1 dirty
2 Dirty Ass Crabs
Rude: DAC -
3 Dirty But Clean
Rude: DBC -
4 Dirty Cover
Rude: DC -
5 Dirty Dink Police
Rude: DDP -
6 Dirty Dragon Dishonor
Rude: DDDУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Dirty Dragon Dishonor
7 Dirty Evil Low Living
Rude: DELLУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Dirty Evil Low Living
8 Dirty Ghetto Kids
Rude: DGK -
9 Dirty Girls
Rude: DG -
10 Dirty Knees
Rude: DK -
11 Dirty Little
Rude: DL -
12 Dirty Little Baby
Rude: DLB -
13 Dirty Lucky Suckers
Rude: DLSУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Dirty Lucky Suckers
14 Dirty Mind X
Rude: DMX -
15 Dirty Mo Posse
Rude: DMP -
16 Dirty Old Bastard
Rude: DOB -
17 Dirty Old Lady
Rude: DOL -
18 Dirty Old Man
Rude: DOM -
19 Dirty Old Socks
Rude: DOS -
20 Dirty Old Women
Rude: DOW
См. также в других словарях:
dirty.ru — URL: www.dirty.ru Тип сайта: коллективный блог Регистрация: По приглашениям … Википедия
Dirty.ru — URL: www.dirty.ru Тип сайта: коллективный блог Регистрация: По приглашениям Владелец … Википедия
dirty — [dʉrt′ē] adj. dirtier, dirtiest [ME dritti] 1. soiled or soiling with dirt; unclean 2. causing one to be soiled with dirt [a dirty occupation] 3. lacking luster or brilliance; dull, grayish, etc. [a dirty green] 4. obscene; pornographic … English World dictionary
Dirty — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Dirty Álbum de estudio de Sonic Youth Publicación 21 de julio de 1992 Grabación 1992 … Wikipedia Español
dirty — dirt‧y [ˈdɜːti ǁ ˈdɜːr ] adjective unfair or dishonest: • a dirty political campaign • revelations about dirty dealing in the Treasury bond market • He accused the government of dirty tricks against the Republicans. * * * dirty UK US /ˈdɜːti/… … Financial and business terms
dirty — adj Dirty, filthy, foul, nasty, squalid mean conspicuously unclean or impure. Dirty is the general term for what is sullied or defiled with dirt of any kind {dirty hands} {dirty linen} {dirty streets} {he was dirty and bloodstained and his… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
dirty — ► ADJECTIVE (dirtier, dirtiest) 1) covered or marked with dirt; not clean. 2) lewd; obscene. 3) dishonest; dishonourable. 4) (of weather) rough and unpleasant. ► ADVERB Brit. informal ▪ used for emphasis: a … English terms dictionary
Dirty — Dirt y, a. [Compar. {Dirtier}; superl. {Dirtiest}.] 1. Defiled with dirt; foul; nasty; filthy; not clean or pure; serving to defile; as, dirty hands; dirty water; a dirty white. Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. Sullied; clouded; applied to color. Locke … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dirty Ho — The Hong Kong movie poster. Directed by Lau Kar leung Produced by Mona Fong Run Run Shaw … Wikipedia
Dirty — Студийный альбом Sonic Yo … Википедия
dirty — c.1500, from DIRT (Cf. dirt) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Earlier dritty (late 14c.). Meaning smutty, morally unclean is from 1590s. Of colors, from 1690s. As a verb, from 1590s. Dirty linen personal or familial secrets is first recorded 1860s. Dirty work in … Etymology dictionary