1 pajolero
► adjetivo1 familiar bloody* * *pajolero -ra1 (gracioso) funny2 (travieso) naughty idea* * *
pajolero,-a adj fam wretched: no tienes ni pajolera idea, you haven't got the slightest idea
durante toda su pajolera vida ha intentado fastidiar a los demás, he's spent the whole of his miserable life getting on everybody's nerves
' pajolero' also found in these entries:
* * *pajolero, -a adjEsp muy Fam damn, blessed;* * *adj famdamn fam -
2 pajolero
3 pajolero
4 pajolero
adj прост.проклятый, окаянный -
5 pajolero **
ADJ Esp1) (=condenado) bloody **, damn(ed) *2) (=tonto) stupid3) (=travieso) naughty, mischievous4) (=molesto) irritating -
6 pajolero
• zatracený -
7 pajolero,
a adj 1) разг. досаден, неприятен (за човек); 2) гаден, скапан, презрян и т. н. (за нещо); toda mi pajolera vida целият ми скапан живот. -
8 pajolero
adj прост.проклятый, окаянный -
9 pajolera
10 pajolera
11 miserable
'mizərəbl1) (very unhappy; She's been miserable since he went away.) abatido, triste, deprimido, infeliz2) (very poor in quantity or quality: The house was in a miserable condition.) miserable•miserable adj1. triste / deprimido2. horrible / deprimente / tristewhat miserable weather! ¡qué tiempo más horrible!
miserable adjetivo ‹ sueldo› paltry, miserable ■ sustantivo masculino y femenino wretch, scoundrel
I adjetivo
1 (lástimoso, pobre) wretched, poor: gana un sueldo miserable, she earns a miserable salary
2 (malvado, ruin) despicable
un comportamiento miserable, despicable behaviour
3 (avariento) mean
II mf
1 (mezquino) miser
2 (canalla) wretch, scoundrel: un miserable le robó la bicicleta, some scoundrel stole his bicycle ' miserable' also found in these entries: Spanish: astrosa - astroso - escoria - mezquina - mezquino - mísera - miseria - mísero - pajolera - pajolero - chancho - triste English: abject - miser - miserable - niggardly - skimpy - squalid - stingy - bleak - sorrytr['mɪzərəbəl]1 (person - unhappy) abatido,-a, triste, deprimido,-a, infeliz; (- bad-tempered) antipático,-a2 (place etc) deprimente, triste; (weather) horrible, malísimo,-a3 (paltry) miserable, mezquino,-a, despreciable; (pathetic) lamentablemiserable ['mɪzərəbəl] adj1) unhappy: triste, desdichado2) wretched: miserable, desgraciadoa miserable hut: una choza miserable3) unpleasant: desagradable, malomiserable weather: tiempo malísimo4) contemptible: despreciable, míserofor a miserable $10: por unos míseros diez dólaresadj.• agarrado, -a adj.• aporreado, -a adj.• desdichado, -a adj.• desgraciado, -a adj.• lastimoso, -a adj.• miserable adj.• mísero, -a adj.• triste adj.'mɪzərəbəl1)a) ( in low spirits) abatidob) ( depressing) < weather> deprimente; < prospect> tristeto make somebody's life miserable — amargarle* la vida a alguien
2)a) ( mean-spirited) miserablea miserable $2 — dos míseros dólares
b) (wretched, poor) míseroc) <episode/failure> lamentable['mɪzǝrǝbl]ADJ1) (=unhappy) [person] abatido, con el ánimo por los suelos; [face] tristeto feel miserable — tener el ánimo por los suelos, sentirse abatido or deprimido
don't look so miserable! — ¡alegra esa cara!
2) (=depressing) [place, life, weather] deprimente; [childhood] desdichado, infelizit was a miserable business — era un asunto deprimente or lamentable
to make sb's life miserable, make life miserable for sb — amargar la vida a algn
to have a miserable time — pasarlo mal, pasarlo fatal *
3) (=wretched) [hovel, shantytown, beggar] mísero4) (=contemptible, mean)you miserable (old) thing! — ¡viejo ruin!
5) (=paltry) [offer] mísero, mezquino; [pay] miserable; [meal] triste, mísero6) (=complete)to be a miserable failure — [attempt, play] ser un fracaso espantoso or rotundo, ser un triste fracaso; [person] ser un fracaso total
* * *['mɪzərəbəl]1)a) ( in low spirits) abatidob) ( depressing) < weather> deprimente; < prospect> tristeto make somebody's life miserable — amargarle* la vida a alguien
2)a) ( mean-spirited) miserablea miserable $2 — dos míseros dólares
b) (wretched, poor) míseroc) <episode/failure> lamentable -
12 NI
ni conjuncióna) ( con otro negativo):yo no pienso ir — ni yo (tampoco) I don't intend going — neither do I; ni fumo ni bebo I don't smoke or drink, I neither smoke nor drink; no nos avisó ni a él ni a mí he didn't tell him or me (either); ni siquiera not even; ¿ ni siquiera piensas llamarlo? aren't you even going to call him?; no vendieron ni un libro they didn't sell a single bookb) (expresando rechazo, enfado):◊ ¡ni hablar! out of the question!;ni aunque me lo ruegue not even if he gets down on his knees
ni conj 1 no... ni, ni... ni, neither... nor, not... or: ni vive ni deja vivir, she won't live or let live
no iréis ni tú ni él, neither you nor he will go
no tiene valor ni carácter, she has neither courage nor character ➣ Ver nota en neither
2 (siquiera) even: ni aunque me maten, not even if they kill me
¡ni hablar!, no way!
ni por todo el oro del mundo, not for all the gold on earth
no llamó ni una vez, she didn't phone even once
no lo digas ni en broma, don't say that even as a joke 'ni' also found in these entries: Spanish: acordarse - adiós - advertir - alma - añadidura - anda - ápice - arte - asomo - brizna - broma - calva - calvo - caso - cerrarse - colorante - comer - coña - Cristo - decir - dios - encima - entender - enterarse - entrar - eso - figurarse - flor - ir - golpe - gota - hablar - idea - jota - loca - loco - magín - más - mu - mucha - mucho - nombrar - orden - oro - pajolera - pajolero - papa - patata - peluquín - pena English: alone - anywhere - bat - beneath - break - cagey - can - chalk - clear off - clinch - cloud - clue - dead - decency - do - dread - even - far - fear - flinch - for - half - head - home - inch - iota - jot - less - life - likely - modicum - muster - needless - neither - nelly - never - nor - not - notion - or - pause - peep - penny - remotely - rhyme - self-pity - shred - shudder - skin - speckABBR1) = Northern Ireland2) = National Insurance -
13 demás
adj.other, the rest of the.El carro y demás vehículos The car and other [the rest of the] vehicles...* * *► adjetivo1 other, rest of1 the other, the rest► adverbio1 besides, moreover\por lo demás apart from that, otherwise■ es una película larga, pero por lo demás es interesante it's a long film, but otherwise it's interestingtodo lo demás everything else■ compramos claveles, rosas y demás flores we bought some carnations, some roses and so on* * *adj.rest, remaining- lo demás- los demás
- las demás
- por lo demás
- y demás* * *1.ADJlos demás libros — the other books, the rest of the books
2. PRON1)los demás — the others, the rest (of them)
esto es lo importante y lo demás se puede eliminar — this is the important thing, we can get rid of the rest
todo lo demás — all the rest, everything else
las demás no tenían dinero — the others didn't have any money, the rest (of them) didn't have any money, no-one else had any money
esta ropa es de Juan y lo demás de Pedro — these clothes are Juan's and the others o the rest are Pedro's
2)por lo demás — otherwise, apart from that
es muy larga, pero, por lo demás, es una buena novela — it's very long, but otherwise o apart from that it's a good novel
3)y demás — and so on, and so forth
vimos la catedral, la muralla y demás — we saw the cathedral, the walls and so on o and so forth
4)por demás frm —
a) (=a propósito)una característica que, por demás, no es exclusiva suya — a characteristic which, incidentally o by the way, is not unique to him
ha escrito decenas de novelas, por demás excelentes — he has written dozens of novels, which are excellent by the way, he has written dozens of novels, excellent ones at that
b) (=en vano)nunca está por demás solicitarlo — you have nothing to lose by asking for it, it is always worthwhile asking for it
c) (=demasiado) excessively* * *Iadjetivo invariable (delante del n)IIsu viuda, hijos y demás familia — (frml) his widow, children and other members of the family
1)a)b) (en locs)por lo demás — apart from that, otherwise
2)a)los/las demás — ( referido a cosas) the rest; ( referido a personas) the rest, everybody else
b)los crustáceos: langostas, cangrejos y demás — the crustaceans: lobsters, crabs, and the like
* * *----* darse a los demás = give of + Reflexivo.* destacar por encima de los demás = stand out from + the rest, stand out above + the rest.* destacar sobre los demás = stand out above + the rest, stand out from + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.* dirigido hacia los demás = other-oriented.* en lo demás = everywhere else.* los demás = rest, the, everybody else.* no ser menos que los demás = keep up with + the Joneses.* orientado hacia los demás = other-oriented.* ser muy superior a los demás = be way above all the others.* sobresalir por encima de los demás = stand out from + the rest, a cut above the rest, stick up above + the rest, stick out above + the rest, a cut above, stand out above + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.* sobresalir sobre los demás = stick up above + the rest, stick out above + the rest, a cut above the rest, a cut above, stand out above + the rest, stand out from + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.* superior a los demás = a cut above the rest, a cut above.* todo lo demás = all else.* todos lo demás = everyone else.* todos los demás = everybody else.* * *Iadjetivo invariable (delante del n)IIsu viuda, hijos y demás familia — (frml) his widow, children and other members of the family
1)a)b) (en locs)por lo demás — apart from that, otherwise
2)a)los/las demás — ( referido a cosas) the rest; ( referido a personas) the rest, everybody else
b)los crustáceos: langostas, cangrejos y demás — the crustaceans: lobsters, crabs, and the like
* * ** darse a los demás = give of + Reflexivo.* destacar por encima de los demás = stand out from + the rest, stand out above + the rest.* destacar sobre los demás = stand out above + the rest, stand out from + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.* dirigido hacia los demás = other-oriented.* en lo demás = everywhere else.* los demás = rest, the, everybody else.* no ser menos que los demás = keep up with + the Joneses.* orientado hacia los demás = other-oriented.* ser muy superior a los demás = be way above all the others.* sobresalir por encima de los demás = stand out from + the rest, a cut above the rest, stick up above + the rest, stick out above + the rest, a cut above, stand out above + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.* sobresalir sobre los demás = stick up above + the rest, stick out above + the rest, a cut above the rest, a cut above, stand out above + the rest, stand out from + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.* superior a los demás = a cut above the rest, a cut above.* todo lo demás = all else.* todos lo demás = everyone else.* todos los demás = everybody else.* * *( delante del n):agregar los demás ingredientes add the remaining ingredients o the rest of the ingredientssu viuda, hijos y demás familia ( frml); his widow, children and other members of the familyA1lo demás the restlo demás se puede arreglar con dinero everything else o the rest is just a question of money2 ( en locs):por lo demás apart from that, otherwise, in all other respects ( frml)por demás extremelyle habló en forma por demás ofensiva he spoke to her in an extremely offensive mannerestar por demás: está por demás insistir it's no good o use insisting, there's no point insistingno estaría por demás intentarlo there's no harm in tryingB1los/las demás: los/las demás votaron en contra the rest o everybody else voted againstlas cosas de los demás other people's thingsse comió los suyos y los de los demás he ate his own and everybody else'sme dio dos y se quedó con todos los demás he gave me two and kept the rest2y demás and the likelos crustáceos: langostas, cangrejos y demás the crustaceans: lobsters, crabs, and the like* * *
demás adjetivo invariable ( delante del n):◊ los demás estudiantes the rest of the o the remaining students
■ pronombre
todo lo demás everything elseb) ( en locs)
por demás extremely
( referido a personas) the rest, everybody else;◊ me dio uno y se quedó con los demás he gave me one and kept the rest o the others;
los demás han terminado the rest (of them) have finished, everybody else has finished
I adjetivo los/las demás, the rest of
la demás gente, the rest of the people
II pron lo/ los/las demás, the rest
♦ Locuciones: por lo demás, otherwise o apart from that
... y demás, etcetera
' demás' also found in these entries:
- confiada
- confiado
- consideración
- consistente
- dedicarse
- desvivirse
- eclipsar
- imponerse
- lata
- malmeter
- ombligo
- pajolera
- pajolero
- pequeña
- pequeño
- privada
- privado
- víspera
- costa
- nivel
- quedar
- resto
- retrasado
- sino
- sobresalir
- superior
- angular
- courteous
- else
- fail
- insensitive
- interrupt
- isolate
- mix
- monopolize
- one-upmanship
- ostensible
- other
- otherwise
- propensity
- rest
- tolerant
- vicarious
- with
- live
- put
- rough
* * *♦ adj1. [resto] other;los demás invitados the other o the remaining guests;las ranas y demás anfibios frogs and other amphibianstu auto es demás your car's really cool;la fiesta estuvo demás the party was great;la casa le pareció demás she thought the house was fab♦ pron1. [otras personas]los/las demás the others, the rest;entramos ella y yo, los demás se quedaron fuera just she and I went in, the others stayed outside;no te metas en los problemas de los demás don't stick your nose in other people's business;se bebió su cerveza y las de los demás he drank his own beer and everyone else'ssólo dejó la zanahoria, lo demás se lo comió todo she only left the carrot, she ate all the rest;deja fuera tres filetes y congela los demás leave three fillets out and freeze the rest;por lo demás apart from that, otherwise;por lo demás me encuentro bien apart from that I feel fine;todo lo demás everything else;la casa tiene lavadora, lavaplatos y todo lo demás the house has a washing machine, a dishwasher and all the rest of it;y demás and so on;planetas, estrellas, asteroides y demás planets, stars, asteroids and so on♦ por demás loc advme hacían regalos por demás they showered me with gifts;es reservado por demás he's too reserved2. [en vano] unsuccessfully, in vain* * *I adj remainingII pron:lo demás the rest;los demás the rest, the othersIII adv:por lo demás apart from that;y demás and so on;por demás extremely* * *demás adj: remainingacabó las demás tareas: she finished the rest of the choresdemás pron1)lo (la, los, las) demás : the rest, everyone else, everything elsePepe, Rosa, y los demás: Pepe, Rosa, and everybody else2)estar por demás : to be of no use, to be pointlessno estaría por demás: it couldn't hurt, it's worth a try3)por demás : extremely4)por lo demás : otherwise5)y demás : and so on, et cetera* * *demás1 adj otherle gustan los perros, los gatos y demás animales she likes cats, dogs and other animalsdemás2 pron1. (cosa) rest2. (personas) others -
14 durante
prep.during (mientras).por favor, desconecten sus teléfonos móviles durante la proyección please insure mobile phones are switched off during the filmdurante la guerra during the warestuvo sin beber durante un año he went (for) a year without drinkingdurante el verano mejoró su situación económica his financial situation improved over the summerdurante una hora for an hourdurante toda su vida throughout her lifem.Durante, Jimmy Durante.* * *► adverbio1 during, in, for* * *prep.during, for* * *PREP [con espacio de tiempo] during; [expresando la duración] for¿qué hiciste durante las vacaciones? — what did you do in o during the holidays?
¿ha llovido durante el fin de semana? — did it rain at o over the weekend?
