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  • 101 С-164

    1. (subj: human or animal) to get extremely tired, weak from work, intense physical exertion, or tension
    X выбился из сил — X had no strength left
    X's strength gave out (was gone) X was (all) worn-out X was ready to drop.
    (Соня:) Я работаю одна, совсем из сил выбилась... (Чехов 3). (S..J I'm the only one that works, and I have no strength left (3d).
    (Косуля), несмотря на две полученные пули, проволокла его (Адгура) по глубокому снегу метров десять, но тут выбилась из сил и рухнула (Искандер 3)____In spite of the two bullets it had taken, it (the roebuck) dragged him (Adgur) ten meters through the deep snow, but then its strength gave out and it crashed to the ground (3a).
    Я взвалил тяжеленную корзину на плечо... и потопал. Уже выбился из сил, едва дойдя до Сирецкой (Кузнецов 1). I swung the heavy basket to my shoulder...and trudged off. My strength was gone by the time I reached Syretskaya Street (1a).
    2. (subj: human
    impfv only usu. foil. by чтобы + infin) to apply all one's efforts toward attaining or accomplishing sth.: X выбивается из сил - X does his utmost X goes all out X knocks himself out (in limited contexts) X goes out of his way X bends over backward.
    «Мы выбиваемся из сил, чтоб всё шло как можно тише и глаже...» (Герцен 2). "We do our very utmost that everything shall go as quietly and smoothly as possible..." (2a).
    В купе Остап по-прежнему выбивался из сил, чтобы понравиться компании. И он достиг того, что студенты стали считать его своим (Ильф и Петров 2). In the compartment, Ostap continued to go all out to amuse the gathered company. He was finally accepted by the students as one of them (2a).
    От тебя же никакого проку. Я одна из сил выбиваюсь, не могу ничего. Я для неё (дочери) нуль...» (Стругацкие 1). "You're no help. I'm knocking myself out all alone, and I can't get anywhere. To her (our daughter) I'm nothing, a zero..." (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-164

  • 102 выбиваться из сил

    1. [subj: human or animal]
    to get extremely tired, weak from work, intense physical exertion, or tension:
    - X выбился из сил X had no strength left;
    - X was ready to drop.
         ♦ [Соня:] Я работаю одна, совсем из сил выбилась... (Чехов 3). [S.:] I'm the only one that works, and I have no strength left (3d).
         ♦ [Косуля], несмотря на две полученные пули, проволокла его [Адгура] по глубокому снегу метров десять, но тут выбилась из сил и рухнула (Искандер 3) In spite of the two bullets it had taken, it [the roebuck] dragged him [Adgur] ten meters through the deep snow, but then its strength gave out and it crashed to the ground (3a).
         ♦ Я взвалил тяжеленную корзину на плечо... и потопал. Уже выбился из сил, едва дойдя до Сирецкой (Кузнецов 1). I swung the heavy basket to my shoulder...and trudged off. My strength was gone by the time I reached Syretskaya Street (1a).
    2. [subj: human; impfv only; usu. foll. by чтобы + infin]
    to apply all one's efforts toward attaining or accomplishing sth.:
    - X выбивается из сил X does his utmost;
    - [in limited contexts] X goes out of his way;
    - X bends over backward.
         ♦ "Мы выбиваемся из сил, чтоб всё шло как можно тише и глаже..." (Герцен 2). "We do our very utmost that everything shall go as quietly and smoothly as possible..." (2a).
         ♦ В купе Остап по-прежнему выбивался из сил, чтобы понравиться компании. И он достиг того, что студенты стали считать его своим (Ильф и Петров 2). In the compartment, Ostap continued to go all out to amuse the gathered company. He was finally accepted by the students as one of them (2a).
         ♦ "От тебя же никакого проку. Я одна из сил выбиваюсь, не могу ничего. Я для неё [дочери] нуль..." (Стругацкие 1). "You're no help. I'm knocking myself out all alone, and I can't get anywhere. To her [our daughter] I'm nothing, a zero..." (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > выбиваться из сил

  • 103 выбиться из сил

    1. [subj: human or animal]
    to get extremely tired, weak from work, intense physical exertion, or tension:
    - X выбился из сил X had no strength left;
    - X was ready to drop.
         ♦ [Соня:] Я работаю одна, совсем из сил выбилась... (Чехов 3). [S.:] I'm the only one that works, and I have no strength left (3d).
         ♦ [Косуля], несмотря на две полученные пули, проволокла его [Адгура] по глубокому снегу метров десять, но тут выбилась из сил и рухнула (Искандер 3) In spite of the two bullets it had taken, it [the roebuck] dragged him [Adgur] ten meters through the deep snow, but then its strength gave out and it crashed to the ground (3a).
         ♦ Я взвалил тяжеленную корзину на плечо... и потопал. Уже выбился из сил, едва дойдя до Сирецкой (Кузнецов 1). I swung the heavy basket to my shoulder...and trudged off. My strength was gone by the time I reached Syretskaya Street (1a).
    2. [subj: human; impfv only; usu. foll. by чтобы + infin]
    to apply all one's efforts toward attaining or accomplishing sth.:
    - X выбивается из сил X does his utmost;
    - [in limited contexts] X goes out of his way;
    - X bends over backward.
         ♦ "Мы выбиваемся из сил, чтоб всё шло как можно тише и глаже..." (Герцен 2). "We do our very utmost that everything shall go as quietly and smoothly as possible..." (2a).
         ♦ В купе Остап по-прежнему выбивался из сил, чтобы понравиться компании. И он достиг того, что студенты стали считать его своим (Ильф и Петров 2). In the compartment, Ostap continued to go all out to amuse the gathered company. He was finally accepted by the students as one of them (2a).
         ♦ "От тебя же никакого проку. Я одна из сил выбиваюсь, не могу ничего. Я для неё [дочери] нуль..." (Стругацкие 1). "You're no help. I'm knocking myself out all alone, and I can't get anywhere. To her [our daughter] I'm nothing, a zero..." (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > выбиться из сил

  • 104 Land

    Land n IMP/EXP, POL, LOGIS, WIWI country, land, nation die von einem Land aufgenommenen Kredite abschreiben BANK write off the debts incurred by a country jmdn. des Landes verweisen POL deport sb, expel sb, exile sb, (obs) banish sb von Land eingeschlossen UMWELT landlocked
    * * *
    n <Imp/Exp, Pol, Transp, Vw> country, land, nation ■ die von einem Land aufgenommenen Kredite abschreiben < Bank> write off the debts incurred by a country ■ jmdn. des Landes verweisen < Pol> deport sb, expel sb, exile sb, banish sb (obs) ■ von Land eingeschlossen < Umwelt> landlocked
    * * *
    country, [stretch of] land, (Ackerboden) ground, soil, (Gebiet) territory, region, (Grund und Boden) [piece of] land, landed property, plot, lot (US), (Nation) country, [individual] state, power;
    auf Land und Meer on land and sea;
    aus dem ganzen Land from all over the country;
    im eigenen Lande at home, native, inland;
    im Lande erzeugt home-grown;
    sich über das ganze Land erstreckend nation-wide;
    über Land und Meer by land and sea;
    nicht akkreditiertes Land non-accredited state;
    anbaufähiges Land arable land;
    nicht anbaufähiges Land barren land;
    angebautes Land cropland, farmland;
    angeschwemmtes Land alluvial soil;
    antragstellendes Land (EU) applicant country;
    assoziiertes Land (EU) associated country;
    baufähiges Land building estate (site);
    baureifes Land building site (lot, US), developed land;
    befreundetes Land friendly nation;
    beitrittswilliges Land (EU) applicant () member;
    bergbaufähiges Land mineral land;
    besiedeltes Land settled country;
    dicht besiedeltes Land densely populated region;
    am Verrechnungsabkommen [nicht] beteiligtes Land [non-]clearing country;
    Milchwirtschaft betreibendes Land dairy country;
    selbst bewirtschaftetes Land own (home) farm;
    nach wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen bewirtschaftetes Land land farmed on scientific principles;
    brachliegendes Land fallow, waste building site;
    nicht devisenbewirtschaftetes Land free (hard-) currency country;
    devisenschwaches Land short-of-exchange country, deficit (soft-currency) nation;
    devisenstarkes Land hard-currency country;
    drittes Land (EU) outside country;
    eigengenutztes Land demesne land;
    grundbuchlich eingetragenes Land registered land;
    einkommensschwaches Land low-income country;
    einkommensstarkes Land high-income country;
    enteignetes Land land taken;
    hoch entwickeltes Land advanced industrial country;
    finanzschwaches Land financially weak country;
    finanzstarkes Land key financial nation;
    flaches Land flat (level) country;
    Maul- und Klauenseuche- (MKS-)freies Land food-and-mouth disease- (FMD-) free country;
    fruchtbares Land fertile soil;
    zum Sterlingblock gehörendes Land scheduled territory (Br.);
    urbar gemachtes Land cultivated (cleared) land;
    industrialisiertes Land industrialized country (nation);
    hoch industrialisiertes Land highly developed country;
    industrieschwaches Land less industrialized country;
    kinderarmes Land country with a low birth rate;
    kreditnehmendes Land borrowing country;
    lieferndes Land country of delivery;
    an der Grenze der Rentabilität liegendes Land marginal land;
    meistbegünstigtes Land most-favo(u)red nation (MFN);
    nicht mehr rentables Land submarginal land;
    rückständiges Land backward country;
    schmales Stück Land strip of land;
    Ackerbau treibendes Land agrarian country;
    unbebautes Land wild (new, US) land;
    unfruchtbares Land barren land, wasteland, infertile soil;
    unterentwickeltes Land underdeveloped (developing) country;
    valutaschwaches Land country with a low monetary standard, soft-currency country;
    valutastarkes Land country with a high monetary standard, hard-currency country;
    verpachtetes Land leased land;
    hoch verschuldetes Land high-debt country;
    währungsschwaches Land country with a low monetary standard (soft currency), weak- (soft-) currency country;
    währungsstarkes Land strong- (hard-) currency country;
    hohe Löhne zahlendes Land high-wage country;
    Land mit Devisenbewirtschaftung (Devisenkontrolle) exchange-controlling country;
    Land mit mittlerer Finanzierungskraft middle-income country;
    Land mit passiver Handelsbilanz debtor nation;
    Land mit Handelsbilanzüberschüssen payments-surplus country;
    Land mit Monokultur one-crop country;
    Land mit den höchsten Steuersätzen most heavily taxed country;
    Land ohne Verrechnungsabkommen non-clearing country;
    Land mit harter (stabiler) Währung hard-currency country;
    Land mit einem Zahlungsbilanzüberschuss creditor nation;
    Land ohne Zugang zum Meer landlocked country;
    Land abstecken to peg out;
    Land zu Vorratszwecken ankaufen to acquire land in advance of development;
    Land anlaufen (ansteuern) to make [the] land, to make for the shore;
    auf dem Lande aufwachsen to be brought up on a farm;
    Land bebauen (bestellen) to cultivate the soil, to till the land;
    Land nicht mehr bebauen to take land out of production;
    Land nach und nach seiner Hilfsquellen berauben to drain upon a country’s resources;
    400 Morgen Land bewirtschaften to farm 400 acres of land;
    an Land bringen to put ashore, to disembark;
    Land wirtschaftlich wieder auf die Beine bringen to put a country economically on its feet again;
    das ganze Land erfassen to be of a nation-wide scope;
    Land für den Handel erschließen to open a country to trade;
    Land erwerben to buy some land, to homestead (US);
    außer Landes gehen to go abroad;
    für immer außer Landes gehen to leave the country for good;
    Land gewinnen to gain land from the sea, to reclaim land;
    Land politisch und wirtschaftlich völlig isolieren to quarantine a country;
    Land ausbluten lassen to bleed a country white;
    Land brach liegen lassen to allow land to lie fallow;
    Land verarmen lassen to impoverish a people;
    Land urbar machen to cultivate the soil;
    Land in Kultur nehmen to bring land under cultivation;
    sich auf dem Lande niederlassen to take up one’s abode in the country;
    Land parzellieren to divide (parcel out) land into smallholdings;
    preisstabilstes Land sein to have the most stable prices;
    Land sichten to come in sight of land;
    vom Land stammen to originate from the country;
    ins Land übergehen (Vorort) to fringe into the country;
    Land veräußern to dispose of land;
    Land vermessen to survey a district;
    Belange eines Landes vertreten to represent a country;
    Ausländer des Landes verweisen to expel an alien;
    Land für öffentliche Zwecke verwenden to reduce land to public use;
    aufs Land ziehen to move into the country;
    aufs Land zuhalten (Schiff) to bear with the land;
    Land zuweisen to assign (grant) land;
    Landankauf land purchase;
    Landanschlag (Werbung) rural areas posting;
    Landarbeit agricultural (farm) labo(u)r, farm work;
    Landarbeiter agricultural (rural, farm, US, country) worker, farm labo(u)rer (boy), farmhand (US), field hand (US), village farmer, labo(u)rer in husbandry, cottager (Br.);
    Landarbeiter sein to be working on the land;
    Landarbeiterlohn agricultural (farm) wage;
    Landarbeiterschaft farm force;
    Landarbeiterwohnung farm labo(u)rer’s cottage;
    Landaufkauf (spekulativ) land-grabbing;
    spekulativer Landaufkäufer land-grabber;
    ökologischer Landbau organic farming;
    Landbesitz holdings of land, landholding, landed property (estate), realty, [freehold] estate;
    großer Landbesitz extensive grounds;
    Landbestellbezirk rural delivery (country, Br.) district;
    Landbevölkerung rural population, country people;
    Landbewirtschaftung farming activity;
    Landbewohner countryman;
    Landbezirk rural (county) district (Br.).
    besetzen, Land
    to cover a country;
    Stelle besetzen to fill a vacancy;
    freie Stelle besetzen to fill [up] a vacancy;
    Stelle mit einer jüngeren Kraft besetzen to appoint a younger person to a post;
    offene Stellen nicht mehr besetzen to freeze vacancies.

    Business german-english dictionary > Land

  • 105 constitution

    1) конституция, основной закон
    2) устав (организации и т.п.)

    to act in / within the framework of the constitution — действовать в рамках конституции

    to be at variance / to be in conflict with the constitution — противоречить конституции

    to devise / to draft / to draw up a constitution — разрабатывать проект конституции

    to hammer out a new constitution — разрабатывать / подготавливать новую конституцию

    to unveil one's draft constitution — обнародовать свой проект конституции

    to work out a new constitution — разрабатывать / подготавливать новую конституцию

    - advanced constitution
    - backward-looking constitution
    - breach of the constitution
    - changes to the constitution
    - constitution is in place
    - draft constitution
    - infringement of the constitution
    - interim constitution
    - nonracial constitution
    - party's constitution
    - Protector of the Constitution
    - provisional constitution
    - provisions of the constitution
    - secular constitution
    - statutory constitution
    - under the constitution
    - working of the constitution

    Politics english-russian dictionary > constitution

  • 106 mirada

    apartar la mirada to look away
    dirigir o lanzar la mirada a to glance at
    echar una mirada (a algo) to glance o to have a quick look (at something)
    fulminar con la mirada a alguien to look daggers at somebody
    levantar la mirada to look up
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: mirar.
    * * *
    1 (gen) look; (vistazo) glance
    aguantar la mirada a alguien to stare somebody out
    apartar la mirada to look away
    clavar la mirada en algo/alguien to stare at something/somebody, fix one's eye on something/somebody
    echar una mirada a algo/alguien to take a look at something/somebody
    fulminar a alguien con la mirada to look daggers at somebody
    levantar la mirada to look up
    mirada asesina evil look
    mirada perdida/vaga far-away look
    mirada de soslayo sideways glance
    * * *
    noun f.
    look, glance, glare, gaze
    * * *
    1) (=forma de mirar) look
    2) (=acto) [rápida] glance; [detenida] gaze

    le dirigió una mirada de sospechahe gave her a suspicious look o glance, he looked o glanced at her suspiciously

    le echó una mirada por encima del hombro — she gave him a condescending look, she looked at him condescendingly

    era capaz de aguantarle o resistirle la mirada a cualquiera — he could outstare anybody, he could stare anybody out

    echar una mirada de reojo o de soslayo a algo/algn — to look out of the corner of one's eye at sth/sb, cast a sidelong glance at sth/sb

    mirada perdida, tenía la mirada perdida en el horizonte — she was gazing into the distance

    3) (=vista)

    apartar la mirada (de algn/algo) — to look away (from sb/sth)

    bajar la mirada — to look down

    clavar la mirada en algo/algn — to fix one's eyes on sth/sb

    desviar la mirada (de algn/algo) — (lit) to look away (from sb/sth), avert one's eyes (from sb/sth); (fig) to turn one's back (on sb/sth)

    dirigir la mirada a o hacia algn/algo — (lit) to look at sb/sth; (fig) to turn one's attention to sb/sth

    echar una mirada a algn/algo — [varias veces] to keep an eye on sb/sth, check on sb/sth; [una sola vez] to have a look at sb/sth

    échale una miradita al arroz de vez en cuandokeep an eye o check on the rice every now and then

    le echó una última mirada a la casa antes de irseshe had a o one last look at the house before leaving

    levantar la mirada — to look up, raise one's eyes

    al vernos entrar levantó la mirada — on seeing us enter, he looked up o raised his eyes

    tener la mirada puesta en algo — (lit) to have one's gaze fixed on sth; (fig) to be looking towards sth, have one's sights set on sth

    seguir algo/a algn con la mirada — to follow sth/sb with one's eyes

    volver la mirada — to look back

    si volvemos la mirada hacia atrás, nos daremos cuenta de nuestros errores — if we look back we will realize our mistakes

    volvió su mirada a Ameliashe looked round at Amelia o turned her eyes towards Amelia

    volvió la mirada a su izquierda — he looked round to his left, he turned his eyes to the left

    devorar 1)
    4) pl miradas (=atención)

    me fui, huyendo de las miradas de todo el pueblo — I left, fleeing from the prying eyes of the whole village

    * * *
    a) ( modo de mirar) look

    hay miradas que matan — if looks could kill...

    b) ( acción de mirar) look

    le dirigió or lanzó una mirada reprobatoria — he looked at her disapprovingly

    c) ( vista)

    recorrió la habitación con la mirada — she cast her eyes over the room/she looked around the room

    su mirada se posó en ella — (liter) his gaze settled on her (liter)

    bajar/levantar la mirada — to look down/up

    d) ( mira) sights (pl)
    * * *
    = gaze, glance, look, glimpse, peek, peep.
    Ex. A girl strokes its keys languidly and looks about the room and sometimes at the speaker with a disquieting gaze.
    Ex. After a glance at the 10 titles, the searcher decides to look closer at item 5.
    Ex. Your exaggerated coughs and annoyed looks and the oh so dramatic flailing about of your hands and arms when he lights up drive him up a wall.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'A glimpse into the crystal ball: academic libraries in the year 2000'.
    Ex. The article 'Fifty years of silent service: a peek inside the CIA Library' describes the library of the Central Intelligence Agency.
    Ex. A peep into her mind would have revealed that she was quite apprehensive about the immensity of the assignment.
    * agachar la mirada = look down.
    * cambio de mirada = gaze-shift.
    * con la mirada en = with an eye toward(s).
    * con la mirada en blanco = blankly.
    * con la mirada perdida = stare into + space, gaze into + space.
    * con la mirada puesta en = with an eye on, in + Posesivo + sights.
    * conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = grab + the limelight.
    * conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight.
    * cruzar una mirada = exchange + glance.
    * dirigir la mirada hacia = look toward(s).
    * dirigir + Posesivo + mirada = turn + Posesivo + thoughts.
    * echar una mirada = take + a look at, take + a peek, peek, have + a look, cast + a glance over, look through, glance at, take + a gander.
    * echar una mirada furtiva a = steal + a glance at.
    * echar una mirada mortal = look + daggers at.
    * esquivar la mirada de Alguien = avert + Posesivo + eyes.
    * fulminar a Alguien con la mirada = look + daggers at.
    * fulminar con la mirada = glower, scowl (at).
    * hay miradas que matan = if looks could kill....
    * la mirada en = eye(s) on.
    * lanzar una mirada de = give + a look of.
    * mantenerse alejado de la mirada del público = shun + the public eye, keep out of + the public eye.
    * mantenerse alejado de la mirada pública = shun + the public eye, keep out of + the public eye.
    * matar con la mirada = look + daggers at.
    * mirada a escondidas = sneak peek.
    * mirada a hurtadillas = sneak peek.
    * mirada con el ceño fruncido = scowl, glower.
    * mirada de cerca = close look.
    * mirada de disgusto = scowl.
    * mirada de enfado = scowl.
    * mirada fija = stare.
    * mirada fría = icy glare.
    * mirada inexpresiva = blank look, blank expression.
    * mirada más de cerca = closer look.
    * miradas curiosas = prying eyes.
    * miradas indiscretas = prying eyes.
    * mirada vacía = blank look, blank expression.
    * ser el centro de todas las miradas = cut + a dash.
    * si las miradas mataran... = if looks could kill....
    * tener la mirada perdida = stare into + space, gaze into + space.
    * * *
    a) ( modo de mirar) look

    hay miradas que matan — if looks could kill...

    b) ( acción de mirar) look

    le dirigió or lanzó una mirada reprobatoria — he looked at her disapprovingly

    c) ( vista)

    recorrió la habitación con la mirada — she cast her eyes over the room/she looked around the room

    su mirada se posó en ella — (liter) his gaze settled on her (liter)

    bajar/levantar la mirada — to look down/up

    d) ( mira) sights (pl)
    * * *
    = gaze, glance, look, glimpse, peek, peep.

    Ex: A girl strokes its keys languidly and looks about the room and sometimes at the speaker with a disquieting gaze.

