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  • 1 boar's back

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > boar's back

  • 2 back

    1. висячий бок (пласта) 2. кровля (жилы, забоя) 3. плоскость (кливажа) 4. потолок (выработки) 5. продольная трещина, трещина по простиранию 6. гребень (холма)
    back of lode часть рудной жилы
    back of ore руда между двумя уровнями, подлежащая добыче из нижней выработки
    boar's back гряда, гребень, оз (Новая Англия)
    camel back нависшая и легко обрушающаяся масса породы (в кровле угольного пласта)
    stope back забой
    timbered back закреплённая кровля
    unsupported back незакреплённая кровля; обнажённая кровля
    * * *

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > back

  • 3 гряда

    1) General subject: bed, chain, drum, drummer, range, ridge
    2) Geology: horseback, kettle back
    3) Naval: bank (метео)
    4) Agriculture: row, seedbed
    5) Forestry: stratum
    7) Makarov: boar's back (Новая Англия), chain of mountains, dorsum (на телах Солнечной системы), hogback, kettleback, mountain chain, ridge (торосов), swell

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > гряда

  • 4 λοφιή

    λοφιή ( λόφος): the bristly ridge or comb of a wild boar's back, Od. 19.446†.

    A Homeric dictionary (Greek-English) (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ομηρικό λεξικό) > λοφιή

  • 5 macho

    1 male (biology).
    un hipopótamo macho a male hippopotamus
    3 brave, fearless.
    4 bold.
    5 blond, blonde.
    1 male (biology).
    macho cabrío billy goat; macho man, he-man (figurative) (hombre)
    2 (male) plug, jack plug ( electricity and electronics) (enchufe).
    3 macho, he-man, macho-man.
    4 buck, jackass, he mule, jack.
    5 cock, male bird.
    6 lover boy.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: machar.
    * * *
    1 (animal, planta) male
    2 (persona) macho, tough
    1 (animal, planta) male
    3 (mula) mule
    4 familiar (hombre) macho man, tough guy
    5 familiar (como apelativo) mate, pal, man
    ¡qué tal, macho! hello, mate!
    macho cabrío billy goat
    * * *
    1. noun m. 2. adj.
    1) male
    2) he
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (Bio) male
    2) * (=viril) manly, brave
    3) (Mec) male
    4) And (=fantástico) splendid, terrific *
    2. SM
    1) (Bio) male

    macho cabrío — he-goat, billy-goat

    2) * (=hombretón) macho man *, he-man *
    3) * [uso apelativo] mate *, buddy (EEUU) *

    vale, macho, no te enfades — * all right, mate, no need to get mad *

    4) (=mulo) mule
    5) (Mec) male screw
    6) (Elec) male plug
    7) (Cos) hook
    8) (=mazo) sledgehammer
    9) (Arquit) buttress
    11) CAm (Mil) US marine
    12) Esp ** five-peseta coin
    * * *
    1) <animal/planta> male

    ballena/elefante macho — bull whale/elephant

    2) (fam) (valiente, fuerte) tough, brave; (pey) macho (pej)
    3) < pieza> male
    - cha adjetivo (Col fam) great (colloq)
    a) (Biol, Zool) male
    b) (fam) ( hijo) boy
    2) ( mula) mule

    atarse los machos — (Esp) to pluck up courage

    montarse en el machoto dig one's heels in

    no bajarse del machoto stick to one's guns

    a) (fam) ( hombre fuerte) tough guy (colloq); (pey) macho man (colloq & pej)
    b) ( como apelativo) (Esp fam)

    jo, macho qué calor hace! — boy o wow o gee o man, it's hot! (colloq)

    oye, macho deja algo para mí! — hey you, leave some for me! (colloq)

    4) (Mec, Tec) pin; (Elec) male (plug); ( de un corchete) hook; ( en carpintería) peg, pin
    * * *
    = stud, male.
    Ex. 'Slut'/'angel' and 'wuss'/' stud' dichotomies provide an oversimplified grid from which adolescents negotiate complex feelings towards their own sexuality.
    Ex. The decision has been made to use the term males instead of the term Men in the indexing of documents.
    * agarrarse los machos = batten down + the hatches.
    * apretarse los machos = gird (up) + Posesivo + loins.
    * cabra macho = billy-goat, he-goat.
    * cerdo macho = boar.
    * macho alfa = alpha male.
    * macho beta = beta male.
    * Nombre de Pájaro + macho = cock + Nombre de Pájaro.
    * * *
    1) <animal/planta> male

    ballena/elefante macho — bull whale/elephant

    2) (fam) (valiente, fuerte) tough, brave; (pey) macho (pej)
    3) < pieza> male
    - cha adjetivo (Col fam) great (colloq)
    a) (Biol, Zool) male
    b) (fam) ( hijo) boy
    2) ( mula) mule

    atarse los machos — (Esp) to pluck up courage

    montarse en el machoto dig one's heels in

    no bajarse del machoto stick to one's guns

    a) (fam) ( hombre fuerte) tough guy (colloq); (pey) macho man (colloq & pej)
    b) ( como apelativo) (Esp fam)

    jo, macho qué calor hace! — boy o wow o gee o man, it's hot! (colloq)

    oye, macho deja algo para mí! — hey you, leave some for me! (colloq)

    4) (Mec, Tec) pin; (Elec) male (plug); ( de un corchete) hook; ( en carpintería) peg, pin
    * * *
    = stud, male.

    Ex: 'Slut'/'angel' and 'wuss'/' stud' dichotomies provide an oversimplified grid from which adolescents negotiate complex feelings towards their own sexuality.

    Ex: The decision has been made to use the term males instead of the term Men in the indexing of documents.
    * agarrarse los machos = batten down + the hatches.
    * apretarse los machos = gird (up) + Posesivo + loins.
    * cabra macho = billy-goat, he-goat.
    * cerdo macho = boar.
    * macho alfa = alpha male.
    * macho beta = beta male.
    * Nombre de Pájaro + macho = cock + Nombre de Pájaro.

    * * *
    A ‹animal/planta› male
    ballena/elefante macho bull whale/elephant
    liebre macho buck hare
    gato macho tomcat
    oso macho male bear
    B ( fam) (valiente, fuerte) tough, brave; ( pey) macho ( pej)
    fue muy machito y no lloró he was a very brave boy and didn't cry
    C ‹pieza› male
    ( Col fam) great ( colloq), fantastic ( colloq)
    1 ( Biol, Zool) male
    2 ( fam) (hijo) boy
    billy goat
    B (mula) mule
    atarse los machos to pluck up courage
    montarse en el machoor machito to dig one's heels in
    no bajarse del machoor machito to stick to one's guns
    no se baja del machito he's sticking to his guns, he won't budge (an inch), he refuses to back down
    1 ( fam) (hombre fuerte) tough guy ( colloq); ( pey) macho man ( colloq pej)
    ¡aguántese como los machos! take it like a man!
    archetypal Spanish macho man
    (como apelativo) ( Esp fam): jo, macho, ¡qué calor hace! boy o wow o gee o man, it's hot! ( colloq)
    oye, macho, ¡deja algo para mí! hey you, leave some for me! ( colloq)
    D ( Mec, Tec) pin; ( Elec) male plug, male; (de un corchete) hook; (en carpintería) peg, pin
    * * *

    Del verbo machar: ( conjugate machar)

    macho es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    machó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    macho sustantivo masculino
    1 (Biol, Zool) male;

    2 (fam) ( hombre fuerte) tough guy (colloq);
    (pey) macho man (colloq & pej)
    3 (Mec, Tec) pin;
    (Elec) male (plug);
    ( de un corchete) hook;
    ( en carpintería) peg, pin
    ■ adjetivo
    1animal/planta male;
    ballena/elefante macho bull whale/elephant;

    gato macho tomcat
    2 (fam) (valiente, fuerte) tough, brave;
    (pey) macho (pej)
    3 pieza male
    I adjetivo
    1 (ser vivo) male
    2 fam (viril) macho, manly, virile: se cree muy macho porque pega a sus hermanos, he thinks he's a real man because he hits his brothers and sisters
    II sustantivo masculino
    1 (ser vivo) male ➣ Ver nota en male 2 fam (hombre) macho, tough guy: oye, macho, a ver cuándo me invitas, hey man, when are you going to buy me a drink?
    3 Téc (pieza encajable) male piece o part
    (de un enchufe) plug
    ' macho' also found in these entries:
    - cachorro
    - cerdo
    - cierva
    - ciervo
    - cordera
    - cordero
    - enchufe
    - gansa
    - ganso
    - puerca
    - puerco
    - ruborizar
    - chivo
    - gallo
    - machote
    billy goat
    - buck
    - bull
    - cock
    - dog
    - goat
    - male
    - male-dominated
    - plug
    - sport
    - tomcat
    - billy
    - boar
    - drake
    - gander
    - hook
    - macho
    - mate
    - plantain
    - tom
    * * *
    macho, -a
    1. [del sexo masculino] male;
    un hipopótamo macho a male hippopotamus
    2. Fam [hombre] macho;
    es muy macho he's a real man
    3. RP, Ven Fam [valiente] brave
    4. RP, Ven Fam [fuerte, resistente] industrial-strength;
    un galpón macho an industrial-strength shed
    5. RP, Ven Fam [importante, de peso] major, serious;
    un problema macho a major o serious problem
    1. [animal, planta] male
    macho cabrío billy goat
    2. [mulo] (male) mule
    3. Fam [hombre] macho man, he-man
    4. [enchufe] male plug, jack plug;
    [pata de enchufe] pin
    5. Comp
    atarse o [m5] apretarse los machos to brace oneself
    Esp Fam
    ¡oye, macho! Br hey, mate, US hey, buddy!;
    ¡mira, macho, cómo llueve! Jesus, look at that rain!;
    ¡macho, a ver si te callas! just shut up will you Br mate o US buddy?
    * * *
    I adj
    1 (de sexo masculino) male
    2 ( varonil) tough
    II m
    1 animal male
    2 apelativo fam
    man fam, Br
    mate fam
    3 L.Am. ( plátano) banana
    * * *
    macho adj
    1) : male
    2) : macho, virile, tough
    macho nm
    1) : male
    2) : he-man
    * * *
    macho adj n
    2. (machote) macho

    Spanish-English dictionary > macho

  • 6 pig

    1. сущ.
    1) поросенок;
    (молодая) свинья (может расширенно обозначать как домашних, так и диких животных) pigs grunt, oink ≈ поросята хрюкают pigs squeal ≈ поросята визжат A young pig is a piglet. ≈ Про поросенка говорят - piglet. A female pig is a sow. ≈ Про свинью говорят - sow. A male pig is a boar. ≈ Про кабана говорят - boar. in pig sucking pig suckling pig
    2) поросятина, (реже) свинина roast pig ≈ жареный поросенок
    3) перен.;
    груб. свинья ( как оскорбление в адрес человека или даже вещи) You are a greedy pig! ≈ Ты жадная свинья! I'm not demeaning myself to reply to you, pig. ≈ Я не унижусь до ответа тебе, свинья The car became a pig to start. ≈ Эта машина свински берет с места.
    4) в качестве грубого прозвища представителей некоторых профессий, обычно - полицейских
    5) перен.;
    груб. свинья (о грязнуле, неряхе)
    6) мн. используется предикативно - как резкое возражение Pigs to you! ≈ А вот фиг вам!
    7) тех. болванка, чушка;
    об отливке необработанного металла
    8) долька плода цитрусовых ∙ pig boardсерфинг pig-boatподводная лодка pig's breakfastнечто неаппетитное или отталкивающее pig's earпиво( рифмуется с beer) pig-market pig's whisper please the pigs ≈ ≈ если повезет to make a pig of oneselfобъедаться, обжираться to buy a pig in a pokeпокупать кота в мешке in less than a pig's whisper( амер. whistle) ≈ моментально, в два счета a pig in the middleмежду двух огней on the pig's back, on the pig's ear ≈ на коне
    2. гл.
    1) пороситься Syn: farrow
    2) (to pig it) жить по-свински, в грязи, в тесноте You may have to pig it for a time while the repairs get finished. ≈ Вам, вероятно, придется пожить в тесноте пока не закончиться ремонт. As a child, I always wanted a room of my own, but had to pig together with my sisters in one small bedroom. ≈ В детстве мне всегда хотелось иметь свою комнату, но приходилось ютиться в маленькой спальне вместе с сестрами.
    3) набивать(ся) битком свинья;
    свиноматка - in * супоросая - to keep *s держать свиней подсвинок, (большой) поросенок поросятина - roast * жареный поросенок поросятина;
    поросеночек (разговорное) свинья, нахал, наглец - he is a greedy * он жаден как свинья - don't be a *! не будь свиньей - what a *! какой нахал! - what a selfish *! какой /ну и/ эгоист! - he is an obstinate * он упрям как осел( разговорное) неряха, грязнуля - he is a regular little * он ужасная грязнуля (разговорное) (американизм) распущенная женщина, девка( разговорное) долька апельсина или чеснока (полиграфия) (жаргон) печатник (сленг) сыщик( сленг) провокатор( сленг) полицейский офицер;
    блюститель закона (тж. the P.) полиция( сленг) реакционер, консерватор;
    твердолобый - male chauvinist * сторонник дискриминации женщин (техническое) болванка;
    брусок( техническое) изложница, литейная форма( техническое) чугун кабан (глыба льда) (авиация) (жаргон) "колбаса", аэростат заграждения( сленг) (плохая) скаковая лошадь( сленг) кожаный бумажник пороситься жить по-свински, в грязи, в тесноте (тж. to * it, to * together) спать в тесноте, в грязи - the only hole where they could * for the night это единственная дыра, в которой им удавалось кое-как устроиться на ночь селить в тесноте - women and children were *ged in a small room женщин и детей поместили в крошечной комнатке жить безалаберно, не думая о завтрашнем дне > a *'s whisper хрюканье;
    короткий промежуток времени > in less than a *'s whisper /(амер) whistle/ моментально, в два счета > in a *'s eye (сленг) никогда!, ни за что! (тк. в ответе) > please the *s если все будет благополучно;
    при благоприятных обстоятельствах > cold * окатывание водой /сдергивание одеяла со/ спящего (чтобы разбудить его) > * between two sheets( американизм) бутерброд с ветчиной > a * in the middle между двух огней > *s in blankets запеченные или зажаренные в тесте сосиски;
    жареные устрицы, куриная печень и т. п., завернутые в ломтики бекона > *s in clover без забот, припеваючи;
    как сыр в масле кататься;
    вид игры в мраморные шарики > happy as a * in muck ужасно счастливый;
    обалдевший от счастья > to make a * of oneself объедаться, обжираться > to eat like a * жадно есть > to bleed like a (stuck) * сильно кровоточить, обливаться кровью;
    истекать кровью > to stare like a stuck * вытаращить глаза;
    смотреть как баран на новые ворота > to sweat like a * обливаться потом > to snore like a * in the sun громко храпеть > to carry one's *s to (another) market делать( новую) попытку > to drive /to bring/ one's *s to a fine /to a pretty/ market (ироничное) потерпеть неудачу;
    просчитаться > to make a *'s ear (out of smth.) делать что-л. из рук вон плохо, халтурить > he made a *'s ear of repairing his car он там такое натворил с ремонтом машины > this work's a real *'s ear эта работа ни к черту не годится > to buy a * in a poke /bag/ покупать кота в мешке > to pull the wrong * by the tail (американизм) напасть на ложный след;
    обвинять не того, кого следует > to pull the wrong * by the ear совершить ошибку;
    опростоволоситься > when *s begin to fly после дождика в четверг;
    когда рак на горе свистнет > *s might fly чего только на свете не бывает > *s might /could/ fly if they had wings бывает, что и коровы летают;
    если бы да кабы( шотландское) глиняный горшок или кувшин > *s and whistles мелочи;
    всякая ерунда > to go to *s and whistles разориться;
    пойти прахом to buy a ~ in a poke = покупать кота в мешке;
    pigs might fly шутл. = бывает, что коровы летают guinea ~ "подопытный кролик" pig ав. жарг. аэростат заграждения;
    in pig супоросая (о свинье) ;
    to make a pig of oneself объедаться, обжираться pig ав. жарг. аэростат заграждения;
    in pig супоросая (о свинье) ;
    to make a pig of oneself объедаться, обжираться pig ав. жарг. аэростат заграждения;
    in pig супоросая (о свинье) ;
    to make a pig of oneself объедаться, обжираться ~ тех. болванка, чушка;
    брусок ~ долька, ломтик (апельсина) ~ разг. неряха, грязнуля ~ пороситься ~ шутл. свинина;
    поросятина ~ разг. свинья, нахал ~ (молодая) свинья;
    поросенок swine: swine (pl без измен.) уст. = pig ~ to ~ it разг. жить тесно и неуютно, ютиться to buy a ~ in a poke = покупать кота в мешке;
    pigs might fly шутл. = бывает, что коровы летают

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > pig

  • 7 GÖLTR

    (gen. galtar, dat. gelti; pl. geltir), m. boar, hog.
    * * *
    m., gen. galtar, dat. gelti, [Swed. and Dan. galt]:—a boar, hog, Grág. i. 427, Landn. 177, Sks. 113, Fas. i. 87, 88, iii. 405; sónar-göltr, a sacrificial hog, i. 331, 332.
    2. an old dat. gjalti only occurs in the old metaph. phrase, verða at gjalti, to be turned into a hog, i. e. to turn mad with terror, esp. in a fight; stundum æpir hón svá hátt at menn verða nær at gjalti, Fms. iv. 56; sá kraptr ok fjölkyngi fylgði þeim Nor, at úvinir þeirra urðu at gjalti þegar þeir heyrðu heróp ok sá vápnum brugðit, ok lögðu Lappir á flótta, Orkn. 4; en er hann sá at þeir ofruðu vápnunum glúpnaði hann, ok hljóp um fram ok í fjallit upp ok varð at gjalti, Eb. 60; urðu göngu-menn næsta at gjalti, Gísl. 56; en þér ærðisk allir ok yrðit at gjalti, Fs. 43,—cp. Yngl. S. ch. 6, where this power is attributed to Odin; gjalti glíkir verða gumna synir, Hm. 130; Nero hljóp burt frá ríki ok varð at gjalti, Post. 656 C. 39; at konungr mundi ganga af vitinu ok at gjalti verða, Rb. 394 (of king Nebuchadnezzar); þeir menn er geltir eru kallaðir, Sks. 113 sqq.
    II. metaph. a hog’s back or ridge between two dales; in local names, Galtar-dalr, Galtardals-tunga, n., of farms situated at the foot of such a ridge.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > GÖLTR

  • 8 sentire

    ( udire) hear
    ( ascoltare) listen to
    odore smell
    cibo taste
    * * *
    sentire v.tr.
    1 to feel* (anche fig.): hai sentito il peso di questo pacco?, have you felt the weight of this parcel?; senti quanta umidità c'è in questa stanza, feel how damp this room is; senti com'è ruvido, feel how rough it is; sento un bruciore allo stomaco, I've got heartburn; sento che ha bisogno di me, he needs me, I feel it; sento che ha ragione, I feel he is right; sentire caldo, freddo, to feel warm, cold; sentire il caldo, il freddo, to feel the heat, the cold; sentire fame, sete, to feel hungry, thirsty; sentire la fatica, to feel the strain; sentire un male alla schiena, to feel a pain in one's back; sentire i morsi della fame, to feel the pangs of hunger; sentire il morso, to feel the bit; sentire la frusta, to feel the whip; sentire un prurito, to feel an itch; sentire il solletico, to be ticklish; sentire l'obbligo, to feel obliged; sentire la mancanza di qlcu., qlco., to feel the lack of (o to miss) s.o., sthg.; sentire compassione per qlcu., to feel pity for s.o. // sentire il tempo, to feel the weather // il freddo incomincia a farsi sentire, the cold is beginning to make itself felt // non sento più le gambe, I can hardly stand up // è un egoista che non sente nulla, he is an egoist without feelings // è un uomo schietto, le dice come le sente, he is an outspoken man, he says what he thinks // non tutti la sentono allo stesso modo, not everyone feels the same way about it // gli uomini hanno gli anni che sentono, le donne quelli che dimostrano, prov. men are as old as they feel, women as old as they look
    2 ( gustare) to taste: senti questo caffè, taste this coffee; senti se ti piace questa salsa, taste this sauce and see if you like it; sento qlco. di strano in questo dolce, I can taste sthg. strange in this cake
    3 ( odorare) to smell*: senti questa rosa, smell this rose; sento odore di cipolla, gas, bruciato, I smell onions, gas, sthg. burning; il cane l'ha sentito al fiuto, the dog has scented it; l'ho sentito dall'odore, I smelt it
    4 ( udire) to hear*: ho sentito un rumore, I heard a noise; si sente il treno, you can hear the train; fui così felice di sentire che avevi vinto il premio, I was so happy to hear you had won the prize; ho sentito dire che non è in città, I have heard that he is not in town; lo sentii io dire questo, I heard him say so myself; non l'ho mai sentito cantare, I have never heard him sing; non ne ho mai sentito parlare, I have never heard of it; non voglio sentirne più parlare, I do not want to hear any more about it // non sente nemmeno le cannonate, he sleeps like a log // a quel che sento, from what I hear // ne sentiremo delle belle, we won't half catch it // se ne sentono di tutti i colori!, the things you hear! (o that happen!) // farsi sentire, to make oneself heard: fatti sentire!, speak up for yourself!; non ti far sentire a piangere, don't let them hear you crying
    5 ( ascoltare) to listen to (s.o., sthg.): senti il tuo avvocato, go and see your lawyer; Senti! Volevo dirti..., Listen (o look)! I wanted to tell you...; stammi a sentire, listen to me; sentiamo!, let's hear it; sentire una commedia, to listen to a play; sentire la radio, to listen to the radio; sentire una conferenza, to listen to a lecture; sentire la lezione a un bambino, to make a child repeat his lesson // sentire la messa, to attend mass // a sentire lui, according to him // non sente ragione, he won't listen to reason // non sente altro che l'interesse, he doesn't do anything for nothing
    v. intr.
    1 ( udire) to hear*: non sente, è sordo, he cannot hear, he is deaf // da quell'orecchio non ci sente, he is deaf in that ear; (fig.) he'll turn a deaf ear
    2 ( avere gusto) to taste: sentire di buono, to taste good; sentire di pesce, to taste of fish
    3 ( avere odore) to smell*: sentire di buono, to smell good; sentire di muffa, to smell musty
    4 ( avere sentimenti): egli sente rettamente, he has a good heart.
    sentirsi v.rifl.
    1 to feel*; to feel* up to (sthg., doing); to feel* like (sthg., doing): sentire offeso, grato, obbligato, to feel hurt, grateful, obliged; sentire rinato, to feel reborn; non mi sento ( in grado) di fare una cosa così difficile, una passeggiata così lunga, I do not feel up to doing such a difficult thing, to going for such a long walk; non mi sento di mangiare, uscire, I do not feel like eating, going out // non me la sento, I do not feel like (o up to) it
    2 ( stare) to feel*; to be: come ti senti?, how do you feel? (o how are you feeling?); non mi sento molto bene, I do not feel quite myself; sentire a proprio agio, to feel at ease (o at home); sentire bene, male, stanco, depresso, to feel well, ill, tired, depressed; sentire svenire, to feel faint.
    sentire s.m. (letter.) ( sentimento) feeling, sentiment: uomo di alto sentire, man of noble feelings.
    * * *
    1. vt
    1) (percepire: gen), (al tatto) to feel

    sentire freddo/caldo — to feel cold/hot

    2) (emozione) to feel
    3) (al gusto) to taste, (all'olfatto) to smell

    ho il raffreddore e non sento gli odori/i sapori — I've got a cold and I can't smell/taste anything

    4) (udire) to hear, (ascoltare) to listen to

    senti, mi presti quel disco? — listen, will you lend me that record?

    ho sentito dire che... — I have heard that...

    a sentir lui... — to hear him talk...

    farsi sentire — to make o.s. heard

    non ci sente (sordo) he's deaf, he can't hear

    intendo sentire il mio legale/il parere di un medico — I'm going to consult my lawyer/a doctor

    1) (gen) to feel

    sentirsi bene/male — to feel well/unwell o ill

    come ti senti? — how are you?, how do you feel?


