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  • 1 policy

    I 'poləsi plural - policies; noun
    (a planned or agreed course of action usually based on particular principles: the government's policies on education.) política

    II 'poləsi plural - policies; noun
    (a (written) agreement with an insurance company: an insurance policy.)
    1. política
    2. póliza
    2 (course of action, plan) política, estrategia
    3 (insurance) póliza (de seguros)
    to do something as a matter of policy tener por norma hacer algo
    policy holder asegurado,-a
    policy ['pɑləsi] n, pl - cies
    1) : política f
    foreign policy: política exterior
    2) or insurance policy : póliza f de seguros, seguro m
    norma s.f.
    normas de conducta s.f.pl.
    plan s.m.
    plan de acción s.m.
    política s.f.
    programa político s.m.
    póliza s.f.
    regla s.f.
    'pɑːləsi, 'pɒləsi
    noun (pl - cies)
    1) u c
    a) ( Pol) política f

    policy ON something: their policy on education su política en materia de educación or en cuanto a educación; (before n) policy document — documento m normativo

    b) (standard practice, plan) ( Busn) política f

    it is good/bad policy — es/no es recomendable

    2) c ( insurance policy) ( contract) seguro m; ( document) póliza f de seguros

    I ['pɒlɪsɪ]
    1. N
    1) (gen, principles) política f ; [of party, at election] programa m ; [of newspaper] normas fpl de conducta

    it is a good/bad policy — es buena/mala táctica

    2) (=prudence, prudent procedure) discreción f

    policy adviser, policy advisor N(to organization, prime minister) consejero(-a) m / f político(-a)

    policy decision Ndecisión f de principio

    policy priority Nprioridad f política

    policy statement Ndeclaración f de política

    N (also: insurance policy) póliza f

    to take out a policy — sacar una póliza, hacerse un seguro

    * * *
    ['pɑːləsi, 'pɒləsi]
    noun (pl - cies)
    1) u c
    a) ( Pol) política f

    policy ON something: their policy on education su política en materia de educación or en cuanto a educación; (before n) policy document — documento m normativo

    b) (standard practice, plan) ( Busn) política f

    it is good/bad policy — es/no es recomendable

    2) c ( insurance policy) ( contract) seguro m; ( document) póliza f de seguros

    English-spanish dictionary > policy

  • 2 policy

    I ['pɔləsɪ] сущ.
    1) политика, линия поведения, установка, курс, стратегия

    to adhere to / follow / pursue a policy — следовать политике

    to carry out / implement a policy — проводить политику

    to form / shape a policy — вырабатывать политику

    cautious policy — осмотрительная, осторожная политика

    clear / clear-cut policy — чёткий политический курс

    deliberate policy — обдуманная, взвешенная политика

    long-range / long-term policy — долгосрочная политика

    short-range / short-term policy — краткосрочная политика

    prudent policy — разумная, предусмотрительная политика

    rigid policy — твёрдая, жёсткая политика

    sound / wise policy — здравая, мудрая политика

    tough policy — жёсткий политический курс, твёрдая политика

    - policy document
    - bridge-building policy
    - nuclear deterrent policy
    - legal policy
    - monetary policy
    - scorched-earth policy
    - socialization policy
    - wait-and-see policy
    - zero-tolerance policy
    - policy of checks and balances
    2) система, методика, правила, принципы; нормы, стандарты
    3) позиция, твёрдое правило

    to make it a policy to do smth. — взять за правило что-либо делать

    Philips, as a matter of policy, doesn't comment on matters under litigation. — Компания "Филипс" по принципиальным соображениям не даёт никаких комментариев по вопросам, находящимся на стадии судебного разбирательства.

    4) благоразумие, дальновидность, предусмотрительность, проницательность.

    'Your getting me here was bad policy as to your secret - the most absurd thing in the world,' - 'Policy, how can you talk of policy?' (T. Hardy) — "Привести меня сюда - глупее не придумаешь. Твою тайну могут узнать. Где твоё благоразумие?" - "Благоразумие? Как можно говорить о благоразумии?"

    It was bad policy to attempt disguise. — Притворяться было глупо.

    5) расчёт, корысть; прагматизм, практичность

    But he hath forc'd us to compel this offer; And it proceeds from policy, not love. (W. Shakespeare) — Он вынужден вступить в переговоры; И движет им расчёт, а не любовь. (пер. Е. Бируковой)

    6) хитрость, уловка, приём

    Thus policy in love t' anticipate the ills that were not. (W. Shakespeare) — Таков любви увёртливый приём: решая сам, что для неё полезней, придумал я недуги. (пер. А. Финкеля)

    And I do think- or else this brain of mine Hunts not the trail of policy so sure. (W. Shakespeare) — Иль этот мозг по хитрости дороге Летит не так уж метко, как бывало. (пер. А. Кронеберга)

    7) шотл. парк ( вокруг усадьбы)
    II ['pɔləsɪ] сущ.

    to issue / write up a policy — выдавать / выписывать страховой полис

    - variable life policy
    - endowment policy
    - homeowners policy
    - lapsed policy
    - life insurance policy
    - ordinary life insurance policy
    - straight life insurance policy
    - personal accident policy
    - simple policy
    - single premium whole life policy
    - whole life policy
    - permanent life policy
    - term life insurance policy
    а) амер. род азартной игры, лотерея ( построенная по принципу угадывания чисел)
    б) число, комбинация чисел ( в азартной игре)

    Англо-русский современный словарь > policy

  • 3 policy

    •• policy, politics, politician

    •• Policy 1. plan of action, statement of aims and ideals, especially one made by a government, political party, business company, etc. 2. wise, sensible conduct; art of government.
    •• Politics the science or art of government; political views, affairs, questions, etc.
    •• Politician person taking part in politics or much interested in politics; (in a sense) person who follows politics as a career, regardless of principle (A.S. Hornby).
    •• Государственный секретарь Джордж Шульц любил поговорить о разнице между policy и politics. Я, говорил он, старался не втягиваться в politics, а все внимание сосредоточивал на policy, на policy-making. В этом высказывании сконцентрировано различие между этими двумя понятиями, которое часто упускают из виду. Politics – это политическая борьба (не всегда в отрицательном значении; когда из контекста ясно, что значение именно отрицательное, можно переводить политиканство), а policy – это политическая линия, политическая стратегия. Policy statement – не просто политическое, а программное, принципиальное заявление: When Clinton told a discussion group in Shanghai, “Everyone understands that there is a new China emerging in the world that is more prosperous, more open and more dynamic,”... he was not simply making an observation but something tantamount to policy statement. Стоит обратить внимание на словосочетание public policy, которое ближе всего к русскому политика в значении процесс решения главных вопросов жизни государства и общества. Пример из Washington Post: Mr. Kudlow appears to make his mark on public policy. Из Wall Street Journal: Mr. Doron is director of a public policy think tank located near Jerusalem. – Г-н Дорон является руководителем центра исследования политических проблем (или просто политики).
    •• Нередко по смыслу politics относится к внутриполитической сфере. Характерный пример: From Shylock to Scrooge and now to George Soros, it has always been only too easy to cast the man with the moneybags as the villain. And it’s happening again as the countries in Southeast Asia search for a scapegoat for the financial crises that have beset them in recent weeks. [...] All these wild charges, of course, may make good politics (International Herald Tribune). – ...Конечно, на всех этих скандальных обвинениях можно набрать политические очки (или очки во внутриполитической борьбе).
    •• Аналогичный пример: Many if not most citizens of Taiwan no longer believe in reunion with the mainland and are eager for international recognition in their own right. Taiwan’s politics cater to this popular view (Don Oberdorfer). Здесь возможен такой перевод – разумеется, чисто контекстуальный: Тайваньские политики отражают это широко распространенное мнение. Politics может иметь и сильный отрицательный оттенок. Словарь Safire’s Political Dictionary дает следующее определение выражения playing politics: placing partisan gain above the public interest, т.е. ставить узкопартийные интересы выше интересов общества.
    •• Не всегда легко поддается переводу словосочетание the politics of. Вот перевод подзаголовка статьи о политической ситуации на Украине: Политика президентских выборов. Совершенно непонятно, о чем тут речь. Из текста же ясно, что в этом разделе говорится о влиянии будущих президентских выборов на политическую ситуацию, политическую борьбу. Лучше было перевести Президентские выборы и политическая борьба.
    •• Выражение из другого смыслового ряда – office politics. Смысл его – то, что у нас принято называть служебными интригами, подсиживанием. Иногда оно близко по значению к turf (или territorial) battles – ведомственные, бюрократические игры, внутри- или межведомственная борьба (войны).
    •• Не всем известно, что значит слово politic (у него есть еще антоним impolitic). Словари дают значение (политически) выгодный, благоразумный, дальновидный, дипломатичный. В следующем примере из журнала Fortune, скорее всего – осторожный: When Reilly called Tom Florio and Tina Brown for comment, on the record both were politic but behind the scenes they were livid. (Здесь слово livid – синоним mad – вне себя от ярости.)
    •• Теперь обратим внимание на значение слова policy, не всегда отражаемое словарями и близкое к русскому твердое правило. Вот два примера из одного номера журнала «Ньюсуик»:
    •• 1. A new policy [of a television network] prohibits paying “criminals, convicts or miscreants.”
    •• 2. HIID [Harvard Institute for International Development] policy does not allow its employees to invest in the countries they counsel.
    •• Слово politician по-английски – нечто среднее между русскими политик и политикан. Контекст, как правило, позволяет без особого труда решить, какое из этих русских слов подходит лучше. Труднее правильно перевести русское политик. Почти всегда подходит policy-maker, иногда – political leader. Нейтральный, хотя и слишком сухой вариант – political figure. А как же перевести слово политикан? Иногда вполне подойдет politician или petty politician или just a politician. Ну, если нужен «колорит», можно попробовать politico или pol: Washington politicos can’t wait to start slugging (International Herald Tribune). – Вашингтонские политиканы рвутся в драку.
    •• Политические термины, словосочетания, поговорки широко распространены в речи американцев, особенно образованных и следящих за средствами информации, значительное место в которых занимает политика в ее разных ипостасях. Вот несколько словосочетаний со словом political:
    •• political animal«политическое животное», т.е. человек (как правило, политик) с сильно развитыми политическими инстинктами. Кстати, еще Аристотель в своем трактате «Политика» писал: «Человек по природе своей – животное политическое»;
    •• political capital см. также political mileageполитический капитал, выигрыш, «навар». Употребляется обычно с негативным оттенком;
    •• political correctness – понятие политической корректности в последние годы получило распространение и у нас. Поэтому объяснять его нет особой необходимости. Важнее знать, чего не следует говорить (или как не следует выражаться), чтобы не выйти за рамки политически приемлемого в данном обществе. Так, в Великобритании, во всяком случае до недавнего времени, было не принято негативно высказываться о королеве. В Соединенных Штатах давно уже нельзя говорить Negro (раньше говорили и писали black, а теперь не очень корректно и это, сами чернокожие американцы (и многие белые) предпочитают African-American). В качестве общего принципа политической корректности можно сказать так: нужно избегать любых слов и высказываний, которые могут задеть то или иное более или менее организованное меньшинство (за исключением явно экстремистских) – политическое, расовое, сексуальное. Бывшие граждане СССР обычно относятся к политкорректности резко отрицательно, что может быть отчасти реакцией на многолетнюю жизнь в условиях жесткой политической регламентированности. Лучше, однако, не читать по этому поводу нотаций американцам. У истоков Соединенных Штатов стояло религиозное меньшинство (пуритане с корабля «Мэйфлауэр»), и сейчас Америка нередко предстает как огромное «сообщество меньшинств»;
    •• political football объект политических игр. Уильям Сэфайр приводит пример из выступления бывшего президента США Гарри Трумена, обвинившего Дуайта Эйзенхауэра в том, что тот “used our foreign policy as a political football.” Еще одно интересное и малоизвестное значение слова football - «ядерный чемоданчик» – но не в значении миниатюрное ядерное устройство. Определение находим у Сэфайра – the small, thirty-pound metal suitcase containing codes that can launch a nuclear attack. It is carried by a military aide to the President and follows the chief executive wherever he goes;
    •• political mileage – то же самое, что political capital, но с меньшим негативным оттенком.
    •• Несколько выражений политического происхождения вошли в повседневный обиход и стали «повсеместно понятными» (generally understood). В некоторых случаях за ними закрепились и русские эквиваленты, не всегда, впрочем, самые удачные. Так, перевод рузвельтовского New Deal как Новый курс, на мой взгляд не идеален. Франклин Рузвельт в данном случае взял за основу Square Deal своего предшественника и родственника Теодора Рузвельта, который имел в виду не просто некий политический или экономический курс, а нечто большее, о чем свидетельствует следующая цитата: We demand that big business give people a square deal. Речь, как видим, идет скорее о «справедливой сделке», справедливом отношении большого бизнеса («олигархов», как у нас сказали бы сейчас) к большинству населения. Соответственно и Ф.Рузвельт, как явствует из его выступлений, имел в виду своего рода «новый общественный договор» между бизнесом и обществом. Разумеется, перевод Новый курс устоялся и изменению не подлежит, но не вредно знать, что стоит за рузвельтовским лозунгом (почти «новый строй»!). От Ф.Рузвельта остались и fireside chats (радио)беседы у камина – выступления президента по радио с доступным для каждого разъяснением важных вопросов политики и экономики. (Рузвельт использовал этот инструмент очень эффективно, а вот попытки использовать его в другое время и в другой стране выглядели, пожалуй, комично.) Также от Рузвельта остались и Four Freedomsfreedom of speech and expression, freedom to worship God, freedom from want (свобода от нужды) и freedom from fear ( свобода от страха, причем из знаменитой речи Рузвельта 6 января 1941 года ясно, что под этим он имел в виду далеко идущий процесс разоружения).
    •• Знаменитое высказывание Теодора Рузвельта Speak softly and always carry a big stick (говори тихо, но всегда имей с собой большую дубинку) известно у нас в основном в «антиимпериалистической» интерпретации («политика большой дубинки»).
    •• Несколько широко известных словесных шедевров принадлежит Гарри Трумену, например, знаменитое The buck stops here. Табличка с этим лозунгом стояла у него на письменном столе, и означала примерно следующее: «бюрократические игры кончаются здесь». Выражение to pass the buck, от которого происходит труменовский лозунг, означает спихивать на кого-либо решение (ответственность) в важном вопросе (у нас существует не очень распространенное, но яркое словечко спихотехника). Трумен ввел в обиход поговорку If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, означающую, что политика – дело жестокое, но приходится терпеть. Если жарко – уходи, никто не держит.
    •• Джон Кеннеди – автор «экономического афоризма» A rising tide lifts all the boats. – Прилив поднимает все лодки, т.е. общий подъем экономики выгоден всем – и богатым, и бедным. Он же в своей инаугурационной речи сказал запомнившиеся американцам слова: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. – Не спрашивай, что может сделать для тебя твоя страна, – лучше спроси, что ты можешь для нее сделать.
    •• Любой образованный англичанин или американец, услышав Power corrupts, продолжит: absolute power corrupts absolutely (хотя не все знают, что это высказывание принадлежит английскому историку лорду Эктону – Lord Acton, 1834–1902; кстати, у него Power tends to corrupt – по-моему, точнее). Власть развращает, а безграничная власть развращает безгранично.
    •• Еще несколько политических поговорок, вошедших в обиходную речь:
    •• You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. – Услуга за услугу;
    •• You can’t fight City Hall ≈ Плетью обуха не перешибешь;
    •• How you stand depends on where you sit ≈ Где сидишь (т.е. какую должность занимаешь), на том и стоишь (такова и твоя позиция).
    •• Интересное «политическое словосочетание» – вопрос Will it play in Peoria? означает Поймут ли нас в глубинке? Оно появилось во времена президента Никсона, и небольшой (хотя и не самый маленький) город Пеория в штате Иллинойс предстает здесь как символ провинциальности. Джимми Картер не оставил после себя ярких фразеологизмов, зато один из членов его кабинета, земляк президента из штата Джорджия Берт Лэнс прославился фразой: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. – Что не сломалось, не чини.
    •• Список фразеологизмов и словосочетаний, политических по происхождению или основной сфере употребления, можно продолжать долго. Ограничусь несколькими, отобранными без особой системы:
    •• bully pulpit – Теодор Рузвельт считал, что президентский пост дает возможность его обладателю быть «отцом нации», нравственным лидером и вдохновителем ее побед. Bully pulpit – «трибуна президента», с которой он проповедует нации;
    •• gut issue«нутряной вопрос». Так говорят о проблеме, нередко надуманной, которая вызывает у избирателей чисто эмоциональную реакцию, «задевает душу», заставляет «голосовать сердцем» (у американцев, как видим, кишечником);
    •• heartbeat away from the presidencyможет быть, не сегодня-завтра президент. Эта фраза является своего рода напоминанием о том, что к выбору (и голосованию за) вице-президента надо подходить со всей ответственностью – случись что с президентом, и, казалось бы, малозначительный (что характерно для большинства администраций) человек становится национальным лидером;
    •• high road... low road – эта фраза стала популярной во время президентской кампании 1948 года, когда республиканский кандидат (и фаворит предвыборной гонки) Томас Дьюи заявил, что не будет отвечать на «удары ниже пояса», к которым прибегал Трумен (как ни странно, тогдашний президент считался underdog, т.е. аутсайдером). To take the high road можно перевести проявить разборчивость в средствах, не прибегать к неэтичным приемам. To take the low road – пойти на все ради победы, бить ниже пояса;
    •• hit listсписок подлежащих (политической) ликвидации. Хотя на Западе уже давно политических противников не ликвидируют физически, словосочетания с hit распространены очень широко ( hit job или hatchet job – заказной «компромат», (political) hitman – поставщик компромата и т.д.);
    •• press the flesh жать руку. «Контакт с народом» – как ни странно, любимое занятие политических деятелей, в чем мне приходилось не раз убеждаться (они действительно получают удовольствие от контакта с незнакомыми людьми);
    •• smoke-filled roomsпрокуренные комнаты. Символизирует келейный характер решений, принимаемых политическими боссами за закрытыми дверями;
    •• smoking gunнеопровержимая улика. Это выражение было в ходу во время уотергейтской эпопеи – у ее участников были разные мнения о том, есть ли такие улики против президента Никсона. На сегодняшний день об этом, пожалуй, можно сказать: This is a moot question. См. статью moot.
    •• * Английский язык – особенно его американский вариант – возможно, уникален в проведении резкой черты между politics и policy. Различия между ними довольно подробно, хотя и неполно, описаны в «Моем несистематическом словаре», но в данном случае речь не о них, а о том, что и сами американцы, видимо, чувствуют, что в реальной жизни это единый организм. Наверное, не случайно политический раздел в газете Wall Street Journal называется Policy and Politics. A вот цитата из New York Times:
    •• Good, artful writing, writing with voice and style, turns up in lots of places: in memoirs, in books about history and science, and sometimes even in books about politics and policy.
    •• Самый естественный – и абсолютно правильный – перевод здесь: ... и иногда даже в книгах о политике. (Потому что в русском понимании выработка политического курса, сам этот курс и политическая борьба отделяются друг от друга только по необходимости, а не «по умолчанию».)
    •• К этой же теме: интересная трансформация происходит со словосочетанием political strategist. Если раньше его значение было близко к тому, как мы понимаем его русский аналог политический стратег (есть, например, книга, Gandhi as a Political Strategist), то сейчас это выражение употребляется в США в сочетании с такими именами, как Karl Rove, Donna Brazile, James Carville, Dick Morris (это подтверждает и поиск в гугле), – это те, кого у нас принято называть политтехнологами. (См. также в статье технология, техногенный в русской части словаря.)

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > policy

  • 4 policy

    (a) (of company, organization) politique f;
    to adopt a policy adopter une ligne de conduite;
    this is in line with company policy ça va dans le sens de la politique de l'entreprise;
    our policy is to hire professionals only nous avons pour politique de n'engager que des professionnels;
    the company's success is essentially down to their inspired marketing policy le succès de l'enteprise est dû en grande partie à l'intelligence de leur politique de commercialisation
    policy document document m de politique générale;
    policy meeting séance f de concertation;
    policy position position f de principe;
    policy paper = document énonçant une position de principe;
    policy statement déclaration f de principe;
    American policy wonk conseiller(ère) m, f politique
    (b) INSURANCE police f;
    to take out a policy souscrire une police (d'assurance)
    policy holder assuré(e) m, f

    Managing a Mayoral campaign in New York City has to be one of the most stressful jobs in the world and not, under any circumstance, a recommended activity for recovering heart patients. But no one seems to have told that to Richard Schrader, a bearded agitator turned policy wonk who's running Mark Green's campaign to succeed Rudolph Giuliani.

    English-French business dictionary > policy

  • 5 policy of continuity

    упр., пол. политика преемственности (стратегия деятельности руководства организации, правительства страны и т. п., при которой новое руководство/правительство работает в тех же направлениях и с использованием тех же инструментов и методов, что и прежнее руководство/правительство)

    The newly elected president described his political course as a policy of continuity. — Вновь избранный президент описал свой политический курс как политику преемственности.

    It is important to underscore that the policy of continuity applied by the Government, at least until now, is a continuity of agenda and not of one or other instrument of macroeconomic policymaking. — Следует подчеркнуть, что политика преемственности, принятая на вооружение правительством, подразумевает преемственность в плане программы действий, а не в плане макроэкономических инструментов для реализации программы.


    Англо-русский экономический словарь > policy of continuity

  • 6 policy statement

    программное, принципиальное заявление

    When Clinton told a discussion group in Shanghai, "Everyone understands that there is a new China emerging in the world that is more prosperous, more open and more dynamic,"... he was not simply making an observation but something tantamount to policy statement.

    The English annotation is below. (English-Russian) > policy statement

  • 7 Foreign policy

       The guiding principle of Portuguese foreign policy since the founding of the monarchy in the 12th century has been the maintenance of Portugal's status first as an independent kingdom and, later, as a sovereign nation-state. For the first 800 years of its existence, Portuguese foreign policy and diplomacy sought to maintain the independence of the Portuguese monarchy, especially in relationship to the larger and more powerful Spanish monarchy. During this period, the Anglo- Portuguese Alliance, which began with a treaty of commerce and friendship signed between the kings of Portugal and England in 1386 (the Treaty of Windsor) and continued with the Methuen Treaty in 1703, sought to use England ( Great Britain after 1707) as a counterweight to its landward neighbor, Spain.
       As three invasions of Portugal by Napoleon's armies during the first decade of the 19th century proved, however, Spain was not the only threat to Portugal's independence and security. Portugal's ally, Britain, provided a counterweight also to a threatening France on more than one occasion between 1790 and 1830. During the 19th century, Portugal's foreign policy became largely subordinate to that of her oldest ally, Britain, and standard Portuguese histories describe Portugal's situation as that of a "protectorate" of Britain. In two key aspects during this time of international weakness and internal turmoil, Portugal's foreign policy was under great pressure from her ally, world power Britain: responses to European conflicts and to the situation of Portugal's scattered, largely impoverished overseas empire. Portugal's efforts to retain massive, resource-rich Brazil in her empire failed by 1822, when Brazil declared its independence. Britain's policy of favoring greater trade and commerce opportunities in an autonomous Brazil was at odds with Portugal's desperate efforts to hold Brazil.
       Following the loss of Brazil and a renewed interest in empire in tropical Africa, Portugal sought to regain a more independent initiative in her foreign policy and, especially after 1875, overseas imperial questions dominated foreign policy concerns. From this juncture, through the first Republic (1910-26) and during the Estado Novo, a primary purpose of Portuguese foreign policy was to maintain Portuguese India, Macau, and its colonies in Africa: Angola, Mozambique, and Guinea- Bissau. Under the direction of the dictator, Antônio de Oliveira Salazar, further efforts were made to reclaim a measure of independence of foreign policy, despite the tradition of British dominance. Salazar recognized the importance of an Atlantic orientation of the country's foreign policy. As Herbert Pell, U.S. Ambassador to Portugal (1937-41), observed in a June 1939 report to the U.S. Department of State, Portugal's leaders understood that Portugal must side with "that nation which dominates the Atlantic."
       During the 1930s, greater efforts were made in Lisbon in economic, financial, and foreign policy initiatives to assert a greater measure of flexibility in her dependence on ally Britain. German economic interests made inroads in an economy whose infrastructure in transportation, communication, and commerce had long been dominated by British commerce and investors. Portugal's foreign policy during World War II was challenged as both Allied and Axis powers tested the viability of Portugal's official policy of neutrality, qualified by a customary bow to the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance. Antônio de Oliveira Salazar, who served as minister of foreign affairs, as well as prime minister, during 1936-45, sought to sell his version of neutrality to both sides in the war and to do so in a way that would benefit Portugal's still weak economy and finance. Portugal's status as a neutral was keenly tested in several cases, including Portugal's agreeing to lease military bases to Britain and the United States in the Azores Islands and in the wolfram (tungsten ore) question. Portugal's foreign policy experienced severe pressures from the Allies in both cases, and Salazar made it clear to his British and American counterparts that Portugal sought to claim the right to make independent choices in policy, despite Portugal's military and economic weakness. In tense diplomatic negotiations with the Allies over Portugal's wolfram exports to Germany as of 1944, Salazar grew disheartened and briefly considered resigning over the wolfram question. Foreign policy pressure on this question diminished quickly on 6 June 1944, as Salazar decreed that wolfram mining, sales, and exports to both sides would cease for the remainder of the war. After the United States joined the Allies in the war and pursued an Atlantic strategy, Portugal discovered that her relationship with the dominant ally in the emerging United Nations was changing and that the U.S. would replace Britain as the key Atlantic ally during succeeding decades. Beginning in 1943-44, and continuing to 1949, when Portugal became, with the United States, a founding member of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Luso-American relations assumed center stage in her foreign policy.
       During the Cold War, Portuguese foreign policy was aligned with that of the United States and its allies in Western Europe. After the Revolution of 25 April 1974, the focus of Portuguese foreign policy shifted away from defending and maintaining the African colonies toward integration with Europe. Since Portugal became a member of the European Economic Community in 1986, and this evolved into the European Union (EU), all Portuguese governments have sought to align Portugal's foreign policy with that of the EU in general and to be more independent of the United States. Since 1986, Portugal's bilateral commercial and diplomatic relations with Britain, France, and Spain have strengthened, especially those with Spain, which are more open and mutually beneficial than at any other time in history.
       Within the EU, Portugal has sought to play a role in the promotion of democracy and human rights, while maintaining its security ties to NATO. Currently, a Portuguese politician, José Manuel Durão Barroso, is president of the Commission of the EU, and Portugal has held the six-month rotating presidency of the EU three times, in 1992, 2000, and 2007.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Foreign policy

  • 8 security policy

    The active policy established by the administrator that programmatically generates granted permissions for all managed code based on the code's requested permissions. Code that requires more permissions than policy will grant is not allowed to run.