    Ex: After a glance at the 10 titles, the searcher decides to look closer at item 5.
    Ex: Your exaggerated coughs and annoyed looks and the oh so dramatic flailing about of your hands and arms when he lights up drive him up a wall.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'A glimpse into the crystal ball: academic libraries in the year 2000'.
    Ex: The article 'Fifty years of silent service: a peek inside the CIA Library' describes the library of the Central Intelligence Agency.
    Ex: A peep into her mind would have revealed that she was quite apprehensive about the immensity of the assignment.
    * agachar la mirada = look down.
    * cambio de mirada = gaze-shift.
    * con la mirada en = with an eye toward(s).
    * con la mirada en blanco = blankly.
    * con la mirada perdida = stare into + space, gaze into + space.
    * con la mirada puesta en = with an eye on, in + Posesivo + sights.
    * conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = grab + the limelight.
    * conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight.
    * cruzar una mirada = exchange + glance.
    * dirigir la mirada hacia = look toward(s).
    * dirigir + Posesivo + mirada = turn + Posesivo + thoughts.
    * echar una mirada = take + a look at, take + a peek, peek, have + a look, cast + a glance over, look through, glance at, take + a gander.
    * echar una mirada furtiva a = steal + a glance at.
    * echar una mirada mortal = look + daggers at.
    * esquivar la mirada de Alguien = avert + Posesivo + eyes.
    * fulminar a Alguien con la mirada = look + daggers at.
    * fulminar con la mirada = glower, scowl (at).
    * hay miradas que matan = if looks could kill....
    * la mirada en = eye(s) on.
    * lanzar una mirada de = give + a look of.
    * mantenerse alejado de la mirada del público = shun + the public eye, keep out of + the public eye.
    * mantenerse alejado de la mirada pública = shun + the public eye, keep out of + the public eye.
    * matar con la mirada = look + daggers at.
    * mirada a escondidas = sneak peek.
    * mirada a hurtadillas = sneak peek.
    * mirada con el ceño fruncido = scowl, glower.
    * mirada de cerca = close look.
    * mirada de disgusto = scowl.
    * mirada de enfado = scowl.
    * mirada fija = stare.
    * mirada fría = icy glare.
    * mirada inexpresiva = blank look, blank expression.
    * mirada más de cerca = closer look.
    * miradas curiosas = prying eyes.
    * miradas indiscretas = prying eyes.
    * mirada vacía = blank look, blank expression.
    * ser el centro de todas las miradas = cut + a dash.
    * si las miradas mataran... = if looks could kill....
    * tener la mirada perdida = stare into + space, gaze into + space.

    * * *
    su mirada era triste/dulce he had a sad/tender look in his eyes
    tiene una mirada penetrante he has a penetrating gaze
    hay miradas que matan if looks could kill …
    los vi intercambiar una mirada de soslayo I saw them exchange a sidelong glance
    lo fulminó con la mirada she looked daggers at him, she gave him a withering look
    le dirigió or lanzó una mirada reprobatoria he looked at her disapprovingly, he gave o threw her a disapproving look
    quería huir de las miradas curiosas de los vecinos he wanted to get away from the neighbors' prying eyes
    echa una mirada a ver si no nos dejamos nada take o have a quick look to make sure we haven't left anything behind
    sólo le eché una miradita por encima I just had a quick glance at it
    le voy a echar una mirada a tu trabajo I'm going to cast an eye over o take a look at your essay
    échale una miradita al arroz have a little o quick look at the rice
    voy a echarle una mirada a Gabriela a ver si sigue dormida I'm going to look in on Gabriela to see if she's still asleep
    (vista): tenía la mirada fija en el suelo she was staring at the ground, she had her eyes fixed on the ground
    con la mirada perdida en el horizonte (with) his eyes o gaze fixed on the horizon
    recorrió la habitación con la mirada she cast her eyes over o she looked around the room
    su mirada se posó en ella ( liter); his gaze settled on her ( liter)
    ni siquiera se molestó en levantar la mirada cuando le hablé he didn't even bother to look up when I spoke to him
    seguía con la mirada los movimientos de la madre she followed her mother's movements with her eyes
    4 (mira) sights (pl)
    trabajar con la mirada puesta en el porvenir to work with one's sights set on the future
    * * *


    mirada sustantivo femenino

    su mirada era triste he had a sad look in his eyes;
    lo fulminó con la mirada she looked daggers at him
    b) (vistazo, ojeada) glance;

    échales una mirada a los niños have a look at the children
    c) ( vista):

    recorrió la habitación con la mirada she cast her eyes over the room;
    bajar/levantar la mirada to look down/up
    mirada sustantivo femenino
    1 (efecto de mirar) glance: lo abarcas con la mirada, you can take it in at a glance
    2 (modo de mirar) look: tiene una mirada cruel, he has a cruel look
    3 (vistazo) look, glance: déjame echar una mirada, let me have a look
    ♦ Locuciones: sostener la mirada, to stare
    ' mirada' also found in these entries:
    - apagado
    - concentrar
    - desnudar
    - desprenderse
    - desviar
    - dirigir
    - dura
    - duro
    - fiel
    - fulminar
    - glacial
    - gustillo
    - hielo
    - inexpresiva
    - inexpresivo
    - lanzar
    - ojo
    - penetrante
    - realzar
    - seductor
    - seductora
    - seguir
    - significativa
    - significativo
    - tierna
    - tierno
    - torva
    - torvo
    - volver
    - ablandar
    - acusador
    - alzar
    - angustioso
    - anhelante
    - arrebatador
    - ausente
    - codicioso
    - coqueto
    - delator
    - devorar
    - errante
    - feroz
    - fijar
    - franco
    - frialdad
    - fulminante
    - furtivo
    - hipnotizador
    - huidizo
    - approving
    - backward
    - cast
    - cursory
    - direct
    - dirty look
    - distant
    - doubtful
    - dour
    - downward
    - feminine
    - fix
    - fond
    - forlorn
    - frosty
    - furtive
    - gaze
    - glance
    - glance up
    - glare
    - glassy
    - glazed
    - glower
    - grave
    - indignant
    - intense
    - look
    - look away
    - magnetic
    - murderous
    - pained
    - passing
    - penetrating
    - piercing
    - searching
    - shifty
    - shoot
    - sidelong
    - sideways
    - stare
    - steady
    - stony
    - telling
    - vacant
    - vacantly
    - venomous
    - wander
    - wild
    - withering
    * * *
    mirada nf
    1. [acción de mirar] look;
    fue el blanco de todas las miradas all eyes were on her;
    apartar la mirada to look away;
    dirigir o [m5] lanzar la mirada a to glance at;
    fulminar con la mirada a alguien to look daggers at sb;
    levantar la mirada to look up;
    siguió con la mirada todos sus movimientos his eyes followed her every movement;
    sostener la mirada de alguien to hold sb's gaze;
    si las miradas mataran if looks could kill
    2. [manera de mirar] [con cariño, placer, admiración] gaze;
    me dirigió una mirada asesina she looked daggers at me;
    mirada fija stare;
    caminaba con la mirada fija en el suelo he walked along staring at the ground;
    le lanzó una mirada furtiva he looked at her out of the corner of his eye;
    mirada perdida distant look;
    tenía la mirada perdida she was staring into space
    3. [vistazo, ojeada] look;
    echar una mirada (a algo) to glance o to have a quick look (at sth);
    ¿le podrías echar una mirada a esta carta que he escrito? could you have a look at this letter I've written?;
    echa una mirada a ver si está lloviendo have a look and see if it's raining
    4. [intención, propósito]
    tener puestas las miradas en algo to have one's sights set on sth
    * * *
    f look;
    echar una mirada take a look (a at);
    ser el centro de todas las miradas be the center o Br centre of attention
    * * *
    mirada nf
    1) : look, glance, gaze
    2) expresión: look, expression
    una mirada de sorpresa: a look of surprise
    * * *
    1. (en general) look
    2. (vistazo) glance

    Spanish-English dictionary > mirada

  • 107 monte

    1 mountain.
    monte Sinaí Mount Sinai
    monte de Venus mons veneris
    echarse o tirarse al monte to take to the hills; to go to extremes (figurative)
    monte bajo scrub
    3 pasture (pasto). (Mexican Spanish)
    4 weed.
    5 mons.
    1st person singular (yo) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: montar.
    * * *
    1 mountain, mount
    2 (bosque) wild, woodland
    de monte wild
    echarse/tirarse al monte to take to the hills
    monte alto woodland, forest
    monte bajo scrub
    Monte Olimpo Mount Olympus
    monte de piedad pawnbroker's, pawnshop
    monte de Venus (del pubis) mons veneris 2 (de la mano) Mount of Venus
    * * *
    noun m.
    mountain, mount
    * * *
    1) (=montaña) mountain; (=cerro) hill
    2) (=campo) countryside, country; (=bosque) woodland

    batir el monte — to beat for game, go hunting

    hacérsele un monte a algn —

    4) (Naipes) (=baraja) pile; (=banca) bank
    6) CAm, Caribe (=alrededores) outskirts pl, surrounding country; Méx (=hierba) grass, pasture
    7) LAm * (=hachís) hash *, pot *
    * * *
    1) (Geog)
    a) ( montaña) mountain
    b) ( terreno - cubierto de maleza) scrubland, scrub; (- cubierto de árboles) woodland

    echarse or tirarse al monte — to take to the hills

    c) (Ven fam) ( campo)
    d) (RPl) ( bosquecillo) copse, coppice
    2) ( en naipes)
    a) ( juego) monte
    b) ( en el tute) last trick
    3) (AmC, Col, Ven fam) ( marihuana) grass (colloq)
    * * *
    = hill, backcountry.
    Ex. The library is poorly sited outside the shopping centre and on the brow of a hill, and faces competition from adjoining libraries.
    Ex. It is one of America's last flag stop trains allowing travelers to get off the train anywhere along a 55-mile stretch to hike the backcountry.
    * incendio de monte = bushfire.
    * monte bajo = undergrowth, understorey [understory, -USA], fynbos, shrubland, scrubland.
    * Monte del Templo, el = Temple Mount, the.
    * monte, el = bush, the.
    * Monte Etna = Mount Etna.
    * monte salvaje = backcountry.
    * Montes Apalaches, los = Appalachian Mountains, the.
    * * *
    1) (Geog)
    a) ( montaña) mountain
    b) ( terreno - cubierto de maleza) scrubland, scrub; (- cubierto de árboles) woodland

    echarse or tirarse al monte — to take to the hills

    c) (Ven fam) ( campo)
    d) (RPl) ( bosquecillo) copse, coppice
    2) ( en naipes)
    a) ( juego) monte
    b) ( en el tute) last trick
    3) (AmC, Col, Ven fam) ( marihuana) grass (colloq)
    * * *
    el monte
    (n.) = bush, the

    Ex: Her experiences in Namibia involved cycling along dirt roads through the bush to village schools in order to read stories and help children make their own books = Sus experiencias en Namibia supusieron ir en bicicleta por caminos de tierra por el campo a las escuelas de las aldeas para leer cuentos y ayudar a los niños a hacer sus propios libros.

    = hill, backcountry.

    Ex: The library is poorly sited outside the shopping centre and on the brow of a hill, and faces competition from adjoining libraries.

    Ex: It is one of America's last flag stop trains allowing travelers to get off the train anywhere along a 55-mile stretch to hike the backcountry.
    * incendio de monte = bushfire.
    * monte bajo = undergrowth, understorey [understory, -USA], fynbos, shrubland, scrubland.
    * Monte del Templo, el = Temple Mount, the.
    * monte, el = bush, the.
    * Monte Etna = Mount Etna.
    * monte salvaje = backcountry.
    * Montes Apalaches, los = Appalachian Mountains, the.

    * * *
    A ( Geog)
    1 (montaña) mountain
    2 (terrenocubierto de maleza) scrubland, scrub; (— cubierto de árboles) woodland
    echarse or tirarse al monte to take to the hills
    no todo (en) el monte es orégano life isn't all a bowl of cherries, life isn't a bed of roses
    ( Ven fam) (campo): estoy buscando trabajo en la ciudad porque a mi no me gusta el monte I'm looking for work in town because I don't like living out in the sticks o the wilds ( colloq)
    monte y culebra: no hay nada como vivir en la capital, lo demás es monte y culebra you can't beat living in the capital, anything else o everywhere else is like being back in the Middle Ages
    por donde tú vives es puro monte y culebra, ni televisión debes tener where you live is so backward, I bet you don't even have television
    4 ( RPl) (bosquecillo) copse, coppice
    forest, woodland
    scrubland, bush
    el monte de los Olivos the Mount of Olives
    (pubis) ( liter); mons veneris ( liter); (en quiromancia) Mount of Venus
    los montes Apalaches the Appalachians (pl)
    los montes Balcanes the Balkan mountains (pl)
    los montes Cápatos the Carpathians (pl)
    el monte Sinai Mount Sinai
    los montes Pirineos the Pyrenees (pl)
    los montes Urales the Urals (pl)
    1 (juego) monte
    2 (en el tute) last trick
    C (AmC, Col, Ven fam) (marihuana) grass ( colloq)
    * * *


    Del verbo montar: ( conjugate montar)

    monté es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo

    monte es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    montar ( conjugate montar) verbo transitivo

    ( ir sobre) to ride
    b) (subir, colocar):

    2vaca/yegua to mount
    a) (poner, establecer) ‹feria/exposición to set up;

    negocio to start up, set up
    b)máquina/mueble to assemble;

    estantería to put up;
    tienda de campaña to put up, pitch

    diapositiva to mount
    d) ( organizar) ‹obra/producción to stage

    4 (Esp) ‹ nata to whip;
    claras to whisk
    verbo intransitivo
    a) (ir):

    monte a caballo/en bicicleta to ride a horse/bicycle

    b) (Equ) to mount

    2 ( cubrir parcialmente) monte SOBRE algo to overlap sth
    montarse verbo pronominal ( en coche) to get in;
    (en tren, autobús, bicicleta) to get on;
    ( en caballo) to mount, get on;
    ¿me dejas monteme en tu bicicleta? can I have a ride on your bicycle?

    monte sustantivo masculino (Geog)

    (— cubierto de árboles) woodland
    I verbo intransitivo (subirse) to get in
    (en bici, a caballo) to ride
    II verbo transitivo
    1 (un mueble, un arma) to assemble
    2 (engarzar) to set, mount
    3 (un negocio) to set up, start
    4 Culin to whip
    5 (película) to edit, mount
    (fotografía) to mount
    6 Teat (un espectáculo) to stage, mount
    7 Zool (cubrir) to mount
    8 (causar) montar un escándalo, to kick up a fuss
    monte sustantivo masculino
    1 mountain
    (nombre propio) Monte de los Olivos, Mount of Olives
    2 (terreno) monte alto, forest
    monte bajo, scrubland
    ' monte' also found in these entries:
    - batir
    - batida
    - bosque
    - calvario
    - cumbre
    - encontrarse
    - orégano
    - cresta
    - ralo
    - coal
    - hilly
    - mount
    - Mt
    - pawnshop
    - scour
    - grass
    - heath
    - under
    * * *
    monte nm
    1. [elevación] mountain
    Monte Albán [centro arqueológico] = excavated ruins of the main city of the Zapotec culture, found close to the city of Oaxaca in southern Mexico;
    el Monte Sinaí Mount Sinai
    2. [terreno] [con arbustos] scrubland;
    [bosque] woodland;
    echarse o [m5] tirarse al monte to take to the hills;
    Fig to go to extremes;
    no todo el monte es orégano life's not a bowl of cherries
    monte alto forest; RP monte artificial plantation;
    monte bajo scrub;
    RP monte natural natural woodland
    3. Esp monte de piedad [casa de empeños] state pawnbroker's;
    [mutualidad] mutual aid society
    4. monte de Venus mons veneris
    5. Méx [pasto] pasture
    6. Ven [ensalada] salad
    7. Col, Ven Fam [marihuana] grass
    8. Comp
    RP, Ven Fam
    * * *
    m mountain; ( bosque) woodland;
    tirarse al monte fig take to the hills
    * * *
    monte nm
    1) montaña: mountain, mount
    2) : woodland, scrubland
    monte bajo: underbrush
    3) : outskirts (of a town), surrounding country
    monte de piedad : pawnshop
    * * *
    monte n mountain
    Si se refiere, no a una montaña, sino al monte como una zona, se dice the mountains

    Spanish-English dictionary > monte

  • 108 persona

    1 person (individuo).
    vinieron varias personas several people came
    cien personas a hundred people
    en persona in person
    por persona per head
    ser buena persona to be a good person o sort
    persona mayor adult, grown-up
    persona non grata persona non grata
    2 party (law).
    persona física private individual
    persona jurídica legal entity o person
    3 person (grammar).
    la segunda persona del singular the second person singular
    * * *
    1 person
    en persona in person
    persona física individual
    persona jurídica legal entity
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=individuo) person

    en persona — in person, in the flesh

    por persona — per person

    dos dólares por persona — two dollars per person, two dollars a head

    tercera persona — third party

    persona de edad — elderly person, senior citizen

    persona de historia dubious individual

    persona no grata, persona non grata — persona non grata

    personas realesfrm royalty sing, king and queen

    2) (Jur)
    3) (Ling) person
    4) (Rel)
    PERSONA Mientras que persona en singular se traduce por person, el plural tiene dos traducciones: people y persons. People es la forma más utilizada, ya que persons se emplea solamente en el lenguaje formal o técnico. Las dos formas llevan el verbo en plural: Acaban de llegar tres personas preguntando por un tal Sr. Oliva Three people have just arrived asking for a Mr Oliva "Peso máximo: 8 personas" "Weight limit: 8 persons" Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada
    * * *
    a) ( ser humano) person

    carga máxima: ocho personas — maximum capacity: eight persons

    ¿cuántas personas tiene a su cargo? — how many people do you have reporting to you?

    las personas interesadas... — all those interested...

    en persona<ir/presentarse> in person

    la tarea recayó en la persona de... — the task was allocated to...

    por persona: 20 dólares por persona 20 dollars a head; sólo se venden dos entradas por persona — you can only get two tickets per person

