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  • 41 llegar

    1 to arrive (to a place).
    llegar a un hotel/una ciudad to arrive at a hotel/in a city
    llegar a casa to get home
    ¿falta mucho para llegar o para que lleguemos? is there far to go?
    llegaré pronto I'll be there soon
    Ellos llegan tarde They arrive late.
    2 to come (time).
    cuando llegue el momento te enterarás you'll find out when the time comes
    ha llegado el invierno winter has arrived
    La oportunidad llegó The opportunity came.
    3 to be enough.
    4 to receive, to get, to be handed.
    Te llegó un carta You received a letter.
    5 to be the host for.
    Nos llegó mucha gente We were the host for a lot of people.
    6 to come to, to filter through to.
    Nos llegó la noticia The news filtered through to us.
    * * *
    (g changes to gu before e)
    Past Indicative
    llegué, llegaste, llegó, llegamos, llegasteis, llegaron.
    Present Subjunctive
    llega (tú), llegue (él/Vd.), lleguemos (nos.), llegad (vos.), lleguen (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    3) come
    * * *
    Para las expresiones llegar al alma, llegar lejos, llegar a las manos, ver la otra entrada.
    1) [movimiento, destino, procedencia] to arrive

    avíseme cuando llegue — tell me when he arrives {o} comes

    el vuelo llegará a las 14:15 — the flight gets in at 14:15

    llegará en tren/autobús — he will come by train/bus

    llegar [a], cuando llegamos a Bilbao estaba lloviendo — when we got to {o} arrived in Bilbao it was raining

    ¿a qué hora llegaste a casa? — what time did you get home?

    llegarle [a alguien], ¿te ha llegado ya el paquete? — have you got the parcel yet?

    [estar] al llegar, Carlos debe de estar al llegar — Carlos should be arriving any minute now

    [hacer] llegar algo a algn, hacer llegar una carta a algn — to send sb a letter

    ¿le puedes hacer llegar este recado? — could you give her this message?

    ¿le has hecho llegar el dinero? — did you get the money to her?

    2) (=alcanzar)
    a) [con las manos] to reach

    ¿me puedes quitar la cortina? yo no llego — could you take the curtain down for me? I can't reach

    b) [indicando distancia, nivel]

    esta cuerda no llega — this rope isn't long enough, this rope won't reach

    el tema de la película no me llega — the subject of the film does nothing for me {o} leaves me cold

    llegar [a] {o} [hasta] — to come up to

    el vestido le llega hasta los pies — the dress comes {o} goes down to her feet

    la cola llegaba hasta la puerta — the queue went {o} reached back as far as the door

    me llega al [corazón] ver tanto sufrimiento — seeing so much suffering touches me to the heart

    a tanto no llego —

    soy bastante inteligente pero a tanto no llego — I'm reasonably clever, but not enough to do that

    podría dejarle un millón, pero dos no, a tanto no llego — I might let her have a million, but not two, I'm not prepared to go as far as that

    camisa 1), suela 1)
    c) [indicando duración] to last

    el pobrecito no llegará a las Navidades — the poor thing won't make it to {o} last till Christmas

    le falta un año para llegar a la jubilación — he has a year to go till {o} before he retires

    3) llegar a ({+ sustantivo})
    a) (=conseguir) [+ acuerdo, conclusión] to reach, come to

    ¿cómo has conseguido llegar a la fama? — how did you manage to achieve fame {o} become famous?

    le costó pero llegó a arquitecto — it wasn't easy, but he eventually managed to become an architect

    b) [con cantidades] to come to

    los gastos totales llegaron a 1.000 euros — the total expenditure came to 1,000 euros

    la audiencia de este programa ha llegado a cinco millones — (Radio) as many as five million people have listened to this programme; (TV) the viewing figures for this programme have been as high as five million

    4) llegar a ({+ infin})
    a) (=conseguir)

    llegó a conocer a varios directores de cine — she met {o} got to know several film directors

    si lo llego a [saber] — if I had known

    llegar a [ser] famoso/el jefe — to become famous/the boss

    llegar a [ver], no llegó a ver la película terminada — he never saw the film finished

    temí no llegar a ver el año nuevo — I feared I wouldn't live to see the new year, I feared I wouldn't make it to the new year

    b) [como algo extremo]

    llegué a estar tan mal, que casi no podía moverme — I got so bad, I could hardly move

    puede llegar a [alcanzar] los 300km/h — it can reach speeds of up to 300km/h

    la popularidad que un actor puede llegar a alcanzar a través de la televisión — the popularity an actor can come to attain from being on television

    ¿llegó a [creer] que sería campeón del mundo? — did you ever believe you'd be world champion?

    yo había llegado a creer que estábamos en el camino de superar ese problema — I had really started to believe that we were on the way to overcoming that problem

    llegó al [punto] de robarle — he even went so far as to rob her

    5) (=bastar) to be enough

    [hacer] llegar el sueldo a fin de mes — to make ends meet

    6) [momento, acontecimiento] to come
    VERBO TRANSITIVO (=acercar) to bring up, bring over
    LLEGAR Llegar a A la hora de traducir llegar a al inglés, tenemos que diferenciar entre arrive in y arrive at. Empleamos arrive in con países, ciudades, pueblos {etc}: Esperamos llegar a Italia el día 11 de junio We expect to arrive in Italy on 11 June Llegaremos a Córdoba dentro de dos horas We'll be arriving in Cordoba in two hours' time ► En cambio, se traduce por arrive at cuando nos referimos a lugares más pequeños, como aeropuertos, estaciones, {etc}. La expresión llegar a casa es una excepción, ya que se traduce por arrive/ get home, es decir, sin preposición: Llegamos al aeropuerto con cuatro horas de retraso We arrived at the airport four hours late Llegué a casa completamente agotada I arrived home completely exhausted Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    1) persona/tren/carta to arrive

    tienen que estar por or al llegar — they'll be arriving any minute now

    ¿falta mucho para llegar? — is it much further (to go)?

    llegar aa país/ciudad to arrive in; a edificio to arrive at

    llegar a casato arrive o get home

    ¿adónde quieres llegar? — what do you mean?

    a) camino/ruta ( extenderse)

    llegar hasta — to go all the way to, go as far as

    b) (ir)

    llegar a or hasta: este tren no llega hasta or a Lima this train doesn't go as far as o all the way to Lima; sólo llega al tercer piso — it only goes (up) to the third floor

    3) día/invierno to come, arrive

    ha llegado el momento de... — the time has come to...

    a) ( alcanzar) to reach

    llegar a algo a acuerdo to reach something

    llegué a la conclusión de que... — I reached o came to the conclusion that...

    b) (Esp) dinero/materiales ( ser suficiente) to be enough
    c) (alcanzar a medir, costar, etc)

    llegará lejosshe'll go far o a long way

    ¿llegó a saberlo? — did she ever find out?

    5) llegar a + inf

    llegué a pensar que... — I even began to think that...

    las cosas han llegado a tal punto que... — things have reached such a point that...

    si lo llego a saber, no vengo — if I'd known, I wouldn't have come

    si llego a enterarme de algo, te aviso — if I happen to hear anything, I'll let you know

    6) estilo/música (ser entendido, aceptado)
    llegarse v pron (fam)
    * * *
    = arrive, drop, turn up, come in, come, come to + Posesivo + attention, come with, roll in.
    Ex. The time has arrived when it is more appropriate to ask why cataloguing is still conducted on a manual basis, rather than to seek to justify the use of computers in cataloguing.
    Ex. The search profile will only be modified periodically as the quality of the set of notifications output from the search drops to unacceptable levels.
    Ex. Results showed that many users turn up at the library with only a sketcky idea of what they would like and spend much time browsing.
    Ex. Their duty is to come in before school each morning and check that the book checking system is in order and that the library is tidy and presentable.
    Ex. This article urges children's librarians to attack 'aliteracy' (lack of a desire to read) as well as illiteracy by taking programmes, e.g. story hours, to children who do not come to libraries.
    Ex. Information vital to certain people might not come to their attention if such people must rely only upon regular scanning of large numbers of periodicals.
    Ex. The problem comes with ideographic languages.
    Ex. With the summer rolling in, many of you might be looking for instructions on how to make fresh iced tea.
    * al llegar = on arrival.
    * cortar llegando al hueso = cut to + the bone.
    * cuando llegue la hora = when the time comes.
    * día + estar por llegar = day + be + yet to come.
    * estar aún por llegar = be yet to come.
    * haber llegado = be upon us.
    * hacer + Nombre + llegar hasta aquí = get + Nombre + this far.
    * hasta donde llegue = to the limits of.
    * llegar a = come to, reach, reach out to, find + Posesivo + way to, get through to, come up to, pull into, strike + a chord with.
    * llegar a acuerdo = make + arrangements.
    * llegar a casa = get + home.
    * llegar a esperar = come to + expect.
    * llegar a final de mes = make + ends meet.
    * llegar a formar parte de = find + Posesivo + way into/onto.
    * llegar a + Infinitivo = come to + Infinitivo.
    * llegar a + Infinitivo + se = come to be + Participio Pasado.
    * llegar a la conclusión = conclude, form + impression.
    * llegar a la conclusión de que = come to + the conclusion that, come up with + the conclusion that, get + the idea that.
    * llegar al corazón de = go to + the heart of.
    * llegar al extremo de = get to + the point of, go to + the extreme of.
    * llegar al extremo de + Infinitivo = go + (as/so) far as + Infinitivo.
    * llegar al final de = come to + the end of, get through.
    * llegar al final de su vida útil = come to + the end of + Posesivo + useful life, reach + the end of + Posesivo + useful life.
    * llegar al fondo de la cuestión = see to the + bottom of things.
    * llegar al fondo de una Cuestión = get to + the bottom of.
    * llegar al fondo de una Cuestión = get to + the root of.
    * llegar al límite = reach + the breaking point.
    * llegar al límite de + Posesivo + capacidad = stretch + Nombre + beyond the breaking point, stretch + Nombre + to breaking point, stretch + Nombre + to the limit.
    * llegar al meollo de la cuestión = arrive at + the heart of the matter.
    * llegar al punto álgido = reach + a head.
    * llegar al punto crítico = come to + a head.
    * llegar al punto de = be at the point of.
    * llegar al punto de + Infinitivo = go + (as/so) far as + Infinitivo.
    * llegar al quid de la cuestión = arrive at + the heart of the matter.
    * llegar a + Lugar = make + it + to + Lugar.
    * llegar andando pausadamente = stroll into + view.
    * llegar a ser = become, develop into.
    * llegar a ser conocido como = become + known as.
    * llegar a su fin = wind down, draw to + a close, draw to + an end.
    * llegar a tiempo = arrive + in time, arrive + on time.
    * llegar a todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llegar a todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llegar a una conclusión = draw + conclusion, make + deduction, reach + conclusion, arrive at + conclusion.
    * llegar a un acuerdo = conclude + agreement, reach + agreement, make + an undertaking, make + bargain, come to + consensus, reach + understanding, have + meeting of the minds, reach + consensus, hammer out + agreement, develop + compromise, work out + agreement, strike + deal, conclude + deal.
    * llegar a una decisión = arrive at + decision.
    * llegar a una definición = hammer out + definition.
    * llegar a una etapa = reach + point.
    * llegar a una solución = arrive at + a solution.
    * llegar a una solución intermedia = meet + Nombre + halfway.
    * llegar a un compromiso = reach + agreement, meet + Nombre + halfway.
    * llegar a un consenso = come to + consensus, reach + consensus.
    * llegar a un consenso sobre = get + a consensus on.
    * llegar a un extremo = reach + epic proportions.
    * llegar a un momento importante en su historia = reach + milestone.
    * llegar a un punto crítico = reach + turning point.
    * llegar a un veredicto = reach + verdict.
    * llegar demasiado lejos = go + too far.
    * llegar el momento en el que = reach + the point where.
    * llegar la hora de = time + come.
    * llegar lejos = get + far.
    * llegar más lejos = stretch + further.
    * llegar muy lejos = go + a long way, come + a long way.
    * llegar noticias = come to + Posesivo + notice.
    * llegar poco a poco = dribble in.
    * llegar tarde = arrive + late, run + late.
    * llegar tarde (a) = be late (for).
    * llegar tarde a casa = stay out + late.
    * llegar tarde al trabajo = be late for work.
    * lo mejor está aún por llegar = the best is yet to come.
    * momento + llegar = time + approach.
    * no haber llegado todavía = be yet to come.
    * no llegar a = stop + short of, fall + short of.
    * no llegar a entender = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * no llegar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no llegar a un ideal = fall + short of ideal.
    * por fin llegó la hora (de) = it's about time (that).
    * recesión + llegar = recession + set in.
    * ser un medio para llegar a un fin = be the means to an end.
    * si se llega a un acuerdo = subject to + agreement.
    * un medio para llegar a fin = a means to an end.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    1) persona/tren/carta to arrive

    tienen que estar por or al llegar — they'll be arriving any minute now

    ¿falta mucho para llegar? — is it much further (to go)?

    llegar aa país/ciudad to arrive in; a edificio to arrive at

    llegar a casato arrive o get home

    ¿adónde quieres llegar? — what do you mean?

    a) camino/ruta ( extenderse)

    llegar hasta — to go all the way to, go as far as

    b) (ir)

    llegar a or hasta: este tren no llega hasta or a Lima this train doesn't go as far as o all the way to Lima; sólo llega al tercer piso — it only goes (up) to the third floor

    3) día/invierno to come, arrive

    ha llegado el momento de... — the time has come to...

    a) ( alcanzar) to reach

    llegar a algo a acuerdo to reach something

    llegué a la conclusión de que... — I reached o came to the conclusion that...

    b) (Esp) dinero/materiales ( ser suficiente) to be enough
    c) (alcanzar a medir, costar, etc)

    llegará lejosshe'll go far o a long way

    ¿llegó a saberlo? — did she ever find out?

    5) llegar a + inf

    llegué a pensar que... — I even began to think that...

    las cosas han llegado a tal punto que... — things have reached such a point that...

    si lo llego a saber, no vengo — if I'd known, I wouldn't have come

    si llego a enterarme de algo, te aviso — if I happen to hear anything, I'll let you know

    6) estilo/música (ser entendido, aceptado)
    llegarse v pron (fam)
    * * *
    = arrive, drop, turn up, come in, come, come to + Posesivo + attention, come with, roll in.

    Ex: The time has arrived when it is more appropriate to ask why cataloguing is still conducted on a manual basis, rather than to seek to justify the use of computers in cataloguing.

    Ex: The search profile will only be modified periodically as the quality of the set of notifications output from the search drops to unacceptable levels.
    Ex: Results showed that many users turn up at the library with only a sketcky idea of what they would like and spend much time browsing.
    Ex: Their duty is to come in before school each morning and check that the book checking system is in order and that the library is tidy and presentable.
    Ex: This article urges children's librarians to attack 'aliteracy' (lack of a desire to read) as well as illiteracy by taking programmes, e.g. story hours, to children who do not come to libraries.
    Ex: Information vital to certain people might not come to their attention if such people must rely only upon regular scanning of large numbers of periodicals.
    Ex: The problem comes with ideographic languages.
    Ex: With the summer rolling in, many of you might be looking for instructions on how to make fresh iced tea.
    * al llegar = on arrival.
    * cortar llegando al hueso = cut to + the bone.
    * cuando llegue la hora = when the time comes.
    * día + estar por llegar = day + be + yet to come.
    * estar aún por llegar = be yet to come.
    * haber llegado = be upon us.
    * hacer + Nombre + llegar hasta aquí = get + Nombre + this far.
    * hasta donde llegue = to the limits of.
    * llegar a = come to, reach, reach out to, find + Posesivo + way to, get through to, come up to, pull into, strike + a chord with.
    * llegar a acuerdo = make + arrangements.
    * llegar a casa = get + home.
    * llegar a esperar = come to + expect.
    * llegar a final de mes = make + ends meet.
    * llegar a formar parte de = find + Posesivo + way into/onto.
    * llegar a + Infinitivo = come to + Infinitivo.
    * llegar a + Infinitivo + se = come to be + Participio Pasado.
    * llegar a la conclusión = conclude, form + impression.
    * llegar a la conclusión de que = come to + the conclusion that, come up with + the conclusion that, get + the idea that.
    * llegar al corazón de = go to + the heart of.
    * llegar al extremo de = get to + the point of, go to + the extreme of.
    * llegar al extremo de + Infinitivo = go + (as/so) far as + Infinitivo.
    * llegar al final de = come to + the end of, get through.
    * llegar al final de su vida útil = come to + the end of + Posesivo + useful life, reach + the end of + Posesivo + useful life.
    * llegar al fondo de la cuestión = see to the + bottom of things.
    * llegar al fondo de una Cuestión = get to + the bottom of.
    * llegar al fondo de una Cuestión = get to + the root of.
    * llegar al límite = reach + the breaking point.
    * llegar al límite de + Posesivo + capacidad = stretch + Nombre + beyond the breaking point, stretch + Nombre + to breaking point, stretch + Nombre + to the limit.
    * llegar al meollo de la cuestión = arrive at + the heart of the matter.
    * llegar al punto álgido = reach + a head.
    * llegar al punto crítico = come to + a head.
    * llegar al punto de = be at the point of.
    * llegar al punto de + Infinitivo = go + (as/so) far as + Infinitivo.
    * llegar al quid de la cuestión = arrive at + the heart of the matter.
    * llegar a + Lugar = make + it + to + Lugar.
    * llegar andando pausadamente = stroll into + view.
    * llegar a ser = become, develop into.
    * llegar a ser conocido como = become + known as.
    * llegar a su fin = wind down, draw to + a close, draw to + an end.
    * llegar a tiempo = arrive + in time, arrive + on time.
    * llegar a todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llegar a todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llegar a una conclusión = draw + conclusion, make + deduction, reach + conclusion, arrive at + conclusion.
    * llegar a un acuerdo = conclude + agreement, reach + agreement, make + an undertaking, make + bargain, come to + consensus, reach + understanding, have + meeting of the minds, reach + consensus, hammer out + agreement, develop + compromise, work out + agreement, strike + deal, conclude + deal.
    * llegar a una decisión = arrive at + decision.
    * llegar a una definición = hammer out + definition.
    * llegar a una etapa = reach + point.
    * llegar a una solución = arrive at + a solution.
    * llegar a una solución intermedia = meet + Nombre + halfway.
    * llegar a un compromiso = reach + agreement, meet + Nombre + halfway.
    * llegar a un consenso = come to + consensus, reach + consensus.
    * llegar a un consenso sobre = get + a consensus on.
    * llegar a un extremo = reach + epic proportions.
    * llegar a un momento importante en su historia = reach + milestone.
    * llegar a un punto crítico = reach + turning point.
    * llegar a un veredicto = reach + verdict.
    * llegar demasiado lejos = go + too far.
    * llegar el momento en el que = reach + the point where.
    * llegar la hora de = time + come.
    * llegar lejos = get + far.
    * llegar más lejos = stretch + further.
    * llegar muy lejos = go + a long way, come + a long way.
    * llegar noticias = come to + Posesivo + notice.
    * llegar poco a poco = dribble in.
    * llegar tarde = arrive + late, run + late.
    * llegar tarde (a) = be late (for).
    * llegar tarde a casa = stay out + late.
    * llegar tarde al trabajo = be late for work.
    * lo mejor está aún por llegar = the best is yet to come.
    * momento + llegar = time + approach.
    * no haber llegado todavía = be yet to come.
    * no llegar a = stop + short of, fall + short of.
    * no llegar a entender = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * no llegar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no llegar a un ideal = fall + short of ideal.
    * por fin llegó la hora (de) = it's about time (that).
    * recesión + llegar = recession + set in.
    * ser un medio para llegar a un fin = be the means to an end.
    * si se llega a un acuerdo = subject to + agreement.
    * un medio para llegar a fin = a means to an end.

    * * *
    llegar [A3 ]
    A «persona/tren/carta» to arrive
    tienen que estar al llegar they'll be arriving any minute now
    ¿cuándo llegan tus primos? when are your cousins arriving?, when do your cousins arrive?
    ¿falta mucho para llegar? is it much further (to go)?
    ¿a qué hora llega el avión? what time does the plane arrive o get in?
    siempre llega tarde he's always late
    llegó (el) primero/(el) último he was the first/the last to arrive, he arrived first/last
    llegaron cansadísimos they were exhausted when they arrived
    no me llegó el telegrama I didn't get the telegram, the telegram didn't get to me o didn't reach me
    nos llega una noticia de última hora we have a late news item
    me hizo llegar un mensaje he got a message to me
    sus palabras me llegaban con mucho ruido de fondo there was a lot of background noise when I was talking to him
    llegar A (a un país, una ciudad) to arrive in; (a un edificio) to arrive at
    llegó a Bogotá en un vuelo de Avianca he arrived in Bogotá on an Avianca flight
    llegó al aeropuerto a las dos she arrived at o got to the airport at two o'clock
    el primer corredor que llegó a la meta the first runner to cross o reach the finishing line
    llegamos a casa a las dos we got o arrived home at two o'clock
    llegué a su casa de noche I got to o reached his house at night
    la carta nunca llegó a mis manos the letter never reached me
    el rumor llegó a oídos del alcalde the rumor reached the mayor
    ¿adónde quieres llegar con tantas preguntas? what are you getting at o driving at with all these questions?
    llegar DE to arrive from
    acaba de llegar de Hamburgo he's just arrived from o got(ten) ( o flown etc) in from Hamburg
    1 «camino/ruta» (extenderse) llegar HASTA; to go all the way to, go as far as
    ahora la carretera llega hasta San Pedro the road goes all the way to o goes as far as San Pedro now
    2 (ir) llegar A/ HASTA:
    este autobús no llega hasta or a Las Torres this bus doesn't go as far as o all the way to Las Torres
    sólo llega al tercer piso it only goes (up) to the third floor
    C «día/invierno» to come, arrive
    el invierno llegó temprano winter came early
    cuando llegue la estación de las lluvias when the rainy season starts
    ha llegado el momento de tomar una decisión the time has come to make a decision
    pensé que nunca llegaría este momento I thought this moment would never come o arrive
    llegará el día en que se dé cuenta de su error the day will come when he'll realize his mistake
    cuando llegó la noche todavía estaban lejos when night fell o at nightfall they were still a long way away
    1 (alcanzar) to reach
    no llego ni con la escalera I can't even reach with the ladder
    llegar A algo to reach sth
    tiene que subirse a una silla para llegar al estante he has to stand on a chair to reach the shelf
    las cosas han llegado a tal punto, que … things have got to o have reached such a point that …
    los pies no le llegan al suelo her feet don't touch the floor
    esa cuerda no llega al otro lado that rope won't reach to the other side
    la falda le llegaba a los tobillos her skirt came down to o reached her ankles
    su voz llegaba al fondo del teatro her voice carried to the back of the theater
    el agua le llegaba al cuello the water came up to her neck
    por ambos métodos llegamos al mismo resultado both methods lead us to the same result, we arrive at o reach the same result by both methods
    llegué a la conclusión de que me habías mentido I reached o came to the conclusion that you had been lying to me
    no se llegó a ningún acuerdo no agreement was reached
    sé algo de electrónica, pero a tanto no llego I know something about electronics but not that much o but my knowledge doesn't extend that far
    2 «dinero/materiales» (ser suficiente) to be enough
    con un kilo llega para todos a kilo's enough o a kilo will do for all of us
    no me llega el dinero I don't have enough money
    (alcanzar a medir, costar, etc): este trozo de tela no llega a los dos metros this piece of material is less than two meters
    me sorprendería si llegara a tanto I'd be surprised if it came to that much o if it was as much as that
    no llegaban a 500 personas there weren't even 500 people there
    (expresando logro): llegará lejos she'll go far o a long way
    como sigas así no vas a llegar a ningún lado if you carry on like this, you'll never get anywhere
    no creo que llegues a convencerme I don't think you'll manage to convince me
    quiero que llegues a ser alguien I want you to be someone o to make something of yourself
    nunca llegó a (ser) director he never became director, he never made it to director ( colloq)
    (en el tiempo): este gobierno no llegará a las próximas elecciones this government won't survive till the next elections
    como sigas fumando así no llegarás a viejo if you go on smoking like that you won't live to old age
    con los años llegué a conocerlo mejor I got to know him better over the years
    ¿llegaste a verlo? did you manage o did you get to see it?
    ¿llegó a saber quién era su padre? did she ever find out who her father was?
    el invento puede llegar a ser de gran utilidad the invention could prove to be very useful
    1 (como intensificador) llegar A + INF:
    llegó a amenazarme con el despido she even threatened to fire me, she went so far as to threaten to fire me
    llegué a pensar que me engañaba I even began to think he was deceiving me
    no llegó a pegarme, pero … he didn't actually hit me, but …
    llegó a aburrirme con sus constantes quejas I grew tired of o I got bored with his constant complaining
    puede incluso llegar a ganarle he might even beat him
    (en oraciones condicionales): si lo llego a saber, no vengo if I'd known, I wouldn't have come
    si llego a enterarme de algo, te aviso if I happen to hear anything, I'll let you know
    si lo llegas a perder, te mato if you lose it, I'll kill you, if you go and lose it o if you manage to lose it, I'll kill you ( colloq)
    «estilo/música» (ser entendido, aceptado): tiene un estilo que no llega a la gente people can't relate to o understand his style
    emplea un lenguaje que llega a la juventud he uses language that gets through to o means something to young people
    ( fam):
    llégate hasta su casa y dale este paquete run over to her house and give her this parcel ( colloq)
    llégate a la tienda y trae algo de beber run out o over to the store and get something to drink, nip o pop out to the shop and get something to drink ( BrE colloq)
    * * *


    llegar ( conjugate llegar) verbo intransitivo
    1 [persona/tren/carta] to arrive;
    tienen que estar por or al llegar they'll be arriving any minute now;

    ¿falta mucho para llegar? is it much further (to go)?;
    siempre llega tarde he's always late;
    no me llegó el telegrama I didn't get the telegram;
    llegar a algo ‹a país/ciudad› to arrive in sth;

    a edificio› to arrive at sth;
    llegar a casa to arrive o get home;

    el rumor llegó a oídos del alcalde the rumor reached the mayor
    2 [camino/ruta/tren] (ir) llegar a or hasta to go all the way to, go as far as;

    3 [día/invierno] to come, arrive;
    ha llegado el momento de … the time has come to …


    llegar a algo ‹a acuerdo/conclusión to reach sth, come to sth;
    a estante/techo to reach;
    llegué a la conclusión de que… I reached o came to the conclusion that …;

    los pies no le llegan al suelo her feet don't touch the floor;
    la falda le llegaba a los tobillos her skirt came down to her ankles;
    el agua le llegaba al cuello the water came up to her neck;
    las cosas llegaron a tal punto que … things reached such a point that …

    llegará lejos she'll go far o a long way;

    así no vas a llegar a ningún lado you'll never get anywhere like that;
    llegó a (ser) director he became director;
    llegar a viejo to live to old age;
    llegué a conocerlo mejor I got to know him better
    5 llegar a + inf

    no llegó a pegarme he didn't actually hit me

    si lo llego a saber, no vengo if I'd known, I wouldn't have come;

    si llego a enterarme de algo, te aviso if I happen to hear anything, I'll let you know
    llegar verbo intransitivo
    1 to arrive: llegué la última, I arrived last
    está al llegar, she's about to arrive
    llegar a la ciudad, to arrive at the town
    2 (momento, acontecimiento) llegó la hora de..., the time has come to...
    llegaron las heladas, the frosts came
    3 (alcanzar) to reach: no llego al último estante, I can't reach the top shelf
    (una meta) llegar a la cumbre, he reached the peak
    4 (ser suficiente) to be enough
    5 ( llegar a + infinitivo) to go so far as to: llegué a creerlo, I even believed it
    llegaron a insultarnos, they went so far as to abuse us
    figurado llegar a las manos, to come to blows
    llegar a ser, to become
    ♦ Locuciones: estar al llegar, to be about to arrive
    llegar a buen puerto, to reach a satisfactory conclusion o to arrive safely
    no llegar la sangre al río, to not have serious consequences
    no llegar a la suela del zapato, not to be able to hold a candle to
    ' llegar' also found in these entries:
    - achantarse
    - alcanzar
    - anticiparse
    - apercibirse
    - atrasarse
    - aviar
    - caer
    - concesión
    - dialogar
    - dirigir
    - excusa
    - lejos
    - moderar
    - odisea
    - oído
    - plantarse
    - puerto
    - retrasar
    - retrasarse
    - sangre
    - santa
    - santo
    - seguir
    - sentir
    - suela
    - última
    - último
    - vadear
    - venir
    - acuerdo
    - ánimo
    - antes
    - aparecer
    - atrasar
    - bueno
    - cuánto
    - cuestión
    - culminar
    - demorar
    - erigir
    - improviso
    - indicación
    - indicar
    - instrucción
    - junto
    - lujo
    - mano
    - mayoría
    - novedad
    - age
    - agree
    - agreement
    - amount to
    - arrive
    - bear
    - bottom
    - call
    - check in
    - close
    - come
    - come in
    - come through
    - come to
    - come up to
    - compromise
    - deal
    - decide
    - decision
    - draw in
    - end
    - fail
    - filter out
    - filter through
    - first
    - fog
    - gallop up
    - get
    - get in
    - get into
    - get up to
    - grip
    - half-way
    - head
    - home
    - hope
    - in
    - just
    - late
    - leak out I
    - make
    - master
    - only
    - place
    - power
    - pull in
    - reach
    - roll in
    - roll up
    * * *
    1. [persona, vehículo, medio de transporte] to arrive (de from);
    llegar a un hotel/al aeropuerto to arrive at a hotel/at the airport;
    llegar a una ciudad/a un país to arrive in a city/in a country;
    llegar a casa to get home;
    llegar a la meta to cross the finishing line;
    cuando llegué a esta empresa… when I arrived at o first came to this company…;
    llegaremos a la estación de Caracas a las dos we will be arriving at Caracas station at two o'clock;
    nosotros llegamos primero o [m5] los primeros we arrived first;
    el atleta cubano llegó primero the Cuban athlete came first;
    llegaban muy contentos they were very happy when they arrived, they arrived very happy;
    llegaré pronto I'll be there early;
    este avión llega tarde this plane is late;
    estar al llegar: deben de estar al llegar they must be about to arrive, they're bound to arrive any minute now;
    los Juegos Olímpicos están al llegar the Olympics are coming up soon;
    ¿falta mucho para llegar o [m5] para que lleguemos? is there far to go?;
    así no llegarás a ninguna parte you'll never get anywhere like that;
    llegará lejos she'll go far
    2. [carta, recado, mensaje] to arrive;
    llegarle a alguien: no me ha llegado aún el paquete the parcel still hasn't arrived, I still haven't received the parcel;
    ayer me llegó un mensaje suyo por correo electrónico I got o received an e-mail from him yesterday;
    hacer llegar un mensaje o [m5] recado a alguien to pass a message on to sb;
    si llega a oídos de ella… if she gets to hear about this…
    3. [tiempo, noche, momento] to come;
    cuando llegue el momento te enterarás you'll find out when the time comes;
    ha llegado el invierno winter has come o arrived
    4. [alcanzar]
    llegar a to reach;
    no llego al techo I can't reach the ceiling;
    el barro me llegaba a las rodillas the mud came up to my knees, I was up to my knees in mud;
    quiero una chaqueta que me llegue por debajo de la cintura I want a jacket that comes down to below my waist;
    llegar a un acuerdo to come to o reach an agreement;
    llegamos a la conclusión de que era inútil seguir we came to o reached the conclusion that it wasn't worth continuing;
    llegar hasta to reach up to;
    esta carretera sólo llega hasta Veracruz this road only goes as far as Veracruz;
    el ascensor no llega a o [m5] hasta la última planta the Br lift o US elevator doesn't go up to the top floor
    5. [ascender]
    el importe total de la reparación no llega a 5.000 pesos the total cost of the repairs is less than o below 5,000 pesos;
    los espectadores no llegaban ni siquiera a mil there weren't even as many as a thousand spectators there
    6. [ser suficiente] to be enough ( para for);
    el dinero no me llega para comprarme una casa the money isn't enough for me to buy a house
    7. [lograr]
    llegar a (ser) algo to get to be sth, to become sth;
    llegó a ser campeón de Europa he became European champion;
    llegar a hacer algo to manage to do sth;
    pesaba mucho, pero al final llegué a levantarlo it was very heavy, but I managed to lift it up in the end;
    nunca llegó a (entrar en) las listas de éxitos she never made it into the charts;
    nunca llegué a conocerlo I never actually met him;
    si llego a saberlo… [en el futuro] if I happen to find out…;
    [en el pasado] if I had known…
    8. [al extremo de]
    llegó a decirme… he went as far as to say to me…;
    hemos llegado a pagar 4.000 euros at times we've had to pay as much as 4,000 euros;
    cuesta llegar a creerlo it's very hard to believe it;
    ¡hasta aquí o [m5] ahí podíamos llegar! this is beyond a joke o absolutely outrageous!
    9. [causar impresión, interesar]
    tiene una imagen que no llega al electorado she fails to project a strong image to the electorate;
    son canciones sencillas que llegan a la gente they are simple songs that mean something to people;
    lo que dijo me llegó al alma her words really struck home
    10. [durar]
    llegar a o [m5] hasta to last until;
    este año las rebajas llegarán hasta bien entrado febrero the sales this year will last until well into February;
    está muy enferma, no creo que llegue a las Navidades she's very ill, I doubt whether she'll make it to Christmas
    11. Méx Fam
    voy a llegarle [ya me voy] I'm off home;
    ¡llégale! [no hay problema] no problem!, don't worry!
    12. Méx Fam
    llegarle a alguien [pedirle salir] to ask sb out
    * * *
    1 arrive;
    ha llegado la primavera spring is here, spring has arrived;
    está al llegar he’ll arrive momentarily, he’s about to arrive
    2 ( alcanzar) reach;
    me llega hasta las rodillas it comes down to my knees;
    el agua me llegaba a la cintura the water came up to my waist;
    no llego a comprender por qué … I don’t understand why …;
    la comida no llegó para todos there wasn’t enough food for everyone;
    ¡hasta ahí podíamos llegar! fam that’s going too far!, that’s a bit much! fam ;
    llegar a saber find out;
    llegar a ser get to be;
    llegar a viejo live to a ripe old age;
    llegar a presidente get to be president, become president
    * * *
    llegar {52} vi
    1) : to arrive, to come
    llegar a : to arrive at, to reach, to amount to
    llegar a : to manage to
    llegó a terminar la novela: she managed to finish the novel
    llegar a ser : to become
    llegó a ser un miembro permanente: he became a permanent member
    * * *
    llegar vb
    1. (en general) to arrive / to get
    acabo de llegar I've just arrived / I've just got here
    ¿a qué hora llegaréis a Londres? what time will you arrive in London?
    cuando lleguemos a Tudela, cenaremos we'll have dinner when we get to Tudela
    2. (alcanzar) to reach
    ¿llegas? can you reach?
    3. (tiempo) to come [pt. came; pp. come]
    ¡ha llegado la primavera! spring is here!
    4. (altura) to come
    6. (ser suficiente) to be enough
    llegar a ser to become [pt. became; pp. become]

    Spanish-English dictionary > llegar

  • 42 Language

       Philosophy is written in that great book, the universe, which is always open, right before our eyes. But one cannot understand this book without first learning to understand the language and to know the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and the characters are triangles, circles, and other figures. Without these, one cannot understand a single word of it, and just wanders in a dark labyrinth. (Galileo, 1990, p. 232)
       It never happens that it [a nonhuman animal] arranges its speech in various ways in order to reply appropriately to everything that may be said in its presence, as even the lowest type of man can do. (Descartes, 1970a, p. 116)
       It is a very remarkable fact that there are none so depraved and stupid, without even excepting idiots, that they cannot arrange different words together, forming of them a statement by which they make known their thoughts; while, on the other hand, there is no other animal, however perfect and fortunately circumstanced it may be, which can do the same. (Descartes, 1967, p. 116)
       Human beings do not live in the object world alone, nor alone in the world of social activity as ordinarily understood, but are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society. It is quite an illusion to imagine that one adjusts to reality essentially without the use of language and that language is merely an incidental means of solving specific problems of communication or reflection. The fact of the matter is that the "real world" is to a large extent unconsciously built on the language habits of the group.... We see and hear and otherwise experience very largely as we do because the language habits of our community predispose certain choices of interpretation. (Sapir, 1921, p. 75)
       It powerfully conditions all our thinking about social problems and processes.... No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same worlds with different labels attached. (Sapir, 1985, p. 162)
       [A list of language games, not meant to be exhaustive:]
       Giving orders, and obeying them- Describing the appearance of an object, or giving its measurements- Constructing an object from a description (a drawing)Reporting an eventSpeculating about an eventForming and testing a hypothesisPresenting the results of an experiment in tables and diagramsMaking up a story; and reading itPlay actingSinging catchesGuessing riddlesMaking a joke; and telling it
       Solving a problem in practical arithmeticTranslating from one language into another
       LANGUAGE Asking, thanking, cursing, greeting, and praying-. (Wittgenstein, 1953, Pt. I, No. 23, pp. 11 e-12 e)
       We dissect nature along lines laid down by our native languages.... The world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions which has to be organized by our minds-and this means largely by the linguistic systems in our minds.... No individual is free to describe nature with absolute impartiality but is constrained to certain modes of interpretation even while he thinks himself most free. (Whorf, 1956, pp. 153, 213-214)
       We dissect nature along the lines laid down by our native languages.
       The categories and types that we isolate from the world of phenomena we do not find there because they stare every observer in the face; on the contrary, the world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions which has to be organized by our minds-and this means largely by the linguistic systems in our minds.... We are thus introduced to a new principle of relativity, which holds that all observers are not led by the same physical evidence to the same picture of the universe, unless their linguistic backgrounds are similar or can in some way be calibrated. (Whorf, 1956, pp. 213-214)
       9) The Forms of a Person's Thoughts Are Controlled by Unperceived Patterns of His Own Language
       The forms of a person's thoughts are controlled by inexorable laws of pattern of which he is unconscious. These patterns are the unperceived intricate systematizations of his own language-shown readily enough by a candid comparison and contrast with other languages, especially those of a different linguistic family. (Whorf, 1956, p. 252)
       It has come to be commonly held that many utterances which look like statements are either not intended at all, or only intended in part, to record or impart straightforward information about the facts.... Many traditional philosophical perplexities have arisen through a mistake-the mistake of taking as straightforward statements of fact utterances which are either (in interesting non-grammatical ways) nonsensical or else intended as something quite different. (Austin, 1962, pp. 2-3)
       In general, one might define a complex of semantic components connected by logical constants as a concept. The dictionary of a language is then a system of concepts in which a phonological form and certain syntactic and morphological characteristics are assigned to each concept. This system of concepts is structured by several types of relations. It is supplemented, furthermore, by redundancy or implicational rules..., representing general properties of the whole system of concepts.... At least a relevant part of these general rules is not bound to particular languages, but represents presumably universal structures of natural languages. They are not learned, but are rather a part of the human ability to acquire an arbitrary natural language. (Bierwisch, 1970, pp. 171-172)
       In studying the evolution of mind, we cannot guess to what extent there are physically possible alternatives to, say, transformational generative grammar, for an organism meeting certain other physical conditions characteristic of humans. Conceivably, there are none-or very few-in which case talk about evolution of the language capacity is beside the point. (Chomsky, 1972, p. 98)
       [It is] truth value rather than syntactic well-formedness that chiefly governs explicit verbal reinforcement by parents-which renders mildly paradoxical the fact that the usual product of such a training schedule is an adult whose speech is highly grammatical but not notably truthful. (R. O. Brown, 1973, p. 330)
       he conceptual base is responsible for formally representing the concepts underlying an utterance.... A given word in a language may or may not have one or more concepts underlying it.... On the sentential level, the utterances of a given language are encoded within a syntactic structure of that language. The basic construction of the sentential level is the sentence.
       The next highest level... is the conceptual level. We call the basic construction of this level the conceptualization. A conceptualization consists of concepts and certain relations among those concepts. We can consider that both levels exist at the same point in time and that for any unit on one level, some corresponding realizate exists on the other level. This realizate may be null or extremely complex.... Conceptualizations may relate to other conceptualizations by nesting or other specified relationships. (Schank, 1973, pp. 191-192)
       The mathematics of multi-dimensional interactive spaces and lattices, the projection of "computer behavior" on to possible models of cerebral functions, the theoretical and mechanical investigation of artificial intelligence, are producing a stream of sophisticated, often suggestive ideas.
       But it is, I believe, fair to say that nothing put forward until now in either theoretic design or mechanical mimicry comes even remotely in reach of the most rudimentary linguistic realities. (Steiner, 1975, p. 284)
       The step from the simple tool to the master tool, a tool to make tools (what we would now call a machine tool), seems to me indeed to parallel the final step to human language, which I call reconstitution. It expresses in a practical and social context the same understanding of hierarchy, and shows the same analysis by function as a basis for synthesis. (Bronowski, 1977, pp. 127-128)
        t is the language donn eґ in which we conduct our lives.... We have no other. And the danger is that formal linguistic models, in their loosely argued analogy with the axiomatic structure of the mathematical sciences, may block perception.... It is quite conceivable that, in language, continuous induction from simple, elemental units to more complex, realistic forms is not justified. The extent and formal "undecidability" of context-and every linguistic particle above the level of the phoneme is context-bound-may make it impossible, except in the most abstract, meta-linguistic sense, to pass from "pro-verbs," "kernals," or "deep deep structures" to actual speech. (Steiner, 1975, pp. 111-113)
       A higher-level formal language is an abstract machine. (Weizenbaum, 1976, p. 113)
       Jakobson sees metaphor and metonymy as the characteristic modes of binarily opposed polarities which between them underpin the two-fold process of selection and combination by which linguistic signs are formed.... Thus messages are constructed, as Saussure said, by a combination of a "horizontal" movement, which combines words together, and a "vertical" movement, which selects the particular words from the available inventory or "inner storehouse" of the language. The combinative (or syntagmatic) process manifests itself in contiguity (one word being placed next to another) and its mode is metonymic. The selective (or associative) process manifests itself in similarity (one word or concept being "like" another) and its mode is metaphoric. The "opposition" of metaphor and metonymy therefore may be said to represent in effect the essence of the total opposition between the synchronic mode of language (its immediate, coexistent, "vertical" relationships) and its diachronic mode (its sequential, successive, lineal progressive relationships). (Hawkes, 1977, pp. 77-78)
       It is striking that the layered structure that man has given to language constantly reappears in his analyses of nature. (Bronowski, 1977, p. 121)
       First, [an ideal intertheoretic reduction] provides us with a set of rules"correspondence rules" or "bridge laws," as the standard vernacular has it-which effect a mapping of the terms of the old theory (T o) onto a subset of the expressions of the new or reducing theory (T n). These rules guide the application of those selected expressions of T n in the following way: we are free to make singular applications of their correspondencerule doppelgangers in T o....
       Second, and equally important, a successful reduction ideally has the outcome that, under the term mapping effected by the correspondence rules, the central principles of T o (those of semantic and systematic importance) are mapped onto general sentences of T n that are theorems of Tn. (P. Churchland, 1979, p. 81)
       If non-linguistic factors must be included in grammar: beliefs, attitudes, etc. [this would] amount to a rejection of the initial idealization of language as an object of study. A priori such a move cannot be ruled out, but it must be empirically motivated. If it proves to be correct, I would conclude that language is a chaos that is not worth studying.... Note that the question is not whether beliefs or attitudes, and so on, play a role in linguistic behavior and linguistic judgments... [but rather] whether distinct cognitive structures can be identified, which interact in the real use of language and linguistic judgments, the grammatical system being one of these. (Chomsky, 1979, pp. 140, 152-153)
        23) Language Is Inevitably Influenced by Specific Contexts of Human Interaction
       Language cannot be studied in isolation from the investigation of "rationality." It cannot afford to neglect our everyday assumptions concerning the total behavior of a reasonable person.... An integrational linguistics must recognize that human beings inhabit a communicational space which is not neatly compartmentalized into language and nonlanguage.... It renounces in advance the possibility of setting up systems of forms and meanings which will "account for" a central core of linguistic behavior irrespective of the situation and communicational purposes involved. (Harris, 1981, p. 165)
       By innate [linguistic knowledge], Chomsky simply means "genetically programmed." He does not literally think that children are born with language in their heads ready to be spoken. He merely claims that a "blueprint is there, which is brought into use when the child reaches a certain point in her general development. With the help of this blueprint, she analyzes the language she hears around her more readily than she would if she were totally unprepared for the strange gabbling sounds which emerge from human mouths. (Aitchison, 1987, p. 31)
       Looking at ourselves from the computer viewpoint, we cannot avoid seeing that natural language is our most important "programming language." This means that a vast portion of our knowledge and activity is, for us, best communicated and understood in our natural language.... One could say that natural language was our first great original artifact and, since, as we increasingly realize, languages are machines, so natural language, with our brains to run it, was our primal invention of the universal computer. One could say this except for the sneaking suspicion that language isn't something we invented but something we became, not something we constructed but something in which we created, and recreated, ourselves. (Leiber, 1991, p. 8)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Language

  • 43 машинное оборудование

    1. machinery


    машинное оборудование
    термин " машинное оборудование" означает:
    - сборочную единицу, состоящую из соединенных частей или компонентов, по крайней мере, одна из которых находится в движении, имеет соответствующие приводы, схему управления, цепь питания, и т.д., соединенные вместе с целью специального применения, в частности, для производства, обработки, перемещения или упаковки материала;
    - группу машин, которые для достижения той же цели организованы и управляется таким образом, что они функционируют как единое целое;
    - взаимозаменяемое оборудование, модифицирующее функции машины, которое отдельно поставляется на рынок и предназначено для установки на машине или на серии различных машин или на приводном устройстве самим оператором, при условии, что данное оборудование не является запасной частью или инструментом.
    [Директива 98/37/ЕЭС по машинному оборудованию]


    ‘machinery’ means:
    — an assembly of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves, with the appropriate
    actuators, control and power circuits, etc., joined together for a specific application, in particular
    for the processing, treatment, moving or packaging of a material,
    — an assembly of machines which, in order to achieve the same end, are arranged and controlled so that they function as an integral whole,
    — interchangeable equipment modifying the function of a machine, which is placed on the market for the purpose of being assembled with a machine or a series of different machines or with a tractor by the operator himself in so far as this equipment is not a spare part or a tool

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    3. The following are excluded from the scope of this Directive:

    3. Из области применения данной Директивы исключаются:

    — machinery whose only power source is directly applied manual effort, unless it is a machine used for lifting or lowering loads,

    - машинное оборудование, для которых источником энергии является исключительно непосредственное применение ручной силы, за исключением механизмов для подъема и опускания грузов;

    — machinery for medical use used in direct contact with patients,

    - медицинские приборы;

    — special equipment for use in fairgrounds and/or amusement parks,

    - специальное оборудование для использования в аттракционах и/или парках для развлечений;

    — steam boilers, tanks and pressure vessels,

    - паровые котлы, резервуары и сосуды под давлением;

    — machinery specially designed or put into service for nuclear purposes which, in the event of failure, may result in an emission of radioactivity,

    - машинное оборудование, специально сконструированное или используемое в атомной отрасли, которые в случае аварии могут привести к выделению радиоактивных веществ;

    — radioactive sources forming part of a machine,

    - радиоактивные источники, составляющие часть машин;

    — firearms,

    - стрелковое оружие;

    — storage tanks and pipelines for petrol, diesel fuel, inflammable liquids and dangerous substances,

    - емкости для хранения или трубопроводы для бензина, дизельного топлива, огнеопасных жидкостей и опасных веществ;

    — means of transport, i.e. vehicles and their trailers intended solely for transporting passengers by air or on road, rail or water networks, as well as means of transport in so far as such means are designed for transporting goods by air, on public road or rail networks or on water. Vehicles used in the mineral extraction industry shall not be excluded,

    - транспортные средства, т.е. средства перевозки и их прицепы, предназначенные исключительно для перевозки пассажиров по воздуху, автодороге, железной дороге, или водными путями, а также транспортные средства, сконструированные для транспортировки грузов по воздуху, по общедоступным дорогам, железным дорогам или водным путям. Средства транспортировки, используемые в горнодобывающей промышленности, не исключаются из области применения настоящей Директивы;

    — seagoing vessels and mobile offshore units together with equipment on board such vessels or units,

    - морские суда и мобильные береговые агрегаты вместе с оборудованием на борту, такие как танки или установки;

    — cableways, including funicular railways, for the public or private transportation of persons,

    - канатные дороги, включая фуникулерные железные дороги для общественного или частного пользования, предназначенные для транспортировки людей;

    — agricultural and forestry tractors, as defined in Article 1(1) of Directive 74/150/EEC (1),

    (1) Council Directive 74/150/EEC of 4 March 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors (OJ L 84, 28.3.1974, p. 10). Directive as last amended by Decision 95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC (OJ L 1.1.1995, p. 1).

    -сельскохозяйственные и лесные тракторы, подпадающие под определение статьи 1 (1) Директивы Совета 74/150/ЕЭС(1);

    (1) Директива Совета 74/150/ЕЭС от 4 марта 1974 г. по сближению законодательных актов Государств-членов, относящихся к одобрению типов колесных сельскохозяйственных или лесных тракторов (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 84, 28.3.1974 г., стр.10). Директива, измененная последний раз Решением 95/1/ЕЭС, Евроатом, ECSC (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 1/1/1995 г., стр 1)

    — machines specially designed and constructed for military or police purposes,

    - машины, специально сконструированные и созданные для военных и полицейских целей;

    — lifts which permanently serve specific levels of buildings and constructions, having a car moving between guides which are rigid and inclined at an angle of more than 15 degrees to the horizontal and designed for the transport of:
    (i) persons;
    (ii) persons and goods;
    (iii) goods alone if the car is accessible, that is to say, a person may enter it without difficulty, and fitted with controls situated inside the car or within reach of a person inside,

    - лифты и подъемные устройства, постоянно обслуживающие определенные уровни зданий и конструкций, имеющие транспортную тележку, движущуюся между жесткими направляющими, которые имеют угол наклона более 15 градусов к горизонтальной поверхности и сконструированы для транспортировки:
    (i) людей;
    (ii) людей и имущества;
    (iii) только имущества, в том случае, если кабина лифта открыта, т.е. человек может легко войти в такое транспортное средство и манипулировать средствами управления, находящимися внутри кабины или в пределах досягаемости для человека;

    — means of transport of persons using rack and pinion rail mounted vehicles,

    - транспортные средства для перевозки людей, с использованием зубчатых или реечных рельс, по которым перемещается транспортные средства;

    — mine winding gear,

    - шахтные канатные подъемные устройства;

    — theatre elevators,

    - театральные подъемники;

    — construction site hoists intended for lifting persons or persons and goods.

    - строительные подъемники, предназначенные для подъема людей или людей и грузов.

    4. Where, for machinery or safety components, the risks referred to in this Directive are wholly or partly covered by specific Community Directives, this Directive shall not apply, or shall cease to apply, in the case of such machinery or safety components and of such risks on the implementation of these specific Directives.

    4. Когда для машинного оборудования и компонентов безопасности риски, определенные в настоящей Директиве, полностью или частично покрываются специальными Директивами Сообщества, настоящая Директива не применяется или прекращает свое действие, такое машинное оборудование и компоненты безопасности и такие риски подпадают под действие этих специальных Директив.

    5. Where, for machinery, the risks are mainly of electrical origin, such machinery shall be covered exclusively by Directive 73/23/EEC (2).

    (2) Council Directive 73/23/EEC of 19 February 1973 on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (OJ L 77, 26.3.1973, p. 29). Directive as last amended by Directive 93/68/EEC (OJ L 220, 30.8.1993, p. 1).

    5. Когда риски применения машинного оборудования связаны с электрическими источниками, то такое оборудование охватываются исключительно Директивой 73/23/ЕЭС(2).

    (2) Директива Совета 73/23/ЕЭС/ от 19 февраля 1973 года о гармонизации законов Государств-Участников в отношении электрооборудования, предназначенного для использования в условиях определенных пределов напряжения (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 77, 26.03.1973, стр. 29). Директива с последней поправкой Директивой 93/68/ЕЭС (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 220, 30.08.1993, стр.1).

    Article 2
    1. Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that machinery or safety components covered by this Directive may be placed on the market and put into service only if they do not endanger the health or safety of persons and, where appropriate, domestic animals or property, when properly installed and maintained and used for their intended purpose.

    Статья 2
    1. Государства - члены должны предпринимать все необходимые меры для обеспечения того, чтобы машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности, попадающие под действие настоящей Директивы, поставлялись на рынок и вводились в эксплуатацию, только если они не составляют угрозу для здоровья и безопасности людей и домашних животных, или имуществу при условии надлежащей установки и обслуживания, а также использования по прямому назначению.

    2. This Directive shall not affect Member States’ entitlement to lay down, in due observance of the Treaty, such requirements as they may deem necessary to ensure that persons and in particular workers are protected when using the machinery or safety components in question, provided that this does not mean that the machinery or safety components are modified in a way not specified in the Directive.

    2. Настоящая Директива не ограничивает права Государств - членов устанавливать при должном соблюдении Договора такие требования, которые они посчитают необходимыми для обеспечения защиты людей, особенно работников, при использовании машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, при условии, что модификация такого машинного оборудования и компонентов безопасности была произведена в соответствии с положениями настоящей Директивы.

    3. At trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations, etc., Member States shall not prevent the showing of machinery or safety components which do not conform to the provisions of this Directive, provided that a visible sign clearly indicates that such machinery or safety components do not conform and that they are not for sale until they have been brought into conformity by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community. During demonstrations, adequate safety measures shall be taken to ensure the protection of persons.

    3. На торговых ярмарках, выставках, демонстрациях и т.п. Государства - члены не должны препятствовать демонстрации машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, которые не соответствуют положениям настоящей Директивы, при условии, что видимый знак четко указывает, что такое машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности не соответствуют данной Директиве, и что они не предназначаются для продажи до тех пор, пока изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе не приведет их в полное соответствие с Директивой. Во время демонстраций должны приниматься адекватные меры для обеспечения безопасности граждан.

    Article 3
    Machinery and safety components covered by this Directive shall satisfy the essential health and safety requirements set out in Annex I.

    Статья 3
    Машинное оборудование, а также компоненты безопасности, относящиеся к области действия настоящей Директивы, должны полностью удовлетворять основным требованиям по обеспечению здоровья и безопасности, изложенным в Приложении 1.

    Article 4
    1. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market and putting into service in their territory of machinery and safety components which comply with this Directive.

    Статья 4
    1. Государства - члены не должны запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать поставке на рынок машинного оборудования, а также компонентов безопасности, которые соответствуют
    требованиям настоящей Директивы.

    2. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of machinery where the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community declares in accordance with point B of Annex II that it is intended to be incorporated into machinery or assembled with other machinery to constitute machinery covered by this Directive, except where it can function independently.

    ‘Interchangeable equipment’, as referred to in the third indent of Article 1(2)(a), must in all cases bear the CE marking and be accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point A.

    2. Государства - члены не должны запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать поставке на рынок машинного оборудования, если изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе заявляет в соответствии с Приложением II B, что они предназначены для включения в машинное оборудование или компоноваться с другим оборудованием, так, что в соединении они составят машинное оборудование, отвечающее требованиям настоящей Директивы, за исключением тех случаев, когда они могут функционировать независимо.

    "Взаимозаменяемое оборудование" в смысле третьего абзаца с черточкой в Статье 1 (2) (a) должно во всех случаях иметь маркировку "СЕ" и сопровождаться декларацией соответствия, определенной в Приложении II, пункте А.

    3. Member States may not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of safety components as defined in Article 1(2) where they are accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community as referred to in Annex II, point C.

    3. Государства - члены не имеют права запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать распространению на рынке компонентов безопасности, определенных Статьей 1 (2), если эти компоненты сопровождаются декларацией соответствия ЕС, заявленной изготовителем или его уполномоченным представителем в Сообществе, как определено в Приложении II, пункте С.

    Article 5
    1. Member States shall regard the following as conforming to all the provisions of this Directive, including the procedures for checking the conformity provided for in Chapter II:
    — machinery bearing the CE marking and accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point A,
    — safety components accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point C.

    Статья 5
    1. Государства - члены должны считать нижеследующее соответствующим всем положениям настоящей Директивы, включая процедуры проверки соответствия, предусмотренной в Главе II:
    - машинное оборудование, имеющее маркировку "СЕ" и сопровождаемое декларацией соответствия ЕС, как указано в Приложении II, пункте A;
    - компоненты безопасности, сопровождаемые декларацией соответствия ЕС, как указано в Приложении II, пункте C.

    При отсутствии гармонизированных стандартов Государства - члены должны предпринимать любые меры, которые они сочтут необходимыми, для привлечения внимания заинтересованных сторон к существующим национальным техническим стандартам и спецификациям, которые считаются важными или относятся к выполнению основных требований по обеспечению здоровья и безопасности в соответствии с Приложением 1.

    2. Where a national standard transposing a harmonised standard, the reference for which has been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, covers one or more of the essential safety requirements, machinery or safety components constructed in accordance with this standard shall be presumed to comply with the relevant essential requirements.
    Member States shall publish the references of national standards transposing harmonised standards.

    2. В тех случаях, когда национальный стандарт, заменяющий гармонизированный стандарт, ссылка на который была опубликована в Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ, покрывает одно или несколько основных требований безопасности, машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности, сконструированные в соответствии с таким стандартом, должны считаться соответствующими основным требованиям.
    Государства - члены должны публиковать ссылки на национальные стандарты, заменяющие гармонизированные стандарты.

    3. Member States shall ensure that appropriate measures are taken to enable the social partners to have an influence at national level on the process of preparing and monitoring the harmonised standards.

    3. Государства - члены должны обеспечивать принятие необходимых мер для того, чтобы их социальные партнеры получали возможность влиять на национальном уровне на процессы подготовки и отслеживания гармонизированных стандартов.

    Article 6
    1. Where a Member State or the Commission considers that the harmonised standards referred to in Article 5(2) do not entirely satisfy the essential requirements referred to in Article 3, the Commission or the Member State concerned shall bring the matter before the committee set up under Directive 83/189/EEC, giving the reasons therefor. The committee shall deliver an opinion without delay.
    Upon receipt of the committee’s opinion, the Commission shall inform the Member States whether or not it is necessary to withdraw those standards from the published information referred to in Article 5(2).

    Статья 6
    1. В случае, если Государство - член или Комиссия считают, что гармонизированные стандарты, рассмотренные в Статье 5 (2), не полностью соответствуют основным требованиям, определенным в Статье 3, Комиссия или заинтересованное Государство - член должны поставить этот вопрос на рассмотрение комитета, созданного в соответствии с Директивой 83/189/ЕЭС, обосновав причины такого обращения. Комитет должен безотлагательно вынести решение.
    После получения такого решения комитета Комиссия должна информировать Государства – члены, необходимо или нет отозвать эти стандарты из опубликованной информации, определенной в Статье 5 (2).

    2. A standing committee shall be set up, consisting of representatives appointed by the Member States and chaired by a representative of the Commission.

    The standing committee shall draw up its own rules of procedure.

    Any matter relating to the implementation and practical application of this Directive may be brought before the standing committee, in accordance with the following procedure:

    The representative of the Commission shall submit to the committee a draft of the measures to be taken. The committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft, within a time limit which the chairman may lay down according to the urgency of the matter, if necessary by taking a vote.

    The opinion shall be recorded in the minutes; in addition, each Member State shall have the right to ask to have its position recorded in the minutes.
    The Commission shall take the utmost account of the opinion delivered by the committee.
    It shall inform the committee of the manner in which its opinion has been taken into account.

    2. Должен быть создан постоянно действующий комитет, состоящий из представителей, назначенных Государствами – членами, и возглавляемый представителем Комиссии.

    Постоянно действующий комитет будет сам устанавливать порядок действий и процедуры.

    Любой вопрос, относящийся к выполнению и практическому применению настоящей Директивы, может быть поставлен на рассмотрение постоянно действующего комитета, в соответствии со следующими правилами:

    Представитель Комиссии должен представить комитету проект предполагаемых к принятию мер. Комитет должен выразить свое мнение по проекту за время, установленное председателем в соответствии со срочностью вопроса, при необходимости определяемого путем голосования.

    Это мнение должно быть зафиксировано в протоколе; кроме того, каждое Государство - член имеет право потребовать отразить свою позицию в протоколе. Комиссия должна максимально учитывать мнение, вынесенное комитетом.
    Она должна проинформировать комитет, каким образом было учтено его мнение.

    Article 7
    1. Where a Member State ascertains that:
    — machinery bearing the CE marking, or
    — safety components accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity, used in accordance with their intended purpose are liable to endanger the safety of persons, and, where appropriate, domestic animals or property, it shall take all appropriate measures to withdraw such machinery or safety components from the market, to prohibit the placing on the market, putting into service or use thereof, or to restrict free movement thereof.

    Member States shall immediately inform the Commission of any such measure, indicating the reason for its decision and, in particular, whether non-conformity is due to:
    (a) failure to satisfy the essential requirements referred to in Article 3;
    (b) incorrect application of the standards referred to in Article 5(2);
    (c) shortcomings in the standards themselves referred to in Article 5(2).

    Статья 7
    1. Если Государство - член устанавливает, что:
    - машинное оборудование, имеющее маркировку "СЕ", либо
    - компоненты безопасности, сопровождаемые декларацией соответствия ЕС, используемые в соответствии с их назначением, могут нести угрозу безопасности людям, и, если это имеет место, домашним животным или собственности, оно должно принять все необходимые меры для изъятия такого машинного оборудования, либо компонентов безопасности с рынка, запретить их поставку на рынок, ввод в эксплуатацию или использование, либо ограничить их свободное обращение.

    Государства - члены должны немедленно информировать Комиссию о любых подобных мерах, указать причины такого решения и, в особенности, информировать о том, явилось ли это несоответствие результатом:
    a) неспособности удовлетворить основным требованиям, определенным в Статье 3;
    b) неправильного применения стандартов, определенных в Статье 5 (п.2);
    c) недостатков самих стандартов, определенных в Статье 5 (п. 2).

    2. The Commission shall enter into consultation with the parties concerned without delay. Where the Commission considers, after this consultation, that the measure is justified, it shall immediately so inform the Member State which took the initiative and the other Member States. Where the Commission considers, after this consultation, that the action is unjustified, it shall immediately so inform the Member State which took the initiative and the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community.

    Where the decision referred to in paragraph 1 is based on a shortcoming in the standards, and where the Member State at the origin of the decision maintains its position, the Commission shall immediately inform the committee in order to initiate the procedures referred to in Article 6(1).

    2. Комиссия должна безотлагательно провести консультацию с заинтересованными сторонами. В случае, если после проведения такой консультации, Комиссия полагает, что такая мера обоснована, она должна немедленно информировать об этом Государство - член, которое выдвинуло эту инициативу, а также остальные Государства - члены. Если Комиссия после проведения такой консультации полагает, что действия не были обоснованными, она немедленно извещает об этом Государство - член, проявившее инициативу, и изготовителя, либо его уполномоченного представителя в Сообществе.

    Если решение, указанное в параграфе 1, основано на недостатках в стандартах, и если Государство - член на основании такого решения сохраняет свои позиции, то Комиссия должна немедленно информировать комитет для того, чтобы начать процедуры, описанные в Статье 6 (п. 1).

    3. Where:
    — machinery which does not comply bears the CE marking,
    — a safety component which does not comply is accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity,
    the competent Member State shall take appropriate action against whom so ever has affixed the marking or drawn up the declaration and shall so inform the Commission and other Member States.

    3. Если:
    - машинное оборудование, не соответствующие требованиям, имеют маркировку "СЕ",
    - компоненты безопасности, не соответствующие требованиям, имеют декларацию соответствия ЕС,
    компетентное Государство - член должно начать соответствующие действия против любого, кто поставил маркировку, или составил декларацию, и должно проинформировать об этом Комиссию и другие Государства - члены.

    4. The Commission shall ensure that Member States are kept informed of the progress and outcome of this procedure.

    4. Комиссия должна обеспечить, чтобы Государства – члены были постоянно информированы о ходе и результатах данной процедуры.

    Article 8

    1. The manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community must, in order to certify that machinery and safety components are in conformity with this Directive, draw up for all machinery or safety components manufactured an EC declaration of conformity based on the model given in Annex II, point A or C as appropriate.

    In addition, for machinery alone, the manufacturer or his authorised representatives established in the Community must affix to the machine the CE marking.

    Глава II
    Процедуры оценки соответствия
    Статья 8

    1. Для подтверждения того, что машинное оборудование, а также компоненты безопасности соответствуют положениям настоящей Директивы, изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен составить декларацию ЕС о соответствии на произведенное машинное оборудование и компоненты безопасности по образцу, приведенному в Приложении II, соответственно пунктам A или C.

    Корме того, на машинное оборудование изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен нанести маркировку "СЕ" в соответствии со Статьей 10.

    2. Before placing on the market, the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the Community, shall:
    (a) if the machinery is not referred to in Annex IV, draw up the file provided for in Annex V;
    (b) if the machinery is referred to in Annex IV and its manufacturer does not comply, or only partly complies, with the standards referred to in Article 5(2) or if there are no such standards, submit an example of the machinery for the EC type-examination referred to in Annex VI;
    (c) if the machinery is referred to in Annex IV and is manufactured in accordance with the standards referred to in Article 5(2):
    — either draw up the file referred to in Annex VI and forward it to a notified body, which will acknowledge receipt of the file as soon as possible and keep it,
    — submit the file referred to in Annex VI to the notified body, which will simply verify that the standards referred to in Article 5(2) have been correctly applied and will draw up a certificate of adequacy for the file,
    — or submit the example of the machinery for the EC type-examination referred to in Annex VI.

    2. Перед поставкой на рынок изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен:
    (a) в случае, если машинное оборудование не указано в Приложении IV, составить документацию, предусмотренную Приложением V;
    (b) если машинное оборудование указано в Приложении IV, и их изготовитель не выполняет, либо выполняет лишь частично требования стандартов, упомянутых в Статье 5 (2), либо, если таких стандартов не существует, то представить образец машинного оборудования для его испытания ЕС, определенного в Приложении VI;
    (c) если машинное оборудование указано в Приложении IV и изготовлено в соответствии со стандартами, определенными в Статье 5 (п. 2):
    - либо составить документацию, указанную в Приложении VI, и передать ее нотифицированному органу, который подтверждает получение документации в возможно короткие сроки, а также сохраняет ее;
    - представить документацию, указанную в Приложении VI, нотифицированному органу, который просто проверит, что стандарты, упомянутые в Статье 5 (2), были применены правильно и составит сертификат соответствия по этой документации;
    - либо представить образец машинного оборудования для испытания ЕС типового образца, определенного в Приложении VI.

