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  • 21 дистанционное техническое обслуживание

    1. remote sevice
    2. remote maintenance


    дистанционное техническое обслуживание
    Техническое обслуживание объекта, проводимое под управлением персонала без его непосредственного присутствия.
    [ОСТ 45.152-99 ]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU из ABB Review. Перевод компании Интент

    Service from afar

    Дистанционный сервис

    ABB’s Remote Service concept is revolutionizing the robotics industry

    Разработанная АББ концепция дистанционного обслуживания Remote Service революционизирует робототехнику

    ABB robots are found in industrial applications everywhere – lifting, packing, grinding and welding, to name a few. Robust and tireless, they work around the clock and are critical to a company’s productivity. Thus, keeping these robots in top shape is essential – any failure can lead to serious output consequences. But what happens when a robot malfunctions?

    Роботы АББ используются во всех отраслях промышленности для перемещения грузов, упаковки, шлифовки, сварки – всего и не перечислить. Надежные и неутомимые работники, способные трудиться день и ночь, они представляют большую ценность для владельца. Поэтому очень важно поддерживать их в надлежащей состоянии, ведь любой отказ может иметь серьезные последствия. Но что делать, если робот все-таки сломался?

    ABB’s new Remote Service concept holds the answer: This approach enables a malfunctioning robot to alarm for help itself. An ABB service engineer then receives whole diagnostic information via wireless technology, analyzes the data on a Web site and responds with support in just minutes. This unique service is paying off for customers and ABB alike, and in the process is revolutionizing service thinking.

    Ответом на этот вопрос стала новая концепция Remote Service от АББ, согласно которой неисправный робот сам просит о помощи. C помощью беспроводной технологии специалист сервисной службы АББ получает всю необходимую диагностическую информацию, анализирует данные на web-сайте и через считанные минуты выдает рекомендации по устранению отказа. Эта уникальная возможность одинаково ценна как для заказчиков, так и для самой компании АББ. В перспективе она способна в корне изменить весь подход к организации технического обслуживания.

    Every minute of production downtime can have financially disastrous consequences for a company. Traditional reactive service is no longer sufficient since on-site service engineer visits also demand great amounts of time and money. Thus, companies not only require faster help from the service organization when needed but they also want to avoid disturbances in production.

    Каждая минута простоя производства может привести к губительным финансовым последствиям. Традиционная организация сервиса, предусматривающая ликвидацию возникающих неисправностей, становится все менее эффективной, поскольку вызов сервисного инженера на место эксплуатации робота сопряжен с большими затратами времени и денег. Предприятия требуют от сервисной организации не только более быстрого оказания помощи, но и предотвращения возможных сбоев производства.

    In 2006, ABB developed a new approach to better meet customer’s expectations: Using the latest technologies to reach the robots at customer sites around the world, ABB could support them remotely in just minutes, thereby reducing the need for site visits. Thus the new Remote Service concept was quickly brought to fruition and was launched in mid-2007. Statistics show that by using the system the majority of production stoppages can be avoided.

    В 2006 г. компания АББ разработала новый подход к удовлетворению ожиданий своих заказчиков. Использование современных технологий позволяет специалистам АББ получать информацию от роботов из любой точки мира и в считанные минуты оказывать помощь дистанционно, в результате чего сокращается количество выездов на место установки. Запущенная в середине 2007 г. концепция Remote Service быстро себя оправдала. Статистика показывает, что её применение позволило предотвратить большое число остановок производства.

    Reactive maintenance The hardware that makes ABB Remote Service possible consists of a communication unit, which has a function similar to that of an airplane’s so-called black box 1. This “service box” is connected to the robot’s control system and can read and transmit diagnostic information. The unit not only reads critical diagnostic information that enables immediate support in the event of a failure, but also makes it possible to monitor and analyze the robot’s condition, thereby proactively detecting the need for maintenance.

    Устранение возникающих неисправностей Аппаратное устройство, с помощью которого реализуется концепция Remote Service, представляет собой коммуникационный блок, работающий аналогично черному ящику самолета (рис. 1). Этот блок считывает диагностические данные из контроллера робота и передает их по каналу GSM. Считывается не только информация, необходимая для оказания немедленной помощи в случае отказа, но и сведения, позволяющие контролировать и анализировать состояние робота для прогнозирования неисправностей и планирования технического обслуживания.

    If the robot breaks down, the service box immediately stores the status of the robot, its historical data (as log files), and diagnostic parameters such as temperature and power supply. Equipped with a built-in modem and using the GSM network, the box transmits the data to a central server for analysis and presentation on a dedicated Web site. Alerts are automatically sent to the nearest of ABB’s 1,200 robot service engineers who then accesses the detailed data and error log to analyze the problem.

    При поломке робота сервисный блок немедленно сохраняет данные о его состоянии, сведения из рабочего журнала, а также значения диагностических параметров (температура и характеристики питания). Эти данные передаются встроенным GSM-модемом на центральный сервер для анализа и представления на соответствующем web-сайте. Аварийные сообщения автоматически пересылаются ближайшему к месту аварии одному из 1200 сервисных инженеров-робототехников АББ, который получает доступ к детальной информации и журналу аварий для анализа возникшей проблемы.

    A remotely based ABB engineer can then quickly identify the exact fault, offering rapid customer support. For problems that cannot be solved remotely, the service engineer can arrange for quick delivery of spare parts and visit the site to repair the robot. Even if the engineer must make a site visit, service is faster, more efficient and performed to a higher standard than otherwise possible.

    Специалист АББ может дистанционно идентифицировать отказ и оказать быструю помощь заказчику. Если неисправность не может быть устранена дистанционно, сервисный инженер организовывает доставку запасных частей и выезд ремонтной бригады. Даже если необходимо разрешение проблемы на месте, предшествующая дистанционная диагностика позволяет минимизировать объем работ и сократить время простоя.

    Remote Service enables engineers to “talk” to robots remotely and to utilize tools that enable smart, fast and automatic analysis. The system is based on a machine-to-machine (M2M) concept, which works automatically, requiring human input only for analysis and personalized customer recommendations. ABB was recognized for this innovative solution at the M2M United Conference in Chicago in 2008 Factbox.

    Remote Service позволяет инженерам «разговаривать» с роботами на расстоянии и предоставляет в их распоряжение интеллектуальные средства быстрого автоматизированного анализа. Система основана на основе технологии автоматической связи машины с машиной (M2M), где участие человека сводится к анализу данных и выдаче рекомендаций клиенту. В 2008 г. это инновационное решение от АББ получило приз на конференции M2M United Conference в Чикаго (см. вставку).

    Proactive maintenance 
    Remote Service also allows ABB engineers to monitor and detect potential problems in the robot system and opens up new possibilities for proactive maintenance.

    Прогнозирование неисправностей
    Remote Service позволяет инженерам АББ дистанционно контролировать состояние роботов и прогнозировать возможные неисправности, что открывает новые возможности по организации профилактического обслуживания.

    The service box regularly takes condition measurements. By monitoring key parameters over time, Remote Service can identify potential failures and when necessary notify both the end customer and the appropriate ABB engineer. The management and storage of full system backups is a very powerful service to help recover from critical situations caused, for example, by operator errors.

    Сервисный блок регулярно выполняет диагностические измерения. Непрерывно контролируя ключевые параметры, Remote Service может распознать потенциальные опасности и, при необходимости, оповещать владельца оборудования и соответствующего специалиста АББ. Резервирование данных для возможного отката является мощным средством, обеспечивающим восстановление системы в критических ситуациях, например, после ошибки оператора.

    The first Remote Service installation took place in the automotive industry in the United States and quickly proved its value. The motherboard in a robot cabinet overheated and the rise in temperature triggered an alarm via Remote Service. Because of the alarm, engineers were able to replace a faulty fan, preventing a costly production shutdown.

    Первая система Remote Service была установлена на автозаводе в США и очень скоро была оценена по достоинству. Она обнаружила перегрев материнской платы в шкафу управления роботом и передала сигнал о превышении допустимой температуры, благодаря чему инженеры смогли заменить неисправный вентилятор и предотвратить дорогостоящую остановку производства.

    MyRobot: 24-hour remote access

    Having regular access to a robot’s condition data is also essential to achieving lean production. At any time, from any location, customers can verify their robots’ status and access maintenance information and performance reports simply by logging in to ABB’s MyRobot Web site. The service enables customers to easily compare performances, identify bottlenecks or developing issues, and initiate the most

    Сайт MyRobot: круглосуточный дистанционный доступ
    Для того чтобы обеспечить бесперебойное производство, необходимо иметь регулярный доступ к информации о состоянии робота. Зайдя на соответствующую страницу сайта MyRobot компании АББ, заказчики получат все необходимые данные, включая сведения о техническом обслуживании и отчеты о производительности своего робота. Эта услуга позволяет легко сравнивать данные о производительности, обнаруживать возможные проблемы, а также оптимизировать планирование технического обслуживания и модернизации. С помощью MyRobot можно значительно увеличить выпуск продукции и уменьшить количество выбросов.

    Award-winning solution
    In June 2008, the innovative Remote Service solution won the Gold Value Chain award at the M2M United Conference in Chicago. The value chain award honors successful corporate adopters of M2M (machine–to-machine) technology and highlights the process of combining multiple technologies to deliver high-quality services to customers. ABB won in the categoryof Smart Services.

    Приз за удачное решение
    В июне 2008 г. инновационное решение Remote Service получило награду Gold Value Chain (Золотая цепь) на конференции M2M United Conference в Чикаго. «Золотая цепь» присуждается за успешное масштабное внедрение технологии M2M (машина – машина), а также за достижения в объединении различных технологий для предоставления высококачественных услуг заказчикам. АББ одержала победу в номинации «Интеллектуальный сервис».

    Case study: Tetley Tetley GB Ltd is the world’s second-largest manufacturer and distributor of tea. The company’s manufacturing and distribution business is spread across 40 countries and sells over 60 branded tea bags. Tetley’s UK tea production facility in Eaglescliffe, County Durham is the sole producer of Tetley tea bags 2.

    Пример применения: Tetley Компания TetleyGB Ltd является вторым по величине мировым производителем и поставщиком чая. Производственные и торговые филиалы компании имеются в 40 странах, а продукция распространяется под 60 торговыми марками. Чаеразвесочная фабрика в Иглсклифф, графство Дарем, Великобритания – единственный производитель чая Tetley в пакетиках (рис. 2).

    ABB offers a flexible choice of service agreements for both new and existing robot installations, which can help extend the mean time between failures, shorten the time to repair and lower the cost of automated production.

    Предлагаемые АББ контракты на выполнение технического обслуживания как уже имеющихся, так и вновь устанавливаемых роботов, позволяют значительно увеличить среднюю наработку на отказ, сократить время ремонта и общую стоимость автоматизированного производства.

    Robots in the plant’s production line were tripping alarms and delaying the whole production cycle. The spurious alarms resulted in much unnecessary downtime that was spent resetting the robots in the hope that another breakdown could be avoided. Each time an alarm was tripped, several hours of production time was lost. “It was for this reason that we were keen to try out ABB’s Remote Service agreement,” said Colin Trevor, plant maintenance manager.

    Установленные в технологической линии роботы выдавали аварийные сигналы, задерживающие выполнение производственного цикла. Ложные срабатывания вынуждали перезапускать роботов в надежде предотвратить возможные отказы, в результате чего после каждого аварийного сигнала производство останавливалось на несколько часов. «Именно поэтому мы решили попробовать заключить с АББ контракт на дистанционное техническое обслуживание», – сказал Колин Тревор, начальник технической службы фабрики.

    To prevent future disruptions caused by unplanned downtime, Tetley signed an ABB Response Package service agreement, which included installing a service box and system infrastructure into the robot control systems. Using the Remote Service solution, ABB remotely monitors and collects data on the “wear and tear” and productivity of the robotic cells; this data is then shared with the customer and contributes to smooth-running production cycles.

    Для предотвращения ущерба в результате незапланированных простоев Tetley заключила с АББ контракт на комплексное обслуживание Response Package, согласно которому системы управления роботами были дооборудованы сервисными блоками с необходимой инфраструктурой. С помощью Remote Service компания АББ дистанционно собирает данные о наработке, износе и производительности роботизированных модулей. Эти данные предоставляются заказчику для оптимизации загрузки производственного оборудования.

    Higher production uptime
    Since the implementation of Remote Service, Tetley has enjoyed greatly reduced robot downtime, with no further disruptions caused by unforeseen problems. “The Remote Service package has dramatically changed the plant,” said Trevor. “We no longer have breakdown issues throughout the shift, helping us to achieve much longer periods of robot uptime. As we have learned, world-class manufacturing facilities need world-class support packages. Remote monitoring of our robots helps us to maintain machine uptime, prevent costly downtime and ensures my employees can be put to more valuable use.”

    Увеличение полезного времени
    С момента внедрения Remote Service компания Tetley была приятно удивлена резким сокращением простоя роботов и отсутствием незапланированных остановок производства. «Пакет Remote Service резко изменил ситуацию на предприятии», – сказал Тревор. «Мы избавились от простоев роботов и смогли резко увеличить их эксплуатационную готовность. Мы поняли, что для производственного оборудования мирового класса необходим сервисный пакет мирового класса. Дистанционный контроль роботов помогает нам поддерживать их в рабочем состоянии, предотвращать дорогостоящие простои и задействовать наш персонал для выполнения более важных задач».

    Service access
    Remote Service is available worldwide, connecting more than 500 robots. Companies that have up to 30 robots are often good candidates for the Remote Service offering, as they usually have neither the engineers nor the requisite skills to deal with robotics faults themselves. Larger companies are also enthusiastic about Remote Service, as the proactive services will improve the lifetime of their equipment and increase overall production uptime.

    Доступность сервиса
    Сеть Remote Service охватывает более 700 роботов по всему миру. Потенциальными заказчиками Remote Service являются компании, имеющие до 30 роботов, но не имеющие инженеров и техников, способных самостоятельно устранять их неисправности. Интерес к Remote Service проявляют и более крупные компании, поскольку они заинтересованы в увеличении срока службы и эксплуатационной готовности производственного оборудования.

    In today’s competitive environment, business profitability often relies on demanding production schedules that do not always leave time for exhaustive or repeated equipment health checks. ABB’s Remote Service agreements are designed to monitor its customers’ robots to identify when problems are likely to occur and ensure that help is dispatched before the problem can escalate. In over 60 percent of ABB’s service calls, its robots can be brought back online remotely, without further intervention.

    В условиях современной конкуренции окупаемость бизнеса часто зависит от соблюдения жестких графиков производства, не оставляющих времени для полномасштабных или периодических проверок исправности оборудования. Контракт Remote Service предусматривает мониторинг состояния роботов заказчика для прогнозирования возможных неисправностей и принятие мер по их предотвращению. В более чем 60 % случаев для устранения неисправности достаточно дистанционной консультации в сервисной службе АББ, дальнейшего вмешательства не требуется.

    ABB offers a flexible choice of service agreements for both new and existing robot installations, which helps extend the mean time between failures, shorten the time to repair and lower the total cost of ownership. With four new packages available – Support, Response, Maintenance and Warranty, each backed up by ABB’s Remote Service technology – businesses can minimize the impact of unplanned downtime and achieve improved production-line efficiency.

    Компания АББ предлагает гибкий выбор контрактов на выполнение технического обслуживания как уже имеющихся, так и вновь устанавливаемых роботов, которые позволяют значительно увеличить среднюю наработку на отказ, сократить время ремонта и эксплуатационные расходы. Четыре новых пакета на основе технологии Remote Service Support, Response, Maintenance и Warranty – позволяют минимизировать внеплановые простои и значительно повысить эффективность производства.

    The benefits of Remote Sevice are clear: improved availability, fewer service visits, lower maintenance costs and maximized total cost of ownership. This unique service sets ABB apart from its competitors and is the beginning of a revolution in service thinking. It provides ABB with a great opportunity to improve customer access to its expertise and develop more advanced services worldwide.

    Преимущества дистанционного технического обслуживания очевидны: повышенная надежность, уменьшение выездов ремонтных бригад, уменьшение затрат на обслуживание и общих эксплуатационных расходов. Эта уникальная услуга дает компании АББ преимущества над конкурентами и демонстрирует революционный подход к организации сервиса. Благодаря ей компания АББ расширяет доступ заказчиков к опыту своих специалистов и получает возможность более эффективного оказания технической помощи по всему миру.


    • тех. обсл. и ремонт средств электросвязи

    Обобщающие термины


    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > дистанционное техническое обслуживание

  • 22 remote maintenance

    1. дистанционное техническое обслуживание


    дистанционное техническое обслуживание
    Техническое обслуживание объекта, проводимое под управлением персонала без его непосредственного присутствия.
    [ОСТ 45.152-99 ]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU из ABB Review. Перевод компании Интент

    Service from afar

    Дистанционный сервис

    ABB’s Remote Service concept is revolutionizing the robotics industry

    Разработанная АББ концепция дистанционного обслуживания Remote Service революционизирует робототехнику

    ABB robots are found in industrial applications everywhere – lifting, packing, grinding and welding, to name a few. Robust and tireless, they work around the clock and are critical to a company’s productivity. Thus, keeping these robots in top shape is essential – any failure can lead to serious output consequences. But what happens when a robot malfunctions?

    Роботы АББ используются во всех отраслях промышленности для перемещения грузов, упаковки, шлифовки, сварки – всего и не перечислить. Надежные и неутомимые работники, способные трудиться день и ночь, они представляют большую ценность для владельца. Поэтому очень важно поддерживать их в надлежащей состоянии, ведь любой отказ может иметь серьезные последствия. Но что делать, если робот все-таки сломался?

    ABB’s new Remote Service concept holds the answer: This approach enables a malfunctioning robot to alarm for help itself. An ABB service engineer then receives whole diagnostic information via wireless technology, analyzes the data on a Web site and responds with support in just minutes. This unique service is paying off for customers and ABB alike, and in the process is revolutionizing service thinking.

    Ответом на этот вопрос стала новая концепция Remote Service от АББ, согласно которой неисправный робот сам просит о помощи. C помощью беспроводной технологии специалист сервисной службы АББ получает всю необходимую диагностическую информацию, анализирует данные на web-сайте и через считанные минуты выдает рекомендации по устранению отказа. Эта уникальная возможность одинаково ценна как для заказчиков, так и для самой компании АББ. В перспективе она способна в корне изменить весь подход к организации технического обслуживания.

    Every minute of production downtime can have financially disastrous consequences for a company. Traditional reactive service is no longer sufficient since on-site service engineer visits also demand great amounts of time and money. Thus, companies not only require faster help from the service organization when needed but they also want to avoid disturbances in production.

    Каждая минута простоя производства может привести к губительным финансовым последствиям. Традиционная организация сервиса, предусматривающая ликвидацию возникающих неисправностей, становится все менее эффективной, поскольку вызов сервисного инженера на место эксплуатации робота сопряжен с большими затратами времени и денег. Предприятия требуют от сервисной организации не только более быстрого оказания помощи, но и предотвращения возможных сбоев производства.

    In 2006, ABB developed a new approach to better meet customer’s expectations: Using the latest technologies to reach the robots at customer sites around the world, ABB could support them remotely in just minutes, thereby reducing the need for site visits. Thus the new Remote Service concept was quickly brought to fruition and was launched in mid-2007. Statistics show that by using the system the majority of production stoppages can be avoided.

    В 2006 г. компания АББ разработала новый подход к удовлетворению ожиданий своих заказчиков. Использование современных технологий позволяет специалистам АББ получать информацию от роботов из любой точки мира и в считанные минуты оказывать помощь дистанционно, в результате чего сокращается количество выездов на место установки. Запущенная в середине 2007 г. концепция Remote Service быстро себя оправдала. Статистика показывает, что её применение позволило предотвратить большое число остановок производства.

    Reactive maintenance The hardware that makes ABB Remote Service possible consists of a communication unit, which has a function similar to that of an airplane’s so-called black box 1. This “service box” is connected to the robot’s control system and can read and transmit diagnostic information. The unit not only reads critical diagnostic information that enables immediate support in the event of a failure, but also makes it possible to monitor and analyze the robot’s condition, thereby proactively detecting the need for maintenance.

    Устранение возникающих неисправностей Аппаратное устройство, с помощью которого реализуется концепция Remote Service, представляет собой коммуникационный блок, работающий аналогично черному ящику самолета (рис. 1). Этот блок считывает диагностические данные из контроллера робота и передает их по каналу GSM. Считывается не только информация, необходимая для оказания немедленной помощи в случае отказа, но и сведения, позволяющие контролировать и анализировать состояние робота для прогнозирования неисправностей и планирования технического обслуживания.

    If the robot breaks down, the service box immediately stores the status of the robot, its historical data (as log files), and diagnostic parameters such as temperature and power supply. Equipped with a built-in modem and using the GSM network, the box transmits the data to a central server for analysis and presentation on a dedicated Web site. Alerts are automatically sent to the nearest of ABB’s 1,200 robot service engineers who then accesses the detailed data and error log to analyze the problem.

    При поломке робота сервисный блок немедленно сохраняет данные о его состоянии, сведения из рабочего журнала, а также значения диагностических параметров (температура и характеристики питания). Эти данные передаются встроенным GSM-модемом на центральный сервер для анализа и представления на соответствующем web-сайте. Аварийные сообщения автоматически пересылаются ближайшему к месту аварии одному из 1200 сервисных инженеров-робототехников АББ, который получает доступ к детальной информации и журналу аварий для анализа возникшей проблемы.

    A remotely based ABB engineer can then quickly identify the exact fault, offering rapid customer support. For problems that cannot be solved remotely, the service engineer can arrange for quick delivery of spare parts and visit the site to repair the robot. Even if the engineer must make a site visit, service is faster, more efficient and performed to a higher standard than otherwise possible.

    Специалист АББ может дистанционно идентифицировать отказ и оказать быструю помощь заказчику. Если неисправность не может быть устранена дистанционно, сервисный инженер организовывает доставку запасных частей и выезд ремонтной бригады. Даже если необходимо разрешение проблемы на месте, предшествующая дистанционная диагностика позволяет минимизировать объем работ и сократить время простоя.

    Remote Service enables engineers to “talk” to robots remotely and to utilize tools that enable smart, fast and automatic analysis. The system is based on a machine-to-machine (M2M) concept, which works automatically, requiring human input only for analysis and personalized customer recommendations. ABB was recognized for this innovative solution at the M2M United Conference in Chicago in 2008 Factbox.

    Remote Service позволяет инженерам «разговаривать» с роботами на расстоянии и предоставляет в их распоряжение интеллектуальные средства быстрого автоматизированного анализа. Система основана на основе технологии автоматической связи машины с машиной (M2M), где участие человека сводится к анализу данных и выдаче рекомендаций клиенту. В 2008 г. это инновационное решение от АББ получило приз на конференции M2M United Conference в Чикаго (см. вставку).

    Proactive maintenance 
    Remote Service also allows ABB engineers to monitor and detect potential problems in the robot system and opens up new possibilities for proactive maintenance.

    Прогнозирование неисправностей
    Remote Service позволяет инженерам АББ дистанционно контролировать состояние роботов и прогнозировать возможные неисправности, что открывает новые возможности по организации профилактического обслуживания.

    The service box regularly takes condition measurements. By monitoring key parameters over time, Remote Service can identify potential failures and when necessary notify both the end customer and the appropriate ABB engineer. The management and storage of full system backups is a very powerful service to help recover from critical situations caused, for example, by operator errors.

    Сервисный блок регулярно выполняет диагностические измерения. Непрерывно контролируя ключевые параметры, Remote Service может распознать потенциальные опасности и, при необходимости, оповещать владельца оборудования и соответствующего специалиста АББ. Резервирование данных для возможного отката является мощным средством, обеспечивающим восстановление системы в критических ситуациях, например, после ошибки оператора.

    The first Remote Service installation took place in the automotive industry in the United States and quickly proved its value. The motherboard in a robot cabinet overheated and the rise in temperature triggered an alarm via Remote Service. Because of the alarm, engineers were able to replace a faulty fan, preventing a costly production shutdown.

    Первая система Remote Service была установлена на автозаводе в США и очень скоро была оценена по достоинству. Она обнаружила перегрев материнской платы в шкафу управления роботом и передала сигнал о превышении допустимой температуры, благодаря чему инженеры смогли заменить неисправный вентилятор и предотвратить дорогостоящую остановку производства.

    MyRobot: 24-hour remote access

    Having regular access to a robot’s condition data is also essential to achieving lean production. At any time, from any location, customers can verify their robots’ status and access maintenance information and performance reports simply by logging in to ABB’s MyRobot Web site. The service enables customers to easily compare performances, identify bottlenecks or developing issues, and initiate the most

    Сайт MyRobot: круглосуточный дистанционный доступ
    Для того чтобы обеспечить бесперебойное производство, необходимо иметь регулярный доступ к информации о состоянии робота. Зайдя на соответствующую страницу сайта MyRobot компании АББ, заказчики получат все необходимые данные, включая сведения о техническом обслуживании и отчеты о производительности своего робота. Эта услуга позволяет легко сравнивать данные о производительности, обнаруживать возможные проблемы, а также оптимизировать планирование технического обслуживания и модернизации. С помощью MyRobot можно значительно увеличить выпуск продукции и уменьшить количество выбросов.

    Award-winning solution
    In June 2008, the innovative Remote Service solution won the Gold Value Chain award at the M2M United Conference in Chicago. The value chain award honors successful corporate adopters of M2M (machine–to-machine) technology and highlights the process of combining multiple technologies to deliver high-quality services to customers. ABB won in the categoryof Smart Services.

