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  • 81 groß

    big; tall; great; large; grand; heavyset
    * * *
    comp ordm;er ['grøːsɐ] superl ordm;te(r, s) ['grøːstə]
    1) big; Fläche, Raum, Haus, Hände big, large; Höhe, Breite great; Größe, Tube, Dose, Packung etc large; (TYP ) Buchstabe capital

    ein ganz großes Haus/Buch — a great big house/book

    der große ( Uhr)zeiger — the big or minute hand

    ein Loch größer machento make a hole bigger

    ein großes Bier, ein Großes (inf) — ≈ a pint (of beer) (Brit), a large beer

    großes Geldnotes pl (Brit), bills pl (US)

    im Großen und Ganzen (gesehen) — by and large

    im Großen einkaufento buy in bulk or quantity

    2) = hoch, hochgewachsen tall

    wie groß bist du? — how tall are you?

    er ist 1,80 Meter groß — he's one metre (Brit) or meter (US) eighty (tall)

    3) = älter Bruder, Schwester big

    unsere Große — our eldest or oldest (daughter); (von zweien) our elder daughter

    Groß und Klein — young and old (alike)

    zu groß für etw sein — to be too big for sth

    4) zeitlich Verzögerung, Rede big, long

    die großen Ferienthe summer holidays (Brit) or holiday (US)

    5) = beträchtlich, wichtig, bedeutend great; Erfolg, Enttäuschung, Hoffnung, Eile great, big; Gewinn, Ereignis big; Katastrophe, Schreck terrible; Summe large; Geschwindigkeit high

    er hat Großes geleistethe has achieved great things

    die größten Erfindungen unseres Jahrhunderts — the greatest inventions of our century

    ein großer Dichter wie Goethe — a great poet like Goethe

    eine große Dummheit machen — to do something very or really stupid

    großen Durst haben — to be very thirsty

    er ist kein großer Esser (inf)he's not a big eater

    die großen Fragen unserer Zeit — the great or big questions of our time

    vor meinem Haus war or herrschte ein großer Lärmthere was a lot of noise outside my house

    großen Hunger haben — to be very hungry

    ich habe große Lust zu verreisen — I'd really like to go away (on holiday (Brit) or vacation (US))

    sie hatte große Lust, sich zu verkleiden — she really wanted to get dressed up

    große Mode sein — to be all the rage (inf)

    einen großen Namen haben — to be a big name

    die große Nummer (im Zirkus) — the big number, the star turn (esp Brit)

    ich bin kein großer Redner (inf)I'm no great speaker

    im größten Regen/Schneesturm — in the middle of a downpour/snowstorm

    6) = großartig, bewundernswert iro great
    7) in Eigennamen Great

    Alfred/Friedrich der Große — Alfred/Frederick the Great

    8) MUS
    2. ADVERB
    comp ordm; er, superl am ordm;ten

    = nicht klein groß gewachsentall

    groß gemustert — large-print, with a large print

    groß machen (baby-talk)to do number two (baby-talk), to do a poo (Brit baby-talk)

    groß daherreden (inf)to talk big (inf)


    = in großem Ausmaß groß einkaufen gehento go on a spending spree, to splash out (Brit inf)

    groß ausgehento go out somewhere expensive

    groß und breit (fig inf)at great length


    = besonders jdn groß anblickento give sb a hard stare

    groß in Mode sein — to be all the rage (inf)

    was ist das schon groß? (inf)big deal! (inf), so what? (inf)

    was soll man da schon groß machen/sagen? (inf) — what can you do/say?

    er hat sich nicht gerade groß für unsere Belange eingesetzt (inf)he didn't exactly put up a big fight for us

    * * *
    1) (large in size: a big car.) big
    2) (very large, larger etc than average: a great crowd of people at the football match.) great
    3) (great in size, amount etc; not small: a large number of people; a large house; a large family; This house is too large for two people.) large
    4) (fairly large: His income is quite sizeable, now that he has been promoted.) sizeable
    5) ((of people and thin or narrow objects such as buildings or trees) higher than normal: a tall man/tree.) tall
    6) ((of people) having a particular height: John is only four feet tall.) tall
    7) (great or large: He won by a wide margin.) wide
    * * *
    <größer, größte>
    I. adj
    1. (räumlich ausgedehnt) Gegenstand large, big; Buchstabe big, capital
    in \großen/größeren Formaten/Größen in large/larger formats/sizes
    2. (hoch aufragend) long
    ein \großer Kirchturm/Mast/Turm a high church steeple/pylon/tower
    3. (hoch gewachsen) Mensch tall
    du bist \groß geworden you've grown
    wie \groß bist du? how tall are you?
    er ist 1,78 m \groß he is 5 foot 10 [or 1.78m] [tall]
    ein \großer Baum/eine \große Vase a tall tree/vase
    4. (zeitlich ausgedehnt) Pause, Zeitraum long; Rede a. lengthy
    auf \große[r] Fahrt on a long journey
    die \großen Ferien the summer holidays BRIT, the summer vacation AM
    die \große Pause SCH mid-morning break
    5. (älter) big, elder, older
    die G\großen pl (die Erwachsenen) the grown-ups; (ältere Kinder) the older children; (fam)
    das ist Anita, unsere G\große this is Anita, our eldest
    wenn ich \groß bin... when I'm grown up...
    mein \großer Bruder/meine \große Schwester my elder brother/my elder sister
    mit etw dat \groß geworden sein to have grown up with sth
    G\groß und Klein young and old [alike]
    im G\großen einkaufen to buy in bulk
    die \große Masse most [or the majority] of the people
    ein \großer Teil der Bevölkerung a large part of the population
    was für eine \große Freude! how delightful!
    du redest ganz \großen Unsinn you're talking complete rubbish
    was ist denn das für ein \großer Lärm auf der Straße? what's all that noise in the street?
    macht doch nicht so einen \großen Lärm! don't make so much noise!
    \große Angst haben to be terribly afraid [or frightened]
    ein \großer Aufstieg a meteoric rise
    eine \große Beeinträchtigung a major impairment
    ein \großer Betrag a large amount
    eine \große Dummheit sheer stupidity
    ein \großer Durchbruch/Reinfall a major breakthrough/disaster
    eine \große Enttäuschung a great [or deep] [or profound] disappointment
    mit \großer Geschwindigkeit at high [or great] speed
    \großen Hunger haben to be terribly hungry
    \großes Leid great [or deep] [or profound] sorrow
    ein \großer Misserfolg an abject [or a dismal] failure
    \große Nachfrage a big demand
    eine \große Preissteigerung a massive price rise [or increase]
    ein \großer Schrecken a nasty fright
    \große Schwierigkeiten serious [or real] trouble
    \große Wut unbridled fury
    \großer Zorn deep [or profound] anger
    8. (bedeutend) great
    etwas/nichts G\großes something/nothing great
    sie hat in ihrem Leben nichts G\großes geleistet she never achieved anything great [or major] in her life, she did not achieve great things in her life
    mit diesem Gemälde hat sie etwas G\großes geschaffen she has created something great [or profound] with this painting
    ein \großer Konzern/ein \großes Unternehmen a leading [or major] group/company
    9. (besonders gut) big
    im Meckern ist sie ganz \groß she's quite good at moaning
    ich bin kein \großer Esser/Trinker I'm not a big eater/drinker
    ich bin kein \großer Redner I'm no [or not a] great speaker
    ... der G\große... the Great
    Friedrich der G\große Frederick the Great
    11. (großes Glas) large, big
    ein G\großes [o ein \großes Bier] ≈ a pint [of beer] BRIT, rare a large beer
    nach den drei \großen Bier war ich ziemlich angeheitert I felt quite merry fam [or fam tipsy] after three pints [of beer]
    im G\großen und Ganzen [gesehen] on the whole, by and large
    \großes Geld notes BRIT, bills AM
    ich habe nur \großes Geld I haven't any change on me; s.a. klein
    II. adv
    1. (fam: besonders)
    was ist da jetzt schon \groß dabei! big deal! fam
    er hat sich aber nicht gerade \groß für uns eingesetzt! he didn't exactly do very much [or put himself out much] for us!
    was soll man da schon \groß sagen? you can't really say very much
    ich habe mich nie \groß für Politik interessiert I've never been particularly interested in politics
    \groß einsteigen to go in for sth in a big way
    sie ist ganz \groß in die Politik eingestiegen she's gone into politics in a big way
    [mit etw dat] [ganz] \groß rauskommen to have a real success [or big hit] with sth
    2. (von weitem Ausmaß)
    \groß angelegt large-scale
    eine \groß angelegte Offensive a full-scale offensive [or attack
    3. MODE
    etw größer machen Hosen etc. to let out sth sep
    4. (nicht klein)
    \groß kariert MODE large-checked attr
    \groß und breit (fam) at great length
    \groß machen (kindersprache fam) to do number two [or BRIT a pooh] childspeak fam
    * * *
    größer, größt... Adjektiv
    1) big; big, large <house, window, area, room, etc.>; large < pack, size, can, etc.>; great <length, width, height>; tall < person>

    große Eier/Kartoffeln — large eggs/potatoes

    eine große Terz/Sekunde — (Musik) a major third/second

    ein großes Bier, bitte — a pint, please

    2) (eine bestimmte Größe aufweisend)

    1 m2/2 ha groß — 1 m2/2 ha in area

    sie ist 1,75 m groß — she is 1.75 m tall

    doppelt/dreimal so groß wie... — twice/three times the size of...

    3) (älter) big <brother, sister>

    seine größere Schwesterhis elder sister

    unsere Große/unser Großer — our eldest or oldest daughter/son

    4) (erwachsen) grown-up <children, son, daughter>

    [mit etwas] groß werden — grow up [with something]

    die Großen(Erwachsene) the grown-ups; (ältere Kinder) the older children

    Groß und Klein — old and young [alike]

    5) (lange dauernd) long, lengthy <delay, talk, explanation, pause>

    die großen Ferien(Schulw.) the summer holidays or (Amer.) long vacation sing.

    die große Pause(Schulw.) [mid-morning] break

    große Summen/Kosten — large sums/heavy costs

    7) (außerordentlich) great <pleasure, pain, hunger, anxiety, hurry, progress, difficulty, mistake, importance>; intense <heat, cold>; high < speed>

    ihre/seine große Liebe — her/his great love

    8) (gewichtig) great; major < producer, exporter>; great, major < event>

    ein großer Augenblick/Tag — a great moment/day

    große Wortegrand or fine words

    [k]eine große Rolle spielen — [not] play a great or an important part

    die Großen [der Welt] — the great figures [of our world]

    9) nicht präd. (glanzvoll) grand <celebration, ball, etc.>

    die große Dame/den großen Herrn spielen — (iron.) play the fine lady/gentleman

    10) (bedeutend) great, major < artist, painter, work>

    Katharina die Große — Catherine the Great; s. auch Karl

    die große Linie/der große Zusammenhangthe basic line/the overall context

    in großen Zügen od. Umrissen — in broad outline

    im Großen [und] Ganzen — by and large; on the whole

    12) (geh.): (selbstlos) noble <deed etc.>

    ein großes Herz haben — be great-hearted

    13) (ugs.): (großspurig)

    große Reden schwingen od. (salopp) Töne spucken — talk big (coll.)


    groß geschrieben werden — (fig. ugs.) be stressed or emphasized

    groß machen(Kinderspr.) do number two (child lang.)

    2) (ugs.): (aufwendig)
    3) (ugs.): (besonders) greatly; particularly
    4) (ugs.): (großartig)

    sie steht ganz groß dashe has made it big (coll.) or made the big time (coll.)

    * * *
    groß; größer, am größten
    A. adj
    1. big (besonders gefühlsbetont); Haus, Fläche etc: large; Land: vast; Baum, Gebäude etc: (hoch) tall; (riesig) huge; Person: tall;
    Wagen ASTRON Great Bear, Ursa Major fachspr;
    ein großes Gebäude a big(, tall) building;
    der Große Ozean GEOG the Pacific (Ocean);
    die Großen Seen GEOG the Great Lakes;
    große Zehe big toe;
    großer Buchstabe capital letter;
    Gut mit großem G good with a capital G;
    wir sprechen hier von Geiz mit einem großen G fig, pej we’re talking about meanness with a capital M here;
    groß machen/müssen kinderspr do/have to do big jobs
    2. an Ausmaß, Intensität, Wert etc: great; Fehler, Lärm, Unterschied etc: auch big; Entfernung: great, long; Geschwindigkeit: high; Hitze, Kälte, Schmerzen etc: intense; Kälte: auch severe; Verlust: heavy; Wissen: extensive, wide; (tief) profound; MUS, Intervall, Terz: major; Angeber, Angsthase, Feigling etc: terrible, dreadful;
    (auf) groß stellen (Heizung, Herd etc) set on high, turn up;
    großes Bier large one, Br etwa pint, US 16 ouncer;
    große Ferien summer holiday(s), long vacation;
    zu meiner großen Freude to my great joy ( oder pleasure);
    großes Geld umg (Scheine) notes pl, US bills pl; (viel Geld) a lot of money;
    wie komme ich an das große Geld? umg how do I get into the big money?;
    großes Glück haben be very lucky;
    großen Hunger haben be very hungry; stärker: be starving;
    große Mehrheit great majority;
    große Pause long (mid-morning) break;
    ein Fest im großen Rahmen a celebration on the grand scale;
    große Schritte machen make great progress;
    zum großen Teil largely, for the most part;
    eine große Zahl von a large number of, a great many; Liebe, Mode etc
    wie groß ist er? how tall is he?;
    er ist … groß he’s … (tall); das Grundstück
    ist 600 m2
    groß is 600 metres (US -ers) square;
    ist drei mal fünf Meter groß is five metres (US -ers) square ( oder each way);
    gleich groß Personen: the same height, as tall as each other; Flächen, Kleidungsstücke etc: the same size;
    so groß wie ein Fußballfeld the size of a football pitch (US soccer field);
    war dreimal so groß wie der der Konkurrenz was three times that of our rivals
    4. (erwachsen) grown-up; (älter) big;
    große Schwester big sister;
    groß werden Kinder: grow up;
    zu groß werden für outgrow sth, get too big for;
    er ist nur ein großes Kind he’s just a big baby;
    Groß und Klein young and old
    5. fig Augenblick, Entdeckung, Erfolg, Tag, Tat etc: great; (bedeutend) major, important; (großartig) grand, magnificent; Pläne, Ziele: great, grand, big; Künstler, Dichter etc: great;
    große Politik national (bzw international) politics, the political big time umg;
    große Worte big words;
    Friedrich der Große Frederick the Great;
    Karl der Große Charlemagne;
    die große Dame/den großen Herrn spielen iron play the great lady/lord;
    große Reden schwingen iron talk big;
    6. (allgemein, wesentlich) broad, general;
    die große Linie verfolgen follow the main lines, stick to the basic ( oder broad) principles;
    den großen Zusammenhang erkennen see the big picture;
    in großen Zügen in broad outline
    7. umg (gut):
    das war ganz groß! that was really great!;
    große Klasse she’s really good ( oder she’s brilliant) at arithmetic;
    im Angeben/Geldausgeben ist er (ganz) groß iron he’s very good at showing off/spending money;
    ich bin kein großer Tänzer etc I’m not much of a dancer etc;
    ich bin kein großer Freund von Partys/Suppe I’m not a great one for parties/soup, I’m not particularly fond of parties/soup;
    er ist ein großer Schweiger/kein großer Esser he’s not a great talker/eater
    8. (edel):
    ein großes Herz haben have a noble ( oder generous) heart
    9. (aufwändig) Empfang, Fest etc: big, lavish;
    in großer Aufmachung Bericht etc: prominently featured, splashed across the page; Person: in full dress;
    in großer Garderobe in full dress; Auge, Bahnhof, Glocke etc, Große1, größer, größt…
    B. adv
    1. big;
    groß gedruckt in large letters ( oder print);
    groß gemustert with a large pattern;
    groß kariert large-checked;
    er sah mich nur groß an he just stared at me;
    groß und breit dastehen umg, unübersehbar: stand out; stärker: stick out like a sore thumb; auch großschreiben, großgebaut etc
    groß angelegt Aktion etc: large-scale, full-scale;
    groß ausgehen umg have a real night out;
    jemanden/etwas groß herausbringen umg pull out all the stops for sb/sth, give sb/sth a tremendous build-up
    3. umg:
    groß angeben talk big; um einzuschüchtern: throw one’s weight around ( oder about);
    groß auftreten act big;
    4. (edel) denken, handeln etc: nobly
    5. (gut):
    groß in Form in great form;
    beim Publikum groß ankommen be a big hit with the audience;
    6. umg:
    er kümmert sich nicht groß darum he doesn’t really bother about it;
    was ist schon groß dabei? so what?, US auch (so) what’s the big deal?;
    was gibt es da groß zu sagen? what can you say?;
    was gibt’s da noch groß zu fragen? is there really anything more we need to ask?;
    was kann das schon groß kosten? it can’t be very expensive, can it?;
    was war los? -
    was soll schon groß gewesen sein? what do you think happened?
    * * *
    größer, größt... Adjektiv
    1) big; big, large <house, window, area, room, etc.>; large <pack, size, can, etc.>; great <length, width, height>; tall < person>

    große Eier/Kartoffeln — large eggs/potatoes

    eine große Terz/Sekunde — (Musik) a major third/second

    ein großes Bier, bitte — a pint, please

    1 m2/2 ha groß — 1 m2/2 ha in area

    sie ist 1,75 m groß — she is 1.75 m tall

    doppelt/dreimal so groß wie... — twice/three times the size of...

    3) (älter) big <brother, sister>

    unsere Große/unser Großer — our eldest or oldest daughter/son

    4) (erwachsen) grown-up <children, son, daughter>

    [mit etwas] groß werden — grow up [with something]

    die Großen (Erwachsene) the grown-ups; (ältere Kinder) the older children

    Groß und Klein — old and young [alike]

    5) (lange dauernd) long, lengthy <delay, talk, explanation, pause>

    die großen Ferien(Schulw.) the summer holidays or (Amer.) long vacation sing.

    die große Pause(Schulw.) [mid-morning] break

    große Summen/Kosten — large sums/heavy costs

    7) (außerordentlich) great <pleasure, pain, hunger, anxiety, hurry, progress, difficulty, mistake, importance>; intense <heat, cold>; high < speed>

    ihre/seine große Liebe — her/his great love

    8) (gewichtig) great; major <producer, exporter>; great, major < event>

    ein großer Augenblick/Tag — a great moment/day

    große Wortegrand or fine words

    [k]eine große Rolle spielen — [not] play a great or an important part

    die Großen [der Welt] — the great figures [of our world]

    9) nicht präd. (glanzvoll) grand <celebration, ball, etc.>

    die große Dame/den großen Herrn spielen — (iron.) play the fine lady/gentleman

    10) (bedeutend) great, major <artist, painter, work>

    Katharina die Große — Catherine the Great; s. auch Karl

    die große Linie/der große Zusammenhang — the basic line/the overall context

    in großen Zügen od. Umrissen — in broad outline

    im Großen [und] Ganzen — by and large; on the whole

    12) (geh.): (selbstlos) noble <deed etc.>
    13) (ugs.): (großspurig)

    große Reden schwingen od. (salopp) Töne spucken — talk big (coll.)


    groß geschrieben werden(fig. ugs.) be stressed or emphasized

    groß machen(Kinderspr.) do number two (child lang.)

    2) (ugs.): (aufwendig)
    3) (ugs.): (besonders) greatly; particularly
    4) (ugs.): (großartig)

    sie steht ganz groß dashe has made it big (coll.) or made the big time (coll.)

    * * *
    ample adj.
    big adj.
    capital adj.
    great adj.
    heavyset adj.
    large adj.
    sizable adj.
    tall adj. adv.
    largely adv.
    sizably adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > groß

  • 82 grande

    1 big, large.
    un gran artista a great artist
    el gran favorito the firm favorite
    una gran figura a big name
    una gran parte de mi trabajo implica… a large part of my job involves…
    una gran responsabilidad a heavy responsibility
    a lo grande in a big way, in style
    grandes almacenes department store
    Gran Bretaña Great Britain
    el Gran Cañón the Grand Canyon
    gran danés great Dane
    gran éxito smash (hit) (disco, libro)
    los Grandes Lagos the Great Lakes
    la Gran Muralla (China) the Great Wall (of China)
    el gran público the general public
    2 old (de edad). (Mexican Spanish, River Plate)
    3 fantastic(informal). ( River Plate)
    4 magnus, Mag, magnum.
    5 grand, formidable, majestical, stately.
    grandee (noble).
    * * *
    1 (tamaño) large, big
    2 (fuerte, intenso) great
    3 (mayor) grown-up, old, big
    a lo grande on a grand scale, in a big way
    estar grande una cosa a alguien to be too big on somebody
    pasarlo en grande familiar to have a great time
    vivir a lo grande figurado to live in style
    Grande de España grandee Table 1 NOTA See also gran/Table 1
    * * *
    1) big
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    ( antes de sm sing gran)
    1) [de tamaño] big, large; [de estatura] big, tall; [número, velocidad] high, great

    ¿cómo es de grande? — how big o large is it?, what size is it?

    en cantidades más grandesin larger o greater quantities

    grandísimo — enormous, huge

    un esfuerzo grandísimo — an enormous effort, a huge effort

    ¡grandísimo tunante! — you old rogue!

    hacer algo a lo grande — to do sth in style, make a splash doing sth *

    2) (=importante) [artista, hazaña] great; [empresa] big
    3) (=mucho, muy) great

    se estrenó con gran éxito — it was a great success, it went off very well

    4) [en edad]

    ya eres grande, Raúl — you are a big boy now, Raúl

    ¿qué piensas hacer cuando seas grande? — what do you want to do when you grow up?


    ¡qué grande! — Arg * how funny!

    2. SMF
    1) (=personaje importante)
    2) LAm (=adulto) adult
    3. SF
    1) Arg [de lotería] first prize, big prize
    2) And ** (=cárcel) clink **, jail
    * * *
    adjetivo [ gran is used before singular nouns]
    a) ( en dimensiones) large, big; <boca/nariz> big
    b) ( en demasía) too big

    me queda or me está grande — it's too big for me

    quedarle grande a alguienpuesto/responsabilidad to be too much for somebody

    2) ( alto) tall
    3) (Geog)
    4) ( en edad)

    los más grandes pueden ir solosthe older o bigger ones can go on their own

    a) (notable, excelente) great

    un gran hombre/vino — a great man/wine

    b) ( poderoso) big
    a) (en intensidad, grado) great

    me llevé un susto más grande...! — I got such a fright!

    una temporada de gran éxitoa very o a highly successful season

    a) ( en número) < familia> large, big; < clase> big

    la gran parte or mayoría de los votantes — the great o vast majority of the voters

    b) ( elevado)

    a gran velocidadat high o great speed

    en grande: lo pasamos en grande — we had a great time (colloq)

    masculino, femenino
    1) (de la industria, el comercio) big o leading name
    a) ( mayor)

    quiero ir con los grandes — I want to go with the big boys/girls

    b) ( adulto)
    * * *
    = vast [vaster -comp., vastest -sup.], big [bigger -comp., biggest -sup.], bulky, considerable, deep [deeper -comp., deepest -sup.], extensive, great [greater -comp., greatest -sup.], heavy [heavier -comp., heaviest -sup.], high [higher -comp., highest -sup.], huge, large [larger -comp., largest -sup.], large scale [large-scale], tremendous, wide [wider -comp., widest -sup.], goodly [goodlier -comp., goodliest -sup.], abysmal, heavyweight [heavy weight], broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], of the highest order.
    Ex. If you add to this other access points, such as collections housed in old people's homes or day centres, prisons, hospitals, youth clubs, playgroups etc the coverage is vast.
    Ex. Fiction is a big item for children and also just for ordinary public library users.
    Ex. Like all enumerative schedules, the LC schedules are bulky, extending to some 8000 pages.
    Ex. The need to become familiar with different command languages for different hosts is a considerable barrier to effective retrieval.
    Ex. The world's largest processing department's plans and policies are always of deep interest.
    Ex. The minutely detailed classification is of the type appropriate to an extensive collection.
    Ex. Clearly, great variations can be expected between different indexing languages for different databases.
    Ex. In fact, the area was well served by a very good neighbourhood advice centre which had a heavy workload of advice and information-giving.
    Ex. Lower specificity will be associated with lower precision but high recall.
    Ex. A user searching for Smith's 'History as Argument' who was not sure under which subject it would be entered, would have to prowl through a huge number of cards in a card catalog to find the entry under SMITH.
    Ex. Serial searching for a string of characters is usually performed on a small subset of a large file.
    Ex. It is in the development of such large-scale services that problems are seen most acutely.
    Ex. There has been tremendous growth in libraries since then, but, fundamentally, it has been possible to build on the foundation that nineteenth-century heroes constructed.
    Ex. The method is sufficiently flexible to allow for wide modifications.
    Ex. However, we must not forget the book which the critics acclaim and which also sells in goodly numbers.
    Ex. The major problem encountered in encouraging young adults to use public libraries is the abysmal lack of specialist young adult librarians = El principal problema que se encuentra para es incentivar a los jóvenes a usar las bibliotecas públicas es la enorme falta de bibliotecarios especialistas en temas relacionados con los adolescentes.
    Ex. Heavyweight information technology firms such as IBM are appearing in the market and challenging traditional players.
    Ex. In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.
    Ex. I've got to tell you, and I do say this affectionately, but we're talking about a geek of the highest order.
    * a grandes rasgos = broadly, rough draft.
    * a gran escala = large scale [large-scale], massive, on a wide scale, high-volume, wide-scale, on a broad scale, in a big way, on a grand scale.
    * a gran velocidad = at great speed.
    * a lo grande = in a big way, big time, grandly, on a grand scale.
    * armar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.
    * a un gran coste = at (a) great expense.
    * avanzar con gran dificultad = grind on.
    * bastante grande = largish.
    * calabacín grande = marrow, marrow squash.
    * causar una gran sensación = make + a splash.
    * causar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.
    * causar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons, make + a splash.
    * celebrar a lo grande = make + a song and dance about.
    * con gran capacidad = capacious.
    * con gran colorido = brightly coloured.
    * con gran densidad de población = densely populated.
    * con gran dificultad = with great difficulty.
    * con gran esplendor = grandly.
    * con gran iluminación = brightly illuminated.
    * con gran motivación = highly-motivated.
    * con gran sentimiento = earnestly.
    * conseguir en gran medida + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.
    * contribuir en gran medida a + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio, go far in + Gerundio, go far towards + Gerundio.
    * con una gran cultura = well-read.
    * con una gran diferencia = by a huge margin.
    * con una gran tradición = long-standing.
    * con un gran número de lectores = widely-read.
    * con un gran suspiro = with a deep sigh.
    * convertirse en un gran problema = grow to + a crisis.
    * correr un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.
    * crear con gran destreza = craft.
    * dar un gran paso adelante = reach + milestone.
    * de gran ahorro energético = energy-saving.
    * de gran belleza = scenic.
    * de gran calibre = high-calibre.
    * de gran calidad = high-quality, high-grade [high grade], high-calibre.
    * de gran capacidad = large-capacity, high capacity.
    * de gran colorido = brightly coloured.
    * de gran corazón = big-hearted.
    * de gran efecto = wide-reaching.
    * de gran éxito comercial = high selling.
    * de gran formato = oversized.
    * de gran impacto = high impact [high-impact].
    * de gran influencia = seminal.
    * de gran lucidez = clear-sighted.
    * de gran lujo = top-class.
    * de gran potencia = high-powered.
    * de gran repercusión = far-reaching, wide-reaching, far-ranging.
    * de gran talento = talented.
    * de gran valor = highly valued, highly valuable.
    * de gran valor histórico = of great historical value.
    * de gran venta = high selling.
    * demasiado grande = oversized.
    * describir a grandes rasgos = paint + a broad picture.
    * desplazarse grandes distancias = travel + long distances.
    * ejercer una gran influencia en = play + a strong hand in.
    * el gran hermano = big brother.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * empresa de grandes derroches = high roller.
    * en gran cantidad = prodigiously.
    * en grandes cantidades = en masse, in good number, in bulk.
    * en grandes números = in record numbers, in record numbers.
    * en gran formato = oversize, oversized.
    * en gran medida = by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, to a great extent, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a large degree, to a great degree.
    * en gran número = numerously.
    * en gran parte = largely, in large part, in large measure, for the most part, to a great extent, to a great degree.
    * en un gran aprieto = in dire straits.
    * en un gran apuro = in dire straits.
    * esperar una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.
    * expresión típica de Gran Bretaña = Briticism.
    * extra grande = extra-large.
    * gestión de grandes extensiones para la cría de ganado = range management.
    * gran altura = high altitude.
    * gran aumento = heavy increase.
    * gran bebedor = heavy drinker.
    * gran belleza = scenic beauty.
    * Gran Bretaña = Britain, Great Britain.
    * gran calidad = high standard.
    * gran cantidad de = large crop of, mass of.
    * gran categoría = high standard.
    * gran cosa = big deal.
    * gran danés = Great Dane.
    * Gran Depresión, la = Depression, the, Great Depression, the.
    * grandes almacenes = department store.
    * grandes cantidades de = storerooms of, huge numbers of, huge numbers of, great numbers of.
    * grandes escritores, los = great imaginative writers, the.
    * grandes robles nacen de pequeñas bellotas = great oaks from little acorns grow.
    * grandes sumas de dinero = vast sums of money.
    * grande superficie = shopping mall, shopping complex, shopping centre.
    * grandes y pequeños = great and small.
    * grande y tenebroso = cavernous.
    * gran ducado = grand-duchy.
    * gran espectáculo = extravaganza.
    * gran extensión de tierra dedicada a la cría de animales de pasto = rangeland.
    * gran grupo = constellation.
    * gran mentira = big fat lie.
    * gran nivel = high standard.
    * gran número de = great numbers of.
    * gran pantalla de televisión = large-screen television.
    * gran parte = much.
    * gran parte de = much of.
    * gran peso = heavy weight.
    * gran placer = great pleasure.
    * gran potencia = great power.
    * gran salto adelante = giant leap, great leap forward.
    * gran tiburón blanco = great white shark.
    * gran titular = headline banner.
    * hacer grandes esfuerzos por = take + (great) pains to.
    * hacer grandes progresos = make + great strides.
    * hacer un gran esfuerzo = go out of + Posesivo + way to + Infinitivo.
    * hacer un gran negocio = make + a killing.
    * IGE (Integración a Gran Escala) = LSI (Large Scale Integration).
    * influir en gran medida = become + a force.
    * jaula grande para pájaros = aviary.
    * jugador de grandes apuestas = high roller.
    * la Gran Manzana = the Big Apple.
    * la gran mayoría de = the vast majority of, the bulk of.
    * levantar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.
    * llevarse una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.
    * lo suficientemente grande = large enough, big enough.
    * más grande = greater.
    * muy grande = big time.
    * Nombre + a gran escala = broad scale + Nombre.
    * no ser gran cosa = not add up to much, add up to + nothing.
    * no ser una gran pérdida = be no great loss.
    * no significar gran cosa = not add up to much.
    * no suponer gran cosa = not add up to much.
    * no valer gran cosa = be no great shakes.
    * pago único y bien grande = fat lump sum.
    * para + Posesivo + gran sorpresa = much to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * pasarlo a lo grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo en grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasárselo en grande = enjoy + every minute of, love + every minute of it.
    * Pedro el Grande = Peter the Great.
    * pensar a lo grande = think + big.
    * Pie Grande = Bigfoot, Sasquatch.
    * por un gran margen = by a huge margin.
    * producir con gran destreza = craft.
    * provocar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.
    * provocar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.
    * que le presta gran importancia a la cultura = culture-conscious.
    * recorrer grandes distancias = travel + long distances.
    * revista que tiene una gran demanda popular = mass-market journal.
    * ser de gran ayuda para = be a boon to.
    * ser de gran beneficio para = be of great benefit to.
    * ser una gran ayuda = be a tower of strength.
    * ser un gran alivio = be a welcome relief.
    * ser un gran apoyo = be a tower of strength.
    * ser un gran avance = be half the battle.
    * ser un gran paso adelante = be half the battle.
    * taza grande = mug.
    * tener en gran estima = have + a very high regard for.
    * tener gran éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tener gran importancia = be of high significance.
    * tener gran repercusión = be far reaching.
    * tener una gran tradición = have + a long ancestry.
    * tener un gran impacto = have + a big impact.
    * tomar un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.
    * una gran cantidad de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a large degree of, a mass of, a plethora of, a supply of, a vast amount of, a city of, a wealth of, a sea of, a cascade of, an army of, a good many, a huge number of, a great number of, a multitude of, scores of, a host of, a vast corpus of, a whole host of.
    * una gran cantidad y variedad de = a wealth and breadth of.
    * una gran diversidad de = a wide range of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of.
    * una gran experiencia = a wealth of experience.
    * una gran extensión de = a sea of.
    * una gran gama de = a wide range of, a rich tapestry of, a wide band of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.
    * una gran mayoría de = a large proportion of.
    * una gran parte de = a broad population of, a lion's share of.
    * una gran pérdida = a great loss.
    * una gran proporción de = a large proportion of.
    * una gran variedad de = a wide range of, a multiplicity of, a rich tapestry of, a plurality of, a broad variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.
    * un gran espectro de = a wide band of.
    * un gran número de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a plethora of, a wide range of, a full roster of, a fair number of, a great number of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a vast corpus of.
    * un gran repertorio de = an arsenal of, an armoury of [armory].
    * un gran volumen de = a vast corpus of.
    * venirle Algo grande a Alguien = get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches.
    * WAN (red de gran alcance) = WAN (wide area network).
    * * *
    adjetivo [ gran is used before singular nouns]
    a) ( en dimensiones) large, big; <boca/nariz> big
    b) ( en demasía) too big

    me queda or me está grande — it's too big for me

    quedarle grande a alguienpuesto/responsabilidad to be too much for somebody

    2) ( alto) tall
    3) (Geog)
    4) ( en edad)

    los más grandes pueden ir solosthe older o bigger ones can go on their own

    a) (notable, excelente) great

    un gran hombre/vino — a great man/wine

    b) ( poderoso) big
    a) (en intensidad, grado) great

    me llevé un susto más grande...! — I got such a fright!

    una temporada de gran éxitoa very o a highly successful season

    a) ( en número) < familia> large, big; < clase> big

    la gran parte or mayoría de los votantes — the great o vast majority of the voters

    b) ( elevado)

    a gran velocidadat high o great speed

    en grande: lo pasamos en grande — we had a great time (colloq)

    masculino, femenino
    1) (de la industria, el comercio) big o leading name
    a) ( mayor)

    quiero ir con los grandes — I want to go with the big boys/girls

    b) ( adulto)
    * * *
    = vast [vaster -comp., vastest -sup.], big [bigger -comp., biggest -sup.], bulky, considerable, deep [deeper -comp., deepest -sup.], extensive, great [greater -comp., greatest -sup.], heavy [heavier -comp., heaviest -sup.], high [higher -comp., highest -sup.], huge, large [larger -comp., largest -sup.], large scale [large-scale], tremendous, wide [wider -comp., widest -sup.], goodly [goodlier -comp., goodliest -sup.], abysmal, heavyweight [heavy weight], broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], of the highest order.

