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  • 101 Artificial Intelligence

       In my opinion, none of [these programs] does even remote justice to the complexity of human mental processes. Unlike men, "artificially intelligent" programs tend to be single minded, undistractable, and unemotional. (Neisser, 1967, p. 9)
       Future progress in [artificial intelligence] will depend on the development of both practical and theoretical knowledge.... As regards theoretical knowledge, some have sought a unified theory of artificial intelligence. My view is that artificial intelligence is (or soon will be) an engineering discipline since its primary goal is to build things. (Nilsson, 1971, pp. vii-viii)
       Most workers in AI [artificial intelligence] research and in related fields confess to a pronounced feeling of disappointment in what has been achieved in the last 25 years. Workers entered the field around 1950, and even around 1960, with high hopes that are very far from being realized in 1972. In no part of the field have the discoveries made so far produced the major impact that was then promised.... In the meantime, claims and predictions regarding the potential results of AI research had been publicized which went even farther than the expectations of the majority of workers in the field, whose embarrassments have been added to by the lamentable failure of such inflated predictions....
       When able and respected scientists write in letters to the present author that AI, the major goal of computing science, represents "another step in the general process of evolution"; that possibilities in the 1980s include an all-purpose intelligence on a human-scale knowledge base; that awe-inspiring possibilities suggest themselves based on machine intelligence exceeding human intelligence by the year 2000 [one has the right to be skeptical]. (Lighthill, 1972, p. 17)
       4) Just as Astronomy Succeeded Astrology, the Discovery of Intellectual Processes in Machines Should Lead to a Science, Eventually
       Just as astronomy succeeded astrology, following Kepler's discovery of planetary regularities, the discoveries of these many principles in empirical explorations on intellectual processes in machines should lead to a science, eventually. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 11)
       Many problems arise in experiments on machine intelligence because things obvious to any person are not represented in any program. One can pull with a string, but one cannot push with one.... Simple facts like these caused serious problems when Charniak attempted to extend Bobrow's "Student" program to more realistic applications, and they have not been faced up to until now. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 77)
       What do we mean by [a symbolic] "description"? We do not mean to suggest that our descriptions must be made of strings of ordinary language words (although they might be). The simplest kind of description is a structure in which some features of a situation are represented by single ("primitive") symbols, and relations between those features are represented by other symbols-or by other features of the way the description is put together. (Minsky & Papert, 1973, p. 11)
       [AI is] the use of computer programs and programming techniques to cast light on the principles of intelligence in general and human thought in particular. (Boden, 1977, p. 5)
       The word you look for and hardly ever see in the early AI literature is the word knowledge. They didn't believe you have to know anything, you could always rework it all.... In fact 1967 is the turning point in my mind when there was enough feeling that the old ideas of general principles had to go.... I came up with an argument for what I called the primacy of expertise, and at the time I called the other guys the generalists. (Moses, quoted in McCorduck, 1979, pp. 228-229)
       9) Artificial Intelligence Is Psychology in a Particularly Pure and Abstract Form
       The basic idea of cognitive science is that intelligent beings are semantic engines-in other words, automatic formal systems with interpretations under which they consistently make sense. We can now see why this includes psychology and artificial intelligence on a more or less equal footing: people and intelligent computers (if and when there are any) turn out to be merely different manifestations of the same underlying phenomenon. Moreover, with universal hardware, any semantic engine can in principle be formally imitated by a computer if only the right program can be found. And that will guarantee semantic imitation as well, since (given the appropriate formal behavior) the semantics is "taking care of itself" anyway. Thus we also see why, from this perspective, artificial intelligence can be regarded as psychology in a particularly pure and abstract form. The same fundamental structures are under investigation, but in AI, all the relevant parameters are under direct experimental control (in the programming), without any messy physiology or ethics to get in the way. (Haugeland, 1981b, p. 31)
       There are many different kinds of reasoning one might imagine:
        Formal reasoning involves the syntactic manipulation of data structures to deduce new ones following prespecified rules of inference. Mathematical logic is the archetypical formal representation. Procedural reasoning uses simulation to answer questions and solve problems. When we use a program to answer What is the sum of 3 and 4? it uses, or "runs," a procedural model of arithmetic. Reasoning by analogy seems to be a very natural mode of thought for humans but, so far, difficult to accomplish in AI programs. The idea is that when you ask the question Can robins fly? the system might reason that "robins are like sparrows, and I know that sparrows can fly, so robins probably can fly."
        Generalization and abstraction are also natural reasoning process for humans that are difficult to pin down well enough to implement in a program. If one knows that Robins have wings, that Sparrows have wings, and that Blue jays have wings, eventually one will believe that All birds have wings. This capability may be at the core of most human learning, but it has not yet become a useful technique in AI.... Meta- level reasoning is demonstrated by the way one answers the question What is Paul Newman's telephone number? You might reason that "if I knew Paul Newman's number, I would know that I knew it, because it is a notable fact." This involves using "knowledge about what you know," in particular, about the extent of your knowledge and about the importance of certain facts. Recent research in psychology and AI indicates that meta-level reasoning may play a central role in human cognitive processing. (Barr & Feigenbaum, 1981, pp. 146-147)
       Suffice it to say that programs already exist that can do things-or, at the very least, appear to be beginning to do things-which ill-informed critics have asserted a priori to be impossible. Examples include: perceiving in a holistic as opposed to an atomistic way; using language creatively; translating sensibly from one language to another by way of a language-neutral semantic representation; planning acts in a broad and sketchy fashion, the details being decided only in execution; distinguishing between different species of emotional reaction according to the psychological context of the subject. (Boden, 1981, p. 33)
       Can the synthesis of Man and Machine ever be stable, or will the purely organic component become such a hindrance that it has to be discarded? If this eventually happens-and I have... good reasons for thinking that it must-we have nothing to regret and certainly nothing to fear. (Clarke, 1984, p. 243)
       The thesis of GOFAI... is not that the processes underlying intelligence can be described symbolically... but that they are symbolic. (Haugeland, 1985, p. 113)
        14) Artificial Intelligence Provides a Useful Approach to Psychological and Psychiatric Theory Formation
       It is all very well formulating psychological and psychiatric theories verbally but, when using natural language (even technical jargon), it is difficult to recognise when a theory is complete; oversights are all too easily made, gaps too readily left. This is a point which is generally recognised to be true and it is for precisely this reason that the behavioural sciences attempt to follow the natural sciences in using "classical" mathematics as a more rigorous descriptive language. However, it is an unfortunate fact that, with a few notable exceptions, there has been a marked lack of success in this application. It is my belief that a different approach-a different mathematics-is needed, and that AI provides just this approach. (Hand, quoted in Hand, 1985, pp. 6-7)
       We might distinguish among four kinds of AI.
       Research of this kind involves building and programming computers to perform tasks which, to paraphrase Marvin Minsky, would require intelligence if they were done by us. Researchers in nonpsychological AI make no claims whatsoever about the psychological realism of their programs or the devices they build, that is, about whether or not computers perform tasks as humans do.
       Research here is guided by the view that the computer is a useful tool in the study of mind. In particular, we can write computer programs or build devices that simulate alleged psychological processes in humans and then test our predictions about how the alleged processes work. We can weave these programs and devices together with other programs and devices that simulate different alleged mental processes and thereby test the degree to which the AI system as a whole simulates human mentality. According to weak psychological AI, working with computer models is a way of refining and testing hypotheses about processes that are allegedly realized in human minds.
    ... According to this view, our minds are computers and therefore can be duplicated by other computers. Sherry Turkle writes that the "real ambition is of mythic proportions, making a general purpose intelligence, a mind." (Turkle, 1984, p. 240) The authors of a major text announce that "the ultimate goal of AI research is to build a person or, more humbly, an animal." (Charniak & McDermott, 1985, p. 7)
       Research in this field, like strong psychological AI, takes seriously the functionalist view that mentality can be realized in many different types of physical devices. Suprapsychological AI, however, accuses strong psychological AI of being chauvinisticof being only interested in human intelligence! Suprapsychological AI claims to be interested in all the conceivable ways intelligence can be realized. (Flanagan, 1991, pp. 241-242)
        16) Determination of Relevance of Rules in Particular Contexts
       Even if the [rules] were stored in a context-free form the computer still couldn't use them. To do that the computer requires rules enabling it to draw on just those [ rules] which are relevant in each particular context. Determination of relevance will have to be based on further facts and rules, but the question will again arise as to which facts and rules are relevant for making each particular determination. One could always invoke further facts and rules to answer this question, but of course these must be only the relevant ones. And so it goes. It seems that AI workers will never be able to get started here unless they can settle the problem of relevance beforehand by cataloguing types of context and listing just those facts which are relevant in each. (Dreyfus & Dreyfus, 1986, p. 80)
       Perhaps the single most important idea to artificial intelligence is that there is no fundamental difference between form and content, that meaning can be captured in a set of symbols such as a semantic net. (G. Johnson, 1986, p. 250)
        18) The Assumption That the Mind Is a Formal System
       Artificial intelligence is based on the assumption that the mind can be described as some kind of formal system manipulating symbols that stand for things in the world. Thus it doesn't matter what the brain is made of, or what it uses for tokens in the great game of thinking. Using an equivalent set of tokens and rules, we can do thinking with a digital computer, just as we can play chess using cups, salt and pepper shakers, knives, forks, and spoons. Using the right software, one system (the mind) can be mapped into the other (the computer). (G. Johnson, 1986, p. 250)
        19) A Statement of the Primary and Secondary Purposes of Artificial Intelligence
       The primary goal of Artificial Intelligence is to make machines smarter.
       The secondary goals of Artificial Intelligence are to understand what intelligence is (the Nobel laureate purpose) and to make machines more useful (the entrepreneurial purpose). (Winston, 1987, p. 1)
       The theoretical ideas of older branches of engineering are captured in the language of mathematics. We contend that mathematical logic provides the basis for theory in AI. Although many computer scientists already count logic as fundamental to computer science in general, we put forward an even stronger form of the logic-is-important argument....
       AI deals mainly with the problem of representing and using declarative (as opposed to procedural) knowledge. Declarative knowledge is the kind that is expressed as sentences, and AI needs a language in which to state these sentences. Because the languages in which this knowledge usually is originally captured (natural languages such as English) are not suitable for computer representations, some other language with the appropriate properties must be used. It turns out, we think, that the appropriate properties include at least those that have been uppermost in the minds of logicians in their development of logical languages such as the predicate calculus. Thus, we think that any language for expressing knowledge in AI systems must be at least as expressive as the first-order predicate calculus. (Genesereth & Nilsson, 1987, p. viii)
        21) Perceptual Structures Can Be Represented as Lists of Elementary Propositions
       In artificial intelligence studies, perceptual structures are represented as assemblages of description lists, the elementary components of which are propositions asserting that certain relations hold among elements. (Chase & Simon, 1988, p. 490)
       Artificial intelligence (AI) is sometimes defined as the study of how to build and/or program computers to enable them to do the sorts of things that minds can do. Some of these things are commonly regarded as requiring intelligence: offering a medical diagnosis and/or prescription, giving legal or scientific advice, proving theorems in logic or mathematics. Others are not, because they can be done by all normal adults irrespective of educational background (and sometimes by non-human animals too), and typically involve no conscious control: seeing things in sunlight and shadows, finding a path through cluttered terrain, fitting pegs into holes, speaking one's own native tongue, and using one's common sense. Because it covers AI research dealing with both these classes of mental capacity, this definition is preferable to one describing AI as making computers do "things that would require intelligence if done by people." However, it presupposes that computers could do what minds can do, that they might really diagnose, advise, infer, and understand. One could avoid this problematic assumption (and also side-step questions about whether computers do things in the same way as we do) by defining AI instead as "the development of computers whose observable performance has features which in humans we would attribute to mental processes." This bland characterization would be acceptable to some AI workers, especially amongst those focusing on the production of technological tools for commercial purposes. But many others would favour a more controversial definition, seeing AI as the science of intelligence in general-or, more accurately, as the intellectual core of cognitive science. As such, its goal is to provide a systematic theory that can explain (and perhaps enable us to replicate) both the general categories of intentionality and the diverse psychological capacities grounded in them. (Boden, 1990b, pp. 1-2)
       Because the ability to store data somewhat corresponds to what we call memory in human beings, and because the ability to follow logical procedures somewhat corresponds to what we call reasoning in human beings, many members of the cult have concluded that what computers do somewhat corresponds to what we call thinking. It is no great difficulty to persuade the general public of that conclusion since computers process data very fast in small spaces well below the level of visibility; they do not look like other machines when they are at work. They seem to be running along as smoothly and silently as the brain does when it remembers and reasons and thinks. On the other hand, those who design and build computers know exactly how the machines are working down in the hidden depths of their semiconductors. Computers can be taken apart, scrutinized, and put back together. Their activities can be tracked, analyzed, measured, and thus clearly understood-which is far from possible with the brain. This gives rise to the tempting assumption on the part of the builders and designers that computers can tell us something about brains, indeed, that the computer can serve as a model of the mind, which then comes to be seen as some manner of information processing machine, and possibly not as good at the job as the machine. (Roszak, 1994, pp. xiv-xv)
       The inner workings of the human mind are far more intricate than the most complicated systems of modern technology. Researchers in the field of artificial intelligence have been attempting to develop programs that will enable computers to display intelligent behavior. Although this field has been an active one for more than thirty-five years and has had many notable successes, AI researchers still do not know how to create a program that matches human intelligence. No existing program can recall facts, solve problems, reason, learn, and process language with human facility. This lack of success has occurred not because computers are inferior to human brains but rather because we do not yet know in sufficient detail how intelligence is organized in the brain. (Anderson, 1995, p. 2)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Artificial Intelligence

  • 102 happen

    [ʹhæpən] v
    1. случаться, происходить

    to relate the facts as they actually happened - рассказывать всё по порядку

    what happened to your friend? - что случилось с твоим другом?

    don't let it happen again! - не допускайте повторения этого!

    worse things happen - бывает и хуже; случается и худшее

    what happened next? - а что было потом?

    if anything happens to me - эвф. если что-нибудь со мной случится, если я умру

    2. оказываться (случайно)

    I happen to know that... - мне случайно стало известно, что...

    do you happen to know whether the train has already left or not? - вы случайно не знаете, ушёл ли уже поезд или ещё нет?

    I happen to like you - как ни странно, (но) вы мне нравитесь

    how does it happen that you were out? - как получилось, что тебя не было на месте?

    as it happens - а) дело в том, что; б) случайно

    as it happened, he was away - он как раз /как нарочно/ был в отъезде

    there happened to be no visitors that day - в тот день посетителей не оказалось

    it so happened that he had no money - случилось так, что у него не оказалось денег

    3. посчастливиться

    I happened to have found the right words - мне удалось подобрать нужные слова

    4. (on, upon) натолкнуться

    the two friends happen on each other by chance - друзья встретились совершенно случайно

    НБАРС > happen

  • 103 whatever

    relative adjective, relative pronoun (any (thing(s) or amount) that: I'll lend you whatever (books) you need.) todo(s) lo(s)... que
    whatever pron lo que
    whatever happens, I'll be your friend pase lo que pase, seré tu amigo
    1 (any) cualquiera que
    2 (at all) en absoluto
    1 (anything, all that) (todo) lo que
    3 (surprise) qué
    whatever are you doing? ¿qué diablos haces?
    do you want pizza or pasta? --Whatever ¿quieres pizza o pasta? --Lo que sea
    or whatever o tal, o cosas por el estilo
    whatever next? ¡habráse visto!, ¡vaya!
    whatever [hwɑt̬'ɛvər,.hwʌt̬-] adj
    1) any: cualquier, cualquier...que
    whatever way you prefer: de cualquier manera que prefiera, como prefiera
    there's no chance whatever: no hay ninguna posibilidad
    nothing whatever: nada en absoluto
    whatever pron
    1) anything: (todo) lo que
    I'll do whatever I want: haré lo que quiera
    whatever it may be: sea lo que sea
    3) what: qué
    whatever do you mean?: ¿qué quieres decir?
    cuanto adj.rel.
    cualquier expr.
    me importa un bledo expr.
    cuanto pron.

    I hwɑːt'evər, wɒt'evə(r)
    1) (in questions, exclamations) qué

    whatever is she doing? — ¿qué (es lo que) está haciendo?, ¿qué diablos está haciendo? (fam)

    she resigned - whatever for? — renunció - ¿a santo de qué?

    whatever next! — ya es el colmo!, lo que nos faltaba!


    whatever you do, don't laugh! — hagas lo que hagas no te vayas a reír!

    he talked about percentiles, whatever they are — habló de percentiles, que no tengo ni idea de qué son or (fam) de lo que son

    b) ( all that)

    here's $5: buy yourself a sandwich or whatever — aquí tienes $5: cómprate un bocadillo o algo

    whatever you say — lo que tú digas, como quieras


    don't give up, whatever doubts you may have — no renuncies, tengas las dudas que tengas

    if, for whatever reason, you decide not to go — si por cualquier motivo decides no ir

    all people, of whatever race or creed — todos, cualquiera sea su raza o credo

    b) ( any)

    whatever changes are necessary — los cambios que sean necesarios, cualquier cambio que sea necesario

    adverb (as intensifier)

    none/nothing whatever — ninguno/nada en absoluto

    1. PRON
    1) (=no matter what)

    get it, whatever it costs — cómpralo, cueste lo que cueste

    2) (=anything that) lo que; (=everything that) todo lo que

    whatever you say (acquiescing) lo que quieras

    "I tell you I'm ill" - "whatever you say" — iro -te digo que estoy enfermo -sí, sí or -sí, lo que tú quieras

    whatever you findtodo lo que or cualquier cosa que encuentres

    whatever do you mean? — ¿qué quieres decir?

    whatever did you do? — ¿pero qué hiciste?

    whatever did you say that for? — ¿a santo de qué dijiste eso?

    4) (=other similar things)

    you can put your pyjamas, sponge bag and whatever in here — aquí puedes guardar el pijama, el neceser y todas esas cosas

    2. ADJ
    1) (=any) cualquier; (=all) todo
    2) (=no matter what)

    whatever problems you've got, we'll help — nosotros te ayudaremos, tengas el problema que tengas

    whatever time is it? — ¿qué hora podrá ser?

    whatever help will that be? — ¿para qué servirá eso?

    ADV (with negative) en absoluto
    * * *

    I [hwɑːt'evər, wɒt'evə(r)]
    1) (in questions, exclamations) qué

    whatever is she doing? — ¿qué (es lo que) está haciendo?, ¿qué diablos está haciendo? (fam)

    she resigned - whatever for? — renunció - ¿a santo de qué?

    whatever next! — ya es el colmo!, lo que nos faltaba!


    whatever you do, don't laugh! — hagas lo que hagas no te vayas a reír!

    he talked about percentiles, whatever they are — habló de percentiles, que no tengo ni idea de qué son or (fam) de lo que son

    b) ( all that)

    here's $5: buy yourself a sandwich or whatever — aquí tienes $5: cómprate un bocadillo o algo

    whatever you say — lo que tú digas, como quieras


    don't give up, whatever doubts you may have — no renuncies, tengas las dudas que tengas

    if, for whatever reason, you decide not to go — si por cualquier motivo decides no ir

    all people, of whatever race or creed — todos, cualquiera sea su raza o credo

    b) ( any)

    whatever changes are necessary — los cambios que sean necesarios, cualquier cambio que sea necesario

    adverb (as intensifier)

    none/nothing whatever — ninguno/nada en absoluto

    English-spanish dictionary > whatever

  • 104 begegnen

    v/i (ist begegnet)
    1. (treffen) meet, come across; jemandem / etw. begegnen meet s.o. / s.th., come across s.o. / s.th.; umg. bump into s.o. / s.th.; sich oder einander begegnen meet; umg. bump into each other; ihre Blicke begegneten sich their eyes met
    2. (stoßen auf) meet with; (Schwierigkeiten etc.) meet with, come up against, have to face up to; dieser Einstellung begegnet man häufig you often come up against this view; diesem Wort begegnen wir noch öfters in diesem Werk this word occurs often ( oder crops up often umg.) in this work
    3. (entgegentreten) confront, face; (abwehren) counter; (bekämpfen) (auch Krankheit) fight; (aufhalten) check; einer Gefahr etc. mit Mut etc. begegnen auch respond to a danger etc. with courage etc.
    4. geh. (behandeln) treat, behave very coolly etc. towards; jemandem abweisend / mit Respekt begegnen treat s.o.off-handedly / with respect
    5. (passieren): mir ist das schon einmal begegnet it’s happened to me before; das Schlimmste, was dir begegnen kann the worst that can happen to you
    6. geh., förm. (vorkommen) be found ( bei in), come up (in); dieser Stil etc. begegnet ebenfalls in... auch this style etc. is also to be found in ( oder can also be found in, also appears in), you also come across this style etc. in
    * * *
    to encounter; to meet; to come across
    * * *
    be|geg|nen [bə'geːgnən] ptp begegnet
    vi aux sein +dat
    1) (= treffen) to meet

    begégnen — to meet

    ihre Augen or Blicke begegneten sich —

    unsere Wünsche begégnen sich (liter)our wishes coincide (form)


    (= stoßen auf) begégnen — to encounter sth; Schwierigkeiten to encounter sth, to run into sth

    dieses Wort wird uns später noch einmal begégnen — we will encounter this word again later


    (= widerfahren) jdm ist etw begegnet —

    es war mir schon einmal begegnet, dass... — it had happened to me once before that...

    4) (geh = behandeln) to treat
    5) (geh) (= entgegentreten) einer Krankheit, Seuche, der Not to combat; einem Übel, Angriff, Unrecht auch to oppose, to resist; (= überwinden) einer Gefahr, Schwierigkeiten, dem Schicksal to confront, to meet, to face; (= reagieren auf) einem Wunsch, Vorschlag, einer Ansicht to meet, to respond to

    man begegnete seinen Vorschlägen mit Zurückhaltung — his suggestions met with reserve

    6) (geh = einwenden gegen) Behauptungen etc to counter
    * * *
    (to meet especially unexpectedly: She encountered the manager in the hall.) encounter
    * * *
    be·geg·nen *
    vi Hilfsverb: sein
    1. (treffen)
    jdm \begegnen to meet sb
    ich bin ihm die Tage im Supermarkt begegnet I bumped [or ran] into [or met] him recently at the supermarket
    jds Blick \begegnen to meet sb's gaze [or eye]
    sich akk \begegnen to meet
    etw dat \begegnen to encounter [or come across] sth
    3. (geh: entgegentreten) Person to treat; Sache to meet, to face; Vorschlag a. to respond to
    jdm freundlich/höflich \begegnen to treat sb in a friendly/polite manner
    jdm mit Herablassung/Spott \begegnen to treat sb condescendingly [or with condescension]/scornfully [or with scorn]
    einer Gefahr mutig \begegnen to face [a] danger courageously [or bravely]
    seinem Schicksal \begegnen to confront [or meet] [or face] one's fate
    4. (geh: widerfahren)
    jdm \begegnen to happen to sb
    * * *
    intransitives Verb; mit sein

    sich (Dat.) begegnen — meet [each other]

    ihre Blicke begegneten sich — (Dat.) (geh.) their eyes met


    etwas begegnet jemandem(jemand trifft etwas an) somebody comes across or encounters something; (geh.): (etwas passiert jemandem) something happens to somebody


    jemandem freundlich/höflich usw. begegnen — (geh.) behave in a friendly/polite etc. way towards somebody

    4) (geh.): (entgegentreten) counter <accusation, attack>; combat <illness, disease; misuse of drugs, alcohol, etc.>; meet <difficulty, danger>; deal with < emergency>
    * * *
    begegnen v/i (ist begegnet)
    1. (treffen) meet, come across;
    jemandem/etwas begegnen meet sb/sth, come across sb/sth; umg bump into sb/sth;
    einander begegnen meet; umg bump into each other;
    2. (stoßen auf) meet with; (Schwierigkeiten etc) meet with, come up against, have to face up to;
    dieser Einstellung begegnet man häufig you often come up against this view;
    diesem Wort begegnen wir noch öfters in diesem Werk this word occurs often ( oder crops up often umg) in this work
    3. (entgegentreten) confront, face; (abwehren) counter; (bekämpfen) (auch Krankheit) fight; (aufhalten) check;
    mit Mut etc
    begegnen auch respond to a danger etc with courage etc
    4. geh (behandeln) treat, behave very coolly etc towards;
    jemandem abweisend/mit Respekt begegnen treat sboff-handedly/with respect
    5. (passieren):
    mir ist das schon einmal begegnet it’s happened to me before;
    das Schlimmste, was dir begegnen kann the worst that can happen to you
    6. geh, form (vorkommen) be found (
    bei in), come up (in);
    begegnet ebenfalls in … auch this style etc is also to be found in ( oder can also be found in, also appears in), you also come across this style etc in
    * * *
    intransitives Verb; mit sein

    sich (Dat.) begegnen — meet [each other]

    ihre Blicke begegneten sich — (Dat.) (geh.) their eyes met


    etwas begegnet jemandem(jemand trifft etwas an) somebody comes across or encounters something; (geh.): (etwas passiert jemandem) something happens to somebody


    jemandem freundlich/höflich usw. begegnen — (geh.) behave in a friendly/polite etc. way towards somebody

    4) (geh.): (entgegentreten) counter <accusation, attack>; combat <illness, disease; misuse of drugs, alcohol, etc.>; meet <difficulty, danger>; deal with < emergency>
    * * *
    (+Dat.) v.
    to come across expr.
    to come across v.
    to meet v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: met) adj.
    meet adj. v.
    to encounter v.
    to meet v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: met)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > begegnen