DURANTE Para traducir durante tenemos que diferenciar si hace referencia a cuándo ocurre la acción o a cuánto dura. ¿Cuándo ocurre la acción? ► Traducimos durante por during si nos referimos al intervalo de tiempo en que ocurre la acción, cuando la referencia temporal la indica un suceso o actividad determinados: Se conocieron durante la guerra They met during the war Se puso enferma durante una visita a Madrid She became ill during a visit to Madrid La bomba hizo explosión durante la entrega de premios The bomb went off during the prize-giving ceremony ► También se traduce por during cuando la referencia temporal viene indicada por un periodo de tiempo concreto: El tráfico es peor durante el verano The traffic is worse during the summer Durante los años treinta la economía se hallaba en dificultades The economy was in difficulties during the 1930s Si se trata de una acción progresiva, o que continúa o que se repite durante todo el periodo de tiempo que se indica, es preferible traducir durante por over: La situación ha empeorado durante los últimos años The situation has worsened over the last few years Durante el fin de semana el actor ha sido visto en varias ocasiones There have been several sightings of the actor over the weekend ¿Cuánto dura la acción? ► Si nos referimos a la duración de la acción, durante se traduce generalmente por for: Llevo sufriendo dolores de cabeza durante más de treinta años I've been having headaches for more than 30 years Fue periodista durante cuatro años He was a journalist for four years Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entradadurante toda la noche — all through the night, all night long
* * *preposición ( en el transcurso de) during; ( cuando se especifica la duración) fordurante 1980 — during o in 1980
los precios aumentaron un 0,3% durante el mes de diciembre — prices rose by 0.3% in December
su condición ha empeorado durante los últimos días — his condition has worsened over the last few days
* * *= at the stage of, during, throughout.Ex. At the stage of subject analysis the indexer decides which, and there how many, concepts are selected for indexing purposes.Ex. This article singles out four trends which have influenced the work of UNESCO during the last decade.Ex. Throughout this chapter the term 'document' is used to refer to any item which might be found in a library or information center or data base.----* aprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong education.* ausentarse durante + Expresión Temporal = not be back for + Expresión Temporal.* autoaprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong learning.* durante algunos años = for some years, over a period of years.* durante algún tiempo = for a while, for some time, for some while, for some time to come, for days.* durante años = for years.* durante años y años = for years and years (and years).* durante casi + Fecha = for the best part of + Fecha, for the better part of + Fecha.* durante casi todo el año = for the best part of the year.* durante cierto tiempo = over a period of time.* durante cuánto tiempo = how long.* durante demasiado tiempo = for too long.* durante días = for days.* durante días y días = for days on end.* durante el año pasado = over the past year.* durante el apogeo de = during the height of, during the heyday of.* durante el auge de = at the height of, during the height of, during the heyday of.* durante el descanso = at breaktime.* durante el día = by day, daytime [day-time], in the daytime, during the daytime, during daytime.* durante el entrenamiento = in practice.* durante el fin de semana = over the weekend.* durante el próximo año = over the next year.* durante el transcurso de = over the course of.* durante el transcurso de los acontecimientos = in the course of events, during the course of events.* durante el transcurso de muchos años = over many years.* durante el transporte = in transit.* durante el último año = over the last year.* durante el vuelo = in-flight.* durante este período = in the course of events, during the course of events.* durante este tiempo = in this time.* durante + Expresión Temporal = for + Expresión Temporal, over + Expresión Temporal.* durante + Expresión Temporal + y + Expresión Temporal = for + Expresión Temporal + on end.* durante generaciones = for generations.* durante la bajamar = at low tide.* durante la búsqueda = at the search stage.* durante la década de = through + Década.* durante la guerra = during wartime, wartime [wart-time], war years, the.* durante la mayor parte de = for much of.* durante la mayor parte del año = for the best part of the year.* durante la Navidad = at Christmas time.* durante la noche = overnight, night-time.* durante la Pascua = at Christmas time.* durante la pleamar = at high tide.* durante largos períodos de tiempo = over long periods of time.* durante las horas de más calor = during the heat of the day.* durante las horas puntas = at peak periods.* durante la tira de tiempo = for donkey's years.* durante los dos últimos meses = over the last couple of months.* durante los primeros años = during the early years.* durante los próximos años = for the next few years, over the next few years, during the next few years.* durante los últimos años = over the past few years, over recent years.* durante los últimos + Expresión Temporal = over the past + Expresión Temporal.* durante los últimos + Número + años = over the last + Número + years.* durante meses y meses = for months on end.* durante miles de años = for aeons and aeons, for aeons.* durante millones de años = for aeons and aeons, for aeons.* durante muchas horas = for many long hours.* durante muchísimo tiempo = for ages and ages (and ages), in ages (and ages and ages).* durante muchos años = for many years, for years to come, for many years to come, over many years, for years and years (and years).* durante mucho tiempo = long [longer -comp., longest -sup.], for generations, long-time [longtime], for a long time to come, for long periods of time, for a long period of time, lastingly, for a very long time, for a very long time, for many long hours, for a long time, in ages (and ages and ages).* durante + Posesivo + madurez = in later life.* durante siglos = for aeons, for centuries, over the centuries.* durante tanto tiempo = for so long, so long.* durante tanto tiempo como sea posible = for as long as possible.* durante toda la noche = all-night, all night long.* durante toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].* durante toda una vida = over a lifetime.* durante todo = all the way through, throughout.* durante todo el día = all day long.* durante todo el trimestre = semester-long.* durante todo el verano = all summer long.* durante todo + Tiempo = all through + Tiempo.* durante un largo período de tiempo = over a long time scale, over a long period of time, for a long period of time, over a long period.* durante unos instantes = for a bit.* durante un período de + Expresión Temporal = over a period of + Expresión Temporal.* durante un período de prueba = on a trial basis.* durante un período de tiempo = for a number of years.* durante un periodo de tiempo determinado = over a period of time.* durante un período de tiempo indefinido = over an indefinite period of time, over an indefinite span of time.* durante un período indefinido = for an indefinite period.* durante un porrón de tiempo = for donkey's years.* durante un tiempo indefinido = for an indefinite time to come.* durante varios años = for a number of years, for several years.* esperado durante tiempo y con ansiedad = long-and-expectantly-awaited.* fue durante mucho tiempo = long remained.* observar atentamente y durante cierto tiempo = maintain + vigil.* trabajar durante un período de tiempo = serve + stint.* * *preposición ( en el transcurso de) during; ( cuando se especifica la duración) fordurante 1980 — during o in 1980
los precios aumentaron un 0,3% durante el mes de diciembre — prices rose by 0.3% in December
su condición ha empeorado durante los últimos días — his condition has worsened over the last few days
* * *= at the stage of, during, throughout.Ex: At the stage of subject analysis the indexer decides which, and there how many, concepts are selected for indexing purposes.
Ex: This article singles out four trends which have influenced the work of UNESCO during the last decade.Ex: Throughout this chapter the term 'document' is used to refer to any item which might be found in a library or information center or data base.* aprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong education.* ausentarse durante + Expresión Temporal = not be back for + Expresión Temporal.* autoaprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong learning.* durante algunos años = for some years, over a period of years.* durante algún tiempo = for a while, for some time, for some while, for some time to come, for days.* durante años = for years.* durante años y años = for years and years (and years).* durante casi + Fecha = for the best part of + Fecha, for the better part of + Fecha.* durante casi todo el año = for the best part of the year.* durante cierto tiempo = over a period of time.* durante cuánto tiempo = how long.* durante demasiado tiempo = for too long.* durante días = for days.* durante días y días = for days on end.* durante el año pasado = over the past year.* durante el apogeo de = during the height of, during the heyday of.* durante el auge de = at the height of, during the height of, during the heyday of.* durante el descanso = at breaktime.* durante el día = by day, daytime [day-time], in the daytime, during the daytime, during daytime.* durante el entrenamiento = in practice.* durante el fin de semana = over the weekend.* durante el próximo año = over the next year.* durante el transcurso de = over the course of.* durante el transcurso de los acontecimientos = in the course of events, during the course of events.* durante el transcurso de muchos años = over many years.* durante el transporte = in transit.* durante el último año = over the last year.* durante el vuelo = in-flight.* durante este período = in the course of events, during the course of events.* durante este tiempo = in this time.* durante + Expresión Temporal = for + Expresión Temporal, over + Expresión Temporal.* durante + Expresión Temporal + y + Expresión Temporal = for + Expresión Temporal + on end.* durante generaciones = for generations.* durante la bajamar = at low tide.* durante la búsqueda = at the search stage.* durante la década de = through + Década.* durante la guerra = during wartime, wartime [wart-time], war years, the.* durante la mayor parte de = for much of.* durante la mayor parte del año = for the best part of the year.* durante la Navidad = at Christmas time.* durante la noche = overnight, night-time.* durante la Pascua = at Christmas time.* durante la pleamar = at high tide.* durante largos períodos de tiempo = over long periods of time.* durante las horas de más calor = during the heat of the day.* durante las horas puntas = at peak periods.* durante la tira de tiempo = for donkey's years.* durante los dos últimos meses = over the last couple of months.* durante los primeros años = during the early years.* durante los próximos años = for the next few years, over the next few years, during the next few years.* durante los últimos años = over the past few years, over recent years.* durante los últimos + Expresión Temporal = over the past + Expresión Temporal.* durante los últimos + Número + años = over the last + Número + years.* durante meses y meses = for months on end.* durante miles de años = for aeons and aeons, for aeons.* durante millones de años = for aeons and aeons, for aeons.* durante muchas horas = for many long hours.* durante muchísimo tiempo = for ages and ages (and ages), in ages (and ages and ages).* durante muchos años = for many years, for years to come, for many years to come, over many years, for years and years (and years).* durante mucho tiempo = long [longer -comp., longest -sup.], for generations, long-time [longtime], for a long time to come, for long periods of time, for a long period of time, lastingly, for a very long time, for a very long time, for many long hours, for a long time, in ages (and ages and ages).* durante + Posesivo + madurez = in later life.* durante siglos = for aeons, for centuries, over the centuries.* durante tanto tiempo = for so long, so long.* durante tanto tiempo como sea posible = for as long as possible.* durante toda la noche = all-night, all night long.* durante toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].* durante toda una vida = over a lifetime.* durante todo = all the way through, throughout.* durante todo el día = all day long.* durante todo el trimestre = semester-long.* durante todo el verano = all summer long.* durante todo + Tiempo = all through + Tiempo.* durante un largo período de tiempo = over a long time scale, over a long period of time, for a long period of time, over a long period.* durante unos instantes = for a bit.* durante un período de + Expresión Temporal = over a period of + Expresión Temporal.* durante un período de prueba = on a trial basis.* durante un período de tiempo = for a number of years.* durante un periodo de tiempo determinado = over a period of time.* durante un período de tiempo indefinido = over an indefinite period of time, over an indefinite span of time.* durante un período indefinido = for an indefinite period.* durante un porrón de tiempo = for donkey's years.* durante un tiempo indefinido = for an indefinite time to come.* durante varios años = for a number of years, for several years.* esperado durante tiempo y con ansiedad = long-and-expectantly-awaited.* fue durante mucho tiempo = long remained.* observar atentamente y durante cierto tiempo = maintain + vigil.* trabajar durante un período de tiempo = serve + stint.* * *durante mi ausencia/su reinado during my absence/his reigndurante 1980 during o in 1980gobernó el país durante casi dos décadas she governed the country for almost two decadesnormalmente no salimos durante la semana we don't normally go out during the weektrabajé en casa durante toda esa semana I worked at home all that week o for the whole of that weeklos precios aumentaron un 0,3% durante el mes de diciembre prices rose by 0.3% in Decembercuando estas drogas se toman durante un período largo when these drugs are taken over o for a long periodsu condición ha empeorado durante los últimos días his condition has worsened over the last few daysdurante estos días realiza una gira por Italia she is at present o currently on tour in Italy* * *
durante preposición ( en el transcurso de) during;
( cuando se especifica la duración) for;◊ durante 1980 during o in 1980;
gobernó el país durante casi dos décadas she governed the country for almost two decades;
los precios aumentaron un 0,3% durante el mes de diciembre prices rose by 0.3% in December;
durante todo el invierno throughout the winter
durante preposición during: caminamos durante dos horas, we walked for two hours
hablaremos durante la cena, we'll talk over dinner
se durmió durante la conferencia, she fell asleep during the lecture
estuvo llorando durante toda la noche, she was crying all night long
Recuerda que during se usa con el "nombre" de un período (la guerra, el concierto, el día) y responde a la pregunta ¿cuándo ocurrió? For expresa duración ( tres días, un par de segundos) y responde a la pregunta ¿cuánto tiempo duró?
' durante' also found in these entries:
- amigo
- arrojadiza
- arrojadizo
- cada
- cañón
- cesar
- clásica
- clásico
- cola
- como
- contienda
- continuismo
- corrillo
- desarrollo
- desnaturalizar
- día
- empeorar
- encierro
- exilio
- extracorpórea
- extracorpóreo
- filmación
- herida
- legislatura
- mes
- mientras
- novelón
- pajolera
- pajolero
- por
- seguida
- seguido
- ver
- adolescencia
- bajada
- callado
- cartearse
- cartelera
- cierto
- crecimiento
- detenido
- empatar
- guardar
- lactancia
- meditar
- reemplazar
- reemplazo
- zarandear
- allege
- almost
- antsy
- appal
- appall
- assistant
- badly
- besiege
- blackout
- blow
- canvasser
- climate
- collapse
- composed
- course
- craving
- crib
- deliberate
- detention
- diving
- during
- ensue
- ferment
- flatten
- fluster
- fold
- for
- forceps
- go on
- go-between
- guffaw
- haggle
- hold against
- homesick
- hooligan
- hound
- in
- in-flight
- injure
- intermission
- intermittent
- interrogate
- keep in
- major
- monstrosity
- neutrality
- observation
- outage
- over
* * *durante prep[en todo el tiempo de] for; [mientras] during;estuvo sin beber durante un año he went (for) a year without drinking;durante una hora for an hour;durante todo el mes de febrero for the whole of February, throughout the month of February;llovió varias veces durante la semana it rained several times during the week;por favor, desconecten sus teléfonos móviles durante la proyección please ensure cellphones o Br mobile phones are switched off during the movie;durante un año se produjeron tres seísmos en la zona there were three earthquakes in the area in the space of a year;durante su estancia en Londres visitó varios museos he visited several museums while he was in London;durante el verano mejoró su situación económica his financial situation improved over the summer;llovió durante toda la semana it rained all week;durante el mes de febrero in February* * *durante seis meses for six months* * *durante prep: duringdurante todo el día: all day longtrabajó durante tres horas: he worked for three hours* * *durante prep1. during2. for -
15 fastidiar
v.1 to spoil, to ruin (estropear) (fiesta, vacaciones). (peninsular Spanish)2 to annoy, to bother.Su impertinencia enfermó a María His impertinence vexed Mary.3 to screw up, to goof off, to goof, to goof up.* * *1 (hastiar) to sicken, disgust2 (molestar) to annoy, bother3 (partes del cuerpo) to hurt1 (aguantarse) to put up with, grin and bear it2 familiar (estropearse) to go wrong, break down3 (lastimarse) to hurt oneself, injure oneself\¡a fastidiarse tocan! we'll have to grin and bear it!¡no fastidies! familiar you're kidding!* * *verbto annoy, bother* * *1. VT1) (=molestar) to annoyy encima me insultó ¡no te fastidia! — and on top of that, he was rude to me, can you believe it!
2) (=estropear) [+ fiesta, plan] to spoil, ruin; [+ aparato] to breaknos ha fastidiado las vacaciones — it's spoiled o ruined our holidays
¡la hemos fastidiado! — drat! *
2.VI (=bromear)¡no fastidies! — you're kidding!
3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivoa) (molestar, irritar) < persona> to bother, pesterb) (esp Esp fam) ( estropear) <mecanismo/plan> to mess up; <fiesta/excursión> to spoil; < estómago> to upset2.la hemos fastidiado! — that's done it! (colloq)
fastidiar vi3.no fastidies! ¿de veras? — go on! you're kidding! (colloq)
fastidiarse v pron1) (AmL fam) ( molestarse) to get annoyed2)a) (fam) ( jorobarse)hay que fastidiarse! — (Esp) that's great! (colloq & iro)
te fastidias! — (Esp) tough! (colloq)
b) (Esp fam) ( estropearse) velada/plan to be ruined3) (Esp fam) <pierna/espalda> to hurt* * *= irk, hassle, bug, bungle, spite, annoy, nag (at), niggle, grudge, gall, peeve, piss + Nombre + off, cast + a blight on, blight, screw + Nombre + up, play up.Ex. She had been told from time to time that he seemed to derive satisfaction from needling the staff, but she had never been able to pin down specifically what he does that irks them.Ex. Richins also included inconveniences such as special trips to complain, time and effort required to fill out form, being treated rudely, and having to hassle someone.Ex. I have a question that has been bugging me since I upgraded to ProCite 5 some time ago.Ex. Regrettably, the well-intentioned publication of Devereux's typescript has been incurably bungled, and Rastell remains without either a complete or trustworthy bibliography.Ex. Men's abuse of children is in many instances instrumental in order to coerce or retaliate against women, echoing the Greek myth of Medea who killed her own children to spite her father.Ex. Library pests are any humans, large or microscopic beasts, library equipment or installations, or chemical and biological substances that hamper or annoy the reader.Ex. This a book that I had admired but that had nagged at me for years.Ex. He was under the knife last week to treat the knee problem that has been niggling him.Ex. He did not grudge them the money, but he grudged terribly the risk which the spending of that money might bring on them.Ex. It was the American attitude of superiority that galled them the most.Ex. Things like talking over the performances and cutting to commercials in the middle of performances were really peaving the people who watched.Ex. And he isn't one to squander an opportunity to take credit for an operation that will piss off Washington.Ex. Rampant commercialisation of publishing is casting a blight on literature.Ex. The global outbreak of swine flu has spread fear through the travel sector, blighting any green shoots of recovery from the financial crisis.Ex. Her past relationship screwed her up mentally, physically and emotionally.Ex. Each time it's been in the garage, it drives OK for about 10-15 miles, before starting to play up again.* * *1.verbo transitivoa) (molestar, irritar) < persona> to bother, pesterb) (esp Esp fam) ( estropear) <mecanismo/plan> to mess up; <fiesta/excursión> to spoil; < estómago> to upset2.la hemos fastidiado! — that's done it! (colloq)
fastidiar vi3.no fastidies! ¿de veras? — go on! you're kidding! (colloq)
fastidiarse v pron1) (AmL fam) ( molestarse) to get annoyed2)a) (fam) ( jorobarse)hay que fastidiarse! — (Esp) that's great! (colloq & iro)
te fastidias! — (Esp) tough! (colloq)
b) (Esp fam) ( estropearse) velada/plan to be ruined3) (Esp fam) <pierna/espalda> to hurt* * *= irk, hassle, bug, bungle, spite, annoy, nag (at), niggle, grudge, gall, peeve, piss + Nombre + off, cast + a blight on, blight, screw + Nombre + up, play up.Ex: She had been told from time to time that he seemed to derive satisfaction from needling the staff, but she had never been able to pin down specifically what he does that irks them.
