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sailing ['seɪlɪŋ]∎ to go sailing faire de la voile(b) (departure) départ m;∎ there are three sailings a day for Cherbourg il y a trois départs par jour pour Cherbourg;∎ the 12 o'clock sailing le bateau de midi►► sailing boat voilier m, bateau m (à voiles);sailing dinghy canot m à voile;sailing ship (grand) voilier m, navire m à voile ou à voiles -
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A nB modif [club, equipment, holiday, instructor] de voile ; [boat, vessel] à voiles ; [time, date] de départ du bateau. -
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sailing [ˊseɪlɪŋ]2. n1) пла́вание; морехо́дство2) отхо́д, отплы́тие3) кораблевожде́ние; навига́ция4) па́русный спорт5) ав. паре́ние; плани́рование -
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sailing плавать парусный см. также sail -
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1. n плавание; мореплавание2. n кораблевождение, навигация3. n уст. плавание под парусами4. n ав. парение; планирование; дрейфsailing flight — парение, парящий полёт
5. n отплытие, отход6. n l7. n отходящие суда8. n расписание отхода судов9. n парусный спортСинонимический ряд:1. marine (adj.) marine; maritime; nautical; naval; navigational; seafaring2. exit (noun) departure; egress; egression; exit; going; migration; separation; stampede; start3. flowing (verb) flowing; gliding; rolling4. running (verb) bolting; bustling; darting; dashing; flapping; fleeting; flitting; floating; fluttering; flying; hastening; hurrying; pelting; racing; rocketing; running; rushing; scooting; scudding; scurrying; shooting; skimming; sprinting; sweeping; winging -
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noun (the activity or sport of navigating a ship or boat that has sails: Sailing is one of his hobbies.) navegación a vela, velasailing n velatr['seɪlɪŋ]1 (skill) navegación nombre femenino2 (sport) vela, navegación nombre femenino a vela3 (departure) salida; (crossing) travesía\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be plain sailing ser coser y cantarsailing boat barco de vela, velerosailing ship buque nombre masculino de vela, veleron.• navegación s.f.• paseo en barco de vela s.m.'seɪlɪŋa) u ( skill) navegación fto be (all) plain sailing — ser* muy fácil or sencillo, ser* coser y cantar
b) u ( Sport) vela f, yachting m, navegación f a velac) c ( departure) salida f; (before n) <time, date> de salida['seɪlɪŋ]1. N1) (Sport) vela f, navegación f a velato be plain sailing —
2) (Naut) (=departure) salida f2.CPDsailing boat N — velero m, barco m de vela
sailing date N — fecha f de salida (de un barco)
sailing dinghy N — barca f a vela
sailing orders NPL — últimas instrucciones fpl (dadas al capitán de un buque)
sailing ship N — velero m, buque m de vela
sailing time N — hora f de salida (de un barco)
* * *['seɪlɪŋ]a) u ( skill) navegación fto be (all) plain sailing — ser* muy fácil or sencillo, ser* coser y cantar
b) u ( Sport) vela f, yachting m, navegación f a velac) c ( departure) salida f; (before n) <time, date> de salida -
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1) мореходство2) плавание3) отплытие4) парусный -
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['seɪlɪŋ] 1.1) (sport) vela f.2) (departure)2.modificatore [ instructor] di vela; [ club] nautico, velico; [ holiday] in barca a vela; [boat, vessel] a vela; [time, date] della partenza* * *noun (the activity or sport of navigating a ship or boat that has sails: Sailing is one of his hobbies.) navigazione (a vela)* * *sailing /ˈseɪlɪŋ/n. (naut.)● sailing board, quadro (o tabella) delle partenze ( di navi) □ a sailing boat, una barca a vela; una deriva □ sailing-boat race, gara velica □ sailing club, club velico □ sailing cruise, crociera (o viaggio) su nave a vela; ( sport) crociera di navigatore solitario □ sailing cruiser, cabinato a vela □ sailing directions, portolano □ sailing equipment, attrezzature per la vela □ sailing master, ufficiale di rotta; pilota d'altura □ a sailing ship (o a sailing vessel), una grande nave a vela; un veliero.* * *['seɪlɪŋ] 1.1) (sport) vela f.2) (departure)2.modificatore [ instructor] di vela; [ club] nautico, velico; [ holiday] in barca a vela; [boat, vessel] a vela; [time, date] della partenza -
