1 state
- state
- nсостояние; положение; режим работы
- state of cracking
- state of deformation
- state of dynamic equilibrium
- state of equilibrium
- state of inertia
- state of plane deformation
- state of pure membrane stress
- state of rest
- state of stable equilibrium
- state of static equilibrium
- state of strain
- state of stress
- state of unstable equilibrium
- amorphous state
- basic stress state
- biaxial stress state
- colloidal state
- combined stress state
- cracking limit state
- critical limit state
- deformation state
- elastic state
- elastic-plastic state
- equilibrium state
- failure limit state
- free state
- gaseous state
- idle state
- indifferent state of equilibrium
- indifferent state
- initial stress state
- in-service state
- limit state
- limit state of cracking
- limit state of crack width
- limit state of deflection
- limiting state
- linear stress state
- liquid state
- nonhomogeneous state of stress
- non-operating state
- one-dimensional state of stress
- operating state
- plane deformation state
- plane stress state
- plastic state
- ramshackle state
- saturation state
- semifluid state
- serviceability limit state
- solid state
- strained state
- stress state at a point
- stress and strain state
- three-dimensional stress state
- transient state
- triaxial state of stress
- two-dimensional state of stress
- ultimate limit state
- uniaxial state of stress
- unstable state
- vaporous state
- yield state
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
2 ♦ state
♦ state /steɪt/A n.1 (solo al sing.) stato; condizione; disposizione; grado; situazione: state of health, stato di salute; mental state, stato di mente; state of mind, disposizione (o stato) d'animo; a state of melancholy, uno stato d'animo malinconico; in a hypnotic state, in stato ipnotico; (form.) in a state of undress, svestito; nudo; She is in no state to travel, ella non è in condizioni di viaggiare; financial state, situazione finanziaria; (fis.) to be in a solid [liquid, gaseous] state, essere allo stato solido [liquido, gassoso]2 (fam.) condizioni penose: When I last saw her she was in a complete state, l'ultima volta che l'ho vista era messa malissimo; to be in a real (o in quite a) state, essere ridotto male; essere tutto agitato, turbato; Look what a state you're in!, guarda come ti sei ridotto!3 (polit.) stato; paese; nazione: head of state, capo di Stato; affairs of state, affari di Stato; Church and State, la Chiesa e lo Stato; the United States of America, gli Stati Uniti d'America; police state, Stato di polizia; buffer state, stato cuscinetto4 [u] cerimonia; pompa; parata; gala: to dine [receive sb.] in state, pranzare [ricevere q.] in pompa magna; robes of state, abiti da parata5 [uc] dignità; posizione sociale; alto rango; pompa regale; pretesa; pretenziosità; stile di vita: luxuries befitting his state, lussi che si addicono al suo alto rango7 (arc.) trono; baldacchinoB a. attr.1 di (o dello) stato; statale; pubblico: state visit, visita di stato; state papers, documenti di stato; state pension, pensione statale ( di un lavoratore); state schools, scuole statali; scuole pubbliche3 di rappresentanza; ufficiale: state apartments, appartamenti di rappresentanza; a state reception, un ricevimento ufficiale4 ( USA) – State, dello (o di uno) Stato ( dei 50 che formano l'Unione): the State Senate, il Senato dello Stato ( di cui si scrive o si parla)● state agency, ente pubblico; azienda statale; impresa pubblica □ (econ.) state-aided, sovvenzionato dallo stato □ (leg., USA) State (o State's) Attorney, Procuratore dello Stato ( di uno dei 50 stati; e non federale) □ a state ball, un ballo a corte □ (fin., USA) a state bank, una banca di un singolo Stato (non una «national bank») □ (fin.) state bond, titolo di stato □ state border, confine di stato; (in USA) confine di uno Stato □ (naut.) state cabin, cabina di lusso; ( marina mil.) cabina del comandante □ (econ.) state capitalism, capitalismo di stato □ (fin.) state conglomerate, conglomerata pubblica □ (econ.) state-controlled, a controllo (o a partecipazione) statale; parastatale; dirigistico: state-controlled enterprise, azienda a partecipazione statale; state-controlled body, ente parastatale; state-controlled economy, economia dirigistica □ (econ.) state-controlled price, prezzo di calmiere □ (in USA) the State Department, il Dipartimento di Stato ( il Ministero degli Esteri) □ (leg., USA) State's evidence, testimonianza a carico dei complici ( nel processo penale); collaboratore di giustizia; pentito: to turn State's evidence, testimoniare a carico dei complici (cfr. ingl. Queen's evidence, sotto evidence); diventare collaboratore di giustizia (o un pentito) □ (econ.) state finance, finanza pubblica □ (agric.) state forest, foresta demaniale □ (fin.) state holding company, finanziaria pubblica; ente di gestione □ (in USA) State line, confine di (uno) Stato □ (econ.) state monopoly, monopolio di stato □ the state of the art, il livello cui è giunta la tecnica ( nel lavoro, nello sport, ecc.) □ state-of-the-art, aggiornato; all'avanguardia, il più avanzato, modernissimo □ (stor.) the States of the Church (o the Papal States), lo Stato Pontificio □ the state of play, ( sport) la situazione del gioco, come si mette la partita; (fig.) la situazione attuale, il quadro della situazione □ state of war, stato di guerra □ (in GB) State Opening of Parliament, (cerimonia di) apertura ufficiale del nuovo parlamento □ (econ.) state-owned, di proprietà dello stato; pubblico: state-owned agencies, enti pubblici; state-owned enterprise, azienda di stato □ (econ.) state-planned economy, economia pianificata □ (econ.) state planning, pianificazione statale □ (leg., USA) State prison, prigione per rei di crimini gravi □ state property, beni dello stato; demanio □ state religion, religione di stato □ state schooling, istruzione in scuole statali (o pubbliche) □ (in USA) State Secretary, Segretario di Stato ( Ministro degli Esteri) □ (polit.) state socialism, socialismo reale □ (fisc., USA) State tax, imposta statale (o locale) □ (econ.) state-trading countries, paesi a commercio di Stato □ state trial, processo politico □ ( USA) State trooper, agente della polizia di (un singolo) Stato □ state university, università statale □ (fam.) to get into a state, agitarsi; innervosirsi □ (relig. e fig.) to be in a state of grace, essere in stato di grazia □ to lie in state, essere esposto solennemente nella camera ardente ( nei funerali di stato) □ (stor. USA) a slave State, uno Stato schiavista □ His affairs are in a bad state, gli affari gli vanno male □ The house is in a good state of repair, la casa non ha bisogno di riparazioni.♦ (to) state /steɪt/v. t.1 dichiarare; affermare; asserire; esprimere; esporre; formulare; spiegare; specificare: I've stated my opinion, ho espresso la mia opinione; The witness stated the facts very clearly, il teste espose i fatti con grande chiarezza; to state full particulars, specificare tutti i particolari; He did not state why, non ha specificato il motivo NOTA D'USO: - to report o to state?-2 determinare; fissare; stabilire: No precise time had been stated, non era stata fissata un'ora esatta● to state one's case, esporre le proprie ragioni; (leg.) esporre i fatti □ (bur.) to state one's name and address, declinare le generalità e dare il proprio indirizzo □ (leg.) to state reasons for a judgment, motivare una sentenza □ ( nelle offerte di lavoro) «State salary required», «indicare le pretese economiche». -