Ex: Richins also included inconveniences such as special trips to complain, time and effort required to fill out form, being treated rudely, and having to hassle someone.Ex: I have a question that has been bugging me since I upgraded to ProCite 5 some time ago.Ex: Regrettably, the well-intentioned publication of Devereux's typescript has been incurably bungled, and Rastell remains without either a complete or trustworthy bibliography.Ex: Men's abuse of children is in many instances instrumental in order to coerce or retaliate against women, echoing the Greek myth of Medea who killed her own children to spite her father.Ex: Library pests are any humans, large or microscopic beasts, library equipment or installations, or chemical and biological substances that hamper or annoy the reader.Ex: This a book that I had admired but that had nagged at me for years.Ex: He was under the knife last week to treat the knee problem that has been niggling him.Ex: He did not grudge them the money, but he grudged terribly the risk which the spending of that money might bring on them.Ex: It was the American attitude of superiority that galled them the most.Ex: Things like talking over the performances and cutting to commercials in the middle of performances were really peaving the people who watched.Ex: And he isn't one to squander an opportunity to take credit for an operation that will piss off Washington.Ex: Rampant commercialisation of publishing is casting a blight on literature.Ex: The global outbreak of swine flu has spread fear through the travel sector, blighting any green shoots of recovery from the financial crisis.Ex: Her past relationship screwed her up mentally, physically and emotionally.Ex: Each time it's been in the garage, it drives OK for about 10-15 miles, before starting to play up again.* * *fastidiar [A1 ]vt1 (molestar, irritar) ‹persona› to bother, pester2 ( esp Esp fam) (estropear, dañar) ‹mecanismo/plan› to mess up; ‹fiesta/excursión› to spoil; ‹estómago› to upset■ fastidiarvino deja de fastidiar con que quiere ir al circo he keeps pestering me about going to the circusme fastidia tener que repetir las cosas it annoys me to have to repeat things¡no fastidies! ¿de veras? go on! you're kidding! ( colloq)A1 ( fam)(jorobarse): tendré que fastidiarme I'll have to put up with it ( colloq), I'll have to grin and bear it ( colloq)¡hay que fastidiarse! ( Esp); that's great! ( colloq iro)¡y si no te gusta, te fastidias! and if you don't like it, you can lump it! ( colloq)como sigas bebiendo así te vas a fastidiar el hígado if you keep on drinking like that you're going to damage your liverCse fastidió por lo que le dije he got annoyed at what I said* * *
fastidiar ( conjugate fastidiar) verbo transitivo
‹fiesta/excursión› to spoil;
‹ estómago› to upset
verbo intransitivo:
¡no fastidies! ¿de veras? go on! you're kidding! (colloq)
fastidiarse verbo pronominal
b) (fam) ( jorobarse):◊ tendré que fastidiarme I'll have to put up with it (colloq);
¡te fastidias! (Esp) tough! (colloq)
fastidiar verbo transitivo
1 (causar enojo, molestia) to annoy, bother: me fastidió mucho que no vinieras, I was upset that you couldn't come
2 fam (el pelo, un coche, etc) to damage, ruin: se ha vuelto a fastidiar la lavadora, the washing machine's broken down again
(un proyecto, plan) to spoil
3 (causar una herida) to hurt
' fastidiar' also found in these entries:
- extemporánea
- extemporáneo
- joder
- martirizar
- pajolera
- pajolero
- cargar
- embolar
- hartar
- hinchar
- molestar
- annoy
- cock up
- get
- goose
- hassle
- irk
- irritate
- mess about
- mess around
- nag
- play up
- rub
- screw up
- spite
- badger
- bug
- screw
* * *♦ vt[fiesta, vacaciones] to spoil, to ruin;¡la hemos fastidiado! that's really done it!2. [molestar] to annoy, to bother;me fastidia tener que darle la razón it annoys me having to admit that he's right;fastidia que siempre lo sepa todo it's annoying the way he always knows everything;Esp¿no te fastidia? [¿qué te parece?] would you believe it?♦ viEsp¡no fastidies! you're having me on!;¡no fastidies que se lo ha dicho a ella! don't tell me he went and told her!* * *I v/t1 annoy;¿no te fastidia? fam would you believe ocredit it!2 fam ( estropear) spoilII v/i:¡no fastidies! fam you’re kidding! fam* * *fastidiar vt1) molestar: to annoy, to bother, to hassle2) aburrir: to borefastidiar vi: to be annoying or bothersome* * *fastidiar vb1. (disgustar) to bother / to annoy¡no fastidies! you're kidding! -
16 idea
f.1 idea (concepto, ocurrencia).buena/mala idea good/bad ideahacerse una idea de algo to get an idea of somethinghacerse a la idea de que to get used to the idea thatno tengo ni idea (de) I don't have a clue (about)tener ideas de bombero (figurative) to have wild o crazy ideas (peninsular Spanish)tener idea de cómo hacer algo to know how to do somethingtener una ligera idea to have a vague ideaidea brillante brilliant idea, brainwaveidea fija obsessionser una persona de ideas fijas to be a person of fixed ideas2 intention.con la idea de with the idea o intention oftener idea de hacer algo to intend to do somethinga mala idea maliciously3 impression.cambiar de idea to change one's mindpres.indicat.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: idear.* * *1 idea2 (noción) notion3 (ingenio) imagination\cambiar de idea to change one's minddarle ideas a alguien to put ideas in somebody's headhacer algo a mala idea to do something on purpose, do something deliberatelyhacerse a la idea de algo to get used to the idea of something, accept somethingllevar idea de to intend to, have the intention of¡ni idea! no idea!, not a clue!no te puedes hacer una idea you have no ideano tener ni idea familiar to have no idea, not have a clueser de ideas fijas to be narrow-minded, have very fixed ideastener ideas de bombero to have funny ideas, have madcap ideastener mala idea familiar to be a nasty piece of workidea fija fixed idealigera idea vague ideamala idea evil intention* * *noun f.1) idea2) notion* * *SF1) (=concepto) ideatenía una idea falsa de mí — he had a false impression of me, he had the wrong idea about me
formarse una idea de algo — to form an impression of sth•
hacerse una idea de algo — to get an idea of sthhacerse una idea equivocada de algn — to get a false impression of sb, get the wrong idea about sb
preconcebidohazte a la idea de que no va a volver nunca — you'd better get used to the idea that she's never coming back
2) (=sugerencia) idea¡qué idea! ¿por qué no vamos a Marruecos? — I've got an idea! why don't we go to Morocco?
idea brillante, idea genial — brilliant idea, brainwave3) (=intención) idea, intentionmi idea era salir temprano — I had intended to leave early, my idea o intention was to leave early
cambiar de idea — to change one's mindsalió del país con una idea fija: no volver nunca — he left the country with one fixed idea: never to return
ir con la idea de hacer algo — to mean to do sthno iba nunca con la idea de perjudicar a nadie — it was never his intention to harm anybody, he never meant to harm anybody
tiene muy mala idea — his intentions are not good, he's a nasty piece of work *•
metérsele una idea en la cabeza a algn, cuando se le mete una idea en la cabeza no hay quien se la saque — once he gets an idea into his head no one can talk him out of it•
tener idea de hacer algo — [en el pasado] to mean to do sth; [en el futuro] to be thinking of doing sthtenía idea de traerme varias botellas de vodka — I meant o I was meaning to bring some bottles of vodka
4) (=conocimiento) idea-¿a qué hora llega Sara? -no tengo ni idea — "what time is Sara arriving?" - "I've got no idea"
¡ni idea! — no idea!
tener idea de algo — to have an idea of sth¿tienes idea de la hora que es? — do you have any idea of the time?
¡no tienes idea de las ganas que tenía de verte! — you have no idea how much I wanted to see you!
no tener la menor idea — not to have the faintest o the foggiest ideapajolero 1), remoto 3)cuando me fui a Alemania no tenía la menor idea de alemán — when I went to Germany I couldn't speak a word of German
5) pl ideas (=opiniones) ideas•
una persona de ideas conservadoras/liberales/radicales — a conservative/liberal/radical-minded person* * *1)a) ( concepto) ideala idea de libertad — the idea o concept of freedom
b) (opinión, ideología) ideac) ( noción) ideadarse idea para algo — (RPl fam) to be good at something
hacerse (a) la idea de algo — to get used to the idea of something
2)a) ( ocurrencia) ideano sería buena/mala idea — it wouldn't be a good/bad idea
idea de bombero — (Esp fam) crazy idea
b) ( intención) intention, ideac) ( sugerencia) idea•* * *= idea, insight, notion, perspective, point, thought, conception, rationality, inkling, perception.Ex. Analytical cataloguing is valuable in respect of any type of media, but many of ideas have been tested most thoroughly in the context of monographs and serials.Ex. The human indexer works mechanically and rapidly; he should require no insight into the document content.Ex. A focus conveys the key or principal notion of a concept.Ex. It is easy to see that users and separate pieces of literature may hold different perspectives on one subject.Ex. Parts of the abstract are written in the informative style, whilst those points which are of less significance are treated indicatively.Ex. Amongst these are numbered: some specific legal and governmental works, such as laws, decrees, treaties; works that record the collective thought of a body, for example, reports of commissions and committees; and various cartographic materials.Ex. Different conceptions of what subject indexing means are described.Ex. A model of how librarians may actually go about book selection is presented in three ways: rationality; tacit knowledge; and symbolic content.Ex. Her experience with many children has shown that often they can repeat sentences and read quite well without any inkling of what they are saying.Ex. Nevertheless, citation indexes do seek to link documents according to their content (or at least the perception of their content held by the author of the source work).----* acariciar la idea de = toy with + idea of, flirt with + the idea of.* aceptar una idea = accept + notion, deal with + concept.* aclarar las ideas de Uno = clarify + Posesivo + mind.* acoger con ahínco la idea de = seize upon + the idea of.* acostumbrarse a una idea = get used to + idea, deal with + concept.* adquirir una idea = gain + impression.* aferrarse a una idea = hold fast to + idea.* aludir a una idea = allude to + idea.* aportación de ideas = brainstorming [brain-storming], brainstorm.* aportar ideas = contribute + ideas, brainstorm.* apoyar la idea = endorse + the idea.* apoyar una idea = favour + idea.* atraer la idea de = fancy + the idea of.* bombardeo de ideas = brainstorming [brain-storming], brainstorm.* cambio de idea = change of heart, change of mind.* cantera de ideas = hotbed.* casarse con una idea = wed to + view.* compartir ideas = share + ideas, share + thoughts, bounce off + ideas.* compartir ideas con Alguien = bounce + ideas off + Nombre.* compartir las ideas = pool + ideas.* composición por confrontación de ideas = brain-writing.* concebir una idea = conceive + idea.* confrontación de ideas = brainstorming [brain-storming], brainstorm.* confrontar ideas = brainstorm.* con sólo una mínima idea de = with only the sketchiest idea of.* contar las ideas a Alguien = run + ideas + past + Pronombre.* contrastar ideas = brainstorm.* contraste de ideas = brainstorming [brain-storming].* contribución de ideas = input of ideas.* con una idea muy superficial sobre = with only a sketchy idea of.* corroborar una idea = substantiate + point.* criticar las ideas de Alguien = trample on + Posesivo + ideas.* dar con una idea = hit on/upon + idea.* dar ideas = offer + clues.* dar la idea = give + the impression that.* darle vueltas a la idea = toy with, toy with + idea of.* darle vueltas a la idea de = flirt with + the idea of.* dar una idea = give + idea, give + glimpse, provide + an understanding.* dar una idea de = give + a feel for, give + indication, provide + a glimpse of, give + a flavour of, be indicative of, provide + insight into, give + a picture, give + an insight into, give + an inkling of.* dar una idea general = put in + the picture, give + a general picture, paint + a broad picture.* debatir una idea = discuss + idea.* deducir una idea = draw + idea.* defender + Posesivo + idea = support + Posesivo + case.* defender una idea = champion + idea.* de ideas afines = like-minded.* desaprobar una idea = disapprove of + the idea of.* desarrollar una idea = amplify + idea.* descartar una idea = dismiss + idea, discount + notion.* difundir una idea = spread + view, spread + an idea, circulate + Posesivo + idea.* discutir una idea = float + concept.* echar por tierra una idea = crush + idea.* empezar a gustar la idea = warm up to + the idea.* entusiasmarse con la idea = warm up to + the idea.* erradicar falsas ideas = erase + misconceptions.* erradicar una falsa ide = dispel + idea.* escaso de ideas = short of ideas.* estar a favor de una idea = favour + idea.* estar convencido de la idea de que = be committed to the idea that.* estar de acuerdo con una idea = subscribe to + idea.* expresar ideas = express + thoughts, put over + ideas.* extraer una idea = draw + idea.* falto de ideas = short of ideas.* germen de una idea = germ of an idea.* gustar la idea de = fancy + the idea of.* hacer hincapié en una idea = hammer + point.* hacer prevaler las ideas y valores de uno mismo = assert + own ideas and values.* hacer realidad una idea = follow through on/with + Posesivo + idea.* hacerse a una idea = deal with + concept.* hacerse una idea = form + impression, get + an inkling.* hacerse una idea de = catch + glimpse, glean + indication, glean + picture, have + an inkling of.* hacerse una idea mejor de = glean + insights.* hacer valer una idea = enforce + idea.* idea abstracta = abstract idea.* idea + aparecer = idea + surface.* idea aproximada = rough idea.* idea arraigada = ingrained attitude.* idea brillante = bright idea.* idea buena = cool idea.* idea central = focal point.* idea clara = clear idea.* idea cultural = meme.* idea + dar forma = idea + shape.* idea de reforma = reform idea.* idea estrafalaria = outlandish idea.* idea falsa = misconception, misperception, bogus idea, illusion.* idea favorita = pet idea.* idea + forjar = idea + shape.* idea fundamental = keynote.* idea general = rough idea.* idea genial = brain child [brainchild].* idea incoherente = disjointed idea.* idea loca = wild thought.* idea nueva = fresh idea.* idea original = brain child [brainchild].* idea pensada a posteriori = afterthought.* idea peregrina = outlandish idea.* idea preconcebida = preconception.* idea principal = drift.* idea reciclada = retread [re-tread].* ideas = food for thought, strands of thought.* idea secundaria = side issue.* ideas políticas = politics.* ideas principales = significant ideas.* idea + surgir = idea + come up.* ilustrar una idea = illustrate + point.* inspirar ideas = spark off + ideas.* intercambiar ideas = compare + notes, exchange + ideas, bounce off + ideas.* intercambiar ideas con Alguien = bounce + ideas off + Nombre.* intercambio de ideas = exchange of ideas, fertilisation [fertilization, -USA], cross-fertilisation [cross-fertilization, -USA], cross-fertilisation of ideas.* la idea que hay detrás de = the idea behind.* lanzar una idea = pilot + idea.* machacar un idea = squash + idea.* mencionar una idea = bring up + idea.* ¡ni idea! = beats me!.* no captar la idea = miss + the point.* no estar de acuerdo con la idea de = disapprove of + the idea of.* no pillar la idea = miss + the point.* no tener idea = have + no clue, have + no idea.* no tener idea de = be clueless about, have + no understanding of.* no tener la más mínima idea sobre Algo = Negativo + have + the foggiest idea.* no tener ni idea sobre Algo = not know the first thing about.* no tener ni puta idea = not get + Posesivo + shit together.* no tener ni puta idea sobre Algo = not know the first thing about.* nueva idea = reform idea.* obtener una idea = get + a sense of, gain + a sense of.* obtener una idea de = get + a taste of.* ocurrirse a Alguien una idea = hit on/upon + idea.* ocurrírsele a Alguien una idea = think up + idea.* ocurrírsele la idea = come up with + idea.* pensar en una idea = think up + idea.* perpetuar una idea preconcebida = perpetuate + preconception.* plantear una idea = raise + idea.* plasmar una idea en la realidad = translate + idea into + reality.* poner a prueba una idea = test + idea, pilot + idea.* poner en práctica una idea = put + Posesivo + idea + into practice.* presentar una idea = make + point, put forward + idea, offer + perspective, present + idea.* probar una idea = test + idea.* profundizar en una idea = carry + argument + one step further.* promover una idea = promote + idea, pioneer + idea.* proponer una idea = advance + proposition, advance + idea, put forward + idea.* quitar la idea = wipe away + idea.* recalcar una idea = hammer + point.* rechazar una idea = turn + idea + down.* reforzar una idea = reinforce + idea, reinforce + notion, strengthen + the view.* refutar una idea = quarrel with + notion.* replantearse las ideas = rethink + Posesivo + ideas.* representar una idea = dramatise + idea.* sacar a colación una idea = bring up + idea.* ser la idea central de = be at the core of, be at the heart of.* ser partidario de una idea = favour + idea.* sin idea = clueless.* sin ideas preconcebidas = open mind.* sin la menor idea = clueless.* sopesar una idea = weigh + idea.* sugerir ideas = contribute + ideas, brainstorm.* sugerir una idea = advance + proposition, suggest + idea, float + concept.* suscribir una idea = subscribe to + idea.* tener idea = have + a clue.* tener una idea = gain + impression, capture + glimpse, get + a sense of, have + an inkling of, gain + a sense of, have + a clue.* tener una idea de = gain + idea of.* tormenta de ideas = brainstorming [brain-storming], brainstorm.* una idea general = a rough guide.* unas cuantas ideas = a rough guide.* utilizar las ideas de (Alguien) = draw on/upon + Posesivo + ideas.* * *1)a) ( concepto) ideala idea de libertad — the idea o concept of freedom
b) (opinión, ideología) ideac) ( noción) ideadarse idea para algo — (RPl fam) to be good at something
hacerse (a) la idea de algo — to get used to the idea of something
2)a) ( ocurrencia) ideano sería buena/mala idea — it wouldn't be a good/bad idea
idea de bombero — (Esp fam) crazy idea
b) ( intención) intention, ideac) ( sugerencia) idea•* * *= idea, insight, notion, perspective, point, thought, conception, rationality, inkling, perception.Ex: Analytical cataloguing is valuable in respect of any type of media, but many of ideas have been tested most thoroughly in the context of monographs and serials.
