1 free language indexing
Автоматика: индексирование на естественном языкеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > free language indexing
2 free language indexing
Automation: FLIУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > free language indexing
3 free language indexing
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > free language indexing
4 indexing
1) индексация; индексирование; деление ( окружности на части)3) шаговое перемещение, периодическое продвижение на заданную длину (напр. в отрезном станке)•- bidirectional indexing
- block indexing
- circumferential indexing
- compound indexing
- continuous indexing
- conveyor indexing
- coordinate indexing
- descriptor indexing
- differential indexing
- direct indexing
- double indexing
- free indexing
- free language indexing
- indexing of the stock
- intermittent indexing
- linear indexing
- multiple indexing
- plain indexing
- rapid indexing
- relational indexing
- simple indexing
- single indexing
- skip-type indexing
- subject indexing
- text indexing
- turret indexingEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > indexing
5 language
1) язык || языковой2) машинный язык; набор символов ( машины)•- application-oriented language
- applicative language
- APT programming language
- APT-based language
- artificial language
- assembler language
- assembly language
- block diagram language
- calculus language
- classificatory indexing language
- command language
- communication-information language
- computer language
- context-free language
- context-sensitive language
- control language
- controlled language
- conversational programming language
- data definition language
- data description language
- data general language
- data general programming language
- data manipulation language
- data retrieval language
- data storage description language
- database control language
- database language
- database programming language
- definition language
- description indexing language
- description language
- descriptor indexing language
- DGL interpretative programming language
- documentary language
- domain-dependent language
- domain-independent language
- extended language
- extensible language
- formal language
- formalized language
- general-purpose language
- generic language
- geometry technology language
- global programming language
- graphics picture drawing language
- high-level language
- highly coded language
- hybrid language
- implementation language
- index retrieval language
- indexing language
- information language
- information processing language
- information retrieval language
- informational language
- information-algorithmic language
- interactive language
- interactive reader language
- intermediary language
- intermediate language
- interpretive language
- interrogation language
- ISO language
- job command language
- job control language
- language of science
- logical-information language
- machine control language
- machine language
- machinist's language
- manipulator-oriented language
- manufacturing application language
- meaning-representation language
- meta language
- native language
- natural language
- NC programming language
- numerical command language
- object description language
- object-oriented language
- operational performance analysis language
- plain language
- powerful programming language
- predicate calculus language
- predicate language
- predicate logic language
- problem-oriented language
- procedural language
- processing language
- process-oriented language
- production language
- production-rule language
- program language
- programming language
- query input language
- query language
- representation language
- retrieval language
- robotics language
- robot-programming language
- robot-specialized language
- rule-based programming language
- shop-oriented language
- Siman simulation language
- simulation language
- source language
- special interface programming language
- specification language
- state language
- structured query language
- switching language
- task description language
- task level language
- task-oriented language
- uncontrolled language
- very high level languageEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > language
6 indización en lenguaje libre
Ex. Free language indexing is distinct from natural language indexing in that natural indexing is constrained by the language of the document being indexed; free language indexing does not even recognise these constraints.* * *Ex: Free language indexing is distinct from natural language indexing in that natural indexing is constrained by the language of the document being indexed; free language indexing does not even recognise these constraints.
7 lenguaje
m.1 language.lenguaje cifrado codelenguaje coloquial/comercial colloquial/business languagelenguaje corporal body languagelenguaje gestual gestureslenguaje de alto nivel/de bajo nivel (computing) high-level/low-level languagelenguaje por señas sign language2 jargon, langue, parlance.* * *1 (gen) language2 (habla) speech* * *noun m.1) language2) speech* * *SM1) [gen] language2) (Literat) style3) (Inform) languagelenguaje informático, lenguaje máquina — machine language
* * *masculino language* * *= language, parlance, speech, diction, script, idiom.Ex. A paraphrase is an interpretation of the concepts featured in a document, written in the language of the writer of the paraphrase.Ex. For example, in psychology, S for subject, and E for experimenter are common parlance.Ex. The labels on the left have been chosen to come as close as possible to everyday speech.Ex. Some abstracts have poor grammar and diction.Ex. High quality (400dpi) TIFF files were stored on archival tape, and JPEG thumbnails and full-size images placed on server to be accessed by CGI script.Ex. Using a popular idiom, we might inquire, 'Is this the real McCoy'?.----* búsqueda en lenguaje natural = natural language searching.* en lenguaje automatizado = machine-language.* índice en lenguaje natural = natural language index.* indización en lenguaje controlado = controlled-language indexing.* indización en lenguaje libre = free language indexing.* indización en lenguaje natural = natural language indexing.* interfaz en lenguaje natural = natural language interface.* intérprete de lenguaje de signos = sign language interpreter.* lenguaje algorítmico = algorithmic language.* lenguaje artificial = artificial language.* lenguaje científico = scientific language.* lenguaje coloquial = slang, colloquial language, familiar language, cant.* Lenguaje Común de Instrucción de EURONET = EURONET Common Command Language.* lenguaje controlado = controlled language.* lenguaje corporal = body language.* lenguaje cotidiano = everyday speech, everyday talk, everyday discourse, everyday language.* lenguaje de búsqueda = search language.* lenguaje de codificación = coding language.* lenguaje de consulta = query language, access language.* lenguaje de conversión = switching language.* lenguaje de indización = index language, indexing language.* lenguaje de indización alfabética = alphabetical indexing language.* lenguaje de indización controlado = controlled indexing language.* lenguaje de indización libre = free indexing language.* lenguaje de indización natural = natural indexing language.* lenguaje de interrogación = query language.* lenguaje de la calle = street slang.* lenguaje de la cibernética = cyberspeak.* lenguaje de los contratos = contract language.* lenguaje de objetos = object language.* lenguaje de órdenes = command language.* lenguaje de programación = programming language, computer language, scripting language, script.* lenguaje de programación algorítmico = algorithmic programming language.* lenguaje de recuperación = retrieval language.* lenguaje de signos = sign language.* lenguaje documental = index language, indexing language.* lenguaje ensamblador = assembly language.* lenguaje escrito = written language.* Lenguaje Estándar Universal para el Análisis Formal de Documentos (SGML) = SGML (Standard Generalised Markup Language).* lenguaje familiar = colloquial language, familiar language.* lenguaje grosero = foul language.* lenguaje humano = human language.* lenguaje libre = free language.* lenguaje mediador = intermediate language.* lenguaje natural = natural language.* lenguaje normal = plain language.* lenguaje ordinario = foul language.* lenguaje para el análisis formal de documentos web = markup language.* lenguaje periodístico = journalese.* lenguaje sexista = sexist language.* lenguaje soez = foul language.* lenguaje técnico = jargon.* lenguaje técnico informático = computerese.* lenguaje tecnológico incomprensible = techno-babble.* lenguaje universal = universal language.* lenguaje vulgar = adult language, vulgar language.* Norma Internacional para los Lenguajes de Instrucción = International Standard for Command Languages.* procesamiento en lenguaje natural = natural language processing.* sistema en lenguaje natural = natural language system.* término del lenguaje controlado = controlled-language term.* término del lenguaje de indización controlado = controlled index-language term.* término del lenguaje natural = natural-language term.* trastorno del lenguaje = language disorder, speech disorder.* XML (Lenguaje Extensible para el Análisis de Documentos) = XML (Extensible Markup Language).* * *masculino language* * *= language, parlance, speech, diction, script, idiom.Ex: A paraphrase is an interpretation of the concepts featured in a document, written in the language of the writer of the paraphrase.
