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  • Big Foot — (other known as Jeremy Gouzd) (1824? December 29, 1890), also known as Spotted foot Elk, was the name of a chief of a sub group of the Lakota Sioux. He was son of chief Lone Horn, and became a chief upon the death of his father. He was a highly… …   Wikipedia

  • Big Foot — (zu deutsch: „großer Fuß“) bezeichnet: zwei Indianer: Akaitcho, Häuptling der Kupferminenindianer Si Tanka (Spotted Elk), Häuptling der Minneconjou Lakota Indianer in der Kryptozoologie einen Menschenaffen in Nordamerika, dessen Existenz… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Big|foot — «BIHG fut», noun. a legendary apelike creature believed to inhabit the dense forests of Pacific North America; Sasquatch …   Useful english dictionary

  • Big Foot — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bigfoot (homonymie). Big Foot (Si Tanka) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Big foot — Sasquatch Pour les articles homonymes, voir Sasquatch (homonymie) et Bigfoot (homonymie). Une représentation du Bigfoot Sasquatc …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Big Foot — /ˈbɪg fʊt/ (say big foot) noun a large, hairy creature thought to inhabit wilderness areas of the US and Canada; sasquatch. Compare abominable snowman. {so called from the size of its footprints} …  

  • Big Foot Beach State Park — IUCN Kategorie V …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Big Foot Mama — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Big Foot Mama Información personal Origen Liubliana, Eslovenia …   Wikipedia Español

  • Big Foot High School — (BFHS) is a comprehensive four year public highschool located in South Central Walworth County in the Village of Walworth. A union high school, BFHS operates as a grade9 12 district with students coming from four K 8 districts. BFHS isgoverned by …   Wikipedia

  • Big Foot Mama — is one of the most successful rock bands from Slovenia in recent years. They started their career in 1990 and after their third album, Tretja dimenzija (The Third Dimension) , they were considered the pop rock band of the decade, breaking sales… …   Wikipedia

  • Big Foot Beach State Park — Geobox|Protected area name = Big Foot Beach State Park category = Wisconsin State Park category iucn = V image caption = The manicured grounds of Big Foot Beach State Park. country = United States country state = Wisconsin state state type =… …   Wikipedia

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