Ex: The human indexer works mechanically and rapidly; he should require no insight into the document content.Ex: A focus conveys the key or principal notion of a concept.Ex: It is easy to see that users and separate pieces of literature may hold different perspectives on one subject.Ex: Parts of the abstract are written in the informative style, whilst those points which are of less significance are treated indicatively.Ex: Amongst these are numbered: some specific legal and governmental works, such as laws, decrees, treaties; works that record the collective thought of a body, for example, reports of commissions and committees; and various cartographic materials.Ex: Different conceptions of what subject indexing means are described.Ex: A model of how librarians may actually go about book selection is presented in three ways: rationality; tacit knowledge; and symbolic content.Ex: Her experience with many children has shown that often they can repeat sentences and read quite well without any inkling of what they are saying.Ex: Nevertheless, citation indexes do seek to link documents according to their content (or at least the perception of their content held by the author of the source work).* acariciar la idea de = toy with + idea of, flirt with + the idea of.* aceptar una idea = accept + notion, deal with + concept.* aclarar las ideas de Uno = clarify + Posesivo + mind.* acoger con ahínco la idea de = seize upon + the idea of.* acostumbrarse a una idea = get used to + idea, deal with + concept.* adquirir una idea = gain + impression.* aferrarse a una idea = hold fast to + idea.* aludir a una idea = allude to + idea.* aportación de ideas = brainstorming [brain-storming], brainstorm.* aportar ideas = contribute + ideas, brainstorm.* apoyar la idea = endorse + the idea.* apoyar una idea = favour + idea.* atraer la idea de = fancy + the idea of.* bombardeo de ideas = brainstorming [brain-storming], brainstorm.* cambio de idea = change of heart, change of mind.* cantera de ideas = hotbed.* casarse con una idea = wed to + view.* compartir ideas = share + ideas, share + thoughts, bounce off + ideas.* compartir ideas con Alguien = bounce + ideas off + Nombre.* compartir las ideas = pool + ideas.* composición por confrontación de ideas = brain-writing.* concebir una idea = conceive + idea.* confrontación de ideas = brainstorming [brain-storming], brainstorm.* confrontar ideas = brainstorm.* con sólo una mínima idea de = with only the sketchiest idea of.* contar las ideas a Alguien = run + ideas + past + Pronombre.* contrastar ideas = brainstorm.* contraste de ideas = brainstorming [brain-storming].* contribución de ideas = input of ideas.* con una idea muy superficial sobre = with only a sketchy idea of.* corroborar una idea = substantiate + point.* criticar las ideas de Alguien = trample on + Posesivo + ideas.* dar con una idea = hit on/upon + idea.* dar ideas = offer + clues.* dar la idea = give + the impression that.* darle vueltas a la idea = toy with, toy with + idea of.* darle vueltas a la idea de = flirt with + the idea of.* dar una idea = give + idea, give + glimpse, provide + an understanding.* dar una idea de = give + a feel for, give + indication, provide + a glimpse of, give + a flavour of, be indicative of, provide + insight into, give + a picture, give + an insight into, give + an inkling of.* dar una idea general = put in + the picture, give + a general picture, paint + a broad picture.* debatir una idea = discuss + idea.* deducir una idea = draw + idea.* defender + Posesivo + idea = support + Posesivo + case.* defender una idea = champion + idea.* de ideas afines = like-minded.* desaprobar una idea = disapprove of + the idea of.* desarrollar una idea = amplify + idea.* descartar una idea = dismiss + idea, discount + notion.* difundir una idea = spread + view, spread + an idea, circulate + Posesivo + idea.* discutir una idea = float + concept.* echar por tierra una idea = crush + idea.* empezar a gustar la idea = warm up to + the idea.* entusiasmarse con la idea = warm up to + the idea.* erradicar falsas ideas = erase + misconceptions.* erradicar una falsa ide = dispel + idea.* escaso de ideas = short of ideas.* estar a favor de una idea = favour + idea.* estar convencido de la idea de que = be committed to the idea that.* estar de acuerdo con una idea = subscribe to + idea.* expresar ideas = express + thoughts, put over + ideas.* extraer una idea = draw + idea.* falto de ideas = short of ideas.* germen de una idea = germ of an idea.* gustar la idea de = fancy + the idea of.* hacer hincapié en una idea = hammer + point.* hacer prevaler las ideas y valores de uno mismo = assert + own ideas and values.* hacer realidad una idea = follow through on/with + Posesivo + idea.* hacerse a una idea = deal with + concept.* hacerse una idea = form + impression, get + an inkling.* hacerse una idea de = catch + glimpse, glean + indication, glean + picture, have + an inkling of.* hacerse una idea mejor de = glean + insights.* hacer valer una idea = enforce + idea.* idea abstracta = abstract idea.* idea + aparecer = idea + surface.* idea aproximada = rough idea.* idea arraigada = ingrained attitude.* idea brillante = bright idea.* idea buena = cool idea.* idea central = focal point.* idea clara = clear idea.* idea cultural = meme.* idea + dar forma = idea + shape.* idea de reforma = reform idea.* idea estrafalaria = outlandish idea.* idea falsa = misconception, misperception, bogus idea, illusion.* idea favorita = pet idea.* idea + forjar = idea + shape.* idea fundamental = keynote.* idea general = rough idea.* idea genial = brain child [brainchild].* idea incoherente = disjointed idea.* idea loca = wild thought.* idea nueva = fresh idea.* idea original = brain child [brainchild].* idea pensada a posteriori = afterthought.* idea peregrina = outlandish idea.* idea preconcebida = preconception.* idea principal = drift.* idea reciclada = retread [re-tread].* ideas = food for thought, strands of thought.* idea secundaria = side issue.* ideas políticas = politics.* ideas principales = significant ideas.* idea + surgir = idea + come up.* ilustrar una idea = illustrate + point.* inspirar ideas = spark off + ideas.* intercambiar ideas = compare + notes, exchange + ideas, bounce off + ideas.* intercambiar ideas con Alguien = bounce + ideas off + Nombre.* intercambio de ideas = exchange of ideas, fertilisation [fertilization, -USA], cross-fertilisation [cross-fertilization, -USA], cross-fertilisation of ideas.* la idea que hay detrás de = the idea behind.* lanzar una idea = pilot + idea.* machacar un idea = squash + idea.* mencionar una idea = bring up + idea.* ¡ni idea! = beats me!.* no captar la idea = miss + the point.* no estar de acuerdo con la idea de = disapprove of + the idea of.* no pillar la idea = miss + the point.* no tener idea = have + no clue, have + no idea.* no tener idea de = be clueless about, have + no understanding of.* no tener la más mínima idea sobre Algo = Negativo + have + the foggiest idea.* no tener ni idea sobre Algo = not know the first thing about.* no tener ni puta idea = not get + Posesivo + shit together.* no tener ni puta idea sobre Algo = not know the first thing about.* nueva idea = reform idea.* obtener una idea = get + a sense of, gain + a sense of.* obtener una idea de = get + a taste of.* ocurrirse a Alguien una idea = hit on/upon + idea.* ocurrírsele a Alguien una idea = think up + idea.* ocurrírsele la idea = come up with + idea.* pensar en una idea = think up + idea.* perpetuar una idea preconcebida = perpetuate + preconception.* plantear una idea = raise + idea.* plasmar una idea en la realidad = translate + idea into + reality.* poner a prueba una idea = test + idea, pilot + idea.* poner en práctica una idea = put + Posesivo + idea + into practice.* presentar una idea = make + point, put forward + idea, offer + perspective, present + idea.* probar una idea = test + idea.* profundizar en una idea = carry + argument + one step further.* promover una idea = promote + idea, pioneer + idea.* proponer una idea = advance + proposition, advance + idea, put forward + idea.* quitar la idea = wipe away + idea.* recalcar una idea = hammer + point.* rechazar una idea = turn + idea + down.* reforzar una idea = reinforce + idea, reinforce + notion, strengthen + the view.* refutar una idea = quarrel with + notion.* replantearse las ideas = rethink + Posesivo + ideas.* representar una idea = dramatise + idea.* sacar a colación una idea = bring up + idea.* ser la idea central de = be at the core of, be at the heart of.* ser partidario de una idea = favour + idea.* sin idea = clueless.* sin ideas preconcebidas = open mind.* sin la menor idea = clueless.* sopesar una idea = weigh + idea.* sugerir ideas = contribute + ideas, brainstorm.* sugerir una idea = advance + proposition, suggest + idea, float + concept.* suscribir una idea = subscribe to + idea.* tener idea = have + a clue.* tener una idea = gain + impression, capture + glimpse, get + a sense of, have + an inkling of, gain + a sense of, have + a clue.* tener una idea de = gain + idea of.* tormenta de ideas = brainstorming [brain-storming], brainstorm.* una idea general = a rough guide.* unas cuantas ideas = a rough guide.* utilizar las ideas de (Alguien) = draw on/upon + Posesivo + ideas.* * *A1 (concepto) ideala idea de libertad the idea o concept of freedomla idea de un dios único the idea o notion of a single God2 (opinión, ideología) ideasus ideas políticas his political beliefs o ideases de ideas bastante conservadoras she has fairly conservative ideas o viewses un hombre de ideas fijas he has very set ideas about thingsyo no soy de la misma idea I don't agree, I don't share your opinion3 (noción) ideano tiene idea de cómo funciona he has no idea how it worksno tenía ni idea de todo esto I had no idea about any of thisno tengo idea no idea! o I don't have a clueno tenía ni la más remota idea or ( Esp fam) ni pajolera idea she didn't have the slightest idea, she didn't have the faintest o foggiest idea ( colloq)tenía idea de que ibas a llamar I had a feeling you'd callno tienes idea de lo que he sufrido you have no idea how much I've sufferedpara darse or hacerse una idea de la situación to give oneself o to get an idea of the situationes difícil hacerse una idea de cómo es si no lo has visto it's hard to imagine what it's like if you haven't seen itesto es sólo una idea del proyecto this is just a general idea of the projectse da mucha idea para cocinar she's a very good cookhacerse (a) la idea de algo: ya me voy haciendo (a) la idea de vivir allí I am getting used to the idea of living there nowno se hace (a) la idea de que está muerto she can't accept the fact that he's deadB1 (ocurrencia) idease me ocurre or tengo una idea I've got an idea¡qué ideas se te ocurren! you really o sure get some funny ideas! ( colloq)se le metió la idea en la cabeza de ir a escalar la montaña she got it into her head to go and climb the mountainno sería mala idea hacer las reservas hoy it wouldn't be a bad idea to make the reservations today¡quítate esa idea de la cabeza! you can get that idea out of your head!2 (intención) intention, ideano fui con esa idea I didn't go with that idea in mind o with that intentionmi idea era terminarlo hoy my intention was to finish it today, I had intended to finish it todaycambió de idea y tomó el tren she changed her mind and took the trainno han abandonado la idea de ir al parque they haven't given up the idea of going to the park3 (sugerencia) ideaideas para el hogar ideas for the homeescriban sus ideas en un papelito please write your suggestions o ideas on a piece of paperCompuesto:fixed idea, idée fixeC* * *
Del verbo idear: ( conjugate idear)
idea es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
idea sustantivo femenino
idea;◊ la idea de libertad the idea o concept of freedom;
es de ideas fijas he has very set ideas about things;
no tiene idea de cómo funciona he has no idea how it works;
no tengo idea I don't have a clue;
hacerse una idea de la situación to get an idea of the situation;
se me ocurre una idea I've got an idea;
cambió de idea she changed her mind;
hacerse (a) la idea de algo to get used to the idea of sth
idea sustantivo femenino
1 idea
idea fija, fixed idea
2 (representación, concepto) idea: la simple idea de volver a verle me pone nervioso, the very thought of seeing him again makes me all jittery
(noción) idea: para que te hagas una idea..., so that you can get an idea...
tiene muy poca idea de lo que cuesta, she has very little idea of what it costs
3 (opinión, juicio) idea, opinion: te lo advierto, ésta no es la idea que yo tengo de la diversión, mind you, that's not my idea of fun
tiene ideas peligrosas sobre el poder, he has dangerous ideas about power
cambiar de idea, to change one's mind
4 (intención) intention
a mala idea, on purpose
5 (proyecto, plan, ocurrencia) idea: teme que le roben la idea, she's afraid someone might steal her idea
vino con la idea de ir a la playa, she came with the idea of going to the beach
exclamación ¡vaya una idea!, the very idea!
♦ Locuciones: hacerse a la idea de, to get used to the idea of
familiar no tener ni idea, to have no idea o not to have a clue: no tenía ni idea de que hubieras regresado, I had no idea that you were back
(ser ignorante) no tengo ni (la más remota/puñetera) idea de fútbol, I haven't got a clue about football
ideas de bombero, absurd ideas
idear verbo transitivo
1 (un invento, diseño) to devise, invent
2 (una teoría, un plan) to think up, conceive
' idea' also found in these entries:
- acariciar
- acierto
- acoger
- acogida
- advertir
- aferrarse
- añadidura
- anticipo
- borrosa
- borroso
- bosquejar
- bosquejo
- buena
- bueno
- cabeza
- cambiar
- chifladura
- concepto
- confusa
- confuso
- convencer
- cosa
- decir
- definida
- definido
- desechar
- desterrar
- dónde
- exclusión
- flor
- formarse
- fríamente
- gestarse
- gustar
- hacerse
- hoy
- impracticable
- inicialmente
- intención
- irse
- leve
- luminosa
- luminoso
- madurar
- menor
- mentalizarse
- neta
- neto
- noción
- adjust
- advance
- afterthought
- amusement
- appealing
- assumption
- barmy
- better
- brainstorm
- brainwave
- brilliant
- bring forward
- bristle
- catch
- catch on
- change
- cling
- clue
- come up with
- conception
- confused
- convey
- crazy
- daft
- daring
- dated
- defunct
- dismiss
- distinct
- downside
- drift
- embody
- embrace
- face
- faint
- fall in with
- fanciful
- fasten on to
- flirt
- fluid
- foggy
- fundamental
- get across
- get through
- hit on
- hit upon
- idea
- idiotic
- illusion
* * *idea nf1. [concepto] idea;la idea del bien y del mal the concept of good and evil;yo tenía otra idea de Estados Unidos I had a different image of the United States;tiene una idea peculiar de lo que es la honradez he has a funny idea of (what's meant by) honesty;hazte a la idea de que no va a venir you'd better start accepting that she isn't going to come;no conseguía hacerme a la idea de vivir sin ella I couldn't get used to the idea of living without her;con lo que me has dicho ya me hago una idea de cómo es la escuela from what you've told me I've got a pretty good idea of what the school is like;no me hago una idea de cómo debió ser I can't imagine what it must have been likeidea fija obsession;ser una persona de ideas fijas to be a person of fixed ideas2. [ocurrencia] idea;una buena/mala idea a good/bad idea;ha sido muy buena idea escoger este restaurante it was a very good idea to choose this restaurant;se le ve falto de ideas en su última novela he seems short of ideas in his latest novel;lo que contaste me dio la idea para el guión what you said to me gave me the idea for the script;se me ocurre una idea, podríamos… I know what, we could…;¿a quién se le habrá ocurrido la idea de apagar las luces? can you believe it, somebody's gone and turned the lights out!;¡más vale que te quites esa idea de la cabeza! you can forget that idea!;cuando se le mete una idea en la cabeza… when he gets an idea into his head…;Esptener ideas de bombero to have wild o crazy ideas3. [conocimiento, nociones] idea;la policía no tenía ni idea de quién pudo haber cometido el crimen the police had no idea who could have committed the crime;no tengo ni idea I haven't got a clue;no tengo ni idea de física I don't know the first thing about physics;Esp muy Fam Vulgno tengo ni puta idea I haven't got a fucking clue;Fam¡ni idea! [como respuesta] search me!, I haven't got a clue!;tener idea de cómo hacer algo to know how to do sth;tener una ligera idea to have a vague idea;por la forma en que maneja las herramientas se ve que tiene idea from the way she's handling the tools, you can tell she knows what she's doing;¡no tienes idea o [m5] no puedes hacerte una idea de lo duro que fue! you have no idea o you can't imagine how hard it was!4. [propósito] intention;nuestra idea es volver pronto we intend to o our intention is to return early;con la idea de with the idea o intention of;tener idea de hacer algo to intend to do sth;a mala idea maliciously;¡mira que tienes mala idea! that's really nasty of you!5. [opinión] opinion;mi idea de ella era totalmente errónea I had completely the wrong impression of her;no tengo una idea formada sobre el tema I don't have a clear opinion on the subject;cambiar de idea to change one's mind;yo soy de la idea de que mujeres y hombres deben tener los mismos derechos I'm of the opinion that men and women should have equal rights;somos de la misma idea we agree, we're of the same opinion6.ideas [ideología] ideas;mi padre es de ideas progresistas my father is a progressive o has progressive attitudes;fue perseguido por sus ideas he was persecuted for his beliefs o ideasle tengo idea a eso that drives me nuts;si te vas a poner el vestido con idea, mejor ponete otra cosa if you're not sure about the dress, you'd do better to wear something else* * *f idea;dar (una) idea de algo give an idea of sth;hacerse a la idea de que … get used to the idea that …;no tener ni idea not have a clue* * *idea nf1) : idea, notion2) : opinion, belief3) propósito: intention* * *idea n idea¡qué buena idea! what a good idea!no tengo ni idea I have no idea / I haven't got a clue -
17 miserable
adj.1 poor (pobre).2 miserable (penoso, insuficiente).3 contemptible, base (vil).4 mean (tacaño).5 miserly, mean, stingy.6 meager, scant.f. & m.1 wretch, vile person (persona vil).2 mean person, miser (tacaño).* * *► adjetivo1 (desdichado) miserable2 (insignificante) miserly; (tacaño) mean3 (malvado) wretched1 (malvado) wretch2 (tacaño) miser* * *adj.1) miserable, wretched2) despicable* * *1. ADJ1) (=tacaño) mean, stingy; (=avaro) miserly2) [sueldo] miserable, paltry3) (=vil) vile, despicable4) [lugar, habitación] squalid, wretched5) (=desdichado) wretched2. SMF1) (=desgraciado) wretch2) (=canalla) swine, wretch¡miserable! — you miserable wretch!
* * *Ib) ( avaro) mean, stingy (colloq)c) ( malvado) malicious, nastyIImasculino y femenino wretch, scoundrel* * *= mean [meaner -comp., meanest -sup.], miserable, squalid, mean-spirited, paltry [paltrier -comp., paltriest -sup.], measly [measlier -comp., measliest -sup.], dastardly, cheapskate.Ex. Whereas in most European countries during this period welfare provision continued to develop, in Australia it languished at a level which, with the exception of Japan, was the meanest of the developed countries.Ex. Sometimes of an evening, after my miserable journeyings through the day, I would stand for hours in the Strand, leaning against the shutters of a closed shop, and watching the compositors at work by gaslight on the opposite side of the way, upon a morning paper.Ex. The author examines Whistler's visits to the more squalid sections of the city, his views along the Thames and his portrayals of street urchins.Ex. Don't waste your time on this mean-spirited little film of no consequence.Ex. And there is no guarantee that any of the paltry sums of extra money available will actually benefit the workers in the recipient countries.Ex. Despite the Bank of England's base rate having risen by a full percentage point, the average savings rate is still ' measly'.Ex. A dastardly livery driver raped a 30-year-old woman passenger on Jan. 31, cops said.Ex. Most of these cheapskates will not come right out and tell you that they don't want to pay anything for your software.----* fracaso miserable = miserable failure.* llevar una vida miserable = live + wretched existence.* * *Ib) ( avaro) mean, stingy (colloq)c) ( malvado) malicious, nastyIImasculino y femenino wretch, scoundrel* * *= mean [meaner -comp., meanest -sup.], miserable, squalid, mean-spirited, paltry [paltrier -comp., paltriest -sup.], measly [measlier -comp., measliest -sup.], dastardly, cheapskate.Ex: Whereas in most European countries during this period welfare provision continued to develop, in Australia it languished at a level which, with the exception of Japan, was the meanest of the developed countries.
