1 себе на уме
2 себе на уме
canny имя прилагательное: -
3 очень
1) General subject: a fat lot (тж. ирон.), anxiously, assai, awful, awfully, badly, bitter (употребляется для усиления прилагательного; it was bitter cold - было жутко холодно), curiously, dearly, deeply, downright, enormously, ever so, exceedingly, extremely, full, greatly, heartily, highly, hugely, intensely, jolly, much (I am much obliged to you - я вам очень благодарен), not half, only too, parlous, particularly, passing, plaguy, plenty, precious, pretty much, quite, rattling, real, right, sevenfold, shocking, sorely, spanking, super, thumping, to a fault, too, unco, uncommon, vera, very much, very much (часто с p. p.), very old, well, whopping, a great deal (I travelled (worked) a great deal last summer.), canny (as in "it is canny big"), pretty (usually like in such cases: "pretty much", "pretty good"), vanishingly (vanishingly unlikely - so very unlikely, that the chance has vanished almost completely), seriously (использ. для усиления значения, напр., seriously rich), inordinately, very2) Colloquial: a lot (I like it a lot я это очень/ сильно люблю), bang, ever such, fat lot (обыкн. ирон. мало), good and, it is a thousand pities, like anything, mightily, mighty, miles, mortal, properly, to a degree, vastly, horrendously3) Dialect: gallows4) American: hellova, helluva (hell of a)5) Jocular: muchly6) Mathematics: closely7) Australian slang: doggone8) Rude: bloody9) Scottish language: gey10) Textile: vy11) Jargon: corking, gosh-awful, hell-west-and-crooked, some, loads (I miss you loads), big time (Используется как усилитель. Пример: She's into dancing big time (= likes dancing a lot). — Она очень увлекается танцами), mucho, cracking, dirty, heaps, stone12) Emotional: confoundedly, damnably, desperate, infernally, miserably, slashing, thundering, tremendously13) Simple: almightily, powerful14) Makarov: deep, exceptionally, immensely, in a great measure, in a large measure, most, overwhelmingly, profound, tremendous15) Emotional: as can be, bitterly, cruel, frightfully, (обыкн. с отрицанием) half, really, roaring, terrible, terribly16) Taboo: as a bastard (употребляется для усиления), as hell (употребляется для усиления), bally (употребляется для усиления), bloody (употребляется для усиления), damnably (употребляется для усиления прилагательных), dead, (в знач. наречия) fucking, (в знач. наречия) fucky, hellishly, kinda, like hell -
4 тише воды, ниже травы
разг.1) ( кто) (робкий, скромный, незаметный) meek and mild; meek as a lamb; quiet as a mouse and humbler than dustМаменька его очень любила. Но старик ненавидел Анну Фёдоровну, хотя был пред нею тише воды, ниже травы. (Ф. Достоевский, Бедные люди) — Mama was very fond of him. But the old man hated Anna Fyodorovna, though he was as quiet as a mouse and humbler than dust in her presence.
2) (робко, скромно, незаметно (вести себя, держаться и т. п.)) be (behave oneself) as quiet as a mouse (as meek as a lamb); be quiet and cannyОмар Юсуф вёл себя тише воды, ниже травы, ни разу и ни на минуту не покинул каюту. (Л. Лагин, Старик Хоттабыч) — Omar Asaf was as quiet as a mouse. Not once did he leave the cabin.
- Другой бы на его месте после такой истории знаешь как повёл себя? Тише воды, ниже травы. А этот такая поперечина - за всё взыск. (Ф. Абрамов, Деревянные кони) — 'Now, how'd any other have borne himself after a thing like that? Quiet and canny. But that one was just the contrary way. Never satisfied.'
Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > тише воды, ниже травы
5 работай-не надрывайся
Scottish language: ca'cannyУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > работай-не надрывайся
6 бережливый
1) General subject: abstemious, cannie, canny, economic, economical, forehanded, frugal, housewifely, parsimonious, pinching, provident, prudent, skimpy, sparing, thriftly, thrifty, managing, saving, chary, calculating3) Rare: inexpensive4) Australian slang: tight5) Production: lean (по теме "бережливого производства") -
7 благоразумный
1) General subject: canny, discreet, holesome, in reason, judicious, politic, prudent, prudential, sagacious, sensible, staid, well advised, well-advised, wise, safe, right-minded, advised2) Dialect: cannie3) Business: rational4) Psychoanalysis: advisable, reasonable -
8 вид итальянской забастовки
2) Scottish language: ca'canny3) Makarov: stay-in (сидячая забастовка), stay-in strike (сидячая забастовка)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > вид итальянской забастовки
9 житейски мудрый
10 коварный
1) General subject: Byzantian, Jesuitic, Jesuitical, artful, astucious, astute, cattish, catty, crafty, cunning, designing, devious, foxlike, full of deceit, full of guile, guileful, insidious, proditorous, scheming, serpentine, sly, snaky, sneaky, tortuous, treacherous, tricky, underhand, underhanded, versute, vulpine, wily, subtle, callid, dark-minded, conniving, wilier2) Zoology: feline4) Bookish: proditory5) History: Punic6) Rare: subdolous8) Australian slang: cunning as a shithouse rat9) Diplomatic term: Byzantine10) Scottish language: loopy11) Jargon: cagey, cagy, chicken, greasy, slippery, poison (Stay away from her. She's poison. Держись от неё подальше. Она коварна.), crazy12) Makarov: crazy as a fox, crazy like a fox, crazy like as a fox, subtile -
11 ленивая работа
General subject: ca'canny -
12 ловкий
1) General subject: a good hand at (smth.), a man of quick hands, adept, adroit, ambidexter, ambidexterous, ambidextrous, arch, artful, boorish, cannie, canny, clean, clever, compleat, crafty, deft, dexterous, dextrous, diplomatic, diplomatical, dodgy, ept, expedient (о ходе, шаге и т.п.), fly, fly (о пальцах), forthright, habile, handy, knacky, knowing, light fingers, light handed, light-fingered, light-handed, maladroit, natty, neat, neat handed, neat-handed, nimble, nimble fingered, nimble footed, nimble-fingered (о карманнике), nimble-footed, politic, quirky, resourceful, sharp, shifty, shuffling, skilful, skilled, skillful, skillfull, slick, slim, sly, smart, smooth, stalky, swift handed, swift-handed, tactical, tricky, twisty, two handed, uncouth, subtle2) Colloquial: brown, wide-awake3) Dialect: peart6) Literal: sharpest tool in a shed (о человеке)8) Aviation medicine: high-skilled9) Makarov: subtile -
13 медленная, ленивая работа
General subject: ca'cannyУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > медленная, ленивая работа
14 неторопливый
1) General subject: cannie, canny, deliberate (о движениях, речи и т. п.), easy, hasteless, laid-back, laidback, leisurable, leisured, leisurely, measured, pokesy, slow, snail-paced (в ходьбе, движениях), unhasting, unhasty, unhurried, sluggish2) Obsolete: picktooth -
15 осмотрительный
1) General subject: awake, cagey, canny, cautions, cautious, chary, circumspect, circumspective, deliberate, discreet, fly, gingerly, guarded, provident, prudent, unhasting, ware, wary, wide awake, wide-awake2) Colloquial: cagy3) Dialect: cannie4) American: up-and-coming5) Diplomatic term: safe8) Makarov: circumspect (о человеке), measured -
16 осторожный
1) General subject: Fabian (о политике, стратегии, тактике), advised, alert, cagey, canny, careful, cautions, cautious, chary (to be chary of giving offence - стараться не обидеть), choice, circumspect (о человеке), deliberate, discreet, gingerly, guarded, heedful, piker, precautious, provident, prudent, reserved, safe (о человеке), shy, shy (о птицах, животных), tentative, wary, watchful, wide awake, wide-awake, conservative, softly-softly3) Dialect: cannie4) American: up-and-coming5) Obsolete: ware6) Engineering: conservative (об оценке)7) Agriculture: shy (о животных, о птицах)8) Rare: guardful9) Mathematics: delicate11) Law: circumspective13) Astronautics: tenacious14) Banking: prudent (об инвесторе) -
17 осторожный в движениях
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > осторожный в движениях
18 повивальная бабка
1) General subject: knucklebones, midwife, wise woman, wisewoman, granny2) Obsolete: cannie wife4) Archaic: canny wife -
19 подходящий
