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со всех языков на все языки


  • 21 set

    I [set] n
    1. 1) комплект, набор; коллекция

    in sets - в комплектах, в наборах

    a set of surgical instruments [of weights] - набор хирургических инструментов [гирь]

    a set of exchange - ком. комплект экземпляров переводного векселя

    a set of teeth - а) зубы, ряд зубов; б) вставные зубы, вставная челюсть

    a set of sails - мор. комплект парусов

    well-chosen [valuable] set - хорошо подобранная [ценная] коллекция

    2) сервиз
    3) гарнитур
    4) прибор

    toilet /dressing-table/ set - туалетный прибор

    writing /desk/ set - письменный прибор

    5) (полный) комплект издания

    a set of Pravda - комплект «Правды»

    2. 1) серия, ряд

    a set of assumptions - ряд допущений /предположений/

    2) совокупность
    3. 1) группа ( лиц); состав

    a poor set of players - плохая команда, плохие игроки

    four sets of dancers /partners/ - четыре пары танцоров

    a new set of customers - новый круг покупателей /клиентов/

    2) набор, состав (учащихся, студентов и т. п.)
    3) компания, круг

    the political [the literary] set - политические [литературные] круги

    the smart /the fashionable/ set - а) законодатели мод; б) фешенебельное общество

    gambling set - картёжники, завсегдатаи игорных домов

    he belonged to the best set in the college - в колледже он принадлежал к числу избранных

    he is not in their set, he does not belong to their set - он не принадлежит к их кругу [см. тж. 4)]

    4) банда, шайка

    he is not in their set, he does not belong to their set - он не из их шайки [см. тж. 3)]

    4. 1) театр., кино декорация

    set designer - художник по декорациям; художник кинофильма

    set dresser - кино декоратор

    2) кино съёмочная площадка
    5. спец. прибор, аппарат; установка, агрегат
    6. приёмник
    7. фигура ( в танце); последовательность фигур

    we danced three or four sets of quadrilles - мы протанцевали три или четыре кадрили

    8. завивка и укладка волос
    9. сюита духовной музыки (месса и т. п.)
    10. редк. меблированная квартира
    11. дор. брусчатка, каменная шашка
    12. спорт.
    1) партия ( часть матча)
    2) сет ( теннис)
    13. спорт. расстановка игроков
    14. геол. свита ( пород)
    15. горн. оклад крепи
    16. мат. множество
    17. мат. семейство ( кривых)
    18. полигр. гарнитура шрифта
    19. полигр. набор
    20. карт. недобор взяток ( бридж)
    1. [set] n
    1. тк. sing общие очертания, линия

    the set of his back [of his shoulders] - линия спины [плеч]

    the set of the hills - линия /очертание/ гор

    2. строение; конфигурация; (тело)сложение

    the set of smb.'s head - посадка головы

    3. тк. sing
    1) направление

    the set of a tide [of a current, of wind] - направление прилива [течения реки, ветра]

    2) направленность; тенденция

    the set of public opinion /of public feeling/ - тенденция общественного мнения

    a set towards mathematics - склонность к математике; математический склад ума

    3) психол. направленность, установка ( на принятие наркотика)
    4) наклон, отклонение

    a set to the right - отклонение /наклон/ вправо

    4. тк. sing поэт. заход, закат ( солнца)
    5. музыкальный вечер (особ. джазовой музыки)
    6. сад. молодой побег ( растения); завязь ( плода)
    7. с.-х.
    1) = set onion
    2) посадочный материал (клубни картофеля и т. п.)
    8. охот. стойка
    9. тех. разводка для пил, развод зубьев пилы, ширина развода
    10. стр. осадка ( сооружений)
    11. тех. остаточная деформация
    12. тех. обжимка, державка
    13. полигр. толщина ( литеры)

    to be at a dead set - завязнуть, застрять

    to make a dead set at smb. - а) обрушиваться /нападать/ на кого-л.; резко критиковать кого-л.; ≅ вцепиться в кого-л. зубами и когтями; б) делать всё возможное, чтобы завоевать кого-л. /завоевать чью-л. любовь, дружбу, доверие и т. п./; в) вешаться кому-л. на шею, навязывать свою любовь, пытаться влюбить в себя (обыкн. о женщине); г) охот. делать стойку ( о собаке)

    2. [set] a
    1. неподвижный; застывший

    with a set face /countenance/ - с каменным лицом

    2. 1) определённый, твёрдо установленный, постоянный

    set wage - твёрдый оклад, постоянная заработная плата

    the hall holds a set number of people - зал вмещает определённое количество людей

    2) неизменный, постоянный; незыблемый

    set programme - постоянная /неизменная/ программа

    to dine at a set hour - обедать в определённые часы /в одно и то же время/ [ср. тж. 4]

    to be set in one's ways [ideas] - никогда не изменять своим привычкам [взглядам]

    3) шаблонный; стереотипный

    in set terms /phrases/ - в шаблонных /избитых/ выражениях, казённым /официальным/ языком

    3. установленный (законом, традицией)
    4. заранее установленный, оговорённый

    at set hours - в установленные часы [ср. тж. 2, 2)]

    set subject - обязательная тема (для сочинения и т. п.)

    set visit - визит ( официального лица) по предварительной договорённости

    5. упрямый, настойчивый; упорный

    set rains - непрекращающиеся /упорные/ дожди

    a man of set opinions - человек, упорно придерживающийся /не меняющий/ своих взглядов

    his jaw looked too square and set - ≅ его лицо выражало упрямство

    6. умышленный, преднамеренный

    on set purpose - уст. нарочно

    7. разг. готовый, горящий желанием (сделать что-л.)

    all set - шутл. ≅ в полной боевой готовности

    all set to do smth. - горящий желанием сделать что-л.

    we were set for an early morning start - мы подготовились к тому, чтобы выступить рано утром

    is everyone set? - все готовы?

    8. встроенный, прикреплённый

    set affair - вечеринка с очень хорошим угощением

    set dinner - а) званый обед; б) обед за общим столом ( в ресторане); в) общий обед, не включающий порционные блюда ( в ресторане)

    to be hard set - находиться в затруднительном положении /в стеснённых обстоятельствах/

    to be sharp set - быть голодным, проголодаться

    to get set - толстеть, терять стройность

    3. [set] v (set)
    1. 1) ставить, помещать, класть; положить, поставить

    to set a cup [a glass, a dish] (down) on the table - (по)ставить чашку [стакан, блюдо] на стол

    to set smth. in its place again - поставить /положить/ что-л. на своё место

    to set a chair at /by/ the table - поставить стул около стола /к столу/

    to set chairs for visitors - (по)ставить /расставить/ стулья для гостей

    to set one's hand on smb.'s shoulder - класть /положить/ руку на чьё-л. плечо

    to set a trap /snare/ - поставить силки

    to set an ambush - воен. устроить засаду

    to set a crown on smb.'s head - возложить корону на чью-л. голову

    to set smb. on a pedestal - возвести кого-л. на пьедестал

    he took off his hat and set it on the floor - он снял шляпу и положил её на пол

    2) ставить на какое-л. место; придавать ( то или иное) значение

    to set Vergil before Homer - ставить /считать/ Вергилия выше Гомера

    to set smb. among the great writers - считать кого-л. одним из великих писателей

    to set smb., smth. at naught - а) ни во что не ставить, презирать кого-л., что-л.; to set smb.'s good advice at naught - пренебречь чьим-л. разумным советом; б) издеваться над кем-л., чем-л.

    to set much /a great deal/ on smth. - придавать чему-л. большое значение

    he sets a great deal by daily exercise - он придаёт большое значение ежедневным упражнениям

    to set little on smth. - придавать чему-л. мало значения

    I don't set myself up to be better than you - я не считаю себя лучше /выше/ вас

    2. обыкн. pass помещаться, располагаться

    a house set in a beautiful garden - дом, стоящий в прекрасном саду

    a little town set north of London - маленький городок, расположенный к северу от Лондона

    blue eyes set deep in a white face - голубые, глубоко посаженные глаза на бледном лице

    the pudding sets heavily on the stomach - пудинг тяжело ложится на желудок

    3. сажать, усаживать

    to set smb. by the fire - усадить кого-л. у камина /у костра/

    to set smb. on horseback - посадить кого-л. на лошадь

    to set a king on a throne - посадить /возвести/ короля на трон

    4. насаживать, надевать
    5. (in) вставлять
    6. 1) направлять; поворачивать

    to set smb. on the right [wrong] track - направить кого-л. по правильному [ложному] следу

    to set the police after a criminal - направить полицию по следам преступника

    2) иметь ( то или иное) направление, ( ту или иную) тенденцию

    public opinion is setting with [against] him - общественное мнение за [против] него, общественное мнение складывается в [не в] его пользу

    7. подготавливать; снаряжать; приводить в состояние готовности

    to set the scene - описать (в общих чертах) обстановку /положение/

    to set the stage - а) расставлять декорации; б) (под)готовить почву (для чего-л.)

    to set the stage for the application of a new method of therapy - подготовить почву для нового метода лечения

    to be set for smth. - быть готовым к чему-л.

    it was all set now - теперь всё было готово /подготовлено/

    it /the stage/ was all set for a first-class row - всё предвещало первостатейный скандал

    I was all set for the talk - я готовился к этому разговору; я знал, что меня ждёт /мне предстоит/ этот разговор

    he was all set for a brilliant career - перед ним открывалась блестящая карьера, его ждала блестящая карьера

    set! - спорт. внимание!, приготовиться!

    8. устанавливать, определять, назначать

    to set a limit /boundary/ - устанавливать границы /пределы/

    to set a limit to smth. - установить предел чему-л., пресечь что-л.

    to set bounds to smth. - ограничивать что-л.

    to set the pace - а) устанавливать скорость шага /бега/; б) служить образцом, примером; [см. тж. 10]

    to set the style /tone/ - задавать тон

    to set the course - спорт. измерить дистанцию

    to set a time [a date] - назначить время [дату]

    to set a price on smb.'s head /on smb.'s life/ - оценивать чью-л. голову /жизнь/, назначать сумму вознаграждения за поимку кого-л.

    he sets no limit to his ambitions - его честолюбие безгранично /не знает пределов/

    the time and date of the meeting have not yet been set - время и день собрания ещё не назначены

    then it's all set for Thursday at my place - значит решено - в четверг у меня

    9. 1) диал., часто ирон. идти, быть к лицу

    do you think this bonnet sets me? - как вы думаете, идёт мне эта шляпка?

    2) редк. сидеть ( о платье)

    to set well /badly/ - хорошо [плохо] сидеть (на ком-л.)

    10. тех. устанавливать, регулировать

    to set the camera lens to infinity - фото устанавливать объектив на бесконечность

    to set the spark-gap - авт. отрегулировать искровой промежуток

    to set the pace - регулировать скорость [см. тж. 8]

    11. мор. пеленговать
    12. стр. производить кладку
    II А
    1. садиться, заходить ( о небесных светилах)

    his star has /is/ set - образн. его звезда закатилась

    2. ставить (стрелку, часы и т. п.)

    to set a clock /a watch/, to set the hands of a clock - (по)ставить часы (правильно)

    to set one's watch by the town clock [by the time-signal] - ставить свои часы по городским [по сигналу поверки времени]

    to set an alarm-clock - поставить /завести/ будильник

    to set a thermostat at seventy - поставить стрелку термостата на семьдесят

    to set the speedometer to zero - авт. установить спидометр на нуль

    I want you to set your watch by mine - я хочу, чтобы вы поставили свои часы по моим

    3. 1) ставить (задачи, цели и т. п.)
    2) задавать (уроки, вопросы и т. п.)

    the teacher set his boys a difficult problem - учитель задал ученикам трудную задачу

    what questions were set in the examination? - какие вопросы задавали на экзамене?

    4. подавать ( пример)

    to set good [bad] examples - подавать хорошие [дурные] примеры

    5. 1) вводить ( моду)
    2) вводить, внедрять (модель и т. п.)

    to set a new model - внедрять новую модель /-ый образец/

    6. 1) стискивать, сжимать (зубы, губы)

    he set his teeth doggedly [hard] - он упрямо [крепко] стиснул зубы; б) принять твёрдое решение; упрямо стоять на своём, заупрямиться

    with jaws set in an effort to control himself - стиснув зубы, он пытался овладеть собой

    2) сжиматься (о губах, зубах)
    7. застывать, становиться неподвижным (о лице, глазах и т. п.)
    8. 1) твердеть ( о гипсе)
    2) стр. схватываться (о цементе, бетоне)

    the mortar joining these bricks hasn't set yet - известковый раствор, скрепляющий эти кирпичи, ещё не затвердел

    3) застывать (о желе, креме)
    4) заставлять твердеть или застывать (известь и т. п.)
    9. 1) загустеть; свёртываться (о крови, белке); створаживаться ( о молоке)
    2) сгущать (кровь и т. п.); створаживать ( молоко)
    10. 1) оформиться, сформироваться (о фигуре, характере)

    his mind and character are completely set - у него зрелый ум и вполне сложившийся характер

    2) формировать (характер и т. п.); развивать ( мускулатуру)

    too much exercise sets a boy's muscles prematurely - от чрезмерного увлечения гимнастикой мускулы подростка развиваются слишком быстро ( опережая рост)

    11. ставить ( рекорд)

    he set a record for the half mile - он установил рекорд (в беге) на полмили

    12. накрывать ( на стол)

    he quickly set the table (for three) - он быстро накрыл стол (на три персоны)

    the hostess ordered to have a place set for the guest - хозяйка распорядилась поставить прибор для (нового) гостя

    13. 1) вправлять (кости, суставы)

    to set a broken leg [arm, a dislocated joint] - вправить ногу [руку, вывихнутый сустав]

    2) срастаться ( о кости)
    14. вставлять в оправу ( драгоценные камни)

    to set diamonds - вставлять в оправу /оправлять/ бриллианты

    15. приводить в порядок, поправлять (шляпу, платок, галстук, волосы)
    16. укладывать ( волосы); сделать укладку

    to set one's hair - делать причёску, укладывать волосы

    2) муз. аранжировать

    to set a piece of music for the violin - переложить музыкальную пьесу для скрипки

    to set a melody half a tone higher - транспонировать мелодию на полтона выше

    18. подавать ( сигнал)
    19. точить (нож, бритву и т. п.)
    20. выставлять (часовых и т. п.)

    to set the guard - воен. выставлять караул

    to set guards [sentries, watches] - расставить караульных [часовых, стражу]

    21. высаживать (на берег, остров и т. п.; тж. set ashore)

    to set smb., smth. ashore - а) высаживать кого-л. на берег; б) выгружать что-л. на берег

    22. возлагать ( надежды)

    to set one's hopes on smb. - возлагать надежды на кого-л.

    23. накладывать (запрет, наказание и т. п.)

    to set a veto on smth. - наложить запрет на что-л.

    to set a punishment [a fine] - накладывать взыскание [штраф]

    24. ставить, прикладывать ( печать)

    to set a seal - а) поставить печать; б) наложить отпечаток

    25. сажать (растения, семена)

    to set seed [plants, fruit-trees] - сажать семена [растения, фруктовые деревья]

    the young plants should be set (out) at intervals of six inches - молодые растения следует высаживать на расстоянии шести дюймов друг от друга

    26. 1) приниматься ( о деревьях)
    2) бот. завязываться, образовывать завязи (о плодах, цветах)
    27. разрабатывать, составлять ( экзаменационные материалы)

    they had to set fresh papers - им пришлось составлять новую письменную работу

    to set an examination paper - составлять письменную экзаменационную работу

    to set questions in an examination - составлять вопросы для экзаменационной работы

    to set a book - включить какую-л. книгу в учебную программу

    28. 1) определиться (о направлении ветра, течения и т. п.)
    2) заставлять двигаться (в каком-л. направлении)
    29. делать стойку ( об охотничьих собаках)
    30. 1) сажать ( наседку на яйца)
    2) подкладывать ( яйца под наседку)
    31. сажать в печь ( хлебные изделия)
    32. редк. устанавливаться ( о погоде)
    33. спец. растягивать ( кожу)
    34. закрепить ( краску)
    35. полигр. набирать ( шрифт; тж. set up)

    to set close [wide] - набирать плотно [свободно]

    the editorial was set in boldface type - передовая была набрана жирным шрифтом

    36. налаживать ( станок)
    37. тех. осаживать ( заклёпку)
    38. школ. распределять учеников по параллельным классам или группам в зависимости от способностей
    II Б
    1. 1) to set about ( doing) smth. приниматься за что-л., начинать делать что-л., приступать к чему-л.

    to set about one's work - взяться /приняться/ за работу

    to set about one's packing [getting dinner ready] - начинать упаковывать вещи [готовить обед]

    to set about stamp-collecting [learning the German language] - взяться за собирание марок [изучение немецкого языка]

    I don't know how to set about it - я не знаю, как взяться за это дело /как подступиться к этому/

    2) to set smb. about ( doing) smth. засадить кого-л. за какую-л. работу, заставить кого-л. приняться за что-л., начать что-л.

    to set smb. about a task - заставить кого-л. приступить к выполнению задания

    2. 1) to set to do /doing/ smth. приниматься за что-л., начинать делать что-л.

    to set to work - приступить к работе, приниматься за работу

    they set to fighting [arguing] - они стали драться [спорить]

    2) to set smb. (on) to (do) smth. заставить кого-л. приняться за что-л.; поставить кого-л. на какую-л. работу

    to set smb. to work [to dictation] - усадить кого-л. за работу [за диктант]

    to set smb. to saw wood [to dig a field] - заставить кого-л. пилить дрова [вскапывать поле]

    who(m) did you set to do this? - кому вы поручили сделать это?

    she would do what she was set to do with great thoroughness - она тщательно выполняла то, что ей поручали

    3. to set oneself to smth., to set oneself to do /doing/ smth. энергично взяться за что-л.; твёрдо решить сделать что-л.

    she set herself to put him at his ease - она делала всё возможное, чтобы он чувствовал себя свободно

    it is no pleasant task but let us set ourselves to it - это не очень приятное задание, но давайте приступим к его выполнению

    4. 1) to be set to do smth. быть готовым что-л. сделать

    he was (all) set to go when I came - он уже был (совсем) готов (идти), когда я пришёл

    2) to be set on doing smth. твёрдо решить сделать что-л.
    5. to be set (up) on smth. очень хотеть чего-л.; поставить себе целью добиться чего-л.

    to be dead set on smth. - упорно /страстно/ желать чего-л.

    we didn't much like the idea of his going back to New York but he was set on it - мы не очень одобряли его план вернуться в Нью-Йорк, но он твёрдо решил сделать это

    6. to be set against ( doing) smth., to set oneself against ( doing) smth. быть категорически против чего-л., противиться чему-л.

    he set himself against my proposal - он заупрямился и отказался принять моё предложение

    the mother was violently set against the match - мать была категорически против этого брака

    he (himself) was set against going there - он (сам) упорно отказывался идти туда

    7. 1) to set about /at, (up)on/ smb. нападать, напускаться на кого-л.

    to set upon smb. with blows - наброситься на кого-л. с кулаками

    to set upon smb. with arguments - атаковать кого-л. доводами

    they set upon me like a pack of dogs - они набросились на меня, как свора собак

    I'd set about you myself if I could - если бы я мог, я бы сам отколотил тебя

    2) to set smb. at /on, against/ smb. натравить, напустить кого-л. на кого-л.

    to set the dog on /at/ smb. - натравить на кого-л. собаку

    to set detectives on smb. /on smb.'s tracks/ - установить за кем-л. слежку

    he is trying to set you against me - он старается восстановить вас против меня

    3) to set smb. on to do smth. подбить (на что-л.); подтолкнуть (к чему-л.)

    to set smb. on to commit a crime - толкнуть кого-л. на преступление

    8. to set smth. against smth. книжн.
    1) противопоставлять что-л. чему-л., сравнивать что-л. с чем-л.

    when theory is set against practice - когда теорию противопоставляют практике

    when we set one language against another - когда мы сравниваем один язык с другим

    against the cost of a new car, you can set the considerable saving on repairs and servicing - покупка нового автомобиля стоит денег, но, с другой стороны, это даёт экономию на ремонте и обслуживании

    2) опираться чем-л. обо что-л., упираться

    he set a hand against the door and shoved it - он упёрся рукой в дверь и толкнул её

    9. to set smb. (up) over smb. возвысить кого-л., дать кому-л. власть над кем-л.

    to set smb. (up) over a people - посадить кого-л. на трон, сделать кого-л. королём, дать кому-л. власть над народом

    10. to set oneself down as smb.
    1) выдавать себя за кого-л.
    2) зарегистрироваться, записаться ( в гостинице)
    11. to set smb. down for smb. принимать кого-л. за кого-л.

    to set smb. down for an actor - принять кого-л. за актёра

    he set her down for forty - он считал, что ей лет сорок

    12. to set up for smth. выдавать себя за кого-л.

    to set up for a professional [for a scholar] - выдавать себя за профессионала [за учёного]

    13. to set smth. in motion привести что-л. в движение

    to set a chain reaction in motion - физ. привести в действие цепную реакцию

    14. to set smth. with smth.
    1) осыпать, усеивать что-л. чем-л.; украшать что-л. чем-л.

    to set the top of wall with broken glass - утыкать верхнюю часть стены битым стеклом

    tables set with flowers - столы, украшенные цветами

    the sky set with stars - небо, усеянное звёздами

    a coast set with modern resorts - побережье со множеством современных курортов

    2) засевать что-л. чем-л.
    15. to be set to smth. иметь склонность к чему-л.

    a soul that is set to melancholy - душа, склонная к печали

    16. to set smth. to smth. подносить, прикладывать, приставлять что-л. к чему-л.; приближать что-л. к чему-л.

    to set a match [a lighter] to a cigarette - поднести спичку [зажигалку] к сигарете

    to set one's lips to a glass, to set a glass to one's lips - поднести стакан ко рту

    to set one's hand /one's name, one's signature, one's seal/ to a document - подписать документ

    to set pen to paper - взяться за перо, начать писать

    17. to set smth. apart /aside/ for smb., smth. отводить, предназначать, откладывать что-л. для кого-л., чего-л.

    to set apart funds for some purpose - выделять фонды для какой-л. цели

    to set some food apart for further use - откладывать часть продуктов на будущее

    the rooms set apart for the children were large and beautiful - комнаты, отведённые для детей, были просторны и красивы

    18. to set smth. before smb. излагать что-л. кому-л.

    to set a plan [facts] before smb. - излагать /представлять на рассмотрение/ кому-л. план [факты]

    he set his plan before the council - он изложил /представил/ совету свой план

    III А
    1. в сочетании с последующим прилагательным, наречием или предложным оборотом означает приведение в какое-л. состояние:

    to set a prisoner free /at liberty/ - освободить арестованного

    to set afloat - а) мор. спускать на воду; б) приводить в движение; дать (чему-л.) ход

    anger set afloat all his inner grievances - гнев всколыхнул затаённые обиды

    to set smb. wrong - вводить кого-л. в заблуждение

    set your mind at ease! - не беспокойтесь!

    to set smb.'s mind at rest - успокоить кого-л.

    to set a question /affair/ at rest - разрешить какой-л. вопрос, покончить с каким-л. вопросом

    to set smb.'s fears at rest - рассеять чьи-л. опасения

    to set smb.'s curiosity agog - возбудить /вызвать/ чьё-л. любопытство

    to set smb. on the alert - заставить кого-л. насторожиться

    to set at ready - воен. приводить в готовность

    to set one's affairs [papers, room] in order - приводить свои дела [бумаги, комнату] в порядок

    to set going - а) запускать (машину и т. п.); to set machinery going - приводить в действие механизм; б) пускать в ход, в действие

    to set on foot = to set going б)

    2) побуждение к какому-л. действию:

    to set smb. laughing [in a roar] - рассмешить, заставить кого-л. смеяться [покатиться со смеху]

    his jokes set the whole room [the table] laughing - все, кто был в комнате [кто сидел за столом], до упаду смеялись над его шутками

    to set smb. (off) thinking, to set smb. to thinking - заставить кого-л. призадуматься

    to set smb. wondering - вызывать у кого-л. удивление

    to set smb. flying - обратить кого-л. в бегство

    to set tongues wagging - вызывать толки, давать пищу для сплетен

    this incident set everybody's tongue wagging - этот инцидент наделал много шуму

    to set the company talking - а) развязать языки; б) дать пищу злым языкам

    I set him talking about the new discovery - я навёл его на разговор о новом открытии

    to set foot somewhere - ходить куда-л., появляться где-л.

    not to set foot in smb.'s house - не переступать порога чьего-л. дома

    to set foot on shore - ступить на землю /на берег/

    to set one's feet on the path - пуститься в путь /дорогу/

    to set one's heart on smth. - стремиться к чему-л., страстно желать чего-л.

    to set one's heart on doing smth. - стремиться сделать что-л.

    he set his heart on going to the South - он очень хотел /твёрдо решил/ поехать на юг

    he has set his heart on seeing Moscow - его заветной мечтой было повидать Москву

    why should it be that man she has set her heart upon? - почему она полюбила именно этого человека?

    to set one's wits to smb.'s (wits) - поспорить /помериться силами/ с кем-л.

    to set one's wits to smth. - пытаться (раз)решить что-л.; ≅ шевелить мозгами

    to set one's wits to work - ломать себе голову над чем-л.

    to set people by the ears /at variance, at loggerheads/ - ссорить, натравливать людей друг на друга

    to set smth. on fire, to set fire /a light/ to smth. - сжечь /поджечь, зажечь/ что-л.

    to have smb. set - схватить кого-л. за горло, прижать кого-л. к стенке

    to set the law [smb.] at defiance - бросать вызов закону [кому-л.]