Ex: For example, in psychology, S for subject, and E for experimenter are common parlance.Ex: The labels on the left have been chosen to come as close as possible to everyday speech.Ex: Some abstracts have poor grammar and diction.Ex: High quality (400dpi) TIFF files were stored on archival tape, and JPEG thumbnails and full-size images placed on server to be accessed by CGI script.Ex: Using a popular idiom, we might inquire, 'Is this the real McCoy'?.* búsqueda en lenguaje natural = natural language searching.* en lenguaje automatizado = machine-language.* índice en lenguaje natural = natural language index.* indización en lenguaje controlado = controlled-language indexing.* indización en lenguaje libre = free language indexing.* indización en lenguaje natural = natural language indexing.* interfaz en lenguaje natural = natural language interface.* intérprete de lenguaje de signos = sign language interpreter.* lenguaje algorítmico = algorithmic language.* lenguaje artificial = artificial language.* lenguaje científico = scientific language.* lenguaje coloquial = slang, colloquial language, familiar language, cant.* Lenguaje Común de Instrucción de EURONET = EURONET Common Command Language.* lenguaje controlado = controlled language.* lenguaje corporal = body language.* lenguaje cotidiano = everyday speech, everyday talk, everyday discourse, everyday language.* lenguaje de búsqueda = search language.* lenguaje de codificación = coding language.* lenguaje de consulta = query language, access language.* lenguaje de conversión = switching language.* lenguaje de indización = index language, indexing language.* lenguaje de indización alfabética = alphabetical indexing language.* lenguaje de indización controlado = controlled indexing language.* lenguaje de indización libre = free indexing language.* lenguaje de indización natural = natural indexing language.* lenguaje de interrogación = query language.* lenguaje de la calle = street slang.* lenguaje de la cibernética = cyberspeak.* lenguaje de los contratos = contract language.* lenguaje de objetos = object language.* lenguaje de órdenes = command language.* lenguaje de programación = programming language, computer language, scripting language, script.* lenguaje de programación algorítmico = algorithmic programming language.* lenguaje de recuperación = retrieval language.* lenguaje de signos = sign language.* lenguaje documental = index language, indexing language.* lenguaje ensamblador = assembly language.* lenguaje escrito = written language.* Lenguaje Estándar Universal para el Análisis Formal de Documentos (SGML) = SGML (Standard Generalised Markup Language).* lenguaje familiar = colloquial language, familiar language.* lenguaje grosero = foul language.* lenguaje humano = human language.* lenguaje libre = free language.* lenguaje mediador = intermediate language.* lenguaje natural = natural language.* lenguaje normal = plain language.* lenguaje ordinario = foul language.* lenguaje para el análisis formal de documentos web = markup language.* lenguaje periodístico = journalese.* lenguaje sexista = sexist language.* lenguaje soez = foul language.* lenguaje técnico = jargon.* lenguaje técnico informático = computerese.* lenguaje tecnológico incomprensible = techno-babble.* lenguaje universal = universal language.* lenguaje vulgar = adult language, vulgar language.* Norma Internacional para los Lenguajes de Instrucción = International Standard for Command Languages.* procesamiento en lenguaje natural = natural language processing.* sistema en lenguaje natural = natural language system.* término del lenguaje controlado = controlled-language term.* término del lenguaje de indización controlado = controlled index-language term.* término del lenguaje natural = natural-language term.* trastorno del lenguaje = language disorder, speech disorder.* XML (Lenguaje Extensible para el Análisis de Documentos) = XML (Extensible Markup Language).* * *languagelenguaje hablado/escrito spoken/written languagelenguaje periodístico journalistic languageCompuestos:body language● lenguaje gestual or de gestossign language● lenguaje de or por señas( esp AmL) sign language* * *
lenguaje sustantivo masculino
lenguaje sustantivo masculino language
' lenguaje' also found in these entries:
- Cobol
- escueta
- escueto
- infante
- macarrónica
- macarrónico
- malsonante
- propiedad
- pupa
- retorcida
- retorcido
- rotunda
- rotundo
- simbólica
- simbólico
- suelta
- suelto
- académico
- accesible
- calle
- castizo
- chispeante
- chocar
- crudo
- cuenta
- delicado
- depurado
- depurar
- directo
- empobrecer
- erudito
- especializado
- expresivo
- familiar
- florido
- galimatías
- grosero
- hablado
- hinchado
- indecente
- llano
- mordaz
- pomposo
- procaz
- pulido
- redacción
- rico
- sonoro
- sucio
- body language
- coarse
- computer language
- crude
- flowery
- formal
- foul
- idiom
- improper
- language
- raunchy
- rude
- shocking
- sign language
- smut
- speech
- tummy
- yet
- body
- hypertext markup language
- lay
- low
- sign
* * *lenguaje nmlanguage;sólo entienden el lenguaje de la violencia violence is the only language they understandInformát lenguaje de alto nivel high-level language; Informát lenguaje de autor authoring language; Informát lenguaje de bajo nivel low-level language;lenguaje cifrado code;lenguaje coloquial colloquial language;Informát lenguaje comando command language; Informát lenguaje de comandos command language;lenguaje comercial business language;lenguaje corporal body language;Informát lenguaje ensamblador assembly language;lenguaje gestual gestures;Informát lenguaje máquina machine language; Informát lenguaje de programación programming language;lenguaje de señas sign language;lenguaje por signos sign language;lenguaje de los sordomudos sign language* * *m language* * *lenguaje nm1) : language, speech2)lenguaje de gestos : sign language3)lenguaje de programación : programming language* * *lenguaje n1. (en general) language2. (habla) speech -
8 indización
f.indexing, indexation.* * *SF (Econ) index-linking; (Inform) indexing* * *= index description, indexing, indexation.Ex. The translated subject analysis, either in form of words or code numbers, will constitute the index description of the document.Ex. The features which contribute to UDC's suitability for detailed indexing are particularly valued in special libraries.Ex. Furthermore, these results support the hypothesis that the indexation of images in French can be accomplished using the English terms and vice versa.----* agencia de indización = indexing agency.* cadena de indización = index string, indexing string.* DSIS (Sistema de Indización de Estructura Profunda) = DISI (Deep Structure Indexing System).* exhaustividad en la indización = depth of indexing.* frase de indización = indexing phrase.* herramienta de indización = indexing tool.* indización alfabética = alphabetical indexing.* indización automática = automatic indexing.* indización automatizada = computer indexing.* indización canónica = canonical indexing.* indización cíclica = cycled indexing.* indización coordinada = coordinate indexing.* indización derivada automáticamente de los títulos = derivative indexing, derived indexing.* indización en cadena = chain indexing.* indización en lenguaje controlado = controlled-language indexing.* indización en lenguaje libre = free language indexing.* indización en lenguaje natural = natural language indexing.* indización en profundidad = depth indexing.* indización exhaustiva = depth indexing.* indización general = summarisation [summarization, -USA].* indización global = summarisation [summarization, -USA].* indización humana = human indexing.* indización manual = manual indexing.* indización mecanizada = machine indexing.* Indización Permutada de Materias basada en Postulados (POPSI) = Postulate-based Permuted Subject Indexing (POPSI).* indización permutada de títulos = permuted title indexing.* indización por ciclos = cyclic indexing.* indización por descriptores = descriptor indexing.* indización por materias = subject indexing.* indización por palabras clave = keyword indexing.* indización por palabras clave del título = catchword indexing, catchword title indexing.* indización por palabras del título = title-term indexing.* indización por rotación = rotated indexing.* indización postcoordinada = post-coordinated indexing.* indización PRECIS = PRECIS indexing.* indización precoordinada = pre-coordinated indexing.* indización según el objeto = entity-oriented indexing.* indización según la demanda = request-oriented indexing.* indización sistemática = systematic indexing.* indización SLIC = SLIC indexing.* lenguaje de indización = index language.* lenguaje de indización alfabética = alphabetical indexing language.* lenguaje de indización controlado = controlled indexing language.* lenguaje de indización libre = free indexing language.* lenguaje de indización natural = natural indexing language.* método de indización en cadena = chain procedure.* proceso de indización = indexing process.* revista de indización = indexing periodical.* servicio de indización de publicaciones periódicas = periodicals indexing service, periodicals indexing service.* servicio de indización y resumen = abstracting and indexing service, indexing and abstracting service.* sistema automatizado de indización = computer-based indexing system.* sistema de indización = indexing system, index system.* Sistema de Indización de Estructura Profunda (DSIS) = Deep Structure Indexing System (DSIS).* sistema de indización de fichas = card index system.* Sistema de Indización por Frases Anidadas (NEPHIS) = Nested Phrase Indexing System (NEPHIS).* sistema de indización postcoordinada = post-coordinate indexing system.* sistema de indización PRECIS = PRECIS indexing system.* sistema de indización precoordinada = pre-coordinate indexing system.* término de indización = indexing term.* término de indización controlado = controlled index term, controlled indexing term.* término del lenguaje de indización controlado = controlled index-language term.* vocabulario de indización controlado = controlled indexing vocabulary.* * *= index description, indexing, indexation.Ex: The translated subject analysis, either in form of words or code numbers, will constitute the index description of the document.
