a put-down! (colloq)
9) (fam) (Audio) track10) (RPl fam) ( atención)IIdarse corte — (RPl fam) to show off
1) ( del rey) courthacerle la corte a alguien — ( cortejar) (ant) to woo somebody (dated or liter)
2) (esp AmL) (Der) Court of Appeal3) las Cortes femenino plural (Pol) ( en Esp) Parliament, the legislative assembly* * *corte11 = severance, cut, cut off [cutoff], break, slit, snip, nick, clipping.Ex: Examples can be found where exchange of publications remains as the only form of contact after severance of diplomatic and trade relations.
Ex: The best concentration of PVA solutions for restoring is 8 per cent for mending tears and suturing cuts.Ex: It is assumed that the sum of those units receiving top priority status is less than the current budgeted amount and that a cut off will occur at some point.Ex: In terms of the reference process a break in the chain has occurred between the information need and the initial question.Ex: To make room for your puppet's mouth, make a slit in the sock between your thumb and fingers.Ex: The table was purchased a year and a half ago as a conference table and has a few nicks and scratches but still looks good.Ex: The interlacing of twigs into wickerwork is in all probability contemporary with first clipping of flint into arrow-heads.* alicates de corte = wire cutters.* corte de pelo = hair cut.* corte de voz = voice insert.* corte temporal = time period.* corte transversal = cross-section [cross section], sectional cutting.* de corte + Adjetivo = of a + Adjetivo + nature.corte22 = outage, power shutdown.Ex: The ARPAnet was an experimental network designed to support military research -- in particular, research about how to build networks that could withstand partial outages (like bomb attacks) and still function.
Ex: A reminder that the library is closed all day this Saturday due to a power shutdown in the building.* corte de corriente = power cut, power failure.* corte de la corriente eléctrica = power failure, power cut.* corte de luz = power outage, power failure, outage, disruption in the flow of electricity, power cut.* corte de suministro = power shutdown.* corte en el fluido eléctrico = power cut, power failure.corte33 = court.Ex: The protagonist experiences a jarring descent from the heights of literary distinction at court to the coarseness of common experience.
corte4* dar corte = self-conscious, feel + shy.* * *A1 (tajo) cuttenía varios cortes en la cara he had several cuts on his facehazle un pequeño corte en la parte superior make a little cut o nick in the topse hizo un corte en la cabeza he cut his head2 (de carne) cut, cut of meat3tb corte de pelo haircut, cutCompuestos:razor cutlengthwise section, longitudinal section ( tech)transverse section, cross sectionB(interrupción): un corte en el suministro de fluido eléctrico ( frml); an outage ( AmE) o ( BrE) a power cuteste verano hemos tenido varios cortes de agua the water has been cut off several times this summerse produjeron cortes de carretera en toda la provincia roads were blocked all over the provincehubo un corte a una escena donde … it cut to a scene where …Compuestos:( AmL) break, commercial breakstomach crampcommercial break, breakle dio un corte a su novia he broke o split up with his girlfriendD ( AmL) (en el presupuesto) cutE ( Cin) (por la censura) cutF1 (de tela) length, length of material2(en costura): siempre lleva trajes de buen corte he always wears well-made o well-cut suitsCompuestos:≈ V-sign ( in UK)les hizo un corte de mangas he gave them the finger, he did o made a V-sign at them ( BrE)dressmakingG(tendencia, estilo): canciones de corte romántico songs of a romantic kind o nature, romantic songsun discurso de neto corte nacionalista a speech with a clear nationalistic slant o bias o feeling to iten cualquier país de corte democrático in any country of democratic persuasion1 (vergüenza) embarrassmentme da corte ir sola I'm embarrassed to go by myselfes un corte tener que pedírselo otra vez it's embarrassing having to ask him again2(respuesta tajante): ¡menudo corte! what a put-down! ( colloq)le dieron un buen corte cuando le dijeron que … it was a real slap in the face for him o it was a real put-down when they told him that …JL ( Elec) cut-offvoltaje/frecuencia de corte cut-off voltage/frequencyA (del rey) courtvive rodeado de una corte de aduladores he is constantly surrounded by a circle of admirershacerle la corte a algn (cortejar) ( ant); to woo sb ( datedor liter), to court sb ( dated); (halagar, agasajar) to lick sb's bootsCompuestos:Military Appeal Court( AmL) Supreme Courtlas Cortes generales se reunieron ayer Parliament met yesterdayfrente a las Cortes opposite the Parliament buildingCortes Generales (↑ corte a1)Compuesto:fpl constituent assembly* * *
Del verbo cortar: ( conjugate cortar)
corté es:
1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo
corte es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
cortar ( conjugate cortar) verbo transitivo
1 ( dividir) ‹cuerda/pastel› to cut, chop;
‹ asado› to carve;
‹leña/madera› to chop;
‹ baraja› to cut;◊ corte algo por la mitad to cut sth in half o in two;
corte algo en rodajas/en cuadritos to slice/dice sth;
corte algo en trozos to cut sth into pieces
2 (quitar, separar) ‹rama/punta/pierna› to cut off;
‹ árbol› to cut down, chop down;
‹ flores› (CS) to pick;
3 ( hacer más corto) ‹pelo/uñas› to cut;
‹césped/pasto› to mow;
‹ seto› to cut;
‹ rosal› to cut back;
‹ texto› to cut down
4 ( en costura) ‹falda/vestido› to cut out
5 ( interrumpir)
‹película/programa› to interrupt
[ manifestantes] to block;
6 (censurar, editar) ‹ película› to cut;
‹escena/diálogo› to cut (out)
7 [ frío]:◊ el frío me cortó los labios my lips were chapped o cracked from the cold weather
verbo intransitivo
1 [cuchillo/tijeras] to cut
2a) (Cin):◊ ¡corten! cut!
cortarse verbo pronominal
1 ( interrumpirse) [proyección/película] to stop;
[llamada/gas] to get cut off;
se me cortó la respiración I could hardly breathe
‹brazo/cara› to cut;
3 ( cruzarse) [líneas/calles] to cross
4 [ leche] to curdle;
[mayonesa/salsa] to separate
5 (Chi, Esp) [ persona] (turbarse, aturdirse) to get embarrassed
corte sustantivo masculino
1 ( en general) cut;
corte de pelo haircut;
corte a (la) navaja razor cut;
un corte de luz a power cut;
tuvimos varios cortes de agua the water was cut off several times;
corte de digestión stomach cramp;
corte publicitario (RPl) commercial break
◊ un traje de buen corte a well-made o well-cut suit;
corte y confección dressmaking
3 (Esp fam) ( vergüenza) embarrassment;
¡qué corte! how embarrassing!
4 (RPl fam) ( atención):
■ sustantivo femenino
b) (esp AmL) (Der) Court of Appeal;
I verbo transitivo
1 to cut
(un árbol) to cut down
(el césped) to mow
2 (amputar) to cut off
3 (la luz, el teléfono) to cut off
4 (impedir el paso) to block
5 (eliminar, censurar) to cut out
II verbo intransitivo
1 (partir) to cut
2 (atajar) to cut across, to take a short cut
3 familiar (interrumpir una relación) to split up: cortó con su novia, he split up with his girlfriend
♦ Locuciones: familiar cortar por lo sano, to put an end to
corte 1 sustantivo masculino
1 cut
corte de pelo, haircut
2 (interrupción de suministro eléctrico) power cut
(de agua) es el segundo corte de agua en una semana, the water has been cut off twice this week
3 Cost cut
corte y confección, dressmaking
4 (sección) section
5 familiar (respuesta ingeniosa) rebuff: le dio un corte estupendo a ese engreído, she really put that bighead in his place
6 (estilo) style
7 corte de digestión, stomach cramp
corte de mangas, GB V-sign
TV corte publicitario, commercial break
corte transversal, cross section
corte 2 sustantivo femenino
1 (residencia y compañía real) court
2 Las Cortes, (Spanish) Parliament sing
♦ Locuciones: hacerle la corte a alguien, to court sb
' corte' also found in these entries:
- decir
- ir
- Tajo
- trasquiladura
- villa
- abertura
- cortar
- endurecer
- filete
- me
- melena
- practicar
- sección
- tajo
- transversal
- vidrio
- court
- crew cut
- crop
- cut
- gash
- hack
- haircut
- length
- notch
- ragged
- section
- severance
- slit
- snip
- trim
- V
- V-sign
- cross
- hair
- layer
- line
- myself
- nick
- shut
- sirloin
- slash
- supreme
- wire
* * *♦ nm1. [raja] cut;[en pantalones, camisa] tear;tiene un corte en la mano she has cut her hand;se hizo un corte en la rodilla he cut his kneecorte y confección [para mujeres] dressmaking; [para hombres] tailoring;corte de pelo haircut2. [retal de tela] length3. [interrupción]mañana habrá corte de agua de nueve a diez the water will be cut off tomorrow between nine and ten;la sequía ha obligado a imponer cortes de agua the drought has forced the authorities to cut off the water supply for a number of hours each day;corte de digestión stomach cramps4. [sección] section;corte longitudinal lengthways section, Espec longitudinal section;corte transversal cross-section5. [concepción, estilo] style;una chaqueta de corte clásico a jacket with a classic cut;una novela de corte fantástico a novel with an air of fantasy about it;un gobierno de corte autoritario a government with authoritarian tendencies6. [pausa] breakcorte publicitario commercial breakeste corte está muy afilado this blade is very sharp8. [en golf] cut;9. [en ciclismo] breakaway (group);meterse en el corte to join the breakaway group10. [helado] Br wafer, US ice-cream sandwich11. [en baraja] cut12. Am [reducción] cut, cutbackcorte presupuestario budget cut;corte salarial wage o pay cutme da corte decírselo I feel embarrassed to tell him;¡qué corte tener que hablar con ella! how embarrassing having to talk to her!le di un buen corte y dejó de molestarme my put-down made him stop annoying me16. corte de mangas = obscene gesture involving raising one arm with a clenched fist and placing one's other hand in the crook of one's elbow;♦ nf1. [del rey] court;la corte celestial the Heavenly Host3. [comitiva] entourage, retinue;vino el ministro con toda su corte the minister arrived with his entourageCortes Constituyentes constituent assembly Corte Penal Internacional International Criminal Court;Corte Suprema de Justicia Supreme Court* * *1 m2:me da corte fam I’m embarrassed3:hacerle un corte de mangas a alguien fam give s.o. the finger fam2 f1 real court;hacer la corte a alguien woo s.o.2 L.Am.JUR (law) court3:las Cortes Spanish parliament* * *corte nm1) : cut, cuttingcorte de pelo: haircut2) : style, fitcorte nf1) : courtcorte suprema: supreme court2)hacer la corte a : to court, to woo* * *corte n1. (en general) cut2. (realeza) court -
12 en realidad
actually, in fact* * *= actually, as a matter of fact, in fact, in reality, in truth, to all intents and purposes, in point of fact, in actuality, in a very real sense, in actual practice, in actual fact, for all intents and purposes, for that matter, if the truth be known, if the truth be told, in all truth, in all realityEx. Dr. Richmond actually has had two careers.Ex. As a matter of fact, the record of the change is retained in at least the OCLC files and is, I am told, available to libraries.Ex. However, one important feature to note about such systems is that many of them do not in fact organise knowledge or retrieve information.Ex. In reality the extent of integration for catalogue entries for different media depends on administrative considerations, such as which section of the library is responsible for the compilation of catalogues for the various media.Ex. But why had he said he offered to do the work for the superintendent when in truth she had initiated the request?.Ex. To all intents and purposes he is unaware of its existence.Ex. In point of fact, I am well aware that catalogers, as a group, resist with every cell in their bodies any attempt to erode or degrade or compromise the catalog.Ex. In actuality every librarian has a different concept of ephemeral materials.Ex. In a very real sense, library administration is only an extension of public administration.Ex. The supervisor in actual practice receives information not only from subordinates, but from superiors and from external sources.Ex. Despite carefully framed acquistions policy statements regarding fiction in actual fact libraries allocate only a small percentage of their meagre book funds to fiction.Ex. In the 20th century, the debate about weeding followed, for all intents and purposes, the contours of the controversy surrounding the Quincy Plan.Ex. A machine-readable national data base, or for that matter any catalog, should be capable of existing in time.Ex. If the truth be known, most successes are built on a multitude of failures.Ex. If the truth be told, both sides of the political spectrum suffer from those who operate on emotions rather than logic.Ex. In all truth, it must be said that this howling, hissing, foot-scraping body of young rapscallions found some cause for complaint.Ex. In all reality, the power now lies with serious buyers who know they have more room to negotiate when making offers.* * *= actually, as a matter of fact, in fact, in reality, in truth, to all intents and purposes, in point of fact, in actuality, in a very real sense, in actual practice, in actual fact, for all intents and purposes, for that matter, if the truth be known, if the truth be told, in all truth, in all realityEx: Dr. Richmond actually has had two careers.
Ex: As a matter of fact, the record of the change is retained in at least the OCLC files and is, I am told, available to libraries.Ex: However, one important feature to note about such systems is that many of them do not in fact organise knowledge or retrieve information.Ex: In reality the extent of integration for catalogue entries for different media depends on administrative considerations, such as which section of the library is responsible for the compilation of catalogues for the various media.Ex: But why had he said he offered to do the work for the superintendent when in truth she had initiated the request?.Ex: To all intents and purposes he is unaware of its existence.Ex: In point of fact, I am well aware that catalogers, as a group, resist with every cell in their bodies any attempt to erode or degrade or compromise the catalog.Ex: In actuality every librarian has a different concept of ephemeral materials.Ex: In a very real sense, library administration is only an extension of public administration.Ex: The supervisor in actual practice receives information not only from subordinates, but from superiors and from external sources.Ex: Despite carefully framed acquistions policy statements regarding fiction in actual fact libraries allocate only a small percentage of their meagre book funds to fiction.Ex: In the 20th century, the debate about weeding followed, for all intents and purposes, the contours of the controversy surrounding the Quincy Plan.Ex: A machine-readable national data base, or for that matter any catalog, should be capable of existing in time.Ex: If the truth be known, most successes are built on a multitude of failures.Ex: If the truth be told, both sides of the political spectrum suffer from those who operate on emotions rather than logic.Ex: In all truth, it must be said that this howling, hissing, foot-scraping body of young rapscallions found some cause for complaint.Ex: In all reality, the power now lies with serious buyers who know they have more room to negotiate when making offers. -
13 venir
v.1 to come.venir a/de hacer algo to come to do something/from doing somethingvenir de algo to come from something (proceder, derivarse)venir a alguien con algo to come to somebody with somethingno me vengas con exigencias don't come to me making demandsel año que viene next yearUna persona vino A person came.2 to arrive.vino a las doce he arrived at twelve o'clock3 to be.su foto viene en primera página his photo is o appears on the front pageel texto viene en inglés the text is in Englishvienen en todos los tamaños they come in every sizelas anchoas vienen en lata anchovies come in tinsElla venía cantando por la calle She was singing in the street.4 to receive.Me vino un telegrama I received a telegram.5 to come up, to blow up.6 to be the host for.Nos vinieron tres personas We were the host for three people.7 to come to.Nos vino una idea An idea came to us.* * *Present IndicativePast IndicativeFuture IndicativeConditionalPresent SubjunctiveImperfect SubjunctiveFuture SubjunctiveImperative* * *verb1) to come2) arrive3) fit4) follow, come after•* * *Para las expresiones venir al caso, venir de lejos, venir a las manos, venir a menos, venir a pelo, venir de perlas, venirse abajo, venirse encima, ver la otra entrada.1. VERBO INTRANSITIVO1) (a un lugar) to come¡ven acá o aquí! — come (over) here!
