1 turn
turn [tɜ:n]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. noun4. compounds━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. nouna. [of wheel] tour mb. ( = bend) virage m• take the next turn on the left prenez la prochaine route (or rue) à gauche• the patient took a turn for the worse/better l'état du malade s'est aggravé/améliorée. ( = action) to do sb a good turn rendre un service à qnf. ( = act) numéro mg. (in game, queue) tour m• whose turn is it? c'est à qui (le tour) ?► by turns• my sister and I visit our mother by turns ma sœur et moi rendons visite à notre mère à tour de rôle► in turn ( = one after another) à tour de rôle ; ( = then) à mon (or son or notre etc) tour• and they, in turn, said... et, à leur tour, ils ont dit...► out of turn• I don't want to speak out of turn but... je ne devrais peut-être pas dire cela mais...► to a turn• done to a turn [food] à point► turn of + noun━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► For turn + adverb/preposition combinations see also phrasal verbs.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━a. [+ handle, key, wheel, page] tournerb. [+ mattress] retournerd. ( = reach) [+ age, time] as soon as he turned 18 dès qu'il a eu 18 ans• he would turn in his grave if he knew... il se retournerait dans sa tombe s'il savait...► to turn on sth ( = depend)b. ( = move in different direction) [person, vehicle] tourner ; ( = reverse direction) faire demi-tour ; [road, river] faire un coude ; [tide] changer de directionc. ( = become)► turn + adjective• to turn nasty/pale devenir méchant/pâle• the whole thing turned into a nightmare c'est devenu un véritable cauchemar► to turn to + nound. ( = change) [weather] changer ; [leaves] jaunir4. compounds[+ business, economy] remettre sur pied[traveller] faire demi-tour ; ( = reverse a decision) faire marche arrièrea. ( = send back) faire faire demi-tour à ; [+ demonstrators] faire refluer• we can't turn the clock back on ne peut pas revenir en arrière► turn down separable transitive verbb. [+ heat, sound] baissera. to turn in to a driveway [car, person] tourner dans une alléeb. ( = go to bed) (inf) aller se couchera. ( = hand over) [+ wanted man] livrer (à la police)• to turn o.s. in se rendrea. [person, vehicle] tournerb. to turn off automatically [heater, oven] s'éteindre automatiquement[+ road] quittera. [+ water, tap] fermer ; [+ radio, television, electricity, gas, heater] éteindre ; [+ water, electricity] (at main) couper• what turns teenagers off science? qu'est-ce qui fait que les sciences n'attirent pas les adolescents ?► turn onb. millions of viewers turn on at 6 o'clock des millions de téléspectateurs allument la télé à 6 heures( = attack) attaquera. [+ tap] ouvrir ; [+ gas, electricity, television, heater] allumer ; [+ engine, machine] mettre en marchec. ( = happen) se passer• as it turned out, nobody came en fin de compte personne n'est venu• it turned out nice [weather] il a fait beau en fin de comptea. [+ light] éteindreb. ( = empty out) [+ pockets, suitcase] vider ; [+ room, cupboard] nettoyer à fond ; ( = expel) [+ tenant] expulserc. ( = produce) fabriquera. ( = roll over) se retournerb. ( = change channel) changer de chaîne ; ( = turn page) tourner la pagea. [+ page] tourner ; [+ mattress, earth, playing card, tape] retournerb. ( = hand over) [+ person] livrer (to à)• the firm turns over $10,000 a week l'entreprise réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 10 000 dollars par semaine► turn rounda. [person] se retourner ; ( = change direction) [person, vehicle] faire demi-tour ; ( = rotate) [object] tournerb. ( = improve) se redressera. tourner ; [+ person] faire tourner• he turned the ship round [captain] il a fait demi-tourb. ( = make successful) redresser ; ( = rephrase) reformuler( = arrive) arriver• don't worry about your ring, I'm sure it will turn up ne t'en fais pas pour ta bague, je suis sûr que tu finiras par la retrouvera. [+ collar] relever ; [+ sleeve] retrousserb. ( = find) [+ evidence] trouver• a survey turned up more than 3,000 people suffering from AIDS une enquête a révélé que plus de 3 000 personnes étaient atteintes du sidac. [+ radio, television] mettre plus fort* * *[tɜːn] 1.1) (in games, sequence) tour m‘miss a turn’ — ‘passez votre tour’
to have a turn on ou at ou with the computer — utiliser l'ordinateur à son tour
to take turns at doing —
to speak out of turn — fig commettre un impair
2) ( circular movement) tour mto do a turn — [dancer] faire un tour
3) ( in vehicle) virage mto make ou do a left/right turn — tourner à gauche/à droite
‘no left turn’ — ‘défense de tourner à gauche’
4) (bend, side road) tournant m, virage mtake the next right turn —
5) (change, development) tournure fto take a turn for the better — [person, situation] s'améliorer; [things, events] prendre une meilleure tournure
to take a turn for the worse — [situation] se dégrader; [health] s'aggraver
to be on the turn — [luck, milk] commencer à tourner; [tide] commencer à changer; century
6) (colloq) GB ( attack) crise fa giddy ou dizzy turn — un vertige
to have a funny turn — se sentir tout/-e chose (colloq)
it gave me quite a turn —
7) ( act) numéro m2.in turn adverbial phrase1) ( in rotation) [answer, speak] à tour de rôle2) ( linking sequence) à son tour3.transitive verb1) ( rotate) [person] tourner [wheel, handle]; serrer [screw]; [mechanism] faire tourner [cog, wheel]to turn the key in the door ou lock — ( lock up) fermer la porte à clé; ( unlock) tourner la clé dans la serrure
2) (turn over, reverse) retourner [mattress, soil, steak, collar]; tourner [page]3) ( change direction of) tourner [chair, head, face, car]to turn one's back on — lit tourner le dos à [group, place]; fig laisser tomber [friend, ally]; abandonner [homeless, needy]
4) ( focus direction of)to turn something on somebody — braquer quelque chose sur quelqu'un [gun, hose, torch]; fig diriger quelque chose sur quelqu'un [anger, scorn]
5) ( transform)to turn something white/black — blanchir/noircir quelque chose
to turn something milky/opaque — rendre quelque chose laiteux/opaque
to turn something into — transformer quelque chose en [office, car park, desert]
to turn water into ice/wine — changer de l'eau en glace/vin
to turn somebody into — [magician] changer quelqu'un en [frog]; [experience] faire de quelqu'un [extrovert, maniac]
7) (colloq) ( pass the age of)she has just turned 20/30 — elle vient d'avoir 20/30 ans
8) ( on lathe) tourner [wood, piece, spindle]4.1) ( change direction) [person, car, plane, road] tourner; [ship] virerto turn down ou into — tourner dans [street, alley]
to turn towards — tourner en direction de [village, mountains]
the conversation turned to Ellie — on en est venu/ils en sont venus à parler d'Ellie
2) ( reverse direction) [person, vehicle] faire demi-tour; [tide] changer; [luck] tourner; turn around3) ( revolve) [key, wheel, planet] tourner; [person] se tournerto turn on — [argument] tourner autour de [point, issue]; [outcome] dépendre de [factor]
5) ( spin round angrily)to turn on somebody — [dog] attaquer quelqu'un; [person] se retourner contre quelqu'un
to turn to — se tourner vers [person, religion]
to turn to drink/drugs — se mettre à boire/se droguer
I don't know where ou which way to turn — je ne sais plus où donner de la tête (colloq)
7) ( change)to turn into — [person, tadpole] se transformer en [frog]; [sofa] se transformer en [bed]; [situation, evening] tourner à [farce, disaster]
to turn to — [substance] se changer en [ice, gold]; [fear, surprise] faire place à [horror, relief]
8) ( become by transformation) devenir [pale, cloudy, green]to turn white/black/red — blanchir/noircir/rougir
the weather is turning cold/warm — le temps se rafraîchit/se réchauffe
9) (colloq) ( become) devenir [Conservative, Communist]10) ( go sour) [milk] tourner11) [trees, leaves] jaunir•Phrasal Verbs:- turn in- turn off- turn on- turn out- turn up••at every turn — ( all the time) à tout moment; ( everywhere) partout
one good turn deserves another — Prov c'est un prêté pour un rendu
2 turn
A n1 (opportunity, in rotation) tour m ; to wait one's turn attendre son tour ; it's my turn gen c'est mon tour ; ( in game) c'est à moi de jouer ; whose turn is it? gen c'est à qui le tour? ; ( in game) c'est à qui de jouer? ; ‘miss a turn’ ‘passez votre tour’ ; to be sb's turn to do être à qn or au tour de qn de faire ; it's your turn to make the coffee c'est à toi or à ton tour de faire le café ; it was his turn to feel rejected il se sentait rejeté à son tour ; to have a turn on or at or with the computer utiliser l'ordinateur à son tour ; to have a turn at driving prendre son tour de conduite ; to take turns at doing, to take it in turns to do faire qch à tour de rôle ; to do sth turn and turn about faire qch à tour de rôle ; take it in turns! chacun son tour! ; by turns tour à tour ; to feel happy and depressed by turns être tour à tour heureux et malheureux ; to speak out of turn fig commettre un impair ; I hope I haven't spoken out of turn j'espère ne pas avoir commis d'impair ;2 ( circular movement) tour m ; to give sth a turn tourner qch ; to give sth half a turn to the left faire tourner qch d'un demi-tour vers la gauche ; to do a turn [dancer] faire un tour ; to take a turn in the park faire un tour dans le parc ;3 ( in vehicle) virage m ; a 90° turn un virage à 90° ; to make ou do a left/right turn tourner à gauche/à droite ; to do a turn in the road faire un demi-tour ; ‘no left turn’ ‘défense de tourner à gauche’ ;4 (bend, side road) tournant m, virage m ; there's a left turn ahead il y a un tournant or virage à gauche plus loin ; brake before you go into the turn freinez avant de prendre le virage ; take the next right turn, take the next turn on the right prenez la prochaine (rue) à droite ;5 (change, development) tournure f ; the turn of events la tournure des événements ; this is an extraordinary turn of events les événements ont pris une tournure extraordinaire ; to take an encouraging/a worrying turn [events] prendre une tournure