3 state
state [steɪt]1. nouna. ( = condition) état m• what's the state of play? (figurative) où en est-on ?• in a good/bad state of repair bien/mal entretenu• to be in a good/bad state [car, house] être en bon/mauvais état ; [person, marriage] aller bien/mal• what a state you're in! tu es dans un bel état !b. ( = part of federation) État mdéclarer ; [+ one's views, the facts] exposer ; [+ time, place] fixer ; [+ theory, restrictions, problem] énoncer• state your name and address déclinez vos nom, prénoms et adresse ; (written) inscrivez vos nom, prénoms et adresse3. compounds[business, secret] d'État ; [security, control, police] de l'État ; [education, sector] public ; [medicine] nationalisé ; (US also State [law, policy, prison, university] de l'État• it's state-of-the-art c'est ce qui se fait de mieux ► State of the Union Address noun (US Politics) discours m sur l'état de l'Union• to go on a state visit to a country se rendre en visite officielle dans un pays ► state-wide adjective adverb━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Le discours sur l'état de l'Union est l'allocution que prononce le président des États-Unis devant le Congrès en janvier de chaque année, au début de la session parlementaire. Dans cette intervention, diffusée à la radio et à la télévision, le président dresse un bilan de son action, expose ses projets et donne au Congrès des « informations sur l'état de l'Union », comme le demande la Constitution.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Le dixième amendement de la Constitution américaine accorde aux États un certain nombre de droits ( State's rights) sur toutes les questions qui ne relèvent pas des prérogatives du gouvernement fédéral: enseignement, fiscalité, lois et réglementations diverses. Cependant, l'interprétation de ce texte a provoqué de nombreuses controverses: les États du Sud l'ont utilisé pour justifier la sécession avant la guerre civile, puis pour s'opposer à l'intégration raciale dans les années 50. La question du degré d'autonomie dont disposent les États par rapport au pouvoir fédéral reste un sujet politiquement sensible.* * *[steɪt] 1.1) ( condition) état ma shocking/an odd state of affairs — une situation scandaleuse/très étrange
to be in a good/bad state — être en bon/mauvais état
in a good/bad state of repair — bien/mal entretenu
a state of emergency/shock — un état d'urgence/de choc
what's the state of play? — gen où en êtes-vous?
3) (region, area) État m4) Politics ( government) État m5) ( ceremonial) pompe f2.robes of state — tenue f d'apparat
States plural noun3.the States — les États-Unis mpl
noun modifier1) ( government) [ school, sector] public/-ique; [ enterprise, pension, TV, railways, secret] d'État; [ budget, subsidy] de l'Étatstate election — ( at a national level) élection f nationale; US élection f au niveau d'un État
2) ( ceremonial) [ coach, occasion] d'apparat; [ banquet] de gala; [ funeral] national; [ visit] officiel/-ielle4.transitive verb1) (express, say) exposer [fact, opinion, truth]; ( provide information) indiquer [age, income, whereabouts]to state that — [person] déclarer que
to state one's case — gen exposer son cas; Law présenter son dossier
as stated above/below — comme mentionné ci-dessus/ci-dessous
2) ( specify) spécifier [amount, place, terms]; exprimer [preference]•• -
4 state
state [steɪt]état ⇒ 1 (a) État ⇒ 1 (b), 1 (c) d'État, de l'État ⇒ 2 (a), 2 (b) officiel ⇒ 2 (c) déclarer ⇒ 3 formuler ⇒ 31 noun(a) (condition) état m;∎ the country is in a state of war/shock le pays est en état de guerre/choc;∎ a state of confusion prevailed la confusion régnait;∎ he was in a state of confusion il ne savait plus où il en était;∎ he was in a state of panic il a été pris de panique;∎ she was in a state of terror elle était terrifiée;∎ the married state le mariage;∎ the single state le célibat;∎ chlorine in its gaseous/liquid state le chlore à l'état gazeux/liquide;∎ to be in a good/bad state (road, carpet, car) être en bon/mauvais état; (person, economy, friendship) aller bien/mal;∎ the house was in a good/poor state of repair la maison était en bon/mauvais état;∎ to be in a terrible state (person → emotionally) être dans tous ses états; (→ physically) être dans un état lamentable; (room, papers) être sens dessus dessous;∎ she was in no (fit) state to make a decision elle était hors d'état de ou elle n'était pas en état de prendre une décision;∎ the car's not in a state to be driven la voiture n'est pas en état de rouler;∎ what's the current state of play? où en sont-ils?;∎ what's the current state of play on the project? où en est le projet?;∎ familiar to get into a state se mettre dans tous ses états;∎ he gets into an awful state if I don't phone si je ne lui téléphone pas, il se met dans tous ses états;∎ there's no need to get into such a state about it ce n'est pas la peine de te mettre dans un état pareil∎ a state within a state un État dans l'État;∎ the member states les États membres;∎ the head of state le chef de l'État;∎ heads of state chefs mpl d'État;∎ the separation of (the) Church and (the) State la séparation de l'Église et de l'État(c) (in US, Australia, India etc → political division) État m;∎ familiar the States les États-Unis□, les US;∎ the State of Ohio l'État de l'Ohio∎ he was in his robes of state il était en costume d'apparat(a) (government → secret) d'État; (→ subsidy, intervention, pension) de l'État; Economics (→ sector) public; (→ airline, funeral) national∎ the state capital la capitale de l'État;∎ a state university une université d'État ou publique;∎ the Michigan State team l'équipe de l'État du Michigan;∎ a state park un parc régional;∎ American to turn state's evidence or state's witness = témoigner contre ses complices en échange d'une remise de peine∎ state occasion cérémonie f officielle;∎ the State Opening of Parliament = l'ouverture officielle du Parlement britannique en présence du souverain(utter, say) déclarer; (express, formulate → intentions) déclarer; (→ demands) formuler; (→ proposition, problem, conclusions, views) énoncer, formuler; (→ conditions) poser;∎ the president stated emphatically that the rumours were untrue le président a démenti catégoriquement les rumeurs;∎ I have already stated my position on that issue j'ai déjà fait connaître ma position à ce sujet;∎ I have stated my opinion j'ai donné mon opinion;∎ we state the current figures on page five les chiffres actuels sont donnés en page cinq;∎ the regulations clearly state that daily checks must be made le règlement dit ou indique clairement que des vérifications