    Приз за удачное решение
    В июне 2008 г. инновационное решение Remote Service получило награду Gold Value Chain (Золотая цепь) на конференции M2M United Conference в Чикаго. «Золотая цепь» присуждается за успешное масштабное внедрение технологии M2M (машина – машина), а также за достижения в объединении различных технологий для предоставления высококачественных услуг заказчикам. АББ одержала победу в номинации «Интеллектуальный сервис».

    Case study: Tetley Tetley GB Ltd is the world’s second-largest manufacturer and distributor of tea. The company’s manufacturing and distribution business is spread across 40 countries and sells over 60 branded tea bags. Tetley’s UK tea production facility in Eaglescliffe, County Durham is the sole producer of Tetley tea bags 2.

    Пример применения: Tetley Компания TetleyGB Ltd является вторым по величине мировым производителем и поставщиком чая. Производственные и торговые филиалы компании имеются в 40 странах, а продукция распространяется под 60 торговыми марками. Чаеразвесочная фабрика в Иглсклифф, графство Дарем, Великобритания – единственный производитель чая Tetley в пакетиках (рис. 2).

    ABB offers a flexible choice of service agreements for both new and existing robot installations, which can help extend the mean time between failures, shorten the time to repair and lower the cost of automated production.

    Предлагаемые АББ контракты на выполнение технического обслуживания как уже имеющихся, так и вновь устанавливаемых роботов, позволяют значительно увеличить среднюю наработку на отказ, сократить время ремонта и общую стоимость автоматизированного производства.

    Robots in the plant’s production line were tripping alarms and delaying the whole production cycle. The spurious alarms resulted in much unnecessary downtime that was spent resetting the robots in the hope that another breakdown could be avoided. Each time an alarm was tripped, several hours of production time was lost. “It was for this reason that we were keen to try out ABB’s Remote Service agreement,” said Colin Trevor, plant maintenance manager.

    Установленные в технологической линии роботы выдавали аварийные сигналы, задерживающие выполнение производственного цикла. Ложные срабатывания вынуждали перезапускать роботов в надежде предотвратить возможные отказы, в результате чего после каждого аварийного сигнала производство останавливалось на несколько часов. «Именно поэтому мы решили попробовать заключить с АББ контракт на дистанционное техническое обслуживание», – сказал Колин Тревор, начальник технической службы фабрики.

    To prevent future disruptions caused by unplanned downtime, Tetley signed an ABB Response Package service agreement, which included installing a service box and system infrastructure into the robot control systems. Using the Remote Service solution, ABB remotely monitors and collects data on the “wear and tear” and productivity of the robotic cells; this data is then shared with the customer and contributes to smooth-running production cycles.

    Для предотвращения ущерба в результате незапланированных простоев Tetley заключила с АББ контракт на комплексное обслуживание Response Package, согласно которому системы управления роботами были дооборудованы сервисными блоками с необходимой инфраструктурой. С помощью Remote Service компания АББ дистанционно собирает данные о наработке, износе и производительности роботизированных модулей. Эти данные предоставляются заказчику для оптимизации загрузки производственного оборудования.

    Higher production uptime
    Since the implementation of Remote Service, Tetley has enjoyed greatly reduced robot downtime, with no further disruptions caused by unforeseen problems. “The Remote Service package has dramatically changed the plant,” said Trevor. “We no longer have breakdown issues throughout the shift, helping us to achieve much longer periods of robot uptime. As we have learned, world-class manufacturing facilities need world-class support packages. Remote monitoring of our robots helps us to maintain machine uptime, prevent costly downtime and ensures my employees can be put to more valuable use.”

    Увеличение полезного времени
    С момента внедрения Remote Service компания Tetley была приятно удивлена резким сокращением простоя роботов и отсутствием незапланированных остановок производства. «Пакет Remote Service резко изменил ситуацию на предприятии», – сказал Тревор. «Мы избавились от простоев роботов и смогли резко увеличить их эксплуатационную готовность. Мы поняли, что для производственного оборудования мирового класса необходим сервисный пакет мирового класса. Дистанционный контроль роботов помогает нам поддерживать их в рабочем состоянии, предотвращать дорогостоящие простои и задействовать наш персонал для выполнения более важных задач».

    Service access
    Remote Service is available worldwide, connecting more than 500 robots. Companies that have up to 30 robots are often good candidates for the Remote Service offering, as they usually have neither the engineers nor the requisite skills to deal with robotics faults themselves. Larger companies are also enthusiastic about Remote Service, as the proactive services will improve the lifetime of their equipment and increase overall production uptime.

    Доступность сервиса
    Сеть Remote Service охватывает более 700 роботов по всему миру. Потенциальными заказчиками Remote Service являются компании, имеющие до 30 роботов, но не имеющие инженеров и техников, способных самостоятельно устранять их неисправности. Интерес к Remote Service проявляют и более крупные компании, поскольку они заинтересованы в увеличении срока службы и эксплуатационной готовности производственного оборудования.

    In today’s competitive environment, business profitability often relies on demanding production schedules that do not always leave time for exhaustive or repeated equipment health checks. ABB’s Remote Service agreements are designed to monitor its customers’ robots to identify when problems are likely to occur and ensure that help is dispatched before the problem can escalate. In over 60 percent of ABB’s service calls, its robots can be brought back online remotely, without further intervention.

    В условиях современной конкуренции окупаемость бизнеса часто зависит от соблюдения жестких графиков производства, не оставляющих времени для полномасштабных или периодических проверок исправности оборудования. Контракт Remote Service предусматривает мониторинг состояния роботов заказчика для прогнозирования возможных неисправностей и принятие мер по их предотвращению. В более чем 60 % случаев для устранения неисправности достаточно дистанционной консультации в сервисной службе АББ, дальнейшего вмешательства не требуется.

    ABB offers a flexible choice of service agreements for both new and existing robot installations, which helps extend the mean time between failures, shorten the time to repair and lower the total cost of ownership. With four new packages available – Support, Response, Maintenance and Warranty, each backed up by ABB’s Remote Service technology – businesses can minimize the impact of unplanned downtime and achieve improved production-line efficiency.

    Компания АББ предлагает гибкий выбор контрактов на выполнение технического обслуживания как уже имеющихся, так и вновь устанавливаемых роботов, которые позволяют значительно увеличить среднюю наработку на отказ, сократить время ремонта и эксплуатационные расходы. Четыре новых пакета на основе технологии Remote Service Support, Response, Maintenance и Warranty – позволяют минимизировать внеплановые простои и значительно повысить эффективность производства.

    The benefits of Remote Sevice are clear: improved availability, fewer service visits, lower maintenance costs and maximized total cost of ownership. This unique service sets ABB apart from its competitors and is the beginning of a revolution in service thinking. It provides ABB with a great opportunity to improve customer access to its expertise and develop more advanced services worldwide.

    Преимущества дистанционного технического обслуживания очевидны: повышенная надежность, уменьшение выездов ремонтных бригад, уменьшение затрат на обслуживание и общих эксплуатационных расходов. Эта уникальная услуга дает компании АББ преимущества над конкурентами и демонстрирует революционный подход к организации сервиса. Благодаря ей компания АББ расширяет доступ заказчиков к опыту своих специалистов и получает возможность более эффективного оказания технической помощи по всему миру.


    • тех. обсл. и ремонт средств электросвязи

    Обобщающие термины


    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > remote maintenance

  • 23 remote sevice

    1. дистанционное техническое обслуживание


    дистанционное техническое обслуживание
    Техническое обслуживание объекта, проводимое под управлением персонала без его непосредственного присутствия.
    [ОСТ 45.152-99 ]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU из ABB Review. Перевод компании Интент

    Service from afar

    Дистанционный сервис

    ABB’s Remote Service concept is revolutionizing the robotics industry

    Разработанная АББ концепция дистанционного обслуживания Remote Service революционизирует робототехнику

    ABB robots are found in industrial applications everywhere – lifting, packing, grinding and welding, to name a few. Robust and tireless, they work around the clock and are critical to a company’s productivity. Thus, keeping these robots in top shape is essential – any failure can lead to serious output consequences. But what happens when a robot malfunctions?

    Роботы АББ используются во всех отраслях промышленности для перемещения грузов, упаковки, шлифовки, сварки – всего и не перечислить. Надежные и неутомимые работники, способные трудиться день и ночь, они представляют большую ценность для владельца. Поэтому очень важно поддерживать их в надлежащей состоянии, ведь любой отказ может иметь серьезные последствия. Но что делать, если робот все-таки сломался?

    ABB’s new Remote Service concept holds the answer: This approach enables a malfunctioning robot to alarm for help itself. An ABB service engineer then receives whole diagnostic information via wireless technology, analyzes the data on a Web site and responds with support in just minutes. This unique service is paying off for customers and ABB alike, and in the process is revolutionizing service thinking.

    Ответом на этот вопрос стала новая концепция Remote Service от АББ, согласно которой неисправный робот сам просит о помощи. C помощью беспроводной технологии специалист сервисной службы АББ получает всю необходимую диагностическую информацию, анализирует данные на web-сайте и через считанные минуты выдает рекомендации по устранению отказа. Эта уникальная возможность одинаково ценна как для заказчиков, так и для самой компании АББ. В перспективе она способна в корне изменить весь подход к организации технического обслуживания.

    Every minute of production downtime can have financially disastrous consequences for a company. Traditional reactive service is no longer sufficient since on-site service engineer visits also demand great amounts of time and money. Thus, companies not only require faster help from the service organization when needed but they also want to avoid disturbances in production.

    Каждая минута простоя производства может привести к губительным финансовым последствиям. Традиционная организация сервиса, предусматривающая ликвидацию возникающих неисправностей, становится все менее эффективной, поскольку вызов сервисного инженера на место эксплуатации робота сопряжен с большими затратами времени и денег. Предприятия требуют от сервисной организации не только более быстрого оказания помощи, но и предотвращения возможных сбоев производства.

    In 2006, ABB developed a new approach to better meet customer’s expectations: Using the latest technologies to reach the robots at customer sites around the world, ABB could support them remotely in just minutes, thereby reducing the need for site visits. Thus the new Remote Service concept was quickly brought to fruition and was launched in mid-2007. Statistics show that by using the system the majority of production stoppages can be avoided.

    В 2006 г. компания АББ разработала новый подход к удовлетворению ожиданий своих заказчиков. Использование современных технологий позволяет специалистам АББ получать информацию от роботов из любой точки мира и в считанные минуты оказывать помощь дистанционно, в результате чего сокращается количество выездов на место установки. Запущенная в середине 2007 г. концепция Remote Service быстро себя оправдала. Статистика показывает, что её применение позволило предотвратить большое число остановок производства.

    Reactive maintenance The hardware that makes ABB Remote Service possible consists of a communication unit, which has a function similar to that of an airplane’s so-called black box 1. This “service box” is connected to the robot’s control system and can read and transmit diagnostic information. The unit not only reads critical diagnostic information that enables immediate support in the event of a failure, but also makes it possible to monitor and analyze the robot’s condition, thereby proactively detecting the need for maintenance.

    Устранение возникающих неисправностей Аппаратное устройство, с помощью которого реализуется концепция Remote Service, представляет собой коммуникационный блок, работающий аналогично черному ящику самолета (рис. 1). Этот блок считывает диагностические данные из контроллера робота и передает их по каналу GSM. Считывается не только информация, необходимая для оказания немедленной помощи в случае отказа, но и сведения, позволяющие контролировать и анализировать состояние робота для прогнозирования неисправностей и планирования технического обслуживания.

    If the robot breaks down, the service box immediately stores the status of the robot, its historical data (as log files), and diagnostic parameters such as temperature and power supply. Equipped with a built-in modem and using the GSM network, the box transmits the data to a central server for analysis and presentation on a dedicated Web site. Alerts are automatically sent to the nearest of ABB’s 1,200 robot service engineers who then accesses the detailed data and error log to analyze the problem.

    При поломке робота сервисный блок немедленно сохраняет данные о его состоянии, сведения из рабочего журнала, а также значения диагностических параметров (температура и характеристики питания). Эти данные передаются встроенным GSM-модемом на центральный сервер для анализа и представления на соответствующем web-сайте. Аварийные сообщения автоматически пересылаются ближайшему к месту аварии одному из 1200 сервисных инженеров-робототехников АББ, который получает доступ к детальной информации и журналу аварий для анализа возникшей проблемы.

    A remotely based ABB engineer can then quickly identify the exact fault, offering rapid customer support. For problems that cannot be solved remotely, the service engineer can arrange for quick delivery of spare parts and visit the site to repair the robot. Even if the engineer must make a site visit, service is faster, more efficient and performed to a higher standard than otherwise possible.

    Специалист АББ может дистанционно идентифицировать отказ и оказать быструю помощь заказчику. Если неисправность не может быть устранена дистанционно, сервисный инженер организовывает доставку запасных частей и выезд ремонтной бригады. Даже если необходимо разрешение проблемы на месте, предшествующая дистанционная диагностика позволяет минимизировать объем работ и сократить время простоя.

    Remote Service enables engineers to “talk” to robots remotely and to utilize tools that enable smart, fast and automatic analysis. The system is based on a machine-to-machine (M2M) concept, which works automatically, requiring human input only for analysis and personalized customer recommendations. ABB was recognized for this innovative solution at the M2M United Conference in Chicago in 2008 Factbox.

    Remote Service позволяет инженерам «разговаривать» с роботами на расстоянии и предоставляет в их распоряжение интеллектуальные средства быстрого автоматизированного анализа. Система основана на основе технологии автоматической связи машины с машиной (M2M), где участие человека сводится к анализу данных и выдаче рекомендаций клиенту. В 2008 г. это инновационное решение от АББ получило приз на конференции M2M United Conference в Чикаго (см. вставку).

    Proactive maintenance 
    Remote Service also allows ABB engineers to monitor and detect potential problems in the robot system and opens up new possibilities for proactive maintenance.

    Прогнозирование неисправностей
    Remote Service позволяет инженерам АББ дистанционно контролировать состояние роботов и прогнозировать возможные неисправности, что открывает новые возможности по организации профилактического обслуживания.

    The service box regularly takes condition measurements. By monitoring key parameters over time, Remote Service can identify potential failures and when necessary notify both the end customer and the appropriate ABB engineer. The management and storage of full system backups is a very powerful service to help recover from critical situations caused, for example, by operator errors.

    Сервисный блок регулярно выполняет диагностические измерения. Непрерывно контролируя ключевые параметры, Remote Service может распознать потенциальные опасности и, при необходимости, оповещать владельца оборудования и соответствующего специалиста АББ. Резервирование данных для возможного отката является мощным средством, обеспечивающим восстановление системы в критических ситуациях, например, после ошибки оператора.

    The first Remote Service installation took place in the automotive industry in the United States and quickly proved its value. The motherboard in a robot cabinet overheated and the rise in temperature triggered an alarm via Remote Service. Because of the alarm, engineers were able to replace a faulty fan, preventing a costly production shutdown.

    Первая система Remote Service была установлена на автозаводе в США и очень скоро была оценена по достоинству. Она обнаружила перегрев материнской платы в шкафу управления роботом и передала сигнал о превышении допустимой температуры, благодаря чему инженеры смогли заменить неисправный вентилятор и предотвратить дорогостоящую остановку производства.

    MyRobot: 24-hour remote access

    Having regular access to a robot’s condition data is also essential to achieving lean production. At any time, from any location, customers can verify their robots’ status and access maintenance information and performance reports simply by logging in to ABB’s MyRobot Web site. The service enables customers to easily compare performances, identify bottlenecks or developing issues, and initiate the most

    Сайт MyRobot: круглосуточный дистанционный доступ
    Для того чтобы обеспечить бесперебойное производство, необходимо иметь регулярный доступ к информации о состоянии робота. Зайдя на соответствующую страницу сайта MyRobot компании АББ, заказчики получат все необходимые данные, включая сведения о техническом обслуживании и отчеты о производительности своего робота. Эта услуга позволяет легко сравнивать данные о производительности, обнаруживать возможные проблемы, а также оптимизировать планирование технического обслуживания и модернизации. С помощью MyRobot можно значительно увеличить выпуск продукции и уменьшить количество выбросов.

    Award-winning solution
    In June 2008, the innovative Remote Service solution won the Gold Value Chain award at the M2M United Conference in Chicago. The value chain award honors successful corporate adopters of M2M (machine–to-machine) technology and highlights the process of combining multiple technologies to deliver high-quality services to customers. ABB won in the categoryof Smart Services.

    Приз за удачное решение
    В июне 2008 г. инновационное решение Remote Service получило награду Gold Value Chain (Золотая цепь) на конференции M2M United Conference в Чикаго. «Золотая цепь» присуждается за успешное масштабное внедрение технологии M2M (машина – машина), а также за достижения в объединении различных технологий для предоставления высококачественных услуг заказчикам. АББ одержала победу в номинации «Интеллектуальный сервис».

    Case study: Tetley Tetley GB Ltd is the world’s second-largest manufacturer and distributor of tea. The company’s manufacturing and distribution business is spread across 40 countries and sells over 60 branded tea bags. Tetley’s UK tea production facility in Eaglescliffe, County Durham is the sole producer of Tetley tea bags 2.

    Пример применения: Tetley Компания TetleyGB Ltd является вторым по величине мировым производителем и поставщиком чая. Производственные и торговые филиалы компании имеются в 40 странах, а продукция распространяется под 60 торговыми марками. Чаеразвесочная фабрика в Иглсклифф, графство Дарем, Великобритания – единственный производитель чая Tetley в пакетиках (рис. 2).

    ABB offers a flexible choice of service agreements for both new and existing robot installations, which can help extend the mean time between failures, shorten the time to repair and lower the cost of automated production.

    Предлагаемые АББ контракты на выполнение технического обслуживания как уже имеющихся, так и вновь устанавливаемых роботов, позволяют значительно увеличить среднюю наработку на отказ, сократить время ремонта и общую стоимость автоматизированного производства.

    Robots in the plant’s production line were tripping alarms and delaying the whole production cycle. The spurious alarms resulted in much unnecessary downtime that was spent resetting the robots in the hope that another breakdown could be avoided. Each time an alarm was tripped, several hours of production time was lost. “It was for this reason that we were keen to try out ABB’s Remote Service agreement,” said Colin Trevor, plant maintenance manager.

    Установленные в технологической линии роботы выдавали аварийные сигналы, задерживающие выполнение производственного цикла. Ложные срабатывания вынуждали перезапускать роботов в надежде предотвратить возможные отказы, в результате чего после каждого аварийного сигнала производство останавливалось на несколько часов. «Именно поэтому мы решили попробовать заключить с АББ контракт на дистанционное техническое обслуживание», – сказал Колин Тревор, начальник технической службы фабрики.

    To prevent future disruptions caused by unplanned downtime, Tetley signed an ABB Response Package service agreement, which included installing a service box and system infrastructure into the robot control systems. Using the Remote Service solution, ABB remotely monitors and collects data on the “wear and tear” and productivity of the robotic cells; this data is then shared with the customer and contributes to smooth-running production cycles.

    Для предотвращения ущерба в результате незапланированных простоев Tetley заключила с АББ контракт на комплексное обслуживание Response Package, согласно которому системы управления роботами были дооборудованы сервисными блоками с необходимой инфраструктурой. С помощью Remote Service компания АББ дистанционно собирает данные о наработке, износе и производительности роботизированных модулей. Эти данные предоставляются заказчику для оптимизации загрузки производственного оборудования.

    Higher production uptime
    Since the implementation of Remote Service, Tetley has enjoyed greatly reduced robot downtime, with no further disruptions caused by unforeseen problems. “The Remote Service package has dramatically changed the plant,” said Trevor. “We no longer have breakdown issues throughout the shift, helping us to achieve much longer periods of robot uptime. As we have learned, world-class manufacturing facilities need world-class support packages. Remote monitoring of our robots helps us to maintain machine uptime, prevent costly downtime and ensures my employees can be put to more valuable use.”

    Увеличение полезного времени
    С момента внедрения Remote Service компания Tetley была приятно удивлена резким сокращением простоя роботов и отсутствием незапланированных остановок производства. «Пакет Remote Service резко изменил ситуацию на предприятии», – сказал Тревор. «Мы избавились от простоев роботов и смогли резко увеличить их эксплуатационную готовность. Мы поняли, что для производственного оборудования мирового класса необходим сервисный пакет мирового класса. Дистанционный контроль роботов помогает нам поддерживать их в рабочем состоянии, предотвращать дорогостоящие простои и задействовать наш персонал для выполнения более важных задач».

    Service access
    Remote Service is available worldwide, connecting more than 500 robots. Companies that have up to 30 robots are often good candidates for the Remote Service offering, as they usually have neither the engineers nor the requisite skills to deal with robotics faults themselves. Larger companies are also enthusiastic about Remote Service, as the proactive services will improve the lifetime of their equipment and increase overall production uptime.

    Доступность сервиса
    Сеть Remote Service охватывает более 700 роботов по всему миру. Потенциальными заказчиками Remote Service являются компании, имеющие до 30 роботов, но не имеющие инженеров и техников, способных самостоятельно устранять их неисправности. Интерес к Remote Service проявляют и более крупные компании, поскольку они заинтересованы в увеличении срока службы и эксплуатационной готовности производственного оборудования.

    In today’s competitive environment, business profitability often relies on demanding production schedules that do not always leave time for exhaustive or repeated equipment health checks. ABB’s Remote Service agreements are designed to monitor its customers’ robots to identify when problems are likely to occur and ensure that help is dispatched before the problem can escalate. In over 60 percent of ABB’s service calls, its robots can be brought back online remotely, without further intervention.

    В условиях современной конкуренции окупаемость бизнеса часто зависит от соблюдения жестких графиков производства, не оставляющих времени для полномасштабных или периодических проверок исправности оборудования. Контракт Remote Service предусматривает мониторинг состояния роботов заказчика для прогнозирования возможных неисправностей и принятие мер по их предотвращению. В более чем 60 % случаев для устранения неисправности достаточно дистанционной консультации в сервисной службе АББ, дальнейшего вмешательства не требуется.

    ABB offers a flexible choice of service agreements for both new and existing robot installations, which helps extend the mean time between failures, shorten the time to repair and lower the total cost of ownership. With four new packages available – Support, Response, Maintenance and Warranty, each backed up by ABB’s Remote Service technology – businesses can minimize the impact of unplanned downtime and achieve improved production-line efficiency.

    Компания АББ предлагает гибкий выбор контрактов на выполнение технического обслуживания как уже имеющихся, так и вновь устанавливаемых роботов, которые позволяют значительно увеличить среднюю наработку на отказ, сократить время ремонта и эксплуатационные расходы. Четыре новых пакета на основе технологии Remote Service Support, Response, Maintenance и Warranty – позволяют минимизировать внеплановые простои и значительно повысить эффективность производства.

    The benefits of Remote Sevice are clear: improved availability, fewer service visits, lower maintenance costs and maximized total cost of ownership. This unique service sets ABB apart from its competitors and is the beginning of a revolution in service thinking. It provides ABB with a great opportunity to improve customer access to its expertise and develop more advanced services worldwide.

    Преимущества дистанционного технического обслуживания очевидны: повышенная надежность, уменьшение выездов ремонтных бригад, уменьшение затрат на обслуживание и общих эксплуатационных расходов. Эта уникальная услуга дает компании АББ преимущества над конкурентами и демонстрирует революционный подход к организации сервиса. Благодаря ей компания АББ расширяет доступ заказчиков к опыту своих специалистов и получает возможность более эффективного оказания технической помощи по всему миру.