¿y todo esto a quéviene? — what's all this in aid of?¿a qué vienen tantos llantos? — what's all this crying about?
¿y ahora a qué vienes? — what do you want now?
hacer venir a algn, le hicieron venir desde Londres — they had him come (all the way) from Londonhicieron venir al médico — they sent for the doctor, they called out the doctor
venir (a) por algn/algo — to come for sb/sthvinieron (a) por el enfermo — they came to pick up the patient, they came for the patient
han venido (a) por el coche — they've come to pick up the car, they've come for the car
venirle a algn con —
2) (=volver)¡enseguida o ahora vengo! — I'll be right back! *
cuando vinimos de las vacaciones todo estaba sucio — when we got back from our holiday everything was dirty
3) (=estar) to be4) (=ocurrir) to comela guerra y todo lo que vino después — the war and everything that happened o came afterwards
ahora viene lo mejor de la película — this is the best bit in the film, the best bit in the film is coming up now
- estar a verlas venir5) venir de (=provenir) to come from6) (=sobrevenir)7) (=quedar)este puesto de trabajo me viene grande o ancho — this job is beyond me, this job is too much for me
venir bien, ¿te viene bien el sábado? — is Saturday all right for you?•
venir mal, mañana me viene mal — tomorrow is inconvenient8) por venir(=futuro)las generaciones por venir — future generations, generations to come
que viene (=próximo) next venga a (con sentido reiterativo)lo peor está por venir — the worst is yet o still to come
yo no tenía dinero y el niño venga a pedir chucherías — I didn't have any money and my boy was always o forever asking for little treats
tenía mucha prisa y los periodistas venga a preguntas — I was in a real hurry and the journalists wouldn't stop asking questions
vino a parar o dar a la cárcel — he ended up in jail
venir a ser, viene a ser 84 en total — it comes to 84 all togetherviene a ser lo mismo — it comes to o amounts to the same thing
b) [+ gerund]c) [+ participio]venía hecho polvo — *he was shattered *
10) ¡venga!( Esp) *¡venga, vámonos! — come on, let's go!
¡venga, una canción! — let's have a song!
préstame cinco euros, venga — go on, lend me five euros
-¿quieres que lo hagamos juntos? -¡venga! — "shall we do it together?" - "come on, then"
-¡hasta luego! -¡venga! — "see you later!" - "O.K.!" o"right!"
¡venga ya, no seas pesado! — come on, don't be such a bore!
-me ha tocado la lotería -¡venga ya! — "I've won the lottery" - "you're kidding! *"
2.See:* * *1.verbo intransitivo1)a) ( a un lugar) to comevine en tren/avión — I came by train/plane
¿a qué vino? — what did he come by o around for?
¿ha venido el electricista? — has the electrician been?
venir por or (Esp) a por alguien/algo — to come for somebody/something, come to pick somebody/something up
venir a + inf — to come to + inf
b) ( volver) to come backno vengas tarde — don't be late home o back
c) ( salir)venir con algo: me vino con un cuento he came up with some excuse; no me vengas con exigencias don't start making demands; no me vengas con eso ahora don't give me that (colloq); y ahora viene con que necesita el doble — and now he says he needs double
d) ( sobrevenir) (+ me/te/le etc)me vino una gripe — I came o went down with flu
me vinieron unas ganas de reír... — I felt like bursting out laughing
2)a) ( tener lugar)¿qué viene después de las noticias? — what's on after the news?
b) ( indicando procedencia)¿a qué viene eso? — why do you say that?
¿a qué vienen esos gritos? — what's all the shouting about?
c) ( indicando presentación) to comed) ( estar incluido)3) (+ me/te/le etc)a) ( quedar) (+ compl)b) ( convenir) (+ compl)¿te viene bien a las ocho? — is eight o'clock all right o OK for you?
4) (como aux)a)venir a + inf: esto viene a confirmar mis sospechas this confirms my suspicions; vendrá a tener unos 30 años she must be about 30; el precio viene a ser el mismo — the price works out (about) the same
b)2.venir + ger: hace mucho que lo venía diciendo I'd been saying so all along; viene trabajando aquí desde hace muchos años — he has been working here for many years
venirse v pron (enf)a) ( a un lugar) to come¿te vienes al parque? — are you coming to the park?
venirse abajo — persona to go to pieces; techo to fall in, collapse; estante to collapse; ilusiones to go up in smoke; proyectos to fall through
b) ( volver) to come back* * *= come.Ex. This article urges children's librarians to attack 'aliteracy' (lack of a desire to read) as well as illiteracy by taking programmes, e.g. story hours, to children who do not come to libraries.----* ¡venga ya! = on your bike!.* ir y venir = come and go.* lo bueno viene en frascos pequeños = small is beautiful.* no hay mal que por bien no venga = be a blessing in disguise.* Nombre/Pronombre + vino como anillo al dedo = it worked out beautifully for + Nombre/Pronombre.* no venir al caso = be immaterial.* no venir mal + Infinitivo = not hurt to + Infinitivo.* que viene = incoming.* que viene el lobo = crying wolf.* sin venir a cuento = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue, for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.* sin venir a pelo = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.* sistema + venirse abajo = system + crash.* ven aquí = come over here.* venir a continuación de + Nombre = come in + Posesivo + footsteps.* venir a la mente = spring to + mind.* venir al mundo = come into + the world.* venir a menos = retrench.* venir aquí = come over.* venir a ser lo mismo que = amount to + the same thing as.* venir bien = be none the worse for (that), suit + best.* venir como anillo al dedo = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley, be + Posesivo + cup of tea, be right as rain, fit + the bill, be just the thing, be just the ticket, be just the job.* venir con = come with.* venir con buenas intenciones = come in + peace.* venir de maravilla = be just the thing, be just the ticket, be just the job.* venir de mucho tiempo atrás = go back + a long way.* venir de perilla = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley, be + Posesivo + cup of tea, be just the thing, be just the ticket, be just the job.* venir en son de paz = come in + peace.* venir instintivamente a = come + naturally to, be second nature to + Pronombre.* venir justo después de = come on + the heels of.* venirle Algo grande a Alguien = get + too big for + Posesivo + boots, get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches.* venirle a Uno a la mente = come to + mind.* venir muy bien = fit + the bill.* venir por naturaleza a = come + naturally to, be second nature to + Pronombre.* venirse abajo = break down, tumble down, tumble, fall + apart.* ver Algo venir = the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.* verse venir = be on the cards.* * *1.verbo intransitivo1)a) ( a un lugar) to comevine en tren/avión — I came by train/plane
¿a qué vino? — what did he come by o around for?
¿ha venido el electricista? — has the electrician been?
venir por or (Esp) a por alguien/algo — to come for somebody/something, come to pick somebody/something up
venir a + inf — to come to + inf
b) ( volver) to come backno vengas tarde — don't be late home o back
c) ( salir)venir con algo: me vino con un cuento he came up with some excuse; no me vengas con exigencias don't start making demands; no me vengas con eso ahora don't give me that (colloq); y ahora viene con que necesita el doble — and now he says he needs double
d) ( sobrevenir) (+ me/te/le etc)me vino una gripe — I came o went down with flu
me vinieron unas ganas de reír... — I felt like bursting out laughing
2)a) ( tener lugar)¿qué viene después de las noticias? — what's on after the news?
b) ( indicando procedencia)¿a qué viene eso? — why do you say that?
¿a qué vienen esos gritos? — what's all the shouting about?
c) ( indicando presentación) to comed) ( estar incluido)3) (+ me/te/le etc)a) ( quedar) (+ compl)b) ( convenir) (+ compl)¿te viene bien a las ocho? — is eight o'clock all right o OK for you?
4) (como aux)a)venir a + inf: esto viene a confirmar mis sospechas this confirms my suspicions; vendrá a tener unos 30 años she must be about 30; el precio viene a ser el mismo — the price works out (about) the same
b)2.venir + ger: hace mucho que lo venía diciendo I'd been saying so all along; viene trabajando aquí desde hace muchos años — he has been working here for many years
venirse v pron (enf)a) ( a un lugar) to come¿te vienes al parque? — are you coming to the park?
venirse abajo — persona to go to pieces; techo to fall in, collapse; estante to collapse; ilusiones to go up in smoke; proyectos to fall through
b) ( volver) to come back* * *= come.Ex: This article urges children's librarians to attack 'aliteracy' (lack of a desire to read) as well as illiteracy by taking programmes, e.g. story hours, to children who do not come to libraries.
* ¡venga ya! = on your bike!.* ir y venir = come and go.* lo bueno viene en frascos pequeños = small is beautiful.* no hay mal que por bien no venga = be a blessing in disguise.* Nombre/Pronombre + vino como anillo al dedo = it worked out beautifully for + Nombre/Pronombre.* no venir al caso = be immaterial.* no venir mal + Infinitivo = not hurt to + Infinitivo.* que viene = incoming.* que viene el lobo = crying wolf.* sin venir a cuento = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue, for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.* sin venir a pelo = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.* sistema + venirse abajo = system + crash.* ven aquí = come over here.* venir a continuación de + Nombre = come in + Posesivo + footsteps.* venir a la mente = spring to + mind.* venir al mundo = come into + the world.* venir a menos = retrench.* venir aquí = come over.* venir a ser lo mismo que = amount to + the same thing as.* venir bien = be none the worse for (that), suit + best.* venir como anillo al dedo = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley, be + Posesivo + cup of tea, be right as rain, fit + the bill, be just the thing, be just the ticket, be just the job.* venir con = come with.* venir con buenas intenciones = come in + peace.* venir de maravilla = be just the thing, be just the ticket, be just the job.* venir de mucho tiempo atrás = go back + a long way.* venir de perilla = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley, be + Posesivo + cup of tea, be just the thing, be just the ticket, be just the job.* venir en son de paz = come in + peace.* venir instintivamente a = come + naturally to, be second nature to + Pronombre.* venir justo después de = come on + the heels of.* venirle Algo grande a Alguien = get + too big for + Posesivo + boots, get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches.* venirle a Uno a la mente = come to + mind.* venir muy bien = fit + the bill.* venir por naturaleza a = come + naturally to, be second nature to + Pronombre.* venirse abajo = break down, tumble down, tumble, fall + apart.* ver Algo venir = the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.* verse venir = be on the cards.* * *viA1 (a un lugar) to comevine en tren/avión I came by train/plane¿puedes venir un momento? can you come here a second?casi nos matamos viniendo or al venir de Medellín we nearly got killed on our way from o coming from Medellín¿a qué vino? what did he come by o around o ( BrE) round for?¿ha venido el electricista? has the electrician been?¡que venga el encargado! I want to see the person in charge!vengo de parte del Sr Díaz Mr Díaz sent me, I'm here on behalf of Mr Díaz¿vienes solo? — no, con un amigo have you come on your own? — no, with a friendvine dormida todo el tiempo I slept (for) the whole journeyviene furiosa she's furiousvenir POR algn to come for sb, come to pick sb upvienen por mí a las ocho they're coming for me o they're picking me up at eightvenir ( A) POR algo to come for sth, come to pick sth upvinieron (a) por el pan they came for o came to pick up the breadvenir A + INF:ven a ver esto come and see thisvienen a pasar unos días con nosotros they're coming to spend a few days with usa las siete me vienen a buscar they're coming to pick me up at sevenel que venga detrás que arree ( fam); let the next person sort things out2 (volver) to come backno vengas tarde don't be late home o back, don't come home o back lateahora vengo I'll be back in a momentvino muy cansado del viaje he was very tired when he got back from his trip, he came back very tired from his trip3 (con excusas, exigencias) venir CON algo:no me vengas ahora con exigencias don't start making demands nowno me vengas con cuentos I don't want (to hear) any excuses, don't give me any excusesy ahora viene con que necesita el doble and now he says he needs double4 (sobrevenir) (+ me/te/le etc):me vino una gripe I came o went down with flume vinieron unas ganas de reír … I felt like bursting out laughingB1(tener lugar): ahora viene esa escena que te conté that scene I told you about is coming up nowentonces vino la guerra then the war came¿qué viene ahora después de las noticias? what's on after the news?vino una ola de frío inesperada there was an unexpected cold spellya vendrán tiempos mejores things will get better2 (indicando procedencia) venir DE algo to come FROM sthuna tela que viene de la India a cloth that's made in o that comes from Indiaesa palabra viene del griego that word comes from Greekla enfermedad le viene de familia the illness runs in his familyel problema viene ya de lejos the problem goes back a long wayde ahí viene que tenga tantas deudas that's why he has so many debts3¿a qué viene/vienen …?: ¿a qué viene eso? why do you say that?¿a qué vienen esos gritos? what's all the shouting about o ( colloq) in aid of?, why all the shouting? ( colloq) what's with all the shouting? ( colloq)4(indicando presentación): el folleto viene en inglés y en francés the brochure is available in English and in French, you can get the brochure in English and in Frenchviene en tres tamaños it comes in three sizesasí venía, yo no lo he tocado it came like that, I haven't touched it5(estar incluido): su foto viene en la primera página her picture is on the front pageno viene nada sobre la manifestación de ayer there's nothing about yesterday's demonstrationCese abrigo te viene mal that coat doesn't suit you o doesn't look right on youel cargo le viene grande the job's too much for him, he isn't up to the jobestas cajas me vendrán muy bien para la mudanza these boxes will be useful o ( colloq) will come in handy when I move¿te viene bien a las ocho? is eight o'clock all right o OK for you?, does eight o'clock suit you?el jueves no me viene bien Thursday's no good o not a good day for me, I can't make Thursdayno me vendrían mal unas vacaciones I could do with a vacationlos abajo firmantes venimos en declarar que … we, the undersigned, hereby declare that …E ( como aux)1 venir A + INF:esto viene a confirmar mis sospechas this serves to confirm my suspicions, this confirms my suspicionsvendrá a tener unos 30 años she must be about 30el precio viene a ser el mismo the price works out (about) the same, they're around the same price2 venir + GER:lo venía diciendo yo desde hace mucho tiempo I'd been saying so for agesviene utilizando nuestros servicios desde hace muchos años he has been using our services for many years■ venirseA ( enf)1 (a un lugar) to comese han venido desde Málaga a vernos they've come (all the way) from Malaga to see us¿te vienes al parque? are you coming to the park?venirse abajo «persona» to go to pieces;«techo» to fall in, collapse; «estante» to collapse; «ilusiones» to go up in smoke, fall apart; «proyectos» to fall through, go up in smoke2 (volver) to come backestaban de vacaciones pero tuvieron que venirse they were on vacation but they had to come back o come home* * *
venir ( conjugate venir) verbo intransitivo
¿a qué vino? what did he come by o around for?;
vine dormida todo el tiempo I slept (for) the whole journey;
venir por or (Esp) a por algn/algo to come for sb/sth, come to pick sb/sth up;
la vino a buscar su madre her mother came to pick her up;
ven a ver esto come and see this
no vengas tarde don't be late home o backc) ( salir):
no me vengas con exigencias don't start making demands
2a) ( tener lugar):
¿qué viene después de las noticias? what's on after the news?;
ya vendrán tiempos mejores things will get betterb) ( indicando procedencia) venir de algo to come from sth;
le viene de familia it runs in his family;
¿a qué viene eso? why do you say that?
