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Greek type -

См. также в других словарях:

  • Greek type — Греческий шрифт …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Greek|ish — «GREE kihsh», adjective. 1. like what is Greek; after the Greek type. 2. Archaic. Greek or Grecian …   Useful english dictionary

  • Greek temple — Greek temples (Ancient Greek: polytonic|ὁ ναός , gr. ho naós dwelling , semantically distinct from Latin la. templum temple ) were structures built to house the cult statues within Greek sanctuaries. The temples themselves did usually not… …   Wikipedia

  • Greek letters used in mathematics, science, and engineering — Greek alphabet Αα Alpha Νν Nu Ββ Beta …   Wikipedia

  • Greek Church — • Details the history and various divisions of the church Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Greek Church     Greek Church     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Greek language — Greek Ελληνικά Ellīniká Pronunciation [eliniˈka] Spoken in Greece, Cyprus …   Wikipedia

  • Greek Catholics in America — • Includes the history and statistics Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Greek Catholics in America     Greek Catholics in America      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Greek literature — refers to those writings autochthonic to the areas of Greek influence, typically though not necessarily in one of the Greek dialects, throughout the whole period in which the Greek speaking peoples have existed.Ancient Greek literature (Before AD …   Wikipedia

  • Greek Ecologists — Έλληνες Οικολόγοι President Dimosthenis Vergis Website http://www.ecologists.gr/ …   Wikipedia

  • Greek Homosexuality — is the first work of the 20th century in the English language to address the topic of same sex relation in ancient Greece. A scholarly work by K.J. Dover, published in 1978, it discusses the practices and attitudes of the ancient Greeks toward… …   Wikipedia

  • Type inference — Type inference, or implicit typing, refers to the ability to deduce automatically the type of a value in a programming language. It is a feature present in some strongly statically typed languages. It is often characteristic of but not limited to …   Wikipedia

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