    3. Where the first indent of paragraph 2(c) of this Article applies, the provisions of the first sentence of paragraphs 5 and 7 of Annex VI shall also apply.

    Where the second indent of paragraph 2(c) of this Article applies, the provisions of paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of Annex VI shall also apply.

    3. В тех случаях, когда может быть применен первый абзац параграфа 2 (с) этой Статьи должны также применяться положения первого предложения параграфов 5 и 7 Приложения VI.

    В тех случаях, когда может быть применен второй абзац пункта 2 (с), должны также применяться положения параграфов 5, 6 и 7 Приложения VI.

    4. Where paragraph 2(a) and the first and second indents of paragraph 2(c) apply, the EC declaration of conformity shall solely state conformity with the essential requirements of the Directive.

    Where paragraph 2(b) and the third indent of paragraph 2(c) apply, the EC declaration of conformity shall state conformity with the example that underwent EC type-examination.

    4. В тех случаях, когда применяется параграф 2 (а) и первый и второй абзацы параграфа 2 (c), декларация ЕС о соответствии должна удостоверить соответствие основным требованиям настоящей Директивы.

    В случае, когда применяется параграф 2 (b) и третий абзац параграфа 2 (c), декларация ЕС о соответствии должна удостоверить соответствие образцу, прошедшему испытание ЕС типового образца.

    5. Safety components shall be subject to the certification procedures applicable to machinery pursuant to paragraphs 2, 3 and 4. Furthermore, during EC type-examination, the notified body shall verify the suitability of the safety component for fulfilling the safety functions declared by the manufacturer.

    5.Компоненты безопасности должны подвергаться процедурам сертификации, применимым к машинному оборудованию в соответствии с параграфами 2, 3, 4. Более того, во время испытания ЕС типового образца нотифицированный орган должен проверить пригодность компонентов безопасности для выполнения тех функций безопасности, которые заявлены изготовителем.

    6. (a) Where the machinery is subject to other Directives concerning other aspects and which also provide for the affixing of the CE marking, the latter shall indicate that the machinery is also presumed to conform to the provisions of those other Directives.
    (b) However, where one or more of those Directives allow the manufacturer, during a transitional period, to choose which arrangements to apply, the CE marking shall indicate conformity only to the Directives applied by the manufacturer. In this case, particulars of the Directives applied, as published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, must be given in the documents, notices or instructions required by the directives and accompanying such machinery.

    6. (a) В тех случаях, когда машинное оборудование подпадает под действие Директив по другим аспектам, которые также предусматривают нанесение маркировки "СЕ", последняя указывает, что такое машинное оборудование соответствуют положениям этих прочих директив.
    (b) Тем не менее, когда одна или несколько таких Директив позволяют изготовителям в течение переходного периода выбирать, какие из положений применить, маркировка "СЕ" будет указывать на соответствие только тем Директивам, которые применялись изготовителем. В этом случае подробная информация о примененных Директивах, опубликованных в Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ, должен приводиться в документах, аннотациях или инструкциях, требуемых в соответствии с Директивами, и сопровождать такое машинное оборудование.

    7. Where neither the manufacturer nor his authorised representative established in the Community fulfils the obligations of paragraphs 1 to 6, these obligations shall fall to any person placing the machinery or safety component on the market in the Community. The same obligations shall apply to any person assembling machinery or parts thereof or safety components of various origins or constructing machinery or safety components for his own use.

    7. Если ни изготовитель, ни его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе не выполнят своих обязательств по предыдущим параграфам, то эти обязательства должны быть выполнены любыми лицами, поставляющими машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности на рынок Сообщества. Такие же обязательства возлагаются на любые лица, осуществляющие сборку машинного оборудования, либо его частей или компонентов безопасности различного происхождения, либо создающие машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности для собственного пользования.

    8. The obligations referred to in paragraph 7 shall not apply to persons who assemble with a machine or tractor interchangeable equipment as provided for in Article 1, provided that the parts are compatible and each of the constituent parts of the assembled machine bears the CE marking and is accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity.

    8. Обязательства, изложенные в параграфе 7, не применяются к лицам, которые собирают с машиной, механизмом или транспортным средством взаимозаменяемое оборудование, указанное в Статье 1, при условии, что эти части совместимы, и каждая из частей машины в сборе имеет маркировку "СЕ" и Декларацию ЕС о соответствии.

    Article 9
    1. Member States shall notify the Commission and the other Member States of the approved bodies which they have appointed to carry out the procedures referred to in Article 8 together with the specific tasks which these bodies have been appointed to carry out and the identification numbers assigned to them beforehand by the Commission.
    The Commission shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities a list of the notified bodies and their identification numbers and the tasks for which they have been notified. The Commission shall ensure that this list is kept up to date.

    Статья 9
    1. Государства - члены должны уведомить Комиссию и другие Государства - члены об утвержденных органах, которые назначаются для выполнения процедур, описанных в Статье 8, также как и для различных особых задач, которые этим органам предназначено выполнять, и об идентификационных номерах, предварительно присвоенных им Комиссией.

    В Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ Комиссия должна публиковать список таких нотифицированных органов и их идентификационные номера, а также задачи, для решения которых они предназначены. Комиссия должна обеспечить своевременность обновления списка.

    2. Member States shall apply the criteria laid down in Annex VII in assessing the bodies to be indicated in such notification. Bodies meeting the assessment criteria laid down in the relevant harmonised standards shall be presumed to fulfil those criteria.

    2. Государства - члены должны применять критерии, изложенные в Приложении VII, для определения органов, которые будут указаны в таких назначениях. Органы, удовлетворяющие критериям, изложенным в соответствующих гармонизированных стандартах, считаются соответствующими критериям.

    3. A Member State which has approved a body must withdraw its notification if it finds that the body no longer meets the criteria referred to in Annex VII. It shall immediately inform the Commission and the other Member States accordingly.

    3. Государство - член, утвердившее такой орган, должно отменить его назначение, если оно обнаружит, что он больше не соответствует критериям, изложенным в Приложении VII. Государство - член должно немедленно известить об этом Комиссию и другие Государства - члены.

    Article 10
    1. The CE conformity marking shall consist of the initials ‘CE’. The form of the marking to be used is shown in Annex III.

    Статья 10
    1. Маркировка "СЕ" состоит из заглавных букв "СЕ". Форма маркировки, которая будет использоваться, указана в Приложении III.

    2. The CE marking shall be affixed to machinery distinctly and visibly in accordance with point 1.7.3 of Annex I.

    2. Маркировка "СЕ" должна наноситься на машинное оборудование четко, на видном месте в соответствии с пунктом 1.7.3. Приложения I.

    3. The affixing of markings on the machinery which are likely to deceive third parties as to the meaning and form of the CE marking shall be prohibited. Any other marking may be affixed to the machinery provided that the visibility and legibility of the CE marking is not thereby reduced.

    3. Нанесение маркировок на машинное оборудование таким образом, что это может ввести в заблуждение относительно значения и формы маркировки "СЕ", запрещено. Любые другие маркировки могут быть нанесены на машинное оборудование таким образом, чтобы не мешать видимости и различимости маркировки "СЕ".

    4. Without prejudice to Article 7:
    (a) where a Member State establishes that the CE marking has been affixed unduly, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community shall be obliged to make the product conform as regards the provisions concerning the CE marking and to end the infringement under the conditions imposed by the Member State;

    (b) where non-conformity continues, the Member State must take all appropriate measures to restrict or prohibit the placing on the market of the product in question or to ensure that it is withdrawn from the market in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 7.

    4. Без ограничения применения Статьи 7:
    (a) если Государство - член устанавливает, что маркировка "СЕ" была нанесена неправильно, изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе будет обязан привести продукцию в соответствии с положениями, касающимися маркировки "СЕ" и положить конец нарушениям на условиях, установленных Государством - членом;

    (b) если такое несоответствие будет продолжаться, то Государство - член должно принять все соответствующие меры для ограничения или запрещения поставки на рынок такой продукции, либо обеспечить изъятие ее с рынка в соответствии с процедурами, изложенными в Статье 7.

    Article 11

    Any decision taken pursuant to this Directive which restricts the placing on the market and putting into service of machinery or a safety component shall state the exact grounds on which it is based. Such a decision shall be notified as soon as possible to the party concerned, who shall at the same time be informed of the legal remedies available to him under the laws in force in the Member State concerned and of the time limits to which such remedies are subject.

    Статья 11

    Любое решение, принятое в исполнение настоящей Директивы, ограничивающее поставку на рынок и ввод в эксплуатацию машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, должно указывать точные причины, на которых оно основано. Такое решение должно быть по возможности быстро доведено до сведения заинтересованных сторон, их также следует проинформировать о законных мерах, которые могут быть предприняты по действующему законодательству в соответствующем Государстве - члене и о сроках, в которые данные меры применяются.

    Article 12
    The Commission will take the necessary steps to have information on all the relevant decisions relating to the management of this Directive made available.

    Статья 12
    Комиссия предпримет все необходимые шаги для получения информации по всем соответствующим решениям, касающимся применения и распространения настоящей Директивы.

    Article 13
    1. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive.

    2. The Commission shall, before 1 January 1994, examine the progress made in the standardisation work relating to this Directive and propose any appropriate measures.

    Статья 13
    1. Государства - члены должны передать Комиссии тексты положений национальных законодательных актов, принимаемых в сфере, определяемой настоящей Директивой.

    2. Комиссия должна до 1 января 1994 г. изучить развитие работ по стандартизации, относящиеся к области действия настоящей Директивы и предложить любые целесообразные меры.



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > машинное оборудование

  • 44 machinery

    1. организационный аппарат
    2. оборудование
    3. механизм
    4. машины и оборудование
    5. машины
    6. машинное оборудование


    машинное оборудование
    термин " машинное оборудование" означает:
    - сборочную единицу, состоящую из соединенных частей или компонентов, по крайней мере, одна из которых находится в движении, имеет соответствующие приводы, схему управления, цепь питания, и т.д., соединенные вместе с целью специального применения, в частности, для производства, обработки, перемещения или упаковки материала;
    - группу машин, которые для достижения той же цели организованы и управляется таким образом, что они функционируют как единое целое;
    - взаимозаменяемое оборудование, модифицирующее функции машины, которое отдельно поставляется на рынок и предназначено для установки на машине или на серии различных машин или на приводном устройстве самим оператором, при условии, что данное оборудование не является запасной частью или инструментом.
    [Директива 98/37/ЕЭС по машинному оборудованию]


    ‘machinery’ means:
    — an assembly of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves, with the appropriate
    actuators, control and power circuits, etc., joined together for a specific application, in particular
    for the processing, treatment, moving or packaging of a material,
    — an assembly of machines which, in order to achieve the same end, are arranged and controlled so that they function as an integral whole,
    — interchangeable equipment modifying the function of a machine, which is placed on the market for the purpose of being assembled with a machine or a series of different machines or with a tractor by the operator himself in so far as this equipment is not a spare part or a tool

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    3. The following are excluded from the scope of this Directive:

    3. Из области применения данной Директивы исключаются:

    — machinery whose only power source is directly applied manual effort, unless it is a machine used for lifting or lowering loads,

    - машинное оборудование, для которых источником энергии является исключительно непосредственное применение ручной силы, за исключением механизмов для подъема и опускания грузов;

    — machinery for medical use used in direct contact with patients,

    - медицинские приборы;

    — special equipment for use in fairgrounds and/or amusement parks,

    - специальное оборудование для использования в аттракционах и/или парках для развлечений;

    — steam boilers, tanks and pressure vessels,

    - паровые котлы, резервуары и сосуды под давлением;

    — machinery specially designed or put into service for nuclear purposes which, in the event of failure, may result in an emission of radioactivity,

    - машинное оборудование, специально сконструированное или используемое в атомной отрасли, которые в случае аварии могут привести к выделению радиоактивных веществ;

    — radioactive sources forming part of a machine,

    - радиоактивные источники, составляющие часть машин;

    — firearms,

    - стрелковое оружие;

    — storage tanks and pipelines for petrol, diesel fuel, inflammable liquids and dangerous substances,

    - емкости для хранения или трубопроводы для бензина, дизельного топлива, огнеопасных жидкостей и опасных веществ;

    — means of transport, i.e. vehicles and their trailers intended solely for transporting passengers by air or on road, rail or water networks, as well as means of transport in so far as such means are designed for transporting goods by air, on public road or rail networks or on water. Vehicles used in the mineral extraction industry shall not be excluded,

    - транспортные средства, т.е. средства перевозки и их прицепы, предназначенные исключительно для перевозки пассажиров по воздуху, автодороге, железной дороге, или водными путями, а также транспортные средства, сконструированные для транспортировки грузов по воздуху, по общедоступным дорогам, железным дорогам или водным путям. Средства транспортировки, используемые в горнодобывающей промышленности, не исключаются из области применения настоящей Директивы;

    — seagoing vessels and mobile offshore units together with equipment on board such vessels or units,

    - морские суда и мобильные береговые агрегаты вместе с оборудованием на борту, такие как танки или установки;

    — cableways, including funicular railways, for the public or private transportation of persons,

    - канатные дороги, включая фуникулерные железные дороги для общественного или частного пользования, предназначенные для транспортировки людей;

    — agricultural and forestry tractors, as defined in Article 1(1) of Directive 74/150/EEC (1),

    (1) Council Directive 74/150/EEC of 4 March 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors (OJ L 84, 28.3.1974, p. 10). Directive as last amended by Decision 95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC (OJ L 1.1.1995, p. 1).

    -сельскохозяйственные и лесные тракторы, подпадающие под определение статьи 1 (1) Директивы Совета 74/150/ЕЭС(1);

    (1) Директива Совета 74/150/ЕЭС от 4 марта 1974 г. по сближению законодательных актов Государств-членов, относящихся к одобрению типов колесных сельскохозяйственных или лесных тракторов (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 84, 28.3.1974 г., стр.10). Директива, измененная последний раз Решением 95/1/ЕЭС, Евроатом, ECSC (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 1/1/1995 г., стр 1)

    — machines specially designed and constructed for military or police purposes,

    - машины, специально сконструированные и созданные для военных и полицейских целей;

    — lifts which permanently serve specific levels of buildings and constructions, having a car moving between guides which are rigid and inclined at an angle of more than 15 degrees to the horizontal and designed for the transport of:
    (i) persons;
    (ii) persons and goods;
    (iii) goods alone if the car is accessible, that is to say, a person may enter it without difficulty, and fitted with controls situated inside the car or within reach of a person inside,

    - лифты и подъемные устройства, постоянно обслуживающие определенные уровни зданий и конструкций, имеющие транспортную тележку, движущуюся между жесткими направляющими, которые имеют угол наклона более 15 градусов к горизонтальной поверхности и сконструированы для транспортировки:
    (i) людей;
    (ii) людей и имущества;
    (iii) только имущества, в том случае, если кабина лифта открыта, т.е. человек может легко войти в такое транспортное средство и манипулировать средствами управления, находящимися внутри кабины или в пределах досягаемости для человека;

    — means of transport of persons using rack and pinion rail mounted vehicles,

    - транспортные средства для перевозки людей, с использованием зубчатых или реечных рельс, по которым перемещается транспортные средства;

    — mine winding gear,

    - шахтные канатные подъемные устройства;

    — theatre elevators,

    - театральные подъемники;

    — construction site hoists intended for lifting persons or persons and goods.

    - строительные подъемники, предназначенные для подъема людей или людей и грузов.

    4. Where, for machinery or safety components, the risks referred to in this Directive are wholly or partly covered by specific Community Directives, this Directive shall not apply, or shall cease to apply, in the case of such machinery or safety components and of such risks on the implementation of these specific Directives.

    4. Когда для машинного оборудования и компонентов безопасности риски, определенные в настоящей Директиве, полностью или частично покрываются специальными Директивами Сообщества, настоящая Директива не применяется или прекращает свое действие, такое машинное оборудование и компоненты безопасности и такие риски подпадают под действие этих специальных Директив.

    5. Where, for machinery, the risks are mainly of electrical origin, such machinery shall be covered exclusively by Directive 73/23/EEC (2).

    (2) Council Directive 73/23/EEC of 19 February 1973 on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (OJ L 77, 26.3.1973, p. 29). Directive as last amended by Directive 93/68/EEC (OJ L 220, 30.8.1993, p. 1).

    5. Когда риски применения машинного оборудования связаны с электрическими источниками, то такое оборудование охватываются исключительно Директивой 73/23/ЕЭС(2).

    (2) Директива Совета 73/23/ЕЭС/ от 19 февраля 1973 года о гармонизации законов Государств-Участников в отношении электрооборудования, предназначенного для использования в условиях определенных пределов напряжения (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 77, 26.03.1973, стр. 29). Директива с последней поправкой Директивой 93/68/ЕЭС (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 220, 30.08.1993, стр.1).

    Article 2
    1. Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that machinery or safety components covered by this Directive may be placed on the market and put into service only if they do not endanger the health or safety of persons and, where appropriate, domestic animals or property, when properly installed and maintained and used for their intended purpose.

    Статья 2
    1. Государства - члены должны предпринимать все необходимые меры для обеспечения того, чтобы машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности, попадающие под действие настоящей Директивы, поставлялись на рынок и вводились в эксплуатацию, только если они не составляют угрозу для здоровья и безопасности людей и домашних животных, или имуществу при условии надлежащей установки и обслуживания, а также использования по прямому назначению.

    2. This Directive shall not affect Member States’ entitlement to lay down, in due observance of the Treaty, such requirements as they may deem necessary to ensure that persons and in particular workers are protected when using the machinery or safety components in question, provided that this does not mean that the machinery or safety components are modified in a way not specified in the Directive.

    2. Настоящая Директива не ограничивает права Государств - членов устанавливать при должном соблюдении Договора такие требования, которые они посчитают необходимыми для обеспечения защиты людей, особенно работников, при использовании машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, при условии, что модификация такого машинного оборудования и компонентов безопасности была произведена в соответствии с положениями настоящей Директивы.

    3. At trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations, etc., Member States shall not prevent the showing of machinery or safety components which do not conform to the provisions of this Directive, provided that a visible sign clearly indicates that such machinery or safety components do not conform and that they are not for sale until they have been brought into conformity by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community. During demonstrations, adequate safety measures shall be taken to ensure the protection of persons.

    3. На торговых ярмарках, выставках, демонстрациях и т.п. Государства - члены не должны препятствовать демонстрации машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, которые не соответствуют положениям настоящей Директивы, при условии, что видимый знак четко указывает, что такое машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности не соответствуют данной Директиве, и что они не предназначаются для продажи до тех пор, пока изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе не приведет их в полное соответствие с Директивой. Во время демонстраций должны приниматься адекватные меры для обеспечения безопасности граждан.

    Article 3
    Machinery and safety components covered by this Directive shall satisfy the essential health and safety requirements set out in Annex I.

    Статья 3
    Машинное оборудование, а также компоненты безопасности, относящиеся к области действия настоящей Директивы, должны полностью удовлетворять основным требованиям по обеспечению здоровья и безопасности, изложенным в Приложении 1.

    Article 4
    1. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market and putting into service in their territory of machinery and safety components which comply with this Directive.

    Статья 4
    1. Государства - члены не должны запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать поставке на рынок машинного оборудования, а также компонентов безопасности, которые соответствуют
    требованиям настоящей Директивы.

    2. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of machinery where the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community declares in accordance with point B of Annex II that it is intended to be incorporated into machinery or assembled with other machinery to constitute machinery covered by this Directive, except where it can function independently.

    ‘Interchangeable equipment’, as referred to in the third indent of Article 1(2)(a), must in all cases bear the CE marking and be accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point A.

    2. Государства - члены не должны запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать поставке на рынок машинного оборудования, если изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе заявляет в соответствии с Приложением II B, что они предназначены для включения в машинное оборудование или компоноваться с другим оборудованием, так, что в соединении они составят машинное оборудование, отвечающее требованиям настоящей Директивы, за исключением тех случаев, когда они могут функционировать независимо.

    "Взаимозаменяемое оборудование" в смысле третьего абзаца с черточкой в Статье 1 (2) (a) должно во всех случаях иметь маркировку "СЕ" и сопровождаться декларацией соответствия, определенной в Приложении II, пункте А.

    3. Member States may not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of safety components as defined in Article 1(2) where they are accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community as referred to in Annex II, point C.

    3. Государства - члены не имеют права запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать распространению на рынке компонентов безопасности, определенных Статьей 1 (2), если эти компоненты сопровождаются декларацией соответствия ЕС, заявленной изготовителем или его уполномоченным представителем в Сообществе, как определено в Приложении II, пункте С.

    Article 5
    1. Member States shall regard the following as conforming to all the provisions of this Directive, including the procedures for checking the conformity provided for in Chapter II:
    — machinery bearing the CE marking and accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point A,
    — safety components accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point C.

    Статья 5
    1. Государства - члены должны считать нижеследующее соответствующим всем положениям настоящей Директивы, включая процедуры проверки соответствия, предусмотренной в Главе II:
    - машинное оборудование, имеющее маркировку "СЕ" и сопровождаемое декларацией соответствия ЕС, как указано в Приложении II, пункте A;
    - компоненты безопасности, сопровождаемые декларацией соответствия ЕС, как указано в Приложении II, пункте C.

    При отсутствии гармонизированных стандартов Государства - члены должны предпринимать любые меры, которые они сочтут необходимыми, для привлечения внимания заинтересованных сторон к существующим национальным техническим стандартам и спецификациям, которые считаются важными или относятся к выполнению основных требований по обеспечению здоровья и безопасности в соответствии с Приложением 1.

    2. Where a national standard transposing a harmonised standard, the reference for which has been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, covers one or more of the essential safety requirements, machinery or safety components constructed in accordance with this standard shall be presumed to comply with the relevant essential requirements.
    Member States shall publish the references of national standards transposing harmonised standards.

    2. В тех случаях, когда национальный стандарт, заменяющий гармонизированный стандарт, ссылка на который была опубликована в Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ, покрывает одно или несколько основных требований безопасности, машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности, сконструированные в соответствии с таким стандартом, должны считаться соответствующими основным требованиям.
    Государства - члены должны публиковать ссылки на национальные стандарты, заменяющие гармонизированные стандарты.

    3. Member States shall ensure that appropriate measures are taken to enable the social partners to have an influence at national level on the process of preparing and monitoring the harmonised standards.

    3. Государства - члены должны обеспечивать принятие необходимых мер для того, чтобы их социальные партнеры получали возможность влиять на национальном уровне на процессы подготовки и отслеживания гармонизированных стандартов.

    Article 6
    1. Where a Member State or the Commission considers that the harmonised standards referred to in Article 5(2) do not entirely satisfy the essential requirements referred to in Article 3, the Commission or the Member State concerned shall bring the matter before the committee set up under Directive 83/189/EEC, giving the reasons therefor. The committee shall deliver an opinion without delay.
    Upon receipt of the committee’s opinion, the Commission shall inform the Member States whether or not it is necessary to withdraw those standards from the published information referred to in Article 5(2).

    Статья 6
    1. В случае, если Государство - член или Комиссия считают, что гармонизированные стандарты, рассмотренные в Статье 5 (2), не полностью соответствуют основным требованиям, определенным в Статье 3, Комиссия или заинтересованное Государство - член должны поставить этот вопрос на рассмотрение комитета, созданного в соответствии с Директивой 83/189/ЕЭС, обосновав причины такого обращения. Комитет должен безотлагательно вынести решение.
    После получения такого решения комитета Комиссия должна информировать Государства – члены, необходимо или нет отозвать эти стандарты из опубликованной информации, определенной в Статье 5 (2).

    2. A standing committee shall be set up, consisting of representatives appointed by the Member States and chaired by a representative of the Commission.

    The standing committee shall draw up its own rules of procedure.

    Any matter relating to the implementation and practical application of this Directive may be brought before the standing committee, in accordance with the following procedure:

    The representative of the Commission shall submit to the committee a draft of the measures to be taken. The committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft, within a time limit which the chairman may lay down according to the urgency of the matter, if necessary by taking a vote.

    The opinion shall be recorded in the minutes; in addition, each Member State shall have the right to ask to have its position recorded in the minutes.
    The Commission shall take the utmost account of the opinion delivered by the committee.
    It shall inform the committee of the manner in which its opinion has been taken into account.

    2. Должен быть создан постоянно действующий комитет, состоящий из представителей, назначенных Государствами – членами, и возглавляемый представителем Комиссии.

    Постоянно действующий комитет будет сам устанавливать порядок действий и процедуры.

    Любой вопрос, относящийся к выполнению и практическому применению настоящей Директивы, может быть поставлен на рассмотрение постоянно действующего комитета, в соответствии со следующими правилами:

    Представитель Комиссии должен представить комитету проект предполагаемых к принятию мер. Комитет должен выразить свое мнение по проекту за время, установленное председателем в соответствии со срочностью вопроса, при необходимости определяемого путем голосования.

    Это мнение должно быть зафиксировано в протоколе; кроме того, каждое Государство - член имеет право потребовать отразить свою позицию в протоколе. Комиссия должна максимально учитывать мнение, вынесенное комитетом.
    Она должна проинформировать комитет, каким образом было учтено его мнение.

    Article 7
    1. Where a Member State ascertains that:
    — machinery bearing the CE marking, or
    — safety components accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity, used in accordance with their intended purpose are liable to endanger the safety of persons, and, where appropriate, domestic animals or property, it shall take all appropriate measures to withdraw such machinery or safety components from the market, to prohibit the placing on the market, putting into service or use thereof, or to restrict free movement thereof.

    Member States shall immediately inform the Commission of any such measure, indicating the reason for its decision and, in particular, whether non-conformity is due to:
    (a) failure to satisfy the essential requirements referred to in Article 3;
    (b) incorrect application of the standards referred to in Article 5(2);
    (c) shortcomings in the standards themselves referred to in Article 5(2).

    Статья 7
    1. Если Государство - член устанавливает, что:
    - машинное оборудование, имеющее маркировку "СЕ", либо
    - компоненты безопасности, сопровождаемые декларацией соответствия ЕС, используемые в соответствии с их назначением, могут нести угрозу безопасности людям, и, если это имеет место, домашним животным или собственности, оно должно принять все необходимые меры для изъятия такого машинного оборудования, либо компонентов безопасности с рынка, запретить их поставку на рынок, ввод в эксплуатацию или использование, либо ограничить их свободное обращение.

    Государства - члены должны немедленно информировать Комиссию о любых подобных мерах, указать причины такого решения и, в особенности, информировать о том, явилось ли это несоответствие результатом:
    a) неспособности удовлетворить основным требованиям, определенным в Статье 3;
    b) неправильного применения стандартов, определенных в Статье 5 (п.2);
    c) недостатков самих стандартов, определенных в Статье 5 (п. 2).

    2. The Commission shall enter into consultation with the parties concerned without delay. Where the Commission considers, after this consultation, that the measure is justified, it shall immediately so inform the Member State which took the initiative and the other Member States. Where the Commission considers, after this consultation, that the action is unjustified, it shall immediately so inform the Member State which took the initiative and the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community.

    Where the decision referred to in paragraph 1 is based on a shortcoming in the standards, and where the Member State at the origin of the decision maintains its position, the Commission shall immediately inform the committee in order to initiate the procedures referred to in Article 6(1).

    2. Комиссия должна безотлагательно провести консультацию с заинтересованными сторонами. В случае, если после проведения такой консультации, Комиссия полагает, что такая мера обоснована, она должна немедленно информировать об этом Государство - член, которое выдвинуло эту инициативу, а также остальные Государства - члены. Если Комиссия после проведения такой консультации полагает, что действия не были обоснованными, она немедленно извещает об этом Государство - член, проявившее инициативу, и изготовителя, либо его уполномоченного представителя в Сообществе.

    Если решение, указанное в параграфе 1, основано на недостатках в стандартах, и если Государство - член на основании такого решения сохраняет свои позиции, то Комиссия должна немедленно информировать комитет для того, чтобы начать процедуры, описанные в Статье 6 (п. 1).

    3. Where:
    — machinery which does not comply bears the CE marking,
    — a safety component which does not comply is accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity,
    the competent Member State shall take appropriate action against whom so ever has affixed the marking or drawn up the declaration and shall so inform the Commission and other Member States.

    3. Если:
    - машинное оборудование, не соответствующие требованиям, имеют маркировку "СЕ",
    - компоненты безопасности, не соответствующие требованиям, имеют декларацию соответствия ЕС,
    компетентное Государство - член должно начать соответствующие действия против любого, кто поставил маркировку, или составил декларацию, и должно проинформировать об этом Комиссию и другие Государства - члены.

    4. The Commission shall ensure that Member States are kept informed of the progress and outcome of this procedure.

    4. Комиссия должна обеспечить, чтобы Государства – члены были постоянно информированы о ходе и результатах данной процедуры.

    Article 8

    1. The manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community must, in order to certify that machinery and safety components are in conformity with this Directive, draw up for all machinery or safety components manufactured an EC declaration of conformity based on the model given in Annex II, point A or C as appropriate.

    In addition, for machinery alone, the manufacturer or his authorised representatives established in the Community must affix to the machine the CE marking.

    Глава II
    Процедуры оценки соответствия
    Статья 8

    1. Для подтверждения того, что машинное оборудование, а также компоненты безопасности соответствуют положениям настоящей Директивы, изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен составить декларацию ЕС о соответствии на произведенное машинное оборудование и компоненты безопасности по образцу, приведенному в Приложении II, соответственно пунктам A или C.

    Корме того, на машинное оборудование изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен нанести маркировку "СЕ" в соответствии со Статьей 10.

    2. Before placing on the market, the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the Community, shall:
    (a) if the machinery is not referred to in Annex IV, draw up the file provided for in Annex V;
    (b) if the machinery is referred to in Annex IV and its manufacturer does not comply, or only partly complies, with the standards referred to in Article 5(2) or if there are no such standards, submit an example of the machinery for the EC type-examination referred to in Annex VI;
    (c) if the machinery is referred to in Annex IV and is manufactured in accordance with the standards referred to in Article 5(2):
    — either draw up the file referred to in Annex VI and forward it to a notified body, which will acknowledge receipt of the file as soon as possible and keep it,
    — submit the file referred to in Annex VI to the notified body, which will simply verify that the standards referred to in Article 5(2) have been correctly applied and will draw up a certificate of adequacy for the file,
    — or submit the example of the machinery for the EC type-examination referred to in Annex VI.

    2. Перед поставкой на рынок изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен:
    (a) в случае, если машинное оборудование не указано в Приложении IV, составить документацию, предусмотренную Приложением V;
    (b) если машинное оборудование указано в Приложении IV, и их изготовитель не выполняет, либо выполняет лишь частично требования стандартов, упомянутых в Статье 5 (2), либо, если таких стандартов не существует, то представить образец машинного оборудования для его испытания ЕС, определенного в Приложении VI;
    (c) если машинное оборудование указано в Приложении IV и изготовлено в соответствии со стандартами, определенными в Статье 5 (п. 2):
    - либо составить документацию, указанную в Приложении VI, и передать ее нотифицированному органу, который подтверждает получение документации в возможно короткие сроки, а также сохраняет ее;
    - представить документацию, указанную в Приложении VI, нотифицированному органу, который просто проверит, что стандарты, упомянутые в Статье 5 (2), были применены правильно и составит сертификат соответствия по этой документации;
    - либо представить образец машинного оборудования для испытания ЕС типового образца, определенного в Приложении VI.

    3. Where the first indent of paragraph 2(c) of this Article applies, the provisions of the first sentence of paragraphs 5 and 7 of Annex VI shall also apply.

    Where the second indent of paragraph 2(c) of this Article applies, the provisions of paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of Annex VI shall also apply.

    3. В тех случаях, когда может быть применен первый абзац параграфа 2 (с) этой Статьи должны также применяться положения первого предложения параграфов 5 и 7 Приложения VI.

    В тех случаях, когда может быть применен второй абзац пункта 2 (с), должны также применяться положения параграфов 5, 6 и 7 Приложения VI.

    4. Where paragraph 2(a) and the first and second indents of paragraph 2(c) apply, the EC declaration of conformity shall solely state conformity with the essential requirements of the Directive.

    Where paragraph 2(b) and the third indent of paragraph 2(c) apply, the EC declaration of conformity shall state conformity with the example that underwent EC type-examination.

    4. В тех случаях, когда применяется параграф 2 (а) и первый и второй абзацы параграфа 2 (c), декларация ЕС о соответствии должна удостоверить соответствие основным требованиям настоящей Директивы.

    В случае, когда применяется параграф 2 (b) и третий абзац параграфа 2 (c), декларация ЕС о соответствии должна удостоверить соответствие образцу, прошедшему испытание ЕС типового образца.

    5. Safety components shall be subject to the certification procedures applicable to machinery pursuant to paragraphs 2, 3 and 4. Furthermore, during EC type-examination, the notified body shall verify the suitability of the safety component for fulfilling the safety functions declared by the manufacturer.

    5.Компоненты безопасности должны подвергаться процедурам сертификации, применимым к машинному оборудованию в соответствии с параграфами 2, 3, 4. Более того, во время испытания ЕС типового образца нотифицированный орган должен проверить пригодность компонентов безопасности для выполнения тех функций безопасности, которые заявлены изготовителем.

    6. (a) Where the machinery is subject to other Directives concerning other aspects and which also provide for the affixing of the CE marking, the latter shall indicate that the machinery is also presumed to conform to the provisions of those other Directives.
    (b) However, where one or more of those Directives allow the manufacturer, during a transitional period, to choose which arrangements to apply, the CE marking shall indicate conformity only to the Directives applied by the manufacturer. In this case, particulars of the Directives applied, as published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, must be given in the documents, notices or instructions required by the directives and accompanying such machinery.

    6. (a) В тех случаях, когда машинное оборудование подпадает под действие Директив по другим аспектам, которые также предусматривают нанесение маркировки "СЕ", последняя указывает, что такое машинное оборудование соответствуют положениям этих прочих директив.
    (b) Тем не менее, когда одна или несколько таких Директив позволяют изготовителям в течение переходного периода выбирать, какие из положений применить, маркировка "СЕ" будет указывать на соответствие только тем Директивам, которые применялись изготовителем. В этом случае подробная информация о примененных Директивах, опубликованных в Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ, должен приводиться в документах, аннотациях или инструкциях, требуемых в соответствии с Директивами, и сопровождать такое машинное оборудование.

    7. Where neither the manufacturer nor his authorised representative established in the Community fulfils the obligations of paragraphs 1 to 6, these obligations shall fall to any person placing the machinery or safety component on the market in the Community. The same obligations shall apply to any person assembling machinery or parts thereof or safety components of various origins or constructing machinery or safety components for his own use.

    7. Если ни изготовитель, ни его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе не выполнят своих обязательств по предыдущим параграфам, то эти обязательства должны быть выполнены любыми лицами, поставляющими машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности на рынок Сообщества. Такие же обязательства возлагаются на любые лица, осуществляющие сборку машинного оборудования, либо его частей или компонентов безопасности различного происхождения, либо создающие машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности для собственного пользования.

    8. The obligations referred to in paragraph 7 shall not apply to persons who assemble with a machine or tractor interchangeable equipment as provided for in Article 1, provided that the parts are compatible and each of the constituent parts of the assembled machine bears the CE marking and is accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity.

    8. Обязательства, изложенные в параграфе 7, не применяются к лицам, которые собирают с машиной, механизмом или транспортным средством взаимозаменяемое оборудование, указанное в Статье 1, при условии, что эти части совместимы, и каждая из частей машины в сборе имеет маркировку "СЕ" и Декларацию ЕС о соответствии.

    Article 9
    1. Member States shall notify the Commission and the other Member States of the approved bodies which they have appointed to carry out the procedures referred to in Article 8 together with the specific tasks which these bodies have been appointed to carry out and the identification numbers assigned to them beforehand by the Commission.
    The Commission shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities a list of the notified bodies and their identification numbers and the tasks for which they have been notified. The Commission shall ensure that this list is kept up to date.

    Статья 9
    1. Государства - члены должны уведомить Комиссию и другие Государства - члены об утвержденных органах, которые назначаются для выполнения процедур, описанных в Статье 8, также как и для различных особых задач, которые этим органам предназначено выполнять, и об идентификационных номерах, предварительно присвоенных им Комиссией.

    В Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ Комиссия должна публиковать список таких нотифицированных органов и их идентификационные номера, а также задачи, для решения которых они предназначены. Комиссия должна обеспечить своевременность обновления списка.

    2. Member States shall apply the criteria laid down in Annex VII in assessing the bodies to be indicated in such notification. Bodies meeting the assessment criteria laid down in the relevant harmonised standards shall be presumed to fulfil those criteria.

    2. Государства - члены должны применять критерии, изложенные в Приложении VII, для определения органов, которые будут указаны в таких назначениях. Органы, удовлетворяющие критериям, изложенным в соответствующих гармонизированных стандартах, считаются соответствующими критериям.

    3. A Member State which has approved a body must withdraw its notification if it finds that the body no longer meets the criteria referred to in Annex VII. It shall immediately inform the Commission and the other Member States accordingly.

    3. Государство - член, утвердившее такой орган, должно отменить его назначение, если оно обнаружит, что он больше не соответствует критериям, изложенным в Приложении VII. Государство - член должно немедленно известить об этом Комиссию и другие Государства - члены.

    Article 10
    1. The CE conformity marking shall consist of the initials ‘CE’. The form of the marking to be used is shown in Annex III.

    Статья 10
    1. Маркировка "СЕ" состоит из заглавных букв "СЕ". Форма маркировки, которая будет использоваться, указана в Приложении III.

    2. The CE marking shall be affixed to machinery distinctly and visibly in accordance with point 1.7.3 of Annex I.

    2. Маркировка "СЕ" должна наноситься на машинное оборудование четко, на видном месте в соответствии с пунктом 1.7.3. Приложения I.

    3. The affixing of markings on the machinery which are likely to deceive third parties as to the meaning and form of the CE marking shall be prohibited. Any other marking may be affixed to the machinery provided that the visibility and legibility of the CE marking is not thereby reduced.

    3. Нанесение маркировок на машинное оборудование таким образом, что это может ввести в заблуждение относительно значения и формы маркировки "СЕ", запрещено. Любые другие маркировки могут быть нанесены на машинное оборудование таким образом, чтобы не мешать видимости и различимости маркировки "СЕ".

    4. Without prejudice to Article 7:
    (a) where a Member State establishes that the CE marking has been affixed unduly, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community shall be obliged to make the product conform as regards the provisions concerning the CE marking and to end the infringement under the conditions imposed by the Member State;

    (b) where non-conformity continues, the Member State must take all appropriate measures to restrict or prohibit the placing on the market of the product in question or to ensure that it is withdrawn from the market in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 7.

    4. Без ограничения применения Статьи 7:
    (a) если Государство - член устанавливает, что маркировка "СЕ" была нанесена неправильно, изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе будет обязан привести продукцию в соответствии с положениями, касающимися маркировки "СЕ" и положить конец нарушениям на условиях, установленных Государством - членом;

    (b) если такое несоответствие будет продолжаться, то Государство - член должно принять все соответствующие меры для ограничения или запрещения поставки на рынок такой продукции, либо обеспечить изъятие ее с рынка в соответствии с процедурами, изложенными в Статье 7.

    Article 11

    Any decision taken pursuant to this Directive which restricts the placing on the market and putting into service of machinery or a safety component shall state the exact grounds on which it is based. Such a decision shall be notified as soon as possible to the party concerned, who shall at the same time be informed of the legal remedies available to him under the laws in force in the Member State concerned and of the time limits to which such remedies are subject.

    Статья 11

    Любое решение, принятое в исполнение настоящей Директивы, ограничивающее поставку на рынок и ввод в эксплуатацию машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, должно указывать точные причины, на которых оно основано. Такое решение должно быть по возможности быстро доведено до сведения заинтересованных сторон, их также следует проинформировать о законных мерах, которые могут быть предприняты по действующему законодательству в соответствующем Государстве - члене и о сроках, в которые данные меры применяются.

    Article 12
    The Commission will take the necessary steps to have information on all the relevant decisions relating to the management of this Directive made available.

    Статья 12
    Комиссия предпримет все необходимые шаги для получения информации по всем соответствующим решениям, касающимся применения и распространения настоящей Директивы.

    Article 13
    1. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive.

    2. The Commission shall, before 1 January 1994, examine the progress made in the standardisation work relating to this Directive and propose any appropriate measures.

    Статья 13
    1. Государства - члены должны передать Комиссии тексты положений национальных законодательных актов, принимаемых в сфере, определяемой настоящей Директивой.

    2. Комиссия должна до 1 января 1994 г. изучить развитие работ по стандартизации, относящиеся к области действия настоящей Директивы и предложить любые целесообразные меры.





    [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва]

    Машина представляет собой аппарат, использующий или применяющий механическую энергию, состоящий из нескольких частей — каждая со своими определенными функциями, которые вместе выполняют некоторые виды работ. Для целей анализа это понятие включает отдельные машины или наборы машин. См. Машины и оборудование (МСО)
    [ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]





    машины и оборудование

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]

    машины и оборудование
    Часть основных фондов компании (предприятия), которая включает устройства, преобразующие энергию, материалы и информацию. В аналитической и оценочной практике в общее понятие М. и о. включаются отдельно оцениваемые установки, машины, оборудование и транспортные средства, подразделяемые на виды, а каждый вид – на марки (последним термином для краткости можно обозначать разные модели и модификации машины). Разные марки машин одного вида используются для одних и тех же целей: они способны производить одну и ту же продукцию, выполнять одни и те же работы или оказывать одни и те же услуги ( в противном случае их надо относить в другому виду машин), а следовательно, «взаимозаменяемы» и являются товарами, конкурирующими между собой на рынке Рынок машин каждого вида делится на первичный (новые М..) и вторичный (бывшие в эксплуатации), для которых применяются разные оценочные приемы и инструменты.. М.и о. являются главным объектом инвестирования при разработке и реализации инвестиционного проекта, и, соответственно, одним из основных элементов оценки инвестиционных проектов. Важно, что в отличие от ценных бумаг, акций, М.и о. являются объектами реальных инвестиций, а не финансовых инвестиций.
    [ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]


    A group of parts or machines arranged to perform a useful function. (Source: MGH)







    Совокупность подвижно соединённых звеньев, совершающих под действием приложенных сил заранее определённые целесообразные движения
    [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)]

    машины, механизмы

    Совокупность связанных между собой частей и устройств, как минимум одно из которых движется, имеет соответствующий привод, органы управления и энергетические узлы, соединенные вместе для определенного применения, например для обработки, переработки, производства, транспортирования или упаковки материалов.
    Термины «машина» и «механизм» также распространяются на совокупность машин, которые размещаются и управляются таким образом, чтобы функционировать как единое целое.
    В приложении А приведено общее схематическое изображение машины.
    [ ГОСТ Р ИСО 12100-1:2007]





    Совокупность связанных между собой частей или устройств, из которых по крайней мере одно движется, а также элементы привода, управления и энергетические узлы, которые предназначены для определенного применения, в частности для обработки, производства, перемещения или упаковки материала. К термину «оборудование» относят также машину и совокупность машин, которые так устроены и управляемы, что они функционируют как единое целое для достижения одной и той же цели.
    [ГОСТ ЕН 1070-2003]


    [IEV number 151-11-25 ]

    Оснащение, материалы, приспособления, устройства, механизмы, приборы, инструменты и другие принадлежности, используемые в качестве частей электрической установки или в соединении с ней.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60204-1-2007]


    single apparatus or set of devices or apparatuses, or the set of main devices of an installation, or all devices necessary to perform a specific task
    NOTE – Examples of equipment are a power transformer, the equipment of a substation, measuring equipment.
    [IEV number 151-11-25 ]

    material, fittings, devices, components, appliances, fixtures, apparatus, and the like used as part of, or in connection with, the electrical equipment of machines
    [IEC 60204-1-2006]


    équipement, m
    matériel, m
    appareil unique ou ensemble de dispositifs ou appareils, ou ensemble des dispositifs principaux d'une installation, ou ensemble des dispositifs nécessaires à l'accomplissement d'une tâche particulière
    NOTE – Des exemples d’équipement ou de matériel sont un transformateur de puissance, l’équipement d’une sous-station, un équipement de mesure.
    [IEV number 151-11-25]






    организационный аппарат

    [ http://www.iks-media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324]


    • электросвязь, основные понятия


    3.26 машины (machinery): Устройство, состоящее из соединенных между собой частей или компонентов, по крайней мере, один из которых движется, с соответствующими исполнительными механизмами, силовыми цепями и цепями управления и т.д., объединенных вместе в целях конкретного применения, в частности, для обработки, переработки, перемещения или упаковки материала (материал означает эквивалент вещества или изделия).

    Термин «машины» одновременно означает совокупность машин и механизмов, которые для достижения одной и той же цели установлены и управляются таким образом, что они функционируют как единое целое.

    Источник: ГОСТ Р ЕН 1127-2-2009: Взрывоопасные среды. Взрывозащита и предотвращение взрыва. Часть 2. Основополагающая концепция и методология (для подземных выработок)

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > machinery

  • 45 control

    1. управляющий элемент в MS DOS
    2. управляющее воздействие
    3. управление технической системой
    4. управление
    5. регулирование ГТД
    6. регулирование
    7. орган управления СЧМ
    8. орган управления
    9. орган регулирования
    10. НКУ управления
    11. направлять (скважину по заданному направлению при помощи клиньев)
    12. мера управления
    13. контрольный объект
    14. контрольная проба
    15. контроль риска
    16. контроль (металлургия)
    17. контроль
    18. кнопка управления
    19. клавиша управления
    20. директивы (мн.)
    21. геодезическая основа карты
    22. борьба с шумом
    23. борьба


    (напр. с загрязнением окружающей среды)
    [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]




    борьба с шумом

    [Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]




    геодезическая основа карты
    геодезическая основа

    Совокупность геодезических данных, необходимых для создания карты.
    [ ГОСТ 21667-76]


    Обобщающие термины





    директивы (мн.)

    [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]




    клавиша управления

    [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]


    • электротехника, основные понятия



    кнопка управления

    [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]


    • электротехника, основные понятия



    Деятельность, включающая, проведение измерений, экспертизы, испытаний или оценки одной или нескольких характеристик (с целью калибровки) объекта и сравнение полученных результатов с установленными требованиями для определения, достигнуто ли соответствие по каждой их этих характеристик.
    1. Во французском языке термин «Inspection» может обозначать деятельность по надзору за качеством, проводимую в рамках определенного задания.
    2. Вышеуказанное определение применяется в стандартах на качество. Термин «контроль» определен в Руководстве ИСО/МЭК 2.
    [ИСО 8402-94]

    Процедура оценивания соответствия путем наблюдения и суждений, сопровождаемых соответствующими измерениями, испытаниями или калибровкой.
    [Руководство ИСО/МЭК 2].
    [ ГОСТ Р ИСО 9000-2008]

    Способ управления риском, обеспечивающий достижение бизнес-цели или соблюдение процесса. Примерами контроля могут служить политики, процедуры, роли, дисковый массив (RAID), дверные замки и т.п. Контроль иногда называют контрмерой или мерой предосторожности.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    A means of managing a risk, ensuring that a business objective is achieved or that a process is followed. Examples of control include policies, procedures, roles, RAID, door locks etc. A control is sometimes called a countermeasure or safeguard.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]




    Проверка соответствия предъявляемым требованиям характеристик или свойств изделий (размеров, формы, материала, физико-механических свойств, качества, функциональных характеристик и др.).
    [ http://www.manual-steel.ru/eng-a.html]




    контрольный объект
    Эталонный объект, используемый для проверки выводов, полученных на основе эксперимента. В области защиты и безопасности контрольными обычно называют образцы или группы людей, которые не подвергается воздействию излучения от конкретного источника; возникновение определенных эффектов в образце или у группы людей, которая подвергалась воздействию, сравнивается с эффектами в контрольном образце или контрольной группе с тем, чтобы получить некоторые данные о воздействии, которое может быть вызвано облучением. Например, контрольное предметное исследование (случаев) – это общий тип эпидемиологического исследования, в котором возникновение воздействий на здоровье (т.е. ‘случаев последствий’) у населения, на которое воздействовало излучение от данного источника, сравнивается с возникновением воздействий (последствий) у такой же группы населения (‘контрольной’), которая не подвергалась облучению, с целью выяснить, может ли облучение от этого источника приводить к воздействиям на здоровье.
    [Глоссарий МАГАТЭ по вопросам безопасности]




    НКУ управления

    комплектное устройство управления

    [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]


    a general term covering switching devices and their combination with associated control, measuring, protective and regulating equipment, also assemblies of such devices and equipment with associated interconnections, accessories, enclosures and supporting structures, intended in principle for the control of electric energy consuming equipment
    [IEV number 441-11-03]


    appareillage de commande
    terme général applicable aux appareils de connexion et à leur combinaison avec des appareils de commande, de mesure, de protection et de réglage qui leur sont associés, ainsi qu'aux ensembles de tels appareils avec les connexions, les accessoires, les enveloppes et les supports correspondants, destinés en principe à la commande des appareils utilisateurs d'énergie électrique
    [IEV number 441-11-03]


    • НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)





    орган регулирования

    [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]




    орган управления
    Часть системы аппарата управления, к которой прилагается извне усилие управления.
    МЭК 60050(441-15-22).
    Примечание. Орган управления может иметь форму рукоятки, ручки, нажимной кнопки, ролика, плунжера и т. п.
    [ ГОСТ Р 50030. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60947-1-99)]

    орган управления

    Часть приводного механизма, к которой прикладывается внешняя сила воздействия.
    Примечание - Орган управления может иметь форму ручки, кнопки, ролика, поршня и т.д.
    [ ГОСТ Р 52726-2007]

    орган управления
    Часть системы привода, подвергаемая внешнему силовому воздействию.
    1. Орган управления может иметь форму ручки, рукоятки, нажимной кнопки, ролика, плунжера и т.д.
    2. Есть несколько способов приведения в действие, которые не требуют внешнего силового воздействия, а только какого-либо действия.
    [ГОСТ ЕН 1070-2003]

    орган управления
    Часть системы управления, которая предназначена непосредственно для воздействия оператором, например путем нажатия.
    [ГОСТ Р ЕН 614-1-2003]

    орган управления

    Часть системы приведения в действие, которая принимает воздействие человека.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60447-2000]

    орган управления
    Часть системы приведения в действие, которая воспринимает воздействие человека (ГОСТ Р МЭК 60447).
    В настоящем стандарте орган управления в виде интерактивного экранного устройства отображения является частью этого устройства, которое представляет функцию органа управления.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60073-2000]

    орган управления
    Часть механизма прибора управления, на который оказывается вручную внешнее силовое воздействие.
    Орган управления может иметь форму ручки, рукоятки, кнопки, ролика, плунжера и т.д.
    Некоторые органы управления не требуют воздействия внешней силы, а только какого-либо действия.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60204-1-2007]

    органы управления
    Ручки, переключатели, потенциометры и другие органы, служащие для включения и регулировки аппаратуры. Термин относится преимущественно к аналоговым приборам.
    [Система неразрушающего контроля. Виды (методы) и технология неразрушающего контроля. Термины и определения (справочное пособие). Москва 2003 г.]

    орган управления
    [IEV number 442-04-14]

    средства оперирования



    the part of the actuating system to which an external actuating force is applied
    NOTE – The actuator may take the form of a handle, knob, push-button, roller, plunger, etc.
    [IEV number 441-15-22]

    part of a device to which an external manual action is to be applied
    NOTE 1 The actuator may take the form of a handle, knob, push-button, roller, plunger, etc.
    NOTE 2 There are some actuating means that do not require an external actuating force, but only an action.
    NOTE 3 See also 3.34.
    [IEC 60204-1 -2005]

    actuating member
    a part which is pulled, pushed, turned or otherwise moved to cause an operation of the switch
    [IEV number 442-04-14]


    organe de commande
    partie du mécanisme transmetteur à laquelle un effort extérieur de manoeuvre est appliqué
    NOTE – L'organe de commande peut prendre la forme d'une poignée, d'un bouton, d'un bouton-poussoir, d'une roulette, d'un plongeur, etc.
    [IEV number 441-15-22]

    organe de manoeuvre
    partie qui est tirée, poussée, tournée ou manipulée de toute autre façon pour provoquer le fonctionnement de l'interrupteur
    [IEV number 442-04-14]

    Аппарат должен оставаться механически действующим. Не допускается сваривание контактов, препятствующее операции размыкания при использовании нормальных средств оперирования.
    [ГОСТ  Р 50030.3-99 (МЭК  60947-3-99) ]

    ВДТ следует оперировать как при нормальной эксплуатации. Операции размыкания должны проводиться в следующем порядке:
    для первых 1000 циклов — с использованием ручных средств оперирования;
    [ ГОСТ Р 51326. 1-99 ( МЭК 61008-1-96)]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    The operating means (for example, a handle) of the supply disconnecting device shall be easily accessible and located between 0,6 m and 1,9 m above the servicing level.
    [IEC 60204-1-2006]

    Органы управления, например, рукоятки аппаратов отключения питания, должны быть легко доступны и располагаться на высоте от 0,6 до 1,9 м от рабочей площадки.
    [Перевод Интент]

    Where the external operating means is not intended for emergency operations, it is recommended that it be coloured BLACK or GREY.
    [IEC 60204-1-2006]

    Если внешние средства оперирования не предназначены для выполнения действий при возникновении аварийных ситуаций, то рекомендуется, применять такие средства ЧЕРНОГО или СЕРОГО цвета.
    [Перевод Интент]


    1.2.2. Control devices

    Control devices must be:
    — clearly visible and identifiable and appropriately marked where necessary,
    — positioned for safe operation without hesitation or loss of time, and without ambiguity,
    — designed so that the movement of the control is consistent with its effect,
    — located outside the danger zones, except for certain controls where necessary, such as emergency stop, console for training of robots,
    — positioned so that their operation cannot cause additional risk,
    — designed or protected so that the desired effect, where a risk is involved, cannot occur without an intentional operation,
    — made so as to withstand foreseeable strain; particular attention must be paid to emergency stop devices liable to be subjected to considerable strain.

    1.2.2. Органы управления

    Органы управления должны быть:
    - четко видны, хорошо различимы и, где это необходимо, иметь соответствующее обозначение;
    - расположены так, чтобы ими можно было пользоваться без возникновения сомнений и потерь времени на выяснение их назначения;
    - сконструированы так, чтобы перемещение органа управления согласовывалось с их воздействием;
    - расположены вне опасных зон; исключение, где это необходимо, делается для определенных средств управления, таких, как средство экстренной остановки, пульт управления роботом;
    - расположены так, чтобы их использование не вызывало дополнительных рисков;
    - сконструированы или защищены так, чтобы в случаях, где возможно возникновение рисков, они не могли бы возникнуть без выполнения намеренных действий;
    - сделаны так, чтобы выдерживать предполагаемую нагрузку; при этом особое внимание уделяется органам аварийного останова, которые могут подвергаться значительным нагрузкам.

    Where a control is designed and constructed to perform several different actions, namely where there is no one-to-one correspondence (e.g. keyboards, etc.), the action to be performed must be clearly displayed and subject to confirmation where necessary.

    Если орган управления предназначен для выполнения разных действий, например, если в качестве органа управления используется клавиатура или аналогичное устройство, то должна выводиться четкая информация о предстоящем действии, и, если необходимо, должно выполняться подтверждение на выполнение такого действия.

    Controls must be so arranged that their layout, travel and resistance to operation are compatible with the action to be performed, taking account of ergonomic principles.

    Органы управления должны быть организованы таким образом, чтобы их расположение, перемещение их элементов и усилие, которое оператор затрачивает на их перемещение, соответствовали выполняемым операциям и принципам эргономики.

    Constraints due to the necessary or foreseeable use of personal protection equipment (such as footwear, gloves, etc.) must be taken into account.

    Необходимо учитывать скованность движений операторов при использовании необходимых или предусмотренных средств индивидуальной защиты (таких, как специальная обувь, перчатки и др.).

    Machinery must be fitted with indicators (dials, signals, etc.) as required for safe operation. The operator must be able to read them from the control position.

    Для обеспечения безопасной эксплуатации машинное оборудование должно быть оснащено индикаторами (циферблатами, устройствами сигнализации и т. д.). Оператор должен иметь возможность считывать их с места управления.

    From the main control position the operator must be able to ensure that there are no exposed persons in the danger zones.

    Находясь в главном пункте управления, оператор должен иметь возможность контролировать отсутствие незащищенных лиц.

    If this is impossible, the control system must be designed and constructed so that an acoustic and/ or visual warning signal is given whenever the machinery is about to start.

    Если это невозможно, то система управления должна быть разработана и изготовлена так, чтобы перед каждым пуском машинного оборудования подавался звуковой и/или световой предупредительный сигнал.

    The exposed person must have the time and the means to take rapid action to prevent the machinery starting up.


    Незащищенное лицо должно иметь достаточно времени и средств для быстрого предотвращения пуска машинного оборудования.

    [Перевод Интент]







    орган управления СЧМ
    орган управления

    Техническое средство в СЧМ, предназначенное для передачи управляющих воздействий от оператора СЧМ к машине.
    [ ГОСТ 26387-84]

    орган управления
    Часть тормозной системы, на которую непосредственно воздействует водитель (или в случае прицепа соответствующей конструкции - сопровождающее лицо), обеспечивая подачу в тормозной привод энергии, необходимой для торможения, или управляя такой подачей.
    Этой энергией может быть или мускульная энергия водителя, или энергия из другого источника, управляемого водителем, или кинетическая энергия прицепа, или сочетание этих видов энергии.
    [ ГОСТ Р 41.13-2007]





    Управление, цель которого заключается в обеспечении близости текущих значений одной или нескольких координат объекта управления к их заданным значениям.
    [Сборник рекомендуемых терминов. Выпуск 107. Теория управления.
     Академия наук СССР. Комитет научно-технической терминологии. 1984 г.]

    Вид управления, процесс, посредством которого характеристики управляемой системы удерживаются на траектории, заданной блоком управления (т.е. управляющей системой). (См. статью Управление экономической системой и рис. к ней.) Р. можно подразделить на два вида: Р. по рассогласованиям (или отклонениям) и Р. по критическим параметрам. В первом случае система бывает вынуждена изменить свое поведение, когда с помощью обратной связи обнаруживается ее отклонение от заданных норм, плана и т.п.; во втором — когда достигается уровень какого-либо параметра, признанный критическим, недопустимым (например, накопление запаса сверх разрешенного — сигнал к уценке товара). Осуществляется этот процесс разными способами в зависимости от характера системы и от ее взаимодействий с окружающей средой. Так, Р. может быть произведено путем непосредственного воздействия блока управления на управляемую систему; путем устранения того внешнего фактора, под воздействием которого система выходит из нужного состояния — это называется компенсационным Р.; посредством изоляции системы от вероятных возмущений. В кибернетических системах орган, осуществляющий Р., называется регулятором. Вместе с блоком определения целей он составляет управляющую систему (правильнее было бы говорить о подсистеме). В экономике Р. выступает как способ управления, при котором управляющему центру нет нужды изучать и оценивать каждое случайное воздействие на систему и давать рецепт, как на него реагировать; однако имеются стимулы, направляющие реакцию системы на воздействия в нужное русло. Отлаженный рыночный механизм порождает процесс саморегулирования: фирмы и другие субъекты экономики самостоятельно принимают необходимые решения, исходя из условий производства и рыночной конъюнктуры. Регуляторами могут выступать государственные налоги, цены на некоторые виды продукции (играющие роль каркаса системы ценообразования, роль социальной защиты и др.), пошлины, некоторые экономические нормативы. Подробнее см. Макроэкономическое регулирование.
    [ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]


    Обобщающие термины



    регулирование ГТД

    Процесс поддержания или преднамеренного изменения режима работы ГТД.
    [ ГОСТ 23851-79







    Упорядочивающее воздействие одной системы на другую, направленное на поддержание и улучшение функционирования объекта управления
    [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)]

    Совокупность целенаправленных действий, включающая оценку ситуации и состояния объекта управления, выбор управляющих воздействий и их реализацию.
    [ ГОСТ 34.003-90]

    1. В самом широком смысле, действительном, наверное, для всех эпох истории человечества и для всех народов, У. — совокупность целенаправленных действий одних людей (управляющих), которые тем или иным способом организуют деятельность или отдельные действия других людей (управляемых) для достижения назначенных первыми целей. Это одно из самых широких, философских по своему существу, понятий, вокруг которых ведутся дискуссии, и которые вряд ли когда-нибудь обретут общепринятые дефиниции и толкования. Более конкретная и современная формула: управление это выработка и осуществление целенаправленных управляющих воздействий на объект (систему), что включает сбор, передачу и обработку необходимой информации, принятие и реализацию соответствующих решений. (Часто этим термином называют само управляющее воздействие). Основные понятия, связанные с У. и рассматриваемые в словаре: прогнозирование, планирование, организация, стимулирование и ряд других. См. Наука об управлении. Качество и эффективность управления на всех его уровнях и во всех ипостасях – важнейший фактор развития человечества, в том числе определяющий фактор экономического, научно-технического развития. Может быть, особенно ярко это отражает один исторический эпизод. Когда после 2-й мировой войны выявилось отставание европейских стран от США, во Франции вышла книга публициста Серван-Шрейбера, во многом перевернувшая сознание европейских политиков и экономистов: «Американский вызов». В ней, в частности, говорилось: «Благодаря прогрессу в методах управления американцы достигли такой производительности труда в расчете на одного человека, которая на 40 % выше производительности труда в Швеции, на 60% выше, чем в Западной Германии, на 70% выше, чем во Франции, и на 80% выше, чем в Англии. Для того, чтобы получить такие же прибыли, как получает американская корпорация «Дженерал моторс», т.е. примерно два с четвертью миллиарда долларов, 30 самых крупных европейских компаний и 10 самых крупных японских компаний нанимают в совокупности 3,5 млн человек, в то время как «Дженерал моторс» для получения той же прибыли нанимает только 730 тыс. человек, т.е. почти в пять раз меньше»… 2. В математической теории оптимальных процессов У. — совокупность управляющих параметров, переводящих систему из одного фазового состояния в другое.
    [ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]






    управление технической системой
    Этот термин обозначает управление загрузкой или поведением конфигурационной единицы, системы или ИТ-услуги.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    Control also means to manage the utilization or behaviour of a configuration item, system or IT service.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL® версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]




    управляющее воздействие
    Воздействие на объект управления, предназначенное для достижения цели управления.
    [Сборник рекомендуемых терминов. Выпуск 107. Теория управления.
     Академия наук СССР. Комитет научно-технической терминологии. 1984 г.]

    управляющее воздействие
    Сознательное целенаправленное воздействие, единичный акт управления, в частности, управления экономической системой. В общем смысле – само управление (при этом единичный акт понимается как постоянный, неопределенной длительности).
    [ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]




    управляющий элемент в MS DOS
    Используется для организации общения с пользователем. Как правило, эти элементы объединяются в составе аналогового окна. Различают следующие виды управляющих элементов: кнопки, списки, комбинированные элементы, редактирующие элементы, линейка прокрутки и статический текст.
    [Е.С.Алексеев, А.А.Мячев. Англо-русский толковый словарь по системотехнике ЭВМ. Москва 1993]



    2.7 контроль (control): -

    Примечание - В контексте безопасности информационно-телекоммуникационных технологий термин «контроль» может считаться синонимом «защитной меры» (см. 2.24).

    Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 13335-1-2006: Информационная технология. Методы и средства обеспечения безопасности. Часть 1. Концепция и модели менеджмента безопасности информационных и телекоммуникационных технологий оригинал документа

    2.4 орган управления (control): Часть тормозной системы, на которую непосредственно воздействует водитель (или в случае прицепа соответствующей конструкции - сопровождающее лицо), обеспечивая подачу в тормозной привод энергии, необходимой для торможения, или управляя такой подачей.

    Примечание - Этой энергией может быть или мускульная энергия водителя, или энергия из другого источника, управляемого водителем, или кинетическая энергия прицепа, или сочетание этих видов энергии.

    Источник: ГОСТ Р 41.13-2007: Единообразные предписания, касающиеся транспортных средств категорий М, N и О в отношении торможения оригинал документа

    2.26 контроль риска (control): Мера, которая модифицирует (изменяет) риск (2.1).

    Примечание 1 - Контроль риска может включать любой процесс, политику, методику, практику или другие действия, модифицирующие риск.

    Примечание 2 - Контроль риска может не всегда приводить к желаемому или ожидаемому эффекту.

    [Руководство ИСО 73:2009, определение]

    Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО 31000-2010: Менеджмент риска. Принципы и руководство оригинал документа

    2.8 управляющее воздействие (control): Воздействия, определяющие, регулирующие и/или влияющие на процесс.

    Примечание - Управляющие воздействия охватывают процедуры, методы, планы, стандартные методики, стратегию и законодательство.