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > security policy

  • 9 paid-up policy

    Fin [m1]1. in the United Kingdom, an endowment insurance policy, for which the policyholder has decided not to continue paying premiums, that continues to provide life insurance while the cost of the premiums is covered by the underlying fund. If the fund is sufficient to pay the premiums for the remainder of the term, the remaining funds will be paid to the policyholder at maturity.
    2. in the United States, an insurance policy on which all the premiums have been paid

    The ultimate business dictionary > paid-up policy

  • 10 acceptable use policy

    "A statement issued by an Internet service provider or an online information service that indicates what activities users may or may not engage in while logged into the service. For example, some providers prohibit users from engaging in commercial activity on the network."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > acceptable use policy

  • 11 Historical Portugal

       Before Romans described western Iberia or Hispania as "Lusitania," ancient Iberians inhabited the land. Phoenician and Greek trading settlements grew up in the Tagus estuary area and nearby coasts. Beginning around 202 BCE, Romans invaded what is today southern Portugal. With Rome's defeat of Carthage, Romans proceeded to conquer and rule the western region north of the Tagus, which they named Roman "Lusitania." In the fourth century CE, as Rome's rule weakened, the area experienced yet another invasion—Germanic tribes, principally the Suevi, who eventually were Christianized. During the sixth century CE, the Suevi kingdom was superseded by yet another Germanic tribe—the Christian Visigoths.
       A major turning point in Portugal's history came in 711, as Muslim armies from North Africa, consisting of both Arab and Berber elements, invaded the Iberian Peninsula from across the Straits of Gibraltar. They entered what is now Portugal in 714, and proceeded to conquer most of the country except for the far north. For the next half a millennium, Islam and Muslim presence in Portugal left a significant mark upon the politics, government, language, and culture of the country.
       Islam, Reconquest, and Portugal Created, 714-1140
       The long frontier struggle between Muslim invaders and Christian communities in the north of the Iberian peninsula was called the Reconquista (Reconquest). It was during this struggle that the first dynasty of Portuguese kings (Burgundian) emerged and the independent monarchy of Portugal was established. Christian forces moved south from what is now the extreme north of Portugal and gradually defeated Muslim forces, besieging and capturing towns under Muslim sway. In the ninth century, as Christian forces slowly made their way southward, Christian elements were dominant only in the area between Minho province and the Douro River; this region became known as "territorium Portu-calense."
       In the 11th century, the advance of the Reconquest quickened as local Christian armies were reinforced by crusading knights from what is now France and England. Christian forces took Montemor (1034), at the Mondego River; Lamego (1058); Viseu (1058); and Coimbra (1064). In 1095, the king of Castile and Léon granted the country of "Portu-cale," what became northern Portugal, to a Burgundian count who had emigrated from France. This was the foundation of Portugal. In 1139, a descendant of this count, Afonso Henriques, proclaimed himself "King of Portugal." He was Portugal's first monarch, the "Founder," and the first of the Burgundian dynasty, which ruled until 1385.
       The emergence of Portugal in the 12th century as a separate monarchy in Iberia occurred before the Christian Reconquest of the peninsula. In the 1140s, the pope in Rome recognized Afonso Henriques as king of Portugal. In 1147, after a long, bloody siege, Muslim-occupied Lisbon fell to Afonso Henriques's army. Lisbon was the greatest prize of the 500-year war. Assisting this effort were English crusaders on their way to the Holy Land; the first bishop of Lisbon was an Englishman. When the Portuguese captured Faro and Silves in the Algarve province in 1248-50, the Reconquest of the extreme western portion of the Iberian peninsula was complete—significantly, more than two centuries before the Spanish crown completed the Reconquest of the eastern portion by capturing Granada in 1492.
       Consolidation and Independence of Burgundian Portugal, 1140-1385
       Two main themes of Portugal's early existence as a monarchy are the consolidation of control over the realm and the defeat of a Castil-ian threat from the east to its independence. At the end of this period came the birth of a new royal dynasty (Aviz), which prepared to carry the Christian Reconquest beyond continental Portugal across the straits of Gibraltar to North Africa. There was a variety of motives behind these developments. Portugal's independent existence was imperiled by threats from neighboring Iberian kingdoms to the north and east. Politics were dominated not only by efforts against the Muslims in
       Portugal (until 1250) and in nearby southern Spain (until 1492), but also by internecine warfare among the kingdoms of Castile, Léon, Aragon, and Portugal. A final comeback of Muslim forces was defeated at the battle of Salado (1340) by allied Castilian and Portuguese forces. In the emerging Kingdom of Portugal, the monarch gradually gained power over and neutralized the nobility and the Church.
       The historic and commonplace Portuguese saying "From Spain, neither a good wind nor a good marriage" was literally played out in diplomacy and war in the late 14th-century struggles for mastery in the peninsula. Larger, more populous Castile was pitted against smaller Portugal. Castile's Juan I intended to force a union between Castile and Portugal during this era of confusion and conflict. In late 1383, Portugal's King Fernando, the last king of the Burgundian dynasty, suddenly died prematurely at age 38, and the Master of Aviz, Portugal's most powerful nobleman, took up the cause of independence and resistance against Castile's invasion. The Master of Aviz, who became King João I of Portugal, was able to obtain foreign assistance. With the aid of English archers, Joao's armies defeated the Castilians in the crucial battle of Aljubarrota, on 14 August 1385, a victory that assured the independence of the Portuguese monarchy from its Castilian nemesis for several centuries.
       Aviz Dynasty and Portugal's First Overseas Empire, 1385-1580
       The results of the victory at Aljubarrota, much celebrated in Portugal's art and monuments, and the rise of the Aviz dynasty also helped to establish a new merchant class in Lisbon and Oporto, Portugal's second city. This group supported King João I's program of carrying the Reconquest to North Africa, since it was interested in expanding Portugal's foreign commerce and tapping into Muslim trade routes and resources in Africa. With the Reconquest against the Muslims completed in Portugal and the threat from Castile thwarted for the moment, the Aviz dynasty launched an era of overseas conquest, exploration, and trade. These efforts dominated Portugal's 15th and 16th centuries.
       The overseas empire and age of Discoveries began with Portugal's bold conquest in 1415 of the Moroccan city of Ceuta. One royal member of the 1415 expedition was young, 21-year-old Prince Henry, later known in history as "Prince Henry the Navigator." His part in the capture of Ceuta won Henry his knighthood and began Portugal's "Marvelous Century," during which the small kingdom was counted as a European and world power of consequence. Henry was the son of King João I and his English queen, Philippa of Lancaster, but he did not inherit the throne. Instead, he spent most of his life and his fortune, and that of the wealthy military Order of Christ, on various imperial ventures and on voyages of exploration down the African coast and into the Atlantic. While mythology has surrounded Henry's controversial role in the Discoveries, and this role has been exaggerated, there is no doubt that he played a vital part in the initiation of Portugal's first overseas empire and in encouraging exploration. He was naturally curious, had a sense of mission for Portugal, and was a strong leader. He also had wealth to expend; at least a third of the African voyages of the time were under his sponsorship. If Prince Henry himself knew little science, significant scientific advances in navigation were made in his day.
       What were Portugal's motives for this new imperial effort? The well-worn historical cliche of "God, Glory, and Gold" can only partly explain the motivation of a small kingdom with few natural resources and barely 1 million people, which was greatly outnumbered by the other powers it confronted. Among Portuguese objectives were the desire to exploit known North African trade routes and resources (gold, wheat, leather, weaponry, and other goods that were scarce in Iberia); the need to outflank the Muslim world in the Mediterranean by sailing around Africa, attacking Muslims en route; and the wish to ally with Christian kingdoms beyond Africa. This enterprise also involved a strategy of breaking the Venetian spice monopoly by trading directly with the East by means of discovering and exploiting a sea route around Africa to Asia. Besides the commercial motives, Portugal nurtured a strong crusading sense of Christian mission, and various classes in the kingdom saw an opportunity for fame and gain.
       By the time of Prince Henry's death in 1460, Portugal had gained control of the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Madeiras, begun to colonize the Cape Verde Islands, failed to conquer the Canary Islands from Castile, captured various cities on Morocco's coast, and explored as far as Senegal, West Africa, down the African coast. By 1488, Bar-tolomeu Dias had rounded the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa and thereby discovered the way to the Indian Ocean.
       Portugal's largely coastal African empire and later its fragile Asian empire brought unexpected wealth but were purchased at a high price. Costs included wars of conquest and defense against rival powers, manning the far-flung navel and trade fleets and scattered castle-fortresses, and staffing its small but fierce armies, all of which entailed a loss of skills and population to maintain a scattered empire. Always short of capital, the monarchy became indebted to bankers. There were many defeats beginning in the 16th century at the hands of the larger imperial European monarchies (Spain, France, England, and Holland) and many attacks on Portugal and its strung-out empire. Typically, there was also the conflict that arose when a tenuously held world empire that rarely if ever paid its way demanded finance and manpower Portugal itself lacked.
       The first 80 years of the glorious imperial era, the golden age of Portugal's imperial power and world influence, was an African phase. During 1415-88, Portuguese navigators and explorers in small ships, some of them caravelas (caravels), explored the treacherous, disease-ridden coasts of Africa from Morocco to South Africa beyond the Cape of Good Hope. By the 1470s, the Portuguese had reached the Gulf of Guinea and, in the early 1480s, what is now Angola. Bartolomeu Dias's extraordinary voyage of 1487-88 to South Africa's coast and the edge of the Indian Ocean convinced Portugal that the best route to Asia's spices and Christians lay south, around the tip of southern Africa. Between 1488 and 1495, there was a hiatus caused in part by domestic conflict in Portugal, discussion of resources available for further conquests beyond Africa in Asia, and serious questions as to Portugal's capacity to reach beyond Africa. In 1495, King Manuel and his council decided to strike for Asia, whatever the consequences. In 1497-99, Vasco da Gama, under royal orders, made the epic two-year voyage that discovered the sea route to western India (Asia), outflanked Islam and Venice, and began Portugal's Asian empire. Within 50 years, Portugal had discovered and begun the exploitation of its largest colony, Brazil, and set up forts and trading posts from the Middle East (Aden and Ormuz), India (Calicut, Goa, etc.), Malacca, and Indonesia to Macau in China.
       By the 1550s, parts of its largely coastal, maritime trading post empire from Morocco to the Moluccas were under siege from various hostile forces, including Muslims, Christians, and Hindi. Although Moroccan forces expelled the Portuguese from the major coastal cities by 1550, the rival European monarchies of Castile (Spain), England, France, and later Holland began to seize portions of her undermanned, outgunned maritime empire.
       In 1580, Phillip II of Spain, whose mother was a Portuguese princess and who had a strong claim to the Portuguese throne, invaded Portugal, claimed the throne, and assumed control over the realm and, by extension, its African, Asian, and American empires. Phillip II filled the power vacuum that appeared in Portugal following the loss of most of Portugal's army and its young, headstrong King Sebastião in a disastrous war in Morocco. Sebastiao's death in battle (1578) and the lack of a natural heir to succeed him, as well as the weak leadership of the cardinal who briefly assumed control in Lisbon, led to a crisis that Spain's strong monarch exploited. As a result, Portugal lost its independence to Spain for a period of 60 years.
       Portugal under Spanish Rule, 1580-1640
       Despite the disastrous nature of Portugal's experience under Spanish rule, "The Babylonian Captivity" gave birth to modern Portuguese nationalism, its second overseas empire, and its modern alliance system with England. Although Spain allowed Portugal's weakened empire some autonomy, Spanish rule in Portugal became increasingly burdensome and unacceptable. Spain's ambitious imperial efforts in Europe and overseas had an impact on the Portuguese as Spain made greater and greater demands on its smaller neighbor for manpower and money. Portugal's culture underwent a controversial Castilianization, while its empire became hostage to Spain's fortunes. New rival powers England, France, and Holland attacked and took parts of Spain's empire and at the same time attacked Portugal's empire, as well as the mother country.
       Portugal's empire bore the consequences of being attacked by Spain's bitter enemies in what was a form of world war. Portuguese losses were heavy. By 1640, Portugal had lost most of its Moroccan cities as well as Ceylon, the Moluccas, and sections of India. With this, Portugal's Asian empire was gravely weakened. Only Goa, Damão, Diu, Bombay, Timor, and Macau remained and, in Brazil, Dutch forces occupied the northeast.
       On 1 December 1640, long commemorated as a national holiday, Portuguese rebels led by the duke of Braganza overthrew Spanish domination and took advantage of Spanish weakness following a more serious rebellion in Catalonia. Portugal regained independence from Spain, but at a price: dependence on foreign assistance to maintain its independence in the form of the renewal of the alliance with England.
       Restoration and Second Empire, 1640-1822
       Foreign affairs and empire dominated the restoration era and aftermath, and Portugal again briefly enjoyed greater European power and prestige. The Anglo-Portuguese Alliance was renewed and strengthened in treaties of 1642, 1654, and 1661, and Portugal's independence from Spain was underwritten by English pledges and armed assistance. In a Luso-Spanish treaty of 1668, Spain recognized Portugal's independence. Portugal's alliance with England was a marriage of convenience and necessity between two monarchies with important religious, cultural, and social differences. In return for legal, diplomatic, and trade privileges, as well as the use during war and peace of Portugal's great Lisbon harbor and colonial ports for England's navy, England pledged to protect Portugal and its scattered empire from any attack. The previously cited 17th-century alliance treaties were renewed later in the Treaty of Windsor, signed in London in 1899. On at least 10 different occasions after 1640, and during the next two centuries, England was central in helping prevent or repel foreign invasions of its ally, Portugal.
       Portugal's second empire (1640-1822) was largely Brazil-oriented. Portuguese colonization, exploitation of wealth, and emigration focused on Portuguese America, and imperial revenues came chiefly from Brazil. Between 1670 and 1740, Portugal's royalty and nobility grew wealthier on funds derived from Brazilian gold, diamonds, sugar, tobacco, and other crops, an enterprise supported by the Atlantic slave trade and the supply of African slave labor from West Africa and Angola. Visitors today can see where much of that wealth was invested: Portugal's rich legacy of monumental architecture. Meanwhile, the African slave trade took a toll in Angola and West Africa.
       In continental Portugal, absolutist monarchy dominated politics and government, and there was a struggle for position and power between the monarchy and other institutions, such as the Church and nobility. King José I's chief minister, usually known in history as the marquis of Pombal (ruled 1750-77), sharply suppressed the nobility and the
       Church (including the Inquisition, now a weak institution) and expelled the Jesuits. Pombal also made an effort to reduce economic dependence on England, Portugal's oldest ally. But his successes did not last much beyond his disputed time in office.
       Beginning in the late 18th century, the European-wide impact of the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon placed Portugal in a vulnerable position. With the monarchy ineffectively led by an insane queen (Maria I) and her indecisive regent son (João VI), Portugal again became the focus of foreign ambition and aggression. With England unable to provide decisive assistance in time, France—with Spain's consent—invaded Portugal in 1807. As Napoleon's army under General Junot entered Lisbon meeting no resistance, Portugal's royal family fled on a British fleet to Brazil, where it remained in exile until 1821. In the meantime, Portugal's overseas empire was again under threat. There was a power vacuum as the monarch was absent, foreign armies were present, and new political notions of liberalism and constitutional monarchy were exciting various groups of citizens.
       Again England came to the rescue, this time in the form of the armies of the duke of Wellington. Three successive French invasions of Portugal were defeated and expelled, and Wellington succeeded in carrying the war against Napoleon across the Portuguese frontier into Spain. The presence of the English army, the new French-born liberal ideas, and the political vacuum combined to create revolutionary conditions. The French invasions and the peninsular wars, where Portuguese armed forces played a key role, marked the beginning of a new era in politics.
       Liberalism and Constitutional Monarchy, 1822-1910
       During 1807-22, foreign invasions, war, and civil strife over conflicting political ideas gravely damaged Portugal's commerce, economy, and novice industry. The next terrible blow was the loss of Brazil in 1822, the jewel in the imperial crown. Portugal's very independence seemed to be at risk. In vain, Portugal sought to resist Brazilian independence by force, but in 1825 it formally acknowledged Brazilian independence by treaty.
       Portugal's slow recovery from the destructive French invasions and the "war of independence" was complicated by civil strife over the form of constitutional monarchy that best suited Portugal. After struggles over these issues between 1820 and 1834, Portugal settled somewhat uncertainly into a moderate constitutional monarchy whose constitution (Charter of 1826) lent it strong political powers to exert a moderating influence between the executive and legislative branches of the government. It also featured a new upper middle class based on land ownership and commerce; a Catholic Church that, although still important, lived with reduced privileges and property; a largely African (third) empire to which Lisbon and Oporto devoted increasing spiritual and material resources, starting with the liberal imperial plans of 1836 and 1851, and continuing with the work of institutions like the Lisbon Society of Geography (established 1875); and a mass of rural peasants whose bonds to the land weakened after 1850 and who began to immigrate in increasing numbers to Brazil and North America.
       Chronic military intervention in national politics began in 19th-century Portugal. Such intervention, usually commencing with coups or pronunciamentos (military revolts), was a shortcut to the spoils of political office and could reflect popular discontent as well as the power of personalities. An early example of this was the 1817 golpe (coup) attempt of General Gomes Freire against British military rule in Portugal before the return of King João VI from Brazil. Except for a more stable period from 1851 to 1880, military intervention in politics, or the threat thereof, became a feature of the constitutional monarchy's political life, and it continued into the First Republic and the subsequent Estado Novo.
       Beginning with the Regeneration period (1851-80), Portugal experienced greater political stability and economic progress. Military intervention in politics virtually ceased; industrialization and construction of railroads, roads, and bridges proceeded; two political parties (Regenerators and Historicals) worked out a system of rotation in power; and leading intellectuals sparked a cultural revival in several fields. In 19th-century literature, there was a new golden age led by such figures as Alexandre Herculano (historian), Eça de Queirós (novelist), Almeida Garrett (playwright and essayist), Antero de Quental (poet), and Joaquim Oliveira Martins (historian and social scientist). In its third overseas empire, Portugal attempted to replace the slave trade and slavery with legitimate economic activities; to reform the administration; and to expand Portuguese holdings beyond coastal footholds deep into the African hinterlands in West, West Central, and East Africa. After 1841, to some extent, and especially after 1870, colonial affairs, combined with intense nationalism, pressures for economic profit in Africa, sentiment for national revival, and the drift of European affairs would make or break Lisbon governments.
       Beginning with the political crisis that arose out of the "English Ultimatum" affair of January 1890, the monarchy became discredtted and identified with the poorly functioning government, political parties splintered, and republicanism found more supporters. Portugal participated in the "Scramble for Africa," expanding its African holdings, but failed to annex territory connecting Angola and Mozambique. A growing foreign debt and state bankruptcy as of the early 1890s damaged the constitutional monarchy's reputation, despite the efforts of King Carlos in diplomacy, the renewal of the alliance in the Windsor Treaty of 1899, and the successful if bloody colonial wars in the empire (1880-97). Republicanism proclaimed that Portugal's weak economy and poor society were due to two historic institutions: the monarchy and the Catholic Church. A republic, its stalwarts claimed, would bring greater individual liberty; efficient, if more decentralized government; and a stronger colonial program while stripping the Church of its role in both society and education.
       As the monarchy lost support and republicans became more aggressive, violence increased in politics. King Carlos I and his heir Luís were murdered in Lisbon by anarchist-republicans on 1 February 1908. Following a military and civil insurrection and fighting between monarchist and republican forces, on 5 October 1910, King Manuel II fled Portugal and a republic was proclaimed.
       First Parliamentary Republic, 1910-26
       Portugal's first attempt at republican government was the most unstable, turbulent parliamentary republic in the history of 20th-century Western Europe. During a little under 16 years of the republic, there were 45 governments, a number of legislatures that did not complete normal terms, military coups, and only one president who completed his four-year term in office. Portuguese society was poorly prepared for this political experiment. Among the deadly legacies of the monarchy were a huge public debt; a largely rural, apolitical, and illiterate peasant population; conflict over the causes of the country's misfortunes; and lack of experience with a pluralist, democratic system.
       The republic had some talented leadership but lacked popular, institutional, and economic support. The 1911 republican constitution established only a limited democracy, as only a small portion of the adult male citizenry was eligible to vote. In a country where the majority was Catholic, the republic passed harshly anticlerical laws, and its institutions and supporters persecuted both the Church and its adherents. During its brief disjointed life, the First Republic drafted important reform plans in economic, social, and educational affairs; actively promoted development in the empire; and pursued a liberal, generous foreign policy. Following British requests for Portugal's assistance in World War I, Portugal entered the war on the Allied side in March 1916 and sent armies to Flanders and Portuguese Africa. Portugal's intervention in that conflict, however, was too costly in many respects, and the ultimate failure of the republic in part may be ascribed to Portugal's World War I activities.
       Unfortunately for the republic, its time coincided with new threats to Portugal's African possessions: World War I, social and political demands from various classes that could not be reconciled, excessive military intervention in politics, and, in particular, the worst economic and financial crisis Portugal had experienced since the 16th and 17th centuries. After the original Portuguese Republican Party (PRP, also known as the "Democrats") splintered into three warring groups in 1912, no true multiparty system emerged. The Democrats, except for only one or two elections, held an iron monopoly of electoral power, and political corruption became a major issue. As extreme right-wing dictatorships elsewhere in Europe began to take power in Italy (1922), neighboring Spain (1923), and Greece (1925), what scant popular support remained for the republic collapsed. Backed by a right-wing coalition of landowners from Alentejo, clergy, Coimbra University faculty and students, Catholic organizations, and big business, career military officers led by General Gomes da Costa executed a coup on 28 May 1926, turned out the last republican government, and established a military government.
       The Estado Novo (New State), 1926-74
       During the military phase (1926-32) of the Estado Novo, professional military officers, largely from the army, governed and administered Portugal and held key cabinet posts, but soon discovered that the military possessed no magic formula that could readily solve the problems inherited from the First Republic. Especially during the years 1926-31, the military dictatorship, even with its political repression of republican activities and institutions (military censorship of the press, political police action, and closure of the republic's rowdy parliament), was characterized by similar weaknesses: personalism and factionalism; military coups and political instability, including civil strife and loss of life; state debt and bankruptcy; and a weak economy. "Barracks parliamentarism" was not an acceptable alternative even to the "Nightmare Republic."
       Led by General Óscar Carmona, who had replaced and sent into exile General Gomes da Costa, the military dictatorship turned to a civilian expert in finance and economics to break the budget impasse and bring coherence to the disorganized system. Appointed minister of finance on 27 April 1928, the Coimbra University Law School professor of economics Antônio de Oliveira Salazar (1889-1970) first reformed finance, helped balance the budget, and then turned to other concerns as he garnered extraordinary governing powers. In 1930, he was appointed interim head of another key ministry (Colonies) and within a few years had become, in effect, a civilian dictator who, with the military hierarchy's support, provided the government with coherence, a program, and a set of policies.
       For nearly 40 years after he was appointed the first civilian prime minister in 1932, Salazar's personality dominated the government. Unlike extreme right-wing dictators elsewhere in Europe, Salazar was directly appointed by the army but was never endorsed by a popular political party, street militia, or voter base. The scholarly, reclusive former Coimbra University professor built up what became known after 1932 as the Estado Novo ("New State"), which at the time of its overthrow by another military coup in 1974, was the longest surviving authoritarian regime in Western Europe. The system of Salazar and the largely academic and technocratic ruling group he gathered in his cabinets was based on the central bureaucracy of the state, which was supported by the president of the republic—always a senior career military officer, General Óscar Carmona (1928-51), General Craveiro Lopes (1951-58), and Admiral Américo Tómaz (1958-74)—and the complicity of various institutions. These included a rubber-stamp legislature called the National Assembly (1935-74) and a political police known under various names: PVDE (1932-45), PIDE (1945-69),
       and DGS (1969-74). Other defenders of the Estado Novo security were paramilitary organizations such as the National Republican Guard (GNR); the Portuguese Legion (PL); and the Portuguese Youth [Movement]. In addition to censorship of the media, theater, and books, there was political repression and a deliberate policy of depoliticization. All political parties except for the approved movement of regime loyalists, the União Nacional or (National Union), were banned.
       The most vigorous and more popular period of the New State was 1932-44, when the basic structures were established. Never monolithic or entirely the work of one person (Salazar), the New State was constructed with the assistance of several dozen top associates who were mainly academics from law schools, some technocrats with specialized skills, and a handful of trusted career military officers. The 1933 Constitution declared Portugal to be a "unitary, corporative Republic," and pressures to restore the monarchy were resisted. Although some of the regime's followers were fascists and pseudofascists, many more were conservative Catholics, integralists, nationalists, and monarchists of different varieties, and even some reactionary republicans. If the New State was authoritarian, it was not totalitarian and, unlike fascism in Benito Mussolini's Italy or Adolf Hitler's Germany, it usually employed the minimum of violence necessary to defeat what remained a largely fractious, incoherent opposition.
       With the tumultuous Second Republic and the subsequent civil war in nearby Spain, the regime felt threatened and reinforced its defenses. During what Salazar rightly perceived as a time of foreign policy crisis for Portugal (1936-45), he assumed control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From there, he pursued four basic foreign policy objectives: supporting the Nationalist rebels of General Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) and concluding defense treaties with a triumphant Franco; ensuring that General Franco in an exhausted Spain did not enter World War II on the Axis side; maintaining Portuguese neutrality in World War II with a post-1942 tilt toward the Allies, including granting Britain and the United States use of bases in the Azores Islands; and preserving and protecting Portugal's Atlantic Islands and its extensive, if poor, overseas empire in Africa and Asia.
       During the middle years of the New State (1944-58), many key Salazar associates in government either died or resigned, and there was greater social unrest in the form of unprecedented strikes and clandestine Communist activities, intensified opposition, and new threatening international pressures on Portugal's overseas empire. During the earlier phase of the Cold War (1947-60), Portugal became a steadfast, if weak, member of the US-dominated North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliance and, in 1955, with American support, Portugal joined the United Nations (UN). Colonial affairs remained a central concern of the regime. As of 1939, Portugal was the third largest colonial power in the world and possessed territories in tropical Africa (Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, and São Tomé and Príncipe Islands) and the remnants of its 16th-century empire in Asia (Goa, Damão, Diu, East Timor, and Macau). Beginning in the early 1950s, following the independence of India in 1947, Portugal resisted Indian pressures to decolonize Portuguese India and used police forces to discourage internal opposition in its Asian and African colonies.
       The later years of the New State (1958-68) witnessed the aging of the increasingly isolated but feared Salazar and new threats both at home and overseas. Although the regime easily overcame the brief oppositionist threat from rival presidential candidate General Humberto Delgado in the spring of 1958, new developments in the African and Asian empires imperiled the authoritarian system. In February 1961, oppositionists hijacked the Portuguese ocean liner Santa Maria and, in following weeks, African insurgents in northern Angola, although they failed to expel the Portuguese, gained worldwide media attention, discredited the New State, and began the 13-year colonial war. After thwarting a dissident military coup against his continued leadership, Salazar and his ruling group mobilized military repression in Angola and attempted to develop the African colonies at a faster pace in order to ensure Portuguese control. Meanwhile, the other European colonial powers (Britain, France, Belgium, and Spain) rapidly granted political independence to their African territories.
       At the time of Salazar's removal from power in September 1968, following a stroke, Portugal's efforts to maintain control over its colonies appeared to be successful. President Americo Tomás appointed Dr. Marcello Caetano as Salazar's successor as prime minister. While maintaining the New State's basic structures, and continuing the regime's essential colonial policy, Caetano attempted wider reforms in colonial administration and some devolution of power from Lisbon, as well as more freedom of expression in Lisbon. Still, a great deal of the budget was devoted to supporting the wars against the insurgencies in Africa. Meanwhile in Asia, Portuguese India had fallen when the Indian army invaded in December 1961. The loss of Goa was a psychological blow to the leadership of the New State, and of the Asian empire only East Timor and Macau remained.
       The Caetano years (1968-74) were but a hiatus between the waning Salazar era and a new regime. There was greater political freedom and rapid economic growth (5-6 percent annually to late 1973), but Caetano's government was unable to reform the old system thoroughly and refused to consider new methods either at home or in the empire. In the end, regime change came from junior officers of the professional military who organized the Armed Forces Movement (MFA) against the Caetano government. It was this group of several hundred officers, mainly in the army and navy, which engineered a largely bloodless coup in Lisbon on 25 April 1974. Their unexpected action brought down the 48-year-old New State and made possible the eventual establishment and consolidation of democratic governance in Portugal, as well as a reorientation of the country away from the Atlantic toward Europe.
       Revolution of Carnations, 1974-76
       Following successful military operations of the Armed Forces Movement against the Caetano government, Portugal experienced what became known as the "Revolution of Carnations." It so happened that during the rainy week of the military golpe, Lisbon flower shops were featuring carnations, and the revolutionaries and their supporters adopted the red carnation as the common symbol of the event, as well as of the new freedom from dictatorship. The MFA, whose leaders at first were mostly little-known majors and captains, proclaimed a three-fold program of change for the new Portugal: democracy; decolonization of the overseas empire, after ending the colonial wars; and developing a backward economy in the spirit of opportunity and equality. During the first 24 months after the coup, there was civil strife, some anarchy, and a power struggle. With the passing of the Estado Novo, public euphoria burst forth as the new provisional military government proclaimed the freedoms of speech, press, and assembly, and abolished censorship, the political police, the Portuguese Legion, Portuguese Youth, and other New State organizations, including the National Union. Scores of political parties were born and joined the senior political party, the Portuguese Community Party (PCP), and the Socialist Party (PS), founded shortly before the coup.
       Portugal's Revolution of Carnations went through several phases. There was an attempt to take control by radical leftists, including the PCP and its allies. This was thwarted by moderate officers in the army, as well as by the efforts of two political parties: the PS and the Social Democrats (PPD, later PSD). The first phase was from April to September 1974. Provisional president General Antonio Spínola, whose 1974 book Portugal and the Future had helped prepare public opinion for the coup, met irresistible leftist pressures. After Spinola's efforts to avoid rapid decolonization of the African empire failed, he resigned in September 1974. During the second phase, from September 1974 to March 1975, radical military officers gained control, but a coup attempt by General Spínola and his supporters in Lisbon in March 1975 failed and Spínola fled to Spain.
       In the third phase of the Revolution, March-November 1975, a strong leftist reaction followed. Farm workers occupied and "nationalized" 1.1 million hectares of farmland in the Alentejo province, and radical military officers in the provisional government ordered the nationalization of Portuguese banks (foreign banks were exempted), utilities, and major industries, or about 60 percent of the economic system. There were power struggles among various political parties — a total of 50 emerged—and in the streets there was civil strife among labor, military, and law enforcement groups. A constituent assembly, elected on 25 April 1975, in Portugal's first free elections since 1926, drafted a democratic constitution. The Council of the Revolution (CR), briefly a revolutionary military watchdog committee, was entrenched as part of the government under the constitution, until a later revision. During the chaotic year of 1975, about 30 persons were killed in political frays while unstable provisional governments came and went. On 25 November 1975, moderate military forces led by Colonel Ramalho Eanes, who later was twice elected president of the republic (1976 and 1981), defeated radical, leftist military groups' revolutionary conspiracies.
       In the meantime, Portugal's scattered overseas empire experienced a precipitous and unprepared decolonization. One by one, the former colonies were granted and accepted independence—Guinea-Bissau (September 1974), Cape Verde Islands (July 1975), and Mozambique (July 1975). Portugal offered to turn over Macau to the People's Republic of China, but the offer was refused then and later negotiations led to the establishment of a formal decolonization or hand-over date of 1999. But in two former colonies, the process of decolonization had tragic results.
       In Angola, decolonization negotiations were greatly complicated by the fact that there were three rival nationalist movements in a struggle for power. The January 1975 Alvor Agreement signed by Portugal and these three parties was not effectively implemented. A bloody civil war broke out in Angola in the spring of 1975 and, when Portuguese armed forces withdrew and declared that Angola was independent on 11 November 1975, the bloodshed only increased. Meanwhile, most of the white Portuguese settlers from Angola and Mozambique fled during the course of 1975. Together with African refugees, more than 600,000 of these retornados ("returned ones") went by ship and air to Portugal and thousands more to Namibia, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, and the United States.
       The second major decolonization disaster was in Portugal's colony of East Timor in the Indonesian archipelago. Portugal's capacity to supervise and control a peaceful transition to independence in this isolated, neglected colony was limited by the strength of giant Indonesia, distance from Lisbon, and Portugal's revolutionary disorder and inability to defend Timor. In early December 1975, before Portugal granted formal independence and as one party, FRETILIN, unilaterally declared East Timor's independence, Indonesia's armed forces invaded, conquered, and annexed East Timor. Indonesian occupation encountered East Timorese resistance, and a heavy loss of life followed. The East Timor question remained a contentious international issue in the UN, as well as in Lisbon and Jakarta, for more than 20 years following Indonesia's invasion and annexation of the former colony of Portugal. Major changes occurred, beginning in 1998, after Indonesia underwent a political revolution and allowed a referendum in East Timor to decide that territory's political future in August 1999. Most East Timorese chose independence, but Indonesian forces resisted that verdict until
       UN intervention in September 1999. Following UN rule for several years, East Timor attained full independence on 20 May 2002.
       Consolidation of Democracy, 1976-2000
       After several free elections and record voter turnouts between 25 April 1975 and June 1976, civil war was averted and Portugal's second democratic republic began to stabilize. The MFA was dissolved, the military were returned to the barracks, and increasingly elected civilians took over the government of the country. The 1976 Constitution was revised several times beginning in 1982 and 1989, in order to reempha-size the principle of free enterprise in the economy while much of the large, nationalized sector was privatized. In June 1976, General Ram-alho Eanes was elected the first constitutional president of the republic (five-year term), and he appointed socialist leader Dr. Mário Soares as prime minister of the first constitutional government.
       From 1976 to 1985, Portugal's new system featured a weak economy and finances, labor unrest, and administrative and political instability. The difficult consolidation of democratic governance was eased in part by the strong currency and gold reserves inherited from the Estado Novo, but Lisbon seemed unable to cope with high unemployment, new debt, the complex impact of the refugees from Africa, world recession, and the agitation of political parties. Four major parties emerged from the maelstrom of 1974-75, except for the Communist Party, all newly founded. They were, from left to right, the Communists (PCP); the Socialists (PS), who managed to dominate governments and the legislature but not win a majority in the Assembly of the Republic; the Social Democrats (PSD); and the Christian Democrats (CDS). During this period, the annual growth rate was low (l-2 percent), and the nationalized sector of the economy stagnated.
       Enhanced economic growth, greater political stability, and more effective central government as of 1985, and especially 1987, were due to several developments. In 1977, Portugal applied for membership in the European Economic Community (EEC), now the European Union (EU) since 1993. In January 1986, with Spain, Portugal was granted membership, and economic and financial progress in the intervening years has been significantly influenced by the comparatively large investment, loans, technology, advice, and other assistance from the EEC. Low unemployment, high annual growth rates (5 percent), and moderate inflation have also been induced by the new political and administrative stability in Lisbon. Led by Prime Minister Cavaco Silva, an economist who was trained abroad, the PSD's strong organization, management, and electoral support since 1985 have assisted in encouraging economic recovery and development. In 1985, the PSD turned the PS out of office and won the general election, although they did not have an absolute majority of assembly seats. In 1986, Mário Soares was elected president of the republic, the first civilian to hold that office since the First Republic. In the elections of 1987 and 1991, however, the PSD was returned to power with clear majorities of over 50 percent of the vote.
       Although the PSD received 50.4 percent of the vote in the 1991 parliamentary elections and held a 42-seat majority in the Assembly of the Republic, the party began to lose public support following media revelations regarding corruption and complaints about Prime Minister Cavaco Silva's perceived arrogant leadership style. President Mário Soares voiced criticism of the PSD's seemingly untouchable majority and described a "tyranny of the majority." Economic growth slowed down. In the parliamentary elections of 1995 and the presidential election of 1996, the PSD's dominance ended for the time being. Prime Minister Antônio Guterres came to office when the PS won the October 1995 elections, and in the subsequent presidential contest, in January 1996, socialist Jorge Sampaio, the former mayor of Lisbon, was elected president of the republic, thus defeating Cavaco Silva's bid. Young and popular, Guterres moved the PS toward the center of the political spectrum. Under Guterres, the PS won the October 1999 parliamentary elections. The PS defeated the PSD but did not manage to win a clear, working majority of seats, and this made the PS dependent upon alliances with smaller parties, including the PCP.
       In the local elections in December 2001, the PSD's criticism of PS's heavy public spending allowed the PSD to take control of the key cities of Lisbon, Oporto, and Coimbra. Guterres resigned, and parliamentary elections were brought forward from 2004 to March 2002. The PSD won a narrow victory with 40 percent of the votes, and Jose Durão Barroso became prime minister. Having failed to win a majority of the seats in parliament forced the PSD to govern in coalition with the right-wing Popular Party (PP) led by Paulo Portas. Durão Barroso set about reducing government spending by cutting the budgets of local authorities, freezing civil service hiring, and reviving the economy by accelerating privatization of state-owned enterprises. These measures provoked a 24-hour strike by public-sector workers. Durão Barroso reacted with vows to press ahead with budget-cutting measures and imposed a wage freeze on all employees earning more than €1,000, which affected more than one-half of Portugal's work force.
       In June 2004, Durão Barroso was invited by Romano Prodi to succeed him as president of the European Commission. Durão Barroso accepted and resigned the prime ministership in July. Pedro Santana Lopes, the leader of the PSD, became prime minister. Already unpopular at the time of Durão Barroso's resignation, the PSD-led government became increasingly unpopular under Santana Lopes. A month-long delay in the start of the school year and confusion over his plan to cut taxes and raise public-sector salaries, eroded confidence even more. By November, Santana Lopes's government was so unpopular that President Jorge Sampaio was obliged to dissolve parliament and hold new elections, two years ahead of schedule.
       Parliamentary elections were held on 20 February 2005. The PS, which had promised the electorate disciplined and transparent governance, educational reform, the alleviation of poverty, and a boost in employment, won 45 percent of the vote and the majority of the seats in parliament. The leader of the PS, José Sôcrates became prime minister on 12 March 2005. In the regularly scheduled presidential elections held on 6 January 2006, the former leader of the PSD and prime minister, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, won a narrow victory and became president on 9 March 2006. With a mass protest, public teachers' strike, and street demonstrations in March 2008, Portugal's media, educational, and social systems experienced more severe pressures. With the spreading global recession beginning in September 2008, Portugal's economic and financial systems became more troubled.
       Owing to its geographic location on the southwestern most edge of continental Europe, Portugal has been historically in but not of Europe. Almost from the beginning of its existence in the 12th century as an independent monarchy, Portugal turned its back on Europe and oriented itself toward the Atlantic Ocean. After carving out a Christian kingdom on the western portion of the Iberian peninsula, Portuguese kings gradually built and maintained a vast seaborne global empire that became central to the way Portugal understood its individuality as a nation-state. While the creation of this empire allows Portugal to claim an unusual number of "firsts" or distinctions in world and Western history, it also retarded Portugal's economic, social, and political development. It can be reasonably argued that the Revolution of 25 April 1974 was the most decisive event in Portugal's long history because it finally ended Portugal's oceanic mission and view of itself as an imperial power. After the 1974 Revolution, Portugal turned away from its global mission and vigorously reoriented itself toward Europe. Contemporary Portugal is now both in and of Europe.
       The turn toward Europe began immediately after 25 April 1974. Portugal granted independence to its African colonies in 1975. It was admitted to the European Council and took the first steps toward accession to the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1976. On 28 March 1977, the Portuguese government officially applied for EEC membership. Because of Portugal's economic and social backwardness, which would require vast sums of EEC money to overcome, negotiations for membership were long and difficult. Finally, a treaty of accession was signed on 12 June 1985. Portugal officially joined the EEC (the European Union [EU] since 1993) on 1 January 1986. Since becoming a full-fledged member of the EU, Portugal has been steadily overcoming the economic and social underdevelopment caused by its imperial past and is becoming more like the rest of Europe.
       Membership in the EU has speeded up the structural transformation of Portugal's economy, which actually began during the Estado Novo. Investments made by the Estado Novo in Portugal's economy began to shift employment out of the agricultural sector, which, in 1950, accounted for 50 percent of Portugal's economically active population. Today, only 10 percent of the economically active population is employed in the agricultural sector (the highest among EU member states); 30 percent in the industrial sector (also the highest among EU member states); and 60 percent in the service sector (the lowest among EU member states). The economically active population numbers about 5,000,000 employed, 56 percent of whom are women. Women workers are the majority of the workforce in the agricultural and service sectors (the highest among the EU member states). The expansion of the service sector has been primarily in health care and education. Portugal has had the lowest unemployment rates among EU member states, with the overall rate never being more than 10 percent of the active population. Since joining the EU, the number of employers increased from 2.6 percent to 5.8 percent of the active population; self-employed from 16 to 19 percent; and employees from 65 to 70 percent. Twenty-six percent of the employers are women. Unemployment tends to hit younger workers in industry and transportation, women employed in domestic service, workers on short-term contracts, and poorly educated workers. Salaried workers earn only 63 percent of the EU average, and hourly workers only one-third to one-half of that earned by their EU counterparts. Despite having had the second highest growth of gross national product (GNP) per inhabitant (after Ireland) among EU member states, the above data suggest that while much has been accomplished in terms of modernizing the Portuguese economy, much remains to be done to bring Portugal's economy up to the level of the "average" EU member state.
       Membership in the EU has also speeded up changes in Portuguese society. Over the last 30 years, coastalization and urbanization have intensified. Fully 50 percent of Portuguese live in the coastal urban conurbations of Lisbon, Oporto, Braga, Aveiro, Coimbra, Viseu, Évora, and Faro. The Portuguese population is one of the oldest among EU member states (17.3 percent are 65 years of age or older) thanks to a considerable increase in life expectancy at birth (77.87 years for the total population, 74.6 years for men, 81.36 years for women) and one of the lowest birthrates (10.59 births/1,000) in Europe. Family size averages 2.8 persons per household, with the strict nuclear family (one or two generations) in which both parents work being typical. Common law marriages, cohabitating couples, and single-parent households are more and more common. The divorce rate has also increased. "Youth Culture" has developed. The young have their own meeting places, leisure-time activities, and nightlife (bars, clubs, and discos).
       All Portuguese citizens, whether they have contributed or not, have a right to an old-age pension, invalidity benefits, widowed persons' pension, as well as payments for disabilities, children, unemployment, and large families. There is a national minimum wage (€385 per month), which is low by EU standards. The rapid aging of Portugal's population has changed the ratio of contributors to pensioners to 1.7, the lowest in the EU. This has created deficits in Portugal's social security fund.
       The adult literacy rate is about 92 percent. Illiteracy is still found among the elderly. Although universal compulsory education up to grade 9 was achieved in 1980, only 21.2 percent of the population aged 25-64 had undergone secondary education, compared to an EU average of 65.7 percent. Portugal's higher education system currently consists of 14 state universities and 14 private universities, 15 state polytechnic institutions, one Catholic university, and one military academy. All in all, Portugal spends a greater percentage of its state budget on education than most EU member states. Despite this high level of expenditure, the troubled Portuguese education system does not perform well. Early leaving and repetition rates are among the highest among EU member states.
       After the Revolution of 25 April 1974, Portugal created a National Health Service, which today consists of 221 hospitals and 512 medical centers employing 33,751 doctors and 41,799 nurses. Like its education system, Portugal's medical system is inefficient. There are long waiting lists for appointments with specialists and for surgical procedures.
       Structural changes in Portugal's economy and society mean that social life in Portugal is not too different from that in other EU member states. A mass consumption society has been created. Televisions, telephones, refrigerators, cars, music equipment, mobile phones, and personal computers are commonplace. Sixty percent of Portuguese households possess at least one automobile, and 65 percent of Portuguese own their own home. Portuguese citizens are more aware of their legal rights than ever before. This has resulted in a trebling of the number of legal proceeding since 1960 and an eight-fold increase in the number of lawyers. In general, Portuguese society has become more permissive and secular; the Catholic Church and the armed forces are much less influential than in the past. Portugal's population is also much more culturally, religiously, and ethnically diverse, a consequence of the coming to Portugal of hundreds of thousands of immigrants, mainly from former African colonies.
       Portuguese are becoming more cosmopolitan and sophisticated through the impact of world media, the Internet, and the World Wide Web. A prime case in point came in the summer and early fall of 1999, with the extraordinary events in East Timor and the massive Portuguese popular responses. An internationally monitored referendum in East Timor, Portugal's former colony in the Indonesian archipelago and under Indonesian occupation from late 1975 to summer 1999, resulted in a vote of 78.5 percent for rejecting integration with Indonesia and for independence. When Indonesian prointegration gangs, aided by the Indonesian military, responded to the referendum with widespread brutality and threatened to reverse the verdict of the referendum, there was a spontaneous popular outpouring of protest in the cities and towns of Portugal. An avalanche of Portuguese e-mail fell on leaders and groups in the UN and in certain countries around the world as Portugal's diplomats, perhaps to compensate for the weak initial response to Indonesian armed aggression in 1975, called for the protection of East Timor as an independent state and for UN intervention to thwart Indonesian action. Using global communications networks, the Portuguese were able to mobilize UN and world public opinion against Indonesian actions and aided the eventual independence of East Timor on 20 May 2002.
       From the Revolution of 25 April 1974 until the 1990s, Portugal had a large number of political parties, one of the largest Communist parties in western Europe, frequent elections, and endemic cabinet instability. Since the 1990s, the number of political parties has been dramatically reduced and cabinet stability increased. Gradually, the Portuguese electorate has concentrated around two larger parties, the right-of-center Social Democrats (PSD) and the left-of-center Socialist (PS). In the 1980s, these two parties together garnered 65 percent of the vote and 70 percent of the seats in parliament. In 2005, these percentages had risen to 74 percent and 85 percent, respectively. In effect, Portugal is currently a two-party dominant system in which the two largest parties — PS and PSD—alternate in and out of power, not unlike the rotation of the two main political parties (the Regenerators and the Historicals) during the last decades (1850s to 1880s) of the liberal constitutional monarchy. As Portugal's democracy has consolidated, turnout rates for the eligible electorate have declined. In the 1970s, turnout was 85 percent. In Portugal's most recent parliamentary election (2005), turnout had fallen to 65 percent of the eligible electorate.
       Portugal has benefited greatly from membership in the EU, and whatever doubts remain about the price paid for membership, no Portuguese government in the near future can afford to sever this connection. The vast majority of Portuguese citizens see membership in the EU as a "good thing" and strongly believe that Portugal has benefited from membership. Only the Communist Party opposed membership because it reduces national sovereignty, serves the interests of capitalists not workers, and suffers from a democratic deficit. Despite the high level of support for the EU, Portuguese voters are increasingly not voting in elections for the European Parliament, however. Turnout for European Parliament elections fell from 40 percent of the eligible electorate in the 1999 elections to 38 percent in the 2004 elections.
       In sum, Portugal's turn toward Europe has done much to overcome its backwardness. However, despite the economic, social, and political progress made since 1986, Portugal has a long way to go before it can claim to be on a par with the level found even in Spain, much less the rest of western Europe. As Portugal struggles to move from underde-velopment, especially in the rural areas away from the coast, it must keep in mind the perils of too rapid modern development, which could damage two of its most precious assets: its scenery and environment. The growth and future prosperity of the economy will depend on the degree to which the government and the private sector will remain stewards of clean air, soil, water, and other finite resources on which the tourism industry depends and on which Portugal's world image as a unique place to visit rests. Currently, Portugal is investing heavily in renewable energy from solar, wind, and wave power in order to account for about 50 percent of its electricity needs by 2010. Portugal opened the world's largest solar power plant and the world's first commercial wave power farm in 2006.
       An American documentary film on Portugal produced in the 1970s described this little country as having "a Past in Search of a Future." In the years after the Revolution of 25 April 1974, it could be said that Portugal is now living in "a Present in Search of a Future." Increasingly, that future lies in Europe as an active and productive member of the EU.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Historical Portugal