    • тех. обсл. и ремонт средств электросвязи

    Обобщающие термины


    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > remote sevice

  • 24 werben

    (Reklame machen) to tout; to advertise;
    (anwerben) to recruit; to enlist
    * * *
    wẹr|ben ['vɛrbn] pret wa\#rb [varp] ptp gewo\#rben [gə'vɔrbn]
    1. vt
    Mitglieder, Mitarbeiter to recruit; Kunden, Abonnenten, Stimmen to attract, to win; Soldaten to recruit, to enlist
    2. vi
    to advertise

    für etw werben — to advertise sth, to promote sth

    Plakate, die für den linken Kandidaten werben — placards supporting the left-wing candidate

    um etw werben — to solicit sth, to court sth

    um Unterstützung/Verständnis werben — to try to enlist support/understanding

    um junge Wähler/neue Kunden werben — to try to attract or woo young voters/new customers

    * * *
    2) (to try to gain (admiration etc).) court
    3) (to go about in search of buyers, jobs, support, votes etc: The taxi-driver drove around touting for custom.) tout
    * * *
    <wirbt, warb, geworben>
    I. vt
    jdn [für etw akk] \werben to recruit sb [for sth]
    II. vi
    für etw akk \werben to advertise [or promote] sth
    für eine Partei \werben to try to win support for a party
    um eine Frau/einen Mann \werben to woo a woman/pursue a man
    um Unterstützung \werben to try to enlist support
    um neue Wähler \werben to try to attract new voters
    um Vertrauen \werben to try to gain trust
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb
    2) (geh.): (sich bemühen)

    um jemandes Gunst/Freundschaft werben — court somebody's favour/friendship

    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb attract <customers etc.>; recruit <soldiers, members, staff, etc.>
    * * *
    werben; wirbt, warb, hat geworben
    A. v/t (Mitglieder etc) enlist; (Kunden, Stimmen) attract;
    jemanden für etwas werben win sb over to sth
    B. v/i POL campaign; WIRTSCH advertise;
    werben für auch promote, plug umg;
    um jemandes Vertrauen/die Gunst der Wähler etc
    werben set out to gain sb’s trust/the approval of the voters etc
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb
    2) (geh.): (sich bemühen)

    um jemandes Gunst/Freundschaft werben — court somebody's favour/friendship

    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb attract <customers etc.>; recruit <soldiers, members, staff, etc.>
    * * *
    (§ p.,pp.: warb, geworben)
    = to advertise (UK) v.
    to tout v.
    to woo v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > werben

  • 25 conseguir

    1 to obtain, to get.
    consiguió todo lo que se propuso she achieved everything she set out to do
    conseguir hacer algo to manage to do something
    no consiguió que me enfadara she didn't (manage to) get me annoyed
    María consiguió un descuento grande Mary got a huge discount.
    2 to get hold of, to get over here.
    María consiguió a Ricardo al fin Mary got hold of Richard at last.
    3 to manage to, to be able to, to get to, to find a way to.
    María consiguió llegar a tiempo Mary mMaríaged to arrive on time.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ SEGUIR], like link=seguir seguir
    1 (cosa) to obtain, get; (objetivo) to attain, achieve
    2 (lograr) to manage, succeed in
    ¡lo conseguí! I did it!
    * * *
    1) to achieve, attain
    2) get
    * * *
    VT [+ meta, objetivo] to achieve; [+ resultado] to obtain, achieve; [+ premio, campeonato] to win; [+ entradas, empleo, dinero] to get; [+ documento, visado, beca, permiso] to get, obtain; [+ acuerdo] to reach

    consiguieron la mayoría absolutathey won o gained an absolute majority

    conseguir hacer algo — to manage to do sth

    conseguir que algn haga algo — to get sb to do sth

    al final conseguí que me devolvieran el dinero — I got them to give me my money back in the end, I got my money back from them in the end

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <objetivo/fin/resultado> to achieve, obtain; <entrada/permiso/empleo> to get

    si lo intentas, al final lo conseguirás — if you try, you'll succeed in the end


    conseguir + inf — to manage to + inf


    conseguir que + subj: vas a conseguir que me enfade you're going to get me annoyed; al final conseguí que me dejaran pasar I finally got them to let me through; conseguí que me lo prestara — I got him to lend it to me

    conseguir vi (RPl)

    conseguir con alguien/algo — to get through to somebody/something

    * * *
    = accomplish, achieve, attain, cultivate, gain, get, obtain, procure, secure, work out, yield, effect, galvanise [galvanize, -USA], come by, get (a)round to, get + hold of, land, acquire, line up, win over.
    Ex. If a library prefers to simplify records in particular areas, this can usually be accomplished by not entering particular types of information.
    Ex. The above citation order is achieved by the intercalation of (73).
    Ex. A fully comparative account of recommendations for filing orders is likely to prove confusing until the reader has attained some familiarity with the general problems, and the solutions offered by one code.
    Ex. Such familiarity can be cultivated with experience, and will consider the following features of data bases.
    Ex. To many, therefore, this emphasis on information can provide a much-needed opportunity to gain the public library new influence and respect.
    Ex. DOBIS/LIBIS does not get a new document number, but reserves this document for you, so that no one else can change it while you are working on it.
    Ex. In the event that the position in the matrix contains more than 32 entries, it is necessary for the user to interact with the system to obtain the miniature catalog that will contain the entry s/he seeks.
    Ex. They are responsible for putting together advertisements, securing proofs, procuring the matrices, electrotypes, and other duplicate plates needed for insertion in publications.
    Ex. They are responsible for putting together advertisements, securing proofs, procuring the matrices, electrotypes, and other duplicate plates needed for insertion in publications.
    Ex. The details of how the assignment of numbers by authorized agencies would be controlled have yet to be worked out.
    Ex. This mixture of approaches is designed to yield maximum retrieval for as many users as possible by combining the different strengths of controlled and natural language indexing.
    Ex. Historically, the main reasons for unionization have been to effect better wages, fringe benefits, and working conditions.
    Ex. The author discusses how librarians should present themselves to effectively galvanize public support for their leadership in the digital age.
    Ex. This article shows how teachers came by such information and the use they made it of in their work.
    Ex. The best way is to talk to them, using a structured plan so that you do get round to asking the right questions.
    Ex. It is difficult for Western librarians to find out what is being published, or to get hold of the materials that they know about.
    Ex. For example, Mile High Comics has served libraries in the past and is eager to land more library customers.
    Ex. Many libraries have special collections of foreign, unpublished or unusual materials which include items unlikely to be acquired by other libraries.
    Ex. The actress flaked out again and the director is trying to line up a replacement.
    Ex. It is the latest incentive being offered to attract the Web user and win over their loyalty of custom.
    * casi conseguir = come close to + Gerundio.
    * conseguir acceso = gain + access, gain + admittance.
    * conseguir admiración = gain + respect.
    * conseguir algo = get + anywhere.
    * conseguir Algo con esfuerzo = hack.
    * conseguir Algo contra todo pronóstico = beat + the odds.
    * conseguir algo de = get + something out of.
    * conseguir Algo en contra de lo previsible = beat + the odds.
    * conseguir Algo fácilmente = coast.
    * conseguir Algo, lograr Algo = pull + Nombre + off.
    * conseguir apoyo = mobilise + support, win + support, line up + support, gain + support.
    * conseguir ayuda = secure + help.
    * conseguir beneficio = accrue + benefit.
    * conseguir calmarse = regain + Posesivo + composure.
    * conseguir con dificultad = eke out.
    * conseguir con esfuerzo = mine.
    * conseguir el control = gain + control (over/of).
    * conseguir el derecho para = win + the right to.
    * conseguir el dinero = come up with + the money.
    * conseguir en gran medida + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.
    * conseguir éxito = achieve + success.
    * conseguir éxitos y fracasos = encounter + problems and successes.
    * conseguir fondos = win + funds.
    * conseguir hablar con = catch up with.
    * conseguir la reconciliación = bring about + reconciliation.
    * conseguir liberarse de = secure + relief from.
    * conseguirlo = pull it off, nail it.
    * conseguir localizar = get + hold of.
    * conseguir lo imposible = achieve + the impossible, accomplish + the impossible, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * conseguir lo que Uno quiere = have + Posesivo + way (with).
    * conseguir mediante engaño = bluff + Posesivo + way into.
    * conseguir mucho = do + much.
    * conseguir ocupar un lugar específico = secure + a niche.
    * conseguir + Posesivo + aprobación = win + Posesivo + approval.
    * conseguir que = galvanise into.
    * conseguir realizarse plenamente = achieve + Posesivo + full potential.
    * conseguir reconocimiento = win + recognition.
    * conseguir recursos = mobilise + resources.
    * conseguir respeto = gain + respect.
    * conseguirse = accrue.
    * conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = grab + the limelight.
    * conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight.
    * conseguir ser el centro de atención = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight, grab + the limelight.
    * conseguir tiempo = buy + time.
    * conseguir una buena formación en = get + a good grounding on.
    * conseguir una meta = accomplish + goal.
    * conseguir una solución = achieve + solution.
    * conseguir un equilibrio = strike + a balance.
    * conseguir un estándar = attain + standard.
    * conseguir un fin = secure + end.
    * conseguir un ideal = attain + ideal, achieve + ideal.
    * conseguir unir = rally.
    * conseguir un objetivo = accomplish + objective, achieve + objective, attain + goal.
    * conseguir un premio = earn + an award, win + award, win + prize.
    * conseguir un puesto de trabajo = obtain + position.
    * conseguir un trabajo = enter + job, land + job.
    * difícil de conseguir = difficult to come by.
    * ejercer presión para conseguir Algo = push for.
    * esforzarse por conseguir = strive for, work toward(s).
    * estar en vías de conseguir = be on the road to.
    * fácil de conseguir = easy-to-get, easy to come by.
    * forma de conseguir Algo = lever.
    * intentar conseguir = aim for, work toward(s).
    * intentar conseguir Algo = take + a swing at.
    * modo de conseguir Algo = lever.
    * muy lejos de conseguir = a long way toward.
    * no conseguir nada = achieve + nothing.
    * no conseguir ni una cosa ni otra = fall (between/through) + the cracks.
    * para conseguir = in pursuit of.
    * pero sin conseguirlo = but no dice.
    * presionar para conseguir Algo = press for.
    * que no se puede conseguir = unobtainable.
    * resultar difícil de conseguir = prove + elusive.
    * ser algo muy fácil de conseguir = be there for the taking.
    * ser difícil de conseguir = be hard to get.
    * ser fácil de conseguir = be readily available.
    * un medio para conseguir un fin = a means to an end.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <objetivo/fin/resultado> to achieve, obtain; <entrada/permiso/empleo> to get

    si lo intentas, al final lo conseguirás — if you try, you'll succeed in the end


    conseguir + inf — to manage to + inf


    conseguir que + subj: vas a conseguir que me enfade you're going to get me annoyed; al final conseguí que me dejaran pasar I finally got them to let me through; conseguí que me lo prestara — I got him to lend it to me

    conseguir vi (RPl)

    conseguir con alguien/algo — to get through to somebody/something

    * * *
    = accomplish, achieve, attain, cultivate, gain, get, obtain, procure, secure, work out, yield, effect, galvanise [galvanize, -USA], come by, get (a)round to, get + hold of, land, acquire, line up, win over.

    Ex: If a library prefers to simplify records in particular areas, this can usually be accomplished by not entering particular types of information.

    Ex: The above citation order is achieved by the intercalation of (73).
    Ex: A fully comparative account of recommendations for filing orders is likely to prove confusing until the reader has attained some familiarity with the general problems, and the solutions offered by one code.
    Ex: Such familiarity can be cultivated with experience, and will consider the following features of data bases.
    Ex: To many, therefore, this emphasis on information can provide a much-needed opportunity to gain the public library new influence and respect.
    Ex: DOBIS/LIBIS does not get a new document number, but reserves this document for you, so that no one else can change it while you are working on it.
    Ex: In the event that the position in the matrix contains more than 32 entries, it is necessary for the user to interact with the system to obtain the miniature catalog that will contain the entry s/he seeks.
    Ex: They are responsible for putting together advertisements, securing proofs, procuring the matrices, electrotypes, and other duplicate plates needed for insertion in publications.
    Ex: They are responsible for putting together advertisements, securing proofs, procuring the matrices, electrotypes, and other duplicate plates needed for insertion in publications.
    Ex: The details of how the assignment of numbers by authorized agencies would be controlled have yet to be worked out.
    Ex: This mixture of approaches is designed to yield maximum retrieval for as many users as possible by combining the different strengths of controlled and natural language indexing.
    Ex: Historically, the main reasons for unionization have been to effect better wages, fringe benefits, and working conditions.
    Ex: The author discusses how librarians should present themselves to effectively galvanize public support for their leadership in the digital age.
    Ex: This article shows how teachers came by such information and the use they made it of in their work.
    Ex: The best way is to talk to them, using a structured plan so that you do get round to asking the right questions.
    Ex: It is difficult for Western librarians to find out what is being published, or to get hold of the materials that they know about.
    Ex: For example, Mile High Comics has served libraries in the past and is eager to land more library customers.
    Ex: Many libraries have special collections of foreign, unpublished or unusual materials which include items unlikely to be acquired by other libraries.
    Ex: The actress flaked out again and the director is trying to line up a replacement.
    Ex: It is the latest incentive being offered to attract the Web user and win over their loyalty of custom.
    * casi conseguir = come close to + Gerundio.
    * conseguir acceso = gain + access, gain + admittance.
    * conseguir admiración = gain + respect.
    * conseguir algo = get + anywhere.
    * conseguir Algo con esfuerzo = hack.
    * conseguir Algo contra todo pronóstico = beat + the odds.
    * conseguir algo de = get + something out of.
    * conseguir Algo en contra de lo previsible = beat + the odds.
    * conseguir Algo fácilmente = coast.
    * conseguir Algo, lograr Algo = pull + Nombre + off.
    * conseguir apoyo = mobilise + support, win + support, line up + support, gain + support.
    * conseguir ayuda = secure + help.
    * conseguir beneficio = accrue + benefit.
    * conseguir calmarse = regain + Posesivo + composure.
    * conseguir con dificultad = eke out.
    * conseguir con esfuerzo = mine.
    * conseguir el control = gain + control (over/of).
    * conseguir el derecho para = win + the right to.
    * conseguir el dinero = come up with + the money.
    * conseguir en gran medida + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.
    * conseguir éxito = achieve + success.
    * conseguir éxitos y fracasos = encounter + problems and successes.
    * conseguir fondos = win + funds.
    * conseguir hablar con = catch up with.
    * conseguir la reconciliación = bring about + reconciliation.
    * conseguir liberarse de = secure + relief from.
    * conseguirlo = pull it off, nail it.
    * conseguir localizar = get + hold of.
    * conseguir lo imposible = achieve + the impossible, accomplish + the impossible, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * conseguir lo que Uno quiere = have + Posesivo + way (with).
    * conseguir mediante engaño = bluff + Posesivo + way into.
    * conseguir mucho = do + much.
    * conseguir ocupar un lugar específico = secure + a niche.
    * conseguir + Posesivo + aprobación = win + Posesivo + approval.
    * conseguir que = galvanise into.
    * conseguir realizarse plenamente = achieve + Posesivo + full potential.
    * conseguir reconocimiento = win + recognition.
    * conseguir recursos = mobilise + resources.
    * conseguir respeto = gain + respect.
    * conseguirse = accrue.
    * conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = grab + the limelight.
    * conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight.
    * conseguir ser el centro de atención = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight, grab + the limelight.
    * conseguir tiempo = buy + time.
    * conseguir una buena formación en = get + a good grounding on.
    * conseguir una meta = accomplish + goal.
    * conseguir una solución = achieve + solution.
    * conseguir un equilibrio = strike + a balance.
    * conseguir un estándar = attain + standard.
    * conseguir un fin = secure + end.
    * conseguir un ideal = attain + ideal, achieve + ideal.
    * conseguir unir = rally.
    * conseguir un objetivo = accomplish + objective, achieve + objective, attain + goal.
    * conseguir un premio = earn + an award, win + award, win + prize.
    * conseguir un puesto de trabajo = obtain + position.
    * conseguir un trabajo = enter + job, land + job.
    * difícil de conseguir = difficult to come by.
    * ejercer presión para conseguir Algo = push for.
    * esforzarse por conseguir = strive for, work toward(s).
    * estar en vías de conseguir = be on the road to.
    * fácil de conseguir = easy-to-get, easy to come by.
    * forma de conseguir Algo = lever.
    * intentar conseguir = aim for, work toward(s).
    * intentar conseguir Algo = take + a swing at.
    * modo de conseguir Algo = lever.
    * muy lejos de conseguir = a long way toward.
    * no conseguir nada = achieve + nothing.
    * no conseguir ni una cosa ni otra = fall (between/through) + the cracks.
    * para conseguir = in pursuit of.
    * pero sin conseguirlo = but no dice.
    * presionar para conseguir Algo = press for.
    * que no se puede conseguir = unobtainable.
    * resultar difícil de conseguir = prove + elusive.
    * ser algo muy fácil de conseguir = be there for the taking.
    * ser difícil de conseguir = be hard to get.
    * ser fácil de conseguir = be readily available.
    * un medio para conseguir un fin = a means to an end.

    * * *
    1 ‹objetivo/fin/resultado› to achieve, obtain; ‹entrada/plaza/empleo› to get
    no conseguirás nada de él you won't get anything out of him
    siempre consigue lo que se propone she always achieves what she sets out to do
    si lo intentas, al final lo conseguirás if you try, you'll succeed in the end
    un artista que ha conseguido un estilo propio an artist who has developed o achieved his own style
    al final consiguió un permiso de trabajo he finally got o managed to get a work permit
    todavía no ha conseguido trabajo she still hasn't got a job o found work
    consiguió el primer premio en el concurso she won first prize in the competition
    la película consiguió un gran éxito de crítica the film was very well received by the critics
    consiguieron una mayoría aplastante they obtained an overwhelming majority
    2 conseguir + INF to manage to + INF
    no consigo entenderlo I can't work it out
    al final conseguí convencer a mis padres I finally managed to talk my parents round
    consiguió clasificarse para la final she managed to qualify o she qualified for the final
    3 conseguir QUE + SUBJ:
    si sigues así vas a conseguir que me enfade if you carry on like that, you're going to get me annoyed
    al final conseguí que me dejaran pasar I finally got them to let me through, I finally managed to persuade them to let me through
    conseguí que me lo prestara I got him o I managed to get him to lend it to me
    ■ conseguir
    ( RPl) conseguir CON algn/algo; to get through TO sb/sth
    no puedo conseguir con él/con ese número I can't get through to him/to that number
    * * *


    conseguir ( conjugate conseguir) verbo transitivoobjetivo/fin/resultado to achieve, obtain;
    entrada/permiso/empleo to get;
    medalla/título to win;
    si lo intentas, al final lo conseguirás if you try, you'll succeed in the end;

    la película consiguió un gran éxito the film was a great success;
    conseguir hacer algo to manage to do sth;
    no consigo entenderlo I can't work it out;
    conseguí que me lo prestara I got him to lend it to me
    conseguir verbo transitivo
    1 (obtener) to get, obtain
    (alcanzar) to achieve: consiguió su propósito, he achieved his purpose
    2 (con infinitivo) to manage to: consiguieron convencernos, they managed to persuade us ➣ Ver nota en manage

    ' conseguir' also found in these entries:
    - bregar
    - buscar
    - concurso
    - costar
    - frustrarse
    - hacerse
    - lince
    - método
    - obtener
    - porfiar
    - precio
    - santa
    - santo
    - trampear
    - triunfo
    - adelantar
    - alcanzar
    - cazar
    - consiga
    - lucha
    - luchar
    - pituto
    - ser
    - achieve
    - aim
    - apprentice
    - attain
    - autonomous
    - bargain
    - bid
    - boat
    - bring off
    - bungle
    - come by
    - contrive
    - divorce
    - fail
    - find
    - gain
    - get
    - go after
    - hold
    - influence
    - land
    - lobby
    - manage
    - mooch
    - obtain
    - obtainable
    - one-upmanship
    - per cent
    - procure
    - rally
    - running
    - seek
    - shop around
    - snatch
    - succeed
    - unobtainable
    - wangle
    - whip up
    - white elephant
    - win
    - available
    - bring
    - come
    - draw
    - drum
    - easy
    - enlist
    - have
    - nowhere
    * * *
    [obtener] to obtain, to get; [un objetivo] to achieve;
    conseguir un premio Nobel/dos Óscars to win o get a Nobel Prize/two Oscars;
    consiguieron un aumento de sueldo they got a pay Br rise o US raise;
    consiguió la mayoría absoluta he won o got an absolute majority;
    consiguió todo lo que se propuso she achieved everything she set out to do;
    con esa actitud no conseguirás nada you won't get anywhere with that attitude;
    conseguir hacer algo to manage to do sth;
    tras un disputado esprint consiguió alzarse con el triunfo she won a very closely contested sprint;
    no consiguieron encontrar el camino they didn't manage to find the way;
    no consiguió que me enfadara she didn't (manage to) get me annoyed;
    al menos conseguimos que nos escucharan at least we got them to listen to us
    * * *
    1 get; objetivo achieve
    conseguir hacer algo manage to do sth
    * * *
    conseguir {75} vt
    1) : to get, to obtain
    2) : to achieve, to attain
    3) : to manage to
    consiguió acabar el trabajo: she managed to finish the job
    * * *
    1. (obtener) to obtain / to get
    el partido consiguió el 40% de los votos the party got 40% of the votes
    2. (lograr) to achieve
    ¿qué has conseguido? what have you achieved?
    3. (ganar) to win [pt. & pp. won]

    Spanish-English dictionary > conseguir

  • 26 ofrecer

    1 to offer.
    ofrecerle algo a alguien to offer somebody something
    ¿puedo ofrecerle algo de beber? may I offer you something to drink?
    ¿cuánto te ofrecen por la casa? how much are they offering you for the house?
    María le ofrece comida a Ricardo Mary offers Richard food.
    Ella ofrece sus servicios She offers her services.
    2 to bid.
    ¿qué ofrecen por esta mesa? what am I bid for this table?
    3 to present (tener, presentar) (imagen, dificultades).
    la cocina ofrece un aspecto lamentable the kitchen is a sorry sight
    4 to offer up (oraciones, sacrificio).
    5 to make an offer.
    Ellos ofrecen They make an offer.
    6 to offer to, to promise to, to volunteer to.
    María le ofrece comida a Ricardo Mary offers Richard food.
    Ella ofrece sus servicios She offers her services.
    Ellos ofrecen limpiar They offer to clean.
    Le ofrecí a María ir a verla I offered Mary to go see her.
    Ellos ofrecieron a Ricardo They offered Richard.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ AGRADECER], like link=agradecer agradecer
    1 (dar - premio, amistad) to offer; (- banquete, fiesta) to hold; (- regalo) to give
    2 (presentar) to present
    1 (prestarse) to offer, volunteer
    2 (disponer) to want
    ¿qué se le ofrece? what can I do for you?
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=presentar voluntariamente)
    a) [+ servicios, ayuda, trabajo, dinero] to offer

    ¿cuánto te ofrecieron por el coche? — how much did they offer you for the car?

    ofrecer hacer algo — to offer to do sth

    b) [+ espectáculo, programa] [en TV] to show
    c) frm [+ respetos] to pay frm
    2) (=tener)
    a) [+ ventaja] to offer; [+ oportunidad, garantías] to offer, give; [+ solución] to offer, provide

    no ofrecer duda, la gravedad del caso no ofrece duda — there is no doubt about the seriousness of the case

    b) [+ dificultad] to present

    el ladrón no ofreció resistencia — the burglar did not put up a struggle, the burglar offered no resistance frm

    c) [+ imagen] to present
    3) (=celebrar) [+ acto, fiesta, cena] to hold, give
    4) [+ sacrificio, víctima] to offer up
    5) (Rel) to make a vow
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <ayuda/cigarrillo/empleo> to offer

    te llamo para ofrecerte al niño — (Col, Ven) I'm ringing to let you know that the baby has been born

    ofrecer + INF — to offer to + inf

    b) < dinero> to offer; ( en una subasta) to bid
    c) < fiesta> to give, throw (colloq); < recepción> to lay on, to hold
    d) <sacrificio/víctima> to offer (up)
    a) < oportunidad> to give, provide

    le ofrece la posibilidad de entablar nuevas amistades — it provides her with the chance to make new friends; < dificultad> to present

    b) <aspecto/vista>
    c) < resistencia> persona to put up, offer
    ofrecerse v pron
    1) persona to offer, volunteer

    ofrecerse A or PARA + INF — to offer o volunteer to + inf

    3) (frml) (querer, necesitar) (gen neg o interrog)

    ¿se le ofrece alguna otra cosa? — can I offer o get you anything else?