Ex: The features which contribute to UDC's suitability for detailed indexing are particularly valued in special libraries.Ex: Furthermore, these results support the hypothesis that the indexation of images in French can be accomplished using the English terms and vice versa.* agencia de indización = indexing agency.* cadena de indización = index string, indexing string.* DSIS (Sistema de Indización de Estructura Profunda) = DISI (Deep Structure Indexing System).* exhaustividad en la indización = depth of indexing.* frase de indización = indexing phrase.* herramienta de indización = indexing tool.* indización alfabética = alphabetical indexing.* indización automática = automatic indexing.* indización automatizada = computer indexing.* indización canónica = canonical indexing.* indización cíclica = cycled indexing.* indización coordinada = coordinate indexing.* indización derivada automáticamente de los títulos = derivative indexing, derived indexing.* indización en cadena = chain indexing.* indización en lenguaje controlado = controlled-language indexing.* indización en lenguaje libre = free language indexing.* indización en lenguaje natural = natural language indexing.* indización en profundidad = depth indexing.* indización exhaustiva = depth indexing.* indización general = summarisation [summarization, -USA].* indización global = summarisation [summarization, -USA].* indización humana = human indexing.* indización manual = manual indexing.* indización mecanizada = machine indexing.* Indización Permutada de Materias basada en Postulados (POPSI) = Postulate-based Permuted Subject Indexing (POPSI).* indización permutada de títulos = permuted title indexing.* indización por ciclos = cyclic indexing.* indización por descriptores = descriptor indexing.* indización por materias = subject indexing.* indización por palabras clave = keyword indexing.* indización por palabras clave del título = catchword indexing, catchword title indexing.* indización por palabras del título = title-term indexing.* indización por rotación = rotated indexing.* indización postcoordinada = post-coordinated indexing.* indización PRECIS = PRECIS indexing.* indización precoordinada = pre-coordinated indexing.* indización según el objeto = entity-oriented indexing.* indización según la demanda = request-oriented indexing.* indización sistemática = systematic indexing.* indización SLIC = SLIC indexing.* lenguaje de indización = index language.* lenguaje de indización alfabética = alphabetical indexing language.* lenguaje de indización controlado = controlled indexing language.* lenguaje de indización libre = free indexing language.* lenguaje de indización natural = natural indexing language.* método de indización en cadena = chain procedure.* proceso de indización = indexing process.* revista de indización = indexing periodical.* servicio de indización de publicaciones periódicas = periodicals indexing service, periodicals indexing service.* servicio de indización y resumen = abstracting and indexing service, indexing and abstracting service.* sistema automatizado de indización = computer-based indexing system.* sistema de indización = indexing system, index system.* Sistema de Indización de Estructura Profunda (DSIS) = Deep Structure Indexing System (DSIS).* sistema de indización de fichas = card index system.* Sistema de Indización por Frases Anidadas (NEPHIS) = Nested Phrase Indexing System (NEPHIS).* sistema de indización postcoordinada = post-coordinate indexing system.* sistema de indización PRECIS = PRECIS indexing system.* sistema de indización precoordinada = pre-coordinate indexing system.* término de indización = indexing term.* término de indización controlado = controlled index term, controlled indexing term.* término del lenguaje de indización controlado = controlled index-language term.* vocabulario de indización controlado = controlled indexing vocabulary.* * *indización nfindexation -
9 libre
adj.1 free.un taxi libre a free o empty taxiel puesto de tesorero ha quedado libre the post of treasurer is now vacantser libre de o para hacer algo to be free to do somethinglibre de franqueo post-freelibre de impuestos tax-free2 external (pupil).estudiar por libre to be an external student3 floating.pres.subj.1st person singular (yo) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: librar.* * *► adjetivo1 (gen) free2 (asiento) free, vacant■ ¿está libre? is this seat free?3 (sin ocupación) free4 (exento) free■ el que esté libre de pecado que tire la primera piedra let he who is without sin cast the first stone5 (alumno) external6 (en natación) free-style\dejar libre a alguien to set somebody freeir por libre familiar to do one's own thingentrada libre free admittance* * *adj.1) free2) vacant* * *1. ADJ1) [gen] free (de from, of)¿estás libre? — are you free?
el martes estoy libre, así que podemos quedar — I'm free on Tuesday so we can meet up
2) (=exento)3) (=sin ocupar) [plaza] vacant, unoccupied¿está libre este asiento? — is this seat free?
libre — [parking] spaces; [taxi] for hire
4) [tiempo] spare, free5)6)• por libre (=por cuenta propia) —
ir o funcionar por libre — to go it alone
7) (Dep, Natación)saque 1., 1), tiro 3)8) [traducción, adaptación, verso] free9)libre a bordo — (Com) free on board
10) † (=inmoral) loose, immoralde vida libre — loose-living, immoral
2. SM1) (Dep) (=tiro) free kick2) Méx taxi3.SMF (Dep) (=jugador) sweeper* * *1) <país/pueblo> freelibre de + inf — free to + inf
2)a) <traducción/adaptación> freeb) < estudiante> externalir por libre — (Esp fam) to do as one pleases
3) ( no ocupado) <persona/tiempo/asiento> free¿tienes un rato libre? — do you have a (spare) moment?
¿está libre el cuarto de baño? — is the bathroom free?