  • 105 paso

    Del verbo pasar: ( conjugate pasar) \ \
    paso es: \ \
    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    pasó es: \ \
    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
    Multiple Entries: pasar     paso
    pasar ( conjugate pasar) verbo intransitivo 1
    a) ( ir por un lugar) to come/go past;
    no ha pasado ni un taxi not one taxi has come/gone past;
    los otros coches no podían paso the other cars weren't able to get past; no dejan paso a nadie they're not letting anyone through; paso de largo to go right o straight past; paso por la aduana to go through customs; es un vuelo directo, no pasa por Miami it's a direct flight, it doesn't go via Miami; ¿este autobús pasa por el museo? does this bus go past the museum?; pasamos por delante de su casa we went past her house; pasaba por aquí y … I was just passing by o I was in the area and …
    ¿podríamos paso por el banco? can we stop off at the bank?;
    pasa un día por casa why don't you drop o come by the house sometime?; puede paso a recogerlo mañana you can come and pick it up tomorrow
    paso de un lado a otro [persona/barco] to go o cross from one side to the other;
    [ humedad] to go through from one side to the other
    d) ( caber):
    2 ( entraracercándose al hablante) to come in; (— alejándose del hablante) to go in;
    pase, por favor please, do come in;
    ¡que pase el siguiente! next, please!; haga paso al Sr Díaz show Mr Díaz in please 3
    a) (transmitirse, transferirse) [corona/título] to pass;
    b) ( comunicar):
    te paso con Javier ( en el mismo teléfono) I'll hand o pass you over to Javier;
    ( en otro teléfono) I'll put you through to Javier 4
    a) (Educ) to pass;
    paso de curso to get through o pass one's end-of-year exams
    no está perfecto, pero puede paso it's not perfect, but it'll do;
    por esta vez, (que) pase I'll let it pass o go this time 5 ver tb hacerse II 3 ( suceder) to happen; lo que pasa es que… the thing o the problem is …; pase lo que pase whatever happens, come what may; siempre pasa igual or lo mismo it's always the same; ¿qué pasa? what's the matter?, what's up? (colloq); ¿qué te pasa? what's the matter with you?; ¿qué te pasó en el ojo? what happened to your eye?; ¿qué le pasa a la tele? what's wrong with the TV?; eso le pasa a cualquiera that can happen to anybody; no le pasó nada nothing happened to him 1 ( transcurrir) [tiempo/años] to pass, go by;
    pasoon muchos años many years went by o passed;
    ya han pasado dos horas it's been two hours now; un año pasa muy rápido a year goes very quickly; ¡cómo pasa el tiempo! doesn't time fly! 2 ( cesar) [crisis/mal momento] to be over; [ efecto] to wear off; [ dolor] to go away 3 ( arreglárselas) paso sin algo to manage without sth verbo transitivo 1
    a) (cruzar, atravesar) ‹ frontera to cross;
    pueblo/ciudad to go through
    b) ( dejar atrás) ‹edificio/calle to go past
    c) (adelantar, sobrepasar) to overtake
    a) ( hacer atravesar) paso algo POR algo to put sth through sth;
    b) (por la aduana —legalmente) to take through;
    (— ilegalmente) to smuggle 3 ( hacer recorrer): pásale un trapo al piso give the floor a quick wipe; hay que pasole una plancha it needs a quick iron 4 (exhibir, mostrar) ‹película/anuncio to show 5examen/prueba to pass 6página/hoja to turn;
    paso por altofalta/error to overlook;
    tema/punto to leave out, omit 1 (entregar, hacer llegar): ¿me pasas el martillo? can you pass me the hammer? 2 ( contagiar) to give, to pass on 1
    a) tiempo to spend;
    fuimos a Toledo a paso el día we went to Toledo for the day pasa todo el día al teléfono she spends all day on the phone
    c) pasarlo or pasarla bien to have a good time;
    ¿qué tal lo pasaste en la fiesta? did you have a good time at the party?, did you enjoy the party?;
    lo pasé mal I didn't enjoy myself 2 (sufrir, padecer) ‹penalidades/desgracias to go through, to suffer;
    pasé mucho miedo/frío I was very frightened/cold
    pasarse verbo pronominal 1 ( cambiarse): 2 esta vez te has pasado (fam) you've gone too far this time
    b) ( enf) (fam) (ir):
    ¿podrías pasote por el mercado? could you go down to the market? 3
    a) [peras/tomates] to go bad, get overripe;
    [carne/pescado] to go off, go bad; [ leche] to go off, go sour
    b) (recocerse) [arroz/pasta] to get overcooked
    1 [ dolor] to go away; (+ me/te/le etc)
    ya se me pasó el dolor the pain's gone o eased now;
    espera a que se le pase el enojo wait until he's calmed o cooled down ver tb pasar verbo transitivo III 1 2 (+ me/te/le etc)
    a) ( olvidarse):

    paso sustantivo masculino 1
    a) ( acción):
    el paso del tiempo the passage of time; el paso de la dictadura a la democracia the transition from dictatorship to democracy; de paso: están de paso they're just visiting o just passing through; me pilla de paso it's on my way; y dicho sea de paso … and incidentally …
    b) (camino, posibilidad de pasar) way;
    abrir/dejar paso (a algn/algo) to make way (for sth/sb);
    me cerró el paso she blocked my way; dejen el paso libre leave the way clear; ( on signs) ceda el paso yield ( in US), give way ( in UK); ( on signs) prohibido el paso no entry; paso de peatones crosswalk (AmE), pedestrian crossing (BrE); paso a nivel grade (AmE) o (BrE) level crossing; paso elevado or (Méx) a desnivel overpass (AmE), flyover (BrE); paso subterráneo ( para peatones) underpass, subway (BrE); ( para vehículos) underpass; ( a codazos) to elbow one's way; ( detener) to stop sb 2 (Geog) ( en montaña) pass;
    salir del paso to get out of a (tight) spot o (AmE) crack (colloq)
    a) (al andar, bailar) step;
    oyó pasos she heard footsteps; entró con paso firme he came in purposefully; paso a paso step by step; seguirle los pasos a algn to tail sb; seguir los pasos de algn to follow in sb's footsteps
    vive a dos pasos de mi casa he lives a stone's throw (away) from my house;
    está a un paso de aquí it's just around the corner/down the road from here 4 (ritmo, velocidad):
    apretó/aminoró el paso he quickened his pace/he slowed down;
    a este paso … at this rate …; a paso de hormiga or tortuga at a snail's pace; marcar el paso to mark time 5 ( en contador) unit
    I verbo transitivo
    1 to pass
    2 (trasladar) to move
    3 (dar) to pass, give: no me pasó el recado, he didn't give me the message
    4 (hojas de libro) to turn
    5 (el tiempo, la vida) to spend, pass
    6 (soportar, sufrir) to suffer, endure: está pasando una crisis personal, she's going through a personal crisis
    pasamos sed y calor, we suffered thirst and heat
    7 (río, calle, frontera) to cross
    8 (tragar) to swallow
    9 (tolerar, aguantar) to bear
    10 (introducir) to insert, put through
    11 (un examen, una eliminatoria) to pass
    12 Cine to run, show: este sábado pasan Ben Hur, they're putting Ben Hur on this Saturday
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 to pass: ¿a qué hora pasa el tren?, what time does the train pass?
    Cervantes pasó por aquí, Cervantes passed this way
    ya pasó, it has already passed
    pasar de largo, to go by (without stopping)
    2 (entrar) to come in
    3 (ser tolerable) to be acceptable: no está mal, puede pasar, it isn't bad, it will do
    4 (exceder) to surpass: no pases de los 70 km/h, don't exceed 70 km/h
    5 (a otro asunto) to go on to
    pasar a ser, to become
    6 (tiempo) to pass, go by
    7 (arreglarse, apañarse) pasar sin, to do without: puedo pasar sin coche, I can manage without a car
    8 fam (no tener interés, prescindir) pasa de lo que digan, don't mind what they say
    paso de ir al cine, I'll give the cinema a miss
    9 (suceder) to happen: ¿qué pasa?, what's going on?
    ¿qué le pasa?, what's the matter with him?
    pase lo que pase, whatever happens o come what may Locuciones: pasar algo a limpio, to make a fair copy of sthg
    pasarlo bien/mal, to have a good/difficult time
    pasar por, to put up with: paso por que me digas que estoy gorda, pero no pienso tolerar que me amargues cada comida, I can handle you calling me fat, but I'm not having you ruin every single meal for me
    pasar por alto, to overlook: pasaré por alto esa observación, I'll just ignore that remark
    paso sustantivo masculino
    1 step: caminaban a paso ligero, they walked quickly (sonido de pisadas) footstep (de un baile) step
    2 (camino, pasillo) passage, way Auto ceda el paso, give way
    paso a nivel, level o US grade crossing
    paso de cebra, zebra crossing
    paso de peatones, pedestrian crossing, US crosswalk
    paso subterráneo, (para peatones) subway (para vehículos) underpass
    prohibido el paso, no entry
    3 (acción) passage, passing: estamos de paso en la ciudad, we are just passing through the town
    a su paso por la Universidad, when he was at University
    el lento paso de las horas, the slow passing of the hours
    4 Tel unit
    5 Geol (entre montañas) mountain pass
    6 Náut strait Locuciones: abrirse paso, (entre la multitud, maleza) to make one's way, (en la vida) to get ahead
    salir del paso, to get out of trouble
    a cada paso, constantly, every other minute ' paso' also found in these entries: Spanish: apretar - arramblar - atravesar - bando - bloquear - cabeza - cada - calamidad - cebra - ceder - cerrar - converger - cortar - dar - dado - desvirtuar - disfraz - esclarecimiento - estela - filtración - franca - franco - impedir - infierno - ligera - ligero - lista - llave - magín - mayor - nivel - obstaculizar - pasar - pasarse - patata - peatonal - por - prohibida - prohibido - rebote - rito - segura - seguro - sino - subterránea - subterráneo - testigo - tránsito - ver - vela English: ahead - amok - arrogant - bar - battle - begrudge - block - block in - break through - breakthrough - brisk - by - childhood - clarify - clear - coast - come over - crossing - crosswalk - dizzy - dwindle - evaluation - explanation - false move - faux pas - float - flyover - footstep - give - go by - going - graze - grow out of - hysterical - lazy - level crossing - life - lively - mop - move - nail - obstruction - ocean - overboard - overpass - pace - pass - pass along - pass by - pass through

    English-spanish dictionary > paso

  • 106 Ч-164

    ЕСЛИ ЧТО coll ЁЖЕЛИ ЧТО highly coll subord clause Invar fixed WO
    if some trouble should occur or need should arise
    if something (anything) happens (should happen)
    if anything happens (should happen) to me (it etc) in case something (anything) happens if anything comes (crops) up if need be if something (anything) goes wrong if things go wrong (take a wrong turn) in the event of trouble if there's any trouble (in limited contexts) any tricks (and...).
    (Гомыра:) Я это к тому говорю, что раз уж он попал в такую историю, то пусть он знает... (Обращаясь к Букину.) Короче, если что, то знай, Вася, у тебя есть друзья, которые не бросят тебя на произвол судьбы (Вампилов 3). (G.:) I'm saying this so that, since he's got himself into a situation like this, he'll know... (Turns to Bukin.) In other words, if anything happens, Vasia, you know you've got friends who won't just leave you to your fate (3a).
    «...У меня здесь секретная документация, если что, голову с меня сымут ( substand = снимут)...» (Максимов 2). u...I'm carrying secret documents, and if anything happens to them my head will roll..." (2a).
    До свиданья, Сын Оленя!.. Если что - дай знать! Чем можем - поможем!» (Искандер 5). "Good-bye, Son of the Deer....If anything comes up, let us know! We'll help any way we can!" (5a).
    Новый тихий и глупый Заибан тут же приказал подготовить ему речь для празднования юбилея Ларька... И намекнул, что ежели что, так он посадит. Не остановится! (Зиновьев 1). This new insipid and stupid Leadiban immediately had a speech prepared for him to deliver on the anniversary of the Shop...and he made it very plain that if things went wrong he wouldn't hesitate to make an arrest or two (1a).
    Ну гляди, -...пригрозил Алтын-ник, - если что, всех вас перережу, под расстрел пойду, а жить с Людкой не буду» (Войнович 5). "But now listen"-Altinnik decided to throw in a threat...-"any tricks and I'll cut all of you to ribbons. I'll take a firing squad over living with Ludmilla" (5a).
    Они посоветовали мне проситься в санитары: всё-таки, если что, так врачи близко, будут подлечивать помаленьку (Марченко 1). ( context transl) They advised me to apply for work as an orderly
    it was close to the doctors, just in case, and they would treat me a bit on the side (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ч-164

  • 107 ежели что

    ЕСЛИ ЧТО coll; ЕЖЕЛИ ЧТО highly coll
    [subord clause; Invar; fixed WO]
    if some trouble should occur or need should arise:
    - if anything happens (should happen) to me (it etc);
    - [in limited contexts] any tricks (and...)
         ♦ [Гомыра:] Я это к тому говорю, что раз уж он попал в такую историю, то пусть он знает... (Обращаясь к Букину.) Короче, если что, то знай, Вася, у тебя есть друзья, которые не бросят тебя на произвол судьбы (Вампилов 3). [G.:] I'm saying this so that, since he's got himself into a situation like this, he'll know... (Turns to Bukin.) In other words, if anything happens, Vasia, you know you've got friends who won't just leave you to your fate (3a).
         ♦ "...У меня здесь секретная документация, если что, голову с меня сымут [substand = снимут]..." (Максимов 2). "...I'm carrying secret documents, and if anything happens to them my head will roll..." (2a).
         ♦ "До свиданья, Сын Оленя!.. Если что - дай знать! Чем можем - поможем!" (Искандер 5). "Good-bye, Son of the Deer....If anything comes up, let us know! We'll help any way we can!" (5a).
         ♦ Новый тихий и глупый Заибан тут же приказал подготовить ему речь для празднования юбилея Ларька... И намекнул, что ежели что, так он посадит. Не остановится! (Зиновьев 1). This new insipid and stupid Leadiban immediately had a speech prepared for him to deliver on the anniversary of the Shop...and he made it very plain that if things went wrong he wouldn't hesitate to make an arrest or two (1a).
         ♦ "Ну гляди, -...пригрозил Алтынник, - если что, всех вас перережу, под расстрел пойду, а жить с Людкой не буду" (Войнович 5). "But now listen"-Altinnik decided to throw in a threat...-"any tricks and I'll cut all of you to ribbons. I'll take a firing squad over living with Ludmilla" (5a).
         ♦ Они посоветовали мне проситься в санитары: всё-таки, если что, так врачи близко, будут подлечивать помаленьку (Марченко 1). [context transl] They advised me to apply for work as an orderly: it was close to the doctors, just in case, and they would treat me a bit on the side (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ежели что

  • 108 если что

    ЕСЛИ ЧТО coll; ЕЖЕЛИ ЧТО highly coll
    [subord clause; Invar; fixed WO]
    if some trouble should occur or need should arise:
    - if anything happens (should happen) to me (it etc);
    - [in limited contexts] any tricks (and...)
         ♦ [Гомыра:] Я это к тому говорю, что раз уж он попал в такую историю, то пусть он знает... (Обращаясь к Букину.) Короче, если что, то знай, Вася, у тебя есть друзья, которые не бросят тебя на произвол судьбы (Вампилов 3). [G.:] I'm saying this so that, since he's got himself into a situation like this, he'll know... (Turns to Bukin.) In other words, if anything happens, Vasia, you know you've got friends who won't just leave you to your fate (3a).
         ♦ "...У меня здесь секретная документация, если что, голову с меня сымут [substand = снимут]..." (Максимов 2). "...I'm carrying secret documents, and if anything happens to them my head will roll..." (2a).
         ♦ "До свиданья, Сын Оленя!.. Если что - дай знать! Чем можем - поможем!" (Искандер 5). "Good-bye, Son of the Deer....If anything comes up, let us know! We'll help any way we can!" (5a).
         ♦ Новый тихий и глупый Заибан тут же приказал подготовить ему речь для празднования юбилея Ларька... И намекнул, что ежели что, так он посадит. Не остановится! (Зиновьев 1). This new insipid and stupid Leadiban immediately had a speech prepared for him to deliver on the anniversary of the Shop...and he made it very plain that if things went wrong he wouldn't hesitate to make an arrest or two (1a).
         ♦ "Ну гляди, -...пригрозил Алтынник, - если что, всех вас перережу, под расстрел пойду, а жить с Людкой не буду" (Войнович 5). "But now listen"-Altinnik decided to throw in a threat...-"any tricks and I'll cut all of you to ribbons. I'll take a firing squad over living with Ludmilla" (5a).
         ♦ Они посоветовали мне проситься в санитары: всё-таки, если что, так врачи близко, будут подлечивать помаленьку (Марченко 1). [context transl] They advised me to apply for work as an orderly: it was close to the doctors, just in case, and they would treat me a bit on the side (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > если что

  • 109 condition

    [kən'diʃən] 1. noun
    1) (state or circumstances in which a person or thing is: The house is not in good condition; He is in no condition to leave hospital; under ideal conditions; living conditions; variable conditions.) stand; forfatning; forhold
    2) (something that must happen or be done before some other thing happens or is done; a term or requirement in an agreement: It was a condition of his going that he should pay his own expenses; That is one of the conditions in the agreement.) betingelse
    2. verb
    1) (to affect or control: behaviour conditioned by circumstances.) påvirke; styre
    2) (to put into the required state: The footballers trained hard in order to condition themselves for the match.) komme i form
    - conditionally
    - conditioner
    - on condition that
    * * *
    [kən'diʃən] 1. noun
    1) (state or circumstances in which a person or thing is: The house is not in good condition; He is in no condition to leave hospital; under ideal conditions; living conditions; variable conditions.) stand; forfatning; forhold
    2) (something that must happen or be done before some other thing happens or is done; a term or requirement in an agreement: It was a condition of his going that he should pay his own expenses; That is one of the conditions in the agreement.) betingelse
    2. verb
    1) (to affect or control: behaviour conditioned by circumstances.) påvirke; styre
    2) (to put into the required state: The footballers trained hard in order to condition themselves for the match.) komme i form
    - conditionally
    - conditioner
    - on condition that