encourageante/inquiétante ; to take a turn for the better [person, situation] s'améliorer ; [things, events] prendre une meilleure tournure ; to take a turn for the worse [situation] se dégrader ; [health] s'aggraver ; she has taken a turn for the worse elle va de plus en plus mal ; to be on the turn [luck, milk] commencer à tourner ; [tide] commencer à changer ; ⇒ century ;6 ○ GB ( attack) crise f, attaque f ; she's had one of her turns again elle a eu une nouvelle crise or attaque ; a giddy ou dizzy turn un vertige ; to have a funny turn se sentir tout/-e chose ○ ; it gave me quite a turn, it gave me a nasty turn ça m'a fait un coup ○ ;7 ( act) numéro m ; a comic/variety turn un numéro comique/de variété ; to do a/one's turn faire un/son numéro.1 ( in rotation) [answer, speak] à tour de rôle ; she spoke to each of us in turn elle nous a parlé chacun à notre tour ;2 ( linking sequence) à son tour ; this in turn leads to higher inflation ceci à son tour fait augmenter l'inflation ; I invited Andrew who in turn invited Robert j'ai invité Andrew qui à son tour a invité Robert.C vtr1 ( rotate) [person] tourner [knob, wheel, handle] ; serrer [screw] ; [mechanism] faire tourner [cog, wheel] ; to turn sth to the right/left tourner qch vers la droite/gauche ; to turn sth to ‘on’/‘off’ tourner qch sur (la position) ‘marche’/‘arrêt’ ; to turn a switch through 90 degrees faire tourner un sélecteur de 90 degrés ; to turn sth halfway/the wrong way tourner qch d'un demi-tour/dans le mauvais sens ; to turn the key in the door ou lock ( lock up) fermer la porte à clé ; ( unlock) tourner la clé dans la serrure ; to turn the key on sb enfermer qn à clé ;2 (turn over, reverse) retourner [mattress, soil, steak, collar] ; tourner [page] ; to turn sb onto his side/back retourner qn sur le côté/dos ; to turn one's ankle se tordre la cheville ; it turns my stomach cela me soulève le cœur, cela m'écœure ;3 ( change direction of) tourner [chair, head, face, car] ; to turn a picture to the wall tourner un tableau face au mur ; to turn one's face towards tourner le visage vers ; to turn one's steps towards tourner or diriger ses pas vers ; to turn one's attention ou mind to tourner son attention vers ; to turn one's back on lit tourner le dos à [group, place] ; fig laisser tomber [friend, ally] ; abandonner [homeless, needy] ; as soon as my back is turned lit, fig dès que j'ai le dos tourné ; to turn one' s back on the past tourner la page ; to turn sb from one's door chasser qn ;4 (focus, direction of) to turn sth on sb braquer qch sur qn [gun, hose, torch] ; fig diriger qch sur qn [anger, scorn] ;5 ( transform) to turn sth white/black blanchir/noircir qch ; to turn sth milky/opaque rendre qch laiteux/opaque ; to turn sth into transformer qch en [office, car park, desert] ; to turn water into ice/wine changer de l'eau en glace/vin ; to turn a book into a film adapter un livre pour l'écran ; turn your old newspapers into cash! convertissez vos vieux journaux en argent! ; to turn sb into [magician] changer qn en [frog] ; [experience] faire de qn [extrovert, maniac] ; it turned him from a normal child into a delinquent cela a transformé l'enfant normal qu'il était en délinquant ; to stand there as if turned to stone rester là comme pétrifié ;6 ( deflect) détourner [person, conversation] ; to turn the conversation towards ou onto sth détourner or faire dévier la conversation vers qch ; to turn sb from a course of action/from her purpose détourner qn d'une ligne de conduite/de son but ;7 ○ ( pass the age of) he has turned 50 il a 50 ans passés ; she has just turned 20/30 elle vient d'avoir 20/30 ans ; as soon as I turn 18 dès que j'aurai mes 18 ans ; it's just turned five o'clock il est cinq heures passées ;10 ( in espionage) retourner [spy, agent].D vi1 ( change direction) [person, car, plane, road] tourner ; [ship] virer ; to turn (to the) left/right tourner à gauche/droite ; to turn to the east/the west tourner à l'est/l'ouest ; to turn down ou into tourner dans [street, alley] ; to turn off quitter [main road, street] ; to turn towards tourner en direction de [village, mountains] ; I turned towards home j'ai repris le chemin de la maison ; her thoughts turned to her family ses pensées se sont tournées vers sa famille ; the conversation turned to Ellie on en est venu/ils en sont venus à parler d'Ellie ; he later turned to teaching plus tard il s'est tourné vers l'enseignement ;2 ( reverse direction) [person, vehicle] faire demi-tour ; [tide] changer ; [luck] tourner ; there's no room for the bus to turn le bus n'a pas assez de place pour faire demi- tour ; ‘no turning’ ( in driveway) ‘propriété privée, défense d'entrer’ ; ⇒ turn around ;3 ( revolve) [key, wheel, planet] tourner ; [person] se tourner (to, towards vers) ; to turn on its axis tourner sur son axe ; a key turned in the lock une clé a tourné dans la serrure ; to turn in one's chair se retourner dans sa chaise ; to turn and face the camera se tourner vers la caméra ; to turn and walk out of the room faire demi-tour et sortir de la pièce ; to turn to do se retourner pour faire ; to turn to face sth se retourner vers qch ; to turn and fight se retourner pour se battre ; to turn to lie on one's side se tourner pour se mettre sur le côté ; I turned once again to my book/my work j'ai repris encore une fois ma lecture/mon travail ;4 fig ( hinge) to turn on [argument] tourner autour de [point, issue] ; [outcome] dépendre de [factor] ;6 fig (resort to, rely on) to turn to se tourner vers [person, religion] ; to turn to drink se mettre à boire ; to turn to drugs commencer à se droguer ; to turn to sb for se tourner vers qn pour demander [help, advice, money] ; I don't know who to turn to for advice je ne sais vers qui me tourner pour demander conseil ; I don't know where ou which way to turn je ne sais plus où donner la tête ○ ;7 ( change) to turn into [tadpole] se transformer en [frog] ; [sofa] se transformer en [bed] ; [situation, evening] tourner à [farce, disaster] ; [conversation] tourner à [shouting match] ; ( magically) [person] se transformer en [animal, prince etc] ; to turn to [substance] se changer en [ice, gold etc] ; [fear, surprise] faire place à [horror, relief] ; his hopes had turned to dust ses espoirs étaient réduits en poussière ;8 ( become by transformation) devenir [pale, cloudy, green] ; to turn white/black/red gen blanchir/noircir/rougir ; Chem virer au blanc/noir/rouge ; the weather is turning cold/warm le temps se rafraîchit/se réchauffe ; events turned tragic les événements ont tourné au tragique ;9 ○ ( have change of heart) devenir [Conservative, Communist] ; businesswoman turned politician ancienne femme d'affaires devenue politicienne ; to turn ○ Catholic/Muslim se convertir au catholicisme/à l'islam ; to turn traitor se mettre à trahir ;10 ( go sour) [milk] tourner ;11 [trees, leaves] jaunir.at every turn à chaque instant, à tout moment ; one good turn deserves another Prov c'est un prêté pour un rendu ; to be done to a turn être cuit à point ; to do sb a good turn rendre un service à qn ; to feel another turn of the screw sentir la pression augmenter encore.■ turn against:▶ turn against [sb/sth] se retourner contre ;▶ turn [sb] against retourner [qn] contre [person, ideology].■ turn around:1 ( to face other way) [person] se retourner, faire demi-tour (to do pour faire) ; [bus, vehicle] faire demi-tour ;2 fig you can't just turn around and say you've changed your mind tu ne peux pas tout simplement dire que tu as changé d'avis ; what if he just turns around and says no? et si jamais il disait non? ;3 (revolve, rotate) [object, windmill, dancer] tourner ;4 ( change trend) the market has turned around il y a eu un renversement de situation sur le marché ; sales have turned round il y a eu un renversement de tendance dans les ventes ;5 Transp ( unload and reload) décharger et charger ;▶ turn [sth] around, turn around [sth]1 ( to face other way) tourner [qch] dans l'autre sens [car, chair, piano, head, baby] ;2 ( reverse decline in) redresser [situation, economy, company] ; redresser la situation de [political party, factory] ;3 Transp ( unload and reload) décharger et mettre en état de repartir [plane, ship] ; the plane can be turned around in an hour l'avion peut être déchargé et prêt à reprendre l'air en une heure ;4 ( rephrase) reformuler [question, sentence].■ turn aside se détourner (from de).■ turn away:▶ turn away se détourner ; to turn away in disgust/horror se détourner avec dégoût/horreur ;▶ turn [sth] away, turn away [sth] détourner [head, torch] ;▶ turn [sb] away, turn away [sb] refuser [spectator, applicant] ; ne pas laisser entrer [salesman, caller] ; chasser [beggar] ; I was turned away from the Ritz on ne m'a pas laissé entrer au Ritz.■ turn back:1 ( turn around) ( usu on foot) rebrousser chemin ; ( usu in vehicle) faire demi-tour ; it's too late to turn back lit il est trop tard pour faire demi-tour ; fig il est trop tard pour revenir en arrière ; there's no turning back fig il n'est pas question de revenir en arrière ;2 ( in book) revenir (to à) ;▶ turn [sth] back, turn back [sth]1 ( rotate backwards) reculer [dial, clock] ; to turn one's watch back five minutes retarder sa montre de cinq minutes ;▶ turn [sb] back, turn back [sb] faire faire demi-tour à, refouler [marchers, refugees, heavy vehicles] ; to be turned back at the border être refoulé à la frontière.■ turn down:▶ turn down [graph, curve] descendre ; his mouth turns down at the corners il a une bouche aux commissures tombantes ;▶ turn [sth] down, turn down [sth]1 ( reduce) baisser [volume, radio, heating, light, gas] ;▶ turn [sb/sth] down, turn down [sb/sth] refuser [suitor, candidate, request, application] ; rejeter [offer, suggestion].■ turn in:▶ turn in1 ○ ( go to bed) aller se coucher ;2 ( point inwards) his toes turn in il a les pieds tournés en dedans ; to turn in on itself [leaf, page] se recroqueviller ; to turn in on oneself fig se replier sur soi-même ;▶ turn in [sth], turn [sth] in ○1 ( hand in) rendre [membership, badge, homework] ;2 ( produce) to turn in a profit rapporter un bénéfice ; to turn in a good performance [player] bien jouer ; [company] avoir de bons résultats ; [currency, share] augmenter ;3 (give up, stop) laisser tomber ○ [job, activity] ;▶ turn [sb] in, turn in [sb] livrer [suspect] (to à) ;▶ turn oneself in se livrer.