  • 12 line

    1) ((a piece of) thread, cord, rope etc: She hung the washing on the line; a fishing-rod and line.) cuerda, cordel, sedal
    2) (a long, narrow mark, streak or stripe: She drew straight lines across the page; a dotted/wavy line.) línea
    3) (outline or shape especially relating to length or direction: The ship had very graceful lines; A dancer uses a mirror to improve his line.) línea
    4) (a groove on the skin; a wrinkle.) arruga
    5) (a row or group of objects or persons arranged side by side or one behind the other: The children stood in a line; a line of trees.) fila, hilera
    6) (a short letter: I'll drop him a line.) cuatro líneas
    7) (a series or group of persons which come one after the other especially in the same family: a line of kings.) linaje
    8) (a track or direction: He pointed out the line of the new road; a new line of research.) trazado
    9) (the railway or a single track of the railway: Passengers must cross the line by the bridge only.) vía
    10) (a continuous system (especially of pipes, electrical or telephone cables etc) connecting one place with another: a pipeline; a line of communication; All (telephone) lines are engaged.) cable, línea
    11) (a row of written or printed words: The letter contained only three lines; a poem of sixteen lines.) línea
    12) (a regular service of ships, aircraft etc: a shipping line.) compañía
    13) (a group or class (of goods for sale) or a field of activity, interest etc: This has been a very popular new line; Computers are not really my line.) línea, gama
    14) (an arrangement of troops, especially when ready to fight: fighting in the front line.) línea

    2. verb
    1) (to form lines along: Crowds lined the pavement to see the Queen.) ponerse en fila, hacer cola
    2) (to mark with lines.) dibujar rayas
    - linear
    - linesman
    - hard lines!
    - in line for
    - in
    - out of line with
    - line up
    - read between the lines

    1) (to cover on the inside: She lined the box with newspaper.) llenar, forrar
    2) (to put a lining in: She lined the dress with silk.) forrar, revestir
    line1 n
    1. línea / raya
    2. fila / hilera
    3. tendedero
    line2 vb
    1. ponerse en fila
    2. forrar
    1 (in general) línea
    hold the line, please un momento, por favor, no cuelgue
    3 (of text) línea, renglón nombre masculino; (of poetry) verso
    4 (row) fila, hilera
    6 (wrinkle) arruga
    8 (route) vía
    that's not my line! ¡eso no es especialidad mía!
    what's your line? ¿qué haces?, ¿de qué trabajas?
    10 familiar (story) rollo
    1 (draw lines on) dibujar rayas en
    the crowds lined the streets to greet the local hero la multitud se alineaba a lo largo de las calles para aclamar al héroe local
    all along the line (from the beginning) desde el principio 2 (in detail) con todo detalle
    hard lines! familiar ¡qué mala suerte!
    to be in line for estar a punto de recibir
    to be on the right lines ir por buen camino
    to be out of line figurative use no coincidir ( with, con)
    to bring somebody into line familiar pararle los pies a alguien
    to draw the line at something decir basta a algo
    to drop somebody a line familiar mandar cuatro líneas a alguien
    to fall into line cerrar filas
    to learn one's lines SMALLTHEATRE/SMALL aprenderse el papel
    to read between the lines leer entre líneas
    to stand in line SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL hacer cola
    to step out of line salirse de la fila 2 figurative use saltarse las reglas
    to take a tough line with somebody tener mano dura con alguien
    dotted line línea de puntos
    line drawing dibujo lineal
    line of fire línea de fuego
    line of vision campo visual
    line printer impresora de líneas
    1 (with material) forrar; (pipes) revestir
    2 (walls) llenar
    line ['laɪn] v, lined ; lining vt
    1) : forrar, cubrir
    to line a dress: forrar un vestido
    to line the walls: cubrir las paredes
    2) mark: rayar, trazar líneas en
    3) border: bordear
    4) align: alinear
    line vi
    to line up : ponerse in fila, hacer cola
    line n
    1) cord, rope: cuerda f
    2) wire: cable m
    power line: cable eléctrico
    3) : línea f (de teléfono)
    4) row: fila f, hilera f
    5) note: nota f, líneas fpl
    drop me a line: mándame unas líneas
    6) course: línea f
    line of inquiry: línea de investigación
    7) agreement: conformidad f
    to be in line with: ser conforme a
    to fall into line: estar de acuerdo
    8) occupation: ocupación f, rama f, especialidad f
    9) limit: línea f, límite m
    dividing line: línea divisoria
    to draw the line: fijar límites
    10) service: línea f
    bus line: línea de autobuses
    11) mark: línea f, arruga f (de la cara)
    andana s.f.
    cola s.f.
    cordel s.m.
    fila s.f.
    línea (Electrónica) s.f.
    línea s.f.
    ramo s.m.
    raya s.f.
    renglón s.m.
    retahila s.f.
    sarta s.f.
    trazo s.m.
    verso s.m.
    aforrar v.
    alinear v.
    arrugar v.
    forrar v.
    frisar v.
    rayar v.

    I laɪn
    1) c
    a) (mark, trace) línea f, raya f; ( Math) recta f

    to draw a line — trazar* una línea

    to put o draw a line through something — tachar algo

    to be on the line — (colloq) estar* en peligro, peligrar

    to lay it on the line — (colloq) no andarse* con rodeos

    to lay o put something on the line — (colloq) jugarse* algo; (before n)

    line drawingdibujo m lineal

    b) (on face, palm) línea f; ( wrinkle) arruga f
    a) c (boundary, border) línea f

    the county/state line — (AmE) (la línea de) la frontera del condado/estado

    to draw the line (at something): I don't mind untidiness, but I draw the line at this no me importa el desorden, pero esto es intolerable or esto ya es demasiado; one has to draw the line somewhere — en algún momento hay que decir basta

    b) c ( Sport) línea f; (before n)

    line judgejuez mf de línea

    c) c u ( contour) línea f
    a) c u (cable, rope) cuerda f; ( clothes o washing line) cuerda (de tender la ropa); ( fishing line) sedal m

    power linecable m eléctrico

    b) c ( Telec) línea f

    hold the line, please — no cuelgue or (CS tb) no corte, por favor

    4) c ( Transp)
    a) (company, service) línea f

    shipping line — línea de transportes marítimos, (compañía f) naviera f

    b) ( Rail) línea f; ( track) (BrE) vía f
    5) u c
    a) (path, direction) línea f

    it was right in my line of vision — me obstruía la visual; resistance

    b) (attitude, policy) postura f, línea f

    to take a firm/hard line (with somebody/on something) — adoptar una postura or línea firme/dura (con algn/con respecto a algo)

    she takes the line that... — su actitud es que...

    to toe o (AmE also) hew the line — acatar la disciplina

    c) (method, style)

    line of inquirylínea f de investigación

    I was thinking of something along the lines of... — pensaba en algo del tipo de or por el estilo de...