4) (exento, no sujeto)libre de algo: la empresa queda libre de toda responsabilidad the company does not accept any responsibility; artículos libres de impuestos duty-free goods; nadie está libre de que le pase una cosa así — something like that could happen to any of us
* * *= free [freer -comp., freest -sup.], unrestricted, unchecked, unconstrained, unhindered, uninhibited, unobstructed, untrammelled, vacant, unfettered, up for grabs, footloose, free-flowing, at large, unassigned, freewheeling [free-wheeling], fancy-free.Ex. Within a restriction of total record size of maximum of 30,000 characters, an intending user is free to format the records in his system.Ex. Although the library community advocates unrestricted access to resources for all, professional practices illustrate that librarians restrict access for youth.Ex. The volume of published material tends to grow unchecked, and academic libraries are expected to provide a ready market for it.Ex. Libraries need to tackle issues that can ensure that their clients will have an unconstrained access to electronic information.Ex. The USA is, therefore, campaigning for absolutely unhindered information flow across all national boundaries.Ex. Barriers to the uninhibited international flow of scientific and technical information continue to increase.Ex. From the library she could see miles and miles of unobstructed vistas of rich, coffee-brown, almost black soil, broken only by occasional small towns, farms, and grain elevators.Ex. In times of war, or other reasons for the imposition of barriers to untrammelled distribution of information, such openness in communication cannot be allowed.Ex. Again we find that only the first entry leads us to the specific subject, and the others may in fact lead us to ` vacant' headings, ie headings under which no entries are filed.Ex. This article urges those responsible to ensure that the service goal of libraries remains as unfettered as possible by a collective agreement.Ex. The article 'Internet domain name control up for grabs' relates the decision by the National Science Foundation, USA, not to renew its agreement with Network Solutions Inc to handle Internet domain registrations.Ex. Americans are among the most opulent and footloose people on earth.Ex. Creating an innovative organisation requires a sponsor followed by guidance by example and gradual change aided by free-flowing communication.Ex. The article is entitled 'Librarian at large'.Ex. If you would like to volunteer to present on one of the unassigned listed topics, please contact me.Ex. The culture that grew around this institution was even more freewheeling than it is today.Ex. In those days, he was a fancy-free young American, living out of a suitcase with a red and green camera always under his arm.----* actividad al aire libre = outdoor activity.* al aire libre = open-air, in the open, out of doors, outdoors.* barra libre = open bar.* biblioteca de libre acceso = open access library.* búsqueda de texto libre = free text search, free-text searching.* campo de texto libre = free-text field.* comida al aire libre = cookout.* de espíritu libre = free-spirited.* definición libre = liberal definition.* dejar las manos de uno libres de = free + Posesivo + hands from.* dejar libre = vacate, leave + vacant.* dejar tiempo libre = free up + time.* día libre = day off.* disponer de un rato libre = spare + time.* en los ratos libres de Uno = in + Posesivo + own time, on + Posesivo + own time.* escalada libre = free-climbing.* espacio al aire libre = outdoor space.* espíritu libre = free spirit.* esquí estilo libre = freestyle skiing.* esquí libre = freestyle skiing.* estanterías de libre acceso = open shelves.* estar libre de = be free from.* estilo libre = freestyle.* fondo de inversión libre = hedge fund.* fondos de acceso libre = open stacks.* fondos de libre acceso = open access stacks.* frase de texto libre = free-text phrase.* horas libres = released time.* indización en lenguaje libre = free language indexing.* industria de actividades al aire libre, la = outdoor industry, the.* instalaciones para dedicar el tiempo libre = leisure facilities.* juego al aire libre = outdoor game.* lenguaje de indización libre = free indexing language.* lenguaje libre = free language.* libre albedrío = free will.* libre cambio = laissez-faire.* libre circulación de la información = free flow of information.* libre circulación de mercancías = free movement of goods.* libre comercio = free trade, free movement of goods.* libre como el viento = footloose and fancy-free.* libre de = unhampered by, unimpeded by, untrammelled by, unencumbered by.* libre de censura = uncensored.* libre de complicaciones = hassle-free.* libre de culpa = guilt-free, blameless.* libre de derechos de autor = royalty-free.* libre de drogas = drug-free.* libre de gravámenes = unencumbered.* libre de humo = smokeless.* libre de humos = smoke-free.* libre de impuestos = tariff-free, duty-free, tax-free.* libre de la amenaza de = unthreatened (by).* libre de peligro = free of danger.* libre de polvo = dust-free.* libre de preocupaciones = worry-free.* libre de problemas = problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free].* libre de restricciones = unencumbered.* libre de riesgo = riskless, risk-free.* libre de servicio = off-duty.* libre de toda sospecha = above suspicion.* libre de trabas = unencumbered.* libre mercado = free market.* libre y sin compromiso = footloose and fancy-free.* manos libres = hands-free.* mantener libre de = keep + free of.* mercadillo al aire libre = street market, open-air market.* mercado al aire libre = street market, open-air market.* mercado libre = open market, free-for-all.* pasar el tiempo libre = spend + Posesivo + leisure time.* piscina al aire libre = outdoor pool, open-air swimming pool, open-air pool.* piscina climatizada al aire libre = outdoor heated pool.* por libre = freelance.* pregunta de respuesta libre = open-ended question.* programas de software libre = freeware.* puesto de trabajo de libre designación = line position.* quedar libre = become + vacant.* recuperación de texto libre = free text retrieval.* sistema para la recuperación de texto libre = free text retrieval system.* software libre = freeware, free software.* teatro al aire libre = outdoor theatre.* tener un rato libre = spare + time.* tiempo libre = leisure, leisure time, free time, idle hours.* trabajo por libre = freelance [free-lance].* zona libre de humo = smoke-free zone, smoke-free area.* * *1) <país/pueblo> freelibre de + inf — free to + inf
2)a) <traducción/adaptación> freeb) < estudiante> externalir por libre — (Esp fam) to do as one pleases
3) ( no ocupado) <persona/tiempo/asiento> free¿tienes un rato libre? — do you have a (spare) moment?
¿está libre el cuarto de baño? — is the bathroom free?
4) (exento, no sujeto)libre de algo: la empresa queda libre de toda responsabilidad the company does not accept any responsibility; artículos libres de impuestos duty-free goods; nadie está libre de que le pase una cosa así — something like that could happen to any of us
* * *= free [freer -comp., freest -sup.], unrestricted, unchecked, unconstrained, unhindered, uninhibited, unobstructed, untrammelled, vacant, unfettered, up for grabs, footloose, free-flowing, at large, unassigned, freewheeling [free-wheeling], fancy-free.Ex: Within a restriction of total record size of maximum of 30,000 characters, an intending user is free to format the records in his system.