■ turn off:▶ turn off1 ( leave road) tourner ; turn off at the next exit prends la prochaine sortie ;2 [motor, fan] s'arrêter ; where does the light turn off? où est-ce qu'on éteint la lumière? ;▶ turn off [sth], turn [sth] off éteindre [light, oven, TV, radio, computer] ; fermer [tap] ; couper [water, gas, electricity, engine] ; turn that rubbish off! ○ éteins-moi ça! ○ ;■ turn on:▶ turn on [oven, device] s'allumer ;▶ turn on [sth], turn [sth] on allumer [light, oven, TV, radio, computer, gas, electricity] ; ouvrir [tap] ; to turn the water back on rouvrir l'eau ; to turn the electricity back on rétablir le courant ; to turn sth on like a tap fig faire qch sur commande ; to turn on the pressure fig mettre la pression ; ⇒ charm, heat ;▶ turn [sb] on, turn on [sb] ○ exciter ; to be turned on être excité (by par) ; to turn sb on to sth ○ brancher ○ qn sur [drug].■ turn out:▶ turn out1 ( be eventually) to turn out well/badly bien/mal se terminer ; to turn out differently prendre une tournure différente ; to turn out all right s'arranger ; it depends how things turn out cela dépend de la façon dont les choses vont tourner ; that child will turn out badly cet enfant tournera mal ; to turn out to be ( prove to be) se révéler, s'avérer être ; to turn out to be wrong se révéler faux ; the job turned out (to be) difficult finalement le travail a été difficile, le travail s'est avéré difficile fml ; it turned out to be a good decision finalement cela a été une bonne décision, cela s'est avéré être une bonne décision fml ; it turns out that il se trouve que, il s'avère que ; it turned out (that) she knew him il s'est trouvé qu'elle le connaissait ; as it turned out en fin de compte ;2 ( come out) [crowd, people] venir (to do pour faire ; for à) ; the fans turn out every Saturday les fans sont là tous les samedis ; we had to turn out at six GB il fallait être là à six heures ;3 ( point outwards) his toes ou feet turn out il a les pieds tournés en dehors ;▶ turn [sth] out, turn out [sth]1 ( turn off) éteindre [light] ;4 to turn one's toes ou feet out marcher en canard ;▶ turn [sb] out, turn out [sb]1 ( evict) mettre [qn] à la porte ; to turn sb out into the street jeter qn à la rue ;■ turn over:1 ( roll over) [person] se retourner ; [car] se retourner, faire un tonneau ; [boat] se retourner, chavirer ; to turn over and over [person, object] faire plusieurs tours ; [car] faire plusieurs tonneaux ;2 ( turn page) tourner la page ;3 [engine] se mettre en marche ;▶ turn [sth/sb] over, turn over [sth/sb]1 ( turn) tourner [page, paper] ; retourner [card, object, mattress, soil, baby, patient] ; faire chavirer [ship] ; he turned the car over sa voiture a fait un tonneau ;2 ( hand over) remettre [object, money, find, papers] (to à) ; livrer [person, fugitive] (to à) ; remettre la succession de [company, business] (to à) ; transmettre [control, power] (to à) ; I'm turning the new recruits over to you les nouvelles recrues sont à vous ;3 ( reflect) I've been turning it over in my mind j'y ai bien réfléchi ;6 [battery, starter motor] faire tourner [engine].■ turn to† GB se mettre au travail, s'y mettre.■ turn up:▶ turn up1 (arrive, show up) arriver, se pointer ○ (to, at à ; for pour) ; to turn up late arriver en retard ; to turn up in jeans se pointer ○ en jean ; she didn't turn up elle ne s'est pas pointée ○ ; guess who turned up at the station devine qui s'est pointé ○ à la gare ;2 ( be found) don't worry-it will turn up ne t'inquiète pas-tu finiras par le retrouver ;3 ( present itself) [opportunity, job] se présenter ; something will turn up (for me/for you etc) je finirai/tu finiras etc par trouver quelque chose ;▶ turn up [sth], turn [sth] up1 (increase, intensify) augmenter [heating, lighting, volume, gas] ; mettre [qch] plus fort [TV, radio, music] ;3 ( discover) déterrer [buried object] ; [person] dénicher ○ [discovery, information] ; facts turned up by the inquiry faits révélés or mis au jour par l'enquête. -
3 turn
turn [tɜ:n]tourner ⇒ 1A (a), 1B (a), 1B (d), 1C (d), 2 (a), 2 (b), 2 (f) faire tourner ⇒ 1A (a) retourner ⇒ 1B (a) changer ⇒ 1C (a) faire devenir ⇒ 1C (a) se tourner ⇒ 2 (a) se retourner ⇒ 2 (b) devenir ⇒ 2 (d) se changer ⇒ 2 (e) tour ⇒ 3 (a), 3 (d), 3 (f), 3 (g) tournant ⇒ 3 (b), 3 (c) virage ⇒ 3 (b), 3 (c) tournure ⇒ 3 (d)A.(a) (cause to rotate, move round) tourner; (shaft, axle) faire tourner, faire pivoter; (direct) diriger;∎ she turned the key in the lock (to lock) elle a donné un tour de clé (à la porte), elle a fermé la porte à clé; (to unlock) elle a ouvert la porte avec la clé;∎ turn the wheel all the way round faites faire un tour complet à la roue;∎ Cars to turn the (steering) wheel tourner le volant;∎ turn the knob to the right tournez le bouton vers la droite;∎ turn the knob to "record" mettez le bouton en position "enregistrer";∎ she turned the oven to its highest setting elle a allumé ou mis le four à la température maximum;∎ she turned her chair towards the window elle a tourné sa chaise face à la fenêtre;∎ he turned the car into the drive il a engagé la voiture dans l'allée;∎ we turned our steps homeward nous avons dirigé nos pas vers la maison;∎ turn your head this way tournez la tête de ce côté∎ she turned the conversation to sport elle a orienté la conversation vers le sport;∎ their votes could turn the election in his favour leurs voix pourraient faire basculer les élections en sa faveur;∎ he would not be turned from his decision to resign il n'y a pas eu moyen de le faire revenir sur sa décision de démissionner;∎ nothing would turn the rebels from their cause rien ne pourrait détourner les rebelles de leur cause;∎ you've turned my whole family against me vous avez monté toute ma famille contre moi;∎ we turned his joke against him nous avons retourné la plaisanterie contre lui;∎ let's turn our attention to the matter in hand occupons-nous de l'affaire en question;∎ she turned her attention to the problem elle s'est concentrée sur le problème;∎ to turn one's thoughts to God tourner ses pensées vers Dieu;∎ research workers have turned the theory to practical use les chercheurs ont mis la théorie en pratique;∎ how can we turn this policy to our advantage or account? comment tirer parti de cette politique?, comment tourner cette politique à notre avantage?;∎ to turn one's back on sb tourner le dos à qn;∎ she looked at the letter the minute his back was turned dès qu'il a eu le dos tourné, elle a jeté un coup d'œil à la lettre;∎ how can you turn your back on your own family? comment peux-tu abandonner ta famille?;∎ she turned her back on her friends elle a tourné le dos à ses amis;∎ to turn one's back on the past tourner la page, tourner le dos au passé;∎ she was so pretty that she turned heads wherever she went elle était si jolie que tout le monde se retournait sur son passage;∎ success had not turned his head la réussite ne lui avait pas tourné la tête, il ne s'était pas laissé griser par la réussite;∎ all their compliments had turned her head tous leurs compliments lui étaient montés à la tête ou lui avaient tourné la tête;∎ to turn the tables on sb reprendre l'avantage sur qn;∎ figurative now the tables are turned maintenant les rôles sont renversésB.∎ the very thought of food turns my stomach l'idée même de manger me soulève le cœur;∎ to turn sth on its head bouleverser qch, mettre qch sens dessus dessous;∎ recent events have turned the situation on its head les événements récents ont retourné la situation∎ he turned the beggar from his door il a chassé le mendiant;∎ they turned the poachers off their land ils ont chassé les braconniers de leurs terres(c) (release, let loose)∎ he turned the cattle into the field il a fait rentrer le bétail dans le champ(d) (go round → corner) tourner(e) (reach → in age, time) passer, franchir;∎ I had just turned twenty je venais d'avoir vingt ans;∎ she's turned thirty elle a trente ans passés, elle a dépassé le cap de la trentaine;∎ it has only just turned four o'clock il est quatre heures passées de quelques secondes(f) (do, perform) faire;∎ the skater turned a circle on the ice la patineuse a décrit un cercle sur la glace;∎ to turn a cartwheel faire la roue∎ I've turned my ankle je me suis tordu la chevilleC.∎ to turn sth into sth transformer ou changer qch en qch;∎ bitterness turned their love into hate l'amertume a transformé leur amour en haine;∎ she turned the remark into a joke elle a tourné la remarque en plaisanterie;∎ they're turning the book into a film ils adaptent le livre pour l'écran;∎ the sight turned his heart to ice le spectacle lui a glacé le cœur ou l'a glacé;∎ Stock Exchange you should turn your shares into cash vous devriez réaliser vos actions;∎ time had turned the pages yellow le temps avait jauni les pages(b) (make bad, affect)∎ the lemon juice turned the milk (sour) le jus de citron a fait tourner le lait∎ to turn a good profit faire de gros bénéfices;∎ he turns an honest penny il gagne sa vie honnêtement;∎ familiar he was out to turn a fast buck il cherchait à gagner ou faire du fric facilement∎ a well-turned leg une jambe bien faite;∎ figurative to turn a phrase faire des phrases∎ to turn on an axis tourner autour d'un axe;∎ the crane turned (through) 180° la grue a pivoté de 180°;∎ the key won't turn la clé ne tourne pas;∎ he turned right round il a fait volte-face;∎ they turned towards me ils se sont tournés vers moi ou de mon côté;∎ they turned from the gruesome sight ils se sont détournés de cet horrible spectacle;∎ turn (round) and face the front tourne-toi et regarde devant toi∎ figurative the smell made my stomach turn l'odeur m'a soulevé le cœur(c) (change direction → person) tourner; (→ vehicle) tourner, virer; (→ luck, wind) tourner, changer; (→ river, road) faire un coude; (→ tide) changer de direction;∎ Military right turn! à droite!;∎ we turned towards town nous nous sommes dirigés vers la ville;∎ he turned (round) and went back il a fait demi-tour et est revenu sur ses pas;∎ the road turns south la route tourne vers le sud;∎ the car turned into our street la voiture a tourné dans notre rue;∎ we turned onto the main road nous nous sommes engagés dans ou nous avons pris la grand-route;∎ we turned off the main road nous avons quitté la grand-route;∎ Stock Exchange the market turned downwards/upwards le marché était à la baisse/à la hausse;∎ figurative I don't know where or which way to turn je ne sais plus quoi faire∎ it's turning cold il commence à faire froid;∎ the weather's turned bad le temps s'est gâté;∎ the argument turned nasty la dispute s'est envenimée;∎ she turned angry when he refused elle s'est mise en colère quand il a refusé;∎ to turn red/blue virer au rouge/bleu;∎ he turned red il a rougi;∎ a lawyer turned politician un avocat devenu homme politique;∎ to turn professional passer ou devenir professionnel;∎ the whole family turned Muslim toute la famille s'est convertie à l'islam(e) (transform) se changer, se transformer;∎ the pumpkin turned into a carriage la citrouille s'est transformée en carrosse;∎ the rain turned to snow la pluie s'est transformée en neige;∎ the little girl had turned into a young woman la petite fille était devenue une jeune femme;∎ their love turned to hate leur amour se changea en haine ou fit place à la haine∎ the weather has turned le temps a changé3 noun(a) (revolution, rotation) tour m;∎ he gave the handle a turn il a tourné la poignée;∎ give the screw another turn donnez un autre tour de vis;∎ with a turn of the wrist avec un tour de poignet∎ take the second turn on the right prenez la deuxième à droite;∎ no right turn (sign) défense de tourner à droite;∎ figurative at every turn à tout instant, à tout bout de champ(c) (bend, curve in road) virage m, tournant m;∎ there is a sharp turn to the left la route fait un brusque virage ou tourne brusquement à gauche(d) (change in state, nature) tour m, tournure f;∎ the conversation took a new turn la conversation a pris une nouvelle tournure;∎ it was an unexpected turn of events les événements ont pris une tournure imprévue;∎ things took a turn for the worse/better les choses se sont aggravées/améliorées;∎ the patient took a turn for the worse/better l'état du malade s'est aggravé/amélioré;∎ the situation took a tragic turn la situation a tourné au tragique∎ at the turn of the year vers la fin de l'année;∎ at the turn of the century au tournant du siècle(f) (in game, order, queue) tour m;∎ it's my turn c'est à moi, c'est mon tour;∎ it's his turn to do the dishes c'est à lui ou c'est son tour de faire la vaisselle;∎ you'll have to wait your turn il faudra attendre ton tour;∎ they laughed and cried by turns ils passaient tour à tour du rire aux larmes;∎ to take it in turns to do sth faire qch à tour de rôle;∎ let's take it in turns to drive relayons-nous au volant;∎ we took turns sleeping on the floor nous avons dormi par terre à tour de rôle;∎ turn and turn about à tour de rôle(g) (action, deed)∎ to do sb a good/bad turn rendre service/jouer un mauvais tour à qn;∎ he did them a bad turn il leur a joué un mauvais tour;∎ I've done my good turn for the day j'ai fait ma bonne action de la journée;∎ proverb one good turn deserves another = un service en vaut un autre, un service rendu en appelle un autre∎ she had one of her (funny) turns this morning elle a eu une de ses crises ce matin∎ you gave me quite a turn! tu m'as fait une sacrée peur!, tu m'as fait une de ces peurs!;∎ it gave me such a turn! j'ai eu une de ces peurs!∎ let's go for or take a turn in the garden allons faire un tour dans le jardin(k) (tendency, style)∎ to have an optimistic turn of mind être optimiste de nature ou d'un naturel optimiste;∎ he has a strange turn of mind il a une drôle de mentalité;∎ to have a good turn of speed rouler vite;∎ turn of phrase tournure f ou tour m de phrase;∎ she has a witty turn of phrase elle est très spirituelle ou pleine d'esprit(l) (purpose, requirement) exigence f, besoin m;∎ this book has served its turn ce livre a fait son temps(n) Stock Exchange (transaction) transaction f (qui comprend l'achat et la vente); British (difference in price) écart m entre le prix d'achat et le prix de vente∎ a comedy turn un numéro de comédie∎ she interviewed each of us in turn elle a eu un entretien avec chacun de nous l'un après l'autre;∎ I told Sarah and she in turn told Paul je l'ai dit à Sarah qui, à son tour, l'a dit à Paul;∎ I worked in turn as a waiter, an actor and a teacher j'ai travaillé successivement ou tour à tour comme serveur, acteur et enseignant∎ to be on the turn être sur le point de changer;∎ the tide is on the turn c'est le changement de marée; figurative le vent tourne;∎ the milk is on the turn le lait commence à tourner∎ don't play out of turn attends ton tour pour jouer;∎ figurative to speak out of turn faire des remarques déplacées, parler mal à proposAmerican turn signal lever (manette f de) clignotant mse retourner contre, s'en prendre à∎ she turned aside to blow her nose elle se détourna pour se moucheralso figurative écarter, détourner∎ she turned her head away from him elle s'est détournée de lui∎ the college turned away hundreds of applicants l'université a refusé des centaines de candidats;∎ she turned the salesman away elle chassa le représentant;∎ to turn people away (in theatre etc) refuser du monde;∎ we've been turning business away nous avons refusé du travailse détourner;∎ he turned away from them in anger en ou de colère, il leur a tourné le dos∎ it was getting dark so we decided to turn back comme il commençait à faire nuit, nous avons décidé de faire demi-tour;∎ my mind is made up, there is no turning back ma décision est prise, je ne reviendrai pas dessus∎ turn back to chapter one revenez ou retournez au premier chapitre∎ to turn the clock back remonter dans le temps, revenir en arrière(a) (heating, lighting, sound) baisser∎ to turn down the corner of a page corner une page;∎ to turn down the bed ouvrir le lit∎ they offered him a job but he turned them down ils lui ont proposé un emploi mais il a rejeté leur offre;∎ familiar she turned me down flat elle m'a envoyé balader(move downwards) tourner vers le bas;∎ the corners of his mouth turned down il a fait la moue ou une grimace désapprobatrice➲ turn in(a) (return, give in → borrowed article, equipment, piece of work) rendre, rapporter; (→ criminal) livrer à la police;∎ they turned the thief in (took him to the police) ils ont livré le voleur à la police; (informed on him) ils ont dénoncé le voleur à la police∎ turn in the edges rentrez les bords∎ the actor turned in a good performance l'acteur a très bien joué;∎ the company turned in record profits l'entreprise a fait des bénéfices record(a) (feet, toes)∎ my toes turn in j'ai les pieds en dedans∎ he turned in at the gate arrivé à la porte, il est entré∎ to turn in on oneself se replier sur soi-même➲ turn off(a) (switch off → light) éteindre; (→ heater, radio, television) éteindre, fermer; (cut off at mains) couper; (tap) fermer;∎ she turned the ignition/engine off elle a coupé le contact/arrêté le moteur∎ her superior attitude really turns me off son air suffisant me rebute(a) (leave road) tourner;∎ we turned off at junction 5 nous avons pris la sortie d'autoroute 5(b) (switch off) s'éteindre;∎ the heater turns off automatically l'appareil de chauffage s'éteint ou s'arrête automatiquement➲ turn on(a) (switch on → electricity, heating, light, radio, television) allumer; (→ engine) mettre en marche; (→ water) faire couler; (→ tap) ouvrir; (open at mains) ouvrir;∎ figurative she can turn on the charm/the tears whenever necessary elle sait faire du charme/pleurer quand il le faut(b) familiar (person → interest) intéresser□ ; (→ sexually) exciter; (→ introduce to drugs) initier à la drogue□ ;∎ to be turned on (sexually) être excité;∎ the movie didn't turn me on at all le film ne m'a vraiment pas emballé;∎ he turned us on to this new pianist il nous a fait découvrir ce nouveau pianiste(attack) attaquer;∎ the dogs turned on him les chiens l'ont attaqué ou se sont jetés sur lui;∎ his colleagues turned on him and accused him of stealing ses collègues s'en sont pris à lui et l'ont accusé de vol(take drugs) se droguer(a) (switch on) s'allumer;∎ the oven turns on automatically le four s'allume automatiquement(b) (depend, hinge on) dépendre de, reposer sur;∎ the whole case turned on or upon this detail toute l'affaire reposait sur ce détail;∎ everything turns on whether he continues as president tout dépend s'il reste président ou non➲ turn out∎ she turns her toes out when she walks elle marche en canard∎ he turned his daughter out of the house il a mis sa fille à la porte ou a chassé sa fille de la maison;∎ he was turned out of his job il a été renvoyé∎ turn the cake out onto a plate démoulez le gâteau sur une assiette∎ to turn out a room faire une pièce à fond∎ he turns out a book a year il écrit un livre par an;∎ few schools turn out the kind of people we need peu d'écoles forment le type de gens qu'il nous faut(g) (police, troops) envoyer;∎ turn out the guard! faites sortir la garde!