    6) c
    a) ( row) fila f, hilera f; ( queue) (AmE) cola f

    they formed a o fell into line behind their teacher — se pusieron en fila detrás del profesor

    to wait in line — (AmE) hacer* cola

    to get in line — (AmE) ponerse* en la cola

    to cut in line — (AmE) colarse* (fam), brincarse* or saltarse la cola (Méx fam)

    all/somewhere along the line: she's had bad luck all along the line ha tenido mala suerte desde el principio; we must have made a mistake somewhere along the line debemos de haber cometido un error en algún momento; in line with something: wages haven't risen in line with inflation los sueldos no han aumentado a la par de la inflación; the new measures are in line with government policy las nuevas medidas siguen la línea de la política del gobierno; out of line: that remark was out of line ese comentario estuvo fuera de lugar; their ideas were out of line with mine sus ideas no coincidían con las mías; to step out of line mostrar* disconformidad, desobedecer*; to bring somebody/something into line: he needs to be brought into line hay que llamarlo al orden or (fam) meterlo en vereda; the province was brought into line with the rest of the country la situación de la provincia se equiparó a la del resto del país; to fall in/into line: they had to fall in line with company policy tuvieron que aceptar or acatar la política de la compañía; to keep somebody in line — tener* a algn a raya; see also on line

    b) ( series) serie f
    c) ( succession) línea f
    7) c ( Mil) línea f
    a) c ( of text) línea f, renglón m; ( of poem) verso m

    new line — ( when dictating) punto y aparte

    to read between the linesleer* entre líneas

    b) lines pl ( Theat)
    c) ( note)

    to drop somebody a line — escribirle* a algn unas líneas

    9) c

    what line are you in? — ¿a qué te dedicas?

    b) ( of merchandise) línea f

    a) \<\<skirt/box\>\> forrar
    b) ( form lining along) cubrir*

    books lined the walls, the walls were lined with books — las paredes estaban cubiertas de libros

    2) ( mark with lines) \<\<paper\>\> rayar
    3) ( border)
    Phrasal Verbs:

    I [laɪn]
    1. N
    1) (gen) línea f; (drawn) raya f

    to draw a line — trazar una línea

    there's a fine or thin line between genius and madness — la línea que separa la genialidad de la locura es muy sutil

    line of latitude/ longitudelínea f de latitud/longitud

    to put a line through sth — tachar or (LAm) rayar algo

    the Line — (Geog) el ecuador

    - draw the line at sth
    - know where to draw the line
    - draw a line under

    to be on the line —

    his job is on the line — su puesto está en peligro, se expone a perder su puesto

    - lay it on the line

    to lay or put one's reputation on the line — arriesgar su reputación

    to put one's ass on the line(US) ** jugársela *

    2) (=rope) cuerda f; (=fishing line) sedal m; (=clothes line, washing line) cuerda f para tender la ropa

    they threw a line to the man in the seale lanzaron un cable or una cuerda al hombre que estaba en el agua

    3) (=wrinkle) (on face etc) arruga f; (in palmistry) raya f, línea f
    4) [of print, verse] renglón m, línea f

    "new line" — (in dictation) "otra línea"

    drop me a line * — (fig) escríbeme

    to learn one's lines — (Theat) aprenderse el papel

    - read between the lines
    5) (=row) hilera f, fila f, línea f

    line of trafficfila f or cola f de coches

    a line of winning numbers(in bingo, lottery etc) una línea ganadora

    to be in line with — estar de acuerdo con, ser conforme a

    to bring sth into line with sth — poner algo de acuerdo con algo

    to fall or get into line — (abreast) meterse en fila

    to be out of line with — no ser conforme con

    he was completely out of line to suggest that... * — estaba totalmente fuera de lugar que propusiera que...

    - reach or come to the end of the line
    step 2., 1)
    6) (=series) serie f
    7) (=lineage) linaje m

    line of descentlinaje m

    the title is inherited through the male/ female line — el título se hereda por línea paterna/materna

    he comes from a long line of artists — proviene de un extenso linaje de artistas

    the royal line — el linaje real

    8) (=hierarchy)

    line of commandcadena f de mando

    9) (Mil) línea f

    line of battlelínea de batalla

    the (battle) lines are drawn — (fig) la guerra está declarada

    the first line of defence — (lit) la primera línea de retaguardia; (fig) el primer escudo protector

    behind enemy lines — tras las líneas enemigas

    ship of the line — navío m de línea

    front 5.
    10) (esp US) (=queue) cola f

    to form a line — hacer una cola

    to get into line — ponerse en la cola or a la cola

    to stand in line — hacer cola

    11) (=direction) línea f

    the main or broad lines — [of story, plan] las líneas maestras

    along or on the lines of — algo por el estilo de

    something along those or the same lines — algo por el estilo

    along or on political/racial lines — según criterios políticos/raciales

    line of argumentargumento m

    line of attack — (Mil) modo m de ataque; (fig) planteamiento m

    in the line of dutyen cumplimiento de sus deberes

    in the line of fire — (Mil) en la línea de fuego

    line of flight[of bird] trayectoria f de vuelo; [of object] trayectoria f

    line of inquirylínea f de investigación

    line of sight or visionvisual f

    line of thoughthilo m del pensamiento

    12) (Elec) (=wire) cable m

    to be/come on line — (Comput) estar/entrar en (pleno) funcionamiento

    13) (Telec) línea f

    can you get me a line to Chicago? — ¿me puede poner con Chicago?

    it's a very bad line — se oye muy mal

    lines of communicationlíneas fpl de comunicación

    the line's gone deadse ha cortado la línea

    the lines are downno hay línea

    the line is engaged or (US) busyestá comunicando

    hold the line please — no cuelgue, por favor

    Mr. Smith is on the line (for you) — El Sr. Smith está al teléfono (y quiere hablar con usted)

    the lines are open from six o'clock onwards — las líneas están abiertas de seis en adelante

    hot 4.
    14) (=pipe) (for oil, gas) conducto m
    15) (=shape) (usu pl)

    the rounded lines of this carla línea redondeada or el contorno redondeado de este coche

    16) (=field, area)

    what line (of business) are you in? — ¿a qué se dedica?

    we're in the same line (of business) — nos dedicamos a lo mismo, trabajamos en el mismo campo

    line of researchcampo m de investigación

    it's not my line(=speciality) no es de mi especialidad

    fishing's more (in) my line — me interesa más la pesca, de pesca sí sé algo

    17) (=stance, attitude) actitud f

    to take a strong or firm line on sth — adoptar una actitud firme sobre algo

    to take the line that... — ser de la opinión que...

    what line is the government taking? — ¿cuál es la actitud del gobierno?

    to follow or take the line of least resistance — conformarse con la ley del mínimo esfuerzo

    - toe the line

    to toe or follow the party line — conformarse a or seguir la línea del partido

    hard 1., 5)
    18) (Comm) (=product) línea f

    a new/popular line — una línea nueva/popular

    19) (Rail) (=route) línea f; (=track) vía f

    the line to Palencia — el ferrocarril de Palencia, la línea de Palencia

    to cross the line(s) — cruzar la vía

    to leave the line(s) — descarrilar

    20) (also: shipping line) (=company) naviera f; (=route) línea f marítima, ruta f marítima
    21) (=clue, lead) pista f

    to give sb a line on sth — poner a algn sobre la pista de algo

    the police have a line on the criminalla policía anda or está sobre la pista del delincuente

    22) (=spiel)
    - feed sb a line about sth
    shoot 2., 4)
    23) (Ind) (=assembly line) línea f
    24) [of cocaine etc] raya f
    VT (=cross with lines) [+ paper] rayar; [+ field] surcar; [+ face] arrugar

    line dancing Ndanza folclórica en que los que bailan forman líneas y filas

    line drawing Ndibujo m lineal

    line editing Ncorrección f por líneas

    line feed Navance m de línea

    line fishing Npesca f con caña

    line judge N — (Tennis) juez mf de fondo

    line manager N(Brit) (Ind) jefe(-a) m / f de línea

    line printer Nimpresora f de línea

    1) (=put lining in) [+ garment] forrar ( with de); (Tech) revestir ( with de); [+ brakes] guarnecer; [bird] [+ nest] cubrir
    pocket 1., 1)
    2) (=border)

    streets lined with treescalles fpl bordeadas de árboles

    * * *

    I [laɪn]
    1) c
    a) (mark, trace) línea f, raya f; ( Math) recta f

    to draw a line — trazar* una línea

    to put o draw a line through something — tachar algo

    to be on the line — (colloq) estar* en peligro, peligrar

    to lay it on the line — (colloq) no andarse* con rodeos

    to lay o put something on the line — (colloq) jugarse* algo; (before n)

    line drawingdibujo m lineal

    b) (on face, palm) línea f; ( wrinkle) arruga f
    a) c (boundary, border) línea f

    the county/state line — (AmE) (la línea de) la frontera del condado/estado

    to draw the line (at something): I don't mind untidiness, but I draw the line at this no me importa el desorden, pero esto es intolerable or esto ya es demasiado; one has to draw the line somewhere — en algún momento hay que decir basta

    b) c ( Sport) línea f; (before n)

    line judgejuez mf de línea

    c) c u ( contour) línea f
    a) c u (cable, rope) cuerda f; ( clothes o washing line) cuerda (de tender la ropa); ( fishing line) sedal m

    power linecable m eléctrico

    b) c ( Telec) línea f

    hold the line, please — no cuelgue or (CS tb) no corte, por favor

    4) c ( Transp)
    a) (company, service) línea f

    shipping line — línea de transportes marítimos, (compañía f) naviera f

    b) ( Rail) línea f; ( track) (BrE) vía f
    5) u c
    a) (path, direction) línea f

    it was right in my line of vision — me obstruía la visual; resistance

    b) (attitude, policy) postura f, línea f

    to take a firm/hard line (with somebody/on something) — adoptar una postura or línea firme/dura (con algn/con respecto a algo)

    she takes the line that... — su actitud es que...

    to toe o (AmE also) hew the line — acatar la disciplina

    c) (method, style)

    line of inquirylínea f de investigación

    I was thinking of something along the lines of... — pensaba en algo del tipo de or por el estilo de...

    6) c
    a) ( row) fila f, hilera f; ( queue) (AmE) cola f

    they formed a o fell into line behind their teacher — se pusieron en fila detrás del profesor

    to wait in line — (AmE) hacer* cola

    to get in line — (AmE) ponerse* en la cola

    to cut in line — (AmE) colarse* (fam), brincarse* or saltarse la cola (Méx fam)

    all/somewhere along the line: she's had bad luck all along the line ha tenido mala suerte desde el principio; we must have made a mistake somewhere along the line debemos de haber cometido un error en algún momento; in line with something: wages haven't risen in line with inflation los sueldos no han aumentado a la par de la inflación; the new measures are in line with government policy las nuevas medidas siguen la línea de la política del gobierno; out of line: that remark was out of line ese comentario estuvo fuera de lugar; their ideas were out of line with mine sus ideas no coincidían con las mías; to step out of line mostrar* disconformidad, desobedecer*; to bring somebody/something into line: he needs to be brought into line hay que llamarlo al orden or (fam) meterlo en vereda; the province was brought into line with the rest of the country la situación de la provincia se equiparó a la del resto del país; to fall in/into line: they had to fall in line with company policy tuvieron que aceptar or acatar la política de la compañía; to keep somebody in line — tener* a algn a raya; see also on line

    b) ( series) serie f
    c) ( succession) línea f
    7) c ( Mil) línea f
    a) c ( of text) línea f, renglón m; ( of poem) verso m

    new line — ( when dictating) punto y aparte

    to read between the linesleer* entre líneas

    b) lines pl ( Theat)
    c) ( note)

    to drop somebody a line — escribirle* a algn unas líneas

    9) c

    what line are you in? — ¿a qué te dedicas?

    b) ( of merchandise) línea f

    a) \<\<skirt/box\>\> forrar
    b) ( form lining along) cubrir*

    books lined the walls, the walls were lined with books — las paredes estaban cubiertas de libros

    2) ( mark with lines) \<\<paper\>\> rayar
    3) ( border)
    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > line

  • 13 ownership

    •• * Из многочисленных слов семантического поля, к которому относится это слово, ownership является, пожалуй, самым широким и сложным по значению. Глагол to own обозначает собственность как возможность контролировать, распоряжаться чем-то. Отсюда, например, употребление этого слова в идущей в США дискуссии о частичной приватизации пенсионной системы (у нас это уже сделали без всякой дискуссии). Пример – из комментария пресс-секретаря Белого дома о разосланных по электронной почте тезисах по проблеме будущего американской пенсионной системы:

    •• White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the e-mail was sent Monday to opinion leaders to lay outthe challenges we face and the importance of seizing this opportunity to strengthen Social Security for our children and grandchildren and provide them with some ownership over their retirement savings.-...дать нашим детям и внукам возможность контролировать часть своих пенсионных накоплений.
    •• Можно, наверное, сказать быть собственниками части своих пенсионных накоплений, но тогда может возникнуть вопрос – а разве человек не является фактическим собственником той части пенсионных накоплений, которая находится в государственном пенсионном фонде?
    •• Далее в «январских тезисах» – ownership society:
    •• “At the end of the day, we want to promote both an ownership society and advance the idea of limited government,” the e-mail said.
    •• Здесь значения собственность, ответственность и контроль настолько слитны, что выбрать вариант перевода для словаря не так просто. В данном контексте я предпочел бы не общество собственников, а общество личной ответственности или даже общество самостоятельных людей.
    •• Большие трудности вызывает словосочетание country ownership, широко употребляемое в международных организациях, например, в таком контексте: efforts to encourage country ownership of programs and projects. Когда один из участников переводческого форума задал вопрос о переводе этого словосочетания, последовала немедленная реакция: «Похоже, международные бюрократы опять породили какую-то абстрактную химеру. Раньше все говорили про empowerment, тоже кстати трудно переводимый». Однако это выражение встречается не только у «международных бюрократов». Конечно, все что угодно выглядит плохо при неправильном или неумеренном употреблении. Но сейчас слово ownership в модном или близком к нему значении используется и очень хорошими публицистами. Вот пример из статьи одного из лучших, обозревателя газеты International Herald Tribune Уильяма Пфаффа:
    •• If in the Security Council, the Bush administration refuses even a symbolic transfer of sovereignty to the Iraqis ( as demanded by Old Europe), and refuses to cede any political authority over the occupation to the UN, Washington will continue to enjoy exclusive ownership of this problem – with all of its risks and its current $87 billion-plus cost to the American taxpayer.
    •• Здесь, как и во многих других случаях употребления этого слова, наиболее подходящий вариант перевода – ответственность:
    •• <...> Вашингтон будет и впредь нести исключительную ответственность за эту проблему со всеми ее рискованными последствиями и ценой свыше 87 миллиардов долларов, которую заплатит американский налогоплательщик.
    •• Сам же термин появился лет пять-семь назад в связи с деятельностью ПРООН. Речь идет о том, что страны, в которых осуществляются программы или проекты ООН, не должны выступать лишь в роли получателя помощи, а должны иметь реальную возможность влиять на ход работы. Кроме вариантов ответственность стран/ национальная ответственность, переводчиками ООН предлагались также заинтересованное/деятельное участие стран, искренняя заинтересованность стран, причастность и т. д.
    •• Примеры употребления этого слова наводят на мысль о том, что мода на него связана с некоторой лакуной в английском языке: отсутствием дифференциации в слове independence – это и независимость (прежде всего политическая), и самостоятельность. Такая недифференцированность заставляет пишущих искать другие слова. Во многих случаях контекстуальные варианты со словами самостоятельно, самостоятельность могут подойти в переводе. Пример из статьи в Los Angeles Times:
    •• Once established, the assembly would assign a commission to prepare Iraq’s new constitution. With nationwide town hall meetings providing a forum for grass-roots participation in debating and modifying the constitution, the process would enable the Iraqi people to have ownership of the outcome.
    •• Здесь, пожалуй, возможны варианты со словами причастность, контроль, но ближе всего к намерению автора – позволит иракскому народу самостоятельно определять результат этого процесса. Несколько вольнее – чувствовать себя хозяином своей судьбы (здесь теряется outcome, а это существенно).
    •• (Кстати, town hall meetings – как видим, это словосочетание употребляется не только как чисто американская реалия. Вполне адекватным в данном случае мне кажется вариант собрание общественности.)
    •• Еще один пример того, что слово ownership встречается не только в специфическом «международно-чиновничьем» употреблении и не только в сочетании country ownership и может закономерно, как выразился бы Я.И. Рецкер, переводиться при помощи русских слов самостоятельность или контроль, – высказывание министра иностранных дел Иордании, процитированное в журнале Newsweek:
    •• Reform is needed in the Arab world, we agree on that. But for it to work, we need ownership of the process, not a one-for-all blueprint from Washington. – Мы должны иметь контроль над этим процессом или Нам нужна самостоятельность в рамках этого процесса, а не стандартное решение, навязываемое Вашингтоном.
    •• Кроме country ownership есть еще и total ownership. Вот замечательный фрагмент из книги Боба Вудворда Plan of Attack:
    •• Monday, Jan. 13, Powell and Bush met in the Oval Office. The president was sitting in his regular chair in front of the fireplace, and the secretary was in the chair reserved for the visiting leader or most senior U.S. official. For once, neither Cheney nor Rice was hovering.
    •• <...> The president said he had made up his mind on war. The United States should go to war.
    ••You’re sure?” Powell asked.
    •• Yes, said Bush.
    •• You understand the consequences,” Powell said in a half question. <...> “You know that you’re going to be owning this place?” Powell said, reminding Bush of what he had told him at a dinner the previous August in which Powell had made the case against military action in Iraq. An invasion would mean assuming the hopes, aspirations and all the troubles of Iraq. Powell wasn’t sure whether Bush had fully understood the meaning and consequences of total ownership.
    •• But I think I have to do this, the president said.
    •• Right, Powell said.
    •• You’re going to be owning this place – русское слово владеть здесь совсем не подходит. Видимо, фразу Пауэлла можно было бы, учитывая последующее, перевести так: Вы понимаете, что будете отвечать за все? Total ownership – полная ответственность.
    •• Вообще мало что так способствует обогащению языка, как полемика по острым политическим проблемам. В США главной из них в последние годы, безусловно, является иракская война. Среди языковых новаций, связанных с ней, – the Pottery Barn rule.
    •• Цитирую по National Public Radio ту же книгу Вудворда Plan of Attack:
    •• According to a new book by Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward, Powell was supportive of the war in public in an effort to win international support. But he was also concerned about the complications of a war. Woodward wrote that behind the scenes, Powell used language from one of Tom Friedman’s columns in referring to the Pottery Barn ruleof foreign policy. That is: “you break it, you own it.
    •• ( Pottery Barn – магазин типа «для дома, для семьи», среди прочего торгует керамикой, посудой, стеклом. Таким образом, Pottery Barn rule – что-то вроде правила посудной лавки). Смысл «правила» вроде бы прост: разбил – плати. Однако не все так просто – и в жизни, и в переводе.
    •• Автор статьи в Washington Post Уильям Распбери, упомянув это «правило» (the so-called Pottery Barn rule invoked by Secretary of State Colin Powell in his prewar advice to President Bush), дальше пишет: And what, finally, of the you break it, you own it imperative ( which Pottery Barn says is not its policy)?
    •• Проверка в Интернете подтверждает, что магазин ни при чем:
    •• Responding to Colin Powell’s use of the phrase “The Pottery Barn Rule” to refer to the rule “You break it, you own it,” Williams-Sonoma, parent of Pottery Barn, has issued a press release stating that its policy is in fact to write-down breakage. Более того: The State Department <...> issued a statement yesterday indicating that it did not intend to cast aspersions on the Pottery Barn mark.
    •• Да и перевод плати при ближайшем рассмотрении оказывается не лучшим вариантом, ведь Пауэлл имел в виду не только чисто финансовые последствия, но и то, что, пойдя на военные действия, администрация берет на себя ответственность за целую страну. Итак, перевод Разбил – плати верен лишь отчасти. Хотя слово платить имеет и переносный смысл (отвечать за последствия), в переводе этой фразы лучше так и сказать: Разбил/сломал – отвечай ( за последствия).

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > ownership

  • 14 line

    I 1.
    1) (string, cord, rope, etc.) Leine, die

    [fishing-]line — [Angel]schnur, die

    2) (telephone or telegraph cable) Leitung, die

    bad line — schlechte Verbindung; see also academic.ru/35190/hold">hold II 1. k

    3) (long mark; also Math., Phys.) Linie, die; (less precise or shorter) Strich, der; (Telev.) Zeile, die
    4) in pl. (outline of car, ship, etc.) Linien Pl.
    5) (boundary) Linie, die

    lay something on the line [for somebody] — [jemandem] etwas rundheraus sagen

    6) (row) Reihe, die; (Amer.): (queue) Schlange, die

    line of trees — Baumreihe, die

    bring somebody into line — dafür sorgen, dass jmd. nicht aus der Reihe tanzt (ugs.)

    come or fall into line — sich in die Reihe stellen; [Gruppe:] sich in einer Reihe aufstellen; (fig.) nicht mehr aus der Reihe tanzen (ugs.)

    be in line [with something] — [mit etwas] in einer Linie liegen

    be in/out of line with something — (fig.) mit etwas in/nicht in Einklang stehen

    7) (row of words on a page) Zeile, die

    lines(actor's part) Text, der

    he gave the boy 100 lines(Sch.) er ließ den Jungen 100 Zeilen abschreiben

    8) (system of transport) Linie, die

    [shipping] line — Schifffahrtslinie, die

    9) (series of persons or things) Reihe, die; (generations of family) Linie, die
    10) (direction, course) Richtung, die

    on the lines of — nach Art (+ Gen.)

    be on the right/wrong lines — in die richtige/falsche Richtung gehen

    along or on the same lines — in der gleichen Richtung

    line of thought — Gedankengang, der

    line of action — Vorgehensweise, die

    11) (Railw.) Bahnlinie, die; (track) Gleis, das

    the Waterloo line, the line to Waterloo — die Linie nach Waterloo

    this is the end of the line [for you] — (fig.) dies ist das Aus [für dich]

    12) (wrinkle) Falte, die
    13) (field of activity) Branche, die; (academic) Fachrichtung, die

    what's your line? — in welcher Branche sind Sie?/was ist Ihre Fachrichtung?

    be in the line of duty/business — zu den Pflichten/zum Geschäft gehören

    14) (Commerc.): (product) Artikel, der; Linie, die (fachspr.)
    15) (Fashion) Linie, die
    16) (Mil.): (series of defences) Linie, die
    2. transitive verb
    1) (mark with lines) linieren [Papier]
    2) (stand at intervals along) säumen (geh.) [Straße, Strecke]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    II transitive verb
    füttern [Kleidungsstück]; auskleiden [Magen, Nest]; ausschlagen [Schublade usw.]

