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  • 1 sound

    ̈ɪsaund I
    1. сущ.
    1) а) звук;
    шум to a soundпод звук to the sound of music ≈ под звуки музыки to articulate, enunciate, pronounce a sound ≈ произносить звук to produce a sound ≈ производить звук to carry sound ≈ проводить, передавать звук air carries soundsвоздух проводит звуки to emit, make, produce, utter a sound ≈ издавать, испускать звук to transmit a sound ≈ передавать звук a sound rings out ≈ звук раздается sounds of children playing ≈ шум, производимый играющими детьми Sound travels much slower than light. ≈ Звук передается намного медленнее, чем свет. Liza was so frightened she couldn't make a sound. ≈ Лиза была так испугана, что не могла издать ни звука. faint sound hollow sound loud sound rasping sound soft sound Syn: tone, noise б) физ. звук to turn down the sound ≈ ослаблять звук (радио, телевизора) to turn up the sound ≈ усиливать звук( радио, телевизора)
    2) а) исполнение, пение( о певцах, группах и т. п.) They have started showing a strong soul element in their sound. ≈ В их исполнении появились элементы задушевности. б) стиль( о музыкантах, ансамблях, группах и т.д.) He's got a unique sound and a unique style. ≈ Он достиг неподражаемой манеры исполнения.
    3) ед. только смысл, значение, суть, содержание( чего-л. услышанного, прочитанного и т. п.) ;
    впечатление I don't like the sound of Toby Osborne. ≈ Мне не нравится Тоби Осборн. From the sound of things, he might well be the same man. ≈ Судя по делам он, по-видимому, остался тем же самым человеком. Syn: import II
    4) порог слышимости, предел слышимости Syn: earshot
    5) уст. слава, известность
    2. гл.
    1) а) звучать, издавать звук it sounds like the church bellsпохоже на перезвон колоколов б) произносить, издавать звук the 'h' in 'hour' is not sounded ≈ в слове 'hour' 'h' не произносится
    2) извлекать звук;
    давать сигнал
    3) звучать, казаться, создавать впечатление It sounds very sophisticated. ≈ Звучит уж слишком заумно.
    4) провозглашать;
    5) выстукивать( о колесе вагона и т. п.)
    6) мед. выслушивать;
    выстукивать (больного) ∙ sound off II
    1. прил.
    1) а) здоровый, крепкий Syn: healthy б) качественный, неиспорченный;
    прочный sound timber ≈ хорошая (прочная) древесина
    2) а) устойчивый, стабильный, прочный Syn: solid, firm II
    1. ;
    stable I б) фин. надежный, платежеспособный He is perfectly sound. ≈ Он платежеспособен.
    3) а) полный, совершенный, тщательный( об анализе, исследовании) Syn: thorough б) перен. крепкий, глубокий( о сне)
    4) а) правильный;
    здравый, логичный sound point of view ≈ доказательная точка зрения б) общепринятый, традиционный Syn: orthodox
    5) способный, умелый
    6) сильный, интенсивный a sound whipping ≈ сильная порка Syn: hard
    1., severe
    7) глубокий, тщательный (об анализе и т. п.)
    8) юр. действительный, законный sound title to inheritance ≈ законное право на наследование ∙ sound in life/wind and limb ≈ здоров как бык
    2. нареч. крепко III
    1. сущ. зонд;
    2. гл.
    1) измерять глубину( лотом)
    2) нырять( особ. о ките) ;
    опускаться на дно
    3) а) осторожно выяснять, зондировать, выспрашивать (по поводу чего-л. ≈ on, as to, about) б) мед. исследовать( рану и т. п.) ;
    проводить зондирование
    4) испытать, проверитьsound out IV сущ.
    1) узкий пролив
    2) плавательный пузырь( у рыб) звук;
    шум - the * of voices шум голосов - * communication( военное) звуковая связь - to emit give *s издавать звуки - not a * was heard не было слышно ни звука, стояла полная тишина - * s carry well in this hall в этом зале хорошая акустика - much * but little sense много шума, но мало смысла - * and fury (Shakespeare) шум и ярость;
    пустые слова( физическое) звук - stereo * стереофонический звук, объемное звучание - wide-range * широкополосная запись звука (фонетика) звук;
    тон - consonant *s согласные звуки впечатление - the news has a sinister * новость звучит зловеще - I don't like the * of it мне это не нравится предел слышимости - within * of smth. в пределах слышимости чего-либо звукозапись;
    пластинки, магнитофонные пленки (музыкальное) (разговорное) "звучок", стиль исполнения (особ. джаза) (кинематографический) (кинематографический) (радиотехника) (телевидение) звуковые эффекты звучать, издавать звук - this black key on the piano won't * эта черная клавиша рояля не звучит - the trumpets *ed раздались звуки труб - the doorbell *ed зазвонил звоноквходной двери) иметь то или иное звучание - the bell *s cracked по звуку слышно, что колокол надтреснут - the wind *s melancholy вой ветра наводит тоску - her voice *s troubled в ее голосе слышится волнение извлекать звук - to * a bell звонить в колокол давать сигнал (звуковой) ;
    (военное) играть( тревогу, отбой) - to * an alarm on the bugle подавать сигнал тревоги на трубе - the bugle *s to battle труба зовет в бой звучать, создавать впечатление, казаться - the explanation *s all right объяснение звучит убедительно;
    неплохое объяснение - how does this proposal * to you? как вы находите это предложение? - the excuse *s very hollow отговорка звучит весьма неубедительно - it may * funny if I say... может показаться странным, если я скажу... - the statement *s like fiction это заявление похоже на вымысел возвещать, провозглашать - to * smb.'s praises воздавать хвалу кому-либо - the report *ed everywhere сообщение облетело весь свет произносить - "h" in hour is not *ed "h" в слове hour не произносится выстукивать (о колесах) (медицина) выслушивать, выстукивать, аускультировать (больного) (юридическое) касаться, иметь отношение к( чему-либо) - to * in damages быть связанным с убытками > to * a false note взять неправильный тон;
    звучать фальшиво > to * a high note подать сигнал тревоги > to * the death knell for smth. предвещать гибель чему-либо > to * the trumpet before victory заранее хвастаться( специальное) зонд;
    пробник( специальное) зондирование;
    промер лотом (специальное) измерять глубину воды( лотом) - to * the entrance to a harbour исследовать вход в гавань( специальное) зондировать (специальное) (медицина) исследовать (рану) ;
    зондировать выведывать, выпытывать, осторожно выспрашивать;
    разузнавать, выяснять;
    прощупывать, зондировать (тж. * out) - to * out sentiment on smth. выяснять настроение по поводу чего-либо - will you * him on the subject? разведай-ка, что он думает по этому поводу?;
    может быть, вы постараетесь выведать, что ему известно? - he sent commissioners to * for peace он направил уполномоченных, чтобы прозондировать почву по поводу заключения мира исследовать, постигать - to * the depths of human misery познать глубину человеческих страданий глубоко нырять (особ. о китах) ;
    опускаться на дно здоровый, крепкий - * teeth крепкие зубы - a * mind in a * body в здоровом теле здоровый здоровый дух - to be * of body and mind быть здоровым и телом и духом - man of * constitution человек крепкого сложения - his heart is not * у него плохое сердце спокойный, крепкий ( о сне) доброкачественный, неиспорченный, хороший - * fruit свежие фрукты - goods in * condition доброкачественные товары - old * ale доброе старое пиво - * timber добротный лесоматериал исправный;
    прочный - * machine исправная машина - technicaly * технически исправный здравый, разумный;
    правильный, логичный - * argument убедительный довод - * judgement разумное суждение - morally * морально устойчивый - to be * on smth. здраво разбираться в чем-либо - this view is morally and philosophically * этот взгляд( на проблему) не вызывает возражений ни с этической, ни с философской стороны благоразумный, предусмотрительный - * advice благоразумный совет - * policy трезвая политика глубокий, тщательный (об анализе) платежеспособный;
    надежный, устойчивый (в финансовом отношении) умелый, хороший - * tennis player хороший теннисист - * scholar солидный ученый( разговорное) сильный, здоровый - * beating основательная порка (юридическое) законный, действительный - * title to land законное право на землю > * as a bell вполне здоровый, в полном здравии;
    здоров как бык > * in life and limb здрав и невредим крепко, сильно - * asleep крепко спящий плавательный пузырь( у рыб) пролив - The S. Зунд узкий залив, фиорд ~ крепко;
    to be sound asleep крепко спать environmentally ~ экологически приемлемый ~ звучать, казаться, создавать впечатление;
    the excuse sounds very hollow извинение звучит очень неубедительно feep ~ вчт. звук фона feep ~ вчт. фон financially ~ финансово значимый ~ произносить;
    the "h" in "hour" is not sounded в слове "hour" h" не произносится ~ платежеспособный, надежный;
    his financial position is perfectly sound его финансовое положение очень прочно ~ звучать, издавать звук;
    it sounds like thunder похоже на гром;
    the trumpets sound раздаются звуки труб ~ (тк. sing) смысл, значение, содержание (чего-л. услышанного, прочитанного и т. п.) ;
    the news has a sinister sound новость звучит зловеще sound мед. выслушивать;
    выстукивать (больного) ~ выстукивать (о колесе вагона и т. п.) ~ глубокий, тщательный (об анализе и т. п.) ~ доброкачественный ~ юр. законный, действительный;
    sound title to land законное право на землю;
    sound as a bell вполне здоровый ~ звук;
    within sound of в пределах слышимости ~ звучать, казаться, создавать впечатление;
    the excuse sounds very hollow извинение звучит очень неубедительно ~ звучать, издавать звук;
    it sounds like thunder похоже на гром;
    the trumpets sound раздаются звуки труб ~ здоровый, крепкий ~ зонд;
    щуп ~ зондировать, осторожно выспрашивать (on, as to, about) ;
    стараться выяснить (мнение, взгляд) ~ извлекать звук;
    давать сигнал;
    to sound a bell звонить в колокол ~ измерять глубину (лотом) ~ исправный ~ испытать, проверить ~ мед. исследовать (рану и т. п.) ~ крепкий, глубокий (о сне) ~ крепко;
    to be sound asleep крепко спать ~ логичный ~ надежный ~ неиспорченный;
    sound fruit неиспорченные фрукты;
    sound machine исправная машина ~ неиспорченный ~ неповрежденный ~ нырять (особ. о ките) ;
    опускаться на дно ~ плавательный пузырь (у рыб) ~ платежеспособный ~ платежеспособный, надежный;
    his financial position is perfectly sound его финансовое положение очень прочно ~ правильный;
    здравый, логичный;
    sound argument обоснованный довод ~ правильный ~ провозглашать;
    прославлять ~ произносить;
    the "h" in "hour" is not sounded в слове "hour" h" не произносится ~ прочный ~ сильный;
    sound flogging изрядная порка ~ (тк. sing) смысл, значение, содержание (чего-л. услышанного, прочитанного и т. п.) ;
    the news has a sinister sound новость звучит зловеще ~ способный, умелый;
    sound scholar серьезный ученый ~ узкий пролив ~ устойчивый в финансовом отношении ~ целый ~ извлекать звук;
    давать сигнал;
    to sound a bell звонить в колокол ~ правильный;
    здравый, логичный;
    sound argument обоснованный довод ~ юр. законный, действительный;
    sound title to land законное право на землю;
    sound as a bell вполне здоровый ~ attr. звуковой ~ сильный;
    sound flogging изрядная порка ~ неиспорченный;
    sound fruit неиспорченные фрукты;
    sound machine исправная машина ~ in life (или in wind) and limb = здоров как бык ~ неиспорченный;
    sound fruit неиспорченные фрукты;
    sound machine исправная машина ~ man амер. радио, тлв. звукооператор;
    звукорежиссер ~ off разг. болтать, шуметь ~ off разг. хвастаться, преувеличивать ~ способный, умелый;
    sound scholar серьезный ученый ~ юр. законный, действительный;
    sound title to land законное право на землю;
    sound as a bell вполне здоровый ~ звучать, издавать звук;
    it sounds like thunder похоже на гром;
    the trumpets sound раздаются звуки труб ~ звук;
    within sound of в пределах слышимости

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > sound

  • 2 sound

    1. sound [saʊnd] n
    ( sea channel) Meerenge f, Sund m; ( inlet) Meeresarm m;
    Plymouth \sound Bucht f von Plymouth
    2. sound [saʊnd] n
    1) ( noise) Geräusch nt ( musical tone) of a bell Klang m; (verbal, TV, film) Ton m;
    we heard the \sound of someone climbing the stairs wir hörten, wie jemand die Treppe hinaufging;
    there wasn't a \sound to be heard es war nicht das geringste Geräusch zu hören;
    not a \sound escaped her lips ihre Lippen waren fest versiegelt;
    we heard the \sound of voices on the terrace wir hörten Stimmen auf der Terrasse;
    to like the \sound of one's own voice sich akk selbst gern[e] reden hören;
    a knocking \sound Klopfgeräusch nt;
    to make a \sound einen Laut [o Ton] von sich dat geben;
    don't make a \sound! sei still!
    2) ling Laut m
    3) no pl phys Schall m;
    speed of \sound Schallgeschwindigkeit f
    4) no pl radio, tv ( volume) Ton m;
    the \sound of the TV was very loud der Fernseher war sehr laut;
    to turn the \sound down/up den Ton leiser/lauter stellen;
    \sound interference Tonstörung f
    5) no pl ( on film) Sound m;
    who did the \sound on that commercial? wer hat die Musik zu diesem Werbespot geschrieben?
    the \sound of the eighties der Sound der Achtziger
    I don't like the \sound of it das klingt gar nicht gut;
    by [or from] the \sound of it so wie sich das anhört n
    1) media (assistant, mixer, specialist) Ton-
    2) phys (spectrograph, velocity) Schall- vi
    1) ( resonate) erklingen; alarm ertönen; alarm clock klingeln; bell läuten
    2) (fam: complain)
    to \sound off herumtönen;
    to \sound off about sth/sb sich akk [lauthals] über etw/jdn auslassen
    3) + adj ( seem) klingen, sich akk anhören;
    he \sounds Canadian er hört sich wie ein Kanadier an;
    I know it \sounds silly but... ich weiß, es klingt albern, aber...;
    it \sounds to me like a case of homesickness für mich klingt das nach Heimweh;
    they \sound like just the sort of people we're looking for das klingt, als sei das genau die Art von Leuten, nach denen wir suchen;
    it \sounds to me from the rumours that... den Gerüchten nach zu urteilen scheint es fast so, als...;
    that \sounds good [das] klingt gut;
    that \sounds fun das hört sich nach Spaß an;
    to \sound as though [or if] ... so klingen [o sich akk anhören], als ob... vt
    to \sound the alarm den Alarm auslösen;
    to \sound the bell die Glocke läuten;
    to \sound the buzzer den Summer betätigen;
    to \sound the death-knell for sth ( fig) etw dat den Todesstoß versetzen;
    to \sound the [car] horn hupen;
    to \sound the gong den Gong schlagen;
    to \sound the retreat mil zum Rückzug blasen;
    the siren was being \sounded die Sirene ging los
    2) ling
    to \sound sth;
    the ‘b’ in the word ‘plumb’ is not \sounded das ‚b‘ in dem Wort ‚plumb‘ wird nicht ausgesprochen
    3. sound [saʊnd] adj
    1) ( healthy) gesund;
    ( in good condition) intakt, in gutem Zustand;
    as \sound as a bell ( fam) völlig intakt, in einwandfreiem Zustand; animal, person kerngesund;
    to be of \sound mind bei klarem Verstand sein
    2) ( trustworthy) solide, verlässlich;
    ( reasonable) vernünftig;
    \sound advice guter Rat;
    \sound argument schlagendes Argument;
    \sound basis solide [o vernünftige] Basis;
    \sound economy gesunde Wirtschaft;
    to have a \sound grasp of the subject über ein eingehendes Verständnis des Themas verfügen;
    \sound investment kluge Investition;
    a person of \sound judgement ein Mensch m mit einem guten Urteilsvermögen;
    \sound knowledge fundiertes Wissen;
    \sound method wirksame Methode;
    to have \sound views on sth vernünftige Ansichten über etw akk vertreten;
    environmentally \sound umweltfreundlich;
    to be \sound on sth in etw dat versiert sein
    3) ( severe)
    \sound defeat [or thrashing] schwere Niederlage;
    to give sb a \sound thrashing jdm eine ordentliche Tracht Prügel verpassen
    \sound sleep tiefer [o fester] Schlaf;
    to be a \sound sleeper einen gesunden Schlaf haben adv
    to be \sound asleep tief [und fest] schlafen
    4. sound [saʊnd] vt
    to \sound sth etw [aus]loten

    English-German students dictionary > sound

  • 3 sound

    I 1.
    1) (healthy) gesund; intakt [Gebäude, Mauerwerk]; gut [Frucht, Obst, Holz, Boden]

    of sound mindim Vollbesitz seiner geistigen Kräfte

    2) (well-founded) vernünftig [Argument, Rat]; klug [Wahl]

    it makes sound sensees ist sehr vernünftig

    3) (Finance): (secure) gesund, solide [Basis]; klug [Investition]
    4) (competent, reliable) solide [Spieler]
    5) (undisturbed) tief, gesund [Schlaf]
    6) (thorough) gehörig (ugs.) [Niederlage, Tracht Prügel]; gekonnt [Leistung]
    2. adverb
    fest, tief [schlafen]
    II 1. noun
    1) (Phys.) Schall, der
    2) (noise) Laut, der; (of wind, sea, car, footsteps, breaking glass or twigs) Geräusch, das; (of voices, laughter, bell) Klang, der
    3) (Radio, Telev., Cinemat.) Ton, der

    loss of sound — Tonausfall, der

    4) (music) Klang, der
    5) (Phonet.): (articulation) Laut, der
    6) (fig.): (impression)

    I like the sound of your plan — ich finde, Ihr Plan hört sich gut an

    2. intransitive verb
    1) (seem) klingen

    it sounds as if.../like... — es klingt, als.../wie...

    it sounds to me from what you have said that... — was du gesagt hast, klingt für mich so, als ob...

    that sounds [like] a good idea to me — ich finde, die Idee hört sich gut an

    sounds good to me!klingt gut! (ugs.); gute Idee! (ugs.)

    2) (emit sound) [er]tönen
    3. transitive verb
    1) (cause to emit sound) ertönen lassen

    sound the trumpet — trompeten; in die Trompete blasen

    2) (utter)
    3) (pronounce) aussprechen
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/91872/sound_off">sound off
    III noun
    (strait) Sund, der; Meerenge, die
    IV transitive verb
    1) (Naut.): (fathom) ausloten; sondieren
    2) (fig.): (test) see sound out
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    I adjective
    1) (strong or in good condition: The foundations of the house are not very sound; He's 87, but he's still sound in mind and body.) gesund
    2) ((of sleep) deep: She's a very sound sleeper.) fest
    3) (full; thorough: a sound basic training.) solide
    4) (accurate; free from mistakes: a sound piece of work.) fehlerfrei
    5) (having or showing good judgement or good sense: His advice is always very sound.) brauchbar
    - soundly
    - soundness
    - sound asleep
    II 1. noun
    1) (the impressions transmitted to the brain by the sense of hearing: a barrage of sound; ( also adjective) sound waves.) der Schall; Schall-...
    2) (something that is, or can be, heard: The sounds were coming from the garage.) das Geräusch
    3) (the impression created in the mind by a piece of news, a description etc: I didn't like the sound of her hairstyle at all!) der Ton
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause something to) make a sound: Sound the bell!; The bell sounded.) erklingen
    2) (to signal (something) by making a sound: Sound the alarm!) schlagen
    3) ((of something heard or read) to make a particular impression; to seem; to appear: Your singing sounded very good; That sounds like a train.) klingen
    4) (to pronounce: In the word `pneumonia', the letter p is not sounded.) ansprechen
    5) (to examine by tapping and listening carefully: She sounded the patient's chest.) abhorchen
    - soundless
    - soundlessly
    - sound effects
    - soundproof
    3. verb
    (to make (walls, a room etc) soundproof.) schalldicht machen
    III verb
    (to measure the depth of (water etc).) ausloten
    - sounding
    - sound out
    * * *
    n (sea channel) Meerenge f, Sund m; (inlet) Meeresarm m
    Plymouth \sound Bucht f von Plymouth
    I. n
    1. (noise) Geräusch nt; (musical tone) of a bell Klang m; (verbal, TV, film) Ton m
    we heard the \sound of someone climbing the stairs wir hörten, wie jemand die Treppe hinaufging
    there wasn't a \sound to be heard es war nicht das geringste Geräusch zu hören
    not a \sound escaped her lips ihre Lippen waren fest versiegelt
    we heard the \sound of voices on the terrace wir hörten Stimmen auf der Terrasse
    to like the \sound of one's own voice sich akk selbst gern[e] reden hören
    a knocking \sound Klopfgeräusch nt
    to make a \sound einen Laut [o Ton] von sich dat geben
    don't make a \sound! sei still!
    2. LING Laut m
    3. no pl PHYS Schall m
    speed of \sound Schallgeschwindigkeit f
    4. no pl RADIO, TV (volume) Ton m
    the \sound of the TV was very loud der Fernseher war sehr laut
    to turn the \sound down/up den Ton leiser/lauter stellen
    \sound interference Tonstörung f
    5. no pl (on film) Sound m
    who did the \sound on that commercial? wer hat die Musik zu diesem Werbespot geschrieben?
    6. (characteristic of musicians' style) Sound m
    the \sound of the eighties der Sound der Achtziger
    7. no pl (impression)
    I don't like the \sound of it das klingt gar nicht gut
    by [or from] the \sound of it so wie sich das anhört
    II. n modifier
    2. PHYS (spectrograph, velocity) Schall-
    III. vi
    1. (resonate) erklingen; alarm ertönen; alarm clock klingeln; bell läuten
    2. ( fam: complain)
    to \sound off herumtönen
    to \sound off about sth/sb sich akk [lauthals] über etw/jdn auslassen
    3. + adj (seem) klingen, sich akk anhören
    he \sounds Canadian er hört sich wie ein Kanadier an
    I know it \sounds silly but... ich weiß, es klingt albern, aber...
    it \sounds to me like a case of homesickness für mich klingt das nach Heimweh
    they \sound like just the sort of people we're looking for das klingt, als sei das genau die Art von Leuten, nach denen wir suchen
    it \sounds to me from the rumours that... den Gerüchten nach zu urteilen scheint es fast so, als...
    that \sounds good [das] klingt gut
    that \sounds fun das hört sich nach Spaß an
    to \sound as though [or if] ... so klingen [o sich akk anhören], als ob...
    IV. vt
    1. (produce sound from)
    to \sound the alarm den Alarm auslösen
    to \sound the bell die Glocke läuten
    to \sound the buzzer den Summer betätigen
    to \sound the death-knell for sth ( fig) etw dat den Todesstoß versetzen
    to \sound the [car] horn hupen
    to \sound the gong den Gong schlagen
    to \sound the retreat MIL zum Rückzug blasen
    the siren was being \sounded die Sirene ging los
    2. LING
    to \sound sth:
    the ‘b’ in the word ‘plumb’ is not \sounded das ‚b‘ in dem Wort ‚plumb‘ wird nicht ausgesprochen
    I. adj
    1. (healthy) gesund; (in good condition) intakt, in gutem Zustand
    as \sound as a bell ( fam) völlig intakt, in einwandfreiem Zustand; animal, person kerngesund
    to be of \sound mind bei klarem Verstand sein
    2. (trustworthy) solide, verlässlich; (reasonable) vernünftig
    \sound advice guter Rat
    \sound argument schlagendes Argument
    \sound basis solide [o vernünftige] Basis
    \sound economy gesunde Wirtschaft
    to have a \sound grasp of the subject über ein eingehendes Verständnis des Themas verfügen
    \sound investment kluge Investition
    a person of \sound judgement ein Mensch m mit einem guten Urteilsvermögen
    \sound knowledge fundiertes Wissen
    \sound method wirksame Methode
    to have \sound views on sth vernünftige Ansichten über etw akk vertreten
    environmentally \sound umweltfreundlich
    to be \sound on sth in etw dat versiert sein
    3. (severe)
    \sound defeat [or thrashing] schwere Niederlage
    to give sb a \sound thrashing jdm eine ordentliche Tracht Prügel verpassen
    \sound sleep tiefer [o fester] Schlaf
    to be a \sound sleeper einen gesunden Schlaf haben
    II. adv
    to be \sound asleep tief [und fest] schlafen
    vt NAUT
    to \sound sth etw [aus]loten
    * * *
    I [saʊnd]
    1. adj (+er)
    1) (= in good condition) person, animal, tree, constitution, lungs gesund; condition, building, chassis einwandfrei