    НБАРС > set

  • 22 cover

    1. сущ.
    1) а) крышка, покрышка, колпак, колпачок The jewel box had a carved wooden cover. ≈ Крышка коробки для драгоценностей была украшена деревянной резьбой. б) обложка, переплет;
    одна сторона обложки to read from cover to cover ≈ прочесть от корки до корки( о книге) Don't judge a book by its cover. ≈ Не суди о книге по ее обложке. Syn: binding
    1. в) футляр;
    чехол a mattress cover ≈ чехол на матрац г) конверт, пакет;
    обертка under the same cover ≈ в том же конверте under separate cover ≈ в отдельном пакете, в отдельном конверте д) покрывало;
    одеяло Do you want another cover on the bed? ≈ Ты хочешь другое покрывало на кровать? Syn: blanket
    1., comforter, quilt
    1., coverlet, eiderdown ∙ Syn: lid
    1., top I
    1., cap I
    1., covering
    1. ;
    wrapper, case II
    1., encasement, envelope, jacket
    2) а) убежище, укрытие;
    воен. прикрытие, заслон under cover ≈ в укрытии, под защитой to take cover ≈ укрыться When the rain started, we took cover under a large tree. ≈ Когда начался дождь, мы спрятались под большим деревом. air cover ≈ воздушная защита Syn: protection, shelter
    1., shield
    1., guard
    1., defence;
    asylum, refuge
    1., sanctuary, concealment б) покров under cover of darkness ≈ под покровом темноты Syn: cloak
    1. в) перен. ширма;
    предлог, отговорка under cover of friendshipпод личиной дружбы Syn: screen
    1., disguise
    1., pretence
    3) а) охот. укрытие, логово( зверя) б) растительный покров
    4) а) коммерч. гарантийный фонд б) страхование
    5) прибор (обеденный)
    2. гл.
    1) накрывать, закрывать, покрывать to cover a wall with paperоклеивать стену обоями Grandmother always covered the table with a lace cloth. ≈ Бабушка всегда покрывает стол кружевной скатертью. The roof was covered with wooden shingles. ≈ Крыша была покрыта кровельной дранкой. to cover (one's head) ≈ надевать( шляпу и т. п.) Syn: put on, put over, lay on, overlay
    2., blanket
    3., clothe, sheathe, shroud, envelop, wrap
    2., enwrap
    2) защищать, ограждать, укрывать The tent covered the campers from the rain. ≈ Палатка предохранила отдыхающих от дождя. to cover a siegeвыдерживать осаду some woods which covered their retreatлеса, которые прикрыли их отступление Syn: protect, shield
    2., guard
    2., shelter
    2., defend
    3) а) закрывать;
    скрывать, маскировать, прятать She covered her face with her hands. ≈ Она закрыла лицо руками. Frank laughed to cover his anxiety. ≈ Фрэнк засмеялся, чтобы скрыть тревогу. to cover the retreat ≈ прикрывать отступление to cover one's tracksзаметать свои следы Syn: hide II
    2., conceal, obscure
    2., secrete;
    2., veil
    2., hood
    2., screen
    2. ;
    2., disguise
    2., camouflage
    2. б) спорт закрывать, прикрывать (игрока соперника) ;
    прикрывать (участок поля)
    4) включать, содержать, охватывать;
    относиться( к чему-л.) The history book covers the years of Eisenhower's presidency. ≈ Эта книга по истории охватывает годы президентства Эйзенхауэра. Syn: deal with, include, involve, contain;
    2., embody, comprise, take in, comprehend
    5) освещать (события и т. п.) в печати, на телевидении, по радио The reporter covered the convention for the local newspaper. ≈ Журналист давал материалы о партийном съезде в местную газету. Syn: report
    2., tell of, describe, chronicle, write up
    6) лежать, покрывать;
    распространяться Water covered the floor. ≈ Вода покрывает пол. His brewery covers nearly four acres of ground. ≈ Его пивоварня занимает почти четыре акра земли.
    7) преодолевать, проходить( какое-л. расстояние) ;
    спорт пройти( дистанцию) The distance covered was close on twenty miles. ≈ Пройденное расстояние равнялось почти двадцати милям. We covered three states in two days. ≈ Мы проехали три штата за два дня. Syn: travel through, pass over, pass through, traverse
    2., cross
    8) а) комерч. покрывать, обеспечивать( денежным) покрытием б) страховать This insurance covers the traveler in any accident. ≈ Эта страховка страхует путешественника от любого несчастного случая. Syn: insure
    9) предусматривать, разрешать The rules covers all cases. ≈ Правила предусматривают все случаи.
    10) покрывать (кобылу;
    по отношению к другим животным употребляется редко)
    11) сидеть( на яйцах)
    12) держать под прицелом ∙ cover for cover in cover over cover up (по) крышка;
    футляр, колпак - a * for a saucepan крышка кастрлюли - a * for a chair чехол для стула - glass * стеклянный колпак конверт;
    упаковка - under plain * в конверте без фирменного штампа, в простом конверте - under separate * (канцелярское) в отдельном конверте - this is a receipt, the goods will be sent under separate * посылаем вам расписку, а товар будет выслан отдельно переплет;
    обложка - soft * мягкая обложка - to read a book from * to * прочесть книгу от корки до корки убежище, укрытие;
    прикрытие, "крышка" - * from fire (военное) укрытие от огня - * from view (военное) укрытие от наблюдения - under * в укрытиии - to take * найти убежище, спрятаться - to break * внезапно появиться;
    выйти из укрытия - the spy's * was to act as a bartender шпион скрывался под видом бармена (спортивное) прикрытие, защита покров - land * растительный покров - sky * облачность, облачный покров (of) покрывало, покров - under * of darkness под покровом темноты лесной покров, полог леса (ботаника) покров семяпочки или семени (охота) нора, логовище - to break * поднять из логовища личина, маска - under * of friendship под личиной дружбы - under * of patriotism прикрываясь патриотизмом прибор, куверт - *s were laid for four стол был накрыт на четыре персоны плата "за куверт" (в ресторане, ночном клубе) (коммерческое) гарантийный фонд;
    страхование (геология) покрывающие породы( автомобильное) покрышка (театроведение) замена;
    заменяющий актер или -ая актриса;
    исполнитель из второго состава > under * тайный;
    > he kept his activities under * он держал свою деятельность в тайне;
    > they met under * они встречались тайно покрывать, закрывать, накрывать - to * a saucepan закрывать кастрюлю - to * up a baby укутать ребенка - to * plants with straw прикрыть растения соломой (редкое) покрывать (голову, плечи) ;
    укрывать - to * one's head надеть шляпу - to remain *ed не снять шляпы - pray be *ed (устаревшее) прошу надеть шляпу прикрывать, ограждать, защищать - to * a retreat прикрывать отступление - the warships *ed the landing of the army военные корабли прикрывали высадку армии - the father *ed the boy from the fire with his own body отец своим телом укрыл мальчика от огня( спортивное) держать, закрывать (игрока) прятать, скрывать - to * one's face with one's hands закрыть лицо руками - the enemy were *ed from our sight by woods лес скрывал от нас неприятеля - to * one's shame скрыть стыд - to * one's tracks замести следы покрывать;
    находить оправдания - his family kept *ing for him семья постоянно покрывала его - to * up for a friend покрывать друга;
    выручать друга (книжное) покрыть, увенчать;
    запятнать - to * oneself with glory покрыть себя славой покрывать, обдавать - you are *ed with dust ты весь в пыли - a passing motor *ed me with mud проезжавшая мимо машина обдала меня грязью обивать;
    оклеивать - to * the seat of a chair with leather обить кожей сиденье стула - to * with wall-paper оклеить обоями покрывать;
    расстилаться - snow *ed the ground земля была покрыта снегом, на земле лежал снег - enemy troops *ed the whole country вражеские войска наводнили всю страну - the floods *ed a large area наводнение распространялось на большую территорию покрывать, охватывать;
    относиться - his researches * a wide field его исследования охватывают широкую область - documents *ing the sale документы, касающиеся продажи( for) (разговорное) заменять, подменять - please * for me at the counter for a few minutes пожалуйства, подмени меня у прилавка на несколько минут( театроведение) заменять держать под наблюдением - the police got all the roads *ed полиция перекрыла все дороги пройти, проехать - he *ed the distance in an hour он прошел расстояние за час - by evening we had *ed sixty miles к вечеру мы проехали шестьдесят миль( спортивное) пробежать дистанцию - to * the distance in great style показать на дистанции высокую технику бега освещать в печати - to * football matches давать репортаж о футбольных матчах - to * the theatres освещать театральную жизнь предусматривать - the rules * all cases правила предусматривают все случаи (коммерческое) обеспечить покрытие;
    покрывать - to * one's expenses покрыть расходы - the loan was *ed many times сумма займа была перекрыта во много раз страховать - my policy *s me against loss from fire мое имущество застраховано от пожара - you should get yourself *ed as soon as possible тебе надо поскорее застраховаться( карточное) покрывать, крыть принять пари;
    поставить( сельскохозяйственное) случать;
    крыть (матку) сидеть (на яйцах) (военное) держать под обстрелом;
    держать под прицелом - don't move, I have you *ed не шевелись, буду стрелять additional premium for short-term ~ дополнительная страховая премия за краткосрочное покрытие рисков advance ~ авансовое покрытие all risks ~ покрытие всех рисков back ~ четвертая сторонка обложки bank-note ~ покрытие банкнот blanket ~ общее страхование blanket ~ полный перечень рисков, охватываемых страховым полисом ~ охватывать;
    относиться (к чему-л.) ;
    the book covers the whole subject книга дает исчерпывающие сведения по всему предмету cash ~ денежное покрытие ~ разрешать, предусматривать;
    the circumstances are covered by this clause обстоятельства предусмотрены этим пунктом ~ расстилаться;
    the city covers ten square miles город занимает десять квадратных миль cost escalation ~ покрытие роста издержек cover = cover-point ~ ком. гарантийный фонд ~ гарантийный фонд ~ гарантировать ~ давать материал, отчет( для прессы) ~ закрывать;
    to cover a wall with paper оклеивать стену обоями ~ конверт;
    under the same cover в том же конверте ~ конверт ~ (по) крышка;
    футляр, колпак ~ обеспечение ~ обеспечивать покрытие ~ обеспечить покрытие (денежное) ~ обложка, переплет, крышка переплета;
    to read from cover to cover прочесть от корки до корки (о книге) ~ полигр. обложка ~ обшивка ~ относиться (к чему-л.) ~ охватывать;
    относиться (к чему-л.) ;
    the book covers the whole subject книга дает исчерпывающие сведения по всему предмету ~ охватывать ~ полигр. переплет ~ перечень рисков, охватываемых страховым полисом ~ покров;
    under cover of darkness под покровом темноты ~ покрывать (кобылу и т. п.) ~ покрывать ~ покрытие ~ покрытие (денежное) ~ покупка ценных бумаг при сделках на срок ~ преодолевать, проходить (какое-л. расстояние) ;
    спорт. пройти (дистанцию) ~ прибор (обеденный) ~ принимать на страх ~ разрешать, предусматривать;
    the circumstances are covered by this clause обстоятельства предусмотрены этим пунктом ~ распространяться ~ расстилаться;
    the city covers ten square miles город занимает десять квадратных миль ~ сидеть (на яйцах) ~ скрывать;
    to cover one's confusion (annoyance) чтобы скрыть (или не показать) свое смущение( досаду) ~ страхование ~ страховать ~ убежище, укрытие;
    under cover в укрытии, под защитой ;
    to take cover укрыться ~ укрывать, ограждать, защищать;
    he covered his friend from the blow with his own body он своим телом закрыл друга от удара ~ уплата( по счету, векселю) ~ целиться( из ружья и т. п.) ;
    держать под угрозой ~ ширма;
    личина, маска;
    under cover of friendship под личиной дружбы ~ закрывать;
    to cover a wall with paper оклеивать стену обоями ~ for losses покрытие убытков ~ girl хорошенькая девушка, изображение которой помещают на обложке журнала;
    журнальная красотка ~ in забросать землей( могилу) ~ in закрыть ~ of loss покрытие убытков ~ of loss покрытие ущерба ~ on death сумма страхового возмещения при смертельном исходе ~ скрывать;
    to cover one's confusion (annoyance) чтобы скрыть (или не показать) свое смущение (досаду) to ~ one's face with one's hands закрыть лицо руками to ~ the retreat прикрывать отступление;
    to cover one's tracks заметать свои следы ~ over скрыть, прикрыть to ~ the retreat прикрывать отступление;
    to cover one's tracks заметать свои следы ~ up прятать ~ up спрятать, тщательно прикрыть cover = cover-point cover-point: cover-point спорт. защитник( в крикете) ~ спорт. место защитника (в крикете) demand for ~ требование покрытия depot under ~ хранилище под крышей dust ~ полигр. суперобложка exchange rate risk ~ страхование от риска изменения валютного курса exchange risk ~ страхование от валютного риска extended ~ расширенное страхование forward ~ бирж. срочное покрытие forward ~ бирж. форвардное покрытие front ~ первая сторонка обложки front ~ передняя часть обложки full ~ полное покрытие ~ укрывать, ограждать, защищать;
    he covered his friend from the blow with his own body он своим телом закрыл друга от удара inside back ~ третья сторонка обложки inside front ~ вторая сторонка обложки insurance ~ объем страховой ответственности interest ~ обеспечение выплаты процентов liability insurance ~ риски, охватываемые страхованием гражданской ответственности margin ~ бирж. покрытие маржи master ~ суперобложка maximum ~ максимальный объем страховой ответственности minimum ~ минимальное покрытие molded ~ формованная накладка open ~ генеральный полис open ~ открытый полис primary ~ первичное страхование provide forward ~ бирж. предоставлять срочное обеспечение provide forward ~ бирж. предоставлять форвардное обеспечение ~ обложка, переплет, крышка переплета;
    to read from cover to cover прочесть от корки до корки (о книге) reinsurance ~ объем ответственности при перестраховании reserve fund ~ покрытие резервного фонда risk ~ перечень рисков, охватываемых страховым полисом subsequent ~ последующая уплата по счету surplus ~ избыточное покрытие ~ убежище, укрытие;
    under cover в укрытии, под защитой ;
    to take cover укрыться ~ убежище, укрытие;
    under cover в укрытии, под защитой ;
    to take cover укрыться under: ~ heavy penalty под страхом сурового наказания;
    under the necessity( of smth.) под давлением( каких-л.) обстоятельств;
    under cover под прикрытием ~ покров;
    under cover of darkness под покровом темноты ~ ширма;
    личина, маска;
    under cover of friendship под личиной дружбы ~ конверт;
    under the same cover в том же конверте vegetative ~ растительный покров vertex ~ вершинное покрытие

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cover

  • 23 Л-8

    В ЛАД PrepP Invar
    1. - чему, скем-чем (Prep
    the resulting PrepP is adv
    corresponding exactly to (the beat, rate, rhythm etc of sth.): in tune (keeping, accord, harmony, concert) with
    in time with to the rhythm of at one with.
    «Была бы у меня эта книжечка, - сказала Лёлька, провожая меня до порога с малышом на руках, - я бы спать не ложилась - её читала! День и ночь бы читала, глаз бы не перевела!» Её речь звучала в лад со сказкой - это наново поразило меня (Чуковская 2). "Had I this little book," said Lyolka as she accompanied me to the door with the baby in her arms, "I would not go to bed, I would read it! Night and day I would read it without closing my eyes!" I was struck again how much her words sounded in tune with the fairy-tale (2a).
    ...Сами себе Андрей и Настёна виделись в этот укромный час не настоящими, чужими -настолько покаянно и тихо, смиряя всё вокруг, с полным прощением перед прощанием, отходил этот крутой, горячий день. И они в лад его смирению говорили тихо, почти шёпотом (Распутин 2)....Andrei and Nastyona seemed unreal, strangers to themselves in this secluded hour-that was how funereally and quietly the abrupt, harsh, hot day departed, calming everything around them, with full forgiveness before its farewell. And they spoke softly, almost in a whisper, in keeping with the day's passing (2a).
    (Иван:) Быть может, настал час той славы, о которой мечтали вы с детства! Не уступите, не прозевайте... миллионы сердец бьются в лад с вами... (Олеша 6). (I.:) Perhaps now the hour has arrived of that glory of which you have been dreaming since childhood! Don't turn back, don't let the opportunity slip away, millions of hearts are beating in time with yours (6a).
    together, in harmony, synchronously
    in unison
    in concert in tune as one (man)
    Neg не в лад - out of step (tune, time).
    Мы поздоровались с классом. Ребята ответили негромко, но в лад. We said hello to the class, and the kids responded softly, though in unison.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Л-8

  • 24 в лад

    [PrepP; Invar]
    1. в лад чему, с кем-чем [Prep; the resulting PrepP is adv]
    corresponding exactly to (the beat, rate, rhythm etc of sth.):
    - in tune (keeping, accord, harmony, concert) with;
    - at one with.
         ♦ "Была бы у меня эта книжечка, - сказала Лёлька, провожая меня до порога с малышом на руках, - я бы спать не ложилась - её читала! День и ночь бы читала, глаз бы не перевела!" Её речь звучала в лад со сказкой - это наново поразило меня (Чуковская 2). "Had I this little book," said Lyolka as she accompanied me to the door with the baby in her arms, "I would not go to bed, I would read it! Night and day I would read it without closing my eyes!" I was struck again how much her words sounded in tune with the fairy-tale (2a).
         ♦...Сами себе Андрей и Настёна виделись в этот укромный час не настоящими, чужими - настолько покаянно и тихо, смиряя всё вокруг, с полным прощением перед прощанием, отходил этот крутой, горячий день. И они в лад его смирению говорили тихо, почти шёпотом (Распутин 2)....Andrei and Nastyona seemed unreal, strangers to themselves in this secluded hour-that was how funereally and quietly the abrupt, harsh, hot day departed, calming everything around them, with full forgiveness before its farewell. And they spoke softly, almost in a whisper, in keeping with the day's passing (2a).
         ♦ [ Иван:] Быть может, настал час той славы, о которой мечтали вы с детства! Не уступите, не прозевайте... миллионы сердец бьются в лад с вами... (Олеша 6). [I.:] Perhaps now the hour has arrived of that glory of which you have been dreaming since childhood! Don't turn back, don't let the opportunity slip away; millions of hearts are beating in time with yours (6a).
    2. [adv]
    together, in harmony, synchronously:
    || Neg не в лад out of step (tune, time).
         ♦ Мы поздоровались с классом. Ребята ответили негромко, но в лад. We said hello to the class, and the kids responded softly, though in unison.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > в лад