Ex: Sometimes of an evening, after my miserable journeyings through the day, I would stand for hours in the Strand, leaning against the shutters of a closed shop, and watching the compositors at work by gaslight on the opposite side of the way, upon a morning paper.Ex: The author examines Whistler's visits to the more squalid sections of the city, his views along the Thames and his portrayals of street urchins.Ex: Don't waste your time on this mean-spirited little film of no consequence.Ex: And there is no guarantee that any of the paltry sums of extra money available will actually benefit the workers in the recipient countries.Ex: Despite the Bank of England's base rate having risen by a full percentage point, the average savings rate is still ' measly'.Ex: A dastardly livery driver raped a 30-year-old woman passenger on Jan. 31, cops said.Ex: Most of these cheapskates will not come right out and tell you that they don't want to pay anything for your software.* fracaso miserable = miserable failure.* llevar una vida miserable = live + wretched existence.* * *1 (pobre) ‹vivienda› miserable, wretched; ‹sueldo› paltry, miserable3 (malvado) malicious, nastywretch, scoundrel, nasty piece of work ( colloq)* * *
miserable adjetivo
‹ sueldo› paltry, miserable
■ sustantivo masculino y femenino
wretch, scoundrel
I adjetivo
1 (lástimoso, pobre) wretched, poor: gana un sueldo miserable, she earns a miserable salary
2 (malvado, ruin) despicable
un comportamiento miserable, despicable behaviour
3 (avariento) mean
II mf
1 (mezquino) miser
2 (canalla) wretch, scoundrel: un miserable le robó la bicicleta, some scoundrel stole his bicycle
' miserable' also found in these entries:
- astroso
- escoria
- mezquina
- mezquino
- mísera
- miseria
- mísero
- pajolera
- pajolero
- chancho
- triste
- miser
- miserable
- niggardly
- skimpy
- squalid
- stingy
- bleak
- sorry
* * *♦ adj1. [pobre] poor;[vivienda] wretched, squalid2. [penoso, insuficiente] miserable3. [vil] contemptible, base4. [tacaño] mean♦ nmf1. [persona vil] wretch, vile person2. [tacaño] mean person, miser* * *I adj wretchedII m/f1 ( tacaño) skinflint2 ( canalla) swine* * *miserable adj1) lastimoso: miserable, wretched2) : paltry, meager3) mezquino: stingy, miserly4) : despicable, vile -
18 ni
conj.1 not even.ni siquiera not evenanda tan atareado que ni tiene tiempo para comer he's so busy he doesn't even have time to eat2 neither.3 nor.* * *ni1 neither, nor2 (ni siquiera) not even\¡ni hablar! no way!ni que it's not as if■ ni que fuera tonta it's not as if I were stupid!■ ni que hubiera sido millonario anyone would think he were a millionaire!* * *conj.neither, nor* * *CONJ1) (=y no) [con verbo negativo en inglés] or; [con verbo afirmativo en inglés] nor- a mí no me gusta -ni a mí — "I don't like it" - "nor do I" o "neither do I"
ni... ni...: no tenía ni amigos ni familiares — he had no friends and no family (either), he had no friends or family, he had neither friends nor family
no es ni blanco ni negro — it's not black and it's not white (either), it's neither black nor white
no vinieron ni Juan ni Pedro — Juan didn't come and neither did Pedro, neither Juan nor Pedro came
ni vino ni llamó por teléfono — he didn't come and he didn't phone (either), he neither came nor phoned
ni que lo hagas bien ni que lo hagas mal te dirán nada — whether you do it well or badly, they won't say anything
2) [para dar más énfasis] evenni se sabe — God knows, who knows?
ni uno, -¿cuántos tienes? -ni uno — "how many have you got?" - "not a single one" o "none"no me ha dicho ni una palabra desde que llegó — she hasn't said a single word to me since she got here
ni uno de sus parientes lo ha felicitado — not (a single) one of his relatives has congratulated him
3) [exclamaciones]•
¡ni hablar! — no way!, not on your life!¿yo? ¿votar a esos? ¡ni hablar! — me vote for them? no way! o not on your life!
¡ni por esas!, he intentado convencerla prometiéndole un regalo, pero ni por esas — I tried to persuade her with a present but even that didn't work•
ni que, siempre cuidando de él, ¡ni que fueras su madre! — you're always taking care of him, anyone would think you were his mother!vaya unos humos que tiene, ¡ni que fuese un dios! — he's so arrogant, he must think he's God!
¡pero tú qué te has creído!, ¡ni que yo fuese tonto! — you must think I'm stupid or something!
¡qué curso ni qué curso! ¡yo he aprendido por mi cuenta! — what are you talking about, taking a course? I've studied by myself!
4)ni bien me fui, sonó el teléfono — as soon as I left, the phone rang
* * *1) ( con otro negativo)ni... ni: ni fumo ni bebo I don't smoke or drink, I neither smoke nor drink; no nos avisaron ni a Sol ni a mí — they didn't tell Sol or me (either)
2)a) tbb)ni un/una: no vendieron ni un libro they didn't sell a single book; de sus amigos no vino ni uno — not one of his friends came
3)no podemos permitírnoslo ni que fuéramos millonarios! — we can't afford it, we're not millionaires you know!
* * *----* lanzarse sin ton ni son = dive + head-first.* ni con mucho = not by a long shot.* ¡ni en sueños! = no dice!.* ni ganar ni perder = break + even.* ¡ni hablar! = no dice!.* ¡ni hablar del caso! = no dice!.* ¡ni idea! = beats me!, beats me!.* ni incluso = for that matter, not even.* ni inmutarse = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash.* ¡ni loco! = Not on your life!, You won't catch me doing it.* ni lo uno ni lo otro = in-between, betwixt and between.* ni más ni menos = nothing more, nothing less, no more, no less.* ni mucho menos = by any stretch (of the imagination), by any means, not by a long shot.* ¡ni muerto! = Not on your life!, You won't catch me doing it.* ni... ni... = neither... nor....* ¡ni pensarlo! = over + Posesivo + dead body.* ni pestañear = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash.* ni por asomo = not by a long shot, never in a month of Sundays, by no stretch of the imagination.* ni por casualidad = never in a month of Sundays.* ni que decir tiene que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.* ni remotamente = by no stretch of the imagination.* ¡Ni se te ocurra! = Not on your life!.* ni siquiera una vez = not once (did).* ni tampoco = nor.* ni una chispa de viento = not a drop of wind, not a drop of wind.* ni una cosa ni la otra = in-between, betwixt and between.* ¡ni una palabra a nadie! = not a word to anyone!.* ni una sola vez = not once (did).* no conseguir ni una cosa ni otra = fall (between/through) + the cracks.* no dejar ni un cabo suelto = tie up + all the loose ends.* no ser ni una cosa ni otra = fall between + two stools.* no tener ni idea sobre Algo = not know the first thing about.* no tener ni la más mínima posibilidad = not to have a prayer.* no tener ni la más remota posibilidad = not to have a prayer.* no tener ni puta idea = not get + Posesivo + shit together.* no tener ni voz ni voto en = have + no say in.* nunca + Verbo + ni un + Nombre = never + Verbo + one + Nombre.* sensación de no ser ni una cosa ni la otra = in-betweenness.* sin lógica ni explicación = without rhyme or reason.* sin más ni más = for the love of it, without much ado.* sin orden ni concierto = higgledy-piggledy, higgledy-piggledy, without rhyme or reason.* sin pies ni cabeza = without rhyme or reason.* sin ton ni son = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason, without rhyme or reason.* * *1) ( con otro negativo)ni... ni: ni fumo ni bebo I don't smoke or drink, I neither smoke nor drink; no nos avisaron ni a Sol ni a mí — they didn't tell Sol or me (either)
2)a) tbb)ni un/una: no vendieron ni un libro they didn't sell a single book; de sus amigos no vino ni uno — not one of his friends came
3)no podemos permitírnoslo ni que fuéramos millonarios! — we can't afford it, we're not millionaires you know!
* * ** lanzarse sin ton ni son = dive + head-first.* ni con mucho = not by a long shot.* ¡ni en sueños! = no dice!.* ni ganar ni perder = break + even.* ¡ni hablar! = no dice!.* ¡ni hablar del caso! = no dice!.* ¡ni idea! = beats me!, beats me!.* ni incluso = for that matter, not even.* ni inmutarse = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash.* ¡ni loco! = Not on your life!, You won't catch me doing it.* ni lo uno ni lo otro = in-between, betwixt and between.* ni más ni menos = nothing more, nothing less, no more, no less.* ni mucho menos = by any stretch (of the imagination), by any means, not by a long shot.* ¡ni muerto! = Not on your life!, You won't catch me doing it.* ni... ni... = neither... nor....* ¡ni pensarlo! = over + Posesivo + dead body.* ni pestañear = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash.* ni por asomo = not by a long shot, never in a month of Sundays, by no stretch of the imagination.* ni por casualidad = never in a month of Sundays.* ni que decir tiene que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.* ni remotamente = by no stretch of the imagination.* ¡Ni se te ocurra! = Not on your life!.* ni siquiera una vez = not once (did).* ni tampoco = nor.* ni una chispa de viento = not a drop of wind, not a drop of wind.* ni una cosa ni la otra = in-between, betwixt and between.* ¡ni una palabra a nadie! = not a word to anyone!.* ni una sola vez = not once (did).* no conseguir ni una cosa ni otra = fall (between/through) + the cracks.* no dejar ni un cabo suelto = tie up + all the loose ends.* no ser ni una cosa ni otra = fall between + two stools.* no tener ni idea sobre Algo = not know the first thing about.* no tener ni la más mínima posibilidad = not to have a prayer.* no tener ni la más remota posibilidad = not to have a prayer.* no tener ni puta idea = not get + Posesivo + shit together.* no tener ni voz ni voto en = have + no say in.* nunca + Verbo + ni un + Nombre = never + Verbo + one + Nombre.* sensación de no ser ni una cosa ni la otra = in-betweenness.* sin lógica ni explicación = without rhyme or reason.* sin más ni más = for the love of it, without much ado.* sin orden ni concierto = higgledy-piggledy, higgledy-piggledy, without rhyme or reason.* sin pies ni cabeza = without rhyme or reason.* sin ton ni son = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason, without rhyme or reason.* * *niA [ Grammar notes (Spanish) ](con otro negativo): venía sin gabardina ni paraguas he wasn't wearing a raincoat or carrying an umbrellano se lastimó ni nada he didn't hurt himself or anythingno vino él ni su mujer neither he nor his wife cameyo no pienso ir — ni yo (tampoco) I don't intend going — nor do I o neither do I o ( colloq) me neitherni … ni: ni fumo ni bebo I don't smoke or drink, I neither smoke nor drinkno nos avisaron ni a Sol ni a Pablo ni a mí they didn't tell Sol, or Pablo or meno vinieron ni él ni su mujer neither he nor his wife cameni me gusta ni me deja de gustar I don't like him or dislike him, I neither like nor dislike himB1tb ni siquiera not even¿ni (siquiera) piensas llamarlo? aren't you even going to call him?2ni un/una: no vendieron ni un libro they didn't sell a single book, they didn't sell one booky de esto ni una palabra a nadie and not a word of this to anyonede sus amigos no vino ni uno not one of his friends cameno me queda ni una I haven't a single one leftC1(en frases que expresan rechazo): ¡ni hablar! out of the question!, certainly not!ni borracha volvería ahí wild horses wouldn't drag me back there ( colloq)ni aunque me lo pida de rodillas not even if he gets down on bended knee¡qué receta ni qué receta! yo lo hago a mi manera recipe? forget the recipe, I do it my own way2(en frases que expresan enfado): ¡ni que fuera el dueño de la empresa! anyone would think he owned the companyno podemos permitírnoslo ¡ni que fuéramos millonarios! we can't afford it, we're not millionaires you know o it's not as if we're millionaires!3(en frases que expresan satisfacción, alegría): llegas que ni caída del cielo you couldn't have arrived at a better timete queda que ni a la medida it looks as if it was made to measure* * *
ni conjuncióna) ( con otro negativo):
yo no pienso ir — ni yo (tampoco) I don't intend going — neither do I;
ni fumo ni bebo I don't smoke or drink, I neither smoke nor drink;
no nos avisó ni a él ni a mí he didn't tell him or me (either);
ni siquiera not even;
¿ ni siquiera piensas llamarlo? aren't you even going to call him?;
no vendieron ni un libro they didn't sell a single bookb) (expresando rechazo, enfado):◊ ¡ni hablar! out of the question!;
ni aunque me lo ruegue not even if he gets down on his knees
ni conj 1 no... ni, ni... ni, neither... nor, not... or: ni vive ni deja vivir, she won't live or let live
no iréis ni tú ni él, neither you nor he will go
no tiene valor ni carácter, she has neither courage nor character ➣ Ver nota en neither
2 (siquiera) even: ni aunque me maten, not even if they kill me
¡ni hablar!, no way!
ni por todo el oro del mundo, not for all the gold on earth
no llamó ni una vez, she didn't phone even once
no lo digas ni en broma, don't say that even as a joke
'ni' also found in these entries:
- adiós
- advertir
- alma
- añadidura
- anda
- ápice
- arte
- asomo
- brizna
- broma
- calva
- calvo
- caso
- cerrarse
- colorante
- comer
- coña
- Cristo
- decir
- dios
- encima
- entender
- enterarse
- entrar
- eso
- figurarse
- flor
- ir
- golpe
- gota
- hablar
- idea
- jota
- loca
- loco
- magín
- más
- mu
- mucha
- mucho
- nombrar
- orden
- oro
- pajolera
- pajolero
- papa
- patata
- peluquín
- pena
- anywhere
- bat
- beneath
- break
- cagey
- can
- chalk
- clear off
- clinch
- cloud
- clue
- dead
- decency
- do
- dread
- even
- far
- fear
- flinch
- for
- half
- head
- home
- inch
- iota
- jot
- less
- life
- likely
- modicum
- muster
- needless
- neither
- nelly
- never
- nor
- not
- notion
- or
- pause
- peep
- penny
- remotely
- rhyme
- self-pity
- shred
- shudder
- skin
- speck
* * *ni♦ conjni… ni… neither… nor…;ni mañana ni pasado neither tomorrow nor the day after;ni mi padre ni mi madre vendrá neither my father nor my mother is coming;no… ni… neither… nor…, not… or… (either);no es alto ni bajo he's neither tall nor short, he's not tall or short (either);no es rojo ni verde ni azul it's neither red nor green nor blue;ni un/una… not a single…;no me quedaré ni un minuto más I'm not staying a minute longer;ni uno/una not a single one;no he aprobado ni una I haven't passed a single one;ni que as if;¡ni que yo fuera tonto! as if I were that stupid!;¡ni que nos sobrara el dinero! it's not as if we have money to burn!, anyone would think we had money to burn!;ni que decir tiene it goes without saying;¡no es listo ni nada! he isn't half clever!;te queda que ni hecho a medida it couldn't look better on you if it had been tailor-made;¡ni hablar! certainly not!, it's out of the question!♦ advnot even;ni siquiera not even;ni (siquiera) me saludó she didn't even say hello;anda tan atareado que ni tiene tiempo para comer he's so busy he doesn't even have time to eat* * *niconj neither;ni … ni neither … nor;ni siquiera not even;no di ni una I made a real mess of things;ni que not even if* * *ni conj1) : neither, norafuera no hace ni frío ni calor: it's neither cold nor hot outside2)ni que : not even if, not as ifni que me pagaran: not even if they paid meni que fuera (yo) su madre: it's not as if I were his mother3)ni siquiera : not evenni siquiera nos llamaron: they didn't even call us* * *ni conj1. (en doble negación) neither... nor2. (ni siquiera) not even¡ni hablar! no way! -
19 vida
f.1 life (existencia).en vida de during the life o lifetime ofestar con vida to be aliveperder la vida to lose one's lifequitar la vida a alguien to kill somebody¿qué es de tu vida? how's life?vida amorosa love lifevida campestre country lifela vida estudiantil student lifevida eterna eternal lifevida de familia family lifevida laboral working lifevida matrimonial married lifevida privada private lifevida sana clean livingvida sentimental love lifevida sexual sex lifevida social social lifevida útil shelf life2 life span, life span of person, duration.3 livelihood, subsistence.4 cost of living.5 Vida.* * *1 (gen) life2 (viveza) liveliness3 (tiempo) lifetime, life4 (modo de vivir) life, way of life5 (medios) living, livelihood\amargarle la vida a alguien to make somebody's life a misery¡así es la vida! such is life!, that's life!cambiar de vida to change one's life stylecomo si le fuera la vida en ello as if his life depended on itcostarle algo la vida a alguien to pay with one's lifedar la vida por to give one's life for, give one's right arm fordarse la gran vida / pegarse la gran vida / darse la vida padre familiar to live it updebatirse entre la vida y la muerte to fight for one's lifede por vida for lifede toda la vida lifelongecharse a la vida familiar to go on the game, become a prostituteen la flor de la vida in the prime of lifeen mi (tu, su, etc) vida never in my (your, his, etc) lifeen vida de during the life ofescapar con vida / salir con vida to come out alive, surviveestar con vida / estar sin vida to be alive / be dead¡esto es vida! / ¡esto sí que es vida! this is the life!ganarse la vida to earn one's livinghacerle la vida imposible a alguien to make life impossible for somebodyllevar una vida agitada / llevar una vida tranquila to lead a busy life / lead a quiet lifepagar alguien con su vida to pay with one's lifepasar a mejor vida eufemístico to pass awayperder la vida to die¿qué es de tu vida? how are things?quitarle la vida a alguien to take somebody's life¡vida mía! / ¡mi vida! my love!, darling!la otra vida the next lifeseñales de vida signs of lifevida de perros dog's lifevida familiar family lifevida íntima private lifevida sentimental love life* * *noun f.1) life2) lifetime* * *SF1) (=existencia) lifeestá escribiendo la vida de Quevedo — he is writing the life o a life o a biography of Quevedo
¿qué es de tu vida? — what's new?, how's life?