    Источник: ГОСТ Р 52380.1-2005: Руководство по экономике качества. Часть 1. Модель затрат на процесс оригинал документа

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > control

  • 46 cuál

    which, what.
    which one.
    * * *
    pronombre (pl cuales)
    entrevistamos a los obreros, los cuales nos informaron adecuadamente we interviewed the workers, who duly informed us
    3 (correlativo) such as
    1 formal as, like
    cada cual everyone, everybody
    * * *
    2) who, whom
    * * *
    1. PRON

    el cual/la cual/ los cuales/ las cuales —

    a) [aplicado a cosas] which

    obtuvo una beca, gracias a la cual pudo subsistir varios años — he got a grant, which gave him enough to live on for several years

    b) [aplicado a personas] [como sujeto] who; [como objeto] who, whom; [tras preposición] whom

    se reunieron con el presidente, el cual les informó del asunto — they had a meeting with the president, who briefed them on the affair

    tengo gran amistad con el director, al cual conozco desde hace muchos años — the director, who o whom I have known for many years, is a great friend of mine

    había ocho chicos, tres de los cuales hablaban en inglés — there were eight boys, three of whom were speaking in English


    lo cual — which

    se rieron mucho, lo cual me disgustó — they laughed a lot, which upset me

    con lo cual — with the result that

    se han construido dos escuelas más, con lo cual contaremos con más de 2.000 plazas escolares — two more schools have been built, with the result that o which means that we will have more than 2,000 school places

    llegué tarde, con lo cual no pude entrar — I arrived late, which meant I couldn't get in

    por lo cual — and therefore, consequently


    cada cual, miembros de distintas religiones, cada cual con su libro sagrado — members of different religions, each (one) with their holy book

    depende del gusto de cada cual — it depends on individual taste, it depends on each individual's taste

    allá cada cual — everyone must look out for themselves


    sea cual sea o fuese o fuere — whatever

    quiere entrar en un club de golf, sea cual sea — he wants to join a golf club, and any one will do

    ADV CONJ liter like

    cual sias if

    todos aplaudieron su sugerencia, cual si de una idea genial se tratara — everyone applauded his suggestion, as if it were the most brilliant idea

    tal 3., 1)
    ADJ (Jur) said, aforementioned

    los cuales bienesthe said o aforementioned property

    * * *

    el cual/la cual/los cuales/las cuales — ( hablando de personas) (sujeto) who; (complemento) who, whom (frml); ( hablando de cosas) which

    según lo cual... — by which...

    dos/la mayoría de los cuales — ( hablando de cosas) two/most of which; ( hablando de personas) two/most of whom


    por lo cualas a result o therefore

    con lo cual: me dijo que yo allí sobraba, con lo cual me fui he told me that I wasn't wanted there, whereupon o at which point I left; olvidó el dinero, con lo cual no pude comprar nada — he forgot the money, which meant that I couldn't buy anything

    cada cual — everyone, everybody

    cada cual se fue por su lado — each went his separate way, everyone went their separate ways

    sea cual sea or fuera or fuere — whatever

    preposición (liter) like

    cual fiera enfurecida... — like a raging beast... (liter)

    * * *
    = what, which.
    Ex. Before examining the two main means of constructing classification schedules it is as well to consider what the objective of the designer of a classification scheme should be.
    Ex. There are a number of features of a catalogue or index which benefit from some standardisation.
    * aceptar tal cual = take + Nombre + at face value.
    * cada cual por su cuenta = every man for himself.
    * con lo cual = whereupon.
    * copiar tal cual = lift + wholesale and unmodified.
    * ¿cuál es el futuro de? = quo vadis.
    * de los cuales = out of which.
    * después de lo cual = whereupon.
    * el cual = which.
    * gracias al cual = whereby.
    * por el cual = whereby, whereupon.
    * saber cúal es la verdad = discern + the truth.
    * sea cual fuere = any... whatsoever.
    * sea cual fuese = any... whatsoever.
    * sea cual sea el criterio utilizado = by any standard(s).
    * sean cuales sean = whatever they may be.
    * tal cual = unaltered, uncritically, unmodified, unedited, just as, like that, like this.
    * tal o cual = such and such.
    * tal y cual = such and such.
    * * *

    el cual/la cual/los cuales/las cuales — ( hablando de personas) (sujeto) who; (complemento) who, whom (frml); ( hablando de cosas) which

    según lo cual... — by which...

    dos/la mayoría de los cuales — ( hablando de cosas) two/most of which; ( hablando de personas) two/most of whom


    por lo cualas a result o therefore

    con lo cual: me dijo que yo allí sobraba, con lo cual me fui he told me that I wasn't wanted there, whereupon o at which point I left; olvidó el dinero, con lo cual no pude comprar nada — he forgot the money, which meant that I couldn't buy anything

    cada cual — everyone, everybody

    cada cual se fue por su lado — each went his separate way, everyone went their separate ways

    sea cual sea or fuera or fuere — whatever

    preposición (liter) like

    cual fiera enfurecida... — like a raging beast... (liter)

    * * *
    = what, which.

    Ex: Before examining the two main means of constructing classification schedules it is as well to consider what the objective of the designer of a classification scheme should be.

    Ex: There are a number of features of a catalogue or index which benefit from some standardisation.
    * aceptar tal cual = take + Nombre + at face value.
    * cada cual por su cuenta = every man for himself.
    * con lo cual = whereupon.
    * copiar tal cual = lift + wholesale and unmodified.
    * ¿cuál es el futuro de? = quo vadis.
    * de los cuales = out of which.
    * después de lo cual = whereupon.
    * el cual = which.
    * gracias al cual = whereby.
    * por el cual = whereby, whereupon.
    * saber cúal es la verdad = discern + the truth.
    * sea cual fuere = any... whatsoever.
    * sea cual fuese = any... whatsoever.
    * sea cual sea el criterio utilizado = by any standard(s).
    * sean cuales sean = whatever they may be.
    * tal cual = unaltered, uncritically, unmodified, unedited, just as, like that, like this.
    * tal o cual = such and such.
    * tal y cual = such and such.

    * * *
    el cual/la cual/los cuales/las cuales (hablando de personas) ( sujeto) who;
    ( complemento) who, whom ( frml); (hablando de cosas) which
    dos señores, con los cuales pasé varios días two gentlemen, who I spent several days with o with whom I spent several days
    medidas con las cuales se desestimula el consumo measures with which consumption is discouraged
    el motivo por el cual lo hizo the reason why he did it
    la regla según la cual … the rule by which …
    me presentó al hermano y a un primo, el cual primo resultó ser un plomo he introduced me to his brother and to a cousin, the latter o the cousin turned out to be a real bore
    lo cual which
    se disgustó, lo cual es natural she got upset, which is only natural
    ese día habrá huelga de transportes, por lo cual se ha decidido postergar la reunión there will be a transport strike that day; as a result o therefore o so, it has been decided to postpone the meeting
    anunció que ella había ganado, con lo cual se produjo una gran silbatina he announced that she had won, at which point o whereupon there was loud booing
    B ( en locs):
    cada cual everyone, everybody
    que cada cual se ocupe de su equipaje everybody must look after their own luggage, everybody must look after his or her own luggage
    allí nos separamos y cada cual se fue por su lado we split up there and each went his separate way o everyone went their separate ways
    sea cual sea or sea cual fuera or sea cual fuere: sea cual sea su decisión whatever their decision is o may be
    sean cuales fueren sus motivos whatever her motives might be o may be o are
    cada cual con su cada cuala ( fam hum); each with his or her partner
    tal2 (↑ tal (2))
    ( liter); like
    el mar, cual fiera enfurecida … the sea, like a raging beast … ( liter)
    cual si tuviese alas as if I had wings
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    cual pronombre

    el/la cuál/los/las cuáles ( hablando de personas) ( sujeto) who;

    ( complemento) who, whom (frml);
    ( hablando de cosas) which;
    mis vecinos, a los cuáles no conocía my neighbors who I didn't know o (frml) whom I did not know;

    el motivo por el cuál lo hizo the reason why he did it;
    según lo cuál … by which …;
    dos de los cuáles two of whom/which

    por lo cuál as a result, therefore;
    con lo cuál so
    2 ( en locs)

    sea cual sea or fuera or fuere whatever
    cuál pronombre ( uno en particular) which;
    ( uno en general) what;
    ¿cuál quieres? which (one) do you want?;

    ¿y cuál es el problema? so, what's the problem?
    ■ adjetivo (esp AmL): ¿a cuál colegio vas? what o which school do you go to?
    I pron rel
    1 (persona) (sujeto) who
    (objeto) whom
    2 (cosa) which
    II pron
    1 correl tal cual, exactly as
    2 ant (comparativo) such as
    ♦ Locuciones: a cual más guapo, each more handsome than the other
    I pron interr which (one)?, what?: ¿cuál prefieres?, which one do you prefer?
    II adjetivo interr which

    ' cuál' also found in these entries:
    - cada
    - cual
    - cualquiera
    - decir
    - gentilicio
    - lo
    - moraleja
    - nombre
    - suerte
    - tal
    - talla
    - con
    - patente
    - any
    - car-boot sale
    - chain letter
    - climbing frame
    - downside
    - each
    - euro
    - exercise
    - forecast
    - mission
    - mode
    - motive
    - motto
    - one
    - optimal
    - promenade concert
    - publicity
    - source
    - stand
    - such-and-such
    - that
    - title
    - two
    - weather forecast
    - what
    - whereupon
    - which
    - whichever
    - who
    - whom
    - comprehensive
    - consent
    - grammar
    - job
    - kind
    - such
    - surprisingly
    - whereby
    - why
    * * *
    pron relativo
    el cual/la cual/los cuales/las cuales [de persona] (sujeto) who; (complemento) who, Formal whom;
    [de cosa] which;
    conoció a una española, la cual vivía en Buenos Aires he met a Spanish girl who lived in Buenos Aires;
    le extirparon el apéndice, el cual se había inflamado they removed her appendix, which had become inflamed;
    hablé con dos profesores, los cuales me explicaron la situación I spoke to two teachers who explained the situation to me;
    me encontré con Sandra, a la cual hacía tiempo que no veía I met Sandra, who o Formal whom I hadn't seen for some time;
    son dos personas con las cuales me llevo muy bien they're two people I get on very well with, Formal they're two people with whom I get on very well;
    hablé con la persona a la cual escribí la semana pasada I spoke with the person who I had written to o Formal to whom I had written last week;
    la compañía para la cual trabajo the company I work for, Formal the company for which I work;
    un problema para el cual no hay solución a problem to which there is no solution;
    una norma según la cual no se puede entrar a mitad de espectáculo a rule stating that you may not enter the auditorium while the show is in progress;
    estoy muy cansado, razón por la cual no saldré esta noche I'm very tired, which is why I'm not going out tonight
    lo cual which;
    está muy enfadada, lo cual es comprensible she's very angry, which is understandable;
    ha tenido mucho éxito, de lo cual me alegro she's been very successful and I'm very pleased for her;
    …de lo cual concluimos que… …from which we can conclude that…;
    estaba de muy mal humor, en vista de lo cual no le dije nada seeing as o in view of the fact that she was in a very bad mood, I didn't say anything to her;
    por todo lo cual hemos decidido… as a result of which we have decided…;
    todo lo cual me hace pensar que no vendrá all of which makes me think he won't come
    3. [en frases]
    cada cual tiene sus gustos propios everyone has his/her own tastes;
    que cada cual extraiga sus conclusiones you may all draw your own conclusions;
    sea cual sea o [m5] fuere su decisión whatever his decision (may be);
    le conté lo que había pasado y se quedó tal cual I told her what had happened and she didn't bat an eyelid
    Literario [como] like;
    se revolvió cual fiera herida he writhed around like a wounded beast;
    cual padre, tal hijo like father, like son
    * * *
    I pron rel
    el cual, la cual etc cosa which; persona who;
    por lo cual (and) so;
    tiene dos coches, a cuál más caro he has two cars, both (of them) equally expensive
    II adv like;
    dejó la habitación tal cual la encontró she left the room just as she found it
    * * *
    cuál adj
    : which, what
    ¿cuáles libros?: which books?
    cual prep
    : like, as
    cuál pron
    1) (in questions) : which (one), what (one)
    ¿cuál es el mejor?: which one is the best?
    ¿cuál es tu apellido?: what is your last name?
    cuál más, cuál menos : some more, some less
    cual pron
    el cual, la cual, los cuales, las cuales : who, whom, which
    la razón por la cual lo dije: the reason I said it
    lo cual : which
    se rió, lo cual me dio rabia: he laughed, which made me mad
    cada cual : everyone, everybody
    * * *
    cual pron
    1. (persona) who / whom
    hablamos con los estudiantes, los cuales nos informaron sobre la huelga we spoke to the students who told us about the strike
    2. (cosa) which
    la casa, la cual se construyó el año pasado, es preciosa the house, which was built last year, is beautiful

    Spanish-English dictionary > cuál

  • 47 manera

    1 way, manner.
    a manera de as, by way of (como)
    a la manera de in the style of, after the fashion of
    a mi manera de ver the way I see it
    de cualquier manera any old how; (sin cuidado) anyway, in any case (de todos modos)
    de esta manera in this way
    lo hice de la misma manera que ayer/tú I did it the same way as yesterday/you
    de manera que so (that)
    de ninguna manera, en manera alguna by no means, under no circumstances; (refuerza negación) no way!, certainly not! (respuesta exclamativa)
    de una manera o de otra one way or another
    no hay manera there is no way, it's impossible
    ¡contigo no hay manera! you're impossible!
    ¡qué manera de llover! just look at that rain!
    manera de pensar way of thinking
    manera de ser way of being, nature
    2 fashion, style.
    * * *
    1 (gen) way, manner
    1 (educación) manners
    a manera de by way of
    a la manera de in the style of
    de cualquier manera (en cualquier caso) in any case 2 (sin cuidado, consideración, interés) carelessly
    de manera que so that
    de ninguna manera certainly not
    de todas maneras in any case, anyhow
    ¡de una manera! in such a way!
    en gran manera enormously
    no hay manera it's impossible
    ¡qué manera de... ! what a way to... !
    manera de ser character
    * * *
    noun f.
    way, manner
    - de ninguna manera
    - de todas maneras
    * * *
    1) (=modo) way

    eso no es manera de tratar a un animal — that's not the way to treat an animal, that's no way to treat an animal

    ¡llovía de una manera! — it was really pouring down!

    ¡nunca he visto nevar de esta manera! — I've never seen it snow like this!

    no hubo manera de convencerla — there was no convincing her, there was no way we could convince her

    a mi/tu etc manera — my/your etc way

    a mi manera de ver, tenemos dos opciones — the way I see it, we have two options

    a la manera de algn/algo, siguen arando a la manera de sus abuelos — they still plough as o in the way their grandfathers did

    de manera perfecta — perfectly, in a perfect way

    de esta manera — (in) this way, (in) this fashion

    de la misma manera — (in) the same way, (in) the same fashion

    manera de ser, es su manera de ser — that's the way she is

    2) [locuciones]

    de alguna manera — (=en cierto modo) to some extent; (=de cualquier modo) somehow; [al principio de frase] in a way, in some ways

    en cierta manera — in a way, to a certain extent

    de cualquier manera — (=sin cuidado) any old how; (=de todos modos) anyway

    en gran manera — to a large extent

    de mala manera, le pegó de mala manera — he hit her really hard

    lo estafaron de mala manera* they really ripped him off *

    ese tío se enrolla de mala manera* that guy just can't stop jabbering *

    de ninguna manera, eso no lo vamos a aceptar de ninguna manera — there's no way we are going to accept that

    ¡de ninguna manera! — certainly not!, no way!

    de otra manera — (=de otro modo) in a different way; (=por otra parte) otherwise

    de otra manera, no es posible entender su actitud — otherwise, it's impossible to understand his attitude

    dicho de otra manera — in other words, to put it another way

    sobre manera — exceedingly

    de tal manera que... — in such a way that...

    de todas maneras — anyway, in any case


    de manera que[antes de verbo] so; [después de verbo] so that

    ¿de manera que esto no te gusta? — so you don't like this?

    4) pl maneras (=modales) manners

    malas maneras — bad manners, rudeness

    tener maneras LAm to have good manners, be well-mannered

    5) liter (=tipo) kind
    6) (Arte, Literat) (=estilo) style
    MANERA, FORMA, MODO De manera + ((adjetivo)) Cuando de manera + ((adjetivo)) añade información sobre una acción, la traducción más frecuente al inglés es un adverbio terminado en -ly. En inglés este tipo de adverbio es mucho más común que el equivalente - mente español: Todos estos cambios ocurren de manera natural All these changes happen naturally La Constitución prohíbe de manera expresa la especulación inmobiliaria The Constitution expressly forbids speculation in real estate ► De manera + ((adjetivo)) también se puede traducir por in a + ((adjetvo)) + way si no existe un adverbio terminado en -ly que equivalga al adjetivo: Se lo dijo de manera amistosa He said it to her in a friendly way ► En los casos en que se quiere hacer hincapié en la manera de hacer algo, se puede utilizar tanto un adverbio en -ly como la construcción in a + ((adjetivo)) + way, aunque esta última posibilidad es más frecuente: Tienes que intentar comportarte de manera responsable You must try to behave responsibly o in a responsible way Ellos podrán ayudarte a manejar tu negocio de manera profesional They'll be able to help you run your business professionally o in a professional way Para otros usos y ejemplos ver manera, forma, modo
    * * *
    a) (modo, forma) way

    yo lo hago a mi manera — I do it my way, I have my own way of doing it

    ¿qué manera de comer es ésa? — that's no way to eat your food

    comimos de una manera...! — you should have seen the amount we ate!

    no saldrás a la calle vestida de esa manera ¿no? — you're not going out dressed like that, are you?

    no lo pongas así de cualquier manera, dóblalo — don't just put it in any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how, fold it up

    no hay/hubo manera — it is/it was impossible

    de cualquier manera or de todas maneras — anyway

    de manera que — ( así que) (+ indic) so; ( para que) (+ subj) so that, so

    de ninguna manera: ¿me lo das? - de ninguna manera will you give it to me? - certainly not; de ninguna manera lo voy a permitir there's no way I'm going to allow it; no son de ninguna manera inferiores they are in no way inferior; sobre manera sobremanera; de mala manera: me contestó de muy mala manera she answered me very rudely; la trataba de mala manera he used to treat her badly; los precios han subido de mala manera (Esp) prices have shot up (colloq); lo malcrió de mala manera (Esp) she spoiled him terribly o (colloq) rotten; querer algo de mala manera — (Esp fam) to want something really badly

    2) maneras femenino plural ( modales) manners (pl)
    * * *
    = approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, form, guise, means, way, manner, fashion.
    Ex. During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.
    Ex. In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
    Ex. It is under the chosen form of heading that the catalogue entry for a particular document is filed and hence located.
    Ex. In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.
    Ex. The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.
    Ex. They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.
    Ex. City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.
    Ex. It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.
    * a + Posesivo + manera = in + Posesivo + own way.
    * buscar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * conseguido de manera dudosa = ill-gotten.
    * de alguna manera = in some sense, in some way, somehow, in any sense, some way.
    * de buena manera = good-humouredly, good-humoured.
    * de cualquier manera = anyhow, higgledy-piggledy, willy-nilly, in any way at all, in any way [in anyway].
    * de esta manera = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.
    * de igual manera = by the same token, in like fashion, in like manner, in like vein, in equal measure(s).
    * dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * de la manera normal = in the normal manner.
    * de la mejor manera posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * de la misma manera = by the same token.
    * de la misma manera (que) = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as).
    * de la otra manera = the other way (a)round.
    * de las dos maneras = in both ways.
    * de la siguiente manera = in the following terms.
    * de manera amena = pleasantly.
    * de manera clara = distinctly, clearly.
    * de manera confusa = hazily.
    * de manera conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * de manera constructiva = constructively.
    * de manera decepcionante = disappointingly.
    * de manera deprimente = sombrely [somberly, -USA].
    * de manera despreocupada = casually.
    * de manera desproporcionada = disproportionately.
    * de manera divertida = funnily.
    * de manera encantadora = winningly.
    * de manera escandalosa = outrageously.
    * de manera especial = in a certain way, in a special way.
    * de manera esquemática = briefly.
    * de manera estupenda = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].
    * de manera extraña = oddly, funnily.
    * de manera global = holistically.
    * de manera graciosa = funnily.
    * de manera grotesca = grotesquely.
    * de manera humillante = abjectly.
    * de manera inconsecuente = inconsistently.
    * de manera informal = casually.
    * de manera inquietante = eerily.
    * de manera insinuante = suggestively.
    * de manera intermitente = intermittently.
    * de manera involuntaria = involuntarily.
    * de manera lamentable = lamentably, miserably.
    * de manera lógica = in a meaningful way.
    * de manera maravillosa = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].
    * de manera marginal = tangentially.
    * de manera memorable = memorably.
    * de manera misteriosa = eerily.
    * de manera muy clara = in no uncertain terms.
    * de manera muy similar a = in much the same way as.
    * de manera muy superficial = sketchily.
    * de manera negativa = in a negative light.
    * de manera obsesiva = neurotically.
    * de manera óptima = optimally.
    * de manera poco convincente = lamely.
    * de manera poco ética = unethically.
    * de manera poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    * de manera positiva = in a positive light.
    * de manera precisa = precisely.
    * de manera preocupante = disturbingly.
    * de manera previsible = predictably.
    * de manera protectora = protectively.
    * de manera provocativa = suggestively.
    * de manera que = in a form that.
    * de manera rara = oddly, funnily.
    * de manera realista = realistically.
    * de manera semipermanente = on a semi-permanent basis.
    * de manera significativa = to any significant extent, to a significant extent.
    * de manera similar = in a similar way.
    * de manera similar a = in a similar manner to.
    * de manera sofisticada = sophisticatedly.
    * de manera sorprendente = shockingly.
    * de manera sutil = subtly.
    * de manera tangencial = tangentially.
    * de manera uniforme = evenly.
    * de manera vaga = hazily.
    * de mejor manera = best.
    * de muchas maneras = in every way, in more ways than one.
    * de ninguna manera = at all, in any sense of the word, not at all, under no/any circumstances, on no account, not on any account, in any way at all.
    * !de ninguna manera! = Not on your life!, over + Posesivo + dead body.
    * de nuevas maneras = in new ways.
    * de tal manera que = so that.
    * de todas maneras = at any rate.
    * de una manera + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + fashion, in a + Adjetivo + manner, in + Adjetivo + manner, in a + Adjetivo + vein.
    * de una manera eficaz = competently.
    * de una manera extraña = strangely.
    * de una manera genial = in a masterful way.
    * de una manera lógica = logically.
    * de una manera más sencilla = in digestible form.
    * de una manera rara = strangely.
    * de una manera satisfactoria = neatly.
    * de una manera seductora = seductively.
    * de una manera significativa = meaningfully.
    * de una manera simple = in a simple manner.
    * de una manera solemne = solemnly.
    * de una manera tentad = seductively.
    * de una manera tentadora = seductively.
    * de una manera torpe = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de una misma manera = in a similar fashion.
    * de una nueva manera = in a new way.
    * estudiar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * expresar de otra manera = rephrase.
    * fracasar de manera lamentable = fail + miserably, fail + dismally.
    * justo de la misma manera que = in just the same way as.
    * la manera de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * la mejor manera = how best.
    * la mejor manera de = the best way of.
    * manera de actuar = line of attack.
    * manera de pensar = way of thinking.
    * manera de trabajar = work practice.
    * manera de tratar = avenue of approach.
    * manera de ver las cosas = line of thought.
    * no haber manera de = there + be + no way.
    * no hay manera de que = for the life of me.
    * pero no hubo manera = but no dice.
    * ponerlo de otra manera = put it + in a different way.
    * por decirlo de alguna manera = so to speak.
    * por la manera = by the way.
    * presentar de manera esquemática = give + overview.
    * redactar de otra manera = reword.
    * ser la manera de = be a recipe for.
    * ser la mejor manera de = be the conduit for.
    * una manera de empezar = a foot in the door.
    * usar de manera general = be in general use.
    * ver las cosas de diferente manera = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de una manera diferente = see + things differently.
    * * *
    a) (modo, forma) way

    yo lo hago a mi manera — I do it my way, I have my own way of doing it

    ¿qué manera de comer es ésa? — that's no way to eat your food

    comimos de una manera...! — you should have seen the amount we ate!

    no saldrás a la calle vestida de esa manera ¿no? — you're not going out dressed like that, are you?

    no lo pongas así de cualquier manera, dóblalo — don't just put it in any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how, fold it up

    no hay/hubo manera — it is/it was impossible

    de cualquier manera or de todas maneras — anyway

    de manera que — ( así que) (+ indic) so; ( para que) (+ subj) so that, so

    de ninguna manera: ¿me lo das? - de ninguna manera will you give it to me? - certainly not; de ninguna manera lo voy a permitir there's no way I'm going to allow it; no son de ninguna manera inferiores they are in no way inferior; sobre manera sobremanera; de mala manera: me contestó de muy mala manera she answered me very rudely; la trataba de mala manera he used to treat her badly; los precios han subido de mala manera (Esp) prices have shot up (colloq); lo malcrió de mala manera (Esp) she spoiled him terribly o (colloq) rotten; querer algo de mala manera — (Esp fam) to want something really badly

    2) maneras femenino plural ( modales) manners (pl)
    * * *
    = approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, form, guise, means, way, manner, fashion.

    Ex: During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.

    Ex: In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
    Ex: It is under the chosen form of heading that the catalogue entry for a particular document is filed and hence located.
    Ex: In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.
    Ex: The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.
    Ex: They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.
    Ex: City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.
    Ex: It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.
    * a + Posesivo + manera = in + Posesivo + own way.
    * buscar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * conseguido de manera dudosa = ill-gotten.
    * de alguna manera = in some sense, in some way, somehow, in any sense, some way.
    * de buena manera = good-humouredly, good-humoured.
    * de cualquier manera = anyhow, higgledy-piggledy, willy-nilly, in any way at all, in any way [in anyway].
    * de esta manera = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.
    * de igual manera = by the same token, in like fashion, in like manner, in like vein, in equal measure(s).
    * dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * de la manera normal = in the normal manner.
    * de la mejor manera posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * de la misma manera = by the same token.
    * de la misma manera (que) = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as).
    * de la otra manera = the other way (a)round.
    * de las dos maneras = in both ways.
    * de la siguiente manera = in the following terms.
    * de manera amena = pleasantly.
    * de manera clara = distinctly, clearly.
    * de manera confusa = hazily.
    * de manera conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * de manera constructiva = constructively.
    * de manera decepcionante = disappointingly.
    * de manera deprimente = sombrely [somberly, -USA].
    * de manera despreocupada = casually.
    * de manera desproporcionada = disproportionately.
    * de manera divertida = funnily.
    * de manera encantadora = winningly.
    * de manera escandalosa = outrageously.
    * de manera especial = in a certain way, in a special way.
    * de manera esquemática = briefly.
    * de manera estupenda = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].
    * de manera extraña = oddly, funnily.
    * de manera global = holistically.
    * de manera graciosa = funnily.
    * de manera grotesca = grotesquely.
    * de manera humillante = abjectly.
    * de manera inconsecuente = inconsistently.
    * de manera informal = casually.
    * de manera inquietante = eerily.
    * de manera insinuante = suggestively.
    * de manera intermitente = intermittently.
    * de manera involuntaria = involuntarily.
    * de manera lamentable = lamentably, miserably.
    * de manera lógica = in a meaningful way.
    * de manera maravillosa = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].
    * de manera marginal = tangentially.
    * de manera memorable = memorably.
    * de manera misteriosa = eerily.
    * de manera muy clara = in no uncertain terms.
    * de manera muy similar a = in much the same way as.
    * de manera muy superficial = sketchily.
    * de manera negativa = in a negative light.
    * de manera obsesiva = neurotically.
    * de manera óptima = optimally.
    * de manera poco convincente = lamely.
    * de manera poco ética = unethically.
    * de manera poco profesional = unprofessionally.
    * de manera positiva = in a positive light.
    * de manera precisa = precisely.
    * de manera preocupante = disturbingly.
    * de manera previsible = predictably.
    * de manera protectora = protectively.
    * de manera provocativa = suggestively.
    * de manera que = in a form that.
    * de manera rara = oddly, funnily.
    * de manera realista = realistically.
    * de manera semipermanente = on a semi-permanent basis.
    * de manera significativa = to any significant extent, to a significant extent.
    * de manera similar = in a similar way.
    * de manera similar a = in a similar manner to.
    * de manera sofisticada = sophisticatedly.
    * de manera sorprendente = shockingly.
    * de manera sutil = subtly.
    * de manera tangencial = tangentially.
    * de manera uniforme = evenly.
    * de manera vaga = hazily.
    * de mejor manera = best.
    * de muchas maneras = in every way, in more ways than one.
    * de ninguna manera = at all, in any sense of the word, not at all, under no/any circumstances, on no account, not on any account, in any way at all.
    * !de ninguna manera! = Not on your life!, over + Posesivo + dead body.
    * de nuevas maneras = in new ways.
    * de tal manera que = so that.
    * de todas maneras = at any rate.
    * de una manera + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + fashion, in a + Adjetivo + manner, in + Adjetivo + manner, in a + Adjetivo + vein.
    * de una manera eficaz = competently.
    * de una manera extraña = strangely.
    * de una manera genial = in a masterful way.
    * de una manera lógica = logically.
    * de una manera más sencilla = in digestible form.
    * de una manera rara = strangely.
    * de una manera satisfactoria = neatly.
    * de una manera seductora = seductively.
    * de una manera significativa = meaningfully.
    * de una manera simple = in a simple manner.
    * de una manera solemne = solemnly.
    * de una manera tentad = seductively.
    * de una manera tentadora = seductively.
    * de una manera torpe = awkwardly, cumbrously.
    * de una misma manera = in a similar fashion.
    * de una nueva manera = in a new way.
    * estudiar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.
    * expresar de otra manera = rephrase.
    * fracasar de manera lamentable = fail + miserably, fail + dismally.
    * justo de la misma manera que = in just the same way as.
    * la manera de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.
    * la mejor manera = how best.
    * la mejor manera de = the best way of.
    * manera de actuar = line of attack.
    * manera de pensar = way of thinking.
    * manera de trabajar = work practice.
    * manera de tratar = avenue of approach.
    * manera de ver las cosas = line of thought.
    * no haber manera de = there + be + no way.
    * no hay manera de que = for the life of me.
    * pero no hubo manera = but no dice.
    * ponerlo de otra manera = put it + in a different way.
    * por decirlo de alguna manera = so to speak.
    * por la manera = by the way.
    * presentar de manera esquemática = give + overview.
    * redactar de otra manera = reword.
    * ser la manera de = be a recipe for.
    * ser la mejor manera de = be the conduit for.
    * una manera de empezar = a foot in the door.
    * usar de manera general = be in general use.
    * ver las cosas de diferente manera = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de una manera diferente = see + things differently.

    * * *
    1 (modo, forma) way
    yo lo hago a mi manera I do it my way, I have my own way of doing it
    ¿qué manera de comer es ésa? that's no way to eat your food
    ¡comimos de una manera …! you should have seen the amount we ate!
    ¡qué manera de llover! it's absolutely pouring (with rain)
    ¡qué manera de malgastar el dinero! what a waste of money!
    no saldrás a la calle vestida de esa manera ¿no? you're not going out dressed like that, are you?
    se puede ir vestido de cualquier manera you can dress however you want, you can wear whatever you like
    no lo pongas así, de cualquier manera, dóblalo don't just put it in any which way ( AmE) o ( BrE) any old how o way, fold it up
    de esta manera iremos más cómodos we'll be more comfortable this way o like this
    de alguna manera tendré que conseguir el dinero I'll have to get the money somehow (or other)
    sus novelas son, de alguna manera, un reflejo de su propia juventud her novels are, to some extent o in some ways, a reflection of her own youth
    de una manera u otra habrá que terminarlo it'll have to be finished one way or another
    no hay/hubo manera it is/was impossible
    2 ( en locs):
    a manera de by way of
    a manera de ejemplo by way of example
    se levantó el sombrero a manera de saludo he lifted his hat in greeting
    de cualquier manera or de todas maneras anyway
    de cualquier manera or de todas maneras ya tenía que lavarlo I had to wash it anyway o in any case
    de manera que (así que) (+ indic) so;
    (para que) (+ subj) so that, so
    ¿de manera que te casas en julio? so you're getting married in July, are you?
    dilo en voz alta, de manera que todos te oigan say it out loud, so (that) everyone can hear you
    de ninguna manera: ¿me lo das? — de ninguna manera will you give it to me? — certainly not
    de ninguna manera lo voy a permitir there's no way I'm going to allow it
    no son de ninguna manera inferiores they are in no way inferior
    de mala manera: me contestó de muy mala manera she answered me very rudely
    la trataba de mala manera he used to treat her badly
    los precios han subido de mala manera ( Esp); prices have shot up ( colloq), prices have risen exorbitantly
    lo malcrió de mala manera ( Esp); she spoiled him terribly o ( colloq) rotten
    querer algo de mala manera ( Esp fam); to want sth really badly, want sth in the worst way ( AmE colloq)
    su manera de ser the way she is
    tiene una manera de ser que se lleva bien con todos she has a nice way about her, she gets on well with everyone ( colloq)
    su manera de ser le acarrea muchos problemas his manner o the way he comes across causes him a lot of problems
    B maneras fpl (modales) manners (pl)
    * * *


    manera sustantivo femenino
    1 (modo, forma) way;

    a manera de by way of;
    de todas maneras anyway;
    su manera de ser the way she is;
    se puede ir vestido de cualquier manera you can dress however you want;
    no lo pongas así, de cualquier manera don't just put it in any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how;
    de ninguna manera lo voy a permitir there's no way I'm going to allow it;
    de alguna manera tendré que conseguirlo I'll have to get it somehow (or other);
    no hay/hubo manera it is/it was impossible;
    de manera que so;
    de mala manera ‹ contestar rudely;

    tratar badly
    maneras sustantivo femenino plural ( modales) manners (pl)

    I sustantivo femenino
    1 way, manner: hagámoslo a nuestra manera, let's do it our way
    lo hace todo de cualquier manera, he does everything any old how
    no hay manera de que me escuche, there is no way to make him listen to me
    me disgusta su manera de ser, I don't like the way he behaves
    II fpl maneras, manners: contestó con malas maneras, she answered rudely
    ♦ Locuciones: a manera de, as: se puso una cacerola a manera de casco, she used a cooking pot as a helmet
    de cualquier manera/de todas maneras, anyway, at any rate, in any case
    de manera que, so (that)
    de ninguna manera, in no way, certainly not: no pienso disculparme de ninguna manera, there's no way that I'm going to apologise
    de tal manera que, in such a way that
    en cierta manera, in some sense: en cierta manera todos somos responsables de ella, to a certain degree we are all responsible for her
    ' manera' also found in these entries:
    - arrancar
    - categórica
    - categórico
    - como
    - como quiera
    - comoquiera
    - cortante
    - despatarrarse
    - despeluchar
    - encantar
    - enfocar
    - escritura
    - expiar
    - igual
    - inri
    - letra
    - mal
    - ninguna
    - ninguno
    - peculiar
    - perfectamente
    - precisamente
    - tal
    - tener
    - tuntún
    - bien
    - cómo
    - en
    - escándalo
    - forma
    - fórmula
    - habla
    - hacer
    - ilegal
    - inconsciente
    - índole
    - inesperado
    - interesado
    - medio
    - modo
    - norma
    - ordinariez
    - otro
    - plantear
    - seguir
    - temperamento
    - tirar
    - torpe
    - trato
    - abusive
    - accusingly
    - angrily
    - as
    - brittle
    - by
    - certainly
    - challenging
    - conciliatory
    - decidedly
    - definitive
    - differently
    - distant
    - dramatically
    - effective
    - elaborately
    - fashion
    - friendly
    - gait
    - impersonally
    - impossibly
    - in
    - intimidate
    - jabber
    - jangle
    - logical
    - manner
    - means
    - mimic
    - miserably
    - mismanage
    - naturally
    - nice
    - not
    - oddly
    - originally
    - other
    - otherwise
    - persuasively
    - pleasantly
    - practically
    - pretence
    - pretense
    - propose
    - radiantly
    - realistically
    - reception
    - remotely
    - should
    * * *
    manera nf
    1. [forma] way, manner;
    manera de pensar way of thinking;
    tiene una manera de ser muy agradable she has a very pleasant nature;
    no me gusta su manera de ser I don't like the way he is;
    no encuentro la manera de dejar el tabaco whatever I do, I just can't seem to give up smoking;
    esa no es manera de decir las cosas that's no way to speak;
    ¿has visto la manera en que o [m5] la manera como te mira? have you seen how o the way he's looking at you?;
    esta vez lo haremos a mi manera this time we'll do it my way;
    a la manera de in the style of, after the fashion of;
    a manera de [como] as, by way of;
    a mi manera de ver the way I see it;
    se le cayó el botón porque lo cosió de cualquier manera the button fell off because he sewed it on carelessly o any old how;
    hazlo de cualquier manera do it however you like;
    no te preocupes, de cualquier manera no pensaba ir don't worry, I wasn't going to go anyway;
    de esta/esa manera this/that way;
    trata a su hijo de mala manera he treats his son badly;
    lo dijo de mala manera she said it very rudely;
    Esp Fam
    estuvo lloviendo de mala manera it was pouring o Br bucketing down;
    Esp Fam
    se pusieron a beber de mala manera they started a serious drinking session;
    Esp Fam
    tu hermana se enrolla de mala manera your sister goes on a bit;
    de la misma manera similarly, in the same way;
    lo hice de la misma manera que ayer/tú I did it the same way as yesterday/you;
    lo organizaron de manera que acabara antes de las diez they organized it so (that) it finished before ten;
    ¿de manera que no te gusta? so, you don't like it (then)?;
    de ninguna manera o [m5] en manera alguna deberíamos dejarle salir under no circumstances should we let her out;
    de ninguna manera o [m5] en manera alguna quise ofenderte I in no way intended to offend you;
    ¿te he molestado? – de ninguna manera o [m5] en manera alguna did I annoy you? – not at all o by no means;
    ¿quieres que lo invitemos? – ¡de ninguna manera! shall we invite him? – no way o certainly not!;
    de otra manera… [si no] otherwise…;
    de tal manera (que) [tanto] so much (that);
    de todas maneras, ¿qué es eso que decías de un viaje? anyway, what's that you were saying about going away?;
    de una manera o de otra one way or another;
    en cierta manera in a way;
    la ópera me aburre en gran manera I find opera exceedingly tedious;
    no hay manera there is no way, it's impossible;
    no hay manera de que haga los deberes it's impossible to get him to do his homework;
    ¡contigo no hay manera! you're impossible!;
    ¡qué manera de hacer las cosas! that's no way to do things!;
    ¡qué manera de llover! just look at that rain!;
    me place sobre manera que recurran a nuestros servicios I'm exceedingly pleased that you should have decided to use our services
    maneras [modales] manners;
    buenas/malas maneras good/bad manners;
    de muy buenas maneras nos dijo que saliéramos she very politely asked us to leave;
    atiende a los clientes de malas maneras he's rude to the customers;
    de aquella manera: lo hicieron de aquella manera they did it any old how;
    ¿crees en Dios? – de aquella manera do you believe in God? – well, sort of
    * * *
    f way;
    esa es su manera de ser that’s the way he is;
    maneras pl manners;
    lo hace a su manera he does it his way;
    un cuadro a la manera de los cubistas a Cubist-style picture;
    no hay manera de it is impossible to;
    de manera que so (that);
    de ninguna manera certainly not;
    en gran manera greatly;
    sobre manera exceedingly;
    de todas maneras anyway, in any case;
    de cualquier manera anyway, anyhow;
    de la misma manera que in the same way that;
    de tal manera que in such a way that, so that
    * * *
    manera nf
    1) modo: way, manner, fashion
    de todas maneras : anyway, anyhow
    de manera que : so, in order that
    de ninguna manera : by no means, absolutely not
    manera de ser : personality, demeanor
    * * *
    manera n way
    de manera + adjetivo in a... way
    de manera extraña in a strange way / strangely

    Spanish-English dictionary > manera

  • 48 volo

    vŏlo (2 d pers. sing. vis, orig. veis, Prisc. 9, 1, 6, p. 847 P.; 1 st pers. plur. volumus, but volimus, Plaut. Truc. 1, 2, 89 Speng.; 3 d pers. sing. volt, and 2 d pers. plur. voltis always in ante-class. writers;

    also volt,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 17, § 42; 2, 5, 49, § 128; id. Sest. 42, 90; id. Phil. 8, 9, 26; id. Par. 5, 1, 34; id. Rep. 3, 33, 45:


    id. Verr. 2, 3, 53, § 122; 2, 3, 94, § 219; 2, 5, 5, § 11; 2, 3, 89, § 208; id. Clu. 30, 83; id. Rab. Perd. 12, 33; id. Sest. 30, 64; id. Par. 1, 2, 11 et saep. — Pres. subj. velim, but sometimes volim, Plaut. Merc. 1, 2, 44 Ritschl; cf. Prisc. 9, 1, 8, p. 848 P.;

    so volint,

    Plaut. Most. 1, 3, 65 Ritschl), velle, volui ( part. fut. voliturus, Serv. ad Verg. A. 5, 712; contr. forms, vin for visne, freq. in Plaut. and Ter., also Hor. S. 1, 9, 69; Pers. 6, 63:

    sis for si vis,

    Plaut. Capt. 1, 2, 70; id. Merc. 4, 4, 37; id. Pers. 3, 3, 8; Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 20; id. Heaut. 1, 2, 38; Cic. Tusc. 2, 18, 42; id. Rosc. Am. 16, 48; id. Mil. 22, 60; Liv. 34, 32, 20:

    sultis for si voltis, only ante-class.,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 8; id. As. prol. 1; id. Capt. 2, 3, 96; 3, 5, 9; 4, 4, 11), v. irreg. a. [Sanscr. var-; Gr. bol-, boulomai; cf. the strengthened root Wel- in eeldomai, elpomai; Germ. wollen; Engl. will], expressing any exercise of volition, and corresponding, in most cases, to the Germ. wollen; in Engl. mostly rendered, to wish, want, intend, purpose, propose, be willing, consent, mean, will, and, impersonally, it is my will, purpose, intention, plan, policy (syn.: cupio, opto; but volo properly implies a purpose).
    In gen.
    With object-infinitive.
    With pres. inf.
    To wish.
    Exire ex urbe priusquam luciscat volo, Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 35:

    potare ego hodie tecum volo,

    id. Aul. 3, 6, 33:

    ego quoque volo esse liber: nequiquam volo,

    id. Trin. 2, 4, 39; so id. ib. 2, 4, 164:

    ait rem seriam agere velle mecum,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 3, 8:

    natus enim debet quicunque est velle manere In vita,

    Lucr. 5, 177:

    video te alte spectare et velle in caelum migrare,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 34, 82:

    quid poetae? Nonne post mortem nobilitari volunt?

    id. ib. 1, 15, 34:

    si innocentes existimari volumus,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 10, § 28:

    quoniam opinionis meae voluistis esse participes,

    id. de Or. 1, 37, 172:

    quod eas quoque nationes adire et regiones cognoscere volebat,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 7:

    si velit suos recipere, obsides sibi remittat,

    id. ib. 3, 8 fin.:

    dominari illi volunt, vos liberi esse,

    Sall. J. 31, 23:

    si haec relinquere voltis,

    id. C. 58, 15:

    priusquam liberi estis, dominari jam in adversarios vultis,

    Liv. 3, 53, 7:

    si quis vestrum suos invisere volt, commeatum do,

    id. 21, 21, 5:

    non enim vincere tantum noluit, sed vinci voluit,

    id. 2, 59, 2:

    suspitionem Caesar quibusdam reliquit, neque voluisse se diutius vivere, neque curasse,

    Suet. Caes. 85:

    Eutrapelus cuicunque nocere volebat, Vestimenta dabat pretiosa,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 31.—
    Idiomatically: quid arbitramini Rheginos merere velle ut ab iis marmorea illa Venus auferatur? what do you think the Rhegini would take for, etc., Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 60, § 135.—
    Transf., of things: fabula quae posci vult et spectata reponi, a comedy which wishes (i. e. is meant) to be in demand, etc., Hor. A. P. 190:

    neque enim aut hiare semper vocalibus aut destitui temporibus volunt sermo atque epistula,

    Quint. 9, 4, 20; cf. id. 8, prooem. 23.—
    Of the wishes of those that have a right to command, the gods, masters, parents, commanders, etc., I want, wish, will, am resolved, it is my will:

    in acdibus quid tibi meis erat negoti...? Volo scire,

    Plaut. Aul. 3, 2, 14; 3, 2, 17; 3, 2, 18; 3, 6, 27; id. Curc. 4, 3, 11; id. Ep. 3, 4, 74; id. Mil. 2, 3, 74; 3, 1, 17; id. Stich. 1, 2, 56; Ter. And. 1, 2, 9; 4, 2, 17:

    maxima voce clamat populus, neque se uni, nec paucis velle parere,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 35, 55:

    consuesse deos immortalis, quos pro scelere eorum ulcisci velint, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 13:

    hic experiri vim virtutemque volo,

    Liv. 23, 45, 9.—
    = in animo habere, to intend, purpose, mean, design:

    ac volui inicere tragulam in nostrum senem,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 4, 14:

    eadem quae illis voluisti facere tu, faciunt tibi,

    id. Mil. 3, 1, 11; so id. Most. 2, 2, 5:

    puerumque clam voluit exstinguere,

    Ter. Hec. 5, 1, 23:

    necare candem voluit,

    Cic. Cael. 13, 31: quid enim ad illum qui te captare vult, utrum [p. 2005] tacentem te irretiat an loquentem? id. Ac. 2, 29, 94:

    hostis hostem occidere volui,

    Liv. 2, 12, 9; 7, 34, 11: volui interdiu eum... occidere; volui, cum ad cenam invitavi, veneno scilicet tollere;

    volui... ferro interficere (ironically),

    id. 40, 13, 2:

    tuum crimen erit, hospitem occidere voluisse,

    the intention to kill your guest-friend, Val. Max. 5, 1, 3 fin.; 6, 1, 8:

    non enim vult mori, sed invidiam filio facere,

    Quint. 9, 2, 85.—

    Pregn., opp. optare: non vult mori qui optat,

    Sen. Ep. 117, 24:

    sed eo die is, cui dare volueram (epistulam), non est profectus,

    Cic. Att. 9, 7, 1:

    cum de senectute vellem aliquid scribere,

    id. Sen. 1, 2:

    ego te volui castigare, tu mihi accussatrix ades,

    Plaut. As. 3, 1, 10:

    bonus volo jam ex hoc die esse,

    id. Pers. 4, 3, 10:

    ego jam a principio amici filiam, Ita ut aequom fuerat, volui uxorem ducere,

    Ter. Phorm. 4, 3, 46:

    at etiam eo negotio M. Catonis splendorem maculare voluerunt,

    it was their purpose, Cic. Sest. 28, 60:

    eum (tumulum) non tam capere sine certamine volebat, quam causam certaminis cum Minucio contrahere,

    his plan was, Liv. 22, 28, 4.—Of things:

    cum lex venditionibus occurrere voluit,

    when it was the purpose of the law, Dig. 46, 1, 46: sed quid ea drachuma facere vis? Ca. Restim volo Mihi emere... qui me faciam pensilem, Plaut. Ps. 1, 1, 87: Ch. Revorsionem ad terram faciunt vesperi. Ni. Aurum hercle auferre voluere, id. Bacch. 2, 3, 63:

    si iis qui haec omnia flamma ac ferro delere voluerunt... bellum indixi, etc.,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 10, 24:

    (plebem) per caedem senatus vacuam rem publicam tradere Hannibali velle,

    Liv. 23, 2, 7:

    rem Nolanam in jus dicionemque dare voluerat Poeno,

    id. 23, 15, 9: qui (majores nostri) tanta cura Siculos tueri ac retinere voluerunt ut, etc., whose policy it was to protect, etc., Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 6, § 14:

    ut qui a principio mitis omnibus Italicis praeter Romanos videri vellet, etc.,

    Liv. 23, 15, 4: idem istuc, si in vilitate largiri voluisses, derisum tuum beneficium esset, if you had offered to grant the same thing during low prices, etc., Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 92, § 215.—
    = studere, conari, to try, endeavor, attempt:

    quas (i. e. magnas res) qui impedire vult, is et infirmus est mobilisque natura, et, etc.,

    Cic. Lael. 20, 75:

    nam si quando id (exordium) primum invenire volui, nullum mihi occurrit, nisi aut exile, aut, etc.,

    id. Or. 2, 77, 315:

    de Antonio dico, numquam illum... nonnullorum de ipso suspitionem infitiando tollere voluisse,

    that he never attempted to remove, id. Sest. 3, 8; id. Div. 1, 18, 35:

    audes Fatidicum fallere velle deum?

    do you dare attempt? Ov. F. 2, 262.—
    To mean, of actions and expressions:

    hic respondere voluit, non lacessere,

    the latter meant to answer, not to provoke, Ter. Phorm. prol. 19:

    non te judices urbi sed carceri reservarunt, neque to retinere in civitate, sed exilio privare voluerunt,

    Cic. Att. 1, 16, 9.—So, volo dicere, I mean (lit. I intend to say):

    quid aliud volui dicere?

    Ter. Eun. 3, 2, 51:

    volo autem dicere, illud homini longe optimum esse quod ipsum sit optandum per se,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 20, 46.—Often with the acc. illud or id, as a correction: Tr. Specta quam arcte dormiunt. Th. Dormiunt? Tr. Illut quidem ut conivent volui dicere, I mean how they nod, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 145: Py. Quid? bracchium? Ar. Illud dicere volui femur, id. Mil. 1, 1, 27:

    adduxi volui dicere,

    id. Ps. 2, 4, 21; id. Am. 1, 1, 233; 1, 1, 235; id. Cas. 2, 6, 14; id. Mil. 3, 2, 7; id. Ps. 3, 2, 54; id. Rud. 2, 4, 9.—
    To be going to: haec argumenta ego aedificiis dixi; nunc etiam volo docere ut homines aedium esse similes arbitremini, now I am going to show how, etc., Plaut. Most. 1, 2, 37: quando bene gessi rem, volo hic in fano supplicare, I am going to worship here, etc., id. Curc. 4, 2, 41:

    nunc quod relicuom restat volo persolvere,

    id. Cist. 1, 3, 40:

    sustine hoc, Penicule, exuvias facere quas vovi volo,

    id. Men. 1, 3, 13:

    sinite me prospectare ne uspiam insidiae sint, consilium quod habere volumus,

    id. Mil. 3, 1, 3; id. As. 2, 2, 113; id. Cas. 4, 2, 3; id. Bacch. 1, 1, 61:

    si Prometheus, cum mortalibus ignem dividere vellet, ipse a vicinis carbunculos conrogaret, ridiculus videretur,

    Auct. Her. 4, 6, 9:

    ait se velle de illis HS. LXXX. cognoscere,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 23, § 56:

    hinc se recipere cum vellent, rursus illi ex loco superiore nostros premebant,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 45. —
    To be about to, on the point of: quom mittere signum Volt, Enn. ap. Cic. Div. 1, 48, 107 (Ann. v. 88 Vahl.):

    quotiens ire volo foras, retines me, rogitas quo ego eam,

    Plaut. Men. 1, 2, 5:

    quae sese in ignem inicere voluit, prohibui,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 113:

    si scires aspidem latere uspiam, et velle aliquem imprudentem super eam adsidere,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 18, 59; id. Div. 1, 52, 118:

    quod cum facere vellent, intervenit M. Manilius,

    id. Rep. 1, 12, 18:

    qui cum opem ferre vellet, nuntiatum sibi esse aliam classem ad Aegates insulas stare,

    Liv. 22, 56, 7:

    at Libys obstantes dum vult obvertere remos, In spatium resilire manus breve vidit,

    Ov. M. 3, 676; 1, 635:

    P. Claudius cum proelium navale committere vellet,

    Val. Max. 1, 4, 3.—
    Will, and in oblique discourse and questions would, the auxiliaries of the future and potential: animum advortite: Comediai nomen dari vobis volo, I will give you, etc., Plaut. Cas. prol. 30:

    sed, nisi molestum est, nomen dare vobis volo comediai,

    id. Poen. prol. 50:

    vos ite intro. Interea ego ex hac statua verberea volo erogitare... quid sit factum,

    id. Capt. 5, 1, 30:

    i tu atque arcessi illam: ego intus quod facto est opus volo adcurare,

    id. Cas. 3, 3, 35; id. Cist. 1, 1, 113; id. Most. 1, 1, 63; id. Poen. 2, 44; id. Pers. 1, 3, 85; id. Rud. 1, 2, 33: cum vero (gemitus) nihil imminuat doloris, cur frustra turpes esse volumus? why will ( would) we be disgraceful to no purpose? Cic. Tusc. 2, 24, 57:

    illa enim (ars) te, verum si loqui volumus, ornaverat,

    id. ib. 1, 47, 112:

    ergo, si vere aestimare volumus, etc.,

    Val. Max. 7, 5, 6:

    si vere aestimare Macedonas, qui tunc erant, volumus,

    Curt. 4, 16, 33:

    ejus me compotem facere potestis, si meminisse vultis, etc.,

    Liv. 7, 40, 5:

    visne igitur, dum dies ista venit... interea tu ipse congredi mecum ut, etc....?

    id. 8, 7, 7:

    volo tibi Chrysippi quoque distinctionem indicare,

    Sen. Ep. 9, 14: vis tu homines urbemque feris praeponere silvis? will you prefer, etc., Hor. S. 2, 6, 92; cf. velim and vellem, would, II. A. 2.—
    Sometimes volui = mihi placuit, I resolved, concluded (generally, in this meaning, followed by an infinitive clause, v. I. B. 4.):

    uti tamen tuo consilio volui,

    still I concluded to follow your advice, Cic. Att. 8, 3, 1.—
    To be willing, ready, to consent, like to do something: si sine bello velint rapta... tradere... se exercitum domum reducturum, if they were willing, would consent to, would deliver, etc., Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 52:

    is dare volt, is se aliquid posci,

    likes to give, id. As. 1, 3, 29:

    hoc dixit, si hoc de cella concederetur, velle Siculos senatui polliceri frumentum in cellam gratis,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 87, § 200:

    ei laxiorem daturos, si venire ad causam dicendam vellet,

    Liv. 39, 17, 2; 5, 36, 4: nemo invenitur qui pecuniam suam dividere velit. Sen. Brev. Vit. 3, 1:

    plerique concessam sibi sub condicione vitam si militare adversus eum vellent, recusarunt,

    Suet. Caes. 68:

    dedere etiam se volebant, si toleranda viris imperarentur,

    Flor. 1, 33 (2, 18), 12.—So with negatives, to be not willing, not to suffer, not to like, not to allow, refuse:

    heri nemo voluit Sostratam intro admittere,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 49:

    cum alter verum audire non vult,

    Cic. Lael. 26, 98: a proximis quisque minime anteiri vult, likes least to be surpassed, etc., Liv. 6, 34, 7:

    nihil ex his praeter... accipere voluit,

    refused to accept, Val. Max. 4, 3, 4.—
    To do something voluntarily or intentionally: volo facere = mea voluntate or sponte facio: si voluit accusare, pietati tribuo;

    si jussus est, necessitati,

    if he accused of his own free will, I ascribe it to his filial love, Cic. Cael. 1, 2:

    utrum statuas voluerint tibi statuere, an coacti sint,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 65, § 157:

    de risu quinque sunt quae quaerantur... sitne oratoris risum velle permovere,

    on purpose, id. Or. 2, 58, 235:

    laedere numquam velimus,

    Quint. 6, 3, 28.—So, non velle with inf., to do something unwillingly, with reluctance:

    vivere noluit qui mori non vult,

    who dies with reluctance, Sen. Ep. 30, 10.—
    To be of opinion, think, mean, pretend (rare with inf.; usu. with acc. and inf.; v. B. 8.):

    haec tibi scripsi ut isto ipso in genere in quo aliquid posse vis, te nihil esse cognosceres,

    in which you imagine you have some influence, Cic. Fam. 7, 27, 2:

    in hoc homo luteus etiam callidus ac veterator esse vult, quod ita scribit, etc.,

    pretends, means to be, id. Verr. 2, 3, 14, § 35: sed idem Aelius Stoicus esse voluit, orator autem nec studuit um quam, nec fuit, id. Brut. 56, 206:

    Pythago. ras, qui etiam ipse augur esse vellet,

    id. Div. 1, 3, 5.—
    To like, have no objection to, approve of (cf. E. 1. sq.):

    magis eum delectat qui se ait philosophari velle sed paucis: nam omnino haud placere,

    that he liked, had no objection to philosophizing, Cic. Rep. 1, 18, 30; v. also II. A.—
    With pres. inf. understood.
    Supplied from a preceding or subsequent clause.
    To wish, it is his will, etc. (cf. 1. a. and b. supra):

    nunc bene vivo et fortunate atque ut volo, i. e. vivere,

    as I wish, Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 111: quod diu vivendo multa quae non volt (i. e. videre) videt, Caecil. ap. Cic. Sen. 8, 25:

    proinde licet quotvis vivendo condere saecla,

    Lucr. 3, 1090:

    nec tantum proficiebam quantum volebam,

    Cic. Att. 1, 17, 1:

    tot autem rationes attulit, ut velle (i. e. persuadere) ceteris, sibi certe persuasisse videatur,

    id. Tusc. 1, 21, 49:

    sed liceret, si velint, in Ubiorum finibus considere,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 81:

    quo praesidio senatus libere quae vellet decernere auderet,

    id. B. C. 1, 2.—Of things:

    neque chorda sonum reddit quem vult manus et mens,

    Hor. A. P. 348.—
    To choose, be pleased (freq.):

    tum mihi faciat quod volt magnus Juppiter,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 10, 50:

    id repetundi copia est, quando velis,

    id. Trin. 5, 2, 7:

    habuit aurum quamdiu voluit,

    Cic. Cael. 13, 31:

    rapiebat et asportabat quantum a quoque volebat Apronius,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 12, § 29:

    provincias quas vellet, quibus vellet, venderet?

    id. Sest. 39, 84:

    quotiens ille tibi potestatem facturus sit ut eligas utrum velis,

    id. Div. in Caecil. 14, 45:

    daret utrum vellet subclamatum est,

    Liv. 21, 18, 14:

    senatus consultum factum est ut plebes praeficeret quaestioni quem vellet,

    id. 4, 51, 2:

    saxi materiaeque caedendae unde quisque vellet jus factum,

    id. 5, 55, 3; cf. id. 2, 13, 9; 5, 46, 10; 6, 25, 5; 22, 10, 23; 23, 6, 2; 23, 15, 15; 23, 45, 10; 23, 47, 2;

    26, 21, 11: vicem suam conquestus, quod sibi soli non liceret amicis, quatenus vellet, irasci,

    Suet. Aug. 66:

    at tu quantum vis tolle,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 16.—
    To intend, it is my purpose, etc. (v. 1. c. supra):

    sine me pervenire quo volo,

    let me come to my point, Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 44:

    scripsi igitur Aristotelio more, quemadmodum quidem volui, tres libros... de Oratore,

    as I intended, Cic. Fam. 1, 9, 23:

    ut meliore condicione quam qua ipse vult imitetur homines eos qui, etc.,

    id. Div. in Caecil. 8, 25:

    ego istos posse vincere scio, velle ne scirem ipsi fecerunt,

    Liv. 2, 45, 12. —
    To be willing, to consent, I will (v. 1. h. and l. supra): tu eum orato... St. Sane volo, yes, I will, Plaut. Cas. 2, 3, 57:

    jube me vinciri. Volo, dum istic itidem vinciatur,

    id. Capt. 3, 4, 75:

    patri dic velle (i. e. uxorem ducere),

    that you consent, are willing, Ter. And. 2, 3, 20 (cf.: si vis, II. A. 2, and sis, supra init.).—
    To do something voluntarily (v. 1. m. supra):

    tu selige tantum, Me quoque velle velis, anne coactus amem,

    Ov. Am. 3, 11, 50.—
    With ellipsis of inf.
    Volo, with a designation of place, = ire volo:

    nos in Formiano morabamur, quo citius audiremus: deinde Arpinum volebamus,

    I intended to go to Arpinum, Cic. Att. 9, 1, 3:

    volo mensi Quinctili in Graeciam,

    id. ib. 14, 7, 2:

    hactenus Vitellius voluerat (i. e. procedere),

    Tac. A. 12, 42 fin.
    With other omissions, supplied from context: volo Dolabellae valde desideranti, non reperio quid (i. e. to dedicate some writing to him), Cic. Att. 13, 13, 2.—
    In mal. part., Plaut. Aul. 2, 4, 7; Ov. Am. 2, 4, 16; 2. 19, 2; Prop. 1, 13, 36.—
    With perfect infinitive active (rare).
    In negative imperative sentences dependent on ne velis, ne velit (in oblique discourse also ne vellet), where ne velis has the force of noli. The perfect infinitive emphatically represents the action as completed (ante-class. and poet.).
    In ancient ordinances of the Senate and of the higher officers (not in laws proper): NEIQVIS EORVM BACANAL HABVISE VELET... BACAS VIR NEQVIS ADIESE VELET CEIVIS ROMANVS... NEVE PECVNIAM QVISQVAM EORVM COMOINEM HABVISE VELET... NEVE... QVIQVAM FECISE VELET. NEVE INTER SED CONIOVRASE, NEVE COMVOVISE NEVE CONSPONDISE, etc., S. C. de Bacch. 4-13 ap. Wordsworth, Fragm. and Spec. p. 172.—So, in quoting such ordinances: per totam Italiam edicta mitti ne quis qui Bacchis initiatus esset, coisse aut convenisse causa sacrorum velit. [p. 2006] neu quid talis rei divinae fecisse, Liv. 39, 14, 8:

    edixerunt ne quis quid fugae causa vendidisse neve emisse vellet,

    id. 39, 17, 3. —
    In imitation of official edicts: (vilicus) ne quid emisse velit insciente domino, neu quid domino celasse velit, the overseer must not buy any thing, etc., Cato, R. R. 5, 4:

    interdico, ne extulisse extra aedis puerum usquam velis,

    Ter. Hec. 4, 1, 48:

    oscula praecipue nulla dedisse velis (= noli dare),

    Ov. Am. 1, 4, 38:

    ne quis humasse velit Ajacem, Atride, vetas? Cur?

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 187.—
    In affirmative sentences, implying command (in any mood or tense; mostly poet.): neminem nota strenui aut ignavi militis notasse volui, I have decided to mark no one, etc., Liv. 24, 16, 11: quia pepercisse vobis volunt, committere vos cur pereatis non patiuntur, because they have decided to spare you, etc., id. 32, 21, 33:

    sunt delicta tamen quibus ignovisse velimus (= volumus),

    which should be pardoned, Hor. A. P. 347.—
    To represent the will as referring to a completed action.
    In optative sentences with vellem or velim, v. II. B. 5. b. a, and II. C. 1. b.—
    In other sentences ( poet. and post-class.): ex omnibus praediis ex quibus non hac mente recedimus ut omisisse possessionem velimus, with the will to abandon (omittere would denote the purpose to give up at some future time), Dig. 43, 16, 1, § 25; so,

    an erit qui velle recuset Os populi meruisse?

    Pers. 1, 41:

    qui me volet incurvasse querela,

    id. 1, 91.
    With acc. and inf.
    To wish (v. A. 1. a.).
    With a different subject: hoc volo scire te: Perditus sum miser, I wish you to know, etc., Plaut. Curc. 1, 2, 46:

    deos volo consilia vostra vobis recte vortere,

    id. Trin. 5, 2, 31:

    emere oportet quem tibi oboedire velis,

    id. Pers. 2, 4, 2:

    scin' quid nunc te facere volo?