quotidiennes doivent être effectuées;∎ please state salary expectations veuillez indiquer le salaire souhaité;∎ state your name and address donnez vos nom, prénoms et adresse;∎ the man refused to state his business l'homme a refusé d'expliquer ce qu'il voulait;∎ as stated above comme indiqué plus haut;∎ state the figure as a percentage exprimez ou indiquez le chiffre en pourcentage;∎ to state one's case présenter ses arguments;∎ Law to state the case for the defence/the prosecution présenter le dossier de la défense/de l'accusationAmerican (department) le Département d'Étaten grand apparat, en grande pompe;∎ to travel in state voyager en grand apparat;∎ to dine in state dîner en grande pompe;∎ to lie in state être exposé solennellement;∎ to live in state mener grand train►► state of affairs circonstances fpl actuelles;∎ nothing can be done in the present state of affairs vu les circonstances actuelles, on ne peut rien faire;∎ this is an appalling state of affairs c'est une situation épouvantable;∎ ironic this is a fine state of affairs! c'est du propre!;state apartments appartements mpl de parade;state of the art (of procedures, systems) ce qui se fait de mieux;∎ the state of the art in linguistics l'état actuel des connaissances en linguistique;state attorney procureur m;American state bank banque f de dépôt (agréée par un État);state buildings bâtiments mpl publics;state capitalism capitalisme m d'État;state church église f d'État;state control contrôle m étatique; (doctrine) étatisme m;∎ to be put or placed under state control être nationalisé;∎ state control of the means of communication nationalisation f des moyens de communication;American State Department ministère m des Affaires étrangères;state of emergency état m d'urgence;∎ a state of emergency has been declared l'état d'urgence a été déclaré;British State Enrolled Nurse aide-soignant m diplômé, aide-soignante f diplômée;History States General États généraux mpl;American state line frontière f entre États;American state lottery loterie f d'État;state of mind état m d'esprit;∎ in your present state of mind dans l'état d'esprit qui est le vôtre;∎ success is just a state of mind la réussite n'est qu'un état d'esprit;∎ is he in a better state of mind? est-ce qu'il est dans de meilleures dispositions?;state pension pension f de l'État;state police police f de l'État;American state prison prison f d'État (pour les longues peines);British State Registered Nurse infirmier m diplômé, infirmière f diplômée (remplacé en 1992 par "Registered Nurse");American states' rights = principe selon lequel, si la constitution des États-Unis n'octroie ni ne refuse un pouvoir à un État particulier, ce pouvoir appartient de fait à l'État et non au gouvernement fédéral;British state school école f publique;British state sector secteur m public;state socialism socialisme m d'État;State Supreme Court = instance judiciaire suprême dans chaque État américain;the state system (education) le public, l'enseignement m public;American state trooper ≃ gendarme m;State of the Union address discours m sur l'état de l'Union;Politics state visit visite f officielle;∎ he's on a state visit to Japan il est en visite officielle ou voyage officiel au Japonⓘ STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS Ce discours radiotélévisé, dans lequel le président des États-Unis dresse le bilan de son programme et en définit les orientations, est prononcé devant le Congrès. L'allocution présidentielle a lieu tous les ans en janvier. -
5 state
A n1 ( condition) état m ; state of health/mind état de santé/d'esprit ; look at the state of the kitchen! regarde un peu l'état de la cuisine! ; what state is the car in? dans quel état est la voiture? ; she left the house in a terrible state (untidy, dirty) elle a laissé la maison dans un état épouvantable ; the present state of affairs l'état actuel des choses ; my financial state ma situation financière ; a shocking/odd state of affairs une situation scandaleuse/très étrange ; to be in a good/bad state être en bon/mauvais état ; in a good/bad state of repair bien/mal entretenu ; in a poor state of health en mauvaise santé ; he's in a confused state of mind il ne sait plus où il en est ; to be in no state to do ne pas être en état de faire ; he's not in a fit state to drive il n'est pas en état de conduire ; in a liquid/solid state à l'état liquide/solide ; a state of alert/emergency/siege/war un état d'alerte/d'urgence/de siège/de guerre ; a state of chaos/crisis/shock un état chaotique/de crise/de choc ; to be in a state of despair être au désespoir ; what's the state of play? gen où en êtes-vous? ; ( in match) où en est le match? ; ( in negotiations) où en sont les négociations? ;2 Pol ( nation) ( also State) État m ; the State of Israel l'État d'Israël ; the Baltic States les États baltes ; to be a state within a state former un État dans l'État ;4 Pol ( government) État m ; the State l'État ; matters ou affairs of state les affaires de l'État ; Church and State l'Église et l'État ;5 ( ceremonial) pompe f ; in state en grande pompe, en grand apparat ; to live in state mener grand train ; she will lie in state sa dépouille sera exposée au public ; robes of state tenue f d'apparat ;6 ‡( social class) rang m.B States npl the States les États-Unis mpl ; to go to the States aller aux États-Unis ; to live in the States vivre aux États-Unis.C modif1 ( government) [school, sector] public/-ique ; [enterprise, pension, radio, TV, university, railways, secret] d'État ; [budget, spending, subsidy] de l'État ; [army, tax] national ; state aid aide f de l'État or étatique ; state election ( at a national level) élection f nationale ; US élection f au niveau d'un État ;2 ( ceremonial) [coach, occasion, opening] d'apparat ; [banquet] de gala ; [funeral] national ; [visit] officiel/-ielle ; to go on a state visit to Tokyo se rendre en visite officielle à Tokyo.D vtr1 (express, say) exposer [fact, opinion, position, truth, view] ; ( provide information) indiquer [age, income] ; to state that [person] déclarer que ; ‘I have no intention of resigning’ he stated ‘je n'ai pas l'intention de démissionner’ a-t-il déclaré ; applicants must state where they live les candidats doivent indiquer où ils habitent ; the document states clearly the conditions necessary for acceptance le document présente or indique clairement les conditions requises pour l'acceptation ; to state the obvious énoncer une évidence ; to state one's case gen exposer son cas ; Jur présenter son dossier ; as stated above/below comme mentionné ci-dessus/ci-dessous ;2 ( specify) spécifier [amount, conditions, place, time, terms] ; exprimer [preference] ; the stated time/amount, the time/amount stated l'heure/la somme spécifiée ; at stated times/intervals à dates/intervalles fixes ; on stated days à jours fixes.to be in/get oneself into a state être/se mettre dans tous ses états. -
6 state
Ⅰstate [steɪt]1. n1) состоя́ние;state of mind душе́вное состоя́ние
;state of health состоя́ние здоро́вья
;in a state разг.