    English-Danish dictionary > condition

  • 110 a

    1 to.
    voy a Madrid I'm going to Madrid
    me voy al extranjero I'm going abroad
    llegó a Buenos Aires/a la fiesta he arrived in Buenos Aires/at the party
    2 at (moment).
    a las siete at seven o'clock
    a los once años at the age of eleven
    al caer la noche at nightfall
    al oír la noticia se desmayó on hearing the news, she fainted
    Llegué al amanecer I arrived at dawn.
    3 per, every (frecuency).
    40 horas a la semana 40 hours per o a week
    tres veces al día three times a day
    4 to.
    dáselo a Ricardo give it to Ricardo
    dile a Ricardo que venga tell Ricardo to come
    5 to.
    entró a pagar he came in to pay
    aprender a nadar to learn to swim
    6 by, about to, for.
    * * *
    A, a
    nombre femenino (pl as o aes)
    1 (la letra) A, a
    1 ( Alteza) Highness; (abreviatura) H
    1 ( autopista) motorway; (abreviatura) M
    1 ( amperio) ampere, amp; (símbolo) A
    * * *
    1) to
    2) into
    3) in
    4) at
    5) on
    6) with
    * * *
    SF = a (=letra) A, a
    * * *
    a femenino (pl aes) ( read as [a]) the letter A, a
    * * *
    = for, per, to.
    Ex. The fine policy matrix corresponds to the loan policy matrix, cell for cell.
    Ex. Indexing can thus be achieved at a detailed level, with often many terms per document, with almost no indexing effort.
    Ex. Accessibility to the documents stored in files is an important factor, so the physical storage is important.
    * a + Adjetivo + escala = on a + Adjetivo + scale.
    * a alguna parte = someplace.
    * a alta presión = high-pressured, high-pressure.
    * a altas horas de la noche = late at night.
    * a ambas orillas del Atlántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de = on either side of.
    * a ambos lados del Altántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de + Lugar = on both sides of + Lugar.
    * a años luz de = light years away from.
    * a bajas temperaturas = at low temperature.
    * a bajo coste = low-cost.
    * a bajo costo = low-cost.
    * a bajo nivel = low-level.
    * a bajo precio = lower-cost, at a low price, on the cheap.
    * a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.
    * a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * a base de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a base de errores = the hard way.
    * a boca de jarro = at close range.
    * a bocajarro = point blank.
    * a bombo y platillo = fanfare, with a bang.
    * a bordo = aboard, on board ship.
    * a bordo de = aboard, onboard.
    * a bordo de un barco = shipboard, on board ship.
    * a buen recaudo = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * a caballo = on horseback, astride.
    * a caballo entre = astride... and..., midway between.
    * a caballo entre... y... = half way between... and....
    * a caballo regalado no se le mira el diente = never look a gift horse in the mouth.
    * a cada rato = every so often, every now and then, every now and again, every once in a while.
    * a cambio = in return.
    * a cambio de = in exchange for, in return for.
    * a cambio de nada = for nothing.
    * a cántaros = cats and dogs.
    * a cargo = in the saddle.
    * a cargo (de) = charged with, in charge (of), at the helm (of).
    * a cargo de Alguien = under supervision.
    * a cargo de las riendas = in the saddle.
    * a cargo del ayuntamiento = local authority-run.
    * a cargo del gobierno = government-operated, government-run.
    * a cargo de una sola persona = one-man band.
    * a cargo de voluntarios = volunteer-run.
    * a chorros = profusely.
    * a ciegas = blindfold, blindly, blindfolded, in the dark.
    * a ciencia cierta = for sure, for certain.
    * a cierta distancia = some distance away.
    * a cierta distancia de = off.
    * a cierta distancia de la costa = offshore.
    * a cierta distancia del litoral = offshore.
    * a cobro revertido = reverse charges.
    * a color = multi-colour [multi-color -USA].
    * a comienzos de + Expresión Temporal = early + Expresión Temporal, the.
    * a comienzos de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha, in the early part of + Fecha.
    * a comienzos de + Período de Tiempo = by the turn of + Período de Tiempo, at the turn of + Período de Tiempo.
    * a conciencia = deliberately, wilfully [willfully, -USA], by design, on purpose.
    * a condición de que + Subjuntivo = provided (that), providing (that), as long as.
    * a contenido enriquecido = content-enriched.
    * a continuación = next, then, in the following, herewith.
    * a continuación se enumeran = given below.
    * a contracorriente = against the grain.
    * a contraluz = against the light.
    * a contrapelo = against the grain, against the nap.
    * a coro = with one voice, in unison.
    * a corto plazo = before very long, short term [short-term], in the short run, short-range, at short notice, in the short term, short-run.
    * a costa de = at the cost of, at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense, at cost of.
    * a costa de mucho = at (a) great expense.
    * a costa de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a costa de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a criterio de = at the discretion of.
    * a cualquier hora = anytime, around the clock.
    * a cualquier hora del día o de la noche = at any hour of the day or night, at any time of the day or night.
    * a cualquier precio = at any cost, at all costs, at any price.
    * a cuatro aguas = hipped.
    * a cuatro patas = on all fours, on four legs.
    * a cuenta de = at the expense of.
    * a cuenta de la empresa = at company expense.
    * a cuenta de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a cuenta de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a cuenta propia = at + Posesivo + expense, at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * a cuerpo de rey = the lap of luxury.
    * a cuestas = in tow.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * a decir verdad = to tell the truth, if the truth be known, if the truth be told, in all truth, in truth, fact is, the fact is (that), to be fair.
    * a decir verdad... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * a demanda = pro re nata.
    * a deshora(s) = at odd times, out of hours.
    * a día de hoy = as of today.
    * a diario = every day.
    * a diestro y siniestro = like there's no tomorrow.
    * a dieta = on a diet.
    * a diferencia de = apart from, as opposed to, in contradistinction to, as contrasted with, in contrast (to/with), quite apart from, in sharp contrast (with).
    * a diferencia de + Nombre = unlike + Nombre.
    * a diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * a discreción = at will, no holds barred.
    * a disgusto = unwillingly, reluctantly.
    * a disposición de = at the disposal of.
    * a distancia = remote, remotely, distantly.
    * a doble espacio = double-spaced.
    * a domicilio = domiciliary.
    * ¿a dónde se dirige(n)...? = whither?.
    * ¿a dónde va(n)...? = whither?.
    * ¿a dónde vas? = quo vadis, whither thou goest.
    * a dos niveles = two-tier.
    * a dos velas = skint, penniless, broke.
    * a duras penas = with great difficulty.
    * a efectos de = in terms of, for the purpose of + Nombre.
    * a efectos prácticos = to all intents and purposes, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes, to all intents.
    * a él = him.
    * a ellos = them.
    * a escala = drawn-to-scale.
    * a escala industrial = on an industrial scale, industrial-scale.
    * a escala mundial = globally, on a global scale.
    * a escala natural = full-scale.
    * a escondidas = by stealth, stealthily, furtively, on the quiet, on the sly.
    * a eso = thereto.
    * a espaldas de = out of sight of.
    * a estas alturas = by now.
    * a este fin = to this end.
    * a este paso = at this rate.
    * a este respecto = in this respect.
    * a este ritmo = at this rate.
    * a estrenar = brand new.
    * a examen = under the microscope.
    * a excepción de = barring, except for, excepting, other than, with the exception of, short of.
    * a excepción de que = except that.
    * a excepción de uno = with one exception.
    * a expensas de = at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense.
    * a expensas de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a expensas de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a + Expresión Temporal = as of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a falta de = for want of, in the absence of, in default of, for lack of, short of.
    * a favor = in favour.
    * a favor de = in favour of.
    * a favor de la decisión personal sobre el aborto = pro-choice.
    * a favor de la esclavitud = pro-slavery.
    * a favor de la raza negra = pro-black [problack].
    * a favor de la vida humana = pro-life.
    * a favor y en contra = pro and con.
    * a + Fecha = as per + Fecha.
    * a finales de = by the end of, at the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a finales de + Expresión Temporal = as of late + Expresión Temporal, at the end of + Expresión Temporal, by the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a finales de + Fecha = in the late + Fecha, in late + Fecha.
    * a finales de los + Década = late + Década, the.
    * a finales del + Siglo = late + Siglo, late period of + Siglo.
    * a fin de cuentas = at the end of the day, in the end, in the final count, in the grand scheme of things, when all is said and done, after all is said and done.
    * a fondo = fully, thoroughly, full-scale.
    * a fondo perdido = non-refundable.
    * ¡a freír espárragos! = on your bike!.
    * a fuerza de = by dint of.
    * a fuerza de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a fuerza de errores = the hard way.
    * a gas = gas-powered.
    * a gatas = on all fours.
    * a grandes rasgos = broadly, rough draft.
    * a granel = in bulk.
    * a gran escala = large scale [large-scale], massive, on a wide scale, high-volume, wide-scale, on a broad scale, in a big way, on a grand scale.
    * a gran velocidad = at great speed.
    * a grito limpio = at the top of + Posesivo + voice.
    * a grito pelado = at the top of + Posesivo + voice.
    * a gritos = vociferously.
    * a groso modo = crudely.
    * a grosso modo = roughly, rough draft.
    * a gusto = at ease, at leisure.
    * a gusto de = to the liking of, at the pleasure of.
    * a horcajadas = astride.
    * a hurtadillas = surreptitiously, by stealth, stealthily, furtively, on the sly.
    * a imitación de lo clásico = classicising [classicizing, -USA], classicised [classicized, -USA].
    * a iniciativa de = at the initiative of.
    * a iniciativas del gobierno = government-led.
    * a instancia de = at the urging of.
    * a instancias de = at the instigation of, at the behest of, under the auspices of.
    * a intervalos = at intervals.
    * a intervalos + Adjetivo = at + Adjetivo + intervals.
    * a intervalos semanales = at weekly intervals.
    * a invitación de = at the invitation of.
    * a jabón = soapy [soapier -comp., soapiest -sup.].
    * a juicio = on trial.
    * a juicio público = in the public eye.
    * a juzgar por = to judge by, judging by, judging from.
    * a la acuarela = water-coloured [water-colored, -USA].
    * a la alcaldía = mayoral.
    * a la altura de = of the stature of, equal to.
    * a la altura de la cintura = waist high, waist deep.
    * a la altura de la rodilla = knee-high.
    * a la altura de los hombros = shoulder-high.
    * a la anchura de los hombros = shoulder-width.
    * a la anochecida = at nightfall.
    * a la antigua = old-style.
    * a la antigua usanza = old-style.
    * a la atención de = c/o (care of).
    * a la baja = on the wane.
    * a la brasa = grilled.
    * a la buena de Dios = out in the cold.
    * a la cabeza de = in the forefront of/in.
    * a la caída de la noche = at nightfall, at twilight.
    * a la caída de la tarde = at twilight.
    * a la carta = a la carte.
    * a la defensiva = on the defensive.
    * a la derecha = at the right.
    * a la derecha de = on the right side of, on the right-hand side of.
    * a la deriva = rudderless.
    * a la discreción de = at the discretion of.
    * a la disposición de Alguien = at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * a la expectativa de = on the lookout for, on the alert for.
    * a la + Expresión Temporal = a + Expresión Temporal.
    * a la fuerza = forcefully, of necessity, forcibly, compulsorily.
    * a la fuga = on the run, on the lam.
    * a la hora de + Infinitivo = when it came to + Gerundio, when it comes to + Gerundio.
    * a la hora de la verdad = when push comes to shove, if it comes to the crunch, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst, when the crunch comes to the crunch, if the crunch comes to the crunch.
    * a la hora del café = at coffee.
    * a la intemperie = in the open, exposed.
    * a la inversa = mirror-fashion, mirror image, in reverse.
    * a la izquierda = at the left.
    * a la larga = in the long term, over the long term, in the end, eventually, for the long pull, over a period of time, over the long haul, in the far term, ultimately, by and by.
    * a la ligera = lightly.
    * a la luz de = in light of, in the light of.
    * a la luz de la luna = by moonlight, in the moonlight, moonlit.
    * a la luz de las estrellas = by starlight.
    * a la luz de las velas = by candlelight, candlelight, candlelit.
    * a la luz del día = in the light of day.
    * a la luz de una lámpara de gas = by gaslight.
    * a la misma altura que = in the same league as.
    * a la moda = trendy [trendier -comp., trendiest -sup.].
    * a la onda = in the know.
    * a la opinión pública = in the public eye.
    * a la par = in concert, in tandem, neck and neck, in a tandem fashion, in parallel.
    * a la par que = in tandem with, hand in hand (with), as the same time as.
    * a la parrilla = grilled, on the grill.
    * a la perfección = superbly.
    * a la plancha = griddled, on the griddle, on the hotplate.
    * a largo plazo = in the long term, over the long term, long-range, in the long run, long-term, over the long run, over the long haul, long-run, in the far term, far-term.
    * a la salida = on the way out.
    * a la sazón = at that time.
    * a las doce del mediodía = at high noon.
    * a la semana = a week, per week.
    * a las mil maravillas = marvellously [marvelously, -USA], famously, like a house on fire.
    * a la sombra de = in the shadow of.
    * a las puertas de = on the threshold of.
    * a la última = hip [hipper -comp., hippest -sup.], on the fast track, hipped.
    * a la vanguardia = on the cutting edge, on the leading edge, in the fast lane, on the fast track, at the leading edge, on the bleeding edge.
    * a la vanguardia de = in the vanguard of, at the forefront of, in the forefront of/in, at the vanguard of.
    * a la velocidad de la luz = at the speed of light.
    * a la velocidad del rayo = at the speed of lightning.
    * a la velocidad del sonido = at the speed of sound.
    * a la venta = on release.
    * a la vez = at once, at one time, at similar times, at the same time, concurrently, side-by-side, simultaneously, at the same instant, in parallel, in tandem, at the one time, in a tandem fashion, at a time, in unison.
    * a la vez que = hand in hand (with), cum, in conjunction with, in unison with.
    * a la vista = in sight, within sight.
    * a la vista de = in light of, in the light of.
    * a la vuelta de = on the return leg of.
    * a la zaga = not far behind, in tow.
    * al azar = lucky draw, lucky dip.
    * al extremo norte = northernmost.
    * al extremo oeste = westernmost.
    * al hacer esto = in doing so.
    * al norte del estado = upstate.
    * a lo extremo = to the extreme.
    * a lo grande = in a big way, big time, grandly, on a grand scale.
    * a lo hecho, pecho = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk, you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * a lo largo de = along, down, throughout.
    * a lo largo de + Expresión Temporal = sometime + Expresión Temporal.
    * a lo largo de la historia = over time.
    * a lo largo de la ruta = along the way.
    * a lo largo del tiempo = longitudinal, longitudinally.
    * a lo largo de todo = the entire length of.
    * a lo largo y ancho del país = countrywide [country-wide].
    * a lo largo y ancho de + Lugar = up and down + Lugar.
    * a lo lejos = in the distance.
    * a lo loco = helter-skelter, like there's no tomorrow.
    * a lo máximo = at best, at most, at the most.
    * a lo mejor = perhaps.
    * a lo que salga = come what may.
    * a los ojos de = in the eyes of.
    * a lo sumo = at best, at most, at the most.
    * al otro lado del atlántico = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del charco = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del océano = across the pond.
    * a lo zombi = zombielike.
    * a mano = by hand, manually, nearby [near-by], handy, within reach, within easy reach.
    * a mano alzada = by a show of hands.
    * a mano derecha de = on the right side of, on the right-hand side of.
    * a manojos = by the handful.
    * a manos de = at the hands of.
    * a marchas forzadas = in a rush, against the clock.
    * a mares = cats and dogs.
    * a más largo plazo = longer-term.
    * a más..., más... = the + Comparativo..., the + Comparativo....
    * a más tardar = at the latest.
    * a mata caballo = in a hurry, hurried, hurriedly, helter-skelter.
    * a media asta = at half-mast, at half staff.
    * a mediados de = in the middle decades of.
    * a mediados de + Fecha = in the mid + Fecha.
    * a mediados de semana = midweek.
    * a media jornada = half-time [half time].
    * a media mañana = mid-morning.
    * a medianoche = at midnight.
    * a medias = half-hearted [halfhearted], qualified.
    * a medias entre... y... = betwixt and between.
    * a medida = custom, bespoke.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que pasaba el tiempo = as time passed (by), as time went by.
    * a medida que pasa el tiempo = as time passes (by).
    * a medida que pasa + Expresión Temporal = as + Expresión Temporal + go by.
    * a medida que + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que se necesite = on demand, on request, as required.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medio abrir = half-opened.
    * a medio camino = halfway [half-way/half way].
    * a medio comprender = half-understood.
    * a medio formar = half-formed.
    * a medio fuego = medium heat.
    * a medio hacer = halfway done, half done.
    * a medio plazo = medium-term, near-term, in the medium term, in the mid-term, mid-term [midterm].
    * a medio rimar = half-rhymed.
    * a medio vestir = half dressed.
    * a menor escala = at a reduced rate.
    * a menos que = unless, short of.
    * a menudo = oftentimes [often times], ofttimes [oft-times].
    * a merced de = at the mercy of.
    * a mí = me.
    * a mi entender = to my mind.
    * a mi modo de ver = in my books.
    * a mi parecer = to my mind, methinks, in my books.
    * a mitad de = half way through, halfway through.
    * a mitad de camino = halfway [half-way/half way].
    * a mitad de camino entre... y... = midway between, half way between... and....
    * a mitad de camino entre... y... = astride... and....
    * a mitad de precio = at half price.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * a modo de = by way of, in the vein of, as a kind of.
    * a modo de aclaración = in parenthesis, on a sidenote.
    * a modo de advertencia = cautionary.
    * a modo de ejemplo = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de explicación = parenthetically.
    * a modo de ilustración = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de inciso = in passing, by the way of (a) digression.
    * a modo de paréntesis = parenthetical.
    * a modo de prólogo = prefatory.
    * a modo de resumen = wrap-up.
    * a mogollón = aplenty [a-plenty].
    * a montón = aplenty [a-plenty].
    * a montones = in droves, by the sackful.
    * a muchos niveles = many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * a muerte = bitter, bitterly.
    * a nadie le importa nada = nobody + gives a damn.
    * a nivel de barrio = neighbourhood-based.
    * a nivel de calle = on the ground level.
    * a nivel de la calle = at ground level.
    * a nivel del suelo = at ground level.
    * a nivel estatal = statewide [state-wide].
    * a nivel federal = federally, federally.
    * a nivel individual = privately.
    * a nivel local = locally, domestically.
    * a nivel multicultural = multi-culturally [multiculturally].
    * a nivel mundial = worldwide [world-wide], globally.
    * a nivel nacional = nationally, domestically, countrywide [country-wide].
    * a nivel privado = privately.
    * a nivel regional = regionally.
    * a nombre de = payable to.
    * a no ser que = unless.
    * a nosotros = us.
    * a ojo = ocular.
    * a ojos vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a orillas del océano = oceanfront.
    * a orillas del río = riverfront.
    * a orillas de un lago = lakeside, lakefront, by the lakeside.
    * a otro sitio = somewhere else.
    * a pares = in pairs.
    * a partes iguales = share and share alike, in equal measure(s).
    * a partir de = on the basis of, based on, working from, from, on a diet of, in response to.
    * a partir de ahora = from now on, from this point on, henceforth, as of now.
    * a partir de ahora y durante + Cuantificador + años = for + Cuantificador + years to come.
    * a partir de aquí = hereupon.
    * a partir de ello = therefrom.
    * a partir de entonces = from this time on, hereafter, thereafter, whereafter, from then on, thenceforth, henceforth, from that moment on.
    * a partir de ese momento = from that moment on.
    * a partir de este momento = hereinafter.
    * a partir de esto = on this basis, on that basis.
    * a partir de + Fecha = from + Fecha, effective + Fecha.
    * a partir de hoy = as from today.
    * a partir de la medianoche = late night.
    * a partir de los títulos = title-based.
    * a paso de tortuga = at a snail's pace.
    * a paso ligero = on the double.
    * a pasos agigantados = at an exponential rate, at exponential rates, by leaps and bounds.
    * a pedir de boca = without a hitch.
    * a pequeña escala = in a small way, small scale [small-scale].
    * a perpetuidad = in perpetuity.
    * a pesar de (que) = albeit (that), despite, in spite of, notwithstanding, although, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that.
    * a pesar de todo = all the same, in spite of everything, despite everything, despite it all, in spite of it all, all this said.
    * a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombre = for all + Posesivo + Nombre.
    * a petición de = at the request of, at the urging of, at the behest of.
    * a petición del usuario = on demand, on request.
    * a petición popular = by popular demand.
    * a pie = on foot, afoot, dismounted.
    * a pilas = battery-operated.
    * a pique = sinking.
    * a placer = at will.
    * a plena luz del día = in broad daylight.
    * a poca distancia = not far behind.
    * a poca distancia andando = within walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a poca distancia a pie = within an easy walk, within walking distance.
    * a pocos minutos andando = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a pocos minutos a pie = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a porrillo = by the handful.
    * a + Posesivo + aire = to + Posesivo + heart's content.
    * a + Posesivo + alcance = in the ballpark for + Pronombre, in + Posesivo + ballpark range.
    * a + Posesivo + costa = at + Posesivo + expense.
    * a + Posesivo + cuidado = in + Posesivo + safekeeping.
    * a + Posesivo + discreción = at will, at + Posesivo + discretion.
    * a + Posesivo + disposición = at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * a + Posesivo + entender = to the best of + Posesivo + belief.
    * a + Posesivo + espaldas = behind + Posesivo + back.
    * a + Posesivo + expensas = at + Posesivo + expense.
    * a + Posesivo + favor = in + Posesivo + favour, to + Posesivo + credit.
    * a + Posesivo + juicio = in + Posesivo + estimation.
    * a + Posesivo + manera = in + Posesivo + own way.
    * a + Posesivo + saber = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge.
    * a + Posesivo + saber y entender = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge and belief.
    * a + Posesivo + servicio = at + Posesivo + service.
    * a + Posesivo + sorprender = much to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * a + Posesivo + vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a posteriori = reactive, in retrospect, after-the-fact, hindsight, with hindsight, a posteriori, in hindsight.
    * a precio de coste = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de costo = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de ganga = at a steal.
    * a precio especial = at reduced cost, discounted, cut-rate, cut-price.
    * a precio razonable = at reasonable cost(s).
    * a precio reducido = at a discount.
    * a precios competitivos = competitively priced.
    * a precios especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a precios razonables = at affordable prices.
    * a presión = pressurised [pressurized, -USA].
    * a primera hora de la mañana = first thing in the morning.
    * a primera hora de + Período del Día = first thing + Período del Día.
    * a primeras horas de la tarde = late afternoon.
    * a primera vista = on first acquaintance, at first sight, on first inspection, on the face of it, at first blush, at first glance, on the surface, prima facie, first-blush.
    * a primeros de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de los + Década = early + Década, the.
    * a priori = proactive [pro-active], foresight, a priori, on the surface.
    * a prisa = quickly.
    * a propósito = deliberate, for the record, incidentally, intentionally, by the way, in passing, anecdotally, purposely, by design, on purpose, wilfully [willfully, -USA], on a sidenote, studiously, by the way of (a) digression, by the by(e), speaking of which, designedly.
    * a propósito de = apropos of.
    * a propósito de nada = for no specific reason, for no particular reason.
    * a prueba = on trial.
    * a prueba de bombas = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA], bomb-proof.
    * a prueba de conejos = rabbit-proof.
    * a prueba de fallos = fail-safe.
    * a prueba de incendios = fireproof [fire-proof].
    * a prueba de niños = childproof.
    * a prueba de robos = theft proof.
    * a prueba de tornados = tornado proof.
    * a prueba de un tratamiento duro = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA].
    * a prueba de viento = windproof.
    * a puerta cerrada = behind closed doors.
    * a punta de pistola = at gunpoint.
    * a punto de = on the verge of, a heartbeat away from.
    * a punto de + Infinitivo = about to + Infinitivo.
    * a punto de irse a pique = on the rocks.
    * a punto de morir = on + Posesivo + deathbed.
    * a puñados = by the sackful, by the handful.
    * a quemarropa = point blank.
    * a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda = the early bird catches the worm.
    * a quienquiera que = whomever.
    * a rachas = by fits and starts.
    * a ráfagas = in bursts.
    * a raíz de = in the wake of.
    * a rajatabla = to the letter.
    * a ras de = flush with.
    * a ras de la calle = ground-floor.
    * a ras del suelo = at ground level.
    * a rastras = in tow.
    * a ratos = intermittently.
    * a reacción = jet-assisted.
    * a rebosar (de) = jam-packed (with), filled to capacity.
    * a regañadientes = grudgingly, grudging, begrudgingly, unwillingly, reluctantly.
    * a régimen = on a diet.
    * a remolque = in tow.
    * a reventar (de) = jam-packed (with), filled to capacity.
    * a saber = namely, viz, to wit.
    * a sabiendas = knowing, knowingly, wilfully [willfully, -USA].
    * a sabiendas de que = on the understanding that.
    * a sacudidas = jerkily.
    * a saltitos = jerky [jerkier -comp., jerkiest -sup.].
    * a salvo = in a safe place, in safekeeping, out of harm's way.
    * a sangre fría = cold-blooded.
    * a ser posible = if possible.
    * a simple vista = by the naked eye, superficially, on first thought.
    * a solas = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * a su debido tiempo = in due course, timely, in due time.
    * a sueldo = paid.
    * a su precio normal = at full price.
    * a su propio ritmo = at an individual pace.
    * a su tiempo = in a timely fashion, in due course, in a timely manner.
    * a su vez = Verbo + further, in turn, in its/their turn.
    * a tal efecto = to this effect.
    * a tales efectos = hereto.
    * a tarifa reducida = at reduced cost.
    * a tarifas especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a temperatura ambiente = at room temperature.
    * a tener en cuenta en el futuro = for future reference.
    * a tenor de = in light of, in the face of, in the light of, in view of.
    * a ti = you, thee.
    * a tiempo = in timely fashion, on time, promptly, timely, just in time, in time.
    * a tiempo completo = full-time.
    * a tiempo parcial = part-time.
    * a tientas = in the dark.
    * a tientas y a ciegas = blindly, in the dark.
    * a ti mismo = yourself, thyself.
    * a tiro = within gunshot, within range.
    * a tirones = jerky [jerkier -comp., jerkiest -sup.].
    * a título de = by way of, for the sake of.
    * a título gratuito = gratuitous.
    * a título personal = in a personal capacity, in a private capacity.
    * a toda costa = absolutely, at all costs, come what may, at any cost, at any price.
    * a toda máquina = in the fast lane, fast lane, full steam ahead, at full tilt, full-tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda marcha = at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda mecha = at a rate of knots, full steam ahead, at full blast, at full throttle, at top speed, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda pasta = at a rate of knots.
    * a toda pastilla = in the fast lane, on the fast track, fast lane, overdrive, full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at a rate of knots, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda prueba = unswerving.
    * a todas horas = at all hours, around the clock.
    * a todas luces = patently.
    * a todas partes = far and wide.
    * a toda velocidad = full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a todo alrededor = all round.
    * a todo color = full-colour, in full colour.
    * a todo gas = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo lo largo de = the length of.
    * a todo meter = full steam ahead, at full stretch, at full speed, at full blast, at top speed, at full throttle.
    * a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force, in full gear.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a todos los efectos = to all intents and purposes, to all intents, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a todos nosotros = us all.
    * a todos por igual = one size fits all.
    * a todo vapor = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo volumen = at full blast.
    * a tontas y a ciegas = headlong, runaway.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * a tope = packed to capacity, in the fast lane, fast lane, choc-a-block, chock-full, in full swing, in full gear, packed to the rafters.
    * a trancas y barrancas = with great difficulty, by fits and starts.
    * a través de = by way of, in the form of, through, via, out of, through the agency of.
    * a través de Internet = Internet-based, Web-based, Web-supported.
    * a través de la historia = over time.
    * a través de la TI = IT-enabled.
    * a través de la web = Web-based, Web-supported.
    * a través de los años = over the years, down the years.
    * a través de los ojos de = through the eyes of.
    * a través de los siglos = over the centuries.
    * a través del teléfono = call-in.
    * a través del tiempo = over time.
    * a través de operador = operator-assisted.
    * a tres bandas = three pronged.
    * a tres niveles = three-tiered.
    * a troche y moche = like there's no tomorrow.
    * a trompicones = by fits and starts.
    * a tropezones = falteringly, hesitantly, haltingly, jerkily.
    * a trozos = piecewise.
    * ¡A tu salud! = Here's to you!.
    * a última hora = at the last minute, at the eleventh hour, last minute [last-minute], at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last.
    * a últimas horas de la tarde = late evening.
    [b]* a últ
    * * *
    a femenino (pl aes) ( read as [a]) the letter A, a
    * * *
    = for, per, to.

    Ex: The fine policy matrix corresponds to the loan policy matrix, cell for cell.