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 85:

    si perpetuam vis esse adfinitatem hanc,

    id. Hec. 2, 2, 10:

    consul ille egit eas res quarum me participem esse voluit,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 17, 41:

    vim volumus exstingui: jus valeat necesse est,

    id. Sest. 42, 92:

    nec mihi hunc errorem extorqueri volo,

    id. Sen. 23, 85:

    hoc te scire volui,

    id. Att. 7, 18, 4:

    harum causarum fuit justissima quod Germanos suis quoque rebus timere voluit,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 16:

    ut equites qui salvam esse rempublicam vellent ex equis desilirent,

    Liv. 4, 38, 2:

    si me vivere vis recteque videre valentem,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 3:

    si vis me flere, dolendum est Primum ipsi tibi,

    id. A. P. 102.—With pass. inf. impers.:

    regnari tamen omnes volebant,

    that there should be a king, Liv. 1, 17, 3:

    mihi volo ignosci,

    I wish to be pardoned, Cic. Or. 1, 28, 130:

    volt sibi quisque credi,

    Liv. 22, 22, 14. —
    With the same subject.
    With inf. act.:

    quae mihi est spes qua me vivere velim,

    what hope have I, that I should wish to live? Plaut. Rud. 1, 3, 33:

    volo me placere Philolachi,

    id. Most. 1, 3, 11; cf. id. Trin. 2, 2, 47; id. Rud. 2, 6, 1:

    judicem esse me, non doctorem volo,

    Cic. Or. 33, 117:

    vult, credo, se esse carum suis,

    id. Sen. 20, 73; so id. Off. 1, 31, 113; id. de Or. 1, 24, 112; 2, 23, 95. —
    With inf. pass.:

    quod certiorem te vis fieri quo quisque in me animo sit,

    Cic. Att. 11, 13, 1; cf. id. Fam. 1, 9, 18:

    qui se ex his minus timidos existimari volebant,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 39; cf. id. B. C. 2, 29:

    religionis se causa... Bacchis initiari velle,

    Liv. 39, 10, 2:

    Agrippae se nepotem neque credi neque dici volebat,

    Suet. Calig. 22 fin.
    Of the will of superiors, gods, etc. (cf. A. 1. b. supra), I want, it is my will:

    me absente neminem volo intromitti,

    Plaut. Aul. 1, 3, 21:

    viros nostros quibus tu voluisti esse nos matres familias,

    id. Stich. 1, 2, 41; id. Most. 1, 4, 2; id. Rud. 4, 5, 9; id. Trin. 1, 2, 1:

    pater illum alterum (filium) secum omni tempore volebat esse,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 15, 42:

    (deus) quinque reliquis motibus orbem esse voluit expertem,

    id. Univ. 10; cf. id. Sest. 69, 147; id. Verr. 2, 4, 25, § 57; 1, 5, 14:

    causa mittendi fuit quod iter per Alpes... patefieri volebat,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 1; cf. id. ib. 5, 9; id. B. C. 1, 4:

    quippe (senatus) foedum hominem a republica procul esse volebat,

    Sall. C. 19, 2:

    nec (di) patefieri (crimina) ut impunita essent, sed ut vindicarentur voluerunt,

    Liv. 39, 16, 11; cf. id. 1, 56, 3; 2, 28, 5; 25, 32, 6:

    senatus... Romano sanguini pudicitiam tutam esse voluit,

    Val. Max. 6, 1, 9; cf. id. 6, 9, 2.—So in the historians: quid fieri vellet (velit), after a verbum imperandi or declarandi, he gave his orders, explained his will:

    quid fieri velit praecipit,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 56:

    ibi quid fieri vellet imperabat,

    id. ib. 7, 16:

    quid fieri vellet ostendit,

    id. ib. 7, 27:

    quae fieri vellet edocuit,

    id. B. C. 3, 108; cf. id. B. G. 7, 45; id. B. C. 3, 78; 3, 89:

    quid fieri vellet edixit,

    Curt. 8, 10, 30; 4, 13, 24; Val. Max. 7, 4, 2.— Frequently majores voluerunt, it was the will of our ancestors, referring to ancient customs and institutions:

    sacra Cereris summa majores nostri religione confici caerimoniaque voluerunt,

    Cic. Balb. 24, 55: majores vestri ne vos quidem temere coire voluerunt, cf. id. ib. 17, 39; 23, 54; id. Agr. 2, 11, 26; id. Fl. 7, 15; id. Imp. Pomp. 13, 39; id. Div. 1, 45, 103; id. Font. 24, 30 (10, 20); id. Rosc. Am. 25, 70.—Of testamentary dispositions: cum Titius, heres meus, mortuus erit, volo hereditatem meam ad P. Mevium pertinere, Gai Inst. 2, 277. Except in the institution of the first heir: at illa (institutio) non est comprobata: Titum heredem esse volo, Gai Inst. 2, 117. —
    Of the intention of a writer, etc., to want, to mean, intend:

    Asinariam volt esse (nomen fabulae) si per vos licet,

    Plaut. As. prol. 12:

    Plautus hanc mihi gnatam esse voluit Inopiam,

    has wanted Poverty to be my daughter, made her my daughter, id. Trin. prol. 9:

    primumdum huic esse nomen Diphilus Cyrenas voluit,

    id. Rud. prol. 33:

    quae ipsi qui scripserunt voluerunt vulgo intellegi,

    meant to be understood by all, Cic. Or. 2, 14, 60:

    si non hoc intellegi volumus,

    id. Fat. 18, 41:

    quale intellegi vult Cicero cum dicit orationem suam coepisse canescere,

    Quint. 11, 1, 31; so id. 9, 4, 82; 9, 3, 9:

    quamquam illi (Prometheo) quoque ferreum anulum dedit antiquitas vinculumque id, non gestamen, intellegi voluit,

    Plin. 33, 1, 4, § 8.—
    To resolve:

    Siculi... me defensorem calamitatum suarum... esse voluerunt,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 4, 11:

    si a me causam hanc vos (judices) agi volueritis,

    if you resolve, id. ib. 8, 25:

    senatus te voluit mihi nummos, me tibi frumentum dare,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 85, § 196:

    qua (statua) abjecta, basim tamen in foro manere voluerunt,

    id. ib. 2, 2, 66, §

    160: liberam debere esse Galliam quam (senatus) suis legibus uti voluisset,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 45:

    tu Macedonas tibi voluisti genua ponere, venerarique te ut deum,

    Curt. 8 (7), 13.— Hence,
    To order, command: erus meus tibi me salutem multam voluit dicere, has ordered me, etc., Plaut. Ps. 4, 2, 25:

    montem quem a Labieno occupari voluerit,

    which he had ordered to be occupied, Caes. B. G. 1, 22:

    ibi futuros esse Helvetios ubi eos Caesar... esse voluisset,

    id. ib. 1, 13 (for velitis jubeatis with inf.-clause, v. II. B. 5. d.).—
    To consent, allow (cf. A. 1. I.):

    obtinuere ut (tribuni) tribuniciae potestatis vires salubres vellent reipublicae esse,

    they prevailed upon them to permit the tribunitian power to be wholesome to the republic, Liv. 2, 44, 5:

    Hiero tutores... puero reliquit quos precatus est moriens ut juvenum suis potissimum vestigiis insistere vellent,

    id. 24, 4, 5:

    petere ut eum... publicae etiam curae ac velut tutelae vellent esse (i. e. senatus),

    id. 42, 19, 5:

    orare tribunos ut uno animo cum consulibus bellum ab urbe ac moenibus propulsari vellent,

    id. 3, 69, 5:

    quam superesse causam Romanis cur non... incolumis Syracusas esse velint?

    id. 25, 28, 8:

    si alter ex heredibus voluerit rem a legatario possideri, alter non, ei qui noluit interdictum competet,

    Dig. 43, 3, 1, § 15.—So negatively = not to let, not to suffer:

    cum P. Attio agebant ne sua pertinacia omnium fortunas perturbari vellet,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 36.—
    To be of opinion that something should be, to require, demand:

    voluisti enim in suo genere unumquemque... esse Roscium,

    Cic. Or. 1, 61, 258: eos exercitus quos contra se multos jam annos aluerint velle dimitti, he demanded the disbanding of, etc., Caes. B. C. 1, 85:

    (Cicero) vult esse auctoritatem in verbis,

    Quint. 8, 3, 43:

    vult esse Celsus aliquam et superiorem compositionem,

    id. 9, 4, 137:

    si tantum irasci vis sapientem quantum scelerum indignitas exigit,

    Sen. Ira, 2, 9, 4. —
    To be of opinion that something is or was, = censere, dicere, but implying that the opinion is erroneous or doubtful, usu. in the third pers., sometimes in the second.
    To imagine, consider:

    est genus hominum qui esse se primos omnium rerum volunt, Nec sunt,

    Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 17:

    semper auget adsentator id quod is cujus ad voluntatem dicitur vult esse magnum,

    Cic. Lael. 26, 98:

    si quis patricius, si quis—quod illi volunt invidiosius esse—Claudius diceret,

    Liv. 6, 40, 13.—
    To be of opinion, to hold:

    vultis, opinor, nihil esse... in natura praeter ignem,

    Cic. N. D. 3, 14, 36:

    volunt illi omnes... eadem condicione nasci,

    id. Div. 2, 44, 93:

    vultis evenire omnia fato,

    id. ib. 2, 9, 24:

    alteri censent, etc., alteri volunt a rebus fatum omne relegari,

    id. Fat. 19, 45:

    vultis a dis immortalibus hominibus dispertiri somnia,

    id. N. D. 3, 39, 93; id. Tusc. 1, 10, 20; id. Fin. 3, 11, 36; id. Rep. 2, 26, 48:

    volunt quidam... iram in pectore moveri effervescente circa cor sanguine,

    Sen. Ira, 2, 19, 3.—
    To say, assert:

    si tam familiaris erat Clodiae quam tu esse vis,

    as you say he is, Cic. Cael. 21, 53:

    sit sane tanta quanta tu illam esse vis,

    id. Or. 1, 55, 23:

    ad pastum et ad procreandi voluptatem hoc divinum animal procreatum esse voluerunt: quo nihil mihi videtur esse absurdius,

    id. Fin. 2, 13, 40; 2, 17, 55; 2, 42, 131; 2, 46, 142; id. Fat. 18, 41.—With perf. inf.:

    Rhodi ego non fui: me vult fuisse,

    Cic. Planc. 34, 84.—
    To pretend, with perf. inf., both subjects denoting the same person:

    unde homines dum se falso terrore coacti Effugisse volunt, etc.,

    Lucr. 3, 69 (cf. A. 1. n. supra).—
    To mean, with perf. inf.:

    utrum scientem vultis contra foedera fecisse, an inscientem?

    Cic. Balb. 5, 13.— With pres. inf.:

    quam primum istud, quod esse vis?

    what do you mean by as soon as possible? Sen. Ep. 117, 24.—
    Rarely in the first pers., implying that the opinion is open to discussion:

    ut et mihi, quae ego vellem non esse oratoris, concederes,

    what according to my opinion is not the orator's province, Cic. Or. 1, 17, 74.—
    In partic.
    With things as subjects.
    Things personified:

    ne res publica quidem haec pro se suscipi volet,

    would have such things done for it, Cic. Off. 1, 45, 159:

    cui tacere grave sit, quod homini facillimum voluerit esse natura,

    which nature willed should be easiest for man, Curt. 4, 6, 6: fortuna Q. Metellum... nasci in urbe terrarum principe voluit, fate ordained that, etc., Val. Max. 7, 1, 1: nihil rerum ipsa natura voluit magnum effici cito, it is the law of nature that, etc., Quint. 10, 3, 4:

    quid non ingenio voluit natura licere?

    what license did nature refuse to genius? Mart. 8, 68, 9:

    me sine, quem semper voluit fortuna jacere,

    Prop. 1, 6, 25:

    hanc me militiam fata subire volunt,

    id. 1, 6, 30.—
    Of laws, to provide:

    duodecim tabulae nocturnum furem... interfici impune voluerunt,

    Cic. Mil. 3, 9:

    lex duodecim tabularum tignum aedibus junctum... solvi prohibuit, pretiumque ejus dari voluit,

    Dig. 46, 3, 98, § 8 fin. (cf. Cic. Div. in Caecil. 6, 21, b. a, infra).—
    With perf. pass. inf., to represent a state or result wished for.
    The inf. being in full, with esse expressed: si umquam quemquam di immortales voluere esse auxilio adjutum, tum me et Calidorum servatum volunt, if it ever was the will of the gods that any one should be assisted, etc., Plaut. Ps. 4, 1, 1: Corinthum patres vestri, totius Graeciae lumen, exstinctum esse voluerunt, it was their will that Corinth should be ( and remain) destroyed, Cic. Imp. Pomp. 5, 11:

    nostri... leges et jura tecta esse voluerunt,

    id. Or. 1, 59, 253:

    propter eam partem epistulae tuae per quam te et mores tuos purgatos et probatos esse voluisti,

    id. Att. 1, 17, 7; id. Fin. 4, 27, 76; id. de Or. 1, 51, 221:

    daturum se operam ne cujus suorum popularium mutatam secum fortunam esse vellent,

    Liv. 21, 45, 6: for velle redundant in this construction, v. II. A. 2. 3. infra.—With pass. inf. impers.:

    sociis maxime lex consultum esse vult,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 6, 21.—
    With ellips. of esse (cf. Quint. 9, 3, 9): perdis me tuis dictis. Cu. Imo, servo et servatum volo, and mean that you should remain saved, Plaut. Curc. 2, 3, 56:

    aunt qui volum te conventam,

    who want to see you, id. Cist. 4, 2, 39:

    eidem homini, si quid recte cura tum velis, mandes,

    if you want to have anything done well, id. As. 1, 1, 106:

    sed etiam est paucis vos quod monitos voluerim,

    id. Capt. prol. 53: id nunc res indicium haeo [p. 2007] facit, quo pacto factum volueris, this shows now why you wished this to be done, Ter. Hec. 4, 1, 31 (cf. Plaut. Stich. 4, 2, 33; id. Aul. 3, 5, 30, II. B. 1, b, and II. B. 3. b. infra): domestica cura te levatum volo, I wish to see you relieved, etc., Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 9, 3:

    nulla sedes quo concurrant qui rem publicam defensam velint,

    id. Att. 8, 3, 4:

    rex celatum voluerat (i. e. donum),

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 28, § 64:

    Hannibal non Capuam neglectam, neque desertos volebat socios,

    Liv. 25, 20, 5; 2, 15, 2; 2, 44, 3; 3, 21, 4; 22, 7, 4;

    26, 31, 6: contemptum hominis quem destructum volebat,

    Quint. 8, 3, 21:

    si te non emptam vellet, emendus erat,

    Ov. Am. 1, 8, 34 (so with velle redundant, v. II. A. 1. d., and II. A. 3. infra).—Both subjects denoting the same person:

    velle Pompeium se Caesari purgatum,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 8.— Esp., with pass. inf. impers.: alicui consultum velle, to take care for or advocate somebody's interests:

    liberis consultum volumus propter ipsos,

    Cic. Fin. 3, 17, 57:

    obliviscere illum aliquando adversario tuo voluisse consultum,

    id. Att. 16, 16 C, 10:

    quibus tribuni plebis nunc consultum repente volunt,

    Liv. 5, 5, 3; so id. 25, 25, 17:

    quamquam senatus subventum voluit heredibus,

    Dig. 36, 1, 1, § 4; so with dep. part., used passively:

    volo amori ejus obsecutum,

    Plaut. As. 1, 1, 63.—
    With predic. adj., without copula.
    The subjects being different (mostly aliquem salvum velle):

    si me vivum vis, pater, Ignosce,

    if you wish me to live, Ter. Heaut. 5, 5, 7:

    ille, si me alienus adfinem volet, Tacebit,

    id. Phorm. 4, 1, 16:

    ut tu illam salvam magis velis quam ego,

    id. Hec. 2, 2, 17; 3, 5, 14:

    quoniam ex tota provincia soli sunt qui te salvum velint,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 67, § 150:

    irent secum extemplo qui rempublicam salvam vellent,

    Liv. 22, 53, 7.—
    Both subjects denoting the same person (virtually = object infinitive):

    in occulto jacebis quom te maxime clarum voles (= clarus esse voles),

    when you will most wish to be famous, Plaut. Trin. 3, 2, 38:

    volo me patris mei similem,

    I wish to be like my father, id. As. 1, 1, 54: ut iste qui se vult dicacem et mehercule est, Appius, who means to be witty, etc., Cic. Or. 2, 60, 246:

    qui vero se populares volunt,

    who mean to be popular, id. Off. 2, 22, 78:

    ut integrum se salvumque velit,

    id. Fin. 2, 11, 33:

    ut (omne animal) se et salvum in suo genere incolumeque vellet,

    id. ib. 4, 8, 19. —
    With an inf.-clause understood.
    Velle, to wish: utinam hinc abierit in malam crucem! Ad. Ita nos velle aequom est (ita = eum abire, etc.), Plaut. Poen. 4, 1, 5:

    stulta es, soror, magis quam volo (i.e. te esse),

    id. Pers. 4, 4, 78; id. Trin. 1, 2, 8; 2, 4, 175; id. Stich. 1, 1, 13; id. Ps. 1, 5, 55:

    senatum non quod sentiret, sed quod ego vellem decernere,

    Cic. Mil. 5, 12:

    neque enim facile est ut irascatur cui tu velis judex (= cui tu eum irasci velis),

    id. Or. 2, 45, 190; cf. id. Sest. 38, 82.—
    Referring to the will of superiors, etc.:

    deos credo voluisse, nam ni vellent, non fieret,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 10, 46: jamne abeo? St. Volo (sc. te abire), so I will, id. Cas. 2, 8, 57; cf. id. Mil. 4, 6, 12; id. Merc. 2, 3, 33.—
    To mean, intend (v. B. 3.):

    acutum etiam illud est cum ex alterius oratione aliud atque ille vult (sc. te excipere),

    Cic. Or. 2, 67, 273.—
    To require, demand (v B. 7.):

    veremur quidem vos, Romani, et, si ita vultis, etiam timemus,

    Liv. 39, 37, 17;

    and of things as subjects: cadentque vocabula, si volet usus (i. e. ea cadere),

    Hor. A. P. 71.—
    To be of opinion, will have (v. B. 8.):

    ergo ego, inimicus, si ita vultis, homini, amicus esse rei publicae debeo,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 8, 19:

    nam illi regi tolerabili, aut, si voltis, etiam amabili, Cyro,

    id. Rep. 1, 28, 44; id. Fin. 2, 27, 89; 3, 4, 12; id. Cael. 21, 53; Liv. 21, 10, 7; Quint. 2, 17, 41.—
    With ellips. of predic. inf. (v. A. 2. b.): cras de reliquiis nos volo (i. e. cenare), it is my intention that we dine, etc., Plaut. Stich. 3, 2, 40:

    volo Varronem (i. e. hos libros habere),

    Cic. Att. 13, 25, 3.
    With ut, ne, or ut ne.
    With ut.
    To wish:

    volo ut quod jubebo facias,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 8, 65:

    quia enim id maxime volo ut illi istac confugiant,

    id. Most. 5, 1, 49:

    ut mihi aedes aliquas conducat volo,

    id. Merc. 3, 2, 17: hoc prius volo meam rem agere. Th. Quid id est? Ph. Ut mihi hanc despondeas, id. Curc. 5, 2, 71: quid vis, nisi ut maneat Phanium? Ter. Phorm. 2, 2, 8:

    velim ut tibi amicus sit,

    Cic. Att. 10, 16, 1:

    quare id quoque velim... ut sit qui utamur,

    id. ib. 11, 11, 2:

    maxime vellem, judices, ut P. Sulla... modestiae fructum aliquem percipere potuisset,

    id. Sull. 1, 1:

    equidem vellem uti pedes haberent (res tuae),

    id. Fam. 7, 33, 2:

    his ut sit digna puella volo,

    Mart. 11, 27, 14.—Both subjects denoting the same person: volueram, inquit, ut quam plurimum tecum essem, Brut. ap. Cic. Att. 13, 38, 1.—
    It is the will of, to want, ordain (v. B. 2.):

    at ego deos credo voluisse ut apud te me in nervo enicem,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 10, 17: numquid me vis? Le. Ut valeas, id. Cist. 1, 1, 120: numquid vis? Ps. Dormitum ut abeas, id. Ps. 2, 2, 70:

    volo ut mihi respondeas,

    Cic. Vatin. 6, 14; 7, 17; 7, 18; 9, 21;

    12, 29: nuntia Romanis, caelestes ita velle ut mea Roma caput orbis terrarum sit,

    Liv. 1, 16, 7.—
    To intend, it is the purpose, aim, etc., the two subjects being the same:

    id quaerunt, volunt haec ut infecta faciant,

    Plaut. Cas. 4, 4, 9.—
    With other verbs:

    quod peto et volo parentes meos ut commonstres mihi,

    Ter. Heaut. 5, 4, 4:

    quasi vero aut populus Romanus hoc voluerit, aut senatus tibi hoc mandaverit ut... privares,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 19, § 48;

    with opto,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 16, 48;

    with laboro,

    Liv. 42, 14, 3;

    with aequum censere,

    id. 39, 19, 7.—
    With ne:

    at ne videas velim,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 23:

    quid nunc vis? ut opperiare hos sex dies saltem modo, ne illam vendas, neu me perdas, etc.,

    id. Ps. 1, 3, 102:

    credibile est hoc voluisse legumlatorem, ne auxilia liberorum innocentibus deessent,

    intended, Quint. 7, 1, 56.—
    With ut ne: quid nunc tibi vis? Mi. Ut quae te cupit, eam ne spernas, Plaut. Mil. 4, 2, 60.
    With subjunct. of dependent verb (mostly ante-class.; class. and freq. with velim and vellem; but in Cic. mostly epistolary and colloquial).
    To wish:

    ergo animum advortas volo,

    Plaut. Capt. 2, 3, 23; 2, 3, 28; 2, 3, 70:

    volo amet me patrem,

    id. As. 1, 1, 63 dub.:

    hoc volo agatis,

    id. Cist. 1, 1, 83:

    ducas volo hodie uxorem,

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 14:

    quid vis faciam?

    Plaut. Merc. 1, 2, 49; Ter. Eun. 5, 8, 24; Plaut. Mil. 2, 3, 64; 2, 3, 65; 2, 6, 65; 3, 3, 3; id. Ps. 4, 1, 17; 4, 7, 19; id. Cas. 2, 3, 56; id. Capt. 1, 2, 12; id. Poen. 3, 2, 16; id. Pers. 2, 4, 23; id. Rud. 5, 2, 45; 5, 3, 58; id. Stich. 5, 2, 21; Ter. Heaut. 4, 6, 14:

    volo etiam exquiras quam diligentissime poteris quid Lentulus agat?

    Cic. Att. 8, 12, 6:

    Othonem vincas volo,

    id. ib. 13, 29, 2:

    eas litteras volo habeas,

    id. ib. 13, 32, 3:

    visne igitur videamus quidnam sit, etc.,

    id. Rep. 1, 10, 15: visne igitur descendatur ad Lirim? id. Fragm. ap. Macr. S. 6, 4:

    volo, inquis, sciat,

    Sen. Ben. 2, 10, 2.—
    To be of opinion that something should be, demand, require (v. B. 7.): volo enim se efferat in adulescentia fecunditas, I like to see, etc., Cic. Or. 2, 21, 88:

    volo hoc oratori contingat ut, etc.,

    id. Brut. 84, 290.—
    With subj.-clause understood:

    abi atque obsona, propera! sed lepide volo (i. e. obsones),

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 8, 55.
    With object nouns, etc.
    With acc. of a thing.
    With a noun, to want, wish for, like to have:

    voltisne olivas, aut pulmentum, aut capparim?

    Plaut. Curc. 1, 1, 90:

    animo male est: aquam velim,

    id. Am. 5, 1, 6:

    quia videt me suam amicitiam velle,

    id. Aul. 2, 3, 68; so,

    gratiam tuam,

    id. Curc. 2, 3, 52; 2, 3, 56:


    id. ib. 2, 3, 34:


    Ter. And. 4, 2, 14: nullam ego rem umquam in vita mea Volui quin tu in ea re mihi advorsatrix fueris, I never had any wish in my life, etc., id. Heaut. 5, 3, 5: (dixit) velle Hispaniam, he wanted Spain, i. e. as a province, Cic. Att. 12, 7, 1:

    mihi frumento non opus est: nummos volo,

    I want the money, id. Verr. 2, 3, 85, § 196:

    non poterat scilicet negare se velle pacem,

    id. Att. 15, 1 a, 3; cf. id. ib. 13, 32, 2 (v. II. C. 4. infra):

    si amplius obsidum (= plures obsides) vellet, dare pollicentur,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 9 fin.:

    pacem etiam qui vincere possunt, volunt,

    Liv. 7, 40, 18:

    ferunt (eum)... honestum finem voluisse,

    Tac. A. 6, 26:

    cum Scipio veram vellet et sine exceptione victoriam,

    Flor. 1, 33 (2, 18), 12:

    mensae munera si voles secundae, Marcentes tibi porrigentur uvae,

    Mart. 5, 78, 11.—
    Neutr. adjj., denoting things, substantively used: utrum vis opta, dum licet. La. Neutrum volo, Plaut. Ps. 3, 6, 16:

    quorum isti neutrum volunt,

    acknowledge neither, Cic. Fat. 12, 28:

    voluimus quaedam, contendimus... Obtenta non sunt,

    we aspired to certain things, id. Balb. 27, 61:

    restat ut omnes unum velint,

    hold one opinion, id. Marcell. 10, 32:

    si plura velim,

    if I wished for more, Hor. C. 3, 16, 38:

    per quod probemus aliud legislatorem voluisse,

    that the law-giver intended something different, Quint. 7, 6, 8:

    ut putent, aliud quosdam dicere, aliud velle,

    that they say one thing and mean another, id. 9, 2, 85:

    utrum is qui scripsit... voluerit,

    which of the two was meant by the author, id. 7, 9, 15:

    ut nemo contra id quod vult dicit, ita potest melius aliquid velle quam dicit,

    mean better than he speaks, id. 9, 2, 89:

    quis enim pudor omnia velle?

    to desire every thing, Mart. 12, 94, 11.—
    With neutr. demonstr. expressed or understood, to want, intend, aim at, like, will:

    immo faenus: id primum volo,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 64:

    proximum quod sit bono... id volo,

    id. Capt. 2, 2, 22:

    nisi ea quae tu vis volo,

    unless my purpose is the same as yours, id. Ep. 2, 2, 82:

    siquidem id sapere'st, velle te id quod non potest contingere,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 83:

    hoc (i. e. otium cum dignitate) qui volunt omnes optimates putantur,

    who aim at this, Cic. Sest. 45, 98:

    privatum oportet in re publica ea velle quae tranquilla et honesta sint,

    id. Off. 1, 34, 124:

    quid est sapientia? Semper idem velle atque idem nolle,

    Sen. Ep. 20, 5:

    pudebit eadem velle quae volueras puer,

    id. ib. 27, 2:

    nec volo quod cruciat, nec volo quod satiat,

    Mart. 1, 57, 4.—With demonstr. in place of inf.-clause:

    hoc Ithacus velit, et magno mercentur Atridae (sc. poenas in me sumi),

    Verg. A. 2, 104:

    hoc velit Eurystheus, velit hoc germana Tonantis (sc. verum esse, Herculem, etc.),

    Ov. H. 9, 7; Hor. S. 2, 3, 88.—
    With neutr. of interrog. pron.: quid nunc vis? Am. Sceleste, at etiam quid velim, id tu me rogas? what do you want now? Plaut. Am. 4, 2, 5:

    eloquere quid velis,

    id. Cas. 2, 4, 2: heus tu! Si. Quid vis? id. Ps. 4, 7, 21; so Ter. Eun. 2, 1, 11; cf. Hor. S. 2, 3, 152:

    sed plane quid velit nescio,

    what his intentions are, Cic. Att. 15, 1 a, 5; id. de Or. 2, 20, 84:

    mittunt etiam ad dominos qui quaerant quid velint,

    to ask for their orders, id. Tusc. 2, 17, 41:

    quid? Si haec... ipsius amici judicarunt? Quid amplius vultis?

    what more do you require, will you have? id. Verr. 2, 3, 65, § 152:

    quid amplius vis?

    Hor. Epod. 17, 30:

    spectatur quid voluerit scriptor,

    we find out the author's intention, Quint. 7, 10, 1.—Sometimes quid vult = quid sibi vult (v. 4. b.), to mean, signify:

    capram illam suspicor jam invenisse... quid voluerit,

    what it signified, Plaut. Merc. 2, 1, 30:

    sed tamen intellego quid velit,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 31, 101:

    quid autem volunt ea di immortales significantes quae sine interpretibus non possimus intellegere? etc.,

    id. Div. 2, 25, 54.—Of things as subjects:

    hunc ensem mittit tibi... Et jubet ex merito scire quid iste velit,

    Ov. H. 11, 96.—
    With rel. pron.:

    quod volui, ut volui, impetravi... a Philocomasio,

    Plaut. Mil. 4, 5, 1:

    ut quod frons velit oculi sciant,

    that the eyes know what the forehead wants, id. Aul. 4, 1, 13:

    illi quae volo concedere,

    to yield to him my wishes, id. Cas. 2, 3, 49:

    si illud quod volumus dicitur,

    what we like, id. Truc. 1, 2, 95:

    multa eveniunt homini quae volt, quae nevolt,

    id. Trin. 2, 2, 84; id. Ep. 2, 2, 4:

    quamquam (litterae tuae) semper aliquid adferunt quod velim,

    Cic. Att. 11, 11, 1:

    quae vellem quaeque sentirem dicendi,

    id. Marcell. 1, 1:

    uti ea quae vellent impetrarent,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 31:

    satis animi ad id quod tam diu vellent,

    to carry out what they had desired so long, Liv. 4, 54, 5:

    sed quod volebant non... expediebant,

    their purpose, id. 24, 23, 9. —Idiomatically: quod volo = quod demonstrare volo, what I intend to prove:

    illud quod volumus expressum est, ut vaticinari furor vera soleat,

    Cic. Div. 1, 31, 67:

    bis sumpsit quod voluit,

    he has twice begged the question, id. ib. 2, 52, 107.—With indef. relations:

    cornucopia ubi inest quidquid volo,

    whatever I wish for, Plaut. Ps. 2, 3, 5:

    Caesar de Bruto solitus est dicere: magni refert hic quid velit, sed quidquid volt, valde volt,

    whatever he wills he wills strongly, Cic. Att. 14, 1, 2.—
    With indef. pronn.
    Si quid vis, if you want any thing: illo praesente mecum agito si quid voles, [p. 2008] Plaut. Most. 5, 1, 72: Py. Adeat si quid volt. Pa. Si quid vis, adi, mulier, id. Mil. 4, 2, 47:

    eumque Alexander cum rogaret, si quid vellet, ut diceret,

    id. Or. 2, 66, 266; Caes. B. G. 1, 7 fin.
    Nisi quid vis, unless you wish to give some order, to make some remark, etc.:

    ego eo ad forum nisi quid vis,

    Plaut. As. 1, 1, 94:

    nunc de ratione videamus, nisi quid vis ad haec,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 18, 42.—
    Numquid vis or ecquid vis? have you any orders to give? a formula used by inferiors before leaving their superiors; cf. Don. ad Ter. Ad. 2, 2, 39:

    visunt, quid agam, ecquid velim,

    Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 113:

    numquid vis aliud?

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 111; 1, 2, 106; id. Ad. 2, 2, 39; 3, 3, 78; id. Hec. 2, 2, 30:

    numquid vellem rogavit,

    Cic. Att. 6, 3, 6:

    frequentia rogantium num quid vellet,

    Liv. 6, 34, 7:

    rogavit num quid in Sardiniam vellet. Te puto saepe habere qui num quid Romam velis quaerant,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 2, 1.—
    With acc. of the person: aliquem velle.
    To want somebody, i. e. in order to see him, to speak with him (ante-class. and colloq.):

    Demenaetum volebam,

    I wanted, wished to see, Demenoetus, Plaut. As. 2, 3, 12:

    bona femina et malus masculus volunt te,

    id. Cist. 4, 2, 40:

    solus te solum volo,

    id. Capt. 3, 4, 70:

    quia non est intus quem ego volo,

    id. Mil. 4, 6, 40:

    hae oves volunt vos,

    id. Bacch. 5, 2, 24:

    quis me volt? Perii, pater est,

    Ter. And. 5, 3, 1:

    centuriones trium cohortium me velle postridie,

    Cic. Att. 10, 16, 4.—With paucis verbis or paucis, for a few words ( moments):

    volo te verbis pauculis,

    Plaut. Ep. 3, 4, 28:

    sed paucis verbis te volo, Palaestrio,

    id. Mil. 2, 4, 22:

    Sosia, Adesdum, paucis te volo,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 2.—
    To love, like somebody, to be fond of somebody (anteclass. and poet.):

    hanc volo (= amo),

    Plaut. As. 5, 1, 18:

    sine me amare unum Argyrippum... quem volo,

    id. ib. 3, 2, 38:

    quom quae te volt, eamdem tu vis,

    id. Mil. 4, 2, 80:

    aut quae (vitia) corpori' sunt ejus siquam petis ac vis,

    Lucr. 4, 1152:

    quam volui nota fit arte mea,

    Ov. Am. 1, 10, 60: nolo virum, facili redimit qui sanguine famam: hunc volo, laudari qui sine morte potest, I like the one who, etc., Mart. 1, 8, 6.—
    To wish to have:

    roga, velitne an non uxorem,

    whether he wishes to have his wife or not, Ter. Hec. 4, 1, 43:

    ut sapiens velit gerere rem publicam, atque... uxorem adjungere, et velle ex ea liberos (anacoluth.),

    Cic. Fin. 3, 20, 68.—

    With two accusatives: (narrato) illam te amare et velle uxorem,

    that you wish to have her as your wife, Ter. Heaut. 4, 3, 25; cf. id. Phorm. 1, 2, 65.—
    With two accusatives, of the person and the thing: aliquem aliquid velle, to want something of somebody (cf.: aliquem aliquid rogare; mostly ante-class.;

    not in Cic.): numquid me vis?

    Plaut. Cist. 1, 1, 120:

    face certiorem me quid meus vir me velit,

    id. Cas. 2, 6, 1:

    num quidpiam me vis aliud?

    id. Truc. 2, 4, 81:

    nunc verba in pauca conferam quid te velim,

    id. As. 1, 1, 74:

    narrabit ultro quid sese velis,

    id. Ps. 2, 4, 60:

    quid me voluisti?

    id. Mil. 4, 2, 35:

    numquid aliud me vis?

    Ter. Phorm. 1, 2, 101:

    quin tu uno verbo dic quid est quod me velis,

    id. And. 1, 1, 18; Plaut. Capt. 3, 4, 85; id. Cist. 2, 3, 49; id. As. 2, 3, 12; id. Merc. 5, 2, 27; id. Pers. 4, 6, 11; Ter. Heaut. 4, 8, 31; id. Phorm. 2, 4, 18; id. Eun. 2, 3, 47; id. Hec. 3, 4, 15:

    si quid ille se velit, illum ad se venire oportere,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 34:

    cum mirabundus quidnam (Taurea) sese vellet, resedisset Flaccus, Me quoque, inquit, etc.,

    Liv. 26, 15, 11; also, I want to speak with somebody (v. 2. a. a):

    paucis, Euclio, est quod te volo,

    Plaut. Aul. 2, 2, 22:

    est quod te volo secreto,

    id. Bacch. 5, 2, 33.—
    With acc. of thing and dat. of the person: aliquid alicui velle, to wish something to somebody (= cupio aliquid alicui; v. cupio;

    rare): quamquam vobis volo quae voltis, mulieres,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 1:

    si ex me illa liberos vellet sibi,

    Ter. Hec. 4, 4, 33:

    praesidium velle se senectuti suae,

    id. ib. 1, 2, 44:

    nihil est mali quod illa non initio filio voluerit, optaverit,

    Cic. Clu. 66, 188:

    rem Romanam huc provectam ut externis quoque gentibus quietem velit,

    Tac. A. 12, 11:

    cui ego omnia meritissimo volo et debeo,

    to whom I give and owe my best wishes, Quint. 9, 2, 35.—Esp., in the phrase quid vis (vult) with reflex. dat. of interest, lit. what do you want for yourself?
    Quid tibi vis = quid vis, the dat. being redundant (rare):

    quid aliud tibi vis?

    what else do you want? Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 90.—With quisque:

    haud ita vitam agerent ut nunc plerumque videmus Quid sibi quisque velit nescire,

    be ignorant as to their own aims and purposes, Lucr. 3, 1058.—
    What do you mean? what do you drive at? what is your scope, object, drift (rare in post-Aug. writers; Don. ad Ter. Eun. prol. 45, declares it an archaism).
    In 1 st pers. (rare):

    nunc quid processerim huc, et quid mihi voluerim dicam,

    and what I meant thereby, what was the purpose of my coming, Plaut. As. prol. 6:

    quid mihi volui? quid mihi nunc prodest bona voluntas?

    Sen. Ben. 4, 21, 6.—
    In 2 d pers.:

    quid nunc tibi vis, mulier, memora,

    what is the drift of your talk? Plaut. Mil. 4, 2, 60: sed quid nunc tibi vis? what do you want to come at (i.e. by your preamble)? id. Poen. 1, 1, 24: quid tu tibi vis? Ego non tangam meam? what do you mean? i. e. what is your purpose? Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 28:

    quid tibi vis? quid cum illa rei tibi est?

    id. ib. 4, 7, 34:

    quid est quod sic gestis? quid sibi hic vestitus quaerit? Quid est quod laetus sis? quid tibi vis?

    what do you mean by all this? id. ib. 3, 5, 11:

    quid est, inepta? quid vis tibi? quid rides?

    id. ib. 5, 6, 6:

    quid vis tibi? Quid quaeris?

    id. Heaut. 1, 1, 9: Ph. Fabulae! Ch. Quid vis tibi? id. Phorm. 5, 8, 53:

    roganti ut se in Asiam praefectum duceret, Quid tibi vis, inquit, insane,

    Cic. Or. 2, 67, 269; so in 2 d pers. plur.:

    pro deum fidem, quid vobis vultis?

    Liv. 3, 67, 7.—
    In 3 d pers.:

    quid igitur sibi volt pater? cur simulat?

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 1:

    quid hic volt veterator sibi?

    id. ib. 2, 6, 26:

    proinde desinant aliquando me isdem inflare verbis: quid sibi iste vult?... Cur ornat eum a quo desertus est?

    Cic. Dom. 11, 29:

    quid sibi vellet (Caesar)? cur in suas possessiones veniret?

    Caes. B. G. 1, 44 med.:

    conicere in eum oculos, mirantes quid sibi vellet (i. e. by courting the plebeians),

    Liv. 3, 35, 5:

    qui quaererent quid sibi vellent qui armati Aventinum obsedissent,

    id. 3, 50, 15:

    quid sibi voluit providentia quae Aridaeum regno imposuit?

    Sen. Ben. 4, 31, 1: volt, non volt dare Galla mihi, nec dicere possum quod volt et non volt, quid sibi Galla velit, Mart: 3, 90, 2.—
    Transf. of things as subjects, what means, what signifies? quid volt sibi, Syre, haec oratio? Ter. Heaut. 4, 1, 2:

    ut pernoscatis quid sibi Eunuchus velit,

    id. Eun. prol. 45:

    quid ergo illae sibi statuae equestres inauratae volunt?

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 61, § 150:

    quid haec sibi horum civium Romanorum dona voluerunt?

    id. ib. 2, 3, 80, §

    186: avaritia senilis quid sibi velit, non intellego,

    what is the meaning of the phrase, id. Sen. 18, 66:

    quid ergo illa sibi vult pars altera orationis qua Romanos a me cultos ait?

    Liv. 40, 12, 14:

    tacitae quid vult sibi noctis imago?

    Ov. M. 9, 473.—
    Bene or male alicui velle, to wish one well or ill, to like or dislike one (ante-class. and poet.): Ph. Bene volt tibi. St. Nequam est illud verbum bene volt, nisi qui bene facit, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 37 sq.:

    jam diu ego huic bene et hic mihi volumus,

    id. Ps. 1, 3, 4:

    ut tibi, dum vivam, bene velim plus quam mihi,

    id. Cas. 2, 8, 30:

    egone illi ut non bene vellem?

    id. Truc. 2, 4, 90; cf. id. ib. 2, 4, 95; id. Merc. 2, 1, 21; id. Ps. 4, 3, 7; id. Poen. 3, 3, 9:

    nisi quod tibi bene ex animo volo,

    Ter. Heaut. 5, 2, 6:

    quo tibi male volt maleque faciet,

    Plaut. Pers. 5, 2, 44:

    atque isti etiam parum male volo,

    id. Truc. 5, 7; cf. id. As. 5, 1, 13:

    utinam sic sient qui mihi male volunt,

    Ter. Eun. 4, 3, 13:

    non sibi male vult,

    he does not dislike himself, Petr. 38; so, melius or optime alicui velle, to like one better or best:

    nec est quisquam mihi aeque melius quoi vellem,

    Plaut. Capt. 3, 5, 42; id. Merc. 5, 2, 57:

    illi ego ex omnibus optime volo,

    id. Most. 1, 4, 24.—And bene velle = velle: bene volueris in precatione augurali Messalla augur ait, significare volueris, Fest. s. v. bene sponsis, p. 351.—
    With abl.: alicujus causa velle, to like one for his own sake, i. e. personally, a Ciceronian phrase, probably inst. of omnia alicujus causa velle; lit. to wish every thing (i.e. good) in somebody's behalf.
    With omnia expressed: etsi mihi videor intellexisse cum tecum de re M. Annaeii locutus sum, te ipsius causa vehementer omnia velle, tamen, etc.... ut non dubitem quin magnus cumulus accedat commenda tionis meae, Cic. Fam. 13, 55, 1:

    repente coepit dicere, se omnia Verris causa velle,

    that he had the most friendly disposition towards Verres, id. Verr. 2, 2, 26, § 64:

    accedit eo quod Varro magnopere ejus causa vult omnia,

    id. Fam. 13, 22, 1.—
    Without omnia:

    per eos qui nostra causa volunt, valentque apud illum,

    Cic. Att. 11, 8, 1:

    sed et Phameae causa volebam,

    id. ib. 13, 49, 1:

    etsi te ipsius Attici causa velle intellexeram,

    id. ib. 16, 16, A, 6:

    valde enim ejus causa volo,

    id. Fam. 16, 17, 2 fin.:

    illud non perficis quo minus tua causa velim,

    id. ib. 3, 7, 6;

    12, 7, 1: si me velle tua causa putas,

    id. ib. 7, 17, 2:

    regis causa si qui sunt qui velint,

    id. ib. 1, 1, 1:

    credo tua causa velle Lentulum,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 4, 5; id. Div. in Caecil. 6, 21; cf. id. Imp. Pomp. (v. C. 1. b. supra), where the phrase has its literal meaning; cf. also: alicujus causa (omnia) cupere; v. cupio.—
    With acc. and subjunct. per ecthesin (ante-class.): nunc ego illum meum virum veniat velim (by mixture of constructions: meum virum velim; and:

    meus vir veniat velim),

    Plaut. Cas. 3, 2, 29:

    nunc ego Simonidem mi obviam veniat velim,

    id. Ps. 4, 5, 10:

    nimis hercle ego illum corvum ad me veniat velim,

    id. Aul. 4, 6, 4:

    saltem aliquem velim qui mihi ex his locis viam monstret,

    id. Rud. 1, 3, 35:

    patrem atque matrem viverent vellem tibi,

    id. Poen. 5, 2, 106; cf. id. Merc. 2, 1, 30 (v. E. 1. d. supra).
    Velle used absolutely, variously rendered to will, have a will, wish, consent, assent:

    quod vos, malum... me sic ludificamini? Nolo volo, volo nolo rursum,

    I nill I will, I will I nill again, Ter. Phorm. 5, 8, 57: novi ingenium mulierum: Nolunt ubi velis, ubi nolis cupiunt ultro, they will not where you will, etc., id. Eun. 4, 7, 43:

    quis est cui velle non liceat?

    who is not free to wish? Cic. Att. 7, 11. 2:

    in magnis et voluisse sat est,

    Prop. 2, 10 (3, 1), 6:

    tarde velle nolentis est,

    slow ness in consenting betrays the desire to refuse, Sen. Ben. 2, 5, 4:

    quae (animalia) nullam injuriam nobis faciunt, quia velle non possunt, id. Ira, 2, 26, 4: ejus est nolle qui potest velle,

    the power to assent implies the power to dissent, Dig. 50, 17, 3.—So velle substantively:

    sed ego hoc ipsum velle miserius duco quam in crucem tolli,

    that very wishing, Cic. Att. 7, 11, 2: inest enim velle in carendo, the word carere implies the notion of a wish, id. Tusc. 1, 36, 88:

    velle ac posse in aequo positum erat,

    his will and power were balanced, Val. Max. 6, 9, ext. 5:

    velle tuum nolo, Didyme, nolle volo,

    Mart. 5, 83, 2:

    velle suum cuique est,

    each has his own likings, Pers. 5, 53.
    In partic.
    Redundant, when the will to do is identified with the act itself.
    In imperative sentences.
    In independent sentences introduced by noli velle, where noli has lost the idea of volition:

    nolite, judices, hunc velle maturius exstingui vulnere vestro quam suo fato,

    do not resolve, Cic. Cael. 32, 79:

    nolite igitur id velle quod fieri non potest,

    id. Phil. 7, 8, 25: qui timor bonis omnibus injectus sit... nolite a me commoneri velle, do not wish, expect, to be reminded by me, etc., id. Mur. 25, 50: nolite hunc illi acerbum nuntium velle perferri, let it not be your decision that, etc., id. Balb. 28, 64: cujus auspicia pro vobis experti nolite adversus vos velle experiri, do not desire, etc., Liv. 7, 40, 16:

    noli adversum eos me velle ducere, etc.,

    Nep. Att. 4, 2.—
    Ne velis or ne velit fecisse = ne feceris, or ne facito (v. I. A. 3. a. supra).—So ne velis with pres. inf.:

    neve, revertendi liber, abesse velis (= neve abfueris),

    Ov. H. 1, 80.—
    In affirmative imperative sentences (velim esse = esto;

    rare): tu tantum fida sorori Esse velis (= fida esto or sis),

    Ov. M. 2, 745; and in 3 d pers.:

    di procul a cunctis... Hujus notitiam gentis habere velint (= habeant),

    id. P. 1, 7, 8:

    credere modo qui discet velit (= credat qui discet),

    Quint. 8, prooem. 12. —
    In clauses dependent on verbs of commanding and wishing:

    aut quia significant divam praedicere ut armis Ac virtute velint patriam defendere terram (= ut defendant),

    Lucr. 2, 641: precor quaesoque ne ante oculos patris facere et pati omnia infanda velis (= facias et patiaris). Liv. 23, 9, 2:

    monentes ne experiri vellet imperium cujus vis, etc.,

    id. 2, 59, 4; 39, 13, 2:

    et mea... opto Vulnera qui fecit facta levare velit,

    Ov. Tr. 5, 2, 18: nos contra (oravimus) [p. 2009]... ne vertere secum Cuncta pater fatoque urguenti incumbere vellet, Verg. A. 2, 653. —With pass. perf. inf. (v. I. B. 9. b. b):

    legati Sullam orant ut filii innocentis fortunas conservatas velit (virtually = fortunas conservet),

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 9, 25:

    a te peto ut utilitatem sociorum per te quam maxime defensam et auctam velis (= defendas et augeas),

    id. Fam. 13, 9, 3.—So after utinam or ut:

    utinam illi qui prius eum viderint me apud eum velint adjutum tantum quantum ego vellem si quid possem (= utinam illi me adjuvent quantum ego adjuvarem, etc.),

    id. Att. 11, 7, 7:

    cautius ut saevo velles te credere Marti (= utinam te credidisses),

    Verg. A. 11, 153:

    edictum praemittit ad quam diem magistratus... sibi esse praesto Cordubae vellet (= sibi praesto essent),

    Caes. B. C. 1, 19 (cf. also I. B. 9. b. b, and I. B. 2. fin. supra).—
    In conditional clauses, si facere velim = si faciam, often rendered by the potential or future auxiliaries would or will:

    non tu scis, Bacchae bacchanti si velis advorsarier, ex insana insaniorem facies? (= si advorseris),

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 80:

    si meum Imperium exsequi voluisset, interemptam oportuit (= si executus esset),

    Ter. Heaut. 4, 1, 22:

    si id confiteri velim, tamen istum condemnetis necesse est (= si id confitear),

    if I would acknowledge, Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 18, § 45:

    si quis velit ita dicere... nihil dicat (= si quis dicat),

    id. Fat. 14, 32:

    dies deficiat si velim numerare, etc.,

    id. N. D. 3, 32, 81;


    id. Tusc. 5, 35, 102; id. Verr. 2, 2, 21, § 52:

    qua in sententia si constare voluissent, suam auctoritatem... recuperassent,

    id. Fam. 1, 9, 14; id. Verr. 2, 1, 11, § 31; id. Lael. 20, 75:

    conicere potestis, si recordari volueritis quanta, etc.,

    if you will remember, id. Verr. 2, 4, 58, § 129; so id. Or. 1, 44, 197; id. Brut. 1, 2, 5:

    quod si audire voletis externa, maximas res publicas ab adulescentibus labefactatas reperietis,

    id. Sen. 6, 20; so id. Or. 1, 60, 256; 2, 23, 95:

    ejus me compotem voti vos facere potestis, si meminisse vultis, non vos in Samnio, etc.,

    Liv. 7, 40, 5; 23, 13, 6; 23, 15, 4: cum olera Diogeni lavanti Aristippus dixisset: si Dionysium adulare velles, ista non esses;

    Imo, inquit, si tu ista esse velles, non adulares Dionysium,

    Val. Max. 4, 3, ext. 4:

    ut si his (legibus) perpetuo uti voluissent, sempiternum habituri fuerint imperium,

    id. 5, 3, ext. 3:

    quid enim si mirari velit, non in silvestribus dumis poma pendere,

    Sen. Ira, 2, 10, 6; cf. Curt. 5, 1, 1; 3, 5, 6; Ov. H. 17 (18), 43.—With perf. inf. pass.:

    nisi ea (opera) certi auctores monumentis suis testata esse voluissent,

    Val. Max. 3, 2, 24.—
    In declarative sentences.
    Volo in 1 st pers. with perf. pass. inf. or part. (volo oratum esse or oratum = oro; v. I. B. 9. b. a and b):

    vos omnes opere magno esse oratos volo benigne ut operam detis, etc.,

    Plaut. Cas. prol. 21:

    justam rem et facilem esse oratam a vobis volo,

    id. Am. prol. 33:

    illud tamen te esse admonitum volo, etc.,

    Cic. Cael. 3, 8:

    sed etiam est paucis vos quod monitos voluerim,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 53:

    illud te, Tulli, monitum velim etc.,

    Liv. 1, 23, 8:

    quamobrem omnes eos oratos volo Ne, etc.,

    Ter. Heaut. prol. 26; so, factum volo = faciam: serva tibi sodalem, et mihi filium. Mne. Factum volo, I will, Plaut. Bacch. 3, 3, 91: pariter nunc opera me adjuves ac, etc. Nau. Factum volo, Ter. Phorm. 5, 3, 4; so Plaut. Pers. 2, 5, 10.—In 3 d pers.:

    esse salutatum vult te mea littera primum,

    Ov. P. 2, 7, 1.—
    With pres. inf.:

    propterea te vocari ad cenam volo (= voco te),

    Plaut. Capt. 1, 2, 72:

    sed nunc rogare hoc ego vicissim te volo: quid fuit, etc. (= nunc te rogo),

    id. Trin. 1, 2, 136.—
    With perf. act. inf.:

    pace tua dixisse velim (= pace tua dixerim),

    Ov. P. 3, 1, 9.—
    In other connections, when the will or purpose is made more prominent than the action:

    eorum alter, qui Antiochus vocatur, iter per Siciliam facere voluit (= fecit),

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 27, § 61:

    si suscipere eam (religionem) nolletis, tamen in eo qui violasset sancire vos velle oporteret (= sancire vos oporteret),

    id. ib. 2, 4, 51, §

    114: ut insequentibus diebus nemo eorum forum aut publicum adspicere vellet (= adspiceret),

    Liv. 9, 7, 11:

    talentis mille percussorem in me emere voluisti (= emisti),

    Curt. 3, 5, 6: quin etiam senatus gratias ei agentem quod redire voluisset ante portas eduxit (= quod redisset), Val. Max. 3, 4, 4:

    utri prius gratulemur, qui hoc dicere voluit, an cui audire contigit? (= qui hoc dixit),

    id. 4, 7, ext. 2:

    sic tua non paucae carpere facta volent (= carpent),

    Ov. P. 3, 1, 64.
    Velim, as potential subjunctive (mostly in 1 st pers. sing., as subjunctive of modest statement), = volo, I wish, I should like.
    With verb in the second person.
    With pres. subj., so most frequently in Cic.
    As a modest imperative of the dependent verb: velim facias = fac, I wish you would do it, please do it:

    ego quae in rem tuam sint, ea velim facias,

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 4, 9:

    eas (litteras) in eundem fasciculum velim addas,

    Cic. Att. 12, 53:

    eum salvere jubeas velim,

    id. ib. 7, 7, 7:

    velim me facias certiorem, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 19, 9:

    tu velim saepe ad nos scribas,

    id. ib. 1, 12, 4:

    velim mihi ignoscas,

    id. Fam. 13, 75, 1:

    tu velim animum a me parumper avertas,

    id. Lael. 1, 5; cf. id. Att. 1, 11, 3; 7, 3, 11; 8, 12, 5; id. Fam. 15, 3, 2 et saep.:

    haec pro causa mea dicta accipiatis velim,

    Liv. 42, 34, 13: velim, inquit, hoc mihi probes, Aug. ap. Suet. Aug. 51:

    Musa velim memores, etc.,

    Hor. S. 1, 5, 53.—
    Expressing a wish without a command (v. vellem):

    vera dicas velim,

    I wish you told the truth, Plaut. Cas. 2, 3, 18:

    quam velim Bruto persuadeas ut Asturae sit,

    Cic. Att. 14, 15, 4:

    ipse velim poenas experiare meas,

    Ov. Tr. 3, 11, 74;

    so in asseverations: ita velim me promerentem ames, dum vivas, mi pater, ut... id mihi vehementer dolet,

    Ter. Ad. 4, 5, 47.—
    With infinitive clause.
    With the force of a modest imperative:

    sed qui istuc credam ita esse, mihi dici velim (i. e. a te),

    Ter. Phorm. 5, 6, 15:

    extremum illud est quod mihi abs te responderi velim,

    Cic. Vat. 17, 41 (may be a dependent subjunctive):

    itaque vos ego, milites, non eo solum animo.... pugnare velim, etc.,

    Liv. 21, 41, 10.—
    As a mere wish:

    velim te arbitrari, frater, etc.,

    Plaut. Aul. 2, 1, 1:

    primum te arbitrari id quod res est velim,

    Ter. Eun. 5, 5, 9.—With perf. act.:

    hanc te quoque ad ceteras tuas eximias virtutes, Masinissa, adjecisse velim,

    Liv. 30, 14, 6.—With perf. pass., Liv. 1, 23, 8 (v. II. A. 3. a. supra).—
    With ut (rare):

    de tuis velim ut eo sis animo, quo debes esse,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 14, 4. —
    With ne (rare), Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 23 (v. I. C. 2. supra).—
    With dependent verb in the third person, expressing a wish.
    With pres. subj.:

    ita se defatigent velim Ut, etc.,

    Ter. Ad. 4, 1, 3:

    de Cicerone quae mihi scribis, jucunda mihi sunt: velim sint prospera,

    Cic. Att. 14, 11, 2:

    velim seu Himilco, seu Mago respondeat,

    Liv. 23, 12, 15:

    sint haec vera velim,

    Verg. Cir. 306:

    nulla me velim syllaba effugiat,

    Quint. 11, 2, 45.—With final clause:

    tu velim mihi ad urbem praesto sis, ut tuis consiliis utar,

    Cic. Att. 9, 16, 3; cf. id. ib. 11, 11, 2 (v. I. C. 2. supra).—With ellips. of pres. subj.:

    velim mehercule Asturae Brutus (i. e. sit),

    Cic. Att. 14, 11, 1.—
    With perf. subj. (a wish referring to the past):

    nimis velim improbissumo homini malas edentaverint,

    Plaut. Rud. 3, 2, 48.—
    With inf.-clause:

    ne ego nunc mihi modium mille esse argenti velim!

    Plaut. Stich. 4, 2, 9: di me perdant! Me. Quodcunque optes, velim tibi contingere, id. Cist. 2, 1, 30:

    velim eum tibi placere quam maxime,

    Cic. Brut. 71, 249: idque primum ita esse velim;

    deinde etiam, si non sit, mihi persuaderi tamen velim,

    id. Tusc. 1, 11, 24:

    quod faxitis, deos velim fortunare,

    Liv. 6, 41, 12.—With perf. pass. inf. (v. I. B. 9. b. b, supra):

    edepol te hodie lapide percussum velim,

    Plaut. Stich. 4, 2, 33:

    moribus praefectum mulierum hunc factum velim,

    id. Aul. 3, 5, 30.—With inf.-clause understood:

    nimium plus quam velim nostrorum ingenia sunt mobilia,

    Liv. 2, 37, 4.—
    With verb in the first person.
    With inf. pres. (so most freq.):

    atque hoc velim probare omnibus, etc.,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 20, 47:

    velim scire ecquid de te recordere,

    id. Tusc. 1, 6, 13:

    quare te, ut polliceris, videre plane velim,

    id. Att. 11, 9, 3:

    nec vero velim... a calce ad carceres revocari,

    id. Sen. 23, 83:

    sed multitudo ea quid animorum... habeat scire velim,

    Liv. 23, 12, 7:

    interrogare tamen velim, an Isocrates Attice dixerit,

    Quint. 12, 10, 22.—With perf. inf. act., Ov. P. 3, 1, 9 (v. II. A. 3. c.).—
    With acc. and inf.:

    quod velis, modo id velim me scire,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 4, 8.—So with perf. pass. inf.:

    ego praeterquam quod nihil haustum ex vano velim, Fabium... potissimum auctorem habui,

    Liv. 22, 7, 4.—
    With subj. pres.:

    eo velim tam facili uti possim et tam bono in me quam Curione,

    Cic. Att. 10, 8, 10 B. and K. ex conj. Mull. (Lachm., Hoffm. posse; al. possem).—
    Velim in the principal sentence of conditional clauses, I would, I should be willing:

    aetatem velim servire, Libanum ut (= si) conveniam modo,

    Plaut. As. 2, 2, 8:

    velim, si fieri possit,

    id. Truc. 2, 4, 12:

    si quid tibi compendi facere possim, factum edepol velim (redundant),

    id. ib. 2, 4, 26:

    si possim, velim,

    id. Stich. 4, 2, 9:

    nec velim (imitari orationes Thucydidis) si possim,

    Cic. Brut. 83, 287:

    si liceat, nulli cognitus esse velim,

    Ov. Tr. 5, 12, 42.—
    The other persons of velim in potential use (rare).
    Imperatively = cupito:

    quoniam non potest fieri quod vis, Id velis quod possit,

    Ter. And. 2, 1, 6:

    atque aliquos tamen esse velis tibi, alumna, penates,

    Verg. Cir. 331.—
    Declaratively with indef. subj.: quom inopia'st, cupias; quando ejus copia'st, tum non velis, then you (i.e. people, they) do not want it, Plaut. Trin. 3, 2, 45.—
    Redundant, as a form of the imperative of the dependent verb, Ov. Am. 1, 4, 38 (v. I. A. 3. a. b); id. H. 1, 80 (v. II. A. 1. b.); id. M. 2, 746 (v. II. A. 1. c.).—
    Modestly for vult:

    te super aetherias licentius auras Haud pater ille velit, etc.,

    Verg. A. 7, 558: nemo enim minui velit id in quo maximus fuit, would like that to be diminished in which, etc., Quint. 12, 11, 6; cf. Verg. A. 2, 104, and Ov. H. 9, 7 (v. I. E. 1. c. supra).— So, poet., instead of vellet with perf. inf.:

    ut fiat, quid non illa dedisse velit?

    Ov. Am. 2, 17, 30.—
    = imperative of third person:

    arma velit, poscatque simul rapiatque juventus,

    Verg. A. 7, 340.—Redundantly, giving to the dependent verb the force of an imperative, Quint. 8, prooem. 12 (v. II. A. 1. c. supra; v. also I. A. 3. a. supra).—
    In the optative sense of velim:

    sed scire velimus quod tibi nomen siet,

    Plaut. Pers. 4, 6, 18.—
    With imperative sense (= let us, we should, etc.), Quint. 6, 3, 28 (v. I. A. 2. d. supra).—
    Velitis = velim velitis (i. e. jubeatis, jubete):

    novos consules ita cum Samnite gerere bellum velitis ut omnia ante nos bella gesta sunt,

    Liv. 9, 8, 10.—So especially in velitis jubeatis, a formula in submitting a law to the votes of the people in the comitia centuriata or tributa, let it be resolved and ordered by you:

    rogatus in haec verba populus: velitis jubeatisne haec sic fieri, si respublica populi Romani Quiritium, etc.,

    Liv. 22, 10, 2:

    velitis jubeatis, Quirites... uti de ea re Ser. Sulpicius praetor urbanus ad senatum referat, etc.,

    id. 38, 54, 3.—And parodied by Cic.:

    velitis jubeatis ut quod Cicero versum fecerit,

    Cic. Pis. 29, 72.—So in oblique discourse, vellent juberent:

    rogationem promulgavit, vellent juberent Philippo... bellum indici,

    Liv. 31, 6, 1:

    vellent juberentne se regnare,

    id. 1, 46, 1; cf.

    in the resolution of the people: plebis sic jussit: quod senatus... censeat, id volumus jubemusque,

    id. 26, 33, 14.—
    Velint, optative and redundant, Cic. Att. 11, 7, 7 (v. II. A. 1. d.); Ov. P. 1, 7, 8 (v. II. A. 1. c.).
    Vellem, as potential subjunctive, I wish, should like, should have liked, representing the wish as contrary to fact, while velim refers to a wish which may be realized:

    de Menedemo vellem verum fuisset, de regina velim verum sit,

    Cic. Att. 15, 4, 4. It is not used with imperative force; cf.:

    quod scribis, putare te... vellem scriberes, cur ita putares... tu tamen velim scribas,

    Cic. Att. 11, 24, 5.—Often quam vellem, how I wish, i. e. I wish very much; and in the same sense: nimium vellem, v. infra.
    With verb in first person.
    With inf. pres., I wish, would like, referring to present or future actions:

    videre equidem vos vellem, cum huic aurum darem,

    Plaut. Poen. 3, 3, 68:

    vellem equidem idem posse gloriari quod Cyrus,

    Cic. Sen. 10, 32:

    vellem equidem vobis placere, Quirites, sed, etc.,

    Liv. 3, 68, 9:

    quam fieri vellem meus libellus!

    Mart. 8, 72, 9.—With cuperem and optarem:

    nunc ego Triptolemi cuperem conscendere currus... Nunc ego Medeae vellem frenare dracones... Nunc ego jactandas optarem sumere pennas, etc.,

    Ov. Tr. 3, 8, 1 sqq.— [p. 2010] Rarely, I should have liked:

    tum equidem istuc os tuum inpudens videre nimium vellem!

    Ter. Eun. 3, 5, 49.—And in conditional sense:

    maerorem minui: dolorem nec potui, nec, si possem, vellem (i. e. minuere),

    Cic. Att. 12, 28, 2:

    certe ego, si sineres, titulum tibi reddere vellem,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 5, 13:

    sic nec amari quidem vellem (i. e. if I were in his place),

    Sen. Ira, 1, 20, 4.—
    With perf. inf., I wish I had:

    abiit, vah! Rogasse vellem,

    I wish I had asked him, Ter. Heaut. 5, 2, 25:

    maxime vellem semper tecum fuisse,

    Cic. Att. 8, 11, D, 5:

    quam vellem petisse ab eo quod audio Philippum impetrasse,

    id. ib. 10, 4, 10:

    non equidem vellem, quoniam nocitura fuerunt, Pieridum sacris imposuisse manum,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 1, 27:

    ante equidem summa de re statuisse, Latini, Et vellem, et fuerat melius,

    Verg. A. 11, 303. —
    With inf.-clause, the predicate being a perf. part. (v. I. B. 9. b. b, supra):

    virum me natam vellem,

    would I had been born a man! Ter. Phorm. 5, 3, 9.—
    With subj. imperf. (rare):

    quam vellem, Panaetium nostrum nobiscum haberemus,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 10, 15.—
    The subject of the dependent verb in the second person.
    With subj. imperf. (the regular construction):

    hodie igitur me videbit, ac vellem tum tu adesses,

    I wish you could be present, Cic. Att. 13, 7, 2:

    quam vellem de his etiam oratoribus tibi dicere luberet,

    I wish you would please, id. Brut. 71, 248.—
    With subj. pluperf., I wish you had:

    vellem Idibus Martiis me ad cenam invitasses,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 4, 1:

    quam vellem te ad Stoicos inclinavisses,

    id. Fin. 3, 3, 10:

    vellem suscepisses juvenem regendum,

    id. Att. 10, 6, 2:

    quam vellem Bruto studium tuum navare potuisses,

    id. ib. 15, 4, 5.—
    With ne and pluperf. subj.:

    tu vellem ne veritus esses ne parum libenter legerem tuas litteras,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 33, 2.—
    With ellipsis of verb: vera cantas, vana vellem (i. e. cantares). Plaut. Most. 3, 4, 41.—
    With verb in third person.
    With imperf. subj. (the regular construction):

    patrem atque matrem viverent vellem tibi (per ecthesin, v. I. E. b.),

    Plaut. Poen. 5, 2, 106:

    vellem adesset Antonius, modo sine advocatis,

    Cic. Phil. 1, 7, 16:

    vellem nobis hoc idem vere dicere liceret,

    id. Off. 3, 1, 1:

    vellem adesse posset Panaetius,

    id. Tusc. 1, 33, 81:

    vellem hoc esset laborare,

    id. Or. 2, 71, 287.—
    With pluperf. subj.:

    vellem aliqui ex vobis robustioribus hunc male dicendi locum suscepissent,

    Cic. Cael. 3, 7:

    vellem dictum esset ab eodem etiam de Dione,

    id. ib. 10, 23; so id. ib. 31, 74; id. Brut. 44, 163:

    quam vellem Dareus aliquid ex hac indole hausisset!

    Curt. 3, 32 (12), 26.—
    With inf.-clause.
    With inf. pres., I wish he were:

    quam non abesse ab hujus judicio L. Vulsionem vellem!

    Cic. Clu. 70, 198:

    nunc mihi... Vellem, Maeonide, pectus inesse tuum,

    Ov. F. 2, 120.—
    With perf. inf. or part., I wish he had, had been:

    quam vellem Menedemum invitatum!

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 2, 11:

    epistulas, quas quidem vellem mihi numquam redditas,

    Cic. Att. 11, 22, 1.—

    With ellipsis of predicate: illud quoque vellem antea (i. e. factum, or factum esse),

    Cic. Att. 11, 23, 3.—
    With ut, Cic. Sull. 1, 1; id. Fam. 7, 33, 2 (v. I. C. 1. a. supra).—
    With acc. of a neuter pronoun or of a noun:

    aliquando sentiam us nihil nobis nisi, id quod minime vellem, spiritum reliquum esse,

    Cic. Att. 9, 19, 2: tris eos libros maxime nunc vellem: apti essent ad id quod cogito, I would like to have (cf. I. E. 1. a.), id. ib. 13, 22, 2.—
    In the other persons of vellem (mostly poet.).
    In optative sentences redundant, Verg. A. 11, 153 (v. II. A. 1. d.).—
    Of an indefinite subject:

    velles eum (Senecam) suo ingenio dixisse, alieno judicio,

    Quint. 10, 1, 130.—
    In the potential sense of vellem: vellet abesse quidem;

    sed adest. Velletque videre, Non etiam sentire canum fera facta suorum,

    Ov. M. 3, 247.—

    quis vellet tanti nuntius esse mali (i. e. if in this situation)?

    Ov. H. 12, 146.—
    In the potential sense of vellem:

    quam vellent aethere in alto Nunc of pauperiem et duros perferre labores!

    Verg. A. 6, 436.—
    Conditionally: nec superi vellent hoc licuisse sibi, would wish, i. e. if in this situation, Mart. 4, 44, 8.
    Volam and voluero.
    In gen.: respiciendus erit sermo stipulationis, utrumne talis sit: quem voluero, an quem volam. Nam si talis fuerit quem voluero, cum semel elegerit, mutare voluntatem non poterit;

    si vero... quem volam, donec judicium dictet, mutandi potestatem habebit,

    Dig. 45, 1, 112.—
    Volam in principal sentences.
    = Engl. future, I shall wish, etc.:

    et commeminisse hoc ego volam te,

    I shall require you to recollect this, Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 7: cum omnia habueris, tunc habere et sapientiam voles? will you also wish to have wisdom when? etc., Sen. Ep. 17, 8.—
    Denoting present probability: et scilicet jam me hoc voles patrem exorare, ut, etc., you doubtless wish me, etc., Ter. Heaut. 4, 3, 27.—
    In clauses dependent on predicates implying a future, generally rendered by an English present:

    quid si sors aliter quam voles evenerit?

    otherwise than as you wish, Plaut. Cas. 2, 5, 35:

    tum te, si voles, cum patriae quod debes solveris, satis diu vixisse dicito,

    then if you choose, if you will, Cic. Marcell. 9, 27:

    decedes cum voles,

    id. Att. 6, 3, 2:

    qui magis effugies eos qui volent fingere?

    those who are bent upon inventing, who will invent, falsehoods, id. ib. 8, 2, 2; cf. id. ib. 1, 1, 4; id. Verr. 2, 4, 25, § 55; id. Prov. Cons. 9, 24:

    quod voles gratum esse, rarum effice,

    Sen. Ben. 1, 14, 1; cf. id. Brev. Vit. 7, 9: si di volent, the gods permitting, August. ap. Suet. Calig. 8:

    invenies, vere si reperire voles,

    Ov. P. 3, 1, 34; cf. Hor. Ep. 1, 16, 78; Tib. 1, 4, 45.—So, voluero:

    quem (locum) si qui vitare voluerit, sex milium circuitu in oppidum pervenit,

    who wishes to avoid this spot, Caes. B. C. 2, 24.
    Si vis, parenthetically.
    If you please (cf. sis, supra init.):

    paulum opperirier, Si vis,

    Ter. Eun. 5, 2, 52:

    audi, si vis, nunc jam,

    id. Ad. 2, 1, 30:

    dic, si vis, de quo disputari velis,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 5, 13.—
    If you wish, choose, insist upon it:

    hanc quoque jucunditatem, si vis, transfer in animum,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 4, 14:

    addam, si vis, animi, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 27, 89:

    concedam hoc ipsum, si vis, etc.,

    id. Div. 2, 15, 34.
    Quam, with any person of the pres. indic. or subj., or imperf. subj. or future, = quamvis, in a concessive sense, virtually, however, however much.
    3 d pers. sing.:

    quod illa, quam velit sit potens, numquam impetravisset (= quamvis sit potens),

    however powerful she may be, Cic. Cael. 26, 63:

    C. Gracchus dixit, sibi in somnis Ti. fratrem visum esse dicere, quam vellet cunctaretur, tamen eodem sibi leto... esse pereundum,

    id. Div. 1, 26, 56:

    quam volet jocetur,

    id. N. D. 2, 17, 46.—
    1 st pers. plur.:

    quam volumus licet ipsi nos amemus, tamen, etc.,

    Cic. Har. Resp. 9, 19.—
    2 d pers. plur.: exspectate facinus quam vultis improbum, vincam tamen, etc., expect a crime, however wicked ( ever so wicked), etc., Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 5, § 11;

    but: hac actione quam voletis multi dicent,

    as many as you choose, id. ib. 2, 2, 42, § 102.—
    3 d pers. plur.:

    quam volent illi cedant, tamen a re publica revocabuntur,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 44, 113:

    quam volent in conviviis faceti, dicaces, etc., sint, alia fori vis est, alia triclinii,

    id. Cael. 28, 67;

    but: et ceteri quam volent magnas pecunias capere possint,

    as much money as they choose, id. Verr. 2, 2, 58, § 142.
    Volo = malo, to prefer, with a comparative clause (rare):

    quodsi in ceteris quoque studiis a multis eligere homines commodissimum quodque, quam sese uni alicui certo vellent addicere, = si se eligere mallent quam se uni addicere,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 2, 5:

    malae rei quam nullius duces esse volunt,

    Liv. 3, 68, 11:

    famaene credi velis quanta urbs a te capta sit, quam posteris quoque eam spectando esse?

    id. 25, 29, 6.
    With magis and maxime.
    Magis velle: ut tu illam salvam magis velles quam ego, you wish more than I, etc., Ter. Hec. 2, 2, 17.—
    With maxime, to wish above all, more than any thing or any one else, to be most agreeable to one, to like best, to prefer (among more than two alternatives):

    quia id maxime volo ut illi istoc confugiant,

    wish above all, Plaut. Most. 5, 1, 49; so id. Trin. 3, 2, 38:

    maxime vellem, judices, ut P. Sulla, etc.,

    Cic. Sull. 1, 1:

    caritate nos capiunt reges, consilio optimates, libertate populi, ut in comparando difficile ad eligendum sit, quid maxime velis,

    which you prefer, like best, id. Rep. 1, 35, 55; so, quemadmodum ego maxime vellem, id. Att. 13, 1, 1:

    tris eos libros maxime nunc vellem,

    above all others, id. ib. 13, 32, 2:

    alia excusanti juveni, alia recipienti futura, ita ut maxime vellet senatus responderi placuit,

    as it was most agreeable to him, Liv. 39, 47:

    si di tibi permisissent quo modo maxime velles experiri animum meum,

    in the manner most convenient to yourself, Curt. 3, 6, 12.
    In disjunctive co - ordination.
    With sive... sive:

    tu nunc, sive ego volo, seu nolo, sola me ut vivam facis,

    whether I choose or not, Plaut. Cist. 3, 14:

    itaque Campanos sive velint, sive nolint, quieturos,

    Liv. 8, 2, 13.—
    Without connectives.
    Vis tu... vis:

    congredi cum hoste liceat... vis tu mari, vis terra, vis acie, vis urbibus expugnandis experiri virtutem?