а) в беспоря́дке;б) в затрудне́нии;в) в волне́нии, в возбужде́нии;to work oneself into a state взвинти́ть себя́
;don't get into a state! не заводи́сь!
;things were in an untidy state всё бы́ло в беспоря́дке
;what a state you are in! разг. в како́м вы ви́де!
2) строе́ние, структу́ра, фо́рма3) положе́ние, ранг;in a style befitting his state как подоба́ет челове́ку его́ положе́ния
;persons in every state of life лю́ди ра́зного зва́ния
4) великоле́пие, пы́шность;in state с по́мпой
;to lie in state быть вы́ставленным для проща́ния ( о покойнике)
;to receive in state устра́ивать торже́ственный приём
2. a пара́дный; торже́ственный;state coach пара́дная каре́та
;state call разг. официа́льный визи́т
3. v1) заявля́ть, утвержда́ть2) устана́вливать, то́чно определя́ть;this condition was expressly stated э́то усло́вие бы́ло специа́льно оговорено́
3) констати́ровать; формули́ровать; излага́ть;to state one's case изложи́ть своё де́ло
4) мат. формули́ровать, выража́ть зна́камиⅡstate [steɪt]1. n (тж. S.)1) госуда́рство2) штат2. a1) госуда́рственный;state business де́ло госуда́рственной ва́жности
;state trial суд над госуда́рственным престу́пником
S. rights автоно́мия отде́льных шта́тов США
;S. Board of Education управле́ние по дела́м образова́ния в шта́те
7 state
state nсостояниеaction acquisitions by contraction stateсогласованные действия государствaircraft provider stateгосударство - поставщик воздушного суднаaircraft registry stateгосударство регистрации воздушного суднаaircraft user stateгосударство - эксплуатант воздушного суднаoperating stateгосударство - эксплуатант(авиалинии) provider stateгосударство, предоставляющее обслуживаниеstate aircraftвоздушное судно государственной принадлежностиstate airlineгосударственная авиакомпанияstate border crossingпролет государственной границыstate conducting investigationгосударство, проводящее расследование(авиационного происшествия) state instituting the investigationгосударство, назначающее расследование(авиационного происшествия) state of aircraft manufactureгосударство - изготовитель воздушного суднаstate of dischargeстепень разряженности(аккумулятора) state of emergencyаварийное состояниеstate of occurenceгосударство места событияstate of transitгосударство транзитаstate submitting the reportгосударство, представляющее отчет(об авиационном происшествии) steady state signalсигнал состояния готовностиsupervision approved by the Stateнадзор, установленный государством -
8 state
state состояниеbalanced state сбалансированное состояниеcarrier state состояние носительстваcentral excitatory state центральное мотивационное состояниеcritical state критическое состояниеcrystalline state кристаллическое состояниеdormant state состояние покояendotoxin-tolerant state эндотоксин-толерантное состояниеequilibrium state равновесное состояние, состояние равновесияexcited state возбуждённое состояниеfree state свободное состояниеhyperkinetic state гиперкинетическое состояниеinitial state исходное состояниеnative state нативное состояниеoriginal state исходное состояниеphysiological state физиологическое состояниеsexually mature state состояние половозрелостиstable state устойчивое состояние, гомеостазEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > state
9 state
10 state
state 1. Zustand m, Status m (siehe auch: status); 2. Beschaffenheit f; Lage f; 3. s. → state of energyEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > state
11 state
state 1. RS Zustand m, Beschaffenheit f (z. B. eines Gebäudes); Stand m (Entwicklung, Technik); 2. KONST, RS Zustand m (physikalisch); 3. RP, VR Staat m, Land n; (AE) Bundesland n • in a bad state of repair RS baufälligEnglish-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > state
12 state
state w указывать состояние штт)) w штат государственныйstate _ штат -
STATE, simulator for tank/antitank evaluation————————STATE, stowable area terminal equipmentEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > STATE
14 state
state, condition, status -
15 state
1) состояние2) положение4) (энергетический) уровень; (энергетическое) состояние5) утверждать; формулировать6) корректурный оттиск с гравюры•state as received — 1. в состоянии поставки 2. в состоянии непосредственно после (технологической) обработки;in heat-treated state — в термически обработанном состоянии;-
active state
aggregative state
allowed state
amorphous state
as-cast state
austenitic state
balanced state
blocking state
bound state
breakdown state
charged state
completely failed state
completely operable state
condensed state
conducting state
critical state
crystalline state
cutoff state
dead state
deenergized state
deep-lying state
deep state
degenerate state
dissociating state
disturbed state
don't care state
dopant-induced state
dynamic balance state
dynamic state of power system
elastic state
emergency maintenance state
emergency state
empty state
energy state
equilibrium state
eutectic state
excited state
failed state
filled state
final state
fluidized state
forced state
free state
functioning state
fundamental state
gaseous state
gel state
glassy state
green state
ground quantum state
ground state
high-elasticity state
impurity state
indifferent state
initial state
in-service state
intermediate state
ionization state
joint state
labile state
latent state
liquid state
liquid-crystal state
logic state
magnetic state
marginal state
martensitic state
metastable state
molten state
nonconducting state
nondegenerate state
nonequilibrium state
nonsteady state
occupied state
off state
on state
on-line parallel redundant state
original operating state
partial operable state
phase state
physical state
planar stressed state
plastic state
postemergency state
power system emergency state
power system hunting state
power system state
prerigor state
process state
pyroplastic state
quantum state
quasi-stationary state
quiescent state
ready state
redundant state
reference state
remanent state
reset state
resistive state
rubberlike state
set state
shallow-lying state
shallow state
solid state
stable state
standby redundant state
standby state
state of inventory
state of nonoperability
state of operability
state of reservoir depletion
stationary state
strained state
strain state
stressed state
stress state
stress-free state
supervisor state
surface state
suspension state
task state
three-dimensional stress state
transient state
trapping state
triaxial stress state
two-dimensional stress state
unbound state