d) ( estar incluido):
no viene nada sobre la huelga there's nothing about the strike
3 ( convenir):
el jueves no me viene bien Thursday's no good for me;
me vendría bien un descanso I could do with a rest
4 ( como aux):
hace mucho que lo venía diciendo I'd been saying so all along
venirse verbo pronominal ( enf)
venirse abajo [ persona] to go to pieces;
[ techo] to fall in, collapse;
[ estante] to collapse;
[ ilusiones] to go up in smoke;
[ proyectos] to fall through
venir verbo intransitivo
1 to come
ven y mira lo que he dibujado, come and see what I've drawn
2 (llegar) to come: viene el invierno, winter is coming
acaba de venir de la tienda, he's just come from the shop
3 (volver) to come back: vengo en un minuto, I'll be back in a minute
4 (proceder) to come from: estos juguetes vienen de China, these toys come from China
5 (surgir, sobrevenir) me vino la gripe, I went down with flu
(suceder) entonces vino la guerra civil, then came the civil war
6 (quedar) este jersey me viene grande, this sweater is too big for me
7 (aparecer, presentarse) to come: esa información viene en el capítulo dos, that information comes in chapter two
¿viene algo del terremoto?, is there anything about the earthquake?
viene en un estuche verde, it comes in a green case
8 (indicando aproximación) este libro viene a tener unos cien años, this book must be about a hundred years old
♦ Locuciones: venir al mundo, to be born
venir de lejos, to come from afar
' venir' also found in these entries:
- acercarse
- acudir
- adelantarse
- animarse
- balde
- caso
- comprometerse
- constructor
- constructora
- convenir
- en
- esperar
- familia
- graduación
- gratuitamente
- hacer
- hispanista
- inconveniente
- lástima
- menos
- molestia
- pelo
- precisamente
- sobrevenir
- son
- tejemaneje
- aceptar
- anillo
- aprovechar
- atraer
- corazonada
- cosa
- cuento
- hombre
- importar
- ir
- jalar
- macana
- molestar
- mundo
- parar
- perilla
- poco
- poder
- quedar
- seguir
- soler
- subir
- suponer
- and
- bank on
- call out
- card
- come
- come along
- come in
- come over
- come round
- family
- handy
- have
- let
- like
- pop over
- shuttle
- spot
- suit
- tale
- taste
- too
- useful
- visit
- walk about
- welcome
- agreeable
- aid
- better
- delighted
- down
- expect
- foot
- get
- obviously
- one
- shall
- thank
- will
- would
* * *♦ vi1. [desplazarse, aproximarse] to come;ayer vino a casa she came to visit us yesterday;¿de dónde vienes? where have you been?;vengo del mercado I've come from o been to the market;venir a/de hacer algo to come to do sth/from doing sth;¿a qué has venido? why have you come?, what have you come for?;ven a ayudarme come and help me;voy y vengo I'll be right back;he venido (a) por Marta I've come for Marta;vinieron (a) por mí al aeropuerto they picked me up at the airport;todos veníamos muy cansados we were all very tired;vino hablando todo el camino she spent the whole journey talking;el año/mes que viene next year/month;RPvenir al teléfono to come to the phone2. [llegar] to arrive;[regresar] to get back;aún no ha venido [llegado] she hasn't arrived yet;[regresado] she's not back yet;vendré tarde I'll be late (back);¿han venido los del gas? has the gas man come yet?;cuando venga el verano when summer arrives¿qué viene ahora? what comes next?;después de este programa viene una película after this programme there's a movieviene de familia rica she's from o she comes from a rich family;el talento para la música le viene de familia the gift for music runs in the family;¿de qué árbol viene el caucho? from what tree do we get rubber?;de ahí viene que te duela la espalda that's why your back is hurting;viniendo de ella no me sorprende it doesn't surprise me, coming from herno me vengas con exigencias don't come to me making demands;¡no me vengas con ésas! don't give me that!;vino con que le hacía falta el dinero he said he needed the money6. [hallarse] to be;su foto viene en primera página his photo is o appears on the front page;¿dónde viene la sección de deportes? where's the sports section?;el texto viene en inglés the text is in English;vienen en todos los tamaños they come in every size;me venían ganas de vomitar I kept wanting to be sick;le vinieron ganas de reír he was seized by a desire to laugh;me ha venido el periodo my period has started;le vino una tremenda desgracia he suffered a great misfortune8. [ropa, calzado]¿qué tal te viene? does it fit all right?;el abrigo le viene pequeño the coat is too small for her;9. [convenir]venir bien/mal a alguien to suit/not to suit sb;el diccionario me vendrá muy bien the dictionary will come in very useful;¿qué tal te viene el lunes? how's Monday for you?, how does Monday suit you?;mañana no me viene bien tomorrow isn't a good day for me, I can't make it tomorrow;esto viene a significar… this effectively means…;¿cómo has venido a parar aquí? how did you end up here?;venir a ser to amount to;viene a ser lo mismo it doesn't make much difference;venir a menos [negocio] to go downhill;[persona] to go down in the world;son una familia venida a menos they're a family which has gone down in the world12.¿a qué viene…?: ¿a qué viene eso? what do you mean by that?, what's that in aid of?;¿a qué viene tanta amabilidad? why all this kindness?, what's all this kindness in aid of?♦ v auxvengo diciéndolo desde hace tiempo I've been saying so for some time now;las peleas vienen sucediéndose desde hace tiempo fighting has been going on for some time;el desempleo viene siendo el mayor problema unemployment has been the major problem2. [antes de participio] [haber sido]los cambios vienen motivados por la presión de la oposición the changes have resulted from pressure on the part of the opposition;un espectáculo que viene precedido de gran polémica a show which has been surrounded by controversy* * *v/i1 come;venir de Lima come from Lima;a por algo come for sth, come to collect sth;viene a ser lo mismo it comes down to the same thing;venir a menos come down in the world;le vino una idea an idea occurred to him2:venir bien/mal be convenient/ inconvenient3 ( sentar):el vestido me viene estrecho this dress is too tight for me4:viene en la página 3 it’s on page 35:¿a qué viene eso? why do you say that?;no me vengas ahora con … I don’t want to hear your…6:el año que viene next year, the coming year, the year to come7:* * *venir {87} vi1) : to comelo vi venir: I saw him coming¡venga!: come on!2) : to arrivevinieron en coche: they came by car3) : to come, to originatesus zapatos vienen de Italia: her shoes are from Italy4) : to come, to be availableviene envuelto en plástico: it comes wrapped in plastic5) : to come back, to return6) : to affect, to overcomeme vino un vahído: a dizzy spell came over me7) : to fitte viene un poco grande: it's a little big for youviene entrenando diariamente: he's been training daily9)viene a ser lo mismo: it comes out the sameque viene : coming, nextel año que viene: next yearvenir bien : to be suitable, to be just right* * *venir vb¿cuándo vendrás a vernos? when will you come to see us?¿has venido en tren? did you come by train?2. (volver) to be back3. (estar, ser) to be¡venga! come on!¡venga ya! come off it!¿te viene bien esta tarde? does this afternoon suit you? -
14 amplio
adj.1 ample, extensive, broad, roomy.2 ample, generous, broad, free-handed.3 wide, diverse, varied.4 liberal-minded, liberal, tolerant, all-round.5 spacious, capacious.6 free-ranging.* * *► adjetivo1 (extenso) large2 (espacioso) roomy, spacious3 (ancho) wide, broad4 (holgado) loose\en el sentido más amplio de la palabra in the broadest sense of the word* * *(f. - amplia)adj.ample, wide, spacious* * *ADJ1) (=espacioso) [habitación, interior] spacious; [avenida, calle] widecompró una amplia extensión de terreno — he bought a vast tract o stretch of land
2) [ropa] loose(-fitting), roomy *; [falda] full3) [margen] widelos socialistas ganaron las elecciones por amplia mayoría — the socialists won the election with a large majority
4) [conocimiento, vocabulario, poder, gama] wide, extensiveun amplio surtido de productos — a wide o extensive range of products
5) [sentido] broad6) [repercusión] far-reachingla noticia tuvo amplia difusión o amplio eco en la prensa — the news was widely o extensively reported
su novela tuvo amplia resonancia entre los intelectuales — his novel had great influence among the intellectuals
7) [informe] full, detailed* * *- plia adjetivoa) <calle/valle/margen> wide; < casa> spacious; <vestido/abrigo> loose-fittingb) <criterio/sentido> broadc) <garantías/programa> comprehensive* * *= vast [vaster -comp., vastest -sup.], extensive, large [larger -comp., largest -sup.], wide-sweeping, widespread, broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], airy [airier -comp., airiest -sup.], ample, capacious, widespan, wide-reaching, expansive, extended, wide [wider -comp., widest -sup.], wide-angle(d), loose fit, roomy [roomier -comp., roomiest -sup.].Ex. If you add to this other access points, such as collections housed in old people's homes or day centres, prisons, hospitals, youth clubs, playgroups etc the coverage is vast.Ex. The minutely detailed classification is of the type appropriate to an extensive collection.Ex. Serial searching for a string of characters is usually performed on a small subset of a large file.Ex. Surely these innovations already have and will continue to bring deep and wide-sweeping change to our profession - and because of their rapidity, these changes will be sudden and often tumultuous.Ex. Comment published so far is favourable, but the code still awaits widespread adoption.Ex. In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.Ex. In the questionnaire young people answered that the bookshops in their town were airy, well-lit and very pleasant shops to visit.Ex. The broad tree-lined streets with large Victorian homes surrounded by ample greenery on what were once the outskirts of town -- the gracious and expansive habitations of the wealthy mill and factory owners -- gradually yield to a miscellany of recent bungalows, modest cottages, and modern apartment buildings.Ex. This is an efficient method of storing large amounts of programs and data, which is faster, more reliable and much more capacious than the floppy disc.Ex. With no other type of structure is it possible to obtain clear, widespan coverage of almost unlimited areas, translucency to permit uniform daylight, and transportability or relocatability.Ex. Appraisal is the single most important function performed by an archivist because it has wide-reaching and everlasting social implications.Ex. The broad tree-lined streets with large Victorian homes surrounded by ample greenery on what were once the outskirts of town -- the gracious and expansive habitations of the wealthy mill and factory owners -- gradually yield to a miscellany of recent bungalows, modest cottages, and modern apartment buildings.Ex. The brief abstracts and extended abstracts of papers, not published in full in the proceedings, are excluded.Ex. Located in an isolated section of the Southwest, Los Pasos sits under the brassy sun on a wide plain below a low range of hills.Ex. Except for the principal no one besides the librarian has such a wide-angle view of the school's instructional programme.Ex. His offices and warehouses were one of the first designs which was subsequently described as loose fit, low energy building.Ex. With roomy interiors and flexible seating, minivans are some of the most versatile vehicles for carrying passengers and cargo.----* cada vez más amplio = ever-widening.* demasiado amplio = overwide [over-wide].* desde un punto de vista más amplio = in a broader sense.* en el sentido más amplio = in the broadest sense, in the widest sense.* en su sentido más amplio = in its/their broadest sense, in its/their widest sense.* en un sentido más amplio = in a broader sense, in a larger sense.* horario de apertura más amplio = extended hours.* una amplia gama de = a wide variety of, a wide range of, a broad variety of, a broad range of.* una amplia variedad de = a broad variety of, a wide range of, a broad range of.* WAN (red de área amplia) = WAN (wide area network).* * *- plia adjetivoa) <calle/valle/margen> wide; < casa> spacious; <vestido/abrigo> loose-fittingb) <criterio/sentido> broadc) <garantías/programa> comprehensive* * *= vast [vaster -comp., vastest -sup.], extensive, large [larger -comp., largest -sup.], wide-sweeping, widespread, broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], airy [airier -comp., airiest -sup.], ample, capacious, widespan, wide-reaching, expansive, extended, wide [wider -comp., widest -sup.], wide-angle(d), loose fit, roomy [roomier -comp., roomiest -sup.].Ex: If you add to this other access points, such as collections housed in old people's homes or day centres, prisons, hospitals, youth clubs, playgroups etc the coverage is vast.