1) General subject: acceptable, agreeable, all right (is it all right with you? - вас это устраивает?), alright, applicable, apposite, appropriate, appropriate of, apt, assorted, assorted (-assorted, как компонент сложных слов), bang on, becoming, befitting, cannie, canny, congenial, congruent, congruous, consistent, convenient, correct, decent (a pretty decent house - довольно приличный дом), desirable, eligible, expedient (обстоятельствам), fairish, favorable, favored, favorer, favoritism, favourable, feat (for, to), felicitous, fit, fitting, germane, germane to (smth) (proper; relevant), good (a good man for - человек, подходящий для), goodly, happy, likely, matchable, matching, on, opportune, pat, pertinent, pointful, proper, propitious, qualified, recommendable (о кандидате), right, seasonable, suitable, suited, towardly, well becoming, well judged, well-becoming, well-judged, worthy, well-beseeming, suitable for, useful, advantageous, well suited3) French: apropos, a propos (What style could be more à propos to grace the covers of this book about Paris in the 1920s than the Art Deco style?)4) Obsolete: meet5) Engineering: appropriate (годный в определённом качестве), convenient (годный в определённом качестве), fit (годный в определённом качестве), suitable (годный в определённом качестве)6) Agriculture: applicable (напр. об удобрении)7) Rare: idoneous8) Mathematics: adequate9) Railway term: coming10) Psychology: well-matched11) Jargon: ball park, jake, kissing-kin, cool13) Astronautics: suiting14) Business: corresponding, feasible, reasonable15) Network technologies: relevant16) Automation: matched (напр. по качеству)17) Sakhalin R: applicable (о юридических нормах)18) Makarov: - assorted (компонент сложных слов), adaptable, adapted, apt (пригодный), apt (уместный), in place, in point, matched (напр., по качеству), poignant, ripe (о времени)19) Archaic: (for, to) feat20) Maori: kapai21) Phraseological unit: cut out (Appropriate; fit for a particular activity or purpose.) -
20 практичный
1) General subject: applicatory, business-like, businesslike, cannie, canny, hard wearing, hard-headed, hard-wearing (об одежде, материи), hardheaded, matter-of-fact, notable, practic, practical, pragmatic, shrewd, tough minded, tough-minded, usable, utility (о товарах), worldly, reasonable, worldly-minded (о человеке), versatile2) American: hard-boiled3) Engineering: handy, practicable, practically, useable, useful4) Mathematics: efficient5) Architecture: user-friendly6) Graphic expression: down-to-earth (англ. термин взят из репортажа агентства Associated Press; контекстуальный перевод), down to earth (о человеке)
См. также в других словарях:
Canny — may refer to:* Canny (attribute), a pleasant attribute * Canny edge detector, an operator which uses a multi stage algorithm to detect a wide range of edges in images * Paddy Canny (1919 2008), Irish fiddlercanny systems [http://www.canny.in] … Wikipedia
canny — [kan′ē] adj. cannier, canniest [< CAN1 + Y3] 1. careful and shrewd in one s actions and dealings; clever and cautious 2. careful with money; thrifty 3. Scot. careful in action; gentle; easy; quiet … English World dictionary
Canny — bezeichnet: den Canny Algorithmus zur Kantendetektion Canny sur Matz, eine Gemeinde im französischen Département Oise Canny sur Thérain, eine Gemeinde im französischen Département Oise Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Canny — Can ny, Cannei Can nei, a. [Cf. Icel. kenn skilled, learned, or E. canny. Cf. {Kenn}.] [North of Eng. & Scot.] 1. Artful; cunning; shrewd; wary. [1913 Webster] 2. Skillful; knowing; capable. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] 3. Cautious; prudent; safe … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
canny — index artful, deft, machiavellian, perspicacious, politic, practiced, prudent, subtle (insidious) … Law dictionary
canny — 1630s, Scottish and northern England formation from CAN (Cf. can) (v.) in its sense of know how to; lit. knowing, hence, careful. Often used superciliously of Scots by their southern neighbors, implying thrift and an eye to the main chance … Etymology dictionary
canny — [adj] clever, artful able, acute, adroit, astute, cagey, careful, cautious, circumspect, cunning, dexterous, discreet, foxy*, frugal, having fancy footwork*, hep*, ingenious, intelligent, judicious, knowing, nimble witted, perspicacious, prudent … New thesaurus
canny — ► ADJECTIVE (cannier, canniest) 1) shrewd, especially in financial or business matters. 2) N. English & Scottish pleasant; nice. DERIVATIVES cannily adverb canniness noun. ORIGIN from … English terms dictionary
canny — I Scottish Vernacular Dictionary Shrewd cautious or crafty II Cleveland Dialect List knowing, skilful, clever; prudent, cautious, handy; well suited, possessing evident or admitted advantages, excellent: a canny chap wi horses , a canny… … English dialects glossary
Canny — Algorithme de Canny L algorithme de Canny (1986) est utilisé en traitement ou en analyse d image pour la détection des contours. L auteur l a conçu pour être optimal suivant trois critères clairement explicités : bonne détection :… … Wikipédia en Français
canny — [[t]kæ̱ni[/t]] cannier, canniest ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A canny person is clever and able to think quickly. You can also describe a person s behaviour as canny. He was far too canny to risk giving himself away... A canny investor would need to… … English dictionary