    to be as sound as a bell —

    to be of sound mind (esp Jur) — bei klarem Verstand sein, im Vollbesitz seiner geistigen Kräfte sein (Jur)

    the windows were broken, but the frames were sound — die Fensterscheiben waren zerbrochen, aber die Rahmen waren heil

    2) (= valid, good, dependable) solide; argument, analysis fundiert, solide; economy, currency stabil; person, goalkeeper verlässlich, in Ordnung pred (inf); idea gesund, vernünftig; basis solide; move vernünftig; advice wertvoll, vernünftig
    3) (= thorough) gründlich, solide; beating gehörig; defeat vernichtend
    4) (JUR) decision rechtmäßig; claim berechtigt
    5) (= deep) sleep tief, fest

    I'm a very sound sleeper — ich schlafe sehr tief or fest, ich habe einen gesunden Schlaf

    2. adv (+er)

    to be sound asleep —

    1. n
    1) (= noise) Geräusch nt; (LING) Laut m; (PHYS) Schall m; (MUS, of instruments) Klang m; (verbal, TV, RAD, FILM) Ton m; (of band etc) Sound m

    not a sound was to be heard —


    (= impression) I don't like the sound of it — das klingt gar nicht gut

    from the sound of it he had a hard time —

    his remarks had a familiar soundseine Bemerkungen klangen vertraut

    2. vt

    (= produce sound from) sound your horn — hupen!

    to sound the alarm — Alarm schlagen; (mechanism) die Alarmanlage auslösen

    to sound the "r" in "cover" — das "r" in "cover" aussprechen

    his speech sounded a note of warning —

    I think we need to sound a note of warning — ich finde, wir sollten eine vorsichtige Warnung aussprechen

    2) (= test by tapping MED) abklopfen
    3. vi
    1) (= emit sound) erklingen, ertönen
    2) (= give aural impression) klingen, sich anhören

    he sounds angry —

    he sounded depressed on the phoneam Telefon klang er deprimiert

    3) (= seem) sich anhören
    vt (NAUT)
    loten, ausloten; (MET) messen

    sounding lineLot nt, Senkblei nt

    n (GEOG)
    Meerenge f, Sund m
    * * *
    sound1 [saʊnd]
    A adj (adv soundly)
    1. gesund:
    sound in mind and body körperlich und geistig gesund;
    sound in wind and limb umg kerngesund, gesund und munter; bell1 A 1, mind A 2
    2. gesund, intakt, fehlerfrei, tadellos:
    sound fruit unverdorbenes Obst
    3. WIRTSCH gesund, solid(e), stabil (Gesellschaft, Währung etc):
    sound credit sicherer Kredit;
    he is sound on sherry umg sein Sherry ist gut
    4. gesund, vernünftig, gut (Investition, Politik etc)
    5. gut, brauchbar (Rat etc)
    6. folgerichtig (Argument etc)
    7. gut (fundiert), solid(e) (Kenntnisse etc)
    8. JUR rechtmäßig, begründet, gültig (Titel etc)
    9. zuverlässig (Freund etc):
    he is sound er ist in Ordnung
    10. gut, tüchtig (Stratege etc)
    11. kräftig, tüchtig, gehörig:
    sound sleep tiefer oder gesunder Schlaf; beating 1, sleeper 1
    B adv be sound asleep fest oder tief schlafen
    sound2 [saʊnd] s
    1. Sund m, Meerenge f:
    2. FISCH Fisch-, Schwimmblase f
    sound3 [saʊnd]
    A v/t
    1. besonders SCHIFF (aus)loten, peilen
    2. TECH den Meeresboden etc erforschen
    a) etwas sondieren ( auch MED), erkunden, erforschen,
    b) jemanden aushorchen oder umg ausholen ( beide:
    about, on über akk)
    B v/i
    1. besonders SCHIFF loten
    2. auf Grund gehen (Wal)
    3. fig sondieren
    C s MED Sonde f
    sound4 [saʊnd]
    A s
    1. a) Schall m, Laut m, Ton m:
    faster than sound mit Überschallgeschwindigkeit;
    within sound in Hörweite
    b) FILM, TV Ton(technik) m(f)
    2. Klang(wirkung) m(f), (Beat-, Jazzmusik auch) Sound m
    3. Ton m, Laut m, Geräusch n:
    without a sound geräusch-, lautlos
    4. fig Ton m, Klang m, Tenor m:
    I don’t like the sound of it die Sache gefällt mir nicht;
    from the sound of it so, wie es sich anhörte
    5. LING Laut m
    B v/i
    1. (er)schallen, (-)klingen:
    the bell sounds for the last lap SPORT die letzte Runde wird eingeläutet
    2. fig klingen:
    that sounds like an excuse to me das klingt für mich nach Ausrede
    3. sound off umg tönen (about, on von):
    sound off against herziehen über (akk)
    4. sound in JUR auf Schadenersatz etc lauten (Klage)
    C v/t
    1. seine Trompete etc erschallen oder erklingen lassen:
    sound the ( oder one’s) horn AUTO hupen;
    sound sb’s praises fig jemandes Lob singen
    2. äußern:
    sound a note of warning eine Warnung anklingen lassen
    3. LING (aus)sprechen:
    the h in “hono(u)r” is not sounded
    4. verkünden:
    the bell sounds noon die Glocke schlägt 12 Uhr (mittags); alarm A 1, charge C 11
    5. besonders MED abhorchen, abklopfen:
    sound out Argumente etc abklopfen
    * * *
    I 1.
    1) (healthy) gesund; intakt [Gebäude, Mauerwerk]; gut [Frucht, Obst, Holz, Boden]
    2) (well-founded) vernünftig [Argument, Rat]; klug [Wahl]
    3) (Finance): (secure) gesund, solide [Basis]; klug [Investition]
    4) (competent, reliable) solide [Spieler]
    5) (undisturbed) tief, gesund [Schlaf]
    6) (thorough) gehörig (ugs.) [Niederlage, Tracht Prügel]; gekonnt [Leistung]
    2. adverb
    fest, tief [schlafen]
    II 1. noun
    1) (Phys.) Schall, der
    2) (noise) Laut, der; (of wind, sea, car, footsteps, breaking glass or twigs) Geräusch, das; (of voices, laughter, bell) Klang, der
    3) (Radio, Telev., Cinemat.) Ton, der

    loss of sound — Tonausfall, der

    4) (music) Klang, der
    5) (Phonet.): (articulation) Laut, der
    6) (fig.): (impression)

    I like the sound of your plan — ich finde, Ihr Plan hört sich gut an

    2. intransitive verb
    1) (seem) klingen

    it sounds as if.../like... — es klingt, als.../wie...

    it sounds to me from what you have said that... — was du gesagt hast, klingt für mich so, als ob...

    that sounds [like] a good idea to me — ich finde, die Idee hört sich gut an

    sounds good to me!klingt gut! (ugs.); gute Idee! (ugs.)

    2) (emit sound) [er]tönen
    3. transitive verb
    1) (cause to emit sound) ertönen lassen

    sound the trumpet — trompeten; in die Trompete blasen

    3) (pronounce) aussprechen
    Phrasal Verbs:
    III noun
    (strait) Sund, der; Meerenge, die
    IV transitive verb
    1) (Naut.): (fathom) ausloten; sondieren
    2) (fig.): (test) see sound out
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    einwandfrei adj.
    gesund adj.
    vernünftig adj. n.
    Klang ¨-e m.
    Schall -e m.
    Ton ¨-e m. v.
    klingen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: klang, geklungen)
    tönen v.

    English-german dictionary > sound

  • 4 ring

    I 1. noun
    1) Ring, der
    2) (Horse Racing, Boxing) Ring, der; (in circus) Manege, die
    3) (group) Ring, der; (gang) Bande, die; (controlling prices) Kartell, das
    4) (circle) Kreis, der

    make or run rings [a]round somebody — (fig.) jemanden in die Tasche stecken (ugs.)

    2. transitive verb
    1) (surround) umringen; einkreisen [Wort, Buchstaben usw.]
    2) (Brit.): (put ring on leg of) beringen [Vogel]
    II 1. noun
    1) (act of sounding bell) Läuten, das; Klingeln, das

    there's a ring at the doores hat geklingelt

    2) (Brit. coll.): (telephone call) Anruf, der
    3) (resonance; fig.): (impression) Klang, der; (fig.)
    2. intransitive verb,
    1) (sound clearly) [er]schallen; [Hammer:] [er]dröhnen
    2) (be sounded) [Glocke, Klingel, Telefon:] läuten; [Kasse, Telefon, Wecker:] klingeln

    the doorbell rang — die Türklingel ging; es klingelte

    3) (ring bell) läuten ( for nach)
    4) (Brit.): (make telephone call) anrufen
    5) (resound)

    ring in somebody's earsjemandem in den Ohren klingen

    ring true/false — (fig.) glaubhaft/unglaubhaft klingen

    6) (hum) summen; (loudly) dröhnen
    3. transitive verb,
    rang, rung
    1) läuten [Glocke]

    ring the [door]bell — läuten; klingeln

    it rings a bell(fig. coll.) es kommt mir [irgendwie] bekannt vor

    2) (Brit.): (telephone) anrufen
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/62450/ring_back">ring back
    * * *
    I 1. [riŋ] noun
    1) (a small circle eg of gold or silver, sometimes having a jewel set in it, worn on the finger: a wedding ring; She wears a diamond ring.) der Ring
    2) (a circle of metal, wood etc for any of various purposes: a scarf-ring; a key-ring; The trap-door had a ring attached for lifting it.) der Ring
    3) (anything which is like a circle in shape: The children formed a ring round their teacher; The hot teapot left a ring on the polished table.) der Ring
    4) (an enclosed space for boxing matches, circus performances etc: the circus-ring; The crowd cheered as the boxer entered the ring.) der Ring
    5) (a small group of people formed for business or criminal purposes: a drugs ring.) der Ring
    2. verb
    ( verb)
    1) (to form a ring round.) umringen
    2) (to put, draw etc a ring round (something): He has ringed all your errors.) umkreisen
    3) (to put a ring on the leg of (a bird) as a means of identifying it.) beringen
    - ring binder
    - ringlet
    - ring finger
    - ringleader
    - ringmaster
    - run rings round
    II 1. [riŋ] past tense - rang; verb
    1) (to (cause to) sound: The doorbell rang; He rang the doorbell; The telephone rang.) klingeln
    2) ((often with up) to telephone (someone): I'll ring you (up) tonight.) anrufen
    3) ((often with for) to ring a bell (eg in a hotel) to tell someone to come, to bring something etc: She rang for the maid.) läuten
    4) ((of certain objects) to make a high sound like a bell: The glass rang as she hit it with a metal spoon.) klingen
    5) (to be filled with sound: The hall rang with the sound of laughter.) erklingen, erschallen
    6) ((often with out) to make a loud, clear sound: His voice rang through the house; A shot rang out.) erschallen
    2. noun
    1) (the act or sound of ringing: the ring of a telephone.) das Klingeln
    2) (a telephone call: I'll give you a ring.) der Anruf
    3) (a suggestion, impression or feeling: His story has a ring of truth about it.) der Klang
    - ring a bell
    - ring back
    - ring off
    - ring true
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (jewellery) Ring m
    diamond \ring Diamantring m
    2. (circular object) Ring m
    metal/onion \ring Metall-/Zwiebelring m
    3. ASTRON Ring m
    the \rings of Saturn die Ringe des Saturn
    4. (marking) Rand m
    the wet glass left a \ring on the table das nasse Glas hinterließ einen Rand auf dem Tisch
    to have \rings around one's eyes Ringe unter den Augen haben
    5. BRIT (cooking device) Kochplatte f, Herdplatte f
    6. (arena) Ring m
    boxing \ring Boxring m
    circus \ring Manege f
    7. + sing/pl vb (circle of people) Kreis m
    8. + sing vb (circle of objects) Kreis
    to sit in a \ring around sb im Kreis um jdn herumsitzen
    9. + sing/pl vb (clique) Ring m, Kartell nt, Syndikat nt; (at an auction) Händlerring m bei einer Auktion
    drug/spy \ring Drogen-/Spionagering m
    10. CHEM ringförmige atomare Struktur
    11. (circular course) Kreis m
    they ran around in a \ring sie liefen [o rannten] im Kreis herum
    12. STOCKEX (trading floor) Börsenstand m
    13. COMPUT (data list) Ring m; (topology of network) Ringtopologie f
    to run \rings [a]round sb jdn in die Tasche stecken fam
    II. vt
    1. usu passive (surround)
    to \ring sb/sth jdn/etw umringen
    armed police \ring the hijacked plane bewaffnete Polizisten kreisen das entführte Flugzeug ein
    the harbour is \ringed by rocks and reefs der Hafen ist von Felsen und Riffen umgeben
    to \ring sth etw einkreisen
    to \ring a bird einen Vogel beringen
    to \ring a bull/a pig einen Stier/ein Schwein mit einem Nasenring versehen
    4. (falsify) Chassis- oder Motornummer f an etw dat betrügerisch verändern
    I. n
    1. (act of sounding bell) Klingeln nt kein pl
    to give a \ring klingeln
    he gave a \ring at the door er klingelte [o läutete] an der Tür
    2. (sound made) Klingeln nt kein pl, Läuten nt kein pl
    there was a \ring at the door es hat geklingelt [o geläutet
    3. usu sing esp BRIT (telephone call)
    to give sb a \ring jdn anrufen
    the \ring of iron on stone das Klirren von Eisen auf Stein
    5. usu sing (quality) Klang m
    your name has a familiar \ring Ihr Name kommt mir bekannt vor
    his story had the \ring of truth seine Geschichte hörte sich glaubhaft an
    6. (set of bells) Glockenspiel nt; of a church Läut[e]werk nt
    II. vi
    <rang, rung>
    1. (produce bell sound) telephone klingeln, läuten; (cause bell sound) klingen
    2. (summon) läuten
    to \ring for sth nach etw dat läuten
    3. (have humming sensation) klingen
    my ears are still \ringing from the explosion mir klingen noch die Ohren von der Explosion
    to \ring with [or to] a sound von einem Klang widerhallen
    the room rang with laughter der Raum war von Lachen erfüllt; ( fig)
    his voice rang with anger seine Stimme bebte vor Zorn
    5. (appear)
    to \ring false/true unglaubhaft/glaubhaft klingen [o SCHWEIZ a. tönen]
    to \ring hollow hohl klingen [o SCHWEIZ a. tönen] pej
    6. esp BRIT (call on telephone) anrufen
    to \ring for an ambulance/a taxi einen Krankenwagen/ein Taxi rufen
    to \ring home zu Hause anrufen
    to \ring back zurückrufen
    sth \rings in sb's ears [or head] etw klingt jdm im Ohr
    III. vt
    <rang, rung>
    to \ring a bell eine Glocke läuten
    to \ring the alarm Alarm auslösen
    2. (of a church)
    to \ring the hour die Stunde schlagen
    to \ring a peal die Glocken läuten
    to \ring sb jdn anrufen
    to \ring sb back jdn zurückrufen
    to \ring a bell Assoziationen hervorrufen
    the name rang a bell der Name kam mir irgendwie bekannt vor
    to \ring the changes [on sth] für Abwechslung [bei etw dat] sorgen
    * * *
    I [rɪŋ]
    1. n
    1) Ring m; (for swimmer) Schwimmring or -reifen m
    2) (= circle) Ring m; (in tree trunk) Jahresring m

    to have ( dark) rings round or under one's eyes —

    3) (= group POL) Gruppe f; (of dealers, spies) Ring m
    4) (= enclosure at circus) Manege f; (at exhibition) Ring m; (HORSE RACING) Buchmacherring m; (= boxing ring) (Box)ring m
    2. vt
    (= surround) umringen; (in game: with hoop) einen Ring werfen über (+acc); (= put ring on or round) item on list etc einkreisen, einen Kreis machen um; (esp Brit) bird beringen II vb: pret rang, ptp rung
    1. n
    1) (sound) Klang m; (= ringing) (of bell, alarm bell) Läuten nt; (of electric bell, alarm clock, phone) Klingeln nt; (of crystal) Klang m

    to hear a ring at the door —

    2) (esp Brit TELEC) Anruf m
    3) (fig) Klang m

    (= set) ring of bells — Glockenspiel nt

    2. vi
    1) (= make sound) klingen; (bell, alarm bell) läuten; (electric bell) läuten, klingeln; (alarm clock, phone) klingeln; (= make metallic sound swords etc) klirren; (crystal) klingen; (hammers) schallen

    the bell rang for dinner —

    to ring for sth —

    you rang, sir? — (gnädiger Herr,) Sie haben geläutet?