    Liv. 25, 6, 22.—
    Velim nolim.
    Interrogatively, = utrum velim nec ne:

    velit nolit scire, difficile est,

    it is difficult to know whether he intends it or not, Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 8, 4.—
    = seu velim seu nolim:

    ut mihi, velim nolim, sit certa quaedam tuenda sententia,

    whether I will or not, Cic. N. D. 1, 7, 17:

    velim nolim, in cognomine Scipionum haeream necesse est,

    Val. Max. 3, 7, 3:

    mors interim adest, cui velis nolis vacandum est,

    Sen. Brev. Vit. 8, 5:

    hunc ita fundatum necesse est, velit nolit, sequatur hilaritas continua,

    id. Vit. Beat. 4, 4:

    velint nolint, respondendum est... beate vivere bonum non esse,

    id. Ep. 117, 4:

    praeterea futuri principes, velint nolint, sciant, etc.,

    Plin. Pan. 20 fin. Part. and P. a.: vŏlens, entis.
    As a part. proper, retaining the meaning and construction of velle, with the force of a relative or adverbial clause.
    Agreeing with some member of the sentence ( poet. and in post-class. prose;

    rare): neque illum... multa volentem Dicere praeterea vidit (= qui multa voluit dicere),

    Verg. G. 4, 501; id. A. 2, 790:

    nec me vis ulla volentem Avertet (i. e. si adhaerere foederi volo),

    id. ib. 12, 203: decemviri, minuere volentes hujuscemodi violentiam... putaverunt, etc., intending ( who intended) to diminish such a violence, etc., Gell. 20, 1, 34:

    Milo, experiri etiamtunc volens, an ullae sibi reliquae vires adessent... rescindere quercum conatus est,

    id. 15, 16, 3:

    scio quosdam testatores, efficere volentes ne servi sui umquam ad libertatem venirent, etc., hactenus scribere solitos,

    Dig. 40, 4, 61:

    si te volentem ad prohibendum venire, deterruerit aliquis, etc.,

    ib. 43, 24, 1, § 10.—
    Abl. absol. (not ante-Aug.):

    ne cujus militis scripti nomen nisi ipso volente deleretur,

    except with his consent, Liv. 7, 41, 4; so,

    Teum ex medio cursu classem repente avertit, aut volentibus iis usurus commeatu parato hostibus, aut ipsos pro hostibus habiturus,

    with their consent, id. 37, 27, 3:

    ponuntque ferocia Poeni Corda, volente deo,

    since the god willed it, Verg. A. 1, 303: Thrasippo supplicium a se voluntaria morte exigere volente, while he was about to inflict punishment on himself, etc., Val. Max. 5, 1, ext. 2: scire volentibus immortalibus dis an Romana virtus imperium orbis mereretur, it being the will of the gods to know, etc., Flor. 1, 13, 3 (1, 7, 3): qui sciente aut volente eo ad quem res pertinet, possessionem nanciscitur, with the knowledge and consent of the person who, etc., Dig. 41, 2, 6. —
    As adj., willing, voluntary, and hence, favorably disposed (opp. invitus).
    In the phrase cum dis volentibus, lit. with the willing or favoring gods, i. e. with the will, permission, or favor of the gods: dono ducite doque volentibu' cum magnis dis, Enn. ap. Cic. Off. 1, 12, 38 (Ann. v. 208 Vahl.):

    sequere hac, mea gnata, me cum dis volentibus,

    Plaut. Pers. 3, 1, 4:

    cum dis volentibus quodque bene eveniat mando tibi Mani uti illaec suovetaurilia, etc.,

    Cato, R. R. 141 (142).— And without cum, abl. absol.:

    virtute ac dis volentibus magni estis et opulenti,

    Sall. J. 14, 19.—
    Volenti animo.
    = cupide, eagerly:

    Romae plebes litteris quae de Metello ac Mario missae erant, volenti animo de ambobus acceperant,

    Sall. J. 73, 3. —
    On purpose, intentionally:

    consilio hanc omnes animisque volentibus urbem Adferimur,

    Verg. A. 7, 216.—
    Agreeing with the subject-nom. or subject - acc.
    Voluntarily, willingly, [p. 2011] gladly (class.):

    (hi) divini generis appellentur... vobisque jure et lege volentes pareant,

    Cic. Univ. 11 fin.:

    quas victi ab hostibus poenas metuerant, eas ipsi volentes pendere,

    Sall. J. 76, 6:

    quia volentes in amicitiam non veniebant,

    Liv. 21, 39, 4:

    si volentes ac non coacti mansissent in amicitia,

    id. 24, 37, 7:

    quocunque loco seu volens seu invitus constitisti,

    id. 7, 40, 13:

    itaque se numquam volentem parte qua posset rerum consilio gerendarum cessurum,

    id. 22, 27, 9:

    (virtus), quidquid evenerit, feret, non patiens tantum, sed etiam volens,

    Sen. Vit. Beat. 15, 5:

    non est referre gratiam quod volens acceperis nolenti reddere,

    id. Ben. 4, 40, 4:

    volens vos Turnus adoro,

    Verg. A. 10, 677; 3, 457; 6, 146;

    12, 833: date vina volentes,

    id. ib. 8, 275: ipsa autem macie tenuant armenta volentes ( on purpose), id. G. 3, 129.—And referring to subjects denoting things: quos rami fructus, quos ipsa volentia rura Sponte tulere sua, carpsit ( spontaneously and willingly), Verg. G. 2, 500.—
    Favorably; with propitius, favorably and kindly, referring to the gods:

    precantes Jovem ut volens propitius praebeat sacra arma pro patria,

    Liv. 24, 21, 10:

    precantibus ut volens propitiaque urbem Romanam iniret,

    id. 29, 14, 13:

    in ea arce (Victoriam) sacratam, volentem propitiamque, firmam ac stabilem fore populo Romano,

    id. 22, 37, 12; 1, 16, 3; 7, 26, 3; 24, 38, 8; Inscr. Orell. 2489 sq.—Parodied by Plautus:

    agite, bibite, festivae fores! fite mihi volentes propitiae,

    Plaut. Curc. 1, 1, 89.— Abl. absol.:

    omnia diis propitiis volentibusque ea faciemus,

    with the favor and help of the gods, Liv. 39, 16, 11 Weissenb. ad loc.:

    si (Jovem) invocem ut dexter ac volens assit,

    Quint. 4, prooem. 5.—
    Agreeing with other terms of the sentence (rare): volenti consuli causa in Pamphyliam devertendi oblata est, a welcome cause was offered to the consul, etc., Liv. 38, 15, 3:

    quod nobis volentibus facile continget,

    if we wish, Quint. 6, 2, 30:

    is Ariobarzanem volentibus Armeniis praefecit,

    to their satisfaction, Tac. A. 2, 4:

    gemis... hominem, Urse, tuum, cui dulce volenti servitium... erat,

    to whom his servitude was sweet, since he liked it, Stat. S. 2, 6, 15:

    me mea virtus, etc., fatis egere volentem,

    Verg. A. 8, 133:

    saepe ille volentem castigabat erum,

    administered kindly received rebukes, Stat. S. 2, 6, 50.—
    In the phrase aliquid mihi volenti est or putatur, etc., something is welcome, acceptable to me, pleases me (= volens habeo or accipio aliquid; cf. the Gr. Humin tauta boulomenois estin, and, mihi aliquid cupienti est; v. cupio;

    rare but class.): uti militibus exaequatus cum imperatore labos volentibus esset,

    that the equalization of labor was acceptable to the soldier, Sall. J. 100, 4:

    quia neque plebei militia volenti putabatur,

    id. ib. 84, 3 Dietsch:

    grande periculum maritumis civitatibus esse, et quibusdam volentibus novas res fore,

    that to some a change of the government would be welcome, Liv. 21, 50, 10:

    quibus bellum volentibus erat, probare exemplum,

    Tac. Agr. 18.— Impers. with subject - inf.: ceterisque remanere et in verba Vespasiani adigi volentibus fuit, to the rest it was acceptable to remain, etc., Tac. H. 3, 43.—With subject-inf. understood:

    si volentibus vobis erit, in medium profero quae... legisse memini,

    Macr. S. 7, 13, 11:

    si volentibus vobis erit, diem fabulis et epulis exigamus,

    id. ib. 1, 7; 2, 3 fin.; 6, 6 init.
    As subst. (mostly post-Aug.).
    vŏlens, entis, m., = is qui vult, in the different meanings, and often with the construction of the verb.
    One who wishes:

    nunc cis Hiberum castra Romana esse, arcem tutam perfugiumque novas volentibus res,

    Liv. 22, 22, 11:

    consulere se volentibus vacuas aures accommodavit,

    Val. Max. 5, 8, 3:

    quid opus libertate si volentibus luxu perire non licet,

    id. 2, 9, 5:

    discere meliora volentibus promptum est,

    i. e. it depends on our own will to learn better things, Quint. 11, 11, 12:

    nec sum in hoc sollicitus, dum res ipsa volentibus discere appareat,

    to the students, id. 8, 4, 15:

    mori volentibus vis adhibita vivendi,

    Suet. Tib. 61.—
    One who intends, is about:

    juris ignorantia non prodest acquirere volentibus,

    i. e. in the acquisition of property, Dig. 22, 6, 7:

    si quis volentem incipere uti frui prohibuit,

    one who is about to enter upon a usufruct, ib. 43, 16, 3, § 14. —
    One who is willing:

    non refert quid sit quod datur, nisi a volente volenti datur,

    unless it is both willingly given and received, Sen. Ben. 2, 18, 8:

    ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt,

    those willing to follow, id. Ep. 107, 11.—
    One who consents:

    tutiusque rati volentibus quam coactis imperitare,

    to rule men with their consent, Sall. J. 102, 6:

    quippe rempublicam si a volentibus nequeat ab invitis jus expetituram,

    peaceably if they could, forcibly if they must, Liv. 3, 40, 4:

    si quis aliam rem pro alia volenti solverit,

    if one pays with the consent of the receiver, Dig. 46, 3, 46:

    nulla injuria est quae in volentem fiat,

    ib. 47, 10, 1, § 5.—
    One who does a thing voluntarily:

    pecuniam etiam a volentibus acceperant,

    the contributions of money were voluntary, Vell. 2, 62, 3:

    parce, puer, stimulis... (solis equi) Sponte sua properant. Labor est inhibere volentis (i. e. properare),

    Ov. M. 2, 128.—
    Volens = bene volens: munificus nemo habebatur nisi pariter volens, unless he was just as kindly disposed, sc. as he was liberal, Sall. J. 103, 6.—Often referring to a previously mentioned noun:

    hunc cape consiliis socium et conjunge volentem,

    and unite with him, since he wishes it, Verg. A. 5, 712; so may be taken Ov. M. 2, 128 (v. e).—
    In the neutr. plur. (volentia) rare, always with dat., things pleasing, acceptable:

    Pompeius multis suspitionibus volentia plebi facturus habebatur,

    that he would do what pleased the common people, Sall. H. 4, 31 Dietsch:

    haec atque talia plebi volentia fuere,

    Tac. A. 15, 36 Draeg. ad loc. al.:

    iique Muciano volentia rescripsere,

    id. H. 3, 52.—Hence, adv.: vŏlenter, willingly, App. M. 6, p. 178, 4.
    vŏlo, āvi, ātum ( part. gen. plur. volantūm, Verg. A. 6, 728; Lucr. 2, 1083), 1, v. n. [Sanscr. val-, to turn one's self, etc.; cf.: vŏlucer, vēlox, and vol- in velivolus], to fly.
    Lit.: ex alto... laeva volavit avis, Enn. ap. Cic. Div. 1, 48, 107 (Ann. v. 95 Vahl.):


    Lucr. 6, 742:


    id. 4, 1010:


    id. 2, 822:

    altam supra volat ardea nubem,

    Verg. G. 1, 364:

    volat ille per aëra magnum Remigio alarum,

    id. A. 1, 300:

    columbae venere volantes,

    id. ib. 6, 191; Prop. 2, 30 (3, 28), 30; Juv. 8, 251:


    Ov. A. A. 1, 96; cf. Plin. 10, 38, 54, § 112:

    volasse eum (Antonium), non iter fecisse diceres,

    Cic. Phil. 10, 5, 11.—Prov.:

    sine pennis volare haud facile est,

    Plaut. Poen. 4, 2, 49.—
    P. a. as subst.: vŏlantes, ĭum, comm., the birds ( poet.), Lucr. 2, 1083; Verg. A. 6, 239; 6, 728.—
    Transf., to fly, i. e. to move swiftly like one flying, to fleet, speed, hasten along:

    i sane... vola curriculo,

    Plaut. Pers. 2, 2, 17; cf.:

    per summa levis volat aequora curru,

    Verg. A. 5, 819:

    medios volat ecce per hostes Vectus equo spumante Saces,

    id. ib. 12, 650:

    illa (Argo) volat,

    Ov. H. 6, 66:


    Verg. G. 3, 181:


    id. ib. 3, 107:


    Lucr. 5, 254:


    id. 2, 213:


    id. 6, 612:


    id. 1, 971; cf. Sall. J. 60, 2; Verg. A. 9, 698; Liv. 26, 44, 7 al.:

    litterae Capuam ad Pompeium volare dicebantur,

    Cic. Att. 2, 19, 3:

    volat aetas,

    id. Tusc. 1, 31, 76:


    Sen. Hippol. 1141:


    Verg. A. 3, 121:

    et semel emissum volat irrevocabile verbum,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 71.— Poet., with inf.:

    ast Erebi virgo ditem volat aethere Memphim Praecipere et Phariā venientem pellere terrā,

    Val. Fl. 4, 407.
    vŏlo, ōnis, m. [1. volo], a volunteer, first applied to the slaves who, after the battle at Cannæ, were enrolled upon their own expressed desire to serve (cf. Liv. 22, 57, 11; Val. Max. 7, 6, 1):

    volones dicti sunt milites, qui post Cannensem cladem usque ad octo milia, cum essent servi, voluntarie se ad militiam obtulere,

    Paul. Diac. p. 370:

    volones, quia sponte hoc voluerunt, appellati,

    Macr. S. 1, 11, 30:

    vetus miles tironi, liber voloni sese exaequari sineret,

    Liv. 23, 35, 6; 23, 32, 1; Capitol. Anton. Phil. 21, 6; Macr. S. 1, 11, 30.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > volo

  • 49 FARA

    * * *
    (fer; fór, fórum; farinn), v.
    1) to move, pass along, go;
    gekk hann hvargi sem hann fór, he walked wherever he went;
    fara heim (heiman), to go home (from home);
    fara á fund e-s to visit one;
    fjöld ek fór, I travelled much;
    hann sagði, hversu orð fóru með þeim, what words passed between them;
    absol., to go begging (ómagar, er þar eigu at fara í því þingi);
    2) with ‘ferð, leið’ or the like added in acc., gen., or dat.;
    fara leiðar sinnar, to go one’s way, proceed on one’s journey (= fara ferðar sinnar or ferða sinna, fara ferð sina, fara för sina, förum sínum);
    fara þessa ferð, to make this journey;
    fara fullum dagleiðum, to travel a full days journeys;
    fara stefnuför, to go a-summoning;
    fara bónorðsför, to go a-wooing;
    fara sigrför, to go on the path of victory, to triumph;
    fara góða för, to make a lucky journey;
    fig., fara ósigr, to be defeated;
    fara mikinn skaða, to suffer great damage;
    fara hneykju, skömm, to incur disgrace;
    fara erendleysu, to fail in one’s errand;
    with the road in acc. (fara fjöll ok dala);
    3) fara búðum, bygðum, vistum, to move, change one’s abode;
    fara eldi ok arni, to move one’s hearth and fire;
    4) fara einn saman, to go alone;
    fara eigi ein saman, to go with child (= fara með barni);
    5) with infin.;
    fara sofa, to go to sleep (allir menn vóru sofa farnir);
    fara vega, to go to fight;
    fara leita, to go seeking (var leita farit);
    6) with an a., etc.;
    fara villr, to go astray;
    fara haltr, to walk lame;
    fara vanstiltr, to go out of one’s mind;
    fara duldr e-s, to be unaware of;
    fara andvígr e-m, to give battle;
    fara leyniliga (leynt), to be kept secret;
    eigi má þetta svá fara, this cannot go on in that way;
    fjarri ferr þat, far from it, by no means;
    fór þat fjarri, at ek vilda, I was far from desiring it;
    7) to turn out, end;
    fór þat sem líkligt var, it turned out as was likely (viz. ended ill);
    svá fór, at, the end was, that;
    ef svá ferr sem ek get til, if it turns out as I guess;
    á sómu leið fór um aðra sendimenn, it went the same way with the other messengers;
    8) to fare well, ill;
    biðja e-n vel fara, to bid one farewell;
    9) to suit, fit, esp. of clothes, hair (ekki þykkir mér kyrtill þinn fara betr en stakkr minn; hárit fór vel);
    impers., fór illa á hestinum, it sat ill on the horse;
    10) impers., e-m ferr vel, illa, one behaves or acts well, ill;
    honum hafa öll málin verst farit, he has behaved worst in the whole matter;
    e-m ferr vinveittliga, one behaves in a friendly way;
    11) fara e-t höndum, to touch with the hands, esp. of a healing touch, = fara höndum um e-t (bið hann fara höndum meinit);
    fara land herskildi, brandi, to visit a land with ‘warshield’, with fire, to ravage or devastate it (gekk síðan á land upp með liði sínu ok fór alit herskildi);
    12) to overtake (Án hrísmagi var þeirra skjótastr ok gat farit sveininn);
    tunglit ferr sólina, the moon overtakes the sun;
    áðr hana Fenrir fari, before F. overtakes her;
    13) to ill-treat, treat cruelly;
    menn sá ek þá, er mjök höfðu hungri farit hörund, that had chastened their flesh with much fasting;
    14) to put an end to, destroy;
    fara sér (sjálfr), to kill oneself;
    fara lífi (fjörvi) e-s, to deprive one of life;
    þú hefir sigr vegit ok Fáfni (dat.) um farit, killed F.;
    15) to forfeit (fara löndum ok lausafé);
    16) refl., farast;
    17) with preps. and advs.:
    fara af klæðum, to take off one’s clothes;
    fara at e-m, to make an attack upon, to assault (eigi mundi í annat sinn vænna at fara at jarlinum);
    fara at e-u, to mind, pay heed to;
    ekki fer ek at, þótt þú hafir svelt þik til fjár (it does not matter to me, I do not care, though);
    to deal with a thing, proceed in a certain way;
    fara at lögum, úlögum, to proceed lawfully, unlawfully;
    fara mjúkliga at, to proceed gently;
    hér skulu við fara at með ráðum, act with, deliberation;
    impers. with dat., to do, behave;
    illa hefir mér at farit, I have done my business badly; to go in pusuit (search) of (víkingar nökkurir þeir sem fóru at féföngum);
    fara at fuglaveiðum, to go a-fowling;
    fara at fé, to tend sheep;
    fara á e-n, to come upon one;
    sigu saman augu, þá er dauðinn fór á, when death seized him;
    fara á hæl or hæli, to step back, retreat;
    fara eptir e-m, to follow one;
    fara eptir e-u, to go for, go to fetch (Snorri goði fór eptir líkinu; fara eptir vatni); to accommodate oneself to, conform to (engi vildi eptir öðrum fara);
    þau orð er eptir fara, the following words;
    fara fram, to go on, take place;
    ef eigi ferr gjald fram, if no payment takes place;
    veizlan ferr vel fram, the feast went on well;
    spyrr, hvat þar fœri fram, he asked, what was going on there;
    fara fram ráðum e-s, to follow one’s advice;
    allt mun þat sínu fram fara, it will take its own course;
    kváðu þat engu gegna ok fóru sínu fram, took their own way;
    segir honum, hversu þeir fóru fram, how they acted;
    fara e-t fram, to do., perform a thing;
    spyrr hann, hvat nú sé fram faranda, what is to be done;
    fara fyrir e-t, to pass for, be taken for (fari sá fyrir níðing, er);
    fara hjá sér, to be beside oneself;
    fara í e-t, to go into (fara í tunnu);
    fara í sæng, rekkju, to go to bed;
    fara í sess sinn, sæti sitt, to take one’s seat;
    fara í klæði, to put on clothes, dress;
    fara í vápn, brynju, to put on armour;
    fara í lag, to go right or straight again (þá fóru brýnn hans í lag);
    fara í vöxt, to increase;
    fara í þurð, to wane;
    fara í hernað, víking, to go a-freebooting;
    nú ferr í úvænt efni, now matters look hopeless;
    to happen, occur (alit þat, er í hafði farit um nóttina);
    fara með e-t, to wield handle, manage;
    fór Hroptr með Gungni, H. wielded (the spear) Gungnir;
    fara með goðorð, to hold a goðorð;
    fara með sök, to manage a lawsuit;
    to practice, deal in;
    fara með rán, to deal in robbery;
    fara með spott ok háð, to go scoffing and mocking;
    fara með galdra ok fjölkyngi, to practice sorcery;
    to deal with, treat, handle (þú munt bezt ok hógligast með hann fara);
    fara af hljóði með e-t, to keep matters secret;
    fara með e-m, to go with one, follow one (ek skal með yðr fara með allan minn styrk);
    fara með e-u, to do (so and so) with a thing, to deal with, manage;
    hvernig þeir skyldu fara með vápnum sínum, what they were to do with their weapons;
    sá maðr, er með arfinum ferr, who manages the inheritance;
    fara með málum sínum, to manage one’s case;
    fara vel með sínum háttum, to bear oneself well;
    undarliga fara munkar þessir með sér, these monks behave strangely;
    fara með barni, to go with child;
    impers., ferr með þeim heldr fáliga, they are on indifferent terms;
    fara ór landi, to leave the country;
    fara ór klæðum, fötum, to take off one’s clothes, undress;
    fara saman, to go together; to shake, shudder;
    fór en forna fold öll saman, shivered all through;
    to concur, agree (hversu má þat saman f);
    fara til svefns, to go to sleep (= fara at sofa);
    fara um e-t, to travel over (fara um fjall);
    fara höndum um e-n, to stroke or touch one with the hands (hann fór höndum um þá, er sjúkir vóru);
    fara mörgum orðum um e-t, to dilate upon a subject;
    fara myrkt um e-t, to keep a matter dark;
    fara undan, to excuse oneself (from doing a thing), to decline, refuse (hvat berr til, at þú ferr undan at gera mér veizluna);
    borð fara upp, the tables are removed;
    fara út, to go from Norway to Iceland; to come to a close, run out (fóru svá út þessir fimm vetr);
    fara útan, to go abroad (from Iceland);
    fara við e-n, to treat one, deal with one in a certain way;
    margs á, ek minnast, hve við mik fóruð, I have many things to remember of your dealings with me;
    fara yfir e-t, to go through;
    nú er yfir farit um landnám, now an account of the settlements has been given;
    skjótt yfir at fara, to be brief.
    * * *
    pret. fóra, 2nd pers. fórt, mod. fórst, pl. fóru; pres. ferr, 2nd pers. ferr, in mod. pronunciation ferð; pret. subj. færa; imperat. far and farðu (= far þú); sup. farit; part. farinn; with the suffixed neg. fór-a, Am. 45; farið-a ( depart not), Hkr. i. 115 MS. (in a verse). [In the Icel. scarcely any other verb is in so freq. use as fara, as it denotes any motion; not so in other Teut. idioms; in Ulf. faran is only used once, viz. Luke x. 7; Goth. farjan means to sail, and this seems to be the original sense of fara (vide far); A. S. faran; the Germ. fahren and Engl. fare are used in a limited sense; in the Engl. Bible this word never occurs (Cruden); Swed. fara; Dan. fare.]
    A. NEUT. to go, fare, travel, in the widest sense; gékk hann hvargi sem hann fór, he walked wherever he went, Hkr. i. 100; né ek flý þó ek ferr, I fly not though I fare, Edda (in a verse); létt er lauss at fara (a proverb), Sl. 37: the saying, verðr hverr með sjálfum sér lengst at fara, Gísl. 25; cp. ‘dass von sich selbst der Mensch nicht scheiden kann’ (Göthe’s Tasso), or the Lat. ‘patriae quis exul se quoque fugit?’ usually in the sense to go, to depart, heill þú farir, heill þú aptr komir, Vþm. 4; but also to come, far þú hingat til mín, come here, Nj. 2.
    2. to travel, go forth or through, pass, or the like; þú skalt fara í Kirkjubæ, Nj. 74; fara ór landi, to fare forth from one’s country, Fms. v. 24; kjóll ferr austan, Vsp. 51; Surtr ferr sunnan, 52; snjór var mikill, ok íllt at fara, and ill to pass, Fms. ix. 491; fóru þeir út eptir ánni, Eg. 81; siðan fór Egill fram með skóginum, 531; þeim sem hann vildi at færi … Njáll hét at fara, Nj. 49; fara munu vér, Eg. 579; Egill fór til þess er hann kom til Álfs. 577, Fms. xi. 122; fara þeir nú af melinum á sléttuna. Eg. 747; fara heiman, to fare forth from one’s home, K. Þ. K. 6; alls mik fara tíðir, Vþm. 1; fjölð ek fór, far I fared, i. e. travelled far, 3: the phrase, fara utan, to fare outwards, go abroad (from Iceland), passim; fara vestr um haf, to fare westward over the sea, i. e. to the British Isles, Hkr. i. 101; fara á fund e-s, to visit one, Ld. 62; fara at heimboði, to go to a feast, id.; fara fæti, to fare a-foot, go walking, Hkr.; absol. fara, to travel, beg, hence föru-maðr, a vagrant, beggar; in olden times the poor went their rounds from house to house within a certain district, cp. Grág. i. 85; ómagar er þar eigu at fara í því þingi eðr um þau þing, id.; ómagar skolu fara, 119; omegð þá er þar ferr, 296: in mod. usage, fara um and um-ferð, begging, going round.
    β. with prep.: fara at e-m, to make an inroad upon one, Nj. 93, 94, 102 (cp. at-för); fara á e-n, to mount, e. g. fara á bak, to mount on horseback; metaph., dauðinn fór á, death seized him, Fms. xi. 150; f. saman, to go together, Edda 121, Grág. ii. 256; f. saman also means to shudder. Germ. zusammenfahren, Hým. 24: metaph. to concur, agree, hversu má þat saman f., Nj. 192; þeim þótti þat mjök saman f., Fms. iv. 382; fara á hæl, or á hæli, to go a-heel, i. e. step back. retreat, xi. 278, Eg. 296; fara undan, metaph. to excuse oneself, refuse (v. undan), Nj. 23, Fms. x. 227; fara fyrir, to proceed; fara eptir, to follow.
    3. with ferð, leið or the like added, in acc. or gen. to go one’s way; fara leiðar sinnar, to proceed on one’s journey, Eg. 81, 477, Fms. i. 10, Grág. ii. 119; fara ferðar sinnar, or ferða sinna, id.. Eg. 180, Fms. iv. 125; fara derð sina, id.. Eg. 568; fara förum sínum, or för sinní, id., K. Þ. K. 80, 90; fara dagfari ok náttfari, to travel day and night, Fms. i. 203; fara fullum dagleiðum, to go full days-journeys, Grág. i. 91; or in a more special sense, fara þessa ferð, to make this journey, Fas. ii. 117; f. stefnu-för, to go a-summoning; f. bónorðs-för, to go a-courting, Nj. 148; f. sigr-för, to go on the way of victory, to triumph, Eg. 21; fara sendi-för, to go on a message, 540.
    β. in a metaph. sense; fara hneykju-för, to be shamefully beaten, Hrafn. 19 (MS.); fara ósigr, to be defeated, Eg. 287; fara mikinn skaða, to ‘fare’ (i. e. suffer) great damage, Karl. 43; fara því verrum förum, fara skömm, hneykju, erendleysu, úsæmð, to get the worst of it, Fms. viii. 125.
    4. with the road in acc.; hann fór Vánar-skarð, Landn. 226; f. sjó-veg, land-veg, K. Þ. K. 24; fór mörg lönd ok stórar merkr, Fas. ii. 540; fara sömu leið, Fms. i. 70; f. sama veg, Luke x. 31; f. fjöll ok dala, Barl. 104; fara út-leið, þjóð-leið, Fms. iv. 260; also, fara um veg, fara um fjall, to cross a fell, Hm. 3; fara liði, to march, Fms. i. 110.
    II. in a more indefinite sense, to go; fara búðum, bygðum, vistum, to move, change one’s abode, Ld. 56, Hkr. ii. 177, Nj. 151, Vigl. 30; fara búferla, to more one’s household, Grág. ii. 409; fara vöflunarförum, to go a-begging, i. 163, 294, ii. 482.
    2. the phrases, fara eldi ok arni, a law term, to move one’s hearth and fire. Grág. ii. 253; fara eldi um land, a heathen rite for taking possession of land, defined in Landn. 276. cp. Eb. 8, Landn. 189, 284.
    3. fara einn-saman, to be alone. Grág. ii. 9; the phrase, f. eigi einn-saman, to be not alone, i. e. with child, Fms. iii. 109; or, fór hón með svein þann, Bs. i. 437; cp. ganga með barni.
    4. adding an adj., to denote gait, pace, or the like; fara snúðigt, to stride haughtily, Nj. 100; fara mikinn, to rush on, 143; fara flatt, to fall flat, tumble, Bárð. 177; fara hægt, to walk slowly.
    β. fara til svefns, to go to sleep, Nj. 35; f. í sæti sitt, to go to one’s seat, 129; f. í sess, Vþm. 9; f. á bekk, 19; fara á sæng, to go to bed, N. G. L. i. 30; fara í rúmið, id. (mod.); fara í mannjöfnuð, Ísl. ii. 214; fara í lag, to be put straight, Eg. 306; fara í vöxt, to wax, increase, Fms. ix. 430, Al. 141; fara í þurð, to wane, Ld. 122, l. 1 (MS.); fara í úefni, to go to the wrong side, Sturl. iii. 210; fara at skakka, to be odd ( not even). Sturl. ii. 258; fara at sölum, to be put out for sale, Grág. ii. 204.
    5. fara at fuglum, to go a-fowling, Orkn. (in a verse); fara at fugla-veiðum, id., Bb. 3. 36; fara í hernað, í víking, to go a-freebooting, Fms. i. 33, Landn. 31; fara at fé, to watch sheep, Ld. 240; fara at fé-föngum, to go a-fetching booty, Fms. vii. 78.
    β. with infin., denoting one’s ‘doing’ or ‘being;’ fara sofa, to go to sleep, Eg. 377; fara vega, to go to fight, Vsp. 54, Gm. 23; fara at róa, Vígl. 22; fara leita, to go seeking, Fms. x. 240; fara að búa, to set up a household, Bb. 2. 6; fara að hátta, to go to bed.
    γ. akin to this is the mod. use of fara with an infin. following in the sense to begin, as in the East Angl. counties of Engl. it ‘fares’ to …, i. e. it begins, is likely to be or to do so and so; það fer að birta, það er farit að dimma, it ‘fares’ to grow dark; það fer að hvessa, it ‘fares’ to blow; fer að rigna, it ‘fares’ to rain. etc.:—no instance of this usage is recorded in old Icel., but the Engl. usage shews that it must be old.
    δ. with an adj. etc.; fara villr, to go astray, Sks. 565; fara haltr, to go lame, Fms. x. 420; fara vanstiltr, to go out of one’s mind, 264; fara hjá sér, to be beside oneself, Eb. 270; fara apr, to feel chilly, Fms. vi. 237 (in a verse); fara duldr e-s, to be unaware of, Skálda 187 (in a verse); fara andvígr e-m, to give battle, Stor. 8; fara leyniliga, to go secretly, be kept hidden, Nj. 49.
    6. to pass; fór sú skipan til Íslands, Fms. x. 23; fara þessi mál til þings, Nj. 100; hversu orð fóru með þeim, how words passed between them, 90; fóru þau orð um, the runner went abroad, Fms. i. 12; ferr orð er um munn líðr (a saying), iv. 279; þá fór ferligt úorðan, a bad report went abroad, Hom. 115.
    7. fara fram, to go on, take place; ferr þetta fram, Ld. 258; ef eigi ferr gjald fram, if no payment takes place, K. Þ. K. 64; ferr svá fram, and so things went on without a break, Nj. 11, Eg. 711; veizlan ferr vel fram, the feast went on well, Nj. 11, 51; spyrr hvat þar færi fram, he asked what there was going on. Band. 17; fór allt á sömu leið sem fyrr, it went on all the same as before, Fms. iv. 112; fara fram ráðum e-s, to follow one’s advice, Nj. 5, 66, Fms. vii. 318; allt mun þat sínu fram f., it will take its own course, Nj. 259; nú er því ferr fram um hríð, it went on so for a while, Fms. xi. 108; a law term, to be produced, gögn fara fram til varnar, Grág. i. 65; dómar fara út, the court is set (vide dómr), Grág., Nj., passim.
    8. borð fara upp brott, the tables are removed (vide borð), Eg. 247, 551; eigi má þetta svá f., this cannot go on in that way, Nj. 87; fjarri ferr þat, far from it, by no means, 134; fór þat fjarri at ek vilda, Ld. 12; fór þat ok svá til, and so if came to pass, Fms. x. 212.
    9. to turn out, end; hversu ætlar þú fara hesta-atið, Nj. 90; fór þat sem likligt var, it turned out as was likely (i. e. ended ill). Eg. 46; svá fór, at …, the end was, that …, Grett. 81 new Ed.; ef svá ferr sem ek get til, if it turns out as I guess, Dropl. 30, Vígl. 21; ef svá ferr sem mín orð horfa til, Fms. v. 24; ef svá ferr sem mik varir, if it comes to pass as it seems to me, vi. 350; svá fór um sjóferð þá, Bjarni 202; á sömu leið fór um aðra sendi-menn, Eg. 537; to depart, die, þar fór nýtr maðr, Fs. 39; fara danða-yrði, to pass the death-weird, to die, Ýt. 8.
    10. to fare well, ill, in addressing; fari þér vel, fare ye well, Nj. 7; biðja e-n vel fara, to bid one farewell, Eg. 22, Ld. 62; far heill ok sæll, Fms. vii. 197: in a bad sense, far þú nú þar, ill betide thee! Hbl. 60; far (impers.) manna armastr, Eg. 553; Jökull bað hann fara bræla armastan, Finnb. 306; fari þér í svá gramendr allir, Dropl. 23.
    11. fara í fat, í brynju (acc.), etc., to dress, undress; but fara ór fötum (dat.), to undress, Fms. x. 16, xi. 132, vii. 202, Nj. 143, Gh. 16, etc.
    III. metaph.,
    1. to suit, fit, esp. of clothes, hair, or the like; ekki þykkir mér kyrtill þinn fara betr en stakkr minn, Fas. ii. 343; hárið fór vel, Nj. 30; jarpr á hár ok fór vel hárit, Fms. ii. 7; gult hár sem silki ok fór fagrliga, vi. 438, Fs. 88; klæði sem bezt farandi, Eb. 256; var sú konan bezt f., the most graceful, lady-like, Ísl. ii. 438; fór ílla á hestinum, it sat ill on the horse, Bs. i. 712.
    2. impers. it goes so and so with one, i. e. one behaves so and so: e-m ferr vel, ílla, etc., one behaves well, ill, etc.; honum hafa öll málin verst farit, he has behaved worst in the whole matter, Nj. 210; bezta ferr þér, Fms. vii. 33; vel mun þér fara, Nj. 55; at honum fari vel, 64; þer hefir vel farit til mín, Finnb. 238; e-m ferr vinveittliga, one behaves in a friendly way, Nj. 217; ferr þér þá bezt jafnan ok höfðinglegast er mest liggr við, 228; mun honum nokkurn veg vel f., Hrafn. 10; údrengiliga hefir þér farit til vár, Ld. 48; ferr þér illa, Nj. 57; hversu Gunnari fór, how ( well) G. behaved, 119.
    3. fara at e-u, to deal with a thing (i. e. proceed) so and so; svá skal at sókn fara, thus is the pleading to be proceeded with, Grág. i. 323; svá skal at því f. at beiða …, 7; fara at lögum, or úlögum at e-u, to proceed lawfully or unlawfully, 126; hversu at skyldi f., how they were to proceed, Nj. 114; fara mjúklega at, to proceed gently, Fms. vii. 18; hér skulu vér f. at með ráðum, to act with deliberation, Eg. 582; Flosi fór at öngu óðara ( took matters calmly), en hann væri heima, Nj. 220.
    β. impers. with dat., to do, behave; ílla hefir mér at farit, I have done my business badly, Hrafn. 8; veit Guð hversu hverjum manni mun at f., Fms. x. 212: in mod. phrases, to become, ironically, þér ferr það, or þér ferst það, it becomes thee, i. e. ‘tis too bad of thee.
    γ. hví ferr konungrinn nú svá (viz. at), Fms. i. 35; er slíkt úsæmiliga farit, so shamefully done, Nj. 82; hér ferr vænt at, here things go merrily, 232; karlmannliga er farit, manfully done, 144.
    δ. to mind, care about; ekki ferr ek at, þótt þú hafir svelt þik til fjár, it does not matter to me, I do not care, though …, Nj. 18; ekki munu vit at því fara ( never mind that), segir Helgi, 133.
    ε. fara eptir, to be in proportion; hér eptir fór vöxtr ok afl, his strength and stature were in proportion, Clar.
    4. fara með e-t, to wield, handle, manage; fór Hroptr með Gungni, H. wielded Gungni ( the spear), Kormak; f. með Gríðar-völ, to wield the staff G., Þd. 9: as a law term, to wield, possess; fara með goðorð, to keep a goðorð, esp. during the session of parliament, Dropl. 8, Grág. and Nj. passim; fara með sök, to manage a lawsuit, Grág., Nj.; or, fara við sök, id., Nj. 86.
    β. metaph. to practise, deal in; fara með rán, to deal in robbing, Nj. 73; fara með spott ok háð, to go sporting and mocking, 66; f. með fals ok dár, Pass. 16. 5; fara með galdra ok fjölkyngi, K. Þ. K. 76; f. með hindr-vitni, Grett. 111; cp. the phrase, farðu ekki með það, don’t talk such nonsense.
    γ. to deal with, treat, handle; þú munt bezt ok hógligast með hann fara, thou wilt deal with him most kindly and most gently, Nj. 219; fara af hljóði með e-t, to keep matters secret, id.; Ingimundr fór vel með sögum (better than sögur, acc.), Ing. dealt well with stories, was a good historian. Sturl. i. 9.
    δ. with dat.; fara með e-u, to do so and so with a thing, manage it; hversu þeir skyldi fara með vápnum sínum, how they were to do with their weapons, Fms. ix. 509; sá maðr er með arfinum ferr, who manages the arfr, Grág. i. 217; ef þeir fara annan veg með því fé, 216; fara með málum sínum, to manage one’s case, 46; meðan hann ferr svá með sem mælt er, 93; Gunnarr fór með öllu ( acted in all) sem honum var ráð til kennt, Nj. 100; ef svá er með farit, Ld. 152; f. vel með sínum háttum, to bear oneself well, behave well, Eg. 65; Hrafn fór með sér vel, H. bore himself well, Fms. vi. 109; undarliga fara munkar þessir með sér, they behave strangely, 188; við förum kynlega með okkrum málum, Nj. 130; vant þyki mér með slíku at fara, difficult matters to have to do with, 75; f. málum á hendr e-m, to bring an action against one, Ld. 138; fara sókn ( to proceed) sem at þingadómi, Grág. i. 463; fara svá öllu máli um sem …, 40, ii. 348; fara með hlátri ok gapi, to go laughing and scoffing, Nj. 220; cp. β above.
    IV. fara um, yfir e-t, to pass over slightly; nú er yfir farit um landnám, shortly told, touched upon, Landn. 320; skjótt yfir at f., to be brief, 656 A. 12; fara myrkt um e-t, to mystify a thing, Ld. 322; fara mörgum orðum um e-t, to dilate upon a subject, Fbr. 124, Nj. 248, Fms. ix. 264.
    β. in the phrase, fara höndum um e-t, to go with the hands about a thing, to touch it, Germ. befühlen, esp. medic. of a healing touch; jafnan fengu menn heilsubót af handlögum hans, af því er hann fór höndum um þá er sjúkir vóru, Játv. 24; ok pá fór hann höndum um hann, Bs. i. 644; þá lét Arnoddr fara aðra höndina um hann, ok fann at hann var berfættr ok í línklæðum. Dropl. 30; cp. fóru hendr hvítar hennar um þessar görvar, Fas. i. 248 (in a verse): note the curious mod. phrase, það fer að fara um mig, I began to feel uneasy, as from a cold touch or the like.
    γ. impers. with dat.; eigi ferr þér nær Gunnari, en Merði mundi við þik, thou camest not nearer to G. than Mord would to thee, i. e. thou art just as far from being a match for G. as Mord is to thee, Nj. 37; þá ferr honum sem öðrum, it came to pass with him as with others, 172; þá mun mér first um fara, I shall fall much short of that, Fms. vi. 362; því betr er þeim ferr öllum verr at, the worse they fare the better I am pleased, Nj. 217.
    V. reflex., esp. of a journey, to fare well; fórsk þeim vel, they fared well, Eg. 392, Fms. xi. 22; honum fersk vel vegrinn, he proceeded well on his journey, ii. 81; hafði allt farizt vel at, all had fared well, they had had a prosperous journey, Íb. 10; fórsk þeim þá seint um daginn, they proceeded slowly, Eg. 544; mönnum fórsk eigi vel um fenit, Fms. vii. 149; hversu þeim hafði farizk, Nj. 90; at þeim færisk vel, Ísl. ii. 343, 208, v. l.: the phrase, hamri fórsk í hægri hönd, he grasped the hammer in his right hand, Bragi; farask lönd undir, to subdue lands, Hkr. i. 134, v. l. (in a verse).
    2. recipr., farask hjá, to go beside one another, miss one another, pass without meeting, Nj. 9; farask á mis, id., farask í móti, to march against one another, of two hosts; þat bar svá til at hvárigir vissu til annarra ok fórusk þó í móti, Fms. viii. 63, x. 46, Fas. ii. 515.
    VI. part.,
    1. act., koma farandi, to come of a sudden or by chance; þá kómu hjarðsveinar þar at farandi, some shepherds just came, Eg. 380; Moses kom farandi til fólksins, Sks. 574; koma inn farandi, 369, Fbr. 25.
    2. pass. farinn, in the phrase, á förnum vegi, on ‘wayfaring,’ i. e. in travelling, passing by; finna e-n á förnum vegi, Nj. 258, K. Þ. K. 6; kveðja fjárins á förnum vegi, Grág. i. 403; also, fara um farinn veg, to pass on one’s journey; of the sun. sól var skamt farin, the sun was little advanced, i. e. early in the morning, Fms. xi. 267, viii. 146; þá var dagr alljós ok sól farin, broad day and sun high in the sky, Eg. 219; also impers., sól (dat.) var skamt farit, Úlf. 4. 10: the phrase, aldri farinn, stricken in years, Sturl. i. 212; vel farinn í andliti, well-favoured, Ld. 274; vel at orði farinn, well spoken, eloquent, Fms. xi. 193; mod., vel orði, máli farinn, and so Ld. 122; gone, þar eru baugar farnir, Grág. ii. 172; þó fætrnir sé farnir, Fas. iii. 308.
    β. impers. in the phrase, e-m er þannig farit, one is so and so; veðri var þannig farit, at …, the winter was such, that …, Fms. xi. 34; veðri var svá farit at myrkt var um at litask, i. e. the weather was gloomy, Grett. 111; hversu landinu er farit, what is the condition of the country, Sks. 181; henni er þannig farit, at hón er mikil ey, löng …, ( the island) is so shapen, that it is large and long, Hkr. ii. 188; er eigi einn veg farit úgæfu okkari, our ill-luck is not of one piece, Nj. 183: metaph. of state, disposition, character, er hánum vel farit, he is a well-favoured man, 15; undarliga er yðr farit, ye are strange men, 154; honum var svá farit, at hann var vesal-menni, Boll. 352: adding the prepp. at, til, þeim var úlíkt farit at í mörgu, they were at variance in many respects, Hkr. iii. 97; nú er annan veg til farit, now matters are altered, Nj. 226; nú er svá til farit, at ek vil …, now the case is, that I wish …, Eg. 714; hér er þannig til farit, … at leiðin, 582; þar var þannig til farit, Fms. xi. 34. ☞ Hence comes the mod. form varið (v instead of f), which also occurs in MSS. of the 15th century—veðri var svá varit, Sd. 181; ér honum vel varið, Lv. 80, Ld. 266, v. l.; svá er til varið, Sks. 223, 224,—all of them paper MSS. The phrase, e-m er nær farit, one is pressed; svá var honum nær farit af öllu samt, vökum ok föstu, he was nearly overcome from want of sleep and fasting.
    B. TRANS.
    I. with acc.:
    1. to visit; fara land herskildi, brandi, etc., to visit a land with ‘war-shield,’ fire, etc., i. e. devastate it; gékk siðan á land upp með liði sínu, ok fór allt herskildi, Fms. i. 131; land þetta mundi herskildi farit, ok leggjask undir útlenda höfðingja, iv. 357; (hann) lét Halland farit brandi, vii. 4 (in a verse); hann fór lvist eldi, 41 (in a verse); hann hefir farit öll eylönd brandi, 46 (in a verse); fara hungri hörund, to emaciate the body, of an ascetic, Sl. 71.
    2. to overtake, with acc.; hann gat ekki farit hann, he could not overtake ( catch) him, 623. 17; tunglit ferr sólina, the moon overtakes the sun, Rb. 116; áðr hana Fenrir fari, before Fenrir overtakes her, Vþm. 46, 47; knegut oss fálur fara, ye witches cannot take us, Hkv. Hjörv. 13; hann gat farit fjóra menn af liði Steinólfs, ok drap þá alla, … hann gat farit þá hjá Steinólfsdal, Gullþ. 29; hann reið eptir þeim, ok gat farit þá út hjá Svelgsá, milli ok Hóla, Eb. 180; Án hrísmagi var þeirra skjótastr ok getr farit sveininn, Ld. 242; viku þeir þá enn undan sem skjótast svá at Danir gátu eigi farit þá, Fms. (Knytl. S.) xi. 377 (MS., in the Ed. wrongly altered to náð þeim); hérinn hljóp undan, ok gátu hundarnir ekki farit hann (Ed. fráit wrongly), Fas. iii. 374; ok renna allir eptir þeim manni er víg vakti, … ok verðr hann farinn, Gþl. 146: cp. the phrase, vera farinn, to dwell, live, to be found here and there; þótt hann sé firr um farinn, Hm. 33.
    II. with dat. to destroy, make to perish; f. sér, to make away with oneself; kona hans fór sér í dísar-sal, she killed herself, Fas. i. 527; hón varð stygg ok vildi fara sér, Landn. (Hb.) 55; ef þér gangit fyrir hamra ofan ok farit yðr sjálfir, Fms. viii. 53; hví ætla menn at hann mundi vilja f. sér sjálfr, iii. 59; fara lífi, fjörvi, öndu, id.; skal hann heldr eta, en fara öndu sinni, than starve oneself to death, K. Þ. K. 130; ok verðr þá þínu fjörvi um farit, Lv. 57, Ýt. 20, Fas. i. 426 (in a verse), cp. Hkv. Hjörv. 13; mínu fjörvi at fara, Fm. 5; þú hefir sigr vegit, ok Fáfni (dat.) um farit, 23; farit hafði hann allri ætt Geirmímis, Hkv. 1. 14; ok létu hans fjörvi farit, Sól. 22; hann hafði farit mörgum manni, O. H. L. 11.
    β. to forfeit; fara sýknu sinni, Grág. i. 98; fara löndum ok lausafé, ii. 167.
    2. reflex. to perish (but esp. freq. in the sense to be drowned, perish in the sea); farask af sulti, to die of hunger, Fms. ii. 226; fellr fjöldi manns í díkit ok farask þar, v. 281; fórusk sex hundruð Vinda skipa, xi. 369; alls fórusk níu menn, Ísl. ii. 385; mun heimr farask, Eluc. 43; þá er himin ok jörð hefir farisk, Edda 12; farask af hita, mæði, Fms. ix. 47; fórsk þar byrðingrinn, 307; hvar þess er menn farask, Grág. i. 219; heldr enn at fólk Guðs farisk af mínum völdum, Sks. 732: of cattle, ef fé hins hefir troðisk eðr farisk á þá lund sem nú var tínt, Grág. ii. 286.
    β. metaph., fersk nú vinátta ykkur, your friendship is done with, Band. 12.
    γ. the phrase, farask fyrir, to come to naught, Nj. 131; at síðr mun fyrir farask nokkut stórræði, Ísl. ii. 340; en fyrir fórusk málagjöldin af konungi, the payment never took place, Fms. v. 278; lét ek þetta verk fyrir farask, vii. 158; þá mun þat fyrir farask, Fs. 20; en fyrir fórsk þat þó þau misseri, Sd. 150: in mod. usage (N. T.), to perish.
    δ. in act. rarely, and perhaps only a misspelling: frá því er féit fór (fórsk better), K. Þ. K. 132; fóru (better fórusk, were drowned) margir Íslenzkir menn, Bs. i. 436.
    3. part. farinn, as adj. gone, undone; nú eru vér farnir, nema …, Lv. 83; hans tafl var mjök svá farit, his game was almost lost, Fas. i. 523; þá er farnir vóru forstöðumenn Tróju, when the defenders of Troy were dead and gone, Ver. 36; tungl farit, a ‘dead moon,’ i. e. new moon, Rb. 34; farinn af sulti ok mæði, Fms. viii. 53; farinn at e-u, ruined in a thing, having lost it; farnir at hamingju, luckless, iv. 73; f. at vistum, xi. 33; f. at lausa-fé;. iii. 117: in some cases uncertain whether the participle does not belong to A.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FARA