con vida — aliveescapar o salir con vida — to escape o come out alive
en vida de, en vida de mi marido — when my husband was alive, during my husband's lifetime¡en la o mi vida! — never (in all my life)!
vida o muerte, una operación a vida o muerte — a life-or-death operation•
la otra vida — the next life•
perder la vida — to lose one's life•
de por vida — for life•
quitar la vida a algn — to take sb's life•
quitarse la vida — to take one's own life•
rehacer la vida — to start a new life•
sin vida — lifelessencontró en el suelo el cuerpo sin vida de su marido — she found her husband's lifeless body on the floor
un cuerpo sin vida — a (dead) body, a corpse
toda la vida, un amigo de toda la vida — a lifelong friend2) (=forma de vivir) lifede vida airada — loose-living, immoral
doble vida — double lifellevar una doble vida — to lead o live a double life
hacer vida marital — to live together (as man and wife)•
mala vida, echarse a la mala vida — to go astrayvida de perros, vida perra — dog's life, wretched life
3) (=sustento)•
coste de la vida — cost of living•
ganarse la vida — to earn o make one's livingse gana la vida haciendo traducciones — he earns o makes his living doing translations
buscar 3.•
nivel de vida — standard of living4) [de objeto]vida útil — (Com) lifespan; (Téc) useful life
5)- ¡por vida del chápiro verde!contar la vida —
¡no me cuentes tu vida! — I don't want your life story!
costarle la vida a algn —
dar vida a algn —
- hacer por la vidapasarse la vida —
pasar la vida a tragos — *to have a miserable life
- tener siete vidas como los gatosvivir 2., 1)6) (=vitalidad)lleno de vida — [ojos] lively; [persona] full of life
dar vida a, la música le da vida a estas imágenes — the music brings these images to life¡vida!, ¡vida mía! — my love!, my darling!
8) euf(=prostitución)* * *1)a) (Biol) life140 personas perdieron la vida — (period) 140 people lost their lives (journ)
eso le costó la vida — (period) that cost him his life
dieron la vida por la patria — they gave o sacrificed their lives for their country
b) (viveza, vitalidad) lifele falta vida — it's/she's/he's not very lively
2) ( extensión de tiempo) lifeen la/mi vida: en la or en mi vida he visto cosa igual! I've never seen anything like it in my life!; en la or mi vida haría una cosa así! I'd never dream of doing something like that!; hacerle la vida imposible a alguien to make somebody's life impossible; tener siete vidas — to have nine lives
3)a) (manera de vivir, actividades) life¿qué es de tu vida? — what have you been up to?
hace or vive su vida — he gets on with o lives his own life
(así) es la vida! — that's life, such is life
darse la gran vida — to live the life of Riley (colloq)
estar/quedar loco de la vida — (CS fam) to be over the moon (colloq)
la vida y milagros de alguien — (CS fam) somebody's life story
pasar a mejor vida — (hum) persona to kick the bucket (colloq); traje/botas to bite the dust (colloq)
pegarse la vida padre — (fam) to live the life of Riley (colloq)
b) ( en determinado aspecto) lifec) ( biografía) life4) ( necesidades materiales)ganarse la vida — to earn one's o a living
buscarse la vida — (fam) to make a living
5) ( como apelativo) darling* * *= life [lives, -pl.], life story, lifeblood, lifetime [life time], living, life's work, lifework, life and limb.Ex. We are comfortable with the things we know and can do because they give us a sense of control over our lives.Ex. This study attempts to illustrate and illuminate the life story of a remarkable pioneering woman, Tryn Ras, using pictorial sources.Ex. Since libraries are the lifeblood of research, it seems only fitting then that the education of librarians should include familiarity with research methodology.Ex. Bibliography and Library science reflect the changes that took place in Bliss's lifetime.Ex. They seem to regard literature as a secondary experience, more akin to being a peeping Tom, an impotent voyeur, rather than being one of the healthy, active people who get on with real living.Ex. Evelyn Bliss devoted his life's work to the study of classification and BC is the results of his efforts.Ex. This is an eloquent, moving testament to the lifework of a major artist of unimpeachable technique and passion.Ex. This is a special issue devoted partly to the theme: Life and limb: issues of security and safety.----* abrirse camino en la vida = get on in + life.* acabar + Posesivo + vida útil = run towards + the end of + Posesivo + useful life.* acortar + Posesivo + vida = cut + Posesivo + life short.* actitud ante la vida = approach to life.* a favor de la vida humana = pro-life.* agotar + Posesivo + vida útil = run towards + the end of + Posesivo + useful life.* ahorros de toda la vida = life-time savings, life savings.* ahorros de toda una vida = life savings.* alargar la vida = prolong + life, prolong + longevity.* alegrar la vida a Alguien = brighten up + Posesivo + life.* al igual que con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.* amante de la vida al aire libre = outdoor enthusiast.* apostarse la vida = bet + Posesivo + life.* aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida = lifelong learning.* aprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong education.* arreglar + Posesivo + vida = put + Posesivo + (own) house in order.* arriesgar la vida = risk + life and limb, play + Russian roulette, risk + Posesivo + life.* arriesgar + Posesivo + vida = put + Posesivo + life on the line.* aspectos de la vida = sphere of life.* atentar contra la vida de Alguien = attempt on + Posesivo + life.* atraído por la promesa de una vida mejor = drawn by the promise of a better life.* aunque me fuera la vida ene ello = for the life of me.* autoaprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong learning.* buena vida = good life.* calidad de vida = quality of life.* cambiar la vida = change + life.* cambiar + Posesivo + vida = turn + Posesivo + life around.* ciencias de la vida = biosciences.* ciencias de la vida, las = life sciences, the.* ciencias sobre la vida en el espacio = space life sciences.* circunstancias de la vida = accident of birth.* cobrarse la vida de Alguien = claim + life.* cobrarse muchas vidas = take + a heavy toll of life.* cobrar vida = come + alive, come to + life.* comenzar una nueva vida = make + a new life for + Reflexivo.* como con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.* como forma de vida = as a way of life.* como si + Pronombre + fuese la vida en ello = like there's no tomorrow.* compañero de vida = lifemate.* compañía aseguradora de vida = life-insurance company.* compañía de seguros de vida = life-insurance company.* complicarse la vida = ask for + trouble.* condicionar la vida = condition + life.* condiciones de vida = living conditions.* conocer vida = see + the world.* contar + Posesivo + propia vida y milagros = spill + Posesivo + guts.* costar la vida = cost + life.* coste de la vida = cost of living.* coste de vidas humanas = human cost.* crearse una vida = build + life.* crucial para la vida de una persona = lifesaving.* cuerpo sin vida = dead body.* cuestión de vida o muerte = life or death issue.* culto a la vida = cult of life.* dar la vida = lay down + Posesivo + life, give + Posesivo + life.* dar nueva vida = give + Nombre + new life, give + a second life.* dar + Posesivo + vida = give + Posesivo + all.* dar sentido a la vida = give + meaning to life.* dar sentido a + Posesivo + vida = make + sense of + Posesivo + life.* dar señales de vida = show + signs of life.* dar una segunda vida = give + a second life.* dar vida = imbue with + life, animate, bring to + life.* dar vida a = jazz up, brighten up, give + life to.* dar vida a Algo = bring + Nombre + to life.* dedicar la vida a = devote + life to.* dedicar toda una vida = spend + lifetime.* defensor de la vida humana = pro-lifer.* de la vida real = real-life.* de por vida = lifelong [life-long], lifetime [life-time].* derecho a la vida = right to live.* desquiciar + Posesivo + vida = turn + Posesivo + life upside down.* de toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].* de vida enclaustrada = cloistered.* de vida o muerte = lifesaving, life threatening.* devolver el sentido a la vida = put + meaning + back in + Posesivo + life.* devolver la vida = bring + Nombre + back to life.* disfrutar de la vida = sail through + life.* diversidad de la vida = biodiversity, diversity of life, life-form diversity.* durante toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].* durante toda una vida = over a lifetime.* durar toda una vida = go on + for a lifetime, last + (for) a lifetime.* el amor de + Posesivo + vida = the love of + Posesivo + life.* empezar una nueva etapa en la vida = turn over + a new page, turn over + a new leaf.* encarcelar de por vida = jail for + life.* en el transcurso normal de + Posesivo + vida(s) = in the normal course of + Posesivo + life/lives.* enfrentarse a la vida = cope with + life, face + life, cope.* en la vida real = in real life.* en los primeros años de vida = early in life.* en + Posesivo + vida = in + Posesivo + time.* enriquecer la vida de Alguien = enrich + Posesivo + life.* entregar + Posesivo + vida, = give + Posesivo + all.* equipo de mantenimiento artificial de la vida = life-support system.* esperanza de vida = life expectancy, lifespan [life span].* estilo de vida = lifestyle [life style/life-style], style of life, way of life.* estilo de vida alternativo = alternative life-style.* etapa de la vida = life stage.* expectativas de vida = life expectancy.* experiencia de la vida = experience of life.* facilitarle la vida a todos = simplify + life for everyone.* filosofía de vida = philosophy of life.* forma de vida = way of life.* ganarse la vida = earn + a living, make + a living, earn + income, earn + Posesivo + living, make + Posesivo + living, Verbo + for a living.* ganarse la vida a duras penas = eke out + a living, scratch (out) + a living, scrape + a living, eke out + an existence.* habilidades necesarias para la vida cotidiana = life skills.* hábitos de vida = lifestyle [life style/life-style].* hacer frente a la vida = cope.* hacer la vida imposible = make + life hell.* hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.* hacer que la vida sea un infierno = make + life hell.* hacerse un hueco en la vida = get on in + life.* hacer vida social = socialise [socialize, -USA].* historia de vida = life history.* índice del coste de (la) vida = cost of living index.* índice del costo de (la) vida = cost of living index.* infundir nueva vida a = breathe + (new) life into.* inmiscuirse en la vida de Alguien = intrude on + Posesivo + privacy.* jugarse la vida = play + Russian roulette, risk + Posesivo + life, risk + life and limb, bet + Posesivo + life.* la oportunidad de + Posesivo + vida = the opportunity of a lifetime.* la vida continúa = the show must go on.* la vida + continuar = life + go on.* la vida es así = life's like that.* ¡la vida no es un camino de rosas! = the course of true love never did run smooth!.* la vida + seguir = life + go on.* ley de vida = fact of life, laws of nature.* lienzo de la vida, el = canvas of life, the.* línea de vida = lifeline.* lisiado de por vida = lamed for life.* lisiar a Alguien de por vida = lame + Nombre + for life.* llegar al final de su vida útil = come to + the end of + Posesivo + useful life, reach + the end of + Posesivo + useful life.* lleno de vida = vibrant, feisty [feistier -comp., feistiest -sup.], spry [spryer comp., spryest -sup.], sprightly [sprightlier -comp., sprightliest -sup.], spirited, teeming with life, vivacious, ebullient, saucy [saucier -comp., sauciest -sup.].* llevar una vida + Ajetivo = lead + an + Adjetivo + existence.* llevar una vida arriesgada = live + dangerously, live + dangerously close to the edge.* llevar una vida de perros = lead + a dog's life.* llevar una vida miserable = live + wretched existence.* mantener la vida = sustain + life.* mantenimiento artificial de la vida = life support.* mejorar la calidad de vida = improve + living standards, raise + living standards.* mejorar + Posesivo + calidad de vida = raise + Posesivo + quality of living.* mejorar + Posesivo + vida = improve + Posesivo + life.* meterse en la vida de Alguien = intrude on + Posesivo + privacy.* mientras hay vida hay esperanza = where there's life there's hope.* modo de vida = way of life.* modo de vida tradicional = folklife.* muerto en vida = living dead.* nada en la vida es gratuito = you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.* nivel de vida = standard of living, living standard.* no tener vida privada = like being in a (gold)fish bowl.* nueva vida = greener pastures, pastures new.* oportunidad única en la vida = chance of a lifetime.* otra vida, la = afterlife [after-life].* para toda la vida = lifelong [life-long], for life.* pasar a mejor vida = bite + the dust, give up + the ghost.* pasar a vida mejor = lay + Nombre + low.* perder la vida = lose + Posesivo + life.* pérdida de vidas = loss of life, toll on life.* perdonar la vida = spare + life.* permanecer con vida = stay + alive.* pletórico de vida = teeming with life.* poner en peligro la vida = risk + Posesivo + life, risk + life and limb.* poner la vida en peligro = put + Posesivo + life at risk.* por toda la vida = lifetime [life-time].* por toda una vida = lifetime [life-time].* posteriormente en + Posesivo + vida = in later life.* problemas de la vida = life problems [life-problems].* prolongar la vida = prolong + life, prolong + longevity.* prolongar la vida útil = extend + the useful life, prolong + useful life, increase + useful life.* que cambia la vida = life-changing, life-altering.* que da vida = life-giving.* que mejora la calidad de vida = life-enhancing.* que pone la vida en peligro = life threatening.* quitarse la vida = take + Posesivo + (own) life.* rebosante de vida y energía = all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.* reconstruir + Posesivo + vida = rebuild + Posesivo + life.* reformar + Posesivo + vida = reform + Posesivo + life.* régimen de vida = lifestyle [life style/life-style].* rehacer + Posesivo + vida = rebuild + Posesivo + life.* salir adelante en la vida, = get on in + life.* salvar la vida = save + life.* salvar la vida de milagro = have + a close shave with death.* secreto de la vida, el = secret of life, the.* seguir con + Posesivo + vida normal = get on with + Posesivo + life.* seguro de vida = life insurance.* seguro de vida a término = term life insurance.* seguro de vida vitalicio = whole life insurance.* sentido de la vida, el = meaning of life, the.* sentido de la vida y al muerte, el = meaning of life and death, the.* ser todo vida = be all life.* situaciones de la vida = life situations [life-situations].* soplo de vida = kiss of life.* tener éxito en la vida = succeed in + life, get on in + life.* tener una vida larga y próspera = live + long and prosper.* toda la vida = from the cradle to the grave, whole lifelong, whole life.* toda una vida = a lifetime.* toda una vida de experiencia = a lifetime of experience.* toda una vida de trabajo = a lifetime of work.* trabajo de toda una vida = life's work, lifework.* triunfar en la vida = succeed in + life.* truncar + Posesivo + vida = snip + Posesivo + life short, cut + Posesivo + life short.* una cuestión de vida o muerte = a matter of life and death.* una oportunidad única en la vida = once in a lifetime opportunity.* una vez en la vida = once in a lifetime.* una vez en + Posesivo + vida = once in + Posesivo + lifetime.* ver las cosas positivas de la vida = look on + the bright side of life.* vida acuática = aquatic life.* vida afectiva = love life.* vida amorosa = love life.* vida animal = animal life.* vida a toda pastilla = life in the fast lane.* vida + cambiar por completo = turn + Posesivo + life around.* vida cívica = civic life.* vida civil = civic life.* vida como trabajador = working life.* vida corporativa = corporate life.* vida cotidiana = daily life, everyday living, daily living.* vida cotidiana, la = day to day life, the, everyday life.* vida cultural = cultural life.* vida + dar un giro de 180 grados = turn + Posesivo + life around.* vida + dar un vuelco = turn + Posesivo + life upside down.* vida de archivo = archival life.* vida de, la = life nerve of, the.* vida de la ciudad = urban life, city life.* vida de la comunidad = community life.* vida del mundo literario = literary life.* vida de perros = a dog's life.* vida desenfrenada = life in the fast lane.* vida desequilibrada = unbalanced life, imbalanced life.* vida después de la muerte = afterlife [after-life].* vida diaria = daily life.* vida diaria, la = everyday life.* vida dilatada = long life.* vida disoluta = life in the fast lane, loose life.* vida doméstica = domestic life, home life.* vida emocional = emotional life.* vida en el campo = rural life.* vida en el entorno familiar = family life.* vida en el hogar = home life.* vida en el trabajo = job life.* vida entera, la = whole lifelong, whole life.* vida equilibrada = balanced life.* vida espiritual = spiritual life.* vida + expirar = life + expire.* vida extraterrestre = alien life.* vida fácil = fast living.* vida familiar = family life.* vida futura = future life.* vida humana = human life.* vida laboral = working life.* vida literaria = literary life.* vida marítima = seafaring.* vida media = half-life.* vida mejor = better life.* vida moderna, la = modern life.* vida nocturna = nightlife, night life.* vida or muerte = life or death.* vida pasada = previous life.* vida + pender + de un hilo = live on + the line.* vida personal = personal life.* vida privada = private life.* vida profesional = professional life.* vida pública = public life.* vida real = real life.* vida rural = rural life.* vida salvaje = wildlife.* vida sana = healthy life.* vida sentimental = love life.* vida sexual = sex life.* vida social = social life.* vida urbana = city life, urban life.* vida útil = lifetime [life time], life expectancy, lifespan [life span], useful life, shelf life, service life.* vida útil de un documento = shelf life.* vida vegetal = plant life.* vivir la vida al máximo = live + life to the full.* volver a la vida normal = get (back) into + the swings of things.* vuelta a la vida = resuscitation, resurrection.* * *1)a) (Biol) life140 personas perdieron la vida — (period) 140 people lost their lives (journ)
eso le costó la vida — (period) that cost him his life
dieron la vida por la patria — they gave o sacrificed their lives for their country
b) (viveza, vitalidad) lifele falta vida — it's/she's/he's not very lively
2) ( extensión de tiempo) lifeen la/mi vida: en la or en mi vida he visto cosa igual! I've never seen anything like it in my life!; en la or mi vida haría una cosa así! I'd never dream of doing something like that!; hacerle la vida imposible a alguien to make somebody's life impossible; tener siete vidas — to have nine lives
3)a) (manera de vivir, actividades) life¿qué es de tu vida? — what have you been up to?
hace or vive su vida — he gets on with o lives his own life
(así) es la vida! — that's life, such is life
darse la gran vida — to live the life of Riley (colloq)
estar/quedar loco de la vida — (CS fam) to be over the moon (colloq)
la vida y milagros de alguien — (CS fam) somebody's life story
pasar a mejor vida — (hum) persona to kick the bucket (colloq); traje/botas to bite the dust (colloq)
pegarse la vida padre — (fam) to live the life of Riley (colloq)
b) ( en determinado aspecto) lifec) ( biografía) life4) ( necesidades materiales)ganarse la vida — to earn one's o a living
buscarse la vida — (fam) to make a living
5) ( como apelativo) darling* * *= life [lives, -pl.], life story, lifeblood, lifetime [life time], living, life's work, lifework, life and limb.Ex: We are comfortable with the things we know and can do because they give us a sense of control over our lives.