    Ex: Indexing can thus be achieved at a detailed level, with often many terms per document, with almost no indexing effort.
    Ex: Accessibility to the documents stored in files is an important factor, so the physical storage is important.
    * a + Adjetivo + escala = on a + Adjetivo + scale.
    * a alguna parte = someplace.
    * a alta presión = high-pressured, high-pressure.
    * a altas horas de la noche = late at night.
    * a ambas orillas del Atlántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de = on either side of.
    * a ambos lados del Altántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.
    * a ambos lados de + Lugar = on both sides of + Lugar.
    * a años luz de = light years away from.
    * a bajas temperaturas = at low temperature.
    * a bajo coste = low-cost.
    * a bajo costo = low-cost.
    * a bajo nivel = low-level.
    * a bajo precio = lower-cost, at a low price, on the cheap.
    * a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.
    * a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * a base de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a base de errores = the hard way.
    * a boca de jarro = at close range.
    * a bocajarro = point blank.
    * a bombo y platillo = fanfare, with a bang.
    * a bordo = aboard, on board ship.
    * a bordo de = aboard, onboard.
    * a bordo de un barco = shipboard, on board ship.
    * a buen recaudo = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * a caballo = on horseback, astride.
    * a caballo entre = astride... and..., midway between.
    * a caballo entre... y... = half way between... and....
    * a caballo regalado no se le mira el diente = never look a gift horse in the mouth.
    * a cada rato = every so often, every now and then, every now and again, every once in a while.
    * a cambio = in return.
    * a cambio de = in exchange for, in return for.
    * a cambio de nada = for nothing.
    * a cántaros = cats and dogs.
    * a cargo = in the saddle.
    * a cargo (de) = charged with, in charge (of), at the helm (of).
    * a cargo de Alguien = under supervision.
    * a cargo de las riendas = in the saddle.
    * a cargo del ayuntamiento = local authority-run.
    * a cargo del gobierno = government-operated, government-run.
    * a cargo de una sola persona = one-man band.
    * a cargo de voluntarios = volunteer-run.
    * a chorros = profusely.
    * a ciegas = blindfold, blindly, blindfolded, in the dark.
    * a ciencia cierta = for sure, for certain.
    * a cierta distancia = some distance away.
    * a cierta distancia de = off.
    * a cierta distancia de la costa = offshore.
    * a cierta distancia del litoral = offshore.
    * a cobro revertido = reverse charges.
    * a color = multi-colour [multi-color -USA].
    * a comienzos de + Expresión Temporal = early + Expresión Temporal, the.
    * a comienzos de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha, in the early part of + Fecha.
    * a comienzos de + Período de Tiempo = by the turn of + Período de Tiempo, at the turn of + Período de Tiempo.
    * a conciencia = deliberately, wilfully [willfully, -USA], by design, on purpose.
    * a condición de que + Subjuntivo = provided (that), providing (that), as long as.
    * a contenido enriquecido = content-enriched.
    * a continuación = next, then, in the following, herewith.
    * a continuación se enumeran = given below.
    * a contracorriente = against the grain.
    * a contraluz = against the light.
    * a contrapelo = against the grain, against the nap.
    * a coro = with one voice, in unison.
    * a corto plazo = before very long, short term [short-term], in the short run, short-range, at short notice, in the short term, short-run.
    * a costa de = at the cost of, at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense, at cost of.
    * a costa de mucho = at (a) great expense.
    * a costa de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a costa de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a criterio de = at the discretion of.
    * a cualquier hora = anytime, around the clock.
    * a cualquier hora del día o de la noche = at any hour of the day or night, at any time of the day or night.
    * a cualquier precio = at any cost, at all costs, at any price.
    * a cuatro aguas = hipped.
    * a cuatro patas = on all fours, on four legs.
    * a cuenta de = at the expense of.
    * a cuenta de la empresa = at company expense.
    * a cuenta de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a cuenta de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a cuenta propia = at + Posesivo + expense, at + Posesivo + own expense.
    * a cuerpo de rey = the lap of luxury.
    * a cuestas = in tow.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * a decir verdad = to tell the truth, if the truth be known, if the truth be told, in all truth, in truth, fact is, the fact is (that), to be fair.
    * a decir verdad... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * a demanda = pro re nata.
    * a deshora(s) = at odd times, out of hours.
    * a día de hoy = as of today.
    * a diario = every day.
    * a diestro y siniestro = like there's no tomorrow.
    * a dieta = on a diet.
    * a diferencia de = apart from, as opposed to, in contradistinction to, as contrasted with, in contrast (to/with), quite apart from, in sharp contrast (with).
    * a diferencia de + Nombre = unlike + Nombre.
    * a diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * a discreción = at will, no holds barred.
    * a disgusto = unwillingly, reluctantly.
    * a disposición de = at the disposal of.
    * a distancia = remote, remotely, distantly.
    * a doble espacio = double-spaced.
    * a domicilio = domiciliary.
    * ¿a dónde se dirige(n)...? = whither?.
    * ¿a dónde va(n)...? = whither?.
    * ¿a dónde vas? = quo vadis, whither thou goest.
    * a dos niveles = two-tier.
    * a dos velas = skint, penniless, broke.
    * a duras penas = with great difficulty.
    * a efectos de = in terms of, for the purpose of + Nombre.
    * a efectos prácticos = to all intents and purposes, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes, to all intents.
    * a él = him.
    * a ellos = them.
    * a escala = drawn-to-scale.
    * a escala industrial = on an industrial scale, industrial-scale.
    * a escala mundial = globally, on a global scale.
    * a escala natural = full-scale.
    * a escondidas = by stealth, stealthily, furtively, on the quiet, on the sly.
    * a eso = thereto.
    * a espaldas de = out of sight of.
    * a estas alturas = by now.
    * a este fin = to this end.
    * a este paso = at this rate.
    * a este respecto = in this respect.
    * a este ritmo = at this rate.
    * a estrenar = brand new.
    * a examen = under the microscope.
    * a excepción de = barring, except for, excepting, other than, with the exception of, short of.
    * a excepción de que = except that.
    * a excepción de uno = with one exception.
    * a expensas de = at the expense of, at + Nombre's + expense.
    * a expensas de otro = at someone else's expense.
    * a expensas de otros = at other people's expense.
    * a + Expresión Temporal = as of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a falta de = for want of, in the absence of, in default of, for lack of, short of.
    * a favor = in favour.
    * a favor de = in favour of.
    * a favor de la decisión personal sobre el aborto = pro-choice.
    * a favor de la esclavitud = pro-slavery.
    * a favor de la raza negra = pro-black [problack].
    * a favor de la vida humana = pro-life.
    * a favor y en contra = pro and con.
    * a + Fecha = as per + Fecha.
    * a finales de = by the end of, at the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a finales de + Expresión Temporal = as of late + Expresión Temporal, at the end of + Expresión Temporal, by the close of + Expresión Temporal.
    * a finales de + Fecha = in the late + Fecha, in late + Fecha.
    * a finales de los + Década = late + Década, the.
    * a finales del + Siglo = late + Siglo, late period of + Siglo.
    * a fin de cuentas = at the end of the day, in the end, in the final count, in the grand scheme of things, when all is said and done, after all is said and done.
    * a fondo = fully, thoroughly, full-scale.
    * a fondo perdido = non-refundable.
    * ¡a freír espárragos! = on your bike!.
    * a fuerza de = by dint of.
    * a fuerza de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a fuerza de errores = the hard way.
    * a gas = gas-powered.
    * a gatas = on all fours.
    * a grandes rasgos = broadly, rough draft.
    * a granel = in bulk.
    * a gran escala = large scale [large-scale], massive, on a wide scale, high-volume, wide-scale, on a broad scale, in a big way, on a grand scale.
    * a gran velocidad = at great speed.
    * a grito limpio = at the top of + Posesivo + voice.
    * a grito pelado = at the top of + Posesivo + voice.
    * a gritos = vociferously.
    * a groso modo = crudely.
    * a grosso modo = roughly, rough draft.
    * a gusto = at ease, at leisure.
    * a gusto de = to the liking of, at the pleasure of.
    * a horcajadas = astride.
    * a hurtadillas = surreptitiously, by stealth, stealthily, furtively, on the sly.
    * a imitación de lo clásico = classicising [classicizing, -USA], classicised [classicized, -USA].
    * a iniciativa de = at the initiative of.
    * a iniciativas del gobierno = government-led.
    * a instancia de = at the urging of.
    * a instancias de = at the instigation of, at the behest of, under the auspices of.
    * a intervalos = at intervals.
    * a intervalos + Adjetivo = at + Adjetivo + intervals.
    * a intervalos semanales = at weekly intervals.
    * a invitación de = at the invitation of.
    * a jabón = soapy [soapier -comp., soapiest -sup.].
    * a juicio = on trial.
    * a juicio público = in the public eye.
    * a juzgar por = to judge by, judging by, judging from.
    * a la acuarela = water-coloured [water-colored, -USA].
    * a la alcaldía = mayoral.
    * a la altura de = of the stature of, equal to.
    * a la altura de la cintura = waist high, waist deep.
    * a la altura de la rodilla = knee-high.
    * a la altura de los hombros = shoulder-high.
    * a la anchura de los hombros = shoulder-width.
    * a la anochecida = at nightfall.
    * a la antigua = old-style.
    * a la antigua usanza = old-style.
    * a la atención de = c/o (care of).
    * a la baja = on the wane.
    * a la brasa = grilled.
    * a la buena de Dios = out in the cold.
    * a la cabeza de = in the forefront of/in.
    * a la caída de la noche = at nightfall, at twilight.
    * a la caída de la tarde = at twilight.
    * a la carta = a la carte.
    * a la defensiva = on the defensive.
    * a la derecha = at the right.
    * a la derecha de = on the right side of, on the right-hand side of.
    * a la deriva = rudderless.
    * a la discreción de = at the discretion of.
    * a la disposición de Alguien = at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * a la expectativa de = on the lookout for, on the alert for.
    * a la + Expresión Temporal = a + Expresión Temporal.
    * a la fuerza = forcefully, of necessity, forcibly, compulsorily.
    * a la fuga = on the run, on the lam.
    * a la hora de + Infinitivo = when it came to + Gerundio, when it comes to + Gerundio.
    * a la hora de la verdad = when push comes to shove, if it comes to the crunch, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst, when the crunch comes to the crunch, if the crunch comes to the crunch.
    * a la hora del café = at coffee.
    * a la intemperie = in the open, exposed.
    * a la inversa = mirror-fashion, mirror image, in reverse.
    * a la izquierda = at the left.
    * a la larga = in the long term, over the long term, in the end, eventually, for the long pull, over a period of time, over the long haul, in the far term, ultimately, by and by.
    * a la ligera = lightly.
    * a la luz de = in light of, in the light of.
    * a la luz de la luna = by moonlight, in the moonlight, moonlit.
    * a la luz de las estrellas = by starlight.
    * a la luz de las velas = by candlelight, candlelight, candlelit.
    * a la luz del día = in the light of day.
    * a la luz de una lámpara de gas = by gaslight.
    * a la mano de = available at the fingertips of.
    * a la misma altura que = in the same league as.
    * a la moda = trendy [trendier -comp., trendiest -sup.].
    * a la onda = in the know.
    * a la opinión pública = in the public eye.
    * a la par = in concert, in tandem, neck and neck, in a tandem fashion, in parallel.
    * a la par que = in tandem with, hand in hand (with), as the same time as.
    * a la parrilla = grilled, on the grill.
    * a la perfección = superbly.
    * a la plancha = griddled, on the griddle, on the hotplate.
    * a largo plazo = in the long term, over the long term, long-range, in the long run, long-term, over the long run, over the long haul, long-run, in the far term, far-term.
    * a la salida = on the way out.
    * a la sazón = at that time.
    * a las doce del mediodía = at high noon.
    * a la semana = a week, per week.
    * a las mil maravillas = marvellously [marvelously, -USA], famously, like a house on fire.
    * a la sombra de = in the shadow of.
    * a las puertas de = on the threshold of.
    * a la última = hip [hipper -comp., hippest -sup.], on the fast track, hipped.
    * a la vanguardia = on the cutting edge, on the leading edge, in the fast lane, on the fast track, at the leading edge, on the bleeding edge.
    * a la vanguardia de = in the vanguard of, at the forefront of, in the forefront of/in, at the vanguard of.
    * a la velocidad de la luz = at the speed of light.
    * a la velocidad del rayo = at the speed of lightning.
    * a la velocidad del sonido = at the speed of sound.
    * a la venta = on release.
    * a la vez = at once, at one time, at similar times, at the same time, concurrently, side-by-side, simultaneously, at the same instant, in parallel, in tandem, at the one time, in a tandem fashion, at a time, in unison.
    * a la vez que = hand in hand (with), cum, in conjunction with, in unison with.
    * a la vista = in sight, within sight.
    * a la vista de = in light of, in the light of.
    * a la vuelta de = on the return leg of.
    * a la zaga = not far behind, in tow.
    * al azar = lucky draw, lucky dip.
    * al extremo norte = northernmost.
    * al extremo oeste = westernmost.
    * al hacer esto = in doing so.
    * al norte del estado = upstate.
    * a lo extremo = to the extreme.
    * a lo grande = in a big way, big time, grandly, on a grand scale.
    * a lo hecho, pecho = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk, you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * a lo largo de = along, down, throughout.
    * a lo largo de + Expresión Temporal = sometime + Expresión Temporal.
    * a lo largo de la historia = over time.
    * a lo largo de la ruta = along the way.
    * a lo largo del tiempo = longitudinal, longitudinally.
    * a lo largo de todo = the entire length of.
    * a lo largo y ancho del país = countrywide [country-wide].
    * a lo largo y ancho de + Lugar = up and down + Lugar.
    * a lo lejos = in the distance.
    * a lo loco = helter-skelter, like there's no tomorrow.
    * a lo máximo = at best, at most, at the most.
    * a lo mejor = perhaps.
    * a lo que salga = come what may.
    * a los ojos de = in the eyes of.
    * a lo sumo = at best, at most, at the most.
    * al otro lado del atlántico = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del charco = across the pond.
    * al otro lado del océano = across the pond.
    * a lo zombi = zombielike.
    * a mano = by hand, manually, nearby [near-by], handy, within reach, within easy reach.
    * a mano alzada = by a show of hands.
    * a mano derecha de = on the right side of, on the right-hand side of.
    * a manojos = by the handful.
    * a manos de = at the hands of.
    * a marchas forzadas = in a rush, against the clock.
    * a mares = cats and dogs.
    * a más largo plazo = longer-term.
    * a más..., más... = the + Comparativo..., the + Comparativo....
    * a más tardar = at the latest.
    * a mata caballo = in a hurry, hurried, hurriedly, helter-skelter.
    * a media asta = at half-mast, at half staff.
    * a mediados de = in the middle decades of.
    * a mediados de + Fecha = in the mid + Fecha.
    * a mediados de semana = midweek.
    * a media jornada = half-time [half time].
    * a media mañana = mid-morning.
    * a medianoche = at midnight.
    * a medias = half-hearted [halfhearted], qualified.
    * a medias entre... y... = betwixt and between.
    * a medida = custom, bespoke.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que pasaba el tiempo = as time passed (by), as time went by.
    * a medida que pasa el tiempo = as time passes (by).
    * a medida que pasa + Expresión Temporal = as + Expresión Temporal + go by.
    * a medida que + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medida que se necesite = on demand, on request, as required.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * a medio abrir = half-opened.
    * a medio camino = halfway [half-way/half way].
    * a medio comprender = half-understood.
    * a medio formar = half-formed.
    * a medio fuego = medium heat.
    * a medio hacer = halfway done, half done.
    * a medio plazo = medium-term, near-term, in the medium term, in the mid-term, mid-term [midterm].
    * a medio rimar = half-rhymed.
    * a medio vestir = half dressed.
    * a menor escala = at a reduced rate.
    * a menos que = unless, short of.
    * a menudo = oftentimes [often times], ofttimes [oft-times].
    * a merced de = at the mercy of.
    * a mí = me.
    * a mi entender = to my mind.
    * a mi modo de ver = in my books.
    * a mi parecer = to my mind, methinks, in my books.
    * a mitad de = half way through, halfway through.
    * a mitad de camino = halfway [half-way/half way].
    * a mitad de camino entre... y... = midway between, half way between... and....
    * a mitad de camino entre... y... = astride... and....
    * a mitad de precio = at half price.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * a modo de = by way of, in the vein of, as a kind of.
    * a modo de aclaración = in parenthesis, on a sidenote.
    * a modo de advertencia = cautionary.
    * a modo de ejemplo = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de explicación = parenthetically.
    * a modo de ilustración = by way of illustration.
    * a modo de inciso = in passing, by the way of (a) digression.
    * a modo de paréntesis = parenthetical.
    * a modo de prólogo = prefatory.
    * a modo de resumen = wrap-up.
    * a mogollón = aplenty [a-plenty].
    * a montón = aplenty [a-plenty].
    * a montones = in droves, by the sackful.
    * a muchos niveles = many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * a muerte = bitter, bitterly.
    * a nadie le importa nada = nobody + gives a damn.
    * a nivel de barrio = neighbourhood-based.
    * a nivel de calle = on the ground level.
    * a nivel de la calle = at ground level.
    * a nivel del suelo = at ground level.
    * a nivel estatal = statewide [state-wide].
    * a nivel federal = federally, federally.
    * a nivel individual = privately.
    * a nivel local = locally, domestically.
    * a nivel multicultural = multi-culturally [multiculturally].
    * a nivel mundial = worldwide [world-wide], globally.
    * a nivel nacional = nationally, domestically, countrywide [country-wide].
    * a nivel privado = privately.
    * a nivel regional = regionally.
    * a nombre de = payable to.
    * a no ser que = unless.
    * a nosotros = us.
    * a ojo = ocular.
    * a ojos vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a orillas del océano = oceanfront.
    * a orillas del río = riverfront.
    * a orillas de un lago = lakeside, lakefront, by the lakeside.
    * a otro sitio = somewhere else.
    * a pares = in pairs.
    * a partes iguales = share and share alike, in equal measure(s).
    * a partir de = on the basis of, based on, working from, from, on a diet of, in response to.
    * a partir de ahora = from now on, from this point on, henceforth, as of now.
    * a partir de ahora y durante + Cuantificador + años = for + Cuantificador + years to come.
    * a partir de aquí = hereupon.
    * a partir de ello = therefrom.
    * a partir de entonces = from this time on, hereafter, thereafter, whereafter, from then on, thenceforth, henceforth, from that moment on.
    * a partir de ese momento = from that moment on.
    * a partir de este momento = hereinafter.
    * a partir de esto = on this basis, on that basis.
    * a partir de + Fecha = from + Fecha, effective + Fecha.
    * a partir de hoy = as from today.
    * a partir de la medianoche = late night.
    * a partir de los títulos = title-based.
    * a paso de tortuga = at a snail's pace.
    * a paso ligero = on the double.
    * a pasos agigantados = at an exponential rate, at exponential rates, by leaps and bounds.
    * a pedir de boca = without a hitch.
    * a pequeña escala = in a small way, small scale [small-scale].
    * a perpetuidad = in perpetuity.
    * a pesar de (que) = albeit (that), despite, in spite of, notwithstanding, although, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that.
    * a pesar de todo = all the same, in spite of everything, despite everything, despite it all, in spite of it all, all this said.
    * a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombre = for all + Posesivo + Nombre.
    * a petición de = at the request of, at the urging of, at the behest of.
    * a petición del usuario = on demand, on request.
    * a petición popular = by popular demand.
    * a pie = on foot, afoot, dismounted.
    * a pilas = battery-operated.
    * a pique = sinking.
    * a placer = at will.
    * a plena luz del día = in broad daylight.
    * a poca distancia = not far behind.
    * a poca distancia andando = within walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a poca distancia a pie = within an easy walk, within walking distance.
    * a pocos minutos andando = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a pocos minutos a pie = within walking distance, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.
    * a porrillo = by the handful.
    * a + Posesivo + aire = to + Posesivo + heart's content.
    * a + Posesivo + alcance = in the ballpark for + Pronombre, in + Posesivo + ballpark range.
    * a + Posesivo + costa = at + Posesivo + expense.
    * a + Posesivo + cuidado = in + Posesivo + safekeeping.
    * a + Posesivo + discreción = at will, at + Posesivo + discretion.
    * a + Posesivo + disposición = at + Posesivo + disposal.
    * a + Posesivo + entender = to the best of + Posesivo + belief.
    * a + Posesivo + espaldas = behind + Posesivo + back.
    * a + Posesivo + expensas = at + Posesivo + expense.
    * a + Posesivo + favor = in + Posesivo + favour, to + Posesivo + credit.
    * a + Posesivo + juicio = in + Posesivo + estimation.
    * a + Posesivo + manera = in + Posesivo + own way.
    * a + Posesivo + saber = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge.
    * a + Posesivo + saber y entender = to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge and belief.
    * a + Posesivo + servicio = at + Posesivo + service.
    * a + Posesivo + sorprender = much to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * a + Posesivo + vista = before + Posesivo + (own two) eyes.
    * a posteriori = reactive, in retrospect, after-the-fact, hindsight, with hindsight, a posteriori, in hindsight.
    * a precio de coste = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de costo = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de ganga = at a steal.
    * a precio especial = at reduced cost, discounted, cut-rate, cut-price.
    * a precio razonable = at reasonable cost(s).
    * a precio reducido = at a discount.
    * a precios competitivos = competitively priced.
    * a precios especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a precios razonables = at affordable prices.
    * a presión = pressurised [pressurized, -USA].
    * a primera hora de la mañana = first thing in the morning.
    * a primera hora de + Período del Día = first thing + Período del Día.
    * a primeras horas de la tarde = late afternoon.
    * a primera vista = on first acquaintance, at first sight, on first inspection, on the face of it, at first blush, at first glance, on the surface, prima facie, first-blush.
    * a primeros de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de + Fecha = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de los + Década = early + Década, the.
    * a priori = proactive [pro-active], foresight, a priori, on the surface.
    * a prisa = quickly.
    * a propósito = deliberate, for the record, incidentally, intentionally, by the way, in passing, anecdotally, purposely, by design, on purpose, wilfully [willfully, -USA], on a sidenote, studiously, by the way of (a) digression, by the by(e), speaking of which, designedly.
    * a propósito de = apropos of.
    * a propósito de nada = for no specific reason, for no particular reason.
    * a prueba = on trial.
    * a prueba de bombas = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA], bomb-proof.
    * a prueba de conejos = rabbit-proof.
    * a prueba de fallos = fail-safe.
    * a prueba de incendios = fireproof [fire-proof].
    * a prueba de niños = childproof.
    * a prueba de robos = theft proof.
    * a prueba de tornados = tornado proof.
    * a prueba de un tratamiento duro = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA].
    * a prueba de viento = windproof.
    * a puerta cerrada = behind closed doors.
    * a punta de pistola = at gunpoint.
    * a punto de = on the verge of, a heartbeat away from.
    * a punto de + Infinitivo = about to + Infinitivo.
    * a punto de irse a pique = on the rocks.
    * a punto de morir = on + Posesivo + deathbed.
    * a puñados = by the sackful, by the handful.
    * a quemarropa = point blank.
    * a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda = the early bird catches the worm.
    * a quienquiera que = whomever.
    * a rachas = by fits and starts.
    * a ráfagas = in bursts.
    * a raíz de = in the wake of.
    * a rajatabla = to the letter.
    * a ras de = flush with.
    * a ras de la calle = ground-floor.
    * a ras del suelo = at ground level.
    * a rastras = in tow.
    * a ratos = intermittently.
    * a reacción = jet-assisted.
    * a rebosar (de) = jam-packed (with), filled to capacity.
    * a regañadientes = grudgingly, grudging, begrudgingly, unwillingly, reluctantly.
    * a régimen = on a diet.
    * a remolque = in tow.
    * a reventar (de) = jam-packed (with), filled to capacity.
    * a saber = namely, viz, to wit.
    * a sabiendas = knowing, knowingly, wilfully [willfully, -USA].
    * a sabiendas de que = on the understanding that.
    * a sacudidas = jerkily.
    * a saltitos = jerky [jerkier -comp., jerkiest -sup.].
    * a salvo = in a safe place, in safekeeping, out of harm's way.
    * a sangre fría = cold-blooded.
    * a ser posible = if possible.
    * a simple vista = by the naked eye, superficially, on first thought.
    * a solas = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * a su debido tiempo = in due course, timely, in due time.
    * a sueldo = paid.
    * a su precio normal = at full price.
    * a su propio ritmo = at an individual pace.
    * a su tiempo = in a timely fashion, in due course, in a timely manner.
    * a su vez = Verbo + further, in turn, in its/their turn.
    * a tal efecto = to this effect.
    * a tales efectos = hereto.
    * a tarifa reducida = at reduced cost.
    * a tarifas especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a temperatura ambiente = at room temperature.
    * a tener en cuenta en el futuro = for future reference.
    * a tenor de = in light of, in the face of, in the light of, in view of.
    * a ti = you, thee.
    * a tiempo = in timely fashion, on time, promptly, timely, just in time, in time.
    * a tiempo completo = full-time.
    * a tiempo parcial = part-time.
    * a tientas = in the dark.
    * a tientas y a ciegas = blindly, in the dark.
    * a ti mismo = yourself, thyself.
    * a tiro = within gunshot, within range.
    * a tirones = jerky [jerkier -comp., jerkiest -sup.].
    * a título de = by way of, for the sake of.
    * a título gratuito = gratuitous.
    * a título personal = in a personal capacity, in a private capacity.
    * a toda costa = absolutely, at all costs, come what may, at any cost, at any price.
    * a toda máquina = in the fast lane, fast lane, full steam ahead, at full tilt, full-tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda marcha = at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda mecha = at a rate of knots, full steam ahead, at full blast, at full throttle, at top speed, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda pasta = at a rate of knots.
    * a toda pastilla = in the fast lane, on the fast track, fast lane, overdrive, full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at a rate of knots, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda prueba = unswerving.
    * a todas horas = at all hours, around the clock.
    * a todas luces = patently.
    * a todas partes = far and wide.
    * a toda velocidad = full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a todo alrededor = all round.
    * a todo color = full-colour, in full colour.
    * a todo gas = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo lo largo de = the length of.
    * a todo meter = full steam ahead, at full stretch, at full speed, at full blast, at top speed, at full throttle.
    * a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force, in full gear.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a todos los efectos = to all intents and purposes, to all intents, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a todos nosotros = us all.
    * a todos por igual = one size fits all.
    * a todo vapor = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo volumen = at full blast.
    * a tontas y a ciegas = headlong, runaway.
    * a tontas y locas = like there's no tomorrow, without rhyme or reason.
    * a tope = packed to capacity, in the fast lane, fast lane, choc-a-block, chock-full, in full swing, in full gear, packed to the rafters.
    * a trancas y barrancas = with great difficulty, by fits and starts.
    * a través de = by way of, in the form of, through, via, out of, through the agency of.
    * a través de Internet = Internet-based, Web-based, Web-supported.
    * a través de la historia = over time.
    * a través de la TI = IT-enabled.
    * a través de la web = Web-based, Web-supported.
    * a través de los años = over the years, down the years.
    * a través de los ojos de = through the eyes of.
    * a través de los siglos = over the centuries.
    * a través del teléfono = call-in.
    * a través del tiempo = over time.
    * a través de operador = operator-assisted.
    * a tres bandas = three pronged.
    * a tres niveles = three-tiered.
    * a troche y moche = like there's no tomorrow.
    * a trompicones = by fits and starts.
    * a tropezones = falteringly, hesitantly, haltingly, jerkily.
    * a trozos = piecewise.
    * ¡A tu salud! = Here's to you!.
    * a última hora = at the last minute, at the eleventh hour, last minute [last-minute], at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last.
    * a últimas horas de la tarde = late evening.
    * a últ