    ¿qué se le ofrece, señora? — what would you like, madam? (frml)

    * * *
    = deliver, feature, give, offer, open up, pitch, provide, provide with, supply, proffer, furnish (with), come forward with, tender, serve up.
    Ex. The result could be termed a full-provision data base -- a data base including both text and reference, and delivering much more than the 2 added together.
    Ex. Other catalogues and bibliographies only feature added entries under title where it is deemed that the author main entry heading is not likely to be obvious to the users.
    Ex. An abstract of a bibliography can be expected to note whether author affiliations are given = Es de esperar que el resumen de una bibliografía indique si se incluyen los lugares de trabajo de los autores.
    Ex. Thus some current awareness services can be purchased from external vendors, whilst others may be offered by a library or information unit to its particular group of users.
    Ex. Here is a key paper by a non librarian which opens up a new and constructive approach to library purpose.
    Ex. Thus pitching instructions at the right level can be difficult.
    Ex. To start with, most catalogues, indexes, data bases and bibliographies provide access to information or documents.
    Ex. Many libraries provide users with photocopies of contents pages of selected journals.
    Ex. Here an attempt is made to choose one form and supply references from the other forms.
    Ex. 'No question,' she said meditatively, 'we have to do something'; 'like more coffee?' proffered the waitress, the coffee pot hovered above Jergens' cup.
    Ex. One of the definitions of 'organise' is to furnish with organs, make organic, make into living being or tissue.
    Ex. Neither pundit from the past, nor sage from the schools, neither authorised body nor inspired individual has come forward with a definition acceptable to all practising librarians as theirs and theirs alone, sharply defining them as a group.
    Ex. This address was tendered at the State Library of Victoria, Nov 88, to mark the retirement of Professor Jean Whyte.
    Ex. A watering hole in Spain is serving up free beer and tapas to recession-weary customers who insult its bartenders as a way to let off steam.
    * ofrecer acceso = provide + access.
    * ofrecer apoyo = support, provide + support, rally (a)round, rally behind.
    * ofrecer asesoramiento = offer + advice, offer + guidance, dispense + advice.
    * ofrecer ayuda = offer + guidance, offer + assistance, provide + support.
    * ofrecer cobijo = provide + a home.
    * ofrecer conclusiones = provide + conclusions.
    * ofrecer conjuntamente = bundle.
    * ofrecer conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * ofrecer consejos prácticos = offer + hints and advice.
    * ofrecer descuento = offer + discount.
    * ofrecer directrices = provide + guidance.
    * ofrecer en cantidad = offer + in quantity.
    * ofrecer en un lote = bundle.
    * ofrecer esperanzas = hold + promise.
    * ofrecer estímulo = provide + stimulus.
    * ofrecer incentivo = provide + incentive, offer + inducement.
    * ofrecer información = provide + information, provide + details, supply + information, offer + information, package + information, furnish + information.
    * ofrecer la garantía de = provide + the stamp of.
    * ofrecer la mano = put forth + Posesivo + hand.
    * ofrecer la oportunidad = allow + the opportunity to, allow + the opportunity to.
    * ofrecer la oportunidad de = offer + a chance to.
    * ofrecer la otra mejilla = turn + the other cheek.
    * ofrecer la posibilidad = afford + possibility, provide + facility.
    * ofrecer la posibilidad de = have + the potential (to/for), offer + the facility.
    * ofrecer la posibilidad de que = usher in + the day when.
    * ofrecer lo máximo = shoot (for) + the moon.
    * ofrecer poco = low-ball.
    * ofrecer por primera vez = debut.
    * ofrecer posibilidades = have + potential, offer + options, offer + possibilities, hold + potential, present + possibilities, open (up) + avenues.
    * ofrecer razones = provide + reasons.
    * ofrecer refugio = provide + a home.
    * ofrecer resistencia = put up + resistance.
    * ofrecer santuario = offer + sanctuary.
    * ofrecerse = be forthcoming, step forward, step up to.
    * ofrecerse como voluntario = volunteer.
    * ofrecer servicio = service.
    * ofrecer sugerencias = give + suggestions.
    * ofrecer una explicación = present + explanation.
    * ofrecer una fiesta = host + party.
    * ofrecer una forma de = provide + a way of/to.
    * ofrecer una imagen = present + picture.
    * ofrecer una introducción a = provide + a background to.
    * ofrecer una norma = offer + prescription.
    * ofrecer una opinión = offer + opinion.
    * ofrecer una oportunidad = offer + opportunity, provide + opportunity, present + an opportunity.
    * ofrecer una perspectiva = offer + perspective.
    * ofrecer una posibilidad = afford + opportunity.
    * ofrecer una prestación = offer + facility.
    * ofrecer una rama de olivo para hacer las paces = offer + an olive branch.
    * ofrecer una recepción = host + reception.
    * ofrecer una respuesta = provide + answer.
    * ofrecer una solución = provide + solution, offer + solution.
    * ofrecer una sonrisa = give + a grin.
    * ofrecer una visión = provide + a picture.
    * ofrecer una visión de = offer + an account of.
    * ofrecer una visión de conjunto = provide + a picture, provide + overview.
    * ofrecer una visión muy releveladora de = provide + insight into, give + an insight into, give + an inside look at.
    * ofrecer una vista = afford + a view.
    * ofrecer un curso = offer + course.
    * ofrecer un ejemplo = afford + example.
    * ofrecer un sacrificio = make + a sacrifice.
    * ofrecer un servicio = operate + service, provide + service, do + service.
    * ofrecer ventaja = be of benefit.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <ayuda/cigarrillo/empleo> to offer

    te llamo para ofrecerte al niño — (Col, Ven) I'm ringing to let you know that the baby has been born

    ofrecer + INF — to offer to + inf

    b) < dinero> to offer; ( en una subasta) to bid
    c) < fiesta> to give, throw (colloq); < recepción> to lay on, to hold
    d) <sacrificio/víctima> to offer (up)
    a) < oportunidad> to give, provide

    le ofrece la posibilidad de entablar nuevas amistades — it provides her with the chance to make new friends; < dificultad> to present

    b) <aspecto/vista>
    c) < resistencia> persona to put up, offer
    ofrecerse v pron
    1) persona to offer, volunteer

    ofrecerse A or PARA + INF — to offer o volunteer to + inf

    3) (frml) (querer, necesitar) (gen neg o interrog)

    ¿se le ofrece alguna otra cosa? — can I offer o get you anything else?

    ¿qué se le ofrece, señora? — what would you like, madam? (frml)

    * * *
    = deliver, feature, give, offer, open up, pitch, provide, provide with, supply, proffer, furnish (with), come forward with, tender, serve up.

    Ex: The result could be termed a full-provision data base -- a data base including both text and reference, and delivering much more than the 2 added together.

    Ex: Other catalogues and bibliographies only feature added entries under title where it is deemed that the author main entry heading is not likely to be obvious to the users.
    Ex: An abstract of a bibliography can be expected to note whether author affiliations are given = Es de esperar que el resumen de una bibliografía indique si se incluyen los lugares de trabajo de los autores.
    Ex: Thus some current awareness services can be purchased from external vendors, whilst others may be offered by a library or information unit to its particular group of users.
    Ex: Here is a key paper by a non librarian which opens up a new and constructive approach to library purpose.
    Ex: Thus pitching instructions at the right level can be difficult.
    Ex: To start with, most catalogues, indexes, data bases and bibliographies provide access to information or documents.
    Ex: Many libraries provide users with photocopies of contents pages of selected journals.
    Ex: Here an attempt is made to choose one form and supply references from the other forms.
    Ex: 'No question,' she said meditatively, 'we have to do something'; 'like more coffee?' proffered the waitress, the coffee pot hovered above Jergens' cup.
    Ex: One of the definitions of 'organise' is to furnish with organs, make organic, make into living being or tissue.
    Ex: Neither pundit from the past, nor sage from the schools, neither authorised body nor inspired individual has come forward with a definition acceptable to all practising librarians as theirs and theirs alone, sharply defining them as a group.
    Ex: This address was tendered at the State Library of Victoria, Nov 88, to mark the retirement of Professor Jean Whyte.
    Ex: A watering hole in Spain is serving up free beer and tapas to recession-weary customers who insult its bartenders as a way to let off steam.
    * ofrecer acceso = provide + access.
    * ofrecer apoyo = support, provide + support, rally (a)round, rally behind.
    * ofrecer asesoramiento = offer + advice, offer + guidance, dispense + advice.
    * ofrecer ayuda = offer + guidance, offer + assistance, provide + support.
    * ofrecer cobijo = provide + a home.
    * ofrecer conclusiones = provide + conclusions.
    * ofrecer conjuntamente = bundle.
    * ofrecer conocimiento = package + knowledge.
    * ofrecer consejos prácticos = offer + hints and advice.
    * ofrecer descuento = offer + discount.
    * ofrecer directrices = provide + guidance.
    * ofrecer en cantidad = offer + in quantity.
    * ofrecer en un lote = bundle.
    * ofrecer esperanzas = hold + promise.
    * ofrecer estímulo = provide + stimulus.
    * ofrecer incentivo = provide + incentive, offer + inducement.
    * ofrecer información = provide + information, provide + details, supply + information, offer + information, package + information, furnish + information.
    * ofrecer la garantía de = provide + the stamp of.
    * ofrecer la mano = put forth + Posesivo + hand.
    * ofrecer la oportunidad = allow + the opportunity to, allow + the opportunity to.
    * ofrecer la oportunidad de = offer + a chance to.
    * ofrecer la otra mejilla = turn + the other cheek.
    * ofrecer la posibilidad = afford + possibility, provide + facility.
    * ofrecer la posibilidad de = have + the potential (to/for), offer + the facility.
    * ofrecer la posibilidad de que = usher in + the day when.
    * ofrecer lo máximo = shoot (for) + the moon.
    * ofrecer poco = low-ball.
    * ofrecer por primera vez = debut.
    * ofrecer posibilidades = have + potential, offer + options, offer + possibilities, hold + potential, present + possibilities, open (up) + avenues.
    * ofrecer razones = provide + reasons.
    * ofrecer refugio = provide + a home.
    * ofrecer resistencia = put up + resistance.
    * ofrecer santuario = offer + sanctuary.
    * ofrecerse = be forthcoming, step forward, step up to.
    * ofrecerse como voluntario = volunteer.
    * ofrecer servicio = service.
    * ofrecer sugerencias = give + suggestions.
    * ofrecer una explicación = present + explanation.
    * ofrecer una fiesta = host + party.
    * ofrecer una forma de = provide + a way of/to.
    * ofrecer una imagen = present + picture.
    * ofrecer una introducción a = provide + a background to.
    * ofrecer una norma = offer + prescription.
    * ofrecer una opinión = offer + opinion.
    * ofrecer una oportunidad = offer + opportunity, provide + opportunity, present + an opportunity.
    * ofrecer una perspectiva = offer + perspective.
    * ofrecer una posibilidad = afford + opportunity.
    * ofrecer una prestación = offer + facility.
    * ofrecer una rama de olivo para hacer las paces = offer + an olive branch.
    * ofrecer una recepción = host + reception.
    * ofrecer una respuesta = provide + answer.
    * ofrecer una solución = provide + solution, offer + solution.
    * ofrecer una sonrisa = give + a grin.
    * ofrecer una visión = provide + a picture.
    * ofrecer una visión de = offer + an account of.
    * ofrecer una visión de conjunto = provide + a picture, provide + overview.
    * ofrecer una visión muy releveladora de = provide + insight into, give + an insight into, give + an inside look at.
    * ofrecer una vista = afford + a view.
    * ofrecer un curso = offer + course.
    * ofrecer un ejemplo = afford + example.
    * ofrecer un sacrificio = make + a sacrifice.
    * ofrecer un servicio = operate + service, provide + service, do + service.
    * ofrecer ventaja = be of benefit.

    * * *
    ofrecer [E3 ]
    1 ‹ayuda/cigarrillo/empleo› to offer
    le ofreció su brazo he offered her his arm
    no nos ofreció ni una taza de café he didn't even offer us a cup of coffee
    todavía no nos ha ofrecido la casa he still hasn't invited us to see his new house
    te llamo para ofrecerte al niño ( Col); I'm ringing to let you know that the baby's been born
    ofrecer + INF to offer TO + INF
    ofreció prestarnos su coche she offered to lend us her car
    2 ‹dinero› (por un artículo) to offer
    ofreció mil dólares por el jarrón he bid a thousand dollars for the vase
    ¿cuánto me ofrece por este cuadro? how much will you give o offer me for this picture?
    3 ‹fiesta› to give, hold, throw ( colloq)
    ofrecieron una comida en su honor they gave a meal in her honor
    ofrecieron una recepción en el Hotel Suecia they laid on o held a reception in the Hotel Suecia
    4 ‹sacrificio/víctima› to offer, offer up
    1 ‹oportunidad› to give, provide; ‹dificultad› to present
    le ofrece la posibilidad de entablar nuevas amistades it provides her with o it gives her o ( frml) it affords her the chance to make new friends
    el plan ofrece varias dificultades the plan presents o poses a number of problems
    2 ‹aspecto/vista›
    su habitación ofrecía un aspecto lúgubre her room was gloomy o had an air of gloominess about it
    el balcón ofrecía una vista maravillosa there was a marvelous view from the balcony
    el año ofrece buenas perspectivas things look good for the coming year, the coming year looks promising
    ofrecían un espectáculo desgarrador they were a heartrending sight
    3 ‹resistencia› «persona» to put up, offer
    se entregó sin ofrecer ninguna resistencia he surrendered without putting up o offering any resistance
    «persona»: se ofrece niñera con experiencia experienced nanny seeks employment
    ofrecerse A or PARA + INF to offer o volunteer to + INF
    se ofreció a venir a buscarnos she offered o volunteered to come and pick us up
    (presentarse): un espectáculo único se ofrecía ante nuestros ojos a unique spectacle presented itself before o greeted our eyes
    las cumbres nevadas se nos ofrecían en todo su esplendor the snowy peaks appeared o stood before us in all their splendor
    C ( frml) (querer, necesitar) ( gen neg o interrog) ofrecérsele algo A algn:
    ¿se le ofrece alguna otra cosa? can I offer o get you anything else?, would you care for anything else?
    si no se le ofrece nada más, me retiro a dormir if there's nothing else I can do for you, I'll say goodnight
    ¿qué se le ofrece a la señora? what would you like o what can I get you to drink, madam? ( frml)
    * * *


    ofrecer ( conjugate ofrecer) verbo transitivo
    a)ayuda/cigarrillo/empleo to offer

    b) dinero to offer;

    ( en una subasta) to bid
    c) fiesta to give;

    recepción to lay on
    d)sacrificio/víctima to offer (up)

    a)oportunidad/posibilidad to give, provide;

    dificultad to present

    ofrecerse verbo pronominal
    1 [ persona] to offer, volunteer;
    ofrecerse A or PARA hacer algo to offer o volunteer to do sth
    2 (frml) (querer, necesitar) ( gen neg o interrog):
    ¿qué se le ofrece, señora? what would you like, madam? (frml);

    si no se le ofrece nada más if there's nothing else I can do for you
    ofrecer verbo transitivo
    1 (agua, ayuda, dinero, etc) to offer
    2 (posibilidad, solución, consejo) to give
    3 (un homenaje, banquete, etc) to hold
    4 (aspecto) to present
    5 Rel to offer (up)
    ' ofrecer' also found in these entries:
    - dar
    - tender
    - amparar
    - convidar
    - dedicar
    - excusar
    - querer
    - tributar
    - outbid
    - part exchange
    - present
    - put up
    - shall
    - tender
    - volunteer
    - bid
    - cater
    - dispense
    - feature
    - give
    - hand
    - hold
    - lay
    - proffer
    - put
    - quote
    * * *
    1. [proporcionar, dar] to offer;
    ofrecerle algo a alguien to offer sb sth;
    me han ofrecido el puesto de director they've offered me the job of manager;
    ¿puedo ofrecerle algo de beber? may I offer you something to drink?;
    ofrecen una recompensa por él they are offering a reward for his capture;
    le ofrecieron una cena homenaje they held a dinner in his honour;
    ¿cuánto te ofrecen por la casa? how much are they offering you for the house?;
    me ofrece la oportunidad o [m5] la ocasión de conocer la ciudad it gives me the chance to get to know the city
    2. [en subastas] to bid;
    ¿qué ofrecen por esta mesa? what am I bid for this table?
    3. [tener, presentar] to present;
    la cocina ofrece un aspecto lamentable the kitchen is a sorry sight;
    esta tarea ofrece algunas dificultades this task poses o presents a number of problems;
    aquel negocio ofrecía inmejorables perspectivas that business had excellent prospects
    4. [oraciones, sacrificio] to offer up;
    ofrecer una misa por alguien to have a mass said for sb
    * * *
    v/t offer
    * * *
    ofrecer {53} vt
    1) : to offer
    2) : to provide, to give
    3) : to present (an appearance, etc.)
    * * *

    Spanish-English dictionary > ofrecer

  • 27 proporcionar

    1 to provide, to furnish, to give, to supply.
    El negocio procura ganancias The business yields utilities.
    2 to proportion, to proportionate, to put in proportion, to fit.
    * * *
    1 (ayuda, dinero) to supply; (consejo) to give
    2 (dibujo) to proportion
    * * *
    to provide, supply
    * * *
    1) (=dar) to supply, provide

    esto le proporciona una renta anual de... — this brings him in a yearly income of...

    esto proporciona mucho encanto a la narraciónthis lends o gives great charm to the story

    su tío le proporcionó el puesto — his uncle found him the job, his uncle helped him into o helped him get the job

    2) (=adaptar) to adjust, adapt (a to)
    * * *
    verbo transitivo <materiales/información/comida> to provide
    * * *
    = give, issue, provide, furnish (with), produce, dispense, offer, serve up.
    Ex. An abstract of a bibliography can be expected to note whether author affiliations are given = Es de esperar que el resumen de una bibliografía indique si se incluyen los lugares de trabajo de los autores.
    Ex. Once a user is registered, a password will be issued which provides access to all or most of the data bases offered by the host as and when the user wishes.
    Ex. To start with, most catalogues, indexes, data bases and bibliographies provide access to information or documents.
    Ex. One of the definitions of 'organise' is to furnish with organs, make organic, make into living being or tissue.
    Ex. The perfect librarian may be defined as one who produces the information a reader requires as soon as the reader asks for it.
    Ex. This paper describes the role of the federal government in dispensing aid to public libraries as part of the combat against the Great Depression of the 1930s.
    Ex. Thus some current awareness services can be purchased from external vendors, whilst others may be offered by a library or information unit to its particular group of users.
    Ex. A watering hole in Spain is serving up free beer and tapas to recession-weary customers who insult its bartenders as a way to let off steam.
    * proporcionar apoyo = provide + support, support.
    * proporcionar asesoramiento = dispense + advice.
    * proporcionar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.
    * proporcionar el + Nombre + adecuado al + Nombre + adecuado en el moment = provide + the right + Nombre + to the right + Nombre + at the right time.
    * proporcionar información = release + information.
    * proporcionar los medios para = provide + the material for.
    * proporcionar pruebas = provide + evidence.
    * proporcionar una respuesta = furnish + answer.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo <materiales/información/comida> to provide
    * * *
    = give, issue, provide, furnish (with), produce, dispense, offer, serve up.

    Ex: An abstract of a bibliography can be expected to note whether author affiliations are given = Es de esperar que el resumen de una bibliografía indique si se incluyen los lugares de trabajo de los autores.

    Ex: Once a user is registered, a password will be issued which provides access to all or most of the data bases offered by the host as and when the user wishes.
    Ex: To start with, most catalogues, indexes, data bases and bibliographies provide access to information or documents.
    Ex: One of the definitions of 'organise' is to furnish with organs, make organic, make into living being or tissue.
    Ex: The perfect librarian may be defined as one who produces the information a reader requires as soon as the reader asks for it.
    Ex: This paper describes the role of the federal government in dispensing aid to public libraries as part of the combat against the Great Depression of the 1930s.
    Ex: Thus some current awareness services can be purchased from external vendors, whilst others may be offered by a library or information unit to its particular group of users.
    Ex: A watering hole in Spain is serving up free beer and tapas to recession-weary customers who insult its bartenders as a way to let off steam.
    * proporcionar apoyo = provide + support, support.
    * proporcionar asesoramiento = dispense + advice.
    * proporcionar conocimientos técnicos = supply + know-how.
    * proporcionar el + Nombre + adecuado al + Nombre + adecuado en el moment = provide + the right + Nombre + to the right + Nombre + at the right time.
    * proporcionar información = release + information.
    * proporcionar los medios para = provide + the material for.
    * proporcionar pruebas = provide + evidence.
    * proporcionar una respuesta = furnish + answer.

    * * *
    si tú haces el trabajo yo puedo proporcionar los materiales if you do the work I can provide o supply the materials
    me proporcionó toda la información necesaria she provided me with o gave me all the necessary information
    los jóvenes siempre proporcionan un ambiente más alegre en casa young people always liven things up o create a livelier atmosphere in the house
    esto proporcionó un buen disgusto a su familia this greatly upset his family, this caused his family great distress
    * * *


    proporcionar ( conjugate proporcionar) verbo transitivomateriales/información/comida to provide;
    proporcionar algo a algn to provide sb with sth
    proporcionar verbo transitivo
    1 (comida, etc) to provide with, supply
    2 (placer, preocupaciones, etc) to give: salió adelante gracias al apoyo proporcionado por sus amigos, she got ahead thanks to her friends' help
    ' proporcionar' also found in these entries:
    - dar
    - procurar
    - brindar
    - facilitar
    - vestir
    - lay on
    - provide
    - supply
    - furnish
    - issue
    * * *
    1. [facilitar]
    proporcionar algo a alguien to provide sb with sth;
    las autoridades proporcionaron alojamiento a todos los refugiados the authorities provided all the refugees with accommodation;
    proporcionamos el material necesario a los alumnos we provide o supply students with the necessary materials
    2. [ajustar]
    proporcionar algo a algo to adapt sth to sth;
    deben proporcionar los gastos a los ingresos they ought to adjust their spending to their income
    3. [producir]
    esta empresa sólo proporciona disgustos this company causes nothing but trouble;
    esta música proporciona paz y tranquilidad this music produces a sensation of peace and tranquillity
    * * *
    v/t ( suministrar) provide, supply; satisfacción give
    * * *
    1) : to provide, to give
    2) : to proportion, to adapt
    * * *
    proporcionar vb to provide with

    Spanish-English dictionary > proporcionar

  • 28 Kundenbeeinflussung

    Kundenbeeinflussung f V&M suggestion selling
    * * *
    f <V&M> suggestion selling
    * * *
    suggestion selling (US);
    Kundenbenachrichtigung communication to the customer;
    Kundenberater customer counse(l)lor, (Werbeagentur) account executive;
    einzelner Kundenberater (Bank) individual account manager;
    Kundenberatung consumer counsel(l)ing, customer advice (consulting);
    Kundenberatungsdienst advisory service for customers;
    Kundenberatungsgruppe customer advisory group;
    Kundenberatungszimmer customers’ room;
    Kundenbereich customer domain;
    Kundenbeschränkung (Kartellwesen) customer restriction (US);
    Kundenbeschreibung (Werbeagentur) description of an account;
    Kundenbeschwerden complaint from a customer, customer’s complaint (grievance);
    Kundenbesprechung client meeting;
    Kundenbesuch call on a customer, business (sales) call, calling on customers, travel to clients;
    Kundenbetreuer customer consultant, (Werbeagentur) account executive (manager);
    Kundenbetreuung aftersales service, attendance to customers, customer care (service, support), (Bank) client coverage;
    kreative Kundenbetreuung creative work for clients;
    optimale Kundenbetreuung optimum service to the customers;
    Kundenbetreuungsbereich (Bank) front office;
    Kundenbetrieb customer’s trade (company);
    Kundenbeurteilung durch die Bank customer’s position at the bank;
    Kundenbeurteilungsdaten customer assessment data;
    Kundenbewirtung entertainment of customers.

    Business german-english dictionary > Kundenbeeinflussung

  • 29 atención

    attention, pay attention.
    1 attention, care, concentration, dedication.
    2 fine gesture, attention, courtesy, polite act.
    * * *
    1 (gen) attention
    2 (detalle) nice thought
    fue una atención por su parte it was a nice thought, it was very kind of him
    interjección ¡atención!
    1 (gen) your attention please!; (cuidado) watch out!, look out!
    ¡atención a los dedos! mind your fingers!
    a la atención de alguien (en cartas) for the attention of somebody
    colmar muchas atenciones con alguien to smother somebody with attentions, make a fuss of somebody
    en atención a bearing in mind, taking into account
    en atención a que... in view of the fact that..., given that...
    llamar la atención to attract attention
    llamar la atención a alguien to take somebody to task
    prestar atención to pay attention (a, to)
    tener una atención con alguien to think of somebody
    * * *
    noun f.
    - prestar atención
    * * *
    1) (=interés) attention

    ¡atención, por favor! — attention, please!

    garantizarán los derechos de todos, con especial atención a las minorías — they will guarantee everybody's rights, particularly those of minorities

    en atención a algo — frm in view of sth

    llamar la atención a algn — (=atraer) to attract sb's attention; (=reprender) to tell sb off

    prestar atención — to pay attention (a to)

    léelo detenidamente, prestando especial atención a la letra pequeña — read it carefully, paying particular attention to the small print

    2) (=precaución) care

    cuando vayas de vacaciones, atención a los precios — when you go on holiday, watch out for the prices

    ¡atención! frenos potentes — beware! powerful brakes

    ¡atención! — look out!, careful!; (Mil) attention!

    3) (=cortesía)
    4) (=asistencia)

    horario de atención al público[en oficina] hours of business; [en tienda] opening hours

    5) pl atenciones (=obligaciones) duties, responsibilities
    6) [en correspondencia]

    a la atención de — for the attention of; [en sobre] attention

    * * *
    a) ( concentración) attention

    pon atención en lo que hacesconcentrate on o pay attention to what you're doing

    presta atención a estopay attention o listen carefully to this

    atraer la atención del camareroto attract o get the waiter's attention


    llamar la atención: se viste así para llamar la atención he dresses like that to attract attention (to himself); una chica que llama la atención a very striking girl; lo dulce no me llama la atención I'm not very fond of sweet things; me llamó la atención que estuviera sola I was surprised she was alone; llamarle la atención a alguien ( reprenderlo) to reprimand somebody (frml), to give somebody a talking to; ( hacerle notar algo): les llamé la atención sobre... — I drew their attention to...

    a la atención de — (Corresp) for the attention of

    en atención a algo — (frml) in view of something

    a) ( servicio)

    la atención que recibimos en el consuladothe way we were treated o the treatment we received in the consulate

    horario de atención al público — ( en banco) hours of business; ( en oficina pública) opening hours

    departamento de atención al clientecustomer service department (AmE), customer services department (BrE)

    b) ( cortesía)
    a) (Mil) attention!

    atención, por favor! — (your) attention, please!

    c) ( para avisar de peligro) look out!, watch out!

    atención! — danger!, warning!