    2) (Ling) person
    * * *
    = fellow, figure, hand, individual, man [men, -pl.], party, person, character, chap, self.
    Ex. From the skimming he had given their writings he knew that something like a chemical agent was working in Balzac's defenseless mind, and that the hapless fellow was trying not to succumb to it.
    Ex. Much potentially valuable historical material is lost to posterity because of the attitude to the collection of primary sources which always gives pride of place to the ephemeral as long as it is compiled by a well-known figure.
    Ex. Even with such a limitation and many later supplementations by various hands, by way of addition, correction and amplification, it falls far short of completeness.
    Ex. Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual = Nótese que estas disposiciones no afectan a informes de investigaciones procedentes de una agencia gubernamental aunque realizados concretamente por un individuo.
    Ex. No less prestigious an authority than a Royal Commission was appointed to inquire into the charges brought against the man principally responsible for that volume.
    Ex. Enter a brief, plea, or other formal record of one party to a case under the heading for that party.
    Ex. Apart from the names of subjects, the names of corporate bodies, persons, chemicals, trade products, and trade names are some other possibilities.
    Ex. All the same, I think the incident improbable because he has been represented up till then as a cold, careful character.
    Ex. In practice, however, such democratic attitudes among the mighty seem to have as little effect on the behaviour of those who serve them as did the remark made by King George V at his Jubilee in 1935, 'I'm really quite an ordinary sort of chap'.
    Ex. Education should relate more effectively to personal development, to individual coping and to the development of the free self.
    * a cargo de una sola persona = one-man band.
    * Algo a cargo de una sola persona = one-person operation.
    * algunas personas = some people.
    * atendido por varias personas = multi-staffed.
    * biografía de personas célebres = celebrity biography.
    * círculo de personas afines e influyentes = network.
    * como persona que = as one who.
    * conjunto de personas que reciben un servicio = constituency.
    * contra toda persona = all comers.
    * crucial para la vida de una persona = lifesaving.
    * cualquier otra persona = anybody else.
    * cualquier persona = anyone, any Tom, Dick or Harry.
    * cuidados para personas de la tercera edad = elderly care, elder care [eldercare].
    * cuidados para personas mayores = elderly care, elder care [eldercare].
    * de persona = personal.
    * de personas con autoridad moral = authoritative.
    * de primera persona = first-person.
    * de una sola persona = one-man.
    * dirigido a las personas = people-centred, people-oriented.
    * dominio de las personas con más edad = senior power.
    * el consejo de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * el sueño de toda persona = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * en persona = in person, walk-in, in the flesh, face-to-face [face to face].
    * grupo de personas o cosas de la misma edad o categoría = peer group.
    * inicial del segundo nombre de pila de una persona = middle initial.
    * la mayoría de las personas = most people, the majority of the people.
    * la misma persona = one and the same person.
    * la opinión de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * lista de personas de contacto = contact list.
    * lista de personas y cometidos = duty roster.
    * mala persona = rotten apple, a bad lot.
    * ninguna otra persona = no one else.
    * oír por segundas personas = hear + second-hand.
    * orientado a la persona = human-oriented.
    * orientado al servicio de las personas = people-centred.
    * otra persona = somebody else, someone else, somebody else, not me.
    * para algunas personas = to some people.
    * para personas con intereses similares = birds-of-a-feather.
    * pasar de una persona a otra = pass around.
    * pérdida de persona querida = emotional loss.
    * persona a cargo = dependent.
    * persona aprensiva = apprehensive.
    * persona atrevida = risk taker.
    * persona audaz = risk taker.
    * persona aún por determinar = nomen nominandum [N.N.].
    * persona becada = fundee.
    * persona civil = civilian.
    * persona competente = a good sport.
    * persona común = ordinary person.
    * persona con ahorros = saver.
    * persona con ambición = high flyer [high flier, -USA], go-getter.
    * persona con doble personalidad = Jekyll and Hyde.
    * persona con éxito = successful person.
    * persona con iniciativa = go-getter.
    * persona con la mejor nota = top scorer, top scorer.
    * persona con llave = keyholder.
    * persona con mala ortografía = speller.
    * persona con mucha ambición = social climber.
    * persona con nivel cultural medio = middlebrow [middle-brow].
    * persona con problemas de aprendizaje = learning disabled person.
    * persona de acción = doer.
    * persona de adentro = insider.
    * persona de altos vuelos = high flyer [high flier, -USA].
    * persona de color = non-white [nonwhite], coloured man, coloured woman, coloured [colored, -USA].
    * persona de conducta desviada = deviant.
    * persona de confianza = good old boy, sounding board.
    * persona de contacto = contact, correspondent, contact person, named contact.
    * persona de edad avanzada = elderly person.
    * persona de éxito = successful person.
    * persona de fuera = outsider.
    * persona dejada = slob.
    * persona de la alta sociedad = socialite.
    * persona de la propia empresa = insider.
    * persona de la tercera edad = elder.
    * persona de nivel cultural bajo = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * persona de nivel intelectual bajo = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * persona de raza blanca = white.
    * persona de raza negra = black.
    * persona designada = nominee, designate.
    * persona designada para un cargo = appointee.
    * persona destacada = standout.
    * persona divorciada = divorcee.
    * persona emprendedora = go-getter.
    * persona encargada de actualizar = maintainer.
    * persona encargada de hacer los trabajos sucios = hatchetman.
    * persona encargada de las relaciones públicas = PR man [PR men, -pl.].
    * persona encargada de recabar fondos = fundraiser [fund-raiser].
    * persona en prácticas = trainee, intern.
    * persona entusiasta y trabajadora = eager beaver.
    * persona estúpida = no-brainer.
    * persona famosa = famous person.
    * persona ilusa = daydreamer.
    * persona influyente = influencer, mover and shaker, heavy weight [heavyweight].
    * persona informada = insider.
    * persona innovadora = innovator.
    * persona inquieta = fidget.
    * persona inscrita = registrant.
    * persona interesada = taker.
    * persona joven = youth.
    * persona mañosa = handyman [handymen, pl.].
    * persona más destacada = top person [top people, -pl.].
    * persona más relevante = top person [top people, -pl.].
    * persona mayor = elder.
    * persona medianamente cultivada = middlebrow [middle-brow].
    * persona muy ocupada = busy beaver, busy bee.
    * persona muy trabajadora = hard-working person.
    * persona nacida después del baby boom = baby buster.
    * persona nacida durante el baby boom = baby boomer.
    * persona nacida en el fin del milenio = Millennial.
    * persona nerviosa = fidget.
    * persona no experta = non-scholar.
    * persona no grata = persona non grata.
    * persona no muy lista pero trabajadora = plodder.
    * persona normal = ordinary person.
    * persona obsesiva con el trabajo = workoholic [workholic], workaholic.
    * persona o mecanismo que resuelve problemas = solver.
    * persona opuesta a = resister (of/against).
    * persona problemática = troublemaker.
    * persona que abandona Algo = quitter.
    * persona que apoya una moción o propuesta = seconder.
    * persona que asigna el trabajo = assigner.
    * persona que busca y vive de lo que encuentra en las playas = beachcomber.
    * persona que cambia de trabajo con demasiada frecuencia = job-hopper.
    * persona que concede una franquicia = franchiser [franchisor].
    * persona que contempla o mira algo = beholder.
    * persona que convoca una reunión = convener [convenor].
    * persona que cruza la carretera por un sitio no autorizado = jaywalker.
    * persona que da consuelo = comforter.
    * persona que deja un trabajo = leaver.
    * persona que desfigura Algo = defacer.
    * persona que desprecia u odia = despiser.
    * persona que desvela escándalos o corrupción = muckraker.
    * persona que duerme bien = good sleeper.
    * persona que elabora el plan de estudios = syllabus maker.
    * persona que escucha a escondidas = eavesdropper.
    * persona que escucha en secreto = eavesdropper.
    * persona que está a dieta = dieter.
    * persona que está aprendiendo a conducir = learner driver.
    * persona que está de picnic = picnicker.
    * persona que hace encajes = tatter.
    * persona que hace striptease = stripper.
    * persona que hace una cita bibliográfica = citator.
    * persona que hace un comentario = commenter.
    * persona que hace un préstamo = loaner.
    * persona que ha llegado donde está por su propio esfuerzo = self-made-man, the.
    * persona que ha viajado mucho = seasoned traveller.
    * persona que intenta averiguar y resolver problemas = troubleshooter.
    * persona que le desea suerte a otra = well-wisher.
    * persona que le gusta flirtear = flirt.
    * persona que llama = caller.
    * persona que no le gusta leer = aliterate.
    * persona que no pertenece a la familia = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * persona que no se sale del lugar donde vive = stay-at-home.
    * persona que nunca se deshace de nada = packrat, hoarder, magpie.
    * persona que obtiene una franquicia = franchisee.
    * persona que paga impuestos = taxpayer [tax-payer].
    * persona que permanece en un puesto de trabajo = stayer.
    * persona que pide asilo = asylum seeker.
    * persona que pone en práctica Algo = adopter.
    * persona que practica el sillonball = couch potato.
    * persona que recibe asesoramiento = counselee.
    * persona que recoge algo = picker.
    * persona que reparte el trabajo = assigner.
    * persona que rinde más de lo esperado = overachiever.
    * persona que rinde por debajo de su capacidad = underachiever.
    * persona que sabe contar anécdotas = raconteur.
    * persona que se cree Algo = biter.
    * persona que se cuida la línea = weight watcher.
    * persona que se dedica a una tarea monótona = harmless drudge.
    * persona que se dedica a una terea monótona = harmless drudge.
    * persona que se desarrolla tarde = late bloomer.
    * persona que se opone a Algo = opponent.
    * persona que se promociona a sí misma = self-promoter.
    * persona que se queja = complainant, complainer.
    * persona que sólo habla una lengua = monoglot.
    * persona que sufre de insomio = insomniac.
    * persona que tira basura al suelo = litterbug, litter lout.
    * persona que toma la última decisión = decider.
    * persona que utiliza la biblioteca = non-library user.
    * persona que va al cine = moviegoer [movie-goer].
    * persona que va por libre = outsider.
    * persona que ve = sighted person.
    * persona que ve/observa = watcher.
    * persona que visita un servicio voluntariamente en sus ratos libres = drop-in.
    * persona que viste a la antigua = frump.
    * persona reacia a la lectura = aliterate.
    * persona recta = mensch.
    * personas = humans, party, people, public.
    * personas como = the likes of.
    * personas con ceguera parcial = partially-sighted.
    * personas con deficiencias auditivas, las = hearing impaired, the.
    * personas con deficiencias mentales corregibles = educably mentally handicapped (EMH).
    * personas con discapacidades mentales, las = intellectually disabled, the.
    * personas con discapacidades mentales = intellectually disabled people.
    * personas con éxito, las = successful, the.
    * personas con problemas de lectura = print handicapped people, print handicapped, the.
    * personas con problemas de lectura de la letra impresa = print disabled people.
    * personas con problemas de vista, las = visually impaired, the, visually disabled, the, visually handicapped, the, visually impaired people (VIPs), visually challenged, the.
    * personas con problemas mentales = disturbed people.
    * personas con trastornos emocionales = disturbed people.
    * personas de color = coloured people.
    * personas de la tercera edad, las = elderly, the.
    * personas de piel blanca, las = fair skinned, the.
    * personas en desventaja = disadvantaged, the.
    * personas faltas de servicios, las = underserved, the.
    * personas famosas = those held up for praise.
    * personas importantes = those held up for praise.
    * persona sin hogar = waif, homeless man [homeless people, -pl.].
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * persona sin techo = homeless man [homeless people, -pl.].
    * personas mayores = older people, elderly people.
    * personas molestas, las = nuisance, the.
    * personas muy activas, las = those on the go.
    * personas muy ocupadas, las = those on the go.
    * personas no invitadas, las = uninvited, the.
    * persona solitaria = lone wolf.
    * personas que no pueden salir de casa = homebound, the.
    * personas que siempre están viajando, las = those on the go.
    * personas que son duras de oído, las = hard of hearing, the.
    * personas relevantes = those held up for praise.
    * personas sin conocimientos técnicos, las = non-technical, the.
    * personas sin hogar = homelessness.
    * personas sin hogar, las = homeless, the.
    * personas sin techo = homelessness.
    * personas sin trabajo remunerado, los = unwaged, the.
    * persona subvencionada = fundee.
    * persona temerosa = risk taker.
    * persona típica, la = average man, the.
    * persona u organismo que recorta presupuestos o ayuda a reducir gastos = cost-cutter.
    * persona vaga y mal vestida = slob.
    * por persona = per person.
    * préstamo para otra persona = proxy borrowing.
    * primera persona = first person.
    * representación de personas profanas en la materia = lay representation.
    * ser la persona ideal para = be the best placed to.
    * ser la persona más indicada para = be in a position to.
    * ser la última persona del mundo que + Infinitivo = be one of the last people in the world to + Infinitivo.
    * tipo de persona = public.
    * todas las personas implicadas = all concerned.
    * trabajar como persona en prácticas = intern.
    * tráfico de personas = foot fall.
    * tropezar una persona con otra = fall over + each other's feet.
    * usuario en persona = walk-in user.
    * visión contada por una persona de adentro = insider's look, insider's perspective.
    * visión de una persona de adentro = insider's look, insider's perspective.
    * * *
    a) ( ser humano) person

    carga máxima: ocho personas — maximum capacity: eight persons

    ¿cuántas personas tiene a su cargo? — how many people do you have reporting to you?

    las personas interesadas... — all those interested...

    en persona<ir/presentarse> in person

    la tarea recayó en la persona de... — the task was allocated to...

    por persona: 20 dólares por persona 20 dollars a head; sólo se venden dos entradas por persona — you can only get two tickets per person

    2) (Ling) person
    * * *
    = fellow, figure, hand, individual, man [men, -pl.], party, person, character, chap, self.

    Ex: From the skimming he had given their writings he knew that something like a chemical agent was working in Balzac's defenseless mind, and that the hapless fellow was trying not to succumb to it.

    Ex: Much potentially valuable historical material is lost to posterity because of the attitude to the collection of primary sources which always gives pride of place to the ephemeral as long as it is compiled by a well-known figure.
    Ex: Even with such a limitation and many later supplementations by various hands, by way of addition, correction and amplification, it falls far short of completeness.
    Ex: Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual = Nótese que estas disposiciones no afectan a informes de investigaciones procedentes de una agencia gubernamental aunque realizados concretamente por un individuo.
    Ex: No less prestigious an authority than a Royal Commission was appointed to inquire into the charges brought against the man principally responsible for that volume.
    Ex: Enter a brief, plea, or other formal record of one party to a case under the heading for that party.
    Ex: Apart from the names of subjects, the names of corporate bodies, persons, chemicals, trade products, and trade names are some other possibilities.
    Ex: All the same, I think the incident improbable because he has been represented up till then as a cold, careful character.
    Ex: In practice, however, such democratic attitudes among the mighty seem to have as little effect on the behaviour of those who serve them as did the remark made by King George V at his Jubilee in 1935, 'I'm really quite an ordinary sort of chap'.
    Ex: Education should relate more effectively to personal development, to individual coping and to the development of the free self.
    * a cargo de una sola persona = one-man band.
    * Algo a cargo de una sola persona = one-person operation.
    * algunas personas = some people.
    * atendido por varias personas = multi-staffed.
    * biografía de personas célebres = celebrity biography.
    * círculo de personas afines e influyentes = network.
    * como persona que = as one who.
    * conjunto de personas que reciben un servicio = constituency.
    * contra toda persona = all comers.
    * crucial para la vida de una persona = lifesaving.
    * cualquier otra persona = anybody else.
    * cualquier persona = anyone, any Tom, Dick or Harry.
    * cuidados para personas de la tercera edad = elderly care, elder care [eldercare].
    * cuidados para personas mayores = elderly care, elder care [eldercare].
    * de persona = personal.
    * de personas con autoridad moral = authoritative.
    * de primera persona = first-person.
    * de una sola persona = one-man.
    * dirigido a las personas = people-centred, people-oriented.
    * dominio de las personas con más edad = senior power.
    * el consejo de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * el sueño de toda persona = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * en persona = in person, walk-in, in the flesh, face-to-face [face to face].
    * grupo de personas o cosas de la misma edad o categoría = peer group.
    * inicial del segundo nombre de pila de una persona = middle initial.
    * la mayoría de las personas = most people, the majority of the people.
    * la misma persona = one and the same person.
    * la opinión de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * lista de personas de contacto = contact list.
    * lista de personas y cometidos = duty roster.
    * mala persona = rotten apple, a bad lot.
    * ninguna otra persona = no one else.
    * oír por segundas personas = hear + second-hand.
    * orientado a la persona = human-oriented.
    * orientado al servicio de las personas = people-centred.
    * otra persona = somebody else, someone else, somebody else, not me.
    * para algunas personas = to some people.
    * para personas con intereses similares = birds-of-a-feather.
    * pasar de una persona a otra = pass around.
    * pérdida de persona querida = emotional loss.
    * persona a cargo = dependent.
    * persona aprensiva = apprehensive.
    * persona atrevida = risk taker.
    * persona audaz = risk taker.
    * persona aún por determinar = nomen nominandum [N.N.].
    * persona becada = fundee.
    * persona civil = civilian.
    * persona competente = a good sport.
    * persona común = ordinary person.
    * persona con ahorros = saver.
    * persona con ambición = high flyer [high flier, -USA], go-getter.
    * persona con doble personalidad = Jekyll and Hyde.
    * persona con éxito = successful person.
    * persona con iniciativa = go-getter.
    * persona con la mejor nota = top scorer, top scorer.
    * persona con llave = keyholder.
    * persona con mala ortografía = speller.
    * persona con mucha ambición = social climber.
    * persona con nivel cultural medio = middlebrow [middle-brow].
    * persona con problemas de aprendizaje = learning disabled person.
    * persona de acción = doer.
    * persona de adentro = insider.
    * persona de altos vuelos = high flyer [high flier, -USA].
    * persona de color = non-white [nonwhite], coloured man, coloured woman, coloured [colored, -USA].
    * persona de conducta desviada = deviant.
    * persona de confianza = good old boy, sounding board.
    * persona de contacto = contact, correspondent, contact person, named contact.
    * persona de edad avanzada = elderly person.
    * persona de éxito = successful person.
    * persona de fuera = outsider.
    * persona dejada = slob.
    * persona de la alta sociedad = socialite.
    * persona de la propia empresa = insider.
    * persona de la tercera edad = elder.
    * persona de nivel cultural bajo = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * persona de nivel intelectual bajo = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * persona de raza blanca = white.
    * persona de raza negra = black.
    * persona designada = nominee, designate.
    * persona designada para un cargo = appointee.
    * persona destacada = standout.
    * persona divorciada = divorcee.
    * persona emprendedora = go-getter.
    * persona encargada de actualizar = maintainer.
    * persona encargada de hacer los trabajos sucios = hatchetman.
    * persona encargada de las relaciones públicas = PR man [PR men, -pl.].
    * persona encargada de recabar fondos = fundraiser [fund-raiser].
    * persona en prácticas = trainee, intern.
    * persona entusiasta y trabajadora = eager beaver.
    * persona estúpida = no-brainer.
    * persona famosa = famous person.
    * persona ilusa = daydreamer.
    * persona influyente = influencer, mover and shaker, heavy weight [heavyweight].
    * persona informada = insider.
    * persona innovadora = innovator.
    * persona inquieta = fidget.
    * persona inscrita = registrant.
    * persona interesada = taker.
    * persona joven = youth.
    * persona mañosa = handyman [handymen, pl.].
    * persona más destacada = top person [top people, -pl.].
    * persona más relevante = top person [top people, -pl.].
    * persona mayor = elder.
    * persona medianamente cultivada = middlebrow [middle-brow].
    * persona muy ocupada = busy beaver, busy bee.
    * persona muy trabajadora = hard-working person.
    * persona nacida después del baby boom = baby buster.
    * persona nacida durante el baby boom = baby boomer.
    * persona nacida en el fin del milenio = Millennial.
    * persona nerviosa = fidget.
    * persona no experta = non-scholar.
    * persona no grata = persona non grata.
    * persona no muy lista pero trabajadora = plodder.
    * persona normal = ordinary person.
    * persona obsesiva con el trabajo = workoholic [workholic], workaholic.
    * persona o mecanismo que resuelve problemas = solver.
    * persona opuesta a = resister (of/against).
    * persona problemática = troublemaker.
    * persona que abandona Algo = quitter.
    * persona que apoya una moción o propuesta = seconder.
    * persona que asigna el trabajo = assigner.
    * persona que busca y vive de lo que encuentra en las playas = beachcomber.
    * persona que cambia de trabajo con demasiada frecuencia = job-hopper.
    * persona que concede una franquicia = franchiser [franchisor].
    * persona que contempla o mira algo = beholder.
    * persona que convoca una reunión = convener [convenor].
    * persona que cruza la carretera por un sitio no autorizado = jaywalker.
    * persona que da consuelo = comforter.
    * persona que deja un trabajo = leaver.
    * persona que desfigura Algo = defacer.
    * persona que desprecia u odia = despiser.
    * persona que desvela escándalos o corrupción = muckraker.
    * persona que duerme bien = good sleeper.
    * persona que elabora el plan de estudios = syllabus maker.
    * persona que escucha a escondidas = eavesdropper.
    * persona que escucha en secreto = eavesdropper.
    * persona que está a dieta = dieter.
    * persona que está aprendiendo a conducir = learner driver.
    * persona que está de picnic = picnicker.
    * persona que hace encajes = tatter.
    * persona que hace striptease = stripper.
    * persona que hace una cita bibliográfica = citator.
    * persona que hace un comentario = commenter.
    * persona que hace un préstamo = loaner.
    * persona que ha llegado donde está por su propio esfuerzo = self-made-man, the.
    * persona que ha viajado mucho = seasoned traveller.
    * persona que intenta averiguar y resolver problemas = troubleshooter.
    * persona que le desea suerte a otra = well-wisher.
    * persona que le gusta flirtear = flirt.
    * persona que llama = caller.
    * persona que no le gusta leer = aliterate.
    * persona que no pertenece a la familia = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * persona que no se sale del lugar donde vive = stay-at-home.
    * persona que nunca se deshace de nada = packrat, hoarder, magpie.
    * persona que obtiene una franquicia = franchisee.
    * persona que paga impuestos = taxpayer [tax-payer].
    * persona que permanece en un puesto de trabajo = stayer.
    * persona que pide asilo = asylum seeker.
    * persona que pone en práctica Algo = adopter.
    * persona que practica el sillonball = couch potato.
    * persona que recibe asesoramiento = counselee.
    * persona que recoge algo = picker.
    * persona que reparte el trabajo = assigner.
    * persona que rinde más de lo esperado = overachiever.
    * persona que rinde por debajo de su capacidad = underachiever.
    * persona que sabe contar anécdotas = raconteur.
    * persona que se cree Algo = biter.
    * persona que se cuida la línea = weight watcher.
    * persona que se dedica a una tarea monótona = harmless drudge.
    * persona que se dedica a una terea monótona = harmless drudge.
    * persona que se desarrolla tarde = late bloomer.
    * persona que se opone a Algo = opponent.
    * persona que se promociona a sí misma = self-promoter.
    * persona que se queja = complainant, complainer.
    * persona que sólo habla una lengua = monoglot.
    * persona que sufre de insomio = insomniac.
    * persona que tira basura al suelo = litterbug, litter lout.
    * persona que toma la última decisión = decider.
    * persona que utiliza la biblioteca = non-library user.
    * persona que va al cine = moviegoer [movie-goer].
    * persona que va por libre = outsider.
    * persona que ve = sighted person.
    * persona que ve/observa = watcher.
    * persona que visita un servicio voluntariamente en sus ratos libres = drop-in.
    * persona que viste a la antigua = frump.
    * persona reacia a la lectura = aliterate.
    * persona recta = mensch.
    * personas = humans, party, people, public.
    * personas como = the likes of.
    * personas con ceguera parcial = partially-sighted.
    * personas con deficiencias auditivas, las = hearing impaired, the.
    * personas con deficiencias mentales corregibles = educably mentally handicapped (EMH).
    * personas con discapacidades mentales, las = intellectually disabled, the.
    * personas con discapacidades mentales = intellectually disabled people.
    * personas con éxito, las = successful, the.
    * personas con problemas de lectura = print handicapped people, print handicapped, the.
    * personas con problemas de lectura de la letra impresa = print disabled people.
    * personas con problemas de vista, las = visually impaired, the, visually disabled, the, visually handicapped, the, visually impaired people (VIPs), visually challenged, the.
    * personas con problemas mentales = disturbed people.
    * personas con trastornos emocionales = disturbed people.
    * personas de color = coloured people.
    * personas de la tercera edad, las = elderly, the.
    * personas de piel blanca, las = fair skinned, the.
    * personas en desventaja = disadvantaged, the.
    * personas faltas de servicios, las = underserved, the.
    * personas famosas = those held up for praise.
    * personas importantes = those held up for praise.
    * persona sin hogar = waif, homeless man [homeless people, -pl.].
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * persona sin techo = homeless man [homeless people, -pl.].
    * personas mayores = older people, elderly people.
    * personas molestas, las = nuisance, the.
    * personas muy activas, las = those on the go.
    * personas muy ocupadas, las = those on the go.
    * personas no invitadas, las = uninvited, the.
    * persona solitaria = lone wolf.
    * personas que no pueden salir de casa = homebound, the.
    * personas que siempre están viajando, las = those on the go.
    * personas que son duras de oído, las = hard of hearing, the.
    * personas relevantes = those held up for praise.
    * personas sin conocimientos técnicos, las = non-technical, the.
    * personas sin hogar = homelessness.
    * personas sin hogar, las = homeless, the.
    * personas sin techo = homelessness.
    * personas sin trabajo remunerado, los = unwaged, the.
    * persona subvencionada = fundee.
    * persona temerosa = risk taker.
    * persona típica, la = average man, the.
    * persona u organismo que recorta presupuestos o ayuda a reducir gastos = cost-cutter.
    * persona vaga y mal vestida = slob.
    * por persona = per person.
    * préstamo para otra persona = proxy borrowing.
    * primera persona = first person.
    * representación de personas profanas en la materia = lay representation.
    * ser la persona ideal para = be the best placed to.
    * ser la persona más indicada para = be in a position to.
    * ser la última persona del mundo que + Infinitivo = be one of the last people in the world to + Infinitivo.
    * tipo de persona = public.
    * todas las personas implicadas = all concerned.
    * trabajar como persona en prácticas = intern.
    * tráfico de personas = foot fall.
    * tropezar una persona con otra = fall over + each other's feet.
    * usuario en persona = walk-in user.
    * visión contada por una persona de adentro = insider's look, insider's perspective.
    * visión de una persona de adentro = insider's look, insider's perspective.