Ex: This study attempts to illustrate and illuminate the life story of a remarkable pioneering woman, Tryn Ras, using pictorial sources.Ex: Since libraries are the lifeblood of research, it seems only fitting then that the education of librarians should include familiarity with research methodology.Ex: Bibliography and Library science reflect the changes that took place in Bliss's lifetime.Ex: They seem to regard literature as a secondary experience, more akin to being a peeping Tom, an impotent voyeur, rather than being one of the healthy, active people who get on with real living.Ex: Evelyn Bliss devoted his life's work to the study of classification and BC is the results of his efforts.Ex: This is an eloquent, moving testament to the lifework of a major artist of unimpeachable technique and passion.Ex: This is a special issue devoted partly to the theme: Life and limb: issues of security and safety.* abrirse camino en la vida = get on in + life.* acabar + Posesivo + vida útil = run towards + the end of + Posesivo + useful life.* acortar + Posesivo + vida = cut + Posesivo + life short.* actitud ante la vida = approach to life.* a favor de la vida humana = pro-life.* agotar + Posesivo + vida útil = run towards + the end of + Posesivo + useful life.* ahorros de toda la vida = life-time savings, life savings.* ahorros de toda una vida = life savings.* alargar la vida = prolong + life, prolong + longevity.* alegrar la vida a Alguien = brighten up + Posesivo + life.* al igual que con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.* amante de la vida al aire libre = outdoor enthusiast.* apostarse la vida = bet + Posesivo + life.* aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida = lifelong learning.* aprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong education.* arreglar + Posesivo + vida = put + Posesivo + (own) house in order.* arriesgar la vida = risk + life and limb, play + Russian roulette, risk + Posesivo + life.* arriesgar + Posesivo + vida = put + Posesivo + life on the line.* aspectos de la vida = sphere of life.* atentar contra la vida de Alguien = attempt on + Posesivo + life.* atraído por la promesa de una vida mejor = drawn by the promise of a better life.* aunque me fuera la vida ene ello = for the life of me.* autoaprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong learning.* buena vida = good life.* calidad de vida = quality of life.* cambiar la vida = change + life.* cambiar + Posesivo + vida = turn + Posesivo + life around.* ciencias de la vida = biosciences.* ciencias de la vida, las = life sciences, the.* ciencias sobre la vida en el espacio = space life sciences.* circunstancias de la vida = accident of birth.* cobrarse la vida de Alguien = claim + life.* cobrarse muchas vidas = take + a heavy toll of life.* cobrar vida = come + alive, come to + life.* comenzar una nueva vida = make + a new life for + Reflexivo.* como con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.* como forma de vida = as a way of life.* como si + Pronombre + fuese la vida en ello = like there's no tomorrow.* compañero de vida = lifemate.* compañía aseguradora de vida = life-insurance company.* compañía de seguros de vida = life-insurance company.* complicarse la vida = ask for + trouble.* condicionar la vida = condition + life.* condiciones de vida = living conditions.* conocer vida = see + the world.* contar + Posesivo + propia vida y milagros = spill + Posesivo + guts.* costar la vida = cost + life.* coste de la vida = cost of living.* coste de vidas humanas = human cost.* crearse una vida = build + life.* crucial para la vida de una persona = lifesaving.* cuerpo sin vida = dead body.* cuestión de vida o muerte = life or death issue.* culto a la vida = cult of life.* dar la vida = lay down + Posesivo + life, give + Posesivo + life.* dar nueva vida = give + Nombre + new life, give + a second life.* dar + Posesivo + vida = give + Posesivo + all.* dar sentido a la vida = give + meaning to life.* dar sentido a + Posesivo + vida = make + sense of + Posesivo + life.* dar señales de vida = show + signs of life.* dar una segunda vida = give + a second life.* dar vida = imbue with + life, animate, bring to + life.* dar vida a = jazz up, brighten up, give + life to.* dar vida a Algo = bring + Nombre + to life.* dedicar la vida a = devote + life to.* dedicar toda una vida = spend + lifetime.* defensor de la vida humana = pro-lifer.* de la vida real = real-life.* de por vida = lifelong [life-long], lifetime [life-time].* derecho a la vida = right to live.* desquiciar + Posesivo + vida = turn + Posesivo + life upside down.* de toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].* de vida enclaustrada = cloistered.* de vida o muerte = lifesaving, life threatening.* devolver el sentido a la vida = put + meaning + back in + Posesivo + life.* devolver la vida = bring + Nombre + back to life.* disfrutar de la vida = sail through + life.* diversidad de la vida = biodiversity, diversity of life, life-form diversity.* durante toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].* durante toda una vida = over a lifetime.* durar toda una vida = go on + for a lifetime, last + (for) a lifetime.* el amor de + Posesivo + vida = the love of + Posesivo + life.* empezar una nueva etapa en la vida = turn over + a new page, turn over + a new leaf.* encarcelar de por vida = jail for + life.* en el transcurso normal de + Posesivo + vida(s) = in the normal course of + Posesivo + life/lives.* enfrentarse a la vida = cope with + life, face + life, cope.* en la vida real = in real life.* en los primeros años de vida = early in life.* en + Posesivo + vida = in + Posesivo + time.* enriquecer la vida de Alguien = enrich + Posesivo + life.* entregar + Posesivo + vida, = give + Posesivo + all.* equipo de mantenimiento artificial de la vida = life-support system.* esperanza de vida = life expectancy, lifespan [life span].* estilo de vida = lifestyle [life style/life-style], style of life, way of life.* estilo de vida alternativo = alternative life-style.* etapa de la vida = life stage.* expectativas de vida = life expectancy.* experiencia de la vida = experience of life.* facilitarle la vida a todos = simplify + life for everyone.* filosofía de vida = philosophy of life.* forma de vida = way of life.* ganarse la vida = earn + a living, make + a living, earn + income, earn + Posesivo + living, make + Posesivo + living, Verbo + for a living.* ganarse la vida a duras penas = eke out + a living, scratch (out) + a living, scrape + a living, eke out + an existence.* habilidades necesarias para la vida cotidiana = life skills.* hábitos de vida = lifestyle [life style/life-style].* hacer frente a la vida = cope.* hacer la vida imposible = make + life hell.* hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.* hacer que la vida sea un infierno = make + life hell.* hacerse un hueco en la vida = get on in + life.* hacer vida social = socialise [socialize, -USA].* historia de vida = life history.* índice del coste de (la) vida = cost of living index.* índice del costo de (la) vida = cost of living index.* infundir nueva vida a = breathe + (new) life into.* inmiscuirse en la vida de Alguien = intrude on + Posesivo + privacy.* jugarse la vida = play + Russian roulette, risk + Posesivo + life, risk + life and limb, bet + Posesivo + life.* la oportunidad de + Posesivo + vida = the opportunity of a lifetime.* la vida continúa = the show must go on.* la vida + continuar = life + go on.* la vida es así = life's like that.* ¡la vida no es un camino de rosas! = the course of true love never did run smooth!.* la vida + seguir = life + go on.* ley de vida = fact of life, laws of nature.* lienzo de la vida, el = canvas of life, the.* línea de vida = lifeline.* lisiado de por vida = lamed for life.* lisiar a Alguien de por vida = lame + Nombre + for life.* llegar al final de su vida útil = come to + the end of + Posesivo + useful life, reach + the end of + Posesivo + useful life.* lleno de vida = vibrant, feisty [feistier -comp., feistiest -sup.], spry [spryer comp., spryest -sup.], sprightly [sprightlier -comp., sprightliest -sup.], spirited, teeming with life, vivacious, ebullient, saucy [saucier -comp., sauciest -sup.].* llevar una vida + Ajetivo = lead + an + Adjetivo + existence.* llevar una vida arriesgada = live + dangerously, live + dangerously close to the edge.* llevar una vida de perros = lead + a dog's life.* llevar una vida miserable = live + wretched existence.* mantener la vida = sustain + life.* mantenimiento artificial de la vida = life support.* mejorar la calidad de vida = improve + living standards, raise + living standards.* mejorar + Posesivo + calidad de vida = raise + Posesivo + quality of living.* mejorar + Posesivo + vida = improve + Posesivo + life.* meterse en la vida de Alguien = intrude on + Posesivo + privacy.* mientras hay vida hay esperanza = where there's life there's hope.* modo de vida = way of life.* modo de vida tradicional = folklife.* muerto en vida = living dead.* nada en la vida es gratuito = you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.* nivel de vida = standard of living, living standard.* no tener vida privada = like being in a (gold)fish bowl.* nueva vida = greener pastures, pastures new.* oportunidad única en la vida = chance of a lifetime.* otra vida, la = afterlife [after-life].* para toda la vida = lifelong [life-long], for life.* pasar a mejor vida = bite + the dust, give up + the ghost.* pasar a vida mejor = lay + Nombre + low.* perder la vida = lose + Posesivo + life.* pérdida de vidas = loss of life, toll on life.* perdonar la vida = spare + life.* permanecer con vida = stay + alive.* pletórico de vida = teeming with life.* poner en peligro la vida = risk + Posesivo + life, risk + life and limb.* poner la vida en peligro = put + Posesivo + life at risk.* por toda la vida = lifetime [life-time].* por toda una vida = lifetime [life-time].* posteriormente en + Posesivo + vida = in later life.* problemas de la vida = life problems [life-problems].* prolongar la vida = prolong + life, prolong + longevity.* prolongar la vida útil = extend + the useful life, prolong + useful life, increase + useful life.* que cambia la vida = life-changing, life-altering.* que da vida = life-giving.* que mejora la calidad de vida = life-enhancing.* que pone la vida en peligro = life threatening.* quitarse la vida = take + Posesivo + (own) life.* rebosante de vida y energía = all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.* reconstruir + Posesivo + vida = rebuild + Posesivo + life.* reformar + Posesivo + vida = reform + Posesivo + life.* régimen de vida = lifestyle [life style/life-style].* rehacer + Posesivo + vida = rebuild + Posesivo + life.* salir adelante en la vida, = get on in + life.* salvar la vida = save + life.* salvar la vida de milagro = have + a close shave with death.* secreto de la vida, el = secret of life, the.* seguir con + Posesivo + vida normal = get on with + Posesivo + life.* seguro de vida = life insurance.* seguro de vida a término = term life insurance.* seguro de vida vitalicio = whole life insurance.* sentido de la vida, el = meaning of life, the.* sentido de la vida y al muerte, el = meaning of life and death, the.* ser todo vida = be all life.* situaciones de la vida = life situations [life-situations].* soplo de vida = kiss of life.* tener éxito en la vida = succeed in + life, get on in + life.* tener una vida larga y próspera = live + long and prosper.* toda la vida = from the cradle to the grave, whole lifelong, whole life.* toda una vida = a lifetime.* toda una vida de experiencia = a lifetime of experience.* toda una vida de trabajo = a lifetime of work.* trabajo de toda una vida = life's work, lifework.* triunfar en la vida = succeed in + life.* truncar + Posesivo + vida = snip + Posesivo + life short, cut + Posesivo + life short.* una cuestión de vida o muerte = a matter of life and death.* una oportunidad única en la vida = once in a lifetime opportunity.* una vez en la vida = once in a lifetime.* una vez en + Posesivo + vida = once in + Posesivo + lifetime.* ver las cosas positivas de la vida = look on + the bright side of life.* vida acuática = aquatic life.* vida afectiva = love life.* vida amorosa = love life.* vida animal = animal life.* vida a toda pastilla = life in the fast lane.* vida + cambiar por completo = turn + Posesivo + life around.* vida cívica = civic life.* vida civil = civic life.* vida como trabajador = working life.* vida corporativa = corporate life.* vida cotidiana = daily life, everyday living, daily living.* vida cotidiana, la = day to day life, the, everyday life.* vida cultural = cultural life.* vida + dar un giro de 180 grados = turn + Posesivo + life around.* vida + dar un vuelco = turn + Posesivo + life upside down.* vida de archivo = archival life.* vida de, la = life nerve of, the.* vida de la ciudad = urban life, city life.* vida de la comunidad = community life.* vida del mundo literario = literary life.* vida de perros = a dog's life.* vida desenfrenada = life in the fast lane.* vida desequilibrada = unbalanced life, imbalanced life.* vida después de la muerte = afterlife [after-life].* vida diaria = daily life.* vida diaria, la = everyday life.* vida dilatada = long life.* vida disoluta = life in the fast lane, loose life.* vida doméstica = domestic life, home life.* vida emocional = emotional life.* vida en el campo = rural life.* vida en el entorno familiar = family life.* vida en el hogar = home life.* vida en el trabajo = job life.* vida entera, la = whole lifelong, whole life.* vida equilibrada = balanced life.* vida espiritual = spiritual life.* vida + expirar = life + expire.* vida extraterrestre = alien life.* vida fácil = fast living.* vida familiar = family life.* vida futura = future life.* vida humana = human life.* vida laboral = working life.* vida literaria = literary life.* vida marítima = seafaring.* vida media = half-life.* vida mejor = better life.* vida moderna, la = modern life.* vida nocturna = nightlife, night life.* vida or muerte = life or death.* vida pasada = previous life.* vida + pender + de un hilo = live on + the line.* vida personal = personal life.* vida privada = private life.* vida profesional = professional life.* vida pública = public life.* vida real = real life.* vida rural = rural life.* vida salvaje = wildlife.* vida sana = healthy life.* vida sentimental = love life.* vida sexual = sex life.* vida social = social life.* vida urbana = city life, urban life.* vida útil = lifetime [life time], life expectancy, lifespan [life span], useful life, shelf life, service life.* vida útil de un documento = shelf life.* vida vegetal = plant life.* vivir la vida al máximo = live + life to the full.* volver a la vida normal = get (back) into + the swings of things.* vuelta a la vida = resuscitation, resurrection.* * *A1 ( Biol) lifela vida marina marine lifea los tres meses de vida at three months (old)el derecho a la vida the right to lifeno pudieron salvarle la vida they were unable to save his lifeera una cuestión de vida o muerte it was a matter of life and deathse debate entre la vida y la muerte she's fighting for her life140 personas perdieron la vida en el accidente ( period); 140 people lost their lives in the accident ( journ)quitarse la vida to take one's (own) life ( frml)el accidente que le costó la vida ( period); the accident that cost him his lifejugarse la vida to risk one's lifese puso como si le fuera la vida en ello he behaved as if his life depended on itsólo tres personas lograron salir con vida only three people escaped alive, there were only three survivorsencontraron su cuerpo sin vida junto al río ( period); his body was found by the riverdieron la vida por la patria they gave o sacrificed their lives for their countryla mujer que te dio la vida the woman who brought you into this worldel actor que da vida al personaje de Napoleón the actor who plays o portrays Napoleoncon la vida en un hilo or pendiente de un hilo: estuvo un mes entero con la vida en un hilo his life hung by a thread for a whole monthreal como la vida misma true, true-lifees una historia real como la vida misma it's a true o true-life storymientras hay vida hay esperanza where there is life there is hope2 (viveza, vitalidad) lifees un niño sano, lleno de vida he's a healthy child, full of lifela ciudad es bonita, pero le falta vida it's a nice city but it's not very lively o it doesn't have much lifeunas cortinas amarillas le darían vida a la habitación yellow curtains would liven up o brighten up the roomB (extensión de tiempo) lifese pasa la vida viendo la televisión he spends his life watching televisiontoda una vida dedicada a la enseñanza a lifetime dedicated to teachinga lo largo de su vida throughout his lifeen vida de tu padre when your father was alivela corta vida del último gobierno the short life of the last governmentla relación tuvo una vida muy corta the relationship was very short-livedla vida de un coche/electrodoméstico the life-span of a car/an electrical appliancecuando encuentres al hombre de tu vida when you find the man of your dreams o your Mr Rightes el amor de mi vida she's the love of my lifeamargarle la vida a algn to make sb's life a miseryamargarse la vida to make oneself miserablecomplicarle la vida a algn to make sb's life difficultcomplicarse la vida to make life difficult for oneselfde por vida for lifese conocen de toda la vida they know each other from way backun programa/una medicina de toda la vida a run-of-the-mill program*/medicineun amigo/votante de toda la vida a lifelong friend/voteren la/mi vida: ¡en la or en mi vida he visto cosa igual! I've never seen anything like it in my life!¡en la or mi vida haría una cosa así! I'd never dream of doing something like that!enterrarse en vida to cut oneself off from the worldhacerle la vida imposible a algn to make sb's life impossibletener siete vidas como los gatos to have nine livesC1 (manera de vivir, actividades) lifelleva una vida muy ajetreada she leads a very busy lifela medicina/pintura es toda su vida she lives for medicine/painting¿qué tal? ¿qué es de tu vida? how are you? what have you been up to?déjalo que haga or viva su vida let him get on with o let him live his own life¡esto sí que es vida! this is the life!¡(así) es la vida! that's life, such is lifela vida le sonríe fortune has smiled on herhacen vida de casados or marital they live togethercomparten la casa pero no hacen vida en común they share the house but they lead separate lives o they live separately¡qué vida ésta! what a life!darse or pegarse una or la gran vida to have an easy life ( colloq), to live the life of Riley ( colloq)estar encantado de la vida to be thrilled, to be thrilled to bits ( colloq), to be over the moon ( colloq)está encantada de la vida con el nuevo trabajo she's thrilled to bits o she's over the moon with her new job¿podríamos hacer la fiesta en tu casa? — por mí, encantado de la vida could we have the party at your house? — I'd be delighted to o that's absolutely fine by mese sabe la vida y milagros de todo el mundo he knows everybody's life story«vestido/zapatos» to bite the dust ( colloq)pegarse la vida padre ( fam); to have an easy life2 (en determinado aspecto) lifevida privada/militar private/military lifesu vida sentimental or amorosa his love life3 (biografía) lifela vida y obra de Cervantes the life and works of Cervanteslas vidas de los santos the lives of the saintsCompuestos:( euf):life of contemplation( fam); dog's lifetuvo una vida de perros she led a dog's life● vida eterna or perdurablela vida eterna or perdurable eternal o everlasting lifenightlifesocial lifeno hacen mucha vida social they don't socialize much, they don't have much social lifeD(necesidades materiales): con ese dinero tiene la vida resuelta with that money she's set up for lifela vida está carísima everything is so expensive, the cost of living is very highganarse la vida to earn one's o a living¡pues, ahora que se busque la vida! well, now he'll have to stand on his own two feet o get by on his own!E (como apelativo) darling¡mi vida! or ¡vida mía! my darling!, darling!pero hija de mi vida ¿cómo se te ocurrió hacer eso? but my dear, what made you do that?* * *
vida sustantivo femenino
1a) (Biol) life;
una cuestión de vida o muerte a matter of life and death;
quitarse la vida to take one's (own) life (frml);
salir con vida to escape alive
le falta vida it's/she's/he's not very lively
2 ( extensión de tiempo, existencia) life;
toda una vida a lifetime;
la vida de un coche the life-span of a car;
un amigo de toda la vida a lifelong friend;
amargarle la vida a algn to make sb's life a misery;
complicarse la vida to make life difficult for oneself;
de por vida for life;
hacerle la vida imposible a algn to make sb's life impossible
3 (manera de vivir, actividades) life;
¿qué es de tu vida? what have you been up to?;
hace or vive su vida he lives his own life;
¡esto sí que es vida! this is the life!;
¡(así) es la vida! that's life, such is life;
vida privada private life;
su vida sentimental his love life;
una mujer de vida alegre a woman of easy virtue;
¡qué vida de perros! it's a dog's life;
hacer vida social to socialize;
estar encantado de la vida to be thrilled, to be over the moon (colloq)
4 ( necesidades materiales):
ganarse la vida to earn one's o a living;
tiene la vida resuelta he's set up for life
5 ( como apelativo) darling;◊ ¡mi vida! (my) darling!