Ex: The minutely detailed classification is of the type appropriate to an extensive collection.Ex: Serial searching for a string of characters is usually performed on a small subset of a large file.Ex: Surely these innovations already have and will continue to bring deep and wide-sweeping change to our profession - and because of their rapidity, these changes will be sudden and often tumultuous.Ex: Comment published so far is favourable, but the code still awaits widespread adoption.Ex: In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.Ex: In the questionnaire young people answered that the bookshops in their town were airy, well-lit and very pleasant shops to visit.Ex: The broad tree-lined streets with large Victorian homes surrounded by ample greenery on what were once the outskirts of town -- the gracious and expansive habitations of the wealthy mill and factory owners -- gradually yield to a miscellany of recent bungalows, modest cottages, and modern apartment buildings.Ex: This is an efficient method of storing large amounts of programs and data, which is faster, more reliable and much more capacious than the floppy disc.Ex: With no other type of structure is it possible to obtain clear, widespan coverage of almost unlimited areas, translucency to permit uniform daylight, and transportability or relocatability.Ex: Appraisal is the single most important function performed by an archivist because it has wide-reaching and everlasting social implications.Ex: The broad tree-lined streets with large Victorian homes surrounded by ample greenery on what were once the outskirts of town -- the gracious and expansive habitations of the wealthy mill and factory owners -- gradually yield to a miscellany of recent bungalows, modest cottages, and modern apartment buildings.Ex: The brief abstracts and extended abstracts of papers, not published in full in the proceedings, are excluded.Ex: Located in an isolated section of the Southwest, Los Pasos sits under the brassy sun on a wide plain below a low range of hills.Ex: Except for the principal no one besides the librarian has such a wide-angle view of the school's instructional programme.Ex: His offices and warehouses were one of the first designs which was subsequently described as loose fit, low energy building.Ex: With roomy interiors and flexible seating, minivans are some of the most versatile vehicles for carrying passengers and cargo.* cada vez más amplio = ever-widening.* demasiado amplio = overwide [over-wide].* desde un punto de vista más amplio = in a broader sense.* en el sentido más amplio = in the broadest sense, in the widest sense.* en su sentido más amplio = in its/their broadest sense, in its/their widest sense.* en un sentido más amplio = in a broader sense, in a larger sense.* horario de apertura más amplio = extended hours.* una amplia gama de = a wide variety of, a wide range of, a broad variety of, a broad range of.* una amplia variedad de = a broad variety of, a wide range of, a broad range of.* WAN (red de área amplia) = WAN (wide area network).* * *1 ‹calle› wide; ‹valle› wide, broad; ‹casa› spacious; ‹vestido/abrigo› loose-fitting; ‹falda/manga› fullcon una amplia sonrisa with a broad smile2 ‹criterio› broad; ‹margen› wideen el sentido amplio de la palabra in the broad sense of the wordpor amplia mayoría by a large majoritytiene amplias facultades para decidir sobre este punto he has full authority to make a decision on this pointuna amplia gama de colores a wide range of colorsles ofrecemos las más amplias garantías we offer comprehensive guarantees o the fullest possible guaranteesun tema que tuvo una amplia difusión an issue that received wide media coverageun amplio programa de reformas a full o wide-ranging o comprehensive program of reforms* * *
Del verbo ampliar: ( conjugate ampliar)
amplío es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo
amplió es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
Multiple Entries:
ampliar ( conjugate ampliar) verbo transitivo
‹ negocio› to expand
‹ explicación› to expand (on);
‹ campo de acción› to widen, broaden;
amplio◊ - plia adjetivo
‹ casa› spacious;
‹vestido/abrigo› loose-fitting;
‹ sonrisa› broad
una amplia gama de colores a wide range of colors
ampliar verbo transitivo
1 (hacer más largo un plazo) to extend
2 (hacer más grande un edificio) to enlarge
3 (extender un negocio) to expand
4 (una fotografía) to enlarge, to blow up
5 (el campo de acción) to widen: los sindicatos proponen ampliar las sanciones a los defraudadores, the unions propose greater penalties for those committing fraud
amplio,-a adjetivo
1 large, roomy
2 (ancho, profundo, variado) wide, broad ➣ Ver nota en ancho
' amplio' also found in these entries:
- ancha
- ancho
- dilatada
- dilatado
- espectro
- nave
- extensive
- large
- roomy
- spacious
- sweep
- vocabulary
- wide
- all
- broad
- comfortable
- smock
- sweeping
* * *amplio, -a adj1. [grande] [sala, maletero] roomy, spacious;[avenida] wide;una amplio sonrisa a broad smile2. [ropa] loose3. [extenso] [explicación, cobertura] comprehensive;[ventaja, capacidad] considerable;en el sentido más amplio de la palabra in the broadest sense of the word;ganaron por una amplia mayoría they won with a large majority;hubo un amplio consenso there was a broad consensus;ofrecen una amplia gama de servicios they offer a wide range of services;gozan de una amplia aceptación they enjoy widespread approval;tiene una amplia experiencia she has wide-ranging experience* * ** * *: broad, wide, ample♦ ampliamente adj* * *amplio adj1. (gama, margen) wide2. (valor, cantidad) large3. (espacioso) spacious -
15 uña
adj.one.art.1 one.2 sole, only.3 closely resembling the same (idéntico).4 it is used relatively or to supply a name.Uno a otro one another, reciprocallyTodo es uno it is all the same; it is foreign to the pointUno por uno one and then another: used to mark the distinction more forciblyUna y no más never, no moreSer para en una to be well matched: applied to a married coupleIr a una to act of the same accord, or to the same endUno dijo it was said, or one said.5 an, a.pron.one, oneself, one woman.pres.subj.1st person singular (yo) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: unir.* * *1 nail (del dedo) fingernail; (del dedo del pie) toenail\arreglarse las uñas to manicure one's nailsestar de uñas figurado to be at daggers drawnhacerse las uñas to do one's nailsser uña y carne to be inseparable* * *1. f., (m. - uno) 2. = un 3. = uno* * *PRON1)es la una — (=hora) it's one o'clock
¡a la una, a las dos, a las tres! — [antes de empezar algo] one, two, three!; [en subasta] going, going, gone!; (Dep) ready, steady, go!
2) [enfático]a) (=pelea, paliza)b) (=mala pasada)3) [enfático]¡había una de gente! — what a crowd there was!
* * *a) (fam) ( mala pasada)b) (fam) (paliza, bofetada, etc)te voy a dar una — you're going to get a good thumping (o whack etc) (colloq)
c) (fam) ( con valor ponderativo)había una de gente...! — there was such a crowd (colloq)
d)e)a la una, a las dos, a las tres! — ready, steady, go!
* * *= claw, nail, fingernail.Ex. The dragon had very long claws and a great many teeth so she felt that it ought to be treated with respect.Ex. Occasionally we find inverted headings, giving a small measure of grouping in the alphabetical section: nails; nails, INGROWN; nails, MALFORMED.Ex. One quarter inch fingernail size receiver holds 50 times more optical and electronic components than ever previously assembled on a chip.----* arreglarse las uñas = manicure.* arreglo de uñas = manicuring.* comerse las uñas = bite + Posesivo + fingers, bite + Posesivo + fingernails.* con las uñas fuera = knives-out.* esmalte de uñas = fingernail polish, nail polish.* lima de uñas = emery board, nail file.* luchar con uñas y dientes = fight + tooth and nail.* morderse las uñas = bite + Posesivo + fingers, bite + Posesivo + fingernails.* mordiéndose las uñas = on tenterhooks.* uña del pie = toenail.* uña encarnada = ingrown (toe)nail.* * *a) (fam) ( mala pasada)b) (fam) (paliza, bofetada, etc)te voy a dar una — you're going to get a good thumping (o whack etc) (colloq)
c) (fam) ( con valor ponderativo)había una de gente...! — there was such a crowd (colloq)
d)e)a la una, a las dos, a las tres! — ready, steady, go!
* * *= claw, nail, fingernail.Ex: The dragon had very long claws and a great many teeth so she felt that it ought to be treated with respect.
Ex: Occasionally we find inverted headings, giving a small measure of grouping in the alphabetical section: nails; nails, INGROWN; nails, MALFORMED.Ex: One quarter inch fingernail size receiver holds 50 times more optical and electronic components than ever previously assembled on a chip.* arreglarse las uñas = manicure.* arreglo de uñas = manicuring.* comerse las uñas = bite + Posesivo + fingers, bite + Posesivo + fingernails.* con las uñas fuera = knives-out.* esmalte de uñas = fingernail polish, nail polish.* lima de uñas = emery board, nail file.* luchar con uñas y dientes = fight + tooth and nail.* morderse las uñas = bite + Posesivo + fingers, bite + Posesivo + fingernails.* mordiéndose las uñas = on tenterhooks.* uña del pie = toenail.* uña encarnada = ingrown (toe)nail.* * *1 ( fam)2 ( fam)(paliza, bofetada, etc): te voy a dar una you're going to get a good thumping ( o whack etc) ( colloq)3 ( fam)(con valor ponderativo): ¡había una de gente …! there was such a crowd!, there were so many people!4a una togethertiremos todos a una let's all pull together5a la una, a las dos, ¡a las tres! ready, steady, go!* * *
Del verbo unir: ( conjugate unir)
una es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
una pronombre ( ver tb◊ un, uno): a la uña, a las dos, ¡a las tres! ready, steady, go!
unir ( conjugate unir) verbo transitivo
(con cola, pegamento) to stick … together;
‹ esfuerzos› to combine
uña algo a algo to combine sth with sth
2 ( comunicar) ‹ lugares› to link
3 ( fusionar) ‹empresas/organizaciones› to merge
unirse verbo pronominal
1 ( aliarse) [personas/colectividades] to join together;
2 ( juntarse) [ caminos] to converge, meet
3 ( fusionarse) [empresas/organizaciones] to merge
uña sustantivo femenino
( del pie) nail, toenail;
arreglarse or hacerse las uñas ( refl) to do one's nails;
( caus) to have one's nails done
(de caballo, oveja) hoof
I adjetivo
1 (cardinal) one
una manzana y dos limones, one apple and two lemons
necesito unas zapatillas, I need a pair of slippers
unos árboles, some trees
2 (ordinal) first
el uno de cada mes, the first of every month
II pron one: falta uno más, we need one more
hubo uno que dijo que no, there was one person who said no
vi unas de color verde, I saw some green ones
uno de ellos, one of them
unos cuantos, a few: unos cuantos nos arriesgamos, some of us took the chance
el uno al otro, each other
III sustantivo femenino
1 (hora) comimos a la una, we had lunch at one o'clock
2 (impers) you, one: uno tiene que..., you have to...
IV m Mat one
un, una
I art indet
1 a
una azafata, a hostess
(antes de vocal) an
un paraguas, an umbrella
2 unos,-as, some: pasamos unos días en la playa, we spent some days by the sea
II adj (cardinal) one: solo queda una, there is only one
un kilo de azúcar, one kilo of sugar ➣ tb uno,-a
unir verbo transitivo
1 (cables, conexiones) to join, unite
2 (esfuerzos, intereses) to join
(asociar, fusionar) unieron sus empresas, they merged their companies
3 (comunicar) to link: ese camino une las dos aldeas, that path links the two villages
uña sustantivo femenino
1 (de una persona) nail
(de la mano) fingernail
(del pie) toenail
2 (de animal: en la garra, la zarpa) claw
(casco, pezuña) hoof
♦ Locuciones: defender con uñas y dientes, to defend tooth and nail o to defend firmly
ponerse de uñas con alguien, to get very angry with sb
familiar ser uña y carne, to be as thick as thieves
' uña' also found in these entries:
- abajo
- abanderar
- abandonar
- abatimiento
- aberración
- abertura
- abierta
- abierto
- abismal
- abogar
- abono
- abordar
- aborregarse
- abotargarse
- abotonar
- abrir
- abrazar
- abrazarse
- abreviar
- abrigar
- abrigada
- abrigado
- abrigo
- abrochar
- abultar
- aburrirse
- abusar
- abusiva
- abusivo
- academia
- acaparar
- acartonarse
- accidentada
- accidentado
- accionariado
- aceitunada
- aceitunado
- acento
- achantarse
- aclimatarse
- acoger
- acogerse
- acogida
- acolchar
- acometer
- acompañar
- acordar
- acta
- actitud
- abandon
- ablaze
- about
- absent
- absurd
- accomplished
- accomplishment
- account
- account for
- accumulate
- accusation
- acknowledge
- acoustic
- acquire
- act
- act on
- activity
- acute
- add on
- addicted
- address
- adjourn
- adjust
- adjustment
- administration
- admire
- admit
- adopt
- advance
- advantage
- after
- again
- against
- agency
- agent
- aggressive
- alleged
- alliance
- allow
- allowance
- alone
- aloud
- amass
- ambush
- amenities
- amid
- amorphous
- announce
- annoy
* * *una2♦ nf1.ver también tresla una [hora] one o'clock;2.a una [a la vez, juntos] together;todos a una [a la vez] everyone at once♦ pronFam [con valor enfático]lleva paraguas, que está cayendo una… take your umbrella, Br it's tipping (it) down o US it's pouring rain;dijo una de tonterías she talked such a load of rubbish;te va a caer una buena como no apruebes you'll really be in for it if you fail;ver también uno* * *un, unaunos coches/pájaros some cars/birds* * *uña nf1) : fingernail, toenail2) : claw, hoof, stinger* * *uña n1. (de la mano) nail / fingernail2. (del pie) nail / toenail3. (de gato) claw -
16 have
(to have or keep (something) in case or until it is needed: If you go to America please keep some money in reserve for your fare home.) tener algo de reserva, guardar algohave vb1. tenerdo you have a video? ¿tienes vídeo?2. tomar3. haberhave you read Don Quixote? ¿has leído Don Quijote?have you had your hair cut? ¿te has cortado el pelo?Esta construcción se emplea cuando no eres tú quien hace algo, sino que pagas a alguien para que te lo hagato have lunch almorzar / comerto have a swim bañarse / nadartr[hæv]1 (posess) tener, poseer■ will you have a brandy? ¿quieres tomar un coñac?■ to have breakfast/lunch/tea/dinner desayunar/comer/merendar/cenar3 (cigarette) fumar■ how many cigarettes have you had today? ¿cuántos cigarros has fumado hoy?4 (shower, bath, etc) tomar■ when she got home she had a shower cuando llegó a casa se dio una ducha, cuando llegó a casa se duchó■ have you had a wash and a shave? ¿te has lavado y afeitado?5 (treatment) recibir6 (illness) tener7 (experience) tener■ I had a scare tuve un susto, me asusté■ have a good time! ¡divertíos!, ¡pasadlo bien!8 (receive, invite) recibir, invitar9 (borrow) pedir prestado, dejar■ can I have your book for a second, please? ¿me dejas tu libro un segundo, por favor?■ are you going to have a party for your birthday? ¿vas a hacer una fiesta para tu cumpleaños?11 (according to) según■ rumour has it that... corre el rumor de que...12 (baby) tener, dar a luz13 (cause to happen) hacer, mandar14 (allow) permitir, consentir■ if you paid £200 pounds for that you were had si has pagado doscientas libras por eso te han timado1 haber\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLhad better más vale quehave got SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL tenerto have done with acabar conto have had it (broken) estar hecho,-a polvo, estar fastidiado,-a 2 (in trouble) haberlo,-a cagado,-a 3 (finished) estar acabado,-a■ this radio's had it, I'll have to get a new one esta radio está en las últimas, tendré que comprar una nueva■ your dad's seen you, you've had it now! te ha visto tu padre, ¡la has cagado!■ if this scandal gets out he's had it as an MP si la gente se entera de este escándalo, se han acabado sus días de diputadoto have it away / have it off taboo echar un polvoto have it in for somebody tenerla tomada con alguiento have it out with somebody ajustar las cuentas con alguiento have it over and done with acabar algo de una vez y para siempreto have just acabar deto have somebody over to one's house / have somebody round to one's house invitar a alguien a casato have somebody up for something SMALLLAW/SMALL llevar a alguien ante los tribunales por algo, procesar a alguien por algoto have something on tener algo planeado, tener algo que hacerto have something on somebody tener información comprometedora sobre alguien, saber algo comprometedor acerca de alguiento have to tener que, haber deto have to do with tener que ver conhave ['hæv,] in sense 3 as an auxiliary verb usu ['hæf] v, had ['hæd] ; having ; has ['hæz,] in sense 3 as an auxiliary verb usu ['hæs] vt1) possess: tenerdo you have change?: ¿tienes cambio?2) experience, undergo: tener, experimentar, sufrirI have a toothache: tengo un dolor de muelas3) include: tener, incluirApril has 30 days: abril tiene 30 días4) consume: comer, tomar5) receive: tener, recibirhe had my permission: tenía mi permiso6) allow: permitir, dejarI won't have it!: ¡no lo permitiré!7) hold: hacerto have a party: dar una fiestato have a meeting: convocar una reunión8) hold: tenerhe had me in his power: me tenía en su poder9) bear: tener (niños)she had a dress made: mandó hacer un vestidoto have one's hair cut: cortarse el pelohave v aux1) : habershe has been very busy: ha estado muy ocupadaI've lived here three years: hace tres años que vivo aquíyou've finished, haven't you?: ha terminado, ¿no?3)to have to : deber, tener quewe have to leave: tenemos que salirexpr.• merecer v.expr.• tener algo en mente expr.v.(§ p.,p.p.: had) = contener v.(§pres: -tengo, -tienes...-tenemos) pret: -tuv-fut/c: -tendr-•)• poseer v.• tener v.(§pres: tengo, tienes...tenemos) pret: tuv-fut/c: tendr-•)v.• haber v.(§pres: he, has...) subj: hay-pret: hub-fut/c: habr-•)hæv, weak forms həv, əv
2) ( possess) tener*I have o (esp BrE) I've got two cats — tengo dos gatos
I don't have o (esp BrE) haven't got any money — no tengo dinero
do you have a car? - no, I don't o (esp BrE) have you got a car? - no, I haven't — ¿tienes coche? - no (, no tengo)
3) (hold, have at one's disposal) tener*look out, he's got a gun! — cuidado! tiene una pistola or está armado!
how much money do you have o (esp BrE) have you got on you? — ¿cuánto dinero tienes or llevas encima?
can I have a sheet of paper? — ¿me das una hoja de papel?
may I have your name? — ¿me dice su nombre?
could I have your Sales Department, please? — ( on phone) ¿me comunica or (Esp tb) me pone or (CS tb) me da con el departamento de ventas, por favor?