    * * *
    La preposición a suele emplearse precedida de ciertos verbos como empezar, ir, oler, sonar etc, en cuyo caso ver bajo el respectivo verbo.
    No se traduce cuando introduce el complemento directo de persona (ser humano, pronombres personales que lo representan como quien, alguien, etc) o un nombre con un objeto o animal personalizado: amo a mi patria = I love my country, pasear al perro = to walk the dog.
    En los casos en que precede al artículo definido el para formar la contracción al, ver bajo la siguiente entrada, donde también se encontrarán otros ejemplos y usos de a.
    A (en relaciones de espacio, lugar)
    voy a México/a la fiesta I'm going to Mexico/to the party
    voy a casa I'm going home
    dobla a la derecha turn right
    se cayó al río she fell into the river
    estaban sentados a la mesa they were sitting at the table
    a orillas del Ebro on the banks of the Ebro
    se sentó al sol he sat in the sun
    se sentó a mi derecha he sat down to the right of me o on my right
    a la vuelta de la esquina around the corner
    queda al norte de Toledo it's (to the) north of Toledo
    (indicando distancia): está a diez kilómetros de aquí it's ten kilometers from here, it's ten kilometers away
    está a unos 20 minutos de aquí it takes o it's about 20 minutes from here, it's a 20 minute drive ( o walk etc) from here
    1 (señalando hora, momento, fecha) at
    abren a las ocho they open at eight o'clock
    ¿a qué hora vengo? what time shall I come?
    a eso de las dos at around o about two o'clock
    a mediados de abril in mid-April
    hoy estamos a 20 it's the 20th today
    al día siguiente the next o following day
    empezó a hablar a los diez meses he started talking when he was ten months old o at ten months
    llegó a la mañana/noche ( RPl); he arrived in the morning/at night
    2 al + INF:
    se cayó al bajar del autobús she fell as she was getting off the bus
    al verlo me di cuenta de que ya no lo quería when I saw him o on seeing him, I realized that I no longer loved him
    al salir de la estación torcí a la izquierda I turned left out of the station
    (indicando distancia en el tiempo): a escasos minutos de su llegada (después) just a few minutes after she arrived; (antes) just a few minutes before she arrived
    trabajan de lunes a viernes/de una a cinco they work (from) Monday to Friday/from one to five
    a los diez minutos del primer tiempo ten minutes into the first half o after ten minutes of the first half
    estaré en París de martes a jueves I'll be in Paris from Tuesday until Thursday, I'll be in Paris Tuesday through Thursday ( AmE)
    (en relaciones de proporción, equivalencia): tres veces al día/a la semana three times a day/a week
    sale a 2.000 euros por cabeza it works out at 2,000 euros per person
    iban a 100 kilómetros por hora they were going (at) 100 kilometers per hour
    nos ganaron cinco a tres they beat us by five points to three, they beat us five three o ( AmE) five to three
    (indicando modo, estilo): fuimos a pie/a caballo we walked/rode, we went on foot/on horseback
    pollo al horno/a la brasa roast/barbecued chicken
    un peinado a lo Rodolfo Valentino a Rudolph Valentino hairstyle
    a crédito on credit
    ilustraciones a todo color full-color illustrations
    una tela a rayas a piece of striped material
    (introduciendo el complemento directo de persona): ¿viste a José? did you see José?
    la policía está buscando al asesino the police are looking for the murderer
    no he leído a Freud I haven't read (any) Freud
    busca una secretaria bilingüe he's looking for a bilingual secretary
    (introduciendo el complemento indirecto): le escribió una carta a su padre he wrote a letter to his father, he wrote his father a letter
    dáselo/dáselos a ella give it/them to her
    les enseña inglés a mis hijos she teaches my children English
    suave al tacto soft to the touch
    agradable al oído pleasing to the ear
    (indicando procedencia): se lo compré a una gitana I bought it from o ( colloq) off a gipsy
    enséñale a nadar teach him to swim
    fue a preguntar he went to ask
    a que + SUBJ:
    los instó a que participaran he urged them to take part
    voy a ir a que me hagan un chequeo I'm going to go and have a checkup
    2 ( fam)
    (para): ¿a qué tanta ceremonia? what's all the fuss for?
    ¿a qué le fuiste a decir eso? what did you go and tell him that for?
    a por ( Esp fam): bajo a por pan I'm going down to get some bread o for some bread ( colloq)
    ¿quién va a ir a por los niños? who's going to fetch o get the children?
    ¡a por ello! go for it!
    los puntos a tratar en la reunión de mañana the points to be discussed at tomorrow's meeting
    es una idea a tener en cuenta it's an idea to bear in mind o that should be borne in mind
    total a pagar total payable
    horario a convenir hours to be arranged
    (en órdenes): ¡a la cama, niños! off to bed, children!
    ¡a callar! shut up! ( colloq)
    vamos ¡a trabajar! come on, let's get some work done!
    a decir verdad to tell you the truth
    a juzgar por lo que tú dices judging from what you say
    3 ( fam)
    (en cuanto a): a tozudo no hay quien le gane when it comes to being stubborn there's nobody like him
    (indicando causa): a petición del interesado ( frml); at the request of the interested party
    al + INF:
    al no saber idiomas está en desventaja as he doesn't speak any languages he is at a disadvantage, he's at a disadvantage not speaking any languages
    (expresando desafío): ¿a que no sabes qué nota me puso? you'll never guess what mark she gave me!
    tú no te atreverías — ¿a que sí? you wouldn't dare — do you want to o a bet? ( colloq)
    ¡a que no puedes! bet you can't! ( colloq)
    * * *

    Multiple Entries:
    a sustantivo femenino (pl aes) (read as /a/) the letter A, a

    a preposición Nota:
    La preposición a suele emplearse precedida de ciertos verbos como empezar, ir, oler, sonar etc, en cuyo caso ver bajo el respectivo verbo.No se traduce cuando introduce el complemento directo de persona (ser humano, pronombres personales que lo representan, como quien, alguien, algún etc) o un nombre con un objeto o animal personalizado: amo a mi patria = I love my country, paseo a mi perro = I walk my dog.En los casos en que precede al artículo definido el para formar la contracción al, ver bajo la siguiente entrada, donde también se encontrarán otros ejemplos y usos de a.

    voy a México/la tienda I'm going to Mexico/to the shop;

    voy a casa I'm going home;
    se cayó al río she fell into the river

    a orillas del Ebro on the banks of the Ebro;
    se sentó al sol he sat in the sun;
    se sentó a mi derecha he sat down on my right

    a) (señalando hora, momento) at;

    a la hora de comer at lunch time;
    ¿a qué hora vengo? what time shall I come?;
    a mediados de abril in mid-April;
    al día siguiente the next o following day

    hoy estamos a lunes/a 20 today is Monday/it's the 20th today

    c) al + inf:

    al enterarse de la noticia when he learnt o on learning the news

    ( antes) a few minutes before she arrived;

    3 (en relaciones de proporción, equivalencia):

    sale a 100 euros cada uno it works out at 100 euros each;
    a 100 kilómetros por hora (at) 100 kilometers per hour;
    nos ganaron cinco a tres they beat us five three o (AmE) five to three
    4 (indicando modo, medio, estilo):
    a pie/a caballo on foot/on horseback;

    a crédito on credit;
    funciona a pilas it runs on batteries;
    a mano by hand;
    a rayas striped;
    vestirse a lo punk to wear punk clothes

    ¿viste a José? did you see José?;

    no he leído a Freud I haven't read (any) Freud

    dáselo a ella give it to her;
    les enseña inglés a mis hijos she teaches my children English;
    le echó (la) llave a la puerta she locked the door

    se lo compré a una gitana I bought it from o (colloq) off a gipsy

    A, a f (letra) A
    'A' also found in these entries:
    a. C.
    - a.m.
    - abajeña
    - abajeño
    - abanderada
    - abanderado
    - abandonar
    - abandonada
    - abandonado
    - abanico
    - abarquillada
    - abarquillado
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abasto
    - abatida
    - abatido
    - abatirse
    - abdicar
    - aberración
    - abertura
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abigarrada
    - abigarrado
    - abigarrar
    - ablandar
    - ablusada
    - ablusado
    - abnegada
    - abnegado
    - abobada
    - abobado
    - abocada
    - abocado
    - abogacía
    - abogada
    - abogado
    - abombada
    - abombado
    - abonar
    - abonada
    - abonado
    - abonarse
    - abono
    - abordar
    - abordaje
    - aborregar
    - abortar
    - abortiva
    - A-level
    - a.m.
    - abandon
    - abandoned
    - abide by
    - ability
    - abject
    - abnormal
    - aboard
    - aborigine
    - abortion
    - abortive
    - about
    - above
    - above-board
    - above-mentioned
    - abrasive
    - abreast
    - abridged
    - abrupt
    - absent
    - absent-minded
    - absolute
    - absolutely
    - absorbed
    - abstemious
    - abstract
    - absurd
    - abundant
    - abuse
    - abusive
    - abysmal
    - academic
    - academy
    - accede
    - accent
    - acceptable
    - access
    - accident-prone
    - accidental
    - accidentally
    - acclimatized
    - accommodate
    - accommodation
    - accomplish
    - accomplished
    - account
    - account for
    - accountable
    * * *
    1. (abrev de autopista) Br M, US freeway
    2. (abrev de alfil) [en notación de ajedrez] B
    A, a [a] nf
    [letra] A, a;
    si por a o por be… if for any reason…
    * * *
    al este de to the east of;
    a casa home;
    ir a la cama/al cine go to bed/to the movies;
    ¡a trabajar! get to work!;
    vamos a Buenos Aires we’re going to Buenos Aires;
    voy a casa de Marta I’m going to Marta’s (house)
    a la mesa at the table;
    al lado de next to;
    a la derecha on the right;
    al sol in the sun;
    a treinta kilómetros de Cuzco thirty kilometers from Cuzco;
    está a cinco kilómetros it’s five kilometers away
    ¿a qué hora llegas? what time do you arrive?;
    a las tres at three o’clock;
    de once a doce from eleven (o’clock) to twelve;
    estamos a quince de febrero it’s February fifteenth;
    a los treinta años at the age of thirty;
    a la llegada del tren when the train arrives
    a la española the Spanish way;
    a mano by hand;
    a pie on foot;
    a 50 kilómetros por hora at fifty kilometers an hour
    ¿a cómo o
    cuánto está? how much is it?;
    están a dos pesos el kilo they are two pesos a kilo
    dáselo a tu hermano give it to your brother
    vi a mi padre I saw my father
    empezar a begin to;
    jugar a las cartas play cards;
    decidirse a hacer algo decide to do sth;
    voy a comprarlo I’m going to buy it;
    a decir verdad to tell the truth
    ¿a que no lo sabes? I bet you don’t know;
    a ver OK, right;
    a ver lo que pasa ahora let’s see what happens now
    abr (= alias) aka (= also known as)
    * * *
    a nf
    : first letter of the Spanish alphabet
    a prep
    1) : to
    nos vamos a México: we're going to Mexico
    ¿llamaste a tu papá?: did you call your dad?
    como a usted le guste: as you wish
    3) : in the manner of
    papas a la francesa: french fries
    4) : on, by means of
    a pie: on foot
    5) : per, each
    tres pastillas al día: three pills per day
    enséñales a leer: teach them to read
    problemas a resolver: problems to be solved
    * * *
    a prep
    3. (distancia) away
    está a un kilómetro de aquí it's one kilometre from here / it's one kilometre away
    4. (tiempo) at
    5. (distribución, cantidad, medida, precio) a / at
    tocamos a 1.000 cada uno it works out at 1,000 each
    fui a pie I walked / I went on foot
    hecho a mano handmade / made by hand
    ¿has visto a Iván? have you seen Iván?
    9. (para) for
    10. (de) from

    Spanish-English dictionary > a

  • 111 de buenas a primeras

    familiar all of a sudden, just like that
    * * *
    suddenly, without warning
    * * *
    = right off the bat, suddenly, without warning, all of a sudden, just like that
    Ex. I can't think of an exact example to give you right off the bat.
    Ex. Then suddenly he extinguished his smile and arranged his countenance so that his listener should suppose him to be profoundly disturbed.
    Ex. In February 1986 an unforeseeable financial crisis at the Georgia Institute of Technology's library made it necessary to divert the binding budget to other areas and without warning binding activities were halted.
    Ex. The process of secularization in Britain occurred all of a sudden sending Christianity on a downward spiral to the edges of social significance.
    Ex. All I have to say is nothing happens just like that overnight, it takes time and exhausting waiting.
    * * *
    = right off the bat, suddenly, without warning, all of a sudden, just like that

    Ex: I can't think of an exact example to give you right off the bat.

    Ex: Then suddenly he extinguished his smile and arranged his countenance so that his listener should suppose him to be profoundly disturbed.
    Ex: In February 1986 an unforeseeable financial crisis at the Georgia Institute of Technology's library made it necessary to divert the binding budget to other areas and without warning binding activities were halted.
    Ex: The process of secularization in Britain occurred all of a sudden sending Christianity on a downward spiral to the edges of social significance.
    Ex: All I have to say is nothing happens just like that overnight, it takes time and exhausting waiting.

    Spanish-English dictionary > de buenas a primeras

  • 112 de repente

    suddenly, all of a sudden
    * * *
    = suddenly, without warning, just like that, unexpectedly, out of nowhere, all at once
    Ex. Then suddenly he extinguished his smile and arranged his countenance so that his listener should suppose him to be profoundly disturbed.
    Ex. In February 1986 an unforeseeable financial crisis at the Georgia Institute of Technology's library made it necessary to divert the binding budget to other areas and without warning binding activities were halted.
    Ex. All I have to say is nothing happens just like that overnight, it takes time and exhausting waiting.
    Ex. DC has now announced that work has already begun on the expansion of the new schedule 302-307, an announcement which has not unexpectedly aroused some criticism.
    Ex. Mark has become a really good actor who kind of shot to stardom out of nowhere.
    Ex. And, all at once, the moon arouse through the thin ghastly mist, crimson in color.
    * * *
    = suddenly, without warning, just like that, unexpectedly, out of nowhere, all at once

    Ex: Then suddenly he extinguished his smile and arranged his countenance so that his listener should suppose him to be profoundly disturbed.

    Ex: In February 1986 an unforeseeable financial crisis at the Georgia Institute of Technology's library made it necessary to divert the binding budget to other areas and without warning binding activities were halted.
    Ex: All I have to say is nothing happens just like that overnight, it takes time and exhausting waiting.
    Ex: DC has now announced that work has already begun on the expansion of the new schedule 302-307, an announcement which has not unexpectedly aroused some criticism.
    Ex: Mark has become a really good actor who kind of shot to stardom out of nowhere.
    Ex: And, all at once, the moon arouse through the thin ghastly mist, crimson in color.

    Spanish-English dictionary > de repente

  • 113 de sopetón

    all of a sudden
    * * *
    = suddenly, without warning, all of a sudden, just like that, unexpectedly, out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue, cold turkey
    Ex. Then suddenly he extinguished his smile and arranged his countenance so that his listener should suppose him to be profoundly disturbed.
    Ex. In February 1986 an unforeseeable financial crisis at the Georgia Institute of Technology's library made it necessary to divert the binding budget to other areas and without warning binding activities were halted.
    Ex. The process of secularization in Britain occurred all of a sudden sending Christianity on a downward spiral to the edges of social significance.
    Ex. All I have to say is nothing happens just like that overnight, it takes time and exhausting waiting.
    Ex. DC has now announced that work has already begun on the expansion of the new schedule 302-307, an announcement which has not unexpectedly aroused some criticism.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Software out of the blue'.
    Ex. The election results came like a bolt out of the blue, threatening his loss of power.
    Ex. A white bird in the distance was seen to dart down like a bolt from the blue and seize a flying fish in the air.
    Ex. When heavy or frequent drinkers suddenly decide to quit ' cold turkey' they will experience some physical withdrawal symptoms.
    * * *
    = suddenly, without warning, all of a sudden, just like that, unexpectedly, out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue, cold turkey

    Ex: Then suddenly he extinguished his smile and arranged his countenance so that his listener should suppose him to be profoundly disturbed.

    Ex: In February 1986 an unforeseeable financial crisis at the Georgia Institute of Technology's library made it necessary to divert the binding budget to other areas and without warning binding activities were halted.
    Ex: The process of secularization in Britain occurred all of a sudden sending Christianity on a downward spiral to the edges of social significance.
    Ex: All I have to say is nothing happens just like that overnight, it takes time and exhausting waiting.
    Ex: DC has now announced that work has already begun on the expansion of the new schedule 302-307, an announcement which has not unexpectedly aroused some criticism.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Software out of the blue'.
    Ex: The election results came like a bolt out of the blue, threatening his loss of power.
    Ex: A white bird in the distance was seen to dart down like a bolt from the blue and seize a flying fish in the air.
    Ex: When heavy or frequent drinkers suddenly decide to quit ' cold turkey' they will experience some physical withdrawal symptoms.

    Spanish-English dictionary > de sopetón

  • 114 puerta

    1 door.
    de puerta en puerta from door to door
    puerta blindada reinforced door
    puerta corrediza sliding door
    puerta giratoria revolving door
    puerta principal front door; (en casa) main door o entrance (en hotel, museo, hospital)
    puerta trasera back door; (en casa) rear entrance (en hotel, museo, hospital)
    puerta vidriera glass door
    2 gateway, opening.
    3 goal, goalmouth (sport).
    4 gate.
    * * *
    1 door
    2 (verja) gate
    a las puertas de on the threshold of, close to
    a puerta cerrada in private, behind closed doors
    dar a alguien con la puerta en las narices familiar to slam the door in somebody's face
    de puerta a puerta (from) door to door
    de puertas adentro in private
    en puertas very close
    entrar por la puerta grande to make a grand entrance
    salir por la puerta grande to make a grand exit
    puerta corredera sliding door
    puerta de la calle main door, front door
    puerta de servicio service entrance
    puerta giratoria revolving door
    tiro a puerta shot at goal
    * * *
    noun f.
    1) door
    2) gate
    * * *
    1) [para bloquear el paso] [de casa, vehículo, armario] door; [de jardín, ciudad] gate

    puerta principal[de una casa] front door; [de edificio público] main entrance

    puerta ventana, puerta vidriera — French window

    2) (=abertura en la pared) doorway
    3) [locuciones]

    puerta a puerta, servicio puerta a puerta — door-to-door service

    hacer el puerta a puerta — (Pol) to doorstep

    de puertas abiertas, jornada de puertas abiertas — open day

    a puerta cerrada[gen] behind closed doors; (Jur) in camera

    de puerta en puerta — from door to door

    a las puertas de —

    ahora, a las puertas de la vejez, lo comprendo — now that I am approaching old age, I understand

    en septiembre, ya a las puertas del otoño — in September, with autumn just around the corner

    un sirviente de puertas adentro LAm a live-in servant

    de puertas afuera —

    lo que pasa de puertas afuera(=fuera de casa) what happens outside of this home; (=en el extranjero) what happens abroad

    de puertas afuera se dice que... — publicly it is being said that...

    por la puerta chica —

    estar en puertas —

    equivocarse de puerta —

    por la puerta grande —

    salir por la puerta grande[torero] to make a triumphant exit

    si me voy, lo haré por la puerta grande — if I leave, I'll leave with my head held high

    4) (Aer) gate
    5) (Dep) goal

    un disparo o remate a puerta — a shot at goal

    6) (Inform) port
    * * *
    1) (de casa, coche, horno) door; (en jardín, valla) gate

    llamar a la puerta — to ring the doorbell/knock on the door

    de puerta a puerta tardo media hora — it takes me half an hour, door to door

    coger la puerta (y largarse) — (Esp fam) to leave

    darle con la puerta en las narices a alguiento slam the door in somebody's face

    de puertas (para) adentro — in private, behind closed doors

    de puertas para fuera or (AmL) puertas afuera — in public

    en puertas: la Navidad está en puertas Christmas is just around the corner; estar a las puertas de algo: el ejército estaba ya a las puertas de la ciudad the army was already at the gates of the city; estaba a las puertas de la muerte he was at death's door; se quedó a las puertas del triunfo she narrowly missed winning; por la puerta grande: el torero salió por la puerta grande the bullfighter made a triumphal exit; volvió a Hollywood por la puerta grande — she returned to Hollywood in triumph

    2) (Dep)

    un tiro or remate a puerta — a shot (at goal)

    b) ( en esquí) gate
    * * *
    = door, doorway, gate, backyard.
    Ex. If it were decided to introduce a cloakroom, it would be planned in the space presently used by either newspapers or the short-loan collection, by opening a door from the entrance lobby.
    Ex. Heads started appearing in the doorway, muttering, 'Oh! So this is the library'.
    Ex. The fifth kind of relationship is that in which an entity is defined by one of its attributes; for example, in Lewis Carroll's poem, 'I'll tell thee everything I can: I saw an aged, aged man, a-sitting on a gate'.
    Ex. The article 'Coming soon to your backyard' argues that Britain has the highest potential for wind power in Europe.
    * abrir la puerta a = throw + open the door to.
    * abrir la puerta empujándola = push + open + door.
    * abrir las puertas de = unlock.
    * abrir puertas = open + avenues, open + doors.
    * acompañar a la puerta = usher + Nombre + out.
    * a las puertas de = on the threshold of.
    * a puerta cerrada = behind closed doors.
    * coche de cinco puertas = hatchback.
    * dejar la puerta abierta a = open + the door to.
    * dejar la puerta abierta de par en par = leave + the door wide open.
    * de puertas abiertas = open door.
    * de puertas adentro = back-office.
    * de puertas hacia dentro = backroom.
    * esterilla de la puerta = doormat.
    * hablando de Roma, por la puerta asoma = speak of the devil, talk of the devil.
    * imán para la puerta del frigorífico = refrigerator magnet.
    * imán para la puerta del frigorífico = fridge magnet.
    * jamba de la puerta = door jamb.
    * jornada de puertas abiertas = open day.
    * llamar a la puerta = knock on + door, rap at + door.
    * manilla de la puerta = door handle.
    * manivela de la puerta = door handle.
    * marco de la puerta = door frame.
    * pomo de la puerta = doorknob.
    * puerta automática = automatic door.
    * puerta batiente = swinging door, swing door.
    * puerta corredera = sliding door.
    * puerta corredera automática = automatic sliding door.
    * puerta corredera de cristal = sliding glass door.
    * puerta de acceso = gateway.
    * puerta de cristales = glazed door.
    * puerta de embarque = boarding gate.
    * puerta de entrada = entrance gate, entrance door.
    * puerta de la ciudad = city gate.
    * puerta del maletero = tailgate.
    * puerta de salida = exit door.
    * puerta en enlace = gateway.
    * puerta giratoria = revolving door.
    * puerta lateral = side door.
    * puerta oscilante = swinging door, swing door.
    * puerta principal = front door.
    * puertas abiertas = open house.
    * puerta trasera = back door.
    * recogida en su propia puerta = kerbside collection, curbside collection.
    * reunión a puertas abiertas = open meeting.
    * ser una puerta abierta a = be an open invitation to.
    * sesión de puertas abiertas = public hearing, open hearing.
    * timbre de la puerta = doorbell.
    * umbral de la puerta = doorstep.
    * * *
    1) (de casa, coche, horno) door; (en jardín, valla) gate

    llamar a la puerta — to ring the doorbell/knock on the door

    de puerta a puerta tardo media hora — it takes me half an hour, door to door

    coger la puerta (y largarse) — (Esp fam) to leave

    darle con la puerta en las narices a alguiento slam the door in somebody's face

    de puertas (para) adentro — in private, behind closed doors

    de puertas para fuera or (AmL) puertas afuera — in public

    en puertas: la Navidad está en puertas Christmas is just around the corner; estar a las puertas de algo: el ejército estaba ya a las puertas de la ciudad the army was already at the gates of the city; estaba a las puertas de la muerte he was at death's door; se quedó a las puertas del triunfo she narrowly missed winning; por la puerta grande: el torero salió por la puerta grande the bullfighter made a triumphal exit; volvió a Hollywood por la puerta grande — she returned to Hollywood in triumph

    2) (Dep)

    un tiro or remate a puerta — a shot (at goal)

    b) ( en esquí) gate
    * * *
    = door, doorway, gate, backyard.

    Ex: If it were decided to introduce a cloakroom, it would be planned in the space presently used by either newspapers or the short-loan collection, by opening a door from the entrance lobby.

    Ex: Heads started appearing in the doorway, muttering, 'Oh! So this is the library'.
    Ex: The fifth kind of relationship is that in which an entity is defined by one of its attributes; for example, in Lewis Carroll's poem, 'I'll tell thee everything I can: I saw an aged, aged man, a-sitting on a gate'.
    Ex: The article 'Coming soon to your backyard' argues that Britain has the highest potential for wind power in Europe.
    * abrir la puerta a = throw + open the door to.
    * abrir la puerta empujándola = push + open + door.
    * abrir las puertas de = unlock.
    * abrir puertas = open + avenues, open + doors.
    * acompañar a la puerta = usher + Nombre + out.
    * a las puertas de = on the threshold of.
    * a puerta cerrada = behind closed doors.
    * coche de cinco puertas = hatchback.
    * dejar la puerta abierta a = open + the door to.
    * dejar la puerta abierta de par en par = leave + the door wide open.
    * de puertas abiertas = open door.
    * de puertas adentro = back-office.
    * de puertas hacia dentro = backroom.
    * esterilla de la puerta = doormat.
    * hablando de Roma, por la puerta asoma = speak of the devil, talk of the devil.
    * imán para la puerta del frigorífico = refrigerator magnet.
    * imán para la puerta del frigorífico = fridge magnet.
    * jamba de la puerta = door jamb.
    * jornada de puertas abiertas = open day.
    * llamar a la puerta = knock on + door, rap at + door.
    * manilla de la puerta = door handle.
    * manivela de la puerta = door handle.
    * marco de la puerta = door frame.
    * pomo de la puerta = doorknob.
    * puerta automática = automatic door.
    * puerta batiente = swinging door, swing door.
    * puerta corredera = sliding door.
    * puerta corredera automática = automatic sliding door.
    * puerta corredera de cristal = sliding glass door.
    * puerta de acceso = gateway.
    * puerta de cristales = glazed door.
    * puerta de embarque = boarding gate.
    * puerta de entrada = entrance gate, entrance door.
    * puerta de la ciudad = city gate.
    * puerta del maletero = tailgate.
    * puerta de salida = exit door.
    * puerta en enlace = gateway.
    * puerta giratoria = revolving door.
    * puerta lateral = side door.
    * puerta oscilante = swinging door, swing door.
    * puerta principal = front door.
    * puertas abiertas = open house.
    * puerta trasera = back door.
    * recogida en su propia puerta = kerbside collection, curbside collection.
    * reunión a puertas abiertas = open meeting.
    * ser una puerta abierta a = be an open invitation to.
    * sesión de puertas abiertas = public hearing, open hearing.
    * timbre de la puerta = doorbell.
    * umbral de la puerta = doorstep.