    Ex: If you add to this other access points, such as collections housed in old people's homes or day centres, prisons, hospitals, youth clubs, playgroups etc the coverage is vast.

    Ex: Fiction is a big item for children and also just for ordinary public library users.
    Ex: Like all enumerative schedules, the LC schedules are bulky, extending to some 8000 pages.
    Ex: The need to become familiar with different command languages for different hosts is a considerable barrier to effective retrieval.
    Ex: The world's largest processing department's plans and policies are always of deep interest.
    Ex: The minutely detailed classification is of the type appropriate to an extensive collection.
    Ex: Clearly, great variations can be expected between different indexing languages for different databases.
    Ex: In fact, the area was well served by a very good neighbourhood advice centre which had a heavy workload of advice and information-giving.
    Ex: Lower specificity will be associated with lower precision but high recall.
    Ex: A user searching for Smith's 'History as Argument' who was not sure under which subject it would be entered, would have to prowl through a huge number of cards in a card catalog to find the entry under SMITH.
    Ex: Serial searching for a string of characters is usually performed on a small subset of a large file.
    Ex: It is in the development of such large-scale services that problems are seen most acutely.
    Ex: There has been tremendous growth in libraries since then, but, fundamentally, it has been possible to build on the foundation that nineteenth-century heroes constructed.
    Ex: The method is sufficiently flexible to allow for wide modifications.
    Ex: However, we must not forget the book which the critics acclaim and which also sells in goodly numbers.
    Ex: The major problem encountered in encouraging young adults to use public libraries is the abysmal lack of specialist young adult librarians = El principal problema que se encuentra para es incentivar a los jóvenes a usar las bibliotecas públicas es la enorme falta de bibliotecarios especialistas en temas relacionados con los adolescentes.
    Ex: Heavyweight information technology firms such as IBM are appearing in the market and challenging traditional players.
    Ex: In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.
    Ex: I've got to tell you, and I do say this affectionately, but we're talking about a geek of the highest order.
    * a grandes rasgos = broadly, rough draft.
    * a gran escala = large scale [large-scale], massive, on a wide scale, high-volume, wide-scale, on a broad scale, in a big way, on a grand scale.
    * a gran velocidad = at great speed.
    * a lo grande = in a big way, big time, grandly, on a grand scale.
    * armar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.
    * a un gran coste = at (a) great expense.
    * avanzar con gran dificultad = grind on.
    * bastante grande = largish.
    * calabacín grande = marrow, marrow squash.
    * causar una gran sensación = make + a splash.
    * causar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.
    * causar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons, make + a splash.
    * celebrar a lo grande = make + a song and dance about.
    * con gran capacidad = capacious.
    * con gran colorido = brightly coloured.
    * con gran densidad de población = densely populated.
    * con gran dificultad = with great difficulty.
    * con gran esplendor = grandly.
    * con gran iluminación = brightly illuminated.
    * con gran motivación = highly-motivated.
    * con gran sentimiento = earnestly.
    * conseguir en gran medida + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.
    * contribuir en gran medida a + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio, go far in + Gerundio, go far towards + Gerundio.
    * con una gran cultura = well-read.
    * con una gran diferencia = by a huge margin.
    * con una gran tradición = long-standing.
    * con un gran número de lectores = widely-read.
    * con un gran suspiro = with a deep sigh.
    * convertirse en un gran problema = grow to + a crisis.
    * correr un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.
    * crear con gran destreza = craft.
    * dar un gran paso adelante = reach + milestone.
    * de gran ahorro energético = energy-saving.
    * de gran belleza = scenic.
    * de gran calibre = high-calibre.
    * de gran calidad = high-quality, high-grade [high grade], high-calibre.
    * de gran capacidad = large-capacity, high capacity.
    * de gran colorido = brightly coloured.
    * de gran corazón = big-hearted.
    * de gran efecto = wide-reaching.
    * de gran éxito comercial = high selling.
    * de gran formato = oversized.
    * de gran impacto = high impact [high-impact].
    * de gran influencia = seminal.
    * de gran lucidez = clear-sighted.
    * de gran lujo = top-class.
    * de gran potencia = high-powered.
    * de gran repercusión = far-reaching, wide-reaching, far-ranging.
    * de gran talento = talented.
    * de gran valor = highly valued, highly valuable.
    * de gran valor histórico = of great historical value.
    * de gran venta = high selling.
    * demasiado grande = oversized.
    * describir a grandes rasgos = paint + a broad picture.
    * desplazarse grandes distancias = travel + long distances.
    * ejercer una gran influencia en = play + a strong hand in.
    * el gran hermano = big brother.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * empresa de grandes derroches = high roller.
    * en gran cantidad = prodigiously.
    * en grandes cantidades = en masse, in good number, in bulk.
    * en grandes números = in record numbers, in record numbers.
    * en gran formato = oversize, oversized.
    * en gran medida = by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, to a great extent, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a large degree, to a great degree.
    * en gran número = numerously.
    * en gran parte = largely, in large part, in large measure, for the most part, to a great extent, to a great degree.
    * en un gran aprieto = in dire straits.
    * en un gran apuro = in dire straits.
    * esperar una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.
    * expresión típica de Gran Bretaña = Briticism.
    * extra grande = extra-large.
    * gestión de grandes extensiones para la cría de ganado = range management.
    * gran altura = high altitude.
    * gran aumento = heavy increase.
    * gran bebedor = heavy drinker.
    * gran belleza = scenic beauty.
    * Gran Bretaña = Britain, Great Britain.
    * gran calidad = high standard.
    * gran cantidad de = large crop of, mass of.
    * gran categoría = high standard.
    * gran cosa = big deal.
    * gran danés = Great Dane.
    * Gran Depresión, la = Depression, the, Great Depression, the.
    * grandes almacenes = department store.
    * grandes cantidades de = storerooms of, huge numbers of, huge numbers of, great numbers of.
    * grandes escritores, los = great imaginative writers, the.
    * grandes robles nacen de pequeñas bellotas = great oaks from little acorns grow.
    * grandes sumas de dinero = vast sums of money.
    * grande superficie = shopping mall, shopping complex, shopping centre.
    * grandes y pequeños = great and small.
    * grande y tenebroso = cavernous.
    * gran ducado = grand-duchy.
    * gran espectáculo = extravaganza.
    * gran extensión de tierra dedicada a la cría de animales de pasto = rangeland.
    * gran grupo = constellation.
    * gran mentira = big fat lie.
    * gran nivel = high standard.
    * gran número de = great numbers of.
    * gran pantalla de televisión = large-screen television.
    * gran parte = much.
    * gran parte de = much of.
    * gran peso = heavy weight.
    * gran placer = great pleasure.
    * gran potencia = great power.
    * gran salto adelante = giant leap, great leap forward.
    * gran tiburón blanco = great white shark.
    * gran titular = headline banner.
    * hacer grandes esfuerzos por = take + (great) pains to.
    * hacer grandes progresos = make + great strides.
    * hacer un gran esfuerzo = go out of + Posesivo + way to + Infinitivo.
    * hacer un gran negocio = make + a killing.
    * IGE (Integración a Gran Escala) = LSI (Large Scale Integration).
    * influir en gran medida = become + a force.
    * jaula grande para pájaros = aviary.
    * jugador de grandes apuestas = high roller.
    * la Gran Manzana = the Big Apple.
    * la gran mayoría de = the vast majority of, the bulk of.
    * levantar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.
    * llevarse una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.
    * lo suficientemente grande = large enough, big enough.
    * más grande = greater.
    * muy grande = big time.
    * Nombre + a gran escala = broad scale + Nombre.
    * no ser gran cosa = not add up to much, add up to + nothing.
    * no ser una gran pérdida = be no great loss.
    * no significar gran cosa = not add up to much.
    * no suponer gran cosa = not add up to much.
    * no valer gran cosa = be no great shakes.
    * pago único y bien grande = fat lump sum.
    * para + Posesivo + gran sorpresa = much to + Posesivo + surprise.
    * pasarlo a lo grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo en grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasárselo en grande = enjoy + every minute of, love + every minute of it.
    * Pedro el Grande = Peter the Great.
    * pensar a lo grande = think + big.
    * Pie Grande = Bigfoot, Sasquatch.
    * por un gran margen = by a huge margin.
    * producir con gran destreza = craft.
    * provocar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.
    * provocar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.
    * que le presta gran importancia a la cultura = culture-conscious.
    * recorrer grandes distancias = travel + long distances.
    * revista que tiene una gran demanda popular = mass-market journal.
    * ser de gran ayuda para = be a boon to.
    * ser de gran beneficio para = be of great benefit to.
    * ser una gran ayuda = be a tower of strength.
    * ser un gran alivio = be a welcome relief.
    * ser un gran apoyo = be a tower of strength.
    * ser un gran avance = be half the battle.
    * ser un gran paso adelante = be half the battle.
    * taza grande = mug.
    * tener en gran estima = have + a very high regard for.
    * tener gran éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tener gran importancia = be of high significance.
    * tener gran repercusión = be far reaching.
    * tener una gran tradición = have + a long ancestry.
    * tener un gran impacto = have + a big impact.
    * tomar un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.
    * una gran cantidad de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a large degree of, a mass of, a plethora of, a supply of, a vast amount of, a city of, a wealth of, a sea of, a cascade of, an army of, a good many, a huge number of, a great number of, a multitude of, scores of, a host of, a vast corpus of, a whole host of.
    * una gran cantidad y variedad de = a wealth and breadth of.
    * una gran diversidad de = a wide range of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of.
    * una gran experiencia = a wealth of experience.
    * una gran extensión de = a sea of.
    * una gran gama de = a wide range of, a rich tapestry of, a wide band of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.
    * una gran mayoría de = a large proportion of.
    * una gran parte de = a broad population of, a lion's share of.
    * una gran pérdida = a great loss.
    * una gran proporción de = a large proportion of.
    * una gran variedad de = a wide range of, a multiplicity of, a rich tapestry of, a plurality of, a broad variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.
    * un gran espectro de = a wide band of.
    * un gran número de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a plethora of, a wide range of, a full roster of, a fair number of, a great number of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a vast corpus of.
    * un gran repertorio de = an arsenal of, an armoury of [armory].
    * un gran volumen de = a vast corpus of.
    * venirle Algo grande a Alguien = get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches.
    * WAN (red de gran alcance) = WAN (wide area network).

    * * *
    1 (en dimensiones) large, big
    se mudaron a una casa más grande they moved to a larger o bigger house
    sus grandes ojos negros her big dark eyes
    un tipo grande, ancho de hombros a big, broad-shouldered guy
    una chica grandota, fortachona ( fam); a big, strong girl, a strapping lass ( BrE colloq)
    tiene la boca/nariz grande she has a big mouth/nose
    2 (en demasía) too big
    ¿esto será grande para Daniel? do you think this is too big for Daniel?
    estos zapatos me quedan or me están grandes these shoes are too big for me
    quedarle or ( Esp) venirle grande a algn «puesto/responsabilidad» to be too much for sb
    B (alto) tall
    ¡qué grande está Andrés! isn't Andrés tall!, hasn't Andrés gotten* tall!
    C ( Geog):
    el Gran Buenos Aires/Bilbao Greater Buenos Aires/Bilbao
    ( esp AmL) ‹niño/chico› (en edad): los más grandes pueden ir solos the older o bigger ones can go on their own
    ya eres grande y puedes comer solito you're a big boy now and you can feed yourself
    cuando sea grande quiero ser bailarina when I grow up I want to be a ballet dancer
    mis hijos ya son grandes my children are all grown up now
    ( Arg) (maduro, mayor): es una mujer grande she isn't a young woman o she's a mature woman
    está saliendo con un tipo grande she's going out with an older guy
    1 (notable, excelente) great
    un gran hombre/artista/vino a great man/artist/wine
    la gran dama del teatro the grande dame of the theater
    los grandes bancos/industriales the big banks/industrialists
    los grandes señores feudales the great feudal lords
    a lo grande in style
    (en importancia): son grandes amigos they're great friends
    grandes fumadores heavy smokers
    F ( fam)
    (increíble): ¡qué cosa más grande! ¡ya te he dicho 20 veces que no lo sé! this is unbelievable! I've told you 20 times already that I don't know!
    ¿no es grande que ahora me echen la culpa a mí? ( iró); and now they blame me; great, isn't it? ( iro)
    1 (en intensidad, grado) great
    me causó una gran pena it caused me great sadness
    me has dado una gran alegría you have made me very happy
    comió con gran apetito she ate hungrily o heartily
    un día de gran calor a very hot day
    los grandes fríos del 47 the great o big freeze of '47
    me llevé un susto más grande … I got such a fright
    para mi gran vergüenza to my great embarrassment
    se produjo una gran explosión there was a powerful explosion
    es un gran honor para mí it is a great honor* for me
    ha sido una temporada de gran éxito it has been a very o a highly successful season
    no corre gran prisa it is not very urgent
    las paredes tienen gran necesidad de una mano de pintura the walls are very much in need of a coat of paint
    (uso enfático): eso es una gran verdad that is absolutely o very true
    ésa es la mentira más grande que he oído that's the biggest lie I've ever heard
    ¡qué gran novedad! ( iró); you don't say! o what a surprise! ( iro)
    1 (en número) ‹familia› large, big; ‹clase› big
    la gran mayoría de los votantes the great o vast majority of the voters
    dedican gran parte de su tiempo a la investigación they devote much of o a great deal of their time to research
    esto se debe en gran parte a que … this is largely due to the fact that …
    (elevado): a gran velocidad at high o great speed
    volar a gran altura to fly at a great height
    un edificio de gran altura a very tall building
    un gran número de personas a large number of people
    objetos de gran valor objects of great value
    en grande: lo pasamos or nos divertimos en grande we had a great time ( colloq)
    masculine wide-angle lens
    el gran capital big business
    masculine Great Dane
    la Gran Depresión the Great Depression
    ( Astron): la gran explosión the Big Bang
    la Gran Guerra the Great War
    masculine Big Brother
    el gran hermano te observa or te vigila Big Brother is watching you
    masculine Grand Master
    masculine grand master
    masculine international grand master
    feminine grand opera
    masculine Grand Prix
    el gran público the general public
    el gran simpático the sympathetic nervous system
    feminine ( Esp) large supermarket, hypermarket ( BrE)
    mpl department store
    masculine, feminine
    A (de la industria, el comercio) big o leading name, leading player
    uno de los tres grandes de la industria automovilística one of the big three names o one of the big three in the car industry
    B ( esp AmL)
    (mayor): quiero ir con los grandes I want to go with the big boys/girls
    la grande ya está casada their eldest (daughter) is already married
    2 (adulto) grown-up
    (Spanish) grandee o nobleman
    ( RPl)
    la grande the big prize, the jackpot
    sacarse la grande (literal) to win the big prize o the jackpot
    se sacó la grande con ese marido she hit the jackpot with that husband
    * * *


    grande adjetivo
    gran is used before singular nouns

    a) ( en dimensiones) ‹casa/área/nariz big, large;

    unos grande almacenes a department store

    c) ( en número) ‹ familia large, big;

    clase big;
    la gran parte or mayoría the great majority
    a) ( alto) tall;

    ¡qué grande está Andrés! isn't Andrés tall!

    b) ( en edad):

    ya son grandes they are all grown up now
    3 (Geog):

    4 ( delante del n)
    a) (notable, excelente) great;

    b) ( poderoso) big;

    a lo grande in style
    a) (en intensidad, grado) ‹pena/honor/ventaja great;

    explosión powerful;
    ¡me llevé un susto más grande … ! I got such a fright!;

    una temporada de gran éxito a very o a highly successful season;
    son grandes amigos they're great friends;
    eso es una gran verdad that is absolutely true;
    ¡qué mentira más grande! that's a complete lie!
    b) ( elevado):

    a gran velocidad at high o great speed;

    volar a gran altura to fly at a great height;
    un gran número de personas a large number of people;
    objetos de gran valor objects of great value;
    en grande: lo pasamos en grande we had a great time (colloq)
    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
    a) ( mayor):

    b) ( adulto):

    grande adjetivo
    1 (tamaño) big, large
    grandes almacenes, department stores
    2 (cantidad) large
    3 fig (fuerte, intenso) great: es un gran músico, he is a great musician
    ♦ Locuciones: a lo grande, in style
    figurado pasarlo en grande, to have a great time
    ' grande' also found in these entries:
    - alfombra
    - ampliar
    - ampliación
    - armatoste
    - así
    - bastante
    - bestial
    - bloque
    - buena
    - bueno
    - cabezón
    - cabezona
    - cabezudo
    - cajón
    - calabacín
    - campeonato
    - cantidad
    - canto
    - ciudad
    - colosal
    - consideración
    - fenomenal
    - formidable
    - gran
    - hermosa
    - hermoso
    - incalculable
    - ingeniosa
    - ingenioso
    - mía
    - mío
    - monstruosa
    - monstruoso
    - monumental
    - nuestra
    - nuestro
    - pila
    - puerta
    - quedar
    - señor
    - suficientemente
    - suma
    - sumo
    - terraza
    - tirada
    - tremenda
    - tremendo
    - venir
    - bailar
    - above
    - ample
    - army
    - awful
    - bag
    - baggy
    - bay
    - big
    - boat
    - border
    - box
    - breaker
    - brush
    - bulk
    - carve
    - cauldron
    - cushion
    - deposit
    - enough
    - extend
    - grand
    - great
    - grow
    - hers
    - in
    - integrate
    - large
    - lion
    - manufacturer
    - marrow
    - mighty
    - mine
    - outrank
    - overgrown
    - paving stone
    - place
    - roller
    - set on
    - set upon
    - slight
    - spanking
    - style
    - tablespoonful
    - tea urn
    - temptation
    - terrific
    - time
    - to
    - tub
    * * *
    grande gran is used instead of grande before singular nouns (e.g. gran hombre great man).
    1. [de tamaño] big, large;
    este traje me está o [m5] me queda grande this suit is too big for me;
    el gran Buenos Aires/Santiago greater Buenos Aires/Santiago, the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires/Santiago;
    el cargo le viene grande he's not up to the job;
    pagó con un billete de los grandes he paid with a large note
    grandes almacenes department store; Fot gran angular wide-angle lens;
    la Gran Barrera de Coral the Great Barrier Reef;
    Gran Bretaña Great Britain;
    gran danés Great Dane;
    Hist la Gran Depresión the Great Depression;
    gran ducado grand duchy;
    la Gran Explosión the Big Bang;
    la Gran Guerra the Great War;
    los Grandes Lagos the Great Lakes;
    gran maestro [en ajedrez] grand master;
    Hist Gran Mogol Mogul;
    la Gran Muralla (China) the Great Wall (of China);
    Dep Gran Premio Grand Prix; Hist el Gran Salto Adelante the Great Leap Forward;
    gran slam [en tenis] grand slam;
    Esp Com gran superficie hypermarket
    2. [de altura] tall;
    ¡qué grande está tu hermano! your brother's really grown!
    3. [en importancia] great;
    una gran mujer a great woman;
    los grandes bancos the major banks;
    la gran mayoría está a favor del proyecto the great o overwhelming majority are in favour of the project;
    el éxito se debe en gran parte a su esfuerzo the success is largely due to her efforts, the success is in no small measure due to her efforts
    4. [en intensidad] great;
    es un gran mentiroso he's a real liar;
    ¡qué alegría más grande! what joy!
    5. Fam [adulto]
    cuando sea grande quiere ser doctora she wants to be a doctor when she grows up;
    me dijeron que todavía no soy grande como para salir solo they told me I'm not big enough to go out on my own yet
    6. Méx, RP [de edad]
    cuando se casó ya era grande she was already quite old when she got married;
    siempre se llevó bien con gente más grande he always got on well with older people
    7. RP Fam [fantástico] fantastic, Br brilliant
    8. RP Irónico [genial] great;
    ayer le hice un favor y hoy me vuelve la espalda, ¡grande! great! I did him a favour and now he doesn't want to know!
    9. Comp
    hacer algo a lo grande to do sth in a big way o in style;
    vivir a lo grande to live in style;
    pasarlo en grande to have a great time
    1. [noble] grandee
    Grande de España = one of highest-ranking members of Spanish nobility
    2. [persona, entidad importante]
    uno de los grandes del sector one of the major players in the sector;
    los tres grandes de la liga the big three in the league;
    uno de los grandes de la literatura mexicana one of the big names in Mexican literature
    3. Fam
    grandes [adultos] grown-ups
    RP [en lotería] first prize, jackpot;
    sacarse la grande [en lotería] to win first prize o the jackpot;
    se sacó la grande con ese trabajo [tuvo buena suerte] she hit the jackpot with that job;
    con esa nuera que tiene le tocó la grande [tuvo mala suerte] you've got to feel sorry for her having a daughter-in-law like that
    RP Fam [fantástico] great!
    * * *
    I adj
    1 big, large;
    me viene grande the jacket is too big for me;
    el cargo le viene grande the job is too much for him
    a lo grande in style;
    pasarlo en grande have a great time
    II m/f
    1 L.Am. ( adulto) grown-up, adult;
    grandes y pequeños young and old
    2 ( mayor) eldest
    * * *
    1) : large, big
    un libro grande: a big book
    2) alto: tall
    3) notable: great
    un gran autor: a great writer
    con gran placer: with great pleasure
    5) : old, grown-up
    hijos grandes: grown children
    * * *
    grande adj
    1. (tamaño) big [comp. bigger; superl. biggest]
    ¿es muy grande el jardín? is the garden very big?
    2. (número, cantidad) large
    3. (importante) great

    Spanish-English dictionary > grande

  • 83 great

    1. adjective
    1) (large) groß

    great big(coll.) riesengroß (ugs.)

    2) (beyond the ordinary) groß; sehr gut [Freund]

    take great care of/a great interest in — sich sehr kümmern um/interessieren für

    3) (important) groß [Tag, Ereignis, Attraktion, Hilfe]; (powerful, able) groß [Person, Komponist, Schriftsteller]; (impressive) großartig

    the great thing is... — die Hauptsache ist...

    Peter the GreatPeter der Große

    be great at something(skilful) in etwas (Dat.) ganz groß sein (ugs.)

    4) (coll.): (splendid) großartig
    5) (in relationship) Groß[onkel, -tante, -neffe, -nichte]; Ur[großmutter, -großvater, -enkel, -enkelin]
    2. noun
    (person) Größe, die; as pl.

    the great — die Großen [der Geschichte/Literatur usw.]

    the greatest(coll.) der/die Größte/die Größten (ugs.)

    * * *
    1) (of a better quality than average; important: a great writer; Churchill was a great man.) bedeutend
    2) (very large, larger etc than average: a great crowd of people at the football match.) groß
    3) (of a high degree: Take great care of that book.) besonder
    4) (very pleasant: We had a great time at the party.) großartig
    5) (clever and expert: John's great at football.) sehr gut
    - academic.ru/32313/greatly">greatly
    - greatness
    * * *
    I. adj
    1. (very big) groß, riesig
    it gives us \great pleasure to announce the engagement of our daughter es ist uns eine große Freude, die Verlobung unserer Tochter bekanntzugeben
    it is with \great sorrow that I inform you of the death of our director zu meinem tiefsten Bedauern muss ich Ihnen mitteilen, dass unser Direktor verstorben ist
    I feel \great sympathy for you ich fühle von ganzem Herzen mit dir
    a \great amount [or quantity] eine große Menge, sehr viel
    a \great deal of time/money eine Menge [o sehr viel] Zeit/Geld
    to a \great extent im Großen und Ganzen
    a \great joy eine große Freude
    the \great majority of people die überwiegende Mehrheit der Leute
    a \great many [or number of] people sehr viele Menschen
    a \great sadness eine tiefe Traurigkeit
    2. (famous) groß; (important) bedeutend; (outstanding) überragend
    the \greatest boxer/show der größte Boxer/die größte Show
    a \great personality eine überragende Persönlichkeit
    3. (wonderful) großartig, wunderbar
    we had a \great time at the party wir haben uns auf der Party großartig amüsiert
    it's \great to be back home again es ist richtig schön, wieder zu Hause zu sein
    it was \great driving over the mountains es war wunderschön, durch die Berge zu fahren
    \great! ( iron fam) na prima! iron fam, klasse! iron fam, wunderbar! ÖSTERR iron fam, super! SCHWEIZ iron fam
    the \great thing about sth/sb is [that]... das Tolle an etw/jdm ist[, dass]... fam
    the \great thing about my job is the flexitime was mir an meiner Arbeit besonders gefällt, ist die Gleitzeit
    to be a \great one for sth genau der/die Richtige für etw akk sein
    he's a \great one for getting other people to do his work er hat den Bogen raus, wie er andere Leute dazu kriegt, seine Arbeit zu machen fam
    to be \great at doing sth ( fam) etw sehr gut können
    my sister's \great at playing football meine Schwester spielt klasse Fußball
    4. inv (for emphasis) ausgesprochen
    \great fool Volltrottel m fam
    \great friend guter Freund/gute Freundin
    as children they were \great friends als Kinder waren sie dicke Freunde fam
    5. (very good) hervorragend, toll fam
    she is a \great organizer sie kann hervorragend organisieren
    he is a \great storyteller er ist ein fantastischer Geschichtenerzähler
    to feel \great sich akk großartig fühlen
    to feel not all that \great sich akk gar nicht gut fühlen
    6. (enthusiastic) begeistert
    our kids are \great party-goers unsere Kinder sind begeisterte Partygänger
    to be going \great guns ( dated fam) richtig [toll] in Schwung [o in Fahrt] sein fam
    \great minds think alike[, fools seldom differ] ( prov hum) große Geister denken gleich prov hum, zwei Dumme, ein Gedanke prov hum
    to be no \great shakes nicht besonders gut sein
    I'm no \great shakes as a cook/at cooking als Koch/im Kochen bin ich nicht gerade ein Meister
    to be the \greatest thing since sliced bread ( prov fam) genial [o großartig] sein
    to not be the \greatest thing since sliced bread ( prov fam) nicht gerade das Gelbe vom Ei sein fam
    II. adv inv (extremely) sehr
    \great big riesengroß
    a \great big spider eine dicke, fette Spinne
    a \great long queue [or AM line] eine riesenlange Schlange fam
    III. n (person) Größe f; (in titles)
    Alexander/Catherine the G\great Alexander der Große/Katharina die Große
    the \great and the good die Prominenz
    an all-time \great ein unvergesslicher Star
    to be an all-time \great unerreicht sein
    one of the \greats einer/eine der ganz Großen
    * * *
    1. adj (+er)
    1) (in size) groß; (= very large) sehr groß; (= huge) riesig; (in extent) effort, variety, shock, need, success, help etc groß

    at a great pacein or mit schnellem Tempo

    x is greater/not greater than 10 (Math)

    a player of great abilityein sehr or ausgesprochen fähiger Spieler

    a great many, a great number of — sehr viele

    also deal
    2) (= important, famous) person, achievement, work, event, city etc groß

    to think great thoughts —

    the great thing is to... — das Wichtigste ist zu...


    (= strong, enthusiastic) he was a great friend of my father — er war mit meinem Vater sehr gut befreundet

    he's a great one for criticizing othersim Kritisieren anderer ist er (ganz) groß

    to be a great believer in doing sth — grundsätzlich dafür sein, etw zu tun

    4) (inf: terrific) person, idea toll (inf), prima (inf)

    to be great at football/at singing — ein großer Fußballspieler/Sänger sein

    my wife isn't feeling so great —

    Great Scott or Heavens! (dated) — (ach du) großer Gott or lieber Himmel!

    5) (= excellent, outstanding) ausgezeichnet, großartig
    2. interj (inf)
    toll (inf), super (inf)

    if that's what they want to believe, great — wenn sie das glauben wollen, dann sollen sie doch

    3. adv
    1) (inf

    = well) she's doing great (in job) — sie macht sich hervorragend; (healthwise) sie macht große Fortschritte


    I want to give you a great big kiss —

    4. n
    1) pl
    2) usu pl (= person) Größe f

    one of the all-time greats —

    the golfing/literary greats — die Golfgrößen/literarischen Größen

    * * *
    great [ɡreıt]
    A adj (adv greatly)
    1. groß, beträchtlich (auch Anzahl), (Nachfrage etc) stark:
    of great popularity sehr beliebt;
    a great many sehr viele, eine große Anzahl;
    the great majority die große oder überwiegende Mehrheit;
    in great detail in allen Einzelheiten
    2. lang (Zeit):
    a great while ago vor langer Zeit
    3. hoch (Alter):
    live to a great age ein hohes Alter erreichen, sehr alt werden
    4. groß:
    a great big lump umg ein Mordsklumpen
    5. groß (Buchstabe):
    6. groß, Groß…:
    7. groß, bedeutend, wichtig (Probleme etc)
    8. groß, wichtigst(er, e, es), Haupt…:
    the great attraction die Hauptattraktion
    9. (geistig) groß, überragend, berühmt, bedeutend:
    a great poet ein großer Dichter;
    a great city eine bedeutende Stadt;
    Frederick the Great Friedrich der Große
    10. (gesellschaftlich) hoch(stehend), groß:
    the great world die vornehme Welt;
    a great family eine vornehme oder berühmte Familie
    11. groß, erhaben (Gedanken etc)
    12. groß, beliebt, oft gebraucht:
    be the great thing at the moment im Moment sehr modern sein
    13. groß (in hohem Maße):
    a great friend of mine ein guter oder enger Freund von mir;
    a great landowner ein Großgrundbesitzer
    14. ausgezeichnet, großartig (Möglichkeit etc):
    it is a great thing to be healthy es ist sehr viel wert, gesund zu sein
    15. (nur präd) umg
    a) groß, gut, sehr geschickt ( alle:
    at, in in dat):
    he is great at chess er spielt sehr gut Schach, er ist ein großer Schachspieler vor dem Herrn;
    he’s great at drinking im Trinken ist er groß
    b) interessiert (on für):
    be great on sth sich für etwas begeistern
    c) sehr bewandert (on in dat)
    16. umg eifrig, begeistert (Leser etc)
    17. umg großartig, herrlich, wunderbar, famos:
    we had a great time wir haben uns großartig amüsiert, es war toll;
    wouldn’t that be great? wäre das nicht herrlich?
    a) Groß…
    b)( vor grand…) Ur…
    B s
    1. the great koll die Großen pl, die Prominenten pl
    2. great and small Groß und Klein, die Großen pl und die Kleinen pl
    C adv umg prima, bestens
    gt abk great
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (large) groß

    great big(coll.) riesengroß (ugs.)

    2) (beyond the ordinary) groß; sehr gut [Freund]

    take great care of/a great interest in — sich sehr kümmern um/interessieren für

    3) (important) groß [Tag, Ereignis, Attraktion, Hilfe]; (powerful, able) groß [Person, Komponist, Schriftsteller]; (impressive) großartig

    the great thing is... — die Hauptsache ist...

    be great at something (skilful) in etwas (Dat.) ganz groß sein (ugs.)

    4) (coll.): (splendid) großartig
    5) (in relationship) Groß[onkel, -tante, -neffe, -nichte]; Ur[großmutter, -großvater, -enkel, -enkelin]
    2. noun
    (person) Größe, die; as pl.

    the great — die Großen [der Geschichte/Literatur usw.]

    the greatest(coll.) der/die Größte/die Größten (ugs.)

    * * *
    bedeutend adj.
    groß adj.