    * * *
    1 (ser humano) person
    es una persona muy educada/simpática he's/she's a very polite/likable person
    había tres personas esperando there were three people waiting
    en el coche caben cinco personas the car can take five people
    [ S ] carga máxima: ocho personas o 500 kilos maximum capacity: eight persons or 500 kilos
    como persona no me gusta I don't like him as a person
    ¿cuántas personas tiene a su cargo? how many people do you have reporting to you?
    en la persona del Rey se concentra el poder civil y militar civil and military power resides in the King himself
    se rindió homenaje a los ex-combatientes en la persona de … tribute was paid to the war veterans who were represented by …
    las personas interesadas pueden presentarse mañana a las diez all those interested may come along tomorrow at ten o'clock
    es una persona de recursos she's a resourceful person, she's resourceful
    2 ( en locs):
    de persona a persona person to person
    en persona in person
    vino en persona a traerme la carta she brought me the letter in person
    conozco su obra, pero no lo conozco en persona I know his work, but I don't know him personally
    deberán presentarse en persona you must come personally o in person
    es el orden/la estupidez en persona he is orderliness/stupidity personified
    por persona: la comida salió a 20 dólares por persona the meal came to 20 dollars a head
    sólo se venden dos entradas por persona you can only get two tickets per person o per head
    hay dos trozos por persona there are two pieces each
    displaced person
    persona jurídica or moral
    legal entity
    persona no or non grata
    persona non grata
    B ( Ling) person
    la primera persona del singular/plural the first person singular/plural
    * * *


    Del verbo personarse: ( conjugate personarse)

    se persona es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    persona sustantivo femenino

    dos o más personas two or more people;
    las personas interesadas … all those interested …
    b) ( en locs)

    en personair/presentarse in person;

    no lo conozco en persona I don't know him personally;
    por persona per person;
    solo se venden dos entradas por persona you can only get two tickets per person;
    la comida costó 20 dólares por persona the meal cost 20 dollars per o a head
    c) (Ling) person

    persona sustantivo femenino
    1 (individuo) person, people pl: es una persona muy sensible, he is a very sensitive person
    no es mala persona, he isn't a bad sort
    había demasiadas personas, there were too many people
    familiar persona mayor, grown-up
    persona non grata, persona non grata
    2 persona jurídica, legal entity
    3 Ling person
    tercera persona del singular, third person singular
    ♦ Locuciones: en persona, in person
    por persona, per person
    ' persona' also found in these entries:
    - abajo
    - abandonar
    - abandonada
    - abandonado
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abordar
    - aborregarse
    - abrazarse
    - abrigada
    - abrigado
    - acaparar
    - acartonarse
    - acoger
    - acogedor
    - acogedora
    - acogida
    - acostarse
    - adaptable
    - adefesio
    - adusta
    - adusto
    - afanosa
    - afanoso
    - afianzarse
    - afortunada
    - afortunado
    - agobiante
    - aguatera
    - aguatero
    - ajena
    - ajeno
    - alcanzar
    - alevosa
    - alevoso
    - alhaja
    - alma
    - alquilar
    - alta
    - alto
    - alza
    - amén
    - amordazar
    - animar
    - animadversión
    - animal
    - animarse
    - anular
    - apaciguarse
    - absence
    - accept
    - accessible
    - acquaintance
    - act up
    - action
    - activity
    - adaptable
    - address
    - adjust
    - adjustment
    - admit
    - adult
    - advance
    - affect
    - affluent
    - agreeable
    - air
    - airy
    - aloof
    - am
    - angry
    - annoyance
    - appealing
    - appoint
    - approach
    - approachable
    - approve of
    - armchair
    - armor
    - armour
    - around
    - arrival
    - articulate
    - ask
    - ask for
    - ass
    - assassin
    - assassination
    - assign
    - astute
    - attractive
    - available
    - awkward
    - ax
    - axe
    - baby
    - background
    - backward
    * * *
    1. [individuo] person;
    vinieron varias personas several people came;
    cien personas a hundred people;
    la persona responsable the person in charge;
    necesitan la mediación de una tercera persona they need the mediation of a third party;
    ser buena persona to be nice;
    ha venido el obispo en persona the bishop came in person;
    este niño es el demonio en persona this child is the very devil;
    de persona a persona person to person, one to one;
    por persona per head
    persona de contacto contact person;
    persona mayor adult, grown-up;
    persona non grata persona non grata
    2. Der party
    persona física natural o legal person;
    persona jurídica legal entity o person
    3. Gram person;
    la segunda persona del singular the second person singular
    4. Rel person
    * * *
    f person;
    quince personas fifteen people;
    persona (humana) human being;
    persona mayor elderly person buena/mala persona nice/nasty person;
    en persona in person
    * * *
    : person
    * * *
    persona n person person se usa sobre todo en singular. Para el plural se dice people
    ¿cuántas personas había? how many people were there?

    Spanish-English dictionary > persona

  • 109 volcarse

    1 (objeto) to fall over, tip over; (coche) to turn over, overturn; (barco) to capsize
    2 figurado (entregarse) to do one's utmost
    * * *
    1) (=voltearse) [recipiente] to be upset, get overturned; [contenido] to tip over; [coche, camión] to overturn; [barco] to capsize
    2) (=desvivirse) to bend over backwards *, to go out of one's way

    volcarse para o por conseguir algo — to do one's utmost to get sth

    3) (=entregarse)

    volcarse en una actividad — to throw o.s. into an activity

    * * *
    (v.) = topple over, go out of + Posesivo + way to + Infinitivo, keel over
    Ex. Make use of book supports on shelves to prevent books toppling over or falling to the floor.
    Ex. The writer goes out of her way to make her meaning plain, and to achieve a level of language and simplicity of structure she assumes most of her intended readers will feel at home with.
    Ex. If I was running at a dead sprint going full tilt, I do not think I could make it much more than maybe one mile before I would keel over.
    * * *
    (v.) = topple over, go out of + Posesivo + way to + Infinitivo, keel over

    Ex: Make use of book supports on shelves to prevent books toppling over or falling to the floor.

    Ex: The writer goes out of her way to make her meaning plain, and to achieve a level of language and simplicity of structure she assumes most of her intended readers will feel at home with.
    Ex: If I was running at a dead sprint going full tilt, I do not think I could make it much more than maybe one mile before I would keel over.

    * * *

    ■volcarse vr fam (poner gran empeño) volcarse en algo, to throw oneself into sthg
    (para ayudar, agradar) to bend over backwards: se volcaron con él, they bent over backwards for him
    ' volcarse' also found in these entries:
    - tip over
    - turn over
    - capsize
    - slop
    - turn
    * * *
    1. [botella, jarrón] [caerse] to fall over;
    [ser tirado] to be knocked over
    2. [coche, camión] to overturn;
    [barco] to capsize
    3. [en amabilidad] to bend over backwards ( con for);
    mientras estuvimos en su casa se volcó con nosotros while we were in her house she bent over backwards o did everything she could to make us feel welcome
    4. [dedicarse]
    se vuelca en sus hijos she's completely devoted to her children;
    se vuelca en su trabajo she throws herself into her work
    * * *
    1 tip over
    volcarse por alguien fam bend over backward for s.o., go out of one’s way for s.o.;
    volcarse en algo throw o.s. into sth
    * * *
    1) : to overturn
    2) : to do one's utmost
    * * *
    volcarse vb (esforzarse) to do everything you can

    Spanish-English dictionary > volcarse

  • 110 revés

    revés sustantivo masculino 1
    ( de tela) the back, the wrong side; (de papel, documento) the back
    ( con lo de arriba abajo) upside down; ( con lo de dentro fuera) inside out;
    así no, va al revés not that way, it goes the other way around o (BrE) round;
    se puso los zapatos al revés he put his shoes on the wrong feet; todo lo entiende al revés she's always getting the wrong end of the stick; todo me sale al revés nothing goes right for me; saberse algo al revés y al derecho to know sth (off) by heart 2 (Dep) backhand 3 ( contratiempo) setback
    revés sustantivo masculino
    1 (de una materia u objeto) back (de una prenda de vestir) wrong side
    2 (con la mano) slap
    3 (en juegos de raqueta) backhand
    4 (económico, sentimental, etc) setback, misfortune Locuciones: al revés, (al contrario) the other way round: entender algo al revés, to get the wrong end of the stick
    hacer algo al revés, to do sthg the opposite way
    salir algo al revés, to turn out wrong
    al revés/del revés, (con lo de delante atrás) back to front, US backwards (con lo de dentro fuera) inside out (boca abajo) upside down ' revés' also found in these entries: Spanish: entender - voltear - volver - vuelta English: back - backhand - backwards - inside - reverse - round - setback - upset - upside - way - work at - backward - know - purl - reversal - set - upside down - wrong

    English-spanish dictionary > revés

  • 111 заскорузлый

    1. hardened

    заскорузлые руки — work-hardened / horny hands

    2. (огрубелый, чёрствый) callous, unfeeling
    3. ( отсталый) backward

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > заскорузлый

  • 112 хід

    1) (перебіг, розвиток) course, going, march, current

    хід подійcourse ( march) of events

    2) ( рух) motion, run, movement; ( швидкість) speed

    задній хід — backward motion, back-draught, reverse

    повним ходом — at full speed, at full pelt

    3) ( y грі) innings; шах. move; карт. lead, turn

    чий хід? (у шахах) — whose move is it?; ( у картах) whose turn ( to play) is it?, who leads?, whose lead is it?

    хід конем шах. — move of the knight, knight's move; decisive move

    4) ( вхід) entrance; ( прохід) way, passage
    5) ( прийом) move, ploy; ( маневр) manoeuvre

    вдалий хід — a fine stroke of policy, a master stroke, a clever move; coup

    6) тех. ( машини) ran, running; ( гвинта) thread, lead; ( поршня) stroke; ( крок спіралі) step

    мертвий хідno-load машинобуд., open-circuit

    хід клавіші — key depression, keystroke, key stroke


    бути в ходу — to be in demand, to be in vogue, to be popular

    давати задній хід — to reverse the engine, to back

    з ходу — without a pause; straight off

    з чорного ходу — illegally, illicitly

    Українсько-англійський словник > хід

  • 113 retourner

    retourner [ʀ(ə)tuʀne]
    ➭ TABLE 1
    ► When retourner has an object it is conjugated with avoir ; otherwise the auxiliary is être.
    1. transitive verb
       a. ( = mettre dans l'autre sens) [+ caisse, seau] to turn upside down ; [+ matelas, carte, omelette] to turn over
       b. [+ terre] to turn over
       c. ( = mettre l'intérieur à l'extérieur) [+ parapluie, sac, vêtement] to turn inside out ; [+ col] to turn
       d. ( = orienter dans le sens opposé) [+ mot, phrase] to turn round
       e. ( = renvoyer) [+ lettre, marchandise] to return
       f. ( = bouleverser) [+ maison, pièce] to turn upside down ; [+ personne] to shake
    2. intransitive verb
       a. ( = aller à nouveau) to return, to go back
    retourner en Italie/à la mer to return or go back to Italy/to the seaside
    retourner en arrière or sur ses pas to turn back
    il retourne demain à son travail/à l'école he's going back to work/to school tomorrow
    4. reflexive verb
       a. [personne couchée, automobiliste, véhicule] to turn over ; [bateau] to capsize
    il doit se retourner dans sa tombe ! he must be turning in his grave!
       b. ( = tourner la tête) to turn round
    tout le monde se retournait sur lui or sur son passage everyone turned round as he went by
       c. [situation] to be turned round
    se retourner contre qn [personne] to turn against sb ; [acte, situation] to backfire on sb ; ( = poursuivre en justice) to take court action against sb
    +1! to return n'est pas la traduction la plus courante de retourner.
    * * *
    verbe transitif (+ v avoir)
    1) ( changer de côté) to turn [something] over [seau, steak]; to turn [matelas]
    2) ( mettre à l'envers) to turn [something] inside out [vêtement, sac]
    3) ( tourner à plusieurs reprises) to turn over [terre]; to toss [salade, foin]

    retourner une idée dans sa têtefig to turn an idea over in one's mind

    4) ( changer d'orientation) to return [compliment, critique]
    5) ( bouleverser) [personne] to turn [something] upside down [maison]; [nouvelle, spectacle] to shake [personne]

    je suis encore tout retourné — (colloq) I'm still quite shaken

    6) ( renvoyer) to send [something] back, to return [colis, lettre]

    verbe intransitif (+ v être) to go back (à to), to return (à to)

    se retourner verbe pronominal
    1) ( tourner la tête) to turn around

    partir sans se retournerlit, fig to leave without a backward glance

    3) ( s'organiser) to get organized

    se retourner contre quelqu'un[personne, animal] to turn against somebody; [situation, agissements] to backfire on somebody

    5) ( se tordre)
    6) ( repartir)

    verbe impersonnel

    retourner quelqu'un comme une crêpe (colloq) or un gant — (colloq) to make somebody change their mind completely

    * * *
    1. vt
    1) (= changer de côté) [matelas, crêpe] to turn over

    Elle a retourné la crêpe. — She turned the pancake over.

    2) (= renverser) to turn upside down

    Il a retourné la poubelle. — He turned the bin upside down.

    3) [sac, vêtement] to turn inside out

    retourner sa veste fig — to change sides, to go over to the other side

    4) [terre, sol, foin] to turn over
    5) [arme] to turn round

    retourner une arme contre soi — to turn a weapon against o.s.

    6) [argument] to turn round
    7) (= émouvoir) [personne] to shake
    8) (= renvoyer)
    2. vi
    (= aller, revenir)

    retourner à [endroit] — to go back to, to return to, [état, activité] to return to, to go back to

    3. vb impers
    (= s'agir)
    * * *
    retourner verb table: aimer
    A vtr (+ v avoir)
    1 ( changer de côté) to turn [sth] over [seau, caisse, steak, poisson]; to turn [matelas]; retourner une carte à jouer ( figure visible) to turn up a playing card; ( figure pas visible) to put a playing card face down; retourner un tableau contre le mur to turn a painting to the wall;
    2 ( mettre à l'envers) to turn [sth] inside out [vêtement, sac]; Cout to turn [vêtement, coussin, col]; un coup de vent a retourné son parapluie a gust of wind turned his umbrella inside out; il a retourné ses poches à la recherche de quelques sous he turned his pockets inside out looking for some change;
    3 ( tourner à plusieurs reprises) to turn over [terre]; to toss [salade, foin]; retourner une idée or pensée dans sa tête to turn an idea ou a thought over in one's mind;
    4 ( changer d'orientation) to return [compliment, critique]; retourner la situation to reverse the situation; elle a retourné le pistolet contre elle-même she then turned the gun on herself; si tu retournes l'argument contre lui if you turn his own argument against him;
    5 ( bouleverser) [personne] to turn [sth] upside down [maison, pièce]; [nouvelle, spectacle] to shake [personne]; elle a retourné toute la maison pour retrouver la facture she turned the house upside down trying to find the bill; je suis encore tout retourné I'm still quite shaken;
    6 ( renvoyer) to send [sth] back, to return [colis, lettre, marchandise].
    B vi (+ v être)
    1 ( aller à nouveau) to go back, to return (à to); retourner dans son village natal to return to the village where one was born; retourner chez le dentiste/médecin pour une nouvelle visite to go back to the dentist's/doctor's for another visit; retourner à l'école/au bureau to go back to school/to the office; je n'y suis jamais retourné depuis I've never been back ou never returned since;
    2 ( à un état antérieur) to go back (à to), to return (à to); animal qui est retourné à l'état sauvage animal that has gone back ou returned to its wild state; retourner à ses premières amours liter to return to one's first love; il est retourné à son laboratoire et à ses expériences he went back to his laboratory and to his experiments; les biens retournent à leur légitime possesseur the property reverts to its rightful owner.
    1 ( tourner la tête) to turn around, to turn round GB; je l'ai appelée et elle s'est retournée I called her and she turned around; partir sans se retourner lit, fig to leave without once looking back; elle est tellement grande que tout le monde se retourne sur son passage she's so tall that everybody turns to look as she goes past;
    2 ( changer de position) [personne couchée] to turn over; [véhicule, automobiliste] to turn over, to overturn; se retourner sur le dos/ventre to turn over onto one's back/stomach; il n'a pas arrêté de se retourner (dans son lit) pendant toute la nuit he kept tossing and turning all night long; la voiture s'est retournée dans un fossé the car overturned into a ditch;
    3 ( s'organiser) to get organized; ça lui laissera le temps de se retourner it'll give her time to sort things out ou to get organized;
    4 ( prendre un tour inverse) se retourner contre qn [personne, animal] to turn against sb; [situation, agissements] to backfire on sb; se retourner contre ses alliés to turn on one's allies; ses arguments se sont retournés contre lui his arguments backfired on him;
    5 ( se tordre) elle s'est retourné le doigt/un ongle she bent back her finger/a nail;
    6 ( repartir) s'en retourner to go back; s'en retourner chez soi to go back home; ⇒ plaie.
    D v impers j'aimerais savoir de quoi il retourne I'd like to know what's going on.
    retourner qn comme une crêpe or un gant to make sb change their mind completely.
    [rəturne] verbe transitif (auxiliaire avoir)
    1. [orienter dans le sens contraire] to turn round ou around (separable)
    [renverser - situation] to reverse, to turn inside out ou back to front
    2. [renvoyer - colis, lettre] to send back (separable)
    3. [mettre à l'envers - literie] to turn round ou around ; [ - carte à jouer] to turn up (separable) ; [ - champ, paille] to turn over (separable) ; [ - verre] to turn upside down ; [ - grillade] to turn over (separable) ; [ - gant, poche] to turn inside out
    4. [mélanger - salade] to toss
    5. [fouiller - maison, pièce] to turn upside down
    6. [examiner - pensée]
    7. (familier) [émouvoir]
    [rəturne] verbe intransitif (auxiliaire être)
    1. [aller à nouveau] to return, to go again ou back
    si tu étais à ma place, tu retournerais le voir? if you were me, would you (ever) go and see him again?
    2. [revenir] to go back, to return
    [rəturne] verbe impersonnel
    peut-on savoir de quoi il retourne? what is it all about?, what exactly is going on?
    retourner à verbe plus préposition
    [reprendre, retrouver] to return to, to go back to
    se retourner verbe pronominal intransitif
    1. [tourner la tête] to turn round
    2. [se mettre sur l'autre face] to turn over
    se retourner sur le dos/ventre to turn over on one's back/stomach
    3. [se renverser - auto, tracteur] to overturn, to turn over
    4. [réagir] to sort things out
    le lendemain, la situation s'était retournée the following day, the situation had changed beyond recognition
    6. [déplacement]
    s'en retourner [partir]
    a. to depart, to leave
    se retourner verbe pronominal transitif
    se retourner un ongle/doigt to twist a nail/finger
    se retourner contre verbe pronominal plus préposition
    1. [agir contre]

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > retourner

  • 114 spell

    I [spel] past tense, past participle - spelt; verb
    1) (to name or give in order the letters of (a word): I asked him to spell his name for me.) črkovati
    2) ((of letters) to form (a word): C-a-t spells `cat'.) sestavljati (besede)
    3) (to (be able to) spell words correctly: I can't spell!) znati pravilno pisati
    4) (to mean or amount to: This spells disaster.) pomeniti
    - spelling II [spel] noun
    1) (a set or words which, when spoken, is supposed to have magical power: The witch recited a spell and turned herself into a swan.) magične besede
    2) (a strong influence: He was completely under her spell.) čar
    III [spel] noun
    1) (a turn (at work): Shortly afterwards I did another spell at the machine.) delovna izmena
    2) (a period of time during which something lasts: a spell of bad health.) obdobje
    3) (a short time: We stayed in the country for a spell and then came home.) kratek čas
    * * *
    I [spel]
    čarovna beseda ali formula; urok, začaranost; figuratively čar, draž, mik, privlačnost, fasciniranje
    to be under a spell — biti uročèn; biti očaran
    to cast a spell upon s.o. — uročiti, začarati koga;
    transitive verb
    očarati, fascinirati
    II [spel]
    delovni čas, delo; kratek čas, kratka doba; čas, porabljen za neko delo; (delovna) izmena, posada, posad, ekipa; Australian pavza, počitek, prosti čas; American colloquially kratka razdalja; American colloquially napad (kašlja ipd.)
    by spells — izmenoma, v izmenah
    to give s.o. a spellzamenjati koga pri delu
    wait (for) a spell!počakaj trenutek (hip)!
    we had a spell of fine weather — imeli smo kratko dobo lepega vremena;
    transitive verb American
    zamenjati, izmenjati, nadomestiti koga pri delu
    to spell a horse — dati počitka konju; intransitive verb menjati posado; Australian napraviti pavzo
    III [spel]
    transitive verb
    črkovati, brati ali izgovarjati črko za črko; sestavljati besede; pravilno pisati; pomeniti
    to spell backward — nazaj (narobe) črkovati, figuratively nobenih težav ne imeti s pravopisom
    to spell out, to spell over — čitati kaj črkovaje, figuratively s težavo dešifrirati