Ex: Although the library community advocates unrestricted access to resources for all, professional practices illustrate that librarians restrict access for youth.Ex: The volume of published material tends to grow unchecked, and academic libraries are expected to provide a ready market for it.Ex: Libraries need to tackle issues that can ensure that their clients will have an unconstrained access to electronic information.Ex: The USA is, therefore, campaigning for absolutely unhindered information flow across all national boundaries.Ex: Barriers to the uninhibited international flow of scientific and technical information continue to increase.Ex: From the library she could see miles and miles of unobstructed vistas of rich, coffee-brown, almost black soil, broken only by occasional small towns, farms, and grain elevators.Ex: In times of war, or other reasons for the imposition of barriers to untrammelled distribution of information, such openness in communication cannot be allowed.Ex: Again we find that only the first entry leads us to the specific subject, and the others may in fact lead us to ` vacant' headings, ie headings under which no entries are filed.Ex: This article urges those responsible to ensure that the service goal of libraries remains as unfettered as possible by a collective agreement.Ex: The article 'Internet domain name control up for grabs' relates the decision by the National Science Foundation, USA, not to renew its agreement with Network Solutions Inc to handle Internet domain registrations.Ex: Americans are among the most opulent and footloose people on earth.Ex: Creating an innovative organisation requires a sponsor followed by guidance by example and gradual change aided by free-flowing communication.Ex: The article is entitled 'Librarian at large'.Ex: If you would like to volunteer to present on one of the unassigned listed topics, please contact me.Ex: The culture that grew around this institution was even more freewheeling than it is today.Ex: In those days, he was a fancy-free young American, living out of a suitcase with a red and green camera always under his arm.* actividad al aire libre = outdoor activity.* al aire libre = open-air, in the open, out of doors, outdoors.* barra libre = open bar.* biblioteca de libre acceso = open access library.* búsqueda de texto libre = free text search, free-text searching.* campo de texto libre = free-text field.* comida al aire libre = cookout.* de espíritu libre = free-spirited.* definición libre = liberal definition.* dejar las manos de uno libres de = free + Posesivo + hands from.* dejar libre = vacate, leave + vacant.* dejar tiempo libre = free up + time.* día libre = day off.* disponer de un rato libre = spare + time.* en los ratos libres de Uno = in + Posesivo + own time, on + Posesivo + own time.* escalada libre = free-climbing.* espacio al aire libre = outdoor space.* espíritu libre = free spirit.* esquí estilo libre = freestyle skiing.* esquí libre = freestyle skiing.* estanterías de libre acceso = open shelves.* estar libre de = be free from.* estilo libre = freestyle.* fondo de inversión libre = hedge fund.* fondos de acceso libre = open stacks.* fondos de libre acceso = open access stacks.* frase de texto libre = free-text phrase.* horas libres = released time.* indización en lenguaje libre = free language indexing.* industria de actividades al aire libre, la = outdoor industry, the.* instalaciones para dedicar el tiempo libre = leisure facilities.* juego al aire libre = outdoor game.* lenguaje de indización libre = free indexing language.* lenguaje libre = free language.* libre albedrío = free will.* libre cambio = laissez-faire.* libre circulación de la información = free flow of information.* libre circulación de mercancías = free movement of goods.* libre comercio = free trade, free movement of goods.* libre como el viento = footloose and fancy-free.* libre de = unhampered by, unimpeded by, untrammelled by, unencumbered by.* libre de censura = uncensored.* libre de complicaciones = hassle-free.* libre de culpa = guilt-free, blameless.* libre de derechos de autor = royalty-free.* libre de drogas = drug-free.* libre de gravámenes = unencumbered.* libre de humo = smokeless.* libre de humos = smoke-free.* libre de impuestos = tariff-free, duty-free, tax-free.* libre de la amenaza de = unthreatened (by).* libre de peligro = free of danger.* libre de polvo = dust-free.* libre de preocupaciones = worry-free.* libre de problemas = problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free].* libre de restricciones = unencumbered.* libre de riesgo = riskless, risk-free.* libre de servicio = off-duty.* libre de toda sospecha = above suspicion.* libre de trabas = unencumbered.* libre mercado = free market.* libre y sin compromiso = footloose and fancy-free.* manos libres = hands-free.* mantener libre de = keep + free of.* mercadillo al aire libre = street market, open-air market.* mercado al aire libre = street market, open-air market.* mercado libre = open market, free-for-all.* pasar el tiempo libre = spend + Posesivo + leisure time.* piscina al aire libre = outdoor pool, open-air swimming pool, open-air pool.* piscina climatizada al aire libre = outdoor heated pool.* por libre = freelance.* pregunta de respuesta libre = open-ended question.* programas de software libre = freeware.* puesto de trabajo de libre designación = line position.* quedar libre = become + vacant.* recuperación de texto libre = free text retrieval.* sistema para la recuperación de texto libre = free text retrieval system.* software libre = freeware, free software.* teatro al aire libre = outdoor theatre.* tener un rato libre = spare + time.* tiempo libre = leisure, leisure time, free time, idle hours.* trabajo por libre = freelance [free-lance].* zona libre de humo = smoke-free zone, smoke-free area.* * *A1 ‹país/pueblo› freelo dejaron libre they set him free2 libre DE + INF free to + INFeres libre de ir donde quieras you're free to go wherever you wantsoy muy libre de ir vestida como se me antoje I'm perfectly entitled to dress however I like3(sin compromiso): me confesó que no era libre he admitted that he wasn't a free manCompuestos:masculine free will● libre cambio or comerciomasculine free tradefeminine free market, free market systemmasculine free marketB1 ‹traducción/adaptación› freeuna redacción sobre tema libre an essay on a theme of your choice, a free compositionlos 200 metros libres the 200 meters freestyle2 ‹estudiante› externaltrabajar por libre to work freelancehacer algo por libre ( Esp); to do sth one's own way1 ‹persona› free¿estás libre esta noche? are you free tonight?2 ‹tiempo› free¿tienes un rato libre? do you have a (spare) moment?en sus ratos libres in her spare o free timehoy tengo el día libre I have the day off todaycuando tengas un par de horas libres when you have a couple of hours free o to spare3 ‹asiento› free¿ese asiento está libre? is that seat free?no pasó ni un taxi libre not a single empty taxi went by¿está libre el cuarto de baño? is the bathroom free?D (exento, no sujeto) libre DE algo:una propiedad libre de hipotecas an unmortgaged propertyla empresa queda libre de toda responsabilidad the company does not accept any responsibilityartículos libres de impuestos duty-free o tax-free goodsnadie está libre de culpa nobody is blamelessnadie está libre de que le pase una cosa así something like that could happen to any of uslibre de riesgo risk-free( Méx)taxi* * *
Del verbo librar: ( conjugate librar)
libré es:
1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo
libre es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
librar ( conjugate librar) verbo transitivo
1 ( liberar) libre a algn de algo ‹ de peligro› to save sb from sth;
‹de obligación/responsabilidad› to free sb from sth;◊ ¡Dios nos libre! God forbid!
2 ‹batalla/combate› to fight
librarse verbo pronominal:
librese de algo ‹de tarea/obligación› to get out of sth;
librese de un castigo to escape punishment;
se libró de tener que ayudarlo she got out of having to help him;
se libreon de morir asfixiados they escaped being suffocated;
librese de algn to get rid of sb
libre adjetivo
1 ‹país/pueblo› free;
eres libre de ir donde quieras you're free to go wherever you want;
libre albedrío free will;
libre cambio or comercio free trade;
libre mercado free market
2 ‹traducción/adaptación› free;
3 ( no ocupado) ‹persona/tiempo/asiento› free;◊ ¿tienes un rato libre? do you have a (spare) moment?;
en sus ratos libres in her spare o free time;
tengo el día libre I have the day off
4 ( exento):
I verbo transitivo
1 to free: me libró de un castigo, she let me off from a punishment
2 (una orden de pago) to draw
II vi (tener el día libre) libra los fines de semana, he has weekends off
libre adjetivo free: está libre de sospecha, she's free from suspicion
eres (muy) libre de hacerlo, you are quite free to do it
libre de impuestos, tax-free
¡vía libre!, make way!