  • 25 Historical Portugal

       Before Romans described western Iberia or Hispania as "Lusitania," ancient Iberians inhabited the land. Phoenician and Greek trading settlements grew up in the Tagus estuary area and nearby coasts. Beginning around 202 BCE, Romans invaded what is today southern Portugal. With Rome's defeat of Carthage, Romans proceeded to conquer and rule the western region north of the Tagus, which they named Roman "Lusitania." In the fourth century CE, as Rome's rule weakened, the area experienced yet another invasion—Germanic tribes, principally the Suevi, who eventually were Christianized. During the sixth century CE, the Suevi kingdom was superseded by yet another Germanic tribe—the Christian Visigoths.
       A major turning point in Portugal's history came in 711, as Muslim armies from North Africa, consisting of both Arab and Berber elements, invaded the Iberian Peninsula from across the Straits of Gibraltar. They entered what is now Portugal in 714, and proceeded to conquer most of the country except for the far north. For the next half a millennium, Islam and Muslim presence in Portugal left a significant mark upon the politics, government, language, and culture of the country.
       Islam, Reconquest, and Portugal Created, 714-1140
       The long frontier struggle between Muslim invaders and Christian communities in the north of the Iberian peninsula was called the Reconquista (Reconquest). It was during this struggle that the first dynasty of Portuguese kings (Burgundian) emerged and the independent monarchy of Portugal was established. Christian forces moved south from what is now the extreme north of Portugal and gradually defeated Muslim forces, besieging and capturing towns under Muslim sway. In the ninth century, as Christian forces slowly made their way southward, Christian elements were dominant only in the area between Minho province and the Douro River; this region became known as "territorium Portu-calense."
       In the 11th century, the advance of the Reconquest quickened as local Christian armies were reinforced by crusading knights from what is now France and England. Christian forces took Montemor (1034), at the Mondego River; Lamego (1058); Viseu (1058); and Coimbra (1064). In 1095, the king of Castile and Léon granted the country of "Portu-cale," what became northern Portugal, to a Burgundian count who had emigrated from France. This was the foundation of Portugal. In 1139, a descendant of this count, Afonso Henriques, proclaimed himself "King of Portugal." He was Portugal's first monarch, the "Founder," and the first of the Burgundian dynasty, which ruled until 1385.
       The emergence of Portugal in the 12th century as a separate monarchy in Iberia occurred before the Christian Reconquest of the peninsula. In the 1140s, the pope in Rome recognized Afonso Henriques as king of Portugal. In 1147, after a long, bloody siege, Muslim-occupied Lisbon fell to Afonso Henriques's army. Lisbon was the greatest prize of the 500-year war. Assisting this effort were English crusaders on their way to the Holy Land; the first bishop of Lisbon was an Englishman. When the Portuguese captured Faro and Silves in the Algarve province in 1248-50, the Reconquest of the extreme western portion of the Iberian peninsula was complete—significantly, more than two centuries before the Spanish crown completed the Reconquest of the eastern portion by capturing Granada in 1492.
       Consolidation and Independence of Burgundian Portugal, 1140-1385
       Two main themes of Portugal's early existence as a monarchy are the consolidation of control over the realm and the defeat of a Castil-ian threat from the east to its independence. At the end of this period came the birth of a new royal dynasty (Aviz), which prepared to carry the Christian Reconquest beyond continental Portugal across the straits of Gibraltar to North Africa. There was a variety of motives behind these developments. Portugal's independent existence was imperiled by threats from neighboring Iberian kingdoms to the north and east. Politics were dominated not only by efforts against the Muslims in
       Portugal (until 1250) and in nearby southern Spain (until 1492), but also by internecine warfare among the kingdoms of Castile, Léon, Aragon, and Portugal. A final comeback of Muslim forces was defeated at the battle of Salado (1340) by allied Castilian and Portuguese forces. In the emerging Kingdom of Portugal, the monarch gradually gained power over and neutralized the nobility and the Church.
       The historic and commonplace Portuguese saying "From Spain, neither a good wind nor a good marriage" was literally played out in diplomacy and war in the late 14th-century struggles for mastery in the peninsula. Larger, more populous Castile was pitted against smaller Portugal. Castile's Juan I intended to force a union between Castile and Portugal during this era of confusion and conflict. In late 1383, Portugal's King Fernando, the last king of the Burgundian dynasty, suddenly died prematurely at age 38, and the Master of Aviz, Portugal's most powerful nobleman, took up the cause of independence and resistance against Castile's invasion. The Master of Aviz, who became King João I of Portugal, was able to obtain foreign assistance. With the aid of English archers, Joao's armies defeated the Castilians in the crucial battle of Aljubarrota, on 14 August 1385, a victory that assured the independence of the Portuguese monarchy from its Castilian nemesis for several centuries.
       Aviz Dynasty and Portugal's First Overseas Empire, 1385-1580
       The results of the victory at Aljubarrota, much celebrated in Portugal's art and monuments, and the rise of the Aviz dynasty also helped to establish a new merchant class in Lisbon and Oporto, Portugal's second city. This group supported King João I's program of carrying the Reconquest to North Africa, since it was interested in expanding Portugal's foreign commerce and tapping into Muslim trade routes and resources in Africa. With the Reconquest against the Muslims completed in Portugal and the threat from Castile thwarted for the moment, the Aviz dynasty launched an era of overseas conquest, exploration, and trade. These efforts dominated Portugal's 15th and 16th centuries.
       The overseas empire and age of Discoveries began with Portugal's bold conquest in 1415 of the Moroccan city of Ceuta. One royal member of the 1415 expedition was young, 21-year-old Prince Henry, later known in history as "Prince Henry the Navigator." His part in the capture of Ceuta won Henry his knighthood and began Portugal's "Marvelous Century," during which the small kingdom was counted as a European and world power of consequence. Henry was the son of King João I and his English queen, Philippa of Lancaster, but he did not inherit the throne. Instead, he spent most of his life and his fortune, and that of the wealthy military Order of Christ, on various imperial ventures and on voyages of exploration down the African coast and into the Atlantic. While mythology has surrounded Henry's controversial role in the Discoveries, and this role has been exaggerated, there is no doubt that he played a vital part in the initiation of Portugal's first overseas empire and in encouraging exploration. He was naturally curious, had a sense of mission for Portugal, and was a strong leader. He also had wealth to expend; at least a third of the African voyages of the time were under his sponsorship. If Prince Henry himself knew little science, significant scientific advances in navigation were made in his day.
       What were Portugal's motives for this new imperial effort? The well-worn historical cliche of "God, Glory, and Gold" can only partly explain the motivation of a small kingdom with few natural resources and barely 1 million people, which was greatly outnumbered by the other powers it confronted. Among Portuguese objectives were the desire to exploit known North African trade routes and resources (gold, wheat, leather, weaponry, and other goods that were scarce in Iberia); the need to outflank the Muslim world in the Mediterranean by sailing around Africa, attacking Muslims en route; and the wish to ally with Christian kingdoms beyond Africa. This enterprise also involved a strategy of breaking the Venetian spice monopoly by trading directly with the East by means of discovering and exploiting a sea route around Africa to Asia. Besides the commercial motives, Portugal nurtured a strong crusading sense of Christian mission, and various classes in the kingdom saw an opportunity for fame and gain.
       By the time of Prince Henry's death in 1460, Portugal had gained control of the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Madeiras, begun to colonize the Cape Verde Islands, failed to conquer the Canary Islands from Castile, captured various cities on Morocco's coast, and explored as far as Senegal, West Africa, down the African coast. By 1488, Bar-tolomeu Dias had rounded the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa and thereby discovered the way to the Indian Ocean.
       Portugal's largely coastal African empire and later its fragile Asian empire brought unexpected wealth but were purchased at a high price. Costs included wars of conquest and defense against rival powers, manning the far-flung navel and trade fleets and scattered castle-fortresses, and staffing its small but fierce armies, all of which entailed a loss of skills and population to maintain a scattered empire. Always short of capital, the monarchy became indebted to bankers. There were many defeats beginning in the 16th century at the hands of the larger imperial European monarchies (Spain, France, England, and Holland) and many attacks on Portugal and its strung-out empire. Typically, there was also the conflict that arose when a tenuously held world empire that rarely if ever paid its way demanded finance and manpower Portugal itself lacked.
       The first 80 years of the glorious imperial era, the golden age of Portugal's imperial power and world influence, was an African phase. During 1415-88, Portuguese navigators and explorers in small ships, some of them caravelas (caravels), explored the treacherous, disease-ridden coasts of Africa from Morocco to South Africa beyond the Cape of Good Hope. By the 1470s, the Portuguese had reached the Gulf of Guinea and, in the early 1480s, what is now Angola. Bartolomeu Dias's extraordinary voyage of 1487-88 to South Africa's coast and the edge of the Indian Ocean convinced Portugal that the best route to Asia's spices and Christians lay south, around the tip of southern Africa. Between 1488 and 1495, there was a hiatus caused in part by domestic conflict in Portugal, discussion of resources available for further conquests beyond Africa in Asia, and serious questions as to Portugal's capacity to reach beyond Africa. In 1495, King Manuel and his council decided to strike for Asia, whatever the consequences. In 1497-99, Vasco da Gama, under royal orders, made the epic two-year voyage that discovered the sea route to western India (Asia), outflanked Islam and Venice, and began Portugal's Asian empire. Within 50 years, Portugal had discovered and begun the exploitation of its largest colony, Brazil, and set up forts and trading posts from the Middle East (Aden and Ormuz), India (Calicut, Goa, etc.), Malacca, and Indonesia to Macau in China.
       By the 1550s, parts of its largely coastal, maritime trading post empire from Morocco to the Moluccas were under siege from various hostile forces, including Muslims, Christians, and Hindi. Although Moroccan forces expelled the Portuguese from the major coastal cities by 1550, the rival European monarchies of Castile (Spain), England, France, and later Holland began to seize portions of her undermanned, outgunned maritime empire.
       In 1580, Phillip II of Spain, whose mother was a Portuguese princess and who had a strong claim to the Portuguese throne, invaded Portugal, claimed the throne, and assumed control over the realm and, by extension, its African, Asian, and American empires. Phillip II filled the power vacuum that appeared in Portugal following the loss of most of Portugal's army and its young, headstrong King Sebastião in a disastrous war in Morocco. Sebastiao's death in battle (1578) and the lack of a natural heir to succeed him, as well as the weak leadership of the cardinal who briefly assumed control in Lisbon, led to a crisis that Spain's strong monarch exploited. As a result, Portugal lost its independence to Spain for a period of 60 years.
       Portugal under Spanish Rule, 1580-1640
       Despite the disastrous nature of Portugal's experience under Spanish rule, "The Babylonian Captivity" gave birth to modern Portuguese nationalism, its second overseas empire, and its modern alliance system with England. Although Spain allowed Portugal's weakened empire some autonomy, Spanish rule in Portugal became increasingly burdensome and unacceptable. Spain's ambitious imperial efforts in Europe and overseas had an impact on the Portuguese as Spain made greater and greater demands on its smaller neighbor for manpower and money. Portugal's culture underwent a controversial Castilianization, while its empire became hostage to Spain's fortunes. New rival powers England, France, and Holland attacked and took parts of Spain's empire and at the same time attacked Portugal's empire, as well as the mother country.
       Portugal's empire bore the consequences of being attacked by Spain's bitter enemies in what was a form of world war. Portuguese losses were heavy. By 1640, Portugal had lost most of its Moroccan cities as well as Ceylon, the Moluccas, and sections of India. With this, Portugal's Asian empire was gravely weakened. Only Goa, Damão, Diu, Bombay, Timor, and Macau remained and, in Brazil, Dutch forces occupied the northeast.
       On 1 December 1640, long commemorated as a national holiday, Portuguese rebels led by the duke of Braganza overthrew Spanish domination and took advantage of Spanish weakness following a more serious rebellion in Catalonia. Portugal regained independence from Spain, but at a price: dependence on foreign assistance to maintain its independence in the form of the renewal of the alliance with England.
       Restoration and Second Empire, 1640-1822
       Foreign affairs and empire dominated the restoration era and aftermath, and Portugal again briefly enjoyed greater European power and prestige. The Anglo-Portuguese Alliance was renewed and strengthened in treaties of 1642, 1654, and 1661, and Portugal's independence from Spain was underwritten by English pledges and armed assistance. In a Luso-Spanish treaty of 1668, Spain recognized Portugal's independence. Portugal's alliance with England was a marriage of convenience and necessity between two monarchies with important religious, cultural, and social differences. In return for legal, diplomatic, and trade privileges, as well as the use during war and peace of Portugal's great Lisbon harbor and colonial ports for England's navy, England pledged to protect Portugal and its scattered empire from any attack. The previously cited 17th-century alliance treaties were renewed later in the Treaty of Windsor, signed in London in 1899. On at least 10 different occasions after 1640, and during the next two centuries, England was central in helping prevent or repel foreign invasions of its ally, Portugal.
       Portugal's second empire (1640-1822) was largely Brazil-oriented. Portuguese colonization, exploitation of wealth, and emigration focused on Portuguese America, and imperial revenues came chiefly from Brazil. Between 1670 and 1740, Portugal's royalty and nobility grew wealthier on funds derived from Brazilian gold, diamonds, sugar, tobacco, and other crops, an enterprise supported by the Atlantic slave trade and the supply of African slave labor from West Africa and Angola. Visitors today can see where much of that wealth was invested: Portugal's rich legacy of monumental architecture. Meanwhile, the African slave trade took a toll in Angola and West Africa.
       In continental Portugal, absolutist monarchy dominated politics and government, and there was a struggle for position and power between the monarchy and other institutions, such as the Church and nobility. King José I's chief minister, usually known in history as the marquis of Pombal (ruled 1750-77), sharply suppressed the nobility and the
       Church (including the Inquisition, now a weak institution) and expelled the Jesuits. Pombal also made an effort to reduce economic dependence on England, Portugal's oldest ally. But his successes did not last much beyond his disputed time in office.
       Beginning in the late 18th century, the European-wide impact of the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon placed Portugal in a vulnerable position. With the monarchy ineffectively led by an insane queen (Maria I) and her indecisive regent son (João VI), Portugal again became the focus of foreign ambition and aggression. With England unable to provide decisive assistance in time, France—with Spain's consent—invaded Portugal in 1807. As Napoleon's army under General Junot entered Lisbon meeting no resistance, Portugal's royal family fled on a British fleet to Brazil, where it remained in exile until 1821. In the meantime, Portugal's overseas empire was again under threat. There was a power vacuum as the monarch was absent, foreign armies were present, and new political notions of liberalism and constitutional monarchy were exciting various groups of citizens.
       Again England came to the rescue, this time in the form of the armies of the duke of Wellington. Three successive French invasions of Portugal were defeated and expelled, and Wellington succeeded in carrying the war against Napoleon across the Portuguese frontier into Spain. The presence of the English army, the new French-born liberal ideas, and the political vacuum combined to create revolutionary conditions. The French invasions and the peninsular wars, where Portuguese armed forces played a key role, marked the beginning of a new era in politics.
       Liberalism and Constitutional Monarchy, 1822-1910
       During 1807-22, foreign invasions, war, and civil strife over conflicting political ideas gravely damaged Portugal's commerce, economy, and novice industry. The next terrible blow was the loss of Brazil in 1822, the jewel in the imperial crown. Portugal's very independence seemed to be at risk. In vain, Portugal sought to resist Brazilian independence by force, but in 1825 it formally acknowledged Brazilian independence by treaty.
       Portugal's slow recovery from the destructive French invasions and the "war of independence" was complicated by civil strife over the form of constitutional monarchy that best suited Portugal. After struggles over these issues between 1820 and 1834, Portugal settled somewhat uncertainly into a moderate constitutional monarchy whose constitution (Charter of 1826) lent it strong political powers to exert a moderating influence between the executive and legislative branches of the government. It also featured a new upper middle class based on land ownership and commerce; a Catholic Church that, although still important, lived with reduced privileges and property; a largely African (third) empire to which Lisbon and Oporto devoted increasing spiritual and material resources, starting with the liberal imperial plans of 1836 and 1851, and continuing with the work of institutions like the Lisbon Society of Geography (established 1875); and a mass of rural peasants whose bonds to the land weakened after 1850 and who began to immigrate in increasing numbers to Brazil and North America.
       Chronic military intervention in national politics began in 19th-century Portugal. Such intervention, usually commencing with coups or pronunciamentos (military revolts), was a shortcut to the spoils of political office and could reflect popular discontent as well as the power of personalities. An early example of this was the 1817 golpe (coup) attempt of General Gomes Freire against British military rule in Portugal before the return of King João VI from Brazil. Except for a more stable period from 1851 to 1880, military intervention in politics, or the threat thereof, became a feature of the constitutional monarchy's political life, and it continued into the First Republic and the subsequent Estado Novo.
       Beginning with the Regeneration period (1851-80), Portugal experienced greater political stability and economic progress. Military intervention in politics virtually ceased; industrialization and construction of railroads, roads, and bridges proceeded; two political parties (Regenerators and Historicals) worked out a system of rotation in power; and leading intellectuals sparked a cultural revival in several fields. In 19th-century literature, there was a new golden age led by such figures as Alexandre Herculano (historian), Eça de Queirós (novelist), Almeida Garrett (playwright and essayist), Antero de Quental (poet), and Joaquim Oliveira Martins (historian and social scientist). In its third overseas empire, Portugal attempted to replace the slave trade and slavery with legitimate economic activities; to reform the administration; and to expand Portuguese holdings beyond coastal footholds deep into the African hinterlands in West, West Central, and East Africa. After 1841, to some extent, and especially after 1870, colonial affairs, combined with intense nationalism, pressures for economic profit in Africa, sentiment for national revival, and the drift of European affairs would make or break Lisbon governments.
       Beginning with the political crisis that arose out of the "English Ultimatum" affair of January 1890, the monarchy became discredtted and identified with the poorly functioning government, political parties splintered, and republicanism found more supporters. Portugal participated in the "Scramble for Africa," expanding its African holdings, but failed to annex territory connecting Angola and Mozambique. A growing foreign debt and state bankruptcy as of the early 1890s damaged the constitutional monarchy's reputation, despite the efforts of King Carlos in diplomacy, the renewal of the alliance in the Windsor Treaty of 1899, and the successful if bloody colonial wars in the empire (1880-97). Republicanism proclaimed that Portugal's weak economy and poor society were due to two historic institutions: the monarchy and the Catholic Church. A republic, its stalwarts claimed, would bring greater individual liberty; efficient, if more decentralized government; and a stronger colonial program while stripping the Church of its role in both society and education.
       As the monarchy lost support and republicans became more aggressive, violence increased in politics. King Carlos I and his heir Luís were murdered in Lisbon by anarchist-republicans on 1 February 1908. Following a military and civil insurrection and fighting between monarchist and republican forces, on 5 October 1910, King Manuel II fled Portugal and a republic was proclaimed.
       First Parliamentary Republic, 1910-26
       Portugal's first attempt at republican government was the most unstable, turbulent parliamentary republic in the history of 20th-century Western Europe. During a little under 16 years of the republic, there were 45 governments, a number of legislatures that did not complete normal terms, military coups, and only one president who completed his four-year term in office. Portuguese society was poorly prepared for this political experiment. Among the deadly legacies of the monarchy were a huge public debt; a largely rural, apolitical, and illiterate peasant population; conflict over the causes of the country's misfortunes; and lack of experience with a pluralist, democratic system.
       The republic had some talented leadership but lacked popular, institutional, and economic support. The 1911 republican constitution established only a limited democracy, as only a small portion of the adult male citizenry was eligible to vote. In a country where the majority was Catholic, the republic passed harshly anticlerical laws, and its institutions and supporters persecuted both the Church and its adherents. During its brief disjointed life, the First Republic drafted important reform plans in economic, social, and educational affairs; actively promoted development in the empire; and pursued a liberal, generous foreign policy. Following British requests for Portugal's assistance in World War I, Portugal entered the war on the Allied side in March 1916 and sent armies to Flanders and Portuguese Africa. Portugal's intervention in that conflict, however, was too costly in many respects, and the ultimate failure of the republic in part may be ascribed to Portugal's World War I activities.
       Unfortunately for the republic, its time coincided with new threats to Portugal's African possessions: World War I, social and political demands from various classes that could not be reconciled, excessive military intervention in politics, and, in particular, the worst economic and financial crisis Portugal had experienced since the 16th and 17th centuries. After the original Portuguese Republican Party (PRP, also known as the "Democrats") splintered into three warring groups in 1912, no true multiparty system emerged. The Democrats, except for only one or two elections, held an iron monopoly of electoral power, and political corruption became a major issue. As extreme right-wing dictatorships elsewhere in Europe began to take power in Italy (1922), neighboring Spain (1923), and Greece (1925), what scant popular support remained for the republic collapsed. Backed by a right-wing coalition of landowners from Alentejo, clergy, Coimbra University faculty and students, Catholic organizations, and big business, career military officers led by General Gomes da Costa executed a coup on 28 May 1926, turned out the last republican government, and established a military government.
       The Estado Novo (New State), 1926-74
       During the military phase (1926-32) of the Estado Novo, professional military officers, largely from the army, governed and administered Portugal and held key cabinet posts, but soon discovered that the military possessed no magic formula that could readily solve the problems inherited from the First Republic. Especially during the years 1926-31, the military dictatorship, even with its political repression of republican activities and institutions (military censorship of the press, political police action, and closure of the republic's rowdy parliament), was characterized by similar weaknesses: personalism and factionalism; military coups and political instability, including civil strife and loss of life; state debt and bankruptcy; and a weak economy. "Barracks parliamentarism" was not an acceptable alternative even to the "Nightmare Republic."
       Led by General Óscar Carmona, who had replaced and sent into exile General Gomes da Costa, the military dictatorship turned to a civilian expert in finance and economics to break the budget impasse and bring coherence to the disorganized system. Appointed minister of finance on 27 April 1928, the Coimbra University Law School professor of economics Antônio de Oliveira Salazar (1889-1970) first reformed finance, helped balance the budget, and then turned to other concerns as he garnered extraordinary governing powers. In 1930, he was appointed interim head of another key ministry (Colonies) and within a few years had become, in effect, a civilian dictator who, with the military hierarchy's support, provided the government with coherence, a program, and a set of policies.
       For nearly 40 years after he was appointed the first civilian prime minister in 1932, Salazar's personality dominated the government. Unlike extreme right-wing dictators elsewhere in Europe, Salazar was directly appointed by the army but was never endorsed by a popular political party, street militia, or voter base. The scholarly, reclusive former Coimbra University professor built up what became known after 1932 as the Estado Novo ("New State"), which at the time of its overthrow by another military coup in 1974, was the longest surviving authoritarian regime in Western Europe. The system of Salazar and the largely academic and technocratic ruling group he gathered in his cabinets was based on the central bureaucracy of the state, which was supported by the president of the republic—always a senior career military officer, General Óscar Carmona (1928-51), General Craveiro Lopes (1951-58), and Admiral Américo Tómaz (1958-74)—and the complicity of various institutions. These included a rubber-stamp legislature called the National Assembly (1935-74) and a political police known under various names: PVDE (1932-45), PIDE (1945-69),
       and DGS (1969-74). Other defenders of the Estado Novo security were paramilitary organizations such as the National Republican Guard (GNR); the Portuguese Legion (PL); and the Portuguese Youth [Movement]. In addition to censorship of the media, theater, and books, there was political repression and a deliberate policy of depoliticization. All political parties except for the approved movement of regime loyalists, the União Nacional or (National Union), were banned.
       The most vigorous and more popular period of the New State was 1932-44, when the basic structures were established. Never monolithic or entirely the work of one person (Salazar), the New State was constructed with the assistance of several dozen top associates who were mainly academics from law schools, some technocrats with specialized skills, and a handful of trusted career military officers. The 1933 Constitution declared Portugal to be a "unitary, corporative Republic," and pressures to restore the monarchy were resisted. Although some of the regime's followers were fascists and pseudofascists, many more were conservative Catholics, integralists, nationalists, and monarchists of different varieties, and even some reactionary republicans. If the New State was authoritarian, it was not totalitarian and, unlike fascism in Benito Mussolini's Italy or Adolf Hitler's Germany, it usually employed the minimum of violence necessary to defeat what remained a largely fractious, incoherent opposition.
       With the tumultuous Second Republic and the subsequent civil war in nearby Spain, the regime felt threatened and reinforced its defenses. During what Salazar rightly perceived as a time of foreign policy crisis for Portugal (1936-45), he assumed control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From there, he pursued four basic foreign policy objectives: supporting the Nationalist rebels of General Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) and concluding defense treaties with a triumphant Franco; ensuring that General Franco in an exhausted Spain did not enter World War II on the Axis side; maintaining Portuguese neutrality in World War II with a post-1942 tilt toward the Allies, including granting Britain and the United States use of bases in the Azores Islands; and preserving and protecting Portugal's Atlantic Islands and its extensive, if poor, overseas empire in Africa and Asia.
       During the middle years of the New State (1944-58), many key Salazar associates in government either died or resigned, and there was greater social unrest in the form of unprecedented strikes and clandestine Communist activities, intensified opposition, and new threatening international pressures on Portugal's overseas empire. During the earlier phase of the Cold War (1947-60), Portugal became a steadfast, if weak, member of the US-dominated North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliance and, in 1955, with American support, Portugal joined the United Nations (UN). Colonial affairs remained a central concern of the regime. As of 1939, Portugal was the third largest colonial power in the world and possessed territories in tropical Africa (Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, and São Tomé and Príncipe Islands) and the remnants of its 16th-century empire in Asia (Goa, Damão, Diu, East Timor, and Macau). Beginning in the early 1950s, following the independence of India in 1947, Portugal resisted Indian pressures to decolonize Portuguese India and used police forces to discourage internal opposition in its Asian and African colonies.
       The later years of the New State (1958-68) witnessed the aging of the increasingly isolated but feared Salazar and new threats both at home and overseas. Although the regime easily overcame the brief oppositionist threat from rival presidential candidate General Humberto Delgado in the spring of 1958, new developments in the African and Asian empires imperiled the authoritarian system. In February 1961, oppositionists hijacked the Portuguese ocean liner Santa Maria and, in following weeks, African insurgents in northern Angola, although they failed to expel the Portuguese, gained worldwide media attention, discredited the New State, and began the 13-year colonial war. After thwarting a dissident military coup against his continued leadership, Salazar and his ruling group mobilized military repression in Angola and attempted to develop the African colonies at a faster pace in order to ensure Portuguese control. Meanwhile, the other European colonial powers (Britain, France, Belgium, and Spain) rapidly granted political independence to their African territories.
       At the time of Salazar's removal from power in September 1968, following a stroke, Portugal's efforts to maintain control over its colonies appeared to be successful. President Americo Tomás appointed Dr. Marcello Caetano as Salazar's successor as prime minister. While maintaining the New State's basic structures, and continuing the regime's essential colonial policy, Caetano attempted wider reforms in colonial administration and some devolution of power from Lisbon, as well as more freedom of expression in Lisbon. Still, a great deal of the budget was devoted to supporting the wars against the insurgencies in Africa. Meanwhile in Asia, Portuguese India had fallen when the Indian army invaded in December 1961. The loss of Goa was a psychological blow to the leadership of the New State, and of the Asian empire only East Timor and Macau remained.
       The Caetano years (1968-74) were but a hiatus between the waning Salazar era and a new regime. There was greater political freedom and rapid economic growth (5-6 percent annually to late 1973), but Caetano's government was unable to reform the old system thoroughly and refused to consider new methods either at home or in the empire. In the end, regime change came from junior officers of the professional military who organized the Armed Forces Movement (MFA) against the Caetano government. It was this group of several hundred officers, mainly in the army and navy, which engineered a largely bloodless coup in Lisbon on 25 April 1974. Their unexpected action brought down the 48-year-old New State and made possible the eventual establishment and consolidation of democratic governance in Portugal, as well as a reorientation of the country away from the Atlantic toward Europe.
       Revolution of Carnations, 1974-76
       Following successful military operations of the Armed Forces Movement against the Caetano government, Portugal experienced what became known as the "Revolution of Carnations." It so happened that during the rainy week of the military golpe, Lisbon flower shops were featuring carnations, and the revolutionaries and their supporters adopted the red carnation as the common symbol of the event, as well as of the new freedom from dictatorship. The MFA, whose leaders at first were mostly little-known majors and captains, proclaimed a three-fold program of change for the new Portugal: democracy; decolonization of the overseas empire, after ending the colonial wars; and developing a backward economy in the spirit of opportunity and equality. During the first 24 months after the coup, there was civil strife, some anarchy, and a power struggle. With the passing of the Estado Novo, public euphoria burst forth as the new provisional military government proclaimed the freedoms of speech, press, and assembly, and abolished censorship, the political police, the Portuguese Legion, Portuguese Youth, and other New State organizations, including the National Union. Scores of political parties were born and joined the senior political party, the Portuguese Community Party (PCP), and the Socialist Party (PS), founded shortly before the coup.
       Portugal's Revolution of Carnations went through several phases. There was an attempt to take control by radical leftists, including the PCP and its allies. This was thwarted by moderate officers in the army, as well as by the efforts of two political parties: the PS and the Social Democrats (PPD, later PSD). The first phase was from April to September 1974. Provisional president General Antonio Spínola, whose 1974 book Portugal and the Future had helped prepare public opinion for the coup, met irresistible leftist pressures. After Spinola's efforts to avoid rapid decolonization of the African empire failed, he resigned in September 1974. During the second phase, from September 1974 to March 1975, radical military officers gained control, but a coup attempt by General Spínola and his supporters in Lisbon in March 1975 failed and Spínola fled to Spain.
       In the third phase of the Revolution, March-November 1975, a strong leftist reaction followed. Farm workers occupied and "nationalized" 1.1 million hectares of farmland in the Alentejo province, and radical military officers in the provisional government ordered the nationalization of Portuguese banks (foreign banks were exempted), utilities, and major industries, or about 60 percent of the economic system. There were power struggles among various political parties — a total of 50 emerged—and in the streets there was civil strife among labor, military, and law enforcement groups. A constituent assembly, elected on 25 April 1975, in Portugal's first free elections since 1926, drafted a democratic constitution. The Council of the Revolution (CR), briefly a revolutionary military watchdog committee, was entrenched as part of the government under the constitution, until a later revision. During the chaotic year of 1975, about 30 persons were killed in political frays while unstable provisional governments came and went. On 25 November 1975, moderate military forces led by Colonel Ramalho Eanes, who later was twice elected president of the republic (1976 and 1981), defeated radical, leftist military groups' revolutionary conspiracies.
       In the meantime, Portugal's scattered overseas empire experienced a precipitous and unprepared decolonization. One by one, the former colonies were granted and accepted independence—Guinea-Bissau (September 1974), Cape Verde Islands (July 1975), and Mozambique (July 1975). Portugal offered to turn over Macau to the People's Republic of China, but the offer was refused then and later negotiations led to the establishment of a formal decolonization or hand-over date of 1999. But in two former colonies, the process of decolonization had tragic results.
       In Angola, decolonization negotiations were greatly complicated by the fact that there were three rival nationalist movements in a struggle for power. The January 1975 Alvor Agreement signed by Portugal and these three parties was not effectively implemented. A bloody civil war broke out in Angola in the spring of 1975 and, when Portuguese armed forces withdrew and declared that Angola was independent on 11 November 1975, the bloodshed only increased. Meanwhile, most of the white Portuguese settlers from Angola and Mozambique fled during the course of 1975. Together with African refugees, more than 600,000 of these retornados ("returned ones") went by ship and air to Portugal and thousands more to Namibia, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, and the United States.
       The second major decolonization disaster was in Portugal's colony of East Timor in the Indonesian archipelago. Portugal's capacity to supervise and control a peaceful transition to independence in this isolated, neglected colony was limited by the strength of giant Indonesia, distance from Lisbon, and Portugal's revolutionary disorder and inability to defend Timor. In early December 1975, before Portugal granted formal independence and as one party, FRETILIN, unilaterally declared East Timor's independence, Indonesia's armed forces invaded, conquered, and annexed East Timor. Indonesian occupation encountered East Timorese resistance, and a heavy loss of life followed. The East Timor question remained a contentious international issue in the UN, as well as in Lisbon and Jakarta, for more than 20 years following Indonesia's invasion and annexation of the former colony of Portugal. Major changes occurred, beginning in 1998, after Indonesia underwent a political revolution and allowed a referendum in East Timor to decide that territory's political future in August 1999. Most East Timorese chose independence, but Indonesian forces resisted that verdict until
       UN intervention in September 1999. Following UN rule for several years, East Timor attained full independence on 20 May 2002.
       Consolidation of Democracy, 1976-2000
       After several free elections and record voter turnouts between 25 April 1975 and June 1976, civil war was averted and Portugal's second democratic republic began to stabilize. The MFA was dissolved, the military were returned to the barracks, and increasingly elected civilians took over the government of the country. The 1976 Constitution was revised several times beginning in 1982 and 1989, in order to reempha-size the principle of free enterprise in the economy while much of the large, nationalized sector was privatized. In June 1976, General Ram-alho Eanes was elected the first constitutional president of the republic (five-year term), and he appointed socialist leader Dr. Mário Soares as prime minister of the first constitutional government.
       From 1976 to 1985, Portugal's new system featured a weak economy and finances, labor unrest, and administrative and political instability. The difficult consolidation of democratic governance was eased in part by the strong currency and gold reserves inherited from the Estado Novo, but Lisbon seemed unable to cope with high unemployment, new debt, the complex impact of the refugees from Africa, world recession, and the agitation of political parties. Four major parties emerged from the maelstrom of 1974-75, except for the Communist Party, all newly founded. They were, from left to right, the Communists (PCP); the Socialists (PS), who managed to dominate governments and the legislature but not win a majority in the Assembly of the Republic; the Social Democrats (PSD); and the Christian Democrats (CDS). During this period, the annual growth rate was low (l-2 percent), and the nationalized sector of the economy stagnated.
       Enhanced economic growth, greater political stability, and more effective central government as of 1985, and especially 1987, were due to several developments. In 1977, Portugal applied for membership in the European Economic Community (EEC), now the European Union (EU) since 1993. In January 1986, with Spain, Portugal was granted membership, and economic and financial progress in the intervening years has been significantly influenced by the comparatively large investment, loans, technology, advice, and other assistance from the EEC. Low unemployment, high annual growth rates (5 percent), and moderate inflation have also been induced by the new political and administrative stability in Lisbon. Led by Prime Minister Cavaco Silva, an economist who was trained abroad, the PSD's strong organization, management, and electoral support since 1985 have assisted in encouraging economic recovery and development. In 1985, the PSD turned the PS out of office and won the general election, although they did not have an absolute majority of assembly seats. In 1986, Mário Soares was elected president of the republic, the first civilian to hold that office since the First Republic. In the elections of 1987 and 1991, however, the PSD was returned to power with clear majorities of over 50 percent of the vote.
       Although the PSD received 50.4 percent of the vote in the 1991 parliamentary elections and held a 42-seat majority in the Assembly of the Republic, the party began to lose public support following media revelations regarding corruption and complaints about Prime Minister Cavaco Silva's perceived arrogant leadership style. President Mário Soares voiced criticism of the PSD's seemingly untouchable majority and described a "tyranny of the majority." Economic growth slowed down. In the parliamentary elections of 1995 and the presidential election of 1996, the PSD's dominance ended for the time being. Prime Minister Antônio Guterres came to office when the PS won the October 1995 elections, and in the subsequent presidential contest, in January 1996, socialist Jorge Sampaio, the former mayor of Lisbon, was elected president of the republic, thus defeating Cavaco Silva's bid. Young and popular, Guterres moved the PS toward the center of the political spectrum. Under Guterres, the PS won the October 1999 parliamentary elections. The PS defeated the PSD but did not manage to win a clear, working majority of seats, and this made the PS dependent upon alliances with smaller parties, including the PCP.
       In the local elections in December 2001, the PSD's criticism of PS's heavy public spending allowed the PSD to take control of the key cities of Lisbon, Oporto, and Coimbra. Guterres resigned, and parliamentary elections were brought forward from 2004 to March 2002. The PSD won a narrow victory with 40 percent of the votes, and Jose Durão Barroso became prime minister. Having failed to win a majority of the seats in parliament forced the PSD to govern in coalition with the right-wing Popular Party (PP) led by Paulo Portas. Durão Barroso set about reducing government spending by cutting the budgets of local authorities, freezing civil service hiring, and reviving the economy by accelerating privatization of state-owned enterprises. These measures provoked a 24-hour strike by public-sector workers. Durão Barroso reacted with vows to press ahead with budget-cutting measures and imposed a wage freeze on all employees earning more than €1,000, which affected more than one-half of Portugal's work force.
       In June 2004, Durão Barroso was invited by Romano Prodi to succeed him as president of the European Commission. Durão Barroso accepted and resigned the prime ministership in July. Pedro Santana Lopes, the leader of the PSD, became prime minister. Already unpopular at the time of Durão Barroso's resignation, the PSD-led government became increasingly unpopular under Santana Lopes. A month-long delay in the start of the school year and confusion over his plan to cut taxes and raise public-sector salaries, eroded confidence even more. By November, Santana Lopes's government was so unpopular that President Jorge Sampaio was obliged to dissolve parliament and hold new elections, two years ahead of schedule.
       Parliamentary elections were held on 20 February 2005. The PS, which had promised the electorate disciplined and transparent governance, educational reform, the alleviation of poverty, and a boost in employment, won 45 percent of the vote and the majority of the seats in parliament. The leader of the PS, José Sôcrates became prime minister on 12 March 2005. In the regularly scheduled presidential elections held on 6 January 2006, the former leader of the PSD and prime minister, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, won a narrow victory and became president on 9 March 2006. With a mass protest, public teachers' strike, and street demonstrations in March 2008, Portugal's media, educational, and social systems experienced more severe pressures. With the spreading global recession beginning in September 2008, Portugal's economic and financial systems became more troubled.
       Owing to its geographic location on the southwestern most edge of continental Europe, Portugal has been historically in but not of Europe. Almost from the beginning of its existence in the 12th century as an independent monarchy, Portugal turned its back on Europe and oriented itself toward the Atlantic Ocean. After carving out a Christian kingdom on the western portion of the Iberian peninsula, Portuguese kings gradually built and maintained a vast seaborne global empire that became central to the way Portugal understood its individuality as a nation-state. While the creation of this empire allows Portugal to claim an unusual number of "firsts" or distinctions in world and Western history, it also retarded Portugal's economic, social, and political development. It can be reasonably argued that the Revolution of 25 April 1974 was the most decisive event in Portugal's long history because it finally ended Portugal's oceanic mission and view of itself as an imperial power. After the 1974 Revolution, Portugal turned away from its global mission and vigorously reoriented itself toward Europe. Contemporary Portugal is now both in and of Europe.
       The turn toward Europe began immediately after 25 April 1974. Portugal granted independence to its African colonies in 1975. It was admitted to the European Council and took the first steps toward accession to the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1976. On 28 March 1977, the Portuguese government officially applied for EEC membership. Because of Portugal's economic and social backwardness, which would require vast sums of EEC money to overcome, negotiations for membership were long and difficult. Finally, a treaty of accession was signed on 12 June 1985. Portugal officially joined the EEC (the European Union [EU] since 1993) on 1 January 1986. Since becoming a full-fledged member of the EU, Portugal has been steadily overcoming the economic and social underdevelopment caused by its imperial past and is becoming more like the rest of Europe.
       Membership in the EU has speeded up the structural transformation of Portugal's economy, which actually began during the Estado Novo. Investments made by the Estado Novo in Portugal's economy began to shift employment out of the agricultural sector, which, in 1950, accounted for 50 percent of Portugal's economically active population. Today, only 10 percent of the economically active population is employed in the agricultural sector (the highest among EU member states); 30 percent in the industrial sector (also the highest among EU member states); and 60 percent in the service sector (the lowest among EU member states). The economically active population numbers about 5,000,000 employed, 56 percent of whom are women. Women workers are the majority of the workforce in the agricultural and service sectors (the highest among the EU member states). The expansion of the service sector has been primarily in health care and education. Portugal has had the lowest unemployment rates among EU member states, with the overall rate never being more than 10 percent of the active population. Since joining the EU, the number of employers increased from 2.6 percent to 5.8 percent of the active population; self-employed from 16 to 19 percent; and employees from 65 to 70 percent. Twenty-six percent of the employers are women. Unemployment tends to hit younger workers in industry and transportation, women employed in domestic service, workers on short-term contracts, and poorly educated workers. Salaried workers earn only 63 percent of the EU average, and hourly workers only one-third to one-half of that earned by their EU counterparts. Despite having had the second highest growth of gross national product (GNP) per inhabitant (after Ireland) among EU member states, the above data suggest that while much has been accomplished in terms of modernizing the Portuguese economy, much remains to be done to bring Portugal's economy up to the level of the "average" EU member state.
       Membership in the EU has also speeded up changes in Portuguese society. Over the last 30 years, coastalization and urbanization have intensified. Fully 50 percent of Portuguese live in the coastal urban conurbations of Lisbon, Oporto, Braga, Aveiro, Coimbra, Viseu, Évora, and Faro. The Portuguese population is one of the oldest among EU member states (17.3 percent are 65 years of age or older) thanks to a considerable increase in life expectancy at birth (77.87 years for the total population, 74.6 years for men, 81.36 years for women) and one of the lowest birthrates (10.59 births/1,000) in Europe. Family size averages 2.8 persons per household, with the strict nuclear family (one or two generations) in which both parents work being typical. Common law marriages, cohabitating couples, and single-parent households are more and more common. The divorce rate has also increased. "Youth Culture" has developed. The young have their own meeting places, leisure-time activities, and nightlife (bars, clubs, and discos).
       All Portuguese citizens, whether they have contributed or not, have a right to an old-age pension, invalidity benefits, widowed persons' pension, as well as payments for disabilities, children, unemployment, and large families. There is a national minimum wage (€385 per month), which is low by EU standards. The rapid aging of Portugal's population has changed the ratio of contributors to pensioners to 1.7, the lowest in the EU. This has created deficits in Portugal's social security fund.
       The adult literacy rate is about 92 percent. Illiteracy is still found among the elderly. Although universal compulsory education up to grade 9 was achieved in 1980, only 21.2 percent of the population aged 25-64 had undergone secondary education, compared to an EU average of 65.7 percent. Portugal's higher education system currently consists of 14 state universities and 14 private universities, 15 state polytechnic institutions, one Catholic university, and one military academy. All in all, Portugal spends a greater percentage of its state budget on education than most EU member states. Despite this high level of expenditure, the troubled Portuguese education system does not perform well. Early leaving and repetition rates are among the highest among EU member states.
       After the Revolution of 25 April 1974, Portugal created a National Health Service, which today consists of 221 hospitals and 512 medical centers employing 33,751 doctors and 41,799 nurses. Like its education system, Portugal's medical system is inefficient. There are long waiting lists for appointments with specialists and for surgical procedures.
       Structural changes in Portugal's economy and society mean that social life in Portugal is not too different from that in other EU member states. A mass consumption society has been created. Televisions, telephones, refrigerators, cars, music equipment, mobile phones, and personal computers are commonplace. Sixty percent of Portuguese households possess at least one automobile, and 65 percent of Portuguese own their own home. Portuguese citizens are more aware of their legal rights than ever before. This has resulted in a trebling of the number of legal proceeding since 1960 and an eight-fold increase in the number of lawyers. In general, Portuguese society has become more permissive and secular; the Catholic Church and the armed forces are much less influential than in the past. Portugal's population is also much more culturally, religiously, and ethnically diverse, a consequence of the coming to Portugal of hundreds of thousands of immigrants, mainly from former African colonies.
       Portuguese are becoming more cosmopolitan and sophisticated through the impact of world media, the Internet, and the World Wide Web. A prime case in point came in the summer and early fall of 1999, with the extraordinary events in East Timor and the massive Portuguese popular responses. An internationally monitored referendum in East Timor, Portugal's former colony in the Indonesian archipelago and under Indonesian occupation from late 1975 to summer 1999, resulted in a vote of 78.5 percent for rejecting integration with Indonesia and for independence. When Indonesian prointegration gangs, aided by the Indonesian military, responded to the referendum with widespread brutality and threatened to reverse the verdict of the referendum, there was a spontaneous popular outpouring of protest in the cities and towns of Portugal. An avalanche of Portuguese e-mail fell on leaders and groups in the UN and in certain countries around the world as Portugal's diplomats, perhaps to compensate for the weak initial response to Indonesian armed aggression in 1975, called for the protection of East Timor as an independent state and for UN intervention to thwart Indonesian action. Using global communications networks, the Portuguese were able to mobilize UN and world public opinion against Indonesian actions and aided the eventual independence of East Timor on 20 May 2002.
       From the Revolution of 25 April 1974 until the 1990s, Portugal had a large number of political parties, one of the largest Communist parties in western Europe, frequent elections, and endemic cabinet instability. Since the 1990s, the number of political parties has been dramatically reduced and cabinet stability increased. Gradually, the Portuguese electorate has concentrated around two larger parties, the right-of-center Social Democrats (PSD) and the left-of-center Socialist (PS). In the 1980s, these two parties together garnered 65 percent of the vote and 70 percent of the seats in parliament. In 2005, these percentages had risen to 74 percent and 85 percent, respectively. In effect, Portugal is currently a two-party dominant system in which the two largest parties — PS and PSD—alternate in and out of power, not unlike the rotation of the two main political parties (the Regenerators and the Historicals) during the last decades (1850s to 1880s) of the liberal constitutional monarchy. As Portugal's democracy has consolidated, turnout rates for the eligible electorate have declined. In the 1970s, turnout was 85 percent. In Portugal's most recent parliamentary election (2005), turnout had fallen to 65 percent of the eligible electorate.
       Portugal has benefited greatly from membership in the EU, and whatever doubts remain about the price paid for membership, no Portuguese government in the near future can afford to sever this connection. The vast majority of Portuguese citizens see membership in the EU as a "good thing" and strongly believe that Portugal has benefited from membership. Only the Communist Party opposed membership because it reduces national sovereignty, serves the interests of capitalists not workers, and suffers from a democratic deficit. Despite the high level of support for the EU, Portuguese voters are increasingly not voting in elections for the European Parliament, however. Turnout for European Parliament elections fell from 40 percent of the eligible electorate in the 1999 elections to 38 percent in the 2004 elections.
       In sum, Portugal's turn toward Europe has done much to overcome its backwardness. However, despite the economic, social, and political progress made since 1986, Portugal has a long way to go before it can claim to be on a par with the level found even in Spain, much less the rest of western Europe. As Portugal struggles to move from underde-velopment, especially in the rural areas away from the coast, it must keep in mind the perils of too rapid modern development, which could damage two of its most precious assets: its scenery and environment. The growth and future prosperity of the economy will depend on the degree to which the government and the private sector will remain stewards of clean air, soil, water, and other finite resources on which the tourism industry depends and on which Portugal's world image as a unique place to visit rests. Currently, Portugal is investing heavily in renewable energy from solar, wind, and wave power in order to account for about 50 percent of its electricity needs by 2010. Portugal opened the world's largest solar power plant and the world's first commercial wave power farm in 2006.
       An American documentary film on Portugal produced in the 1970s described this little country as having "a Past in Search of a Future." In the years after the Revolution of 25 April 1974, it could be said that Portugal is now living in "a Present in Search of a Future." Increasingly, that future lies in Europe as an active and productive member of the EU.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Historical Portugal