    English-Slovenian dictionary > spell

  • 115 ALL-

    may be prefixed to almost every adjective and adverb in an intensive sense, very, extremely.
    * * *
    may in old writers be prefixed to almost every adjective and adverb in an intensive sense, like Engl. very, Lat. per-, Gr. οια-, ζα-. In common talk and modern writings it is rare (except after a negative), and denotes something below the average, viz. tolerably, pretty well, not very well; but in the Sagas, something capital, exceeding. In high style it may perhaps be used in the old sense, e. g. allfagrt ljós oss birtist brátt, a transl. of the Ambrosian hymn, Aurora lucis rutilat. The instances in old writers are nearly endless, e. g. all-annt, n. adj. very eager, Fms. ii. 41; ironically, 150. all-apr, adj. very sore, very harsh, v. apr. all-auðsóttligt, n. adj. very easy, Fs. 40. all-auðveldliga, adv. very easily, Fms. iv. 129. all-auðveldligr, adj. very easy, Fms. v. 331. all-auðveldr, adj. id., Fbr. 158: neut. as adv., Hkr. ii. 76. all-ágætr, adj. very famous, Fms. ii. 76. all-áhyggjusamliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very careful, Fms. vi. 184. all-ákafliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very hot, impetuous, Hkr. i. 234, ii. 32. all-ákaft, adj. very fast, Nj. 196. all-áræðiliga, adv. very likely, Fær. 183. all-áræðislítill, adj. very timid, Fms. vi. 217. all-ástúðligt, n. adj. very hearty, intimate, Fms. ii. 20. all-banvænn, adj. very likely to prove mortal, Orkn. 148. all-beinn, adj. very hospitable, Fms. ii. 84, Eb. 286: neut. as adv., Fær. 259. all-beiskr, adj. very harsh, bitter, Sturl. iii. 167. all-bert, n. adj. very manifest, Lex. Poët. all-bitr, adj. very biting, sharp, Sks. 548. all-bitrligr, adj. of a very sharp appearance, Vígl. 20. all-bjartr, adj. very bright, Fms. viii. 361. all-bjúgr, adj. very much bent, curved, Ölkofr. 39. all-blár, adj. very blue, Glúm. 394. all-blíðliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very blithely, kindly, Fær. 132. all-blíðr, adj. very mild, amiable, Sd. 158, Fms. i. 202. all-bráðgörr, adj. very soon mature, Eb. 16. all-bráðliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very hastily, Orkn. 72. all-bráðr, adj. very hot-headed, Njarð. 370: neut. as adv. very soon, Fms. xi. 51: dat. pl. all-bráðum, as adv. very suddenly, 139. all-bros-ligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very funny, laughable, Fms. iii. 113. all-dasigr, adj. very sluggish, Lex. Poët. all-digr, adj. very big, stout; metaph. puffed up, Nj. 236. all-djarfliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very boldly, Fms. ii. 313, Orkn. 102. all-djúpsettr, adj. very deep, thoughtful, Bret. 158. all-drengiliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very bold, gallant, Lv. 110. all-dræmt, n. adj. very boastfully, from dramb, superbia, (the modern word is dræmt = slowly, sluggishly); þeir létu a. yfir sér, boasted, Sturl. ii. 56. MS. Mus. Brit. 1127; Cod. A. M. has allvænt, prob. wrongly. all-dyggr, adj. very doughty, Lex. Poët. all-dýrr, adj. very dear, Fms. iii. 159. all-eiguligr, adj. very worth having, Sd. 146. all-eina (theol.), á Guð alleina (a hymn), alone: Hkr. iii. 339 (in a spurious chapter). all-einarðliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very sincere, candid, open, Ld. 334. all-eldiligr and -elliligr, adj. of a very aged appearance, Fms. iii. 125. all-fagr, adj. very bright, fair, Orkn. 296 old Ed.: neut. as adv. very fairly, Sturl. i. 72. all-fast, n. adj. very firmly, steadfastly, Eb. 290, Fær. 259. all-fastorðr, adj. very ‘wordfast,’ very true to his word, Fms. vii. 120. all-fálátr, adj. very taciturn, close, Fas. iii. 408. all-fáliga, adv. on very cold terms, Sturl. iii. 298. all-fámáligr, adj. very close, of very few words, Fms. iii. 85, iv. 366. all-fámennr, adj. followed by very few people, Sturl. ii. 122, Magn. 386. all-far, adj. very few, Eg. 512, Ld. 272, Ísl. ii. 356: neut. on very cold terms, Fms. xi. 55. all-fáræðinn, adj. of very few words, Fms. iv. 312. all-feginn, adj. very ‘fain,’ glad, Eg. 240, Ld. 330. all-feginsamliga, adv. very ‘fain,’ gladly, Eg. 27. all-feigligr, adj. having the mark of death very plain on one’s face, v. feigr, Sturl. iii. 234. all-feitr, adj. very fat, Fms. x. 303. all-ferliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very rudely, Fms. iv. 263. all-fémikill, adj. very costly, Ld. 298. all-fjarri, adv. very far, far from, metaph., Hkr. ii. 246; eigi a., not improper, Fbr. 15. all-fjartekit, part. very far-fetched, Skálda 166. all-fjölgan, adj. acc. very numerous (does not exist in nom.), Sks. 138 A. all-fjölkunnigr, adj. very deeply versed in sorcery, Fms. ii. 175, Fas. i. 412. all-fjölmeðr and -mennr, adj. followed, attended by very many people, much frequented, Eg. 724, 188, Hkr. i. 215: n. sing. in very great numbers, Fms. i. 36. all-fjölrætt, n. adj. very heedful, much talked of, Nj. 109. all-forsjáll, adj. very prudent, Hom. 115. all-framr, adj. very famous, Lex. Poët.; very far forward, Grett. 161 A. all-frekliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very daringly, impudently, Fas. i. 24. all-frekr, adj. too eager, too daring, Fms. vii. 164. all-friðliga, adv. in very great peace, Lex. Poët. all-fríðr, adj. very beautiful, Eg. 23, Hkr. i. 225, ii. 354, Fms. i. 2. all-frjáls, adj. very free, independent, v. alfrjáls. all-fróðligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very wise, learned, Sks. 306 B. all-fróðr, adj. very learned, Sks. 30. all-frægr, adj. very famous, Fms. ii. 324, Hkr. i. 232, ii. 187, Ld. 122. all-frækiliga, adv. and -ligr, adj., and all-frækn, adj. and -liga, adv. very bold, boldly, Ísl. ii. 267, Hkr. i. 239, Fms. i. 121. all-fúss, adj. and -liga, adv. very eager, eagerly, Eg. 488, Fms. xi. 89. all-fýsiligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very desirable, Eg. 19, 468. all-fölr, adj. very pale, Lex. Poët. all-gagnsamr, adj. very profitable, gainful, Ísl. ii. 56. all-gamall, adj. very old, Hkr. i. 34. all-gegniliga and -gegnliga, adv. very fittingly, Sturl. ii. 63. all-gemsmikill, adj. very wanton, frolicsome, Sturl. ii. 57. all-gerla and -görviligr, v. -görla, -görviligr. all-gestrisinn, adj. very hospitable, Háv. 40. all-geysilegr, adj. and -liga, adv. very impetuous, Fms. x. 81. all-gildliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. with a very grand air, Grett. 121. all-gildr, adj. very grand, Lex. Poët. all-giptusam-liga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very lucky, Fms. x. 53. all-glaðliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very joyfully, joyful, Fms. iii. 143, Lv. 55. all-glaðr, adj. very joyful, Eg. 163, Ld. 176. all-gleymr, adj. very gleeful, mirthful, in high spirits, [glaumr], verða a. við e-t, Sturl. iii. 152, Eb. 36. all-glæsiliga, adj. and -ligr, adv. very shiny, Eb. 34, Fas. iii. 626, Fms. ix. 430. all-glöggsær, adj. very transparent, dearly visible, metaph., þorf. Karl. 380. all-glöggt, n. adj. very exactly, Hkr. iii. 253, Fas. iii. 13. all-góðmannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very kindly, kind, Mag. 6. all-góðr, adj. very good, Nj. 222, Eg. 36, 198. all-greiðliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very easy, easily, Eb. 268: neut. as adv., Eb. l. c. all-grimmliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very grimly, fiercely, Fas. iii. 414. all-grimmr, adj. very cruel, fierce, Hkr. iii. 167. all-grun-samliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very suspiciously, Ísl. ii. 364. all-göfugr, adj. very distinguished, Eg. 598, Bs. i. 60. all-görla, adv. very clearly, precisely, Hkr. iii. 133, Fms. xi. 15. all-görviligr, adj. very stout, manly, Fms. ii. 28. all-hagstæðr, adj. with a very fair wind, Sturl. iii. 109. all-harðligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very hard, stern, Fas. i. 382. all-harðr, adj. very hard, stern, Fms. i. 177: n. sing. severely, Nj. 165, Grág. i. 261. all-háskasamligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very hazardous, Fms. v. 135. all-heiðinn, adj. quite heathen, Fs. 89 (in a verse). all-heilagr, adj. very sacred, Lex. Poët. all-heimskliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very foolish, frantic, Hkr. ii. 190, Fas. iii. 293. all-heimskr, adj. very silly, stupid, Eg. 376, Grett. 159. all-heppinn, adj. very lucky, happy, Lex. Poët. all-herðimikill, adj. very broad-shouldered, Eg. 305. all-hermannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very martial, Fms. xi. 233. all-hjaldrjúgr, adj. very gossipping, chattering, Lv. 57: neut. as adv., Vápn. 10. all-hógliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very gently, Fms. xi. 240, vi. 274. all-hóleitr and -háleitr, adj. very sublime, Hom. 23. all-hór and -hár, adj. very high, tall, v. -hár. all-hratt, n. adj. in all speed, Lex. Poët. all-hraustliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very bravely, Fms. viii. 289, Eb. 34. all-hraustr, adj. very valiant, Fms. viii. 267. all-hreystimannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very valiantly, Fms. xi. 95. all-hrumliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very infirmly from age, Fas. ii. 91. all-hræddr, adj. very much afraid, Fbr. 94. all-hræðinn, adj. very timid, Fms. vi. 155. all-huml;mgsjúkr, adj. very grieved, heart-sick, Hkr. i. 243, Fms. vi. 133. all-hvass, adj. of the wind, blowing very sharp, Fms. ix. 20, Lex. Poët. all-hyggi-ligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very carefully, Fas. iii. 610. all-hýrliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very blandly, with a very bright face, Fas. iii. 636. all-hæðiligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very ridiculous, Finnb. 312. all-hældreginn, adj. walking very much on one’s heels, dragging the heels very much in walking, of an aged or beggarly person, Band. 9. all-hœgliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very softly, meekly, Fms. xi. 389. all-hœlinn, adj. very bragging, Lex. Poët. all-iðinn, adj. very diligent, laborious, Bs. i. 278. all-illa, adv. and -illr, adj. very badly, bad, wicked, Nj. 242, cp. ilia; ill-willed, Eg. 542: compar., vera allver um, to be worse off, Nj. 221 (Ed. allvant); angry, Lv. 145; disgraceful, Eg. 237; unfortunate, Sturl. ii. 47. all-jafnlyndr, adj. very calm, even-tempered, Fms. vi. 287. all-kaldr, adj. very cold, Vápn. 21. all-kappsamliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. with very much zeal, liberally, Hkr. i. 271; veita a., of hospitality, Ld. 292; mæla a., frankly, peremptorily, 296. all-kappsamr, adj. very eager, vehement, Eg. 187. all-karlmannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very manfully, Fms. x. 141. all-kaupmannliga, adv. in a very businesslike, tradesmanlike way, Fms. v.255. all-kátligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very funny, Grett. 112. all-kátr, adj. very joyful, Nj. 18, Eg. 44, 332. all-keppinn, adj. very snappish, Lex. Poët. all-kerskiligr and -keskiligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very sarcastic, biting, Sturl. ii. 196. all-klókr, adj. very shrewd, Hkr. iii. 317. all-knáliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very stoutly, vigorously, Rd. 312. all-kostgæflliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very earnestly, in a very painstaking way, Stj. all-kostigr, adj. very excellent, Lex. Poët. all-kviklatr, adj. very quick, lively, Ld. 270. all-kynliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very strangely, strange, Ísl. ii. 58, Fms. ii. 227, Grett. 160. all-kyrrligr, adj. very quiet, tranquil, Háv. 49. all-kærr, adj. very dear, beloved, Eg. 139, Fms. i. 48; very fond of, Hkr. i. 194: neut., Eg. 116, of mutual love. all-langr, adj. very long, Háv. 49. all-laust, n. adj. very loosely, Fms. xi. 103. all-lágr, adj. very low, short of stature, Fbr. 68. all-lengi, adv. very long, K. Þ. K. 158. all-léttbrúnn, adj. of very brightened, cheerful countenance, Ld. 94. all-léttiliga, adv. very lightly, Fas. iii. 612. all-léttmælt, n. adj., vera a. um e-t, to speak in a very lively way, Fms. iv. 261. all-léttr, adj. very light (in weight), Fas. iii. 487. all-líkliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. in very agreeable, courteous terms, Fas. i. 84. all-likligr, adj. very likely, Fas. ii. 247, Sks. 669. all-líkr, adj. very like, Fas. iii. 579, Sd. 160, Korm. 142. all-lítilfjörligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very puny, prop. having little life in one, Háv. 54. all-lítill, adj. very little, Fær. 268: n. sing. all-lítt, as adv. very little, Nj. 108, 130, Korm. 172; poorly, Grett. 116. all-lyginn, adj. very given to lying, Fbr. 157. all-makligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very deserving, fitting, Sturl. iii. 127, Bjarn. 22. all-mann-fátt, n. adj. with very few people, Gísl. 31. all-mannhættr, adj. very dangerous, Fas. iii. 34. all-mannskæðr, adj. very full of manskathe, very murderous, Fms. ii. 512. all-mannæenligr, adj. a very promising man, Fms. iv. 254. all-mannvænn, adj. a man of very great promise, Hkr. ii. 182. all-margliga, adv. very affably, Sturl. iii. 27. all-margmæltr, part. very talkative, Sturl. ii. 179. all-margr, adj. very numerous, pl. very many, Nj. 32, Grág. ii. 176, Sks. 328, Gþl. 329. all-margrætt, n. adj. part. very much spoken of, Fms. viii. 275. all-málugr, adj. very loquacious, Hkr. iii. 152, 655 xi. 2. all-máttfarinn, adj. very much worn out, with very little strength left, Fas. ii. 356. all-máttlítill, adj. very weak, Fms. i. 159. all-meginlauss, adj. very void of strength, Fms. xi. 103. all-mikilfengligr, adj. very high and mighty, very imposing, Fs. all-mikill, adj. very great, Ísl. ii. 269, Nj. 193, Eg. 29, 39: neut. as adv. greatly, Fms. i. 24, vii. 110. all-mikilmannliga, adv. very nobly, Sturl. i. 33. all-misjafn, adj. very variously, unfavourably, in such phrases as, mæla a. um e-t, there were very different stories about the matter, leggja a. til, ganga a. undir, taka a. á, Eg. 242, Hkr. ii. 123, Fms. i. 86, vii. no, Ld. 166. all-mjór, adj. very slim, slender, narrow, Hkr. iii. 117, Gþl. 173. all-mjök, adv. very much, Nj. 134, Ld. 196, Eg. 19; féllu þá a. menn, in very great numbers, Fms. i. 173. all-myrkr, adj. very dark, Fms. ix. 23. all-mæðiliga, adv. with very great effort, heavily, Fms. ix. 16. all-nauðigr, adj. and -liga, adv. very reluctant, unwilling, Grett. 153; a. staddr, dangerously, Fms. v. 212. all-náinn, adj. very near, nearly related, Sks. 330. all-náttförull, adj. very much given to wandering by night, Lex. Poët. all-níðskárr, adj. of a poet, given to mocking, satirical verse, [níð and skáld (?)], Fms. ii. 7. all-nóg, adv. very abundantly, Sd. 182. all-nær, adv. very near, Fms. vii. 289; metaph., lagði a. at, pretty nearly, well-nigh, Fs., Sks. 684 B. all-nærri, adv. very near, Ld. 202, Fas. iii. 339. all-opt, adv. very often, Anecd. 38, Gþl. 169. all-orðfátt, n. adj. in the phrase, göra a. urn, to be very short of words as to, Bjarn. 31. all-ógurligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very frightful, Edda 41. all-ólmliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very furiously, Fas. iii. 546, Bárð. 177. áll-óttalaust, n. adj. with very little to fear, Eg. 371, v. l. all-ramskipaðr, adj. part. very strongly manned, Fms. iii. 13. all-rauðr, adj. very red, Ld. 182. all-ráðligr, adj. very expedient, advisable, Grett. 145. all-reiðiligr, adj. looking very wrathful, Fms. iv. 161. all-reiðr, adj. very wroth, angry, Edda 57, Nj. 135, Eg. 139. all-ríkmarmligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very grand, pompous, magnificent, Fms. i. 213. all-ríkr, adj. very powerful, Fms. i. 115. all-rýrliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very feebly, puny, Fbr. 28. all-röskliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very smart, brisk, Fms. viii. 317. all-sannligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very likely, ‘soothlike,’ Fms. iv. 270. all-sáttgjarnliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very placable, of mild disposition, Sturl. iii. 288. all-seinn, adj. very slow, Bs. i. 192: neut. as adv. slowly, Grett. 151 A. all-sigrsæll, adj. very victorious, having very good luck in war, Hkr. i. 28. all-skammr, adj. very short, very scant, Nj. 264: neut. substantively, a very short way, Finnb. 324; short distance, Fms. iv. 329. all-skapliga, adv. very fittingly, properly, Grett. 120. all-skapværr, adj. of a very gentle, meek disposition, Sturl. all-skapþungt, n. adj., vera a., to be in a very gloomy, depressed state of mind, Fms. iv. 26. all-skarpr, adj. very sharp, Lex. Poët. all-skeinuhættr, adj. very dangerous, vulnerable, Sturl. ii. 139. all-skemtiligr, adj. very amusing, Sturl. ii. 77. all-skillítill, adj. very slow-witted, dull, Sturl. j. 89. all-skjallkænliga, adv. [skjalla, to flatter], very coaxingly, Grett. 131 A. all-skjótt, n. adj. as adv. very soon, Nj. 236. all-skrautligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very smart, splendid, Fas. ii. 366, Mag. 11. all-skygn, adj. very sharp-sighted, Hrafn. 33. all-skyldr, adj. bound to, very obligatory; neut. = bounden duty, Sks. 484; deserved, Gþl. 61:
    β. nearly related, near akin, Fms. xi. 75. all-skyndiliga, adv. very quickly, Blas. 40. all-skynsamliga, adv. very judiciously, Sturl. iii. 161. all-skyrugr, adj. all curd-besprent, Grett. 107 A. all-sköruliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very frankly, boldly, dignified, Sturl. iii. 39, Fms. ix. 5, Ld. 94 C, 226, Bs. i. all-sljáliga, adv. very slowly, sluggishly, Grett. 101 A. all-smár, adj. very small, Fms. v. 55, xi. 61. all-snarpliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very sharply, smartly, Fms. viii. 346. all-snarpr, adj. very sharp, Fms. i. 38, Nj. 246. all-snemma, adv. very early, Fms. ii. 223. all-snjallr, adj. very shrewd, clever, Fms. viii. 367. all-snúðula, adv. very quickly, Lex. Poët. all-snæfr, adj. very brisk, id. all-snöfurmannligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very brisk and energetic looking, of a man, Fms. xi. 79. all-spakliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very mildly, moderately, wisely, Hkr. ii. 41. all-spakr, adj. very gentle, wise, Fms. vi. 298. all-starsýnn, adj. who stares very hard at a thing, looking fixedly upon, Fms. vi. 203. all-sterkliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very briskly, strongly, Ld. 158, Fas. iii. 612. all-sterkr, adj. very strong, Hkr. i. 238, Eg. 285; Ísl. ii. 461 ( very vehement); as a pr. name, Fms. iii. 183. all-stilliliga, adv. very calmly, in a very composed manner, Ld. 318. all-stirðr, adj. very stiff, Háv. 46. all-stórhöggr, adj. dealing very hard blows, Fms. i. 171. all-stórliga, adv. very haughtily, Hkr. ii. 63, Ld. 168. all-stórmannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very munificently, nobly, Fas. iii. 45; haughtily, Sd. 146. all-stórorðr, adj. using very big words, Eg. 340, Ld. 38 ( very boisterous). all-stórr, adj. very great, metaph. big, puffed up, Ld. 318; dat. all-stórum, as adv. very largely, Edda 32. all-strangr, adj. very rapid, Lex. Poët. all-styggr, adj. very ill-humoured, cross, Grett. 103 A. all-styrkliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very stoutly, Stj. 402. all-styrkr, adj. very strong, Fms. i. 177. all-svangr, adj. very hungry, Lex. Poët. all-svinnliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very wisely, prudently, wise, Fas. i. 95, ii. 266. all-sættfúss, adj. very placable, peace-loving, very willing to accept an atonement, Sturl. iii. 19. all-sœmiliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very seemly, decorous, honourable, Hkr. i. 215, Ísl. ii. 163. all-tiginn, adj. very princely, Lex. Poët. all-tillátsamr, adj. very indulgent, lenient, Þórð. 12. all-tíðrætt, n. adj. very much talked of, much spoken of, Eg. 99, Sturl. i. 199. all-tíðvirkr, adj. very quick at work, Fms. xi. 377. all-torfyndr, adj. very hard to find, Fms. vii. 356. all-torfært, n. adj. very hard to pass, cross, Eg. 546. all-torsótt, n. adj. part. very difficult to reach, Eg. 546. all-tortryggiliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very suspiciously, Sturl. ii. 47. all-torveldligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very difficult, Str. all-trauðr, adj. very slow, unwilling, Fms. xi. 39. all-tregr, adj. very tardy, Fær. 114, Bárð. 178. all-trúr, adj. very true. Fms. vi. 377. all-tryggr, adj. very trusty, Hkr. iii. 167. all-tvítugr, false reading, instead of eigi alls t., not quite twenty, Sturl. i. 181. all-undarligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very odd, wonderful, Fms. ii. 150. all-ungr, adj. very young, Eg. 268, Fms. i. 14, Ld. 274. all-úbeinskeyttr, adj. shooting very badly, Fms. ii. 103. all-úblíðr, adj. very harsh, unkind, Fas. ii. all-úbragðligr, adj. very ill-looking, Sturl. iii. 234. all-údæll, adj. very spiteful, untractable, Sturl. i. 99. all-úfagr, adj. very ugly, metaph., Fms. iii. 154. all-úfimliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very awkwardly, Fas. ii. 543. all-úframliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very backward, shy, timid, Fbr. 38 C. all-úfríðr, adj. very ugly, Fms. xi. 227. all-úfrýnn, adj. very sullen, ‘frowning,’ sour, Eg. 525. all-úfrægr, adj. very inglorious, Fms. iv. 259. all-úglaðr, adj. very gloomy, sad, Hkr. iii. 379. all-úhægr, adj. very difficult, Eg. 227. all-úhöfðingligr, adj. very low-looking, very plebeian, Finnb. 222. all-úkátr, adj. very sorrowful, Edda 35, Eg. 223, Fms. i. 37. all-úknár, adj. very weak of frame, Grett. 119 A, very badly knit; Bs. i. 461 (of boys). all-úkonungligr, adj. very unkingly, Fms. viii. 158. all-úkunnigr, adj. quite unknown, Ísl. ii. 412. all-úlífligr, adj. very unlikely to live, Hkr. ii. 200. all-úlíkliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very unlikely, Gísl. 24, Sd. 123, Finnb. 310. all-úlíkr, adj. very unlike, Glúm. 364. all-úlyginn, adj. not at all given to lie, truthful, Fbr. 157. all-úmáttuliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. weakly, very weak, tender, Fms. iv. 318. all-úráðinn, adj. part. very ‘unready’ (cp. Ethelred the ‘unready’), undecided, Lv. 9. all-úráðliga, adv. very unadvisedly, rashly, Odd. 12 old Ed. all-úsannligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very untruthful, unjust; also, unlikely, Fms. vii. 141. all-úsáttfúss, adj. very implacable, unwilling to come to terms, Sturl. iii. 275. all-úskyldr, adj. very strange to, not at all bound to…, Eg. 10. all-úspakr, adj. very unruly, Sturl. ii. 61. all-úsváss, adj. very uncomfortable, of weather, cold and rainy, Bs. i. 509. all-úsýnn, adj. very uncertain, doubtful, Glúm. 358, Sturl. i. 105. all-úsæligr, adj. of very poor, wretched appearance, Niðrst. 109. all-úvinsæll, adj. very unpopular, Fms. iv. 369, Fas. iii. 520. all-úvísliga, adv. very unwisely, Niðrst. 6. all-úvænliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. of very unfavourable prospect, Fas. ii. 266; n. adj. very unpromising, Grett. 148 A. all-úvænn, adi. very ugly, Fas. i. 234; very unpromising, unfavourable, Ísl. ii. 225: neut. as adv. unfavourably, Fms. xi. 134. all-úþarfr, adj. very unthrifty, very unprofitable, something that had better be prevented, Eg. 576, Hkr. ii. 245. all-vandlátr, adj. very difficult, hard to please, Fms. vi. 387. all-vandliga, adv. with very great pains, exactly, carefully, Sks. 658 B. all-vant, n. adj., vera a. um e-t, to be in a very great strait, Nj. 221. all-varfærr, adj. very careful, solicitous, Eg. 63. all-vaskligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very brisk, smart, gallant, Hkr. i. 104; compar. v. alvaskligr. all-vaskr, adj. very brisk, gallant, Fms. viii. 226. all-vandr, adj. very bad, of clothes, much worn, Pm. 11. all-vápndjarfr, adj. very bold, daring in arms, Hkr. iii. 63. all-veðrlítið, n. adj. very calm, with little wind, Fms. vi. 360. all-vegliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very grand, princely, nobly, Fms. i. 20, Eg. 332, Hkr. i. 15. all-vel, adv. very well, Nj. 12, Eg. 78, 198; compar. albetr, v. alvel. all-vesall, adj. very puny, wretched, Nj. 97. all-vesalliga, adv. very wretchedly, Ölk. 35. all-vesalmannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. id., Ísl. ii. 416. all-vesæll, adj. very miserable, base, vile, Nj. 97. all-vingjarnliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very friendly, amicable, Sturl. ii. 168. all-vingott, n. adj. on very friendly terms, Fbr. 129. all-vinsæll, adj. very popular, used of a man blessed with many friends, Fms. i. 184, ii. 44, Orkn. 104 old Ed. all-virðuligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very worthy, dignified, Fms. x. 84, Bs. i. 83. all-vitr, adj. very wise, Sks. 29 B (superl.) all-vitrliga, adv. very wisely, Fas. ii. 66. all-víða and all-vítt, n. adj. very widely, Hkr. iii. 141, Lex. Poët. all-vígliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. in a very warlike manner, Fms. ix. 488, Fas. ii. 112. all-vígmannliga, adv. very martially, Fas. iii. 150. all-vígmóðr, adj. quite wearied out with fighting, Introd. to Helgakviða (Sæm.) all-víss, adj. very wise, sure, Sks. 520, Lex. Poët.: neut. to a dead certainty, Lex. Poët. all-vænliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very promising, handsome, Glúm. 349, Fms. v. 260, Fbr. 114. all-vænn, adj. id., Clem. 24, Bs. i. 340: neut., þykja a. um, to be in high spirits, Ísl. ii. 361; make much of, Fms. ii. 76; as adv. favourably, Fms. iv. 192. all-vörpuligr, adj. of a very stout, stately frame, Hkr. ii. 254. all-vöxtuligr, adj. very tall, of large growth, Fas. iii. 627. all-þakkligr, adj. very pretty, = þekkiligr, Lex. Poët. all-þakksamliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very thankfully, Fms. i. 120, Ld. 298. all-þarfliga, adv. very thriftily, very pressingly; biðja a., to beg very hard, Edda 45. all-þarfr, adj. very thrifty, Lex. Poët. all-þéttr, adj. very crowded, cp. Lex. Poët. all-þrekligr, adj. of a very robust frame, Hkr. ii. 2. all-þröngr, adj. as neut. in a very great crowd, Edda 24. all-þungliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very hard, unwilling, reluctant, Sturl. ii. 120; taka a. á e-m, to be very hard upon, Mag. 1. all-þungr, adj. very unfavourable, Hkr. ii. 358; hostile, badly disposed towards, Eb. 108, Eg. 332; þykja a., to dislike, Fms. viii. 441; a. orð, to blame, Sturl. ii. 62. all-þykkr, adj. very thick, Fas. i. 339: n. sing. as adv. thickly, Fms. vii. 70 (of great numbers slain on the battle-field). all-æfr, adj. very furious, wrath, Ísl. ii. 258, Lv. 60, Fas. i. 404. all-ægiligr, adj. very terrible, Dropl. 18. all-æstr, adj. very incited, vehement, Nj. 231. all-örorðr, adj. very quick-tongued, frank, outspoken, Eg. 340. all-öruggliga, adv. very steadfastly, very firmly, Grett. 153 A. all-öruggr, adj. very unflinching, Bs. i. 624.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ALL-