    English-german dictionary > great

  • 84 πολύς

    πολύς, πολλή, πολύ, gen. πολλοῦ, ῆς, οῦ (Hom.+; ins, pap, LXX, pseudepigr., Philo, Joseph., apolog.) ‘much’.—Comparative πλείων, πλεῖον (18 times in the NT, 4 times in the Apost. Fathers [including Hv 3, 6, 4; Hs 8, 1, 16] and Ath. 12, 3) or πλέον (Lk 3:13 and Ac 15:28 μηδὲν πλέον; otherwise, πλέον in the NT only J 21:15; 14 times in the Apost. Fathers [incl. μηδὲν πλέον Hs 1, 1, 6]; Ar. twice; Just. 6 times; Tat. once; Ath. 7 times), ονος; pl. πλείονες, and acc. πλείονας contracted πλείους, neut. πλείονα and πλείω (the latter Mt 26:53 [πλεῖον, πλείου vv.ll.]; B-D-F §30, 2; Mlt-H. 82; Thackeray p. 81f; Mayser p. 68f) ‘more’ (Hom.+; ins, pap, LXX; TestAbr B 7 p. 111, 27=Stone p. 70 [πλείον]; TestJob 35:2; TestGad 7:2 [πλεῖον]; AscIs 3:8; [πλέον]; EpArist; apolog. exc. Mel.).—Superlative πλεῖστος, η, ον ‘most’ (Hom.+).
    pert. to being a large number, many, a great number of
    positive πολύς, πολλή, πολύ
    α. adj., preceding or following a noun (or ptc. or adj. used as a noun) in the pl. many, numerous δυνάμεις πολλαί many mighty deeds Mt 7:22b. δαιμονιζόμενοι πολλοί 8:16. Cp. vs. 30; 9:10; 13:17; 24:11; 27:52, 55; Mk 2:15a; 6:13; 12:41; Lk 4:25, 27; 7:21b; 10:24; J 10:32; 14:2; Ac 1:3; 2:43; 8:7b; 14:22; Ro 4:17f (Gen 17:5); 8:29; 12:4; 1 Cor 8:5ab; 11:30; 12:12a, 20; 1 Ti 6:12; 2 Ti 2:2; Hb 2:10; 1J 4:1; 2J 7; Rv 5:11; 9:9; 10:11; 1 Cl 55:3ab. ἔτη πολλά many years: Lk 12:19b (εἰς ἔτη π.); Ac 24:10 (ἐκ π. ἐτῶν); Ro 15:23 (ἀπὸ π. [v.l. ἱκανῶν] ἐτῶν).—αἱ ἁμαρτίαι αἱ πολλαί Lk 7:47a. αἱ εὐεργεσίαι αἱ π. 1 Cl 21:1.—πολλὰ καὶ βαρέα αἰτιώματα many serious charges Ac 25:7 (cp. Ps.-Pla., Sisyph. 1, 387a πολλά τε καὶ καλὰ πράγματα; B-D-F §442, 11; Rob. 655). πολλὰ καὶ ἄλλα σημεῖα J 20:30 (on the form X., Hell. 5, 4, 1 πολλὰ μὲν οὖν … καὶ ἄλλα λέγειν καὶ Ἑλληνικὰ καὶ βαρβαρικά; Dionys. Hal. 2, 67, 5; Ps.-Demetr. 142 πολλὰς κ. ἄλλας χάριτας; Jos., Ant. 3, 318; Tat. 38, 1. On the subject-matter Bultmann 540, 3; also Porphyr., Vi. Pyth. 28 after a miracle-story: μυρία δʼ ἕτερα θαυμαστότερα κ. θειότερα περὶ τἀνδρὸς … εἴρηται κτλ.).—ἄλλοι πολλοί many others IRo 10:1. ἄλλαι πολλαί Mk 15:41. ἄλλα πολλά (Jos., Bell. 6, 169, Ant. 9, 242; Just., D. 8, 1) J 21:25. ἕτεροι πολλοί Ac 15:35. ἕτερα πολλά (Jos., Vi. 39) Lk 22:65.—Predicative: πολλοί εἰσιν οἱ ἐισερχόμενοι Mt 7:13.—Mk 5:9; 6:31; Gal 4:27 (Is 54:1). AcPl Ha 5, 16.—οὐ πολλοί not many=( only) a few οὐ πολλαὶ ἡμέραι (Jos., Ant. 5, 328, Vi. 309) Lk 15:13; J 2:12; Ac 1:5; AcPl Ha 11, 1. οὐ πολλοὶ σοφοί not many wise (people) 1 Cor 1:26a; cp. bc. οὐ πολλοί πατέρες not many fathers 4:15.
    β. subst.
    א. πολλοί many i.e. persons—without the art. Mt 7:22; 8:11; 12:15; 20:28; 24:5ab; 26:28; Mk 2:2; 3:10 (Mt 12:15 has ascensive πάντας; other passages to be compared in this connection are Mk 10:45=Mt 20:28 πολλῶν and 1 Ti 2:6 πάντων. Cp. the double tradition of the saying of Bias in Clem. of Alex., Strom. 1, 61, 3 πάντες ἄνθρωποι κακοὶ ἢ οἱ πλεῖστοι τ. ἀνθρώπων κακοί.—On Mk 10:45 s. OCullmann, TZ 4, ’48, 471–73); 6:2; 11:8; Lk 1:1 (cp. Herm. Wr. 11, 1, 1b and see JBauer, NovT 4, ’60, 263–66), 14; J 2:23; 8:30; Ac 9:42; Ro 16:2; 2 Cor 11:18; Gal 3:16 (πολλοί= a plurality); Tit 1:10; Hb 12:15; 2 Pt 2:2. AcPl Ha 5, 8; 7, 5; 11, 3. Opp. ὀλίγοι Mt 22:14; 20:16 v.l. (cp. Pla., Phd. 69c ναρθηκοφόροι μὲν πολλοί, βάκχοι δέ τε παῦροι=the thyrsus-bearers [officials] are many, but the truly inspired are few)—W. a partitive gen. πολλοὶ τῶν Φαρισαίων Mt 3:7. π. πῶν υἱῶν Ἰσραήλ Lk 1:16.—J 4:39; 12:11; Ac 4:4; 8:7a; 13:43; 18:8; 19:18; 2 Cor 12:21; Rv 8:11.—W. ἐκ and gen. (AscIs 3:1; Jos., Ant. 11, 151) πολλοὶ ἐκ τῶν μαθητῶν J 6:60, 66.—10:20; 11:19, 45; 12:42; Ac 17:12. ἐκ τοῦ ὄχλου πολλοί J 7:31 (Appian, Iber. 78 §337 πολλοὶ ἐκ τοῦ πλήθους).
    ב. πολλά—many things, much without the art.: γράφειν write at length B 4:9. διδάσκειν Mk 4:2; 6:34b. λαλεῖν Mt 13:3. μηχανᾶσθαι MPol 3. πάσχειν (Pind., O. 13, 63 al.; Jos., Ant. 13, 268; 403) Mt 16:21; Mk 5:26a; 9:12; Lk 9:22; 17:25; B 7:11; AcPl Ha 8, 19. ποιεῖν Mk 6:20 v.l. United w. another neut. by καί (Lucian, Icar. 20 πολλὰ κ. δεινά; Ael. Aristid. 46 p. 345 D.: πολλὰ κ. καλά; Ps.-Demetr., El. 70 πολλὰ κ. ἄλλα; likew. Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 13 §53; Arrian, Anab. 6, 11, 2) πολλὰ κ. ἕτερα many other things Lk 3:18. πολλὰ ἂν κ. ἄλλα εἰπεῖν ἔχοιμι Dg 2:10 (Eur., Ep. 3, 2, πολλὰ κ. ἕτερα εἰπεῖν ἔχω; Diod S 17, 38, 3 πολλὰ δὲ καὶ ἄλλα … διαλεχθείς). ἐν πολλοῖς in many ways (Diod S 26, 1, 2; OGI 737, 7 [II B.C.]; Just., D. 124, 4 [of line of proof]) 2 Cor 8:22a. ἐπὶ πολλῶν (opp. ἐπὶ ὀλίγα) over many things Mt 25:21, 23.—W. art. (Pla., Apol. 1, 17a) τὰ πολλὰ πράσσειν transact a great deal of business Hs 4:5b.
    γ. elliptical δαρήσεται πολλά (sc. πληγάς) will receive many (lashes) Lk 12:47 (B-D-F §154; 241, 6).
    comparative πλείων, πλεῖον
    α. adj. w. a plural (Diod S 14, 6, 1 μισθοφόρους πλείους=many mercenaries) πλείονας πόνους (opp. οὐχ ἕνα οὐδὲ δύο) 1 Cl 5:4. ἐπὶ ἡμέρας πλείους for a (large) number of days, for many days (Jos., Ant. 4, 277; cp. Theophr. in Apollon. Paradox. 29 πλείονας ἡμ.) Ac 13:31.—21:10 (Jos., Ant. 16, 15); 24:17; 25:14; 27:20. οἱ μὲν πλείονές εἰσιν γεγονότες ἱερεῖς the priests of former times existed in greater numbers Hb 7:23. ἑτέροις λόγοις πλείοσιν in many more words (than have been reported) Ac 2:40. ταῦτα καὶ ἕτερα πλείονα MPol 12:1.—W. a gen. of comparison (Just., A I 53, 3; Tat. 3, 2) ἄλλους δούλους πλείονας τῶν πρώτων other slaves, more than (he had sent) at first Mt 21:36. πλείονα σημεῖα ὧν more signs than those which J 7:31. Also w. ἤ: πλείονας μαθητὰς ἤ more disciples than 4:1. After πλείονες (-α) before numerals the word for ‘than’ is omitted (B-D-F §185, 4; Kühner-G. II 311; Rob. 666; Jos., Ant. 14, 96) ἐτῶν ἦν πλειόνων τεσσεράκοντα ὁ ἄνθρωπος the man was more than 40 years old Ac 4:22. πλείους τεσσεράκοντα 23:13, 21. Cp. 24:11; 25:6 (Jos., Ant. 6, 306 δέκα οὐ πλείους ἡμέρας).—The ref. is to relative extent (cp. 2bα) in τὰ ἔργα σου τὰ ἕσχατα πλείονα τῶν πρώτων your deeds, the latter of which are greater than the former Rv 2:19.
    β. subst.
    א. (οἱ) πλείονες, (οἱ) πλείους the majority, most (Diog. L. 1, 20; 22; Jos., Ant. 10, 114) Ac 19:32; 27:12. W. ἐξ: ἐξ ὧν οἱ πλείονες most of whom 1 Cor 15:6. W. gen. and a neg. (litotes) οὐκ ἐν τ. πλείοσιν αὐτῶν ηὐδόκησεν ὁ θεός God was pleased with only a few of them 10:5. This is perh. (s. ג below) the place for 1 Cor 9:19; 2 Cor 2:6; 9:2. Phil 1:14; MPol 5:1.
    ב. (οἱ) πλείονες, (οἱ) πλείους (even) more πλείονες in even greater numbers Ac 28:23. πολλῷ πλείους ἐπίστευσαν many more came to believe J 4:41.—διὰ τῶν πλειόνων to more and more people=those who are still to be won for Christ 2 Cor 4:15.
    ג. (οἱ) πλείονες, (οἱ) πλείους. In contrast to a minority οἱ πλείονες can gain the sense the others, the rest (so τὰ πλείονα Soph., Oed. Col. 36; τὸ πλέον Thu. 4, 30, 4; Jos., Ant. 12, 240; B-D-F §244, 3). So perh. (s. א above) ἵνα τ. πλείονας κερδήσω (opp. the apostle himself) 1 Cor 9:19; 2 Cor 2:6 (opp. the one who has been punished too severely.—In this case [s. א above] his punishment would have been determined by a unanimous vote of the Christian assembly rather than by a majority). Cp. 9:2; Phil 1:14; MPol 5:1.
    ד. πλείονα (for πλεῖον) more Mt 20:10 v.l.; various things Lk 11:53. ἐκ τοῦ ἑνὸς πλείονα 1 Cl 24:5 (s. as adv. ParJer 7:26).
    superl. adj. πλείστη w. a plural most of αἱ πλεῖσται δυνάμεις Mt 11:20 (difft. B-D-F §245, 1).
    pert. to being relatively large in quantity or measure, much, extensive
    positive πολύς, πολλή, πολύ
    α. adj. preceding or following a noun (or ptc. or adj. used as a noun)
    א. in the sg. much, large, great πολὺς ἀριθμός Ac 11:21. W. words that in themselves denote a plurality (Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 80 §338 στρατὸς πολύς) πολὺς ὄχλος (s. ὄχ. 1a) Mt 14:14; 20:29; 26:47; Mk 5:21, 24; 6:34a; 8:1; 9:14; 12:37 (ὁ π. ὄχ.); Lk 5:29; 6:17a; 8:4; J 6:2, 5 (for the expression ὁ ὄχλος πολύς, in which π. follows the noun, J 12:9, 12, cp. Arrian, Anab. 1, 9, 6 ὁ φόνος πολύς); Ac 6:7; Rv 7:9; 19:1, 6. πολὺ πλῆθος (s. pl. 2bα) Mk 3:7f; Lk 5:6; 6:17b; 23:27; Ac 14:1; 17:4; 1 Cl 6:1. λαὸς πολύς many people Ac 18:10. Of money and its value, also used in imagery μισθὸς πολύς Mt 5:12; Lk 6:23, 35 (all three predicative, as Gen 15:1). ἐργασία π. Ac 16:16. π. κεφάλαιον 22:28. χρυσοῦ πολλοῦ … τρυφῆς πολλῆς AcPl Ha 2, 19.—Of things that occur in the mass or in large quantities (Diod S 3, 50, 1 πολλὴ ἄμπελος) γῆ πολλή Mt 13:5; Mk 4:5; θερισμὸς π. Mt 9:37; Lk 10:2 (both pred.). χόρτος π. J 6:10; καρπὸς π. (Cyranides p. 121, 11) 12:24; 15:5, 8.—λόγος π. a long speech (Diod S 13, 1, 2; Just., D. 123, 7) Ac 15:32; 20:2. περὶ οὗ πολὺς ἡμῖν ὁ λόγος about this we have much to say Hb 5:11 (cp. Pla., Phd. 115d).—Of time: πολὺς χρόνος a long time (Hom. et al.; Demetr.(?): 722 Fgm. 7; Jos., Ant. 8, 342; 19, 28; Just., A II, 2, 11) J 5:6 (s. ἔχω 7b); Hs 6, 4, 4 (pred.). μετὰ πολὺν χρόνον (Jos., Ant. 12, 324) Mt 25:19. Differently Mk 6:35ab (s. 3aα).
    ב. adj. w. a noun in the pl. many, large, great, extensive, plentiful ὄχλοι πολλοί great crowds or probably better many people (as Diod S 20, 59, 2; Ps.-Clem., Hom. 10, 3. For the corresponding mng. of ὄχλοι s. ὄχλος 1a) Mt 4:25; 8:1; 13:2; 15:30a; 19:2; Lk 5:15; 14:25. κτήματα πολλά a great deal of property Mt 19:22; Mk 10:22 (cp. Da 11:28 χρήματα π.). ὕδατα πολλά much water, many waters (Maximus Tyr. 21, 3g of the Nile ὁ πολὺς ποταμός, likew. Procop. Soph., Ep. 111) J 3:23; Rv 1:15; 14:2; 17:1; 19:6b. θυμιάματα πολλά a great deal of incense 8:3. τὰ πολλὰ γράμματα Ac 26:24. πολλοὶ χρόνοι long periods of time (Plut., Thes. 6, 9). πολλοῖς χρόνοις for long periods of time (SIG 836, 6; pap) Lk 8:29; 1 Cl 44:3. χρόνοις πολλοῖς AcPlCor 2:10. ἐκ πολλῶν χρόνων (Diod S 3, 47, 8; Jos., Ant. 14, 110; 17, 204) 1 Cl 42:5.
    β. subst.
    א. πολλοί many i.e. pers.—w. the art. οἱ πολλοί the many, of whatever appears in the context Mk 6:2 v.l. (the many people who were present in the synagogue); 9:26b (the whole crowd). Opp. ὁ εἷς Ro 5:15ac, 19ab; the many who form the ἓν σῶμα the one body 12:5; 1 Cor 10:17. Paul pays attention to the interests of the many rather than to his own vs. 33 (cp. Jos., Ant. 3, 212).—The majority, most (X., An. 5, 6, 19; Appian, Maced. 7, Bell. Civ. 4, 73 §309; 2 Macc 1:36; En 104:10; AscIs 3:26; Jos., Ant. 17, 72; Just., D. 4, 3) Mt 24:12; Hb 12:15 v.l. W. a connotation of disapproval most people, the crowd (Socrat., Ep. 6, 2; Dio Chrys. 15 [32], 8; Epict. 1, 3, 4; 2, 1, 22 al.; Plut., Mor. 33a; 470b; Plotinus, Enn. 2, 9, 9; Philo, Rer. Div. Her. 42) 2 Cor 2:17; Pol 2:1; 7:2.—Jeremias, The Eucharistic Words of Jesus3, tr. NPerrin, ’66, 179–82; 226–31, and TW VI 536–45: πολλοί.
    ב. πολύ much ᾧ ἐδόθη πολύ, πολὺ ζητηθήσεται παρʼ αὐτοῦ, καὶ ᾧ παρέθεντο πολὺ κτλ. Lk 12:48 (Just., A I, 17, 4 twice πλέον). Cp. 16:10ab; 2 Cl 8:5; καρποφορεῖν π. bear much fruit Hs 2:3. πολὺ κατὰ πάντα τρόπον much in every way Ro 3:2 (Ael. Aristid. 34, 43 K.=50 p. 562 D. gives answer to a sim. quest. asked by himself: πολλὰ καὶ παντοῖα).—Js 5:16.—As gen. of price πολλοῦ for a large sum of money (Menand., Fgm. 197 Kö.; PRyl 244, 10. S. στρουθίον.) Mt 26:9.—Of time: ἐπὶ πολύ ( for) a long time (JosAs 19:3; Ar. 65, 3; s. also ἐπί 18cβ) Ac 28:6; AcPl Ha 10, 21. μετʼ οὐ πολύ soon afterward Ac 27:14 (μετά B 2c).—ἐπὶ πολύ more than once, often (Is 55:7) Hm 4, 1, 8.—Before a comp. (as Hom. et al.; B-D-F §246; Rob. 664) in the acc. πολὺ βέλτιον much better Hs 1:9. π. ἐλάττων v 3, 7, 6 (Ar. 6, 2). π. μᾶλλον much more, to a much greater degree (Dio Chrys. 2, 10; 17; 64 al.; Ael. Aristid. 34, 9 K.=50 p. 549 D.; Just., A II, 8, 3; D. 95, 1 al.) Hb 12:9, 25 (by means of a negative it acquires the mng. much less; cp. Diod S 7, 14, 6 πολὺ μᾶλλον μὴ … =even much less); Dg 2:7b. π. πλέον 2:7a (Ar. 11, 7). π. σπουδαιότερος 2 Cor 8:22b. Cp. π. τιμώτερον 1 Pt 1:7 v.l.; in the dat. of degree of difference πολλῷ μᾶλλον (Thu. 2, 51, 4; UPZ 42, 48 [162 B.C.]; EpArist 7; 24 al.; Sir prol. ln. 14; Jos., Ant. 18, 184; Just., A I, 68, 9; Tat. 17, 4) Mt 6:30; Mk 10:48b; Lk 18:39; Ro 5:9f, 15b, 17; 1 Cor 12:22; 2 Cor 3:9, 11; Phil 2:12. πολλῷ μᾶλλον κρείσσον 1:23 (v.l. without μᾶλλον). πολλῷ πλείους J 4:41. πολλῷ στρουθίων as v.l. Mt 20:31 and Lk 12:7 (both N.25 app.; on the strong ms. support for this rdg. s. RBorger, TRu 52, ’87, 21–24).—W. the art. τὸ πολύ (opp. τὸ ὀλίγον as X., An. 7, 7, 36) 2 Cor 8:15 (cp. Ex 16:18).
    ג. πολύς (Diod S 14, 107, 4 πολὺς ἦν ἐπὶ τῇ τιμωρίᾳ=he was strongly inclined toward punishing) μὴ πολὺς ἐν ῥήμασιν γίνου do not be profuse in speech, do not gossip 1 Cl 30:5 (Job 11:3).—Παπίας ὁ πολύς Papias (7), prob. to be understood as ὁ πάνυ; s. πάνυ d.
    comp. πλείων, πλεῖον; adv. πλειόνως
    α. adj., w. a singular (TestJob 35:2 διὰ πλείονος εὐωδίας) καρπὸν πλείονα more fruit J 15:2, 8 P66; Hs 5, 2, 4. τὸ πλεῖον μέρος τοῦ ὄχλου the greater part of the throng 8, 1, 16. ἐπὶ πλείονα χρόνον for a longer time (PTebt 6:31 [II B.C.]) Ac 18:20. Foll. by gen. of comparison: πλείονα τιμήν more honor Hb 3:3b.—IPol 1:3a. Foll. by παρά τινα for comparison Hb 3:3a; 11:4; Hs 9, 18, 2. ὅσῳ πλείονος κατηξιώθημεν γνώσεως, τοσούτῳ μᾶλλον 1 Cl 41:4.—τὸ πλεῖον μέρος as adv. acc. for the greater part Hv 3, 6, 4a.
    β. as subst. πλεῖον, πλέον more τὸ πλεῖον the greater sum (cp. Diod S 1, 82, 2=the greater part; Ps 89:10) Lk 7:43. πλεῖον λαμβάνειν receive a larger sum Mt 20:10. W. partitive gen. ἐπὶ πλεῖον προκόψουσιν ἀσεβείας they will arrive at an ever greater measure of impiety=become more and more deeply involved in impiety 2 Ti 2:16. W. a gen. of comparison πλεῖον τῆς τροφῆς someth. greater (more important) than food Mt 6:25; Lk 12:23. πλεῖον Ἰωνᾶ Mt 12:41; cp. vs. 42; Lk 11:31, 32. ἡ χήρα πλεῖον πάντων ἔβαλεν the widow put in more than all the rest Mk 12:43; Lk 21:3. μηδὲν πλέον nothing more (Jos., Bell. 1, 43; cp. Just., D. 2, 3 οὐδὲν πλέον); the words than, except following are expressed by παρά and the acc. Lk 3:13 or by πλήν w. gen. Ac 15:28, w. εἰ μή Hs 1:6.—The acc. is used as an adv. more, in greater measure, to a greater degree (Herm. Wr. 13, 21 Nock after the mss.) Lk 7:42; IRo 1:1; IEph 6:2; w. a gen. of comparison Mt 5:20 (περισσεύω 1aβ); J 21:15; IPol 5:2 (s. Ad’Alès, RSR 25, ’35, 489–92). τριετίαν ἢ καὶ πλεῖον for three years or even more Ac 20:18 D (cp. TestAbr B 7 p. 111, 27 [Stone p. 70, 27]).—ἐπὶ πλεῖον any farther (of place) Ac 4:17 (TestGad 7:2; Ath. 12 [ἐπί 4bβ]); (of time) at length Ac 20:9 (ἐπί 18cβ) or any longer, too long 24:4; 1 Cl 55:1 (ἐπί 18cβ); any more, even more (ἐπί 13) 2 Ti 3:9; 1 Cl 18:3 (Ps 50:4). Strengthened πολὺ πλέον much more, much rather (4 Macc 1:8; cp. X., An. 7, 5, 15; BGU 180, 12f [172 A.D.] πολλῷ πλεῖον; Ar. 11, 7 πολλῷ πλεῖον) Dg 2:7; 4:5.—Also w. indications of number (s. 1bα) πλεῖον ἢ ἄρτοι πέντε Lk 9:13 (the words πλ. ἤ outside the constr. as X., An. 1, 2, 11). In πλείω δώδεκα λεγιῶνας ἀγγέλων more than twelve legions of angels Mt 26:53 the text is uncertain (B-D-F §185, 4; s. Rob. 666).—The adv. can also be expressed by πλειόνως (Aeneas Tact. 237; Jos., Ant. 17, 2; Leontios 24, p. 52, 10) more ὅσον … πλειόνως the more … the more IEph 6:1.
    superl. πλεῖστος, ον
    α. adj.
    א. superlative proper τὸ πλεῖστον μέρος the greatest part w. partitive gen. Hs 8, 2, 9; 9, 7, 4. As adv. acc. for the greatest part 8, 5, 6; 8, 10, 1 (s. μέρος 1d).
    ב. elative (s. Mayser II/1, 1926, 53) very great, very large (ὁ) πλεῖστος ὄχλος Mt 21:8 (ὁ πλεῖστος ὄχλος could also be the greatest part of the crowd, as Thu. 7, 78, 2; Pla., Rep. 3, 397d); Mk 4:1.
    β. subst. οἱ πλεῖστοι the majority, most Ac 19:32 D (Just., D. 1, 4; cp. D. 48, 4 πλεῖστοι).
    pert. to being high on a scale of extent
    positive πολύς, πολλή, πολύ
    α. as simple adj., to denote degree much, great, strong, severe, hard, deep, profound (Diod S 13, 7, 4 πολὺς φόβος; schol. on Apollon. Rhod. 4, 57; 58 p. 265, 3 πολλὴ δικαιοσύνη; Eccl 5:16 θυμὸς π.; Sir 15:18 σοφία; TestAbr A 20 p. 103, 4 [Stone p. 54] ἀθυμία; Just., D. 3, 1 ἠρεμία) ἀγάπη Eph 2:4. ἀγών 1 Th 2:2. ἄθλησις Hb 10:32. ἁπλότης Hv 3, 9, 1. ἀσιτία Ac 27:21. βία 24:6 [7] v.l. γογγυσμός J 7:12. διακονία Lk 10:40. δοκιμή 2 Cor 8:2. δόξα Mt 24:30; Hv 1, 3, 4; 2, 2, 6. δύναμις Mk 13:26. ἐγκράτεια strict self-control Hv 2, 3, 2. εἰρήνη complete or undisturbed peace (Diod S 3, 64, 7; 11, 38, 1) Ac 24:2. ἔλεος 1 Pt 1:3. ἐπιθυμία 1 Th 2:17. ζημία Ac 27:10. ζήτησις 15:7. θλῖψις 2 Cor 2:4a; 1 Th 1:6. καύχησις 2 Cor 7:4b (pred.). μακροθυμία Ro 9:22. ὀδυρμός Mt 2:18. παράκλησις 2 Cor 8:4. παρρησία (Wsd 5:1) 3:12; 7:4a (pred.); 1 Ti 3:13; Phlm 8. πεποίθησις 2 Cor 8:22c. πλάνη 2 Cl 1:7. πληροφορία 1 Th 1:5. πόνος Col 4:13. σιγή a great or general hush (X., Cyr. 7, 1, 25; Arrian, Anab. 5, 28, 4) Ac 21:40. στάσις 23:10. τρόμος 1 Cor 2:3. φαντασία Ac 25:23. χαρά 8:8; Phlm 7. ὥρα πολλή late hour (Polyb. 5, 8, 3; Dionys. Hal. 2, 54; Jos., Ant. 8, 118) Mk 6:35ab.
    β. subst. πολλά in the acc. used as adv. greatly, earnestly, strictly, loudly, often etc. (X., Cyr. 1, 5, 14; Diod S 13, 41, 5; Lucian, Dial. Deor. 19, 2; Aelian, VH 1, 23; 4 Km 10:18; Is 23:16; TestSol 1:1; GrBar; ApcMos; Jos., Ant. 14, 348) ἀλαλάζειν πολλά Mk 5:38 (s. ἀλαλάζω). πολλὰ ἁμαρτάνειν Hs 4:5c (ApcMos 32). π. ἀνακρίνειν Ac 28:18 v.l. π. ἀπορεῖν Mk 6:20 (Field, Notes 29). π. ἀσπάζεσθαι 1 Cor 16:19 (s. ἀσπάζομαι 1a). δεηθῆναι π. (GrBar 4:14; Jos., Vi. 173; 343) Hs 5, 4, 1. διαστέλλεσθαι Mk 5:43 (s. διαστέλλω). π. ἐπιτιμᾶν 3:12. π. ἐρωτᾶν earnestly pray Hv 2, 2, 1. κατηγορεῖν π. Mk 15:3 (s. κατηγορέω 1a). κηρύσσειν π. talk freely 1:45. κλαίειν bitterly Ac 8:24 D (ApcMos 39). κοπιᾶν (ApcMos 24; CIG IV 9552, 5 … μοι πολλὰ ἐκοπίασεν, cp. Dssm., LO 266, 5 [LAE 317]) work hard Ro 16:6, 12; 2 Cl 7:1b. νηστεύειν π. fast often Mt 9:14a. ὀμνύναι π. Mk 6:23. παρακαλεῖν Mk 5:10, 23; Ac 20:1 D; 1 Cor 16:12. π. πταίειν make many mistakes Js 3:2. π. σπαράσσειν convulse violently Mk 9:26a.—W. the art. ἐνεκοπτόμην τὰ πολλά I have been hindered these many times (cp. Ro 1:13 πολλάκις) Ro 15:22 (v.l. πολλάκις here too).
    γ. subst. πολύ in the acc. used as adv. greatly, very much, strongly (Da 6:15, 24 Theod.) ἀγαπᾶν πολύ show much affection, love greatly Lk 7:47b. κλαίειν π. weep loudly Rv 5:4.—Mk 12:27; Ac 18:27.
    superlative, the neut. acc. πλεῖστον, α as adv. (sing. Hom. et al.; pl. Pind. et al.)
    α. pl. πλεῖστα in the formula of greeting at the beginning of a letter πλεῖστα χαίρειν (POxy 742; 744; 1061 [all three I B.C.]; PTebt 314, 2 [II A.D.] and very oft. in pap.—Griech. pap ed. Ltzm.: Kl. Texte 142, 1910, p. 4, 5, 6, 7 al.; Preis. II s.v. πλεῖστος) heartiest greeting(s) IEph ins; IMg ins; ITr ins; IRo ins; ISm ins; IPol ins.
    β. sing. τὸ πλεῖστον at the most (Aristoph., Vesp. 260; Diod S 14, 71, 3 πεμπταῖοι ἢ τὸ πλ. ἑκταῖοι; POxy 58, 17; PGiss 65:9) κατὰ δύο ἢ τὸ πλ. τρεῖς (word for word like Περὶ ὕψους 32, 1) 1 Cor 14:27.—B. 922f. DELG. M-M. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πολύς

  • 85 situar

    to place, to put.
    situó la acción de la novela en la Edad Media he set the novel in the Middle Ages
    me suena pero no lo sitúo he sounds familiar, but I can't place him
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ ACTUAR], like link=actuar actuar
    1 to place, locate, situate, put
    1 (colocarse) to be placed, be located, be situated
    2 (lograr una posición) to get on, do well, be successful
    * * *
    to situate, locate, place
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=colocar) to place, put; (Mil) to post

    esto la sitúa entre los mejoresthis places o puts her among the best

    2) (=señalar) to find, locate

    no supo situar Grecia en el mapahe couldn't find o locate Greece on the map

    3) [+ dinero] (=invertir) to place, invest; (=depositar en banco) to bank
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) (colocar, ubicar) <fábrica/aeropuerto> to site, to locate (frml)
    b) (Lit) <obra/acción> to set
    c) < soldados> to post, station
    2) (Fin) to invest, place
    situarse v pron
    a) (colocarse, ubicarse)

    ha logrado situarse entre los cinco mejores — she has succeeded in establishing a position for herself among the top five

    2) (frml) ( cifrarse)

    la tasa de desempleo se sitúa en un 22% — unemployment stands at 22%

    * * *
    = place, sit, site, situate, locate, station, posit, post.
    Ex. In each class the most significant facet is placed first, the next most significant next, and so on.
    Ex. It would be highly desirable to have a phone sitting on top of the library catalogue (if your are still in the dark ages with a card catalogue that is).
    Ex. The library's data bases are available at a number of locations via appropriately sited terminals.
    Ex. NACs ideally prefer to be situated in ground-floor shop-front premises in a shopping area and on a route that people follow in the normal course of their lives.
    Ex. One of the greatest appeals to travelers to Santiago, located in the central coastal region of Chile, is its Mediterranean climate.
    Ex. Acquisition of material is through an office of the Library of Congress stationed in Jakarta as well as direct purchasing from vendors.
    Ex. We can choose to turn our backs on these principles with fatuous arguments which posit their anachronism and the nonexistent intelligence of computing machinery.
    Ex. The agents then posted themselves strategically around the restaurant.
    * situar en contexto = place + in context.
    * situar en un contexto = bring into + context.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) (colocar, ubicar) <fábrica/aeropuerto> to site, to locate (frml)
    b) (Lit) <obra/acción> to set
    c) < soldados> to post, station
    2) (Fin) to invest, place
    situarse v pron
    a) (colocarse, ubicarse)

    ha logrado situarse entre los cinco mejores — she has succeeded in establishing a position for herself among the top five

    2) (frml) ( cifrarse)

    la tasa de desempleo se sitúa en un 22% — unemployment stands at 22%

    * * *
    = place, sit, site, situate, locate, station, posit, post.

    Ex: In each class the most significant facet is placed first, the next most significant next, and so on.

    Ex: It would be highly desirable to have a phone sitting on top of the library catalogue (if your are still in the dark ages with a card catalogue that is).
    Ex: The library's data bases are available at a number of locations via appropriately sited terminals.
    Ex: NACs ideally prefer to be situated in ground-floor shop-front premises in a shopping area and on a route that people follow in the normal course of their lives.
    Ex: One of the greatest appeals to travelers to Santiago, located in the central coastal region of Chile, is its Mediterranean climate.
    Ex: Acquisition of material is through an office of the Library of Congress stationed in Jakarta as well as direct purchasing from vendors.
    Ex: We can choose to turn our backs on these principles with fatuous arguments which posit their anachronism and the nonexistent intelligence of computing machinery.
    Ex: The agents then posted themselves strategically around the restaurant.
    * situar en contexto = place + in context.
    * situar en un contexto = bring into + context.

    * * *
    situar [ A18 ]
    1 (colocar, ubicar) ‹fábrica/aeropuerto› to site, to locate ( frml), to situate ( frml)
    esta novela la sitúa entre los grandes de la literatura this novel places her among the greatest writers
    2 ( Lit) ‹obra/acción› to set
    3 ‹soldados› to post, station
    B ( Fin) to invest, place
    (colocarse, ubicarse): con esta victoria Chicago se sitúa en primer lugar with this victory Chicago moves into first place, this victory puts Chicago in first place
    ha logrado situarse entre los cinco mejores del mundo she has succeeded in establishing a position for herself among the world's top five
    (socialmente): se ha situado muy bien he has done very well for himself
    B ( frml)
    (cifrarse): la tasa de desempleo se sitúa en un 22% unemployment stands at 22%
    el precio podría llegar a situarse en 20 dólares the price could reach 20 dollars
    * * *


    situar ( conjugate situar) verbo transitivo
    a) (colocar, ubicar) ‹fábrica/aeropuerto to site, to locate (frml)

    b) (Lit) ‹obra/acción to set

    situarse verbo pronominal
    a) (colocarse, ubicarse):

    se situó entre los cinco mejores she got a place among the top five

    situar verbo transitivo to locate
    ' situar' also found in these entries:
    - ubicar
    - site
    - situate
    - scene
    * * *
    1. [colocar] to place, to put;
    [edificio, ciudad] to site, to locate;
    los arqueólogos sitúan el antiguo teatro en el centro de la ciudad archaeologists place the ancient theatre in the centre of the town;
    situó la acción de la novela en la Edad Media he set the novel in the Middle Ages;
    me suena pero no lo sitúo he sounds familiar, but I can't place him
    2. [en clasificación]
    su victoria les sitúa en el primer puesto their win moves them up to first place;
    la nueva obra lo sitúa entre los artistas más importantes de su generación his latest work places him among the most important artists of his generation
    * * *
    v/t place, put
    * * *
    situar {3} vt
    ubicar: to situate, to place, to locate
    * * *
    situar vb
    1. (colocar) to put [pt. & pp. put] / to place
    2. (localizar) to find [pt. & pp. found]

    Spanish-English dictionary > situar

  • 86 some

    1. adjective
    1) (one or other) [irgend]ein

    some shop/book or other — irgendein Laden/Buch

    some person or other — irgendjemand; irgendwer

    2) (a considerable quantity of) einig...; etlich... (ugs. verstärkend)

    speak at some length/wait for some time — ziemlich lang[e] sprechen/warten

    some time/weeks/days/years ago — vor einiger Zeit/vor einigen Wochen/Tagen/Jahren

    some time soonbald [einmal]

    3) (a small quantity of) ein bisschen

    would you like some wine? — möchten Sie [etwas] Wein?

    do some shopping/reading — einkaufen/lesen

    4) (to a certain extent)

    that is some proof — das ist [doch] gewissermaßen ein Beweis


    this is some war/poem/car! — (coll.) das ist vielleicht ein Krieg/Gedicht/Wagen! (ugs.)

    6) (approximately) etwa; ungefähr
    2. pronoun

    she only ate some of itsie hat es nur teilweise aufgegessen

    some say... — manche sagen...

    some..., others... — manche..., andere...; die einen..., andere...