    line one's pockets(fig.) sich (Dat.) die Taschen füllen

    * * *
    I 1. noun
    1) ((a piece of) thread, cord, rope etc: She hung the washing on the line; a fishing-rod and line.) die Leine
    2) (a long, narrow mark, streak or stripe: She drew straight lines across the page; a dotted/wavy line.) die Linie
    3) (outline or shape especially relating to length or direction: The ship had very graceful lines; A dancer uses a mirror to improve his line.) die Konturen (pl.)
    4) (a groove on the skin; a wrinkle.) die Falte
    5) (a row or group of objects or persons arranged side by side or one behind the other: The children stood in a line; a line of trees.) die Reihe
    6) (a short letter: I'll drop him a line.) einige Zeilen
    7) (a series or group of persons which come one after the other especially in the same family: a line of kings.) die Abstammungslinie
    8) (a track or direction: He pointed out the line of the new road; a new line of research.) die Richtung
    9) (the railway or a single track of the railway: Passengers must cross the line by the bridge only.) die Eisenbahnlinie, das Gleis
    10) (a continuous system (especially of pipes, electrical or telephone cables etc) connecting one place with another: a pipeline; a line of communication; All( telephone) lines are engaged.) die Leitung
    11) (a row of written or printed words: The letter contained only three lines; a poem of sixteen lines.) die Zeile
    12) (a regular service of ships, aircraft etc: a shipping line.) die Linie
    13) (a group or class (of goods for sale) or a field of activity, interest etc: This has been a very popular new line; Computers are not really my line.) das Tätigkeitsfeld
    14) (an arrangement of troops, especially when ready to fight: fighting in the front line.) die Linie
    2. verb
    1) (to form lines along: Crowds lined the pavement to see the Queen.) säumen
    2) (to mark with lines.) linieren
    - lineage
    - linear
    - lines
    - linesman
    - hard lines! - in line for
    - in
    - out of line with
    - line up
    - read between the lines
    II verb
    1) (to cover on the inside: She lined the box with newspaper.) auskleiden
    2) (to put a lining in: She lined the dress with silk.) füttern
    * * *
    I. NOUN
    1. (mark) Linie f
    dividing \line Trennungslinie f
    straight \line gerade Linie
    to draw a \line eine Linie ziehen
    2. SPORT Linie f
    3. MATH
    straight \line Gerade f
    4. (wrinkle) Falte f
    5. (contour) Linie f
    6. MUS Tonfolge f
    7. (equator)
    the L\line die Linie, der Äquator
    8. (boundary) Grenze f, Grenzlinie f
    \line of credit FIN Kreditrahmen m, Kreditlinie f
    tree [or timber] \line Baumgrenze f
    the thin \line between love and hate der schmale Grat zwischen Liebe und Hass
    to cross the \line die Grenze überschreiten fig, zu weit gehen
    9. (cord) Leine f; (string) Schnur f
    [clothes] \line Wäscheleine f
    [fishing] \line Angelschnur f
    10. TELEC [Telefon]leitung f; (connection to network) Anschluss m
    \lines will be open from eight o'clock die Leitungen werden ab acht Uhr frei[geschaltet] sein
    can you get me a \line to New York? können Sie mir bitte eine Verbindung nach New York geben?
    the \line is engaged/busy die Leitung ist besetzt
    please hold the \line! bitte bleiben Sie am Apparat!
    get off the \line! geh aus der Leitung!
    bad \line schlechte Verbindung
    to be/stay on the \line am Apparat sein/bleiben
    11. (set of tracks) Gleis nt; (specific train route) Strecke f
    the end of the \line die Endstation
    to be at [or reach] the end of the \line ( fig) am Ende sein fam
    rail \line Eisenbahnlinie f
    shipping \line Schifffahrtslinie f; (company) Reederei f
    13. (row of words, also in poem) Zeile f
    to drop sb a \line jdm ein paar Zeilen schreiben
    to read between the \lines ( fig) zwischen den Zeilen lesen
    14. (for actor)
    \lines pl Text m
    to forget/learn one's \lines seinen Text lernen/vergessen
    15. (information) Hinweis m
    to get a \line on sb/sth etwas über jdn/etw herausfinden
    to give sb a \line about sth jdm einen Hinweis auf etw akk geben
    to give sb a \line on sb jdm Informationen über jdn besorgen
    16. (false account, talk)
    he keeps giving me that \line about his computer not working properly er kommt mir immer wieder mit dem Spruch, dass sein Computer nicht richtig funktioniere
    I've heard that \line before die Platte kenne ich schon in- und auswendig! fam
    \lines pl Strafarbeit f
    she got 100 \lines for swearing at her teacher da sie ihren Lehrer beschimpft hatte, musste sie zur Strafe 100 mal... schreiben
    18. (row) Reihe f
    to be first in \line an erster Stelle stehen; ( fig) ganz vorne dabei sein
    to be next in \line als Nächster/Nächste dran sein
    to be in a \line in einer Reihe stehen
    the cans on the shelf were in a \line die Büchsen waren im Regal aufgereiht
    to be in \line for sth mit etw dat an der Reihe sein
    to come [or fall] into \line sich akk in einer Reihe aufstellen; single person sich akk einreihen
    to form a \line sich akk in einer Reihe aufstellen
    to get into \line sich akk hintereinander aufstellen; (next to each other) sich akk in einer Reihe aufstellen
    to move into \line sich akk einreihen
    in \line with (level with) auf der gleichen Höhe wie
    in \line with demand bedarfsgerecht, bedarfsadäquat
    in \line with maturity FIN laufzeitbezogen, laufzeitabhängig
    in \line with requirements bedürfnisorientiert
    in \line with the market marktnah, marktgerecht, marktkonform
    to be in \line with sth (similar to) mit etw dat übereinstimmen
    the salaries of temporary employees were brought into \line with those of permanent staff die Gehälter Teilzeitbeschäftigter wurden an die der Vollzeitbeschäftigten angeglichen
    19. (succession) Linie f
    I want to have children to prevent the family \line dying out ich möchte Kinder, damit die Familie nicht ausstirbt
    this institute has had a long \line of prestigious physicists working here dieses Institut kann auf eine lange Tradition angesehener Physiker zurückblicken
    he is the latest in a long \line of Nobel Prize winners to come from that country er ist der jüngste einer ganzen Reihe von Nobelpreisträgern aus diesem Land
    20. esp AM (queue) Schlange f
    to get in \line sich akk anstellen
    to stand in \line anstehen
    21. (product type) Sortiment nt; FASHION Kollektion f
    they are thinking about a new \line of vehicles sie denken über eine neue Kraftfahrzeugserie nach; BRIT, AUS
    they do an excellent \line in TVs and videos sie stellen erstklassige Fernseher und Videogeräte her
    spring/summer/fall/winter \line Frühjahrs-/Sommer-/Herbst-/Winterkollektion f
    to have a good \line in [or AM of] sth ( fig) einen großen Vorrat an etw dat haben
    22. (area of activity) Gebiet nt
    football's never really been my \line mit Fußball konnte ich noch nie besonders viel anfangen
    what's your \line? was machen Sie beruflich?
    \line of business Branche f
    \line of research Forschungsgebiet nt
    \line of work Arbeitsgebiet nt
    to be in sb's \line jdm liegen
    \line of argument Argumentation f
    to be in the \line of duty zu jds Pflichten gehören
    \line of reasoning Gedankengang m
    to take a strong \line with sb jdm gegenüber sehr bestimmt auftreten
    to take a strong \line with sth gegen etw akk energisch vorgehen
    they did not reveal their \line of inquiry sie teilten nicht mit, in welcher Richtung sie ermittelten
    what \line shall we take? wie sollen wir vorgehen?
    along the \lines of...:
    she said something along the \lines that he would lose his job if he didn't work harder sie sagte irgendetwas in der Richtung davon, dass er seine Stelle verlieren würde, wenn er nicht härter arbeiten würde
    my sister works in publishing and I'm hoping to do something along the same \lines meine Schwester arbeitet im Verlagswesen und ich würde gerne etwas Ähnliches tun
    to try a new \line of approach to sth versuchen, etw anders anzugehen
    the \line of least resistence der Weg des geringsten Widerstandes
    \line of vision Blickrichtung f
    to be on the right \lines auf dem richtigen Weg sein
    do you think his approach to the problem is on the right \lines? glauben Sie, dass er das Problem richtig angeht?
    25. (policy) Linie f
    party \line Parteilinie f
    to bring sb/sth into \line [with sth] jdn/etw auf gleiche Linie [wie etw akk] bringen
    to fall into \line with sth mit etw dat konform gehen
    to keep sb in \line dafür sorgen, dass jd nicht aus der Reihe tanzt
    to move into \line sich akk anpassen
    to step out of \line aus der Reihe tanzen
    26. MIL (of defence) Linie f
    \line of battle Kampflinie f
    behind enemy \lines hinter den feindlichen Stellungen
    front \line Front f
    27. (quantity of cocaine) Linie f fam
    to do a \line of coke, to do \lines koksen fam
    28. STOCKEX Aktienpaket nt
    all along the \line auf der ganzen Linie
    to bring sb into \line jdn in seine Schranken weisen
    in/out of \line with sb/sth mit jdm/etw im/nicht im Einklang
    to lay it on the \line die Karten offen auf den Tisch legen
    to be on the \line auf dem Spiel stehen
    to put sth on the \line etw aufs Spiel setzen
    right down the \line esp AM voll und ganz
    it was stepping out of \line to tell him that es stand dir nicht zu, ihm das zu sagen
    to \line sth paper etw linieren
    her face was \lined with agony ihr Gesicht war von tiefem Schmerz gezeichnet
    2. (stand at intervals)
    to \line the streets die Straßen säumen geh
    the streets were \lined with cheering people jubelnde Menschenmengen säumten die Straßen
    to \line sth clothing etw füttern; drawers etw von innen auslegen; pipes etw auskleiden
    2. ( fam: fill)
    to \line one's pockets [or purse] [with sth] sich dat die Taschen [mit etw dat] füllen
    to \line shelves Regale füllen
    to \line one's stomach sich dat den Magen vollschlagen fam
    * * *
    line1 [laın]
    A s
    1. Linie f ( auch SPORT), Strich m:
    down the line (Tennis) die Linie entlang, longline;
    come off ( oder leave) one’s line sich von der Linie lösen (Tormann);
    2. a) (Hand- etc) Linie f:
    line of fate Schicksalslinie
    b) Falte f, Runzel f:
    lines of worry Sorgenfalten
    c) Zug m (im Gesicht)
    3. Zeile f:
    read between the lines fig zwischen den Zeilen lesen; drop C 9
    4. TV (Bild) Zeile f
    5. a) Vers m
    b) pl THEAT etc Rolle f, Text m: fluff B 3
    c) pl SCHULE Br Strafarbeit f, -aufgabe f
    6. pl (meist als sg konstruiert) besonders Br umg Trauschein m
    7. umg (on) Information f (über akk), Hinweis m (auf akk)
    8. US umg
    a) Platte f (Geschwätz)
    b) Tour f, Masche f (Trick)
    9. Linie f, Richtung f:
    a) MIL Angriffsrichtung,
    b) fig Taktik f;
    line of fire MIL etc Schusslinie f;
    get into sb’s line of fire jemandem in die Schusslinie geraten;
    a) Blickrichtung,
    b) auch line of vision Gesichtslinie, -achse f;
    hung on the line in Augenhöhe aufgehängt (Bild);
    he said sth along these lines er sagte etwas in dieser Richtung; resistance 1
    10. pl Grundsätze pl, Richtlinie(n) f(pl):
    the lines of his policy die Grundlinien seiner Politik;
    on ( oder along) the lines of nach dem Prinzip (gen);
    I would like to have sth on ( oder along) the lines of what you have ich möchte etwas von der Art wie Sie haben;
    a) nach diesen Grundsätzen,
    b) folgendermaßen;
    along general lines ganz allgemein, in großen Zügen;
    it is out of line for sb to do sth es entspricht nicht jemandes Art, etwas zu tun
    11. Art f und Weise f, Methode f, Verfahren n:
    line of approach (to) Art und Weise (etwas) anzupacken, Methode;
    line of argument (Art der) Beweisführung f;
    line of reasoning Denkweise;
    a) Auffassung f,
    b) Gedankengang m;
    take a strong line energisch auftreten oder werden ( with sb gegenüber jemandem);
    take a tougher line toward(s) härter vorgehen gegen, eine härtere Gangart einschlagen gegenüber;
    take the line that … den Standpunkt vertreten, dass …;
    don’t take that line with me! komm mir ja nicht so!;
    in the line of nach Art von (od gen);
    on strictly commercial lines auf streng geschäftlicher Grundlage, auf rein kommerzieller Basis; hard line 1
    12. Grenze f (auch fig), Grenzlinie f:
    overstep the line of good taste über die Grenzen des guten Geschmacks hinausgehen;
    there’s a very fine line between winning and losing Sieg und Niederlage liegen ganz dicht beieinander;
    be on the line auf dem Spiel stehen;
    your job is on the line auch es geht um deinen Job;
    draw the line die Grenze ziehen, haltmachen ( beide:
    at bei);
    I draw the line at that da hört es bei mir auf;
    go on the line US auf den Strich gehen umg;
    lay ( oder put) on the line sein Leben, seinen Ruf etc aufs Spiel setzen;
    lay it on the line that … in aller Deutlichkeit sagen, dass …;
    I’ll lay it on the line for you! umg das kann ich Ihnen genau sagen!;
    lines of responsibility Zuständigkeiten; demarcation
    13. pl
    a) Linien(führung) pl(f), Konturen pl, Form f
    b) Entwurf m
    c) TECH Riss m
    14. a) Reihe f, Kette f:
    a line of poplars eine Pappelreihe
    b) besonders US (Menschen-, auch Auto) Schlange f:
    stand in line anstehen, Schlange stehen ( beide:
    for um, nach);
    drive in line AUTO Kolonne fahren;
    be in line for fig Aussichten haben auf (akk);
    be second in line for the throne an zweiter Stelle der Thronfolge stehen
    15. Reihe f, Linie f:
    in line with fig in Übereinstimmung oder im Einklang mit;
    be in line fig übereinstimmen ( with mit);
    out of line aus der Flucht, nicht in einer Linie;
    be out of line fig nicht übereinstimmen ( with mit);
    a) in Einklang bringen ( with mit),
    b) auf Vordermann bringen umg;
    a) sich einordnen,
    b) MIL (in Reih und Glied) antreten,
    c) fig sich anschließen ( with dat);
    keep sb in line fig jemanden bei der Stange halten;
    step ( oder get) out of line fig aus der Reihe tanzen umg;
    in line of duty in Ausübung seines Dienstes oder seiner Pflicht; toe B 2
    16. a) (Abstammungs) Linie f
    b) (Ahnen- etc) Reihe f
    c) ZOOL (Zucht) Stamm m
    d) Familie f, Stamm m, Geschlecht n:
    the male line die männliche Linie;
    in the direct line in direkter Linie;
    line of succession Erbfolge f
    17. pl besonders Br Los n, Geschick n: hard line 2
    18. Fach n, Gebiet n, Sparte f:
    line (of business) Branche f, Geschäftszweig m;
    in the banking line im Bankfach oder -wesen;
    that’s not in my line
    a) das schlägt nicht in mein Fach,
    b) das liegt mir nicht;
    that’s more in my line das liegt mir schon eher
    19. (Verkehrs-, Eisenbahn- etc) Linie f, Strecke f, Route f, engS. BAHN Gleis n:
    the end of the line fig das (bittere) Ende;
    that’s the end of the line! fig Endstation!;
    he was at the end of the line fig er war am Ende
    20. (Flug- etc) Gesellschaft f
    21. a) besonders TEL Leitung f:
    get off the line aus der Leitung gehen;
    hold the line bleiben Sie am Apparat!; busy A 6, engaged 5, hot line
    b) besonders TEL Anschluss m
    c) TEL Amt n:
    can I have a line, please?
    22. TECH (Rohr) Leitung f:
    oil line Ölleitung
    23. TECH (Fertigungs) Straße f: packaging B
    24. WIRTSCH
    a) Sorte f, Warengattung f
    b) Posten m, Partie f
    c) Sortiment n
    d) Artikel m oder pl, Artikelserie f
    25. MIL
    a) Linie f:
    behind the enemy lines hinter den feindlichen Linien;
    line of battle Schlacht-, Gefechtslinie;
    line of communications rückwärtige Verbindungen pl;
    line of defence (US defense) (departure, retreat) Verteidigungs-(Ausgangs-, Rückzugs)linie
    b) Front f:
    go up the line nach vorn oder an die Front gehen;
    all along the line, down the line fig auf der ganzen Linie, auch voll und ganz;
    go down the line for US umg sich voll einsetzen für
    c) Fronttruppe(n) f(pl)
    26. GEOG Längen- oder Breitenkreis m:
    the Line der Äquator;
    cross the Line den Äquator überqueren
    27. SCHIFF Linie f:
    line abreast Dwarslinie;
    line ahead Kiellinie
    28. a) Leine f:
    hang the washing up on the line die Wäsche auf die Leine hängen
    b) Schnur f
    c) Seil n
    29. TEL etc
    a) Draht m
    b) Kabel n
    B v/i line up A 1, A 2
    C v/t
    1. Papier linieren, liniieren
    2. line up B 1
    3. zeichnen
    4. skizzieren
    5. das Gesicht (zer)furchen
    6. (ein)säumen:
    lined with trees von Bäumen (ein)gesäumt;
    thousands of people lined the streets Tausende von Menschen säumten die Straßen;
    soldiers lined the street Soldaten bildeten an der Straße Spalier
    line2 [laın] v/t
    1. ein Kleid etc füttern
    2. besonders TECH (auf der Innenseite) überziehen oder belegen, ausfüttern, -gießen, -kleiden, -schlagen ( alle:
    with mit), Bremsen, eine Kupplung belegen
    3. als Futter oder Überzug dienen für
    4. (an)füllen:
    line one’s pocket(s) ( oder purse) in die eigene Tasche arbeiten, sich bereichern, sich die Taschen füllen;
    line one’s stomach sich den Bauch vollschlagen umg
    L., l. abk
    1. lake
    2. law
    4. left li.
    5. line
    * * *
    I 1.
    1) (string, cord, rope, etc.) Leine, die

    [fishing-]line — [Angel]schnur, die

    bad line — schlechte Verbindung; see also hold II 1. k

    3) (long mark; also Math., Phys.) Linie, die; (less precise or shorter) Strich, der; (Telev.) Zeile, die
    4) in pl. (outline of car, ship, etc.) Linien Pl.
    5) (boundary) Linie, die

    lay something on the line [for somebody] — [jemandem] etwas rundheraus sagen

    6) (row) Reihe, die; (Amer.): (queue) Schlange, die

    line of trees — Baumreihe, die

    bring somebody into line — dafür sorgen, dass jmd. nicht aus der Reihe tanzt (ugs.)

    come or fall into line — sich in die Reihe stellen; [Gruppe:] sich in einer Reihe aufstellen; (fig.) nicht mehr aus der Reihe tanzen (ugs.)

    be in line [with something] — [mit etwas] in einer Linie liegen

    be in/out of line with something — (fig.) mit etwas in/nicht in Einklang stehen

    lines (actor's part) Text, der

    he gave the boy 100 lines(Sch.) er ließ den Jungen 100 Zeilen abschreiben

    8) (system of transport) Linie, die

    [shipping] line — Schifffahrtslinie, die

    10) (direction, course) Richtung, die

    on the lines of — nach Art (+ Gen.)

    be on the right/wrong lines — in die richtige/falsche Richtung gehen

    along or on the same lines — in der gleichen Richtung

    line of thought — Gedankengang, der

    line of action — Vorgehensweise, die

    11) (Railw.) Bahnlinie, die; (track) Gleis, das

    the Waterloo line, the line to Waterloo — die Linie nach Waterloo

    this is the end of the line [for you] — (fig.) dies ist das Aus [für dich]

    12) (wrinkle) Falte, die
    13) (field of activity) Branche, die; (academic) Fachrichtung, die

    what's your line? — in welcher Branche sind Sie?/was ist Ihre Fachrichtung?

    be in the line of duty/business — zu den Pflichten/zum Geschäft gehören

    14) (Commerc.): (product) Artikel, der; Linie, die (fachspr.)
    15) (Fashion) Linie, die
    16) (Mil.): (series of defences) Linie, die
    2. transitive verb
    1) (mark with lines) linieren [Papier]
    2) (stand at intervals along) säumen (geh.) [Straße, Strecke]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    II transitive verb
    füttern [Kleidungsstück]; auskleiden [Magen, Nest]; ausschlagen [Schublade usw.]

    line one's pockets(fig.) sich (Dat.) die Taschen füllen

    * * *
    (US) n.
    Schlange -n f.
    Schlange -n f.
    (Menschen-, Auto (<-s>)-)
    Warteschlange f. (railway) n.
    Gleis -e n. n.
    Branche -n f.
    Furche -n f.
    Kurs -e (Verkehr) m.
    Leine -n f.
    Linie -n f.
    Reihe -n f.
    Richtung -en f.
    Runzel -n f.
    Strecke -n f.
    Strich -e m.
    Vers -e m.
    Zeile -n f. v.
    Spalier bilden ausdr.
    auskleiden v.

    English-german dictionary > line

  • 15 say

    1. transitive verb,
    pres. t. he says, p.t. & p.p. said

    say something out loud — etwas aussprechen od. laut sagen

    he said something about going outer hat etwas von Ausgehen gesagt

    what more can I say?was soll ich da noch [groß] sagen?

    it says a lot or much or something for somebody/something that... — es spricht sehr für jemanden/etwas, dass...

    have a lot/not much to say for oneself — viel reden/nicht viel von sich geben

    to say nothing of(quite apart from) ganz zu schweigen von; mal ganz abgesehen von

    having said that, that said — (nevertheless) abgesehen davon

    you can say that again, you said it — (coll.) das kannst du laut sagen (ugs.)

    you don't say [so] — (coll.) was du nicht sagst (ugs.)

    says you(coll.) wer's glaubt, wird selig (ugs. scherzh.)

    I'll say [it is]! — (coll.): (it certainly is) und wie!

    don't let or never let it be said [that]... — niemand soll sagen können, [dass]...

    I can't say [that] I like cats/the idea — ich kann nicht gerade sagen od. behaupten, dass ich Katzen mag/die Idee gut finde

    [well,] I must say — also, ich muss schon sagen

    I should say so/not — ich glaube schon/nicht; (emphatic) bestimmt/bestimmt nicht

    there's something to be said on both sides/either side — man kann für beide Seiten/jede Seite Argumente anführen

    what do or would you say to somebody/something? — (think about) was hältst du von jemandem/etwas?; was würdest du zu jemandem/etwas sagen?

    say nothing to somebody(fig.) [Musik, Kunst:] jemandem nichts bedeuten

    which/that is not saying much or a lot — was nicht viel heißen will/das will nicht viel heißen

    2) (recite, repeat, speak words of) sprechen [Gebet, Text]; aufsagen [Einmaleins, Gedicht]
    3) (have specified wording or reading) sagen; [Zeitung:] schreiben; [Uhr:] zeigen [Uhrzeit]

    the Bible says or it says in the Bible [that]... — in der Bibel heißt es, dass...

    a sign saying... — ein Schild mit der Aufschrift...

    4) in pass.

    she is said to be clever/have done it — man sagt, sie sei klug/habe es getan

    2. intransitive verb, forms as
    1) (speak) sagen

    I say!(Brit.) (seeking attention) Entschuldigung!; (admiring) Donnerwetter!

    2) in imper. (Amer.) Mensch!
    3. noun
    1) (share in decision)

    have a or some say — ein Mitspracherecht haben (in bei)

    2) (power of decision)

    the [final] say — das letzte Wort (in bei)

    3) (what one has to say)

    have one's sayseine Meinung sagen; (chance to speak)

    get one's or have a say — zu Wort kommen

    * * *
    [sei] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - says; verb
    1) (to speak or utter: What did you say?; She said `Yes'.) sagen
    2) (to tell, state or declare: She said how she had enjoyed meeting me; She is said to be very beautiful.) sagen
    3) (to repeat: The child says her prayers every night.) aufsagen
    4) (to guess or estimate: I can't say when he'll return.) sagen
    2. noun
    (the right or opportunity to state one's opinion: I haven't had my say yet; We have no say in the decision.) das Mitspracherecht
    - academic.ru/64401/saying">saying
    - have
    - I wouldn't say no to
    - let's say
    - say
    - say the word
    - that is to say
    * * *
    <said, said>
    1. (utter)
    to \say sth etw sagen
    how do you \say your name in Japanese? wie spricht man deinen Namen auf Japanisch aus?
    I'm sorry, what did you \say? Entschuldigung, was hast du gesagt?
    to \say sth to sb's face jdm etw ins Gesicht sagen
    when all is said and done, you can only do your best letzten Endes kann man sich nur bemühen, sein Bestes zu geben
    to \say sth etw sagen
    what did they \say about the house? was haben sie über das Haus gesagt?
    what did you \say to him? was hast du ihm gesagt?
    “the department manager is at lunch,” he said apologetically „der Abteilungsleiter ist beim Mittagessen“, meinte er bedauernd
    another cup of tea? — I wouldn't \say no ( fam) noch eine Tasse Tee? — da würde ich nicht Nein sagen
    to \say goodbye to sb jdm auf Wiedersehen sagen, sich akk von jdm verabschieden
    if Europe fails to agree on this, we can \say goodbye to any common foreign policy ( fam) wenn Europa sich hierauf nicht einigen kann, können wir jegliche gemeinsame Außenpolitik vergessen
    to \say the least um es [einmal] milde auszudrücken
    he's rather unreliable to \say the least er ist ziemlich unzuverlässig, und das ist noch schmeichelhaft ausgedrückt
    you can \say that again! ( fam) das kannst du laut sagen fam
    to have anything/nothing/something to \say [to sb] [jdm] irgendetwas/nichts/etwas zu sagen haben
    I've got something to \say to you ich muss Ihnen etwas sagen
    to \say yes/no to sth etw annehmen/ablehnen
    having said that,... abgesehen davon...
    3. (put into words)
    to \say sth etw sagen
    what are you \saying, exactly? was willst du eigentlich sagen?
    that was well said das war gut gesagt; (sl)
    \say what? echt? fam
    he talked for nearly an hour, but actually he said very little er redete beinahe eine Stunde lang, aber eigentlich sagte er sehr wenig
    needless to \say [that] he disagreed with all the suggestions, as usual natürlich war er, wie immer, mit keinem der Vorschläge einverstanden
    to have a lot/nothing to \say viel/nicht viel reden
    what have you got to \say for yourself? was hast du zu deiner Rechtfertigung zu sagen?
    \say no more! alles klar!
    to \say nothing of sth ganz zu schweigen von etw dat
    it would be an enormous amount of work, to \say nothing of the cost es wäre ein enormer Arbeitsaufwand, ganz abgesehen von den Kosten
    4. (think)
    it is said [that] he's over 100 er soll über 100 Jahre alt sein
    she is a firm leader, too firm, some might \say sie ist eine strenge Führungskraft, zu streng, wie manche vielleicht sagen würden
    \say what you like, I still can't believe it du kannst sagen, was du willst, aber ich kann es noch immer nicht glauben
    to \say sth to oneself sich dat etw sagen
    she said to herself, “what a fool I am!” „was bin ich doch für eine Idiotin“, sagte sie zu sich selbst
    5. (recite aloud)
    to \say sth etw aufsagen
    to \say a prayer ein Gebet sprechen
    6. (give information)
    to \say sth etw sagen
    the sign \says... auf dem Schild steht...
    can you read what that notice \says? kannst du lesen, was auf der Mitteilung steht?
    it \says on the bottle to take three tablets a day auf der Flasche heißt es, man soll drei Tabletten täglich einnehmen
    my watch \says 3 o'clock auf meiner Uhr ist es 3 [Uhr]
    to \say something/a lot about sb/sth etwas/eine Menge über jdn/etw aussagen
    the way he drives \says a lot about his character sein Fahrstil sagt eine Menge über seinen Charakter aus
    to \say something for sb/sth für jdn/etw sprechen
    it \says a lot for her determination that she practises her cello so often dass sie so oft Cello übt, zeigt ihre Entschlossenheit
    there's little/a lot to be said for sth es spricht wenig/viel für etw akk
    there's a lot to be said for living alone es spricht viel dafür, alleine zu leben
    8. (convey inner/artistic meaning)
    to \say sth etw ausdrücken
    the look on his face said he knew what had happened der Ausdruck auf seinem Gesicht machte deutlich, dass er wusste, was geschehen war
    the expression on her face when she saw them said it all ihr Gesichtsausdruck, als sie sie sah, sagte alles
    9. ( fam: suggest)
    to \say sth etw vorschlagen
    I \say we start looking for a hotel now ich schlage vor, wir suchen uns jetzt ein Hotel
    what do you \say we sell the car? was hältst du davon, wenn wir das Auto verkaufen?
    10. (tell, command)
    to \say when/where etc. sagen, wann/wo usw.
    he said to meet him here er sagte, dass wir ihn hier treffen sollen
    she said to call her back when you get home sie sagte, du sollst sie zurückrufen, wenn du wieder zu Hause bist
    to \say when sagen, wenn es genug ist [o reicht
    [let's] \say... sagen wir [mal]...; (assuming) nehmen wir an, angenommen
    try and finish the work by, let's \say, Friday versuchen Sie die Arbeit bis, sagen wir mal, Freitag fertig zu machen
    [let's] \say [that] the journey takes three hours, that means you'll arrive at 2 o'clock angenommen die Reise dauert drei Stunden, das heißt, du kommst um 2 Uhr an
    to \say amen to sth Amen zu etw dat sagen
    I'll \say amen to that ich bin dafür
    to be unable to \say boo to a goose ein Hasenfuß sein iron pej fam
    he's so shy he couldn't \say boo to a goose er ist so schüchtern, er könnte keiner Fliege etwas zuleide tun
    to \say cheese ‚cheese‘ sagen, „wo ist das Vögelchen?“ hum
    before sb could \say Jack Robinson bevor jd bis drei zählen konnte
    to \say uncle AM ( esp childspeak) sich akk geschlagen geben, aufgeben
    to \say the word Bescheid geben
    just \say the word, and I'll come and help sag nur ein Wort und ich komme zu Hilfe
    you don't \say [so]! was du nicht sagst!
    you said it! ( fam) du sagst es!
    <said, said>
    1. (state) sagen
    where was he going?he didn't \say wo wollte er hin? — das hat er nicht gesagt
    is it possible?who can \say? ist das möglich? — wer kann das schon sagen?
    I appreciate the gesture more than I can \say ich kann gar nicht sagen, wie ich die Geste schätze
    I can't \say for certain, but... ich kann es nicht mit Sicherheit behaupten, aber...
    hard to \say schwer zu sagen
    I can't \say das kann ich nicht sagen [o weiß ich nicht]
    it's not for sb to \say es ist nicht an jdm, etw zu sagen
    I think we should delay the introduction, but of course it's not for me to \say ich denke, wir sollten die Einführung hinausschieben, aber es steht mir natürlich nicht zu, das zu entscheiden
    not to \say... um nicht zu sagen...
    2. (believe) sagen
    is Spanish a difficult language to learn? — they \say not ist Spanisch schwer zu lernen? — angeblich nicht
    3. (to be explicit)
    ... that is to \say...... das heißt...
    our friends, that is to \say our son's friends, will meet us at the airport unsere Freunde, genauer gesagt, die Freunde unseres Sohnes, werden uns am Flughafen treffen
    that is not to \say das soll nicht heißen
    he's so gullible, but that is not to \say that he is stupid er ist so leichtgläubig, aber das soll nicht heißen, dass er dumm ist
    4. LAW
    how \say you? wie lautet Ihr Urteil?
    no pl Meinung f
    to have one's \say seine Meinung sagen
    can't you keep quiet for a minute and let me have my \say? könnt ihr mal eine Minute ruhig sein, damit ich auch mal zu Wort kommen kann? fam
    to have a/no \say in sth bei etw dat ein/kein Mitspracherecht haben
    the said... der/die/das erwähnte [o genannte]...
    1. AM ( fam: to attract attention) sag mal... fam
    \say, how about going out tonight? sag mal, was hältst du davon, wenn wir heute Abend ausgehen? fam
    I \say! BRIT ( dated) Donnerwetter! fam
    I \say, what a splendid hat you're wearing! Donnerwetter, das ist ja ein toller Hut, den du da trägst! fam
    2. (to show surprise, doubt etc.)
    I [mean to [or must]] \say! [also,] ich muss [schon] sagen!; ( fam: for emphasis)
    I'll \say! und wie!, das kann man wohl sagen! fam; (sl: to express doubt)
    \says you! das glaubst aber auch nur du! fam
    \says who? wer sagt das?
    3. AM (expresses positive reaction) sag mal fam
    \say, that's really a great idea! Mensch, das ist ja echt eine tolle Idee! fam
    * * *
    [seɪ] vb: pret, ptp said

    you can say what you like (about it/me) — Sie können (darüber/über mich) sagen, was Sie wollen

    I never thought I'd hear him say that — ich hätte nie gedacht, dass er das sagen würde

    that's not for him to say — es steht ihm nicht zu, sich darüber zu äußern

    he looks very smart, I'll say that for him —

    if you see her, say I haven't changed my mind — wenn du sie siehst, sag ihr or richte ihr aus, dass ich es mir nicht anders überlegt habe

    I'm not saying it's the best, but... — ich sage or behaupte ja nicht, dass es das Beste ist, aber...

    never let it be said that I didn't try — es soll keiner sagen können or mir soll keiner nachsagen, ich hätte es nicht versucht

    well, all I can say is... — na ja, da kann ich nur sagen...

    it tastes, shall we say, interesting — das schmeckt aber, na, sagen wir mal interessant

    you'd better do it – who says? —

    well, what can I say? — na ja, was kann man da sagen?

    what does it mean? – I wouldn't like to say — was bedeutet das? – das kann ich auch nicht sagen

    having said that, I must point out... — ich muss allerdings darauf hinweisen...

    so saying, he sat down — und mit den Worten setzte er sich

    he didn't have much to say for himself — er sagte or redete nicht viel; (in defence) er konnte nicht viel (zu seiner Verteidigung) sagen

    if you don't like it, say so —

    do it this way – if you say so — machen Sie es so – wenn Sie meinen


    giving instructions he said to wait here — er hat gesagt, ich soll/wir sollen etc hier warten

    3) = announce melden

    who shall I say?wen darf ich melden?