    * * *
    = attention, care, courtesy, focus, diligence, vigilance.
    Ex. It's that access dimension of descriptive cataloging that I suggest should get priority attention from all of us.
    Ex. Thus care in indexing is essential, and systems should be designed in such a way as to minimise the possibility of error.
    Ex. Why dont't they give these people some lessons in common courtesy?.
    Ex. Our focus in this text is on the first stage in the following diagram.
    Ex. If these guidelines are not adhered to with due care and diligence, financial damage to the library can result = Si no se siguen estas directrices con el debido cuidado y atención, el resultado puede ser que la biblioteca sufra daños económicos.
    Ex. Factors that might adversely impact the ethical behaviour of the publishing, vending and librarianship community are examined, and the need for professionalism and vigilance of the community is emphasised.
    * abrumar con atenciones = kill + Nombre + with kindness, smother + Nombre + with kindness.
    * acaparar la atención de Alguien = monopolise + attention.
    * acaparar toda la atención = steal + the limelight, steal + the show.
    * atención a la infancia = child care [childcare].
    * atención al cliente = customer care, customer support.
    * atención al estudiante = student services.
    * atención al paciente = patient care.
    * atención + disminuir = attention + wane.
    * atención médica = medical attention.
    * atención personal = personal attention.
    * atención personal al cliente = personal selling.
    * atención prenatal = prenatal care.
    * atención primaria = primary care.
    * atención primaria de salud = primary health care.
    * atención sanitaria = health care [healthcare].
    * atención secundaria = secondary care.
    * atraer la atención = attract + the eye, catch + Posesivo + attention, grab + Posesivo + attention, catch + Posesivo + eye, capture + the attention, rivet + the attention, draw + attention, catch + Posesivo + fancy, peak + Posesivo + interest, make + a splash.
    * atraer la atención de = hold + attention.
    * atraer la atención de Alguien = appeal to + Posesivo + imagination, engage + Posesivo + attention.
    * a la atención de = c/o (care of).
    * capacidad de mantener la atención = attention span.
    * captar la atención = hold + attention, catch + Posesivo + eye, rivet + the attention, catch + Posesivo + attention.
    * centrar la atención = fix + Posesivo + attention.
    * centrar la atención en = train + spotlight on, put + spotlight on, spotlight + fall on, spotlight + focus on.
    * centro de atención = centre of attention, limelight, centrepiece [centerpiece, -USA], centre stage, focus of concern, focus of interest, focus of attention, focus.
    * centro de atención al ciudadano = advice centre.
    * colmar de atenciones = kill + Nombre + with kindness, smother + Nombre + with kindness.
    * competir por acaparar la atención de Alguien = compete for + attention.
    * con atención = attentively.
    * concentrar la atención sobre = keep in + focus.
    * conseguir ser el centro de atención = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight, grab + the limelight.
    * dar una llamada de atención = sound + a wake-up call.
    * de atención básica = preattentive.
    * de atención primaria = preattentive.
    * deber prestar atención = warrant + consideration.
    * dedicar atención = devote + attention.
    * dedicar atención a = turn + Posesivo + mind to.
    * dedicar + Posesivo + atención = turn + Posesivo + attention, turn + Posesivo + thoughts.
    * dedicar + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * departamento de atención al cliente = customer service department.
    * despertar la atención = arouse + attention, give + wake-up call.
    * desviar + Posesivo + atención = divert + Posesivo + attention.
    * dirigir la atención = put + focus.
    * dirigir la atención a = turn to, direct + Posesivo + attention to(ward).
    * dirigir + Posesivo + atención = turn + Posesivo + attention, turn + Posesivo + thoughts.
    * dirigir + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * disputarse la atención = vie for + attention.
    * distraer la atención = distract + attention.
    * distraer + Posesivo + atención = divert + Posesivo + attention.
    * el centro de atención + ser = all eyes + be + on.
    * en el foco de atención = in the spotlight.
    * fijar la atención = fix + Posesivo + attention.
    * hacer que no se le preste atención a = deflect + attention from.
    * horario de atención al público = opening hours, hours of operation, banking hours.
    * interrumpir la atención = interrupt + attention.
    * lamar la atención = eye + catch.
    * leer con atención = peruse.
    * llamada de atención = heads up, wake-up call, slap on the wrist.
    * llamar la atención = call + attention to, attract + attention, excite + attention, grab + Posesivo + attention, catch + Posesivo + eye, admonish, strike + Posesivo + fancy, capture + the attention, stand out, make + Reflexivo + conspicuous, cut + a dash, seek + attention, make + heads turn, catch + Posesivo + fancy, catch + Posesivo + attention, peak + Posesivo + interest, make + a splash, make + a big noise, hit + home.
    * llamar la atención a Alguien = rap + Nombre + knuckles, censure.
    * llamar la atención de = draw + the attention of.
    * llamar la atención de Alguien = hold + Posesivo + attention.
    * llamar la atención sobre = draw + attention to, pull + Nombre + to, bring + Nombre + into the public eye, raise + awareness, enhance + awareness.
    * llamarle la atención a Alguien = reprimand, slap + Nombre + down, slap + Nombre + on the wrist.
    * mantener la atención de Alguien = hold + Posesivo + attention.
    * merecer atención = merit + attention, be worthy of + attention, deserve + attention.
    * mostrador de atención al público = service desk, public service desk, service counter.
    * mostrador de atención al usuario = service area.
    * necesitar atención = beg + attention, warrant + attention.
    * nivel de atención = attention span.
    * no prestar atención = disregard, overlook, close + the door on, go + unheeded, fly in + the face of.
    * no prestar atención al hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * no prestar la suficiente atención = give + short shrift.
    * para llamar la atención = for effect.
    * pasar a ser el centro de atención = take + centre stage.
    * pasar a ser el centro de atención = come into + focus.
    * poner atención = lend + an ear, listen (to).
    * poner el centro de atención = put + focus.
    * prestándole especial atención a = with specific reference to.
    * prestar atención = follow up, heed, receive + attention, mind, devote + attention, pay + heed, take + notice, give + (some) thought to, follow through, look out for, lend + an ear, prick (up) + Posesivo + ears, Posesivo + antennas + go up.
    * prestar atención a = attend to, give + attention to, give + consideration (to), pay + attention to, turn + Posesivo + mind to, train + spotlight on, give + an ear to, listen (to), keep + an eye on, direct + Posesivo + attention to(ward).
    * prestar especial atención = pay + particular attention, focus.
    * prestarle atención = focus + attention.
    * prestar poca atención a = give + little thought to.
    * prestar + Posesivo + atención = turn + Posesivo + attention, turn + Posesivo + thoughts.
    * prestar + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * que distrae la atención = distracting.
    * que no llama la atención = inconspicuous.
    * recibir atención = enjoy + attention, receive + attention, receive + note, command + attention, gain + attention.
    * requerir atención = require + consideration, require + attention.
    * retener la atención de Alguien = retain + attention.
    * ser el centro de atención = steal + the limelight, steal + the show, cut + a dash.
    * servicio de atención = advisory service.
    * servicio de atención al cliente = customer service, service department.
    * servicio de atención al cliente en su propio automóvil = drive-through (drive-thru).
    * servicio de atención al cliente por teléfono = call centre.
    * servicio de atención de día = day care.
    * servicios de atención al estudiante = student services.
    * síndrome de déficit de atención = attention deficit.
    * síndrome de déficit de atención con hiperactividad = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
    * sin llamar la atención = inconspicuously.
    * sin prestar atención = mindlessly.
    * total atención = undivided attention.
    * trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
    * tratar de no llamar la atención = keep + a low profile, lie + low.
    * volver a prestar atención = refocus + attention.
    * * *
    a) ( concentración) attention

    pon atención en lo que hacesconcentrate on o pay attention to what you're doing

    presta atención a estopay attention o listen carefully to this

    atraer la atención del camareroto attract o get the waiter's attention


    llamar la atención: se viste así para llamar la atención he dresses like that to attract attention (to himself); una chica que llama la atención a very striking girl; lo dulce no me llama la atención I'm not very fond of sweet things; me llamó la atención que estuviera sola I was surprised she was alone; llamarle la atención a alguien ( reprenderlo) to reprimand somebody (frml), to give somebody a talking to; ( hacerle notar algo): les llamé la atención sobre... — I drew their attention to...

    a la atención de — (Corresp) for the attention of

    en atención a algo — (frml) in view of something

    a) ( servicio)

    la atención que recibimos en el consuladothe way we were treated o the treatment we received in the consulate

    horario de atención al público — ( en banco) hours of business; ( en oficina pública) opening hours

    departamento de atención al clientecustomer service department (AmE), customer services department (BrE)

    b) ( cortesía)
    a) (Mil) attention!

    atención, por favor! — (your) attention, please!

    c) ( para avisar de peligro) look out!, watch out!

    atención! — danger!, warning!

    * * *
    = attention, care, courtesy, focus, diligence, vigilance.

    Ex: It's that access dimension of descriptive cataloging that I suggest should get priority attention from all of us.

    Ex: Thus care in indexing is essential, and systems should be designed in such a way as to minimise the possibility of error.
    Ex: Why dont't they give these people some lessons in common courtesy?.
    Ex: Our focus in this text is on the first stage in the following diagram.
    Ex: If these guidelines are not adhered to with due care and diligence, financial damage to the library can result = Si no se siguen estas directrices con el debido cuidado y atención, el resultado puede ser que la biblioteca sufra daños económicos.
    Ex: Factors that might adversely impact the ethical behaviour of the publishing, vending and librarianship community are examined, and the need for professionalism and vigilance of the community is emphasised.
    * abrumar con atenciones = kill + Nombre + with kindness, smother + Nombre + with kindness.
    * acaparar la atención de Alguien = monopolise + attention.
    * acaparar toda la atención = steal + the limelight, steal + the show.
    * atención a la infancia = child care [childcare].
    * atención al cliente = customer care, customer support.
    * atención al estudiante = student services.
    * atención al paciente = patient care.
    * atención + disminuir = attention + wane.
    * atención médica = medical attention.
    * atención personal = personal attention.
    * atención personal al cliente = personal selling.
    * atención prenatal = prenatal care.
    * atención primaria = primary care.
    * atención primaria de salud = primary health care.
    * atención sanitaria = health care [healthcare].
    * atención secundaria = secondary care.
    * atraer la atención = attract + the eye, catch + Posesivo + attention, grab + Posesivo + attention, catch + Posesivo + eye, capture + the attention, rivet + the attention, draw + attention, catch + Posesivo + fancy, peak + Posesivo + interest, make + a splash.
    * atraer la atención de = hold + attention.
    * atraer la atención de Alguien = appeal to + Posesivo + imagination, engage + Posesivo + attention.
    * a la atención de = c/o (care of).
    * capacidad de mantener la atención = attention span.
    * captar la atención = hold + attention, catch + Posesivo + eye, rivet + the attention, catch + Posesivo + attention.
    * centrar la atención = fix + Posesivo + attention.
    * centrar la atención en = train + spotlight on, put + spotlight on, spotlight + fall on, spotlight + focus on.
    * centro de atención = centre of attention, limelight, centrepiece [centerpiece, -USA], centre stage, focus of concern, focus of interest, focus of attention, focus.
    * centro de atención al ciudadano = advice centre.
    * colmar de atenciones = kill + Nombre + with kindness, smother + Nombre + with kindness.
    * competir por acaparar la atención de Alguien = compete for + attention.
    * con atención = attentively.
    * concentrar la atención sobre = keep in + focus.
    * conseguir ser el centro de atención = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight, grab + the limelight.
    * dar una llamada de atención = sound + a wake-up call.
    * de atención básica = preattentive.
    * de atención primaria = preattentive.
    * deber prestar atención = warrant + consideration.
    * dedicar atención = devote + attention.
    * dedicar atención a = turn + Posesivo + mind to.
    * dedicar + Posesivo + atención = turn + Posesivo + attention, turn + Posesivo + thoughts.
    * dedicar + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * departamento de atención al cliente = customer service department.
    * despertar la atención = arouse + attention, give + wake-up call.
    * desviar + Posesivo + atención = divert + Posesivo + attention.
    * dirigir la atención = put + focus.
    * dirigir la atención a = turn to, direct + Posesivo + attention to(ward).
    * dirigir + Posesivo + atención = turn + Posesivo + attention, turn + Posesivo + thoughts.
    * dirigir + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * disputarse la atención = vie for + attention.
    * distraer la atención = distract + attention.
    * distraer + Posesivo + atención = divert + Posesivo + attention.
    * el centro de atención + ser = all eyes + be + on.
    * en el foco de atención = in the spotlight.
    * fijar la atención = fix + Posesivo + attention.
    * hacer que no se le preste atención a = deflect + attention from.
    * horario de atención al público = opening hours, hours of operation, banking hours.
    * interrumpir la atención = interrupt + attention.
    * lamar la atención = eye + catch.
    * leer con atención = peruse.
    * llamada de atención = heads up, wake-up call, slap on the wrist.
    * llamar la atención = call + attention to, attract + attention, excite + attention, grab + Posesivo + attention, catch + Posesivo + eye, admonish, strike + Posesivo + fancy, capture + the attention, stand out, make + Reflexivo + conspicuous, cut + a dash, seek + attention, make + heads turn, catch + Posesivo + fancy, catch + Posesivo + attention, peak + Posesivo + interest, make + a splash, make + a big noise, hit + home.
    * llamar la atención a Alguien = rap + Nombre + knuckles, censure.
    * llamar la atención de = draw + the attention of.
    * llamar la atención de Alguien = hold + Posesivo + attention.
    * llamar la atención sobre = draw + attention to, pull + Nombre + to, bring + Nombre + into the public eye, raise + awareness, enhance + awareness.
    * llamarle la atención a Alguien = reprimand, slap + Nombre + down, slap + Nombre + on the wrist.
    * mantener la atención de Alguien = hold + Posesivo + attention.
    * merecer atención = merit + attention, be worthy of + attention, deserve + attention.
    * mostrador de atención al público = service desk, public service desk, service counter.
    * mostrador de atención al usuario = service area.
    * necesitar atención = beg + attention, warrant + attention.
    * nivel de atención = attention span.
    * no prestar atención = disregard, overlook, close + the door on, go + unheeded, fly in + the face of.
    * no prestar atención al hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * no prestar la suficiente atención = give + short shrift.
    * para llamar la atención = for effect.
    * pasar a ser el centro de atención = take + centre stage.
    * pasar a ser el centro de atención = come into + focus.
    * poner atención = lend + an ear, listen (to).
    * poner el centro de atención = put + focus.
    * prestándole especial atención a = with specific reference to.
    * prestar atención = follow up, heed, receive + attention, mind, devote + attention, pay + heed, take + notice, give + (some) thought to, follow through, look out for, lend + an ear, prick (up) + Posesivo + ears, Posesivo + antennas + go up.
    * prestar atención a = attend to, give + attention to, give + consideration (to), pay + attention to, turn + Posesivo + mind to, train + spotlight on, give + an ear to, listen (to), keep + an eye on, direct + Posesivo + attention to(ward).
    * prestar especial atención = pay + particular attention, focus.
    * prestarle atención = focus + attention.
    * prestar poca atención a = give + little thought to.
    * prestar + Posesivo + atención = turn + Posesivo + attention, turn + Posesivo + thoughts.
    * prestar + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * que distrae la atención = distracting.
    * que no llama la atención = inconspicuous.
    * recibir atención = enjoy + attention, receive + attention, receive + note, command + attention, gain + attention.
    * requerir atención = require + consideration, require + attention.
    * retener la atención de Alguien = retain + attention.
    * ser el centro de atención = steal + the limelight, steal + the show, cut + a dash.
    * servicio de atención = advisory service.
    * servicio de atención al cliente = customer service, service department.
    * servicio de atención al cliente en su propio automóvil = drive-through (drive-thru).
    * servicio de atención al cliente por teléfono = call centre.
    * servicio de atención de día = day care.
    * servicios de atención al estudiante = student services.
    * síndrome de déficit de atención = attention deficit.
    * síndrome de déficit de atención con hiperactividad = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
    * sin llamar la atención = inconspicuously.
    * sin prestar atención = mindlessly.
    * total atención = undivided attention.
    * trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
    * tratar de no llamar la atención = keep + a low profile, lie + low.
    * volver a prestar atención = refocus + attention.

    * * *
    1 (cuidado, concentración) attention
    me gustaría poder dedicarle más atención a esto I'd like to be able to give this more attention, I'd like to be able to devote more attention to this
    me escuchó con atención she listened to me attentively o carefully
    pon atención en lo que haces concentrate on o pay attention to what you're doing
    presta atención a lo que voy a decir pay attention o listen carefully to what I'm going to say
    trata de atraer la atención del camarero try and attract o get the waiter's attention
    le gusta ser el centro de (la) atención she likes to be the center of attention
    esto ha sido todo por hoy, gracias por su atención that's all for today, thank you for watching/listening
    llamar la atención: se viste así para llamar la atención he dresses like that to attract attention (to himself)
    ¿no ves que estás llamando la atención con esos gritos? can't you see that you're attracting attention (to yourself) with your shouting?
    llama la atención por su original diseño the originality of its design is striking
    es una chica que llama la atención she's a very striking girl
    lo dulce no me llama la atención I'm not very fond of o ( BrE) keen on sweet things
    nada le llama la atención nothing seems to interest him
    me llamó la atención que estuviera sola/no verlo allí I was surprised she was alone/not to see him there
    llamarle la atención a algn (reprenderlo) to reprimand sb ( frml), to give sb a talking to
    (hacerle notar algo): les llamé la atención sobre el precio I drew their attention to the price
    3 ( en locs):
    a la atención de ( Corresp) for the attention of
    en atención a algo ( frml); in view of sth
    en atención a sus circunstancias familiares in view of o bearing in mind her family circumstances
    (servicio): no nos podemos quejar de la atención que recibimos en el consulado we can't complain about the way we were treated o the treatment we received in the consulate
    [ S ] horario de atención al público (en un banco) hours of business; (en una oficina pública) opening hours
    [ S ] departamento de atención al cliente customer service department ( AmE), customer services department ( BrE)
    (cortesía): nos colmaron de atenciones durante nuestra visita we were showered with attention o ( BrE) attentions during our visit, they made a real fuss of us during our visit
    no es necesario gastar mucho, lo importante es tener una atención con él we don't have to spend much money, the important thing is that he knows we thought of him
    no tuvo ninguna atención con nosotros a pesar de nuestra hospitalidad he didn't show the slightest appreciation despite our hospitality
    ¡cuántas atenciones! estoy abrumado how kind! I'm overwhelmed
    1 ( Mil) attention!
    ¡atención! están dando los resultados listen! they're reading out the results
    ¡atención, por favor! (your) attention, please!, may I have your attention, please?
    2 (para avisar de un peligro) look out!, watch out!
    [ S ] ¡atención! danger!, warning!
    * * *


    atención 1 sustantivo femenino

    pon/presta atención a esto pay attention to this;

    con atención attentively

    una chica que llama la atención a very striking girl;
    me llamó la atención que estuviera sola I was surprised she was alone;
    llamarle la atención a algn ( reprenderlo) to reprimand sb (frml), to give sb a talking to
    a) (en hotel, tienda) service;

    ( on signs) horario de atención al público ( en banco) hours of business;
    ( en oficina pública) opening hours
    b) ( cortesía):

    nos colmaron de atenciones we were showered with attention o (BrE) attentions;

    no tuvo ninguna atención con ella a pesar de su hospitalidad he didn't show the slightest appreciation despite her hospitality
    atención 2 interjección

    ¡atención, por favor! (your) attention, please!

    I sustantivo femenino attention
    II exclamación attention!
    ♦ Locuciones: llamar la atención, to attract attention
    prestar atención, to pay attention [a, to]
    toque de atención, warning
    ' atención' also found in these entries:
    - acaparador
    - acaparadora
    - cantar
    - centrar
    - conceder
    - concentrar
    - concentración
    - delicadeza
    - descuidarse
    - despreocuparse
    - detalle
    - dirigirse
    - distracción
    - distraer
    - distraerse
    - eh
    - esmerarse
    - fijar
    - fijarse
    - llamar
    - mirar
    - polarizar
    - prestar
    - show
    - toque
    - asistencia
    - atender
    - atento
    - atraer
    - bien
    - captar
    - caso
    - centro
    - corresponder
    - corte
    - cuidado
    - descuidar
    - dirigir
    - escuchar
    - gentileza
    - ninguno
    - oír
    - ojo
    - palmada
    - perdón
    - poner
    - público
    - reclamo
    - retener
    - appeal
    - attend
    - attention
    - attention span
    - attract
    - call
    - capture
    - care
    - carelessly
    - catch
    - centre
    - closely
    - deaf
    - draw
    - engage
    - enthral
    - enthrall
    - eye
    - fix
    - fuss
    - give
    - grip
    - hear
    - inconspicuous
    - intently
    - listen
    - lunch
    - note
    - noteworthy
    - notice
    - nursing
    - pay
    - rate
    - round-the-clock
    - service
    - spectacle
    - spotlight
    - switch
    - turn
    - undivided
    - anticipation
    - carelessness
    - conspicuous
    - courtesy
    - disregard
    - effect
    - heed
    - intent
    - lime
    * * *
    1. [interés] attention;
    tienes que dedicar más atención a tus estudios you've got to put more effort into your studies, you've got to concentrate harder on your studies;
    miraremos tu expediente con mucha atención we'll look at your file very carefully;
    aguardaban el resultado con atención they were listening attentively for the result;
    escucha con atención listen carefully;
    a la atención de for the attention of;
    llamar la atención [atraer] to attract attention;
    lo que más me llamó la atención fue la belleza del paisaje what struck me most was the beauty of the countryside;
    su belleza llama la atención her beauty is striking;
    al principio no me llamó la atención at first I didn't notice anything unusual;
    llamar la atención a alguien [amonestar] to tell sb off;
    le llamé la atención sobre el coste del proyecto I drew her attention to the cost of the project;
    con sus escándalos, andan llamando la atención todo el tiempo they are always attracting attention to themselves by causing one scandal or another;
    le gusta llamar la atención she likes to be noticed;
    el desastre electoral fue una llamada o [m5] toque de atención al partido gobernante the disastrous election results were a wake-up call to the governing party;
    a los niños pequeños les cuesta mantener la atención small children find it difficult to stop their attention from wandering;
    poner o [m5] prestar atención to pay attention;
    si no pones o [m5]prestas atención, no te enterarás de lo que hay que hacer if you don't pay attention, you won't know what to do
    atención mediática media exposure
    2. [cortesía] attentiveness;
    atenciones attentiveness;
    tenía demasiadas atenciones con el jefe she was overly attentive towards the boss;
    nos colmaron de atenciones they waited on us hand and foot;
    deshacerse en atenciones con to lavish attention on;
    en atención a [teniendo en cuenta] out of consideration for;
    [en honor a] in honour of;
    en atención a sus méritos in honour of her achievements;
    organizaron una cena en atención al nuevo embajador they held a dinner in honour of the new ambassador;
    le cedió el asiento en atención a su avanzada edad he let her have his seat because of her age
    3. [servicio]
    la atención a los ancianos care of the elderly;
    Com atención al cliente customer service o care o support;
    atención domiciliaria [de médico] home visits;
    para la atención domiciliaria, llamar al… if you wish to call a doctor out, ring this number…;
    atención hospitalaria hospital care;
    atención primaria [en ambulatorio] primary health care;
    atención sanitaria health care
    [en aeropuerto, conferencia] your attention please!; Mil attention!;
    ¡atención, van a anunciar el ganador! listen, they're about to announce the winner!;
    ¡atención! [en letrero] danger!;
    ¡atención, peligro de incendio! [en letrero] [con materiales inflamables] (warning!) fire hazard;
    [en bosques] danger of forest fires in this area
    * * *
    1 attention;
    ¡atención! your attention, please!;
    falta de atención lack of attention, inattentiveness;
    prestar atención pay attention (a to);
    llamar la atención a alguien reñir tell s.o. off; por ser llamativo attract s.o.’s attention;
    llamar la atención de alguien sobre algo call s.o.’s attention to sth;
    2 ( cortesía) courtesy;
    atenciones pl attentiveness sg ;
    nos han tratato con mil atenciones they were extremely attentive
    a la atención de carta for the attention of;
    en atención a fml with regard to
    * * *
    atención nf, pl - ciones
    1) : attention
    prestar atención : to pay attention
    llamar la atención : to attract attention
    en atención a : in view of
    atención interj
    1) : attention!
    2) : watch out!
    * * *
    atención1 interj your attention, please!
    atención2 n attention
    con atención attentively / carefully
    me llama la atención que... I'm surprised that...

    Spanish-English dictionary > atención

  • 30 cliente

    f. & m.
    customer, patron, client, costumier.
    * * *
    1 client, customer
    * * *
    (f. - clienta)
    client, customer
    * * *
    SMF [de tienda, bar, restaurante, banco] customer; [de empresa] customer, client; [de hotel] guest, customer

    cliente fijo, cliente habitual — regular customer

    * * *
    - ta masculino, femenino (de tienda, de restaurante) customer; (de empresa, de abogado) client, customer; ( de hotel) guest; ( en taxi) fare, customer

    cliente asiduo or habitual — regular customer (o client etc)

    * * *
    = client, customer, patron, visitor, browser, client, punter, hotel guest.
    Nota: De hotel.
    Ex. Regular monthly outputs can be supplied, or other arrangements can be made to suit the client.
    Ex. New data base items are sent to customers on magnetic tape.
    Ex. The level of specificity that is desirable in any index is a function of the collection being indexed, its use and its patrons.
    Ex. In all 20 per cent of visitors went out of the bookshop with a book they had intended to buy, 15 per cent went out with a book they had not intended to buy and 67 went out with both intended and unintended purchases.
    Ex. In the Internet, a browser is a client program that is used to look at various kinds of Internet resources.
    Ex. In the Internet, a client is a software program that is used to contact and obtain data from a server software program on another computer, often across a great distance.
    Ex. It could mean simply the ability of the punter to move between pieces of information in much the same way as he or she uses the remote controller to change channels on analogue television.
    Ex. Hotel guests not only steal towels and toiletries, but some of them even take home unusual objects like sex toys, stuffed animals and toilet seats.
    * arquitectura cliente-servidor = client-server architecture.
    * atención al cliente = customer care, customer support.
    * atención personal al cliente = personal selling.
    * centrado en el cliente = customer-centred [customer-centered, USA].
    * cliente de hotel = hotel guest.
    * cliente fijo = loyalty of custom.
    * cliente habitual = habitué.
    * cliente leal = loyal customer.
    * cliente satisfecho = satisfied customer.
    * cliente-servidor = client-server.
    * cliente web = WWW browser, Web browser.
    * departamento de atención al cliente = customer service department.
    * el cliente siempre tiene la razón = the customer is always right.
    * facturar a los clientes = bill + clients.
    * lealtad del cliente = customer loyalty.
    * para atraer al cliente = window dressing.
    * programa cliente = browser.
    * ser cliente de una tienda = patronise + shop.
    * servicio de atención al cliente = customer service, service department.
    * servicio de atención al cliente en su propio automóvil = drive-through (drive-thru).
    * servicio de atención al cliente por teléfono = call centre.
    * tecnología cliente-servidor = client-server technology.
    * * *
    - ta masculino, femenino (de tienda, de restaurante) customer; (de empresa, de abogado) client, customer; ( de hotel) guest; ( en taxi) fare, customer

    cliente asiduo or habitual — regular customer (o client etc)

    * * *
    = client, customer, patron, visitor, browser, client, punter, hotel guest.
    Nota: De hotel.