  • 50 FYRIR

    * * *
    I. with dat.
    1) before, in front of (ok vóru fyrir honum borin merkin);
    fyrir dyrum, before the door;
    2) before one, in one’s presence;
    hón nefndist fyrir þeim Gunnhildr, she told them that her name was G.;
    3) for;
    hann lét ryðja fyrir þeim búðina, he had the booth cleared for them, for their reception;
    4) before one, in one’s way;
    fjörðr varð fyrir þeim, they came to a fjord;
    sitja fyrir e-m, to lie in wait for one;
    5) naut. term. before, off;
    liggja fyrir bryggjum, to lie off the piers;
    fyrir Humru-mynni, off the Humber;
    6) before, at the head of, over;
    vera fyrir liði, to be over the troops;
    vera fyrir máli, to lead the case;
    sitja fyrir svörum, to undertake the defence;
    7) of time, ago;
    fyrir þrem nóttum, three nights ago;
    fyrir stundu, a while ago;
    fyrir löngu, long ago;
    vera fyrir e-u, to forebode (of a dream);
    8) before, above, superior to;
    Hálfdan svarti var fyrir þeim brœðrum, H. was the foremost of the brothers;
    9) denoting disadvantige, harm, suffering;
    þú lætr Egil vefja öll mál fyrir þér, thou lettest E. thwart all thy affairs;
    tók at eyðast fyrir herm lausa-fé, her money began to fail;
    10) denoting obstacle, hindrance;
    mikit gøri þer mér fyrir þessu máli, you make this case hard for me;
    varð honum lítit fyrir því, it was a small matter for him;
    Ásgrími þótti þungt fyrir, A. thought that things looked bad;
    11) because of, for;
    hon undi sér hvergri fyrir verkjum, she had no rest for pains;
    fyrir hræðslu, for fear;
    illa fœrt fyrir ísum, scarcely, passable for ice;
    gáðu þeir eigi fyrir veiðum at fá heyjanna, because of fishing, they neglected to make hay;
    fyrir því at, because, since, as;
    12) against;
    gæt þín vel fyrir konungi ok hans mönnum, guard thee well against the king and his men;
    beiða griða Baldri fyrir alls konar háska, against all kinds of harm;
    13) fyrir sér, of oneself;
    mikill fyrir sér, strong, powerful;
    minnstr fyrir sér, smallest, weakest;
    14) denoting manner or quality, with;
    hvítr fyrir hærum, while with hoary hair;
    II. with acc.
    1) before, in front of;
    halda fyrir augu sér, to hold (one’s hands) before one’s eyes;
    2) before, into the presence of;
    stefna e-m fyrir dómstól, before a court;
    3) over;
    hlaupa fyrir björg, to leap over a precipice;
    kasta fyrir borð, to throw overboard;
    4) in one’s way, crossing one’s way;
    ríða á leið fyrir þá, to ride in their way, so as to meet them;
    5) round, off;
    sigla fyrir nes, to weather a point;
    6) along, all along;
    fyrir endilangan Noreg, all along Norway, from one end to the other;
    draga ör fyrir odd, to draw the arrow past the point;
    7) of time, fyrir dag, before day;
    fyrir e-s minni, before one’s memory;
    8) for, on behalf of;
    vil ek bjóða at fara fyrir þik, I will offer to go for thee, in thy stead;
    lögvörn fyrir mál, a lawful defence for a case;
    9) for, for the benefit of;
    þeir skáru fyrir þá melinn, they cut the lyme-grass for them (the horses);
    10) for, instead of, in place of, as;
    11) for, because of (vilja Gunnar dauðan fyrir höggit);
    fyrir þín orð, for thy words (intercession);
    fyrir sína vinsæld, by reason of his popularity;
    12) denoting value, price;
    fyrir þrjár merkr, for three marks;
    fyrir hvern mun, by all means, at any cost;
    13) in spite of, against (giptast fyrir ráð e-s);
    14) joined with adverbs ending in -an, governing acc. (fyrir austan, vestan, sunnan, norðan, útan innan, framan, handan, ofan, neðan);
    fyrir austan, sunnan fjall, east, south of the fell;
    fyrir neðan brú, below the bridge;
    fyrir handan á, beyond the river;
    fyrir innan garð, inside the fence;
    III. as adverb or ellipt.
    1) ahead, before, opp. to eptir;
    þá var eigi hins verra eptir ván, er slíkt fór fyrir, when this came first, preceded;
    2) first;
    mun ek þar eptir gera sem þér gerit fyrir, I shall do to you according as you do first;
    3) at hand, present, to the fore;
    föng þau, er fyrir vóru, stores that were at hand;
    þar var fyrir fjöldi boðsmanna, a host of guests was already present (before the bride and bridegroom came);
    4) e-m verðr e-t fyrir, one takes a certain step, acts so and so;
    Kolbeini varð ekki fyrir, K. was at a loss what to do;
    e-t mælist vel (illa) fyrir, a thing is well (ill) spoken or reported of (kvæðit mæltist vel fyrir).
    * * *
    prep., in the Editions spelt differently; in MSS. this word is usually abbreviated either  (i. e. firir), or Ꝼ̆, fur͛, fvr͛ (i. e. fyrir); in some MSS. it is idiomatically spelt with i, fir͛, e. g. Arna-Magn. 382 (Bs. i. 263 sqq.); and even in the old Miracle-book Arna-Magn. 645 (Bs. i. 333 sqq.), just as ifir is written for yfir ( over); in a few MSS. it is written as a monosyllable fyr, e. g. D. I. i. 475, Mork. passim; in Kb. (Sæm.-Edda) occurs fyr telia, Vsp. I; fyr norðan, 36; fyr dyrum, Gm. 22; fyr vestan ver, Hkv. 2. 8; in other places as a dissyll. fyrir, e. g. Hm. 56, Gm. 54, Skm. 34, Ls. 15, Am. 64, Hkv. 2. 2, 19 (quoted from Bugge’s edition, see his preface, p. xvi); fyr and fyrir stand to one another in the same relation as ept to eptir, und to undir, of ( super) to yfir: this monosyllabic form is obsolete, save in the compds, where ‘for-’ is more common than ‘fyrir-;’ in some cases both forms are used, e. g. for-dæming and fyrir-dæming; in others only one, but without any fixed rule: again, the forms fyri, fyre, or fire, which are often used in Edd., are just as wrong, as if one were to say epti, undi, yfi; yet this spelling is found now and then in MSS., as, fyre, Ó. H. (facsimile); fire, Grág. Sb. ii. 288 (also facsimile): the particles í and á are sometimes added, í fur, Fms. iv. 137; í fyrir, passim; á fur, Haustl. 1. [Ulf. faur and faura; A. S. fore and for; Engl. for and fore-; Germ. für and vor; Dan. for; Swed. för; Gr. προ-; Lat. pro, prae.]
    WITH DAT., chiefly without the notion of movement.
    A. LOCAL:
    I. before, in front of; fyrir dyrum, before the doors, at the doors, Nj. 14, Vsp. 53, Hm. 69, Edda 130; niðr f. smiðju-dyrum, Eg. 142:—ahead, úti fyrir búðinni, Nj. 181; kómusk sauðirnir upp á fjallit f. þeim, ahead of them, 27; vóru fyrir honum borin merkin, the banner was borne before him, 274; göra orð fyrir sér, to send word before one, Fms. vii. 207, Hkr. iii. 335 (Ó. H. 201, l. c., frá sér):—also denoting direction, niðri í eldinum f. sér, beneath in the fire before them, Nj. 204; þeir sá f. sér bæ mikinn, they saw before them a great building, i. e. they came to a great house, Eg. 546; öðrum f. sér ( in front) en öðrum á bak sér, Grág. i. 5.
    2. before one, before one’s face, in one’s presence; úhelgaða ek Otkel f. búum, before the neighbours, Nj. 87; lýsi ek f. búum fimm, 218; lýsa e-u ( to proclaim) f. e-m, Ld. 8; hann hermdi boð öll f. Gizuri, Nj. 78; hón nefndisk f. þeim Gunnhildr, told them that her name was G., Fms. i. 8; kæra e-t f. e-m, Ó. H. 60; slíkar fortölur hafði hann f. þeim, Nj. 200; the saying, því læra börnin málið að það er f. þeim haft, bairns learn to speak because it is done before them, i. e. because they hear it; hafa gott (íllt) f. e-m, to give a good (bad) example, e. g. in the presence of children; lifa vel f. Guði, to live well before God, 623. 29; stór ábyrgðar-hluti f. Guði, Nj. 199; sem þeir sjá réttast f. Guði, Grág. i. (pref.); fyrir öllum þeim, Hom. 89; á laun f. öðrum mönnum, hidden from other men, unknown to them, Grág. i. 337, Jb. 378; nú skaltú vera vin minn mikill f. húsfreyju minni, i. e. when you talk to my wife, Nj. 265; fyrir Drottni, before the Lord, Merl. 2. 78.
    3. denoting reception of guests, visitors; hann lét ryðja f. þeim búðina, he had the room cleared for them, for their reception, Nj. 228; Valhöll ryðja fyr vegnu fólki, i. e. to clear Valhalla for slain folk, Em. I; ryðja vígvöll f. vegundum, Nj. 212; ljúka upp f. e-m, to open the door for one, Fms. xi. 323, Stj. 5; rýma pallinn f. þeim, Eg. 304; hann lét göra eld f. þeim, he had a fire made for them, 204; þeir görðu eld. f. sér, Fms. xi. 63; … veizlur þar sem fyrir honum var búit, banquets that were ready for him, Eg. 45.
    II. before one, in one’s way; þar er díki varð f. þeim, Eg. 530; á (fjörðr) varð f. þeim, a river, fjord, was before them, i. e. they came to it, 133, 161; at verða eigi f. liði yðru, 51; maðr sá varð f. Vindum, that man was overtaken by the V., Hkr. iii. 363; þeirra manna er f. honum urðu, Eg. 92.
    2. sitja f. e-m, to lie in wait for one, Ld. 218, Nj. 107; lá f. henni í skóginum, Edda (pref.); sitja f. rekum, to sit watching for wrecks, Eg. 136 (fyrir-sát).
    3. ellipt., menn urðu at gæta sín er f. urðu, Nj. 100; Egill var þar f. í runninum, E. was before (them), lay in ambush, Eg. 378; hafði sá bana er f. varð, who was before (the arrow), i. e. he was hit, Nj. 8.
    4. verða f. e-u, to be hit, taken, suffer from a thing; ef hann verðr f. drepi, if he be struck, Grág. ii. 19; verða f. áverka, to be wounded, suffer injury, Ld. 140; verða f. reiði konungs, to fall into disgrace with the king, Eg. 226; verða f. ósköpum, to become the victim of a spell, spell-bound, Fas. i. 130; sitja f. hvers manns ámæli, to be the object of all men’s blame, Nj. 71; vera eigi f. sönnu hafðr, to be unjustly charged with a thing, to be innocent.
    III. a naut. term, before, off; liggja f. bryggjum, to lie off the pier, Ld. 166; skip fljóta f. strengjum, Sks. 116; þeir lágu f. bænum, they lay off the town, Bs. i. 18; liggja úti f. Jótlands-síðu, off Jutland, Eg. 261; hann druknaði f. Jaðri, off the J., Fms. i. II; þeir kómu at honum f. Sjólandi, off Zealand, x. 394; hafa úti leiðangr f. landi, Hkr. i. 301; f. Humru-minni, off the Humber, Orkn. 338, cp. Km. 3, 8, 9, 13, 19, 21; fyrir Nesjum, off the Ness, Vellekla; fyrir Tungum, Sighvat; fyrir Spáni, off Spain, Orkn. 356.
    IV. before, at the head of, denoting leadership; smalamaðr f. búi föður síns, Ver. 26 (of king David); vera f. liði, to be over the troops, Eg. 292, Nj. 7; vera f. máli, to lead the case, Band. 8; vera forstjóri f. búi, to be steward over the household, Eg. 52; ráða f. landi, ríki, etc., to rule, govern, Ó H. 33, Nj. 5; hverr f. eldinum réði, who was the ringleader of the fire, Eg. 239; ráða f. e-u, to rule, manage a thing, passim: the phrase, sitja f. svörum, to respond on one’s behalf, Ölk. 36, Band. 12; hafa svör f. e-m, to be the chief spokesman, Fms. x. 101, Dipl. v. 26.
    V. special usages; friða f. e-m, to make peace for one, Fms. vii. 16, Bs. i. 65; bæta f. e-m, to make things good for one, Hom. 109; túlka, vera túlkr, flytja (etc.) f. e-m, to plead for one, Fms. iii. 33, Nj. 128,—also spilla f. e-m, to disparage one, Eg. 255; haga, ætla f. e-u, to manage, arrange for one, Ld. 208, Sturl. i. 14, Boll. 356; rífka ráð f. e-m, to better one’s condition, Nj. 21; ráða heiman-fylgju ok tilgjöf f. frændkonu sinni, Js. 58; standa f. manni, to stand before, shield a man, stand between him and his enemy, Eg. 357, Grág. ii. 13; vera skjöldr f. e-m, 655 xxxii. 4; hafa kostnað f. e-u, to have the expences for a thing, Ld. 14; vinna f. e-m, to support one by one’s work, Sks. 251; starfa f. fé sínu, to manage one’s money, Ld. 166; hyggja f. e-u, to take heed for a thing, Nj. 109; hyggja f. sér, Fs. 5; hafa forsjá f. e-m, to provide for one, Ld. 186; sjá f. e-u, to see after, Eg. 118, Landn, 152; sjá þú nokkut ráð f. mér, Nj. 20: ironic. to put at rest, Háv. 40: ellipt., sjá vel f., to provide well for, Nj. 102.
    B. TEMP. ago; fyrir þrem nóttum, three nights ago; fyrir stundu, a while ago, Nj. 80; fyrir litlu, a little while ago, Fms. i. 76, Ld. 134; fyrir skömmu, a sbort while ago; fyrir löngu, a long while ago, Nj. 260, Fms. i. 50; fyrir öndverðu, from the beginning, Grág. i. 80, ii. 323, 394, Finnb. 342; fyrir þeim, before they were born, Fms. i. 57.
    2. the phrase, vera f. e-u, to forebode; vera f. stórfundum, Nj. 107, 277; þat hygg ek vera munu f. siða-skipti, Fms. xi. 12; þessi draumr mun vera f. kvámu nökkurs manns, vii. 163; dreyma draum f. e-u, 8; fyrir tiðendum, ii. 65:—spá f. e-m, to ‘spae’ before, prophecy to one, Nj. 171.
    C. METAPH.:
    I. before, above; þóttu þeir þar f. öllum ungum mönnum, Dropl. 7; þykkisk hann mjök f. öðrum mönnum, Ld. 38; ver f. hirðmönnum, be first among my herdsmen, Eg. 65; Hálfdan svarti var f. þeim bræðrum, H. was the foremost of the brothers, Fms. i. 4; þorgrímr var f. sonum Önundar, Grett. 87; var Haraldr mest f. þeim at virðingu, Fms. i. 47.
    II. denoting help, assistance; haun skal rétta vættið f. þeim, Grág. i. 45 (vide above A. IV and V).
    2. the following seem to be Latinisms, láta lífit f. heilagri Kristni, to give up one’s life for holy Christianity, = Lat. pro, Fms. vii. 172; ganga undir píslir fyrir Guðs nafni, Blas. 38; gjalda önd mína f. önd þinni, Johann. 17; gefa gjöf f. sál sinni ( pro animâ suâ), H. E. i. 466; fyrir mér ok minni sál, Dipl. iv. 8; færa Guði fórnir f. e-m, 656 A; heita f. e-m, biðja f. e-m, to make a vow, pray for one (orare pro), Fms. iii. 48, Bs. i. 70; biðja f. mönnum, to intercede for, 19, Fms. xi. 287: even with a double construction, biðja f. stað sinn (acc., which is vernacular) ok heilagri kirkju (dat., which is a Latinism), x. 127.
    III. denoting disadvantage, harm, suffering; þú lætr Egil vefja öll mál fyrir þér, thou lettest Egil thwart all thy affairs, Eg. 249; únýtir hann þá málit fyrir sér, then he ruins his own case, Grág. i. 36, Dropl. 14, 16; Manverjar rufu safnaðinn f. Þorkatli, the Manxmen broke up the assembly, i. e. forsook Thorkel, Fms. ix. 422; kom upp grátr f. henni, she burst into tears, 477; taka fé f. öðrum, to take another’s money, N. G. L. i. 20; knörr þann er konungr lét taka fyrir Þórólfi, Landn. 56; ef hross verðr tekit f. honum, if a horse of his be taken, Grág. i. 436; hann tók upp fé fyrir öllum, he seized property for them all, Ó. H. 60; e-t ferr ílla f. e-m, a thing turns out ill for one; svá fór f. Ólófu, so it came to pass for O., Vígl. 18; loka dyrr f. e-m, to lock the door in one’s face, Edda 21: þeir hafa eigi þessa menn f. yðr drepit, heldr f. yðrar sakir þessi víg vegit, i. e. they have not harmed you, but rather done you a service in slaying those men, Fbr. 33; tók at eyðask f. henni lausa-fé, her money began to fail, Nj. 29; rak á f. þeim storma ok stríðviðri, they were overtaken by gales and bad weather, Vígl. 27; Víglundr rak út knöttinn f. Jökli, V. drove the ball for J., i. e. so that he had to run after it, 24; sá er skar tygil f. Þóri, he who cut Thor’s line, Bragi; sverð brast f. mér, my sword broke, Korm. 98 (in a verse); brjóta e-t f. e-m, to break a thing for one, Bs. i. 15 (in a verse); Valgarðr braut krossa fyrir Merði ok öll heilög tákn, Nj. 167; árin brotnaði f. honum, his oar broke; allar kýrnar drápust fyrir honum, all his cows died.
    2. denoting difficulty, hindrance; sitja f. sæmd e-s, to sit between oneself and one’s honour, i. e. to hinder one’s doing well, Sturl. 87; mikit göri þér mér f. þessu máli, you make this case sore for me, Eb. 124; þér er mikit f. máli, thy case stands ill, Fms. v. 325; ekki er Guði f. því, it is easy for God to do, 656 B. 9; varð honum lítið f. því, it was a small matter for him, he did it easily, Grett. III; mér er minna f. því, it is easier for me, Am. 60; þykkja mikit f. e-u, to be much grieved for a thing, do it unwillingly, Nj. 77; Icel. also say, þykja fyrir (ellipt.), to feel hurt, be displeased:—ellipt., er þeim lítið fyrir at villa járnburð þenna, it is a small matter for them to spoil this ordeal, Ó. H. 140; sem sér muni lítið f. at veiða Gunnar, Nj. 113; fast mun f. vera, it will be fast-fixed before (one), hard to move, Ld. 154; Ásgrími þótti þungt f., A. thought that things looked sad (heavy), Nj. 185; hann var lengi f., he was long about it, Fms. x. 205; hann var lengi f. ok kvað eigi nei við, he was cross and said not downright no, Þorf. Karl. 388.
    IV. in a causal sense, for, because of, Lat. per, pro; sofa ek né mákat fugls jarmi fyrir, I cannot sleep for the shrill cry of birds, Edda 16 (in a verse); hon undi sér hvergi f. verkjum, she had no rest for pains, Bjarn. 69; fyrir gráti, tárum, = Lat. prae lacrymis; fyrir harmi, for sorrow; f. hlátri, for laughter, as in Engl.; þeir æddust f. einni konu, they went mad for the sake of one woman, Sól. 11; ílla fært f. ísum, scarce passable for ice, Fms. xi. 360; hætt var at sitja útar f. Miðgarðs-ormi, Edda 35; hann var lítt gengr f. sárinu, he could hardly walk for the wound, Fbr. 178; fyrir hræðslu, for fear, Hbl. 26; heptisk vegrinn f. þeim meinvættum sem …, Fs. 4; gáðu þeir eigi f. veiðum at fá heyjanna, because of fishing they took no care to make hay, Landn. 30; fyrir riki konungs, for the king’s power, Eg. 67, 117; fyrir ofríki manna, Grág. i. 68; fyrir hví, for why? Eluc. 4; fyrir hví þeir væri þar, Eg. 375; fyrir því, at …, for that, because, Edda 35, Fms. i. 22, vii. 330, Ld. 104; en fyrir því nú at, now since, Skálda 171; nú fyrir því at, id., 169: the phrase, fyrir sökum, for the sake of, because of, passim; vide sök.
    V. by, by the force of; öxlin gékk ór liði fyrir högginu, the shoulder was disjointed by the force of the stroke, Háv. 52.
    2. denoting contest; falla f. e-m, to fall before one, i. e. fighting against one, Fms. i. 7, iv. 9, x. 196; verða halloki f. e-m, to be overcome in fighting one, Ld. 146; látask f. e-m, to perish by one, Eb. 34; hafa bana f. e-m, to be slain by one, Nj. 43; þeir kváðu fá fúnað hafa f. honum, 263; mæddisk hann f. þeim, he lost his breath in fighting them, Eg. 192; láta ríki f. e-m, to lose the kingdom before another, i. e. so that the latter gains it, 264; láta lausar eignir mínar f. þér, 505; láta hlut sinn f. e-m, Fs. 47; standask f. e-m, to stand one’s ground before one, Edda (pref.); hugðisk hann falla mundu f. sjóninni einni saman, that he would sink before his glance, 28, Hým. 12; halda hlut f. e-m, Ld. 54; halda frið ok frelsi f. várum óvinum, Fms. viii. 219; fara mun ek sem ek hefi áðr ætlað f. þínum draum ( thy dream notwithstanding), Ld. 216; þér farit hvárt er þér vilit f. mér, you go wherever you like for me, so far as I am concerted, Fær. 37; halda vöku f. sér, to keep oneself awake, Fms. i. 216.
    β. with verbs, flýja, hlaupa, renna, stökkva f. e-m, to fly, leap, run before one, i. e. to be pursued, Bs. i. 774, Grág. ii. 359; at hann rynni f. þrælum hans, Ld. 64; fyrir þessum úfriði stökk Þangbrandr til Noregs, 180; skyldi hann ganga ór á f. Hofsmönnum, Landn. 178; ganga f. e-u, to give way before, yield to a thing, Fms. i. 305, x. 292; vægja f. e-m, to yield to one, give way, Eg. 21, 187, Nj. 57, Ld. 234.
    VI. against; verja land f. e-m, Eg. 32; verja landit f. Dönum ok öðrum víkingum, Fms. i. 23; til landvarnar f. víkingum, Eg. 260; landvarnar-maðr f. Norðmönnum, Fms. vi. 295; gæta brúarinnar f. bergrisum, Edda 17; gæt þín vel f. konungi ok hans mönnum, guard thee well against the king and his men, Eg. 113; góð aðstoð f. tröllum ok dvergum, Bárð. 163; beiða Baldri griða f. allskonar háska, Edda 36; auðskæðr f. höggum, Eg. 770.
    VII. in the sense of being driven before; fyrir straumi, veðri, vindi, before the stream, wind, weather (forstreymis, forvindis), Grág. ii. 384, Fms. vii. 262; halda f. veðri, to stand before the wind, Róm. 211.
    2. rýrt mun verða f. honum smá-mennit, he will have an easy game with the small people, Nj. 94: ellipt., hafði sá bana er f. varð, 8; sprakk f., 16, 91.
    VIII. fyrir sér, of oneself, esp. of physical power; mikill f. sér, strong, powerful; lítill f. sér, weak, feeble, Nj. 20, Ísl. ii. 368, Eg. 192; þér munuð kalla mik lítinn mann f. mér, Edda 33; minnstr f. sér, smallest, weakest, Eg. 123; gildr maðr f. sér, Ísl. ii. 322, Fms. ii. 145; herðimaðr mikiil f. sér, a hardy man, Nj. 270; hvat ert þú f. þér, what kind of fellow art thou? Clem. 33; vera einn f. sér, to be a strange fellow, Grett. 79 new Ed.; Icel. also say, göra mikið (lítið) f. sér, to make oneself big ( little).
    β. sjóða e-t f. sér, to hesitate, saunter, Nj. 154; mæla f. munni, to talk between one’s teeth, to mutter, Orkn. 248, Nj. 249.
    IX. denoting manner or quality; hvítr f. hærum, white with hoary hairs, Fms. vi. 95, Fas. ii. 540; gráir fyrir járnum, grey with steel, of a host in armour, Mag. 5; hjölt hvít f. silfri, a hilt white with silver = richly silvered, Eb. 226.
    X. as adverb or ellipt.,
    1. ahead, in front, = á undan, Lat. prae, opp. to eptir; þá var eigi hins verra eptir ván, er slíkt fór fyrir, as this came first, preceded, Nj. 34; at einhverr mundi fara heim fyrir, that some one would go home first (to spy), Eg. 580; Egill fór f., E. went in before, id.; at vér ríðim þegar f. í nótt, 283.
    β. first; hann stefndi f. málinu, en hann mælti eptir, one pronounced the words first, but the other repeated after him, Nj. 35; mun ek þar eptir göra sem þér gerit f., I shall do to you according as you do first, 90:—temp., sjau nóttum f., seven nights before, Grág. ii. 217.
    2. to the fore, at hand, present; þar var fyrir fjöldi boðsmanna, a host of guests was already to the fore, i. e. before the bride and bridegroom came, Nj. 11; úvíst er at vita hvar úvinir sitja á fleti fyrir, Hm. 1; skal þá lögmaðr þar f. vera, he shall be there present, Js. 3; heima í túni fyrir, Fær. 50; þar vóru fyrir Hildiríðar-synir, Eg. 98; var honum allt kunnigt fyrir, he knew all about the localities, 583; þeim ómögum, sem f. eru, who are there already, i. e. in his charge, Grág. i. 286: of things, föng þau er f. vóru, stores that were to the fore, at hand, Eg. 134.
    3. fore, opp. to ‘back,’ of clothes; slæður settar f. allt gullknöppum, Eg. 516; bak ok fyrir, back and front, = bak ok brjóst, Mar.
    XI. in the phrase, e-m verðr e-t fyrir, a thing is before one, i. e. one takes that and that step, acts so and so in an emergency; nú verðr öðrum þeirra þat f., at hann kveðr, now if the other part alleges, that …, Grág. i. 362; Kolbeini varð ekki f., K. had no resource, i. e. lost his head, Sturl. iii. 285:—the phrase, e-t mælisk vel (ílla) fyrir, a thing is well ( ill) reported of; víg Gunnars spurðisk ok mæltisk ílla fyrir um allar sveitir, Nj. 117, Sturl. ii. 151; mun þat vel f. mælask, people will like it well, Nj. 29, Þórð. 55 new Ed.; ílla mun þat f. mælask at ganga á sættir við frændr sína, Ld. 238; ok er lokit var, mæltisk kvæðit vel f., the people praised the poem, Fms. vii. 113.
    XII. in special senses, either as prep. or adv. (vide A. V. above); segja leið f. skipi, to pilot a ship, Eg. 359; segja f. skipi, to say a prayer for a new ship or for any ship going to sea, Bs. i. 774, Fms. x. 480; mæla f. e-u, to dictate, Grág. ii. 266; mæla f. minni, to bring out a toast, vide minni; mæla f. sætt, i. 90; skipa, koma e-u f., to arrange, put right; ætla f. e-u, to make allowance for; trúa e-m f. e-u, to entrust one with; það fer mikið f. e-u (impers.), it is of great compass, bulky; hafa f. e-u, to have trouble with a thing; leita f. sér, to enquire; biðjask f., to say one’s prayers, vide biðja; mæla fyrir, segja f., etc., to order, Nj. 103, Js. 3: of a spell or solemn speaking, hann mælti svá f., at …, Landn. 34; spyrjask f., to enquire, Hkr. ii. 333; búask f., to prepare, make arrangement, Landn. 35, Sks. 551; skipask f., to draw up, Nj. 197; leggjask f., to lie down in despair, Bs. i. 194; spá fyrir, to ‘spae’ before, foretell; þeir menn er spá f. úorðna hluti, Fms. i. 96; segja f., to foretell, 76, Bb. 332; Njáll hefir ok sagt f. um æfi hans, Nj. 102; vita e-t f., to ‘wit’ beforehand, know the future, 98; sjá e-t f., to foresee, 162; ef þat er ætlat f., fore-ordained, id.
    WITH ACC., mostly with the notion of movement.
    A. LOCAL:
    I. before, in front of; fyrir dyrrin, Nj. 198; láta síga brýnn f. brár, Hkv. Hjörv. 19; halda f. augu sér, to hold (one’s hands) before one’s eyes, Nj. 132; leggja sverði fyrir brjóst e-m, to thrust a sword into his breast, 162, Fs. 39.
    2. before one, before a court; stefna e-m f. dómstól, Fms. xi. 444; ganga, koma f. e-n, to go, come before one, Fms. i. 15, Eg. 426, Nj. 6, 129, passim; fyrir augu e-s, before one’s eyes, Stj. 611.
    3. before, so as to shield; hann kom skildinum f. sik, he put the shield before him, Nj. 97, 115; halda skildi f. e-n, a duelling term, since the seconder had to hold one’s shield, Ísl. ii. 257.
    4. joined to adverbs such as fram, aptr, út, inn, ofan, niðr, austr, vestr, suðr, norðr, all denoting direction; fram f., forward; aptr f., backward, etc.; hann reiddi öxina fram f. sik, a stroke forward with the axe, Fms. vii. 91; hann hljóp eigi skemra aptr en fram fyrir sik, Nj. 29; þótti honum hann skjóta brandinum austr til fjallanna f. sik, 195; komask út f. dyrr, to go outside the door, Eg. 206:—draga ofan f. brekku, to drag over the hill, Ld. 220; hrinda f. mel ofan, to thrust one over the gravel bank, Eg. 748; hlaupa f. björg, to leap over a precipice, Eb. 62, Landn. 36; elta e-n f. björg, Grág. ii. 34; hlaupa (kasta) f. borð, to leap ( throw) overboard, Fms. i. 178, Hkr. iii. 391, Ld. 226; síga ( to be hauled) niðr f. borgar-vegg, 656 C. 13, Fms. ix. 3; hlaupa niðr f. stafn, Eg. 142; niðr f. skaflinn, Dropl. 25; fyrir brekku, Orkn. 450, Glúm. 395 (in a verse).
    II. in one’s way, crossing one’s way; þeir stefndu f. þá, Fms. ix. 475; ríða á leið f. þá, to ride in their way, so as to meet them, Boll. 348; hlaupa ofan f. þá, Nj. 153; vóru allt komin f. hann bréf, letters were come before him, in his way, Fms. vii. 207; þeir felldu brota f. hann, viz. they felled trees before him, so as to stop him, viii. 60, ix. 357; leggja bann f. skip, to lay an embargo on a ship, Ld. 166.
    III. round, off a point; fyrir nesit, Nj. 44; út f. Holm, out past the Holm, Fms. vii. 356: esp. as a naut. term, off a point on the shore, sigla f. England, Norðyrnbraland, Þrasnes, Spán, to sail by the coast of, stand off England, Northumberland, … Spain, Orkn. 338, 340, 342, 354; fyrir Yrjar, Fms. vii. (in a verse); fyrir Siggju, Aumar, Lista, Edda 91 (in a verse); er hann kom f. Elfina, when be came off the Gotha, Eg. 80; leggja land f. skut, to lay the land clear of the stern, i. e. to pass it, Edda l. c.; göra frið f. land sitt, to pacify the land from one end to another, Ld. 28; fyrir uppsprettu árinnar, to come to ( round) the sources of the river, Fms. iii. 183; fyrir garðs-enda, Grág. ii. 263; girða f. nes, to make a wall across the ness, block it up, cp. Lat. praesepire, praemunire, etc., Grág. ii. 263; so also binda f. op, poka, Lat. praeligare, praestringere; hlaða f. gat, holu, to stop a hole, opening; greri f. stúfinn, the stump (of the arm or leg) was healed, closed, Nj. 275; skjóta slagbrandi f. dyrr, to shoot a bolt before the door, to bar it, Dropl. 29; láta loku (lás) f. hurð, to lock a door, Gísl. 28; setja innsigli f. bréf, to set a seal to a letter, Dipl. i. 3: ellipt., setr hón þar lás fyrir, Ld. 42, Bs. i. 512.
    2. along, all along; f. endilanga Danmörk, f. endilangan Noreg, all along Denmark, Norway, from one end to the other, Fms. iv. 319, xi. 91, Grett. 97:—öx álnar f. munn, an axe with an ell-long edge, Ld. 276; draga ör f. ödd, to draw the arrow past the point, an archer’s term, Fms. ii. 321.
    IV. with verbs, fyrir ván komit, one is come past hope, all hope is gone, Sturl. i. 44, Hrafn. 13, Fms. ii. 131; taka f. munn e-m, to stop one’s mouth; taka f. háls, kverkar, e-m, to seize one by the throat, etc.; taka mál f. munn e-m, ‘verba alicujus praeripere,’ to take the word out of one’s mouth, xi. 12; taka f. hendr e-m, to seize one’s hands, stop one in doing a thing, Eb. 124; mod., taka fram f. hendrnar á e-m.
    B. TEMP.: fyrir dag, before day, Eg. 80; f. miðjan dag, Ld. 14; f. sól, before sunrise, 268; f. sólar-lag, before sunset; f. miðjan aptan, Nj. 192; f. náttmál, 197; f. óttu, Sighvat; f. þinglausnir, Ölk. 37; f. Jól, Nj. 269; f. fardaga, Grág. ii. 341; viku f. sumar, 244; f. mitt sumar, Nj. 138; litlu f. vetr, Eg. 159; f. vetrnætr, Grág. ii. 217; f. e-s minni, before one’s memory, Íb. 16.
    C. METAPH.:
    I. above, before; hann hafdi mest fyrir aðra konunga hraustleikinn, Fms. x. 372.
    II. for, on behalf of; vil ek bjóða at fara f. þik, I will go for thee, in thy stead, Nj. 77; ganga í skuld f. e-n, Grág. i. 283; Egill drakk … ok svá f. Ölvi, Eg. 210; kaupa e-t f. e-n, Nj. 157; gjalda gjöld f. e-n, Grág. i. 173; verja, sækja, sakir f. e-n, Eg. 504; hvárr f. sik, each for oneself, Dipl. v. 26; sættisk á öll mál f. Björn, Nj. 266; tók sættir f. Björn, Eg. 168; svara f. e-t, Fms. xi. 444; hafa til varnir f. sik, láta lýrit, lög-vörn koma f.; færa vörn f. sik, etc.; verja, sækja sakir f. sik, and many similar law phrases, Grág. passim; biðja konu f. e-n, to woo a lady for another, Fms. x. 44; fyrir mik, on my behalf, for my part, Gs. 16; lögvörn f. mál, a lawful defence for a case, Nj. 111; hafa til varnar f. sök, to defend a case, Grág. i. 61; halda skiladómi f. e-t, Dipl. iv. 8; festa lög f. e-t, vide festa.
    III. in a distributive sense; penning f. mann, a penny per man, K. Þ. K. 88; fyrir nef hvert, per nose = per head, Lv. 89, Fms. i. 153, Ó. H. 141; hve f. marga menn, for how many men, Grág. i. 296; fyrir hverja stiku, for each yard, 497.
    IV. for, for the benefit of; brjóta brauð f. hungraða, Hom. 75; þeir skáru f. þá melinn, they cut the straw for them (the horses), Nj. 265; leggja kostnað f. e-n, to defray one’s costs, Grág. i. 341.
    V. for, instead of; hann setti sik f. Guð, Edda (pref.); hafa e-n f. Guð (Lat. pro Deo), Stj. 73, Barl. 131; geta, fá, kveðja mann f. sik, to get a man as one’s delegate or substitute, Grág. i. 48 passim; þeir höfðu vargstakka f. brynjur, Fs. 17; manna-höfuð vóru f. kljána, Nj. 275; gagl f. gás ok grís f. gamalt svín, Ó. H. 86; rif stór f. hlunna, Háv. 48; buðkr er f. húslker er hafðr, Vm. 171; auga f. auga, tönn f. tönn, Exod. xxi. 24; skell f. skillinga, Þkv. 32.
    VI. because of, for; vilja Gunnar dauðan fyrir höggit, Nj. 92, Fms. v. 162; eigi f. sakleysi, not without ground, i. 302; fyrir hvat (why, for what) stefndi Gunnarr þeim til úhelgi? Nj. 101; ok urðu f. þat sekir, Landn. 323; hafa ámæli f. e-t, Nj. 65, passim.
    2. in a good sense, for one’s sake, for one; fyrir þín orð, for thy words, intercession, Ísl. ii. 217; vil ek göra f. þín orð, Ld. 158, Nj. 88; fyrir sína vinsæld, by his popularity, Fms. i. 259: the phrase, fyrir e-s sök, for one’s sake, vide sök: in swearing, a Latinism, fyrir trú mína, by my faith! (so in Old Engl. ‘fore God), Karl. 241; fyrir þitt líf, Stj. 514; ek særi þik f. alla krapta Krists ok manndóm þinn, Nj. 176. VII. for, at, denoting value, price; fyrir þrjár merkr, for three marks, Eg. 714; er sik leysti út f. þrjú hundruð marka, Fms. ix. 421; ganga f. hundrað, to pass or go for a hundred, D. I. i. 316:—also of the thing bought, þú skalt reiða f. hana þrjár merkr, thou shall pay for her three marks, Ld. 30; fyrir þik skulu koma mannhefndir, Nj. 57; bætr f. víg, Ísl. ii. 274; bætr f. mann, Eg. 259, passim; fyrir áverka Þorgeirs kom legorðs-sökin, Nj. 101:—so in the phrase, fyrir hvern mun, by all means, at any cost; fyrir öngan mun, by no means, Fms. i. 9, 157, Gþl. 531:—hafði hverr þeirra mann f. sik, eða tvá …, each slew a man or more for himself, i. e. they sold their lives dearly, Ó. H. 217.
    2. ellipt., í staðinn f., instead of, Grág. i. 61; hér vil ek bjóða f. góð boð, Nj. 77; taka umbun f., Fms. vii. 161; svara slíku f. sem …, Boll. 350; þér skulut öngu f. týna nema lífinu, you shall lose nothing less than your head, Nj. 7.
    VIII. by means of, by, through; fyrir þat sama orð, Stj.; fyrir sína náttúru, Fms. v. 162; fyrir messu-serkinn, iii. 168; fyrir þinn krapt ok frelsis-hönd, Pass. 19. 12; svikin f. orminn, by the serpent, Al. 63,—this use of fyrir seems to be a Latinism, but is very freq. in eccl. writings, esp. after the Reformation, N. T., Pass., Vídal.; fyrir munn Davíðs, through the mouth of David, etc.:—in good old historical writings such instances are few; þeir hlutuðu f. kast ( by dice), Sturl. ii. 159.
    IX. in spite of, against; fyrir vilja sinn, N. G. L. i. 151; fyrir vitorð eðr vilja e-s, against one’s will or knowledge, Grág. ii. 348; kvángask (giptask) f. ráð e-s, i. 177, 178, Þiðr. 190; nú fara menn f. bann ( in spite of an embargo) landa á milli, Gþl. 517; hann gaf henni líf f. framkvæmd farar, i. e. although she had not fulfilled her journey ( her vow), Fms. v. 223; fyrir várt lof, vi. 220; fyrir allt þat, in spite of all that, Grett. 80 new Ed.; fyrir ráð fram, heedlessly; fyrir lög fram, vide fram.
    X. denoting capacity, in the same sense as ‘at,’ C. II, p. 27, col. 1; scarcely found in old writers (who use ‘at’), but freq. in mod. usage, thus, eigi e-n f. vin, to have one for a friend, in old writers ‘at vin;’ hafa e-n f. fífl, fól, to make sport of one.
    2. in old writers some phrases come near to this, e. g. vita f. vist, to know for certain, Dipl. i. 3; vita f. full sannindi, id., ii. 16; hafa f. satt, to take for sooth, believe, Nj. 135; koma f. eitt, to come ( turn) all to one, Lv. 11, Nj. 91, Fms. i. 208; koma f. ekki, to come to naught, be of no avail, Ísl. ii. 215; fyrir hitt mun ganga, it will turn the other way, Nj. 93; fyrir hann er einskis örvænt orðs né verks, from him everything may be expected, Ísl. ii. 326; hafa e-s víti f. varnað, to have another’s faults for warning, Sól. 19.
    XI. joined with adverbs ending in -an, fyrir austan, vestan, sunnan, norðan, útan, innan, framan, handan, ofan, neðan, either with a following acc. denoting. direction, thus, fyrir austan, sunnan … fjall, east, south of the fell, i. e. on the eastern, southern side; fyrir neðan brú, below the bridge; fyrir útan fjall = Lat. ultra; fyrir innan fjall = Lat. infra; fyrir handan á, beyond the river; fyrir innan garð, inside the yard; fyrir ofan garð, above, beyond the yard, etc.; vide these adverbs:—used adverb., fyrir sunnan, in the south; fyrir vestan, in the west; fyrir norðan, in the north; fyrir austan, in the east,—current phrases in Icel. to mark the quarters of the country, cp. the ditty in Esp. Árb. year 1530; but not freq. in old writers, who simply say, norðr, suðr …, cp. Kristni S. ch. 1: absol. and adverb., fyrir ofan, uppermost; fyrir handan, on the other side:—fyrir útan e-t, except, save, Anal. 98, Vkv. 8; fyrir fram, vide fram.
    ☞ For- and fyrir- as prefixes, vide pp. 163–167 and below:
    I. fore-, for-, meaning before, above, in the widest sense, local, temp., and metaph. furthering or the like, for-dyri, for-nes, for-ellri, for-beini, etc.
    β. before, down, for-brekkis, -bergis, -streymis, -vindis, -viðris, etc.
    2. in an intens. sense = before others, very, but not freq.; for-dyld, -góðr, -hagr, -hraustr, -kostuligr, -kuðr, -lítill, -ljótr, -prís, -ríkr, -snjallr.
    II. (cp. fyrir, acc., C. IX), in a neg. or priv. sense; a few words occur even in the earliest poems, laws, and writers, e. g. for-að, -átta, -dæða, -nám, -næmi, -sending, -sköp, -verk, -veðja, -viða, -vitni, -ynja, -yrtir; those words at least seem to be original and vernacular: at a later time more words of the same kind crept in:
    1. as early as writers of the 13th and 14th centuries, e. g. for-boð, -bænir, -djarfa, -dæma (fyrir-dæma), -taka (fyrir-taka), -þóttr; fyrir-bjóða, -fara, -göra, -koma, -kunna, -líta, -muna, -mæla, -vega, -verða.
    2. introduced in some words at the time of the Reformation through Luther’s Bible and German hymns, and still later in many more through Danish, e. g. for-brjóta, -drífa, -láta, -líkast, -merkja, -nema, -sorga, -sóma, -standa, -svara, -þénusta, and several others; many of these, however, are not truly naturalised, being chiefly used in eccl. writings:—it is curious that if the pronoun be placed after the verb (which is the vernacular use in Icel.) the sense is in many cases reversed; thus, fyrir-koma, to destroy, but koma e-u fyrir can only mean to arrange; so also fyrir-mæla, to curse, and mæla fyrir, to speak for; for-bænir, but biðja fyrir e-m, etc.; in the latter case the sense is good and positive, in the former bad and negative; this seems to prove clearly that these compds are due to foreign influence.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FYRIR

  • 51 base

    base de maquillaje foundation (cream)
    2 basis (fundamento, origen).
    el petróleo es la base de su economía their economy is based on oil
    ese argumento se cae por su base that argument is built on sand
    partimos de la base de que… we assume that…
    sentar las bases para to lay the foundations of
    3 base.
    base aérea air base
    base espacial space station
    base de lanzamiento launch site
    base naval naval base
    base de operaciones operational base
    4 base (chemistry).
    5 base (math & geometry).
    6 base.
    7 makeup.
    8 radix, base of a system of numbers or logarithms.
    1st person singular (yo) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: basar.
    * * *
    1 (gen) base
    2 figurado basis
    si partimos de la base de que... if we start from the premise that...
    3 QUÍMICA base, alkali
    2 las bases (de partido etc) grass roots, rank and file
    a base de (por) through, by means of, using 2 (de) consisting of
    en base a based on, on the basis of
    base aérea air base
    base de datos database
    base de datos documental documentary database
    base de datos relacional relational database
    base de lanzamiento launch site
    base de operaciones operational headquarters
    base imponible taxable income
    base naval naval base
    * * *
    noun f.
    1) base
    * * *
    1. SF
    1) (=parte inferior) base
    2) (=fondo) [de pintura] background; [de maquillaje] foundation
    3) (=fundamento) basis

    carecer de base — [acusación] to lack foundation, be unfounded; [argumento] to lack justification, be unjustified

    de base — [error, dato] basic, fundamental; [activista, apoyo] grass-roots antes de s

    en base a [uso periodístico]

    en base a que: no publicaron la carta en base a que era demasiado larga — they didn't publish the letter because it was too long

    partir de una base, un juez tiene que partir de una base de neutralidad absoluta — a judge must start out from a position of absolute neutrality

    partiendo de esta base, nos planteamos la necesidad... — on this assumption, we think it necessary...

    partir de la base de que... — to take as one's starting point that...

    sentar las bases de algo — to lay the foundations of sth

    sobre la base de algo — on the basis of sth

    4) (=componente principal)

    a base de algo, una dieta a base de arroz — a rice-based diet, a diet based on rice

    un plato a base de verduras — a vegetable-based dish, a dish based on vegetables

    a base de hacer algo — by doing sth

    así, a base de no hacer nada, poco vas a conseguir — you won't achieve much by doing nothing

    a base de insistir, la convenció para comprar la casa — by o through his insistence, he persuaded her to buy the house

    base imponible — (Econ) taxable income

    5) (=conocimientos básicos) grounding
    6) (Mil) base
    7) pl bases
    a) (=condiciones) [de concurso] conditions, rules; [de convocatoria] requirements
    b) (Pol)
    8) (Inform)
    9) (Mat) [en una potencia] base
    10) (Quím) base
    11) (Téc) base, mounting
    12) (Agrimensura) base, base line
    13) (Ling) (tb: base derivativa) base form
    14) (Béisbol) base
    15) ** (=droga) base
    SMF (Baloncesto) guard
    3. ADJ INV
    1) (=de partida) [campamento, campo] base antes de s ; [puerto] home antes de s
    2) (=básico) [idea] basic; [documento, texto] provisional, draft

    alimento base — staple (food)

    color base — base colour o (EEUU) color

    salario, sueldo
    * * *
    a) ( parte inferior) base
    b) tb

    a base de: a base de descansar se fue recuperando by resting she gradually recovered; un régimen a base de verdura a vegetable-based diet; vive a base de pastillas he lives on pills; de base <planteamiento/error> fundamental, basic; < militante> rank-and-file (before n), ordinary (before n); < movimiento> grass-roots (before n); en base a (crit) on the basis of; a base de bien (Esp fam): comimos a base de bien — we ate really well

    base aérea/naval/militar — air/naval/military base


    las bases — (Pol) the rank and file (pl)

    6) (Mat, Quím) base
    7) bases femenino plural ( de concurso) rules (pl)
    a) ( en béisbol) base
    b) base masculino y femenino ( en baloncesto) guard
    adjetivo invariable
    a) (básico, elemental) basic; <documento/texto> draft (before n)
    b) < campamento> base (before n)
    * * *
    = base, base, base plate, basis [bases, -pl.], basis [bases, -pl.], bedrock, core, cornerstone [corner-stone], foundation, grounding, underpinning, cradle, warp and woof.
    Ex. The reader should now have a reasonably firm base from which to begin a more detailed reading of the specification of elements.
    Ex. The base of a notation is the set of symbols used in a specific notation.
    Ex. The two windows in the base plate of the scanner help move the read head accurately across the bar codes.
    Ex. These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
    Ex. These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
    Ex. We are the bedrock of our profession and the standards that we attain fundamentally affect the status of the profession.
    Ex. The main list of index terms is the core of the thesaurus and defines the index language.
    Ex. Abstracts are the cornerstone of secondary publications.
    Ex. In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.
    Ex. The experience gained with these special schemes provided a grounding for work on the development of a new general scheme.
    Ex. The criteria must be subject to continuing review and annual updating if they are to remain valid as the underpinning for a professional activity.
    Ex. 'I have to leave fairly soon,' he said as he returned the receiver to its cradle, 'so let's get down to business'.
    Ex. Training in self-help is part of the warp and woof of any tenable theory of reference work.
    * a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.
    * a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * a base de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a base de errores = the hard way.
    * afianzar las bases = strengthen + foundations.
    * aplicar una capa base = prime.
    * aprender Algo a base de cometer errores = learn + Nombre + the hard way.
    * banda de base = baseband.
    * basado en un gestor de bases de datos = DBMS-based.
    * base cognitiva = knowledge base [knowledge-base].
    * base de datos = data bank [databank], database [data base], database software.
    * base de datos automatizada = computer database, computer-held database, computerised database, machine-readable database.
    * base de datos bibliográfica = bibliographic database.
    * base de datos bibliográfica de resúmenes = abstracts based bibliographic database.
    * base de datos catalográfica = catalogue database, cataloguing database.
    * base de datos comercial = commercial database.
    * base de datos completa = full-provision database.
    * base de datos con información confidencial = intelligence database.
    * base de datos cruzada = cross database.
    * base de datos de acceso mediante suscripción = subscription database.
    * base de datos de autoridades = authority database.
    * base de datos de carburantes = TULSA.
    * base de datos de documentos primarios = source database.
    * base de datos de documentos secundarios = reference database.
    * base de datos de dominio público = public domain database.
    * base de datos de educación = ERIC.
    * base de datos de imágenes = image database, image bank.
    * base de datos de investigación = research database.
    * base de datos del gobierno de USA = CRECORD, FEDREG.
    * base de datos de lógica difusa = fuzzy database.
    * base de datos de medicina = MEDLINE.
    * base de datos de negocios = business database.
    * base de datos de pago = subscription database.
    * base de datos de patentes = WPI.
    * base de datos de propiedades = properties database.
    * base de datos de referencia = reference database.
    * base de datos de referencia a especialistas = referral database.
    * base de datos de registros de catálogo = catalogue record database.
    * base de datos de texto = textual data base, text-oriented database, text database.
    * base de datos de texto completo = full text database.
    * base de datos de texto libre = free text database.
    * base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico = niche database.
    * base de datos distribuida = distributed database.
    * base de datos documental = textual data base.
    * base de datos en CD-ROM = CD-ROM database.
    * base de datos en disco óptico = optical disc database.
    * base de datos en estado original = raw database.
    * base de datos en línea = online database.
    * base de datos estadística = statistical database.
    * base de datos externa = external database.
    * base de datos factual = factual database.
    * base de datos financiera = financial database.
    * base de datos interna = in-house database.
    * base de datos jurídica = legal database.
    * base de datos local = local area database.
    * base de datos multimedia = multimedia database.
    * base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.
    * base de datos numérica = numeric database, numerical database.
    * base de datos numérico-textual = textual-numeric database, text-numeric database.
    * base de datos relacional = relational database.
    * base de datos residente = resident database.
    * base de datos terminológica = terminology database.
    * base de datos textual = textual data base.
    * base de operaciones = home base.
    * base de un número = subscript numeral.
    * base impositiva = tax base.
    * base lógica = rationale.
    * base militar = military base.
    * bases = background.
    * base teórica = theoretical underpinning, theoretical underpinning.
    * búsqueda en múltiples bases de datos = cross database searching.
    * campamento base = base camp.
    * comenzar desde la base = start at + ground zero.
    * como base para = as a basis for.
    * con base de arena = sand-based.
    * con base empírica = empirically-based.
    * con base en = based in.
    * conformar las bases = set + the framework.
    * conocimiento de base = foundation study.
    * constituir la base = form + the foundation.
    * constituir la base de = form + the basis of.
    * construir la base = form + the skeleton.
    * creador de bases de datos = database producer.
    * crear una base = form + a basis.
    * de base popular = grassroots [grass-roots].
    * descubrimiento de información en las bases de datos = knowledge discovery in databases (KDD).
    * directorio de empresas en base de datos = company directory database.
    * distribuidor de bases de datos = online system host, database host, host system, online service vendor.
    * distribuidor de bases de datos en línea = online vendor.
    * empezar desde la base = start at + ground zero.
    * en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.
    * en la base = at the core (of).
    * en su base = at its core.
    * específico de una base de datos = database-specific.
    * formar la base = form + the foundation.
    * formar la base de = form + the basis of.
    * gestión de bases de datos = database management.
    * gestor de bases de datos = database management system (DBMS), DBMS system.
    * gestor de bases de datos relacionales = relational database management system.
    * hecho a base de parches = patchwork.
    * industria de las bases de datos = database industry.
    * línea base = baseline [base line].
    * meta base de datos = meta-database.
    * montar una base de datos = mount + database.
    * novela escrita a base de fórmulas o clichés = formula fiction.
    * organismo de base popular = grassroots organisation.
    * partir de la base de que = start from + the premise that, build on + the premise that.
    * poner las bases = lay + foundation, lay + the basis for.
    * portada de una base de datos = file banner.
    * presupuesto de base cero = zero-base(d) budgeting (ZZB), zero-base(d) budget.
    * productor de bases de datos = database producer.
    * programa de gestión de bases de datos = database management software.
    * proveedor de bases de datos = database provider.
    * que funciona a base de órdenes = command-driven.
    * remedio a base de hierbas = herbal remedy.
    * sentar base = make + things happen.
    * sentar las bases = lay + foundation, set + the scene, set + the wheels in motion, set + the tone, set + the framework, set + the pattern, provide + the basis, lay + the basis for, provide + the material for.
    * sentar las bases de Algo = lay + the groundwork for.
    * ser la base de = be at the core of, form + the basis of, be at the heart of.
    * sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.
    * sobre base de arena = sand-based.
    * sobre esta base = on this basis, on that basis.
    * sobre la base de = in relation to, on the usual basis.
    * subsistir a base de = live on.
    * tipo de interés base = base rate, prime rate.
    * tratamiento a base de hierbas = herbal treatment.
    * * *
    a) ( parte inferior) base
    b) tb

    a base de: a base de descansar se fue recuperando by resting she gradually recovered; un régimen a base de verdura a vegetable-based diet; vive a base de pastillas he lives on pills; de base <planteamiento/error> fundamental, basic; < militante> rank-and-file (before n), ordinary (before n); < movimiento> grass-roots (before n); en base a (crit) on the basis of; a base de bien (Esp fam): comimos a base de bien — we ate really well

    base aérea/naval/militar — air/naval/military base


    las bases — (Pol) the rank and file (pl)

    6) (Mat, Quím) base
    7) bases femenino plural ( de concurso) rules (pl)
    a) ( en béisbol) base
    b) base masculino y femenino ( en baloncesto) guard
    adjetivo invariable
    a) (básico, elemental) basic; <documento/texto> draft (before n)
    b) < campamento> base (before n)
    * * *
    = base, base, base plate, basis [bases, -pl.], basis [bases, -pl.], bedrock, core, cornerstone [corner-stone], foundation, grounding, underpinning, cradle, warp and woof.

    Ex: The reader should now have a reasonably firm base from which to begin a more detailed reading of the specification of elements.

    Ex: The base of a notation is the set of symbols used in a specific notation.
    Ex: The two windows in the base plate of the scanner help move the read head accurately across the bar codes.
    Ex: These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
    Ex: These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
    Ex: We are the bedrock of our profession and the standards that we attain fundamentally affect the status of the profession.
    Ex: The main list of index terms is the core of the thesaurus and defines the index language.
    Ex: Abstracts are the cornerstone of secondary publications.
    Ex: In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.
    Ex: The experience gained with these special schemes provided a grounding for work on the development of a new general scheme.
    Ex: The criteria must be subject to continuing review and annual updating if they are to remain valid as the underpinning for a professional activity.
    Ex: 'I have to leave fairly soon,' he said as he returned the receiver to its cradle, 'so let's get down to business'.
    Ex: Training in self-help is part of the warp and woof of any tenable theory of reference work.
    * a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.
    * a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * a base de cometer errores = the hard way.
    * a base de errores = the hard way.
    * afianzar las bases = strengthen + foundations.
    * aplicar una capa base = prime.
    * aprender Algo a base de cometer errores = learn + Nombre + the hard way.
    * banda de base = baseband.
    * basado en un gestor de bases de datos = DBMS-based.
    * base cognitiva = knowledge base [knowledge-base].
    * base de datos = data bank [databank], database [data base], database software.
    * base de datos automatizada = computer database, computer-held database, computerised database, machine-readable database.
    * base de datos bibliográfica = bibliographic database.
    * base de datos bibliográfica de resúmenes = abstracts based bibliographic database.
    * base de datos catalográfica = catalogue database, cataloguing database.
    * base de datos comercial = commercial database.
    * base de datos completa = full-provision database.
    * base de datos con información confidencial = intelligence database.
    * base de datos cruzada = cross database.
    * base de datos de acceso mediante suscripción = subscription database.
    * base de datos de autoridades = authority database.
    * base de datos de carburantes = TULSA.
    * base de datos de documentos primarios = source database.
    * base de datos de documentos secundarios = reference database.
    * base de datos de dominio público = public domain database.
    * base de datos de educación = ERIC.
    * base de datos de imágenes = image database, image bank.
    * base de datos de investigación = research database.
    * base de datos del gobierno de USA = CRECORD, FEDREG.
    * base de datos de lógica difusa = fuzzy database.
    * base de datos de medicina = MEDLINE.
    * base de datos de negocios = business database.
    * base de datos de pago = subscription database.
    * base de datos de patentes = WPI.
    * base de datos de propiedades = properties database.
    * base de datos de referencia = reference database.
    * base de datos de referencia a especialistas = referral database.
    * base de datos de registros de catálogo = catalogue record database.
    * base de datos de texto = textual data base, text-oriented database, text database.
    * base de datos de texto completo = full text database.
    * base de datos de texto libre = free text database.
    * base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico = niche database.
    * base de datos distribuida = distributed database.
    * base de datos documental = textual data base.
    * base de datos en CD-ROM = CD-ROM database.
    * base de datos en disco óptico = optical disc database.
    * base de datos en estado original = raw database.
    * base de datos en línea = online database.
    * base de datos estadística = statistical database.
    * base de datos externa = external database.
    * base de datos factual = factual database.
    * base de datos financiera = financial database.
    * base de datos interna = in-house database.
    * base de datos jurídica = legal database.
    * base de datos local = local area database.
    * base de datos multimedia = multimedia database.
    * base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.
    * base de datos numérica = numeric database, numerical database.
    * base de datos numérico-textual = textual-numeric database, text-numeric database.
    * base de datos relacional = relational database.
    * base de datos residente = resident database.
    * base de datos terminológica = terminology database.
    * base de datos textual = textual data base.
    * base de operaciones = home base.
    * base de un número = subscript numeral.
    * base impositiva = tax base.
    * base lógica = rationale.
    * base militar = military base.
    * bases = background.
    * base teórica = theoretical underpinning, theoretical underpinning.
    * búsqueda en múltiples bases de datos = cross database searching.
    * campamento base = base camp.
    * comenzar desde la base = start at + ground zero.
    * como base para = as a basis for.
    * con base de arena = sand-based.
    * con base empírica = empirically-based.
    * con base en = based in.
    * conformar las bases = set + the framework.
    * conocimiento de base = foundation study.
    * constituir la base = form + the foundation.
    * constituir la base de = form + the basis of.
    * construir la base = form + the skeleton.
    * creador de bases de datos = database producer.
    * crear una base = form + a basis.
    * de base popular = grassroots [grass-roots].
    * descubrimiento de información en las bases de datos = knowledge discovery in databases (KDD).
    * directorio de empresas en base de datos = company directory database.
    * distribuidor de bases de datos = online system host, database host, host system, online service vendor.
    * distribuidor de bases de datos en línea = online vendor.
    * empezar desde la base = start at + ground zero.
    * en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.
    * en la base = at the core (of).
    * en su base = at its core.
    * específico de una base de datos = database-specific.
    * formar la base = form + the foundation.
    * formar la base de = form + the basis of.
    * gestión de bases de datos = database management.
    * gestor de bases de datos = database management system (DBMS), DBMS system.
    * gestor de bases de datos relacionales = relational database management system.
    * hecho a base de parches = patchwork.
    * industria de las bases de datos = database industry.
    * línea base = baseline [base line].
    * meta base de datos = meta-database.
    * montar una base de datos = mount + database.
    * novela escrita a base de fórmulas o clichés = formula fiction.
    * organismo de base popular = grassroots organisation.
    * partir de la base de que = start from + the premise that, build on + the premise that.
    * poner las bases = lay + foundation, lay + the basis for.
    * portada de una base de datos = file banner.
    * presupuesto de base cero = zero-base(d) budgeting (ZZB), zero-base(d) budget.
    * productor de bases de datos = database producer.
    * programa de gestión de bases de datos = database management software.
    * proveedor de bases de datos = database provider.
    * que funciona a base de órdenes = command-driven.
    * remedio a base de hierbas = herbal remedy.
    * sentar base = make + things happen.
    * sentar las bases = lay + foundation, set + the scene, set + the wheels in motion, set + the tone, set + the framework, set + the pattern, provide + the basis, lay + the basis for, provide + the material for.
    * sentar las bases de Algo = lay + the groundwork for.
    * ser la base de = be at the core of, form + the basis of, be at the heart of.
    * sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.
    * sobre base de arena = sand-based.
    * sobre esta base = on this basis, on that basis.
    * sobre la base de = in relation to, on the usual basis.
    * subsistir a base de = live on.
    * tipo de interés base = base rate, prime rate.
    * tratamiento a base de hierbas = herbal treatment.

    * * *
    la base de una columna the base of a column
    el contraste está en la base the hallmark is on the base o the bottom
    2 (fondo) background
    sobre una base de tonos claros against o on a background of light tones
    tb base de maquillaje foundation
    4 (permanente) soft perm
    (fundamento): no tienes suficiente base para asegurar eso you don't have sufficient grounds to claim that
    la base de una buena salud es una alimentación sana the basis of good health is a balanced diet
    esa afirmación carece de bases sólidas that statement is not founded o based on any firm evidence
    sentar las bases de un acuerdo to lay the foundations of an agreement
    un movimiento sin base popular a movement without a popular power base
    tomar algo como base to take sth as a starting point
    partiendo or si partimos de la base de que … if we start from the premise o assumption that …
    sobre la base de estos datos podemos concluir que … on the basis of this information we can conclude that …
    (componente principal): la base de su alimentación es el arroz rice is their staple food, their diet is based on rice
    la base de este perfume es el jazmín this perfume has a jasmine base, this is a jasmine-based perfume
    los diamantes forman la base de la economía the economy is based on diamonds
    (conocimientos básicos): tiene una sólida base científica he has a sound basic knowledge of o he has a sound grounding in science
    llegó sin ninguna base he hadn't mastered the basics when he arrived
    relational database
    tax base ( AmE), taxable income o base ( BrE)
    C ( en locs):
    a base de: a base de descansar se fue recuperando by resting she gradually recovered
    lo consiguió a base de muchos sacrificios he had to make a lot of sacrifices to achieve it
    un régimen a base de verdura a vegetable-based diet, a diet mainly consisting of vegetables
    una bebida a base de ginebra a gin-based drink
    vive a base de pastillas pills are what keep her going
    de base ‹planteamiento/error› fundamental, basic;
    ‹militante› rank-and-file ( before n), ordinary ( before n); ‹movimiento/democracia› grass roots ( before n)
    en base a ( crit); on the basis of
    en base a las recientes encuestas on the evidence o basis of recent polls
    una propuesta de negociación en base a un programa de diez puntos a proposal for negotiations based on a ten-point plan
    a base de bien ( Esp fam): comimos a base de bien we really ate well, we had a really good meal
    air base
    launch site
    center* of operations, operational headquarters ( sing o pl)
    military base
    naval base
    E ( Pol) tb
    bases rank and file (pl)
    F ( Mat) base
    G ( Quím) base
    H bases fpl (de un concurso) rules (pl), conditions of entry (pl)
    1 (básico, elemental) ‹alimento› basic, staple ( before n); ‹documento/texto› draft ( before n)
    la idea base partió de … the basic idea stemmed from …
    2 (de origen) ‹puerto› home ( before n); ‹campamento› base ( before n)
    * * *


    Del verbo basar: ( conjugate basar)

    basé es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo

    base es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    basar ( conjugate basar) verbo transitivoteoría/idea› base algo en algo to base sth on sth
    basarse verbo pronominal
    a) [ persona] basese EN algo:

    ¿en qué te basas para decir eso? and what basis o grounds do you have for saying that?;

    se basó en esos datos he based his argument (o theory etc) on that information
    b) [teoría/creencia/idea/opinión] basese EN algo to be based on sth

    base sustantivo femenino

    b) tb


    tengo suficiente base para asegurar eso I have sufficient grounds to claim that;
    sentar las bases de algo to lay the foundations of sth;
    tomar algo como base to take sth as a starting point

    llegó al curso sin ninguna base he didn't have the basics when he began the course;
    base de datos database
    3 ( en locs)
    a base de: un régimen a base de verdura a vegetable-based diet;

    vive a base de pastillas he lives on pills
    4 ( centro de operaciones) base;
    base aérea/naval/militar air/naval/military base

    bases sustantivo femenino plural ( de concurso) rules (pl)



    base sustantivo masculino y femenino ( en baloncesto) guard

    basar verbo transitivo to base [en, on]
    I sustantivo femenino
    1 base
    2 (fundamento de una teoría, de un argumento) basis, (motivo) grounds: tus quejas no tienen base alguna, your complaints are groundless
    3 (conocimientos previos) grounding: tiene muy mala base en matemáticas, he's got a very poor grasp of maths
    4 Mil base
    base aérea/naval, air/naval base
    5 Inform base de datos, data base
    II fpl
    1 Pol the grass roots: las bases no apoyan al candidato, the candidate didn't get any grass-roots support
    2 (de un concurso) rules
    ♦ Locuciones: a base de: la fastidiaron a base de bien, they really messed her about
    a base de estudiar consiguió aprobar, he passed by studying
    a base de extracto de camomila, using camomile extract
    ' base' also found in these entries:
    - bajo
    - basar
    - columpiarse
    - concentración
    - esquema
    - fundar
    - fundamentar
    - fundarse
    - innoble
    - mantenerse
    - pie
    - salario
    - somier
    - subsistir
    - tejemaneje
    - asiento
    - banco
    - bastardo
    - cimentar
    - fundamento
    - inicial
    - mantener
    - rejilla
    - sueldo
    air base
    - base
    - basis
    - circuit board
    - cornerstone
    - data base
    - decision making
    - fatty
    - foundation
    - from
    - grounding
    - rank
    - rationale
    - roll out
    - stand
    - undercoat
    - work
    - air
    - ball
    - base pay
    - bed
    - cover
    - data
    - educated
    - found
    - French
    - go
    - ground
    - hard
    - home
    - model
    - pickle
    - primary
    - report
    - rocky
    - sordid
    - squash
    - staple
    - starchy
    - taxable
    - under
    * * *
    1. [parte inferior] base;
    [de edificio] foundations;
    colocaron un ramo de flores en la base del monumento they placed a bunch of flowers at the foot of the monument
    base de maquillaje foundation (cream)
    2. [fundamento, origen] basis;
    el respeto al medio ambiente es la base de un desarrollo equilibrado respect for the environment is o forms the basis of balanced development;
    el petróleo es la base de su economía their economy is based on oil;
    salí de la universidad con una sólida base humanística I left university with a solid grounding in the humanities;
    ese argumento se cae por su base that argument is built on sand;
    esta teoría carece de base this theory is unfounded, this theory is not founded on solid arguments;
    partimos de la base de que… we assume that…;
    se parte de la base de que todos ya saben leer we're starting with the assumption that everyone can read;
    sentar las bases para… to lay the foundations of…;
    sobre la base de esta encuesta se concluye que… on the basis of this opinion poll, it can be concluded that… Fin base imponible taxable income
    3. [conocimientos básicos] grounding;
    habla mal francés porque tiene mala base she doesn't speak French well because she hasn't learnt the basics properly
    4. [militar, científica] base
    base aérea air base;
    base espacial space station;
    base de lanzamiento launch site;
    base naval naval base;
    base de operaciones operational base;
    [aeropuerto civil ] base (of operations)
    5. Quím base
    6. Geom base
    7. Mat base
    8. Ling base (form)
    base de datos documental documentary database;
    base de datos relacional relational database
    10. Com base de clientes customer base
    bases [para prueba, concurso] rules
    las bases [de partido, sindicato] the grass roots, the rank and file;
    afiliado de las bases grassroots member
    13. [en béisbol] base;
    [en baloncesto] guard
    a base de loc prep
    by (means of);
    me alimento a base de verduras I live on vegetables;
    el flan está hecho a base de huevos crème caramel is made with eggs;
    a base de no hacer nada by not doing anything;
    a base de trabajar duro fue ascendiendo puestos she moved up through the company by working hard;
    aprender a base de equivocarse to learn the hard way;
    se sacó la carrera a base de codos she got her degree by sheer hard work
    Esp Fam
    a base de bien: nos humillaron a base de bien they really humiliated us;
    lloraba a base de bien he was crying his eyes out;
    los niños disfrutaron a base de bien the children had a great time
    en base a loc prep
    [considerado incorrecto] on the basis of;
    en base a lo visto hasta ahora, no creo que puedan ganar from what I've seen so far, I don't think they can win;
    el plan se efectuará en base a lo convenido the plan will be carried out in accordance with the terms agreed upon
    * * *
    I f
    1 QUÍM, MAT, MIL, DEP base
    bases pl de concurso etc conditions
    una dieta a base de frutas a diet based on fruit, a fruit-based diet;
    consiguió comprarse una casa a base de ahorrar he managed to buy a house by (dint of) saving;
    nos divertimos a base de bien we had a really o fam a real good time
    II m/f en baloncesto guard
    * * *
    base nf
    1) : base, bottom
    2) : base (in baseball)
    3) fundamento: basis, foundation
    base de datos : database
    a base de : based on, by means of
    en base a : based on, on the basis of
    * * *
    base n
    1. (en general) base
    2. (fundamento) basis [pl. bases]

    Spanish-English dictionary > base

  • 52 योगः _yōgḥ

    योगः [युज् भावादौ घञ् कुत्वम्]
    1 Joining, uniting.
    -2 Union, junction, combination; उपरागान्ते शशिनः समुपगता रोहिणी योगम् Ś.7.22; गुणमहतां महते गुणाय योगः Ki.1.25; (वां) योगस्तडित्तोयदयोरिवास्तु R.6.65.
    -3 Contact, touch, connection; तमङ्कमारोप्य शरीरयोगजैः सुखैर्निषिञ्चन्तमिवामृतं त्वचि R.3.26.
    -4 Employment, application, use; एतै- रुपाययोगैस्तु शक्यास्ताः परिरक्षितुम् Ms.9.1; R.1.86.
    -5 Mode, manner, course, means; ज्ञानविज्ञानयोगेन कर्मणा- मुद्धरन् जटाः Bhāg.3.24.17; कथायोगेन बुध्यते H.1. 'In the course of conversation'.
    -6 Consequence, result; (mostly at the end of comp on in abl.); रक्षायोगादयमपि तपः प्रत्यहं संचिनोति Ś.2.15; Ku.7.55.
    -7 A yoke.
    -8 A convey- ance, vehicle, carriage.
    -9 (a) An armour. (b) Put- ting on armour.
    -1 Fitness, propriety, suitableness.
    -11 An occupation, a work, business.
    -12 A trick, fraud, device; योगाधमनविक्रीतं योगदानप्रतिग्रहम् Ms.8.165.
    -13 An expedient, plan, means in general.
    -14 Ende- avour, zeal, diligence, assiduity; ज्ञानमेकस्थमाचार्ये ज्ञानं योगश्च पाण़्डवे Mb.7.188.45. इन्द्रियाणां जये योगं समातिष्ठेद् दिवा- निशम् Ms.7.44.
    -15 Remedy, cure.
    -16 A charm, spell, incantation, magic, magical art; तथाख्यातविधानं च योगः संचार एव च Mb.12.59.48.
    -17 Gaining, acqui- ring, acquisition; बलस्य योगाय बलप्रधानम् Rām.2.82.3.
    -18 The equipment of an army.
    -19 Fixing, putting on, practice; सत्येन रक्ष्यते धर्मो विद्या योगेन रक्ष्यते Mb.5.34. 39.
    -2 A side; an argument.
    -21 An occasion, oppor- tunity.
    -22 Possibility, occurrence.
    -23 Wealth, sub- stance.
    -24 A rule, precept.
    -25 Dependence, relation, regular order or connection, dependence of one word upon another.
    -26 Etymology or derivation of the meaning of a word.
    -27 The etymological meaning of a word (opp. रूढि); अवयवशक्तिर्योगः.
    -28 Deep and ab- stract meditation, concentration of the mind, contempla- tion of the Supreme Spirit, which in Yoga phil. is defined as चित्तवृत्तिनिरोध; स ब्रह्मयोगयुक्तात्मा सुखमक्षयमश्नुते Bg. 5.21; सती सती योगविसृष्टदेहा Ku.1.21; V.1.1; योगेनान्ते तनुत्यजाम् R.1.8.
    -29 The system of philosophy established by Patañjali, which is considered to be the second division of the Sāṁkhya philosophy, but is prac- tically reckoned as a separate system; एकं सांख्यं च योगं च यः पश्यति स पश्यति Bg.5.5. (The chief aim of the Yoga philosophy is to teach the means by which the human soul may be completely united with the Supreme Spirit and thus secure absolution; and deep abstract medita- tion is laid down as the chief means of securing this end, elaborate rules being given for the proper practice of such Yoga or concentration of mind.)
    -3 A follow- er of the Yoga system of philosophy; जापकैस्तुल्यफलता योगानां नात्र संशयः Mb.12.2.23.
    -31 (In arith.) Addition.
    -32 (In astr.) Conjunction, lucky conjunc- tion.
    -33 A combination of stars.
    -34 N. of a parti- cular astronomical division of time (27 such Yogas are usually enumerated).
    -35 The principal star in a lunar mansion.
    -36 Devotion, pious seeking after god.
    -37 A spy, secret agent.
    -38 A traitor, a violator of truth or confidence.
    -39 An attack; योगमाज्ञापयामास शिकस्य विषयं प्रति Śiva B.13.7.
    -4 Steady applica- tion; श्रुताद् हि प्रज्ञा, प्रज्ञया योगो योगादात्मवत्ता Kau. A.1.5; मयि चानन्ययोगेन भक्तिरव्यभिचारिणी Bg.13.1.
    -41 Ability, power; एतां विभूतिं योगं च मम यो वेत्ति तत्त्वतः Bg. 1.7; पश्य मे योगमैश्वरम् 11.8.
    -42 Equality, sameness; समत्वं योग उच्यते Bg.2.48.
    -Comp. -अङ्गम् a means of attaining Yoga; (these are eight; for their names see यम 5.)
    -अञ्जनम् a healing ointment.
    -अनुशासनम् the doctrine of the Yoga.
    -अभ्यासिन् a. practising the Yoga philosophy.
    -आख्या a name based on mere casual contact; स्याद् योगाख्या हि माथुरवत् MS.1.3. 21. (cf. एषा योगाख्या योगमात्रापेक्षा न भूतवर्तमानभविष्यत्सं- बन्धापेक्षा ŚB. on ibid.)
    -आचारः 1 the practice or obser- vance of Yoga.
    -2 a follower of that Buddhist school which maintains the eternal existence of intelligence or विज्ञान alone.
    -3 An act of fraud or magic; ततो$नेन योगाचारन्यायेन दूरमाकृष्य Mv.4.
    -आचार्यः 1 a teacher of magic.
    -2 a teacher of the Yoga philosophy.
    -आधमनम् a fraudulent pledge; योगाधमनविक्रीतम् Ms.8.165.
    -आपत्तिः modification of usage.
    -आरूढ a. engaged in profound and abstract meditation; योगारूढस्य तस्यैव शमः कारणमुच्यते Bg.6.3.
    -आवापः the first attitude of an archer.
    -आसनम् a posture suited to profound and abstract meditation.
    -इन्द्रः, -ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 an adept in or a master of Yoga.
    -2 one who has obtained superhuman faculties.
    -3 a magician.
    -4 a deity.
    -5 an epithet of Śiva.
    -6 a Vetāla.
    -7 an epithet of Yājñavalkya.
    -इष्टम् 1 tin.
    -2 lead.
    -कक्षा = योगपट्टम् below.
    -कन्या N. of the infant daughter of Yaśodā (substituted as the child of Devakī for Kṛiṣṇa and killed by Kaṁsa).
    -क्षेमः 1 security of possession, keeping safe of property.
    -2 the charge for securing property from accidents, insurance; Ms.7.127.
    -3 welfare, well-being, secu- rity, prosperity; तेषां नित्याभियुक्तानां योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम् Bg. 9.22; मुग्धाया मे जनन्या योगक्षेमं वहस्व M.4.
    -4 property, profit, gain.
    -5 property designed for pious uses; cf. Ms.9.219.
    -मौ, -मे or
    -मम् (i. e. m. or n. dual or n. sing.) acquisition and preservation (of property), gain and security, preserving the old and acquiring the new (not previously obtained); अलभ्यलाभो योगः स्यात् क्षेमो लब्धस्य पालनम्; see Y.1.1 and Mit, thereon; तेन भृता राजानः प्रजानां योगक्षेमवहाः Kau. A.1.13; आन्वी- क्षिकीत्रयीवार्तानां योगक्षेमसाधनो दण्डः । तस्य नीतिः दण्डनीतिः Kau. A.1.4.
    -गतिः f.
    1 Primitive condition.
    -2 the state of union.
    -गामिन् a. going (through the air) by means of magical power.
    -चक्षुस् m. a Brāhmaṇa
    -चरः N. of Hanumat.
    -चूर्णम् a magical powder, a powder having magical virtues; कल्पितमनेन योगचूर्णमिश्रितमौषधं चन्द्रगुप्ताय Mu.2.
    -जम् agallochum.
    -तल्पम् = योगनिद्रा.
    -तारका, -तारा the chief star in a Nakṣatra or constellation.
    -दण्डः a magic wand; Sinhās.
    -दानम् 1 communica- ting the Yoga doctrine.
    -2 a fraudulent gift.
    -धारणा perseverance or steady continuance in devotion.
    -नाथः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Datta.
    -नाविका, -कः a kind of fish;
    -निद्रा 1 a state of half contemplation and half sleep, a state between sleep and wakefulness; i. e. light sleep; गर्भे प्रणीते देवक्या रोहिणीं योगनिद्रया Bhāg.1. 2.15; योगनिद्रां गतस्य मम Pt.1; H.3.75; ब्रह्मज्ञानाभ्यसन- विधिना योगनिद्रां गतस्य Bh.3.41.
    -2 particularly, the sleep of Viṣṇu at the end of a Yuga; R.1.14; 13.6.
    -3 N. of Durgā.
    -4 the great sleep of Brahmā during the period between प्रलय and उत्पत्ति of the universe.
    -निद्रालुः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -निलयः N. of Śiva or Viṣṇu.
    -पट्टम् a cloth thrown over the back and knees of an ascetic during abstract meditation; क्षणनीरवया यया निशि श्रितवप्रावलियोगपट्टया N.2.78; एकान्तावलम्बितयोगपट्टिकाम् गुहाम् K. Pūrvabhāga.
    -पतिः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -पदम् a state of self-concentration.
    -पादुका a magical shoe (taking the wearer anywhere he wishes).
    -पानम् a liquor adult- erated with narcotics.
    -पारगः N. of Śiva.
    -पीठम् a particular posture during Yoga meditation.
    -पीडः, -डम् a kind of posture of the gods.
    -पुरुषः a spy; यथा च योगपुरुषैरन्यान् राजाधितिष्ठति Kau. A.1.21.
    -बलम् 1 the power of devotion or abstract meditation, any superna- tural power.
    -2 power of magic.
    -भावना (in alg.) composition of numbers by the sum of their products.
    -भ्रष्ट a. one who has fallen from the practice of Yoga.
    -माया 1 the magical power of the Yoga.
    -2 the power of God in the creation of the world personified as a deity; (भगवतः सर्जनार्था शक्तिः); नाहं प्रकाशः सर्वस्य योगमायासमावृतः Bg.7.25.
    -3 N. of Durgā.
    -यात्रा the way to the union with the Supreme Spirit; the way of attaining Yoga.
    -युक्त a. immersed in deep meditation, absorbed; योगयुक्तो भवार्जुन Bg.8.27;5.6-7.
    -रङ्गः the orange.
    -रत्नम् a magical jewel.
    -राजः 1 a kind of medicinal preparation.
    -2 one well-versed in Yoga.
    -रूढ a.
    1 having an etymological as well as a special or conventional meaning (said of a word); e. g. the word पङ्कज etymologically means 'anything produced in mud', but in usage or popular convention it is restricted to some things only produced in mud, such as the lotus; cf. the word आतपत्र or 'parasol'.
    -2 engaged in meditation (s. v.
    -आरूढ); ध्यायन्ते...... योगिनो योगरूढाः Brav. P. ब्रह्मखण्ड 1.3.
    -रोचना a kind of magical ointment said to have the power of making one invisible or invulnerable; तेन च परितुष्टेन योगरोचना मे दत्ता Mk.3.
    -वर्तिका a magical lamp or wick.
    -वरः an epithet of Hanumant; L. D. B.
    -वामनम् secret con- trivances; Kau. A.
    -वासिष्ठम् N. of a work (treating of the means of obtaining final beatitude by means of Yoga).
    -वाहः a term for the sounds विसर्जनीय, जिह्वामूलीय, उपध्मानीय and नासिक्य q. q. v. v.
    -वाह a. resolving (chemically).
    -वाहिन् a. assimilating to one's self. -m., n. medium for mixing medicines (such as natron, honey, mercury); नानाद्रव्यात्मकत्वाञ्च योगवाहि परं मधु Suśr.
    -वाही 1 an alkali.
    -2 honey.
    -3 quick- silver.
    -विक्रयः a fraudulent sale.
    -विद् a.
    1 knowing the proper method, skilful, clever.
    -2 conversant with Yoga. (-m.)
    1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 a practiser of Yoga.
    -3 a follower of the Yoga doctrines.
    -4 a magician.
    -5 a compounder of medicines.
    -विद्या the science of Yoga.
    -विधिः practice of Yoga or mental abstraction; न च योगविधेर्नवेतरः स्थिरधीरा परमात्मदर्शनात् (विरराम) R.8.22.
    -विभागः separation of that which is usually combined together into one; especially, the separation of the words of a Sūtra, the splitting of one rule into two or more (frequently used by Patañjali in his Mahābhāṣya; e. g. see अदसो मात् P.I.1.12).
    -शब्दः a word the meaning of which is plain from the etymo- logy.
    -शायिन् a. half asleep and half absorbed in con- templation; cf. योगनिद्रा.
    -शास्त्रम् the Yoga philosophy, esp. the work of Patañjali.
    -संसिद्धिः perfection in Yoga.
    -समाधिः the absorption of the soul in profound and ab- stract contemplation; तमसः परमापदव्ययं पुरुषं योगसमाधिना रघुः R.8.24.
    -सारः a universal remedy; a panacea.
    -सिद्धिः f. achievement in succession i. e. by separate performance; पर्यायो योगसिद्धिः ŚB. on MS. ˚न्यायः the rule according to which when an act (e. g. दर्शपूर्णमास) is said to yield all desired objects, what is meant is that it can yield them only one at a time and not all simultaneously. This is established by जैमिनि and शबर in MS.4.3.27-28. Thus for the achievement of each separate काम, a separate performance of the याग is necessary; (see दर्शपूर्णमासन्याय).
    -सूत्रम् aphorisms of the Yoga system of philosophy (attributed to Patañjali).
    -सेवा the practice of abstract meditation.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > योगः _yōgḥ

  • 53 evaluación

    1 evaluation, rating, review, assessment.
    2 evaluation, valuation, break-down.
    * * *
    1 evaluation, assessment
    2 EDUCACIÓN (acción) assessment; (examen) exam
    * * *
    noun f.
    evaluation, assessment
    * * *
    1) (=valoración) [de datos] evaluation; [de daños, pérdidas] assessment
    2) (Escol) (=acción) assessment; (=examen) test
    * * *
    a) (de daños, situación) assessment; (de datos, informes) evaluation, assessment
    b) (Educ) ( acción) assessment; (prueba, examen) test
    * * *
    = appraisal, assaying, assessing, assessment, evaluation, measurement, trial, rating, evaluation rating, post mortem [postmortem].
    Ex. The notice could contain the list of the poorest performers, based on the most recent set of appraisals.
    Ex. Suppose you have classified, by UDC, the document 'Select methods of metallurgical assaying', class number 669.9.
    Ex. Consequently, the skill of shopping around and assessing the cost-effectiveness of a supplier's goods and services is important for the librarian to develop.
    Ex. However, although the subject may be the primary consideration in the assessment of relevance, subject is not the only factor that determines whether a user wishes to be alerted to the existence of a document.
    Ex. There is an extensive theory of the evaluation of indexes and indexing, but regrettably there is not space to treat this topic at any length in this work.
    Ex. Here ' Measurement' is an action term, and so, the operator for an action term is assigned to ' Measurement'.
    Ex. The intention was to determine which department within each library has the responsibility for arranging trials of products.
    Ex. But the rater must not be afraid to give negative ratings.
    Ex. In order to make sure that no prejudice or bias influences an evaluation rating, the rating should be reviewed by the supervisor's supervisor -- the next person in the hierarchy.
    Ex. Survey research is used to determine what kind of post mortem appraisals companies undertake concerning their abandoned information systems development projects.
    * comisión de evaluación = review panel, review board.
    * comité de evaluación = review panel, review board, review committee.
    * de evaluación = evaluative.
    * estándar de evaluación = benchmark.
    * evaluación anónima = blind review.
    * evaluación comparativa = benchmarking.
    * evaluación continua = continuous assessment, formative evaluation.
    * evaluación crítica = critical evaluation.
    * evaluación cualitativa = qualitative evaluation.
    * evaluación cuantitativa = quantitative evaluation.
    * evaluación de la calidad = quality assessment.
    * evaluación de la colección = collection assessment, collection evaluation, collection analysis.
    * evaluación de la productividad = performance appraisal, performance review.
    * evaluación de la seguridad = safety evaluation.
    * evaluación de las necesidades económicas = means-testing, means test.
    * evaluación del avance realizado = progress evaluation.
    * evaluación del impacto en función del género = gender-impact assessment.
    * evaluación de los ingresos = means-testing, means test.
    * evaluación de los productos = product rating.
    * evaluación del personal = personnel evaluation.
    * evaluación del profesorado = faculty evaluation.
    * evaluación del rendimiento = performance appraisal, performance evaluation, performance measurement, performance review, performance rating.
    * evaluación de metales = metallurgical assaying.
    * evaluación de necesidades = needs assessment.
    * evaluación de procedimientos = process rating.
    * evaluación de procesos = process rating.
    * evaluación de productos = product rating.
    * evaluación de riesgos = risk assessment.
    * evaluación de sistemas = system(s) evaluation.
    * evaluación de usuario = user rating.
    * evaluación final = summative evaluation, final assessment.
    * evaluación iluminativa = illuminative evaluation.
    * evaluación interviniente = obtrusive evaluation.
    * evaluación intrusiva = obtrusive evaluation, obtrusive test.
    * evaluación no intrusiva = unobtrusive evaluation.
    * evaluación objetiva = objective evaluation.
    * evaluación por comparación = benchmarking.
    * evaluación por expertos = peer review, refereeing, peer reviewing.
    * evaluación por expertos abierta = open refereeing.
    * evaluación por expertos anónima = blind refereeing.
    * evaluación por pares = peer review, refereeing, peer reviewing.
    * evaluación por resultados obtenidos = outcomes assessment.
    * evaluación sin intervención del examinador = unobtrusive testing.
    * herramienta de evaluación = assessment tool, evaluation tool.
    * impreso de evaluación = evaluation form.
    * instrumento de evaluación = assessment tool, evaluation tool.
    * método de evaluación de un edificio en uso = post-occupancy evaluation method.
    * nueva evaluación = reappraisal.
    * para la evaluación de hipótesis = hypothesis-testing.
    * procedimiento de evaluación por expertos = refereeing procedure.
    * proceso de evaluación = review process, evaluation process.
    * realizar una evaluación = administer + evaluation.
    * sistema de evaluación = rating system.
    * sistema de evaluación anónima = double-blind.
    * sistema de evaluación por paresanónima = double-blind refereeing system.
    * someter a una evaluación por expertos doble = double referee.
    * test de evaluación = evaluative test.
    * * *
    a) (de daños, situación) assessment; (de datos, informes) evaluation, assessment
    b) (Educ) ( acción) assessment; (prueba, examen) test
    * * *
    = appraisal, assaying, assessing, assessment, evaluation, measurement, trial, rating, evaluation rating, post mortem [postmortem].