    ... and then some — und noch einige/einiges mehr

    3. adverb
    (coll.): (in some degree) ein bisschen; etwas
    * * *
    1. pronoun, adjective
    1) (an indefinite amount or number (of): I can see some people walking across the field; You'll need some money if you're going shopping; Some of the ink was spilt on the desk.)
    2) ((said with emphasis) a certain, or small, amount or number (of): `Has she any experience of the work?' `Yes, she has some.'; Some people like the idea and some don't.) einige
    3) ((said with emphasis) at least one / a few / a bit (of): Surely there are some people who agree with me?; I don't need much rest from work, but I must have some.) einige
    4) (certain: He's quite kind in some ways.) gewisse
    2. adjective
    1) (a large, considerable or impressive (amount or number of): I spent some time trying to convince her; I'll have some problem sorting out these papers!) beachtlich
    2) (an unidentified or unnamed (thing, person etc): She was hunting for some book that she's lost.) einige
    3) ((used with numbers) about; at a rough estimate: There were some thirty people at the reception.) ungefähr
    3. adverb
    ((American) somewhat; to a certain extent: I think we've progressed some.) etwas
    - academic.ru/68805/somebody">somebody
    - someday
    - somehow
    - someone
    - something
    - sometime
    - sometimes
    - somewhat
    - somewhere
    - mean something
    - or something
    - something like
    - something tells me
    * * *
    [sʌm, səm]
    I. adj inv, attr
    1. + pl n (unknown amount) einige, ein paar; + sing n etwas
    he played \some records for me er spielte mir ein paar Platten vor
    here's \some news you might be interested in ich habe Neuigkeiten, die dich interessieren könnten
    there's \some cake in the kitchen es ist noch Kuchen in der Küche
    I made \some money running errands ich habe mit Gelegenheitsjobs etwas Geld verdient
    I've got to do \some more work ich muss noch etwas arbeiten
    2. + pl n (certain) gewisse
    \some people actually believed it gewisse Leute haben es tatsächlich geglaubt
    there are \some questions you should ask yourself es gibt [da] gewisse Fragen, die du dir stellen solltest
    3. (general, unknown) irgendein(e)
    clearly the treatment has had \some effect irgendeine Wirkung hat die Behandlung sicher gehabt
    there must be \some mistake da muss ein Fehler vorliegen
    he's in \some kind of trouble er steckt in irgendwelchen Schwierigkeiten
    could you give me \some idea of when you'll finish? können Sie mir ungefähr sagen, wann sie fertig sind?
    it must have been \some teacher/pupils das muss irgendein Lehrer/müssen irgendwelche Schüler gewesen sein
    \some idiot's locked the door irgend so ein Idiot hat die Tür verschlossen fam
    \some day or another irgendwann
    4. (noticeable) gewiss
    to \some extent bis zu einem gewissen Grad
    there's still \some hope es besteht noch eine gewisse Hoffnung
    5. (slight, small amount) etwas
    there is \some hope that he will get the job es besteht noch etwas Hoffnung, dass er die Stelle bekommt
    6. (considerable amount, number) beträchtlich; ( fam: intensifies noun) ziemlich
    it was \some years later when they next met sie trafen sich erst viele Jahre später wieder
    we discussed the problem at \some length wir diskutierten das Problem ausgiebig
    I've known you for \some years now ich kenne dich nun schon seit geraumer Zeit
    that took \some courage! das war ziemlich mutig!
    he went to \some trouble er gab sich beträchtliche [o ziemliche] Mühe
    that was \some argument/meal! das war vielleicht ein Streit/Essen!
    \some mother she turned out to be sie ist eine richtige Rabenmutter
    \some hotel that turned out to be! das war vielleicht ein Hotel!
    \some chance! we have about one chance in a hundred of getting away ( iron) tolle Aussichten! die Chancen stehen eins zu hundert, dass wir davonkommen iron
    perhaps there'll be \some left for us — \some hopes! ( iron) vielleicht bleibt was für uns übrig — [das ist] sehr unwahrscheinlich!
    II. pron
    1. (unspecified number of persons or things) welche
    have you got any drawing pins?if you wait a moment, I'll get you \some haben Sie Reißnägel? — wenn Sie kurz warten, hole ich [Ihnen] welche
    do you have children?if I had \some I wouldn't be here! haben Sie Kinder? — wenn ich welche hätte, wäre ich wohl kaum hier!
    2. (unspecified amount of sth) welche(r, s)
    if you want whisky I'll give you \some wenn du Whisky möchtest, gebe ich dir welchen
    if you need more paper then just take \some wenn du mehr Papier brauchst, nimm es dir einfach [o nimm dir einfach welches]
    if you need money, I can lend you \some wenn du Geld brauchst, kann ich dir gerne was [o welches] leihen
    3. (at least a small number) einige, manche
    surely \some have noticed einige [o manche] haben es aber sicher bemerkt
    4. + pl vb (proportionate number) einige, ein paar
    no, I don't want all the green beans, \some are enough nein, ich möchte nicht alle grünen Bohnen, ein paar genügen
    I've already wrapped \some of the presents ich habe einige [o ein paar] der Geschenke schon eingepackt
    \some of you have already met Imran einige von euch kennen Imran bereits
    5. (certain people) gewisse Leute
    \some just never learn! gewisse Leute lernen es einfach nie!
    6. + sing vb (proportionate number) ein bisschen
    no, I don't want all the mashed potatoes, \some is enough nein, ich möchte nicht das ganze Püree, ein bisschen genügt
    have \some of this champagne, it's very good trink ein wenig Champagner, er ist sehr gut
    \some of the prettiest landscape in Germany is found nearby eine der schönsten Landschaften Deutschlands liegt ganz in der Nähe
    and then \some ( fam) und [noch] mehr
    we got our money's worth and then \some wir bekamen mehr als unser Geld wert war
    III. adv inv
    1. (roughly) ungefähr, in etwa
    \some twenty or thirty metres deep/high ungefähr zwanzig oder dreißig Meter tief/hoch
    \some thirty different languages are spoken in this country in diesem Land werden etwa dreißig verschiedene Sprachen gesprochen
    2. AM ( fam: a little) etwas, ein bisschen
    I'm feeling \some better mir geht es [schon] etwas [o ein bisschen] besser
    could you turn the heat down \some? könntest du bitte die Heizung etwas herunterstellen?
    3. AM ( fam: a lot) viel
    he sure does talk \some, your brother dein Bruder spricht wirklich viel
    he needs feeding up \some er muss ganz schön aufgepäppelt werden fam
    we were really going \some on the highway wir hatten auf der Autobahn ganz schön was drauf fam
    \some few einige, ein paar
    \some little ziemlich
    we are going to be working together for \some little time yet wir werden noch ziemlich lange zusammenarbeiten müssen
    * * *
    1. adj
    1) (with plural nouns) einige; (= a few, emph) ein paar; (= any in "if" clauses, questions) meist nicht übersetzt

    did you bring some records?hast du Schallplatten mitgebracht?

    some suggestions, please! — Vorschläge bitte!

    2) (with singular nouns) etwas, meist nicht übersetzt (= a little, emph) etwas, ein bisschen

    some more ( tea)? — noch etwas (Tee)?

    leave some cake for melass mir ein bisschen or etwas Kuchen übrig

    did she give you some money/sugar? — hat sie Ihnen Geld/Zucker gegeben?

    3) (= certain, in contrast) manche(r, s)

    some people say... — manche Leute sagen...

    some people just don't care —

    there are some things you just don't say some questions were really difficult — es gibt (gewisse or manche) Dinge, die man einfach nicht sagt manche (der) Fragen waren wirklich schwierig

    4) (vague, indeterminate) irgendein

    some book/man or other — irgendein Buch/Mann

    some woman rang upda hat eine Frau angerufen

    some woman, whose name I forget... — eine Frau, ich habe ihren Namen vergessen,...

    some idiot of a driverirgend so ein Idiot von (einem) Autofahrer

    in some way or another —

    or some suchoder so etwas Ähnliches

    (at) some time last week — irgendwann letzte Woche

    5) (intensifier) ziemlich; (in exclamations) vielleicht ein (inf)

    it took some couragedazu brauchte man schon (einigen) or ziemlichen Mut

    (that was) some argument/party! — das war vielleicht ein Streit/eine Party!

    6) (iro) vielleicht ein (inf)

    some help you are/this is — du bist/das ist mir vielleicht eine Hilfe (inf)

    2. pron
    1) (= some people) einige; (= certain people) manche; (in "if" clauses, questions) welche

    some..., others... — manche..., andere...

    there are still some who will never understand — es gibt immer noch Leute, die das nicht begreifen werden

    2) (referring to plural nouns = a few) einige; (= certain ones) manche; (in "if" clauses, questions) welche

    they're lovely, try some — die schmecken gut, probieren Sie mal

    I've still got some —

    tell me if you see some —

    3) (referring to singular nouns = a little) etwas; (= a certain amount, in contrast) manches; (in "if" clauses, questions) welche(r, s)

    here is the milk, if you feel thirsty drink some — hier ist die Milch, wenn du Durst hast, trinke etwas

    I drank some of the milk —

    I drank some of the milk but not all — ich habe etwas von der Milch getrunken, aber nicht alles

    have some!nehmen Sie sich (dat), bedienen Sie sich

    it's lovely cake, would you like some? — das ist ein sehr guter Kuchen, möchten Sie welchen?

    would you like some money/tea? – no, I've got some — möchten Sie Geld/Tee? – nein, ich habe Geld/ich habe noch

    have you got money? – no, but he has some — haben Sie Geld? – nein, aber er hat welches

    he only believed/read some of it — er hat es nur teilweise geglaubt/gelesen

    some of his work is good — manches, was er macht, ist gut


    this is some of the oldest rock in the worlddies gehört zum ältesten Gestein der Welt

    3. adv
    1) ungefähr, etwa, circa
    2) (US inf) (= a little) etwas, ein bisschen; (= a lot) viel
    * * *
    some [sʌm; unbetont səm, sm]
    A adj
    1. (vor Substantiven) (irgend)ein:
    some day eines Tages;
    some day you’ll pay for this dafür wirst du noch einmal bezahlen;
    some other time ein andermal;
    some person irgendeiner, (irgend)jemand
    2. (vor pl) einige, ein paar: few A 1
    3. manche:
    4. ziemlich (viel)
    5. gewiss(er, e, es):
    some extent in gewissem Maße, einigermaßen
    6. etwas, ein wenig, ein bisschen:
    take some more nimm noch etwas
    7. ungefähr, gegen, etwa:
    8. umg ‚toll:
    some player! ein klasse Spieler!;
    that was some race! das war vielleicht ein Rennen!
    B adv
    1. besonders US etwas, ziemlich
    2. umg enorm, toll
    C pron
    1. (irgend)ein(er, e, es):
    some of these days dieser Tage, demnächst
    2. etwas:
    some of it etwas davon;
    some of these people einige dieser Leute;
    will you have some? möchtest du welche oder davon haben?;
    and then some umg und noch einige(s) mehr
    3. besonders US sl darüber hinaus, noch mehr
    4. some …, some … die einen …, die anderen …
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (one or other) [irgend]ein

    some shop/book or other — irgendein Laden/Buch

    some person or other — irgendjemand; irgendwer

    2) (a considerable quantity of) einig...; etlich... (ugs. verstärkend)

    speak at some length/wait for some time — ziemlich lang[e] sprechen/warten

    some time/weeks/days/years ago — vor einiger Zeit/vor einigen Wochen/Tagen/Jahren

    some time soon — bald [einmal]

    3) (a small quantity of) ein bisschen

    would you like some wine? — möchten Sie [etwas] Wein?

    do some shopping/reading — einkaufen/lesen

    that is some proof — das ist [doch] gewissermaßen ein Beweis


    this is some war/poem/car! — (coll.) das ist vielleicht ein Krieg/Gedicht/Wagen! (ugs.)

    6) (approximately) etwa; ungefähr
    2. pronoun

    some say... — manche sagen...

    some..., others... — manche..., andere...; die einen..., andere...

    ... and then some — und noch einige/einiges mehr

    3. adverb
    (coll.): (in some degree) ein bisschen; etwas
    * * *
    einig adj.
    irgendein adj.
    irgendetwas adj.
    manch adj.

    English-german dictionary > some

  • 87 all

    1. attributive adjective
    1) (entire extent or quantity of) ganz

    all dayden ganzen Tag

    all my money — all mein Geld; mein ganzes Geld

    stop all this noise/shouting! — hör mit dem Krach/Geschrei auf!

    2) (entire number of) alle

    all my books — all[e] meine Bücher

    where are all the glasses?wo sind all die Gläser?

    All Fools' Day — der 1. April

    3) (any whatever) jeglicher/jegliche/jegliches
    4) (greatest possible)

    in all innocencein aller Unschuld

    with all speedso schnell wie möglich

    2. noun

    one and all — [alle] ohne Ausnahme

    the happiest/most beautiful of all — der/die Glücklichste/die Schönste unter allen

    most of allam meisten

    he ran fastest of aller lief am schnellsten

    2) (every bit)

    all of it/the money — alles/das ganze od. alles Geld


    all of (coll.): (as much as) be all of seven feet tall — gut sieben Fuß groß sein

    4) (all things) alles

    all is not lostes ist nicht alles verloren

    most of allam meisten

    it was all but impossiblees war fast unmöglich

    all in allalles in allem

    it's all the same or all one to me — es ist mir ganz egal od. völlig gleichgültig

    you are not disturbing me at alldu störst mich nicht im geringsten

    nothing at allgar nichts

    not at all happy/well — überhaupt nicht glücklich/gesund

    not at all! — überhaupt nicht!; (acknowledging thanks) gern geschehen!; nichts zu danken!

    two [goals] all — zwei zu zwei; (Tennis)

    3. adverb

    all the better/worse [for that] — um so besser/schlimmer

    I feel all the better for itdas hat mir wirklich gut getan

    all at once(suddenly) plötzlich; (simultaneously) alle[s] zugleich

    be all for something(coll.) sehr für etwas sein

    be all in(exhausted) total od. völlig erledigt sein (ugs.)

    go all out [to do something] — alles daransetzen[, etwas zu tun]

    be all ready [to go] — (coll.) fertig [zum Weggehen] sein (ugs.)

    something is all rightetwas ist in Ordnung; (tolerable) etwas ist ganz gut

    work out all right — gut gehen; klappen (ugs.)

    that's her, all right — das ist sie, ganz recht

    yes, all right — ja, gut

    it's all right by or with me — das ist mir recht

    lie all round the roomüberall im Zimmer herumliegen

    I don't think he's all there(coll.) ich glaube, er ist nicht ganz da (ugs.)

    * * *
    [o:l] 1. adjective, pronoun
    1) (the whole (of): He ate all the cake; He has spent all of his money.) ganz
    2) (every one (of a group) when taken together: They were all present; All men are equal.) alle
    2. adverb
    1) (entirely: all alone; dressed all in white.) ganz
    2) ((with the) much; even: Your low pay is all the more reason to find a new job; I feel all the better for a shower.) um so
    - academic.ru/94374/all-clear">all-clear
    - all-out
    - all-round
    - all-rounder
    - all-terrain vehicle
    - all along
    - all at once
    - all in
    - all in all
    - all over
    - all right
    - in all
    * * *
    [ɒ:l, AM also ɑ:l]
    I. adj attr, inv
    1. + pl n (the whole number of, every one of) alle
    are those \all the documents you can find? sind das alle Papiere, die du finden kannst?
    \all my glasses are broken alle meine [o meine ganzen] Gläser sind kaputt, meine Gläser sind alle [o fam allesamt] kaputt
    \all children should have a right to education alle Kinder sollten ein Recht auf Bildung haben
    \all her children go to public school alle ihre Kinder besuchen eine Privatschule, ihre Kinder besuchen alle [o fam allesamt] ein Privatschule
    20% of \all items sold had been reduced 20 % aller verkauften Artikel waren reduziert
    \all six [of the] men are electricians alle sechs [Männer] sind Elektriker
    I had to use \all my powers of persuasion ich musste meine ganze Überzeugungskraft aufbieten
    I've locked myself out — of \all the stupid things to do! ich habe mich ausgeschlossen! — wie kann man nur so blöd sein!
    on \all fours auf allen vieren
    from \all directions aus allen Richtungen
    \all the people alle [Leute]
    why did the take him, of \all people? warum haben sie ausgerechnet ihn genommen?
    \all the others alle anderen
    2. + sing n (the whole of) der/die/das ganze...
    they lost \all their money sie haben ihr ganzes Geld verloren
    \all day [long] den ganzen Tag [lang]
    \all her life ihr ganzes Leben
    for \all the money trotz des ganzen Geldes
    \all the time die ganze Zeit
    he was unemployed for \all that time er war all die Zeit [o die ganze Zeit über] [o während der ganzen Zeit] arbeitslos
    \all the way den ganzen [weiten] Weg
    \all week/year die ganze Woche/das ganze Jahr
    3. + sing n (every type of) jede(r, s)
    \all wood should be treated jedes Holz sollte [o alle Holzarten sollten] behandelt werden
    with \all haste [or speed] [or dispatch] ( form) so schnell wie möglich
    in \all honesty [or sincerity] ganz ehrlich
    with \all due respect,... bei allem Respekt,..., mit Verlaub,... geh
    with \all speed so schnell wie möglich
    in \all probability aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach
    5. (any whatever) jegliche(r, s)
    she denied \all knowledge of the matter sie stritt ab, irgendetwas über die Sache zu wissen
    beyond \all doubt jenseits allen Zweifels
    for \all trotz + gen
    for \all her money she is not happy trotz ihres ganzen Geldes ist sie nicht glücklich
    \all good things must come to an end ( prov) alles hat ein Ende
    ... and \all that jazz [or (pej!) rubbish]... und das ganze Zeug pej fam
    not as... as \all that:
    he's not as rich as \all that so reich ist er nun auch wieder nicht
    II. pron
    1. (the total, everybody, every one) alle
    the best-looking of \all der Bestaussehende von allen
    we saw \all of them wir haben [sie] alle gesehen
    \all of them [or they \all] liked the film der Film hat ihnen allen [o allen von ihnen] gefallen
    the house has four bedrooms, \all with balconies das Haus hat vier Schlafzimmer, alle mit Balkon
    her last novel was [the] best of \all ihr letzter Roman war der beste von allen
    \all but one of the pupils came to the outing bis auf einen Schüler nahmen alle am Ausflug teil
    \all and sundry jedermann, Gott und die Welt
    one and \all alle
    let's sing now one and \all! lasst uns jetzt alle zusammen singen!
    \all but... alle außer..., bis auf...
    2. (everything) alles
    it was \all very strange es war alles sehr seltsam
    \all is not lost yet noch ist nicht alles verloren
    tell me \all about it erzähl mir alles darüber
    he's eaten \all of it [or eaten it \all] er hat alles aufgegessen
    have you drunk \all of the milk? hast du die ganze Milch getrunken?
    first of \all zuerst; (most importantly) vor allem
    most of \all am meisten
    there are many professions which interest him, but most of \all, he'd like to be a zookeeper viele Berufe interessieren ihn, aber am liebsten wäre er Zoowärter
    \all in one alles in einem
    a corkscrew and bottle-opener \all in one ein Korkenzieher und Flaschenöffner in einem
    to give [or put] one's \all alles [o sein Letztes] geben
    and \all ( fam) und all dem
    what with the fog and \all, I'd really not drive tonight ( fam) bei dem Nebel und so möchte ich heute Nacht wirklich nicht fahren fam
    3. + relative clause (the only thing) alles
    it was \all that he had es war alles, was er hatte
    it's \all [that] I can do for you mehr kann ich nicht für dich tun
    \all I want is to be left alone ich will nur in Ruhe gelassen werden
    the remark was so silly, it was \all she could do not to laugh die Bemerkung war so dumm, dass sie sich sehr zusammenreißen musste, um nicht zu lachen
    \all [that] it takes is a little bit of luck man braucht nur etwas Glück
    that's \all I need right now ( iron) das hat mir jetzt gerade noch gefehlt pej
    for \all...:
    for \all I care,.... von mir aus...
    for \all I know,... (as far as I know) soviel [o soweit] ich weiß...; (I don't know) was weiß ich,...
    are the married? — for \all I know they could be sind sie verheiratet? — was weiß ich, schon möglich!
    where is she? — for \all I know she could be on holidays wo ist sie? — was weiß ich, vielleicht [ist sie] im Urlaub!
    4. (for emphasis)
    at \all überhaupt
    do you ever travel to the States at \all? fährst du überhaupt je in die Staaten?
    if at \all wenn überhaupt
    nothing [or not anything] at \all überhaupt nichts
    not at \all überhaupt nicht
    thanks very much for your help — not at \all, it was a pleasure vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe — keine Ursache [o nichts zu danken], es war mir ein Vergnügen
    and \all ( fam: as well) auch
    I'm coldyeah, me and \all mir ist kalt — ja, mir auch
    get one for me and \all bring mir auch einen
    \all for one, and one for \all ( saying) alle für einen, einer für alle
    in \all insgesamt
    that's £20 in \all das macht alles zusammen 20 Pfund
    \all in \all alles in allem
    \all of... (at least) mindestens...; (as much as) gut...; (as little as) ganze...
    it's going to cost \all of a million dollars das kostet mindestens eine Million Dollar
    the book has sold \all of 200/400,000 copies von dem Buch sind ganze 200/gut 400.000 Exemplare verkauft worden
    to be \all one to sb jdm egal [o gleich] sein
    \all told insgesamt
    they tried a dozen times \all told sie versuchten es insgesamt ein Dutzend Mal
    \all's well that ends well ( prov) Ende gut, alles gut prov
    III. adv inv
    1. (entirely) ganz, völlig
    it's \all about money these days heutzutage geht es nur ums Geld
    she's been \all round the world sie war schon überall auf der Welt
    to be \all in favour of sth ganz [o völlig] begeistert von etw dat sein
    \all in green ganz in Grün
    to be \all in one piece heil [o unbeschädigt] sein
    to be \all of a piece with sth mit etw dat völlig übereinstimmen
    to spill sth \all over the place/floor etw überall/über den gesamten Boden verschütten
    the baby got food \all over its bib das Baby hatte sich sein ganzes Lätzchen vollgekleckert
    to be \all over the place [or BRIT shop] ( fam) überall sein
    to be not \all that happy nicht gerade glücklich sein
    \all alone ganz allein
    \all along die ganze Zeit
    she's been fooling us \all along sie hat uns die ganze Zeit getäuscht
    to be \all over aus und vorbei sein
    to be \all for doing sth ganz dafür sein, etw zu tun
    my son is \all for spending the summer on the beach mein Sohn will den Sommer unbedingt am Strand verbringen
    the newspaper was \all advertisements die Zeitung bestand fast nur aus Anzeigen
    I was \all the family she ever had ich war die einzige Familie, die sie je hatte
    he was \all smiles er strahlte über das ganze Gesicht
    he's \all talk [or ( fam) mouth] er ist nur ein Schwätzer pej, er schwingt nur große Worte
    to be \all charm seinen ganzen Charme spielenlassen
    to be \all ears ganz Ohr sein
    to be \all eyes gespannt zusehen
    to be \all a flutter ganz aus dem Häuschen sein fam
    to be \all silk/wool aus reiner Seide/Wolle sein
    \all the... (even) umso...; (much) viel...
    \all the better [for that]! umso besser!
    now that he's a star he'll be \all the more difficult to work with jetzt wo er ein Star ist, wird die Zusammenarbeit mit ihm umso schwieriger sein
    I feel \all the better for your visit seit du da bist, geht es mir schon viel besser
    4. (for emphasis) äußerst, ausgesprochen
    she was \all excited sie war ganz aufgeregt
    now don't get \all upset about it nun reg dich doch nicht so [furchtbar] darüber auf
    your proposal is \all very well in theory, but... in der Theorie ist dein Vorschlag ja schön und gut, aber...
    \all too... nur zu...
    I'm \all too aware of the problems die Probleme sind mir nur zu gegenwärtig
    the end of the holiday came \all too soon der Urlaub war nur viel zu schnell zu Ende
    5. SPORT (to both sides)
    the score is three \all es steht drei zu drei [unentschieden] [o drei beide
    to not do sth \all that well (not really) etw nicht gerade toll tun fam
    she doesn't sing \all that well sie kann nicht besonders toll singen fam
    to not be \all that... (not as much as thought) so... nun auch wieder nicht sein
    he's not \all that important so wichtig ist er nun auch wieder nicht
    7. (nearly)
    \all but fast
    the party was \all but over when we arrived die Party war schon fast vorbei, als wir ankamen
    it was \all but impossible to read his writing es war nahezu unmöglich, seine Handschrift zu entziffern
    to go \all out for sth alles für etw akk tun
    \all in (exhausted)
    he felt \all in er war völlig erledigt; BRIT (including everything) alles inklusive
    the holiday cost £600 \all in alles inklusive hat der Urlaub hat 600 Pfund gekostet
    to be \all over sb ( pej: excessively enthusiastic) sich akk [geradezu] auf jdn stürzen; ( fam: harass) jdn total anmachen fam, über jdn herfallen ÖSTERR fam
    that's sb \all over das sieht jdm ähnlich
    he invited me out for dinner and then discovered he didn't have any money — that's Bill \all over! er lud mich ein, mit ihm auswärts zu essen, und merkte dann, dass er kein Geld bei sich hatte — typisch Bill!
    to be \all over the place [or BRIT shop] ( fam: badly organised) [völlig] chaotisch sein; (confused) völlig von der Rolle [o ÖSTERR daneben] sein fam
    \all round [or around] AM (in every way) rundum; (for each person) für alle
    that was a success/good performance \all round das war ein voller Erfolg/eine rundum gelungene Vorstellung
    he bought drinks \all round er gab eine Runde Getränke aus
    to be not \all there ( fam) nicht ganz richtig [im Kopf] sein fam, nicht alle Tassen im Schrank haben fig fam
    to be \all up with sb ( fam)
    it looks as though it's \all up with us now es sieht so aus, als seien wir nun endgültig am Ende fam
    * * *
    with nouns plural alle; (singular) ganze(r, s), alle(r, s)When alle is used to translate all the it is not followed by the German article.

    all the problems have been solvedalle or sämtliche Probleme wurden gelöst

    all the tobacco —

    all the milk all the fruit — die ganze Milch, alle Milch das ganze Obst, alles Obst

    all day ( long) — den ganzen Tag (lang)

    all my books/friends — alle meine Bücher/Freunde, meine ganzen Bücher/Freunde

    they all came —

    I invited them allich habe sie alle eingeladen Note that it all is usually translated by alles alone:

    he took/spent it all — er hat alles genommen/ausgegeben

    it all happened so quickly — alles geschah so schnell, es geschah alles so schnell

    he's seen/done it all — für ihn gibt es nichts Neues mehr, ihn kann nichts mehr erschüttern (inf)

    what's all this/that about? — was soll das Ganze?

    what's all this/that? — was ist denn das?; (annoyed) was soll denn das!

    2. PRONOUN
    1) = everything alles

    I'm just curious, that's all — ich bin nur neugierig, das ist alles

    that's all he said — das ist alles, was er gesagt hat, mehr hat er nicht gesagt

    that is all (that) I can tell you — mehr kann ich Ihnen nicht sagen

    it was all I could do not to laughich musste an mich halten, um nicht zu lachen

    all of Paris/of the house — ganz Paris/das ganze Haus

    all of 5 kms/£5 —

    2) = everybody alle pl

    all who knew him — alle, die ihn kannten

    the score was two alles stand zwei zu zwei

    3. ADVERB
    (= quite, entirely) ganz

    dressed all in white, all dressed in white — ganz in Weiß (gekleidet)

    all dirty/excited etc — ganz schmutzig/aufgeregt etc

    an all wool carpet — ein reinwollener Teppich, ein Teppich aus reiner Wolle

    he ordered whiskies/drinks all round —

    4. NOUN
    __diams; one's all alles

    he staked his all on this race/deal — er setzte alles auf dieses Rennen/Unternehmen

    __diams; all along (= from the start) von Anfang an, die ganze Zeit (über)

    I feared that all along — das habe ich von Anfang an befürchtet, das habe ich schon die ganze Zeit (über) befürchtet

    he all but died —

    the party won all but six of the seats — die Partei hat alle außer sechs Sitzen or alle bis auf sechs Sitze gewonnen

    I'm all for it!ich bin ganz dafür __diams; all found insgesamt, alles in allem __diams; all in ( inf

    to be or feel all intotal erledigt sein (inf) __diams; all in all alles in allem

    all the hotter/prettier/happier etc — noch heißer/hübscher/glücklicher etc

    all the funnier because... — umso lustiger, weil...

    or vacation (US) — jetzt, wo ich Urlaub gemacht habe, gehts mir viel besser

    all the more so since... —

    all the same, it's a pity — trotzdem ist es schade

    it's all the same to me —

    he's all there/not all there — er ist voll da/nicht ganz da (inf) __diams; all too + adjective/adverb

    all too soon/quickly — viel zu or allzu früh/schnell

    he ate the orange, peel and all — er hat die ganze Orange gegessen, samt der Schale

    the whole family came, children and all — die Familie kam mit Kind und Kegel

    did/didn't you say anything at all? — haben Sie überhaupt etwas gesagt/gar or überhaupt nichts gesagt?

    I'm not at all sure, I'm not sure at all — ich bin mir ganz und gar nicht sicher, ich bin gar nicht ganz sicher

    I'm not at all angry etc, I'm not angry etc at all — ich bin überhaupt nicht wütend etc, ich bin ganz und gar nicht wütend etc

    for all that — trotz allem, trotzdem

    for all I know she could be ill —

    is he in Paris? – for all I know he could be — ist er in Paris? – schon möglich, was weiß ich!

    ten people in allinsgesamt zehn Personen __diams; all that ( US inf ) einfach super (inf)

    it's not all that bad, it's not as bad as all that — so schlimm ist es nun auch wieder nicht

    happiest/earliest/clearest etc of all —

    I like him best of allvon allen mag ich ihn am liebsten

    most of all —

    most of all I'd like to be... — am liebsten wäre ich...

    the best car of alldas allerbeste Auto __diams; to be all things to all men (person) sich mit jedem gutstellen; (thing, invention, new software etc) das Ideale sein

    a party which claims to be all things to all men — eine Partei, die behauptet, allen etwas zu bieten __diams; you all ( US inf ) ihr (alle); (to two people) ihr (beide)

    * * *
    all [ɔːl]
    A adj
    1. all, sämtlich, gesamt, vollständig, ganz:
    all one’s courage seinen ganzen Mut;
    all mistakes alle oder sämtliche Fehler;
    all my friends alle meine Freunde;
    all night (long) die ganze Nacht (hindurch);
    all (the) day, all day long den ganzen Tag, den lieben langen Tag;
    all day and every day tagelang; tagaus, tagein;
    open all day ganztägig geöffnet;
    a) die ganze Zeit (über),
    b) ständig, immer;
    at all times zu jeder Zeit, jederzeit;
    all the town die ganze Stadt, jedermann; day 6
    2. jeder, jede, jedes, alle pl:
    at all hours zu jeder Stunde;
    beyond all question ohne Frage, fraglos;
    in all respects in jeder Hinsicht;
    deny all responsibility jede Verantwortung ablehnen; sundry
    3. vollkommen, völlig, total, ganz, rein:
    all nonsense reiner Unsinn;
    all wool US reine Wolle; leg Bes Redew
    B adv
    1. ganz (u. gar), gänzlich, völlig:
    all alone ganz allein;
    all the um so …;
    all the better um so besser;
    she was all gratitude sie war voll(er) Dankbarkeit;
    she is all kindness sie ist die Güte selber;
    all one einerlei, gleichgültig;
    he is all for it er ist unbedingt dafür;
    all important äußerst wichtig, entscheidend;
    all mad völlig verrückt;
    all wrong ganz falsch; same C
    2. für jede Seite, beide:
    the score was two all das Spiel stand zwei zu zwei
    3. poet gerade, eben
    C pron alles:
    all of it alles, das Ganze;
    all of us wir alle;
    good night, all gute Nacht allerseits!;
    all of a year ein ganzes Jahr;
    it took me all of two days ich brauchte zwei volle oder ganze zwei Tage ( to do zu tun);
    that’s all das ist oder wäre alles;
    that’s all there is to it das ist die ganze Geschichte;
    all or nothing alles oder nichts;
    it’s all or nothing for es geht um alles oder nichts für;
    it all began die ganze Sache begann;
    and all that und dergleichen;
    when all is said and done letzten Endes, schließlich; end B 1
    D s
    1. alles:
    a) sein Hab und Gut,
    b) auch his all and all sein Ein und Alles
    2. oft All PHIL (Welt)All nBesondere Redewendungen: all along die ganze Zeit (über);
    a) rund(her)um, ringsumher,
    b) überall,
    c) durch die Bank umg, durchweg all in alles inklusive;
    be ( oder feel) all in umg total fertig oder erledigt sein;
    all in all alles in allem;
    his wife is all in all to him seine Frau bedeutet ihm alles;
    all out umg
    a) total fertig oder erledigt,
    b) auf dem Holzweg (im Irrtum),
    c) mit aller Macht ( for sth auf etwas aus), mit restlosem Einsatz,
    d) vollständig ( all-out) go all out umg
    a) alles daransetzen, aufs Ganze gehen,
    b) besonders SPORT das Letzte aus sich herausholen all over
    a) umg ganz und gar,
    b) überall,
    c) überallhin, in ganz England etc herum, im ganzen Haus etc herum,
    d) auch all over one’s body am ganzen Körper, überall that is Doug all over das ist ganz oder typisch Doug, das sieht Doug ähnlich;
    news from all over Nachrichten von überall her;
    be all over sb umg an jemandem einen Narren gefressen haben;
    a) ganz recht oder richtig,
    b) schon gut,
    c) in Ordnung (auch Person), engS. unbeschädigt,
    d) na schön!,
    e) umg mit Sicherheit, ohne Zweifel,
    f) erlaubt I’m all right bei mir ist alles in Ornung;
    he’s all right ihm ist nichts passiert;
    I’m all right, Jack umg Hauptsache, mir geht’s gut;
    a) geeignet sein oder passen für,
    b) annehmbar sein für it’s all right for you to laugh du hast gut lachen;
    I’m all right for money umg bei mir stimmt die Kasse;
    are you all right in that chair? sitzt du gut in dem Sessel?;
    is it all right if I’ …? darf ich …?;
    it’s all right with ( oder by) me von mir aus, ich habe nichts dagegen;
    he arrived all right er ist gut angekommen;
    a) rund(her)um, ringsumher,
    b) überall,
    c) durch die Bank umg, durchweg taken all round umg alles in allem;
    all there gewitzt, gescheit, auf Draht umg;
    he is not all there er ist nicht ganz bei Trost;
    all up umg total fertig oder erledigt;
    it’s all up with him mit ihm ists aus;
    he of all people came ausgerechnet er kam;
    * * *
    1. attributive adjective

    all my money — all mein Geld; mein ganzes Geld

    stop all this noise/shouting! — hör mit dem Krach/Geschrei auf!

    all my books — all[e] meine Bücher

    All Fools' Day — der 1. April

    3) (any whatever) jeglicher/jegliche/jegliches
    2. noun

    one and all — [alle] ohne Ausnahme

    the happiest/most beautiful of all — der/die Glücklichste/die Schönste unter allen

    all of it/the money — alles/das ganze od. alles Geld


    all of (coll.): (as much as) be all of seven feet tall — gut sieben Fuß groß sein

    4) (all things) alles

    it's all the same or all one to me — es ist mir ganz egal od. völlig gleichgültig

    not at all happy/well — überhaupt nicht glücklich/gesund

    not at all! — überhaupt nicht!; (acknowledging thanks) gern geschehen!; nichts zu danken!

    two [goals] all — zwei zu zwei; (Tennis)

    3. adverb

    all the better/worse [for that] — um so besser/schlimmer

    all at once (suddenly) plötzlich; (simultaneously) alle[s] zugleich

    be all for something(coll.) sehr für etwas sein

    be all in (exhausted) total od. völlig erledigt sein (ugs.)

    go all out [to do something] — alles daransetzen[, etwas zu tun]

    be all ready [to go] — (coll.) fertig [zum Weggehen] sein (ugs.)

    something is all right — etwas ist in Ordnung; (tolerable) etwas ist ganz gut

    work out all right — gut gehen; klappen (ugs.)

    that's her, all right — das ist sie, ganz recht

    yes, all right — ja, gut

    it's all right by or with me — das ist mir recht

    I don't think he's all there(coll.) ich glaube, er ist nicht ganz da (ugs.)