    3) (= sound, resound words, voice) tönen, schallen; (music, singing) erklingen (geh), tönen

    to ring false/true — falsch/wahr klingen

    my ears are ringing —

    3. vt
    1) bell läuten

    that/his name rings a bell (fig inf) — das/sein Name kommt mir bekannt vor

    he/it rings my bell ( US inf ) — den/das find ich gut (inf)

    to ring the changes ( lit : on bells ) — (etw) im Wechsel läuten; (fig) alle Variationen durchspielen

    * * *
    ring1 [rıŋ]
    A s
    1. allg Ring m ( auch BOT, CHEM und fig):
    rings of smoke Rauchringe oder -kringel;
    ring of atoms PHYS Atomring;
    ring of forts Festungsgürtel m, -ring;
    at the rings (Turnen) an den Ringen;
    form a ring einen Kreis bilden (Personen);
    have (livid) rings round one’s eyes (dunkle) Ringe um die Augen haben;
    make ( oder run) rings (a)round sb fig jemanden in die Tasche stecken;
    the Ring (of the Nibelungen) MUS der Ring (des Nibelungen)
    2. TECH
    a) Ring m, Glied n (einer Kette)
    b) Öse f, Öhr n
    3. MATH Ring(fläche) m(f)
    4. ASTRON Hof m
    5. (Kräusel)Locke f
    6. a) Manege f
    b) Boxen: Ring m:
    the ring weitS. das (Berufs)Boxen, der Boxsport;
    enter the ring against in den Ring steigen gegen;
    the third man in the ring der dritte Mann im Ring
    c) fig besonders POL Arena f:
    be in the ring for kämpfen um
    a) Buchmacherplatz m
    b) koll (die) Buchmacher pl
    8. WIRTSCH
    a) (Spekulations) Ring m, Aufkäufergruppe f
    b) Ring m, Kartell n, Syndikat n
    9. a) (Verbrecher-, Spionage- etc) Ring m
    b) POL Clique f
    10. ARCH
    a) Bogenverzierung f
    b) Riemchen n (an Säulen)
    11. Teller m (am Skistock)
    B v/t
    1. a) meist ring about ( oder around, round) umringen, umgeben, umkreisen, einkreisen
    b) Vieh umreiten, zusammentreiben
    2. einen Ring bilden aus
    3. beringen, einem Tier einen Ring durch die Nase ziehen
    4. Zwiebeln in Ringe schneiden
    5. einen Baum ringeln
    C v/i
    1. sich im Kreis bewegen
    2. JAGD kreisen (Falke etc)
    ring2 [rıŋ]
    A s
    1. Geläute n:
    a) Glockenklang m, -läuten n
    b) Glockenspiel n (einer Kirche)
    2. Läuten n, Klingeln n (Rufzeichen)
    3. besonders Br umg Anruf m:
    give sb a ring jemanden anrufen
    4. Erklingen n, Ertönen n, Schall m
    5. Klingen n, Klang m (einer Münze, der Stimme etc):
    the ring of truth fig der Klang der Wahrheit;
    have the ring of truth (authenticity) wahr (echt) klingen;
    that has a familiar ring to me das kommt mir (irgendwie) bekannt vor;
    a) hohl klingen (Versprechen etc),
    b) unglaubwürdig klingen (Protest etc)
    B v/i prät rang [ræŋ], pperf rung [rʌŋ]
    1. läuten, klingen (Glocke), klingeln (Glöckchen), (Boxen) ertönen (Gong):
    a) klingeln, läuten,
    b) fig um Einlass bitten;
    ring for sb nach jemandem klingeln
    2. oft ring out erklingen, (er)schallen, (er)tönen (auch Schuss)
    3. klingen (Münze etc):
    my ears ring mir klingen die Ohren
    4. auch ring again fig widerhallen ( with von), nachklingen:
    his words rang true seine Worte klangen wahr oder echt; hollow C
    5. TEL besonders Br anrufen
    C v/t
    1. eine Glocke läuten:
    a) auch ring the doorbell klingeln, läuten
    b) fig bell1 A 1, change C 3
    2. ein Instrument, fig jemandes Lob etc erklingen oder erschallen lassen
    3. eine Münze klingen lassen
    4. ring up B 1, B 2
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    1) Ring, der
    2) (Horse Racing, Boxing) Ring, der; (in circus) Manege, die
    3) (group) Ring, der; (gang) Bande, die; (controlling prices) Kartell, das
    4) (circle) Kreis, der

    make or run rings [a]round somebody — (fig.) jemanden in die Tasche stecken (ugs.)

    2. transitive verb
    1) (surround) umringen; einkreisen [Wort, Buchstaben usw.]
    2) (Brit.): (put ring on leg of) beringen [Vogel]
    II 1. noun
    1) (act of sounding bell) Läuten, das; Klingeln, das
    2) (Brit. coll.): (telephone call) Anruf, der
    3) (resonance; fig.): (impression) Klang, der; (fig.)
    2. intransitive verb,
    1) (sound clearly) [er]schallen; [Hammer:] [er]dröhnen
    2) (be sounded) [Glocke, Klingel, Telefon:] läuten; [Kasse, Telefon, Wecker:] klingeln

    the doorbell rang — die Türklingel ging; es klingelte

    3) (ring bell) läuten ( for nach)
    4) (Brit.): (make telephone call) anrufen

    ring true/false — (fig.) glaubhaft/unglaubhaft klingen

    6) (hum) summen; (loudly) dröhnen
    3. transitive verb,
    rang, rung
    1) läuten [Glocke]

    ring the [door]bell — läuten; klingeln

    it rings a bell(fig. coll.) es kommt mir [irgendwie] bekannt vor

    2) (Brit.): (telephone) anrufen
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Klang ¨-e m.
    Kreis -e m.
    Ring -e m. v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: ringed) (•§ p.,p.p.: rang, rung•)
    = klingeln v.
    klingen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: klang, geklungen)
    läuten v.

    English-german dictionary > ring

  • 5 ring

    1. ring [rɪŋ] n
    1) ( jewellery) Ring m;
    diamond \ring Diamantring m
    2) ( circular object) Ring m;
    metal/onion \ring Metall-/Zwiebelring m
    3) astron Ring m;
    the \rings of Saturn die Ringe des Saturn
    4) ( marking) Rand m;
    the wet glass left a \ring on the table das nasse Glas hinterließ einen Rand auf dem Tisch;
    to have \rings around one's eyes Ringe unter den Augen haben
    5) ( Brit) ( cooking device) Kochplatte f
    6) ( arena) Ring m;
    boxing \ring Boxring m;
    circus \ring Manege f
    7) + sing/ pl vb ( circle of people) Kreis m
    8) + sing vb ( circle of objects) Kreis;
    to sit in a \ring around sb im Kreis um jdn herumsitzen
    9) + sing/ pl vb ( clique) Ring m;
    drug/spy \ring Drogen-/Spionagering m
    10) chem ringförmige atomare Struktur
    11) ( circular course) Kreis m;
    they ran around in a \ring sie liefen [o rannten] im Kreis herum
    to run \rings [a]round sb jdn in die Tasche stecken ( fam) vt
    to \ring sb/ sth jdn/etw umringen;
    armed police \ring the hijacked plane bewaffnete Polizisten kreisen das entführte Flugzeug ein;
    the harbour is \ringed by rocks and reefs der Hafen ist von Felsen und Riffen umgeben
    2) ( Brit) ( draw)
    to \ring sth etw einkreisen
    3) ( Brit) ( put ring on)
    to \ring a bird einen Vogel beringen;
    to \ring a bull/ a pig einen Stier/ein Schwein mit einem Nasenring versehen
    2. ring [rɪŋ] n
    to give a \ring klingeln;
    he gave a \ring at the door er klingelte [o läutete] an der Tür
    2) ( sound made) Klingeln nt kein pl, Läuten nt kein pl;
    there was a \ring at the door es hat geklingelt [o geläutet];
    to give sb a \ring jdn anrufen
    4) ( loud sound) Klirren nt kein pl;
    the \ring of iron on stone das Klirren von Eisen auf Stein
    5) usu sing ( quality) Klang m;
    your name has a familiar \ring Ihr Name kommt mir bekannt vor;
    his story had the \ring of truth seine Geschichte hörte sich glaubhaft an
    6) ( set of bells) Glockenspiel nt; of a church Läut[e]werk nt vi <rang, rung>
    1) ( produce bell sound) telephone klingeln, läuten;
    ( cause bell sound) klingen
    2) ( summon) läuten;
    to \ring for sth nach etw dat läuten
    3) ( have humming sensation) klingen;
    my ears are still \ringing from the explosion mir klingen noch die Ohren von der Explosion
    to \ring with [or to] a sound von einem Klang widerhallen;
    the room rang with laughter der Raum war von Lachen erfüllt; ( fig)
    his voice rang with anger seine Stimme bebte vor Zorn
    5) ( appear)
    to \ring false/ true unglaubhaft/glaubhaft klingen;
    to \ring hollow hohl klingen ( pej)
    6) ( esp Brit) ( call on telephone) anrufen;
    to \ring for an ambulance/ a taxi einen Krankenwagen/ein Taxi rufen;
    to \ring home zu Hause anrufen;
    to \ring back zurückrufen
    sth \rings in sb's ears [or head] etw klingt jdm im Ohr vt <rang, rung>
    to \ring a bell eine Glocke läuten;
    to \ring the alarm Alarm auslösen
    to \ring the hour die Stunde schlagen;
    to \ring a peal die Glocken läuten
    to \ring sb jdn anrufen;
    to \ring sb back jdn zurückrufen
    to \ring a bell Assoziationen hervorrufen;
    the name rang a bell der Name kam mir irgendwie bekannt vor;
    to \ring the changes [on sth] für Abwechslung [bei etw dat] sorgen

    English-German students dictionary > ring

  • 6 δίδωμι

    δίδωμι (Hom.+) by-form διδῶ (B-D-F §94, 1; Rob. 311f) Rv 3:9 (δίδω Tregelles, δίδωμι v.l.), 3 sg. διδοῖ (GrBar 7:2), 3 pl. διδόασι; impf. 3 sg. ἐδίδου, ἐδίδει (Hs 6, 2, 7; cp. Mk 4:8 cod. W), 3 pl. ἐδίδουν, ἐδίδοσαν J 19:3; ptc. διδῶν (Hs 8, 3, 3); fut. δώσω; 1 aor. ἔδωκα, subj. 3 sg. δώσῃ J 17:2; Rv 8:3 v.l. (on this W-S.§14, 9; B-D-F §95, 1; Rob. 308f), 1 pl. δώσωμεν Mk 6:37 v.l., 3 pl. δώσωσιν Rv 4:9 v.l.; pf. δέδωκα; plpf. ἐδεδώκειν (and without augm. δεδώκειν Mk 14:44; Lk 19:15; J 11:57); 2 aor. subj. 3 sg. δῷ J 15:16 (δώῃ v.l.); also in the form δώῃ Eph 1:17; 2 Ti 2:25 (in both δῷ as v.l.): in all these cases read δώῃ subj., not δῴη opt., s. below; δοῖ Mk 8:37 (B-D-F §95, 2; Mlt. 55; Rdm.2 97f and Glotta 7, 1916, 21ff; GKilpatrick in Festschrift JSchmid ’63, 135), pl. δῶμεν, δῶτε, δῶσιν; 2 aor. opt. 3 sg. Hellenist. (also LXX) δῴη for δοίη Ro 15:5; 2 Th 3:16; 2 Ti 1:16, 18 (on Eph 1:17; 2 Ti 2:25 s. above); 2 aor. impv. δός, δότε, inf. δοῦναι, ptc. δούς; pf. δέδωκα LXX. Pass.: 1 fut. δοθήσομαι (W-S. §14, 8ff); 1 aor. ἐδόθην; pf. δέδομαι.
    to give as an expression of generosity, give, donate as a gen. principle: μακάριόν ἐστιν μᾶλλον διδόναι ἢ λαμβάνειν it is more blessed to give than to receive Ac 20:35 (Theophyl. Sim., Ep. 42 τὸ διδόναι ἢ τὸ λαβεῖν οἰκειότερον); cp. 1 Cl 2:1; Hm 2:4ff (the contrast δίδωμι … λαμβάνω is frequently found: Epicharmus, Fgm. 273 Kaibel; Com. Fgm. Adesp. 108, 4 K.; Maximus Tyr. 32, 10c ὀλίγα δούς, μεγάλα ἔλαβες; Sir 14:16; Tat. 29, 2).—On the logion Ac 20:35 s. Unknown Sayings 77–81: giving is blessed, not receiving (cp. EHaenchen on Ac 20:35; Aristot., EN 4, 3, 26; Plut., Mor. 173d). S. μᾶλλον 3c. δὸς τοῖς πτωχοῖς give to the poor Mt 19:21 (HvonCampenhausen, Tradition u. Leben ’60, 114–56). τινὶ ἔκ τινος give someone some (of a substance: Tob 4:16; Ezk 48:12) Mt 25:8. S. also 7:11; 14:7.
    to give someth. out, give, bestow, grant δ. δακτύλιον εἰς τὴν χεῖρα put a ring on the finger Lk 15:22 (cp. Esth 3:10—δίδωμί τι εἰς τ. χεῖρα also Aristoph., Nub. 506; Herodas 3, 70). give τινί τι someth. to someone τὸ ἅγιον τοῖς κυσίν Mt 7:6 (Ps.-Lucian, Asin. 33 τὰ ἔγκατα τοῖς κυσὶ δότε).—A certificate of divorce to one’s wife 5:31 (Dt 24:1; conversely of the wife Just., A II, 2, 6 ῥεπούδιον δοῦσα); without dat. 19:7. Of bread (w. dat. or acc. somet. to be supplied fr. the context) 26:26f; Mk 2:26; 14:22; Lk 6:4; 11:7f; 22:19; J 21:13 (difft. Mt 14:19; 15:36; Mk 6:41; 8:6 the disciples transfer to others what they have received). W. inf. foll. δ. τινὶ φαγεῖν give someone someth. to eat Mt 14:16; 25:35, 42; Mk 5:43; 6:37; J 6:31 al. (cp. Gen 28:20; Ex 16:8, 15; Lev 10:17); someth. to drink Mt 27:34; Mk 15:23; J 4:7; Rv 16:6 (Hdt. 4, 172, 4; Aristoph., Pax 49; Jos., Ant. 2, 64; schol. on Nicander, Alexiph. 146 δὸς πιεῖν τί τινι, without dat. 198; PGM 13, 320 δὸς πεῖν[=πιεῖν]; Jos., Ant. 2, 64).—τὰς ῥάβδους GJs 9:1.—Lk 15:29 (Hipponax 43 Deg.).
    to express devotion, give δόξαν δ. θεῷ give God the glory, i.e. praise, honor, thanks (Josh 7:19; Ps 67:35; 1 Esdr 9:8; 2 Ch 30:8 and oft.) Lk 17:18; J 9:24 (practically=promise under oath to tell the truth); Ac 12:23 al. δόξαν καὶ τιμήν (2 Ch 32:33) give glory and honor Rv 4:9. Through a sacrificial offering θυσίαν δ. bring an offering Lk 2:24 (cp. Jos., Ant. 7, 196 θυσίαν ἀποδοῦναι τ. θεῷ).
    to cause to happen, esp. in ref. to physical phenomena, produce, make, cause, give fig. extension of mng. 1 ὑετὸν δ. (3 Km 17:14; Job 5:10; Zech 10:1; PsSol 5:9) yield rain Js 5:18; send rain Ac 14:17. τέρατα cause wonders to appear Ac 2:19 (Jo 3:3). Of heavenly bodies φέγγος δ. give light, shine Mt 24:29; Mk 13:24 (cp. Is 13:10). Of a musical instrument φωνὴν δ. (cp. Ps 17:14; 103:12; Jdth 14:9; Pind., N. 5, 50b [93]) produce a sound 1 Cor 14:7f.
    to put someth. in care of another, entrust
    of things entrust τινί τι someth. to someone money Mt 25:15; Lk 19:13, 15; the keys of the kgdm. Mt 16:19; perh. Lk 12:48. W. εἰς τὰς χεῖρας added J 13:3 (cp. Gen 39:8; Is 22:21; 29:12 al.) or ἐν τῇ χειρί τινος 3:35 (cp. Jdth 9:9; Da 1:2; 7:25 Theod.; 1 Macc 2:7). Of spiritual things J 17:8, 14; Ac 7:38.
    of pers. τινά τινι entrust someone to another’s care J 6:37, 39; 17:6, 9, 12, 24; Hb 2:13 (Is 8:18).
    of payment pay, give τινί τι Mt 20:4; 26:15; 28:12; Mk 14:11; Lk 22:5; Rv 11:18. Fig. repay someone (Mélanges Nicole, var. contributors, JNicole Festschr. 1905, p. 246 [HvanHerwerden=PLips 40 III, 3 p. 129] λίθῳ δέδωκεν τῷ υἱῷ μου; Ps 27:4) Rv 2:23. Of taxes, tribute, rent, etc. τινὶ ἀπό τινος pay rent of someth. Lk 20:10 (cp. 1 Esdr 6:28). τὶ pay (up), give someth. Mt 16:26; 27:10; Mk 8:37; δ. κῆνσον, φόρον καίσαρι pay tax to the emperor (Jos., Bell. 2, 403) Mt 22:17; Mk 12:14; Lk 20:22. Of inheritance pay out a portion of property Lk 15:12.
    as commercial t.t. for bookkeeping λόγον δ. render account (POxy 1281, 9 [21 A.D.]; PStras 32, 9 δότω λόγον; cp. Phil 4:15) Ro 14:12.
    of a bank deposit, equivalent to τιθέναι put, place, deposit ἀργύριον ἐπὶ τράπεζαν put money in the bank Lk 19:23.
    appoint to special responsibility, appoint (Num 14:4) κριτάς judges Ac 13:20; w. double acc. appoint someone someth. (PLille 28, II [III B.C.] αὐτοῖς ἐδώκαμεν μεσίτην Δωρίωνα) τοὺϚ μὲν ἀποστόλους some (to be) apostles Eph 4:11. τινὰ κεφαλήν make someone head 1:22. Also δ. τινὰ εἴς τι B 14:7 (Is 42:6).
    to cause someth. to happen, give (Philo, Leg. All. 3, 106 δ. χρόνον εἰς μετάνοιαν) δ. γνῶσιν σωτηρίας= to give (his people) knowledge of salvation = to tell (his people) how to be saved Lk 1:77.
    to bear as a natural product, yield, produce of a field and its crops καρπὸν δ. yield fruit (Ps 1:3) Mt 13:8; Mk 4:7f; fig. ἔδωκεν μοὶ Κύριος καρπὸν δικαιοσύνης αὐτοῦ GJs 6:3 (Pr 11:30).
    to dedicate oneself for some purpose or cause, give up, sacrifice τὸ σῶμά μου τὸ ὑπὲρ ὑμῶν διδόμενον my body, given up for you Lk 22:19 (cp. Thu. 2, 43, 2; Libanius, Declam. 24, 23 Förster οἱ ἐν Πύλαις ὑπὲρ ἐλευθερίας τ. Ἑλλήνων δεδωκότες τὰ σώματα; of Menas δ. ἀπροφασίστως ἑαυτόν ‘gave of himself unstintingly’ OGI 339, 19f; Danker, Benefactor 321–23; for use of δ. in a testamentary context cp. Diog. L. 5, 72); ἑαυτὸν (τὴν ψυχὴν) δ. give oneself up, sacrifice oneself (ref. in Nägeli 56; 1 Macc 6:44; 2:50) w. dat. 2 Cor 8:5. λύτρον ἀντι πολλῶν give oneself up as a ransom for many Mt 20:28; Mk 10:45 (ἀντί 3). Also ἀντίλυτρον ὑπέρ τινος 1 Ti 2:6. ὐπέρ τινος for or because of a person or thing J 10:15 v.l.; Gal 1:4; Tit 2:14; AcPl Ha 8, 24 (on the form of these passages s. KRomaniuk, NovT 5, ’62, 55–76). ἑαυτὸν δ. τῷ θανάτῳ ISm 4:2 (cp. Just., A I, 21, 2 πυρί); δ. ἑαυτὸν εἰς τὸ θηρίον face the beast Hv 4, 1, 8.
    to cause (oneself) to go, go, venture somewhere (cp. our older ‘betake oneself’) (Polyb. 5, 14, 9; Diod S 5, 59, 4; 14, 81, 2; Jos., Ant. 7, 225; 15, 244) εἰς τὸ θέατρον Ac 19:31; εἰς τὴν ἔρημον GJs 1:4.
    to use an oracular device, draw/cast lots Ac 1:26.
    to grant by formal action, grant, allow, freq. of God (cp. 7 above) ἐξουσίαν δ. (Hippol., Ref. 5, 26, 21 grant someone the power or authority, give someone the right, etc. (cp. TestJob 20:3; Jos., Ant. 2, 90, Vi. 71) Mt 9:8; 28:18; 2 Cor 13:10; Rv 9:3; 1 Cl 61:1; τοῦ πατεῖν ἐπάνω τινός tread on someth. Lk 10:19. τὴν σοφίαν τοῦ γράψαι τὴν ἱστορίαν ταύτην the ability to write this account GJs 25:1. ἔδωκεν αὐτοῖς δύναμιν καὶ ἐξουσίαν ἐπί Lk 9:1 (cp. Just., D. 30, 3 ἔδωκεν αὐτῷ δύναμιν). ταῦτά σοι πάντα δώσω i.e. put them under your control Mt 4:9 of the devil. Simple δ. w. inf. (Appian, Liby. 19 §78 ἢν [=ἐὰν] ὁ θεὸς δῷ ἐπικρατῆσαι 106 §499) δέδοται it is given, granted to someone γνῶναι τὰ μυστήρια to know the secrets Mt 13:11; cp. ἡ δοθεῖσα αὐτῷ γνῶσις B 9:8 (Just., D. 7, 3 εἰ μή τῳ θεός δῷ συνιέναι) ἔδωκεν ζωὴν ἔχειν he has granted (the privilege) of having life J 5:26. μετὰ παρρησίας λαλεῖν to speak courageously Ac 4:29 and oft. Rather freq. the inf. is to be supplied fr. the context (Himerius, Or. 38 [4], 8 εἰ θεὸς διδοίη=if God permits) οἷς δέδοται sc. χωρεῖν Mt 19:11. ἦν δεδομένον σοι sc. ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν J 19:11. W. acc. and inf. foll. (Appian, Mithrid. 11, §37; Heliodorus 5, 12, 2 δώσεις με πιστεύειν) οὐδὲ δώσεις τὸν ὅσιόν σου ἰδεῖν διαφθοράν you will not permit your holy one to see corruption Ac 2:27; 13:35 (both Ps 15:10). ἔδωκεν αὐτὸν ἐμφανῆ γενέσθαι granted that he should be plainly seen 10:40. δὸς … ῥαγήναι τὰ δέσμα grant that our chains be broken AcPl Ha 3,11f. Pregnant constr.: grant, order (Diod S 9, 12, 2 διδ. λαβεῖν=permit to; 19, 85, 3 τὶ=someth.; Appian, Bell. Civ. 4, 125 §524 ὁ καιρὸς ἐδίδου=the opportunity permitted; Biogr. p. 130 ἐδίδου θάπτειν τ. ἄνδρα) ἐδόθη αὐτοῖς ἵνα μὴ ἀποκτείνωσιν orders were given them not to kill Rv 9:5; cp. 19:8.—Of an oath w. double inf. Lk 1:73f. S. also 17 below.
    to cause to come into being, institute περιτομὴν δ. institute circumcision B 9:7.
    give up, someth. that has been under one’s control for a relatively long time, give up, give back ἡ θάλασσα τ. νεκρούς the sea gave up its dead Rv 20:13.
    to proffer someth., extend, offer χεῖρα hold out one’s hand (to someone) Ac 9:41 (cp. 1 Macc 6:58; 2 Macc 12:11; Jos., Bell. 6, 318). (τὸν) μαστὸν τῇ παῖδι GJs 5:2; 6:3.
    In many phrases this word relates to an activity or an abstract object, and with tr. freq. determined by the noun object; cp. 13 above.
    of humans: of a plan conceived in a meeting give counsel or advice: δ. for ποιεῖν (cp. κατά A2b β and s. s.v. συμβούλιον), which is read by some mss., in συμβούλιον δ. conspired (against Jesus) Mk 3:6. ἀφορμὴν δ. give an occasion (for someth.) 2 Cor 5:12; Hm 4, 1, 11; μαρτυρίαν δ. give testimony 1 Cl 30:7; δ. τὸ μαρτύριον bear witness AcPl Ha 4, 28; γνώμην δ. give an opinion 1 Cor 7:25; 2 Cor 8:10; ἐγκοπὴν δ. cause a hindrance 1 Cor 9:12; ἐντολὴν δ. command, order J 11:57; 12:49; 1J 3:23; ἐντολὴν καινὴν δ. give a new commandment J 13:34; εὔσημον λόγον δ. speak plainly or intelligibly 1 Cor 14:9; παραγγελίαν δ. give an instruction 1 Th 4:2; δ. τὴν ἐν [κυρίῳ σφραγίδα] seal in the Lord AcPl Ha 11, 23 (restored after the Coptic); προσκοπὴν δ. put an obstacle in (someone’s) way 2 Cor 6:3; δ. ἐκδίκησιν take vengeance 2 Th 1:8; ῥάπισμα δ. τινί slap someone J 18:22; 19:3; σημεῖον δ. give a sign Mt 26:48; τόπον δ. τινί make room for someone (Plut., Gai. Gracch. 840 [13, 3]) Lk 14:9; fig. leave room for Ro 12:19 (cp. τόπος 4); Eph 4:27. ὑπόδειγμα δ. give an example J 13:15; φίλημα δ. τινί give someone a kiss Lk 7:45.—δὸς ἐργασίαν Lk 12:58 is prob. a Latinism=da operam take pains, make an effort (B-D-F §5, 3b note 9; Rob. 109), which nevertheless penetrated the popular speech (OGI 441, 109 [senatorial decree 81 B.C.]; POxy 742, 11 [colloq. letter 2 B.C.] δὸς ἐργασίαν; PMich 203, 7; 466, 33f [Trajan]; PGiss 11, 16 [118 A.D.]; PBrem 5, 8 [117/119 A.D.]).
    esp. oft. of God (Hom. et al.) and Christ: give, grant, impose (of punishments etc.), send, of gifts, peace τινί τι Eph 4:8; 1 Cl 60:4; τινί τινος give someone some of a thing Rv 2:17. Also τινὶ ἔκ τινος 1J 4:13. τὶ εἴς τινα 1 Th 4:8 (Ezk 37:14); εἰς τὰς καρδίας put into the hearts Rv 17:17 (cp. X., Cyr. 8, 2, 20 δ. τινί τι εἰς ψυχήν). Also ἐν τ. καρδίαις δ. (cp. ἐν 3) 2 Cor 1:22; 8:16 (cp. Ezk 36:27). εἰς τὴν διάνοιαν Hb 8:10 (Jer 38: 33); ἐπὶ καρδίας Hb 10:16 (δ. ἐπί w. acc. as Jer 6:21, and s. Jer 38:33 ἐπὶ καρδίας αὐτῶν γράψω). W. ἵνα foll. grant that Mk 10:37.—The pass. occurs very oft. in this sense (Plut., Mor. 265d; 277e) Lk 8:10; Rv 6:4; 7:2; 13:7, 14f and oft. ἐκδίκησιν διδόναι τινί inflict punishment on someone 2 Th 1:8; βασανισμὸν καὶ πένθος δ. τινί send torment and grief upon someone Rv 18:7; ὄνομα δ. GJs 6:2, χάριν δ. (Jos., Bell. 7, 325) Js 4:6; 1 Pt 5:5 (both Pr 3:34); GJs 14:2; υἱοθεσίαν AcPl Ha 2, 28; 9,12; ἄφεσιν ἁμαρτιῶν 2, 30f; μεγαλεῖα 6,13. W. gen. foll. over someone Mt 10:1; Mk 6:7; J 17:2.—B. 749. Schmidt, Syn. 193–203. DELG. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > δίδωμι