∎ nicely or smartly turned out élégant;∎ he was turned out in a suit and a tie il portait un costume-cravate;∎ she always turns her children out beautifully elle habille toujours bien ses enfants(a) (show up) venir, arriver; Military (guard) (aller) prendre la faction; (troops) aller au rassemblement;∎ thousands turned out for the concert des milliers de gens sont venus ou ont assisté au concert;∎ the doctor had to turn out in the middle of the night le docteur a dû se déplacer au milieu de la nuit(b) (car, person) sortir, partir;∎ the car turned out of the car park la voiture est sortie du parking∎ my feet turn out j'ai les pieds en canard ou en dehors∎ his statement turned out to be false sa déclaration s'est révélée fausse;∎ her story turned out to be true ce qu'elle a raconté était vrai;∎ he turned out to be a scoundrel il s'est révélé être un vaurien, on s'est rendu compte que c'était un vaurien;∎ it turns out that… il se trouve que… + indicative∎ I don't know how it turned out je ne sais pas comment cela a fini;∎ how did the cake turn out? le gâteau était-il réussi?;∎ the story turned out happily l'histoire s'est bien terminée ou a bien fini;∎ the evening turned out badly la soirée a mal tourné;∎ everything will turn out fine tout va s'arranger ou ira bien;∎ as it turns out, he needn't have worried en l'occurrence ou en fin de compte, ce n'était pas la peine de se faire du souci(a) (playing card, mattress, person, stone) retourner; (page) tourner; (vehicle) retourner; (boat) faire chavirer;∎ I was turning over the pages of the magazine je feuilletais la revue;∎ figurative to turn over a new leaf s'acheter une conduite;∎ Agriculture to turn over the soil retourner la terre(b) (consider) réfléchir à ou sur;∎ I was turning the idea over in my mind je tournais et retournais ou ruminais l'idée dans ma tête(c) (hand over, transfer) rendre, remettre;∎ he turned the responsibility over to his deputy il s'est déchargé de la responsabilité sur son adjoint;∎ to turn sb over to the authorities livrer qn aux autorités∎ he's turning the land over to cattle farming il reconvertit sa terre dans l'élevage du bétail∎ the store turns over £1,000 a week la boutique fait un chiffre d'affaires de 1000 livres par semaine(f) (search through) fouiller(g) British familiar (rob → person) voler□, dévaliser□ ; (→ store) dévaliser□ ; (→ house) cambrioler□(a) (roll over → person) se retourner; (→ vehicle) se retourner, faire un tonneau; (→ boat) se retourner, chavirer(c) (when reading) tourner;∎ please turn over (in letter) TSVP∎ she turned round and waved goodbye elle se retourna et dit au revoir de la main;∎ the dancers turned round and round les danseurs tournaient ou tournoyaient (sur eux-mêmes)(b) (face opposite direction → person) faire volte-face, faire demi-tour; (→ vehicle) faire demi-tour;∎ figurative she turned round and accused us of stealing elle s'est retournée contre nous et nous a accusés de vol(a) (rotate → head) tourner; (→ object, person) tourner, retourner; (→ vehicle) faire faire demi-tour à;∎ could you turn the car round please? tu peux faire demi-tour, s'il te plaît?(b) (quantity of work) traiter∎ to turn a situation round renverser une situation;∎ Commerce to turn a company round sauver une entreprise de la faillite(d) (sentence, idea) retourner∎ turn to chapter one allez au premier chapitre(b) (seek help from) s'adresser à, se tourner vers;∎ to turn to sb for advice consulter qn, demander conseil à qn;∎ I don't know who to turn to je ne sais pas à qui m'adresser ou qui aller trouver;∎ he turned to his mother for sympathy il s'est tourné vers sa mère pour qu'elle le console;∎ she won't turn to me for help elle ne veut pas me demander de l'aide;∎ he turned to the bottle il s'est mis à boire∎ her thoughts turned to her sister elle se mit à penser à sa sœur;∎ the discussion turned to the war on se mit à discuter de la guerre(d) (address → subject, issue etc) aborder, traiter;∎ we shall now turn to the problem of housing nous allons maintenant aborder le problème du logement;∎ let us turn to another topic passons à un autre sujet➲ turn up(a) (heat, lighting, radio, TV) mettre plus fort;∎ to turn the sound up augmenter ou monter le volume;∎ she turned the oven up elle a mis ou réglé le four plus fort, elle a augmenté la température du four;∎ British very familiar turn it up! la ferme!∎ her research turned up some interesting new facts sa recherche a révélé de nouveaux détails intéressants(c) (point upwards) remonter, relever;∎ she has a turned-up nose elle a le nez retroussé(d) (collar) relever; (trousers) remonter; (sleeve) retrousser, remonter; (in order to shorten) raccourcir en faisant un ourlet(e) (uncover → card) retourner∎ she turned up at my office this morning elle s'est présentée à mon bureau ce matin;∎ he'll turn up again one of these days il reviendra bien un de ces jours;∎ I'll take the first job that turns up je prendrai le premier poste qui se présentera(b) (be found) être trouvé ou retrouvé;∎ her bag turned up eventually elle a fini par retrouver son sac∎ don't worry, something will turn up ne t'en fais pas, tu finiras par trouver quelque chose;∎ until something better turns up en attendant mieux -
4 ♦ turn
♦ turn /tɜ:n/n.1 giro; rotazione; torsione: a few turns of the crank, qualche giro di manovella; to give the key a turn, dare un giro di chiave; with a neat turn of the wrist, con una perfetta torsione del polso2 turno; volta: «Whose turn is it?» «It's my turn», «a chi tocca?» «tocca a me» («è il mio turno»); Wait your turn, aspetta il tuo turno!; My turn will come, verrà il mio turno; ( oppure) verrà la volta buona anche per me!; by turns, a turni; uno alla volta; in rotazione3 curva; svolta ( anche fig.); voltata; traversa; ( di fiume) ansa: a sharp turn, una curva stretta; a turn to the right, una svolta a destra; The car took a sudden turn to the left, l'automobile fece un'improvvisa voltata a sinistra; Take the second turn on the right, prendi la seconda traversa a destra!; at the turn of the century, alla svolta (o alla fine, all'inizio) del secolo4 (naut., aeron.) accostata; virata6 cambiamento di direzione; piega (fig.): His illness took a turn for the worse, l'andamento della sua malattia prese una brutta piega7 (teatr.) numero; attrattiva; attrazione8 azione; servizio; tiro (fig.): He's done me many a good turn, m'ha reso più di un servizio; Let's hope he won't do me a bad turn, speriamo che non mi giochi un brutto tiro9 (arc.) giretto; passeggiatina11 fine; proposito; scopo: No doubt this tool will serve your turn, senz'altro questo attrezzo risponderà al tuo scopo (o ti potrà tornare utile); This serves my turn precisely, questo fa proprio al caso mio12 giro; modo d'essere (o di esprimersi); forma: a nice turn of phrase, un bel giro di frase; the turn of an ankle, la forma d'una caviglia13 (fam.) colpo; brutto colpo; scossa; spavento: It gave him a turn, hearing the sergeant's voice, sentire la voce del sergente è stato per lui un colpo14 (fam.) lieve indisposizione; breve malessere; attacco: He's had one of his turns again, non è che uno dei suoi soliti attacchi19 tendenza; corso; inversione di tendenza21 ( Borsa, fin.) scarto; differenza tra denaro e lettera; guadagno dell'operatore; plusvalenza professionale26 (ipp.) curva● (aeron.) turn and bank indicator, indicatore di virata e sbandamento □ turn and turn about, a turno; uno dopo l'altro; in successione; di seguito □ turn bench, tornio ( da orologiaio) □ turn bridge, ponte girevole □ ( anche fig.) a turn of the screw, un giro di vite □ the turn of the sentence, il giro dato alla frase □ (naut.) the turn of the tide, il cambiamento della marea □ turn of the wheel, giro della ruota; (fig.) volgere della sorte, repentino cambiamento della fortuna □ at every turn, a ogni svolta; (fig.) a ogni piè sospinto; tutti i momenti □ in turn, a turno; uno alla volta; a vicenda; a rotazione; a sua volta: I told Sam in (my) turn, a mia volta, l'ho detto a Sam; I asked each student in turn, ho fatto la domanda agli studenti uno alla volta □ (autom.) number of turns lock-to-lock, numero dei giri del volante per sterzata totale □ to owe sb. a good turn, essere indebitato verso q. (fig.) □ to take turns (o it in turns), fare a turno □ to take a turn at the wheel, mettersi al volante; dare il cambio alla guida □ ( anche autom.) to take a wrong turn, svoltare nel posto sbagliato; sbagliare al bivio (o all'incrocio) □ to be on the turn, ( del tempo, ecc.) (stare per) cambiare; ( di cibo) guastarsi; ( del latte) stare per inacidire: Public opinion seems to be on the turn, pare che la pubblica opinione stia cambiando; This wine is on the turn, questo vino si sta guastando □ out of turn, a sproposito; fuori luogo; al momento sbagliato: to speak out of turn, parlare a sproposito □ Turn for turn!, a buon rendere! □ (prov.) One good turn deserves another, i favori vanno ricambiati.♦ (to) turn /tɜ:n/A v. t.1 girare; far girare; voltare: to turn the corner, girare l'angolo; ( d'automobile) fare la curva; ( d'automobilista) prendere la curva; (fig.) superare il momento critico; Turn the key, gira la chiave!; Turn the knob to the right, gira a destra il pomello!; (mecc.) to turn a crank [a shaft, a wheel], far girare una manovella [un albero, una ruota]; ( anche fig.) to turn one's back on sb., voltare (o volgere) le spalle a q.; Turn your face this way, volta la faccia da questa parte!; She was turning the pages of the album, voltava le pagine dell'album2 rivoltare; rovesciare; far rivoltare; ribaltare; invertire: (mecc.) to turn the edge of a plate, rivoltare l'orlo d'una lamiera; to turn the spade, rivoltare la vanga; to turn a collar, rovesciare un colletto; to turn sb. 