    4) = recite poem aufsagen; prayer, text sprechen

    say after me... — sprechen Sie mir nach...

    5) = pronounce aussprechen
    6) = indicate newspaper, dictionary, clock, horoscope sagen (inf); (thermometer) anzeigen, sagen (inf); (law, church, Bible, computer) sagen

    it says in the papers that... — in den Zeitungen steht, dass...

    what does the paper/this book/your horoscope etc say? — was steht in der Zeitung/diesem Buch/deinem Horoskop etc?

    the rules say that... — in den Regeln heißt es, dass...

    the weather forecast said that... —

    what does your watch say? — wie spät ist es auf Ihrer Uhr?, was sagt Ihre Uhr? (inf)

    7) = tell sagen

    it's hard to say what's wrong what does that say about his intentions/the main character? — es ist schwer zu sagen, was nicht stimmt was sagt das über seine Absichten/die Hauptperson aus?

    that says a lot about his character/state of mind — das lässt tief auf seinen Charakter/Gemütszustand schließen

    that doesn't say much for him —

    there's no saying what might happen — was (dann) passiert, das kann keiner vorhersagen

    there's something/a lot to be said for being based in London — es spricht einiges/viel für ein Zuhause or (for a firm) für einen Sitz in London


    = suppose say it takes three men to... — angenommen, man braucht drei Leute, um zu...

    if it happens on, say, Wednesday? — wenn es am, sagen wir mal Mittwoch, passiert?


    in suggestions what would you say to a whisky/game of tennis? — wie wärs mit einem Whisky/mit einer Partie Tennis?

    shall we say Tuesday/£50? —

    I'll offer £500, what do you say to that? —

    what do you say we go now? (inf) — wie wärs or was hieltest du davon, wenn wir jetzt gingen?, was meinst du, sollen wir jetzt gehen?

    let's try again, what d'you say? (inf) — was meinste, versuchen wirs noch mal? (inf)


    exclamatory well, I must say! —

    I say! (dated) (to attract attention) I say, thanks awfully, old man! (dated) — na so was! hallo! na dann vielen Dank, altes Haus! (dated)

    say, what a great idea! (esp US) — Mensch, tolle Idee! (inf)

    say, buddy! (esp US) — he, Mann! (inf)

    you don't say! (also iro) — nein wirklich?, was du nicht sagst!


    no sooner said than done — gesagt, getan

    they say..., it is said... — es heißt...

    he is said to be very richer soll sehr reich sein, es heißt, er sei sehr reich

    a building said to have been built by... — ein Gebäude, das angeblich von... gebaut wurde or das von... gebaut worden sein soll

    it goes without saying that... —

    that is to say — das heißt; (correcting also) beziehungsweise

    that's not to say that... — das soll nicht heißen, dass...

    the plan sounded vague, not to say impractical — der Plan klang vage, um nicht zu sagen unpraktisch

    to say nothing of the noise/costs etc — von dem Lärm/den Kosten etc ganz zu schweigen or mal ganz abgesehen

    to say nothing of being... — davon, dass ich/er etc... ganz zu schweigen or mal ganz abgesehen

    2. NOUN

    = opportunity to speak let him have his say — lass ihn mal reden or seine Meinung äußern

    everyone should be allowed to have his say —

    2) = right to decide etc Mitspracherecht nt (in bei)

    to have no/a say in sth —

    I want more say in determining... — ich möchte mehr Mitspracherecht bei der Entscheidung... haben

    to have the last or final say (in sth) — (etw) letztlich entscheiden; (person also) das letzte Wort (bei etw) haben

    * * *
    say1 [seı]
    A v/t prät und pperf said [sed], 2. sg präs obs oder BIBEL say(e)st [ˈseı(ə)st], 3. sg präs says [sez], obs oder poet saith [seθ]
    1. sagen, sprechen:
    say yes to sth Ja zu etwas sagen;
    they have little to say to each other sie haben sich wenig zu sagen; goodby(e) A, jack1 A 1, knife A 1
    2. sagen, äußern, vorbringen, berichten:
    have sth to say to ( oder with) etwas zu sagen haben in (dat) oder bei;
    a) er ist sehr zurückhaltend,
    b) pej mit ihm ist nicht viel los;
    have you nothing to say for yourself? hast du nichts zu deiner Rechtfertigung zu sagen?;
    is that all you’ve got to say? ist das alles, was du zu sagen hast?;
    the Bible says die Bibel sagt, in der Bibel heißt es oder steht;
    people ( oder they) say he is ill, he is said to be ill man sagt oder es heißt, er sei krank; er soll krank sein;
    what do you say to …? was hältst du von …?, wie wäre es mit …?;
    it says es lautet (Schreiben etc);
    it says here hier heißt es, hier steht (geschrieben);
    my watch says 4:30 auf meiner Uhr ist es halb fünf;
    what does your watch say? wie spät ist es auf deiner Uhr?;
    you can say that again! das kannst du laut sagen!;
    say no more (ist) schon gut!; all C, bead A 2, nothing Bes Redew
    3. sagen, behaupten, versprechen:
    4. a) auch say over ein Gedicht etc auf-, hersagen
    b) REL ein Gebet sprechen, ein Vaterunser etc beten: grace A 11
    c) KATH die Messe lesen
    5. (be)sagen, bedeuten:
    that is to say das heißt;
    $500, say, five hundred dollars 500$, in Worten: fünfhundert Dollar;
    (and) that’s saying sth (u.) das will was heißen;
    that says it all das sagt alles
    6. umg annehmen:
    (let’s) say this happens angenommen oder nehmen wir (mal) an, das geschieht;
    a sum of, say, $500 eine Summe von sagen wir (mal) 500 Dollar;
    a country, say India ein Land wie (z. B.) Indien;
    I should say ich würde sagen, ich dächte (schon)
    B v/i
    1. sagen, meinen:
    it is hard to say es ist schwer zu sagen;
    if you say so wenn du das sagst;
    you may well say so das kann man wohl sagen;
    you don’t say (so)! was du nicht sagst!;
    say, haven’t I …? bes US umg sag mal, hab ich nicht …?;
    I can’t say das kann ich nicht sagen;
    as one ( oder you) might say könnte man sagen, sozusagen;
    says he? umg sagt er?;
    says who? umg wer sagt das?;
    says you! sl das sagst du!, denkste!
    a) hör(en Sie) mal!, sag(en Sie) mal!,
    b) (erstaunt od beifällig) Donnerwetter! umg, ich muss schon sagen!
    C s
    1. Ausspruch m, Behauptung f:
    have one’s say seine Meinung äußern (to, on über akk oder zu)
    2. Mitspracherecht n:
    have a (no) say in sth etwas (nichts) zu sagen haben bei etwas;
    let him have his say lass(t) ihn (doch auch mal) reden!
    3. auch final say endgültige Entscheidung:
    who has the say in this matter? wer hat in dieser Sache zu entscheiden oder das letzte Wort (zu sprechen)?
    say2 [seı] s ein feiner Wollstoff
    * * *
    1. transitive verb,
    pres. t. he says, p.t. & p.p. said

    what more can I say? — was soll ich da noch [groß] sagen?

    it says a lot or much or something for somebody/something that... — es spricht sehr für jemanden/etwas, dass...

    have a lot/not much to say for oneself — viel reden/nicht viel von sich geben

    to say nothing of (quite apart from) ganz zu schweigen von; mal ganz abgesehen von

    having said that, that said — (nevertheless) abgesehen davon

    you can say that again, you said it — (coll.) das kannst du laut sagen (ugs.)

    you don't say [so] — (coll.) was du nicht sagst (ugs.)

    says you(coll.) wer's glaubt, wird selig (ugs. scherzh.)

    I'll say [it is]! — (coll.): (it certainly is) und wie!

    don't let or never let it be said [that]... — niemand soll sagen können, [dass]...

    I can't say [that] I like cats/the idea — ich kann nicht gerade sagen od. behaupten, dass ich Katzen mag/die Idee gut finde

    [well,] I must say — also, ich muss schon sagen

    I should say so/not — ich glaube schon/nicht; (emphatic) bestimmt/bestimmt nicht

    there's something to be said on both sides/either side — man kann für beide Seiten/jede Seite Argumente anführen

    what do or would you say to somebody/something? — (think about) was hältst du von jemandem/etwas?; was würdest du zu jemandem/etwas sagen?

    what I'm trying to say is this — was ich sagen will, ist folgendes

    say nothing to somebody(fig.) [Musik, Kunst:] jemandem nichts bedeuten

    which/that is not saying much or a lot — was nicht viel heißen will/das will nicht viel heißen

    2) (recite, repeat, speak words of) sprechen [Gebet, Text]; aufsagen [Einmaleins, Gedicht]
    3) (have specified wording or reading) sagen; [Zeitung:] schreiben; [Uhr:] zeigen [Uhrzeit]

    the Bible says or it says in the Bible [that]... — in der Bibel heißt es, dass...

    a sign saying... — ein Schild mit der Aufschrift...

    4) in pass.

    she is said to be clever/have done it — man sagt, sie sei klug/habe es getan

    2. intransitive verb, forms as
    1) (speak) sagen

    I say!(Brit.) (seeking attention) Entschuldigung!; (admiring) Donnerwetter!

    2) in imper. (Amer.) Mensch!
    3. noun

    have a or some say — ein Mitspracherecht haben (in bei)

    the [final] say — das letzte Wort (in bei)

    have one's say — seine Meinung sagen; (chance to speak)

    get one's or have a say — zu Wort kommen

    * * *
    (§ p.,p.p.: said)
    = sagen v.

    English-german dictionary > say

  • 16 date

    ̈ɪdeɪt I
    1. сущ.
    1) дата, число, день to date ≈ на сегодня at an early date ≈ в более ранний срок, раньше at a future date, at a later dateпозже to fix a date, to set a dateназначить, определить время, дату cut-off dateкрайний срок, крайняя дата due dateсрок, дата платежа significant date ≈ важная (историческая) дата target date ≈ оговоренная, условленная дата date of birthдата рождения bear a date of the same date of today's date of yesterday's date
    2) время;
    период, срок;
    пора Up to this date Burns was happy. ≈ До этого времени Бернс был счастлив. a flower's brief date ≈ краткий срок, отпущенный цветку Syn: season
    1., period
    3) а) разг. свидание Before parting, we had made a date for half-past four next day on the same spot. ≈ Прежде чем расстаться, мы назначили свидание на следующий день на
    4. 30 на том же месте. blind date Syn: tryst б) амер.;
    разг. тот, с которым назначено свидание In pairs we crowded into cars, our dates in our laps. ≈ Парами мы втиснулись в машины и расселись, каждый держа на коленях свою девушку.
    4) а) эпоха antiquities of Roman date ≈ памятники эпохи Древнего Рима б) возраст His date doubled her own. ≈ Его возраст в два раза превысил ее собственный.
    5) театр. ангажемент;
    2. гл.
    1) датировать, относить к определенному времени (событие и т. п.) ;
    вести начало( от какого-л. времени или события), восходить( back to, from) You cannot date the carving and it is difficult to date the stone itself. ≈ Вы не можете отнести резьбу к какому-либо определенному периоду, и еще труднее датировать сам камень. The church dates back to
    1173. ≈ Построение церкви датируется 1173 годом.
    2) проставлять дату, число ( на письме, документе и т. п.) ;
    указывать время и место The letter is dated 2 July
    1996. ≈ Письмо датировано 2 июля 1996 г. We thank you for your letter dated the 15th May. ≈ Благодарим Вас за Ваше письмо, датированное 15 мая. The letter was dated from London at eight o'clock in the morning. ≈ На письме было указано: Лондон, восемь утра.
    3) считать, исчислять Life is not dated merely by years. ≈ Жизнь исчисляется не просто годами. Six full days had passed dating from the time when the eruption appeared. ≈ Прошло полных шесть дней, считая с того момента, как высыпала сыпь.
    4) разг. устареть Blue and white is the classic colour combination and will never date. ≈ Голубой и белый - это классическое сочетание цветов, которое никогда не выйдет из моды.
    5) амер.;
    разг. назначать свидание to date a girl ≈ назначить свидание девушке They've been dating for three months. ≈ Они встречались три месяца. II сущ.
    1) финик
    2) финиковая пальма Syn: date-palm
    3) сл.;
    ласк. глупышка, дурашка (глупый или смешной человек) A kid like that ought not to talk about love at her age, the soppy little date. ≈ Ребенок в ее возрасте не должен говорить о любви, маленькая дурашка. дата, число, день - delivery * дата поставки( оборудования и т. п.) - installation * дата установки - under the * (of) January 1О за десятое января - without * без даты - the * of birth дата рождения - to bear а * быть датированным - up to thе * when до того дня, когда - what's the * today? какое сегодня число? - what's the * of this discovery? когда было сделано это открытие? - the * is set for August 5 назначено на пятое августа - it was done at а much earlier * это было сделано гораздо раньше время и место время;
    срок, период;
    эпоха - Roman * эпоха Древнего Рима - the * of youth юные годы, пора молодости - at that * в те времена, в ту пору - the events of recent * события последнего времени возраст - his * is thirty ему тридцать лет( компьютерное) продолжительность, период (американизм) тот же день - "Тhe New York Times" of * номер "Нью-Йорк Таймс" за то же число - your letter of even * ваше сегодняшнее письмо газеты the latest *s последние газеты, последние выпуски газет (устаревшее) пора;
    конец - all has its * всему приходит конец > out of * устарелый, несовременный;
    отживший свой век;
    старомодный, вышедший из моды;
    > to go out of * устареть, выйти из моды;
    > to * современный;
    до сих пор > the progress made to * результаты, достигнутые в последнее время /имеющиеся на сегодняшний день/ > there's по news to * до сих пор нет никаких новостей;
    > uр to * до настоящего времени;
    современный, новейший;
    стоящий на уровне современных требований;
    находящийся в курсе дела /новостей, событий/;
    (бухгалтерское) доведенный до последнего дня /до сего дня/ (о гроссбухе, отчете и т. п./ > to bring smth. up to * обновить что-л.;
    > to bring smb. up to * ввести кого-л. в курс дел;
    > to kеер smb. up to * снабжать кого-л. последними сведениями;
    держать кого-л. в курсе дел;
    > to keep smth. up to * усовершенствовать что-л.;
    пополнять что-л. последними данными проставлять дату, датировать, ставить число;
    указывать время и место - to * а document проставить дату на документе;
    - he decided to * his letter "Chicago" он решил проставить на письме обратный адрес "Чикаго" - the letter is *d from Chicago письмо послано из Чикаго - the envelope is *d the 20th of August на конверте была проставлена дата - 20 августа иметь дату, датироваться;
    содержать указание времени и места - the letter *s from London письмо послано из Лондона датировать, относить к определенному времени, возводить к определенной эпохе - to * smb.'s birth установить дату чьего-л. рождения - to * the vase from Mycenaean times датировать вазу микенской эпохой датироваться, относиться к определенному времени, восходить к определенной эпохе - thе monument *s bасk to the time of... памятник восходит ко времени... - these ideas * from before the war эти идеи возникли еще до войны считать, исчислять - geological time is not *d bv years геологическое время исчисляется не годами (from) считаться, исчисляться устареть (разговорное) свидание, встреча - to mаkе a * with smb. назначить свидание с кем-л. - I made а * with her fог supper я пригласи. ее на ужин - to go out оn а * with smb. пойти на свидание с кем-л. - to ask smb. for а * просить кого-л. о встрече - I have а * with him у меня с ним свидание человек, с которым назначено свидание (разговорное) назначать свидание - l'm *d up already у меня уже назначено свидание финик (ботаника) финиковая пальма (Phoenix dactylifera) air ~ дата выхода в эфир alongside ~ дата подачи грузов к борту appoint a ~ назначать дату ~ срок, период;
    out of date устарелый;
    up to date стоящий на уровне современных требований;
    at that date в то время, в тот период availability ~ срок дата получения balance sheet ~ дата представления балансового отчета balance sheet ~ срок представления финансового отчета billing ~ дата выписки счета broken ~ нестандартный срок валютной или депозитной операции call ~ дата отказа от договора closing ~ дата закрытия closing ~ дата закрытия бухгалтерской книги closing ~ бирж. дата закрытия позиции closing ~ последний день отчетного периода cock ~ нестандартный срок валютной или депозитной операции commencement ~ дата вступления в силу commencing ~ дата начала compatibility ~ вчт. дата обеспечения совместимости contract ~ срок, оговоренный контрактом cutoff ~ дата прекращения cutoff ~ конечный, последний срок date вести исчисление( от какой-л. даты) ~ вести начало( от чего-л.) ;
    восходить (к определенной эпохе;
    тж. date back) ;
    this manuscript dates from the XIVth century эта рукопись относится к XIV веку ~ выйти из употребления;
    устареть ~ дата, число (месяца) ;
    date of birth день рождения ~ дата ~ датировать ~ вчт. датировать ~ датировать to ~ до настоящего времени to ~ на данное число ~ амер. разг. назначать свидание;
    to date a girl назначить свидание девушке ~ проставлять дату ~ разг. свидание;
    I have got a date у меня свидание;
    to make a date назначить свидание ~ срок, период;
    out of date устарелый;
    up to date стоящий на уровне современных требований;
    at that date в то время, в тот период ~ срок ~ разг. тот, кому назначают свидание ~ финик ~ финиковая пальма ~ амер. разг. назначать свидание;
    to date a girl назначить свидание девушке ~ of accounts срок представления отчетности ~ of acquisition дата приобретения ~ of allotment дата распределения ~ дата, число (месяца) ;
    date of birth день рождения ~ of birth дата рождения ~ of commencement дата начала ~ of completion срок завершения операции ~ of completion срок совершения сделки ~ of consumption срок годности ~ of consumption срок использования ~ of conveyance срок доставки ~ of dealing дата заключения сделки ~ of delivery срок доставки ~ of deposit in warehouse срок хранения на складе ~ of disbursement срок выплаты ~ of earning день выдачи заработной платы ~ of expiry истечение срока ~ of expiry конечный срок действия ~ of first entitlement to dividends дата появления права на дивиденды ~ of first entitlement to interest payments дата появления права на выплату процентов ~ of inception of risk дата наступления страхового риска ~ of invoice дата выдачи счета-фактуры ~ of issue дата выпуска займа ~ of issue дата эмиссии ~ of leaving hospital дата выписки из больницы ~ of maturity срок платежа ~ of maturity срок погашения ценной бумаги ~ of maturity of coupon срок погашения купона ~ of merger дата слияния компаний ~ of patent дата выдачи патента ~ of patent дата издания описания к патенту ~ of patent дата начала действия патента ~ of payment срок платежа ~ of performance срок исполнения ~ of possession срок владения ~ of presentation срок представления ~ of presentation срок предъявления ~ of ratification( DOR) дата ратификации ~ of sailing дата выхода судна в море ~ of sailing дата отплытия ~ of sale дата продажи ~ of settlement дата заключения сделки ~ of settlement дата заключения соглашения ~ of term срок окончания ~ of transaction дата заключения сделки ~ of transfer дата перевода денег ~ of transfer дата передачи права ~ of transfer дата перечисления денег delivery ~ дата доставки drawn-on ~ дата выставления drawn-on ~ дата погашения due ~ директивный срок due ~ плановый срок due ~ срок платежа due ~ срок погашения кредитного обязательства due ~ установленный срок effective ~ дата вступления в силу event occurence ~ вчт. срок наступления события expiration ~ дата окончания expiry ~ дата окончания expiry ~ for presentation окончательный срок представления file generated ~ вчт. дата создания файла filing ~ пат. дата подачи заявки filing ~ пат. дата регистрации заявки final ~ окончательная дата final ~ окончательный срок final maturity ~ окончательный срок платежа finalization ~ дата завершения finalization ~ срок окончания fix a ~ назначать день fixed ~ установленный срок fixed ~ фиксированный срок from ~ с сегодняшнего дня from ~ с этого дня ~ разг. свидание;
    I have got a date у меня свидание;
    to make a date назначить свидание inception ~ дата начала inception ~ (уст.) дата получения ученой степени (в Кембриджском университете) initial settlement ~ первый расчетный день interest payment ~ дата выплаты процентов interim due ~ промежуточный срок платежа issue ~ дата выпуска launch ~ дата выброса товара на рынок launch ~ срок выпуска loading ~ дата погрузки loan interest ~ срок ссудного процента ~ разг. свидание;
    I have got a date у меня свидание;
    to make a date назначить свидание makeup ~ дата подведения итога maturity ~ дата наступления срока платежа maturity ~ дата платежа maturity ~ дата погашения maturity ~ срок платежа maturity ~ срок погашения on-sale ~ дата продажи opening ~ дата открытия ~ срок, период;
    out of date устарелый;
    up to date стоящий на уровне современных требований;
    at that date в то время, в тот период out: ~ of date вышедший из моды ~ of date вышедший из употребления ~ of date несовременный ~ of date просроченный ~ of date устаревший policy expiration ~ дата окончания срока страхования policy expiry ~ дата окончания срока страхования premium due ~ срок уплаты страхового взноса principal due ~ основной срок платежа priority ~ пат. дата приоритета pub ~ вчт. дата публикации purge ~ вчт. дата истечения срока хранения purge ~ вчт. дата чистки redemption ~ дата выкупа redemption ~ дата погашения redemption ~ срок выкупа redemption ~ срок погашения reference ~ базисная дата reference ~ исходная дата repayment ~ дата погашения rollover ~ срок очередной фиксации плавающей ставки по кредиту sailing ~ дата отхода sailing ~ день отхода settlement ~ ликвидационный период settlement ~ расчетный день settling ~ расчетный период statement ~ дата выписки счета statement ~ дата регистрации takeover ~ дата поглощения takeover ~ дата приобретения компанией контрольного пакета другой компании tax filing ~ срок подачи налоговой декларации tender ~ дата проведения торгов termination ~ дата прекращения действия ~ вести начало (от чего-л.) ;
    восходить (к определенной эпохе;
    тж. date back) ;
    this manuscript dates from the XIVth century эта рукопись относится к XIV веку trade ~ дата заключения сделки under today's ~ за сегодняшнее число under today's ~ сегодняшним числом ~ срок, период;
    out of date устарелый;
    up to date стоящий на уровне современных требований;
    at that date в то время, в тот период use-by ~ срок годности value ~ дата валютирования value ~ дата поставки валюты value ~ срок векселя