  • 7 φθέγγομαι

    φθέγγομαι mid. dep. fut. φθέγξομαι LXX; 1 aor. ἐφθεγξάμην (Hom.+; SIG 1175, 6 ῥῆμα μοχθηρὸν φθ.; 23 [abs.]; PFlor 309, 10; LXX; TestJob 18:4; Just.; Tat. 1, 2) lit. ‘produce a sound’ (Iren. 1, 14, 7 [Harv. I, 142, 4]), then ‘call out loudly’ (Orig., C. Cels. 7, 55, 3), gener. speak, utter, proclaim τὶ someth., w. focus on the act of utterance (Lucian, Nigrin. 3, 11; Iambl. Erot. 21; Sextus 356; Wsd 1:8 ἄδικα; TestDan 5:2 ἀλήθειαν; Philo; Jos., Bell. 2, 128, C. Ap. 2, 219) ὑπέρογκα speak bombastically 2 Pt 2:18. Of an animal ἐν ἀνθρώπου φωνῇ vs. 16 (Alciphron 4, 19, 3 εἰ βοῦς μοι τὸ λεγόμενον φθέγξαιτο). Abs., of persons (opp. ‘be silent’.—X., An. 6, 6, 28, Cyr. 7, 3, 11; Ael. Aristid. 30, 19 K.=10 p. 121 D.; TestJob 18:4) Ac 4:18.—DELG. M-M.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > φθέγγομαι

  • 8 más

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    1 but
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    CONJ but
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    conjunción (liter) but
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    = extra, more, plus, topmost [top most].
    Ex. Each step of subdivision involves an extra character (see below).
    Ex. The command function 'MORE' is used to request the system to display more information, for instance to continue the alphabetical display of terms.
    Ex. All of these (except PREVIOUS and NEXT), plus some additional commands are also available from the Command Menu.
    Ex. A list of the topmost cited papers of the Proceedings is presented.
    * acercarse aun más = bring + closer together, come closer together, draw + closer together.
    * acercarse más aun = bring + closer together, come closer together, draw + closer together.
    * ahora más que nunca = now more than ever.
    * alcanzar cotas más altas = raise to + greater heights.
    * algo más = anything else.
    * algunos años más tarde = some years on.
    * a más largo plazo = longer-term.
    * a más..., más... = the + Comparativo..., the + Comparativo....
    * a más tardar = at the latest.
    * análisis más minucioso = closer examination.
    * aprender de la forma más difícil = learn + the hard way.
    * aún más = Verbo + further, even further, all the more, further, furthermore, beyond that, a fortiori.
    * bastante más = rather more.
    * cada vez más = ever-growing, ever-increasing, increasingly, more and more, progressively, ever more, mushrooming, ever greater, in increasing numbers, increasing.
    * cada vez más abultado = swelling.
    * cada vez más alto = constantly rising, steadily rising, steadily growing.
    * cada vez más amplio = ever-widening.
    * cada vez más estricto = tightening.
    * cada vez más extendido = spreading.
    * cada vez más fácil = ever easier.
    * cada vez más lejos = further and further.
    * cada vez más rápido = ever faster.
    * cada vez más tenue = fading.
    * cada vez más viejo = aging [ageing].
    * citado más arriba = above.
    * con el más sumo cuidado = with utmost care.
    * con más antigüedad = longest-serving.
    * con más detalle = in most detail, in more detail.
    * con más frecuencia = most frequently.
    * con más razón aún = a fortiori.
    * con más vigor aun = with a vengeance.
    * con más virulencia aun = with a vengeance.
    * con más vitalidad = revitalised [revitalized, -USA].
    * con un filo más pronunciado = sharper-edged.
    * correr más deprisa que = outrun [out-run].
    * costumbre cada vez más frecuente = growing practice.
    * cuanto más = all the more so, all the more, a fortiori.
    * cuanto más..., más... = the + Comparativo..., the + Comparativo....
    * cuantos más, mejor = the more the merrier, the more the better.
    * cuya fecha se anunciará más adelante = at a time to be announced later.
    * cuya fecha se determinará más adelante = at a time to be determined later.
    * dar a Algo más importancia de la que tiene = oversell.
    * dar más de sí = go further.
    * dar más explicaciones = elaborate on.
    * darse una situación más esperanzadora = sound + a note of hope.
    * decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad = to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    * de crecimiento más rápido = fastest-growing.
    * de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá = about this and that and everything else.
    * de forma que resulta más fácil de entender = in digestible form.
    * de la forma más difícil = the hard way.
    * de la forma más fácil = the easy way .
    * de lo más = very.
    * de lo más + Adjetivo = most + Adjetivo.
    * demandar cada vez más enérgicamente = build + pressure, build + pressure.
    * de más = extra, one too many.
    * de más arriba = topmost [top most].
    * desarrollar aun más = develop + further.
    * desde un punto de vista más amplio = in a broader sense.
    * desde un punto de vista más general = in a broader sense.
    * de una manera más sencilla = in digestible form.
    * dicho más arriba, lo = foregoing, the.
    * distanciar aun más = widen + the gap between... and.
    * dominio de las personas con más edad = senior power.
    * durante las horas de más calor = during the heat of the day.
    * durar más que = outlive.
    * el más = all-time.
    * el más adecuado = ideally suited.
    * el más + Adjetivo = the most + Adjetivo.
    * el más allá = hereafter.
    * el más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * el más favorito del mes = pick of the month.
    * el más leído = the most widely read.
    * el más recomendado = best of breed, the.
    * el + Nombre + más completo = the + Nombre + to end all + Nombre.
    * el no va más = the be all and end all, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * el punto más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * en el momento más débil de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * enfrascado en lo más difícil = in at the deep end.
    * enfrascar a Alguien de lleno en lo más difícil = throw in + at the deep end, throw in + at the deep end.
    * enfrascarse en lo más difícil = swim in + the deep end, jump in at + the deep end.
    * en lo más mínimo = not in the least + Nombre Negativo.
    * en más de una ocasión = on more than one occasion, in more than one instance, in more than one occasion.
    * en más de un sentido = in more ways than one.
    * en su forma más básica = at its most basic.
    * en su nivel más bajo = at its lowest ebb.
    * en su punto más álgido = at its height.
    * en su punto más bajo = at its lowest ebb.
    * en tiempos más recientes = in more recent times.
    * en un futuro más o menos cercano = in the near future, in the near future.
    * en un período más o menos lejano = in the near future, in the near future.
    * en un sentido más amplio = in a broader sense, in a larger sense.
    * en un sentido más general = in a broader sense.
    * es más = more important, moreover.
    * examen más minucioso = closer examination.
    * examinar más detenidamente = look + closer, take + a closer look at, take + a close look.
    * examinar más minuciosamente = examine + in greater detail.
    * explicar un Tema con más detalle = expand upon/on + Tema.
    * forma de la curva estadística en su valor más alto = peak-shape.
    * ganar cada vez más importancia = go from + strength to strength.
    * gastar más de la cuenta = overspend.
    * gastarse más dinero = dig + deep.
    * haber todavía más = there + be + more to it than that.
    * hacer las leyes más estrictas = tighten + laws.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * hacerlo más llevadero = make + life easier.
    * hacer más consciente de Algo = heighten + awareness.
    * hacer más copias de Algo = produce + additional copies.
    * hacer más estricto = tighten.
    * hacer más fuerte = toughen.
    * hacer más preciso = tightening up.
    * hacer más rico = add + richness to.
    * hacer más riguroso = tighten, tightening up.
    * hacer más sofisticado = dumb up.
    * hacer que tenga más valor = put + a premium on.
    * hacerse cada vez más importante = increase in + importance.
    * hacerse más complejo = grow in + complexity, gain in + complexity.
    * hacerse más corto = grow + shorter.
    * hacerse más fuerte = gain in + strength, grow in + strength.
    * hacerse más inteligente = smarten up.
    * herir en lo más profundo = cut to + the heart of, cut to + the quick.
    * horario de apertura más amplio = extended hours.
    * incluso yendo más lejos = even farther afield.
    * invertir más dinero = dig + deep.
    * ir aun más lejos = go + a/one step further.
    * ir más allá = go + one stage further.
    * ir más allá de = go beyond, transcend, get beyond, go far beyond, move + beyond, take + Nombre + a/one step further/farther, go + past.
    * ir más allá de las posibilidades de Alguien = be beyond + Posesivo + capabilities.
    * ir más lejos = go + one stage further.
    * ir poco más allá de + Infinitivo = go little further than + Gerundio.
    * ir todavía más lejos = go + a/one step further.
    * la parte más dura de = brunt of, the.
    * la parte más importante = the heart of.
    * ley del más fuerte, la = law of the jungle, the, survival of the fittest, survival of the strongest.
    * libro más vendido = bestseller [best seller/best-seller].
    * lista de más populares = chart.
    * lista de más vendidos = chart.
    * llegar más lejos = stretch + further.
    * llevar aún más lejos = carry + one step further.
    * llevar + Nombre + aún más lejos = take + Nombre + a/one step further/farther.
    * lo más cercano a = the nearest thing to.
    * lo más destacado = highlights.
    * lo más detestado = pet hate.
    * lo más importante = most of all.
    * lo más interesante = highlights.
    * lo más mínimo = so much as.
    * lo más novedoso = the last word.
    * lo más odiado = pet hate.
    * lo más parecido a = the nearest thing to.
    * lo más probable es que = most probably.
    * lo más recio de = brunt of, the.
    * lo más recóndito = nooks and crannies.
    * lo que es más = what is more, what's more.
    * lo que es más importante = most importantly, most of all, more importantly, most important.
    * los más necesitados = those most in need.
    * más acomodados, los = better off, the.
    * más adelante = later, further along, later on, in due time, at a later date.
    * más afilado que una navaja = as sharp as a knife.
    * más afilado que un cuchillo = as sharp as a knife.
    * más alegre que unas castañuelas = as happy as Larry.
    * más alejado = further afield, furthest away.
    * más allá = further than, farther, yonder, beyond that.
    * más allá de = beyond, beyond all, past, beyond the range of.
    * más allá de cualquier duda = beyond any doubt, beyond any doubt.
    * más allá de eso = beyond that.
    * más allá de la obligación = beyond the call of duty.
    * más allá del deber = beyond the call of duty.
    * más allá de ninguna duda = beyond doubt, beyond doubt, beyond any doubt.
    * más allá de toda duda = beyond doubt, beyond any doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * más allá de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * más allá, el = afterlife [after-life], land of the dead, the.
    * más antiguo = longest-serving.
    * más antiguo, el = seniormost, the.
    * más anunciado = best-publicised [best-publicized, -USA].
    * más apreciado = long-cherished.
    * más aun = nay, beyond that, furthermore.
    * más bien = if you like, instead.
    * más bien bajo = shortish.
    * más bien corto = shortish.
    * más bien pequeño = smallish.
    * más bien todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * más borracho que una cuba = as drunk as a lord, as drunk as a newt, as drunk as a skunk.
    * más bueno que un pan = as good as gold.
    * más cerca de = more nearly.
    * más claro el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * más claro que el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * más complejo de lo que parece = more than meets the eye.
    * más complicado de lo que parece = more than meets the eye.
    * más común = mainstream.
    * más concretamente = more to the point.
    * más conocido = best known, best-publicised [best-publicized, -USA], mainstream.
    * más conocido como = better known as.
    * más contento que unas castañuela = as happy as Larry.
    * más contento que unas pascuas = as happy as Larry.
    * Posesivo + más cordial enhorabuena = Posesivo + heartiest congratulations.
    * más corto que las mangas de una chaleco = as daft as a brush.
    * más corto que las mangas de un chaleco = as thick as two (short) planks, as shy as shy can be, as thick as a brick, knucklehead.
    * más débil de la camada, el = runt of the litter, the.
    * más débil del grupo, el = runt of the litter, the.
    * más de + Cantidad = in excess of + Cantidad, over + Cantidad, more than + Cantidad, upwards of + Cantidad.
    * más del 10 por ciento = double digit, double figure.
    * más de la cuenta = one too many.
    * más de la mayoría de los + Nombre = more than most + Nombre.
    * más de lo mismo = more of the same.
    * más demandado = most demanded.
    * más dentro = further into.
    * más destacado = foremost.
    * más de una vez = more than once.
    * más de un ISBN = more than one ISBN.
    * más de un millón = million-plus.
    * más de unos cuantos + Nombre = not a few + Nombre.
    * más difundido = best-publicised [best-publicized, -USA].
    * más duradero = longer-lasting.
    * más duro que la suela de un zapato = as tough as leather, as tough as nails, as tough as nuts, as tough as old boots, as tough as shoe leather.
    * más duro que una piedra = as tough as nuts, as tough as nails, as tough as leather, as tough as old boots, as tough as shoe leather.
    * más exactamente = more nearly.
    * más fácil de entender para nosotros = closer to home.
    * más frío que el mármol = as cold as ice.
    * más frío que la nieve = as cold as ice.
    * más frío que un témpano (de hielo) = as cold as ice.
    * más fuerte que un roble = as strong as an ox.
    * más fuerte que un toro = as strong as an ox.
    * más granado de la sociedad, lo = cream of society, the.
    * más grande = greater.
    * más hambre que el perro de un ciego = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.
    * más hambre que un maestro de escuela = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.
    * más importante = foremost.
    * más importante aun = more significantly.
    * más información = further information, further details.
    * más íntimo = innermost.
    * más largo que un día sin pan = as long as (my/your) arm.
    * más lejos = further afield, further away, furthest away.
    * más meridional = southernmost.
    * más necesitado = most in need.
    * más occidental = westernmost.
    * más o menos = more or less, of a sort, or so, of sorts, after a fashion, round about, roughly speaking, give or take, ballpark.
    * más o menos + Adverbio = relatively + Adverbio.
    * más o menos cuadrado = squarish.
    * más perdedor = losingest.
    * más perenne = longer-lasting.
    * más permanente = longer-lasting.
    * más prestigioso = top-rated, top-ranked.
    * más profundo = innermost.
    * más que = more... than..., rather than.
    * más que antes = more than ever, more... than ever before, more than ever before.
    * más que la suma de sus partes = Comparativo + than the sum of its parts.
    * más quemado que la pipa (de) un indio = completely burned-out, totally burned-out.
    * más que muerto = dead and buried.
    * más que nada = more than anything else.
    * más que ninguna otra cosa = beyond all else.
    * más que nunca = more than ever before, more than ever.
    * más que nunca antes = more... than ever before, more than ever before, more than ever.
    * más que todo lo demás = beyond all else.
    * más que todos nosotros juntos = more than all of us put together.
    * más recientemente = in more recent times, more recently.
    * más recóndito = innermost.
    * más secreto = innermost.
    * más septentrional = northernmost.
    * Posesivo + más sinceras felicitaciones = Posesivo + heartiest congratulations.
    * más sincero + Nombre = deeply felt + Nombre.
    * más sordo que una tapia = as deaf as a post.
    * más suave que el terciopelo = as soft as velvet.
    * más suave que la seda = as soft as silk.
    * más tarde = later on.
    * más tarde o más temprano = sooner or later, at one time or another.
    * más todavía = all the more so.
    * más usado = most heavily used.
    * más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer = better the devil you know (than the devil you don't).
    * más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando = a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
    * más vale prevenir que curar = a stitch in time saves nine, better (to be) safe than sorry.
    * más vale que + Subjuntivo = might + as well + Verbo.
    * más vale tarde que nunca = better late than never.
    * más valorado = highly valued.
    * más vendido = best selling [bestselling/best-selling], top-selling.
    * más veterano, el = seniormost, the.
    * más viejo que Matusalén = as old as Methuselah, as old as the hills, as old as the hills.
    * más votado = top-rated, top-ranked.
    * materia más general = broader subject.
    * menos blandeces y más mano dura = less of the carrot, more of the stick.
    * meter a Alguien de lleno en lo más difícil = throw in + at the deep end, throw in + at the deep end.
    * meterse de lleno en lo más difícil = swim in + the deep end, jump in at + the deep end.
    * metido en lo más difícil = in at the deep end.
    * mientras más, mejor = the more the merrier, the more the better.
    * mirada más de cerca = closer look.
    * miseria más absoluta = abject poverty.
    * muchas otras cosas más = much else besides.
    * muchísimo más = a whole lot more, an awful lot more.
    * muchísimo más + Adjetivo = infinitely + Adjetivo.
    * mucho más = order of magnitude, much more, much more so, a lot more, lots more.
    * mucho más + Adjetivo = all the more + Adjetivo.
    * mucho más + Adverbio = far more + Adverbio/Adjetivo.
    * mucho más cerca = far closer.
    * mucho más de = well over + Expresión Numérica.
    * mucho más rápido = far faster.
    * muchos más = a great many more.
    * nada + estar + más apartado de la realidad = nothing + can + be further from the truth, nothing + can + be further from the truth.
    * nada + estar + más lejos de la realidad = nothing + can + be further from the truth.
    * nada + estar + más lejos de la verdad = nothing + can + be further from the truth.
    * nada más = anything else, nothing else.
    * nada más y nada menos = as much as + Expresión Numérica.
    * nada más y nada menos que = in the order of + Cantidad, nothing less than.
    * nada más y nada menos que de = to the tune of + Cantidad.
    * nada más y nada menos que desde + Expresión Temporal = from as far back as + Expresión Temporal.
    * nada más y nada menos que + Número = as many as + Número.
    * nada puede estar más alejado de la realidad = nothing can be further from the truth.
    * nadie más = nobody else.
    * ni más ni menos = nothing more, nothing less, no more, no less.
    * no aguantar más = have had enough.
    * no dar más de sí = stretch + Nombre + to the limit, overstretch.
    * no hacer más que = do + no more than.
    * no importar lo más mínimo = could not care less.
    * no más que = in any more than.
    * Nombre + más o menos = Nombre + of sorts.
    * no poder hacer más que = do + little more than.
    * no saber qué más hacer = be at + Posesivo + wit's end.
    * no ser lo más adecuado para = ill suited to/for.
    * no ser más que = be nothing more than, be nothing but.
    * no tener la más mínima idea sobre Algo = Negativo + have + the foggiest idea.
    * no tener más alternativa que = have + no other option but.
    * no tener más remedio que = be stuck with, be left with the need to, get + stuck with.
    * no tener ni la más mínima posibilidad = not to have a prayer.
    * no tener ni la más remota posibilidad = not to have a prayer.
    * no voy a aguantarlo más = not going to take it any more.
    * Número + de más = Número + too many.
    * Número + veces más = Número + times as many.
    * Número + veces más de = Número + times the number of.
    * nunca más = never again.
    * observar con más detalle = closer look.
    * optar por la solución más fácil = take + the easy way out.
    * otro + Nombre + más = further + Nombre, yet another + Nombre.
    * pagando un poco más = at additional cost.
    * pagar más de lo que se debería = overpay.
    * para complicar aun más las cosas = to add to the confusion.
    * para confundir aun más las cosas = to add to the confusion.
    * para hacer más fácil = for ease of.
    * para más información = for further details.
    * para más inri = to cap it all (off), on top of everything else, but to make things worse, but to make matters worse.
    * para que quede más claro = for main effects.
    * para ser más explícito = to elaborate a little further.
    * pasar a cosas más agradables = on a happier note.
    * poco más = little else.
    * poner más fuerte = crank up.
    * ¡por lo más quieras! = Not on your life!.
    * por más que lo intento = for the life of me.
    * Posesivo + más cordial enhorabuena = Posesivo + heartiest congratulations.
    * Posesivo + más sinceras felicitaciones = Posesivo + heartiest congratulations.
    * precio de coste más margen de beneficios = cost-plus pricing.
    * presupuesto cada vez más pequeño = shrinking budget.
    * pruebas cada vez más concluyentes = mounting evidence.
    * quedar mucho más por hacer = much more needs to be done.
    * qué más = what else.
    * que no da más de sí = overstretched.
    * ¿quién más...? = who else...?.
    * rechazar sin más = dismiss + out of hand.
    * redondear al número entero más cercano = round up to + the nearest whole number.
    * requerir más destreza = be more of an art.
    * sacar más partido = get + more for + Posesivo + money.
    * sentir más ganas de hacer Algo = grow in + appetite.
    * sentirse más seguro de = gain + confidence (with/in).
    * separar aun más = widen + the gap between... and.
    * ser aun más = be all the more.
    * ser cada vez más importante = increase in + importance.
    * ser el punto más débil de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * ser el punto más flaco de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * ser lo más parecido a = be as close as we come to.
    * ser lo que a Uno más le gusta = be + Posesivo + big scene.
    * ser más interno = inner being.
    * ser más un + Nombre = be more of a + Nombre.
    * ser mucho más = be all the more.
    * ser nada más y nada menos que = be nothing less than.
    * siempre querer más = enough + be + not/never + enough.
    * signo más (+) = addition sign (+), plus sign (+).
    * sin la más mínima duda = without the shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin más = out of hand, unceremoniously, unceremonious.
    * sin más dilación = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado, without warning.
    * sin más ni más = unceremoniously, unceremonious, for the love of it, without much ado.
    * sin más preámbulos = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado.
    * sino más bien = rather.
    * sino (que) más bien = but rather.
    * supervivencia del más fuerte = survival of the fittest, survival of the strongest.
    * tarifa especial más barata = discount charge.
    * tener más paciencia que un santo = have + the patience of a saint.
    * término más específico = narrower term.
    * todavía más + Adjetivo = all the more + Adjetivo.
    * tratar con más detalle = discuss + in greater detail.
    * una imagen vale más que mil palabras = a picture is worth more than ten thousand words.
    * una pieza más en la organización = a cog in the wheel.
    * una vez más = again, yet again.
    * uno de los + Nombre + más + Adjetivo = not the least + Adjetivo + Nombre, not the least of the + Adjetivo + Nombre.
    * uno de los + Nombre + más importante = not the least + Nombre, not the least of + Nombre.
    * uno de mas = one too many.
    * uno más = one of equals.
    * uno más de tantos en la organización = a cog in the machine.
    * unos días más tarde = a few days later.
    * véase + Nombre + para más información = refer to + Nombre + for details.
    * vender a un precio más barato que = undercut.
    * vender más barato = undercut.
    * venderse más que = outsell.
    * venta a un precio más barato = undercutting.
    * y Dios sabe qué más = and Heaven knows what else.
    * y más adelante = and beyond.
    * y más allá = and beyond.
    * y mucho más = and much more.
    * y mucho(s) más = and more.
    * y poco más = and little more.
    * ¡y qué más da! = so what!.
    * y unos cuantos más = and a few others.
    * * *
    conjunción (liter) but
    * * *
    = extra, more, plus, topmost [top most].