    (essere disposto) sentirsi di fare qc — to feel like doing sth

    3) (uso reciproco) to hear from each other, be in touch

    ci sentiamo spesso (al telefono) we often talk on the phone

    * * *
    I 1. [sen'tire]
    verbo transitivo

    sentire freddo, caldo — to feel o to be cold, hot

    sentire fame, sete — to be o to feel hungry, thirsty

    ho camminato troppo, non sento più i piedi — I've been walking for too long, my feet are numb

    3) (attraverso l'odorato) to smell* [odore, profumo]
    5) (udire) to hear* [parola, rumore, colpo]
    6) (ascoltare) to listen to [radio, cassetta, conferenza, concerto]; [giudice, polizia] to hear* [ testimone]

    stammi bene a sentire... — now listen here...

    senti chi parla!look o listen who's talking!

    senti un po',... — just a minute,...

    senti, non essere ridicolo! — come on, don't be ridiculous!

    senta, ne ho abbastanza — listen, I've had enough

    senti Sara, puoi prestarmi 10 euro? — say Sara, can you lend me 10 euros?

    non sentire ragioni — not to listen to, not to see reason

    9) (venire a sapere di) to hear* [notizia, storia]

    a quel che sento... — from what I hear...

    10) (intuire, immaginare) to feel*
    11) (provare) to feel* [affetto, desiderio, pietà, bisogno]
    verbo intransitivo (aus. avere)

    sentirci o sentire male to have a bad hearing; non sentire da un orecchio — to be deaf in one ear

    verbo pronominale sentirsi
    1) to feel* [stanco, triste, nervoso, stupido, tradito]

    - rsi maleto feel ill o sick o bad

    mi sentii mancaremy heart o spirit sank

    -rsi in debito con qcn. — to feel under obligation to sb.

    sentiamoci, ci sentiamo — (I'll) be in touch

    3) sentirsela (avere voglia) to feel* like ( di fare doing); (essere in grado) to feel* up to ( di fare doing)

    farsi sentire (cominciare a pesare) to be felt; (farsi vivo) to turn up; (farsi valere) to make oneself o one's voice heard

    v. la nota della voce 1.vedere
    II [sen'tire]
    sostantivo maschile lett. feeling, sentiment
    * * *
    /sen'tire/ [3]
    v. la nota della voce 1. vedere 
     1 (avvertire una sensazione fisica) sentire freddo, caldo to feel o to be cold, hot; sentire fame, sete to be o to feel hungry, thirsty; non sento più le dita per il freddo I'm so cold I can't feel my fingers any more; ho camminato troppo, non sento più i piedi I've been walking for too long, my feet are numb
     2 (attraverso il tatto) to feel*; ho sentito qualcosa di morbido I felt something soft
     3 (attraverso l'odorato) to smell* [odore, profumo]; si sente un buon profumo di caffè there is a lovely smell of coffee; i cani hanno sentito l'odore del cinghiale the dogs scented the boar
     4 (attraverso il gusto) to taste; si sente il vino nella salsa one can taste the wine in the sauce
     5 (udire) to hear* [parola, rumore, colpo]; la sentì salire le scale he heard her coming up the stairs; non l'ho mai sentito dire una cosa del genere I've never heard him say such a thing
     6 (ascoltare) to listen to [radio, cassetta, conferenza, concerto]; [giudice, polizia] to hear* [ testimone]; senti che cosa vuole go and see what he wants; sentiamo di che si tratta let's see what's it's about; non starlo a sentire don't listen to him; che cosa c'è? - sentiamo what's the matter? let's have it; che mi tocca sentire! I've never heard such nonsense! stammi bene a sentire... now listen here...; ma sentilo! (just) listen to him! senti chi parla! look o listen who's talking! ora mi sente! I'll give him a piece of my mind! senti un po',... just a minute,...; senti, non essere ridicolo! come on, don't be ridiculous! senta, ne ho abbastanza listen, I've had enough; senti Sara, puoi prestarmi 10 euro? say Sara, can you lend me 10 euros? non sentire ragioni not to listen to, not to see reason; non ne ho mai sentito parlare I've never heard of it; non voglio più sentirne parlare I don't want to hear another word about it
     7 (consultare) dovresti sentire un medico you should go to the doctor('s); sentire il parere degli esperti to seek experts' advice
     8 (avere notizie di) l'hai più sentita? have you heard any more from her?
     9 (venire a sapere di) to hear* [notizia, storia]; l'ho sentito ieri per caso I overheard it yesterday; ho sentito che si sposa I heard she's getting married; a quel che sento... from what I hear...; ne ho sentite delle belle su di lui I have been hearing stories about him; hai sentito dell'incidente? have you heard (anything) of the accident?
     10 (intuire, immaginare) to feel*; sento che è sincero I feel that he's sincere; sento che questo libro ti piacerà I have a feeling that you'll like this book
     11 (provare) to feel* [affetto, desiderio, pietà, bisogno]
     (aus. avere) sentirci o sentire male to have a bad hearing; non sentire da un orecchio to be deaf in one ear
    III sentirsi verbo pronominale
     1 to feel* [stanco, triste, nervoso, stupido, tradito]; - rsi male to feel ill o sick o bad; come ti senti? how do you feel? mi sentii mancare my heart o spirit sank; -rsi in debito con qcn. to feel under obligation to sb.; - rsi una star to feel like a star; me lo sentivo! I knew it!
     2 (per telefono) sentiamoci, ci sentiamo (I'll) be in touch; non fare niente finché non ci sentiamo di nuovo don't do anything until you hear from me
     3 sentirsela (avere voglia) to feel* like ( di fare doing); (essere in grado) to feel* up to ( di fare doing); te la senti? do you feel up to it? non me la sento di andare a Londra I'm not up to going to London
    farsi sentire (cominciare a pesare) to be felt; (farsi vivo) to turn up; (farsi valere) to make oneself o one's voice heard; gli effetti si faranno sentire in tutto il paese the effects will be felt throughout the country; il freddo comincia a farsi sentire the cold weather is setting in; fatti sentire! keep in touch!
    sostantivo m.
    lett. feeling, sentiment.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > sentire

  • 9 odstrzel|ić

    pf — odstrzel|iwać impf vt 1. (oderwać) to shoot [sth] off, to shoot off 2. Górn. to blast, to shoot 3. Myślis. to shoot
    - odstrzelono pięć dzików five wild boar(s) were shot
    odstrzelić v imp. pot. chyba mu coś odstrzeliło he must’ve flipped his lid pot. odstrzelić się pot. (wystroić się) to get all dressed up, to get dressed to kill odstrzeliwać się [żołnierze] to shoot back, to fire back
    - odstrzeliwać się z broni maszynowej to shoot back a. fire back with machine guns
    - odstrzeliwać się napastnikom to return fire against attackers

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > odstrzel|ić

  • 10 pig

    [pɪg] 1. сущ.
    а) свинья; боров; кабан

    pigs grunt / oink — свиньи хрюкают

    A young pig is a piglet. — Про поросёнка говорят - "piglet".

    A female pig is a sow. — Про свинку говорят - "sow".

    A male pig is a boar. — Про хряка говорят - "boar".

    б) амер.; = piglet
    2) поросятина, ( реже) свинина
    3) груб. свинья, скотина, сволочь

    I'm not demeaning myself to reply to you, pig. — Я не унижусь до ответа тебе, свинья.

    4) разг. свинья, поросёнок (о грязнуле, неряхе)
    5) груб.
    6) тех. болванка, чушка об отливке необработанного металла
    7) брит.; разг. напряг (какая-л. трудность)

    We had a pig of a game. — С игрой у нас вышла заморочка.

    8) амер.; груб. шлюха, потаскуха

    pigboatамер.; разг. подводная лодка

    - pig's breakfast
    - pig's ear
    - pig market
    - pig's whisper

    to make a pig of oneself — объедаться, обжираться

    to make a pig's ear of smth. / out of smth. — делать что-л. из рук вон плохо

    in less than a pig's whisper / амер. whistle — моментально, в два счёта

    on the pig's back, on the pig's ear — на коне

    2. гл.
    1) разг. жадно есть, лопать

    He's pigged all the biscuits. — Он сожрал всё печенье.

    2) ( pig it) разг. жить по-свински, в грязи, в тесноте

    As a child, I always wanted a room of my own, but had to pig it together with my sisters in one small bedroom. — В детстве мне всегда хотелось иметь свою комнату, но приходилось ютиться в маленькой спальне вместе с сёстрами.

    You may have to pig it for a time while the repairs get finished. — Вам, вероятно, придётся пожить в тесноте, пока не закончится ремонт.

    The sow pigged three weeks ago. — Свинья опоросилась три недели назад.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > pig

  • 11 νῶτον

    νῶτον, τό, or [full] νῶτος, , pl. always νῶτα, τά in early writers (

    οἱ νῶτοι LXX 3 Ki.7.19(33)

    ): the gender of thesg. is undetermined in Hom. and Hes. ; neut. in Pi.P.1.28, 4.83, E.Cyc. 237, 643, Ar.Eq. 289, Pax 747, Antiph.132.6 (anap.), and always in [dialect] Att. acc. to Phryn. 257, etc.: acc. νῶτον is masc. in Hp.Prorrh.2.<*>0,40, X.Eq.3.3 (as cited by Hdn.Gr.1.215), Arist.HA 512b17, 544a6, Ephor.224J. :—back, both cf men and animals: sg., of a man, Il.5.147, 13.289, etc. ; of a boar, φρίσσεινῶτον ib. 473 ;

    ν... ὄϊος καὶ πίονος αἰγός 9.207

    ; of horses,

    ἐπὶ νῶτον ἐῗσαι 2.765

    ; of an eagle, Pi.P.1.9 : pl. freq. used in Poets in sense of sg.,

    δράκων ἐπὶ νῶτα δαφοινός Il.2.308

    , cf. Od.6.225, etc.: sts. in [dialect] Ep. of the chine of an animal served as food, νῶτα βοὸς.. πίονα ib.4.65 ;

    νώτοισιν δ' Ὀδυσῆα διηνεκέεσσι γέραιρεν 14.437

    , cf. Il.7.321 ; of men in battle, τὰ νῶτα ἐντρέψαι to turn the back, i.e. flee, Hdt.7.211 ; νῶτον ἐπιστρέψαι Orac.ib. 141 ;

    σν μὴ δῷς ν. μηδενί PTeb.21.8

    (ii B. C.) ;

    δοτέον τὰ ν. Plu.2.787f


    δεῖξαι νῶτα Id.Marc.12

    (this phrase also of the winner in a race, AP9.557 (Antip. Thess.)) ;

    πίπτειν ἐπὶ νώτῳ A. Supp.91

    (lyr.) ; κατὰ νώτου in rear,

    κατὰ νώτου γενέσθαι τινός Hdt.1.9

    , 10 ; τὸ στρατόπεδον κατὰ ν. λαβεῖν ib.75 ;

    κατὰ ν. βοηθεῖν Th.1.62

    , etc. ;

    κατὰ νῶτα Theoc.22.84

    ; back of the finger, Procop. Gaz.Ecphr. 168.11.
    II metaph., any wide surface, esp. of the sea,

    ἐπ' εὐρέα νῶτα θαλάσσης Il.2.159

    , Od.3.142, cf. Hes.Th. 762 ;

    ἐν νώτοισι ποντίας ἁλός E.Hel. 129

    ; πόντου 'πὶ νώτοις ib. 774 ; also of the land,

    σχίζε ν. γᾶς Pi.P.4.228

    , cf. 26 ;

    χθονὸς ν. E.IT46

    ; of the sky,

    ἀστεροειδέα ν. αἰθέρος Id.Fr. 114a

    p.Ar.Th. 1067(lyr.) ;

    ἐπὶ τῷ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ ν. Pl.Phdr. 247c

    ; but ἕσπερα ν. the evening, i.e. western, sky, E.El. 731(lyr.).
    2 ridge of a hill or rock, Pi.O.7.87, E.Hipp. 128(lyr.) ; of a tomb, Id.Hel. 842, etc. ; of a chariot, Id.Tr. 572 (anap.) ; of a saw, AP6.204 (Leon.).
    3 nave of a wheel, LXX l.c.
    4 back of a page, Gal. 15.624 ;

    τὰ κατὰ νώτου POxy.1725.9

    (iii A.D.). (Perh. cf. Lat. νᾰτε ¯ ς.)

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > νῶτον

  • 12 coche

    viajar en coche to travel by car
    coche bomba car bomb
    coche de carreras racing car
    coche celular police van
    coches de choque Dodgems®, bumper cars
    coche deportivo sports car
    coche de empresa company car
    coche familiar estate car
    coche patrulla patrol car
    coche de policía police car
    coche usado o de segunda mano used car
    2 carriage.
    3 pram (British), baby carriage (United States) (for child).
    4 coach (of train).
    coche cama sleeping car, sleeper
    coche restaurante restaurant o dining car
    * * *
    1 (automóvil) car, automobile, motorcar
    2 (de tren, de caballos) carriage, coach
    3 (de niño) pram, US baby carriage
    coche bomba car bomb
    coche cama sleeping car
    coche de alquiler hired car, US rented car
    coche de bomberos fire engine
    coche de carreras racing car
    coche de época vintage car
    coche deportivo sports car
    coche familiar estate (car), US station wagon
    coches de choque dodgems, bumper cars
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=automóvil) car, automobile (EEUU)

    fuimos a Almería en coche — we drove to Almeria, we went to Almeria by car

    coche blindado — armoured car, armored car (EEUU)

    coche celular — police van, patrol wagon (EEUU)

    coche de caballos — coach, carriage

    coche de choque — bumper car, dodgem (Brit)

    coche de línea — coach, long distance bus ( esp EEUU)

    coche de ocasión — used car, second-hand car

    coche de punto taxi

    coche escoba — (Ciclismo) sag wagon

    coche usado — used car, second-hand car

    coche Z, coche zeta — police car, patrol car

    2) (Ferro) coach, car ( esp EEUU), carriage

    coche cama — sleeping car, sleeper, Pullman (EEUU)

    coche comedor — dining car, restaurant car

    coche de equipajes — luggage van, baggage car (EEUU)

    3) [de bebé] pram, baby carriage (EEUU)
    4) Méx (=taxi) taxi, cab
    SM CAm, Méx (=animal) pig, hog ( esp EEUU); (=carne) pork
    * * *
    1) (Auto) car, auto (AmE), automobile (AmE)

    coches usados or de segunda mano or de ocasión — used o (BrE) secondhand cars

    en el coche de San Fernandoon shanks's mare (AmE) o (BrE) pony

    a) (Ferr) car (AmE), carriage (BrE)
    b) ( de bebé) baby carriage (AmE), pram (BrE); ( en forma de sillita) stroller (AmE), pushchair (BrE)
    c) ( carruaje) coach, carriage
    * * *
    = automobile, car, motor vehicle.
    Ex. It was a dozen years later that the first central electric power station was built; a decade was to pass before the automobile was invented, and nearly three decades before the first airplane flew.
    Ex. Benchmarks are the times taken to carry out a set of standard operations and they are comparable to the government fuel consumption figures for cars.
    Ex. This paper considers the lawsuit brought against a police officer in the Kent Constabulary, UK, who worked in his spare time for a debt collection agency and used the Police National Computer to retrieve information concerning the owner of a motor vehicle.
    * accidente de coche = car accident.
    * accidente mortal de coche = fatal car accident.
    * alarma de coche = car alarm.
    * alquiler de coches = car rental, car hire.
    * arrebatar el coche = carjack.
    * carrera de coches improvisados sin motor = soapbox derby race, soapbox derby.
    * cementerio de coches = junkyard, scrapyard.
    * coche alquilado = self-drive car.
    * coche blindado = armoured car, armoured car.
    * coche bomba = car bomb.
    * coche bomba suicida = suicide car bomb.
    * coche cama = sleeping car.
    * coche de bomberos = fire engine, fire truck.
    * coche de caballos = horse and buggy, buggy, victoria.
    * coche de carreras = competition car.
    * coche de cinco puertas = hatchback.
    * coche de competición = competition car.
    * coche de época = vintage car.
    * coche de juguete = toy car.
    * coche de ocasión = used car, second-hand car.
    * coche deportivo = sports car.
    * coche de segunda mano = used car, second-hand car.
    * coche familiar = family car.
    * coche fúnebre = hearse.
    * coche mortuorio = hearse.
    * coche sin caballos = horseless carriage automobile, horseless carriage.
    * coche usado = used car, second-hand car.
    * coche viejo = lemon, jalopy.
    * compartir el viaje en coche = car-pool [carpool].
    * concesionario de coches = car dealer, auto dealer.
    * cuidados del coche = car maintenance.
    * dándose una vuelta en coche = out for a spin.
    * dar una vuelta en coche = go out for + a drive.
    * dar un paseo en coche = go out for + a drive.
    * de paseo en coche = out for a spin.
    * en coche = drive.
    * entrada para coches = driveway.
    * entretenimiento del coche = car maintenance.
    * fabricante de coches = automaker, carmaker.
    * familia con dos coches = two-car family.
    * gato del coche = car jack.
    * ir a un Lugar en coche = drive out to.
    * lavado de coches = car wash.
    * lavar el coche = wash + car.
    * línea de montaje de coches = car assembly line.
    * llave del coche = car key.
    * mantenimiento del coche = car maintenance.
    * matriculación de coches = motor vehicle registration, car registration.
    * matrícula de coche = license plate, number plate.
    * mecánico de coches = auto mechanic.
    * negocio de venta de coches usados = used car business.
    * persecución en coche a alta velocidad = high-speed chase.
    * picnic alrededor del maletero del coche = tailgate party.
    * porche para guardar el coche = car port.
    * préstamo para compra de coche = car loan.
    * repuesto de coche = autopart.
    * salir a dar una vuelta en coche = go out for + a drive.
    * salir a pasear en coche = go out for + a drive.
    * salir de paseo en coche = go out for + a drive.
    * seguro de coche = car insurance.
    * seguro de coche sin determinación de culpabilidad = no-fault auto insurance.
    * solicitar los servicios de una prostituta desde el coche = kerb-crawling [curb-crawling, -USA].
    * transbordador de coches = car ferry.
    * vendedor de coches de ocasión = second-hand car dealer, used-car dealer.
    * vendedor de coches de segunda mano = used-car dealer, second-hand car dealer.
    * vendedor de coches usados = used-car dealer, second-hand car dealer.
    * venta de coches = car sales.
    * viaje en coche compartido = car-pool [carpool].
    * * *
    1) (Auto) car, auto (AmE), automobile (AmE)

    coches usados or de segunda mano or de ocasión — used o (BrE) secondhand cars

    en el coche de San Fernandoon shanks's mare (AmE) o (BrE) pony

    a) (Ferr) car (AmE), carriage (BrE)
    b) ( de bebé) baby carriage (AmE), pram (BrE); ( en forma de sillita) stroller (AmE), pushchair (BrE)
    c) ( carruaje) coach, carriage
    * * *
    = automobile, car, motor vehicle.

    Ex: It was a dozen years later that the first central electric power station was built; a decade was to pass before the automobile was invented, and nearly three decades before the first airplane flew.

    Ex: Benchmarks are the times taken to carry out a set of standard operations and they are comparable to the government fuel consumption figures for cars.
    Ex: This paper considers the lawsuit brought against a police officer in the Kent Constabulary, UK, who worked in his spare time for a debt collection agency and used the Police National Computer to retrieve information concerning the owner of a motor vehicle.
    * accidente de coche = car accident.
    * accidente mortal de coche = fatal car accident.
    * alarma de coche = car alarm.
    * alquiler de coches = car rental, car hire.
    * arrebatar el coche = carjack.
    * carrera de coches improvisados sin motor = soapbox derby race, soapbox derby.
    * cementerio de coches = junkyard, scrapyard.
    * coche alquilado = self-drive car.
    * coche blindado = armoured car, armoured car.
    * coche bomba = car bomb.
    * coche bomba suicida = suicide car bomb.
    * coche cama = sleeping car.
    * coche de bomberos = fire engine, fire truck.
    * coche de caballos = horse and buggy, buggy, victoria.
    * coche de carreras = competition car.
    * coche de cinco puertas = hatchback.
    * coche de competición = competition car.
    * coche de época = vintage car.
    * coche de juguete = toy car.
    * coche de ocasión = used car, second-hand car.
    * coche deportivo = sports car.
    * coche de segunda mano = used car, second-hand car.
    * coche familiar = family car.
    * coche fúnebre = hearse.
    * coche mortuorio = hearse.
    * coche sin caballos = horseless carriage automobile, horseless carriage.
    * coche usado = used car, second-hand car.
    * coche viejo = lemon, jalopy.
    * compartir el viaje en coche = car-pool [carpool].
    * concesionario de coches = car dealer, auto dealer.
    * cuidados del coche = car maintenance.
    * dándose una vuelta en coche = out for a spin.
    * dar una vuelta en coche = go out for + a drive.
    * dar un paseo en coche = go out for + a drive.
    * de paseo en coche = out for a spin.
    * en coche = drive.
    * entrada para coches = driveway.
    * entretenimiento del coche = car maintenance.
    * fabricante de coches = automaker, carmaker.
    * familia con dos coches = two-car family.
    * gato del coche = car jack.
    * ir a un Lugar en coche = drive out to.
    * lavado de coches = car wash.
    * lavar el coche = wash + car.
    * línea de montaje de coches = car assembly line.
    * llave del coche = car key.
    * mantenimiento del coche = car maintenance.
    * matriculación de coches = motor vehicle registration, car registration.
    * matrícula de coche = license plate, number plate.
    * mecánico de coches = auto mechanic.
    * negocio de venta de coches usados = used car business.
    * persecución en coche a alta velocidad = high-speed chase.
    * picnic alrededor del maletero del coche = tailgate party.
    * porche para guardar el coche = car port.
    * préstamo para compra de coche = car loan.
    * repuesto de coche = autopart.
    * salir a dar una vuelta en coche = go out for + a drive.
    * salir a pasear en coche = go out for + a drive.
    * salir de paseo en coche = go out for + a drive.
    * seguro de coche = car insurance.
    * seguro de coche sin determinación de culpabilidad = no-fault auto insurance.
    * solicitar los servicios de una prostituta desde el coche = kerb-crawling [curb-crawling, -USA].
    * transbordador de coches = car ferry.
    * vendedor de coches de ocasión = second-hand car dealer, used-car dealer.
    * vendedor de coches de segunda mano = used-car dealer, second-hand car dealer.
    * vendedor de coches usados = used-car dealer, second-hand car dealer.
    * venta de coches = car sales.
    * viaje en coche compartido = car-pool [carpool].