I have it!, I've got it! — ya lo tengo!, ya está, ya está!
all right: have it your own way! — está bien! haz lo que quieras!
what have we here? — ¿y esto?
to have something to + inf — tener* algo que + inf
4)a) ( receive) \<\<letter/news\>\> tener*, recibircould we have some silence, please? — (hagan) silencio, por favor
we have it on the best authority that... — sabemos de buena fuente que...
rumoradition has it that... — corre el rumor de que.../según la tradición...
to have had it — (colloq)
I've had it — ( I'm in trouble) estoy frito (AmL), me la he cargado (Esp fam); ( I've lost my chance) la he fastidiado (fam)
I've had it up to here with your complaining — estoy hasta la coronilla or hasta las narices de tus quejas (fam)
to have it in for somebody — (colloq) tenerle* manía or tirria a alguien (fam)
to let somebody have it — (sl) ( attack - physically) darle* su merecido a alguien; (- verbally) cantarle las cuarenta a alguien (fam), poner* a alguien verde (Esp fam)
b) ( obtain) conseguir*they were the best/only seats to be had — eran los mejores/únicos asientos que había
I'll have a kilo of tomatoes, please — ¿me da or (Esp) me pone un kilo de tomates, por favor?
5) ( consume) \<\<steak/spaghetti\>\> comer, tomar (Esp); \<\<champagne/beer\>\> tomarto have something to eat/drink — comer/beber algo
to have breakfast/dinner — desayunar/cenar, comer (AmL)
to have lunch — almorzar* or (esp Esp, Méx) comer
what are we having for dinner? — ¿qué hay de cena?
we had too much to drink — bebimos or (AmL tb) tomamos demasiado
6)a) (experience, undergo) \<\<accident\>\> tener*did you have good weather? — ¿te (or les etc) hizo buen tiempo?
have a nice day! — adiós! que le (or te etc) vaya bien!
I had an injection — me pusieron or me dieron una inyección
he had a heart transplant/an X ray — le hicieron un trasplante de corazón/una radiografía
she had a heart attack — le dio un ataque al corazón or un infarto
b) ( organize) \<\<party\>\> hacer*, dar*c) ( suffer from) \<\<cancer/diabetes/flu\>\> tener*to have a cold — estar* resfriado
he's got a headache/sore throat — le duele la cabeza/la garganta, tiene dolor de cabeza/garganta
7) ( look after) tener*8) ( give birth to) \<\<baby\>\> tener*9) (colloq)a) (catch, get the better of)they almost had him, but he managed to escape — casi lo agarran or atrapan, pero logró escaparse
you've been had! — te han timado or engañado!
10) (causative use)we'll have it clean in no time — enseguida lo limpiamos or lo dejamos limpio
he had them all laughing/in tears — los hizo reír/llorar a todos
to have somebody + INF: I'll have her call you back as soon as she arrives le diré or pediré que lo llame en cuanto llegue; I'll have you know, young man, that I... para que sepa, jovencito, yo...; to have something + PAST P: we had it repaired lo hicimos arreglar, lo mandamos (a) arreglar (AmL); to have one's hair cut — cortarse el pelo
to have something + INF/+ PAST P: I've had three lambs die this week se me han muerto tres corderos esta semana; he had his bicycle stolen — le robaron la bicicleta
12)a) ( allow) (with neg) tolerar, consentir*I won't have it! — no lo consentiré or toleraré!
b) (accept, believe) aceptar, creer*she wouldn't have it — no lo quiso aceptar or creer
13) (indicating state, position) tener*you have o (BrE) you've got your belt twisted — tienes el cinturón torcido
1) v aux2) (used to form perfect tenses) haber*I have/had seen her — la he/había visto
I have/had just seen her — la acabo/acababa de ver, recién la vi/la había visto (AmL)
have you been waiting long? — ¿hace mucho que esperas?, ¿llevas mucho rato esperando?
had I known that o if I'd known that... — si hubiera sabido que..., de haber sabido que...
when he had finished, she... — cuando terminó or (liter) cuando hubo terminado, ella...
3)a) ( in tags)you've been told, haven't you? — te lo han dicho ¿no? or ¿no es cierto? or ¿no es verdad?
you haven't lost the key, have you? — no habrás perdido la llave...!
b) ( elliptical use)you may have forgiven him, but I haven't — puede que tú lo hayas perdonado, pero yo no
the clock has stopped - so it has! — el reloj se ha parado - es verdad! or es cierto!
you've forgotten something - have I? — te has olvidado de algo - ¿sí?
I've told her - you haven't! — se lo he dicho - no! ¿en serio?
4) ( expressing obligation)to have to + inf — tener* que + inf
I have o I've got to admit that... — tengo que reconocer que...
you don't have to be an expert to realize that — no hay que or no se necesita ser un experto para darse cuenta de eso
5) ( expressing certainty)to have to + inf — tener* que + inf
you have to o you've got to be kidding! — lo dices en broma or en chiste!
•Phrasal Verbs:- have in- have off- have on- have out- have up[hæv] ( 3rd pers sing present has) (pt, pp had) When have is part of a set combination, eg have a look, have a good time, have breakfast, had better, look up the other word. For have + adverb/preposition combinations, see also the phrasal verb section of this entry.1. TRANSITIVE VERB1) (=possess) tenerhe's got or he has blue eyes — tiene los ojos azules
have you got or do you have 10p? — ¿tienes diez peniques?
have you got or do you have any brothers or sisters? — ¿tienes hermanos?
he hasn't got or he doesn't have any friends — no tiene amigos
I've got or I have a friend staying next week — tengo a un amigo en casa la semana que viene
Don't translate the [a] in sentences like [has he got a girlfriend?], [I haven't got a washing-machine] if the number of such items is not significant since people normally only have one at a time:I've got or I have an idea — tengo una idea
Do translate the [a] if the person or thing is qualified:has he got a girlfriend? — ¿tiene novia?
all or everything I have is yours — todo lo que tengo es tuyoyou must give it all or everything you have — tienes que emplearte a fondo
you must put all or everything you have into it — tienes que emplearte a fondo
can I have a pencil please? — ¿me puedes dar un lápiz, por favor?•
the book has no name on it — el libro no lleva or tiene el nombre del dueñoI've got or I have no Spanish — no sé español
to have something to do — tener algo que hacerI've got or I have nothing to do — no tengo nada que hacer
haven't you got anything to do? — ¿no tienes nada que hacer?
handy, ready 1., 1), a)•
hello, what have we here? — vaya, vaya, ¿qué tenemos aquí?2) (=eat, drink) tomar•
what are we having for lunch? — ¿que vamos a comer?•
to have something to eat/drink — comer/beber algo, tomar algo•
what will you have? — ¿qué quieres tomar?, ¿qué vas a tomar?will you have some more? — ¿te sirvo más?
3) (=receive) recibir•
you can have my ticket — puedes quedarte con mi billete•
we had some help from the government — recibimos ayuda del gobierno•
I had a letter from John — tuve carta de Juan, recibí una carta de Juan•
I must have them by this afternoon — necesito tenerlos para esta tarde•
we had a lot of visitors — (at home) tuvimos muchas visitas; (at exhibition etc) tuvimos muchos visitantes4) (=obtain)they can be had for as little as £10 each — pueden conseguirse por tan solo 10 libras
there was no bread to be had — no quedaba pan en ningún sitio, no podía conseguirse pan en ningún sitio
5) (=take)I'll have a dozen eggs, please — ¿me pones una docena de huevos, por favor?
which one will you have? — ¿cuál quiere?
can I have your name please? — ¿me da su nombre, por favor?
you can have it or I'll let you have it for £10 — te lo dejo en 10 libras, te lo puedes llevar por 10 libras, te lo vendo por 10 libras6) (=give birth to) [+ baby, kittens] tenerwhat did she have? — ¿qué ha tenido?
7) (=hold, catch) tener•
he had him by the throat — lo tenía agarrado por la garganta•
I have it on good authority that... — me consta que..., sé a ciencia cierta que..., sé de buena tinta que... *I've got it! — ¡ya!
you have me there, there you have me — ahí sí que me has pillado *8) (=allow) consentir, tolerar•
we can't have that — eso no se puede consentir•
I won't have this nonsense — no voy a consentir or tolerar estas tonteríasI won't have it! — no lo voy a consentir or tolerar
she won't have it said that... — no consiente or tolera que digan que...
I won't have him risking his neck on that motorbike — no voy a consentir que se juegue el cuello en esa moto
9) (=spend) pasarto have a pleasant afternoon/evening — pasar una tarde agradable
have a nice day! — ¡que pases un buen día!
what sort of day have you had? — ¿qué tal día has tenido?
10) (on telephone)can I have Personnel please? — ¿me puede poner con Personal, por favor?
11) * (=have sex with) acostarse con12) (=make)to have sth done hacer que se haga algo, mandar hacer algo to have sb do sth mandar a algn hacer algohe had me do it again — me hizo hacerlo otra vez, me hizo que lo hiciese otra vez
what would you have me do? — † ¿qué quiere que haga?
to have sth happen to have sb doing sthI'll have you know that... — quiero que sepas que...
to have sth against sb/sth tener algo en contra de algn/algo to have had itshe soon had them all reading and writing — (=organized them) enseguida los puso a leer y a escribir; (=taught them) enseguida les habían enseñado a leer y a escribir
you've had it now! he knows all about it * — ¡ahora sí que te la has cargado! se ha enterado de todo
to have it thatI've had it up to here with his nonsense * — estoy hasta la coronilla or hasta el moño de sus tonterías *
to be hadrumour has it that... — corre la voz de que...
to have to do with tener que ver conyou've been had! * — ¡te han engañado!
to let sb have sth (=give) dar algo a algn; (=lend) dejar algo a algn, prestar algo a algnthat's got or that has nothing to do with it! — ¡eso no tiene nada que ver!
what have youlet him have it! * — ¡dale!
would have it... and what have you —... y qué sé yo qué más
luckas ill-luck or fate would have it — desgraciadamente
2. AUXILIARY VERB1) haberhas he gone? — ¿se ha ido?
hasn't he told you? — ¿no te lo ha dicho?
had you phoned me frm or if you had phoned me I would have come round — si me hubieras llamado habría venido
never having seen it before, I... — como no lo había visto antes,...
just I, 1., 3)having finished or when he had finished, he left — cuando terminó or cuando hubo terminado, se fue
See:SINCE in sincea)"he's already eaten" - "so have I" — -él ya ha comido -yo también
"we haven't had any news yet" - "neither have we" — -no hemos tenido noticias todavía -nosotros tampoco
"you've made a mistake" - "no I haven't!" — -has cometido un error -no es verdad or cierto
"we haven't paid" - "yes we have!" — -no hemos pagado -¡qué sí!
"he's got a new job" - "oh has he?" — -tiene un trabajo nuevo -¿ah, sí?
"you've written it twice" - "so I have!" — -lo has escrito dos veces -es verdad or cierto
"have you read the book?" - "yes, I have" — -¿has leído el libro? -sí
"has he told you?" - "no, he hasn't" — -¿te lo ha dicho? -no
he hasn't done it, has he? — no lo ha hecho, ¿verdad?
you've done it, haven't you? — lo has hecho, ¿verdad? or ¿no?
you've all been there before, but I haven't — vosotros habéis estado allí antes, pero yo no
he has never met her, but I have — él no la ha llegado a conocer, pero yo sí
have you ever been there? if you have... — ¿has estado alguna vez allí? si es así...
so I, 1., norhave you tried it? if you haven't... — ¿lo has probado? (porque) si no...
3.MODAL VERB (=be obliged)I've got to or I have to finish this work — tengo que terminar este trabajo
have we got to or do we have to leave early? — ¿tenemos que salir temprano?
I haven't got to or I don't have to wear glasses — no necesito (usar) gafas
do you have to make such a noise? — ¿tienes que hacer tanto ruido?
you didn't have to tell her! — ¡no tenías por qué decírselo!
does it have to be ironed? — ¿hay que plancharlo?
- have in- have off- have on- have out- have up* * *[hæv], weak forms [həv, əv]
2) ( possess) tener*I have o (esp BrE) I've got two cats — tengo dos gatos
I don't have o (esp BrE) haven't got any money — no tengo dinero
do you have a car? - no, I don't o (esp BrE) have you got a car? - no, I haven't — ¿tienes coche? - no (, no tengo)
3) (hold, have at one's disposal) tener*look out, he's got a gun! — cuidado! tiene una pistola or está armado!
how much money do you have o (esp BrE) have you got on you? — ¿cuánto dinero tienes or llevas encima?
can I have a sheet of paper? — ¿me das una hoja de papel?
may I have your name? — ¿me dice su nombre?
could I have your Sales Department, please? — ( on phone) ¿me comunica or (Esp tb) me pone or (CS tb) me da con el departamento de ventas, por favor?