    Ex: The notice could contain the list of the poorest performers, based on the most recent set of appraisals.

    Ex: Suppose you have classified, by UDC, the document 'Select methods of metallurgical assaying', class number 669.9.
    Ex: Consequently, the skill of shopping around and assessing the cost-effectiveness of a supplier's goods and services is important for the librarian to develop.
    Ex: However, although the subject may be the primary consideration in the assessment of relevance, subject is not the only factor that determines whether a user wishes to be alerted to the existence of a document.
    Ex: There is an extensive theory of the evaluation of indexes and indexing, but regrettably there is not space to treat this topic at any length in this work.
    Ex: Here ' Measurement' is an action term, and so, the operator for an action term is assigned to ' Measurement'.
    Ex: The intention was to determine which department within each library has the responsibility for arranging trials of products.
    Ex: But the rater must not be afraid to give negative ratings.
    Ex: In order to make sure that no prejudice or bias influences an evaluation rating, the rating should be reviewed by the supervisor's supervisor -- the next person in the hierarchy.
    Ex: Survey research is used to determine what kind of post mortem appraisals companies undertake concerning their abandoned information systems development projects.
    * comisión de evaluación = review panel, review board.
    * comité de evaluación = review panel, review board, review committee.
    * de evaluación = evaluative.
    * estándar de evaluación = benchmark.
    * evaluación anónima = blind review.
    * evaluación comparativa = benchmarking.
    * evaluación continua = continuous assessment, formative evaluation.
    * evaluación crítica = critical evaluation.
    * evaluación cualitativa = qualitative evaluation.
    * evaluación cuantitativa = quantitative evaluation.
    * evaluación de la calidad = quality assessment.
    * evaluación de la colección = collection assessment, collection evaluation, collection analysis.
    * evaluación de la productividad = performance appraisal, performance review.
    * evaluación de la seguridad = safety evaluation.
    * evaluación de las necesidades económicas = means-testing, means test.
    * evaluación del avance realizado = progress evaluation.
    * evaluación del impacto en función del género = gender-impact assessment.
    * evaluación de los ingresos = means-testing, means test.
    * evaluación de los productos = product rating.
    * evaluación del personal = personnel evaluation.
    * evaluación del profesorado = faculty evaluation.
    * evaluación del rendimiento = performance appraisal, performance evaluation, performance measurement, performance review, performance rating.
    * evaluación de metales = metallurgical assaying.
    * evaluación de necesidades = needs assessment.
    * evaluación de procedimientos = process rating.
    * evaluación de procesos = process rating.
    * evaluación de productos = product rating.
    * evaluación de riesgos = risk assessment.
    * evaluación de sistemas = system(s) evaluation.
    * evaluación de usuario = user rating.
    * evaluación final = summative evaluation, final assessment.
    * evaluación iluminativa = illuminative evaluation.
    * evaluación interviniente = obtrusive evaluation.
    * evaluación intrusiva = obtrusive evaluation, obtrusive test.
    * evaluación no intrusiva = unobtrusive evaluation.
    * evaluación objetiva = objective evaluation.
    * evaluación por comparación = benchmarking.
    * evaluación por expertos = peer review, refereeing, peer reviewing.
    * evaluación por expertos abierta = open refereeing.
    * evaluación por expertos anónima = blind refereeing.
    * evaluación por pares = peer review, refereeing, peer reviewing.
    * evaluación por resultados obtenidos = outcomes assessment.
    * evaluación sin intervención del examinador = unobtrusive testing.
    * herramienta de evaluación = assessment tool, evaluation tool.
    * impreso de evaluación = evaluation form.
    * instrumento de evaluación = assessment tool, evaluation tool.
    * método de evaluación de un edificio en uso = post-occupancy evaluation method.
    * nueva evaluación = reappraisal.
    * para la evaluación de hipótesis = hypothesis-testing.
    * procedimiento de evaluación por expertos = refereeing procedure.
    * proceso de evaluación = review process, evaluation process.
    * realizar una evaluación = administer + evaluation.
    * sistema de evaluación = rating system.
    * sistema de evaluación anónima = double-blind.
    * sistema de evaluación por paresanónima = double-blind refereeing system.
    * someter a una evaluación por expertos doble = double referee.
    * test de evaluación = evaluative test.

    * * *
    1 (de daños, pérdidas, una situación) assessment; (de datos, informes) evaluation, assessment
    en la reunión se hizo evaluación de la situación económica de la empresa they assessed the company's financial situation at the meeting
    2 ( Educ) (acción) assessment; (prueba, examen) test
    continuous assessment
    * * *


    evaluación sustantivo femenino
    a) (de daños, situación) assessment;

    (de datos, informes) evaluation, assessment
    b) (Educ) ( acción) assessment;

    (prueba, examen) test
    evaluación sustantivo femenino
    1 evaluation: tardaremos unos días en completar la evaluación de los daños sufridos, it'll take a few days to fully assess the damage
    2 Educ test: mañana tenemos la segunda evaluación de matemáticas, we have our second maths test tomorrow
    ' evaluación' also found in these entries:
    - cotización
    - appreciation
    - assessment
    - evaluation
    - continuous
    * * *
    1. [valoración] evaluation, assessment;
    [de daños, pérdidas, riesgos] assessment;
    una primera evaluación de las estadísticas confirma que… a first assessment of the statistics confirms that…;
    realizaron una evaluación de los daños they assessed the damage;
    hacen evaluaciones periódicas del rendimiento de los trabajadores employees are given regular performance evaluations o appraisals;
    hizo una evaluación positiva de la situación he gave a positive assessment of the situation
    Com evaluación comparativa benchmarking;
    evaluación de impacto ambiental environmental impact assessment;
    evaluación de riesgos risk assessment
    2. Educ [acción] assessment;
    [examen] exam, test; [periodo] = division of school year, of which there may be three to five in total evaluación continua continuous assessment
    * * *
    1 evaluation, assessment
    2 ( prueba) test
    * * *
    evaluación nf, pl - ciones : assessment, evaluation
    * * *
    evaluación n assessment

    Spanish-English dictionary > evaluación

  • 54 representar

    1 to represent.
    este cuadro representa la Última Cena this painting depicts the Last Supper
    Ellos representan campiñas They depict fields.
    María representa a la madrastra Mary plays the part of the stepmom.
    Esto representa lo malo This represents the bad.
    representa a varios artistas she acts as an agent for several artists
    3 to look.
    representa unos 40 años she looks about 40
    4 to mean.
    representa el 50 por ciento del consumo interno it accounts for 50 percent of domestic consumption
    representa mucho para él it means a lot to him
    5 to perform (Teatro) (función).
    6 to act out, to represent, to act.
    Ella representó bien esa escena She acted the scene out very well.
    7 to act in someone's representation, to represent, to act in behalf of, to act in representation of.
    María representa a Ricardo Mary acts in John's representation.
    * * *
    1 (gen) to represent
    2 (símbolo) to represent, stand for
    3 TEATRO (obra) to perform; (papel) to play (the part of)
    4 (aparentar) to appear to be, look
    5 (importar) to mean
    1 (imaginarse) to imagine, picture
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=actuar en nombre de) [+ país, votantes] to represent; [+ cliente, acusado] to act for, represent
    2) (=simbolizar) to symbolize, represent
    3) (=reproducir) to depict

    nuevas formas de representar el mundonew ways of representing o portraying o depicting the world

    4) (=equivaler a) [+ porcentaje, mejora, peligro] to represent; [+ amenaza] to pose, represent

    obtuvieron unos beneficios de 1,7 billones, lo que representa un incremento del 28% sobre el año pasado — they made profits of 1.7 billion, which represents an increase of 28% on last year

    los bantúes representan el 70% de los habitantes de Suráfrica — the Bantu account for o represent 70% of the inhabitants of South Africa

    5) (=requerir) [+ trabajo, esfuerzo, sacrificio] to involve
    6) (Teat) [+ obra] to perform; [+ papel] to play

    ¿quién va a representar el papel que tenía antes la URSS? — who's going to play the part o role previously played by the USSR?

    7) (=aparentar) [+ edad] to look
    8) (=hacer imaginar) to point out
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) <persona/organización/país> to represent
    2) < obra> to perform, put on
    3) ( aparentar) to look
    4) ( simbolizar) to symbolize
    5) ( reproducir) dibujo/fotografía/escena to show, depict; obra/novela to portray, depict
    6) (equivaler a, significar) to represent

    esto representa un aumento del 5% — this represents a 5% increase

    representarse v pron to picture, imagine
    * * *
    = account for, act out, become + cast, depict, depict, embody, package, represent, stage, stand for, render, portray, symbolise [symbolize, -USA], enact, dramatise [dramatize, -USA], plot, chart, map, incarnate, stand as, betoken, picture, construct, encapsulate.
    Ex. The major four categories of physical forms outlined so far account for most of the published indexes and catalogues.
    Ex. The use of the form connotes peculiarity (the people so described are acting out a somewhat inappropriate role) and passiveness (they are not actively participating in that role).
    Ex. Any action that is repeated frequently become cast into a pattern which can be reproduced with an economy of effort which, ipso facto, is apprehended by its performer as a pattern.
    Ex. Trial procedures aiming to increase service recognition and service usage, and the evaluation thereof, are then depicted.
    Ex. A globe is a model of a celestial body, usually the earth or the celestial sphere, depicted on the surface of a sphere.
    Ex. In alphabetical indexing languages, such as are embodied in thesauri and subject headings lists, subject terms are the alphabetical names of the subjects.
    Ex. Documents rarely exactly match a user's requirements because information can be packaged in almost as many different ways as there are participants in a subject area.
    Ex. Cartographic materials are, according to AACR2, all the materials that represent, in whole or in part, the earth or any celestial body.
    Ex. Book shops also participated by staging similar special features.
    Ex. MARC stands for Machine Readable Cataloguing.
    Ex. The eventuality is, admittedly, remote but it is also necessary to render the imprint statement in this amount of detail.
    Ex. Hardy had a tragic vision of life and that indeed is what the novels portray.
    Ex. The library symbolises freedom for the reader to pursue his own desires, however inchoate.
    Ex. The author describes how, as a teacher, she introduced pre-school children to books by reading to them, and developed older children's critical interest by reading, discussing and enacting popular fables.
    Ex. This article describes how a group of 12-18 teenage volunteers formed a group to dramatise children's books for young children and their parents at a public library.
    Ex. The technique 'Trend Projection' graphically plots future trends based on past experience.
    Ex. This article describes how Australia was depicted on early maps of the world charted by the Portuguese and Dutch seafarers from 1452 to the present day.
    Ex. Defining a revolution in progress is like mapping the lava flow from an active volcano well nigh impossible and extremely dangerous.
    Ex. For them, it incarnated modernity and materialism, civilization rather than culture, materialism rather than spiritualism.
    Ex. Meantime, our new library stand as as a confident symbol of the importance of ALL librarires to the nation's cultural, educational and economic success.
    Ex. The faintly irritating moralising tone of this book betokens a real human interest, which must be recovered if there is to be a dialogue of real content.
    Ex. In most cases authors pictured incest as an assault against the innocent, but they often saw the abuser, especially the father, as a victim of himself and he is rarely punished with prison.
    Ex. It is argued that newspaper reporting of bigamy constructs bigamists as being a threat to the institution of marriage.
    Ex. The Manifesto encapsulates the principles and priorities of public libraries in widely varying contexts.
    * estar demasiado representado = overrepresent.
    * imposible de representar = unmappable.
    * que no representa reto = unchallenging.
    * representar a = act for.
    * representar con una gráfica = graph.
    * representar en exceso = overrepresent.
    * representar en mente = visualise [visualize, -USA].
    * representar gráficamente = map.
    * representar insuficientemente = underrepresent [under-represent].
    * representar la diferencia entre... y = represent + the difference between... and.
    * representar mal = misrepresent.
    * representar una idea = dramatise + idea.
    * representar una obra = put on + performance, put on + play.
    * representar un peligro = pose + danger.
    * término que representa un único concepto = one concept term.
    * volver a representar = remap.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) <persona/organización/país> to represent
    2) < obra> to perform, put on
    3) ( aparentar) to look
    4) ( simbolizar) to symbolize
    5) ( reproducir) dibujo/fotografía/escena to show, depict; obra/novela to portray, depict
    6) (equivaler a, significar) to represent

    esto representa un aumento del 5% — this represents a 5% increase

    representarse v pron to picture, imagine
    * * *
    = account for, act out, become + cast, depict, depict, embody, package, represent, stage, stand for, render, portray, symbolise [symbolize, -USA], enact, dramatise [dramatize, -USA], plot, chart, map, incarnate, stand as, betoken, picture, construct, encapsulate.

    Ex: The major four categories of physical forms outlined so far account for most of the published indexes and catalogues.

    Ex: The use of the form connotes peculiarity (the people so described are acting out a somewhat inappropriate role) and passiveness (they are not actively participating in that role).
    Ex: Any action that is repeated frequently become cast into a pattern which can be reproduced with an economy of effort which, ipso facto, is apprehended by its performer as a pattern.
    Ex: Trial procedures aiming to increase service recognition and service usage, and the evaluation thereof, are then depicted.
    Ex: A globe is a model of a celestial body, usually the earth or the celestial sphere, depicted on the surface of a sphere.
    Ex: In alphabetical indexing languages, such as are embodied in thesauri and subject headings lists, subject terms are the alphabetical names of the subjects.
    Ex: Documents rarely exactly match a user's requirements because information can be packaged in almost as many different ways as there are participants in a subject area.
    Ex: Cartographic materials are, according to AACR2, all the materials that represent, in whole or in part, the earth or any celestial body.
    Ex: Book shops also participated by staging similar special features.
    Ex: MARC stands for Machine Readable Cataloguing.
    Ex: The eventuality is, admittedly, remote but it is also necessary to render the imprint statement in this amount of detail.
    Ex: Hardy had a tragic vision of life and that indeed is what the novels portray.
    Ex: The library symbolises freedom for the reader to pursue his own desires, however inchoate.
    Ex: The author describes how, as a teacher, she introduced pre-school children to books by reading to them, and developed older children's critical interest by reading, discussing and enacting popular fables.
    Ex: This article describes how a group of 12-18 teenage volunteers formed a group to dramatise children's books for young children and their parents at a public library.
    Ex: The technique 'Trend Projection' graphically plots future trends based on past experience.
    Ex: This article describes how Australia was depicted on early maps of the world charted by the Portuguese and Dutch seafarers from 1452 to the present day.
    Ex: Defining a revolution in progress is like mapping the lava flow from an active volcano well nigh impossible and extremely dangerous.
    Ex: For them, it incarnated modernity and materialism, civilization rather than culture, materialism rather than spiritualism.
    Ex: Meantime, our new library stand as as a confident symbol of the importance of ALL librarires to the nation's cultural, educational and economic success.
    Ex: The faintly irritating moralising tone of this book betokens a real human interest, which must be recovered if there is to be a dialogue of real content.
    Ex: In most cases authors pictured incest as an assault against the innocent, but they often saw the abuser, especially the father, as a victim of himself and he is rarely punished with prison.
    Ex: It is argued that newspaper reporting of bigamy constructs bigamists as being a threat to the institution of marriage.
    Ex: The Manifesto encapsulates the principles and priorities of public libraries in widely varying contexts.
    * estar demasiado representado = overrepresent.
    * imposible de representar = unmappable.
    * que no representa reto = unchallenging.
    * representar a = act for.
    * representar con una gráfica = graph.
    * representar en exceso = overrepresent.
    * representar en mente = visualise [visualize, -USA].
    * representar gráficamente = map.
    * representar insuficientemente = underrepresent [under-represent].
    * representar la diferencia entre... y = represent + the difference between... and.
    * representar mal = misrepresent.
    * representar una idea = dramatise + idea.
    * representar una obra = put on + performance, put on + play.
    * representar un peligro = pose + danger.
    * término que representa un único concepto = one concept term.
    * volver a representar = remap.

    * * *
    A ‹persona/organización/país› to represent
    no estaba representado por un abogado he was not represented by a lawyer
    representó a Suecia en los campeonatos he represented Sweden in the championships, he played ( o swam etc) for Sweden in the championships
    los que no puedan asistir deben hacerse representar por alguien those who cannot attend should send a representative o proxy
    B ‹obra› to perform, put on; ‹papel› to play
    representó el papel de Cleopatra she played Cleopatra o the part of Cleopatra
    C (aparentar) to look
    no representa la edad que tiene he doesn't look the age he is
    representa unos cuarenta años she looks about forty
    no representa lo que costó it doesn't look as expensive as it was
    D (simbolizar) to symbolize
    la paloma representa la paz the dove symbolizes o is a symbol of peace
    E (reproducir) «dibujo/fotografía» to show, depict
    la medalla representa a la Virgen the medallion depicts the Virgin Mary
    la escena representa una calle de los arrabales the scene shows o depicts a street in the poor quarters
    la obra representa fielmente la sociedad de fines de siglo the play accurately portrays society at the turn of the century
    F (equivaler a, significar) to represent
    esto representa un aumento del 5% con respecto al año pasado this represents a 5% increase on last year
    nos representa un gasto inesperado it means o involves an unexpected expense
    introducir la modificación representaría tres días de trabajo introducing the modification would mean o involve three days' work
    to picture
    ¿te lo puedes representar sin barba? can you picture o imagine him without a beard?
    * * *


    representar ( conjugate representar) verbo transitivo
    1persona/organización/país to represent
    2 obra to perform, put on;
    papel to play
    3 ( aparentar) to look;

    4 ( simbolizar) to represent, symbolize
    5 ( reproducir) [dibujo/fotografía/escena] to show, depict;
    [obra/novela] to portray, depict
    6 (equivaler a, significar) to represent;
    esto representa un aumento del 5% this represents a 5% increase;

    eso representaría tres días de trabajo that would mean o involve three days' work
    representar verbo transitivo
    1 (un símbolo) to symbolize, represent: la paloma representa la paz, the dove stands for peace
    2 (un cuadro, fotografía, ilustración) to depict: el cuadro representa una escena de caza, the painting depicts a hunting scene
    3 (un ejemplo o modelo) to represent
    4 (a una persona, un país, una institución) to represent
    5 (una edad) to look: no representa la edad que tiene, she doesn't look her age
    6 (en la imaginación) to imagine
    7 (en valor, importancia) to mean, represent: su ascenso representó una gran alegría, I/he/she, etc. was overjoyed by his promotion
    ese chico no representa nada para mí, that guy means nothing to me
    8 Teat (una obra) to perform
    (un papel) to play: mi amigo representa al emperador Augusto, my friend plays Emperor Augustus
    ' representar' also found in these entries:
    - constituir
    - hacer
    - jugar
    - vida
    - significar
    - act out
    - depict
    - deputize
    - do
    - enact
    - nation
    - perform
    - picture
    - play
    - portray
    - represent
    - role-play
    - speak for
    - stage
    - stand for
    - pose
    * * *
    1. [simbolizar, ejemplificar] to represent;
    este cuadro representa la Última Cena this painting depicts the Last Supper;
    la coma representa los decimales the comma indicates decimal places;
    Dalí representa perfectamente el surrealismo Dali is the ultimate surrealist painter
    2. [actuar en nombre de] to represent;
    el delegado sindical representaba a sus compañeros the shop steward represented his fellow workers;
    ha participado en dos festivales representando a su país she has represented her country at two festivals;
    representa a varios artistas she acts as an agent for several artists
    3. [aparentar] to look;
    representa unos cuarenta años she looks about forty;
    representa muchos menos años de los que tiene she looks a lot younger than she is
    4. [significar] to mean;
    representa el 50 por ciento del consumo interno it accounts for 50 percent of domestic consumption;
    diez millones no representan nada para él ten million is nothing to him;
    representa mucho para él it means a lot to him
    5. Teatro [función] to perform;
    [papel] to play
    6. Com to represent
    * * *
    1 ( simbolizar) represent
    2 obra put on, perform; papel play
    * * *
    1) : to represent, to act for
    2) : to perform
    3) : to look, to appear as
    4) : to symbolize, to stand for
    5) : to signify, to mean
    * * *
    1. (un papel) to play
    2. (una obra) to perform
    la compañía representará "Yerma" the company will perform "Yerma"
    3. (simbolizar) to represent
    5. (aparentar) to look

    Spanish-English dictionary > representar

  • 55 vouloir

    vouloir [vulwaʀ]
    ➭ TABLE 31
    1. <
       a. to want
    qu'est-ce qu'ils veulent maintenant ? what do they want now?
    il en veut (inf) ( = veut réussir) he wants to win
    je ne veux pas qu'il se croie obligé de... I don't want him to feel he has to...
    que lui voulez-vous ? what do you want with him?
    qu'est-ce qu'il me veut, celui-là ? (inf) what does he want from me?
    s'il voulait, il pourrait être ministre if he wanted to, he could be a minister
    que voulez-vous de moi ? what do you want from me?
    j'en veux 1 000 € I want 1,000 euros for it(PROV) vouloir, c'est pouvoir(PROV) quand on veut, on peut(PROV) where there's a will there's a way
    vouloir que qn fasse qch/que qch se fasse to want sb to do sth/sth to be done
       b. ( = désirer, souhaiter) voulez-vous à boire ? would you like something to drink?
    je voulais vous dire... I meant to tell you...
    il voulait partir hier mais... he intended to leave yesterday but...
    ça te dirait d'aller à la mer ? -- je veux ! (inf!) would you like to go to the seaside? -- that would be great! (inf)
    ça va comme tu veux ? (inf) is everything all right?
    bon, comme tu voudras all right, have it your own way
    oui, si on veut ( = dans un sens, d'un côté) yes, if you like
    est-ce que tu en veux ? [+ gâteau] would you like some?
    que veux-tu ?
    que veux-tu, c'est comme ça, on n'y peut rien what can you do? that's the way it is and there's nothing we can do about it
    que veux-tu que je te dise ? j'ai perdu what do you want me to say? I lost
    je voudrais bien voir ça ! I'd like to see that!
    tu veux bien leur dire que... would you please tell them that...
    encore un peu de thé ? -- je veux bien more tea? -- yes, please
    nous en parlerons plus tard, si vous le voulez bien we'll talk about it later, if you don't mind
    moi je veux bien, mais... fair enough (inf), but...
       e. (formules de politesse) voudriez-vous avoir l'obligeance or l'amabilité de... would you be so kind as to...
    voudriez-vous fermer la fenêtre ? would you mind closing the window?
    si vous voulez bien me suivre this way, please
       f. (ordre) veux-tu te taire ! will you be quiet!
       g. ( = essayer de) to try
       h. ( = s'attendre à) to expect
    comment voulez-vous que je sache ? how should I know?
    avec 1 000 € par mois, comment veux-tu qu'elle s'en sorte ? how do you expect her to manage on 1,000 euros a month?
    que voulez-vous qu'on y fasse ? what do you expect us (or them etc) to do about it?
       i. ( = affirmer) to claim
    une philosophie qui veut que l'homme soit... a philosophy which claims that man is...
       j. ( = requérir) to require
    l'usage veut que... custom requires that...
       k. ( = faire) [destin, sort] le hasard voulut que... as luck would have it...
       l. (locutions)
    tu ne m'en veux pas ? no hard feelings?
    qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ? what does this mean?
    2. <
    vouloir de qn/qch to want sb/sth
    3. <
    4. <
    * * *

    1. vulwaʀ
    1) ( exiger) to want

    qu'est-ce qu'ils nous veulent (colloq) encore? — what do they want now?

    2) (désirer, souhaiter)

    que veux-tu boire? — what do you want to drink?; ( plus poli) what would you like to drink?

    il ne suffit pas de vouloir, il faut encore pouvoir — wishing is not enough

    tu veux que je te dise, c'est un escroc — I hate to say it, but he is a crook

    sans le vouloir[bousculer, révéler] by accident; [se retrouver] accidentally

    ‘qu'est-ce qu'on fait ce soir?’ - ‘comme tu veux or voudras’ — ‘what shall we do tonight?’ - ‘whatever you like, it's up to you’

    tu ne veux/voudrais pas me faire croire que — you're not telling/trying to tell me that

    après ce qu'il a fait, tu voudrais que je lui fasse confiance? — do you expect me to trust him after what he's done?

    que veux-tu, on n'y peut rien! — what can you do, it's hopeless!

    j'aurais voulu t'y voir! — (colloq) I'd like to have seen you in the same position!

    3) ( accepter)

    voudriez-vous avoir l'obligeance de fairefml would you be so kind as to do

    voulez-vous répéter votre question, s'il vous plaît — would you repeat your question please

    veuillez patienter — ( au téléphone) please hold the line

    je veux bien qu'il soit malade mais — I know he's ill, but

    ‘ce n'est pas cher/difficile’ - ‘si on veut!’ — ‘it's not expensive/difficult’ - ‘or so you say!’

    4) ( signifier)

    qu'est-ce que ça veut dire? — ( signification) what does that mean?; ( attitude) what's all this about?

    en vouloir verbe transitif indirect
    1) (colloq) ( être déterminé)

    il réussira, il en veut! — he wants to get on, and he'll succeed!

    se vouloir verbe pronominal
    1) ( prétendre être) [personne] to like to think of oneself as; [ouvrage, théorie, méthode] to be meant to be
    2) ( chercher à être) to try to be

    vouloir c'est pouvoirProverbe where there's a will there's a way

    II vulwaʀ
    nom masculin Philosophie will
    * * *
    1. vt
    1) (= exiger, désirer) to want

    Elle veut un vélo pour Noël. — She wants a bike for Christmas.

    Elle en veux trois. — She wants three of them.

    Je ne veux pas de dessert. — I don't want any pudding.

    Il ne veut pas venir. — He doesn't want to come.

    Voulez-vous du thé? — Would you like some tea?, Do you want some tea?

    Je voudrais ceci. — I would like this one.

    Je voudrais faire... — I would like to do...

    On va au cinéma? - Si tu veux. — Shall we go to the cinema? - If you like.

    sans le vouloir (= involontairement) — without meaning to, unintentionally

    Je l'ai vexé sans le vouloir. — I upset him without meaning to.

    2) [destin, circonstances]

    le hasard a voulu que... — as fate would have it,...

    la tradition veut que... — Tradition has it that...

    4) (= consentir)

    je veux bien (bonne volonté) — I'll be happy to, (concession) fair enough, that's fine, (en acceptant une proposition) I'd love to

    Je veux bien le faire à ta place si ça t'arrange. — I don't mind doing it for you if you prefer.

    Voulez-vous une tasse de thé? - Je veux bien. — Would you like a cup of tea? - Yes please.


    en vouloir à qn (rancune) — to be angry at sb, to bear sb a grudge

    Il m'en veut de ne pas l'avoir invité à mon anniversaire. — He's angry at me for not inviting him to my birthday party.


    Il en veut à mon argent. — He's after my money.

    oui, si on veut (= en quelque sorte) — yes, if you like

    en vouloir (= être ambitieux)to want to get on in life

    vouloir de (= être prêt à accepter)to want

    La compagnie ne veut plus de lui. — The firm doesn't want him any more.

    Elle ne veut pas de son aide. — She doesn't want his help.

    mais enfin, qu'est-ce que ça veut dire? — what's all this about then?

    2. nm

    le bon vouloir de qn — sb's goodwill, sb's pleasure

    * * *
    vouloir verb table: vouloir
    A nm Philos will; bon vouloir goodwill; dépendre du bon vouloir de qn to depend on sb's goodwill; attendre le bon vouloir de qn to wait at sb's pleasure sout.
    B vtr
    1 ( exiger) to want; je veux une voiture/une nouvelle secrétaire I want a car/a new secretary; elle veut partir/que tout soit fini avant 8 heures she wants to leave/everything finished by 8 o'clock; que voulez-vous d'elle? what do you want from her?; qu'est-ce qu'ils nous veulent encore? what more do they want of us?; il vend sa voiture, il en veut 3 000 euros he's selling his car, he wants 3,000 euros for it; comme le veut la loi/la coutume as the law/custom demands; le règlement voudrait que tu portes une cravate you're normally required to wear a tie; ⇒ fin;
    2 (désirer, souhaiter) que veux-tu boire/pour Noël? what do you want to drink/for Christmas?; ( plus poli) what would you like to drink/for Christmas?; comme tu veux or voudras as you wish; je voudrais un kilo de poires/vous parler en privé I'd like a kilo of pears/to speak to you in private; je comprends très bien que tu ne veuilles pas répondre I can quite understand that you may not wish to reply; tu vois que tu y arrives quand tu (le) veux you see you can do it when you really want to; il ne suffit pas de vouloir, il faut encore pouvoir wishing is not enough; ce n'était pas si difficile que ça, il suffisait de vouloir it wasn't that difficult, all you needed was the will to do it; elle veut/voudrait être astronaute she wants/would like to be an astronaut; je ne veux pas d'elle comme secrétaire I don't want her as a secretary; je ne veux pas de ce tableau dans ma chambre I don't want that picture in my room; je n'en veux pas, de ton argent! I don't want your money!; elle veut ton bonheur or que tu sois heureux she wants you to be happy; je voudrais bien rester/vous aider, mais I would like to stay/to help you, but; ils auraient bien voulu participer à la réunion d'hier they would have liked to have taken part in yesterday's meeting; je voudrais bien qu'on finisse avant la nuit I would like us to finish before tonight; nous aurions également voulu ajouter que we would also have liked to add that; je voulais vous dire que I wanted to tell you that; on dira ce qu'on voudra, c'était moins pollué avant they can say what they like, it was less polluted before; tu veux que je te dise? ton guide, c'est un escroc I hate to say it, but the guide is a crook; je ne voudrais pas vous déranger I don't want to put you out; sans vouloir te vexer, ton chapeau est un peu voyant without wanting to sound rude, your hat is a bit garish; sans le vouloir [bousculer, révéler] by accident; [se retrouver] accidentally; il m'a fait mal sans le vouloir he hurt me unintentionally ou without meaning to; viens quand tu veux come whenever you want ou like; fais comme tu veux, mais ne me dérange pas tout le temps! do what you like ou want, but don't keep bothering me all the time!; ‘qu'est-ce qu'on fait ce soir?’-‘comme tu veux or voudras’ ‘what shall we do tonight?’-‘whatever you like, it's up to you’; que tu le veuilles ou non whether you like it or not; elle fait ce qu'elle veut de son mari she twists her husband around her little finger; elle fait ce qu'elle veut de ses mains she can do anything with her hands; je ne vous veux aucun mal I don't wish you any harm; tu ne veux/voudrais pas me faire croire que you're not telling/trying to tell me that; après ce qu'il a fait, tu voudrais que je lui fasse confiance? do you expect me to trust him after what he's done?; comment voulez-vous qu'on travaille dans ces conditions? how do you expect people to work in these conditions?; que veux-tu que j'y fasse? what do you want ou expect me to do about it?; que veux-tu que je te dise? c'est de ta faute! what do you expect me to say? it's your fault!; comment veux-tu qu'elle résiste? how could she resist?; comment veux-tu que je le sache? how should I know?; pourquoi voudrais-tu qu'il refuse? why should he refuse?; c'est la vie, que voulez-vous! what can you do, that's life!; que veux-tu, on n'y peut rien! what can you do, it's hopeless!; j'aurais voulu t'y voir! I'd like to have seen you in the same position!; tu l'auras voulu! it'll be all your own fault!; ⇒ beurre, peau, voilà;
    3 ( accepter) voulez-vous (bien) fermer la fenêtre/me prêter votre stylo? would you mind closing the window/lending me your pen?; vous voudrez bien renvoyer le formulaire please return the form; tu voudras bien leur transmettre ce message will you please give them this message; voudriez-vous avoir l'obligeance de faire fml would you be so kind as to do; demander à or prier qn de bien vouloir faire fml to ask sb to be so kind as to do, to ask sb kindly to do sout; on voudra bien se référer aux ouvrages suivants please refer to the following works; voudrais-tu aller m'acheter le journal, s'il te plaît would you go and buy me the paper, please; voulez-vous or veuillez répéter votre question, s'il vous plaît would you repeat your question please; veuillez patienter ( au téléphone) please hold the line; si vous le voulez bien, nous commencerons sans lui if you don't mind, we'll start without him; si vous voulez bien me suivre if you'd like to follow me; si vous voulez bien de moi comme quatrième au bridge if you'll have me as a fourth at bridge; veux-tu (bien) te taire! will you (please) be quiet!; ils ont bien voulu nous prêter leur voiture they were kind enough to lend us their car; elle a bien voulu leur accorder une entrevue she was kind enough to grant them an interview; nous vous remercions d'avoir bien voulu faire thank you for doing; elle n'a pas voulu signer she would not sign; le bois ne veut pas brûler the wood won't burn; le moteur ne veut pas partir the engine won't start; ma blessure ne veut pas guérir my wound won't heal; tout le monde attendait qu'elle veuille (bien) se montrer everyone was waiting for her to put in an appearance; elle veut bien prendre ce poste à condition d'être mieux payée she's happy to take the job on condition that she's paid more; je veux bien te croire I'm quite prepared to believe you; ( plus réticent) I'd like to believe you; si l'on veut bien admettre/se rappeler que if one accepts/remembers that; il était mieux informé (des faits) qu'il ne veut bien le dire he knew more about it than he's prepared to admit; je veux bien croire que la vie est dure, mais I know life is hard, but; je veux bien qu'il soit malade/qu'ils fassent grève, mais I know he's ill/they're on strike, but; ‘ça s'est bien passé?’-‘si on veut’ ‘did it go well?’-‘so-so’; ‘ce n'est pas cher/difficile’-‘si on veut!’ ‘it's not expensive/difficult’-‘or so you say!’; ‘c'était plus confortable avant!’-‘si tu veux, mais’ ‘it was more comfortable before!’-‘maybe, but’;
    4 ( signifier) vouloir dire to mean; que veux-tu dire? what do you mean?; qu'est-ce que ça veut dire? ( signification) what does that mean?; ( attitude) what's all this about?; pour moi, ça ne veut rien dire it means nothing to me; et alors, ça veut dire quoi de bousculer les gens comme ça? hey, what do you mean by pushing people like that?; ça veut tout simplement dire qu'on va payer plus d'impôts it simply means we're going to pay higher taxes; que voulez-vous dire par là? what (exactly) do you mean by that?; tu ne veux pas dire qu'il est médecin? you don't mean to tell me he's a doctor ?; ça voudrait dire tout refaire that would mean doing everything all over again;
    5 ( prétendre) la légende veut que legend has it that; comme le veut la légende/tradition as legend/tradition has it; leur théorie veut que according to their theory; on a voulu voir en lui un pionnier de l'architecture people tended to see him as a pioneering architect.
    C en vouloir vtr ind
    1 ( être déterminé) to want to get on; il réussira, il en veut! he wants to get on, and he'll succeed!; ce sont de bons élèves/soldats, et qui en veulent they are good students/soldiers who want to get on;
    2 ( garder rancune) en vouloir à qn to bear a grudge against sb; je leur en veux de m'avoir trompé I hold it against them for not being honest with me; ne m 'en veux pas si je remets notre rendez-vous please forgive me if I put off our meeting;
    3 ( avoir des vues sur) en vouloir à qch to be after sth; elle en veut à notre fortune she's after our money.
    D se vouloir vpr
    1 ( prétendre être) [personne] to like to think of oneself as; [ouvrage, théorie, méthode] to be meant to be; ils se veulent pacifistes/rassurants they like to think of themselves as pacifists/as being reassuring; mon livre se veut objectif/à la portée de tous my book is meant to be objective/accessible to all;
    2 ( chercher à être) to try to be; les dirigeants se sont voulus conciliants the leaders tried to be conciliatory;
    3 ( se reprocher) s'en vouloir to be cross with oneself; s'en vouloir de to regret; je m'en veux d'avoir été si dur avec elle/de ne pas l'avoir écoutée I really regret being so hard on her/not listening to her; je m'en serais voulu de ne pas vous avoir prévenu I would never have forgiven myself if I hadn't warned you; il ne faut pas vous en vouloir, ce n'était pas de votre faute! you mustn't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault!
    vouloir c'est pouvoir Prov, quand on veut, on peut where there's a will there's a way; je veux! you bet!
    [vulwar] nom masculin
    [vulwar] verbe transitif
    1. [être décidé à obtenir] to want
    je le ferai, que tu le veuilles ou non I'll do it, whether you like it or not
    quand elle veut quelque chose, elle le veut! when she's decided she wants something, she's determined (to get it)!
    lui, j'en fais (tout) ce que je veux I've got him eating out of my hand
    elle veut récupérer son enfant/être reçue par le ministre she's determined to get her child back/that the Minister should see her
    arrangez-vous comme vous voulez, mais je veux être livré demain I don't mind how you do it but I insist the goods are delivered tomorrow
    à ton âge, pourquoi vouloir faire le jeune homme? at your age, why do you try to act like a young man?
    vouloir quelque chose de: il veut 45 000 euros de son studio he wants 45,000 euros for his bedsit
    que veux-tu de moi?, qu'est-ce que tu me veux? what do you want from me?
    quand tu veux, tu fais très bien la cuisine you can cook beautifully when you put your mind to it
    vouloir, c'est pouvoir (proverbe) , quand on veut, on peut where there's a will, there's a way (proverbe)
    2. [prétendre - suj: personne] to claim
    3. [avoir l'intention de]
    vouloir faire quelque chose to want ou to intend ou to mean to do something
    sans vouloir me mêler de tes affaires/te contredire... I don't want to interfere/to contradict you but...
    vous voulez dire qu'on l'a tuée? do you mean ou are you suggesting (that) she was killed?
    4. [essayer de]
    vouloir faire to want ou to try to do
    en voulant la sauver, il s'est noyé he drowned in his attempt ou trying to rescue her
    5. [s'attendre à] to expect
    tu voudrais peut-être aussi que je te remercie! you don't expect to be thanked into the bargain, do you?
    que veux-tu que j'y fasse? what do you want me to do about it?, what can I do about it?
    que voulez-vous que je vous dise? what can I say?, what do you want me to say?
    6. (familier) [sexuellement] to want
    1. [dans un choix] to want, to wish
    je pourrai revenir? — bien sûr, quand vous voulez! may I come again? — of course, any time ou whenever you want!
    tu peux dessiner une maison si tu veux you could draw a house, if you like
    tu l'as ou l'auras voulu! you asked for it!
    2. [dans une suggestion] to want
    veux-tu de l'aide? do you want ou would you like some help?
    3. [dans un souhait]
    quand tu me parles, je te voudrais un autre ton (soutenu) please don't use that tone when you're talking to me
    aller au match sans avoir rangé ta chambre, je voudrais bien voir ça! (ironique) whatever gave you the idea (that) you could go to the match without tidying up your room first?
    4. [dans une demande polie]
    veuillez avoir l'obligeance de... would you kindly ou please...
    veuillez recevoir, Monsieur, mes salutations distinguées yours sincerely (UK) ou truly (US)
    veuillez vous retirer, Marie you may go now, Marie
    5. [dans un rappel à l'ordre]
    ne m'interromps pas, tu veux!, veuille bien ne pas m'interrompre! will you please not interrupt me?, would you mind not interrupting me?
    un peu de respect, tu veux (bien) a bit less cheek, if you don't mind!
    1. [se prêter à, être en état de]
    2. [exiger] to require
    la tradition voulait que... it was a tradition that...
    la dignité de notre profession veut que... the dignity of our profession demands that...
    3. [déterminer - suj: destin, hasard, malheur]
    la chance a voulu que... as luck would have it...
    le calendrier a voulu que cela tombe un lundi it fell on a Monday, as it so happened
    4. [s'efforcer de]
    le décor veut évoquer une ferme normande the decor strives ou tries to suggest a Normandy farmhouse
    a. [avoir comme sens propre] to mean
    b. [avoir comme implication] to mean, to suggest
    tu vas m'obéir, non mais, qu'est-ce que ça veut dire? (familier) for goodness's sake will you do as I say!
    D.[LOCUTIONS] [consenti, accepter]
    bien vouloir: bien vouloir faire quelque chose to be willing ou to be prepared ou to be quite happy to do something
    je veux bien être patient, mais il y a des limites! I can be patient, but there are limits!
    un petit café? — oui, je veux bien fancy a coffee?yes please
    poussons jusqu'à la prochaine ville — moi je veux bien, mais il est tard! let's go on to the next town — I don't mind, but it is late!
    bien vouloir [admettre]: je veux bien qu'il y ait des restrictions budgétaires mais... I understand (that) there are cuts in the budget but...
    je veux bien avoir des défauts, mais pas celui-là granted, I have some shortcomings, but that isn't one of them
    il a dit nous avoir soutenus, moi je veux bien, mais le résultat est là! he said he supported us, OK ou and that may be so, but look at the result!
    que veux-tu, que voulez-vous: c'est ainsi, que voulez-vous! that's just the way it is!
    j'accepte ses humeurs, que veux-tu! I (just) put up with his moods, what can I do?
    si tu veux, si vous voulez more or less, if you like
    vouloir de verbe plus préposition
    1. [être prêt à accepter]
    vouloir de quelqu'un/quelque chose to want somebody/something
    a. [elle a de l'ambition] she wants to make it ou to win
    b. [elle a de l'application] she's dead keen
    en vouloir à quelqu'un [éprouver de la rancune] to bear ou to have a grudge against somebody
    je ne l'ai pas fait exprès, ne m'en veux pas I didn't do it on purpose, don't be cross with me
    décidément, ton chien m'en veut your dog's definitely got something against me
    en vouloir à quelqu'un/quelque chose [le convoiter]: elle en veut à ma fortune she's after my money
    qui peut en vouloir à ma vie/réputation? who could wish me dead/would want to damage my reputation?
    se vouloir verbe pronominal intransitif
    le livre se veut une satire de l'aristocratie allemande the book claims ou is supposed to be a satire on the German aristocracy
    s'en vouloir verbe pronominal
    (emploi réfléchi) to be angry ou annoyed with oneself
    s'en vouloir verbe pronominal
    en veux-tu en voilà locution adverbiale
    (familier) [en abondance]
    si l'on veut locution adverbiale
    1. [approximativement] if you like
    2. [pour exprimer une réserve]
    il est fidèle... si l'on veut! he's faithful... after a fashion!

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > vouloir

  • 56 Bordmittel

    n; meist Pl.: mit Bordmitteln wörtlich: with our (their, his etc.) on-board equipment; fig. with the means we have ( oder had) at our disposal (bzw. they etc. have oder had at their etc. disposal)
    * * *

    mit Bordmitteln (lit) — with our/their etc on-board equipment; (fig) with the means we have or had at our disposal/they etc have or had at their etc disposal

    * * *
    Bordmittel n; meist pl:
    mit Bordmitteln wörtlich: with our (their, his etc) on-board equipment; fig with the means we have ( oder had) at our disposal (bzw they etc have oder had at their etc disposal)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Bordmittel

  • 57 clasificación

    1 classification, bracket, sorting, categorization.
    2 classified results.
    3 league table, placing in league rank, placing.
    4 classification, break-down, grading.
    * * *
    1 (gen) classification
    2 (distribución) sorting, filing
    3 DEPORTE league, table
    4 (de discos) top twenty, hit parade
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=categorización) classification
    2) (=ordenación) [de documentos] classification; (Inform, Correos) sorting
    3) (Náut) rating
    4) [en torneo] qualification
    5) (=lista) table, league
    * * *
    1) (de documentos, libros) classification; ( de cartas) sorting
    2) ( de película -acción) classification; (- certificado)

    ¿qué clasificación (moral) tiene? — what certificate has it got?

    3) (de elemento, animal, planta) classification
    4) (Dep)
    a) ( para una etapa posterior) qualification
    b) ( tabla) placings (pl); ( puesto) position, place
    * * *
    = classification, map, mapping, ranking, sorting, subject cataloguing, rank order, league table, sift, scoreboard, scorecard, grading, leader board.
    Ex. Classification, then, is the grouping of like objects.
    Ex. A detailed study of a co-citation map, its core documents' citation patterns and the related journal structures, is presented.
    Ex. Recently, proponents of co-citation cluster analysis have claimed that in principle their methodology makes possible the mapping of science using the data in the Science Citation Index.
    Ex. Those documents with sufficiently high rankings will be deemed relevant and eventually retrieved.
    Ex. Storage medium and associated equipment (for example, sorting and punching devices, cards, magnetic tape) tends to be cheaper than the term record index equivalent.
    Ex. This facility enables descriptive and subject cataloguing to be done by two different people.
    Ex. This is an interesting reversal of the rank order of countries for both stock held and expenditure per head of population.
    Ex. In addition to producing these 'league tables' of microcomputer applications, Burton also indicated the applications software that libraries were using.
    Ex. The method of work agreed was that the chairperson would make a first sift of proposals and divide them into two groups.
    Ex. Evaluation the research is through 4 strategies: a simple scoreboard; scoreboard plus other details such as references; scoreboard with the minimal critera of, e.g., sample size and statistical procedures used; examination of actual material.
    Ex. After a year's rapid development of portals by major search engines, adding such things as scorecards, news headlines or links to other services, search engine developers are now turning to personalization as a way of holding their users.
    Ex. It is interesting that, in this case, socio-economic grading was a better social discriminator than was terminal educational age.
    Ex. Since its launch, the project has been plagued by a small number of people cheating to elevate their ranking in the leader boards.
    * clasificación abreviada = abridged classification.
    * clasificación analítico-sintética = analytico-synthetic classification.
    * clasificación automática = automatic classification.
    * clasificación bibliográfica = bibliographic classification, library classification.
    * Clasificación Bibliográfica (BC) = Bibliographic Classification (BC).
    * clasificación cruzada = cross-classification.
    * Clasificación Decimal de Dewey (DDC o DC) = Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC o DC).
    * Clasificación Decimal, la = Decimal Classification, the.
    * Clasificación Decimal Universal (CDU) = UDC (Universal Decimal Classification).
    * clasificación de Dewey, la = Dewey scheme, the.
    * clasificación de la literatura narrativa = fiction classification.
    * clasificación del correo = mail sorting.
    * clasificación del suelo = zoning.
    * Clasificación de Ranganathan = Colon Classification (CC), Colon Classification Scheme.
    * clasificación enumerativa = enumerative classification.
    * clasificación específica = close classification, specific classification.
    * clasificación facetada = faceted classification.
    * clasificación general = broad classification, broad classification.
    * Clasificación Industrial General de las Actividades Económicas (NACE) = General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (NACE).
    * clasificación monojerárquica = monohierarchical classification.
    * clasificación por antigüedad = seniority ranking.
    * clasificación por materia = subject classification.
    * clasificación por pertinencia = relevance ranking.
    * clasificación unidimensional = monodimensional classification.
    * de clasificación = classificatory indicator, classificatory.
    * dispositivo de clasificación = sorting device.
    * Grupo de Investigación sobre la Clasificación (CRG) = Classification Research Group (CRG).
    * indicador de clasificación = classificatory indicator.
    * LCCN (Notación de la Clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCCN (Library of Congress Classification Number).
    * número de clasificación = class mark [classmark], class number, classification number, rank number.
    * ocupar un lugar en una clasificación = rank.
    * paquete de clasificación = sort package.
    * sistema de clasificación = classification scheme, scheme, classification system, classification schedules, grading system.
    * sistema de clasificación analítico = analytical classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación de Bliss = Bliss classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación decimal = decimal classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso = LCC (Library of Congress Classification).
    * sistema de clasificación dicotomizado = dichotomized classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación enciclopédica = general classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación enumerativo = enumerative classification scheme, enumerative scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación especializado = special classification scheme, special scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación facetado = faceted classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación general = general scheme, general classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación jerárquico = hierarchical classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación lineal = linear classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación multidimensional = multidimensional classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación por disciplinas = discipline-oriented scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación sintético = synthetic classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación universal = universal classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación verbal = verbal classification system.
    * tabla de clasificación = classification schedule.
    * * *
    1) (de documentos, libros) classification; ( de cartas) sorting
    2) ( de película -acción) classification; (- certificado)

    ¿qué clasificación (moral) tiene? — what certificate has it got?

    3) (de elemento, animal, planta) classification
    4) (Dep)
    a) ( para una etapa posterior) qualification
    b) ( tabla) placings (pl); ( puesto) position, place
    * * *
    = classification, map, mapping, ranking, sorting, subject cataloguing, rank order, league table, sift, scoreboard, scorecard, grading, leader board.

    Ex: Classification, then, is the grouping of like objects.

    Ex: A detailed study of a co-citation map, its core documents' citation patterns and the related journal structures, is presented.
    Ex: Recently, proponents of co-citation cluster analysis have claimed that in principle their methodology makes possible the mapping of science using the data in the Science Citation Index.
    Ex: Those documents with sufficiently high rankings will be deemed relevant and eventually retrieved.
    Ex: Storage medium and associated equipment (for example, sorting and punching devices, cards, magnetic tape) tends to be cheaper than the term record index equivalent.
    Ex: This facility enables descriptive and subject cataloguing to be done by two different people.
    Ex: This is an interesting reversal of the rank order of countries for both stock held and expenditure per head of population.
    Ex: In addition to producing these 'league tables' of microcomputer applications, Burton also indicated the applications software that libraries were using.
    Ex: The method of work agreed was that the chairperson would make a first sift of proposals and divide them into two groups.
    Ex: Evaluation the research is through 4 strategies: a simple scoreboard; scoreboard plus other details such as references; scoreboard with the minimal critera of, e.g., sample size and statistical procedures used; examination of actual material.
    Ex: After a year's rapid development of portals by major search engines, adding such things as scorecards, news headlines or links to other services, search engine developers are now turning to personalization as a way of holding their users.
    Ex: It is interesting that, in this case, socio-economic grading was a better social discriminator than was terminal educational age.
    Ex: Since its launch, the project has been plagued by a small number of people cheating to elevate their ranking in the leader boards.
    * clasificación abreviada = abridged classification.
    * clasificación analítico-sintética = analytico-synthetic classification.
    * clasificación automática = automatic classification.
    * clasificación bibliográfica = bibliographic classification, library classification.
    * Clasificación Bibliográfica (BC) = Bibliographic Classification (BC).
    * clasificación cruzada = cross-classification.
    * Clasificación Decimal de Dewey (DDC o DC) = Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC o DC).
    * Clasificación Decimal, la = Decimal Classification, the.
    * Clasificación Decimal Universal (CDU) = UDC (Universal Decimal Classification).
    * clasificación de Dewey, la = Dewey scheme, the.
    * clasificación de la literatura narrativa = fiction classification.
    * clasificación del correo = mail sorting.
    * clasificación del suelo = zoning.
    * Clasificación de Ranganathan = Colon Classification (CC), Colon Classification Scheme.
    * clasificación enumerativa = enumerative classification.
    * clasificación específica = close classification, specific classification.
    * clasificación facetada = faceted classification.
    * clasificación general = broad classification, broad classification.
    * Clasificación Industrial General de las Actividades Económicas (NACE) = General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (NACE).
    * clasificación monojerárquica = monohierarchical classification.
    * clasificación por antigüedad = seniority ranking.
    * clasificación por materia = subject classification.
    * clasificación por pertinencia = relevance ranking.
    * clasificación unidimensional = monodimensional classification.
    * de clasificación = classificatory indicator, classificatory.
    * dispositivo de clasificación = sorting device.
    * Grupo de Investigación sobre la Clasificación (CRG) = Classification Research Group (CRG).
    * indicador de clasificación = classificatory indicator.
    * LCCN (Notación de la Clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCCN (Library of Congress Classification Number).
    * número de clasificación = class mark [classmark], class number, classification number, rank number.
    * ocupar un lugar en una clasificación = rank.
    * paquete de clasificación = sort package.
    * sistema de clasificación = classification scheme, scheme, classification system, classification schedules, grading system.
    * sistema de clasificación analítico = analytical classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación de Bliss = Bliss classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación decimal = decimal classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso = LCC (Library of Congress Classification).
    * sistema de clasificación dicotomizado = dichotomized classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación enciclopédica = general classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación enumerativo = enumerative classification scheme, enumerative scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación especializado = special classification scheme, special scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación facetado = faceted classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación general = general scheme, general classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación jerárquico = hierarchical classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación lineal = linear classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación multidimensional = multidimensional classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación por disciplinas = discipline-oriented scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación sintético = synthetic classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación universal = universal classification scheme.
    * sistema de clasificación verbal = verbal classification system.
    * tabla de clasificación = classification schedule.

    * * *
    A (de documentos, libros) classification; (de cartas) sorting
    el ordenador que hace la clasificación del correo the computer that sorts the mail
    B (de una películaacción) classification
    (— certificado): ¿qué clasificación (moral) tiene? what certificate has it got?
    C (de un elemento, una planta) classification
    D ( Dep)
    peligra nuestra clasificación para la final we are in danger of not making o of not qualifying for the final
    esta victoria le supone la clasificación para la fase final this victory means that he will go through to o has qualified for the finals
    2 (tabla) placings (pl); (puesto) position, place
    quinto en la clasificación final del rally fifth in the final placings for the rally
    * * *

    clasificación sustantivo femenino
    1 (de documentos, animales, plantas) classification;
    ( de cartas) sorting
    2 ( de película) certificate

    b) ( tabla) placings (pl);

    ( puesto) position, place;

    clasificación sustantivo femenino
    1 classification
    2 Dep (lista) table: es el tercero en la clasificación mundial, he's ranked third in the world
    (acción) qualification: la atleta española no ha conseguido su clasificación, the Spanish athlete has not qualified
    ' clasificación' also found in these entries:
    - escala
    - juvenil
    - cabeza
    - descender
    - escalar
    - fase
    - frente
    - ocupar
    - prueba
    - puesto
    - filing
    - rating
    - table
    - preliminary
    - qualification
    * * *
    1. [ordenación] classification
    Econ clasificación de solvencia credit rating
    2. [de animal, planta] classification
    3. [de película] classification
    4. Dep [lista] [en liga] (league) Br table o US standings;
    [en carrera, torneo] classification;
    encabezar la clasificación [en liga] to be at the top of the league;
    [en carrera, torneo] to lead the classification clasificación combinada combined event;
    clasificación por equipos team classification;
    clasificación general (general) classification;
    clasificación de la regularidad points classification
    5. Dep [para competición] qualification;
    no consiguieron lograr la clasificación para las semifinales they didn't manage to qualify for the semifinals
    * * *
    1 DEP en competición qualification
    2 de liga league table
    * * *
    1) : classification, sorting out
    2) : rating
    3) calificación: qualification (in competitions)
    * * *
    1. (en general) classification
    2. (en deporte acción) qualifying
    ¿quién es el líder de la clasificación de primera? who is top of the first division?