's stomach, far rivoltare lo stomaco a q.; ( calcio, ecc.) to turn the match, rovesciare il risultato3 rovesciare; versare; vuotare: She turned the soup into the tureen, ha rovesciato la minestra nella zuppiera4 dirigere; volgere; rivolgere: to turn one's eyes, volgere lo sguardo; to turn one's attention to a problem, rivolgere la propria attenzione a un problema; The bird turned its flight southwards, l'uccello diresse il volo verso sud5 distogliere; sviare; (far) deviare: No one could turn me from my purpose, nessuno è riuscito a distogliermi dal mio proposito; Luckily the helmet turned the bullet, per fortuna l'elmetto ha deviato il proiettile; to turn the course of history, deviare il corso della storia6 ( anche mil.) aggirare: The enemy cavalry turned the left flank of the Roman army, la cavalleria nemica aggirò il fianco sinistro dell'esercito romano8 cambiare; convertire; mutare; trasformare; far diventare: Christ turned water into wine, Cristo mutò l'acqua in vino; I turned him to more liberal views, lo convertii a idee più liberali; The cold weather has turned the leaves red, il freddo ha fatto diventar rosse le foglie; This machine turns cream into butter, questa macchina trasforma la panna in burro; to turn defeat into a victory, trasformare una sconfitta in una vittoria; DIALOGO → - Weather- It's turned chilly hasn't it?, si è fatto freschino, vero?10 (falegn., mecc.) lavorare ( un pezzo) al tornio; tornire ( anche fig.): to turn wood [brass, ivory], tornire il legno [l'ottone, l'avorio]; a well-turned phrase, un'espressione ben tornita12 far inacidire; far andare a male ( alimenti): The heat has turned the milk, il caldo ha fatto inacidire il latte16 ( calcio, ecc.) (spec. di un portiere) deviare: Our keeper turned the striker's powerful left-foot shot against the post, il nostro portiere ha deviato sul palo il potente sinistro dell'attaccante17 ( ginnastica) fare; eseguire: to turn cartwheels, fare la ruota; to turn a somersault, fare un salto mortaleB v. i.1 girare ( anche fig.); girarsi; volgersi; voltare; voltarsi; svoltare: Several artificial satellites are now turning round the earth, diversi satelliti artificiali girano ora intorno alla terra; My head is turning, mi gira la testa; The key won't turn, la chiave non gira (nella toppa); The road turns to the left, la strada svolta a sinistra; to turn down a street, svoltare in una strada; Let's turn now and go back, adesso voltiamo e torniamo indietro!; Suddenly he turned and hit me, all'improvviso si è girato e mi ha colpito2 dirigersi; rivolgersi; fare ricorso a (q.): She turned to God in her sorrow, nel suo dolore, si rivolse a Dio; I scarcely knew which way to turn, quasi non sapevo da che parte dirigermi (fig.: a che santo votarmi); to turn to one's notes, fare ricorso ai propri appunti3 girarsi, rivoltarsi ( nel letto, ecc.); ( dello stomaco) rivoltarsi: I was so upset that I tossed and turned all night, ero così turbato che mi agitai e rivoltai tutta la notte; My stomach turns at the smell of cucumbers, mi si rivolta lo stomaco all'odore dei cetrioli4 mutarsi; trasformarsi; diventare; farsi: The rain turned to sleet, la pioggia si mutò in nevischio; The wine turned to vinegar, il vino è diventato aceto; Joy has turned to sorrow, la gioia s'è trasformata in dolore; He turned Muslim, si fece maomettano; She turned pale, si è fatta pallida; è impallidita5 (naut., aeron.) invertire la rotta ( anche fig.); virare: The ship turned round, la nave virò di bordo; Suddenly the stock market turned, all'improvviso il mercato azionario ha invertito la rotta6 ( di cibo o bevanda) inacidire; andare a male; guastarsi: The milk has turned, il latte s'è inacidito7 cambiare colore: Now the leaves are turning ( yellow), ora le foglie mutano colore (o ingialliscono)8 (naut.: del vento, della marea) girare; cambiare: The tide is turning, la marea sta girando; when the weather turns, quando cambia il vento9 (comm., USA) andare; vendersi: Unisex garments are turning well this year, quest'anno i capi di vestiario unisex vanno bene (fam.: forte)10 (autom., ecc.) fare una curva● to turn one's back to one's problems, mettere da parte i (o non pensare ai) propri problemi □ to turn belly up, finire a pancia all'aria; ( di un pesce e fig.) morire, tirare le cuoia; (fig.) guastarsi, andare in tilt □ to turn sb. 's brain, far dar di volta il cervello a q.; far ammattire q. □ (fig.) to turn one's coat, voltar casacca, voltar gabbana; cambiare partito □ to turn a deaf ear, far orecchi da mercante; non voler sentire □ (autom.) «Turn left [right]» ( cartello), «svolta a sinistra [a destra]» □ to turn sb. 's head, far girare la testa (montare la testa) a q.: Success has turned his head, il successo gli ha montato la testa (o gli ha dato alla testa) □ (fam.) to turn an honest penny, fare un onesto guadagno □ to turn loose, lasciar libero ( un animale domestico); dare la massima libertà a (q.); (mil., USA) impiegare, aprire il fuoco con ( cannoni, ecc.) □ to turn low, abbassare, diminuire ( il gas, la luce, ecc.) □ to turn red, arrossire; far arrossire □ to turn the scales, far traboccare la bilancia; (fig.) essere decisivo □ to turn tail, fuggire, darsela a gambe □ (volg. USA) to turn a trick, fare una marchetta □ (tipogr.) turned comma, virgoletta □ (fig.) not to turn a hair, non batter ciglio □ (mecc.) This material turns well [easily], questo materiale si lavora bene [facilmente] al tornio □ The clock turned seven, l'orologio segnò le sette □ He has just turned twenty, ha appena compiuto vent'anni □ (autom.) «Lorries turning» ( cartello), «autocarri in manovra». -
5 turn
turn nвиражangle of turnугол разворотаbanked turnразворот с креномbase turnразворот на посадочную площадкуbase turn procedureсхема разворота на посадочный кругbase turn templateшаблон схемы разворота на посадочный курсclear for the left-hand turnдавать разрешение на левый разворотclimbing turnразворот с набором высотыcomplete the turnзавершать разворотdelay the turnзатягивать разворотdescending turnразворот со снижениемdirection of turnнаправление разворотаenter the turnвходить в разворотexecute the turnвыполнять разворотfinal turnразворот на посадочную прямуюflat turnплоский разворотflight corrective turnдоворот для коррекции направления полетаgentle turnпологий разворотgliding turnразворот в процессе планированияhovering turnразворот в режиме висенияidentifying turnразворот с целью опознаванияinbound turnразворот в сторону приближенияinitiate the turnвходить в разворотinside turnразворот с креном к центру разворотаinstrument turnразворот по приборамjoining turnразворот на курс полетаlanding turnразворот на посадкуlead-type turnразворот с упреждениемleft-hand turnлевый разворотlevel turnгоризонтальный разворотmake a turnвыполнять разворотoutbound turnразворот в сторону удаленияoutside turnразворот с креном от центра разворотаovershoot turnпологий разворотprocedure turnразворот по установленной схемеprocedure turn templateшаблон схемы стандартного разворотаrate of turnскорость разворотаrecover from the turnвыходить из разворотаrecovery from the turnвыход из разворотаreverse turnразворот на обратный курсroll into the turnвходить в разворотroll out of the turnвыходить из разворотаsharp turnвиражskidding turnразворот с наружным скольжениемslipping turnразворот с внутренним скольжениемstandard rate turnразворот по стандартной схемеsteady turnустановившийся разворотsteep turnвиражsustained turnустановившийся разворотsustained turn rateскорость установившегося разворотаteardrop procedure turnвыход на посадочный курс отворотом на расчетный уголteardrop turnразворот на посадочный курсtighten the turnуменьшать радиус разворотаtrue-banked turnразворот без скольженияturn backразворачиватьсяturn barуказательturn characteristicsхарактеристики на разворотахturn control knobручка управления разворотомturn downwindразворачивать по ветруturn inдоворачиватьturn inboundразворачиватьturn indicatorгирополукомпасturn into the windразворачивать против ветраturn leadупреждение разворотаturn lead angleугол упреждения при разворотеturn lead distanceдистанция линейного упреждения разворотаturn offсходить с ВППturn off the systemвыключать системуturn on base leg1. выполнять третий разворот2. третий разворот turn on crosswind leg1. выполнять первый разворот2. первый разворот turn on downwind leg1. выполнять второй разворот2. второй разворот turn on final1. выполнять четвертый разворот2. четвертый разворот turn on the systemвключать системуturn outboundотворачиватьturn overперекрыватьturn tableповоротный стендturn the proper tank onвключать подачу топлива из бока с помощью механического кранаturn to finalразворот на посадочную прямуюturn to portвыполнять левый разворотturn to starboardвыполнять правый разворотundershoot turnпреждевременный разворотupwind turnразворот против ветраwide turnпологий разворотwings-level turnразворот без крена -
6 turn
turn [tɜ:n]1. n1) оборо́т ( колеса);at each turn при ка́ждом оборо́те
2) поворо́т;right (left, about) turn! воен. напра́во! (нале́во!, круго́м!)
3) измене́ние или отклоне́ние от пре́жнего направле́ния4) поворо́тный пункт6) переме́на; измене́ние ( состояния);a turn for the better измене́ние к лу́чшему
;the milk is on the turn молоко́ скиса́ет
;he hopes for a turn in his luck он наде́ется, что ему́ повезёт
;my affairs have taken a bad turn мои́ дела́ при́няли дурно́й оборо́т
7) спосо́бность; склад ( характера); стиль, мане́ра, отличи́тельная черта́;she has a turn for music у неё есть музыка́льные спосо́бности
;he has an optimistic turn of mind он оптими́ст
8) о́чередь;turn and turn about, in turn, by turns по о́череди
;to take turns де́лать поочерёдно, сменя́ться
;to wait one's turn ждать свое́й о́череди
;а) вне о́череди;б) неуме́стно, беста́ктно9) коро́ткая прогу́лка, пое́здка;to take ( или to go for) a turn прогуля́ться
10) очередно́й но́мер програ́ммы, вы́ход; сце́нка, интерме́дия11) (рабо́чая) сме́на12) коро́ткий пери́од де́ятельности13) услу́га;to do smb. a good (an ill) turn оказа́ть кому́-л. хоро́шую (плоху́ю) услу́гу
14) разг. при́ступ, вспы́шка, припа́док; шок;a turn of anger припа́док гне́ва
;to give smb. a turn взволнова́ть кого́-л.
15) вито́к (проволоки, резьбы)a turn of speech оборо́т ре́чи
17) строе́ние, фо́рма;the turn of the ankle фо́рма лоды́жки
18) полигр. мара́шка19) pl менструа́ции20) бирж. курсова́я при́быль◊at every turn на ка́ждом шагу́, постоя́нно
;to serve one's turn годи́ться ( для определённой цели)
;to a turn то́чно
;(meat is) done to a turn (мя́со) зажа́рено как раз в ме́ру
;one good turn deserves another посл. услу́га за услу́гу
;not to do a hand's turn и па́льцем не пошевели́ть
2. v1) враща́ть(ся), верте́ть(ся)2) повора́чивать(ся); обраща́ться; повёртывать(ся);to turn to the right поверну́ть напра́во
;to turn on one's heel(s) кру́то поверну́ться (и уйти́)
3) вывора́чивать наизна́нку (тж. turn inside out); перевора́чивать;to turn upside down переверну́ть вверх дном
4) направля́ть, сосредото́чивать (тж. внимание, усилия);to turn the hose on the fire напра́вить струю́ на ого́нь
;to turn one's hand to smth. принима́ться за что-л.
;to turn one's mind to smth. ду́мать о чём-л., обрати́ть внима́ние на что-л., сосредото́читься на чём-л.