    Ex: Each step of subdivision involves an extra character (see below).

    Ex: The command function 'MORE' is used to request the system to display more information, for instance to continue the alphabetical display of terms.
    Ex: All of these (except PREVIOUS and NEXT), plus some additional commands are also available from the Command Menu.
    Ex: A list of the topmost cited papers of the Proceedings is presented.
    * acercarse aun más = bring + closer together, come closer together, draw + closer together.
    * acercarse más aun = bring + closer together, come closer together, draw + closer together.
    * ahora más que nunca = now more than ever.
    * alcanzar cotas más altas = raise to + greater heights.
    * algo más = anything else.
    * algunos años más tarde = some years on.
    * a más largo plazo = longer-term.
    * a más..., más... = the + Comparativo..., the + Comparativo....
    * a más tardar = at the latest.
    * análisis más minucioso = closer examination.
    * aprender de la forma más difícil = learn + the hard way.
    * aún más = Verbo + further, even further, all the more, further, furthermore, beyond that, a fortiori.
    * bastante más = rather more.
    * cada vez más = ever-growing, ever-increasing, increasingly, more and more, progressively, ever more, mushrooming, ever greater, in increasing numbers, increasing.
    * cada vez más abultado = swelling.
    * cada vez más alto = constantly rising, steadily rising, steadily growing.
    * cada vez más amplio = ever-widening.
    * cada vez más estricto = tightening.
    * cada vez más extendido = spreading.
    * cada vez más fácil = ever easier.
    * cada vez más lejos = further and further.
    * cada vez más rápido = ever faster.
    * cada vez más tenue = fading.
    * cada vez más viejo = aging [ageing].
    * citado más arriba = above.
    * con el más sumo cuidado = with utmost care.
    * con más antigüedad = longest-serving.
    * con más detalle = in most detail, in more detail.
    * con más frecuencia = most frequently.
    * con más razón aún = a fortiori.
    * con más vigor aun = with a vengeance.
    * con más virulencia aun = with a vengeance.
    * con más vitalidad = revitalised [revitalized, -USA].
    * con un filo más pronunciado = sharper-edged.
    * correr más deprisa que = outrun [out-run].
    * costumbre cada vez más frecuente = growing practice.
    * cuanto más = all the more so, all the more, a fortiori.
    * cuanto más..., más... = the + Comparativo..., the + Comparativo....
    * cuantos más, mejor = the more the merrier, the more the better.
    * cuya fecha se anunciará más adelante = at a time to be announced later.
    * cuya fecha se determinará más adelante = at a time to be determined later.
    * dar a Algo más importancia de la que tiene = oversell.
    * dar más de sí = go further.
    * dar más explicaciones = elaborate on.
    * darse una situación más esperanzadora = sound + a note of hope.
    * decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad = to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    * de crecimiento más rápido = fastest-growing.
    * de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá = about this and that and everything else.
    * de forma que resulta más fácil de entender = in digestible form.
    * de la forma más difícil = the hard way.
    * de la forma más fácil = the easy way.
    * de lo más = very.
    * de lo más + Adjetivo = most + Adjetivo.
    * demandar cada vez más enérgicamente = build + pressure, build + pressure.
    * de más = extra, one too many.
    * de más arriba = topmost [top most].
    * desarrollar aun más = develop + further.
    * desde un punto de vista más amplio = in a broader sense.
    * desde un punto de vista más general = in a broader sense.
    * de una manera más sencilla = in digestible form.
    * dicho más arriba, lo = foregoing, the.
    * distanciar aun más = widen + the gap between... and.
    * dominio de las personas con más edad = senior power.
    * durante las horas de más calor = during the heat of the day.
    * durar más que = outlive.
    * el más = all-time.
    * el más adecuado = ideally suited.
    * el más + Adjetivo = the most + Adjetivo.
    * el más allá = hereafter.
    * el más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * el más favorito del mes = pick of the month.
    * el más leído = the most widely read.
    * el más recomendado = best of breed, the.
    * el + Nombre + más completo = the + Nombre + to end all + Nombre.
    * el no va más = the be all and end all, the bee's knees, the cat's pyjamas, the cat's meow, the cat's whiskers, the dog's bollocks.
    * el punto más bajo = rock-bottom.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * en el momento más débil de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * enfrascado en lo más difícil = in at the deep end.
    * enfrascar a Alguien de lleno en lo más difícil = throw in + at the deep end, throw in + at the deep end.
    * enfrascarse en lo más difícil = swim in + the deep end, jump in at + the deep end.
    * en lo más mínimo = not in the least + Nombre Negativo.
    * en más de una ocasión = on more than one occasion, in more than one instance, in more than one occasion.
    * en más de un sentido = in more ways than one.
    * en su forma más básica = at its most basic.
    * en su nivel más bajo = at its lowest ebb.
    * en su punto más álgido = at its height.
    * en su punto más bajo = at its lowest ebb.
    * en tiempos más recientes = in more recent times.
    * en un futuro más o menos cercano = in the near future, in the near future.
    * en un período más o menos lejano = in the near future, in the near future.
    * en un sentido más amplio = in a broader sense, in a larger sense.
    * en un sentido más general = in a broader sense.
    * es más = more important, moreover.
    * examen más minucioso = closer examination.
    * examinar más detenidamente = look + closer, take + a closer look at, take + a close look.
    * examinar más minuciosamente = examine + in greater detail.
    * explicar un Tema con más detalle = expand upon/on + Tema.
    * forma de la curva estadística en su valor más alto = peak-shape.
    * ganar cada vez más importancia = go from + strength to strength.
    * gastar más de la cuenta = overspend.
    * gastarse más dinero = dig + deep.
    * haber todavía más = there + be + more to it than that.
    * hacer las leyes más estrictas = tighten + laws.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * hacerlo más llevadero = make + life easier.
    * hacer más consciente de Algo = heighten + awareness.
    * hacer más copias de Algo = produce + additional copies.
    * hacer más estricto = tighten.
    * hacer más fuerte = toughen.
    * hacer más preciso = tightening up.
    * hacer más rico = add + richness to.
    * hacer más riguroso = tighten, tightening up.
    * hacer más sofisticado = dumb up.
    * hacer que tenga más valor = put + a premium on.
    * hacerse cada vez más importante = increase in + importance.
    * hacerse más complejo = grow in + complexity, gain in + complexity.
    * hacerse más corto = grow + shorter.
    * hacerse más fuerte = gain in + strength, grow in + strength.
    * hacerse más inteligente = smarten up.
    * herir en lo más profundo = cut to + the heart of, cut to + the quick.
    * horario de apertura más amplio = extended hours.
    * incluso yendo más lejos = even farther afield.
    * invertir más dinero = dig + deep.
    * ir aun más lejos = go + a/one step further.
    * ir más allá = go + one stage further.
    * ir más allá de = go beyond, transcend, get beyond, go far beyond, move + beyond, take + Nombre + a/one step further/farther, go + past.
    * ir más allá de las posibilidades de Alguien = be beyond + Posesivo + capabilities.
    * ir más lejos = go + one stage further.
    * ir poco más allá de + Infinitivo = go little further than + Gerundio.
    * ir todavía más lejos = go + a/one step further.
    * la parte más dura de = brunt of, the.
    * la parte más importante = the heart of.
    * ley del más fuerte, la = law of the jungle, the, survival of the fittest, survival of the strongest.
    * libro más vendido = bestseller [best seller/best-seller].
    * lista de más populares = chart.
    * lista de más vendidos = chart.
    * llegar más lejos = stretch + further.
    * llevar aún más lejos = carry + one step further.
    * llevar + Nombre + aún más lejos = take + Nombre + a/one step further/farther.
    * lo más cercano a = the nearest thing to.
    * lo más destacado = highlights.
    * lo más detestado = pet hate.
    * lo más importante = most of all.
    * lo más interesante = highlights.
    * lo más mínimo = so much as.
    * lo más novedoso = the last word.
    * lo más odiado = pet hate.
    * lo más parecido a = the nearest thing to.
    * lo más probable es que = most probably.
    * lo más recio de = brunt of, the.
    * lo más recóndito = nooks and crannies.
    * lo que es más = what is more, what's more.
    * lo que es más importante = most importantly, most of all, more importantly, most important.
    * los más necesitados = those most in need.
    * más acomodados, los = better off, the.
    * más adelante = later, further along, later on, in due time, at a later date.
    * más afilado que una navaja = as sharp as a knife.
    * más afilado que un cuchillo = as sharp as a knife.
    * más alegre que unas castañuelas = as happy as Larry.
    * más alejado = further afield, furthest away.
    * más allá = further than, farther, yonder, beyond that.
    * más allá de = beyond, beyond all, past, beyond the range of.
    * más allá de cualquier duda = beyond any doubt, beyond any doubt.
    * más allá de eso = beyond that.
    * más allá de la obligación = beyond the call of duty.
    * más allá del deber = beyond the call of duty.
    * más allá de ninguna duda = beyond doubt, beyond doubt, beyond any doubt.
    * más allá de toda duda = beyond doubt, beyond any doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * más allá de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * más allá, el = afterlife [after-life], land of the dead, the.
    * más antiguo = longest-serving.
    * más antiguo, el = seniormost, the.
    * más anunciado = best-publicised [best-publicized, -USA].
    * más apreciado = long-cherished.
    * más aun = nay, beyond that, furthermore.
    * más bien = if you like, instead.
    * más bien bajo = shortish.
    * más bien corto = shortish.
    * más bien pequeño = smallish.
    * más bien todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * más borracho que una cuba = as drunk as a lord, as drunk as a newt, as drunk as a skunk.
    * más bueno que un pan = as good as gold.
    * más cerca de = more nearly.
    * más claro el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * más claro que el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * más complejo de lo que parece = more than meets the eye.
    * más complicado de lo que parece = more than meets the eye.
    * más común = mainstream.
    * más concretamente = more to the point.
    * más conocido = best known, best-publicised [best-publicized, -USA], mainstream.
    * más conocido como = better known as.
    * más contento que unas castañuela = as happy as Larry.
    * más contento que unas pascuas = as happy as Larry.
    * Posesivo + más cordial enhorabuena = Posesivo + heartiest congratulations.
    * más corto que las mangas de una chaleco = as daft as a brush.
    * más corto que las mangas de un chaleco = as thick as two (short) planks, as shy as shy can be, as thick as a brick, knucklehead.
    * más débil de la camada, el = runt of the litter, the.
    * más débil del grupo, el = runt of the litter, the.
    * más de + Cantidad = in excess of + Cantidad, over + Cantidad, more than + Cantidad, upwards of + Cantidad.
    * más del 10 por ciento = double digit, double figure.
    * más de la cuenta = one too many.
    * más de la mayoría de los + Nombre = more than most + Nombre.
    * más de lo mismo = more of the same.
    * más demandado = most demanded.
    * más dentro = further into.
    * más destacado = foremost.
    * más de una vez = more than once.
    * más de un ISBN = more than one ISBN.
    * más de un millón = million-plus.
    * más de unos cuantos + Nombre = not a few + Nombre.
    * más difundido = best-publicised [best-publicized, -USA].
    * más duradero = longer-lasting.
    * más duro que la suela de un zapato = as tough as leather, as tough as nails, as tough as nuts, as tough as old boots, as tough as shoe leather.
    * más duro que una piedra = as tough as nuts, as tough as nails, as tough as leather, as tough as old boots, as tough as shoe leather.
    * más exactamente = more nearly.
    * más fácil de entender para nosotros = closer to home.
    * más frío que el mármol = as cold as ice.
    * más frío que la nieve = as cold as ice.
    * más frío que un témpano (de hielo) = as cold as ice.
    * más fuerte que un roble = as strong as an ox.
    * más fuerte que un toro = as strong as an ox.
    * más granado de la sociedad, lo = cream of society, the.
    * más grande = greater.
    * más hambre que el perro de un ciego = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.
    * más hambre que un maestro de escuela = as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear, as hungry as a hunter.
    * más importante = foremost.
    * más importante aun = more significantly.
    * más información = further information, further details.
    * más íntimo = innermost.
    * más largo que un día sin pan = as long as (my/your) arm.
    * más lejos = further afield, further away, furthest away.
    * más meridional = southernmost.
    * más necesitado = most in need.
    * más occidental = westernmost.
    * más o menos = more or less, of a sort, or so, of sorts, after a fashion, round about, roughly speaking, give or take, ballpark.
    * más o menos + Adverbio = relatively + Adverbio.
    * más o menos cuadrado = squarish.
    * más perdedor = losingest.
    * más perenne = longer-lasting.
    * más permanente = longer-lasting.
    * más prestigioso = top-rated, top-ranked.
    * más profundo = innermost.
    * más que = more... than..., rather than.
    * más que antes = more than ever, more... than ever before, more than ever before.
    * más que la suma de sus partes = Comparativo + than the sum of its parts.
    * más quemado que la pipa (de) un indio = completely burned-out, totally burned-out.
    * más que muerto = dead and buried.
    * más que nada = more than anything else.
    * más que ninguna otra cosa = beyond all else.
    * más que nunca = more than ever before, more than ever.
    * más que nunca antes = more... than ever before, more than ever before, more than ever.
    * más que todo lo demás = beyond all else.
    * más que todos nosotros juntos = more than all of us put together.
    * más recientemente = in more recent times, more recently.
    * más recóndito = innermost.
    * más secreto = innermost.
    * más septentrional = northernmost.
    * Posesivo + más sinceras felicitaciones = Posesivo + heartiest congratulations.
    * más sincero + Nombre = deeply felt + Nombre.
    * más sordo que una tapia = as deaf as a post.
    * más suave que el terciopelo = as soft as velvet.
    * más suave que la seda = as soft as silk.
    * más tarde = later on.
    * más tarde o más temprano = sooner or later, at one time or another.
    * más todavía = all the more so.
    * más usado = most heavily used.
    * más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer = better the devil you know (than the devil you don't).
    * más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando = a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
    * más vale prevenir que curar = a stitch in time saves nine, better (to be) safe than sorry.
    * más vale que + Subjuntivo = might + as well + Verbo.
    * más vale tarde que nunca = better late than never.
    * más valorado = highly valued.
    * más vendido = best selling [bestselling/best-selling], top-selling.
    * más veterano, el = seniormost, the.
    * más viejo que Matusalén = as old as Methuselah, as old as the hills, as old as the hills.
    * más votado = top-rated, top-ranked.
    * materia más general = broader subject.
    * menos blandeces y más mano dura = less of the carrot, more of the stick.
    * meter a Alguien de lleno en lo más difícil = throw in + at the deep end, throw in + at the deep end.
    * meterse de lleno en lo más difícil = swim in + the deep end, jump in at + the deep end.
    * metido en lo más difícil = in at the deep end.
    * mientras más, mejor = the more the merrier, the more the better.
    * mirada más de cerca = closer look.
    * miseria más absoluta = abject poverty.
    * muchas otras cosas más = much else besides.
    * muchísimo más = a whole lot more, an awful lot more.
    * muchísimo más + Adjetivo = infinitely + Adjetivo.
    * mucho más = order of magnitude, much more, much more so, a lot more, lots more.
    * mucho más + Adjetivo = all the more + Adjetivo.
    * mucho más + Adverbio = far more + Adverbio/Adjetivo.
    * mucho más cerca = far closer.
    * mucho más de = well over + Expresión Numérica.
    * mucho más rápido = far faster.
    * muchos más = a great many more.
    * nada + estar + más apartado de la realidad = nothing + can + be further from the truth, nothing + can + be further from the truth.
    * nada + estar + más lejos de la realidad = nothing + can + be further from the truth.
    * nada + estar + más lejos de la verdad = nothing + can + be further from the truth.
    * nada más = anything else, nothing else.
    * nada más y nada menos = as much as + Expresión Numérica.
    * nada más y nada menos que = in the order of + Cantidad, nothing less than.
    * nada más y nada menos que de = to the tune of + Cantidad.
    * nada más y nada menos que desde + Expresión Temporal = from as far back as + Expresión Temporal.
    * nada más y nada menos que + Número = as many as + Número.
    * nada puede estar más alejado de la realidad = nothing can be further from the truth.
    * nadie más = nobody else.
    * ni más ni menos = nothing more, nothing less, no more, no less.
    * no aguantar más = have had enough.
    * no dar más de sí = stretch + Nombre + to the limit, overstretch.
    * no hacer más que = do + no more than.
    * no importar lo más mínimo = could not care less.
    * no más que = in any more than.
    * Nombre + más o menos = Nombre + of sorts.
    * no poder hacer más que = do + little more than.
    * no saber qué más hacer = be at + Posesivo + wit's end.
    * no ser lo más adecuado para = ill suited to/for.
    * no ser más que = be nothing more than, be nothing but.
    * no tener la más mínima idea sobre Algo = Negativo + have + the foggiest idea.
    * no tener más alternativa que = have + no other option but.
    * no tener más remedio que = be stuck with, be left with the need to, get + stuck with.
    * no tener ni la más mínima posibilidad = not to have a prayer.
    * no tener ni la más remota posibilidad = not to have a prayer.
    * no voy a aguantarlo más = not going to take it any more.
    * Número + de más = Número + too many.
    * Número + veces más = Número + times as many.
    * Número + veces más de = Número + times the number of.
    * nunca más = never again.
    * observar con más detalle = closer look.
    * optar por la solución más fácil = take + the easy way out.
    * otro + Nombre + más = further + Nombre, yet another + Nombre.
    * pagando un poco más = at additional cost.
    * pagar más de lo que se debería = overpay.
    * para complicar aun más las cosas = to add to the confusion.
    * para confundir aun más las cosas = to add to the confusion.
    * para hacer más fácil = for ease of.
    * para más información = for further details.
    * para más inri = to cap it all (off), on top of everything else, but to make things worse, but to make matters worse.
    * para que quede más claro = for main effects.
    * para ser más explícito = to elaborate a little further.
    * pasar a cosas más agradables = on a happier note.
    * poco más = little else.
    * poner más fuerte = crank up.
    * ¡por lo más quieras! = Not on your life!.
    * por más que lo intento = for the life of me.
    * Posesivo + más cordial enhorabuena = Posesivo + heartiest congratulations.
    * Posesivo + más sinceras felicitaciones = Posesivo + heartiest congratulations.
    * precio de coste más margen de beneficios = cost-plus pricing.
    * presupuesto cada vez más pequeño = shrinking budget.
    * pruebas cada vez más concluyentes = mounting evidence.
    * quedar mucho más por hacer = much more needs to be done.
    * qué más = what else.
    * que no da más de sí = overstretched.
    * ¿quién más...? = who else...?.
    * rechazar sin más = dismiss + out of hand.
    * redondear al número entero más cercano = round up to + the nearest whole number.
    * requerir más destreza = be more of an art.
    * sacar más partido = get + more for + Posesivo + money.
    * sentir más ganas de hacer Algo = grow in + appetite.
    * sentirse más seguro de = gain + confidence (with/in).
    * separar aun más = widen + the gap between... and.
    * ser aun más = be all the more.
    * ser cada vez más importante = increase in + importance.
    * ser el punto más débil de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * ser el punto más flaco de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * ser lo más parecido a = be as close as we come to.
    * ser lo que a Uno más le gusta = be + Posesivo + big scene.
    * ser más interno = inner being.
    * ser más un + Nombre = be more of a + Nombre.
    * ser mucho más = be all the more.
    * ser nada más y nada menos que = be nothing less than.
    * siempre querer más = enough + be + not/never + enough.
    * signo más (+) = addition sign (+), plus sign (+).
    * sin la más mínima duda = without the shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin más = out of hand, unceremoniously, unceremonious.
    * sin más dilación = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado, without warning.
    * sin más ni más = unceremoniously, unceremonious, for the love of it, without much ado.
    * sin más preámbulos = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado.
    * sino más bien = rather.
    * sino (que) más bien = but rather.
    * supervivencia del más fuerte = survival of the fittest, survival of the strongest.
    * tarifa especial más barata = discount charge.
    * tener más paciencia que un santo = have + the patience of a saint.
    * término más específico = narrower term.
    * todavía más + Adjetivo = all the more + Adjetivo.
    * tratar con más detalle = discuss + in greater detail.
    * una imagen vale más que mil palabras = a picture is worth more than ten thousand words.
    * una pieza más en la organización = a cog in the wheel.
    * una vez más = again, yet again.
    * uno de los + Nombre + más + Adjetivo = not the least + Adjetivo + Nombre, not the least of the + Adjetivo + Nombre.
    * uno de los + Nombre + más importante = not the least + Nombre, not the least of + Nombre.
    * uno de mas = one too many.
    * uno más = one of equals.
    * uno más de tantos en la organización = a cog in the machine.
    * unos días más tarde = a few days later.
    * véase + Nombre + para más información = refer to + Nombre + for details.
    * vender a un precio más barato que = undercut.
    * vender más barato = undercut.
    * venderse más que = outsell.
    * venta a un precio más barato = undercutting.
    * y Dios sabe qué más = and Heaven knows what else.
    * y más adelante = and beyond.
    * y más allá = and beyond.
    * y mucho más = and much more.
    * y mucho(s) más = and more.
    * y poco más = and little more.
    * ¡y qué más da! = so what!.
    * y unos cuantos más = and a few others.