    * * *
    A ( Auto) car, auto ( AmE), automobile ( AmE)
    nos llevó en coche a la estación he drove us to the station, he took us to the station in the car
    coches usados or de segunda mano or de ocasión used o ( BrE) secondhand cars
    en el coche de San Fernando on Shanks's mare ( AmE) o pony ( BrE)
    veteran o vintage car
    car bomb
    ( Esp) bubble car
    patrol wagon ( AmE), police van ( BrE)
    fire truck ( AmE), fire engine ( BrE)
    ( RPl) racing car
    racing car
    bumper car, Dodgem® car ( BrE)
    courtesy car
    veteran o vintage car
    toy car
    company car
    long-distance bus ( AmE), coach ( BrE)
    sports car
    broom o sag wagon
    ( Esp) station wagon ( AmE), estate car ( BrE)
    ( Esp) unmarked police car
    patrol car, police car
    radio patrol car
    (en Esp) police car, patrol car
    1 ( Ferr) car ( AmE), carriage ( BrE), coach ( BrE)
    2 (de bebé) baby carriage ( AmE), pram ( BrE); (en forma de sillita) stroller ( AmE), pushchair ( BrE)
    3 (carruaje) coach, carriage
    sleeper, sleeping car
    mail car
    (CS) sleeper, sleeping car
    dining car, restaurant car ( BrE)
    * * *


    coche sustantivo masculino
    a) (Auto) car, auto (AmE), automobile (AmE);

    coche bomba car bomb;
    coche de bomberos fire engine, fire truck (AmE);
    coche de carreras racing car;
    coche de choque bumper car;
    coche fúnebre hearse
    b) (Ferr) car (AmE), carriage (BrE);

    coche cama or (CS) dormitorio sleeper, sleeping car
    c) ( de bebé) baby carriage (AmE), pram (BrE);

    ( en forma de sillita) stroller (AmE), pushchair (BrE)

    coche sustantivo masculino
    1 car
    ir en coche, to go by car
    coche de bomberos, fire engine
    coche de carreras, racing car
    coches de choques, bumper cars
    coche fúnebre, hearse
    2 (carruaje de caballos, vagón de tren) carriage, coach
    coche cama, sleeping car, US sleeper
    ' coche' also found in these entries:
    - adorno
    - alquilar
    - alquiler
    - ancha
    - ancho
    - antirrobo
    - apearse
    - arrastre
    - baja
    - bajar
    - bajarse
    - bajo
    - bandazo
    - bloquear
    - bomba
    - calambre
    - calarse
    - caña
    - cariño
    - carroza
    - cascada
    - cascado
    - celular
    - chapa
    - chirriar
    - ciega
    - ciego
    - concretamente
    - conducir
    - contraria
    - contrario
    - coscorrón
    - cuneta
    - de
    - delantera
    - descender
    - desguace
    - deshecha
    - deshecho
    - despistada
    - despistado
    - dirigir
    - dotada
    - dotado
    - embestir
    - empantanarse
    - empotrar
    - en
    - enana
    - anticipate
    - attendant
    - auction
    - audacious
    - auto
    - automatic
    - automobile
    - back
    - banger
    - battered
    - battery
    - belong
    - block in
    - bomb
    - brag
    - break into
    - break up
    - bring back
    - bring up
    - broken-down
    - buffet car
    - bumper car
    - by
    - car
    - car bomb
    - car-boot sale
    - car-phone
    - career
    - carload
    - carsick
    - check
    - climb
    - coach
    - collide
    - collision
    - compact
    - cram
    - crash
    - crawl
    - custom
    - dent
    - dip into
    - do
    - draw up
    - dream
    - drive
    - drive off
    - drive-through
    - driver
    * * *
    coche nm
    1. [automóvil] car, US automobile;
    ir en coche [montado] to go by car;
    [conduciendo] to drive;
    no me gusta ir en coche al centro I prefer not to drive into town;
    viajar en coche to travel by car;
    ir en el coche de San Fernando to go on o by Shanks's Br pony o US mare
    coche de alquiler hire car;
    coche antiguo [de antes de 1930] vintage car;
    [más moderno] classic car;
    coche automático automatic;
    coche bomba car bomb;
    coche de bomberos fire engine, US fire truck;
    coche de carreras racing car;
    coche celular police van;
    coches de choque bumper cars, Br Dodgems®;
    coche deportivo sports car;
    coche eléctrico electric car;
    coche de empresa company car;
    coche de época [de antes de 1930] vintage car;
    [más moderno] classic car;
    coche escoba [en carrera] sweeper van;
    coche familiar Br estate car, US station wagon;
    coche grúa Br breakdown truck, US tow truck;
    coche patrulla patrol car;
    coche de policía police car
    2. [autobús] bus
    coche de línea bus [between towns]
    3. [de caballos] carriage
    4. [de niño] Br pram, US baby carriage
    5. [de tren] coach, Br carriage, US car
    coche cama sleeping car, sleeper;
    coche restaurante restaurant o dining car
    * * *
    1 car
    2 Méx ( taxi) cab, taxi
    3 FERR car, Br
    * * *
    coche nm
    1) : car, automobile
    2) : coach, carriage
    coche cama : sleeping car
    coche fúnebre : hearse
    * * *
    2. (vagón) carriage

