1 Scummy Arsed Student
Rude: SASУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Scummy Arsed Student
2 низкий
1) General subject: abject, base, base born, base-born, base-spirited, bass, beggarly, blackguardly, bottom, cheap, contemptible, deep (о звуке), dirty, dishonorable, dishonourable, down, filthy, give-away (о цене), grave (о тоне), grimy, gruff, hangdog, harlot, honourless, ickie, ignoble, illiberal, infamous, keen (о ценах), little, lousy, low (о ноте), low pitched, low-down, low-minded, low-pitched (о звуке, ноте), lower, mean, mean spirited, mean-spirited, menial, miscreant, nefarious, pettifogging, picayune, picayunish, poor (об урожае; о качестве), profound, profound (о поклоне), rascally, reprobate, reptile, reptilian, rich, rotten, round, scald, scoundrelly, scummy, scurvy, shabby, short (о человеке), sinister, sleazo, sleazy, sleezy, small (о душевных качествах), sneaking, snide, sordid, squalid, sullen (о звуке), thick, unworthy, vile, villainous, wormy, yellow, yellow dog, yellow-dog, low-slung (о сиденьях, о мебели), dispicable2) Colloquial: lowlife4) Botanical term: low (лат. humilis), nanous (лат. humilis), stocky (лат. humilis), undersized (лат. humilis)5) Engineering: dwarflike7) Religion: corrupt, ignominious8) Economy: inferior (по положению)9) Accounting: quiet (напр. об уровне деловой активности)10) Australian slang: deadshit, lower than a snake's belly, slime11) Diplomatic term: truculent12) Psychology: unmanlike13) Textile: coarse (о номере)14) Jargon: assy, nasty (моральная оценка), shity, ugly, yard dog, sleazoid, low down, wuzzy16) Oil: subzero17) Cartography: ( о разрешении) coarse19) Business: quiet (об уровне деловой активности)20) Polymers: coarse (о номере волокна)21) Automation: low-profile (напр. о зажимном, приспособлении)22) Marine science: low-set23) Makarov: blackguardly (т.е. нехороший), icky, low-lying (об уровнях энергии), rich (о звуке), shallow (о балке)24) Taboo: worm25) Microsoft: Cold -
3 пенистый
4 подлый
1) General subject: base, base born, base hearted, base minded, base spirited, base-born, base-minded, base-spirited, baseborn, beggarly, blackguard, blackguardly, caddish, cheap, cowardly, dastard, dastardly, despicable, dishonorable (о людях), dishonourable, dishonourable (о людях), foul, grimy, hangdog, hoggish, ignoble, knavish, low, mean, mean spirited, mean-spirited, miscreant, nefarious, peaking, picayune, picayunish, pitchy, rascally, reprobate, reptile, reptilian, rotten, scabby, scoundrelly, scrubby team, scummy, scurvy, shabby, sleazo, sleazy, sleezy, sneaking, sneaky, snide, sordid, squalid, unworthy, vile, villainous, wormy, yellow, yellow-dog, backstabbing, back-stabbing2) Colloquial: low-down3) American: yellow dog5) Religion: Babylonian6) British English: bloody-minded7) Australian slang: deadshit (поступок, действие и т.п.), lower than a snake's belly8) Jargon: assy, shiftiey-eyed, shifty-eyed, sticking, cagey (He's too cogey for me. I don't trust him at all. Он поступил очень подло со мной. Я не доверяю ему вообще.), meanie, meany, kinky, shity, stinking -
5 покрытый пеной
6 низкий
1) (в разл. знач.)
2) (подлый)
mean* * ** * *1) low 2) mean, base* * *abjectbasebassdishonourablegive-awaygraveignobleinferiorkeenlowlow-downlow-pitchedmeannefariouspicayunepoorscummyshabbyshortsnidesordidvilewormy -
7 пенистый
8 подлый
mean* * ** * *mean, base, low, foul* * *basedishonourableignoblelowlow-downmeanmean-spiritedscabbyscoundrellyscummyshabbysneakingsneakysnidesordidvilevillainouswormy -
9 пенистый
1) foamy; 2) scummy; 3) spumous -
10 подлый
sneaky имя прилагательное: -
11 низкий
12 пенистый
13 подлый
1. dastardly2. despicable3. despicably4. scummy5. scurvily6. scurvy7. mean; base; lowподлая личность, гнусный тип — base person
8. blackguard9. shabby10. villainousСинонимический ряд:низко (проч.) гнусно; низко -
14 пенистый
foamy; scummy; spumous
См. также в других словарях:
Scummy — Scum my, a. Covered with scum; of the nature of scum. Sir P. Sidney. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scummy — 1570s, from SCUM (Cf. scum) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Transferred sense of filthy, disreputable is recorded from 1932 … Etymology dictionary
scummy — [skum′ē] adj. scummier, scummiest 1. of, like, or covered with scum 2. Informal despicable; low; mean … English World dictionary
scummy — adjective a) Covered in scum. We have to wash your trousers: theyre all scummy. b) sleazy, worthless, no good , 2006, And what a scummy man / just give him half a chance / I bet hell rob you if he can. ‘When the Sun Goes Down’ … Wiktionary
scummy — adjective 1. of the most contemptible kind abject cowardice a low stunt to pull a low down sneak his miserable treatment of his family You miserable skunk! a scummy rabble a scurvy trick … Useful english dictionary
scummy — /skum ee/, adj., scummier, scummiest. 1. consisting of or having scum. 2. Informal. despicable; contemptible: That was a scummy trick. [1570 80; SCUM + Y1] * * * … Universalium
scummy — scum|my [ skʌmi ] adjective 1. ) a scummy liquid has a layer of scum on it 2. ) OFFENSIVE an insulting word used for describing someone you think is very unpleasant … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
scummy — 1) crappy, lame, pathetic 2) one who is happy to be scruffy in looks or personality. Not taking pride in one s self. That hobo s so scummy it s sad … Dictionary of american slang
scummy — 1) crappy, lame, pathetic 2) one who is happy to be scruffy in looks or personality. Not taking pride in one s self. That hobo s so scummy it s sad … Dictionary of american slang
scummy — scum ► NOUN 1) a layer of dirt or froth on the surface of a liquid. 2) informal a worthless or contemptible person or group of people. ► VERB (scummed, scumming) ▪ cover or become covered with a layer of scum. DERIVATIVES scummy adjective … English terms dictionary
Scummy Man — Título Scummy Man Ficha técnica Dirección Paul Fraser Producción Mark Herbert Diarmid Scrimshaw Diseño de producc … Wikipedia Español