I have it!, I've got it! — ya lo tengo!, ya está, ya está!
all right: have it your own way! — está bien! haz lo que quieras!
what have we here? — ¿y esto?
to have something to + inf — tener* algo que + inf
4)a) ( receive) \<\<letter/news\>\> tener*, recibircould we have some silence, please? — (hagan) silencio, por favor
we have it on the best authority that... — sabemos de buena fuente que...
rumor/tradition has it that... — corre el rumor de que.../según la tradición...
to have had it — (colloq)
I've had it — ( I'm in trouble) estoy frito (AmL), me la he cargado (Esp fam); ( I've lost my chance) la he fastidiado (fam)
I've had it up to here with your complaining — estoy hasta la coronilla or hasta las narices de tus quejas (fam)
to have it in for somebody — (colloq) tenerle* manía or tirria a alguien (fam)
to let somebody have it — (sl) ( attack - physically) darle* su merecido a alguien; (- verbally) cantarle las cuarenta a alguien (fam), poner* a alguien verde (Esp fam)
b) ( obtain) conseguir*they were the best/only seats to be had — eran los mejores/únicos asientos que había
I'll have a kilo of tomatoes, please — ¿me da or (Esp) me pone un kilo de tomates, por favor?
5) ( consume) \<\<steak/spaghetti\>\> comer, tomar (Esp); \<\<champagne/beer\>\> tomarto have something to eat/drink — comer/beber algo
to have breakfast/dinner — desayunar/cenar, comer (AmL)
to have lunch — almorzar* or (esp Esp, Méx) comer
what are we having for dinner? — ¿qué hay de cena?
we had too much to drink — bebimos or (AmL tb) tomamos demasiado
6)a) (experience, undergo) \<\<accident\>\> tener*did you have good weather? — ¿te (or les etc) hizo buen tiempo?
have a nice day! — adiós! que le (or te etc) vaya bien!
I had an injection — me pusieron or me dieron una inyección
he had a heart transplant/an X ray — le hicieron un trasplante de corazón/una radiografía
she had a heart attack — le dio un ataque al corazón or un infarto
b) ( organize) \<\<party\>\> hacer*, dar*c) ( suffer from) \<\<cancer/diabetes/flu\>\> tener*to have a cold — estar* resfriado
he's got a headache/sore throat — le duele la cabeza/la garganta, tiene dolor de cabeza/garganta
7) ( look after) tener*8) ( give birth to) \<\<baby\>\> tener*9) (colloq)a) (catch, get the better of)they almost had him, but he managed to escape — casi lo agarran or atrapan, pero logró escaparse
you've been had! — te han timado or engañado!
10) (causative use)we'll have it clean in no time — enseguida lo limpiamos or lo dejamos limpio
he had them all laughing/in tears — los hizo reír/llorar a todos
to have somebody + INF: I'll have her call you back as soon as she arrives le diré or pediré que lo llame en cuanto llegue; I'll have you know, young man, that I... para que sepa, jovencito, yo...; to have something + PAST P: we had it repaired lo hicimos arreglar, lo mandamos (a) arreglar (AmL); to have one's hair cut — cortarse el pelo
to have something + INF/+ PAST P: I've had three lambs die this week se me han muerto tres corderos esta semana; he had his bicycle stolen — le robaron la bicicleta
12)a) ( allow) (with neg) tolerar, consentir*I won't have it! — no lo consentiré or toleraré!
b) (accept, believe) aceptar, creer*she wouldn't have it — no lo quiso aceptar or creer
13) (indicating state, position) tener*you have o (BrE) you've got your belt twisted — tienes el cinturón torcido
1) v aux2) (used to form perfect tenses) haber*I have/had seen her — la he/había visto
I have/had just seen her — la acabo/acababa de ver, recién la vi/la había visto (AmL)
have you been waiting long? — ¿hace mucho que esperas?, ¿llevas mucho rato esperando?
had I known that o if I'd known that... — si hubiera sabido que..., de haber sabido que...
when he had finished, she... — cuando terminó or (liter) cuando hubo terminado, ella...
3)a) ( in tags)you've been told, haven't you? — te lo han dicho ¿no? or ¿no es cierto? or ¿no es verdad?
you haven't lost the key, have you? — no habrás perdido la llave...!
b) ( elliptical use)you may have forgiven him, but I haven't — puede que tú lo hayas perdonado, pero yo no
the clock has stopped - so it has! — el reloj se ha parado - es verdad! or es cierto!
you've forgotten something - have I? — te has olvidado de algo - ¿sí?
I've told her - you haven't! — se lo he dicho - no! ¿en serio?
4) ( expressing obligation)to have to + inf — tener* que + inf
I have o I've got to admit that... — tengo que reconocer que...
you don't have to be an expert to realize that — no hay que or no se necesita ser un experto para darse cuenta de eso
5) ( expressing certainty)to have to + inf — tener* que + inf
you have to o you've got to be kidding! — lo dices en broma or en chiste!
•Phrasal Verbs:- have in- have off- have on- have out- have up -
17 wind
1. wind noun1) ((an) outdoor current of air: The wind is strong today; There wasn't much wind yesterday; Cold winds blow across the desert.) viento, aire2) (breath: Climbing these stairs takes all the wind out of me.) aliento3) (air or gas in the stomach or intestines: His stomach pains were due to wind.) gases, flato
2. verb(to cause to be out of breath: The heavy blow winded him.) dejar sin aliento, cortar la respiración
3. adjective((of a musical instrument) operated or played using air pressure, especially a person's breath.) de viento- windy- windiness
- windfall
- windmill
- windpipe
- windsurf
- windsurfer
- windsurfing
- windscreen
- windsock
- windsurf
- windsurfer
- windsurfing
- windswept
- get the wind up
- get wind of
- get one's second wind
- in the wind
- like the wind
past tense, past participle - wound; verb1) (to wrap round in coils: He wound the rope around his waist and began to climb.) enrollar2) (to make into a ball or coil: to wind wool.) enrollar, ovillar3) ((of a road etc) to twist and turn: The road winds up the mountain.) serpentear, zizaguear4) (to tighten the spring of (a clock, watch etc) by turning a knob, handle etc: I forgot to wind my watch.) dar cuerda•- winder- winding
- wind up
- be/get wound up
wind1 n viento / airewind2 vb1. dar cuerda ayour watch has stopped, wind it up se te ha parado el reloj, dale cuerda2. enrollar3. serpenteartr[waɪnd]1 (handle) dar vueltas a, girar2 (on reel) arrollar, devanar3 (tape, film) bobinar■ wind it on/forward avánzalo■ she wound the car window up/down subió/bajó la ventanilla, cerró/abrió la ventanilla4 (clock) dar cuerda a (up, -)5 (bandage, scarf) envolver; (wool) ovillar1 (road, river) serpentear, zigzaguear; (staircase) formal un espiral1 (bend) curva, recodo, vuelta\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto wind one's way serpentear————————tr[wɪnd]1 SMALLMETEOROLOGY/SMALL viento, aire nombre masculino2 (breath) aliento3 (flatulence) gases nombre masculino plural, flato; (air) gases nombre masculino plural del estómago4 pejorative (talk) palabrería1 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL de viento1 dejar sin aliento, cortar la respiración■ the ball caught him in the stomach and winded him el balón le dio en el estómago y se quedó sin aliento2 (baby) hacer eructar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLlike the wind como el vientoto break wind ventosearto get wind of something olerse algoto get/have the wind up (about something) arrugarse por algo, encogérsele a uno el ombligo por algoto put the wind up somebody espantar a alguien, asustar a alguiento run/sail before the wind navegar viento en popato take the wind out of somebody's sails bajarle los humos a alguiento throw caution to the wind liarse la manta a la cabezato the four winds a los cuatro vientoswind chill factor sensación nombre femenino térmica, sensación de fríowind farm parque nombre masculino eólicowind gauge anemómetrowind instrument instrumento de vientowind power energía eólicawind tunnel túnel nombre masculino aerodinámicowinds of change aires nombre masculino plural de cambiowind ['wɪnd] vt: dejar sin alientoto be winded: quedarse sin alientomeander: serpentearwind vt1) coil, roll: envolver, enrollar2) turn: hacer girarto wind a clock: darle cuerda a un relojwind ['wɪnd] n1) : viento magainst the wind: contra el viento2) breath: aliento m3) flatulence: flatulencia f, ventosidad f4)to get wind of : enterarse dewind ['waɪnd] n1) turn: vuelta f2) bend: recodo m, curva fv.(§ p.,p.p.: wound) = arrollar v.• bobinar v.• dar vueltas v.• devanar v.• enrollar v.• envolver v.• ovillar v.• serpentear v.• torcer v.n.• aire s.m.• aliento s.m.• viento s.m.wɪnd
1) c u ( Meteo) viento mto run before the wind — ( Naut) ir* con el viento en popa or a favor
a wind of change was blowing — soplaban vientos nuevos
in the wind: a change is in the wind se viene un cambio; like the wind como un bólido (fam); to get the wind up (BrE colloq) asustarse, pegarse* un susto (fam); to get wind of something enterarse de algo, olerse* algo (fam); to know/find out which way o how the wind is blowing saber*/averiguar* por dónde van los tiros (fam); to put the wind up somebody (BrE colloq) asustar a algn, meterle miedo a algn (fam); to sail close to the wind: be careful what you say, you're sailing very close to the wind cuidado con lo que dices, te estás por pasar de la raya; to scatter something to the four winds desperdigar* algo; to take the wind out of somebody's sails desinflar a algn; to throw caution to the wind(s) echar la precaución por la borda, abandonar toda precaución; it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good no hay mal que por bien no venga; (before n) wind power energía f eólica; wind tunnel (Auto, Aviat) túnel m aerodinámico; wind turbine — turbina f eólica
2) u ( in bowels) gases mpl, ventosidad fto have wind — tener* gases
to break wind — eliminar gases (euf), tirarse un pedo (fam)
3) u ( breath) aliento m, resuello m4) u ( Mus) instrumentos mpl de viento; (before n)wind instrument — instrumento m de viento
2) wɪnda) \<\<exertion\>\> dejar sin aliento or resuello; \<\<blow\>\> cortarle la respiración ab) \<\<baby\>\> sacarle* el aire (fam)3) waɪnd (past & past p wound waʊnd)( coil) \<\<yarn/wool\>\> ovillar, devanarto wind something AROUND o (esp BrE) ROUND something — enroscar* or enrollar algo alrededor de algo
to wind something ON(TO) something — enroscar* or enrollar algo en algo
to wind something into a ball — hacer* un ovillo con algo
to wind the film on — (hacer*) correr la película
4)a) ( turn) \<\<handle\>\> hacer* girar, darle* vueltas a; \<\<clock/watch\>\> darle* cuerda ab) (hoist, pull) levantar
vi waɪnd (past & past p wound waʊnd)a) \<\<river/road\>\> serpentearb) winding pres p <river/road> sinuoso, serpenteantePhrasal Verbs:- wind up
I [wɪnd]1. N1) viento mwhich way is the wind blowing? — ¿de dónde sopla el viento?
against the wind — contra el viento•
to run before the wind — (Naut) navegar viento en popa•
high wind — viento fuerte•
into the wind — contra el viento- see which way the wind blows- get wind of sth- get the wind up- have the wind up- put the wind up sb- take the wind out of sb's sailssail 1., 1)2) (Physiol) gases mpl; [of baby] flato m•
to break wind — ventosear3) (=breath) aliento msecond I, 1., 1)•
to be short of wind — estar sin aliento4) * (=talk)5) (Mus)the wind(s) — los instrumentos mpl de viento
2.VTto wind sb — (with punch etc) dejar a algn sin aliento
3.CPDwind chimes NPL — móvil m de campanillas
wind energy N — = wind power
wind instrument N — instrumento m de viento
wind machine N — máquina f de viento
wind power N — energía f eólica or del viento
wind tunnel N — túnel m aerodinámico or de pruebas aerodinámicas
wind turbine N — aerogenerador m
II [waɪnd] (pt, pp wound) [ˌwaʊnd]1. VT1) (=roll, coil) [+ rope, wire] enrollarthe rope wound itself round a branch — la cuerda se enrolló en or alrededor de una rama
to wind wool into a ball — ovillar lana, hacer un ovillo de lana
wind this round your head — envuélvete la cabeza con esto, líate esto a la cabeza
to wind one's arms round sb — rodear a algn con los brazos, abrazar a algn estrechamente
3) (=twist)2.VI (=snake) serpentear3. N1) (=bend) curva f, recodo m2)- wind in- wind on- wind up* * *[wɪnd]
1) c u ( Meteo) viento mto run before the wind — ( Naut) ir* con el viento en popa or a favor
a wind of change was blowing — soplaban vientos nuevos
in the wind: a change is in the wind se viene un cambio; like the wind como un bólido (fam); to get the wind up (BrE colloq) asustarse, pegarse* un susto (fam); to get wind of something enterarse de algo, olerse* algo (fam); to know/find out which way o how the wind is blowing saber*/averiguar* por dónde van los tiros (fam); to put the wind up somebody (BrE colloq) asustar a algn, meterle miedo a algn (fam); to sail close to the wind: be careful what you say, you're sailing very close to the wind cuidado con lo que dices, te estás por pasar de la raya; to scatter something to the four winds desperdigar* algo; to take the wind out of somebody's sails desinflar a algn; to throw caution to the wind(s) echar la precaución por la borda, abandonar toda precaución; it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good no hay mal que por bien no venga; (before n) wind power energía f eólica; wind tunnel (Auto, Aviat) túnel m aerodinámico; wind turbine — turbina f eólica
2) u ( in bowels) gases mpl, ventosidad fto have wind — tener* gases
to break wind — eliminar gases (euf), tirarse un pedo (fam)
3) u ( breath) aliento m, resuello m4) u ( Mus) instrumentos mpl de viento; (before n)wind instrument — instrumento m de viento
2) [wɪnd]a) \<\<exertion\>\> dejar sin aliento or resuello; \<\<blow\>\> cortarle la respiración ab) \<\<baby\>\> sacarle* el aire (fam)3) [waɪnd] (past & past p wound [waʊnd])( coil) \<\<yarn/wool\>\> ovillar, devanarto wind something AROUND o (esp BrE) ROUND something — enroscar* or enrollar algo alrededor de algo
to wind something ON(TO) something — enroscar* or enrollar algo en algo
to wind something into a ball — hacer* un ovillo con algo
to wind the film on — (hacer*) correr la película
4)a) ( turn) \<\<handle\>\> hacer* girar, darle* vueltas a; \<\<clock/watch\>\> darle* cuerda ab) (hoist, pull) levantar
vi [waɪnd] (past & past p wound [waʊnd])a) \<\<river/road\>\> serpentearb) winding pres p <river/road> sinuoso, serpenteantePhrasal Verbs:- wind up -
18 zona
f.1 zone, area (espacio).¿vives por la zona? do you live around here? (por aquí)ésta es la zona de copas de la ciudad this is the center of the city's nightlifezona de carga y descarga loading bayzona catastrófica disaster areazona comercial shopping areazona erógena erogenous zonezona de exclusión exclusion zonezona euro euro zonezona de guerra war zonezona de libre comercio free-trade zonezona peatonal pedestrian precinctzona residencial residential area2 key.3 zona.* * *1 area2 (fronteriza, militar) zone\zona azul parking meter zonezona edificada built-up areazona fronteriza border zonezona glacial frigid zonezona templada temperate zonezona tórrida torrid zonezona verde green zone* * *noun f.area, district, zone* * *SF1) [en país, región] arealas zonas más ricas/remotas/deprimidas del país — the richest/remotest/most depressed areas o parts of the country
la zona norte/sur/este/oeste de la isla — the northern/southern/eastern/western part of the island