    * * *
    all adj.
    ganz adj.
    jeder adj.
    sämtlich adj.

    English-german dictionary > all

  • 88 obstáculo

    obstacle, drag, snag, balk.
    * * *
    1 (barrera) obstacle
    2 (inconveniente) objection
    3 (valla) fence, jump
    salvar un obstáculo to overcome an obstacle
    carrera de obstáculos (para niños) obstacle race 2 (de caballos, atletas) steeplechase
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) [físico] obstacle
    carrera 2)
    2) (=dificultad) obstacle, hindrance

    poner obstáculos a algo/algn — to hinder sth/sb

    * * *
    masculino obstacle

    superar or salvar un obstáculo — to overcome an obstacle

    no fue obstáculo para que ganarait did not stop o prevent him (from) winning

    * * *
    = encumbrance, handicap, hurdle, impairment, impediment, rough spot, wall, barrier, bottleneck, hindrance, obstacle, inhibition, obstruction, stumbling block, bar, blockage, roadblock, block.
    Ex. Meanwhile we are asked to accept encumbrances that will needlessly impair the effectiveness of our catalogs for an indefinite time to come.
    Ex. A high exhaustivity of indexing, then, is beneficial where a thorough search is required, but may be a handicap when only a few highly relevant documents are sought.
    Ex. Schoolchildren, students, and other whose native language is written in a non-Roman script may find alphabetical order according to Roman characters an almost insurmountable hurdle in the use of catalogues and indexes.
    Ex. A well-designed multimodal application can be used by people with a wide variety of impairments.
    Ex. It may be decided that the practical impediments to the distribution and assignment of such numbers outweigh their potential usefulness.
    Ex. But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub -- or at least a rough spot -- we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
    Ex. In the map library, the electronic medium is shaking the foundations of cartographic communication and threatening the bring the walls crashing down.
    Ex. While the number of projects proposed was innumerable, 3 barriers remain: red tape; hard currency; and Western barriers to providing high technology to the Eastern bloc.
    Ex. A number of research groups have investigated the use of knowledge-based systems as a means of avoiding this bottleneck.
    Ex. The overall effect of the labels and signs is not so much help but hindrance through information overload.
    Ex. Conversely, an unsympathetic principal can be the greatest obstacle to library development within a school.
    Ex. This has been a major source of inhibition to the development of British efforts to create a bank of microcopy versions of theses accepted.
    Ex. Harmonization of technical standards is one of the Community's principal goals in creating a common market devoid of obstructions to the free movement of goods.
    Ex. These stumbling blocks can often be bypassed in the initial stages of OSI implementation by choosing applications that do not require close integration with existing library systems.
    Ex. Publications describing or revealing an invention can be a bar to issuance of a patent.
    Ex. The problem in relation to communication is probably the most difficult of them all, as the blockage lies in people rather than with the library.
    Ex. The roadblock to increasing book translations into English is not that there is insufficient funding but that few publishers know about grant schemes that are available.
    Ex. Emotional blocks to reading can be formed by an unsatisfactory relationship with a teacher.
    * ayudar a eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * carrera de obstáculos = steeplechase.
    * constituir un obstáculo = constitute + an obstacle.
    * creación de obstáculos = fence building.
    * eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * eliminar un obstáculo = remove + barrier, sweep away + obstacle.
    * encontrarse con un obstáculo = face + obstacle.
    * enfrentarse a un obstáculo = address + barrier.
    * obstáculo insalvable = insurmountable obstacle.
    * obstáculos = logjam [log-jam].
    * poner obstáculos = cramp.
    * preparación del terreno eliminando todo tipo de obstáculos = land-clearing.
    * presentar un obstáculo = pose + obstacle.
    * que pone obstáculos = obstructive.
    * reducir un obstáculo = lower + barrier.
    * remover un obstáculo = remove + barrier.
    * remover un obstáculo, eliminar un obstáculo = remove + obstacle.
    * ser un obstáculo = stand in + the way (of).
    * sin obstáculos = unchecked, unhindered, unimpeded.
    * sin obstáculos de por medio = uncluttered.
    * sin obstáculos, sin obstrucciones = unobstructed.
    * superar un obstáculo = overcome + obstacle, jump over + hurdle, overcome + barrier, conquer + barrier.
    * vencer un obstáculo = surmount + obstacle, conquer + barrier.
    * * *
    masculino obstacle

    superar or salvar un obstáculo — to overcome an obstacle

    no fue obstáculo para que ganarait did not stop o prevent him (from) winning

    * * *
    = encumbrance, handicap, hurdle, impairment, impediment, rough spot, wall, barrier, bottleneck, hindrance, obstacle, inhibition, obstruction, stumbling block, bar, blockage, roadblock, block.

    Ex: Meanwhile we are asked to accept encumbrances that will needlessly impair the effectiveness of our catalogs for an indefinite time to come.

    Ex: A high exhaustivity of indexing, then, is beneficial where a thorough search is required, but may be a handicap when only a few highly relevant documents are sought.
    Ex: Schoolchildren, students, and other whose native language is written in a non-Roman script may find alphabetical order according to Roman characters an almost insurmountable hurdle in the use of catalogues and indexes.
    Ex: A well-designed multimodal application can be used by people with a wide variety of impairments.
    Ex: It may be decided that the practical impediments to the distribution and assignment of such numbers outweigh their potential usefulness.
    Ex: But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub -- or at least a rough spot -- we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
    Ex: In the map library, the electronic medium is shaking the foundations of cartographic communication and threatening the bring the walls crashing down.
    Ex: While the number of projects proposed was innumerable, 3 barriers remain: red tape; hard currency; and Western barriers to providing high technology to the Eastern bloc.
    Ex: A number of research groups have investigated the use of knowledge-based systems as a means of avoiding this bottleneck.
    Ex: The overall effect of the labels and signs is not so much help but hindrance through information overload.
    Ex: Conversely, an unsympathetic principal can be the greatest obstacle to library development within a school.
    Ex: This has been a major source of inhibition to the development of British efforts to create a bank of microcopy versions of theses accepted.
    Ex: Harmonization of technical standards is one of the Community's principal goals in creating a common market devoid of obstructions to the free movement of goods.
    Ex: These stumbling blocks can often be bypassed in the initial stages of OSI implementation by choosing applications that do not require close integration with existing library systems.
    Ex: Publications describing or revealing an invention can be a bar to issuance of a patent.
    Ex: The problem in relation to communication is probably the most difficult of them all, as the blockage lies in people rather than with the library.
    Ex: The roadblock to increasing book translations into English is not that there is insufficient funding but that few publishers know about grant schemes that are available.
    Ex: Emotional blocks to reading can be formed by an unsatisfactory relationship with a teacher.
    * ayudar a eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * carrera de obstáculos = steeplechase.
    * constituir un obstáculo = constitute + an obstacle.
    * creación de obstáculos = fence building.
    * eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * eliminar un obstáculo = remove + barrier, sweep away + obstacle.
    * encontrarse con un obstáculo = face + obstacle.
    * enfrentarse a un obstáculo = address + barrier.
    * obstáculo insalvable = insurmountable obstacle.
    * obstáculos = logjam [log-jam].
    * poner obstáculos = cramp.
    * preparación del terreno eliminando todo tipo de obstáculos = land-clearing.
    * presentar un obstáculo = pose + obstacle.
    * que pone obstáculos = obstructive.
    * reducir un obstáculo = lower + barrier.
    * remover un obstáculo = remove + barrier.
    * remover un obstáculo, eliminar un obstáculo = remove + obstacle.
    * ser un obstáculo = stand in + the way (of).
    * sin obstáculos = unchecked, unhindered, unimpeded.
    * sin obstáculos de por medio = uncluttered.
    * sin obstáculos, sin obstrucciones = unobstructed.
    * superar un obstáculo = overcome + obstacle, jump over + hurdle, overcome + barrier, conquer + barrier.
    * vencer un obstáculo = surmount + obstacle, conquer + barrier.

    * * *
    quitaron los obstáculos del camino they cleared the obstacles from the road, they cleared the road of obstacles
    superar or salvar un obstáculo to overcome an obstacle
    no fue obstáculo para que ganara it did not stop o prevent him (from) winning
    me puso muchos obstáculos he put many obstacles in my path
    el único obstáculo entre nosotros y la victoria the only obstacle between us and victory, the only thing that stands/stood between us and victory
    un obstáculo para el éxito del proyecto an obstacle to the success of the project
    * * *

    obstáculo sustantivo masculino
    obstáculo sustantivo masculino
    1 (dificultad) handicap: no hay ningún obstáculo para que estudies Derecho, there's nothing stopping you from studying Law
    2 (en un camino, etc) obstacle
    una carrera de obstáculos, an obstacle race
    ' obstáculo' also found in these entries:
    - esquivar
    - estorbo
    - franquear
    - insalvable
    - remover
    - salvar
    - sortear
    - vencer
    - allanar
    - apartar
    - brincar
    - chocar
    - eliminar
    - encontrar
    - saltar
    - subsanar
    - barrier
    - block
    - chief
    - clash
    - clear
    - get across
    - get over
    - get past
    - hazard
    - hurdle
    - impassable
    - impediment
    - jump
    - negotiate
    - obstacle
    - obstruction
    - pitfall
    * * *
    1. [impedimento] obstacle ( para to);
    poner obstáculos a algo/alguien to put obstacles in the way of sth/sb
    2. [en una carrera] hurdle
    * * *
    m obstacle;
    carrera de obstáculos obstacle race;
    ponerle obstáculos a alguien make things difficult for s.o.;
    ponerle obstáculos a algo make sth difficult
    * * *
    impedimento: obstacle
    * * *
    obstáculo n obstacle

    Spanish-English dictionary > obstáculo

  • 89 mayor

    meə, ]( American) 'meiər
    ((especially in England, Ireland and the United States) the chief public official of a city, town or borough.) alcalde
    - lord mayor
    mayor n alcalde / alcaldesa

    mayor adjetivo 1
    grande) ‹número/porcentaje greater, higher;
    beneficio greater; a mayor escala on a larger scale; un número mayor que 40 a number greater than 40
    grande): el mayor número de accidentes the greatest o highest number of accidents;
    su mayor preocupación her greatest o biggest worry; a la mayor brevedad posible as soon as possible; la mayor parte de los estudiantes most students, the majority of students 2 ( en edad) mayor que algn older than sb
    es la mayor de las dos she is the older o elder of the two;
    mi hijo mayor my eldest o oldest son
    d) ( adulto):
    cuando sea mayor when I grow up; ser mayor de edad (Der) to be of age; soy mayor de edad y haré lo que quiera I'm over 18 (o 21 etc) and I'll do as I please 3 ( en nombres) ( principal) main; 4 (Mús) major 5 (Com): ■ sustantivo masculino y femenino ( adulto) adult, grown-up (colloq); mis/tus mayores my/your elders; mayor de edad person who is legally of age
    I adjetivo
    1 (comparativo de tamaño) larger, bigger: necesitas una talla mayor, you need a larger size (superlativo) largest, biggest: ésa es la mayor, that is the biggest one
    2 (comparativo de grado) greater: su capacidad es mayor que la mía, his capacity is greater than mine
    la ciudad no tiene mayor atractivo, the town isn't particularly appealing (superlativo) greatest: ésa es la mayor tontería que he oído nunca, that is the most absurd thing I've ever heard
    3 (comparativo de edad) older: es mayor que tu madre, she is older than your mother (superlativo) oldest
    el mayor de los tres, the oldest one 4 está muy mayor, (crecido, maduro) he's quite grown-up (anciano) he looks old
    ser mayor de edad, to be of age (maduro) old: es un hombre mayor, he's an old man
    eres mayor para entenderlo, you are old enough to understand it
    5 (principal) major, main: tu mayor responsabilidad es su educación, the thing that's most important to you is her education; la calle mayor, the main street
    6 Mús major
    7 Com al por mayor, wholesale
    II sustantivo masculino
    1 Mil major 2 mayores, (adultos) grownups, adults (ancianos) elders Locuciones: al por mayor, wholesale
    ir/pasar a mayores, to become serious: discutió con su marido, pero el asunto no pasó a mayores, she had an argument with her husband but they soon forgot about it ' mayor' also found in these entries: Spanish: abundar - adicta - adicto - afán - alcalde - alcaldía - almacén - amable - brevedad - burgomaestre - calle - caza - colegio - confluencia - desarrollar - edad - engrandecer - escaparate - estado - Excemo. - Excmo. - fuerza - gruesa - grueso - hacer - hacerse - inri - obra - osa - palo - persona - plana - polemizar - predilección - re - safari - salir - sol - teniente - vender - venta - abuelo - ama - anhelo - atractivo - audiencia - cazar - ciudad - compás - de English: act - address - adult - big - bomb - bulk - capacity - cash-and-carry - claw back - densely - dipper - dormitory - elaborate - elder - eldest - few - frisky - grow up - growing - high street - hill - inquest - lion - little - main - major - mayor - mostly - much - nominee - often - old - outflow - outweigh - over - part - perpendicular - residence - senior - sergeant major - spur - staff - trade price - utmost - wholesale - wholesale trade - wholesaler - worship - abject - cash
    1 (man) alcalde nombre masculino; (woman) alcaldesa
    lady mayor alcaldesa
    mayor ['meɪər, 'mɛr] n
    : alcalde m, -desa f
    alcalde (Gobierno) s.m.
    'meɪər, meə(r)
    noun alcalde, -desa m,f, intendente mf (municipal) (RPl)
    N alcalde m, alcaldesa f, intendente mf (S. Cone, Mex), regente mf (Mex)
    * * *
    ['meɪər, meə(r)]
    noun alcalde, -desa m,f, intendente mf (municipal) (RPl)

    English-spanish dictionary > mayor

  • 90 грижа

    care (за of, for), concern (за about, for, over)
    mindfulness (за of)
    (безпокойство, тревога) anxiety, worry, trouble, bother, fuss
    главна грижа preoccupation, prime concern
    първа и най-голяма грижа first and greatest concern
    голяма грижа за a great concern to
    това е моя грижа that's my concern
    единствената ми грижа е да my only concern is to
    това ми е голяма грижа that's a great weight on my mind
    досадна грижа a carking care
    това е най-малката ми грижа that's the least of my worries
    не ме е грижа I don't care
    малко ме е грижа little do I care, I don't care a brass farthing/a damn/a rap
    много ме е грижа ирон. much I care, I couldn't care less
    много те е грижа! a (fat) lot you care! грижа за човека care of man, concern for the needs of man, concern for peoples well-being
    грижа за утрешния ден thought for the morrow
    не ме е много грижа за bother o.s. little about
    никак да не те е грижа make your mind easy about that
    вземам грижата да take it upon o.s. to; see to it that
    имам грижата за attend to
    вземам под своя грижа, поемам грижата за take charge of
    ти му бери грижата that's your look-out
    грижи за concern/solicitude for
    малки грижи little preoccupations
    семейни грижи family troubles/worries
    грижи за децата child care, child welfare, ( от страна на родителите им) care of/for the children
    грижи за болните/ранените/възрастните care of the sick/the wounded/the aged
    грижи за животните care and treatment of animals
    грижите, необходими за здравето the requirements of health
    грижи за езика concern for language
    грижи за другите concern for others, consideration for others
    живот, изпълнен с грижи a life of care
    имам грижи have troubles
    имам други грижи разг. have other fish to fry
    обграждам с нежни грижи show lender solicitude for, show s.o. a hundred little attentions
    оставям някого на грижите на place s.o. under the care of, commit s.o. to the care of
    полагам (големи) грижи bestow (great) care (за on)
    бивам оставен/поверен на грижите на be left in the care of, be assigned to the care of
    създавам грижи be a trouble (на to)
    не мога да спя от грижи not be able to sleep from worrying
    грижите убиват човека care killed a/the cat. се 1. take care (за of)
    грижа се за look after; tend; take thought for; attend/minister to s.o.'s needs
    грижа се за (дете, болен, ранен) nurse
    грижа се като майка за някого mother s.o.
    грижа се добре за take good care of
    не се грижа за neglect
    грижа се сам за make o.'s own provisions for
    грижа се сам за себе си look (out)/fend for o.s., be left to o.s.
    грижа се за-здравето си look after o.'s health
    не се грижа за здравето си be careless of o.'s health
    грижа се за интересите си look after/lake care of number one, provide for o.'s interests
    грижа се за прехраната си provide for o.s.
    грижа се за удобството на attend to the comfort of
    грижа се за утрешния ден take thought for the morrow
    2. (безпокоя се, тревожа се) be anxious/uneasy/worried, worry, bother (за about)
    не се грижи за това don't worry/trouble/bother about that
    * * *
    ж., -и care (за of, for), concern (за about, for, over); mindfulness (за of); ( безпокойство, тревога) anxiety, worry, trouble, bother, fuss; cumbrance; бивам оставен/поверен на \грижаите на be left in the care of, be assigned to the care of; благодарение на любезните \грижаи на through/by the good offices of; всекидневни \грижаи daily concerns; главна \грижаа preoccupation, prime concern; голяма \грижаа за a great concern to; \грижаа за човека care of man, concern for the needs of man, concern for people’s well-being; \грижаи за concern/solicitude for; \грижаи за децата child care, child welfare, (от страна на родителите им) care of/for the children; \грижаи за другите concern for others, consideration for others; \грижаи за животните care and treatment of animals; \грижаи за здравето health care; \грижаи за насъщния material cares; \грижаите убиват човека care killed a/the cat; единствената ми \грижаа е да my only concern is to; живот, изпълнен с \грижаи a life of care; зает съм с всекидневните си \грижаи go about o.’s daily business; имам \грижаата за attend to; имам \грижаи have troubles; имам други \грижаи разг. have other fish to fry; лекарски \грижаи medical care; малки \грижаи little preoccupations; малко ме е \грижаа little do I care, I don’t care a brass farthing/a damn/a rap; много ме е \грижаа ирон. much I care, I couldn’t care less; много те е \грижаа! a (fat) lot you care! не ме е \грижаа I don’t care; не мога да спя от \грижаи not be able to sleep from worrying; нежни \грижаи loving care; нямай \грижаа за това make your mind easy about that; нямам никакви \грижаи be free from all care; обграждам с нежни \грижаи show tender solicitude for, show s.o. a hundred little attentions; обзет от \грижаи full of cares; оставям някого на \грижаите на place s.o. under the care of, commit s.o. to the care of; поемам \грижаата за take charge of; полагам (големи) \грижаи bestow (great) care (за on); полагам особени \грижаи take special care; първа и най-голяма \грижаа first and greatest concern; семейни \грижаи family troubles/worries; създавам \грижаи be a trouble (на to); съсипан от \грижаи careworn; ти му бери \грижаата that’s your look-out; това е моя \грижаа that’s my concern; това е най-малката ми \грижаа that’s the least of my worries; това ми е голяма \грижаа that’s a great weight on my mind.
    * * *
    anxiety; care{kex}; concern: This is my only грижа.- Това е единствената ми грижа; custody; mindfulness (of); regard{ri`ga:d}; study; tendance; fuss{fXs}
    * * *
    1. (безпокоя се, тревожа се) be anxious/uneasy/worried, worry, bother (за about) 2. care (за of, for), concern (за about,. for, over) 3. mindfulness (за of) 4. ГРИЖА за утрешния ден thought for the morrow 5. ГРИЖА се добре за take good care of 6. ГРИЖА се за (дете, болен, ранен) nurse: ГРИЖА се като майка за някого mother s. о. 7. ГРИЖА се за look after;tend;take thought for;attend/minister to s. o.'s needs 8. ГРИЖА се за интересите си look after/ lake care of number one, provide for o.'s interests 9. ГРИЖА се за прехраната си provide for o. s. 10. ГРИЖА се за удобството на attend to the comfort of 11. ГРИЖА се за утрешния ден take thought for the morrow 12. ГРИЖА се за-здравето си look after o.'s health 13. ГРИЖА се сам за make o.'s own provisions for 14. ГРИЖА се сам за себе си look (out)/fend for о. s., be left to o. s. 15. безпокойство, тревога) anxiety, worry, trouble, bother, fuss 16. бивам оставен/поверен на грижите на be left in the care of, be assigned to the care of 17. благодарение на любезните грижи на through/by the good offices of 18. вземам ГРИЖАта да take it upon o. s. to;see to it that 19. вземам под своя ГРИЖА, поемам ГРИЖАта за take charge of 20. всекидневни грижи daily concerns 21. главна ГРИЖА preoccupation, prime concern: първа и най-голяма ГРИЖА first and greatest concern 22. голяма ГРИЖА за a great concern to 23. грижи за concern/ solicitude for 24. грижи за болните/ранените/възрастните care of the sick/the wounded/the aged 25. грижи за децата child care, child welfare, (от страна на родителите им) care of/for the children 26. грижи за другите concern for others, consideration for others 27. грижи за езика concern for language 28. грижи за животните care and treatment of animals 29. грижи за здравето health care 30. грижи за насъщния material cares 31. грижите убиват човека care killed a/the cat.се take care (за of) 32. грижите, необходими за здравето the requirements of health 33. досадна ГРИЖА a carking care 34. единствената ми ГРИЖА е да my only concern is to 35. живот, изпълнен с грижи а life of care 36. зает съм с всекидневните си грижи go about o.'s daily business 37. имам ГРИЖАта за attend to 38. имам грижи have troubles 39. имам други грижи разг. have other fish to fry 40. лекарски грижи medical care 41. лишен от майчински грижи deprived of a mother's care 42. малки грижи little preoccupations 43. малко ме е ГРИЖА little do I care, I don't care a brass farthing/a damn/a rap 44. много ме е ГРИЖА upoн. much I care, I couldn't care less 45. много те е ГРИЖА! a (fat) lot you care! ГРИЖА за човека care of man, concern for the needs of man, concern for peoples well-being 46. не ме е ГРИЖА I don't care 47. не ме е много ГРИЖА за bother о. s. little about 48. не мога да спя от грижи not be able to sleep from worrying 49. не се ГРИЖА за neglect 50. не се ГРИЖА за здравето си be careless of o.'s health 51. не се грижи за това don't worry/ trouble/bother about that 52. нежни грижи loving care 53. никак да не те е ГРИЖА make your mind easy about that 54. нямам за кого другиго да се ГРИЖА have only o. s. to support 55. нямам никакви грижи be free from all care 56. обграждам с нежни грижи show lender solicitude for, show s. o. a hundred little attentions 57. обзет от грижи full of cares 58. оставям някого на грижите на place s. o. under the care of, commit s. o. to the care of 59. полагам (големи) грижи bestow (great) care (за on) 60. полагам особени грижи take special care 61. семейни грижи family troubles/worries 62. създавам грижи be a trouble (на to) 63. съсипан от грижи careworn 64. ти му бери ГРИЖАта that's your look-out 65. това е моя ГРИЖА that's my concern 66. това е най-малката ми ГРИЖА that's the least of my worries 67. това ми е голяма ГРИЖА that's a great weight on my mind 68. човек трябва да се грижи най-напред за себе си charity begins at home

    Български-английски речник > грижа

  • 91 count

    1. I
    1) can you count?' ты умеешь считать?; I don't, know how many stamps I have, I did not count я не знаю, сколько у меня марок, [я] не считал
    2) usually in the negative to count иметь значение, быть существенным; the details don't count детали не имеют значения; it does not count а) это не имеет значения; б) это не считается /не идет в счет, не берется в расчет/: every little bit (every penny, every extra vote, etc.) counts важна /имеет значение/ каждая мелочь и т. д.; I'm in a great hurry, every minute counts я очень спешу, мне дорога каждая минута; once does not count одни раз не считается; it is not how much you read but what you read that counts важно не сколько ты читаешь, а что [ты читаешь]
    2. II
    count in some manner usually in the negative1)
    he cannot count correctly (properly, etc.) он не умеет правильно и т. д. считать; she can't even count она даже считать не умеет
    he is a person who simply doesn't count он человек, с которым просто никто не считается /с которым нечего считаться/; it may not count today, but it will tomorrow может быть, сегодня это и не так важно, но завтра положение изменится
    3. III
    count smth., smb.
    1) count books (pages, the number of words in a dictionary, towels, mistakes made in an exercise, votes, the number of people, the wounded, the dead, etc.) считать /подсчитывать, пересчитывать/ книги и т. д.; don't forget to count your change не забудьте проверить сдачу; count the cost (one's losses) подсчитывать расходы (потери); count twenty сосчитайте до двадцати; he counted my pulse он сосчитал мой пульс
    2) I didn't count the baby я не учел /не принял в расчет, не посчитал/ ребенка; let's not count that game пусть эта игра не считается; there are fifteen people here, counting the guests (the children, the members, etc.) здесь пятнадцать человек вместе с гостями и т. д. /считая и гостей и т. д/;: the bill is five dollars not counting the tax этот счет на пять долларов плюс налог
    4. IV
    count smth., smb. in some manner count months (days, hours, minutes, guests, etc.) impatiently (hurriedly, slowly, etc.) нетерпеливо /с нетерпением/ и т. д. отсчитывать месяцы и т. д., count the money (the change, etc.) twice дважды пересчитывать деньги и т. д.; count stamps (coins, children, etc.) one by one пересчитывать марки и т. д. по одной
    5. V
    count smb., smth. smb., smth. count him the greatest of writers (that friend of his my enemy, it a great honour to serve you, it no shame to any man, etc.) считать его величайшим писателем и т. д.; I count this his best painting я считаю это его лучшей картиной
    6. VI
    count smb. as being in same state count smb. rich (ill, fortunate, unfortunate, etc.) считать кого-л. богатым и т. д.; I count myself lucky to have become acquainted with you (fortunate to have you for a friend, fortunate in being alive, etc.) я считаю, что мне очень повезло, что я познакомился с вами и т. д.
    7. XI
    1) be counted in same manner they could be easily counted их легко было пересчитать /сосчитать/; be counted on smth. they could be counted on the fingers of one hand [всех] их можно было пересчитать по пальцам одной руки
    2) be counted to smth. it must be counted to his credit это следует отнести к его достоинствам; be counted among smb., smth. she was counted among the greatest dancers of the century (among the best novelists of her time, among his best friends, etc.) она считалась одной из величайших балерин века ц т. д.
    3) be counted upon his support can be counted upon на его поддержку можно рассчитывать /полагаться/
    8. XVI
    1) count from smth. count from Monday (from tomorrow, from today, etc.) вести счет с понедельника и т. д.; the third door, counting from the comer третья дверь от угла; count to smth. count to ten (to a hundred, etc.) считать до десяти и т. д.; count from smth. to smth. count from one to ten (from one to twenty, from one to a hundred, etc.) считать от одного до десяти и т. д.
    2) count (up)on smb., smth. count upon him (upon others for help, on your advice, on your cooperation, on his protection, on smb.'s promise, on the support of the group, on an increase in my salary, on fine weather for a picnic, etc.) рассчитывать /надеяться/ на него и т. д.; you must not count upon me не рассчитывайте на меня
    3) count for (above) smth. count for little or nothing (for very little, for a great deal, for much in business, etc.) почти не играть никакой роли и т. д.; knowledge without common sense counts for little при отсутствии здравого смысла знания немногого стоят; honesty counts for much in business в деловых отношениях важна честность; in this work thoroughness counts above quickness в этой работе тщательность важнее /значит больше, больше ценится/, чем быстрота; count against smth., smb. it counts against the value of the fur это снижает ценность меха; I hope it will not count against me я надеюсь, что вы не поставите это мне в вину; lack of experience counted against him его минусом был недостаток опыта; his age will count against him он не подойдет по возрасту; count with smb. money (honesty, etc.) counts with him more than anything для него самое важное деньги и т. д.
    4) count among smth., smb. this book counts among the best of his works (among his major works, among his lesser efforts, etc.) эта книга принадлежит к его лучшим работам и т. д.; the river counts among the largest in the world эту реку относят к числу самых больших в мире; he counts among my best friends я считаю его одним из своих лучших друзей
    9. XVII
    count on doing smth. count on having at least three assistants (on your keeping the promise, on his coming, on your joining us, etc.) рассчитывать /надеяться/, что у тебя будет по крайней мере три ассистента и т. д.
    10. XX1
    count as smth., smb. count as a unit приниматься) за единицу: when buying tickets two children under the age of 10 count as one person при покупке билетов двое детей в возрасте до десята лет считаются за одного взрослого /приравниваются к одному взрослому/
    11. XXI1
    1) count smb., smth. by smth. count books by the tens (eggs by the dozen, cattle by heads, etc.) считать книги десятками и т. д.; count smth. on smth. count marbles (sticks, etc.) on the fingers считать /пересчитывать/ шарики и г. д. на пальцах; count one's luggage on arrival по прибытии пересчитать багаж; count smth. into smth. count apples (eggs, nuts, etc.) into the dish (into the bag, etc.) отсчитывать яблоки и т. д. в тарелку и т. д.; count smth. with smth. count days (weeks, months, etc.) with impatience (with irritation, with sadness, etc.) с нетерпением и т. д. считать /отсчитывать/ дни и т. д.
    2) count smb. among smb. count him among one's friends (Tolstoy among the greatest writers. Dickens among the masters of our literature, etc.) относить его к числу своих друзей и т. d., признавать его своим другом и т. д.; this society counts among its members many of our leading citizens (some distinguished personages, etc.) это общество насчитывает среди своих членов много наших видных деятелей и т. д.; count smth. against smb. count his lack of knowledge (his inexperience, etc.) against him считать невежество и т. д. его недостатком; count smth. of smth. count one's life of no importance не ставить свой жизнь ни во что, не дорожить жизнью
    12. XXIV2
    count smb., smth. as being in some state count smb. as missing (as dead, as drowned, as absent without official leave, etc.) считать кого-л. пропавшим без вести и т. д. XXIV'' count smth. as done count the book as lost считать книгу потерянной; two months have passed I count my passport as lost прошло два месяца, я думаю, что мой паспорт уже не найдется