    * * *
    A (de una casa, un coche) door; (de un horno, lavaplatos) door; (en un jardín, una valla) gate
    te espero en la puerta del teatro I'll meet you at the entrance of the theater
    tropezamos en la puerta we collided in the doorway
    te acompaño a la puerta I'll see o show you out
    no la dejan ni salir a la puerta they won't even let her set foot outside the door
    si no estás conforme, ya sabes donde está la puerta or ahí tienes la puerta if you don't agree, you know where the door is
    servicio puerta a puerta door-to-door service
    de puerta a puerta tardo media hora it takes me half an hour, door to door
    alguien llamó a la puerta somebody rang the doorbell/knocked on the door
    abre/cierra la puerta open/close the door
    no están dispuestos a abrir las puertas a la democracia they are not prepared to open their doors to democracy
    su intransigencia cerró las puertas a un acuerdo her intransigence put an end to o put paid to any hope of an agreement
    cuando cambió de idea, encontró la puerta cerrada when he changed his mind he found that he had missed his chance
    un coche de dos puertas a two-door car
    [ S ] necesito empleada puertas adentro ( Chi); live-in maid required
    [ S ] se necesita empleada puertas afuera ( Chi); daily help needed
    trabajo puertas afuera ( Chi); I don't live in
    a puerta(s) cerrada(s) behind closed doors
    la reunión se celebró a puerta(s) cerrada(s) the meeting was held in private o in camera o behind closed doors
    la causa se vio a puerta cerrada the case was heard in camera
    darle con la puerta en las narices a algn to slam the door in sb's face
    le pedí ayuda y me dio con la puerta en las narices I asked him for help and he refused point blank
    de puertas (para) adentro in private, behind closed doors
    de puertas para fuera or ( AmL) puertas afuera in public
    en puerta ( RPl); on the way
    me parece que hay casamiento en puerta I think there's a wedding on the way o I think I hear the sound of wedding bells
    en puertas: la Navidad está en puertas Christmas is just around the corner o is very close now o is almost upon us
    estar a las puertas de algo: el ejército estaba ya a las puertas de la ciudad the army was already at the gates of the city
    estaba a las puertas de la muerte he was at death's door
    se quedó a las puertas del triunfo she narrowly missed winning
    ir de puerta en puerta (literal) to go from door to door
    tuve que ir de puerta en puerta por todas las editoriales I had to do the rounds of all the publishers, I had to go from one publisher to another
    fui de puerta en puerta pidiendo ayuda I went around (to) everybody asking for help
    llamar a todas las puertas to go anywhere/ask anyone for help
    cuando una puerta se cierra otra se abre as one door closes so another one opens
    por la puerta grande: el torero salió por la puerta grande the bullfighter made a triumphal exit
    hizo su debut en el teatro por la puerta grande he made a grand entrance to the theatrical world
    inside door
    puerta corredera or corrediza
    sliding door
    sliding door
    (de una casa) front door; (de un edificio) main door o entrance
    service entrance, tradesman's entrance ( BrE)
    swing door
    revolving door
    back door
    French door(s) ( AmE), French window(s) ( BrE)
    B ( Dep)
    (en fútbol): un tiro or remate a puerta a shot (at goal)
    saca de puerta Esnaola Esnaola takes the goal kick
    marcó a puerta vacía he put the ball into the empty net
    C ( Inf) gate
    * * *


    puerta sustantivo femenino (de casa, coche, horno) door;
    (en jardín, valla) gate;
    llamar a la puerta to ring the doorbell/knock on the door;

    te espero en la puerta del teatro I'll meet you at the entrance of the theater;
    te acompaño a la puerta I'll see o show you out;
    servicio puerta a puerta door-to-door service;
    un coche de dos puertas a two-door car;
    puerta de embarque gate;
    puerta principal or de la calle ( de casa) front door;

    ( de edificio público) main door or entrance;

    puerta sustantivo femenino
    1 door
    (en una valla, de una ciudad) gate
    puerta corredera, sliding door
    puerta de embarque, (boarding) gate
    puerta principal (de edificio), main entrance
    2 Dep goal
    ♦ Locuciones: familiar cogió la puerta, off he went
    dar con la puerta en las narices a alguien, to slam the door in sb's face
    a puerta cerrada, behind closed doors
    a las puertas, near: está a las puertas de la muerte, he's at death's door
    se quedaron a las puertas de la victoria, they narrowly failed to achieve their victory
    de puertas adentro, in private
    de puertas afuera, in public
    por la puerta grande, in triumph
    en puertas, just around the corner: el otoño está en puertas, autumn is almost here

    ' puerta' also found in these entries:
    - acompañar
    - aglomerarse
    - al
    - antepenúltima
    - antepenúltimo
    - aporrear
    - batirse
    - blindada
    - blindado
    - calambre
    - cancelar
    - carril
    - cegar
    - cerrada
    - cerrado
    - cerrarse
    - cierre
    - comunicar
    - corredera
    - corredero
    - crujido
    - dar
    - de
    - debajo
    - delante
    - desatrancar
    - desencajada
    - desencajado
    - desquiciar
    - disparar
    - embarque
    - enfrente
    - entornar
    - entornada
    - entornado
    - entreabierta
    - entreabierto
    - falsa
    - falso
    - golpe
    - golpear
    - hoja
    - larguero
    - legión
    - madera
    - marco
    - montante
    - oxidada
    - oxidado
    - answer
    - at
    - back
    - bang
    - bar
    - behind
    - blast
    - block up
    - bolt
    - break down
    - busy
    - by
    - catch
    - chink
    - close
    - courteous
    - dash
    - departure gate
    - disturbing
    - door
    - door stop
    - door stopper
    - door-to-door
    - doorbell
    - elaborate
    - exit
    - fix
    - force
    - fourth
    - frame
    - French door
    - French window
    - frisk
    - front door
    - gape
    - gate
    - gateway
    - get
    - goal
    - grab
    - handle
    - hurtle
    - instruct
    - itself
    - jam
    - jump leads
    - key
    - knob
    - knock
    * * *
    1. [de casa, habitación, vehículo, armario] door;
    [de jardín, ciudad, aeropuerto] gate;
    te acompaño hasta la puerta I'll see you out;
    cerrar la puerta a alguien to close the door on sb;
    echar la puerta abajo to knock the door down;
    te espero en la o [m5] a la puerta del cine I'll wait for you outside the entrance to the cinema;
    llaman a la puerta there's somebody at the door;
    viven en la puerta de al lado they live next door;
    no obstruyan las puertas [en letrero] keep the doors clear;
    un turismo de cuatro puertas a four-door saloon;
    servicio (de) puerta a puerta door-to-door service;
    de puerta en puerta from door to door;
    se gana la vida vendiendo de puerta en puerta he's a door-to-door salesman;
    su despacho y el mío están puerta con puerta his office is right next to mine;
    a las puertas de [muy cerca de] on the verge of;
    se quedó a las puertas de batir el récord she came within an inch of beating the record;
    a las puertas de la muerte at death's door;
    a puerta cerrada [reunión] behind closed doors;
    [juicio] in camera; [partido] behind closed gates, in an empty stadium;
    de puertas adentro: no me importa lo que hagas de puertas adentro I don't care what you do in the privacy of your own home;
    de puertas afuera: de puertas afuera parecía una persona muy amable he seemed like a nice person to the outside world;
    Esp Fam
    dar puerta a alguien to give sb the boot, to send sb packing;
    dar a alguien con la puerta en las narices to slam the door in sb's face;
    RP Fam
    en puerta: parece que hay casorio en puerta I think I can hear wedding bells (ringing);
    estar en puertas [acercarse] to be knocking on the door, to be imminent;
    estar en puertas de hacer algo [a punto de] to be about to do sth, to be on the verge of doing sth;
    Méx Fam
    no hallar la puerta: ya no hallo la puerta [no aguanto más] I can't take any more;
    Alma no halla la puerta con las exigencias de su jefa [no tiene tregua] Alma doesn't get a moment's peace with her boss's constant demands;
    salir por la puerta grande to make a triumphant exit
    puerta blindada reinforced door;
    puerta corredera sliding door;
    puerta corrediza sliding door;
    puerta de embarque [en aeropuerto] departure gate;
    puerta falsa secret door;
    puerta giratoria revolving door;
    puerta principal [en casa] front door;
    [en hotel, museo, hospital] main door o entrance;
    puerta de servicio service entrance;
    puerta trasera [en casa] back door;
    [en hotel, museo, hospital] rear entrance;
    puerta vidriera glass door
    2. [posibilidad] gateway, opening;
    dejó una puerta abierta a otras sugerencias she left the door open to other suggestions;
    cerró la puerta a cualquier negociación he closed the door on o put an end to any prospect of negotiation;
    se le cerraban todas las puertas he found all avenues blocked
    3. Dep [portería] goal, goalmouth;
    hubo varios tiros o [m5] remates a puerta there were several shots on goal;
    marcar a puerta vacía to put the ball into an empty net;
    fallar un gol a puerta vacía to miss an open goal;
    va a sacar de puerta el guardameta the goalkeeper is going to take the goal kick
    4. Dep [en esquí, piragüismo] gate
    5. Informát gate
    Esp Fam [¡largo!] the door's over there!, get out!
    * * *
    1 en pared door; en valla gate;
    a puerta cerrada JUR in camera;
    por la puerta grande fig in triumph;
    en puertas be very near;
    abrir la(s) puerta(s) a algo fig open one’s doors to sth;
    dar puerta a alguien fam show s.o. the door;
    dar a alguien con la puerta en las narices tb fig slam the door in s.o.’s face;
    de puertas (para) adentro in private, behind closed doors;
    2 DEP goal;
    disparos a puerta shots on goal
    * * *
    puerta nf
    1) : door, entrance, gate
    a puerta cerrada : behind closed doors
    * * *
    1. (en general) door
    2. (de un jardín, ciudad) gate
    3. (portería) goal

    Spanish-English dictionary > puerta

  • 115 time

    1. noun
    1) no pl., no art. Zeit, die

    for all time — für immer [und ewig]

    past/present/future time — Vergangenheit, die/Gegenwart, die/Zukunft, die

    stand the test of timedie Zeit überdauern; sich bewähren

    in [the course of] time, as time goes on/went on — mit der Zeit; im Laufe der Zeit

    time will tell or show — die Zukunft wird es zeigen

    at this point or moment in time — zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt

    time flies — die Zeit vergeht [wie] im Fluge

    in time, with time — (sooner or later) mit der Zeit

    in a week's/month's/year's time — in einer Woche/in einem Monat/Jahr

    there is time for thatdafür ist od. haben wir noch Zeit

    it takes me all my time to do it — es beansprucht meine ganze Zeit, es zu tun

    waste of time — Zeitverschwendung, die

    spend [most of one's/a lot of] time on something/[in] doing something — [die meiste/viel] Zeit mit etwas zubringen/damit verbringen, etwas zu tun

    I have been waiting for some/a long time — ich warte schon seit einiger Zeit/schon lange

    she will be there for [quite] some time — sie wird ziemlich lange dort sein

    be pressed for time — keine Zeit haben; (have to finish quickly) in Zeitnot sein

    pass the timesich (Dat.) die Zeit vertreiben

    length of time — Zeit[dauer], die

    make time for somebody/something — sich (Dat.) für jemanden/etwas Zeit nehmen

    in one's own timein seiner Freizeit; (whenever one wishes) wann man will

    take one's time [over something] — sich (Dat.) [für etwas] Zeit lassen; (be slow) sich (Dat.) Zeit [mit etwas] lassen

    time is money(prov.) Zeit ist Geld (Spr.)

    in [good] time — (not late) rechtzeitig

    all the or this time — die ganze Zeit; (without ceasing) ständig

    in [less than or next to] no time — innerhalb kürzester Zeit; im Nu od. Handumdrehen

    in half the timein der Hälfte der Zeit

    half the time(coll.): (as often as not) fast immer

    it will take [some] time — es wird einige Zeit dauern

    have the/no time — Zeit/keine Zeit haben

    have no time for somebody/something — für jemanden/etwas ist einem seine Zeit zu schade

    there is no time to lose or be lost — es ist keine Zeit zu verlieren

    lose no time in doing something(not delay) etwas unverzüglich tun

    do time(coll.) eine Strafe absitzen (ugs.)

    in my time(heyday) zu meiner Zeit (ugs.); (in the course of my life) im Laufe meines Lebens

    in my time(period at a place) zu meiner Zeit (ugs.)

    time off or out — freie Zeit

    get/take time off — frei bekommen/sich (Dat.) frei nehmen (ugs.)

    Time! (Boxing) Stop!; Time!; (Brit.): (in pub) Feierabend!

    have a lot of time for somebody(fig.) für jemandem viel übrig haben

    3) no pl. (moment or period destined for purpose) Zeit, die

    harvest/Christmas time — Ernte-/Weihnachtszeit, die

    now is the time to do it — jetzt ist die richtige Zeit, es zu tun

    when the time comes/came — wenn es so weit ist/als es so weit war

    on time(punctually) pünktlich

    ahead of timezu früh [ankommen]; vorzeitig [fertig werden]

    all in good time — alles zu seiner Zeit; see also academic.ru/5926/be">be 2. 1)

    4) in sing. or pl. (circumstances) Zeit, die

    times are good/bad/have changed — die Zeiten sind gut/schlecht/haben sich verändert

    have a good timeSpaß haben (ugs.); sich amüsieren

    have a hard time [of it] — eine schwere Zeit durchmachen

    5) (associated with events or person[s]) Zeit, die

    in time of peace/war — in Friedens-/Kriegszeiten

    in Tudor/ancient times — zur Zeit der Tudors/der Antike

    in former/modern times — früher/heutzutage

    ahead of or before one's/its time — seiner Zeit voraus

    at one time(previously) früher

    6) (occasion) Mal, das

    next time you comewenn du das nächste Mal kommst

    ten/a hundred/a thousand times — zehn- / hundert- / tausendmal

    many's the time [that]..., many a time... — viele Male...

    at a time like this/that — unter diesen/solchen Umständen

    at the or that time — (in the past) damals

    at one time, at [one and] the same time — (simultaneously) gleichzeitig

    at the same time(nevertheless) gleichwohl

    time and [time] again, time after time — immer [und immer] wieder

    pay somebody £6 a time — jemandem für jedes Mal 6 Pfund zahlen

    for hours/weeks at a time — stundenlang/wochenlang [ohne Unterbrechung]

    7) (point in day etc.) [Uhr]zeit, die

    what time is it?, what is the time? — wie spät ist es?

    have you [got] the time? — kannst du mir sagen, wie spät es ist?

    tell the time(read a clock) die Uhr lesen

    time of day — Tageszeit, die

    [at this] time of [the] year — [um diese] Jahreszeit

    at this time of [the] night — zu dieser Nachtstunde

    pass the time of day(coll.) ein paar Worte wechseln

    by this/that time — inzwischen

    by the time [that] we arrived — bis wir hinkamen

    [by] this time tomorrow — morgen um diese Zeit

    keep good time[Uhr:] genau od. richtig gehen

    8) (amount) Zeit, die

    make good timegut vorwärts kommen

    [your] time's up! — deine Zeit ist um (ugs.) od. abgelaufen

    four times the size of/higher than something — viermal so groß wie/höher als etwas

    10) (Mus.) (duration of note) Zeitdauer, die; (measure) Takt, der

    out of time/in time — aus dem/im Takt

    keep time with somethingbei etwas den Takt [ein]halten

    2. transitive verb
    1) (do at correct time) zeitlich abstimmen

    be well/ill timed — zur richtigen/falschen Zeit kommen

    2) (set to operate at correct time) justieren (Technik); einstellen
    3) (arrange time of arrival/departure of)

    the bus is timed to connect with the trainder Bus hat einen direkten Anschluss an den Zug

    4) (measure time taken by) stoppen
    •• Cultural note:
    Eine britische überregionale Tageszeitung, deren Pendant am Sonntag The Sunday Times ist. Sie ist eine broadsheet-Zeitung und zählt zur seriösen Presse. Sie ist politisch unabhängig, wird jedoch gemeinhin als konservativ angesehen. Sie ist die älteste Zeitung in England und wurde erstmals 1785 veröffentlicht
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (the hour of the day: What time is it?; Can your child tell the time yet?) die Zeit
    2) (the passage of days, years, events etc: time and space; Time will tell.) die Zeit
    3) (a point at which, or period during which, something happens: at the time of his wedding; breakfast-time.)
    4) (the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc: This won't take much time to do; I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris; At the end of the exam, the supervisor called `Your time is up!') die Zeit
    5) (a suitable moment or period: Now is the time to ask him.) der Zeitpunkt
    6) (one of a number occasions: He's been to France four times.) das Mal
    7) (a period characterized by a particular quality in a person's life, experience etc: He went through an unhappy time when she died; We had some good times together.) die Zeiten (pl.)
    8) (the speed at which a piece of music should be played; tempo: in slow time.) das Tempo
    2. verb
    1) (to measure the time taken by (a happening, event etc) or by (a person, in doing something): He timed the journey.) Zeit messen von
    2) (to choose a particular time for: You timed your arrival beautifully!) den Zeitpunkt wählen
    - timeless
    - timelessly
    - timelessness
    - timely
    - timeliness
    - timer
    - times
    - timing
    - time bomb
    - time-consuming
    - time limit
    - time off
    - time out
    - timetable
    - all in good time
    - all the time
    - at times
    - be behind time
    - for the time being
    - from time to time
    - in good time
    - in time
    - no time at all
    - no time
    - one
    - two at a time
    - on time
    - save
    - waste time
    - take one's time
    - time and time again
    - time and again
    * * *
    I. NOUN
    1. no pl (considered as a whole) Zeit f
    \time stood still die Zeit stand still
    \time marches [or moves] on die Zeit bleibt nicht stehen
    the best player of all \time der bester Spieler aller Zeiten
    in the course of \time mit der Zeit
    over the course of \time im Lauf[e] der Zeit
    to be a matter [or question] of \time eine Frage der Zeit sein
    \time is on sb's side die Zeit arbeitet für jdn
    as \time goes by [or on] im Lauf[e] der Zeit
    to kill \time die Zeit totschlagen
    to make \time for sth sich dat die Zeit für etw akk nehmen
    \time-tested [alt]bewährt
    for all \time für immer [o alle Zeit]
    in \time mit der Zeit
    over [or with] \time im Lauf[e] der Zeit
    2. no pl (period, duration) Zeit f
    \time's up ( fam) die Zeit ist um
    we spent part of the \time in Florence, and part of the \time in Rome wir verbrachten unsere Zeit teils in Florenz und teils in Rom
    you'll forget her, given \time mit der Zeit wirst du sie vergessen
    it will take some \time es wird eine Weile dauern
    sorry, folks, we're [all] out of \time now AM, AUS ( fam) tut mir leid Leute, aber wir sind schon über der Zeit
    I haven't seen one of those in a long \time so etwas habe ich schon lange nicht mehr gesehen
    half the \time, he misses class er fehlt die halbe Zeit
    the \time is ripe die Zeit ist reif
    we talked about old \times wir sprachen über alte Zeiten
    breakfast/holiday \time Frühstücks-/Urlaubszeit f
    extra \time SPORT Verlängerung f
    they played extra \time sie mussten in die Verlängerung
    three minutes into extra \time, Ricardo scored the decisive goal nach drei Minuten Verlängerung erzielte Ricardo das entscheidende Tor
    free [or spare] \time Freizeit f
    future \time Zukunft f
    injury \time BRIT SPORT Nachspielzeit f
    to have \time on one's hands viel Zeit zur Verfügung haben
    at this moment in \time zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt
    period of \time Zeitraum m
    for a prolonged period of \time über einen längeren Zeitraum
    running \time FILM Spielzeit f
    past \time Vergangenheit f
    present \time Gegenwart f
    in one week's \time in einer Woche
    in one's own \time in seiner Freizeit
    a short \time later kurz darauf
    some/a long \time ago vor einiger/langer Zeit
    most of the \time meistens
    to do sth for a \time etw eine Zeit lang tun
    to find [the] \time to do sth Zeit finden, etw zu tun
    to gain/lose \time Zeit gewinnen/verlieren
    there's no \time to lose [or to be lost] wir dürfen [jetzt] keine Zeit verlieren, es ist höchste Zeit
    to give sb a hard \time ( fam) jdm zusetzen
    to have the \time of one's life sich akk großartig amüsieren
    to have all the \time in the world alle Zeit der Welt haben
    to have an easy/hard \time with sth keine Probleme/Probleme mit etw dat haben
    to make \time for sb/sth sich dat Zeit für jdn/etw nehmen
    to pass the \time sich dat die Zeit vertreiben
    to be pressed for \time in Zeitnot sein
    to run out of \time nicht genügend Zeit haben
    to save \time Zeit sparen
    to spend [a lot of] \time [in] doing sth [viel] Zeit damit verbringen, etw zu tun
    to take [a long/short] \time [lange/nicht lange] dauern
    to take one's \time sich dat Zeit lassen
    to take the \time and trouble to do sth sich dat die Mühe machen, etw zu tun
    to waste \time Zeit vergeuden [o verschwenden]
    to waste sb's \time jds Zeit vergeuden
    after a \time nach einer gewissen Zeit
    all the [or this] \time die ganze Zeit; (always) immer
    for a \time eine Zeit lang
    for a long/short \time [für] lange/kurze Zeit
    for the \time being vorläufig
    leave the ironing for the \time being - I'll do it later lass das Bügeln einst mal - ich mach's später
    in no [or next to no] [or less than no] \time [at all] im Nu
    3. (pertaining to clocks)
    have you got the \time? können Sie mir sagen, wie spät es ist?
    what's the \time? [or what \time is it?] wie spät ist es?
    excuse me, have you got the \time [on you]? Entschuldigung, haben Sie eine Uhr?
    can you already tell the \time? na, kannst du denn schon die Uhr lesen?
    oh dear, is that the right \time? oh je, ist es denn wirklich schon so spät/noch so früh?
    the \time is 8.30 es ist 8.30 Uhr
    to keep bad/good \time watch, clock falsch/richtig gehen
    to gain/lose \time watch, clock vor-/nachgehen
    4. (specific time or hour) Zeit f
    the \time is drawing near when we'll have to make a decision der Zeitpunkt, zu dem wir uns entscheiden müssen, rückt immer näher
    he recalled the \time when they had met er erinnerte sich daran, wie sie sich kennengelernt hatten
    do you remember the \time Alistair fell into the river? erinnerst du dich noch daran, wie Alistair in den Fluss fiel?
    we always have dinner at the same \time wir essen immer um dieselbe Zeit zu Abend
    I was exhausted by the \time I got home ich war erschöpft, als ich zu Hause ankam
    I'll call you ahead of \time esp AM ich rufe dich noch davor an
    at this \time of day/year zu dieser Tages-/Jahreszeit
    for this \time of day/year für diese Tages-/Jahreszeit
    what are you doing here at this \time of the day [or night]? was machst du um diese Uhrzeit hier?
    this \time tomorrow/next month morgen/nächsten Monat um diese Zeit
    5. (occasion) Mal nt
    the last \time we went to Paris,... das letzte Mal, als wir nach Paris fuhren,...
    I'll know better next \time das nächste Mal bin ich schlauer
    there are \times when I... es gibt Augenblicke, in denen ich...
    sometimes I enjoy doing it, but at other \times I hate it manchmal mache ich es gerne, dann wiederum gibt es Momente, in denen ich es hasse
    every [or each] \time jedes Mal
    for the first \time zum ersten Mal
    some other \time ein andermal
    one/two at a \time jeweils eine(r, s)/zwei; persons jeweils einzeln/zu zweit
    at \times manchmal
    at all \times immer, jederzeit
    at any [given] [or [any] one] \time immer, jederzeit
    at the \time damals
    at the best of \times im besten [o günstigen] Fall[e]
    he can't read a map at the best of \times er kann nicht mal unter normalen Umständen eine Karte lesen
    at the present [or AM this] \time im Moment
    from \time to \time gelegentlich, ab und zu
    6. (frequency) Mal nt
    the \times I've told you... [or how many \times have I told you...] wie oft habe ich dir schon gesagt...
    these shares are selling at 10 \time earnings diese Aktien werden mit einem Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis von 10 verkauft
    \time and [\time] again immer [und immer] wieder
    three/four \times a week/in a row drei/vier Mal in der Woche/hintereinander
    three \times champion BRIT, AUS [or AM three \time champion] dreimaliger Meister/dreimalige Meisterin
    three \times as much dreimal so viel
    for the hundredth/thousandth/umpteenth \time zum hundertsten/tausendsten/x-ten Mal
    lots of [or many] \times oft, viele Male
    it's \time for bed es ist Zeit, ins Bett zu gehen
    the \time has come to... es ist an der Zeit,...
    it's \time [that] I was leaving es wird Zeit, dass ich gehe
    [and] about \time [too] BRIT, AUS (yet to be accomplished) wird aber auch [langsam] Zeit!; (already accomplished) wurde aber auch [langsam] Zeit!
    it's high \time that she was leaving höchste Zeit, dass sie geht!; (already gone) das war aber auch höchste Zeit, dass sie endlich geht!
    we finished two weeks ahead of \time wir sind zwei Wochen früher fertig geworden
    we arrived in good \time for the start of the match wir sind rechtzeitig zum Spielbeginn angekommen
    to do sth dead [or exactly] [or right] on \time ( fam) etw pünktlich machen fam
    the bus arrived dead on \time der Bus kam auf die Minute genau
    in \time rechtzeitig
    on \time pünktlich; (as scheduled) termingerecht
    8. often pl (era, lifetime) Zeit f
    \times are difficult [or hard] die Zeiten sind hart
    at the \time of the Russian Revolution zur Zeit der Russischen Revolution
    in Victorian \times im Viktorianischen Zeitalter
    she is one of the best writers of modern \times sie ist eine der besten Schriftstellerinnen dieser Tage [o unserer Zeit]
    at one \time, George Eliot lived here George Eliot lebte einmal hier
    this was before my \time das war vor meiner Zeit
    she has grown old before her \time sie ist vorzeitig gealtert
    my grandmother has seen a few things in her \time meine Großmutter hat in ihrem Leben einiges gesehen
    \time was when you could... es gab Zeiten, da konnte man...
    if one had one's \time over again wenn man noch einmal von vorne anfangen könnte
    at his \time of life in seinem Alter
    the best.... of all \time der/die beste... aller Zeiten
    to keep up [or AM change] with the \times mit der Zeit gehen
    to be ahead of [or esp BRIT before] one's \time seiner Zeit voraus sein
    to be behind the \times seiner Zeit hinterherhinken
    from [or since] \time immemorial [or esp BRIT out of mind] seit undenklichen Zeiten
    in [or during] former/medieval \times früher/im Mittelalter
    in \times gone by früher
    in my \time zu meiner Zeit
    in our grandparents' \time zu Zeiten unserer Großeltern
    in \times past in der Vergangenheit, früher
    arrival/departure \time Ankunfts-/Abfahrtszeit f
    10. (hour registration method)
    daylight saving \time Sommerzeit f
    Greenwich Mean T\time Greenwicher Zeit f
    11. SPORT Zeit f
    record \time Rekordzeit f
    he won the 100 metres in record \time er gewann das 100-Meter-Rennen in einer neuen Rekordzeit
    two \times five is ten zwei mal fünf ist zehn
    ten \times bigger than... zehnmal so groß wie...
    13. no pl MUS Takt m
    to be/play out of \time aus dem Takt sein
    to beat \time den Rhythmus schlagen
    to get out of \time aus dem Takt kommen
    to keep \time den Takt halten
    in three-four \time im Dreivierteltakt
    14. (remunerated work)
    part \time Teilzeit f
    short \time BRIT Kurzarbeit f
    to have \time off frei haben
    to take \time off sich dat freinehmen
    \time off arbeitsfreie Zeit
    to be paid double \time den doppelten Stundensatz [o 100% Zuschlag] bezahlt bekommen
    to work [or be on] short \time BRIT kurzarbeiten
    15. BRIT (end of pub hours)
    “\time [please]!” „Feierabend!“ (wenn ein Pub abends schließt)
    16. ([not] like)
    to not give sb the \time of day jdn ignorieren
    to not have much \time for sb jdn nicht mögen
    to have a lot of \time for sb großen Respekt vor jdm haben
    \times are changing die Zeiten ändern sich
    to do [or serve] \time ( fam) sitzen fig fam
    \time is of the essence die Zeit drängt
    \time flies [when you're having fun] ( saying) wie die Zeit vergeht!
    all good things in all good \time alles zu seiner Zeit
    \time is a great healer, \time heals all wounds ( prov) die Zeit heilt alle Wunden prov
    \time hangs heavy die Zeit steht still
    \time is money ( prov) Zeit ist Geld prov
    to know the \time of the day sich akk auskennen
    \time moves on [or passes] die Zeit rast
    there's a \time and a place [for everything] ( prov) alles zu seiner Zeit
    there's no \time like the present ( saying) was du heute kannst besorgen, das verschiebe nicht auf morgen prov
    [only] \time can [or will] tell ( saying) erst die Zukunft wird es zeigen
    \time and tide wait for no man [or no one] ( prov) man muss die Gelegenheit beim Schopf[e] packen
    a week is a long \time in politics ( saying) eine Woche ist lang in der Politik
    to \time sb over 100 metres jds Zeit beim 100-Meter-Lauf nehmen
    the winning team was \timed at 5 minutes 26 seconds die Siegermannschaft wurde mit 5 Minuten und 26 Sekunden gestoppt
    to \time an egg darauf achten, dass man fürs Eierkochen die richtige Zeit einhält
    to \time sth für etw akk den richtigen Zeitpunkt wählen
    to be ill/well \timed zum genau falschen/richtigen Zeitpunkt kommen
    3. (arrange when sth should happen)
    to \time sth to... etw so planen, dass...
    we \timed our trip to coincide with her wedding wir legten unsere Reise so, dass sie mit ihrer Hochzeit zusammenfiel
    to \time a bomb to explode at... eine Bombe so einstellen, dass sie um... explodiert
    * * *
    1. NOUN
    1) Zeit f