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > date

  • 17 line

    line [laɪn]
    ligne1 (a)-(c), 1 (e), 1 (j)-(o), 1 (r), 1 (v) trait1 (a) ride1 (a) rang1 (c) queue1 (c) mot1 (f) corde1 (g) tuyau1 (h) voie1 (i) frontière1 (p) branche1 (q) chaîne1 (s) lignée1 (t) border2 (a) régler2 (b) doubler2 (c) garnir2 (c), 2 (d)
    1 noun
    (a) (mark, stroke) ligne f, trait m; (wrinkle) ride f; Mathematics, Sport & Television ligne f;
    to draw a line tracer ou tirer une ligne;
    Sport to beat sb on the line (at the finishing line) coiffer qn au poteau;
    to score 50 points above/below the line (in bridge) marquer 50 points d'honneur/de marche;
    straight line (gen) ligne f droite; Mathematics droite f;
    there are five lines to a stave une portée est constituée de cinq lignes;
    his face was covered with lines son visage était plein de rides
    (b) (path) ligne f;
    light travels in a straight line la lumière se propage en ligne droite;
    it's on a line between Houston and Dallas c'est sur la ligne qui va de Houston à Dallas;
    the two grooves must be exactly in line les deux rainures doivent être parfaitement alignées;
    I don't follow your line of thinking je ne suis pas ton raisonnement;
    to be in the line of fire être dans la ligne de tir;
    line of sight or of vision ligne f de visée;
    let's try a different line of attack essayons une approche différente;
    it's all in the line of duty cela fait partie de mes fonctions;
    the problems I meet in the line of duty les problèmes auxquels je suis confronté dans l'exercice de mes fonctions;
    to be killed in the line of duty (policeman) mourir dans l'exercice de ses fonctions; (soldier) mourir au champ d'honneur;
    British to take the line of least resistance choisir la solution de facilité;
    there's been a terrible mistake somewhere along the line il s'est produit une erreur grave quelque part;
    I'll support them all along or right down the line je les soutiendrai jusqu'au bout ou sur toute la ligne;
    the population is split along religious lines la population est divisée selon des critères religieux;
    he reorganized the company along more rational lines il a réorganisé l'entreprise sur une base plus rationnelle;
    we shall take action along the lines suggested nous agirons dans le sens de ce qui a été proposé;
    another idea along the same lines une autre idée dans le même genre;
    we seem to be thinking along the same lines il semble que nous voyions les choses de la même façon;
    to be on the right lines être sur la bonne voie
    (c) (row → side by side) ligne f, rang m, rangée f; (→ one behind another) rang m, file f; American (queue) file f (d'attente), queue f;
    a line of traffic une colonne de véhicules;
    to fall or get into line, to form a line (people) se mettre en ligne; (children) se mettre en rang; (soldiers) former les rangs;
    stand in line, children mettez-vous en rang, les enfants;
    to step into line se mettre en rang;
    a line of trees une rangée d'arbres;
    we joined the line at the bus stop nous avons fait la queue à l'arrêt de bus;
    they wanted to be first in line ils voulaient être les premiers dans la file d'attente;
    figurative he's in line for promotion il est sur les rangs pour une promotion;
    he's next in line for promotion la prochaine promotion sera pour lui;
    he's first in line for the throne c'est l'héritier du trône;
    to be on the line (job, reputation) être en jeu;
    to put one's job/reputation on the line mettre son travail/sa réputation en jeu;
    to lay one's reputation/life on the line (for sb/sth) mettre sa réputation/vie en jeu (pour qn/qch)
    it's in/out of line with company policy c'est conforme/ce n'est pas conforme à la politique de la société;
    it's more or less in line with what we'd expected cela correspond plus ou moins à nos prévisions;
    to bring wages into line with inflation actualiser les salaires en fonction de l'inflation;
    the rebels have been brought into line les rebelles ont été mis au pas;
    to fall into line with government policy accepter la politique gouvernementale;
    to step out of line s'écarter du droit chemin
    (e) (of writing, text) ligne f; (of poem, song) vers m; (of play) réplique f;
    new line (in dictation) à la ligne;
    Computing a 20-line program un programme de 20 lignes;
    School she gave me 100 lines elle m'a donné 100 lignes (à faire);
    she quoted a line from Wordsworth elle a cité un vers de Wordsworth;
    I only have two lines in the whole play! je n'ai que deux répliques dans toute la pièce!;
    he forgot his lines il a oublié son texte;
    he gave me the usual line about his wife not understanding him il m'a fait son numéro habituel comme quoi sa femme ne le comprend pas;
    familiar to shoot a line (boast) frimer; (smooth talk) baratiner;
    American familiar to hand or give or pass sb a line (chat up) draguer qn
    to drop sb a line envoyer un mot à qn
    (g) (rope) corde f; Nautical bout m; Fishing ligne f; (in surveying) & Building industry cordeau m;
    to hang the washing on the line mettre le linge à sécher, étendre le linge;
    your clothes are out on the line tes vêtements sont sur la corde à linge
    (h) (pipe) tuyau m; (pipeline) pipeline m
    the train left the line le train a déraillé
    (j) (travel route) ligne f;
    underground line ligne f de métro;
    there's a new coach line to London il y a un nouveau service d'autocars pour Londres;
    to keep the lines of communication open maintenir ouvertes les lignes de communication;
    shipping line compagnie f de navigation
    (k) Electricity ligne f;
    the power lines have been cut les lignes électriques ont été coupées;
    the lines are still down after the gale les lignes n'ont pas été rétablies depuis la tempête;
    the power station comes on line in June la centrale entre en service en juin
    the line went dead la communication a été coupée;
    I was on the line to Paris je téléphonais à Paris;
    all the lines to London are busy toutes les lignes pour Londres sont occupées;
    then a voice came on the other end of the line alors une voix a répondu à l'autre bout du fil;
    I have Laura on the line j'ai Laura en ligne;
    a direct line to Washington une ligne directe avec Washington;
    hold the line ne quittez pas;
    the line is British engaged or American busy la ligne est occupée;
    there's someone on the line il y a quelqu'un sur la ligne;
    the line's very bad la communication est mauvaise;
    she's on the other line elle est sur l'autre ligne;
    Computing on line en ligne
    (m) (outline) ligne f;
    the graceful line or lines of the new model la ligne harmonieuse du nouveau modèle;
    can you explain the main or broad lines of the project to me? pouvez-vous m'expliquer les grandes lignes du projet?
    (n) (policy) ligne f;
    they took a hard or tough line on terrorism ils ont adopté une politique de fermeté envers le terrorisme;
    the opposition takes a harder line on this issue l'opposition a une politique plus dure sur cette question;
    to follow or to toe the party line suivre la ligne du parti;
    what line are you going to take? quel parti allez-vous prendre?;
    we must take a firm line with such people il nous faut être ferme avec des gens comme ça
    (o) Military ligne f;
    they struggled vainly to hold the line ils ont vainement tenté de maintenir leur position;
    battle lines lignes fpl de bataille;
    to infiltrate enemy lines infiltrer les lignes ennemies;
    regiment/ship of the line régiment m/navire m de ligne
    (p) (boundary) frontière f, limite f;
    the distant line of the horizon la ligne lointaine de l'horizon;
    the (dividing) line between frankness and rudeness la limite entre la franchise et l'impolitesse;
    to overstep the line dépasser la mesure;
    the poverty line le seuil de pauvreté;
    they crossed the state line into Nevada ils ont franchi la frontière du Nevada;
    to cross the Line (equator) traverser l'équateur
    (q) (field of activity) branche f; (job) métier m; (field of interest) domaine m;
    she's in the same line (of work) as you elle travaille dans la même branche que toi;
    what line (of business) are you in?, what's your line (of business)? qu'est-ce que vous faites dans la vie?;
    if you need anything doing in the plumbing line si vous avez besoin de faire faire des travaux de plomberie;
    that's not my line ce n'est pas mon rayon;
    that's more in Katy's line c'est plus du domaine de Katy;
    opera isn't really my line l'opéra n'est pas vraiment mon genre
    (r) (range → of products) ligne f;
    a new line of office furniture une nouvelle ligne de meubles de bureau;
    they produce or do an interesting line in chairs ils produisent une gamme intéressante de chaises;
    familiar a rice pudding or something in that line un gâteau de riz ou quelque chose dans ce genre(-là)
    (s) (production line) chaîne f;
    the new model will be coming off the line in May le nouveau modèle sortira de l'usine en mai
    (t) (lineage, ancestry) lignée f;
    line of descent filiation f;
    to be descended in (a) direct line from sb descendre en droite ligne de qn;
    the Windsor line la lignée des Windsor;
    the title is transmitted by the male line le titre se transmet par les hommes;
    he comes from a long line of doctors il est issu d'une longue lignée de médecins
    I'll try and get a line on what actually happened j'essaierai d'avoir des tuyaux sur ce qui s'est réellement passé;
    the police have got a line on him la police sait des choses sur lui
    (a) (road, river) border;
    the avenue is lined with trees l'avenue est bordée d'arbres;
    crowds lined the streets la foule était ou s'était massée sur les trottoirs
    (b) (paper) régler, ligner
    (c) Sewing (clothes, curtains) doubler; (container, drawer, cupboard) tapisser, garnir;
    lined with silk doublé de soie;
    the tissue that lines the digestive tract la paroi interne de l'appareil digestif;
    you need something to line your stomach il faut que tu avales quelque chose avant;
    Cookery line the baking tin with pastry disposez la pâte dans le moule;
    walls lined with books des murs tapissés de livres;
    familiar to line one's (own) pockets s'en mettre plein les poches
    (d) Technology (bearing) garnir, recouvrir; (brakes) garnir; (wall, furnace) revêtir, incruster; (well) cuveler;
    to line a shaft with metal blinder un puits;
    the tubes are lined with plastic l'intérieur des tubes est revêtu d'une couche de plastique
    ►► Marketing line addition ajout m à la ligne;
    Typography line block cliché m au trait;
    Computing line break saut m de ligne;
    line call (in tennis) décision f du juge de ligne;
    Computing line command ligne f de commande;
    Finance line of credit ligne f de crédit, ligne f de découvert;
    line dancing = danse de style country effectuée en rangs;
    Marketing line differentiation différenciation f de ligne;
    line drawing dessin m au trait;
    Sport line drive (in baseball) flèche f;
    Typography & Computing line end fin f de ligne;
    Typography & Computing line end hyphen tiret m de fin de ligne;
    line engraving gravure f au trait;
    Marketing line extension extension f de ligne;
    Computing line feed changement m de ligne;
    American line fence clôture f;
    Marketing line filling consolidation f de ligne;
    line fishing pêche f à la ligne;
    Typography line gauge typomètre m;
    Sport line judge juge m de ligne;
    Commerce line management organisation f hiérarchique;
    Commerce line manager chef m hiérarchique;
    line noise parasites mpl;
    line organization organisation f hiérarchique;
    Computing line printer imprimante f ligne à ligne;
    Computing line printout imprimé m ligne à ligne;
    Theatre line rehearsal lecture f collective;
    Telecommunications line rental abonnement m;
    Typography & Computing line space interligne m;
    three line spaces un triple interligne;
    Typography & Computing line spacing interlignage m, espacement m de lignes;
    Marketing line stretching extension f de ligne;
    Typography & Computing line width longueur f de ligne
    line up
    (a) (put in line → objects) aligner, mettre en ligne; (→ people) faire aligner;
    he lined up the troops for inspection il fit aligner les hommes pour passer l'inspection
    the two grooves must be lined up exactly les deux rainures doivent être parfaitement alignées;
    he had the pheasant lined up in his sights il avait le faisan dans sa ligne de mire
    (c) familiar (plan) préparer, prévoir ;
    I've got a treat lined up for the kids j'ai préparé une surprise pour les gosses;
    he's lined up an all-star cast for his new film la distribution de son nouveau film ne comprend que des stars;
    have you got anyone lined up for the job? avez-vous quelqu'un en vue pour le poste?;
    what have you got lined up for us? qu'est-ce que vous nous préparez?
    (stand in line) s'aligner, se mettre en ligne; American (queue up) faire la queue;
    figurative the Liberals lined up behind the government les libéraux ont apporté leur soutien au gouvernement

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > line

  • 18 say

    [seɪ] vt <said, said>
    to \say sth etw sagen;
    how do you \say your name in Japanese? wie spricht man deinen Namen auf Japanisch aus?;
    I'm sorry, what did you \say? Entschuldigung, was hast du gesagt?;
    to \say sth to sb's face jdm etw ins Gesicht sagen;
    when all is said and done, you can only do your best letzten Endes kann man sich nur bemühen, sein Bestes zu geben
    2) ( state)
    to \say sth etw sagen;
    what did they \say about the house? was haben sie über das Haus gesagt?;
    what did you \say to him? was hast du ihm gesagt?;
    ‘the department manager is at lunch,’ he said apologetically „der Abteilungsleiter ist beim Mittagessen“, meinte er bedauernd;
    another cup of tea? - I wouldn't \say no ( fam) noch eine Tasse Tee? - da würde ich nicht Nein sagen;
    to \say goodbye to sb jdm auf Wiedersehen sagen, sich akk von jdm verabschieden;
    if Europe fails to agree on this, we can \say goodbye to any common foreign policy ( fam) wenn Europa sich hierauf nicht einigen kann, können wir jegliche gemeinsame Außenpolitik vergessen;
    to \say the least um es [einmal] milde auszudrücken;
    he's rather unreliable to \say the least er ist ziemlich unzuverlässig, und das ist noch schmeichelhaft ausgedrückt;
    you can \say that again! ( fam) das kannst du laut sagen ( fam)
    to have anything/ nothing/something to \say [to sb] [jdm] irgendetwas/nichts/etwas zu sagen haben;
    I've got something to \say to you ich muss Ihnen etwas sagen;
    to \say yes/ no to sth etw annehmen/ablehnen;
    having said that,... abgesehen davon...
    to \say sth etw sagen;
    what are you \saying, exactly? was willst du eigentlich sagen?;
    that was well said das war gut gesagt (sl);
    \say what? echt? ( fam)
    he talked for nearly an hour, but actually he said very little er redete beinahe eine Stunde lang, aber eigentlich sagte er sehr wenig;
    needless to \say [that] he disagreed with all the suggestions, as usual natürlich war er, wie immer, mit keinem der Vorschläge einverstanden;
    to have a lot/nothing to \say for oneself viel/nicht viel reden;
    what have you got to \say for yourself? was hast du zu deiner Rechtfertigung zu sagen?;
    \say no more! alles klar!;
    to \say nothing of sth ganz zu schweigen von etw dat;
    it would be an enormous amount of work, to \say nothing of the cost es wäre ein enormer Arbeitsaufwand, ganz abgesehen von den Kosten
    4) ( think)
    it is said [that] he's over 100 er soll über 100 Jahre alt sein;
    she is a firm leader, too firm, some might \say sie ist eine strenge Führungskraft, zu streng, wie manche vielleicht sagen würden;
    \say what you like, I still can't believe it du kannst sagen, was du willst, aber ich kann es noch immer nicht glauben;
    to \say sth to oneself sich dat etw sagen;
    she said to herself, ‘what a fool I am!’ „was bin ich doch für eine Idiotin“, sagte sie zu sich selbst
    to \say sth etw aufsagen;
    to \say a prayer ein Gebet sprechen
    to \say sth etw sagen;
    the sign \says... auf dem Schild steht...;
    can you read what that notice \says? kannst du lesen, was auf der Mitteilung steht?;
    it \says on the bottle to take three tablets a day auf der Flasche heißt es, man soll drei Tabletten täglich einnehmen;
    my watch \says 3 o'clock auf meiner Uhr ist es 3 [Uhr]
    7) ( indicate)
    to \say something/ a lot about sb/ sth etwas/eine Menge über jdn/etw aussagen;
    the way he drives \says a lot about his character sein Fahrstil sagt eine Menge über seinen Charakter aus;
    to \say something for sb/ sth für jdn/etw sprechen;
    it \says a lot for her determination that she practises her cello so often dass sie so oft Cello übt, zeigt ihre Entschlossenheit;
    there's little/ a lot to be said for sth es spricht wenig/viel für etw akk;
    there's a lot to be said for living alone es spricht viel dafür, alleine zu leben
    to \say sth etw ausdrücken;
    the look on his face said he knew what had happened der Ausdruck auf seinem Gesicht machte deutlich, dass er wusste, was geschehen war;
    the expression on her face when she saw them said it all ihr Gesichtsausdruck, als sie sie sah, sagte alles
    9) (fam: suggest)
    to \say sth etw vorschlagen;
    I \say we start looking for a hotel now ich schlage vor, wir suchen uns jetzt ein Hotel;
    what do you \say we sell the car? was hältst du davon, wenn wir das Auto verkaufen?
    10) (tell, command)
    to \say when/where etc. sagen, wann/wo usw.;
    he said to meet him here er sagte, dass wir ihn hier treffen sollen;
    she said to call her back when you get home sie sagte, du sollst sie zurückrufen, wenn du wieder zu Hause bist;
    to \say when sagen, wenn es genug ist [o reicht];
    [let's] \say... sagen wir [mal]...;
    ( assuming) nehmen wir an, angenommen;
    try and finish the work by, let's \say, Friday versuchen Sie die Arbeit bis, sagen wir mal, Freitag fertig zu machen;
    [let's] \say [that] the journey takes three hours, that means you'll arrive at 2 o'clock angenommen die Reise dauert drei Stunden, das heißt, du kommst um 2 Uhr an
    to \say amen to sth Amen zu etw dat sagen;
    I'll \say amen to that ich bin dafür;
    to \say cheese ‚cheese‘ sagen;
    to be unable to \say boo to a goose ein Hasenfuß sein (iron, pej) ( fam)
    he's so shy he couldn't \say boo to a goose er ist so schüchtern, er könnte keiner Fliege etwas zuleide tun;
    before sb could \say Jack Robinson bevor jd bis drei zählen konnte;
    to \say uncle (Am) ( esp childspeak) sich akk geschlagen geben, aufgeben;
    to \say the word Bescheid geben;
    just \say the word, and I'll come and help sag nur ein Wort und ich komme zu Hilfe;
    you don't \say [so]! was du nicht sagst!;
    you said it! ( fam) du sagst es! vi <said, said>
    1) ( state) sagen;
    where was he going? - he didn't \say wo wollte er hin? - das hat er nicht gesagt;
    is it possible? - who can \say? ist das möglich? - wer kann das schon sagen?;
    I appreciate the gesture more than I can \say ich kann gar nicht sagen, wie ich die Geste schätze;
    I can't \say for certain, but... ich kann es nicht mit Sicherheit behaupten, aber...;
    hard to \say schwer zu sagen;
    I can't \say das kann ich nicht sagen [o weiß ich nicht];
    it's not for sb to \say es ist nicht an jdm, etw zu sagen;
    I think we should delay the introduction, but of course it's not for me to \say ich denke, wir sollten die Einführung hinausschieben, aber es steht mir natürlich nicht zu, das zu entscheiden;
    not to \say... um nicht zu sagen...
    2) ( believe) sagen;
    is Spanish a difficult language to learn? - they \say not ist Spanisch schwer zu lernen? - angeblich nicht
    ... that is to \say...... das heißt...;
    our friends, that is to \say our son's friends, will meet us at the airport unsere Freunde, genauer gesagt, die Freunde unseres Sohnes, werden uns am Flughafen treffen;
    that is not to \say das soll nicht heißen;
    he's so gullible, but that is not to \say that he is stupid er ist so leichtgläubig, aber das soll nicht heißen, dass er dumm ist
    how \say you? law wie lautet Ihr Urteil? n
    no pl Meinung f;
    to have one's \say seine Meinung sagen;
    can't you keep quiet for a minute and let me have my \say? könnt ihr mal eine Minute ruhig sein, damit ich auch mal zu Wort kommen kann? ( fam)
    to have a/no \say in sth bei etw dat ein/kein Mitspracherecht haben adj
    attr, inv ( form);
    the said... der/die/das erwähnte [o genannte]... interj
    1) (Am) (fam: to attract attention) sag mal... ( fam)
    \say, how about going out tonight? sag mal, was hältst du davon, wenn wir heute Abend ausgehen? ( fam)
    I \say! ( Brit) (dated) Donnerwetter! ( fam)
    I \say, what a splendid hat you're wearing! Donnerwetter, das ist ja ein toller Hut, den du da trägst! ( fam)
    2) (to show surprise, doubt etc)
    I [mean to [or must]] \say! [also,] ich muss [schon] sagen!; (fam: for emphasis)
    I'll \say! und wie!, das kann man wohl sagen! ( fam) (sl: to express doubt)
    \says you! das glaubst aber auch nur du! ( fam)
    \says who? wer sagt das?
    3) (Am:) expresses positive reaction sag mal ( fam)
    \say, that's really a great idea! Mensch, das ist ja echt eine tolle Idee! ( fam)