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > count

  • 92 पर _para

    पर a. [पॄ-भावे-अप्, कर्तरि अच्-वा] (Declined optional- ly like a pronoun in nom. voc. pl., and abl. and loc. sing. when it denotes relative position)
    1 Other, differ- ent, another; see पर m also.
    -2 Distant, removed, remote; अपरं भवतो जन्म परं जन्म विवस्वतः Bg.4.4.
    -3 Beyond, further, on the other side of; म्लेच्छदेशस्ततः परः Ms.2.23;7.158.
    -4 Subsequent, following, next to, future, after (usually with abl.); बाल्यात् परामिव दशां मदनो$ध्युवास R.5.63; Ku.1.31.
    -5 Higher, superior; सिकतात्वादपि परां प्रपेदे परमाणुताम् R.15.22; इन्द्रियाणि पराण्याहु- रिन्द्रियेभ्यः परं मनः । मनसस्तु परा बुद्धिर्यो बुद्धेः परतस्तु सः ॥ Bg.3.42.
    -9 Highest, greatest, most distinguished, pre-eminent, chief, best, principal; क्षत्रात् परं नास्ति Bṛi. Up.1.4.11. न त्वया द्रष्टव्यानां परं दृष्टम् Ś.2; Ki.5.18; परतो$पि परः Ku.2.14 'higher than the highest'; 6.19; Ś7.27.
    -7 Having as a following letter or sound, followed by (in comp.).
    -8 Alien, estranged, stranger.
    -9 Hostile, inimical, adverse,
    -1 Exceeding, having a surplus or remainder, left over; as in परं शतम् 'exceeding or more than a hundred.
    -11 Final, last.
    -12 (At the end of comp.) Having anything as the highest ob- ject, absorbed or engrossed in, intent on, solely devoted to, wholly engaged or occupied in; परिचर्यापरः R.1.91; so ध्यानपर, शोकपर, दैवपर, चिन्तापर &c.
    -रः 1 Another person, a stranger, foreigner; oft. in pl. in this sense; यतः परेषां गुणग्रहीतासि Bv.1.9; Śi.2.74; see एक, अन्य also.
    -2 A foe, an enemy, adversary; उत्तिष्ठमानस्तु परो नोपेक्ष्यः पथ्यभिच्छता Śi.2.1; Pt.2.158; R.3.21.
    -3 The Almighty; तावदध्यासते लोकं परस्य परचिन्तकाः Bhāg.3.32.8.
    -रम् 1 The highest point or pitch, culminating point.
    -2 The Supreme Sprit; तेषामादित्यवज्ज्ञानं प्रकाशयति तत् परम् Bg.5.16.
    -3 Final beatitude; असक्तो ह्याचरन् कर्म परमाप्नोति पूरुषः Bg.3.19.
    -4 The secondary meaning of a word.
    -5 (In logic) One of the two kinds of सामान्य or generality of notion; more extensive kind, (comprehending more objects); e. g. पृथ्वी is पर with respect to a घट).
    -6 The other or future world; परासक्ते च वस्तस्मिन् कथमासीन्मनस्तदा Mb.6.14.55. Note-- The acc., instr. and loc. singulars of पर are used adverbi- ally; e. g. (a) परम्
    1 beyond, over, out of (with abl.); वर्त्मनः परम् R.1.17.
    -2 after (with abl.); अस्मात् परम् Ś.6.24; R.1.66;3.39; Me.12; भाग्यायत्त- मतः परम् Ś.4.17; ततः परम् &c.
    -3 thereupon, there- after.
    -4 but, however.
    -5 otherwise.
    -6 in a high degree, excessively, very much, completely, quite; परं दुःखितो$स्मि &c.
    -7 most willingly.
    -8 only.
    -9 at the utmost. (b) परेण
    1 farther, beyond, more than; किं वा मृत्योः परेण विधास्यति Māl.2.2.
    -2 afterwards; मयि तु कृतनिधाने किं विदध्याः परेण Mv.2.49.
    -3 after (with abl.) स्तन्यत्यागात् परेण U.2.7. (c) परे
    1 afterwards, thereupon; अथ तेन दशाहतः परे R.8.73.
    -2 in future.
    -Comp. -अङ्गम् the hinder part of the body.
    -अङ्गदः an epithet of Śiva.
    -अणुः See परमाणु; Bhāg.1.14.11.
    -अदनः a horse found in the country of Persia or Arabia.
    -अधिकारचर्चा officiousness, meddlesomeness.
    -अधीन a. dependent on another, subject, subservient; अन्नमेषां पराधीनं देयं स्याद्भिन्नभाजने Ms.1.54,83; H.1.119.
    -अन्तः final death. (
    -ताः) m. (pl.) N. of a people.
    -अन्तकः an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 a frontier.
    -अन्तकालः the time of death; ते ब्रह्मलोकेषु परान्तकाले परामृताः परिमुच्यन्ति सर्वे Muṇḍ.3.2.6.
    -अन्न a. living or subsisting on another's food. (
    -न्नम्) the food of another; परगृहललिताः परान्नपुष्टाः Mk.4.28. ˚परिपुष्टता being fed with the food of others; Y.3.241. ˚भोजिन् a. subsisting on the food of others; रोगी चिरप्रवासी परान्नभोजी परावसथशायी । यज्जीवति तन्मरणं यन्मरणं सो$स्य विश्रामः ॥ H.1.12.
    1 far and near, remote and proximate.
    -2 prior and posterior.
    -3 before and beyond, earlier and later.
    -4 higher and lower, best and worst. (
    -रः) a Guru of an intermediate class. (
    -रम्) (in logic) a property intermediate between the greatest and smallest numbers, a species (as existing between the genus and individual); e. g. पृथ्वी which is पर with 1respect to a घट is अपर with respect to द्रव्य; द्रव्यत्वादिक- जातिस्तु परापरतयोच्यते Bhāṣā. P.8.
    -अभिध्यानम् self-conceit; high opinion for self or body (देहाभिमान); स्वयं पराभिध्यानेन विभ्रंशितस्मृतिः Bhāg.5.14.1.
    -अमृतम् rain.
    1 attached or devoted to, adhering to.
    -2 depending on, subject to.
    -3 intent on, solely devoted to or absorbed in (at the end of comp.); प्रभुर्धनपरायणः Bh.2.56; so मोह˚; अथ मोहपरायणा सती विवशा कामवधूर्विबोधिता Ku.4.1; अग्निहोत्र˚ &c.
    -4 connected with.
    -5 being a protector (त्राता); अबर्हाश्चरणैर्हीनाः पूर्वेषां वः परायणाः Mb.1.23.4.
    -6 leading or conducive to.
    -(णम्) 1 the principal or highest objest, chief aim, best or last resort; एतत् परायणम् Praśna Up.1.1; तपसश्च परायणम् Rām.1.21.1; Mb.12.179.12.
    -2 essence, sum.
    -3 Ved. going away, departure, exit.
    -4 firm devotion.
    -5 a universal medicine, panacea.
    -6 a religious order.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 having another aim or meaning.
    -2 intended or designed for another, done for another.
    (-र्थः) 1 the highest interest or advan- tage.
    -2 the interest of another (opp. स्वार्थ); स्वार्थो यस्य परार्थ एव स पुमानेकः सतामग्रणीः Subhāṣ.; R.1.29.
    -3 the chief or highest meaning.
    -4 the highest object (i.e. sexual intercourse).
    -5 the supreme good (मोक्ष); ज्ञात्वा प्रजहि कालेन परार्थमनुदृश्य च Mb.12.288.9.
    -6 Something else. Hence परार्थता or परार्थत्व means 'being subsidiary to something else; परार्थता हि गुणभावः ŚB. on MS.4.3.
    -7 an object which is meant for another's use (Sāṅ. Phil.); सङ्घातपरार्थत्वात् त्रिगुणादिविपर्ययादधिष्ठानात् Sāṅ. K.17. ˚वादिन् a. speaking for another; mediator, substitute.
    -अर्थिन् a. striving for the supreme good. (
    -र्थम् -र्थे) ind. for the sake of another.
    -अर्धम् 1 the other part (opp. पूर्वार्ध); the latter half; दिनस्य पूर्वार्धपरार्धभिन्ना छायेव मैत्री खलसज्जनानाम् Bh.2.6.
    -2 a particular high number; i. e. 1,,,,,; एकत्वादिपरार्धपर्यन्ता संख्या T. S.
    -अर्धक a. One half of anything.
    -अर्ध्य a.
    1 being on the farther side or half.
    -2 most distant in number; हेमन्तो वसन्तात् परार्ध्यः Śat. Br.
    -3 most excellent, best, most exalted, highly esteemed, highest, supreme; R.3.27;8.27;1.64;16;39; आबद्धप्रचुरपरार्ध्यकिंकिणीकः Śi.8.45.
    -4 most costly; Śi.4.11; श्रियं परार्ध्यां विदधद् विधातृभिः Bu. Ch.1.1.
    -5 most beautiful or lovely, finest; R.6.4; परस्परस्पर्धिपरार्ध्यरूपाः पौरस्त्रियो यत्र विधाय वेधाः Śi.3.58.
    -6 Divine: असावाटीत् सङ्ख्ये परार्ध्यवत् Bk.9.64.
    (-र्ध्यम्) 1 a maximum.
    -2 an infinite number.
    1 far and near; परावराणां स्रष्टारं पुराणं परमव्ययम् Mb.1.1.23.
    -2 earlier and later.
    -3 prior and posterior or subsequent.
    -4 higher and lower.
    -5 traditional; पुनाति पङ्क्तिं वंश्यांश्च सप्त सप्त परावरान् Ms.1. 15.
    -6 all-including; परावरज्ञो$सि परावरस्त्वम् Mb.3.232. 18. (
    -रा) descendants.
    (-रम्) 1 cause and effect.
    -2 the whole extent of an idea.
    -3 the universe.
    -4 totality. ˚ज्ञ, ˚दृश् a. knowing both the past and the future; परावरज्ञो ब्रह्मर्षिः Mb.1.6.5.
    -अवसथ- शायिन् a. sleeping in another's house; H.1.12.
    -अहः the next day.
    -अह्णः the afternoon, the latter part of the day.
    -आगमः attack of an enemy.
    -आचित a. fostered or brought up by another. (
    -तः) a slave.
    -आत्मन् m. the Supreme Spirit.
    -आयत्त a.
    1 depend- ent on another, subject, subservient; परायत्तः प्रीतेः कथमिव रसं वेत्तु पुरुषः Mu.3.4.
    -2 Wholly subdued or over- whelmed by.
    -आयुस् m. an epithet of Brahman; नाहं परायुर्ऋषयो न मरीचिमुख्या जानन्ति यद्विरचितं खलु सत्त्वसर्गाः Bhāg.8.1.12.
    -आविद्धः 1 an epithet of Kubera.
    -2 of Viṣṇu.
    -आश्रय a. dependent upon another.
    (-यः) 1 dependence upon another.
    -2 the retreat of enemies. (
    -या) a plant growing on another tree.
    -आसङ्गः dependence upon another.
    -आस्कन्दिन् m. a thief, robber.
    1 other than inimical; i. e. friendly, kind.
    -2 one's own; विधाय रक्षान् परितः परेतरान् Ki.1.14.
    -ईशः 1 an epithet of Brahman.
    -2 of Viṣṇu.
    -इष्टिः N. of Brahman.
    -इष्टुका a cow which has often calved.
    -उत्कर्षः another's prosperity.
    -उद्वहः the Indian cuckoo.
    -उपकारः doing good to others, benevolence, beneficence, charity; परोपकारः पुण्याय पापाय परपीडनम्.
    -उपकारिन् a. benevolent, kind to others.
    -उपजापः causing dissension among enemies; परोपजापात् संरक्षेत् प्रधानान् क्षुद्रकान् अपि Kau. A.1.13.
    -उपदेशः advising others; परोपदेशे पाण्डित्यम्.
    -उपरुद्ध a. besieged by an enemy.
    -उपसर्पणम् approaching another; begging.
    -ऊढा another's wife.
    -एधित a. fostered or brought up by another.
    (-तः) 1 a servant.
    -2 the (Indian) cuckoo.
    -कर्मन् n. service for another. ˚निरतः a servant.
    -कलत्रम् another's wife. ˚अभिगमनम् adultery; वरं क्लैब्यं पुसां न च परकलत्राभिगमनम् H.1.116.
    -कायप्रवेशनम् entering another's body (a supernatural art).
    -कारः The deeds of the enemy; राज्ञः समीपे परकारमाह प्रज्ञापनैषा विबि- धोपदिष्टा Kau. A.2.1.
    -कार्यम् another's business or work. ˚निरतः
    1 a benevolent man.
    -2 a slave, servant.
    -काल a. relating to a later time, mentioned later.
    -कृतिः an example or precedent, a passage descriptive of the doings of men; MS.6.7.26.
    -क्रमः doubling the second letter of a conjunction of consonants.
    -क्रान्तिः f. inclination of the ecliptic.
    -क्षेत्रम् 1 another's body.
    -2 another's field; ये$क्षेत्रिणो बीजवन्तः परक्षेत्रप्रवापिणः । ते वै सस्यस्य जातस्य न लभन्ते फलं क्वचित् ॥ Ms.9.49.
    -3 another's wife; तौ तु जातौ परक्षेत्रे Ms.3.175.
    -गामिन् a.
    1 being with another.
    -2 relating to another.
    -3 beneficial to another.
    -गुण a. beneficial to another. (
    -णः) the virtue of another; परगुणपरमाणून् पर्वतीकृत्य नित्यम् Bh.2.78.
    -ग्रन्थिः joint (as of a finger); an articu- lation.
    -ग्लानिः f. subjugation of an enemy; आत्मोदयः परग्लानिर्द्वयं नीतिरितीयती Śi.2.3.
    -चक्रम् 1 the army of an enemy.
    -2 invasion by an enemy, one of the six itis q. v.
    -3 a hostile prince.
    -छन्द a. dependent.
    (-दः) 1 the will of another.
    -2 dependence. ˚अनुवर्तनम् following the will of another.
    -छिद्रम् a weak or vulnerable point of another, a defect in another.
    - a.
    1 stranger.
    -2 coming from a foe.
    -3 inferior.
    -जनः a stranger (opp. स्वजन); शक्तः परजने दाता Ms.11.9.
    -जन्मन् n. a future birth.
    -जात a.
    1 born of another.
    -2 dependent on another for livelihood. (
    -तः) a servant.
    -जित a.
    1 conquered by another.
    -2 main- tained by another. (
    -तः) the (Indian) cuckoo.
    -तन्त्र a. dependent on another, dependent, subservient.
    -तन्त्रम् (a common group of) subsidiaries belonging to another; जैमिनेः परतन्त्रापत्तेः स्वतन्त्रप्रतिषेधः स्यात् MS.12.1.8. (see तन्त्रम्).
    -तर्ककः a suppliant, beggar; Dānasāgara, Bib- liotheca Indica, 274, Fascicule 1, p.15; also परतर्कुक.
    -तल्पगामिन् m. One who approaches another man's wife.
    -तार्थिकः The adherent of another sect.
    -दाराः m. (pl.) another's wife; ˚अभिगमनम्, ˚अभिमर्षः Adultery.
    -दारिन् m. an adulterer.
    -दुःखम् the sorrow or grief of another; विरलः परदुःखदुःखितो जनः; महदपि परदुःखं शीतलं सम्यगाहुः V.4.13.
    -देवता the Supreme Being.
    -देशः a hostile or foreign country.
    -देशिन् m. a foreigner.
    -द्रोहिन्, -द्वेषिन् a. hating others, hostile, inimical.
    -धनम् another's property.
    -धर्मः 1 the religion of another; स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेयः परधर्मो भयावहः Bg.3.35.
    -2 another's duty or business.
    -3 the duties of another caste; परधर्मेण जीवन् हि सद्यः पतति जातितः Ms.1.97.
    -ध्यानम् absolute meditation or contemplation; ध्येये मनो निश्चलतां याति ध्येयं विचिन्तयत् । यत् तद् ध्यानं परं प्रोक्तं मुनिभिर्ध्यानचिन्तकैः ॥ Garuḍa P.
    -निपातः the irregular posteriority of a word in a compound; i. e. भूतपूर्वः where the sense is पूर्वं भूतः; so राजदन्तः, अग्न्याहितः &c.
    -निर्वाणम् the highest निर्वाण; (Buddh.).
    -पक्षः the side or party of an enemy.
    -पदम् 1 the highest position, eminence.
    -2 final beati- tude.
    -परिग्रह a. see पराधीन; स्ववीर्यविजये युक्ता नैते पर- परिग्रहाः Mb.7.144.22.
    -हः another's property (as wife &c); यथा बीजं न वप्तव्यं पुंसा परपरिग्रहे Ms.9.42-3.
    -परिभवः humiliation or injury suffered from others.
    -पाकनिवृत्त a. One who does not depend on others for his sustenance and performs the पञ्चयज्ञs faultlessly and takes food in his own house.
    -पाकरत a. one who depends upon others for his sustenance but performs the usual ceremonies before cooking; पञ्चयज्ञान् स्वयं कृत्वा परान्नमुपजीवति । सततं प्रातरुत्थाय परपाकरतस्तु सः ॥
    -पाकरुचिः having a liking for others' food; परपाकरुचिर्न स्यादनिन्द्या- मन्त्रणादृते Y.1.112.
    -पिण्डः another's food, food given by another. ˚अद् a., ˚भक्षक a. one who eats another's food or one who feeds at the cost of another; यादृशो$हं परपिण्डभक्षको भूतः Mk.8.25/26; (-m.) a servant. ˚रत a. feeding upon another's food; परपिण्डरता मनुष्याः Bh.
    -पुरञ्जयः a conqueror, hero.
    -पुरुषः 1 another man, a stranger.
    -2 the Supreme Spirit, Viṣṇu.
    -3 the hus- band of another woman.
    -पुष्ट a.
    1 fed or nourished by another.
    -2 Stranger. (
    -ष्टः) the (Indian) cuckoo. ˚महोत्सवः the mango tree.
    -पुष्टा 1 the (Indian) cuckoo.
    -2 a parasitical plant.
    -3 a harlot, prostitute.
    -पूर्वा a woman who has or had a former husband; Ms.3.166; पतिं हित्वा$पकृष्टं स्वमुत्कृष्टं या निषेवते । निन्द्यैव सा भवेल्लोके परपूर्वेति चोच्यते Ms.5.163.
    -प्रतिनप्तृ m. son of the great grand son.
    -प्रपौत्रः (see प्रतिनप्तृ).
    -प्रेष्यः a servant, menial, slave.
    -ब्रह्मन् n. the Supreme Spirit; cf. लीने परे ब्रह्मणि Bh. परे ब्रह्मणि को$पि न लग्नः Śaṅkara (चर्पटपञ्जरिका 7).
    -भागः 1 another's share.
    -2 superior merit.
    -3 good fortune, prosperity.
    -4 (a) excellence, superority, supremacy; दुरधिगमः परभागो यावत् पुरुषेण पौरुषं न कृतम् Pt.1.33;5.34. (b) excess, abundance, height; स्थलकमलगञ्जनं मम हृदय- रञ्जनम् जनितरतिरङ्गपरभागम् Gīt.1; आभाति लब्धपरभागतया- धरोष्ठे R.5.7; Ku.7.17; Ki.5.3;8.42; Śi.7.33; 8.51;1.86;12.15.
    -5 the last part, remainder.
    -भाव a. loving another.
    -भावः the being second member in a compound.
    -भाषा a foreign tongue.
    -भुक्त a. enjoyed or used by another; परभुक्तां च कान्तां च यो भुङ्क्ते स नराधमः । स पच्यते कालसूत्रे यावच्चन्द्रदिवाकरौ ॥ Brav. P.
    -भूत a. following, subsequent (as words).
    -भृत् m. a crow (said to nourish the cuckoo).
    -भृत a. nourished by another.
    -भृतः, -ता the (Indian) cuckoo; (so called because she is nouri- shed by another i. e. by a crow); प्रागन्तरिक्षगमनात्- स्वमपत्यजातमन्यैर्द्विजैः परभृताः खलु पोषयन्ति Ś.5.22; Ku.6.2; R.9.43; Ś.4.1.
    -भतम् 1 another's opinion.
    -2 dif- ferent opinion or doctrine; heterodoxy.
    -मर्मज्ञ a. knowing the secrets of another.
    -मृत्युः a crow.
    -रमणः a married woman's gallant or paramour; स्वाधीने पररमणे धन्यास्तारुण्यफलभाजः Pt.1.18.
    -लोकः the next (or fur- ture) world; परलोकनवप्रवासिनः प्रतिपत्स्ये पदवीमहं तव Ku. 4.1. ˚गमः, ˚यानम् death. ˚विधि funeral rites; परलोक- विधौ च माधव स्मरमुद्दिश्य (निबपेः सहकारमञ्जरीः) Ku.4.38.
    -वश, -वश्य a. subject to another, dependent, depen- dent on others; सर्वं परवशं दुःखं सर्वमात्मवशं सुखम्.
    -वाच्यम् a fault or a defect of another; प्रकटान्यपि नैपुणं महत् परवाच्यानि चिराय गोपितुम् Śi.16.3.
    -वाणिः 1 a judge.
    -2 a year.
    -3 N. of the peacock of Kārtikeya.
    -वादः 1 rumour, report.
    -2 Objection, controversy.
    -वादिन् m. a disputant, controversialist.
    -वेश्मन् n. the abode of the Supreme Being.
    -व्रतः an epithet of Dhṛitarāṣṭra.
    -शब्दः a word expressive of something else; परशब्दस्य परत्र वृत्तौ तद्वद् भावो गम्यते ŚB. on MS.7.2.1.
    -श्वस् ind. the day after tomorrow.
    -संगत a.
    1 asso- ciated with another.
    -2 fighting with another.
    -संज्ञकः the soul.
    -सवर्ण a. homogeneous with a following letter (in gram.).
    -सात् ind. into the hands of an- other. ˚कृता a woman given in marriage.
    -सेवा service of another.
    -स्त्री another's wife.
    -स्वम् another's pro- perty; व्यावृता यत् परस्वेभ्यः श्रुतौ तस्करता स्थिता R.1.27; Ms.7.123. ˚हरणम् seizing another's property.
    -हन् a. killing enemies.
    -हित a.
    1 benevolent.
    -2 profitable to another.
    -तम् the welfare of another; सन्तः स्वयं परहिताभिहिताभियोगाः Bh.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > पर _para

  • 93 every

    1) (each single) jeder/jede/jedes

    every [single] time/on every [single] occasion — [aber auch] jedes Mal

    he ate every last or single biscuit — (coll.) er hat die ganzen Kekse aufgegessen (ugs.)

    every one — jeder/jede/jedes [einzelne]

    2) after possessive adj.

    your every wish — all[e] deine Wünsche

    his every thought — all[e] seine Gedanken

    she comes [once] every day — sie kommt jeden Tag [einmal]

    every three/few days — alle drei/paar Tage

    every other(every second, or fig.): (almost every) jeder/jede/jedes zweite

    every now and then or again, every so often, every once in a while — hin und wieder

    4) (the greatest possible) unbedingt, uneingeschränkt [Vertrauen]; voll [Beachtung]; all [Respekt, Aussicht]

    I wish you every happiness/success — ich wünsche dir alles Gute/viel Erfolg

    * * *
    1) (each one of or all (of a certain number): Every room is painted white; Not every family has a car.) jede (-r, -s)
    2) (each (of an indefinite number or series): Every hour brought the two countries nearer war; He attends to her every need.) jede (-r, -s)
    3) (the most absolute or complete possible: We have every reason to believe that she will get better.) all
    4) (used to show repetition after certain intervals of time or space: I go to the supermarket every four or five days; Every second house in the row was bright pink; `Every other day' means èvery two days' or `on alternate days'.) jede (-r, -s)
    - academic.ru/25361/everybody">everybody
    - everyone
    - everyday
    - everything
    - everywhere
    - every bit as
    - every now and then / every now and again / every so often
    - every time
    * * *
    1. (each) jede(r, s)
    he seemed to dog her \every step er folgte ihr auf Schritt und Tritt
    to cater to sb's \every wish auf alle Wünsche einer Person gen eingehen
    2. (as emphasis) ganz und gar
    \every bit ganz genauso
    \every bit as... as... genauso... wie...
    to have \every chance that... die besten Chancen haben, dass...
    to be \every inch a gentleman von Kopf bis Fuß ein Gentleman sein
    to be \every inch a liberal durch und durch liberal sein
    to know \every nook and cranny of an area jeden Winkel eines Gebiets kennen
    to have \every reason to do sth allen Grund haben, etw zu tun
    \every which way esp AM (sl) in alle Richtungen
    to attend to sb's \every whim and fancy jdm jeden Wunsch von den Augen ablesen
    * * *
    1) jede(r, s)

    every single time I... — immer wenn ich...


    (= all possible) I have every confidence in him — ich habe unbedingtes or uneingeschränktes Vertrauen zu ihm

    I have/there is every hope that... — ich habe allen Grund/es besteht aller Grund zu der Hoffnung, dass...

    we wish you every success/happiness — wir wünschen Ihnen alles (nur erdenklich) Gute/viel Glück und Zufriedenheit

    there was every prospect of successes bestand alle Aussicht auf Erfolg

    to make every effort to do sth — sich alle Mühe geben or sich sehr bemühen, etw zu tun


    (indicating recurrence) every fifth day, every five days — jeden fünften Tag, alle fünf Tage

    every other day — jeden zweiten Tag, alle zwei Tage

    every so often, every once in a while, every now and then or again — hin und wieder, ab und zu, gelegentlich


    (after poss adj) they catered to his every whim — sie erfüllten ihm jeden Wunsch

    his every word — jedes seiner Worte, jedes Wort, das er sagte

    * * *
    every [ˈevrı] adj
    1. jeder, jede, jedes:
    2. jeder (jede, jedes) (Einzelne oder Erdenkliche), aller, alle, alles:
    her every wish jeder ihrer Wünsche, alle ihre Wünsche
    3. vollständig:
    have every confidence in sb volles Vertrauen zu jemandem haben;
    their every liberty ihre ganze FreiheitBesondere Redewendungen: every two days jeden zweiten Tag, alle zwei Tage;
    every bit (of it) umg völlig, ganz und gar;
    every bit as much ganz genau so viel oder sehr;
    every day jeden Tag, alle Tage, täglich;
    every once in a while, every so often umg gelegentlich, hin und wieder;
    have every reason allen Grund haben ( to do zu tun);
    a) jederzeit,
    b) jedes Mal,
    c) völlig, ganz;
    every which way US umg in alle (Himmels)Richtungen; now1 Bes Redew, other A 6, second1 A 1
    * * *
    1) (each single) jeder/jede/jedes

    every [single] time/on every [single] occasion — [aber auch] jedes Mal

    he ate every last or single biscuit — (coll.) er hat die ganzen Kekse aufgegessen (ugs.)

    every one — jeder/jede/jedes [einzelne]

    2) after possessive adj.

    your every wish — all[e] deine Wünsche

    his every thought — all[e] seine Gedanken

    she comes [once] every day — sie kommt jeden Tag [einmal]

    every three/few days — alle drei/paar Tage

    every other(every second, or fig.): (almost every) jeder/jede/jedes zweite

    every now and then or again, every so often, every once in a while — hin und wieder

    4) (the greatest possible) unbedingt, uneingeschränkt [Vertrauen]; voll [Beachtung]; all [Respekt, Aussicht]

    I wish you every happiness/success — ich wünsche dir alles Gute/viel Erfolg

    * * *
    all adj.
    jeder adj.

    English-german dictionary > every

  • 94 determinado

    1 determined, bound and determined, set, definite.
    2 given, particular.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: determinar.
    * * *
    1→ link=determinar determinar
    1 (preciso) definite, precise, certain, given, particular
    2 (día, hora, etc) fixed, set, appointed
    3 (resuelto) determined, decisive, resolute
    4 GRAMÁTICA definite
    5 MATEMÁTICAS determinate
    * * *
    (f. - determinada)
    2) certain, particular
    * * *
    1) (=preciso) certain
    2) [persona] determined, resolute
    3) (Ling) [artículo] definite
    4) (Mat) determinate
    * * *
    - da adjetivo (definido, preciso) <fecha/lugar> certain
    * * *
    = determined, set, purposeful, dogged, determinate, unwavering, agreed, desired, hell-bent, certain, resolute.
    Ex. The fifteenth edition, published in 1951, represented a determined effort to update and unify the schedules.
    Ex. With a set number of categories the specificity of the headings to be included in the index must be determined to a large extent.
    Ex. Undue haste and panic can be minimized by calm, purposeful behavior that is reassuring to the public.
    Ex. The last 50 years of academic librarianship have seen a dogged search for standards.
    Ex. There is no coherent and determinate body of legal doctrine and the categories available for classifying legal problems simply mask the incoherency and indeterminacy of legal doctrine.
    Ex. Savage's greatest claim to the attention of present-day librarians is his inspiring and unwavering belief in the value of librarianship.
    Ex. Such reports are sent to 'correspondents' in the member states; these correspondents are responsible for forwarding the reports to an agreed list of destinations in their own country.
    Ex. Arguably, before one tries to understand what current action would be optimal, one should decide on the desired eventual outcome.
    Ex. Fuller's novel make for a form of intellectual clarity, even if that clarity, paradoxically, is expressed in a ferocious hell-bent manner.
    Ex. The same is true for personal names, for subject headings or descriptors, for certain types of titles, for classification numbers, for call numbers, and so on = Lo mismo ocurre en el caso de los nombres personales, los encabezamientos de materia o descriptores, cierto tipo de títulos, los números de clasificación, las signaturas topográficas, etc.
    Ex. The work on gaining acceptance for disabled people in the 1980s is to become more resolute in the 1990s in the name of social justice.
    * determinado de antemano = pre-established [preestablished].
    * determinado por el consumidor = consumer-driven [consumer driven].
    * determinado por el usuario = customer driven [customer-driven].
    * determinado por la genética = genetically-driven.
    * determinado por los genes = genetically-driven.
    * dispositivo de desconexión automática transcurrido un tiempo determinado = time out mechanism.
    * en determinadas ocasiones = sometimes, on particular occasions.
    * en ocasiones determinadas = on any one occasion.
    * en un momento determinado = at a particular point in time, on any one occasion.
    * número determinado de = nth.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo (definido, preciso) <fecha/lugar> certain
    * * *
    = determined, set, purposeful, dogged, determinate, unwavering, agreed, desired, hell-bent, certain, resolute.

    Ex: The fifteenth edition, published in 1951, represented a determined effort to update and unify the schedules.

    Ex: With a set number of categories the specificity of the headings to be included in the index must be determined to a large extent.
    Ex: Undue haste and panic can be minimized by calm, purposeful behavior that is reassuring to the public.
    Ex: The last 50 years of academic librarianship have seen a dogged search for standards.
    Ex: There is no coherent and determinate body of legal doctrine and the categories available for classifying legal problems simply mask the incoherency and indeterminacy of legal doctrine.
    Ex: Savage's greatest claim to the attention of present-day librarians is his inspiring and unwavering belief in the value of librarianship.
    Ex: Such reports are sent to 'correspondents' in the member states; these correspondents are responsible for forwarding the reports to an agreed list of destinations in their own country.
    Ex: Arguably, before one tries to understand what current action would be optimal, one should decide on the desired eventual outcome.
    Ex: Fuller's novel make for a form of intellectual clarity, even if that clarity, paradoxically, is expressed in a ferocious hell-bent manner.
    Ex: The same is true for personal names, for subject headings or descriptors, for certain types of titles, for classification numbers, for call numbers, and so on = Lo mismo ocurre en el caso de los nombres personales, los encabezamientos de materia o descriptores, cierto tipo de títulos, los números de clasificación, las signaturas topográficas, etc.
    Ex: The work on gaining acceptance for disabled people in the 1980s is to become more resolute in the 1990s in the name of social justice.
    * determinado de antemano = pre-established [preestablished].
    * determinado por el consumidor = consumer-driven [consumer driven].
    * determinado por el usuario = customer driven [customer-driven].
    * determinado por la genética = genetically-driven.
    * determinado por los genes = genetically-driven.
    * dispositivo de desconexión automática transcurrido un tiempo determinado = time out mechanism.
    * en determinadas ocasiones = sometimes, on particular occasions.
    * en ocasiones determinadas = on any one occasion.
    * en un momento determinado = at a particular point in time, on any one occasion.
    * número determinado de = nth.

    * * *
    A (definido, preciso) ‹fecha/lugar› certain
    quedaron en encontrarse en un lugar determinado y no apareció they agreed to meet at a certain o given place but she didn't show up
    en determinado momento me di cuenta de que se había ido at a certain point I realized that she had gone
    en determinadas circunstancias in certain circumstances
    de una manera determinada in a certain o particular way
    si se excede una determinada dosis if a particular dosage is exceeded
    B ‹persona/actitud› determined, resolute
    * * *


    Del verbo determinar: ( conjugate determinar)

    determinado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da adjetivo ‹fecha/lugar certain;

    en determinadas circunstancias in certain circumstances;
    una determinada dosis a particular dosage
    determinar ( conjugate determinar) verbo transitivo
    1 (establecer, precisar)
    a) [ley/contrato] to state;

    [ persona] to determine

    2 ( motivar) to cause, bring about
    determinado,-a adjetivo
    1 (concreto, preciso) fixed: en determinado momento se puso a cantar, at one particular moment she began to sing
    le gusta un tipo de música muy determinado, she likes a certain kind of music
    2 Ling (artículo) definite
    3 (decidido, convencido) decisive, resolute
    determinar verbo transitivo
    1 (concretar, especificar) to fix, set
    2 (tomar una decisión) to decide on
    3 (averigurar, aclarar) las causas del secuestro están por determinar, the motives for the kidnapping are still unknown
    4 (condicionar) to determine
    5 (causar) to bring about
    ' determinado' also found in these entries:
    - orientar
    - resuelta
    - resuelto
    - tardar
    - dado
    - dejar
    - empecinado
    - definite
    - given
    - hellbent
    - pitch
    - set
    - particular
    * * *
    determinado, -a adj
    1. [cierto, alguno] certain;
    en determinadas fechas es mejor no viajar it is better not to travel on certain dates;
    hay determinados lugares donde la delincuencia es mayor there are certain places where the crime rate is higher;
    ante determinados síntomas es mejor acudir al médico with some symptoms it is better to see your doctor
    2. [preciso, concreto] specific, particular;
    en un momento determinado no sabía qué hacer there was a point where I just didn't know what to do
    3. [resuelto] determined;
    estar determinado a hacer algo to be determined to do sth
    4. Gram definite;
    artículo determinado definite article
    * * *
    adj certain
    * * *
    determinado, -da adj
    1) : certain, particular
    2) : determined, resolute
    * * *
    1. (cierto) certain
    2. (preciso) specific / particular

    Spanish-English dictionary > determinado

  • 95 difusión

    diffusion, pervasion, broadcasting, dissemination.
    * * *
    1 (de luz, calor) diffusion
    2 figurado (de noticia, enfermedad, etc) spreading
    3 RADIO broadcast, broadcasting
    tener gran difusión to be widely known, be widespread
    * * *
    1) [de calor, luz] diffusion
    2) [de noticia, teoría] dissemination, spreading
    3) (Periodismo) [de programa] broadcasting; [de periódico] circulation, readership figures pl
    * * *
    femenino (de noticia, rumor) spreading; (de ideas, doctrina) spreading, diffusion (frml)
    * * *
    = dissemination, projection, spread, airing, propagation, diffusion, spreading.
    Ex. An indexing system is a set of prescribed procedures for organising the contents of records of knowledge or documents for the purposes of retrieval and dissemination.
    Ex. The current practice of promotion and projection of public library services tends to be amateurish, piecemeal, unsustained and difficult to evaluate.
    Ex. With the spread of video equipment, an increasing number of visual media with local history content have come into being.
    Ex. To achieve a full airing of concerns, librarians must work to overcome the unfavorable odds against the individual's access to unpopular or anti-establishment views.
    Ex. As part of an imported culture libraries may be associated with influences undermining traditional values and self-confidence and with the propagation of negative values such as consumerism.
    Ex. Mathematical models are presented that describe the diffusion of gaseous pollutants from the air in a storeroom into protective containers and the reaction with the documents lying in them.
    Ex. The greatest boost to the spreading of knowledge through vastly increased book production was the invention of woodblock printing which was well developed by the late 9th century.
    * difusión de información = information provision, provision of information, dissemination of information.
    * difusión de la información = information diffusion, information dissemination.
    * difusión de rumores = rumour mongering.
    * difusión electrónica de documentos (DED) = electronic document delivery (EDD).
    * difusión por radio y televisión = broadcast, broadcasting.
    * difusión selectiva de la información = SDI (selective dissemination of information).
    * servicio de difusión selectiva de la información = SDI service.
    * * *
    femenino (de noticia, rumor) spreading; (de ideas, doctrina) spreading, diffusion (frml)
    * * *
    = dissemination, projection, spread, airing, propagation, diffusion, spreading.

    Ex: An indexing system is a set of prescribed procedures for organising the contents of records of knowledge or documents for the purposes of retrieval and dissemination.

    Ex: The current practice of promotion and projection of public library services tends to be amateurish, piecemeal, unsustained and difficult to evaluate.
    Ex: With the spread of video equipment, an increasing number of visual media with local history content have come into being.
    Ex: To achieve a full airing of concerns, librarians must work to overcome the unfavorable odds against the individual's access to unpopular or anti-establishment views.
    Ex: As part of an imported culture libraries may be associated with influences undermining traditional values and self-confidence and with the propagation of negative values such as consumerism.
    Ex: Mathematical models are presented that describe the diffusion of gaseous pollutants from the air in a storeroom into protective containers and the reaction with the documents lying in them.
    Ex: The greatest boost to the spreading of knowledge through vastly increased book production was the invention of woodblock printing which was well developed by the late 9th century.
    * difusión de información = information provision, provision of information, dissemination of information.
    * difusión de la información = information diffusion, information dissemination.
    * difusión de rumores = rumour mongering.
    * difusión electrónica de documentos (DED) = electronic document delivery (EDD).
    * difusión por radio y televisión = broadcast, broadcasting.
    * difusión selectiva de la información = SDI (selective dissemination of information).
    * servicio de difusión selectiva de la información = SDI service.