    Ex: Regular monthly outputs can be supplied, or other arrangements can be made to suit the client.

    Ex: New data base items are sent to customers on magnetic tape.
    Ex: The level of specificity that is desirable in any index is a function of the collection being indexed, its use and its patrons.
    Ex: In all 20 per cent of visitors went out of the bookshop with a book they had intended to buy, 15 per cent went out with a book they had not intended to buy and 67 went out with both intended and unintended purchases.
    Ex: In the Internet, a browser is a client program that is used to look at various kinds of Internet resources.
    Ex: In the Internet, a client is a software program that is used to contact and obtain data from a server software program on another computer, often across a great distance.
    Ex: It could mean simply the ability of the punter to move between pieces of information in much the same way as he or she uses the remote controller to change channels on analogue television.
    Ex: Hotel guests not only steal towels and toiletries, but some of them even take home unusual objects like sex toys, stuffed animals and toilet seats.
    * arquitectura cliente-servidor = client-server architecture.
    * atención al cliente = customer care, customer support.
    * atención personal al cliente = personal selling.
    * centrado en el cliente = customer-centred [customer-centered, USA].
    * cliente de hotel = hotel guest.
    * cliente fijo = loyalty of custom.
    * cliente habitual = habitué.
    * cliente leal = loyal customer.
    * cliente satisfecho = satisfied customer.
    * cliente-servidor = client-server.
    * cliente web = WWW browser, Web browser.
    * departamento de atención al cliente = customer service department.
    * el cliente siempre tiene la razón = the customer is always right.
    * facturar a los clientes = bill + clients.
    * lealtad del cliente = customer loyalty.
    * para atraer al cliente = window dressing.
    * programa cliente = browser.
    * ser cliente de una tienda = patronise + shop.
    * servicio de atención al cliente = customer service, service department.
    * servicio de atención al cliente en su propio automóvil = drive-through (drive-thru).
    * servicio de atención al cliente por teléfono = call centre.
    * tecnología cliente-servidor = client-server technology.

    * * *
    cliente -ta
    masculine, feminine
    1 (de una tienda) customer; (de una empresa) client, customer; (de un restaurante) customer, patron; (de un hotel) guest; (de un abogado, arquitecto) client; (en un taxi) fare, customer
    cliente asiduo or habitual regular customer ( o client etc)
    cliente masculine ( Inf) client
    * * *


    ◊ -ta sustantivo masculino, femenino (de tienda, restaurante) customer;

    (de empresa, abogado) client;
    ( de hotel) guest;
    ( en taxi) fare, customer;
    cliente habitual regular customer (o client etc)

    cliente mf client, customer

    ' cliente' also found in these entries:
    - abogado
    - alquilar
    - asidua
    - asiduo
    - dirigirse
    - habitual
    - huésped
    - huéspeda
    - parroquiana
    - parroquiano
    - atender
    - casero
    - fijo
    - servicio
    attend to
    - big
    - caller
    - client
    - customer
    - guest
    - major
    - patron
    - patronize
    - prospective
    - punter
    - regular
    - serve
    - service
    - soliciting
    - support
    - visitor
    - with
    - custom
    - customize
    - loyalty
    - now
    - please
    - prospect
    * * *
    cliente, -a
    [de tienda, garaje, bar] customer; [de banco, abogado] client; [de hotel] guest;
    perder/ganar un cliente to lose/gain a customer/client;
    un cliente habitual a regular customer/client/guest;
    el cliente siempre tiene razón the customer is always right
    Informát client
    * * *
    m/f de tienda customer; de empresa client
    * * *
    cliente, -ta n
    : customer, client
    * * *
    1. (en tienda, etc) customer

    Spanish-English dictionary > cliente

  • 31 solicit

    1. transitive verb
    1) (appeal for) werben um [Wählerstimmen, Unterstützung]
    3) (make sexual offer to)
    2. intransitive verb

    solicit for somethingum etwas bitten od. (geh.) ersuchen; (in a petition) etwas [mit einer Eingabe] fordern

    2) (Commerc.)
    3) (offer illicit sex)

    solicit [for custom] — sich anbieten

    * * *
    (to ask (for): People working for charities are permitted to solicit (money from) the public.) dringend bitten
    - academic.ru/68744/solicitor">solicitor
    * * *
    vt ( form)
    1. (ask for)
    to \solicit sth um etw akk bitten, etw erbitten
    during an oral exam, a professor will \solicit detailed answers from a student in einer mündlichen Prüfung verlangt ein Professor ausführliche Antworten von einem Studenten
    to \solicit sth for sth from sb von jdm etw für etw akk erbitten
    he tried to \solicit support for the restructuring from his employees er versuchte, bei seinen Angestellten um Verständnis für die Umstrukturierung zu werben
    to \solicit donations/gifts [dringend] um Spenden/Gaben bitten
    to \solicit support um Unterstützung bitten
    to \solicit votes um [Wähler]stimmen werben
    2. (sell)
    to \solicit sb prostitutes jdn anwerben
    to \solicit sex sich akk anbieten [o geh prostituieren]
    * * *
    1. vt
    support, money, donations erbitten, bitten um; person anflehen, inständig bitten; business, sympathy werben um; news, advice, help bitten um; (prostitute) customers ansprechen

    to solicit sb for sth — jdn um etw bitten, etw von jdm erbitten

    2. vi
    (prostitute) Kunden anwerben, zur Unzucht auffordern (form)
    * * *
    solicit [səˈlısıt]
    A v/t
    1. sich um ein Amt, Aufträge etc bemühen:
    solicit customers Kundschaft werben
    2. dringend bitten (sb jemanden; sth um etwas; sb for sth oder sth of sb jemanden um etwas)
    3. Männer ansprechen (Prostituierte)
    4. JUR anstiften
    B v/i
    1. dringend bitten ( for um)
    2. a) sich um Aufträge etc bemühen
    b) Kundschaft etc werben
    * * *
    1. transitive verb
    1) (appeal for) werben um [Wählerstimmen, Unterstützung]
    2. intransitive verb

    solicit for somethingum etwas bitten od. (geh.) ersuchen; (in a petition) etwas [mit einer Eingabe] fordern

    2) (Commerc.)

    solicit [for custom] — sich anbieten

    * * *
    dringend bitten ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > solicit

  • 32 tout

    1. intransitive verb

    tout [for business/custom/orders] — Kunden anreißen (ugs.) od. werben

    tout for customers/buyers — Kunden/Käufer anreißen (ugs.) od. werben

    2. noun
    Anreißer, der/Anreißerin, die (ugs.); Kundenwerber, der/-werberin, die

    ticket tout — Kartenschwarzhändler, der/-händlerin, die

    * * *
    (to go about in search of buyers, jobs, support, votes etc: The taxi-driver drove around touting for custom.) werben
    * * *
    I. n ( pej) Schwarzhändler(in) m(f)
    II. vt
    to \tout sth/sb für etw/jdn Reklame machen
    to \tout sb as sth jdn als etw preisen
    to \tout sb for sth jdn für etw akk preisen
    she is being \touted for an Oscar sie wird als Kandidatin für den Oskar gehandelt
    to \tout ideas Ideen propagieren
    to \tout sth etw unter der Hand verkaufen
    III. vi
    to \tout for sth/sb um etw/jdn werben
    to \tout for business [or custom] [or customers] um Kunden kämpfen
    * * *
    [taʊt] (inf)
    1. n
    (= tipster) Wettberater(in) m(f); (esp Brit = spy) Schnüffler(in) m(f) (inf), Spion(in) m(f) (inf); (= ticket tout) (Karten)schwarzhändler(in) m(f); (for business) Kundenfänger(in) m(f)
    2. vt (RACING)
    horse als Favorit angeben, als heißen Tipp nennen; (= spy) stables ausspionieren (inf); horse herumschnüffeln bei (inf); (= sell also tout around) information anbieten; tickets anbieten, schwarz verkaufen (inf); goods (den Leuten) aufschwatzen (inf); ideas propagieren
    3. vi (RACING = offer tips) Wetttipps (gegen Honorar) verteilen; (= spy) herumspionieren, herumschnüffeln (inf)

    to tout for customersauf Kundenfang sein (inf), Kunden schleppen (inf)

    * * *
    tout [taʊt] umg
    A v/i
    1. aufdringliche (Kunden- oder Stimmen)Werbung treiben ( for für)
    a) besonders Br sich (durch Spionieren) gute Renntipps verschaffen
    b) Wetttipps geben oder verkaufen
    B v/t
    1. aufdringliche (Kunden- oder Stimmen)Werbung treiben für
    a) besonders Br (durch Spionieren) Informationen erlangen über (akk)
    b) jemandem Wetttipps geben oder verkaufen
    C s
    1. Kundenwerber(in), (-)Schlepper(in)
    2. a) besonders Br Spion(in) (beim Pferdetraining)
    b) Tippgeber(in)
    3. be on the tout for Ausschau halten nach
    4. Br (Karten) Schwarzhändler(in)
    * * *
    1. intransitive verb

    tout [for business/custom/orders] — Kunden anreißen (ugs.) od. werben

    tout for customers/buyers — Kunden/Käufer anreißen (ugs.) od. werben

    2. noun
    Anreißer, der/Anreißerin, die (ugs.); Kundenwerber, der/-werberin, die

    ticket tout — Kartenschwarzhändler, der/-händlerin, die

    * * *
    aufdringlich ankündigen ausdr.
    sich gute Tipps (Tips (•alt.Rechtschreibung•)
    ) verschaffen ausdr.
    werben v.
    (§ p.,pp.: warb, geworben)

    English-german dictionary > tout

  • 33 Ausbleiben

    v/i; (unreg., trennb., ist -ge-)
    1. (nicht kommen) Erfolg, Folgen etc.: not come, fail to materialize; Regen: fail to arrive; Ereignis: not take place; Gäste etc.: not come ( oder show, turn up); (wegbleiben) stay away; es konnte nicht ausbleiben, dass... it was inevitable that...; es blieb nicht lange aus, dass... it wasn’t long in coming that...; i-e Periode blieb aus she missed her period
    2. (aussetzen) Atmung, Puls: stop
    3. (nicht heimkommen) stay out
    * * *
    das Ausbleiben
    * * *
    nt -s, no pl
    (= Fehlen) absence; (= das Nichterscheinen) nonappearance

    bei Áúsbleiben von... — in the absence of...

    bei Áúsbleiben der Periode — if your period doesn't come

    * * *
    ((of weather) to stay away: I hope the rain holds off.) hold off
    * * *
    1. (Fortbleiben) failure to appear [or come], non[-]appearance; (Schüler a.) absence
    2. (das Nichtauftreten) failure to appear; Regen holding off no pl
    3. (Nichteintritt) absence
    bei \Ausbleiben der Menstruation when [one's] menstruation doesn't come [or is overdue
    4. (das Nichteintreffen) failure to come in
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; mit sein
    1) <guests, visitors, customers> stay away, fail to appear; < order, commission, help, offer, support, rain> fail to arrive; <effect, disaster, success, reward> fail to materialize; (nicht nach Hause kommen) stay out

    es konnte nicht ausbleiben, dass... — it was inevitable that...

    2) (ugs.): (ausgeschaltet bleiben) stay off
    * * *
    Ausbleiben n; -s, kein pl absence; einer Zahlung: non-payment; JUR default;
    bei Ausbleiben der Regel if the period does not come
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; mit sein
    1) <guests, visitors, customers> stay away, fail to appear; <order, commission, help, offer, support, rain> fail to arrive; <effect, disaster, success, reward> fail to materialize; (nicht nach Hause kommen) stay out

    es konnte nicht ausbleiben, dass... — it was inevitable that...

    2) (ugs.): (ausgeschaltet bleiben) stay off
    * * *
    to stay away v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Ausbleiben

  • 34 ausbleiben

    v/i; (unreg., trennb., ist -ge-)
    1. (nicht kommen) Erfolg, Folgen etc.: not come, fail to materialize; Regen: fail to arrive; Ereignis: not take place; Gäste etc.: not come ( oder show, turn up); (wegbleiben) stay away; es konnte nicht ausbleiben, dass... it was inevitable that...; es blieb nicht lange aus, dass... it wasn’t long in coming that...; i-e Periode blieb aus she missed her period
    2. (aussetzen) Atmung, Puls: stop
    3. (nicht heimkommen) stay out
    * * *
    das Ausbleiben
    * * *
    nt -s, no pl
    (= Fehlen) absence; (= das Nichterscheinen) nonappearance

    bei Áúsbleiben von... — in the absence of...

    bei Áúsbleiben der Periode — if your period doesn't come

    * * *
    ((of weather) to stay away: I hope the rain holds off.) hold off
    * * *
    1. (Fortbleiben) failure to appear [or come], non[-]appearance; (Schüler a.) absence
    2. (das Nichtauftreten) failure to appear; Regen holding off no pl
    3. (Nichteintritt) absence
    bei \Ausbleiben der Menstruation when [one's] menstruation doesn't come [or is overdue
    4. (das Nichteintreffen) failure to come in
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; mit sein
    1) <guests, visitors, customers> stay away, fail to appear; < order, commission, help, offer, support, rain> fail to arrive; <effect, disaster, success, reward> fail to materialize; (nicht nach Hause kommen) stay out

    es konnte nicht ausbleiben, dass... — it was inevitable that...

    2) (ugs.): (ausgeschaltet bleiben) stay off
    * * *
    ausbleiben v/i; (irr, trennb, ist -ge-)
    1. (nicht kommen) Erfolg, Folgen etc: not come, fail to materialize; Regen: fail to arrive; Ereignis: not take place; Gäste etc: not come ( oder show, turn up); (wegbleiben) stay away;
    es konnte nicht ausbleiben, dass … it was inevitable that …;
    es blieb nicht lange aus, dass … it wasn’t long in coming that …;
    i-e Periode blieb aus she missed her period
    2. (aussetzen) Atmung, Puls: stop
    3. (nicht heimkommen) stay out
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; mit sein
    1) <guests, visitors, customers> stay away, fail to appear; <order, commission, help, offer, support, rain> fail to arrive; <effect, disaster, success, reward> fail to materialize; (nicht nach Hause kommen) stay out

    es konnte nicht ausbleiben, dass... — it was inevitable that...

    2) (ugs.): (ausgeschaltet bleiben) stay off
    * * *
    to stay away v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > ausbleiben

  • 35 ahuyentar

    1 to scare away.
    el elevado precio ahuyentó a los compradores the high price put buyers off
    2 to drive away, to get away, to chase away, to frighten off.
    Los soldados ahuyentaron al enemigo The soldiers drove away the enemy.
    Reír ahuyenta la tristeza Laughter drives away the sorrow.
    3 to shoo off, to shoo, to shoo out.
    * * *
    1 to drive away, scare away
    2 figurado to dismiss
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=espantar) to frighten off, frighten away; (=mantener a distancia) to keep off
    2) [+ temores, dudas etc] to banish, dispel
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( hacer huir) <ladrón/animal> to frighten off or away
    b) ( mantener a distancia) <fiera/mosquitos> to keep... away
    c) < dudas> to dispel
    * * *
    = frighten off, drive away, chase away, send + Nombre + packing, scare away, chase + Nombre + off.
    Ex. Then something compelled her to blurt out: 'Are you interested in the job?' 'We haven't frightened you off, have we?' ejaculated another, with a nervous laugh.
    Ex. Moreover, the shady image of video libraries drove away discerning customers.
    Ex. Any recommendations on how to chase away the Monday blues?.
    Ex. Those who hold this view argued that the state government lacks the political will to send them packing for good.
    Ex. Falling state support for higher education has a number of onerous effects: increased tuition fees, more student debt, and a greater likelihood of scaring away low-income students.
    Ex. Wolverines are very ferocious scavengers that even chase wolves and bears off.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( hacer huir) <ladrón/animal> to frighten off or away
    b) ( mantener a distancia) <fiera/mosquitos> to keep... away
    c) < dudas> to dispel
    * * *
    = frighten off, drive away, chase away, send + Nombre + packing, scare away, chase + Nombre + off.

    Ex: Then something compelled her to blurt out: 'Are you interested in the job?' 'We haven't frightened you off, have we?' ejaculated another, with a nervous laugh.

    Ex: Moreover, the shady image of video libraries drove away discerning customers.
    Ex: Any recommendations on how to chase away the Monday blues?.
    Ex: Those who hold this view argued that the state government lacks the political will to send them packing for good.
    Ex: Falling state support for higher education has a number of onerous effects: increased tuition fees, more student debt, and a greater likelihood of scaring away low-income students.
    Ex: Wolverines are very ferocious scavengers that even chase wolves and bears off.

    * * *
    ahuyentar [A1 ]
    1 (hacer huir) ‹ladrón/animal› to frighten off o away
    2 (mantener a distancia) ‹fiera› to keep … away; ‹mosquitos› to repel, ward off
    3 ‹dudas› to dispel
    debes ahuyentar los malos pensamientos you must banish evil thoughts from your mind
    * * *

    ahuyentar ( conjugate ahuyentar) verbo transitivo
    a) ( hacer huir) ‹ladrón/animal› to frighten off or away

    b) ( mantener a distancia) ‹fiera/mosquitosto keep … away

    ahuyentar verbo transitivo to scare away
    ' ahuyentar' also found in these entries:
    drive off
    - frighten away
    - frighten off
    - scare away
    - scare off
    - shoo
    - block
    - discourage
    - repel
    * * *
    1. [espantar, asustar] to scare away
    2. [mantener a distancia] to keep away;
    el fuego ahuyentaba a las fieras the fire kept the wild animals away;
    el elevado precio ahuyentó a los compradores the high price put buyers off;
    ahuyentó su mal humor he shook off his bad mood
    3. [apartar] to drive away;
    ahuyenta los malos pensamientos banish all evil thoughts from your mind
    * * *
    v/t scare off o
    * * *
    1) : to scare away, to chase away
    2) : to banish, to dispel
    ahuyentar las dudas: to dispel doubts

    Spanish-English dictionary > ahuyentar

  • 36 conectado por cable

    (n.) = wired-up, hardwired [hard wired], wired, wireline
    Ex. The use of networking to optimise use of information resources will increase the university's competitive edge, but only a minority of universities have the funds to support a fully ' wired-up' campus.
    Ex. If you have data you want to protect, encrypt the link or go to hardwired link.
    Ex. The University of Stirling has, since 1989, been operating an information technology strategy based on the concept of the ' wired campus'.
    Ex. Existing wireline networks, with their ubiquity, seamless operations, and ease of use, have provided clear benchmarks for satisfying customers' basic personal communications needs.
    * * *
    (n.) = wired-up, hardwired [hard wired], wired, wireline

    Ex: The use of networking to optimise use of information resources will increase the university's competitive edge, but only a minority of universities have the funds to support a fully ' wired-up' campus.

    Ex: If you have data you want to protect, encrypt the link or go to hardwired link.
    Ex: The University of Stirling has, since 1989, been operating an information technology strategy based on the concept of the ' wired campus'.
    Ex: Existing wireline networks, with their ubiquity, seamless operations, and ease of use, have provided clear benchmarks for satisfying customers' basic personal communications needs.

    Spanish-English dictionary > conectado por cable

  • 37 espantar

    1 to frighten or scare away.
    espanta a las moscas con el rabo it keeps the flies off with its tail
    El monstruo espanta a los chicos The monster frightens the kids.
    2 to frighten, to scare.
    3 to appall, to shock.
    4 to chase away, to shoo off, to shoo out, to beat.
    El granjero espantó a los cuervos The farmer chased away the crows.
    5 to be frightening, to be scary, to be frightful, to inspire fear.
    Esa vieja casa espanta That old house is frightening.
    * * *
    1 (asustar) to frighten, scare, scare off
    2 (ahuyentar) to frighten away
    1 (asustarse) to be frightened, be scared
    2 (asombrarse) to be amazed, be astonished
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=asustar) [gen] to frighten, scare; [haciendo huir] to frighten off o away, scare off o away
    2) (=horrorizar) to horrify, appal

    le espantaba la idea de tener que ir solohe was horrified o appalled at the thought of having to go on his own

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( ahuyentar) <peces/pájaros> to frighten away
    b) ( asustar) < caballo> to frighten, scare
    2) (fam) ( uso hiperbólico) to horrify, appall*
    a) (fam) ( asustar)
    b) (Bol, Col, Ven fam) fantasma
    espantarse v pron
    1) pájaro/peces to get frightened away; caballo to take fright, be startled
    2) (fam) ( uso hiberbólico) to be horrified o appalled
    * * *
    = chase away, scare away, drive away, spook.
    Ex. Any recommendations on how to chase away the Monday blues?.
    Ex. Falling state support for higher education has a number of onerous effects: increased tuition fees, more student debt, and a greater likelihood of scaring away low-income students.
    Ex. Moreover, the shady image of video libraries drove away discerning customers.
    Ex. The noise spooked the animals, and many stampeded over a cliff to their deaths.
    * espantarse = shy.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( ahuyentar) <peces/pájaros> to frighten away
    b) ( asustar) < caballo> to frighten, scare
    2) (fam) ( uso hiperbólico) to horrify, appall*
    a) (fam) ( asustar)
    b) (Bol, Col, Ven fam) fantasma
    espantarse v pron
    1) pájaro/peces to get frightened away; caballo to take fright, be startled
    2) (fam) ( uso hiberbólico) to be horrified o appalled
    * * *
    = chase away, scare away, drive away, spook.

    Ex: Any recommendations on how to chase away the Monday blues?.

    Ex: Falling state support for higher education has a number of onerous effects: increased tuition fees, more student debt, and a greater likelihood of scaring away low-income students.
    Ex: Moreover, the shady image of video libraries drove away discerning customers.
    Ex: The noise spooked the animals, and many stampeded over a cliff to their deaths.
    * espantarse = shy.

    * * *
    espantar [A1 ]
    1 (ahuyentar) ‹peces/pájaros› to frighten away
    2 (asustar) ‹caballo› to frighten, scare, spook ( AmE)
    con ese peinado lo vas a espantar al pobre ( fam); with that hairstyle you'll frighten o scare the poor guy off ( colloq)
    3 (apartar de sí) ‹sueño/pena/miedo›
    se tomó un café para espantar el sueño she had a coffee to stop herself from falling asleep o to keep herself awake
    cantando se espantan las penas by singing you drive your troubles away o keep your troubles at bay
    espanta de ti esos malos pensamientos drive those evil thoughts out of your mind, rid yourself of those evil thoughts ( liter)
    le era imposible espantar el miedo que sentía he could not drive away o shake off his feeling of fear
    B ( fam) (uso hiperbólico) to horrify, appall*
    le espanta la idea de vivir allí the idea of living there appalls o horrifies him
    ■ espantar
    1 ( fam)
    (asustar): es tan feo que espanta he's absolutely hideous ( colloq)
    (Bol, Col, Ven fam) «fantasma»: dicen que en esa casa espantan they say that house is haunted
    1 «pájaro/peces» to get frightened away
    2 «caballo» to take fright, be startled, spook ( AmE)
    B ( fam) (uso hiberbólico) to be horrified o appalled
    se va a espantar cuando lo sepa she'll be horrified o appalled when she finds out
    * * *

    espantar ( conjugate espantar) verbo transitivo
    a) ( ahuyentar) ‹peces/pájaros to frighten away

    2 (fam) ( horrorizar) to horrify, appall( conjugate appall)
    verbo intransitivo
    a) (fam) ( asustar):

    b) (Bol, Col, Ven fam) [ fantasma]:

    espantarse verbo pronominal [pájaro/peces] to get frightened away;
    [ caballo] to take fright, be startled
    espantar verbo transitivo
    1 (ahuyentar) to shoo o scare away: espantó a los atacantes con un tiro al aire, he scared away his attackers by firing a shot into the air
    2 (causar espanto) to scare, frighten
    ' espantar' also found in these entries:
    - frighten
    * * *
    1. [ahuyentar] to frighten o scare away;
    espanta a las moscas con el rabo it keeps the flies off with its tail;
    RDom Fam
    2. [asustar] to frighten, to scare;
    el loco de mi hermano me espanta a todos los novios my crazy brother frightens off o scares away all my boyfriends
    3. [pasmar] to appal, to shock;
    sus costumbres espantarían a cualquier occidental their customs would appal any Westerner
    4. [apartar de la mente]
    espanta sus penas bebiendo he drowns his sorrows in drink;
    no conseguía espantar el fantasma de los celos she couldn't rid herself of the jealousy she felt
    1. [asustar] to be frightening;
    esa casa espanta sólo de verla that house is frightening just to look at
    2. Méx, Ven [haber apariciones]
    en esa casa espantan that house is haunted
    * * *
    1 ( asustar) frighten, scare
    2 ( ahuyentar) frighten away, shoo away
    3 fam ( horrorizar) horrify, appall
    * * *
    asustar: to scare, to frighten
    * * *
    1. (ahuyentar) to scare away / to frighten away
    ¡espanta las moscas! shoo the flies away!
    2. (causar miedo) to scare / to frighten
    le espanta la oscuridad he's afraid of the dark / he's scared of the dark

    Spanish-English dictionary > espantar

  • 38 franquicia

    1 franchise (tienda).
    2 exemption.
    franquicia postal free postage
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: franquiciar.
    2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: franquiciar.
    * * *
    1 exemption
    2 COMERCIO franchise
    franquicia arancelaria exemption from customs duty
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (Com) franchise
    2) (=exención) exemption (de from)

    franquicia aduanera, franquicia arancelaria — exemption from customs duties

    franquicia de equipaje — (Aer) free baggage allowance

    * * *
    1) ( exención) exemption; ( en seguros) excess
    2) ( concesión) franchise
    * * *
    = franchise, chain store, franchiser [franchisor], concession stand.
    Nota: Término americano para referirse a los bares que sirven comida y bebida en un complejo comercial, deportivo, cultural, etc.
    Ex. The Condensed Books series holds a unique and ubiquitous book publishing franchise that has vanquished all competitors.
    Ex. Customers seem to be tiring of malls and chain stores, seeking a more personal service and wanting to bargain.
    Ex. The principle incorporates the basic advantage of franchising; where the franchisee buys access to the franchiser's products, product expertise, training, support and corporate branding.
    Ex. Movie theaters now gave concession stands prime placement in their lobbies.
    * conceder en franquicia = franchise.
    * concesión de franquicias = franchising.
    * persona que concede una franquicia = franchiser [franchisor].
    * persona que obtiene una franquicia = franchisee.
    * seguro con franquicia = insurance with deductible.
    * * *
    1) ( exención) exemption; ( en seguros) excess
    2) ( concesión) franchise
    * * *
    = franchise, chain store, franchiser [franchisor], concession stand.
    Nota: Término americano para referirse a los bares que sirven comida y bebida en un complejo comercial, deportivo, cultural, etc.