  • 26 cover

    1. verb
    1) (to put or spread something on, over or in front of: They covered (up) the body with a sheet; My shoes are covered in paint.) (re)cubrir
    2) (to be enough to pay for: Will 10 dollars cover your expenses?) cubrir, llegar para
    3) (to travel: We covered forty miles in one day.) recorrer
    4) (to stretch over a length of time etc: His diary covered three years.) abarcar, comprender, tratar
    5) (to protect: Are we covered by your car insurance?) cubrir, proteger
    6) (to report on: I'm covering the race for the local newspaper.) informar acerca de
    7) (to point a gun at: I had him covered.) apuntar

    2. noun
    1) (something which covers, especially a cloth over a table, bed etc: a table-cover; a bed-cover; They replaced the cover on the manhole.) cubierta; cobertor, colcha (para cama)
    2) (something that gives protection or shelter: The soldiers took cover from the enemy gunfire; insurance cover.) refugio, abrigo; protección
    3) (something that hides: He escaped under cover of darkness.) al amparo de
    - covering
    - cover-girl
    - cover story
    - cover-up

    cover1 n
    1. cubierta / funda
    2. cubierta / tapa / portada
    what's on the cover of the magazine? ¿qué hay en la portada de la revista?
    cover2 vb
    1. cubrir
    2. cubrir / tratar
    3. tener una extensión
    1 (lid) tapa, cubierta
    2 (thing that covers - gen) funda; (- book) forro, cubierta
    3 (outside pages - of book) cubierta, tapa; (- of magazine) portada
    look who's on the front cover! ¡mira quién sale en la portada!
    4 (insurance) cobertura
    5 (shelter, protection) abrigo, protección nombre femenino
    7 (front) tapadera, pantalla; (false identity) identidad nombre femenino falsa
    8 (substitution, reserve duty) suplencia, sustitución nombre femenino
    1 (place over - gen) cubrir ( with, de); (- floor, wall) revestir ( with, de); (- sofa) tapizar; (- cushion) ponerle una funda a; (- book) forrar
    2 (with lid, hands) tapar
    3 (hide) tapar; (mask) disimular, ocultar, tapar
    6 (financially) cubrir
    do you think 50 pounds will cover it? ¿crees que alcanzará con 50 libras?
    7 (insurance) asegurar, cubrir
    are you covered against theft? ¿estás asegurado contra robo?
    8 (deal with - book) abarcar; (- syllabus) cubrir; (- topic) tratar; (include) incluir, comprender; (provide for, take into account) contemplar, tener en cuenta
    9 (of journalist) cubrir, hacer un reportaje sobre
    11 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (opponent) marcar
    12 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL versionar, hacer una versión de
    1 (substitute for) sustituir ( for, a), suplir ( for, a)
    2 (conceal truth) encubrir ( for, a)
    to cover one's tracks no dejar rastro
    to read something from cover to cover leer algo de cabo a rabo
    to take cover abrigarse, refugiarse, guarecerse, ponerse a cubierto
    under cover bajo cubierto
    under cover of darkness al abrigo de la oscuridad
    under separate cover por separado
    cover charge precio del cubierto
    cover girl chica de portada
    cover note SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL seguro provisional
    cover story tema nombre masculino de portada
    cover version SMALLMUSIC/SMALL versión nombre femenino
    cover ['kʌvər] vt
    1) : cubrir, tapar
    cover your head: tápate la cabeza
    covered with mud: cubierto de lodo
    2) hide, protect: encubrir, proteger
    3) treat: tratar
    4) insure: asegurar, cubrir
    1) shelter: cubierta f, abrigo m, refugio m
    to take cover: ponerse a cubierto
    under cover of darkness: al amparo de la oscuridad
    2) lid, top: cubierta f, tapa f
    3) : cubierta f (de un libro), portada f (de una revista)
    4) covers npl
    bedclothes: ropa f de cama, cobijas fpl, mantas fpl
    abrigo s.m.
    cobertura s.f.
    colcha s.f.
    cubierta s.f.
    cubierto s.m.
    portada s.f.
    sobrefaz s.f.
    tapa s.f.
    tapadera s.f.
    abrigar v.
    cobijar v.
    cubrir v.
    forrar v.
    incluir v.
    (§pres: incluyo...incluimos...)
    ocultar v.
    proteger v.
    recubrir v.
    revestir v.
    tapar v.
    vendar v.
    'kʌvər, 'kʌvə(r)
    1) c
    a) (lid, casing) tapa f, cubierta f; (for cushion, sofa, typewriter) funda f; ( for book) forro m; ( bed cover) cubrecama m, colcha f

    the covers — las mantas, las cobijas (AmL), las frazadas (AmL)

    2) c
    a) ( of book) tapa f, cubierta f; ( of magazine) portada f, carátula f (Andes); ( front cover) portada f

    to read something from cover to coverleer* algo de cabo a rabo

    b) ( envelope)
    a) u (shelter, protection)

    to take cover — guarecerse*, ponerse* a cubierto

    to run for covercorrer a guarecerse or a ponerse a cubierto

    under cover of darkness o night — al abrigo or amparo de la oscuridad or de la noche

    b) c u (front, pretense) tapadera f, pantalla f

    to blow o break somebody's cover — desenmascarar a alguien

    4) u ( insurance) (BrE) cobertura f
    5) c cover (charge) ( in restaurant) cubierto m; ( in nightclub) (AmE) ≈consumición f mínima

    a) ( overlay) cubrir*

    to be covered IN something — estar* cubierto de algo

    b) \<\<hole/saucepan\>\> tapar
    c) \<\<cushion\>\> ponerle* una funda a; \<\<book\>\> forrar; \<\<sofa\>\> tapizar*, recubrir*
    d) \<\<passage/terrace\>\> techar, cubrir*
    a) ( extend over) \<\<area/floor\>\> cubrir*; \<\<page\>\> llenar
    b) ( travel) \<\<distance\>\> recorrer, cubrir*
    a) ( deal with) \<\<syllabus\>\> cubrir*; \<\<topic\>\> tratar; \<\<eventuality\>\> contemplar
    b) ( report on) ( Journ) cubrir*
    a) ( hide) tapar

    to cover one's head — cubrirse* (la cabeza)

    b) ( mask) \<\<surprise/ignorance\>\> disimular; \<\<mistake\>\> ocultar, tapar (fam)
    a) (guard, protect) cubrir*
    b) ( point gun at) apuntarle a
    c) ( Sport) \<\<opponent\>\> marcar*; \<\<shot/base\>\> cubrir*
    6) ( Fin)
    a) \<\<costs/expenses\>\> cubrir*; \<\<liabilities\>\> hacer* frente a

    will $100 cover it? — ¿alcanzará con 100 dólares?

    b) ( insurance) cubrir*, asegurar

    a) ( deputize)

    to cover FOR somebody — sustituir* or suplir a alguien

    to cover FOR somebody — encubrir* a alguien

    v refl

    to cover oneselfcubrirse* las espaldas

    Phrasal Verbs:
    1. N
    1) (gen) [of dish, saucepan] tapa f, tapadera f ; [of furniture, typewriter] funda f ; [of lens] tapa f ; (for book) forro m ; (for merchandise, on vehicle) cubierta f
    2) (=bedspread) cubrecama m, colcha f ; (often pl) (=blanket) manta f, frazada f (LAm), cobija f (LAm)
    3) [of magazine] portada f ; [of book] cubierta f, tapa f
    4) (Comm) (=envelope) sobre m
    first-day cover
    5) (no pl) (=shelter) cobijo m, refugio m ; (for hiding) escondite m ; (=covering fire) cobertura f

    to run for cover — correr a cobijarse; (fig) ponerse a buen recaudo

    to take cover (from) — (Mil) ponerse a cubierto (de); (=shelter) protegerse or resguardarse (de)

    under cover — a cubierto; (=indoors) bajo techo

    6) (no pl) (Econ, Insurance) cobertura f

    without cover — (Econ) sin cobertura

    full/fire cover — (Insurance) cobertura total/contra incendios

    7) (in espionage etc) tapadera f

    to blow sb's cover * (accidentally) poner a algn al descubierto; (intentionally) desenmascarar a algn

    8) frm (at table) cubierto m
    9) (Mus) = cover version
    2. VT

    to cover sth (with)[+ surface, wall] cubrir algo (con or de); [+ saucepan, hole, eyes, face] tapar algo (con); [+ book] forrar algo (con); [+ chair] tapizar algo (con)

    to be covered in or with snow/dust/chocolate — estar cubierto de nieve/polvo/chocolate

    covered with confusion/shame — lleno de confusión/muerto de vergüenza

    - cover o.s. with glory/disgrace
    2) (=hide) [+ feelings, facts, mistakes] ocultar; [+ noise] ahogar

    to cover (up) one's tracks — (lit, fig) borrar las huellas

    3) (=protect) (Mil, Sport) cubrir

    I've got you covered! — ¡te tengo a tiro!, ¡te estoy apuntando!

    - cover one's back
    4) (Insurance) cubrir

    what does your travel insurance cover you for? — ¿qué (cosas) cubre tu seguro de viaje?

    5) (=be sufficient for) [+ cost, expenses] cubrir, sufragar

    £10 will cover everything — con 10 libras será suficiente

    6) (=take in, include) incluir
    7) (=deal with) [+ problem, area] abarcar; [+ points in discussion] tratar, discutir
    8) [+ distance] recorrer, cubrir

    to cover a lot of ground(in travel, work) recorrer mucho trecho; (=deal with many subjects) abarcar muchos temas

    9) (Press) (=report on) cubrir
    10) (Mus)
    11) (=inseminate) [+ animal] cubrir

    to cover for sb (at work etc) suplir a algn; (=protect) encubrir a algn


    cover band Ngrupo musical que imita canciones de éxito

    cover charge N (in restaurant) (precio m del) cubierto m

    cover girl Nmodelo f de portada

    cover letter N(US) carta f de explicación

    cover note N(Brit) (Insurance) seguro m provisional

    cover price Nprecio m de venta al público

    cover story N — (Press) tema m de portada; (in espionage etc) tapadera f

    cover version N — (Mus) versión f

    * * *
    ['kʌvər, 'kʌvə(r)]
    1) c
    a) (lid, casing) tapa f, cubierta f; (for cushion, sofa, typewriter) funda f; ( for book) forro m; ( bed cover) cubrecama m, colcha f

    the covers — las mantas, las cobijas (AmL), las frazadas (AmL)

    2) c
    a) ( of book) tapa f, cubierta f; ( of magazine) portada f, carátula f (Andes); ( front cover) portada f

    to read something from cover to coverleer* algo de cabo a rabo

    b) ( envelope)
    a) u (shelter, protection)

    to take cover — guarecerse*, ponerse* a cubierto

    to run for covercorrer a guarecerse or a ponerse a cubierto

    under cover of darkness o night — al abrigo or amparo de la oscuridad or de la noche

    b) c u (front, pretense) tapadera f, pantalla f

    to blow o break somebody's cover — desenmascarar a alguien

    4) u ( insurance) (BrE) cobertura f
    5) c cover (charge) ( in restaurant) cubierto m; ( in nightclub) (AmE) ≈consumición f mínima

    a) ( overlay) cubrir*

    to be covered IN something — estar* cubierto de algo

    b) \<\<hole/saucepan\>\> tapar
    c) \<\<cushion\>\> ponerle* una funda a; \<\<book\>\> forrar; \<\<sofa\>\> tapizar*, recubrir*
    d) \<\<passage/terrace\>\> techar, cubrir*
    a) ( extend over) \<\<area/floor\>\> cubrir*; \<\<page\>\> llenar
    b) ( travel) \<\<distance\>\> recorrer, cubrir*
    a) ( deal with) \<\<syllabus\>\> cubrir*; \<\<topic\>\> tratar; \<\<eventuality\>\> contemplar
    b) ( report on) ( Journ) cubrir*
    a) ( hide) tapar

    to cover one's head — cubrirse* (la cabeza)

    b) ( mask) \<\<surprise/ignorance\>\> disimular; \<\<mistake\>\> ocultar, tapar (fam)
    a) (guard, protect) cubrir*
    b) ( point gun at) apuntarle a
    c) ( Sport) \<\<opponent\>\> marcar*; \<\<shot/base\>\> cubrir*
    6) ( Fin)
    a) \<\<costs/expenses\>\> cubrir*; \<\<liabilities\>\> hacer* frente a

    will $100 cover it? — ¿alcanzará con 100 dólares?

    b) ( insurance) cubrir*, asegurar

    a) ( deputize)