  • 116 FYRIR

    * * *
    I. with dat.
    1) before, in front of (ok vóru fyrir honum borin merkin);
    fyrir dyrum, before the door;
    2) before one, in one’s presence;
    hón nefndist fyrir þeim Gunnhildr, she told them that her name was G.;
    3) for;
    hann lét ryðja fyrir þeim búðina, he had the booth cleared for them, for their reception;
    4) before one, in one’s way;
    fjörðr varð fyrir þeim, they came to a fjord;
    sitja fyrir e-m, to lie in wait for one;
    5) naut. term. before, off;
    liggja fyrir bryggjum, to lie off the piers;
    fyrir Humru-mynni, off the Humber;
    6) before, at the head of, over;
    vera fyrir liði, to be over the troops;
    vera fyrir máli, to lead the case;
    sitja fyrir svörum, to undertake the defence;
    7) of time, ago;
    fyrir þrem nóttum, three nights ago;
    fyrir stundu, a while ago;
    fyrir löngu, long ago;
    vera fyrir e-u, to forebode (of a dream);
    8) before, above, superior to;
    Hálfdan svarti var fyrir þeim brœðrum, H. was the foremost of the brothers;
    9) denoting disadvantige, harm, suffering;
    þú lætr Egil vefja öll mál fyrir þér, thou lettest E. thwart all thy affairs;
    tók at eyðast fyrir herm lausa-fé, her money began to fail;
    10) denoting obstacle, hindrance;
    mikit gøri þer mér fyrir þessu máli, you make this case hard for me;
    varð honum lítit fyrir því, it was a small matter for him;
    Ásgrími þótti þungt fyrir, A. thought that things looked bad;
    11) because of, for;
    hon undi sér hvergri fyrir verkjum, she had no rest for pains;
    fyrir hræðslu, for fear;
    illa fœrt fyrir ísum, scarcely, passable for ice;
    gáðu þeir eigi fyrir veiðum at fá heyjanna, because of fishing, they neglected to make hay;
    fyrir því at, because, since, as;
    12) against;
    gæt þín vel fyrir konungi ok hans mönnum, guard thee well against the king and his men;
    beiða griða Baldri fyrir alls konar háska, against all kinds of harm;
    13) fyrir sér, of oneself;
    mikill fyrir sér, strong, powerful;
    minnstr fyrir sér, smallest, weakest;
    14) denoting manner or quality, with;
    hvítr fyrir hærum, while with hoary hair;
    II. with acc.
    1) before, in front of;
    halda fyrir augu sér, to hold (one’s hands) before one’s eyes;
    2) before, into the presence of;
    stefna e-m fyrir dómstól, before a court;
    3) over;
    hlaupa fyrir björg, to leap over a precipice;
    kasta fyrir borð, to throw overboard;
    4) in one’s way, crossing one’s way;
    ríða á leið fyrir þá, to ride in their way, so as to meet them;
    5) round, off;
    sigla fyrir nes, to weather a point;
    6) along, all along;
    fyrir endilangan Noreg, all along Norway, from one end to the other;
    draga ör fyrir odd, to draw the arrow past the point;
    7) of time, fyrir dag, before day;
    fyrir e-s minni, before one’s memory;
    8) for, on behalf of;
    vil ek bjóða at fara fyrir þik, I will offer to go for thee, in thy stead;
    lögvörn fyrir mál, a lawful defence for a case;
    9) for, for the benefit of;
    þeir skáru fyrir þá melinn, they cut the lyme-grass for them (the horses);
    10) for, instead of, in place of, as;
    11) for, because of (vilja Gunnar dauðan fyrir höggit);
    fyrir þín orð, for thy words (intercession);
    fyrir sína vinsæld, by reason of his popularity;
    12) denoting value, price;
    fyrir þrjár merkr, for three marks;
    fyrir hvern mun, by all means, at any cost;
    13) in spite of, against (giptast fyrir ráð e-s);
    14) joined with adverbs ending in -an, governing acc. (fyrir austan, vestan, sunnan, norðan, útan innan, framan, handan, ofan, neðan);
    fyrir austan, sunnan fjall, east, south of the fell;
    fyrir neðan brú, below the bridge;
    fyrir handan á, beyond the river;
    fyrir innan garð, inside the fence;
    III. as adverb or ellipt.
    1) ahead, before, opp. to eptir;
    þá var eigi hins verra eptir ván, er slíkt fór fyrir, when this came first, preceded;
    2) first;
    mun ek þar eptir gera sem þér gerit fyrir, I shall do to you according as you do first;
    3) at hand, present, to the fore;
    föng þau, er fyrir vóru, stores that were at hand;
    þar var fyrir fjöldi boðsmanna, a host of guests was already present (before the bride and bridegroom came);
    4) e-m verðr e-t fyrir, one takes a certain step, acts so and so;
    Kolbeini varð ekki fyrir, K. was at a loss what to do;
    e-t mælist vel (illa) fyrir, a thing is well (ill) spoken or reported of (kvæðit mæltist vel fyrir).
    * * *
    prep., in the Editions spelt differently; in MSS. this word is usually abbreviated either  (i. e. firir), or Ꝼ̆, fur͛, fvr͛ (i. e. fyrir); in some MSS. it is idiomatically spelt with i, fir͛, e. g. Arna-Magn. 382 (Bs. i. 263 sqq.); and even in the old Miracle-book Arna-Magn. 645 (Bs. i. 333 sqq.), just as ifir is written for yfir ( over); in a few MSS. it is written as a monosyllable fyr, e. g. D. I. i. 475, Mork. passim; in Kb. (Sæm.-Edda) occurs fyr telia, Vsp. I; fyr norðan, 36; fyr dyrum, Gm. 22; fyr vestan ver, Hkv. 2. 8; in other places as a dissyll. fyrir, e. g. Hm. 56, Gm. 54, Skm. 34, Ls. 15, Am. 64, Hkv. 2. 2, 19 (quoted from Bugge’s edition, see his preface, p. xvi); fyr and fyrir stand to one another in the same relation as ept to eptir, und to undir, of ( super) to yfir: this monosyllabic form is obsolete, save in the compds, where ‘for-’ is more common than ‘fyrir-;’ in some cases both forms are used, e. g. for-dæming and fyrir-dæming; in others only one, but without any fixed rule: again, the forms fyri, fyre, or fire, which are often used in Edd., are just as wrong, as if one were to say epti, undi, yfi; yet this spelling is found now and then in MSS., as, fyre, Ó. H. (facsimile); fire, Grág. Sb. ii. 288 (also facsimile): the particles í and á are sometimes added, í fur, Fms. iv. 137; í fyrir, passim; á fur, Haustl. 1. [Ulf. faur and faura; A. S. fore and for; Engl. for and fore-; Germ. für and vor; Dan. for; Swed. för; Gr. προ-; Lat. pro, prae.]
    WITH DAT., chiefly without the notion of movement.
    A. LOCAL:
    I. before, in front of; fyrir dyrum, before the doors, at the doors, Nj. 14, Vsp. 53, Hm. 69, Edda 130; niðr f. smiðju-dyrum, Eg. 142:—ahead, úti fyrir búðinni, Nj. 181; kómusk sauðirnir upp á fjallit f. þeim, ahead of them, 27; vóru fyrir honum borin merkin, the banner was borne before him, 274; göra orð fyrir sér, to send word before one, Fms. vii. 207, Hkr. iii. 335 (Ó. H. 201, l. c., frá sér):—also denoting direction, niðri í eldinum f. sér, beneath in the fire before them, Nj. 204; þeir sá f. sér bæ mikinn, they saw before them a great building, i. e. they came to a great house, Eg. 546; öðrum f. sér ( in front) en öðrum á bak sér, Grág. i. 5.
    2. before one, before one’s face, in one’s presence; úhelgaða ek Otkel f. búum, before the neighbours, Nj. 87; lýsi ek f. búum fimm, 218; lýsa e-u ( to proclaim) f. e-m, Ld. 8; hann hermdi boð öll f. Gizuri, Nj. 78; hón nefndisk f. þeim Gunnhildr, told them that her name was G., Fms. i. 8; kæra e-t f. e-m, Ó. H. 60; slíkar fortölur hafði hann f. þeim, Nj. 200; the saying, því læra börnin málið að það er f. þeim haft, bairns learn to speak because it is done before them, i. e. because they hear it; hafa gott (íllt) f. e-m, to give a good (bad) example, e. g. in the presence of children; lifa vel f. Guði, to live well before God, 623. 29; stór ábyrgðar-hluti f. Guði, Nj. 199; sem þeir sjá réttast f. Guði, Grág. i. (pref.); fyrir öllum þeim, Hom. 89; á laun f. öðrum mönnum, hidden from other men, unknown to them, Grág. i. 337, Jb. 378; nú skaltú vera vin minn mikill f. húsfreyju minni, i. e. when you talk to my wife, Nj. 265; fyrir Drottni, before the Lord, Merl. 2. 78.
    3. denoting reception of guests, visitors; hann lét ryðja f. þeim búðina, he had the room cleared for them, for their reception, Nj. 228; Valhöll ryðja fyr vegnu fólki, i. e. to clear Valhalla for slain folk, Em. I; ryðja vígvöll f. vegundum, Nj. 212; ljúka upp f. e-m, to open the door for one, Fms. xi. 323, Stj. 5; rýma pallinn f. þeim, Eg. 304; hann lét göra eld f. þeim, he had a fire made for them, 204; þeir görðu eld. f. sér, Fms. xi. 63; … veizlur þar sem fyrir honum var búit, banquets that were ready for him, Eg. 45.
    II. before one, in one’s way; þar er díki varð f. þeim, Eg. 530; á (fjörðr) varð f. þeim, a river, fjord, was before them, i. e. they came to it, 133, 161; at verða eigi f. liði yðru, 51; maðr sá varð f. Vindum, that man was overtaken by the V., Hkr. iii. 363; þeirra manna er f. honum urðu, Eg. 92.
    2. sitja f. e-m, to lie in wait for one, Ld. 218, Nj. 107; lá f. henni í skóginum, Edda (pref.); sitja f. rekum, to sit watching for wrecks, Eg. 136 (fyrir-sát).
    3. ellipt., menn urðu at gæta sín er f. urðu, Nj. 100; Egill var þar f. í runninum, E. was before (them), lay in ambush, Eg. 378; hafði sá bana er f. varð, who was before (the arrow), i. e. he was hit, Nj. 8.
    4. verða f. e-u, to be hit, taken, suffer from a thing; ef hann verðr f. drepi, if he be struck, Grág. ii. 19; verða f. áverka, to be wounded, suffer injury, Ld. 140; verða f. reiði konungs, to fall into disgrace with the king, Eg. 226; verða f. ósköpum, to become the victim of a spell, spell-bound, Fas. i. 130; sitja f. hvers manns ámæli, to be the object of all men’s blame, Nj. 71; vera eigi f. sönnu hafðr, to be unjustly charged with a thing, to be innocent.
    III. a naut. term, before, off; liggja f. bryggjum, to lie off the pier, Ld. 166; skip fljóta f. strengjum, Sks. 116; þeir lágu f. bænum, they lay off the town, Bs. i. 18; liggja úti f. Jótlands-síðu, off Jutland, Eg. 261; hann druknaði f. Jaðri, off the J., Fms. i. II; þeir kómu at honum f. Sjólandi, off Zealand, x. 394; hafa úti leiðangr f. landi, Hkr. i. 301; f. Humru-minni, off the Humber, Orkn. 338, cp. Km. 3, 8, 9, 13, 19, 21; fyrir Nesjum, off the Ness, Vellekla; fyrir Tungum, Sighvat; fyrir Spáni, off Spain, Orkn. 356.
    IV. before, at the head of, denoting leadership; smalamaðr f. búi föður síns, Ver. 26 (of king David); vera f. liði, to be over the troops, Eg. 292, Nj. 7; vera f. máli, to lead the case, Band. 8; vera forstjóri f. búi, to be steward over the household, Eg. 52; ráða f. landi, ríki, etc., to rule, govern, Ó H. 33, Nj. 5; hverr f. eldinum réði, who was the ringleader of the fire, Eg. 239; ráða f. e-u, to rule, manage a thing, passim: the phrase, sitja f. svörum, to respond on one’s behalf, Ölk. 36, Band. 12; hafa svör f. e-m, to be the chief spokesman, Fms. x. 101, Dipl. v. 26.
    V. special usages; friða f. e-m, to make peace for one, Fms. vii. 16, Bs. i. 65; bæta f. e-m, to make things good for one, Hom. 109; túlka, vera túlkr, flytja (etc.) f. e-m, to plead for one, Fms. iii. 33, Nj. 128,—also spilla f. e-m, to disparage one, Eg. 255; haga, ætla f. e-u, to manage, arrange for one, Ld. 208, Sturl. i. 14, Boll. 356; rífka ráð f. e-m, to better one’s condition, Nj. 21; ráða heiman-fylgju ok tilgjöf f. frændkonu sinni, Js. 58; standa f. manni, to stand before, shield a man, stand between him and his enemy, Eg. 357, Grág. ii. 13; vera skjöldr f. e-m, 655 xxxii. 4; hafa kostnað f. e-u, to have the expences for a thing, Ld. 14; vinna f. e-m, to support one by one’s work, Sks. 251; starfa f. fé sínu, to manage one’s money, Ld. 166; hyggja f. e-u, to take heed for a thing, Nj. 109; hyggja f. sér, Fs. 5; hafa forsjá f. e-m, to provide for one, Ld. 186; sjá f. e-u, to see after, Eg. 118, Landn, 152; sjá þú nokkut ráð f. mér, Nj. 20: ironic. to put at rest, Háv. 40: ellipt., sjá vel f., to provide well for, Nj. 102.
    B. TEMP. ago; fyrir þrem nóttum, three nights ago; fyrir stundu, a while ago, Nj. 80; fyrir litlu, a little while ago, Fms. i. 76, Ld. 134; fyrir skömmu, a sbort while ago; fyrir löngu, a long while ago, Nj. 260, Fms. i. 50; fyrir öndverðu, from the beginning, Grág. i. 80, ii. 323, 394, Finnb. 342; fyrir þeim, before they were born, Fms. i. 57.
    2. the phrase, vera f. e-u, to forebode; vera f. stórfundum, Nj. 107, 277; þat hygg ek vera munu f. siða-skipti, Fms. xi. 12; þessi draumr mun vera f. kvámu nökkurs manns, vii. 163; dreyma draum f. e-u, 8; fyrir tiðendum, ii. 65:—spá f. e-m, to ‘spae’ before, prophecy to one, Nj. 171.
    C. METAPH.:
    I. before, above; þóttu þeir þar f. öllum ungum mönnum, Dropl. 7; þykkisk hann mjök f. öðrum mönnum, Ld. 38; ver f. hirðmönnum, be first among my herdsmen, Eg. 65; Hálfdan svarti var f. þeim bræðrum, H. was the foremost of the brothers, Fms. i. 4; þorgrímr var f. sonum Önundar, Grett. 87; var Haraldr mest f. þeim at virðingu, Fms. i. 47.
    II. denoting help, assistance; haun skal rétta vættið f. þeim, Grág. i. 45 (vide above A. IV and V).
    2. the following seem to be Latinisms, láta lífit f. heilagri Kristni, to give up one’s life for holy Christianity, = Lat. pro, Fms. vii. 172; ganga undir píslir fyrir Guðs nafni, Blas. 38; gjalda önd mína f. önd þinni, Johann. 17; gefa gjöf f. sál sinni ( pro animâ suâ), H. E. i. 466; fyrir mér ok minni sál, Dipl. iv. 8; færa Guði fórnir f. e-m, 656 A; heita f. e-m, biðja f. e-m, to make a vow, pray for one (orare pro), Fms. iii. 48, Bs. i. 70; biðja f. mönnum, to intercede for, 19, Fms. xi. 287: even with a double construction, biðja f. stað sinn (acc., which is vernacular) ok heilagri kirkju (dat., which is a Latinism), x. 127.
    III. denoting disadvantage, harm, suffering; þú lætr Egil vefja öll mál fyrir þér, thou lettest Egil thwart all thy affairs, Eg. 249; únýtir hann þá málit fyrir sér, then he ruins his own case, Grág. i. 36, Dropl. 14, 16; Manverjar rufu safnaðinn f. Þorkatli, the Manxmen broke up the assembly, i. e. forsook Thorkel, Fms. ix. 422; kom upp grátr f. henni, she burst into tears, 477; taka fé f. öðrum, to take another’s money, N. G. L. i. 20; knörr þann er konungr lét taka fyrir Þórólfi, Landn. 56; ef hross verðr tekit f. honum, if a horse of his be taken, Grág. i. 436; hann tók upp fé fyrir öllum, he seized property for them all, Ó. H. 60; e-t ferr ílla f. e-m, a thing turns out ill for one; svá fór f. Ólófu, so it came to pass for O., Vígl. 18; loka dyrr f. e-m, to lock the door in one’s face, Edda 21: þeir hafa eigi þessa menn f. yðr drepit, heldr f. yðrar sakir þessi víg vegit, i. e. they have not harmed you, but rather done you a service in slaying those men, Fbr. 33; tók at eyðask f. henni lausa-fé, her money began to fail, Nj. 29; rak á f. þeim storma ok stríðviðri, they were overtaken by gales and bad weather, Vígl. 27; Víglundr rak út knöttinn f. Jökli, V. drove the ball for J., i. e. so that he had to run after it, 24; sá er skar tygil f. Þóri, he who cut Thor’s line, Bragi; sverð brast f. mér, my sword broke, Korm. 98 (in a verse); brjóta e-t f. e-m, to break a thing for one, Bs. i. 15 (in a verse); Valgarðr braut krossa fyrir Merði ok öll heilög tákn, Nj. 167; árin brotnaði f. honum, his oar broke; allar kýrnar drápust fyrir honum, all his cows died.
    2. denoting difficulty, hindrance; sitja f. sæmd e-s, to sit between oneself and one’s honour, i. e. to hinder one’s doing well, Sturl. 87; mikit göri þér mér f. þessu máli, you make this case sore for me, Eb. 124; þér er mikit f. máli, thy case stands ill, Fms. v. 325; ekki er Guði f. því, it is easy for God to do, 656 B. 9; varð honum lítið f. því, it was a small matter for him, he did it easily, Grett. III; mér er minna f. því, it is easier for me, Am. 60; þykkja mikit f. e-u, to be much grieved for a thing, do it unwillingly, Nj. 77; Icel. also say, þykja fyrir (ellipt.), to feel hurt, be displeased:—ellipt., er þeim lítið fyrir at villa járnburð þenna, it is a small matter for them to spoil this ordeal, Ó. H. 140; sem sér muni lítið f. at veiða Gunnar, Nj. 113; fast mun f. vera, it will be fast-fixed before (one), hard to move, Ld. 154; Ásgrími þótti þungt f., A. thought that things looked sad (heavy), Nj. 185; hann var lengi f., he was long about it, Fms. x. 205; hann var lengi f. ok kvað eigi nei við, he was cross and said not downright no, Þorf. Karl. 388.
    IV. in a causal sense, for, because of, Lat. per, pro; sofa ek né mákat fugls jarmi fyrir, I cannot sleep for the shrill cry of birds, Edda 16 (in a verse); hon undi sér hvergi f. verkjum, she had no rest for pains, Bjarn. 69; fyrir gráti, tárum, = Lat. prae lacrymis; fyrir harmi, for sorrow; f. hlátri, for laughter, as in Engl.; þeir æddust f. einni konu, they went mad for the sake of one woman, Sól. 11; ílla fært f. ísum, scarce passable for ice, Fms. xi. 360; hætt var at sitja útar f. Miðgarðs-ormi, Edda 35; hann var lítt gengr f. sárinu, he could hardly walk for the wound, Fbr. 178; fyrir hræðslu, for fear, Hbl. 26; heptisk vegrinn f. þeim meinvættum sem …, Fs. 4; gáðu þeir eigi f. veiðum at fá heyjanna, because of fishing they took no care to make hay, Landn. 30; fyrir riki konungs, for the king’s power, Eg. 67, 117; fyrir ofríki manna, Grág. i. 68; fyrir hví, for why? Eluc. 4; fyrir hví þeir væri þar, Eg. 375; fyrir því, at …, for that, because, Edda 35, Fms. i. 22, vii. 330, Ld. 104; en fyrir því nú at, now since, Skálda 171; nú fyrir því at, id., 169: the phrase, fyrir sökum, for the sake of, because of, passim; vide sök.
    V. by, by the force of; öxlin gékk ór liði fyrir högginu, the shoulder was disjointed by the force of the stroke, Háv. 52.
    2. denoting contest; falla f. e-m, to fall before one, i. e. fighting against one, Fms. i. 7, iv. 9, x. 196; verða halloki f. e-m, to be overcome in fighting one, Ld. 146; látask f. e-m, to perish by one, Eb. 34; hafa bana f. e-m, to be slain by one, Nj. 43; þeir kváðu fá fúnað hafa f. honum, 263; mæddisk hann f. þeim, he lost his breath in fighting them, Eg. 192; láta ríki f. e-m, to lose the kingdom before another, i. e. so that the latter gains it, 264; láta lausar eignir mínar f. þér, 505; láta hlut sinn f. e-m, Fs. 47; standask f. e-m, to stand one’s ground before one, Edda (pref.); hugðisk hann falla mundu f. sjóninni einni saman, that he would sink before his glance, 28, Hým. 12; halda hlut f. e-m, Ld. 54; halda frið ok frelsi f. várum óvinum, Fms. viii. 219; fara mun ek sem ek hefi áðr ætlað f. þínum draum ( thy dream notwithstanding), Ld. 216; þér farit hvárt er þér vilit f. mér, you go wherever you like for me, so far as I am concerted, Fær. 37; halda vöku f. sér, to keep oneself awake, Fms. i. 216.