    only time will tell whether... — es muss sich erst herausstellen, ob...

    to take (one's) time (over sth)sich (dat) (bei etw) Zeit lassen

    in ( next to or less than) no time — im Nu, im Handumdrehen

    at this ( present) point or moment in time — zu diesem or zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt

    to have a lot of/no time for sb/sth — viel/keine Zeit für jdn/etw haben; ( fig

    to find time (for sb/sth) — Zeit (für jdn/etw) finden

    to make time (for sb/sth) — sich (dat) Zeit (für jdn/etw) nehmen

    he lost no time in telling her —

    in one's own/the company's time — in or während der Freizeit/Arbeitszeit

    don't rush, do it in your own time — nur keine Hast, tun Sie es, wie Sie es können

    to do time ( inf, in prison )sitzen (inf)

    he'll let you know in his own good time — er wird Ihnen Bescheid sagen, wenn er so weit ist

    it's a long time ( since...) — es ist schon lange her(, seit...)

    to have time on one's hands —

    too many people who have time on their hands — zu viele Leute, die zu viel freie Zeit haben

    having time on my hands I went into a caféda ich (noch) Zeit hatte, ging ich ins Café


    by clock what time is it?, what's the time? — wie spät ist es?, wie viel Uhr ist es?

    the time is 2.30 — es ist 2.30 Uhr, die Zeit: 2.30 Uhr

    it's 2 o'clock local time — es ist 2.00 Uhr Ortszeit

    the winning time was... — die Zeit des Siegers war...

    it's time (for me/us etc) to go, it's time I was/we were etc going, it's time I/we etc went — es wird Zeit, dass ich gehe/wir gehen etc

    time gentlemen please!Feierabend! (inf), bitte, trinken Sie aus, wir schließen gleich

    I wouldn't even give him the time of dayich würde ihm nicht einmal guten or Guten Tag sagen __diams; to tell the time (person) die Uhr kennen; (instrument) die Uhrzeit anzeigen

    can you tell the time?kennst du die Uhr? __diams; to make good time gut or schnell vorankommen

    if we get to Birmingham by 3 we'll be making good time — wenn wir um 3 Uhr in Birmingham sind, sind wir ziemlich schnell

    it's about time he was here (he has arrived) — es wird (aber) auch Zeit, dass er kommt; (he has not arrived) es wird langsam Zeit, dass er kommt

    (and) about time too!das wird aber auch Zeit! __diams; ahead of time zu früh

    we are ahead of timewir sind früh dran __diams; behind time zu spät

    at one time — früher, einmal

    but at the same time, you must admit that... — aber andererseits müssen Sie zugeben, dass...

    it was hard, but at the same time you could have tried — es war schwierig, aber Sie hätten es trotzdem versuchen können __diams; in/on time rechtzeitig

    3) = moment, season Zeit f

    this is hardly the time or the place to... — dies ist wohl kaum die rechte Zeit oder der rechte Ort, um...

    this is no time for quarrelling or to quarrel — jetzt ist nicht die Zeit, sich zu streiten

    well, this is a fine time to tell me that (iro)Sie haben sich (dat) wahrhaftig eine gute Zeit ausgesucht, um mir das zu sagen

    there are times when... — es gibt Augenblicke, wo or da (geh)...

    at the or that time — damals, zu der Zeit, seinerzeit

    at this (particular) time, at the present time — zurzeit

    sometimes..., (at) other times... —

    from that time on since that time — von der Zeit an, von da an seit der Zeit

    this time last year/week — letztes Jahr/letzte Woche um diese Zeit

    to choose or pick one's timesich (dat) einen günstigen Zeitpunkt aussuchen

    the time has come (to do sth) — es ist an der Zeit(, etw zu tun)

    when the time comes for you to be the leader — wenn Sie an der Reihe sind, die Führung zu übernehmen __diams; at + times manchmal

    at all times — jederzeit, immer

    by the time we arrive, there's not going to be anything left — bis wir ankommen, ist nichts mehr übrig

    by that time we'll knowdann or bis dahin wissen wir es __diams; by this time inzwischen

    by this time next year/tomorrow — nächstes Jahr/morgen um diese Zeit __diams; from time to time, (US) time to time dann und wann, von Zeit zu Zeit

    until such time as... — so lange bis...

    until such time as you apologize — solange du dich nicht entschuldigst, bis du dich entschuldigst

    this time of the day/year — diese Tages-/Jahreszeit

    at this time of the week/month — zu diesem Zeitpunkt der Woche/des Monats

    now's the time to do it —

    now's my/your etc time to do it — jetzt habe ich/hast du etc Gelegenheit, es zu tun


    = occasion this time — diesmal, dieses Mal

    every or each time... — jedes Mal, wenn...

    many a time, many times — viele Male

    many's the time I have heard him say... — ich habe ihn schon oft sagen hören...

    time and (time) again, time after time — immer wieder, wieder und wieder (geh)

    I've told you a dozen times... — ich habe dir schon x-mal gesagt...

    nine times out of ten... — neun von zehn Malen...

    they came in one/three etc at a time — sie kamen einzeln/immer zu dritt etc herein

    for weeks at a timewochenlang __diams; a time

    he pays me £10 a time — er zahlt mir jedes Mal £ 10

    rides on the roundabout cost £2 a time — eine Fahrt auf dem Karussell kostet £ 2 __diams; (the) next time

    (the) last time he was here — letztes Mal or das letzte Mal, als er hier war

    5) MATH

    it was ten times as big as or ten times the size of... —


    = rate Sunday is (paid) double time/time and a half — sonntags gibt es 100%/50% Zuschlag

    7) = era Zeit f

    time was when... — es gab Zeiten, da...

    when times are hard —

    times are changing for the better/worse — es kommen bessere/schlechtere Zeiten

    times have changed for the better/worse — die Zeiten haben sich gebessert/verschlechtert

    to be behind the times — rückständig sein, hinter dem Mond leben (inf)


    = experience to have the time of one's life — eine herrliche Zeit verbringen, sich glänzend amüsieren

    what a time we had or that was! —

    what times we had!, what times they were! — das waren (noch) Zeiten!

    to have an easy/a hard time — es leicht/schwer haben

    we had an easy/a hard time getting to the finals — es war leicht für uns/wir hatten Schwierigkeiten, in die Endrunde zu kommen

    was it difficult? – no, we had an easy time (of it) —

    to have a bad/rough time — viel mitmachen

    to give sb a bad/rough etc time (of it) — jdm das Leben schwer machen

    we had such a bad time with the travel agency —

    we had a good time — es war (sehr) schön, es hat uns (dat)

    she'll give you a good time for £30 — bei ihr kannst du dich für £ 30 amüsieren

    9) = rhythm Takt m

    you're singing out of time (with the others) — du singst nicht im Takt (mit den anderen)

    3/4 time — Dreivierteltakt m


    = choose time of to time sth perfectly — genau den richtigen Zeitpunkt für etw wählen

    you must learn to time your requests a little more tactfully — du musst lernen, deine Forderungen zu einem geeigneteren Zeitpunkt vorzubringen

    he timed his arrival to coincide with... —

    the bomb is timed to explode at... — die Bombe ist so eingestellt, dass sie um... explodiert

    2) = measure time of with stopwatch stoppen; speed messen

    to time sb (over 1000 metres) — jdn (auf 1000 Meter) stoppen, jds Zeit (auf or über 1000 Meter) nehmen

    time how long it takes you, time yourself — sieh auf die Uhr, wie lange du brauchst; (with stopwatch) stopp, wie lange du brauchst

    to time an egg — auf die Uhr sehen, wenn man ein Ei kocht

    a computer that times its operator — ein Computer, der die Zeit misst, die sein Operator braucht

    * * *
    time [taım]
    A s
    1. Zeit f:
    time past, present, and to come Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft;
    for all time für alle Zeiten;
    as time went on im Laufe der Zeit;
    time will show die Zeit wird es lehren;
    2. (endliche oder irdische) Zeit (Ggs Ewigkeit)
    3. ASTRON Zeit f:
    4. Zeit f, Uhr(zeit) f:
    what’s the time?, what time is it? wie viel Uhr ist es?, wie spät ist es?;
    what time? um wie viel Uhr?;
    the time is half past three es ist jetzt halb vier;
    a) zu dieser (späten) Tageszeit, zu so später Stunde,
    b) fig so spät, in diesem späten Stadium;
    can you tell me the time of day?, have you got the time? können Sie mir sagen, wie spät es ist?;
    a) sich Gesellschaft leisten,
    b) (kurz) miteinander plaudern;
    a) jemandem Gesellschaft leisten,
    b) (kurz) mit jemandem plaudern;
    know the time of day umg wissen, was es geschlagen hat;
    so that’s the time of day! umg so stehts also!;
    some time about noon etwa um Mittag;
    this time tomorrow morgen um diese Zeit;
    this time twelve months heute übers Jahr;
    keep good time richtig oder genau gehen (Uhr)
    5. Zeit(dauer) f, Zeitabschnitt m, ( auch PHYS Fall- etc) Dauer f, WIRTSCH auch Arbeitszeit f (im Herstellungsprozess etc):
    a long time lange Zeit;
    that was a long time ago das ist schon lange her;
    some time longer noch einige Zeit;
    be a long time in doing sth lange (Zeit) dazu brauchen, etwas zu tun;
    long time no hear (see) umg wir haben ja schon seit einer Ewigkeit nichts mehr voneinander gehört (wir haben uns ja schon seit einer Ewigkeit nicht mehr gesehen);
    time of a draft WIRTSCH Laufzeit f eines Wechsels;
    in times of war in Kriegszeiten; all A 1, hard A 10, no1 C 1, probation 3
    6. Zeit(punkt) f(m):
    time of arrival Ankunftszeit;
    an unfortunate time ein unglücklicher Zeitpunkt;
    a) zu dieser Zeit, damals,
    b) gerade;
    at the present time derzeit, gegenwärtig;
    a) gleichzeitig, zur selben Zeit,
    b) trotzdem;
    at that time zu der Zeit;
    at this time of the year zu dieser Jahreszeit;
    at one time einst, früher (einmal);
    at some time irgendwann (einmal);
    for the time für den Augenblick;
    a) vorläufig, fürs Erste,
    b) unter den gegenwärtigen Umständen;
    in three weeks’ time in oder binnen drei Wochen; about A 2, departure 2
    7. meist pl Zeit(alter) f(n), Zeiten pl, Epoche f:
    at ( oder in) the time of Queen Anne zur Zeit der Königin Anna;
    in our time in unserer Zeit;
    she was a legend in her own time sie war schon zu Lebzeiten eine Legende;
    other times, other manners (Sprichwort) andere Zeiten, andere Sitten; old A 4
    8. pl Zeiten pl, Zeitverhältnisse pl
    9. the times pl die Zeit: move B 2
    10. Frist f, (zugemessene) Zeit:
    time of delivery WIRTSCH Lieferfrist, -zeit;
    time for payment Zahlungsfrist;
    ask time WIRTSCH um Frist(verlängerung) bitten;
    you must give me time Sie müssen mir Zeit geben oder lassen
    11. (verfügbare) Zeit:
    buy a little time etwas Zeit schinden, eine kleine Galgenfrist gewinnen;
    I can never call my time my own ich kann nie frei über meine Zeit verfügen;
    have no time keine Zeit haben;
    have no time for sb fig nichts übrighaben für jemanden;
    have all the time in the world umg jede Menge Zeit haben;
    take (the) time sich die Zeit nehmen ( to do zu tun);
    take one’s time sich Zeit lassen;
    take your time auch es eilt nicht, überleg es dir in aller Ruhe;
    time is up! die Zeit ist um oder abgelaufen!; forelock1
    12. ( oft schöne) Zeit, Erlebnis n:
    have the time of one’s life
    a) sich großartig amüsieren,
    b) leben wie ein Fürst
    13. unangenehme Zeit, Unannehmlichkeit f
    14. (Zeit-)Lohn m, besonders Stundenlohn m
    15. umg (Zeit f im) Knast m:
    do time (im Gefängnis) sitzen ( for wegen)
    16. Lehrzeit f, -jahre pl
    17. (bestimmte oder passende) Zeit:
    the time has come for sth to happen es ist an der Zeit, dass etwas geschieht;
    there is a time for everything, all in good time alles zu seiner Zeit;
    it’s time for bed es ist Zeit, ins oder zu Bett zu gehen;
    it’s time for breakfast es ist Zeit zum Frühstück(en); high time
    18. a) (natürliche oder normale) Zeit
    b) (Lebens)Zeit f:
    time of life Alter n;
    his time is drawing near seine Zeit ist gekommen, sein Tod naht heran;
    the time was not yet die Zeit war noch nicht gekommen
    19. a) Schwangerschaft f
    b) Niederkunft f:
    she is far on in her time sie ist hochschwanger;
    she is near her time sie steht kurz vor der Entbindung
    20. (günstige) Zeit:
    now is the time jetzt ist die passende Gelegenheit, jetzt gilt es ( beide:
    to do zu tun);
    at such times bei solchen Gelegenheiten
    21. Mal n:
    the first time das erste Mal;
    for the first time zum ersten Mal;
    each time that … jedes Mal, wenn …;
    time and again, time after time immer wieder;
    at some other time, another time ein andermal;
    at a time auf einmal, zusammen, zugleich, jeweils;
    one at a time einzeln, immer eine(r, s);
    two at a time zu zweit, paarweise, jeweils zwei; every Bes Redew, lucky 1
    22. pl mal, …mal:
    three times four is twelve drei mal vier ist zwölf;
    twenty times zwanzigmal;
    three times the population of Coventry dreimal so viele Einwohner wie Coventry;
    four times the size of yours viermal so groß wie deines;
    six times the amount die sechsfache Menge;
    several times mehrmals
    23. besonders SPORT (erzielte, gestoppte) Zeit:
    the winner’s time is 2.50 minutes
    24. Einheit f der Zeit (im Drama)
    25. LIT metrische Einheit, besonders Mora f (kleinste metrische Einheit im Verstakt)
    26. Tempo n, Zeitmaß n
    27. MUS
    a) time value
    b) Tempo n, Zeitmaß n
    c) Rhythmus m, Takt(bewegung) m(f)
    d) Takt (-art f) m:
    time variation Tempoveränderung f;
    in time to the music im Takt zur Musik;
    beat (keep) time den Takt schlagen (halten)
    28. MIL Marschtempo n, Schritt m: mark1 B 1
    B v/t
    1. (mit der Uhr) messen, (ab-)stoppen, die Zeit messen von (oder gen)
    2. timen ( auch SPORT), die Zeit oder den richtigen Zeitpunkt wählen oder bestimmen für, zur rechten Zeit tun
    3. zeitlich abstimmen
    4. die Zeit festsetzen für, (zeitlich) legen:
    the train is timed to leave at 7 der Zug soll um 7 abfahren;
    he timed the test at 30 minutes er setzte für den Test 30 Minuten an
    5. eine Uhr richten, stellen:
    the alarm clock is timed to ring at six der Wecker ist auf sechs gestellt
    6. zeitlich regeln (to nach), TECH den Zündpunkt etc einstellen, (elektronisch etc) steuern
    7. das Tempo oder den Takt angeben für
    C v/i
    1. Takt halten
    2. zeitlich zusammen- oder übereinstimmen ( with mit)Besondere Redewendungen: against time gegen die Zeit oder Uhr, mit größter Eile;
    be ahead of time zu früh (daran) sein;
    be (well) ahead of ( oder in advance of) one’s time seiner Zeit (weit) voraus sein;
    be behind time zu spät daran sein, Verspätung haben;
    be 10 minutes behind time 10 Minuten Verspätung haben;
    be behind one’s time rückständig sein;
    between times in den Zwischenzeiten;
    five minutes from time SPORT fünf Minuten vor Schluss;
    from time to time von Zeit zu Zeit;
    a) rechtzeitig ( to do um zu tun),
    b) mit der Zeit,
    c) im (richtigen) Takt in time of in Zeiten von (od gen);
    a) pünktlich,
    b) bes US für eine (bestimmte) Zeit,
    c) WIRTSCH US auf Zeit, besonders auf Raten out of time
    a) zur Unzeit, unzeitig,
    b) vorzeitig,
    c) zu spät,
    d) aus dem Takt oder Schritt till such time as … so lange, bis …;
    with time mit der Zeit;
    time was, when … die Zeit ist vorüber, als …;
    time has been when … es gab eine Zeit, da …; any A 2, no1 C 1
    t. abk
    1. teaspoon (teaspoonful) TL
    3. tempore, in the time of
    4. LING tense
    5. time
    6. ton ( tons pl) t
    7. LING transitive
    T. abk
    3. Thursday Do.
    4. time
    5. Tuesday Di.
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) no pl., no art. Zeit, die

    for all time — für immer [und ewig]

    past/present/future time — Vergangenheit, die/Gegenwart, die/Zukunft, die

    stand the test of time — die Zeit überdauern; sich bewähren

    in [the course of] time, as time goes on/went on — mit der Zeit; im Laufe der Zeit

    time will tell or show — die Zukunft wird es zeigen

    at this point or moment in time — zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt

    time flies — die Zeit vergeht [wie] im Fluge

    in time, with time — (sooner or later) mit der Zeit

    2) (interval, available or allotted period) Zeit, die

    in a week's/month's/year's time — in einer Woche/in einem Monat/Jahr

    there is time for thatdafür ist od. haben wir noch Zeit

    it takes me all my time to do it — es beansprucht meine ganze Zeit, es zu tun

    give one's time to somethingeiner Sache (Dat.) seine Zeit opfern

    waste of time — Zeitverschwendung, die

    spend [most of one's/a lot of] time on something/[in] doing something — [die meiste/viel] Zeit mit etwas zubringen/damit verbringen, etwas zu tun

    I have been waiting for some/a long time — ich warte schon seit einiger Zeit/schon lange

    she will be there for [quite] some time — sie wird ziemlich lange dort sein

    be pressed for time — keine Zeit haben; (have to finish quickly) in Zeitnot sein

    pass the timesich (Dat.) die Zeit vertreiben

    length of time — Zeit[dauer], die

    make time for somebody/something — sich (Dat.) für jemanden/etwas Zeit nehmen

    in one's own time — in seiner Freizeit; (whenever one wishes) wann man will

    take one's time [over something] — sich (Dat.) [für etwas] Zeit lassen; (be slow) sich (Dat.) Zeit [mit etwas] lassen

    time is money(prov.) Zeit ist Geld (Spr.)

    in [good] time — (not late) rechtzeitig

    all the or this time — die ganze Zeit; (without ceasing) ständig

    in [less than or next to] no time — innerhalb kürzester Zeit; im Nu od. Handumdrehen

    half the time(coll.): (as often as not) fast immer

    it will take [some] time — es wird einige Zeit dauern

    have the/no time — Zeit/keine Zeit haben

    have no time for somebody/something — für jemanden/etwas ist einem seine Zeit zu schade

    there is no time to lose or be lost — es ist keine Zeit zu verlieren

    lose no time in doing something (not delay) etwas unverzüglich tun

    do time(coll.) eine Strafe absitzen (ugs.)

    in my time (heyday) zu meiner Zeit (ugs.); (in the course of my life) im Laufe meines Lebens

    in my time (period at a place) zu meiner Zeit (ugs.)

    time off or out — freie Zeit

    get/take time off — frei bekommen/sich (Dat.) frei nehmen (ugs.)