5) превраща́ть(ся); переде́лывать(ся) (into);to turn milk into butter сбива́ть ма́сло
;to turn a book into a play инсцени́ровать кни́гу
6) изменя́ть(ся);luck has turned форту́на измени́ла
7) как глагол-связка де́латься, станови́ться;to turn red покрасне́ть
;to turn sick почу́вствовать тошноту́
;to turn teacher стать учи́телем
8) меня́ться, изменя́ть цвет, ка́чество; по́ртить(ся);the leaves turned early ли́стья ра́но пожелте́ли
;the milk has turned молоко́ проки́сло
9) расстра́ивать ( пищеварение, психику, здоровье и т.п.); вызыва́ть отвраще́ние11) огиба́ть, обходи́ть;а) обойти́ проти́вника с фла́нга;б) перехитри́ть кого́-л.12) дости́гнуть (известного момента, возраста, количества);he has turned fifty ему́ за пятьдеся́т
;it has now turned 4 o'clock уже́ четы́ре часа́, уже́ пя́тый час
13) перевора́чиваться, кувырка́ться15) точи́ть ( на токарном станке); обта́чивать16) отта́чивать, придава́ть изя́щную фо́рму17) обду́мывать (вопрос, проблему)19) вспа́хивать, паха́тьturn about обора́чиваться; поверну́ть круго́м (на 180°);а) восста́ть про́тив;б) восстанови́ть про́тив;а) отвора́чиваться;б) отклоня́ть(ся);а) отвора́чивать(ся); отвраща́ть;б) отклоня́ть, отверга́ть;в) прогоня́ть, увольня́ть;а) прогна́ть;б) поверну́ть наза́д;в) оберну́ться;а) отверга́ть ( предложение); отка́зывать (кому-л.);в) загну́ть; отогну́ть;to turn down a collar отогну́ть воротни́к
;а) зайти́ мимохо́дом;б) возвраща́ть, отдава́ть; сдава́ть;you must turn in your uniform when you leave the army вам ну́жно бу́дет верну́ть обмундирова́ние, когда вы демобилизу́етесь
;в) разг. лечь спать;г) повора́чивать вовну́трь;to turn in one's toes поста́вить но́ги носка́ми внутрь
;в) вызыва́ть неприя́знь, отбива́ть интере́с;г) увольня́ть;а) открыва́ть (кран, шлюз); включа́ть ( свет);б) разг. волнова́ть; сексуа́льно возбужда́ть;в) разг. одурма́нивать или быть одурма́ненным нарко́тиками;г) зави́сеть (от);much turns on his answer мно́гое зави́сит от его́ отве́та
;а) выгоня́ть; увольня́ть; исключа́ть;б) туши́ть ( свет);в) украша́ть, наряжа́ть; снаряжа́ть;г) выпуска́ть ( изделия);д) вывёртывать (карман, перчатку);е) разг. встава́ть ( с постели);ж) вы́йти и́з дому;з) собра́ться, прибы́ть;the fire brigade turned out as soon as the fire broke out пожа́рная кома́нда прибыла́, как то́лько начался́ пожа́р
;и) ока́зываться;he turned out an excellent actor он оказа́лся прекра́сным актёром
;as it turned out как оказа́лось
;к) бастова́ть;л) вызыва́ть;turn out the guard вы́зовите карау́л
;а) перевёртывать(ся);б) опроки́дывать(ся);в) обду́мывать;г) передава́ть (дело, доверенность и т.п.) друго́му;д) ком. име́ть оборо́т;е) тех. запуска́ть дви́гатель;а) обора́чиваться; повора́чиваться;б) изменя́ть (свои взгляды, политику и т.п.);а) приня́ться за рабо́ту, де́ло;б) обрати́ться к кому-л.;в) преврати́ться (во что-л.);а) уси́ливать;to turn up the radio сде́лать ра́дио гро́мче
;б) поднима́ть(ся) вверх; загиба́ть(ся);her nose turns up у неё вздёрнутый нос
;в) обнару́живать, находи́ть;г) внеза́пно появля́ться; приходи́ть, приезжа́ть;д) случа́ться; подверну́ться, оказа́ться;something will turn up что́-нибудь да подвернётся
;е) разг. вызыва́ть тошноту́;ж) откры́ть ( карту);turn upon внеза́пно измени́ть отноше́ние к кому-л.; ополча́ться (против кого-л.)◊to turn smb.'s head вскружи́ть кому́-л. го́лову
;а) спуска́ть (живо́тное) с це́пи;б) освобожда́ть;to turn yellow стру́сить
;to turn the scale ( или the balance) реши́ть исхо́д де́ла
;not to know which way to turn не знать, что предприня́ть
;to turn out in the cold ≅ игнори́ровать (кого-л.), проявля́ть невнима́ние (к кому-л.)
;to turn up one's heels протяну́ть но́ги
7 turn in
1) colloq. (go to bed) andare a coricarsito turn in on itself — [leaf, page] accartocciarsi
to turn in on oneself — fig. chiudersi in se stesso; turn in [sth.], turn [sth.] in colloq.
4) (produce)to turn in a profit — dare o fare registrare un profitto
to turn in a good performance — [ player] rendersi protagonista di una buona prestazione; [ company] avere dei buoni risultati
5) (give up) rinunciare a, abbandonare [job, activity]; turn [sb.] in, turn in [sb.] consegnare alla polizia [ suspect]; turn oneself in consegnarsi alla polizia, costituirsi* * *(to hand over (a person or thing) to people in authority: They turned the escaped prisoner in to the police.) consegnare* * *1. vi + adv1)2) (fam: go to bed) andare a letto2. vt + adv1) (hand over) consegnare2) (fold) voltare in dentro* * *1) colloq. (go to bed) andare a coricarsito turn in on itself — [leaf, page] accartocciarsi
to turn in on oneself — fig. chiudersi in se stesso; turn in [sth.], turn [sth.] in colloq.
4) (produce)to turn in a profit — dare o fare registrare un profitto
to turn in a good performance — [ player] rendersi protagonista di una buona prestazione; [ company] avere dei buoni risultati
5) (give up) rinunciare a, abbandonare [job, activity]; turn [sb.] in, turn in [sb.] consegnare alla polizia [ suspect]; turn oneself in consegnarsi alla polizia, costituirsi -
8 turn up
1) (arrive, show up) comparire, farsi vivo2) (be found)don't worry - it will turn up — non ti preoccupare, salterà fuori
3) (present itself) [opportunity, job] presentarsi, capitare4) (point up) [corner, edge] sporgere in fuori; turn up [sth.], turn [sth.] up5) (increase, intensify) aumentare [ gas]; aumentare, alzare [heating, volume]; alzare (il volume di) [TV, radio, music]6) (point up) alzare [ collar]7) (discover) portare alla luce [ buried object]; [ person] trovare [ information]* * *1) (to appear or arrive: He turned up at our house.) presentarsi, arrivare2) (to be found: Don't worry - it'll turn up again.) (essere trovato)3) (to increase (the level of noise, light etc) produced by (something): Turn up (the volume on) the radio.) aumentare, alzare* * *1. vi + adv1) (lost object) saltar fuori, (person) arrivare, presentarsithe painting turned up in an old house in Devon — il dipinto è saltato fuori in una vecchia casa nel Devon
2) (point towards) essere rivolto (-a) all'insù2. vt + adv1) (collar, sleeve, hem) alzare, tirare su2) (heat, gas, radio) alzare3) (find) scoprire* * *1) (arrive, show up) comparire, farsi vivo2) (be found)don't worry - it will turn up — non ti preoccupare, salterà fuori
3) (present itself) [opportunity, job] presentarsi, capitare4) (point up) [corner, edge] sporgere in fuori; turn up [sth.], turn [sth.] up5) (increase, intensify) aumentare [ gas]; aumentare, alzare [heating, volume]; alzare (il volume di) [TV, radio, music]6) (point up) alzare [ collar]7) (discover) portare alla luce [ buried object]; [ person] trovare [ information] -
9 ■ turn on
■ turn onA v. t. + avv.1 aprire ( un rubinetto, il gas, ecc.); girare ( un interruttore); accendere ( la luce, la radio, la tivù, ecc.); far correre ( l'acqua): Turn on the tap!, apri il rubinetto; Turn on the radio, please!, accendi la radio, per favore!; DIALOGO → - Putting the heating on- I'm cold, shall we turn the heating on?, ho freddo, accendiamo il riscaldamento?3 (comput.) accendere5 (fam.) eccitare sessualmente; far perdere la testa a (q.): Jane really turned him on, Jane gli faceva proprio perdere la testaB v. i. + avv.2 (fam.) prendere interesse; essere motivato; entusiasmarsi3 (fam.) eccitarsi; infiammarsi (fig.); perdere la testa: Too many young people are using drugs to turn on, troppi giovani prendono la droga per eccitarsiC v. t. + prep.D v. i. + prep.1 rivoltarsi contro (q.); attaccare; assalire: The burglar turned on me and stabbed me, il ladro mi si è rivoltato contro e mi ha dato una coltellata3 incentrarsi in: The debate will turn on the economic outlook, il dibattito si incentrerà sulle prospettive dell'economia4 dipendere da: Everything turns on his answer, tutto dipende dalla sua risposta □ to turn sb. on to st., far conoscere qc. a q., avvicinare (o appassionare) q. a qc.; ( slang) iniziare q. a ( una droga) □ to turn one's back on, voltare le spalle a ( anche fig.) □ (mil.) to turn on the guard, chiamare la guardia □ to turn on one's heels, girare su (o alzare) i tacchi; tagliare la corda (fig.) □ to turn the key on sb., chiudere q. fuori di casa □ (fin.) to turn on the money-supply taps, aprire le fonti di credito; allargare i cordoni della borsa (fam.) □ (fig. fam.) to turn on the waterworks, dare la stura alle lacrime; mettersi a piangere a dirotto □ (fam., scherz.) Whatever turns you on!, de gustibus!; contento te! -
10 ■ turn up
■ turn upA v. t. + avv.1 voltare in su; arricciare: She turned up her nose at my proposal, alla mia proposta, lei arricciò il naso2 piegare in su; tirare su; alzare; rialzare: to turn up the collar of one's fur coat, alzare il bavero della pelliccia7 portare alla luce (o in superficie); scoprire, trovare ( anche fig.): The diggers turned up a skeleton, gli scavatori hanno portato alla luce uno scheletro; to turn up the proof, scoprire le prove9 alzare (il volume di): Turn up the radio, please, alza il volume della radio, per favore!10 alzare, aumentare ( la fiamma del gas, ecc.): Turn up the gas, will you?, alza il gas, per favore!11 (fam.) dare il voltastomaco, far venire la nausea a (q.)12 (pop.) smetterla, piantarla: Turn it up!, piantala!B v. i. + avv.1 comparire; riapparire; farsi vivo: He hasn't turned up yet, non s'è ancora fatto vivo; The missing soldier turned up after a long time, il soldato disperso riapparve dopo molto tempo; DIALOGO → - Lost child 2- I'm sure your daughter will turn up shortly, sono sicuro che vostra figlia si farà viva tra poco3 ( di un oggetto smarrito, ecc.) saltare fuori; ricomparire: Your ring will turn up, il tuo anello salterà fuori5 (fin.) tendere al rialzo; aumentare; migliorare; crescere: The dollar seems to be turning up, sembra che il dollaro tenda al rialzo; Trade is turning up, gli scambi migliorano □ to turn up trumps ► trump (1) □ a fine turned-up nose, un nasino all'insù. -