    β. with verbs, flýja, hlaupa, renna, stökkva f. e-m, to fly, leap, run before one, i. e. to be pursued, Bs. i. 774, Grág. ii. 359; at hann rynni f. þrælum hans, Ld. 64; fyrir þessum úfriði stökk Þangbrandr til Noregs, 180; skyldi hann ganga ór á f. Hofsmönnum, Landn. 178; ganga f. e-u, to give way before, yield to a thing, Fms. i. 305, x. 292; vægja f. e-m, to yield to one, give way, Eg. 21, 187, Nj. 57, Ld. 234.
    VI. against; verja land f. e-m, Eg. 32; verja landit f. Dönum ok öðrum víkingum, Fms. i. 23; til landvarnar f. víkingum, Eg. 260; landvarnar-maðr f. Norðmönnum, Fms. vi. 295; gæta brúarinnar f. bergrisum, Edda 17; gæt þín vel f. konungi ok hans mönnum, guard thee well against the king and his men, Eg. 113; góð aðstoð f. tröllum ok dvergum, Bárð. 163; beiða Baldri griða f. allskonar háska, Edda 36; auðskæðr f. höggum, Eg. 770.
    VII. in the sense of being driven before; fyrir straumi, veðri, vindi, before the stream, wind, weather (forstreymis, forvindis), Grág. ii. 384, Fms. vii. 262; halda f. veðri, to stand before the wind, Róm. 211.
    2. rýrt mun verða f. honum smá-mennit, he will have an easy game with the small people, Nj. 94: ellipt., hafði sá bana er f. varð, 8; sprakk f., 16, 91.
    VIII. fyrir sér, of oneself, esp. of physical power; mikill f. sér, strong, powerful; lítill f. sér, weak, feeble, Nj. 20, Ísl. ii. 368, Eg. 192; þér munuð kalla mik lítinn mann f. mér, Edda 33; minnstr f. sér, smallest, weakest, Eg. 123; gildr maðr f. sér, Ísl. ii. 322, Fms. ii. 145; herðimaðr mikiil f. sér, a hardy man, Nj. 270; hvat ert þú f. þér, what kind of fellow art thou? Clem. 33; vera einn f. sér, to be a strange fellow, Grett. 79 new Ed.; Icel. also say, göra mikið (lítið) f. sér, to make oneself big ( little).
    β. sjóða e-t f. sér, to hesitate, saunter, Nj. 154; mæla f. munni, to talk between one’s teeth, to mutter, Orkn. 248, Nj. 249.
    IX. denoting manner or quality; hvítr f. hærum, white with hoary hairs, Fms. vi. 95, Fas. ii. 540; gráir fyrir járnum, grey with steel, of a host in armour, Mag. 5; hjölt hvít f. silfri, a hilt white with silver = richly silvered, Eb. 226.
    X. as adverb or ellipt.,
    1. ahead, in front, = á undan, Lat. prae, opp. to eptir; þá var eigi hins verra eptir ván, er slíkt fór fyrir, as this came first, preceded, Nj. 34; at einhverr mundi fara heim fyrir, that some one would go home first (to spy), Eg. 580; Egill fór f., E. went in before, id.; at vér ríðim þegar f. í nótt, 283.
    β. first; hann stefndi f. málinu, en hann mælti eptir, one pronounced the words first, but the other repeated after him, Nj. 35; mun ek þar eptir göra sem þér gerit f., I shall do to you according as you do first, 90:—temp., sjau nóttum f., seven nights before, Grág. ii. 217.
    2. to the fore, at hand, present; þar var fyrir fjöldi boðsmanna, a host of guests was already to the fore, i. e. before the bride and bridegroom came, Nj. 11; úvíst er at vita hvar úvinir sitja á fleti fyrir, Hm. 1; skal þá lögmaðr þar f. vera, he shall be there present, Js. 3; heima í túni fyrir, Fær. 50; þar vóru fyrir Hildiríðar-synir, Eg. 98; var honum allt kunnigt fyrir, he knew all about the localities, 583; þeim ómögum, sem f. eru, who are there already, i. e. in his charge, Grág. i. 286: of things, föng þau er f. vóru, stores that were to the fore, at hand, Eg. 134.
    3. fore, opp. to ‘back,’ of clothes; slæður settar f. allt gullknöppum, Eg. 516; bak ok fyrir, back and front, = bak ok brjóst, Mar.
    XI. in the phrase, e-m verðr e-t fyrir, a thing is before one, i. e. one takes that and that step, acts so and so in an emergency; nú verðr öðrum þeirra þat f., at hann kveðr, now if the other part alleges, that …, Grág. i. 362; Kolbeini varð ekki f., K. had no resource, i. e. lost his head, Sturl. iii. 285:—the phrase, e-t mælisk vel (ílla) fyrir, a thing is well ( ill) reported of; víg Gunnars spurðisk ok mæltisk ílla fyrir um allar sveitir, Nj. 117, Sturl. ii. 151; mun þat vel f. mælask, people will like it well, Nj. 29, Þórð. 55 new Ed.; ílla mun þat f. mælask at ganga á sættir við frændr sína, Ld. 238; ok er lokit var, mæltisk kvæðit vel f., the people praised the poem, Fms. vii. 113.
    XII. in special senses, either as prep. or adv. (vide A. V. above); segja leið f. skipi, to pilot a ship, Eg. 359; segja f. skipi, to say a prayer for a new ship or for any ship going to sea, Bs. i. 774, Fms. x. 480; mæla f. e-u, to dictate, Grág. ii. 266; mæla f. minni, to bring out a toast, vide minni; mæla f. sætt, i. 90; skipa, koma e-u f., to arrange, put right; ætla f. e-u, to make allowance for; trúa e-m f. e-u, to entrust one with; það fer mikið f. e-u (impers.), it is of great compass, bulky; hafa f. e-u, to have trouble with a thing; leita f. sér, to enquire; biðjask f., to say one’s prayers, vide biðja; mæla fyrir, segja f., etc., to order, Nj. 103, Js. 3: of a spell or solemn speaking, hann mælti svá f., at …, Landn. 34; spyrjask f., to enquire, Hkr. ii. 333; búask f., to prepare, make arrangement, Landn. 35, Sks. 551; skipask f., to draw up, Nj. 197; leggjask f., to lie down in despair, Bs. i. 194; spá fyrir, to ‘spae’ before, foretell; þeir menn er spá f. úorðna hluti, Fms. i. 96; segja f., to foretell, 76, Bb. 332; Njáll hefir ok sagt f. um æfi hans, Nj. 102; vita e-t f., to ‘wit’ beforehand, know the future, 98; sjá e-t f., to foresee, 162; ef þat er ætlat f., fore-ordained, id.
    WITH ACC., mostly with the notion of movement.
    A. LOCAL:
    I. before, in front of; fyrir dyrrin, Nj. 198; láta síga brýnn f. brár, Hkv. Hjörv. 19; halda f. augu sér, to hold (one’s hands) before one’s eyes, Nj. 132; leggja sverði fyrir brjóst e-m, to thrust a sword into his breast, 162, Fs. 39.
    2. before one, before a court; stefna e-m f. dómstól, Fms. xi. 444; ganga, koma f. e-n, to go, come before one, Fms. i. 15, Eg. 426, Nj. 6, 129, passim; fyrir augu e-s, before one’s eyes, Stj. 611.
    3. before, so as to shield; hann kom skildinum f. sik, he put the shield before him, Nj. 97, 115; halda skildi f. e-n, a duelling term, since the seconder had to hold one’s shield, Ísl. ii. 257.
    4. joined to adverbs such as fram, aptr, út, inn, ofan, niðr, austr, vestr, suðr, norðr, all denoting direction; fram f., forward; aptr f., backward, etc.; hann reiddi öxina fram f. sik, a stroke forward with the axe, Fms. vii. 91; hann hljóp eigi skemra aptr en fram fyrir sik, Nj. 29; þótti honum hann skjóta brandinum austr til fjallanna f. sik, 195; komask út f. dyrr, to go outside the door, Eg. 206:—draga ofan f. brekku, to drag over the hill, Ld. 220; hrinda f. mel ofan, to thrust one over the gravel bank, Eg. 748; hlaupa f. björg, to leap over a precipice, Eb. 62, Landn. 36; elta e-n f. björg, Grág. ii. 34; hlaupa (kasta) f. borð, to leap ( throw) overboard, Fms. i. 178, Hkr. iii. 391, Ld. 226; síga ( to be hauled) niðr f. borgar-vegg, 656 C. 13, Fms. ix. 3; hlaupa niðr f. stafn, Eg. 142; niðr f. skaflinn, Dropl. 25; fyrir brekku, Orkn. 450, Glúm. 395 (in a verse).
    II. in one’s way, crossing one’s way; þeir stefndu f. þá, Fms. ix. 475; ríða á leið f. þá, to ride in their way, so as to meet them, Boll. 348; hlaupa ofan f. þá, Nj. 153; vóru allt komin f. hann bréf, letters were come before him, in his way, Fms. vii. 207; þeir felldu brota f. hann, viz. they felled trees before him, so as to stop him, viii. 60, ix. 357; leggja bann f. skip, to lay an embargo on a ship, Ld. 166.
    III. round, off a point; fyrir nesit, Nj. 44; út f. Holm, out past the Holm, Fms. vii. 356: esp. as a naut. term, off a point on the shore, sigla f. England, Norðyrnbraland, Þrasnes, Spán, to sail by the coast of, stand off England, Northumberland, … Spain, Orkn. 338, 340, 342, 354; fyrir Yrjar, Fms. vii. (in a verse); fyrir Siggju, Aumar, Lista, Edda 91 (in a verse); er hann kom f. Elfina, when be came off the Gotha, Eg. 80; leggja land f. skut, to lay the land clear of the stern, i. e. to pass it, Edda l. c.; göra frið f. land sitt, to pacify the land from one end to another, Ld. 28; fyrir uppsprettu árinnar, to come to ( round) the sources of the river, Fms. iii. 183; fyrir garðs-enda, Grág. ii. 263; girða f. nes, to make a wall across the ness, block it up, cp. Lat. praesepire, praemunire, etc., Grág. ii. 263; so also binda f. op, poka, Lat. praeligare, praestringere; hlaða f. gat, holu, to stop a hole, opening; greri f. stúfinn, the stump (of the arm or leg) was healed, closed, Nj. 275; skjóta slagbrandi f. dyrr, to shoot a bolt before the door, to bar it, Dropl. 29; láta loku (lás) f. hurð, to lock a door, Gísl. 28; setja innsigli f. bréf, to set a seal to a letter, Dipl. i. 3: ellipt., setr hón þar lás fyrir, Ld. 42, Bs. i. 512.
    2. along, all along; f. endilanga Danmörk, f. endilangan Noreg, all along Denmark, Norway, from one end to the other, Fms. iv. 319, xi. 91, Grett. 97:—öx álnar f. munn, an axe with an ell-long edge, Ld. 276; draga ör f. ödd, to draw the arrow past the point, an archer’s term, Fms. ii. 321.
    IV. with verbs, fyrir ván komit, one is come past hope, all hope is gone, Sturl. i. 44, Hrafn. 13, Fms. ii. 131; taka f. munn e-m, to stop one’s mouth; taka f. háls, kverkar, e-m, to seize one by the throat, etc.; taka mál f. munn e-m, ‘verba alicujus praeripere,’ to take the word out of one’s mouth, xi. 12; taka f. hendr e-m, to seize one’s hands, stop one in doing a thing, Eb. 124; mod., taka fram f. hendrnar á e-m.
    B. TEMP.: fyrir dag, before day, Eg. 80; f. miðjan dag, Ld. 14; f. sól, before sunrise, 268; f. sólar-lag, before sunset; f. miðjan aptan, Nj. 192; f. náttmál, 197; f. óttu, Sighvat; f. þinglausnir, Ölk. 37; f. Jól, Nj. 269; f. fardaga, Grág. ii. 341; viku f. sumar, 244; f. mitt sumar, Nj. 138; litlu f. vetr, Eg. 159; f. vetrnætr, Grág. ii. 217; f. e-s minni, before one’s memory, Íb. 16.
    C. METAPH.:
    I. above, before; hann hafdi mest fyrir aðra konunga hraustleikinn, Fms. x. 372.
    II. for, on behalf of; vil ek bjóða at fara f. þik, I will go for thee, in thy stead, Nj. 77; ganga í skuld f. e-n, Grág. i. 283; Egill drakk … ok svá f. Ölvi, Eg. 210; kaupa e-t f. e-n, Nj. 157; gjalda gjöld f. e-n, Grág. i. 173; verja, sækja, sakir f. e-n, Eg. 504; hvárr f. sik, each for oneself, Dipl. v. 26; sættisk á öll mál f. Björn, Nj. 266; tók sættir f. Björn, Eg. 168; svara f. e-t, Fms. xi. 444; hafa til varnir f. sik, láta lýrit, lög-vörn koma f.; færa vörn f. sik, etc.; verja, sækja sakir f. sik, and many similar law phrases, Grág. passim; biðja konu f. e-n, to woo a lady for another, Fms. x. 44; fyrir mik, on my behalf, for my part, Gs. 16; lögvörn f. mál, a lawful defence for a case, Nj. 111; hafa til varnar f. sök, to defend a case, Grág. i. 61; halda skiladómi f. e-t, Dipl. iv. 8; festa lög f. e-t, vide festa.
    III. in a distributive sense; penning f. mann, a penny per man, K. Þ. K. 88; fyrir nef hvert, per nose = per head, Lv. 89, Fms. i. 153, Ó. H. 141; hve f. marga menn, for how many men, Grág. i. 296; fyrir hverja stiku, for each yard, 497.
    IV. for, for the benefit of; brjóta brauð f. hungraða, Hom. 75; þeir skáru f. þá melinn, they cut the straw for them (the horses), Nj. 265; leggja kostnað f. e-n, to defray one’s costs, Grág. i. 341.
    V. for, instead of; hann setti sik f. Guð, Edda (pref.); hafa e-n f. Guð (Lat. pro Deo), Stj. 73, Barl. 131; geta, fá, kveðja mann f. sik, to get a man as one’s delegate or substitute, Grág. i. 48 passim; þeir höfðu vargstakka f. brynjur, Fs. 17; manna-höfuð vóru f. kljána, Nj. 275; gagl f. gás ok grís f. gamalt svín, Ó. H. 86; rif stór f. hlunna, Háv. 48; buðkr er f. húslker er hafðr, Vm. 171; auga f. auga, tönn f. tönn, Exod. xxi. 24; skell f. skillinga, Þkv. 32.
    VI. because of, for; vilja Gunnar dauðan fyrir höggit, Nj. 92, Fms. v. 162; eigi f. sakleysi, not without ground, i. 302; fyrir hvat (why, for what) stefndi Gunnarr þeim til úhelgi? Nj. 101; ok urðu f. þat sekir, Landn. 323; hafa ámæli f. e-t, Nj. 65, passim.
    2. in a good sense, for one’s sake, for one; fyrir þín orð, for thy words, intercession, Ísl. ii. 217; vil ek göra f. þín orð, Ld. 158, Nj. 88; fyrir sína vinsæld, by his popularity, Fms. i. 259: the phrase, fyrir e-s sök, for one’s sake, vide sök: in swearing, a Latinism, fyrir trú mína, by my faith! (so in Old Engl. ‘fore God), Karl. 241; fyrir þitt líf, Stj. 514; ek særi þik f. alla krapta Krists ok manndóm þinn, Nj. 176. VII. for, at, denoting value, price; fyrir þrjár merkr, for three marks, Eg. 714; er sik leysti út f. þrjú hundruð marka, Fms. ix. 421; ganga f. hundrað, to pass or go for a hundred, D. I. i. 316:—also of the thing bought, þú skalt reiða f. hana þrjár merkr, thou shall pay for her three marks, Ld. 30; fyrir þik skulu koma mannhefndir, Nj. 57; bætr f. víg, Ísl. ii. 274; bætr f. mann, Eg. 259, passim; fyrir áverka Þorgeirs kom legorðs-sökin, Nj. 101:—so in the phrase, fyrir hvern mun, by all means, at any cost; fyrir öngan mun, by no means, Fms. i. 9, 157, Gþl. 531:—hafði hverr þeirra mann f. sik, eða tvá …, each slew a man or more for himself, i. e. they sold their lives dearly, Ó. H. 217.
    2. ellipt., í staðinn f., instead of, Grág. i. 61; hér vil ek bjóða f. góð boð, Nj. 77; taka umbun f., Fms. vii. 161; svara slíku f. sem …, Boll. 350; þér skulut öngu f. týna nema lífinu, you shall lose nothing less than your head, Nj. 7.
    VIII. by means of, by, through; fyrir þat sama orð, Stj.; fyrir sína náttúru, Fms. v. 162; fyrir messu-serkinn, iii. 168; fyrir þinn krapt ok frelsis-hönd, Pass. 19. 12; svikin f. orminn, by the serpent, Al. 63,—this use of fyrir seems to be a Latinism, but is very freq. in eccl. writings, esp. after the Reformation, N. T., Pass., Vídal.; fyrir munn Davíðs, through the mouth of David, etc.:—in good old historical writings such instances are few; þeir hlutuðu f. kast ( by dice), Sturl. ii. 159.
    IX. in spite of, against; fyrir vilja sinn, N. G. L. i. 151; fyrir vitorð eðr vilja e-s, against one’s will or knowledge, Grág. ii. 348; kvángask (giptask) f. ráð e-s, i. 177, 178, Þiðr. 190; nú fara menn f. bann ( in spite of an embargo) landa á milli, Gþl. 517; hann gaf henni líf f. framkvæmd farar, i. e. although she had not fulfilled her journey ( her vow), Fms. v. 223; fyrir várt lof, vi. 220; fyrir allt þat, in spite of all that, Grett. 80 new Ed.; fyrir ráð fram, heedlessly; fyrir lög fram, vide fram.
    X. denoting capacity, in the same sense as ‘at,’ C. II, p. 27, col. 1; scarcely found in old writers (who use ‘at’), but freq. in mod. usage, thus, eigi e-n f. vin, to have one for a friend, in old writers ‘at vin;’ hafa e-n f. fífl, fól, to make sport of one.
    2. in old writers some phrases come near to this, e. g. vita f. vist, to know for certain, Dipl. i. 3; vita f. full sannindi, id., ii. 16; hafa f. satt, to take for sooth, believe, Nj. 135; koma f. eitt, to come ( turn) all to one, Lv. 11, Nj. 91, Fms. i. 208; koma f. ekki, to come to naught, be of no avail, Ísl. ii. 215; fyrir hitt mun ganga, it will turn the other way, Nj. 93; fyrir hann er einskis örvænt orðs né verks, from him everything may be expected, Ísl. ii. 326; hafa e-s víti f. varnað, to have another’s faults for warning, Sól. 19.
    XI. joined with adverbs ending in -an, fyrir austan, vestan, sunnan, norðan, útan, innan, framan, handan, ofan, neðan, either with a following acc. denoting. direction, thus, fyrir austan, sunnan … fjall, east, south of the fell, i. e. on the eastern, southern side; fyrir neðan brú, below the bridge; fyrir útan fjall = Lat. ultra; fyrir innan fjall = Lat. infra; fyrir handan á, beyond the river; fyrir innan garð, inside the yard; fyrir ofan garð, above, beyond the yard, etc.; vide these adverbs:—used adverb., fyrir sunnan, in the south; fyrir vestan, in the west; fyrir norðan, in the north; fyrir austan, in the east,—current phrases in Icel. to mark the quarters of the country, cp. the ditty in Esp. Árb. year 1530; but not freq. in old writers, who simply say, norðr, suðr …, cp. Kristni S. ch. 1: absol. and adverb., fyrir ofan, uppermost; fyrir handan, on the other side:—fyrir útan e-t, except, save, Anal. 98, Vkv. 8; fyrir fram, vide fram.
    ☞ For- and fyrir- as prefixes, vide pp. 163–167 and below:
    I. fore-, for-, meaning before, above, in the widest sense, local, temp., and metaph. furthering or the like, for-dyri, for-nes, for-ellri, for-beini, etc.
    β. before, down, for-brekkis, -bergis, -streymis, -vindis, -viðris, etc.
    2. in an intens. sense = before others, very, but not freq.; for-dyld, -góðr, -hagr, -hraustr, -kostuligr, -kuðr, -lítill, -ljótr, -prís, -ríkr, -snjallr.
    II. (cp. fyrir, acc., C. IX), in a neg. or priv. sense; a few words occur even in the earliest poems, laws, and writers, e. g. for-að, -átta, -dæða, -nám, -næmi, -sending, -sköp, -verk, -veðja, -viða, -vitni, -ynja, -yrtir; those words at least seem to be original and vernacular: at a later time more words of the same kind crept in:
    1. as early as writers of the 13th and 14th centuries, e. g. for-boð, -bænir, -djarfa, -dæma (fyrir-dæma), -taka (fyrir-taka), -þóttr; fyrir-bjóða, -fara, -göra, -koma, -kunna, -líta, -muna, -mæla, -vega, -verða.
    2. introduced in some words at the time of the Reformation through Luther’s Bible and German hymns, and still later in many more through Danish, e. g. for-brjóta, -drífa, -láta, -líkast, -merkja, -nema, -sorga, -sóma, -standa, -svara, -þénusta, and several others; many of these, however, are not truly naturalised, being chiefly used in eccl. writings:—it is curious that if the pronoun be placed after the verb (which is the vernacular use in Icel.) the sense is in many cases reversed; thus, fyrir-koma, to destroy, but koma e-u fyrir can only mean to arrange; so also fyrir-mæla, to curse, and mæla fyrir, to speak for; for-bænir, but biðja fyrir e-m, etc.; in the latter case the sense is good and positive, in the former bad and negative; this seems to prove clearly that these compds are due to foreign influence.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FYRIR