    English-German students dictionary > say

  • 19 come

    come [kʌm]
    venir1 (a)-(d) se produire1 (e) exister1 (h) devenir1 (i) en venir à1 (j)
    (pt came [keɪm], pp come [kʌm])
    she won't come when she's called elle ne vient pas quand on l'appelle;
    here come the children voici les enfants qui arrivent;
    here he comes! le voilà qui arrive!;
    it's stuck - ah, no, it's coming! c'est coincé - ah, non, ça vient!;
    coming! j'arrive!;
    come here! venez ici!; (to dog) au pied!;
    come to the office tomorrow passez ou venez au bureau demain;
    he came to me for advice il est venu me demander conseil;
    you've come to the wrong person vous vous adressez à la mauvaise personne;
    you've come to the wrong place vous vous êtes trompé de chemin, vous faites fausse route;
    if you're looking for sun, you've come to the wrong place si c'est le soleil que vous cherchez, il ne fallait pas venir ici;
    come with me (accompany) venez avec moi, accompagnez-moi; (follow) suivez-moi;
    please come this way par ici ou suivez-moi s'il vous plaît;
    I come this way every week je passe par ici toutes les semaines;
    American come and look, come look venez voir;
    familiar come and get it! à la soupe!;
    he came whistling up the stairs il a monté l'escalier en sifflant;
    a car came hurtling round the corner une voiture a pris le virage à toute vitesse;
    to come and go (gen) aller et venir; figurative (pains, cramps etc) être intermittent;
    people are constantly coming and going il y a un va-et-vient continuel;
    fashions come and go la mode change tout le temps;
    after many years had come and gone après bien des années;
    familiar I don't know whether I'm coming or going je ne sais pas où j'en suis;
    you have come a long way vous êtes venu de loin; figurative (made progress) vous avez fait du chemin;
    the computer industry has come a very long way since then l'informatique a fait énormément de progrès depuis ce temps-là;
    also figurative to come running arriver en courant;
    we could see him coming a mile off on l'a vu venir avec ses gros sabots;
    figurative you could see it coming on l'a vu venir de loin, c'était prévisible;
    proverb everything comes to him who waits tout vient à point à qui sait attendre
    (b) (as guest, visitor) venir;
    can you come to my party on Saturday night? est-ce que tu peux venir à ma soirée samedi?;
    I'm sorry, I can't come (je suis) désolé, je ne peux pas venir;
    would you like to come for lunch/dinner? voulez-vous venir déjeuner/dîner?;
    I can only come for an hour or so je ne pourrai venir que pour une heure environ;
    come for a ride in the car viens faire un tour en voiture;
    she's come for her money elle est venue prendre son argent;
    I've got people coming (short stay) j'ai des invités; (long stay) il y a des gens qui viennent;
    Angela came and we had a chat Angela est venue et on a bavardé;
    they came for a week and stayed a month ils sont venus pour une semaine et ils sont restés un mois;
    he couldn't have come at a worse time il n'aurait pas pu tomber plus mal
    (c) (arrive) venir, arriver;
    to come in time/late arriver à temps/en retard;
    I've just come from the post office j'arrive de la poste à l'instant;
    we came to a small town nous sommes arrivés dans une petite ville;
    the time has come to tell the truth le moment est venu de dire la vérité;
    to come to the end of sth arriver à la fin de qch;
    I was coming to the end of my stay mon séjour touchait à sa fin;
    there will come a point when… il viendra un moment où…;
    when you come to the last coat of paint… quand tu en seras à la dernière couche de peinture…;
    (reach) her hair comes (down) to her waist ses cheveux lui arrivent à la taille;
    the mud came (up) to our knees la boue nous arrivait ou venait (jusqu') aux genoux
    (d) (occupy specific place, position) venir, se trouver;
    the address comes above the date l'adresse se met au-dessus de la date;
    my birthday comes before yours mon anniversaire vient avant ou précède le tien;
    a colonel comes before a lieutenant un colonel a la préséance sur un lieutenant;
    Friday comes after Thursday vendredi vient après ou suit jeudi;
    that speech comes in Act 3/on page 10 on trouve ce discours dans l'acte 3/à la page 10;
    the fireworks come next le feu d'artifice est après;
    what comes after the performance? qu'est-ce qu'il y a après la représentation?
    (e) (occur, happen) arriver, se produire;
    when my turn comes, when it comes to my turn quand ce sera (à) mon tour, quand mon tour viendra;
    such an opportunity only comes once in your life une telle occasion ne se présente qu'une fois dans la vie;
    he has a birthday coming son anniversaire approche;
    there's a storm coming un orage se prépare;
    success was a long time coming la réussite s'est fait attendre;
    take life as it comes prenez la vie comme elle vient;
    Christmas comes but once a year il n'y a qu'un Noël par an;
    Bible it came to pass that… il advint que…;
    come what may advienne que pourra, quoi qu'il arrive ou advienne
    the idea just came to me one day l'idée m'est soudain venue un jour;
    suddenly it came to me (I remembered) tout d'un coup, je m'en suis souvenu; (I had an idea) tout d'un coup, j'ai eu une idée;
    I said the first thing that came into my head or that came to mind j'ai dit la première chose qui m'est venue à l'esprit;
    the answer came to her elle a trouvé la réponse
    writing comes naturally to her écrire lui est facile, elle est douée pour l'écriture;
    a house doesn't come cheap une maison coûte ou revient cher;
    the news came as a shock to her la nouvelle lui a fait un choc;
    her visit came as a surprise sa visite nous a beaucoup surpris;
    it comes as no surprise to learn he's gone (le fait) qu'il soit parti n'a rien de surprenant;
    he's as silly as they come il est sot comme pas un;
    they don't come any tougher than Big Al on ne fait pas plus fort que Big Al;
    it'll all come right in the end tout cela va finir par s'arranger;
    the harder they come the harder they fall plus dure sera la chute
    (h) (be available) exister;
    this table comes in two sizes cette table existe ou se fait en deux dimensions;
    the dictionary comes with a magnifying glass le dictionnaire est livré avec une loupe
    (i) (become) devenir;
    it was a dream come true c'était un rêve devenu réalité;
    to come unhooked se décrocher;
    to come unravelled se défaire;
    the buttons on my coat keep coming undone mon manteau se déboutonne toujours
    (j) (+ infinitive) (indicating gradual action) en venir à, finir par; (indicating chance) arriver;
    she came to trust him elle en est venue à ou elle a fini par lui faire confiance;
    we have come to expect this kind of thing nous nous attendons à ce genre de chose maintenant;
    how did you come to lose your umbrella? comment as-tu fait pour perdre ton parapluie?;
    how did the door come to be open? comment se fait-il que la porte soit ouverte?;
    (now that I) come to think of it maintenant que j'y songe, réflexion faite;
    it's not much money when you come to think of it ce n'est pas beaucoup d'argent quand vous y réfléchissez
    (k) (be owing, payable)
    I still have £5 coming (to me) on me doit encore 5 livres;
    there'll be money coming from her uncle's will elle va toucher l'argent du testament de son oncle;
    he got all the credit coming to him il a eu tous les honneurs qu'il méritait;
    familiar you'll get what's coming to you tu l'auras cherché ou voulu;
    familiar he had it coming (to him) il ne l'a pas volé
    a smile came to her lips un sourire parut sur ses lèvres ou lui vint aux lèvres
    how come? comment ça?;
    familiar come again? quoi?;
    American how's it coming? comment ça va?;
    come to that à propos, au fait;
    I haven't seen her in weeks, or her husband, come to that ça fait des semaines que je ne l'ai pas vue, son mari non plus d'ailleurs;
    if it comes to that, I'd rather stay home à ce moment-là ou à ce compte-là, je préfère rester à la maison;
    don't come the fine lady with me! ne fais pas la grande dame ou ne joue pas à la grande dame avec moi!;
    don't come the innocent! ne fais pas l'innocent!;
    British familiar you're coming it a bit strong! tu y vas un peu fort!;
    British familiar don't come it with me! (try to impress) n'essaie pas de m'en mettre plein la vue!; (lord it over) pas la peine d'être si hautain avec moi!;
    the days to come les prochains jours, les jours qui viennent;
    the battle to come la bataille qui va avoir lieu;
    Religion the life to come l'autre vie;
    in times to come à l'avenir;
    for some time to come pendant quelque temps;
    that will not be for some time to come ce ne sera pas avant quelque temps
    (by) come tomorrow/Tuesday you'll feel better vous vous sentirez mieux demain/mardi;
    I'll have been here two years come April ça fera deux ans en avril que je suis là;
    come the revolution you'll all be out of a job avec la révolution, vous vous retrouverez tous au chômage
    come, come!, come now! allons!, voyons!
    4 noun
    vulgar (semen) foutre m
    (a) (occur) arriver, se produire;
    it came about that… il arriva ou il advint que…;
    how could such a mistake come about? comment une telle erreur a-t-elle pu se produire?;
    the discovery of penicillin came about quite by accident la pénicilline a été découverte tout à fait par hasard
    (b) Nautical (wind) tourner, changer de direction; (ship) virer de bord
    (a) (walk, travel across → field, street) traverser;
    as we stood talking she came across to join us pendant que nous discutions, elle est venue se joindre à nous
    to come across well/badly (at interview) faire une bonne/mauvaise impression, bien/mal passer; (on TV) bien/mal passer;
    he never comes across as well on film as in the theatre il passe mieux au théâtre qu'à l'écran;
    he came across as a total idiot il donnait l'impression d'être complètement idiot
    the author's message comes across well le message de l'auteur passe bien;
    her disdain for his work came across le mépris qu'elle avait pour son travail transparaissait
    (d) familiar (do as promised) s'exécuter, tenir parole
    (person) rencontrer par hasard, tomber sur; (thing) trouver par hasard, tomber sur;
    we came across an interesting problem on a été confrontés à ou on est tombés sur un problème intéressant;
    she reads everything she comes across elle lit tout ce qui lui tombe sous la main
    familiar (give → information) donner, fournir ; (→ help) offrir ; (→ money) raquer, se fendre de;
    he came across with the money he owed me il m'a filé le fric qu'il me devait;
    (pursue) poursuivre;
    he came after me with a stick il m'a poursuivi avec un bâton
    (a) (encouraging, urging)
    come along, drink your medicine! allez, prends ou bois ton médicament!;
    come along, we're late! dépêche-toi, nous sommes en retard!
    (b) (accompany) venir, accompagner;
    she asked me to come along (with them) elle m'a invité à aller avec eux ou à les accompagner
    (c) (occur, happen) arriver, se présenter;
    an opportunity like this doesn't come along often une telle occasion ne se présente pas souvent;
    don't accept the first job that comes along ne prenez pas le premier travail qui se présente;
    he married the first woman that came along il a épousé la première venue
    (d) (progress) avancer, faire des progrès; (grow) pousser;
    the patient is coming along well le patient se remet bien;
    the work isn't coming along as expected le travail n'avance pas comme prévu;
    how's your computer class coming along? comment va ton cours d'informatique?
    (object → come to pieces) se démonter; (→ break) se casser; (project, policy) échouer;
    to come apart at the seams (garment) se défaire aux coutures;
    the book came apart in my hands le livre est tombé en morceaux quand je l'ai pris;
    figurative under pressure he came apart sous la pression il a craqué
    (attack) attaquer, se jeter sur;
    he came at me with a knife il s'est jeté sur moi avec un couteau;
    figurative questions came at me from all sides j'ai été assailli de questions
    (a) (leave) partir, s'en aller;
    come away from that door! écartez-vous de cette porte!;
    I came away with the distinct impression that all was not well je suis reparti avec la forte impression que quelque chose n'allait pas;
    he asked her to come away with him (elope) il lui a demandé de s'enfuir avec lui; British (go on holiday) il lui a demandé de partir avec lui
    (b) (separate) partir, se détacher;
    the page came away in my hands la page m'est restée dans les mains
    (a) (return) revenir;
    he came back with me il est revenu avec moi;
    to come back home rentrer (à la maison);
    figurative the colour came back to her cheeks elle reprit des couleurs;
    we'll come back to that question later nous reviendrons à cette question plus tard;
    to come back to what we were saying pour en revenir à ce que nous disions
    it's all coming back to me tout cela me revient (à l'esprit ou à la mémoire);
    her name will come back to me later son nom me reviendra plus tard
    (c) (reply) répondre; American (retort) rétorquer, répliquer;
    they came back with an argument in favour of the project ils ont répondu par un argument en faveur du projet
    (d) (recover) remonter;
    he came back strongly in the second set il a bien remonté au deuxième set;
    they came back from 3-0 down ils ont remonté de 3 à 0
    (e) (become fashionable again) revenir à la mode; (make comeback) faire un come-back
    Law (of person) comparaître devant; (of case) être entendu par
    brouiller, éloigner;
    he came between her and her friend il l'a brouillée avec son amie, il l'a éloignée de son amie;
    we mustn't let a small disagreement come between us nous n'allons pas nous disputer à cause d'un petit malentendu
    come by
    (stop by) passer, venir
    (acquire → work, money) obtenir, se procurer; (→ idea) se faire;
    jobs are hard to come by il est difficile de trouver du travail;
    how did you come by this camera/those bruises? comment as-tu fait pour avoir cet appareil-photo/ces bleus?;
    how did she come by all that money? comment s'est-elle procuré tout cet argent?;
    how on earth did he come by that idea? où est-il allé chercher cette idée?
    (descend → ladder, stairs) descendre; (→ mountain) descendre, faire la descente de
    (a) (descend → from ladder, stairs) descendre; (→ from mountain etc) descendre, faire la descente; (plane → crash) s'écraser; (→ land) atterrir;
    to come down to breakfast descendre déjeuner ou prendre le petit déjeuner;
    come down from that tree! descends de cet arbre!;
    they came down to Paris ils sont descendus à Paris;
    hem-lines are coming down this year les jupes rallongent cette année;
    he's come down in the world il a déchu;
    you'd better come down to earth tu ferais bien de revenir sur terre ou de descendre des nues
    (b) (fall) tomber;
    rain was coming down in sheets il pleuvait des cordes;
    the ceiling came down le plafond s'est effondré
    (c) (reach) descendre;
    the dress comes down to my ankles la robe descend jusqu'à mes chevilles;
    her hair came down to her waist les cheveux lui tombaient ou descendaient jusqu'à la taille
    (d) (decrease) baisser;
    he's ready to come down 10 percent on the price il est prêt à rabattre ou baisser le prix de 10 pour cent
    (e) (be passed down) être transmis (de père en fils);
    this custom comes down from the Romans cette coutume nous vient des Romains;
    the necklace came down to her from her great-aunt elle tient ce collier de sa grand-tante
    (f) (reach a decision) se prononcer;
    the majority came down in favour of/against abortion la majorité s'est prononcée en faveur de/contre l'avortement;
    to come down on sb's side décider en faveur de qn
    (g) (be removed) être défait ou décroché;
    that wallpaper will have to come down il va falloir enlever ce papier peint;
    the Christmas decorations are coming down today aujourd'hui, on enlève les décorations de Noël;
    the tree will have to come down (be felled) il faut abattre cet arbre;
    these houses are coming down soon on va bientôt démolir ces maisons
    (h) British University obtenir son diplôme
    (i) familiar drugs slang redescendre
    (a) (rebuke) s'en prendre à;
    the boss came down hard on him le patron lui a passé un de ces savons;
    one mistake and he'll come down on you like a ton of bricks si tu fais la moindre erreur, il te tombera sur le dos
    they came down on me to sell the land ils ont essayé de me faire vendre le terrain
    (amount) se réduire à, se résumer à;
    it all comes down to what you want to do tout cela dépend de ce que vous souhaitez faire;
    it all comes down to the same thing tout cela revient au même;
    that's what his argument comes down to voici à quoi se réduit son raisonnement
    (become ill) attraper;
    he came down with a cold il s'est enrhumé, il a attrapé un rhume
    (present oneself) se présenter;
    more women are coming forward as candidates davantage de femmes présentent leur candidature;
    the police have appealed for witnesses to come forward la police a demandé aux témoins de se faire connaître
    the townspeople came forward with supplies les habitants de la ville ont offert des provisions;
    he came forward with a new proposal il a fait une nouvelle proposition;
    Law to come forward with evidence présenter des preuves
    she comes from China elle vient ou elle est originaire de Chine;
    to come from a good family être issu ou venir d'une bonne famille;
    this word comes from Latin ce mot vient du latin;
    this wine comes from the south of France ce vin vient du sud de la France;
    this passage comes from one of his novels ce passage est extrait ou provient d'un de ses romans;
    that's surprising coming from him c'est étonnant de sa part;
    a sob came from his throat un sanglot s'est échappé de sa gorge;
    familiar I'm not sure where he's coming from je ne sais pas très bien ce qui le motive
    (a) (enter) entrer; (come inside) rentrer;
    come in! entrez!;
    they came in through the window ils sont entrés par la fenêtre;
    come in now, children, it's getting dark rentrez maintenant, les enfants, il commence à faire nuit;
    British familiar Mrs Brown comes in twice a week (to clean) Madame Brown vient (faire le ménage) deux fois par semaine
    (b) (plane, train) arriver
    she came in second elle est arrivée deuxième
    (d) (be received → money, contributions) rentrer;
    there isn't enough money coming in to cover expenditure l'argent qui rentre ne suffit pas à couvrir les dépenses;
    how much do you have coming in every week? combien touchez-vous ou encaissez-vous chaque semaine?
    (e) Press (news, report) être reçu;
    news is just coming in of a riot in Red Square on nous annonce à l'instant des émeutes sur la place Rouge
    come in car number 1, over j'appelle voiture 1, à vous;
    come in Barry Stewart from New York à vous, Barry Stewart à New York
    (g) (become seasonable) être de saison; (become fashionable) entrer en vogue;
    when do endives come in? quand commence la saison des endives?;
    leather has come in le cuir est à la mode ou en vogue
    to come in handy or useful (tool, gadget) être utile ou commode; (contribution) arriver à point;
    these gloves come in handy or useful for driving ces gants sont bien commodes ou utiles pour conduire
    (i) (be involved) être impliqué; (participate) participer, intervenir;
    where do I come in? quel est mon rôle là-dedans?;
    this is where the law comes in c'est là que la loi intervient;
    he should come in on the deal il devrait participer à l'opération;
    I'd like to come in on this (conversation) j'aimerais dire quelques mots là-dessus ou à ce sujet
    (j) (tide) monter
    (be object of → abuse, reproach) subir;
    to come in for criticism être critiqué, être l'objet de critiques;
    the government came in for a lot of criticism over its handling of the crisis le gouvernement a été très critiqué pour la façon dont il gère la crise;
    to come in for praise être félicité
    (be given a part in) prendre part à;
    they let him come in on the deal ils l'ont laissé prendre part à l'affaire
    (a) (inherit) hériter de; (acquire) entrer en possession de;
    to come into some money (inherit it) faire un héritage; (win it) gagner le gros lot;
    they came into a fortune (won) ils ont gagné une fortune; (inherited) ils ont hérité d'une fortune
    (b) (play a role in) jouer un rôle;
    it's not simply a matter of pride, though pride does come into it ce n'est pas une simple question de fierté, bien que la fierté joue un certain rôle;
    money doesn't come into it! l'argent n'a rien à voir là-dedans!
    résulter de;
    what will come of it? qu'en adviendra-t-il?, qu'en résultera-t-il?;
    no good will come from or of it ça ne mènera à rien de bon, il n'en résultera rien de bon;
    let me know what comes of the meeting faites-moi savoir ce qui ressortira de la réunion;
    that's what comes from listening to you! voilà ce qui arrive quand on vous écoute!
    (a) (fall off → of rider) tomber de; (→ of button) se détacher de, se découdre de; (→ of handle, label) se détacher de; (of tape, wallpaper) se détacher de, se décoller de; (be removed → of stain, mark) partir de, s'enlever de
    (b) (stop taking → drug, medicine) arrêter de prendre; (→ drink) arrêter de boire;
    to come off the pill arrêter (de prendre) la pilule
    (c) (climb down from, leave → wall, ladder etc) descendre de;
    to come off a ship/plane débarquer d'un navire/d'un avion;
    I've just come off the night shift (finished work) je viens de quitter l'équipe de nuit; (finished working nights) je viens de finir le travail de nuit
    (d) Football (field) sortir de
    oh, come off it! allez, arrête ton char!
    (a) (rider) tomber; (button) se détacher, se découdre; (handle, label) se détacher; (stain, mark) partir, s'enlever; (tape, wallpaper) se détacher, se décoller;
    the handle came off in his hand la poignée lui est restée dans la main
    (c) (fare, manage) s'en sortir, se tirer de;
    you came off well in the competition tu t'en es bien tiré au concours;
    to come off best gagner
    (d) familiar (happen) avoir lieu, se passer ; (be carried through) se réaliser ; (succeed) réussir ;
    did the game come off all right? le match s'est bien passé?;
    my trip to China didn't come off mon voyage en Chine n'a pas eu lieu;
    his plan didn't come off son projet est tombé à l'eau
    (e) Cinema & Theatre (film, play) fermer
    (a) (follow) suivre;
    I'll come on after (you) je vous suivrai
    (b) (in imperative) come on! (with motion, encouraging, challenging) vas-y!, allez!; (hurry) allez!; familiar (expressing incredulity) tu rigoles!;
    come on Scotland! allez l'Écosse!;
    come on in/up! entre/monte donc!;
    oh, come on, for goodness sake! allez, arrête!
    (c) (progress) avancer, faire des progrès; (grow) pousser, venir bien;
    how is your work coming on? où en est votre travail?;
    my roses are coming on nicely mes rosiers se portent bien;
    her new book is coming on quite well son nouveau livre avance bien;
    he's coming on in physics il fait des progrès en physique
    (d) (begin → illness) se déclarer; (→ storm) survenir, éclater; (→ season) arriver;
    as night came on quand la nuit a commençé à tomber;
    it's coming on to rain il va pleuvoir;
    I feel a headache/cold coming on je sens un mal de tête qui commence/que je m'enrhume
    (e) (start functioning → electricity, gas, heater, lights, radio) s'allumer; (→ motor) se mettre en marche; (→ utilities at main) être mis en service;
    has the water come on? y a-t-il de l'eau?
    (f) (behave, act)
    don't come on all macho with me! ne joue pas les machos avec moi!;
    familiar you came on a bit strong tu y es allé un peu fort
    (g) Theatre (actor) entrer en scène; (play) être joué ou représenté;
    his new play is coming on on va donner sa nouvelle pièce
    (a) (proceed to consider) aborder, passer à;
    I want to come on to the issue of epidemics je veux passer à la question des épidémies
    she was coming on to me in a big way elle me draguait à fond
    (a) (exit, go out socially) sortir;
    as we came out of the theatre au moment où nous sommes sortis du théâtre;
    would you like to come out with me tonight? est-ce que tu veux sortir avec moi ce soir?;
    figurative if he'd only come out of himself or out of his shell si seulement il sortait de sa coquille
    (b) (make appearance → stars, sun) paraître, se montrer; (→ flowers) sortir, éclore; figurative (→ book) paraître, être publié; (→ film) paraître, sortir; (→ new product) sortir;
    to come out in a rash (person) se couvrir de boutons, avoir une éruption;
    his nasty side came out sa méchanceté s'est manifestée;
    I didn't mean it the way it came out ce n'est pas ce que je voulais dire
    (c) (be revealed → news, secret) être divulgué ou révélé; (→ facts, truth) émerger, se faire jour;
    as soon as the news came out dès qu'on a su la nouvelle, dès que la nouvelle a été annoncée
    (d) (be removed → stain) s'enlever, partir; (colour → fade) passer, se faner; (→ run) déteindre;
    when do your stitches come out? quand est-ce qu'on t'enlève tes fils?
    to come out strongly (for/against) se prononcer avec vigueur (pour/contre);
    the governor came out against/for abortion le gouverneur s'est prononcé (ouvertement) contre/pour l'avortement;
    familiar to come out (of the closet) (homosexual) révéler (publiquement) son homosexualité, faire son come-out
    (f) British (on strike) se mettre en ou faire grève
    (g) (emerge, finish up) se tirer d'affaire, s'en sortir; (in competition) se classer;
    the government came out of the deal badly le gouvernement s'est mal sorti de l'affaire;
    everything will come out fine tout va s'arranger;
    I came out top in maths j'étais premier en maths;
    to come out on top gagner
    (h) (go into society) faire ses débuts ou débuter dans le monde
    this sum won't come out je n'arrive pas à résoudre cette opération
    the pictures came out well/badly les photos étaient très bonnes/n'ont rien donné;
    the house didn't come out well la maison n'est pas très bien sur les photos
    (k) Computing (exit) sortir;
    to come out of a document sortir d'un document
    (amount to) s'élever à
    to come out in spots or a rash avoir une éruption de boutons
    (say) dire, sortir;
    what will he come out with next? qu'est-ce qu'il va nous sortir encore?;
    he finally came out with it il a fini par le sortir
    (a) (move, travel in direction of speaker) venir;
    at the party she came over to talk to me pendant la soirée, elle est venue me parler;
    do you want to come over this evening? tu veux venir à la maison ce soir?;
    his family came over with the early settlers sa famille est arrivée ou venue avec les premiers pionniers;
    I met him in the plane coming over je l'ai rencontré dans l'avion en venant
    (b) (stop by) venir, passer
    they came over to our side ils sont passés de notre côté;
    he finally came over to their way of thinking il a fini par se ranger à leur avis
    her speech came over well son discours a fait bon effet ou bonne impression;
    he came over as honest il a donné l'impression d'être honnête;
    he doesn't come over well on television il ne passe pas bien à la télévision;
    her voice comes over well sa voix passe ou rend bien
    (e) familiar (feel) devenir ;
    he came over all funny (felt ill) il s'est senti mal tout d'un coup, il a eu un malaise; (behaved oddly) il est devenu tout bizarre;
    to come over dizzy être pris de vertige;
    to come over faint être pris d'une faiblesse
    affecter, envahir;
    a change came over him un changement se produisit en lui;
    a feeling of fear came over him il a été saisi de peur, la peur s'est emparée de lui;
    what has come over him? qu'est-ce qui lui prend?
    (a) (make a detour) faire le détour;
    we came round by the factory nous sommes passés par ou nous avons fait le détour par l'usine
    (b) (stop by) passer, venir
    (c) (occur → regular event)
    don't wait for Christmas to come round n'attendez pas Noël;
    when the championships/elections come round au moment des championnats/élections;
    the summer holidays will soon be coming round again bientôt, ce sera de nouveau les grandes vacances
    (d) (change mind) changer d'avis;
    he finally came round to our way of thinking il a fini par se ranger à notre avis;
    they soon came round to the idea ils se sont faits à cette idée;
    (change to better mood) don't worry, she'll soon come round ne t'en fais pas, elle sera bientôt de meilleure humeur
    (e) (recover consciousness) reprendre connaissance, revenir à soi; (get better) se remettre, se rétablir;
    she's coming round after a bout of pneumonia elle se remet d'une pneumonie
    (f) Nautical venir au vent
    his sense of conviction came through on voyait qu'il était convaincu;
    her enthusiasm comes through in her letters son enthousiasme se lit dans ses lettres;
    your call is coming through je vous passe votre communication;
    you're coming through loud and clear je vous reçois cinq sur cinq;
    figurative his message came through loud and clear son message a été reçu cinq sur cinq
    (b) (be granted, approved) se réaliser;
    did your visa come through? avez-vous obtenu votre visa?;
    my request for a transfer came through ma demande de mutation a été acceptée
    (c) (survive) survivre, s'en tirer
    he came through for us il a fait ce qu'on attendait de lui ;
    did he come through on his promise? a-t-il tenu parole? ;
    they came through with the documents ils ont fourni les documents ;
    he came through with the money il a rendu l'argent comme prévu
    (a) (cross) traverser; figurative (penetrate) traverser;
    we came through marshland nous sommes passés par ou avons traversé des marais;
    the rain came through my coat la pluie a traversé mon manteau;
    water is coming through the roof l'eau s'infiltre par le toit
    they came through the accident without a scratch ils sont sortis de l'accident indemnes;
    I'm sure you will come through this crisis je suis sûr que tu te sortiras de cette crise;
    she came through the exam with flying colours elle a réussi l'examen avec brio
    come to
    (a) (recover consciousness) reprendre connaissance, revenir à soi
    (b) Nautical (change course) venir au vent, lofer; (stop) s'arrêter
    when it comes to physics, she's a genius pour ce qui est de la physique, c'est un génie;
    when it comes to paying you can't see anyone for dust quand il faut payer, il n'y a plus personne
    (b) (amount to) s'élever à, se monter à;
    how much did dinner come to? à combien s'élevait le dîner?;
    her salary comes to £750 a month elle gagne 750 livres par mois;
    the plan never came to anything le projet n'a abouti à rien;
    that nephew of yours will never come to anything ton neveu n'arrivera jamais à rien
    (c) figurative (arrive at, reach)
    now we come to questions of health nous en venons maintenant aux questions de santé;
    he got what was coming to him il n'a eu que ce qu'il méritait;
    to come to a conclusion arriver à une conclusion;
    to come to power accéder au pouvoir;
    what is the world or what are things coming to? où va-t-on ?;
    what are things coming to when there aren't even enough hospital beds available? où va-t-on s'il n'y a pas assez de lits dans les hôpitaux?;
    I never thought it would come to this je ne me doutais pas qu'on en arriverait là;
    let's hope it won't come to that espérons que nous n'en arrivions pas là
    (a) (assemble) se réunir, se rassembler; (meet) se rencontrer;
    the two roads come together at this point les deux routes se rejoignent à cet endroit
    everything came together at the final performance tout s'est passé à merveille pour la dernière représentation
    (a) (be subjected to → authority, control) dépendre de; (→ influence) tomber sous, être soumis à;
    the government is coming under pressure to lower taxes le gouvernement subit des pressions visant à réduire les impôts
    (b) (be classified under) être classé sous;
    that subject comes under "current events" ce sujet est classé ou se trouve sous la rubrique "actualités"
    (a) (move upwards) monter; (moon, sun) se lever
    I come up to town every Monday je viens en ville tous les lundis;
    they came up to Chicago ils sont venus à Chicago;
    to come up for air (diver) remonter à la surface; figurative (take break) faire une pause;
    she came up the hard way elle a réussi à la force du poignet;
    Military an officer who came up through the ranks un officier sorti du rang
    (c) (approach) s'approcher;
    to come up to sb s'approcher de qn, aborder qn;
    the students came up to him with their questions les étudiants sont venus le voir avec leurs questions;
    it's coming up to five o'clock il est presque cinq heures;
    coming up now on Channel 4, the seven o'clock news et maintenant, sur Channel 4, le journal de sept heures;
    familiar one coffee, coming up! et un café, un!
    (d) (plant) sortir, germer;
    my beans are coming up nicely mes haricots poussent bien
    (e) (come under consideration → matter) être soulevé, être mis sur le tapis; (→ question, problem) se poser, être soulevé; Law (→ accused) comparaître; (→ case) être entendu;
    that problem has never come up ce problème ne s'est jamais posé;
    the question of financing always comes up la question du financement se pose toujours;
    the subject came up twice in the conversation le sujet est revenu deux fois dans la conversation;
    your name came up twice on a mentionné votre nom deux fois;
    she comes up for re-election this year son mandat prend fin cette année;
    my contract is coming up for review mon contrat doit être révisé;
    to come up before the judge or the court (accused) comparaître devant le juge; (case) être entendu par la cour;
    her case comes up next Wednesday elle passe au tribunal mercredi prochain
    (f) (happen unexpectedly → event) survenir, surgir; (→ opportunity) se présenter;
    to deal with problems as they come up traiter les problèmes au fur et à mesure;
    she's ready for anything that might come up elle est prête à faire face à toute éventualité;
    I can't make it, something has come up je ne peux pas venir, j'ai un empêchement;
    I'll let you know if anything comes up (if I find further information) s'il y a du nouveau, je vous tiendrai au courant; (anything that is suitable) je vous tiendrai au courant si je vois quelque chose qui vous convienne
    (g) (intensify → wind) se lever; (→ light) s'allumer; (→ sound) s'intensifier;
    when the lights came up at the interval lorsque les lumières se rallumèrent à l'entracte
    everything she eats comes up (again) elle vomit ou rejette tout ce qu'elle mange
    (i) (colour, wood etc)
    the colour comes up well when it's cleaned la couleur revient bien au nettoyage
    (j) familiar (win) gagner ;
    did their number come up? (in lottery) ont-ils gagné au loto?; figurative est-ce qu'ils ont touché le gros lot?
    (be confronted with) rencontrer;
    they came up against some tough competition ils se sont heurtés à des concurrents redoutables
    (find unexpectedly → person) rencontrer par hasard, tomber sur; (→ object) trouver par hasard, tomber sur;
    we came upon the couple just as they were kissing nous avons surpris le couple en train de s'embrasser
    (a) (reach) arriver à;
    the mud came up to their knees la boue leur montait ou arrivait jusqu'aux genoux;
    she comes up to his shoulder elle lui arrive à l'épaule;
    we're coming up to the halfway mark nous atteindrons bientôt la moitié
    his last book doesn't come up to the others son dernier livre ne vaut pas les autres;
    to come up to sb's expectations répondre à l'attente de qn;
    the play didn't come up to our expectations la pièce nous a déçus
    (offer, propose → money, loan) fournir; (think of → plan, suggestion) suggérer, proposer; (→ answer) trouver; (→ excuse) trouver, inventer;
    they came up with a wonderful idea ils ont eu une idée géniale;
    what will she come up with next? qu'est-ce qu'elle va encore inventer?
    Come on down! Il s'agit de la formule consacrée du jeu télévisé The Price is Right (dont l'équivalent français est Le Juste prix) qui débuta en 1957 aux États-Unis, et dans les années 80 en Grande-Bretagne. L'animateur de l'émission prononçait ces paroles ("Descendez!") pour inviter les membres du public sélectionnés pour participer au jeu à venir le rejoindre sur la scène. Aujourd'hui on utilise cette formule plaisamment pour dire à quelqu'un d'approcher ou bien pour indiquer à quelqu'un qui doit prononcer un discours ou se produire sur scène qu'il est temps de prendre place.
    Come up and see me sometime... Cette formule fut utilisée pour la première fois par Mae West dans le film de 1933 She Done Him Wrong (dont le titre français est Lady Lou); la citation exacte était en fait Why don't you come up sometime, see me? ("Pourquoi est-ce que tu ne monterais pas un de ces jours, pour me voir?"). Il s'agit de l'archétype de l'invitation au badinage. Encore aujourd'hui on utilise cette formule en imitant l'air canaille de Mae West.

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > come

  • 20 restricted network

    A logical portion of the network where client computers that either do not meet health policy or are not capable of asserting that they meet health policy are placed. Computers in the restricted network cannot initiate communication to resources in the secure network.

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > restricted network

См. также в других словарях:

  • Policy Exchange — is a British think tank based in London. The Daily Telegraph has described it as the largest, but also the most influential think tank on the right . [ [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/10/02/nosplit/nlist102.xml The… …   Wikipedia

  • Policy — Pol i*cy, n. [F. police; cf. Pr. polissia, Sp. p[ o]lizia, It. p[ o]lizza; of uncertain origin; cf. L. pollex thumb (as being used in pressing the seal), in LL. also, seal; or cf. LL. politicum, poleticum, polecticum, L. polyptychum, account book …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Policy book — Policy Pol i*cy, n. [F. police; cf. Pr. polissia, Sp. p[ o]lizia, It. p[ o]lizza; of uncertain origin; cf. L. pollex thumb (as being used in pressing the seal), in LL. also, seal; or cf. LL. politicum, poleticum, polecticum, L. polyptychum,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Policy holder — Policy Pol i*cy, n. [F. police; cf. Pr. polissia, Sp. p[ o]lizia, It. p[ o]lizza; of uncertain origin; cf. L. pollex thumb (as being used in pressing the seal), in LL. also, seal; or cf. LL. politicum, poleticum, polecticum, L. polyptychum,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Policy shop — Policy Pol i*cy, n. [F. police; cf. Pr. polissia, Sp. p[ o]lizia, It. p[ o]lizza; of uncertain origin; cf. L. pollex thumb (as being used in pressing the seal), in LL. also, seal; or cf. LL. politicum, poleticum, polecticum, L. polyptychum,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Not safe for work — Not suitable/safe for work (NSFW), not work suitable/safe (NWS), or not school suitable (NSS) is Internet slang or shorthand. Typically, the NSFW tag is used in e mail, videos, and on interactive discussion areas (such as Internet forums, blogs,… …   Wikipedia

  • Policy debate — Part of the series Policy Debate Organization Policy debate competitions Inter Collegiate policy debate Format Structure of policy debate · Resolution Constructive · …   Wikipedia

  • Policy-based design — Policy based design, also known as policy based class design or policy based programming, is a computer programming paradigm based on an idiom for C++ known as policies. It has been described as a compile time variant of the strategy pattern, and …   Wikipedia

  • policy — pol‧i‧cy [ˈpɒlsi ǁ ˈpɑː ] noun plural policies 1. [countable] also inˈsurance ˌpolicy INSURANCE a contract with an insurance company, or an official written statement giving all the details of such a contract: • She did not realize that her… …   Financial and business terms

  • Policy appliances — are technical control and logging mechanisms to enforce or reconcile policy rules (information use rules) and to ensure accountability in information systems. [The use of policy appliances in this context was first described in K. A. Taipale,… …   Wikipedia

  • Policy reform — Policy reform, in addition to its more general meanings, has been used to refer to a future scenario which relies on government action to correct economic market failures and to stimulate the technological investment necessary for sustainable… …   Wikipedia

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