comimos en uno de los restaurantes típicos de la zona — we ate in a restaurant typical of the area, we ate in a typical local restaurant
zona de conflicto — (Mil) conflict zone
zona de libre comercio — free-trade zone, free-trade area
zona de peligro — danger zone, danger area
zona fronteriza — [gen] border area; (Mil) border zone
zona militar — military zone, military area
2) [en ciudad] area•
zona de copas, ¿dónde está la zona de copas? — where do people go out to drink?zona marginada — CAm slum area
3) [en edificio, recinto] areazona ancha — (Dep) midfield
zona de castigo — (Dep) sin bin
zona de penumbra, zona de sombra — (lit) shaded area; (fig) area of secrecy
zona oscura, las zonas oscuras de la personalidad — the hidden areas of the personality
las zonas oscuras de la política — the shady o murky areas of politics
4) (Geog) zone5) (Anat, Med) area6) (Baloncesto) free-zone lane* * *1) (área, región) area2) ( en baloncesto) free-throw lane, three-second area* * *= area, zone, bit, radius, area, service area, tract.Ex. The area in which standards for bibliographic description have had the most impact is in catalogues and catalogue record data bases.Ex. But now the traditional industrial zone is declining and a new 'technopolis' is proposed for the area.Ex. The assistant in charge of a section will see that their bit is kept tidy and will keep an eye open for thieves.Ex. The fact that the library can only attract people within a relatively small radius means that it has no alternative but to serve whoever lives -- or works -- in that radius.Ex. Libraries usually arrange separate areas where current periodicals, maps, government publications, early printed books and manuscripts are housed.Ex. The study examined the relative use of different service areas of the library = El estudio analizó al uso relativo de las diferentes zonas de la biblioteca.Ex. Protecting the remaining large tracts of tropical forests is not a financially impossible task.----* biblioteca de la zona ártica = arctic library.* biblioteca de zona rural = rural library.* ciencia de las zonas polares = polar science.* de la zona de entre mareas = intertidal.* dividir en zonas = zone.* en la zona de = in the land of.* en + Posesivo + zona = in + Posesivo + neck of the woods.* ser zona prohibida = be off limits.* una zona de = a stretch of.* usar sobre la zona afectada = use + topically.* zona abierta = open area.* zona activa = hot spot.* zona alejada = reaches.* zona alveolar = alveolar region.* zona bélica = war zone.* zona béntica, la = benthic zone, the.* zona central = midsection [mid-section].* zona central de un Lugar = heartland.* zona cero = ground zero.* zona climática = climatic zone.* zona comercial = business district, shopping area, shopping district.* zona con aparatos electrónicos = equipment area.* zona con césped = grassy area.* zona costera = seafront, coastal area.* zona de amortiguamiento = buffer zone.* zona de aterrizaje = landing site, landing area, landing area.* sitio de aterrizaje = landing area.* zona de bienestar = comfort zone.* zona de captación = catchment area.* zona de carga = loading dock, loading bay.* zona de columpios y pistas deportivas = playground.* zona de comodidad = comfort zone.* zona de confort = comfort zone.* zona de cultivo del trigo = wheatbelt.* zona de descanso = rest area.* zona de desempleo = pocket of unemployment.* zona de estudio = study area, study facilities.* zona de exclusión aérea = no-fly zone.* zona de guerra = war zone.* zona del centro = midsection [mid-section].* zona del euro, la = euro zone, the, euro zone, the, euro area, the.* zona del interior = hinterland.* zona de los tres estados = tristate area.* zona de no fumadores = non-smoking area.* zona de ocio = leisure facilities.* zona de ocupación = zone of occupation, occupation zone.* zona de pasto = feeding ground, grazing area.* zona deprimida del centro de la ciudad = inner city.* zona de producción de trigo = wheatbelt.* zona de recogida de lo sobrante = overflow area.* zona de recreo = playground.* zona desnuclearizada = nuclear-free zone, nuclear-free.* zona despejada = open area.* zona de transición = buffer zone.* zona dolorida = sore point, sore spot.* zona entre mareas = intertidal zone.* zona geográfica = geographical area.* zona gris = grey area [gray area].* zona habitable = living area.* zona húmeda = wetland.* zona industrial = industrial area.* zona interior despoblada = backcountry.* zona junto a la playa = beachfront.* zona libre de humo = smoke-free zone, smoke-free area.* zona limítrofe = fringe area.* zona marginada = deprived area.* zona menos favorecida = less favoured area.* zona neutral = buffer zone.* zona pantanosa = marshland, marsh, marshy area, fen.* zona para casas móviles = mobile home park, trailer park.* zona para sentarse = seating area.* zona peligrosa = no-go area.* zona penumbrosa = twilight zone.* zona problemática = problem area.* zona prohibida = no-go area.* zona protegida = safe haven, safe harbour, protected area.* zona pública = public area.* zona residencial = residential area, suburban area, estate.* zona rural = country, rural area, hinterland, countryside, rural region.* zona sin cultivar = wildland.* zonas inhabitadas del interior = back country.* zonas más alejadas = outlying areas.* zonas salvajes del interior = back country.* zona suburbana = suburban area.* zona tampón = buffer zone.* zona tectónica = fault zone.* zona templada, la = temperate zone, the.* zona tórrida, la = torrid zone, the.* zona urbana = urban area.* zona verde = parkland area, grassy area.* * *1) (área, región) area2) ( en baloncesto) free-throw lane, three-second area* * *= area, zone, bit, radius, area, service area, tract.Ex: The area in which standards for bibliographic description have had the most impact is in catalogues and catalogue record data bases.
Ex: But now the traditional industrial zone is declining and a new 'technopolis' is proposed for the area.Ex: The assistant in charge of a section will see that their bit is kept tidy and will keep an eye open for thieves.Ex: The fact that the library can only attract people within a relatively small radius means that it has no alternative but to serve whoever lives -- or works -- in that radius.Ex: Libraries usually arrange separate areas where current periodicals, maps, government publications, early printed books and manuscripts are housed.Ex: The study examined the relative use of different service areas of the library = El estudio analizó al uso relativo de las diferentes zonas de la biblioteca.Ex: Protecting the remaining large tracts of tropical forests is not a financially impossible task.* biblioteca de la zona ártica = arctic library.* biblioteca de zona rural = rural library.* ciencia de las zonas polares = polar science.* de la zona de entre mareas = intertidal.* dividir en zonas = zone.* en la zona de = in the land of.* en + Posesivo + zona = in + Posesivo + neck of the woods.* ser zona prohibida = be off limits.* una zona de = a stretch of.* usar sobre la zona afectada = use + topically.* zona abierta = open area.* zona activa = hot spot.* zona alejada = reaches.* zona alveolar = alveolar region.* zona bélica = war zone.* zona béntica, la = benthic zone, the.* zona central = midsection [mid-section].* zona central de un Lugar = heartland.* zona cero = ground zero.* zona climática = climatic zone.* zona comercial = business district, shopping area, shopping district.* zona con aparatos electrónicos = equipment area.* zona con césped = grassy area.* zona costera = seafront, coastal area.* zona de amortiguamiento = buffer zone.* zona de aterrizaje = landing site, landing area, landing area.* sitio de aterrizaje = landing area.* zona de bienestar = comfort zone.* zona de captación = catchment area.* zona de carga = loading dock, loading bay.* zona de columpios y pistas deportivas = playground.* zona de comodidad = comfort zone.* zona de confort = comfort zone.* zona de cultivo del trigo = wheatbelt.* zona de descanso = rest area.* zona de desempleo = pocket of unemployment.* zona de estudio = study area, study facilities.* zona de exclusión aérea = no-fly zone.* zona de guerra = war zone.* zona del centro = midsection [mid-section].* zona del euro, la = euro zone, the, euro zone, the, euro area, the.* zona del interior = hinterland.* zona de los tres estados = tristate area.* zona de no fumadores = non-smoking area.* zona de ocio = leisure facilities.* zona de ocupación = zone of occupation, occupation zone.* zona de pasto = feeding ground, grazing area.* zona deprimida del centro de la ciudad = inner city.* zona de producción de trigo = wheatbelt.* zona de recogida de lo sobrante = overflow area.* zona de recreo = playground.* zona desnuclearizada = nuclear-free zone, nuclear-free.* zona despejada = open area.* zona de transición = buffer zone.* zona dolorida = sore point, sore spot.* zona entre mareas = intertidal zone.* zona geográfica = geographical area.* zona gris = grey area [gray area].* zona habitable = living area.* zona húmeda = wetland.* zona industrial = industrial area.* zona interior despoblada = backcountry.* zona junto a la playa = beachfront.* zona libre de humo = smoke-free zone, smoke-free area.* zona limítrofe = fringe area.* zona marginada = deprived area.* zona menos favorecida = less favoured area.* zona neutral = buffer zone.* zona pantanosa = marshland, marsh, marshy area, fen.* zona para casas móviles = mobile home park, trailer park.* zona para sentarse = seating area.* zona peligrosa = no-go area.* zona penumbrosa = twilight zone.* zona problemática = problem area.* zona prohibida = no-go area.* zona protegida = safe haven, safe harbour, protected area.* zona pública = public area.* zona residencial = residential area, suburban area, estate.* zona rural = country, rural area, hinterland, countryside, rural region.* zona sin cultivar = wildland.* zonas inhabitadas del interior = back country.* zonas más alejadas = outlying areas.* zonas salvajes del interior = back country.* zona suburbana = suburban area.* zona tampón = buffer zone.* zona tectónica = fault zone.* zona templada, la = temperate zone, the.* zona tórrida, la = torrid zone, the.* zona urbana = urban area.* zona verde = parkland area, grassy area.* * *A (área, región) area¿por qué zona viven? what area do they live in?en la zona fronteriza in the border area o zonezonas montañosas mountainous areas o regionspor esa zona no hay servicio de autobuses there is no bus service in that areafue declarada zona neutral it was declared a neutral zonezona de influencia sphere of influence[ S ] zona de carga y descarga loading and unloading onlyCompuestos:disaster areaground zerocommercial district, business quarter o areapenalty areacombat zone o areacrisis zoneboarding area( Esp) area of new developmentline of scrimmageexclusion zoneno-fly zonewar zonewar zonefree-trade zonemaximum security zone o areadanger area o zonetest site, testing grounddeparture lounge o areanuclear-free zone o areared-light districterogenous zoneeurozoneduty-free zoneindustrial park, industrial estate ( BrE)military zone o areanuclear-free zone o areabuffer zonepedestrian precinct o zone o area( AmL) (zona de prostitución) red-light district; ( Esp fam) (durante la guerra civil) Republican-held territory( Telec) dead zonebuffer zonetemperate zone o regiontropical zone o regionpark, green spaceB (en baloncesto) free-throw lane, three-second area* * *
zona sustantivo femenino
1 (área, región) area;
( on signs) zona de carga y descarga loading and unloading only;
zona de castigo penalty area;
zona industrial industrial park;
zona peatonal pedestrian precinct;
zona roja (AmL) ( zona de prostitución) red-light district;
zona verde park, green space;
zona cero ( en Nueva York) ground zero
2 ( en baloncesto) free-throw lane, three-second area
zona sustantivo femenino
1 zone
2 (de un territorio, gran extensión) area, region
zona de obras, work area
zona de operaciones, operational zone
zona militar, military zone
zona verde, park, green space
3 Dep zone
' zona' also found in these entries:
- antinuclear
- arrasar
- barrio
- cabaña
- ciudad
- comisionada
- comisionado
- concurrida
- concurrido
- construcción
- contingente
- deprimida
- deprimido
- desalojar
- este
- expolio
- franca
- franco
- francófona
- francófono
- glacial
- huerta
- milimétrica
- milimétrico
- oasis
- pacificar
- peinar
- peinada
- peinado
- rastrear
- rastreo
- riego
- sombra
- teatro
- urbanización
- vecindario
- vinícola
- apartado
- azucarero
- bajío
- cabezón
- campo
- carga
- cargue
- combate
- comercial
- concreto
- conflictivo
- desértico
- belt
- busing
- clearance
- coastal
- compound
- country
- danger area
- decline
- demonstrate
- disaster area
- enclose
- enclosure
- enter
- grey area
- industrial area
- local
- pedestrianize
- precinct
- scour
- seal off
- smokeless zone
- stricken
- testing ground
- unemployment
- waterfront
- well-known
- zone
- area code
- around
- canvass
- catchment area
- district
- diverse
- division
- extreme
- -free
- green
- ground
- high
- incoming
- industrial
- inner
- locally
- neighborhood
- no-fly zone
- off
- out
- pedestrian
- red
* * *zona nf1. [espacio, área] zone, area;una zona montañosa/turística a mountainous/tourist area;la zona norte/sur de la isla the northern/southern part of the island;en las zonas más aisladas/pobres in the most remote/poorest areas;¿vives por la zona? [por aquí] do you live around here?;ésta es la zona de copas de la ciudad this is the centre of the city's nightlifezona azul [de estacionamiento] restricted parking zone;zona catastrófica disaster area;zona cero [en Nueva York] ground zero;zona climática climatic zone;zona comercial shopping area;zona conflictiva trouble spot;zona de conflicto [en guerra] war zone, battle zone;zona edificada built-up area;zona erógena erogenous zone;zona euro euro zone;zona de exclusión exclusion zone;Com zona franca free-trade zone;zona de no fumadores no-smoking area;zona glacial glacial region;zona de guerra war zone;zona húmeda wetland area;zona intermareal intertidal zone;Meteo zona de inversión thermal o temperature inversion zone;zona de libre comercio free-trade zone;zona de marca [en rugby] in-goal area;zona militar military area o zone;Esp zona nacional [en la guerra] = the area controlled by Nationalist forces during the Spanish Civil War;zona peatonal pedestrian area o precinct;zona protegida [natural] conservation area;zona residencial residential area;zona roja Esp [en la guerra] = term used by Nationalists to refer to Republican-controlled areas during the Spanish Civil War;Am [de prostitución] red-light district;Zona Rosa [en México DF] = elegant tourist and shopping area in Mexico City;zona de seguridad [entre países] buffer zone;zona templada temperate zone;Am Anticuado zona de tolerancia red-light district;zona tórrida tropics, Espec torrid zone;zona de urgente reindustrialización = region given priority status for industrial investment, Br ≈ enterprise zone;zona verde [grande] park, green area;[pequeña] lawn2. [en baloncesto] [área] key3. [en baloncesto] [violación] three-seconds violation* * *f1 area, zone* * *zona nf: zone, district, area* * *zona n1. (área) area2. (militar, geográfica) zone -