    Spanish-English dictionary > clasificación

  • 58 अग्निः _agniḥ

    अग्निः [अङ्गति ऊर्ध्वं गच्छति अङ्ग्-नि,नलोपश्च Uṇ.4.5., or fr. अञ्च् 'to go.']
    1 Fire कोप˚, चिन्ता˚, शोक˚, ज्ञान˚, राज˚, &c.
    -2 The God of fire.
    -3 Sacrificial fire of three kinds (गार्हपत्य, आहवनीय and दक्षिण); पिता बै गार्हपत्यो$ ग्निर्माताग्निर्दक्षिणः स्मृतः । गुरुराहवनीयस्तु साग्नित्रेता गरीयसी ॥ Ms. 2.232.
    -4 The fire of the stomach, digestive faculty, gastric fluid.
    -5 Bile (नाभेरूर्ध्व हृदयादधस्तादामाशयमाचक्षते तद्गतं सौरं तेजः पित्तम् इत्याचक्षते).
    -6 Cauterization (अग्नि- कर्मन्).
    -7 Gold.
    -8 The number three. शराग्निपरिमाणम् (पञ्चत्रिंशत्) Mb.13.17.26.
    -9 N. of various plants: (a) चित्रक Plumbago Zeylanica; (b) रक्तचित्रक; (c) भल्लातक Semicarpus Anacardium; (d) निम्बक Citrus Acida.
    -1 A mystical substitute for the letter र्. In Dvandva comp. as first member with names of deities, and with particular words अग्नि is changed to अग्ना, as ˚विष्णू, ˚मरुतौ, or to अग्नी, ˚पर्जन्यौ, ˚ वरुणौ, ˚षोमौ
    -11 पिङगला नाडी; यत्र तद् ब्रह्म निर्द्वन्द्वं यत्र सोमः, (इडा) सहाग्निना (अग्निः पिङ्गला) Mb.14.2.1.
    -12 Sacrificial altar, अग्निकुण्ड cf. Rām. 1.14.28.
    -13 Sky. अग्निर्मूर्धा Muṇḍ 2.1.4. [cf. L. ignis.
    [Agni is the God of Fire, the Ignis of the Latins and Ogni of the Slavonians. He is one of the most prominent deities of the Ṛigveda. He, as an immortal, has taken up his abode among mortals as their guest; he is the domestic priest, the successful accomplisher and protector of all ceremonies; he is also the religious leader and preceptor of the gods, a swift messenger employed to announce to the immortals the hymns and to convey to them the oblations of their worshippers, and to bring them down from the sky to the place of sacrifice. He is sometimes regarded as the mouth and the tongue through which both gods and men participate in the sacrifices. He is the lord, protector and leader of people, monarch of men, the lord of the house, friendly to mankind, and like a father, mother, brother &c. He is represented as being produced by the attrition of two pieces of fuel which are regarded as husband and wife. Sometimes he is considered to have been brought down from heaven or generated by Indra between two clouds or stones, created by Dyau, or fashioned by the gods collectively. In some passages he is represented as having a triple existence, which may mean his three- fold manifestations as the sun in heaven, lightning in the atmosphere, and as ordinary fire on the earth, although the three appearances are also elsewhere otherwise explained. His epithets are numberless and for the most part descriptive of his physical characteristics: धूमकेतु, हुतभुज्, शुचि, रोहिताश्व, सप्तजिह्व, तोमरधर, घृतान्न, चित्रभानु, ऊर्ध्वशोचिस्, शोचिष्केश, हरिकेश, हिरण्यदन्त, अयोदंष्ट्र &c. In a celebrated passage he is said to have 4 horns, 3 feet, 2 heads, and 7 hands. The highest divine functions are ascribed to Agni. He is said to have spread out the two worlds and + produced them, to have supported heaven, formed the mundane regions and luminaries of heaven, to have begotten Mitra and caused the sun to ascend the sky. He is the head and summit of the sky, the centre of the earth. Earth, Heaven and all beings obey his commands. He knows and sees all worlds or creatures and witnesses all their actions. The worshippers of Agni prosper, they are wealthy and live long. He is the protector of that man who takes care to bring him fuel. He gives him riches and no one can overcome him who sacrifices to this god. He confers, and is the guardian of, immortality. He is like a water-trough in a desert and all blessing issue from him. He is therefore constantly supplicated for all kinds of boons, riches, food, deliverance from enemies and demons, poverty, reproach, childlessness, hunger &c. Agni is also associated with Indra in different hymns and the two gods are said to be twin brothers.
    Such is the Vedic conception of Agni; but in the course of mythological personifications he appears as the eldest son of Brahmā and is called Abhimānī [Viṣṇu Purāṇa]. His wife was Svāhā; by her, he had 3 sons - Pāvaka, Pavamāna and Śuchi; and these had forty-five sons; altogether 49 persons who are considered identical with the 49 fires. He is also represented as a son of Aṅgiras, as a king of the Pitṛs or Manes, as a Marut and as a grandson of Śāṇḍila, and also as a star. The Harivaṁśa describes him as clothed in black, having smoke for his standard and head-piece and carrying a flaming javelin. He is borne in a chariot drawn by red horses and the 7 winds are the wheels of his car. He is accompanied by a ram and sometimes he is represented as riding on that animal. Agni was appointed by Brahamā as the sovereign of the quarter between the south and east, whence the direction is still known as Āgneyī. The Mahābhārata represents Agni as having exhausted his vigour and become dull by devouring many oblations at the several sacrifices made by king Śvetaki, but he recruited his strength by devouring the whole Khāṇḍava forest; for the story see the word खाण्डव].
    -Comp. -अ (आ) गारम् -रः, -आलयः, -गृहम् [अग्निकार्याय अगारम् शाक˚ त.] a fire- sanctuary, house or place for keeping the sacred fire; वसंश्चतुर्थो$ग्निरिवाग्न्यगारे R.5.25. रथाग्न्यगारं चापार्चीं शरशक्तिगदे- न्धनम् Mb.11.25.14.
    -अस्त्रम् fire-missile, a rocket,
    -आत्मक a. [अग्निरात्मा यस्य] of the nature of fire सोमा- त्मिका स्त्री, ˚कः पुमान्.
    -आधानम् consecrating the fire; so ˚आहिति.
    -आधेयः [अग्निराधेयो येन] a Brāhmana who maintains the sacred fire. (
    -यम्) =
    ˚आधानम्. -आहितः [अग्निराहितो येन, वा परनिपातः P.II.2.37.] one who maintains the sacred fire; See आहिताग्नि.
    -इध् m. (अग्नीध्रः) [अग्निम् इन्द्धे स अग्नीध्] the priest who kindles fire (mostly Ved).
    -इन्धनः [अग्निरिध्यते अनेन] N. of a Mantra. (नम्) kindling the fire; अग्नीन्धनं भैक्षचर्याम् Ms.2.18.
    -उत्पातः [अग्निना दिव्यानलेन कृतः उत्पातः] a fiery portent, meteor, comet &c. In Bṛ. S.33 it is said to be of five kinds: दिवि भुक्तशुभफलानां पततां रूपाणि यानि तान्युल्काः । धिष्ण्योल्का- शनिविद्युत्तारा इति पञ्चधा भिन्नाः ॥ उल्का पक्षेण फलं तद्वत् धिष्ण्याशनिस्त्रिभिः पक्षैः । विद्युदहोभिः ष़ड्भिस्तद्वत्तारा विपाचयति ॥ Different fruits are said to result from the appearances of these portents, according to the nature of their colour, position &c.
    -उद्धरणम्, -उद्धारः 1 producing fire by the friction of two araṇis.
    -2 taking out, before sun-rise, the sacred fire from its cover of ashes previous to a sacrifice.
    -उपस्थानम् worship of Agni; the Mantra or hymn with which Agni is worshipped (अग्निरुपस्थीयते$नेन) अग्निस्त्रिष्टुभ् उपस्थाने विनियोगः Sandhyā.
    -एधः [अग्निमेधयति] an incendiary.
    -कणः; -स्तोकः a spark.
    -कर्मन् n. [अग्नौ कर्म स. त.]
    1 cauterization.
    -2 action of fire.
    -3 oblation to Agni, worship of Agni (अग्निहोत्र); so ˚कार्य offering oblations to fire, feeding fire with ghee &c.; निर्वर्तिताग्निकार्यः K.16.; ˚र्यार्धदग्ध 39, Ms.3.69, अग्निकार्यं ततः कुर्यात्सन्ध्ययोरुभयोरपि । Y.1.25.
    -कला a part (or appearance) of fire; ten varieties are mentioned धूम्रार्चिरुष्मा ज्वलिनी ज्वालिनी विस्फु- लिङ्गिनी । सुश्री: सुरूपा कपिला हव्यकव्यवहे अपि ॥ यादीनां दश- वर्णानां कला धर्मप्रदा अमूः ।).
    -कारिका [अग्निं करोति आधत्ते करणे कर्तृत्वोपचारात् कर्तरि ण्वुल्]
    1 the means of consecrating the sacred fire, the Ṛik called अग्नीध्र which begins with अग्निं दूतं पुरो दधे. 2. = अग्निकार्यम्.
    -काष्ठम् अग्नेः उद्दीपनं काष्ठं शाक ˚त.] agallochum (अगुरु)
    -कुक्कुटः [अग्नेः कुक्कुट इव रक्तवर्णस्फुलिङ्गत्वात्] a firebrand, lighted wisp of straw.
    -कुण्डम [अग्नेराधानार्थं कुण्डम्] an enclosed space for keeping the fire, a fire-vessel.
    -कुमारः, -तनयः; सुतः 1 N. of Kārttikeya said to be born from fire; Rām.7. See कार्त्तिकेय.
    -2 a kind of preparation of medicinal drugs.
    -कृतः Cashew-nut; the plant Anacardium occidentale. [Mar.काजू]
    -केतुः [अग्नेः केतुरिव]
    1 smoke.
    -2 N. of two Rākṣasas on the side of Rāvaṇa and killed by Rāma.
    -कोणः -दिक् the south-east corner ruled over by Agni; इन्द्रो वह्निः पितृपतिर्नौर्ऋतो वरुणो मरुत् । कुबेर ईशः पतयः पूर्वादीनां दिशां क्रमात् ॥
    -क्रिया [अग्निना निर्वर्तिता क्रिया, शाक. त.]
    1 obsequies, funeral ceremonies.
    -2 branding; भेषजाग्निक्रियासु च Y.3.284.
    -क्रीडा [तृ. त.] fire-works, illuminations.
    -गर्भ a. [अग्निर्गर्भे यस्य] pregnant with or containing fire, having fire in the interior; ˚र्भां शमीमिव Ś 4.3. (
    --र्भः) [अग्निरिव जारको गर्भो यस्य]
    1 N. of the plant Agnijāra.
    -2 the sun stone, name of a crystal supposed to contain and give out fire when touched by the rays of the sun; cf Ś2.7.
    -3 the sacrificial stick अरणि which when churned, gives out fire.
    (-र्भा) 1 N. of the Śamī plant as containing fire (the story of how Agni was discovered to exist in the interior of the Śamī plant is told in chap. 35 of अनु- शासनपर्व in Mb.)
    -2 N. of the earth (अग्नेः सकाशात् गर्भो यस्यां सा; when the Ganges threw the semen of Śiva out on the Meru mountain, whatever on earth &c. was irradiated by its lustre, became gold and the earth was thence called वसुमती)
    -3 N. of the plant महा- ज्योतिष्मती लता (अग्निरिव गर्भो मध्यभागो यस्याः सा) [Mar. माल- कांगोणी]
    -ग्रन्थः [अग्निप्रतिपादको ग्रन्थः शाक. त.] the work that treats of the worship of Agni &c.
    -घृतम् [अग्न्युद्दीपनं घृतं शाक. त.] a kind of medicinal preparation of ghee used to stimulate the digestive power.
    -चित् m. अग्निं चितवान्; चि-भूतार्थे क्विप् P.III.2.91] one who has kept the sacred fire; यतिभिः सार्धमनग्निमग्निचित् R.8.25; अध्वरे- ष्वग्निचित्वत्सु Bk.5.11.
    -चयः, -चयनम्, -चित्या. arranging or keeping the sacred fire (अग्न्याधान); चित्याग्निचित्ये च P.III.1.132.
    -2 (
    -यः, -यनः) the Mantra used in this operation.
    -3 a heap of fire
    -चित्वत् [अग्निचयनम् अस्त्यस्मिन् मतुप्; मस्य वः । तान्तत्वान्न पद- त्वम् Tv.] having अग्निचयन or अग्निचित्.
    -चूडः A bird having a red tuft.
    -चर्णम् gunpowder. कार्यासमर्थः कत्यस्ति शस्त्रगोलाग्निचूर्णयुक् Śukranīti 2.93.
    -ज, -जात a. produced by or from fire, born from fire.
    (-जः, -जातः) 1 N. of the plant अग्निजार (अग्नये अग्न्युद्दीपनाय जायते सेवनात् प्रभवति).
    1 N. of Kārttikeya पराभिनत्क्रौञ्चमिवाद्रिमग्निजः Mb.8.9. 68.3. Viṣṇu. (
    -जम्, -जातम) gold; so ˚जन्मन्.
    -जित् m. God; Bhāg.8.14.4.
    -जिह्व a.
    1 having a fiery tongue.
    -2 one having fire for the tongue, epithet of a God or of Visṇu in the boar incarnation. (
    1 a tongue or flame of fire.
    -2 one of the 7 tongues of Agni (कराली धूमिनी श्वेता लोहिता नीललोहिता । सुवर्णा पद्मरागा च जिह्वा: सप्त विभावसोः
    -3 N. of a plant लाङ्गली (अग्नेर्जिह्वेव शिखा यस्याः सा); of another plant (जलपिप्पली) or गजपिप्पली (विषलाङ्गला) (Mar. जल-गज पिंपळी)
    -ज्वाला 1 the flame or glow of fire.
    -2 [अग्नेर्ज्वालेव शिखा यस्याः सा] N. of a plant with red blossoms, chiefly used by dyers, Grislea Tomentosa (Mar. धायफूल, धायटी).
    -तप् a. [अग्निना तप्यते; तप्-क्विप्] having the warmth of fire; practising austerities by means of fire.
    -तपस् a. [अग्निभिः तप्यते]
    1 practising very aus- tere penance, standing in the midst of the five fires.
    -2 glowing, shining or burning like fire (तपतीति तपाः अग्निरिव तपाः) hot as fire
    -तेजस् a. having the lustre or power of fire. (अग्नेरिव तेजो यस्य). (
    -स् n.) the lustre of fire. (
    -स् m.) N. of one of the 7 Ṛiṣis of the 11th Manvantara.
    -त्रयम् the three fires, See under अग्नि.
    - a. [अग्निं दाहार्थं गृहादौ ददाति; दा. -क.]
    1 giving or supplying with fire
    -2 tonic, stomachic, producing appetite, stimulating digestion.
    -3 incendiary; अग्निदान् भक्तदांश्चैव Ms.9.278; अग्निदानां च ये लोकाः Y.2.74; so ˚दायक, ˚दायिन्. यदग्निदायके पापं यत्पापं गुरुतल्पगे. Rām.2.75.45.
    -दग्ध a.
    1 burnt on the funeral pile; अग्निदग्धाश्च ये जीवा ये$प्यदग्धाः कुले मम Vāyu. P.
    -2 burnt with fire.
    -3 burnt at once without having fire put into the mouth, being destitute of issue (?); (pl.) a class of Manes or Pitṛis who, when alive, kept up the household flame and presented oblations to fire.
    -दमनी [अग्निर्दम्यते$नया; दम्-णिच् करणे ल्युट] a narcotic plant, Solanum Jacquini. [Mar. रिंगणी]
    -दातृ [अग्निं विधानेन ददाति] one who performs the last (funeral) ceremonies of a man; यश्चाग्निदाता प्रेतस्य पिण्डं दद्यात्स एव हि.
    -दीपन a. [अग्निं दीपयति] stimulating digestion, stomachic, tonic.
    -दीप्त a. [तृ. त्त.] glowing, set on fire, blazing (
    -प्ता) [अग्निर्जठरानलो दीप्तः सेवनात् यस्याः सा] N. of a plant ज्योतिष्मती लता (Mar. मालकांगोणी), which is said to stimulate digestion.
    -दीप्तिः f. active state of digestion.
    -दूत a. अग्निर्दूत इव यस्मिन् यस्य वा] having Agni for a messenger, said of the sacrifice or the deity invoked; यमं ह यज्ञो गच्छत्यग्निदूतो अरंकृतः Rv.1.14.13.
    -दूषितः a. branded.
    -देवः [अग्नि- रेव देवः] Agni; a worshipper of Agni.
    -देवा [अग्निर्देवो यस्याः] the third lunar mansion, the Pleiades (कृत्तिका).
    -द्वारम् the door on the south-east of a building; पूर्व- द्वारमथैशाने चाग्निद्वारं तु दक्षिणे । Māna.9.294-95.
    -धानम् [अग्निर्धियते$स्मिन्] the place or receptacle for keeping the sacred fire, the house of अग्निहोतृ; पदं कृणुते अग्निधाने Rv. 1.165.3.
    -धारणम् maintaining the sacred fire; व्रतिनां ˚णम् K. 55.
    -नयनम् = ˚प्रणयनम्.
    -निर्यासः [अग्नेर्ज- ठरानलस्येव दीपको निर्यासो यस्य] N. of the plant अग्निजार.
    -नेत्र a. [अग्निर्नेता यस्य] having Agni for the leader or conveyer of oblations, an epithet of a god in general.
    -पदम् 1 the word Agni.
    -2 fire-place.
    -3 N. of a plant.
    -परिक्रि-ष्क्रि-या care of the sacred fire, worship of fire, offering oblations; गृहार्थो$ग्निपरिष्क्रिया Ms.2.67.
    -परिच्छदः the whole sacrificial apparatus; गृह्यं चाग्निपरिच्छदम् Ms.6. 4.
    -परिधानम् enclosing the sacrificial fire with a kind of screen.
    -परीक्षा [तृ. त.] ordeal by fire.
    -पर्वतः [अग्निसाधनं पर्वतः] a volcano; महता ज्वलता नित्यमग्निमेवाग्नि- पर्वतः Rām.5.35.43.
    -पुच्छः [अग्नेः अग्न्याधानस्थानस्य पुच्छ इव]. tail or back part of the sacrificial place; the extinction of fire.
    -पुराणम् [अग्निना प्रोक्तं पुराणम्] one of the 18 Purāṇas ascribed to Vyāsa. It derives its name from its having been communicated originally by Agni to the sage Vasiṣṭha for the purpose of instructing him in the two-fold knowledge of Brahman. Its stanzas are said to be 145. Its contents are varied. It has portions on ritual and mystic worship, cosmical descriptions, chapters on the duties of Kings and the art of war, a chapter on law, some chapters on Medicine and some treatises on Rhetoric, Prosody, Grammar, Yoga, Brahmavidyā &c. &c.
    -प्रणयनम् bringing out the sacrificial fire and consecrating it according to the proper ritual.
    -प्रणिधिः Incendiary. Dk.2.8.
    -प्रतिष्ठा consecration of fire, especially the nuptial fire.
    -प्रवेशः; -शनम [स. त.] entering the fire, self-immolation of a widow on the funeral pile of her husband.
    -प्रस्कन्दनम् violation of the duties of a sacrificer (अग्निहोमाकरण); ˚परस्त्वं चाप्येवं भविष्यसि Mb.1.84.26.
    -प्रस्तरः [अग्निं प्रस्तृणाति अग्नेः प्रस्तरो वा] a flint, a stone producing fire.
    -बाहुः [अग्ने- र्बाहुरिव दीर्घशिखत्वात्]
    1 smoke.
    -2 N. of a son of the first Manu; Hariv. N. of a son of Priyavrata and Kāmyā. V. P.
    -बीजम् 1 the seed of Agni; (fig.) gold (रुद्रतेजः समुद्भूतं हेमबीजं विभावसोः)
    -2 N. of the letter र्.
    -भम [अग्नि- रिव भाति; भा-क.]
    1 'shining like fire,' gold.
    -2 N. of the constellation कृत्तिका.
    -भु n. [अग्नेर्भवति; भू-क्विप् ह्रस्वान्तः]
    1 water.
    -2 gold.
    -भू a. [अग्नेर्भवतिः भू-क्विप्] produced from fire.
    (भूः) 1 'fire-born,' N. of Kārttikeya.
    -2 N. of a teacher (काश्यप) who was taught by Agni.
    -3 (arith.) six.
    -भूति a. produced from fire. (
    -तिः) [अग्निरिव भूतिरैश्वर्यं यस्य] N. of a pupil of the last Tīrthaṅkara. (
    -तिः) f. the lustre or might of fire.
    -भ्राजस् a. Ved. [अग्निरिव भ्राजते; भ्राज्-असुन्] shining like fire. अग्निभ्राजसो विद्युतः Ṛv.5.54.11.
    -मणिः [अग्नेरुत्थापको मणिः शाक. त.] the sunstone.
    -मथ् m. [अग्निं मथ्नाति निष्पादयति; मन्थ्-क्विप्- नलोपः]
    1 the sacrificer who churns the fuel-stick.
    -2 the Mantra used in this operation, on the अरणि itself.
    -मन्थः, -न्थनम्, producing fire by friction; or the Mantra used in this operation. (
    -न्थः) [अग्निर्मथ्यते अनेन मन्थ्-करणे घञ्] N. of a tree गणिकारिका (Mar. नरवेल) Premna Spinosa (तत्काष्ठयोर्घर्षणे हि आशु वह्निरुत्पद्यते),
    -मान्द्यम् slowness of digestion, loss of appetite, dyspepsia.
    -मारुतिः अग्निश्च मरुच्च तयोरपत्यं इञ् ततो वृद्धिः इत् च; द्विपदवृद्धौ पृषो. पूर्वपदस्य ह्रस्वः Tv.] N. of the sage Agastya.
    -मित्रः N. of a king of the Śunga dynasty, son of Puṣypamitra who must have flourished before 15 B. C. -the usually accepted date of Patañjali-as the latter mentions पुष्यमित्र by name.
    -मुखः a. having Agni at the head. (
    -खः) [अग्निर्मुखमिव यस्य]
    1 a deity, god, (for the gods receive oblations through Agni who is, therefore, said to be their mouth; अग्निमुखा वै देवाः; अग्निर्मुखं प्रथमं देवतानाम् &c; or अग्निर्मुखे अग्रे येषाम्, for fire is said to have been created before all other gods.)
    -2 [अग्निर्मुखं प्रधानमुपास्यो यस्य] one who maintains the sacred fire (अग्निहोतृद्विज)
    -3 a Brāhmaṇa in general (अग्निर्दाहकत्वात् शापाग्निर्मुखे यस्य for Brāhmaṇas are said to be वाग्वज्राः).
    -4 N. of two plants चित्रक Plumbago Zeylanica and भल्लातक Semicarpus Anacardium अग्निरिव स्पर्शात् दुःखदायकं मुखमग्रम् यस्य, तन्निर्यासस्पर्शेन हि देहे क्षतोत्पत्तेस्थयोस्तथात्वम्)
    -5 a sort of powder or चूर्ण prescribed as a tonic by चक्रदत्त
    -6 'fire- mouthed, sharp-biting, an epithet of a bug. Pt. 1. (
    -खी) अग्निरिव मुखमग्रं यस्याः; गौरादि-ङीष्]
    1 N. of a plant भल्लातक (Mar. बिबवा, भिलावा) and लाङ्गलिका (विषलाङ्गला).
    -2 N. of the Gāyatri Mantra (अग्निरेव मुखं मुखत्वेन कल्पितं यस्याः सा, or अग्नेरिव मुखं प्रजापतिमुखं उत्पत्ति- द्वारं यस्याः, अग्निना समं प्रजापतिमुखजातत्वात्; कदाचिदपि नो विद्वान् गायत्रीमुदके जपेत् । गायत्र्याग्निमुखी यस्मात्तस्मादुत्थाय तां जपेत् ॥ गोभिल).
    -3 a kitchen [पाकशाला अग्निरिव उत्तप्तं मुखं यस्याः सा].
    -मूढ a. [तृ. त.] Ved. made insane or stupefied by lightning or fire.
    -यन्त्रम् A gun अग्नियन्त्रधरैश्चक्रधरैश्च पुरुषैर्वृतः Śivabhārata 12.17.
    -यानम् An aeroplane. व्योमयानं विमानं स्यात् अग्नियानं तदेव हि । अगस्त्यसंहिता.
    -योगः See पञ्चाग्निसाधन. अग्नियोगवहो ग्रीष्मे विधिदृष्टेन कर्मणा । चीर्त्वा द्वादशवर्षाणि राजा भवति पार्थिवः ॥ Mb.13.14,2.43.
    -योजनम् causing the sacrificial fire to blaze up.
    -रक्षणम् 1 con- secrating or preserving the sacred (domestic) fire or अग्निहोत्र.
    -2 [अग्निः रक्ष्यते अनेन अत्र वा] a Mantra securing for Agni protection from evil spirits &c.
    -3 the house of an अग्निहोतृ.
    -रजः, -रजस् m. [अग्निरिव रज्यते दीप्यते; रञ्ज्-असुन् नलोपः]
    1 a scarlet insect by name इन्द्रगोप.
    -2 (अग्नेः रजः) the might or power of Agni.
    -3 gold. Mb.3. 16.86.7
    -रहस्यम् mystery of (worshipping &c.) Agni; N. of the tenth book of Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa.
    -राशिः a heap of fire, burning pile.
    -रुहा [अग्निरिव रोहति रुह्-क] N. of the plant मांसादनी or मांसरोहिणी (तदङ्कुरस्य वह्नितुल्य- वर्णतया उत्पन्नत्वात्तथात्वं तस्याः).
    -रूप a. [अग्नेरिव रूपं वर्णो यस्य] fire-shaped; of the nature of fire.
    -रूपम् the nature of fire.
    -रेतस् n. the seed of Agni; (hence) gold.
    -रोहिणी [अग्निरिव रोहति; रुह्-णिनि] a hard inflammatory swelling in the armpit.
    -लोकः the world a Agni, which is situated below the summit of Meru; in the Purāṇas it is said to be in the अन्तरिक्ष, while in the Kāśī Khaṇḍa it is said to be to the south of इन्द्रपुरी; एतस्या दक्षिणे भागे येयं पूर्दृश्यते शुभा । इमामर्चिष्मतीं पश्य वीतिहोत्रपुरीं शुभाम् ॥
    -वधूः Svāhā, the daughter of Dakṣa and wife of Agni
    -वर्चस् a. [अग्नेर्वर्च इव वर्चो यस्य] glowing or bright like fire. (n.) the lustre of Agni. (-m.) N. of a teacher of the Purāṇas.
    -वर्ण a. [अग्नेरिव वर्णो यस्य] of the colour of fire; hot; fiery; सुरां पीत्वा द्विजो मोहादग्निवर्णां सुरां पिबेत् Ms.11.9; गोमूत्रमग्निवर्णं वा पिबेदुदकमेव वा 91.
    (र्णः) 1 N. of a prince, son of Sudarśana.
    -2 N. of a King of the solar race, See R.19.1. the colour of fire. (
    -र्णा) a strong liquor.
    -वर्धक a. stimulating digestion, tonic.
    (-कः) 1 a tonic.
    -2 regimen, diet (पथ्याहार).
    -वल्लभः [अग्नेर्वल्लभः सुखेन दाह्यत्वात्]
    1 the Śāla tree, Shorea Robusta.
    -2 the resinous juice of it.
    -वासस् a. [अग्निरिव शुद्धं वासो यस्य] having a red (pure like Agni) garment. (n.) a pure garment.
    -वाह a. [अग्निं वाहयति अनुमापयति वा]
    1 smoke.
    -2 a goat.
    -वाहनम् a goat (छाग).
    -विद् m.
    1 one who knows the mystery about Agni.
    -2 an अग्निहोत्रिन् q. v.
    -विमोचनम् ceremony of lowering the sacrificial fire.
    -विसर्पः pain from an inflamed tumour, inflammation.
    -विहरणम्, -विहारः 1 taking the sacrificial fire from आग्नीध्र to the उत्तरवेदि.
    -2 offering oblations to fire; प्रत्यासन्ना ˚वेला K.348.
    -वीर्यम् 1 power or might of Agni.
    -2 gold.
    -वेतालः Name of Vetāla (connected with the story of Vikra- māditya).
    -वेशः [अग्नेर्वेश इव] N. of an ancient medical authority (चरक).
    -वेश्मन् m. the fourteenth day of the karma-ṃāsa; Sūryaprajñapti.
    -वेश्यः 1 N. of a teacher, Mbh.
    -2 Name of the 22nd muhūrta; Sūryapraj- ñapti. धौम्य cf. Mb 14.64.8.
    -शरणम्, -शाला-लम् a fire-sanctuary; ˚मार्गमादेशय Ś.5; a house or place for keeping the sacred fire; ˚रक्षणाय स्थापितो$हम् V.3.
    -शर्मन् a. [अग्निरिव शृणाति तीव्रकोपत्वात् शॄ-मनिन्] very passionate. (-m.) N. of a sage.
    -शिख a. [अग्नेरिव अग्निरिव वा शिखा यस्य] fiery, fire-crested; दहतु ˚खैः सायकैः Rām.
    (-खः) 1 a lamp.
    -2 a rocket, fiery arrow.
    -3 an arrow in general.
    -4 safflower plant.
    -5 saffron.
    -6 जाङ्गलीवृक्ष.
    (-खम्) 1 saffron.
    -2 gold.
    (-खा) 1 a flame; शरैरग्निशिखोपमैः Mb.
    -2 N. of two plants लाङ्गली (Mar. वागचबका or कळलावी) Gloriosa Superba; of other plants (also Mar. कळलावी) Meni- spermum Cordifolium.
    -शुश्रूषा careful service or worship of fire.
    -शेखर a. fire-crested. (
    -रः) N. of the कुसुम्भ, कुङ्कुम and जाङ्गली trees (
    -रम्) gold,
    -शौच a. [अग्नेरिव शौचं यस्य] bright as fire; purified by fire K.252.
    -श्री a. [अग्नेरिव श्रीर्यस्य] glowing like fire; lighted by Agni
    -ष्टुत्, -ष्टुभ, -ष्टोम &c. see ˚ स्तुत्, ˚स्तुभ् &c.
    -ष्ठम् 1 kitchen; अग्निष्ठेष्वग्निशालासु Rām.6.1.16.
    -2 a fire-pan.
    -संयोगाः explosives. Kau. A.2.3.
    -ष्वात्तः see स्वात्तः
    -संस्कारः 1 consecration of fire.
    -2 hallowing or con- secrating by means of fire; burning on the funeral pile; यथार्हं ˚रं मालवाय दत्वा Dk.169; नास्य कार्यो$ग्निसंस्कारः Ms.5.69, पितरीवाग्निसंस्कारात्परा ववृतिरे क्रियाः । R.12.56.
    -सखः; -सहायः 1 the wind.
    -2 the wild pigeon (smoke- coloured).
    -3 smoke.
    -सम्भव a. [प. ब.] sprung or pro- duced from fire.
    (-वः) 1 wild safflower.
    -2 lymph, result of digestion. (
    -वम्) gold.
    -साक्षिक [अग्निः साक्षी यत्र, कप्] a. or adv. keeping fire for a witness, in the presence of fire; पञ्चबाण˚ M.4.12. ˚मर्यादो भर्ता हि शरणं स्त्रियाः H.1.v. l, R.11.48.
    -सारम् [अग्नौ सारं यस्य अत्यन्तानलोत्तापनेपि सारांशादहनात् Tv.] रसाञ्जन, a sort of medical preparation for the eyes. (
    -रः -रम्) power or essence of fire.
    -सुतः Kārttikeya; त्वामद्य निहनिष्यामि क्रौञ्चमग्निसुतो यथा । Mb.7.156.93.
    -सूत्रम् a thread of fire.
    -2 a girdle of sacrificial grass (मौञ्जीमेखला) put upon a young Brāhmaṇa at the time of investiture.
    -सूनुः (See -सुतः), (सेनानीरग्निभूर्गुहः । Amar.); देव्यङ्कसंविष्ट- मिवाग्निसूनुम् । Bu. ch.1.67.
    -स्तम्भः 1 stopping the burning power of Agni.
    -2 N. of a Mantra used in this operation.
    -3 N. of a medicine so used.
    -स्तुत् m. (अग्निष्टुत्) [अग्निः स्तूयते$त्र; स्तु-आधारे क्विप् षत्वम्] the first day of the Agniṣṭoma sacrifice; N. of a por- tion of that sacrifice which extends over one day; यजेत वाश्वमेधेन स्वर्जिता गोसवेन वा । अभिजिद्विश्वजिद्भ्यां वा त्रिवृता- ग्निष्टुतापि वा ॥ Ms.11.74.
    -स्तुभ् (˚ष्टुभ्) m. [अग्निः स्तुभ्यते$त्र; स्तुभ्-क्विप् षत्वम्]
    1 = अग्निष्टोम.
    -2 N. of a son of the sixth Manu.
    -रतोमः (˚ष्टोमः) [अग्नेः स्तोमः स्तुतिसाधनं यत्र]
    1 N. of a protracted ceremony or sacrificeial rite extending over several days in spring and forming an essential part of the ज्योतिष्टोम.
    -2 a Mantra or Kalpa with reference to this sacrifice; ˚मे भवो मन्त्रः ˚मः; ˚मस्य व्याख्यानम्, कल्पः ˚मः P.IV.3.66. Vārt.
    -3 N. of the son of the sixth Manu.
    -4 a species of the Soma plant; ˚सामन् a part of the Sāma Veda chanted at the conclu- sion of the Agniṣṭoma sacrifice.
    -सावर्णिः Name of Manu.
    -स्थ a. (ष्ठ) [अग्नौ स्थातुमर्हति; स्था-क षत्वम्] placed in, over, or near the fire. (ष्ठः) an iron frying-pan; in the अश्वमेध sacrifice the 11th Yūpa which of all the 21 is nearest the fire.
    -स्वात्तः (written both as ˚स्वात्त and ˚ष्वात्त) (pl.) [अग्नितः i. e. श्राद्धीयविप्रकर- रूपानलात् सुष्ठु आत्तं ग्रहणं येषां ते] N. of a class of Pitṛs or Manes who, when living on earth, maintained the sacred or domestic fires, but who did not perform the Agniṣṭoma and other sacrifices. They are regarded as Manes of Gods and Brāhmaṇas and also as descen- dants of Marīchi; Ms.3.195. अग्निष्वात्ताः पितर एह गच्छत Tsy. (मनुष्यजन्मन्यग्निष्टोमादियागमकृत्वा स्मार्तकर्मनिष्ठाः सन्तो मृत्वा च पितृत्वं गताः इति सायणः).
    -हुत्, -होतृ Ved. sacrificing to Agni, having Agni for a priest; Rv.1.66.8.
    -होत्रम् [अग्नये हूयते$त्र, हु-त्र, च. त.]
    1 an oblation to Agni (chiefly of milk, oil and sour gruel.).
    -2 maintenance of the sacred fire and offering oblation to it; (अग्नये होत्रं होमो$स्मिन् कर्मणीति अग्निहोत्रमिति कर्मनाम); or the sacred fire itself; तपोवनाग्निहोत्रधूमलेखासु K.26. होता स्यात् ˚त्रस्य Ms.11.36. ˚त्रमुपासते 42; स्त्रीं दाहयेत् ˚त्रेण Ms.5.167,6.4, दाहयित्वाग्निहोत्रेण स्त्रियं वृत्तवतीम् Y.1.89. The time of throwing oblations into the fire is, as ordained by the sun himself, evening (अग्नये सायं जुहुयात् सूर्याय प्रातर्जुहुयात्). Agnihotra is of two kinds; नित्य of constant obligation (यावज्जीवमग्निहोत्रं जुहोति) and काम्य occasional or optional (उपसद्भिश्चरित्वा मासमेकमग्निहोत्रं जुहोति). (
    -त्र) a. Ved.
    1 destined for, connected with, Agnihotra.
    -2 sacrificing to Agni. ˚न्यायः The rule according to which the नित्यकर्मन्s (which are to be performed यावज्जीवम्) are performed at their stipulated or scheduled time only, during one's life time. This is discussed and established by जैमिनि and शबर at Ms.6. 2.23-26. in connection with अग्निहोत्र and other कर्मन्s. ˚हवनी (णी) a ladle used in sacrificial libations, or अग्निहोत्रहविर्ग्रहणी ऋक् Tv.; See हविर्ग्रहणी; ˚हुत् offering the अग्निहोत्र; ˚आहुतिः invocation or oblation connected with अग्निहोत्र.
    -होत्रिन् a. [अग्निहोत्र-मत्वर्थे इनि]
    1 one who practises the Agnihotra, or consecrates and maintains the sacred fire.
    -2 one who has prepared the sacrifi- cial place.
    -होत्री Sacrificial cow; तामग्निहोत्रीमृषयो जगृहु- र्ब्रह्मवादिनः Bhāg.8.8.2.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अग्निः _agniḥ

  • 59 liegen

    v/i; liegt, lag, hat (südd., österr., schw.: ist) gelegen
    1. Sache: lie; die Flaschen müssen liegen the bottles have to lie flat; der Boden lag voller Zeitungen the floor was strewn with newspapers; der Schnee lag meterhoch the snow was piled up to a height of several met|res (Am. -ers); es lag viel Schnee there was a lot of snow (on the ground); liegt mein Haar richtig? is my hair all right?; der Griff liegt gut in der Hand the grip sits nicely in your hand
    2. Person: lie; im Gras / auf dem Bett liegen lie in the grass / on the bed; liegen bleiben (nicht aufstehen) not get up; im Bett: auch stay in bed; Boxen: stay down; er blieb verletzt liegen he was unable to get up because he was injured
    3. Kranker: be in bed; weitS. (krank sein) be laid up; liegen müssen Kranker: have to stay in bed; flach: have to lie flat; er hat drei Wochen gelegen he was in bed ( oder was laid up) for three weeks
    4. (gelegen sein) Stadt etc.: lie, be (situated); Gebäude: be (situated oder located); das Dorf liegt hoch über dem Tal the village is (situated) high above the valley; liegen nach Haus: face; Zimmer: auch look out on, overlook
    5. NAUT., Schiff: lie; im Hafen liegt seit gestern eine Segelyacht there’s been a yacht in (the) harbo(u)r since yesterday
    6. fig.: da liegt der Fehler that’s where the trouble lies; wie die Sache jetzt liegt as matters (now) stand, as things are at the moment; es liegt hinter uns it’s behind us; da liegt noch einiges vor uns we’ve got quite a lot coming up; in ihrer Stimme lag leise Ironie there was a hint of irony in her voice; das lag nicht in meiner Absicht that was not my intention; die Schwierigkeit liegt darin, dass... the problem is that...
    7. liegen bleiben Sachen: be left ( auf + Dat on); Schnee: settle; (vergessen werden) be left (behind); auch fig. be forgotten; fig. Arbeit: be left unfinished; WIRTS., Waren: be left unsold; umg. be left on the shelf; mit dem Auto: unterwegs liegen bleiben have a breakdown on the way; das kann liegen bleiben fig. that can wait; liegen geblieben (vergessen) forgotten; Auto etc.: stranded; (aufgegeben) abandoned; liegen gebliebene Bücher etc. books etc. left behind
    8. liegen lassen (vergessen) leave behind, forget; (in Ruhe lassen) leave alone; (Arbeit) leave (unfinished); die Arbeit liegen lassen (unterbrechen) stop work; plötzlich: drop everything; Fabrikarbeiter: down tools, Am. walk out; alles liegen lassen (nicht aufräumen) leave everything lying around, not clean up; lass es liegen! don’t touch it!; links I
    9. (gemäß sein) das liegt mir nicht it’s not my thing; er liegt mir überhaupt nicht he’s not my type of person; als Mann: he’s not my type; nichts liegt mir ferner nothing could be further from my mind
    10. mit Präp.: liegen an (+ Dat) be near; an einer Straße, einem Fluss: be on; (dicht an) be next to; fig., Ursache: be because of; an der Spitze etc. liegen be in front etc.; es liegt an dir Schuld: it’s your fault; etw. zu tun: it’s up to you; an mir solls nicht liegen I’ll certainly do my best; (ich werde dir nicht im Weg stehen) I won’t stand in the way; an mir solls nicht liegen, wenn die Sache schief geht it won’t be my fault ( oder through any fault of mine) if it goes wrong; es liegt daran, dass... it’s because...; es liegt mir daran zu (+ Inf.) I’m keen (Am. eager) to (+ Inf.) es liegt mir sehr viel daran it means a lot to me; es liegt mir viel an ihr she means a lot to me; mir liegt viel an deiner Mitarbeit your cooperation is very important to me; es liegt mir nichts daran it doesn’t mean much to me; es liegt mir nichts daran zu gewinnen it doesn’t make any difference to me whether I win or not
    11. mit Präp.: liegen auf (+ Akk) lie on; Akzent: be on; der Wagen liegt gut ( auf der Straße) the car holds (the road) well; es liegt Nebel auf den Feldern mist is hanging over the fields; Hand1 3, Seele1
    12. mit Präp.: der Gewinn liegt bei fünf Millionen there is a profit of five million; die Temperaturen liegen bei 30 Grad temperatures are ( im Wetterbericht: will be) around 30 degrees (centigrade); die Entscheidung liegt bei dir it’s your decision, it’s up to you; Blut 1, Magen etc.
    * * *
    to recline; to be situated; to lie; to be
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (to be in or take a more or less flat position: She went into the bedroom and lay on the bed; The book was lying in the hall.) lie
    2) (to be situated; to be in a particular place etc: The farm lay three miles from the sea; His interest lies in farming.) lie
    3) ((with with) (of a duty etc) to belong to: The choice rests with you.) rest
    4) (to lie or rest; to have a certain position: The parcel is sitting on the table.) sit
    5) (to be in a particular state, condition or situation: As matters stand, we can do nothing to help; How do you stand financially?) stand
    * * *
    < lag, gelegen>
    vi Hilfsverb: haben o SÜDD, ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ sein
    1. (sich in horizontaler Lage befinden) to lie
    ich liege noch im Bett I'm still [lying] in bed
    während der Krankheit musste sie \liegen while she was ill she had to lie down all the time
    Weinflaschen müssen \liegen wine bottles should lie flat
    hast du irgendwo meine Schlüssel \liegen gesehen? have you seen my keys lying [around] anywhere?
    deine Brille müsste eigentlich auf dem Schreibtisch \liegen your glasses should be [lying] on the desk
    Herzkranke müssen hoch/höher \liegen people with heart problems should lie with their heads raised
    das Flugzeug lag ganz ruhig in der Luft the plane was flying quite smoothly
    der Wagen liegt gut auf der Straße the car holds the road well
    auf dieser Matratze liegt man weich/weicher this mattress is soft/softer for lying on
    in diesem Bett liegt es sich hart/weich this bed is hard/soft
    krank im Bett \liegen to be ill in bed
    im Krankenhaus/auf Station 2 \liegen to be in hospital/in ward 2
    unbequem \liegen to lie uncomfortably [or in an uncomfortable position]
    \liegen bleiben (im Bett) to stay in bed; (nicht aufstehen) to remain lying [down]
    bleib \liegen! don't get up!, stay down!
    sie blieb bewusstlos auf dem Boden \liegen she lay unconscious on the floor; s.a. Knie, links, stehen
    2. (sich befinden) to be [lying]
    ein Lächeln lag auf seinem Gesicht there was a smile on his face
    die Stadt lag in dichtem Nebel the town was enveloped in thick fog, thick fog hung [or lay] over the town
    die Betonung liegt auf der zweiten Silbe the stress is on the second syllable
    ich habe noch einen guten Wein im Keller \liegen I have a good wine in the cellar
    etw liegt [nicht] in jds Absicht sth is [not] sb's intention
    es liegt nicht in meiner Absicht, das zu tun it is not my intention to do that
    etw liegt nicht in jds Hand/Macht sth is out of sb's hands/not within sb's power
    das liegt leider nicht in meiner Hand/Macht unfortunately that is out of my hands/not within my power
    verstreut \liegen to be [or lie] scattered
    [irgendwo] \liegen bleiben (nicht weggenommen werden) to be left [somewhere]
    Hände weg, das Buch bleibt [da] \liegen! hands off, the book's going nowhere!
    etw \liegen lassen (zurücklassen) to leave sth [there]; (verstreut) to leave sth lying about [or around]
    er ließ die Briefe auf dem Tisch liegen he left the letters [lying] on the desk
    er ließ alles \liegen und eilte ihr zur Hilfe he dropped everything to [go and] help her
    3. (sich abgesetzt haben) Schnee to lie; Hitze, Nebel a. to hang
    der Schnee lag 1 Meter hoch the snow was 1 metre deep
    es liegt Schnee auf den Bergen there is snow [lying] on the hills
    hier in den Bergen liegt oft bis Mitte April noch Schnee here in the mountains the snow often lies on the ground until mid-April
    auf den Autos liegt weißer Reif there is a white [covering of] frost on the cars
    bei euch liegt aber viel Staub it's very dusty [in] here
    über allen Möbeln lag eine dicke Staubschicht there was a thick layer of dust over all the furniture
    4. (vergessen werden)
    irgendwo \liegen bleiben to be [or get] left behind somewhere
    mein Hut muss in dem Restaurant \liegen geblieben sein I must have left my hat in the restaurant
    etw \liegen lassen to leave sth behind
    verflixt, ich muss meinen Schirm in der U-Bahn \liegen gelassen haben! damn, I must have left my umbrella [behind] on the underground!
    5. (nicht erledigt werden)
    \liegen bleiben to be left [undone], not to get done
    diese Briefe können bis morgen \liegen bleiben these letters can wait until tomorrow
    etw \liegen lassen to leave sth [undone]
    \liegen bleiben (nicht verkauft werden) to remain unsold, not to sell
    wenn uns diese Waren \liegen bleiben... if we are left with these things [on our hands]...
    7. (geografisch gelegen sein) to be; Haus, Stadt etc. a. to be situated [or located], to lie
    ihr Haus liegt an einem romantischen See their house is situated by a romantic lake
    das liegt auf dem Weg/ganz in der Nähe it's on the way/quite nearby
    eine bildhübsch/ruhig/verkehrsgünstig gelegene Villa a villa in a picturesque/quiet/easily accessible location
    etw links/rechts \liegen lassen to leave sth on one's left/right
    nach Norden/zum Garten/zur Straße \liegen to face north/the garden/the road
    diese Wohnung liegt nach vorn zur Straße [hinaus] this flat faces [out onto] the street
    das Fenster liegt zum Garten the window faces the garden
    verkehrsgünstig \liegen Stadt to have good communications
    8. (begraben sein)
    irgendwo \liegen to be [or lie] buried somewhere
    irgendwo \liegen to be [moored] somewhere
    ein paar Fischerboote lagen am Kai a couple of fishing boots were moored to the quay
    10. MIL
    irgendwo liegen Truppen to be stationed
    vor Paris \liegen to be stationed outside Paris
    irgendwo [in Quartier] \liegen to be quartered somewhere
    11. AUTO (nicht weiterfahren können)
    \liegen bleiben to break down [or have a breakdown], to conk out fam
    12. (zeitlich) to be
    das liegt noch vor mir/schon hinter mir I still have that to come/that's all behind me now
    die Stunden, die zwischen den Prüfungen lagen the hours between the examinations
    13. (in einem Wettbewerb)
    irgendwo \liegen to be [or lie] somewhere
    wie \liegen unsere Schwimmer eigentlich im Wettbewerb? how are our swimmers doing in the competition?
    die Mannschaft liegt jetzt auf dem zweiten Tabellenplatz the team is now second in the division
    in den Charts an erster Stelle \liegen to top the charts
    in Führung/auf den hinteren Plätzen/an der Spitze \liegen to be in the lead/at the bottom/right out in front
    14. (gestylt sein)
    gut \liegen Haare to stay in place [well]
    richtig/nicht richtig \liegen to be/not be in the right place
    15. (bedeckt sein)
    der Tisch liegt voller Bücher the desk is covered with books
    16. MODE (eine bestimmte Breite haben)
    irgendwie \liegen Stoff to be a certain size
    wie breit liegt dieser Seidenstoff? how wide is this silk material?
    der Stoff liegt quer/90 cm breit the material is on the cross/is 90 cm wide
    17. ÖKON
    bei [o um] ... \liegen to cost...
    zwischen... und... \liegen to cost between... and..., to be priced at between... and...
    der Preis dürfte [irgendwo] bei 4.500 Euro \liegen the price is likely to be [around] 4,500 euros
    damit \liegen Sie um 185.000 Euro höher that would put the price up by 185,000 euros
    damit \liegen Sie schnell bei 1,3 Millionen Euro Baukosten that would soon push the building costs up to 1.3 million euros
    18. (begründet sein)
    an jdm/etw \liegen to be caused [or because of] by sb/sth
    woran liegt es? why is that?, what is the reason [for that]?
    es liegt daran, dass... it is because...
    ich weiß nicht, woran es liegt I don't know what the reason is
    woran mag es nur \liegen, dass mir immer alles misslingt? why is it that everything I do goes wrong?
    an mir soll es nicht \liegen! don't let me stop you!, I won't stand in your way!
    19. (wichtig sein)
    jdm liegt etw an jdm/etw sb attaches a certain importance to sb/sth
    du weißt doch, wie sehr mir daran liegt you know how important it is to me
    es liegt mir schon etwas an ihr I do care about her [a bit]
    ihm liegt [einiges] daran, respektiert zu werden it is of [some] importance to him to be respected
    jdm ist etwas/nichts/viel an jdm/etw gelegen sb/sth means something/nothing/a lot to sb
    an diesem uninteressanten Stellenangebot war mir nichts gelegen I didn't bother [even] considering this unappealing job offer
    es liegt jdm nichts/wenig an etw sth doesn't matter at all/much to sb, sth isn't at all/not very important to sb
    es liegt jdm viel an etw sth matters a lot to sb, sth is very important to sb
    es liegt ihm sehr viel an seiner Arbeit his job matters a lot to him
    20. oft verneint (jdm gemäß sein)
    etw liegt jdm sb likes sth; (entspricht jds Begabung) sb is good at sth
    Mathe scheint dir wirklich zu \liegen (fam) maths seems right up your street fam
    diese Arbeit liegt mir total (fam) this job suits me down to the ground fam
    etw liegt jdm nicht (jd hat kein Talent) sb has no aptitude for sth; (es gefällt jdm nicht) sth doesn't appeal to sb; (jd mag es nicht) sb doesn't like [or care for] sth
    Französisch liegt ihm nicht he has no aptitude for French
    körperliche Arbeit liegt ihr weniger she's not really cut out for physical work
    Peter ist ganz nett, aber er liegt mir irgendwie nicht Peter's nice enough but not really my cup of tea
    21. (lasten)
    auf jdm \liegen to weigh down [up]on sb
    auf ihr liegt eine große Verantwortung a heavy responsibility rests on her shoulders
    auf ihm scheint ein Fluch zu \liegen there seems to be a curse on him
    die Schuld lag schwer auf ihm his guilt weighed heavily on him; s.a. Magen
    22. (abhängig sein)
    bei jdm \liegen to be up to sb
    das liegt ganz bei dir that is completely up to you
    die Entscheidung liegt bei dir/beim Volk the decision rests with you/the people
    die Verantwortung liegt bei dir it's your responsibility
    23. (stehen, sich verhalten) to be
    die Sache liegt ganz anders the situation is quite different; s.a. Ding
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb
    1) lie; < person> be lying down

    während der Krankheit musste er liegen — while he was ill he had to lie down all the time

    im Krankenhaus/auf Station 6 liegen — be in hospital/in ward 6

    [krank] im Bett liegen — be [ill] in bed

    [im Bett] liegen bleiben — stay in bed

    bewusstlos/bewegungslos liegen bleiben — lie unconscious/motionless

    2) (vorhanden sein) lie

    es liegt Schnee auf den Bergen — there is snow [lying] on the hills

    3) (sich befinden) be; < object> be [lying]; <town, house, etc.> be [situated]

    wie die Dinge liegenas things are or stand [at the moment]

    die Stadt liegt an der Küstethe town is or lies on the coast

    etwas rechts/links liegen lassen — leave something on one's right/left

    das Fenster liegt nach vorn/nach Süden/zum Garten — the window is at the front/faces south/faces the garden

    es liegt nicht in meiner Absicht, das zu tun — it is not my intention to do that

    das Essen lag mir schwer im Magen — the food/meal lay heavy on my stomach

    das liegt noch vor mir/schon hinter mir — I still have that to come/that's all behind me now


    das liegt an ihm od. bei ihm — it is up to him; (ist seine Schuld) it is his fault

    die Verantwortung/Schuld liegt bei ihm — it is his responsibility/fault

    an mir soll es nicht liegen — I won't stand in your way; (ich werde mich beteiligen) I'm easy (coll.)

    ich weiß nicht, woran es liegt — I don't know what the reason is

    woran mag es nur liegen, dass...? — why ever is it that...?

    es liegt mir nicht — it doesn't suit me; it isn't right for me; (es spricht mich nicht an) it doesn't appeal to me; (ich mag es nicht) I don't like it or care for it

    es liegt ihm nicht, das zu tun — he does not like doing that; (so etwas tut er nicht) it is not his way to do that


    daran liegt ihm viel/wenig/nichts — he sets great/little/no store by that; it means a lot/little/nothing to him

    an ihm liegt mir schon etwas — I do care about him [a bit]

    9) (bes. Milit.): (verweilen) be; < troops> be stationed; < ship> lie

    liegen bleiben< things> stay, be left; (vergessen werden) be left behind; (nicht verkauft werden) remain unsold; (nicht erledigt werden) be left undone; (eine Panne haben) break down

    etwas liegen lassen (vergessen) leave something [behind]; (unerledigt lassen) leave something undone

    alles liegen und stehen lassen — drop everything; s. auch Straße 1); liegend

    * * *
    liegen v/i; liegt, lag, hat (südd, österr, schweiz: ist) gelegen
    1. Sache: lie;
    die Flaschen müssen liegen the bottles have to lie flat;
    der Boden lag voller Zeitungen the floor was strewn with newspapers;
    der Schnee lag meterhoch the snow was piled up to a height of several metres (US -ers);
    es lag viel Schnee there was a lot of snow (on the ground);
    liegt mein Haar richtig? is my hair all right?;
    der Griff liegt gut in der Hand the grip sits nicely in your hand
    2. Person: lie;
    im Gras/auf dem Bett liegen lie in the grass/on the bed;
    liegen bleiben (nicht aufstehen) not get up; im Bett: auch stay in bed; Boxen: stay down;
    er blieb verletzt liegen he was unable to get up because he was injured
    3. Kranker: be in bed; weitS. (krank sein) be laid up;
    liegen müssen Kranker: have to stay in bed; flach: have to lie flat;
    er hat drei Wochen gelegen he was in bed ( oder was laid up) for three weeks
    4. (gelegen sein) Stadt etc: lie, be (situated); Gebäude: be (situated oder located);
    das Dorf liegt hoch über dem Tal the village is (situated) high above the valley;
    liegen nach Haus: face; Zimmer: auch look out on, overlook
    5. SCHIFF, Schiff: lie;
    im Hafen liegt seit gestern eine Segeljacht there’s been a yacht in (the) harbo(u)r since yesterday
    6. fig:
    da liegt der Fehler that’s where the trouble lies;
    wie die Sache jetzt liegt as matters (now) stand, as things are at the moment;
    es liegt hinter uns it’s behind us;
    da liegt noch einiges vor uns we’ve got quite a lot coming up;
    in ihrer Stimme lag leise Ironie there was a hint of irony in her voice;
    das lag nicht in meiner Absicht that was not my intention;
    die Schwierigkeit liegt darin, dass … the problem is that …
    auf +dat on); Schnee: settle; (vergessen werden) be left (behind); auch fig be forgotten; fig Arbeit: be left unfinished; WIRTSCH, Waren: be left unsold; umg be left on the shelf; mit dem Auto:
    unterwegs liegen bleiben have a breakdown on the way;
    das kann liegen bleiben fig that can wait;
    liegen geblieben (vergessen) forgotten; Auto etc: stranded; (aufgegeben) abandoned;
    liegen gebliebene Bücher etc books etc left behind
    liegen lassen (vergessen) leave behind, forget; (in Ruhe lassen) leave alone; (Arbeit) leave (unfinished);
    die Arbeit liegen lassen (unterbrechen) stop work; plötzlich: drop everything; Fabrikarbeiter: down tools, US walk out;
    alles liegen lassen (nicht aufräumen) leave everything lying around, not clean up;
    lass es liegen! don’t touch it!; links A
    das liegt mir nicht it’s not my thing;
    er liegt mir überhaupt nicht he’s not my type of person; als Mann: he’s not my type;
    nichts liegt mir ferner nothing could be further from my mind
    10. mit präp:
    liegen an (+dat) be near; an einer Straße, einem Fluss: be on; (dicht an) be next to; fig, Ursache: be because of;
    liegen be in front etc;
    es liegt an dir Schuld: it’s your fault; etwas zu tun: it’s up to you;
    an mir solls nicht liegen I’ll certainly do my best; (ich werde dir nicht im Weg stehen) I won’t stand in the way;
    an mir solls nicht liegen, wenn die Sache schiefgeht it won’t be my fault ( oder through any fault of mine) if it goes wrong;
    es liegt daran, dass … it’s because …;
    es liegt mir daran zu (+inf) I’m keen (US eager) to (+inf)
    es liegt mir sehr viel daran it means a lot to me;
    es liegt mir viel an ihr she means a lot to me;
    mir liegt viel an deiner Mitarbeit your cooperation is very important to me;
    es liegt mir nichts daran it doesn’t mean much to me;
    es liegt mir nichts daran zu gewinnen it doesn’t make any difference to me whether I win or not
    11. mit präp:
    liegen auf (+akk) lie on; Akzent: be on;
    der Wagen liegt gut (auf der Straße) the car holds (the road) well;
    es liegt Nebel auf den Feldern mist is hanging over the fields; Hand1 3, Seele1
    12. mit präp:
    der Gewinn liegt bei fünf Millionen there is a profit of five million;
    die Temperaturen liegen bei 30 Grad temperatures are ( im Wetterbericht: will be) around 30 degrees (centigrade);
    die Entscheidung liegt bei dir it’s your decision, it’s up to you; Blut 1, Magen etc
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb
    1) lie; < person> be lying down

    im Krankenhaus/auf Station 6 liegen — be in hospital/in ward 6

    [krank] im Bett liegen — be [ill] in bed

    [im Bett] liegen bleiben — stay in bed

    bewusstlos/bewegungslos liegen bleiben — lie unconscious/motionless

    es liegt Schnee auf den Bergen — there is snow [lying] on the hills

    3) (sich befinden) be; < object> be [lying]; <town, house, etc.> be [situated]

    wie die Dinge liegenas things are or stand [at the moment]

    die Stadt liegt an der Küstethe town is or lies on the coast

    etwas rechts/links liegen lassen — leave something on one's right/left

    das Fenster liegt nach vorn/nach Süden/zum Garten — the window is at the front/faces south/faces the garden

    es liegt nicht in meiner Absicht, das zu tun — it is not my intention to do that

    das Essen lag mir schwer im Magen — the food/meal lay heavy on my stomach

    das liegt noch vor mir/schon hinter mir — I still have that to come/that's all behind me now


    das liegt an ihm od. bei ihm — it is up to him; (ist seine Schuld) it is his fault

    die Verantwortung/Schuld liegt bei ihm — it is his responsibility/fault

    an mir soll es nicht liegen — I won't stand in your way; (ich werde mich beteiligen) I'm easy (coll.)

    ich weiß nicht, woran es liegt — I don't know what the reason is

    woran mag es nur liegen, dass...? — why ever is it that...?

    es liegt mir nicht — it doesn't suit me; it isn't right for me; (es spricht mich nicht an) it doesn't appeal to me; (ich mag es nicht) I don't like it or care for it

    es liegt ihm nicht, das zu tun — he does not like doing that; (so etwas tut er nicht) it is not his way to do that


    daran liegt ihm viel/wenig/nichts — he sets great/little/no store by that; it means a lot/little/nothing to him

    an ihm liegt mir schon etwas — I do care about him [a bit]

    9) (bes. Milit.): (verweilen) be; < troops> be stationed; < ship> lie

    liegen bleiben< things> stay, be left; (vergessen werden) be left behind; (nicht verkauft werden) remain unsold; (nicht erledigt werden) be left undone; (eine Panne haben) break down

    etwas liegen lassen (vergessen) leave something [behind]; (unerledigt lassen) leave something undone

    alles liegen und stehen lassen — drop everything; s. auch Straße 1); liegend

    * * *
    recumbency n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > liegen

  • 60 Mittel

    Mittel npl 1. FIN resources, funds; 2. GEN agent, means; 3. IND agent; 4. MEDIA tool; 5. PERS resources, means; 6. WIWI means, resources Mittel bereitstellen FIN, MGT, RW appropriate funds Mittel bewilligen FIN, MGT, RW allocate resources, appropriate funds Mittel vereinen WIWI pool resources Mittel zusammenfassen WIWI pool resources Mittel zuweisen FIN, MGT, RW allocate resources, appropriate funds über die Mittel verfügen, etw. zu tun GEN have the means to do sth
    * * *
    npl 1. < Finanz> resources, funds; 2. < Geschäft> agent, means; 3. < Ind> agent; 4. < Medien> tool; 5. < Person> resources, means; 6. <Vw> means, resources ■ Mittel bereitstellen <Finanz, Mgmnt, Rechnung> appropriate funds ■ Mittel bewilligen <Finanz, Mgmnt, Rechnung> allocate resources, appropriate funds ■ Mittel vereinen <Vw> pool resources ■ Mittel zusammenfassen <Vw> pool resources ■ Mittel zuweisen <Finanz, Mgmnt, Rechnung> allocate resources, appropriate funds ■ über die Mittel verfügen, etw. zu tun < Geschäft> have the means to do sth
    * * *
    (Durchschnitt) average, mean, (Geldmittel) means, funds, resources, purse, capital, money, (parl.) money, supplies (Br.), appropriation, (Unterhalt) support (US), (Vermögen) fortune, (Vorrat) supply;
    aus eigenen Mitteln out of one=s resources;
    aus Mangel an Mitteln from deficiency of means, for lack of funds;
    im Mittel on an average;
    im Besitz hinreichender Mittel independent;
    im Besitz verfügbarer Mittel in funds;
    mit reichlichen Mitteln ausgestattet well-financed;
    nicht aus öffentlichen Mitteln unterstützt non-provided;
    ohne Mittel penniless, destitute, without resources, stranded;
    unter Anwendung unerlaubter Mittel by unlawful means;
    angelegte Mittel invested capital;
    langfristig angelegte Mittel long-term (funded) capital;
    arithmetisches Mittel (maths.) arithmetic mean;
    aufgebrachte Mittel funds raised;
    aufgenommene Mittel borrowed funds, borrowings;
    aufgewandte Mittel money employed;
    ausländische Mittel foreign capital;
    ausreichende finanzielle Mittel sufficiency of money;
    nicht ausreichende Mittel insufficient means, inadequate resources;
    begrenzte Mittel limited resources (means);
    benötigte Mittel necessary funds;
    bereitgestellte Mittel appropriated funds;
    neu bereitgestellte Mittel new appropriations;
    bereitstehende Mittel available funds;
    bescheidene Mittel limited means;
    beschränkte Mittel limited resources;
    betriebsfremde Mittel outside capital;
    betriebsnotwendige Mittel permanent working capital;
    bewährtes Mittel proved remedy;
    bewilligte Mittel allocated funds;
    zur Defizitdeckung bewilligte Mittel deficiency appropriations;
    vom Parlament (parlamentarisch) bewilligte Mittel budgetary appropriations, money provided by Parliament (Br.);
    billige Mittel easy money;
    brachliegende Mittel idle (unemployed) funds, dead capital;
    eigene Mittel own funds, resources of one=s own, (Bilanz) capital and reserves;
    eingebrachte Mittel capital invested;
    entsprechende Mittel adequate means;
    erforderliche Mittel necessary funds;
    festliegende Mittel frozen capital, tied-up funds, lockup (Br.);
    finanzielle Mittel financial resources;
    flüssige Mittel available (liquid, current) funds, funds on (in) hand, ready money, quick (liquid, US) assets (resources), liquid (spare) capital, (Bilanz) cash;
    fremde Mittel borrowed (third-party, outside) funds, borrowed capital;
    geringfügige Mittel limited means;
    gewogenes Mittel weighted mean;
    gleitendes Mittel moving average (MAV);
    greifbare Mittel available funds;
    haftende Mittel amount guaranteed, guarantee fund[s];
    hinreichende Mittel sufficient funds;
    investierte Mittel capital invested;
    kurzfristige Mittel quick assets;
    langfristige Mittel long-term funds;
    liquide Mittel available (current, liquid) funds, liquid (US) (current) assets, liquid capital;
    sofort verfügbare liquide Mittel spot cash;
    öffentliche Mittel the public purse, public funds (money);
    private Mittel private means (funds);
    reichliche Mittel ample funds (means);
    staatliche Mittel government grant;
    alle uns zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel the whole of our resources;
    zur Handelsausweitung zur Verfügung stehende Mittel means of extending the trade;
    zusätzliche für die Masseverteilung zur Verfügung stehende Mittel surplus estate funds;
    die mir zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel the money at my command;
    überschüssige Mittel surplus funds;
    unerschöpfliche Mittel endless resources;
    vagabundierende Mittel hot money;
    verbrauchte Mittel exhausted means;
    verfügbare Mittel available means (funds), funds at deposit (disposal);
    frei verfügbare Mittel loose funds;
    verplante Mittel budgeted means;
    nicht verteilte (verwendete) Mittel unapplied (unappropriated) funds;
    von der Bank verwaltete Mittel bank funds;
    treuhänderisch verwaltete Mittel trustee investment (Br.), trust funds;
    im Haushaltsplan nicht vorgesehene Mittel unbudgeted appropriations;
    zur Deckung vorhandene Mittel coverage;
    wirtschaftliche Mittel economic resources;
    zweckbestimmte (zweckgebundene) Mittel earmarked (appropriated) funds;
    Mittel der Direktwerbung direct-mail media;
    Mittel für die Forschung research funds;
    Mittel gegen die Inflation deflationary instrument;
    liquide Mittel erster Ordnung primary liquidity;
    liquide Mittel dritter Ordnung tertiary liquidity;
    Mittel einer Pensionskasse pension fund money;
    Mittel der Verkaufsförderung sales-promotion aids;
    Mittel für die Warenbeschaffung merchandise budget;
    Mittel für den Wohnungsbau funds for housing;
    Mittel für Zahlungen appropriations for payments;
    Mittel abschöpfen to siphon off funds;
    nur einwandfreie Mittel anwenden to use only proper means;
    Mittel aufbringen to fund-raise, to raise funds;
    Mittel aufstocken to increase resources;
    öffentliche Mittel bestimmungsgemäß ausgeben to use public money only for legitimate purposes;
    mit Mitteln ausstatten to endow with capital;
    sich schwer tun, mit seinen Mitteln auszukommen to have a hard fight to make both ends meet;
    seinen Mitteln gemäß beitragen to contribute according to one=s means;
    sich mit allen Mitteln um eine Position bemühen to jockey for a position;
    notwendige Mittel bereitstellen to make the necessary funds available;
    Mittel beschaffen to procure capital, to raise funds;
    nur unbedeutende Mittel besitzen to have inadequate means;
    Mittel bewilligen to grant the money, (parl.) to vote the appropriations (supplies, Br.);
    zusätzliche Mittel in Höhe von 156 Mio. Dollar bewilligen to vote $ 156 million in extra money;
    seine Mittel einsetzen to make a draft on one=s means;
    seine Mittel schwerpunktartig einsetzen to make the most of one=s resources;
    Mittel entziehen to strip off funds;
    seine Mittel erschöpfen to exhaust one=s resources;
    Mittel festlegen to tie (lock, Br.) up funds, to immobilize capital;
    Mittel und Wege finden to provide instruments;
    ausreichend liquide Mittel haben to be liquid;
    nur beschränkte Mittel haben to have only limited resources;
    nicht genügend Mittel haben to be deficient in means;
    alle (seine) Mittel aufgebraucht haben to be at the end of one=s resources;
    keine Mittel mehr zur Verfügung haben to run (be) out of funds, to be in want of money;
    reichliche Mittel [zur Verfügung] haben to have ample means [at one=s disposal];
    Mittel investieren to put out funds;
    bereitgestellte Mittel um 4% kürzen to trim one=s appropriations by 4 per cent;
    reichlich mit Mitteln versehen sein to have ample means, to be flush of money;
    Mittel zur Verfügung stellen to ladle out funds;
    öffentliche Mittel unterschlagen to misappropriate public funds (Br.), to misapply public money;
    mit öffentlichen Mitteln unterstützen to subsidize;
    über bedeutende Mittel verfügen to have large resources;
    nur über beschränkte Mittel verfügen to have only limited resources;
    [nur] über geringe Mittel verfügen to be short of money;
    über umfangreiche Mittel verfügen to have ample resources;
    erhebliche kommunale Mittel verschlingen to run away with a lot of ratepayers= money;
    mit Mitteln versehen to furnish with (put in) funds;
    Mittel verweigern (parl.) to refuse supplies;
    Mittel anderen als den vorgesehenen Zwecken zuführen to alienate funds from their proper destination;
    j. ohne Mittel zurücklassen to leave s. o. penniless;
    Mittelabflüsse efflux of funds;
    Mittelabschöpfung siphoning off funds;
    Mittelabzweigung von einem Fonds fund diversion;
    kurzfristige Mittelanlage short-term investment of funds;
    Mittelaufbringung fund raising, mobilization (raising, procurement) of funds;
    Mittelaufkommen accumulation of capital, inflow;
    Mittelaufnahme der öffentlichen Hand public borrowing.

    Business german-english dictionary > Mittel

См. также в других словарях:

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  • their, theirs — Their is the possessive form of the pronoun they. Theirs is a possessive pronoun, the absolute form of their. Their is used to qualify a noun that follows: their dog, their car. Theirs is used in other constructions: a dog of theirs, all theirs.… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • means — [[t]mi͟ːnz[/t]] ♦♦ 1) N COUNT: with supp A means of doing something is a method, instrument, or process which can be used to do it. Means is both the singular and the plural form for this use. The move is a means to fight crime... The army had… …   English dictionary

  • their — possessive determiner 1》 belonging to or associated with the people or things previously mentioned or easily identified. 2》 belonging to or associated with a person of unspecified sex (used in place of either ‘his’ or ‘his or her’). 3》 (Their)… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Means (band) — Means Also known as Means 2 An End Origin Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada Genres Christian Hardcore Post hardcore Metalcore Melodic Hardcore Pop Punk (early …   Wikipedia

  • means — W2S2 [mi:nz] n plural means ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(method)¦ 2¦(money)¦ 3 by all means! 4 by no means/not by any means 5 by means of something 6 a means to an end 7 the means of production ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • means test — Added to the Code in 2005, the means test is intended to screen out those filing Chapter 7 who are supposedly able to repay some part of their debts. The test is found in Official Form B22a. Debtors who fail the means test may convert their case… …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • Means-ends analysis — Means Ends Analysis[1] (MEA) is a technique used in Artificial Intelligence for controlling search in problem solving computer programs. It is also a technique used at least since the 1950s as a creativity tool, most frequently mentioned in… …   Wikipedia

  • Means test — A means test is a determination of whether an individual or family is eligible for help from the government. Contents 1 Canada 2 United Kingdom 3 United States 4 Other international examples …   Wikipedia

  • Means of production — Not to be confused with Mode of production. Economics …   Wikipedia

  • Means of grace — The Means of Grace in Christian theology are those things (the means) through which God gives grace. Just what this grace entails is interpreted in various ways: generally speaking, some see it as God blessing humankind so as to sustain and… …   Wikipedia

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