    * * *
    A (en Col) = Muerte a Secuestradores
    B (en Ven) = Movimiento al Socialismo
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    mas conjunción (liter) but
    más adverbio

    ¿tiene algo más barato/moderno? do you have anything cheaper/more modern;

    duran más they last longer;
    me gusta más sin azúcar I prefer it without sugar;
    ahora la vemos más we see more of her now;
    tendrás que estudiar más you'll have to study harder;
    más lejos/atrás further away/back;
    el más allá the other world;
    más que nunca more than ever;
    me gusta más el vino seco que el dulce I prefer dry wine to sweet, I like dry wine better than sweet;
    pesa más de lo que parece it's heavier than it looks;
    es más complicado de lo que tú crees it's more complicated than you think;
    eran más de las cinco it was after five o'clock;
    más de 30 more than 30, over 30

    2 ( superlativo):
    la más bonita/la más inteligente the prettiest/the most intelligent;

    el que más sabe the one who knows most;
    el que más me gusta the one I like best;
    estuvo de lo más divertido it was great fun
    3 ( en frases negativas):

    nadie más que ella nobody but her;
    no tengo más que esto this is all I have;
    no tuve más remedio I had no alternative;
    no juego más I'm not playing any more;
    nunca más never again
    4 ( con valor ponderativo):
    ¡cantó más bien…! she sang so well!;

    ¡qué cosa más rara! how strange!
    ■ adjetivo invariable
    1 ( comparativo) more;

    una vez más once more;
    ni un minuto más not a minute longer;
    hoy hace más calor it's warmer today;
    son más que nosotros there are more of them than us
    2 ( superlativo) most;

    las más de las veces more often than not
    3 ( con valor ponderativo):
    ¡me da más rabia …! it makes me so mad!;

    ¡tiene más amigos …! he has so many friends!
    ¿qué más? what else?;

    nada/nadie más nothing/nobody else;
    algo/alguien más something/somebody else;
    ¿quién más vino? who else came?;
    ¿algo más? — nada más gracias anything else? — no, that's all, thank you
    ■ pronombre
    1 more;
    ¿te sirvo más? would you like some more?

    2 ( en locs)

    a más no poder: corrimos a más no poder we ran as fast o hard as we could;
    a más tardar at the latest;
    cuanto más at the most;
    de más: ¿tienes un lápiz de más? do you have a spare pencil?;
    me dio cinco dólares de más he gave me five dollars too much;
    no está de más repetirlo there's no harm in repeating it;
    es más in fact;
    más bien ( un poco) rather;
    más o menos ( aproximadamente) more or less;

    ( no muy bien) so-so;

    no más See Also→ nomás;
    por más: por más que llores however much you cry;
    por más que trataba however hard he tried;
    ¿qué más da? what does it matter?;
    sin más (ni más) just like that
    ■ preposición
    a) (Mat) ( en sumas) plus;

    8+7 =15 (read as: ocho más siete (es) igual (a) quince) eight plus seven equals fifteen

    mil pesos, más los gastos a thousand pesos, plus expenses

    ■ sustantivo masculino
    plus sign
    mas conj frml but: sé que es difícil, mas no debes darte por vencido, I know it's hard, but you musn't give up
    I adverbio & pron
    1 (aumento) more: necesito comprar más, I need to buy more
    me duele cada día más, it hurts more and more
    parte dos trozos más, cut two more pieces
    tendría que ser más barato, it should be cheaper
    asistieron más de cien personas, more than a hundred people attended
    (con pronombre interrogativo) else: ¿alguien más quiere repetir?, would anybody else like a second helping?
    (con pronombre indefinido) añádele algo más, add something else
    no sé nada más, I don't know anything else
    2 (comparación) more: es más complicado que el primero, it's more complicated than the first one
    eres más guapa que ella, you are prettier than her
    3 (superlativo) most: ella es la más divertida, she's the funniest
    lo más extraño del mundo, the strangest thing in the world
    4 (otra vez) no me llames más, que estoy trabajando, don't call me again, I'm busy
    no volví a verlo más, I never saw him again
    5 (sobre todo) debiste llamar, y más sabiendo que estoy sola, you should have phoned me, especially knowing I'm alone
    6 (otro) no tengo más cuchillo que éste, I have no other knife but this one
    7 exclamación so..., such a..., what a...!
    ¡está más pesado!, he's such a pain!
    ¡qué cosa más fea!, what an ugly thing!
    II prep Mat plus
    dos más dos, two plus o and two ➣ Ver nota en sumar
    ♦ Locuciones: de más, (de sobra): su comentario estuvo de más, his remark was unnecessary
    ¿tienes unas medias de más?, do you have a spare pair of tights?
    más bien, rather
    más o menos, more or less
    por más que, (aunque): por más que lo leo no logro entenderlo, no matter how many times I read it, I can't understand it
    sin más (ni más), just like that
    todo lo más, at most
    Ten cuidado con las frases hechas del tipo más borracho que una cuba o más bueno que el pan. Se traducen empleando as... as...: as drunk as a lord o as good as gold.
    ' más' also found in these entries:
    - abajo
    - abundar
    - acá
    - actualidad
    - adelante
    - adentro
    - aguantar
    - alargarse
    - algo
    - allá
    - alquilar
    - alta
    - alto
    - amarre
    - ámbito
    - amortizar
    - ampliar
    - ancha
    - ancho
    - antes
    - aparecer
    - arriba
    - arrimarse
    - aunque
    - avivar
    - baja
    - bajo
    - bastante
    - bien
    - bilis
    - bravucón
    - bravucona
    - bufido
    - cada
    - cargar
    - cerca
    - cerrarse
    - ciudad
    - colmo
    - comodidad
    - consolidar
    - consolidarse
    - construcción
    - contaminante
    - contestón
    - contestona
    - contraria
    - contrario
    - córcholis
    - aboard
    - about
    - above
    - acceptable
    - accomplished
    - ado
    - adopt
    - advanced
    - advantage
    - advocate
    - afterwards
    - again
    - agree
    - agreeable
    - airport
    - all
    - along
    - aloud
    - alternative
    - always
    - ample
    - amplify
    - another
    - anticipate
    - antsy
    - anything
    - appropriate
    - arguable
    - art form
    - as
    - ask
    - awe-inspiring
    - barrel
    - basic
    - bat
    - become
    - begin
    - below
    - besides
    - best
    - better
    - beyond
    - big
    - bird
    - bit
    - bite
    - blue
    - bookshelf
    - boot
    * * *
    MAS [mas] nm (abrev de Movimiento al Socialismo)
    = left-wing political party in Argentina and Venezuela
    * * *
    conj but
    * * *
    mas conj
    pero: but
    más adv
    1) : more
    ¿hay algo más grande?: is there anything bigger?
    2) : most
    Luis es el más alto: Luis is the tallest
    3) : longer
    el sabor dura más: the flavor lasts longer
    4) : rather
    más querría andar: I would rather walk
    a mas : besides, in addition
    más allá : further
    qué... más... : what..., what a...
    ¡qué día más bonito!: what a beautiful day!
    más adj
    1) : more
    dáme dos kilos más: give me two more kilos
    2) : most
    la que ganó más dinero: the one who earned the most money
    3) : else
    ¿quién más quiere vino?: who else wants wine?
    más n
    : plus sign
    más prep
    : plus
    tres más dos es igual a cinco: three plus two equals five
    más pron
    1) : more
    ¿tienes más?: do you have more?
    a lo más : at most
    de mas : extra, excess
    más o menos : more or less, approximately
    por más que : no matter how much
    por más que corras no llegarás a tiempo: no matter how fast you run you won't arrive on time
    * * *
    más1 adv
    ¿quieres más arroz? do you want some more rice?
    ¿quién tiene más caramelos? who's got the most sweets?
    3. (con números, cantidades) more / over
    ¿quieres algo más? do you want anything else?
    ¿quién más estaba? who else was there?
    ¿nadie más? no one else?
    ¡qué casa más bonita! what a pretty house!
    ¡está más guapa! she's ever so pretty!
    de más (de sobra) spare / extra (demasiado) too much / too many
    más2 conj plus

    Spanish-English dictionary > más

  • 9 φωνή

    φωνή, ῆς, ἡ (s. prec. entry; Hom.+).
    an auditory effect, sound, tone, noise the source of which is added in the gen.: of musical instruments (Pla., Rep. 3, 397a ὀργάνων; Eur., Tro. 127 συρίγγων; Plut., Mor. 713c ψαλτηρίου καὶ αὐλοῦ; Aristoxenus, Fgm. 6; Paus. Attic. α, 169; Ex 19:16, Is 18:3 and PsSol 8:1 σάλπιγγος; cp. ParJer 3:2; Is 24:8 κιθάρας; Aristobul. in Eus., PE 8, 10, 13=p. 144, 94f Holladay) σάλπιγγος Mt 24:31 v.l.; D 16:6. φωναὶ τῆς σάλπιγγος blasts of the trumpet Rv 8:13b; or of those who play them κιθαρῳδῶν 14:2d; 18:22a; cp. 10:7. Of the noise made by a millstone 18:22b. Of a shout produced by a crowd of people φωνὴ ὄχλου πολλοῦ 19:1, 6a (cp. Da 10:6 Theod.; also λαοῦ πολλοῦ PsSol 8:2). Of the sound caused by spoken words (Da 10:9; Just., D. 131, 2 μηδὲ μέχρι φωνῆς) ἡ φωνὴ τοῦ ἀσπασμοῦ σου Lk 1:44. φωνὴ ῥημάτων sound of words Hb 12:19. Cp. 1 Cl 27:7 (Ps 18:4). ἔσομαι φωνή I will be just a meaningless sound (in contrast to Ignatius functioning as a λόγος θεοῦ [=meaningful expression of God] if his adherents abstain from pleas in his behalf) IRo 2:1 (s. ἠχώ). Abs. of the sound made by a wail of sorrow (cp. TestJob 40:9; TestIss 1:4) Mt 2:18 (Jer 38:15). μεγάλη φωνὴ ἐγένετο ἐν τ. οὐρανῷ GPt 9:35.—Of musical instruments it is said that they φωνὴν διδόναι produce sound (in ref. to mere sonant capability in contrast to distinguishable notes) 1 Cor 14:7f.—In Rv we have ἀστραπαὶ καὶ φωναὶ καὶ βρονταί (cp. Ex 19:16) 4:5; 8:5; 11:19; 16:18 (are certain other sounds in nature thought of here in addition to thunder, as e.g. the roar of the storm? In Ex 19:16 φωναὶ κ. ἀστραπαί are surely thunder and lightning. But in Ex 9:23, 28; 1 Km 12:18 the mng. of φωναί remains unclear. Cp. also Esth 1:1d φωναί, βρονταί).—Freq. in imagery: of wind sound J 3:8; cp. Ac 2:6. Of thunderclap (1 Km 7:10; GrBar 6:13) Rv 6:1; 14:2c; 19:6c. Of roar of water (Ezk 1:24b) 1:15b; 14:2b; 19:6b. Of whirring of wings (Ezk 1:24a) 9:9a. Of the clatter of chariots 9:9 b (cp. Ezk 3:13; 26:10).
    the faculty of utterance, voice (Tat. 15:3 προύχει τῶν θηρίων ὁ ἄνθρωπος κατὰ τὴν ἔναρθον φωνήν=humankind excels beasts in articulate utterance)
    gener. of sonant aspect: any form of speech or other utterance w. the voice can take place μετὰ φωνῆς μεγάλης Lk 17:15; ἐν φωνῇ μεγάλῃ Rv 5:2; 14:7, 9; mostly φωνῇ μεγάλῃ (TestAbr A 5 p. 82, 20f [Stone p. 12]; ParJer 2:2; Achilles Tat. 8, 1, 1; SibOr 3, 669; 5, 63) Mt 27:46, 50; Mk 1:26; 5:7; 15:34; Lk 1:42 v.l. (s. κραυγή 1b); 4:33; 8:28; 19:37; J 11:43; Ac 7:57, 60; 8:7; Rv 6:10; 7:2, 10 al.; IPhld 7:1a. μεγάλῃ τῇ φωνῃ (Diod S 1, 70, 5; 8, 23, 3; Lucian, Hist. Conscr. 1, Tim. 9; ParJer 9:8; Jos., Bell. 6, 188) Ac 14:10 v.l. 26:24; ἐν ἰσχυρᾷ φωνῇ Rv 18:2. ἐν φωνῇ μιᾷ IEph 4:2; μιᾷ φ. (Pla., Laws 1, 634e; Diod S 11, 9, 3; 11, 26, 6; 19, 81, 2; Ael. Aristid. 24, 4 K.=44 p. 825 D.; Lucian, Nigr. 14) ApcPt 5:19.—αἴρειν φωνήν (αἴρω 1b) Lk 17:13; πρός τινα Ac 4:24. ἐπαίρειν φωνήν (ParJer 9:14; s. ἐπαίρω 1) Lk 11:27; Ac 2:14; 14:11; 22:22; AcPl Ha 6, 33. ἀκούειν τῆς φωνῆς τινος hear someone speaking or calling (TestAbr B 3 p. 107, 10 [Stone p. 62]; TestJob 42:3; TestJos 9:4; ParJer 3:10) J 5:25, 28; 10:3; Hb 3:7, 15; 4:7 (the last three Ps 94:7); w. a neg. and acc. (φωνήν) Mt 12:19 (cp. Is 42:2); J 5:37. The same expr.=listen to someone’s speech or call, follow someone (Gen 3:17) 10:16, 27; 18:37; Rv 3:20; B 8:7; cp. 9:2 (s. Ex 15:26).—(ἡ) φωνὴ (τοῦ) νυμφίου (cp. Jer 25:10) J 3:29 (cp. Arrian, Cyneg. 17, 1 the dogs χαίρουσιν τὴν φωνὴν τοῦ δεσπότου γνωρίζουσαι); Rv 18:23.
    voice as it varies from individual to individual or fr. one mood to another (X., An. 2, 6, 9; Gen 27:22; Tat. 5:2) ἐπιγνοῦσα τὴν φωνὴν τοῦ Πέτρου Ac 12:14. Cp. J 10:4f (s. Ael. Aristid. 46 p. 320, horses). ἤθελον ἀλλάξαι τὴν φωνήν μου Gal 4:20 (ἀλλάσσω 1; φωνή=tone: Diod. S 8, 5, 4 πᾶσαν φωνήν=every variation in tone; Artem. 4, 56 p. 235, 15).
    that which the voice gives expression to: call, cry, outcry, loud or solemn declaration (Sb 7251, 21 [III/IV A.D.]=order, command) ὁ Ἰησοῦς ἀφεὶς φωνὴν μεγάλην Mk 15:37. φωνὴ ἐγένετο μία a single outcry arose Ac 19:34 (cp. Jos., Vi. 133). Cp. 22:14; 24:21. Pl. (Ael. Aristid. 52, 3 K.=28 p. 551 D.: ἦσαν φωναί; Jos., Vi. 231, Ant. 15, 52) φωναὶ μεγάλαι loud cries Lk 23:23a; cp. 23b. ἐλάλησαν αἱ βρονταὶ τὰς ἑαυτῶν φωνάς the thunders sounded forth their crashing peals Rv 10:3b. θεοῦ φωνὴ (D φωναί) καὶ οὐκ ἀνθρώπου (this is) the utterance of a god and not of a mere mortal Ac 12:22 (Just., D. 119, 6 τῇ φωνῇ τοῦ θεοῦ; cp. 21, 1 αἱ φωναὶ αὐτοῦ; Plut., Mor. 567f: a divine φωνή sounds forth fr. a φῶς μέγα that appears suddenly; Ael. Aristid. 45 p. 11 D.: Πυθίας φωνή; Epict. 3, 23, 20 ἰδοὺ φωναὶ φιλοσόφου; 3, 22, 50; Biogr. p. 454 people received sayings of Hippocr. ὡς θεοῦ φωνὰς κ. οὐκ ἀνθρωπίνου προελθούσας ἐκ στόματος). φωνὴ ἐνεχθεῖσα αὐτῷ a declaration (was) borne to him 2 Pt 1:17; cp. vs. 18. Also of sayings in scripture αἱ φωναὶ τῶν προφητῶν Ac 13:27 (Ath. 9, 1; cp. Diod S 19, 1, 4 ἡ Σόλωνος φωνή; 20, 30, 2 τῆς τοῦ μάντεως [=τοῦ δαιμονίου] φωνῆς; Diog. L. 8, 14 sayings of Pythagoras). Of apostolic tradition τὰ παρὰ ζώσης φωνῆς καὶ μενούσης Papias (2:4) (s. ζάω, end; on Papias’ ‘living voice’ s. ABaum, NTS 44, ’98, 144–51).
    In accordance w. OT and Jewish usage gener. (s. Bousset, Rel.3 315. The Socratic δαιμόνιον [=ὁ θεός Ep. 1, 7] is called ἡ φωνή: Socrat., Ep. 1, 9 [p. 222, 34 Malherbe] τὸ δαιμόνιόν μοι, ἡ φωνή, γέγονεν, cp. Pla., Apol. 31d) ‘the voice’ oft. speaks, though the (heavenly) speaker neither appears nor is mentioned (cp. PGM 3, 119 ἐξορκίζω σε κατὰ τῆς ἑβραικῆς φωνῆς.—In most cases the divine voice is differentiated fr. the divinity: Theopompus [IV B.C.]: 115 Fgm. 69 Jac. [in Diog. L. 1, 115] when Epimenides wishes to build τὸ τῶν Νυμφῶν ἱερόν: ῥαγῆναι φωνὴν ἐξ οὐρανοῦ ‘Ἐπιμενίδη, μὴ Νυμφῶν, ἀλλὰ Διός’=[when E. was building] a shrine for the Nymphs: a voice cried out from heaven, “Epimenides! Not for the Nymphs, but for Zeus!”; Plut., Mor. 355e; 775b; Oenomaus in Eus., PE 5, 28, 2 Lycurgus receives the laws ὑπὸ τῆς θεοῦ φωνῆς in Delphi; Artapanus; 726 Fgm. 3, 21 Jac. [in Eus., PE 9, 27, 21]; Jos., Ant. 1, 185 φ. θεία παρῆν; 3, 90 φ. ὑψόθεν; cp. 2, 267) ἰδοὺ φωνὴ ἐκ τῶν οὐρανῶν λέγουσα (on the voice fr. heaven s. the lit. s.v. βαπτίζω 2a; also JKosnetter, D. Taufe Jesu ’36, esp. 140–90, and FDölger, Ac V/3, ’36, 218–23) Mt 3:17; cp. 17:5. ἦλθεν φ. (ἐκ) Mk 9:7 v.l.; J 12:28; 30 v.l. (TestAbr A 10 p. 88, 15 [Stone p. 24] al.; cp. Ps. Callisth, 1, 45, 2f ἦλθεν φωνὴ ἀπὸ τοῦ ἀδύτου the divine saying follows in direct discourse). ἐξῆλθεν φ. Rv 16:17 (ἐκ); 19:5 (ἀπό τοῦ θρόνου). γίνεται (ἐγένετο) φ. (ἐκ: Plut., Agis et Cleom. 807 [28, 3]: φωνὴν ἐκ τοῦ ἱεροῦ γενέσθαι φράζουσαν; Ael. Aristid. 40, 22 K.=5 p. 62 D.: φωνῆς θείας γενομένης … ἐκ τοῦ μητρῴου [=temple of the Mother of the Gods]) Mk 1:11; 9:7; Lk 3:22; 9:35f; J 12:30 (v.l. ἦλθεν; s. above); Ac 10:13, 15 (both πρὸς αὐτόν); MPol 9:1a; GEb 18, 37 (verb of origin understood), cp. ibid. ln. 38; ἐγένετο φ. κυρίου Ac 7:31 (cp. Jos., Vi. 259 ἐγένοντο φωναί). ἀπεκρίθη φ. ἐκ τ. οὐρανοῦ 11:9; ἦχος φωνῆς μοι ἀπεκρίθη Hv 4, 1, 4. ἀκούειν φωνήν hear a voice (also w. such additions as λέγουσαν, ἐκ w. gen. of place, μεγάλην, gen. of the speaker) Ac 9:4; 22:9; 26:14; Rv 6:6f; 9:13; 10:4, 8; 12:10; 14:2; 18:4; MPol 9:1b; EpilMosq 4; φωνῆς w. the same mng. (w. corresp. additions) Ac 9:7; 11:7; 22:7 (MMeyer, The Light and Voice on the Damascus Road: Forum 2, ’86, 27–35 [Nag Hammadi pp. 30–32]); Rv 11:12; 14:13; 16:1; 21:3; GPt 10:41. Paul speaks διὰ φωνῆς πνεύματος ἁγίου AcPl Ha 11, 5.
    special cases: ἐπέστρεψα βλέπειν τὴν φωνὴν ἥτις ἐλάλει μετʼ ἐμοῦ I turned around to see (to whom) the voice that was speaking to me (belonged) Rv 1, 12 (cp. X., Hell. 5, 1, 22 σκεψόμενοι τίς ἡ κραυγή; Aesop 248b H.=141 P.=146 H-H. ἐπεστράφη πρὸς τὴν φ.). φ. βοῶντος ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ (it is) the voice of one calling out in the wilderness (Is 40:3; cp. En 9:2; Jos., Bell. 6, 301) Mt 3:3; Mk 1:3; Lk 3:4. Referring to Is 40:3, John the Baptist applies its words to himself J 1:23 the voice of one calling out in the wilderness (Ael. Aristid. 49, 5 K.=25 p. 489 D.: φ. λέγοντός του ‘τεθεράπευσαι’; Ps.-Pla., Axioch. 1 p. 364a φωνὴ βοῶντός του).—B 9:3.
    a verbal code shared by a community to express ideas and feelings, language (Aeschyl., Hdt. et al.; Cebes 33, 6; Aelian, VH 12, 48; Herodian 5, 3, 4; Diog. L. 8, 3; SEG VIII, 548, 17 [I B.C.]; PLond I, 77, 13 p. 232 [Christ. VIII A.D.]; PGM 12, 188 πᾶσα γλῶσσα κ. πᾶσα φωνή; Gen 11:1; Dt 28:49; 2 Macc 7:8, 21, 27; 4 Macc 12:7; Jos., C. Ap. 1, 1; 50; 73 al.; Just., A I, 31, 1; Tat. 37, 1; Mel., P. 29, 199) 1 Cor 14:10f; 2 Pt 2:16 (an animal w. ἀνθρώπου φ. as Appian, Bell. Civ. 4:4 §14 βοῦς φωνὴν ἀφῆκεν ἀνθρώπου; schol. on Appolon. Rhod. 2, 1146 ὁ κριὸς ἀνθρωπίνῃ χρησάμενος φωνῇ; sim. TestAbr A 3 p. 79, 19 [Stone p. 6]; sim. TestAbr B 3 p. 107, 10 [St. p. 62] a tree; ParJer 7:2 an eagle; Philo, Op. M. 156); Dg 5:1. ὁ λέων εἶπεν μιᾷ φωνῇ AcPlHa 5, 4 (on the probability that μια was misread for θεια s. the editor’s note, p. 41, 4).—B. 1248; 1260. DELG. M-M. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > φωνή