    to cover FOR somebody — sustituir* or suplir a alguien

    to cover FOR somebody — encubrir* a alguien

    v refl

    to cover oneselfcubrirse* las espaldas

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > cover

  • 27 महा _mahā

    महा A cow.
    महा The substitute of महत् at the beginning of Karmadhāraya and Bahuvrīhi compounds, and also at the beginning of some other irregular words. (Note: The number of compounds of which महा is the first mem- ber is very large, and may be multiplied ad infinitum. The more important of them, or such as have peculiar significations, are given below.)
    -Comp. -अक्षः an epithet of Śiva. ˚पटलिक a chief keeper of archives.
    -अङ्ग a. huge, bulky.
    -(ङ्गः) 1 a camel.
    -2 a kind of rat.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -अञ्जनः N. of a mountain.
    -अत्ययः a great danger or calamity.
    -अध्वनिक a. 'having gone a long way', dead.
    -अध्वरः a great sacrifice.
    -अनसम् 1 a heavy carriage.
    -2 cooking utensils. (
    -सी) a kitchen-maid. (
    -सः, -सम्) a kitchen; सूपानस्य करिष्यामि कुशलो$स्मि महानसे Mb.4.2.2.
    -अनिलः a whirl- wind; महानिलेनेव निदाघजं रजः Ki.14.59.
    -अनुभाव a.
    1 of great prowess, dignified, noble, glorious, magnanimous, exalted, illustrious; ग्रहीतुमार्यान् परिचर्यया मुहुर्महानु- भावा हि नितान्तमर्थिनः Śi.1.17; Ś.3.
    -2 virtuous, righteous, just.
    (-वः) 1 a worthy or respectable person.
    -2 (pl.) people of a religious sect in Mahārāṣtra founded by Chakradhara in the 13th century.
    -अन्तकः 1 death.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -अन्धकारः 1 thick darkness.
    -2 gross (spiritual) ignorance.
    -अन्ध्राः (pl.) N. of a people and their country.
    -अन्वय, -अभिजन a. nobly-born, of noble birth. (
    -यः, -नः) noble birth, high descent.
    -अभिषवः the great extraction of Soma.
    -अमात्यः the chief or prime minister (of a king).
    -अम्बुकः an epithet of Śiva.
    -अम्बुजम् a billion.
    -अम्ल a. very sour. (
    -म्लम्) the fruit of the tamarind tree. अरण्यम् a great (dreary) forest, large forest.
    -अर्घ a. very costly, costing a high price; महार्घस्तीर्थानामिव हि महतां को$प्यतिशयः U.6.11. (
    -र्घः) a kind of quail.
    -अर्घ्य a.
    1 valuable, precious.
    -2 invaluable; ines- timable; see महार्ह below.
    -अर्चिस् a. flaming high.
    -अर्णवः 1 the great ocean.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 rich.
    -2 great, noble, dignified.
    -3 important, weighty.
    -4 significant.
    -अर्बुदम् one thousand millions.
    -अर्ह a.
    1 very valuable, very costly; महार्हशय्यापरिवर्तनच्युतैः स्वकेशपुष्पैरपि या स्म दूयते Ku.5.12.
    -2 invaluable, inestimable; महार्हशयनोपेत किं शेषे निहतो भुवि Rām.6.19. 2. (
    -र्हम्) white sandal-wood.
    -अवरोहः the fig-tree.
    -अशनिध्वजः a great banner in the form of the thunderbolt; जहार चान्येन मयूरपत्रिणा शरेण शक्रस्य महाशनि- ध्वजम् R.3.56.
    - अशन a. voracious, gluttonous; Mb. 4.
    -अश्मन् m. a precious stone, ruby.
    -अष्टमी the eighth day in the bright half of Āśvina sacred to Durgā; आश्विने शुक्लपक्षस्य भवेद् या तिथिरष्टमी । महाष्टमीति सा प्रोक्ता......
    -असिः a large sword.
    -असुरी N. of Durgā.
    -अह्नः the afternoon.
    -आकार a. extensive, large, great.
    -आचार्यः 1 a great teacher.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -आढ्य a. wealthy, very rich. (
    -ढ्यः) the Kadamba tree.
    -आत्मन् a.
    1 high-souled, high-minded, magnanimous, noble; अयं दुरात्मा अथवा महात्मा कौटिल्यः Mu.7; द्विषन्ति मन्दाश्चरितं महात्मनाम् Ku.5.75; U.1.49; प्रकृतिसिद्धमिदं हि महात्मनाम् Bh.1.63.
    -2 illustrious, distinguished, exalted, eminent; किमाचाराः किमाहाराः क्व च वासो महात्मनाम् Mb.3. 1.4.
    -3 mighty (महाबल); अथायमस्यां कृतवान् महात्मा लङ्केश्वरः कष्टमनार्यकर्म Rām.5.9.74. (-m.)
    1 the Supreme Spirit; युगपत्तु प्रलीयन्ते यदा तस्मिन् महात्मनि Ms.1.54.
    -2 the great principle, i. e. intellect of the Sāṅkhyas. (महात्मवत् means the same as महात्मन्).
    -आनकः a kind of large drum.
    -आनन्दः, -नन्दः 1 great joy or bliss.
    -2 espe- cially, the great bliss of final beatitude.
    (-न्दा) 1 spirituous liquor.
    -2 a festival on the ninth day in the bright half of Māgha.
    -आपगा a great river.
    -आयुधः an epithet of Śiva.
    -आरम्भ a. undertaking great works, enterprizing. (
    -म्भः) any great enterprize.
    -आलयः 1 a temple in general.
    -2 a sanctuary, an asylum.
    -3 a great dwelling.
    -4 a place of pilgrimage.
    -5 the world of Brahman.
    -6 the Supreme Spirit.
    -7 a tree &c. sacred to a deity.
    -8 N. of a particular dark fortnight.
    -9 पितृश्राद्ध in the month of Bhādra- pada. (
    -या) N. of a particular deity.
    - आशय a. high- souled, nobleminded, magnanimous, noble; दैवात् प्रबुद्धः शुश्राव वराहो हि महाशयः Ks; राजा हिरण्यगर्भो महाशयः H.4; see महात्मन्.
    (-यः) 1 a noble-minded or magnanimous person; महाशयचक्रवर्ती Bv.1.7.
    -2 the ocean.
    -आस्पद a.
    1 occupying a great position.
    -2 mighty, powerful.
    -आहवः a great or tumultuous fight.
    -इच्छ a.
    1 magnanimous, noble-minded, high-souled, noble; मही महेच्छः परिकीर्य सूनौ R.18.33.
    -2 having lofty aims or aspirations, ambitious; विद्यावतां महेच्छानां...... नाश्रयः पार्थिवं विना Pt.1.37.
    -इन्द्रः 1 'the great Indra', N. of Indra; इयं महेन्द्रप्रभृतीनधिश्रियः Ku.5.53; R.13.2; Ms.7.7.
    -2 a chief or leader in general.
    -3 N. of a mountain range; पतिर्महेन्द्रस्य महोदधेश्च R.6.54;4.39,43. ˚चापः rain-bow. ˚नगरी N. of Amarāvatī, the capital of Indra. ˚मन्त्रिन् m. an epithet of Bṛihaspati. ˚वाहः the elephant Airāvata; महेन्द्रवाहप्रतिमो महात्मा Mb.9.17.52.
    -इभ्य a. very rich.
    -इषुः a great archer; अधिरोहति गाण्डीवं महेषौ Ki.13.16.
    -इष्वासः a great archer, a great warrior; अत्र शूरा महेष्वासा भामार्जुनसमा युधि Bg.1.4.
    -ईशः, -ईशानः N. of Śiva; महेशस्त्वां धत्ते शिरसि रसराजस्य जयिनीम् Udb. ˚बन्धुः the Bilva tree.
    -ईशानी N. of Pārvatī.
    -ईश्वरः 1 a great lord, sovereign; महेश्वरस्त्र्यम्बक एव नापरः R.; गोप्तारं न निधीनां कथयन्ति महेश्वरं विबुधाः Pt.2.74.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -3 of Viṣṇu.
    -4 a god (opp. प्रकृति).
    -5 the Supreme Being (परमात्मा); मायां तु प्रकृतिं विद्यान्मायिनं तु महेश्वरम् Śvet. Up.4.1. ˚सखः N. of Kubera; यया कैलासभवने महेश्वरसखं बली Mb.9.11.55.
    (-री) 1 N. of Durgā.
    -2 a kind of bell-metal.
    -उक्षः (for उक्षन्) a large bull; a full grown or strong bull; महोक्षतां वत्सतरः स्पृशन्निव R.3.32;4.22;6.72; Śi.5.63.
    -उत्पलम् a large blue lotus. (
    -लः) the Sārasa bird.
    -उत्सवः 1 a great festival or occasion of joy; नयनविषयं जन्मन्येकः स एव महोत्सवः Māl.1.36.
    -2 the god of love.
    -उत्साह a. possessed of great energy, energetic, persevering; अहं च कर्णं जानामि...... सत्यसंधं महोत्साहं...... Mb.3.91.2.
    (-हः) 1 perseverance.
    -2 great pride; ये जात्यादिमहो- त्साहान्नरेन्द्रान्नोपयान्ति च । तेषामामरणं भिक्षा प्रायश्चितं विनिर्मितम् ॥ Pt.1.38.
    -उदधिः 1 the great ocean; महोदधेः पूर इवेन्दु- दर्शनात् R.3.17.
    -2 an epithet of Indra. ˚जः a conch- shell, shell.
    - उदय a. very prosperous or lucky, very glorious or splendid, of great prosperity.
    (-यः) 1 (a) great elevation or rise, greatness, prosperity; नन्दस्त्वतीन्द्रियं दृष्ट्वा लोकपालमहोदयम् Bhāg.1.28.1; अपवर्ग- महोदयार्थयोर्भुवमंशाविव धर्मयोर्गतौ R.8.16. (b) great fortune or good luck. (c) greatness, pre-eminence.
    -2 final beatitude.
    -3 a lord, master.
    -4 N. of the district called Kānyakubja or Kanouja; see App.
    -5 N. of the capital of Kanouja.
    -6 sour milk mixed with honey.
    -7 = महात्मन् q. v.; संसक्तौ किमसुलभं महोदयानाम Ki.7.27. ˚पर्वन् a time of union of the middle of श्रवण नक्षत्र and the end of व्यतिपात (generally in the month of माघ or पौष at the beginning of अमावास्या).
    - उदर a. big-bellied, corpulent.
    -(रम्) 1 a big belly.
    -2 dropsy.
    -उदार a.
    1 very generous or magnanimous.
    -2 mighty, powerful.
    -उद्यम a. = महोत्साह q. v; महोद्यमाः कर्म समा- रभन्ते.
    -उद्योग a. very industrious or diligent, hard- working.
    -उद्रेकः a particular measure (= 4 प्रस्थs).
    -उन्नत a. exceedingly lofty. (
    -तः) the palmyra tree.
    -उन्नतिः f. great rise or elevation (fig. also), high rank.
    -उपकारः a great obligation.
    -उपाध्यायः a great preceptor, a learned teacher.
    -उरगः a great serpent; वपुर्महोरगस्येव करालफणमण्डलम् R.12.98.
    -उरस्क a. broad-chested. (
    -स्कः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -उर्मिन् m. the ocean; ततः सागरमासाद्य कुक्षौ तस्य महोर्मिणः Mb.3.2.17.
    -उल्का 1 a great meteor.
    -2 a great fire-brand.
    -ऋत्विज् m. 'great priest', N. of the four chief sacri- ficial priests.
    -ऋद्धि a. very prosperous, opulent. (-f.) great prosperity or affluence.
    -ऋषभः a great bull.
    -ऋषिः 1 a great sage or saint; यस्मादृषिः परत्वेन महांस्त- स्मान्महर्षयः; (the term is applied in Ms.1.34 to the ten Prajāpatis or patriarchs of mankind, but it is also used in the general sense of 'a great sage').
    -2 N. of Sacute;iva.
    -3 of Buddha.
    -ओघ a. having a strong current.
    -घः a very large number; शतं खर्व- सहस्राणां समुद्रमभिधीयते । शतं समुद्रसाहस्रं महौघमिति विश्रुतम् ॥ Rām.6.28.37.
    -ओष्ठ (महोष्ठ) a. having large lips. (
    -ष्ठः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -ओजस् a. very mighty or powerful, possessed of great splendour or glory; महौजसा मानधना धनार्चिताः Ki.1.19. (-m.) a great hero or warrior, a champion. (-n.) great vigour.
    -ओजसम् the discus of Viṣṇu (सुदर्शन). (
    -सी) N. of plant (Mar. कांगणी).
    -ओदनी Asparagus Racemosus (Mar. शतावरी).
    -ओषधिः f.
    1 a very efficacious medicinal plant, a sovereign drug.
    -2 the Dūrvā grass.
    -3 N. of various plants ब्राह्मी, श्वेतकण्टकारी, कटुका, अतिविष &c. ˚गणः a collection of great or medicinal herbs:-- पृश्निपर्णी श्यामलता भृङ्गराजः शतावरी । गुड्चा सहदेवी च महौषधिगणः स्मृतः ॥ cf. also सहदेवी तथा व्याघ्री बला चातिबला त्वचा । शङ्खपुष्पी तथा सिंही अष्टमी च सुवर्चला ॥ महौषध्यष्टकं प्रोक्तं....
    -औषधम् 1 a sovereign remedy, panacea.
    -2 ginger.
    -3 garlic.
    -4 a kind of poison (वत्सनाभ).
    -कच्छः 1 the sea.
    -2 N. of Varuṇa.
    -3 a mountain.
    -कन्दः garlic.
    -कपर्दः a kind of shell.
    -कपित्थः 1 the Bilva tree.
    -2 red garlic.
    -कम्बु a. stark naked. (
    -म्बुः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -कर a.
    1 large-handed.
    -2 having a large revenue.
    -कर्णः an epithet of Śiva.
    -कर्मन् a. doing great works. (-m.) an epithet of Śiva.
    -कला the night of the new moon.
    -कल्पः a great cycle of time (1 years of Brahman); Bhāg.7.15.69.
    -कविः 1 a great poet, a classical poet, such as कालिदास, भवभूति, बाण, भारवि &c.
    -2 an epithet of Śukra.
    -कषायः N. of a plant (Mar. कायफळ).
    -कान्तः an epithet of Śiva. (
    -ता) the earth.
    -काय a. big-bodied, big, gigantic, bulky.
    (-यः) 1 an elephant.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -3 of Viṣṇu.
    -4 of a being attending on Śiva (= नन्दि).
    -कारुणिक a. exceedingly compassionate.
    -कार्तिकी the night of full-moon in the month of Kārtika.
    -कालः 1 a form of Śiva in his character as the destroyer of the world; महाकालं यजेद्देव्या दक्षिणे धूम्रवर्णकम् Kālītantram.
    -2 N. of a cele- brated shrine or temple of Śiva (Mahākāla) (one of the 12 celebrated Jyotirliṅgas) established at Ujjayinī (immortalized by Kālidāsa in his Meghadūta, which gives a very beautiful description of the god, his temple, worship &c., together with a graphic picture of the city; cf. Me.3-38; also R.6.34); महाकालनिवासिनं कालीविलासिनमनश्वरं महेश्वरं समाराध्य Dk.1.1.
    -3 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -4 N. of a kind of gourd.
    -5 N. of Śiva's servant (नन्दि). ˚पुरम् the city of Ujjayinī. ˚फलम् a red fruit with black seeds; पक्वं महाकालफलं किलासीत् N.22.29.
    -काली an epithet of Durgā in her terrific form.
    -काव्यम् a great or classical poem; (for a full description of its nature, contents &c., according to Rhetoricians see S. D.559). (The number of Mahākāvyas is usually said to be five:-- रघुवंश, कुमारसंभव, किरातार्जुनीय, शिशुपालवध and नैषधचरित or six, if मेघदूत-- a very small poem or खण़्डकाव्य-- be added to the list. But this enumeration is apparently only traditional, as there are several other poems, such as the भट्टिकाव्य, विक्रमाङ्कदेवचरित, हरविजय &c. which have an equal claim to be considered as Mahākāvyas).
    -कीर्तनम् a house.
    -कुमारः the eldest son of a reigning prince, heir-apparent.
    -कुल, -कुलीन a. of noble birth or descent, sprung from a noble family, nobly born. (
    -लम्) a noble birth or family, high descent.
    -कुहः a species of parasitical worm.
    -कृच्छ्रम् a great penance.
    -केतुः N. of Śiva.
    -केशः, -कोशः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 a large sheath.
    -क्रतुः a great sacrifice; e. g. a horse-sacrifice; तदङ्गमग्ऱ्यं मघवन् महाक्रतोरमुं तुरङ्गं प्रतिमोक्तुमर्हसि R.3.46.
    -क्रमः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -क्रोधः an epithet of Śiva.
    -क्षत्रपः a great satrap.
    -क्षीरः sugar-cane.
    -क्षीरा f. a She-buffalo; Nighaṇṭaratnākara.
    -खर्वः, -र्वम् a high number (ten billions ?).
    -गजः a great elephant; see दिक्करिन्.
    -गणपतिः a form of the god Gaṇeśa.
    -गदः fever.
    -गन्ध a. exceedingly fragrant. (
    -न्धः) a kind of cane. (
    -न्धम्) a kind of sandal- wood. (
    -न्धा) N. of Chāmuṇḍā.
    -गर्तः, -गर्भः -गीतः N. of Śiva.
    -गर्दभगन्धिका N. of a plant, भारङ्गी.
    -गल a. longnecked.
    -गवः Bos gavaeus.
    -गुण a. very efficacious, sovereign (as a medicine); त्वया ममैष संबन्धः कपिमुख्य महागुणः Rām.5.1.12. (
    -णः) a chief quality, cardinal virtue.
    -गुरुः a highly respectable or venerable person; (these are three, the father, mother and preceptor; पिता माता तथाचार्यो महागुरुरिति स्मृतः).
    -गुल्मा the Soma plant.
    -गृष्टिः f. a cow with a large hump.
    -ग्रहः 1 an epithet of Rāhu.
    -2 the sun; महाग्रहग्राहविनष्टपङ्कः Rām.5.5.6.
    -ग्रामः N. of the ancient capital of Ceylon, the modern Māgama.
    -ग्रीवः 1 a camel.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -ग्रीविन् m. a camel.
    -घूर्णा spirituous liquor.
    -घृतम् ghee kept for a long time (for medicinal purposes).
    -घोष a. noisy, loud-sounding. (
    -षम्) a market, fair. (
    -षः) a loud noise, clamour.
    -चक्रम् the mystic circle in the शाक्त ceremonial.
    -चक्रवर्तिन् m. a universal monarch.
    -चण्डा N. of Chāmuṇḍā.
    -चपला a kind of metre.
    -चमूः f. a large army.
    -छायः the fig-tree.
    -जङ्घः a camel.
    -जटः an epithet of Śiva.
    -जटा 1 a great braid of hair.
    -2 the matted hair of Śiva.
    -जत्रु a. having a great collar-bone. (
    -त्रुः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -जनः 1 a multitude of men, a great many beings, the general populace or public; महाजनो येन गतः स पन्थाः Mb.3.313. 117; आगम्य तु ततो राजा विसृज्य च महाजनम् 6.98.25.
    -2 the populace, mob; विलोक्य वृद्धोक्षमधिष्ठितं त्वया महाजनः स्मेरमुखो भविष्यति Ku.5.7.
    -3 a great man, a distinguished or eminent man; महाजनस्य संसर्गः कस्य नोन्नतिकारकः । पद्मपत्रस्थितं तोयं धत्ते मुक्ताफलश्रियम् Pt.3.6.
    -4 the chief of a caste or trade.
    -5 a merchant, tradesman.
    -जवः an antelope.
    -जातीय a.
    1 rather large.
    -2 of an excellent kind.
    -जालिः, -ली N. of a plant (Mar. सोनामुखी)
    -जिह्वः an epithet of Śiva.
    -ज्ञानिन् m.
    1 a very learned man.
    -2 a great sage.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -ज्यैष्ठी the day of fullmoon in the month of Jyeṣṭha; ताभिर्दृश्यत एष यान् पथि महाज्यैष्ठीमहे मन्महे N.15.89; पूर्णिमा रविवारेण महाज्यैष्ठी प्रकीर्तिता Agni P.121.63.
    -ज्योतिस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -ज्वरः great affliction.
    -ज्वाल a. very brilliant or shining.
    (-लः) 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 a sacrificial fire.
    -डीनम् a kind of flight; 'यानं महाडीनमाहुः पवित्रामूर्जितां गतिम्' Mb.8.41.27 (com.).
    -तपस् m.
    1 a great ascetic.
    -2 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -तलम् N. of one of the seven lower regions; see पाताल.
    -तारा N. of a Buddhist goddess.
    -तिक्तः the Nimba tree.
    -तिथिः the 6th day of a lunation.
    -तीक्ष्ण a. exceedingly sharp or pungent. (
    -क्ष्णा) the marking- nut plant.
    -तेजस् a.
    1 possessed of great lustre or splendour.
    -2 very vigorous or powerful, heroic. (-m.)
    1 a hero, warrior.
    -2 fire.
    -3 an epithet of Kārtikeya. (-n.) quick-silver.
    -त्याग, -त्यागिन् a. very generous. (-m.) N. of Śiva.
    -दंष्ट्रः a species of big tiger.
    -दन्तः 1 an elephant with large tusks.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -दण्डः 1 a long arm.
    -2 a severe punishment.
    -दम्भः an epithet of Śiva.
    -दशा the influence exercised (over a man's destiny) by a predominant planet.
    -दानम् the gift of gold equal to one's own weight; अथातः संप्रवक्ष्यामि महादानस्य लक्षणम्.
    -दारु n. the devadāru tree.
    -दुर्गम् a great calamity; Pt.
    -दूषकः a kind of grain.
    -देवः N. of Śiva.
    (-वी) 1 N. of Pārvatī.
    -2 the chief queen.
    -द्रुमः the sacred fig-tree.
    -द्वारम् a large gate, the chief or outer gate of a temple.
    -धन a.
    1 rich.
    -2 expensive, costly; हेमदण्डैर्महाधनैः Rām.7. 77.13.
    (-नम्) 1 gold.
    -2 incense.
    -3 a costly or rich dress.
    -4 agriculture, husbandry.
    -5 anything costly or precious.
    -6 great booty.
    -7 a great battle (Ved.).
    -धनुस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -धातुः 1 gold.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -3 lymph.
    -4 N. of Meru.
    -धी a. having a great understanding.
    -धुर्यः a full-grown draught ox.
    -ध्वजः a camel.
    -ध्वनिक a. dead.
    -नग्नः an athlete; Buddh.
    -नटः an epithet of Śiva; महानटः किं नु...... तनोति...... साम्प्रतमङ्गहारम् N.22.7; महानटबाहुनेव बद्धभुजाङ्केन Vās.
    -नदः a great river.
    -नदी 1 a great river, such as Gaṅgā, Kṛiṣṇā; मन्दरः पर्वतश्चाक्षो जङ्घा तस्य महानदी Mb.8.34.2; संभूयाम्भोधिमभ्येति महानद्या नगापगा Śi.2.1.
    -2 N. of a river falling into the bay of Bengal.
    -नन्दा 1 spirituous liquor.
    -2 N. of a river.
    -3 ninth day of the bright half of the month of Māgha; माघमासस्य या शुक्ला नवमी लोकपूजिचा । महानन्देति सा प्रोक्ता....
    -नरकः N. of one of the 21 hells.
    -नलः a kind of reed.
    -नवमी the ninth day in the bright half of Āśvina, sacred to the worship of Durgā ततो$नु नवमी यस्मात् सा महानवमी स्मृता.
    -नाटकम् 'the great drama', N. of a drama, also called Hanumannāṭaka, (being popularly ascribed to Hanumat); thus defined by S. D.:-- एतदेव यदा सर्वैः पताकास्थानकैर्युतम् । अङ्कैश्च दशभिर्धीरा महानाटकमूचिरे ॥
    -नाडी sinew, tendon.
    -नादः 1 a loud sound, uproar.
    -2 a great drum.
    -3 a thunder-cloud.
    -4 a shell.
    -5 an elephant.
    -6 a lion.
    -7 the ear.
    -8 a camel.
    -9 an epithet of Śiva. (
    -दम्) a musical instrument.
    -नाम्नी 1 N. of a परिशिष्ट of Sāmaveda.
    -2 (pl.) N. of 9 verses of Sāmaveda beginning with विदा मघवन् विदा.
    -नायकः 1 a great gem in the centre of a string of pearls.
    -2 a great head or chief.
    -नासः an epithet of Śiva.
    -निद्र a. fast asleep. (
    -द्रा) 'the great sleep', death.
    -निम्नम् intestines, abdomen.
    -नियमः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -निर्वाणम् total extinction of individuality (according to the Buddhists).
    -निशा 1 the dead of night, the second and third watches of the night; महानिशा तु विज्ञेया मध्यमं प्रहरद्वयम्
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -नीचः a washerman.
    -नील a. dark-blue. (
    -लः) a kind of sapphire or emerald; इन्द्रनीलमहानीलमणिप्रवरवेदिकम् Rām.5.9.16; महा- महानीलशिलारुचः Śi.1.16;4.44; R.18.42; Kau. A.2.11. 29. ˚उपलः a sapphire.
    -नृत्यः, -नेत्रः an epithet of Śiva.
    -नेमिः a crow.
    -न्यायः the chief rule.
    -पक्ष a.
    1 having many adherents.
    -2 having a large family or retinue; महापक्षे धनिन्यार्थे निक्षेपं निक्षिपेद् बुधः Ms.8.179.
    (-क्षः) 1 an epithet of Garuḍa.
    -2 a kind of duck. (
    -क्षी) an owl.
    -पङ्क्तिः, -पदपङ्क्तिः a kind of metre.
    -पञ्चमूलम् the five great roots:-- बिल्वो$ग्निमन्थः श्योनाकः काश्मरी पाटला तथा । सर्वैस्तु मिलितैरेतैः स्यान्महापञ्चमूलकम् ॥
    -पञ्चविषम् the five great or deadly poisons:-- शृङ्गी च कालकूटश्च मुस्तको वत्सनाभकः । शङ्खकर्णीति योगो$यं महापञ्चविषाभिधः ॥
    -पटः the skin.
    -पथः 1 chief road, principal street, high or main road; संतानकाकीर्णमहापथं तत् Ku.7.3.
    -2 the passage into the next world, i. e. death.
    -3 N. of certain mountain-tops from which devout persons used to throw themselves down to secure entrance into heaven.
    -4 an epithet of Śiva.
    -5 the long pilgrimage to mount Ke- dāra.
    -6 the way to heaven.
    -7 the knowledge of the essence of Śiva acquired in the pilgrimage to Kedāra.
    -पथिक a.
    1 undertaking great journeys.
    -2 one receiving Śulka (toll) on the high way; cf. Mb.12.76.6 (com. महापथिकः समुद्रे नौयानेन गच्छन् यद्वा महापथि शुल्कग्राहकः)
    -पद्मः 1 a particular high number.
    -2 N. of Nārada.
    -3 N. of one of the nine treasures of Kubera.
    -4 N. of the southernmost elephant supporting the world.
    -5 an epithet of Nanda.
    -6 a Kinnara attendant on Kubera.
    (-द्मम्) 1 a white lotus.
    -2 N. of a city. ˚पतिः N. of Nanda.
    -पराकः a. a particular penance; Hch.
    -पराङ्णः a late hour in the afternoon.
    -पवित्रः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -पशुः large cattle; महापशूनां हरणे... दण्डं प्रकल्पयेत् Ms.8.324.
    -पातः a long flight; Pt.2.58.
    -पातकम् 1 a great sin, a heinous crime; ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं स्तेयं गुर्वङ्गनागमः । महान्ति पातकान्याहुस्तत्संसर्गश्च पञ्चमम् ॥ Ms.1154.
    -2 any great sin or transgression.
    -पात्रः a prime minister.
    -पादः an epithet of Śiva.
    -पाप्मन् a. very sinful or wicked.
    -पुराणम् N. of a Purāṇa; महापुराणं विज्ञेयमेकादशकलक्षणम् Brav. P.
    -पुंसः a great man.
    -पुरुषः 1 a great man, an eminent or distinguished personage; शब्दं महापुरुषसंविहितं निशम्य U. 6.7.
    -2 the Supreme Spirit.
    -3 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -पौरुषिकः a worshipper of Viṣṇu; तदहं ते$भिधास्यामि महापौरुषिको भवान् Bhāg.2.1.1.
    -पुष्पः a kind of worm.
    -पूजा great worship; any solemn worship performed on extraordinary occasions.
    -पृष्ठः a camel.
    -पोटगलः a kind of large reed.
    -प्रजापतिः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -प्रतीहारः a chief door-keeper.
    -प्रपञ्चः the great universe.
    -प्रभ a. of great lustre. (
    -भः) the light of a lamp.
    -प्रभुः 1 a great lord.
    -2 a king, sovereign.
    -3 a chief.
    -4 an epithet of Indra.
    -5 of Śiva
    -6 of Viṣṇu.
    -7 a great saint or holy man.
    -प्रलयः 'the great dissolution', the total annihilation of the universe at the end of the life of Brahman, when all the lokas with their inha- bitants, the gods, saints &c. including Brahman himself are annihilated; महाप्रलयमारुत...... Ve.3.4.
    -प्रश्नः a knotty question.
    -प्रसादः 1 a great favour.
    -2 a great present (of food offered to an idol); पादोदकं च निर्माल्यं नैवेद्यं च विशेषतः । महाप्रसाद इत्युक्त्वा ग्राह्यं विष्णोः प्रयत्नतः
    -प्रस्थानम् 1 departing this life, death.
    -2 setting out on a great journey for ending life; इहैव निधनं याम महाप्रस्थानमेव वा Rām.2.47.7 (com. महाप्रस्थानं मरणदीक्षा- पूर्वकमुत्तराभिमुखगमनम्); Mb.1.2.365.
    -प्राणः 1 the hard breathing or aspirate sound made in the pronunciation of the aspirates.
    -2 the aspirated letters themselves (pl.); they are:-- ख्, घ्, छ्, झ्, ठ्, ढ्, थ्, ध्, फ्, भ्, श्, ष्, स्, ह्.
    -3 a raven.
    -प्राणता possession of great strength or essence; अन्यांश्च जीवत एव महाप्राणतया स्फुरतो जग्राह K.
    -प्रेतः a noble departed spirit.
    -प्लवः a great flood, deluge;... क्षिप्तसागरमहाप्लवामयम् Śi.14.71.
    -फल a.
    1 bearing much fruit.
    -2 bringing much reward.
    (-ला) 1 a bitter gourd.
    -2 a kind of spear.
    (-लम्) 1 a great fruit or reward.
    -2 a testicle.
    -फेना the cuttle-fish bone.
    -बन्धः a peculiar position of hands or feet.
    -बभ्रुः a kind of animal living in holes.
    -बल a. very strong; नियुज्यमानो राज्याय नैच्छद्राज्यं महाबलः Rām
    (-लः) 1 wind, storm.
    -2 a Buddha.
    -3 a solid bamboo.
    -4 a palm.
    -5 a crocodile.
    -बला N. of a plant; महाबला च पीतपुष्पा सहदेवी च सा स्मृता Bhāva. P. (
    -लम्) lead. ˚ईश्वरः N. of a Liṅga of Śiva near the modern Mahābaleśwara.
    -बाध a. causing great pain or damage.
    -बाहु a. long-armed, powerful. (
    -हुः) an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -बि(वि)लम् 1 the atmosphere.
    -2 the heart.
    -3 a water-jar, pitcher.
    -4 a hole, cave.
    -बिसी a variety of skin (चर्म), a product of द्वादशग्राम in the Himālayas.
    -बी(वी)जः an epithet of Śiva.
    -बी (वी)ज्यम् the perinæum.
    -बुध्न a. having a great bottom or base (as a mountain).
    -बुशः barley.
    -बृहती a kind of metre.
    -बोधिः 1 the great intelligence of a Buddha.
    -2 a Buddha.
    -ब्रह्मम्, -ब्रह्मन् n. the Supreme Spirit.
    -ब्राह्मणः 1 a great or learned Brāhmaṇa.
    -2 a low or contemptible Brāhmaṇa.
    -भटः a great warrior; तदोजसा दैत्यमहाभटार्पितम् Bhāg.
    -भद्रा N. of the river Gaṅgā.
    -भाग a.
    1 very fortunate or blessed, very lucky or prosperous.
    -2 illustrious, distinguished, glo- rious; उभौ धर्मौ महाभागौ Mb.12.268.3; महाभागः कामं नरपतिरभिन्नस्थितिरसौ Ś.5.1; Ms.3.192.
    -3 very pure or holy, highly virtuous; पतिव्रता महाभागा कथं नु विचरिष्यति Mb.4.3.16.
    -भागता, -त्वम्, -भाग्यम् 1 extreme good fortune, great good luck, prosperity.
    -2 great excel- lence or merit.
    -भागवतम् the great Bhāgavata, one of the 18 Purāṇas. (
    -तः) a great worshipper of Viṣṇu.
    -भागिन् a. very fortunate or prosperous.
    -भाण्डम् a chief treasury.
    -भारतम् N. of the celebrated epic which describes the rivalries and contests of the sons of Dhṛitarāṣṭra and Pāṇḍu. (It consists of 18 Parvans or books, and is said to be the composition of Vyāsa; cf. the word भारत also); महत्त्वाद्भारतत्वाच्च महाभारतमुच्यते
    -भाष्यम् 1 a great commentary.
    -2 particularly, the great commentary of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini.
    -भासुरः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -भिक्षुः N. of Śākyamuni.
    -भीता a kind of sensitive plant (लाजाळू).
    -भीमः an epithet of king Śantanu.
    -भीरुः a sort of beetle or fly.
    -भुज a. long-armed, powerful.
    -भूतम् a great or primary element; see भूत; तस्यैतस्य महाभूतस्य निःश्वसितमेतद्यदृग्वेदः Up.; तं वेधा विदधे नूनं महाभूतसमाधिना R.1. 29; Ms.1.6.
    (-तः) 1 the Supreme Being.
    -2 a great creature.
    -भोगः 1 a great enjoyment.
    -2 a great coil or hood; great winding.
    -3 a serpent. (
    -गा) an epi- thet of Durgā.
    -मणिः 1 a costly or precious jewel; संस्कारोल्लिखितो महामणिरिव क्षीणो$पि नालक्ष्यते Ś.6.5.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -मति a.
    1 high-minded.
    -2 clever. (
    -तिः) N. of Bṛihaspati or Jupiter.
    -मत्स्यः a large fish, sea-monster.
    -मद a. greatly intoxicated. (
    -दः) an elephant in rut.
    -मनस्, -मनस्क a.
    1 high-minded, noble- minded, magnanimous; ततो युधिष्ठिरो राजा धर्मपुत्रो महामनाः Mb.4.1.7.
    -2 liberal.
    -3 proud, haughty. (-m) a fabulous animal called शरभ q. v.
    -मन्त्रः 1 any sacred text of the Vedas.
    -2 a great or efficacious charm, a powerful spell.
    -मन्त्रिन् m. the prime-minister, premier.
    -मयूरी N. of Buddhist goddess.
    -मलहारी a kind of Rāgiṇi.
    -महः a great festive procession; Sinhās.
    -महस् n. a great light (seen in the sky).
    -महोपाध्यायः 1 a very great preceptor.
    -2 a title given to learned men and reputed scholars; e. g. महामहो- पाध्यायमल्लिनाथसूरि &c.
    -मांसम् 'costly flesh', especially human flesh; न खलु महामांसविक्रयादन्यमुपायं पश्यामि Māl.4; अशस्त्रपूतं निर्व्याजं पुरुषाङ्गोपकल्पितम् । विक्रीयते महामांसं गृह्यतां गृह्यतामिदम् 5.12 (see Jagaddhara ad loc.).
    -माघी the full-moon day in the month of Māgha.
    -मात्र a.
    1 great in measure, very great or large.
    -2 most excellent, best; वृष्ण्यन्धकमहामात्रैः सह Mb.1.221.27; 5.22.37.
    (-त्रः) 1 a great officer of state, high state- official, a chief minister; (मन्त्रे कर्मणि भूषायां वित्ते माने परिच्छदे । मात्रा च महती येषां महामात्रास्तु ते स्मृताः); Ms. 9.259; गूढपुरुषप्रणिधिः कृतमहामात्रापसर्पः (v. l. महामात्यापसर्पः) पौरजानपदानपसर्पयेत् Kau. A.1.13.9; Rām.2.37.1.
    -2 an elephant-driver or keeper; मदोन्मत्तस्य भूपस्य कुञ्जरस्य च गच्छतः । उन्मार्गं वाच्यतां यान्ति महामात्राः समीपगाः ॥ Pt.1.161.
    -3 a superintendent of elephants.
    (-त्री) 1 the wife of a chief minister.
    -2 the wife of a spiritual teacher.
    -मानसी N. of a Jain goddess.
    -मान्य a. being in great honour with; मकरन्दतुन्दिलानामरविन्दानामयं महामान्यः Bv.1.6.
    -मायः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Viṣṇu.
    -माया 1 worldly illusion, which makes the material world appear really existent.
    -2 N. of Durgā; महामाया हरेश्चैषा यया संमोह्यते जगत् Devīmāhātmya.
    -मायूरम् a particular drug. (
    -री) N. of an amulet and a goddess; Buddh.
    -मारी 1 cholera, an epidemic.
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -मार्गः high road, main street. ˚पतिः a superintendent of roads.
    -मालः N. of Śiva.
    -माहेश्वरः a great worshipper of Maheśvara or Śiva.
    -मुखः a crocodile.
    -मुद्रा a parti- cular position of hands or feet (in practice of yoga).
    -मुनिः 1 a great sage.
    -2 N. of Vyāsa.
    -3 an epithet of Buddha.
    -4 of Agastya.
    -5 the coriander plant. (
    -नि n.)
    1 coriander seed.
    -2 any medicinal herb or drug.
    -मूर्तिः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -मूर्धन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -मूलम् a large radish. (
    -लः) a kind of onion.
    -मूल्य a. very costly. (
    -ल्यः) a ruby.
    -मृगः 1 any large animal.
    -2 an elephant,
    -3 the fabulous animal called शरभ.
    -मृत्युः, -मेधः N. of Śiva.
    -मृत्युंजयः a kind of drug.
    -मृधम् a great battle.
    -मेदः the coral tree; महामेदाभिधो ज्ञेयः Bhāva. P.
    -मेधा an epithet of Durgā.
    -मोहः great infatuation or confusion of mind. (ससर्ज) महामोहं च मोहं च तमश्चाज्ञानवृत्तयः Bhāg.3.12.2. (
    -हा) an epithet of Durgā.
    -यज्ञः 'a great sacrifice', a term applied to the five daily sacrifices or acts of piety to be performed by a house-holder; अध्यापनं ब्रह्मयज्ञः पितृयज्ञस्तु तर्पणम् । होमो दैवो (or देवयज्ञः) बलिर्भौतो (or भूतयज्ञः) नृयज्ञो$तिथिपूजनम् ॥ Ms.3.7,71, (for explanation, see the words s. v.).
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -यमकम् 'a great Yamaka', i. e. a stanza all the four lines of which have exactly the same words, though different in sense; e. g. see Ki.15.52, where विकाशमीयुर्जगतीशमार्गणाः has four different senses; cf. also बभौ मरुत्वान् विकृतः समुद्रः Bk.1.19.
    -यशस् a. very famous, renowned, celebrated.
    -यात्रा 'the great pilgrimage', the pilgrimage to Benares.
    -यानम् N. of the later system of Buddhist teaching, firstly promul- gated by Nāgārjuna (opp. हीनयान).
    -याम्यः an epi- thet of Viṣṇu.
    -युगम् 'a great Yuga', consisting of the four Yugas of mortals, or comprising 4,32, years of men.
    -योगिन् m.
    1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Viṣṇu.
    -3 a cock.
    -योनिः f. excessive dilation of the female organ.
    -रक्तम् coral.
    -रङ्गः a large stage.
    -रजतम् 1 gold; उच्चैर्महारजतराजिविराजितासौ Śi.4.28.
    -2 the thorn-apple.
    -रजनम् 1 safflower.
    -2 gold.
    -3 turmeric; तस्य हैतस्य पुरुषस्य रूपं यथा महारजनं वासः Bṛi. Up.2.3.6.
    -रत्नम् 1 a precious jewel; वज्रं मुक्ता प्रवालं च गोमेदश्चेन्द्रनीलकः ॥ वैडूर्यः पुष्करागश्च पाचिर्माणिक्यमेव च । महारत्नानि चैतानि नव प्रोक्तानि सूरिभिः ॥ Śukra.4.155-56.
    -रथः 1 a great chariot.
    -2 a great warrior or hero; द्रुपदश्च महारथः Bg.1.4; कुतः प्रभावो धनंजयस्य महारथजयद्रथस्य विपत्तिमुत्पादयितुम् Ve.2; दशरथः प्रशशास महारथः R.9.1; Śi.3.22; (a महारथ is thus defined:-- एको दशसहस्राणि योधयेद्यस्तु धन्विनाम् ॥ शस्त्रशास्त्र- प्रवीणश्च विज्ञेयः स महारथः ॥).
    -3 desire, longing; cf. मनोरथ.
    -रवः a frog.
    -रस a. very savoury.
    (-सः) 1 a sugar- cane.
    -2 quicksilver.
    -3 a precious mineral.
    -4 the fruit of the date tree.
    -5 any one of the eight substan- ces given below:-- दरदः पारदं शस्ये वैक्रान्तं कान्तमभ्रकम् । माक्षिकं विमलश्चेति स्युरेते$ष्टौ महारसाः ॥ (
    -सम्) sour ricewater.
    -राजः 1 a great king, sovereign or supreme ruler; पञ्चाशल्लक्षपर्यन्तो महाराजः प्रकीर्तितः Śukra.1.184.
    -2 a respect- ful mode of addressing kings or other great personages (my lord, your majesty, your highness); इति सत्यं महाराज बद्धो$स्म्यर्थेन कौरवैः Mb.
    -3 a deified Jaina teacher.
    -4 a fingernail. ˚अधिराजः a universal emperor, para- mount sovereign. ˚चूतः a kind of mango tree.
    -राजिकः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -राजिकाः (m. pl.) an epithet of a class of gods (said to be 22 or 236 in number.).
    -राज्यम् the rank or title of a reigning sovereign.
    -राज्ञी 1 the reigning or chief queen, principal wife of a king.
    -2 N. of Durgā.
    -रात्रम् midnight, dead of night.
    -रात्रिः, -त्री f.
    1 see महाप्रलय; ब्रह्मणश्च निपाते च महाकल्पो भवेन्नृप । प्रकीर्तिता महारात्रिः.
    -2 midnight.
    -3 the eighth night in the bright half of Āśvina.
    -राष्ट्रः 'the great kingdom', N. of a country in the west of India, the country of the Marāṭhās.
    -2 the people of Mahārāṣṭra; the Marāṭhās (pl.). (
    -ष्ट्री) N. of the principal Prākṛita; dialect, the language of the people of the Mahārāṣṭra; cf. Daṇḍin:-- महाराष्ट्राश्रयां भाषां प्रकृष्टं प्राकृतं विदुः Kāv.1.34.
    -रिष्टः a kind of Nimba tree growing on mountains.
    -रुज्, -ज a. very painful.
    -रुद्रः a form of Śiva.
    -रुरुः a species of antelope.
    -रूप a. mighty in form.
    (-पः) 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 resin.
    -रूपकम् a kind of drama.
    -रेतस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -रोगः a dangerous illness, grievous malady; (these are eight:-- उन्मादो राजयक्ष्मा च श्वासस्त्वग्दोष एव च । मधुमेहश्चाश्मरी च तथो- दरभगन्दरौ ॥).
    -रौद्र a. very dreadful. (
    -द्री) an epithet of Durgā.
    -रौरवः N. of one of the 21 hells; Ms.4.88-9.
    -लक्ष्मी 1 the great Lakṣmī, or Śakti of Nārāyaṇa; सेवे सैरिभमर्दिनीमिह महालक्ष्मीं सरोजस्थिताम्.
    -2 a young girl who represents the goddess Durgā at the Durgā festival.
    -लयः 1 a great world destruction.
    -2 the Supreme Being (महदादीनां लयो यस्मिन्).
    -लिङ्गम् the great Liṅga or Phallus. (
    -ङ्गः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -लोलः a crow.
    -लोहम् a magnet.
    -वंशः N. of a wellknown work in Pali (of the 5th century).
    -वक्षस् m. epithet of Śiva.
    -वनम् a large forest in Vṛindāvana.
    -वरा Dūrvā grass.
    -वराहः 'the great boar', an epithet of Viṣṇu in his third or boar incarnation.
    -वर्तनम् high wages;
    -वल्ली 1 the Mādhavī creeper.
    -2 a large creeping plant.
    -वसः the porpoise.
    -वसुः silver; Gīrvāṇa.
    -वाक्यम् 1 a long sentence.
    -2 any continuous composition or literary work.
    -3 a great proposition, principal sentence; such as तत्त्वमसि, ब्रह्मैवेदं सर्वम् &c.
    -4 a complete sentence (opp. अवान्तरवाक्य q. v.); न च महावाक्ये सति अवान्तरवाक्यं प्रमाणं भवति ŚB. on MS.6.4.25.
    -वातः a stormy wind, violent wind; महावाता<?>तैर्महिषकुलनीलैर्जलधरैः Mk.5.22.
    -वादिन् m. a great or powerful disputant.
    -वायुः 1 air (as an element).
    -2 stormy wind, hur- ricane, tempest.
    -वार्तिकम् N. of the Vārtikas of Kātyāyana on Pāṇini's Sūtras.
    -विडम् a kind of factitious salt.
    -विदेहा N. of a certain वृत्ति or condition of the mind in the Yoga system of philosophy.
    -विद्या the great lores; काली तारा महाविद्या षोडशी भुवनेश्वरी । भैरवी छिन्नमस्ता च विद्या धूमवती तथा । बगला सिद्धविद्या च मातङ्गी कमला- त्मिका । एता दश महाविद्याः... ॥
    -विपुला a kind of metre.
    -विभाषा a rule giving a general option or alternative; इति महाविभाषया साधुः.
    -विभूतिः an epithet of Śiva.
    -विषः a serpent having two mouths.
    -विषुवम् the vernal equinox. ˚संक्रान्तिः f. the vernal equinox (the sun's entering the sign Aries).
    -विस्तर a. very extensive or copious.
    -वीचिः N. of a hell.
    -वीरः 1 a great hero or warrior.
    -2 a lion.
    -3 the thunderbolt of Indra.
    -4 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -5 of Garuḍa.
    -6 of Hanumat.
    -7 a cuckoo.
    -8 a white horse.
    -9 a sacrificial fire.
    -1 a sacrificial vessel.
    -11 a kind of hawk. ˚चरितम् N. of a celebrated drama by Bhavabhūti.
    -वीर्य a. of great valour, very powerful.
    (-र्यः) 1 N. of Brah- man.
    -2 the Supreme Being. (
    -र्या) the wild cotton shrub.
    -2 an epithet of संज्ञा, the wife of the sun.
    -वृषः a great bull.
    -वेग a.
    1 very swift or fleet.
    (-गः) 1 great speed, excessive velocity.
    -2 an ape.
    -3 the bird Garuḍa.
    -वेघः a particular position of hands or feet (in the practice of Yoga).
    -वेल a. billowy.
    -व्याधिः f.
    1 a great disease.
    -2 a very bad kind of leprosy (black leprosy).
    -व्याहृतिः f. a great mystical word, i. e. भूर्, भुवस् and स्वर्.
    -व्रत a. very devotional, rigidly observing vows.
    (-तम्) 1 a great vow, a great reli- gious observance; a vow for not taking even water for a month; महाव्रतं चरेद्यस्तु Mb.12.35.22 (com. महाव्रतं मासमात्रं जलस्यापि त्यागः).
    -2 any great or funda- mental duty; प्राणैरपि हिता वृत्तिरद्रोहो व्याजवर्जनम् । आत्मनीव प्रियाधानमेतन्मैत्रीमहाव्रतम् Mv.5.59; क्रतौ महाव्रते पश्यन् ब्रह्मचारी- त्वरीरतम् N.17.23.
    -व्रतिन् m.
    1 a devotee, an ascetic.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -शक्तिः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Kārtikeya.
    -शङ्कुः the sine of the sun's eleva- tion.
    -शङ्खः 1 a great conch-shell; पौण्ड्रं दध्मौ महाशङ्खं Bg.1.15; महाशङ्खमयी माला ताराविद्याजपे प्रिया Tantra.
    -2 the temporal bone, forehead.
    -3 a human bone.
    -4 a particular high number.
    -5 one of Kubera's treasures.
    -शठः a kind of thorn-apple.
    -शब्द a. making a loud sound, very noisy, boisterous.
    -शल्कः a kind of sea- crab or prawn; Ms.3.272.
    -शालः a great householder.
    -शालिः a kind of large and sweetsmelling rice.
    -शाल्वणम् ('great fomentation') N. of a remedy; Suśr.
    -शासन a.
    1 exercising great power.
    -2 whose commands are great; त्रैलोक्यघिपतित्वमेव विरसं यस्मिन् महा- शासने Bh.3.8.
    (-नम्) 1 the knowledge of Brahma as expounded in the Upaniṣadas.
    -2 great order of government.
    -शिरस् m. a kind of serpent.
    -शिवरात्रिः N. of a festival on the 14th day of the dark half of Māgha,
    -शुक्तिः f. a pearl-shell.
    -शुक्ला an epithet of Sarasvatī.
    -शुभ्रम् silver.
    -शूद्रः (-द्री f.)
    1 a Sūdra in a high position.
    -2 a cowherd.
    -3 an upper servant. (
    -द्री) a female cow-keeper. (
    -द्रा) a Śudra woman in a high position.
    -शून्यम् a particular mental condi- tion of a Yogin.
    -शृङ्गः 1 a species of stag.
    -2 the शरभ animal.
    -श्मशानम् an epithet of Benares.
    -श्यामा the Sissoo tree. (Mar. शिसवी).
    -श्रमणः 1 an epithet of Buddha.
    -2 a Jain monk.
    -श्लक्ष्णा sand.
    -श्वासः a kind of asthma.
    -श्वेता 1 an epithet of Sarasvatī.
    -2 of Durgā.
    -3 white sugar.
    -संहिता great combi- nation.
    -संक्रान्तिः f. the winter solstice.
    -सती a very chaste woman.
    -सत्ता absolute existence.
    -सत्यः an epithet of Yama.
    -सत्त्व a.
    1 noble.
    -2 very strong or powerful.
    -3 just, righteous.
    (-त्त्वः) 1 a large animal.
    -2 N. of Sākyamuni.
    -3 an epithet of Kubera.
    -संधिविग्रहः the office of the minister of peace and war.
    -सन्नः an epithet of Kubera.
    -सन्निः m. (in music) a kind of measure.
    -समुद्रः the great ocean.
    -सर्गः a great or completely new creation (after a complete destruction of the world).
    -सर्जः the bread- fruit or jack-tree.
    -साधनभागः a great executive officer.
    -सांतपनः a kind of very rigid penance; see Ms.11. 218.
    -सांधिविग्रहिकः a minister of peace and war.
    -सामन्तः a great vassal.
    -सामान्यम् the widest genera- lity.
    -सारः a kind of Khadira tree.
    -सारथिः an epithet of Aruṇa.
    -साहसम् great violence or outrage, great audacity.
    -साहसिकः a dacoit, highwayman, a daring robber.
    -सिंहः the fabulous animal called Śarabha.
    -सिद्धिः f. a kind of magical power.
    -सुखम् 1 great pleasure.
    -2 copulation. (
    -खः) a Buddha.
    -सुगन्धम् a fragrant unguent.
    -सुगन्धिः a kind of antidote.
    -सुधा silver; Gīrvāṇa.
    -सुभिक्षम् good times.
    -सूक्तः the composer of the great Sūktas or hymns of the 1th Maṇḍala of the Ṛigveda.
    -सूक्ष्मा sand.
    -सूतः a mili- tary drum.
    -सेनः 1 an epithet of Kārtikeya; महासेन- प्रसूतिं तद्ययौ शरवणं महत् Rām.7.16.1.
    -2 the commander of a large army. (
    -ना) a great army.
    -स्कन्धः a camel.
    -स्थली the earth.
    -स्थानम् a great position.
    -स्नेहः a combination of the 4 kinds of fat.
    -स्मृतिः the Ṣaḍaṅgas and Smṛitis; महास्मृतिं पठेद्यस्तु तथैवानुस्मृतिं शुभाम् Mb.12.2.3.
    -स्रोतस् n. the bowels.
    -स्रग्विन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -स्वनः a kind of drum.
    -हंसः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -हविस् n. clarified butter.
    -हस्तः an epithet of Śiva.
    -हासः a loud or boisterous laughter, cachinnation.
    -हिमवत् m. N. of a mountain.
    -ह्रस्वा N. of a plant (Mar. कुहिली).