unfilled state
uniaxial stress state
unoccupied state
unperturbed working state
unstable state
vacant state
vaporized state
wait state
yield state
zero state
zero-wait state -
16 state
I steit noun1) (the condition in which a thing or person is: the bad state of the roads; The room was in an untidy state; He inquired about her state of health; What a state you're in!; He was not in a fit state to take the class.)2) (a country considered as a political community, or, as in the United States, one division of a federation: The Prime Minister visits the Queen once a week to discuss affairs of state; The care of the sick and elderly is considered partly the responsibility of the state; (also adjective) The railways are under state control; state-controlled / owned industries.)3) (ceremonial dignity and splendour: The Queen, wearing her robes of state, drove in a horse-drawn coach to Westminster; (also adjective) state occasions/banquets.)•- stately- stateliness
- statesman
- statesmanlike
- statesmanship
- get into a state
- lie in state
II steit verb(to say or announce clearly, carefully and definitely: You have not yet stated your intentions.)state1 n1. estado / condición2. estadohow many states are there in the USA? ¿cuántos estados tiene Estados Unidos?state2 vb declarar / afirmartr[steɪt]1 (condition) estado■ it's in a bad/good state of repair está en mal/buen estado■ look at the state of this room! ¡mira cómo está la habitación!2 SMALLPOLITICS/SMALL (government) estado■ affairs/matters of state asuntos del estado3 (country, division of country) estado4 (ceremony, pomp) ceremonia, pompa, solemnidad nombre femenino1 SMALLPOLITICS/SMALL estatal, del estado1 (say, declare, express) exponer, declarar, afirmar2 (specify) fijar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be in a state about something estar nervioso,-a por algoto be in no fit state to do something no estar en condiciones de hacer algoto get (oneself) into a state about something ponerse nervioso,-a por algoto lie in state estar de cuerpo presenteto state the obvious estar de más decir(lo)state benefit subsidio del estadostate capitalism capitalismo del estadoState Department SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL Ministerio de Asuntos Exterioresstate education enseñanza públicastate institution institución nombre femenino estatalstate occasion ocasión nombre femenino de estadostate of emergency estado de emergenciastate of mind estado de ánimostate school escuela estatal, escuela públicastate secret secreto de estadostate visit visita de estadothe state opening of Parliament la apertura del Parlamentothe States los Estados nombre masculino plural Unidos1) report: puntualizar, exponer (los hechos, etc.)state your name: diga su nombre2) establish, fix: establecer, fijarstate n1) condition: estado m, condición fa liquid state: un estado líquidostate of mind: estado de ánimoin a bad state: en malas condiciones2) nation: estado m, nación f3) : estado m (dentro de un país)the States: los Estados Unidosadj.• del estado adj.• estatal adj.• público, -a adj.n.• condición s.f.• estación s.f.• estado s.m.• fausto s.m.• paraje s.m.• pompa s.f.• tenor s.m.v.• afirmar v.• declarar (Jurisprudencia) v.• expresar v.• plantear v.• representar v.
I steɪt1) noun2)a) c ( nation) estado m; (before n)state visit — visita f oficial, visita f de estado
b) c ( division of country) estado m<the Staxes, police>
— ( in US) del estado, estatal3) u c ( Govt) estado maffairs of state — asuntos mpl de estado
Church and State — la Iglesia y el Estado; (before n) (esp BrE) <control, funding> estatal
state education — enseñanza f pública
state pension — pensión f del estado
state school — escuela f pública or estatal or del estado
4) u ( pomp)to lie in state — yacer* en capilla ardiente; (before n)
state occasion — ocasión f solemne
5) ca) ( condition) estado mstate of war/emergency — estado de guerra/emergencia
State of the Union message — ( in US) mensaje m or informe m presidencial sobre el estado de la Nación
state of health — (estado m de) salud f
b) ( poor condition) (colloq)c) ( anxious condition) (colloq)to be in/get (oneself) into a state about something — estar*/ponerse* nervioso por algo
transitive verb \<\<person\>\> \<\<facts/case\>\> exponer*; \<\<problem\>\> plantear, exponer*; \<\<name/address\>\> ( in writing) escribir*, consignar (frml); ( orally) decir*; \<\<law/document\>\> establecer*, estipularto state one's views — dar* su (or mi etc) opinión, exponer* su (or mi etc) punto de vista
[steɪt]he clearly stated that... — dijo or manifestó claramente que...
1. N1) (=condition) estado m•
if this state of affairs continues — si las cosas siguen asíit is a sorry state of affairs when... — es una situación lamentable cuando...
to be in a bad or poor state — estar en mal estadowhat's the state of play? — (fig) ¿cuál es la situación?
2) * (=poor condition)•
you should have seen the state the car was in — tenías que haber visto cómo estaba el coche•
just look at the state of this room! — ¡mira cómo está esta habitación!•
the flat was in a right state after the party — el piso estaba hecho un asco después de la fiesta *3) * (=agitated condition)•
to be in a state — estar nervioso•
to get into a state — ponerse nervioso4) (=region, country) estado m•
a state within a state — un estado dentro de un estado5) (=government)affairs of state — asuntos mpl de estado
Secretary of State — (US) Secretario(-a) m / f de Asuntos Exteriores
Secretary of State for Education — (Brit) Secretario(-a) m / f de Educación
6) (=rank) rango m ; (=office) cargo m7) (=pomp)•
to dine in state — cenar con mucha ceremonia•
to lie in state — estar de cuerpo presente•
to live in state — vivir lujosamente2. VT1) frm (=say, show)state your address and telephone number — (on form) escriba su dirección y número de teléfono; (orally) diga su dirección y número de teléfono
to state that... — [rules, law] estipular que...
it is nowhere stated that... — no se dice en ninguna parte que...
the article stated that she had been interviewed by the police — el artículo afirmaba que la policía la había interrogado
it must be stated in the records that... — tiene que hacerse constar en los archivos que...
2) (=declare, affirm) declararhe has stated his intention to run for President — ha declarado su intención de presentarse como candidato a la presidencia
he has publicly stated that... — ha declarado públicamente que...