' libre' also found in these entries:
- albedrío
- bufé
- carga
- desocupada
- desocupado
- día
- entrada
- franca
- franco
- hueca
- hueco
- impuesta
- impuesto
- librar
- lucha
- perilla
- plaza
- radical
- suelta
- suelto
- tiempo
- tienda
- Tiro
- tomarse
- traducción
- vía
- aduana
- caída
- despejado
- dios
- dueño
- economía
- estilo
- falta
- hora
- lavadero
- limpiar
- limpio
- lugar
- melé
- ocio
- ocupar
- paso
- puerto
- sacar
- teatro
- tiro
- tomar
- tranquilo
all-in wrestling
- available
- buffet
- clear
- clearance
- day off
- door
- duty-free
- economy
- equity
- festival
- free
- free enterprise
- free fall
- free kick
- free love
- free rein
- free trade
- free-style
- garden party
- have off
- hire
- leisure time
- liberal
- liberty
- off
- open
- open-air
- outdoor
- outdoors
- outdoorsman
- own
- place
- quit
- sky-dive
- sky-diver
- sleep out
- smokeless zone
- spare
- take off
- tax free
- unoccupied
- vacancy
- vacant
- day
- demand
- duty
- enterprise
- foot
- freelance
* * *libre adj1. [sin limitaciones] free;el amor libre free love;eres libre de hacer lo que quieras you are free to do as you wish;es libre para casarse con quien quiera she is free to marry whoever she pleases;entrada libre [en letrero] entry freelibre albedrío free will; Econ libre cambio free trade; [de divisas] floating exchange rates; Econ libre circulación de capitales free circulation of capital;libre circulación de mercancías free movement of goods;libre circulación de personas free movement of people;libre mercado free market2. [no encarcelado] free3. [país] free4. [sin novio, pareja] free, available5. [sin obstáculos] [camino, carretera] clear6.libre de [exento] exempt from;libre de culpa free from blame;libre de impuestos [alcohol, cigarrillos] tax-free, duty-free7. [desocupado] [asiento] free;[retrete] vacant; [casa] empty;¿estarás libre mañana? will you be free tomorrow?;el puesto de tesorero ha quedado libre the post of treasurer is now vacant;un taxi libre a free o empty taxi;libre [en taxi] for hire;ahora no tengo las manos libres my hands are full at the moment;aparcamiento: libre [en letrero] parking: spaces8. [tiempo] free, spare;cuando tenga un rato libre, te llamo I'll call you when I've got a (spare) moment;en mis ratos libres me gusta tocar el piano in my spare o free time I like to play the piano;mañana tengo el día libre I've got the day off tomorrow;tengo dos horas libres I have two hours spare9. [independiente] independent;[alumno] external;trabajar por libre to work freelance;estudiar por libre to be an external student;Espir por libre to do things one's own way;Espcuando viajo me gusta ir por libre más que ir en grupo I prefer travelling alone to travelling in a group10. [estilo, traducción] free;Dep200 metros libres 200 metres freestyle* * *adj free; tiempo spare, free;eres libre de you’re free to;trabajar por libre be self-employed;libre de impuestos tax free* * *libre adj1) : freeun país libre: a free countrylibre de: free from, exempt fromlibre albedrío: free will2) desocupado: vacant3)día libre : day off* * *libre adj freelibre de impuestos tax free / duty free -
10 habilidad
f.1 skill (destreza).tener habilidad para algo to be good at somethingsalió del compromiso con habilidad she cleverly extricated herself from the situation2 ability, aptitude, capacity, craft.* * *1 (aptitud) skill2 (astucia) cleverness, smartness3 DERECHO capacity, competence4 (gracia) talent\con gran habilidad very skilfullytener habilidad manual to be good with one's handstener habilidad para algo to be good at something* * *noun f.ability, skill* * *SF1) (=capacidad) ability; (=destreza) skilltiene una gran habilidad para evitar enfrentamientos — he's very skilful o clever at avoiding confrontation
tiene habilidad manual — he's good o clever with his hands
con habilidad: le sacó el secreto con habilidad — he cleverly o skilfully got the secret out of him
2) (Jur) competence* * *1)a) (para actividad manual, física) skilltiene gran habilidad para la carpintería — he is very good o adept at carpentry
b) (astucia, inteligencia) skill, clevernesscon habilidad — cleverly, skillfully
2) (Der) competence* * *= ability, competence, skill, talent, capacity, savoir faire, aptitude, dexterity, ingeniousness, skilfulness [skillfulness, -USA], prowess, faculty.Ex. The ability to search on word stems is particularly valuable where the text to be searched is in free-language format.Ex. In order that you should be able to perform these required skills with greater competence, selected elements of the theory of subject indexing will be included.Ex. However, successful human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.Ex. This example goes to show that talent for academic work is only one variety of giftedness.Ex. Older people have suffered some losses in sensory and physical capacity, and newer teaching techniques might intimidate them.Ex. Library staff should be provided with the opportunity to see blunders which they occasionally commit as well as the laudable ' savoir faire' with which they dispatch some reference question.Ex. In tracking, schools categorize according to measures of intelligence, achievement, or aptitude and then assign students to ability or interest-grouped classes = En la subdivisión de los alumnos en clases según su nivel académico, las escuelas agrupan a los alumnos de acuerdo con su nivel de inteligencia, habilidad o aptitud y luego los asignan a las clases según su capacidad o por sus intereses.Ex. Reference work is merely a practical skill -- of a high-grade kind, to be sure -- but a mere dexterity, a mental facility, acquired by practice.Ex. But if, in the digital era, libraries must continue to compete, it will be about services -- the ingeniousness with which individual libraries tailor resource access to particular needs of their user communities.Ex. At present, limited data concerning the conversational skilfulness of school-age children have been available.Ex. The results endorse the need for continued application of marketing prowess, information science research, and library support systems.Ex. Sophia no sooner saw Blifil than she turned pale, and almost lost the use of all her faculties.----* con habilidad = adeptly.* con pocas habilidades = poor-ability.* habilidad artística = artistry.* habilidad cognitiva = cognitive skill, cognitive ability, cognitive capacity.* habilidad de interpretar imágenes = visual literacy.* habilidad de razonar = thinking skills.* habilidad en el manejo de diferentes soportes = media competency.* habilidades = competency.* habilidades comunicativas = speaking skills.* habilidades lectoras = reading skills.* habilidades necesarias para la vida cotidiana = life skills.* habilidades orales = speaking skills.* habilidad especial = knack, knack.* habilidad física = physical ability, physical ability.* habilidad lectora = reading ability.* habilidad manual = manual skill.* habilidad mental = mental ability.* habilidad natural = knack, knack, natural ability.* habilidad política = statesmanship, political wisdom.* habilidad verbal = verbal skill.* perfeccionar una habilidad = hone + skill.* * *1)a) (para actividad manual, física) skilltiene gran habilidad para la carpintería — he is very good o adept at carpentry
b) (astucia, inteligencia) skill, clevernesscon habilidad — cleverly, skillfully
2) (Der) competence* * *= ability, competence, skill, talent, capacity, savoir faire, aptitude, dexterity, ingeniousness, skilfulness [skillfulness, -USA], prowess, faculty.Ex: The ability to search on word stems is particularly valuable where the text to be searched is in free-language format.