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > महा _mahā

  • 28 γινώσκω

    γινώσκω (in the form γιγνώσκω [s. below] since Homer; γιν. in Attic ins in Meisterhans3-Schw. index, from 325 B.C.; in pap fr. 277 B.C. [Mayser 165]; likew. LXX, pseudepigr., Philo, Joseph., apolog.) impf. ἐγίνωσκον; fut. γνώσομαι; 2 aor. ἔγνων, impv. γνῶθι, γνώτω, subj. 1 sg. γνῶ and 3 sg. γνῶ (γνοῖ Mk 5:43; 9:30; Lk 19:15; Hm 4, 1, 5; B-D-F §95, 2; W-S. §13, 22; Mlt-H. 83; Rob. 1214); 2 sg. γνώσῃς (TestAbr A 8 p. 86, 5 [Stone p. 20]); opt. 1 sg. γνῴην; 3 sg. γνοίη Job 23:3, 5; inf. γνῶναι, ptc. γνούς; pf. ἔγνωκα, 3 pl. ἔγνωκαν J 17:7 (W-S. §13, 15 n. 15); plpf. ἐγνώκειν. Pass.: 1 fut. γνωσθήσομαι; 1 aor. ἐγνώσθην; pf. ἔγνωσμαι. (On the spellings γινώσκειν and γιγνώσκειν s. W-S. §5, 31; B-D-F §34, 4; Mlt-H. 108.) This verb is variously nuanced in contexts relating to familiarity acquired through experience or association with pers. or thing.
    to arrive at a knowledge of someone or someth., know, know about, make acquaintance of
    w. acc. of thing: mysteries (Wsd 2:22; En 104:12) Mt 13:11; Mk 4:11 v.l.; Lk 8:10; will of the Master (Just., D. 123, 4) 12:47f; that which brings peace 19:42; truth (Jos., Ant. 13, 291) J 8:32; times Ac 1:7; sin Ro 7:7; affection 2 Cor 2:4; spirit of truth J 14:17; way of righteousness 2 Pt 2:21 P72; God’s glory 1 Cl 61:1.—Abs. γνόντες (Is 26:11) when they had ascertained it Mk 6:38; ἐκ μέρους γ. know fragmentarily, only in part 1 Cor 13:9, 12.—W. prep. γ. τι ἔκ τινος (X., Cyr. 1, 6, 45; Jos., Vi. 364) know a thing by someth. (Diod S 17, 101, 6): a tree by its fruit Mt 12:33; Lk 6:44; 1J 4:6; γ. τι ἔν τινι (Sir 4:24; 26:9) 1J 4:2. Also γ. τι κατά τι (Gen 15:8): κατὰ τί γνώσομαι τοῦτο; by what (= how) shall I know this? Lk 1:18.
    w. personal obj. (Plut., Mor. 69c ἄνδρα τοιοῦτον οὐκ ἔγνωμεν; Did., Gen. 45, 24 evil powers): God (Ael. Aristid. 52, 2 K.=28 p. 551 D.: γ. τὸν θεόν; Herm. Wr. 1, 3; 10, 19a; Sallust. 18, 3 p. 34, 9 θεούς; 1 Km 2:10; 3:7; 1 Ch 28:9; 3 Macc 7:6; PsSol 2:31; Da 11:32 Theod.; Philo, Ebr. 45; Ar. 15, 3; Just., D. 14, 12; Orig., C. Cels. 6, 66, 26f) J 14:7ab; 17:3, 25; Ro 1:21; Gal 4:9; 1J 2:3, 13; 3:1, 6; 4:6ff; 5:20 (for 1J s. M-EBoismard, RB 56, ’49, 365–91); PtK 2. Jesus Christ J 14:7; 17:3; 2 Cor 5:16 ( even though we have known Christ [irrealis, ‘contrary to fact’, is also prob.=even if we had known; cp. Gal 5:11], we now no longer know him; on this pass. s. κατά B7a; σάρξ 5); 1J 2:3f (Just., D. 28, 3). τινὰ ἔν τινι someone by someth. (Ps 47:4; Sir 11:28; TestNapht 3:4) Lk 24:35.
    w. ὅτι foll. (BGU 824, 8; Philo, Det. Pot. Ins. 22) Mt 25:24; J 6:69; 7:26; 8:52; 14:20, 31; 17:7f, 25; 19:4. W. ὅθεν preceding by this one knows (EpJer 22) 1J 2:18. ἐν τούτῳ (Gen 42:33; Ex 7:17; Josh 3:10 al.) J 13:35; 1J 2:3, 5; 4:13; 5:2. W. combination of two constr. ἐν τούτῳ γινώσκομεν ὅτι μένει ἐν ἡμῖν, ἐκ τοῦ πνεύματος by this we know that (Jesus Christ) remains in us, namely by the spirit 3:24; cp. 4:13. W. an indir. question foll. (1 Km 14:38: 25:17; 2 Km 18:29; Ps 38:5) Mt 12:7; J 7:51. W. combination of two questions (double interrogative) ἵνα γνοῖ τίς τί διεπραγματεύσατο that he might know what each one had gained in his dealings Lk 19:15.
    to acquire information through some means, learn (of), ascertain, find out
    w. acc. as obj. (1 Km 21:3; 1 Ch 21:2; 4 Macc 4:4) τοῦτο (1 Km 20:3) Mk 5:43. τὰ γενόμενα what has happened Lk 24:18. τὸ ἀσφαλές Ac 21:34; 22:30. τὰ περὶ ἡμῶν our situation Col 4:8; your faith 1 Th 3:5. Pass. become known to someone w. or without dat. of the pers. who is informed: of secret things Mt 10:26; Lk 8:17; 12:2. Of plots Ac 9:24 (cp. 1 Macc 6:3; 7:3, 30 al.).
    w. ὅτι foll. (PGiss 11, 4 [118 A.D.] γεινώσκειν σε θέλω ὅτι; 1 Esdr 2:17; Ruth 3:14) J 4:1; 5:6; 12:9; Ac 24:11 v.l.
    abs. (1 Km 14:29; 3 Km 1:11; Tob 8:12 al.) μηδεὶς γινωσκέτω nobody is to know of this Mt 9:30. ἵνα τις γνοῖ that anyone should obtain knowledge of it Mk 9:30.
    γ. ἀπό τινος ascertain fr. someone 15:45.
    to grasp the significance or meaning of someth., understand, comprehend
    w. acc. foll. (Sir 1:6; 18:28; Wsd 5:7 v.l.; 9:13; Bar 3:9 al.; Just., A I, 63, 5; D. 68, 1 σκληροκάρδιοι πρὸς τὸ γνῶναι νοῦν … τοῦ θεοῦ): parables Mk 4:13; what was said Lk 18:34; (w. ἀναγινώσκειν in wordplay) Ac 8:30. ταῦτα J 3:10; 12:16; what one says J 8:43; God’s wisdom 1 Cor 2:8; the nature of God vs. 11; the nature of the divine spirit vs. 14; the love of Christ Eph 3:19 (s. γνῶσις 1); God’s ways Hb 3:10 (Ps 94:10); τὸν νόμον know the law J 7:49; Ro 7:1 (here perh.=have the law at one’s fingertips, cp. Menand., Sicyonius 138f, τῶν τοὺς νόμους εἰδότων; Just., D. 123, 2). πῶς οὖν [ταῦτα γιγν]ώ̣σκομεν; how then shall we know these things? Ox 1081, 25f (=SJCh 90, 1f), as read by Till p. 220 app.
    abs. Mt 24:39.
    w. ὅτι foll. (Wsd 10:12; EpJer 64; 1 Macc 6:13; 7:42; 2 Macc 7:28 al.) Mt 21:45; 24:32; Mk 12:12; 13:28f; Lk 21:30f; J 4:53; 8:27f; 2 Cor 13:6; Js 2:20.
    w. indir. question foll. (Job 19:29) J 10:6; 13:12, 28.
    to be aware of someth., perceive, notice, realize
    w. acc.: their wickedness Mt 22:18; γ. δύναμιν ἐξεληλυθυῖαν that power had gone out Lk 8:46 (on the constr. w. the ptc. cp. PHamb 27, 13 [III B.C.]; BGU 1078 [I A.D.] γίνωσκε ἡγεμόνα εἰσεληλυθότα; POxy 1118, 7; Jos., Ant. 17, 342; Just., D. 39, 2 al.).
    abs. (Ex 22:9; 1 Km 26:12) Mt 16:8; 26:10; Mk 7:24; 8:17.
    w. ὅτι foll. (Gen 3:7; 8:11; 1 Macc 1:5 al.): ἔγνω τῷ σώματι ὅτι ἴαται she felt in her body that she was healed Mk 5:29; cp. 15:10; J 6:15; 16:19; Ac 23:6.
    to have sexual intercourse with, have sex/marital relations with, euphemistic ext. of 1 (Menand., Fgm. 558, 5 Kock; Heraclid. Lembus, Pol. 64 [Aristot., Fgm. ed. VRose 1886, 383]; oft. in Plut. and other later authors, and LXX [Anz 306]) w. acc., said of a man as agent (Gen 4:1, 17; 1 Km 1:19; Jdth 16:22; ApcMos 4; Did., Gen. 143, 9) Mt 1:25 (in connection w. the topic of 1:25f see Plut., Mor. 717e; Olympiodorus, Vi. Plat. 1 [Westermann, 1850]: φάσμα Ἀπολλωνιακὸν συνεγένετο τῇ μητρὶ αὐτοῦ τῇ Περικτιόνῃ καὶ ἐν νυκτὶ φανὲν τῷ Ἀρίστωνι ἐκέλευσεν αὐτῷ μὴ μιγνύναι τῇ Περικτιόνῃ μέχρι τ. χρόνου τῆς ἀποτέξεως. Ὁ δʼ οὕτω πεποίηκεν: ‘an apparition of Apollo had relations with [Plato’s] mother Perictione, and in a nocturnal appearance to Ariston [Plato’s father] ordered him not to have intercourse w. P. until the time of her parturition. So he acted accordingly.’—The legend of Plato’s birth is traceable to Plato’s nephew Speusippus [Diog. L. 3:2; Jerome, Adv. Iovin. 1, 42]); of a woman (Judg 11:39; 21:12; Theodor. Prodr. 9, 486 H.) Lk 1:34 (DHaugg, D. erste bibl. Marienwort ’38; FGrant, JBL 59, ’40, 19f; HSahlin, D. Messias u. d. Gottesvolk, ’45, 117–20).
    to have come to the knowledge of, have come to know, know (Nägeli 40 w. exx.)
    w. acc.
    α. of thing (Bar 3:20, 23; Jdth 8:29; Bel 35; Just., D. 110, 1 καὶ τοῦτο γ.): τὴν ποσότητα 1 Cl 35:3; hearts (Ps 43:22) Lk 16:15; will Ro 2:18; truth (Just., D. 139, 5; Tat. 13, 1) 2J 1; 2 Cor 5:21; grace 8:9; πάντα (2 Km 14:20; Just., D. 127, 2) 1J 3:20. τὶ 1 Cor 8:2a. W. object clause preceding: ὸ̔ κατεργάζομαι οὐ γ. what I am accomplishing I really do not know Ro 7:15 (here γ. almost=desire, want, decide [Polyb. 5, 82, 1; Plut., Lycurg. 41[3, 9] ἔγνω φυγεῖν; Appian, Syr. 5 §18; Arrian, Anab. 2, 21, 8; 2, 25, 8; Paradox. Vat. 46 Keller ὅ τι ἂν γνῶσιν αἱ γυναῖκες; Jos., Ant. 1, 195; 14, 352; 16, 331]; mngs. 3 understand and 7 recognize are also prob.). W. attraction of the relative ἐν ὥρᾳ ᾗ οὐ γ. at an hour unknown to him Mt 24:50; Lk 12:46. W. acc. and ptc. (on the constr. s. 4a above) τὴν πόλιν νεωκόρον οὖσαν that the city is guardian of the temple Ac 19:35.
    β. of pers. know someone (Tob 5:2; 7:4; Is 1:3) J 1:48; 2:24; 10:14f, 27; Ac 19:15; 2 Ti 2:19 (Num 16:5); Ox 1 recto, 14 (GTh 31). W. acc. and ptc. (s. α above, end and e.g. Just., A I, 19, 6) Hb 13:23.
    w. acc. and inf. (Da 4:17; Just., D. 130, 2 al.) Hb 10:34.
    w. ὅτι foll. (Sir 23:19; Bar 2:30; Tob 3:14) J 21:17; Ac 20:34; Phil 1:12; Js 1:3; 2 Pt 1:20; 3:3; γ. τοὺς διαλογισμοὺς ὅτι εἰσὶν μάταιοι he knows that the thoughts are vain 1 Cor 3:20 (Ps 93:11).—Oft. γινώσκετε, ὅτι you may be quite sure that Mt 24:33, 43; Mk 13:28f; Lk 10:11; 12:39; 21:31; J 15:18; 1J 2:29 (cp. UPZ 62, 32 [161 B.C.] γίνωσκε σαφῶς ὅτι πρός σε οὐ μὴ ἐπέλθω; 70, 14; 3 Macc 7:9; Judg 4:9; Job 36:5; Pr 24:12). In τοῦτο ἴστε γινώσκοντες, ὅτι Eph 5:5 the question is whether the two verbs are to be separated or not. In the latter case, one could point to Sym. Jer 49:22 ἴστε γινώσκοντες and 1 Km 20:3.
    w. indir. question (Gen 21:26; 1 Km 22:3; Eccl 11:5; 2 Macc 14:32; Just., A I, 63, 3 τί πατὴρ καὶ τί υἱός) Lk 7:39; 10:22; J 2:25; 11:57.
    w. adv. modifier γ. Ἑλληνιστί understand Greek Ac 21:37 (cp. X., Cyr. 7, 5; 31 ἐπίστασθαι Συριστί).
    abs. (Gen 4:9; 18:21; 4 Km 2:3; Sir 32:8) Lk 2:43. τί ἐγὼ γινώσκω; how should I know? Hs 9, 9, 1.
    to indicate that one does know, acknowledge, recognize as that which one is or claims to be τινά (Plut., Ages. 597 [3, 1]; Jos., Ant. 5, 112) οὐδέποτε ἔγνων ὑμᾶς I have never recognized you Mt 7:23; cp. J 1:10. ἐὰν γνωσθῇ πλέον τ. ἐπισκόπου if he receives more recognition than the supervisor (bishop) IPol 5:2. Of God as subject recognize someone as belonging to God, choose, almost= elect (Am 3:2; Hos 12:1; SibOr 5, 330) 1 Cor 8:3; Gal 4:9. In these pass. the γ. of God directed toward human beings is conceived of as the basis of and condition for their coming to know God; cp. the language of the Pythagoreans in HSchenkl, Wiener Studien 8, 1886 p. 265, no. 9 βούλει γνωσθῆναι θεοῖς• ἀγνοήθητι μάλιστα ἀνθρώποις; p. 277 no. 92 σοφὸς ἄνθρωπος κ. θεὸν σεβόμενος γινώσκεται ὑπὸ τ. θεοῦ; Porphyr., ad Marcellam 13 σοφὸς ἄνθρωπος γινώσκεται ὑπὸ θεοῦ; Herm. Wr. 1, 31 θεός, ὸ̔ς γνωσθῆναι βούλεται καὶ γινώσκεται τοῖς ἰδίοις; 10, 15 οὐ γὰρ ἀγνοεῖ τὸν ἄνθρωπον ὁ θεός, ἀλλὰ καὶ πάνυ γνωρίζει καὶ θέλει γνωρίζεσθαι. S. Rtzst., Mysterienrel.3 299f; Ltzm. on 1 Cor 8:3; RAC XI 446–659.—On the whole word: BSnell, D. Ausdrücke für die Begriffe des Wissens in d. vorplatonischen Philosophie 1924; EBaumann, ידע u. seine Derivate: ZAW 28, 1908, 22ff; 110ff; WBousset, Gnosis: Pauly-W. VII 1912, 1503ff; Rtzst., Mysterienrel.3 66–70; 284–308; PThomson, ‘Know’ in the NT: Exp. 9th ser. III, 1925, 379–82; AFridrichsen, Gnosis (Paul): ELehmann Festschr. 1927, 85–109; RPope, Faith and Knowledge in Pauline and Johannine Thought: ET 41, 1930, 421–27; RBultmann, TW I ’33, 688–715; HJonas, Gnosis u. spätantiker Geist I ’34; 2’55; EPrucker, Gnosis Theou ’37; JDupont, La Connaissance religieuse dans les Épîtres de Saint Paul, ’49; LBouyer, Gnosis: Le Sens orthodoxe de l’expression jusqu’aux pères Alexandrins: JTS n.s. 4, ’53, 188–203; WDavies, Knowledge in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Mt 11:25–30: HTR 46, ’53, 113–39; WSchmithals, D. Gnosis in Kor. ’55, 3’69; MMagnusson, Der Begriff ‘Verstehen’ (esp. in Paul), ’55; RCasey, Gnosis, Gnosticism and the NT: CDodd Festschr., ’56, 52–80; IdelaPotterie, οἶδα et γινώσκω (4th Gosp.), Biblica 40, ’59, 709–25; H-JSchoeps, Urgemeinde, Judenchristentum, Gnosis ’56; EKäsemann, Das Wandernde Gottesvolk (Hb)2, ’57; HJonas, The Gnostic Religion, ’58; JDupont, Gnosis, ’60; UWilckens, Weisheit u. Torheit ( 1 Cor 1 and 2) ’59; DGeorgi, Die Gegner des Pls im 2 Cor, ’64; DScholer, Nag Hammadi Bibliography, 1948–69, ’71.—B. 1209f. DELG s.v. γιγνώσκω. EDNT. M-M. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > γινώσκω

