1 completion
completion [kəm'pli:ʃən]∎ the bridge is due for completion in January le pont doit être fini en janvier;∎ in the process of completion en (cours d')achèvement;∎ near completion près d'être achevé;∎ the project is nearing completion le projet est près de son terme ou s'achève∎ payment on completion of contract paiement m à l'exécution du contrat(c) (of happiness, misfortune) comble m►► completion date (for building, repair work) date f d'achèvement; Commerce (for sale) date f d'exécution;completion guarantee caution f de bonne fin -
2 completion
- completion
- n1. окончание, завершение (строительных работ, испытаний и т. п.)
2. законченный объект строительства
- final completion
- percentage completion
- percent completion
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
3 completion
1 ( finishing) achèvement m (of de) ; it is due for completion by the summer l'achèvement est prévu pour l'été ; on completion (of the works) à l'achèvement des travaux ; nearing completion près d'être achevé ; -
4 completion
completion [kəmˈpli:∫ən][of work] achèvement m* * *[kəm'pliːʃn]1) ( finishing) achèvement m (of de)2) ( of house sale) signature f de la vente -
5 completion
completion [kəmˊpli:ʃn] nзаверше́ние, оконча́ние; заключе́ние -
6 completion
1. Fertigstellung f, Vollendung f, Abschluss m;2. Nachlieferung f; Erfüllung f (Vertrag);3. Ausfüllen n (Formular);4. Verbüßung f (Strafe) -
7 completion
8 completion
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > completion
9 completion
completion 1. TE, VR Komplettierung f; Ausbau m (eines Gebäudes); 2. VR Beendigung f; Fertigstellung f (eines Bauwerks)English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > completion
10 completion
11 completion
2. вскрытие ( нефтяного пласта)3. процесс бурения, начиная с момента входа в пласт4. скважина, законченная бурениемsmall diameter multiple completion — скважина, пробуренная для одновременной и раздельной эксплуатации нескольких продуктивных горизонтов, в которую спущены две и более эксплуатационных колонн малого диаметра
* * *
1. завершение, окончание2. пополнение; расширение3. оснащённая скважина, оборудованная скважина4. заканчивание скважины (крепление эксплуатационной части скважины, освоение её и оснащение эксплуатационным оборудованием)
* * *
заканчивание скважины (операция по обустройству скважины трубами и др. техникой после бурения), приведение скважины в готовность давать продукцию; вскрытие продуктивного пласта
* * *
1) завершение, окончание2) пополнение; расширение3) заканчивание скважины (<<крепление эксплуатационной части скважины>ё и оснащение эксплуатационным оборудованием); вскрытие ( нефтяного пласта)4) оснащённая скважина, оборудованная скважина; скважина, законченная бурением•- bare foot well completion
- bottom supported marine well completion
- cased hole well completion
- casingless completion
- conventional completion
- drainhole well completion
- dry subsea completion
- dual completion
- dual well completion
- dual zone well completion
- liner completion
- marine completion
- multiple zone completion
- one string pumpdown well completion
- open hole completion
- perforated casing well completion
- permanent well completion
- pumpdown well completion
- quadruple completion
- screened open hole well completion
- screened perforated liner well completion
- screened well completion
- selective well completion
- set-through well completion
- single completion
- single zone well completion
- small diameter multiple completion
- subsea completion
- subsea well completion
- surface completion
- surface marine well completion
- surface well completion
- triple completion
- triple well completion
- triple zone well completion
- tubingless well completion
- unique completion
- well completion
- wet subsea completion
- wet subsea well completion* * *• вскрытие• процесс бурения, начиная с момента входа в пласт• скважина, законченная бурениемАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > completion
12 completion
1) завершение, окончание, конец2) пополнение; расширение; достройка• -
13 completion
n1) завершение, окончание; доработка2) заполнение (документа)
- job completion
- satisfactory completion
- service completion
- successful completion
- completion of a contract
- completion of contract work
- completion of a course
- completion of delivery
- completion of documents
- completion of equipment
- completion of negotiations
- completion of an order
- completion of a plan
- completion of proceedings
- completion of a programme
- completion of purchases
- completion of talks
- completion of tests
- completion of a voyage
- completion of workEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > completion
14 completion
1) завершение, окончание2) пополнение; расширение4) заканчивание скважины (крепление эксплуатационной части скважины, освоение её и оснащение эксплуатационным оборудованием)•-
barefoot well completion
drainhole well completion
dry subsea well completion
dual well completion
liner completion
multiple completion
open-hole well completion
perforated well completion
permanent-type well completion
permanent well completion
pumpdown well completion
screened well completion
subsea well completion
surface well completion
triple well completion
tubingless well completion
well completion
wet subsea well completion -
15 completion
nounBeendigung, die; (of building, work) Fertigstellung, die; (of contract) Abschluss, der; (of questionnaire, form) Ausfüllen, dason completion of the course — nach Abschluss des Kurses
* * *[-ʃən]noun (finishing or state of being finished: You will be paid on completion of the work.) die Vollendung* * *com·ple·tion[kəmˈpli:ʃən]you'll be paid on \completion of the project die Bezahlung erfolgt nach Abschluss des Projektsto near \completion kurz vor dem Abschluss [o vor der Fertigstellung] stehen* * *[kəm'pliːSən]n1) (= finishing) Fertigstellung f; (of work also) Beendigung f; (of project, course, education) Abschluss m; (of prison sentence) Verbüßung fto be near completion — kurz vor dem Abschluss stehen
we need more people for the completion of the work — wir brauchen noch mehr Leute, um die Arbeit zum Abschluss zu bringen
on completion of the course — am Ende or nach Abschluss des Kurses