vida sustantivo femenino
1 (existencia) life: no hay vida en Marte, there is no life on Mars
estar con vida, to be alive
quitarse la vida, to take one's own life
2 (periodo vital) life: toda la vida ha sido socialista, he's been a socialist all his life
de corta vida, short-lived
toda una vida, a lifetime
3 (modo de vida) ¿cómo te va la vida?, how's life?
la literatura es su vida, he lives for literature o literature is his life
lleva una vida muy desordenada, she lives o leads a very chaotic life
♦ Locuciones: familiar ¡esto es vida!, this is the life (situación muy agradable, placentera) ¡esto es vida!, todo el día tumbado sin tener que trabajar, this is the life! lazing around all day without having to work
fam (resolver un asunto, problema) buscarse la vida: no tengo dinero, - me da igual, ¡búscate la vida!, I haven't got any money, - I couldn't care less, go and sort your own problems out
figurado Lit Cine Teat (representar un personaje) dar vida: en esa película el actor da vida a Napoleón, in that film the actor plays the part of Napoleon
dar la vida, to sacrifice o give one's life
ganarse la vida, to earn one's living
fig fam (morir) pasar a mejor vida, to pass away
(independencia) tener/vivir su (propia) vida alguien: ya no está con sus padres, tiene su propia vida, he isn't with his parents anymore, he's living his own life
a vida o muerte, (situación de alto riesgo) le tuvieron que operar a vida o muerte, it was a life or death operation
de mi/tu/su... vida: el amor de mi vida, the love of my life
de por vida, for life
de toda la vida, lifelong
en la vida, never in one's life
Rel la otra vida, the next life
familiar vida de perros, dog's life
fam (hechos y anécdotas de un personaje o persona) vida y milagros de alguien, the full details about sb
' vida' also found in these entries:
- agitado
- amargarse
- andar
- atentar
- comentar
- complicarse
- constante
- contemplativa
- contemplativo
- convivencia
- conyugal
- cosa
- crepúsculo
- cruzarse
- delante
- descansada
- descansado
- desengañarse
- desgraciada
- desgraciado
- encarrilar
- episodio
- ser
- ermitaña
- ermitaño
- esperanza
- flor
- ir
- ganarse
- hipótesis
- ilusión
- indigna
- indigno
- inerte
- intrepidez
- jamás
- juego
- jugar
- martirio
- muerta
- muerto
- mujer
- normalización
- oportunidad
- padecer
- padre
- pajolera
- pajolero
- pantalla
- account
- active
- afterlife
- alive
- amenities
- assurance
- attempt
- bang up
- battle
- bread
- breeding ground
- bright
- busy
- carp
- chapter
- clean
- conception
- cost
- cost of living
- crossroads
- dead
- dear
- dedicate
- destroy
- dodge
- dog
- domestic
- earn
- easy
- eccentric
- emigrate
- existence
- fascination
- flat
- give up
- gracious
- greed
- greediness
- hell
- herself
- high life
- himself
- hurdle
- impossible
- index-linked
- insurance
- lead
- life
- life expectancy
* * *vida nf1. [estado fisiológico, hecho de existir] life;¿hay vida en otros planetas? is there life on other planets?;el cuerpo sin vida de un soldado the lifeless body of a soldier;el conflicto se cobró muchas vidas many lives were lost in the conflict;aquello le costó la vida that cost him his life;dar la vida por to give one's life for;estar con vida to be alive;va a ser una operación a vida o muerte the operation may save his life but it may also kill him;estar entre la vida y la muerte to be at death's door;perder la vida to lose one's life;quitar la vida a alguien to kill sb;quitarse la vida to take one's (own) life;salir con vida to come out alive;como si la vida le fuera en ello as if his/her life depended on it;enterrarse en vida to forsake the world;[prenda, aparato, utensilio] to have had it;la otra vida the next life;tenía la vida pendiente de un hilo her life was hanging by a thread;tener siete vidas (como los gatos) to have nine lives;mientras hay vida hay esperanza hope springs eternalvida artificial artificial life;la vida eterna eternal life;vida extraterrestre extraterrestrial life;vida intrauterina intrauterine life2. [periodo de existencia] life;trabajó toda su vida he worked all his life;una vida plagada de éxitos a lifetime of success;el amor/la oportunidad de su vida the love/chance of his life;un amigo de toda la vida a lifelong friend;le conozco de toda la vida I've known him all my life;de toda la vida las novias van de blanco brides have worn white since time immemorial, brides have always worn white;de por vida for life;en vida de during the life o lifetime of;eso no lo hubieras dicho en vida de tu padre you would never have said that while your father was alive;pasarse la vida haciendo algo to spend one's life doing sth;se pasa la vida quejándose he does nothing but complain all the time;hacer la vida imposible a alguien to make sb's life impossible;Amtoda la vida: [sin duda] [m5]¿prefieres África a Europa? – ¡toda la vida! do you prefer Africa to Europe? – every time! o you bet!;la vida da muchas vueltas you never know what life has got in store for you;la vida y milagros de alguien sb's life storytiene una vida útil de veinte años it has a useful life of twenty years, it's designed to last for twenty yearsvida en estantería shelf life;vida media average life, mean lifetime4. [forma de vivir, faceta cotidiana] life;su vida es el teatro the theatre is her life;¿cómo es tu vida diaria? what would be a typical day in your life?;la vida política del país the country's political life;¿no te gustaría cambiar de vida? wouldn't you like to change your life o the way you live?;lleva una vida muy tranquila she leads o lives a very peaceful life;¡así es la vida! that's life!, such is life!;¡esto (sí que) es vida! this is the life!;una mujer de vida alegre a loose woman;¿qué es de tu vida? how's life?;¡qué vida ésta! what a life!;la buena vida the good life;llevar una vida de perros to lead a dog's lifevida amorosa love life;vida de familia family life;vida privada private life;vida pública public life;vida sentimental love life;vida sexual sex life;vida social social life;hacer vida social (con) to socialize (with)5. [animación] life;este pueblo tiene mucha vida this town is very lively;estar lleno de vida to be full of life;Brando da vida al personaje del padre Brando plays the fathervida nocturna nightlife6. [necesidades materiales]Famla vida está muy cara en Japón the cost of living is very high in Japan;está la vida muy achuchada money's very tight;ganarse la vida to earn a living;con este trabajo me gano bien la vida I make a good living from this job7. [apelativo cariñoso] darling;¡mi vida!, ¡vida mía! my darling!* * *f life; espTÉC life span;de por vida for life;toda la vida all one’s life;somos amigos de toda la vida we have been friends all our lives;en mi vida never (in my life);¿qué es de tu vida? how are things?;ganarse la vida earn a living;vivir su vida live one’s own life;hacer la vida imposible a alguien make s.o.’s life impossible;a vida o muerte life-or-death;estar entre la vida y la muerte be hovering between life and death, be fighting for life;la gran vida live high on the hog fam, live the life of Riley fam ;pasar a mejor vida pass away;quitarse la vida take one’s own life, kill o.s.;perder la vida lose one’s life;salir con vida come out alive;sin vida lifeless;la vida y milagros de alguien s.o.’s life story;vida en pareja married life, life together;vida familiar/sentimental family/love life;vida interior inner self;así es la vida that’s life;vida mía my love;mujer de la vida loose woman;dar vida a TEA play the part of* * *vida nf1) : lifela vida cotidiana: everyday life2) : life span, lifetime3) biografía: biography, life4) : way of life, lifestyle5) : livelihoodganarse la vida: to earn one's living6) viveza: liveliness7)media vida : half-life* * *vida n2. (sustento) living -
20 toda
adv.Entirely, totally, completely, all.Todo el mundo everybody, everyonepron.All, whole (entero), entire, every.Con todo eso not withstanding, nevertheless, howeverDel todo entirely, quiteEn todo y por todo wholly, absolutelyf.Toda.* * *1. f., (m. - todo) 2. f., (m. - todo)* * *
1 adjetivo
1 (la totalidad: singular) all, whole: recorrió toda España, she travelled all over Spain
toda la semana, the whole week o all week
toda tu vida, your entire life o all your life
2 (: plural) all: todos sus hermanos, all his brothers
todos lo sabíamos, we all knew
se comió todas las fresas, she ate all the strawberries
3 (todo el mundo) todos están riendo, everybody is laughing
4 (cada, cualquier) every: viene todos los meses, he comes every month
todo el que desee..., anyone who wishes to...
5 fam (intensificador) through and through: es toda una atleta, she is every inch an athlete
II pron
1 (sin excepciones, sin exclusiones) everything: lo compró todo, he bought it all
lo perdió todo, he lost everything
lo sabe todo, she knows everything
todo son problemas, there's nothing but trouble
eso es todo, that's all
(todo el mundo) todos piensan que eres muy lista, everybody thinks you're very clever
nos invitó a todos, he invited all of us
todos y cada uno, each and every one
III adv (por completo, totalmente) estaba todo convencido, he was entirely convinced
estás todo mojado, you are all wet
está todo nervioso, he's terribly o all excited
IV sustantivo masculino todo (total, suma) whole
en todo o en parte, in whole or in part
All y whole tienen significados parecidos, pero se usan en estructuras diferentes. All se coloca delante de un artículo, pronombre posesivo o demostrativo, mientras que whole se coloca después: all the world, pero the whole world; all your family, pero your whole family; all this time, pero this whole time. Recuerda que no puedes usar whole sin artículo o pronombre correspondiente ni con sustantivos que indican masa (incontables). Por tanto, la traducción de todo el vino es all the wine y no the whole wine.
El plural todos o todo el mundo se traduce por everybody o everyone. Aunque el verbo acompañante aparezca en singular, cualquier pronombre que emplees debe estar en plural: Todos deben traer sus propios bolígrafos. Everybody has to bring their (own) pens.
' toda' also found in these entries:
- arrasar
- bregar
- broza
- casco
- clase
- comerse
- costa
- dar
- delante
- dormitar
- duda
- durante
- economía
- encaminarse
- escrutinio
- espanto
- estampar
- exonerar
- gozada
- ignorar
- incluso
- infortunio
- interrogar
- juntar
- lógica
- máquina
- marcha
- mecha
- milimétrica
- milimétrico
- pajolera
- pajolero
- panoplia
- probabilidad
- propagarse
- rajar
- seguridad
- sinceridad
- sobre
- terminarse
- todo
- tranquilidad
- tropa
- vagar
- vena
- viaje
- vida
- callado
- confianza
- ahead
- all
- all-night
- alone
- approve of
- battle
- bell
- broadcast
- career
- caution
- charge off
- clarify
- coastal
- cobble together
- colour
- cost
- crack
- crying
- distinctly
- dog-eat-dog
- done
- double
- ease
- eat
- fade
- family film
- fascination
- for
- fudge
- full
- grapple
- hoax
- hog
- intently
- lentil
- lifelong
- long
- most
- nationwide
- night
- nightlong
- out
- pelt
- pent-up
- price
- puss
- pussy
- quash
- quit
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
pajolero — pajolero, ra adjetivo 1. Uso/registro: coloquial, restringido. Que molesta o fastidia: Ese tío es muy pajolero. Ese cacharro hace un ruido muy pajolero, que no me deja trabajar. Frases y locuciones 1. no tener ni pajolera / pastelera idea* … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
pajolero — pajolero, ra (De pajuela, compárese empajolar). 1. adj. Dicho de una persona: Impertinente y molesta. U. t. c. s.) 2. Dicho de una cosa: Despreciable y molesta a quien habla. 3. coloq. U., según el contexto y la situación, para expresar el punto… … Diccionario de la lengua española
pajolero — ► adjetivo/ sustantivo 1 coloquial Se aplica a la persona que es impertinente y molesta: ■ no seas pajolero y déjame en paz. 2 coloquial Se refiere a la cosa que es despreciable y fastidiosa: ■ en toda tu pajolera vida no has hecho nada de… … Enciclopedia Universal
pajolero — {{#}}{{LM P28657}}{{〓}} {{SynP29354}} {{[}}pajolero{{]}}, {{[}}pajolera{{]}} ‹pa·jo·le·ro, ra› {{《}}▍ adj./s.{{》}} {{※}}col. desp.{{¤}} Que se considera impertinente, molesto o despreciable: • Toda tu pajolera vida has sido un sinvergüenza. Me… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
pajolero — adj. despreciable, maldito. ❙ «...por lo general no tiene ni pajolera idea de servicio doméstico...» Ladislao de Arriba, Cómo sobrevivir en un chalé adosado. ❙ «No te daré ni un pajolero dato, si antes no llegamos a un acuerdo.» Pedro Casals,… … Diccionario del Argot "El Sohez"
repajolero — ► adjetivo/ sustantivo 1 coloquial Que es gracioso, divertido: ■ ¡cómo me río con el repajolero de tu vecino! ► adjetivo 2 coloquial Que resulta desagradable o molesto: ■ lo que le has hecho no tiene repajolera gracia. * * * repajolero, a (de … Enciclopedia Universal
repajolero — {{#}}{{LM R33769}}{{〓}} {{SynR34602}} {{[}}repajolero{{]}}, {{[}}repajolera{{]}} ‹re·pa·jo·le·ro, ra› {{《}}▍ adj.{{》}} {{<}}1{{>}} {{※}}col. desp.{{¤}} → {{上}}pajolero, ra{{下}}. {{<}}2{{>}} {{※}}col.{{¤}} Muy gracioso o muy simpático. {{#}}{{LM… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
Alma de Dios — No debe confundirse con Alma de Dios (película 1923) o Alma de Dios (película 1941). Alma de Dios es una comedia lírica en un acto y cuatro cuadros en prosa, con música del Maestro José Serrano y texto de Carlos Arniches y Enrique García… … Wikipedia Español
fastidio — (Del lat. fastidium.) ► sustantivo masculino 1 Sensación de molestia o enfado causado por una persona, una cosa o algún contratiempo de poca importancia: ■ es un fastidio tener que repetirlo. SINÓNIMO disgusto molestia 2 Cosa que resulta pesada,… … Enciclopedia Universal
malo — (Del lat. malus.) ► adjetivo 1 Que no es de buena calidad: ■ la tela del vestido que compraste era mala; tiene mala memoria. ANTÓNIMO bueno 2 Que es perjudicial o dañino: ■ el tabaco es malo para la salud . SINÓNIMO nocivo … Enciclopedia Universal
maldito — adj. voz condenatoria que implica malo, miserable, rechazable. ❙ «Os confieso que no me hace maldita la gracia.» Antonio Machado, Juan Mairena, RAE. ❙ «Maldita la falta que me hacen en el limbo pajes, escuderos ni rodrigones.» Emilia Pardo Bazán … Diccionario del Argot "El Sohez"