  • 10 De Forest, Lee

    b. 26 August 1873 Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA
    d. 30 June 1961 Hollywood, California, USA
    American electrical engineer and inventor principally known for his invention of the Audion, or triode, vacuum tube; also a pioneer of sound in the cinema.
    De Forest was born into the family of a Congregational minister that moved to Alabama in 1879 when the father became President of a college for African-Americans; this was a position that led to the family's social ostracism by the white community. By the time he was 13 years old, De Forest was already a keen mechanical inventor, and in 1893, rejecting his father's plan for him to become a clergyman, he entered the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University. Following his first degree, he went on to study the propagation of electromagnetic waves, gaining a PhD in physics in 1899 for his thesis on the "Reflection of Hertzian Waves from the Ends of Parallel Wires", probably the first US thesis in the field of radio.
    He then joined the Western Electric Company in Chicago where he helped develop the infant technology of wireless, working his way up from a modest post in the production area to a position in the experimental laboratory. There, working alone after normal working hours, he developed a detector of electromagnetic waves based on an electrolytic device similar to that already invented by Fleming in England. Recognizing his talents, a number of financial backers enabled him to set up his own business in 1902 under the name of De Forest Wireless Telegraphy Company; he was soon demonstrating wireless telegraphy to interested parties and entering into competition with the American Marconi Company.
    Despite the failure of this company because of fraud by his partners, he continued his experiments; in 1907, by adding a third electrode, a wire mesh, between the anode and cathode of the thermionic diode invented by Fleming in 1904, he was able to produce the amplifying device now known as the triode valve and achieve a sensitivity of radio-signal reception much greater than possible with the passive carborundum and electrolytic detectors hitherto available. Patented under the name Audion, this new vacuum device was soon successfully used for experimental broadcasts of music and speech in New York and Paris. The invention of the Audion has been described as the beginning of the electronic era. Although much development work was required before its full potential was realized, the Audion opened the way to progress in all areas of sound transmission, recording and reproduction. The patent was challenged by Fleming and it was not until 1943 that De Forest's claim was finally recognized.
    Overcoming the near failure of his new company, the De Forest Radio Telephone Company, as well as unsuccessful charges of fraudulent promotion of the Audion, he continued to exploit the potential of his invention. By 1912 he had used transformer-coupling of several Audion stages to achieve high gain at radio frequencies, making long-distance communication a practical proposition, and had applied positive feedback from the Audion output anode to its input grid to realize a stable transmitter oscillator and modulator. These successes led to prolonged patent litigation with Edwin Armstrong and others, and he eventually sold the manufacturing rights, in retrospect often for a pittance.
    During the early 1920s De Forest began a fruitful association with T.W.Case, who for around ten years had been working to perfect a moving-picture sound system. De Forest claimed to have had an interest in sound films as early as 1900, and Case now began to supply him with photoelectric cells and primitive sound cameras. He eventually devised a variable-density sound-on-film system utilizing a glow-discharge modulator, the Photion. By 1926 De Forest's Phonofilm had been successfully demonstrated in over fifty theatres and this system became the basis of Movietone. Though his ideas were on the right lines, the technology was insufficiently developed and it was left to others to produce a system acceptable to the film industry. However, De Forest had played a key role in transforming the nature of the film industry; within a space of five years the production of silent films had all but ceased.
    In the following decade De Forest applied the Audion to the development of medical diathermy. Finally, after spending most of his working life as an independent inventor and entrepreneur, he worked for a time during the Second World War at the Bell Telephone Laboratories on military applications of electronics.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Institute of Electronic and Radio Engineers Medal of Honour 1922. President, Institute of Electronic and Radio Engineers 1930. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Edison Medal 1946.
    1904, "Electrolytic detectors", Electrician 54:94 (describes the electrolytic detector). 1907, US patent no. 841,387 (the Audion).
    1950, Father of Radio, Chicago: WIlcox \& Follett (autobiography).
    De Forest gave his own account of the development of his sound-on-film system in a series of articles: 1923. "The Phonofilm", Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers 16 (May): 61–75; 1924. "Phonofilm progress", Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers 20:17–19; 1927, "Recent developments in the Phonofilm", Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers 27:64–76; 1941, "Pioneering in talking pictures", Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers 36 (January): 41–9.
    Further Reading
    G.Carneal, 1930, A Conqueror of Space (biography).
    I.Levine, 1964, Electronics Pioneer, Lee De Forest (biography).
    E.I.Sponable, 1947, "Historical development of sound films", Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers 48 (April): 275–303 (an authoritative account of De Forest's sound-film work, by Case's assistant).
    W.R.McLaurin, 1949, Invention and Innovation in the Radio Industry.
    C.F.Booth, 1955, "Fleming and De Forest. An appreciation", in Thermionic Valves 1904– 1954, IEE.
    V.J.Phillips, 1980, Early Radio Detectors, London: Peter Peregrinus.
    KF / JW

    Biographical history of technology > De Forest, Lee

  • 11 clang

    1. noun
    (of bell) Läuten, das; (of hammer) Klingen, das; (of sword) Klirren, das
    2. intransitive verb
    [Glocke:] läuten; [Hammer:] klingen; [Schwert:] klirren
    * * *
    [klæŋ] 1. verb
    (to produce a loud ringing sound: The heavy gate clanged shut.) schallen
    2. noun
    (such a sound: a loud clang.) der Schall
    * * *
    I. vi scheppern; bell [laut] läuten
    II. vt
    1. (close loudly)
    to \clang the door shut die Tür zuschlagen [o fam zuknallen
    2. (cause to make harsh noise)
    to \clang sth mit etw dat klappern; bell etw läuten
    III. n usu sing Scheppern nt, Klappern nt; bell [lautes] Läuten
    * * *
    1. n
    Klappern nt; (of hammer) Hallen nt, Dröhnen nt; (of swords) Klirren nt
    2. vi
    klappern; (hammer) hallen, dröhnen; (swords) klirren
    3. vt
    klappern mit; cymbal schlagen; bell läuten
    * * *
    clang [klæŋ]
    A v/i schallen, klingen, klirren
    B v/t laut schallen oder erklingen lassen
    C s (lauter, metallischer) Klang oder Ton, Geklirr n
    * * *
    1. noun
    (of bell) Läuten, das; (of hammer) Klingen, das; (of sword) Klirren, das
    2. intransitive verb
    [Glocke:] läuten; [Hammer:] klingen; [Schwert:] klirren

    English-german dictionary > clang

  • 12 clang

    I ['klæŋ]
    nome suono m. metallico, fragore m.
    II 1. ['klæŋ]
    verbo transitivo fare risuonare, suonare [ bell]; sbattere fragorosamente [ door]
    verbo intransitivo [ bell] risuonare

    to clang shut — [ gate] chiudersi fragorosamente

    * * *
    [klæŋ] 1. verb
    (to produce a loud ringing sound: The heavy gate clanged shut.) risuonare con fragore
    2. noun
    (such a sound: a loud clang.) fragore
    * * *
    1. n
    2. vi
    * * *
    clang /klæŋ/
    1 suono metallico; clangore; fragore
    2 ( di un veicolo) sferragliamento.
    (to) clang /klæŋ/
    A v. i.
    1 risuonare con clangore (o con fragore): A gong clanged, risuonò forte un gong; to clang shut, chiudersi con fragore; The swords clanged together, le spade hanno cozzato con fragore
    B v. t.
    1 far risuonare; suonare ( in modo da far strepito): to clang the bell, scampanellare con forza
    2 chiudere, sbattere fragorosamente: He clanged the gate in my face, mi sbatté il cancello in faccia.
    * * *
    I ['klæŋ]
    nome suono m. metallico, fragore m.
    II 1. ['klæŋ]
    verbo transitivo fare risuonare, suonare [ bell]; sbattere fragorosamente [ door]
    verbo intransitivo [ bell] risuonare

    to clang shut — [ gate] chiudersi fragorosamente

    English-Italian dictionary > clang

  • 13 utter

    I ['ʌtə(r)]
    aggettivo [failure, despair] totale; [ disaster] completo; [sincerity, amazement] assoluto; [ scoundrel] bell'e buono; [stranger, fool] perfetto
    II ['ʌtə(r)]
    1) pronunciare, proferire [ word]; pronunciare, lanciare [ curse]; lanciare [ cry]; emettere [ sound]
    2) dir. diffondere [ libel]; mettere in circolazione [ forged banknotes]
    * * *
    I adjective
    (complete or total: There was utter silence; utter darkness.)
    II verb
    (to produce (sounds, eg cries, words etc) with the mouth: She uttered a sigh of relief; She didn't utter a single word of encouragement.)
    * * *
    utter /ˈʌtə(r)/
    assoluto; totale: Her room was in an utter mess, la sua camera era nel disordine più totale; That's utter nonsense, sono sciocchezze bell'e buone; (mil. e sport) utter defeat, disfatta assoluta
    ● ( sport) utter collapse, crollo verticale ( di una squadra, ecc.) □ utter darkness, buio pesto □ an utter denial, un diniego assoluto □ an utter stranger, un perfetto sconosciuto □ to my utter amazement, con mio enorme stupore.
    (to) utter /ˈʌtə(r)/
    v. t.
    1 (lett. o form.) emettere; produrre: He uttered a sigh of relief, ha emesso un sospiro di sollievo; to utter a cry of pain, lanciare un grido di dolore
    2 (lett. o form.) dire; proferire: He refused to utter a single word, ha rifiutato di proferir parola; to utter the truth, dire la verità
    3 (arc.) divulgare; diffondere ( calunnie, dicerie, ecc.)
    4 (ling., pubbl.) enunciare
    5 (leg.) mettere in circolazione; spacciare: to utter false coins, spacciare monete false.
    * * *
    I ['ʌtə(r)]
    aggettivo [failure, despair] totale; [ disaster] completo; [sincerity, amazement] assoluto; [ scoundrel] bell'e buono; [stranger, fool] perfetto
    II ['ʌtə(r)]
    1) pronunciare, proferire [ word]; pronunciare, lanciare [ curse]; lanciare [ cry]; emettere [ sound]
    2) dir. diffondere [ libel]; mettere in circolazione [ forged banknotes]

    English-Italian dictionary > utter

  • 14 clang

    [klæŋ] 1. vi
    bell dźwięczeć (zadźwięczeć perf); metal object szczękać (zaszczękać perf)
    2. n
    ( of bell) brzęk m; ( of metal) szczęk m
    * * *
    [klæŋ] 1. verb
    (to produce a loud ringing sound: The heavy gate clanged shut.) szczękać
    2. noun
    (such a sound: a loud clang.) szczęk

    English-Polish dictionary > clang

  • 15 Reis, (Johann) Philipp

    SUBJECT AREA: Telecommunications
    b. 7 January 1834 Geinherusen, Hesse-Kassel, Germany
    d. 14 January 1874 Friedrichsdorf, Germany
    German schoolteacher and inventor who constructed an early form of telephone.
    Reis entered the Garniers Institute in Friedrichsdorf in 1844 and then the Hassels Institute in Frankfurt. There he developed an interest in science, but on leaving school in 1850 he was apprenticed to the colour trade by his uncle. This involved study at the trade school and Dr Poppe's Institute in Frankfurt; while there he joined the Frankfurt Physical Society. Following military service in 1855 he studied to be a teacher. After his graduation he obtained a post at Garniers, where he began to pursue experiments with electricity and the development of hearing aids. In 1859 he sent a paper on the radiation of electricity to the editor of Annalen der Physik, but this was rejected, as was a later submission. Undeterred, he continued his experiments and by 1861 he had designed several instruments for the transmission of sound. The transmitter consisted of a membrane on which rested a metal strip that made contact with a metal point and completed an electrical circuit under the action of sound. The receiver consisted of an iron needle surrounded by a coil and resting on a sounding box, the operation probably being achieved by magnetostriction. The invention, which he described in a lecture to the Frankfurt Physical Society on 26 October 1861 and in a published paper, could produce tones and probably also speech, but was largely rejected by the scientific fraternity. The claim to produce speech was discounted in subsequent court cases that upheld the patents of Alexander Bell.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    On 8 December 1878 a monument to Reis was erected in the Friedrichsdorf Cemetery by the Physical Society of Frankfurt.
    1860–1, "Über Telephone durch den galvani-schen Strom", Jahresbericht der Physikalische 57.
    Further Reading
    J.Munro, 1891, Heroes of the Telegraph.
    Silvanus P.Thompson, 1883, Philipp Reis. Inventor of the Telephone.
    B.B.Bauer, 1962, "A century of the microphone", Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers: 720.