    * * *
    (de una noticia, un rumor) spreading; (de ideas, una doctrina) spreading, diffusion ( frml)
    se ha dado amplia difusión al conflicto the conflict has been given widespread coverage
    un libro de mucha difusión entre los jóvenes a book which is widely read among the young
    * * *


    difusión sustantivo femenino (de noticia, rumor) spreading;
    (de ideas, doctrina, cultura) spreading, diffusion (frml);

    difusión sustantivo femenino
    1 (de noticias, rumores) spreading, circulation: la difusión de su teoría es nula, his theory is not widely known
    2 Rad TV broadcasting
    3 Fís Quím diffusion

    ' difusión' also found in these entries:
    - generalización
    - nacional
    - spread
    * * *
    1. [de noticia, rumor] spreading;
    [de religión, ideología] spread, dissemination; [de cultura, costumbres] spreading, diffusion;
    el evento tuvo enorme difusión en la prensa escrita the event received extensive press coverage
    2. [por radio, televisión] broadcasting;
    3. [de epidemia, olor, calor] spread;
    [de sonido, ondas] diffusion, spread
    4. [de periódico, revista] circulation
    * * *
    f spread(ing)
    * * *
    difusión nf, pl - siones
    1) : spreading
    2) : diffusion (of heat, etc.)
    3) : broadcast, broadcasting
    los medios de difusión: the media

    Spanish-English dictionary > difusión

  • 96 emplazar

    1 to locate.
    2 to summon.
    El presidente emplazó a los empleados The president summoned the employees
    El juez emplaza a los testigos The judge subpoenas the witnesses.
    3 to challenge, to bid.
    El tribunal emplazó a Ricardo The court summoned Richard.
    4 to place, to canton, to quarter.
    Ella emplaza los fugitivos She locates the fugitives
    * * *
    1 (citar) to call together; (a juicio) to summons
    emplazar a la huelga to call out on strike
    1 (situar) to locate, place, situate
    * * *
    1) (=convocar) to summon, convene; (Jur) to summons
    2) (=ubicar) [gen] to site, place; [+ estatua] to erect
    * * *
    verbo transitivo (frml)
    a) <edificio/circo> to site, locate
    b) (Mil) < batería> to position; < misiles> to site
    a) (Der) ( citar) to summon, subpoena
    b) (frml) ( conminar)

    emplazar a alguien a + inf or a que + subj — to call upon somebody to + inf

    * * *
    = site, station, set up, emplace, locate, post.
    Ex. The library's data bases are available at a number of locations via appropriately sited terminals.
    Ex. Acquisition of material is through an office of the Library of Congress stationed in Jakarta as well as direct purchasing from vendors.
    Ex. The reference service is set up next to, on in the case of small units, in the reading room.
    Ex. For them musical performance emplaces and embodies community identities in very specific ways.
    Ex. One of the greatest appeals to travelers to Santiago, located in the central coastal region of Chile, is its Mediterranean climate.
    Ex. The agents then posted themselves strategically around the restaurant.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo (frml)
    a) <edificio/circo> to site, locate
    b) (Mil) < batería> to position; < misiles> to site
    a) (Der) ( citar) to summon, subpoena
    b) (frml) ( conminar)

    emplazar a alguien a + inf or a que + subj — to call upon somebody to + inf

    * * *
    = site, station, set up, emplace, locate, post.

    Ex: The library's data bases are available at a number of locations via appropriately sited terminals.

    Ex: Acquisition of material is through an office of the Library of Congress stationed in Jakarta as well as direct purchasing from vendors.
    Ex: The reference service is set up next to, on in the case of small units, in the reading room.
    Ex: For them musical performance emplaces and embodies community identities in very specific ways.
    Ex: One of the greatest appeals to travelers to Santiago, located in the central coastal region of Chile, is its Mediterranean climate.
    Ex: The agents then posted themselves strategically around the restaurant.

    * * *
    emplazar [A4 ]
    ( frml)
    1 ‹edificio/circo› to site, locate
    emplazada en las afueras de la ciudad located o sited on the outskirts of the city
    2 ( Mil) ‹batería› to position; ‹misiles› to site
    1 ( Der) (citar) to summon, subpoena
    2 (conminar) emplazar a algn A algo:
    lo emplazó a que probara lo dicho he called upon him to prove what he had said
    fue emplazado a desmentirlo públicamente he was ordered to publicly deny it
    * * *

    emplazar verbo transitivo
    1 (ubicar) to locate: emplazaron el nuevo teatro al lado de la catedral, they built the new theatre next to the cathedral
    2 (citar, convocar) to call together: os emplazo para comer el sábado en mi casa, you're invited to come around for lunch on Saturday
    ' emplazar' also found in these entries:
    - summon
    - summons
    * * *
    1. [situar] to locate;
    [armamento] to position; [misiles] to site; [tropas] to post, to station;
    la basílica está emplazada en el casco viejo the basilica is located o situated in the old part of town
    2. [citar] to summon;
    Der to summons;
    me emplazó a una reunión he summoned o called me to a meeting;
    fue emplazado para declarar ante el tribunal he was summonsed to give evidence in court
    * * *
    v/t locate, situate
    * * *
    emplazar {21} vt
    1) convocar: to convene, to summon
    2) : to subpoena
    3) ubicar: to place, to position

    Spanish-English dictionary > emplazar

  • 97 equipo

    1 team (people).
    trabajar en equipo to work as a team
    equipo de rescate rescue team
    2 team (jugadores).
    un equipo de rugby a rugby team
    equipo local/visitante local/visiting team
    3 equipment (equipamiento).
    equipo de oficina office equipment
    4 trousseau.
    5 system.
    equipo de sonido sound system
    6 kit.
    7 gear.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: equipar.
    * * *
    1 (prestaciones) equipment
    2 (ropas, utensilios) outfit, kit
    equipo de fútbol football team
    equipo de música music centre, stereo system
    equipo de novia trousseau
    gastos de equipo capital expenditure sing
    * * *
    noun m.
    1) crew
    2) team
    3) gear, equipment
    4) kit
    * * *
    1) (Dep) team

    equipo titular — A team, first team

    2) [de personas] team

    equipo de rescate, equipo de salvamento, equipo de socorro — [civil] rescue team; [militar] rescue squad, rescue unit

    equipo médico — medical team, medical unit

    3) (=utensilios, accesorios) [gen] equipment; [para deportes] equipment, kit

    equipo de fumador — smoker's outfit, smoker's accessories

    equipo físico — (Inform) hardware

    equipo lógico — (Inform) software

    equipo rodante — (Ferro) rolling stock

    * * *
    1) (de trabajadores, jugadores) team

    el equipo local or de casa — the home team

    el equipo de fuera or visitante — the away o visiting team

    hacer equipo con alguien — (AmL) to team up with somebody

    ser del otro equipo — (AmL fam & pey) to be one of them (colloq & pej)

    2) (de materiales, utensilios) equipment

    caerse con todo el equipo — (fam) to mess things up (colloq), to screw up (AmE sl)

    * * *
    = apparatus, equipment, team, crew, gear, rig, infrastructure, squad.
    Ex. The abstracts of research papers will typically represent the methodology employed, in particular, apparatus, equipment, tools, materials.
    Ex. A post-coordinate index depends upon specialised equipment and storage devices.
    Ex. Guidelines are also valuable introductory material for any new abstractors, whether geographically separated from the remainder of the abstracting team or not.
    Ex. Phillips has 12 installations with a crew of 15-450 men.
    Ex. The library is now the greatest treasure house of whaling fact and lore in the world with its collection of logbooks, maps, photographs, manuscripts and whaling gear = Ahora la biblioteca ahora es la mayor fuente inagotable del mundo de datos y tradiciones sobre la caza de ballenas con su colección de diarios de navegación, mapas, fotografías, manuscritos y herramientas para la caza de ballenas.
    Ex. An adjustable seating rig was used to create the three-dimensional shape of a static lounge chair.
    Ex. Priority sectors are in energy, industry and infrastructure.
    Ex. This concept comes mainly from the military, where a designated number of troops make a squad, a platoon, a regiment, etc..
    * basado en el trabajo en equipo = team-based.
    * biblioteconomía en equipo = team librarianship.
    * colaboración en equipo = collaborative teamwork.
    * compañero de equipo = teammate.
    * de aplicación específica a un equipo de ordenador = hardware-based.
    * dejar fuera del equipo = sideline.
    * deporte de equipo = team sport.
    * equipo administrativo = administrative team.
    * equipo audiovisual = audiovisual equipment.
    * equipo de atletismo = athletic team.
    * equipo de búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue team.
    * equipo de casa = home team.
    * equipo de casa, el = home side, the.
    * equipo de dirección = management, management team, administrative team.
    * equipo de gestión = management team.
    * equipo de gobierno = administration, governing board, management.
    * equipo de impresión = press crew.
    * equipo de investigación = research team.
    * equipo de lectura de microfilm = microfilm reading equipment.
    * equipo de mantenimiento = maintenance crew.
    * equipo de mantenimiento artificial de la vida = life-support system.
    * equipo de medición topográfica = surveying equipment.
    * equipo de música = home stereo system, stereo system.
    * equipo de pesca = fishing tackle, fishing gear, fishing equipment, angling equipment.
    * equipo deportivo = sports team.
    * equipo de producción = production team, production equipment.
    * equipo de protección = protective gear.
    * equipo de rescate = rescue team.
    * equipo de salvamento = rescue team.
    * equipo de sonido = sound system, hi-fi system.
    * equipo de trabajo = study team, project team, work team.
    * equipo editorial = editorial team.
    * equipo especial = skunkwork [skunk work].
    * equipo informático = computer hardware, computer equipment, computer machinery.
    * equipo interdisciplinar = cross-functional team.
    * equipo investigador = research team.
    * equipo mixto = cross-functional team.
    * equipo nacional = national team.
    * equipo para escuchar visitas grabadas = audio tour unit.
    * equipo protector = protective gear.
    * equipos ADP (para el proceso automático de datos) = ADP (automatic data processing) equipment.
    * equipos de calefacción = heating equipment.
    * equipos de reprografía = reprographic equipment.
    * equipo solar = solar equipment.
    * equipo titular = starting team.
    * equipo topográfico = surveying equipment.
    * equipo visitante = visiting team.
    * esfuerzo de equipo = team effort.
    * espíritu de equipo = team spirit.
    * fomento de espíritu de equipo = team building.
    * investigación en equipo = team research.
    * material y equipos de oficina = office supply and equipment.
    * partido entre equipos rivales = local derby.
    * suministrar material de equipo = supply + equipment.
    * trabajar en equipo = work as + a team.
    * trabajo en equipo = teamwork, collaborative teamwork, team management.
    * un equipo de = a team of.
    * * *
    1) (de trabajadores, jugadores) team

    el equipo local or de casa — the home team

    el equipo de fuera or visitante — the away o visiting team

    hacer equipo con alguien — (AmL) to team up with somebody

    ser del otro equipo — (AmL fam & pey) to be one of them (colloq & pej)

    2) (de materiales, utensilios) equipment

    caerse con todo el equipo — (fam) to mess things up (colloq), to screw up (AmE sl)

    * * *
    = apparatus, equipment, team, crew, gear, rig, infrastructure, squad.

    Ex: The abstracts of research papers will typically represent the methodology employed, in particular, apparatus, equipment, tools, materials.

    Ex: A post-coordinate index depends upon specialised equipment and storage devices.
    Ex: Guidelines are also valuable introductory material for any new abstractors, whether geographically separated from the remainder of the abstracting team or not.
    Ex: Phillips has 12 installations with a crew of 15-450 men.
    Ex: The library is now the greatest treasure house of whaling fact and lore in the world with its collection of logbooks, maps, photographs, manuscripts and whaling gear = Ahora la biblioteca ahora es la mayor fuente inagotable del mundo de datos y tradiciones sobre la caza de ballenas con su colección de diarios de navegación, mapas, fotografías, manuscritos y herramientas para la caza de ballenas.
    Ex: An adjustable seating rig was used to create the three-dimensional shape of a static lounge chair.
    Ex: Priority sectors are in energy, industry and infrastructure.
    Ex: This concept comes mainly from the military, where a designated number of troops make a squad, a platoon, a regiment, etc..
    * basado en el trabajo en equipo = team-based.
    * biblioteconomía en equipo = team librarianship.
    * colaboración en equipo = collaborative teamwork.
    * compañero de equipo = teammate.
    * de aplicación específica a un equipo de ordenador = hardware-based.
    * dejar fuera del equipo = sideline.
    * deporte de equipo = team sport.
    * equipo administrativo = administrative team.
    * equipo audiovisual = audiovisual equipment.
    * equipo de atletismo = athletic team.
    * equipo de búsqueda y rescate = search and rescue team.
    * equipo de casa = home team.
    * equipo de casa, el = home side, the.
    * equipo de dirección = management, management team, administrative team.
    * equipo de gestión = management team.
    * equipo de gobierno = administration, governing board, management.
    * equipo de impresión = press crew.
    * equipo de investigación = research team.
    * equipo de lectura de microfilm = microfilm reading equipment.
    * equipo de mantenimiento = maintenance crew.
    * equipo de mantenimiento artificial de la vida = life-support system.
    * equipo de medición topográfica = surveying equipment.
    * equipo de música = home stereo system, stereo system.
    * equipo de pesca = fishing tackle, fishing gear, fishing equipment, angling equipment.
    * equipo deportivo = sports team.
    * equipo de producción = production team, production equipment.
    * equipo de protección = protective gear.
    * equipo de rescate = rescue team.
    * equipo de salvamento = rescue team.
    * equipo de sonido = sound system, hi-fi system.
    * equipo de trabajo = study team, project team, work team.
    * equipo editorial = editorial team.
    * equipo especial = skunkwork [skunk work].
    * equipo informático = computer hardware, computer equipment, computer machinery.
    * equipo interdisciplinar = cross-functional team.
    * equipo investigador = research team.
    * equipo mixto = cross-functional team.
    * equipo nacional = national team.
    * equipo para escuchar visitas grabadas = audio tour unit.
    * equipo protector = protective gear.
    * equipos ADP (para el proceso automático de datos) = ADP (automatic data processing) equipment.
    * equipos de calefacción = heating equipment.
    * equipos de reprografía = reprographic equipment.
    * equipo solar = solar equipment.
    * equipo titular = starting team.
    * equipo topográfico = surveying equipment.
    * equipo visitante = visiting team.
    * esfuerzo de equipo = team effort.
    * espíritu de equipo = team spirit.
    * fomento de espíritu de equipo = team building.
    * investigación en equipo = team research.
    * material y equipos de oficina = office supply and equipment.
    * partido entre equipos rivales = local derby.
    * suministrar material de equipo = supply + equipment.
    * trabajar en equipo = work as + a team.
    * trabajo en equipo = teamwork, collaborative teamwork, team management.
    * un equipo de = a team of.

    * * *
    A ( Dep) team; (de trabajadores, colaboradores) team
    un equipo de baloncesto/fútbol a basketball/football team
    el equipo local or de casa the home team
    el equipo de fuera or visitante the away o visiting team
    el equipo de desactivación de explosivos the bomb disposal team o squad
    trabajamos en equipo we work as a team
    el equipo directivo de la empresa the company's management team
    hacer equipo con algn ( AmL); to team up with sb
    ser del otro equipo ( AmL fam pey); to be one of them ( colloq pej)
    research team
    editorial staff o team
    rescue team
    television crew
    working group, task force
    medical team
    outside broadcasting unit
    task force
    B (de materiales, utensilios) equipment
    se compró el equipo completo de esquí he bought himself all the necessary equipment o ( colloq) all the gear for skiing
    equipos informáticos computer hardware, hardware
    equipo de pesca fishing tackle
    equipo de fotografía photographic equipment
    caerse con todo el equipo ( fam); to mess things up ( colloq), to screw up ( AmE sl)
    hi-fi system
    MP3 player
    sound system
    standard fittings (pl)
    sound system
    ( Chi) sound system
    * * *


    Del verbo equipar: ( conjugate equipar)

    equipo es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    equipó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    equipar ( conjugate equipar) verbo transitivo
    a) persona to equip, fit … out;

    equipo a algn con or de algo to equip sb with sth
    b) casa to furnish;

    local/barco to fit out;
    ( de víveres) to provision;

    equipo sustantivo masculino
    1 (de trabajadores, jugadores) team;
    el equipo local/visitante the home/visiting team;

    trabajo de equipo team work;
    trabajar en equipo to work as a team;
    equipo de filmación film crew
    2 (de materiales, utensilios) equipment;

    equipo de gimnasia gym kit;
    equipo de alta fidelidad hi-fi system
    equipar verbo transitivo to equip [con, with]
    equipo sustantivo masculino
    1 (grupo de profesionales) team: juega en un equipo de baloncesto, he plays in a basketball team
    tenemos que trabajar en equipo, we've got to work as a team
    2 (conjunto de aparatos) equipment: equipo de música, music system
    3 (conjunto de ropa, elementos, etc) outfit: me gustaría tener un equipo de bucear, I'd like to have a set of diving equipment
    ' equipo' also found in these entries:
    - bajón
    - batir
    - combatividad
    - compacta
    - compacto
    - compenetrarse
    - componente
    - concentración
    - confraternizar
    - cuadrilla
    - efectividad
    - enfrentarse
    - entrenar
    - estruendo
    - fuera
    - inferioridad
    - interdisciplinaria
    - interdisciplinario
    - líder
    - mofarse
    - óptima
    - óptimo
    - parafernalia
    - savia
    - servidumbre
    - socorro
    - sonido
    - teutón
    - teutona
    - teutónica
    - teutónico
    - vencedor
    - vencedora
    - visitante
    - alentar
    - alinear
    - animador
    - arrasar
    - ascenso
    - baja
    - bajar
    - barrer
    - cabeza
    - compañero
    - componer
    - contrario
    - delantera
    - derrotado
    - derrotar
    - audio
    - boom box
    - crew
    - cut out
    - deck
    - defeat
    - do-it-yourself
    - electrical equipment
    - equipment
    - field
    - forfeit
    - gear
    - goalkeeper
    - goose
    - hi-fi
    - integral
    - kit
    - letdown
    - lick
    - opposing
    - outfit
    - part-payment
    - place
    - preclude
    - promote
    - pull out
    - retrofit
    - row
    - scapegoat
    - side
    - spirit
    - squad
    - standard
    - stretcher party
    - surgical
    - tackle
    - team
    - team-game
    - team-mate
    - teamwork
    - unbeatable
    - unit
    - up-to-date
    - visiting team
    - winning
    - ahead
    - behalf
    - color
    - drop
    * * *
    equipo nm
    1. [de trabajadores, profesionales, voluntarios] team;
    trabajar en equipo to work as a team;
    equipo de rescate rescue team;
    2. [de jugadores, atletas] team;
    un equipo de rugby a rugby team;
    deportes de equipo team sports
    equipo local local team;
    equipo visitante visiting team
    3. [equipamiento] equipment;
    un equipo de submarinismo scuba diving equipment;
    ya tiene listo el equipo de esquí he has got his skiing gear ready now;
    caerse o [m5] estrellarse con todo el equipo to get it in the neck
    equipo de oficina office equipment;
    equipo quirúrgico surgical instruments
    4. [indumentaria] [de novia] trousseau;
    [de soldado] kit; [de colegial] uniform; [de deportista] strip Arg equipo buzo tracksuit
    5. [de música] system
    equipo de alta fidelidad hi-fi system;
    equipo de música music o sound system;
    equipo de sonido sound system
    * * *
    1 DEP team
    equipo investigador investigating team
    3 accesorios equipment;
    equipo de esquiar skiing equipment;
    * * *
    equipo nm
    1) : team, crew
    2) : gear, equipment
    * * *
    1. (personas, jugadores) team
    2. (ropa, utensilios) gear / kit
    ¿has traído tu equipo de tenis? have you brought your tennis gear?
    3. (equipamiento) equipment
    equipo de música hi fi / stereo

    Spanish-English dictionary > equipo

  • 98 localizar

    1 to locate, to track down.
    Ricardo localizó al chico Richard located the boy.
    2 to localize.
    El director localizó la filmación The director confined the filming.
    El traductor localizó el sitio Web The translator localized the website.
    * * *
    1 (encontrar) to locate, find
    2 (infección, incendio) to localize
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=encontrar) to find, locate

    ¿dónde se puede localizar al Sr Gómez? — where can I find o get hold of Mr Gómez?

    2) [+ llamada telefónica] to trace
    3) (Med) to localize
    4) frm (=colocar) to site, locate, place
    2. VPR
    1) Méx (=situarse) to be located
    2) [dolor] to be localized
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <persona/lugar/tumor> to locate
    b) <incendio/epidemia> to localize
    localizarse v pron dolor to be localized
    * * *
    = locate, site, situate, locate, station, set up, localise [localize, -USA], track down, get + hold of, post.
    Ex. This order suffices for a list whose purpose is to identify and locate documents, whose bibliographic details are already known.
    Ex. The library's data bases are available at a number of locations via appropriately sited terminals.
    Ex. NACs ideally prefer to be situated in ground-floor shop-front premises in a shopping area and on a route that people follow in the normal course of their lives.
    Ex. One of the greatest appeals to travelers to Santiago, located in the central coastal region of Chile, is its Mediterranean climate.
    Ex. Acquisition of material is through an office of the Library of Congress stationed in Jakarta as well as direct purchasing from vendors.
    Ex. The reference service is set up next to, on in the case of small units, in the reading room.
    Ex. Here, the localisation index of a union catalogue is defined as the percentage of interlibrary lending (ILL) requests this catalogues can localise correctly.
    Ex. In stepping away from the genre's glamorous robberies and flashy lifestyle, this stealthy, potent movie tracks down the British gangster icon to its inevitable end.
    Ex. It is difficult for Western librarians to find out what is being published, or to get hold of the materials that they know about.
    Ex. The agents then posted themselves strategically around the restaurant.
    * difícil de localizar = irretraceable.
    * fácil de localizar = traceable.
    * imposible de localizar = untraceable.
    * localizar información = track down + information.
    * poderse localizar = be locatable.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <persona/lugar/tumor> to locate
    b) <incendio/epidemia> to localize
    localizarse v pron dolor to be localized
    * * *
    = locate, site, situate, locate, station, set up, localise [localize, -USA], track down, get + hold of, post.

    Ex: This order suffices for a list whose purpose is to identify and locate documents, whose bibliographic details are already known.

    Ex: The library's data bases are available at a number of locations via appropriately sited terminals.
    Ex: NACs ideally prefer to be situated in ground-floor shop-front premises in a shopping area and on a route that people follow in the normal course of their lives.
    Ex: One of the greatest appeals to travelers to Santiago, located in the central coastal region of Chile, is its Mediterranean climate.
    Ex: Acquisition of material is through an office of the Library of Congress stationed in Jakarta as well as direct purchasing from vendors.
    Ex: The reference service is set up next to, on in the case of small units, in the reading room.
    Ex: Here, the localisation index of a union catalogue is defined as the percentage of interlibrary lending (ILL) requests this catalogues can localise correctly.
    Ex: In stepping away from the genre's glamorous robberies and flashy lifestyle, this stealthy, potent movie tracks down the British gangster icon to its inevitable end.
    Ex: It is difficult for Western librarians to find out what is being published, or to get hold of the materials that they know about.
    Ex: The agents then posted themselves strategically around the restaurant.
    * difícil de localizar = irretraceable.
    * fácil de localizar = traceable.
    * imposible de localizar = untraceable.
    * localizar información = track down + information.
    * poderse localizar = be locatable.

    * * *
    localizar [A4 ]
    1 ‹persona› to locate; ‹lugar› to locate; ‹tumor› to locate
    lograron localizar la avioneta siniestrada they succeeded in finding o locating the crashed plane
    llevo varios días intentando localizarla I've been trying to locate her o get hold of her o track her down for several days
    no logro localizarlo en el mapa I can't find it on the map
    no pudieron localizar el remitente del paquete they were unable to trace the sender of the parcel
    2 ‹incendio/epidemia› to localize
    «dolor» to be/become localized
    * * *


    localizar ( conjugate localizar) verbo transitivo
    a)persona/lugar/tumor to locate;

    b)incendio/epidemia to localize

    localizar verbo transitivo
    1 to find
    2 (una epidemia, un incendio) to localize
    ' localizar' also found in these entries:
    - ubicar
    chase up
    - elusive
    - localize
    - locate
    - reach
    - trace
    - track down
    - hold
    - home
    - pin
    - track
    * * *
    1. [encontrar] to locate, to find;
    localizar una llamada to trace a call;
    no han localizado al excursionista extraviado the missing hiker hasn't been found;
    llevo horas intentando localizarlo I've been trying to get hold of him for hours
    2. [circunscribir] to localize;
    han localizado la epidemia the epidemic has been localized
    3. Informát [software] to adapt for the local market, to localize
    * * *
    1 locate; incendio contain, bring under control
    2 INFOR localize
    * * *
    localizar {21} vt
    1) ubicar: to locate, to find
    2) : to localize
    * * *
    1. (encontrar) to locate / to find [pt. & pp. found]
    2. (ponerse en contacto) to reach / to get hold of

    Spanish-English dictionary > localizar

  • 99 ubicar

    1 to locate.
    2 to put, to place. ( Latin American Spanish)
    3 to find, to locate. ( Latin American Spanish)
    ¿cómo te ubico? where can I get hold of o contact you?
    4 to set.
    5 to recognize.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ SACAR], like link=sacar sacar
    1 to be, be situated
    1 ESPAÑOL AMERICANO (situar) to locate, situate, place
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) esp LAm (=colocar) to place, locate; [+ edificio] to site
    2) (=encontrar)

    ubicar algo — to find sth, locate sth

    b) LAm

    ubicar a algn — to find sb, locate sb

    no hemos podido ubicar al jefewe have been unable to find o locate the boss, we have been unable to track down the boss

    * * *
    verbo transitivo (AmL)
    a) (colocar, situar)
    b) ( localizar) <persona/lugar> to find, locate

    me suena el nombre, pero no lo ubico — the name rings a bell, but I can't quite place him

    ubicarse v pron
    1) (AmL)
    a) (colocarse, situarse)
    b) ( en empleo) to get oneself a good job
    c) ( orientarse) to find one's way around

    ¿te ubicas? — have you got your bearings?

    2) (esp AmL) ( estar situado) to be, be situated o located
    * * *
    = site, put into + place, set up, locate.
    Ex. The library's data bases are available at a number of locations via appropriately sited terminals.
    Ex. Garvey suggests that the list of references is a key part of any scientific paper, since they help to put the research described into its proper place in the development of the scientific consensus.
    Ex. The reference service is set up next to, on in the case of small units, in the reading room.
    Ex. One of the greatest appeals to travelers to Santiago, located in the central coastal region of Chile, is its Mediterranean climate.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo (AmL)
    a) (colocar, situar)
    b) ( localizar) <persona/lugar> to find, locate

    me suena el nombre, pero no lo ubico — the name rings a bell, but I can't quite place him

    ubicarse v pron
    1) (AmL)
    a) (colocarse, situarse)
    b) ( en empleo) to get oneself a good job
    c) ( orientarse) to find one's way around

    ¿te ubicas? — have you got your bearings?

    2) (esp AmL) ( estar situado) to be, be situated o located
    * * *
    = site, put into + place, set up, locate.

    Ex: The library's data bases are available at a number of locations via appropriately sited terminals.

    Ex: Garvey suggests that the list of references is a key part of any scientific paper, since they help to put the research described into its proper place in the development of the scientific consensus.
    Ex: The reference service is set up next to, on in the case of small units, in the reading room.
    Ex: One of the greatest appeals to travelers to Santiago, located in the central coastal region of Chile, is its Mediterranean climate.

    * * *
    ubicar [A2 ]
    ( AmL)
    (colocar, situar): me ubicaron al lado del festejado they placed o seated o put me next to the guest of honor
    ubicó a los soldados en posición de fuego he got the soldiers into firing position
    el triunfo de ayer ubicó al equipo en segundo lugar yesterday's victory has put the team in second place
    ubicar las sillas para la reunión to set out o arrange the chairs for the meeting
    ubica la acción en la selva amazónica he sets the story in the Amazonian rain forest
    2 (localizar) to find
    no consigo ubicar el párrafo I can't find the paragraph
    ubicaron al niño perdido they traced o found o located the missing boy
    no lo he podido ubicar en todo el día I haven't been able to locate him o ( colloq) get hold of him all day
    ubicaron el avión perdido they located the missing plane
    (identificar): lo ubico sólo de nombre I only know him by name
    ubiqué tu auto por el color I recognized your car by the color
    me suena el nombre, pero no lo ubico the name rings a bell, but I can't quite place him
    A ( AmL)
    (situarse, colocarse): tienes que ubicarte en la primera fila si quieres ver bien you have to sit ( o stand etc) in the front row if you want to get a good view
    nos ubicamos en un lugar privilegiado we got really good seats
    cuando estén todos ubicados me llaman give me a call when you're all ready
    2 (en un empleo) to fix oneself up with a good job, get oneself a good job
    3 (orientarse) to find one's way around
    no me ubico todavía en esta ciudad I still have trouble finding my way around this city o orienting myself in this city
    ¿te ubicas? have you got your bearings?, do you know where you are?
    B ( esp AmL) (estar situado) to be, be situated o located
    la catedral se ubica al norte de la ciudad the cathedral is (situated o located) in the north of the city
    * * *


    ubicar ( conjugate ubicar) verbo transitivo (AmL)
    a) (colocar, situar):

    ubicaron las sillas para la reunión they arranged the chairs for the meeting
    b) ( localizar) ‹persona/lugar to find, locate

    lo ubiqué por el color I recognized it by the color;
    me suena el nombre, pero no lo ubico the name rings a bell, but I can't quite place him
    ubicarse verbo pronominal
    1 (AmL)
    a) (colocarse, situarse):

    2 (esp AmL) ( estar situado) to be, be situated o located
    ubicar vtr LAm (situar) to locate: su cara me suena, pero no la ubico, her face rings a bell, but I can't place her
    ' ubicar' also found in these entries:
    - situar
    - set
    - hold
    - pin
    - place
    - situate
    - trace
    * * *
    1. [situar] [edificio, fábrica] to locate;
    un lugar donde ubicar su empresa a location for your firm
    2. Am [colocar] [mueble] to put, to place;
    [persona] to put;
    a mi tía la ubicaremos al lado de tu madre we'll put o sit my aunt next to your mother
    3. Am [encontrar] to find, to locate;
    no veo su ficha por acá, pero en cuanto la ubique le aviso I can't see your card here, but as soon as I find it I'll let you know;
    hay que ubicar a la familia del accidentado we have to locate the victim's family;
    ¿cómo te ubico? where can I get hold of o contact you?
    4. Am [identificar]
    ¿González?, no lo ubico González? I can't quite place him;
    ¿cuál es tu calle? ¿cómo la ubico? what street are you in? how can I find it?
    5. Chile [candidato] to nominate
    * * *
    1 L.Am.
    place, put
    2 ( localizar) locate
    * * *
    ubicar {72} vt
    1) situar: to place, to put, to position
    2) localizar: to locate, to find

    Spanish-English dictionary > ubicar

  • 100 amplissime

    amplus, a, um, adj. [some regard this as a shortened form of anapleôs, = filled up, full; others, as for ambulus from amb-, rounded out, as superus from super, etc.; v. Doed. Syn. II. p. 113; but perh. it is better to form it from am- and -plus, akin to -pleo, plenus, q. v. Pott], thus pr., full all round; hence, great, large. —In space, of large extent, great, large, wide, ample, spacious (the forms amplus and amplior are very rare in the ante-class. per., and rare in all periods. Amplius is com. in the ante-class., freq. in the class., and very freq. in the post-class. per., the Vulg. rarely using the other forms, but using this 121 times. Amplissimus belongs to prose, and is scarcely used before Cicero, with whom it was a very favorite word. It was also used by Plin. Maj. and Min., but never by Tac., Sall. (in his genuine works), nor the Vulg. Catullus used only the form amplius, and Prop. only amplus, while Tib. and Pers. never used this word in any form. Ampliter is found mostly in Plaut.; and ample and amplissime are used a few times by Cic. and by writers that followed him; syn.: magnus, ingens, latus, late patens, spatiosus, laxus).

    amplus et spectu protervo ferox,

    Pac. Trag. Rel. p. 94 Rib.:

    qui (Pluto) ter amplum Geryonen compescit unda,

    Hor. C. 2, 14, 7:

    ampla domus dedecori domino fit, si est in ea solitudo,

    Cic. Off. 1, 39, 139; so Verg. A. 2, 310:

    admodum amplum et excelsum signum,

    Cic. Verr. 4, 74:

    collis castris parum amplus,

    Sall. J. 98, 3:

    porticibus in amplis,

    Verg. A. 3, 353:

    per amplum mittimur Elysium,

    id. ib. 6, 743:

    vocemque per ampla volutant Atria,

    id. ib. 1, 725:

    nil vulva pulchrius ampla,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 15, 41:

    amplae aures,

    Plin. 11, 52, 114, § 274:

    milium amplum grano,

    id. 18, 7, 10, § 55:

    cubiculum amplum,

    Plin. Ep. 2, 17, 6:

    baptisterium amplum atque opacum,

    id. ib. 5, 6, 25.— Comp.:

    quanto est res amplior,

    Lucr. 2, 1133:

    Amplior Urgo et Capraria,

    Plin. 3, 6, 12, § 81:

    avis paulo amplior passere,

    id. 10, 32, 47, § 89:

    amplior specie mortali,

    Suet. Aug. 94; id. Caes. 76 (for the neutr. amplius, v. infra).— Sup.:

    amplissima curia... gymnasium amplissimum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 53:

    urbs amplissima atque ornatissima,

    id. Agr. 2, 76:

    amplissimum peristylum,

    id. Dom. 116:

    (candelabrum) ad amplissimi templi ornatum esse factum,

    id. Verr. 4, 65:

    mons Italiae amplissimus,

    Plin. 3, 5, 7, § 48:

    amplissimum flumen,

    Plin. Ep. 8, 8, 3:

    amplissimus lacus,

    id. ib. 10, 41, 2:

    amplissima insula,

    Plin. 6, 20, 23, § 71:

    amplissimi horti,

    Plin. Ep. 8, 18, 11:

    amplissima arborum,

    Plin. 16, 39, 76, § 200:

    est (topazon) amplissima gemmarum,

    id. 37, 8, 32, § 109:

    amplissimum cubiculum,

    Plin. Ep. 5, 6, 23.—
    Transf., great, abundant, ample, much, long:

    bono atque amplo lucro,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 6 and Ep. 2, 2, 117:

    pabula miseris mortalibus ampla,

    Lucr. 5, 944:

    ampla civitas,

    Cic. Verr. 4, 81; 4, 96:

    civitas ampla atque florens,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 3:

    gens ampla,

    Plin. 5, 30, 33, § 125:

    amplae copiae,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 19:

    ampla manus militum,

    Liv. Epit. 1, 4, 9:

    pecuaria res ampla,

    Cic. Quinct. 12:

    res familiaris ampla,

    id. Phil. 13, 8:

    (res) ampla,

    Sall. H. Fragm. 3, 82, 20 Kritz:

    patrimonium amplum et copiosum,

    Cic. Sex. Rosc. 6; id. Dom. 146: id. Phil. 2, 67:

    amplae divitiae,

    Hor. S. 2, 2, 101:

    esse patri ejus amplas facultates,

    Plin. Ep. 1, 14, 9:

    in amplis opibus heres,

    Plin. 9, 36, 59, § 122.— Comp.:

    amplior numerus,

    Cic. Mil. 57; Sall. J. 105, 3; Tac. A. 14, 53:

    ampliores aquae,

    Plin. 5, 9, 10, § 58:

    amplior exercitus,

    Sall. J. 54, 3; Suet. Vesp. 4:

    commeatus spe amplior,

    Sall. J. 75, 8:

    amplior pecunia, Auct. B. Alex. 56: pecunia amplior,

    Plin. Ep. 3, 11, 2:

    pretia ampliora,

    Plin. 10, 29, 43, § 84:

    omnia longe ampliora invenire quam etc.,

    Plin. Ep. 1, 14, 10:

    ampliores noctes,

    Plin. 18, 26, 63, § 232:

    ut ampliori tempore maneret,

    Vulg. Act. 18, 20.— Sup.:

    peditatus copiae amplissimae e Gallia,

    Cic. Font. 8:

    exercitus amplissimus,

    Plin. Ep. 2, 13, 2; 9, 13, 11:

    amplissima pecunia,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 31:

    amplissimae fortunae,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 8; id. Quinct. 49; id. Phil. 10, 4:

    amplissimae patrimonii copiae,

    id. Fl. 89:

    amplissimas summas emptionibus occupare,

    Plin. Ep. 8, 2, 3:

    opes amplissimae,

    id. ib. 8, 18, 4:

    amplissima dies horarum quindecim etc.,

    the longest day, Plin. 6, 34, 39, § 218.—Also subst. in comp. neutr. (v. amplius, adv. infra), more:

    ut quirem exaudire amplius,

    Att. Trag. Rel. p. 173 Rib.:

    si vis amplius dari, Dabitur,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 1, 18:

    jam amplius orat,

    id. ib. 2, 1, 19:

    daturus non sum amplius,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 29:

    non complectar in his libris amplius quam quod etc.,

    id. de Or. 1, 6, 22:

    tantum adfero quantum ipse optat, atque etiam amplius,

    Plaut. Capt. 4, 1, 10:

    ni amplius etiam, quod ebibit,

    id. Trin. 2, 1, 20: Ph. Etiamne amplius? Th. Nil, Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 63: Tr. Dimidium Volo ut dicas. Gr. Immo hercle etiam amplius, Plaut. Rud. 4, 3, 21: Th. Nempe octoginta debentur huic minae? Tr. Haud nummo amplius, id. Most. 3, 3, 16:

    etiam amplius illam adparare condecet,

    Turp. Com. Rel. p. 100 Rib.:

    hoc onere suscepto amplexus animo sum aliquanto amplius,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1:

    si sit opus liquidi non amplius urna,

    Hor. S. 1, 1, 54:

    omnis numerus amplius octingentis milibus explebat,

    Vell. 2, 110, 3:

    Segestanis imponebat aliquanto amplius quam etc.,

    Cic. Verr. 4, 76:

    illa corona contentus Thrasybulus neque amplius requisivit,

    Nep. Thras. 4, 3:

    amplius possidere,

    Plin. 18, 4, 3, § 17:

    Ille imperio ei reddito haud amplius, quam ut duo ex tribus filiis secum militarent, exegit,

    Curt. 8, 4, 21:

    dedit quantum maximum potuit, daturus amplius, si potuisset,

    Plin. Ep. 3, 21, 6:

    cum hoc amplius praestet, quod etc.,

    id. ib. 7, 25, 1.—Also with part. gen., more of, a greater quantity or number of:

    gaudeo tibi liberorum esse amplius,

    Plaut. Cist. 5, 4:

    te amplius bibisse praedicet loti,

    Cat. 39, 21:

    amplius frumenti auferre,

    Cic. Verr. 3, 49:

    expensum est auri viginti paulo amplius,

    id. Fl. 6, 8:

    amplius negotii contrahi,

    id. Cat. 4, 9:

    si amplius obsidum vellet,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 9, ubi v. Herz.:

    quanto ejus amplius processerat temporis,

    id. B. C. 3, 25.—
    Of internal power or force, great, strong, violent, impetuous:

    pro viribus amplis,

    Lucr. 5, 1174:

    amplae vires peditum,

    Plin. 6, 20, 23, § 75;

    ampla nepotum Spes,

    Prop. 4, 22, 41:

    poena sera, sed ampla,

    full, strict, id. 4, 5, 32. — Comp.:

    haec irae factae essent multo ampliores,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 9:

    si forte morbus amplior factus siet, i. e. gravior,

    id. ib. 3, 1, 50:

    amplior metus,

    Cic. Clu. 128:

    amplior potentia feris,

    Plin. 28, 10, 42, § 153:

    ampliorem dicendi facultatem consequi,

    Quint. 2, 3, 4:

    amplior eoque acrior impetus,

    Flor. 4, 2, 66:

    spes amplior,

    Sall. J. 105, 4:

    amplius accipietis judicium,

    severer, Vulg. Matt. 23, 14:

    amplior auctoritas,

    Plin. 37, 3, 12, § 47:

    amplior virtus,

    higher merit, Quint. 8, 3, 83:

    idem aut amplior cultus (dei),

    Plin. 28, 2, 4, § 18:

    amplior est quaestio,

    Quint. 3, 5, 8:

    ampliora verba,

    of larger meaning, id. 8, 4, 2: scientia intellegentiaque ac sapientia ampliores inventae sunt in te, Vulg. Dan. 5, 14:

    quo legatis animus amplior esset,

    Sall. C. 40, 6; 59, 1:

    spiritus amplior,

    Vulg. Dan. 5, 12; 6, 3.— Sup.:

    (honos) pro amplissimis meritis redditur,

    Cic. Phil. 5, 41:

    cujus sideris (Caniculae) effectus amplissimi in terra sentiuntur,

    very violent, Plin. 2, 40, 40, § 107:

    amplissima spes,

    Suet. Caes. 7:

    his finis cognitionis amplissimae,

    most important trial, Plin. Ep. 2, 11, 23.—
    Of external splendor, great, handsome, magnificent, splendid, glorious:

    illis ampla satis forma, pudicitia,

    great enough, Prop. 1, 2, 24:

    haec ampla sunt, haec divina,

    Cic. Sest. 102; id. Arch. 23:

    res gestae satis amplae,

    Sall. C. 8, 2:

    cur parum amplis adfecerit praemiis,

    Cic. Mil. 57:

    ampla quidem, sed pro ingentibus meritis praemia acceperunt,

    Tac. A. 14, 53:

    amplum in modum praemia ostentare,

    Aur. Vict. Caes. 26, 6:

    amplis honoribus usi,

    Sall. J. 25, 4:

    amplis honoribus auctos,

    Hor. S. 1, 6, 11.—Sometimes in mal. part. or ironically:

    amplam occasionem calumniae nactus,

    a fine opportunity, Cic. Verr. 2, 61:

    spolia ampla refertis Tuque puerque tuus,

    glorious spoils, Verg. A. 4, 93.— Comp.:

    ne ullum munus aedilitatis amplius aut gratius populo esse possit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 5; id. Mur. 37:

    praemiis ad perdiscendum amplioribus commoveri,

    id. de Or. 1, 4, 13:

    alicui ampliorem laudem tribuere,

    id. Sest. 27:

    in aliqua re esse laudem ampliorem,

    id. Marcell. 4:

    corporis membris plus dedit, id amplius atque augustius ratus (Zeuxis),

    Quint. 12, 10, 5:

    ut Augustus vocaretur ampliore cognomine,

    Suet. Aug. 7.— Subst.:

    in potestatibus eo modo agitabat, ut ampliore, quam gerebat, dignus haberetur,

    of something greater, Sall. J. 63, 5.— Sup.:

    ut consules monumentum quam amplissimum faciundum curent,

    Cic. Phil. 14, 38; 14, 31; id. Verr. 4, 82:

    hoc munus aedilitatis amplissimum,

    id. ib. 1, 12, 36; Aur. Vict. Vir. Ill. 1, 74:

    alicui amplissimas potestates dare,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 31:

    insignibus amplissimis ornatus,

    id. ib. 2, 101:

    dona amplissima conferre,

    Plin. 18, 3, 3, § 9:

    praemia legatis dedistis amplissima,

    Cic. Cat. 4, 5; id. Phil. 2, 32:

    spe amplissimorum praemiorum adduci,

    id. Mil. 5; id. de Or. 1, 5, 16:

    velut praemium quoddam amplissimum longi laboris,

    Quint. 10, 7, 1:

    munera amplissima mittere,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 43:

    vestris beneficiis amplissimis adfectus,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 51; id. Dom. 98:

    laudi amplissimae lauream concedere,

    id. Pis. 74:

    laudibus amplissimis adficere,

    id. Phil. 7, 11:

    amplissimam gloriam consequi,

    id. Prov. Cons. 39:

    ut eum amplissimo regis honore et nomine adfeceris,

    id. Deiot. 14:

    amplissimis aliquem efferre honoribus,

    Aur. Vict. Epit. 17, 3:

    amplissimis uti honoribus,

    Cic. Fl. 45:

    amplissimos honores adipisci,

    id. Verr. 5, 181:

    honores adsequi amplissimos,

    id. Mil. 81:

    aliquem ad honores amplissimos perducere,

    id. Am. 20, 73:

    meus labor fructum est amplissimum consecutus,

    id. Imp. Pomp 2:

    mihi gratiae verbis amplissimis aguntur,

    in the handsomest termis, id. Cat. 3, 14; id. Phil. 2, 13; id. Quir. 15:

    ei amplissimis verbis gratias egimus,

    id. Phil. 1, 3:

    provincia Gallia merito ornatur verbis amplissimis ab senatu,

    id. ib. 4, 9:

    amplissimis verbis conlaudatus,

    Suet. Caes. 16:

    amplissimo populi senatusque judicio exercitus habuistis,

    Cic. Agr. 1, 12; id. Fl. 5; id. Dom. 86; id. Planc. 93:

    de meo consulatu amplissima atque ornatissima decreta fecerunt,

    id. Dom. 74:

    quam universi populi, illius gentis, amplissimum testimonium (said of Cic.),

    Plin. 7, 30, 31, § 116.—
    In respect of the opinion of others, esteemed, renowned, etc.:

    quicquid est, quamvis amplum sit, id est parum tum cum est aliquid amplius,

    Cic. Marcell. 26:

    quid hunc hominem magnum aut amplum de re publica cogitare (putare possumus), qui etc.,

    great or noble, id. Imp. Pomp. 37:

    omnia, quae vobis cara atque ampla sunt,

    id. Agr. 2, 9; id. Arch. 23:

    convenerunt corrogati et quidem ampli quidam homines,

    id. Phil. 3, 20:

    hoc studium parvi properemus et ampli,

    small and great, Hor. Ep. 1, 3, 28:

    amplis doctoribus instructus,

    Tac. A. 14, 52:

    sin autem sunt amplae et honestae familiae plebeiae,

    Cic. Mur. 7, 15.— Comp.:

    cum est aliquid amplius,

    Cic. Marcell. 26:

    ampliores ordines,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 77, where Dinter reads priores: quo (ingenio) neque melius neque amplius aliud in natura mortalium est, [p. 112] Sall. J. 2, 4:

    nihil amplius potes (tribuere) amicitia tua,

    Plin. Ep. 2, 13, 10:

    quid amplius facitis?

    Vulg. Matt. 5, 47.— Sup.:

    ex amplissimo genere nubere,

    Cic. Cael. 34:

    amplissimo genere natus,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 12:

    genere copiisque amplissimus, id. ib 6, 15: quam (familiam) vidit amplissimam,

    Cic. Phil. 13, 12:

    amplissimos patruos habere,

    id. Sex. Rosc. 147:

    amplissima civitas,

    id. Verr. 5, 122:

    apud illos Fabiorum nomen est amplissimum,

    id. Font. 36; id. Caecin. 104; id. Verr. 3, 96; id. Deiot. 14:

    mihi hic locus ad agendum amplissimus est visus,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 1:

    non adgrediar ad illa maxima atque amplissima prius quam etc.,

    id. Sest. 5:

    licet tribuas ei quantum amplissimum potes, nihil tamen amplius potes amicitia tua,

    Plin. Ep. 2, 13, 10:

    amplissimis operibus increscere,

    id. ib. 8, 4, 3:

    honores in amplissimo consilio collocare,

    Cic. Sen. 2:

    amplissimi orbis terrae consilii principes,

    id. Phil. 3, 34: honoris amplissimi puto esse accusare improbos, I esteem it to be the greatest honor, etc., id. Div. in Caecil. 70:

    promotus ad amplissimas procurationes,

    Plin. Ep. 7, 31, 3:

    praeter honores amplissimos cognomenque etc.,

    Plin. 7, 44, 45, § 142:

    spes amplissimae dignitatis,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 49; id. Sen. 19, 68; Suet. Vit. 2.—
    Hence, amplissimus (almost always thus in sup.) as a title for persons holding great and honored offices, as consul, senator, etc., or as an honorable epithet of the office itself or the body of officers, distinguished, very distinguished, honorable, right honorable, most honorable, etc.:

    is mihi videtur amplissimus, qui sua virtute in altiorem locum pervenit,

    Cic. Sex. Rosc. 83:

    homo et suis et populi Romani ornamentis amplissimus,

    id. Mur. 8:

    P. Africanus rebus gestis amplissimus,

    id. Caecin. 69:

    ut homines amplissimi testimonium de sua re non dicerent,

    id. Sex. Rosc. 102; id. Clu. 197:

    Q. Catuli atque ceterorum amplissimorum hominum auctoritas,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 63:

    vir amplissimus ejus civitatis,

    id. Verr. 4, 17; id. Fl. 32:

    exercitum Cn. Domitii, amplissimi viri, sustentavit,

    id. Deiot. 5, 14:

    cum habeas amplissimi viri religionem (of L. Lucullus),

    id. Arch. 4, 8; id. Lig. 22:

    in quo consilio amplissimi viri judicarent,

    id. Mil. 5; id. Balb. 1; id. Dom. 2:

    comitatus virorum amplissimorum,

    id. Sull. 9:

    viros primarios atque amplissimos civitatis in consilium advocare,

    id. Verr. 3, 18:

    ordinis amplissimi esse,

    Aur. Vict. Caes. 13, 1; 37, 6:

    cives amplissimos legare,

    Cic. Balb. 42:

    hoc amplissimum nomen, i. e. senatorium,

    id. Verr. 3, 96:

    amplissimus honos, i. e. consulatus,

    id. Rep. 1, 6; so,

    amplissimo praeditus magistratu,

    Suet. Aug. 26:

    amplissimus ordo, i. e. senatorius,

    Plin. Ep. 10, 3; Suet. Calig. 49:

    amplissimi ordines, i. e. senatus et equites,

    id. Vesp. 9:

    amplissimum collegium decemvirale,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 49:

    an vero vir amplissimus, P. Scipio, pontifex maximus, etc.,

    id. Cat. 1, 3:

    amplissimum sacerdotium,

    id. Verr. 2, 126; id. Phil. 13, 8:

    sacerdotium amplissimum,

    id. Verr. 2, 127.—
    As rhet. epithet:

    amplus orator,

    one that speaks richly and with dignity, Cic. Or. 9; id. Brut. 68:

    herous (pes), qui est idem dactylus Aristoteli amplior, iambus humanior videatur,

    grander, more stately, Quint. 9, 4, 88:

    amplius compositionis genus,

    more copious style, id. 9, 4, 129.— Adv. (on the extent of the use of the different forms of the adverb, v. supra init.), largely, abundantly, copiously.
    Form amplĭter:

    benigne ei largi atque ampliter,

    Att. Trag. Rel. p. 173 Rib.:

    aptate munde atque ampliter convivium,

    Pomp. Com. Rel. p. 234 Rib.:

    extructam ampliter mensam,

    Lucil. 13, 7 Mull.:

    opsonato ampliter,

    Plaut. Cas. 2, 8, 65:

    adpositum est ampliter,

    id. Mil. 3, 1, 163:

    acceptus hilare atque ampliter,

    id. Merc. prol. 98:

    modeste melius facere sumptum quam ampliter,

    id. Stich. 5, 4, 10:

    parum (digitulos) immersisti ampliter,

    not deep enough, id. Bacch. 4, 4, 26.—
    Form amplē:

    exornat ample magnificeque triclinium,

    Cic. Verr. 4, 62: qui ample valetudinarios nutriunt, in great numbers (v. the context), Cels. praef. med.
    Trop., fully, handsomely.
    Form amplĭter:

    ampliter dicere,

    fully, particularly, Gell. 10, 3, 4:

    laudare ampliter,

    id. 2, 6, 11.—
    Form amplē: duo genera sunt: unum attenuate presseque, alterum sublate ampleque dicentium, with great fulness, richly (v. amplus, II. E.), Cic. Brut. 55, 201; so,

    elate ampleque loqui,

    id. Tusc. 5, 9, 24:

    satis ample sonabant in Pompeiani nominis locum Cato et Scipio,

    full grandly filled the place of, Flor. 4, 2, 65.— Comp.: amplĭus, more, longer, further, besides (syn.: ultra, praeterea); of time, number, and action (while plus denotes more in quantity, measure, etc.; magis, more, in the comparison of quality, and sometimes of action; and potius, rather, the choice between different objects or acts), constr. absol., with comp. abl., and, in the case of numerals, like minus, plus, propius, q. v., without quam with the nom., acc., or gen., or rarely with the abl. comp., or with quam, but chiefly in the post-Aug. per.; cf. Zumpt, § 485; Madv. § 305; Roby, § 1273; Herz. ad Caes. B. G. 4, 12; and Draeger, Hist. Synt. I. p. 521 sq.
    In gen.:

    deliberatum est non tacere [me] amplius,

    Afran. Com. Rel. p. 199 Rib.:

    otium ubi erit, de istis rebus tum amplius tecum loquar,

    Plaut. Truc. 4, 4, 18:

    cui amplius male faxim,

    id. Aul. 3, 2, 6: De. Etiam? Li. Amplius, id. As. 1, 1, 29: Ar. Vale. Ph. Aliquanto amplius valerem, si hic maneres, id. ib. 3, 3, 2:

    etiam faxo amabit (eam) amplius,

    id. Men. 5, 2, 40:

    multo tanto illum accusabo, quam te accusavi, amplius,

    id. ib. 5, 2, 49:

    quo populum servare potissit amplius,

    Lucil. 1, 15 Mull.:

    At ego amplius dico,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 26:

    amplius posse,

    Sall. J. 69, 2:

    armis amplius valere,

    id. ib. 111, 1:

    si lamentetur miser amplius aequo,

    Lucr. 3, 953:

    tribus vobis opsonatumst an opsono amplius Tibi et parasito et mulieri?

    besides, Plaut. Men. 2, 2, 45:

    Quam vellem invitatum, ut nobiscum esset amplius,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 2, 11:

    in illo exercitu cuncta (probra) fuere et alia amplius,

    Sall. J. 44, 5:

    felices ter et amplius,

    Hor. C. 1, 13, 17:

    binas aut amplius domos continuare,

    Sall. C. 20, 11:

    ter nec amplius,

    Suet. Caes. 25:

    cum non solum de his scripserit, sed amplius praecepta (reliquerit),

    Quint. 12, 11, 24:

    multa promi amplius possunt,

    Plin. 2, 17, 15, § 77:

    si studere amplius possum,

    Quint. 6, prooem. 4:

    auram communem amplius haurire potui?

    id. 6, prooem. 12:

    sagum, quod amplius est,

    Vulg. Exod. 26, 12.—
    And so very often with the pron. quid, etc.; with the negatives nihil, non, neque, nec, ne; and sometimes with nemo and haud.
    With quid, etc.:

    Quid faciam amplius?

    Ter. Ad. 4, 7, 14, and Cic. Har. Resp. 42:

    quid dicam amplius?

    Quint. 8, 4, 7:

    quid a me amplius dicendum putatis?

    Cic. Verr. 3, 60:

    quid quaeris amplius?

    id. Sex. Rosc. 145; id. Dom. 41; id. Verr. 2, 191:

    quid vultis amplius?

    id. Mil. 35:

    quid amplius vis?

    Hor. Epod. 17, 30:

    quid exspectatis amplius?

    Cic. Verr. 2, 174:

    quid amplius exspectabo,

    Vulg. 4 Reg. 6, 33:

    quid loquar amplius de hoc homine?

    Cic. Caecin. 25:

    quid amplius laboremus?

    Quint. 8, prooem. 31:

    quid habet amplius homo?

    Vulg. Eccl. 1, 3; 6, 8:

    quid ego aliud exoptem amplius, nisi etc.,

    Plaut. As. 3, 3, 134:

    quid amplius debeam optare?

    Quint. 4, 1, 51: Lo. Numquid amplius? Ly. Tantum est, Plaut. Merc. 2, 2, 11; Ter. And. 2, 1, 25: De. An quid est etiam amplius? He. Vero amplius, id. Ad. 3, 4, 22:

    quid est quod tibi mea ars efficere hoc possit amplius?

    more than this, id. And. 1, 1, 4:

    Etenim quid est, Catilina, quod jam amplius exspectes, si etc.,

    Cic. Cat. 1, 3, 6; id. Sull. 90:

    si quid amplius scit,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 2, 23:

    si quid ego addidero amplius,

    id. Trin. 4, 2, 13:

    si amplius aliquid gloriatus fuero,

    Vulg. 2 Cor. 10, 8.—And often hoc amplius, where hoc is commonly an abl., but sometimes may be regarded as a nom. or an acc.:

    hoc amplius si quid poteris,

    any thing beyond this, Cic. de Or. 1, 10, 44: et hoc amplius (additur), quod etc., and this further, that etc., id. Sull. 44; so Quint. 5, 13, 36:

    de paedagogis hoc amplius, ut aut sint etc.,

    id. 1, 1, 8:

    Mario urbe Italiaque interdicendum, Marciano hoc amplius, Africa,

    Plin. Ep. 2, 11, 19; Quint. 1, 5, 50; 1, 5, 55; sometimes in plur., his amplius:

    his amplius apud eundem (est) etc.,

    Quint. 9, 3, 15;

    so rarely eo amplius: inferiasque his annua religione, publice instituit, et eo amplius matri Circenses,

    Suet. Calig. 15:

    quaeris quid potuerit amplius adsequi,

    Cic. Planc. 60: prius quam (hic) turbarum quid faciat amplius, Plaut. Men. 5, 2, 93:

    quare jam te cur amplius excrucies?

    Cat. 76, 10.—
    With nihil, etc.:

    habet nihil amplius quam lutum,

    Lucil. 9, 46 Mull.:

    nihil habui amplius, quod praeciperem,

    Quint. 7, 1, 64:

    nihil enim dixit amplius,

    Cic. Deiot. 21:

    Nihil dico amplius: causa dicta est,

    I say no more; I have done with my case, id. ib. 8:

    nihil amplius dico, nisi me etc.,

    id. Planc. 96:

    nihil amplius dicam quam victoriam etc.,

    id. Marcell. 17.—Hence, nihil dico or dicam amplius, when one fears to wound by declaring his opinion, etc., I say no more, have nothing further to say or add:

    vetus est, Nihili cocio est. Scis cujus? non dico amplius,

    Plaut. As. 1, 3, 51:

    si, quod equitis Romani filius est, inferior esse debuit: omnes tecum equitum Romanorum filii petiverunt. Nihil dico amplius,

    Cic. Planc. 7 (tacite significat eos dignitate inferiores esse Plancio, Manut. ad h.l.):

    Alterius vero partis nihil amplius dicam quam id, quod etc.,

    id. Marcell. 6, 17:

    amplius nihil respondit,

    Vulg. Marc. 15, 5:

    nihil amplius addens,

    ib. Deut. 5, 22:

    nihil noverunt amplius,

    ib. Eccl. 9, 5:

    nihil amplius optet,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 46:

    nihil amplius potes,

    Plin. Ep. 2, 13, 10:

    amplius quod desideres, nihil erit,

    this will leave nothing to be desired, Cic. Tusc. 1, 11, 24:

    nil amplius oro, nisi ut etc.,

    Hor. S. 2, 6, 4:

    ipse Augustus nihil amplius quam equestri familia ortum se scribit,

    Suet. Aug. 2:

    si non amplius, ad lustrum hoc protolleret unum,

    Lucil. 1, 33 Mull.:

    non luctabor tecum, Crasse, amplius,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 17, 74; id. Tusc. 5, 34, 98:

    verbum non amplius addam,

    Hor. S. 1, 1, 121:

    non amplius me objurgabis,

    Quint. 5, 10, 47:

    non amplius posse,

    Sall. Fragm. Hist. 3, 82, 19 Kritz:

    non habent amplius quid faciant,

    Vulg. Luc. 12, 4: non videbitis amplius faciem meam. ib. Gen. 44, 23; ib. Heb. 10, 17:

    amplius illa jam non inveniet,

    ib. Apoc. 18, 14:

    studium, quo non aliud ad dignitatem amplius excogitari potest,

    Tac. Or. 5:

    extra me non est alia amplius,

    Vulg. Soph. 2, 15:

    neque hoc amplius quam quod vides nobis quicquamst,

    Plaut. Rud. 1, 5, 21:

    neque va dari amplius neque etc.,

    Cic. Quinct. 23:

    nec jam amplius ullae Adparent terrae,

    Verg. A. 3, 192; 3, 260; 5, 8; 9, 426; 9, 519; 11, 807; 12, 680; id. G. 4, 503:

    nec irascar amplius,

    Vulg. Ezech. 16, 42; ib. Apoc. 7, 16:

    ne amplius dona petas,

    Cat. 68, 14:

    urere ne possit calor amplius aridus artus,

    Lucr. 4, 874;

    ne quos amplius Rhenum transire pateretur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 43:

    ut ne quem amplius posthac discipulum reciperet,

    Suet. Gram. 17:

    ne amplius morando Scaurum incenderet,

    Sall. J. 25, 10; id. Fragm. Hist. 1, 2, 10 Kritz;

    3, 82, 17: ne amplius divulgetur,

    Vulg. Act. 4, 17:

    ut nequaquam amplius per eamdem viam revertamini,

    ib. Deut. 17, 16:

    nolite amplius accipere pecuniam,

    ib. 4 Reg. 12, 7.—
    With nemo:

    cur non restipulatur neminem amplius petiturum?

    Cic. Q. Rosc. 12, 36:

    cum amplius nemo occurreret,

    nobody further, no one more, Curt. 8, 10, 2; so,

    neminem amplius viderunt,

    Vulg. Marc. 9, 7:

    nemo emet amplius,

    no one will buy any longer, any more, ib. Apoc. 18, 11 (for cases of haud with amplius, v. c. a and g).—
    With numerals and numeral forms.
    Without quam:

    amplius horam suffixum in cruce me memini esse,

    Cat. 69, 3:

    horam amplius jam in demoliendo signo homines moliebantur,

    Cic. Verr. 4, 95:

    amplius annos triginta tribunus fuerat,

    Sall. C. 59, 6:

    me non amplius novem annos nato,

    Nep. Hann. 2, 3:

    per annos amplius quadraginta,

    Suet. Aug. 72; 32:

    quid si tandem amplius triennium est?

    Cic. Q. Rosc. 8:

    Tu faciem illius noctem non amplius unam Falle dolo,

    Verg. A. 1, 683:

    inveniebat Sabim flumen non amplius milia passuum decem abesse,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 16; 4, 12:

    reliquum spatium, quod est non amplius pedum sexcentorum, mons continet,

    id. ib. 1, 28;

    2, 29: amplius sestertium ducentiens acceptum hereditatibus rettuli,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 40; id. Fl. 68; so Plin. Ep. 10, 39, 1:

    huic paulo amplius tertiam partem denegem?

    id. ib. 5, 7, 3:

    cum eum amplius centum cives Romani cognoscerent,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 14; 5, 155:

    victi amplius ducenti ceciderunt,

    Liv. 21, 29, 3: non amplius quattuordecim cohortes, Pompei. ap. Cic. Att. 8, 12, C:

    ex omni multitudine non amplius quadraginta locum cepere,

    Sall. J. 58, 3: torrentes amplius centum, [p. 113] Plin. 5, 28, 29, § 103; 9, 5, 4, § 10.—And very rarely placed after the numeral:

    qui septingentos jam annos amplius numquam mutatis legibus vivunt,

    Cic. Fl. 63:

    pugnatum duas amplius horas,

    Liv. 25, 19, 15 Weissenb.:

    duo haud amplius milia peditum effugerunt,

    id. 28, 2:

    decem amplius versus perdidimus,

    Plin. Ep. 3, 5, 12:

    tris pateat caeli spatium non amplius ulnas,

    Verg. E. 3, 105.—
    With the comp. abl. (rare but class.):

    cum jam amplius horis sex continenter pugnaretur,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 5; 4, 37:

    pugnatum amplius duabus horis est,

    Liv. 27, 12:

    neque triennio amplius supervixit,

    Suet. Caes. 89:

    uti non amplius quinis aut senis milibus passuum interesset,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 15; 1, 23; 2, 7;

    6, 29: non amplius patet milibus quinque et triginta,

    Sall. Fragm. Hist. 4, 1, 34 Kritz:

    est ab capite paulo amplius mille passibus locus,

    Plin. Ep. 10, 90, 1:

    ab Capsa non amplius duum milium intervallo,

    Sall. J. 91, 3:

    (Catilina) cum initio non amplius duobus milibus (militum) habuisset,

    id. C. 56, 2; so,

    denas alii, alii plures (uxores) habent, set reges eo amplius,

    id. J. 80, 7.—

    And prob. the following ambiguous cases: cum mille non amplius equitibus,

    Sall. J. 105, 3:

    oppidum non amplius mille passuum abesse,

    id. ib. 68, 3.—
    With quam (postAug. and eccl.):

    non amplius, cum plurimum, quam septem horas dormiebat,

    Suet. Aug. 78:

    nec amplius quam septem et viginti dies Brundisii commoratus,

    id. ib. 17:

    Toto triennio semel omnino eam nec amplius quam uno die paucissimis vidit horis,

    id. Tib. 51:

    demoratus dies non amplius quam octo aut decem,

    Vulg. Act. 25, 6:

    ut non amplius apud te quam quarta (pars) remaneret,

    Plin. Ep. 5, 19:

    ut vexillum veteranorum, non amplius quam quingenti numero, copias fuderint,

    Tac. A. 3, 21:

    haud amplius quam ducentos misit,

    id. ib. 14, 32:

    insidiantur ei ex iis viri amplius quam quadraginta,

    Vulg. Act. 23, 21.—
    d. (α).
    Amplius, t. t. of judges when they deferred an important case for future examination:

    Amplius adeo prolixum temporis spatium significat, ut judices quotienscunque significarent, adhuc se audire velle, amplius dicebant. Itaque negotium differebant, unde hodieque ampliari judicium differri dicitur,

    Charis. 176 P.; so Don. ad Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 39; cf.

    also amplio and ampliatio: cum consules re audita amplius de consilii sententia pronuntiavissent,

    Cic. Brut. 22, 86:

    antea vel judicari primo poterat vel amplius pronuntiari,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 26:

    ut de Philodamo amplius pronuntiaretur,

    id. ib. 2, 1, 29.—

    And metaph.: ego amplius deliberandum censeo,

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 4, 17.—
    Amplius non petere, judicial t. phr., to bring no further action, to make no further claim:

    quid ita satis non dedit, AMPLIVS [A SE] NEMINEM PETITVRVM?

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 12, 35:

    Tibi ego, Brute, non solvam, nisi prius a te cavero amplius eo nomine neminem, cujus petitio sit, petiturum,

    id. Brut. 5, 18:

    sunt duo, quae te rogo: primum, ut si quid satis dandum erit, AMPLIVS EO NOMINE NON PETI, cures etc.,

    id. Fam. 13, 28 A:

    quod ille recusarit satis dare amplius abs te non peti,

    id. Att. 1, 8, 1.—
    Hoc amplius, beside the general use given above (II. Comp. b. a), as t. phr. of senators when they approved a measure, but amended it by addition:

    Servilio adsentior et HOC AMPLIVS CENSEO, magnum Pompeium fecisse etc.,

    Cic. Phil. 12, 21, 50:

    cui cum essem adsensus, decrevi HOC AMPLIVS, ut etc.,

    id. ad Brut. 1, 5, 1;

    so Seneca: fortasse et post omnes citatus nihil improbabo ex iis, quae priores decreverint, et dicam HOC AMPLIVS CENSEO, Vit. Beat. 3, 2: Quaedam ex istis sunt, quibus adsentire possumus, sed HOC AMPLIVS CENSEO,

    id. Q. N. 3, 15, 1.—
    To this may be added the elliptical phrases, nihil amplius and si nihil amplius:

    nihil amplius, denoting that there is nothing further than has been declared: sese ipsum abs te repetit. Nihil amplius,

    Cic. Verr. 5, 49, 128;

    (res publica) ulta suas injurias est per vos interitu tyranni. Nihil amplius,

    id. Fam. 12, 1, 2; and, si nihil amplius, marking a limit, if nothing more, at least:

    excedam tectis? An, si nihil amplius, obstem?

    Ov. M. 9, 148.
    The form amplius has the ambiguity of the Engl.
    word more, which is sometimes an adj., sometimes a subst., and sometimes an adv., and some of the above examples would admit of different classifications; as, non amplius dicere, not to speak further (adv.) or not to say more (subst.), Plaut. As. 1, 3, 51; but some of them would admit of only one explanation;

    as, ne quos amplius Rhenum transire pateretur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 43. Sup.: amplissimē.
    Lit., very largely, most abundantly:

    ut quibus militibus amplissime (agri) dati adsignati essent,

    in the largest shares, Cic. Phil. 5, 53:

    duumviri (deos) tribus quam amplissume tum apparari poterat stratis lectis placavere,

    Liv. 5, 13, 6 Weissenb.—
    Fig., most generously, most handsomely:

    qui amplissime de salute mea decreverint,

    Cic. Dom. 44:

    amplissime laudare,

    in the handsomest style, Plin. 18, 3, 3, § 11; Suet. Calig. 15:

    honores amplissime gessit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 112:

    pater cum amplissime ex praetura triumphasset,

    with the greatest pomp, id. Mur. 15:

    placere eum quam amplissime supremo suo die efferri,

    should be carried forth with every possible solemnity, id. Phil. 9, 7, 16. V. on this word, Hand, Turs. I. pp. 287-296.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > amplissime

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