    Spanish-English dictionary > coche

  • 13 निर् _nir

    निर् ind. A substitute for निस् before vowels and soft consonants conveying the senses of 'out of', 'away from'. 'without', 'free from', and be frequently expressed by 'less', 'un', used with the noun; see the compounds given below; see निस् and cf. अ also.
    -Comp. -अंश a.
    1 whole, entire.
    -2 not entitled to any share of the ancestral property.
    -अक्षः the place of no latitute; i. e. the terrestrial equator (in astronomy). ˚देशः
    1 a first meridian, as Laṅkā.
    -2 a place where the sun is always vertical and the days and nights are equal.
    -3 the equatorial region.
    -अक्षर a. Not knowing the letters, illiterate.
    -अग्नि a. having lost or neg- lected the consecrated fire; स संन्यासी च योगी च न निरग्निर्न चाक्रियः Bg.6.1.
    -अग्र (क) a. divisible without remain- der.
    -अङ्कुश a. 'not curbed by a hook', unchecked, uncontrolled; unruly, independent, completely free, unfettered; निरङ्कुश इव द्विपः Bhāg.; कामो निकामनिरङ्कुशः Gīt.7; निरङ्कुशाः कवयः Sk.; Bh.3.15; Mv.3.39; विनयरुचयः सदैव निरङ्कुशाः Mu.3.6. ˚ता self-will, indepen- dence.
    -अघ a. sinless, blameless.
    -अङ्ग a.
    1 having no parts.
    -2 deprived of expedients or resources.
    -अजिन a. skinless.
    -अञ्जन a.
    1 without collyrium; निरञ्जने साचिविलोलिकं दृशौ Ki.8.52.
    -2 unstained, untinged.
    -3 free from falsehood; तदा विद्वान् पुण्यपापे विधूय निरञ्जनं परमं साम्यमुपैति Munda 3.1.3.
    -4 simple, artless.
    (-नः) 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 N. of the Supreme Being.
    (-ना) 1 the day of full moon.
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -अतिशय a. unsurpassed, matchless, un- rivalled; निरतिशयं गरिमाणं तेन जनन्याः स्मरन्ति विद्वांसः Pt.1.3. (
    -यः) the Supreme Being.
    -अत्यय a.
    1 free from danger, secure, safe; तद्भवान् वृत्तसंपन्नः स्थितः पथि निरत्यये Rām.4.29.12; R.17.53.
    -2 free from fault, unblamable, faultless, disinterested; Ki.1.12, शक्तिरर्थपतिषु स्वयंग्रहं प्रेम कारयति वा निरत्ययम् 13.61.
    -3 com- pletely successful.
    -अधिष्ठान a.
    1 supportless.
    -2 in- dependent.
    -अध्व a. one who has lost one's way.
    -अनुक्रोश a. pitiless, merciless, hard-hearted. (
    -शः) mercilessness, hard-heartedness.
    -अनुग a. having no followers.
    -अनुग्रह a. Ungracious, unkind; Bhāg.5. 12.7.
    -अनुनासिक a. not nasal.
    -अनुमान a. not bound to conclusions or consequences.
    -अनुयोज्य a. unblamable, faultless.
    -अनुरोध a.
    1 unfavourable, unfriendly.
    -2 unkind, unamiable; Māl.1.
    -अन्तर a.
    -1 constant, perpetual, uninterrupted, incessant; निरन्त- राधिपटलैः Bv.1.16; निरन्तरास्वन्तरवातवृष्टिषु Ku.5.25.
    -2 having no intervening or intermediate space, having no interval, close, closely contiguous, in close contact; मूढे निरन्तरपयोधरया मयैव Mk.5.15; हृदयं निरन्तरबृहत्कठिनस्तन- मण्डलावरणमप्यभिदन् Śi.9.66.
    -3 compact, dense; परितो रुद्धनिरन्तराम्बराः Śi.16.76.
    -4 coarse, gross.
    -5 faithful, true (as a friend).
    -6 not hidden from view.
    -7 not different, similar, identical.
    -8 sincere, sympathetic; सुहृदि निरन्तरचित्ते (निवेद्य दुःखं सुखीभवति) Pt.1.341.
    -9 abounding in, full of; निपात्यमानैर्ददृशे निरन्तरम् Rām.7.7. 54; गुणैश्च निरन्तराणि Mv.4.12. (
    -रम्) ind.
    1 without interruption, constantly, continually, incessantly.
    -2 without intervening space or interval.
    -3 closely, tightly, firmly; (परिष्वजस्व) कान्तैरिदं मम निरन्तरमङ्गमङ्गैः Ve.3.27; परिष्वजेते शयने निरन्तरम् Ṛs.2.11.
    -4 immedia- tely. ˚अभ्यासः constant study, diligent exercise or pra- ctice.
    -अन्तराल a.
    1 without an intervening space, close.
    -2 narrow.
    -अन्धस् a. foodless, hungry.
    -अन्वय a.
    1 having no progeny, childless.
    -2 unconnected, unrelated; Ms.8.198.
    -3 not agreeing with the con- text (as a word in a sentence).
    -4 without logical connection or regular sequence, unmethodical.
    -5 without being seen, out of sight; निरन्वयं भवेत् स्तेयम् Ms.8. 332.
    -6 without retinue, unaccompanied, see अन्वय.
    -7 sudden, unexpected; U.7.
    -8 exterminatory, without leaving any species or trace; प्रागाधारनिरन्वयप्रमथनादुच्छेदमे- वाकरोः... Mv.3.13; (com. नाशो द्विविधः--स्वान्वयविनाशः, निरन्वयविनाशश्चेति......निर्वापणादिना सजातीयज्वालोदयानर्हविनाशस्तु निरन्वयविनाशः ।).
    -अपत्रप a.
    1 shameless, impudent.
    -2 bold.
    -अपराध a. guiltless, innocent, faultless, blame- less. (
    -धः) innocence.
    -अपवर्त a.
    1 not turning back.
    -2 (in arith.) leaving no common divisor, reduced to the lowest terms.
    -अपवाद a.
    1 blameless.
    -2 not admitting of any exception.
    -अपाय a.
    1 free from harm or evil.
    -2 free from decay, imperishable.
    -3 infallible; उपायो निरपायो$यमस्माभिरभिचिन्तितः Rām.1.1.2.
    -अपेक्ष a.
    1 not depending on, irrespective or independent of, having no need of (with loc.); न्यायनिर्णीतसारत्वा- न्निरपेक्षमिवागमे Ki.11.39.
    -2 disregarding, taking no notice of.
    -3 free from desire, secure; निरपेक्षो न कर्तव्यो भृत्यैः स्वामी कदाचन H.2.82.
    -4 careless, negligent, indifferent
    -5 indifferent to worldly attachments or pursuits; समुपोढेषु कामेषु निरपेक्षः परिव्रजेत् Ms.6.41.
    -6 disinterested, not expecting any reward from another; दिशि दिशि निरपेक्ष- स्तावकीनं विवृण्वन् Bv.1.5.
    -7 without purpose. (
    -क्षा) indifference, disregard.
    -अपेक्षित a.
    1 disregarded.
    -2 regardless.
    -अपेक्षिन् a. disregarding, indifferent.
    -अभिभव a.
    1 not subject to humiliation or disgrace.
    -2 not to be surpassed, unrivalled.
    -अभिमान a.
    1 free from self-conceit, devoid of pride or egotism.
    -2 void of self-respect.
    -3 unconscious.
    -अभिलाष a. not caring for, indifferent to; स्वसुखनिरभिलाषः खिद्यसे लोकहेतोः Ś.5.7.
    -अभिसंधानम् absence of design.
    -अभ्र a. cloudless.
    -अमर्ष a.
    1 void of anger, patient.
    -2 apa- thetic.
    -अम्बर a. naked.
    -अम्बु a.
    1 abstaining from water.
    -2 waterless, destitute of water.
    -अर्गल a. without a bolt, unbarred, unobstructed, unrestrained, unimpeded, completely free; M.5; मरणसमये त्यक्त्वा शङ्कां प्रलापनिरर्गलम् Māl.5.26. (
    -लम्) ind. freely.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 void of wealth, poor, indigent; स्त्रियः कृतार्थाः पुरुषं निरर्थं निष्पीडितालक्तकवत्त्यजन्ति Pt.1.194.
    -2 meaningless, un- meaning (as a word or sentence).
    -3 non-sensical.
    -4 vain, useless, purposeless.
    (-र्थः) 1 loss, detriment.
    -2 nonsense.
    -अर्थक a.
    1 useless, vain, unprofitable.
    -2 unmeaning, nonsensical, conveying no reasonable meaning; इत्थं जन्म निरर्थकं क्षितितले$रण्ये यथा मालती S. D.
    -3 (a consonant) not followed by a vowel. (
    -कम्) an expletive; निरर्थकं तु हीत्यादि पूरणैकप्रयोजनम् Chandr.2.6.
    -अलंकृतिः (in Rhet.) want of ornament, simplicity.
    -अवकाश a.
    1 without free space.
    -2 without leisure.
    -अवग्रह a.
    1 'free from restraint', unrestrained, un- checked, uncontrolled, irresistible.
    -2 free, indepen- dent.
    -3 self-willed, head-strong. (
    -हम्) ind.
    1 un- interruptedly.
    -2 intensely, strongly.
    -अवद्य a.
    1 blameless, faultless, unblameable, unobjectionable; हृद्य- निरवद्यरूपो भूपो बभूव Dk.1.
    -2 an epithet of the Supreme Being (having no passions).
    -अवधि a. having no end, unlimited; कथं तूष्णीं सह्यो निरवधिरयं त्वप्रतिविधः U. 3.44;6.3; Māl.1.6.
    -2 continuous; महानाधिव्याधि- र्निरवधिरिदानीं प्रसरतु Māl.4.3.
    1 without parts.
    -2 indivisible.
    -3 without limbs.
    -अवलम्ब a.
    1 unsupported, without support; Ś.6.
    -2 not affording support.
    -3 not depending or relying on.
    -अवशेष a. whole, complete, entire, (निरवशेषेण ind. completely, entirely, fully, totally).
    -अवसाद a. cheerful; Gīt.
    -अव्यय a. eternal, immutable.
    - अशन a. abstaining from food. (
    -नम्) fasting.
    -अश्रि a. even; Kau. A.2.11.
    -अष्ट a. Ved. driven away, scattered. (
    -ष्टः) a horse twentyfour years old.
    -अस्त्र a. weaponless, unarmed.
    -अस्थि a. boneless.
    -अहंकार, -अहंकृति a. free from egotism or pride, humble, lowly; Bg.12.13.
    -अहंकृत a.
    1 having no egotism or self-consciousness.
    -2 without individuality.
    -3 unselfish.
    -अहम् a. free from egotism or self-conceit; ह्यनामरूपं निरहं प्रपद्ये Bhāg. 5.19.4.
    -आकाङ्क्ष a.
    1 wishing nothing, free from desire.
    -2 wanting nothing to fill up or complete (as the sense of a word or sentence).
    -आकार a.
    1 devoid of form, formless, without form.
    -2 ugly, deformed.
    -3 disguised.
    -4 unassuming, modest.
    (-रः) 1 the universal spirit, Almighty.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -3 of Viṣṇu. ˚ज्ञानवादः the doctrine that the perception of the outer world does not arise from images impres- sed on the mind; Sarva. S.
    -आकृति a.
    1 formless, shapeless.
    -2 deformed.
    (-तिः) 1 a religious student who has not duly gone through a course of study, or who has not properly read the Vedas.
    -2 especially, a Brāhmaṇa who has neglected the duties of his caste by not going through a regular course of study; a fool; ग्रामधान्यं यथा शून्यं यथा कूपश्च निर्जलः । यथा हुतमनग्नौ च तथैव स्यान्निराकृतौ ॥ Mb.12.36.48.
    -3 one who neglects the five great religious duties or yajñas; Ms.3.154.
    -आकाश a. leaving no free space, completely filled or occupied,
    -आकुल a.
    1 unconfused, unperplexed, un- bewildered; Ki.11.38.
    -2 steady, calm; सुपात्रनिक्षेपनिरा- कुलात्मना (प्रजासृजा) Śi.1.28.
    -3 clear.
    -4 perspicuous; अलिकुलसङ्कुलकुसुमसमूहनिराकुलबकुलकलापे Gīt.1.
    (-लम्) 1 calmness serenity.
    -2 perspicuity, clearness.
    -आक्रन्द a. not crying or complaining. (
    -दः) a place where no sound can be heard.
    -आक्रोश a. unaccused, unreviled.
    - आगम a. not founded on revelation or scripture, not derived from the Vedas.
    -आगस् a. faultless, innocent, sinless; कथमेकपदे निरागसं जनमाभाष्यमिमं न मन्यसे R.8.48.
    -आचार a. without approved customs or usages, lawless, barbarian.
    -आडम्बर a.
    1 without drums.
    -2 without show, unostentatious.
    -आतङ्क a.
    1 free from fear; R.1.63; निरातङ्को रङ्को विहरति चिरं कोटिकनकैः Śaṅkara (देव्यपराधक्षमापनस्तोत्रम् 6).
    -2 without ailment, comfort- able, healthy.
    -3 not causing pain.
    -4 unchecked, unhampered; निरातङ्कः पङ्केष्विव पिशितपिण्डेषु विलसन् Māl. 5.34. (
    -कः) an epithet of Śiva.
    - आतप a. sheltered from heat, shady, not penetrated by the sun's rays. (
    -पा) the night.
    - आदर a. disrespectful.
    -आदान a.
    1 taking or receiving nothing; Mb.3.
    -2 an epithet of Buddha.
    -आधार a.
    1 without a receptacle.
    -2 without support, supportless (fig. also); निराधारो हा रोदिमि कथय केषामिह पुरः G. L.4.39.
    -आधि a. secure, free from anxiety.
    -आनन्द a. cheerless, sad, sorrowful.
    -आन्त्र a.
    1 disembowelled.
    -2 having the entrails hanging out.
    -आपद् a. free from misfortune or calamity. (-f.) prosperity.
    -आबाध a.
    1 unvexed, unmolested, undis- turbed, free from disturbance.
    -2 unobstructed.
    -3 not molesting or disturbing.
    -4 (in law) frivolously vexatious (as a suit or cause of complaint); e. g. अस्मद्- गृहप्रदीपप्रकाशेनायं स्वगृहे व्यवहरति Mitā.
    1 free from disease or illness, sound, healthy, hale.
    -2 untainted, pure.
    -3 guileless.
    -4 free from defects or blemishes.
    -5 full, complete.
    -6 infallible.
    -7 not liable to failure or miscarriage. (
    -यः, यम्) freedom from disease or illness, health, well-being, welfare, happiness; कुरूणां पाण्डवानां च प्रतिपत्स्व निरामयम् Mb.5.78.8.
    (-यः) 1 a wild goat.
    -2 a hog or boar.
    -आमिष a.
    1 fleshless; निरुपमरसप्रीत्या खादन्नरास्थि निरामिषम् Bh.
    -2 having no sensual desires or covetousness; Ms.6.49.
    -3 receiving no wages or remuneration.
    -आय a. yielding no income or revenue, profitless.
    -यः an idler living from hand to mouth.
    1 full-stretched or extended; निरायतपूर्वकायाः Ś.1.8.
    -2 contracted, compact.
    -आय- -तत्वम् shortness, compactness; निरायतत्वादुदरेण ताम्यता Ki.8.17.
    -आयति a. one whose end is at hand; नियता लघुता निरायतेः Ki.2.14.
    -आयास a. not fatiguing, easy.
    -आयुध a. unarmed, weaponless.
    -आरम्भ a. abstaining from all work (in good sense); Mb.3.82.11.
    -आलम्ब a.
    1 having no prop or support (fig. also); ऊर्ध्वबाहुं निरालम्बं तं राजा प्रत्यभाषत Rām.7.89.1; निरालम्बो लोकः कुलमयशसा नः परिवृतम् Mv.4.53.
    -2 not depending on another, independent.
    -3 self-supported, friendless, alone; निरालम्बो लम्बोदरजननि कं यामि शरणम् Jag. (
    -म्बा) spikenard. (
    -म्बम्) Brahman.
    -आलोक a.
    1 not looking about or seeing.
    -2 deprived of sight.
    -3 deprived of light, dark; निरालोकं लोकम् Māl.5.3; Bhāg.8.24.35.
    -5 invisible. (
    -कः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -आवर्ण a. manifest, evident.
    -आश a.
    1 devoid of hope, despairing or despondent of; मनो बभूवेन्दुमतीनिराशम् R.6.2.
    -2 depriving (one) of all hope.
    -आशक, -आशिन् a. hopeless; अद्य दुर्योधनो राज्याज्जीविताच्च निराशकः (भविष्यति) Mb.8.74.13.
    -आशङ्क a. fearless.
    -आशा hopeless- ness, despair.
    -आशिस् a.
    1 without a boon or blessing, without virtues; आश्रमा विहिताः सर्वे वर्जयित्वा निराशिषम् Mb.12.63.13.
    -2 without any desire, wish or hope, indifferent; निराशीर्यतचित्तात्मा Bg.4.21; जगच्छ- रण्यस्य निराशिषः सतः Ku.5.76.
    -आश्रय a.
    1 without a prop or support, supportless, unsupported; न तिष्ठति निराश्रयं लिङ्गम् Sāṅ. K.41.
    -2 friendless, destitute, alone, without shelter or refuge; निराश्रयाधुना वत्सलता.
    -3 not deep (as a wound).
    -आस्वाद a. tasteless, insipid, un- savoury.
    -आहार a. 'foodless', fasting, abstaining from food. (
    -रः) fasting; कालो$ग्निः कर्म मृद् वायुर्मनो ज्ञानं तपो जलम् । पश्चात्तापो निराहारः सर्वे$मी शुद्धिहेतवः ॥ Y.3.31.
    -इङ्ग a. immovable, stationary; यथा दीपो निवातस्थो निरिङ्गो ज्वलते पुनः Mb.12.46.6.
    -इच्छ a. without wish or desire, indifferent.
    -इन्द्रिय a.
    1 having lost a limb or the use of it.
    -2 mutilated, maimed.
    -3 weak, infirm, frail; Kaṭh.1.1.3.
    -4 barren.
    -5 without प्रमाण or means of certain knowledge; निरिन्द्रिया ह्यमन्त्राश्च स्त्रियो$नृत- मिति स्थितिः Ms.9.18.
    -6 destitute of manly vigour, impotent (Ved.).
    -इन्धन a. destitute of fuel.
    -ईति a. free from the calamities of the season; निरातङ्का निरीतयः R.1.63; see ईति.
    -ईश्वर a. godless, atheistic. -˚वाद atheistic doctrine.
    -ईषम् the body of a plough.
    -ईह a.
    1 desireless, indifferent; निरीहाणामीशस्तृणमिव तिरस्कारविषयः Mu.3.16.
    -2 inactive; निरीहस्य हतद्विषः R.1.24.
    (-हा), -निरीहता, -त्वम् 1 inactivity.
    -2 indifference.
    -उच्छ्वास a.
    1 breathless, without breathing; निरुच्छ्वासं हरिं चक्रुः Rām.7.7.6.
    -2 narrow, contracted; उपेयुषो वर्त्म निरन्तराभिरसौ निरुच्छ्वासमनीकिनीभिः Śi.3.32.
    -3 dead; निरुच्छ्वासाः पुनः केचित् पतिता जगतीतले Rām.6.58.13. (
    -सः) absence of breath; लोका निरुच्छ्वासनिपीडिता भृशम् Bhāg.4. 8.8.
    -उत्तर a.
    1 answerless, without a reply.
    -2 un- able to answer, silenced.
    -3 having no superior.
    -उत्थ a. irrecoverable.
    -उद्धति a. not jolting (a chariot); अभूतल- स्पर्शतया निरुद्धतिः Ś.7.1. (v. l.)
    -उत्सव a. without festivi- ties; विरतं गेयमृतुर्निरुत्सवः R.8.66.
    -उत्साह a.
    1 inactive, indolent.
    -2 devoid of energy.
    (-हः) 1 absence of energy.
    -2 indolence.
    -उत्सुक a.
    1 indifferent.
    -2 calm, tranquil.
    - उदक a. waterless.
    1 having no belly or trunk.
    -2 thin (अतुन्दिल); श्रीमान्निरुदरो महान् Rām.3.16.31.
    -उद्यम, -उद्योग a. effortless, inactive, lazy, idle.
    उद्विग्न, -उद्वेग a. free from excitement or perturbation, sedate, calm.
    -उपक्रम a.
    1 without a commencement.
    -2 incurable.
    -उपद्रव a.
    1 free from calamity or affliction, not visited by danger or adver- sity, lucky, happy, undisturbed, unmolested, free from hostile attacks.
    -2 free from national distress or tyranny.
    -3 causing no affliction.
    -4 auspicious (as a star).
    -5 secure, peaceful.
    -उपधि a. guileless, honest; U.2.2. ˚जीवन a. leading an honest life. (v. l.).
    -उपपत्ति a. unsuitable.
    1 without any title or designation; अरे आर्यचारुदत्तं निरुपपदेन नाम्नालपसि Mk.1.18/19.
    -2 unconnected with a subordinate word.
    -उपप्लव a.
    1 free from disturbance, obstacle or calamity, unharmed; निरुपप्लवानि नः कर्माणि संवृत्तानि Ś3.
    -2 not causing any affliction or misery.
    -3 an epithet of Śiva.
    -उपभोग a. without enjoyment; संसरति निरुपभोगं भावैरधिवासितं लिङ्गम् Sāṅ. K.4.
    - उपम a. peerless, matchless, incomparable.
    -उपसर्ग free from portents.
    -उपस्कृत a. not corrupted, pure; of self-denying temperament; शमेन तपसा चैव भक्त्या च निरुपस्कृतः । शुद्धात्मा ब्राह्मणो रात्रौ निदर्शनमपश्यत ॥ Mb.12.271.14.
    1 not injured, unhurt.
    -2 auspicious, lucky.
    -उपाख्य a.
    1 unreal, false, non-existent (as वन्ध्यापुत्र).
    -2 immaterial.
    -3 invisible. (
    -ख्यम्) the supreme Brahman.
    -उपाधि (क) a. without qualities, absolute.
    -उपाय a.
    1 without expedients, helpless.
    -2 unsuc- cessful.
    -उपेक्ष a.
    1 free from trick or fraud.
    -2 not neglectful.
    -उष्मन् a. devoid of heat, cold.
    -गन्ध a. void of smell, scentless, unfragrant, inodorous; निर्गन्धा इव किंशुकाः. ˚पुष्पी f. the Śālmali tree.
    -गर्व a. free from pride.
    -गवाक्ष a. windowless.
    -गुण a.
    1 stringless (as a bow).
    -2 devoid of all properties.
    -3 devoid of good qualities, bad, worthless; निर्गुणः शोभते नैव विपुलाड- म्बरो$पि ना Bv.1.115.
    -4 without attributes; साकारं च निराकारं सगुणं निर्गुणं विभुम् Brahmavai. P.
    -5 having no epithet. (
    -णः) the Supreme Spirit. ˚आत्मक a. having no qualities.
    -गृहः a. houseless, homeless; सुगृही निर्गृही- कृता Pt.39.
    -गौरव a.
    1 without dignity, undignified.