    Biographical history of technology > Reis, (Johann) Philipp

  • 16 Edison, Thomas Alva

    b. 11 February 1847 Milan, Ohio, USA
    d. 18 October 1931 Glenmont
    American inventor and pioneer electrical developer.
    He was the son of Samuel Edison, who was in the timber business. His schooling was delayed due to scarlet fever until 1855, when he was 8½ years old, but he was an avid reader. By the age of 14 he had a job as a newsboy on the railway from Port Huron to Detroit, a distance of sixty-three miles (101 km). He worked a fourteen-hour day with a stopover of five hours, which he spent in the Detroit Free Library. He also sold sweets on the train and, later, fruit and vegetables, and was soon making a profit of $20 a week. He then started two stores in Port Huron and used a spare freight car as a laboratory. He added a hand-printing press to produce 400 copies weekly of The Grand Trunk Herald, most of which he compiled and edited himself. He set himself to learn telegraphy from the station agent at Mount Clements, whose son he had saved from being run over by a freight car.
    At the age of 16 he became a telegraphist at Port Huron. In 1863 he became railway telegraphist at the busy Stratford Junction of the Grand Trunk Railroad, arranging a clock with a notched wheel to give the hourly signal which was to prove that he was awake and at his post! He left hurriedly after failing to hold a train which was nearly involved in a head-on collision. He usually worked the night shift, allowing himself time for experiments during the day. His first invention was an arrangement of two Morse registers so that a high-speed input could be decoded at a slower speed. Moving from place to place he held many positions as a telegraphist. In Boston he invented an automatic vote recorder for Congress and patented it, but the idea was rejected. This was the first of a total of 1180 patents that he was to take out during his lifetime. After six years he resigned from the Western Union Company to devote all his time to invention, his next idea being an improved ticker-tape machine for stockbrokers. He developed a duplex telegraphy system, but this was turned down by the Western Union Company. He then moved to New York.
    Edison found accommodation in the battery room of Law's Gold Reporting Company, sleeping in the cellar, and there his repair of a broken transmitter marked him as someone of special talents. His superior soon resigned, and he was promoted with a salary of $300 a month. Western Union paid him $40,000 for the sole rights on future improvements on the duplex telegraph, and he moved to Ward Street, Newark, New Jersey, where he employed a gathering of specialist engineers. Within a year, he married one of his employees, Mary Stilwell, when she was only 16: a daughter, Marion, was born in 1872, and two sons, Thomas and William, in 1876 and 1879, respectively.
    He continued to work on the automatic telegraph, a device to send out messages faster than they could be tapped out by hand: that is, over fifty words per minute or so. An earlier machine by Alexander Bain worked at up to 400 words per minute, but was not good over long distances. Edison agreed to work on improving this feature of Bain's machine for the Automatic Telegraph Company (ATC) for $40,000. He improved it to a working speed of 500 words per minute and ran a test between Washington and New York. Hoping to sell their equipment to the Post Office in Britain, ATC sent Edison to England in 1873 to negotiate. A 500-word message was to be sent from Liverpool to London every half-hour for six hours, followed by tests on 2,200 miles (3,540 km) of cable at Greenwich. Only confused results were obtained due to induction in the cable, which lay coiled in a water tank. Edison returned to New York, where he worked on his quadruplex telegraph system, tests of which proved a success between New York and Albany in December 1874. Unfortunately, simultaneous negotiation with Western Union and ATC resulted in a lawsuit.
    Alexander Graham Bell was granted a patent for a telephone in March 1876 while Edison was still working on the same idea. His improvements allowed the device to operate over a distance of hundreds of miles instead of only a few miles. Tests were carried out over the 106 miles (170 km) between New York and Philadelphia. Edison applied for a patent on the carbon-button transmitter in April 1877, Western Union agreeing to pay him $6,000 a year for the seventeen-year duration of the patent. In these years he was also working on the development of the electric lamp and on a duplicating machine which would make up to 3,000 copies from a stencil. In 1876–7 he moved from Newark to Menlo Park, twenty-four miles (39 km) from New York on the Pennsylvania Railway, near Elizabeth. He had bought a house there around which he built the premises that would become his "inventions factory". It was there that he began the use of his 200- page pocket notebooks, each of which lasted him about two weeks, so prolific were his ideas. When he died he left 3,400 of them filled with notes and sketches.
    Late in 1877 he applied for a patent for a phonograph which was granted on 19 February 1878, and by the end of the year he had formed a company to manufacture this totally new product. At the time, Edison saw the device primarily as a business aid rather than for entertainment, rather as a dictating machine. In August 1878 he was granted a British patent. In July 1878 he tried to measure the heat from the solar corona at a solar eclipse viewed from Rawlins, Wyoming, but his "tasimeter" was too sensitive.
    Probably his greatest achievement was "The Subdivision of the Electric Light" or the "glow bulb". He tried many materials for the filament before settling on carbon. He gave a demonstration of electric light by lighting up Menlo Park and inviting the public. Edison was, of course, faced with the problem of inventing and producing all the ancillaries which go to make up the electrical system of generation and distribution-meters, fuses, insulation, switches, cabling—even generators had to be designed and built; everything was new. He started a number of manufacturing companies to produce the various components needed.
    In 1881 he built the world's largest generator, which weighed 27 tons, to light 1,200 lamps at the Paris Exhibition. It was later moved to England to be used in the world's first central power station with steam engine drive at Holborn Viaduct, London. In September 1882 he started up his Pearl Street Generating Station in New York, which led to a worldwide increase in the application of electric power, particularly for lighting. At the same time as these developments, he built a 1,300yd (1,190m) electric railway at Menlo Park.
    On 9 August 1884 his wife died of typhoid. Using his telegraphic skills, he proposed to 19-year-old Mina Miller in Morse code while in the company of others on a train. He married her in February 1885 before buying a new house and estate at West Orange, New Jersey, building a new laboratory not far away in the Orange Valley.
    Edison used direct current which was limited to around 250 volts. Alternating current was largely developed by George Westinghouse and Nicola Tesla, using transformers to step up the current to a higher voltage for long-distance transmission. The use of AC gradually overtook the Edison DC system.
    In autumn 1888 he patented a form of cinephotography, the kinetoscope, obtaining film-stock from George Eastman. In 1893 he set up the first film studio, which was pivoted so as to catch the sun, with a hinged roof which could be raised. In 1894 kinetoscope parlours with "peep shows" were starting up in cities all over America. Competition came from the Latham Brothers with a screen-projection machine, which Edison answered with his "Vitascope", shown in New York in 1896. This showed pictures with accompanying sound, but there was some difficulty with synchronization. Edison also experimented with captions at this early date.
    In 1880 he filed a patent for a magnetic ore separator, the first of nearly sixty. He bought up deposits of low-grade iron ore which had been developed in the north of New Jersey. The process was a commercial success until the discovery of iron-rich ore in Minnesota rendered it uneconomic and uncompetitive. In 1898 cement rock was discovered in New Village, west of West Orange. Edison bought the land and started cement manufacture, using kilns twice the normal length and using half as much fuel to heat them as the normal type of kiln. In 1893 he met Henry Ford, who was building his second car, at an Edison convention. This started him on the development of a battery for an electric car on which he made over 9,000 experiments. In 1903 he sold his patent for wireless telegraphy "for a song" to Guglielmo Marconi.
    In 1910 Edison designed a prefabricated concrete house. In December 1914 fire destroyed three-quarters of the West Orange plant, but it was at once rebuilt, and with the threat of war Edison started to set up his own plants for making all the chemicals that he had previously been buying from Europe, such as carbolic acid, phenol, benzol, aniline dyes, etc. He was appointed President of the Navy Consulting Board, for whom, he said, he made some forty-five inventions, "but they were pigeonholed, every one of them". Thus did Edison find that the Navy did not take kindly to civilian interference.
    In 1927 he started the Edison Botanic Research Company, founded with similar investment from Ford and Firestone with the object of finding a substitute for overseas-produced rubber. In the first year he tested no fewer than 3,327 possible plants, in the second year, over 1,400, eventually developing a variety of Golden Rod which grew to 14 ft (4.3 m) in height. However, all this effort and money was wasted, due to the discovery of synthetic rubber.
    In October 1929 he was present at Henry Ford's opening of his Dearborn Museum to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the incandescent lamp, including a replica of the Menlo Park laboratory. He was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal and was elected to the American Academy of Sciences. He died in 1931 at his home, Glenmont; throughout the USA, lights were dimmed temporarily on the day of his funeral.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Member of the American Academy of Sciences. Congressional Gold Medal.
    Further Reading
    M.Josephson, 1951, Edison, Eyre \& Spottiswode.
    R.W.Clark, 1977, Edison, the Man who Made the Future, Macdonald \& Jane.

    Biographical history of technology > Edison, Thomas Alva

  • 17 clang

    klæŋ 1. verb
    (to produce a loud ringing sound: The heavy gate clanged shut.) gi metallklang, klirre, klemte
    2. noun
    (such a sound: a loud clang.) (metall)klang
    subst. \/klæŋ\/
    1) metallisk klang, klirring, rasling, skramling
    2) ( av fugl) skrik
    verb \/klæŋ\/
    1) klinge, klirre, rasle, skramle
    2) ( om fugl) skrike

    English-Norwegian dictionary > clang

  • 18 ध्वन् _dhvan

    ध्वन् 1 P. also 1 P. (ध्वनति, ध्वनयति, ध्वनित) To sound, produce or utter sounds, buzz, hum, echo, reverberate, thunder, roar; बिभिद्यमाना इव दध्वनुर्दिशः Ki.14.46; अयं धीरं धीरं ध्वनति नवनीलो जलधरः Bv.1.6; कपिर्दध्वान मेघवत् Bk.9.5;14.3; ध्वनति मधुपसमूहे श्रवणमपिदधाति Gīt.5. -Caus. (ध्वनयति) To cause to sound, ring (as a bell); but ध्वानयति 'to cause to articulate indistinctly.'
    -2 To allude, hint at.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > ध्वन् _dhvan

  • 19 clang

    [klæŋ] 1. verb
    (to produce a loud ringing sound: The heavy gate clanged shut.) soar
    2. noun
    (such a sound: a loud clang.) clangor
    * * *
    [klæŋ] n 1 clangor, tinido, retintim. 2 grasnido. • vt+vi 1 clangorar, tinir, ressoar, soar. 2 fazer tinir ou ressoar. 3 grasnar (ganso), gruir (grou). to clang the bell tocar a campainha, o sino.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > clang

  • 20 импульс

    impulse, pip, pulse, pulse(d) signal, wavelet геофиз.
    * * *
    и́мпульс м.
    1. (механический; синоним — коли́чество движе́ния) momentum
    2. ( волновой) (wave) pulse
    выделя́ть [строби́ровать] и́мпульс — select [gate] a pulse
    е́сли и́мпульсы повторя́ются, … — in the case of recurring pulses …
    заде́рживать и́мпульс — delay a pulse
    и́мпульс зака́нчивается — the pulse ceases
    заполня́ть и́мпульс (несу́щей) частото́й — modulate a pulse on a carrier (frequency)
    и́мпульс запуска́ет развё́ртку — the pulse triggers [initiates] the sweep
    мо́щность в и́мпульсе рлк.peak (pulse) power
    обостря́ть и́мпульс — sharpen a pulse
    ограни́чивать и́мпульс — clip [chop off] a pulse
    и́мпульс отража́ется от це́ли — the pulse is reflected from a target
    и́мпульсы перекрыва́ются — pulses overlap
    и́мпульс подаё́тся на … — the pulse is applied [fed] to …
    по́сле прохожде́ния и́мпульса — after (when) a pulse ceases, after cessation of a pulse
    привя́зывать и́мпульс к, напр. потенциа́лу земли́ — clamp a pulse to, e. g., earth potential
    пропуска́ть и́мпульс — skip a pulse
    расширя́ть и́мпульс — stretch a pulse
    сжима́ть и́мпульс — compress a pulse
    и́мпульсы сле́дуют с частото́й повторе́ния … — pulses follow at a repetition rate [frequency] of …
    формирова́ть и́мпульс — ( генерировать) generate [produce] a pulse; ( придавать нужную форму) form [shape] a pulse; ( из другого сигнала) derive a pulse
    бланки́рующий и́мпульс — blanking pulse
    вибрацио́нный и́мпульс — vibratory impulse
    враща́тельный и́мпульс — angular impulse
    входно́й и́мпульс — input [incoming] pulse
    выходно́й и́мпульс — output pulse
    и́мпульс вычита́ния вчт.subtract pulse
    гася́щий и́мпульс — тлв. blanking pulse; ( радиационного счётчика) quench [extinction] pulse; ( генератора колебаний) termination [turn-off] pulse
    гига́нтский и́мпульс ( лазера) — giant pulse
    двухполя́рный и́мпульс — bidirectional pulse
    и́мпульс заде́ржки — delay pulse
    запира́ющий и́мпульс — disabling pulse
    и́мпульс за́писи вчт.write pulse
    и́мпульс заполне́ния ( ложный) — squitter [fill-in] pulse
    и́мпульс запре́та — inhibit pulse
    и́мпульс запро́са — interrogation [interrogating] pulse
    и́мпульс за́пуска развё́ртки — рлк. sweep trigger; осцил. time-base trigger
    запуска́ющий и́мпульс
    1. вчт. firing [initiating, start(ing), trigger(ing) ] pulse
    2. рлк. trigger pulse
    и́мпульс засве́та шкалы́ или тру́бки гру́бого отсчё́та рлк.coarse range intensifier
    и́мпульс засве́та шкалы́ или тру́бки то́чного отсчё́та рлк.fine range intensifier
    звуково́й и́мпульс — acoustic impulse, sound pulse
    зонди́рующий и́мпульс рлк. — outgoing [main, transmitter, transmitted] pulse
    и́мпульс информа́ции — information [message] pulse
    ионизацио́нный и́мпульс — ionization pulse
    исполни́тельный и́мпульс — execute pulse
    испыта́тельный и́мпульс — test pulse
    ка́дровый и́мпульс тлв. — frame [vertical] pulse
    и́мпульс ко́дового зна́ка ( в системе КИМ) свз.digit pulse
    ко́довый и́мпульс — code pulse
    колоколообра́зный и́мпульс — Gaussian [bell-shaped] pulse
    кома́ндный и́мпульс — command pulse
    коммути́рующий и́мпульс — switching pulse
    и́мпульс манипуля́ции телегр.keying pulse
    маркё́рный и́мпульс тлв.reference-time mark
    и́мпульс масшта́бной отме́тки — marker pulse
    меша́ющий и́мпульс тлв. — interfering [disturbing] pulse
    мо́щный и́мпульс — high-power [strong] pulse
    мо́щный, одино́чный и́мпульс — single giant pulse
    и́мпульс набо́ра но́мера тлф. — dialing pulse; брит. impulsing signal
    и́мпульс набо́ра ци́фры тлф.digit pulse
    и́мпульс на вхо́де пересчё́тного устро́йства — unscaled pulse
    и́мпульс на вы́ходе пересчё́тного устро́йства — scaled pulse
    и́мпульс нака́чки — pump(ing) pulse
    и́мпульс несовпаде́ния — anticoincidence pulse
    и́мпульс несу́щей частоты́ — carrier-frequency pulse
    обобщё́нный и́мпульс — generalized momentum
    и́мпульс обра́тного хо́да луча́ — flyback [retrace] pulse
    одино́чный и́мпульс — single purse
    однополя́рный и́мпульс — unidirectional [single-polarity] pulse
    и́мпульс опознава́ния цве́та ( в системе СЕКАМ) тлв.colour-identification pulse
    опознава́тельный и́мпульс — identification pulse
    опо́рный и́мпульс — reference pulse
    и́мпульс опро́са ( в элементах памяти) — drive [excitation, interrogation] pulse
    и́мпульс остано́ва — stop pulse
    оста́точный и́мпульс — afterpulse
    о́стрый и́мпульс — peaky pulse
    и́мпульс отда́чи — recoil momentum
    и́мпульс отме́тки (напр. дальности) рлк.marker pulse
    отпира́ющий и́мпульс — enabling pulse
    отражё́нный и́мпульс — echo [reflected] pulse
    отрица́тельный и́мпульс — negative(-going) pulse
    парази́тный и́мпульс — parasitic [spurious, stray] pulse
    па́рный и́мпульс — paired pulse
    и́мпульс перено́са вчт.carry pulse
    периоди́ческий и́мпульс — repetitive pulse
    пилообра́зный и́мпульс — saw-tooth pulse
    побо́чный и́мпульс — spurious pulse
    повторя́ющийся и́мпульс — repetitive pulse
    и́мпульс подсве́та прямо́го хо́да развё́ртки рлк. — brightening [intensifier] pulse
    подсве́чивающий и́мпульс рлк. — brightening [intensifier] pulse
    и́мпульс поко́я телегр.space pulse
    по́лный и́мпульс — total momentum, aggregate momentum
    и́мпульс поме́хи — interfering pulse
    попере́чный и́мпульс — transverse momentum
    поро́говый и́мпульс — threshold pulse
    прямо́й и́мпульс рлк. — main [transmitted] pulse
    прямоуго́льный и́мпульс — square [rectangular] pulse
    пусково́й и́мпульс
    1. вчт. firing [initiating, start(ing), trigger(ing) ] pulse
    2. рлк. trigger pulse
    равноотстоя́щий и́мпульс — equispaced pulse
    разруша́ющий и́мпульс — disturbing pulse
    разря́дный и́мпульс
    1. discharge pulse
    2. вчт. digit pulse
    и́мпульс раке́тного дви́гателя, уде́льный — net specific thrust
    и́мпульс раке́тного то́плива, уде́льный — propellant specific pulse
    и́мпульс раке́тного ускори́теля — boosting impulse
    релятиви́стский и́мпульс — relativistic momentum
    и́мпульс руля́ ав. — control(-surface) impulse [pulse-type] input
    выполня́ть и́мпульс руля́ — apply a control impulse input
    и́мпульс сбро́са вчт.reset pulse
    светово́й и́мпульс — light pulse
    и́мпульс с вре́зками тлв.serrated pulse
    СВЧ и́мпульс — microwave pulse
    и́мпульс сдви́га вчт.shift pulse
    селе́кторный и́мпульс рлк.gate (pulse)
    селе́кторный и́мпульс засве́чивает развё́ртку — the gate (pulse) intensifies [brightens] the sweep trace
    селе́кторный и́мпульс да́льности рлк.range gate (pulse)
    селе́кторный, у́зкий и́мпульс рлк.narrow gate (pulse)
    селе́кторный, у́зкий и́мпульс высве́чивает (рабо́чую) часть развё́ртки то́чного индика́тора да́льности — the narrow gate (pulse) intensifies [brightens] a portion of the fine range sweep
    селе́кторный, ультрау́зкий и́мпульс рлк. — narrow-narrow gate [N2 -gate] (pulse)
    селе́кторный, широ́кий и́мпульс рлк.wide gate (pulse)
    и́мпульс си́лы — impulse of force
    и́мпульс синхрониза́ции ко́довых зна́ков — digit sync pulse
    синхронизи́рующий и́мпульс — clock [synchronizing, timing] pulse
    синхронизи́рующий, ка́дровый и́мпульс тлв. — vertical [frame] sync pulse
    синхронизи́рующий, строчно́й и́мпульс тлв. — horizontal [line] sync pulse
    и́мпульс с лине́йным ЧМ заполне́нием — chirp [linear FM] pulse
    и́мпульс сложе́ния вчт.add pulse
    случа́йный и́мпульс — random pulse
    и́мпульс смеще́ния — biasing pulse
    и́мпульс совпаде́ния — coincidence pulse
    сопряжё́нный и́мпульс — conjugate momentum
    сопу́тствующий и́мпульс — afterpulse
    и́мпульс с пло́ской верши́ной — square-topped [flat-topped] pulse
    и́мпульс спонта́нного излуче́ния — spontaneous pulse
    и́мпульс сры́ва генера́ции — turn-off [termination] pulse
    стира́ющий и́мпульс — erase pulse
    строби́рующий и́мпульс — strobe (pulse) gate, gate [gating] pulse
    сумма́рный и́мпульс — total pulse
    и́мпульс счё́та вчт.count pulse
    и́мпульс счи́тывания вчт.read pulse
    та́ктовый и́мпульс — clock pulse; брит. strobe (pulse)
    то́ковый и́мпульс ( посылка в противовес импульсу паузы) телегр.make pulse
    треуго́льный и́мпульс — triangular pulse
    уда́рный и́мпульс — collision momentum; impact momentum
    уде́льный и́мпульс — specific impulse
    узкополо́сный и́мпульс — narrow-band pulse
    управля́ющий и́мпульс — control pulse; drive pulse
    ура́внивающий и́мпульс тлв.equalizing pulse
    ура́внивающий, за́дний и́мпульс ( за кадровым синхроимпульсом) — post-equalizing pulse
    ура́внивающий, пере́дний и́мпульс ( перед кадровым синхроимпульсом) — pre-equalizing pulse
    и́мпульс ускори́теля ракет.boosting pulse
    и́мпульс устано́вки в состоя́ние едини́ца — set pulse
    и́мпульс устано́вки в состоя́ние нуль — reset pulse
    устано́вочный и́мпульс ( в трансфлюксоре) — unblocking pulse
    хрони́рующий и́мпульс — clock [timing] pulse
    и́мпульс части́цы — particle momentum, kinetic momentum of a particle
    и́мпульс части́чной вы́борки — partial-read pulse
    и́мпульс электромагни́тного по́ля — electromagnetic field momentum; pulse of electromagnetic waves
    этало́нный и́мпульс — standard pulse
    * * *

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > импульс

См. также в других словарях:

  • Sound recording and reproduction — Sound recorder redirects here. For the audio recording program computer software, see Sound Recorder (Windows). Sound recording and reproduction is an electrical or mechanical inscription and re creation of sound waves, such as spoken voice,… …   Wikipedia

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  • bell — bell1 bell less, adj. /bel/, n. 1. a hollow instrument of cast metal, typically cup shaped with a flaring mouth, suspended from the vertex and rung by the strokes of a clapper, hammer, or the like. 2. the stroke or sound of such an instrument: We …   Universalium

  • Bell — /bel/, n. 1. Acton /ak teuhn/, pen name of Anne Brontë. 2. Alexander Graham, 1847 1922, U.S. scientist, born in Scotland: inventor of the telephone. 3. (Arthur) Clive (Howard), 1881 1964, English critic of literature and art. 4. Currer /kerr… …   Universalium

  • bell — I. /bɛl / (say bel) noun 1. a sounding instrument, usually of metal, cup shaped with a flaring mouth, rung by the strokes of a clapper, tongue, or hammer suspended within it. 2. any instrument emitting a ringing signal, especially an electrical… …  

  • Bell — may refer to: Devices that produce sound * Altar bell, a bell rung during the Catholic Mass. * Bell character, a character that produces an audible signal at a terminal. * Bell effect, a musical technique similar to an arpeggio. * Bell… …   Wikipedia

  • Bell Labs — Bell Laboratories (also known as Bell Labs and formerly known as AT T Bell Laboratories and Bell Telephone Laboratories) is the research organization of Alcatel Lucent and previously the American Telephone Telegraph Company (AT T). Bell… …   Wikipedia

  • bell-ringing — UK US noun [uncountable] the activity of making a set of bells ring to produce a pleasant musical sound, especially church bells Thesaurus: miscellaneous hobbies and the people who enjoy themhyponym Derived Word: bell ringer * * * ˈbell ringing ; …   Useful english dictionary

  • bell-ringing — bell ring|ing [ bel ,rıŋıŋ ] noun uncount the activity of making a set of bells ring to produce a pleasant musical sound, especially church bells ╾ bell ring|er noun count …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Bell (instrument) — See also: Tubular bell For the part of a wind instrument, see Wind instrument#Parts. Bell Parts of a typical bell: 1. yoke, 2. crown, 3. head, 4. shoulder, 5. waist …   Wikipedia

  • sound — sound1 soundable, adj. /sownd/, n. 1. the sensation produced by stimulation of the organs of hearing by vibrations transmitted through the air or other medium. 2. mechanical vibrations transmitted through an elastic medium, traveling in air at a… …   Universalium

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