3) (=expound on, set out) [+ views] dar, expresar; [+ facts, case, problem] exponerhe was asked to state his views on the subject — se le pidió que diera or expresara su opinión sobre el asunto
3.CPD (Pol) [policy, documents, security] del Estado; [capitalism, socialism, visit, funeral, business] de estadostate apartments NPL — apartamentos destinados a visitas de mandatarios
state bank (US) N — banco m estatal or del Estado
state banquet N — banquete m de gala
state benefit N — subsidios mpl del Estado, subsidios mpl estatales
those receiving or on state benefit — aquellos que cobran subsidios del Estado or estatales
State Capitol N — (US) edificio donde tiene su sede el poder legislativo de un estado
state control N — control m público or estatal
to be/come under state control — pasar a manos del Estado
State Department N — (US) Ministerio m de Asuntos Exteriores
state education N — enseñanza f pública
State Enrolled Nurse N — (Brit) (formerly) enfermero(-a) m / f diplomado(-a) (con dos años de estudios)
state fair N — (US) feria f estatal
state funding N — financiación f pública
state highway N — (US) carretera f nacional
state legislature N — (US) poder m legislativo del estado
state line N — (US) frontera f de estado
state militia N — (US) [of specific state] milicia f del estado
state occasion N — acontecimiento m solemne
state of emergency N — estado m de emergencia
State of the Union Address N — (US) discurso m sobre el estado de la nación
See:see cultural note STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS in statestate ownership N —
they believe in state ownership of the means of production — creen que los medios de producción deberían estar en manos del Estado, son partidarios de que los medios de producción estén en manos del Estado
state pension N — pensión f del Estado, pensión f estatal
state police N — [of country] policía f nacional; (US) [of specific state] policía f del estado
state prison N — (US) cárcel f estatal, prisión f estatal
State Registered Nurse N — (Brit) (formerly) enfermero(-a) m / f diplomado(-a) (con tres años de estudios)
State Representative N — (US) (Pol) representante mf del estado
State's attorney N — (US) procurador(a) m / f del Estado
state school N — (Brit) colegio m público, escuela f pública
state secret N — (lit, fig) secreto m de estado
state sector N — sector m estatal
State Senator N — (US) senador(a) m / f del estado
States' rights NPL — (US) derechos mpl de los estados
state subsidy N — subvención f estatal
state tax N — (US) [of specific state] impuesto m del estado
state trooper N — (US) [of specific state] policía mf del estado
STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS Se denomina State of the Union Address al discurso que el presidente de Estados Unidos dirige cada mes de enero al Congreso y al pueblo estadounidense, en que muestra su visión de la nación y la economía y explica sus planes para el futuro. Como el discurso recibe una amplia cobertura informativa, el mensaje del presidente va dirigido no solo a los parlamentarios sino a todo el país. Esta tradición de dirigirse al Congreso tras las vacaciones de Navidad se debe a que es un requisito de la Constitución que el presidente informe al Congreso de vez en cuando sobre the State of the Union.state university N — (US) universidad f pública
STATES' RIGHTS state En EE.UU., States' rights son los derechos de los estados (como por ejemplo la recaudación de impuestos, la aprobación de leyes o el control sobre la educación pública) frente a los del gobierno federal. En la Décima Enmienda de la Constitución se dice que los poderes que la Constitución no concede a los Estados Unidos "se reservan a cada estado particular o al pueblo" y este polémico principio sirvió para justificar la secesión de los estados sureños antes de la Guerra Civil y se convirtió en una consigna contra la integración racial en el sur durante los años 50. Debido a la actual falta de confianza en el gobierno federal, que acapara cada vez más poderes a costa de un aumento del gasto, este principio tiene cada vez más seguidores.* * *
I [steɪt]1) noun2)a) c ( nation) estado m; (before n)state visit — visita f oficial, visita f de estado
b) c ( division of country) estado m<the Staxes, police>
— ( in US) del estado, estatal3) u c ( Govt) estado maffairs of state — asuntos mpl de estado
Church and State — la Iglesia y el Estado; (before n) (esp BrE) <control, funding> estatal
state education — enseñanza f pública
state pension — pensión f del estado
state school — escuela f pública or estatal or del estado
4) u ( pomp)to lie in state — yacer* en capilla ardiente; (before n)
state occasion — ocasión f solemne
5) ca) ( condition) estado mstate of war/emergency — estado de guerra/emergencia
State of the Union message — ( in US) mensaje m or informe m presidencial sobre el estado de la Nación
state of health — (estado m de) salud f
b) ( poor condition) (colloq)c) ( anxious condition) (colloq)to be in/get (oneself) into a state about something — estar*/ponerse* nervioso por algo
transitive verb \<\<person\>\> \<\<facts/case\>\> exponer*; \<\<problem\>\> plantear, exponer*; \<\<name/address\>\> ( in writing) escribir*, consignar (frml); ( orally) decir*; \<\<law/document\>\> establecer*, estipularto state one's views — dar* su (or mi etc) opinión, exponer* su (or mi etc) punto de vista
he clearly stated that... — dijo or manifestó claramente que...
17 state
1. n1) государство3) состояние; положение•to accept the existence of a state — признавать существование какого-л. государства
to be in a state of smth — находиться в каком-л. состоянии
to carry a state — добиваться победы на выборах / одерживать победу в каком-л. штате
to declare a state — объявлять о создании государства, провозглашать государство
to detain smb under the current state of emergency — задерживать кого-л. согласно действующему закону о чрезвычайном положении
to govern / to guide a state — руководить государством
to incorporate a state into a country — включать какое-л. государство в состав страны
to institute a state of siege — объявлять осадное положение; вводить / устанавливать осадное положение
to reconstitute a state — восстанавливать какое-л. государство
to reduce to the state of smth — низводить до какого-л. положения
to re-impose the state of siege — вновь вводить / восстанавливать осадное положение
to stop short of recognizing a state — не признавать какое-л. государство
- accrediting stateto take action under the state of siege — принимать меры в соответствии с приказом о введении осадного положения
- active state
- adjacent state
- admission of a state in the United Nations
- affairs of state
- aggressor state
- agrarian state
- agrarian-industrial state
- alarming state
- allied state
- apartheid state
- associated states
- at the helm of a state
- Baltic states
- banner state
- belligerent states
- border states
- bordering states
- bourgeois state
- bourgeois-democratic state
- bourgeois-parliamentary state
- breakup of a state
- buffer state
- bureaucratic police state
- call of the states
- capitalist state
- cast-ridden state
- civilized state
- client state
- coastal state
- constitutional state
- contesting states
- continental state
- contracting state
- corporate state
- creation of a state
- delinquent state
- dependent state
- depository state
- developed state - donor state
- enemy state
- equal states
- erection of a state
- exploiting state
- exporting state
- extra-zonal state
- federal state
- federative state
- founding of a state
- friendly state
- front-line state
- guarantor state
- Gulf states
- hinterland state
- home state
- hopeless state
- imposition of a state of emergency
- in a state of stagnation
- independent state
- initial state
- island state
- land-locked state
- law-based state
- law-governed state
- leading state
- lease-holder-state
- legal state
- littoral state
- loosely knit state
- mandatory state
- mediator state
- member state
- militarist state
- military-police state
- moderate state
- multinational state
- national state
- national-democratic state
- nationally uniform state
- near-land-locked state
- near-nuclear state
- neighboring state
- neutral state
- neutralist state
- neutralized state
- new state
- newly proclaimed state
- newly-independent state
- nonaligned states
- nonbelligerent state
- noncoastal state
- nondemocratic state
- nonlittoral state
- non-member state
- non-nuclear state
- non-nuclear-weapon state
- nonsignatory state
- normal state
- nuclear capable state
- nuclear-weapon states
- oceanic coastal state
- offending state
- oil state
- one-party state
- opposite states
- parent state
- participant state
- participating state
- peace-loving state
- permanently neutral state
- pivotal state
- police state
- possession of state secrets
- prenuclear state
- princely state
- proclamation of a state
- producer state
- proletarian state
- protected state
- protecting state
- protector state
- provider state
- puppet state
- rebel state
- receiving state
- recipient state
- reparian state
- requesting state
- responsibility of states
- rightful state
- rogue state
- satellite state
- secular state
- self-imposed state of isolation
- self-sufficient state
- separate state
- signatory state
- slave state
- sovereign state
- stable state
- stagnant state
- state holding most electoral votes
- state of affairs
- state of emergency
- state of market
- state of residence
- state of siege
- state of the economy
- state of trade
- state of war
- state within a state
- states concerned
- states parties
- states with different social structures
- successful state
- territorially integral state
- terrorist state
- The Succession State
- The United State of Europe
- The Warsaw Treaty State
- theocratic state
- threshold state
- totalitarian state
- transgressing state
- transgressor state
- transient state
- transition towards a multiparty state
- trustee state
- unified state
- unitary state
- unity of the state
- user state
- vassal states
- viable state
- welfare state
- young sovereign states
- zonal states 2. vзаявлять; излагать; выражать; сообщать; высказывать; констатировать; формулироватьto state an opinion / a question etc. — излагать мнение / вопрос и т.п.