  • 117 insufficiente

    ( inadeguato) inadequate
    * * *
    1 insufficient, inadequate: provviste insufficienti, inadequate provisions; cibo insufficiente, shortage of food; abiti insufficienti, insufficient clothing; mezzi insufficienti, insufficient (o inadequate) means; stipendio insufficiente, insufficient salary; il compenso era del tutto insufficiente, the fee was totally inadequate; istruzione insufficiente, inadequate education; informazioni insufficienti, inadequate information; ci diede spiegazioni insufficienti, he gave us inadequate explanations; (dir.) prova insufficiente, insufficient evidence
    2 (non idoneo) inadequate, unfit (for sthg.), unsuited (to sthg): si è dimostrato insufficiente al compito, he turned out to be unfit for (o unsuited to) the task
    3 (valutazione scolastica): il tuo compito è insufficiente, your work is below the pass mark; essere insufficiente in una materia, to be backward (o behind) in a subject.
    * * *
    1) (quantitativamente) [risorse, servizio] inadequate, insufficient, scarce; [informazioni, prove] insufficient, sketchy; [ razione] short
    2) (qualitativamente) [misure, preparazione] insufficient, unsatisfactory

    i tuoi risultati in storia sono -iscol. your results in history are unsatisfactory o poor

    * * *
     1 (quantitativamente) [risorse, servizio] inadequate, insufficient, scarce; [informazioni, prove] insufficient, sketchy; [ razione] short
     2 (qualitativamente) [misure, preparazione] insufficient, unsatisfactory; i tuoi risultati in storia sono -i scol. your results in history are unsatisfactory o poor.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > insufficiente

  • 118 manovra

    f manoeuvre, AE maneuver
    * * *
    manovra s.f.
    1 (mil.) manoeuvre: grandi manovre, army manoeuvres; guerra di manovra, war of manoeuvre; manovre navali, naval manoeuvres; terreno di manovre, area for manoeuvres; truppe in manovra, troops on manoeuvres // (aer.) eseguire una manovra acrobatica, to perform an acrobatic manoeuvre
    2 (movimento) manoeuvring, working: bisogna fare molte manovre per far uscire l'automobile dal garage, it's going to require a lot manoeuvring to get the car out of the garage; manovra dell'ancora, working of the anchor // (ferr.): manovra (di smistamento), shunting; manovra (di composizione e scomposizione di treni), marshalling; manovra a spinta, pushing off; manovra dello scambio, throwing over the points; manovra di disinserzione, backward transition; manovra per l'inserzione, forward transition; locomotiva di manovra, shunting engine; servizio di manovra, shunting work; stazione di manovra, marshalling yard (o sorting siding o sorting depot)
    3 (mar.) (cavo, cordame) rigging, handling: manovre correnti, running rigging; manovre dormienti, fisse, standing rigging
    4 (fig.) (raggiro, macchinazione) manoeuvre, scheme, trick, manipulation: è stata una manovra ignobile da parte sua, it was an ignoble move on his part; è stata solo una manovra per farsi della pubblicità, it was only a manoeuvre to get publicity; fare manovre parlamentari, to lobby; una manovra per trarre in inganno, a scheming manoeuvre (o sharp practice); avere libertà di manovra, (fig.) to have freedom of movement; manovra fraudolenta, swindling; manovre politiche, political manoeuvring (o jockeying) // (fin.): manovre finanziarie, monetarie, di bilancio, financial, monetary, budgetary manoeuvring; manovre sulla valuta, currency transactions; manovra del tasso ufficiale di sconto, adjustment in the official discount rate // ( Borsa) manovre di Borsa, Stock Market speculations (o rigging).
    * * *
    sostantivo femminile
    1) (con un veicolo) manoeuvre BE, maneuver AE; ferr. shunting
    2) fig. tactic, manoeuvre BE, maneuver AE
    3) mil. manoeuvre BE, maneuver AE
    4) mar. (cavo) rigging, rope
    * * *
    sostantivo f.
     1 (con un veicolo) manoeuvre BE, maneuver AE; ferr. shunting; fare manovra to manoeuvre; manovra di attracco landing operation
     2 fig. tactic, manoeuvre BE, maneuver AE; - e elettorali electoral tactics
     3 mil. manoeuvre BE, maneuver AE; fare le -e to be on manoeuvres; grandi -e large-scale manoeuvres
     4 mar. (cavo) rigging, rope
    manovra a tenaglia pincer movement.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > manovra

  • 119 киносъёмка

    cinematography, cine exposure, cine filming, filming, cine photography, motion picture photography, filming process, motion-picture recording, motion-picture shooting, film shot, motion-picture shot, cinematographic work
    * * *
    киносъё́мка ж.
    filming, shooting
    производи́ть киносъё́мку — film, take motion pictures
    возду́шная киносъё́мка — aerial [air] shooting
    заме́дленная киносъё́мка — time-lapse filming
    комбини́рованная киносъё́мка — special effects shots
    мультипликацио́нная киносъё́мка — animation
    нату́рная киносъё́мка — location shooting
    обра́тная киносъё́мка — backward take, reverse action
    павильо́нная киносъё́мка — stage shooting
    подво́дная киносъё́мка — underwater shooting
    регистрацио́нная киносъё́мка — instrumentation filming
    киносъё́мка с рирпрое́кцией — process [background projection] photography, process shots
    киносъё́мка с рук — hand-held filming
    киносъё́мка с экра́на кинеско́па — kinescope recording
    уско́ренная киносъё́мка — rapid filming
    цейтра́ферная киносъё́мка — time-lapse filming

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > киносъёмка

  • 120 pace

    1. noun
    1) (step, distance) Schritt, der
    2) (speed) Tempo, das

    slacken/quicken one's pace — (walking) seinen Schritt verlangsamen/beschleunigen

    at a steady/good pace — in gleichmäßigem/zügigem Tempo

    set the pacedas Tempo angeben od. bestimmen

    keep pace [with somebody/something] — [mit jemandem/etwas] Schritt halten

    stay or stand the pace, stay or keep with the pace — (Sport) das Tempo durchhalten


    put somebody/a horse through his/its paces — (fig.) jemanden/ein Pferd zeigen lassen, was er/es kann

    show one's paces — zeigen, was man kann

    2. intransitive verb
    schreiten (geh.); [gemessenen Schrittes] gehen

    pace up and down [the platform/room] — [auf dem Bahnsteig/im Zimmer] auf und ab gehen od. marschieren

    3. transitive verb
    1) auf- und abgehen in (+ Dat.)
    2) (set the pace for) Schrittmacher sein für
    * * *
    [peis] 1. noun
    1) (a step: He took a pace forward.) der Schritt
    2) (speed of movement: a fast pace.) die Gangart
    2. verb
    (to walk backwards and forwards (across): He paced up and down.) schreiten
    - academic.ru/52965/pacemaker">pacemaker
    - keep pace with
    - pace out
    - put someone through his paces
    - set the pace
    - show one's paces
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (speed) Tempo nt
    we started out at a fairly slow \pace wir begannen recht langsam
    schoolchildren should be allowed to work at their own \pace Schüler sollten in ihrem eigenen Tempo arbeiten dürfen
    to force/keep up the \pace das Tempo forcieren/halten
    to gather \pace an Fahrt gewinnen
    to quicken one's \pace sein Tempo beschleunigen
    to set the \pace das Tempo vorgeben
    for many years this company has set the \pace in the communications industry diese Firma war viele Jahre lang der Schrittmacher in der Kommunikationsbranche
    to stand the \pace das Tempo durchhalten; ( fig) mithalten
    they moved out of the city because they couldn't stand the \pace [of life there] sie zogen aus der Stadt weg, weil es ihnen [dort] zu hektisch zuging
    2. (step) Schritt m
    to take a \pace forward/backward einen Schritt nach vorne/zurück machen
    at 20 \paces auf zwanzig Schritte; ( fig)
    I can spot a winner at 20 \paces einen Gewinner erkenne ich sofort
    to keep \pace with sb mit jdm Schritt halten
    to keep \pace with sth ( fig) mit etw dat Schritt halten
    to put sb/sth through their/its \paces jdn/etw auf Herz und Nieren prüfen
    I'm going to take my new car out and put it through its \paces ich mache eine Spritztour, um zu sehen, was mein neues Auto so hergibt
    II. vt
    1. (walk up and down)
    he \paced the room nervously er ging nervös im Zimmer auf und ab
    2. (measure)
    to \pace sth ⇆ [off [or out]] etw abschreiten
    to \pace off [or out] a distance eine Entfernung mit Schritten ausmessen [o abmessen
    to \pace sb jdm das Tempo vorgeben
    to \pace oneself sich dat seine Kräfte einteilen
    III. vi gehen, schreiten geh
    to \pace up and down auf und ab gehen [o schreiten]
    prep ( form) entgegen + gen
    * * *
    I ['peIsɪ]
    ohne... (dat) nahetreten zu wollen II [peɪs]
    1. n
    1) (= step) Schritt m; (of horse) Gangart f; (lifting both legs on same side) Passgang m

    to put sb/a new car through his/its paces (fig) — jdn/ein neues Auto auf Herz und Nieren prüfen

    to go through or show one's paces — zeigen, was man draufhat (inf)

    2) (= speed) Tempo nt

    at an incredible pace — unglaublich schnell, mit or in unglaublichem Tempo

    to keep pace — Schritt halten; (in discussing) mitkommen

    I can't keep pace with eventsich komme mit den Ereignissen nicht mehr mit

    to quicken one's pace — seinen Schritt beschleunigen; (working)

    I'm getting old, I can't stand the pace any more (inf)ich werde alt, ich kann nicht mehr mithalten

    the change of pace in the narrative —

    2. vt
    1) (= measure) floor, room mit Schritten ausmessen
    2) (in anxiety etc) auf und ab gehen or schreiten in (+dat)
    3) competitor das Tempo angeben (+dat)
    4) horse im Passgang gehen lassen
    3. vi
    2) (horse) im Passgang gehen
    * * *
    pace1 [peıs]
    A s
    1. (Marsch)Geschwindigkeit f, Tempo n ( auch SPORT; auch fig einer Handlung etc), besonders Pferderennsport: Pace f:
    a) ein scharfes Tempo anschlagen,
    b) fig flott leben;
    keep pace with Schritt halten oder mitkommen mit (a. fig);
    keep pace with the times mit der Zeit gehen;
    set the pace das Tempo angeben (a. fig), SPORT das Tempo machen;
    stand ( oder stay) the pace Schritt halten, mithalten (beide a. fig);
    at a great pace in schnellem Tempo;
    at a very slow pace ganz langsam
    2. Schritt m:
    pace for pace Schritt für Schritt
    3. Schritt m (als Maß):
    geometrical ( oder great) pace Doppelschritt (5 Fuß = 1,524 m);
    military pace Militärschritt
    4. Gang(art) m(f), Schritt m:
    ordinary pace MIL Marschschritt;
    quick pace MIL Geschwindschritt
    5. Gangart f (besonders des Pferdes):
    put a horse through its paces ein Pferd alle Gangarten machen lassen;
    put sb through their paces fig jemanden auf Herz und Nieren prüfen;
    show one’s paces fig zeigen, was man kann
    6. Passgang m (des Pferdes)
    B v/t
    1. SPORT Schrittmacher sein für, jemandem Schrittmacherdienste leisten
    2. fig
    a) das Tempo (gen) bestimmen
    b) Schritt halten mit
    c) vorangehen (dat)
    3. auch pace out ( oder off) ab-, ausschreiten
    4. ein Zimmer etc durchschreiten, -messen
    5. a) besonders einem Pferd bestimmte Gangarten beibringen
    b) ein Pferd im Passgang gehen lassen
    C v/i
    1. (einher)schreiten
    2. pace around ( oder about) hin und her laufen:
    pace up and down auf und ab gehen
    3. im Passgang gehen (Pferd)
    pace2 [ˈpeısı] präp ohne jemandem zu nahe treten zu wollen:
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (step, distance) Schritt, der
    2) (speed) Tempo, das

    slacken/quicken one's pace — (walking) seinen Schritt verlangsamen/beschleunigen

    at a steady/good pace — in gleichmäßigem/zügigem Tempo

    set the pacedas Tempo angeben od. bestimmen

    keep pace [with somebody/something] — [mit jemandem/etwas] Schritt halten

    stay or stand the pace, stay or keep with the pace — (Sport) das Tempo durchhalten


    put somebody/a horse through his/its paces — (fig.) jemanden/ein Pferd zeigen lassen, was er/es kann

    show one's paces — zeigen, was man kann

    2. intransitive verb
    schreiten (geh.); [gemessenen Schrittes] gehen

    pace up and down [the platform/room] — [auf dem Bahnsteig/im Zimmer] auf und ab gehen od. marschieren

    3. transitive verb
    1) auf- und abgehen in (+ Dat.)
    2) (set the pace for) Schrittmacher sein für
    * * *
    Geschwindigkeit f.
    Schritt -e m.
    Stufe -n f.

    English-german dictionary > pace

См. также в других словарях:

  • backward — back|ward1 [ bækwərd ] adjective * 1. ) only before noun moving or looking in the direction that is behind you: a backward glance 2. ) not developing quickly, normally, and successfully: a remote and backward region a ) OLD FASHIONED an offensive …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Backward induction — is the process of reasoning backwards in time, from the end of a problem or situation, to determine a sequence of optimal actions. It proceeds by first considering the last time a decision might be made and choosing what to do in any situation at …   Wikipedia

  • backward — backward, backwards 1. For the adverb, both forms are in use, although backward is somewhat more common in AmE and backwards in BrE: • Talk ran backward from the events of the morning A. Munro, CanE 1987 • I walked backward to look at her in the… …   Modern English usage

  • Backward — Back ward, Backwards Back wards, adv. [Back, adv. + ward.] 1. With the back in advance or foremost; as, to ride backward. [1913 Webster] 2. Toward the back; toward the rear; as, to throw the arms backward. [1913 Webster] 3. On the back, or with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Work systems — Work system has been used loosely in many areas. This article concerns its use in understanding IT reliant systems in organizations. A notable use of the term occurred in 1977 in the first volume of MIS Quarterly in two articles by Bostrom and… …   Wikipedia

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  • backward — [[t]bæ̱kwə(r)d[/t]] (In American English, backward is usually used as an adverb instead of backwards. Backward is also sometimes used in this way in formal British English. See backwards for these uses.) 1) ADJ: ADJ n A backward movement or look… …   English dictionary

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  • Work-life balance — The expression work life balance was first used in the late 1970s to describe the balance between an individual s work and personal life. (New Ways to Work and the Working Mother s Association in the United Kingdom). In the United States, this… …   Wikipedia

  • backward-sloping supply curve for labour — The preference for increased leisure over increased remuneration. Thus, when wage incentives are offered to improve productivity , labourers respond by working shorter hours to earn the same money rather than harder or longer to earn more money.… …   Dictionary of sociology

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