    Ex: The Condensed Books series holds a unique and ubiquitous book publishing franchise that has vanquished all competitors.

    Ex: Customers seem to be tiring of malls and chain stores, seeking a more personal service and wanting to bargain.
    Ex: The principle incorporates the basic advantage of franchising; where the franchisee buys access to the franchiser's products, product expertise, training, support and corporate branding.
    Ex: Movie theaters now gave concession stands prime placement in their lobbies.
    * conceder en franquicia = franchise.
    * concesión de franquicias = franchising.
    * persona que concede una franquicia = franchiser [franchisor].
    * persona que obtiene una franquicia = franchisee.
    * seguro con franquicia = insurance with deductible.

    * * *
    2 (en seguros) excess
    (Ur) (en un club): franquicias durante el mes de agosto no joining fee during August
    franquicia aduanera (condición) duty-free status; (cantidad) duty-free allowance
    B (concesión) franchise
    tiendas de franquicia franchise shops, franchises
    * * *


    franquicia sustantivo femenino
    1 ( exención) exemption;
    ( en seguros) excess;

    ( cantidad) duty-free allowance
    2 ( concesión) franchise
    franquicia sustantivo femenino
    1 exemption
    2 Com franchise
    3 Mil one day's leave: le dieron una franquicia al soldado y fue a visitar a su madre, they gave the solder a day's leave and he went to see his mother
    ' franquicia' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    1. [tienda] franchise
    2. [exención] exemption
    franquicia aduanera duty-free allowance;
    franquicia postal exemption from postage, free postage
    3. [en seguro] excess
    4. Urug
    franquicias [en club] free membership;
    este verano: franquicias this summer: free membership
    * * *
    1 ( exención) exemption
    2 COM franchise
    * * *
    1) exención: exemption
    2) : franchise

    Spanish-English dictionary > franquicia

  • 39 opinión

    opinion, notion, conviction, belief.
    * * *
    1 (juicio) opinion, view
    en mi opinión in my opinion, in my view
    cambiar de opinión to change one's mind
    la opinión pública public opinion
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    SF opinion, view

    ser de la opinión (de) que... — to be of the opinion that..., take the view that...

    * * *
    femenino opinion

    ¿cuál es tu opinión sobre el programa? — what do you think of the program?

    * * *
    = claim, contention, feedback, judgement [judgment], regard, view, say, voice, perception.
    Ex. The final justification is to be found in the claim that SLIS provide a form of information education that is not provided elsewhere.
    Ex. The main contentions are that it would serve both the long-term interests of authors and publishers and the interests of users of information.
    Ex. The statements are framed one at a time, and feedback is available at each stage, hence the term 'interactive searching'.
    Ex. In my judgment, these changes will come about in one of two ways.
    Ex. Their sheer institutional standing and regard have had a bearing upon the creation of a situation which is a good deal better than it might otherwise have been.
    Ex. There is an alternative method for the design of subject retrieval devices, and that is to build languages or schemes which depend upon some theoretical views about the nature and structure of knowledge.
    Ex. I've seen people clamor for a say and when it's given to them they don't take it.
    Ex. I am particularly interested in hearing from practicing music and digital librarians, those in industry, and those who have had experience with other evaluation programmes, though all voices are welcomed.
    Ex. Nevertheless, citation indexes do seek to link documents according to their content (or at least the perception of their content held by the author of the source work).
    * a la opinión pública = in the public eye.
    * ante la opinión pública = in the public eye.
    * apoyar un opinión = support + contention.
    * artículo de opinión = discussion article, discussion paper, opinion article, feature article, opinion piece, op-ed.
    * atrincherado en las opiniones de Uno = set in + Posesivo + opinions.
    * cambiar de opinión = change + Posesivo + mind, change + feet, change + Posesivo + tune.
    * cambiar de opinión a mitad de camino = change + horses in midstream.
    * cambio de opinión = change of heart, change of mind.
    * columna de opinión = op-ed.
    * compartir la opinión de que = share + the view that.
    * dar la opinión sobre = give + opinion on.
    * dar una opinión = offer + opinion.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + opinión = in + Posesivo + view, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * defender un opinión = support + view.
    * diferencia de opinión (sobre) = difference of opinion (on).
    * diferencias de opinión = shades of opinion.
    * discrepacia de opiniones = conflict of opinions.
    * divergencia de opinión = divergence of opinion.
    * división de opiniones = division of opinion, split decision, divided opinions.
    * documento de opinión = discussion document.
    * empresa dedicada a los sondeos de opinión = polling firm, polling agency.
    * en contra de la opinión general = contrary to popular belief.
    * en la opinión de = in the opinion of.
    * en mi opinión = to my mind, in my opinion, to the best of my knowledge, in my view, to my knowledge, in my books.
    * en + Posesivo + opinión = to + Posesivo + mind.
    * escuchar la opinión de Alguien = hear + opinion.
    * es mi opinión = my two cents' worth.
    * expresar la opinión = volunteer + view.
    * expresar la opinión de uno = make + Posesivo + feelings known, put + viewpoint across.
    * expresar la opinión de uno sobre = give + Posesivo + thoughts on.
    * expresar opinión = express + view.
    * expresar opinión (sobre) = express + opinion (on).
    * expresar + Posesivo + opinión = find + Posesivo + (own) voice, find + voice, find + a voice.
    * expresar una opinión = voice + opinion.
    * expresar una opinión sobre = state + opinion on, venture + opinion on.
    * formarse una opinión = form + impression.
    * grupo de opinión = focus group.
    * haber división de opiniones = be split on, opinion + be divided.
    * haber división de opiniones entre los críticos = critics + be divided.
    * influir en la opinión pública = shape + public opinion, influence + public opinion.
    * intercambiar opiniones = exchange + views, share + opinions.
    * intercambio de opiniones sobre = exchange of opinion on.
    * la opinión de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * líder de opinión = opinion leader.
    * manipular la opinión = manipulate + opinion.
    * mantener una opinión = hold + view, hold + opinion.
    * mi opinión = my two cents' worth.
    * moldear la opinión pública = mould + public opinion.
    * ofrecer una opinión = offer + opinion.
    * opinión consensuada = consensus of opinion.
    * opinión de la mayoría = majority opinion.
    * opiniones diferentes = contrasting opinions.
    * opiniones diversas = mixed reactions, mixed reviews.
    * opiniones divididas = divided opinions.
    * opiniones opuestas = contrasting opinions.
    * opinión + estar dividida = opinion + be divided.
    * opinión general = consensus, consensus of opinion, accepted wisdom, conventional wisdom.
    * opinión general, la = received wisdom, the.
    * opinión generalmente aceptada = conventional wisdom.
    * opinión mayoritaria = majority opinion.
    * opinión personal = personal opinion.
    * opinión pública = outside-world, public opinion.
    * opinión pública, la = public mind, the.
    * opinión (sobre) = opinion (on).
    * pedir la opinión sobre = ask for + opinion on.
    * recabar la opinión = canvass + opinion.
    * recabar la opinión pública = gauge + public opinion.
    * recabar la opinión sobre = gauge + opinion on.
    * recabar opiniones = solicit + input.
    * recabar opinión sobre = elicit + opinion on.
    * recabar + Posesivo + opinión = gauge + Posesivo + reaction.
    * recabar una opinión = solicit + opinion.
    * recibir opiniones diversas = receive + mixed reviews.
    * reservarse la opinión = reserve + judgement.
    * respaldar una opinión = buttress + claim, support + view.
    * según la opinión de = in the opinion of.
    * según mi opinión = to the best of my knowledge.
    * según + Posesivo + opinión = in + Posesivo + view, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * ser de la opinión de que = be of the opinion that, be of the view that.
    * sondear la opinión pública = gauge + public opinion.
    * sondear la opinión sobre = gauge + opinion on.
    * sondeo de opinión = opinion poll, Gallup poll, perceptions study, opinion polling.
    * sondeo de opinión por teléfono = telephone opinion poll.
    * sondeo de opinión pública = public opinion poll.
    * sondeo informal de opinión = straw poll.
    * sostener la opinión = argue.
    * sostener una opinión = hold + view, hold + opinion.
    * tener derecho a expresar + Posesivo + opinión = be entitled to + Posesivo + own opinion.
    * tener la opinión = it + be + Posesivo + understanding.
    * tener opinión = take + view.
    * tener una opinión = take + viewpoint, hold + view, hold + opinion.
    * tener una opinión sobre = have + an opinion on.
    * una segunda opinión = a second opinion.
    * * *
    femenino opinion

    ¿cuál es tu opinión sobre el programa? — what do you think of the program?

    * * *
    opinión (sobre)

    Ex: A reputable supplier will readily provide names of former customers who may be contacted for their opinions on service, support and maintenance.

    = claim, contention, feedback, judgement [judgment], regard, view, say, voice, perception.

    Ex: The final justification is to be found in the claim that SLIS provide a form of information education that is not provided elsewhere.

    Ex: The main contentions are that it would serve both the long-term interests of authors and publishers and the interests of users of information.
    Ex: The statements are framed one at a time, and feedback is available at each stage, hence the term 'interactive searching'.
    Ex: In my judgment, these changes will come about in one of two ways.
    Ex: Their sheer institutional standing and regard have had a bearing upon the creation of a situation which is a good deal better than it might otherwise have been.
    Ex: There is an alternative method for the design of subject retrieval devices, and that is to build languages or schemes which depend upon some theoretical views about the nature and structure of knowledge.
    Ex: I've seen people clamor for a say and when it's given to them they don't take it.
    Ex: I am particularly interested in hearing from practicing music and digital librarians, those in industry, and those who have had experience with other evaluation programmes, though all voices are welcomed.
    Ex: Nevertheless, citation indexes do seek to link documents according to their content (or at least the perception of their content held by the author of the source work).
    * a la opinión pública = in the public eye.
    * ante la opinión pública = in the public eye.
    * apoyar un opinión = support + contention.
    * artículo de opinión = discussion article, discussion paper, opinion article, feature article, opinion piece, op-ed.
    * atrincherado en las opiniones de Uno = set in + Posesivo + opinions.
    * cambiar de opinión = change + Posesivo + mind, change + feet, change + Posesivo + tune.
    * cambiar de opinión a mitad de camino = change + horses in midstream.
    * cambio de opinión = change of heart, change of mind.
    * columna de opinión = op-ed.
    * compartir la opinión de que = share + the view that.
    * dar la opinión sobre = give + opinion on.
    * dar una opinión = offer + opinion.
    * de acuerdo con + Posesivo + opinión = in + Posesivo + view, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * defender un opinión = support + view.
    * diferencia de opinión (sobre) = difference of opinion (on).
    * diferencias de opinión = shades of opinion.
    * discrepacia de opiniones = conflict of opinions.
    * divergencia de opinión = divergence of opinion.
    * división de opiniones = division of opinion, split decision, divided opinions.
    * documento de opinión = discussion document.
    * empresa dedicada a los sondeos de opinión = polling firm, polling agency.
    * en contra de la opinión general = contrary to popular belief.
    * en la opinión de = in the opinion of.
    * en mi opinión = to my mind, in my opinion, to the best of my knowledge, in my view, to my knowledge, in my books.
    * en + Posesivo + opinión = to + Posesivo + mind.
    * escuchar la opinión de Alguien = hear + opinion.
    * es mi opinión = my two cents' worth.
    * expresar la opinión = volunteer + view.
    * expresar la opinión de uno = make + Posesivo + feelings known, put + viewpoint across.
    * expresar la opinión de uno sobre = give + Posesivo + thoughts on.
    * expresar opinión = express + view.
    * expresar opinión (sobre) = express + opinion (on).
    * expresar + Posesivo + opinión = find + Posesivo + (own) voice, find + voice, find + a voice.
    * expresar una opinión = voice + opinion.
    * expresar una opinión sobre = state + opinion on, venture + opinion on.
    * formarse una opinión = form + impression.
    * grupo de opinión = focus group.
    * haber división de opiniones = be split on, opinion + be divided.
    * haber división de opiniones entre los críticos = critics + be divided.
    * influir en la opinión pública = shape + public opinion, influence + public opinion.
    * intercambiar opiniones = exchange + views, share + opinions.
    * intercambio de opiniones sobre = exchange of opinion on.
    * la opinión de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * líder de opinión = opinion leader.
    * manipular la opinión = manipulate + opinion.
    * mantener una opinión = hold + view, hold + opinion.
    * mi opinión = my two cents' worth.
    * moldear la opinión pública = mould + public opinion.
    * ofrecer una opinión = offer + opinion.
    * opinión consensuada = consensus of opinion.
    * opinión de la mayoría = majority opinion.
    * opiniones diferentes = contrasting opinions.
    * opiniones diversas = mixed reactions, mixed reviews.
    * opiniones divididas = divided opinions.
    * opiniones opuestas = contrasting opinions.
    * opinión + estar dividida = opinion + be divided.
    * opinión general = consensus, consensus of opinion, accepted wisdom, conventional wisdom.
    * opinión general, la = received wisdom, the.
    * opinión generalmente aceptada = conventional wisdom.
    * opinión mayoritaria = majority opinion.
    * opinión personal = personal opinion.
    * opinión pública = outside-world, public opinion.
    * opinión pública, la = public mind, the.
    * opinión (sobre) = opinion (on).
    * pedir la opinión sobre = ask for + opinion on.
    * recabar la opinión = canvass + opinion.
    * recabar la opinión pública = gauge + public opinion.
    * recabar la opinión sobre = gauge + opinion on.
    * recabar opiniones = solicit + input.
    * recabar opinión sobre = elicit + opinion on.
    * recabar + Posesivo + opinión = gauge + Posesivo + reaction.
    * recabar una opinión = solicit + opinion.
    * recibir opiniones diversas = receive + mixed reviews.
    * reservarse la opinión = reserve + judgement.
    * respaldar una opinión = buttress + claim, support + view.
    * según la opinión de = in the opinion of.
    * según mi opinión = to the best of my knowledge.
    * según + Posesivo + opinión = in + Posesivo + view, in + Posesivo + opinion.
    * ser de la opinión de que = be of the opinion that, be of the view that.
    * sondear la opinión pública = gauge + public opinion.
    * sondear la opinión sobre = gauge + opinion on.
    * sondeo de opinión = opinion poll, Gallup poll, perceptions study, opinion polling.
    * sondeo de opinión por teléfono = telephone opinion poll.
    * sondeo de opinión pública = public opinion poll.
    * sondeo informal de opinión = straw poll.
    * sostener la opinión = argue.
    * sostener una opinión = hold + view, hold + opinion.
    * tener derecho a expresar + Posesivo + opinión = be entitled to + Posesivo + own opinion.
    * tener la opinión = it + be + Posesivo + understanding.
    * tener opinión = take + view.
    * tener una opinión = take + viewpoint, hold + view, hold + opinion.
    * tener una opinión sobre = have + an opinion on.
    * una segunda opinión = a second opinion.

    * * *
    no comparto tu opinión sobre este tema I do not share your view o opinion o I disagree with you on this subject
    ¿cuál es tu opinión sobre el programa? what do you think of the program?
    ¿qué opinión le merece esta nueva producción? ( frml); what is your opinion of this new production?
    en mi opinión fue un error in my opinion it was a mistake
    cambió de opinión he changed his mind
    es de la opinión de que no se les debe pegar a los niños she doesn't believe in hitting children, she is of the opinion that you mustn't hit children
    importantes sectores de opinión piensan que … significant bodies of opinion think that …
    es una cuestión de opinión it's a matter of opinion
    no tengo muy buena opinión de él I don't think very highly of him, I don't have a very high opinion of him
    la opinión pública public opinion
    un cambio en la opinión pública a change in public opinion
    no se puede engañar a la opinión pública con falsas promesas you cannot fool people o the public with false promises
    * * *


    opinión sustantivo femenino

    cambió de opinión he changed his mind;
    la opinión pública public opinion
    opinión sustantivo femenino opinion: siempre está cambiando de opinión, she's always changing her mind

    ' opinión' also found in these entries:
    - antinuclear
    - apoyarse
    - apreciación
    - asesorar
    - aventurar
    - cambio
    - certera
    - certero
    - concepto
    - consejo
    - criterio
    - decantar
    - decir
    - discutible
    - disidencia
    - ecuánime
    - emitir
    - encuesta
    - entender
    - fama
    - idea
    - impresión
    - incluso
    - judicatura
    - juicio
    - manifestar
    - opinar
    - opositor
    - opositora
    - opuesta
    - opuesto
    - para
    - parecer
    - pericial
    - prender
    - previa
    - previo
    - pronunciarse
    - prospección
    - prudente
    - pulsar
    - ratificar
    - según
    - sentir
    - sesgar
    - solicitar
    - someter
    - sondeo
    - about-turn
    - advance
    - adverse
    - approve of
    - argue
    - belief
    - book
    - change
    - colour
    - currency
    - current
    - dead
    - decided
    - differ
    - discount
    - editorial
    - esteem
    - estimation
    - feeling
    - find
    - frank
    - glowing
    - groundswell
    - high
    - inflated
    - initially
    - judge
    - judgement
    - judgment
    - like-minded
    - low
    - mind
    - minority
    - mirror
    - misguided
    - mixed
    - moderate
    - one-sided
    - opinion
    - opinion poll
    - opposing
    - opposite
    - outlook
    - partisan
    - poll
    - position
    - prerogative
    - prevail
    - prevailing
    * * *
    en mi opinión no deberíamos ir in my opinion, we shouldn't go;
    es mi opinión personal that's my personal opinion;
    ¿cuál es tu opinión al respecto? what's your opinion o view on this matter?;
    después de escuchar distintas opiniones sobre el tema… after hearing different views on the matter…;
    compartir una opinión to share a view o an opinion;
    he cambiado de opinión I've changed my mind;
    expresar o [m5] dar una opinión to give an opinion;
    reservarse la opinión to reserve judgment;
    ser de la opinión de que to be of the opinion that;
    ser una cuestión de opinión to be a matter of opinion;
    tener buena/mala opinión de alguien to have a high/low opinion of sb
    la opinión pública public opinion
    * * *
    f opinion;
    la opinión pública public opinion;
    en mi opinión in my opinion;
    tener buena/mala opinión de alguien think highly/little of s.o.
    * * *
    opinión nf, pl - niones : opinion, belief
    * * *
    opinión n opinion / view

    Spanish-English dictionary > opinión

  • 40 servicio

    1 service.
    hubo que recurrir a los servicios de un abogado we had to use the services of a lawyer
    servicio discrecional private service
    servicio a domicilio home delivery service
    servicio de inteligencia intelligence service
    servicio militar military service
    servicios mínimos skeleton service
    servicio de paquetería parcel service
    servicio posventa after-sales service
    servicio público public service
    servicio secreto secret service
    los servicios sociales the social services
    2 service (funcionamiento).
    entrar en servicio to come into service
    3 duty (turno).
    estar de servicio to be on duty
    4 servants (servidumbre).
    servicio doméstico domestic help
    ¿dónde están los servicios? where are the toilets?, where's the bathroom? (United States)
    6 services (economics).
    7 serve, service (sport).
    8 favor, favour, service, accommodation.
    9 rest room, restroom, toilet room, bathroom.
    10 utility, public utility.
    11 usefulness, workability, service, helpfulness.
    12 table setting.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: serviciar.
    * * *
    1 (gen) service
    2 (criados) servants plural; (asistente) domestic help
    3 (juego, conjunto) set
    4 (favor) service, favour (US favor)
    5 DEPORTE service, serve
    6 (Also servicios) (retrete) toilet, US rest room
    entrar en servicio to come into service
    estar al servicio de alguien to be at somebody's service
    estar de servicio to be on duty
    hacer servicio / prestar servicio to do a favour (US favor)
    hacer un flaco servicio familiar to do more harm than good
    poner en servicio to put into operation
    servicio incluido service charge included
    servicio a domicilio home delivery service
    servicio de urgencias emergency service
    servicio militar military service
    servicios públicos public services, utilities
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=ayuda, atención)
    a) [a empresa, país] service

    al servicio de, un agente secreto al servicio de la Corona — a secret agent in the service of the Crown

    estar de servicio — to be on duty

    estar de servicio de guardia — (Mil) to be on guard duty

    estar fuera o libre de servicio — to be off duty

    prestar servicio — [gen] to work; (Mil) to serve

    b) [a cliente] service

    servicio a domicilio — we deliver, home delivery service

    c) [de tren, autobús] service

    servicio a bordo[en avión] in-flight services pl ; [en barco, tren] services on board pl

    servicio de información, servicio de inteligencia — intelligence service

    servicio de orden[en manifestación] stewards pl, marshals pl

    servicio de préstamo a domicilio — lending facility, home lending service

    estación 1)
    2) (=funcionamiento)

    estar en servicio — to be in service

    entrar en servicio — to come o go into service

    fuera de servicio — out of service

    poner en servicio — to put into service

    está previsto poner en servicio una segunda pista de aterrizaje — there are plans to open a second runway, there are plans to put a second runway into operation o service

    3) (=beneficio) service

    es un abrigo viejo, pero me hace mucho servicio — it's an old coat, but I get a lot of use out of it

    hacer un flaco servicio a algn — to do sb a disservice

    4) (Mil) (tb: servicio militar) military service
    5) [en un hospital] department

    "servicio de pediatría" — "paediatric department"

    servicio de urgencias — accident and emergency department, casualty department

    6) pl servicios (Econ) public services
    7) (=retrete público) toilet, washroom (EEUU), restroom (EEUU)

    ¿dónde están los servicios? — where are the toilets?

    8) [en la mesa]
    a) [para cada comensal]
    b) (=juego) set

    servicio de café — coffee set, coffee service

    servicio de té — tea set, tea service

    9) (=servidumbre) (tb: servicio doméstico) (=personas) servants pl ; (=actividad) service, domestic service

    escalera de servicio — service staircase

    puerta de servicio — tradesman's entrance

    10) (Tenis) serve, service
    11) (Rel) service
    12) (Econ) [de una deuda] servicing
    13) LAm [de un automóvil] service

    le toca el servicio a los 3.000km — it's due (for) a service after 3000km

    * * *
    a) ( acción de servir) service

    servicio permanente or de 24 horas — round-the-clock o 24-hour service

    b) ( favor) favor*, service
    c) servicios masculino plural ( asistencia) services (pl)
    a) ( funcionamiento) service, use

    ¿cuándo entra en servicio la nueva estación depuradora? — when is the new purifying plant coming into operation o service?

    b) ( sistema) service
    a) ( en hospital) department

    servicio de urgencias — accident and emergency department, casualty department

    b) servicios masculino plural (Econ) public services (pl)
    4) (en restaurante, hotel)
    a) ( atención al cliente) service
    b) ( propina) service (charge)

    habitación or cuarto de servicio — servant's quarters (frml), maid's room

    6) (Mil) service
    7) ( retrete) restroom (AmE), bathroom (esp AmE), toilet (esp BrE)
    9) ( en tenis) service, serve
    10) (Relig) service
    11) (AmL) (Auto) service
    * * *
    a) ( acción de servir) service

    servicio permanente or de 24 horas — round-the-clock o 24-hour service

    b) ( favor) favor*, service
    c) servicios masculino plural ( asistencia) services (pl)
    a) ( funcionamiento) service, use

    ¿cuándo entra en servicio la nueva estación depuradora? — when is the new purifying plant coming into operation o service?

    b) ( sistema) service
    a) ( en hospital) department

    servicio de urgencias — accident and emergency department, casualty department

    b) servicios masculino plural (Econ) public services (pl)
    4) (en restaurante, hotel)
    a) ( atención al cliente) service
    b) ( propina) service (charge)

    habitación or cuarto de servicio — servant's quarters (frml), maid's room

    6) (Mil) service
    7) ( retrete) restroom (AmE), bathroom (esp AmE), toilet (esp BrE)
    9) ( en tenis) service, serve
    10) (Relig) service
    11) (AmL) (Auto) service
    * * *
    1 = toilet, washroom, bathroom, restroom [rest room], lavatory, public toilet, little boys room, little girls room, loo.