18 state
1) держава; штат ( США); земля (адм.-тер. одиниця в Австрії і ФРН); стан2) заявляти; формулювати; визначати; зазначати (ім'я, прізвище, адресу та ін. подібні дані у документі)•state department of identification and apprehension — поліцейське управління з ідентифікації і затримання злочинців
State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research — Бюро розвідки і досліджень Державного департаменту ( США)
- state a chargestate sponsor of international terrorism — держава, що підтримує ( в тому числі матеріально) міжнародний тероризм
- state action
- state administration
- state agencies
- state-aided
- state an address
- state an offence
- state an offense
- state apparatus
- state arbitration
- state arrest warrant
- state assembly district
- state at war
- state attestation
- state authority
- state autonomy
- state bank
- state bodies
- state body
- state border
- state border checkpoint
- state borders
- state boundaries
- state boundary
- state brief
- state budget
- state capitalism
- state censorship
- state-centric
- state commission
- state committee
- state control
- state control body
- state-controlled
- state-controlled economy
- state court
- state crime
- state criminal
- State Customs Committee
- State Department
- state difference
- state discipline
- state document
- state duty
- state elections
- state emblem
- state examination
- state examiner
- state executive
- state flag
- state force
- state foundation
- state-granted
- state-granted monopoly
- state institution
- state institutions
- state insurance
- state interests
- state jurisdiction
- state language
- state law
- state legal aid
- state legislative district
- State Legislature
- state litigation
- state machinery
- state matter
- state monopoly
- state-monopoly capitalism
- state of affairs
- state of belligerency
- state of crime
- state of extreme necessity
- state of facts
- state of international law
- state of justice
- state of martial law
- state of mind
- state of pregnancy
- state of registry
- state of siege
- state of sojourn
- state of the art
- State of the City of Vatican
- state of the law
- State of the Nation message
- State of the Union message
- state of transit
- State of Vatican
- state of war
- state office
- state-owned
- state ownership
- state paper
- state policy
- state power
- state practice
- state prison
- state prisoner
- state prize
- state property
- state prosecution
- state record office
- state registration
- state reimbursement
- state residence requirement
- state responsibility
- state revolt
- state-run
- state sanction
- state seal
- state secret
- state security
- state security agency
- state security body
- state security service
- state sovereignty
- state-sponsored terrorism
- state statute
- state structure
- state supervision
- state system
- state territory
- state terrorism
- state traffic inspector
- state traffic warden
- State Traffic Inspectorate
- state trial
- state troop
- state trooper
- state-use law
- state voting
- state wage control
- state-wide law
- state with a planned economy
- state within a state
- state's evidence
- state's theory
- State's theory
- state's witness
- states' rights -
19 state
1) состояние (1. форма и способ существования объекта или системы объектов 2. классифицирующая характеристика формы и способа существования объекта или системы объектов 3. накопленная информация; предыстория; память 4. вчт текущий символ из последовательности; величина, оказывающая влияние на последующие события 5. (энергетическое) состояние; (энергетический) уровень) || приводить в (определённое) состояние2) положение; ранг; уровень4) формулировать (напр. проблему); поставить (напр. задачу)5) утверждать; высказывать; выражать; излагать6) заявлять; сообщать•- accessible statestate of the art — современное состояние (напр. науки); передовой уровень (напр. технологии); последние достижения ||современный (напр. о науке); передовой (напр. о технологии); относящийся к последним достижениям
- active state
- admissible state
- allowed state
- all-zero state
- amplifying state
- antiferroelectric state
- antiferromagnetic state
- asymptotic state
- authorized state
- balance state
- band-gap state
- bistable magnetization state
- blocking state
- bound states
- brain state in a-box
- bubble state
- cache wait states
- charge state
- charge storage state
- cellular state
- code state
- coherent state
- command state
- conducting state
- correlated state
- critical state
- current state
- current-carrying state
- cutoff state
- deep state
- deep-lying state
- degenerate state
- demagnetized state
- determined state
- DMA wait states
- domain-wall state
- donor impurity state
- dopant-induced state
- dynamically demagnetized state
- E-state
- effective-surface state
- electretic state
- emergency state
- empty state
- energy state
- entangled states
- even state
- exchange-split state
- excited state
- exciton state
- exciton-magnon state
- exclusive state
- fast state
- ferrimagnetic state
- ferroelectric state
- ferromagnetic state
- ferron state
- filled state
- finite state
- forbidden state
- forward blocking state
- frozen state
- ground state
- high-impedance state
- high-Z state
- hyperfine state
- I-state
- idle state
- impurity state
- initial state
- inner state
- instance state
- instantaneous state
- in-sync state
- interface state
- intermediate state
- invalid state
- I/O wait states
- logic state
- M-state
- magnetized state
- matched momentum states
- memory state
- memory read wait states
- memory write wait states
- metaequilibrium state
- metastable state
- midgap state
- minimum uncertainty state
- mixed state
- modified state
- nodal state
- noncollinear spin state
- nondegenerate state
- nonsteady state
- normal state
- occupied state
- odd state
- off state
- on state
- one state
- orthogonal states
- passive state
- plasma state
- polarization state
- polarization state for field vector
- poled state
- position state
- predissociating state
- problem state
- process state
- quantized flux state
- quantum state
- quasi-stationary state
- qubit state
- quiescent state
- realizable state
- remanent state
- resource state
- reverse blocking state
- reverse conducting state
- S-state
- saturation state
- Schubnikov state
- shallow state
- shallow-lying state
- shared state
- single-domain state
- sleep state
- slow state
- solid state
- space-charge-limited-current state
- stable state
- statically demagnetized state
- stationary state
- steady state
- superconducting state
- supervisor state
- surface state
- tachyon state
- terminal state
- thermodynamic equilibrium state
- threshold state
- tip of the tongue state
- transient state
- trapped-plasma state
- trapping state
- unbound states
- unfilled state
- unmarked state
- unoccupied state
- unpoled state
- unstable state