  • 29 cover

    1. [ʹkʌvə] n
    1. (по)крышка; обёртка; покрывало; чехол; футляр, колпак

    glass cover - стеклянный колпак /футляр/

    2. конверт; обёртка ( бандероли); упаковка ( посылки)

    under plain cover - в конверте /в бандероли/ без фирменного штампа, в простом конверте

    under separate cover - канц. в отдельном конверте /пакете и т. п./

    this is a receipt, the goods will be sent under separate cover - посылаем вам расписку, а товар будет выслан отдельно

    3. переплёт; обложка

    soft [hard] cover - мягкая [твёрдая] обложка

    4. 1) убежище, укрытие (тж. воен.); прикрытие, «крыша» ( для разведчика)

    cover from fire - воен. укрытие от огня

    cover from view - воен. укрытие от наблюдения

    to take cover - найти убежище, спрятаться

    to break cover - внезапно появиться; выйти из укрытия

    the spy's cover was to act as a bartender - шпион скрывался под видом бармена

    2) спорт. прикрытие, защита
    5. 1) покров

    land /vegetation/ cover - растительный покров

    sky /cloud/ cover - облачность, облачный покров

    2) (of) поэт. покрывало, покров

    under cover of darkness [of night] - под покровом темноты [ночи]

    3) лесной покров, полог леса
    4) бот. покров семяпочки или семени
    6. охот. нора, логовище
    7. личина, маска

    under cover of friendship - под личиной /под видом/ дружбы

    8. 1) (обеденный) прибор, куверт
    2) = cover charge
    9. 1) ком. гарантийный фонд
    2) страхование
    10. геол. покрывающие породы
    11. авт. покрышка
    12. театр. замена; заменяющий актёр или -ая актриса; исполнитель из второго состава

    under cover - а) тайный; секретный; he kept his activities under cover - он держал свою деятельность в тайне; б) тайно; секретно

    2. [ʹkʌvə] v
    1. 1) покрывать, закрывать, накрывать (тж. cover up)
    2) редк. покрывать (голову, плечи); укрывать

    pray be covered - арх. прошу надеть шляпу

    2. 1) прикрывать, ограждать, защищать

    the warships covered the landing of the army - военные корабли прикрывали высадку армии

    the father covered the boy from the fire with his own body - отец своим телом укрыл мальчика от огня

    2) спорт. держать, закрывать ( игрока)
    3. (тж. cover up)
    1) прятать, скрывать

    the enemy were covered from our sight by woods - лес скрывал от нас неприятеля

    to cover one's shame [confusion, annoyance, anxiety, mistake] - скрыть стыд [смущение, досаду, беспокойство, ошибку]

    2) (for) покрывать (кого-л.); находить оправдания (кому-л.)

    his family kept covering for him - семья постоянно покрывала /выгораживала/ его

    to cover up for a friend - покрывать друга; выручать друга (ложью, лжесвидетельством и т. п.)

    4. refl книжн. покрыть, увенчать (славой и т. п.); запятнать (позором и т. п.)

    to cover oneself with glory [with shame] - покрыть себя славой [позором]

    5. (with)
    1) покрывать, обдавать

    a passing motor covered me with mud - проезжавшая мимо машина обдала меня грязью

    2) обивать; оклеивать
    6. покрывать; распространяться; расстилаться

    snow covered the ground - земля была покрыта снегом, на земле лежал снег

    enemy troops covered the whole country - вражеские войска наводнили всю страну

    the floods covered a large area - наводнение распространилось на /охватило/ большую территорию

    7. покрывать, охватывать; относиться

    his researches cover a wide field - его исследования охватывают широкую область

    documents covering the sale - документы, касающиеся продажи

    8. 1) (for) разг. заменять, подменять ( отсутствующего работника)

    please cover for me at the counter for a few minutes - пожалуйста, подмени меня у прилавка на несколько минут

    2) театр. заменять ( другого исполнителя)
    9. держать под наблюдением

    the police got all the roads [ports] covered - полиция перекрыла все дороги [установила наблюдение за всеми портами]

    10. 1) пройти, проехать ( расстояние)

    he covered the distance in an hour - он прошёл /проехал/ расстояние за час

    by evening we had covered sixty miles - к вечеру мы проехали /проплыли/ шестьдесят миль

    2) спорт. пробежать дистанцию

    to cover the distance in great style - показать на дистанции высокую технику бега

    11. освещать в печати

    to cover the theatres [events in Lebanon] - освещать театральную жизнь [события в Ливане]

    12. предусматривать (об инструкциях, пунктах, статьях договора и т. п.)
    13. 1) ком. обеспечить покрытие ( денежное); покрывать

    to cover one's expenses [losses] - покрыть расходы [убытки]

    2) страховать

    my policy covers me against loss from fire - моё имущество застраховано от пожара /огня/

    you should get yourself covered as soon as possible - тебе надо поскорее застраховаться

    14. карт. покрывать, крыть
    15. принять пари; поставить ( при заключении пари)
    16. с.-х. случать, крыть ( матку)
    17. сидеть ( на яйцах)
    18. 1) воен. держать под обстрелом
    2) держать под прицелом

    don't move, I have you covered - не шевелись, буду стрелять

    НБАРС > cover

  • 30 Bible words and phrases

    •• Библия, наряду с Шекспиром, – самый богатый источник английской идиоматики. Несмотря на обилие изданных, в основном в США, «новых вариантов» перевода Библии (среди них особенно популярны The New American Standard Bible, The Good News Bible и The Living Bible, стиль которых сильно облегчен, близок к разговорному и местами, на мой взгляд, просто ужасен), именно перевод, сделанный по заказу короля Якова I, оказал определяющее влияние на английский язык в Англии и в США. Как пишут авторы изданной журналом Reader’s Digest книги Success With Words, From colonial times until the 20th century, the King James Bible was the only book in many American households. Ниже приводятся некоторые слова и обороты библейского происхождения, часто встречающиеся в живой речи и публицистике на английском языке. Кстати, и у нас в советское время, в условиях атеистического режима, публицистика и даже выступления партийных лидеров не обходились без этой идиоматики (парадоксальным образом сейчас в устах наших лидеров и антикоммунистических публицистов нередки словосочетания, представляющие собой полные и частичные цитаты из Ленина).

    •• Начать, пожалуй, стоит с трех отрывков, известных каждому образованному (и не очень) жителю англоязычных стран. Это The Ten Commandments (Десять заповедей), The Lord’s Prayer (Молитва Господня) и знаменитая цитата из Книги Екклезиаста (Ecclesiastes). Привожу их с некоторыми сокращениями, оставляя то, что наиболее употребимо и что должен знать переводчик.
    •• 1. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other Gods before me. – Я Господь Бог твой, да не будет у тебя других богов перед лицом Моим;
    •• 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image [...] – Не делай себе кумира (в современном русском языке чаще встречается церковно-славянский вариант: Не сотвори себе кумира);
    •• 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord the God in vain.Не произноси имени Господа, Бога твоего, напрасно (чаще – с церковно-славянским «вкраплением» – всуе);
    •• 4. Remember the sabbath day, keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God. – Помни день субботний, чтобы святить его. Шесть дней работай, и делай всякие дела твои. А день седьмый – суббота Господу Богу твоему;
    •• 5. Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days be long upon the land.Почитай отца твоего и мать твою, чтобы продлились дни твои на земле (церковно-славянский вариант, иногда слегка контаминированный, более распространен: Чти отца твоего и матерь твою);
    •• 6. Thou shalt not kill. Не убивай (чаще, конечно, церковно-славянское: Не убий);
    •• 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Не прелюбодействуй;
    •• 8. Thou shalt not steal. Не кради (церковно-славянское: Не укради);
    •• 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Не произноси ложного свидетельства на ближнего твоего;
    •• 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife [...] – Не желай дома ближнего твоего; не желай жены ближнего твоего... (в церковно-славянском: не пожелай).
    •• The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:11):
    •• Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
    •• Отче наш, сущий на небесах (церковно-славянское: иже еси на небесех)! да святится имя Твое; да приидет Царствие Твое; да будет воля Твоя на земле, как на небе; хлеб наш насущный дай нам на сей день (церковно-славянское: даждь нам днесь); и прости нам долги наши, как (церковно-славянское: яко же) и мы прощаем должникам нашим; и не введи нас во искушение, но избавь (церковно-славянское: избави) нас от лукавого; ибо Твое есть Царство и сила и слава во веки. Аминь.
    •• Незабываемый для меня момент женевской встречи на высшем уровне 1985 года – обед в советском представительстве, во время которого М.С.Горбачев в приветственном тосте довольно точно процитировал Книгу Екклезиаста. Интересно, что никто не проявил удивления, внешне, во всяком случае. Наступали новые времена. Привожу полностью английский и русский текст часто цитируемого библейского отрывка – слова необычайной красоты и мудрости.
    •• To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.Всему свое время, и время всякой вещи под небом.
    •• A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.Время рождаться, и время умирать; время насаждать, и время вырывать посаженное;
    •• A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up.Время убивать, и время врачевать; время разрушать, и время строить;
    •• A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.Время плакать, и время смеяться; время сетовать, и время плясать;
    •• A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing.Время разбрасывать камни, и время собирать камни; время обнимать, и время уклоняться от объятий;
    •• A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away.Время искать, и время терять; время сберегать, и время бросать;
    •• A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak.Время раздирать, и время сшивать; время молчать, и время говорить;
    •• A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.Время любить, и время ненавидеть; время войне, и время миру.
    •• Не делая попытки дать даже беглый обзор всего богатства библейской фразеологии, встречающейся в литературе, прессе и речи американцев и англичан, приведу частичный перечень выражений, которые, на мой взгляд, хорошо бы знать и по-русски и по-английски:
    •• to be all things to all menбыть «всем для всех». Часто употребляется с намеком на двуличие, политическую хитрость. Но в переводе, особенно устном, когда нет времени проанализировать политические нюансы, не следует спешить с такой «обвинительной интерпретацией» этой фразы, поскольку она может подразумевать нечто более безобидное и во всяком случае вполне понятное: стремление политика, любого человека всем угодить, всем понравиться. Вот обнаруженный мной на сайте www.wahyan.com пример именно такого использования этого фразеологизма: In many ways, Fr. Zee is a celebrity of sorts in the best Jesuit tradition of “All things to all Men.” – Во многих отношениях брат Зи – это своего рода знаменитость в лучших традициях тех иезуитов, которые стремятся «быть всем для всех»/в лучших, подвижнических традициях Ордена иезуитов;
    •• the apple of one’s eye – в Библии: зеница ока. В обыденном словоупотреблении: самое дорогое, любимое детище;
    •• a beam in one’s own eye бревно в собственном глазу. По-английски то, что мы называем в ставшей поговоркой фразе сучком или соломинкой, называется в соответствии с библейским текстом a mote (in thy brother’s eye);
    •• man shall not live by bread alone – в русском словоупотреблении своеобразная смесь церковно-славянского и современного вариантов: не хлебом единым жив человек;
    •• render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s – аналогичный случай смешения в поговорке церковно-славянского и современного русского вариантов библейского текста: отдайте кесарю кесарево, а Богу – Богово;
    •• the golden calfзолотой/златой телец (т.е. власть денег, «желтого дьявола»). Большинство читателей, наверное, не догадывались, что в названии знаменитого романа Ильфа и Петрова – библейская аллюзия;
    •• to turn the other cheek – подставить другую щеку. В Ветхом Завете – противоположный принцип: eye for eye, tooth for tooth (в современном английском an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth) - око за око, зуб за зуб;
    •• faith, hope, charity (иногда вариант faith, hope, love) – вера, надежда, любовь;
    •• Colossus with feet of clay колосс на глиняных ногах;
    •• filthy lucre«презренный металл», корыстолюбие. Раньше имело значение грязные деньги, сейчас употребляется главным образом иронически – в наше время не так много людей, презирающих деньги;
    •• a fly in the ointment – в Библии: муха в бальзаме. В обиходной речи: ложка дегтя в бочке меда;
    •• forbidden fruit запретный плод;
    •• holier than thou – библейская цитата вышла из употребления, но любопытные могут справиться в Книге Пророка Исайи (65:5). В современной английской речи употребляется как прилагательное в значении высокомерный, ханжеский, лицемерный.
    •• В своих интересных статьях о библеизмах Т.П.Клюкина отмечает, что вместо holier могут употребляться другие прилагательные, причем коннотация выражения сохраняется. Судя по обнаруженным мною примерам, это – как правило, хотя и не всегда – коннотация некоторого морального или иного превосходства над другими. (Об интересном исследовании психологов из Корнельского университета рассказала телесеть «Эй-би-си». Они установили, что ощущение своего морального превосходства свойственно всем нам: People see themselves as being fairer, more altruistic, more self-sacrificing, more moral than most others. In short, most of us think we really are “holier than thou,” although we may not be willing to admit it. [...] There is just one problem. Most of us can’t be above average. [...] So if most people see themselves as better than the average person, they have to be making one of two mistakes: Either they think they’re a lot better than they really are, or those other folks out there aren’t as bad as they seem. Есть о чем задуматься.) Но и при хорошем понимании подтекста не всегда легко найти адекватный перевод. Вот, например, заголовок рецензии на книги по проблемам экологии и политики в газете «Нью-Йорк таймс»: Greener Than Thou«Экология с претензией на истину в последней инстанции». Другой пример – с сайта zdnet.com: Intel has been coping a ‘mightier-than-thou’ attitude for far too long. – «Интел» слишком долго кичится своим воображаемым превосходством. Несколько иная коннотация – своего рода конкуренция, попытка «бежать впереди паровоза» – в названии нашумевшей в 1970-х годах статьи Пола Сибери о епископальной церкви в США Trendier Than Thou: The Episcopal Church and the Secular World. Я бы предложил следующий перевод: «В погоне за интеллектуальной модой. Епископальная церковь и общество».
    •• at the eleventh hour – широко распространено в прессе и в разговорной речи, смысл: в последний момент;
    •• a house divided (against itself) – далее в Библии: cannot stand. Дом, разделившийся сам в себе, не устоит. В сознании американцев ассоциируется со знаменитой речью Линкольна 16 июня 1858 года. Слова a house divided в современной речи означают раскол, губительные непримиримые противоречия;
    •• the fat years and the lean years годы изобилия и годы лишений. А если проще – хорошие годы и плохие годы, «взлеты и падения».
    •• the massacre/slaughter of the innocent избиение младенцев (я благодарен Т.П.Клюкиной, которая обратила мое внимание на то, что в то время как в английском языке это выражение имеет трагическую окраску, в русском словоупотреблении – скорее ироническую);
    •• the land flowing with [the land of] milk and honeyземля, где течет молоко и мед («молочные реки, кисельные берега»);
    •• the promised land земля обетованная;
    •• a mess of pottage чечевичная похлебка;
    •• out of the mouths of babes and sucklings – библейский вариант: из уст младенцев и грудных детей. В современном русском устами младенцев (глаголет истина);
    •• Physician, heal thyself – по-русски – в церковно-славянском варианте: Врачу, исцелися сам;
    •• the powers that be – в русском тексте Библии: существующие власти. В политических и других современных текстах переводится власти предержащие, сильные мира сего. В современном русском переводе Библии: высшие власти;
    •• Seek, and ye shall find ищите и обрящете (вновь церковно-славянский вариант);
    •• vanity of vanities (далее в Екклезиасте: All is vanity and vexation of spirit) – Суета сует. Всё – суета и томление духа;
    •• voice (of one) crying in the wilderness глас вопиющего в пустыне;
    •• the writing on the wall – из библейской легенды о письменах на стене во время Валтасарова пира (см. Книгу Пророка Даниила). В современном языке зловещее предзнаменование, предостережение о гибели, «судьба предрешена».
    •• В русско-английской части словаря нет статьи, посвященной употреблению в современной публицистике библейской, церковно-славянской и конфессиональной лексики. И тому есть причины, хотя существует мнение, что в современных СМИ она используется все шире. Это мнение, однако, верно лишь отчасти. Действительно, изменение отношения власти к церкви в 1980–90-x гг. привело к более частому употреблению конфессиональной лексики, например, в описании храмов, обрядов, в официальной хронике, связанной с иерархами церкви, особенно Русской Православной, и т.д. Но даже здесь, как отмечает исследователь этого явления И.П.Прядко, «интерес авторов... к религиозной тематике в большинстве случаев ограничивается внешними сторонами православного культа и не идет вглубь, не затрагивает духовно-философских основ возрождаемой религии». Отсюда – поверхностность, многочисленные ошибки и неточности. Образованный переводчик увидит здесь не столько переводческую проблему, сколько проявление не слишком высокой культуры.
    •• Что же касается употребления библеизмов и фразеологизмов церковно-славянского происхождения (ничтоже сумняшеся, притча во языцех, на круги своя, злоба дня, и иже с ними и т.п.), то, во-первых, это не ново. Ими не брезговали большевистские руководители первых лет революции и публицисты типа Давида Заславского, а в послевоенной журналистике мода на них была устойчивой. В постперестроечное время их использование особенно характерно для публицистов крайних направлений – коммуно-патриотического (А.Проханов, авторы «Советской России») и радикал-либерального (например, В.Новодворская, Максим Соколов). И.П.Прядко отмечает, что в то время, как «в журналах и газетах, относящихся к группе так называемых «патриотических изданий, эти единицы соотнесены с концептом высокого..., либеральные журналисты чаще всего используют библейскую лексику как средство иронии и сатиры». И для тех, и для других, на мой взгляд, характерны недостаток вкуса и чувства меры. Вновь процитирую И.П.Прядко: «Примеры правильного и осознанного употребления церковно-славянской лексики в речевом пространстве современных СМИ найти чрезвычайно трудно». Так что пока я не нахожу этим стилистическим изыскам наших публицистов места в моем несистематическом словаре. Отправим их в корзину ( waste-paper basket).

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > Bible words and phrases

  • 31 cover

    1. n крышка; обёртка; покрывало; чехол; футляр, колпак
    2. n конверт; обёртка; упаковка

    under plain cover — в конверте без фирменного штампа, в простом конверте

    3. n переплёт; обложка
    4. n убежище, укрытие; прикрытие, «крыша»
    5. n спорт. прикрытие, защита
    6. n покров
    7. n поэт. покрывало, покров
    8. n лесной покров, полог леса
    9. n бот. покров семяпочки или семени
    10. n охот. нора, логовище
    11. n личина, маска
    12. n прибор, куверт
    13. n ком. гарантийный фонд
    14. n страхование
    15. n авт. покрышка

    double-seamed cover — крышка, закатанная двойным швом

    16. n театр. замена; заменяющий актёр или -ая актриса; исполнитель из второго состава

    no book or no cover missing detector — щуп для обнаружения неподачи книжного блока, переплётной крышки или обложки

    17. v покрывать, закрывать, накрывать
    18. v редк. покрывать; укрывать
    19. v прикрывать, ограждать, защищать
    20. v спорт. держать, закрывать
    21. v прятать, скрывать
    22. v покрывать; находить оправдания
    23. v книжн. покрыть, увенчать; запятнать

    cover over — закрыть, покрыть

    cover a loss — покрыть убытки; взять на себя потерю

    24. v покрывать, обдавать
    25. v обивать; оклеивать
    26. v покрывать; распространяться; расстилаться

    snow covered the ground — земля была покрыта снегом, на земле лежал снег

    27. v покрывать, охватывать; относиться
    28. v разг. заменять, подменять

    please cover for me at the counter for a few minutes — пожалуйста, подмени меня у прилавка на несколько минут

    29. v держать под наблюдением
    30. v пройти, проехать
    31. v спорт. пробежать дистанцию
    32. v освещать в печати
    33. v предусматривать
    34. v ком. обеспечить покрытие; покрывать
    35. v страховать
    36. v карт. покрывать, крыть

    cover cloth — кроющий материал, переплётная ткань

    37. v принять пари; поставить
    38. v с. -х. случать, крыть
    39. v сидеть
    40. v воен. держать под обстрелом
    41. v держать под прицелом
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. bedspread (noun) bedspread; blanket; comforter; counterpane
    2. blind (noun) blind; front; smoke screen
    3. cap (noun) cap; lid; top
    4. clothes (noun) bonnet; capote; cloak; clothes; cosy; cowl; mantle; muffler; pall
    5. covering (noun) attic; ceiling; covering; hatch; house top; integument; roofing; umbrella
    6. furnishings (noun) awning; canopy; carpet; carpeting; curtain; drape; furnishings; rug; runner; scatter rug; throw rug
    7. mask (noun) camouflage; color; coloring; colour; colouring; conceal; disguise; disguisement; facade; face; false front; gloss; guise; mask; masquerade; pretension; pretext; put-on; screen; semblance; show; spread; veil; veneer; window dressing; window-dressing
    8. protection (noun) asylum; concealment; defense; guard; harbor; harborage; harbour; haven; port; pretence; pretense; protection; refuge; retreat; sanctuary
    9. shelter (noun) bower; copse; covert; growth; shelter; shrubbery; thicket; underbrush; woods
    10. wrapper (noun) capsule; case; casing; encasement; envelope; jacket; pod; sheath; wrapper; wrapping
    11. blanket (verb) blanket; crown; enwrap; overcast; overlay; spread over
    12. clothe (verb) cap; clothe; envelop; overspread; overwhelm; wrap
    13. coat (verb) case; coat; face; incrust; layer; paper; spread; stain; varnish; veneer
    14. conceal (verb) camouflage; cloak; conceal; disguise; enshroud; hood; mask; shroud; veil
    15. defend (verb) bulwark; defend; fend; guard; house; protect; safeguard; screen; secure; shade; shelter; shield
    16. deluge (verb) deluge; drench; engulf; inundate; overcome; pour; rain; shower
    17. hide (verb) bury; cache; ensconce; hide; occult; plant; secrete; stash
    18. include (verb) comprehend; comprise; contain; embody; embrace; encompass; include; incorporate
    19. make (verb) make; pass; traverse
    20. pay for (verb) compensate for; counterbalance; defray; offset; pay for; suffice
    21. set (verb) brood; set; sit
    22. travel (verb) cross; do; journey; journey over; pass over; track; travel
    Антонимический ряд:
    exclude; expose; exposure; inside; reveal; unwrap

    English-Russian base dictionary > cover

  • 32 death

    1) смерть, кончина, конец

    By/in the death of this man the world has lost a brilliant poet. — Со смертью этого человека мир потерял блестящего поэта.

    Death age comes to us all. — Все мы смертны. /От смерти не уйдешь.

    - sudden death
    - terrible death
    - slow death
    - early death
    - ignominous death
    - spiritual death
    - premature death
    - heroic death
    - civil death
    - peaceful death
    - living death
    - impending death
    - brain death
    - death blow
    - death sentence
    - death angel
    - death day
    - death grip
    - death mask
    - death merchant
    - death penalty
    - death pile
    - death roll
    - death stab
    - death agony
    - death cry
    - death duty
    - death fear
    - death knell
    - death rate
    - death toll
    - death's head
    - death of her parents
    - death from various causes
    - death at the hand of assassin
    - death by hanging
    - question of life and death
    - pale as death
    - worse than death
    - as sure as death
    - approach of death
    - contempt of death
    - throes of death
    - punishable with death
    - fight to the death
    - from birth to death
    - day of smb's death
    - on one's death bed
    - in the hour of death
    - carry out a sentence of death
    - have a foreboding of death
    - die a natural death
    - die a peaceful death
    - die a violent death
    - face an almost certain death
    - cause many deaths
    - die the death of a hero
    - die the death of a dog
    - meet one's death
    - take smb's death hard
    - be beaten to death
    - put smb to death
    - face death rather than ridicule
    - triumph over death
    - deliver smb from death
    - prepare smb for death
    - threaten smb with death
    - raise smb from death
    - talk smb to death
    - sentence smb to death
    - fight against death
    - end in death
    - work smb to death
    - work oneself to death
    - drink oneself to death
    - laugh oneself to death
    - freze to death
    - be sick to death
    - deeply lament the death of smb
    - sign a death warrant
    - be in the jaws of death
    - reduce deaths from cancer
    - catch the death of cold
    - succeed smb on his death
    - confirm smb's death
    - avenge smb's death
    - hasten one's death
    - be at death's door
    - feel approaching death
    - deserve death
    - await death
    - defy death
    - scorn death
    - fear death
    - avert death
    - welcome death
    - challenge death
    - narrowly escape death
    - accept death with resignation
    - court death
    - cheat death
    - feign death
    - look the death in the face
    - sound the death knell for smth
    - give a death blow
    - cling like firm death
    2) исчезновение, конец, крушение

    The opposition movement died a natural death. — Оппозиция сошла на нет сама по себе.

    The withdrawal of a government subsidy was a death blow to the company. — Отказ в государственной субсидии оказался для компании гибельным.

    That defeat meant the death of all my hopes. — Это поражение было концом всех моих надежд.

    One man's breath is another's death. — Что одному хорошо, то другому смерть.

    To look like a death's heed. — (разг.) Краше в гроб кладут. /Выглядеть как смерть.

    Death or glory. — На щите или со щитом.