on completion of the contract/sale — bei Vertrags-/Kaufabschluss
2) (= making whole) Vervollständigung f; (of education, meal) Abrundung f; (of happiness etc) Vervollkommnung f* * *completion [-ʃn] s1. Vervollständigung f, Ergänzung f2. Vollendung f, Beendigung f, Fertigstellung f:on completion bei Fertigstellung;bring to completion zum Abschluss bringen;3. Erfüllung f (eines Vertrags)4. Ausfüllen n (eines Formulars)* * *nounBeendigung, die; (of building, work) Fertigstellung, die; (of contract) Abschluss, der; (of questionnaire, form) Ausfüllen, das* * *n.Beendigung f.Ergänzung f.Fertigstellung f.Komplettierung f.Vervollständigung f.Vollendung f. -
16 completion
- ʃənnoun (finishing or state of being finished: You will be paid on completion of the work.) finalizacióntr[kəm'pliːʃən]\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLon completion en cuanto se termineto bring something to completion terminar algocompletion [kəm'pli:ʃən] n: finalización f, cumplimiento mn.• acabamiento s.m.• complemento s.m.• consumación s.f.• cumplimiento s.m.• finalización s.f.• perfección s.f.• realización s.f.• terminación s.f.kəm'pliːʃənmass noun finalización f, terminación f[kǝm'pliːʃǝn]to bring something to completion — terminar algo, llevar algo a término (frml)
1.N finalización f, terminación f, conclusión fto be nearing completion — estar a punto de finalizarse or terminarse or concluirse, estar llegando a su finalización or conclusión
2.CPDcompletion date N — (Jur) (for work) fecha f de cumplimiento; (in house-buying) fecha de entrega (de llaves)
* * *[kəm'pliːʃən]mass noun finalización f, terminación fto bring something to completion — terminar algo, llevar algo a término (frml)
17 completion
[kəmˈpli:ʃən]completion завершение, окончание; заключение completion завершение completion завершенность completion комплект completion окончание completion окончательное оформление completion of period of insurance окончание срока страхования completion of quarter конец квартала emergency completion вчт. аварийное завершение normal completion вчт. успешное завершение query completion вчт. расширение запроса upon completion вчт. по завершении -
18 completion
[kəm'pliːʃn]1) completamento m.on completion (of the works) — al completamento dei lavori, a lavori ultimati
2) dir. (of house sale) = firma del contratto di vendita* * *[-ʃən]noun (finishing or state of being finished: You will be paid on completion of the work.) completamento* * *completion /kəmˈpli:ʃn/n. [u]1 completamento; ultimazione: nearing completion, prossimo al completamento; quasi ultimato; on completion of works, al completamento dei lavori; a lavori ultimati2 (naut.) allestimento; approntamento* * *[kəm'pliːʃn]1) completamento m.on completion (of the works) — al completamento dei lavori, a lavori ultimati
2) dir. (of house sale) = firma del contratto di vendita -
19 completion
1. n завершение, окончание2. n завершённость; окончательное оформлениеyou may occupy the house on completion of contract — вы можете занять дом сразу после оформления контракта
3. n книжн. исполнениеСинонимический ряд:1. complement (noun) complement; supplement2. end (noun) cessation; close; closing; closure; conclusion; end; ending; finalization; finish; fulfillment; period; stop; termination; terminus; wrap-up3. perfection (noun) achievement; consummation; culmination; fulfilment; perfection; realisation; realization -
20 completion
1. окончание, завершение2. законченный объект строительства
См. также в других словарях:
complétion — ● complétion nom féminin (de compléter) Ensemble des opérations d achèvement d un puits avant sa mise en production. ● complétion (homonymes) nom féminin (de compléter) complétions forme conjuguée du verbe compléter ⇒COMPLÉTION, subst. fém. A.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Completion — may refer to: Completeness Completion (American football) Completion (oil and gas wells) one stage of Conveyancing, transfer of the title of property from one person to another In mathematics: Completion (metric space) Completion (order theory)… … Wikipedia
completion — I noun accomplishment, achievement, attainment, climax, close, commission, conclusion, consequence, consummation, course, crowning, culmination, denouement, discharge, dissolution, effectuation, end, ending, entirety, execution, expiration,… … Law dictionary
Completion — Com*ple tion, n. [L. completio a filling, a fulfillment.] 1. The act or process of making complete; the getting through to the end; as, the completion of an undertaking, an education, a service. [1913 Webster] The completion of some repairs.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
completion — late 14c., from L. completionem (nom. completio), noun of action from complere to fill up, complete (see COMPLETE (Cf. complete)) … Etymology dictionary
completion — [n] accomplishment, finishing achievement, attainment, close, conclusion, consummation, culmination, curtains*, dispatch, end, expiration, finalization, finis, finish, fruition, fulfillment, hips*, integration, perfection, realization, swan song* … New thesaurus
completion — ► NOUN 1) the action of completing or the state of being completed. 2) Brit. the final stage in the sale of a property, at which point it legally changes ownership … English terms dictionary
completion — [kəm plē′shən] n. [ME < L completio] 1. the act of completing, or finishing 2. the state of being completed 3. Football a successful forward pass … English World dictionary
completion — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ rapid, speedy ▪ early ▪ timely ▪ satisfactory, successful ▪ college … Collocations dictionary
completion — In the context of project financing, occurs after a Completion Test, when the project s cash flows become the primary method of repayment. Prior to completion, the primary source of repayment is usually from the sponsors or from the turnkey… … Financial and business terms
completion */*/ — UK [kəmˈpliːʃ(ə)n] / US [kəmˈplɪʃ(ə)n] noun Word forms completion : singular completion plural completions 1) a) [uncountable] the process of finishing an activity or job Forms will be sent to our clients for completion. completion of: After… … English dictionary