    -2 devoid of respect.
    -ग्रन्थ a.
    1 freed from all ties or hindrances; आत्मारामाश्च मुनयो निर्ग्रन्था अप्युरुक्रमे । कुर्वन्त्यहैतुकीं भक्तिम् Bhāg.1.7.1.
    -2 poor, possessionless, beggarly.
    -3 alone, unassisted.
    (-न्थः) 1 an idiot, a fool.
    -2 a gambler.
    -3 a saint or devotee who has renounced all worldly attachments and wanders about naked and lives as a hermit.
    -4 A Buddha Muni.
    -ग्रन्थक a.
    1 clever, expert.
    -2 unaccompanied, alone.
    -3 deserted, abandoned.
    -4 fruitless. (
    -कः 1 a religious mendicant.
    -2 a naked devotee.
    -3 a gam- bler.
    -ग्रन्थिक a. clever. (
    -कः) a naked mendicant, a Jaina mendicant of the Digambara class.
    -घटम् 1 a free market.
    -2 a crowded market.
    -घण्टः See निघण्टः.
    -घृण a.
    1 cruel, merciless, pitiless.
    -2 shame- less, immodest.
    -घृणा cruelty.
    -घोष a. noiseless, still, calm.
    -जन a.
    1 tenantless, uninhabited, unfrequented, lonely, desolate.
    -2 without any retinue or attendants; भूयश्चैवाभिरक्षन्तु निर्धनान्निर्जना इव Mb.12.151.7. (
    -नम्) a desert, solitude, lonely place.
    -जन्तु a. free from living germs; H. Yoga.
    -जर a.
    1 young, fresh.
    -2 imperishable, immortal. (
    -रः) a deity, god; (nom. pl. निर्जराः -निर्जरसः) (
    -रम्) ambrosia, nectar.
    -जरायु a. Ved. skinless.
    -जल a.
    1 waterless, desert, destitute of water.
    -2 not mixed with water. (
    -लः) a waste, desert. ˚एकादशी N. of the eleventh day in the bright half of Jyeṣṭha.
    -जाड्य free from coldness.
    -जिह्वः a frog.
    -जीव a.
    1 lifeless.
    -2 dead; चिता दहति निर्जीवं चिन्ता दहति जीवितम्.
    -ज्ञाति a. having no kinsmen, alone.
    -ज्वर a. feverless, healthy.
    -दण्डः a Śūdra.
    -दय a.
    1 merci- less, cruel, pitiless, unmerciful, unkind.
    -2 passion- ate.
    -3 very close, firm or fast, strong, excessive, violent; मुग्धे विधेहि मयि निर्दयदन्तदंशम् Gīt.1; निर्दयरति- श्रमालसाः R.19.32; निर्दयाश्लेषहेतोः Me.18.
    -4 unpitied by any; निर्दया निर्नमस्कारास्तन्मनोरनुशासनम् Ms.9.239.
    -दयम् ind.
    1 unmercifully, cruelly.
    -2 violently, excessively; न प्रहर्तुमलमस्मि निर्दयम् R.11.84.
    -दश a. more than ten days old; यदा पशुर्निर्दशः स्यादथ मेध्यो भवे- दिति Bhāg.9.7.11.
    - दशन a. toothless.
    -दाक्षिण्य a. uncourteous.
    -दुःख a.
    1 free from pain, painless.
    -2 not causing pain.
    -दैन्य a. happy, comfortable.
    -दोष a.
    1 faultless, defectless; न निर्दोषं न निर्गुणम्
    -2 guiltless, innocent.
    -द्रव्य a.
    1 immaterial.
    -2 without property, poor.
    -द्रोह a. not hostile, friendly, well-disposed, not malicious.
    -द्वन्द्व a.
    1 indifferent in regard to opposite pairs of feelings (pleasure or pain), neither glad nor sorry; निर्द्वन्द्वो निर्ममो भूत्वा चरिष्यामि मृगैः सह Mb.1.85.16; निर्द्वन्द्वो नित्यसत्त्वस्थो निर्योगक्षेम आत्मवान् Bg.2.45.
    -2 not dependent upon another, independent.
    -3 free from jealousy or envy.
    -4 not double.
    -5 not contested, un- disputed.
    -6 not acknowledging two principles.
    -धन a. without property, poor, indigent; शशिनस्तुल्यवंशो$पि निर्धनः परिभूयते Chāṇ.82. (
    -नः) an old ox. ˚ता, ˚त्वम् poverty, indigence.
    -धर्म a. unrighteous, impious, unholy.
    -धूम a. smokeless.
    -धौत a. cleansed, rendered clean; निर्धौत- दानामलगण्डभित्तिर्वन्यः सरित्तो गज उन्ममज्ज R.5.43.
    -नमस्कार a.
    1 not courteous or civil, not respecting any one.
    -2 disrespected, despised.
    -नर a. abandoned by men, deserted.
    -नाणक a. coinless, penniless; Mk.2.
    -नाथ a. without a guardian or master. ˚ता
    1 want of protection.
    -2 widowhood.
    -3 orphanage.
    -नाभि a. going or reaching beyond the navel; निर्नाभि कौशेयमुपात्तबाणम् Ku.7.7.
    -नायक a. having no leader or ruler, anarchic.
    -नाशन, -नाशिन् a. expelling, banishing.
    -निद्र a. sleepless, wakeful.
    -निमित्त a.
    1 causeless.
    -2 disinterested.
    -निमेष a. not twinkling.
    -बन्धु a. without kindred or relation, friendless.
    -बल n. powerless, weak, feeble.
    -बाध a.
    1 unobstructed.
    -2 unfrequented, lonely, solitary.
    -3 unmolested.
    (-धः) 1 a part of the marrow.
    -2 a knob.
    -बीज a. seedless, impotent. (
    -जा) a sort of grape (Mar. बेदाणा).
    -बुद्धि a. stupid, ignorant, foolish.
    -बुष, -बुस a. unhusked, freed from chaff.
    -भक्त a. taken without eating (as a medicine).
    -भय a.
    1 fearless, undaunted.
    -2 free from danger, safe, secure; निर्भयं तु भवेद्यस्य राष्ट्रं बाहुबलाश्रितम् Ms.9.255.
    -भर a.
    1 excessive, vehement, violent, much, strong; त्रपाभरनिर्भर- स्मरशर &c. Gīt.12; तन्व्यास्तिष्ठतु निर्भरप्रणयिता मानो$पि रम्यो- दयः Amaru.47.
    -2 ardent.
    -3 fast, close (as embrace); कुचकुम्भनिर्भरपरीरम्भामृतं वाञ्छति Gīt.; परिरभ्य निर्भरम् Gīt.1.
    -4 sound, deep (as sleep).
    -5 full of, filled with (at the end of comp.); आनन्द˚, गर्व˚ &c. (
    -रः) a servant receiving no wages. (
    -रम्) excess. (
    -रम् ind.)
    1 ex- cessively, exceedingly, intensely.
    -2 soundly.
    -भाग्य a. unfortunate, unlucky.
    -भाज्य a. to be separated; स निर्भाज्यः स्वकादंशात् किंचिद्दत्वोपजीवनम् Ms.9.27.
    -भृतिः a. without wages, hireless.
    -भोगः a. not fond of plea- sures.
    -मक्षिक a. 'free from flies', undisturbed, private, lonely. (
    -कम्) ind. without flies, i. e. lonely, private; कृतं भवतेदानीं निर्मक्षिकम् Ś.2,6.
    -मज्ज a. fatless, meagre.
    -मत्सर a. free from envy, unenvious; निर्मत्सरे मत्समे वत्स... वसुन्धराभारमारोप्य Rāmāyaṇachampū.
    -मत्स्य a. fishless.
    -मद a.
    1 not intoxicated, sober, quiet.
    -2 not proud, humble.
    -3 sad, sorry.
    -4 not in rut (as an elephant).
    -मनुज, -मनुष्य a. tenantless, uninhabited, deserted by men.
    -मन्तु a. faultless, innocent.
    -मन्त्र a.
    1 a ceremony, unaccompanied by holy texts.
    -2 not familiar with holy texts; Mb.12.36.43.
    -मन्यु, -मन्युक a. free from anger; Mb.5.133.4.
    -मम a.
    1 free from all connections with the outer world, who has renounced all worldly ties; संसारमिव निर्ममः (ततार) R.12.6; Bg.2.71; निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः 3.3.
    -2 unselfish, disinterested.
    -3 indifferent to (with loc.); निर्ममे निर्ममो$र्थेषु मथुरां मधुराकृतिः R.15.28; प्राप्तेष्वर्थेषु निर्ममाः Mb.
    -4 an epithet of Śiva.
    -मर्याद a.
    1 boundless, immeasurable.
    -2 transgressing the limits of right or propriety, unrestrained, unruly, sinful, criminal; मनुजपशुभिर्निर्मर्यादैर्भवद्भिरुदायुधैः Ve.3.22.
    -3 confused.
    -4 insolent, immodest. (
    -दम्) ind. confusedly, topsy- turvy. (
    -दम्) confusion, disorder.
    -मल a.
    1 free from dirt or impurities, clear, pure, stainless, unsullied (fig. also); नीरान्निर्मलतो जनिः Bv.1.63.
    -2 resplendent, bright; Bh.1.56.
    -3 sinless, virtuous; निर्मलाः स्वर्गमायान्ति सन्तः सुकृतिनो यथा Ms.8.318.
    (-लम्) 1 talc.
    -2 the remainings of an offering made to a deity. ˚उपलः a crystal.
    - मशक a. free from gnats.
    -मांस a. fleshless; स्वल्प- स्नायुवसावशेषमलिनं निर्मांसमप्यस्थिकम् Bh.2.3.
    -मान a.
    1 without self-confidence.
    -2 free from pride.
    -मानुष a. uninhabited, desolate.
    -मार्ग a. roadless, pathless.
    -मिथ्य a. not false, true; H. Yoga.
    -मुटः 1 a tree bearing large blossoms.
    -2 the sun.
    -3 a rogue. (
    -टम्) a large free market or fair.
    -मूल a.
    1 rootless (as a tree).
    -2 baseless, unfounded (statement, charge &c.).
    -3 eradicated.
    -मेघ a. cloudless.
    -मेध a. without un- derstanding, stupid, foolish, dull.
    -मोह a. free from illusion. (
    -हः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -यत्न a. inactive, lazy, dull.
    -यन्त्रण a.
    1 unrestrained, unobstructed, uncontrolled, unrestricted.
    -2 unruly, self-willed, in- dependent.
    (-णम्) 1 squeezing out.
    -2 absence of restraint, independence.
    -यशस्क a. without fame, dis- creditable, inglorious.
    -युक्त a.
    1 constructed, built.
    -2 directed.
    -3 (in music) limited to metre and mea- sure.
    -युक्ति f.
    1 disunion.
    -2 absence of connection or government.
    -3 unfitness, impropriety.
    -युक्तिक a.
    1 disjoined, unconnected.
    -2 illogical, unmeaning.
    -3 unfit, improper.
    -यूथ a. separated from the herd, strayed from the flock (as an elephant).
    -यूष = निर्यास.
    -योगक्षेम a. free from care (about acquisition); Bg.2. 45.
    -रक्त a. (
    -नीरक्त) colourless, faded.
    -रज, -रजस्क a.
    (-नीरज, नीरजस्क) 1 free from dust.
    -2 devoid of passion or darkness. (
    -जः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -रजस् (नरिजस्) a. see
    नीरज. (-f.) a woman not men- struating. ˚तमसा absence of passion or darkness.
    -रत (नीरत) a. not attached to, indifferent.
    -रन्ध्र a.
    (नीरन्ध्र) 1 without holes or interstices, very close or contiguous, thickly situated; नीरन्ध्रनीरनिचुलानि सरित्तटानि U.2.23.
    -2 thick, dense.
    -3 coarse, gross.
    -रव a. (
    -नीरव) not making any noise, noiseless; गतिविभ्रमसाद- नीरवा (रसना) R.8.58.
    -रस a.
    (नीरस) 1 tasteless, unsavoury, flavourless.
    -2 (fig.) insipid, without any poetic charm; नीरसानां पद्मानाम् S. D.1.
    -3 sapless, without juice, withered or dried up; Ś. Til.9.
    -4 vain, use- less, fruitless; अलब्धफलनीरसान् मम विधाय तस्मिन् जने V.2.11.
    -5 disagreeable.
    -6 cruel, merciless. (
    -सः) the pomegranate.
    - रसन a. (
    नीरसन) having no girdle (रसना); Ki.5.11.
    -रुच् a. (
    नीरुच्) without lustre, faded, dim; परिमलरुचिराभिर्न्यक्कृतास्तु प्रभाते युवतिभिरुप- भोगान्नीरुचः पुष्पमालाः Śi.11.27.
    -रुज्, -रुज a. (नीरुज्, नीरुज) free from sickness, healthy, sound; नीरुजस्य किमौषधैः H.1.
    -रूप a. (नीरूप) formless, shapeless.
    (-पः) 1 air, wind.
    -2 a god. (
    -पम्) ether.
    -रोग a. (नीरोग) free from sickness or disease, healthy, sound; यथा नेच्छति नीरोगः कदाचित् सुचिकित्सकम् Pt.1.118.
    -लक्षण a.
    1 having no auspicious marks, ill-featured.
    -2 undisting- uished.
    -3 unimportant, insignificant.
    -4 unspotted.
    -5 having a white back.
    -लक्ष्य a. invisible.
    -लज्ज a. shameless, impudent.
    -लाञ्छनम् the marking of dome- stic animals (by perforating the nose &c.).
    -लिङ्ग a. having no distinguishing or characteristic marks.
    -लिप्त a.
    1 unanointed.
    -2 undefiled, unsullied.
    -3 indifferent to.
    (-प्तः) 1 N. of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -2 a sage.
    -लून a. cut through or off.
    -लेप a.
    1 unsmeared, unanointed; निर्लेपं काञ्चनं भाण्डमद्भिरेव विशुध्यति Ms.5.112.
    -2 stainless, sinless. (
    -पः) a sage.
    -लोभ a. free from desire or avarice, unavaricious.
    -लोमन् a. devoid of hair, hairless.
    -वंश a. without posterity, childless.
    1 not speaking, silent.
    -2 unobjectionable, blameless; (for other senses see the word separately).
    -नम् ind. silently; माल्येन तां निर्वचनं जघान Ku.7.19.
    -वण, -वन a.
    1 being out of a wood.
    -2 free from woods.
    -3 bare, open.
    -वत्सल a. not loving or fondling (esp. children); निर्वत्सले सुतशतस्य विपत्तिमेतां त्वं नानुचिन्तयसि Ve.5.3.
    -वर = निर्दरम् q. v.
    -वसु a. destitute of wealth, poor.
    -वाच्य a.
    1 not fit to be said.
    -2 blameless, unobjectionable; सखीषु निर्वाच्य- मधार्ष्ट्यदूषितं प्रियाङ्गसंश्लेषमवाप मानिनी Ki.8.48.
    -वात a. free or sheltered from wind, calm, still; हिमनिष्यन्दिनी प्रातर्निर्वातेव वनस्थली R.15.66. (
    -तः) a place sheltered from or not exposed to wind; निर्वाते व्यजनम् H.2.124.
    -वानर a. free from monkeys.
    -वायस a. free from crows.
    -वार्य a.
    1 irresistible.
    -2 acting fearlessly or boldly.
    -विकल्प, -विकल्पक a.
    1 not admitting an alternative.
    -2 being without determination or resolu- tion.
    -3 not capable of mutual relation.
    -4 conditioned.
    -5 undeliberative.
    -6 recognizing no such distinction as that of subject and object, or of the knower and the known; as applied to समाधि or contemplation, it is 'an exclusive concentration upon the one entity without distinct and separate consciousness of the knower, the known, and the knowing, and without even self-consciousness'; निर्विकल्पकः ज्ञातृज्ञानादिविकल्पभेद- लयापेक्षः; नो चेत् चेतः प्रविश सहसा निर्विकल्पे समाधौ Bh.3.61; आत्मारामा विहितरतयो निर्विकल्पे समाधौ Ve.1.23.
    -7 (in phil.) not arising from the relation of the qualifier and the qualified, (विशेषणविशेष्यसंबन्धानवगाहि प्रत्यक्षं ज्ञानम्) said of knowledge not derived from the senses, as घटत्व. (
    -ल्पम्) ind. without hesitation or wavering.
    -विकार a.
    1 unchanged, unchangeable, immutable.
    -2 not dispos- ed; तौ स्थास्यतस्ते नृपती निदेशे परस्परावग्रहनिर्विकारौ M.5.14.
    -3 disinterested; तरुविटपलतानां बान्धवो निर्विकारः Ṛs.2.28. (
    -रः) the Supreme deity.
    -विकास a. unblown.
    -विघ्न a. uninterrupted, unobstructed, free from impediments; निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा. (
    -घ्नम्) absence of impedi- ment.
    -विचार a. not reflecting, thoughtless, incon- siderate; रे रे स्वैरिणि निर्विचारकविते मास्मत्प्रकाशीभव Chandr. 1.2. (
    -रम्) ind. thoughtlessly, unhesitatingly.
    -वि- चिकित्स a. free from doubt or reflection.
    -विचेष्ट a. motionless, insensible; यो हि दिष्टमुपासीनो निर्विचेष्टः सुखं शयेत् Mb.3.32.14.
    -वितर्क a. unreflecting.
    -विनोद a. without amusement, void of pastime, diversion or solace; शङ्के रात्रौ गुरुतरशुचं निर्विनोदां सखीं ते Me.9.
    -विन्ध्या N. of a river in the Vindhya hills; निर्विन्ध्यायाः पथि भव रसाभ्यन्तरः सन्निपत्य Me.28.
    -विमर्श a.
    1 void of reflec- tion, thoughtless.
    -2 not having विमर्श Sandhi.
    -विवर a.
    1 having no opening or cavity.
    2 without interstices or interval, close, compact; घटते हि संहततया जनितामिदमेव निर्विवरतां दधतोः Śi.9.44.
    -विवाद a.
    1 not contending or disagreeing.
    -2 undisputed, not contra- dicted or disputed, universally acknowledged.
    -विवेक a. indiscreet, void of judgment, wanting in discrimination, foolish.
    -विशङ्क a. fearless, undaunted, confident; Ms.7.176; यस्मिन्कृत्यं समावेश्य निर्विशङ्केन चेतसा । आस्यते सेवकः स स्यात् कलत्रमिव चापरम् ॥ Pt.1.85.
    -विशेष a. showing or making no difference, indiscriminating, without dis- tinction; निर्विशेषा वयं त्वयि Mb.; निर्विशेषो विशेषः Bh.3.5. 'a difference without distinction'.
    -2 having no difference, same, like, not differing from (oft. in comp.); निर्विशेषाकृति 'having the same form'; प्रवातनीलो- त्पलनिर्विशेषम् Ku.1.46; स निर्विशेषप्रतिपत्तिरासीत् R.14.22.
    -3 indiscriminate, promiscuous. (
    -षः) absence of difference. (निर्विशेषम् and निर्विशेषेण are used adverbially in the sense of 'without difference', 'equally', indiscrimi- nately'; क्रुद्धेन विप्रमुक्तो$यं निर्विशेषं प्रियाप्रिये Rām.7.22.41. स्वगृहनिर्विशेषमत्र स्थीयताम् H.1; R.5.6.).
    -विशेषण a. without attributes.
    -विष a. poisonless (as a snake); निर्विषा डुण्डुभाः स्मृताः.
    -विषङ्ग a. not attached, indifferent.
    -विषय a.
    1 expelled or driven away from one's home, residence or proper place; मनोनिर्विषयार्थकामया Ku.5.38; R.9.32; also
    -निर्विषयीकृत; वने प्राक्कलनं तीर्थं ये ते निर्विषयी- कृताः Rām.2.14.4.
    -2 having no scope or sphere of action; किंच एवं काव्यं प्रविरलविषयं निर्विषयं वा स्यात् S. D.1.
    -3 not attached to sensual objects (as mind).
    -विषाण a. destitute of horns.
    -विहार a. having no pleasure.
    -वीज, -बीज a.
    1 seedless.
    -2 impotent.
    -3 causeless.
    -वीर a.
    1 deprived of heroes; निर्वीरमुर्वीतलम् P. R.1.31.
    -2 cowardly.
    -वीरा a woman whose husband and children are dead.
    -वीर्य a. powerless, feeble, unmanly, impotent; निर्वीर्यं गुरुशापभाषितवशात् किं मे तवेवायुधम् Ve.3.34.
    -वीरुध, -वृक्ष a. treeless.
    -वृत्ति f. accomplishment, achievement; अत आसां निर्वृत्त्या अपवर्गः स्यात् । आतण्डुलनिर्वृत्तेः आ च पिष्टनिर्वृत्तेरभ्यास इति ॥ ŚB. on MS.11.1.27. -a. having no occupation, destitute. See निर्वृति.
    -वृष a. depriv- ed of bulls.
    -वेग a. not moving, quiet, calm.
    -वेतन a honorary, unsalaried.
    -वेद a. not acknowledging the Vedas, an atheist, infidel.
    -वेष्टनम् a. a weaver's shuttle.
    -वैर a. free from enmity, amicable, peaceable. (
    -रम्) absence of enmity.
    -वैलक्ष्य a. shameless.
    -व्यञ्जन a.
    1 straight-forward.
    -2 without condiment. (
    -नम् ind.) plainly, in a straight-forward or honest manner.
    -व्यथ, -न a.
    1 free from pain.
    -2 quiet, calm.
    -व्यथनम् a hole; छिद्रं निर्व्यथनम् Ak.
    -व्यपेक्ष a. indifferent to, regardless of; मृग्यश्च दर्भाङ्कुरनिर्व्यपेक्षास्तवागतिज्ञं समबोधयन् माम् R.13.25;14.39.
    -व्यलीक a.
    1 not hurting or offending.
    -2 without pain.
    -3 pleased, doing anything willingly.
    -4 sincere, genuine, undissembling.
    -व्यवधान a. (ground) uncovered, bare.
    -व्यवश्थ a. moving hither and thither.
    -व्यसन a. free from bad inclination.
    -व्याकुल a. calm.
    -व्याघ्र a. not haunted or infested by tigers.
    -व्याज a.
    1 candid, upright, honest, plain.
    -2 without fraud, true, genuine.
    -3 got by heroism or daring deeds (not by fraud or cowardly conduct); अशस्त्रपूतनिर्व्याजम् (महामांसम्) Māl.5.12. (v. l.)
    -4 not hypocritical; धर्मस्य निर्व्याजता (विभूषणम्) Bh.2.82. (
    -जम् ind.) plainly, honestly, candidly; निर्व्याजमालिङ्गितः Amaru.85.
    -व्याजीकृत a. made plain, freed from deceit.
    -व्यापार a.
    1 without employment or business, free from occupation; तं दधन्मैथिलीकण्ठनिर्व्यापारेण बाहुना R.15.56.
    -2 motionless; U.6.
    -व्यावृत्ति a. not invol- ving any return (to worldly existence).
    -व्रण a.
    1 un- hurt, without wounds.
    -2 without rents.
    -व्रत a. not observing vows.
    -व्रीड a. shameless, impudent.
    -हिमम् cessation of winter.
    -हेति a. weaponless.
    -हेतु a. cause- less, having no cause or reason.
    -ह्रीक a.
    1 shameless, impudent.
    -2 bold, daring.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > निर् _nir