19 pungo
pungo, pŭpŭgi, punctum, 3 (old fut. perf. pepugero, Att. ap. Gell. 7, 9, 10; perf. punxi, acc. to Diom. p. 369 P.:I.pupungi, in pungit, punxit, pupungit,
Not. Tir. p. 131; scanned pŭpūgi, Prud. steph. 9, 59), v. a. [root pug-, to thrust, strike, whence also pugil, pugnus; Gr. pux, etc.], to prick, puncture (class.).Lit.:B.aliquem,
Cic. Sest. 10, 24:acu comatoriā mihi malas pungebat,
Petr. 21:vulnus quod acu punctum videretur,
Cic. Mil. 24, 65.—Transf.* 1. 2.To affect sensibly, to sting, bite: ut pungat colubram: cum pupugerit, etc., Varr. ap. Prisc. p. 894 P.:3. II.pungunt sensum,
Lucr. 4, 625:aliquem manu,
to pinch, Petr. 87 fin.:nitrum adulteratum pungit,
has a pungent taste, Plin. 31, 10, 46, § 114.—Trop., to prick, sting, vex, grieve, trouble, disturb, afflict, mortify, annoy, etc.:I. A.scrupulus aliquem stimulat ac pungit,
Cic. Rosc. Am. 2, 6:epistula illa ita me pupugit, ut somnum mihi ademerit,
id. Att. 2, 16, 1:jamdudum meum ille pectus pungit aculeus,
Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 158:pungit me, quod scribis, etc.,
Cic. Fam. 7, 15, 1:si paupertas momordit, si ignominia pupugit,
id. Tusc. 3, 34, 82:quos tamen pungit aliquid,
id. ib. 5, 35, 102:odi ego, quos numquam pungunt suspiria somnos,
Prop. 3, 8 (4, 7), 27. —Hence, punctus, a, um, P. a., pricked in, like a point; hence, of time: puncto tempore (cf.: puncto temporis; v. infra), in an instant, in a moment (only in Lucr.), Lucr. 2, 263; 456; 1006; 4, 216; 6, 230.—Hence, subst. in two forms.Lit. (very rare), Mart. 11, 45, 6.—B.Transf.1.A point, small spot (as if made by pricking):b.ova punctis distincta,
Plin. 10, 52, 74, § 144:gemma sanguineis punctis,
id. 37, 8, 34, § 113:puncta quae terebrantur acu,
Mart. 11, 46, 2:ferream frontem convulnerandam praebeant punctis,
i. e. with the marks of slavery, Plin. Pan. 35.—In partic.(α).A point made in writing, Aus. Epigr. 35, 1; 145, 5;(β).as a punctuation mark,
Diom. p. 432 P.—A mathematical point. Cic. Ac. 2, 36, 116.—(γ).A point or spot on dice: quadringenis in punctum sestertiis aleam lusit, Suet. Ner. [p. 1492] 30; Aus. Prof. 1, 29.—(δ).A point or dot as the sign of a vote, made in a waxen tablet, before the introduction of separate ballots;(ε).hence, transf.,
a vote, suffrage, ballot, Cic. Planc. 22, 53; id. Mur. 34, 72; id. Tusc. 2, 26, 62.—Hence, poet., applause, approbation:omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utile dulci,
Hor. A. P. 343:discedo Alcaeus puncto illius,
id. Ep. 2, 2, 99; Aus. Grat. Act. ad Grat. 5.—A point on the bar of a steelyard, indicating the weight:2.diluis helleborum, certo compescere puncto nescius examen,
Pers. 5, 100.—A small part of any thing divided or measured off, e.g.,a.A small weight, Pers. 5, 100.—b.A small liquid measure, Front. Aquaed. 25.—c.A small portion of time, an instant, a moment (cf. momentum):d.puncto temporis eodem,
in the same moment, Cic. Sest. 24, 53; cf.:ne punctum quidem temporis,
id. Phil. 8, 7, 20; Ter. Phorm. 1, 4, 7:nullo puncto temporis intermisso,
id. N. D. 1, 20, 52; Caes. B. C. 2, 14.—In plur.:omnibus minimis temporum punctis,
Cic. N. D. 1, 24, 67:animi discessus a corpore fit ad punctum temporis,
id. Tusc. 1, 34, 82:temporis puncto omnes Uticam relinquunt,
Caes. B. C. 2, 25 fin.; Plin. Pan. 56:horae,
Hor. Ep. 2, 2, 172:diei,
Lucr. 4, 201.—Rarely absol.:punctum est quod vivimus et adhuc puncto minus,
Sen. Ep. 49, 14, 3:puncto brevissimo dilapsa domus,
App. M. 9, p. 235, 30; cf.:quod momentum, quod immo temporis punctum, aut beneficio sterile aut vacuum laude,
Plin. Pan. 56, 2; Vulg. Isa. 54, 7.—In space, a point:e.ipsa terra ita mihi parva visa est, ut me imperii nostri, quo quasi punctum ejus attingimus, poeniteret,
Cic. Rep. 6, 16, 16.—In discourse, a small portion, brief clause, short section, Cic. Par. prooem. § 2; id. de Or. 2, 41, 177; Aus. Idyll. 12 prooem.—II. -
20 engaño
m.1 deceit, deception, trickery, cheating.2 lie, hoax, trick, take-in.3 fraudulence, deceitfulness.4 delusion, false impression.pres.indicat.1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: engañar.* * *1 deceit, deception2 (estafa) fraud, trick, swindle3 (mentira) lie4 (error) mistake\estar en un engaño to be mistaken* * *noun m.1) deception2) trick* * *SM1) (=acto) [gen] deception; (=ilusión) delusionaquí no hay engaño — there is no attempt to deceive anybody here, it's all on the level *
2) (=trampa) trick, swindle3) (=malentendido) mistake, misunderstandingpadecer engaño — to labour under a misunderstanding, labor under a misunderstanding (EEUU)
4) pl engaños (=astucia) wiles, tricks5) [de pesca] lure6) Cono Sur (=regalo) small gift, token* * *1)a) ( mentira) deceptionllamarse a engaño — to claim one has been cheated o deceived
b) (timo, estafa) swindle, con (colloq)c) ( ardid) ploy, trick2) (Taur) cape* * *= fraud, snare, sham, hoax, deceit, subterfuge, confidence trick, deception, swindle, rip-off, swindling, cheating, hocus pocus, caper, dissimulation, fiddle, trickery, bluff, con trick, con, con job.Ex. At our library in Minnesota we have clearly identified material that deals with many types of business and consumer frauds, national liberation movements, bedtime, Kwanza, the Afro-American holiday.Ex. Whilst telematics for Africa is full of snares, it is the way towards the road to mastery in the future.Ex. The NCC argue that the three other rights established over the last three centuries -- civil, political and social -- are 'liable to be hollow shams' without the consequent right to information.Ex. This article examines several controversial cataloguing problems, including the classification of anti-Semitic works and books proven to be forgeries or hoaxes.Ex. The article has the title 'Policing fraud and deceit: the legal aspects of misconduct in scientific enquiry'.Ex. Citing authors' names in references can cause great difficulties, as ghosts, subterfuges, and collaborative teamwork may often obscure the true begetters of published works.Ex. Unless universal education is nothing more than a confidence trick, there must be more people today who can benefit by real library service than ever there were in the past.Ex. Furthermore, deception is common when subjects use e-mail and chat rooms.Ex. The article 'Online scams, swindles, frauds and rip-offs' lists some of the most better known Internet frauds of recent times.Ex. The article 'Online scams, swindles, frauds and rip-offs' lists some of the most better known Internet frauds of recent times.Ex. The swindling & deception the immigrants encountered often preyed on their Zionist ideology & indeed, some of the crooks were Jewish themselves.Ex. The author discerns 3 levels of cheating and deceit and examines why scientists stoop to bias and fraud, particularly in trials for new treatments.Ex. The final section of her paper calls attention to the ' hocus pocus' research conducted on many campuses.Ex. Who was the mastermind of the Watergate caper & for what purpose has never been revealed.Ex. In fact, the terms of the contrast are highly ambivalent: order vs. anarchy, liberty vs. despotism, or industry vs. sloth, and also dissimulation vs. honesty.Ex. This paper reports a study based on an eight-week period of participant observation of a particular form of resistance, fiddles.Ex. It is sometimes thought that a woman's trickery compensates for her physical weakness.Ex. The most dramatic way to spot a bluff is to look your opponent in the eye and attempt to sense his fear.Ex. The social contract has been the con trick by which the bosses have squeezed more and more out of the workers for themselves.Ex. He has long argued that populist conservatism is nothing more than a con.Ex. The global warming hoax had all the classic marks of a con job from the very beginning.----* autoengaño = self-deception.* conducir a engaño = be misleading, be deceiving.* conseguir mediante engaño = bluff + Posesivo + way into.* entrar mediante engaño = bluff + Posesivo + way into.* llevar a engaño = be misleading, be deceiving.* someter a engaño = perpetrate + deception.* * *1)a) ( mentira) deceptionllamarse a engaño — to claim one has been cheated o deceived
b) (timo, estafa) swindle, con (colloq)c) ( ardid) ploy, trick2) (Taur) cape* * *= fraud, snare, sham, hoax, deceit, subterfuge, confidence trick, deception, swindle, rip-off, swindling, cheating, hocus pocus, caper, dissimulation, fiddle, trickery, bluff, con trick, con, con job.Ex: At our library in Minnesota we have clearly identified material that deals with many types of business and consumer frauds, national liberation movements, bedtime, Kwanza, the Afro-American holiday.
Ex: Whilst telematics for Africa is full of snares, it is the way towards the road to mastery in the future.Ex: The NCC argue that the three other rights established over the last three centuries -- civil, political and social -- are 'liable to be hollow shams' without the consequent right to information.Ex: This article examines several controversial cataloguing problems, including the classification of anti-Semitic works and books proven to be forgeries or hoaxes.Ex: The article has the title 'Policing fraud and deceit: the legal aspects of misconduct in scientific enquiry'.Ex: Citing authors' names in references can cause great difficulties, as ghosts, subterfuges, and collaborative teamwork may often obscure the true begetters of published works.Ex: Unless universal education is nothing more than a confidence trick, there must be more people today who can benefit by real library service than ever there were in the past.Ex: Furthermore, deception is common when subjects use e-mail and chat rooms.Ex: The article 'Online scams, swindles, frauds and rip-offs' lists some of the most better known Internet frauds of recent times.Ex: The article 'Online scams, swindles, frauds and rip-offs' lists some of the most better known Internet frauds of recent times.Ex: The swindling & deception the immigrants encountered often preyed on their Zionist ideology & indeed, some of the crooks were Jewish themselves.Ex: The author discerns 3 levels of cheating and deceit and examines why scientists stoop to bias and fraud, particularly in trials for new treatments.Ex: The final section of her paper calls attention to the ' hocus pocus' research conducted on many campuses.Ex: Who was the mastermind of the Watergate caper & for what purpose has never been revealed.Ex: In fact, the terms of the contrast are highly ambivalent: order vs. anarchy, liberty vs. despotism, or industry vs. sloth, and also dissimulation vs. honesty.Ex: This paper reports a study based on an eight-week period of participant observation of a particular form of resistance, fiddles.Ex: It is sometimes thought that a woman's trickery compensates for her physical weakness.Ex: The most dramatic way to spot a bluff is to look your opponent in the eye and attempt to sense his fear.Ex: The social contract has been the con trick by which the bosses have squeezed more and more out of the workers for themselves.Ex: He has long argued that populist conservatism is nothing more than a con.Ex: The global warming hoax had all the classic marks of a con job from the very beginning.* autoengaño = self-deception.* conducir a engaño = be misleading, be deceiving.* conseguir mediante engaño = bluff + Posesivo + way into.* entrar mediante engaño = bluff + Posesivo + way into.* llevar a engaño = be misleading, be deceiving.* someter a engaño = perpetrate + deception.* * *A1 (mentira) deceptionlo que más me duele es el engaño it was the deceit o deception that upset me mostfue víctima de un cruel engaño she was the victim of a cruel deception o swindle, she was cruelly deceived o taken invivió en el engaño durante años for years she lived in complete ignorance of his deceites un engaño, no es de oro it's a con, this isn't (made of) gold ( colloq)2 (ardid) ploy, trickse vale de todo tipo de engaños para salirse con la suya he uses all kinds of tricks o every trick in the book to get his own wayllamarse a engaño to claim one has been cheated o deceivedpara que luego nadie pueda llamarse a engaño so that no one can claim o say that they were deceived/cheatedB ( Taur) cape ( used by the matador to confuse the bull)C ( Dep) fakehacer un engaño to fake* * *
Del verbo engañar: ( conjugate engañar)
engaño es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo
engañó es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
Multiple Entries:
engañar ( conjugate engañar) verbo transitivo
tú a mí no me engañas you can't fool me;
lo engañó haciéndole creer que … she deceived him into thinking that …;
engaño a algn para que haga algo to trick sb into doing sth
engañarse verbo pronominal ( refl) ( mentirse) to deceive oneself, kid oneself (colloq)
engaño sustantivo masculino
I verbo transitivo
1 to deceive, mislead
2 (mentir) to lie: no me engañes, ese no es tu coche, you can't fool me, this isn't your car
3 (la sed, el hambre, el sueño) comeremos un poco para engañar el hambre, we'll eat a bit to keep the wolf from the door
4 (timar) to cheat, trick
5 (ser infiel) to be unfaithful to
II verbo intransitivo to be deceptive: parece pequeña, pero engaña, it looks small, but it's deceptive
engaño sustantivo masculino
1 (mentira, trampa) deception, swindle
(estafa) fraud
(infidelidad) unfaithfulness
2 (ilusión, equivocación) delusion: deberías sacarle del engaño, you should tell him the truth
♦ Locuciones: llamarse a engaño, to claim that one has been duped
' engaño' also found in these entries:
- farsa
- maña
- montaje
- tramar
- trampear
- coba
- descubrir
- desengañar
- engañar
- tapadera
- tranza
- deception
- delusion
- double-cross
- game
- guile
- impersonation
- put over
- ride
- sham
- unfaithful
- hoax
* * *engaño nm1. [mentira] deception, deceit;se ganó su confianza con algún engaño she gained his trust through a deception;lo obtuvo mediante engaño she obtained it by deception;todo fue un engaño it was all a deception;llamarse a engaño [engañarse] to delude oneself;[lamentarse] to claim to have been misled;que nadie se llame a engaño, la economía no va bien let no one have any illusions about it, the economy isn't doing well;no nos llamemos a engaño, el programa se puede mejorar let's not delude ourselves, the program could be improved;para que luego no te llames a engaño so you can't claim to have been misled afterwards2. [estafa] swindle;ha sido víctima de un engaño en la compra del terreno he was swindled over the sale of the land3. [ardid] ploy, trick;de nada van a servirte tus engaños your ploys will get you nowhere;las rebajas son un engaño para que la gente compre lo que no necesita sales are a ploy to make people buy things they don't need4. Taurom bullfighter's cape5. [para pescar] lure* * *m1 ( mentira) deception, deceit2 ( ardid) trick;llamarse a engaño claim to have been cheated* * *engaño nm1) : deception, trick2) : fake, feint (in sports)* * *engaño n1. (mentira) lie2. (trampa) trick3. (timo) swindle
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