    Time! (Boxing) Stop!; Time!; (Brit.): (in pub) Feierabend!

    have a lot of time for somebody(fig.) für jemandem viel übrig haben

    harvest/Christmas time — Ernte-/Weihnachtszeit, die

    now is the time to do it — jetzt ist die richtige Zeit, es zu tun

    when the time comes/came — wenn es so weit ist/als es so weit war

    on time (punctually) pünktlich

    ahead of timezu früh [ankommen]; vorzeitig [fertig werden]

    all in good time — alles zu seiner Zeit; see also be 2. 1)

    4) in sing. or pl. (circumstances) Zeit, die

    times are good/bad/have changed — die Zeiten sind gut/schlecht/haben sich verändert

    have a good timeSpaß haben (ugs.); sich amüsieren

    have a hard time [of it] — eine schwere Zeit durchmachen

    5) (associated with events or person[s]) Zeit, die

    in time of peace/war — in Friedens-/Kriegszeiten

    in Tudor/ancient times — zur Zeit der Tudors/der Antike

    in former/modern times — früher/heutzutage

    ahead of or before one's/its time — seiner Zeit voraus

    6) (occasion) Mal, das

    ten/a hundred/a thousand times — zehn- / hundert- / tausendmal

    many's the time [that]..., many a time... — viele Male...

    at a time like this/that — unter diesen/solchen Umständen

    at the or that time — (in the past) damals

    at one time, at [one and] the same time — (simultaneously) gleichzeitig

    time and [time] again, time after time — immer [und immer] wieder

    pay somebody £6 a time — jemandem für jedes Mal 6 Pfund zahlen

    for hours/weeks at a time — stundenlang/wochenlang [ohne Unterbrechung]

    7) (point in day etc.) [Uhr]zeit, die

    what time is it?, what is the time? — wie spät ist es?

    have you [got] the time? — kannst du mir sagen, wie spät es ist?

    tell the time (read a clock) die Uhr lesen

    time of day — Tageszeit, die

    [at this] time of [the] year — [um diese] Jahreszeit

    at this time of [the] night — zu dieser Nachtstunde

    pass the time of day(coll.) ein paar Worte wechseln

    by this/that time — inzwischen

    by the time [that] we arrived — bis wir hinkamen

    [by] this time tomorrow — morgen um diese Zeit

    keep good time[Uhr:] genau od. richtig gehen

    8) (amount) Zeit, die

    [your] time's up! — deine Zeit ist um (ugs.) od. abgelaufen

    four times the size of/higher than something — viermal so groß wie/höher als etwas

    10) (Mus.) (duration of note) Zeitdauer, die; (measure) Takt, der

    out of time/in time — aus dem/im Takt

    keep time with something — bei etwas den Takt [ein]halten

    2. transitive verb
    1) (do at correct time) zeitlich abstimmen

    be well/ill timed — zur richtigen/falschen Zeit kommen

    3) (arrange time of arrival/departure of)
    •• Cultural note:
    Eine britische überregionale Tageszeitung, deren Pendant am Sonntag The Sunday Times ist. Sie ist eine broadsheet-Zeitung und zählt zur seriösen Presse. Sie ist politisch unabhängig, wird jedoch gemeinhin als konservativ angesehen. Sie ist die älteste Zeitung in England und wurde erstmals 1785 veröffentlicht
    * * *
    zeitlich adj. n.
    Tempo -s n.
    Zeit -en f.

    English-german dictionary > time

  • 116 Knowledge

       It is indeed an opinion strangely prevailing amongst men, that houses, mountains, rivers, and, in a word, all sensible objects, have an existence, natural or real, distinct from their being perceived by the understanding. But, with how great an assurance and acquiescence soever this principle may be entertained in the world, yet whoever shall find in his heart to call it into question may, if I mistake not, perceive it to involve a manifest contradiction. For, what are the forementioned objects but things we perceive by sense? and what do we perceive besides our own ideas or sensations? and is it not plainly repugnant that any one of these, or any combination of them, should exist unperceived? (Berkeley, 1996, Pt. I, No. 4, p. 25)
       It seems to me that the only objects of the abstract sciences or of demonstration are quantity and number, and that all attempts to extend this more perfect species of knowledge beyond these bounds are mere sophistry and illusion. As the component parts of quantity and number are entirely similar, their relations become intricate and involved; and nothing can be more curious, as well as useful, than to trace, by a variety of mediums, their equality or inequality, through their different appearances.
       But as all other ideas are clearly distinct and different from each other, we can never advance farther, by our utmost scrutiny, than to observe this diversity, and, by an obvious reflection, pronounce one thing not to be another. Or if there be any difficulty in these decisions, it proceeds entirely from the undeterminate meaning of words, which is corrected by juster definitions. That the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the squares of the other two sides cannot be known, let the terms be ever so exactly defined, without a train of reasoning and enquiry. But to convince us of this proposition, that where there is no property, there can be no injustice, it is only necessary to define the terms, and explain injustice to be a violation of property. This proposition is, indeed, nothing but a more imperfect definition. It is the same case with all those pretended syllogistical reasonings, which may be found in every other branch of learning, except the sciences of quantity and number; and these may safely, I think, be pronounced the only proper objects of knowledge and demonstration. (Hume, 1975, Sec. 12, Pt. 3, pp. 163-165)
       Our knowledge springs from two fundamental sources of the mind; the first is the capacity of receiving representations (the ability to receive impressions), the second is the power to know an object through these representations (spontaneity in the production of concepts).
       Through the first, an object is given to us; through the second, the object is thought in relation to that representation.... Intuition and concepts constitute, therefore, the elements of all our knowledge, so that neither concepts without intuition in some way corresponding to them, nor intuition without concepts, can yield knowledge. Both may be either pure or empirical.... Pure intuitions or pure concepts are possible only a priori; empirical intuitions and empirical concepts only a posteriori. If the receptivity of our mind, its power of receiving representations in so far as it is in any way affected, is to be called "sensibility," then the mind's power of producing representations from itself, the spontaneity of knowledge, should be called "understanding." Our nature is so constituted that our intuitions can never be other than sensible; that is, it contains only the mode in which we are affected by objects. The faculty, on the other hand, which enables us to think the object of sensible intuition is the understanding.... Without sensibility, no object would be given to us; without understanding, no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty; intuitions without concepts are blind. It is therefore just as necessary to make our concepts sensible, that is, to add the object to them in intuition, as to make our intuitions intelligible, that is to bring them under concepts. These two powers or capacities cannot exchange their functions. The understanding can intuit nothing, the senses can think nothing. Only through their union can knowledge arise. (Kant, 1933, Sec. 1, Pt. 2, B74-75 [p. 92])
       Metaphysics, as a natural disposition of Reason is real, but it is also, in itself, dialectical and deceptive.... Hence to attempt to draw our principles from it, and in their employment to follow this natural but none the less fallacious illusion can never produce science, but only an empty dialectical art, in which one school may indeed outdo the other, but none can ever attain a justifiable and lasting success. In order that, as a science, it may lay claim not merely to deceptive persuasion, but to insight and conviction, a Critique of Reason must exhibit in a complete system the whole stock of conceptions a priori, arranged according to their different sources-the Sensibility, the understanding, and the Reason; it must present a complete table of these conceptions, together with their analysis and all that can be deduced from them, but more especially the possibility of synthetic knowledge a priori by means of their deduction, the principles of its use, and finally, its boundaries....
       This much is certain: he who has once tried criticism will be sickened for ever of all the dogmatic trash he was compelled to content himself with before, because his Reason, requiring something, could find nothing better for its occupation. Criticism stands to the ordinary school metaphysics exactly in the same relation as chemistry to alchemy, or as astron omy to fortune-telling astrology. I guarantee that no one who has comprehended and thought out the conclusions of criticism, even in these Prolegomena, will ever return to the old sophistical pseudo-science. He will rather look forward with a kind of pleasure to a metaphysics, certainly now within his power, which requires no more preparatory discoveries, and which alone can procure for reason permanent satisfaction. (Kant, 1891, pp. 115-116)
       Knowledge is only real and can only be set forth fully in the form of science, in the form of system. Further, a so-called fundamental proposition or first principle of philosophy, even if it is true, it is yet none the less false, just because and in so far as it is merely a fundamental proposition, merely a first principle. It is for that reason easily refuted. The refutation consists in bringing out its defective character; and it is defective because it is merely the universal, merely a principle, the beginning. If the refutation is complete and thorough, it is derived and developed from the nature of the principle itself, and not accomplished by bringing in from elsewhere other counter-assurances and chance fancies. It would be strictly the development of the principle, and thus the completion of its deficiency, were it not that it misunderstands its own purport by taking account solely of the negative aspect of what it seeks to do, and is not conscious of the positive character of its process and result. The really positive working out of the beginning is at the same time just as much the very reverse: it is a negative attitude towards the principle we start from. Negative, that is to say, in its one-sided form, which consists in being primarily immediate, a mere purpose. It may therefore be regarded as a refutation of what constitutes the basis of the system; but more correctly it should be looked at as a demonstration that the basis or principle of the system is in point of fact merely its beginning. (Hegel, 1910, pp. 21-22)
       Knowledge, action, and evaluation are essentially connected. The primary and pervasive significance of knowledge lies in its guidance of action: knowing is for the sake of doing. And action, obviously, is rooted in evaluation. For a being which did not assign comparative values, deliberate action would be pointless; and for one which did not know, it would be impossible. Conversely, only an active being could have knowledge, and only such a being could assign values to anything beyond his own feelings. A creature which did not enter into the process of reality to alter in some part the future content of it, could apprehend a world only in the sense of intuitive or esthetic contemplation; and such contemplation would not possess the significance of knowledge but only that of enjoying and suffering. (Lewis, 1946, p. 1)
       "Evolutionary epistemology" is a branch of scholarship that applies the evolutionary perspective to an understanding of how knowledge develops. Knowledge always involves getting information. The most primitive way of acquiring it is through the sense of touch: amoebas and other simple organisms know what happens around them only if they can feel it with their "skins." The knowledge such an organism can have is strictly about what is in its immediate vicinity. After a huge jump in evolution, organisms learned to find out what was going on at a distance from them, without having to actually feel the environment. This jump involved the development of sense organs for processing information that was farther away. For a long time, the most important sources of knowledge were the nose, the eyes, and the ears. The next big advance occurred when organisms developed memory. Now information no longer needed to be present at all, and the animal could recall events and outcomes that happened in the past. Each one of these steps in the evolution of knowledge added important survival advantages to the species that was equipped to use it.
       Then, with the appearance in evolution of humans, an entirely new way of acquiring information developed. Up to this point, the processing of information was entirely intrasomatic.... But when speech appeared (and even more powerfully with the invention of writing), information processing became extrasomatic. After that point knowledge did not have to be stored in the genes, or in the memory traces of the brain; it could be passed on from one person to another through words, or it could be written down and stored on a permanent substance like stone, paper, or silicon chips-in any case, outside the fragile and impermanent nervous system. (Csikszentmihalyi, 1993, pp. 56-57)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Knowledge

  • 117 Kummer

    m; -, kein Pl.; (Sorgen) worry, worries Pl. (um about); (Leid) grief (um for); (Schwierigkeiten) problems Pl., trouble; Kummer haben have problems (um with); jemandem Kummer machen oder bereiten cause s.o. a lot of worry; du machst mir Kummer I’m worried about you; seinen Kummer hinunterspülen drown one’s sorrows; das ist mein geringster Kummer that’s the least of my worries; ich bin Kummer gewöhnt! umg. I always have to put up with this sort of thing, I’m used to it
    * * *
    der Kummer
    trouble; grief; dolefulness; hurt; heartache; worry; distress; sorrow
    * * *
    Kụm|mer ['kʊmɐ]
    m -s, no pl
    (= Gram, Betrübtheit) grief, sorrow; (= Unannehmlichkeit, Ärger) trouble, problems pl

    hast du Kummer? — is something wrong?, have you got problems? (esp Brit)

    aus or vor Kummer sterbento die of sorrow or grief

    vor Kummer vergehento be pining away with sorrow or grief

    aus or vor Kummer nahm er sich (dat) das Leben — grief-stricken or in his grief he took his life

    er fand vor Kummer keinen Schlaf mehrsuch was his grief or sorrow that he was unable to sleep

    wir sind ( an) Kummer gewöhnt (inf)it happens all the time, nothing's ever perfect

    * * *
    1) ((a feeling of) great sadness.) heartache
    3) ((something which causes) pain of mind or grief: He felt great sorrow when she died.) sorrow
    * * *
    2. (Unannehmlichkeiten) problem, trouble
    gibt es irgendwelchen \Kummer? are there any problems?
    wenn das dein einziger \Kummer ist (fam) if that's your only problem
    [an] \Kummer gewöhnt sein (fam) to be used to trouble
    \Kummer haben to have worries
    ich sehe doch, dass du \Kummer hast I can see that you're worried about something
    jdm \Kummer machen [o bereiten] to cause sb trouble [or worry]
    irgendetwas muss ihr wohl \Kummer bereiten she must be worried about something or other
    * * *
    der; Kummers sorrow; grief; (Ärger, Sorgen) trouble

    Kummer um od. über jemanden — grief for or over somebody

    ich bin Kummer gewohnt(ugs.) it happens all the time; I'm used to it

    * * *
    Kummer m; -, kein pl; (Sorgen) worry, worries pl (
    um about); (Leid) grief (
    um for); (Schwierigkeiten) problems pl, trouble;
    Kummer haben have problems (
    um with);
    bereiten cause sb a lot of worry;
    du machst mir Kummer I’m worried about you;
    seinen Kummer hinunterspülen drown one’s sorrows;
    das ist mein geringster Kummer that’s the least of my worries;
    ich bin Kummer gewöhnt! umg I always have to put up with this sort of thing, I’m used to it
    * * *
    der; Kummers sorrow; grief; (Ärger, Sorgen) trouble

    Kummer um od. über jemanden — grief for or over somebody

    ich bin Kummer gewohnt(ugs.) it happens all the time; I'm used to it

    * * *
    grief n.
    heartache n.
    problem n.
    sorrow n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Kummer

  • 118 de pronto

    * * *
    * * *
    = suddenly, without warning, all of a sudden, just like that, cold turkey, all at once
    Ex. Then suddenly he extinguished his smile and arranged his countenance so that his listener should suppose him to be profoundly disturbed.
    Ex. In February 1986 an unforeseeable financial crisis at the Georgia Institute of Technology's library made it necessary to divert the binding budget to other areas and without warning binding activities were halted.
    Ex. The process of secularization in Britain occurred all of a sudden sending Christianity on a downward spiral to the edges of social significance.
    Ex. All I have to say is nothing happens just like that overnight, it takes time and exhausting waiting.
    Ex. When heavy or frequent drinkers suddenly decide to quit ' cold turkey' they will experience some physical withdrawal symptoms.
    Ex. And, all at once, the moon arouse through the thin ghastly mist, crimson in color.
    * * *
    = suddenly, without warning, all of a sudden, just like that, cold turkey, all at once

    Ex: Then suddenly he extinguished his smile and arranged his countenance so that his listener should suppose him to be profoundly disturbed.

    Ex: In February 1986 an unforeseeable financial crisis at the Georgia Institute of Technology's library made it necessary to divert the binding budget to other areas and without warning binding activities were halted.
    Ex: The process of secularization in Britain occurred all of a sudden sending Christianity on a downward spiral to the edges of social significance.
    Ex: All I have to say is nothing happens just like that overnight, it takes time and exhausting waiting.
    Ex: When heavy or frequent drinkers suddenly decide to quit ' cold turkey' they will experience some physical withdrawal symptoms.
    Ex: And, all at once, the moon arouse through the thin ghastly mist, crimson in color.

    Spanish-English dictionary > de pronto

  • 119 de súbito

    suddenly, all of a sudden
    * * *
    = suddenly, without warning, all of a sudden, just like that, all at once
    Ex. Then suddenly he extinguished his smile and arranged his countenance so that his listener should suppose him to be profoundly disturbed.
    Ex. In February 1986 an unforeseeable financial crisis at the Georgia Institute of Technology's library made it necessary to divert the binding budget to other areas and without warning binding activities were halted.
    Ex. The process of secularization in Britain occurred all of a sudden sending Christianity on a downward spiral to the edges of social significance.
    Ex. All I have to say is nothing happens just like that overnight, it takes time and exhausting waiting.
    Ex. And, all at once, the moon arouse through the thin ghastly mist, crimson in color.
    * * *
    = suddenly, without warning, all of a sudden, just like that, all at once

    Ex: Then suddenly he extinguished his smile and arranged his countenance so that his listener should suppose him to be profoundly disturbed.

    Ex: In February 1986 an unforeseeable financial crisis at the Georgia Institute of Technology's library made it necessary to divert the binding budget to other areas and without warning binding activities were halted.
    Ex: The process of secularization in Britain occurred all of a sudden sending Christianity on a downward spiral to the edges of social significance.
    Ex: All I have to say is nothing happens just like that overnight, it takes time and exhausting waiting.
    Ex: And, all at once, the moon arouse through the thin ghastly mist, crimson in color.

    Spanish-English dictionary > de súbito

  • 120 diferente

    una casa diferente de o a la mía a house different from mine
    yo soy muy diferente de o a él I'm very different from him
    por diferentes razones for a variety of reasons, for various reasons
    se comportan muy diferente el uno del otro they behave very differently (from one another)
    * * *
    1 different
    es diferente de/a todos it's different to/from them all
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (=distinto) different

    ser diferente de o a algn/algo — to be different to o from sb/sth

    mi enfoque es diferente del o al tuyo — my approach is different to o from yours

    eso me da igual, diferente sería que no me invitaran a la fiesta — I don't mind about that, it would be different if they didn't invite me to the party


    diferentes(=varios) various, several

    por aquí han pasado diferentes personalidadesvarious o several celebrities have been here

    * * *
    a) ( distinto) different

    ser diferente a or de alguien/algo — to be different from somebody/something

    mi familia es diferente a or de la tuya — my family is different from o to yours

    b) (en pl, delante del n) <motivos/soluciones/maneras> various
    * * *
    = alternative, dissimilar, different, differing, distinct, diverse, variant, varying, unlike, unconnected, discrepant, contrasting, differential, various, disparate, non-identical.
    Ex. An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.
    Ex. It is the identification of similarities and differences, enabling one to group together things which are similar, and separate them from things which are dissimilar.
    Ex. A variable length field takes different lengths in different records.
    Ex. Different devices for the organisation of knowledge place differing emphasis on the relative importance of these two objectives.
    Ex. There are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
    Ex. Homographs are words which have the same spelling as each other but very diverse meanings.
    Ex. If the variant heading given in the reference heading area is identified as a variant to more than one uniform heading, area 3 may contain multiple uniform headings.
    Ex. A uniform title is the title by which a work that has appeared under varying titles is to be identified for cataloguing purposes.
    Ex. The relationship of these two types of technology to librarianship is not unlike that of radio to astronomy.
    Ex. To take some very common examples, many academic libraries will not answer any enquiries at all from people unconnected with the university.
    Ex. Male heavy and light readers are found to have value systems so discrepant as to constitute almost distinct subcultures.
    Ex. The author describes 2 contrasting Florida libraries on the Gulf of Mexico, how they serve and are served by the community.
    Ex. This illustrates the puzzle that differential policies pose for users.
    Ex. The records in a computer data bases are structured in order to suit the information that is being stored for various applications.
    Ex. It is the distinct syntactical relationships in these subjects which are responsible for their being two disparate topics.
    Ex. Based on the above considerations, medicinal ingredients containing the same active moiety are classified into identical or non-identical.
    * a diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * algo diferente de = something other than.
    * algo muy diferente de = a far cry from.
    * anchos de diferentes tamaños = graded widths.
    * como diferente a = as distinct from.
    * con diferentes variaciones = in variation.
    * conocimiento de los diferentes soportes = media competency.
    * de diferente modo = differently.
    * de diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * de diferentes tonalidades de gris = grey scale [gray scale], grey scale [gray scale].
    * de forma diferente = differently shaped.
    * de un modo diferente = differentially.
    * diferente de = different to, other than.
    * diferentes ocasiones = at different times.
    * en diferente grado = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferente medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferentes momentos = at various times, at different times.
    * en diferentes ocasiones = at different times, at various times.
    * entre diferentes edades = cross-age [cross age].
    * en un lugar diferente de = somewhere other than.
    * formación en diferentes tareas = cross-training [cross training], multiskilling [multi-skilling].
    * habilidad en el manejo de diferentes soportes = media competency.
    * muy diferente de = far different... from, in marked contrast to/with.
    * opiniones diferentes = contrasting opinions.
    * pensar de un modo diferente = think out(side) + (of) the box.
    * que combina diferentes tipos de re = multi-source [multi source].
    * seguir líneas diferentes = be on different lines.
    * seguir un rumbo diferente = take + a different turn.
    * ser completamente diferente = be in a different league.
    * ser de un tipo diferente = be different in kind.
    * ser muy diferente de = be quite apart from.
    * ser un caso completamente diferente = be in a league of its own.
    * tener un concepto diferente sobre Algo = hold + different perspective on.
    * ver las cosas de diferente manera = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de diferente modo = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de una manera diferente = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de un modo diferente = see + things differently.
    * * *
    a) ( distinto) different

    ser diferente a or de alguien/algo — to be different from somebody/something

    mi familia es diferente a or de la tuya — my family is different from o to yours

    b) (en pl, delante del n) <motivos/soluciones/maneras> various
    * * *
    = alternative, dissimilar, different, differing, distinct, diverse, variant, varying, unlike, unconnected, discrepant, contrasting, differential, various, disparate, non-identical.

    Ex: An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.

    Ex: It is the identification of similarities and differences, enabling one to group together things which are similar, and separate them from things which are dissimilar.
    Ex: A variable length field takes different lengths in different records.
    Ex: Different devices for the organisation of knowledge place differing emphasis on the relative importance of these two objectives.
    Ex: There are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
    Ex: Homographs are words which have the same spelling as each other but very diverse meanings.
    Ex: If the variant heading given in the reference heading area is identified as a variant to more than one uniform heading, area 3 may contain multiple uniform headings.
    Ex: A uniform title is the title by which a work that has appeared under varying titles is to be identified for cataloguing purposes.
    Ex: The relationship of these two types of technology to librarianship is not unlike that of radio to astronomy.
    Ex: To take some very common examples, many academic libraries will not answer any enquiries at all from people unconnected with the university.
    Ex: Male heavy and light readers are found to have value systems so discrepant as to constitute almost distinct subcultures.
    Ex: The author describes 2 contrasting Florida libraries on the Gulf of Mexico, how they serve and are served by the community.
    Ex: This illustrates the puzzle that differential policies pose for users.
    Ex: The records in a computer data bases are structured in order to suit the information that is being stored for various applications.
    Ex: It is the distinct syntactical relationships in these subjects which are responsible for their being two disparate topics.
    Ex: Based on the above considerations, medicinal ingredients containing the same active moiety are classified into identical or non-identical.
    * a diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * algo diferente de = something other than.
    * algo muy diferente de = a far cry from.
    * anchos de diferentes tamaños = graded widths.
    * como diferente a = as distinct from.
    * con diferentes variaciones = in variation.
    * conocimiento de los diferentes soportes = media competency.
    * de diferente modo = differently.
    * de diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * de diferentes tonalidades de gris = grey scale [gray scale], grey scale [gray scale].
    * de forma diferente = differently shaped.
    * de un modo diferente = differentially.
    * diferente de = different to, other than.
    * diferentes ocasiones = at different times.
    * en diferente grado = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferente medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferentes momentos = at various times, at different times.
    * en diferentes ocasiones = at different times, at various times.
    * entre diferentes edades = cross-age [cross age].
    * en un lugar diferente de = somewhere other than.
    * formación en diferentes tareas = cross-training [cross training], multiskilling [multi-skilling].
    * habilidad en el manejo de diferentes soportes = media competency.
    * muy diferente de = far different... from, in marked contrast to/with.
    * opiniones diferentes = contrasting opinions.
    * pensar de un modo diferente = think out(side) + (of) the box.
    * que combina diferentes tipos de re = multi-source [multi source].
    * seguir líneas diferentes = be on different lines.
    * seguir un rumbo diferente = take + a different turn.
    * ser completamente diferente = be in a different league.
    * ser de un tipo diferente = be different in kind.
    * ser muy diferente de = be quite apart from.
    * ser un caso completamente diferente = be in a league of its own.
    * tener un concepto diferente sobre Algo = hold + different perspective on.
    * ver las cosas de diferente manera = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de diferente modo = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de una manera diferente = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de un modo diferente = see + things differently.

    * * *
    1 (distinto) different ser diferente A or DE algn/algo:
    mi familia es diferente a or de la tuya my family is different from o to yours
    su versión es diferente a or de la tuya her version is different from o to o ( AmE) than yours
    es un lugar diferente de todos los que he visitado hasta ahora it is unlike any other place I have visited so far
    2 (en pl, delante del n) ‹motivos/soluciones/maneras› various
    diferentes personas manifestaron esa misma opinión various (different) people expressed the same opinion
    existen diferentes enfoques del problema there are a variety o a number of (different) ways of looking at the problem, there are various (different) ways of looking at the problem
    nos hemos encontrado en diferentes ocasiones we've met several times o on several o on various occasions
    por diferentes razones for a variety o a number of reasons, for various reasons
    * * *


    diferente adjetivo

    ser diferente a or de algn/algo to be different from sb/sth
    b) (en pl, delante del n) ‹motivos/soluciones/maneras various;

    I adjetivo different [de, from]
    II adverbio differently: ¿no crees que deberíamos atacar el problema de una forma diferente?, don't you think that we should approach the problem differently?
    ' diferente' also found in these entries:
    - otra
    - otro
    - separada
    - separado
    - desigual
    - dispar
    - distinto
    - diverso
    - different
    - distinct
    - off-beat
    - unalike
    - unlike
    - alternative
    - dissimilar
    * * *
    1. [distinto] different (de o a from o to);
    una casa diferente de o [m5] a la mía a house different from mine;
    yo soy muy diferente de o [m5] a él I'm very different from him;
    fue una experiencia diferente it was something different
    diferentes [varios] various;
    se oyeron diferentes opiniones al respecto various opinions were voiced on the subject;
    por diferentes razones for a variety of reasons, for various reasons;
    ocurre en diferentes lugares del planeta it happens in various different places around the world
    se comportan muy diferente el uno del otro they behave very differently (from one another)
    * * *
    adj different
    * * *
    distinto: different
    * * *
    diferente adj different

    Spanish-English dictionary > diferente

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