  • 14 λοφιά

    λοφ-ῐά, [dialect] Ion. [suff] λοφ-ῐή, , ([etym.] λόφος)
    A mane or bristly ridge on the back of animals, mane of horses, bristly back of boars and hyenas (cf. Arist.PA 658a30, HA 498b30, 579b16), φρίξας εὖ λοφιήν, of a wild boar, Od.19.446;

    ὀρθὰς ἐν λοφιῇ φρίσσει τρίχας ἀμφί τε δειρήν Hes.Sc. 391

    ; ἀντὶ λόφου ἡ λοφιὴ κατέχρα the mane served for a plume, Hdt.7.70, cf. 2.71.
    2 backfin of dolphins and similar fishes, D.S.3.41, AP9.222 (Antiphil.), Philostr.Im.1.19.
    II = λόφος 11, ridge, LXX Jo.15.2, al., AP9.249 (Maec.).

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > λοφιά

  • 15 chase

    ̈ɪtʃeɪs I
    1. сущ.
    1) преследование, погоня to give chase ≈ гнаться, преследовать in chase of ≈ в погоне за wild-goose chase ≈ сумасбродная затея, погоня за недостижимым, за несбыточным Syn: pursuit, hunting
    2) скачки или бег с препятствиями Syn: steeple-chase
    3) мор. преследование корабля
    4) охота to give chase to ≈ охотиться на кого-л. to abandon the chase, to give up the chase ≈ прекратить охоту на кого-л.
    5) разрешение охотиться на определенной территории, право на разведение дичи
    6) охотничьи угодья
    7) охотники
    8) дичь
    9) муз. поочередное солирование джазовых музыкантов
    2. гл.
    1) гнаться, преследовать;
    тж. перен. Do I chase the substance or the shadow? ≈ Я гонюсь за плотью или за тенью? Syn: pursue
    2) ухаживать, бегать за женщинами
    3) мор. преследовать (корабль) на море
    4) гоняться (при игре)
    5) бежать, мчаться, нестись Syn: rush along
    6) гнать, выгонять to chase all fearотбросить всякий страх
    7) разгонять, рассеивать Syn: dispelchase about chase after chase round chase up go chase yourself! амер. ≈ убирайтесь вон! II
    1. сущ.
    1) воен. дульная часть ствола орудия
    2) тех. фальц
    2. гл. нарезать (винт) III
    1. сущ.
    1) оправа( драгоценного камня)
    2) полигр. рама для заключки
    2. гл.
    1) гравировать (орнамент) ;
    редк. перен. запечатлевать chased on her memory ≈ запечатлевшийся в ее памяти
    2) оправлять( драгоценные камни) погоня, преследование;
    - to give * гнаться, преследовать;
    - she gave * to the thief она погналась за вором;
    заставить гнаться;
    - the criminal gave us a long * before we caught him пока мы поймали преступника, нам пришлось за ним основательно погоняться;
    - to lead smb. a * заставить кого-л погоняться за собой;
    - in * of в погоне за (разговорное) травля, преследование охота;
    ловля( собирательнле) охотники, охотничья партия;
    охота животное, преследуемое охотником;
    дичь неогороженная часть парка или леса, отведенная для охоты;
    охотничье угодье разрешение на право охоты или на право разведения дичи скачка или бег с препятствиями (морское) преследуемый корабль (военное) преследуемый противник (кинематографический) погоня за преступниками на автомобиле выступление ансамбля джазистов, импровизирующих поочередно (техническое) пробный пуск гнаться;
    - the boy *d the butterfly мальчик погнался за бабочкой;
    - the police *d the criminal полиция бросилась в погоню за преступником;
    - they *d him in a car они гнались за ним в автомобиле гоняться;
    - they *d each other merrily они весело гонялись друг за другом;
    - to * riches гоняться за богатством (американизм) (разговорное) ухаживать за женщинами;
    - he neither smokes, drinks nor *s он не курит, не пьет и не гуляет;
    - he is too old to be chasing woman он слишком стар, чтобы бегать за женщинами усердно разыскивать;
    охотиться за охотиться;
    - to * the boar охотиться на кабана выгонять, гнать, прогонять;
    - we *d the wasp from the room мы выгнали осу из комнаты;
    - they *d the bull back with a stick они палкой загнали быка обратно;
    - to * the enemy( военное) гнать противника разгонять, рассеивать (сомнения) ;
    - to * fears from one's mind избавиться от опасений (американизм) (разговорное) бежать, бегать;
    - I *d around town looking for you я гонялся за вами по всему городу;
    (техническое) прогонять испытывать( машину) > go * youself! (американизм) (грубое) убирайтесь!, отстань(те) ! (техническое) фальц, канавка, желоб в стене, паз( военное) дульная часть ствола орудия (полиграфия) рама для заключки нарезать (винт) (полиграфия) торшонировать гравировка;
    чеканка украшение драгоценными камнями гравировать (редкое) запечатлевать;
    - *d on the memory врезавшийся в память украшать драгоценными камнями chase гнаться;
    преследовать ~ гравировать (орнамент) ~ воен. дульная часть ствола орудия ~ животное, преследуемое охотником ~ запечатлевать;
    the sight is chased on my memory это зрелище запечатлелось в моей памяти ~ нарезать (винт) ~ оправа (драгоценного камня) ~ охота;
    место охоты;
    участники охоты ~ охотиться ~ преследование, погоня;
    разг. слежка, травля;
    to give chase гнаться, преследовать;
    in chase of в погоне за ~ мор. преследуемый корабль ~ прогонять;
    рассеивать, разгонять;
    to chase all fear отбросить всякий страх;
    go chase yourself! амер. убирайтесь вон! ~ полигр. рама ~ территория для охоты ~ тех. фальц ~ прогонять;
    рассеивать, разгонять;
    to chase all fear отбросить всякий страх;
    go chase yourself! амер. убирайтесь вон! ~ преследование, погоня;
    разг. слежка, травля;
    to give chase гнаться, преследовать;
    in chase of в погоне за ~ прогонять;
    рассеивать, разгонять;
    to chase all fear отбросить всякий страх;
    go chase yourself! амер. убирайтесь вон! ~ преследование, погоня;
    разг. слежка, травля;
    to give chase гнаться, преследовать;
    in chase of в погоне за ~ запечатлевать;
    the sight is chased on my memory это зрелище запечатлелось в моей памяти

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > chase

  • 16 chase

    1. [tʃeıs] n
    1. 1) погоня, преследование

    to give chase (to) - а) гнаться (за кем-л.), преследовать (кого-л.); she gave chase to the thief - она погналась за вором; б) заставить гнаться; the criminal gave us a long chase before we caught him - пока мы поймали преступника, нам пришлось за ним основательно погоняться

    to lead smb. a chase - заставить кого-л. погоняться за собой

    2) разг. травля, преследование
    2. охота; ловля
    3. собир. охотники, охотничья партия; охота
    4. животное, преследуемое охотником; дичь
    5. 1) неогороженная часть парка или леса, отведённая для охоты; охотничье угодье
    2) разрешение на право охоты или на право разведения дичи
    6. скачки или бег с препятствиями (тж. steeplechase)
    7. 1) мор. преследуемый корабль
    2) воен. преследуемый противник
    3) кино (традиционная) погоня за преступником и т. п. на автомобиле
    8. выступление ансамбля джазистов, импровизирующих поочерёдно
    9. тех. пробный пуск ( машины)
    2. [tʃeıs] v
    1. 1) гнаться; преследовать

    the police chased the criminal - полиция бросилась в погоню за преступником

    2) гоняться

    to chase riches [after material possessions] - гоняться за богатством [за материальными благами]

    3) амер. разг. ухаживать за женщинами

    he neither smokes, drinks nor chases - он не курит, не пьёт и не гуляет

    he is too old to be chasing women - он слишком стар, чтобы бегать за женщинами

    4) усердно разыскивать (что-л.); охотиться за (чем-л.; часто chase down, chase up)
    2. охотиться
    3. 1) выгонять, гнать, прогонять

    we chased the wasp from /out of/ the room - мы выгнали осу из комнаты

    to chase the enemy - воен. гнать /преследовать/ противника

    2) разгонять, рассеивать (сомнения и т. п.)
    4. (обыкн. around, about) амер. разг. бежать, бегать

    I chased around town /all over the town/ looking for you - я гонялся за вами по всему городу

    why are you chasing around? - что ты всё мечешься /носишься/?

    5. тех. прогонять, испытывать ( машину)

    go chase yourself! - амер. груб. убирайтесь!, отстань(те)!

    1. [tʃeıs] n
    1. тех. фальц, канавка, жёлоб в стене, паз
    2. воен. дульная часть ствола орудия
    3. полигр. рама для заключки
    2. [tʃeıs] v
    1. нарезать ( винт)
    2. полигр. торшонировать
    1. [tʃeıs] n
    1. гравировка ( по металлу); чеканка
    2. украшение драгоценными камнями
    2. [tʃeıs] v
    1. 1) гравировать ( орнамент)
    2) редк. запечатлевать
    2. украшать драгоценными камнями

    НБАРС > chase

  • 17 schinken

    m; -s, -
    1. GASTR. ham; roher / gekochter / geräucherter Schinken uncooked / cooked / smoked ham; Schwarzwälder / westfälischer / Prager Schinken Black Forest / Westfalian / Prague ham; Rührei mit Schinken scrambled egg(s) and ham ( oder bacon); Schinken mit Ei bacon ( oder ham) and egg(s):
    2. umg. (riesiges Gemälde) huge ( oder outsized) daub; (dickes Buch) fat tome; (aufwendiger Film) epic allg.
    * * *
    der Schinken
    * * *
    Schịn|ken ['ʃɪŋkn]
    m -s, -
    1) ham; (gekocht und geräuchert) gammon, ham
    2) (pej inf) hackneyed and clichéd play/book/film; (= großes Buch) tome; (= großes Bild) great daub (pej inf)
    * * *
    (the top of the back leg of a pig, salted and dried.) ham
    * * *
    <-s, ->
    1. KOCHK ham
    Prager/Schwarzwälder \Schinken Prague/Black Forest ham
    2. (pej o hum fam) big awful painting
    ein alter \Schinken (Buch) a big awful book; (Film) a dismal film
    * * *
    der; Schinkens, Schinken
    1) ham
    2) (ugs.) (Buch) great tome; (Gemälde) enormous painting; (Film, Theaterstück) epic
    * * *
    …schinken m im subst:
    Bärenschinken smoked bear meat;
    Bauernschinken farmhouse ham;
    Parmaschinken Parma ham;
    Rollschinken rolled smoked ham;
    Wildschweinschinken wild boar ham
    * * *
    der; Schinkens, Schinken
    1) ham
    2) (ugs.) (Buch) great tome; (Gemälde) enormous painting; (Film, Theaterstück) epic
    * * *
    - m.
    ham n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > schinken