11 sailing
[ˈseɪlɪŋ]expected time of sailing (ETS) ожидаемое время отхода sailing pres. p. от sail sailing кораблевождение; навигация sailing кораблевождение, навигация sailing мореходство sailing навигация sailing относящийся к рейду корабля; sailing orders инструкция капитану перед выходом в море sailing отход, отплытие sailing ав. парение; планирование sailing парусный sailing парусный спорт sailing плавание; мореходство sailing плавание sailing относящийся к рейду корабля; sailing orders инструкция капитану перед выходом в море -
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парусный спорт имя прилагательное: имя существительное:мореходство (navigation, sailing)навигация (navigation, sailing)кораблевождение (navigation, sailing) -
13 Sailing
adj.Fit for sailing: P. πλώϊμος.Furnished with sails: V. λινόπτερος.——————subs.Seamanship: P. ναυτιλία, ἡ, τὸ ναυτικόν; see Navigation.Voyage: P. and V. πλοῦς, ὁ.A setting sail: P. ἀναγωγή, ἡ.Sailing along the coast: P. παράπλους, ὁ.Sailing in: P. εἴσπλους, ὁ.Sailing out: P. and V. ἔκπλους, ὁ.Sailing round: P. περίπλους, ὁ.Sailing to land: P. κατάπλους, ὁ.Good time for sailing: P. and V. πλοῦς, ὁ, V. εὔπλοια, ἡ.The season for sailing: P. ἡ ὡραία (Dem. 1292).Prevention from sailing: P. and V. ἄπλοια, ἡ.When sailing was now become easier: P. ἤδη πλωιμωτέρων ὄντων (Thuc. 1, 7).Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Sailing
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[ʹseılıŋ] n1. 1) плавание; мореплаваниеa vessel remarkable for her fast sailing - судно, отличающееся быстрым ходом
2) кораблевождение, навигация3) уст. плавание под парусами2. ав. парение; планирование; дрейф ( гидросамолёта на воде)sailing flight - парение, парящий полёт
3. отплытие, отход ( судна)hours of sailing will be announced - время отхода ( судна) будет объявлено
4. pl1) отходящие судаlist of sailings (from London) - расписание морского движения (из Лондона)
the company provides two sailings a week - компания обеспечивает два рейса в неделю
sailings are quite irregular - пароходы /суда/ ходят довольно нерегулярно
2) расписание отхода судов5. парусный спорт♢
it is plain sailing - всё идёт легко /как по маслу/ -
15 sailing
noun1) (handling a boat) Segeln, das2) (departure from a port) Abfahrt, diethere are regular sailings from here across to the island — von hier fahren regelmäßig Schiffe hinüber zur Insel
* * *noun (the activity or sport of navigating a ship or boat that has sails: Sailing is one of his hobbies.) das Segeln* * *sail·ing[ˈseɪlɪŋ]nwhat a great day for \sailing! was für ein toller Tag zum Segeln!perfect weather for \sailing ideales Segelwetter\sailing is a hobby of mine Segeln ist eines meiner Hobbys* * *['seIlɪŋ]n2)(= departure)
when is the next sailing for Arran? — wann fährt das nächste Schiff nach Arran?See:→ academic.ru/55907/plain">plain* * *A s1. SCHIFF (Segel)Schifffahrt f, Navigation f:2. Segelsport m, Segeln n* * *noun1) (handling a boat) Segeln, das2) (departure from a port) Abfahrt, die -
16 sailing
noun (the activity or sport of navigating a ship or boat that has sails: Sailing is one of his hobbies.) seilsportIsubst. \/ˈseɪlɪŋ\/1) seiling2) seilsport3) skipsavgang, avgangstid• when is the next sailing to Portsmouth?4) seiltur, seilas5) navigasjonlist of sailings avgangsliste, seilingslisteplain sailing grei skuringtime of sailing avgangstidIIadj. \/ˈseɪlɪŋ\/1) seilende2) seil-, seilings- -
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noun (the activity or sport of navigating a ship or boat that has sails: Sailing is one of his hobbies.) jadranje* * *[séiliŋ]1.nounjadranje; plovba, navigacija; odplutje, odhod ladje; umetnost jadranjaplain sailing, plane sailing figuratively lahka naloga, stvar (zadeva) brez ovir;2.adjectiveki ima jadra, se premika s pomočjo jader; ki se tiče jadranjasailing directions — navodila, priročnik za jadranjesailing orders — ukaz za odhod ladje, za izplutje; naročilo plovbe -