Ex: In order that you should be able to perform these required skills with greater competence, selected elements of the theory of subject indexing will be included.Ex: However, successful human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.Ex: This example goes to show that talent for academic work is only one variety of giftedness.Ex: Older people have suffered some losses in sensory and physical capacity, and newer teaching techniques might intimidate them.Ex: Library staff should be provided with the opportunity to see blunders which they occasionally commit as well as the laudable ' savoir faire' with which they dispatch some reference question.Ex: In tracking, schools categorize according to measures of intelligence, achievement, or aptitude and then assign students to ability or interest-grouped classes = En la subdivisión de los alumnos en clases según su nivel académico, las escuelas agrupan a los alumnos de acuerdo con su nivel de inteligencia, habilidad o aptitud y luego los asignan a las clases según su capacidad o por sus intereses.Ex: Reference work is merely a practical skill -- of a high-grade kind, to be sure -- but a mere dexterity, a mental facility, acquired by practice.Ex: But if, in the digital era, libraries must continue to compete, it will be about services -- the ingeniousness with which individual libraries tailor resource access to particular needs of their user communities.Ex: At present, limited data concerning the conversational skilfulness of school-age children have been available.Ex: The results endorse the need for continued application of marketing prowess, information science research, and library support systems.Ex: Sophia no sooner saw Blifil than she turned pale, and almost lost the use of all her faculties.* con habilidad = adeptly.* con pocas habilidades = poor-ability.* habilidad artística = artistry.* habilidad cognitiva = cognitive skill, cognitive ability, cognitive capacity.* habilidad de interpretar imágenes = visual literacy.* habilidad de razonar = thinking skills.* habilidad en el manejo de diferentes soportes = media competency.* habilidades = competency.* habilidades comunicativas = speaking skills.* habilidades lectoras = reading skills.* habilidades necesarias para la vida cotidiana = life skills.* habilidades orales = speaking skills.* habilidad especial = knack, knack.* habilidad física = physical ability, physical ability.* habilidad lectora = reading ability.* habilidad manual = manual skill.* habilidad mental = mental ability.* habilidad natural = knack, knack, natural ability.* habilidad política = statesmanship, political wisdom.* habilidad verbal = verbal skill.* perfeccionar una habilidad = hone + skill.* * *A1 (para una actividad manual, física) skillsiempre ha tenido gran habilidad para la carpintería he's always been very good o adept at carpentry, he's always been a very skilled o adept carpentertiene especial habilidad para la costura he has a real gift o flair for sewing2 (astucia, inteligencia) skill, clevernesstiene gran habilidad para convencer a sus oponentes she is very clever o good o skilled at convincing her opponents, she has a great gift for convincing her opponentsla película está realizada con gran habilidad it is a very cleverly o skillfully made movieB (de un testigo) competenceCompuesto:* * *
habilidad sustantivo femenino
2 (Der) competence
habilidad sustantivo femenino
1 (con una herramienta, etc) skill: nos impresionó su habilidad al volante, we were impressed with his driving ability
2 (astucia, ingenio) cleverness
' habilidad' also found in these entries:
- apañada
- apañado
- arte
- cabeza
- capaz
- conquista
- darse
- defenderse
- ejercitar
- habilidosa
- habilidoso
- incapaz
- mía
- mío
- oxidada
- oxidado
- torpeza
- apabullante
- competencia
- inexperto
- maestría
- manual
- maña
- razón
- born
- capability
- cleverness
- confidence
- craft
- display
- expertise
- facility
- fluent
- green fingers
- green thumb
- inexpertly
- innate
- mental
- moderate
- proficiency
- qualify
- skill
- touch
- workmanship
- accomplishment
- dexterity
* * *habilidad nf1. [destreza] skill;una de sus muchas habilidades es la música music is just one of his many skills;tener habilidad para algo to be good at sth2. [inteligencia] cleverness;salió del compromiso con habilidad she cleverly extricated herself from the situation3. Ling performance* * *f1 skill2 ( capacidad) ability3 ( astucia) cleverness* * *habilidad nfcapacidad: ability, skill* * *habilidad n skill -
11 destreza
f.1 skill, dexterity.2 skillful action.* * *1 skill, dexterity* * *noun f.* * *SF1) (=habilidad) skill2) (=agilidad) dexterity* * *femenino skilldemostró mucha destreza con el florete — he showed great dexterity o skill in his handling of the foil
* * *= competence, skill, dexterity, prowess.Ex. In order that you should be able to perform these required skills with greater competence, selected elements of the theory of subject indexing will be included.Ex. However, successful human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.Ex. Reference work is merely a practical skill -- of a high-grade kind, to be sure -- but a mere dexterity, a mental facility, acquired by practice.Ex. The results endorse the need for continued application of marketing prowess, information science research, and library support systems.----* basado en el desarrollo de destrezas prácticas = competency based.* con destreza = nimbly, adeptly, with ease.* crear con gran destreza = craft.* desarrollar una destreza = develop + skill, build + skill.* desconocimiento de las destrezas básicas en la búsqueda, rec = information illiteracy.* destreza académica = academic skill.* destreza cognitiva = cognitive skill.* destreza de apoyo = ancillary skill.* destreza en la acampada = campcraft.* destreza en la búsqueda de información en una biblioteca = library research skills.* destreza lingüística = language skill.* destreza manual = manual skill, manual dexterity.* destrezas informáticas = computer skills.* destrezas relacionadas con el uso de la información = information skills.* destrezas relacionadas con la información = information skills.* destreza verbal = verbal skill.* dominar una destreza = master + skill.* mejorar + Posesivo + destrezas = sharpen + Posesivo + skills.* producir con gran destreza = craft.* requerir más destreza = be more of an art.* * *femenino skilldemostró mucha destreza con el florete — he showed great dexterity o skill in his handling of the foil
* * *= competence, skill, dexterity, prowess.Ex: In order that you should be able to perform these required skills with greater competence, selected elements of the theory of subject indexing will be included.
Ex: However, successful human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.Ex: Reference work is merely a practical skill -- of a high-grade kind, to be sure -- but a mere dexterity, a mental facility, acquired by practice.Ex: The results endorse the need for continued application of marketing prowess, information science research, and library support systems.* basado en el desarrollo de destrezas prácticas = competency based.* con destreza = nimbly, adeptly, with ease.* crear con gran destreza = craft.* desarrollar una destreza = develop + skill, build + skill.* desconocimiento de las destrezas básicas en la búsqueda, rec = information illiteracy.* destreza académica = academic skill.* destreza cognitiva = cognitive skill.* destreza de apoyo = ancillary skill.* destreza en la acampada = campcraft.* destreza en la búsqueda de información en una biblioteca = library research skills.* destreza lingüística = language skill.* destreza manual = manual skill, manual dexterity.* destrezas informáticas = computer skills.* destrezas relacionadas con el uso de la información = information skills.* destrezas relacionadas con la información = information skills.* destreza verbal = verbal skill.* dominar una destreza = master + skill.* mejorar + Posesivo + destrezas = sharpen + Posesivo + skills.* producir con gran destreza = craft.* requerir más destreza = be more of an art.* * *skillcontroló el balón con destreza he controlled the ball skillfullydemostró mucha destreza con el florete he showed great dexterity o skill in his handling of the foilcon gran destreza very skillfully* * *
destreza sustantivo femenino
destreza sustantivo femenino skill: muestra bastante destreza con la cometa, she demonstrates quite a bit of skill with the kite
' destreza' also found in these entries:
- saber
- arte
- manual
- pericia
- técnica
- consummate
- craft
- derive
- develop
- development
- dexterity
- hone
- improve
- improvement
- neatness
- practice
- practise
- proficiency
- prowess
- skill
- trick
- deftly
* * *destreza nfskill, dexterity;tiene destreza para la costura he's very good at sewing;hacer algo con destreza to do sth skilfully* * *f skill* * *destreza nfhabilidad: dexterity, skill* * *destreza n skill -
12 técnica
f.1 technique, skill, expertise, know-how.2 procedure, method.* * *1 (tecnología) technique, technology2 (habilidad) technique, method3 (ingeniería) engineering* * *1. f., (m. - técnico) 2. noun f.skill, technique3. f., (m. - técnico)* * *SF1) (=método) technique2) (=tecnología) technology3) (=destreza) skilltécnico* * *1)a) ( método) techniqueb) ( destreza) skill2) ( tecnología) technology3) ( en baloncesto) technical foul* * *= approach [approaches, -pl.], know-how, mechanics, skill, technique, technic.Ex. During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.Ex. What was lacking, however, was the know-how for forming and running such groups.Ex. However, it is clear that the mechanics of searching post-coordinate indexes differ from those involved in searching pre-coordinate indexes.Ex. However, successful human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.Ex. Improvements in document delivery services (DDS) via the further application of techniques such as facsimile transmission will also have an important role to play.Ex. The technic of automatic indexing indicates a list of key-words (simple and compound words) to an expert in a given field.----* arte y técnica de escribir obras de teatro = playwriting.* desarrollar una técnica = develop + skill, build + skill.* dominar una técnica = master + technique.* técnica analítica = analytical technique.* técnica bibliométrica = bibliometric technique.* técnica bibliotecaria = library technique.* técnica cluster = clustering technique.* técnica convolucionista = convolution technique.* técnica de apoyo = enabling skill.* técnica de audio simultáneo = audio streaming.* técnica de búsqueda automatizada = computer-searching technique.* técnica de construcción = construction technique.* técnica de diseño = design technique.* técnica de encuadernación = binding technique.* técnica de fabricación = construction technique.* técnica de grupo nominal = nominal group technique.* técnica de incidencias = critical incident technique.* técnica de investigación = research technique.* técnica Delphi, la = Delphi technique, the.* técnica de mercado = merchandising technique.* técnica de navegación = navigational technique.* técnica de recuperación de información por coincidencia óptima = best match technique.* técnica de recuperación por medio de la lógica difusa = fuzzy IR technique.* técnica de repografía = reprography technique.* técnica de vídeo simultáneo = video streaming.* técnica documental = document-handling technique.* técnicas de composición escrita = writing skills.* técnicas de estudio = study skills.* técnicas de proyección = forecasting techniques.* técnicas de redacción = writing skills.* * *1)a) ( método) techniqueb) ( destreza) skill2) ( tecnología) technology3) ( en baloncesto) technical foul* * *= approach [approaches, -pl.], know-how, mechanics, skill, technique, technic.Ex: During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.