  • 18 अग्निः _agniḥ

    अग्निः [अङ्गति ऊर्ध्वं गच्छति अङ्ग्-नि,नलोपश्च Uṇ.4.5., or fr. अञ्च् 'to go.']
    1 Fire कोप˚, चिन्ता˚, शोक˚, ज्ञान˚, राज˚, &c.
    -2 The God of fire.
    -3 Sacrificial fire of three kinds (गार्हपत्य, आहवनीय and दक्षिण); पिता बै गार्हपत्यो$ ग्निर्माताग्निर्दक्षिणः स्मृतः । गुरुराहवनीयस्तु साग्नित्रेता गरीयसी ॥ Ms. 2.232.
    -4 The fire of the stomach, digestive faculty, gastric fluid.
    -5 Bile (नाभेरूर्ध्व हृदयादधस्तादामाशयमाचक्षते तद्गतं सौरं तेजः पित्तम् इत्याचक्षते).
    -6 Cauterization (अग्नि- कर्मन्).
    -7 Gold.
    -8 The number three. शराग्निपरिमाणम् (पञ्चत्रिंशत्) Mb.13.17.26.
    -9 N. of various plants: (a) चित्रक Plumbago Zeylanica; (b) रक्तचित्रक; (c) भल्लातक Semicarpus Anacardium; (d) निम्बक Citrus Acida.
    -1 A mystical substitute for the letter र्. In Dvandva comp. as first member with names of deities, and with particular words अग्नि is changed to अग्ना, as ˚विष्णू, ˚मरुतौ, or to अग्नी, ˚पर्जन्यौ, ˚ वरुणौ, ˚षोमौ
    -11 पिङगला नाडी; यत्र तद् ब्रह्म निर्द्वन्द्वं यत्र सोमः, (इडा) सहाग्निना (अग्निः पिङ्गला) Mb.14.2.1.
    -12 Sacrificial altar, अग्निकुण्ड cf. Rām. 1.14.28.
    -13 Sky. अग्निर्मूर्धा Muṇḍ 2.1.4. [cf. L. ignis.
    [Agni is the God of Fire, the Ignis of the Latins and Ogni of the Slavonians. He is one of the most prominent deities of the Ṛigveda. He, as an immortal, has taken up his abode among mortals as their guest; he is the domestic priest, the successful accomplisher and protector of all ceremonies; he is also the religious leader and preceptor of the gods, a swift messenger employed to announce to the immortals the hymns and to convey to them the oblations of their worshippers, and to bring them down from the sky to the place of sacrifice. He is sometimes regarded as the mouth and the tongue through which both gods and men participate in the sacrifices. He is the lord, protector and leader of people, monarch of men, the lord of the house, friendly to mankind, and like a father, mother, brother &c. He is represented as being produced by the attrition of two pieces of fuel which are regarded as husband and wife. Sometimes he is considered to have been brought down from heaven or generated by Indra between two clouds or stones, created by Dyau, or fashioned by the gods collectively. In some passages he is represented as having a triple existence, which may mean his three- fold manifestations as the sun in heaven, lightning in the atmosphere, and as ordinary fire on the earth, although the three appearances are also elsewhere otherwise explained. His epithets are numberless and for the most part descriptive of his physical characteristics: धूमकेतु, हुतभुज्, शुचि, रोहिताश्व, सप्तजिह्व, तोमरधर, घृतान्न, चित्रभानु, ऊर्ध्वशोचिस्, शोचिष्केश, हरिकेश, हिरण्यदन्त, अयोदंष्ट्र &c. In a celebrated passage he is said to have 4 horns, 3 feet, 2 heads, and 7 hands. The highest divine functions are ascribed to Agni. He is said to have spread out the two worlds and + produced them, to have supported heaven, formed the mundane regions and luminaries of heaven, to have begotten Mitra and caused the sun to ascend the sky. He is the head and summit of the sky, the centre of the earth. Earth, Heaven and all beings obey his commands. He knows and sees all worlds or creatures and witnesses all their actions. The worshippers of Agni prosper, they are wealthy and live long. He is the protector of that man who takes care to bring him fuel. He gives him riches and no one can overcome him who sacrifices to this god. He confers, and is the guardian of, immortality. He is like a water-trough in a desert and all blessing issue from him. He is therefore constantly supplicated for all kinds of boons, riches, food, deliverance from enemies and demons, poverty, reproach, childlessness, hunger &c. Agni is also associated with Indra in different hymns and the two gods are said to be twin brothers.
    Such is the Vedic conception of Agni; but in the course of mythological personifications he appears as the eldest son of Brahmā and is called Abhimānī [Viṣṇu Purāṇa]. His wife was Svāhā; by her, he had 3 sons - Pāvaka, Pavamāna and Śuchi; and these had forty-five sons; altogether 49 persons who are considered identical with the 49 fires. He is also represented as a son of Aṅgiras, as a king of the Pitṛs or Manes, as a Marut and as a grandson of Śāṇḍila, and also as a star. The Harivaṁśa describes him as clothed in black, having smoke for his standard and head-piece and carrying a flaming javelin. He is borne in a chariot drawn by red horses and the 7 winds are the wheels of his car. He is accompanied by a ram and sometimes he is represented as riding on that animal. Agni was appointed by Brahamā as the sovereign of the quarter between the south and east, whence the direction is still known as Āgneyī. The Mahābhārata represents Agni as having exhausted his vigour and become dull by devouring many oblations at the several sacrifices made by king Śvetaki, but he recruited his strength by devouring the whole Khāṇḍava forest; for the story see the word खाण्डव].
    -Comp. -अ (आ) गारम् -रः, -आलयः, -गृहम् [अग्निकार्याय अगारम् शाक˚ त.] a fire- sanctuary, house or place for keeping the sacred fire; वसंश्चतुर्थो$ग्निरिवाग्न्यगारे R.5.25. रथाग्न्यगारं चापार्चीं शरशक्तिगदे- न्धनम् Mb.11.25.14.
    -अस्त्रम् fire-missile, a rocket,
    -आत्मक a. [अग्निरात्मा यस्य] of the nature of fire सोमा- त्मिका स्त्री, ˚कः पुमान्.
    -आधानम् consecrating the fire; so ˚आहिति.
    -आधेयः [अग्निराधेयो येन] a Brāhmana who maintains the sacred fire. (
    -यम्) =
    ˚आधानम्. -आहितः [अग्निराहितो येन, वा परनिपातः P.II.2.37.] one who maintains the sacred fire; See आहिताग्नि.
    -इध् m. (अग्नीध्रः) [अग्निम् इन्द्धे स अग्नीध्] the priest who kindles fire (mostly Ved).
    -इन्धनः [अग्निरिध्यते अनेन] N. of a Mantra. (नम्) kindling the fire; अग्नीन्धनं भैक्षचर्याम् Ms.2.18.
    -उत्पातः [अग्निना दिव्यानलेन कृतः उत्पातः] a fiery portent, meteor, comet &c. In Bṛ. S.33 it is said to be of five kinds: दिवि भुक्तशुभफलानां पततां रूपाणि यानि तान्युल्काः । धिष्ण्योल्का- शनिविद्युत्तारा इति पञ्चधा भिन्नाः ॥ उल्का पक्षेण फलं तद्वत् धिष्ण्याशनिस्त्रिभिः पक्षैः । विद्युदहोभिः ष़ड्भिस्तद्वत्तारा विपाचयति ॥ Different fruits are said to result from the appearances of these portents, according to the nature of their colour, position &c.
    -उद्धरणम्, -उद्धारः 1 producing fire by the friction of two araṇis.
    -2 taking out, before sun-rise, the sacred fire from its cover of ashes previous to a sacrifice.
    -उपस्थानम् worship of Agni; the Mantra or hymn with which Agni is worshipped (अग्निरुपस्थीयते$नेन) अग्निस्त्रिष्टुभ् उपस्थाने विनियोगः Sandhyā.
    -एधः [अग्निमेधयति] an incendiary.
    -कणः; -स्तोकः a spark.
    -कर्मन् n. [अग्नौ कर्म स. त.]
    1 cauterization.
    -2 action of fire.
    -3 oblation to Agni, worship of Agni (अग्निहोत्र); so ˚कार्य offering oblations to fire, feeding fire with ghee &c.; निर्वर्तिताग्निकार्यः K.16.; ˚र्यार्धदग्ध 39, Ms.3.69, अग्निकार्यं ततः कुर्यात्सन्ध्ययोरुभयोरपि । Y.1.25.
    -कला a part (or appearance) of fire; ten varieties are mentioned धूम्रार्चिरुष्मा ज्वलिनी ज्वालिनी विस्फु- लिङ्गिनी । सुश्री: सुरूपा कपिला हव्यकव्यवहे अपि ॥ यादीनां दश- वर्णानां कला धर्मप्रदा अमूः ।).
    -कारिका [अग्निं करोति आधत्ते करणे कर्तृत्वोपचारात् कर्तरि ण्वुल्]
    1 the means of consecrating the sacred fire, the Ṛik called अग्नीध्र which begins with अग्निं दूतं पुरो दधे. 2. = अग्निकार्यम्.
    -काष्ठम् अग्नेः उद्दीपनं काष्ठं शाक ˚त.] agallochum (अगुरु)
    -कुक्कुटः [अग्नेः कुक्कुट इव रक्तवर्णस्फुलिङ्गत्वात्] a firebrand, lighted wisp of straw.
    -कुण्डम [अग्नेराधानार्थं कुण्डम्] an enclosed space for keeping the fire, a fire-vessel.
    -कुमारः, -तनयः; सुतः 1 N. of Kārttikeya said to be born from fire; Rām.7. See कार्त्तिकेय.
    -2 a kind of preparation of medicinal drugs.
    -कृतः Cashew-nut; the plant Anacardium occidentale. [Mar.काजू]
    -केतुः [अग्नेः केतुरिव]
    1 smoke.
    -2 N. of two Rākṣasas on the side of Rāvaṇa and killed by Rāma.
    -कोणः -दिक् the south-east corner ruled over by Agni; इन्द्रो वह्निः पितृपतिर्नौर्ऋतो वरुणो मरुत् । कुबेर ईशः पतयः पूर्वादीनां दिशां क्रमात् ॥
    -क्रिया [अग्निना निर्वर्तिता क्रिया, शाक. त.]
    1 obsequies, funeral ceremonies.
    -2 branding; भेषजाग्निक्रियासु च Y.3.284.
    -क्रीडा [तृ. त.] fire-works, illuminations.
    -गर्भ a. [अग्निर्गर्भे यस्य] pregnant with or containing fire, having fire in the interior; ˚र्भां शमीमिव Ś 4.3. (
    --र्भः) [अग्निरिव जारको गर्भो यस्य]
    1 N. of the plant Agnijāra.
    -2 the sun stone, name of a crystal supposed to contain and give out fire when touched by the rays of the sun; cf Ś2.7.
    -3 the sacrificial stick अरणि which when churned, gives out fire.
    (-र्भा) 1 N. of the Śamī plant as containing fire (the story of how Agni was discovered to exist in the interior of the Śamī plant is told in chap. 35 of अनु- शासनपर्व in Mb.)
    -2 N. of the earth (अग्नेः सकाशात् गर्भो यस्यां सा; when the Ganges threw the semen of Śiva out on the Meru mountain, whatever on earth &c. was irradiated by its lustre, became gold and the earth was thence called वसुमती)
    -3 N. of the plant महा- ज्योतिष्मती लता (अग्निरिव गर्भो मध्यभागो यस्याः सा) [Mar. माल- कांगोणी]
    -ग्रन्थः [अग्निप्रतिपादको ग्रन्थः शाक. त.] the work that treats of the worship of Agni &c.
    -घृतम् [अग्न्युद्दीपनं घृतं शाक. त.] a kind of medicinal preparation of ghee used to stimulate the digestive power.
    -चित् m. अग्निं चितवान्; चि-भूतार्थे क्विप् P.III.2.91] one who has kept the sacred fire; यतिभिः सार्धमनग्निमग्निचित् R.8.25; अध्वरे- ष्वग्निचित्वत्सु Bk.5.11.
    -चयः, -चयनम्, -चित्या. arranging or keeping the sacred fire (अग्न्याधान); चित्याग्निचित्ये च P.III.1.132.
    -2 (
    -यः, -यनः) the Mantra used in this operation.
    -3 a heap of fire
    -चित्वत् [अग्निचयनम् अस्त्यस्मिन् मतुप्; मस्य वः । तान्तत्वान्न पद- त्वम् Tv.] having अग्निचयन or अग्निचित्.
    -चूडः A bird having a red tuft.
    -चर्णम् gunpowder. कार्यासमर्थः कत्यस्ति शस्त्रगोलाग्निचूर्णयुक् Śukranīti 2.93.
    -ज, -जात a. produced by or from fire, born from fire.
    (-जः, -जातः) 1 N. of the plant अग्निजार (अग्नये अग्न्युद्दीपनाय जायते सेवनात् प्रभवति).
    1 N. of Kārttikeya पराभिनत्क्रौञ्चमिवाद्रिमग्निजः Mb.8.9. 68.3. Viṣṇu. (
    -जम्, -जातम) gold; so ˚जन्मन्.
    -जित् m. God; Bhāg.8.14.4.
    -जिह्व a.
    1 having a fiery tongue.
    -2 one having fire for the tongue, epithet of a God or of Visṇu in the boar incarnation. (
    1 a tongue or flame of fire.
    -2 one of the 7 tongues of Agni (कराली धूमिनी श्वेता लोहिता नीललोहिता । सुवर्णा पद्मरागा च जिह्वा: सप्त विभावसोः
    -3 N. of a plant लाङ्गली (अग्नेर्जिह्वेव शिखा यस्याः सा); of another plant (जलपिप्पली) or गजपिप्पली (विषलाङ्गला) (Mar. जल-गज पिंपळी)
    -ज्वाला 1 the flame or glow of fire.
    -2 [अग्नेर्ज्वालेव शिखा यस्याः सा] N. of a plant with red blossoms, chiefly used by dyers, Grislea Tomentosa (Mar. धायफूल, धायटी).
    -तप् a. [अग्निना तप्यते; तप्-क्विप्] having the warmth of fire; practising austerities by means of fire.
    -तपस् a. [अग्निभिः तप्यते]
    1 practising very aus- tere penance, standing in the midst of the five fires.
    -2 glowing, shining or burning like fire (तपतीति तपाः अग्निरिव तपाः) hot as fire
    -तेजस् a. having the lustre or power of fire. (अग्नेरिव तेजो यस्य). (
    -स् n.) the lustre of fire. (
    -स् m.) N. of one of the 7 Ṛiṣis of the 11th Manvantara.
    -त्रयम् the three fires, See under अग्नि.
    - a. [अग्निं दाहार्थं गृहादौ ददाति; दा. -क.]
    1 giving or supplying with fire
    -2 tonic, stomachic, producing appetite, stimulating digestion.
    -3 incendiary; अग्निदान् भक्तदांश्चैव Ms.9.278; अग्निदानां च ये लोकाः Y.2.74; so ˚दायक, ˚दायिन्. यदग्निदायके पापं यत्पापं गुरुतल्पगे. Rām.2.75.45.
    -दग्ध a.
    1 burnt on the funeral pile; अग्निदग्धाश्च ये जीवा ये$प्यदग्धाः कुले मम Vāyu. P.
    -2 burnt with fire.
    -3 burnt at once without having fire put into the mouth, being destitute of issue (?); (pl.) a class of Manes or Pitṛis who, when alive, kept up the household flame and presented oblations to fire.
    -दमनी [अग्निर्दम्यते$नया; दम्-णिच् करणे ल्युट] a narcotic plant, Solanum Jacquini. [Mar. रिंगणी]
    -दातृ [अग्निं विधानेन ददाति] one who performs the last (funeral) ceremonies of a man; यश्चाग्निदाता प्रेतस्य पिण्डं दद्यात्स एव हि.
    -दीपन a. [अग्निं दीपयति] stimulating digestion, stomachic, tonic.
    -दीप्त a. [तृ. त्त.] glowing, set on fire, blazing (
    -प्ता) [अग्निर्जठरानलो दीप्तः सेवनात् यस्याः सा] N. of a plant ज्योतिष्मती लता (Mar. मालकांगोणी), which is said to stimulate digestion.
    -दीप्तिः f. active state of digestion.
    -दूत a. अग्निर्दूत इव यस्मिन् यस्य वा] having Agni for a messenger, said of the sacrifice or the deity invoked; यमं ह यज्ञो गच्छत्यग्निदूतो अरंकृतः Rv.1.14.13.
    -दूषितः a. branded.
    -देवः [अग्नि- रेव देवः] Agni; a worshipper of Agni.
    -देवा [अग्निर्देवो यस्याः] the third lunar mansion, the Pleiades (कृत्तिका).
    -द्वारम् the door on the south-east of a building; पूर्व- द्वारमथैशाने चाग्निद्वारं तु दक्षिणे । Māna.9.294-95.
    -धानम् [अग्निर्धियते$स्मिन्] the place or receptacle for keeping the sacred fire, the house of अग्निहोतृ; पदं कृणुते अग्निधाने Rv. 1.165.3.
    -धारणम् maintaining the sacred fire; व्रतिनां ˚णम् K. 55.
    -नयनम् = ˚प्रणयनम्.
    -निर्यासः [अग्नेर्ज- ठरानलस्येव दीपको निर्यासो यस्य] N. of the plant अग्निजार.
    -नेत्र a. [अग्निर्नेता यस्य] having Agni for the leader or conveyer of oblations, an epithet of a god in general.
    -पदम् 1 the word Agni.
    -2 fire-place.
    -3 N. of a plant.
    -परिक्रि-ष्क्रि-या care of the sacred fire, worship of fire, offering oblations; गृहार्थो$ग्निपरिष्क्रिया Ms.2.67.
    -परिच्छदः the whole sacrificial apparatus; गृह्यं चाग्निपरिच्छदम् Ms.6. 4.
    -परिधानम् enclosing the sacrificial fire with a kind of screen.
    -परीक्षा [तृ. त.] ordeal by fire.
    -पर्वतः [अग्निसाधनं पर्वतः] a volcano; महता ज्वलता नित्यमग्निमेवाग्नि- पर्वतः Rām.5.35.43.
    -पुच्छः [अग्नेः अग्न्याधानस्थानस्य पुच्छ इव]. tail or back part of the sacrificial place; the extinction of fire.
    -पुराणम् [अग्निना प्रोक्तं पुराणम्] one of the 18 Purāṇas ascribed to Vyāsa. It derives its name from its having been communicated originally by Agni to the sage Vasiṣṭha for the purpose of instructing him in the two-fold knowledge of Brahman. Its stanzas are said to be 145. Its contents are varied. It has portions on ritual and mystic worship, cosmical descriptions, chapters on the duties of Kings and the art of war, a chapter on law, some chapters on Medicine and some treatises on Rhetoric, Prosody, Grammar, Yoga, Brahmavidyā &c. &c.
    -प्रणयनम् bringing out the sacrificial fire and consecrating it according to the proper ritual.
    -प्रणिधिः Incendiary. Dk.2.8.
    -प्रतिष्ठा consecration of fire, especially the nuptial fire.
    -प्रवेशः; -शनम [स. त.] entering the fire, self-immolation of a widow on the funeral pile of her husband.
    -प्रस्कन्दनम् violation of the duties of a sacrificer (अग्निहोमाकरण); ˚परस्त्वं चाप्येवं भविष्यसि Mb.1.84.26.
    -प्रस्तरः [अग्निं प्रस्तृणाति अग्नेः प्रस्तरो वा] a flint, a stone producing fire.
    -बाहुः [अग्ने- र्बाहुरिव दीर्घशिखत्वात्]
    1 smoke.
    -2 N. of a son of the first Manu; Hariv. N. of a son of Priyavrata and Kāmyā. V. P.
    -बीजम् 1 the seed of Agni; (fig.) gold (रुद्रतेजः समुद्भूतं हेमबीजं विभावसोः)
    -2 N. of the letter र्.
    -भम [अग्नि- रिव भाति; भा-क.]
    1 'shining like fire,' gold.
    -2 N. of the constellation कृत्तिका.
    -भु n. [अग्नेर्भवति; भू-क्विप् ह्रस्वान्तः]
    1 water.
    -2 gold.
    -भू a. [अग्नेर्भवतिः भू-क्विप्] produced from fire.
    (भूः) 1 'fire-born,' N. of Kārttikeya.
    -2 N. of a teacher (काश्यप) who was taught by Agni.
    -3 (arith.) six.
    -भूति a. produced from fire. (
    -तिः) [अग्निरिव भूतिरैश्वर्यं यस्य] N. of a pupil of the last Tīrthaṅkara. (
    -तिः) f. the lustre or might of fire.
    -भ्राजस् a. Ved. [अग्निरिव भ्राजते; भ्राज्-असुन्] shining like fire. अग्निभ्राजसो विद्युतः Ṛv.5.54.11.
    -मणिः [अग्नेरुत्थापको मणिः शाक. त.] the sunstone.
    -मथ् m. [अग्निं मथ्नाति निष्पादयति; मन्थ्-क्विप्- नलोपः]
    1 the sacrificer who churns the fuel-stick.
    -2 the Mantra used in this operation, on the अरणि itself.
    -मन्थः, -न्थनम्, producing fire by friction; or the Mantra used in this operation. (
    -न्थः) [अग्निर्मथ्यते अनेन मन्थ्-करणे घञ्] N. of a tree गणिकारिका (Mar. नरवेल) Premna Spinosa (तत्काष्ठयोर्घर्षणे हि आशु वह्निरुत्पद्यते),
    -मान्द्यम् slowness of digestion, loss of appetite, dyspepsia.
    -मारुतिः अग्निश्च मरुच्च तयोरपत्यं इञ् ततो वृद्धिः इत् च; द्विपदवृद्धौ पृषो. पूर्वपदस्य ह्रस्वः Tv.] N. of the sage Agastya.
    -मित्रः N. of a king of the Śunga dynasty, son of Puṣypamitra who must have flourished before 15 B. C. -the usually accepted date of Patañjali-as the latter mentions पुष्यमित्र by name.
    -मुखः a. having Agni at the head. (
    -खः) [अग्निर्मुखमिव यस्य]
    1 a deity, god, (for the gods receive oblations through Agni who is, therefore, said to be their mouth; अग्निमुखा वै देवाः; अग्निर्मुखं प्रथमं देवतानाम् &c; or अग्निर्मुखे अग्रे येषाम्, for fire is said to have been created before all other gods.)
    -2 [अग्निर्मुखं प्रधानमुपास्यो यस्य] one who maintains the sacred fire (अग्निहोतृद्विज)
    -3 a Brāhmaṇa in general (अग्निर्दाहकत्वात् शापाग्निर्मुखे यस्य for Brāhmaṇas are said to be वाग्वज्राः).
    -4 N. of two plants चित्रक Plumbago Zeylanica and भल्लातक Semicarpus Anacardium अग्निरिव स्पर्शात् दुःखदायकं मुखमग्रम् यस्य, तन्निर्यासस्पर्शेन हि देहे क्षतोत्पत्तेस्थयोस्तथात्वम्)
    -5 a sort of powder or चूर्ण prescribed as a tonic by चक्रदत्त
    -6 'fire- mouthed, sharp-biting, an epithet of a bug. Pt. 1. (
    -खी) अग्निरिव मुखमग्रं यस्याः; गौरादि-ङीष्]
    1 N. of a plant भल्लातक (Mar. बिबवा, भिलावा) and लाङ्गलिका (विषलाङ्गला).
    -2 N. of the Gāyatri Mantra (अग्निरेव मुखं मुखत्वेन कल्पितं यस्याः सा, or अग्नेरिव मुखं प्रजापतिमुखं उत्पत्ति- द्वारं यस्याः, अग्निना समं प्रजापतिमुखजातत्वात्; कदाचिदपि नो विद्वान् गायत्रीमुदके जपेत् । गायत्र्याग्निमुखी यस्मात्तस्मादुत्थाय तां जपेत् ॥ गोभिल).
    -3 a kitchen [पाकशाला अग्निरिव उत्तप्तं मुखं यस्याः सा].
    -मूढ a. [तृ. त.] Ved. made insane or stupefied by lightning or fire.
    -यन्त्रम् A gun अग्नियन्त्रधरैश्चक्रधरैश्च पुरुषैर्वृतः Śivabhārata 12.17.
    -यानम् An aeroplane. व्योमयानं विमानं स्यात् अग्नियानं तदेव हि । अगस्त्यसंहिता.
    -योगः See पञ्चाग्निसाधन. अग्नियोगवहो ग्रीष्मे विधिदृष्टेन कर्मणा । चीर्त्वा द्वादशवर्षाणि राजा भवति पार्थिवः ॥ Mb.13.14,2.43.
    -योजनम् causing the sacrificial fire to blaze up.
    -रक्षणम् 1 con- secrating or preserving the sacred (domestic) fire or अग्निहोत्र.
    -2 [अग्निः रक्ष्यते अनेन अत्र वा] a Mantra securing for Agni protection from evil spirits &c.
    -3 the house of an अग्निहोतृ.
    -रजः, -रजस् m. [अग्निरिव रज्यते दीप्यते; रञ्ज्-असुन् नलोपः]
    1 a scarlet insect by name इन्द्रगोप.
    -2 (अग्नेः रजः) the might or power of Agni.
    -3 gold. Mb.3. 16.86.7
    -रहस्यम् mystery of (worshipping &c.) Agni; N. of the tenth book of Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa.
    -राशिः a heap of fire, burning pile.
    -रुहा [अग्निरिव रोहति रुह्-क] N. of the plant मांसादनी or मांसरोहिणी (तदङ्कुरस्य वह्नितुल्य- वर्णतया उत्पन्नत्वात्तथात्वं तस्याः).
    -रूप a. [अग्नेरिव रूपं वर्णो यस्य] fire-shaped; of the nature of fire.
    -रूपम् the nature of fire.
    -रेतस् n. the seed of Agni; (hence) gold.
    -रोहिणी [अग्निरिव रोहति; रुह्-णिनि] a hard inflammatory swelling in the armpit.
    -लोकः the world a Agni, which is situated below the summit of Meru; in the Purāṇas it is said to be in the अन्तरिक्ष, while in the Kāśī Khaṇḍa it is said to be to the south of इन्द्रपुरी; एतस्या दक्षिणे भागे येयं पूर्दृश्यते शुभा । इमामर्चिष्मतीं पश्य वीतिहोत्रपुरीं शुभाम् ॥
    -वधूः Svāhā, the daughter of Dakṣa and wife of Agni
    -वर्चस् a. [अग्नेर्वर्च इव वर्चो यस्य] glowing or bright like fire. (n.) the lustre of Agni. (-m.) N. of a teacher of the Purāṇas.
    -वर्ण a. [अग्नेरिव वर्णो यस्य] of the colour of fire; hot; fiery; सुरां पीत्वा द्विजो मोहादग्निवर्णां सुरां पिबेत् Ms.11.9; गोमूत्रमग्निवर्णं वा पिबेदुदकमेव वा 91.
    (र्णः) 1 N. of a prince, son of Sudarśana.
    -2 N. of a King of the solar race, See R.19.1. the colour of fire. (
    -र्णा) a strong liquor.
    -वर्धक a. stimulating digestion, tonic.
    (-कः) 1 a tonic.
    -2 regimen, diet (पथ्याहार).
    -वल्लभः [अग्नेर्वल्लभः सुखेन दाह्यत्वात्]
    1 the Śāla tree, Shorea Robusta.
    -2 the resinous juice of it.
    -वासस् a. [अग्निरिव शुद्धं वासो यस्य] having a red (pure like Agni) garment. (n.) a pure garment.
    -वाह a. [अग्निं वाहयति अनुमापयति वा]
    1 smoke.
    -2 a goat.
    -वाहनम् a goat (छाग).
    -विद् m.
    1 one who knows the mystery about Agni.
    -2 an अग्निहोत्रिन् q. v.
    -विमोचनम् ceremony of lowering the sacrificial fire.
    -विसर्पः pain from an inflamed tumour, inflammation.
    -विहरणम्, -विहारः 1 taking the sacrificial fire from आग्नीध्र to the उत्तरवेदि.
    -2 offering oblations to fire; प्रत्यासन्ना ˚वेला K.348.
    -वीर्यम् 1 power or might of Agni.
    -2 gold.
    -वेतालः Name of Vetāla (connected with the story of Vikra- māditya).
    -वेशः [अग्नेर्वेश इव] N. of an ancient medical authority (चरक).
    -वेश्मन् m. the fourteenth day of the karma-ṃāsa; Sūryaprajñapti.
    -वेश्यः 1 N. of a teacher, Mbh.
    -2 Name of the 22nd muhūrta; Sūryapraj- ñapti. धौम्य cf. Mb 14.64.8.
    -शरणम्, -शाला-लम् a fire-sanctuary; ˚मार्गमादेशय Ś.5; a house or place for keeping the sacred fire; ˚रक्षणाय स्थापितो$हम् V.3.
    -शर्मन् a. [अग्निरिव शृणाति तीव्रकोपत्वात् शॄ-मनिन्] very passionate. (-m.) N. of a sage.
    -शिख a. [अग्नेरिव अग्निरिव वा शिखा यस्य] fiery, fire-crested; दहतु ˚खैः सायकैः Rām.
    (-खः) 1 a lamp.
    -2 a rocket, fiery arrow.
    -3 an arrow in general.
    -4 safflower plant.
    -5 saffron.
    -6 जाङ्गलीवृक्ष.
    (-खम्) 1 saffron.
    -2 gold.
    (-खा) 1 a flame; शरैरग्निशिखोपमैः Mb.
    -2 N. of two plants लाङ्गली (Mar. वागचबका or कळलावी) Gloriosa Superba; of other plants (also Mar. कळलावी) Meni- spermum Cordifolium.
    -शुश्रूषा careful service or worship of fire.
    -शेखर a. fire-crested. (
    -रः) N. of the कुसुम्भ, कुङ्कुम and जाङ्गली trees (
    -रम्) gold,
    -शौच a. [अग्नेरिव शौचं यस्य] bright as fire; purified by fire K.252.
    -श्री a. [अग्नेरिव श्रीर्यस्य] glowing like fire; lighted by Agni
    -ष्टुत्, -ष्टुभ, -ष्टोम &c. see ˚ स्तुत्, ˚स्तुभ् &c.
    -ष्ठम् 1 kitchen; अग्निष्ठेष्वग्निशालासु Rām.6.1.16.
    -2 a fire-pan.
    -संयोगाः explosives. Kau. A.2.3.
    -ष्वात्तः see स्वात्तः
    -संस्कारः 1 consecration of fire.
    -2 hallowing or con- secrating by means of fire; burning on the funeral pile; यथार्हं ˚रं मालवाय दत्वा Dk.169; नास्य कार्यो$ग्निसंस्कारः Ms.5.69, पितरीवाग्निसंस्कारात्परा ववृतिरे क्रियाः । R.12.56.
    -सखः; -सहायः 1 the wind.
    -2 the wild pigeon (smoke- coloured).
    -3 smoke.
    -सम्भव a. [प. ब.] sprung or pro- duced from fire.
    (-वः) 1 wild safflower.
    -2 lymph, result of digestion. (
    -वम्) gold.
    -साक्षिक [अग्निः साक्षी यत्र, कप्] a. or adv. keeping fire for a witness, in the presence of fire; पञ्चबाण˚ M.4.12. ˚मर्यादो भर्ता हि शरणं स्त्रियाः H.1.v. l, R.11.48.
    -सारम् [अग्नौ सारं यस्य अत्यन्तानलोत्तापनेपि सारांशादहनात् Tv.] रसाञ्जन, a sort of medical preparation for the eyes. (
    -रः -रम्) power or essence of fire.
    -सुतः Kārttikeya; त्वामद्य निहनिष्यामि क्रौञ्चमग्निसुतो यथा । Mb.7.156.93.
    -सूत्रम् a thread of fire.
    -2 a girdle of sacrificial grass (मौञ्जीमेखला) put upon a young Brāhmaṇa at the time of investiture.
    -सूनुः (See -सुतः), (सेनानीरग्निभूर्गुहः । Amar.); देव्यङ्कसंविष्ट- मिवाग्निसूनुम् । Bu. ch.1.67.
    -स्तम्भः 1 stopping the burning power of Agni.
    -2 N. of a Mantra used in this operation.
    -3 N. of a medicine so used.
    -स्तुत् m. (अग्निष्टुत्) [अग्निः स्तूयते$त्र; स्तु-आधारे क्विप् षत्वम्] the first day of the Agniṣṭoma sacrifice; N. of a por- tion of that sacrifice which extends over one day; यजेत वाश्वमेधेन स्वर्जिता गोसवेन वा । अभिजिद्विश्वजिद्भ्यां वा त्रिवृता- ग्निष्टुतापि वा ॥ Ms.11.74.
    -स्तुभ् (˚ष्टुभ्) m. [अग्निः स्तुभ्यते$त्र; स्तुभ्-क्विप् षत्वम्]
    1 = अग्निष्टोम.
    -2 N. of a son of the sixth Manu.
    -रतोमः (˚ष्टोमः) [अग्नेः स्तोमः स्तुतिसाधनं यत्र]
    1 N. of a protracted ceremony or sacrificeial rite extending over several days in spring and forming an essential part of the ज्योतिष्टोम.
    -2 a Mantra or Kalpa with reference to this sacrifice; ˚मे भवो मन्त्रः ˚मः; ˚मस्य व्याख्यानम्, कल्पः ˚मः P.IV.3.66. Vārt.
    -3 N. of the son of the sixth Manu.
    -4 a species of the Soma plant; ˚सामन् a part of the Sāma Veda chanted at the conclu- sion of the Agniṣṭoma sacrifice.
    -सावर्णिः Name of Manu.
    -स्थ a. (ष्ठ) [अग्नौ स्थातुमर्हति; स्था-क षत्वम्] placed in, over, or near the fire. (ष्ठः) an iron frying-pan; in the अश्वमेध sacrifice the 11th Yūpa which of all the 21 is nearest the fire.
    -स्वात्तः (written both as ˚स्वात्त and ˚ष्वात्त) (pl.) [अग्नितः i. e. श्राद्धीयविप्रकर- रूपानलात् सुष्ठु आत्तं ग्रहणं येषां ते] N. of a class of Pitṛs or Manes who, when living on earth, maintained the sacred or domestic fires, but who did not perform the Agniṣṭoma and other sacrifices. They are regarded as Manes of Gods and Brāhmaṇas and also as descen- dants of Marīchi; Ms.3.195. अग्निष्वात्ताः पितर एह गच्छत Tsy. (मनुष्यजन्मन्यग्निष्टोमादियागमकृत्वा स्मार्तकर्मनिष्ठाः सन्तो मृत्वा च पितृत्वं गताः इति सायणः).
    -हुत्, -होतृ Ved. sacrificing to Agni, having Agni for a priest; Rv.1.66.8.
    -होत्रम् [अग्नये हूयते$त्र, हु-त्र, च. त.]
    1 an oblation to Agni (chiefly of milk, oil and sour gruel.).
    -2 maintenance of the sacred fire and offering oblation to it; (अग्नये होत्रं होमो$स्मिन् कर्मणीति अग्निहोत्रमिति कर्मनाम); or the sacred fire itself; तपोवनाग्निहोत्रधूमलेखासु K.26. होता स्यात् ˚त्रस्य Ms.11.36. ˚त्रमुपासते 42; स्त्रीं दाहयेत् ˚त्रेण Ms.5.167,6.4, दाहयित्वाग्निहोत्रेण स्त्रियं वृत्तवतीम् Y.1.89. The time of throwing oblations into the fire is, as ordained by the sun himself, evening (अग्नये सायं जुहुयात् सूर्याय प्रातर्जुहुयात्). Agnihotra is of two kinds; नित्य of constant obligation (यावज्जीवमग्निहोत्रं जुहोति) and काम्य occasional or optional (उपसद्भिश्चरित्वा मासमेकमग्निहोत्रं जुहोति). (
    -त्र) a. Ved.
    1 destined for, connected with, Agnihotra.
    -2 sacrificing to Agni. ˚न्यायः The rule according to which the नित्यकर्मन्s (which are to be performed यावज्जीवम्) are performed at their stipulated or scheduled time only, during one's life time. This is discussed and established by जैमिनि and शबर at Ms.6. 2.23-26. in connection with अग्निहोत्र and other कर्मन्s. ˚हवनी (णी) a ladle used in sacrificial libations, or अग्निहोत्रहविर्ग्रहणी ऋक् Tv.; See हविर्ग्रहणी; ˚हुत् offering the अग्निहोत्र; ˚आहुतिः invocation or oblation connected with अग्निहोत्र.
    -होत्रिन् a. [अग्निहोत्र-मत्वर्थे इनि]
    1 one who practises the Agnihotra, or consecrates and maintains the sacred fire.
    -2 one who has prepared the sacrifi- cial place.
    -होत्री Sacrificial cow; तामग्निहोत्रीमृषयो जगृहु- र्ब्रह्मवादिनः Bhāg.8.8.2.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अग्निः _agniḥ