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1. плавание; мореходство2. плыть -
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1. плаване, навигация
2. ветроходство
3. тръгване, отпътуване, отплуване
SAILING orders заповед за отплуване* * *{'seilin} n 1. плаване, навигация; 2. ветроходство; З. тръгва* * *плаване; платноходен; навигация;* * *1. sailing orders заповед за отплуване 2. ветроходство 3. плаване, навигация 4. тръгване, отпътуване, отплуване* * *sailing[´seiliʃ] n 1. плаване; навигация; 2. отплаване; 3. сп. ветроходство; 4. ав. реене, летене с безмоторник, планиране; • this is all plain ( smooth) \sailing (това е) лесна работа; без проблеми. -
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I[΄seiliŋ] n նավարկություն: daily sailings ամենօրյա ուղերթներ. the time of sailing մեկնելու ժամանակը. It’s not plain sailing փխբ. Դա հասարակ գործ չէII[΄seiliŋ] n առագատանավային սպորտ. sailing ship/vessel առագաստանավ. It will be all plain sailing Ամեն ինչ հաջող կընթանա
См. также в других словарях:
Sailing — is the art of controlling a sailing vessel. By changing the rigging, rudder and dagger or centre board, a sailor manages the force of the wind on the sails in order to change the direction and speed of a boat. Mastery of the skill requires… … Wikipedia
Sailing By — is a short piece of light music composed by Ronald Binge in 1963, which is familiar to British radio listeners.Context and usage Sailing By is played every night on BBC Radio 4 at around 00:45hrs before the late Shipping Forecast. Its tune is… … Wikipedia
Sailing By — ist der Titel eines kurzen Musikstücks des englischen Komponisten und Arrangeurs Ronald Binge (1910 1979). Binge ist vor allem als Mitarbeiter von Annunzio Paolo Mantovani bekannt und gilt als Urheber des „Easy listening music“ Stils von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sailing — Sail ing, n. 1. The act of one who, or that which, sails; the motion of a vessel on water, impelled by wind or steam; the act of starting on a voyage. [1913 Webster] 2. (Naut.) The art of managing a vessel; seamanship; navigation; as, globular… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sailing — Edward Hopper, 1911 Öl auf Leinwand, 61 cm × 74 cm Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh Link zum Bild (Bitte Urheberrechte beachten) Sailing (deutsch … Deutsch Wikipedia
sailing — sailing; para·sailing; … English syllables
sailing — [sā′liŋ] n. 1. the act of a thing or person that sails 2. the art of navigation 3. the sport of managing a sailboat, as for racing 4. the start of a trip by water adj. 1. driven by wind on sails 2. relating to ships or shipping … English World dictionary
sailing — /say ling/, n. 1. the activity of a person or thing that sails. 2. the departure of a ship from port: The cruise line offers sailings every other day. 3. Navig. any of various methods for determining courses and distances by means of charts or… … Universalium
sailing — There has always been a strong interest in sailing in the British Isles, where there are 1,605 sailing clubs. The south coast of England, the west coast of Scotland and the lochs of Northern Ireland are popular cruising grounds, but throughout … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
sailing — [[t]se͟ɪlɪŋ[/t]] sailings 1) N UNCOUNT Sailing is the activity or sport of sailing boats. There was swimming and sailing down on the lake. 2) N COUNT: usu pl, oft supp N Sailings are trips made by a ship carrying passengers. Ferry companies are… … English dictionary
sailing — i. The method of calculating tracks and distances without plotting and measuring or using other allied processes, such as fixing a position by knowing the run along a track from a starting point. The various types of sailings are parallel sailing … Aviation dictionary