Ex: What was lacking, however, was the know-how for forming and running such groups.Ex: However, it is clear that the mechanics of searching post-coordinate indexes differ from those involved in searching pre-coordinate indexes.Ex: However, successful human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.Ex: Improvements in document delivery services (DDS) via the further application of techniques such as facsimile transmission will also have an important role to play.Ex: The technic of automatic indexing indicates a list of key-words (simple and compound words) to an expert in a given field.* arte y técnica de escribir obras de teatro = playwriting.* desarrollar una técnica = develop + skill, build + skill.* dominar una técnica = master + technique.* técnica analítica = analytical technique.* técnica bibliométrica = bibliometric technique.* técnica bibliotecaria = library technique.* técnica cluster = clustering technique.* técnica convolucionista = convolution technique.* técnica de apoyo = enabling skill.* técnica de audio simultáneo = audio streaming.* técnica de búsqueda automatizada = computer-searching technique.* técnica de construcción = construction technique.* técnica de diseño = design technique.* técnica de encuadernación = binding technique.* técnica de fabricación = construction technique.* técnica de grupo nominal = nominal group technique.* técnica de incidencias = critical incident technique.* técnica de investigación = research technique.* técnica Delphi, la = Delphi technique, the.* técnica de mercado = merchandising technique.* técnica de navegación = navigational technique.* técnica de recuperación de información por coincidencia óptima = best match technique.* técnica de recuperación por medio de la lógica difusa = fuzzy IR technique.* técnica de repografía = reprography technique.* técnica de vídeo simultáneo = video streaming.* técnica documental = document-handling technique.* técnicas de composición escrita = writing skills.* técnicas de estudio = study skills.* técnicas de proyección = forecasting techniques.* técnicas de redacción = writing skills.* * *A1 (método) technique2 (habilidad, destreza) skillconduce con mucha técnica she's a very skilful driverB (tecnología) technologyavances de la técnica advances in technologyCompuestos:electronic technologyhydraulic technologyC (en baloncesto) technical foul* * *
técnica sustantivo femenino
2 ( tecnología) technology
3 ( en baloncesto) technical foul
I adjetivo technical
un problema técnico, a technical hitch
II sustantivo masculino y femenino technician, technical expert
técnica sustantivo femenino
1 (método) technique
2 (tecnología) technology
' técnica' also found in these entries:
- carrera
- ensayar
- escala
- ficha
- grabada
- grabado
- imprenta
- inédita
- inédito
- inventar
- maravilla
- novedosa
- novedoso
- relojería
- revista
- tela
- vídeo
- aplicación
- asistencia
- dotar
- fotografía
- medio
- modernizar
carbon dating
- mastery
- oil painting
- skill
- technique
- coach
- extensively
- manager
* * *técnica nf1. [procedimiento] technique;en Florencia aprendió la técnica pictórica del fresco in Florence he learned the fresco technique;tiene mucha técnica she has very good technique, she's very skilfultécnicas de reproducción asistida assisted reproduction techniques;técnicas de venta sales techniques2. [tecnología] technology;los grandes avances de la técnica great advances in technology3. [en baloncesto] technical foul;el árbitro le pitó una técnica al entrenador the referee blew the whistle for a technical foul by the trainer* * *f1 technique* * *técnica nf1) : technique, skill2) : technology* * *técnica n technique -
13 maestría
f.1 mastery, command, skill, gamesmanship.2 master's degree, master.* * *1 (destreza) mastery, skill2 (título) mastership* * *SF1) [de persona] (=dominio) mastery; (=habilidad) skill, expertise2) LAm (Univ) master's degree3) Esp (Educ) vocational qualification* * *1) (liter) ( habilidad) skill, mastery2) (Educ) ( postgrado) master's degree, master's* * *= artistry, skill, command.Ex. Very few engravers commanded the necessary artistry.Ex. However, successful human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.Ex. Businesses are using all of the new communicating technological developments to increase their command over the information they need.* * *1) (liter) ( habilidad) skill, mastery2) (Educ) ( postgrado) master's degree, master's* * *= artistry, skill, command.Ex: Very few engravers commanded the necessary artistry.
Ex: However, successful human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.Ex: Businesses are using all of the new communicating technological developments to increase their command over the information they need.* * *A ( liter) (habilidad) skill, masterytoca el piano con maestría she plays the piano with great mastery o skilldemuestra gran maestría en el manejo de las armas he shows great skill o expertise in his handling of weapons* * *
maestría sustantivo femenino
1 (liter) ( habilidad) skill, mastery
2 (esp AmL) (Educ) ( postgrado) master's degree, master's
maestría sustantivo femenino mastery, skill: toca el violín con maestría, he plays violin with real skill
' maestría' also found in these entries:
- mastery
- master
* * *maestría nf1. [habilidad] mastery, skill;pinta con gran maestría she's a very skilful painter2. Am [título] master's degree* * *f1 mastery;con maestría skillfully, Br skilfully2 MéxEDU master’s (degree)* * *maestría nf1) : mastery, skill2) : master's degree -
14 no importa + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que seaAdjetivo/Adverbio + que sea
(adj.) = however + Adjetivo/AdverbioEx. However successful, human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.* * *(adj.) = however + Adjetivo/AdverbioEx: However successful, human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.
Spanish-English dictionary > no importa + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que seaAdjetivo/Adverbio + que sea
15 por muy + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que sea
(adj.) = however + Adjetivo/AdverbioEx. However successful, human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.* * *(adj.) = however + Adjetivo/AdverbioEx: However successful, human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.
Spanish-English dictionary > por muy + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que sea
16 sin importar + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que sea
(adj.) = however + Adjetivo/AdverbioEx. However successful, human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.* * *(adj.) = however + Adjetivo/AdverbioEx: However successful, human free language indexing is very dependent upon the skills of the individual indexer.
Spanish-English dictionary > sin importar + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que sea
17 FLI
1) Компьютерная техника: Fuzzy Logic Inferencing2) Военный термин: Force-Level Information, fault location indicator, forward-looking infrared3) Техника: flight leader identity radar, forward-looking infrared system, full load injection4) Космонавтика: Fluorescence Line Imager5) Полимеры: fiber length index6) Автоматика: free language indexing7) Расширение файла: AutoDesk FLIC format Animation file, Tex font library (EmTeX), Animation format FLIC8) Программное обеспечение: Foreign Language Interface -
18 fli
1) Компьютерная техника: Fuzzy Logic Inferencing2) Военный термин: Force-Level Information, fault location indicator, forward-looking infrared3) Техника: flight leader identity radar, forward-looking infrared system, full load injection4) Космонавтика: Fluorescence Line Imager5) Полимеры: fiber length index6) Автоматика: free language indexing7) Расширение файла: AutoDesk FLIC format Animation file, Tex font library (EmTeX), Animation format FLIC8) Программное обеспечение: Foreign Language Interface -
19 индексирование на естественном языке
Automation: free language indexingУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > индексирование на естественном языке
20 FLI
сокр. от free language indexingEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > FLI
См. также в других словарях:
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