  • 19 पञ्चन् _pañcan

    पञ्चन् num. a. (Always pl., nom. and acc. पञ्च) Five. (As the first member of comp. पञ्चन् drops its final न्). [cf. Gr. pente.]
    -Comp. -अंशः the fifth part, a fifth.
    -अग्निः 1 an aggregate of five sacred fires; i. e. (अन्वाहार्यपचन or दक्षिण, गार्हपत्य, आहवनीय, सभ्य, and आव- सथ्य).
    -2 a householder who maintains the five sacred fires; पञ्चाग्नयो धृतव्रताः Māl.1; Ms.3.185.
    -3 five mystic fires supposed to exist in the body; तेजो ह्यग्निस्तथा क्रोधश्चक्षुरूष्मा तथैव च । अग्निर्जरयते यच्च पञ्चाग्नेयाः शरीरिणः ॥ Mb.12.184.21.
    -4 one who is acquainted with the doctrine of these fires. ˚साधनम् four fires on four sides and the sun above the head. This is a form of penance.
    -अङ्ग a. five-membered, having five parts or divi- sions as in पञ्चाङ्गः प्रणामः (i. e. बाहुभ्यां चैव जानुभ्यां शिरसा वक्षसा दृशा); कृतपञ्चाङ्गविनिर्णयो नयः Ki.2.12. (see Malli. and Kāmandaka quoted by him); पञ्चाङ्गमभिनयमुपदिश्य M.1; चित्ताक्षिभ्रूहस्तपादैरङ्गैश्चेष्टादिसाम्यतः । पात्राद्यवस्थाकरणं पञ्चाङ्गे$भिनयो मतः ॥
    (-ङ्गः) 1 a tortoise or turtle.
    -2 a kind of horse with five spots in different parts of his body. (
    -ङ्गी) a bit for horses.
    -(ङ्गम्) 1 collection or aggregate of five parts.
    -2 five modes of devotion (silent prayer, oblations, libations, bathing idols and feeding Brāhmaṇas)
    -3 the five parts of a tree; त्वक्पत्रकुसुमं मूलफलमेकस्य शाखिनः । एकत्र मिलितं चैतत् पञ्चाङ्ग- मिति संज्ञितम् ॥
    -4 a calendar or almanac, so called be- cause it treats of five things:-- (तिथिर्वारश्च नक्षत्रं योगः करणमेव च); चतुरङ्गबलो राजा जगतीं वशमानयेत् । अहं पञ्चा- ङ्गबलवानाकाशं वशमानये ॥ Shbhāṣ. ˚गुप्तः a turtle. ˚पत्रम् a calendar. ˚विनिर्णयः the five rules are as follows; सहायाः साधनोपाया विभागो देशकालयोः । विनिपातप्रतीकारः सिद्धिः पञ्चाङ्ग- मिष्यते ॥ Kāmandak; cf. Ki.2.12. ˚शुद्धिः f. the propiti- ousness or favourable state of five important points; i. e. तिथि, वार, नक्षत्र, योग and करण (in astrology).
    -अङ्गिक a. five-membered.
    -अङ्गुल a. (
    -ला or
    -ली f.) measuring five fingers. (
    -लः) the castor-oil plant.
    -अ(आ)जम् the five products of the goat; cf. पञ्चगव्य.
    -अतिग a. liberated (मुक्त); सो$पि पञ्चातिगो$भवत् Mb. 12.59.9.
    -अप्सरस् n. N. of a lake, said to have been created by the sage Mandakarni; cf. R.13.38.
    -अमरा The five plants i. e. (Mar. भांग, दूर्वा, बेल, निर्गुडी and तुळस.
    -अमृत a. consisting of 5 ingredients.
    -(तम्) 1 the aggregate of five drugs; dry ginger, a species of Moonseed (Cocculus cordifolius, Mar. गुळवेल), Asparagus recemosus (Mar. शतावरी), Hypoxis brevifolia (Mar. मुसळी), गोक्षुरक (Mar. गोखरूं).
    -2 the collection of five sweet things used in worshipping deities; (दुग्धं च शर्करा चैव घृतं दधि तथा मधु).
    -3 the five elements; Māl.5.2.
    -अम्लम् the aggregate of five acid plants (the jujube, pomegranate, sorrel, spondias and citron).
    -अर्चिस् m. the planet Mercury.
    - अवयव a. five-membered (as a syllogism, the five members being, प्रतिज्ञा, हेतु, उदाहरण, उपनय and निगमन q. v.).
    -अवस्थः a corpse (so called because it is resolved into the five elements) cf. पञ्चत्व below.
    -अविकम् the five products of the sheep; cf. पञ्चगव्य.
    -अशीतिः f. eighty-five.
    -अहः a period of five days.
    - आतप a. doing penance with five fires. (i. e. with four fires and the sun); cf. R.13.41.
    -आत्मक a. consisting of five elements (as body).
    -आननः, -आस्यः, -मुखः, -वक्त्रः 1 epithets of Śiva.
    -2 a lion (so called because its mouth is generally wide open; पञ्चम् आननं यस्य), (often used at the end of names of learned men to express great learning or respect; न्याय˚, तर्क˚ &c. e. g. जगन्नाथतर्कपञ्चानन); see पञ्च a.
    -3 the sign Leo of the zodiac. (
    -नी) an epithet of Durgā.
    -आम्नायाः m. (pl.) five Śāstras supposed to have proceeded from the five mouths of Śiva.
    -आयतनी, -नम् a group of five deities like गणपति, विष्णु, शंकर, देवी and सूर्य.
    -इन्द्रियम् an aggregate of the five organs (of sense or actions; see इन्द्रियम्).
    -इषुः, -बाणः, -शरः epithets of the god of love; (so called because he has five arrows; their names are:-- अरविन्दमशोकं च चूतं च नवमल्लिका । नीलोत्पलं च पञ्चैते पञ्चबाणस्य सायकाः ॥ the five arrows are also thus named:-- संमोहनोन्मादनौ च शोषणस्तापनस्तथा । स्तम्भनश्चेति कामस्य पञ्चबाणाः प्रकीर्तिताः ॥).
    -उपचारः the five articles of worship i. e. (गन्ध, पुष्प, धूप, दीप and नैवेद्य).
    -उष्मन् m. (pl.) the five digestive fires supposed to be in the body.
    -कपाल a. prepared or offered in five cups.
    -कर्ण a. branded in the ear with the number 'five' (as cattle &c.); cf. P.VI.3.115.
    -कर्मन् n. (in medicine) the five kinds of treatment; i. e. 1 वमन 'giving emetics'; 2 रेचन 'purging'; 3 नस्य 'giving stre- nutatories'; 4 अनुवासन 'administering an enema which is oily', and 5 निरूह 'administering an enema which is not oily. वमनं रेचनं नस्यं निरूहश्चानुवासनम् । पञ्चकर्मेदमन्यश्च ज्ञेयमुत्क्षेपणादिकम् ॥
    -कल्याणकः a horse with white feet and a white mouth.
    -कषाय a decoction from the fruits of five plants (जम्बु, शाल्मलि, वाट्याल, बकुल and बदर).
    -कृत्यम् the five actions by which the Supreme Power manifests itself (सृष्टि, स्थिति, संहार, तिरोभाव and अनुग्रह- करण).
    -कृत्वस् ind. five times.
    -कृष्णः A kind of game. (
    -ष्णाः) The five deities of Mahānubhāva sect namely चक्रवर्ती कृष्ण, Datta of Mātāpura, Gundam Raul of ऋद्धिपुर, चांगदेव राऊळ of द्वारावती and चांगदेव राऊळ of प्रतिष्ठान.
    -कोणः a pentagon.
    -कोलम् the five spices taken collec- tively; पिप्पली पिप्पलीमूलं चव्यचित्रकनागरम् । पञ्चकोलं......... (Mar. पिंपळी, पिंपळमूळ, चवक, चित्रक व सुंठ).
    -कोषाः m. (pl.) the five vestures or wrappers supposed to invest the soul; they are:-- अन्नमयकोष or the earthly body (स्थूलशरीर); प्राणमयकोष the vesture of the vital airs; मनो- मयकोष the sensorial vesture; विज्ञानमयकोष the cognitional vesture (these three form the लिङ्गशरीर); and आनन्द- मयकोष the last vesture, that of beatitude. कोषैरन्नमयाद्यैः पञ्चभिरात्मा न संवृतो भाति । निजशक्तिसमुप्तन्नैः शैवालप़टलैरिवाम्बु वापीस्थम् ॥ Vivekachūdāmaṇi.
    -क्रोशी 1 a distance of five Kroṣas.
    -2 N. of the city, Banares.
    -खट्वम्, -खट्वी a collection of five beds.
    -गत a. (in alg.) raised to the fifth power.
    -गवम् a collection of five cows.
    -गव्यम् the five products of the cow taken collectively; i. e. milk, curds, clarified butter or ghee, urine, and cowdung (क्षीरं दधि तथा चाज्यं मूत्रं गोमयमेव च).
    -गु a. bought with five cows.
    -गुण a. five-fold. (
    -णाः) the five objects of sense (रूप, रस, गन्ध, स्पर्श and शब्द). (
    -णी) the earth.
    -गुप्तः 1 a tortoise (as drawing in its 4 feet and head).
    -2 the materialistic system of philosophy, the doctrines of the Chārvākas.
    -घातः (in music) a kind of mea- sure.
    -चत्वारिंश a. forty-fifth.
    -चत्वारिंशत् f. forty-five.
    -चामरम् N. of 2 kinds of metre; प्रमाणिकापदद्वयं वदन्ति पञ्चचामरम् Vṛittaratnākara.
    -जनः 1 a man, man- kind.
    -2 N. of a demon who had assumed the form of a conch-shell, and was slain by Kṛiṣṇa; तस्मै प्रादाद्वरं पुत्रं मृतं पञ्चजनोदरात् Bhāg.3.3.2.
    -3 the soul.
    -4 the five classes of beings; i. e. gods, men, Gandharvas, serpents and pitṛis; यस्मिन् पञ्च पञ्चजना आकाशश्च प्रतिष्ठितः Bṛi. Up.4.4.17.
    -5 the four primary castes of the Hindus (ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य and शूद्र) with the Niṣādas or barbarians as the fifth (pl. in these two senses); (for a full exposition see Sārirabhāṣya on Br. Sūtras 1.4.11-13). (
    -नी) an assemblage of five persons.
    -जनीन a. devoted to the five races. (
    -नः) an actor, a mimic, buffoon, one who is devoted to the pentad viz. singer, musician, dancer, harlot and a jester; गायकवादक- नर्तकदासीभण्डरतः खलु पञ्चजनीनः Bhāsāvritti on P.V.1.9.
    -ज्ञानः 1 an epithet of Buddha as possessing the five kinds of knowledge.
    -2 a man familiar with the doc- trines of the Pāśupatas.
    -तक्षम्, -क्षी a collection of five carpenters.
    -तत्त्वम् 1 the five elements taken collectively; i. e. पृत्थी, अप्, तेजस्, वायु and आकाश.
    -2 (in the Tantras) the five essentials of the Tāntrikas, also called पञ्चमकार because they all begin with म; i. e. मद्य, मांस, मत्स्य, मुद्रा and मैथुन.
    -तन्त्रम् N. of a well-known collection in five books containing moral stories and fables by Visnugupta; पञ्चतन्त्रात्तथान्यस्माद् ग्रन्थादाकृष्य लिख्यते H. Pr.9.
    -तन्मात्रम् the five subtle and pri- mary elements (such as शब्द, रस, स्पर्श and रूप and गन्ध).
    -तपस् m. an ascetic who in summer practises penance sitting in the middle of four fires with the sun burning right over his head; cf. हविर्भुजामेधवतां चतुर्णां मध्ये ललाटंतपसप्तसप्तिः R.13.41; Ku.5.23; Ms.6.23 and Śi.2.51. also; ग्रीष्मे पञ्चतपा वीरो वर्षास्वासारषाण्मुनिः Bhāg. 4.23.6; Rām.3.6.5.
    -तय a. five-fold; वृत्तयः पञ्चतय्यः क्लिष्टा अक्लिष्टाः Mbh. (
    -यः) a pentad.
    -तिक्तम् the five bitter things:-- निवामृतावृषपटोलनिदिग्धिकाश्च.
    -त्रिंश a. thirtyfifth.
    -त्रिंशत्, -त्रिंशतिः f. thirty-five.
    -दश a.
    1 fifteenth.
    -2 increased by fifteen; as in पञ्चदशं शतम् 'one hundred and fifteen'.
    -दशन् a. (pl.) fifteen.
    ˚अहः a period of fifteen days.
    -दशिन् a. made or consisting of fifteen.
    -दशी 1 the fifteenth day of a lunar fort- night (the full or new moon day); Y.1.146.
    -2 N. of a philosophical work (प्रकरणग्रन्थ) by माधवाचार्य (विद्यारण्य).
    -दीर्घम् the five long parts of the body; the arms, eyes, belly, nose and breast; बाहू नेत्रद्वयं कुक्षिर्द्वे तु नासे तथैव च । स्तनयोरन्तरं चैव पञ्चदीर्घं प्रचक्षते ॥
    -देवताः the five deities:-- आदित्यं गणनाथं च देवीं रुद्रं च केशवम् । पञ्चदैवतमित्युक्तं सर्वकर्मसु पूजयेत् ॥
    -धारणक a. upheld by the five elements.
    -नखः 1 any animal with five claws; such as the hare, alligator, tortoise, porcupine, rhinoceros शशकः शल्लकी गोधा खड्गी कूर्मश्च पञ्चमः । पञ्च पञ्चनखा भक्ष्या ये प्रोक्ताः कृतजैर्द्विजैः Bk.6.131; Ms.5.17,18; Y.1.177.
    -2 an elephant.
    -3 a turtle.
    -4 a lion or tiger.
    -नखी, -नखराज an iguana (Mar. घोरपड); Gīrvāṇa.
    -नदः 'the country of five rivers, the modern Panjab (the five rivers being शतद्रु, विपाशा, इरावती, चन्द्रभागा and वितस्ता, or the modern names Sutlej, Beas, Ravee, Chenab and Jhelum).
    -दा (pl.) the people of this country.
    -नवतिः f. ninety-five.
    -निम्बम् the five products of निम्ब viz. (the flowers, fruit, leaves, bark and root).
    -नीराजनम् waving five things before an idol and then falling prostrate before it; (the five things being:-- a lamp, lotus, cloth, mango and betel-leaf).
    -पञ्चाश a. fiftyfifth.
    -पञ्चाशत् f. fifty-five.
    -पदी 1 five steps; पुंसो यमान्तं व्रजतो$पिनिष्ठुरै- रेतैर्धनैः पञ्चपदी न दीयते Pt.2.115.
    -2 the five strong cases, i. e. the first five inflections
    -पर्वन् n. (pl.) the five parvans q. v.; they are चतुर्दश्यष्टमी चैव अमावास्या च पूर्णिमा । पर्वाण्येतानि राजेन्द्र रविसंक्रान्तिरेव च ॥ a. five-knotted (an arrow).
    -पल्लवम् The leaves of the mango, fig, banyan, ficus religiosa (Mar. पिंपळ) and Genus Ficus (Mar. पायरी). There are other variations such as पनस, आम्र, पिप्पल, वट and बकुल. The first group is for the Vedic ritual only.
    -पात्रम् 1 five vessels taken collectively.
    -2 a Srāddha in which offerings are made in five vessels.
    -पाद् a. consisting of five feet, steps, or parts; पञ्चपादं पितरम् Praśna Up.1.11. (-m.) a year (संवत्सर).
    -पादिका N. of a commentary on शारीरकभाष्य.
    -पितृ m. (pl.) the five fathers:-- जनकश्चोपनेता च यश्च कन्यां प्रयच्छति । अन्नदाता भयत्राता पञ्चैते पितरः स्मृताः ॥
    -पित्तम् the bile of five ani- mals viz. (the boar, goat, buffalo, fish and peacock).
    -प्रस्थ a. having five elevations (a forest).
    -प्राणाः m. (pl.) the five life-winds or vital airs: प्राण, अपान, व्यान, उदान, and समान.
    -प्रासादः a temple of a particular size with four pinnacles and a steeple.
    -बन्ध a fine equal to the fifth part of anything lost or stolen.
    -बलाः five medicinal herbs, namely बला, नागबला, महाबला, अति- बला and राजबला.
    -बाणः, -वाणः, -शरः epithets of the god of love; see पञ्चेषु.
    -बाहुः N. of Śiva.
    -बिन्दुप्रसृतम् N. of a particular movement in dancing; Dk.2.
    -बीजानि the five seeds:--कर्कटी, त्रपुस, दाडिम, पद्मबीज, and वानरीबीज.
    -भद्र a.
    1 having five good qualities.
    -2 consisting of five good ingredients (as a sauce &c.).
    -3 having five auspicious marks (as a horse) in the chest, back, face and flanks.
    -4 vicious.
    -द्रः a kind of pavilion.
    -भागिन् m. the five deities of पञ्चमहा- यज्ञ; धर्मकामविहीनस्य चुक्रुधुः पञ्चभागिनः Bhāg.11.23.9.
    -भुज a. pentagonal.
    (-जः) 1 a pentagon; cf. पञ्चकोण.
    -2 N. of Gaṇeśa.
    -भूतम् the five elements; पृथ्वी, अप्, तेजस्, वायु and आकाश.
    -भृङ्गाः the five trees, viz. देवदाली (Mar. देवडंगरी), शमी, भङ्गा (Mar. भांग), निर्गुण्डी and तमालपत्र.
    -मकारम् the five essentials of the left-hand Tantra ritual of which the first letter is म; see पञ्चतत्त्व (2).
    -महापातकम् the five great sins; see महापातक Ms.11. 54.
    -महायज्ञाः m. (pl.) the five daily sacrifices enjoined to be performed by a Brāhmaṇa; अध्यापनं ब्रह्मयज्ञः पितृ- यज्ञस्तु तर्पणम् । होमो दैवो बलिर्भौतो नृयज्ञो$तिथिपूजनम् ॥ Ms.3.7. अहुतं च हुतं चैव तथा प्रहुतमेव च । ब्राह्मं हुतं प्राशितं च पञ्च यज्ञान् प्रचक्षते ॥ Ms.3.73; see महायज्ञ.
    -मारः son of Baladeva; L. D. B.
    -माश(षि)क a. consisting of five Māṣas (as a fine &c.).
    -माष(षि)क a. amounting to five māṣas; गर्दभाजाविकानां तु दण्डः स्यात्पञ्चमाषिकः Ms.8.298.
    -मास्य a. happening every five months.
    -मुखः an arrow with five points; (for other senses see पञ्चानन.)
    -मुद्रा five gestures to be made in presenting offerings to an idol; viz आवाहनी, स्थापनी, संनिधापनी, संबोधनी and संमुखीकरणी; see मुद्रा.
    -मूत्रम् the urine of five female animals; the cow, goat, she-buffalo, sheep, and she-ass.).
    -मूलम् there are nine varieties of the pentad combinations of roots; लघुपञ्चमूल, बृहत्पञ्चमूल, शतावर्यादि, तृणपञ्चमूल, जीवकादिपञ्चमूल, पुनर्नवादिपञ्चमूल, गोक्षुरादि˚, वल्ली˚.
    -रत्नम् a collection of five gems; (they are variously enumerated: (1) नीलकं वज्रकं चेति पद्मरागश्च मौक्तिकम् । प्रवालं चेति विज्ञेयं पंचरत्नं मनीषिभिः ॥ (2) सुवर्णं रजतं मुक्ता राजावर्तं प्रवालकम् । रत्नपञ्चकमाख्यातम्...॥ (3) कनकं हीरकं नीलं पद्मरागश्च मौक्तिकम् । पञ्चरत्नमिदं प्रोक्त- मृषिभिः पूर्वदर्शिभिः ॥
    -2 the five most admired episodes of the Mahābhārata; गीता, विष्णुसहस्रनाम, भीष्मस्तवराज, अनुस्मृति and गजेन्द्रमोक्ष).
    -रसा the आमलकी tree (Mar. आंवळी).
    -रात्रम् 1 a period of five nights; इत्यर्थं वयमानीताः पञ्चरात्रो$पि विद्यते Pañch.3.24.
    -2 N. of one of Bhāsa's dramas.
    -3 N. of a philosophical treatise attributed to Nārada.
    -4 N. of an अहीन (sacrifice) lasting for 5 days; स एतं पञ्चरात्रं पुरुषमेधं यज्ञक्रतुमपश्यत् Śat. Br.; cf. Mb.12.218. 11.
    -राशिकम् the rule of five (in math.).
    -लक्षणम् a Purāṇa; so called because it deals with five important topics:-- सर्गश्च प्रतिसर्गश्च वंशो मन्वन्तराणि च । वंशानुचरितं चैव पुराणं पञ्चलक्षणम् ॥ see पुराण also.
    -लवणम् five kinds of salt; i. e. काचक, सैन्धव, सामुद्र, बिड and सौवर्चल.
    -लाङ्गलकम् a gift (महादान) of as much land as can be cultivated with five ploughs.
    -लोकपालः the five guardian deities viz. Vināyaka, Durgā, Vāyu, Ākāśa and Aśvinīkumāra.
    -लोहम् a metallic alloy containing five metals (i. e. copper, brass, tin, lead and iron).
    -लोहकम् the five metals i. e. gold, silver, copper, tin and lead.
    -वटः the sacred or sacrificial thread worn across the breast (यज्ञोपवीत).
    -वटी 1 the five fig-trees: i. e. अश्वत्थ, बिल्व, वट, धात्री and अशोक.
    -2 N. of a part of the Daṇḍakā forest where the Godāvarī rises and where Rāma dwelt for a considerable time with his beloved; it is two miles from Nasik; परिहरन्तमपि मामितः पञ्चवटीस्नेहो बलादाकर्षतीव U.2.27/28; R.13.34.
    -वर्गः 1 an aggregate of five.
    -2 the five essential elements of the body.
    -3 the five organs of sense; संतुष्टपञ्चवर्गो$हं लोकयात्रां प्रवाहये Rām.2.19.27.
    -4 the five daily sacrifices enjoined to be performed by a Brāhmaṇa; cf. महायज्ञ.
    -5 the five classes of spies (कापटिक, उदास्थित, गृहपतिव्यञ्जन, वैदेहिकव्यञ्जन and तापसव्यञ्जन); cf. Kull. on Ms.7.154.
    -वर्षदेशीय a. about five years old.
    -वर्षीय a. five years old.
    -वल्कलम् a collection of the barks of five kinds of trees; namely न्यग्रोध, उदुम्बर, अश्वत्थ, प्लक्ष and वेतस.
    -वल्लभा N. of Draupadī.
    -वार्षिक a. recurring every five years.
    -वाहिन् a. drawn by five (as a carriage).
    -विंश a. twenty-fifth.
    -शः 1 a Stoma consisting of 25 parts.
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu (regarded as the 25th तत्त्व); स तु जन- परितापं तत्कृतं जानता ते नरहर उपनीतः पञ्चतां पञ्चविंश Bhāg. 7.8.53.
    -विंशतिः f. twenty-five.
    -विंशतिका a collection of twenty-five; as in वेतालपञ्चविंशतिका.
    -विध a. five- fold, of five kinds. ˚प्रकृतिः f. the five departments of a government; अमात्यराष्ट्रदुर्गार्थदण्डाख्याः पञ्च चापराः Ms.7.157.
    -वीरगोष्ठम् an assembly room, concert-hall; रागमञ्जरी नाम पञ्चवीरगोष्ठे संगीतकमनुष्ठास्यति Dk.2.
    -वृत्, -वृतम् ind. five-fold.
    -वृत्तिता depending on senses; Rām.2.1.65.
    -शत a. amounting to five hundred.
    (-तम्) 1 one hundred and five.
    -2 five hundred.
    -शाखः 1 the hand; स्वशिरः पश्चशाखाभ्यामभिहत्यायतेक्षणा Mb.11.17.3; कदापि नो मुञ्चति पञ्चशाखः (नारायणस्य) Rām. Ch.1.9; स्फूर्जद्रत्नाङ्गुलीयद्युतिशबलनखद्योतिभिः पञ्चशाखैः Śiva B.3.49.
    -2 an elephant.
    -शारदीयः N. of a Yāga.
    -शिखः a lion.
    -शीलम् the five rules of conduct; Buddh.
    -शुक्लम् The holy combination of five days, viz. Uttarāyaṇa (day of the gods), the bright half of the month (day of the manes) and day time, हरिवासर and सिद्धक्षेत्र (cf. त्रिशुक्लम्).
    - a. (pl.) five or six; सन्त्यन्ये$पि बृहस्पतिप्रभृतयः संभाविताः पञ्चषाः Bh.2.34.
    -षष्ट a. sixty-fifth.
    -षष्टिः f. sixty-five.
    -सटः one with five tufts of hair on the head (सटाः जटाः केशसन्निवेशे मध्ये मध्ये पञ्चसु स्थानेषु क्षौरवद्वापनम्); दासो$यं मुच्यतां राज्ञस्त्वया पञ्चसटः कृतः Mb.3.272.18; (Mar. पांच पाट काढणें).
    -सप्तत a. seventy-fifth.
    -सप्ततिः f. seventy-five.
    -सस्यम् the five grains viz. धान्य, मुद्ग, तिल, यव and माष.
    -सिद्धान्ती f. the five astronomical doctrines from astronomical book like सूर्यसिद्धान्त etc.
    -सिद्धौषधयः the five medi- cinal plants:-- तैलकन्द, सुधाकन्द, क्रोडकन्द, रुदन्तिक, सर्पाक्षी.
    -सुगन्धकम् the five kinds of aromatic vegetable sub- stances; they are:-- कर्पूरकक्कोललवङ्गपुष्पगुवाकजातीफलपञ्चकेन । समांशभागेन च योजितेन मनोहरं पञ्चसुगन्धकं स्यात् ॥.
    -सूनाः f. the five things in a house by which animal life may be accidentally destroyed; they are:-- पञ्चसूना गृहस्थस्य चुल्ली पेषण्युपस्करः कण्डनी चोदकुम्भश्च Ms.3.68.
    -सूरणाः the five medicinal esculent roots; sweet and bitter सूरण, अत्यम्ल- पर्णी, काण्डीर, मालाकन्द. &c.
    -स्रोतम् n. the mind; पञ्चस्रोतसि निष्णातः Mb.12.218.11. (com. पञ्चस्त्रोतांसि विषयकेदारप्रणालिका यस्य तस्मिन् मनसि).
    -हायन a. five years old.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > पञ्चन् _pañcan

  • 20 ♦ wind

    ♦ wind (1) /wɪnd/
    1 [cu] vento: fair [contrary] wind, vento favorevole [contrario]; north wind, vento del nord; tramontana; south wind, vento del sud; west wind, vento di (o da) ponente; southwest wind, vento di sud-ovest; a gust of wind, una raffica di vento; There's a high wind today, oggi il vento tira forte; The wind was blowing from the west, il vento soffiava da occidente; (astron.) solar wind, vento solare; prevailing wind, vento dominante; a bitter wind, un vento pungente; a chill wind, un vento gelido; fierce wind, vento furioso; light wind, lieve vento; venticello; strong wind, forte vento; stiff wind, vento gagliardo
    2 [u] fiato; respiro; respirazione: Let me get my wind back, lasciami riprender fiato; to knock the wind out of sb., far perdere il fiato a q.
    3 [u] odore ( portato dal vento); sentore ( anche fig.): The dogs are keeping the wind, i cani seguono l'odore (della selvaggina); The journalist got wind of the scandal, il giornalista ha avuto sentore dello scandalo
    4 [uc] (med., fam.) flato; ( anche) meteorismo, flatulenza: My little boy is troubled with wind, il mio bambino soffre di flatulenza; to bring up wind, fare il ruttino
    5 [u] (fig. fam.) parole vuote; sciocchezze; aria fritta; parole senza senso; vaniloquio: His speeches are mere wind, i suoi discorsi sono puro vaniloquio
    6 (pl. collett.) (mus.) fiati; strumenti a fiato: The strings were drowned by the winds, gli strumenti a corda erano soffocati (o coperti) da quelli a fiato
    ● (naut.) wind abeam, vento al traverso; bolina stretta ( una delle andature) □ (naut., aeron.) wind ahead, vento in prua □ (naut.) wind astern, vento in poppa □ ( gergo comm., scozz.) wind bill, cambiale di comodo □ (naut.) wind-bound, trattenuto in porto dal vento contrario □ (fam. USA) wind box, fisarmonica □ (ind. costr.) wind-brace, controvento □ ( di cavallo) wind-broken, bolso □ wind chart, carta dei venti □ (meteor.) wind shear, gradiente del vento □ (meteor.) wind chill, raffreddamento da vento □ wind chimes, campane eoliche ( campanellini di bronzo, ecc., dal piccolo batacchio, che si espongono al vento, anche come cacciaspiriti) □ (med.) wind colic, meteorismo □ (aeron., meteor.) wind cone, manica a vento □ (naut., aeron.) wind down, vento in senso longitudinale □ wind-egg, uovo imperfetto □ (geol.) wind erosion, erosione eolica □ wind farm, centrale eolica; parco eolico □ (poet.) wind-flower, anemone □ (vet.) wind-gall, vescicone ( nelle giunture del garretto del cavallo) □ wind gauge, anemometro □ (naut.) wind hose, manica a vento □ (naut.) wind indicator, segnavento; bandierina □ (mus.) wind instruments, strumenti a fiato □ ( acustica) wind noise, rumore eolico □ (naut.) wind on the quarter, vento al giardinetto □ ( sci) wind-packed snow, neve ventata □ wind power, energia del vento; carbone azzurro □ (ind.) wind-power plant, centrale eolica □ (meteor.) wind rose, rosa dei venti □ wind scale, scala dei venti □ (meteor.) wind shear, gradiente del vento □ (meteor.) wind sleeve, manica a vento □ wind speed, velocità del vento □ wind spout, turbine di vento □ ( raro) wind-sucker, cavallo che respira rumorosamente □ wind-swept, battuto dai venti; spazzato dal vento □ (aeron.) wind tee, T d'atterraggio □ wind-tight, impenetrabile al vento □ (tecn.) wind tunnel, galleria del vento; galleria aerodinamica □ wind vane, banderuola □ (naut.) before (o down) the wind, col vento in poppa □ to break wind, fare un vento (eufem.); fare un peto □ (fig.) to cast (o to fling) prudence to the winds, abbandonare la prudenza □ (naut.) to come to the wind, orzare □ ( caccia) to be down the wind of a wild animal, tenersi sottovento a un selvatico □ (fig.) to find out how the wind blows (o lies), sentire da che parte tira il vento; capire che aria tira □ ( anche fig.) to get wind of, aver sentore di; fiutare: The fox got wind of the hunters, la volpe ha fiutato i cacciatori □ ( slang) to get (o to have) the wind up, innervosirsi; prendersi paura; aver fifa □ to get one's second wind, riprendere fiato, riprendersi; (fig.) provare di nuovo □ (fam.) to hit sb. in the wind, colpire q. alla bocca dello stomaco (o al plesso solare); far perdere il fiato a q. □ (naut.) in the wind's eye, controvento □ (naut.) to keep away from the wind, poggiare □ (naut.) off the wind, col vento in poppa □ (naut.) on the wind, col vento in prua (o in faccia) □ ( slang) to put the wind up sb., spaventare q., mettere paura a q. □ (fig. fam.) to raise the wind, procurarsi di riffa o di raffa il denaro occorrente □ to sail (o to be) close to the wind (o near the wind), (naut.) stringere il vento, andare all'orza; (fig.) camminare sul filo del rasoio □ (naut.) to sail in the eye (o in the teeth) of the wind, navigare nel letto (o nel filo) del vento □ (fig.) to see which way the wind is blowing, capire che aria tira (o come si mettono le cose) □ (fig.) to take the wind out of sb. 's sails, sgonfiare, smontare q. (fig.); fare abbassare la cresta a q. □ (fig.) to throw prudence to the winds, abbandonare la prudenza □ ( caccia) to be up the wind of a wild animal, trovarsi sopravvento a un selvatico □ ( anche fig.) to waste one's wind, sprecare il fiato □ (naut.) with the wind on the beam, col vento al traverso (o a mezza nave) □ (fig.) There is st. in the wind, qualcosa bolle in pentola (fig.); sta per accadere qualcosa.
    wind (2) /waɪnd/
    1 ( anche elettron.) avvolgimento
    3 curva; svolta; voltata
    ● (polit., mil.) wind-down, diminuzione, riduzione ( della tensione, ecc.) □ wind-up, conclusione; fine; chiusura, epilogo; ( di un meccanismo, orologio, ecc.) a carica □ (comm.) wind-up sale, vendita di liquidazione.
    (to) wind (1) /wɪnd/
    v. t.
    1 dare aria a; esporre al vento; arieggiare; aerare
    2 fiutare: The hounds winded the boar, i cani hanno fiutato il cinghiale
    3 sfiatare: I was quite winded by the run, la corsa mi lasciò senza fiato; to be winded by a blow, restare senza fiato per un colpo
    (to) wind (2) /waɪnd/
    (pass. e p. p. winded, o wound, per confusione con to wind /3/), v. t.
    (poet., raro) suonare ( uno strumento a fiato, un segnale): The knight winded his horn, il cavaliere suonò il corno; (mil.) to wind the call, suonare l'adunata.
    (to) wind (3) /waɪnd/
    (pass. e p. p. wound)
    A v. i.
    1 serpeggiare; girare; formare anse; fare delle svolte; snodarsi; procedere a zigzag: The river winds in and out, il fiume forma continue anse; The road winds round the lake, la strada gira attorno al lago; The long line of soldiers wound down the valley, la lunga fila di soldati si snodava lungo la valle
    2 avvolgersi; attorcigliarsi: The creeper winds round the oak, il rampicante s'attorciglia intorno alla quercia
    3 (fig.) prenderla alla larga ( parlando); agire in modo tortuoso; insinuarsi
    4 ( del legno) incurvarsi; imbarcarsi
    5 ( di un orologio) caricarsi ( a mano o con la chiavetta): This clock winds easily, quest'orologio si carica facilmente
    B v. t.
    1 girare; far girare: to wind a crank, girare una manovella
    2 avvolgere; attorcigliare: to wind tape on a reel, avvolgere del nastro su una bobina; to wind a scarf round one's neck, avvolgersi (o mettersi) una sciarpa intorno al collo; The snake winds itself round its prey, il serpente s'attorciglia intorno alla preda
    3 (mecc.) sollevare con l'argano: to wind up ore from a mine, sollevare con l'argano minerale da una miniera
    4 (fig.) insinuare; introdurre di soppiatto: to wind one's criticism into an argument, introdurre le proprie critiche in un'argomentazione
    5 cingere: I wound her in my arms, la cinsi con le braccia; la serrai fra le braccia.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ wind

См. также в других словарях:

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