    Death pays all debts. — Смерть все примиряет. /Перед смертью все равны. /Смерть все спишет

    - shameful death
    - miserable death
    - death of all our hopes
    - death of the customs
    - death of a language

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > death

  • 33 πρός

    πρός prep. expressing direction ‘on the side of’, ‘in the direction of’: w. gen. ‘from’, dat. ‘at’, or acc. (the most freq. usage in our lit.) ‘to’ (s. the lit. s.v. ἀνά. beg.) (Hom.+).
    w. gen. (pseudepigr. only TestSol 10:4 C; apolog. exc. Ar.) marker of direction or aspect from which someth. is determined, to the advantage of, advantageous for (Thu. 3, 59, 1 οὐ πρὸς τῆς ὑμετέρας δόξης τάδε; Hdt. 1, 75; Dionys. Hal. 10, 30, 5; Diod S 18, 50, 5; Lucian, Dial. Deor. 20, 3; Mel., HE 4, 26, 8; Ath. 36, 1; B-D-F §240; Rob. 623f) οἱ πρ. ζωῆς μαζοί the life-giving breasts 1 Cl 20:10. πρ. τῆς σωτηρίας in the interest of safety Ac 27:34 (πρὸς τῆς ς. as Jos., Ant. 16, 313).
    w. dat. (pesudepigr. only TestSol 6:4 D; TestAbr [s. below]; JosAs 19:1.—Just.; Mel., HE 4, 26, 7; Ath., R. 22 p. 75, 10) marker of closeness of relation or proximity
    of place near, at, by (Hom. et al. incl. Aristarch. Samos 398, 20; LXX; TestSol 6:4 D; Jos., Ant 8, 349; 381) Mk 5:11; around Rv 1:13. πρ. τῇ θύρᾳ ἑστηκέναι stand at the door (Menand., Fgm. 420, 1; 830 K.=352, 1; 644 Kö.; JosAs 19:1) J 18:16; cp. 20:11. πρὸς τῇ πύλῃ GJs 4:4; ἐγγίζοντος αὐτοῦ πρ. τῇ καταβάσει τοῦ ὄρους when he came close to the slope of the mountain Lk 19:37 (s. κατάβασις). πρ. τῇ κεφαλῇ, τοῖς ποσίν at the head, at the feet J 20:12. τὰ πρ. ταῖς ῥίζαις the parts near the roots Hs 9, 1, 6; 9, 21, 1. In geographical designations Μαγνησία ἡ πρ. Μαιάνδρῳ Magnesia on the Maeander IMagnMai ins.—(Cp. the temporal use: πρὸς ἑσπέρᾳ ἐστίν it takes place at evening TestAbr B 2 p. 106, 7 [Stone p. 60]; cp. Just., D. 105, 3 and 5; 142, 1.)
    in addition to (Hom. et al.; Polyb., Just.; Mel., HE 4, 26, 7; Ath., R. 22 p. 75, 10; ins) πρὸς τούτοις (SIG 495, 105; 685, 70 and 100; 796 B, 30; 888, 35 al.; UPZ 26, 18; 25 [163 B.C.]; 2 Macc 4:9; 5:23; 9:17, 25; 14:4, esp. 12:2; Philo, Aet. M. 67 al.; Just., A I, 40, 5; D. 93, 4 al.) 1 Cl 17:1.
    w. acc. (pseudepigr. and apolog. throughout) marker of movement or orientation toward someone/someth.
    of place, pers., or thing toward, towards, to, after verbs
    α. of going; s. ἄγω 5, ἀναβαίνω 1aα, ἀνακάμπτω 1a, ἀπέρχομαι 1b, διαβαίνω, διαπεράω, εἴσειμι, εἰσέρχομαι 1bα, ἐκπορεύομαι 1c, also ἐπισυνάγομαι Mk 1:33, ἔρχομαι 1aβ, ἥκω 1d et al.—προσαγωγὴ πρὸς τὸν πατέρα Eph 2:18. εἴσοδος 1 Th 1:9a.
    β. of sending; s. ἀναπέμπω Lk 23:7, 15; Ac 25:21, ἀποστέλλω 1bα, πέμπω.
    γ. of motion gener.; s. βληθῆναι (βάλλω 1b), ἐπιστρέφω 1a, 4ab, κεῖμαι 2, πίπτω 1bαא and ב, προσκολλάω, προσκόπτω 1, προσπίπτω.
    δ. of leading, guiding; s. ἄγω 1a, ἀπάγω 2a and 4, also ἕλκω 2 end J 12:32, κατασύρω, etc.
    ε. of saying, speaking; s. ἀποκρίνομαι 1, also δημηγορέω Ac 12:21, εἶπον 1a, λαλέω 2aγ and 2b, λέγω 1bγ et al. Hebraistically λαλεῖν στόμα πρὸς στόμα speak face to face (Jer 39:4; ApcEsdr 6:6 p. 31, 10 Tdf.) 2J 12b; 3J 14 (cp. PGM 1, 39 τὸ στόμα πρὸς τὸ στόμα). πρὸς ἀλλήλους to one another, with each other, among themselves: s. ἀντιβάλλω, διαλαλέω, also διαλέγομαι Mk 9:34, διαλογίζομαι 8:16; Lk 20:14, εἶπον 24:32; J 16:17; 19:24, λαλέω, λέγω et al. πρὸς ἑαυτούς to themselves, to each other: s. διαλογίζομαι 1; εἶπον Mk 12:7; J 7:35; λέγω (Ps.-Callisth. 2, 15, 7 πρὸς ἑαυτὸν ἔλεγεν; Just., D. 62, 2) Mk 10:26; 16:3. διαθήκην ὁ θεὸς διέθετο πρὸς τοὺς πατέρας ὑμῶν, λέγων πρὸς Ἀβραάμ God made a covenant with your fathers, when he said to Abraham Ac 3:25 (διατίθημι 1). ὅρκον ὀμνύναι πρ. τινα (ὀμνύω, end) Lk 1:73.
    ζ. of asking, praying δέομαι Ac 8:24. εὔχομαι (s. εὔχομαι 1; cp. 2 Macc 9:13) 2 Cor 13:7. προσεύχομαι (cp. 1 Km 12:19; 2 Esdr 12: 4; 2 Macc 2:10) Hv 1, 1, 9. γνωρίζεσθαι πρὸς τὸν θεόν Phil 4:6 (γνωρίζω 1).—Also after nouns like δέησις, λόγος et al. Ro 10:1; 15:30; 2 Cor 1:18 al.
    of time near, at, or during (a certain time)
    α. denoting approach toward (X., Pla. et al.) πρὸς ἑσπέραν toward evening Lk 24:29 (so Just., D. 97, 1; s. ἑσπέρα).
    β. of temporal duration for πρὸς καιρόν for a time, for a while (καιρός 1a) Lk 8:13; 1 Cor 7:5. πρὸς καιρὸν ὥρας (καιρός 1a) 1 Th 2:17. πρὸς ὥραν for an hour, i.e. for a short time J 5:35; 2 Cor 7:8; Gal 2:5a; Phlm 15; MPol 11:2. πρὸς ὀλίγας ἡμέρας Hb 12:10. Also πρὸς ὀλίγον Js 4:14; GJs 19:2 (ὀλίγος 3). πρὸς τὸ παρόν for the present Hb 12:11 (πάρειμι 1b).
    α. with conscious purpose for, for the purpose of, on behalf of οὗτος ἦν ὁ πρὸς τὴν ἐλεημοσύνην καθήμενος this was the one who sat (and begged) for alms Ac 3:10. πρὸς τὴν ἔνδειξιν τῆς δικαιοσύνης αὐτοῦ Ro 3:26. τοῦτο πρὸς τὸ ὑμῶν αὐτῶν σύμφορον λέγω 1 Cor 7:35a; cp. 35b. ἐγράφη πρὸς νουθεσίαν ἡμῶν 10:11. Cp. Ro 15:2; 1 Cor 6:5; 2 Cor 4:6; 7:3; 11:8; Eph 4:12.—W. acc. of the inf. (Polyb. 1, 48, 5; PRyl 69, 16; BGU 226, 22; Jer 34:10; 2 Macc 4:45; TestJob 45:4; Jos., Ant. 14, 170; 15, 148 al.; Just., D. 132, 1) πρὸς τὸ θεαθῆναι τοῖς ἀνθρώποις in order to be seen by men Mt 23:5; cp. 6:1. πρὸς τὸ κατακαῦσαι αὐτά 13:30. πρὸς τὸ ἐνταφιάσαι με 26:12. πρὸς τὸ ἀποπλανᾶν εἰ δυνατὸν τοὺς ἐκλεκτούς Mk 13:22. πρὸς τὸ μὴ ἀτενίσαι υἱοὺς Ἰσραήλ 2 Cor 3:13. Cp. Eph 6:11a; 1 Th 2:9; 2 Th 3:8; Js 3:3 v.l.
    β. gener. of design, destiny (Demetr.[?]: 722 Fgm. 7 Jac. πρὸς τὴν κάρπωσιν; TestJob 42:7 τὰ πρὸς θυσίαν; Jos., Bell. 4, 573 τὸ πρ. σωτηρίαν φάρμακον) τῷ θεῷ πρὸς δόξαν for the glory of God 2 Cor 1:20 (on πρὸς δόξαν cp. SIG 456, 15; 704e, 21; 3 Macc 2:9; Just., A I, 15, 10 μηδὲν πρὸς δόξαν ποιεῖν). τῇ πυρώσει πρὸς πειρασμὸν ὑμῖν γινομένῃ 1 Pt 4:12.—After adjectives and participles for ἀγαθὸς πρὸς οἰκοδομήν Eph 4:29 (ἀγ. 1a) ἀδόκιμος Tit 1:16. ἀνεύθετος πρὸς παραχειμασίαν Ac 27:12. γεγυμνασμένος Hb 5:14. δυνατός 2 Cor 10:4. ἐξηρτισμένος 2 Ti 3:17. ἕτοιμος (q.v. b) Tit 3:1; 1 Pt 3:15. ἱκανός (q.v. 2) 2 Cor 2:16. ὠφέλιμος 1 Ti 4:8ab; 2 Ti 3:16.
    γ. of the result that follows a set of circumstances (so that) πάντα πρὸς οἰκοδομὴν γινέσθω everything is to be done in such a way that it contributes to edification 1 Cor 14:26; cp. vs. 12; Col 2:23 (but see eδ below); 1 Ti 4:7. ὁ βλέπων γυναῖκα πρὸς τὸ ἐπιθυμῆσαι αὐτήν one who looks at a woman with sinful desire Mt 5:28, but s. eε below. λευκαί εἰσιν πρὸς θερισμόν they (the fields) are white, so that the harvest may begin J 4:35. αὕτη ἡ ἀσθένεια οὐκ ἔστιν πρὸς θάνατον this disease is not of the kind that will lead to death 11:4. Cp. ἁμαρτία πρὸς θάνατον 1J 5:16f.
    of relationship (hostile or friendly), against, for
    α. hostile against, with after verbs of disputing, etc.; s. ἀνταγωνίζομαι, γογγύζω, διακρίνομαι (διακρίνω 5b), διαλέγομαι 1, πικραίνομαι (πικραίνω 2), στασιάζω, ἔστην (ἵστημι B3). ἐστίν τινι ἡ πάλη πρός Eph 6:12. ἔχειν τι πρός τινα have anything (to bring up) against someone Ac 24:19. μομφὴν ἔχειν πρός τινα Col 3:13. πρᾶγμα ἔχειν πρός τινα 1 Cor 6:1 (πρᾶγμα 4). ἐγένετο γογγυσμὸς τῶν Ἑλληνιστῶν πρὸς τοὺς Ἑβραίους Ac 6:1. τὸ στόμα ἡμῶν ἀνέῳγεν πρὸς ὑμᾶς 2 Cor 6:11 (ἀνοίγω 7). ἐν ἔχθρᾳ ὄντες πρὸς αὐτούς Lk 23:12. βλασφημίαι πρὸς τὸν θεόν Rv 13:6 (cp. TestJob 25:10 εἰπὲ ἓν ῥῆμα πρὸς τὸν θεόν). ἀσύμφωνοι πρ. ἀλλήλους unable to agree among themselves Ac 28:25 (Tat. 25, 2); cp. the structure of Col 2:23.
    β. friendly to, toward, with, before ἐργάζεσθαι τὸ ἀγαθόν Gal 6:10ab (ἐργάζομαι 2a). μακροθυμεῖν 1 Th 5:14. εἰρήνην ἔχειν πρὸ τὸν θεόν Ro 5:1 (s. εἰρήνη 2b). παρρησίαν ἔχειν πρὸς τ. θεόν 1J 3:21; cp. 5:14. πίστιν ἔχειν πρὸς τ. κύριον Ἰ. Phlm 5. πεποίθησιν ἔχειν πρὸς τ. θεόν 2 Cor 3:4. ἔχειν χάριν πρὸς ὅλον τὸν λαόν Ac 2:47 (FCheetham, ET 74, ’63, 214f). πραΰτητα ἐνδείκνυσθαι Tit 3:2. ἐν σοφίᾳ περιπατεῖν Col 4:5. ἤπιον εἶναι πρὸς πάντας 2 Ti 2:24.—After substantives: πίστις 1 Th 1:8 (cp. 4 Macc 15:24; Just., D. 121, 2); παρρησία 2 Cor 7:4; κοινωνία 6:14; συμφώνησις vs. 15 (cp. Is 7:2).
    to indicate a connection by marking a point of reference, with reference/regard to
    α. with reference to (Ocellus Luc. c. 42 πρὸς ἡμᾶς=with reference to us) ἔγνωσαν ὅτι πρὸς αὐτοὺς τὴν παραβολὴν εἶπεν they recognized that he had spoken the parable with reference to them Mk 12:12; Lk 20:19; cp. 12:41 (Vita Aesopi cod. G 98 P. οἱ Σάμιοι νοήσαντες πρὸς ἑαυτοὺς εἰρῆσθαι τοὺς λόγους; Just., D. 122, 3 ταῦτα … πρὸς τὸν χριστὸν … εἴρηται). ἔλεγεν παραβολὴν πρὸς τὸ δεῖν προσεύχεσθαι he told them a parable about the need of praying 18:1 (Just., D. 90, 5 σύμβολον … πρὸς τὸν χριστόν). οὐδεὶς ἔγνω πρὸς τί εἶπεν αὐτῷ nobody understood with respect to what (= why) he said (this) to him J 13:28. πρὸς τὴν σκληροκαρδίαν ὑμῶν with reference to (i.e. because of) your perversity Mt 19:8; Mk 10:5 (Just., D. 45, 3). Cp. Ro 10:21a; Hb 1:7f. οὐκ ἀπεκρίθη αὐτῷ πρὸς οὐδὲ ἓν ῥῆμα he did not answer him a single word with reference to anything Mt 27:14 (s. ἀποκρίνομαι 1). ἀνταποκριθῆναι πρὸς ταῦτα Lk 14:6 (s. ἀνταποκρίνομαι). ἀπρόσκοπον συνείδησιν ἔχειν πρὸς τὸν θεόν have a clear conscience with respect to God Ac 24:16.
    β. as far as … is concerned, with regard to (Maximus Tyr. 31, 3b) πρὸς τὴν πληροφορίαν τῆς ἐλπίδος Hb 6:11. συνιστάνοντες ἑαυτοὺς πρὸς πᾶσαν συνείδησιν ἀνθρώπων we are recommending ourselves as far as every human conscience is concerned = to every human conscience (πρός w. acc. also stands simply for the dative; s. Mayser II/2 p. 359) 2 Cor 4:2. τὰ πρὸς τὸν θεόν that which concerns God or as adverbial acc. with reference to what concerns God (Soph., Phil. 1441; X., De Rep. Lac. 13, 11; Ps.-Isocr. 1, 13 εὐσεβεῖν τὰ πρὸς τ. θεούς; SIG 204, 51f; 306, 38; Mitt-Wilck. I/2, 109, 3 εὐσεβὴς τὰ πρὸς θεούς; Ex 4:16; 18:19; Jos., Ant. 9, 236) Ro 15:17; Hb 2:17; 5:1. τὰ πρός τι that which belongs to someth.; that which is necessary for someth. (Plut., Mor. 109b; Jos., Ant. 12, 405 τὰ πρὸς τὴν μάχην; 14, 27; a standard term in state documents) τὰ πρὸς ἀπαρτισμόν Lk 14:28 v.l. τὰ πρὸς εἰρήνην (TestJud 9) vs. 32; what makes for peace 19:42. Cp. Ac 28:10; 2 Pt 1:3.
    γ. elliptically τί πρὸς ἡμᾶς (sc. ἐστιν); what is that to us? Mt 27:4. τί πρὸς σέ; how does it concern you? J 21:22f (cp. Epict. 4, 1, 10 τί τοῦτο πρὸς σέ; Plut., Mor. 986b; Vi. Aesopi I 14 p. 265, 4 Eberh. τί πρὸς ἐμέ; ApcMos 11 οὐ πρὸς ἡμᾶς ἡ πλεονεξία σου).
    δ. in accordance with ὀρθοποδεῖν πρὸς τὴν ἀλήθειαν Gal 2:14. πρὸς τὸ κένωμα in accordance with the emptiness Hm 11:3. πρὸς τὸ θέλημα in accordance w. the will Lk 12:47; Hs 9, 5, 2. πρὸς ἃ ἔπραξεν 2 Cor 5:10. πρὸς ὅ Eph 3:4.In comparison with, to be compared to (Pind., Hdt. et al.; Ps.-Luc., Halc. 3 πρὸς τὸν πάντα αἰῶνα=[life is short] in comparison to all eternity; Sir 25:19; TestJob 18:8; 23:8; Just., D. 19, 2 οὐδὲν … πρὸς τὸ βάπτισμα τοῦτο τὸ τῆς ζωῆς ἐστι; Tat. 29, 1 ὀρθοποδεῖν πρὸς τὴν ἀλήθειαν) ἄξια πρός Ro 8:18 (RLeaney, ET 64, ’52f; 92 interprets Col 2:23 in the light of this usage). Cp. IMg 12.
    ε. expressing purpose πρὸς τό w. inf. (s. Mayser II/1 p. 331f) in order to, for the purpose of Mk 13:22; Ac 3:19 v.l. Perh. Mt 5:28 (s. cγ above).
    in adverbial expressions (cp. πρὸς ὀργήν = ὀργίλως Soph., Elect. 369; Jos., Bell. 2, 534. πρὸς βίαν = βιαίως Aeschyl., Prom. 208, 353, Eum. 5; Menand., Sam. 559 S. [214 Kö.]; Philo, Spec. Leg. 3, 3. πρὸς ἡδονήν Jos., Ant. 7, 195; 12, 398; Just., A II, 3, 2 πρὸς χάριν καὶ ἡδονὴν τῶν πολλῶν) πρὸς φθόνον prob.=φθονερῶς jealously Js 4:5 (s. φθόνος, where the lit. is given). πρὸς εὐφρασίαν w. joy AcPl Ox 6, 9f (cp. Aa 1 p. 241, 1 ὑπερευφραινομένη).
    by, at, near πρός τινα εἶναι be (in company) with someone Mt 13:56; Mk 6:3; 9:19a; 14:49; Lk 9:41; J 1:1f; 1 Th 3:4; 2 Th 2:5; 3:10; 1J 1:2. διαμένειν Ac 10:48 D; Gal 2:5b. ἐπιμένειν 1:18; 1 Cor 16:7. παραμένειν 16:6 (v.l. κατα-). μένειν Ac 18:3 D. παρεῖναι 12:20; 2 Cor 11:9; Gal 4:18, 20; cp. παρουσία πρὸς ὑμᾶς Phil 1:26. παρεπιδημεῖν 1 Cl 1:2. ἐποίησεν τρεῖς μῆνας πρὸς τὴν Ἐλισάβεδ GJs 12:3. πρὸς σὲ ποιῶ τὸ πάσχα Mt 26:18b. Cp. also 2 Cor 1:12; 7:12; 12:21; 2 Th 3:1; Phlm 13; 1J 2:1; Hm 11:9b v.l.—πρὸς ἑαυτούς among or to themselves Mk 9:10 (in case πρὸς ἑ. belongs w. τὸν λόγον ἐκράτησαν; B-D-F §239, 1). πρὸς ἑαυτὸν προσηύχετο he uttered a prayer to himself Lk 18:11. Cp. 24:12.—δεδεμένον πρὸς θύραν tied at a door Mk 11:4. τὴν πᾶσαν σάρκα ἀνθρώπων πρὸς ἡδονὴν ἐδέσμευεν (Satan) bound all humankind to self-gratification AcPlCor 2:11. πρὸς τ. θάλασσαν by the seaside Mk 4:1b. On πρὸς τὸ φῶς at the fire Mk 14:54; Lk 22:56 s. B-D-F §239, 3; Rob. 625 (perh. w. the idea of turning toward the fire; s. also 4 Km 23:3). πρὸς ἓν τῶν ὀρέων at one of the mountains 1 Cl 10:7. τὰ πρὸς τὴν θύραν the place near the door Mk 2:2. πρὸς γράμμα letter by letter Hv 2, 1, 4.—On πρός τι terms s. PWouters, The Treatment of Relational Nouns in Ancient Grammar: Orbis 38, ’95, 149–78 (lit.). M-M. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πρός

  • 34 morning

    morning ['mɔ:nɪŋ]
    1 noun
    (a) (gen) matin m; (referring to duration) matinée f;
    at three/ten o'clock in the morning à trois/dix heures du matin;
    I worked all morning j'ai travaillé toute la matinée;
    one summer morning un matin d'été;
    when I awoke it was morning quand je me suis réveillé il faisait jour;
    every Saturday/Sunday morning tous les samedis/dimanches matin;
    from morning till night du matin jusqu'au soir;
    there's a flight in the morning (before noon) il y a un vol le matin; (sometime during) il y a un vol dans la matinée; (tomorrow) il y a un vol demain matin;
    he's leaving in the morning il s'en va dans la matinée;
    it's open in the morning or mornings c'est ouvert le matin;
    see you in the morning! à demain matin!;
    in the early/late morning en début/fin de matinée;
    I'll be back on Monday morning je serai de retour lundi matin;
    the cleaning lady comes on Monday mornings la femme de ménage vient le lundi matin;
    on the morning of the twelfth le matin du douze, le douze au matin;
    do you work mornings? est-ce que vous travaillez le matin?;
    I'm on mornings this week je travaille le matin cette semaine;
    could I have the morning off? puis-je avoir la matinée de libre?;
    (good) morning! (hello) bonjour!; (goodbye) au revoir!;
    this morning ce matin;
    that morning ce matin-là;
    the previous morning, the morning before la veille au matin;
    the next morning, the morning after le lendemain matin;
    familiar the morning after the night before un lendemain de cuite;
    the morning rush hour les heures fpl de pointe du matin;
    cancel the Monday morning meeting annulez le rendez-vous de lundi matin;
    we have morning coffee around eleven nous faisons une pause-café vers onze heures du matin
    (b) literary (beginning) matin m, aube f;
    in the morning of one's life à l'aube de sa vie
    (dew, sun, bath) matinal, du matin; (newspaper, broadcast) du matin
    esp American le matin
    ►► morning coat queue-de-pie f;
    (a) (UNCOUNT) British (suit) = habit porté lors des occasions importantes et comportant queue-de-pie, pantalon gris et haut-de-forme gris
    (b) American (dress) robe f d'intérieur;
    Botany morning glory ipomée f, volubilis m;
    Religion Morning Prayer office m du matin (Église anglicane);
    morning room petit salon m;
    morning sickness nausées fpl matinales ou du matin;
    Press the Morning Star = ancien quotidien britannique d'obédience communiste;
    morning star étoile f du matin

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > morning

  • 35 coprire

    1. [ko'prire]
    vb irreg vt
    (gen) to cover, (occupare: carica, posto) to hold, (persona: proteggere: anche), fig to cover, shield, (fig : suono) to drown, (segreto, sentimenti) to conceal

    coprire di o con — (gen) to cover with

    coprire qn di insulti/di doni — to shower insults/gifts on sb

    coprire un rischio Econ, Assicurazioneto cover a risk

    (persona) to wrap (o.s.) up, Assicurazione

    coprirsi contro — to insure o.s. against

    coprirsi di gloria/di ridicolo — to cover o.s. with glory/with ridicule

    3. vip (coprirsi)
    (cielo) to cloud over

    (rivestirsi) coprirsi di — (muffa, macchie) to be covered in

    Nuovo dizionario Italiano-Inglese > coprire

  • 36 Scheutz, George

    b. 23 September 1785 Jonkoping, Sweden
    d. 27 May 1873 Stockholm, Sweden
    Swedish lawyer, journalist and self-taught engineer who, with his son Edvard Raphael Scheutz (b. 13 September 1821 Stockholm, Sweden; d. 28 January 1881 Stockholm, Sweden) constructed a version of the Babbage Difference Engine.
    After early education at the Jonkoping elementary school and the Weixo Gymnasium, George Scheutz entered the University of Lund, gaining a degree in law in 1805. Following five years' legal work, he moved to Stockholm in 1811 to work at the Supreme Court and, in 1814, as a military auditor. In 1816, he resigned, bought a printing business and became editor of a succession of industrial and technical journals, during which time he made inventions relating to the press. It was in 1830 that he learned from the Edinburgh Review of Babbage's ideas for a difference engine and started to make one from wood, pasteboard and wire. In 1837 his 15-yearold student son, Edvard Raphael Scheutz, offered to make it in metal, and by 1840 they had a working machine with two five-digit registers, which they increased the following year and then added a printer. Obtaining a government grant in 1851, by 1853 they had a fully working machine, now known as Swedish Difference Engine No. 1, which with an experienced operator could generate 120 lines of tables per hour and was used to calculate the logarithms of the numbers 1 to 10,000 in under eighty hours. This was exhibited in London and then at the Paris Great Exhibition, where it won the Gold Medal. It was subsequently sold to the Dudley Observatory in Albany, New York, for US$5,000 and is now in a Chicago museum.
    In England, the British Registrar-General, wishing to produce new tables for insurance companies, and supported by the Astronomer Royal, arranged for government finance for construction of a second machine (Swedish Difference Engine No. 2). Comprising over 1,000 working parts and weighing 1,000 lb (450 kg), this machine was used to calculate over 600 tables. It is now in the Science Museum.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences, Paris Exhibition Medal of Honour (jointly with Edvard) 1856. Annual pension of 1,200 marks per annum awarded by King Carl XV 1860.
    1825, "Kranpunpar. George Scheutz's patent of 14 Nov 1825", Journal for Manufacturer och Hushallning 8.
    ellemême, Stockholm.
    Further Reading
    R.C.Archibald, 1947, "P.G.Scheutz, publicist, author, scientific mechanic and Edvard Scheutz, engineer. Biography and Bibliography", MTAC 238.
    U.C.Merzbach, 1977, "George Scheutz and the first printing calculator", Smithsonian
    Studies in History and Technology 36:73.
    M.Lindgren, 1990, Glory and Failure (the Difference Engines of Johan Muller, Charles Babbage and George \& Edvard Scheutz), Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

    Biographical history of technology > Scheutz, George

  • 37 cover

    [΄kʌvə] n ծածկոց, կափարիչ. cover of the book գրքի կազմ. from cover to cover փխբ. ծայրից ծայր, սկզբից մինչև վերջ. loose cover ծածկոց (չեխոլ). take cover from the rain անձրևից պատսպարվել. take cover from the pursuers հետա պնդող ներից թաքնվել. under cover of night գի շեր վա ծածկի տակ. under military cover ռզմ. հրե տանու ծածկի տակ
    [΄kʌvə] v ծածկել, պատել, սքողել. The ground is covered with snow Գետինը ծածկված է ձյու նով. cover one’s expenses ծախսերը ծածկել. cover a card խաղաթուղթը ծածկել. cover oneself with glory իրեն փառքով պատել. cover a saucepan կաթ սան փակել. cover the child with a blanket երե խա յին վերմակով փաթաթել. (պաշտպա նել) The insurance covers against fire Ապա հովագրությունը պաշտպանում է հրդեհից. He said it to cover himself Նա դա ասեց իրեն պաշտպա նելու համար. (թաքցնել, քողարկել) cover confusion շփոթմունքը թաքցնել. (տարա ծություն կտրել, անցնել) cover the distance in an hour տարածությունը մեկ ժամում անցնել. cover a pro blem հարցը լուսաբանել (նաև` մամուլում). The thesis covers a wide field Թեզն ընդգրկում է լայն շրջանակ. cover up for smb մեկի մեղքը թաքցնել

    English-Armenian dictionary > cover

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