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См. также в других словарях:

  • Bahamas — [bə hä′məz, bəhā′məz] country on a group of islands (Bahama Islands) in the West Indies, southeast of Fla. & north of Cuba: formerly a British possession, it became independent (1973) & a member of the Commonwealth: 5,353 sq mi (13,864 sq km);… …   English World dictionary

  • Bahămas — (Lucayische Inseln), 1) Inselgruppe im Atlantischen Ocean, vor dem Golf von Mexico, zwischen 20° 52 bis 27°35 nördlicher Breite, von Florida durch die Floridastraße (Neue Bahamastraße), von Cuba durch die Bahamabank u. Alte Bahamastraße… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Bahamas — (anc. Lucayes) archipel de l Atlant., au S. E. de la Floride, formé de 700 îles ou îlots, dont une trentaine sont habités; 13 864 km²; 250 000 hab. (Bahamiens); cap. Nassau, dans l île de New Providence. Tourisme très import. Colonie angl. en… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Bahamas — islands discovered by Columbus in 1492, settled by English in 1648, long after the native population had been wiped out by disease or carried off into slavery; the name is said to be from Sp. baja mar low sea, in reference to the shallow water… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Bahamas — Commonwealth of The Bahamas Mancomunidad de las Bahamas …   Wikipedia Español

  • Bahamas — The Commonwealth of The Bahamas Commonwealth der Bahamas …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bahamas — Commonwealth of the Bahamas (en) Communauté des Bahamas (fr) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bahamas — Ba|ha|mas <Pl.>: Inselstaat im Karibischen Meer. * * * Bahamas,     Kurzinformation:   Fläche: 13 939 km2   Einwohner: (2000) 295 000   Hauptstadt: Nassau   Amt …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Bahamas —    Spain first discovered the Bahamas, a set of islands more than 500 miles southeast of Miami, but they were first settled by the British, who brought the Church of England with them. Methodists arrived in 1786, loyalists from the losing side of …   Encyclopedia of Protestantism

  • Bahamas — El Commonwealth de Bahamas es un país independiente de habla inglesa ubicado en las Antillas. Un archipiélago de 24 islas habitadas, 600 deshabitadas y más de 2.000 peñascos y escollos. Se ubican en el Océano Atlántico, al este de Florida… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Bahamas — noun /bəˈhɑː.məz/ A country in the Caribbean. Official names, short: The Bahamas; full: Commonwealth of the Bahamas …   Wiktionary

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