    Ex: Such things as the minimum room temperature within one hour of starting work, the adequacy of light and ventilation, toilet provision, fire regulations and exits are all well covered in considerable detail.

    Ex: The library office is in the basement, 'downstairs' as it is euphemistically referred to, along with a staff lounge, the washrooms, heating equipment, and electrical and janitor's closets.
    Ex: This article presents a brief guide to collection development in the area of renovating kitchens and bathrooms = This artículo presenta una guía breve para el desarrollo de la colección en los temas relacionados con la reforma de cocinas y cuartos de baño.
    Ex: Airport restrooms have become popular meeting places for men looking for sexual trysts with other men.
    Ex: One very elementary kind of invitation might be the introduction of lavatories in public libraries: a facility to be found in department stores, which are interested in service to valued customers.
    Ex: This paper presents arguments for and against libraries in the USA having condom dispensing machines in their public toilets.
    Ex: When I went to the little boys/girls room to relieve myself I was suprised to see the amount of loo rolls stashed in the corner.
    Ex: When I went to the little boys/ girls room to relieve myself I was suprised to see the amount of loo rolls stashed in the corner.
    Ex: Early on on a Friday night and three of the loos were out of order, the floor was covered in a layer of rancid water and it stank to high heaven.
    * servicios de señoras = women's room.

    2 = capability, facility, feature, service, servicing, utility, service charges, service facility.

    Ex: DOBIS/LIBIS contains a so-called 'help' capability.

    Ex: Apart from this additional facility Double-KWIC indexes have most of the facilities, features and drawbacks of KWIC and KWOC indexes.
    Ex: Electronic Maildrop is an online document ordering feature, where documents can be ordered from various suppliers.
    Ex: 'All aboard the orientation express' is a programme to introduce children to the services provided by the library and teach them to use the microfiche catalogue.
    Ex: There was also the difficulty that inter-departmental servicing was not undertaken in a co-operative, sharing, spirit.
    Ex: Situations where subdivisions might have had some utility are served by the co-ordination of index terms at the search stage.
    Ex: These prices include breakfast (full buffet including a large selection of hot and cold entrees, salads, cheeses, pastries, etc.) and all service charges.
    Ex: The author offer guidelines for managers and policy makers to aid the process of planning the establishment of data service facilities in a library.
    * abandonar los servicios de Alguien = drop out.
    * adscripción en comisión de servicios = secondment.
    * agencia de servicios = service agency.
    * al servicio de = at the service of.
    * al servicio de la nación = uniformed.
    * a + Posesivo + servicio = at + Posesivo + service.
    * arma de servicio = service weapon.
    * bibliotecario de servicios técnicos = technical services librarian.
    * bibliotecario encargado de los servicios dirigidos a la comunidad = community services librarian.
    * bibliotecario en servicios mínimos = duty librarian.
    * bienes y servicios = goods and services.
    * buscar los servicios de = engage.
    * calidad de los servicios = service quality.
    * calidad del servicio = service quality.
    * calidad en el servicio = quality performance, performance quality.
    * callejón de servicio = service road.
    * cambiar de servicio = churn.
    * cambio de servicio = churn.
    * carta de servicios = service offer.
    * centrado en el servicio = service-focused.
    * cobro de servicios = fee services.
    * cobro por servicios = fee services, fee for services.
    * cobro por servicios prestados = fee for services.
    * comercializar un servicio = market + service, broker + service.
    * conceder comisión de servicios = second.
    * Consejo de los Servicios de Biblioteconomía y Documentación (LISC) = Library and Information Services Council (LISC).
    * contratar los servicios de Alguien = enrol [enroll -USA].
    * convocatoria de oferta de servicios = invitation to tender (ITT).
    * dar servicio = service.
    * dar un servicio = do + service.
    * dedicado al servicio = service-oriented.
    * departamento de servicios técnicos = technical services department.
    * de servicio = on duty, on call.
    * de servicio a la sociedad = public-spirited.
    * de servicio al usuario = client-serving.
    * dirigir un servicio = run + service.
    * División de Servicios Bibliográficos de la Biblioteca Británica (BLBSD) = British Library Bibliographic Services Division (BLBSD).
    * empresa de servicios = service organisation, service agency, service company.
    * empresa de servicios de información = information broker, broker, information broking.
    * empresa de servicio social = social utility.
    * empresa de servicios públicos = public utility, utility company.
    * en comisión de servicios = seconded.
    * estación de servicio = gas station, petrol station, service station, gasoline station.
    * estando de servicio = while on the job.
    * ética de servicio = service ethic.
    * externalización de servicios = outsourcing [out-sourcing], externalisation of services.
    * falto de servicios = underserved.
    * fuera de servicio = off-duty, decomissioned, out of commission.
    * función de servicio = service function.
    * hueco de servicio = service core.
    * impuesto de bienes y servicios = goods and services tax.
    * industria de servicios = service industry.
    * industria de servicios financieros, la = financial services industry, the.
    * instalar un servicio = mount + service.
    * jefe de los servicios de información = chief information officer (CIO).
    * jefe del servicio de catalogación = cataloguing head.
    * jefe del servicio de referencia = reference head.
    * libre de servicio = off-duty.
    * montar un servicio = mount + service.
    * oferta de servicios = service provision, service offer.
    * oficial de servicio = duty officer.
    * ofrecer servicio = service.
    * ofrecer un servicio = operate + service, provide + service, do + service.
    * orientado al servicio de la gente = people-centred, people-centric.
    * orientado al servicio de las personas = people-centred.
    * orientado hacia el servicio = service orientated, service-focused.
    * orientar un servicio hacia = target + service.
    * período de servicio = tour of duty.
    * personal de servicios = service worker.
    * personas faltas de servicios, las = underserved, the.
    * por todo el servicio = service-wide.
    * prestación de servicios = service delivery.
    * prestar un servicio = operate + service, provide + service, render + service, give + service to, deliver + service, deliver + value, produce + the goods, do + service.
    * prestar un servicio a los usuarios = serve + patrons.
    * profesional dedicado al servicio = service professional.
    * profesional dedicado a prestar un servicio a la población = service professional.
    * profesión dedicada al servicio = service profession.
    * profesión dedicada al servicio de otros = helping profession.
    * profesión dedicada a prestar un servicio a la población = service profession.
    * promover un servicio = launch + service.
    * proveedor de servicios = service supplier, service provider.
    * proveedor de servicios de Internet = Internet provider.
    * Proveedor de Servicios de Internet (ISP) = ISP (Internet Service Provider).
    * punto de servicio = service point.
    * responsable del servicio de emergencias = emergency official.
    * responsable del servicio de referencia = reference administrator.
    * separación de servicios = unbundling.
    * servicio a domicilio = home delivery.
    * servicio a través de terceros = third-party service.
    * servicio a uno mismo = self-service.
    * servicio auxiliar de apoyo familiar = respite care.
    * servicio bibliográfico = bibliographic service, bibliographic utility.
    * servicio bibliotecario = library facility, library service.
    * servicio bibliotecario mediante pago = fee-based library service.
    * servicio bibliotecario penintenciario = prison library service.
    * servicio central = main site service.
    * servicio centralizado de control de publicaciones seriadas = consolidation service.
    * servicio comercial = commercial service, commercial vendor, charged service.
    * servicio comunitario = community service.
    * servicio de acceso público = public delivery service.
    * servicio de acompañante = escort service.
    * servicio de actualización permanente = current awareness, current-awareness service.
    * servicio de adquisiciones = acquisition routines, acquisition(s) service.
    * servicio de aduanas = customs and excise agency.
    * servicio de alerta = alert service.
    * servicio de aparcacoches = valet parking.
    * servicio de apoyo = backup service, support service.
    * servicio de asesoramiento = consulting service, counselling service, advisory service.
    * servicio de asesoramiento jurídico = legal aid service.
    * servicio de asistencia = provider service.
    * servicio de atención = advisory service.
    * servicio de atención al cliente = customer service, service department.
    * servicio de atención al cliente en su propio automóvil = drive-through (drive-thru).
    * servicio de atención al cliente por teléfono = call centre.
    * servicio de atención de día = day care.
    * servicio de autobuses = bus service.
    * servicio de ayuda = help desk [helpdesk], help facility.
    * servicio de búsqueda = search service.
    * servicio de canguros = baby-sitting service.
    * servicio de catalogación = cataloguing service.
    * servicio de compañía = escort service.
    * servicio de compra por televisión = teleshopping service.
    * servicio de compras = acquisition(s) service.
    * servicio de conexión a las redes = networking service.
    * servicio de correo = mail service.
    * servicio de correo electrónico = electronic mail service.
    * servicio de correos = postal service.
    * servicio de cuidado de día = day care.
    * servicio de difusión selectiva de la información = SDI service.
    * servicio de directorios = directory service.
    * servicio de distribución = host service.
    * servicio de documentación = documentation service.
    * servicio de emergencia = emergency service.
    * servicio de entrega de documentos = document delivery service (DDS).
    * servicio de envío = turnaround.
    * Servicio de Envío de Artículos Originales (OATS) = Original Article Tearsheet Service (OATS).
    * servicio de extensión bibliotecaria = outreach service, library extension work, extension service, outreach programme, reach out.
    * servicio de fotocopia = copying facilities.
    * servicio de fotocopias = photocopying service.
    * servicio de fotodocumentación = photocopying service.
    * servicio de habitaciones = room service.
    * servicio de impresión = offline print facility.
    * servicio de indización = indexing service.
    * servicio de indización de publicaciones periódicas = periodicals indexing service.
    * servicio de indización y resumen = indexing and abstracting service.
    * servicio de información = alerting device, information service, information delivery service, information utility.
    * servicio de información al consumidor = Consumer Advice Centre (CAC), consumer advisory service.
    * servicio de información ciudadana = community information service.
    * servicio de información electrónica = electronic information service.
    * servicio de información en línea = online information service.
    * servicio de información local = local information service.
    * servicio de información sectorial = sectoral information service.
    * servicio de informática = computing service.
    * servicio de inteligencia = intelligence community, intelligence agency.
    * servicio de jurado = jury duty.
    * servicio de libros a domicilio = homebound service.
    * servicio de limpieza = janitorial services.
    * servicio de mantenimiento técnico = support service.
    * servicio de mensajería = courier service.
    * servicio de microfilmación = microfilm service, microfilming service.
    * servicio de noticias = news service.
    * servicio de novedades = news alerts.
    * servicio de novedades a través del correo electrónico = e-mail alert.
    * servicio de orientación = referral service, advisory service.
    * servicio de orientación al lector = readers' advisory service point, readers' advisory service.
    * servicio de petición de documentos = document delivery service (DDS).
    * servicio de preparación = training facility.
    * servicio de préstamo = lending service, loaner service.
    * servicio de préstamo a domicilio = home lending service.
    * servicio de préstamo de documentos = document delivery service (DDS).
    * servicio de préstamo interbibliotecario = interlending service.
    * servicio de recuperación en línea = online retrieval service.
    * servicio de referencia = reference desk, reference service, enquiry service.
    * Servicio de Referencia Asistido por Ordenador (MARS) = MARS (Machine Assisted Reference Service).
    * servicio de referencia bibliotecario = library reference service.
    * servicio de referencia electrónica = electronic reference service [e-reference service].
    * servicio de referencia en vivo = live reference.
    * servicio de referencia por correo electrónico = electronic mail reference service.
    * servicio de registros MARC, el = MARC service, the.
    * servicio de reparto con furgoneta = van delivery service.
    * servicio de respuesta = turnaround.
    * servicio de restauración = caterer.
    * servicio de resúmenes = abstracting service.
    * servicio de salud pública = health service.
    * servicio de seguridad = security service.
    * servicio de suministro de documentos = document delivery service (DDS).
    * servicio de telefonía móvil = mobile telephone service, mobile phone service.
    * servicio de transferencia de documentos = document delivery service (DDS).
    * servicio de única ventanilla = one-stop service.
    * servicio doméstico = cleaning lady, domestic service, housekeeper.
    * servicio en la Guardia Nacional = National Guard duty.
    * servicio en línea = online service.
    * servicio especial de autobuses = bus shuttle service, bus shuttle, shuttle bus service, shuttle bus.
    * servicio especial de transporte = shuttle, shuttle service.
    * servicio exhaustivo = service in-depth.
    * servicio extra = frill.
    * servicio funerario = funeral service.
    * servicio gratis = frill.
    * servicio gratuito = free service.
    * servicio las 24 horas = 24 hour(s) service, 24 hour(s) service.
    * servicio médico = medical care, medical aid, medical assistance.
    * servicio meteorológico = meteorological service.
    * servicio metereológico = weather bureau, weather service.
    * servicio militar = military service, soldiering.
    * servicio militar obligatorio = conscription, compulsory military service, draft, the, military draft.
    * servicio nacional = domestic service.
    * servicio no incluido = hidden extra.
    * servicio postal = postal service, postal delivery service.
    * servicio postventa = after-sales service.
    * servicio público = amenity, public service, public utility, utility service.
    * servicio regional de sanidad = hospital board.
    * servicio relacionado con los libros = book service.
    * servicio religioso = ceremonial service.
    * servicio remoto = remote service.
    * servicios a lectores = readers' services.
    * servicios a los estudiantes = student services.
    * servicio sanitario = health service.
    * servicios automatizados = automation capabilities.
    * servicios básicos = amenities.
    * servicios bibliotecarios = library provision.
    * servicios bibliotecarios para jóvenes = youth services.
    * servicios bibliotecarios para los marginados = library services to the disadvantaged.
    * servicios bibliotecarios para los sordos = library services for the deaf.
    * servicios complementarios = added-value services.
    * servicios de asistencia = remedial services.
    * servicios de atención al estudiante = student services.
    * servicios de autopista = highway facilities.
    * servicios de cafetería = food services.
    * servicios de documentos secundarios = secondary services.
    * servicios de emergencia = emergency assistance.
    * servicios de extensión bibliotecaria = library outreach.
    * servicios de información = Information and Referral services.
    * servicios de información bibliográfica = bibliographical services.
    * servicios de información y referencia = I&R services (Information and Referral).
    * servicios de red de valor añadido (VANS) = value added network services (VANS).
    * servicios de trenes = rail facilities.
    * servicios mínimos = skeleton staff.
    * servicio social = social service.
    * servicio social sustitutorio = community service.
    * servicios orientados hacia el usuario final = end-user services.
    * servicios para adultos = adult services.
    * servicios sociales = human services, welfare services.
    * Servicios Técnicos y de Recursos para la Biblioteca (LRTS) = LRTS (Library Resources and Technical Services).
    * servicio técnico = technical service, technical support, tech support.
    * servicio telefónico = telephone service.
    * servicio universal = universal service.
    * servicio valioso = yeoman service.
    * solicitar un servicio = call on/upon + service.
    * suplemento por servicio = service charges.
    * suspender un servicio = withdraw + service.
    * tiempo fuera de servicio = downtime.
    * tipo de servicio = style of service.
    * trabajo de préstamo de servicios = service job.
    * un servicio las 24 horas = a 24-hour service.
    * valor afectivo del servicio = affect of service.
    * vender un servicio = market + service.
    * vía de servicio = service road.

    * * *
    a partir del próximo lunes estaremos a su servicio en nuestro nuevo local from next Monday we will be open for business at our new premises
    durante la guerra prestó servicio como médico en el frente during the war he served as a doctor at the front
    le regalaron un reloj cuando cumplió 20 años de servicio he was given a watch when he completed 20 years' service
    estoy de servicio I'm on duty
    un policía libre de servicio an off-duty policeman
    [ S ] servicio permanente or de 24 horas round-the-clock o 24-hour service
    2 (favor) favor*, service
    al despedirte te hizo un gran servicio he did you a great service o favor by firing you ( colloq)
    me prestó un servicio inestimable recomendándome para el trabajo she did me a really good turn o a very great service by recommending me for the job
    3 servicios mpl (asistencia) services (pl)
    me ofreció sus servicios muy amablemente he kindly offered me his services
    pasó a prestar sus servicios como asesor legal he went on to work as a legal adviser
    recurrieron a los servicios de un abogado conocido they sought the advice of a well-known lawyer
    les agradecemos los servicios prestados we would like to thank you for all your work o help
    (home) delivery service
    customer service
    support services
    catering service
    (de datos, detalles) information service; ( Mil) intelligence service
    intelligence service
    cleaning service ( BrE)
    stewards (pl), marshals (pl)
    prevention service
    security service
    train service
    transportation service ( AmE), transport service ( BrE)
    ≈ coastguard service
    diplomatic service
    ( Esp) memorandum
    after-sales service
    public service
    secret service
    mpl news services (pl)
    mpl minimum o skeleton service
    social services (pl)
    1 (funcionamiento) service, use
    han puesto en servicio el nuevo andén the new platform is now in use o is now open
    ¿cuándo entra en servicio la nueva estación depuradora? when is the new purifying plant coming into operation o service?
    han suspendido el servicio hasta nuevo aviso (the) service has been interrupted until further notice
    [ S ] fuera de servicio out of service
    2 (sistema) service
    servicio de teléfonos telephone service
    servicio de trenes train service
    servicio postal mail service ( AmE), postal service ( BrE)
    todos los servicios all the main services
    el servicio de la línea 19 es pésimo the number 19 is a terrible service
    1 (en un hospital) department
    servicio de ginecología gynecology department
    servicio de urgencias accident and emergency department, casualty department ( BrE)
    es jefe del servicio de cirugía he is the chief surgeon
    2 servicios mpl ( Econ) public services (pl)
    una empresa del sector servicios a company in the public service sector
    D (en un restaurante, hotel)
    1 (atención) service
    una excelente carta y un servicio esmerado an excellent menu and impeccable service
    2 (propina) service, service charge
    [ S ] servicio e impuestos incluidos tax and service included
    no nos han cobrado el servicio they haven't charged for service
    (servidumbre): sólo hablan de los problemas del servicio all they talk about is the problems of having servants
    se quedaron sin servicio they were left without any domestic help
    escalera de servicio service staircase
    entrada de servicio tradesmen's entrance
    habitación or cuarto de servicio servant's quarters (pl) ( frml), maid's room
    (actividad) domestic service; (personas) servants (pl), domestic staff
    siempre ha trabajado en servicio doméstico he has always worked in domestic service, he has been in service all his life
    F ( Mil) service
    estar en servicio to be in service
    active service
    military service
    aquí no hay servicio militar obligatorio there is no compulsory military service here
    1 baño (retrete) washroom ( AmE), bathroom ( esp AmE), toilet ( esp BrE)
    ¿los servicios, por favor? can you tell me where the washrooms are, please?, can you tell me where the ladies'/gents' is please? ( BrE)
    2 (orinal) chamber pot
    1 (de cubiertos) set of cutlery o flatware ( AmE)
    (de loza): servicio de café coffee set
    servicio de té tea service o set
    este juego no tiene servicio de pescado there are no fish knives in this canteen o set
    2 (individual) piece
    vajilla de doce servicios twelve-piece dinner service
    I (en tenis) service, serve
    servicio de Fortín Fortín to serve
    tiene que mejorar su servicio she needs to work on her serve
    J ( Econ, Fin) (de una deuda) servicing, service
    K ( Agr) service
    L ( Relig) service
    M ( AmL) ( Auto) service
    * * *


    servicio sustantivo masculino

    estar de servicio [policía/bombero] to be on duty;
    servicio público public service;
    servicios informativos broadcasting services (pl)
    b) ( favor) favor( conjugate favor), service


    servicios sustantivo masculino plural ( asistencia) services (pl);

    me ofreció sus servicios he offered me his services
    2 ( funcionamiento) service, use;

    han puesto en servicio el nuevo andén the new platform is now in use o is now open
    3 ( en hospital) department;

    4 (en restaurante, hotel)

    5 ( servidumbre):

    cuarto de servicio servant's quarters ;

    (frml), maid's room;

    ( personas) servants (pl), domestic staff
    6 (Mil) service;

    7 ( retrete) restroom (AmE), bathroom (esp AmE), toilet (esp BrE)
    8 ( en tenis) service, serve
    9 (Relig) service
    (AmL) (Auto) service
    servicio sustantivo masculino
    1 service
    estar de servicio, to be on duty
    servicio a domicilio, delivery service
    servicio doméstico, domestic service
    servicio militar, military service
    fuera de servicio, out of order
    2 (utilidad) use: esa mesita me hace mucho servicio, this table is very useful
    3 (conjunto) en esta mesa falta un servicio, we need to set another place at the table
    servicio de café, coffee service
    4 (cuarto de baño) toilet sing, US rest room sing
    ' servicio' also found in these entries:
    - área
    - bloquear
    - camarera
    - camarero
    - cerrar
    - correo
    - dirigirse
    - disposición
    - encargar
    - exenta
    - exento
    - guardia
    - incluida
    - incluido
    - informatización
    - inteligencia
    - juventud
    - parque
    - postventa
    - posventa
    - prestar
    - prestación
    - supresión
    - suprimir
    - apto
    - asegurar
    - asistencia
    - atender
    - calidad
    - circular
    - cubierto
    - cumplir
    - doméstico
    - empleada
    - entrega
    - estación
    - exprés
    - favor
    - funcionamiento
    - funcionar
    - interrumpir
    - muchacha
    - operar
    - postal
    - puente
    - puerta
    - puesta
    - recluta
    - reparto
    - agent
    - answering service
    - around-the clock
    - auxiliary
    - bargain for
    - bargain on
    - bed
    - bog
    - break
    - breakdown
    - charge
    - commission
    - conscription
    - dissatisfaction
    - disservice
    - duty
    - excuse
    - foreign service
    - gent
    - ground
    - health service
    - inclusive
    - INS
    - intelligence
    - lousy
    - mail
    - National Health Service
    - off-duty
    - on
    - pay
    - privatize
    - public convenience
    - reinstate
    - room service
    - run
    - secret service
    - serve
    - service
    - service charge
    - shuttle
    - skeleton
    - support
    - toilet-train
    - toilet-training
    - tour
    - unit
    - use
    - utility
    - amenity
    * * *
    1. [prestación, asistencia, sistema] service;
    se ha suspendido el servicio en la línea 1 de autobús the number 1 bus isn't running today;
    hubo que recurrir a los servicios de una agencia inmobiliaria we had to use the services of Br an estate agent o US a real estate office;
    el servicio postal/hospitalario the postal/hospital service;
    lleva muchos años al servicio de la empresa she has worked for the company for several years;
    estamos a su servicio para lo que necesite we are at your service if you need anything;
    hacer o [m5] prestar un buen servicio a alguien [prenda, utensilio, aparato] to serve sb well;
    nos ha ofrecido sus servicios he has offered us his services;
    por los servicios prestados for services rendered;
    prestar servicio como o [m5]de to serve as
    Servicio de Administración Tributaria Br ≈ the Inland Revenue, US ≈ the IRS;
    servicio de atención al cliente customer service department;
    servicios bancarios banking services;
    servicio discrecional private service;
    servicio a domicilio home delivery service;
    servicios financieros financial services;
    servicios informativos [de cadena de radio, televisión] news service;
    servicio de inteligencia intelligence service;
    servicio en línea on-line service;
    servicio de mensajería courier service;
    servicio militar military service;
    hacer el servicio militar to do one's military service;
    servicios mínimos [en huelga] skeleton service;
    servicio de paquetería parcel service;
    servicio posventa after-sales service;
    servicio de prensa press department;
    servicio público public service;
    servicio religioso religious service;
    servicio secreto secret service;
    servicios sociales social services;
    servicio técnico technical assistance;
    servicio de urgencias Br casualty department, US emergency room;
    servicio de veinticuatro horas round-the-clock service
    2. [funcionamiento] service;
    entrar en servicio to come into service;
    estar fuera de servicio [máquina] to be out of order
    3. [servidumbre] servants;
    el servicio está fatal hoy en día you just can't find the staff these days
    servicio doméstico domestic help
    4. [turno] duty;
    estar de servicio to be on duty
    servicio activo [en el ejército] active service o duty
    5. [en tenis, squash] serve, service;
    primer/segundo servicio first/second serve o service;
    al servicio, Ríos Ríos to serve;
    mantener el servicio to hold one's serve
    6. [cubierto] place setting
    7. [juego de tazas, platos]
    servicio de café/té coffee/tea set;
    servicio de mesa dinner service
    8. [en restaurante] [atención al cliente] service;
    [recargo] service charge;
    dan un servicio pésimo the service is awful;
    el servicio está incluido service is included;
    servicio no incluido service is not included
    servicios [sector terciario] services;
    una empresa de servicios a services company;
    el sector servicios the services sector
    10. Esp [WC] toilet, US bathroom;
    ¿dónde están los servicios? where are the toilets?, US where's the bathroom?;
    el servicio de señoras/caballeros the ladies/gents
    * * *
    1 service;
    estar al servicio de be at the service of;
    hacer un buen servicio a alguien do s.o. a great service;
    estar de servicio be on duty;
    servicios pl restroom sg, Br toilets
    fuera de servicio TÉC out of order;
    poner en servicio put into service
    * * *
    1) : service
    2) saque: serve (in sports)
    3) servicios nmpl
    : restroom
    * * *
    1. (en general) service
    2. (aseo) toilet
    3. (en tenis) serve / service
    4. (asistente) domestic help

    Spanish-English dictionary > servicio

См. также в других словарях:

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