- user state
- vacant state
- virtual state
- wait state
- Z-state
- zero state
- zero wait state -
20 state
1) состояние (1. форма и способ существования объекта или системы объектов 2. классифицирующая характеристика формы и способа существования объекта или системы объектов 3. накопленная информация; предыстория; память 4. вчт. текущий символ из последовательности; величина, оказывающая влияние на последующие события5. (энергетическое) состояние; (энергетический) уровень) || приводить в (определённое) состояние2) положение; ранг; уровень4) формулировать (напр. проблему); поставить (напр. задачу)5) утверждать; высказывать; выражать; излагать6) заявлять; сообщать•- accessible statestate of the art — современное состояние (напр. науки); передовой уровень (напр. технологии); последние достижения || современный (напр. о науке); передовой (напр. о технологии); относящийся к последним достижениям
- active state
- admissible state
- allowed state
- all-zero state
- amplifying state
- antiferroelectric state
- antiferromagnetic state
- asymptotic state
- authorized state
- balance state
- band-gap state
- bistable magnetization state
- blocking state
- bound states
- brain state in a box
- bubble state
- cache wait states
- cellular state
- charge state
- charge storage state
- code state
- coherent state
- command state
- conducting state
- correlated state
- critical state
- current state
- current-carrying state
- cutoff state
- deep state
- deep-lying state
- degenerate state
- demagnetized state
- determined state
- DMA wait states
- domain-wall state
- donor impurity state
- dopant-induced state
- dynamically demagnetized state
- E state
- effective-surface state
- electretic state
- emergency state
- empty state
- energy state
- entangled states
- even state
- exchange-split state
- excited state
- exciton state
- exciton-magnon state
- exclusive state
- fast state
- ferrimagnetic state
- ferroelectric state
- ferromagnetic state
- ferron state
- filled state
- finite state
- forbidden state
- forward blocking state
- frozen state
- ground state
- high-impedance state
- high-Z state
- hyperfine state
- I state
- I/O wait states
- idle state
- impurity state
- initial state
- inner state
- instance state
- instantaneous state
- in-sync state
- interface state
- intermediate state
- invalid state
- logic state
- M state
- magnetized state
- matched momentum states
- memory read wait states
- memory state
- memory write wait states
- metaequilibrium state
- metastable state
- midgap state
- minimum uncertainty state
- mixed state
- modified state
- nodal state
- noncollinear spin state
- nondegenerate state
- nonsteady state
- normal state
- occupied state
- odd state
- off state
- on state
- one state
- orthogonal states
- passive state
- plasma state
- polarization state for field vector
- polarization state
- poled state
- position state
- predissociating state
- problem state
- process state
- quantized flux state
- quantum state
- quasi-stationary state
- qubit state
- quiescent state
- realizable state
- remanent state
- resource state
- reverse blocking state
- reverse conducting state
- S state
- saturation state
- Schubnikov state
- shallow state
- shallow-lying state
- shared state
- single-domain state
- sleep state
- slow state
- solid state
- space-charge-limited-current state
- stable state
- statically demagnetized state
- stationary state
- steady state
- superconducting state
- supervisor state
- surface state
- tachyon state
- terminal state
- thermodynamic equilibrium state
- threshold state
- tip of the tongue state
- transient state
- trapped-plasma state
- trapping state
- unbound states
- unfilled state
- unmarked state
- unoccupied state
- unpoled state
- unstable state
- user state
- vacant state
- virtual state
- wait state
- Z state
- zero state
- zero wait stateThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > state
См. также в других словарях:
state — state, the state The state is a distinct set of institutions that has the authority to make the rules which govern society . It has, in the words of Max Weber, a ‘monopoly on legitimate violence’ within a specific territory. Hence, the state… … Dictionary of sociology
State — (st[=a]t), n. [OE. stat, OF. estat, F. [ e]tat, fr. L. status a standing, position, fr. stare, statum, to stand. See {Stand}, and cf. {Estate}, {Status}.] 1. The circumstances or condition of a being or thing at any given time. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
state — [steɪt] noun 1. [countable usually singular] the condition that someone or something is in at a particular time: • The property market is in a poor state. • I personally think the economy is in a worse state than the Government has been admitting … Financial and business terms
state — n often attrib 1 a: a politically organized body of people usu. occupying a definite territory; esp: one that is sovereign b: the political organization that has supreme civil authority and political power and serves as the basis of government… … Law dictionary
state — [stāt] n. [ME < OFr & L: OFr estat < L status, state, position, standing < pp. of stare, to STAND] 1. a set of circumstances or attributes characterizing a person or thing at a given time; way or form of being; condition [a state of… … English World dictionary
state — state; state·hood; state·less; state·less·ness; state·let; state·li·ly; state·li·ness; state·sid·er; su·per·state; tung·state; un·state; mi·cro·state; mini·state; in·ter·state; state·ly; state·ment; … English syllables
state — ► NOUN 1) the condition of someone or something at a particular time. 2) a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. 3) a community or area forming part of a federal republic. 4) (the States) the… … English terms dictionary
state — It is usual to spell it with a capital initial letter when it refers to political entities, either nations (The State of Israel / a State visit), or parts of a federal nation (the State of Virginia / crossing the State border), and when it means… … Modern English usage
State — State, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Stating}.] 1. To set; to settle; to establish. [R.] [1913 Webster] I myself, though meanest stated, And in court now almost hated. Wither. [1913 Webster] Who calls the council, states the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
state — [n1] condition or mode of being accompaniment, attitude, capacity, case, category, chances, character, circumstance, circumstances, contingency, element, environment, essential, estate, event, eventuality, fix, footing, form, frame of mind, humor … New thesaurus
State — (st[=a]t), a. 1. Stately. [Obs.] Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. Belonging to the state, or body politic; public. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English