11 turn on
to turn on the charm — tirare fuori tutto il proprio fascino; turn [sb.] on, turn on [sb.] colloq. eccitare, prendere
* * *1) (to make water, elekctric current etc flow: He turned on the water / the gas.) accendere2) (to turn (a tap, switch etc) so that something works: I turned on the tap.) aprire, accendere3) (to cause (something) to work by switching it on: He turned on the radio.) accendere4) (to attack: The dog turned on him.) attaccare* * *1. vi + adv(appliance) accendersi2. vt + adv2) (fam: person: also sexually) eccitare* * *to turn on the charm — tirare fuori tutto il proprio fascino; turn [sb.] on, turn on [sb.] colloq. eccitare, prendere
12 turn
TURN TO, ONTurn to означает 'повернуть(ся), поворачивать(ся)': to turn to one's interlocutor, to turn to the right. Turn to означает также 'обратиться к чему-л.' (направить внимание на что-л., приступить к чему-л.): to turn to one's work, to turn to Shakespeare (в лекции, докладе и т. д.); Turn to имеет, кроме того, значение 'обратиться к кому-л. (за поддержкой, советом): to turn to a person for help, to turn to a friend for comfort. Turn on означает 'внезапно обратиться против, наброситься на': to turn on somebody with a scornful look (with a threatening gesture).Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > turn
13 turn in
1) (colloq) ( go to bed) aller se coucher2) ( point inwards)to turn in on itself — [leaf, page] se recroqueviller
to turn in on oneself — fig se replier sur soi-même
turn in [something], turn [something] in (colloq)3) ( hand in) rendre [badge, homework]4) ( produce)to turn in a good performance — [player] bien jouer; [company] avoir de bons résultats
5) ( give up) laisser tomber (colloq) [job, activity] -
14 ■ turn to
■ turn toA v. i. + prep.2 voltare; andare; passare a: Turn to page 55, andate a pagina 55!; turning to the next painting, passando (oltre) al quadro successivo3 rivolgersi, ricorrere a: The student turned to his teacher for advice, lo studente si rivolse all'insegnante per averne consigli4 mettersi, applicarsi a, darsi a: He turned to his work, si è messo al lavoro; to turn to shoplifting, mettersi a rubare nei negozi; to turn to music, darsi alla musicaB v. t. + prep.1 volgere; mettere; tramutare: He turned his knowledge to good account, ha messo a buon profitto la sua cultura3 indirizzare, dirigere, dedicare a: to turn one's skill to the service of the needy, dedicare le proprie capacità al servizio degli indigenti □ to turn a blind eye to, fingere di non vedere, chiudere un occhio su (qc.) □ to turn a cold shoulder to sb., trattare q. con grande freddezza; essere scortese con q. □ to turn a deaf ear to, non prestare ascolto a (q. o qc.) □ to turn one's hand to, mettere mano a, intraprendere ( un lavoro); mettersi a (fare qc.). -
15 ■ turn in
■ turn inA v. t. + avv.3 restituire; rendere; dare indietro (fam.); consegnare: You must turn in your badge, devi restituire il distintivo; He turned in his gun to the police, ha consegnato l'arma alla polizia5 (fin.: di un conto) dare ( un certo saldo); far registrare: Our balance of payments will turn in a surplus next year, la nostra bilancia dei pagamenti farà registrare un saldo attivo l'anno prossimoB v. i. + avv.2 (autom.) curvare; voltare; fare una curva3 (fam.) rincasare; andare a letto; andare a dormire □ to turn oneself in, presentarsi spontaneamente ( alla giustizia, alla polizia, ecc.) □ to turn in on oneself, rinchiudersi in sé stesso □ (fig.) to turn in one's grave, rivoltarsi nella tomba. -
16 turn up
turn up а) поднимать вверх; загибать; to turn up the ends of one's trousersподвернуть брюки; to turn up the collar поднять воротник; her nose turns up унее вздернутый нос; б) подниматься вверх; загибаться; в) подшивать (платье);г) прибавлять (газ, свет); д) усиливать (звук); е) увеличивать (скорость); ж)развивать (такую-то угловую скорость); иметь (такую-то мощность); the engineturns up 100 horsepower мощность двигателя составляет 100 лошадиных сил; з)переворачивать на спину; и) вскапывать; вспахивать; выкапывать; to turn up thesoil пахать землю; к) открывать (карту); открываться (о карте); the ten ofhearts turned up открылась десятка червей; л) выискивать, находить; to turn upa word in the dictionary искать слово в словаре; м) находиться, обнаружи-ваться; н) оказаться, выясниться; he turned up missing at roll call на перек-личке его не оказалось; выяснилось, что на перекличке его нет; о) внезапно по-являться; п) подвернуться; случаться; to wait for smth. to turn up ожидать,что что-нибудь подвернётся; р) coll. вызывать рвоту; с) leg. оправдать за не-достатком улик; -
17 turn-on
tr['tɜːnɒn]noun (colloq)it's a big turn-on for him — lo excita, lo vuelve loco (fam)
['tɜːnɒn]N (=girl) tía f buena *; (=guy) tío m bueno *I don't find those sorts of film a turn-on at all — a mí esas películas no me ponen (cachondo) para nada
* * *noun (colloq)it's a big turn-on for him — lo excita, lo vuelve loco (fam)
18 turn in
turn in а) зайти мимоходом; б) coll. лечь спать; в) coll. возвращать, отда-вать; сдавать; you must turn in your uniform when you leave the army вам нужнобудет вернуть обмундирование, когда вы демобилизуетесь; г) поворачивать вов-нутрь; to turn in one's toes поставить ноги носками внутрь; д) свёртываться,складываться вовнутрь; е) менять; to turn in an old car for a new model поме-нять старый автомобиль на новый; ж) выдавать (полиции) з) отказываться (отсвоей должности); и) sport выступить; к) agric. запахивать -
19 turn on
turn on [something], turn [something] on allumer [light, oven, TV, radio, gas]; ouvrir [tap]; charm; turn [somebody] on, turn on [somebody] (colloq) exciter -
20 turn up
1) (arrive, show up) arriver, se pointer (colloq)2) ( present itself) [opportunity, job] se présenter3) ( point up) [corner, edge] être relevéturn up [something], turn [something] up4) (increase, intensify) augmenter [heating, volume, gas]; mettre [quelque chose] plus fort [TV, radio, music]5) ( point up) relever [collar]6) ( discover) déterrer [buried object]; [person] découvrir [information]
См. также в других словарях:
Turn — (t[^u]rn), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Turned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Turning}.] [OE. turnen, tournen, OF. tourner, torner, turner, F. tourner, LL. tornare, fr. L. tornare to turn in a lathe, to rounds off, fr. tornus a lathe, Gr. ? a turner s chisel, a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
turn — [tʉrn] vt. [ME turnen < OE turnian & OFr turner, tourner, both < L tornare, to turn in a lathe, turn < tornus, lathe < Gr tornos, lathe, carpenter s compasses, akin to terein, to bore through: for IE base see THROW] I to cause to… … English World dictionary
turn — ► VERB 1) move in a circular direction wholly or partly around an axis. 2) move into a different position, especially so as to face or move in the opposite direction. 3) change in nature, state, form, or colour; make or become. 4) shape on a… … English terms dictionary
Turn — Turn, v. i. 1. To move round; to have a circular motion; to revolve entirely, repeatedly, or partially; to change position, so as to face differently; to whirl or wheel round; as, a wheel turns on its axis; a spindle turns on a pivot; a man turns … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Turn — Turn, n. 1. The act of turning; movement or motion about, or as if about, a center or axis; revolution; as, the turn of a wheel. [1913 Webster] 2. Change of direction, course, or tendency; different order, position, or aspect of affairs;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
turn — TURN, turnuri, s.n. 1. Construcţie prismatică sau cilindrică, clădită separat sau făcând parte dintr un complex arhitectural, fiind de obicei mai înaltă decât celelalte construcţii. ♢ Turn de răcire = construcţie de lemn, de piatră, de beton… … Dicționar Român
turn — turn; coun·ter·turn; re·turn·abil·i·ty; re·turn·able; re·turn·ee; re·turn·less; tac·i·turn; tac·i·turn·ly; top·sy·turn; turn·able; turn·bull s; turn·dun; turn·halle; turn·pik·er; turn·sole; turn·ver·ein; un·turn; noc·turn; re·turn; turn·wrest;… … English syllables
Turn — may refer to:In music: *Turn (music), a sequence of several notes next to each other in the scale *Turn (band), an Irish rock group:* Turn LP, a 2005 rock album by Turn * Turn (The Ex album), a 2004 punk album by The Ex * Turn (Feeder song), a… … Wikipedia
Turn It Up — «Turn It Up» Sencillo de Paris Hilton del álbum Paris Publicación 15 de julio de 2006 Formato Descarga digital, sencillo en CD Grabación 2006 … Wikipedia Español
turn — [n1] revolution, curving about face, angle, bend, bias, bow, branch, change, changeabout, circle, circuit, circulation, circumvolution, corner, curve, cycle, departure, detour, deviation, direction, drift, flection, flexure, fork, gyration, gyre … New thesaurus
Turn It Up — may refer to:* Turn It Up (film), a 2000 drama/musical movie * Turn It Up! , an American television game show * Turn It Up (album), an album by Shannon Noll * , an album by Busta Rhymes * Turn It Up (Johnta Austin song) * Turn It Up (Brandy song) … Wikipedia